#and i will do exactly that 💯
ilys00ga · 8 months
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ratatatastic · 2 months
sasha reacting to his own metal anthem and trying not to crack up everytime it plays 🤣🤣🤣
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hes trying so hard but anytimes he hears SA‼️‼️SHA‼️‼️ he cant help but break out into a smile
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Sasha Cup Party | 7.31.24 (x)
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jrueships · 7 months
can you please walk us through the relationship between wemby and jabari the people need to know
i think the most notable thing about vic and Jabari's relationship is that they don't have one, when it would be so beneficial if they did. they're like two soldiers fighting for the opposite sides of a war, too loyal to the cause to stop and think about what could have been if they just lowered their respective weapons aimed by cold hands larger than their own. foils by fate, friends by freedom.
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' remember, you will Always be Different. '
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' remember, you will Always be Replaceable. '
Jabari's dad made it in the NBA, then didn't. He was a big that could shoot, but wasn't a post-up man. Back then, post-up was the desired style. Ironically, now, it's all about shooting. But his dad didn't live in the now, and his career in the US was short-lived, to keep it cordial. Jabari's older brother played basketball throughout his whole life, but stopped after college. Jabari's cousin, Kwame Brown, was drafted 1st overall in the lottery, and became a notorious bust for the Washington wizards.
Basketball is a business. Basketball is fleeting.
It doesn't matter that a big with sharpshooter skills is valued as something so 'prized' in today's nba, not back then, not when it would have mattered for Jabari's dad. Making it is one ballpark in its own, but Staying in it? Can perhaps be an even more painful ordeal when the hoops to accomplish it aren't circus hoops, but a plain hill some just don't have the strength, mentality, or the materials to help climb without distraction or pitfall.
Jabari's dad made sure Jabari had this threat forever ingrained in his mind. When he yells at Jabari for misplaced eye contact, for typing the wrong words in a public social media reply, for reacting in a way a camera might misinterpret, it's out of love. Jabari's dad was known for being a hassle to coach back then, maybe because he knew his potential and no one else did because it was too new to the mold. So he makes sure Jabari doesn't follow his same habits. Jabari is polite to authority, simply replies with a 'Yes Sir' or a 'No Ma'am', he holds eye contact, he wakes up hours before he needs to just to jump rope, just to uphold the standards that his family could not. He is Everything his father is and isn't, plus more. When his team wins, he's still talking about his missed freethrows even 8 hours later. Because someone else could have won the game And hit those free throws too . someone from a family that gained success and stayed in that success. Someone who wasn't Just Another Son of a basketball player trying to do what his father couldn't, someone who was Different .
Everyone knew wemby was different. When his literature class was asked to write an essay about your future dreams in life, he wrote a fictional romance about a couple where the woman got in a car accident and was comatosed as a result, but got better in the end. He didn't write about being a great basketball player one day, because his parents don't pressure him to hunker himself into the norm, even though his mother once was and now coaches. If Wemby one day realized this wasn't for him, they would encourage him to leave and follow whatever greater passions propelling him. He's so agile for his size because his dad was an Olympic talent in track and field. He is someone who has hobbies and talents that are considered common alone, but strange combined, because he loves what he has and what he does. He reads every night for one hour before bed not to appear as some pseudointellectual, but because he Genuinely loves it, and when he loves something, he excels at it. He does try to be different, but not out of ego. He just loves to be. He either accomplishes at 200% or zero. It may be 200% in an unexpected direction, but it's His direction and that's what matters. If he somehow does wind up a bust, a possibility he considers without fear but acceptance as potential fate, then he won't go down as yet another failed first pick. He'll fall as he flew, Victor Wembanyama.
' Different '
' Replaceable'
Jabari winces each time he's subbed out, even for a second, even on an injured ankle, he's silently Stubborn, his posture shrunken and his gaze at the ground yet his eyes, big, wobbling, staring up always at the speaker, he's silently scared.
Jabari doesn't Want to be different. He just wants to be what his family couldn't be when it came to fame: irreplaceable . His parents split when he was younger, he tries his hardest to appease them both as to not cause any more issues. The relationship relies on his shoulders more than ever, and he can't fumble it again. He has to be what his dad couldn't so his dad can stay, commenting on commonality or surprises. He wants to support his still working mother, especially after the split. He doesn't Want to be unique, he just wants Security.
Because this can crumble any moment now, it doesn't matter how high your pick was or how bright the future Could Have been or how the game would later shift to your style if you had just somehow Stayed. Why bet on low chances if you know you can't handle the risk. He shakes any college coaches' hands that showed up to his practices, personally thanks them for coming even though he's one of the best in the country so their presence should be a given to him, it's not. When he picks a college, he picks one that guaranteed their faith in him from day One, and didn't require any further prodding to finally say '.. Maybe we'll offer you a position' like Kentucky did, as big and famous as it is, it wasn't Secured . They saw him as a risk at one point, and that's everything he's been trying to avoid when it came to attention, negatively standing out.
Jabari wants to be known as the strong shoulder to the world. He WANTS to be known as That One Guy who can just carry everything, nameless but Good. He just wants to be Good. Please tell him he's good. Please tell him what he's doing is Good. That basing his entire personality around yet another soldier who ultimately fell in battle but fought nonetheless being nameless is Good. Please feel free to give him all your burdens to bear like he's just some mule, an animal, a Tool .. because that means he's Useful, at least. That means he's Good. And if he isn't good, then he's nothing. Because you can always just buy another one anyways. A better one.
Although his parents try not to treat Wemby by simplifying his differences into a strictly labeled, simple FUTURE BASKETBALL PRODIGY box at birth, that doesn't mean that can always stop others from doing it. Wemby signed his first autograph at ten years old.
It didn't matter if he was a kid who was so much more than just his basketball future, basketball fans wanted one thing from him and one thing only: Success. People didn't care about his literary skills or his drawing hobbies. The eyes on his alien needed to be smaller 'so your shoe can sell better, trust us, it's still Your drawing.. your weird little .. not money-making hobby, do believe me, Vic, We know what We're doing. You just stick to whatever you do.'
