#and if you do get hate then just delete it! that’s what i do
nappingmoon · 2 days
ex!sukuna x reader - nsfw
wc: 3.1k
you get stuck on the side of the road with no gas and the only one who comes to your rescue is your ex sukuna <3
this can't be fucking real. your car sputters as you pull onto the side of the road before it comes to a halt. your roommate had borrowed your car earlier and returned it with just enough time to drive to your date on time. she didn't tell you, however, that the tank was nearly empty, and you had to ignore the small light that went on as you neared the small bar, not wanting to be rude and arrive late.
the date was alright, and at least he asked you a question or two instead of droning on and on alone for an hour and a half like your last date did. he was handsome and seemed kind enough that you could see him making a great boyfriend for someone else, but there was an unfortunate lack of chemistry between the two of you. there was a promise to talk again soon– one that would surely be broken-- and then you found yourself on your way. driving always gave you time to think and apparently, all the thinking drowned out any warning signs that the car tried to send you before giving out.
you try your roommate first, calling her with the hopes that she's with her boyfriend and he'd be willing to drive to you and at least get you to a gas station. the blaring music in the background of the call gives you an idea of what they're up to and when she turns the camera to her boyfriend with a funnel in his mouth, you cross them off the list.
next you try your date, crossing your fingers that he's still in the area. it goes straight to voicemail. you call again, maybe it was just bad connection or something. voicemail again. "dickhead" you mutter.
your only other friend who would be willing to come pick you up without holding the favor over your head works always works a double on saturdays. you know she'd come pick you up in a heartbeat, but she needs her rest and you decide against calling.
and so you come upon your last option. you and sukuna broke up two months ago and you hadn't seen him since. it was a stupid spat- you don't even remember what the source of the problem was but at some point you just started insulting each other like fucking middle school children. he called you an overbearing bitch, you called him a jealous dickhead who couldn't get over his mommy and daddy issues. things just got away from the two of you and neither of you called to mend things. about a month ago, you just assumed you were now single and when your roommate made you a profile on a stupid dating app, you didn't delete it right away.
and so, here you are now. an empty tank, with no one except him to call. you wince as you type his number in and his contact name appears as scumbag. deciding that calling him is a better option than staying alone in a car on the side of the road all night, you close your eyes and tap the green call icon. it rings once.
"hello?" his voice is gruff and the one word squeezes your heart, making you remember how much you actually miss him, despite hating him sometimes too.
"hi sukuna, i'm sorry to bother. is this a bad time?" you hear voices in the background, he might be at a friend's. even as you ask that, you know he'd drop everything if he knew you were in need.
"what's up princess? you need something?" he uses your old nickname and the heartstrings tug even more. he ignores your question and you know that you were right.
"well, it's not an emergency, but, i ran out of gas and-" you start but don't get to finish your sentence.
"send me your location." is all he says before he hangs up.
you send it. you still had his from when you were dating, but you had stopped sharing yours a week after the argument. you knew he was liable to show up at a club if he knew you were there and didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being able to do that. you were free to do as you please. the map said that he was 22 minutes away.
within 15 minutes, you see a pair of headlights slow. you get out of your car, ready to scold him for speeding but eager to see him again, even if the last time you saw him was on bad terms. confusion enters you, though, when you see an unfamiliar car. out comes a man that you don’t recognize. “hello sweetcheeks,” says the man, walking towards you and grinning far too much for your liking. “you get lost or something?” 
you head back towards your car reaching in to grab your phone but never taking your eyes off the man. “no, I’m not. I am waiting for a friend.” you try to keep your voice assertive and steady but it is difficult when this creep keeps coming towards you. you click sukuna’s contact and send him a text, ‘creepy guy here, please come quick.’ 
“can i wait with ya? you look like you could use a friend and I am great company.” he says, getting too close to the car and too close to you. he responds to your ‘no, thank you.’ with a “aw come on, i’m not gonna do anything to ya. why don’t you want to hang out with me? don’t be a bitch.” 
“sir, i’m really gonna need you to back up right now please.” you’re cornered into your car door and you curse yourself for forgetting to replace the pepper spray on your keychain. your heart seems to be beating through your chest but you can see headlights to a much bigger car turning onto the road over the man’s shoulder. sukuna’s truck roars closer and you could almost cry in gratitude. the man in front of you doesn’t seem to notice the lights nor the man bounding towards the two of you. just as he goes to reach your hand, sukuna grabs the man’s shoulder and pulls him away from you, bending his arm behind his back so far you are sure it’s going to snap at any moment. 
“listen here you degenerate piece of lowlife scum. the only reason you have your face still intact is because i’m on fucking probation and I don’t need to go to jail over some fucking incel who can’t take no for an answer. now you’re going to walk back to your car and drive on the fuck home and if i ever catch you around here creeping again, you won’t have enough limbs or teeth to try it a third time. got it?” the man nods and whimpers as sukuna releases his arm, running over to his car and speeding off.
sukuna turns to you to ask you if you’re alright but lets out a small ‘umph’ in surprise when you run into his chest and wrap your arms around him. he places a hand on your head and rubs it back and forth, muttering a “yeah, yeah” as you thank him over and over. he grabs your chin to tilt your head up to him and looks into your glassy eyes as he asks “you alright, princess?”
you nod, but don’t unwrap your arms from his torso– refusing to release your lifeline. you burrow your head into his chest again, needing a moment to ground yourself before returning to reality. he huffs, but squeezes you tight, rubbing his thumb on your shoulder. you stand like that for a minute or two before he pushes you back. “come on, let's fix your car and get you warmed up. it’s cold out here.” then he takes a look at your outfit. “hold on, where the fuck were you?”
your cheeks warm, remembering that you really tried to look cute for this date. you paired a cute slip dress with a cardigan and some short strappy heels. an outfit wasted on a man who showed up in shorts and a graphic tee but you suppose sukuna seeing you in it is at least a plus. “just a bar.” you say, while looking to the side.
he grabs your chin and brings your eyes back to him, a favorite move of his apparently, and scans your face. “you were with a guy, huh? what the fuck? are you cheating on me?” he asks incredulously.
“what? you haven’t talked to me in two months. I thought we broke up!” you reply, equally confused.
“I thought you were doing your fucking ‘healing’ or whatever the fuck you girls do! I gave you space because i was trying to be mature and let you calm down.”
“who lets someone calm down for two months? you didn’t think to call me and ask? what is wrong with you?” 
“you! you are fucking wrong with me. whenever it comes to you its like all fucking reasonable thought goes out the window! how the fuck was I supposed to know it was okay to reach out? and, what, we don’t talk for a little and you think it’s okay to go talk to other guys? you’re mine, don’t you remember that? or did our dry spell fuck with your head? did you think you could get over me by dressing up for some loser and getting mediocre dick?” 
yes. “no! it wasn’t like that kuna. I just, i don’t know. you were so mean and then you didn’t reach out and i thought that was it between us. I thought i needed to move on.” 
he bends over so that you are eye level with each other. “there’s no fucking ‘moving on’ baby. you’re stuck with me forever.”
upon hearing those words, it’s like all the sentiment from before truly comes flooding back into you. your body seems to move on its own, surprising the both of you when you close the gap between your lips. his fist finds its way into your hair and the other grabs your waist, pulling you closer. these months were the longest you have gone without sex and you didn’t know how much you had missed it until you were back in sukunas hands with his tongue in your mouth. he moves his knee between your thighs as much as your dress will let him. the friction isn’t enough and you whine and squirm in his arms. “aw, is my baby all needy? do you need more?” he teases, the words leaving his mouth and meeting yours. 
you drag your hands down his back and then slip them under his shirt to roam around his abs. fuck, you’ve missed this. “please, please kuna, need more.” 
sukuna growls and pulls you back, closing the door to the driver’s seat and opening the door to the back row. he tugs your arm and maneuvers you like a doll until you’re laid across your back seats. sukuna kneels on the floor outside the car and tugs your hips to the edge of the outermost seat before hiking up your dress to your waist. he growls when he realizes you aren’t wearing panties. “are you fucking kidding me? you had this pretty pussy ready and open on a first date? like some slut?” 
he bites the inside of your thigh and you cry out “no, ryo, the lines just ruin the dress. I promise.” he’s looking up at your frown and your watery eyes and you look so sincere and so adorable and he can’t take it anymore. he sticks his head into your heat, lapping at you like he hasn’t had a meal since the last time you saw him.
“fuck, baby. I’ve missed your taste so much. his fingers dig into your hips, keeping you in place as your back arches and your head digs into the seat. you can’t stop your squirming as sukuna sucks at your clit and your hands claw at your sides and the seat in search of something to grasp. sukuna grips your left leg and adjusts it so that it lays over his right shoulder. he brings your hand into his hair before dipping to play with your clit, his head lowering to kiss and swirl his tongue all around your pussy. with his other hand, he intertwines his fingers with yours, not even needing to look up to find your hand. of course he doesn’t look away– he’s entirely focused on using his tongue to make you forget anyone but him exists. he uses the palm of the hand that’s intertwined with yours to press on your tummy, making you see stars.
“fuck, ryomen, i’m gonna cum. please pleasepleasepleaseplease” your words blend together as the pleasure gets to your head. the fingers over your clit have found a deadly rhythm and when paired with his tongue that pushes in and out of you, you truly don’t stand a chance. he lets out small words that you can’t hear but the vibrations are enough to send you over the edge, crying out and squeezing your thighs around him like a vice. as you come down from your high you let sukuna move you up, making space for him to get into the car and close the door behind him. 
you’re dazed as you watch him unbuckle his belt and pull the waistband of his boxers down. His dick slaps his abdomen, hard and pulsing. he fists himself as he licks his lips, smirking. “delicious as always princess. now are you gonna let me in?” and you don’t think you could nod faster. you’re almost positive that there are hearts in your eyes as you watch him line himself up with you, fingers playing with your clit a little before spreading you for his tip. he rolls his hips forwards just enough so the tip catches and the stretch is already dizzyingly good. he curses, “holy fuck, did you not touch yourself at all while you were alone?”
