#and in that time she's only ever had zor. this was something zor did on purpose to keep her in their claws.
mothbeasts · 9 months
happy fabricator friday. time for me to post fabbylaris content okay?? obligatory these are all my personal headcanons and some of it has little to no basis in actual canon, it's mostly just me expanding on things I think make sense. with that out of the way.
I think, in theory, that Solaris is one of the very few people who could convince the Fabricator to leave Zoraxis. If not the only one. I doubt the Fabricator has many outside support systems, and while she could turn to the Agency for help... I doubt it'd go well for her.
So that leaves Solaris. Someone she worked closely with for years. Half a decade, at the very least. It would be incredibly difficult for her to get away with the amount of loyalty to Zor she has, and the manipulation she has to have experienced, and the fear for her life... But Solaris leaving might have planted the seeds of doubt in her mind. There's nobody she trusts more, despite the rocky start their relationship had.
I like to think that Solaris was the first person in over a decade, besides Zor, to actually... Interact with the Fabricator in a generally positive way. Solaris never belittled her, or talked down at her, or made her feel like she wasn't worthy of her rank... Because despite her prominence in Zoraxis, I don't think the Fabricator truly has a seat at the table. And this isn't really new to her, she's far too accustomed to being looked down on, but... It stings. With Solaris, though, she's finally someone's equal. There's mutual respect. It's nice, being appreciated...
So of course if she wanted to leave she would seek out the one person who might not turn her away. What else would she have?
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primeofprimes115 · 3 months
Moral Compass - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Trigger Warning: Mentions of PTSD, Anxiety and Medication, you've been warned if you're not into soldier types of fics.
Art by: Kyomusha on DeviantArt
He's doing it again...
Y/N found himself staring into space, with only just his thoughts, staring down at the Earth... Why did he think about coming up here again?
He didn't know... His thoughts clouded his mind to even focus on the reason, he supposed seeing the view kept him calm, kept him... Stable in a way.
After all... He bared scars that would never heal physically, he was 18 when the war broke out... And now? 26 years old? He found himself here... At the Watchtower... Staring down at the Earth from the windowed view... All by himself.
His leg began to shake, by itself at least, he looked down at his right shaking leg and as much as he tried to stop... He couldn't... He sighed at himself and kept looking on at the view instead, knowing he'd stop shaking.
He was jaded... Too jaded at this current moment, he had learned that his mother had passed and it didn't help with how he was feeling...
He survived one war... He wasn't sure if he was going to-
Footsteps were heard, entering into the room, boots connected to the ground as a cape swayed left and right when she walked, her hair gloriously waving around when she took steps in between.
Y/N took a moment to look at who it was and to his surprise... It was his moral compass, the only person he had left, the one person that understood him and stayed by his side...
Kara Zor-El... Formally known as Supergirl, now? She's Superwoman, dressed in a full body suit with pants, her famous golden V-shaped belt and high knee boots with a golden V that served as the outlines on the top. Her hair was a little shorter now but she hadn't changed all to much...
It was Y/N who changed much to her horror...
He was once this... Sunshine out-bursting ray of fun and excitement when Kara first met him...
Now? He'd changed since she had last seen him for good, he was now scrawny, paranoid, shaky and jaded... He had fought a war he never thought he'd come back from, he was lucky to be alive.
Y/N's shaking suddenly began to dim down once Superwoman had entered the room, she offered him a sympathetic smile.
"Kara..." he lowly whispered her name, she sat down beside him and looked him in the eyes.
"I'm here" she replied to him softly, wrapping her arms over him to comfort him, she rocked him side to side slightly, as he burrowed himself into her body, feeling her warmness. Superwoman leaned in and kissed his head, a little smile crept up his face soon after. Both were in a committed, romantic relationship for the past month and a half, Y/N was Kara's and Superwoman's boyfriend and she was his girlfriend and moral compass, someone to guide him through the dark.
For the past few months... Kara had been by Y/N's side, helping him recover to an extent, making sure he's taking care of himself properly and often stayed over to make sure he wouldn't do something stupid, she loved him so much that she wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt him, this was a man who she once had a liking for when she was young, when she was Supergirl...
Ever since he returned... Kara was the first person that recognized him outside of family, the only person he had known as a friend back then was her.
At first? It seemed like things were normal... But there was something Y/N hid from her and that was his trauma, he had severe anxiety and any loud noises that resulted with a bang would trigger him, often he'd freeze into place or he'd duck, his fight or flight response would kick in.
He remembered being laughed at when it happened and it did nothing but irritate him, resulting in a violent confrontation, before Superwoman got involved, she had heard everything that time and defended Y/N, knowing about his trauma, she knew something was wrong and by then? She vowed to stick with him, she didn't care if he protested against it, she made it her objective she'd stick by his side.
And it was not a decision she regretted...
"How was work?" Kara cooed softly, looking down at him, he had laid down on the chairs and rested his head on her, a sofa that was placed there when Y/N said the view down to Earth kept him calm, it was quiet, peaceful... Something he needed and she delivered.
"It was alright" he replied softly, Kara gently drove her thumb in circles around his hair. "Mr White isn't at bad as I thought he'd be" he worked as a Janitor at the Daily Planet, Kara had pulled some strings to get him a job there where he could also be looked after too by her cousin and his wife, something light to also keep him a little busy too. "Could've gone better...".
Kara sensed his tone lowering, judging from the recent events that has occurred, she only wished she could do so much else to make it even better. She looked at him with sympathy.
"But at least I have you to make it better at the end of the day" he added one more say into his sentence, looking up at her by turning himself to face up at the woman's eyes, he could see the ocean in her own eyes.
Kara smiled brightly with a soft demeanor, before leaning herself down to gently leave a kiss on his lips, pulling back after a moment.
A few days ago, Y/N brought up that he wouldn't be good enough for her, that he was a mess, he wasn't really completely honest with himself that he was ready to start a relationship with her, he just wanted to let her know that he loved her, Kara had denied that he was a mess completely, she was helping him get better, being his moral compass, this wasn't Superwoman talking...
This was Kara Danvers talking...
He had rarely smiled often, only times he smiled was when Kara would comfort him, stick by him, tell him he isn't whatever he called to put himself in the down-low.
And now she sees him smiling a little up at her again, it made her heart flutter each time she'd see him smile and it's all that mattered the most to her... To see him smile.
"I've been dreading to see your smile all day" she sighed happily. "Missed it so much".
"You think so?" he asked her, wondering why his smile was something she'd dread for, Kara noted his ironic question, and lightly giggled.
"Yes... I always want to see you smile, even if I have to tickle you to see it" she playfully told him, resulting in him looking a little scared.
"Please don't" he begged.
"I'm not! Trust me" she giggled, leaning in to kiss him once again. "I love you".
"I love you too" he quietly responded, Kara heard him and smiled before the pair looked at the view ahead, the blue hue of Earth shined through the Watchtower's window within the room they were currently in.
Both left alone with no one else but each other, Kara's thumb ran in circles in his hair, as he basked in Kara's warm touch, his heartbeat beating in a calm rhythm to the sound of Kara's hearing, it was a soft, fleeting noise, knowing he's calm and collected.
Superwoman had always wanted to show Y/N this view from space, from above the Earth itself, looking down at the planet with such an amazing view, where it was all quiet, she used to always fly up above the planet to float there and listen for anything peaceful... Even just to think to herself for a moment.
But when Y/N left to be a soldier? It took her so much not to pull him out there, it took her a lot of convincing from her cousin that they couldn't solve the world's problems for them, even conflict that results in war in such ways, or they'd be viewed us something else entirely than heroes that lift up spirits and hopes and dreams.
It took a lot of convincing, she remembered crying once or twice thinking about Y/N, thinking he wouldn't come back, but he eventually did years later, seeing that he was a completely different person now...
Jaded, traumatized... And people called him a hero...
He never called himself a hero... Not once, he killed people, he watched people die in front of him...
His friends who were there, all had died and he lived... Some were injured and honorably discharged, but not once did he get injured like they did, he was lucky...
But in that luck? Came his trauma, his anxiety...
He lashed out at those who called him a hero, much to their disbelief, they never knew what he saw, he wondered how they'd feel if they saw what he saw and witnessed... Would they be calling themselves a hero??
A hero is someone like Superman, who fights in the name of Truth and Justice, fighting for a better tomorrow and keeps Earth safe from harm with his allies and the Justice League...
Or at least back then...
Now a new Justice League is ran by the likes of Nightwing, Queen Nubia of the Amazons, Wally West aka The Flash, Green Lantern aka John Stewart, Hawkwoman and finally... Superwoman herself as the front of center. Calling themselves the Justice League of Tomorrow, the JLT.
