#and if im not working all im doing is zoning out or napping
poughkeepsies · 4 months
why is everyone having an absolutely miserable time right now the sun's not even setting before 7pm
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Hey! Whenever you have time again to write, can you write about E.J, Slender, Jeff, Masky, and Hoody dealing with a workaholic reader? Like they stay up just to finish a project because they’re very focus on it (because that’s been happening with me and my crafts LOL)
-🪱 anon
This is only the second time he's ever been requested!!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Being a very busy man himself, he understands getting into the zone and not wanting to put your current task down
But this has been going on for almost a week, and he's starting to worry for you
He allows you to work the day without interruption, as he is also working
But as night rolls around and at least 25% of the manor goes to sleep, he realizes that you are still working
He comes up behind the chair you are sitting in ad begins to massage your shoulders "my love, you've been working all day"
You pause momentarily and look up at him "i know. I'm almost done though"
He mentally frowns "you've been saying that all week"
You sigh and continue to work "i know."
He takes his hands off your shoulders and walks over to your room, grabbing some of your pajamas and heading back to his office where you have been all day
He places the neatly folded clothes in front of you, causing you to stop and look up at him again
"You need sleep" he says simply
You are quiet for a moment before putting your things away and staring at the clothes "...only on one condition" you finally say
"And what might that be, dear?" He asks with a hum, coming to place a hand on your back
"Sleep with me"
He lets out a small chuckle "you know i dont have a need for sleep, love"
You frown "please?? At least just stay with me until i fall asleep?"
He is quiet for a moment, before nodding "very well" he says "I'll be waiting in your room"
And with that he leaves you to get dressed
Eyeless Jack
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Ah, another creep who is almost always busy himself
Being one of the manor's head doctors isn't easy
However, seeing you slip into a point of only working and no breaks saddens him
And so, while you work in the library he decides to scoot up a chair close to you and sit
"You've been in here awfuly long" he says
"Uh huh..." you mumble, not even paying attention
He frowns and takes your notebook away, holding it up high so you can't get to it
"Jack! I was almost done!" You say with a laugh
"You can finish some other time, dear. Being energized is important if you want to do your best work" he says, finally bringing the book back down
You sigh "and what do you suggest i do in the meantime?"
He lays his head on your shoulder and closes his eyes "you could take a nap with me"
You smile and kiss his pointy nose, then begin to twirl a dreadlock between your fingers "that does sound nice..."
He then stands up and strokes your cheek "let's find a nice napping spot then, yes?"
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He's soooo needy
So it won't be long until he's downright forcing you to put your stuff down to spend time with him
And he's been getting really ansty
Since you've been working extra hard this week, he only sees you when you go to sleep
And today he decides he's gonna spend time with you no matter what
So he searches the manor, and finally finds you in the garden, sitting criss cross in front of the small river that runs throughout the entire garden
He sneaks up behind you and scoops you up, "boo" he says into your ear, before kissing all over your face feverishly
You laugh and squeal, before looking into his eyes "what was that for?" You ask, stroking his nose
"I miss you" he whispers, pressing his forehead to yours
"I see you everyday" you say, kissing his nose
"We never talk, though. I miss spending time with you"
You nod "im sorry, baby. I've just been really trying to work hard lately."
He puts you down and brings you into a hug, nuzzling his nose into your hair "you could make it up to me by getting some ice cream and stargazing with me"
You smile and kiss his Adam's apple "we both know you won't actually stargaze. By the end of the night you are gonna be blasting music and talking your head off"
He smiles and kisses your head "yeah"
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Masky isn't necessarily busy, he just doesn't like sitting still
So while you work, hes is doing some other activities
Chopping more wood for the many fireplaces, cleaning his room, sweeping the front patio, etc
He was aware that you were working in your room since that morning, but when he turned in for the night, you were still working
Mind you, it was dark outside now
His brows furrow and he walks over to your chair
"You good?" He asks, kissing the top of your head
You nod and continue your work silently
He begins to undress and get into his sweatpants, and hops into your bed "come lay with me" he says, patting the spot next to him on the bed
"In a minute" you mumble, your eyes never leaving your work
Once you are finally done, you stand and get into your pajamas, noticing that tim is already asleep
You smile and kiss his cheek, before climbing into the bed with him and mumbling his ear "so sweet"
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He isn't too terribly busy himself
He does his job, he gets his pay, and then he relaxes
So he almost instantly notices when you seem to be more focused on a project than you are on him
He respects it for the most part, as he realizes that you are obviously going to do things without him/outside of him
But these days you just seem downright exhausted by your work
And so when he finds you the next day (working, as usual) he casually begins to massage your shoulders
"What are you doing?" You ask with a certain happiness to your voice
He doesn't respond and simply continues his work
After a while, you get really tired and it's only then that you realize how much you've been neglecting sleep
You end up falling asleep at your desk, to which Brian kisses your head and covers you with a blanket, allowing you to sleep the night away
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tittysuckersworld · 9 months
okay did i barely change this? yeah. buttt i wanna talk about the lil story idea reasons made this peice(other than practices wanted to do)
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rambles under cut so is nice to scroll through
you have entered my ramble zone. this was your mistake.
anyways!! so for this the lil backstory i made is that, dazai snuck off from work to slack off. leaving his trench coat over some pillows to make it look like he was napping again wile he snuck out of the building. this was also one of chuuyas rare days off. they run into eachother to both of their perceived annoyances, fighting themselves into an alley way. dazai ends up with chuuyas hat and somehow they both end up in a metal crate.
little did they know(they sorta knew but yknow) there was a new sorta gang in the port that had heard of double black and planned this. the box is welded shut and they made sure it was small enough so dazai and chuuya would alwase be touching(so chuuya cant activate his powers and somehow get them out). mabey there was a user with a temporary sleep ability to help stuff out?
im not fully sure- what do they do in the box? you can decide ;> ;> i think at some point atsushi ends up saving them but for now all there is is them and a box. letting this idea go free for anyone who wants to expand on it, only thing i ask is link back to art so others that may wanna see can see and that you somehow link it to me to read because i would go crazy and love to see smth- yee yee thats all thank youuu
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luxxtuxx · 1 year
you’re comfortable writing it, you could have reader have adhd and that means she forgets things a lot, lots of things being necessary things like eating and putting on her glasses/ contacts, you could have her forget to eat one day and since hobie is busy he can’t check her vitals until he pays her an impromptu visit and sees that she’s super tired and sluggish and he realizes she hasn’t been eating (you could totally take this any route you want I just think it would be cute if he sets himself an alarm to check her vitals just incase)
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Her Condition After Week-Long Mission
Im changing up the plot a little because I can /hj
CW: Hobie being sappy, ACCURATE Potrail of ADHD (I have ADHD, so these are sorta based on real events).
Little quip: does anyone else go to use words, but they are so often used in a sexual manner that you gotta rephrase so you don't sound nasty?
Hobie knew of Y/N's Neurodivergentcy habits and made a pact with himself to not step in unless absolutely necessary. So the longer they were together, he always knew what needed to be stocked in the house at all times, and more ways to help during sensory overload.
This punk constantly checked on them, if he had the day off and they were hyper-focused on something, he'd keep all 3 different drinks at their respective temperatures and make sure they at least snack on something throughout working.
Then Miguel called him and told him he'd be gone on a mission for a week. Hobie knew it was important, so he tried to make sure they had everything in the apartment to be okay... with a kiss he left.
Day 1: Everything was normal, they woke up early, took a quick shower, started work, and worked all night, only breaking to go to the bathroom. They were so focused on work they had forgotten to eat something, and the light tinge from not eating they wrote off as 'Just missing Hobie"
Day 2: They felt a bit more drowsy than normal, but they made some eggs, ate half, and got distracted by the mountain of dishes, the dishes reminded them of the laundry, and doing the laundry reminded them to shower. And so by the time they remembered to sit down and work it was about....11:54pm Day 3: They had slept at their desk on accident so now, they were tired, in pain, and stressed because the boss moved the project date sooner. they only moved to go to the coffee pot and bathroom all day.
Day 4: They were knocked out in bed exhausted, they knew they had to keep working but they get so stressed out thinking about it. So at 8:30pm they grabbed hobies hoodie and sat on the floor curled up having mental paralysis because of the stress,
Day 5: The burnout started the fading hope of actually getting the work done. it came to the realization that for the past 2 days, they hadn't really eaten much.... sure they had snacked on some loose snacks and had a bunch of coffee, but no real full meals. They tried to shower to help calm the cricks in their back and how ill they were feeling
Day 6: They were back at work again pushing through, ignoring the stomach pain, and the headache. They had woken up and just felt like they were on the verge of a breakdown. Everything was too much right now, they just wanted their comfort human, comfort blanket, and comfort food all in the same place. They were so overloaded sensory wise, they couldn't speak on the company Zoom calls, they were using the chat, and even that felt like too much
Day 7: It was the day hobie came home... it was the day they had off from work. They drifted around like a zombie. They managed to eat a bowl of cereal in between waking up and taking a nap. After that nap, they just sat on the bed completely zoned out... after what felt like maybe 5 minutes, the clouds were gray and hobie was stepping through his portal.