“I did, my fingers just weren’t enough.” you whine, and the image of you in bed horny and frustrated because your little fingers weren’t hitting all the spots that he could makes him impossibly harder. 
“fuck, baby, I didn’t just ruin you for any other guy, I ruined you for yourself too, huh? nothing else will do for this pretty pussy but my cock or my fingers or my mouth. what a spoiled little cunt you have.” he laughs. you have had enough of his teasing and try to roll your hips to get more in. “alright alright I get it. easy baby, easy. by the way, what did you have for dinner tonight?” 
confused, you reply “chicken francaise, wh–” but you don’t get to finish your sentence, interrupted by sukuna fully thrusting into you. you gasp, the sting of your walls stretching to accommodate him intense even after cumming once already.
“I figured a distraction might help you relax a little better but holy fuck you’re tighter than I could have imagined. you really must have barely touched yourself while I was gone. don’t worry, this pussy won’t get neglected again.” he says, and rolls his hips again. sweat drips down your forehead as he leans over to kiss you, working his hips into yours in a delicious rhythm. as soon as you notice that his thumb has started rubbing your clit, he bites your bottom lip and the pain and pleasure mix into a mind numbing, all encompassing haze. he brings his other hand to pinch your nipple and it is enough to send you over the edge again.
being the man that he is, however, he does not let you catch a break before flipping you over to be on your hands and knees. you’re crouched and you’re sweaty and it’s hot as he slides against you but nothing has been more erotic and you find that you love it. he’s merciless now, hips snapping into yours as he chases his own pleasure. there’s just one thing he can’t get out of his mind. “did you like having your fun? was going out with those losers everything you had hoped for and more?” he spits the words into your ear, the smack of his hips getting rougher and rougher as he speaks.
it’s all you can do to turn your head and whine out “n-no! only wanted you ryo, hated going out with other guys.” you pout just remembering it. “please make me forget about them. I only ever want you.” the request is enough to send him into overdrive, and he sticks his fingers into your mouth to shut you up, knowing that he was going to be seconds away from coming if you uttered another word. you moan at the taste of yourself and at the feeling of him so deep inside you. you suck his fingers clean running your tongue across his digits. some of the spit escapes and drips down the side of your mouth and the sukuna goes wild at the debauchery of it all. 
“fuck, fuck fuck fuck i’m gonna cum, where do you want it princess?” he groans, hips stuttering as he tries to hold his release back.
there is, of course, only one right answer. “inside!” you keen, pushing your hips back to try to give him nowhere to escape to. 
“dirty fucking girl.” he snarls. “I’ll give you my cum– don’t worry princess, it’s all yours.” he says before groaning and stilling inside you. you feel the warmth fill you and grin, knowing that it is where it’s supposed to be. he turns your head and kisses you with fervor before pulling you back and sitting you on his lap. you lay your head on his chest, catching your breath and basking in the feeling of being in his arms once again. 
“so, are you really on probation?” you ask, rubbing your thumb in circles over one of the tattoos on his chest.
“yeah, I told you, i go crazy when it comes to you. after our argument i went out and got into a fight with the first person who was stupid enough to respond to my antagonizing. got caught kicking the shit out of him because I was so in my head. don’t fucking leave me again, I don’t think i’d survive the next one. well, i might, but the next guy I fight probably wouldn’t.”
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theyluvkarolina · 3 hours
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· . ୨���⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` I feel so much lighter like a feather with you out my life, With you out my life ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃?: Yes! (Part of 1K Event!)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Being with Carlos was magical and always made you felt as if you were on cloud 9. But him breaking everything off so suddenly and moving on oh so quick? What better way than to show him what he’s missing than with all of your success.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Carlos Sainz x Fem!Reader, very slight Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ I use photos of Rebecca and she will be mentioned in it in here but no hate what-so-ever sent to her! (hate on her will be deleted.), no exact fc but i will only use photos of sabrina for music themed posts and the crying story ONLY (my next fic is all sabrina fc)!
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ still mad about the croatia vs spain game so i’m taking my anger out on carlos 😭😭. HOLY SHIT I DID THIS ALL IN ONE DAY!! NEW RECORD!!
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y/n_l/n has posted a story 10 seconds ago!
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[1: WTF JUST HAPPEND?!] [2: well this is ironic.] [3: i hate men!!]
1,307 replies to your stories!
username3 …the smooth operator song…? oh god…
username4 THE BOOK QUOTE TOO???
lilymunihe girl. open the groupchat rn.
franscica.cgomes do i have to kill a man???
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by francisca.cgomes, lilymunihe, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
y/n_l/n oh i see how it is then.
francisca.cgomes ✔︎ hottie mcmommy
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ dump ur bf so we can date and run off to the country side 💋 → francisca.cgomes ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n already on it 🏃‍♀️ → pierregasly ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n that is my girlfriend??? → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ pierregasly not anymore!🤭
alexandrasaintmleux pretty girl 🎞️ 📸
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ so shush you’re the pretty one 🥹🩷 → alexandrasaintmleux @ y/n_l/n that’s not what the camera said when i took these photos 🫶 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ alexandrasaintmleux 🫣 → charles_leclerc ✔︎ @ alexandrasaintmleux 🤨
lilymunihe ✔︎ ate
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ devoured
username5 carlos fucked up big time letting her go 🤤
username6 what kika said was so real
→ username7 FRRR
landonorris ✔︎ i can treat you better
→ username9 HELLO?? → username10 lando wtf are you doing here 😭 → username11 GIRLIE JUST GOT SINGLE 💀 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ LEAVE RN LANDO 😭😭 → landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n doesn’t hurt to shoot my shot 😞
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carlossainz55 ✔︎
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liked by vinijr, sergioramos, djokernole and others
carlosainz55 rest and relaxation 🌊 🌞
username12 why did you dump our queen 😞
username14 who is that woman???
→ username15 guys start a witch-hunt rn. → username16 @ username15 I’M ON IT!! → username17 or we can leave this woman alone??? → username18 @ username17 no → username19 @ username17 no → username20 @ username17 no → username17 oh ok → username16 @ username14 FOUND HER BECAUSE SHE WAS IN THE LIKES AND IN HIS FOLLOWING. her name is rebecca and she’s a scottish model! here is her username: @ iamrebeccad
username17 rest and relaxation my ass.
username18 how tf do you move on from a gf that fast
→ username19 a word that starts with m and ends in y
username20 i feel like carlos is about to get some karma
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carlossainz55 ✔︎
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liked by iamrebeccad, carlitosalcarazz, racerbia, and others
carlossainz55 Australia is in the bag, all thanks to my amazing support! 🇦🇺 ✅
tagged ; iamrebeccad, scuderiaferrari
username21 and y/n wasn’t that amazing support??
username22 no because y/n literally stopped her music career, arranged some concerts around HIM so she can support HIM.
→ username23 she never had to do that tho… → username24 @ username23 but she did. and she was amazing support.
username25 she’s cute and i wish them the best… but i really hope that he doesn’t do her dirty just like what he did with y/n.
*��︎ by @ y/n_l/n!*
→ username25 UHM… Y/N LIKED MY COMMENT?? → username29 @ username25 she’s here to support the girls not the men that did her and others dirty. → username26 @ username25 idk… the whole relationship gives pr → username27 @ username26 EXACTLY??? out of all the photos we see, she’s the only one that seems in love :( → username28 @ username27 poor girl doesn’t even realize she’s being used for carlos and ferrari pr to make carlos back in the good books 💀
iamrebeccad ✔︎ so proud!! ❤️🥹
→ username29 it’s been a hour and he hasn’t even acknowledged the comment. poor girl.
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by landonorris, maddiezielger, bellahadid, and others
y/n_l/n might have took everything else, but left the keys to the villa!! thanks for the free trip with my girls ❤️
tagged ; alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, lilymunihe
username30 HELLO??
username32 deserved tbh. you take that boy’s villa!!
charles_leclerc ✔︎ where is my credit for driving you all around? 🥴
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ …whoopsies..? → alexandrasaintmleux credit? mon amour you volunteered to drive us around 😭 → charles_leclerc ✔︎ @ alexandrasaintmleux sorry, i don’t trust anyone else to be driving you all around… 😓 → francisca.cgomes ✔︎ @ charles_leclerc what being a dog dad does to someone
username33 HOTTIE ALERT!!🗣️ 🔥 🚨
lilymunihe ✔︎ mwah mwah, dumping alex for you rn.
→ alexalbon ✔︎ y’know i can see this right?? → lilymunihe ✔︎ @ alexalbon even better → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ lilymunihe tee hee
landonorris cool water (it’s not the water i’m looking at)
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ ENOUGH OF THIS LANDO 😭😭 → charles_leclerc ✔︎ you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point 😓 → alexalbon ✔︎ mate 💀
username33 the way she also looks so much lighter like a feather in the wind.
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ lighter..? feather…? hm. i like your thinking.
y/n_l/n has posted a story 26 seconds ago!
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[1: back in the studio 🤭🤭] [2: taking a small break] [3: tee hee stay tuned]
1,049 replies to your stories!
username34 OMG???
username36 we hate you carlos but thank you for bringing her back to us 🫶
username37 LETS FUCKING GO??
username38 LET’S GO?
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by spotify, laufy, youtubemusic and others
y/n_l/n Surprise surprise! Listen to my new song Feather, along with my album ‘Emails I Can't Send!’ 🤍
username39 WHAT
username42 miss girl saved summer single handedly.
→ username43 “fine. I’ll do it myself.”
→ username45 me too.
alexandrasaintmleux my girl 🩷 your songs were absolutely amazing! so honored to be one of the firsts to listen!!