Though Y/N was happy to see Kara again that time... Much change had happened that it seemed to overwhelm him sooner than later, and Kara had stayed with him that entire week due to this, although Superwoman would be needed to save the day every now and then...
"Did you take your medication this morning?" Kara asked, knowing she wasn't around to make sure he did since she trusted him to take it when she wasn't around, since Superwoman was needed.
"I did" he nodded. "Why?" he then asked as Kara looked down at him to scan his face.
"Just asking, I know what you're like" she knew he wasn't lying this time around, she was happy to say at least, proud even. "Remember, therapist on Thursday morning, I'll be there with you" she cooed at him as he looked up at her next.
"What if... Superwoman is needed?" his eyes were drawn to the S on her suit, the House of El glyph that inspired hope and help, along with compassion to all who seen Superwoman wearing it, even when she was formally Supergirl at the time too.
"Then we can go late, docs sometimes take some time after due time anyway" she told him before kissing his temple. "I'll fly us there too, you love that" she winked next as a smile grew on her face.
"This is why you're the best" he complimented her, a little smile crept up his face for a moment as Kara brightly giggled. "You've always been my Moral Compass, now I see it" he smiled a little more, basking in Kara's warm hands touching his face
"I always have been that Moral Compass for you" she giggled lightly. "But also your superhero girlfriend, it's my right to look after you too, and marry you some day". 
"Isn't that too far ahead?" he asked her, Superwoman thought about it for a minute and maybe... Maybe it was too far ahead to think about marriage right now, they've only been in this relationship for a month and a half.
The Woman of Steel grabbed the edges of her cape and wrapped it slightly to cover Y/N a little, making him a little warmer after a chill went through him. "Maybe... But... You have to admit? I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you" she told him facts, she wasn't going anywhere and neither was he in her eyes, in her grasp and touch...
He was back in her life and that's the closure they both needed, he needed it the most in this dire of time of healing and recovering.
"I suppose so, would be something to look forward to maybe" he nodded a little. "I love you, Kara".
"I love you too, Y/N" and with that, Kara leaned down once more and the pair kissed once again...
* * *
Word Count: 2118
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 5 months
Finding Each Other-Chapter 5
Fandom: Superman, Batman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Diana Prince, Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Kara Zor El, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent, Connor Kent
Summary: Clark Kent always knew he wanted a family. He just always thought it would be traditional like his parents. Little did he know that destiny had something different in store for him.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Once Clark got to his apartment, he quickly put away his clothes, changed into gym shoes, grabbed his keys, and headed to his car. As he merged onto the road towards the airport, he got a phone call. He pressed the answer call button on his steering wheel. 
Clark said, “Hello.”
“Hey, Smallville. How is everything going?”
Clark smiled and said, “Everything is great, Lois. How are you doing? Did the electric blanket I got help?”
Lois chuckled and said, “My night went smoothly. I think the electric blanket may have been the best gift ever. Kept me warm, cozy, and pain-free all night.”
“That’s good. I’m glad that it helped.”
“Speaking of help, I really do appreciate covering the event for me last night. I hope that it wasn’t a wild goose chase for you.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Well, Wayne remains unseen, but that didn’t stop me from having a fantastic time at the museum though.”
Lois said coyly, “That is very high praise especially since this was supposed to be a work thing.  Did you finally find someone that meets your fancy?”
Clark smiled softly and said, “Maybe….”
Lois squealed and said, “I can’t believe this! You finally met someone. I was scared for a moment that you were going to let your past relationship with Lex derail you for a minute.”
Clark sighed, “Funny you should mention him. Lex was also there looking to start trouble.”
Lois sighed and said, “Of course, the bald imp would crawl out of his lair and cause chaos. What did he do this time?”
“Well, he tried to make me feel guilty about my job and that it was pathetic that I was covering the museum exhibit.”
Lois scoffed and said, “I hope you told that asshole he could stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.”
Clark chuckled nervously and said, “Well, I kind of told him that I was there with my fiancé and his kid and that I didn’t have time for him.”
Lois gasped and said, “You didn’t!”
Clark nodded and said, “Not one of my finer moments, but it did get him to shut up. I hate to admit this, but the look on his face made it worth it.”
Lois chuckled and said, “Look at you Clark being petty. I love it!”
Clark shook his head and said, “It still wasn’t right. I can only imagine what Ma would say.”
Lois cackled and said, “You’re Ma would have rubbed it in his face too. She hates Lex.”
Clark smirked and said, “Maybe so…”
Lois said, “Besides, it was a little fib. It is not like Lex caught you on it.”
Clark chuckled and said, “Actually, he did call me out on it.”
“How so?”
“After I left Lex standing there dumbfounded, I went off to watch the museum’s presentation. Once that was finished, I ended up meeting a guy named B and his son Dick. We walked around in each other’s company for a while talking about the Atlantis exhibit…”
Lois asked coyly, “Was B good looking though?”
Clark smirked and said, “Gorgeous, along with being very witty and good-natured.”
“Liking all the qualities. I take it that Lex saw what might have been brewing and tried to intervene.”
Clark chuckled and said, “No. Actually, Dick had gone to the bathroom. As he was coming back, he accidentally ran into Lex causing him to spill his drink all over himself. Lex got upset and was about to strike Dick until I intervene.”
Lois gasped and said, “I knew that Lex was terrible, but I didn’t think he would stoop that low.”
Clark shook his head and said, “Yeah, any hope that I had of him being a decent human being disappeared after that.”
“What happened after you stopped him?”
“Since, he saw me with Dick, he assumed that this was the fiancé’s kid I made up. He told me Dick or I needed to pay for his suit. When I told him he was being petty, he then went off saying that I would obviously choose a fiancé who was a cheapskate. At that point, B came in as dashing as ever and got Lex to back off by handing him his account’s business card. Whoever, the account was got Lex to shut up and just stare at us as we walked away.”
Lois said coyly, “So we have a guy that is smart, good-looking, and have allies that make Lex Luthor baffled. Your mystery man sounds amazing. I hope you didn’t let him out of your sight after that.”
Clark chuckled and said, “B and his son invited me to their house for dinner where we had sandwiches and chips.”
“Ohhhh. How did that go?”
Clark smiled and said, “It went very well. His adopted father lives with him and Dick. He is very charming and welcoming. Dick is very sweet and adorable. He is a huge Superman fan and has his own collection that he is building up.”
Lois cackled and said, “I would love to see the look on that kid’s face if he ever finds out you are the real deal.”
Clark chuckled and said, “I don’t think that Dick will be able to contain himself.”
Read the rest on AO3
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just-another-josh · 11 months
Kara had the best of intentions.
She really, really did.
But let’s be honest, she didn’t stand a chance. She was setup to fail since childhood. During her time on Krypton, she never saw an actual, honest-to-Rao wedding proposal; not anything resembling Earth standards, mind you. No, it was basically your parents marching you down to the local council building when you came of age and submitting your DNA to the Matricomp to find a genetically suitable partner. The nobler the house, the better. It was no different than an arranged marriage on Earth.
On the off chance you did meet someone you wanted to bond with, the process was the same, save for your DNA was only tested against your potential mate’s. When Kara reached adulthood and reflected on the matching process, ‘cringy’ was the best way she could describe it. She was honestly happy the ritual didn’t survive Krypton’s destruction and by extension was not practiced on Argo. She loved keeping her culture alive and all, but she had no interest in telling Alura and Zor-El to “piss off” if her parents ever had the audacity to suggest she of submit her name.
Her exposure to proposals on Earth were limited, at best. Sure, she’d seen her fair share of people popping the question in the multitude of rom coms she’d watched and books she’d read, but her sample of real-world proposals was…sketchy. Eliza never shared the story of how Jeremiah proposed to her simply because it brought up too many bad memories. Kal and Lois were always vague when sharing the story of their engagement. As for Alex and Sam, their proposal took place immediately after destroying Al’s bar fighting Lex and Nyxly for the Love totem; any guidance they had to offer lacked credibility.
Without any authentic, trustworthy examples available to her, Kara decided to forge ahead on her own when she made the decision to propose to Lena. She convinced herself she didn’t need any help; she’s the editor-in-chief of CatCo magazine, hell, she’s Supergirl for Rao’s sake. She could come up with the perfect proposal that would blow the CEO’s mind! Something that would ooze love, devotion, and romance.
Kara spent a month coming up with the perfect set-up. She’d already forged the bonding bracelet in the Fortress and, with a little help from Sara Lance and Iris West-Allen, had purchased the perfect engagement ring (she didn’t involve her sister in the process; Alex had a big mouth whenever she hung out with Lena). She had a special box created to house the bracelet and ring for an optimal presentation; lining it with blue felt on the exterior and red felt inside.
