#and i just went oh uh oh mhmmm i uh yes
buckistheman · 2 years
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dizscreams · 1 year
Drunk n Love — Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Ethans drunk and he says some cute and lovey stuff
WARNINGS: none :)
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You were walking around this stupid frat party wondering where your boyfriend went. You saw Mindy and Anika on the couch so you went to them first. “Hey guys, have you seen Ethan? I can’t find him anywhere,” you ask worriedly.
“Uhh I think he’s in the kitchen with Chad,” Mindy tells you and with a nod of your head you go to look for him. Pushing past all these sweaty people you wonder why you’re even here. Chad had convinced Ethan to go and Ethan didn’t want to go without you, he had practically begged you. You loved him but he was such a piece of work when he wanted to be.
You go to the kitchen and the first thing you see is Chad and Ethan chugging whatever’s in their red solo cups. “Heyyy Y/N!” Chad shouts as he slams his cup on the counter, clearly drunk. ‘Oh god’ you thought. You look over at Ethan who can barely stand on his own. “Chad, what have you made him drink?”
“Hey I didn’t do anyyythin’ he has a mind of his own and a very smart one too! What I do- or wait what HE does is not my fault,” he says defensively with his hands raised.
“Uh huh- right.” You go over to Ethan and put your arm around him. Fuck he was heavy. “Hiii y/n you look so pre-pretty,” he says with a hiccup. You mutter a ‘thank you eth’ and then look over at Chad, “I’m taking him home. You stay here and I’ll get your sister,” you say pointing to Chad with a stern look.
“Yeah yeah whatever mom,” he slurs and pours himself another drink.
“C’mon Eth, let’s get you home.”
“Yes ma’am.” You roll your eyes and make your way back over to where Mindy was. “Mindy! Your brother’s in the kitchen absolutely wasted I think it’s time to take everyone home.”
“Aw shit alright. Thanks, y/n.” You nod and try to get Ethan to move with you but he was too busy staring at his hands. “Ethan what the hell are you doing?”
“Look- look at my hands why are they so big? They’re like very large.” You try not to laugh and grab one of his hands. “Yeah they’re so strong now cmon let’s go home, Eth.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to.”
“Nuh-uh you can’t make me,” he says sticking his tongue out.
“Ethan I swear to god if you don’t move right now I will kick your ass.”
“Ooo i like you mad you look hot,” he says with a goofy smile and a giggle as he sways. “Ethan! Come on!” You’re now dragging him out of the door and he mutters an ‘okay okay’.
You end up finally making it to his dorm after a long walk that should’ve only been five minutes. You walk him to his room and place him on the bed. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans that probably weren’t going to be comfortable to sleep in.
“Ethan, do you have any pajamas or something more comfortable?” You ask pushing some curls out of his face.
“Mhmmm they’re in the sec- second drawer, baby.” The poor boy could barely hold his head up. You nod at him before going to the drawer and pulling out plaid blue pajama pants and grabbing a random gray t-shirt.
You sit the clothes in his lap, “Here go get dressed in the bathroom.”
“I don’t wanna get upppp,” he whines.
“Ethan I don’t wanna watch you change-“
“You’ve never had a problem beforeee,” he giggles.
“That’s when you’re sober dumbass,” You playfully push his shoulder and he falls back on the bed dramatically with a ‘so rude!’
“Fine, I’ll just turn around.” And you do so as he changes. You could hear him struggle trying to get his shirt off and wanted to laugh at him. He didn’t get drunk often, but it was slightly amusing to you when he did.
“Okay Okay im good now,” he tells you.
“Alright, let’s get you in bed,” you say and he crawls under the covers. You put a light blanket over him and kiss his head as you go to turn off the light.
“Wait-” he stops you as he gently grabs your wrist. “Are you not gonna sleep with me?” he asks with a pout.
“Ethan, I have to go.”
“Nooo! No you don’t. Can you just- just stay with me until I sleep? Please?” He says with his big brown eyes looking up at you.
“Okay, but only till you fall asleep.”
“Yayyy!!” You shush him for being too loud before you’re under the covers with him. He turns so his back isn’t facing you anymore and instead he wraps his arms around you while his chin is on top of your head.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah Ethan?”
“You know I love you right. I love you a lot and thank you for takin ca- caare of me. You’re a good partner.”
“I love you too and you’re welc-“
He cuts you off, “I’m gonna marry you some day, did you know? We’re gonna have a weddin a faancy one too,” he smiles to himself.
You’re stunned for a moment before the biggest smile is across your face. You’re about to respond but you see he already closed his eyes and was ready to sleep. You lay there with him not wanting to get up and decided you were going to stay there all night.
Even though he probably wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, you would, and you’d treasure the memory.
That boy has your whole heart.
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this sucksss but I love him so much :( AND IM SORRY GUYS ILL WORK ON REQUESTS TMR!!
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aaaaafro · 2 years
Sis - ITZY Chaeryeong & Soloist Chaeyeon x M! Reader. (+18)
tw: drunk seggs? misdirection, of course sistas (but you already know that), not proofread coz I'm lazy and stuff.
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"Ah–fuck." You told yourself as you almost tripped on your doorstep.
"I'm home." You announce or... At least in your alcohol-drowned mind that's what you said.
Entering your dimly lit house and somehow noticing a pair of shoes left in the entrance you suspected that your girlfriend is already home and resting. Oh boy your jealousy of sleeping soundly, unlike your deal with your headache and alcohol stank, as you methodically dodging all of the furniture.
Thankful for your memory as you've successfully passed all of the obstacles till you've made your way to your bedroom which the door was strangely ajar.
You shrugged thinking that it's your girlfriend's fault, after all leaving a door not closed entirely is normal due to fatigue having to practice, record and perform songs for their fan.
I mean after all we're talking about the arguably best dancer of the 4th gen K-pop. ITZY's very own Lee Chaeryeong.
Yup, HER. You honestly have no goddamn clue on how you bagged such a girl but it was those random ass situation that you ran into her and just shoot your shot. Like when they say when life gives you and opportunity fucking grab it by the neck.
You then reached for your phone as you enter the bedroom to try and see what unacceptable time you've arrived home after an office party, only to notice that there was actually a message from your girl.
With your eyes barely perceiving anything you only catch a tad of what the fuck was on the screen. 'Something about her sister and a thing about special?' You couldn't wrap your head around it but it's something a sober you would pay attention to, then again you're not sober right now.
Finally giving up you place your phone on the nightstand and collapse on the bed. It was then that you finally see your girl's silhouette through the dark room.
Normally you'd pounce her and rain down on her with some love but tonight is different as your body is barely able to move without causing a jolting pain behind your head, you cursed your workmates and the alcohol for robbing you off of your quality time with your girl.
She shifted seemingly a tad bit awaken by the sudden addition of weight on your bed. She turned towards you and oh lord despite the darkness that floods your bedroom with the pathetic effort of the moonlight to illuminate her face and the ridiculous amounts of booze basically impairing your vision you wouldn't fail to be amaze by your girl's vision. It's truly one of a kind, well–two since she and her sister are almost identical.
Anyways, you smiled at the sight as you see her blurry face, uh her cute lil'eyes those soft lips, her messy hair creating a pseudo bangs like her older sis.
"Y/N?" Her raspy voice reached your eardrums and what a contrast from the overly strained voice from your coworkers singing or you think that's what they were doing, any how.
"Yes baby." You replied pulling her slim figure closer, hoping to get a bit of recharge of your energy.
"Are you drunk?"
"Mhmmm." You replied snuggling her tighter as she giggled before returning the embrace.
After a few minutes of cuddling she lifted her head from your chest.
"You smell like beer." Again with her raspy voice.
"Oh shit, sorry." With your best effort you sat up and removed your shirt.
You hear a gasp from Chae. After finally discarding your shirt somewhere in the room you went back and recaptured her in your arms.
"You're so warm." She whispered. You actually managed to notice a different register on her voice but suspecting it's due to her dry throat you opted to help her by...
"Am I?." You heard a small yelp as you capture her lips with yours.
This isn't like the first time she's like this, Chaeryeong is actually quite shy and timid about this kind of stuff that's why that reaction of it's like the first time the two of you are making out.
Gaining your second light despite the constant stinging of your head you decide to go for it. Pulling her in even more as your lips collide in an explosive manner.
Perhaps it was the lack of your proper consciousness, or even the alcohol but her lips felt different a tad bit more fresh as if your brain is telling you to familiarise yourself with it, in any case it is still exhilarating.
You can hear her soft moans into the kiss and a tug on your collar encourages you to double your efforts in making your partner feel love.
It was then she actually pushed you down and got on top of you that you were able to notice the lack of oxygen you two had. As if you two ran a marathon the way both of you heaved to try and catch your breath.
With her frame on top of you, you couldn't help but thank all the gods above with the luck you're blessed with having an opportunity to make love with such a goddess.
"Uugghh." Nope that wasn't a moan, it was rather a bit more of a groan as your head stings when you tried to get a better look at her by widening your eyes.
"You okay?" Not wanting this to end you just nodded despite the drilling pain on your head.
Right after hearing your answer she started grinding her lower body onto you. Your manhood slowly grows as her grinding grows more aggressively as well.
After a few more gyration from her hips you feel your body's heat rise extensively though it seems like you're not the only one to which your girl removes her shirt and my god your head almost rolled.
Obviously it's not your first time seeing her like this but she's a little–... different? You don't honestly know but then again you're drunk as fuck so why not.
Of course you'd want to vice grip her orbs as tight as you can but she was took fast, as her hands took yours and from her slim his she guided them towards her chest.
And who are you to not give her a few squeezes that earned you a long moan– it's straight up orchestra as her vocals reached your eardrums.
"Mhmmm~." She continued grinding on your pelvis and you of course getting a handful of her breasts.
Seemingly frustrated with the insufficient pleasure she decided to stop before snaking down, her thighs rubbing along yours as she levels her head to your pelvis.
Her fingers slipping into the hem of your boxers you found yourself in trance as her eyes were laser focused on yours even then you found yourself confused once more with the unfamiliarity of the situation.
With all of that said who are you not you enjoy the moment, right? As she starts pulling your boxers down and just as your manhood was about to spring out.
You saw a shadow coming from the doorway of your bedroom. A flick of the light switch caused your brain to overdrive.
After all you're currently seeing two Chaeryeongs...
Ah fuck!–you quickly readjust your eyes as you look at the one on the doorway. Yup that's your Chaery, you then shifted your eyes towards the one on your lower half.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You didn't even get a second to think as you heard Chaeryeong angrily stomping towards your bed.
"I–... This is not w-what it l-looks like." You pleaded begging for your brain to try and understand what's happening.
You manage to sat up despite the ringing in your head and the added weight on your legs. Meanwhile Chaeryeong is finally at the bedside.
"W-wait, l-let me explain... Just g-give me...–a... Chaeyeon?" Finally sobering up you scratched your eyes a couple of times.
"Hi." Chaeyeon cutely waving her hand.
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"C-chaery I–." Your eyes darted back and forth from your lower half to your girlfriend.
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As you tried to come up with an explanation your girl's face of disbelief slowly transforming into anger. In the middle of thinking you've realized how ridiculous it is specially knowing that you'd easily be confused with the two of them specially when drunk out of your mind.
"So?!" Chaeryeong cuts off your train of thought demanding an explanation, how ever she wasn't expecting it from you.
"What's the meaning of this unnie?" You look as dumb as you feel expecting to hear an earful from your girlfriend but something doesn't feel right.
"What? You're the one who went out." Chaeyeon answered unfazed.
"I told you to wait for me." Chaeryeong visibly frustrated.
"W-wait? Eh?" You sat there dumbfounded with the sight of Kpop's ChaeSis.
"I don't understand." Was all you could say before noticing the grin from the sisters as they looked at one another.
"Didn't you see the message I sent?" There's your mistake. Ignoring her message. You tried to reach for your phone only to have your hand swatted back by Chaeryeong, you try fanning away the sting as you refocused back to the sisters.
"Too late there babe." Chaeryeong sneaked a glance to her sister before the two crawled their way towards you.
"I-... I don't u–understand." You recoiled for various reasons but most because of the confusion.
"You see baby... Unnie, right there..." Chaeyeon cutely smiles right beside you.
"Her week hasn't been the best and since she's coming to have a little vacation here. I offered her a bit of a destress of some sorts." Chaeryeong's playful tone really contrast the heaviness of the situation as the sisters finally closes in sandwiching you between them.
"So, what do you say we give sis here a bit of a destress? Baby?" Her hot breath brushing on your as Chaeyeon's hands travels to your chest.
"I–.” If you were sober there would've been an argument that this is a ridiculous offer even if it's Chaeryeong's idea however you're far from that.
You sigh and it was like a gunshot from the race as the sisters almost tear your boxers trying to get it off of you. Motionless you watch as the two giggles along with such a difference of cuteness of the two with the erotic task at hand.
"Good, you're already hard." said Chaeryeong who had successfully engulfed your member in her hand.
"Did I do a great job?" Chaeyeon looks at you with her eyes seemingly asking for approval.
You smile and nodded as without another word started slobbering your rod. Chaeyeon was focusing on the head while Chaeryeong licks the base.
Never in your wildest dreams you've even thought of seeing the ChaeSis like this but oh boy aren't you thankful for it.
The two took turns into shoving your hard rod throat deep as you almost came at the tightness, curling your toes a pathetic attempt to hold it in.
"Argh fuck!" You exhaled failing to keep it together as Chaeryeong's throat tightened around you.
She quickly unlatched as your love liquid shoots straight up only to land back to your member. ChaeSis proudly looks at one another before they continued to slobber your rod, wiping it clean like it's fresh.
Your member didn't even get a second of down time with the sight in front of you. As you're starting to appreciate the luck this life gave you, the sisters then started stripping.
"Oh my fuckin goddamn." You can hear the two of them scoff at your reaction.
"Lay down baby." Not even a hint of resistance you lay down flat on your back.
Before you even know it your vision was blocked by something also introducing your taste bud to something sweet and how can you ignore the tight sensation on your rod.
Yep, they're double teaming you, moans floods your bedroom as the two synchronized with their hips movement. You honestly don't know who's who at this point so why not simultaneously make them climax?
"Oh m~my!"
A long in sync gasps from the two allows you to brace yourself as both your mouth and rod got flooded by their juices.
"Aaahhhh~." ChaeSis exasperated breathing. You did your best to drink all of the juices up.
You managed to leave not a single drop before the one responsible for your face detached itself from you.
"Who was that?" You asked as the two just smiled innocently.
"You know what? Nevermind." In defeat the two just smiled before laying down.
You stood up from the bed admiring the two gorgeous woman on your bed. The obvious choice would be to get you girlfriend first but she suddenly closes her legs as you got in front of her.
"O-okay?" You questioned but quickly brushing it off and switching towards Chaeyeon.