When hobie saw they zoned out, all the coffee mugs towering on the desk and how pale they were. he knew immediately what happened. He quickly got out of all his spider gear, and he made sure to be careful as he moved them to lie down. He kissed their forehead... "Oh, my angel of music... it's okay, just rest. Tomorrow and Tuesday call in sick and I won't take any mission and we can just spend the next two days getting back into our routine, does that sound good?"
They meekly nod as they finally put themselves under the covers of the bed. "Im sorry, it was so much, the boss moved the project date up sooner. I really tried hobie. I mean it I really tried" they sniffle. hobie hugged them tightly and nods "I know angel, and I'm proud you tried, now rest."
BONUS: The next day in the evening
"Hobie..... thank you for everything," Y/N said cuddled into his chest, wrapped in their favorite blanket, eating their comfort food, watching their comfort movie. Hobie just hums "So explain to me again why you like this movie so much??"
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maysrinn · 7 months
District AU (Im bias towards this au now with all the added lore it’s getting + the meadow art piece ✨✨)
1. What is Rosie like as an older sister since she’s no longer the youngest in the district au (she’s a middle child)
2. What are the kids favorite pass time in the district au (since they have to stay hidden, I’d assume they’d have down time to do whatever) (the twins just set things on fire)
3. Which kid(s) give the covey the most stress
1. Not much changed beside the pride of no longer being the youngest, She's still the same hyperactive little snake-loving menace to society, but now with the right freedom to do so. Sure, now she isn’t spoiled rotten anymore, capitol style, but Coriolanus still brings her trinkets as much as he can. Still ✨daddy's little girl✨ next to Clementine, who's ✨daddy's pain in the ass✨ but now she has two little sisters who follow her everywhere. Aubrey and Aubree are glued to her; everywhere she goes, they waddle too. The little snake probably didn’t even realize she was the middle child now because, unlike Xanthos, she doesn't care.
Xanthos tries to learn to play with his mother's guitar so he is mostly in the meadow (he can now let his inner covey out)
Sejanus spends most of his time trying to learn the things the other kids learn in school. He was already a smart fella in the capitol AU and now he tries to teach it himself with Coriolanus giving him assignments and correcting them after coming back from work. His favorite “class” would be algebra.
Rosie ….snakes, snakes, snakes, snakes, snakes. She doesn’t have the patience to go fishing or read but she loves running around trying to find new things that keep her busy. She’s the definition of the kids who come back home at dawn doing all sorts of things. But she loves collecting flowers and herbs with her mother, specifically mushrooms in the fall.
The twins waddle after Rosie or Lucy gray and in-between naps they have each other to keep themself busy under constant supervision. They are 3 after all.
Cedar being the youngest, sleeps and eats if awake. Mostly strapped to Lucy Gray's back or chest.
Clementine oh my darling Clementine…she keeps herself busy doing exactly what she is not supposed to do, for example interacting with girls her age or going to the hob, wandering around the edges of 12, or observing from afar. To be fair she doesn't know better and she is 15 at the time she starts disobeying her father and 17 when she learns about the reason why the rules were set.
3. Clementine is a constant concern, 24/7, 365 days a year, for obvious reasons. If it's not about playing cards with the devil's advocate, provoking every string that keeps her safe, it's her recklessness with Nathan that has them worried about another Lucy Gray case of being a young mom (though that won't happen).
The second concern is Cedar Fern; at just 2 months old, he has entered the risk zone for sudden infant death, something Sejanus warned them about when Clementine was born. Once that phase passes, Clementine becomes their only problem again.
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actualbird · 9 months
The cafe event has gotten me into a polynxx mood lately... Just them getting along together, them praising Vyn for his desserts, Marius who keeps asking for Artem's meals, Vyn & Luke making their dishes match eachother like dear god and them just making sure that Rosa is alright while she's walking all over the place as a waitress!!! Your honor, this is my silly polyamorous investigation group!!!
I'm just finding sm comfort in thinking about them right now spending lots of time together and I can't help but get a stupidly big grin on my face.
Bc they're together a lot (not only in the event but as a team in general) I wonder whether they start noticing eachother's weird or silly little habits (i.e. pretending that they're interrogating and waterboarding someone while pushing dirty dishes down into some soapy water). Or even nice little things they do for eachother (i.e. something like peeling an orange for someone while they're on break).
hi hi creckar!!! and gosh mood about this whole event, im enjoying it so much and it's definitely giving me polyam nxx vibes too hHHHHHHHHH. the entire intro scene was so lighthearted entertaining but also so sweet (im never getting over marius calling the others his friends, THEYRE FRIENDS, YOUR HONOR!!!!) and that bit with artem openly praising vyn's cooking and vyn responding by laughing oh my gosh my heart fluttered, THESE PEOPLE ENJOY EACH OTHER'S COMPANY I LOVE THEM AND THEY ALL LOVE EACH OTHER AND //puts on shipping goggles, ARE ALSO IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER
speaking of being in love with stuff, im in love with ur hc in this ask. they so totally would notice each other's habits because 1) aforementioned THEY CARE ABT EACH OTHER SO MUCH and 2) theyre all just naturally very perceptive people, in regards to how much they can realize and note about others.
little things like how mc writes down orders in a certain manner on her notepad, or how luke hums to himself when hes making drinks, or how artem gets this focused glint in his eyes whenever hes in the zone cooking, or how vyn uses his lunch break to take a nap first and foremost before having a munch, or the irony of marius loving ice cream but being very susceptible to brainfreezes. all these little details compound and are noticed, but in a very casual way. it's like getting to know more about each other without even having to speak or talk. im sure once this cafe thing is over, they both know more than they realize about the other team members
i also like to think that some habits get Adopted. like yknow how when people are close, they adopt some habits or quirks of the ones theyre close with? yeah now everybodys little quirks are The NXX Team's Collective Quirks. our quirks now. so sometimes you'll find vyn humming when hes working, or artem trying out mc's notetaking system. sadly, nobody can take the burden of marius' brainfreezes for him though
all in all, im super loving this event, it's so cozy and cute and fun!!! now if only luke's SR card would reveal itself to me early, thatd really make this event perfect.....LHSVFLSD
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grimreaperschild · 1 year
this is my first fic ever and it’s kinda short but any advice + if you wanna see more let me know
warnings: some wednesday level threat maybe ooc wednesday not sure but stalker/infactuated wednesday
not proof read bc im dyslexic and it hurts my brain but i hope you enjoy ❤️
Wednesday trudged into the quad at the start of the semester, she would never admit it but with the new year looming over her she’s slightly exited for what new things she can uncover, there’s chatter of a new student and she hasn’t given it a second thought, even though nevermores resident artist xavier had gifted her a phone she still refused to succumb to such trivial things as gossip, that was of course until she saw you, walking into the quad with slumped shoulders and a shy smile next to the new principle, her eyes lingered on you for far longer than she seemed acceptable cursing herself when you met her eyes confusion evident in your expression though behind it she could see some form of hope, pulling her eyes away from you she tuned into the conversation enid and yoko were having about you vaguely annoyed that her interest was peaked.
y/n pov:
the car ride with my dad to nevermore was silent, as was the goodbye the principle greats me kindly enough and i think maybe this was a mistake, this was supposed to be an adventure but i was proven wrong as we stepped into the quad, the amount of eyes on me making me slightly nervous, zoning out to avoid the lecture on the old space i feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on end
snapping my head up i meet the eyes of a girl dressed in black with pigtails, the curiosity of why she has a different uniform out ways the thoughts of how captivating she is, turning and cutting off mr harrow i jester with my head “who’s that, the goth girl” he tilts his head with obvious disdain “y/n it’s not a good idea to get involved with the wrong crowd, that’s wednesday addams and by the looks of it you’ve caught her attention, i feel my condolences are in offer, let’s continue the tour” i nod once taking in the new information stealing one last glance she seems occupied with her group of friends fighting down the disappointment that flashes through me i turn on my heel and follow along the rest of my tour black uniform painted in my mind.
moving in was easy enough and within a few hours my room is looking more mine, being tired i decide to nap knowing i have a long day tomorrow.
