#and i hadn’t seen her the past few days and just yesterday did my parents’ employee find her dead in the hay
spirirsstuff · 9 months
sorry i died today i got some news yesterday and the existential dread really set in today
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 months
To The One I Love - 4
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Series Masterlist
➪in which your parents come to see you, and you quickly realize how many moments you’ve forgotten in not only your life, but theirs as well.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 4.3k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
You slept for longer this time, Tyler knew that because he fell asleep after you and woke up before you did. 
It was now day three, and your parents had finally been able to sort out a way to get here. They would be driving instead of flying, so it would take them a bit longer, but at least they were on their way. 
He plugged his phone in and was just about to close his eyes again, but a soft knock sounded on the door, followed by Dr. James poking his head in. “Bad time?”
Tyler glanced over at you before shaking his head. “No, she’s just sleepin’. We talked a lot yesterday, I think it may have worn her out,”
“That’s alright,” James nodded, “It’s good that she’s responsive and awake. It’d be a different story if she were still asleep and hadn’t woken up yet.”
Tyler didn’t even think about that. You hit your head pretty hard, what if you had never woken up? He didn’t even want to picture that reality, especially since he was still trying to get used to his current one. 
“Anyway,” the doctor continued once he realized that Tyler hadn’t said anything back. “I’ll have to wake her up so I can check her stitches and replace the bandage.”
Tyler nodded, reaching over to grab and squeeze your hand, taking it upon himself to wake you up. A quiet call of your name and another squeeze of your hand did the trick, and soon enough your eyes opened. 
Dr. James quickly rounded the side of your bed, a new, clean bandage in his gloved hand. “Hi, Y/n,” he greeted with a smile, and you smiled back before looking over at Tyler. “I’m just here to change your bandage and check on your stitches, is that alright?”
You nodded slowly, still waking up as you shifted higher against the pillow. “Will it hurt?”
Tyler felt a small smile form on his face at your question, and he moved the chair closer to your bed as he laced his fingers with yours. “It shouldn’t. I’ll remove it slowly in case the stitches are stuck to the bandage,”
You bit your lip and nodded again, more hesitant this time. “It’ll be fine,” Tyler assured you, and you glanced over at him again with a nervous look on your face. “You’ll be fine, baby.” 
James slowly loosened the bandage around your head and pulled it away, and the edge of the stitches were a bit stuck to it. Your hand squeezed Tyler’s at the faint tug, but then the used fabric was successfully removed and set aside. 
This was the first time Tyler has seen your head injury since the day you got it, and it already looked a lot better. Granted, he saw it a mere few minutes after it happened, and he couldn’t see much since you were bleeding profusely, so really, what did he know?
He hadn’t realized how big it was, with one end starting in the middle of your forehead and the other going past your temple and nearly halfway on the side of your head. Your skin was bright red and irritated, and there were a few spots of blood here and there, but the stitches were looking good. 
Tyler let you hold his hand with a death grip as Dr. James gently cleaned up the skin around your stitches, then he rubbed some clear stuff over them before reapplying a new bandage. “There we go,” he commented, stepping away from you as he discarded his gloves. “That’s better. It should be time for your medication soon, too, so I’ll send Nurse Karson in within the next few minutes.”
“Okay,” you whispered. “Thank you.”
“Thanks,” Tyler added as James left the room, then he turned back to you with a grin. “You did so well, babe. Only broke two of my fingers.”
You blushed at his tease, looking down to see just how tightly you were holding his hand. “Sorry,” you mumbled, loosening your grip. “I was nervous.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he murmured, “You can squeeze my hand whenever you want.”
You smiled at him, pressing your lips together. “I’m really glad I have you here with me, Ty…” you trailed off, and Tyler felt his heart swell at the nickname you haven’t given him in three days. Before this, you always called him Ty and rarely called him Tyler, so to hear it now was nearly enough to bring a few tears to his eyes. “I don’t know what I would do if I was here by myself. I don’t want to be alone.”
Tyler shook his head, bringing your hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “You’ll never be alone, baby,” he promised, “Not as long as I’m alive, you won’t.”
Your expression softened as your fingers gripped his tighter. A faint pink blush coated your face as you gave his hand a soft tug, murmuring, “C’mere…”
He stood, letting your hand pull him closer so his thighs were pressed against the side of the bed. His heartbeat was loud in his ears as you reached for his other hand and pulled him so he was leaning over, and when he was close enough, you released both his hands in order to wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
Tyler felt himself begin to melt against you, but he still made sure he wasn’t putting too much of his weight on your body as he gently hugged you back. He buried his face against the side of your neck, inhaling the sweet scent that only belonged to you. It felt like it had been weeks since he last touched you, not a mere three days, so he wasn’t holding himself back too much. 
“I can’t tell you how much that means to me,” you whispered, gently pressing your face against his shoulder. “God, I’d be lost without you, Tyler. Literally.”
He smiled against your hair before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’d be lost without you,” he murmured, and he meant it with every inch of him. “The fact that you’re willin’ to stay with me even though you don’t remember what we were…Your trust in me is everythin’. You’re everythin’.”
You pull away and Tyler had to force himself to let you go, sitting next to you on the bed instead of going back to that God awful chair. “Tyler…did you and I…did we have a bonfire at some point? I don’t know if it was a dream or real, but I remember a bonfire, and you and I were really drunk and all over each other,” you hesitantly ask, playing with your fingers as you look over at him. 
Tyler’s eyes widened a bit as he thought back to a few summers ago, when he and the gang had one of the biggest chases ever and you suggested he throw a get together the next night to celebrate. 
He spent a good portion of the next morning gathering logs and branches, and he invited over a bunch of people to your house. That was the first summer you spent living in that house, and it was definitely a great way to start off that chapter of your lives. 
You were right, you and Tyler did have too much to drink and were practically the embodiment of the word ‘PDA’ as nothing was off limits. Boone teased Tyler relentlessly the next time they saw each other since Tyler couldn’t keep his hands off you that night and ended up taking you to bed before the party even ended. 
Tyler felt himself sit up straighter, “You remember that night?” He asked for clarification, and you nodded slowly. 
“I think so…we were celebrating something I think,” you trailed off then you sat up straight, too. “Wait, so that happened? That wasn’t a dream?” 
Tyler shook his head, a hopeful look on his face. “No, baby, that wasn’t a dream,” he murmured, taking your hand in his. “That was real. It happened a few years ago.”
You squeezed his hand, your eyes never breaking away from his. “What does this mean?” 
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, reaching over to softly grip your chin. “But it’s a good thing. It’s a really good thing.”
Your eyes were looking a bit brighter now, and you looked more lively. It was a glimpse of who you were before the latest storm, and Tyler knew he missed that version of you, but he wasn’t aware of just how much. But he loved you before, and he loved you even more now. 
“Ty,” you start, opening your mouth to continue but before you could, the door opened and Nurse Karson walked in with a grin. 
“Sorry for interrupting,” she apologizes, making her way over to the other side of your bed. “I have your medication. How are you feeling today?”
You watched as she set the cup of pills onto the table before your eyes met Tyler’s again. “Better,”
After that, your pain medication kicked in real quick and soon enough you were sleeping again. Tyler had retreated back to the chair and had his legs propped up on your bed as he scrolled through the channels on the TV, the volume muted so he didn’t wake you up. 
But the quiet didn’t last long as the door swung open and hit the wall behind it with a soft thud, and you jolted awake as your parents came stumbling into the room. “Oh, Y/n,” your mother gasped as she ran over to you, her hand reaching out to gently caress your face. 
“We came as soon as we could, honey,” your dad said as he stood behind your mom. “How are you feeling? How’s your head?”
You were clearly still a bit shaken up at the sudden wakeup, but you relaxed once you took your mom’s hand. “I’m okay…my head is okay today,” 
“Thank God,” she let out a deep sigh, looking back up at your dad. “We were a nervous wreck, sweetheart. We couldn’t find someone to watch Louis and your fathers boss was being a real prick about the whole thing and-”
“Who’s Louis?” You asked as you looked between your parents. “Do I have a brother I forgot about?”
Your dad’s eyes widened and a strangled scoff left his lips as he shook his head. “God, no,” he grunted. “Louis is the Aussie mix you got us as a going away gift.”
“I got you a dog?” You gasped, looking over at Tyler. “We got them a dog?”
“It was your idea,” he raised his hands and sat up in the chair. 
“Where’s our dog?” You asked with a pout and Tyler laughed. 
“We don’t have one,” he answered. “Yet.”
You give him a hopeful look before your mom brings your attention back to her. “I guess that means your memory isn’t back yet?”
“No,” you quietly reply, looking down at your hands. “But I remembered something from a few years ago earlier today. It’s a good thing.” You repeated Tyler’s words, and he glanced up and shared a look with your dad.
“How are you doing, Ty?” He asked as he placed his hands on your moms shoulders. “How are you holding up?”
Tyler forced out a smile, feeling his eyes burn at the sudden question being directed at him. He preferred it when the attention was solely on you, so he could suffer in silence. “I’m good,” he lied, a tight grin on his face. 
You looked over at him again and it was like you knew he was faking it, and somehow that comforted him. “Tyler’s been my rock,” you say, reaching over to take his hand in yours. “He’s been here the whole time.”
Your father locked his jaw as if he, too, was holding back his emotions. “I’m glad you have him,”
“We’re so grateful, Tyler,” your mom added, tears fully streaming down her face. “You were there for her when we couldn’t be.”
“Hey,” you sternly said, softly glaring at your parents. “Don’t say that. You couldn’t have known.”
Your mom shook her head, taking the tissue your dad held out to her with a grateful smile. Your parents reminded Tyler of you and him, and they were also high school sweethearts and still going strong. He knew that you and he could do it, too. “I know, but still. I feel terrible that we weren’t here when you needed us,”
“Mom, it’s okay,” you whisper, squeezing her hand. “Really.”
She nods, wiping at her eyes before leaning in and brushing your hair out of your face. “You just focus on getting better, sweetheart,” she murmured, pressing a faint kiss to the bandage on your head. “We’re here now, okay?”
“We’re not going anywhere,” your dad agreed and you gave them both a tired smile. 
You whispered, “Thank you,” before turning to Tyler. “And you.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he mumbles, “You know I’m here for you. Always.”
Your dad clears his throat, wrapping his arm around your mom’s shoulders. “Get some sleep, honey,” he said, “The doctor said you need your rest to recover.”
You nodded, leaning back on the bed. “Can you find out when I’m allowed to leave? I hate being stuck in this bed. The sheets are scratchy,” 
He laughed, “I’ll see what I can find out,” 
Your mom followed after him then stopped to look at Tyler. “How’s the coffee here? Is it any good?”
Tyler gave her a regretful smile and shook his head, giving her all the information she needed. 
“Damnit,” she muttered, giving you a sheepish smile before scurrying back over to you and kissing your cheek multiple times. 
“God, mom, really?” You whined, gently pushing her away. 
“Don’t ‘mom’ me,” she scoffed, wiping at her eyes again. “You don’t know the hell your father and I went through when we found out what happened.”
Your expression softened as you bit your lip. “Sorry…”
Your mom waved you off, placing a comforting hand on Tyler’s shoulder before making her way to your dad who was still hovering by the door. “Don’t be,” she shook her head. “Are you hungry? Maybe I can find you something nice in the cafeteria.”
Tyler looked down, knowing she most likely wouldn’t be able to find a damn thing that looked nice in that cafeteria, but he didn’t have the heart to tell her that. “We’ll be back, honey. And we’ll try not to scare you this time,” your dad grinned before guiding your mom out of the room so they could start on the tasks you’d given them. 
You stared at the door for a few more seconds before letting out a breath of air. “Holy shit, Ty,” you gasped in disbelief. “My dad has a full on beard now.”
Tyler laughed, realizing that you were probably so used to seeing your dad with a shaved face since he only started growing his beard two years ago. Before that, his face was hairless, and Tyler could see how odd that would be for you. “Yeah, he’s been workin’ on that for a while now,”
“He’s gotten so scruffy,” you laugh quietly, and Tyler could see your eyes start to water. “And my mom’s gotten so skinny…and I don’t remember any of it. They’ve been living their lives the last ten years and I don’t remember it.”
Tyler’s face softened and he knew that you had hidden your true feelings from your parents. “Baby,” he trailed off, not knowing what he could say to make you feel better. There was nothing he could say to make you feel better. “I know things are hard right now, but you just need to focus on gettin’ better, like your mom said. Those memories are still there, somewhere inside that gorgeous head of yours, it’ll just take time.”
He hoped, anyway. But if you truly never got back all your memories, he would be able to accept that, because at least he still had you. 
You nodded and cuddled under the scratchy sheets of the hospital bed. “I’m going to try to sleep for a little longer, okay? My head’s a mess right now. Well, more than it was before,” 
Tyler hummed in understanding, reaching over to lace his fingers with yours. 
He stayed beside you while you slept, and around fifteen minutes passed before the door opened and Dr. James walked in. “I saw that her parents are here and wanted to check on her, make sure she isn’t overworking herself,”
“No, they were easy on her,” Tyler answered and James nodded. “Hey, um…before they got here, she remembered somethin’ that happened kinda recently. A bonfire party we threw a few years ago…”
The doctor raised his brows and stepped further into the room, being careful not to make any unnecessary noise. “Well, based on her recent memory tests we did and now this, it seems like it’s improving,”
Tyler didn’t want to get his hopes up, so he just shifted casually in the chair, keeping his voice low. “So she’s gettin’ her memory back? Slowly?”
“While there are signs of improvement, nothing is certain,” he explained and Tyler didn’t feel as deflated as he would’ve had he allowed his hopes to overtake the rational side of him. “Recovery isn’t always linear. There will be setbacks and periods when progress feels nonexistent. But, the fact that she remembers something from a more recent time in her life is a big step in progress.” 
“So it’s possible for her to remember our relationship? Most of it, anyway?”
“That might take a bit more time,” he answered quietly. “Memories of loved ones are deeply rooted in emotional connections. While her short-term memory is improving, moments from a few years ago or more will likely start to return. It’s an unpredictable process that can’t be rushed.”
Tyler wasn’t sure if he properly understood a single word of that, but he knew that you remembering the bonfire was a good sign, and that’s all he needed to hear. “Did her father happen to ask when she is allowed to leave?” 
James laughed quietly. “Oh, yeah. He mentioned how eager she is to get out of here, and I don’t blame her. She’ll have to stay here for another couple days,” he told Tyler. “Since we’ve concluded that her head was the only severe injury she received, and since we can’t do much about her memory loss, we can’t keep her here for much longer.”
Tyler held back a smile as he nodded, glancing over at you. “Thank you,” he whispered, his attention fully on you now since he knew he would be taking you home soon. “I’ll let her know when she wakes up.”
Dr. James nodded before leaving the room, and Tyler moved the chair closer to the bed. He couldn’t wait to go home. He hadn’t been there since your accident, and he missed the familiarity of the house he shared with you. He hoped that maybe being in a new (but technically old) environment would trigger something in your mind and it would lead to you remembering the moments you and he shared in the home. 
Ten minutes go by before your dad enters the room, a cardboard box in his hand and a timid look on his face. “She asleep?”
“Yeah,” Tyler answered and watched as your dad slowly closed the door before making his way to the other side of your bed and sitting down on the chair near the window. A smile formed on his face at the logo on the box, and he lifted a brow, “You couldn’t find anythin’ in the cafeteria?”
Your dad shook his head as he placed the takeout box on the bedside table. “No, nothing good enough for her. I just grabbed something nice from the place down the road. Doctor said it was okay,”
Tyler hummed, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear while you slept, “She can go home soon, did he tell you that, too?”
“Yeah, I meant to tell her before I left, but thought you might’ve asked about it, too,” he grunted, his eyes softening as he watched Tyler sit back in the chair. “You’re part of the family, Ty, you know that. You’ve always been. I need you to know how grateful her mom and I are that you were here for her as soon as it happened. You were the one who found her and brought her in, right?” 
“Yeah,” Tyler mumbled, not wanting to relive the moment he saw you with that open gash on your head. “It was me and Lilly. She kept me sane while we waited.”
Your dad gave him a tight smile. “Tell her I said thank you. And thank you, Tyler. Knowing she wasn’t alone for a single second while we weren’t here…it means the world,” 
Tyler’s eyes stung a bit as he shook his head. “No need to thank me. You know how in love I am with her. I can’t live without her,”
“You and me both,” your dad laughed, his own eyes a bit watery. “Anyway, I do have to thank you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you’ve done for her.”
“‘Course I do,” Tyler mumbled, sniffling and quietly clearing his throat as he felt himself get a bit annoyed at the fact that he didn’t have control over his emotions right now. “And you know I’ll be with her everyday once she’s back at home. We’ll take it slow.”
Your dad gave him a firm nod as your mom walked into the room, a frustrated look on her face. “How’s she doing?” she asked just as your eyes slowly opened. “Hey, sweetheart, how are you?”
“I’m fine,” you whispered, shifting so you were sitting up against the bed. “Why do you look so pissed off? And why does dad look like he’s crying? Why are you crying?” You directed that last question to Tyler, and he quickly looked away and tried to subtly wipe at his eyes. 
“I’ve been trying to get some time off work so we can stay here with you, but now my boss is being  a prick,” your mother mumbled, “You’d think after seven years of not complaining, working overtime and going above and beyond, I’d get a little sympathy. Son of a-”
“Okay, mom,” you quickly cut her off, a laugh escaping you after. “It’s okay. You guys don’t need to risk your jobs for me. There’s not much you can do, right? My head will heal, and no one can control my memories. Please, stay as long as you can, but don’t get fired for me. Please.”
Your dad opened his mouth to protest, but sighed instead. “We’ll stay as long as we can, honey. But you know I don’t give a rat’s ass about my job, right? You’re my daughter, you come first,”
“I know, and I love you both more than words can explain, but I can’t be the reason you lose your jobs,” you murmur. “You both know there’s only so much you can do, the rest is up to me.”
Your mother nodded, her angry expression softening as she looked down at her phone. “Oh, here he is again,” she muttered. “Hang on, sweetheart. Eat some of the food we got for you, okay?” She gestured towards the takeout box before stepping out into the hall, and you looked over at the table. 
“You guys got me actual food?” You asked in disbelief as you reached for it. 
“Yeah, I promise it’s better than the shit they serve here,” your dad grunted before standing up. “I’ll go get you some water.”
Then it was just you and Tyler in the room again, and you looked over at him with a sad smile on your face. “I feel terrible for making them come all the way here,”
“Don’t worry about that, babe,” he mumbled, taking your hand in his and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “I don’t think they’d be anywhere else right now. They love you so much. And so do I. Besides, I don’t mind sharin’ you for a bit.”
A blush takes over your face as you press your lips together. You meet his eyes and smile, and he loves you so much. Your eyes, your smile, your personality, all of it. 
“That smile,” he whispered, leaning over towards you. “I’ve missed it.”
You blush again and forget about the takeout box as you pull on his hand. “Come here…” you mumble and he stands up. “I just want to be close to you for a bit.”
Tyler sat down next to your thighs, “Is this better?”
“It’s perfect,” you grin up at him. “Are we one of those super touchy couples?”
A smirk formed on his face as Tyler settled next to you. “You mean, are we a couple who can’t keep their hands off each other?” He asked and you nodded. “Yeah. We’re definitely one of those couples.”
You smile and look down at the bed. After a few seconds, you let out a sigh. “I wanna go home,” you say quietly, looking back up at him with teary eyes. “I don’t even remember it, but I want to go there. I wanna go there with you.”
Tyler reached over and wiped your tears away, his brows furrowing in barely-concealed anguish. “You will, baby. Soon,” he promised. “Dr. James said you’ll only be in here a couple more days, then I’ll take you home and look after you myself.”
“Really? I can go home soon?” You asked, a hopeful look in your eyes as you gripped his hand tightly. 
“Yeah,” he murmured. “Real soon. For now, eat some dinner and let me do all the worryin’.”
You nod and smile at him, wiping away your tears before reaching for the box again, and Tyler held your hand the entire time you ate.
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hi-its-meg · 5 months
I’ve cried so much these past few days. My heart just hurts so much.
Growing up I had quite a few close friends. 4 families really accepted me as their own and I spent a lot of time hopping between their houses so I wouldn’t have to go home- I’d go weeks without going home. I was always welcome no questions asked- even on school nights, I was always fed, I was always looked after, and I was always loved.
One of these families was just so filled with love and acceptance and they truly had the healthiest family dynamic I’ve ever seen. The parents were best friends and they never stopped being so in love. They cherished their kids and everyone their kids loved. That house literally poured acceptance and encouragement. Their love was the kind you dream of- the kind where there is absolutely no doubt that they were meant to be together. No amount of hardship was going to stand in their way and they faced a lot of it over the years- from health issues, financial ups and downs, and their families not supporting them as an interracial couple.
Three years ago the dad died and their entire world fell apart. They lost everything- they lost their house, they had to rehome their dogs (the only dog my friend still has is my dogs brother. The dad LOVED him so much that my friend couldn’t let him go. I offered to take him if they needed since I couldn’t let my dogs brother go to a shelter when I’m the one who brought him here, but thankfully my friend made it work), and everyone got separated at that point just so they could all survive. It destroyed the mom. She struggled so much these past few years.
Last week I had to message my friend because I saw a post her mom made on Facebook saying that she was going to end her life. I’m so thankful I saw it so quickly and she was able to send an ambulance to her mother’s apartment in time. A couple days in the hospital and she was back at home and seemed to be doing better.
Yesterday we got the news that she has passed. It doesn’t appear to be self inflicted thankfully, but it’s so sudden and unexpected. My heart is so broken for my old friend and her younger sister. They have no parents anymore. We’re all in our 20s, they shouldn’t have to go the rest of their lives without their parents who loved them so much. It’s just not fair that the best example of a loving family many of us had ever seen got destroyed like this. I cannot express how amazing these parents were and how much their daughters did not deserve this. My heart is just so broken for them.
The mom saved my life as a teenager and I will never be able to thank her enough. She forced my family to stop ignoring that I was hurting myself and that I really needed help. I’ve known and loved this woman since I was 7 years old. She always listened and she always cared.
A bunch of us stayed the night in their basement- which was super common- but this time my now-husband was there. We had been dating for a couple of months at the time. My friend group was always pro boy/girl sleepovers so this wasn’t anything scandalous. The next morning I got up and she was making breakfast for us all. She grabbed my shoulder and smiled at me and she gushed over my husband. She was so happy that I was finally moving on from my ex and she hadn’t seen me this happy in a long time. That he seemed like a good one and that everyone loved him being there. She always knew what to say.
I’m not really sure why I’m posting this. I think maybe I just needed to get it out of my head. This will be the first funeral I’ve gone to where I’ve truly been impacted and loved by this person and I think I’m struggling with that. I’m struggling with how unfair the world is.
The first girl I ever had feelings for passed suddenly a couple days before this. The girl that made me realize that I liked women and I could truly see myself loving her if she let me. I always thought she was the most beautiful person. Her name became my favorite name, it’s still my favorite name. She was so funny and so kind to me when a lot of people weren’t back then. She had a hard time in life but she never stopped being so kind. It’s really sad that she’s gone.
Death tends to come in 3s so now I’m just waiting.
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heartbreakgrill · 2 years
kol mikaelson; best friend’s brother, pt 6- poison.
“your hands can heal, your hands can hurt. i don’t have a choice, but i still choose you.”
a/n: i had to chop it up into two or three more parts cause its soooooo long, but you guys love me right? hehe 
warnings: blood, psycho kol, violence, crying (from the author) lol xx
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new orleans was noisy.
i had been here for three days, and i'd barely been able to sleep because of the noise from the streets beneath my window. tourist crowds exploring, frat boy parties boozing, wedding parties celebrating. there was always something happening- a lot of something's all at once.
it was fun to be a bystander- crowds dancing to the busking music down the streets, decked out in the most ridiculous outfits sometimes. people watching was fun- but you didn't know people watching until you came to the festival capital of the western world.
i peered out over the street, legs pulled up to my chest. i had a book balanced over the tops of my knees, but the afternoon wave of tourists began crawling down the street. i couldn't focus due to the influx of noise. i watched, nonsensically, for a few minutes. discarding my book, i reached out to lower the shutters to my window. it was an old house, and the windows hadn't been updated.
i left my book laying on the window seat, and made my way to my dresser. id finally finished unpacking yesterday. i probably didn't bring enough clothes- but i wasn't sure how long i'd be here. my walls were even barren with decoration, which was unusual for me. but i didn't know if something bad would happen, if i'd have to leave quickly.
it all depended on how today went.
i crossed my arms over the top of the dresser, resting my chin on my stacked fists. a picture frame sat inches from my view, shiny silver under the dim lighting of the room. rebekah gleamed back at me.
a small smile itched at my face. it had been closer to a year since i'd seen her. i missed her laughter, the jokes she'd tell me, the ancient stories she'd share. being with her was like being with myself- the better half of me.
but, today, that streak would end- the streak of loneliness in her absence. i would see her face.
i'd spoken to my parents a few times already. they were worried- of course they were. but, we'd never been that close. so, they were easily growing comfortable with the idea of me practically running away.
caroline was a different story. she was constantly blowing up my phone- making sure i was safe. she might even be coming to visit sometime in the summer. probably just to make sure i was safe- but to attempt to have fun.
jeremy called me twenty times over the course of the past few days. i answered once- let him grovel for two hours, before bidding adieu. he knew we were done- but i think, somewhere, in the back of his brain, he thought he could get me back.
he didn't know i was in new orleans. if he did, i was afraid his savior complex would kick in and he'd try to come damsel-in-distress me. he wouldn't understand that this was willing- wanted.
my old life, my old skin, was shed. though i didn't have the two people i needed most in life with me, i was growing into a new woman. even if this trip only lasted three days, it would still change the trajectory of my life. it had already done so.
i slipped into a pair of shoes, stuck my phone in my back pocket. headed out the door of my bedroom. it landed me on the long balcony that wrapped around the common area of the compound. i padded down the staircase, hand slipping along the marbled banister.
klaus was awaiting me on one of the couches, sat forward with his elbows on his knees. he looked nervous, chewing on his bottom lip. elijah nursed a glass of blood by the window, people watching like i had been. i could never read his expression. they turned their heads to me as i reached the landing. elijah fixed his body towards us.
klaus lifted a finger in a short wave, "morning, love."
i stepped towards the chair across from him, settled my hands on its back. "g'morning."
elijah approached us with the smallest of smiles. it didn't reach his eyes. they swam with anxiety, worry. "how are you feeling?"