As for the location, she decided to keep it simple and propose at their penthouse. She would fill the living and dining areas with candles to set the mood; sparing a few for the bedroom in case they decided to celebrate their pending nuptials in a more intimate setting.
She wanted to look particularly radiant that night, and with Nia’s help, Kara found the perfect dress at an upscale boutique. Not wanting the Naltorian to know why she was getting the dress (much like Alex, Nia also had a big mouth), Kara told her that she and Lena were going to dinner at a fancy new restaurant. Kara was nervous and disappointed when she was told the color dress she wanted had to be fitted and altered and couldn’t take it home that day, but the sales clerk assured her it would be ready before their “special night”.
Kara planned the perfect meal for her zhao. It would be a magnificent dinner filled with her favorite Irish foods. The Kryptonian knew she wasn’t the best cook, but she felt confident she could prepare Irish stew, soda bread, Colcannon Mash, and traditional Irish apple cake with custard sauce after watching a few YouTube videos.
Last but not least, Kara spent weeks preparing the speech she would give Lena when she proposed to her. The first draft went through multiple edits before she scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it. After rewriting the speech from scratch four more times and dozens of edits, Kara was finally satisfied. The hero thought it was the greatest piece of writing she’d ever done; in her mind, eclipsing even her Pulitzer winning expose on Lex and Red Daughter.
The plan was simple: Kara would propose to Lena on a Friday night. The CEO always got off in time for dinner on Fridays; a compromise the CEO made with the hero when they moved in together. She would meet Lena at the door wearing her very expensive dress; dinner already platted and on the dining room table. They’d enjoy a candlelit dinner with her and Lena’s favorite sappy playlist playing softly in the background. Once dinner was finished, she’d ask Lena to dance with her and when the playlist hit their special song (Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift, of course), Kara would produce the box that she had strategically hidden under the coffee table, get down on one knee, and propose. If Lena said ‘yes’ (Kara was at least 90% sure she would), her and her new fiancé would enjoy dessert and later head off to their bedroom to make love the rest of the night.
“Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy” as Winn would say.
The first indication that things were not going to go smoothly was a delay with the alterations to her new dress. The clerk at the boutique called her three days before the big night saying that the seamstress had been ill and was behind on her orders, but before Kara could hyperventilate, the clerk assured her it would be ready Friday morning with plenty of time to spare before dinner. Kara spent the next fifteen minutes doing controlled breathing exercises Eliza had taught her when she first arrived on Earth, reassuring herself that everything was going to be okay.
The rest of the week passed without further complications; it wasn’t until Friday morning that everything started going sideways.
Kara received word from the clerk at the boutique that her dress had been destroyed in a sewing machine mishap. Kara tried to roll with the punches and asked if they still had the dress in the color that she initially tried on. Unfortunately, the clerk informed her that that style of dress had sold out. After receiving a half-assed apology from the clearly disingenuous clerk, Kara poked her finger through her phone as she ended the call. The Kryptonian rushed to her private bathroom and spent several minutes doing breathing exercises again. Kara quietly mumbled to herself between breaths, “Everything’s going to be okay. This is just a minor setback. It’s okay. I’m okay. I’ll just dig out that dress I wore when we crashed Morgan Edge’s party. Yeah, that’s it, that’ll work. Everything’s going to be great!” She got up, splashed some water on her face, and went back to work.
Fortunately, Kara was able to escape CatCo in the early afternoon. With her personal phone taking up residence in the trash can, Kara grabbed her seldom used work phone, shot a text off to Lena telling her that she’d be using it the rest of the day, and flew (literally) out of her office to pick up the ingredients for the night’s special meal. The hero hated that she had to wait until the last minute to hit the grocery store, but between EIC and Supergirl duties that week, she just hadn’t had the time. Luck seemed to be on Kara’s side as she had no issues finding the supplies she needed and getting out of the store swiftly.
She returned home around 4pm and began fixing dinner in earnest, super-speeding through prepping the ingredients. She boiled potatoes, sliced up beef, apples, and veggies, whipped together dough, and sauteed some of the chopped vegetables in olive oil. She had everything prepped and ready to cook within twenty minutes (the potatoes took forever to boil, and she didn’t trust speeding up the cook time with her heat vision).
Kara didn’t realize the stew would take three hours in the crock pot before it was ready, creating a slight problem; Lena was due home in two hours. Kara turned the heat up to its highest setting to speed up the process. The bread, Colcannon, and apple cake would only take a half hour in the oven, so she moved on to the next phase of her plan.
Placing the candles throughout the penthouse was simple enough, but she ran into a bit of an issue when she went to pair her phone with the built-in sound system. Her work phone did not have the playlist she wanted downloaded on it and she couldn’t download it from the Cloud. Lena refused to connect any phone that didn’t have her personal encryption software installed, hence the reason why Kara never used her work phone. The Kryptonian for a generic YouTube playlist to stream directly into the living room speakers.
After speed cleaning the penthouse, setting the dining room table, and checking the progress of the stew (it was lukewarm at best), she readied her other dishes for the oven. A slight hiccup with the remaining dishes: each had to be cooked at different temperatures for different lengths of time. Unfortunately, the penthouse only had one oven, but Kara had prepared for this. Her plan was to average out the cooking times of the three dishes and repeat the process for the cooking temperatures. Bubbling with pride at her ingenuity, the blonde put the remaining dishes in the oven.
Her tasks completed; Kara noted she had forty-five minutes before Lena was due to arrive home. She used the time to take a shower, get dressed, and do her hair and make-up. As per usual, she kept her make-up light, save for using a darker shade of red lipstick. She styled her hair in a pompadour-style updo reminiscent of the way she wore during her exposure to Red K. Although she would never admit it to another living soul, she actually liked her wardrobe and style choices while she was infected; her fondness for that awful experience ending there.
Twenty minutes later, Kara exited the bedroom looking (and more importantly) feeling sexy and confident. She spent the next five minutes lighting the candles spread about the penthouse. Sadly, she had to light each candle at human speed; the candles would be blown out if she went any faster.
With twenty minutes left before Lena walked through the door, Kara walked into the kitchen to inspect her still-cooking food. Everything in the oven looked like it was progressing as planned; nothing was burned, smoking, or on fire, a win in Kara’s book. Much to her chagrin, the stew was still undercooked. Starting to panic, the Kryptonian decided to take a risk and use her heat vision to heat the stew to the appropriate temperature. Focusing on the simmering meal, Kara released two narrow, blue beams of heat vision. She had to use the utmost control to ensure she didn’t incinerate the stew (or the crock pot for that matter). She was reminded of all the times Eliza had had her finish cooking the Thanksgiving turkey in a similar fashion. Heating up a turkey was easy in comparison to what was essentially a thick soup; the slightest slip up could result in a boiling cauldron of inedible slop. As she slowly brought the hearty meal to temperature, she could smell a delicious combination of meat, vegetables, and spices. She couldn’t help the beaming, congratulatory smile on her face.
As far as Kara was concerned, she was killing it.
As if the universe had decided that Kara’s cockiness needed to be tempered, the alarm from the smoke detector roared to life causing the hero to lose focus; an intense burst of heat vision blowing the crock pot and its contents throughout the kitchen. Kara screamed as she was covered in thick, viscous brown chunks. The startled hero backed away from the oven and collided with the food prep area; the force of the impact crushing the lip of the marble counter with a loud crunch. Kara spun around to inspect whatever damage she’d done to the counter and in the process smacked the bottle of olive oil she’d used earlier. The oil splashed in all directions; some ending up on the candlelit dining table. The highly flammable oil ignited when it made contact with the candle’s open flame which resulted in bright flames springing to life on the tabletop; increasing its intensity quickly when the cloth napkins turned to kindling.
Seeing the mini-inferno spreading across the tabletop, Kara released a panicked yelp. “No, no, no, no, no, no!” she cried. She swiftly positioned herself near the table and extinguished the flames using her freeze-breath. The force of the artic blast knocked several candles off their perches: some landing on the floor and some on the furniture. Luckily, the candles were extinguished by the same force that knocked them over, but hot, liquified wax splashed onto the carpet and furniture indiscriminately.
With the table fire quelled, Kara turned back towards the kitchen to identify what had set off the smoke detector. The blonde zeroed in on a plume of smoke billowing out of the oven and rushed back into the kitchen. In her panic-driven haste, the Kryptonian ripped the oven door clean off its hinges and carelessly flung it away. The freshly launched door smashed through the glass sliding door and landed with a loud clang when it landed on the balcony.
Kara peered into the now doorless oven. “No!” she bellowed when she saw the soda bread burned to a crisp; thick black smoke rising from its charred corpse. The apple cake was well on its way to becoming charcoal but had yet to transition into a gaseous mess. The Colcannon resembled a Jello mold.
