#and i was like. ah. there's nothing here for me. and i am officially tired of this mode of fandom.
starlit-mansion · 1 year
i've actually been trying to think very hard if i've had an actual ship outside of my ocs or incidentally liking a 100% canon relationship as part of the story for the past three years and i'm coming up with like... one??? but tbh that one is 99% fan content and i like it just as much nonromantically as well
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lizardaggro · 11 months
on the flip side (twst bully!au) part 4
sorry this didn't get out sooner; my sleep issues are really upset (might be daylight savings?) and i spent most of the past few days feeling like a zombie. i'm better now though! it's also a bit shorter than i'd like, but i didn't want to leave you guys hanging. also two fics? in one day?? crazy!
part 1 part 2 part 3 genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, yandere has officially escalated word count: 897
“Child of man,” Malleus said. Even his voice felt suffocating. “Lilia has informed me that some… pests have been bothering you as of late.” He must mean the others. Did he really not know? Well, you supposed it wasn’t too farfetched, since he didn’t have any friends and everyone was afraid of him, especially after his Overblot. “You need only have let me know and I would have… taken care of them. But worry not. You’ll be safe here, where no one would dare to harm you.”
Oh no. Oh no no no. It was finally happening. Malleus had lost his mind. It felt a little nice, you’d admit, knowing that at least one person still cared for you. But that didn’t mean you could accept being trapped here for who knows how long. You still had to take care of Grim and attend classes. Not to mention you hated feeling trapped.
You knew you couldn’t count on anyone to save you. Lilia was the only one who might be able to make him see reason, but he seemed to be fully complicit in the matter. The dorm leaders might be somewhat capable if they worked together, but they’d have no motive for that, other than to torment you further.
Getting angry and yelling wouldn’t solve anything here. You had to be smart about it. “Tsunotarou, I can’t stay here. You know that,” you reasoned. “I have responsibilities to take care of. Besides, wouldn’t you grow tired of me? Everyone else did, after all.” You surprised yourself with how true your sentiments were. Maybe you harbored more negative feelings about all of this than you’d realized.
Naturally you were pissed that everyone turned on you, but you’d never really stopped to think about how lonely you’d been. Even your professors would hardly give you the time of day. You didn’t even know what you possibly could’ve done to set them off. Grim and the ghosts were the only ones whose attitudes never changed; but it wasn’t the same.
Malleus was pouting; there was simply no other way to describe the look on his face. “Surely you don’t mean that; not after everything they’ve done,” he quipped. Was he serious? In what way did he think you’d enjoy being trapped inside one tiny room for who knows how long?
“Yes. I do. And I don’t appreciate you taking away my freedom like this. If you really cared about me, you’d respect my wishes.” You hoped appealing to his emotions would work, no, you needed it to work. If it didn’t, you weren’t sure how long your sanity would last.
“I do care about you, Child of Man,” he objected. “Can’t you see that’s why I’m doing this? It isn’t safe out there. You’ll get hurt by those vile beings you once called friends.” He spat out that last word, like they were undeserving of the title. You didn’t know how to feel about that.
There was one thing you did know, however: this man was delusional. He’d gone paranoid with worries for your safety, even though he knew nothing just hours ago and was fine. He’d always been a little possessive, you’d noticed, but you’d brushed it off as him being afraid of losing his one and only friend. Now this? This was a whole new level.
Ah, but then you remembered. Malleus knew about most of the bullying, but not all of it. You doubted Lilia would’ve tattled on his own dorm members. You smiled, catching him off guard. “But am I any safer in here? I bet you don’t know, after all. You don’t know how Sebek would beat me in the halls, how Silver watches me everywhere I go. It’s creepy; I don’t like it. And I’m sure Lilia didn’t tell you how he tries to poison me with his cooking,” you listed calmly, as if you were having an ordinary conversation.
“They WHAT?!” Malleus shouted. “LILIA! SILVER! SEBEK! GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT!” You flinched; he was usually so calm, you didn’t expect him to suddenly yell like that. It was good that he believed you, not that you were lying. You didn’t have a backup plan.
As the unfortunate trio entered the room, you made your way over to the door. You thought you’d managed to slip out unnoticed, but Lilia shot you a wink. Did that mean he’d keep his mouth shut about your escape? You could only hope.
You ran through the halls, Malleus’s shouting covering up the sounds of your footfalls. You knew this place like the back of your hand, so you weren’t at risk of getting lost. The only question was how long the lecture would last. If you were lucky, Lilia would buy you some time, but you wouldn’t count on it.
And then, at last, you were safe, on the other side of the portal. You were totally winded, after having had the run of your life. Everything seemed great, but then you heard a voice.
“Oya? What do we have here? What were you doing in Diasomnia, prefect?” Jade asked with a definitely fake smile like he didn’t know exactly what you were doing in Diasomnia. Oh, great. Azul was with him too. How… lovely. Staying with Malleus was starting to sound like it wasn’t so bad after all. No, nevermind. It was definitely worse.
taglist (CLOSED): @twistedcece @slxt4h1m @teawhere @pleasehugmeaether @reivelmin @aoiyx @trashlanternfish360 @probablynoposts @d3sperate-enuf @mono273 @help-whatdoimakemyusername @justuraverageeverydaydegenerate @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it
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risuola · 1 year
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Sometimes you forget about your own birthday, but no worries, Satoru's got you. He always remember, and he even prepared a very special gift for you.
cw: fluff, no warnings — 2,8k words
a/n: i turned 28 this week, so here i am indulging myself with a fictional party, because i hate real parties. also i'm not sure if the picture in the middle is an official art or the fan art, i claim no rights to it 🩶
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“Thanks Kento,” you addressed the blonde, when you got out of the bathroom in his house. “You’re saving my life.”
“No need to thank me,” he responded with the ghost of a smile on his face, and you checked yourself in the mirror. You looked tired, but other than that, thankfully normal, which wasn’t the case just half an hour ago, when you finished your job in the field.
It was a simple mission – get to the place, exorcise a bunch of curses, nothing out of ordinary and nothing especially difficult to do. Quite the opposite, it went smoothly – it took you three hours to hunt down every single one of the little curses, but their grades were low. One thing you were not told before taking the assignment though, was that those curses had a tendency to ugly explode with purple and green goo as they were exorcised. That’s why, when the job was done, you were covered from head to toe in those slimy curse gut-residuals. It was on your clothes, hands, in your hair and you could have sworn it was in your mouth too. You could feel it, smell it, taste it and damn was it disgusting. Hence why you called Nanami on your way back and thankfully found him at home. His apartment was so near, compared to the way you had to reach Jujutsu high and being the sweetheart that he is, he agreed for you to take a shower at his place and even gave you one of his dress shirts to wear, because your clothes were good for nothing but a trash bag. It was way too big, but with a belt it made for a pretty cute dress actually.
Once you were ready to leave, he got up as well.
“I have a thing to check in school so Ijichi will drive us both,” he explained and you gave it a nod and after that, you two went down to get a ride.
“How are you?”, you asked your friend, while you two were comfortably seated in the back of a car. It’s been a while since you last saw Nanami. “I didn’t even ask.”
“I’m good, thanks y/n,” he once again, gave you the slightest one of his smiles and exhaled deeply. “You’re tired, huh?”
“Ah, it’s nothing. Guess I didn’t sleep well today, it’s all good.” You shrugged it off, looking at the driver. “And you, Ijichi? Satoru’s not bothering you too much?”
“I-I’m fine and no, he’s n-not,” the man stuttered, sweat beads forming on his forehead as he spoke and you chuckled. That poor man was constantly being terrorized by the strongest sorcerer for god knows why.
“So, he is bothering you,” you chuckled and Ijichi laughed nervously, wiping his forehead with a tissue. “You don’t have to be so scared of him, he just likes to assert his dominance but he wouldn’t hurt you. Is he bothering you as well, Nanami?”
“Gojo is always bothering me,” the blonde sighed. “It always amazes me how fondly you speak of him. You really seem to like Satoru.”
“Oh, he’s really not that bad,” a smile spread over your face as you thought about Satoru. “He’s quite charming, actually.”
Truth is, you and Satoru are closer than any of you might wanna admit. You’re co-workers, that’s for sure. Friends, also, you know each other since high school and you kept in touch ever since. You probably know the man more than he knows himself. You’ve also been on few dates. Unofficial dates, of course, more like you just went to the same place, at the same time, just the two of you, and sat at the same table or bench, and talked for hours as you were brushing circles onto the skin of his hands or he was just keeping yours in his palms. Those kinds of dates. Nothing serious.
“As charming as a clown can be, I guess,” Nanami shrugged softly and you giggled. “But you two should get together, it’s only you who he seems to not enjoy annoying.”
“Commitment in our profession doesn’t seem like a great idea.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
The rest of the drive went in calm, you talked with the two in the car about sweet little nothings, sharing meaningless details about your days and maybe Ijichi seemed a little more stressed than usual, but you didn’t notice anything too weird to think about it. That’s why when you pulled off to the school and got to the main building, your heart almost jumped out of your chest at the sudden and incredibly loud ‘surprise!’ being thrown at your face.
“Huh?”, it stunned you to the point of disorientation. Why were all of your students and most of the older sorcerers that you know here? Why all the balloons, confetti and the cake?
“It’s your birthday, dummy,” you quickly were swept by the long arm of no one else but Satoru Gojo, who greeted you with a grin wide and bright and a light squeeze on your shoulder. The gesture was friendly, but you couldn’t deny the warmth that exploded in your chest the moment he touched you.
“My birthday?” Oh yes, your birthday. “God, I forgot about it.”
“I figured, buuuut we didn’t so I hope you have a little bit more power in your batteries to celebrate?”, Satoru led you more into the crowded space and with real surprise you noticed that even Yuuta was here, and students from Kyoto along with Utahime. No Gakuganji though, thanks to the heavens.
It was all surreal but at the same time so grounding to be surrounded by so many people that you find close to your heart. And for the next hours, you forgot about how tired your body was, how disgusting you were earlier that day and how perfectly Nanami acted like he has a real job in the school rather than the party to attend.
You stayed there until very late, enjoying every second of talks and laughs with your friends and students. You caught up with all of them, learned about the progress the teenagers were making, got to know more about how work was for the older sorcerers and even, when outside for a quick fresh air breath, one of the little, flying curses gave you a card with few wishes written in it, with no sign whatsoever, but it was the handwriting that gave it away. Suguru Geto. Even though he went a very different path than the rest of you, even though you all lost contact with him the moment he left around the second year, he had never, not even once, forgotten about your birthday, always delivering a card or something else one way or another. It warmed your heart and sometimes you wished to see him just for a moment to give him one last bear hug. You couldn’t, but the card will go to the box of things you cherish, along with the round, dark shades that no one could see through – the ones that Gojo was wearing while in high school; with Shoko’s first scalpel that she used to practice – the very cheap one that got blunt after just few uses; with one button from Haibara’s uniform – the only one that was left hanging by a thread, when he got back to school one last time and along with many other things you’ll hold onto until the day you die.
“Tired?”, Satoru asked you, when the clock hands moved past 1am. Most of the students were already gone and teachers also began to crumble down, calling it a night.
“Exhausted,” you chuckled softly and squeezed the hand he offered you, helping you get up from the couch.
“Let’s get you to bed, how’s that sound?”
With all of the goodbyes done, you gathered your gifts and left with Satoru, heading towards your little apartment. All the way he was keeping your hand in his, grinning like he usually does, but something felt off in the way his fingers were wrapped around you. A little tighter than always, little more possessive – a little more like he was afraid to let go of you even though that would be an irrational fear, because you never wanted anything more than to be held by him.
“Soo,” he began, when you both stepped into your place and you put down all of the bags, “I hope you don’t think I forgot about your gift. Though it’s technically not your birthday anymore.”
“Oh, Satoru, you know I don’t care about the gifts, right?” you smiled at him. “All of this, the party, the people, is more than I could wish for. Every second spent with all of you is worth more than any gift I could receive.”
“Yea, yea,” he waved a hand at you, making you laugh. He made you feel all kinds of weird things, one of which being the urge to slap and kiss him at the same time. “I actually have two gifts for you.”
“Of course you have,” a shake of your head was all you could offer him. Of course, Satoru Gojo had to be extra like that. “So?”
“Sooo, that’s the first one.” You didn’t even question the way he pulled the light-blue bag with a matching ribbon on top of it from behind his back, like he had it all of the time, which you know he didn’t. You took it anyway and before you even peeked inside, you reached up to him and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, whispering little ‘thank you’. “You’re welcome, now, you can check it later,” almost immediately after the bag landed in your hands, it was snatched away and put down where the other gifts were. “The second gift-“
You looked at him with confusion, realizing that Satoru was… nervous? He was bouncing slightly on his feet, as if he was hyping himself up. He took his glasses off and brushed a hand through his hair.
“Yea?”, you encouraged him to continue, taking him by the hands in hopes to calm him down a little. “What is it? Satoru, don’t tell me you bought me a snow tiger or something?”
“Huh? No, I didn’t. What, you want a snow tiger? You said they are cute, but-“
“No, absolutely not. No snow tigers, please.”
“Ok, wow, I’m more nervous than I was… ever, probably, that’s new,” he laughed at his own composure, or rather the lack of thereof, and now you really began to worry. What the hell did this man did?
“Just say it, I can take it.”