"nervous," i breathed out with a shrug.
elijah nodded once. "relax, dear. it's normal to be nervous, but rebekah will feed off of that. deep breaths."
i licked my dry lips, my stomach sinking with more worry. a beat of silence wavered across the room.
"well," klaus stood, pushing his hands off of his knees, "it's now or never."
he met both of our eyes, attempting the smallest of smiles, then began walking towards a door at the back of the room. i looked to elijah- who held out a hand. after me.
i followed klaus, fingers nervously wringing one another. he entered a door, holding it open for me. i pushed it back for elijah as i passed its entrance. we entered a long hallway, where our footsteps echoed off the concrete walls. elijah shut the door and it squeaked against the hinges loudly. i jumped. looking back at him, and he smiled encouragingly. it looked much more strained this time. his throat clenched.
when original vampires were nervous, humans should be, too.
it was dusty and smelled like a basement. dim lights, decorated like torches on the walls, flickered in a barren attempt to allow our path. i watched my feet as we walked forwards.
we reached another door and klaus opened it. it fell into the next room- a concreted box, that dug out a vast area before us. klaus flicked a light and my eyes squinted in adjustment. when i was able to see, i noticed the caskets first.
all of the coffins for his brothers and sisters- one, even, for him. i didn't know which one was kol's- they were all sealed shut. but, my throat felt stuffy at the thought of him being so close. i watched klaus approach the one in the far corner. he brushed a hand over its lid, a depressing look hanging over his features. he tilted his chin towards me.
i felt my cheeks go numb. a trickle of tears fell from my eyes, clouding my vision as it focused on the coffin. i took a steady, slow steps towards klaus. my hands came to rest on top of the wooden box, inches from klaus. klaus squeezed my fist, then he stepped back, his limbs slack at his sides.
my fingers fumbled on top of the casket, searching frantically with my blurred eyes to find the opening. my touch slid down over the side of the casket as i registered a gold-crested latch. i twisted it open. klaus stepped forward, again, and helped me lift the lid.
i breathed deeply as it creaked up, and settled open. my hand flinched against my mouth, protecting silent sobs with shaking fingers. i clutched my stomach with my other hands. i felt sick.
kol lay there, desiccated. his visage was gray, veins protruding all over his skin. he was dressed in jeans, a sweatshirt. like he had just been living a normal day before he had been killed. his hair was ruffled atop his forehead, little curls arching over his forehead. i swear i could see a smirk on his face, gray lips parted slightly. what i really wanted to see were his eyes. but they were sealed shut.
i noticed the dagger sticking out of his chest. dried blood pooled around its intrusion. his hands were crossed just a few inches beneath it. i didn't hesitant to reach out, slip my hand beneath his.
"i wanna wake him- can we wake him up? please?" i didn't even look up, completely entranced by kol's body.
klaus sighed. he set a gentle hand on my lower back. "i don't think that's a good idea, love," he spoke. "we should wait until rebekah is-"
a blood curdling scream echoed through the house. it came from the other side of the wall, followed by the sickening sound of chains rattling against each other. i recognized that scream. pushing her into the pool, laughing loudly at movies, and, now, humanity off. irony.
it was rebekah.
i dropped kol's hand and stepped towards the other door. "rebekah."
"let me out of here!" she screamed, an indirect response to my voice.
elijah flinched as she screamed again. "our sister is one for the dramatics."
i looked to him, took further steps, "i wanna see her."
klaus closed the lid on kol's coffin, made sure to lock it tight. "yes, love. just a few things-"
she screamed again. my eyes widened, my gut wrenched. i would vomit at some point today, i knew that for sure."now, klaus. please."
he held up a single finger, precisely holding me off. i didn't have the patience for this. he reached into his back pocket and brandished a small vial of blood.
"rebekah is strong, y/n. i must ask you to take this. in case she gets loose."
he held out the blood. my eyes narrowed in on it. it glinted under the dim lighting- menacingly. i slowly reached out and took it from him.
with a twisted expression, i let it spill down my throat. it tasted metallic. i wiped a bit off the corner of my lip, handed the empty vial back. back home, i'd always refused vampires blood. always. no matter how injured i was, how endangered i had become. i was a different girl- woman, now.
klaus spoke, "let's do this."
rebekah was loud. when we stepped into the room, she started screaming, wailing like a siren lost as sea. her eyes flickered from their normal appearance to something evil and sinister when i registered in her view. veins protruded beneath her sockets, hunger crawling through her arteries.
she hissed, baring her teeth in my direction. the chains rattled as she pulled against them. i flinched, back, hitting elijah's chest. he lay a hand on my shoulder. i bled into his warmth.
"i knew i could smell a whore," she licked her bottom lip. "is she my afternoon treat, brothers?"
klaus' demeanor changed. he demanded the presence of the room, chillingly charismatic with a sly smirk and hands crossed behind his back. "no, sister. we're hoping you desiccate before the afternoon even begins."
rebekah rolled her eyes. she pulled against the chains again. with a huff, she gave up, and plopped onto the small cot pushed up against her side of the room.
"whatever," she was indifferent. it was strange. usually, she wore her heart on her sleeve. one always knew what she was feeling- and she always felt a lot.
i looked to elijah. he stuffed his hands in his pockets as he caught my eye. a polite nod and a smile returned, "go ahead."
i gulped, but set my foot on the concrete before me. . "h-hi, rebekah."
she didn't even look in my direction. but i saw her nose twitch, and her fingers twitch against her leg.
i took another step. "i-i missed you so- missed you so much, beks. it wasn't the same without you back home."
rebekah scoffed, finally meeting my eye, "it wasn't the same after you whored around with my brother. by the way, have you been tested?"
ok, yeah, that stung a little bit.
i rolled my lips between my teeth. "ok. you got me. i'm sorry."
"oh, sure, yeah," rebekah waved me off, "i honestly couldn't care less now, considering...i just think it's just funny to watch how you squirm every time i call you a–"
she paused, soaking it in as i my shoulders tensed, my fingers curled into fists- "whore. god, you're a guilty one."
i wiped at my nose, tears pouring down my cheeks again. i heaved short, weighted breaths as sobs crawled up my throat. i knew i needed to say something impactful- that's how it worked. to get someone's humanity back on, remind them of it. i looked to klaus. he smiled sadly, "it's okay. ignore her. just- tell her what you said on the plane."
i hesitated. my fingers found my necklace. it grounded me somewhat. my breathing evened out, and i spoke, shaky, "rebekah- i. i'm sorry. you we- are my best friend. you're like a sister to me. what i did was not okay. i know that. but, i would choose you over kol a million times if it meant i got to- if we got to just be friends- sisters again. i know you saw- i called every single day. i left so many messages, i texted you loads. you missed the end of the football season, you missed christmas with me. i bought you presents anyways. i- i still have them. if you'll let me give them to-"
i choked on a sob. i rubbed at my nose, as it overcame me. elijah stood beside my unstable frame, placed a soft hand on my back. his fingers pressed lightly into my skin, encouraging me to continue. my words were gibberish. i didn't know what would bring her back, because none of it seemed to be working.
"you missed spring break. we were supposed to go to florida, remember? we were going to get drunk on the beach and be stupid teenagers, like we never got to be. you missed graduation, beks. i made them save a seat for you on the football field, and i put your cap on it. you know- i will always save a seat for you, rebekah. forever. remember that? always and forever. you're my twin flame, beks. nobody gets me like you do. i-i love you so much. i just want you back again."
rebekah snickered. she started clapping, slowly. sarcasm bled from her fangs, "oh, you're pathetic, aren't you? i remember you being a sappy little baby, but this is just- wow! great performance, babes."
i shouldn't have been disappointed. i had low expectations already. but, my heart sunk into my stomach, pitting a hole there. this was awful. i didn't know she would call me so many terrible names. i was so naive.
i cried a little harder and covered my face with my hands, slumped forward, as my eyes squeezed shut.
"god, this is totally ruining my day. can you please get rid of this wench already?" rebekah waved her hand at me, rolling her eyes. she looked to klaus and crossed her arms firmly, expectant.
i let him put an arm over my shoulders. let him guide me out of the room. elijah stayed behind, and i heard him begin speaking with rebekah. he was so patient, calm. i didn't know how they did this all the time.
the door squeaked shut behind us. he continued pushing me, ever so carefully, out of the following room, down the hall, back into the foyer. when we reached it, when the door shut, klaus turned to me and pulled me into his chest. he hugged my back, and it took a second before i reached, throwing my arms over his shoulders. i gripped at his shirt, sobbing into his chest.
"i'm so sorry, love. i'm so, so sorry. i didn't know she would..." his voice trailed off. "if you want to go home, i will take you. just say the word. it will get easier- but it will probably take time."
i didn't answer. i let a few moments pass by as i attempted to collect myself. when i felt i had, i stepped back, arms dropping to my sides. klaus' fingers hesitantly pulled off of me.
i tucked my hair behind my ears. it was sticking to my damp cheeks. "i don't want to go home."
klaus lowered his head to meet my gaze, "are you sure? you don't have to stay here. if it's too hard-"
"i'm staying," i interrupted. our eyes stayed locked on each other's, a few heart palpations of silence interrupting any words. his gaze swam with worry, the most i'd ever seen. i knew mine were determined- if, but a little sad.
he breathed deeply. "okay."
another moment passed before i responded, "do you- think that i'm a whore? am i the reason why rebekah turned her humanity off? did i-"
"no," he interrupted, firmly. "no, the answer is no. you are not a whore. you and kol- it's not a good situation, obviously, love. it's bad. you should have told her. but, rebekah overreached. she punished you. but you're already punishing yourself. and she knew that. that's why she turned off her humanity- she was sick of dealing with herself. her anger, her dramatics, her heart aching on her sleeve. instead of living with herself, rebekah decided to kill any personality she had. you did not do anything wrong."
i tore my eyes from his, stared down at my feet. "i think-," i sighed, "i'm going to get out for a bit. i've been holed up in my room. i should- i need to get out. i might be here a while, and you and elijah are silent company. that's only fun sometimes."
klaus touched my wrist and tapped it lovingly. he had odd ways of showing affection, i noticed. "dinner will be here for when you return. you like pasta, correct?"
i smiled, "thank you. i will see you...later. i guess."
i moved past him, headed for the front door, for the noisy streets i'd been watching for days. klaus called after me, just as my hand reached for the knob, "love?"
i faced him, brows raised. he continued, "are you okay?"
i pursed my lips, "im just trying to cope with everything. walking helps me. we humans can't do so by killing or flipping a switch."
klaus cracked a grin at my joke. he nodded goodbye. i stepped out into the new world before me.
i counted three hours. i had been walking around the french quarter, touristing my way through the streets, like one of the people i'd watched from my window. i clumped myself into a crowd of people listening to a daytime ghost tour for the latter half of my time. i managed to see more of the city that way, but not get lost. it wound be back up where i started- a block from my new home.
i didn't do any shopping. i just watched. it took my mind off things- the bad things. it filled my head with music, architecture, history. all good things. i did pick out shops i'd want to go to in the future, maybe tomorrow.
my feet were growing tired. as the ghost tour parted from one another, i headed back to the compound. i saw it once i turned a corner. it was quite beautiful in the sunshine. the other night, klaus and i had arrived when it was dark outside.
the compound door swung up, heavy in my hand. it fell shut behind me as i stepped inside. i kicked off my shoes, wriggled my tired toes against the plush carpet of the common area. and i listened for a moment. it was deadly silent.
it put my on edge a little. usually klaus was walking around, meeting with some werewolf or witch. or finn was reading a book on the couch. or elijah would be listening to his old vinyl records, admiring the world from the picture window. or there'd be a maid cleaning or- something.
there was nothing.
my voice was quiet, echoing off the walls, as i said, "klaus?...lijah?"
nothing. stillness.
i swear i could hear the dust hanging in the air.
i made my way to the right, towards the kitchen. i peered inside, eyes darting around the empty room. my ears pricked up as i heard sizzling. on the stove sat a pot, boiling water pouring over the sides. my body lurched me forward as i quickly turned off the stove top. i slowly turned, facing the kitchen, shaking slightly. maybe the chef had just...forgotten. that was a sorry explanation.
i stepped back into the common area and headed towards klaus' office. i knocked, and no one responded. i looked inside- it was empty. i continued looking everywhere in the house. when i reached the coffin room, i was incredibly hopeful that maybe klaus and elijah and finn and the maid and the chef were just listening to music very loudly and couldn't hear me.
however, my stomach jolted in a twisted maneuver when i turned into the room and saw klaus lying on the floor. i ran over to him, shaking from head to ton. i fell to my knees and shook his shoulders. his neck was at an odd angle, his eyes sealed shut.
"klaus? oh, my god, klaus, please, wake up."
something bad was happening.
i needed to find elijah or finn. or i needed to just get out of the house, into a crowd, await klaus to wake up and come find me.
i stood quickly, tripping over my feet. i gripped the side of a coffin, but nothing was really registering in my blurred vision as anxious tears trailed my cheeks.
i hurried into the room where rebekah was being held. she was not screaming like i expected. instead, it was silent, like the rest of the house.
sure enough, she was slumped against the wall, a stake through her heart. blood trailed down the front of her shirt, looking at the corner of her mouth. i bravely stepped forward, and tugged it from her chest. her fingers twitched in response.
i gripped the stake in both of my hands. my knees were knocking together as i decided i definitely needed to escape this house. there was a threat somewhere and i didn't know what or who or- if they had left. i had to just assume they were stalking the halls, listening to my breathing, smelling my blood pulse through my veins.
i immediately started sprinting out of the room, still gripping that weapon in my hands. my palms stung as it rubbed against my skin. i knew i probably had splinters. i ran out into the common area. as i headed for the front door, my feet ran into an object, and i toppled over onto the floor. i yelped as my chin bounced off the carpet beneath me. my skin screamed as it split open and blood pooled there, and in my mouth. it tasted different from vampire blood.
i somehow managed to pull myself onto my knees, turning around to see what it was that had tripped me- elijah's dead body. a stake through his heart. i noticed the coffee table was split on the floor. it was the leg of the table sticking out of his chest. this had to have just happened- moments ago.
i wrapped my fingers around the stake and dug it out of his chest. then, i pushed up into my feet. my chin didn't hurt anymore and that's when i remembered the blood i had swallowed.
i really needed to get out of here.
i turned back towards the front door and the scream i had been harboring fell through my lips. my face burned as it shrieked up my throat.
finn was nailed across the front door, like jesus on the cross. his eyes were wide open, and his lips were parted, small gasps heaving his chest up and down.
i ran forward to him, staring up with a terrified expression. "oh, my god, oh my god- finn. what can i do? tell me what to do!"
i tilted my head back all the way, trying to hear whatever he was trying mumble out. eventually, he pushed through a word- "run!"
i didn't think about anything- where i was going, what i was doing. as soon as he said that word, my feet dug into the floor, pushing me off in hurried rush. i found the stairs first, and i gripped the banner as i ran up them. i had dropped the other stake when i saw finn, and i felt even more terrified without a weapon.
i made it to my room, and i shoved the door open hastily. it swung and hit the wall, craving out a hole in the ancient wallpaper. i cursed, "shit!" and slammed it back into it's place. i managed to click the lock shut.
i stood there for a moment, catching my breath, eyes flying around the room, for a place to hide. i spotted my closet and quickly raced over to it. i shoved myself inside, shutting the doors behind me. i pushed back inside, until my back hit the wall. my eyes wandered over everything inside, hoping to god there was something i could use as a weapon.
i saw a duffel bag, with a stack of stakes inside of them. "oh, klaus, i love you!" i murmured to myself, reaching down to grab one.
then, the door to my room flew open. i heard it fly off the hinges, smash through the window shutters. a creature stalked into the room, hissing at the emptiness that met them. their footsteps were ominously slow, scuffing against the floor as they ventured around. i heard labored breathing, that hitched when some object scraped against a piece of furniture.
breathing heavily, i clutched the stake to my chest, squeezing my eyes shut. i tried to quiet myself, but i couldn't.
i guess it didn't matter though, because the next thing my ears caught was my own name;
my eyelids flew open, pupils blown wide with shock. i knew that voice.
i worried my mind was tricking me, and i inched barely a step forward, praying the voice would speak and sound familiar again.
the person took a deep breath.
the footsteps moved towards the closet, cautious and curious. i watched the shadow bend underneath the door, touching the tips of my socks. then, "y/n? are you in there, darling?"
the stake slipped through my fingers, sweaty with anticipation and fear. it clattered against the floor, bouncing away from my feet. i looked down at it, before bringing my chin up. i stared at the door, urging it to let me see through, to let me discover if this was who i thought it was. to see if it was just a trick of the tired mind, or the moment i had been waiting for.
the door knob clattered. hinges squeaked as the door clicked open.
i squinted my eyes as the light poured in. when they focused, i met a pair of chocolate brown eyes- furrowed with worry, confusion, a golden glimmer of hope lying amongst there.
kol frowned deeply, his brows raising in a relieved expression. i swear i saw a tear shimmer in his eyes. but i didn't get to see much of him before he pushed forward, wrapping him arms around my body, tightly crushing me against his chest.
my arms were slow in response- i just stood there for a moment, the fear slowly melting off my skin. when i realized where i was- who i was with- i threw my arms around his shoulders. sobs wracked my body, as i let myself sink into his embrace.
the moment felt like it could last forever- and i wanted it too. he was so warm, so perfectly fit against me. he was like coming home. like running through a field, laying in the soft dirt of the earth, and sinking into the ocean.
then, i heard the soft squelch of broken flesh. my eyes, apparently closed, flew open. klaus stood right behind kol, an angry expression narrowing his eyes. he met my gaze and softened slightly, mumbling a sorry.
kol went rigid beneath my fingers. he slowly let go of me, and crumpled to the floor. i barely stepped out of the way. my eyes focused in on the dagger in his back.
"what the fuck, klaus-"
kol chest lay still, the death in his system halting all systems, and bringing him to a peaceful lay on the couch. my fingers trailed the veins on his cheek, gray and cold beneath my touch. i curled my other hand through his hair and rubbed his scalp gently. i knew he couldn't feel anything, but it brought me solace. my chin was planted on his shoulder, breath fanning out over his face, ruffling his hair slightly. my knees hurt from sitting on the floor for so long. he'd hopefully be waking soon. or at least that's what klaus kept reassuring me.
he paced the floor behind me, rubbing at his neck anxiously. elijah was sat at his usual spot by the window, people watching. they were both nervous that kol would wake up and start killing everybody again.
"guys," i huffed, lifting my chin from kol's shoulder to glance around the room, "he was just trying to save himself. you would've done the same."
klaus stopped at the armchair and leaned his fists against the back of it. "i still don't think you should be here right now. why can't you just got wait with hailey at the safe house? kol hasn't been invited in-"
"klaus," i interluded, "i'm staying here."
elijah stood from his spot, slowly approached the back of the couch. he stared down at his little brother with concerned eyes.
i watched his face, watched his jaw twitch slightly. his eyes twisted into something euphoric. "what's wrong?" i asked, volume of my voice lowered with the sense of comfort.
elijah's chin tilted towards me, "he looks peaceful, is all. it's lethargic to see him so...quiet."
i cracked a small smile, "i've been lucky enough to see that so often. i tried to encourage it more, but...things got out of hand."
elijah nodded his head once, sharp. "we will clean them up. and you will get a second chance."
after his words fell into the air, elijah and klaus flinched, matching eyes, then turning them to kol. i felt his cheek shudder beneath my fingers as a breath swallowed through his nose. i sat up on my knees, chest swollen with anticipation. i braced my palm on his chest, and felt his diaphragm reach a steady pattern.
"love," klaus spoke, approaching me, "please back away."
i shook my head. "n-no, it's fine."
a tension built in the room. elijah rounded the couch and bent to my level, "y/n, we will give you all the time in the world, but please just step back for now."
my hair whipped around my shoulders as i kept reproving their advances. kol's breathing, however, picked up, and his chest heaved up and down. his fingers twitched hat his sides.
"well, i tried to be kind, love, but i guess that won't work." klaus grabbed my bicep, tugging me onto my feet.
he went to drag me across the room, towards the stairs i suppose, when kol shot up off the couch. he spotted klaus first, and hissed at him, fangs hanging over his bottom lip, the veins under his eyes swimming with desiccated hunger. there was anger, blood curdling insanity intensifying in his pupils. my heart thumped crazily in my chest, as my excitement, my adoration for this boy, turned into fear.
of the monster that he could be.
klaus pushed me behind his back as kol lurched forward, tackling klaus to the ground. i ended up beneath them in a pile, and quickly pushed klaus off of me. i rolled away, landing on my seat. i braced my the heels of my hands against the floor.
i hesitated, frozen in fear, as i watched kol wrap his hands around klaus' throat. he bared his teeth in his brother's face. kol lifted klaus' body, and went to smash his skull into the ground. elijah balled up the back of kol's sweatshirt and tossed his body across the room, against the fireplace. the bricks there completely fell apart against his rock-solid weight.
klaus stood, shook himself off. he and elijah turned to kol, who was picking himself up off the ground.
"brother," klaus warily spoke, "unless you would like to be daggered until the world ceases to exist, i would back. off."
kol smirked- a familiar expression i'd grown to love. however, with his fangs hanging out of his mouth, his eyes red with hunger and anger and every negative thing he could be feeling right now- it was terrifying. he raised a brow, tilted his head in a way that made me push myself back a few feet, creating distance between me and the scene unfolding.
kol licked his teeth, before quipping back with, "oh, brother, i'd watch where you throw your threats. as i recall, i am the victim here. let me have my penance."
i noticed his fist tightened from the corner of my vision. my eyes moved down to his left hand, where he held the fire poker. elijah and klaus noticed his newfound weapon and their shoulders went tense.
the former brother raised a cautious hand, "kol...please calm down. we can sit and discuss what happened. there is no need to lash out. just- put it down."
kol motioned to klaus with the fire poker, and everyone flinched. "tell him to put the dagger away, then. s'only fair."
elijah looked to his right. klaus raised a hand, brandished the dagger from the sleeve of his jacket. he stepped forward and carefully set it on the floor between them.
"good," kol spoke with satisfaction. he mocked klaus' slouch as he went to lay down the fire poker. then, just as the tip of it touched the floor, he snapped straight back up. in the blink of an eye, he threw it across the room like a javelin.
klaus and elijah jumped away from one another, creating a thin gap for the golden fire poker to whistle through the air. their eyes followed it as it reached its destination. kol did, too, and he finally spotted me, sitting on the floor, shaking like a child caught in the dead of winter.
it all happened so slowly.
a sick crunch of skin piercing open broke the gasp of silence that followed his throw. klaus and elijah shared a similar look, one filled with shock and worry. their jaws gaped open, and their eyes widened.
my eyes, having been moving around the others worriedly, finally landed on kol's. i watched his face contort from it's villainous threat to something that was regretful, sad. shocked, like his brothers.
i felt this warm, metallic taste flood my mouth. it sunk between the tiny slits in my teeth, bared from my fear. it dribbled over my bottom lip, trickling down my chin slightly. i pushed my chin forward, trying not let it fall onto my shirt, and held my open palm beneath it. i watched a small pool fill my hand. it was this thick, red substance.
that's when i felt the pain in my chest. it felt like i was on fire, spindles of pain reaching out across my body from the wound, like lightening hitting off of a tree. i lowered my hand, allowing my gaze to fall down to where i had been tore open. my vision became blurry as a sob racked my chest. it hurt more, and i winced, yelped from the pain. i wrapped a hand around the fire poker.
a whoosh of wind ruffled my hair on my shoulders. my body was covered by the presence of three, very concerned, original vampires. kol was now sitting beside me, hand cupping the nape of my neck as my weight gave in on itself. elijah, on his knees in front of me, was trying to keep my attention. he gently touched his hands to my jaw, pulling my face forward. klaus held his wrist out in front of my face, bite marks allowing blood to roll down his forearm.