Kara, a crushed look on her stew-stained face, stepped back from the oven and doused the still smoking dishes with a quick burst of freeze-breath. She slowly became aware of the obnoxious shriek continuing to be emitted from the smoke detector. The Kryptonian removed the glass dish containing the Colcannon from the oven and flung it at the detector, smashing both to pieces.
Mercifully, the penthouse fell silent.
“Miss Zor-El, there is an incoming call from building security.” Hope’s soothing but indifferent voice broke the silence.
“Okay,” Kara quietly responded, clearly in a haze.
“Miss Danvers, this is Chet at the security desk. We’re monitoring a smoke detector activation coming from your unit. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, just a little accident. Everything’s fine,” the hero flatly responded.
“Another issue with your toaster oven?” the guard said jokingly.
“Something like that.” She let out a shuddering breath at the guard’s playful ribbing, but the joke fell flat as it was just another reminder of her past cooking failures and compounded the gravity of her current situation.
“No worries, Miss Danvers. I’m glad everything’s okay. Please contact us if you need anything. Have a good night.” The guard hung up without a response; not that Kara really cared at this point.
Kara surveyed the penthouse; slowly taking in the scope of the damage. The kitchen counter and dining table both sported large scorch marks; the counter also showed a Kara-size indentation. Chunks of crushed, white marble littered the floor. The front of the oven sported black smoke residue that made a trail up to the ceiling. She turned towards the living room and saw that multiple candles were strewn about the carpet. Their white couch and loveseat bore splashes of now-cooled wax. The shattered sliding door and the severed oven door lying on the balcony floor added the finishing touches to the carnage.
Kara’s eyes filled with tears, but she refused to cry. She turned away from the damage and nonchalantly made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she robotically wiped the brownish, caked-on stew residue off her face with a wet washcloth. Her face clean, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her once well-quaffed hair had wild strands hanging loose, her dress had crusty brown splotches running from top to bottom, and, turning to look at her backside, pieces of plaster and crushed marble covered her ass.
Kara squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head in disbelief. She exited the bathroom without making any other attempts to clean the remaining muck out of her hair or off her dress.
Kara returned to the living room and sat on their wax encrusted couch and the very edge of the cushion, her body ramrod straight.  After a few minutes sitting quietly, the Kryptonian reached under the coffee table and retrieved the blue box containing the bonding bracelet and engagement ring. She set the box on top of the coffee table and longingly gazed at it. She closed her eyes and, as if finally giving permission to break free, a trickle of tears began to slide down her cheeks.
This is how Lena found her when she entered the penthouse.
The CEO mindlessly glimpsed at the mangled penthouse; mere seconds passed before her brain caught up to what she was seeing. “Kara!” She moved quickly to the couch, a look of panic in her eyes. “What happened? Did someone attack you?” Kara gave no indication that she was aware of Lena’s presence, let alone respond to her questions. Lena sat on the edge of the couch next to Kara, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning the seemingly catatonic Kryptonian’s body to face her. Lena closely examined her stunned girlfriend. She focused on the brown stains littering Kara’s dress, going so far as to scrape some of the crusted substance off with her fingernail.
After a brief examination of the unknown substance, a perplexed Lena gently cupped Kara’s cheek and ever so slowly turned the hero to face her. Lena saw a smattering of tears running down her cheeks.  “Darling, what happened?” she asked with all the gentleness she could muster.
A look of pure anguish fell over Kara’s face and the floodgates opened. The hero pulled Lena into an almost too tight hug and buried her face in the CEO’s shoulder; uncontrollable sobs erupted from her. Rage, disappointment, embarrassment, and a litany of other emotions poured out of the blonde as her body was racked with an onslaught of tears. Muffled wails soon followed, the hero’s body quaking with each mournful cry.
On the verge of tears herself, Lena kept her composure as best she could. Her girlfriend needed her to keep her shit together and, although the CEO had no idea what was going on, she intended to support the hero in any way she could. She squeezed the blonde as tight as she could and ran her fingers through her hair, periodically planting chaste kisses on her forehead and softly whispering reassurances that everything would be okay.
After fifteen or so minutes, the Kryptonian’s cries were reduced to shuddered breaths and occasional sniffles. Taking this as a sign the blonde had finally calmed down, Lena decided it was a good time to get to the bottom of her girlfriend’s meltdown. “Are you feeling up to telling me what happened?” Kara’s body briefly stiffened, but the hero nodded into the brunette’s shoulder, nonetheless. She slowly extricated herself from Lena’s embrace and situated herself on the couch so she could properly face her.
Lena took one look at the bloodshot and puffy eyes on Kara’s tear-streaked face and her heart broke. “Oh, my giehrehv-divil, please tell me what happened.” Lena tucked a few strands of wet, matted hair behind the blonde’s ear.
Kara nodded and took a deep, shuddering breath. “I…I tried to plan a…a special evening for us. I ordered a special dress from Matti D and…and…I…was going to make some authentic, Irish food…and…and…so we could have a nice candlelight dinner…and then I was going to put on our favorite playlist…so…so we could dance…and then…and then…I was gonna…gonna give you…” Kara glanced at the blue box on the table and let out a painful, hiccupped whimper. “But everything got ruined!” she said with an angry stutter. “The seamstress destroyed the dress…so I had to put on this…this old rag which I know you like…but it’s four-years-old…and then…and then I broke my phone when they called me, so I didn’t have access to our playlist…” The intensity in Kara’s voice began to increase, as did the intervals between stuttered breaths. “…and…and I tried to cook dinner…but everything burned…and then…the table caught on fire and…and…I broke the counter…and…I ripped the door off the oven and threw it through the sliding door…and the wax on the couch…” Kara choked on a sob. “I wrecked everything!” she howled before crumbling into heaping mess of tears.
Lena deftly pulled the hysterical Kryptonian into her arms and began rocking her. She rubbed small circles on her back and planted more soft kisses on her forehead. The hero didn’t take long to recover but Lena refused to release her. Instead, the CEO slowly moved herself and Kara into a lying position on the couch; Kara readjusting her body so Lena could spoon her. The brunette planted soft kisses behind the Kryptonian’s ear, Kara melting further in her embrace.
The couple stayed cuddled together for an indeterminant amount of time before Lena broke the silence. “Is that for me?” she asked, indicating the blue box.
Kara somberly sighed.  “It was supposed to be.”
“Now I don’t get it?”
Kara scoffed, “I don’t think you’d want it.”
“And why is that?” Lena asked, eyebrow raised inquisitively.
Kara sat up and turned to face the CEO. “Why?” she said incredulously. “Look at me…look at all this.” Kara waved her hand indicating the living room and kitchen. “Lena, I’m a dumpster fire!” the Kryptonian pleaded.
Lena sat up and grabbed ahold of Kara’s hand, lacing their fingers together. “Is that really what you think?”
Kara shrugged. “It’s how I see myself sometimes. Especially after I do shit like this,” she said as she motioned towards the kitchen again.
Lena thinned her lips as she carefully considered how to respond to Kara’s unfair assessment of herself. “So, because you see yourself as a dumpster fire, I should reject whatever’s in there.” Lena pointed at the box.
“You would if you knew what was in it,” Kara whispered defeatedly.
Lena chuckled. “Oh, my sweet, sweet, darling. I’m fairly certain I already know what’s in there.” The CEO confidently smiled, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes.
Kara gasped, her shoulders slumped, and she looked away; attempting to avoid the certainty in her girlfriend’s gaze.
Lena pulled at Kara’s hand. “Hey, don’t run away.” The Kryptonian turned towards the brunette but refused to make eye contact with her. Lena cupped her chin and gently guided Kara to face her. “I need you to look at me and listen,” Lena said with conviction. “You say you see yourself as a dumpster fire. Do you want to know what I see?” Lena asked rhetorically, not giving the blonde any time to reply. “When I look at you, I see a loving, considerate, romantic, and giving woman who…I don’t know…for the quadrillionth time since I met her, went out of her way to show me just how much she loves me…no one has ever gone to the lengths that you have to make me feel like I’m cherished. Honestly, you could accidently destroy our entire penthouse and I would still love you.”
Lena laid a soft kiss on Kara’s hand. “We’ve been through hell and back to get to where we are. I would be a damn fool if some broken appliances and a few scorched furniture made me question how what we’re trying to build here.”
“But I had this perfect plan…” Kara whispered.
“Darling, I can’t imagine how disappointed you must be, and I’m so sorry all this happened.” Lena squeezed her girlfriend’s hand tighter. “But please understand, I don’t need perfect, Kara. I just need you, imperfections and all…especially the imperfections…they’re what made me fall in love with you in the first place.”