Oh lordy the bodies of both are gorgeous beyond belief, you can see Chaeyeon's blush as she slowly spread her legs giving you a good look at her glistening core.
"You're beautiful." You commented as her feet then inches up to brush your rod. You winced at the feeling.
"Is she more beautiful than me?" Chaeryeong reacts causing you cut out of your pleasure train.
"A-... N-no." You replied not wanting to anger your girlfriend.
"I'm kidding, go ahead babe, make her feel good." Chaeryeong went towards Chaeyeon as the two of them looked at you before smiling.
"D-do it slowly, please?" Chaeyeon pleaded with her round eyes as you line yourself to her entrance.
She was right about going slow due to how tight she is, if it wasn't for the wetness you'd be having a much harder time than you already have.
Finally able to insert a few inches in, Chaeyeon's whimper almost causes you to finish along with the sight of naked Chaeryeong right beside her.
Just as you finally got all of your length in you immediately saw Chaeryeong's finger circling on her moist entrance.
"Fuck~!" You hear Chaeyeon as the two of them once more moans in sync as you start to thrust in and out of the older sister.
"Mhmm– that's it baby, show her some good time." Chaeryeong reacts as her fingers works twice as hard causing you to double your efforts as well.
"Uuggh, shit." You groan as you feel your balls tighten along with Chaeyeon's walls around you.
Chaeyeon was elated trying to grab anything like a vice grip to somehow make something out of the pleasure she's getting.
"Mhmmm, keep it in baby." Chaeryeong moans as her fingers slip inside her in a hook motion along with the splashing sounds kept you on the edge.
"Fuck, can't hold it in." With a final few thrust you heard Chaeryeong in between her moans say "Outside babe."
You quickly pulled out painting her older abs, you heard a long sigh from Chaeryeong and Chaeyeon before your eyes readjust only to see Chaeryeong licking up your love liquid on her older sister's abdomen.
And sadly that was the last thing you could see before passing out.
Finally waking up with the sunlight blinding you through your eyelids, you stretched your arms out only to notice Chaeryeong's head resting on your chest.
"Morning." Her soft voice tickles your ears as you place a kiss on her forehead.
"Morning my Chaery, I had the wildest dream." You replied with a raspy voice.
"Oh really what happened?" She questioned.
"Well you just allowed me to sleep with your sister." A knock from your door caused your head to jerk towards it only to see Chaeyeon with your apron and a spatula in hand.
"Wake up love birds, breakfast is ready."
Your head almost rolled off as you quickly turn it towards your girlfriend. A devious smile forms across her face before placing a quick smooch on your lips. Hopping out of the bed with a hoody and her cheeks peaking out of her underwear.
A wink sends shivers up your spine as she exits the room. Along with her sister.
"Ah–fuck." You whispered looking at your ceiling.
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harringtonstilinski · 7 months
Always The Babysitter - Chapter Twenty: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) Word Count: 2,060 Warnings: fluff, Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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As always, I went to Steve’s house for the night after dropping Dustin off back home. I had changed into my pajamas when I got to his house. 
Standing at the bathroom sink now, I was brushing my teeth when I watched Steve come into view, wrapping his arms around my middle before resting his chin on my shoulder.
“Yes?” I mumbled, mouth full of toothpaste. 
“Can’t I just watch my beautiful girlfriend brush her teeth?” he asked.
I leaned my head back against his shoulder, continuing my brushing. Once I felt my teeth were cleaned enough, I leaned forward to spit the foam from my mouth before rinsing, Steve brushing his when I moved out of the way. 
When he was through, we walked back to his room, where we crawled into bed. I sighed, placing my head on his chest. “I’m so tired.” I looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed. “Steve?”
His eyes were closed, mouth slightly ajar, light snores coming from him. I smiled a little to myself, placing my head back down on his chest, closing my own eyes and falling fast asleep.
I didn’t need to rush to get dressed and back to the house since Steve followed me and Dustin back home last night, where I dropped off our mom’s car before getting into Steve’s. I went with Steve to the mall so that he could open the store, Robin coming in a few minutes later.
Dustin also came back to Scoops. I guess he biked his way here. What confused me about seeing Dustin was the fact that he had his binoculars with him. I mean… what? He’d asked me to come with him and Steve on a stakeout, looking for a Russian dude.
“This is stupid,” I said, squatting behind a plant by the Chinese place in the food court. Looking back at it for a moment before turning my sights back to Steve and Dustin, I whined, “This is making me hungry!”
Ignoring me, Dustin asked Steve, “You see anything?”
“Uh, I guess I don’t totally know what I’m looking for,” Steve said, looking around through the binoculars.
“Evil Russians,” Dustin said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, exactly, I don’t know what an evil Russian looks like.”
“Tall, blond, not smiling.”
“Mhmmm,” I said, sitting on my knees between them. “Look for earpieces, too.”
“Camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing,” Dustin added.
“Right, okay, duffel bags,” Steve noted, still looking through those damn binoculars for a moment before he whispered, “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Baby, look at this.”
He handed me the binoculars, the neck strap still around his neck as I put them to my face and said, “Oh, my gosh.”
“What?” Dustin asked.
“Anna Jacobi’s talking to that freaking meathead Mark Lewinsky,” I said. 
“Liv, if you’re not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars.”
“Whatever fucking happened to damn standards?”
“Lewinsky never even came off the bench,” Steve added.  
“You two are the worst spies in history, ya’know that?” Dustin said.
I was watching Lewinsky miming a shot for a basket when the binoculars were pulled from my hands, Steve saying, “Stop. Hey, stop.”
“Besides, I don’t even get why you’re looking for girls,” Dustin said. “You’ve got one right beside you.”
“Thanks, Dustin,” I deadpanned.
“Your sister just so happens to be in the ballpark of where my type is,” Steve said.
“Oh, you mean, funny, anti-social, clumsy, bit of a bitch at times–”
“You’re not–”
“Awww, thanks,” I said, sarcastically.
Gesturing towards me, Steve said, “Sarcastic.”
“Will you two get a room?” Dustin asked. “But, now that you’re both out of high school, which means you’re both technically adults, don’t you think it’s time you both moved on from the primitive construct such as popularity?”
“Oh, primitive constructs?” Steve said. “That some stupid shit you learned at Camp… Know… Nothing?”
“Camp Know Where, actually,” Dustin said. “And, no, it’s shit I learned from life.”
“You telling Steve to stop caring about his popularity is like telling me to quit graphic tees and Converses,” I said. “It just won’t happen. You can’t fix something that isn’t broken.”
“Yeah, uh-huh. Liv, instead of dating somebody you think is gonna make you cooler, why not date someone you actually like being around?”
I opened my mouth in shock. “You little asshole! I do like being around Steve!”
“I was using that as an example.”
“Like me and Suzie.”
“Oh, Suzie,” Steve and I said. “You mean, hotter than Phoebe Cates.”
“Yeah, that Suzie,” Steve continued. “And, uh, let’s think about how exactly did you score that beautiful girlfriend? Oh, yeah. With my advice. Because that’s how this works, Henderson.”
I looked at him like please, continue.
“I give you the advice, you follow through. Not the other way around, pea-brain.”
“Watch it, Harrington,” I said. “No one calls him names except for me.”
Dustin was still trying to find his evil Russian, so I decided to treat myself to the Chinese food behind us. I had just walked back to him and Steve when he said, “Target acquired.”
“Where?” Steve asked, taking the takeout box from my hand.
“Hey!” I exclaimed as he took a bite of my chow mein.
“Ten o’clock, Sam Goody’s,” Dustin said.
“Give me that,” Steve said, taking Dustin’s binoculars. “Shit. Duffel bag.”
I looked around, seeing the person they acquired. Snickering, I said, “Oh, no.”
They looked at each other, both saying, “Evil Russian,” before they both stood up, Steve grabbing my elbow gently to guide me along.
We climbed the escalators, people dodging us as I said, “Excuse us. Sorry.” When we made it to the landing, Steve tried booking it to stay as close as possible to this dude, dodging in between crowds of people.
“Babe, slow down,” I said, taking a small bite of food.
“We’re losing him,” Steve said.
“You’re getting too close,” Dustin said.
Since I had looked down at my noodles to take another bite, I felt myself being moved out of the way, a “Watch it, dickwad,” following.
The guy went to turn around as Steve turned me in front of a plant, kissing me as he did so. It was just a simple kiss, but I wanted it to last longer than what it did. He turned his head away from me as he said, “We’ll finish that later,” before grabbing my hand to pull me along behind him and Dustin.
We hid behind a mall map, a smile on my face as I was finally able to get to eat some of my food. I stood next to them, watching the dude walk into the Jazzercise store, a small grin on my face as he did so.
“Alright, everyone, listen up!” the guy said, unzipping his duffle bag, revealing a boom box. “I just have one question for you.” He took off his sunglasses before dragging the big box out of the bag, asking, “Who… is ready to sweat?”, the women in the store cheering.
“That’s right! Okay, let’s start it nice and easy,” the guy added, taking off his black windbreaker jacket.
I looked over at the boys, trying not to laugh as they looked at the ladies doing Jazzercise; Steve gawking, and Dustin looking horrified.
My little brother looked at me, asking, “You find this amusing?”
“Heck yes! You two were tailing a Jazzercise instructor,” I chuckled.
“Wait, you knew?” 
I nodded, chewing my bite of food. “I took a few classes when the mall first opened.”
Steve turned his head towards my direction, my eyes shifting up to meet his. “And you didn’t tell me?”
I shrugged. “You were working.” I took my last bite of food as I turned back in the direction we came, heading back to Scoops, the two of them having a conversation as we walked back. 
Once we actually made it back, Steve said, “Yo, Robin, you’re not gonna believe who Dustin thought was a Russian.”
“You did, too,” Dustin said.
“No, I did not.”
Robin ran in between me and Dustin, an “excuse me, Liv,” coming from her as she did.
Curious, I ran after her, wanting to know if everything was okay. When I saw her in the middle of the food court, I said, “Robin, you okay?”
“What are you doing?” Steve asked.
“I cracked it,” she said.
“Cracked what?” 
She hoped down from her stand on the ledge. “I cracked the code.”
I was so freaking happy, I squealed and gave her a hug, pulling away as I laughed. “I can’t believe you did it!”
I looked over at Steve, raincoat on my back with the hood on my head. “I’m going to murder you.”
“Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes,” Robin said over the rain.
I watched Steve push his hair back some out of his face, wet in all its glory. “You look good wet,” I whispered.
Have I ever been turned on by Steve? Yes. Have I or we done anything about it? Partially. Seeing Steve wet from the rain was doing things to me that I didn’t want to act upon with Dustin sitting next to him.
“They’re with that whistling guy, ten o’clock,” Dustin said. He was looking through his binoculars.
Turning my head to look away from my handsomely good-looking boyfriend, I saw a couple boxes with a panda on it. The same panda that was on my takeout box from earlier.
“What do you think’s in there?” Steve asked.
“Guns, bombs,” Dustin and I said.
“Chemical weapons?” Robin added.
“Whatever it is, they’re armed to the teeth,” Dustin said.
I winced and moved closer to Steve as a loud thunderclap sounded above us, watching as he rubbed his eyes with his fingers before putting his arm around me as he said, “Great. That’s great.”
Two doors opened, a shit ton more boxes being shown.
“Hey,” Robin said. “What’s in there?”
“It’s just more boxes,” Dustin said.
I felt Steve move as he said, “Let me check it out.”
“No, I’m still looking.”
I guess they were fighting over the binoculars as Steve said, “Lemme see it,” before he stood slightly, Dustin saying, “Hang on!” before a very loud thud sounded.
Not wanting to get caught, I quickly turned around, pressing my back to the top of the building, the back of my head against the ledge we were just leaning on.
Both of my hands were being held; my left by Steve, and my right by Robin.
“We need to get off this roof before we die,” I said, turning my head back and forth to Steve and Robin.
We quietly went to the roof access door, surprisingly opening it quietly before heading down the steps, somehow dodging the Russian.
Walking down the hallway, Robin said, “Well, I think we found your Russians.”
When Steve and I got back to his house, we took a shower… together. There wasn’t anything sexual about it, more… intimate and romantic, I guess would be the words. We took turns washing each other’s hair before I washed his chest and back, letting him wash his own legs. I turned around so that he could wash my back before he let me wash my own legs.
When we were both done, we dried off and got dressed before we started brushing our teeth. Grabbing my brush, I went to start brushing my hair, but Steve stopped me, grabbing the brush from my hand and doing it for me.
“Wow, Harrington,” I mused. “This is a different side of you I’ve never seen before.”
“What?” he asked.
“All… domestic and shit.” I smiled. “It’s nice. I like it.”
“A side for only you to see.” He kissed my shoulder, continuing the strokes on my hair.
We stayed up for a little while longer to let my hair fully dry. I was reading a book when I noticed Steve looking at me from the corner of my eye. Turning to look at him, I asked, “What?”
Putting his own book down, he looked at me after removing his glasses and said in the softest voice, “Read to me.”
I smiled as I turned my back to him a little, relaxing on his side, his arm around me. As I started reading, I couldn’t help but feel that four letter word even more.
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A/N 2:  hi, friends! pls be kind and reblog! it really helps us content creators out <3
Additional Note:
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak​​​​
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on March 11, 2024
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
Can you write a mist x sunny gill play and nb!mist? Please?
im SO sorry it took me ages and it's still short and shit but I'm just not doing, uhm, good. I'm sorry :(
nb they/them afab mist, transfem she/her sunny
"Hmmm..." Mist sighed heavily, bordering on a moan as they threw they head back against the soft pillow, "I love how warm your hands are, babygirl."
Sunshine whined into Mist's skin, her lips sucking light bruises just above their hip. Her hands, very warm, were wandering all over the water ghoul's slim form, kneading at their ass, their tits, teasing their gills.
"Do you think you can out those nice little fingers to better use, hm?" Sunshines hands snapped to in between Mist's legs even before they finished their sentence, her fingers about to hook under the waistband of their panties- "Not what I meant."
The multi ghoulette froze, reluctantly pulling away from Mist's belly to look up at their face.
"You can grind your perky little clit into me, baby," they chuckled at Sunshine's pout, their hand going up to ruffle her curls. They gripped the ghoulette's wrist with their other hand, guiding it to their neck. "But your fingers should go here. You know how to make your daddy feel good, don't you, pretty girl?"
Sunshine all but wailed at the word, her eyes squeezing shut, cock kicking and blurting out a glob of pre into her underwear. She was way beyond words for a while now but now... she was absolutely gone.
She did know what to do, though, and she was sure that that would be something she'd never forget how to do. Sunshine's hands made their way up Mist's body, teasing at their gills lighty, on both sides of their neck.
The ghoulette scooted up to slot her clothed cock with Mist's wet cunt and grind lighty into them. A grunt escaped her just as Mist let out a quiet moan.