His differences, in the end, are minimalized just to that. He's just Different. That's what everyone says who wouldn't really care to say anything at all if he never hooped as well as they wanted in the first place. The youtube videos of 40 year old men criticizing his 15 year old games didn't Really care if he was just a kid, they just cared in the 'imagine when he reaches peak physicality? imagine the points (money) he'd make for the nba.' His beautiful differences, artistic, soft, unique but oh-so wonderfully common and passionate.. are all dissolved into 'Different', the Base definition.
he's an alien. Someone you can just dump all your poverty franchise worries onto because don't worry, he's Different. Trust me, he'll save your team. 'He's Different. ..am i talking about how he'd effortlessly answer questions in class while also trying to hide the fact that he's playing on his phone by tucking his bony legs awkwardly in his chair and crouching his spine over that it looked almost scary? HELL NO? what does THAT have to do with BASKETBALL?? no, he's just freakishly long, but like. Gifted. Though. ... I don't know, man, he's just DIFFERENT, okay? you can trust me, i'm a sports podcaster, okay? everything i say is gold.'
A celebrity approaches him because he was different than most famous basketball athletes. He was Different. And yet, when he didn't recognize or notice her presence due to Different cultures ( due to Being Genuinely, Detailedly Different ), he was scorned and ushered out of public eye so another possible pr bomb couldn't injure his reputation as a Difference That They Really Would Rather Not Want.
that's what his reading falls into, his old friends, his family, his art, his personality. If it's beyond ball, if it's beyond Business. The world only cares if it's marketable. Sure, some reporters will ask a question outside of sport, but only because it'll be a Different.. funny little nugget of knowledge for fans to laugh at then soon disregard for what Really made him famous. But, Wemby is what he always wanted to be. He's Different. So What if it's not exactly the kind of Different he actually wants, he actually functions on? No one has the time to perform 200% anymore. Slap the label you wanted and call it quits, stop being so High-Maintenanced. That's not marketable.
You're just different. And to some people, that's all you'll ever be. No need to explore it any further. Who knows, your Consumers might find something they won't like. And we can't risk that happening to our greatest circus freak.
i mean. Generational basketball talent .
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If there's a press conference going on that somehow includes the two, then Wemby just wants to be sure everyone can hear what he really wants to say, in his own words, not echoing anyone else's, and Jabari just wants to Be in the Room.
His brother stopped playing basketball because his family said he didn't try hard enough. Jabari Can't have that. His whole life revolves Around basketball, around sport. He doesn't WANT to be DIFFERENT if that isn't the soundest option, he just wants to be GREAT. Because GREAT is SUCCESS. Jabari Smith is not success. It's just a retry at it . His father shares the same name.
Wemby's life did not always revolve around basketball, to people, at one point. At one point, Wemby's life was just his life. Now, it seems like only his family think that, and they're from a whole other country. When he comments on videos critiquing his playstyle, he doesn't do so out of anger or questioning, he does so because he genuinely Wants to improve. He Does want to be great. But, he wants to be great in Everything that he finds interesting. He always did. When he likes an author, he reads All their books, not just their most notorious novel. He wants to be transported into other people's worlds so he can learn, so he can change, so he can be Different. Even if he somehow were to lose all of this fame, this Greatness, this job, this opportunity, he will never really lose. Because he's someone who's always taken opportunities to the fullest, so even if they pan out a little differently, that's Fine, really, because he's different. Not in the minimizing, dictionary definition then leave the meaning at that different, but in the butterfly effect. What he once was ten days ago is not exactly the same of what he is now, and it hurts, sometimes, when people fail to see that, or simply don't want to because textbook different is easier to digest than worldly different.
IN SHORT.. theyre foils. i can't Exactly walk u thru their relationship bcs .. there Isn't one.. & that's what's so Interesting about them. That's what makes their relationship, to me. Because if they WERE to be friends, if they somehow in some alternate world WERE to get paired up on the same team... they would be friends. I really think they would be. Not only because their signs are so compatible, or their differences are so stark, but because their similarities would triumph everything beautifully. Maybe. We don't know because they Weren't paired together, we can only speculate. But i think it would be big and beautiful, whatever they would have, it would be Something.
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unfortunately, we don't live in an alternate world where they're teammates though ! Double unfortunately, Jabari and Wemby's biggest similarity is their loyalty to the game (a double-edged sword in both their lives from Jabari's silent unhealthy desire to be limited and Wemby's silent desperation not to be) Wemby, in Jabari's eyes, is Indeed a powerful...
He's not really a person to him . In all fairness, no one really is when they're involved in the basketball world, not to Jabari, not from the way he's been taught. Everyone's supposed to be Replaceable, a faceless tool in the pocket of good business.
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.. except for This freakazoid. Apparently.
APPARENTLY, he's some supposed 'saint'. someone to be feared for being more. APPARENTLY, the reporters just LOVE yapping about him SO much, that Jabari HAS to take the time out of his training just to talk about some guy who doesn't even GO here, yet when they ask him about his opinion on future prospects. WELL, that's ALL wemby IS to Jabari, just another future prospect. Just another problem.
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A problem he'll be sure to check off his list.
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... okay, so Maybe he's a bit more than a problem.. maybe.. he's just a really persistent problem? yeah, that's it, nothing more. Jabari will work through this. He Always does. That's what he does well, Work.
Wemby wonders if that's all he ever does .
But he doesn't have long before Jabari's marching down the tunnel to beat himself up over all his mistakes other people would never make, and Wemby's being escorted to an interview that other people would never make solely to show how Much he just Stands Out as a soul... in basketball .
I hope they find each other in basketball, and out of it as well. I just feel like
Something would Happen
#THANK YOU for this ask#i was so scared making it tho like... im srry it's so long but im afraid i cant short answer in life 😭#if im scared it's gonna miss something 😭#i MAY be an overthinker hooper 🗣‼️‼️💯🔥#in reality thank u for asking fr <333 it's been a while since ive done one of my (in)famous ted talks LMAO#i hope this helped 😊!! <- i say as the whole point of it was that it couldnt actually help#LiSTEN- iN THE END.. IT'S FOR THE DELULUS IM AFRAID#the OHHHH but the POTENTIALL#mfs who have mental illness (multi shipping)#theyre like pg and dame Thats a Bad Shot to be#like they both have insane 200% or nothing work ethics... but driven into such POLAR opposite means to an end#theyre like two people who wrote an antithesus to the other but would actually rule the world together if given the chance#2 veey powerful heroes belonging to two different alliances or worlds.. holding similar but different ideals#corny one liner quip bcs i have to for the kids marvel wemby and trying to be edgier bcs fck them kids dc jabari#idk theyre insane to me#pls say u understand#bcs i dont think i rlly do myself and thats why i love them so much#theyre a puzzle and i wanna know if the final product is exactly what ive been imagining from the pieces given to me#or if it's completely opposite#either way it's so fun for me to figure out but again. i may be insane#if i am .. feel free to tell me 😭😭 really. at least have the courtesy to tell the polar bear his world is melting before taking a picture#ted asks#ted longer#jaba#webby#IF I MISSPELL WEMBYS NAME PLS BE NICE 2 ME. I DID LORE RESEARCH HIM i SWEAR. I RESEARCH ALL MY POSSIBLE SHIPS PEOPLES CUS IM SCARED OF#MISINTERPRETATION. SO IF U SEE ME MISSPELL WEMBY.. IT'S BCS I AM STUPID YES. BUT LIKE. NOT WITH RESEARCH. IT'S JUST MY STUPID BRIAN#*BRAIN**** <-SEE?? i Dont think i have to explain any further how his name is a Nightmare for people like me who#think 8s are 6s on a math test and fails bcs of it EVEN THO the problem wouldve been right if it WERE to be a 6.. it is simply not
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britomart · 1 year
do you think it's messed up they made humans with thoughts and feelings and a million means of expression and then also built in an inherent sense of shame and embarrassment alongside it idk i think it's kind of messed up
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feelin-frazzled · 2 years
the pfp 😍 eddie, my love 😍😍
ikr 😍 after watching it chapter two I felt like I just needed an eddie pfp yk (since I miss him so much 😔)
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autumnhobbit · 2 years
Progress pics both irritate me and kind of freak me out. Does anyone else think maybe it's not the best idea to have people analyzing micro-differences in shape/girth/definition in photos of themselves?? hello??