→ charles_leclerc ✔︎ wait, you listened before me?! the one who does music?! → alexandrasaintmleux @ charles_leclerc 😅 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ charles_leclerc alex is my special girl!! dw charles i still love you, my adoptive brother 🩶
francisca.cgomes ✔︎ I COULD LISTEN TO IT ALL DAY 🫶🥹
landonorris ✔︎ congrats you muppet 🙃
→ username45 lando not thirsting for once?? → landonorris ✔︎ @ username45 hey i can be proud of my friend 😒 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ landonorris 🥹🫶
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y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by spotify, vouge, applemusic and others
y/n_l/n I’m so sorry for your loss! What a wonderful first concert!! Thank you so much to everyone that showed up! ❤️✨
spotify ✔︎ songs of the summer??
username56 I WANT THE DRESS 🥹🥹
→ usernme57 it’s a need. not a want
username58 not even joking she’s the prettiest woman ive ever seen.
lilymunihe ✔︎ screaming.
→ francisca.cgomes ✔︎ crying. → alexandrasaintmleux @ francisca.cgomes throwing up. → username60 i love them all being so supportive 🥹
landonorris ✔︎ need help removing that dress? looks sorta heavy.
→ username61 aw hell nah man → username62 HE HASN’T GIVEN UP YET → username63 @ username62 HOW??? 😭😭 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ lando. the only heavy thing you’re getting is my heavy hand against your face → landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n kinky??? → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ landonorris i’m not talking to you anymore wtf 😭
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This user has been blocked!
y/n_l/n has posted 5 seconds ago!
y/n_l/n ✔︎
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liked by landonorris
y/n_l/n You want me? I'm done. You miss me? No duh.
landonorris ✔︎ …so… dinner?
→ y/n_l/n ✔︎ fine. only so you can shut up. → landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n 😋😋 → y/n_l/n ✔︎ @ landonorris ur such a dork. → landonorris ✔︎ @ y/n_l/n and you love it 😚
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crybabysano · 1 day
hello lovely! you want sanzu food, i shall feed you some of my fav hcs! (i went a little crazy with this,, i love him a little too much...)
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١٥٧٤♡ sfw:
haru is def shy at first. whether its about being friends or having a crush, he's not the best at starting a conversation :c
once the two of you get closer, he tries to act tough and cool when you hang around his friends, but when the two of you are alone he's not 100% affectionate but he does demand your attention.
hold his hand!! sometimes he needs a little reassurance, or if he gets overwhelmed, as long as you're nearby he'll calm down <3
if/when the two of you start dating, he tries too hard to give you gifts. sometimes you'll wake up to a package being delivered and it'll either be a cute plush he found, or his favorite cheesecake (he'll be coming over to eat it with you later, so make sure to save some!)
he loves to be the big spoon! resting his chin on the top of your head, holding you so close that you think you're going to suffocate, using his thumbs to rub soft circles on your back or stomach depending on how you're laying.
sometimes, though, he wants to be the little spoon. as much as he'll deny it, he loves to be taken care of sometimes.
now, for nsfw mdni below the cut
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he loves your tits a sickening amount, always staring at them. you've caught him a few times but he plays it off by saying he just zoned out, and you're nice enough to believe him.
but what about...
ʚɞ best friend!haru who plans movie hangouts/sleepovers just to see you in your pajamas, staring at your thighs in shorts just a little too tight.
ʚɞ best friend!haru who hogs the blanket to cover his erection when your nipples perk through the thin fabric of your tank-top. it's not his fault he has to keep the ac low, he hates sweating ;p
ʚɞ best friend!haru loves taking pictures of you to post on your social medias, but sometimes he'll take a few when you're not paying attention. if you catch him, he swears he'll delete them!! just after he's done drooling and jerking off to them...
ʚɞ best friend!haru buying you a new swimsuit that matches his, purposefully getting a size too small because he loves the way your tits spill out of the top. bonus if you had a small nip slip and he didn't say anything until you were getting out of the water.
ʚɞ best friend!haru confessing one night after a few too many drinks, taking you back to his place to rip off your dress and finally press his face between your breasts, kissing and sucking small hickeys onto them.
₊˚ෆ bf!haru eating you out before he fucks you into tomorrow, drawing hearts on your clit and sucking it to hear your pretty moans and squeals.
₊˚ෆ bf!haru hugging you from behind after a long day at work, pressing himself against your ass while he plants soft kisses on your shoulders and neck.
₊˚ෆ bf!haru begging to fuck your tits, squishing them against his aching cock. he cums a little too fast...
₊˚ෆ bf!haru whose aftercare consists of wiping you down, bringing you some water and leftover cheesecake, feeding it to you while you sit on his lap in a pair of his boxers and t-shirt ♡
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© property of crybabysano '24. do not repost, modify, translate, or copy.
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jawxme · 2 days
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You were almost asleep when your phone buzzed against your pillow, causing you to wake up in a bit of a shock. You hated falling asleep watching TV…but you did it almost every night. You reached under the throw pillow to find your phone. The lock screen was too damn bright, so you squinted your eyes to read the notification.
New Message: Carmy - Are you up? I know I said I didn't but I think I need you tomorrow. Can I count on you?
You read the message a few times over. You started working at Carmen Berzatto's restaurant a few weeks ago and quickly became enamored by the chef. He was handsome and smart, you couldn't help it! Between the small compliments on your dishes and the way you seemed to always give each other little smirks... you felt something. You typed back.
Yes, I can make that happen. You caught me before I fell asleep.
The little bubble popped up to show that he was typing. You couldn't help but imagine him in his own apartment, sitting on the couch or lying in bed, texting you. You held back a smile at the thought. Your phone buzzed in your hand.
Yes what? And I need you to be on time. 9 AM.
You rolled your eyes, picturing Carmen at home and smiling at his own text. You were never late. Never. And he always made fun of you for it. He said you must sit outside the door until the exact moment you are scheduled. And of course, he expect you to say Yes, Chef.
No shit. Heard. And Yes, Chef.
You smiled at your phone, rolling over onto your back. You checked the clock. 11:52pm. Damn. It was later than you thought. Your phone buzzed again.
Good. See you tomorrow.
You didn't want to say goodnight. You and Carmy had a few nights where you would text and joke around just slightly. You wanted to initiate more. You wanted to keep talking to him. You inhaled deeply and typed a response.
Carm, I have a question for you. You can tell me to fuck off and go to sleep, but I want to ask... What do you really think of me?
Your finger hovered over the send icon for a moment. You considered deleting it, but you pressed send. You watched the bubble appear as he was typing. You kept re-reading your message as he typed, feeling embarrassed you even asked. Then, you saw his message come in.
Sometimes you can be reckless and impulsive to a fault. You have a tendency to push my buttons and get on my nerves, but I appreciate your willingness to speak your mind. Overall, I’ll keep you around.
You started typing immediately before you could even think.
I'll keep that in mind. I sometimes like getting a reaction out of you, if I'm being honest. Sometimes it is nice to know I can get under your skin. I like it. Goodnight, Bear.
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*************** the next day, after work ******************
Work kicked your ass. It was a very long day and Carmy was stressed and frazzled. You didn't really have any time to have a personal chat with him, it was all work-related. The only bit of reality you two had was when you dropped a pan that had been searing chicken and you looked up at him when he yelled at you. A few minutes later, he gave you the "I'm Sorry" sign language motion, and you moved on with your day. A million things went wrong during service. You wanted to talk to him again. You pulled out your phone as you sat down on the couch.
Hey, Chef. Service was crazy today. Sorry I didn't have a better grip on things. Hope you're ok. Today was chaotic.
You started making yourself a PB&J sandwich, your usual go-to when you would rather die than cook something. You were spreading the peanut butter when your phone buzzed on the counter.
I appreciate you. Chaotic is one way to describe it. But we made it through. What are you doing?
You finished your sandwich and took a bite. You stared at his message on your screen and contemplated what to say. You held your sandwich in your mouth as you started typing. Fuck it.
Making a PB&J sandwich. Don't laugh. It’s my comfort dinner... Maybe this is stupid and I am just tired, but I need to know. I know you look at me differently than you look at others like Tina. Do you find me attractive?
Send. You felt your stomach curl as you re-read your message. Fuckkkk. What if this ruined your chances of working for him for a long time? Ugh. You couldn't help it, you just had to know. You saw him typing and then not. Typing again, and then not. Shit. You flipped your phone over, you didn’t want to watch. You flipped it back over. Of course you needed to watch. You bit your lip as you saw the text come in.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't.
Christ. You felt your stomach do a few more curls as you took in what he sent. He was still typing and you waited anxiously, your thumbs hovering over the screen.
…But we have to remain professional. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if Richie found out? We would never hear the end of it.
You knew he was right. You smirked as you typed a response.
Oh, Nat would be so smug too. We can just keep it between us.
You walked to your bed as you waited for his response. You felt high, knowing that you and Carmy were finally acknowledging this attraction. Your phone buzzed.
That is for the best. We can keep it under wraps for now. And as long as you don't push my buttons too much.
You chuckled as you responded. For now. For now. For now.
Hm. No promises on the button situation. I like to press them.
He heart-reacted to the response, a signal that he was fading away on the couch most likely. You couldn't blame him, you were exhausted.
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******** the next day, after work************
The Beef closed at 6pm on Tuesdays. It was the only day that you didn't close at 10pm. Thank God. You enjoyed being able to have a little bit of evening before you collapsed in bed. You got home and jumped in the shower. You heard your phone buzz as you washed your hair. You smiled, hoping it was Carmy. You hadn't even been apart for an hour, but you secretly hoped he missed you already. You finished washing yourself before stepping out of the shower and reaching for your phone.
Today took a lot out of me, not interested in cooking. I think I'll make a PB&J. Heard you like those. Wanna join?
You held your phone close to your chest as you felt a warmth spreading through your neck and face. This was moving faster than you thought, but you weren't mad about it.
You responded. You hurried to your closet and threw on leggings, a purple sweater, and your boots. You dried your hair and threw on a bit of makeup. Carmy sent you his address along with another text.
Let's keep this low-key. I've got sweatpants on and don't plan on changing.
Carmen Berzatto in sweatpants. The thought made you blush.