"i thought she took blood," elijah spoke worriedly, still keeping my eyes on his.
klaus' hand was shaking, and he spat when he replied, "she did! but it's not going to work when there's a fire poker sticking out of her stomach."
i shuddered at the thought, and sobbed again. kol's lips were by my right ear, and he muttered soothing words, "it's okay, darling. it's okay. try not to move. don't think about it, love, it's okay. hey, it's okay."
so much was happening all at once. i wanted to puke from the pain, overstimulation. a wave of exhaustion goosebumped my skin. i leaned back further in kol's embrace and my eyes rolled shut.
elijah gripped my face, pulling my head forward. "we need to pull it out of her."
"no!" i shoved klaus' hand away as he reached for it.
"love, it's not going to heal if you won't let us remove it," klaus insisted.
"kol, hold her arms," elijah instructed, peeling his gaze from mine.
i couldn't fight against his hold. kol grabbed both of my wrists behind my back. it flexed my stomach slightly and i whimpered. "k-kol-" i sobbed. i tilted my head in his direction, catching a glimpse of the side of his skull.
he quickly turned back to me, hands warm and tight on mine. "i'm here, darling. i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere."
"i want to-" my chest heaved with sickness, "i want to lay down."
"sh, sh, sh," he soothed, "i know, my love. i know you do. just hold on for a few moments, okay? keep those pretty eyes on mine, my love. it's going to be okay."
i felt a tug on my chest as klaus got his hands around the faux javelin. "ok, love, deep breath."
i couldn't even begin to explain the way it felt to have the fire poker dug out of my chest. it ripped through my skin, again, leaving a circular wound carved out of my chest. i felt the blood gushing out in its absence, pouring into my lap, on the floor behind me. i let out a scream as it went, louder than anything i'd ever heard. my eyes fell shut as it ripped from my throat, tears rushing down my cheeks.
klaus quickly pressed his wrist against my lips, muffling my voice. "drink, love," someone ushered me.
i took a deep breath, swallowing blood in the process. within seconds, the pain in my chest dissipated. i pushed klaus' wrist away from me, and fell onto my back. kol caught my head before it hit the floor. i squeezed my eyes shut, sobs wracking my entire body.
he pulled me closer to his body. i managed to grasp my arms around him, face pressed up against his neck. kol brushed his fingers through my hair lovingly, rocking me back and forth.
"i'm so sorry, my love," i heard his voice crack from the tears i felt wetting my neck. "i'm so, so sorry. i didn't know you were there- i didn't know. i'm sorry. please forgive me. i'm sorry, darling. i love you, i'm so sorry. i love you so much. i'm so sorry, my love."
as i came back to it, grounding myself with the use of his pleading voice, my hold on his shoulders tightened. i was still shaking, and i was sure as hell terrified of him, but-
"i love you."
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Sicktember Alt 1: "I Could Really Use A Hug Right Now"
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright Notes: You ever think about just how much Maya has on her plate? Training, carrying the main family of the Fey clan on her shoulders, just being the master of the Kurain Channeling Technique? It’s a lot! On what should be a happy surprise visit to Phoenix’s place (which is at Edgeworth’s place now? Fancy!), it all comes crashing down. Mid 7yg, Phoenix is living with Miles, Maya is in her early-mid 20’s and has spent the past few years doing basically nothing but training. It's a mental breakdown! *Sad Kazoo Noises*
     It wasn’t just jet lag that had gotten to her. Maya, and most likely Phoenix as well, had figured that out by now. Pearly always worried about Maya getting herself sick from overextending, and Maya always tried to insist she would be fine so Pearly could be the carefree girl she deserved to be. Pearly didn’t deserve that kind of stress in her life, not after all Aunt Morgan put her through. Knowing that made Maya’s wish that her cousin could have taken her place as master very brief, no matter how many lives would have been saved if that were the case. 
Hours of training under a waterfall, late nights of channeling various spirits she sometimes couldn’t possibly care less about, and of course going back and forth on a packed airplane to acquaint herself with every spiritual landmark absolutely did a number on Maya’s health. She hadn’t left Edgeworth’s cozy guest bed since she dropped all her luggage on the floor yesterday afternoon. She didn’t even question why the guest room was free if Nick was supposedly crashing here. All she wanted was to sleep with maybe a side of curling up and dying. 
“Maya?” Nick’s concerned voice managed to have the volume of three air horns. “I know something’s wrong. You haven’t eaten for at least a day. I’m coming in.”
He was lucky Maya hadn’t even taken off what she was wearing yesterday, though she had no energy to do anything about his entry even if she was in her birthday suit. Meh, he had a girlfriend once, probably nothing he hasn’t seen before. 
“I’m not hungry.” Maya whimpered. 
“Not hungry?” Nick jokingly pressed his hand on her forehead, only to pull back in almost horror. “You’re actually burning up!”
“What do you mean ‘good!?’”
“I just…” The dam broke. Maya had no time to prepare before the tears started flowing. “I don’t know if I can do this anymore.” 
“Do what anymore?” 
“Everything, Nick!” Maya hiccuped, then sobbed. “All I ever do is train and meet with branch family members who somehow didn’t run away from being Feys the first second they could. Do you know how many branch family members just move to the city and want nothing to do with us ever again? At least half, Nick! I don’t blame them one bit.” 
“Yeah, I think Bikini alluded to that kind of tension after she realized it was your mom who, you know…” 
“My mom’s dead because of me, Nick!” Maya instinctively wiped her nose on Phoenix’s t-shirt, but even if it was more from being sick than crying, Phoenix just let her go ahead with that.
“Maya, you know that’s not–”
“And everyone expects me to have daughters to put through this hell all over again!”
“I’m sure you can break the cycle–”
“I am the cycle! All my past relationships have failed because it’s just too much! Just because your parents could do that doesn’t mean I can. Besides,” Maya sniffled and wiped the lines of tears from her cheeks, “look how you turned out.” Somehow, she still had it in her to tease him. She was even able to laugh, if only just a little. “Sis did tell me how much of a spoiled brat you were in college.” 
“Hey! I got better.” Phoenix lightheartedly retorted. 
“That’s up for debate.�� Maya huffed. “You still wouldn’t survive a day in the Fey clan! Heck, if your ex could channel spirits, you might have ended up in an arranged marriage and stuck with her.” 
“I’d rather you not even joke about that.” Almost a decade later, Dahlia was still a sore subject for both of them, though Maya seemed more comfortable talking about her than Nick was. “But… You do seem to be doing a little better.” 
“I guess I am.” Maya sniffled. “Thanks for listening to my feverish ramblings I’ll probably forget by tomorrow, Nick.”
“Any time, Maya.” Phoenix sighed through his nose. If Maya was as cynical as she was feeling just a few minutes ago, she might have interpreted that as bragging. “Do you want anything for that fever? We have Steel Samurai cooling patches in the freezer downstairs.”
“Tempting, but nah.” Maya really was sick to turn down anything Steel Samurai themed. “How about… Just a hug?” 
Phoenix may not have been able to completely wipe Maya’s full plate clean, but a hug? That was absolutely doable.
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Day 197,
Lin came back into town today.  The patient she’d been attending to for the past couple of months passed away yesterday.  She brought me all the info I needed to make the official archival log of the old woman’s death.
Miranda.  No living relatives.  Never married.  Former crystal collector.
While I already did my duty as Archivist in recording that all and more in the official record, it felt wrong not to write it here as well.
Lin had already prepared the body to keep it moderately fresh until the next mist night, which is likely still a few days away at the earliest.  In lieu of family, the deceased’s nearest neighbors will watch over the body until Village guards arrive to retrieve it.  Notifying the guards and mediators about that was going to be her next stop for the day.
I offered to handle that in her stead while she took some time to rest.  Browse the archive, see her parents, take a walk to Siren Overlook, whatever suited her.
She accepted the offer with an audible sigh (Relief? Exhaustion?  Reluctance?).  Expressed her gratitude.  Asked what it was Cass and I had been starting to bring up when she walked in before she had delivered the news.
I said it was just some arrangements/invitation for a return trip to the ruined cathedral (why do we always specify “the ruined cathedral” when it’s the only cathedral?) but it could wait until later.
Not turning to look at either of us, she said that sounded nice.  That she could use the distraction.  Nothing for her to do until the funeral anyway.
Leaving Cass to watch the library (and maybe Lin) I made my way to that building where the guards and mediators centralize their work to pass on the news.  I wound up talking to a mediator I wasn’t particularly familiar with and didn’t catch the name of.  She thanked me for letting her know and told me that she’d take things from here for the necessary arrangements.  She added that all that was left for me to do as Archivist was to make sure I’m in the Village for the funeral and to record whatever it is she and the other mediators finalize for handling the deceased’s house and belongings.  I’d seen such entries for similar cases while doing the research for my extrapolated census, so I’ve got some idea what that last part should end up looking like.
No sign of Vernon while I was there.  Must have been handling the market for the day.
Lin wasn’t at the library when I returned and hadn’t told Cass where she went.  When she returned a couple hours later as we were wrapping up for the evening she was carrying her camping pack.  She still looked tired, but perhaps a little less haggard.
As we still had some time before Cass and I needed to meet up with James for our ride back, we got into talking about expedition plans.  We eventually decided on heading out there the next morning that it was raining.  As Lin said earlier, she had both nothing to do and a need for distraction.  The bracelets confirmed Vernon was still at the markets so we decided to find him and fill in/invite him on our way out of town.
As we were heading out the door, Lin asked if she could spend the night at my place.  I told her she was welcome any time.  I’d kind of figured she’d be asking since she had her pack with her already.__________
Just caught myself nodding off there.  The hour grows late and my eyelids heavy.  I’ll be brief about the rest of the day.
We managed to catch Vernon before leaving.  He was amenable to our plans so long as he didn’t get pulled into something at the last minute.  He’ll meet us out there the next rainy morning.
James was happy to give Lin a ride along with us.  Thankfully he didn’t pry too much about it, especially after we mentioned the upcoming funeral.  He did bring up that we’d need to discuss Cassandra’s schedule between farmwork and apprenticeship now that the rainy season was over, but that could wait until after the funeral at least.  Just as well.  I’m not up to thinking about that topic right now.
Maiko was pleasantly surprised to see Lin.  Sympathetic when the funeral was mentioned.  Caught the other two of us off guard when she (accurately) pointed out that close as she was to Miranda these past months the death must be hitting Lin hard since she was the closest thing the old woman had to family at this point.
When I last saw the two of them before retiring to my room for the evening they were both on the couch, leaning on one another but awake.  I wouldn’t call it cuddling, not that warm or playful.  But I like to think that the two of them were providing some degree of mutual comfort to their respective pains.
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blooming-violets · 3 years
Pinky Promise || TASM Ch.1
Summary: You have custody over your seven year old sister. One day you get a call from her school that something is wrong. You try your best to save her but sometimes you need outside help from a certain Spideyboy. [set a few years after tasm2]
Warnings: suicide attempt, very brief mention of heroin
A/N: I haven’t written anything in over a year. Apparently my hyperfixation over AG’s Spiderman has cured my writing slump though. Anyway I’ll love Peter Parker saving children forever and always.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket. It pulled your thoughts out of the clouds and back into reality. Dread filled your stomach before you even glanced at the caller id. Please don’t be the school. Not today. Please.
Your silent pleas went unanswered. Olivia’s Elementary School. With a soft groan, you answered.
“Yes, hello?” You did your best to make your voice sound professional and older than you were. At 23, most people didn’t seem to take you very seriously as your sister’s caregiver. It was hard to blame them. All it took was some simple math for them to assume you gave birth to her at 16. Then when they found out you were actually her sister, their judgement went from distaste to pity. What kind of parents would dump one child on another? Were they dead or just deadbeats?. You could always see their brains churning, wondering about your lives as if it was any of their business.
“Ms. Miller? This is Diane Fleming, Olivia’s teacher. I was wondering if you could come in this afternoon? The incidents we’ve been speaking about prior have been happening more frequently. I think it would be best if we could sit down and talk about this in person.”
You closed your eyes and did your best to keep from smashing your head against the wall in front of you. This is not the news you wanted to hear today. “What did she do now?”
Poor Olivia had been struggling in school this past year. Second grade had not been kind to her. The other children seemed to view her as an easy target. There had been a lot of building tension which seemed to spill out over the last two weeks. It seemed almost every day you were receiving a call from her teacher about another incident that happened. Monday it was because Olivia had drawn very graphic pictures of her classmate being murdered by a giant metal Rhino. You weren’t even sure how she remembered that Rhino man that once attempted to terrorize the city. She was only a toddler back then. Tuesday had been a horrible poem about how she hoped her teacher would get run over by bus. Wednesday was the day she decided to cut off half of her braid in middle of a spelling test. Thursday went by without a call but, it wasn’t until she returned home, that you noticed her bottom lip was split open. Then it was your turn to call the school. They seemed awfully quiet about the whole thing, claiming they had no idea what happened. Olivia refused to say. Now it was Friday.
“Well Ms. Miller, this afternoon, Olivia dumped a jar of spiders down the back of the young girl sitting in front of her.”
Your eyes widened at the news. How in the world did she even collect a jar of spiders? Where did she get the jar from? Why would she do this? It was so outrageous of a thought that you had to stifle a laugh. A small exhaled managed to escape your lips though.
Mrs. Fleming picked up on it right away, “I’m sorry but you do think this behavior is funny? Olivia is a seriously disturbed child. Her behavior is getting out of control. We do not tolerate this sort of bullying in our school.”
Any bit of humor you found before sizzled into anger. “What do you mean you don’t tolerate bullying? Liv came home with a busted lip yesterday and none of you seemed to care too much how she got it.” You could feel yourself becoming defensive. You knew Olivia was slipping away from you. You had been working overtime lately to make rent. You hadn’t seen her as much. This was your fault.
Mrs. Fleming sighed. You could almost hear her rubbing her eyes with her hands. “We currently have Olivia detained in the office. The mother of the young girl who was assaulted is already thinking of pressing charges. It would be best if you could come down here as soon as possible and help us figure out what the next move for Olivia should be.”
Pressing charges? You stomach started to ache. “Ok,” you mumbled quietly. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
Anxiety coursed through your veins as you walked out into the crisp winter air. What were you going to do with Olivia? You had no idea how to be a parent. Your only role models were terrible.  
Sometimes you wished your parents were just dead. It would make things easier. You could have been seen as the hero, taking care of your poor orphaned sister, the two of you against the world. Instead, you had to live with the harsh reality that your parents were both alive. A father in a jail and a mother living on the streets trying to score her next fix. She had always chose heroin over her children. As a child, yourself, you bounced between foster homes and your mother. Sometimes your mom would step up. She’d get clean, get a job, start fresh, and get you back. The two of you would live a happy little life for about a month or so before she’d fall back into her old habits. Then it was back into the system for you. Eventually you stopped relying on her to take care of your wellbeing.
When Liv was born, you had to put your own dreams aside. You had dreamed of graduating high school and going to college, making something of yourself, becoming a function adult...all that had to be packed away and stuffed into the closets of your mind. You dropped out of high school, got a job as a house cleaner, and managed to rent a shitty one bedroom apartment. Sure, it was full of mold and you had to kill the occasional cockroach but at least it was a home.
At 18, you filed for full custody of your sister, and the rest was history. You were going to make sure that she didn’t have to live the same life as you. Just because you didn’t get to reach any of your dreams, doesn’t mean that she had to follow the same path. The older she became, the harder it was to keep her happy though. She knew she had a different family life from her peers. She had always been an intelligent little girl. Wise beyond her years. She saw exactly where she came from. She knew she was different.
The sound of sirens pulled you from your thoughts. Three police cars raced by you, the cold wind blowing your hair around your face. You brushed it away and followed the cars with your eyes. There was always something crazy going on in Queens. The distant sound of sirens was usually quite comforting to you but, up close, the sound put you on edge. You watched as the cars sped off into the distance when they suddenly took a sharp left into the school parking lot. Your heart beat sped up. You had no idea why they could possibly be there but, in your heart, you knew something was wrong. Something was wrong with Olivia.
Your legs were running before your thoughts even had time to process what you were seeing. You sprinted the remaining way to the school and stopped short by the sight that greeted you. The three police cars had stopped out front, the sound of their sirens off, but the lights still flashing a blinding red. A group of people were gathered outside. All of them looking up with fear. Your eyes followed theirs to the top of the building. Panic seized your throat and you almost vomited on the spot. Standing three stories in the air, her little black boots hugging the edge of the roof, was Olivia.
She looked so small up there. So fragile. The winter wind whipped her short, brunette hair around. Her skirt uniform blew around her wool tights. Even from down here, you could see she was shaking. From fear or the cold, you couldn’t tell.
A piercing sob ripped out your throat at the sight. It alerted one of the teachers to your presence. They tried to come over to you, reaching out a hand of comfort, but you swatted it away. How could they have let this happen? Before the teacher could even speak, you had shoved your way through the crowd and into the school. You had no idea how to get up to the roof. All you knew was that you needed to get up the three flights of stairs as quickly as possible. Your feet hardly had time to touch the ground as you ran, each flight bringing you closer and closer to your sister. As you barged into the third flood, you saw Olivia’s teacher, the principal, and an officer standing at an open door. They turned to look at you as you stumbled forward. The melting snow on you boots causing you to slip across the laminate tiles towards them.
“This area is off limits,” the officer commanded.
“It’s okay, it’s the girl’s sister,” Mrs. Fleming replied. Her face was etched with fear. “She won’t let us get close to her. Every time we attempt to go up there, she threatens to jump. We were forced to come back down here for fear she might actually do it.”
The pressing feeling of bile rose in your throat again. Why was this happening? How could they let this happen? You had trusted the school to protect its children. “I need to see her,” your voice didn’t sound like your own. It was meek and scared, it shook when you spoke. “I need to see her.” You repeated the sentence again.
The three of them quietly stepped aside.
“Just be careful. If it looks like she’s about to jump, retreat immediately. We called in a firetruck to bring a ladder up to her but it has yet to arrive. Ambulances are standing by if she falls.” The officer’s words rattled about in you head. Falls? No, not your Liv. You’d bring her back safely. You just needed to get to Olivia. You needed to hold her in your arms. You needed to protect her.
The old metal ladder creaked as you put your weight on each step. Blinding sunlight shone into your eyes as you crawled out of hatch into the bright afternoon. The sky was too blue, too perfect, for any of this to be happening. How was it even possible for a child to get up here? Shouldn't there have been locks? Alarms? Anything?
Your sweet, baby sister stood across from you. Her back turned. No more than 50 feet yet she felt like a lifetime away. “Liv!” You called out to her. “It’s me! Please! Get down off of there!” Your voice felt drowned out by the wind rushing past. It was much stronger up here than it was on the ground. You took a few steps closer to her. “Livvy, please! I need you!”
Olivia turned around on the ledge when she heard your voice. Her legs shook unsteadily under her. Her lips were blue and shivering. There were tears spilling down her face. You wanted nothing more than to wrap her up in a warm blanket and hold her safe in your arms.
“They want to take me away!” She shouted back at you. “I heard them talking! Ashley said they were going to put me in jail for what I did. She said I’d never see you again!”
You guessed Ashley was the girl who got spidered this morning. If it was possible to hate a child, you definitely hated Ashley right now. You shook your head, stepping even closer to her, your boots slipping on ice under your feet, yet you held steady.
“No one is going to take you, Olivia. I won’t let them. Please,” you begged. “Please get off that ledge. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”
As you took another step forward, she inched back. Her heels now hanging off the side of the building. You could hear a collective gasp from the people below. Someone began shouting into a megaphone up at her. You couldn’t make out what they were saying. Nothing but fear filled you as you called out to her, “Stop! Stop moving! Please, I’m begging you. Please just don’t move any further.”
Olivia shook her head. “Don’t come any closer. Leave me alone! You don’t know anything! You don’t know what it’s like to go to this school! I hate these people! They’re all horrible.” Big, fat tears rolled down her rosy cheeks. She hugged her navy blue cardigan tighter around her small frame.
“Okay. I’m not coming any closer until you say it’s okay to,” you said with your hands up in defense. “But I’m not leaving you. I’m staying right here. We can talk about this. I’ll take you away from this school. We can find a new school. Fuck it, we can move to the Alaskan wilderness if it’ll make you happy! But we can’t begin to do any of that if you’re not around to see it. I need you to get down off that ledge, Liv.”
“I’m no good...” Her voice could scarcely be heard over the howling wind. She sounded so powerless. So lost. “Everyone here knows it. They want me to end up in jail just like daddy. They tell me all the time. I’m so stupid. I’m a bad person. Even the principal said so. She said Ashley’s mom was going to call the police on me. I don’t want to leave you.”
Your heart ached for your sister. No seven year old should have that kind of weight on her shoulders. You wished you had been more observant. You could have fought harder for her. Instead you worked late and left her to fend for herself. It was you who was no better than your mother.
With a heavy sigh, you inched closer to Olivia. “I love you, Liv, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t keep you safe. It’s not your fault. You’re not a bad person. You’re the best person I’ve ever met! You’re so smart. Smart enough to get a full scholarship to this stupid private school. Smart enough to win every science fair you’ve ever entered. Smarter than I’ll ever be. You’re going to grow up and change the world but you’ve got to be around to do that. I need you. I need you with me. Without you, I’m nothing. You’re my family and I promise I will keep you safe. I won’t let anyone here hurt you ever again. I’m going to get you whatever help you need. I promise. Just let me come get you.”
She nodded slowly and your hand reached out for her. Your eyes locked with hers. Pain etched deeply in her features. You watched as her shoulders sagged in defeat. She reached out to take your hand, stepping towards you, you could almost feel her skin against yours, her safety just within reach...when a large gust of wind pushed past you. Olivia lost her footing, the ice causing her feet to fall out from under her, with her eyes wide and her mouth open in a gasp, you watched as your seven year old sister tumbled backwards off the building.
A heart wrenching scream ripped out of your chest. Time slowed as she disappeared from your view. Nothing but the sound of your own screams filled your ears. No. Not Liv. Not her.
It felt like you were wading through waist high mud as you ran to the edge. You couldn’t get there fast enough like the world was trying to hold you back. You threw your body across the ledge as you looked down. Your brain couldn’t comprehend what you were seeing. She was gone. Not dead. But...gone. Her body was no where in sight. You scanned the crowd, the ground, even the wall to see if she was somehow hanging on. There was nothing. No sign that Olivia had been there. She had seemingly vanished into thin air. It was like she never existed at all.
Your breath came in panicked bursts. The hysteria numbed your body. Your fingers tingled with the ghost of Olivia’s hand in yours. Tears clouded your vision. “Liv...” you called out meekly. You stumbled back from the edge. Your legs gave out as sobs wracked through you. The ice below your knees cut into your skin as you knelt in anguish. Where was she? How could she just disappear like that? How was any of this possible? You wailed in sorrow. Nothing mattered but her.
It was then someone cleared their throat behind you. Your head whipped around as you fell onto you backside in shock. The cold of the roof top seeping through your jeans and into your skin. Your heart was pounding.
Standing in front of you was New York City’s very own Spiderman. Clinging to his chest, her head buried deep in the crook of his neck, was Olivia. Your eyes widened. Just as quickly as she vanished from your life, she had reappeared. She was okay. She was safe.
“I thought you might want this back,” he said through the muffled mask as he nodded his head towards your sister.
Every emotion in the world flooded through you as you scrambled to your feet and threw your arms around both Spiderman and your sister, squishing her between the two of you. Your body shook with loud, unabashed sobs. She was safe. Olivia was safe. The world was okay again.
You clung to the two of them for a few moments. Your head was spinning and you felt dizzy. You were afraid if you let go, Olivia would disappear again. She was safe pressed between you and the masked man. You wanted to keep her that way for as long as you could. Safe. Your baby girl was safe.
With a light sob, you finally let go long enough to collect her from her saviors arms. Olivia clung to you, wrapping her legs around your waist as you held her tightly, never going to let her go again. The two of you sunk to the ground and you cradled her in your arms like you used to what she was a baby. You brushed your fingers over her face, feeling her, making sure she was really there. She was so cold but she was alive.
You shrugged your winter jacket off and wrapped it around her. You were both still in shock, unable to say anything, unable to move other than to cling to each other. You held on so tightly. So, so tight.
Spiderman squatted down beside the two of you. He ruffled Olivia’s hair. “I think she’ll be alright. I’d still get her checked out at the hospital. It seems like she’s been in the cold without a jacket for too long. They’ll want to take her vitals and make sure she’s okay.”
The sound of another person’s voice was enough to snap the two of you out of the little world you had created between each other there on the roof. Olivia’s eyes welled up with tears.
“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m sorry. I’ll never do that again. I was so scared. I’m sorry. Don’t let them take me to jail.”
“Hey, now. Who said anything about taking you to jail?” Spiderman shuffled closer to her and placed a gloved hand on her back.
She sniffled, peaking her head out from your shoulder to look at him with wet eyes, “I put spiders down Ashley’s shirt and her mom said I would go to jail.”
Spiderman laughed. His laugh sounded angelic to your ears. Maybe it was because he had just saved Olivia and, therefore, became the most important man in your life but you were filled with a deep love for the masked stranger. His laugh cut through some of the tension you had been holding. You felt your body being to relax a bit. Olivia was safe, you kept reminding yourself. It’s okay now. It’s over. You nuzzled you face against your sister’s hair even managing to give a smile of your own.
“I bet Ashley deserved it, didn’t she?” If you could see his face, you’d be sure he was smiling too. “I’m friends with those police officers down there. One word from me and they won’t even think about sending you to jail. I promise.”