wednesdays pov:
i let my feet carry me, overcome with the strange need to know where the new student that i now know is called y/n is dorming, to my utter dismay her dorm is only a few doors down, this is all panning out to be too easy convincing herself that’s the only reason she has interest in you, it’s easy and something to do, heading back to her dorm to fill thing in and have him keep tabs on you came more naturally than expected.
over the next couple of days she manages to secure seats that have a clear view of you in classes, if you notice her impassive stare you don’t let on, she learns that you can control fire from thing, her own research brings up noting but happy pictures of you and your family from years ago on social media, she stands in the shower for half an hour contemplating why instagram doesn’t seem that bad anymore, research online is so much easier than trialing behind you, as fascinated as she is with you, your not that important not yet anyway.
y/n pov:
the past few weeks settling in have been good, i’ve made friends with enid and her boyfriend ajax, the group is a little quirky but it works all the same, joining them for lunch in the quad has become a regular occurrence, so has my seat next to wednesday i’ve embarrassingly tried a few times to engage in conversation with her only to be meet with a steely glance or a roll of her eyes.
enid let’s out a groan as her head hits the table “we’ve only been here for a few weeks and im already struggling with classes, how is that even possible” i let out a low chuckle “comon it’s not that bad plus im sure nes here can help you, right” as i turn to her she’s already glaring at me the use of nickname obviously peaking her intrest “call me that again and i’ll cut your tongue out” turning back to the book she was reading, i give enid a thumbs up “nes is definitely down to tutor you” the sudden movement of wednesday getting up and stomping away makes me jump slightly ignoring the way disappointment rolls off me in waves. “we are going to the lake you should come with” i already know she’s giving me the puppy eyes and i sigh as i look up and my suspicions are confirmed “let me go to my dorm and grab my swim stuff” enid squeals as she jumps clapping in excitement
wednesdays pov:
i watch as she stands in the mirror nose scrunched as she tries on another bikini, eventually picking a dark red set, my eyes scan over her body gulping it in, as she closes her dorm room behind her i turn back to the bathroom im in taking note of what different shampoo she has, finally giving into the mental struggle i turn on my heel determined to get atleast one more glimpse of the colour red
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likeadog · 5 months
iiiiiiiiiii need to
-get gas
-get grad gear (have more time on this though i have till tuesday)
-work on project (meeting with classmates friday to discuss) (due sunday)
-i would like to take a little break and make a little fanart for my mental health as a treat for doing my lab practical but unsure if this is wise
-work on artist write up for work
i dropped my shift today because i feel like shit
-call psych abt drug tst for addy refill (need to locate business card which is probably at my house)
-get my laundry done
-possibly start final essay
right now i am in the school library. i will need to go home to find business card and do laundry. however i feel like i will not get fuck all done if i go home when it comes to school stuff bc my desk is a disaster zone. gas is on the way home. however also fear of going home bc i may decide to nap and thats dangerous territory bc i do NOT wake up once im out esp not on an all nighter and if i sleep when i have a precious day of my job not needing me in im going to . not finish that joke i hit my quota today its a vice
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heartbreakgrill · 2 years
kol mikaelson; best friend’s brother, pt. 3- don’t you wait.
“i can be your friend, but that’s not what you want to hear. don’t you wait.”
a/n: angsty boi kol being angsty and cute; there will be one more part to this :,) love at first meeting tropes are my fav, can u tell??
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"todays been long," i swallowed and allowed my body to slump forward, elbows planted on the table.
rebekah rested her chin on her fist. "i know. whose idea was it to make school start at 7:30am? i mean, im dead, and im tired."
i giggled at the sarcasm, "imagine being human."
rebekah made a face, "no, thanks. after that run-in with the cure, i've decided i somewhat enjoy being a vampire."
"well, good, considering you are one," i snickered. she flipped me off- a new trick i had taught her last week.
today was friday- which meant that, in 3 hours, i'd be headed to the mikaelsons to decorate. i didn't know if kol was going to pick me up. or i would have to walk in the rain. we hadn't messaged one another directly since wednesday.
of course, there was the group chat, with finn, klaus, kol, and elijah. we'd created it to solidify certain plans for the upcoming weekend. finn had a pretty great idea to take rebekah out of town for some supernatural conflict. it was a ploy, obviously. she'd get home from school, and they'd whisk her away. klaus thought it would be easier to dagger her for two days, but i quickly shot that idea down with, "this is a dagger free party zone."
thankfully, he got over the idea.
i didn't know what i'd done to upset kol so badly. but i'd felt incredibly anxious all week, thinking over every single thing i'd said and done to him on wednesday. but nothing stuck out to me. maybe he'd just been using me to plan to the party. maybe i had snored during my nap and he'd decided i was no longer attractive. but that felt incredibly childish for a 1,000 year old vampire.
"wanna hang this weekend?" rebekah snapped me out of my thought process.
i looked up at her, realized i was frowning, and straightened my gloomy posture. "oh, i don't know if i can," i scrunched my nose in apology.
rebekah rolled her eyes, "is it the guy? or work?"
i hesitated. i so wanted it to be because of the guy. i wish kol and i had longer than those two days to plan the party. i wanted to go for coffee again- wanted to sit in his car, listen to my music, and hear him complain about taylor swift again. wanted to watch him mumble the lyrics under his breath because he secretly liked her. but the jig was up at this point. i needed to ease myself out of that lie, considering kol and i were never going to have to sneak away again. not to mention the fact that he had threatened me. even if i had the option to be with him, i don't know that i would. any trust building between us was cleared.
"uh, work. yeah, i didn't really like that guy. he was kinda...toxic." i was still being honest.
rebekah tilted her head, examining my expression. "that's strange."
rebekah took another swig of her water bottle, "i can smell your pheromones."
i widened my eyes suspiciously, "um. i'm not a bug, bek. i do- what?!"
rebekah cracked a knowing smirk, "i can smell it in your blood and on your skin. it's all you've smelled like all week. you do like him. a lot."
i went to reply, but my throat was frozen from any answer. my fingers fiddled with each other, red hot heat shooting down my body. "i don't know- what you're talking about."
i shoved a handful of pretzels into my mouth to avoid talking and screwing anything up.
rebekah trace her chin with the tip of her finger, thinking with a sly smile. "uh, yes, you do know what i am talking about. you like him; so why aren't you seeing him anymore? if he did something, tell me so i can kill him."
i swallowed thickly, nearly choking on the pretzels as they went down. "rebekah- i. ugh, he didn't do anything. i just don't think he's- a good fit? he has some major red flags."
rebekah replied, "you can tell all that from two dates? also, i have major red flags on a daily basis, and you still hang out with me. hell, if we were gay, we'd have eloped by now. why not give him a chance? why choose now to be picky?"
i began to explain the kol situation ambiguously. maybe her opinion would help me decide what to do. to forgive and forget, or hold a grudge- which would be so easy. "he doesn't like it when he can't be in control. like, he had to choose the coffee shop. and he had to pick where we sat-" i lied, speaking symbolically about the moment with kol in his car."he was just- bad boyish."
"i personally think you could use a little bad boy in your life, babes," she sipped at her drink, self-righteously smirking at me. "you're so cookie cutter- such a good little girl. i am a firm believer that we all need negative experiences to grow. besides, you might be able to help him. just be the strong independent woman that you are, and he'll have to kneel to your power. maybe the universe put you together so you can help him."
i glared at her, "rebekah, you are clinically insane. listen-" the lunch bell rang through my words, "i'm not gonna do any of that, but thank you. have a great weekend, and maybe we can do something sunday after i get off. goodbye, psycho!"
rebekah laughed after me as i left the lunchroom. i needed to catch my breath because what she was saying actually made sense. and it was hard to swallow. she was right.
i don't think kol is a bad person. i don't think most people are bad to the bone. human beings- yes, even dead vampires who aren't technically human- make mistakes. good people do bad things sometimes.
maybe he did need me. regardless of the fact that he was my best friend's brother, regardless of the fact that he had killed people- maybe he needed my kindness.
anger bests us, takes ahold of our better senses. it's only when we're mindful- a difficult, strenuous thing to do- are we able to look beyond the anger and control our situation and actions with kindness.
maybe if he apologized to me, things could be different. maybe he could prove to me that he wasn't that terrible person rebekah had described him as. this past week- besides that one moment in the car- he had been a different person than the reputation i knew. he was actually kind, with an actual personality, and a passionate listener. i think that deep down inside, his humanity needed to shove out of him, struggling against the darkest parts of him. like a bioluminescence on the bottom of the ocean floor. and i was scuba diving deeper.
i just had to decide if i wanted to keep swimming.
the final bell for the day was ringing as i slammed my locker door shut. slinging my backpack over my shoulder, i joined the throng of students leaving the building. my phone buzzed in the back of my jean pocket and i retrieved.