Sunshine dipped the tips of her fingers into Mist's gills, her lips latched onto one of their nipples, sucking sloppily. They moaned loud and clear at the welcome intrusion, their hips involuntarily bucking up.
No one was in a rush, they both enjoyed the slow pace. Even so, Sunshine was already fucked out, and by twitches of her dick that Mist was feeling against her cunt were anything to go by, she was close too. Not like Most themself wasn't, quite the opposite actually, "Hey, babygirl?"
"Do daddy a favour and make me cum now, won't you?" Sunshine jumped at that, hips rocking forward. "Nuh-uh, not you. Not yet. Make me cum, be a good girl and I'll take care of you soon."
"B- but-" She was so desperate, she couldn't hold back much longer.
"Shush," Mist grabbed her wrist again, this time making her feel around where they dropped their bag earlier and-
Sunshine's eyes went wide just as she realised what she was feeling through the material of the bag.
"Is that-"
"Your favourite one, yes. Now, be a good girl, make me cum and I'll fuck you so hard you'll be limping for a week."
The moan that Sunshine let out at that was pornographic. Mist would accuse her of faking it if they didn't know just how needy she was.
"You want daddy to breed you, don't you? Get you stuck on my knot and pump you full of kits? Shove my eggs into you, hm? Yeah, I know you do... so get to work and make me cum."
And who was Sunshine to not obey...
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
My Girl (Pt.2)
Minors DNI (18+ Only!!!!)
Top!Robin x Top!Nancy x Trans!girl bottom!reader (Somewhat Modern)
Notes: Reader is AMAB and transitioned hormonally before puberty, underage drinking
Part 1:
You and Robin had been dating for months now and the two of you were so in love. One night, you and Robin were talking about everyone in the group while tipsy. It all started a couple days ago when your parents said they were going to be leaving this weekend to go visit some family members. You called Robin immediately and told her the news. It was now Saturday night, Robin had just gotten off from work and came straight to your house. When she arrived, the two of you greeted each other with a kiss and you said, “Guess what I have?” With an excited smile on her face, Robin said, “What? Tell me!” You walked into your kitchen and pulled out a bottle of vodka from a cabinet below the sink. Robin said, “Yes!” and you said, “Have you eaten enough to drink?” She smiled at your concern and said, “I had breakfast, lunch, and snacked throughout the day, thank you for caring, sweet girl.” The two of you opened the bottle and passed it between each other. You started talking about the group and Robin said, “Do you remember your first impressions of everyone? I’m really interested because I’ve known them or known of them for such a long time. You were new though, you knew nothing about them.” A puzzling look appeared on your face and you said, “I uh- I think so, yeah.” Robin replied, “Great! Okay, cool. What was your first impression of Steve?” You laughed and said, “A big flirt and someone who’s way too obsessed with his hair.” She replied, “Well, you weren’t wrong on that one, (Y/N). You hit the nail right on the head.” You laughed and said, “Now that I know him though, I know that he’s much more than that and he’s a very caring person.” Robin smiled and said, “He is. He’s changed a lot, he’s a great guy. Don’t you dare tell him I said that!” You laughed again and said, “I wouldn’t dare give him an ego boost.” The two if you were dying laughing now and after you both calmed down, Robin continued. She said, “What about Eddie?” and you replied, “Oh, Eds! So, from his appearance I thought he was super scary and probably mean. Once he starts to talk though, I realized it’s just a facade. He was so sweet and funny, I liked him a lot when I first met him.” Robin said, “That was mine too! Yeah, totally thought he was this hardcore metal guy that was super dark. He’s really the total opposite!” The two of you giggled and here comes the question you didn’t want to answer. Robin says, “Last but not least, Nancy.”
Your face went red recalling your first impression of Nancy, you looked back on it, replaying it in your head. Everyone was at Steve’s waiting for you and Robin to arrive, waiting to meet you. When you first saw her, your heart stopped for a moment, seeing a beautiful girl with a smile on her face waiting to talk to you. Your first impression was that she was stunning, that was it. Then, when she started talking, asking you interesting questions, and wanting to get to know you more, you realized how much you enjoyed talking to her. You replied back, “I uh- I uh um- I don’t remember.” Robin studied your face, your red cheeks, your body slightly tense, and said, “Bullshit.” She laughed and said, “Wanna tell me the truth now, sweetheart?” You looked down and said, “I uh- I- Well, found her very nice and I liked how she asked me interesting questions. Mhmmm, that’s all.” Again, Robin said, “Bullshit” and laughed. She said, “You totally thought she was hot, didn’t you? You can admit it, (Y/N), it’s okay.” You continued looking down at the floor and mumbled, “Y- Yeah. I uh- I did. I thought she was beautiful.” Robin teased you and said, “You have a little crush on Nance!”, then started giggling. You shot your head up and replied in a playful tone, “I do not! I love you, you idiot!” with a smile on your face. She smiled back and said, “I love you too, but you totally do!” You playfully shoved her and she said, “I mean, who hasn’t. It’s Nancy fucking Wheeler for crying out loud.” You giggled and replied, “Good point”, then Robin cupped your cheeks. She said, “I have the hottest girl to call mine, right here” and she kissed you lightly. The two of you kissed for a while, before Robin admitted to being tired after her long day of working and dealing with customers. You both went to your room and got ready for bed. After you both were in your pajamas, Robin laid flat on the bed and you cuddled into her. Once you were comfy, she turned the light off and you two said, “I love you” to each other, before falling asleep. The next day, everyone had taken off work to hangout at your house and watch movies. You were in the living room with Robin and you got a call close to 11:00am from Steve saying that he and Eddie weren’t feeling well. Something about Eddie cooking dinner for him last night and he believes Eddie gave them food poisoning. You laughed and said, “Alright, I hope you both feel better.” Robin said, “Who was that?” and you said, “Steve, he said he and Eddie are sick. Apparently Eddie cooked them dinner last night and Steve thinks Eddie gave them food poisoning.” She started laughing and you said, “Looks like it’s just the girls.” Robin teased you and said, “Mhmmm, just two beautiful girls, what are you gonna do with yourself, pretty girl?” You lightly shoved her and said, “Don’t make me regret telling you what I said last night!” Robin smirked and said, “You don’t already?”, then started dying laughing. After she stopped laughing, she grabbed you by your waist and kissed you. You kissed her back hard and she reciprocated.
When you released from the kiss, out of breath, you checked the time on your watch. You said, “We do have some time before Nancy’s supposed to be here.” Robin said, “So needy pretty girl, so needy for me. Huh (Y/N)?” You replied, “Mhmmm, want you Rob. Need you.” She grabbed your hand and pulled you up to your bedroom. You closed the door behind you and Robin pushed you onto the bed, a moan leaving your lips, as your back hit the mattress. She smiled and said, “Mmmm, those pretty moans get me every time, sweet girl.” Then, she started kissing on your neck, which turned into sucking deep bruises. Her hands were under your shirt, pinching your nipples and making you breathily moan her name. You started to get hard quick and buck your hips, causing Robin to grin. She said, “You want me to touch you, pretty girl?” You replied, “Fuck, please Robin! Robin, please!” Robin pulled down your pants and underwear, then started stroking your beautiful cock, causing you to moan. She said, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful like this. So beautiful and ready for me to use.” You whined and said, “R- Ride m- me, please! Please, Rob!” Robin said, “Good girl, using your manners, that’s my good girl” and she got off the bed. She took off her pants and underwear, then climbed back onto the bed. You took a finger and put it right on her clit, rubbing it a bit to get her more wet. After 30 seconds or so, Robin climbed on top of you and you gently guided her down onto your pretty cock. She moaned at the feeling and her head found it’s way to your chest. You started guiding her hips up and down, both moaning at the sensations. It only took a couple minutes for the two of you to get close to reaching your climax. You and Robin were so drawn into each other that you didn’t hear a knock at the door. What’s even worse is that neither one of you heard it open or Nancy calling for either of you. Neither one of you heard the footsteps coming up the stairs, nor the door to your bedroom open. You didn’t notice Nancy until a loud gasp and “Oh shit!” left her lips. She stood at the door, eyes wide and too in shock to close the door.
You felt uncomfortable, not only because you were naked, but mostly because now someone else knew your secret. Robin got off of you, making you whimper from being so close to your climax. She turned to face Nancy and noticed that her cheeks were pink. She also noticed her pupils were starting to expand and a big grin appeared on Robin’s face. Robin said, “Like what you see, Nance?” and Nancy replied, “I uh- I uh- no, no, no. I’m uh- I’m-” Nancy was cut off by Robin, who said, “That’s too bad cause, I know (Y/N), thinks you’re beautiful. She has a little crush on you.” A bright red blush formed on your cheeks, but you noticed one formed on Nancy’s as well. She peaked her head from around Robin’s body and said, “You- You do?” You replied with a hesitant nod and Robin said, “Be a good girl and use your words for Nance, sweetheart.” A whiney hum left your mouth and you said, “Y- Yeah, I uh- I do, Nance. I think you’re absolutely stunning.” Nancy smiled and said, “I think you are too, (Y/N). Absolutely, beautiful.” You said, “But um- Nance. I do have to say, I’m not uh- I’m not biologically a female. I’m uh- I’m transgender, so if that changes anyth-” and Nancy interrupted you. She said, “Why would- Why would that change anything, (Y/N)?” You smiled and said, “I just wanted to make sure, I guess.” Robin still had her big, stupid grin on her face and said, “Well, Nance, you’re welcome to join, if you want. You caught us at sort of a bad time, we were both close to our orgasms.” Nancy grinned and said, “Oh? Is that so?” Your eyes were going back between her and Robin, not knowing who to focus on. Robin said, “Oh, Nance?”, she replied back, “Yeah?”, and Robin said, “I’m okay with whatever you want to do with her and (Y/N) will be a good girl for you. Won’t you, sweet girl?” You started nodding your head rapidly and said, “Mhmmm, I’ll be such a good girl. I’ll be a good girl for both of you, I promise! I’ll be a good girl for you, Nance!” Nancy’s pupils now engulfed her blue eyes and her grin grew wider. In a soft, condescending tone she said, “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you? Mmmm, let mommy take care of you, darling.” You moaned at her tone and phrasing, calling herself mommy made your pretty cock somehow get harder. Both girls watched as your hips slightly bucked at what Nancy said. Robin said, “Nance, I think she liked that” and Nancy looked at you, then replied, “You want mommy to touch you, baby?” A whine left your lips and you begged, you begged for Nancy to touch you. You said, “Please mommy, please! Please, touch me! Please!” and she giggled at your neediness. She climb over on to the bed and sat on her heels between your legs. She said, “Can mommy kiss you, (Y/N)?” and you replied with a little whimper, saying, “Please.” She grinned and said, “Such a well mannered girl, so good. Such a good girl, (Y/N).” You bit your lip, holding back a moan, but Nancy leaned in and kissed you. It was weird kissing someone other than Robin, but you liked that she was watching and both of you trusted Nancy. You stopped thinking about it so much and focused on her lips. Her lips were soft and sweet, tasting like vanilla. When she released from the kiss, your lips tried to chase hers, which made her and Robin laugh. Nancy leaned back down, after she had caught her breath and kissed you again, this time more heated. She bit your bottom lip, eliciting a pretty moan and slipped her tongue in your mouth. You swirled your tongue with hers and before you knew it, her lips left your mouth, again.
Nancy moved to biting tender spots on your neck, then licking them afterwards, easing some of the pain. Then, she said, “(Y/N), can mommy take this off?” and tugged at your shirt. You replied back, begging and said, “Please mommy! Please take it off! Want you to take it off!” She said, “So needy, baby” and grinned, then lifted your shirt over your head. Nancy dropped it to the floor and let out a small moan at the sight of your chest. She said, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful, (Y/N). Be a good girl for me and lay flat on your back.” You did exactly what she said and then she was hovering on top of you. Nancy looked deep into your eyes and said, “Good girl, (Y/N).” A whimper left your mouth and Nancy grinned. She moved her face down and pointed her tongue, then experimentally flicked your nipple. You let out a slightly loud moan and she continued. Soon, Nancy’s lips were latched onto your nipple and sucking, causing you to moan even louder. She moved over to the other side, giving it the same attention. Once Nancy was satisfied, she looked over at Robin, who was sitting in a chair, watching the two of you like a hawk. You saw Nancy’s head was looking at her, so you looked too and were met with seeing Robin trying not to touch herself. Nancy said, “Rob, come here” and she immediately got up, then stood next to the bed. Robin said, “What’s up, Nance?” and Nancy said, “Do you want to touch me?” Robin’s face turned bright red and she looked at you for approval. You giggled and said, “Sweetheart, after everything I’ve done with Nance, I don’t think you need my permission.” Robin nodded, then looked at Nancy and said, “Please, I do.” Nancy grinned and said, “Kiss me. Kiss mommy, Rob.” Robin moaned and then quickly leaned in to kiss her. She kissed her slowly, making you whine, both from watching them kiss and you needed their touches. Robin tugged at Nancy’s shirt and Nancy released from the kiss for a quick moment, so Robin could take off her shirt. Before they went back to kissing, Robin said, “Mommy, can I take off your bra too, please? Please, mommy?” Nancy said, “Mhmm, only cause you asked so nicely” and Robin quickly unclasped her bra. She let out a moan at the sight and stared at her bare chest. Robin pulled Nancy back in for a kiss, then started kneading her breast. Nancy breathily moaned and you whined, your pretty cock was now throbbing. You knew that if you touched it you were going to get punished, so you sat there, needy and whining. Nancy released from the kiss and said, “Rob, can mommy take off your shirt?” Robin nodded and said, “Mhmmm, want you to mommy.” Nancy lifted it up and over her head, then let out a little moan at the sight of Robin’s bare chest. She immediately started kneading her breasts and Robin threw her head back, breathily moaning, “Fuck.” You whimpered, too needy and impatient, to just sit and watch. Nancy retracted her hands and looked back at you. She said with fake pity, “Aw, poor thing. So needy, darling. So desperate to be touched.” You whined and said, “Please mommy! Please Rob! Please! Need to be touched! Need you, please!” Both of them laughed and Robin said, “Hmmm what do you think Nance, should we touch her? I mean, she’s been a good girl. Her pretty cock is throbbing. My needy little slut needs us, Nance.” You whined at Robin’s words and Nancy said, “Hmmm, I think she’s been a good girl. Yeah, Rob, let’s reward her for being a good girl.”