“Pinky promise?” Olivia reached out a shaky hand to her new hero and extended her pinky.
“Pinky promise.” You watched as Spiderman locked fingers with your sister. “Now let’s get you both down from here and out of the cold. I don’t want either of you to freeze to death on my watch.” He helped you up, pulling you and Olivia to your feet with ease, then lead you towards the hatch in the roof. His hand stayed dutifully on the small of your back, making sure you didn’t slip, as you carried your sister back to safety.
“Mr. Spiderman?” Olivia asked as she stared back at him.
“Please. Call my Spidey. Mr. Spiderman was my father.”
“Uhm, okay, Mr. Spidey will you come over to our house for dinner?”
You shushed Olivia, “He’s a busy man, Liv. He can’t just stop by people’s house for dinner. Besides how would he even eat if he can’t take off his mask?” The thought of the famous Spiderman sitting in full costume with the two of you at the dinner table made you smile again. It felt nice to smile.
Liv gasped, “He can’t take off his mask? Is it glued onto his head? Mr. Spidey is your mask glued to your head?”
“That’s not what I meant, Liv. Just drop it okay. We have to worry about you first. You caused quite a lot of chaos for such a small child. I’m going to have to do a lot of damage control here.” You knelt down next to the hatch and started to lower Olivia onto the ladder. It physically hurt your heart to let her leave your grasp but there was no way you could climb down the ladder carrying her.
Before she fully disappeared into the building, she popped her head back out one last time, “Thank you for saving me, Mr. Spidey. I hope you come visit me for dinner some day...even if your mask is glued to your head.” With that, she disappeared down the hatch into the arms of two paramedics waiting below. You didn’t want to leave her out of your sight for too long but, before you could follow her, you turned around to face Spiderman.
“Thank you,” you spoke softly to him. Exhaustion starting to settle into your bones after the panic you had went through. “You saved my world today. You saved my sister when I couldn’t. Thank you.” Tears brimmed in your eyes as you pulled him into a hug. You could feel his muscles flex under his suit as he hugged you back. Your eyes closed as you embraced this stranger. No, not a stranger. A hero. Your hero.
“Thank you,” you whispered again before placing a soft kiss against his masked cheek. With one last grateful look, you climbed down after your sister, leaving the Spiderman behind.
[Part Two]
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smashboxgirl26 · 3 years
jean kirstein x fem! reader summary: a solution found, in each other contains: fluff, some angst (at least more than initially planned loll, but i couldn't help myself) word count: 5.1k a/n: I APOLOGIZE FOR POSTING THIS SO LATE OMGG,,, i was out of town this past weekend and i got busy yesterday loll so it just kept getting delayed :(( ITS OKAY CAUSE HERE IT FINALLY IS!
tags: @spacemochi-x @siriuslychim @sensually-lazy @random-rina @mayxn15
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“Who are you?” you peered at the boy in front of you carefully. “I’ve never seen you here before.”
You were finally able to get out of the royal duties you were forced to take part in, despite being only thirteen years old, and came down to the stables hoping to finally gallop away from all the issues of the kingdom that were dumped on you unwarranted.
“I’m taking over the stables,” the boy huffed proudly, a boasting smile on his face.
He was tall, with clean cut brown hair and a long face. You knew he was most likely the son of someone who worked in the stables, he looked far too young to be fully in charge of them.
“So that makes you a horse-boy!” you giggled. The joke wasn’t very clever, but your thirteen-year old self certainly thought it was. His long face sort of reminded you of a horse.
“I am not a horse-boy!” he scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“You look like a horse.”
You watched as his face twisted into shock before he shouted back, “Do not.”
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
“Oh yeah? Well if my name’s ‘horse-boy’ now, the- then yours is- umm.. well then yours is idiot girl!”
He watched as the smile slipped off your face and fear was suddenly filling his entire being. You were a noble kid. He could tell by the very outfit you were wearing to go riding - with its pristine, clean cut lines and the spotless linen. His parents could be punished if you were snooty enough, running away and crying to whoever your parents were that the ‘mean boy in the stables’ called you an idiot.
Why the hell did he just say that to you?
But here you were, laughing at it instead. His eyes widened dramatically as you doubled over, with your chest burning and aching as you coughed out a few more chuckles. Now he was curious.
None of the nobles he’d encountered that day, adult or child, said much more to him than ‘ready my horse’, or ‘help me get on’ or something along those lines. They didn’t seem to care that he’d never really been there before, and passed him off as a random little boy who was working. But even those were the polite people. Others said nothing, sneering down at him in disgust while they did what they had to or was just passed by.
He hadn’t even spoken a word to them!
“I haven’t laughed like that in a long time,” you sighed as you began standing up straight again. “Thanks for that.”
You patted him on the shoulder, and began moving further into the stables to grab your horse. You didn’t really need his help to put her bridle or saddle on after doing it for so many years.
The boy looked at you curiously as you passed, watching from the entrance as you began setting your horse up wordlessly. You actually knew what you were doing, unlike some of the other noble children who’d pushed his help away and insisted that they knew what they were supposed to do though it was very obvious that they would end up hurting themselves in the end.
“So, uh what’s your name?” the boy asked suddenly.
“I should be asking you that,” you replied. “You’re the one that’s new here.”
“It’s Jean,” he sighed as he rolled his eyes. It was bad manners to do that, and he knew it. But you weren’t even looking in his direction as you spoke, more busy swinging the saddle up over the back of your horse before you buckled it under her belly.
“I like horse-boy better,” you hummed.
“Well, are you going to tell me yours?” he asked impatiently.
“I dunno. I kinda like ‘idiot girl’ better than my real name,” you giggled. You’d finished in an almost record time, and Jean watched as you led your horse out of her stall with the lead rope, silently as you made sure to lead her slowly and carefully so she wouldn’t be spooked by any sudden movements.
“Well Jean, I’ll be back in a bit. You don’t need to muck her stall either, I’ll do it when I come back - it gives me a chance to stay out longer than necessary,” you called out behind you where Jean was leaning against one of the poles.
And he watched as you saddled yourself expertly and rode off into the path in the forest, galloping at full speed. He was more curious to know who you were more than ever - it didn’t seem like you were that high up as a noble. But your riding attire and horse said otherwise. Clearly you were more important than you’d like to be.
“Excuse me, but could you tack my horse up to ride?”
Jean looked around startled at the sudden voice, turning to see a boy around your age walking in with a serious look on his face.
“Y-yes, of course,” he responded, mentally berating himself for not paying enough attention to his surroundings.
“He’s the mustang on the back left,” the boy said coolly as he leaned against the entrance and picked at his nails.
Jean went back quickly and grabbed the saddle and bridle that were hanging near the horse’s stall, quickly and quietly throwing it over the brown horse that stared back at him unamused - it didn’t seem to like its rider very much.
“I see the princess already left, figures,” the boy at the entrance scoffed, and Jean followed his line of sight to the only stall that was empty.
The one your horse was in.
Jean turned quickly back to the horse in front of him, the one now huffing and kicking at the pieces of straw that lingered outside of the stalls in impatience. He quickly led him over to the boy at the entrance, watching as the boy took the lead rope boredly and walked outside without saying anything else.
...So, you were the princess.
Somehow, he’d never envisioned you the way you presented yourself, normal and like any other person on the planet. He’d thought you’d be some awe-striking, glorious looking girl - one with manners and extreme sophistication. But you laughed at him calling you an idiot. It was a nice thought, that you were nice just to be a good person. But he supposed it was out of pity rather than the goodness that filled your heart.
Horse-boy, huh?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I’m so fucking exhausted,” you sighed as you slumped yourself against the tree.
Jean turned to look at you, away from the sight in front of him with a chuckle. “Well, you’re here now, right?”
That statement was true.
Hanging out in the pasture with all your friends was always something to be enjoyed. Especially in evenings like this, where the little hill the lone tree you were currently slumped upon sat, gave the perfect view of the setting sun over the horizon; mixed with the laughs and yells of your friends as they all played and joked at the end of the day.
Jean had matured greatly from the first time you’d met those couple years ago. The both of you now sitting at eighteen was shown by the differences you would randomly notice.
Like that time two weeks ago, when you realized just how much taller he was, than you to be exact. Or when he noticed only a couple months ago that you'd stopped cutting your hair short, even though you’d been growing it out since you were sixteen. (But maybe that had to do with the fact that your hair grew very slowly.)
“I want out of this stupidity,” you droned. “They’re making me do so-fucking-much. It’s like they’re expecting me to take over the country as soon as I turn nineteen! I don’t have the energy for that! I’ve barely even done anything with myself yet.”
Jean couldn’t really relate to your problems. Most of his had to do with how his back was hurting and how it was going to restrict him from working in the stables, or how a mare was going to be due soon. But listening to you ramble about how stressed you were, or about the work you always had to do with diplomats and such, was nice in a way. It was weird of him to say, or even think about, because it wasn’t good for you in any way and he saw that - but for some reason he adored the fact that you always came to him with your problems.
You could’ve easily gone to Mikasa or Sasha - or even Eren if he really thought about it. But, you always came to him to vent.
Something about that felt familiar from the first time the two of you met, and it was something he didn’t want to let go of.
“You shouldn’t curse so much,” Jean pointed out quickly. “If you curse a lot here, then you’ll run your mouth at a meeting. And, I don’t think we want a repeat of that meeting with Déspoir.”
You looked at the stupid smug smile he was wearing and rolled your eyes. “Shut up horse-boy.”
That nickname.
It never wore off, no matter how hard he’d tried to stop you when you were younger. It stuck like a bee in its own honey. He should’ve hated it, especially with the degrading tone that it was supposed to be used in.
But it wasn’t.
When it came from you it never felt like that. It was just a simple nickname.
“Hey horse-face!” Eren called out. “Stop being fuckin’ bum and come beat me! I’ve already beaten Connie, like twice!”
“You cheated!” you heard Connie shout back.
Jean rolled his eyes as he turned to you with an exasperated look, raising his eyebrows as he slumped himself further against the trunk of the tree in exhaustion.
“Go beat him,” you chuckled as you patted him on the back. “Show Mikasa, yeah?”
You didn’t notice the way Jean’s expression dimmed from its playful, cheerful light to a more dejected one at the mention of Mikasa’s name. You only assumed it was nerves or anxiety of some sort, as you clapped his back one again to urge him to get up.
“Go. She’s waiting.”
Why had he ever told you about that stupid crush he had on Mikasa all those years ago? And why did he continue to make you believe that he still had one on her? He knew he didn’t. They were just friends, and it became incredibly obvious when he got older that he didn’t really see her in that way - staying as something that was only from his childhood.
But he never corrected you. And now, with you trying to be a good friend and push him into confessing the “feelings” he had for her - he wasn’t even sure what he felt about it. He wasn’t really able to figure out what he was feeling anymore.
But the smile remained on, and Jean gave you a final look before jogging down the small hill to where the rest were sprawled out and running around.
You would’ve also joined them on the regular occasion, but it seemed like you were far too burnt out today - as you’d been for the past two weeks or so.
It was almost alarming, and Jean believed that your fear of being placed on the throne as soon as you turned nineteen was looming over their friend group’s heads like a shadow creeping its way across the forest.
And the fact that you were even still able to associate with peasants like them at this point was almost alarming.
None of you were sure why it was even allowed, due to the unspoken rule that it was highly inappropriate. Surely you should’ve been more outcasted by the rest of the nobles in the castle grounds but for some reason they never seemed to care. But, the possibility that all this would end as soon as you were placed on the throne was enormous.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Thank you Mikasa,” you smiled at her from the mirror. “I could’ve done this myself, though.”
“Nonsense,” she smiled back. “It’s my duty as your handmaiden after all. It’s not a big deal.”
She carefully threaded the ties of the corset through the back, her fingers moving quickly and nimbly as the thread was passed in and out of the fabric. You watched her serious face from the mirror, remaining in its normal stoic place as she worked.
She was beautiful in ways you could never be, and stronger in others. It was no wonder Jean liked her, actually.
“I have a question for you,” you asked her slyly.
“Of course, what is it?”
“What do you think of Jean?”
You saw the way she paused for a moment, the pulling on the corset ceasing as she only looked downwards in the mirror. Her face still showed no emotion, just quiet and unmoving as it had been before.
“He’s a good friend of mine, I’ve known him since we were kids. Why do you ask?” she finally answered.
“Well, I dunno,” you tried to shrug half-hazardly. “I just wanted to know.”
“Well,” she chuckled slightly. “I do know who he has a crush on.”
She knows he has a crush on her? Damn how the heck did that happen?
Did he tell her or did she end up figuring it out on her own?
I swear to god if Eren told her I’m going to wring-
“I’m surprised you don’t seem to know,” she giggled at the expression on your face as she finished tying the knot in the back. “I thought it was quite obvious.”
“What- No, I know who he has a crush on too.”
“Oh,” she echoed back.
You got up from the stool and made your way over to the screen where your gown was hanging over. You began to tie the petticoat around your waist before lifting the dress over yourself and laying it over while the silence remained between the two of you.
“Well, what did you think about it?” Mikasa finally asked.
“I don’t think it matters what I thought about it, I think your opinion matters a lot more in this situation.”
“What do you mean? Of course your opinion matters,” she responded to you deliriously. “You’re the one he likes. Why would my opinion matter in that situation?”
“What?” you paused. “What are you talking about?”
Mikasa turned to you quickly with a questioning look. “I thought you said you knew who he liked.”
“Yeah, you!”
“What? No, he doesn’t.” she reflected quickly.
“Yes, he does,” you emphasized. “He told me so himself.”
“I don’t believe you,” she looked at you skeptically. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you and the way he acts around you. There’s no way he doesn’t like you.”
“But he’s liked you ever since we were fourteen!” you called back. “He told me so and he still does.”
“Oh that?” Mikasa rolled her eyes. “I knew about that. Jean isn’t exactly subtle, but he got over that so long ago. You’re the one he likes now.”
“How is that possible?” you questioned. “We’re friends. We’re only friends. He would’ve told me if he felt that way.”
“To be honest,” Mikasa stood in thought. “I’m not sure he’s realized it himself. When it was obvious he liked me it was because of how outspoken he was about it - to himself, at least.”
“So to sum this all up - you’re saying Jean doesn’t have a crush on you, even though he’s told me that since we were fourteen; and that he actually has a crush on me, but he hasn’t even realized it?”
Mikasa only nodded back with a serious look, and you just stared at her like she was crazy. Well, the whole situation was crazy - how could it not be?
But at that moment, there was a knock at the door and the both of you looked away to see who walked in.
“Hey guys,” Sasha stated lightly as she practically stumbled in. “Dinner will be served in a few so your father sent me to come get you Y/N. Are you dressed?”
“Huh? Oh- uh yeah. I’m coming.”
Mikasa gave you a knowing look while you continued to stare at her confused. She quickly readjusted your dress over the petticoat to make sure it was laying properly before sending you out the door with Sasha.
“We’ll talk about it later,” was all she said.
The creak of the wooden door closing behind you echoed into the hallway and Sasha just gave you a smile before gesturing for you to go down first.
From your room in the tower, you could hear the pattering of the rain against the roof of the castle, accompanied by the occasional cracks of thunder and bursts of lightning that could be seen from the couple of windows in your descent. As much as you liked the rain, the atmosphere put a damper on the happy mood you’d been in since the evening.
Everyone had brought food and all of you’d had a picnic earlier under the tree in the pasture, with tea and desserts. It’d been as sunny and nice as it always was, with nothing indicating that rain would be forthcoming. But, such is life.
But now with Mikasa’s ideas swirling in the atmosphere, you were more confused and upset. Surely you should’ve noticed that Jean liked you.
But then again, if he didn’t even know how were you supposed to know.
The lights of the dining hall came in sight, and you waved bye to Sasha before taking a breath and walking in. A smile must always be worn in the presence of other nobility.
You walked in slowly, taking in the few other nobles seated around the table as well as your father who sat at the end.
“I apologize for being late,” you stated quietly. “I lost track of the time.”
Your father didn’t say much, only gesturing for you to take your seat beside him.
You bowed slightly before slowly making your way over, keeping track of the other nobles’ eyes on you. You knew that they were thinking your late entrance was incredibly rude, but what the hell were they supposed to say about it at this point?
A servant quickly pulled out the chair when you reached your seat, and you thanked him before placing yourself down as gently as possible so you wouldn't be mentally berated by the other nobles any further than you could already tell you were.
The food was brought out almost instantly, and for the first few minutes only chewing and the sound of silverware clinking against plates could be heard as everyone tucked in. You preferred that, honestly, over the sound of politics being debated and someone scolding you for not having correct manners.
As if you gave a fuck about any of those things.
“Y/N,” your father called out after taking a small sip of his wine.
“Tomorrow, the family of Narva will be attending our meeting. We’re thinking of creating an alliance between our kingdoms, so I’d like for you to be present.”
“Okay,” you responded thoughtfully. “I’ll be there. But, what kind of alliance?”
“Well, I’ve been discussing it with a couple of my advisors and I believe that it would be best that you marry their son.”
At that moment, all your thoughts of trying to maintain your “nobleness” were lost and you no longer cared about the stupid opinions of all those sitting around you with nothing better to do.
“How could you do that to me?” you shouted as you stood up from the table. “How the fuck am I supposed to hear that without any warning?”
“Language,” your father’s eyes flashed.
His stern tone silenced everyone on the table, and all the other nobles stopped sneering amongst themselves to give him their attention.
“I knew you would respond to this news this way, that’s why I never told you anything,” he huffed. “It’s time that you grow up, Y/N. You need to stop with this childish behavior and rise up to become the ruler of the kingdom.”
you argued back. “But it’s not like I’m taking over the throne as soon as I turn nineteen like you’ve been acting,” you argued back. And I’m definitely not getting married to some prince just because you’re telling me too!”
“Actually, you are taking over when you turn nineteen,” your father bit back. “That’s why the family is coming tomorrow.”
“What? You never told me that!” you huffed, panicked. “I-I’m not ready for that yet! And- and my birthday is less than a month away!”
“And that’s exactly why you’ll be heading back with the Narva family when you leave in a week,” your father stated before taking another sip of his wine. “It’s all been arranged. A week after you’ve arrived at Narva you’ll be married to their son, and when you turn nineteen you’ll be brought back for your coronation.”
“I’m being sent away?” you echoed as tears quickly pricked in the corners of your eyes.
What about your friends, and everything you had to do here? How were you going to go off and marry some stranger in two weeks?
“What- What about my life here? My friends?” you asked him almost desperately. You were grasping at straws, anything that could possibly be used as leverage.
“Your friends?” he spat quickly. “You mean those servants who you sneak away to meet every evening? That horse-boy?”
The manner in which he said Jean’s beloved nickname shook you as more tears began spilling out. You could no longer hold them in as it felt like something you’d always held dear to your chest was ripped away.
“You won’t be seeing them again. At least not in those circumstances. I’ve spoiled you for far too long by letting you get away with those inappropriate relationships; it should’ve ended the second you turned sixteen.”
You were losing them. The support system you’d had since you were thirteen. The people who’d been there for you since you’d begun to stress about all your duties as a royal.
All of them would be gone.
Jean, would be gone.
It felt like the walls of the hall were closing in; with all the eyes turned to you, and the tears that were running fast down your cheeks now accompanied by the occasional crackle of thunder coming from outside, it was too much.
You swallowed thickly, trying to wipe the tears away with the back of your hand so they would disappear but they didn’t. They kept falling, and you just stood there with an almost blank look while trying to rub them away.
“Excuse me,” you choked as you pushed the chair back with a screech and sped-walked to the door.
“Y/N!” your father called out behind you.
But you didn’t heed, not even turning around as you pushed open the heavy doors to the hall and slipped through the small crack.
Your head was pounding as you ran through the long hallways, shoes clacking against the floor as you heard your own sobs echoing off the walls. It almost felt like you weren’t even the one crying - just hearing another woman cry as you ran through the halls of the castle.
There really was only one place you could go to at the moment that would allow you to be alone with your thoughts. Or allow you to cry it out without any judgement. Your room wouldn’t work because Mikasa would be there - or the possibility that anyone could walk in at any moment.
You made it to the back door, huffing as you threw it open and ran outside. It was still pouring, and you were instantly weighed down by the water soaking into the fabric of your dress as you ran down the cobblestone path. It didn’t hinder you though, as you maintained your steady pace as you huffed and ran across the trails you’d crossed so many times before to the stables.
It was one place you’d always been able to find comfort in, even if there wasn’t anyone there with you.
The wooden structure came into sight quickly, and you trudged your way through the rain and muddy ground quickly - ignoring how the bottom of your gown was dirtied and heavy as rainwater sunk into your shoes.
The door was open, which made you pause for a second - but you figured it could’ve been the wind or the stablehand forgetting to close the door before they left earlier that evening.
You walked in anyway, hiccuping and sniffling as you made your way over the hay laid about the floor to where your horse rested in the back - only to be surprised by Jean sitting on the floor of one of the stalls with a lantern and a foal laying in his lap on a towel.
“Hey,” he looked at you surprised. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“Yeah..” you trailed off as you quickly wiped the tears that’d been spilling earlier. “W-What are you doing here?”
“Majesty had her foal,” he gestured to the animal in his lap. “Remember, how I told you she was due any day now?”
“Yeah,” you nodded.
The foal was curled up against Jean, and you crouched down beside him to get a better look at it. It’s coat was still a little sticky and wet, but it seemed to be doing well as it let Jean run his fingers across it’s head in a relaxing manner
“What are you doing here?” Jean looked to you, concerned.
He saw your puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. It was obvious something had happened. The urge to help you rose in his throat and stained in his mind.
“What are you going to name them?” you deflected quickly.
“It’s a girl, and I’m not sure yet,” he sighed. “You never answered my question.”
“It’s nothing,” you paused. “I’m fine.”
“Clearly it’s not,” he raised his eyebrow towards you. “You wouldn’t be here otherwise.”
“It’s not a big deal,” you repeated, standing up now. “I-I’m fine. I was just overreacting- or something.”
Jean carefully placed the sleeping foal to the floor before getting up. He stared right down at you as he stepped closer, trapping you against one of the wooden pillars.
“What’s wrong?” he asked once more.
He watched as you sucked in a shaky breath, while you stared off to the side before speaking. “...I’m marrying some prince from Narva in two weeks.”
Jean felt as if all the air was sucked out of his lungs from those words. He could only gape back at you in response, and it took him too long to catch himself to try and continue the conversation.
“What- I- mean, but what about your work here?”
“I’m leaving next week.. w-with them,” you hiccuped. “And when I return I-I’m being crowned qu-queen.”
You were sniffling once more, as sobs came out in chokes. Jean only stood frozen, unsure of what he was supposed to do.
It felt like he was powerless.
“I’m sorry,” he stepped closer once more, trying to pull you in for a hug.
There should’ve been more he could do for you in that situation. He knew that. But what? What exactly was a servant like him supposed to do anything for you like this?
In the position he was in, he was lucky he even got the chance to speak to you.
You basically collapsed against his chest, sobbing as his fingers raked through your hair slowly. It wasn’t doing much to calm you down, as your sobs became wails and the tears stained his shirt. You were both damp and sticky from the rain, but neither of you paid it any mind.
“That’s not all,” you pulled back, trying to calm your frantic breathing.
“What else happened?” he quickly asked.
You stood for a moment, almost hyperventilating.“.... I’m not allowed to see you again.”
“You mean-” his eyes widened.
“You or anyone else.”
The way you spoke that sentence so solemnly, with such a finite tone, all the while hiccuping slightly - broke a piece inside him.
And he realized something.
The desire he had for you wanting his help. The desire he had for you to talk to him about everything. The anger he felt whenever you didn’t come to him. The fact that he let you get away with that nickname. The need he had for you in his life.
Just how fucking stupid he’d been this whole time.
He turned back to you with a new realization, with eyes widened as if he’d just discovered the impossible matching the expression on his face. It was something you didn’t really seem to notice, with your eyes still blurred by sadness and weariness.
And he should’ve just kept his mouth shut. He would’ve kept his mouth shut on the normal occasion. But maybe it was the fact that he’d never be permitted to see you again that led to him speaking. The idea that he’d never be able to say anything to you if he didn’t right at that minute.
“I-I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you.”
Your breath hitched as you stared at him in wonder. Mikasa was right.
Jean quickly turned away while you continued to stare blankly in front of you. Heat was rising to your face, creeping down your neck and up your ears to your cheeks. You could feel it radiating off when your hand reached up to touch your skin.
Maybe you’d been denying it for too long.
“I love you too, horse-boy.”
Jean’s eyes were back on you in an instant, and you watched as amazement rose in them quickly. You couldn’t say anything before he was back in front of you - pressing his lips on yours in haste.
Your bodies were fleshed against one another in that instant, no one else present besides the two of you. It was hot and fiery as your fingers gripped the edge of his jaw, but soft and subdued as his palms trailed over your waist.
It should’ve been the happiest moment of your life, but everything in your mind was screaming at you that it would never work. It couldn’t.
How would it?
You were being sent to marry off another, forbidden from ever seeing him again.
Solemnly, you carefully pushed yourself away from him, watching as his face slowly saddened as he came to the same realization.
You inhaled an unsteady breath before choking out “We can’t.. I can’t-”
“Run away with me.”
“What?” you stared at him once more.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, his fingers trailing over your cheek. “Run away with me.”