Kol :)- parked by the stadium.
my heart skipped a beat. there was something there. some humanity, even when he scared the hell out of me. because he was here to give me a ride to his house. because he was here.
i picked up my pace a little bit, ready and willing to see him. like rebekah said- i held the power. i needed to wield it.
when i stepped out of the doors to the school, i spotted his car right away. his hung head hung low, left elbow perched on the window sill and right hand slunk around the wheel. i contained the urge to grin at him and began to step out into the parking lot. i knew he could hear my heart beat and smell my blood- but he never looked up.
as i got closer to the car, my stomach sunk. he wasn't getting out to open the door. he wasn't lifting his head to smile at me. i hesitated, but opened the car door, and sat in the car. he still didn't look at me. instead, he waited a second for me to put my seatbelt on, and sped out of the parking lot.
i clutched my book bag, heart beating a little more rapidly. was he still angry with me? i suddenly didn't wanna be in the car with him- i didn't wanna be anywhere near him. i pushed my shoulder against the door and peeled my eyes off of him.
it was silent until we reached his house, for the sound of him opening and slamming the door shut penetrated the cold silence. he sped into the house within the blink of an eye. i watched as the front door hung open- for me.
i shouldered my book bag, closing the car door slowly. my throat tightened. fear or anger or something unpleasant tickled my stomach. with a deepened frown, i made my way inside. i slid off my shoes and set my book bag down on the bench in the foyer.
i took a guess and headed for the living room. there, luckily, kol was sitting on the couch, legs crossed and feet propped on the coffee table. he nursed a crystal glass of blood. elijah was sitting in the window seat- thank god- with his own glass. he looked up as i entered and grinned at me.
"afternoon, y/n," he nodded. "how was your day at school?"
i clenched my jaw, staring at kol's face, willing him to look my way. i felt i would shrivel up if he didn't just look at me. i yelled at him in my mind, wondering if he would hear, if he would listen to me.
but he didn't.
i glanced at elijah, voice dry, "hi. fine, thanks. you?" i pressed my front against one of the arm chairs, my hands coming to rest on top of it, nervously rubbing the fabric.
elijah chuckled, "why, my day at school was wonderful, thank you for the inquiry. today i learned-"
"'lijah-?" kol cut him off though he still stared right ahead. "shut up."
elijah made a pointed face, amusement lacing his lips. "i see we've chosen to be grumpy today, kol. remember- frowning is not a good look for you."
i heard a whoosh behind me just as kol went to speak again. i glanced behind my shoulder and watched klaus saunter into the room. he stopped beside me, smiling down at me. i sent a weak one back.
"shall we start decorating, or do i have to listen to this insufferably awkward moment much longer?" klaus spoke. apparently, only finn had gone with rebekah on her secret mission. they were someone in california.
kol dipped his head back and chugged the rest of his drink. "let's get this over with."
elijah took two small sips to finish his own drink. "where shall we start, y/n?"
klaus and elijah looked to me. i moved my eyes back to kol, furrowing my brows as i glared at him. "uh- follow me."
what the fuck was his problem?
klaus and elijah helped carry the decorations out of kol's room. i didn't even let myself peak around- i was blinded by anger. i knew i was frowning and speaking in short sentences, but i couldn't think straight.
what had i done?
opened my chest up to a serial killer and expected him to not rip my heart out.
that's what.
we started decorating in the foyer. klaus put on some 80's rock- his apparent favorite genre- while everyone hung streamers, blew up balloons. we ran a pink runner down the middle of the room, set up tables for food along the walls. tomorow morning, a company would be delivering about a thousand red roses, rebekah's favorite flower, to decorate the archway of balloons adorning the front of the house. a local bakery had made a three tier cake and we had bought enough chips and various other snack foods to feed a third world country.
by the time we were done with today's tasks, it was 7pm. i was exhausted, starving, and ready to leave. kol had continued his silent treatment. to literally everyone.
klaus, at one point, tried to tease him about his shoddy balloon work. he said something funny and grabbed kol by the back of the neck, pushing his head forward. in response, kol snapped his fangs in klaus' direction and warned him to watch his hands or he'd lose his head.
i felt uncomfortable. klaus and elijah were nice enough, but i could tell that they were trying to ease the tension. like they knew kol would eventually snap at me, and hurt me.
once we were done, i bid klaus and elijah farewell. elijah went to reply, but i turned on my heel before he could say anything. kol had left for his room ten minutes ago, without a word to any of us. whatever. we didn't need his help anyways.
i slipped into my shoes, tugging my heavy backpack up and over my shoulder. the night air was cold on my arms as i stepped out of the house. the door shut behind me softly. i shivered as the wind whipped past my ears.
it was going to be a long walk home. i braced myself and began my trek. ten minutes in, i was frozen to the touch. my fingers were numb from the chill and my chest hurt from the cold air. i could've called caroline- somebody. but the walk felt good. the quick pump of my legs allowed for my energy to dissipate. any anger or annoyance i had was slowly easing out.
that was, until-
a pair of headlights shone from the distance behind me. i glanced behind my shoulder, but continued on my way. the car was going extremely fast and my eyes squinted as the lights became brighter. i tried to walk faster, a sick feeling in my stomach. then, i noticed the shape of the car, and the blue color of its siding. i stepped into the grass as it came to a tearing stop right behind me. my backpack fell off my shoulder, and i let out a huff.
"what the fuck is your problem?!" i crossed my arms as kol stepped out of the car.
his face was the same- angry, annoyed. he came around to me and grabbed my back pack. "get in the car."
oh, he had a voice! what a surprise!
i scoffed at he tossed my bag into the passenger seat. "fuck you, kol! i'm not going anywhere with you!"
kol stepped back in front of me. he glared down at me, his jaw tense. he stared at me for a second before grabbing my bicep.
i screeched at his rough pull, and kicked him in the shin. "what the fuck, kol."
kol stooped down in pain. but he recovered quickly and towered over me again. "get in the car, y/n!"
my name sounded venomous on his tongue. i shook my head, taking a step back from his. kol rolled his eyes, darkened with frightening anger. my brows hesitated from their furrow, and my lips parted in fear. i took another step back.
i flinched as he reached forward; kol tossed my over his shoulder, gripping the backs of my thighs as i hung like a rag doll. he started walking towards the car, and i began to hang at his back with my fists.
"put me down! help! somebody help me!" i screamed, but the night air was silent in response. critters sung harmoniously in mockery and the moon hung low in a teasing freedom.
i kicked at him, but he remained strong. kol opened the door and set me down onto my feet. i was seething, still frightened, but too angry to care about safety.
"you are a fucking douchebag," i murmured. kol gestured to the car.
i looked over his shoulder, to my right, where the woods lay in darkness. i met kol's eyes. he must've reached an understanding because he tilted his chin and widened his pupils.
with all of my might, i kicked him in the balls. kol doubled in pain. i kicked his shoulder, too, and as he fell over, i started running into the woods. i pulled my phone from my pocket as i ran, dialing caroline's number. just as i went to press call, something pulled me from my feet. within 5 seconds, i was back at the car.
kol pinned me up against the back door, chest heaving up and down, chocolate eyes a desolate black as he glared. "what the fuck was that?"
the car was cold against my back. kol's hand were planted on either side of my shoulders, and his head stooped low. i could see the white of his narrowed eyes.
i tore my eyes from his, choosing to glare at the collar of his jacket. kol spoke again, "huh? what was that? it's not safe to walk home alone, y/n. just let me take you home!"
i rolled my lip between my teeth, "i'm good, thanks." my voice was wobbly with fear.
kol slammed his hand against the car, next to my left shoulder. i flinched at the violence. i glanced at his face and watched as his eyes glazed over, the veins beneath his eyes popping out. his fangs hung low from his mouth.
i shivered, pressing further into the car. kol noticed me shrinking away and cursed under his breath. "no- i- fuck! i'm fucking stupid."
i continued looking at him. his fangs retracted. his eyes went back to normal. he pulled his hands off the car, running them over his head frustratingly.
"i'm so fucking pathetic. i need to breathe a second-" he paced. 
my shoulders slumped. i blinked harshly, willing away the fear. "kol-"
i felt- sad. i hurt for him- he was just frustrated with himself. not me.  he had a difficult time controlling his anger.  he had no emotional regulation. but im positive that if he was human, that wouldn't be the case. kol wasn't evil.
he could be a terrifying monster but here- here, under the dim light of the moon, he was just a boy. at the end of the day, he was just a boy, trapped in the body of a vampire.  he wanted to act normally- to laugh loudly and fall for a girl. but he couldn't be mindful of his emotions because they were all over the place. anger misplaced all other focus because it was all he knew.
kol paused, head shoved in his palms, breathing quickly. i reached out a hand and my fingers brushed over his. he flinched at my cold touch, and he dropped his arms, moving a step back.
i let my hand rest in the air, reaching for him. kol stilled, cheeks flushed red with frustration, eyes a little watery. he was terrified and angry. he glanced at me and my hand.
i sighed, stepping forward. "just let me give you a hug, kol."
he hesitated, but stepped forward, practically falling into my hold. he clutched my waist, and i wrapped my arms around his shoulders. i hushed into his ear, brushing the back of his hair soothingly.