Nancy said, “Rob, you ride her. Okay?” Robin looked at you and grinned, “Mhmmm, more than okay.” Nancy looked at you and said, “Can mommy ride your face, darling?” Your eyes went wide and you gulped, feeling excited, but also nervous. You said, “Y- Yeah. That’s- That’s f- f- fine. Mhmmm.” Robin knows that you only stutter like that when you’re nervous. She looked at you with soft eyes and in a soft tone, she said, “Are you nervous, sweetheart? You gotta tell us if you are or if you don’t want to do something.” You said, “Want to, want to so bad. Just- Just don’t wanna mess up.” Robin said, “Sweetheart, just relax, okay? You’re gonna do just fine, sweet girl. I promise.” Nancy cupped your cheeks and said, “(Y/N), you’re gonna do great and if you want I’ll guide you, okay?” Your eyes softened and you looked at both of them, then said, “Yeah. Okay, thank you.” Both of them smiled and your body relaxed, no longer tense. Nancy wanted to help you relax a bit more, so she said, “(Y/N), be a good girl and come help mommy take off her jeans and panties.” You shot up from the bed and said, “Yes, mommy!” Robin giggled and said, “So eager to please, such a sweet girl.” You hummed and dropped to your knees in front of Nancy, then started unbuttoning her jeans. Once they were unbuttoned and unzipped, you pulled them down her legs, then helped her step out of them. When her jeans were off and you looked back up at her panties you saw the big wet patch on them. A moan left your lips and you said, “Mommy you’re so wet.” Nancy grinned and said, “Mhmmm, can’t help it when I’ve been touching two beautiful girls.” She watched as both you and Robin blushed at the comment and was proud of herself for flustering both of you. You slowly pulled down her panties and helped her step out of them. Both you and Robin gawked at Nancy’s naked body, taking in the beauty of it. Robin said, “Holy shit, Nance! You’re so fucking hot” and you said, “Mommy you’re so beautiful.” Your pretty cock was throbbing even more now. You let out a whimper and Robin said, “Okay, sweet girl, it’s okay. Mommy and I are going to take good care of you, sweetheart. Be a good girl for us and go lay on the bed, flat on your back.” Quickly, you got up and got yourself comfortable on the bed, flat on your back, like Robin instructed.
Robin got on top of you and kissed you, then you helped her position herself down onto your pretty cock. You both loudly moaned as she slowly took all of you inside her. Nancy waited until Robin was fully sat on your cock before she went to position herself on your mouth. When she hovered over your mouth, you stuck your tongue out flat and pulled her hips down on you. You tasted her wetness, then moaned at the taste and Nancy moaned feeling your tongue on her sensitive pussy. She started grinding on your face and Robin started riding you. You grabbed Robin’s hips, helping her move up and down. The moans coming out of your mouth were muffled by Nancy’s pussy, but the vibrations from them got Nancy closer to her climax. Nancy was moaning loudly, saying, “Fuck, (Y/N)! Fuck, you’re doing so well! Such a good girl for mommy! Fuck! Keep going, (Y/N)!” Robin was also moaning loudly and Nancy’s moans were making her climax approach faster. She moaned out, “Fuck, (Y/N)! Fuck! So good! God, you feel so good, (Y/N)! Fuck!” You started bucking your hips into Robin, causing her to scream out in pleasure. You moaned and the vibrations, mixed with the fast pace of Nancy’s grinding was going made her scream out in pleasure too. Nancy moaned out, “Close, (Y/N)! I’m so close! Be a good girl and make mommy cum, baby!” As Robin said earlier, you were eager to please, so you grabbed Nancy’s hips and held her still on your face. You started sucking on her clit and you moved your hands back to Robin’s waist. Your hands gripped her waist tight and you roughly fucked up into her. Both girls were moaning loudly at your movements and you felt yourself about to come undone. Nancy and Robin screamed at almost the same time and came. You were only seconds behind them and your eyes rolled back as you came inside Robin. Nancy hopped off your face and next to you on the bed, then you started heavy breathing, catching your breath. Robin slowly got off of you too and both of you whimpered at the loss of contact. She looked at your face and grinned, it was covered in Nancy’s cum and wetness. She moved closer to you and kissed you, tasting Nancy on your lips. Robin hummed in pleasure at the taste, then released from the kiss and looked at Nancy. She said, “Mmmm Nance, you taste so sweet” and you hummed a “Mhmmm” in agreement, with a blissful smile on your face. You weren’t sure what you were expecting as a response, but her whining definitely wasn’t one of them. Robin looked at her and said, “Nance, what’s wrong?” Nancy replied, “It’s- It’s stupid.” You said, “No, nothing you say is ever stupid, Nance.” She said, “Well, I uh- I wanna um- I wanna ride your pretty cock. I want to so bad, (Y/N).” Robin grinned and said, “(Y/N), you want Nancy to ride you, sweetheart?” Your eyes were wide and in shock, you nodded your head rapidly.
Nancy said, “Use your words for us, darling” and you began begging. You said, “Mommy please! Mommy please ride me! Want you to, please! Please, mommy!” Nancy said, “That’s a good girl, baby” and moved to position herself kneeling over top of you. You grabbed her hips and helped her position herself onto your pretty cock. She loudly moaned as you slowly guided her onto your cock. She said, “Holy shit! Fuck, (Y/N)! That feels so good, fuck!” You started moving her hips up and down, then threw your head back, letting out a loud moan. Robin moved to where Nancy was sitting before and reached her hand out, then started rubbing Nancy’s clit. Nancy screamed out, “Fuck Robin! Fuck (Y/N)! Fuck!” and her body started twitching. Your pretty cock started twitching inside her, getting close to your second orgasm. You moaned out, “Fuck, mommy! Fuck! I’m close! I’m close, mommy!” Through broken moans, Nancy said, “Me- Me- Me too, baby. Make- Make mommy- Make mommy cum, (Y/N). Be a- Be a good girl, (Y/N). Be a good girl and make- and make mommy c- c- cum.” You gripped her hips tight and started roughly bucking your hips into her. Robin started rubbing her clit faster and faster. She screamed out, “Fuck yes, (Y/N)! Fuck, Robin! Fuck! Gonna cum! Gonna cu-!” and she was interrupted by her orgasm hitting her hard. Robin moved her both her hands to your chest and took her fingers, then harshly pinched your nipples. You screamed out in pleasure and with one more rough buck into Nancy, you came. After you came again, you were completely fucked out. Your face was blissed out and both the girls thought you looked so cute like that. Robin said, “Aw Nance look, she’s completely fucked out.” Nancy replied, “Such a pretty little thing, all fucked out after we used you. Mommy loved using you, pretty baby.” You replied back with a hum of pleasure and Robin said, “I think we fucked her dumb too, Nance. She can’t even speak, she’s so blissed out.” Both Robin and Nancy giggled at you, while you nodded your head in agreement with Robin. After about 15 minutes of laying there, you tapped Robin and she looked at you, concerned. She said, “You okay, sweet girl?” and you nodded, then mumbled, “Want shower.” Robin could tell it was hard for you to talk, so she didn’t pressure you, she said, “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll go start the shower, do you want to shower alone?” You shook your head rapidly, no and she said, “Woah, okay, (Y/N). Relax, for me, sweetheart. Okay? Do you want all of us with you?” You nodded your head and looked at Nancy. Nancy said, “Mhmmm, that’s okay with me. I think we all need to shower.” You hummed with a smile on your face and Robin kissed your head. Then, she got up and headed to your bathroom, to go start the shower. Nancy gave you a kiss on the cheek and said, “You’re so beautiful, (Y/N).” Your smile grew wider and you gave Nancy a kiss on her cheek back, causing her to smile too.
Robin came back a couple minutes later and said, “Okay, shower’s warm and ready.” Slowly, you and Nancy got up, then walked to the bathroom. You had a large shower, so the three of you could easily fit inside of it. The three of you showered together, then dried off, and changed into some comfy clothes. After everyone was dressed, the three of you went downstairs and watched movies like you were supposed to hours ago. You sat on the couch cuddled up between Robin and Nancy, confused on what’s supposed to happen now. Robin saw you weren’t focused on the movie and looked nervous. She got up and paused the movie, which had Nancy confused, until she looked at you. Robin quickly went and sat back next you, then placed her hand on your knee. She said, “(Y/N), what’s wrong? You look upset.” Nancy started scratching your back lightly and you stuttered, “I’m- I’m-” You took a long pause and loudly said, “I’m confused! I don’t know what to- what to think of this!” Nancy’s face dropped from concerned to guilty and she said, “I uh- Maybe I should go, I’m sorry, (Y/N).” You grabbed her wrist and said, “No, Nance. Stay, please. Please, stay.” She was tense on the couch, but stayed and Robin said, “Okay. Well, let’s talk about it. What’s confusing you?” You looked at her with tears in your eyes and said, “I love you, Rob. I love you so so much. You know that I do, but I also love Nance.” Then you turned to look at her and her face was bright red. You said, “Nance, I love you. I love you more than a friend, just like I love Robin as more than a friend.” Tears starting running down your face and Nancy said, “(Y/N), I don’t- I don’t know what to say.” She cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with the pads of her thumbs. Robin said in a calm tone, “Well, do you love her, Nance?” She looked you in your eyes and hesitantly nodded, then looked at Robin and said, “I love you too, Rob. I’ve always loved you.” Robin’s face turned red and she said, “W- Wait, w- w- what?” Nancy said, “Yeah, honestly I’m surprised you never noticed.” Robin smiled and said, “I wasn’t uh- I wasn’t expecting that, but I love both of you, so much. So, why don’t we all three just date? It’s called a polyamory relationship.” Both you and Nancy looked confused and Nancy said, “I don’t- I don’t know how that- how that works.” You nodded in agreement and Robin said, “Neither do I, but if the two of you want to, we can figure it out. Step by step, for right now, but only if you two want to.” Nancy said, “I’d uh- I’d like to” and you said, “Me- Me too.” Robin smiled and said, “Great! So does that make the three of us girlfriends?” You and Robin looked at Nancy, who was smiling and she said, “Mhmmm, girlfriends.” The three of you were smiling and giggling, all happy that the three of you were so in love with each other. All of you happy that everyone’s feelings were out in the open. Robin looked at you giggling and said, “Now, can you admit that you have a crush on Nance?” You giggled and cupped Nancy’s cheeks, then kissed the tip of her nose. A smile appeared on your face while looking at her and you said, “Mhmmm, I definitely do.” The three of you giggled and you said, “This is probably awful of me to say, but I’m so grateful for whatever Eddie cooked Steve last night.” The three of you laughed so hard and both girls gave you a kiss on the cheek. Robin got up and played the movie, then the three of you cuddled on the couch, with you in between them. The only thought you had in this moment was, “I could get used to this”, with a smile on your face.
This turned into a poly relationship, but I’m not mad about it. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed part 2!!😊💖
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ish4hs · 1 year
My Heart Only Aches For You. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
≡;- ꒰ °Husband x Gn!Reader ꒱
╰┈➤ ⋆.ೃ࿔* w: fluff and angst ·˚ ༘
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╭──╯ . . . . .ੈ✩‧₊˚
"Baby" he called out with a hint of tiredness in his voice as he enters the house and essentially gaining no reply, bewildered by this he called out once again "Darling? I'm home" he shouts as if trying to get a response from someone in particular. It then hits him, you were nowhere to be found, just for tears to start to stream down the porcelain skin of his. As if he's put into some sort of trans, hands palming the face of his screaming in an agony.
Your partner has been busy setting up your picnic date trying his best to make everything perfect for you, him putting the gingham down the grassy field as he take the picnic basket beside the two of you "love please sit down now! I swear everything looks great" trying to get him to settle down "mhmmm i will, let me just do one more thing" he repond raising his index finger, his eyes seems to illuminate beneath the sun as he grins "And...Done!" He shriek with excitement in his face, he then hurriedly sat down beside you "sooo how's the view?" he asked "hmm..,bad" you teased "Bad? I knew it, we should have went to the beach" He stated shockingly with a hint of regret in his tone, not getting the joke "No stupid" you giggled at his gullibleness "its great to spend time with you in this beautiful scenery, thank you love" giving him a peck in his tender cheeks "I'm glad you loved it, I've been planning this out for these past few days and I'm shock you didn't noticed it" he replied proudly with a smile on his beautiful face "nuh uh, i knew you were planning something out, you were like really suspicious these past few days and beside you suck at lying and you know that" you shrugged rolling your eyes and giggling, as his expression dropped with an embarrassed look on his visage "take that back! I'm not bad at lying" he argued back "yes you are" i teased as smile creeped out at the corner of my lips "no I'm not, then how did you not know im proposing to you today" his words slipped like landslides as you stare in shock, you were too stunned to even say a single word, "I talk too much" he covered his mouth, as both of you and his; heart seems to pound really fast at the same time, it felt like you could hear each others heart by how fast it beat "you're what?" asking, hoping he was telling the truth and this was not some sort of joke by his "This might be the worst proposal ever known to mandkind, but here goes nothing. Love, whenever i talk to you, something inside of me feels wrong i do not know if its the heart of mine or my stomach building up with butterflies. I cannot comprehend how a simple "hi" from you would make me go dizzy in such good way..,You make my cheek heat up in a way i do not know why. Oh to wake up beside you every morning in my life. Cupid seem to walk pass through me anytime i talk to you, what I'm trying to say is. Will you be my forever?" He said genuinely, as he get on his knees holding a maroon engagement ring box.His hand shaking while holding the small box additionally tears starts to build up in one another's eye "yes" you replied stuttering while bawling the eyes of yours, he screamed happily essentially putting the dazzling ring on your third finger as he hurriedly ran towards you to embrace the warmth body of yours "How lucky i am to find someone like you" kissing your temple "i love you more than anything and anyone in this universe" holding the back of your head as he kiss your forehead happily.
"please stay with me.." he cried out "oh to lose you will be the death of mine" he roar in misery not letting go of your soft silk like hands "it'd be great if you stop crying my love, i can't handle to see you cry in such agony" you replied softly "but to lose you in this lunatic world is comperable as losing the sanity of mine" he dispute "but you cannot simply sit here and cry in an agony on me forever" you stated, tears flowing down "But for you are supposed to be my Eternity" he bawled out as he stammer his words "NO PLEASE" he screamed in distress as the person who they loved endlessly stopped breathing. "DOCTOR, ANYONE PLEASE HELP US" he yelp for help dashing outside the room to look for anyone who can help him save his beloved. "CLEAR" the doctor screamed as the other nurses lead him outside the room with force "LET GO OF ME IDIOTS, LET ME IN" he screech the nurse eventually need to hold him with force "No please please" as he try to get out of their graps. He watch the doctor get out of the room where his once other half stayed "I'm sorry, we did everything in our might" the doctor said with devastation. Everything seemed to go blurry for him, the time had stop in him; for where his life used to depend on is no longer with him.