Pulling him by the hands, you took him onto the sofa, now slightly worrying he might really pass out. Doors to your apartment stayed open wide, but that was the least of your worries, when you two sat down and all your eyes could fix on was a man next to you. He looked stunning in his dark grey sweater that exposed a little bit of his collar bones and his long neck, contrasting with his pale skin, light hair and really making his eyes pop. The eyes that made it so easy to get lost. They were like an ocean under the clear sky and bright sunlight, illuminating with thousands of glittering sparkles and the shades of azure and turquoise mixed and flew one into another, intertwining and creating an artwork impossible to recreate. If someone were to animate Satoru, the whole budget would probably go into his eyes alone.
“So, first you need to know that if what I want to give you is not something you feel comfortable accepting, please don’t feel obliged to and just say no. Okay?”, he spoke again and you nodded.
“Come on, Satoru. Just tell me. Or show me, whatever it is.”
“Show you. Alright, I can do that.”
You expected everything. Your mind even wandered into absurd such as him giving you an airplane for god knows what reason, but even in your boldest, bravest dreams you didn’t anticipate his lips on yours. He went all slow and soft about it, closing the distance carefully, leaving you with more than enough time to react and push him away if you wanted to, and when he finally reached you, planting a gentle kiss to your mouth, whilst his hand rested on the side of your neck a little stiffly, you froze for a second. Your body froze, but your heart was racing inside your chest, beating so hard he probably could hear it and feel it in your pulse underneath his palm. Satoru’s lips felt as soft as they looked, so perfect against yours even though what was happening wasn’t even resembling a kiss. It was more like a press with the slightest movement applied but it spoke so much. It was an offer – that way Gojo opened himself to you, ripped his own chest apart and with that simple peck on the lips, he wanted to tell you that now, he’s ready to be vulnerable with you, if you’d only want him to.
“Is my second gift a kiss from you?”, you questioned when he moved his head back just a little, searching for your reaction. It would be on brand for Gojo to consider a kiss from himself a valuable gift, which it was, but if that’s what he wanted to offer you, he had to put more effort into it.
“It’s me. If you’ll have me,” he almost whispered, smoothing over your jawline with his thumb. “Maybe it’s not the best idea to commit to relationship in our line of work, but fuck this. If you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
“Are you serious?”
“Never been more serious.”
Your heart fluttered. Grabbing his face in both of your hands, you went in and kissed him, pouring into it all of the love you held for him and he purred softly against your lips, wrapping his long arms around you and leaning more against you. He outweighed you; you lost your balance and fell back onto the couch and he followed you closely, breaking the kiss just to ask, “is that a yes?”
“Yes, Satoru. Very much yes,” you chuckled and his lips were back on yours, taking your breath away with how good it felt. Your fingers found a way through his silky, snowy white strands, you smoothed over the back of his neck and his broad shoulders, giving into the sensation that radiated throughout your entire nervous system, sending hot waves of pure euphoria down your spine and into every cell in your body. You were happy, the exhaustion now completely forgotten and only the man above you mattered. His weight felt so right on top of you, even in the insanely uncomfortable position you two were now trapped in with your hips twisted below his torso and him now half in the air and half on the couch because there was no way for his height to fit in here. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was his lips on yours, his warmth on your skin and-
“Doors,” you mumbled into the kiss, the gentle whiff of cold air reminded you of what has been forgotten. The doors, that were still wide open. He could feel your chest rumbling with a chuckle as you realized none of you cared enough to even close your apartment when you went in and he made a decision to ignore this fact, now completely consumed by the thought of you. He hummed something and moved his lips lower, smearing kisses all over your chin and down your neck and you tugged softly onto his hair. “Satoru, doors are still opened-”
Getting up, walking towards the entrance and locking the doors would be the logical thing to do, but the thought of parting his own body from yours for even a second now didn’t dare to cross Gojo’s mind, so he stretched his hand towards the doors, consumed by sucking a red spot to the side of your neck and you couldn’t believe it, but he blasted the door with a cursed energy. They shut with the loudest noise anyone could create at that hour in the middle of the night and not ten seconds passed, before they just fell out of frame and hit the floor with another harsh thud.
That seemed to do the trick in stopping the heat, because both of you froze for a moment and you looked to the side, he looked to the side and the world stopped for a whole five second, before you started laughing and playfully patting his shoulder.
“What have you done,” you whined. “Satoruu~”
“I’ll fix this,” he swore, hiding his face back into the crook of your neck, pretending like he wasn’t even there and you couldn’t help but brush through his hair as laughter still had the better of you. “Guess I’ll have to stay the night so you can be safe.”
“Guess that might be necessary.”
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mydearneteyam · 4 months
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"you've waited in vain because there's nothing for you"
summary ;; memories push you to move forward and start working. far away, someone thinks the same.
warnings/notes (for the series) ;; fem!reader ;; mentions of war, death ;; illegal activities ;; reader is a criminal, an enemy of humanity, traitor to the race, etc ;; avatar!reader ;; death of loved ones ;; late grief ;; etc.
word count ;; 1.7k
word of the series ;; Eywa [ˈɛj.wa] prop.n. world spirit, Gaia
chapter one (you're here)
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A soft humming of a song unfamiliar to anyone could be heard around the computers. When Jake peeked out he noticed your presence. He had met a couple of other people in the place, but they didn't seem to hold him in high regard as unlike his brother. While he was thankful he wasn't being wheeled around in the chair to meet every scientist or military person who worked at Hell's Gate.
As he looked in your direction he noticed that you had a couple of things on your desk, unlike other adults, you looked younger, quite a bit. But another feature that set you apart from them was that you had at least three different screens on your desk, almost as if it was a control room just for you. Each one reflected different images or text. On the farthest one, he could tell you had the map of Pandora in full in company with a couple of pieces of information that he assumed as basic as he could as additional information.
“Ah, there you are. Grace informed me you were coming, Jarhead” you addressed him, without even looking at his direction. “What? Too many confusing terms for you?” you laughed a little, turning around in your chair and finally facing him.
“Jarhead? They only called me like that in the military” he laughed a little, stretching out his hand towards you. You nodded, shaking his hand for less than a second, only to go back to checking a couple of things on the screens.
“I call all the idiots like you around here that. I should call them by other names, but well” you muttered the last under your breath and he couldn't help but nod uncomprehendingly, but still, the confused smile on his face didn't leave him.
“Are you talking about the military?”
“I have worse nicknames for scientists” you assured with a forced smile, getting up from your chair and closing a couple of open tabs that were on just one of your computer screens. Soon, you guided your non-dominant arm to the vicinity of your lips.
“May 19, 2154 with lunar time of 10:17 AM, I report the presence of Jake Sully at my desk and the data I am to show him in the company of Norm Spellman before both of them officially become part of the Avatar project. Don't forget to corroborate data in…” you stopped talking and thought for a bit. “Ten hours and forty-three minutes in the company of Colonel Miles Quaritch and Head Administrator Parker Selfridge.” A small beam-which Jake could soon tell was a scanner-scanned first you and then him. He was a little surprised and smiled, cocking his head to one side.
“Do they give those to everyone?” As you walked, he followed as best he could with his chair. He seemed genuinely interested in the machine. You laugh a little and then spoke.
You had just finished eating one of the rations that, you felt, you had just stashed away a few hours ago and you looked around, tired and with a headache that was slowly dissipating.
Honestly, you felt a little -a lot- of worry growing in your chest. From the state of the place, it had been at least more than ten years. You prayed somehow that everyone was alive, they should be. Besides that, nothing in those ruins could confirm anything about the date, the computers weren't completely broken, but they did have a couple of plants starting to grow around them. Which seemed strange to you, since there was no way for them to get in without having to wear an exo-pack. Though you were very lucky that by strange things -or by Eywa's will, according to the local natives' words- that animal had allowed you to leave.
Your watch was totally off, but at least in its place, right where you left it before Grace put you to sleep. Wow, with the time that had passed surely she had already found out about the little white lies you had delivered to the military base. Bah! for the time that had passed even your own planet must have been sure of that.
“But I guess you're happy…” you smiled teasingly, looking out the large window to where nature was peeking through. It stretched outside the glass, you also saw some small insects flying around.
After a long time of admiring your surroundings, you sighed. Which option should you take? Because the most emotional one would be to go back to Hell's Gate, but unsure about the time you've missed, you doubted if it was a reliable source right now. And even if it wasn't, it's been a good while where your information wasn't covered up by yourself, so anyone must know about you and your true identity.
“Agh… how stupid of me…” you complained, throwing your head back. “I still don't want to work besides…” you thought, turning to look at a tablet that didn't have any creepers on it. The only reason for taking a cryosleep was laziness to work during the time that Jake Sully had now decided to help the Na'vis, as you were still pretending to be part of the military's team for those times.
“I wish I'd had that idiot's problems… wanting to walk, ending up falling in love with an alien and betraying the race” you complained again, wearily, lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling. “I did the last one, though.”
Everything was still spinning around in your head. Yesterday you had hugged Grace for the last time, said goodbye to Trudy, punched Norm in the ribs, and misplaced Jake's chair. Today, you were in complete solitude in that place.
Without a destination. Not knowing what the fuck to do. Ever since you'd arrived on that moon you'd been determined to always be one step ahead of anyone, even your friends, but there was no way you could do that now, not with who knows how much time wasted. Soon, your spotlight came on and much to your dismay, you sat up, running a hand over your face.
“Nothing is impossible for me” you repeated the mantra you used to give your coworkers when you were in front of the computers, walking over to the machines. Yes, most were broken, some not so much, but they were still unusable. You pulled out the tablet of it's place, feeling your eyes light up when it turned on. Soon your face looked annoyed again, as it had no date or time.
“Is there any fucking way to know what date I'm on?” you gave the wall behind you a little kick, checking the data that was available. You seriously wondered if waking up bewildered was something all those idiots expected. Sure, the girl who thought she was the big deal for outwitting the military by waking up not knowing where, or how, or when she was.
“You'll see, Grace… I'm going to cut all your fucking braids out of your avatar when I find you” you growled, checking a couple of things. While it wasn't something as advanced as your computer or your watch, it was something you could work with for now, especially if you wanted to get out of there.
Before long, you managed to get few of the technologies in the place up and running. You had to take a bit of a breath for that, as it meant that if Hell's Gate had been taken over by the military, they could track you.
“Okay, and now the only thing I could put in any of this junk” a simple double-location. It gave exactly the same spot on the other side of the planet. A little trick you had managed to install before you went to sleep, just in case. Yes, you couldn't get ahead by a few years, but you could give yourself a boost from the past with basic things.
“Now, if I have everything correct… and if Max is still alive…” you ran your fingers over the touchpad, hoping to see at least just a single red dot on the whole big vast map.
“What's this for?” asked Max, looking at the watch you had just left on his desk.
“To combine, obviously” you smiled, as you walked out of the labs.
Yes, it hadn't been just for that. Being the most loyal, you knew perfectly well that just by knowing Max's location, you'd have a little bit of information. And what kind of person wouldn't you be if you hadn't put a tiny little tracker on him?
You smiled at the idea and soon, a couple of hours away, as reflected by the tablet, there was a blinking dot. In a recognized location.
You couldn't help but take a deep breath after the happy second, hoping that the military hadn't stolen that stupid watch.
“How angry I'd be if that asshole gave it away.”
“Hey… guys” the female voice of one of the few humans left on Pandora caused both the Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya, Jake Sully and his friend, Norm Spellman to turn from the maps they were reviewing to where that woman was directing them. They followed her finger to the screen.
“What's going on?” questioned Jake, adjusting his eyes to check what she was pointing at. There were two new blinking dots on the map.
"It just activated. There's another one at the same point on the other side of the moon. Do you think they're military?” observed Norm, scratching his chin a little anxiously. That would be a big problem.
"No, no. This point is next to the cloud forests, remember? If there were military they'd be dead by now or we'd have gotten the word from the nearby clans. On the other side, it's the barren areas, but there's nothing there” Jake pointed first to the first spot that activated and then moved the map, pursing his lips. The first little light was around the intimidating forest and the oldest trees in all of Pandora bred, the other was in a dead space.
"M-maybe it's just a coincidence" the only woman there smiled, trying to avoid a tense atmosphere.
But nothing in Pandora is a coincidence. And Jake knew it.
"I'll send some warriors over there. There must be something in that place”.
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a/n ;; i struggled a lot to get this chapter out, but i'm glad I did!! i have a couple ideas ready before (reader) meets the characters and all that because i'd like to explore pandora a bit more -actually just my hc- and as always, sorry for any mistakes, english isn't my first language ! would you prefer that the mc has a nickname instead of using (reader) or you prefer just that? i'll read you, love y'all <3
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000yul · 8 months
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a friend asked for a quick and dirty TL of the new lunar new year official manhua oneshot (Let's Share a Meal Together) so i Tried★ it's a treat!! perfect for the new year
i forget how the siblings address each other in the official TL so i'm winging it here oops .: The movie has concluded, please leave in an orderly fashion. N: Ooh~ These two hours were well-spent. Even if they can't compare to me, this director's pretty promising. N: Hey! Watch where you're going! .: S-sorry…
N: Really now. … N: Feels like Lungmen's been more crowded than usual recently… N: Right! N: It's that time of year again.
(cover) Siblings though they may be, their tastes have nothing in common.