*************later that night, Carmy's apartment***********
You walked up to the door and knocked three times. You were so nervous it was almost unbearable. The door swung open and you saw him. Carmen was standing at the doorway and slightly leaning on the doorframe. He had on grey sweatpants and a light blue long sleeve. His eyes were complimenting the shirt nicely. Damn, was he gorgeous. He grinned as his eyes dropped to your lips and then slowly back up to your eyes. It was a slight glance but you noticed it. “Hey..." He was so quiet with his greeting you weren't sure if you imagined it. He stared at you and your eyes glanced behind him into the apartment. "Fuck, right, um...come in.” He said with a furrowed brow, his voice so low it was almost a whisper. When he wasn’t screaming in the kitchen, he was a quiet guy. He stepped to the side so you were able to step in the doorway.
You smiled and slowly looked around his apartment. It was bare. Naked. Horribly white and empty. You felt Carmen’s eyes tracking you as you looked around. “It’s not much but it serves its purpose f'me.” He brought his hand to his mouth and rubbed his chin. While you took in the apartment, he helped you take off your jacket. He tossed it onto a lamp by the front door. You cleared your throat and turned to him. “Hope this is okay…” you motioned to your outfit.
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He smiled and looked down at his own outfit. “Yeah, yeah, definitely okay. When I’m not at work, I just want to…um… to be comfortable.” He tugged on the sleeves of his shirt. You stood around somewhat awkwardly as you watched him get a drink of water for you. He noticed your awkwardness and chuckled. “Sit down! You don’t have to act like a guest. Make yourself comfortable, chef.” He was trying to hide his awkwardness as well.
You sat down in the kitchen on the single stool at the bar top. Carmy started pulling out the bread, peanut butter, and jelly and assembling the sandwiches for the two of you. You still felt awkward and he knew it. “You can relax, y’know. The atmosphere here is different than the restaurant. I’m not gonna…” he sniffled, pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. He raised his hand to the air trying to find the rest of his sentence. “I’m not gonna uh, yell at you or anything.” You blushed hard when he said that. Of course, it filled your mind with the image of him pounding into you against the countertop and barking sexual instructions at you. You tried to stay grounded in the moment when you responded. “Right. Sorry. Those look good.” You looked at the messy sandwiches.
Carmy chuckled, his eyes glancing up at you and then back at the messy sandwiches on the bare counter. “Shut the fuck up.” He tossed the sandwiches on paper plates and put one in front of you. “Eat up, a Berzatto special.” He began. He leaned forward on the counter, only having the one stool forced him to stand. He had his elbows on the counter and leaned forward to you as you took a bite. “I’ve, uh...gotta ask… smooth or crunchy?”
You chewed your bite and covered your mouth with your hand as you licked the peanut butter from your teeth. “Oh, crunchy for sure.” You muttered. Carmy gently slapped the counter and brought his tattooed hand up to his curly locks and raked his fingers through. His arms looked so muscular and perfect… “Correct answer! Didn’t know you were a peanut butter aficionado.” You grinned. “Of course. You’ve gotta have some texture in the sandwich, or else it’s just-“ “Too fuckin' mushy. Yeah, yeah.” Carmen nodded as he finished your sentence and also his sandwich with a huge bite.
Carmy’s eyes were glued to you as you finished up your sandwich. He wasn’t afraid of staring, that’s for sure. The edges of his mouth curled up slowly, he enjoyed watching you eat the food he made. Even if it was just a PB&J.
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After you finished, Carmy took your paper plate and threw it away. “I, uh... Couch?” He mumbled, his arm outstretched to you as he stood on the other side of the kitchen. You wanted to grin at the way he couldn't formulate a proper question, but you didn't think you'd be able to either. You nodded, standing up. He kept his hand reached out, so you took his hand. He led you to the couch. You were obsessed with the fact that you were holding hands with Carmen. It was a ratty old couch. His setup was pretty awful. His little TV was balanced on a card table and the cords were a mess.
He flicked the television on to a random cooking show as you both sat down and then tossed the remote onto the coffee table that was covered in old bills and paperwork from The Beef. The couch was old and sunken in, not ideal for sitting apart from each other. His body immediately slid closer to you and he tossed his arm over your shoulders. “Comfy?” He asked, peering down at you from the corner of his eyes. He didn’t turn to face you, or else your faces would’ve been almost touching. You felt a surge of confidence and you turned your head towards him, gently placing your chin on his shoulder and cuddling up to him. He peeked down at you with that grin once again, the sides of his mouth curling up just slightly. “Very comfy.” You answered him.
You studied Carmen’s face. He had very strong features. His eyes sunk in a way that made him look perpetually sleep deprived. His nose and jaw were both chiseled to perfection. His lips had the perfect “M” curvature. You loved his lips, you would frequently catch yourself staring at them while he smoked cigarettes in front of you. The way the cigarette clung to his upper lip while he spoke would never fail to mesmerize you. He had a slight stubble, but not a beard. His hair was always so fucking messy and disheveled looking, but in a sexy way. Carmen didn’t have to even try to look good. Your thoughts were halted by Carmy placing his hand on your knee. “You uh... See something y'like?” He asked, referencing the way you were just completely staring at him. You felt your face flush. “Sorry, Carm. I am just not used to seeing you in this type of environment. It’s so different. Like… I’m just seeing you as Carmy, not Chef Carmen Berzatto. It’s different for me.”
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“Is it, uh....Good different?” He asked, tilting his head slightly as he turned to look at you. You softly nodded. “Okay.” He whispered. He gently placed his left hand on the side of your face, turning you to completely face him. His thumb gently grazed across your soft skin on your cheek. Your breathing stopped as you looked into his eyes. His stare was almost like a begging, his eyes speaking a language without even trying.
He studied your face, his eyes lingering on your mouth for a moment before sliding his hand up slightly to cup your jaw. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip in a gentle but firm swipe. You felt yourself melting under his touch. You inhaled sharply, your eyes fixed on his face as they slowly swam around your facial features. He smiled slightly when he heard your breath catch. His other hand was still on your knee. He gently tugged on your leg, helping your body pivot towards him.
You leaned in close to his face, the tension thicker than you thought possible. He slowly and carefully touched his lips to yours. You were surprised how gentle it was, but that didn’t last incredibly long. As soon as your lips touched, he pressed his tongue into your mouth. You felt how desperate he was to be close to you. The hand on your jaw moved to the nape of your neck and he kept you pulled close. He tasted like cigarettes and cologne. His grip loosened and you whimpered into the kiss, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long…” You felt him smile into the kiss as he replied. “Me too, but uh...stop talking now?”
He dropped his hands to your waist and gave you a playful squeeze. You continued to make out with Carmy for who knows how long. His strong arm wrapped around your waist as your body twisted on the couch. He pulled you in even closer, his other hand tangling in your hair. He nibbled your lip gently as he let go of your waist. “Lie back."
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You did as you were told and leaned back so you lay flat on the couch. He crawled on top of you without breaking the kiss for more than a few seconds. He placed himself between your legs as his kiss deepened. You’ve never had a kiss like this. It’s like your brain was able to completely shut off, the natural rhythm you both shared was exactly synced up.
You arched your back slightly in efforts to draw yourself closer to him. You peeked your eyes open to see Carmen’s face, completely relaxed and soft. His eyes were closed softly, his eyelashes fluttering lightly. His usually furrowed brow was relaxed for the first time that you had seen. Carmy broke the kiss as he pushed himself up slightly. His curls fell and his upper lip was wet with saliva. “Fuck me.” He whispered as he grinned.
You weren’t sure if that was meant as a compliment or…a request? Carmen cussed a lot. Sometimes it was because something was bad, but sometimes it was because something was really good. You hoped the latter. He slid his hand underneath the hem of your sweater, his fingers grazing over your bare skin. He moved his hand up your stomach and rested it right below your breast. His mouth hovered so close to yours, but far enough that you couldn’t kiss him. “You’re wearing too much.” He whispered as his fingers danced circles on your skin.
You both sat up, Carmen ripped his long sleeve shirt over his head, tousling his hair. You pulled your sweater off and unhooked your bra before throwing them both to the floor. Carmen took a moment to admire your naked chest. “Fuck, you’re uh... you're beautiful.” He mumbled. He reached behind you and laid you down again on the couch. He started placing soft kisses along your neck. His upper lip dragging along your skin between kisses. He left a trail of kisses down to your right nipple before sucking on it softly. You felt yourself melt even further into the couch.
He continued kissing lower until he passed your bellybutton and reached the waistband of your leggings. “Fuck, Carmy…” you whimpered as he dipped his tongue under the waistband, teasing you like crazy. You looked down and saw his nose pressed against your belly as he kissed your skin so desperately. You lifted up your lower half and he immediately grabbed your leggings and slid them down, your panties too. His hands found your upper thighs and he spread your legs slightly.
He kissed the soft skin on your inner thighs and looked up at you. The curls were tickling your skin as his eyes met your gaze. “Do you want me to go down on you?” He asked. Obviously. Duh. Please. Fuck yes. Now. You wanted to scream but all you could do was mutter “Yes…” between gasps. He kissed the spot right above your clit, humming as he did so. “Yes what?” He asked with confidence.
This made you inhale sharply because you knew exactly what he wanted you to say. Your mouth opened slightly as you stared down at him, his eyebrows raised but his eyes focused. “Yes, Chef.” You whispered. He smirked and slid down lower between your legs. He pushed your leggings completely off and grabbed your knees, placing them on his shoulders. “That's right...” he softly praised you as his lips met your core.
Instinctually, your hands grabbed Carmen's curls. You couldn't help it. The way his tongue repeatedly stroked you was driving you insane right away. You tugged on his hair and held him as close as you could. You felt his thumbs on either side of your opening, pressed into you and holding your legs open for his face. His nose was nuzzled against your clit while he ate you out, and you had no complaints.