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1031am · 1 day
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6ebe · 1 year
Whenever I’m doing stretches after working out and do this exact one I think of this picture I hate my life
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Hey I hope you are doing well when ever you are reading this but how do you think the 3rd year boys from twst would react to their s/o (gn reader) cuddling with a huge plush instead of them.
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Like this.
Oh boy oh boy this kinda cures my writers block tbh, i have so many drafts but none of em look enticing enough to continue writing (´д`|||)
I took out a few of the 3rd years bc its too many people for 1 fic but i might make a part 2 where i add the missing 3rd years at some point
i went with the more silly writing style again, hope that's fine by you ○( ^皿^)っ
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Malleus Draconia
He doesn't exactly get why, but he feels kinda annoyed just laying next to you while you hug a big ol plushie
This doesn't feel right🫤
But then again, you look rlly happy and satisfied so he stays quiet since if you're happy, he's happy (he desperately wants to be in the plushy's place)
When you playfully kiss the plush though, that rule no longer applies. After all, his rightful spot is in your arms🫠
He nudges you. "Put the stuffed animal away."
"You sound angry." You smirk and kiss the plush again, knowing he's probably annoyed about that
without another word, he pulls the plushy out of your hands and settles down in its place
"I am a much better than that object. Just so you know." he smiled smugly, expecting a kiss on the cheek just like you gave to the plushie earlier
you kissed him on the lips instead just to see his eyes widen and his face go red ofc 😏
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Leona Kingscholar
basically, it is NOT happening
"hell no." is the only thing he says before ripping the poor plushie out of your arms and chucking it across the room
like actually how DARE you try to replace him with a plushie
"Why would you do that?" You pouted at him, looking at the now discarded plushy from the bed🤕
"You know damn well why." He huffed, laying down on top of you without warning which tends to be a habit of his
"Because that's my spot, got it?" He answered for you. clearly you forgot😒
"Uhhh, right." you answered after a short pause...
"I won't remind you next time." he sounded rlly annoyed. it's kinda funny how worked up he got over a plushy replacing him 🤭
this also means he won't let you get up for like.... atleast 2 hours to atone for your sins
moral of the story: don't do this again unless you want a ripped up plushie and a pissed off lion man😠
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Idia Shroud
"This is so unfair. Even worse than an OP boss. " he sighed dramatically, laying down besides you and pouting at the sight og a huge plushie in your arms
"pick up the sock if you have enough energy to complain." you turned away from him, still annoyed with him
being the epic gamer he is (😎💯), he discarded one of his socks in the middle of his room and didn't feel like picking it up later even after you told him to
...which ended with you refusing to cuddle with him until he does pick up the sock
after a short while of very awkward silence...
he groaned in annoyance, begrudgingly getting up and finally picking up the sock, then leaving the room to put it in the wash
you smirked victoriously, placing the plushie away as promised and letting him hug you instead
"The things you make me do, smh." he sighed, relaxing into you 😒
"Picking up a singular sock?" you teased him, hugging him back
He didn't reply so that means it's your victory 😝
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Vil Schoenheit
this is an unforgivable offense, just because you had a little disagreement earlier doesn't mean you can just replace him with a plushie😠
love transcends disagreements, after all
does not help at all that the plushie's cute round face reminds him of a certain thorn in his side named Neige LeBlanche😒
he sighs, "I may have been too harsh back there."
your only reply is an annoyed huff and you hug the plushie tighter which makes one of those anime veins pop up on his face 💢
he takes a deep breath "It was not my intention to hurt your... sensibilities." he's trying babe, he's really trying
You don't reply for a moment...
"Ugh." you throw the plushie away and hug him tightly "This doesn't mean I forgive you, just for the record."
"I still stand by my opinion too, just worded less harshly." he gently puts an arm around you, stroking your back
it was only a matter of time until you gave up with your stubborn pettiness, soon you'll forgive him too, he'll make sure of that 😌
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Lilia Vanrouge
He's actually surprisingly chill about it i feel like
He wouldn't get annoyed or be jealous per se, he'd just get a little sad it's not him you're hugging😔
he's there, you know? there's no need for a plushie...
"Am I not satisfactory enough?" He asks half playfully half seriously
"In what sense?" you totally knew what he meant but just wanted to tease him back
"Hey, isn't this supposed to be the other way around?" he smiled at you, immediately knowing what you were playing at
"Hahaha, you know me too well." you kiss his cheek, yet you still don't let go of the plushie which makes him pout
"I see you have found yourself a new lover." his eyes travel to the plushie for a moment, the betrayal is real😔🙏🏻
"You got a problem with him?" you raised a brow 🤨
"A little." he hugged you from the back, getting comfy
"Okay fine, maybe my ex is the better one after all." you let go of the plushie and turned around to hug him back 💗
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sanaexus · 3 months
social's as chigiri's girlfriend
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-liked kuniisuke, nagi.seishiro and 155.6k others
yourusername: he lets me touch his hair i win losers
tagged: chigi.who
kuniisuke: yeah but i'm the one who he kicks balls with ↳hiyori: MATE. NO. ↳yourusername: yeah and i'm the one playing with his balls ↳karasu_tabito: okay what the fuck ↳chigi.who: not true please don't trust her ↳eita.otoya: you sure ab that princess? ↳yourusername: ew don't you have enough bitches already?