He sat in the gingham where they once sat on, staring in the night sky as if he's trying to find something in the above "7 years without you is like a living nightmare, i tried to look everywhere where i could atleast find a resemblance of you just even the slightest but it looks like you are nowhere to be found." he stared blankly in the starry night presumably questioning the heavens above "Billions of star in the sky yet, you will always shine the brightest my dearest." tears flowing in his beautiful visage "We were unique because only we have ever felt this type of love. Oh how can i forget about you? Si mi corazón solo duele por ti" _________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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Brother Red
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You and Chase have been dating in secret because of your twin brother Tyler. Of course Chase is your brothers best friend but if he found out he would be pissed. When you get the lead in a movie called 'Zombies' everyone was happy and on the first day you and co-starts had to sing the song 'Jailhouse Rock' (Alternate Universe. Their Disney Zombies is different) and a few other songs as well. The whole time you were singing Chase was giving you heart eyes and it didn't take long for Tyler to notice. The thought of his twin sister having a boyfriend pissed him of.
Sometime after you finished filming the movie the secret of your relationship started to get out. First you only told Shelby and Chase only told Riley. But then they figured out that the other person knew as well.
"Hey Riley can you go into Chases bedroom and get that book back the he, uh borrowed from me?" Shelby asked him.
"Uhh, now? You want me to go over there now?" Riley asked back. She nodded
"Do you know something?" Riley asked curiously.
"Do you know something?" Shelby asked back.
"I might know something."
"I might know something too."
"What's the thing that you know?"
"Oh I can't tell you what I know until you tell me what you know."
"I can't tell you what l know."
"Well then I can't tell you what I know."
"Okay fine, you don't know."
"Alright, how about I go over there and I walk into chases bedroom and see the thing that I know is actually the thing that I think that I know!"
"Chase and Y/N? Oh this is unbelievable. How long have you known?"
"To long. Shelby I've been dying to talk to someone about this for so long. But listen, you can't say anything to anybody, they're so weird about that."
All Shelby did was nod and then Ivan came into the room.
"Ivan!" Riley said greeting his ancient friend.
"Hey. It's raining out there and I don't like to train in the rain." Ivan spoke formally to them.
"I am gonna go for a walk in the rain." Riley said and looked at Shelby.
"Oh yeah, me too." Shelby said and followed him outside. A few days after Riley and Shelbys little episode, Koda, Ivan and Kendall found out.
"OMG, Chase and Y/N." Kendall screamed.
"Chase and Y/N." Ivan repeated.
"Oh." Koda says while covering his eyes and didn't want to see what his two best friends were doing.
"Guys." Riley said trying to get them to stop.
"No, no they're doing it." Kendall said to them like they're stupid.
"Guys, we know. We know." Shelby says to her friends.
"You knew?" Ivan asked/screamed.
"Yes I know it, Riley knows it, but Tyler doesn't know so you guys have to stop screaming." Shelby yelled. The worst part was that you almost got caught a few times.
Chase climbed up a tree and softly nocked on your bedroom window. You opened it only to see Chase. "What are you doing here?" "To see you. Is that such a problem?" "Yes! What if Tyler came in right now?" "We'll be fine." The two of you heard a nock on the door. "Hide." He quickly kissed your check and hid. You went up to the door and opened it. "Hey, brother. What's up?" "I thought I heard you talking to someone." "Nope, must have been my computer that I just closed." "Well, dad and mum are making hot chocolate. Do you want any?" "No, Tyler I do not want hot chocolate. Honestly we're 18 years old." "Sorry, I just thought someone said they wanted to live in a chocolate house." "Well that's impractical." You closed the door and opened it again "And fating." You closed the door and Chase looked at you "What?" "Chocolate house." You just rolled your eyes in that moment.
2. You came home while wearing chases jacket. You went inside the house and Tyler turned on the lights. "Crap." "Mhmmm. What are you doing up, and why are you wearing chases jacket?" "Ummm, about that. I went on a date but the guy stood me up. Chase found me, saw that I was cold, let me use his jacket and he brought me home."
3. When Tyler went out on a date with Shelby you invited chase to watch a movie. You both fell asleep but woke up when you heard a car door. "Go out the back way." He gave you a goodbye kiss. "Go." You fell back to sleep, relived that you didn't caught.
Lets just say a few weeks after almost getting caught, the 4th time you got caught. Tyler was pissed and chased your boyfriend/ he's friend around the room.
"Tyler stop." Shelby yelled.
"Chase get back here." Tyler yells ignoring his girlfriend. Everyone was running, trying to stop Tyler from murdering Chase. The base was in utter chaos.
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This went on for about 5-10 hours. Kendall had enough of this and yelled,
You all did as she said.
"Look Tyler, just because your best friend is dating your sister, you're gonna kill him?" Kendall asked confused as anything.
"Yes!" The Red Ranger replied. Kendall rolled her eyes while thinking of a way to stop this madness.
"My best friend and my sister, I can't believe this." Tyler muttered.
"Look mate, we're not just messing around, I love her. Okay? I'm in love with her." Chase said seriously.
"It's true T, I love him too." You said to your brother.
He then looked at the two of you and said,
"Awww, my best friend and my sister."
"So you're not mad?" You asked him.
"Of course I'm still mad, you're not of the hook Chase, and nither are you sis. But I.... approve. Chase if you ever hurt her, you're dead for real." He replied seriously.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Chase said while looking at you and you blushed.
"Big news."
"Aww, that's okay, we already Knew." Ivan said and everyone looked at him with the 'What the heck' look.
"What?! You Knew and you didn't tell me?" Tyler asked.
"Well, we new how upset you can be and we were worried about you." Shelby said to her protective boyfriend.
"You were worried about me?" He asked in shock. Even though Tyler approved it still didn't stop him to start chasing his best friend around when Chase looked at you or kissed you, and it always went into chaos, but seeing you happy my your twin happy.
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kusanalogy · 2 years
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Characters: Yelan x adopted daughter!reader
A/n: this was requested by @kujousarah007 ^ㅇ^ Uhh i think i got a bit carried away writing this 😭 it kinda became short towards the end bc i wrote it at like 1am yesterday lol. reader is a bit shy btw, but i tried not to make it too much
warnings: reader has depression according to the request, but their may be potential misinformation about depression. I made it not so depressing but more fluffy so i could avoid mistakes. Proofread, but in a rush so there might be some things grammatically incorrect
word count: aprox 1.1k words
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•Yelan found you on a mission sleeping on the grass under a tree, with a little basket beside you. There she found freshly picked berries
"This must be her food.." She thought
•You sensed her presence, waking you up from your nap
You woke up facing a person you didnt recognize. The unknown woman turned her eyes to you "Ah- Hello there, kid."
"Mhmmm.. Hi there" you rubbed your eyes to see her clearly "W-what are you gonna do to me?"
"Dont worry, I wont do anything bad. I just happen to see you while- going for a walk!" It was a half-lie. Yes she did just happen to see you, But she wondered if you knew where her target; a group of treasure hoarders were.
"Oh! Sorry for the misunderstanding. A group of strong men had recently stole my backpack and.. I thought you were one of them!"
"Strong men... stealing... Could you describe they're looks?" The unknown woman asked.
"Are you gonna help me find my backpack~?" You stood up, looking at her exictedly.
She reached out a hand to you "Sure. I have other stuff to deal with that group though. Just sit back and watch, alright? Unless you wanna cover your eyes."
Yayyy!!! Thank you uh.. ma'am~!" You happily held her hand, Exicted to watch her deal with them.
"Call me yelan by the way. You?"
"I-I'm y/n, nice to meet you yelan!"
Yelan smiled and continued to ask you more questions about the group, giving her more clues. not long after, You both managed to locate them.
You listened in amazement on how she explains the plan "So complicated... but fun!" Your mind wandered, thinking about different outcomes and turning them into scenarios
After that, you soon became fond of yelan. She treated you the way noone treated you before, Making you feel a.. different feeling.
"Im sorry y/n.. I have to get back now."
"B-but mama... I want you to stay with me!" You stared at her with puppy eyes "Let me come with you!!! Pretty pleaseeee with a cherry on top?"
She was surprised once you said "mama" she sighed, realizing you got that attached to her
"We can meet up here next time, Its getting late." She attemptee to politely answer
You shook your head and grabbed a part of her clothing. "Nuh-uh. Im not gonna sleep alone somewhere far away. If you're not gonna let me come then i'll just have to follow you! If you somehow manage to get away then ill f-find you tomorrow."
She could sense the sadness in your words. Well, Theres nothing she can do.. you seemed to be really clingy. She's dealt with children like you before, Many times. But how come torwards you, it was unalike? who could resist a poor child like you? Why did it feel... familiar? "How am i going to explain this to the agents.." She pondered
Once you both arrived in liyue harbor, She and her men set up a little room for you to settle in. You cleaned yourself up and sat on the comfortable matress.
•Your eyes roamed across the small room, you dont know why but.. it made you feel a bit emotional. Noone has ever done this for you, It made you feel a bit special.
"How is it, little one?"
You jump as you didnt notice your so called "saviour" standing behind the half-opened door.
"O-oh mothe- yelan! Its very pretty. Not like where i usually settle."
She chuckled "Mother, huh? You got comfortable really quick." Well, its not like she got comfortable too. She wont loosen up that quick though. You never know, a child could be involved with something unfortunate.
You went up to her and stared at her face. Yelan knew you wanted something, so she bent down to your level
"Its time to sleep now, y/n. We can chat tomorrow." Yelan said.
"I have one request, w-will you stay with me? just for a bit?"
Now, this moment prooves her speculations that you're having a rough time with your mental health. Seeing you having trouble falling asleep, moving a lot, all that. The sad part is, You dont notice it. You got used to living this poor life given by fate.
•The day after, she started to take care of you, Although she was always away due to her duties, you didnt mind.
•Sometimes you'd accidently call her "mother" and she'd frequently tease you about it and imitates by calling you "dearest daughter" with a hint of sarcasm
"Yelan, mother, a friend or a mere stranger. I can be any of those. I can play whoever you want me to be."
•Yelan taught you lots of stuff growing up! Most of it was on how to communicate with people, the rest, she wanted you to learn on your own so you could be independant.
•When she was away, She'd always send you letters to remind you that she hasnt forgot.
•But getting older, you soon start realizing things.
•Its the way she kept lying. You knew your mother's job was to lie, no doubt she lied to you multiple times. But as you lay down in the middle of your bed, dozens of thoughts going thru your mind, what made you believe her?
•You get up to look at your calendar.
"Mother said she'd be back yesterday. What happened to that? hrm, another lie yet again." You spoke to yourself.
"Listen to me. yes i lie, you know me. You know what i do. But i promise you one thing.."
The familiar voice made sure to speak clearly, though how it spoke so suddenly startled you.
"Missed me, my favorite y/n?" She slightly teased
You jumped to embrace her, feeling warm again. "Im listening! Tell me the promise."
"...That i'll always come back." She cleared her throat and continued. "That is the one thing that will never be untrue. I have a reason for keeping you as far as possible from my work and not telling you everything, you know? Well, one of those reasons are to keep you safe. Its for that very promise. I understand your feelings and- i apologize if i couldnt fulfill several of your wishes due to work. I'll make it up to you, next time theres another minor problem im tasked to do, i'll bring you along with me just like how i did the first time i met you. Are we clear?"
Your eyes widened, then you smiled. The genuine one you only showed to her.
"There we go, now you're smiling. Keep it up." Yelan said.
"Watch me, i'll use the technique you taught me when that time comes!"
Yelan looked thru your window, and back to you. "Exicted again, hm? Lets get you to bed now, the days will go by faster."
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bts-sugaplum · 2 years
Feelings are a drag: Shikamaru x Reader
Summary: Shikamaru tells you how he feels
Notes: angsty, fluff, arguing, attitude, Shikamaru x reader, best friend naruto, nudish scene
You just got home from a long and exhausting mission with Kiba and Naruto. All you had in mind was going home and going to bed. You don’t mind long missions although you did miss seeing your best friend daily when you were gone. To your surprise you didn’t see him at the gate as you got closer. 
“Bye , Naruto. Bye Kiba.” You yelled out as the two boys waved their goodbyes to you and you took your normal route home. On your way home you couldn’t get out of our head as to why you didn’t see Shikamaru standing where he usually stands, it was strange of him to not be in his normal spot when you got home. And it was still noon by the time you got back. You eventually pushed the thought away as you got to your front door. To your surprise it was already unlocked , you made your way in only hearing voices coming from the living room. You walked in curious to only see the TV was on and a sleeping Shikamaru on your couch. You walked by him , turning off the TV , and putting out his cigarette. With the motion of you putting out the cigarette for him woke him. 
Shikamru shot up from his slumber and gave you the biggest hug. 
“Oh, y/n how I’ve missed you.” he expressed squeezing the life out of you
“H-hey Shika” you replied as he let you go, you walked to your room and he followed right behind you like a lost puppy who found his owner. 
“How was your mission?” He asked sitting on your bed watching you get clothes out of your dresser
“Long, and exhausting, I was already craving my bed.” You replied as he smiled thinking to himself how alike you to are that it drove him crazy.
“Well Shika, catch up when I get out?” You asked walking over to the bathroom only in your tank top and underwear.
“U-uh, yea” Shikamaru said as he walked to the living room, trying to get the last image of you out of his mind.
Shikamru was lost in thought, confusing himself the more he thought about you, and how he missed you, seeing your body exposed to him was nothing new but this strange feeling of wanting more it left him startled.
“Feelings are such a drag?.. he mumbled to himself
You walked out the bathroom in only some short shorts and one of his training T’s that went to about mid thigh, your legs exposed freely, and your hair heald up by a towel, as you walked over to your room to do your hair.
“Shika I’m out” you yelled out to him, soon hearing his footstep closer to your bedroom, soon looking through your mirror to see Shikamaru laying on your bed with his feet hang off. 
You sensed something was off but you didn’t know what 
“Shika, are you okay?” you asked
“mhmmm” he replied with his eyes closed
“are you sure? You seem kinda weird, is something on your mind?” you asked
“Well yes sort of” he said know sitting up
“Would you like to talk about it?” You asked sitting next to him on the bed, the moment you sat down he engulfed you in a hug. You just sat there shook, Shika was never this sentimental around you. Yes you guys have slept in the same bed together, seen each other close to naked but it was never something that surpassed friendship. And his chakra was giving off strong vibes unlike his usual calm and collected vibes you received from him. 
“Y/n , we do need to talk” He said letting go of you
“what’s up Shika?” You asked sitting back up to look at him, he looked back at you and sighed 
“I like you y/n” he blurted out, you just starred at him shocked on that the fact that the lazy man in front of you just    to you.
“I-I like you too, Shika” you responded , he sighed with relief and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“ I have always liked you y/n , I just didn’t know how you would react since you were always with Naruto.” he explained
“Naruto? No way! He’s like my little -big brother theres no way I liked him, it’s always been you Shika.” you responded giggling.
“Feelings are such a drag.” he laughed out
“That they are , my friend that they are.” you grabbed his chin having him face you as you leaned in to peck his lips
“I’ve been wanting that since you left.” he admitted
“It took you, two weeks to come to your sense that you have a thing for me” you exclaimed surprised that it didn’t happen sooner.