N: So… N: I'm thinking we should have a family dinner for New Year's Eve. CY: I don't know where you got this idea, CY: but that's fine by me.
CY: I don't think you'll find the others as easy to convince though. CY: Ling's such a free spirit you might find it hard to see her in time, let alone Dusk. CY: You don't get along with Dusk. Didn't you guys get into a fight over the bowl of noodles you cooked for her before? N: Bro, aren't you tired? (I know I am, just from watching…) CY: If you persevere every day, you wouldn't tire from something like this. CY: Nian, you should also exercise. Then in daily life, you'll… N: When it comes to martial arts, I'm pretty sure you have everyone in Great Yan beat. CY: Haha, you speak too highly. Even if that were true, if I let my guard down, in forty years there might be someone who can defeat me. N: It's just forty years. With a mortal lifespan, how many people are going to be able to match your years of practice?
CY: It's precisely because their lives are so short compared to ours CY: that the rate of their progress is beyond our imagination. CY: That's why I believe it's all the more important for us to spend time bettering ourselves. CY: Nian, if you feel like you have too much free time, how about I draw you up a training regimen… N: Wow, look at the time, I'm going to miss the next bus. N: I've rented a place in Lungmen, the address is as I said, don't be late, byee! CY: Sigh… This child is as impatient as ever…
Shangshu City N: Well, I've reached this pavilion… N: Why do all these peaks look the same… (bottle of booze) N: … N: She's not taking the bait, is she… N: (Last time Ling showed up for Second Brother's cup…) N: (I guess this doesn't compare…)
N: Open sesame, spin the bottle, whee! L: (I really don't want to show myself.) N: BOSS! GET OUT HERE, I WANT A REFUND! .: Ah…? N: YOU TOLD ME THIS WAS SO GOOD IT COULD TEMPT AN IMMORTAL TO DESCEND! N: THIS USELESS-ASS—
N: piece of… N: When did you get here? L: I've been sitting here for a while now. N: How did you know I'd be here today? L: It came to me in a dream, let's say. N: (here's a souvenir cup I got you.)
L: So what winds called you here from far away? L … I see, so you wanted to call us together for New Year's Eve dinner. L: I'm not against this on principle, but I'm afraid I can't make it that day. N: Why? L: A prior appointment.
L: Ten years ago I asked someone to brew some wine for me, and I'm due to pick it up this year, on the 30th. L: The flavour won't be right if I'm even a day early, L: and after the 30th, they're going to close for the New Year. L: It's true that this time is a big occasion for the people of Great Yan. It's a once-a-year occasion, after all. L: But that has nothing to do with us. L: Let's do it another day. N: You'll regret not having a taste of my homemade hotpot!! L: (Does she think that's a selling point…) L: It looks like little sister Dusk has a storm coming her way…
D: You vandalised my art for THIS? N: Wow, the face you're making is ugly as hell. D: I'm not going. D: I can't believe you ever thought me saying yes was a possibility. N: You'll regret not having a taste of my homemade hotpot!! D: Do you think that's a selling point!? N: Oh, right! There's a hot new artist's exhibition in Lungmen. I went to see it and it's pretty good! Aren't you interested? D: If you like it, I definitely won't!
D: I have no interest in the artwork of others. D: Also, if you want a reunion so badly, D: one day we'll all reunite no matter how we feel about it. No? N: Again with that tired old crap.
N: One day, N: I'll make it so that you never say that again. D: Hmph. D: Get lost.
N: Oh man, in the end only you showed up. CY: Haha, well, I hope I suffice. CY: I sent word to the Sui Regulator. N: Ah! CY: I knew it'd slip your mind. N: Man! None of them can commit worth a damn!
N: Will there ever be a time where we can just go somewhere together for a day? N: Like normal people, N: Like a normal family.
L: Ahh~ L: Looks like I'm out of wine L: I should seek out more… D: What a pain. D: I should knock some sense into her.
CY: Nian, CY: Let's get a hotpot with a divider. For spicy and non-spicy. N: Were you even listening? N: No. N: Absolutely not. N: Nooooooooo.
N: Bro! I thought you could handle spice! CY: Alright, now that the shopping is wrapped up, let's head back. N: Why'd you insist on the split hotpot..! N: Brother!! CY: I just think being prepared is a good thing. (Also, I'm not as good with spice as you are.) CY: And, CY: It's not just humans who are capable of change. D: Open up, it's too cold out. D: Idiot. CY: See.
D: What? Your staring is making me lose my appetite. N: Hehe, N: Doesn't the real thing taste better than ink? D: Hmph. Whatever. N: Whoa, it started!
N: I was part of the prep for this year's fireworks show in Lungmen! N: Check out my Super Deluxe Two-Step Firecracker! D: So.. the reason you picked Lungmen was…? L: Alright, alright. L: Dusk, L: It's okay. Open your eyes and see.
N?: It's over. N: It'd be nice if more of us showed up next year. CY: Any more of us and the Sui Regulator is going to start raising a fuss. L: True~ D: I'll skip next time. N: We had such a nice mood going on, couldn't you guys at least try to not kill it? L: Yes, this is nice once in a while.
D: There's nothing special about playing house. CY: Even playing house is nice sometimes. CY: That's why we've gathered here today. CY: Happy new year. L: Happy new year~ N: Happy new year! D: … Happy new year.
N: Alright, we've mostly cleaned our plates and eaten and drunk our fill. N: That leaves one last question. N: Who's doing the dishes? N: Hey, now you're all quiet? N: Hey!!
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max-nico · 3 months
Today I offer you an unbreakable bond ficlet from that celeb au that I've mentioned. Tomorrow? Who knows.
Note before you read: Sonic is in a band, Tails is a child prodigy as well as a revolutionary inventor, they are best friends
Tails thinks he's much too old to be scruffed. He's turning thirteen this year, there is no reason that his best friend is currently scruffing him. Well-there is a reason actually, just a dumb one that doesn't matter anyway, so that basically means there's no reason.
He was only doing his job as Sonic's best friend and honorary younger brother; defending him to the media. They're nothing but vultures who try to tear him down and he's just so tired of it. So what he bit a reporter? They shouldn't've gotten so close to his teeth if they didn't wanna be bit.
This is stupid. Sonic is stupid. Friendship officially over.
"If you don't wanna be scruffed, then maybe you shouldn't bite people." Sonic says flatly, tightening his hold on Tails as he flails in his grip.
"Maybe you should just let me go, you're being dumb!"
"I'm being dumb?!"
"Tails, please do me a favor and repeat back to me what you did today."
Tails scrunches his face and crosses his arms, trying to plant his feet into the ground so Sonic stops dragging him.
"I fought for your honor!"
"You bit a reporter!"
"He was talking crap about you right in front of you! I should've ripped his arm off!!"
"What, I'm right and you know it!!"
Sonic facepalms, a large huff exiting his muzzle as he turns Tails to look at him. He has a face of pure exhaustion that makes the fox feel a little bad, but he has no regrets. That guy had it coming. He could sue Tails for all he's worth and he still wouldn't regret it.
"You act like you wouldn't do the same thing for me." Tails tries to fight his way out of Sonic's hold again, he fails.
"I wouldn't."
Tails growls. "Don't scruff me and lie to my face at the same time, it's poor manners."
"Don't talk to me about manners when you still have someone else's blood in your fur."
Then he's being dragged across the floor again, fighting the entire way down the hall. Stupid Sonic. Stupid reporter. It's not even like it's a lot of blood, he's had worse from biting his tongue too hard.
Sonic completely lifts him from the ground and places him on a chair in the back of the venue. The hedgehog whips out his phone as Tails snarls at him, harmlessly clawing at the air in front of him.
"No, stop." Sonic says, "Your parents are on their way."
Hurt flashes in the foxes eyes, the burning anger from just a second ago nowhere to be seen as he looks at Sonic. His head is tilted down and his face is screwed up like he ate a sour lemon. "You... You told them?"
Tails feels like his heart dropped onto the floor, and he can feel his unwanted tears clogging his throat. He promises he was joking before, he didn't actually want to end their friendship. He doesn't actually think Sonic is stupid he was just upset. Sonic is basically the older brother he's never had.
"What? No! They watched the news!" Ah, that makes more sense. "No matter how angry I am would never do that to you. Do you understand?"
Tails nods, but he doesn't feel more reassured. Honestly, he's a few steps from throwing up. All he really feels now is nausea and regret for arguing with Sonic, still not for biting that guy though, he would do it again if he could.
Tails just wishes that he didn't spend half of his last few moments here arguing with Sonic and instead of making up, because now his parents are coming. His parents are coming and if he thinks being yelled at by Sonic is bad, being punished by his parents is ten times worse. Tails would rather Sonic yell at him for the rest of the day than be with his parents for an hour
"Listen bud," Sonic sighs, crouching down to Tails' level. "It won't be all bad. We still have the whole brand deal thing going on, so you'll be right back with me again tomorrow? I'll even come get you myself."
Tails wipes his eyes and sniffles, the gesture makes him feel like he's a lonely five year old all over again. Determined not to cry and just as scared as he used to be, but he really does try to take Sonic's words to heart.
Just one night back at home. One night with his parents. One night on punishment. One night. Just twelve hours.
Taking a deep shaky breath, Tails gives Sonic a lopsided grin. He can do one night, because his brother has taught him not to dwell on the now and keep looking forward. He can do one night, because tomorrow he gets to see Sonic all over again.
And isn't that exciting?
Three non related posts in a row wow guys. I think I might be with the kids call a "sigma" (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Anyway, I also have a drabble for Amy and Cream somewhere as well as one about Sage and Mika (instead of Miku.. I couldn't help myself), I have one about Tails and Kit in my Google docs and one about how Sonic and Tails met, I just love my little guys in my head what can I say.
Instead of writing for this au in the past month I have a bunch of fake Twitter posts for them so maybe I will post those at some point 😭🤚🏾
Anyways uhmm.... Come jump in my ask box if you want. I love talking to people
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nightttoon · 2 days
do you write fics? Rather than headcanons? If so, can I ask about Revali x Fem!Reader, maybe of wedding night or something? After calamity and such?
Of course! Sorry it took so much time to write it.
Warnings: a little of nsfw at the end, sub reader, gn reader
Revali x reader
Revali is so tired. The fight was difficult, all the warriors were injured, him included. He barely could fly, fresh wound adored his left wing, so then Gannon was defeated and Rito warrior finally got down from Vah Medo, he was met with crowd of cheering people... but Revali doesn't really care for congratulations he recieves. His eyes search crowd for only one person who matters now. You.
As soon as his eyes land on you, champion moves forward. Rito healers trail after him, trying to stop him, so they could wrap his injured wing. Blood soaked through all the feathers around wound, but he couldn't care less, then your eyes finally found his.
He huggs you with his good wing, keeping blood away from your clothes. Revali thought this fight would be his last one. That he won't come back to you. So now he doesn't want to delay, no hesitation anymore.
Blue-feathered warrior steps back and looks you in the eyes. "Marry me"
💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙
Some months passed, he didn't even let his wing heal fully, hurrying all the preparations to have the wedding as soon as possible. Surprisingly, Revali insisted on small celebration. "Family only" like he said. Champions, Zelda and Link were where too. Wedding wasn't too loud, food and friendly talks here and where, that's all that Revali and you wished for after such close call only some months ago. Everything felt right. You and him felt right.
💙 💙 💙 💙 💙 💙
Night came. After receiving some encouraging words from Urbosa about upcoming wedding night, you are finally ready to go. You didn't miss small chat Revali shared with Daruk, who petted his back with large grin (Revali nearly tripped over after that pet... but Daruk meant well) and sent him off to you. With that, all the guests said last wishes and you with rito left to have time for yourself.
Revali looks at you, his wife, who is completely stunning in wedding gain. You are finally his, officially his.
Your husband moves forward, tugging you to sit on bed with him.
"Nervous?" He mumbles, nuzzling your neck, wings wrap around your middle.
"A little" You admit softly
Revali humms, and tuggs you closer, making you sit on his lap. "Don't be"
He kisss your shoulder gently, wings go up and down by your sides. Still fresh scar feels a little rough against your body, but it's part of him, that reminds you of all the dangers he came over to be here with you now. Air fills with smell of Revali, your Revali. Flush colors your cheeks as you feel him tug you close.
"I am not heavy, am I?"
"Perfect" Your husband says between soft nuzzles and kisses at your neck and shoulders.
Everything fades in blurr afterwards. His warm body against yours, wings roaming your body. He was a little hesitant at the beginning, but then you both got into it, Revali didn't stop himself from getting his wings everywhere he could reach. Room got hot, hot in a good way. Soft sounds from both of you filled room, nothing harsh, honey sweet and loving.
"Oh, birdie..." Rito hisses, moving hips against yours in slow but steady rhythm. Chest to chest with you, leaning on his own wings on both sides of you, beak tucked in a crook of your neck, breathing in your scent.
"Close" You whine, pawing at his chest, legs wrapped around his hips.
"Me too, birdie, come on... just a little... ah!" His hips flatter and you both reach your high.
Afterwards, you both stay close, limbs tangled as you slowly start to drift off. Revali strokes your back gently.
"I love you" he whispers as you fall asleep with head on his chest.
Requests are open, but I write slowly, so forgive me if I answer it after month or so...
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headfulloflettuce · 2 months
The Human Who Fooled All of Prythian
7. A Warm Blanket
“Tell me human, ”
Ophelia sighed, “Tell me Fern, how was life in the human realms?”