"it's okay," i hummed, "just take a deep breath."
kol was raised with anger. his father was a violent man, taking care of his children in a barren land of forced natural selection. his mother was a crafty witch who used her powers to selfishly preserve her children, then turned on them to feed her own desires. his brothers and sister were competitive, angry by nature.
when had kol last been comforted? when had someone last hugged him? when he threw tantrums like this one, who soothed him through them? empty or pregnant threats from his brothers and sister worsened the situation. teasing, backlash, daggerings. none of it helped.
lol just needed to be held. he needed to be angry- to soothe through his emotions with a helping hand like mine. he had attachment issues.  he was scared to trust, to make interpersonal connections. it was basic psychology.
we stood there on the side of the road for fifteen minutes, hugging one another. kol cried. i didn't tease him for it or think him weird. i thought he was strong. and i hoped he could feel my pride for his ability to feel.
eventually, he pulled away. he didn't look at me, but at my shoes. i kept a hand at the nape of his neck, curling my fingers through his locks. he shuffled, "can i drive you home?"
i nodded, "yes."
kol opened the door for me, gently, and shut it behind me, quietly. i waited patiently as he walked to his side and got on.
"taylor swift?" i laughed, holding up my phone.
he nodded with the tiniest hint of a smile. i played my favorite song, and watched his finger lightly tap against the wheel to its rhythm. he didn't say anything the entire way to my house. neither did i. silence was an understanding that some needed to reach.
at my front door, kol waited as i unlocked the knob. i turned, standing in the doorway, and finally met his eyes.
he sighed, opened his mouth, "i'm sorry-"
i shook my head once. kol paused. "we can talk in the morning, yeah? why don't you go home, get some sleep?"
kol nodded, a tight lipped smile. "thank you for- that. please, don't tell any-"
"do you think i'm that mean?" i laughed.
kol's face finally lit up. "i'm just not used to feeling vulnerable. especially with someone i barely know."
i shrugged, "you should try it more often. it's illuminating. plus, you know my favorite color. what else do you need to know?"
kol chuckled shortly, "goodnight, darling."
i basked in the nickname. he turned to leave and i stepped back on the porch. kol stopped, half turning back to me. i rounded his body, sliding a gentle hand onto his cheek, and pressed a short kiss to the apple of his face. kol blushed.
"kol, i-" i faltered.
he shushed me, turning to face me completely. his hand hesitantly slid around my waist, the other cupping my chin. i lay my hand on his shoulder.
"no, let me-" i took a deep breath, "i want to trust you. i do- but, you need to let me in. i'm not your family. i'm not going to mock you for your humanity. i want to- to help you. so, let me help you."
kol's eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes. "i want that, too. i've only known you for a week, but i want to show you my whole heart. and that is officially the cringiest thing i've ever said-!"
we shared a hearty laugh at his comment. i squeezed his shoulder, hovering closer. "you've been alive forever, so you should know: time means nothing."
kol gulped, nervous. then, he tugged me closer, and kissed me.
rebekah would be here at 7:30pm. the party began at 6:30- but people didn’t start showing up until 5 minutes ago. the sooner you tell people, the later they arrived. some stupid party rule.
the day had gone by smoothly. the flowers were delivered and decorated at noon. i arrived just before they did, sleepy and anxious.
i barely slept for numerous reasons. i was mostly nervous for how today would go- nervous for it to actually happen. and because kol and i had kissed.
just a minute detail.
he wasn’t there in the morning when i arrived. something about a small errand he’d had to run. i saw him at 5:45pm, when i was in rebekah’s bathroom, getting ready. he knocked gently on the door, the hanger to a dress bag slung around his finger.
i was leaning over the bathroom counter, applying lipstick. i paused when i saw him in the mirror and a small smile turned up my lips.
kol smiled back. he held out the bag, “i got you something.”
i turned, setting the lipstick down on the counter. “oh, you didn’t have to.”
kol shrugged, “i know. i wanted to.”
he held the bag as i undid the zipper. a purple, silky party dress hung from the bag. i grinned at it’s appearance, admiring the cut.
“oh, my gosh,” i stepped forward and tossed my arms over his shoulders.
it’s like i just didn’t know how to act in front of him.
kol hugged my waist. “i was out getting rebekah’s present and i saw this. i don’t know if you had something else to wear, but i’ll compel you if you don’t wear this.”
i pulled back and slapped his shoulder. “you’re ridiculous. i’ll wear it.”
“can’t wait,” kol flashed a cheeky smirk and left the bag with me.
i adjusted the hem, sitting on the bench in the foyer patiently. my strappy heels were already hurting my feet, but i tried to ignore the dull ache. the doorbell rang and i jumped up from my spot.
caroline, bonnie, and elena were on the doorstep. i grinned at my friends, tossing myself into the group hug. i ushered them into the house, taking their jackets into the small closet off the foyer.
“oh, my god, your dress,” caroline gawked, tugging at the side of it.
bonnie chuckled with awe, “you look hot!”
i blushed, crossing my arms over my chest. “thanks, guys. hey, listen, i know there’s animosity between all of us, but please-“
elena set a hand on my shoulder, “not tonight. of course. tonight is for rebekah.”
i squeezed her hand. “go; enjoy yourselves. she’ll be here soon.”
they nodded and joined the crowd dancing through the foyer. i sat back on the bench and checked the time on my phone. i heard a set of footsteps and looked up as elijah sat beside me.
he offered a cup of some questionable liquid. i declined with a hand, “i think i should stay sober.”
elijah scoffed, “okay, i can smell the anxiety seeping off your shoulders. dear, not being sober might be a good idea.”
i peered at him. then i took the cup, reluctantly, and sipped at it. “thanks.”
elijah nodded, “i don’t know what’s going on with you and kol, but so be careful. rebekah is territorial-“
“i know,” i interrupted. “i’ll lose my head. don’t need to remind me, thanks.”
elijah shook his head, “no, no,” he tutted, “didn’t let me finish. but- rebekah is loving. she wants happiness for the people she loves. and she loves you more than anything i’ve ever seen. so, try not to sneak around. try to be honest.”
i looked to him, “really?”
elijah nodded, sipping at the red plastic cup. “you’re the best friend she’s ever had. like a sister. to all of us, even.”
elijah set a cold hand on my knee. i leaned my shoulder against his lovingly. “in a not creepy way, considering…kol?”
elijah laughed heartily, “in a not creepy way. oh-“
someone caught his attention to his left. i perked up. kol stepped forward. elijah stood, “i’ll leave you two alone.”
i stood up, too, nervously clutching my cup. kol glanced as elijah left, then latched his eyes on my body. he dragged his gaze from my heels and up to my eyes.
“in the most respectful way, darling, you are gorgeous,” kol shoved his hands in his pockets.
i blushed deeply, feeling the best spread down my neck and shoulders. kol stepped towards me. i did, too. we didn’t touch, but it felt like we did- the way our auras wrapped around one another. the way our body heat melted around each other’s outline.
“don’t suppose i could drag you to the dance floor before my sister returns?” kol held out a hand.
i glanced to the front door. then, i looked down into my cup, and chugged the rest of it. “what the hell!”
i latched my hand onto kol’s. he dragged me onto the floor. then, he spun around to face me. his hands guided themselves to my hips, tugging my body flush against his. i tossed mine over his shoulders, wrists crossed at the back of his head. we danced sloppily, lazily, sweaty. staring into each others eyes like a rom-com, laughing as we stepped on toes and tripped over other dancers. we didn’t have the capacity to watch where we were going because we couldn’t look away from each other.
at 7:25, i ended our dance. kol groaned as i pulled my body away, but he let me go. before i left for my place at the foyer, i hugged him quickly.
“we have to tell her. tonight.”
as i stepped away, kol met eye, and nodded.
he looked scared. i squeezed his hand and motioned for him to breathe. he did.
i stood in the foyer. klaus, elijah, and kol stood around me. klaus’ phone buzzed and a text from finn informed him they were almost here. we shut off the lights and informed everyone to stay quiet.
i heard rebekah on the other side of the door, groaning about being tired and bored of finn’s, “depressing wit. like, okay, edgar allen poe, we get it. stop brooding and go learn to knit, or something.”
i giggled at her words. she cut herself off at the sound of my laugh. “why are there a billion heart beats-“
the door slowly creaked open and rebekah stepped inside the house. the lights flickered on and we all yelled surprise. the music started up again, and everyone cheered. rebekah flinched at the shock, eyes shooting around at all the people here- here for her.
she landed her gaze on me, and tears pricked at her eyes. “y/n! you lying bitch!”
i opened my arms and she jumped into them, squeezing me tightly. i hugged her back, my heart beating fast with happiness. she pulled away and saw elijah, klaus, and kol.