Kara minutely nodded, still not looking convinced. “I just…I sometimes feel like I’m not good enough for you…like…somehow I’m not worthy of your love,” the hero said, averting her eyes.
Lena couldn’t help the astonished gasp escaping her lungs. “Kara. How could you say that? How could you ever think that?” she said with a hint of anger in her voice. The CEO lightly grasped the Kryptonian by the shoulders and made sure she had her attention. With a pained look on her face, Lena calmly said, “I’m sorry for raising my voice. I of all people understand how you can feel like that sometimes. When it came to you, I felt unworthy for years. I thought to myself ‘There’s no way I’m a good enough person to have Kara in my life’.  And don’t even get me started on where my head was at when we started dating. I felt like a fraud. I convinced myself that I didn’t deserve your friendship, let alone your love.”
Lena’s eyes were filling with unshed tears. Kara noticed and mirrored her girlfriend’s painful expression. “But I don’t feel that way anymore, and do you want to know who finally got me out of that spiral?” Lena leaned in to rest her forehead on Kara’s. “You, my giehrehv-divil. You spent years showing me that I not only deserved to be loved by you but loved by our friends and family. You never gave up on me. I spent those same years doubting everything you tried to show me. Until one day, one day I started to believe it. There was no special event or earthshattering circumstance that opened my eyes. I just remember one day I was looking in the mirror and came to the realization that I was good enough, that I was deserving of your love, and that I was worthy of you.”
Both had tears cascading down their cheeks. Kara leaned in and gave Lena the gentlest of kisses, the blonde grinned into her girlfriend’s lips. The couple broke apart and Lena filled Kara’s hands with her own. “And let me tell you something, if that box has in it what I think it does, you, Kara Zor-El, are more than worthy enough to ask me the question that goes with it.”
A light dusting of pink appeared on Kara’s cheeks. “Promise?” she said bashfully.
Lena softly smiled. “Promise.”
Kara slammed the brunette into the arm of the couch with a bone crushing hug; almost knocking the wind out of the surprised billionaire. The Kryptonian ended up atop her girlfriend and buried her face in the crook of her neck. Lena could feel Kara’s smile tickling her skin, the blonde adding a hum of contentment once they were comfortably settled.
After enjoying a few minutes of happily snuggling with her girlfriend, Lena, staring contemplatively at the Kryptonian curled up on her side, brushed her lips against the blonde’s forehead and asked, “Kara, do you know what the odds are that, out of all time and space, the two of us would end up here, on this couch, in each other’s arms?”
Kara thought a moment before mumbling “no” into Lena’s neck.
“Well, in the interest of saving me the trouble of rattling off an obscenely long number, let’s just say a person would be more likely to be randomly struck by lightning...” Lena paused to let her words sink in.
Kara removed herself from Lena’s neck and leveled a raised eyebrow at her; clearly unimpressed. “That’s not a big…”
“…25 times,” Lena interrupted, sporting a mischievous grin. Kara’s eyebrows flew to her hairline, and she let out a low whistle. Lena nodded in agreement. For the first time since she arrived home, Lena was treated to her girlfriend’s trademark, radiant smile. The CEO cupped the Kryptonian’s face and slowly ran the pads of her fingers down the baby soft skin. The brunette’s features softened into a look of adoration and something akin to awe. “I don’t know if it was fate, a cosmic coincidence, or hell, even Rao that brought you to me, but I cherish every moment I get to be with you.”
Kara’s eyes began to well up again. She swiftly captured Lena’s lips with her own, her kiss desperate and hungry. They kissed until Lena had to come up for air. Kara leisurely moved off the brunette and sat up straight. She glanced over at the kitchen and frowned; a frustrated sigh followed. “Well, I guess I better get to cleaning up this mess.” Kara moved to get up but was quickly stopped by Lena’s hand grabbing her wrist.
Lena scoffed, “The hell you are. I didn’t triple the insurance coverage when you moved in for nothing. I’ll have a clean-up crew in here tomorrow to deal with this.” Kara reluctantly nodded in agreement. “No, you and I are going to order some take-out because I’m starving…as are you, I’m sure. While we’re waiting for dinner to be delivered, we’re going to get you out of that dress and into the shower, hopefully we can wash that goulash out of your hair.”
“It’s Irish stew…or it was supposed to be,” Kara said with a hint of embarrassment.
Lena’s face lit up. “Darling, that’s so sweet of you!” She sat up and gave Kara a quick peck on the cheek before continuing, “The food should be here by the time we get out of the shower, so we’ll eat, and then it’s straight to bed so I can show you how much I love you.” Lena seductively bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows. “Multiple times.”
Kara giggled excitedly and rose from the couch. “I’ll go get your phone out of your purse, I have no idea where my work phone ended up and I have no interest in finding it right now.” She had barely taken a step before she felt Lena’s hand grip her wrist again. She looked down at the seated CEO confused.
“I think you’re forgetting something,” Lena said, eyeing her girlfriend with an expectant look.
Kara scanned around the room; not finding anything that needed to be attended to immediately, she asked, “What am I forgetting?”
“Didn’t you have something you wanted to ask me?” Lena motioned towards the blue box on the coffee table.
The Kryptonian followed her girlfriend’s eyeline and when she realized what the brunette was alluding to, a deep blush and a look of shock overtook her features. “Oh…yes…right…okay!” She let out a long breath and shook her arms to loosen them up. Kara took several deep breaths and rolled her shoulders. “I can do this…I can do this,” she not-so-quietly told herself.
While Kara was having a mini-nervous breakdown, Lena sat silently trying her best not to laugh at the Kryptonian’s panic induced calisthenics. The brunette could not hide how much she was enjoying watching the blonde come unraveled.
Appearing to have psyched herself up sufficiently, Kara lifted the box up and cradled it in her hands. She opened her mouth as if to speak but stopped short. The Kryptonian set the box back on the table and began patting at her chest with both hands. Having not found what she was apparently searching for, she slid her hand into the top of her bra and, after digging under the cup for a few seconds, removed her still empty hand. She repeated the process with the other cup, once again coming up empty handed.
“Kara, what are you doing?” Lena said, leveling her girlfriend with a perplexed look.
The Kryptonian smiled sheepishly and held up her index finger. “Ummm, be right back.” She super-speeded out of the living room leaving a bewildered, windswept Lena without answers. Kara reappeared in front of the CEO within seconds, her face reddening and her jaw clenched. “I left my speech at the office,” Kara said through gritted teeth. “I worked on that speech for weeks.”
A small giggle escaped Lena’s lips, but she quickly slapped her hands over her mouth trying to quiet herself.
Kara threw her hands up in defeat, her body completely deflated. “Seems to be the theme this evening. Well, I guess I’m gonna have to wing it!” she said in exasperation. She aggressively swiped the box off the coffee table and unceremoniously plopped down on one knee.
Lena smiled, took Kara’s hand into her own, and lightly kissed it. “Relax, darling. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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agent-toast · 7 months
@dopey-dragon @bewithdagays
ieytd reincarnation au (name under works - do give suggestions) practice fic! not sure if this will be canon or not. also hope it's ok to tag!
my writing is pretty rusty but oh well
link to au context (if it doesn't work please tell me!) but if you want a quick summary, this au is agent phoenix actually reincarnates kind of like doctor who, and each version of agent phoenix is inspired by one of my irl friends and they all have different personalities. but all of them love annoying john juniper
[note: this lil practice fic takes place after ieytd3. zinc, persimmon, mayflower, midnight and crimson phoenix have all returned to their old office after a very eventful evening with the whole Operation: KBOOM thingy. just to be clear, only zinc left for the mission but something something then he came back with the others. fun! additionally, none of the characters are really described because the description is planned to come earlier before the time this fic takes place.]
Phoenix's old office used to be littered with dozens of trinkets stolen collected from their missions - champagne taken straight from Doctor Zor's car, small shiny crystals that tinkled when you hit them on Phoenix's desk (they definitely hadn't done that a million times before their handler came specially to their office just to scold them), a few books from Zor's winter cabin (they were unsuccessful in resisting the urge to burn them), and many more things Phoenix would have definitely gotten in trouble for keeping in their office, if their handler hadn't argued their case. 
Now, though, the room was eerily bare, save for their now empty desk and bookshelves.
Support Agent Reginald Crane sat at the desk, one hand rhythmically tapping the wooden surface, and stared round at the room. 
Why had he come here? He wasn't sure.
(Oh yes he was; he was worried for Phoenix. There was no point in denying it.)
The office door opened without warning, interrupting the silence. Startled, Crane rushed towards it.
If Agent Phoenix isn't standing in the doorway, I will actually break something.