nikkoki: he looks so tired of you in the second picture ↳yourusername: YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE HIM WHAT ↳nikkoki: exactly. his annoyance radiates off the picture ↳yourusername: go back to crying like a lil wuss or something
user1: i love your eyelashes ↳yourusername: i love you ↳chigi.who: no you don't ↳yourusername: i'm a free independent woman with my own free will ↳chigi.who: icecream if you shut up ↳yourusername: ok ↳karasu_tabito: so you just buy her silence? ↳chigi.who: yes ↳yourusername: HE LETS ME TOUCH HIS HAIR TOO SO HONESTLY I'M WINNING ↳karasu_tabito: valid
kenyu.yukimiya: what the fuck is he doing in the first picture? ↳chigi.who: can't you see? ↳chigi.who: oh wait no nevermind he actually can't ↳yourusername: THAT'S SO RUDE?? SAY SORRY ↳chigi.who: i'm sorry that you're blind as a bat i guess ↳kenyu.yukimiya: fuck you
mikka.kaiser: why is everyone fucking everyone in this comment section ↳alexis.ness: could be us? ↳isaichii: no one's fucking
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-liked by megubachi, reo.miikage and 163.9k others
yourusername: in a world full of boys he's a gentleman (the last image is me n him)
tagged: chigi.who
chigi.who: no that is not us what the fuck. ↳yourusername: aww hyo don't be shy ↳chigi.who: you like playing w my hair right? ↳yourusername: no i'm sorry+ i love you+ don't remove my hair touching privilege + i'm js a girl + don't be a hater
megubachi: the last image is canon (i was the chair) ↳yourusername: my real one fr ↳isaichii: bavjura i didrn except tjis frmo yoi ↳rin.itoshi: what ↳yourusername: "bachira i didn't expect this from you" ↳megubachi: you're still my number one ↳isaichii: sorry guys kaiser was chasing me around like a mad maniac ↳mikka.kaiser: come to papa ↳reo.miikage: what the fuck
nikkoki: was the last picture really necessary? ↳yourusername: are you really necessary ↳isaichii: throwback to the time when someone asked chigiri if his haircare was necessary and without any hesitation he went "are you really necessary" ↳shiidoryu: dk ab that but i can throw a back ↳chigi.who: did it once and i'll do it again
user2: you should date me instead i'll let you touch my hair ↳yourusername: oh emm gee let's go on a date to the park and we'll terrorize kids tgt !! ↳user2: ofc bae ↳chigi.who: i am that kid because what the fuck . ↳yourusername: 🙁 ↳chigi.who: ew ↳yourusername: BEO YOU BETTER FUCKING SLEEP WITH A EYE OPEB I'M GONNA FUCKING CHOP OFF YOU'RE HAIR STEAL YOUR SISTER AND THAN LIKE DRAW IN YOUR FACE ↳mikka.kaiser: bro* an* open* your* then* on* ↳shiidoryu: SHUT UP CAN YOU NOT ENJOY THE DRAMA W/O BEING AN GEEK FOR 2 MINUTES ↳alexis.ness: it's a geek and don't talk to kaiser like that you good for nothing zesty butt loving horny demon ↳itoshi_sae: please help he keeps touching my butt ↳shiidoryu: you're into that bae 😘
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-liked by julian.loki, oliver.aiku and 211.5k others
chigi.who: i actually act like a normal boyfriend
tagged: yourusername
julian.loki: just how broad is normal in this situation? ↳yourusername: broader than yo mom ↳julian.loki: .. ↳julian.loki: ok i kinda maybe sorta might have laughed ↳yourusername: normal can mean pushing me off a swing or fighting w a 7 year old who was rude to me btw ↳oliver.aiku: bro got bullied by a 7 year old ↳yourusername: you got cooked by a guy who does puzzles btw ↳oliver.aiku: bye
yourusername: i'm spiderman (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT 3AM CHALLENGE GONE WRONG 🙀🙀😱😱💯💯) ↳rin.itoshi: weren't you batman? ↳yourusername: shhhh that's a secret ↳megubachi: I'M BATMAN??? ↳yourusername: no but you can be hello kitty ↳megubachi: deal
nagi.seishiro: how much we betting y/n fell of the roof on her ass ↳yourusername: RUDE !! I HOPE CHOKI DIES ↳nagi.seishiro: not cool dude :x ↳chigi.who: she did in fact actually fall on her ass ↳yourusername: ihy ↳chigi.who: not what you were saying last night ↳yourusername: I'M STILL A MINORR ↳eita.otoya: TRYNA STRIKE A CORD AND IT'S PROLLY A MINORRR ↳mikka.kaiser: drake fr got cooked ↳yourusername: so did you ↳karasu_tabito: drake x kaiser
yourusername: no but i fr love you ↳chigi.who: i know you do ↳yourusername: WOULD IT KILL TO TELL ME YOU LOVE ME BACK?? ↳chigi.who: i'm js a girl ↳kuniisuke: I FUCKING CALLED IT HE WAS TOO 💅💅 TO BE A SWEATY MAN WHO KICKED BALLS ↳reo.miikage: what ↳megubachi: wajt ↳isaichii: huh ↳hiyori: the fuck ↳mikka.kaiser: why ↳alexis.ness: what ↳eita.otoya: 💀 ↳karasu_tabito: w h a t . ↳rin.itoshi: what the actual fuck ↳shiidoryu: I FUCKING KNOW RIGHT ↳itosh_sae: no ↳barou.shoei: get help and sleep because it's 2 fucking am ↳chigi.who: :p
chigi.who: you're pretty ↳yourusername: i know
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wellll that was mid asf i don't know how to write chigiri exactly if you can see but it's fine
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chsopnk · 21 days
「 ✦ DADDY’S HOME ✦ 」
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☆. # SHIP — gojo satoru, nanami kento, toji fushiguro x gn!reader
☆. # AUTHOR’S NOTE — the guys as the father of ur kids.