“What you always threw mix signals” He sighed , the rest of the night he just listen to you ramble on and on how you liked him and you never thought he would like you back, and how he was so hard to read.
“Well y/n my love, now that I have you , feelings are such a drag.” 
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adezahnae · 3 years
While We’re on a Little Trip (Part 4)
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A/N: HELLO! I FINALLY FINISHED!! I hope it’s okay💕🥺
Warnings: Angst, cursing, child abuse, phone masturbation, jaehyun snaps, etc...
Tagged People: @ahgasearmyfan @whoreforshuaaa @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @janedukiesworld @staynctzen127
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Your POV
We were now at the restaurant and his daughter was playing with the toys she bought with her. Jaehyun tried to continue to talk to me but I couldn’t find the words to answer him. I was too struck in shock that I didn’t even have an appetite anymore. I looked over at the little girl and seen the similarities between her and Jae. She had his eyes, his smile, even his dimples. I smiled in the direction of the girl who was talking to him.
The waiter brought our food and smiled at Jaehyun. “Is there anything else sir?” She asked a little too flirtatious for me. I shot her a look and she quickly bowed. “Enjoy your food.” She said rushing off. I picked up my fork and cut into my pancakes. I heard him cut up the pancakes for his daughter while he talked and smiled with her. “That’s a big piece!” She said laughing. “Is it? Hmm? You want to eat that piece first?” He asked. “Uh huh!” She said opening her mouth. He fed her the piece and wiped her face off. She giggled and took the napkin, coping him. He laughed and took the napkin from her, feeding her again.
I giggled and ate my food. She then turned to me. “Hi!” She said. I smiled. “Hi!” I replied waving at her. “What’s your name?” She asked. “Y/N. What about your name?” I asked giggling. “My name is Lia! It’s short for Milia.” She exclaimed. I smiled and pinched her cheeks. “You have one pretty name..” I said. “Uh huh! My daddy named me.” She said pointing to him. “He did?” I asked looking at him now. “Mhm. He named me Milia Jung!” She exclaimed.
“That’s beautiful..” I said. She smiled and tapped his hand. “Daddy, pancakes?” She asked pointing to them. “Okay, open wide Lia.” He said. He did the little airplane thing and placed it in her mouth. She giggled and made grabby hands towards him. He took her out of her high chair and placed her in his lap. “Where did you meet Y/n?” She asked. “I met her at school.” He told her as he wiped her face off. “You liked her?” She asked. I continued to eat, avoiding eye contact with him. “I love her..” he said. “More than my mommy?” She asked a little sad. “Yes baby. More than mommy..” He said sighing.
“But mommy said that you said that you were gonna marry her and dump Y/n and that we would all live together.” She said eating eggs off of his plate with her hands. I seen out of the corner of his eye that he was angry. “Mommy said what?” He asked in low voice that scared Milia. I turned around. “Okay..Milia. Do you want me to hold you?” I asked. She smiled and made grabby hands towards me. I quickly picked her up and put her in my lap. “I’ll be back.” He said getting up from the table. “Where is daddy going?” She asked. “Uhh...to the bathroom!” I said. She nodded and began to eat some more.
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Jaehyun’s POV
I walked to the bathrooms and called Alexa. I tapped my foot in impatience and waited. She answered the phone. “Mm..Jaeee!” I heard her moan. “What the fuck did you tell Lia?” I asked. “What?” She asked still moaning. “You told my daughter that I was gonna leave Y/N for your ass?!” I exclaimed. “Mhmmm..she needs to know that Y/n is not yours. I am..” she whispered.
She began to moan louder and louder. “I will never leave Y/n for you. I don’t want you anymore. We are over, damn it!” I said. “Growl at me Jae...” she mumbled. I rolled my eyes and hung up on her. I came back to the table to see another person I didn’t want to...Mia...
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Your POV
As I was playing with Lia, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see that it was my mom. “Miss me Y/n?” She asked. “Mia get your pregnant self away from me before I make you have miscarriage.” I said. “Oh shut up! You only act tough for Jaehyun.” She rolled her eyes. “Okay well you can go. You’re so irritating.” I said. “Who is this woman, Y/n?” Lia asked. Mia gasped. “Lia? Babygirl, it’s me!! I’m g-“ “Mia!” I heard Jaehyun call. I turned in his direction and smiled. “Hey baby..” She said. “Excuse me?” I said getting up with Lia in my arms. Everyone in the restaurant had stop their movements and watched us. “For the last time, Mia we are DIVORCED!” Jaehyun yelled.
“I don’t care!! You are still mine! You know you shouldn’t be messing around some young whore like Y/n.” “Mia, I’ve told you many times to watch your fucking mouth.” Jaehyun said walking up on Mia. I stopped him. “Jae. Quit it.” I said. “You should have stopped messing with young girls when you stopped messing with Alexa!” Mia exclaimed. “But no...you’re still in your same damn ways. Screwing bitches like Y/n and then getting them pregnant. I know that my girls are gifted with my pussy but you shouldn’t screw them all the time and then dump them with a child to take of!” Mia exclaimed.
Girls?? What does she mean? There’s another one? Jaehyun breathed out and ran his fingers through his hair. He’s pissed. “Okay bitch, you get your ass out of my fucking sight before I raise hell and shut this damn restaurant down.” He snapped. “Daddy!” Lia cried. “I told you Jae! I’m not done yet!” She said. “Get out of here. Now.” I said. She huffed and left the restaurant. “The fuck you all looking at?! Mind your damn business!” He exclaimed. He walked out of the restaurant. “Sorry everyone!” I apologized.
I grabbed my things and Lias and left the restaurant after him. We got in the car and it was dead silent. He had his head in his hand and bounced his leg up and down. “Daddy? Are you mad at me?” Lia asked. He couldn’t answer. I picked her up and put her in my lap. “No..Daddy isn’t angry with you. He couldn’t if he tried. Let’s watch a cartoon huh?” I said to her. She nodded and I pulled out my phone, going to YouTube and watching kid shows. She grabbed my phone and giggled as she watched.
I thought about her clothes and everything and I seen that she didn’t have anything with her. “Excuse me driver? Can you take me to a clothing store?” I asked. He nodded. I turned to Jaehyun and seen him in the same state. “I’m buying Lia some clothes for the trip of course.” I said. He breathed out and handed me his wallet. I took it. “Thanks.” I said.
We finally made it to the store and I went straight to the baby clothes. I looked at the outfits and smiled. “Which one would you like?” I asked holding her and showing her. “Umm...this one!!” She said. I picked up the pink outfit and she grabbed a purple dress. “Ooh! I like this one! It matches one of my dresses I have with me.” I said. She giggled. “What about this...green one?” I asked. She scrunched nose up and pushed it away. “Green icky..” she said. I smiled.
“Yeah, Daddy doesn’t like that green neither.” I said. She’s like Jaehyun so much. “Okay, do you like the white one?” I asked. She gasped and grabbed the dress. “I love white!” She said hugging it. Aww, Jae likes that color too. We chose three more outfits and we went to the shoes. I picked her out three pairs of sandals and some pink shoes to wear. I went to the front and grabbed some diapers and more baby products.
We made it back to the car and Jaehyun was now on his phone. I gave him back his wallet and put Lia in her seatbelt. “Daddy look at my clothes!! Are they pretty?!” She asked waving the bags in his face he smiled and took the bags. “They are so pretty..just like you.” He said pinching her cheeks. She giggled and pulled out the pink dress. “Can I wear this one?” She asked. He nodded. “Sure, do you want me to put it on you now?” He asked her taking it. She nodded and held her arms up. I took her out of her seatbelt and he stood her up carefully.
He undid her shorts but she quickly pushed his hands away. “No..” she mumbled. He frowned. “What do you mean no? Let daddy undress you..” He said pulling her little shorts down. After he did, she shrieked and jumped into my lap. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked her. Jaehyun was reaching for her again until he stopped his movements. “Lia...what’s on your legs?” He asked her. I looked down to see that there were burn marks and bruises on her tiny thighs.
I gasped. “Take her shirt off.” Jaehyun said to me. I made quick of her shirt and seen purple bruises on her back. I gasped. “Jaehyun, these are beating marks and cigarette burns!” I said. Lia began to cry. “Mommy angry with me!” She said. “Baby...who did this to you?” He asked. “Mommy angry with me!” She cried again. He picked her up and sat her in his lap. “Tell Daddy who touched you.” He said. “Mommy and her friends...” she mumbled. “What friends?” “Mike and Larry...” She mumbled playing with her fingers.
“THIS BITCH!” He yelled. “STOP THE FUCKING CAR!” He yelled to the driver. “Where does mommy stay?” He asked her. “Ho..twel? Hot..uhh..Ho..yellow?” She mumbled trying to pronounce it. “A Hotel? Okay..” He mumbled. He began to dress her and he had a certain look in his eyes. “Jae..don’t do nothing stupid.” I said. He gave me a look that I knew he was too far out of reach at this point. There’s no stopping him. “Take me to the house we’re staying at please.” Jaehyun said.
We made there and he got out the car. He came back after a few minutes he had came back with black skinny jeans, a black shirt with a black cap and some black shoes on. I know that outfit...I know it well. “Take me to the hotel she’s staying at and take Y/n and Milia around Hawaii afterwards.” He said from the front seat. He turned around and looked at me. “Could you cover her up a little more?” He asked referring to her bruises. I nodded.
We made it to the hotel and by this time, Lia was asleep. I saw Jae pull something from the glove department. As I looked closer, it was gun. I widened my eyes as he cocked it back. “Jaehyun. I said don’t do anything stupid!” I whispered yelled. He turned to me instantly. “No one touches my fucking daughter.” He growled. “But shooting?! That’s not gonna solve anything but get you in trouble or in jail, or worse, prison!!” I exclaimed. “Look when you have your own child you will do anything and I mean anything to get revenge on the ones who touched the most precious thing in your life.” He said.
I shed a tear. “Jae..please.” I begged trying to change his mind. He leaned back and kissed me and kissed Lia on her forehead. “Take them around Hawaii.” He said as he got out of the car. “JAE!” I called. He opened the door to the hotel and walked to the counter. The car then pulled off and I started to think the worst scenarios.
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hotpinkrathian · 4 years
Lin Goes To The Dentist
"I'm sorry Miss Beifong, we can't go through with the procedure until you have confirmed with us you have a ride home." Lin sighed, tapping her foot in the floor.
"If I get one can I do it today?"
"We can have you in in five minutes." Lin snorted, making her way to the pay phone and waiting for the ring.
"Hello, Republic City Hospital what can I do for you?"
"Is Kya there?"
"I'm sorry who is-"
"Is Kya there?"
"Shes on break."
"Good, get her for me." There was some bustling and Lin smiled at the receptionist, holding up a finger to let her know it wouldn't be too much longer.
"Who is this?"
"Its Lin."
"Oh, Lin why didn't you say so. You know I would've answered much faster if I had known."
"Yeah well, short on time. I need your help."
"I need you to," she paused, "I need someone to pick me up from the Dentist, I'm having a root canal taken out and-"
"They have to put you under. I'll be there in 10."
"Thanks, Kya."
"See you soon." Lin hung up the phone and the receptionist tilted her glasses at her.
"Kya, water tribe woman, long white hair will be here."
"Works for me, you can go in now."
"Shes right in here, miss." The Dentist said, guiding Kya to a separate room.
"Shes good to go?"
"Give her a few minutes to wake up, she was under longer than usual."
"Yeah her tolerance isn't very high, thank you." The dentist smiled as Kya entered the room, cautiously making her way to the chair where Lin appeared to be asleep. She sat on the foot of the chair, pushing equipment out of the way.
"Lin." She said softly. "You can go home now." She prodded the younger woman, frowning.
"Lin." She said just a bit louder.
"Ah!" Kya recoiled as Lin sat up, laughing.
"Got you!" Lin laughed. Her words were jumbled by the gauze and numbing in her mouth.
"Very funny. Let's get you home. " she stood up, offering the metalbender her hand. Lin took it, toppling them both onto the floor.
"Okay, Lin, you need to get off me." Lin mumbled something, rolling off Kya onto her back and staring at the ceiling.
"Its so sunny today."
"Thats a roof."
"A sunny roof." Kya pushed down a laugh, pushing herself back onto her feet.
"Come on," she grunted as she pulled Lin off her feet. They managed to make their way to the satomobile where Lin insisted on driving, to which Kya pushed her into the back seat, using two of the buckles to restrain her.
"You're pretty heavy," she panted once they were on the road, "did you have to wear armor to the dentist?"
"So many knives, they could stab me at any moment." Lin replied groggily.
"Right." Kya spent the rest of the ride trying get Lin to be quiet, she wasn't supposed to talk this much after a procedure like this.
"So anyway I told him that if he-" Lin stopped. "Is this my house?"
"Yup. Time to get you to bed."
"Whoa Kya, its only the first date." Kya looked at her, blushing. She knew Lin was out of it, but still, this had to mean that a part of Lin had contemplated flirting back. At least once.
"Haha. Come on let's get this off you." She guided her to the bedroom and manages to pry off the armor using the secret latch at the back.
"Comfy." Lin said as she relaxed into the pillows, Kya pulling the covers over her.
"You good?" Kya asked, smiling at her handiwork.
"Sure." She bent some water into a glass and handed it to Lin.
"You're a waterbender?" Lin marveled and Kya chuckled.
"Yeah, have been my whole life."
"Wow. You know who else is a waterbender?"
"My friend Kya." Kya raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah. She's great. I'm mean to her sometimes, I think. I don't know what to say."
"Shes so pretty." Kya's other eyebrow joined its twin, both raised as Lin spilled. She knew she wasn't supposed to hear this, but still, it felt like an odd twist of fate.
"Tell me more." She inquired.
"She has hair. Lots of it."
"I want to touch it, but I don't "
"You could."
"Shes a waterbender."
"You told me that."
"Shes such a good friend. She was there for me after my heart broke."
"Thats kind of her."
"Dont tell her this," Lin said seriously, Kya almost thought she'd snapped out of it.
"Come closer." Kya leaned in, Lin pressed a hand to her ear, cupping it as she whispered.
"I want to kiss her." Her blush deepened even more, and a smile crept across her face.
"You do?"
"Shhhhhhh. Don't tell Kya."
"I won't." She said, her heart racing in her chest. Lin's head fell against the pillow as she fell asleep. Kya stood up, her hands on her head as she paced the room.
"Oh my Ravaa." She whispered to herself.
"Lin Beifong has a crush on me."
Lin stumbled into the bathroom, managing to push through the pain long enough to relieve herself. She held onto the door frame, pushing herself out of her bedroom, making a beeline for the couch to lay back down.
"Good morning." She froze, turning her head to the sound of the voice.
"Kya?" She asked, her head still groggy. Kya sat next to her, two cups of tea in her hand.