Cosette paused, unsure how to answer. Life in the human realms in Prythian was very different from the modern world she was used to.
“It was average.”
“Aw, c’mon hu-Fern! I told you my tragic backstory, you have to tell me yours.”
“I mean, there isn’t much to say. I lived with my family on a farm until one day I ventured a little too far into the woods scavenging for mushrooms and then got human trafficked by the fae.” Cosette was so proud of that lie. Impressive quick thinking.
“Ah I see. Venturing too far into the woods; you certainly were easy picking.”
“Yeah, guess it was my own fault.”
“No, this is the part where you’re supposed to say ‘No Fern it isn’t your fault!’”
Ophelia laughed, “No. No, I think it was your fault. At least partially. How far did you walk to get through Spring Court and then into Autumn?”
“Guess it was a very big hike.” Cosette said dryly, internally slapping herself for forgetting the geography of the ACOTAR books.
“You might have some strong legs Fern, but you’re not a good actress.” Ophelia answered, clearly not believing Cosette lies, “But it’s fine. Keep your secrets.”
Cosette felt a little bit bad - this woman helped treat her wounds, fed her when she could barely move. However, she couldn’t tell her the truth. Ophelia would think she had lost it.
The sound of the dungeon door opening made Ophelia go quiet, scrambling away from Cosette and into a corner of her cell. Cosette sat up properly, her back aching but pain dull compared to before. Eris stopped in front of her cell, dressed in beautiful clothing, something one would see in a popular regency show.
“I see you’re feeling better since we last saw each other.”
Cosette looked at him, trying to keep a frown off her face.
“What? No greeting today? How about you beg a little for me, maybe I’ll consider letting you go.” he stepped closer, “Or even better, admit to your crime.”
“I already told you the truth. I am innocent. I am tired of trying to get you to see reason.”
If he didn’t want me to beg I wouldn’t.
Eris stared at her with a thoughtful expression.
“You know…I didn’t really think you stole that necklace, but I was curious how you would go about defending yourself. I have to say I am rather disappointed. I thought humans were supposed to have ingenuity? Perhaps Feyre is just the exception.”
I am sorry, you torture and imprison me, and then expect me to put on a show of inventiveness?? What is wrong with this man?
“Oh that expression is priceless Fern.”
Me getting to kick your balls is price-
“Open the cell.”
A guard standing nearby opened the door. Cosette stared at Eris with a confused expression. 
Should I run for it?
“What are you doing? Aren’t you going to step out?” Eris tilted his head, “Or perhaps you like it in here. I am sure the floor is an improvement to your bed.”
Cosette stumbled out of the cell, ready to get shoved back inside.
There’s no way he would let me go this easily right?
However nothing happened. Eris began walking towards the exit. Cosette abided by the silent expectation that she would follow, casting a small glance towards Ophelia’s cell.
He led her out of the dungeons, her eyes slowly adjusting to the light filling the palace’s halls. 
“It was unfortunate that the complaint regarding the necklace became such a big deal.”
“What?” Cosette looked at him, her confusion worsening.
“Before the official complaint was shared with me by those two faes a lot of the nobles have been worried about human servants stealing from them.”
“I see.” she wasn’t sure where he was going with this.
“My father was quite anxious about the issue.”
Cosette nodded again.
“How does your back feel?”
“It’s fine sir.”
He raised an eyebrow, “No pain at all?”
“None sir.”
He laughed dryly, “And here you almost had me convinced you don’t lie.”
The heir led her to his office, gesturing for her to sit down on one of the couches as he pulled out a stack of bandages from one of the drawers in his oak desk.
He sat down behind her, carefully unbuttoning the dress in the back, exposing the bare minimum to see the ugly injuries on her body. She tried to stay still but reflexively flinched when Eris touched her back, gently applying an ointment to it.
“This will help with the pain and healing.”
She nodded, her emotions a complete mess as her brain tried to make sure she wasn’t developing Stockholm Syndrome. Cosette stayed still as Eris applied bandages.
“Take tomorrow to rest. You’ll be expected to return to work the day after.”
“Yes sir.”
Cosette collapsed into her bed, curling in on herself. Immediately, a knock sounded. 
Seriously, can I not get a minute of peace here?
She grumbled, getting back up and opened the door.
“Oh. John, what’s up?” Cosette stared at the man. 
I thought all the humans decided not to talk to me to try to create distance from Eris and the ruling family?
“I heard…you came back from the dungeons.” he smiled gently.
Cosette nodded.
“I brought you a blanket ” John placed a blanket in her hands.
“Oh. I-Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. Do you have any injuries that need treatment?”
“I got treated.”
“Oh that’s good to hear. What about medicine though?”
“Yeah, like a balm for the injuries to use daily?”
“Haha, no I wasn’t given that.”
He reached out to her, his hand holding a small bottle.
“I have a little bit, please use it.”
“I insist.”
Cosette took the medicine into her hands.
“Thank you.” she said softly.
“You’d do the same for me.”
Next: Chapter 8 - The Hunt
Back: Chapter 6 - Friends in Dark Places
Tag list: @rcarbo1
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Ecstasy [06]
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ー The scene starts with Yui sleeping in Ruki’s room
Yui: ...Zzー...
ー Ruki enters the room and takes a seat on the edge of the bed
Ruki: ...Are you asleep?
Yui: Nn...
*Rustle rustle* 
ー Yui wakes up
Yui: Ah...My bad. I must have dozed off while waiting for you...
Ruki: I don’t mind. I’m sure you’re exhausted from constantly being on the move. Being in a familiar environment is probably what got you in the end, don’t you think?
Yui: Maybe...
Ruki: I’m tired as well. I’m looking forward to actually getting a proper night’s rest.
Yui: Yeah...Nothing like your own bed, is there?
You’re going to sleep now, right? I’ll head back to my room thenーー
Ruki: Wait. 
Yui: Eh?
Ruki: What nonsense are you spouting? Why were you here exactly?
Yui: Well...Because you told me to wait here earlier, but...
Ruki: You’re not that much of a fool that you can’t figure out why I said that, are you?
Yui: B-But, you said that you want to get some proper sleep.
Ruki: I can’t do that without you. Now scoot closer already. Or do you want to sleep on your own...?
Yui: ...That’s so unfair. How am I supposed to head back to my room after you’ve said that?
Ruki: Of course it is. That was my intention. 
Yui: ( ...Ruki-kun seems very calm. I guess the Demon World wasn’t doing him any good after all. )
( I’m worried about Eden and his brothers. But...For now, I want to stay here like this. )
( I want to have a peaceful life with Ruki-kun like this forever. )
Ruki: ...You must feel like you have nothing to fear to get distracted like that.
Yui: Eh?
Ruki: I’m trying to say that it’s very gutsy of you to have your head up in the clouds while you’re sharing the bed with a man.
→ I was thinking of you (❦)
Yui: My head in the clouds, you say...? I was only thinking of you.
Ruki: To think you’d say that in a situation like this...You’ve become rather good at choosing your words.
If you want to think about me that badly, go ahead. Fill your head with nothing but thoughts of me. 
I want you to occupy my thoughts as well. ...To the point where I can’t think of anything else...
→ I’m sorry
Yui: I’m sorry...
Ruki: I don’t dislike it when my Livestock is honest. ...Come here.
*Thud thud thud* 
Yui: ...! What was that sound...?
Ruki: ...A Familiar? You wait here.
ー Ruki gets up from the bed and walks over to the window
*Flap flap flap* 
Ruki: ...Seems like it’s from Kou.
Ruki: ...
Yui: Did something happen?
Ruki: ーー Seems like the Vibora Clan has officially declared war upon the Vampire Clan.
Yui: Eh!?
A declaration of war...!? So they’ll go into war...!? 
Ruki: It is highly likely. 
Yui: No way...
Ruki: Don’t look so sad. It’s none of our concern.
ー Ruki crumbles up the letter
Yui: ...Eh?
Ruki: I told you, did I not? In the end, it’s up to those who have power to act.
It’s not like the powerless will accomplish anything by struggling in vain. Therefore, it would just be a waste of time and effort to worry about it. 
For one, I doubt it will lead to a war right away.
If the situation takes a turn for the worse, Kou and the others will surely send us a message again. We can choose how to act when that time comes. 
Yui: Is that...what you want?
Ruki: Yes. 
Yui: ...I see.
Ruki: Come on, let’s sleep now. Tomorrow, we will go grocery shopping first thing in the morning. We’re all out of ingredients after being away from the manor for so long.
Yui: Sure...
( I’m worried about what’s happening in the Demon World but if that’s what Ruki-kun thinks...I’m sure it’ll turn out okay, right? )
( Still, right now Ruki-kun doesn’t just seem composed like he always is...but almost a little cold-hearted? )
( But once the others are in serious danger, he’ll actually go and save them, right? ...Somehow I’m worried about that. )
Ruki: ...I’m turning off the lights.
Yui: ( I’m just...overthinking it, right...? )
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall at Eden
Kou: ーー I never got a message back from Ruki-kun.
Yuma: Maybe the letter never reached him? 
Azusa: I don’t think that’s the case...The Familiar came back empty-handed, so he should have received it.
Kou: In other words, he knows about the current situation but...He’s not planning on coming back, huh?
Yuma: He has gone back to the human world, hasn’t he? Maybe somethin’ happened over there? 
Azusa: Yeah...I believe so as well. If not, this isn’t something Ruki-kun would do...
Yuma: Azusa, let’s stop sayin’ that. Ruki can do whatever he wants and still be himself.
Azusa: Ah...Sorry...But the Ruki we’ve known so far would definitely give us orders on what to do.
Kou: ...If the Vibora Clan chooses to attack us, the Sakamaki’s Castle won’t be their only target.
They will definitely come to Eden which belonged to Karlheinz-sama as well. Ruki-kun should know this. 
I can’t believe he won’t say anything regardless...It’s almost as if he couldn’t care less about what happens to Eden. 
Yuma: ‘Course not. This is Ruki we’re talkin’ ‘bout. I’m pretty sure he knows that there’s no reason for panic just yet.
Azusa: Right...If worse comes to worst, he’ll definitely come back...
Kou: ...Right. I’m sorry for saying weird things. 
He vowed to protect Eden which is where we spent many precious moments with Karlheinz-sama. ...So it’ll be fine, right?
Ever since that moment,
Ruki-kun began to spend each and every day,
reading one book after the other. 
While he has always been an avid reader,
right now he seemed to have moved far beyond the concept of a hobby,
and it could be more accurately described as an obsession (没頭). 
Almost as if he had completely forgotten,
about the Demon World, Eden and Adam. 
Ruki-kun only had eyes for one thing,
this being the fictional (架空) tales,
unfolding inside those books. 
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linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚙𝚛𝚎-𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 #𝟶𝟸 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕
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IT'S OFFICIAL THE SECOND TRIAL IS HERE BABYYYYY oh god now they're going to suffer even more
(Warnings: mentions of attempted suicide, physical violence (prisoners get injured and beaten up and also Eiji and Kei's relationship gets mentioned), toxic relationship dynamics and heavy implications of self-harm)
Miki: Eiji-san?..
Miki: Eiji-san, can you hear me?
Eiji: .. Ah, sorry.
Eiji: I just.. I was too deep in thought, I guess.
Miki: I-it's okay! I just didn't expect you to be the one getting distracted this time, haha..
Eiji: What was that?
Miki: N-nothing! 
Miki: B-but seriously, a-are you okay? You've been acting a bit weird lately..
Miki: Did something happen? Y-you can tell me!
Eiji: I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Miki: .. If you say so.
Miki: So.. You know why we're here, right?
Eiji: .. Yeah. Because of the second trial.
Miki: *nods* I.. I thought it would be a good idea to talk about everything that happened after the first trial.
Miki: Would you be okay with that? I-if you're too tired, I completely understand-
Eiji: No, you're right. We do have to talk about it.
Eiji: There's.. a lot of things we have to discuss. 
Miki: Ah, do you want me to do most of the talking? I can do that-
Eiji: NO! 
Miki: *screams*
Eiji: .. Sorry.
Eiji: I will do it. You can just sit here.
Miki: U-um..
Miki: O-okay then..
*sounds of Eiji getting up*
*sounds of Eiji's footsteps*
Eiji: So.. Many of the prisoners feel like completely different people now. 
Eiji: Some of them are acting like the complete opposite of their past selves and some of them are acting like.. if you took their personality traits, even the good ones, and made them much worse.
Eiji: It doesn't even matter if they were voted guilty or innocent. All of them are equally bad. 
Miki: Eiji-san..
Miki: Are you saying our judgement was incorrect?
Eiji: .. I don't know.
Eiji: Maybe. 
Eiji: No, it would definitely be better if we just voted all of them guilty-
Miki: So that they could suffer even more?
Miki: Eiji-san, I respect you a lot.. 
Miki: But I think a lot of prisoners finally got the confidence they needed this way. They feel so much safer now too!
Miki: Who knows what they would do if all of them were voted guilty..
Eiji: I'm not just talking about their personalities, but their relationships too. 
Eiji: Those who were friends are basically enemies now or their relationships are just much more toxic now. 
Eiji: You know who I'm talking about, don't you?
Eiji: I mean, our relationships with the prisoners are different too now. 
Eiji: .. Let's begin.