Two of his fingers dipped between your folds and sunk deep into you. You whined loudly, craving more of him. Usually, you were fairly self-concious about your body and any noises you would make during sex... but with Carmy, you just didn't care. The pleasure was too overwhelming. He was still his shy, awkward self... but during this, Carmen had a surge of confidence, almost like he knew how good he was. He scooted up so his face was close to yours, his fingers still working at your core. "My fingers feel fuckin' good, hm?" He whispered as his lips hovered over yours.
Your face suddenly flushed with embarrassment as you opened your eyes and saw Carmy watching your facial expressions. You reached your hands up and covered your face, but then you felt his fingers stop moving inside you. "No, no, no don't...don't uh, don't cover your face, okay? I like to watch you enjoy it." Carmy whispered, nudging your hands away with his nose. You moved your hands from your face to the sides of his neck and played with his curls. "Yeah, like that...I dunno, it's uh, it's sexy f'me to watch." He grinned and blushed, and so did you.
You felt a surge of your own confidence. "Now you lay down." You whispered and pushed against Carmy's chest. He did not struggle as he quickly leaned back and flopped backwards on the couch. He watched as with wide eyes as you stood up off the couch and found your place on top of him.
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You liked the view of being on top of Carmy. His hair was messy, his cheeks were flushed, and his lips still shiny. His hands immediately found your thighs and hips. He gave them an affectionate squeeze and ran his hands up and down your thighs. He reached his hands towards your face and placed them on your cheeks and sides of your neck. "C'mere..." He whispered. You leaned down and he closed the gap between your mouths. He captured you in a deep and passionate kiss. You rocked back and forth with the kiss, creating some friction against the hardness you could feel in his sweatpants.
He broke off the kiss for a moment and held the sides of your face softly. "You're driving me crazy, y'know that?" He whispered before he went back to kissing you. His tongue was stale with cigarette smoke mixed with your own juices and he was an excellent kisser. Carmen looked down, his hands finding his waistband and tugging at his sweats. "Gotta get these off..." He started pulling them down. You realized he didn't have any boxers on, so when you began helping him pull them down, his hard erection popped out and lay against his lower midsection.
With his waistband now down at his knees, he pulled your hips back down on top of him. He groaned when he felt your wet folds against his cock, they slid up and down on him so perfectly as you shifted your weight. You wanted to tease Carmy.
You began grinding against him, letting your wet folds slide the length of him. Each time you reached his perfect pink head, you paused, wanting to drive him up the wall. You were succeeding. His cheeks flushed more with each glide against his length. His head fell back against the couch cushion as he let out a low groan, his hands desperately gripping your waist in an attempt to adjust your hips for him to enter you. That same feeling of confidence spilled out as you spoke. "Fuck, Carmy, you really want me, don't ya?"
He was growing more desperate with each moment that passed, but hearing you say that made his cock twitch. "Fuck, yeah I do, I really want ya..." he groaned as he reached up to your chest and his hands cupped both of your breasts. "Please, I..." He begged, sighing.
You lifted your hips slightly as you wrapped your hand around his length and held him vertical as you slid down on top of him. The moment his head fully entered you, you both let out a moan. Carmy's moan was desperate and whiny. He was melting. He needed you so badly. His fingers were digging into your hips as you settled back down on top of him, his length stretching you out. He lifted his hips barely to make sure all of him could be inside you. "F-fuck... feels so amazin'..." He whispered between breaths.
He couldn't tear his gaze away from you. He was so submissive for you. He watched in awe, his lips parted as you started riding him slowly. His hands were strong against your hips, but not hurting you. He was attempting to let you set the pace, but his begging grip was speaking for itself. "C'mere..." He exhaled, wanting to kiss you. You leaned forward as you kept riding him. Your mouths met in a messy, desperate kiss. His hand tangled in your hair. His voice was ragged and breathless as he whispered, "Y'feel so fuckin' good. Don't stop ridin' me."
He groaned as he felt you move faster, his cock sliding in and out of you easier. You slowed your pace as you grinned, wanting to torture him a little bit. You bit your lip as he looked at you. That desperate look was gone from Carmy's eyes though. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around your waist and shot up, picking you up and stumbling over to the kitchen counter. He sat you on the countertop, his cock still inside you. He pulled your hips down until you were hanging off the edge, just perfectly so he could fuck you.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest with the sudden power swap. Carmy stared into your eyes as he thrust once, his cock going all the way inside you before sliding out.... and then he did it again. He started fucking you on his countertop. You moaned with each thrust, being completely filled up each time. Carmy was out of breath, but he whispered, "Feels so good, yea?" You nodded your head and exhaled, "Yes.... yes..." Carmy's tattooed hand grabbed your chin roughly which made your eyes shoot open. He was still fucking you at a decent pace, but he held your face still. His eyes wandered to your lips as he softly exhaled "Yes what?"
Fuck, he was so sexy like this. "Yes, Chef." You whined, throwing your head back as he picked up the pace. He loved your compliance, the way you whined your responses. His breath hitched as he felt you wrap your legs around him, pulling him in closer. He grabbed your hips, pulling you even closer to the edge of the countertop, begging the space between you two to dissolve. "Fuck." He grunted.
You felt a heat rising in your lower belly. You knew once you felt this, you weren't going to last much longer. "Carm, I'm... I'm gonna cum..." You mewled as he grunted as a response. His thrusts were irregular and needy, you knew he was close to his orgasm as well. You clawed at his neck, begging for a kiss. He leaned forward and your tongues met in an incredibly sloppy kiss. Carmy's breath was hitching and shaking as he got closer, which made you focus on yours.
You felt the wave building up, the heat growing in your belly, and you snapped your eyes open to watch Carmy start to come undone. "Oh, fuck!" He grunted as he let his orgasm loose. This caused you to teeter over the edge and plunge into the depth of your orgasm as well.
Your brain felt fuzzy. The sound of the both of you breathing heavy was filling the air. Carmy was still inside you, almost holding you in a hug as he caught his breath. He placed kisses against your neck as he took deep breaths through his nose. "Ssshit, that was good." He hissed, taking a step back and allowing his now limp cock to slide out of you. You giggled at the sight of him, all disheveled and exhausted. His eyes were wide and sunken as he rubbed his face, droplets of sweat falling from his brow.
He reached for a dish towel and wiped himself off before gingerly cleaning you up. You sat on the countertop, allowing him to wipe you clean. He took a step back and you hopped down from the counter. He grinned and looked down at the floor and started softly laughing. "What!" You gasped as you started giggling yourself. "Nothin', that was just... really fuckin' good." You loved the way he looked when he laughed, his wrinkles by his eyes and the slight crinkle of his nose.
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You giggled as he brought you a blanket to cover yourself with. "Well, fuck, I didn't know if we would go all the way tonight or just dip our toes in..." He said, still chuckling as his hair fell over his forehead. "Me either." You agreed. Carmy reached his hand out and helped you walk over to his bedroom. Again, a pathetic room with no decorations, just a plain bed against a plain wall. "Sleep with me tonight? I'll set an alarm bright and early so uh, you can get home before we gotta work...and maybe we can do this every Tuesday, if y'want." His hands raked through his curls again as he blushed softly. God, he was so cute. "Sure. Yes." You smiled. Carmy's eyes shifted as he got serious again. "Yes what?"
You rolled your eyes and laid down on his bed. "Yes, CHEF." You laughed. He snickered as he laid down beside you, reaching his arm over to cuddle you. "Ok, good..." He confirmed. "Tuesdays."
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wanderingblindly · 1 day
just read your vampire landoscar and died it was amazing!! but i am so curious - does charles ever realize he was such a shit friend and apologize? does he even know what he did wrong? does oscar hate him so much if he ever does come around? max and oscar interaction/tensions??? the whole time i was so sad for lando cause charles is a horrible friend i was really glad he called his ass out!!
(fic link)
oh my goodness I've genuinely been rambling into a million people's DMs about all the nuances of this fic so THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! One of your questions reminds me of a scene that got cut, so scroll to the bottom to check that out!
Obviously, you're more than entitled to imagine your own answer to these questions. If things are left unsaid,, it's not my place to tell you how to read into it. But in my brain:
Will Charles Ever Change?
Probably not.
Charles is a foil to Lando. He's entirely sure of what he wants, he knows how to get it, he's self-assured, and he's obsessed with power. Because he's compared to where Lando starts in the narrative (introspective, quiet, placating, etc.), it's pretty important that Charles doesn't have the self-awareness to recognize that he's a prick.
In my mind, the relationship completely died that night in the club, and Lando buried it in the café.
But could he grow later?
I think that Max and Charles's relationship is inherently doomed to be mutually destructive. I don't think that they're designed to bring out the best in each other (despite it being implied that they're soulmates -- I suppose soulmates don't always have to be for the better). Because they're so absorbed in each other, I don't think that Charles will ever gain the perspective to understand Lando completely. Meaning he probably won't come around to being a real friend.
What Does Oscar Think About Charles?
I've thought a lot about this, since it's implied that Oscar was definitely... watching... Lando lol. Oscar probably has an immense distrust of Charles, if not just for the fact that he radiates a level of danger that triggers most vampires’ basal instincts.
(if you didn't read Excess -- Charles is almost entirely covered in vampire bites, meaning he should trigger Oscar's fight or flight like no other.)
That said, I also think that Oscar has an understanding that Lando and Charles's relationship is more complex than he can pick apart from the outside. I get the feeling that he wants Lando to be with someone safer -- if not just because he loves him -- but that he'd respect any decision he makes on the matter.
Max and Oscar Vibes?
Max is the type of vampire that Oscar loathes. He's blood-drunk and confident in what he is; Max has embraced the life as a gift (barring sometimes missing human sensations), whereas Oscar views it as a curse. Their perspectives on their eternal life is so fundamentally incompatible that it's unlikely they'd ever get along.
Do I think they'd actually full on fight? No.
But I do think that Oscar would be so tense the entire time they interacted that he could crack his teeth.
Deleted (Incomplete) Scene:
Originally, after the confessional in Oscar's flat, I wanted to keep going. The next scene actually had to do with the state of Charles and Lando's relationship, where we learn that Lando hadn't heard from him -- and that he hadn't reached out, either. We get the impression that the relationship was completely dead, severed.