"Yours isn't hot, they said nothing hot for a couple days at least, so I did my best." Lin took the cup, drinking from it, suprised to find it wasn't bad.
"How are you feeling?" The waterbender asked.
"Sounds like the numbing is out."
"Dont remind me." Kya chuckled, holding a palm up to Lin's sorr cheek. Lin just watched as the waterbender admired her face. She wiped water over it and Lin sighed.
"It kept bleeding throughout the night, so your pillow case might need a wash."
"Did you stay overnight?" Lin asked, taking another drink.
"Of course. I didn't plan too, but you were... needy."
"No, don't be. "
"I feel terrible. My jaw hasn't hurt like this since..."
"Since your scars?" Lin looked at her, Kya's warm blue eyes, a corner of a smile. Nothing malicious or threatening about her, so why was she so scared?
"I can help, if you want. Use some waterbending."
"Dont you have work?"
"They can function one day without me." Lin scoffed.
"Wish I could say the same."
"Dont tell me you're going back to work anytime soon."
"Day after tomorrow."
"I know I know. I get bored, hanging around here myself. The pain is bearable if it means I don't have to sit here by myself for a week." Kya went to the kitchen, getting a bowl of water and bending enough to cover Lin's jaw, the bending sending a sensation of relief almost immediately.
"Any better?"
"Much, don't stop."
"Okay." They sat in silence for a moment, and when Kya was done she dropped the water back into the bowl.
"Lin," the waterbender started, "why did you.. why did you ask me? To help you, I mean?" Lin shuffled, leaning back slightly.
"I dunno, I guess you were the first person to come to mind." Kya whispered something to herself, but Lin didn't catch it.
"So it, uh... it turns out you're pretty chatty under drugs." Lin paused. This was going somewhere. She said something, didn't she? She couldn't think of reply on time, so Kya kept talking.
"You were telling me about your friend. How nice she was. Her hair." Lin blushed, biting her bottom lip with nervousness. "How you... you wanted to kiss her."
"And?" Lin replied, not daring to make eye contact.
"I think she'd appreciate the truth, coming from the real you." Kya leaned in closer, her hand touching Lin on the thigh. Lin had thought of nearly a thousand ways this scenario had gone down, she would have loved to pick one of the ones that had the least amount of conversation as possible. But seeing as her mouth wasn't good for much more than talking right now, she was trapped.
"You can.. tell my 'friend' that I meant it." Kya's breath seemed to hitch in throat and Lin held her own as well.
"Well, um, your friend would like to kiss you, too." Kya said with a smile.
"We are talking about you, right?" Lin teased. Kya laughed, placing a hand on Lin's shoulder.
"Alright, just making sure, its been a long day, I thought maybe my head was messing with me or something." They laughed and Kya raised her hand to Lin's cheek again. Lin closed her eyes at the touch as Kya's thumb brushed against her scars. The next thing she knew, Lin was being pulled into a kiss. Her mouth was till hurt, but damn did Kya make it feel better. It was gentle, Kya always knew just what she needed. When the waterbender pulled away, a giddy grin on her face, Lin cleared her throat.
"Thanks," she said passively.
"For kissing you?"
"Hmm? No, I mean, for taking care of me."
"Oh, yeah, anytime."
"And also the kiss." Kya kissed her again on her good cheek before getting up.
"Get some rest," the waterbender said, "I'll be here when you wake up." Lin bit back a grin as she sunk into the sofa, closing her eyes, dreaming of those lips the entire time.
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hopewrld2 · 4 years
Filter - JM
↣ Summary: After day 2 of the concert, you just couldn’t take it anymore. Your boyfriend’s song already had you weak in the knees when you first heard it, but the dance is what made you want him even more. After the performance you made an irritational decision, one that could get you both caught.
↣ Genre: Smut (with some fluff because why not)
↣ Paring: Jimin x Reader
↣ Warnings: Dom Jimin (sub for like 2 seconds), sub reader, potential of being caught, kind of public sex, daddy Jimin because why not, choking, squirting, rough rough sex (because who would I be if it wasn’t), oral (m receiving), deepthroating, cussing, impregnation kink because I'm a whore for it :) , hitting it from the back doggy style andddd I think that’s it...if I forgot something let me know :) now off to reading. 
↣ Word Count: 921 (thought that it would be longer but oh well)
↣ A/N: am i late to posting this...yes. do i care...kinda no. i was just rewatching day 2 of the concert and then holy shit bruh...purple is 100000000 jimin’s color (might be writing a my time one too for jk, depends when inspiration hits again...thank you guys so much for supporting my first smut (the savage love one) :) now let’s get it)
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You watched in awe as your boyfriend was on the screen. His movements incredibly fluid and precise as he stared into the camera with so much intensity that you had to sit down.
When his bold move came on, and his legs moved slowly and then quickly, your eyes widened. He hadn’t allowed you to see him practice his solo because he said it was going to be a surprise, he insisted you sit out on yesterday’s performance of filter for reasons unexplained, but in reality he knew what purple on him did to you.
He was right, the wetness growing slowly, but surely, in your panties was a dead giveaway. You weren't even the type to take control, but this performance was doing things to you...tonight might be something new for the both of you.
The song ended and he ran backstage to greet you, his suit and hair still the same way they were in the performance. You gaped at him, getting even more turned on when you could see him up close.
His smile brought you back down to earth, "What'd you think?" He questioned lightly, obviously eager for your reply.
"What'd I think?!" You responded exasperatedly, hitting him on the chest lightly, "It was fucking amazing Chim you looked so freaking good."
His smile widened, catching up with his eyes. You didn't match his smile, too distracted on eyeing up your boyfriend.
Suddenly, you felt arms encase you from behind. Not even realizing that Jimin had moved at all.
You felt his lips brush against your ear, breath warming you. "I bet you're soaked aren't you?" He questioned, hands slowly roaming your body. His changes in atmosphere used to confuse you, but now you’re just used to it. He could go from smiley ChimChim to daddy in a second, and he always loved to make you remember that. You jumped when you felt his fingers on the hem of your jeans, turning around abruptly.
"Not here Jimin!" You hissed, glancing around to see if any of the staff had stopped to see your little moment. With this new angle, and your front pressing against his, you could feel his semi-hard lightly on your stomach and it took every ounce of your restraint to not go feral right then.
He groaned when you shifted slightly, "I suggest you start moving before I take you right here in front of everyone, just so they can hear how pretty you sound fucked out and screaming my name."
His full lips started placing wet kisses down your temple, headed for your neck. You knew at this rate, you would give in and give everyone in this room a show that could be even more memorable then what he just performed on stage.
Pulling away, you grabbed his hand, leading him into a meeting room away from everyone else. Time the door shut, his hands were all over you. Roaming every part of you in hurried motions. He kissed you feverishly, all parts of your sanity withering away quickly.
His cold hand found their way under your shirt, making you nip on his lip lightly causing him to moan in your mouth.
That was all it took for your willpower to exit immediately.
Your clothes were long forgotten as you struggled to get Jimin's suit off. You let out some profanities as you struggled more, causing Jimin to laugh and take over.
Time his shirt came off, you were meet with his taunt abs, your hands roaming them while pulling his pants down.
Lowering yourself to your knees, you came face to face with your biggest challenge. You've never been able to completely deepthroat him due to not only his length, but his girth too. But today, you were going to do it. He gave you a performance to remember, and now you’ll return the favor.
You gave the raging tip kitty licks, making Jimin's hand come shooting down to tangle in your hair. You stopped immediately lifting your mouth off of him, "Uh uh Chim, no touching. I'm in control."
His hooded eyes took you in, thinking how beautiful you looked trying to take control. He laughed internally, knowing that this "control" lasted for one thing and only one thing and that you would go right back to subbing when his dick was buried deep inside of you.
After he seemed to get the message, you went back to sucking him. The lewd sounds filling the small room, making you thankful that it was so chaotic outside due to the concert.
You glanced up and met his eyes which were filled with not only lust, but love as well. He let out a strangled groan as he closed his eyes, the feeling of his dick going all the way to the back of your throat for once was incredible. His hand came down to tangle in your hair, ripping you off of him while catching his breath.
Cocking your head sideways you looked at him, waiting for an explanation as to why the first time you ever deep throat him, he practically shoves you off of him.
"Holy shit," he breathed out, "that was incredible."
You gave him a small smile, which slowly turned into a frown. "If it was so great why did you take me off of you?"
His eyes bore into your own as he walked towards you, titling your chin up, "Because the only thing I want to cum in tonight is that pretty little pussy of yours baby."
That was all it took to get you back into your submissive state. Brain clouding with lust as you stared at him. 
The next thing you knew, you were flipped over on the table in the dim room, Jimin’s cock resting on your back as he leaned over and whispered in you ear, “I promise you that this is going to be more memorable than Filter.” 
You felt your arousal begin to drip down your thigh just with his simple words. Beginning to get embarrassed at how wet he can make you.  
Without hesitation, he slammed his cock into you, making you both release loud moans. “Oh my god Chim. Holy fuck.” 
He was ramming into you in record speed, the table scooting forward with the brute force of his thrusts. The lewd sounds filled the room, you could’ve sworn that you guys could be heard over the loud music filling the background. 
Taehyung’s performance started, Inner child being blasted into the background. Jimin didn’t slow down, even as your knees started to give out, he wrapped his hand around your neck and pulled you back into his chest. 
“Inner Child,” Jimin grunted, “How bout I fuck a baby into you hmm? You would like that wouldn’t you?” 
In your fucked out state, you couldn’t do anything but eagerly nod, not being able to form coherent sentences. You knew it was just words said in the moment, you having your birth control implant would prevent it from happened, but only Jimin could make such a touching song dirty. 
A familiar knot started forming in your stomach, and when you squeezed around Jimin’s dick, he knew you were close. 
“You’re close aren’t you? Getting ready to cum all over my dick?”
“Mhmmm” You moaned out, “Jimin- fuck- I’m about to-”
With one long pull out, and then a hard snap that knocked over a chair, you were cumming all over his dick. An unfamiliar feeling of wetness added. 
He fucked you through your high, cumming shortly after and releasing your throat. 
“Did you just-” He laughed lightly as you surveyed the situation, “And you said that I could never make you squirt.” 
You shook your head, resting your back against the table while Jimin placed everything where it used to be and got dressed. Giving you a sympathetic look, he helped you get dressed. 
“You won’t be able to walk will you?” He asked, trying his best not to smile.
You gave him a weary look, “Since when have I been able to walk after you’re through with me?” 
He chuckled, placing a kiss to your forehead, “It was worth the wait wasn’t it?” He questioned. 
You couldn’t help but sigh, “It most definitely was.” 
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gaycaffeinebee · 3 years
Worship the French Fry (Part three)
WRITER’S NOTE: Typically, I do not mind when people don’t tag me when they use my prompts. But for anything over 200 words and any of my series (especially if you copy word for word) please tag me! I’d love to see what OCs and characters y'all would put with these two (A and B).
This series can be read/written separately (individual chapters), but I picture the surroundings, characters, and references to be from the same story.
Warnings (for this chapter): lovey dovey stalker aesthetic, eating food fast, cuddle fluff, references to the Padalecki family
History/Pre-knowledge (for this chapter):
B really likes overly salted food
*B slowly stirs awake - they don’t know what time it is but they don't care - It's barely light out yet- they woke up big spooning A - B takes note of A’s breathing and decides it’s safe to say they're still asleep- B takes a breath and realizes they finally have A - B's not waiting months and months figuring out how to ask them out anymore - they're holding A and it's not just a hug in passing anymore- they’re actually holding A in their arms and they’re not gonna risk waking A up especially if it's early- they start counting back from a hundred and pulls A in tighter*
*A slowly wakes up getting a feel for their surroundings - they're on their back and B's 1/3 on top of A snoring their ass off – they’re on their stomach and B’s got their head on A’s shoulder and kind of like in their neck – B’s left arm is loosely wrapped around A’s waist and A’s left is like hooked around B’s back - A can't feel half their arm but at the sight of B being this comfortable, they don't care - A reaches for their phone on the nightstand and turn it on with their free hand - A opens camera and puts it in portrait mode and holds it so they can see B’s face - A takes a picture really quick and then puts their phone down - they can still move their arm enough to reach B’s head and play with their hair - A sits there just running their fingers through B’s hair and they only stir a little- eventually B takes a deep breath in through their nose and backs their head up so A can now see their face – B’s eyes are still closed and they just let the breath out - does this person really sleep this hard? - A decides to let it go for the meantime- A just gazes at their facial features for a long while until they casually drag their left hand up to their neck and just rub their jawline while their thumb lazily*
B- *eyes still closed from A’s perspective- their voice still extremely groggy from sleeping (and snoring of course)* "Are you just going to keep staring at me till I open my eyes?"
A- "I'd keep staring with your eyes open too - how the fuck are you so pretty all the time? - you gotta be related to a Padalecki ‘cause you're definitely a genetic freak of nature,"
B- "I'm not even awake yet and you've already managed to compliment and insult me in one line - What's a Padalecki?"
A- *A giggles* "That entire thing was a compliment- The Padaleckis are a famous family in America- they're all extremely attractive and I think you must be related to them because you are too pretty,"
B- "So all attractive people must be family- guess I gotta marry you 'cause you're hot as fuck," *they yawn*
A-*A sits there - face turning red - processing wtf just happened* "And you're still half asleep,"
B- *they yawn again* "Sleepiness is the drug of the heart,"
A- *they smile at B’s cuteness* "I don't think anyone says that-"
B- "They do now 'cause I did and I am always right because I-“ *they stretch out with their eyes still closed* “-am pretty,"
A- "Oh so that's how it works? I had no idea you made the rules here," *A said sarcastically as they find B’s left hand and kiss it*
B- "You think you make the rules? Oh but of course not! You said I was pretty therefore I get to make rules,"
A- "Yes and does the great rule maker want breakfast?" *A boops B’s nose with theirs and then kisses it*
B- *A then kisses B’s forehead and they tuck their head back into A’s neck* "Maybe later - can we stay here for a little while though?"
A- "You comfy?" *A kisses their hand again and then holds it to their chest*
B- "Yea - I finally have you and I don't wanna let go,"
*A can't complain cuz B is the pretty rule maker*
A- "Okay baby we gotta get up - your stomach is yelling at me"
*A hears a muffled 'ugh shut up stomach' as B rolls themself completely on top of A - A runs their hands through their hair a bit*
A- "We gotta get up sweetie come on - I'll make breakfast and you can still hold onto me"
B- *muffled* "Promise?"
A- "Yes, I promise,"
*B very obviously reluctantly gets up and off of A - B then stands by the bed still half-conscious with their eyes still adjusting to the light and waits for A to get up - A just smiles at B and gives them their hand - they take it and A walks to the kitchen with B waddling in silence behind A*
B- “Do I have to eat?”