Eiji: Prisoner 001, Miyagawa Akio.
Eiji: He got the well-deserved guilty verdict last time and his ideas and thoughts were rejected. Serves him right, honestly..
Eiji: I wish I could say that without feeling worried, but.. I can't do that because of what happened. 
Miki: .. So you are worried about him.
Eiji: Because he was voted guilty, I knew that I will have to punish him for his sins. At first I just wanted to beat him up, but..
Eiji: I-I guess I underestimated how passionate I am about that kind of stuff.
Miki: He got a head injury because of you, Eiji-san.
Miki: A really.. bad one.
Eiji: Guard 002, with all respect I have for you, you think it was bad just because there was a lot of blood-
Miki: Miyagawa-san.. He got traumatized both physically and mentally after that.
Miki: If it wasn't for me.. If I didn't manage to stop you before it was too late..
Miki: I think you would have ended up killing him, Eiji-san.
Eiji: ...
Eiji: S-so what? He deserves to die anyway.
Miki: He's only 16 years old-
Eiji: Anyway, about his personality. Akio definitely feels like a different person now, but he still has many personality traits he had before all of this.
Eiji: As I said, his ideas were rejected. Which means we have basically told him.. 
Eiji:"You're not a king nor a god that you think you are".
Eiji: And considering that because of his head injury, it's much more difficult for him to do most things, now he feels like he actually isn't as smart and talented as he thought. 
Eiji: It's hard for him to walk without feeling dizzy and feeling like his head is spinning, so he often needs help when he has to go somewhere. 
Eiji: He's also a bit more quiet now, though he's still very loud whenever we try to talk to him. 
Miki: And for a good reason. You're the reason why he's like this now.
Eiji: Stop blaming me. I wasn't the only person who decided to vote him guilty. 
Eiji: If it really was the wrong decision, then it's our fault, not just mine.
Eiji: He's more quiet now mostly because it's harder for him to talk now. I also almost never see him reading or studying anymore. 
Eiji: .. I-I guess it really was a fitting punishment for a "genius" like him-
Miki: How can you say that?!
Miki: What if that injury really is serious? You know I can't take proper care of him, right? 
Miki: What if his life will get worse because of it? What if..
Miki: .. What if he will die if he doesn't get any help?
Eiji: All of them are going to be executed by me anyway, so-
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. You wanted to talk about everyone's relationships too, right?
Miki: Do it. Tell me more about them.
Eiji: .. Well, Akio never really had any friends in this place, though he could often be seen with Aimi and Riku. I assume it's because of them being high school students, so they got along well, since they all are almost the same age.
Eiji: But if Akio's verdict was "Guilty", Aimi and Riku, on the other hand, were forgiven. 
Eiji: And that has changed their relationship dynamic a lot. 
Eiji: You see, after being voted guilty, Akio started becoming more and more.. unstable. He claims that he hears someone's voice sometimes and he can even see that person. There was a time when Naomi told me that Akio couldn't sleep because he felt like he was being choked by that person. 
Eiji: Some prisoners also say that they can often hear Akio mumbling to himself and Aimi thinks that he's actually saying someone's name repeatedly. 
Miki: .. I-I think I know what's going on here.
Miki: I'm not sure about that voice he hears and that person who has tried to choke him, but.. What if he's actually saying the name of his accomplice?
Miki: That would also explain.. well, that incident.
Eiji: .. I'll ask Aimi to pay more attention to what he says. That information could be useful for us.
Eiji: Anyway, because Akio's hallucinations have started getting worse and worse, he couldn't take it anymore and ended up having a breakdown in front of all the other prisoners.
Eiji: And he tried to ask Riku for help and grabbed his hand and I don't know what exactly he said, since we arrived when it was too late, but Riku did not like it.
Eiji: I'll talk more about it later, but.. After that, Akio slowly walked back to his cell, even though it was still hard because of his condition and..
Eiji: *sighs*
Eiji: I'm assuming he tried to make his injury even worse by beating his head against the wall. 
Miki: .. You know that he had a reason to do that. And it wasn't just about "trying to make it worse". 
Eiji: Fine, what else do you want me to say? This guy is not doing well. That's it.
Eiji: Now, let's talk about the person who stopped him from doing that to himself when we weren't there. And also, the only person he can trust right now.
Eiji: Prisoner 002, Hanasaki Aimi.
Eiji: Ah, the poor girl who was bullied by her entire class. 
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: .. I still don't trust her.
Eiji: As I said, her ideas were affirmed, so I assumed that she will try even harder to make friends after this and she won't be so shy anymore..
Eiji: .. But she is actually much more quiet now.
Eiji: She still acts nice and she's still very polite, but now she doesn't really try to become friends with anyone in this prison.. except one person.
Eiji: And that person is Akio.
Eiji: She was the one who stopped him from basically killing himself and she's also the one who takes care of him, holds his hand when he's having trouble walking and I think I also heard her read a book out loud for him once. 
Miki: Isn't she so nice? I still don't understand how such a kind person like her can be a murderer-
Eiji: I wouldn't trust her so easily if I were you. Sure, she's nice to Akio now, but she stopped talking to Riku after she found out what he said to Akio.
Eiji: Just so you understand, she completely ignores Riku now. She doesn't even look at him.
Eiji: She's acting like this with some other prisoners too now: she tries to avoid Yurika and she has also called Asahi out once for his behavior.
Miki: But I think that's understandable?..
Eiji: What I'm trying to say is.. It's kind of interesting, don't you think? Aimi already knew that all prisoners are murderers and she already knew that they are not good people and they obviously have flaws, but when it was the first trial, she still insisted that she likes them all and wants to be friends with them.
Eiji: But now, she doesn't try to become friends with any of them except Akio, who also can't really do anything without her help anymore.
Eiji: .. I feel like I'm starting to see a connection here.
Eiji: Anyway.
Eiji: Prisoner 003, Ishizu Shun.
Eiji: Sadly, he was voted innocent, so his ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Come on, I know you regret voting him innocent.
Miki: .. W-what else was I supposed to do?..
Miki: If we voted him guilty, who knows what he would do and how he would act! 
Eiji: So you admit it? You admit that this guy is unpredictable? 
Eiji: So you admit that this guy is dangerous?
Miki: .. Ishizu-san is just.. 
Miki: .. He's just very hard to understand..
Eiji: He sure is more confident now thanks to his thoughts being affirmed. It's not a good kind of confidence, it's a very annoying kind.
Eiji: Also, is it just me or he doesn't care about his ex anymore?
Eiji: I mean, he openly flirts with both Kei and Eiko now, even though when Eiko herself said that she's interested in him, he rejected her since he's "taken".
Eiji: He also rarely mentions being in love with his ex and now he doesn't even say stuff like "I did this for her! I just wanted her back! I just loved her so much I had to kill her new boyfriend for her sake!"
Miki: Maybe he just.. forgot about it?
Eiji: I doubt it. Though I can't say that him being in love with her was an act, this guy's video showed that he really did care about her in his own twisted way.
Eiji: Although..
Eiji: We haven't actually seen her face. We've only seen her new boyfriend's face and that's it.
Eiji: Maybe we should make him talk more about that guy this time.
Eiji: And also.. now that he's more confident, he refuses to take no for an answer.
Eiji: .. Especially when it comes to Kei.
Miki: ...
Miki: Eiji-san..
Miki: Are you worried about-
Eiji: I'm not.
Eiji: I just find it disgusting how he started to take more and more advantage of Kei now that the guy can barely move. I don't remember him being so "dominant" before Kei got punished. 
Miki: .. So you are worried-
Eiji: I'M NOT!
Eiji: A-anyway, Shun and Eiko are much closer now since both of them were forgiven unlike Kei.
Eiji: .. And they sure like to remind Kei about them being "superior" to him all the time.
Eiji: .. I don't want to talk about him anymore.
Eiji: Prisoner 004, Chiba Naomi.
Eiji: She was forgiven and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: I guess she's mostly fine, but still.. I feel like something is wrong here.
Miki: Why? Chiba-san is so nice and understanding and she always helps me out when I need advice.. 
Eiji: Just like Shun, she's much more confident now. And why would she start acting like that if she's truly sorry for her sins?
Eiji: She wanted us to vote her guilty, remember? I thought that she would ask us to rethink our decision, but no, she just accepted it and moved on. 
Miki: W-well, maybe she just.. you know, started to see her crime differently? Like, maybe she doesn't think it was that bad anymore?
Eiji: If she's not lying, her victim really was a child. Do you think it's okay to just go "Oh, maybe me killing that kid actually wasn't a big deal"?
Miki: But what if she had her reasons-
Eiji: I don't care about her reasons. She's a child murderer and her victim most likely was one of her students. And now she thinks that her crime wasn't even that bad and doesn't try to make us change our mind. 
Eiji: She says that she simply doesn't try to do it because "we're the guards, so we know what we're doing", but I know she's secretly happy that she got voted innocent.
Miki: .. Again, you're saying my decision was wrong?
Eiji: .. Um-
Eiji: I'm just saying that now we can see that Prisoner 004 actually wouldn't try to become a better person and she actually doesn't think that her crime was that serious. Voting her innocent helped us realize it, so.. 
Eiji: Maybe you were right in some way.
Eiji: Ah, and even though she's still acting like everyone's.. uh, mom, basically, her ideas were affirmed, so now she's more strict with the younger prisoners.
Eiji: If she sees someone misbehaving, she will tell them to stop it and if they don't, she might actually get angry at them. 
Eiji: Though she's mostly nice to all prisoners who are still kids.. except one of them. 
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. Yeah, I'm talking about Asahi.
Eiji: And even though I would gladly vote Naomi guilty this time, I support the way she treats Asahi. 
Eiji: Yes, I know that he's most likely your brother, but you have to admit-
Miki: I-I will talk to him about it, okay? I will.
Miki: I'll prove his innocence to you, Eiji-san. I'll prove that he really deserves to be forgiven.
Eiji: The next prisoner is-
Eiji: .. Prisoner 005, Sanada Kei.
Eiji: He was voted guilty and his ideas and thoughts were rejected.
Miki: .. I still have no idea how you just.. can be so cruel to him without feeling anything.
Miki: He's your brother! If I had to vote Yano-san guilty-
Eiji: Are you telling me someone like him deserves forgiveness?..
Eiji: Guard 002, he's the one who turned my life into a living hell. 
Eiji: He.. He always was weird. And I had to protect him from other kids and people in general because of that. 
Eiji: .. I remember him thanking me for that once. 
Eiji: But then something happened and.. He started beating me for no reason every single day after that.
Eiji: He actually almost killed me once, no, twice! Maybe even more times!
Eiji: He's literally the reason why my whole body hurts all the time, why don't you get it, Miki?! Who cares about him when my body will never truly heal and it's all his fault!
Miki: .. *sobs*
Miki: I'm sorry.. I really.. I didn't mean to..
Miki: It's just.. I'm used to trying to see the good in all people and..
Miki: I thought that maybe Kei-san still deserves forgiveness..
Eiji: *sighs* Listen, I can't deny that I kind of admire that trait of yours. 
Eiji: But Kei doesn't deserve any of your forgiveness and kindness. Trust me.
Eiji: .. He refused to believe that all of this was real and that he really is going to be punished until I actually came and.. well, gave him what he deserves.
Miki: I still remember his cries and how loud he screamed from all that pain.
Miki: But that's.. weird. I thought Kei-san was a much more..
Eiji: Same. Remember him saying that he's not afraid of pain and that he can handle it all or something like that?
Eiji: .. It turned out to be another lie of his. 
Eiji: He's so used to being the one who hurts people that he has no idea what to do when someone hurts him.
Eiji: "More pain means more love"? Sure, whatever you say, Kei. You agree with what our mother used to say only when you're the one who's inflicting all that pain.
Eiji: .. Something is bothering- um, I just find something very confusing though.
Miki: Really? What?
Eiji: For some reason, I noticed that Kei already had a lot of scars on his body even before his punishment. 
Miki: Wait, what?? W-were they bad? Why didn't you tell me?
Eiji: If I did, you would never let me punish him. 
Eiji: Even I got scared, but only a little bit.
Miki: .. Don't you feel at least a little worried for your brother?
Eiji: W-why should I care? Maybe someone just got "a bit too rough" with him or something, I don't want to think about it. It's none of my business.
Eiji: Anyway, Kei still hangs out with Shun and Eiko very often, but now it's not because he wants to. He can't even leave his cell without anyone's help because of how much pain he's in, haha..
Eiji: Ahem, so Shun and Eiko are the ones who drag him out of it and they just make him follow them around. Actually, I feel like now they spend even more time together compared to the first trial.
Eiji: But don't you even think that this guy is just a poor victim and we absolutely have to forgive him this time-
Miki: Should I remind you that he almost got beaten up because of Maruyama-san?
Eiji: I have no idea who I should believe, but she told us that he was acting creepy again and she wanted to defend herself.
Eiji: I don't trust her most of the time, but since it's Kei.. I can see him saying something and Yurika getting mad at him for that.
Eiji: If that was the case, I can't blame her.
Eiji: .. I still can't believe that he actually got saved by someone though.
Eiji: Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko.
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Well, she did thank us for forgiving her, but I'm sure she didn't actually care about her verdict. She's just not that kind of person.
Miki: She is.. very affectionate with you now because of you agreeing to vote her innocent.
Eiji: Yes, and I hate it.