Thankfully for all nearby breakable objects, Zinc was standing there, a slightly sheepish, heady grin on his face. He looked tired, but alive. Oh-so-thankfully alive.
"Hi. Uh. I kinda have something to explain-"
"Agent, my god!" Crane exclaimed. "You don't know how much you scared me, when your feed cut out I thought you'd- you know, pulled a stunt like that peace summit incident again, but this time there was no way I could see you surviving at all, and-"
He was cut off by the sight of someone very familiar walking behind Zinc through the doorway.
"Damn, handler, what have you been doing with my office, it's turned into a fucking IKEA showroom-" Persimmon stopped, turned and waved at a slightly singed fake potted plant. "Oh, long time no see, you stupid plastic abomination. Good to see you're still flammable as ever."
Crane blinked. "...Agent? Is that-"
"Yeah, uh-" Zinc piped up, "I was going to explain that but you-"
Three more familiar faces walked into the office, and Crane did a double take. "What- how the hell did this happen-"
"If you would just let me explain, handler-" Zinc was close to throwing something out the open window.
"If you want, Zinc," Mayflower stage-whispered into his ear, "I can take it from here."
Zinc immediately stepped back and gestured for her to take his place. "Please do that. Please. I have had enough of this shit for one week." He sunk gratefully into the desk chair nearby, looking ready to pass out.
Mayflower smiled at Crane. "It's been a wild three hours, handler. Not just because I had to babysit these four kids during the taxi ride here." She side-eyed Midnight, who was trying to balance a stuffed shark on Crimson's head.
"...Mayflower. It's certainly been a while since I last saw your face." Crane, thankfully, seemed to have calmed down.
She cleared her throat. "From what Zinc told me, || ||||| ||| | |||| || ||| || ||||. ||| |||||||| ||| |||||, || ||| |||| ||| || ||||||||| || || ||||| ||| ||| |||||||| ||||||||| ||||..." [nuh uh spoilers >:) you dont get this]
"I myself am starting to question whether that was a good idea or not. But hey, we're here now, aren't we?"
Perched on the windowsill, Persimmon called out, "Hey! Handler! Do you know where a girl can get food in this place? Even that old agency van I was stuck in for a week had food. It had oranges, handler, oranges. Though, now that I think about it, it didn't have cheese sticks. Remind me to fax the heads of EOD and tell them to stock their agency fridges with more cheese sticks. Oh, and get air fryers. Do we have enough money for air fryers?" 
Everyone stared in silence at her. 
"What? I like cheese sticks. And you can't eat cheese sticks cold. Hence the air fryers."
In the corner of the room, Crimson was silently nodding, a serious look on their face. 
"SEE?? SOMEONE agrees with me."
Zinc - very muffled, with his blahaj smooshed over his face - mumbled, "Kinda hungry now that Persimmon's been going on about cheese sticks. Let's go eat something." He lifted the shark just high enough for his voice to sound clearer, and continued, "then I should probably go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure I've broken at least more than two bones. Oh, shit, wait, I'm caring about my physical health. That's a first."
"As you can see, Zinc, it's working out very well. Do that more often." Mayflower replied encouragingly.
criticsm highly encouraged as long as it's respectful!
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too-many-pockets · 7 months
Dreykov’s Daughter
(Part one)
Kara Danvers/Zor El x Red room reader
My first post guys :DD Lemme know if you want me to continue or any requests. I’ve never posted anything I’ve written before so I hope you guys enjoy :) I might post some of a book I’m writing as well
“Kara Zor-El.”
Your father spoke. “A client of ours wants her dead. I’m putting you on the job.” You nodded, you were the best widow of your generation and you knew it. Your father knew it. “She’s a kryptonian, an alien from another planet. Our weapons won’t hurt her, so you’re getting new ones.” He slid two daggers and a loaded gun across the desk you were both seated at.
“Is that all?” You asked curiously. “Do you need more?” Dreykov’s tone was condescending and there was nothing you hated more than disappointing him. When you disappointed him you were punished. Harshly. You quickly grabbed the weapons and shoved them in your belt. “No sir. Where will I be stationed?” You asked, wanting to get him out of this mood. “National City, Los Angeles.”
“I know you won’t disappoint me.”
— — — — — — — — — — — —
Kara was smiling as she returned to the DEO having just busted a renowned jewel thief when she ran into her sister. “Alex! Did you hear about that jewel thief I busted?”
“Yeah, great job Kar.” Alex was hovering over a few papers on the desk. Kara walked over.
“What’s that?” She hummed curiously. “Some sort of organization, not a lot of information.” It must have really been a tough case because Alex was doing that thing she always does when she’s stressed.
“Want me to try to check it out?” The blonde offered, “I have some free time.” Alex signed. “I would if there was anything to check out, but we don’t have one possible location! It’s like this place doesn’t even exist!” The kryptonians sister pinched her nose. “Well what’s it called? Maybe Lena knows something.”
“The red room.”
— — — — — — — — — — — —
You had spent weeks training the guard schedule of the DEO so you knew at exactly 4:02 am you would have a three minute window to get inside the heavily guarded building and into a vent to hide until further notice, which is exactly what you did. Currently you were hiding in said vent above a somewhat spacious quiet room that the alien used to communicate with a hologram of her mother, at least as far as you were aware. You blew a strand of h/c hair out of your face. It had been a few hours and you were starting to get clammy. You were used to having to wait during missions, but that doesn’t mean you liked it. You wished Kara would just come in already, you wished you could just get this mission over with so you could go home. Home? The red room wasn’t home, not really. It was all you knew. The only thing you knew, and you wouldn’t let the man who saved you down. Not now, not ever.
After what felt like hours, the blonde kryptonian entered the room, seemingly outraged at something if her storming around was any sign. Your hands curled around the handle of the knife you were provided, posing it in a way that would make it easy to plunge into her pretty little chest. Despite your elation, your face showed not a hint of emotion, just as you were trained to. You noticed Kara begin to yell at the hologram. How pitiful, you thought, to be so controlled by your own emotions. You silently opened the vent and dropped onto her shoulders, covering her mouth.
“Mmh!” She yelled against your hand and grappled to grab your legs. In response, you press the slightly green glowing dagger against her neck.
“Stay quiet, princess.”
You pushed the blade further into her neck, threatening to draw blood. She lifts her hands in surrender and you hesitantly uncover her mouth.
“Who are you?”
She says quietly and as calmly as she can. Climbing off of her shoulders and standing behind her, you answer.
“The last thing you’ll see.”
Suddenly, the blondes sister burst through the door.
“Kara it’s not-“
She stopped at the scene in front of her. You silently thanked yourself for making a mask. You cut Kara just above her collarbone before bolting through the door. Behind you you could hear Alex run to her sister. It wouldn’t be long before the whole DEO was on your ass, and that wouldn’t be good. Your father always said ‘failure is forgivable, to be captured is not.’ You ran straight into the chest of Hank Hanshaw who grabbed your arms and wrenched them behind your back, kicking you onto your stomach. You bite your lip to hold back a scream. No. You cannot fail. You can not fail. He won’t forgive you, your father won’t forgive you. You don’t dare show your fear. That’s rule number one of the red room. Alex quickly appeared and pressed a gun to your head, you heard the safety click off.
“What the fuck did you do to my sister?” She growled. She roughly grabbed your face and held it up so you would meet her eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” You wheezed in response. She kicked your face. Feeling the blood enter your mouth, you spit it on her collar. That was the last thing you remembered before you were knocked out.
— — — — — — — — — — — —
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wizardofahz · 7 months
WIP game:
I am curious about "A Question of Identity" and "Monsters in the Mirror" if you please. Thank you!
Sure thing! You picked some angsty fics to ask about. 😈
A Question of Identity is a WIP in which tragedy makes the Danvers sisters do a lot of assessing and rebuilding of their senses of self. I suppose it's kind of an alternate ending to season 3. I've posted a couple of sneak peeks in the past (1, 2), and here comes another one.