"I haven't talked to Charles since I told him to leave," Lando says mindlessly, sliding Oscar's cup in front of his usual seat. He grabs it and draws in a deep breath, the memories of caffeine doing little to alleviate the blue under his eyes. "D'you miss him?" Did he really know him well enough to? Lando shrugs. "Y'know how you kinda, like… miss something because it's over, not because you actually wanted it to keep going?" Oscar nods along, eyes fluttering closed – relaxed. "End of an era." "Era makes it sound like a good thing," Lando chuckles, tilting his head when Oscar raises a brow in silent question. "Nothing good about it then? At all?" In the daylight, they slowly peel apart each other's layers, step gently into the shadows they carry. Lando hasn't asked how much Oscar had gleaned about his and Charles's relationship, if he recognized him as a riptide feigning gentleness. The wounds felt too fresh, the mistakes too recent, and yet. "I'm…" He starts uncertainly. Oscar doesn't open his eyes, doesn't move – like waiting for Lando is easy. The years in Charles's orbit feel like a blur, like watching events that happened to someone else. They're a book with ink that fades with each page – starting bold in its desperation, ending weakly in its passive acceptance. "Not good enough to remember," Lando finally answers, and Oscar drops his brow. "I probably wouldn't have been better without him, I guess. Like, I would have ended up somewhere… different but similar, just with someone else. Might as well have been him, if it had to be someone." Need you more than anything else on earth. Because at least Charles sometimes put a word to that cold, lonely spot between Lando's ribs. Or maybe prodded at it like a contusion, dark and hideous and violent. But he saw it all the same. Shaking his head, clearing it away, Lando changes the subject. "What about you? Do you still talk to anyone from…" He trails off, lips frozen around the word: before. Opening his eyes and putting down his cup, Oscar stares down into it. Pensive. But he promised to try. Lando can see the weary determination in the pressed line of his pale lips – maybe the same wherewithal that keeps his fangs tucked safely out of sight. "I text my family, so they don't think anything's wrong." It leaves a lot unsaid. Lando let's the unspoken fill the time and space between them, resting his back against the counter. Until Oscar looks up at him, eyes finding his own like how Lando always imagined coming home should be – easy. "But everyone else, it's…" A sigh, agitated fingers combing through flat hair. "Complicated." He aims for reassuring. "I know," Oscar averts his gaze anyway. "I quit my job." It's that same tone, that same pinched anguish that evokes memories of tears he can no longer shed. "D'you miss it?" "It's all I ever wanted to be, I –" His throat cuts him off, painfully tight. Lando wonders, not for the first time, how beautiful his emotions would be with the flush of life. And he wonders, anew, if Oscar can feel the difference. Shaking, small: "They were so proud of me." Between beats of his bleeding heart, Lando wonders what that feels like. "You're still the same person though," Lando tries, stopping when Oscar buries his face in his hands, elbows propped up on the counter. "'m not." "You are –" Fiery enough to burn, even muffled through his hands: "Would you want a fucking monster to help you?" "Already did." Lando smiles like a gotcha, flashing his wrist for emphasis. Oscar must sense it, peeking between his fingers. "Almost like you're still you, huh?"
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notcalvinklein · 2 days
Yeah, so I’ve been seeing this for a while and I’ve finally come out to speak about it. This is not to cause drama, so if you see this and reply in a passive-aggressive manner, you’ll most-likely either be blocked out your comment will be deleted.
Okay so, y’all know how I’m in the Osmosis Jones fandom, right? You guys also know that I am a minor, so this is coming from a younger person’s perspective as well.
To get straight to the point: I’ve been looking through the main Osmosis Jones tag, and most of the stuff I’m met with is porn from accounts like Kharsagi, and supporters like JellyFishSun, stuff like that. And to be completely honest, it’s beginning to make me uncomfortable. And I’m sure that it makes a lot of people, minors or not, uncomfortable as well.
Am I saying that I hate not-safe content and such in general? No, but I AM saying that simply telling people that it’s a ‘minor DNI’ page isn’t going to stop minors from interacting, and as a grown adult you know damn well that kids will come across it as some point.
“You can just block them!” That doesn’t change what I have seen already, and that doesn’t change anything when it comes down to other minors seeing it as well. Not only that, but there’s adults on this app/Twitter that I’m sure who’ll agree.
“They are just being themselves!” I’m not saying that they can’t, but I am saying that this needs to stop. People should have the basic human decency to spoiler not-safe works, especially full-grown adults that one: know exactly how the internet is, and two: have had the choice in front of them from the very start, yet don’t do so anyway.
Not only this is a problem, but there’s also other things that I notice as a biracial trans-masculine man that just rub me off the wrong way. Before I continue, I’m going to remind you that again, this is from my viewing standpoint, if you disagree then that’s fine, just know that starting an argument over this isn’t going to change my mindset.
Other things that I have seen/unnerve me:
- The specific targeting these people have with Osmosis and Thrax. If you want to ship them then go ahead, just don’t make it look like a fetishization.
- How most of the fanfics (which are SMUT) have either Osmosis or Thrax as a trans-masculine man. It’s just weird man.
- These people interacting with minors despite not wanting them on their accounts (both Twitter and Tumblr).
- The way that they project their kinks onto Thrax…specifically the whole ‘muzzle and chains’ thing. Like, if you wanna do that, then that’s fine, but as background information: Thrax is a black-coded character, putting him up in chains and such is just…odd to me, in a way.
In all honesty, stuff like this rubs me off the wrong way, several ways, and I thought that it would be best to call this out while I had a clear head.
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ciahasnolife · 7 hours
I knoooow, I should post the second part of the loscar fic but... I might've or might not have been working on a lestappen omegaverse fic?
So here's a wip of it
So the problem with being an omega while everyone thinks you're an alpha is that they treat you like an alpha. It's not like Max wanted any special treatment, exactly the opposite of that. That's why he hid his secondary gender from the public who just then assumed he's an alpha. With his board shoulders, his careless reputation towards the media and with his bluntness it was logical. Since the FIA and pretty much everyone in the paddock already knew, he doesn't have to tell the world which he is grateful for.
He would hate being pictured as a fragile, weak person who needs someone to take care of him. He is a lot of things but weak is not one of them. But sometimes - just sometimes - when people boo at him for example on the podium at the Miami GP, he just wants to hide in his nest, curled around his boyfriend, who would then draw circles on his back with his other hand soothingly in his hair.
There are two problems with that. One is that he for obvious reasons can't do that and the other is that he doesn't have a boyfriend. He doesn't want to share with anyone that he's an omega because of the fear of them telling the whole world if something goes wrong between them, his father made sure he developed this fear very soon after he presented as an omega. His father was so angry and ashamed of him because of something he couldn't even change. So now, he doesn't really trust anyone except for the ones who already know, not that he would have the time for dating, he's too busy breaking records.
Besides, he wouldn't want anyone else but a certain man with the most charming style you've ever seen and his hot accent, a dream come true. Of course, with a personality and looks like that, the alpha has omegas after himself 24/7. Max couldn't even stand a chance.
The point is, that when people whistle or boo at him, he just wants to hide away. Under the covers or preferably behind the alpha but of course in those moments he can't do either.
So when he's about to do his interview, which he doesn't want either and if neither the fans are interested, they could all just leave it, but no, the fans have to boo at him and whistle and make him feel bad because neither of the Ferrari drivers could catch him, he couldn't be more grateful for Charles to shush them. And if he's being completely honest, it makes him fall for the monégasque even more.
He shoots a quick smile at the other and does his interview then goes on with his day like he always does on quali days. Team debrief, stay in with GP to find the perfect strategy for tomorrow's race, go back to the hotel, get the scent blockers off and go shower. What he doesn't expect is a message waiting for him as he gets out of the shower from someone who makes his heart flutter.
Hey, just wanted to check on you, if you're okay?
I know that the Italian fans can be a bit harsh on everyone who isn't at Ferrari.
I'm sorry they're so mean to you :(
And Max can't believe his eyes. Because one, did Charles really waste even a minute on texting him instead of basking in the love of the Tifosi and two, was that a sad face?
He just shakes his head and replies.
Yeah, everything's alright.
Thanks for shushing them, means a lot
The last bit gets deleted before he sends it. Not like it doesn't mean a lot, he's just afraid that he's giving away too much and the younger will learn about his embarrassingly huge crush on him.
He doesn't think too much of it though just makes his way over to his suitcase to get a fresh pair of boxers out of it.
But as he goes back to the bed and picks his phone back up with his WhatsApp with the monégasque still open, he sees the three dots pop up and then disappear only to reappear seconds later.
It makes the omega curious because even if they’ve been on good terms, friends even with the other for a while now they don't really talk outside the track on race weekend so the first message was already unexpected just as it was also sweet of the alpha to check on him, Max can't even take a guess on what the other would want from him.
As he was thinking the text finally came in so he checks it with a bit too much enthusiasm. And Max once again can't believe his eyes.
Which hotel you're staying at?
Just as he goes to reply, another bubble comes up.
Fuck, no, that sounded weird.
I meant if I could come over to keep you company and I could also get away from the fans waiting for my every move under my window.
It is of course okay if you want to be alone I totally understand that too
Just thought we could hang out a for a bit play
With each mesaage his eyes open wider. Surely Charles finally lost his mind. I was only a matter of time anyway with the shitbox he has under him. He, however, doesn't want to be rude so he sends out a message that - hopefully - doesn't give away too much of how excited he is.
Sure, I have my FIFA on me if you're in the mood of losing
He can only hope that the other gets the joke because Max has been told that he's a dry texter several times. But today, luck decided to be on his side.
Ooh, it's on
Send the address, Verstappen
If you dare;)
And with a grin that could blind the Tifosi camping outside the alpha's hotel, Max sends the address.