Miki: "Do you though?.."
Eiji: However, I feel like she actually did change as a person.
Eiji: She openly admits that she likes Kei and Shun only because of their appearance, but still keeps them close because she likes the attention she gets from them. 
Eiji: So it's like.. She said that she knows Kei will never "truly" love her and she also said that it would be easy to forgive her because of her looks, but now she agrees that she and Kei aren't actually that different.
Eiji: Also, even though she was one of those prisoners who refused to accept that all of this is a real thing, she has recently started asking me more questions about Milgram.
Eiji: Like, how it works, who created this place, why we were chosen as the guards, all of that..
Eiji: I have no idea why she's so curious about it now.
Miki: Maybe after the first trial was over, she started to realize that this isn't just a game and our verdicts really do have consequences?..
Eiji: Or maybe she just wants to spend more time with me.
Eiji: I don't get it though. I'm not that, uh.. "attractive" and I never give her any attention, so.. why me? Is it just her trying to make me forgive her again?
Eiji: .. No, she's not like most prisoners here.
Miki: But I think you're very pretty, Eiji-san!
Eiji: Um, thank you?..
Miki: Still not my type though.
Eiji: I wasn't even trying to.. never mind.
Eiji: Prisoner 007, Yano Asahi.
Eiji: He was voted innocent and his ideas and thoughts were affirmed. 
Eiji: And, well, he reacted to it just like a spoiled kid his age would.
Eiji: He thought that it was going to happen anyway and now he's sure that no matter what he does, he will still be forgiven, because.. you know, he's a child.
Miki: But isn't he right-
Eiji: Well, that's not gonna happen.
Eiji: I never judge anyone only based on their age. No matter how young or how old they are, I will make sure they will get the verdict that they deserve.
Eiji: And because all of them are murderers, all of them deserve to be-
Miki: I know, you don't have to say that again.
Eiji: .. Huh?
Eiji: U-um, okay, let's talk about how he acts now. 
Eiji: Prisoner 007 is much more confident now and I rarely see him cry or throw a tantrum, though he still likes to use his.. uh, "cuteness" to get what he wants. 
Eiji: However, he's now surprisingly good at controlling his emotions. I have no idea what happened to him, but he's much more polite now and I almost never hear him swear anymore. 
Eiji: Eh, he's probably just trying to manipulate us into voting him innocent again.
Miki: But what if he actually did change? What if he's trying to become a better person?
Eiji: I doubt it. He always has this.. weird smile on his face. Like I want to punch him whenever I see him smile like that.
Eiji: He keeps ordering other prisoners around too, again, he's just more polite about it now and it's harder to tell that he really is just using them.
Eiji: I should mention something about his personality and his relationship with other prisoners. Now that Akio is no longer as narcissistic as he used to be, Kei can't even leave his cell without anyone's help and.. we'll talk about Riku later, Asahi and Shun are basically the most "powerful" male prisoners now. 
Eiji: However, Shun is still disliked by mostly everyone and they don't really like Asahi either, but it's hard to deny that this kid is much better at making everyone believe that he has "changed" and that he really is more nice now.
Eiji: It's like.. this kid has all the power now. 
Eiji: "Andou siblings really rule this prison now, don't they?.."
Miki: W-well, I wouldn't say that.
Miki: True, he is much.. uh, "nicer" now and people are starting to like him a bit more, but he's still just as vulnerable. 
Miki: Like.. For some reason I'm starting to feel like he wants more attention from me now? Like now he requests even more things, but he always asks me to get him something and not you.
Eiji: "I think it's because the prisoners don't like me that much in general."
Miki: But when you don't count all the food, toys, clothes and other things, he just.. wants to spend time with me. Like he actually wants to know more about me and he keeps asking me so many questions..
Miki: .. It's still hard for me to get used to him calling me "Miki-nee" though.
Miki: He doesn't even know that we're most likely related..
Miki: And speaking of him still being one of the most vulnerable prisoners, Kei-san wasn't the only prisoner Maruyama-san has attacked.
Miki: Yano-san was her victim as well.
Eiji: Again, it's kind of justified. Naomi said that she saw everything with her own eyes and I usually don't trust her, but I will do so this time. 
Eiji: Basically, Asahi's been taking full advantage of Yurika's status as a guilty prisoner and her punishment and he eventually got tired of his "good boy" act and he spilled some really hot tea that she made for him on her. He claimed that it was an accident but both Naomi and Yurika could tell that it wasn't one. 
Eiji: Yurika had enough and, well.. decided to take her anger out on him. 
Eiji: I stopped her before she could actually injure him though. He only got a cut on his cheek from her nails and that's all.
Miki: Thank you, I appreciate it. 
Eiji: .. I-It's not because he's your brother. I would do the same thing even if it wasn't Asahi. I can't let those prisoners fight each other like that.
Eiji: *laughs* Though of course they would try to do that. They are murderers after all.
Eiji: Speaking of Yurika..
Eiji: Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika.
Eiji: She was voted guilty and her ideas and thoughts were rejected.
Miki: I'm still finding it so hard to believe.. I mean, I thought she seemed like a nice person when I first met her.. 
Eiji: Is it just me or you voted her guilty only because of what she said about you that time?
Miki: .. I really do want to save everyone here.
Miki: And I will do anything to achieve my goal. 
Miki: *gets up* Who does she think she is to go and say that I'm just doing this to make everyone trust me?!
Eiji: Okay, okay, calm down.
Eiji: Fine, let's not talk about it. You have your reasons to vote her guilty and I have mine.
Miki: .. Y-you're right. Sorry.. *sits down*
Eiji: Her punishment was a bit different from Akio and Kei's punishments. It wasn't a physical one, it was more about.. mental pain, I guess? 
Eiji: Since her thoughts were rejected, she lost all the potential freedom she could get and now she's back to doing what she hates the most.
Eiji: She has to act as everyone's maid now.
Eiji: We don't have to bring anything to prisoners personally, we can just ask her or, you know, make her do that. She can also serve them food now.
Eiji: I know, that was very smart of me. Less work for us~
Eiji: .. I wish I could say that, but her temper is.. something.
Eiji: When I first told her about her punishment, she cried. Loudly. She cried like a little baby. 
Eiji: And when I tried to make her stop, she almost punched me, but oh well, she obviously wasn't able to do that.
Eiji: And now, whenever she refuses to listen to my orders, I just remind her that I can make her punishment even worse and she listens to me.
Eiji: But now her relationship with the prisoners is much worse. People either see her only as their maid, they think she's scary or they even find her annoying.
Eiji: She's used to be close with all the female prisoners, but now Aimi is one of the prisoners who thinks she's too dangerous, Eiko just makes her do everything for her and even though Naomi actually tried to be nice to her at first, Yurika wasn't as nice. Her relationship with Reina is.. complicated now.
Eiji: Prisoner 009, Kuroki Riku.
Eiji: He was voted innocent and his ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: .. I still have no idea how you could have forgiven someone like him.
Eiji: He obviously just wanted to make us feel bad for him. 
Miki: Even if he did, he still was in pain and he needed help. If we voted him guilty, I think he would start acting even worse.
Miki: Just imagine what he would do if he found out that he was going to be punished!..
Eiji: But guess what? Now that his thoughts were affirmed, Akio almost killed himself because of him, Aimi left him and pretty much all prisoners don't want to do anything with him anymore.
Eiji: Because I remind you, this guy actually wanted his childhood friend to die. 
Eiji: Let's go back to his fight with Akio. Again, I still have no idea what Akio said to him, but I do know what Riku told him and what made Akio.. do what he did.
Eiji: After Akio said something that made Riku angry, Riku, just like a normal boy his age, said this:
Eiji: "Go and die then."
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. We shouldn't find Akio's suicide attempt surprising after this considering his mental state and how much he liked Riku. 
Eiji: So? Are you going to defend him this time too?
Miki: .. I will talk to him about it. Of course, he can't just say things like that, but I want to understand why he did it. 
Eiji: Well, I'm sure he will appreciate you still trying to defend his actions, because I remind you that this happened while all other prisoners were watching.
Eiji: And yeah, Aimi stopped seeing Riku as her friend after this. 
Miki: "She's a victim of bullying, of course she would leave him.."
Eiji: And all other prisoners kinda stopped talking to him after that. Their conversations are just really awkward now, especially because Riku still refuses to apologize for what he said and claims that it's all Akio's fault.
Eiji: He has no one to talk to anymore. Akio and Aimi are doing great without him, Shun is having way too much fun with Kei and Eiko, Naomi and Reina have no idea how to help him, Kei simply can't do anything for him right now, Eiko and Yurika don't care about what happens to him and Asahi says that he's "bad" so he doesn't want to spend time with him, though I'm sure he's doing it just to make him suffer.
Eiji: .. It's kinda interesting, actually. They know that every single prisoner here is a murderer, but they were mostly fine with that fact until now, when one of them has almost killed the other prisoner with his words.
Eiji: And.. he went back to his unhealthy coping mechanisms because of all of this.
Eiji: He's okay with doing literally anything to make people look at him, including hurting himself in different ways.
Eiji: I literally can't even leave him alone with a fork and a knife anymore and I have to watch him while he eats.
Miki: .. Again, I will talk to him about it. 
Miki: I want to save everyone in this prison. Especially Yan- 
Miki: .. I mean, my brother and Riku.
Eiji: And finally, the last one.
Eiji: Prisoner 010, Himura Reina.
Eiji: She was voted innocent and her ideas and thoughts were affirmed.
Eiji: Honestly, I think she's one of those prisoners who have changed the most.
Eiji: She's like a completely different person now.
Eiji: She's no longer pretending to be someone she's not. She almost never mentions the whole "I'm actually the most dangerous murderer in this prison" thing anymore. 
Eiji: She's also very.. calm now. To the point of showing almost no emotions.
Eiji: She doesn't make dumb jokes anymore, she doesn't say things like "Oh, I actually have more than 50 victims", she isn't that loud anymore.
Eiji: .. And she also was the one who protected Kei from being attacked by Yurika.
Eiji: If that doesn't prove that she has changed, I don't know what will.
Miki: .. What if she actually always was capable of that? What if she always could protect someone like that and we just didn't know?
Eiji: Well, I can't say anything about that.
Eiji: She and Kei are actually surprisingly close now. She's the only person here who isn't afraid of him and doesn't take advantage of his condition.
Eiji: I was shocked at first, but now that I think about it..
Eiji: It makes sense. Their personalities are actually very similar.
Miki: So that's why she's been asking me to take care of him so often lately.. 
Eiji: .. What surprises me the most is that Kei never flirts with her or tries to impress her. I guess it has an obvious explanation, but if we trust Yurika's words, he's still more than capable of being annoying in that way.
Miki: Well, maybe he just sees her as a friend? Isn't that nice?
Eiji: Don't say that. I can't imagine this guy having friends that actually like him.  
Eiji: She isn't that close with Yurika anymore and when I asked her about it, she sounded like she was.. disappointed in her? I guess she wasn't prepared to see the real Yurika.
Eiji: .. That's all I have to say.
Eiji: *sighs*
Miki: So.. Do you still want to vote all of them guilty?
Eiji: Why are you even asking me that? Of course I do. Actually, I want to punish them even more now that I've seen what kind of people they become after being forgiven.
Miki: But isn't it natural to start acting more calm or confident after being forgiven? 
Miki: Just like you said, their ideas and thoughts were affirmed. Of course, they think that they were the ones in the right now.
Eiji: .. I wanted to talk to you about something.
Eiji: You don't have to think too hard to notice that all, or at least, most prisoners like you much more than me.
Eiji: Most of those who were voted innocent are thankful to you for saving them and they're hoping to be forgiven this time again.
Eiji: And those who were voted guilty are this close to begging you to save them from me and forgive them.
Eiji: It's like..
Eiji: It's like you're a goddess of this place, haha..
Miki: .. Hehe, come on, I-I'm just doing my job..
Eiji: Don't try to forgive all of them this time though. Be more careful. They're obviously going to try and take advantage of your kindness.
Eiji: Now, let's go and interrogate-
Eiji: !
*sounds of Eiji falling on the floor*
Miki: Eiji-san!
Miki: A-are you okay?!
Miki: Are you hurt? What happened?
Eiji: .. W-why..
Eiji: Why is everything so.. blurry now?
Miki: Please, tell me if you're not feeling okay! We can just interrogate everyone tomorrow-
*sounds of Eiji trying to get up*
Eiji: I'm fine. I'm fine, I can do this. 
Eiji: H-huh?..
Eiji: "Why am I feeling so weak?.."
Miki: Eiji-san, your body is shaking. A-are you feeling any pain? Maybe discomfort?..
Eiji: I told you I'm fine! Let's just go and begin the second trial already-
Eiji: Ah-
Eiji: .. T-thank you.
Miki: If it wasn't for me, you would fall again!
Miki:*sobs* Eiji-san.. Please, just tell me what's going on..
Miki: I just want to help you!
Eiji: Guard 002, let me go.
Miki: I can't do that when you look like you're about to-
Eiji: ...
Miki: .. Eiji-san? Eiji-san, can you hear me?
Miki: "I should let him have some rest.."
Miki: "What did he mean by me ruining everything though? Was he talking about everyone's verdicts?"
Miki: "I doubt that he's jealous of me being more respected by the prisoners or something like that.."
Miki: ".. I'm a goddess of this place.. What did he mean by that?"