Kara hears the entrance of the Fortress of Solitude open. There’s only one other person who can open that door. For a moment she considers leaving. She doesn’t have the energy to interact with anyone. She doesn’t in the end. She also doesn’t have the energy to care if her lack of resolve worries Kal. “I thought I might find you here,” Kal says from behind her. Kara doesn’t bother turning around, just asks, “What do you want, Kal?”  “I wanted to see how you’re doing and to ask if there’s anything I can do,” he offers. Many people have offered Kara the abstract “anything.” It’s a nice sentiment, but Kara has found little solace in it thus far. “There’s nothing anyone can do.” “Kara,” Kal says as if there must be something he can do but quickly pauses when nothing comes to mind. The name elicits a laugh from her that surprises them both. Perhaps calling it a laugh is generous. It’s more of an escape of helpless emotion. Kara.  That’s her name.  But what does it mean? Is she Kara Zor-El? Is she Kara Danvers? Losing Krypton had been traumatic. In some ways though, the necessity of total reinvention had helped. Kara Danvers held little of the trauma of Kara Zor-El, no hints of alienness, invisible by design. It had only been in recent years between becoming Supergirl and a reporter that she had started to let the latter seep into the former. Who is Kara on Earth? Who is she without Alex?  Once upon a time, Kara thought about moving to Metropolis to be with Kal. Alex had protested being left behind. But Alex is gone now. Kara could move to Metropolis. But all she wants is Alex back, Alex who made this planet home. “There’s never been a Kara Danvers without Alex,” Kara says out loud.  The non sequitur has Kal looking confused. “There was only Kara Zor-El,” Kara continues and, without realizing it, switches to Kryptonian. “There is only Kara Zor-El, who has lost her family, her culture, her planet. Kara Zor-El, who does not exist on this Earth. Kara Zor-El never had an Alex Danvers. Except that’s not quite true, is it? Because Alex did know me. All of me.” Kara only realizes she’s switched to her native tongue when she looks at Kal El, looks at Clark Kent, who has only ever known this planet and looks apologetically lost. “Do you understand anything I am saying right now?” she asks. There’s no malice in her voice, only sadness. “I--” Clark begins sheepishly in English. “Only some of it. I’m sorry.”  “It’s not your fault,” Kara says tiredly because it isn’t.
Monsters in the Mirror is about guilt and facing the consequences of one's actions. It's set in season 2. I do have an old sneak peek, but to be honest, it could do with more editing. Here's a more updated sneak peek.
In her apartment, M'gann watches Alex pace back-and-forth, full of unsettled energy. In the end, it's no surprise when Alex changes course and heads for the door. “You know what? Forget it. You wouldn’t understand.” “Before you walk out that door--because if you really want to, I won’t stop you--I just want to say one thing," M'gann says. To her relief, Alex stops with her hand on the doorknob. She doesn't turn around, but M'gann senses hope that maybe her words of wisdom will make a difference. M'gann continues, “If you want to keep running, that’s your choice. But I don’t think you do. You came to me for a reason. You could have gone to Kara or J’onn. You know they would welcome you with open arms at any time"--at this, Alex's head dips in guilty acknowledgment--"but you came to me instead. Kara and J'onn know guilt, of course they do. But they know the guilt of surviving what has been done to them. You chose me because I know what it's like to live with the guilt of what I have done. So don’t tell me I won’t understand.” Alex slumps. She rests her head against the door. She stays like that for a while until she finally musters up the words. “I killed my dad,” Alex says quietly. M'gann wants to believe that she misheard. She knows enough about J'onn and the Danvers to know how important family is. No wonder Alex has been spiraling. M'gann waits for Alex to continue, knowing a break in momentum may mean the rest never comes at all. “I always knew that I would do anything to protect Kara. I just... I never thought that would mean killing other people that I love." Alex pauses to take a deep, shuddering breath. "And maybe the worst part"--She hesitates again. Clearly what's coming next is the part she really doesn't want to face--"is that I’d do it again. For Kara, I would. What does that say about me? If I’m capable of killing my dad, then what won’t I do? Who wouldn’t I hurt? J’onn? My mom?”
And thus ends our double dose of angst.
Thanks for the ask!
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multifandominfj · 11 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Eight: The Future In-Laws
With Zor-El and Alura seated on the Sofa, and Lena and J’onn in their respective matching chairs, Lena takes a deep breath before she starts.
“The reason I’m here is actually pretty important. Alura, the last time you saw me was when we both dealt with the Harun- El. After that, Kara and I went through a pretty rocky roller coaster with our friendship. I did some things that still haunt me; how I could treat my best friend the way I did was absolutely revolting. That being said, she also told me why she kept her identity from me for so long. I now see why she did, and I am forever grateful she did.
Since then, our friendship hasn’t been the only thing that has gotten stronger. We…became official at Alex’s wedding. And these past few months have been some of the best memories of my life. I love your daughter so much. I think about her every minute of every day. My favorite part of every day is going home to her because that means I get to hear about her day while I make us dinner. After that, we curl up on the couch, and let her snuggle close to the point where I don’t care if she's crushing me. My magic is nothing compared to her power of being a literal ray of sunshine. She makes me a better person, and she makes me want to continue to improve on myself so that I can hopefully be the best partner for her in the future.
So, having said that…Zor-El, Alura, I come here to ask permission. Permission…to marry your daughter.”
Lena then takes out the small Tiffany’s Box, and shows her future in-laws the custom ring she had designed.
“My…” Zor-El gently touches the ring. “That is quite a magnificent ring. Did you design this?”
“I know it’s not as intricate as some of the architecture I’ve seen here, but…” Lena noticed Alura had yet to say a word. “After getting to know Kara, she doesn’t need anything grand to be happy.”
“Miss Luthor, I need you to promise me something.”
“Anything.” Lena puts this ring away and straightens up her posture.
“I need you to promise me that if Kara seems standoffish towards you, to not to jump to the worst case scenario. Let her open up to you when she’s ready. Especially now that we know of her life. I also want you to promise me to be her rock, even when you fight. From how you just spoke about her…I can tell there is an immense amount of love that you have for my daughter. Lastly…if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.” Alura smiled. “You’re a part of this family now, and anything that happened in your past you’ve atoned for you don’t have to worry about any longer.” With a warm aura, she wraps Lena in a hug.
“Oh.” Lena was definitely holding her breath through that entire speech, but as soon as she felt Alura embrace her, not only did she exhale, but she returned the hug. “I feel a lot less nervous now.”
“That stoic persona never seems to be turned off.” Zor-El smirked.
“That is wonderful to hear.” Alura chuckled invitingly.
“Now that we have that out of the way, we really should be heading back unfortunately. With Kara, Alex and Kelly at work, who knows what Nia and Brainy are teaching Esme.” J’onn was half joking and half serious; about 60/40.
“Of course.” Alura walks with Lena and J’onn back to his ship. “Miss Luthor…thank you. It means a lot seeing you hold Kara’s life and home so dearly.”
“A long time ago, I wanted to break away from my family. I wanted to be the person to share a home with a Kryptonian. And…I guess I spoke that into fruition.”
“And Kara has the best person in her corner for the rest of her life.” Zor-El, with his arm around his wife, waves them off.
“So…What’s the next step?” J'onn curiously asked before hitting light speed.
“Time to plan the perfect proposal.” Excitement was coursing through Lena’s body as the gas pedal was hit.
SURPRISE! A double chapter feature! Enjoy Chapter Eight as well! 🥰
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Any Fabricator headcanons to spare?
oh you've gone and done it now. lets see what i can remember off the top of my head
she can't work in silence under any circumstances. at bare minimum she's gotta have some music on in the background. when she's working on less brain-intensive parts of the death-trap-making process, she'll probably also be humming or singing
if she actually ever got a sleep schedule, she would be a morning person. she's not very good at that, though. plus, she works with solaris a lot, and she's a night person, so she's got to make sacrifices to her own schedule so that they can actually get something done
she eats poison with a consistent (and perhaps even unhealthy) frequency. she's developed a tolerance to all her favorites over the years. originally she did so just as a precautionary measure (dying to your poisons is so disgustingly cliche) but it just kind of turned into a habit
as a result, she also claims to be immune to significant amounts of capsaicin (this part is actually true) as well as caffeine (NOT TRUE AT ALL THIS PART'S A LIE)
fabby loves giving herself rewards whenever she's working. little treats. she has no issue with the mental cycle of "ohh but i haven't deserved it yet" she'll scarf down little treats to her heart's content. she always deserves it.
it's this mentality that also leads to her taking breaks in between work and going out to eat and then coming back (and it's absolutely NOT an excuse to hang outside the lab with solaris that's so crazyyyy that's crazy who said that)
speaking of eating, her favorite food is lamb. she'll eat it in pretty much whatever way presented, a lamb rack, a lamb chop, stew. i think she would even stoop to a lamb sandwich if you dolled it up nice enough. if it's available she is going to eat it.
before joining zoraxis, fabby was incredibly ambitious. however, her two passions kind of split her down the middle…
originally she tried to persue a career in engineering. however, she wasn't allowed (not unable, not incapable, but she wasn't allowed) to get her degree after all her hard work. which pissed her off something nasty, but at least she had her love of fashion to fall back on.
she did get a fashion degree, since no one was inclined to keep that away from her. and she was doing pretty well for herself for a little while.
until someone stole her work.
attempts to accuse the thief only lead with false evidence being twisted against her, instead. and it was really looking like the only thing she was ever 'allowed' to do was going to be pulled right from under her feet.
enter zor; stage left. and oh they knew exactly what to say and exactly how to say it (and far too much, though she didn't exactly process just how much they knew at the time)
they would never deny her her true calling. they would never tempt her with success and never let her have it. they would never take what's rightfully hers… but they could certainly help her take it back.
and oh, the most unfortunate thing ended up happening to that grimy thief poor designer! seemingly, he did steal those designs after all. all that guilt he cast onto that innocent woman he took from just proved too much to bare, poor thing. but at least the matter's settled, the designs have returned to its rightful owner, and no one found the matter suspicious enough to do a proper toxology report.
fabby has been absolutely addicted to physical, tangible revenge ever since that moment. it's the only thing that gets results. "if you want something done right, do it yourself", and all that, you know how it is.