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calummss · 3 years
Time | Gilbert Blythe
summary: time can fix a lot of things if you let it
words: 1.5K
requested by: anon
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It’s been six months since Gilbert Blythe left. Six months without the boy you love so dearly. Six months without your friend. Gilbert had made short notice plans only days after his father’s funeral. When John Blythe died it felt like a never ending fog swept across Avonlea. You remember Mr. Blythe from your childhood. He was a very kind man that took good care of you, so when the news of his passing had arrived at your parent’s house you felt a heavy pit in your stomach. You were saddened by his death and couldn’t imagine what Gilbert was going through and sent him a pie the same day, knowing he would have a hard time preparing food for himself. It has been months since you attended the funeral and you remember it like it was yesterday.
‘Y/N dear, make sure to wear your black straw hat.’ your mother called up to your room.
You grabbed your hat and gently placed it on your head not wanting to mess up your curls. You took one last look in your mirror and hurried downstairs to see your father, mother and younger brother waiting for you. You quickly grabbed your shoes and tied them up.
‘I sure hope Gilbert’s okay,’ you spoke into the room feeling uneasy about the next couple of hours.
‘You’ll be able to see for yourself once we arrive.’ your mother said, adjusting your hat. She placed her hands and your shoulder and smiled.
‘Come one now, the carriage is waiting.’ your father announced and opened the door to reveal a coat of snow that painted the countryside. You stomped through the snow and sat yourself to the far left of the carriage as your mother, father and brother followed. The coachman lightly whipped the horse and you were on your way. When you arrived at the Blythe’s family burial site you saw the carriage that pulled Mr. Blythe’s casket towards the hole. You also saw Gilbert leading the line of people. You saw the pain in his eyes. His sparkly brown eyes were now dull, and glossed with his salty tears. His cheerful smile with those dimples you so loved, disappeared and weren’t to be seen. His posture was slouched and his head hanging from his shoulders on a thread. Your family and you respectfully walked up to the crowd that was gathered for a prayer in honour of his father. You saw Anne, Diana, Ruby, Jane, Tillie and Josie, all spread out throughout the crowd. You locked eyes with Anne and gave her a warm quick smile before turning away. When the service was over everyone gathered at the Gilbert House for some tea and conversation. You stood next to your mother, plate in your hands but you weren’t in the mood to eat. You set it aside and walked around the house to look for Gilbert. He probably needed someone to talk to. Once you searched around the house and almost gave up, you saw him outside in the front yard. You grabbed your coat, scarf and hat and rushed down the front steps.
‘Gilbert!’ you yelled after him.
Gilbert turned around with a surprised face, yet his eyes still carried his sadness within.
‘Are you leaving?’ you pushed your hands deeper into your pockets.
‘I can’t stand being in that house. Everyone wants to comfort me but I just want to be left alone.’ he confessed.
His hat draped over his forehead making it hard to make out his facial expression.
‘Where are you going?’ you asked him as he didn’t seem to stop walking.
‘I don’t know, the lake perhaps.’
‘May I join?’
He nodded and continued to look straight ahead.
After some time you arrived at the small lake in the forest you always went to after school in the summer. Everyone would meet up to bathe in the sun kissed water but everyone was happy and enjoying themselves. Today’s occasion was the opposite. You sat on a tree trunk and pulled your gloves from your pockets. Gilbert sat next to you and stared at the frozen water. He found comfort among the empty woods. You felt like giving him alone time and told him that you were going back to the house. That was the last time you saw Gilbert. Days after he packed his things and left on a ship. He left a note with a few details so that Avonlea wouldn’t erupt in fear of a murder or some sort.
During the first three months you would leave letters at Gilbert’s house in case he came back unannounced; just like he left, but you stopped soon after, after you realised that he wouldn’t be coming back for a long time.
You were peacefully sleeping in your bed when a loud thud awoke you. Your eyes were squinted due to the sun rays shining on your face. You got out of bed and started to get ready. Anne would be arriving any minute now. You always walked to school together. It was safer and more fun. When you rushed out of the door you saw Anne waiting on your doorsteps with an extra bottle of milk. You walked to school and noticed a large crowd gathered in front of the doors. Noticing the rest of the girl you walked up to them to ask what was going on.
‘Ruby!’ you called out and saw her spin around with a big smile on her face. ‘What’s going on?’
‘It’s Gilbert!’ she cheered loudly.
Your eyes went wide as you stared back at Anne. She had the same look painted across her face.
‘What do you mean ‘Gilbert’?
‘My uncle who works at The White Sands Hotel said that Gilbert passed through the place. Supposedly he was working on a ship!’ Ruby’s face was gleaming with joy. ‘He was covered in coal ashes.’
‘Is, Is Gilbert here? At school?’ you asked intriguingly.
‘I haven’t been inside but I don’t believe so. He’s probably at home.’ Diana chimed in.
You had to see him. You just had to. Knowing he was back and not knowing if he’d part again you ran back towards the forest. You made your way through the foggy woods and ran up to Gilbert’s house. You went up to the door and knocked on the door like your life depended on it. A few seconds later a man, whom you’ve never seen before opened the door.
‘Hello, who are you.’ he said in a strong accent.
‘Is Gilbert here?’
‘Yes, he is.’ the man smiled at you before he shouted at the top of his lungs. ‘Gilbert! There’s a girl wanting to talk to you.’
‘I’ll just come in.’ you smiled before slipping through the door.
‘Y/N?’ Gilbert sounded surprised. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘What are you doing here?’ mimicked him.
‘It’s good to see you.’
Gilbert seemed happier than the last time you saw him. His teary eyes were now filled with joy. He seemed...okay, and you didn’t want to take that away from him but he couldn’t just show up and pretend like nothing happened.
‘Why did you leave?’
Gilbert’s back stiffened and shifted onto his other leg. He looked down at the floor not making eye contact with you.
‘Can you at least look at me.’ a hint of disappointment and annoyance coating your words.
‘I needed to get away from here.’
‘You left without a goodbye and you left without telling anyone. Do you know what it feels like? To see your friend leave you behind?’ you raised your voice. ‘You could’ve at least told me. I didn’t know when you were coming back. I thought you left me!’
‘Y/N, I’m sorry but I wasn’t in a good headspace and needed distance from this god forsaken town.’ he stormed past you. The man that had answered the door was long gone. Only the presence of the two of you filled the cold house.
‘Distance from me?’
‘I never said that.’ his irritated voice erupted from the back of the pantry.
‘Sounds like it to me!’ you yelled back, angrily stomping after him.
‘Why are you picking a fight with me, Y/N.?’
‘A fight?’ you stared at him in disbelief. ‘Picking a fight with you? I came over because Ruby was swooning over your return and I came here to make sure it was true. To-see-if -my-friend-who-left-me-without-a-trace-of his-existence-came-back!’ you snapped in one breath.
You had enough and quite frankly didn’t know what to do anymore. The person you loved so dearly had hurt you in a way that you couldn’t understand. Gilbert sat down at his wooden table and stared at you for a few seconds before talking.
‘What can I do?’ he said.
‘What can you do? I don’t know, what can you?’
‘Y/N, I’m serious. I don’t want this friendship to end over this.’
‘You think I want this? I’m just upset that you left me if you hadn’t noticed.’
‘Please tell me what I can do.’ he pleaded out.
He stood up and took your hands into his. His brown eyes stared into your as your breath hitched.
‘I-I don’t know.’ you confess as you slid your hands out of his and turned your back towards him. ‘Nothing can fix this except time.’
You walked towards the door looking back at Gilbert once more.
‘Time can fix a lot of things if you let it.’
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 years
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As if my day weren't already plummed up, I stormed into the house to find it completely a mess! Dishes from yesterday greeted me with a rude whiff of spoiled food. And Tofu, my sweet Tofu, played blissfully in a pile of trash. A pile of trash?? Did I raise animals? Who drops trash and leaves it on the floor?? I scolded Tofu, letting her know it was not okay to play in the trash. It was a miracle she didn't need a bath afterward. But that face. I couldn't stay mad at that face for long.
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Alessia side eyed me as if to think I was crazy. She grabbed food from the fridge and walked right past the trash! I couldn't be the only one who saw the mess! I refused to believe my children had suddenly turned into slobby pigs after being so helpful to me all their lives.
I shooed Tofu away from the mess, bagged it up, and put it in the trash can.
"I'm not the only one who lives here, you know," I shouted.
She said nothing and walked away.
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I meant what I said. I shouldn't be the only one cleaning up after everyone. Their birthdays were both within one week! It was past time for them to take responsibility for their home. If they moved out, what will they do? Heh, they'd probably have the most spotless home I'd ever seen. They only let things slide because I allowed it. I had news for them. New house, new rules!
Still, I recognized I was more angry than I needed to be. Alessia might be a sassy pants and blurred the lines of our relationship, but being rude wasn't her M.O. Maybe I startled her. They didn't see me upset a lot, so maybe she didn't know how to respond. Clearly, I needed to get myself together, so I changed my clothes, grabbed Tofu, and went for a walk.
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I returned home without a furrowed brow and wrinkled lips, but I wasn't okay. My job aimed to destroy my life, and I let it. I'd been talking about quitting for weeks now and still hadn't done it for whatever reason. I came home tense more often than I cared to admit, and now it affected how my kids behaved toward me. Why continue putting myself under all that stress? I didn't need that job. Tomorrow will be the day I tell those cowplant turds to kiss my fat plum!
I ambled to the kitchen for leftovers and found Luca finishing his dinner. I laid into him.
"You and Alessia need to help around the house more. You're almost grown and I'm still picking up after you guys and cleaning your messes! You're supposed to learn how to operate in the real world when you're young and living at home, not when you get out there. Do better!"
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I crammed a few fork fulls of food into my mouth, barely chewing it and swallowing much too soon.
"Mama? Are you okay?"
For some reason, his question startled me and pulled me out of the red haze I was in. His expression was much like Alessia's, but softer. That's when I knew for sure she wasn't being rude. It was me.
"Clearly not," I said.
"What's wrong?"
I inhaled slowly and forced all the air out quickly as I thought of what to tell him. He wouldn't want to know the details of the work shenanigans, so I gave him the highlights.
"My job. It's wearing me down. But tomorrow, I'm going to quit and make candles full time."
"That's really cool. I wanna be my own boss one day. I don't think I'd like traditional jobs."
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I smiled softly and was glad to hear him say that. Not that I didn't want him to have a traditional job, but because he had already begun thinking about his future. We never had enough time together and so we never talked about what he may want to do with his life.
"Why is that?" I asked.
"Well... Dad is always tired and has no time. And you're angry a lot. It just doesn't seem worth it."
I laughed. "You know what, son? You're exactly right."
I paused briefly to consider his sentiment and my response. He had a point, but I didn't want to him to think jobs were dumb. Jobs had their place, and he may need one soon. But 9-5s weren't for everyone.
"My parents worked hard to provide me with a comfortable life when I left them. I still have a lot of that money, so I'm fortunate to not depend on a job. But many people, like your dad, are not that lucky. If you end up needing to get a job, try to get one you'll enjoy so it'll be worth it."
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He nodded.
"Am I really angry a lot?"
He nodded again. "You try to hide it, but I can tell."
"Oh. Well...hopefully I won't be angry anymore. I'm sorry I yelled at you."
"It's okay. We dropped the ball today. Sorry."
At least they hadn't turned into slobs. Maybe things would be better at the new house.
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Harley's Plea for Help ch. 6
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6-- you are here
Yet another night of barely any sleep, but this time Marinette didn’t have the coffee-angel Red Robin at her rescue. No, instead she had to go completely uncaffeinated until she and her class got to Wayne Enterprises. Madame Mendelieve could only sigh as she watched Marinette scamper off to the café as soon as they made it past the initial security of the building. A couple of her classmates chuckled or snorted at her familiar behavior.
It was the same barista at the register as before, but this time Marinette felt too tired to properly order or be adventurous in looking for new flavors.
“I feel like death. I don’t care if it tastes like pure bean oil today. Flavors will take away from the amount of coffee you can shove in one cup, right?”
The poor barista blinked, eyeing the deep bags forming under the poor girl’s eyes. She sighed. “I had hope yesterday that you were just a normal caffeine addict. Now I see we actually have a second Mister Drake,” she said it as if she was mourning at Marinette’s grave before poking a few buttons on her touchscreen order station and turning her head. “One Insomniac CEO, but not for the boss!” She called out. The barista making the drinks paused for a second with wide eyes.
“We have another one?!” He asked, shocked. “Piece of advice?” He turned to Marinette. “Get some sleep.”
“Sleep is for the dead,” Marinette deadpanned back. “I got stuff I need to do today.”
The guy just shook his head and sighed, making the drink as Marinette paid and left a good tip. The drink came out fairly quickly, and everyone behind the counter stopped for a moment to stare as she gulped down the hot drink with no concern for her tongue or throat. A satisfied sound left her as she finally pulled away from the cup.
“This is really good!” She complimented, turning to the Baristas with a still-tired smile. It would take a minute or two for the coffee to have full effect, but she already felt better. “A little too bitter for my usual tastes, but perfect for days like today. Thanks!” She waved at them before turning around and seeing that her class was already gone again. Before she could fully process that though, a hand slapped down onto her head and ruffled her hair.
Surprised (really, not a lot of people could sneak up on her anymore. Just how tired was she?) she let out a high pitched squeal.
“You’re a good kid,” the soft, slightly scratchy voice that said that made Marinette’s shoulders drop and eyes widen. Tilting her head back she was greeted with the widely-grinning face of Jason Todd. He was once again in the uniform of a security guard.
“Wha— Uh,” Marinette couldn’t quite find the right words right away. She was too stunned. Jason just chuckled, jerking his head to indicate the same door her class had gone through the day before and leading the way over there. Marinette scrambled to catch up.
Once they were far away enough from prying eyes and ears, Marinette cleared her throat.
“Um,” she started. “Did… I mean, do you..?”
“Yeah, our mutual friends had a chat with me last night,” he confirmed casually. He sent her a meaningful look even though his grin never left his face. “Like I said; you’re a good kid. And I’m not goin’ anywhere. You’re not responsible for the things your parents have done, you know.”
The girl at his side hummed noncommittally, not fully convinced but also not wanting to argue.
“You’re not,” he repeated firmly, stopping in the middle of the side-hallway. They could see her class at the other end getting checked in, but didn’t make a move to join them yet. “I mean it. The stuff that happened to me, none of that was you. Hell, you were a little kid back then. And there’s nothing you could have done to stop it, either. I’m not gonna hold anything against you just because you’re his child. You didn’t ask to be,” he shrugged. “Besides, I get it. Biological relation doesn’t equal family. Trust me,” his grin was gone and a tired one replaced it. “I know that better than most people.”
The pigtailed girl could only gulp, taking a deep breath as she forced down the tears that wanted to bubble up. She had had this conversation with Adrien a few times, but even then she had been convinced that he just didn’t understand. He was just being nice. But this— Jason’s words were more valuable than gold to her. He had no reason to be nice, so it had to be at least partially sincere.
“Thanks,” she whispered once she was positive she wasn’t going to break. She lifted her cup up and took a long sip of her coffee. The slight burn against her tongue helped ground her. “That means more than you know.”
Jason chuckled. “Nah. The fact that you stood up for me to the Bat,” his grin returned to his face full blast, making dimples appear on his cheeks. “Now that, you have no idea how much that means to me. You must have some serious guts to lecture that guy, too. Is it too late to adopt you for myself?”
That tore a quick laugh out of her, making her classmate’s head whip over to the opposite end of the hallway where she and Jason were. She quickly quieted herself, but her eyes danced with amusement as she looked up at Jason. “You’re too young to be my parent anyway, but I wouldn’t say no to a brother,” she joked. Jason’s eyes sparkled.
“Good, exactly what I was aiming for!” He slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to her. “That’s my number. Call me if you ever need anything, got it?” He turned to resume leading her back to her class and she quickly slipped the paper into her pocket before anyone saw and got the wrong idea. “And I mean anything.”
Marinette just smiled and nodded. By then, they were close enough for Alya to smirk and ask; “What took ya so long, girl?”
“Oh,” Marinette shuffled a little on her feet before an observation gave her a last minute idea and she straightened up with a wide smile. “We just got distracted talking about motorcycles!”
Jason’s eyebrows raised for a quick second before he settled his expression again and played along. He had figured that not many people knew about her biological family. That part made sense. But she had been a total mess just the day before when she had tried to lie about Paris’ little villain problem in front of Bruce. How was she able to actually come up with a good lie this time around, when she had been just as much put on the spot? He wondered to himself about what was different about this situation to allow her to lie more easily. Maybe Bruce not being there was part of it— she seemed easily flustered by famous people.
Think of the devil, because no sooner had that thought finished developing in Jason’s mind before Bruce Wayne walked into the hallway with a paparazzi-ready smile. Jason rolled his eyes and sunk to the back of the group silently, sinking back into his job and keeping an eye on their surroundings. He listened as Alya laughed softly and elbowed Marinette even as the group turned their attention to Bruce.
“You and your bikes,” Alya teased. “If someone knew enough about motorcycles, I bet you’d marry them on the spot.”
“Nah,” Marinette whispered back. “If they gave me a really nice one though? That’s marriage potential for sure.”
The two girls laughed for a second before focusing back on the tour. Adrien wasted no time making his way to Marinette’s side, silent questions in his eyes. Jason watched with interest as the two seemed to silently communicate with one another. It was obvious that Adrien was calling her lie, and Marinette was essentially silently telling him that she would explain later. It was so seamless and subtle that if Jason hadn’t been extremely familiar with that kind of communication already, he wouldn’t have noticed it. Once again his eyebrows rose a tick on his forehead, and he made a mental note of the interaction. That kind of silent conversation wasn’t an easy thing to do with people. It was most commonly seen in married or otherwise long-term couples, childhood friends, family, or hero partners. The childhood friends and family sections were already ruled out from their background check on her and Harley herself had mentioned that even though Marinette had once crushed on Adrien, she had unofficially adopted the boy as her brother since then. Though, their time as close friends was only documented as having lasted about a year. That wasn’t quite enough time for that sort of effortless silent communication to be possible.
Of course, Jason had his suspicions already. But there was no rush, either. The Clown was on the move and more important to focus on for now. He could focus on the puzzle that was Marinette and Adrien later.
Bruce took over the tour as he had the day before, and the class was instantly riveted once again. If the fact that they were being led through the building by the very man who owned it wasn’t awesome enough to get everyone’s full attention, the man’s personality was. He came off a little carefree and very kind, but there was an obvious undercurrent of just how much he loved his company that showed that he did take it and his job seriously. Just, not too seriously either. And he interjected everywhere he could with personal stories and anecdotes and little bits of his family history that the normal tour guides might not have known. It was not long after he announced that he was going to take them to a lower lab set aside specifically for their class’ tour, so that they could do their first interactive activity, that jason found the opportunity to sidle up next to Marinette on the opposite side from where Adrien walked alongside her.
“So,” he said casually. “How’d you know I ride a motorcycle?” he smirked to show he wasn’t upset as he looked down at her curiously. Marinette blinked, taking her attention away from Bruce to look over at Jason. Once his words registered, she smiled widely and pointed to one of his pockets. The corners of his bike gloves flopped over the edge.
“I noticed those. I figured you’d have a negative reaction that might give us away if my lie was too off the mark, and I do have a habit of saying stupid things if I don’t have a clue or something to play off of. I also had to make it believable for the class, and they all know that my Nonna has played a huge part in my love for motorcycles. I plan on getting a license to drive one when I turn sixteen later this year,” she told him softly. “I tend to gush whenever I see a cool bike, so I knew they wouldn’t question it.”
Jason huffed a little bit of laughter under his breath. It was like the trope of a character looking at random items in the room to come up with a fake name, but somehow it had actually worked for her. She was quick-witted and clever, he had to admit. And observant.
“I was running late, so I must have left them in my pocket when I was changing,” he admitted, unbothered. “Ah, here we are,” he nodded to return the two teen’s (he had noticed Adrien paying close attention as he and Marinette had their conversation) attention back to the tour. Bruce opened the door for the class with a flourish, gesturing for everyone to go in.
“Since these first few days are going to be tours and lessons about working in general, your first activity of your trip is to solve various problems we’ve given you based on real situations that WE employees have been in before. Split up into groups, and choose a table. Each table has a different problem covering a different industry. Reporting, Science— specifically research and development, business management, and entertainment…”
“It’s straight,” Adrien assured her, trying to keep himself from laughing as Marinette straightened his tie for the millionth time. “I promise. And you look fantastic.”
Marinette stepped back, nodding at Adrien’s appearance in approval. “I know. We both look great, but…” she fidgeted and then stepped forward to go right back to over-straightening his tie. Adrien snorted, grabbing her hands before she could touch the poor thing again and lowering her arms to her sides.
“Calm down. Like you said, we both look great. You don’t have a single hair out of place, the outfits you made us look amazing, and my tie is at a perfect ninety degree angle to my collar. Take the model’s word for it,” he teased with a lopsided grin. “We look ready for the front cover of a magazine. So just take a deep breath, because we should get down to the lobby soon to wait for the ride he’s sending for us.”
“Right,” Marinette nodded. She followed his advice and took a deep breath. Once she was suitably calmed, she opened her eyes and nodded at him. Adrien smiled and held out his arm, making Marinette snort as she took hold of it gently and let him lead her to the elevator.
Bruce had not specified whether the dinner was going to be casual or formal, but with the fact that his kids were going to be present and it was at his own house, Marinette had a feeling it was going to be more of a casual thing than if they had went out to a fancy restaurant with a black tie dress code. At the same time, this was the Wayne manor they were talking about. She didn’t want to be underdressed, either. Not to mention that it was her design skills that had played a huge part in her winning the contest in the first place, so she felt like she had to show her work again to prove that they had chosen the right person.
A playful wolf whistle greeted the two of them when they got down to the lobby. Alya was, to no one’s surprise, the perpetrator. She stood in the lobby with Alix, Nino, and Max, who all had known about the dinner and agreed to be there to see the two of them off and put Marinette’s worries to rest. The four of them jogged over, Alix smiling and adding her own soft whistle of appreciation.
“You guys look great,” the short skater assured them, taking the time to skate slow circles around them to make sure that nothing was wrong with their outfits. “I think you’ve outdone yourself, Mari! Very cool.”
Alya nodded eagerly, bouncing in place with a wide, beaming smile on her face. “Ah! The both of you look ready to kick ass and woo rich people!” she added. Max pushed his glasses up on his nose with a small grin.
“There is a ninety-five percent chance of your work impressing all of the Waynes,” he said in his own version of encouragement.
“You guys got this!” Nino shot them a thumbs up. “They beat me to all the stuff I wanted to say.”
Marinette beamed, laughing along with her friends as she allowed herself to relax a little. Adrien’s outfit was of her own making, a subtle way for him to rebel since his father had sent him with his own Gabriel brand suit should an appropriate opportunity to wear it come up. Adrien had no plans of ever putting his father’s suit on his body. In an effort to spice up formal men’s wear a bit without making the whole thing white and silver like Gabriel wanted, Marinette had made him a classic silk shirt in black, with short sleeves that fell at that perfect halfway point between his elbow and shoulder. The sleeves had thick cuffs in a dark forest green, with decorative straight stitches on the seams in a bright magenta pink thread. On top of that was a corset-style sleeveless vest with a deep V. The majority of the vest was the same black as the shirt, but with dark green hand-stitched swirls that were just barely bright enough to be contrasted against the black. It created a very subtle pattern that would be hard to see in the wrong lighting, but would make it look that much more expensive and elaborate in the right lighting. The lapel of the vest was in the same dark forest green as the cuffs of his shirt, with a few decorative swirls embroidered on the very corners. The piping of the corset-vest made three curved lines on either side of his waist, curling from mid-rib cage to his waist. It gave him a slightly more feminine twist to his outfit, making his waist look smaller even though it wasn’t actually pulled very tight on him— it was mostly the illusion made by the piping rather than the actual tightness of the garment. The two outside piping lines were done in a magenta pink, while the middle piping line was once again in dark forest green. Unlike most corset-style vests, this one had no buttons or zipper on the front at all. Instead, it was closed only by corset lacing in the back, the laces done in such a dark shade of green that it was almost black, while the eyelets that the laces were threaded through were that same magenta pink as the piping and decorative stitches elsewhere on the outfit. The tie that Marinette had spent so long making sure was straight was almost entirely soft lace, but it was layered in such a way with layers of sheer green and pink lace that it looked like it was a constant swirl of the two colors. If someone got close enough to see the pattern of the lace tie, they would notice that it was a pattern of cats chasing a butterfly.
Underneath the artistic top of the outfit were black dress pants, once again with thick forest-green cuffs on the bottoms. But instead of the decorative stitching, the pant legs flared a bit at the ankles for just a little extra drama. Magenta-pink Oxfords peeked out of the wide cuffs. The green detailing made Adrien’s eyes pop, while the pink accents gave his boyish charm a little more of a feminine touch that almost seemed to highlight his naturally sensitive and charming nature.