☆. # WARNINGS — mentions of puke
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i could see him as a boy or girl dad. or both
tries to give his daughter cute hairstyles and fails miserably. crooked pigtails where half of her hair is still hanging down is the best he can do. but hey, he tries
definitely hangs his kids upside down by their feet. probably shakes them too.
the kids are definitely small gojo’s. sorry not sorry
every single day is chaos.
when he goes out with the two on his own, he loses one of them about 80% of the time (he always finds them again, don’t worry 😭)
let’s them have snacks before dinner and tells them not to tell you. they always do.
despite all of that, he’s a fun father
gojo has a lot of energy so he runs around with them all day and plays with them <33
(then he complains about how tired he is when they’re in bed :/)
lots of fun trips. to the playground, amusement parks, places in japan, different countries. the beach.
if his kids have hobbies, he’s always ALWAYS!! the loudest and most embarrassing parent there. he says it builds character and he needs to support his babies ‼️‼️
girl dad. twin girls.
he definitely does their hair!! and he’s good at it too <3 nanami has done their hair since they had hair.
he spoils them TO DEATH.
the girls only want to eat the food he cooks 😒 they say it tastes better
he dances with them in the living room when no one’s home. ugh he’s so CUTE 🥴🥴
nanami’s a very very loving father but he’s also strict when it comes to certain things
example a: the girls will never not do their homework. he makes sure of it 💯
just imagine nanami sitting at a table with his two little girls while explaining math to them 🥹 he’s so so gentle and understanding but he will not let them give up
imo he really loves it when they wear cute dresses and look all pretty. he’s a girlie girl dad.
he will play with them no matter what they want to do. play dress-up? he will wear the tutu. want to play house? of course he’ll be the baby. the girls wanna do his hair + make-up? he’ll be the test subject no problem ‼️
he’s also never ever going to miss any special day his girls have. their first day of school, bring your father to school day, their dance shows — whatever their hobbies are, he’ll be there to support them <33333
also: a REAL father. never had a problem with changing diapers or cleaning up baby puke.
not the best father, but he’s damn sure trying
the child was definitely unexpected and not exactly wanted but once he came to terms with it, he tries his best to be there as best as he can
he doesn’t have the money needed to take care of a child, neither do you (not really)
but whatever his kid wants, his kid gets.
mostly, that includes fast food and cheap toys from the dollar store
but hey!! the kid doesn’t care where the toys are from (/gen)
definitely the type of dad to get one of those leashes for kids. he’s not risking losing his kid somewhere 💀 and he knows damn well what kind of menace that child is
he can and will bribe his son with candy to get him to stop crying or throwing a tantrum
toji cannot deal with his kid screaming or crying. honestly mostly leaves you to deal with those situations because he’s unsure how to handle them
will change diapers but not without complaining and almost throwing up 💀 it’s not his fault !!! it stinks okay?!!
acts like he doesn’t care about the kid but then shows up after a mission with a bag of candy. or pulls out some toy the kid’s wanted
cannot, will not & should not help with homework.
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
pov your instagram when dating spencer reid pt 5
so it seems everyone loves these lol (i can do other characters from diff shows too btw just ask!!)
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Liked by Elle_Greenaway, princesspennyg, and 251 others
(y/n) So babysitting was fun
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AaronHotchner You guys are never babysitting Jack ever again.
-> (y/n) it was his idea hotch 🙄
-> AaronHotchner For Reid to hit him in the head with a baseball bat???
-> spencerreid1 Yes.
-> (y/n) go ahead and ask him
-> AaronHotchner ...
jjareau Y/n I really hope this isn't how you guys get the boys to sleep...
-> emilyprenty I mean if it works 🤷🏻‍♀️
-> (y/n) @/emilyprenty exactly
paparossi Maybe you two shouldn't be parents...
-> spencerreid1 This method was never in any parenting books but it should be.
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Liked by alexblake, dr.taralewis, and 210 others
(y/n) power outage in the bureau ‼️‼️
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derekm The generators kicked on literally three minutes later
-> (y/n) didnt stop spence from screaming like a little girl
-> spencerreid1 @/(y/n) I did not.
-> emilyprenty We all heard it reid don't lie to yourself
princesspennyg Squad 😎
-> (y/n) ong 💯
-> jjareau For real
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Liked by hotboylukealvez, grant_anderson, and 123 others
(y/n) Brought him to barbie (he cried)
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princesspennyg Okay but who DIDNT cry??
-> paparossi I didnt
-> AaronHotchner @/paparossi Dave you were a blubbering mess don't even.
-> emilyprenty LMAO
spencerreid1 I'm glad to say I'm not a Ken.
-> (y/n) but you are kenough baby
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Liked by MattSimmons, Kate_Callahan, and 213 others
(y/n) Im obsessed with him
View all 18 comments
jjareau Awwwww
-> spencerreid1 I know right. :)
-> (y/n) @/spencereid1 shut up
derekm You have to wake up to THAT every morning
-> emilyprenty yeah instead of me
-> (y/n) @/emilyprenty 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
2K notes · View notes
bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
Heya again!! <333 as per tradition, before I put an order, I want to say ty for feeding the PP fandom and I hope you're doing well <333 may whatever you're planning to write, original or fandom, be successful!
May I order a blast in the past, where the Hour of Joy hasn't started, Caretaker! Reader is yet again an employee at Playtime Co. and they happened to find out about the rejected isle and they were overwhelmed by the sheer cuteness and charm of the toys, they do kinda get why some of them were rejected but thought mostly they were fine.
For the sake of the plot, they got to keep the toys and bring them home with permission from the higher ups ( wow reader charisma 💯 ). As they're happily making their way back, Catnap noticed them carrying this unknown toy, giving it affection, and overall just showering it with love from the shadows and gets quite pouty about it. So much so that the rest of the smiling critters had to pry it out of him to tell them what he saw and oh boy, they too were quite pouty.
Dogday tries to reassure them that everything's alright and they agreed to " ask " more like interrogating the reader the next time they come in to work. When that happens, Reader is caught red-handed still giving that rejected toy their love and affection, Dogday sends the rest of the group off so he and Catnap could talk it out with Reader more privately. Ends with them getting the full story and the smiling critters getting their fair share of love and affection, especially Catnap who's by the way still pouting about the whole ordeal 😂
I really just wanna see this sleepy cat having someone else he could actually trust as a parent figure and him just getting worried that his place might be taken away by some rejected toy 🥹 ahhh I'm starting to love him more and more slowly,, the Smiling Critters are such babies and I love themmmm
Signs Of Love
Note || yesss insomnia kitty needs love, all of em need love 💕
WC || 1,931
Sypnosis || Misunderstandings occur, but as quickly as they come, they can also very much leave.
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You were quite the lover of many things, having been assigned to be a caretaker when your superiors saw how well you integrated yourself into the role at your interview. They are quite fond of you and all their other caretakers, since they know you all (you and the rest of the caretakers) are the only ones able to keep all the toys and children in line. 
Though the children were mostly left to the Playcare Attendants as the caretakers were more or less focused on the toys themselves. It was without a hint of a doubt, you certainly had garnered the attention of many toys. Some who liked you, though it really was the Smiling Critters who liked you more than most.