“did you lot have something to do with this?” she pressed her hands into her cheeks, shocked to her core. rebekah was grinning so widely.
elijah and klaus shook their head. klaus tilted his chin towards kol. rebekah widened her eyes at her older brother. he shoved his hands in his pockets, looking to the floor sheepishly.
“my idea, but y/n planned all of it,” kol murmured, with a shrug.
i intertwined my hand with rebekah’s. “without kol, there’d be no party.”
she tossed her free arm around kol’s shoulders, hugging him tightly. over her shoulder, he met my eyes, and grinned widely. “thank you,” he mouthed.
i shook my head, waved him off.
the night flew out from underneath us. i took my heels off not long after rebekah arrived because she forced me onto the dance floor. for three straight hours, we danced. eventually, we peeled her off the dance floor to the cake. we sang her happy birthday and watched as she opened presents. i had bought her the entire book set of the bridgerton series and half of a best friend necklace, a silly concept we’d made fun of. it was sentimental and funny- the perfect gift.
it was the perfect night.
too bad i had to go and ruin it.
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florence-is-gay · 9 months
hiii!!! im a fan of your work and was wondering of you could write some hcs of the mercs with an autistic s/o?? i struggle with autism and reading these things kinda helps. thx sm!!! :ooo
Absolutely!! I'm so glad you enjoy my headcanons, i haven't written any for quite a while lmao
--EDIT FROM YEARS LATER OML-- I had this sitting in my drafts completed with all mercs except for the last 3 listed, between procrastination and life and falling out of the fandom I guess I just eventually forgot... Once in a blue moon I'd come back to this post and think... "I'm sorry tomatosoopp... I will finish this for you one day. Maybe not now, or later, maybe not even soon... but... eventually. I promise." I hope things are going well for you, you've probably long forgotten your ask but I genuinely hope seeing this finally answered will bring you joy and make your day <3
I know it's late to say it, but Merry Christmas and Happy New year! Perhaps you can consider this as a long overdue gift, from me to you! I hope this year will bring you lots of wonderful and amazing things &lt;3 Love, Flo (P.S., I also added a bit to the shorter blurbs at the beginning... To make up for all that time! Now enjoy your long awaited post, my friend! <3)
Scout is pretty ADHD, and we all know how that's the peanut butter to his S/O's jelly. He gets excited with you about the things you love! And stims? Oh yeah. Leg bouncing, pen chewing, and the likes. So he won't judge you when you excitedly flap your hands or smack your thighs/any available surface. In fact, he'll share his fidgets with you when he notices you're feeling nervous or stressed. Sometimes he forgets you are extremely empathetic and sensitive to high energy or strong moods, so if he gets too excited or angry or anything of the sort he will do his best to calm himself as to not overwhelm or overstimulate you!
Sniper's not much of a talker, but he loves to listen to you ramble! Sometimes just the sound of your voice makes him smile! Also since he knows how tactile you are, he doesn't mind letting you feel his scars, tracing your fingers along and across them. He also lets you scritch his stubble, and he finds your reaction both amusing and adorable! Also, if you love nature, Sniper is your perfect guy! He'll take you for long walks in the woods or along hiking trails, not minding if you are slow or simply taking your time to stop and observe every little detail <3
Engie loves all your little quirks!! He thinks you're the cutest darn thing on the planet! He'll definitely build you some fun fidgets and stimmy things! He also has earmuffs for when he's working with machinery, if you're feeling overstimulated he'll let you borrow them! Additionally, he enjoys relaxing with you by a fire just to chill out and play his instruments! He knows you have a fondness for music, so he tries to learn your favorite songs! He is also the type to always check on you to make sure you eat and drink <3
Like Sniper, Heavy isn't much for words. He doesn't mind silence, so he's perfectly okay with you zoning out, staring into space, or just lost in your thoughts. He also understands when you have a hard time wording things. He still struggles with English. And if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, he'll scoop you up in his big arms and hold you like a lil baby, and gently whisper words of praise and comfort. He'll also let you take naps in his arms <3 Like Engineer, he likes to make sure you don't skip meals. He doesn't always understand that some food textures are unpleasant, but he tries his best to find something you like!
Demo LOVES cuddles. He won't admit it to the other guys, but he finds it soothing. He knows you love to lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. He also gives great hugs! You told him once that you enjoy physical pressure on your body, so he'll give you extra-firm hugs, and sometimes he'll lay right on top of you to take a nap! He definitely will gift you some weighted blankets, along with some fun beanbags just to mess with. He also makes sure any touch on you is firm and grounding. Additionally, if you have a habit of sleeping a lot, it's no worry for this man! He's perfectly happy to pass out with you for 12+ hours and STILL have room for naps! As long as they are with you, he is happy <3
Pyro themselves are nonverbal autistic, so honestly to them, you are the most normal person out there! They have hyperactive tendencies and struggle to pay attention to anything too long, but when it comes to you, you have their full attention! (To the best of their ability, anyway!) They will happily share their love for fire and cute things with you, though they also love when you share your hyperfixations with them! Not only that, but they will often bring you gifts relating to the things they know you love! Should you ever feel sad, touch-starved, or understimulated, just know Pyro will always be by your side to give you the best cuddles and hugs you could ask for!
If you are someone who is always psyched to learn new things, Medic is your perfect guy! He knows a lot about physical and psychological health, including autism! He will take time out of his day to educate you on your brain and why it works the way it does! He will do his absolute best to keep you informed so you can better understand yourself! (Even if at times you get tired of his lecturing) He also knows that you are very hands-on when it comes to many projects, so he will allow you to assist with simple tasks in his lab! He also knows you struggle with your health habits, aka hygiene, sleeping, eating, drinking, etc., so expect this man to be on your back! He wants to make sure you take good care of yourself <3
Spy is a bit of a tricky one. He seems completely unbothered by all of your quirks, almost to the point where you wonder if he even notices them. Rest assured, he certainly does! But he does his best not to bring attention to it unless you are the first to bring it up. He wants you to feel as though your autism doesn't define you, after all, you are more than your disability! At times he may challenge you to break from any bad or unhelpful habits, such as nail biting and pulling hair, or more serious matters like harmful stims when you get upset. Unrelated, he knows you are a person of the senses. So any gift to you is always a high-quality item: scented soaps and lovely colognes/perfumes, clothing that is soft and pleasant to touch, weighted blankets, and any type of small heavy object that may be grounding. Not to mention foods he knows you'll eat, since taste and texture can sometimes be an issue. Of course there is more, and if you don't like scented things and find soft textures on your body displeasing like some, he will accommodate for that as well! And lastly: Don't let him catch ANYONE making fun of you! They may not live to see the sun tomorrow.
Honestly... He might also be autistic. No one knows for sure, but even if he was, he would loudly and proudly deny it. Loudly seems to be something the two of you do well-- you may find yourself struggling to control your volume in your excitement, but that's okay! He does too! Though he may also partly be hard of hearing from all of those rocket blasts... Regardless, the two of you seem to match each other's energy to near perfection- Yelling and screaming about nonsense, singing loud and off-key, even just making animal sounds or random noises incomparable to anything on this planet... Still he enjoys your company, neither of you really seem to be able to get a handle on social cues, but to heck with those! They're all confusing anyway! At least you understand each other! Additionally, the two of you may also struggle to remember things, especially short-term. But you're a good dynamic, always reminding each other what was forgotten! (...Just don't act surprised when he wants to recite to you the Declaration of Independence by heart for the 5th time that day.) And lastly, if you ever tell him you're autistic, surely he will tell you that you are American. And should you attempt to explain what autism is, more than likely he will assure you that you aren't (even if you clearly are-) and that you're perfect! He sees a lot of himself in you and he thinks you are the best thing since the birth of America <3
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ccaptain · 6 months
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NAME: sam!! i also respond to zack c:
PRONOUNS: she/her, they/them!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: if you don't have my discord, IMs will do until i give it out! i definitely prefer discord over anything else. 
NAME OF MUSE(s): Kaeya!!!!! i grab this scrunkly man and throw him against a WALL. i also have wriothesley over at @wwriothesley, alhaitham over at @aaleaqlania and sampo at @ddazzlingblds c: i'm generally more active on Kaeya and Wrio!