In contrast, Marinette wore a sleeveless pink pantsuit. It was the same shade as the pink accents in Adrien’s outfit, and had a built-in corset as well that went only around her natural waist. The corset boning on Marinette was a solid black, while the rest was just the same base pink as the majority of the suit. The black of the boning seemed to flow downwards, changing from boning into thick hand-embroidery in thread of the exact same black. The embroidery flowed down the sides of both legs, in the shape of tree branches and apple blossoms. Pale green accents in the form of swirls at her high neckline and a pale green lace capelet that was the only thing covering her shoulders helped tie her outfit in with Adrien’s. She also wore pale green low kitten heels and her black hair up in a braided bun. With how her pant legs were form-hugging until they flared out slightly at the heel, and the lack of sleeves exposed her toned arms and shoulders and emphasized her strength there without making her look unbalanced or too masculine for the rest of the outfit’s style, she looked ready to rock the business world. Her bright blue eyes clashed with the green details of the outfit just enough to bring attention to them, assuring that people who met her eyes would not be able to easily look away.
The quick snap of a phone’s flash went off, drawing everyone’s attention to Madame Bustier. She was beaming at all of them, and had just taken a picture of her two students all dressed up. She waved her phone happily. “I’m sending this picture to the both of you. I’m so proud of you guys!” she gushed.
Marinette and Adrien both blushed deep red, shifting in their spots. They were confident in their looks, and Adrien was just as proud of his pseudo-sister, but neither of them was very good at handling so much positive attention aimed only at them. Especially not from their extremely sincere friends and teacher.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng?” An older gentleman with a British accent turned everyone’s attention to him. The first thing Marinette thought was that he had kind eyes. He also had soft wisps of white hair on his head, carefully trimmed and slicked back. Of course, Marinette and Adrien also couldn’t miss the high quality and perfect press of his carefully maintained suit. Once he had shown all the proper credentials to Madame Bustier, he introduced himself to the two well-dressed teens with a shallow bow. “I am Alfred Pennyworth, the butler for Wayne Manor. I am to escort the both of you there for supper tonight.”
“Oh! Thank you so much, Monsieur Pennyworth,” Marinette said, walking up and shaking his hand. Adrien was right by her side the whole time, matching her smile watt for watt and shaking Alfred’s hand with just as much enthusiasm.
“Yeah, thank you for having us over. I know it was technically Bruce who invited Marinette, but you’re probably the one that has to do all the work. So, thank you. We really appreciate it,” he told the man sincerely. Alfred’s answering smile was soft, almost fond.
“Yes, I admit I am in charge of most of the work for tonight. But you shouldn’t worry, it’s no different from any other day at the manor,” he said lightheartedly, a little bit of good natured snark shining through his otherwise proper behavior— “Every last one of the Waynes would die in less than a week without me to keep everything in order,” he joked. “Allow me to lead you to the car.”
Marinette and Adrien followed behind Alfred. She didn’t know if it was the calming aura he put off, or if it was the gentle way his eyes sparkled that made her want to look after him. But whatever it was, she found herself wanting to protect this kind old man already. Which is why her eyebrows slightly pinched together. Before climbing inside the luxurious town car he had brought for them, she couldn’t help but turn to Alfred and ask;
“I hope you aren’t overworked. I don’t want to overstep, Monsieur, but isn’t the Wayne family rather large for one person to look after on their own?”
Alfred laughed gently at that, his eyes once again softening. “Do not worry about me, Miss Dupain-Cheng. They are family to me. And though, yes, you are correct in assuming they are a handful, they are also wonderful people. They help me where they can, but taking care of themselves is not their forte. Being able to do that for them is my greatest joy.”
The wrinkles in Marinette’s brow smoothed out and she smiled. “That’s so sweet. You’re making me want to meet them all even more.”
Something about that twinkle in Alfred’s eye made her feel like he was laughing at some joke she didn’t hear. “I’m sure all of you will get along swimmingly.”
Alfred had barely opened the manor’s doors to let Marinette and Adrien inside before the chaos started. Or rather, before they were let in on it— it seemed as if the chaos had already been going on for a while.
Jason skidded across the floor in a mad dash, having to grasp the doorframe he was running out of so that he could turn the corner sharply and veer towards them.
“Tell them, Marinette! I found you first, you’re my sister now, don’t fall for any of their Jedi mind tricks!”
Marinette just blinked, a little caught off guard. It hadn’t exactly sunk into her head until right that moment that ‘Wayne Family dinner’ would include Jason. Her mind was still catching up to the fact that she was seeing him out of his security guard uniform for the first time. He wasn’t dressed up at all, in a well-loved brown leather jacket over a white shirt and dark wash jeans. He still had his motorcycle gloves on. Marinette looked down at first herself, then Adrien.
“Are we overdressed?” She asked with a grimace. Jason huffed.
“Of course not, you guys look amazing! But seriously, tell them that I claimed you as my sister first and none of them are half as cool as me.”
Marinette and Adrien traded glances before laughing together.
“If we’re being technical here,” Adrien drawled mischievously as he straightened out his vest. “I met Marinette first, and she adopted me as her brother long before we met any of you,” he pointed out with a sharp grin.
“Ha!” a younger man laughed pointedly, following after Jason. The newcomer was dressed more formally, in a dress shirt under a very luxurious looking burgundy designer sweater. Under that, he wore black perfectly-pressed slacks and nondescript oxfords. His collar showed signs of housing a tie earlier, but he had clearly taken it off sometime earlier. His hair hung slightly long, framing his face with two long locks while the back of his hair slightly stuck up in all directions in natural tufted curls. Like Jason, his hair was jet black and he had bright blue eyes. He was also about half Jason’s size, much shorter and leaner than his adoptive brother. “He’s got you there, idiot,” he snarked smugly at Jason before turning to the two guests. “Miss Dupain-Cheng, Mister Agreste. I’m Tim Drake-Wayne, it’s nice to finally meet both of you,” he introduced himself as he walked over to shake their hands. “And your outfits are amazing! Did you make them, Miss Dupain-Cheng?”
“Marinette,” she corrected with a lopsided grin. “My last name is a mouthful, and I prefer to just go by Marinette anyway. And yes, I made both of these outfits before we left Paris,” she admitted, trying her best to seem professional. She had already ruined her chances of that with Bruce and Jason, but this time she was prepared!
“They are just as impressive as the rest of your work that I’ve seen. And call me Tim, it’s only fair,” and then he smiled.
Damn his boyish grin. He wasn’t someone Marinette had a crush on— he wasn’t her type— but damn he was unfairly charismatic and charming. His smile temporarily short circuited her brain. That was exactly the kind of boyish smile that had started her crush on Adrien, and that she was unfairly weak for. Now she felt a deep-seated urge to protect this boy and his smile or so help her, someone would be sent to the ER if he was hurt and it wasn’t gonna be her. And she didn’t try to dissuade herself from that strong protective urge, her mother had already assured her that all the Waynes were trustworthy and that Tim in particular shared a lot of her bad habits. She could allow this little bit of vulnerability. Hopefully.
“... I’ve only known you for two minutes, but if anything happened to you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself,” she breathed. Adrien elbowed her hard, making her yelp.
“You said that out loud Mari,” he deadpanned. A deep flush immediately came over her face, and she covered her mouth with both hands.
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry— but you— just forget I said anything. Please!”
Tim was visibly shocked, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Jason snorted, overcoming his own brief moment of shock pretty easily.
“Careful there,” Jason chided good-heartedly. His gaze met Marinette’s with a slight weight in it though. “You barely know the guy. He’ll annoy you out of your mind soon enough.”
Marinette caught the hint, wincing and changing the subject. Jason could see that she had done exactly as her mother had warned— she had gotten attached to Tim almost immediately. And while he wanted to believe Marinette when she said that the same wouldn’t happen with Joker, that she was not going to repeat her mother’s mistakes…
He couldn’t help but worry. Joker was a slippery bastard, and good at getting past people’s defenses.
Tim eventually led them all to the dining room, where several people were already sat waiting for them.
“We decided it would be best if we didn’t all swarm you at the door,” Tim explained, grinning at her kindly. “Take a seat wherever you want, Alfred is probably going to be done with dinner soon.”
Marinette and Adrien both nodded, going to sit by each other’s side. Adrien put his hand on her knee when they sat down, and traded a meaningful look with her.
“Calm down,” he whispered. “We’re not in Paris. And if you slip, I’ll catch you. Promise.”
Marinette’s shoulders relaxed a little. Yeah, she could trust Adrien to make sure she didn’t slip up too much. Get too careless. He’d watch her back like she did for him. She’d be okay. They’d both be okay.
“Thanks, Adrien. I needed that.”
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baecvlt · 3 years
Stalker Nagito Komaeda x Milf!Reader
this was requested via my twitter:
“Hey! i’ve seen your works and I’m in love. Can I request smut where a stalker Nagito Komaeda becomes obsessed with a milf reader who moves into the neighborhood who’s like a dom in bed and ya know just large bust and taller than him. Thank youuu🤍”
a/n: ofc. but I have my own idea of a dom which i’ll use involving certain things (heed warnings)
warnings: he is so obviously a virgin in this, degradation, slight masochism, asphyxiation, spit, also Nagito calls the reader mommy (side note: nagito is in his early 20s in this, he lives alone. age of reader isn’t specified BUT I say she’s in her late 20s/early 30s)
• • •
It was a bright day...which Nagito despised. It was summer. He hated the sun, hated the mosquitoes, and the unnecessary humidity. It was days like these he wishes he was back at his university dorm. The A/C, the tall tree covering his window and blocking the sun...it was perfect. Hell, he didn’t even hate classes. Yet, he couldn’t live in the dorms forever. When it came time to buy a home, he stupidly did so in fall, moved in during the winter.
Well, no shit the home seemed perfect then. It wasn’t fucking summer. His A/C decided to break, his windows has a great view of the sun, and most of his friends were out of town (all except Hajime, but Hajime is fucking boring and a bummer). Nagito sat on his couch, watching reruns of old tv shows. He took a sip from his nearby glass (cold water), suddenly hearing sounds of what appeared to be a loading van. He looked outside his window.
A moving van?
Right, that one old man who lived there passed away. Freak accident, by the way. Oh well, may he rest in peace. Meanwhile, Nagito was being himself and trying to see who it was. Pretty much, the dude was being nosy. He saw another car pull up. That must’ve been the family’s car. Out jumped 3 kids, what appeared to be 2 girls and 1 boy. An adult stepped out. Nagito decided he’d get a better look at the situation. He put on his shirt, black jeans, and his green hood.
He was “going for a walk”.
Without being noticed, he made his way to the other side of the street. It was a woman, she was taking boxes out of the truck. The minute Nagito saw her it was if he was stricken by Cupid’s arrow. She was tall and beautiful. Her skin complimented her hair and her legs, he couldn’t take his eyes off them. Her breasts...he needed to stop—
She was in front of him, a warm and inviting smile on her face. “H-Hi,” he muttered. She didn’t hear him well, so it helped that he waved. “I’m new in the neighborhood. We just moved in,” she added, putting the box down. She stuck her hand out, going for a handshake. He shook her hand, her warm hand against his cold ones. Why are his hands always cold? “I see,” he responded, getting his shit together,“I’m Nagito Komaeda. I live across the street”. She introduced herself and complimented his house.
“What a lovely home. I hope the neighborhood is just as lovely”
“It should be. It’s pretty quiet. There’s not many families here. Say, can I help you pack?”
“You’re too sweet! I’d really appreciate it”
He helped take all the boxes in her home, helping load a couch too, and help with other large objects. They finished in 9 hours, taking a majority of the day. “Thanks for helping out, Nagito”. She made a lemonade, handing him a glass.
“Don’t mention it! Also, thank you”
One of the kids ran in the living room where they sat on the couch. He gasped when he saw Nagito. “Mommy! That man looks dead!!!”. Nagito smiled, but his mom was not amused. “Michael! Apologize..”. The kid kept smiling and said,“Sorry!”. He ran to another room. “I’m so sorry,” she muttered. Nagito shook his head.
“Hey, I’m rather malnourished”
“Ha. On an unrelated topic, are you hungry? I could make us something”
“Oh, I shouldn’t linger any longer. I wouldn’t want to disturb your husband”
She laughed. “I know you mean no harm, but I’m not married,” she added. “Oh,” Nagito muttered,“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it in any way”. She shook her head and reassured him it was fine. “Sit, Nagito,” she pulled out a chair,“I’m not letting you refuse having dinner with us. Especially since you were such help”. She rubbed his back before heading back into the kitchen to begin cooking.
She made him a bowl of pasta, adding chicken on the side. Nagito was quite happy. He hadn’t eaten a good meal in so long. Her kids didn’t eat at the table, but on the counter. Meanwhile, she ate with Nagito. Just as Nagito thought he couldn’t grow fonder of her, he did just that. All she did was let him talk about himself.
“Jesus, I’m sorry about your parents? How are you keeping yourself afloat with university and expenses?”
“Academic scholarships”
“Wow, you’re such a smart boy”
The way she phrased it made him flustered. “Thank you for the meal, ma’am,” he muttered,“I haven’t eaten like this in who knows how long”. She smiled tenderly, picking up his empty plate. “Seconds?”. He shook his head.
“No, thank you. I’m already so full”
“I’m glad. You know, there’s always a meal for you in store if you can do me a favor”
“What’s that?”
“My oldest daughter has her final test this week. You think you can help her study? I’ll make you a nice, warm meal every time you come over”
Nagito thought about it. He would also have time around her. Plus, she wasn’t a bad cook. “Of course, I look forward to it,” he told her. “Lovely”. He got up and excused himself to go home. “It was nice having you over, Nagito,” she said softly. He could tell she was getting sleepy. When people are tired, Nagito has noticed that their tone is rather sheepish. She walked him to the door, ruffling his hair playfully and he blushed. “Goodnight, neighbor”.
“Goodnight, you”
Before he left, she stopped him and handed him a paper: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ♡
“Call me when you get home so I have your number saved. Then, I can call you when my daughter, Vanessa, needs help. Take care, okay?”
He nodded.
She closed the door, his thoughts racing on his way home. He picked up some things about her, things she didn’t even tell him. He went home and opened a notebook, writing all of it down. He called her and she answered, her voice as sweet as when he left (only sleepier). “Hello?”. His breath was heavy without realizing it as he spoke. “H-Hey, you told me to call you,” he breathed,“It’s Nagito...Komaeda”
“Oh, hey, angel! I’m not interrupting anything am I?”
“What? No, it’s all good— why’d you think so?”
“You sound like you need to catch your breath, but anyway, thanks for calling me. I’ve saved your number now”
“Oh, great! Well, if that’s all, I’ll let you go to bed now”
“It was. Goodnight, Nagito”
He hung up, flustered more than ever as he continued to jot down his thoughts on paper. The next day, he woke up at 6am to wait in his car. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t help it. At around 7:41am, his front neighbor and kids headed for their car. Nagito, who had taken a light nap in the driver’s seat, was awoken by the car starting. He waited for the car to drive away just slightly past his house to start his own car, slowly tailing behind her.
He dropped her kids off at the nearby elementary. She got off, kissed them on their forehead (all minus the eldest, who walked swiftly through the gates). Seeing how she cared for them made Nagito feel bad, but all he did was brush that feeling off. Next, he followed her through her daily. As he did, his notes from last night echoed through his mind, adding new detail.
“She works at an office not everyday She doesn’t have allergies but is sensitive to dust Red seems to be her favorite color but always in a darker shade Her daughter is around 10 years old She isn’t vegan but enjoys almond milk Maybe has an issues with abandonment but I can’t assume that either She buys many apples but not the same amount of bananas at the store so maybe she only eats the bananas—”
Just more to add to his notebook.
He got home before she did, writing down what he had learned. His phone rang about an hour later of him getting home. He picked it up,“Hello?”. “Nagito, hi!”. It was her. He started having a mini-panic attack, because why would she be calling him? “H-Hey, how are you?”
“I’m doing alright. I was wondering if you could come over and tutor Vanessa”
Oh, thank god.
“Yes, of course. I’ll be down there right now”
“Great. See you then!”
He was relieved, heading to her home happily. He knocked on the door. When she opened it, she did so with the same warm smile as yesterday. “Thank you for coming over,” she said,“She’s in her room”. Nagito nodded, freezing when she grabbed his hand and took him to the room. Her touch was so soft, noted. They got to the room, where a girl was reading a book on a desk. “Nessa?”. The girl turned around.
“Nagito is going to be here for a few hours to help you out with homework and studying. He’s really smart, so pay attention and be respectful”
“Okay, mom”
She nodded, squeezing Nagito’s shoulder before leaving. Nagito approached the girl, she took her things out. Before he could speak, she stopped him. “Please don’t call me ‘Nessa’,” she whispered,“It’s bad enough my mom does, but not you, Please”.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on referring to you at all”
“I guess I walked right into that one”
Nagito laughed, grabbing a chair and sitting next to her. Her work wasn’t what he expected. Is this what they’re teaching kids now? He could’ve sworn he hadn’t seen this type of stuff until he hit middle school. It wasn’t anything he couldn’t do, but damn. All in all, tutoring went well. Vanessa actually learned something today. “Good job!,” he said. “Thank you,” she smiled and hugged him,“I felt so stupid”.
“Hey, its okay not to understand things”
Her mom walked in. “Dinner’s ready”. Vanessa got up and went to the kitchen. “How’d it go?,” she asked Nagito. “Went well, she gets the math now,” he answered. She smiled, thanking him for his help and asking him to join them for dinner. He’d be foolish not to, so he accepted the invite.
Fish tacos were served tonight with rice and beans, another lemonade made. It was different than anything Nagito had ever had, but that doesn’t equate to bad. He actually enjoyed the meal. The kids sat at the main table today, much more respectful than yesterday. “Michael how was school?”. He put a thumbs up, getting back to eating. “And Adrianna?”. She looked up from her meal and shrugged. “What’s wrong?”.
“I’m tired, but class was okay”
“Oh, okay. When you’re done, just take a quick shower and get to bed”
Nagito thought it was endearing. Seeing how understanding and loving she was, it was refreshing. The kids all eventually left, Nagito finishing his meal. “Did you like it?”. He looked at her, nodding. “Great! Seconds?”.
“Full again. I don’t usually eat, but your food is always so good”
“Oh, you’re just saying things...”
“No, really! Thank you”
He said his goodbyes to the family, walking back home. It was as if he was falling for this woman more and more everyday. He went to sleep, this time dreaming of her. He never dreams, but this time he dreamt she was on her knees for him. Then, nothing else. It was as if his dream teased him.
The next morning, he woke up to some knocking on the door. He looked at the time. 8:23am. He put on a pair of jeans and his shirt, walking to his door. He opened it and there she stood, wearing a black dress and red heels. He assumed she had work and needed a favor before going. “Good morning,” he said.
“Were you following me yesterday?”
“I, uh...,” he didn’t know what to answer. He was indeed following her yesterday. He also liked her, so if he straight up said that he was to following her, it’d ruin things. His face was glowing a shade of pink to a slight red as he thought of the right answer. He was still stumbling over his words. “I think it’s kinda cute,” she added. The fuck? “Huh?”. She pushed him inside the house, closing and locking the door behind him. “When a boy follows someone around, it’s because he wants something,” she added, but her tone was so sultry,“Well, Nagito—”. She pushed him onto the couch, leaning in front of him with her hands on his chest.
“—What do you want?”
None of what was happening felt real. Nagito couldn’t find the words to express what exactly he wanted. This was the first time he’d ever been in a situation like this, it wasn’t a bad one either. He began to panic when she straddled him. “Could it be that you wanted me?,” she asked. He frantically nodded and she laughed as she locked her lips with his. He gasped against her lips, kissing back. She slowly trailed her kisses down to his neck, cupping his jaw while grinding on his lap. Nagito moaned, his shaky hands grabbing her ass. She grabbed his hands and put them away from her. “It’s cute that you’re getting this carried away”.
“I’m sorry”
“No time to apologize. Get on your knees for mommy”
Nagito was about to lose his mind when she said that, but he obeyed. Her presence was domineering as he stood on his knees against his carpeted floor. She spread her legs, noticing Nagito desperately trying to get a look. Her red heel stopped him, stepping on his head lightly. “Am I teasing you?,” she asked,“It’s okay to be honest”.
“Y-You are, but its okay. I want to be teased by you”
“You’re adorable,” she took her heel off his head,“Let’s go to your room”.
He practically ran to his bed. He sat and waited patiently. She entered the room, heading to his bed. She began to take off his shirt, admiring his frame. She then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. He kicked them off and sat down. She sat next to him. “Give me your hands”. She held them, frowning slightly. “Boo, they’re so cold,” she teased,“I’ll warm them up for you”. Carefully, she grabbed his left hand, putting his middle and ring finger in her mouth. She licked to his fingertips, leaving him tense and speechless. She stopped and smiled at him.
“This is your first time, isn’t it?”
He nodded shyly. “Don’t be shy,” she said,“I’m going to guide you, but I’m also going to have my fun”. He gulped, nodded. She stood up and removed her dress. She wore a lacy black bra and panties. She brought his hands to her breasts, allowing him to fondle them. They were huge in his hands. “You like them, baby?”. “Y-Yes,” he muttered,“Can you, uh, take....the bra off?”. He was ashamed when asking, he felt desperate. She smiled and nodded, unhooking it and allowing the bra to fall to the ground. He gasped at the sight of her tits, grabbing them. She straddled him.
“Do you know what to do with them?”
He nodded, rubbing one and sucking the other. She moaned sweetly, grinding on his lap. He popped his mouth off them. That was when she took the opportunity to knock him onto the bed. She began to make out with him, shoving his tongue down her throat. They lay sideways. Her hand was on his neck, slightly choking him. He couldn’t resist but try to grind on her lap. She laughed. “Look at you,” she mocked,“Humping my leg like a desperate little puppy”. She didn’t let him speak, sitting up and pushing him back down. “I’m going to give you what you want,” she whispered in his ear,“Take your cock out”.
He was nervous as he did, hands shaky. She blushed a bit at his size. “It’s so big,” she said, straddling him,“I’m going to have my way with it”. “Please, do what you want to me,” he begged,“Abuse me, please”. She didn’t speak, sinking down on it. Nagito gasped, she was extremely wet. She began to bring her hips up and land straight down on it, repeatedly. She put her hands around his throat, now being rougher. Nagito gasped for air, grabbing her hands.
That was a mistake.
“Hands down,” she ordered, striking him across the face. “Sorr-”. He was slapped once again. “Only speak when you’re spoken to”. He nodded as his stomach began to cave in. His cock twitched each time she slapped him, making her moan. She leaned forward, capturing his earlobe between her teeth. He winced, his hands tangling in the sheets. He felt as though his entire body was blushing.
“You’re so sensitive there”
She teased him, kissing the skin and nibbling. His hips involuntarily snapped upward, making her whine. “You’re so desperate, baby,” she laughed,“it’s so cute”. He could feel her warmth running along his cock. He bit into his hand, trying to stop himself from cumming inside her. It worked, but she didn’t like him doing that. She grabbed his hands and kissed them.
“Don’t hurt yourself, put them right here”
She placed them on her boobs. He watched them bounce up and down, grabbing them gently. His rather large hands seemed small on her tits. He was extremely flushed. He took them off her and placed them on her hips. “Open your mouth”. He lay back more and did as he was told. She leaned forward, grabbing his jaw again as she spit into it and kissed him. He moaned when she did, his urges getting the best to him and thrusting upward. He hit her cervix every time, causing her to produce the sweetest and sluttiest of moans. Her walls tightened around him and now he was whining. “Are you gonna cum, honeybun?,” she asked.
“Where do you wanna cum?”
“I wanna cum...everywhere. I want it. I want it so bad. I wanna cum inside and on your tits, on your ass, y-your face..mouth. Please let me cum, mommy”
She motivated him, riding him harder. “Come on, Nagito,” she whispered,“Cum for mommy. Cum all the way inside her”. He lost his mind after that, groaning as he shot his load(s) inside her. He was still inside her as he tried catching his breath. She rubbed his chest, shushing him. “Good boy, you did so well,” she cooed,“Such a good boy.” He was covering his face, embarrassed and still hard. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?,” she asked. He shook his head, thinking,“Not rough enough”. He whined when she got off, revealing he was still erect. She noticed.
“You wanna go again, baby? Kids don’t leave school till 2:30. We have time for an extra fuck”
“C-Can I?”
“Yes, dummy”
She let Nagito choose how to fuck her. He wanted missionary, mostly because he craved intimacy and she did not disappoint. She kissed and praised him, telling him he was good. She held onto him the whole time and cuddled him afterwards. Nagito felt so special, he felt loved. “I can come over when I don’t have work,” she said,“Would you like that?”.
“I’d love that actually”
“You make me happy, Nagito. I could stay here and cuddle all day”
“I feel so lucky”
He yawned, looking at the clock. “Its 10,” he told her. She nuzzled his chest, humming. “Mmmm, let’s take a small nap,” she whispered,“Okay?”. “Okay”. He kissed the top of her head and held her to him, slowly joining her in slumber.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Denki, Dabi and Bakugou in a secret relationship
Request: hii!! i loved your post about the secret relationship being exposed and i was wondering if you could do the same for dabi bakugo and denki - anonymous
Um this was supposed to go up yesterday, I had queued it but tumblr decided to just deleted. Oh well. I hope you like it you guys even though its a day late. This was fun to write. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: some sexy times mentions, fluff
Kaminari Denki
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-Kaminari is an idiot.
-I don’t even know who you’ve managed to keep your relationship a secret.