Yet when you found out about the rejected toys, you thought it was really saddening that they were even rejected in the first place – though you understood why – you just wanted to simply take them home with you!
Deciding to try and convince a higher-up to take one home, that is exactly what you did.
“Ma’am, please look at this adorable potato!” You held up the rejected toy in your hands, clearly enough for your superior who shrunk back in surprise against her recliner chair. She let out an exasperated sigh, recollecting herself as she adjusted her position on the seat.
“I am well aware,” She begins, gesturing to the rejected toy. “But by no means are you allowed to take it home, rejected or not–it is still company property.”
You frown as you search your mind for conceivable reasoning to convince your superior, you sigh as the toy falls out of your hands, landing on your lap. “W-well, maybe I could keep it for a little while?” You jump up, your hands landing straightforwardly on her desk. “Like a-a security precaution!” 
A frown adorns her face in return to your earlier one, crossing her arms across the top of the desk as gently as she possibly could. Appearing to be searching your face for any lying or incompetence, her shoulders slump in defeat. “Very well, if you insist.”
“Keep it.”
You let out a yelp of success, almost falling backward as you did so. You grin, an exasperated noise leaving your throat as you cautiously upright yourself, as to not uproot or accidentally change her mind in turn. Your hands make their way to your superiors, shaking them to be polite. “Thank you thank you! You won’t regret this.” You smile at her, then let go of her hand as she is left in befuddlement by the actions that had just happened. 
Normally you weren’t much of an extroverted person, only conversing and confronting social situations when necessary. But you had simply felt joy bursting through your veins at the accomplishment you had achieved, to convince a superior to let you keep the rejected toy! (One of the rejected toys at least, you couldn’t do much else for the rest as much as you wanted too) Now you were making your way back, rejected toy in hand and you had a lot of affection to give it.
Too bad it wasn’t alive as much as the other toys you knew were, but at least it was alive in your own heart.
A familiar figure in the distance resting on a rooftop had taken notice of this quite easily, may it be quite the discovery they had found. CatNap couldn’t let this go unnoticed, a strange pang resided in the depths of his hollow yet dense chest. The giant cat couldn’t pinpoint the feeling he felt, not knowing what name to put to the feeling he felt so strongly, like a parasite it wouldn’t leave him alone.
He felt a strange guise of loneliness, noticing how much you began giving the unknown toy such a sudden bout of affection and hugging. Even nuzzling it as well to boot, CatNap was jealous?
How strange, CatNap wasn’t entirely familiar with the concept of emotions. Even with how certain ones could flare up at times, depending in response to the situation, whatever one he may be in. CatNap got up, stretching his finely tuned legs. CatNap wasn’t prepared for the others to pry the information out of him, trying to figure out what he saw and knew. He almost felt a little intimated, but he was… in the sense very emotional–even beneath his sleepy and quiet demeanor.
Then he could feel himself justified for the guilt of jealousy.
Well, CatNap certainly did expect the outcry, all at the same time he truly didn’t expect it either. The group, he felt rightly justified in their emotions as he had reported it to them, he too was quite in earnest – very jealous of the unknown toy. KickinChicken spoke externally with the whole of his heart, “This sucks! Why does that toy get more love than we do?”
“I wanted a hug!” Bobby cried, sitting on the floor as Crafty had patted her back, trying to gently soothe her. The colorful unicorn too was upset, yet she hid it very well. Picky had remained quiet, just stuffing her face with an apple to conceal her upset, she had big emotions and wasn’t sure on how to deal with them unlike the rest of the Smiling Critters.
Hoppy on the other hand was pounding the ground with her feet, hopping around so as to not completely create noise. She was woefully upset too as it appeared to CatNap, he hadn’t expected any of them to take this information the way they did. But they had pried it out of him, He didn't know what they were expecting to hear anyway.
CatNap’s voice came out short and strained as he made an attempt to comfort any of them, “It’s ok–” His voice fell on deaf ears, CatNap huffed a puff of red air. His tail lapping about, then overlaying to rest upon his left leg.
Bubba was muttering to himself, rapidly tapping his feet. As if his intellect could formulate a reason as to why this had happened, alas CatNap knew the elephant was simply just trying to find reason in coping with his emotion.
Believe it or not, CatNap pays very good attention to all the Smiling Critters. They are his friends after all.
“Guys!--” The group still went on, continuously upset. No means of comfort getting through to them. “GUYS.”
His visibly noticeable purple fur rustled about as he sat down, noticing that DogDay was finally back in leadership mode. CatNap didn’t know what to do to calm them all down anyway, he was pouty and upset as they were. DogDay spoke slowly, “I’ll ask Angel what’s up, maybe we just don’t understand it fully. Okay?”
The group notices, finally relenting in defeat. None of them questioned him as DogDay always had a way with words usually, he wasn’t one to go wrong as he was the leader of the group for a very good reason.
As the group clamored to find you, you weren’t that hard to find surprisingly. Mostly as you were hard to find other times, they could all easily see that you were still found with the rejected toy. Sitting back on your chair that you had found, and giving it all the affection that had made a few members quite pouty.
“Guys, let's take it easy. Me and CatNap will talk with Angel alone,” DogDay motions for them to take their leave, holding out his hands before he elaborated. “Let’s not take it personally, okay? I don’t think it’s that complicated.” 
KickinChicken sighs, as Bobby and the other few do. They all take their leave, showing that Hoppy was still there. She points at DogDay, then CatNap who was confused by the predicament. A silent gesture.
Nothing weird boys, you got that?
DogDay nods at Hoppy, who finally leaves as she hops away to rejoin the rest of the group. CatNap taps DogDay’s shoulder, gesturing that he should take the lead on this chat. His own paw comes up to pat CatNap’s, “I know bud, but let’s not overdo this.”
If the sunny leader were to be honest right about now, he too felt a pang of jealousy at the lack of affection and attention that he hadn’t received like his fellow critters. 
You were aimlessly cooing at the rejected toy, happily partaking in giving it all manners of affection (nothing weird, ahem). It certainly had a charm and adorableness too it that you couldn’t ignore, you have no idea as to why the designers and superiors had rejected this design or any other one in the reject aisle that you saw for that matter. 
Suddenly you felt a creeping chill crawl up your spine, traveling thoroughly all the ways to your shoulders and sides. 
Feeling two taps on your shoulder almost had you jolting, causing you to turn around to see CatNap and DogDay standing right behind you, albeit very menacingly from your perspective. “DogDay? E-eh CatNap?!” 