BEST EXPERIENCE: COMING BACK TO THE PARA RP COMMUNITY, and specifically the genshin one, WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE I EVER HAD. i made so many friends, i finally felt relaxed in catching things up if i had to step away for a middle day nap, and my writing style improved so much......... i feel at peace now tbh. loving it here in my little zone 
- i have seen Some Shit in my years and there's not a single manipulation technique, façade of wholesomeness or trick  that i haven't seen or that i don't recognize. trying to manipulate me into ANYTHING is the fastest dealbreaker known to man, and it won't work to boot. i'm tired, man. just let me roleplay in peace
- i despise the Harem Setting and no, you cannot romance my Kaeya to drag him into your little enclosure of other Kaeyas because i will actively ignore your attempts at interacting with me if i sniff that this is your endgoal. i will also not be sorry about it. it's in my rules that i an highly uncomfortable with it. i will never change my stance against it.
- my worst pet peeve is when i don't wake up with caps-locked headcanons about our muses from my shipping partners sent at 5AM- no seriously, i think that's all, it's just the two things above that i haven't talked about. or talked about enough in the second one's case-
MUSE PREFERENCES: completely insane muses who don't operate without a known logic, but also muses who hide their pain behind a friendly smile and would go to great lenghts for their loved ones. muses who have suffered beyond their threshold and still take it. muses who had an horrible past and now they're more well-adjusted and even a little bit goofy. muses that- *i am sniped from the closest building*
PLOTS OR MEMES: i want to say both but,,,,, memes are so quick, while plotting can take up a lot of energy that i don't have,,,,, yes i'll go with memes
BEST TIME TO WRITE: after dinner when i am full of food and full of ideas c:
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): kind of? if i had to pick one i'd have to say that i resonate with Wriothesley a bit more? thanks to my mental illness i went through Some Shit but now i'm steadily getting better. i feel like it influences my portrayal and makes me understand how he feels much better? if that makes sense?
tagged by: @resolutepath MWA tagging: @predvestnik and anyone who wants to yoinks this i am enabling you
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So,me and Beatris(the girl I like) ran up to the restroom,Adeline was there,I was looking at my hair to see if it was fucked up.it wasn’t.then,Beatris and I walked out and Adeline said to her
“Let her go outside”….
I froze…but I let Beatris first
“I said let Danielle go first..”
Ouch…that’s fucking stupid Adeline.I walked out to Sarah and Maria,two of my fav classmates that I keep in touch with…I don’t know if we still keep in touch…
When the clock was 17( 5 PM) all my girl classmates were to Adeline,even Beatris…and I was thinking: “should I relapse?…” but then I didn’t had a choice but relapse after that…Adeline and the girl classmates and a boy classmate followed her,excluding me from there…I say to myself “this bitch is crazy” and I walk to sit somewhere outside and then zone out…then I hear the PE teacher saying “ALRIGHT TEENS! GET Y’ALL BAGS AND GO HOME!”.
I got my backpack and walked home already..as I get into my room..I started crying…because I don’t think you ever feel how is like being excluded in school
Lo siento hector for venting ok?…
yeah si si estas bien. vale… ella es una gran bastarda. No me gusta ella.
and if you ever need to vent im here okay? 9/10 times i can relate to something. ive gone through some shit and can help.
and p.s, that girl sounds like a puta
if you ever feel like youre going to relapse try this (helps me ig i dunno you dont need to, jus some tips based off what i do if i feel like im going to relapse)
-take really deep breaths, in for 5 out for 10
-try listening to music
-a warm beverage (i like my lemon and ginger tea with some warm honey and 2 sugars) it helps warm your body and ease tension (again at least it does for me)
-try to relax or take a nap, or dont nap and just lie down for a bit
-take a walk and really look at your surroundings. notice the little things. could be like how grass moves, different people you pass, shops/vendors around and the fonts on their store signs...etc,etc. notice how you breathe, the way you walk, what path you took...i dunno. thinking about other things works.
i have a certain playlist i listen to...or i have this really upbeat one with all my electronic/techno music and it just makes me feel good. like, i wanna move, i wanna do things, it makes me feel like i can take on anything. i can link the playlist but i recommend you organize something for yourself, something that makes you feel good.
so that playlist is here ->
please i beg you to listen to Angst and Overthinker from INZO, i swear, you feel that shit. and the Overthinker remix too, i think you'll like that one more...
its from my old account so im sorry its short but i can edit it anymore but basically another version of it is this one ->
(its actually got more songs its like almost 8 hours long, not my longest playlist)
so um...sorry for the long answer i just thought itd help...sorry again...
but yeah ig def listen to those songs...sorry if you dont like them jus trying to help...
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minkkumaz · 1 year
HI OMIIII!!! im skipping out a few extra days of school, i know the stress is gonna catch up to me once i get back (hopefully not.) but!!
ive been using my notes app alot recently.. i had to lock them cause it was just full of ideas abt bonedo ^^;
before i get into that,, someone stopped me in one of my classes and asked me abt the woonhak pc i had in my school ID. i got a bit nervous and i waved them off and gatekept them on accident.. i was literally abt to say “the loml” but i felt like that’d be too absurd to say to someone i just met..
i have another friend in one of my classes who also wanted to know who was on my lockscreen (it was taesan!!) but i told them i wouldve rambled and we wouldnt get our work done.. hopefully we have a freeday in that class so i can introduce them to boynextdoor LMAO
ive just been zoning out in class looking at my woonhak PC.. i love love love woonhak so much id give my soul and anything just to see more content of him being happy w the other members :(
but at the same time ive just been thinking abt woonhaks gf privileges.. >> (starts sobbing)
woonhak who slowly falls inlove with the pretty student in his class and does his best to appeal to her.. 💔
woonhak who overheard the reader and her friends talk about their types in guys.. smart guys? he’ll volunteer to answer every question the teacher asks. athletic guys? funny, cause he’ll 100% become a tryhard during gym… cute guys? his members already compliment him on his cuteness!
woonhak who tries keeping his crush a secret, but fails when jaehyun finds his notesapp open to see a list of ways to woo the reader over..
woonhak who dedicates writing the WHO album about the reader.
woonhak who finally has the courage to ask the reader out.. but when the day comes he finds out he has rehearsals. but no fret!! reader would love to watch him practice his singing & dancing.
bonedo members who love to steal glances at the reader and tease woonhak as much but as quietly as they could
bonedo members who easily warm up to the reader and starts inviting her whenever they could to hang out
jaehyun who remembers how woonhak forbade him from touching his sideburns.. but to his surprise he sees the reader twirling them and playing with his hair.
sungho who remembers how woonhak would get annoyed if someone were to notify him even if he was on do not disturb.. he walks by woonhaks phone to see it light up continuously with messages from the reader, he soon finds out woonhak has a special setting on his phone for the reader to bypass the do not disturb feature.
leehan who stumbles upon woonhak and the reader taking a nap on the couch wrapped in a blanket, her body resting on top of his.. but he swears he recalls woonhak exclaiming his distaste for people sharing (stealing as what he would call it) his blanket.
riwoo who hears a genre of music he’s never heard woonhak listen to in all his life.. when he questions it he finds out the reader recommended it… riwoo scoffs jokingly, reminiscing on how he recommended he exact same song months ago
taesan who once asked woonhak to run to the convenience store late at night for some movie night snacks, but was met with refusal. a week later he spots woonhak putting on a coat to head out around 10PM.. “Y/N wants to take a walk together!” he says.
bonedo boys who watch the reader and woonhak slowly fall inlove as they continued to show their endless support (despite the fact woonhak has never given them such privileges..)
HELLO MELONN its nice to hear from you always hehe. please get so much rest on your time away from school, you deserve it! if you get a lot of homework make sure to space it out :)
and omg if someone asked me about kpop at school id probably die. theres this kid in one of my classes that mocks me and my friend for liking kpop and its so annoying!
but yes, your woonhak thoughts are always welcome here :3 at the beginning of the year when teachers had us do 'about me's' i always put yungyu as one of my favorite things LOLL
woonhak would 100% give so much gf privilege its actually crazy. he can act like hes not cute all he wants but he will always be readers cutie patootie! AND HIM DOING THE ABSOLUTE MOST IS SO TRUEE his favorite subject is yn<3
also leehan catching them cuddling it up is so adorable wtf i need me some woonhak cuddles><
youre so cute melon anon seeing how in love with woonhak you are HEHE i love hearing ur thoughts ^_^
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reanimated-alice · 2 years
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I posted 91 times in 2022
That's 91 more posts than 2021!
3 posts created (3%)
88 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 80 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#alice's reblogs - 53 posts
#why isn't he real - 13 posts
#eddie munson - 9 posts
#i need him like i need air - 7 posts
#so cute - 5 posts
#alice speaks - 4 posts
#billy hargrove - 4 posts
#steve harrington - 4 posts
#stranger things - 4 posts
#niceboyeds - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 50 characters
#i need a steve x billy x reader x eddie now please
My Top Posts in 2022:
im bored. maybe i should finish my steve fic.