Miki: "It doesn't sound bad though, hehe.."
Miki: "Trust me, Eiji-san, I will save everyone in this prison. I will forgive them for all their sins and I will guide them."
Miki: "I will save everyone, Eiji-san.."
Miki: ".. Including you."
???: Hm? 
???: What is going on with that screen?.. 
???: Ah, it's you!.. Sorry, I forgot your name again.
Jackalope: .. Maybe we should have chosen someone else. 
???: *laughs* You're right, you're right. 
???: No, seriously, I still don't understand why I was chosen. I mean.. 
???: Look at me. Why would you make someone like me the guard of this prison?
Jackalope: You're asking way too many questions for someone like you. By the way, I left your guard uniform at the door. You can go and get it, I'll open the door just this once.
???: Really? Okay..
*sounds of slow footsteps*
[ ??? opens the door ] 
???: Wow!..
???: .. I-it doesn't look that comfortable. 
[ ??? closes the door ]
???: And why would I even wear it? Didn't you say that I'm not allowed to leave this room?
Jackalope: True, but now you'll actually be able to participate in the trials. 
Jackalope: As always, you'll be able to see everything from here. You don't even have to leave.
???: .. Does that mean I can participate in the voting process too now?
Jackalope: Absolutely! You can even say hi to the other guards if you want. 
Jackalope: That girl is very cute, by the way, so I doubt that you'd want to lose your chance-
Jackalope: Wait, or are you-
???: Hmm, I think it will be too hard for them to accept the fact that there's a third guard hiding somewhere. 
???: .. I think I have an idea. You already did that thing to the first guard, right?
???: I think I know how I can interrogate the prisoners without letting the other guards know anything.
Jackalope: You remember that you still have to vote though, right?
???: I do, I do. Don't worry, I won't disappoint you~
???: *yawns* Sorry, looks like I've spent all my energy for today.
???: Hehe, I wish I had a stuffed animal that looked like you-
Jackalope: Don't even think about it. Cuddling with a guy? No thank you. 
???: Calm down.. You know I can't even be in the same room as you anyway.
???: But before I go to sleep, can you answer my question already?
???: Why was I chosen?
???: I mean, I can't even participate in this trial properly. I just spend all my time in this room. 
???: I'm also not that interested in "saving" or "punishing" those prisoners..
Jackalope: .. Well, let's just say that all guards have their reasons to be here.
Jackalope: That guy wants to see his brother in pain and he wants to get his revenge on him. The girl is harder to figure out, but I'm sure she has her goal too.
Jackalope: You also have a reason to be here. Why don't you think about it yourself?
???: Hm... 
???: Maybe you're right. 
???: Either way, I don't think I'll lose much if I participate in this thing.
???: I have nothing to lose anyway. 
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nakanodivision · 4 months
ARB Birthday Special: Ririko Akihara
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— May 29th —
“ You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ”
Login Lines:
“ So, today seems preetty special, doesn’t it? Huh, what do you mean you don’t remember!? It’s my birthday! And my 20th at that, I’m finally an adult, hehe!~ ”
“ Can’t believe my birthday’s already here! Geez, it seemed like Alice’s was only yesterday, How the time flies, am I right?”
Voice Lines:
“ Now that I’m officially an adult, I guess that means I gotta be more mature, and confident! maybe, this means I’ll finally be able to ask him out.. huh? y-you heard nothing!”
“ Ah, Alice and Shu surprised me today by throwing a birthday party for me in my apartment! How did they even get in? Oh, I gave both of them spare keys, just in case they REALLY wanna hang out sometimes! *she sighs* God, I love those two, they always make simple things like a party more fun!”
“ Alice, I love you, you’re like a sister to me, but NO WAY can I accept this necklace! It looks too damn expensive! Just how much did you spend on this? H-Huh? You made it yourself? OMG, I am SO dumb, why did I not think of that earlier! Aww, thanks so much, Alice, you’re such a sweetheart ♡”
“ Shu, I can always count on you for a sweet little pick - me -up! How’d you remember that I loved chocolate covered strawberries? I told you that, like, ages ago! And they’re even pink! Hehe, guess I’ll take it as a testament to our friendship. What- Hey! Don’t call me old, you’re older!!”
Alice Voiceline
“ Happy birthday, Ririko! You’ve finally come of age, and that calls for a celebration! But, since we already had a party at your apartment, I think it’d be better if I just give you my gift. Here, a rose quartz necklace. Ah, don’t worry! I’ve been learning how to make jewelry, so this is all handmade. I really wanted to express my gratitude to you through something i made, so i hope you enjoy it.”
Shu Voiceline
“ Well, look who’s finally 20, Happy Birthday, Ririko. Look, i was extremely tired from finals, but i still wanted to make you something, then I remembered a couple months ago you said you really liked chocolate covered strawberries, so that’s what i decided to make. Look, even made ‘em pink for you. Have fun being old, kid.”
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Official name: Unexpected
Only here on En here. From author personally.
P.s. sometimes dumb! Oops. (Daichi/dai/day - one person)
After the genin exam, Boruto felt like he was being watched.
- Well, I'm telling you, dattebanya, someone is following me!
-Boruto, that sounds crazy! - Sarada objected. - Who did you surrender to anyway?
- And here! Adults don't care..
- Maybe because you worried too much before?
Adjusting her glasses, the Uchiha was already approaching her house with a smart look.
There was a whistle. An unknown guy, but just a copy of Naruto, seems to have come down from the roof.
- Small fry, parents are not at home by any chance?
They are distinguished only by green eyes.
Uchiha and Uzumaki immediately armed themselves.
- Dobe.
And children are immediately deprived of consciousness.
She was a black-haired girl about the same age, but with tired blue eyes.
- We haven't even introduced ourselves..
- Daichi, don't be a bore. And what could they say? The truth?
- Maybe yes. - The young man answers her with displeasure.
And helps to get into the empty house of the Uchih family.
Sakura works late, they noticed that two weeks ago.. They'll talk enough.
... Of course, Boruto woke up. Just like Sarada.
- Who are you? What do you need?!
In a panic, the boy is bombarded with questions from his father in his youth.
- Boruto, we were actually taken hostage!
"We just wanted to talk.." - Flashes at Daichi.
- No, but you're going to attack us with your fists, aren't you? Ah.. well, it won't get to you yet, but Uzumaki is dumber.
- God, Dai. You managed to insult me, yourself, this one and my brothers.
When a previously unnoticed girl came out of the shadows, the "prisoners" stood up even more.
- Okay, let's introduce ourselves. I am Mikoto Uzumaki-Uchiha.
Black hair, blue eyes..
-It all looks like one sick hallucination.. - Boruto whispered to Sarada.
- We actually hear! Daichi said offensively. - And we came to help..
Mikoto just grinned and continued.
- Because there is no one to help us at home. I don't know how to describe it, illness or attack.. Well, to begin with, let's say who we are.
To this, the green-eyed Naruto (as Boruto called him to himself) gave a nod.
- It was pointed at him. - Son of Sakura and Naruto. - And made a funny gesture. - Need a clue who I am? More precisely, not only me..
Sarada made a face "I don't understand what for", first of all Boruto.
- My mother is Sasuke, and my father is Naruto. No need for such faces, it's not my fault that you have a strong male friendship.
- Mikoto, don't teach children bad things!
- And you're already infuriating with correctness, by the way, you helped tie them up. We still need to find my brothers.. At least one somewhere in the vicinity. I hope Kurama doesn't have a collective consciousness or something..
Daichi thought, as if listening to himself.
- Maybe of course I'm defective, but since appearing here, the fox is silent ..
The girl just shook her head wearily.
- In general. Of course, we apologize for the warm welcome, but we are all united by one big, big future trouble here.
- Why should we help you?! - Boruto immediately objected. - This is the first time we've seen you, and this is the first time we've been tied up!
Sarada, however, agreed with him. But it was worth asking..
- What are you talking about? - The Uchiha decided to clarify, which they began to untie first.
- About a kind of apocalypse, of course - Mikoto chuckled.
- Which Mikoto-san has already experienced together with her brothers. We don't know the mechanism yet, but we've met... In my world. Let's explain in more detail... When we find her brother.
But now it has become interesting for the rest.
- Like some other Naruto kid?
- Yeah. And believe me, you're lucky to have a family. - Dai answered quite amiably.
Boruto.. There was nothing to add. It was.. A controversial issue.
- Do you want to get acquainted? Mikoto unexpectedly suggested.
- No, leave it, there are enough impressions for today.. We're leaving.
Apparently, this opinion was already outdated.
- Miko, you didn't do that, did you?
Now a black-haired boy with a familiar mustache walked into the room.
Deichi gave him a high five as affably as possible. It looked funny, correlating the fact that they were the tallest and the lowest in the room.
The boy looked incredulously at another version of himself, going to his sister. And after whispering something..
- Do you think it was our dad? Menma.. She stroked Junior's forehead with a sigh. - no.. They're not here either.
And she took him in her arms. She whispered something..
- We will meet local parents. Let your negligent father rush home, everyone will gather there.. You have in common. Konoha has common problems.. Oh, yeah. There's a third in the team with you. Where did you fall?
-Are you talking to me? - It would have been easy to wait for him at home..
Boruto looked at the girl with disbelief.
- Well, then I'll go. You will say thank you later, Daichi is leading this kindergarten back, he does not take off his cape.
- Yes, there was a wind there! And no one noticed..
- Yeah, but Kurama has a three-room apartment now. Let's blow. And I'll tell you - Day is a saint in comparison with me. And everyone here knows Sakura, he has a stronger punch.
"She's playing the elder again. Well, yes, with a difference of a couple of months .. " - flashed at Haruno.
Mikoto was leaving.. And it seemed to have evaporated.
- Well, little ones, Sakura won't be here for a long time.. We're blowing down the street, but we'll see Aunt Hinata.. E-heh, it's a pity you don't know how cool it was with me, datteban'o!
The young man pushed everyone to the exit. Menma was still clinging to him incredulously, but Boruto and Sarada were walking in front.
- A.. - Sarada had already conceived questions.
- I wonder how we lived at home? Well.. Mikoto will arrive and tell about himself. And what's interesting in my life is, Naruto's dad, Sakura's mom.. The best friend is Fumayo Inuzuka. Son of Hinata and Kiba. Or.. You might be interested in something else?
- Yes.. And Sasuke?
- And your folder is no different at all, only he doesn't have a wife. Do you see a free bird. Works for the benefit of the village.
Deichi noticed Boruto shivering. If Sarada tactically recognized, technically, her stepbrother, then the second one was confused. Who knew he had so many alternatives..
- Why are you frowning? I'm sorry, I don't read thoughts.
- Is there really no difference at all, we shouldn't be so..
- Similar? Come on, they didn't distinguish me from my father at all.. And we have the same one, by the way. Don't worry about your uniqueness until you realize that the Uchiha children have wiped our noses. With such a family, either die great, or renounce.
Sarada noticed that he still had a little less from Sakura than from Naruto.. And paid attention to Menma.
Probably, Day was a fairly familiar person for him, because he shunned the others, with the exception of his sister.
- What happened to you?
Day stopped abruptly. He turned his stern gaze on her.
Menma calmly replied.
- The Nine-Tail had to be sealed again.
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ngmn2002 · 2 years
Ch 99: random thoughts.
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Hey, cool. It's good to be here again!
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Yes, yes, right!
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Ok, well... this very first thing rises some huge red flags... the day of the severance??? That day... then... after Mitsuba 2.0 turned into pieces... Tsukasa went to the room he was in with Kou and that other one? So... was Tsukasa affected by the severance? I mean... shouldn't he turn into glasses as well and then disappear?? Yet.. he went to Mitsuba 2.0 and took him... to the red house or whatever that room is, I assume??? Then, he knew about what was going to happen to Mitsuba 2.0 because of the severance in advance... -For fun-
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It seems Aida really enjoys drawing Tsukasa like this.. in front of doors.. looking a bit scary. And... lol...Tsukasa has officially become Mintsuba 2.0's mom or something? Mama Tsukasa walked through the door to give chick Mitsuba 2.0 his food... how cute. Wait... something is wrong about it... ah... his food is... ah...
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I see... Tsu is feeding him all that so he can stay longer. Makes sense.
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Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome Mama Tsukasa together.
It's really something for Tsukasa to be able to read other's hearts... like... Mitsuba 2.0: I don't want that. Tsukasa: Trsut me you do, stop lying. Even your face says it all. Now... I am having this on my mind...
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Mistuba there is making a nice face to you right, Tsukasa? Hmm....
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Ah... the truth hurts, huh?
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I feel bad for him... it's like... a living hell in his eyes...
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And... this is heart-breaking... the boy just wants to rest. He is tired of everything. As if... he lost hope for even that wish he made. He just wants to be gone. He looks so miserable.
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How come he knows Kou's address? From where did he get it? Also, the very first and only time he came face to face with 'Kou's brother' he said the 2 are similar.. but didn't make the connection they are brothers.. but now he knows.. he knows they are from an exorcist family.. he knows Teru is stronger in that in comparison to Kou.. it seems he gained lots of information during the time.
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Kou... really? If you can take it down that easily... why didn't you do it sooner instead of hiding? This is... stupid.
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Never expected Kou to act like that... why so aggressive? Give the pitiful creature a break.