DogDay waved his hands, trying his best to reassure you, “Sorry we didn’t mean to frighten you like that Angel!” CatNap nodded along with DogDay’s words, doing his best to affirm that fact. You sigh in relief, hand very visibly held to your chest.
“So..” You straighten your posture as DogDay and CatNap came around you and sat down, to really level with you at most. “What’s up? Anything bothering you or the others?” You shrug, jabbing a questioning thumb as you spoke, directly in the general direction. They both knew what you meant, but they had more pressing matters.
DogDay let out a breath, before he spoke as to steel his nerves. CatNap deadpans, directed toward DogDay, emotional expression clearly evident despite the restriction of movement his own mouth has. “Well, we just… uh, wanted to know what was up with you.” DogDay pauses, then pointed at the toy which was unknown to him laying in your lap.
“And that.” He emphasized, wincing as he searched your face for any reaction. Suddenly what had surprised the two was how you began to laugh and giggle, waving your hand as the other clutched your stomach.
“Ah.. I’m sorry.” You shook your head, wiping your face. “Were you boys… perhaps jealous of this?” A small grin plasters on your face, with convoluted happiness as you held up the toy in question.
DogDay felt embarrassed, looking away as to not stutter or speak any words. CatNap sighed in reprieve, laying his head upon his front legs. Those actions alone had answered your question that effortlessly. “I see..” You couldn’t help but try and stifle the giggle, they were simply so adorable.
Them, jealous? It’s so cute. You really couldn’t resist their pouty moods, so you calm them down, proceeding to tell them the whole story so they didn’t have a misinformed perception of the situation.
You happily spread your loving and hugs to all the Smiling Critters and CatNap individually.
Albeit, CatNap was a little embarrassed that he had saw your situation with the rejected toy incorrectly. Feeling as if he might’ve been replaced.
You had reassured him individually as you had taken your time with each of the members, “I would never replace you CatNap! There’s always room for everyone..”
“Even you.”
You grin, booping CatNap’s nose. He recoiled back as he had the set revelation, CatNap slumped as he gave in to your very touchy movements. Feeling your hands thread throughout his fur, CatNap was content that he now knew.
He really had no reason to worry.
He truly was loved.
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An honest mistake on TV leads to you and Timothée going back and forth on Instagram
Timothèe Chalamet x Famous!Reader
Face Claim Jenna Ortega
A/n I love social media AUs.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Liked by y/nnnnnn and 1,734 others
allthingsy/n In Y/n's autocomplete interview she said her biggest celeb crush is Timothee Chalamet. Like. Gurl same. 😍
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rosiecheeks She was so cute in that interview 🥹
y/nqueen I feel like I know so much more about her now
holllyaddams She's just like ussssss
timotheeee I'd die for him ngl
y/nlife Why do I ship it?
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Liked by tchalametttt and 32,827 others
celebgossip Timothée Chalamet on The Late Late Show admits he doesn't know who Y/n L/n is. When asked about her recent admittance that he is her celeb crush, the Little Women actor replied with "Who dat?" A little bit awkward for Miss L/n.
View all 1,834 comments
hannahbee He said it and laughed, he wasnt being rude???? Ppl make shit from nothing
rihannaisbae Please. She does two movies and thinks she's the shit.
ryanslife Exactly. Who tf is she?
y/nnn Star of the Number 1 show on Netflix rn?????? Stop clowning 🤡
bibaby He better be playin 💀😭
sarahwicks he be lying for the clout stg
itsgiving She's at home crying rn
Texts Between Zendaya and Timothée
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Liked by zendaya, florencepugh and 11,245,175 others
yourinstagram Do you know me now? @.elle
View all 83,384 comments
elle 🩷🩷
arianagrande ❤️‍🔥
melissabarrera That's my sister 🥹😍
Liked by yourinstagram
jack_quaid I think you'll find I'M the scream queen
yourinstagram You the ✨️drama✨️ queen
scream21fan She really said do you know me now 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 we stann
y/nismother Not her calling out Timmy 💀
y/nstann I'm SCREAMING
timmyfan @.tchalamet @.tchalamet
britney.bitch 🩷Barbie🩷Era🩷
randomguy32 @.tchalamet
Texts Between Florence Pugh and Timothée
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Liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh and 5,328,754 others
tchalamet Hi Barbie👋🏻🩷
View all 5,734 comments
user194 Guysssssss is this beefing or is this flirting?!
user92 This is flirting 💯
user724 Have they even met each other? He said he doesn't know Y/n???
elle 🩷🩷
user23 @.elle ships it
florencepugh A King 😍
Liked by tchalamet
tomholland2013 Real men wear pink
Liked by tchalamet
user847 No such thing as coincidence
user1748 This is a response to Y/n we ALL know it!!!!
user01 Y/n's in the likes!! 🚨🚨
user9374 @.yourinstagram @.yourinstagram
Posted on tchalamet IG story 1min Ago.
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Liked by user91843 and 1,837 others
melissaandy/n I'm losing my MIND. Melissa posted this on her story a week after Timothee Chalamet posted him standing in front of Y/n's Wednesday poster. WHATS HAPPENING?!?!
View all 827 comments
user8273 I don't get it???
user61535 Dune is Timothees movie
user8273 Yeah but what's happening???
user16 Basically. Y/n said Timothee was her celeb crush. When Tim got asked about her he said Who dat. Y/n posted her Elle cover and said Do you know me now? And THEN Tim posted two pics of him in pink suits saying Hi Barbie (Y/ns Elle shoot was in pink) AND THEN Tim took a pic of him in front of a Wednesday poster saying Ever feel like the universe is tryna tell you something? Me either. And now we're here. No one knows if they beefing or joking
user177 Previously on.... 🤣🤣🤣
user8883 I'm soooo here for this
user0374 I can't put my damn phone down
user1273 No but seriously... are they beefing or no?
user1736 Nahhh. This is pure banter
user8174 agreed.
user8827 Totally. They're making a big joke out of it
623 notes · View notes
jangmi-latte · 1 year
Wait Rook exploded what???
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yes he did explode the lab. again, he exploded the lab. well not exactly make it go kaboom but it DID go kaboom but still. rook is literally lilia when it comes to cooking except it happens in the lab.