-90% sure the whole school knows and just pretends to be oblivious. 
-It kinda bothers him that he has to keep it a secret. 
-He wants to scoop you up and spin you around in the hallways, hug you after a really rough training session with Bakubro, kiss you when you are being extra extra cute. 
-Plus he wants to brag to the other idiots for getting a girlfriend first. 
-But alas he respects your wishes and tries to keep it all under wraps. 
-Your parents are pro heroes and have warned you about the dangers of dating since you are their kid. 
-Villains wouldn’t hesitate to threaten you with your significant other if it means they’ll get to your parents. 
-So now Kaminari is stuck sneaking in your dorm late at night only to spend a few hours with you and give you as much kisses as he can fit in the little time you have. 
-Surprisingly he has kept it a secret for almost a year now. 
-No slip ups, no marks on his skin after a spice night, none of your clothes could be found in his room whatsoever.
-Apart from his usual flirty nature towards you, there was nothing that could indicate that you two were an item. 
-Now being in your third year, things had gotten rather serious with your hero works.
-Most of you if not all had been working along side a pro hero for the last year or two but that didn’t mean they would take you in after high school. 
-Every student had to wait for the acceptance letter from the agency or an agency in general and they would be set for their hero work after school. 
-You had been working with a hero agency since your first year and you were pretty happy. 
-But the pro hero you had been with decided that after you were done with your hero studies, he would retire leaving you with no agency to boost your career after school. 
-Kaminari was as devastated as you were.
-He tried comforting you as much as he could, extra hugs and kisses, more snacks and movie nights, anything to help you cope with the fact that you would be back to the starting line once school was over. 
-He hated seeing you cry. 
-Then the unthinkable happened. 
-Mt.Lady was a well known hero and one with a desired sidekick position that no one seemed to really fill. 
-You had just helped her stop a major villain attack tricking the villain and capturing him before he could do any real damage in the area. 
-To say that Mt.Lady was impressed was an understatement. 
-She contacted your hero agency and asked if you had already signed a deal with them.
-You can see where this is going.
-When you got the notice from Mt. Lady’s agency you were over the moon and so was Kaminari. 
-He was so happy that the person he loved the most was finally getting what she deserved. 
-He had dragged you to the janitor’s closet to give you his personal congratulations, catching the attention of a certain red head.
-He kissed you like there was no tomorrow, his arms keeping you as close as possible, flush to his chest as he peppered your face and neck with feather light kisses. 
- “I’m so proud of you babe!”
-You tried to keep your giggles on the down low to no avail since Kaminari’s goal was to make you laugh. 
-For a long moment you didn’t care if someone found you, you were so happy and so comfortable in Denki’s arms that you didn’t want to leave the closet and go back to your hidden lives. 
-Then you saw the light coming from the door, getting ready to lightly scold Kaminari for leaving the door open when you made eye contact with Kirishima......and Mina ..... and Sero..... and somewhere in the far back with a pair of ruby red eyes.
- “Babygirl is everything alright?”
-He hadn’t seen them yet, then he followed your line of vision and the man has never yeeted you out of his arms faster in his life.
-Your friends just stared at you in complete shock for a full minute before Bakugou broke the silence. 
- “Oi you own me ramen Kirishima.”
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-With this guy I’m not surprised that you managed to keep it a secret. 
-Oh no no no.
-I’m surprised you managed to get him into a relationship.
-It wasn’t easy though you would give him that. 
-You were part of the LoV of course and well you didn’t really take any of their shit. 
-The only person you respected was Kurogiri and that was borderline pity. 
-He had to babysit a 20 year old killing machine with issues, many issues, many many issues. 
-When Dabi approached you with his signature flirty and I-only-do-one-night-stands-babygirl attitude, you being the idiot that you are took the bait.
-The LoV knows of yalls nights together but they only thought that that was it.
-Dabi slept around and you were a really attractive person. 
-Plus they knew you both were bored so sex was, to their eyes, the only solution. 
-What they didn’t know though was that Dabi was starting to catch feelings and soon enough he hated seeing you remotely talking with another human being. 
-Then that fateful mission happened and the deal was sealed. 
-You were spying on Overhaul and his lackeys, hidden in his underground lab watching as they went around doing stuff.
-Then you heard a childish scream and it was the first time Dabi saw fear flash in your eyes. 
-You turned around following the source of the screams absolutely ignoring Dabi’s protests and threats. 
-It was like you were in a daze and Dabi felt the terror sink his claws in his throat as you passed by so many of Overhaul’s members nearly getting caught. 
-When you reached the glass door that led into Eri’s experiment lab, he saw the color drain from your face and your knees buckling. 
-He caught you before you hit the floor dragging you away from the lab door despite the fact that you clawed at his coat to put you down. 
-He felt his shoulder getting wet and that’s when he saw the tears that were falling freely down your cheeks. 
-He had managed to calm you down long enough to convince you to leave before you got caught but luck wasn’t on your side when one of the lackeys spotted you. 
-Dabi was a few feet away from the exit, becoming reckless at the sight of freedom not noticing the masked individual pointing his gun at him. 
-You noticed though. 
-And you got in the way, pushing Dabi to the ground as the quirk cancelling bullet pierced your side leaving you to fall to the floor with a grunt and a strangled pained moan.
-The next few minutes were a blur.
-Dabi didn’t remember how he got you out of there or how he was now on a rooftop with you pressed flush against his chest as the affects of the bullet made you tremble. 
- “Shh doll, shhh. I’m here I got you.”
-He knew your trembling was not entirely because of the bullet, he saw how your eyes glassed over at the sight of Eri back in the lab and he knew that this had something to do with your past. 
-He used to get the same glassy eyed look on his face when he would see Endeavour on the news shortly after his “death”.
-Things changed after that. 
-He didn’t take you to the hideout that night, he brought you to his apartment where he helped you clean up your wound and calm down. 
- “I know it’s not my place to ask but what the hell to you happened back there?”
-When you explained what you’ve been through and how those screams brought back things you thought you had long ago buried, he was left gawking at you. 
-For some weird reason he believed that you were just a brat who ran away from home on some rebellious whim. 
- “Ugh what am I saying? You don’t give a damn! Why did I even-”
- “Touya.”
- “What?”
- “My real name is Touya, I-I wanted you to know.”
-Sharing a heart felt night analyzing your past trauma with someone you sleep with is one way to get yourself into a relationship.
-You both agreed to keep it secret and you did keep it like that for a long time, a very long time. 
-The LoV never truly found out. 
-Some had their suspicions sure, Mister Compress had even made a bet with Toga but you two never gave them any further hints apart from the constant paired up missions you went on. 
-The only one who knew was Kurogiri. 
-He had caught you two spending the night together on a rooftop, all cuddled up together your hands intertwined as you looked up at the stars. 
-He was getting back from an emergency snack run when he saw the familiar glow of Dabi’s blue flames and your characteristic giggles. 
-He never said anything and when Dabi came to him to ask for some pregnancy facts, he knew that he truly loved you. 
-No one ever knew and no one will ever know. 
-Unless the run into you two in five years while you’re out for a walk with your son. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Sparky sparky boom boom man is a lil bitch.
-Don’t try to argue you know that too. 
-You just need to accept it.
-His way to approach you was by insulting the living shit out of you before making you reach the tip of an anger fit. 
-He knew how to press your buttons and it made you fume. 
-You had to give it to him he was hella attractive and his true personality shined through his faced at times. 
-And so did his worry for you.
-You got together after his kidnapping. 
-He suffered from nightmares after the incident and one night he came to your dorm, trembling and cold sweat running down his spine. 
-He had no idea why his feet led him to your room, he just knew that you were now wrapping him in a fluffy blanket and putting on a Disney movie as you hugged him so so tightly. 
-He slept over and the next morning he confessed. 
-Actually you both confessed but those are useless details. 
-In reality it wasn’t even a confession with words. 
-You both woke up facing each other, your noses touching and I don’t know who leaned in first but next thing you knew you were kissing his hand cupping you cheek while the other intertwined with yours. 
-Keeping your relationship a secret with this one is easy. 
-He is still being a lil bitch to you and you are still sassing him back.
-Behind closed doors he is kinda sweet and caring not a lot though because even with you he has to uphold his reputation. 
-After some time though he calms down and is a cuddle bug. 
-Like he will tackle you on the bed the moment you close the door to his dorm, restricting any movement until he is satisfied with the cuddles. 
-Baby even said ‘I love you’ first awwww!!
-He was so shy about it. 
-That’s a story for another time. 
-He doesn’t really care about keeping it a secret anymore. 
-He’s low key tired of hiding. 
-Much like Kaminari he wants to kiss you whenever he wants, hold you and hug you till you can’t breathe after he gets back to the dorms after a rough patrol with his hero study. 
-But oh well the cat isn’t out of the bag yet and you being third years now you couldn’t really do something about it. 
-You spend so much time with him that you would think that some of your classmates would like sniff you out. 
-But no.
-They all dumb af.
-You would spend a lot of time with him and the Bakusquad since your first year so they just think you’re really good friends. 
-Todoroki kinda knows but he doesn’t at the same time. 
-Some mannerisms remind him while he was in a secret relationship before Momo found out but then he sees how Bakugou treats you just like any other person so he is really confused. 
-More confused than usual. 
-Now you got outed by the man himself. 
-Bakugou is not good with jealousy. 
-Jealousy and Bakugou should never go hand in hand.
-You were talking to Mina in class, leaning on the desk behind you. 
-Your skirt had ridden up show casing your thighs making Bakugou think back to some noises you made a few nights ago. 
-If he got hard he would blame you and he would be extra pissy. 
-He was enjoying the show though. 
-He watched you like a hawk.
-The way your body leaned back making your legs straighten and flex slightly or how he could see the hickey he had left right at the base of your neck the other night that you’ve tried to cover with make up. 
-He could see it because he knew it was there, to an outsider everything was normal. 
-He was jolted out of his daze by Mineta’s voice. 
-And the sound of your name on his lips. 
- “Look at Y/N’s thighs! She could suffocate me with those legs and I would thank her!”
-Kirishima smacked him upside the head trying to shut him up. 
-Kaminari was slowly escaping the scene because he saw the small sparks in his friend’s hand at the comment. 
-He chose life. 
-Mineta though didn’t stop. 
- “I could lose myself between those legs. Oh the noises she must make.”
-Now what happened next is a huge question mark. 
-The end result however was Mineta almost being blasted out the window and into space and Bakugou almost popping the vein on his forehead. 
-You had to get in between them and try to calm down your boyfriend. 
-Most of your classmates had long forgotten Mineta and his whining and had zoned in on your hands on Bakugou’s chest or on his arm that had wrapped around your waist in an attempt to push you behind him. 
- “You ever dare speak my girlfriend’s name I’m blasting you to the next dimension.”
- “Katsuki please calm down it’s fine.”
-Legit you both forgot that your relationship had been a secret for the past three years. 
-You floated back into reality when Present Mic himself asked. 
- “YOu TWo aRe aN iTeM?????”
-Chaos ensued and a crap ton of explanations. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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writtenonreceipts · 3 years
a prompt?
single parent trope for feysand, pretty please?
more prompts for this would be great, otherwise you get my rambling mind and we all know how that goes...
Find my main masterlist here
An Intimate Display of Insecurities and Hopelessness
The air-conditioning was out.  Again.  And Feyre had already stripped down to a tank-top and shorts.  The heat was miserable.  
“Sweet mercy,” she muttered as she stood in front of the large fan she’d bought yesterday to try and keep things cool.  It wasn’t working.
Feyre brushed her hair from her sweaty brow and bit back a curse.  This day was not going at all the way she’d wanted it to.  It had taken her far to long to get anything started, not to mention coordinating with Elain on how she wanted to participate in the shop.
It was only three days to her deadline to get her shop up and running.  Three days to get pallets made, canvases designed, and interior design finished.  All in one-hundred-degree weather and boob sweat.
She turned back to the mess of her shop.  This was going to take more work than she had time for.  Or sanity.
The front door opened behind her with a clatter.  Feyre wasn’t that concerned about it, knowing she was getting some things delivered.
“Just leave the deliveries on the floor,” she said, not looking back.  She was trying to have a vision of what she was going to accomplish, a vision that would be epic and glorious.
“Excuse me?” 
Feyre spun at the smooth voice and nearly stumbled.  The most attractive man she’d ever seen was standing in her shop.  His black pants were crisp and cleanly lined and his black shirt was rolled up to the elbows, displaying his tanned skin.  He was tall, lean, and with his black hair swept neatly back.
Feyre felt sweat roll between her breasts.  Oh hell.
“Feyre Archeron?” He asked and took a step forward while holding out his hand. “Rhysand Avitas.  I’m the new building manager.”
A dozen curses ran through her head as she did her best to wipe her sweaty hand on her shorts inconspicuously.  Because of course she knew who Rhysand Avitas was.  Everyone in their small town did.  He was the son of the police chief and now the youngest elected mayor in Valeris history.
He had also been just a year ahead of Feyre in school.  So she knew the kind of person her was.  At least, she thought she did.
“Rhysand, of course,” she said as she took his hand. The heat didn’t seem to effecting him.  Jackass. “Sorry, I guess I lost track of time.”
Indeed, it was half-past two right when she’d told his assistant that he could come by the shop.  And see that everything was in order for her opening deadline.  Except she hadn’t really expected him to show up.  
“Not a problem.” He smiled in such a charming way that Feyre found herself wanting to hate him.
But Feyre already did hate him.  He had bought the building just two days after her father’s death.  Just two days after the building was up for sale.  She hadn’t even had the time to get funds together to convince the bank that she could buy the lease herself.  Now, she was going to have to open her shop under him.
In school he had been captain of the football team, president of the ASB club.  He had been the kind of person Feyre had never wanted to interact with.  High and mighty, proud and cruel.  He’d worn a mask of indifference to anyone beneath him, she was convinced.
Feyre cleared her throat. “Things are a little messy right now, but it’ll be ready for opening day on Monday.”
Rhysand nodded as he walked around the shop.  Bits of wood crunched under his too fancy shoes and dust clung to his pants when he brushed up against one of the pallets that Feyre was still trying to decide how to convert into a display case.
“You’re a painter, correct?” he asked.  He looked over his shoulder at her and Feyre was taken aback by his eyes.  Bright blue—so bright that she could have sworn they were violet.  And damn her if she didn’t want to at least try and draw them.
“Yes,” she replied. “My sister does some gardening and does floral arrangements and I’m planning on having her sell some of her work here as well.”
“I remember,” he said, “Mrs. Ellis always made sure all of her classes knew about her protegee.”
Feyre rolled her eyes.  The high school art teacher had been someone no one really liked.  Aside from her.  Maybe it was just because Feyre had wanted someone to pay attention to her, but the woman had always been nice to Feyre.
“My work wasn’t that good back then,” she said.  And it was true, it had taken years of study and experimentation to get to where she was now.  Ten years after those miserable high school years and here she was, finally maybe a little bit confident with what she could do.
Rhysand said nothing, only observed.  “And you’re sure you’ll be ready by Monday?  No offense Miss Archeron, but it seems like a lot needs to be taken care of.  You assured the bank, and my assistant, that your shop was worth allowing in the complex.”
Feyre’s mouth pursed as she watched his man before her.  With his impeccable clothing, that silver watch on his wrist, it was hard to imagine that he’d had any hardships in his life.
“Yes, and I keep my word,” she said, her voice cold enough to rival any a/c.  “What I would like to know is why the air conditioning still isn’t fixed.  It’s been this way for a week now.”
“It’s being looked into,” Rhysand said. 
His gaze turned sharp as he looked her over again.  Something passed over his face that Feyre didn’t care to try and understand.  She just wanted this man out of her shop so she could get back to work.
“Was there something in specific that you wanted to discuss?” she asked, “or were just interested in questioning my ability to run a shop?”
He smirked at her and shook his head. “You always did have that fire in you, didn’t you?”
Feyre was ready to tell him to get out when a soft cry caught her attention.  She held up a finger to silence him as she listened.  Maybe she’d imagined it.  Hell, she hoped he’d imagined it.  Unfortunately the cry came again.
“Just a minute,” she said.
She hurried to the back of the shop where a door led into what would be used for the breakroom.  It was a few degrees cooler back there, which was why she’d set it up for it’s current use.
Sitting up in the pack-and-play was her daughter.  Seren with her golden hair and large blue eyes looked up at her and cried again.
Immediately, Feyre scooped her daughter up.  Seren latched on with a snake-like grip.  Her arms wound around Feyre’s neck tightly.
“Hi baby,” Feyre murmured.  “Why are you awake?”
It had only been a half hour since Feyre’d put her down, she’d been hoping for at least one hour of uninterrupted work.
Seren said nothing and only whimpered into Feyre’s neck.  As Feyre whispered to her daughter to sooth her, she went back out into the main part of the store to find the diaper bag she’d packed that morning.  In one of the insulated pockets, she found a bottle of apple juice.
“Here, honey,” Feyre said.  Seren snatched the bottle and began drinking, tears still rolling down her cheeks. “Okay, there we go.  Momma need to talk to Mr. Avitas okay, can you let me do that?”
Seren nodded and the almost two-year-old tucked herself right against Feyre’s neck.
Pressing a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, Feyre turned back to Rhysand who stood right where she’d left him.  The hard look in his eyes was gone and whatever hard-ass talk he was no doubt going to deliver evaporated.
“It seems I was wrong,” Rhysand said, “you do have some help, don’t you?”
Seren wiggled in Feyre’s arms to get a better look at the man, her bottle sticking in one cheek.
“Momma,” Seren said, her voice just slightly muffled.
“Yes, you are my big helper,” Feyre agreed, “even when you get into my paints.”
Seren beamed up at her. “I help.”
Feyre snorted a bit of laughter.  Help.  Sure.  There were some painted handprints on the wall that aid otherwise.
“Did you have any other concerns you needed to address, Mr. Avitas?” Feyre asked.
He seemed so taken aback that Feyre had had her daughter in the back room napping that it took him a moment to speak again.  It would have been amusing if the man hadn’t been so annoying to begin with.
“She looks just like you,” Rhysand said.
That was the last thing Feyre’d expected.  She quirked a brow at the man.  She knew it was true.  Seren, thank the heavens, looked like an Archeron.  There was barely a trace of her father.  Something Feyre would give thanks for every day.
Feyre heart gave a painful squeeze.  Of course that was what he meant.
She met his gaze, holding it for a long moment.  Her hold on Seren tightened automatically, something she always did when she remembered her baby’s father. 
“Yes, she does,” she whispered.  Feyre wondered what Rhysand could possibly know.  When she’d moved back to Valeris two years ago, just after she’d found out she was pregnant, she scrubbed her life clean of that man.  Rhysand couldn’t possibly know who the father was.  Even if he did, he shouldn’t care.
“Right,” he muttered and ran a hand through his hair. Once again, an un definable look flashed over his features, and disappeared just as quickly.  “I’ll see what I can do about the air-conditioning.”
“Good,” Feyre said, “I’d hate to have to delay opening.”
And much to her surprise, Rhysand laughed.  “Of course not.  That would be rather inconvenient, wouldn’t it?”
He turned back to the door and looked as though he would leave without saying anything else, until he paused. He seemed to be having an internal dilemma when he looked back to Feyre.
“If there is anything I can help with, let me know.”
The words were halting and careful.  Feyre wasn’t sure how to read them, how to respond.  So she only nodded.
i wanted to add more to this for the first part, but well here we are...
@aelinchocolatelover // @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx // @bamchickawowow // @ireallyshouldsleeprn // @courtofjurdan // @sassys-world // @sleeping-and-books // @superspiritfestival // @chieflemming // @julemmaes // @lysandra-ghost-leopard // @firestarsandseneschals // @emikadreams // @rapunzel1523 // @booksofthemoon // @highladysith // @fangirlprincess09 // @rowaelinismyotp // @vanzetanze // @jlinez // @cassianscool // @stardelia // @my-fan-side // @sjmships // @tillyrubes10 // @acourtofsjmtrash // @hellasblessed // @rhysandswhore  //  @story-scribbler  // @post-it-notes33 // @live-the-fangirl-life // @strangevil321 // @whythefuckdoiexist // @pastasiren // @beanco8 // @lemonade-coolattas @foreverfallingforthestars // @surielandiareendgame // @feysand-loml
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xreaderbooks · 4 years
Part of us
 Request: Could I request a Sirius x reader where the reader is maybe a year younger and his or regulus childhood best friend and she gets sorted to gryffindor so she becomes a target for bullies so Sirius and the marauders takes her under their wing....a few years later she gets hurt and Sirius gets super protective and confess his feelings....angst and fluff??
Pair: Sirius Black x reader, Platonic! Marauders x reader, Platonic! Regulus Black x reader
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: Language
A/N: So this is my first request... I don’t know if I did what you imagined justice but this is what I came up with and I really hope you enjoy. 
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When you were placed into Gryffindor you thought it was a mistake. There was no way with your long line of Slytherin pureblood, that you'd be a Gryffindor. Not that you thought there was anything wrong with that. You never cared to live up to people's expectations or what people thought of you, even though your parents did. And despite your family's attempts at making you see their way, you never could. There was no superior bloodline, you were all equal. But you played your part so you wouldn't hear the lectures or deal with all the drama. You didn't partake in the bullying or the maltreatment of muggle-borns or half-bloods like every other pureblood; you didn't see the need. You kind of just stood by or left whenever your friends would tantalize others.
However, when you got sorted you weren't the silent one while others bullied and tortured others who weren't deemed worthy in the eyes; you were the one getting bullied. The first few years you wanted to fight back but eventually, there were too many for you to handle. So you just dealt with it. At the parties that the pureblood families had thrown-- which your family was invited to-- your parents had advised you to try to blend in and not draw attention to yourself. For the most part, you did.
Regulus, your best friend tried to get you out of your shell. You tried to convince him that it wasn't you but your parents. You would've love to enjoy yourself at the parties, being dressed up and all that. But with your situation, you couldn't afford to make a fool out of yourself, and drinking firewhiskey in different rooms or sneaking off to where your parents couldn't keep an eye on you, wasn't a good idea. When you and Regulus were older your parents had set an arranged marriage between you two. Uniting rich and powerful families and all that. But You and Regulus were just the best of friends, always together. And just like everything else, that had to change. You now had to find ways to see each other in hidden places. Never to be seen together in front of students or staff in case it would get back to your parents. In Hogwarts you ignored each other, magically passing notes to update each other on your well-being. It was tough but you managed. Regulus was your only friend after all.
It was just another day at Hogwarts, You were avoiding Bellatrix Lestrange. Your main terrorizer. She had a group of Slytherins trailing her. Ever since you got sorted into Gryffindor every pureblood who was in Slytherin, taunted and teased you to no end. They jinxed you and called you weak. Saying things about how you weren't one of them. You knew that much but you didn't need the constant reminder.
Bellatrix and her group were right behind you as you were walking to the Gryffindor common room. You cursed in your mind, they saw you.
"Going somewhere L/N?" You ignored her. "You know it's rude to not answer your superiors."
"I'm not trying to bother anyone Bellatrix." You sighed but kept walking.
"Your presence alone bothers me." She sent a spell your way to catch your attention.
"Are you crazy?" You turned to face her, Your voice raising a bit. An amused smile played on her lips, she tilted her head to the side.
"You have no idea what crazy looks like Y/N/N." She stalked towards you in a predatory way.
"We grew up together Bellatrix," You slowly backed away from her so as to not set her off. "Name-calling and pranks are one thing but curses..."
You didn't know what you did to cause the special attention that others like first years or Muggle-borns got from Bellatrix. Sure you were never that close, you always got along better with Andromeda than Narcissa and the former, but never would you have thought that you'd be on the receiving end of her fury over blood status. This was outrageous you thought to yourself. How could anyone be this upset over what house people are in?
"Don't worry, after a while, they won't hurt." Your blood started to rush through your veins and a shiver ran down your spine. You stopped walking backward when you bumped into something behind you. A pair of arms held you to keep you steady. You turned around expecting another one of Bellatrix's "friends" only to be met with a tall, shaggy-haired boy.
Sirius Black, your best friend's older brother, who just so happened to be in your house. Relief washed over you. You were no longer outnumbered. Sirius and his group of Marauders were there. Surely they wouldn't just walk away from a fellow Gryffindor in trouble. Of course you never really had an affiliation with them besides the same color robes but they were good people, weren't they?
"We heard something about pranks?" James spoke.
Bellatrix scoffed, "This is none of your business Potter."
"Well Bellatrix considering how Y/N is a member of our house, it does make this our business," Remus replied. She cackled, "How fitting the two blood-traitors in one pitiful little group." She signaled the others to follow her and walked away.
"Are you alright?" Sirius asked, not letting go of your shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"C'mon we were just going back to the common room." He let go of your shoulders but tugged on the sleeve of your robe to follow them.
"What did you do to cause the wrath of crazy over there?" James questioned. He led the way to the common room, you kept your distance not really trusting any of them. Their reputation for being the school's signature pranksters didn't ease your mind as you walked with them. You never held a conversation with any of them before today, maybe a few with Remus but he was the only sane one out of all of them, it made sense that you were wary of their presence. Who knows what they had planned.
"Does anyone have to do anything at all to provoke her?" Sirius snorted, you gave him a questioning look and he just shrugged.
"No, I suppose not."