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OPEN YOUR MOUTH! Now, say "AHHH"! 🤍 Oh... Tsukasa is way nicer I see... hmm-hmm. Mama Tsukasa is the best.
And... wohoo... even the hearts are... the heart Kou got is so small... funny and looks weak -lame as Mitsuba 2.0 says it-... while the one Tsukasa got... oh... it gives some 'strong' energy.
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Now, why do you need to hold back? It's... about your need for 'food', whether it was supernatural food or human food, it's 'food', your food, the food you need to survive.. it's not a crime. I don't think Tsukasa will like this too much, he is not against your need for 'food', you know... it's normal. At the end of the day... everybody needs food to keep on living.
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Hmm... Kou... this is really a stupid question... why would he 'trust' you so much? You even made a comparison between yourself and Tsukasa? really? All you did for him was nothing until now.. while Tsukasa did so much... and you ask why? Well, sorry to break it to you but.. you're no match for Tsukasa in anything, Kou. You should know that. Don't try to compete with him because no matter what, you will end up losing.
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And... ah... it's all over the place with these 2... Each of them keeps going in circles with their decisions... *I don't want to! -a moment later- I want to! I want that! I don't want that! I will do it! I don't want to do it!* oh... put an end to that thing... make your choice.
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Oh... boy... It seems Kou has finally reached his limits. Now, I think I'm starting to get interested to see how things would go with Kou, Mistuba 2.0, things between the 2 of them, put Tsuaksa in the mixture, too.. yeah.. Hmm... maybe after this... Kou will change some of his life standards on regard of supernaturals and all. Maybe.. finally, he will get that Tsuaksa is not what he thinks he is, and go apologize to him. -Tsukasa doesn't need for that to happen, but I think I need it.-
------- Now... about Mitsuba 2.0... he is really in a tough situation. To keep on being there for another day he has to eat supernaturals or even humans... he sees himself as a monster because of that and wants to be gone for good and rest, because all he wanted was to become a normal human... and this is far away from being a human or normal to him... so... really... his situation needs a solution really fast.
It's either he accepts who he is. With that, he will see his 'food' normal and keep on going. Or, it's to choose to be gone for good, whether by being exorcised or by asking Tsukasa himself to like... undo him, just like he made him in the first place. I wonder why didn't he do that in the first place... why didn't he ask Tsukasa to do so, maybe he feared Tsukasa won't agree to his want?
Now... talking about Tsukasa... he really has to find a way out of this. He is the one who made Mitsuba in the first place. He has to take responsibility for that and take care of him. Either make him 'really' accept who he is, or destroy him and let him rest or really try hard to grant his wish to become human. Try your hardest to make it come true, or I don't know... try any other method to solve the problem... find a solution to save your creation from his misery. It's your duty, Tsukasa.
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He can't keep on going like this.
////// Anyway, Tsukasa in the next chapter:
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Like... did Mitsuba 2.0 go to Kou's place on his own or does Tsukasa and the other 2 know about it? I think Tsukasa will be sad if Mitsuba decided to end everything without a word to him.
------ So, yeah... maybe... Tsukasa will show up in the next chapter... maybe ch 100 will live to the expectations I held for very long ago...during the past year.
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 359: The Royal Schedule
It was only a few minutes past dawn, but while the royal family was only now beginning to stir, the servants wing was already bustling with activity as the staff prepared for another busy day.
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“I trust you familiarized yourself with his royal highness’ schedule for the day?” Bixby asked as he walked down the servant's corridor with St. James.
“Yes, sir,” St. James responded. “The prince will breakfast with her royal highness, then meet with the prime minister at nine, followed by a call with the minister of finance at ten.”
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“And what about Prince Michael’s request for a few minutes with his father?” Bixby asked. "It's irregular, but his royal highness prioritizes his family over all else."
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“My thought would be to schedule it over lunch,” St. James said. “But since Prince Michael said it was fairly urgent, we could squeeze him in after the prime minister’s visit. I’m sure Minister Abelard won’t mind waiting just a few minutes, and, based on the agenda he provided, there’s nothing critical about their ten o’clock call.”
Bixby stopped and turned to St. James, nodding.
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“Very good,” Bixby said, nodding. “You have a better feel for this than one would expect after only a few days.”
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“Thank you, sir,” St. James replied. “I’ve learned a great deal from simply watching you work, so it’s given me a good feel for how to determine when it’s necessary to improvise a bit. After his call with Minister Abelard, his royal highness must change. He’s due for the groundbreaking of the Darnley Center for International Relations at noon, then he’ll lunch with the Center’s board.”
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“He’s looking forward to that,” Bixby said. “Lord Darnley was a great support to Prince Stephen during his early years on the throne, so I know his royal highness was quite glad to have an opportunity to recognize his service to Weston. Go on, St. James.”
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“Prince Stephen is due back at the palace by two, and has a call scheduled with King Henry of Corwyn at three. However, I can’t seem to find an agenda for that conversation. Am I missing something?”
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“No,” Bixby replied. “Prince Stephen and King Henry are old schoolmates and very close friends, so it’s likely the call is more social in nature.”
“Ah,” St. James said, nodding as they resumed their walk down the hallway. “The prince has nothing scheduled after that call, although I’ve had several government officials ask for a few minutes of his time. Do you think I should try to set up meetings for the rest of the day?”
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“No,” Bixby replied. “His royal highness has been very tired of late, and the family will be having a guest for dinner – the Baroness Wexton, Lady Helena Reynolds. I’m sure he’ll wish to rest before she arrives.”
“Very well, then,” St. James said, casually.
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“You seem to have everything well in hand, then, St. James,” Bixby said, stopping at his office door. “I’ll leave you on your own today. If Prince Stephen requires my attendance, just call. I’ll be right here.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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tertiaryunit · 2 years
Damage Assessment
An “extra” chapter from my DX story, focused on Lawrence and his dad Sam Carter. This takes place a few hours after the beginning of the game, after JC captures Leo Gold.
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It had been a few hours since the all-clear had been given, and most of the troops had returned to patrol the perimeter of the island for possible survivors. The NSF attack had caught them off guard, and Sam knew it would mean many visits from high-ranking government officials dissatisfied with their boss, a man called Joseph Manderley. 
Sam, being a veteran, was used to such events; this was not the first time one of his superiors had been reprimanded, and it wouldn’t be the last, with all that it entailed. What really mattered to him was that his son was coming from Washington with his boss for the occasion - it had been years since he last saw him. 
The Veteran was sitting behind the desk in the Armory when his thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of a figure elegantly dressed in a black suit. His footsteps were light, like someone who knew he should not be there, and therefore with an ill-concealed sense of guilt. 
“Hey kid” “Good evening, father”
Lawrence was only twenty-five years old but his skin had a grayish tone, so exhausted that he looked close to death. The Quartermaster was understandably concerned since the last memory he had of his son was the expression of pure happiness at being assigned as his idol's personal assistant seven years ago.
“What brings you here, son?” “We’re just checking how things are going. Sir Simons gave me a five minutes break, so... Here I am” 
Sam looked into Lawrence’s eyes: they were gaunt, cold like his superior’s and of the exact same shade of grey; his voice calm and measured so as not to show how he really felt. The awkward silence that fell after their initial words did nothing to dampen the tense atmosphere.
“So... I suppose you’re here to do some damage assessment?” “More or less. Gunther’s losing his touch, I know the NSF got him” “I heard our newest recruit freed him. He also successfully arrested Leo Gold, according to Jacobson. Quite promising, isn’t it?” “Ah, the younger Denton” 
Of course, Lawrence had already been updated on everything that happened that night, along with the files of every single UNATCO employee.
”I think it would be wise to keep an eye on him” ”Listen, kid...” - The Veteran cleared his throat - “Why don’t you take one week off and come visit your old man? Sounds like you could use a break” “I can’t. You know how much work my position demands”   
The younger man looked around and his eyes fixed for a moment on the framed photos on the armory desk: pictures of the siblings and mother he never knew as the NSF killed them many years ago - his father never hid to him how not too long after he adopted him, how happy he was to have a family again. Pictures of them together, before becoming a MJ12 Agent, back when his smiles were sincere...
“Aren’t you tired son? Not even a little bit? I know you don't like to hear criticism of your superior, but...” “Sir Simons is magnanimous enough with the workload he entrusts to me already. If anything, I’m not doing enough” “Not doing enough?! Son... You ARE aware of what I’ve heard, right?” “Naturally” - now Lawrence’s voice was so low and similar to the FEMA director's that, if someone overheard their conversation, they would think he was in the room with them - “Nothing but the inferences of people who would give their lives to be in my place”
Sam dropped that topic, knowing how sensitive Lawrence was whenever his direct superior was mentioned in any way. 
“I think you’d enjoy a little road trip, you know? Just like the good old times...” “The good old times are over and I wish you could understand that!”
He barely raised his voice, but the Veteran took a step back as if he were being yelled at. Lawrence turned his back to him and tried to hide the flush in his cheeks.
“Thinking about the past is useless. It only brings you more pain than what it’s worth” “Are you... Are you really Lawrence?”
The Agent stopped in his tracks for a moment, but he did not turn around to face his father. 
“You can stay in the past, if you want. But no one is there anymore”
He left just as JC Denton walked in.
Ok first of all: apologies for my grammar errors. :D Always had troubles with the verbs.
No, Sam doesn’t know what Walton did and is doing to Lawrence. He suspects it but doesn’t want to believe it.    Lawrence, on his part, can tell about his father’s suspicion especially since he obviously knows what is being said behind his back by the MiB and other troopers. 
Walton, on his part, has gaslit Lawrence enough to normalize the abuse and keep him dependent. He managed to isolate him from both his friendships (who do not know about his Psychic powers and would “treat him as a monster” because “the world is cruel” and how he’s “the only person that looks at him without fear”) AND his family (telling him how Sam would be “disgusted” by “what you did” implying the abuse happened because of Lawrence himself).
Lawrence feels ashamed and guilty and fears that if Sam knows, he will never want to see him again, or reject him as his son.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Field Trips & Chaos- Crossover chpt.2
Return to File - SPN File - DNA File - BSD File
Recovery date: December 19th, 2020
Description: The Winchesters are contacted by a very tired Japanese government official, trying to deal with a very troublesome case. Meanwhile, a coincidental schedule lands some high schoolers in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will everyone survive?
Notes: This entry has been translated for viewing facility, all bold writing is Japanese.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Word count: 603
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“Okay, so we’re looking for…”
The Winchesters were standing outside the station in Yokohama, trying to figure out where to go. Tsujimura hadn’t told them where to meet, and she hadn’t responded to Sam’s emails since she sent the tickets. So they were looking for the nearest government building, and hoping for the best.
“Mr. Winchesters?” Someone called from behind them.
A young woman with strange hair, it was cyan, was standing before them. She smiled and bowed slightly.
“Yes, that’s us. Are you Ms. Tsujimura?”
She nodded. “Yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please follow me.”
She led them out of the station to a car, and the three took a seat in the back. As soon as they were settled, the driver pulled away and she took out a file.
“A few weeks ago, we were made aware of what we believed to be an ability user. However-”
“I’m sorry, a what user?” Sam asked, looking through his folder.
Tsujimura stopped talking in surprise,and her brows furrowed.
“An ability user, someone with an unnatural power unique to them. Unless of course it’s passed on but that’s quite uncommon.”
“So like a witch?” Dean asked.
“I suppose.”
“I hate witches,” Dean grumbled.
“Have you never heard of ability users? I know there are some groups in the united states.”
“Really? We’ve never run into anyone,” Sam frowned, “Maybe they were posing as witches.”
Tsujimura said nothing, from what she’d heard, it wasn’t entirely impossible the Winchesters had simply never realized who they’d encountered. They didn’t seem to be the most observant people, the “Supernatural” books made that obvious.
“Now, about why you were called here. We believed Mr. Akira to be an ability user, however after further investigation that didn’t seem to be the case. After unsuccessful attempts to contact local hunters, we looked for the next best thing.”
“And that was us?”
“Not that we aren't grateful for this opportunity, but aren’t the British Men of Letters practically next door?”
“Ah, yes. They…” she looked thoughtful for a second, “don’t like us much.”
“Join the club,” Dean laughed, and Tsujimura smiled.
“Sakaguchi-senpai will answer your questions when-”
“Tsujimura-san, we’re here.”
“Ah! Please.” She waved the boys to the door. “We’re here.”
She took the files from the boys, and thanked the driver as they stepped out. They were standing in front of a tall government building. Tsujimura joined them on the curb, and led them inside. 
It was exactly what you’d assume a government building to look like. Marble floors, lots of security, and dark walls. Tsujimura led them through security and into an elevator where she swiped a card and pushed the button for the second lowest floor.
The only sound was the whirling of the elevator as the boys watched the numbers descend.
“Senpai! The Winchesters are here.”
The room they’d entered was covered in monitors on the wall across from them, with multiple panels and desks covered throughout. The room was split in two by a platform which they were on, and in the center of the platform was a chair where a man sat hunched over a laptop.
“Thank you Tsujimura. Please go finish you report.”
He stopped typing, and pushed up his glasses as he turned to the brothers. Meanwhile, Tsujimura descended to another desk and began to work.
“Sam and Dean Winchester, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He approached them, with a hand outstretched. “My name is Ango Sakaguchi, and I am an assistant counselor for Japan’s special division for unusual powers. I look forward to working with you.”
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