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artist-issues · 2 days
*peeks in* hiiii, I know I've sent you like 10 asks or something crazy in like twenty minutes but I have one more whoops
what do you think about The Chosen? I know I have very strong grievances against it (y'know, the fact that they are adding things to the Bible is really sus), but also recognize that unbelievers are watching it (especially with their families) and learning about Jesus and Christianity when they would not be otherwise. I still think that the cons outweigh the pros though.
what do you think of it?
Full disclosure. I have only seen maybe the first three or four episodes of the Chosen. I also attended church with and have met and had conversations with Dallas Jenkins. I supported it.
And I hate The Chosen.
If all of reality is a story that God is telling—the timeline is His, we, the characters, are His, the Main Point/Theme is His—and it is—then that means, that when telling His Story, God chose how to tell it.
When a storyteller creates their world and their characters, they know everything about that story and those characters. But they chose not to tell everything. They choose to cut out some details that are irrelevant to how they want their audience to get to know their characters, for the purpose of perfectly communicating their Main Point. Deleting scenes and hand-picking which details get screentime is part of storytelling.
So God saw and ordered the moments where Jesus was probably laughing with His disciples, or playing with children, and God/Jesus chose the tone of voice that He preached in. Those moments, those things, happened.
But He didn’t choose to tell us about all of them.
He, the Original Storyteller, the Perfect storyteller, told the most important story of all time. And He told it perfectly. And He chose to omit some scenes that actually happened and some details about what Jesus and the disciples were like, walking around together.
And those choices were right. They were the best way to tell the story.
But then Dallas Jenkins comes along and says, “No, God, you cut some of the best scenes. People need to see how like us Jesus was. Yeah, I know You told them how much He was like us—but I think they need to see more. You won’t let me see the deleted scenes? That’s okay, I’ll make them up. And then I’ll re-tell Your story—it wasn’t relatable enough the first time when You told it.”
The more someone thinks Dallas Jenkins was trying to reach people by presuming to tell Jesus’ life story better than God Himself has, the worse the implications are. He thinks he can tell the most important story of all time better than God did?
No wonder he makes so many freakin mistakes. No wonder the Jesus-character in Jenkins’ show goes “maybe”—He uses the word “MAYBE?!”—when He, who is supposed to be TRUTH ITSELF, is PREACHING.
That doesn’t make sense, Jenkins. And not only does it not make sense, but you just contradicted the literal Bible, which mentions over and over the authority and exact words Jesus preached with. And you know what else you did? You got the most important living thing in all of existence, the most important man who ever walked this earth, completely wrong. And that’s what you’re “reaching people” with.
It’s awful. So then when the little interviews where he’s partnering up with cults and people of different faiths that believe vastly unbiblical things about the real Jesus to make this show, or when members of the cast are all “sin is awesome,” or when Dallas Jenkins says something outrageously disrespectful to people who are mad at him for mischaracterizing their God on social media…this is my surprised face.
Because I saw what he was doing and it didn’t sit right with me three episodes in. The most important question any human being can genuinely answer in their lifetime is “Who is Jesus?” The most important story you can ever be exposed to is Jesus’ story.
And The Chosen gets both those things so horrifyingly wrong—but the whole time it’s dressed up like this earnest, God-honoring attempt at evangelism and love. When really it’s a cash-grab, a heartstrings-tangler, and a vanity project for Dallas Jenkins.
Thanks for asking.
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rottonfishie · 1 day
Hello! I love your au and art!! :D
My question is what is Ne Zha's relationship with the Immortals (Chang'e, Erlang, Sun Wu Kong, Macaque, Lady Ivory ect)
(these are optional so if you don't want to answer them it's fine)
Does he have a tv show like Chang'e? Maybe his own channel?
Also will/did he and his brothers (Mu Zha and Jin Zha) resolve after the "trying to kill their dad" thing?
Thank you! Sorry for deleting your original ask 😅
Question 1 :
Nezha & Wukong
Nezha's and Wukong's relationship is complicated. The best way I can explain it is a one-sided brotherly relationship. Nezha sees Wukong as an older brother figure, Wukong just sees Nezha as a child.
Wukong does love Nezha in his own way. He recognises that Nezha is a child, so for his sake, he entertains Nezha's attachment to him.
(Wukong has himself formed an attachment to Nezha in an attempt to keep himself sane. Nezha absence after the whole burning event was a breaking point for Wukong 😀)
Nezha & Macaque
Nezha's knowledge of Macaque is slim. Most of what he knows is from stories that Wukong would tell him. Though, Nezha does think that Wukong may have glorified Macaque a lot more in his stories..
Macaque doesn't know much about Nezha except his history and what Wukong has babbled about. He doesn't really care enough to find anyone more information about him.
Nezha & Erlang
Nezha didn't actually like Erlang. He was very protective over Wukong and hated Erlang being close to him because he was the nephew of Master Yuzhiqin. However, he did get over it when he realised Erlang wasn't a threat.
Erlang worked hard to gain Nezha's trust. He was one of the very few celestials in the realm to recognise that Nezha is a child. Erlang does care about Nezha. He feels bad for his circumstances, so he gives Nezha gifts and treats as an "apology" to him. (He does the same with Wukong.)
Nezha & Chang'e
Nezha and Chang'e's relationship is basically a mother-son relationship. Nezha admired Chang'e since she first defended him against a celestial. Nezha loves Chang'e and cares a lot about her. He shows this by making her sweet treats and making her gifts. (Paintings, bracelets, etc.)
Chang'e has always wanted children with her husband, Hou Yi. They never had the chance, however. Chang'e never thought about kids after her husband died, paying more attention to her new purpose. But that changed once she met Nezha. Nezha is like a son to her, and she would do anything to protect him.
Question 2 :
Nezha has a social media account that he posts recipes and images of his desserts! He doesn't show his face on his account at all. His user name is Flaminglotus.
And, yes, Queenie does follow Nezha.
Question 3 :
Muzha was much angerer with Nezha than Jinzha was, since Muzha was a bit of daddy's boy. Muzha anger quickly turned into guilt when he saw the torture his brother was enduring...he can't look Nezha in the eye anymore.
Jinzha did speak to Nezha during the time he was in the celestial realm. Though, it was quick conversations that he couldn't uphold for very long without feeling guilt.
Hope that answers all your questions. I'm sorry this took so long!
Oh, a little dose of pain for the day, Nezha looks the most like his Father :)
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
like . i just got a tag on my art that was like “omg i’ve been waiting for transfem miles stuff” like yes i’m glad u enjoy it but you should join me :3 make some posts…. maybe even post some art if you want… don’t be shy… hell send asks maybe… !!
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damconcha · 5 months
One of my favorite things about the ASL Brothers is the fact that Ace was the one brought out the sake and proposed becoming brothers.
Not Luffy or Sabo but Ace.
Ace, who believes he is unlovable, Ace who believes that his blood is dirty, Ace who believes that he didn’t deserve to be born, Ace who thinks that his life is worthless, Ace who believes that his mere existence is a crime.
And yet Ace saw these two boys and approached them without apprehension or fear of rejection even though he was proposing something as irrevocable, something as bonding as brotherhood
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silusvesuius · 5 days
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nnnnnnnnnnnnno maa'am
#my want to draw traditionally literally split me open for the past week and leaves me literally depressed i'm so serious i can't even look -#- @ my art programs without wanting to throw up omfg should;ve never picked up those pencils#but it's ok i just needed a nap#something so relatable about them i think nelvas has something in it for everyone meanwhile eltl is secluded art museum.#it's very possible to walk around in neloth's and talvas' brains but eltl is off limits. they will NOT! get no drawings like this outta me#wtf r they thinking ........#< eltl not nelvas#something nobody on dis earth can understand ..........#talvas wants to live he likes living but neloth's presence is so strong that it overrides and deletes his will to live.#bruuuuuuuuh#i bet the feeling of neloff is in everything he does if they ever part ways he won't be able to fold clothes or anythign without wanting -#- 2 cry . for what reason . idk bc neloth once yelled at him for folding clothes like shit .what am i on rn#(talvas thoughts mode) I want this old man to hug meeee😢😢😢#NELOFF DO IT and smash him too before i do it first .#me and neloth are the same person tho so it doesn;t matter but w/e#i'm getting emotional over them right now this cannot be real#i love her .... (Skyr1m)#i opened the game for .5 minutes today to take pics of a character uight what a beautiful game.#Te/s having such extensive lore ruins the whole entire game and the franchise but whatever . skyr1m is an art piece that's just how i feel#also this might be a very hard pill to swallow for some people but t*lvas is literally a kin Vessel for young women that keep getting -#- hit on by men twice or thrice their age when they're just trying to live their life .#this feels so profound to me i need dis shit inmy discord bio right NOEW.#Talvas................................#(eyes watering) (holding palm out)#suicide //#just in case but this tag would've gone crazy with my drawings of ulfr*c from late 2022 where i drew him with slit wrists. very artsay#is it not. i didn't like neither of those drawings tho i need to revisit cus i can feel ulfr*c on a diffaraaant level#when will i run out of tags. the way you can tell i just LUH talvas look at me drawing his hair in that second pic 😑BRU#look at me also trying to replicate pencils digitally in the first.. hmmm i don't hate it#at least it soothes me and i don't have pencil withdrawal
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silverliningspidey · 1 month
todd can definitely not swim. he’s definitely the friend that sits on the edge with their feet dangling in the water, he doesn’t mind not being able to join in he’s very content to just watch and laugh at their antics. i feel he might’ve had an issue when he was younger with being scared of the water and his parents never pushed him past that so he just. cant swim.
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scholar-of-yemdresh · 2 months
Hot take but the aggressive hardline separation of asexual and aromantic is actually EXTREMELY harmful to a lot of ace/aro people.
Angry rant under the cut
It's one to thing to go: "okay yes sometimes they go together but it's important to remember that for some people they can be different things and you can be one and not the other"
And go: "These are TOTALLY DIFFERENT 100 always separate there is no intersection EVER and if you DARE to be both then you have to piecemeal your identity to not uwu invalidate others(we do not care that we are invalidating you though lol) Don't you DARE ever experience them together you are CONFLATING"
It's like yall just want asexual to = alloromantic only and aromantic to = allosexual only.