"Well Y/N I guess you could call yourself lucky your knight in shining armors were there to save the day." James' cocky smile written on his face assuming he was right.
"Although I appreciate the help, I could've handled myself." You stepped into the portrait hole, anxious to get back into your dorm room and take a nap.
"Not against all of them, you know sometimes you need to run in a pack L/N, you could get killed without one."
"You make it sound like we're wolves," you stated, each attempt to get back to your room was failed by every comment James made. What was his point?
"Some of us aren't," Sirius commented. You noticed Remus got tense and slightly shook his head.
"Point is Bellatrix and her groupies aren't going to quit bothering you and we want to help." James offered.
"What's the catch?"
"Why does there have to be catch? We want to be your friends." Sirius answered and plopped down on the chair across from the couch where you were sitting. You gave him a dead look. "Just think about it, hm?"
"Whatever." You got up from your seat and went to your dorm to take your well-needed nap.
Later that night you went down to the common room to read by the fire until you fell asleep. You felt like you'd only closed your eyes for 2 seconds when you were rudely awakened by Sirius.
"What?" You hissed. His mischievous grin made you want to slap him.
"You're coming with me." He took the blanket that you had wrapped around you, off.
"No." You said simply, reaching for the blanket again. Just as your eyes were beginning to close again you heard him say, "Yes."
He lifted you in his arms and you dramatically fell limp. "What the hell." You groaned loudly.
"Shh you're going to people up," You glared at him.
"Maybe they should wake up since I'm being kidnapped!" He rolled his eyes. You jumped from his arms so you could stand on your own.
"Where are we going?" You asked, Slowly recovering from being awoken.
"You'll see." That was all he responded as he continued to guide you out of the portrait hole and through the halls. You were anxious, in all the years of Hogwarts you never went out past curfew so you didn't know the chances of being caught and getting in trouble.
"Sirius, Filch may be out here." You warned.
"We'll be fine Y/N/N just trust me."
"I don't trust you that's my problem." You muttered. He turned around and looked at you. His piercing grey eyes shining in the darkness. He pulled out a long cloak from who knows where and wrapped it around the both of you, causing you to be closer together.
"This will keep us hidden so Filch won't catch us." The weight in your chest lifted and now replaced by butterflies. You inhaled sharply at the close proximity.
"You alright?"
You nodded, which gave him the confirmation he needed to continue, "Let's go."
When you made it to your destination you gasped. The astronomy tower, "Wow" you whispered, shedding yourself from the cloak. The night sky hadn't looked as beautiful as it did at that very moment. You've been here for class but you've never seen the stars so bright, you wondered what special cosmic event it must've been for the night sky to look the way it did.
You whipped around remembering who you were here with, you crossed your arms, "Why did you bring me here?"
"I can't take you sight-seeing now?"
"I had this class yesterday, this is hardly what I'd call sight-seeing." You arched a brow upwards. "Besides we're not exactly friends..." He gasped and feigned hurt by putting a hand over his heart.
"After all we've been through?" You rolled your eyes. He continued, "I was hoping we could change that. The boys and I have noticed you've been struggling socially and don't really play well with others, but I've seen the way you interacted with my brother before Hogwarts and you enjoy the company. I had to wonder why is it that you don't have that many friends?"
"Not that it's any of your business, but since I got sorted into Gryffindor my old "friends" and family haven't been that accepting considering the fact that they're all Slytherins, I mean you should know how it is." You sighed and took a seat resting your back against a wall facing the night sky. "The people I used to get along with, well, their parents don't want them to spend time with me. As for not having friends in our house, nobody has tried to get to know me, they just assume I'm like the other Slytherins even though I was placed here for a reason." You scoffed, people truly were ridiculous. "It sucks cause every side thinks I've chosen to be apart of what they go against when in reality I'm not apart of anything."
He stared at you, you then realized that you went on a full-on rant and nervously looked down, picking at your nails. He'd been silent the entire time listening. It was nice, "You could be apart of us."
You were skeptical, "Sirius this isn't funny." You moved to get up.
"It's not a joke Y/N." He chuckled.
"You're not being very convincing right now."
"Why would I lie to you?"
"We've barely spoken to each other in all these years of Hogwarts, even before Hogwarts!" you threw your hands in the hair. "I went over your house for playdates with Reg and never had one conversation. You and your friends have a reputation for pranks, How do I know this isn't one of them?"
"Because I'm not trying to prank you Y/n, in fact, I'm trying to help you. We all are." He put his hands on your shoulders to get you to look at him. "I know how it feels to be all alone in a world like that. To be in an environment where you feel uncomfortable with those people. Knowing all the wrong things they say and not being able to say anything because they'll disown you."
"The difference between you and me is that you got out." You shoved his hands off your shoulders. "Not all of us have a James."
"I'll think about it." With that, you left, not caring if you were to get caught.
If you were being honest the reason why you didn't want to be friends with the marauders was that they had 3 years to be friends with you, you knew Sirius from years prior. Why didn't he come to you sooner? Knowing you had been friends with his little brother. He just sat there and watched while you spent the first 3 and a half years of what should've been the most fun years of your life at Hogwarts, lonely and sad. If his defense was that he could sympathize with your situation and that he wanted to help; why didn't he approach you sooner? Also, you might've been a little bitter about him having a place to go to while you still had to stay with your parents.
You did think about after that Night with Sirius, you decided you give them a chance. You wouldn't be cornered alone anymore or hopefully cornered at all. You would have a group now. You also thought it was great that you had someone you could relate to in the group and someone that you somewhat knew. You never thought that you'd be actual friends with your childhood crush, even if that was your best friend's older brother and you'd spend more time in his house than your own most days; but here you were.
Being a part of the Marauders was fun, you were practically family now. They let you in on their little secret; with Remus' permission of course. They informed you of his full moon situation. They offered to help you become an animagus, which you denied, you didn't want to deal with all of that. You helped James with Lily, it wasn't easy but it worked somehow. You would help them with their pranks. They pulled pranks on the people who used to bully you all the time which you appreciated greatly. It was nice knowing they had your back and they knew you had theirs.
Nobody messed with you now and you gained a few more friends now. Lily, Alice, Dorcas, and Mary. It was all great. Except for your growing crush on a certain Marauder. With every moment you spent with him your heart swelled, it wasn't a great idea to get involved with him in that way. You were his brothers best friend, he'd seen you grow up, and took you under his wing when you were in need (you always thought even if he truly wanted to be your friend, it was a sort of favor for Regulus since he couldn't be there) there was no way he would be interested in you. But you had always hoped.
You remembered one Christmas that your parents had forced you to go to a party that the Malfoys would throw annually. It was terrible. You didn't have your friends there with you and Regulus couldn't talk to you with his parents watching. The blacks were suspicious of you spending more time with their son, who they disowned and like every other parent at that party, they didn't want Regulus to associate with you. So you were alone again. The only perk of this entire thing was you didn't have to completely show your face since it was a masquerade ball theme.
Evan Rosier came up to you, your eyes narrowed and you tilted your head in question. "Shame you spend your time with those blood traitors Y/N, I would have asked you out."
"I think I lucked out on that one Rosier." You took a sip from your drink shifting your gaze to somewhere else.
"You filthy little-"
"Careful what your next words are, my friend, I don't think Mummy and Daddy would appreciate it much." A voice that came from behind you said.
"You are not even supposed to be here, Black."
"Sirius!" You threw your arms around his neck, he wrapped his around your waist. You heard Evan scoff and leave.
"Y/N darling, have I told you that you attract way too much trouble."
"No, but I'm starting to think you're right." You pulled away from him, realizing that you were in the eyesight of your parents. "What are you doing here? Your parents will kill you if they see you here."
"I couldn't let you come here alone, with all these people." He looked around with distaste.
"Alright well, we have to find a more private place so you won't get caught." You grabbed his hand in yours and led the way to the maze garden.
"Y/N if you wanted to get into my pants, all you had to do was ask." He wiggled his eyebrows, You shoved him away. "Gross."
"Okay so I didn't tell you this but James and I are breaking you out of here."
"How the hell are you planning on doing that?"
"Easy, a distraction." You were about to ask what the distraction was when you saw a stag through the windows. Screams of the people were coming from the inside. You put a hand over your mouth to cover your smile. You did not expect that at all. Sirius retook your hand and pulled you deeper into the maze when the guests were filing out.
You stopped when you were finally in the middle, there was an enchanted fountain spewing water. you had a rush of energy and laughed. Sirius was looking down at you.
"Where'd James go?"
"He should be coming soon." He replied. It was quiet for a while before Sirius scooped up water from the fountain and threw it at you. You gasped, "You asshole!"
You dipped your hand in the water and flicked it at him. This started a war between the two of you. You ducked behind the fountain and threw water at him whenever you got the chance and he did the same. It wasn't until you heard footsteps coming that you stopped.
"Y/N?" You remembered that voice, you whipped around quickly and almost fell into the water if it wasn't for Sirius who had put a hand on your back to catch you.
"Reg?" He ran to you and wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and twirling you around. Once he put you down he pulled you away at arm's length to observe you.
"You're wet." He stated, confused.
"Water fight." you smile into the response. He laughed and threw his head back.
"Only you." Sirius coughed, you almost forgot he was there.
"Hello, brother." Regulus nodded to him. "It's been a while, I've missed you."
"Have you?" You gave Sirius a look, now was not the time. This was the first time you've seen Regulus in months, years even. You didn't need them to argue.
"We should talk." He suggested, You agreed and strolled along the maze with Regulus, noticing that the guests have all returned inside.  
"So you escaped your parents." You started talking.
"So I did." he glanced at you. "But only for a bit, they'll start to wonder where I've gone. I just needed to see you."
"Yeah me too."
"I just wanted to let you know that I can't write to you anymore." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Why not?"
"It's not safe."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Just know things are about to get serious and dangerous and I have to do things that I know you won't agree with to keep you safe."
"Reg, I-I don't know what you're saying."
"Soon enough you will." He stopped walking. "I needed you to know before I cut ties with you, that I love you. You're my best friend and I never want you to get hurt." You felt the tears forming.
"I love you too." He caresses your cheek and kisses them both before saying his final Goodbye. You were left standing there trying to decipher his words.
Eventually, you found yourself back where you and Sirius were playing with water. He was sitting on the edge of the fountain. He stood up when he saw you and your tearstained cheeks. He wrapped you in a hug.
"I'm glad you came." You whispered, hugging him back. He kissed the top of your head and told you that it was time to go. You went to James' house, you spent Christmas and summers there from then on. You never returned home. You slept in the guest bedroom and Sirius stayed with James in his room. Your parents sent you a letter telling you that you were no longer welcome at their house since you chose to associate yourself with bad company that was ruining their reputation. You didn't care much about it, knowing you had a better family now.
It wasn't until you graduated from Hogwarts that you figured out what Regulus was talking about. The war was getting more serious, Lily and James had to go into hiding, you and Sirius had joined the order, you became partners on missions, your bond growing more and more every day.
"There's too many of them Y/N we need to go back to headquarters!" Sirius yelled over the sounds of fighting. This was supposed to be a quick mission to find out where Voldemort was going to attack next. Hopefully saving a family and your best friends. But as always nothing went according to plan, you didn't drink enough poly juice potion that let you take the face of a death eater that you and Sirius had captured. You didn't bring the flask with you so in the middle of asking questions you transformed back into your true form, which then brought on the fighting.
"No! You go and get the others," A curse was sent your way, you blocked it. "I can fight them off in the meantime!"
"There's no way I'm leaving you with all of these death eaters!"
"Well I'm not going, we just need to catch one and get the information we need!" You continued to duel with Evan Rosier who was easily blocking all of your offensive spells. 'Shit' was all you thought. Six against two were not great odds and you were getting tired. Sirius made a point of retreating. If you were to leave now, you lost the element of surprise and they would be expecting you next time. That or they would retaliate. Great just great, all because you forgot to bring extra poly juice potion.
"Now is not the time to play hero, we can try another day." He took your hand and apparated you to a random alley in another part of London, but not before you were struck with a stinging spell.
"Fuck-" Tears stung in your eyes, Sirius was rushing towards you screaming your name.
The next thing you know you were waking up in a bright room. You assumed you were at St. Mungos. Memories of the moments before you were brought her played in your head. You slowly opened your eyes you turned your head to the sound of snoring. Sirius was sitting in a chair beside your bed. Despite feeling like shit you decided to throw a pillow at his head to wake him up. He sat up quickly, eyes wide staring at you.
"What the fuck?"
"Even when you're asleep you are annoying."
"I'm sorry I was up all night taking care of your dumb-ass."
"Apology accepted." You broke into a smile when you saw his face. He was so...serious. You could never let go of that joke.
"I'm not joking around, you were bad like so bad I thought I lost you."
"Siri-" You sat up in your bed.
"No Y/N I don't think you understand how serious this situation was. You had seizures and might've slipped into a coma. You've been in and out for days now." Your smile faded. "I-I thought I was going to lose you and I can't, not you." He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
"Sirius, we all get injured, it happens. It's apart of the job."
"Yes but you're different."
"How? How is it any different than if this were to happen to Remus or James or any of the others?"
"Because I love you!" You tried to process his words. He searched your eyes for any response but you were in shock. He spoke softly, "It's different from the others because I am in love with you. I have been for a while.
"You don't have to say it back, you probably don't-" You grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket and kissed him.
"You're an idiot." You kiss him once more and looked him in the eyes and said "I'm in love with you too."
Tags: @divergirl99
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
Ghost Farm
The GIW need ghost samples to conduct experiments. Why capture ghosts when you can make your own? prompt by @mystyrust
word count: 2609
warning: offscreen character death
gosh this prompt
Danny yawned as he walked into the school. He walked up to Sam and Tucker and was just about to greet them when heard Paulina sobbing into Dash’s chest by her locker.
“Woah.” He said. “What’s happening?”
“Star’s still missing.” Sam whispered.
“It’s been a week since her parents filed that report and no one’s seen any sign of her since then.” Tucker looked at his PDA. “No one has anything new to report online. I think it's starting to really wear on Paulina.”
“Maybe when we patrol later we should check up on some other places rather than just the ghost hot spots.” Danny said, looking back at Paulina. “Maybe we’ll be able to find something while we’re out.”
“Maybe.” Sam said. The first bell rang and they started heading to class. “But if we’re being realistic, a week is a long time with this kind of thing. She could be long gone out of Amity Park by now. Or, you know.” She whispered that last part.
“It wouldn’t hurt to try looking around though.”
The three of them walked into Lancer’s class. The empty desk next to Paulina felt like it took up the entire room and many of their classmates were trying not to look at it. The final bell rang and Mr. Lancer turned from where he was writing on the board. 
“Alright, class.” He said somberly. “Let’s get started.”
“We’re having no luck down here, Danny. What about you?” Tucker called through the Fenton phones. 
Danny flew past the arcade and an ice cream shop and stopped, floating in front of an alley. “Nothing here. I think we can call it for-”
Danny’s head whipped towards the sound of trash cans crashing around. He floated into the alley slowly, looking around. When he came out the other end there was no one there. 
“Are you okay, Danny?”
He turned back around. “Yeah, I think some cat was getting into one of the garbage cans over here or something.” He flew back out of the alley.
“Okay, well then-”
Danny stopped listening to her when he saw something laying on the ground. He touched down on the concrete and bent over to pick up a pink clip.
“Hey Sam.” Danny asked. “Dash and Kwan were talking about taking Paulina for ice cream, right?”
“Yeah?” She said, confused. “Why?”
“I found Paulina’s hair clip on the ground.”
A heavy silence settled between the three of them.
“She probably left with them, right?” Danny asked. “They wouldn’t have left her alone here?”
“There’s no way they’d just leave her there. Not with Star missing.” Tucker said. 
Silence hovered over them again for a few seconds before Danny spoke. “You guys go home. I’m gonna fly up and down the streets over here again.”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked.
“Yeah.” Danny took off, flying above the buildings and scanning the ground below him. “Be careful getting home and let me know when you get there.”
They both gave him affirmatives and he looked up and down each street. In fifteen minutes he got notice that Sam was home and ten minutes after that so was Tucker.
He let out a deep breath, a bit more relaxed now that he knew Sam and Tucker were safely at home. He had a bad feeling, but he hadn’t seen anything suspicious along the streets or in the alley, so maybe Paulina did leave with Kwan and Dash and she just dropped her hair clip. 
He turned around to start heading back home. He dropped down in between his house and the neighbor’s and transformed. Before heading inside, he let Sam and Tucker know he was home and he turned off the Fenton Phones and put them in his pocket. 
Danny opened the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind him. He greeted his parents who sat waiting on the couch, his mom reading the paper and his dad cross stitching something. He yawned and started heading upstairs to get ready for bed.
After brushing his teeth and changing in the bathroom, Danny crossed the hall into his room, closing the door and turning off the light. He flopped down onto his bed and pulled the covers over himself.
He hoped Paulina was doing better tomorrow. 
Paulina was missing. 
She had never come home last night and her parents called all her friends, asking if they knew where she was. No one had seen her since yesterday, and her parents filed a missing person report. It spread like wildfire through the school.
Dash and Kwan in particular looked horrified and close to hysterics throughout the day. They didn’t talk to anyone, didn’t even really look in anyone’s direction when their names were called. 
It took until lunch, but soon word spread that one of the underclassmen was missing too. One of the band kids. No one had seen him since last night either and he just happened to live in the area that the ice cream shop was in. 
It didn’t stop there either. Day after day, more and more kids were disappearing. Mikey, Dale, Sarah, more underclassmen. It was getting to the point where they cancelled school until someone had some answers. 
That didn’t stop Sam from going out and searching for any clue she could find though. The first time Danny had seen her when he was patrolling on his own, he scooped her right up and took her home, scolding her. 
When his mom got a panicked phone call from Sam’s hysteric mom, his heart dropped into his stomach. His hands went numb and he stared at his mom until she got off the phone and walked over to where he sat on the couch.
She pulled him into her arms tightly and whispered into his hair.
“Sam’s missing.”
“Come on, Danny!” Tucker yelled through the computer. “You can’t just walk around waiting to be kidnapped! If you get kidnapped how are we gonna fix this?”
“What we’ve been doing hasn’t been working, Tucker!” Danny yelled back. “I can only cover so much ground when I don’t know what I’m looking for and you can’t be out there. I can barely do any patrols as it is, my parents are always coming up to my room to check on me. I don’t see any other way to do this.”
“What if you don’t come back either?”
Danny paused. “I have to come back. If I don’t come back then neither does Sam.”
Tucker sighed. “Just. Be careful.”
“I’ll try to be as careful as I can while being kidnapped.”
Tucker made a face at him just before Danny logged off. Transforming, Danny jumped into the air and flew out the window. He flew around town a bit before dropping off into the alleyway he found Paulina’s hair clip in. The areas that the kids were last seen in seemed to be all over town, but he couldn’t shake the sound that the garbage cans had made that day out of his head.
Pressing his back against the wall, Danny transformed and strolled out, walking down the street. There weren’t many people out most days now. Most of them were too afraid of going outside and getting snatched up like all the teenagers. 
He’d been walking for fifteen minutes before he heard the crunch of gravel underneath tires behind him. He didn’t turn around and kept walking forward. Footsteps rapidly approached him and suddenly a bag was over his head.
“Hey!” He shouted. 
“Are you sure we should take this one? What about his parents?”
Someone else scoffed. “They’re too dumb to do anything about it. They won’t even know where to find him. Just help me get him in the car.”
They picked Danny up and hauled him back towards the car. He heard the trunk open and they tied his wrists together before shutting the trunk heavily above him. Soon the vehicle was moving and driving away. 
Well, he accomplished what he sent out to do. It wasn’t very comfortable though. 
They must’ve been driving for at least an hour because by the time they stopped, both of Danny’s legs were asleep. The trunk popped open and he could feel the cold air rushing in. They pulled him out and placed him on the ground, yanking him back up after he almost collapsed from the pins and needles feeling in his legs. 
They walked him to an entrance where he could hear key cards being scanned at multiple points. They led him through squeaky hallways until they stopped and were suddenly lifting him up onto a bed? No, a stretcher. They strapped him down and once he was tightly bound they ripped the bag off of his head. 
Danny scrunched his eyes up at the white light bouncing off the bright white walls. Looking around, he saw two faces staring down at him. Agent K and Agent O. 
“The GIW?” Danny said. “What the fuck? Why are you kidnapping humans?”
They ignored him and started pushing him down a very long hallway. 
Rolling down the long hallway, Danny can hear the moans and groans, most of them coming from ghosts. He looks around and sees room upon room, windows letting him see the people inside each of them. 
His heart drops when he sees Star. She’s floating inside her room, a small husk of a ghost. When she sees him, her eyes immediately light up with rage and sparks fly off of her as she bounces all over the room. 
In the next room is Paulina. It doesn’t look like she’s a ghost, but it looks like she’s sick with ghost powers again. She’s pressed tightly against the wall she shares with Star. She hiccups and a ghost sense floats out of her mouth. 
As they push him by, he sees everyone. Mikey, Dale, Sarah. All of the underclassmen that went missing. Even Dash was there. Each one various levels of dead, alive, and sick.
They reach the end of the hallway and his pulse is spiking, his heart hammering in his chest. He hasn’t seen Sam anywhere.
He clears his throat. “So, uh, wanna share what you guys are doing here?”
“Ghost studies.” Agent K clips out.
“Right. Why are you kidnapping humans then?”
“It’s easier to make ghosts than to catch them.”
“What-” Danny stops and his eyes widen. They can’t be serious. Making ghosts? His thoughts go back to Star, bouncing around her room like a comet and his blood runs cold.
They roll through a set of double doors and when they open they’re in an operating room. His thoughts are buzzing and he can hear the click and ping of metal objects being placed on the counter. They’re just about to roll a utensil cart over to his stretcher when he hears a scream that fills his veins with fire. 
Without even thinking about it, Danny rips his wrists out of the restraints and punches Agent O in the face. He falls into the cart and all of the tools clatter to the ground. Danny shoots an ectoblast at each belt binding his ankles to the stretcher and hops off the bed, facing Agent K, glaring at him, hands filled with ectoplasm.
“You’re a ghost!” Agent K exclaims before Danny kicks him in the stomach. 
“And you’re scum.” Danny snarls. He shoots an ectoblast into the side of Agent K’s head, knocking him unconscious. 
Transforming, Danny jumps up into the air and starts flying from room to room, looking for Sam. He finally finds her in another room in a different hallway, another agent sticking a needle full of ectoplasm into her arm. She screams again. 
As the agent is reaching for something else from a tray, Danny picks up the tray, sending its contents flying, and smashes it into his face. The agent tumbles to the ground and Danny grabs his keycard. Picking Sam up, Danny phases them out of the room, locking the agent inside. 
“Sam! Sam, are you okay?” Danny asks shakily. 
She shakes her head. “We can’t worry about me right now. We have to get your parents and the cops.”
Sam shakes her head again. “Some of these kids won’t make it long enough for you to patch me up. They’ve been sick for too long.”
He looks at her for a few seconds before nodding. He shoots up into the air, holding Sam close to his chest as he flew as fast as he could back home. 
He flew straight into the living room, halting abruptly when he saw his parents standing there. They stared with wide eyes at Sam in his arms and started reaching for their guns.
“Wait!” He shook his head. “We need your help! I found out where all the kids are!”
Maddie’s gun clattered to the ground. “Where are they? Was Danny with them?”
“Danny’s fine, he’s not there.” He said hurriedly. “They’re in a GIW compound outside of town. We need to hurry.”
“Let me just-” Maddie started reaching for Sam.
“No! We can’t waste any time.” His grip tightened on Sam. “She said she’ll be fine for now but there are kids who won’t make it much longer. They need our help more right now.”
“Okay. Okay, Jack. Get the keys for the van and a couple of bazookas. You take Sam to the van and direct us to the compound. I’m going to get in touch with the police.”
They all piled into the van and Danny directed them toward the compound. Danny kept a close eye on Sam and Maddie stayed on the phone until they reached the compound, giving the police the address. The van slammed through the brick wall surrounding the compound and straight into the front wall of the building. 
They all jumped out, Danny still carrying Sam, and he keycarded them through all the locked doors until they got to the wing full of students. Maddie covered her mouth as she looked at them. 
Soon the police got there and they began to cart out the agents that remained in the building. Paramedics came in to take care of the kids who were still alive while Jack and Maddie worked on calming Star and the other ghosts down. 
Danny let go of Sam’s hand slowly as the paramedics loaded her into the ambulance. He turned around and flew back into the building where he found his parents trying to comfort a distraught Star. 
He floated up to her and held a hand out. She looked at it and her eyes darted up to his face, recognition flashing through them. Tears welled up in her eyes and she stood, wrapping her arms around him as she sobbed. 
He loosely wrapped his arms back around her and waited with her until she was ready to go.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker sat closely together on top of Danny’s bed. They had just gotten back from the memorial held for all the kids that died inside the compound. Danny and Tucker each held one of Sam’s hands, gripping them tightly. 
Sam took a deep breath and let it out shakily, her fingers twitching and going through Danny’s hand before settling back in place. 
Danny hoped to whatever deity there might be that this would never happen again. No matter what anyone thought of the ghosts in Amity Park, they had never stooped low enough to kill someone. They weren’t collecting humans for a ghost farm. 
He glanced up at the window, looking at the night sky. A ghost flew through the night, sparking brightly like a comet.
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