A- "Yes, yes you do," *A opens their arms and then picks B up and holds them koala style*
*A works through the kitchen only setting B on the counter a few times - then picking them up again and going back to work*
*About 10 minutes later A has two paper plates full of eggs and fruit*
A- "Hey I'm gonna let go of you to carry the plates - hold on please" *B holds onto A tightly as they walk over to the couch food in hand and sit down with B now on top of A- B falls off A to their side but B still has a leg on A’s lap*
A- "Your eggs are heavily salted already anddd here is a fork,"
*B smiles and starts eating- they remember the little things*
*a few seconds later B absent-mindedly cracks their back and knuckles while they scarf down their eggs- B looks up to see A staring at them concerned*
B- "What'd I do?"
A- "I'm gonna make you honor your eggs and call them your majesty again if you don't slow down love - you're gonna get hiccups,"
B- "You can't make me do any-"
A- "Oh hush I know - now gimme your hand are you okay?"
*B gives them their hand in confusion* "Yes? I am fine? Why are you concerned?"
A- "It sounded like an automated rifle went off in your knuckles,"
B- "Yea I just do that - it's normal for me - watch-" *they crack their neck and everything else* "See it feels good- no harm,"
A- "I should take you to a chiropractor,"
B- "I am fineeee please believe me I'm okay,"
A- "Mhmmm." *A looks at B with an unpleased face*
B- “Uh hey watch the tone of your face - I might just make you worship the french fry again,”
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tuffin-tuffmuffin · 3 years
Iruma Says Fuck
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Mairuma Discord Shipping Challenge Day 10
prompt: learning
 A thud, a gasp, and a “FUCK!” roused Ameri from her drowsiness. She rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was dreaming. Did Iruma just fucking swear?
  She pushed herself up, sending the facedown textbook on her stomach tumbling to the floor. Her head turned to see her boyfriend hopping on one foot, hands clutching the other. It didn’t take much deduction to guess the character-breaking culprit was the table he stood next to, but she needed to clear the important questions out of the way.
  Firstly...   “Iruma, are you alright?”
  “Yeah, yeah,” he called back, lowering his foot gingerly. “Just banged my toe. It mostly just surprised me”
  She breathed a sigh of relief, he was okay.
  “On that table?”
  “Well, yes.”
  Ameri furrowed her brow. “Iruma, there’s nothing around it for at least two meters. Can’t you see it?”
  “Well, no. It’s dark”
  She blinked. “It’s not...” She began, and trailed off. Ameri looked up at her ceiling light, not on full blast of course, because who would do that to themselves after a long and stressful school day? She looked back down, seeing Iruma’s eyes staring vaguely in her direction. She could hardly notice those beautiful baby blue irises of his, that’s how wide his pupils were. Round, diurnal pupils, unlike a demon’s... unlike her own vertically slitted-pupils, which made a little light a lot.
  Ameri tssked at herself. Iruma didn’t see that menacing, immobile table because he really couldn’t see that table, and he really deserved better.   “I forgot you can’t do the dark as easily,” she said. “Don’t worry, I’ll turn them up next time you’re around.”
  He’d fumbled around for a chair at this point, sitting rubbing his poor toe through the sock. “You don’t have to do that just for me, Ameri,” Iruma said back.
  “Oh. Would you rather me take your hand and lead you around instead?” She joked. Well, half-joked, half-flirted.
  He half-laughed and half-blushed, so her line worked perfectly. Ameri shot him a tender smile, not that he could see it.
  She fully pushed herself up, expression dropping to genuine concern. “Also, did I just hear you curse?”
  Iruma stopped, eyes wide at the accusation. He racked his brain. “I think I did, actually.”
  And it was her turn to be shocked. “Iruma! No!” She chided.
  He huffed. “What!? Am I not allowed to swear?”
  “Well you can I suppose. But, you don’t swear!” She huffed right back, her mental image of her cute and perfect little Iruma running headfirst into a cruel reality where Iruma says fuck. “Who taught you that?”
  “I don’t remember, but I’ve heard it a lot of times. What, did you think I went my entire life without being exposed to a single swear word?”
  To be honest, she kind of did. Fuck, nobody to blame, except her own pedestaling. He was innocent and pure but that doesn’t mean he was obligated to be her idea of pure innocence. In the end it was his mind and his mouth, and she needed to respect that. Besides, what a weird thing to get hung up on, even more so when Ameri noticed she’d been mentally swearing in response. Still...
  Ameri hastily added a Fourthly...
  “You could say something funny and cute instead...” She mumbled, twirling a hair as she reached for excuses.
  “Well,” Iruma quipped, “For a minor injury, it’s scientifically proven swearing actually *can* reduce your feelings of pain by upping your pain threshold and providing a distraction, and works better than random or made-up words. It’s a really good technique for stuff like stubbed toes!”
  “What, really? I didn’t know that, but it would explain a lot.”
  “Mhmmm. So uh, that’s also kinda why I said it, you know...?” He said, trailing off.
  Ameri silently grumbled, logically and emotionally beat. She begrudgingly accepted the fuckery, emphasis on “begrudgingly.” Iruma still couldn’t see or hear her yet seemed to read her thoughts anyways as he said, “I’m not a little kid anymore, Ameri.”   He was right. The boy she loved today was a far cry from the cowardly fish-out-of-water she first bumped into, and Ameri thanked her lucky moons every day for being able to help him along the way.
  But then she still saw his feet dangling off her chair and couldn’t get over it, so she rolled over the couch and went to reassuringly pat his adorable head. She whispered to him very quietly and lovingly, “No matter what happens... you’ll still be little compared to me.”
  “Say that to my fucking face, Ameri.”
  She lowered her head right into his trap because he kissed her right on the lips and there went all of her words except for one. Fuck.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 4 years
i ask you on my hands and knees... begging. Flip as a pirate... a girl in every port. Just banging the shit out of you. His feathered hat, tickling your clit as he kisses your legs. “Oh Captain Zimmerman...” as he bangs you on the Jolly Roger 😂 Sea Lips Shenanigans and oh he has a peg leg.
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Warnings: excessive use of pirate slurs, feather play, oral sex (reader receives), face slapping, namecalling, degradation kink, a little fluff at the end, creampies, just pure smut. 
The fresh ocean air filled his nostrils as he set the course for the nearest port. Looking into his spyglass, he was eager to finally be on land after months of being out at sea. Captain Zimmerman ran the toughest, well-groomed crew this side of the Seven Seas, so whenever they found themselves anchored in a city, it wasn’t hard to find the local ‘talents’ because they came out of the woodwork. 
It was especially true of the Port of Tortuga. A pirate port of course, because one would never set foot in a city they weren’t welcome in, the town was swarming with folks with loose behaviors and open legs, to say the least. Flip gazed from the captain’s wheel as the town became closer and closer to his line of sight. He heaved out a ragged breath and rubbed his tired eyes. 
‘For the love of god I need a bath and some rum,’ he whispered to himself. The Jolly Roger anchored into the docks, and Flip along with his crew waltzed off to find some booty. 
“What’ll it be sailor?” the barkeep barked over in Flip’s direction. 
“Rum. And fast,” he grumbled taking his feathered captain’s hat off and massaging his temples. 
The bartender huffed grabbing a mug of alcohol and tossing it in his direction. Flip grunted back and began gulping it down like water. He hadn’t had his precious rum since he embarked on his perilous journey to find the treasure he was still on the hunt for. Every twist and turn pulling them seemingly further away from their prize. He grew so frustrated that he needed the time to take his mind off the chase. He needed to take his anger out of something…. Or better yet someone. He didn’t care which it was, he just needed to do it before he exploded.
He looked up and around the humble brothel in search of a distraction. He set his eyes on something he’d never seen in this backward town. A gorgeous woman that happened to be you. 
Noticing his icy stare, you brought yourself over to his section of the establishment, hauling your heavy dress as if you were floating to him. 
“Whatcha lookin’ at, sailor boy? Notice somethin’ you like?” you batted your eyelashes, pulling out a lacy fan to accentuate your needless flirting. 
His eyes instantly flew to your ample breasts spilling out of the corseted bodice of your dress. He licked his lips absentmindedly, wanting to rip your clothes off right then and there. 
“I like everything I’m seein’ ma’am,” he tipped his hat and lifted his mug towards you. 
“In fact, I’d like to see a little more, but in a quieter place than this…. If you… wanna join me?” he smirked and his eyes blew back in lust. 
You hid a giggle behind the fan, “well, of course, captain.” With that he chugged the remainder of his rum, you watching his gorgeous adam’s apple bobbing as the liquid courage poured down his throat. He slammed the mug on the counter, took his hat, and offered his large arm to you. 
You nodded, smiling, and looped yours into his muscular biceps. “Right this way lil’ lady,” he led you in the direction of his known quiet location. 
You both sauntered down the dirt pathways, watching drunks dancing in the streets, pouring booze on titties, and acting like complete fools to boot. Farm animals ran amuck throughout the town, creating a stench of animal waste, seawater, and body odor. All largely grotesque combinations, but nonetheless, that’s pirate paradise. 
You ended your little walk at the Jolly Roger, where Flip led you hand in hand on his pride and joy. 
“Captain Zimmerman, this is gorgeous,” you swooned. 
“Not as pretty as you ma’ lady,” he bowed and kissed your hand he was gently holding. 
“Come with me my dear,” he motioned to the captain's quarters. 
Once inside, he shut and locked the door. The room was quaint with a large king-sized bed, among dimly lit lanterns and maps strewn across a large cedarwood desk. You were too busy looking around the quarters to notice him creeping behind you. 
You felt his hot breath tickle the back of your neck as he smothered it with his plush lips. His hands slowly wrapping around the waistline of your dress. Your hands found the back of his head pulling it further towards your exposed neck and shoulder blade of which he trailed wet kisses. 
He snaked his hands to the front of your corset, grabbed ahold of it, and with one failed swoop ripped the bustier from its seams. 
“Oh my god!” you squealed, “Captain, that was my favorite dress!” You turned around slapping his cheek. 
His head turned to the side as the dress fell to the floor revealing your naked form in front of his fuming gaze. 
“Little girl, you shouldn’t have done that,” he wiped the spit that flung on the side of his cheek from the blow. His eyes a mix of passion and rage. You felt your knees cross at the sight of his anger. 
“Get on the bed and spread those whore legs as far as you can possibly get them,” he calmly spoke. 
You obliged, fearing he’d slap your right back if you didn’t do what he said. You crawled onto the bed face up and spread your legs for him to notice the slick that had built up over the course of the few minutes he’d had you in his quarters. 
“So, the slut gets turned on when I order her around, huh?” he smirked shoving his fingers in his mouth. “Well, it’s just too damn bad that naughty girls don’t get to cum in my quarters. Not unless they beg like the pathetic sluts they are.” 
He removed his effects, pants, and shirt. He walked to his desk where his hat was laying and plucked the feather from its spot. He brought it to his mouth and crawled to the bed where you laid terrified and intensely turned on at the same time. 
“Does the slut want to apologize to her captain or does she still want to be a bad girl?” he pouted and ran the feather along the extent of your side to your exposed skin. You shuttered and moved to bat it away, only to have Flip grab your pretty little hand in his large paw. 
“Uh-huh… I see she still wants to be bad,” he tsked. 
“Lucky for her, I like them a little disobedient,” he whispered into your ear and again ran the feather across your peaked nipples. You let out a moan that was sinful. 
“Mhmmm. You like that lil’ lady?” he smiled and kissed down your neck once more. He put the feather aside and moved his weight down your mound. He settled on your heat and began to kiss the sides of your thighs, sucking the skin until it was beginning to bruise. 
“I’m gonna get you all nice and ready for me my dear,” he whispered near your pussy, blowing the slightest bit of air on your entrance. 
“Please, captain,” you moaned out. Without warning, he sunk his mouth onto your wetness. Licking, and sucking on the moist and supple skin. Kissing circles around your stiffened bud. You felt a spark pooling in your lower stomach, a warning your peak was nigh. He snuck two fingers into your entrance, pumping them in and out, spreading your hole enough to take his girth. 
“So needy for me,” he spoke into your clit, making a suctioned circle with his lips around the hardened participle. Just as he felt your walls tightening on his fingers, Flip bit down on your bud, sending you into another dimension of pain and pleasure. You orgasmed the hardest you’ve ever achieved. Spilling out all over his beard and fingers, of which he licked up like he’d found the fountain of youth. 
“My bad girl tastes so good,” he slurped up the last of your spend and went to your waiting lips. The searing kiss was enough to send you into another peak. He grabbed your neck bringing you closer to his wanton body, grinding his large length along your lower stomach. 
“Captain. I need you inside me. Please fuck me,” you begged into his mouth. 
“Is my slut going to behave?” he whispered right back, hot breath piercing your face. “Y-yes Captain,” you spoke right back, pulling on his taut biceps. 
“Hmmm, good girl,” he smiled kissing you once more and lining his tip at your gaping entrance. He pushed in slowly, pulling away to see your eyes roll back into your head as your body shuttered around his ample length. 
He let out an inhuman groan and began a brutal pace, pulling all the way out and slamming back in, knocking your cervix every single time. You laid there like a rag doll from the sensations of him railing your body, unable to comprehend what was even occurring. 
“Fuck, you’re so much tighter than I thought you’d be, slut,” he stammered losing his breath as his pace picked up. 
The most you could muster was a moan, and he took that as a compliment. 
“Captain is about to blow lil’ lady,” he growled. “You gonna cum on my cock, whore?” 
You moaned once more, which caused him to slap you across the face, karma you had guessed, “Speak slut, or I’ll cum and you won’t!” He yelled out, no doubt closer than a few seconds ago. 
“Yes! Yes captain I want to come on your big cock! Please let me cum!” you cried out, tears streaming down your face, so close to release. 
“Good girl,” he huffed and ran his thick fingers to your clit, barely touching it put you over the edge. 
“Holy shit!” he cried out as you clenched around his girth. His movements became erratic as he spilled his hot cum into your womb. Pumping as much as he possibly could into you as you both peaked. 
He pulled out after a few seconds and looked down at your dripping hole. Scooping up the spend trickling down to your asshole, he stuffed it back into your pussy, then shoved his fingers into your open mouth. 
“That’s my good lil’ girl,” he cooed as you sucked the spend off his large digits. “So full of me.” 
You smiled licking the last of the cum, “You keep that nice and safe for me, my dear,” he whispered. 
You nodded as he laid down beside you and pulled you close to his chest. He cradled your body as you both fell asleep in the candlelit bedroom of his ship, hoping and wishing you’d have the chance to do this again. To see his handsome face once more, but all you had was tonight. You fell asleep once his breath evened out and his facial feature softened, touching and counting all of his moles, gazing at his perfection. Memorizing his features and eating up this moment as much as possible. The last instance of his face drifting off into the distance, until the next time he ended up at port. 
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