You don't give a shit about aroaces, aces who aren't alloromantic but don't ID as aromantic or aros who aren't allosexual but don't ID as asexual.
The aspec community despises us. We get talked down to demanded to split our identities apart for your comfort. We can't exist in certain spaces because our presence there is a personal affront to allo-aspecs. Shout out to the alloaros that bitch about those disgusting aroaces just clogging up the aromantic tag ☺. Shout out to the alloaces who can still love and aren't totally heartless monsters 🥺.
Don't talk about ace shit in the aro tags, Don't talk about aro shit in the ace tags...what's that you're both? And can't neatly separate them and it brings you comfort to be able to discuss your whole orientation? SHUT THE FVCK UP YOU CONFLATING IGNORANT SHIT HEAD.
If you want to be in the aromantic community you have to leave your ace-ness at the door same for asexual community and disregarding your aromantism.
A personal example was an Aspec discord server I was in that had two media recs channels one for sex repulsed people and the other for romance repulsed. Now the issue came is that they didn't acknowledge someone could be both i.e both sex & romance repulsed/just looking for media that had neither sexual nor romantic content, what this lead too is that the romance free media channel was filled with graphic hookup erotica or sexually explicit songs and the sex free channel was just fade to black romance books 🙃...wonderful.
Or when polls/forms will ask you to pick your orientation but only things listed are het,gay,bi/pan yes even the ones made by aspecs, and what they actually mean is use the one that correlates to your romantic/sexual attraction...so fvck aroaces and non sam aces & aros?
And don't get me started on how you treat non sam aces & aros. You at least tolerate the self IDing aroaces, because they have the "curtesy" of separating themselves from the real proper aces & aros.(let's not question how many aroaces would prefer to just ID as just asexual or just aromantic but are forced into aroace identity because that would be "conflating" and they don't want to deal with the harassment).
"UwU don't say asexual when you actually mean aromantic" Some bitches don't use to SAM fvck off with allo-splaining my own sexuality to me.
It would be so much easier and save a lot of pain if yall just went : "asexual for some means no sexual attraction and it says nothing of your romantic attraction AND some people use it to mean no attraction generally". And "aromantic for some means no romantic attraction and it says nothing of your sexual attraction AND some people use it to mean no attraction generally" and "for some they are separated but others not so much as there isn't always a strict separation. Just be chill about it don't accuse people of being ignorant or conflating they know their identities better than you". But no ya chose violent aphobia instead.
But ultimately nobody cares because this shit is only harming the undesirable aces/aros the ones who are harmful stereotypes the ones that make you "look bad".
I know deep in my heart there are a lot of alloaces & alloaros that who would be happy if aroaces & non sam aces/aros didn't exist, there I said it. How can I not come to that conclusion when at every turn they shit on us. They talk about how the worst thing in the world is to be mistaken for one of us. That our representation is actively harmful.
A last parting spicy take it's either "asexulity and aromantism are full identities on their own and aren't modifiers" OR "actually neither asexual nor aromantic can stand on their own they need to be paired with another orientation and they actually are just modifiers" you can't have it both ways. 🤭
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starlene · 8 months
Since there's a wave of panic on my dash about Tumblr going under, here's a reminder that our best chance of stopping (or at least delaying) that from happening is to buy ad-free subscriptions, checkmarks, and other badges from the TumblrMart.
So if you're worried about the future of this blue hellsite, maybe check out the selection and get yourself a fun badge, or whatever. Badges start from $4/€3.75. You can also gift them to a beloved mutual if you don't want them for yourself.
That is all!
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2hoothoots · 1 year
i was having a chuckle to myself last night about Gristol, and how his plans are basically:
Restore Ford Cruller's memory
Find Maligula
but then... of course they are, right? this is Gristol we're talking about. Fatherland Follies drives home again and again that he's still operating on a child's logic, a warped and reductive version of the world that he never bothered to grow out of. both of his memory vaults center on the images of his childhood, this idealized version of the past that he clings to no matter what. and that's still how he remembers Maligula, too - as this saviour figure, who rushes in to help him when he's in trouble.
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[ID: Two slides from Gristol's memory vault, Glory to Grulovia! Left: Gristol clings to Maligula's back as she summons waves to sweep away his assailants. Right: Gristol and Maligula waving from a balcony as the people cheer. Gzar Theodore brandishes a dagger in the background.]
like so much else, Maligula represents a return to this idyllic childhood - to the peace and simplicity of his youth, when he was free from worries and responsibilities. in his mind, he doesn't need to make any further plans - once Maligula's back, everything will go back to normal. Maligula will make everything better.
...is what i thought, but then i remembered this line:
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[Screenshot source. ID: Gristol, in Truman's body, bows on his hands and knees in front of the newly-awaked Maligula. The caption reads: "Yes, High Priestess! I am here to correct the mistakes made by my father!"]
and that's kind of interesting, right?
to be clear: this happens directly after Maligula sees Helmut-in-Gristol's-body, and recognises him. her line before this is:
"Little Gzesaravich! Have you come to pay for your father's sins?"
my first thought was that Gristol hadn't expected to still be in Truman's body by the time he managed to find Maligula, and this was him trying to placate her and buy some time until he could explain the situation. but watching the cutscene back, that's clearly not what's happening here. Gristol is answering as himself, and his response of throwing himself to his knees before her is, as far as i can tell, genuine.
so what is going on here?
in Fatherland Follies, there's this line in the ride narration that stuck out to me:
"Why didn't the Gzar help Maligula in her time of need? No one knows, but historians agree - it is Gzar Theodore's biggest failure."
other lines mention Gzar Theodore's "mistake", and it's wording Gristol himself echoes in the screencap above. evidently, he believes that his father abandoned Maligula, leaving her to her fate at the hands of the Psychonauts, and it was that mistake that lead to them being driven out of the country - that mistake which he seeks to correct. maybe he even feels like he has a debt to repay to her for his family turning their backs on her all those years ago.
the 'High Priestess' thing, though - that's kinda weird, and threw me for a loop the first time i played the game. it took me until my second playthrough to connect the dots, and remember how the room in the Lady Luctopus - Gristol's room - was full of Delugionist scribblings and symbols.
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[Screenshot source. ID: left, the walls of the hidden backroom in Gristol's hotel suite, covered in scrawlings of eyeballs and Maligula's name. Right, the pinboard from the hidden backroom. On its surface are photographs and newspaper clippings connected by pieces of string.]
i mean, look at this stuff! he had a whole conspiracy board and everything!
we learn very little about the Delugionists and their beliefs as a whole during the game, but i think drawing the connection here suggests two important things. one: that Gristol was in deep with this stuff. i don't know how he linked up with them - maybe via old family connections, or just good old-fashioned digging (we know he's skilled at worming his way into peoples' good graces, after all) - but it seems likely that he's begun to internalise their ideas, maybe even warping his own memories of events. and two: the Delugionists themselves are, if you'll pardon the pun, pretty far off the deep end.
like... i understand why PN2 didn't go heavy on the "mass-murderer cult worship" aspect of things, in the end, but man this is such a tantalising glimpse into the wider mythos around Maligula. Gristol is proud and haughty and thinks himself above everyone else; the fact that his first reaction seeing Maligula is to throw himself to the ground at her feet says so much about the way he's come to see her. he's not just trying to bring back Maligula, his childhood bodyguard. he's trying to bring back Maligula, the High Priestess of the deluge, the semi-mythical figure whose supporters believe even death couldn't stop. he doesn't even flinch at the way she confronts him, and maybe it's because he's bought in so completely to this deified figurehead, this idea of Maligula; more a living force of nature than a person. and it all comes back to the same place: an abdication of responsibility, not just to the person who protected him when he was little but to this avatar of floods and destruction. Maligula will make everything better.
i'd write more about my thoughts on the Delugionists but that'd be taking a hard turn into speculation, and this is already kind of long and rambling so i'd better end it here. but what an unexpected and evocative line, right? it's some of the only stuff we have to go off of regarding the Delugionists as a whole, but i think it does such a good job of hinting at the wider story - at teasing another layer to the mythos surrounding Maligula, one whose ripples we see throughout the game but which never quite breaches the surface.
#psychonauts#psychonauts 2#bored waiting at the airport so you get more psychonauts meta from me#the delugionists have been on my mind recently (because i Might Just have an upcoming au lorepost about them and also cults are fun)#so tossing my thoughts up here because people seemed to like the last few times i did this#and also it's my blog and i like to talk :)#related vent i HATE drafting posts in the tumblr editor because if you hit crtl+z to try and undo a formatting change#it deletes like half the post you just typed out#(yes i did it again while i was writing this. yes i'm still salty. why do i even bother)#what else... this is just becoming a disconnected thoughts dump#but if you've seen my posts you knew what you were signing up for when you hit the button to expand the post tags#there's new art coming hopefully this weekend if i can get it finished! it's more mermaid au designs#i'm two and a half weeks late for mermay but it turns out starting a new job and moving house doesn't leave you with a ton of free time#but that's okay it's never too late for mermaids#omg and artfight's coming up next month too! geez#i gotta make refsheets for the fsau trio because i would LOVE to get art of them#and this year i don't have a thesis to crunch on so i might actually have time to participate#oh and then in august i'm having top surgery! will make a proper announcement post for it at some point#i say 'announcement'. it's just a life update but it's nice to share#i'm super excited about it :)#i might end up blogging the process and recovery but obviously it won't be going here lol. i'd put it on my main#idk if anyone would find it useful but when i first started looking into surgery i had like very little idea about the whole process#and it's only through joining a bunch of online support/discussion groups that i managed to find more info and resources#so hey it might be useful to share? we'll see#our flight doesn't land for another fifty minutes so now i'm just writing in the tags because i'm bored#alright i'll proofread this and then post it when i land and have signal again. peace out yall hope your pride month is going well
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