@eddiemunsons-girl tell me to finish it.
2 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Hi there! My name is Alice, and I’m 20 years old. I love Joseph Quinn and all things creepy. Ghost, zombies, skeletons, you name it. I do roleplay, if that’s what you’re into, and I do write. I just have trouble with finishing a story. Anyway, feel free to reach out, even just to chat!
4 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
comforts of home | s. h.
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A/N: this is the first work i've ever posted on here, so maybe be kind?
Warnings: none? just fluff? anyway, enjoy!
Steve Harrington x gender neutral!reader
Steve had never really felt like he had a home before. Sure, he lived in a house, but there was a difference. His parents were never home enough to make it feel like the house was lived in. A home is meant to be a safe haven and comfort zone, right? Steve's home felt more like a trophy case, meant to be seen and not touched. And he was a trophy inside.
A small noise from you broke him out of the internal monologue he was going through. He looked down at you and smiled, running his fingers through your hair. You were everything to him. Wherever you were, Steve was home. You took away all the stress life had given him.
As you shifted in his lap, Steve couldn't help but remember the times he'd tried to protect you and keep you free of the knowledge of what was happening right under your feet. The Upside Down, the demogorgans, the Russians, all of it. But eventually, (or more specifically, when the disaster at Starcourt happened and Steve had climbed through your window afterward) the truth had to come out.
"Steve Harrington," you'd said as you'd held a wet rag to his face. "If you don't tell me what's actually going on, how you're actually getting hurt, I swear to God, you'll find my window locked from now on."
Despite the pain he'd been in, he'd smiled. God, you were stubborn. And brave. And also completely likely to get what you wanted. So, sighing, he'd told you.
You hadn't turned away from him, or cried, or denied everything he was saying. You'd paled a bit as the words sank in, but other than that, you hadn't said anything, just nodded and listened as you'd cleaned his cuts and scrapes.
The quiet sound of his name broke him out of his reverie. He looked at his lap to see you rubbing your eyes, obviously just waking up from your nap.
"Hey, sleepy head," he crooned affectionately, running a hand though your hair. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah," you replied and yawned. God, you were adorable. "Just missed you."
Steve's heart swelled and he couldn't help but tease you. "I've been here this whole time, goof." He poked your stomach and you hunched over, giggling.
You moved so you were sitting in his lap, your arms around his waist, and buried your face in his neck. He could feel your warm breath against his skin and the flutter of your eyelashes against his pulse as you fell victim to Morpheus once more.
"Yeah but..." you said quietly. "You were too far 'way."
Steve pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and laid it over the both of you.
"Well, I've got you now. And I always will." Steve kissed the side of your face. "I'll never be too far from you. I love you."
"Love you too," you replied in the sweetest, sleepiest voice he'd ever heard.
Steve thought he couldn't possibly love you anymore than he'd loved you then. In your arms, Steve was home.
In your arms, he was safe.
"You're my home," he whispered into your hair as you finally fell back asleep.
116 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rippeds0cks · 7 months
I have been weird lately. Some days ill be doing great then other days ill be as worse as ive ever been. These last couple days have been bad. Ive been so bad mentally that ive had to stop whatever im doing (eating, watching a movie, working out, playing elden ring) and just sit there and stare off into nothing. I zoned out entirely when i was driving yesterday. Ended up going 75 in a 45 and had to rush a break when i zoned back in so i didnt slam into the back of the car in front of me. Cant have that become a habit since im gonna be driving a lot soon. Buying a gun soon. Not for suicide or anything i need it for bears n such since im gonna be camping in the middle of national parks a lot. I havent slept well in weeks. Every night for the last couple nights ive been as close to tears as ive been in recent memory. I get really emotional laying here n my right eye will be teary but my left eye will not. I wonder if my tear duct is damaged in any kinda way since thats the side closest to my head injury. It shouldnt be since thats my better eye. Back when i got a cut on my left eyelid i was essentially blind for those couple days it took for the swelling to go down since my right eye is essentially useless. That reminds me, my dad is slowly catching onto how bad my health is. He made the observation “you might have something wrong with your depth perception cause you get really close to the cars in front of you when you drive” and i just went “haha yeah” when in reality my depth perception mostly went when i was like a very early 19 and i just got used to it. Fighting made me able to “feel” the distance between me and everything around me but that goes out the window when im operating a machine like a car. Ill get used to it i guess. Maybe start wearing my glasses.
I think that on this trip ill make the decision about reaching out to my ex. I think that if i get all the way to vegas and still think about her ill reach out for closure. Thatll be a while tho. Maybe well over a year. I dont know. Ive just completely given up any delusion of her contacting me. If contact is to be made itll be made by me. I just cant stop thinking about her and its already ridiculous so if it continues for so long that by the time i get to vegas i might as well reach out. Worst comes to worst and she loses her mind/gets a restraining order n i cant firefight anymore i can just kill myself its not a big deal. I just cant keep harboring these emotions forever. I already dont wanna harbor em im just too scared to reach out. It doesnt help that me n benj (mostly benj) bring up our exes a lot so i have to think about her. He says shit sometimes that unlocks memories i didnt know i had and it will make my ass catatonic for the day.
Like once i had a ptsd attack while asleep and i jolted awake and we were napping together and i woke up to her laying on me pulling me as close as possible and it brought my heart rate down and mental state down entirely, i was able to relax and calm down just cause she was there. She probably doesnt remember it since when i jolted awake she was mostly still asleep, just doing a slurred half awake “do u have to pee” to which i just said no n we both went back to bed.
I waa gonna type out another memory thats been replaying in my head where she lays with me as i was having full body convulsions and i was in some of the most pain i have ever been in. Rubbing my back and holding my hand. I was gonna type it all out in detail but im already shaking and crying out of one eye lol. No snot or anything tho so i dont know if this qualifies as crying.
Anyways i would give anything to be able to experience that again. The first and only person to ever love me and things went so horribly wrong. Both of our faults. I take the vast majority of the blame though. She takes the blame towards the end but the rest of it is my fault.
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hi!! Could i get a matchup for haikyuu and one piece? ⭐️
my prns are she/her, im straight, and im a gemini/enfp!
im 5’3 with looong brown hair (dyed btw my natural hair is black and its growing out so bad rn i def need a root touch up 😭) with tan skin. I like to think im friendly but i got a lil hater in me… 😈 and rn Im trying to be more disciplined instead of always followinf my heart and doing what i want. I can be a lil noncommittal at times too but also working on that rn trust.
im a total dog person so i looove dogs. Love summer. Love the beach!! I also love driving around and hitting up random spots that look cool. Dude i HATE homework. Umm i also dont like tomatoes and i dont like winter either ):
i love surfing and reading manga!! I just love the water in general so i do a lot of kayaking n paddleboarding. I also love gymming and getting 8+ hours of sleep every night HAHA
thank you soo much and have a great tz!!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I am currently up to episode 410 (Amazon Lily) of One Piece, so please keep that in mind while reading. I hope you like your matchups!
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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You and Yamaguchi are very similar but also very different people and I think that’s what makes your relationship work. Where one of you falls short, the other is there to make up for it.
Visiting new places is sometimes out of his comfort zone but he’s more than happy to go with you. With you by his side, he’s got more confidence and he really does enjoy exploring different places.
Admires your ability to just do what you want. He’s pretty self conscious so he struggles to do that himself but he thinks you’re admirable for not worrying about what people think.
Enjoys going to the gym with you. Volleyball takes a lot more strength than people realise so he’s always on the lookout for new ways of gaining muscle.
Definitely a dog person. Yamaguchi loves taking walks with you in neighbourhoods that have a lot of dogs just so you can stop every few houses to say hello to the cute animals.
In One Piece, I match you with...
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Much like Yamaguchi, you and Zoro are similar but different. However, he’s the exact opposite from your previous matchup. While you are the more wild counterpart to Yamaguchi, you’re the more friendly counterpart to Zoro.
I think your willingness to follow your heart and do what you want is one of the main things that drew Zoro to you. It’s what made him join the Straw Hats after all. He thinks it’s a good quality for people to have.
If you’re trying to be more disciplined, he’s more than happy to help. Zoro has amazing discipline and is happy to share tips and tricks with you to help out.
Loves that you enjoy working out and being active. Since that’s one of his main pastimes, he enjoys being able to spend time with you while getting stronger at the same time.
Speaking of his other pastime, Zoro loves napping with you. Anywhere, anytime, you’re likely to be pulled into a warm embrace. Just know you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
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