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you see the fourth pic? that head is EMPTY. there's nothing in there but BEAUTE 💯, MAGNIFIQUE, OUI OUI SEAGULL NOISES, all because he wants to speed up chemical processes 🫶🏻 do i tolerate this behaviour? yes. but keep it away from me 🫶🏻
this is from the comic anthology <3 you can read them from here
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diorsluv · 8 months
feather , part 26
“ and it feels so good ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, _quinnhughes, and 98,819 others
edwards.73 my friends have become inseparable.. i fear the worst
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username3 oh my god. oh. my. god. OH MY GOD.
mackie.samo it’s been a distraction during our movie nights
→ edwards.73 truly unacceptable
markestapa my urges to vomit have increased by 200% when i’m around them
→ edwards.73 never spoken more truth 🗣️🗣️
jamie.drysdale are they KISSING????
→ edwards.73 yes
→ jamie.drysdale EXPLAIN yourusername
→ lhughes_06 she’s telling the truth
yourusername ETHAN I SWEAR TO GOD
→ edwards.73 the squad’s #1 couple! 💯💯💯
→ yourusername don’t ever call us the squad again. AND WE’RE NOT DATING
lhughes_06 W
→ edwards.73 nice 😈
→ yourusername luke warren hughes.
username35 nah but yall actin like they weren’t like this before the whole bartleby-seraphina era
→ username14 fr the dark ages got us fucked up so bad we forgot about peak dryshughes
username76 ethan has no shame
trevorzegras oh?
→ colecaufield oh??
→ _alexturcotte oh???
→ rutgermcgroarty oh????
→ edwards.73 don’t start this shit in my comments keep it in lil drizzys 😒
→ mackie.samo dammit i was about to keep it going
adamfantilli if they weren’t kissing what were they doing
→ jamie.drysdale that’s what i’d like to know
→ edwards.73 fr
→ yourusername we were just talking 😞
→ trevorzegras in the rain???
→ luca.fantilli with your faces basically colliding????
→ lhughes_06 yes actually that’s exactly what we were doing 💀
→ _quinnhughes i don’t know what to believe
username47 HAS IT HAPPENED
→ username58 it has not 🤧
username86 my brain is fucking malfunctioning ARE THEY A COUPLE?????
dylanduke25 i was simply eating pizza WITHOUT MY PHONE FOR ONCE. AND THIS WHAT I COME BACK TO?????
→ edwards.73 duker. you. were. there. when we took the pics 😭
mackie.samo well when you think about it
→ edwards.73 oh please think about it
→ yourusername do not think about it
→ mackie.samo i’d like to propose a theory
→ markestapa start it off matpat style
→ mackie.samo no you fucking nerd
→ markestapa WHAT
→ mackie.samo i’m not theorizing anymore
→ markestapa mackpack would’ve been great
jackhughes luke saw this post and screamed like a girl
→ edwards.73 that’s hilarious 😂😂
→ lhughes_06 NO I DIDN’T??
→ jackhughes 😂😂
colecaufield oh no the 3rd wheeling has begun
→ edwards.73 dark times have come upon us
→ markestapa and 4th wheeling
→ dylanduke25 and 5th wheeling
→ mackie.samo and 6th wheeling
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liked by markestapa, dylanduke25, mackie.samo, and 81,468 others
lhughes_06 movie night 🎥
view all comments
rutgermcgroarty now i know i was complaining about it.. but ngl that movie was 🔥
→ lhughes_06 i told you it was good
→ yourusername moosey the only reason you know it was good was because you watched it with me last week
→ luca.fantilli i only liked it bc of the plot
→ yourusername okay lu then explain the plot for me 🤨
→ lhughes_06 you’re done for luca.fantilli
→ luca.fantilli uhhhh….. ryan gosling…? 😔
username26 they’re back 😈😈
markestapa my biggest flex is being the only one that didn’t cry
→ mackie.samo my biggest flex is having a recording of you crying in the bathroom after the movie ended
→ dylanduke25 my biggest flex is having a recording of EVERYONE crying
→ lhughes_06 my biggest flex is telling everyone they were gonna cry but no one believe me and i was right all along
→ edwards.73 your biggest flex is your girl bro lhughes_06
→ yourusername i’m not his girl ethan we talked about this!!!!
→ edwards.73 but you knew we were talkin bout you and not some other girl 🤷‍♂️
username37 the way ethan immediately shut her up
→ username45 i just KNOWWW luke’s giggling n shit
trevorzegras it was the fucking notebook wasn’t it
→ lhughes_06 yes yes it was 😞😞
→ jackhughes it’s alright lukey the notebook gets us all
→ _alexturcotte oh lord not again
→ colecaufield i still remember the first time she made us watch it with her…
→ yourusername cole you said you blocked the trauma out
adamfantilli we just increased kleenex sales by a shit ton
→ lhughes_06 it wasn’t THAT much was it???
→ dylanduke25 no no it couldn’t have been
→ luca.fantilli we used like 5 tissues each it can’t have been that much…
→ mackie.samo you’re all in denial
→ yourusername 2 tissue boxes per boy 😍😍
→ markestapa DON’T EXPOSE US LIKE THAT BRO yourusername
_quinnhughes where the fuck did you find a projector
→ lhughes_06 dad bought it off of amazon
→ _quinnhughes for what?????
→ lhughes_06 for me 🙄🙄
username51 honestly such a vibe
username18 the chaos in the first pic and the calm in the second 😭😭😭
yourusername your shoulder was very comfortable to sleep on
→ lhughes_06 you’ve only been doing it for like forever 🙄
→ trevorzegras lukey boy getting some more action we like to see it
→ yourusername i will choke you trevor
→ trevorzegras kinky too
→ yourusername I SWEAR TO GOD
luca.fantilli mark was difficult to carry i could feel my bones breaking
→ lhughes_06 speak markestapa
→ markestapa are you fat shaming me
→ luca.fantilli no i’m saying i almost broke my back
→ markestapa so you’re insulting me
→ lhughes_06 LMFAOOO
mackie.samo could you hear me snoring in the middle of the movie
→ lhughes_06 yes you were loud af
→ rutgermcgroarty oh that’s what that was? i thought it was an earthquake
→ adamfantilli think REAAAAAALLY hard about what you just asked and then ask it again
→ edwards.73 we had to turn the volume up to 100 just to hear the movie
→ mackie.samo i didn’t ask to be destroyed like this 😟😟
username70 r u dating jamie’s sister we need to know
username21 bro never posts himself
→ username5 fr it’s either the friend group or a girl
username32 W friend group
_alexturcotte have you done it yet bro
→ lhughes_06 shh that’s a secret
→ colecaufield what happens in the gc stays in the gc
→ yourusername what gc
next chapter notes ) more and more fluffity fluff posts ☺️☺️ i literally put these two through hell with the dickwad bf and the obsessed fling so i decided let’s make them a little happy
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys @loveforaugust @crazycat-ladys-blog
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