(it's also the main reason why phoenix poking around in her workshop flustered her so badly… the thought of someone touching her stuff. doing who knows what to it. taking who knows what. it gets her shaking in anger just thinking about it)
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imjustalittleman · 2 years
[Sort of an aftermath/continuation of my previous post??]
Today was the day. Kara was going to walk into Lena's office, and she was going to tell her everything. 'Everything' being the fact that she was Supergirl, her true name Kara Zor-El. Not the other part of everything. Not the part where she found herself wanting to simply be near the CEO. Where she couldn't spend a second without thinking about her. No, it was all too sudden, and she was still trying to figure out what this all meant. She had just lost Mon-el, and she almost lost Lena, too. Surely, this was an aftershock. The first secret was big enough, anyway.
She paced back and forth along her kitchen floor, going over the exact words she planned on saying to Lena so that she wouldn't mess up. No matter what, she had to do it. She couldn't hold it off for any longer. Not when the hints were getting too obvious and the lies were getting too absurd. She didn't like lying in the first place. Especially to her best friend. And it wasn't like she didn't trust her after all of this time. Of course she did! It was just that she never knew how to bring it up. Saying something like "Hey, Lena. I don't know if I ever mentioned this before, but I'm Supergirl. Tada" didn't seem very appropriate.
Whatever the excuse, she just couldn't let another day go by without telling her. Since the day they teamed up to save Lena, Lillian Luthor's words echoed through her mind:
"Eventually, she'll find out on her own. Find out that you've been lying to her all this time. And when she does? She'll hate you for it."
She knew Lillian was only trying to get in her head with that statement, but she couldn't help but find truth in it. Her friendship with Lena has only grown since they met. And Lena has opened up to her on numerous occasions. Sometimes, to her own surprise. She didn't deserve to be lied to again. She put her trust in too many people just to watch them betray it. Kara was not going to be one of the many. She was determined to show her friend that she appreciated her trust. She wanted to open up to her, too. Because friendship takes mutual effort, and Lena deserves it all.
With that, Kara stopped in her tracks. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She whispered a quick "I can do this" to herself before nodding in resolution and taking to the skies to LCorp.
When she got off the elevator, she gave a casual greeting to Jess, who in turn gave her a brief smile and nod, indicating that she was welcome to walk in the office. Despite the 'go ahead', she knocked on the door just in case before going inside.
Lena must not have heard the knocking because when Kara stepped foot in the office, she was sitting in her desk chair, squinting at her computer screen in concentration. She looked immersed in her work, and Kara almost felt like she was intruding, but she took the time to admire her friend. Her black hair was put up in a bun today. A few strands seem to have escaped the rest and lightly rested near the sides of her face. Her eyes looked sharp as they often do, but she also had deep bags. Kara didn't blame her for not being able to get much sleep after all that has happened. If anything, she didn't want to have to stress her out any more than she already looked.
Swiftly, Kara walked up to the desk and cleared her throat. Lena looked up, and her eyes softened as soon as she registered who was in the room with her.
"Kara, hi" she greeted as a light smile graced her lips and she stood up. "What brings you here today?"
Kara adjusted the glasses on her face as it was a natural habit when she was nervous. "Hi Lena. I just came to visit and see how you were doing. And to tell you something important," she mumbled the last part.
Lena approached her and her hand lightly pressed against Kara's lower back, guiding her to the couch. When they took a seat, their knees touched which didn't go unnoticed by either party.
"Is everything okay?" Lena asked, concern etched into her voice. She always seemed to sense when Kara was conflicted or anxious. And she always asked about it, which only made Kara want to confess to her more because of how much she genuinely cared.
Kara played with her fingers, "Yes. Um. I just- Well... How are you?" She managed to stutter out, looking up into green eyes that stared back in question.
"I could be better," Lena answered truthfully. "But the real question is how are you? Your boyfriend- Mike, was it? - he just-"
Kara swallowed thickly. She wasn't expecting the counter question, although she should've, considering Lena always asked. If she was being honest, she hadn't thought about how she felt about the whole situation since it happened. She tried to ignore her feelings and be productive. Continue being Supergirl. It helped for a bit, but now that she was being asked, she didn't know if she could keep it in anymore.
"Mike, yeah. He took my pod and he-" She started choking on her words and a sob escaped her without permission. She didn't come here to talk about what happened. She didn't come here to cry about her (ex?) boyfriend. But that's what she ended up doing when she felt the tears form up in the corners of her eyes. She didn't even realize her slip up.
In little time, Lena was wrapping Kara in a strong and warm hug. "I'm so sorry that had to happen," she whispered.
Kara hugged the brunette back and cried into her shoulder. She felt Lena run a hand through her ponytail, taking it out in one felt swoop and massaging it. It was calming, but it didn't stop the tears that were already running down her cheeks.
"I miss him," she said weakly. And she did miss him. It has only been a few days, but she could already feel the difference it was making. She wished that he was still on earth with her and that they could continue living their lives as if his mother had never even come to earth in the first place. But now..
"And you have every right to. Look at me," Lena pushed Kara's shoulders away gently so they could look at each other. She looked into Kara's blue eyes that were still filled with tears. Wiping them away with a thumb to either side, Kara's glasses lifted up with each movement. Then, holding her face in between her hands, she said, "You are a strong woman. Stronger than you know. Your boyfriend? He sacrificed his life on earth for the rest of us. That was a noble thing to do. Crying is always okay, Kara. But just know that you two are still connected in here," she placed two fingers on her head. "And in here," she pointed to Kara's heart.
Kara nodded and smiled, wiping away the rest of her tears. "Thank you," she sniffed. "Really." She was more than grateful that Lena cared about her feelings. "And sorry for getting your sweater all..."
"It's alright. It was getting warm anyways," Lena said, slipping off said sweater and placing it down on the armrest of the couch.
They sat in a semi-comfortable silence for a few moments. Kara was still sniffling and quietly thanked Lena when she got up to get a box of tissues. Lena waited patiently until her dear friend was ready to speak again.
"Sorry you had to see that," Kara apologized once again.
"Don't be," Lena replied before the taller woman could say anything else. "You were there to comfort me back when Jack...," she was looking down at the floor when she said this, trying to hide her melancholic response to the memory. She raised her head to look into Kara's blue eyes again, reaching out to one of her hands and squeezing it lightly in assurance, "The least I could do is return the favor."
Kara smiled at the comment and, once again, gave a sincere "Thank you." She was perfectly okay with just spending the remainder of her visit sitting on Lena's couch and talking to her about various things. Both everything and nothing almost simultaneously, like they were so used to doing. She longed to change the subject to something more pleasant. Something happier than death or separation. And then she remembered.
"I almost forgot!" She blurted out suddenly, catching the businesswoman by surprise. "I have to tell you something," she started. And just like that, the nerves came back to her. She was anxious of what the other woman's response would be. What if she really did begin to hate her like Lillian said? She wouldn't know what to do if she added on to the grief that Lena had already experienced in her life. If she never wanted to see her again, she would oblige, but Kara wouldn't be able to go on if she lost another person that she cared deeply for in such a short time. She didn't want that to happen at all, but if that were the case, she wouldn't be able to stop her.
"What is it?" Lena asked, snapping the reporter out of her thoughts and back to the brunette sitting next to her.
She started fidgeting again. "It's important that you know."
Lena did the thing where she rose her eyebrow just a bit, curious, her undivided attention on Kara. She watched as Kara slid off her glasses and placed them on the table in front of them. Her eyes widened as Kara started unbuttoning her shirt and she promptly looked away.
Clearing her throat and trying to hide her oncoming blush she asked, "Kara, what are you doing?"
Said woman noticed the squeak in her voice and looked up after fumbling with one of the buttons to see that Lena was no longer looking at her. "I'm-" she paused. She looked down to her shirt that was almost all the way open and back to Lena, who was looking away awkwardly. Her face was redder than before. Then it clicked. Oh Rao.
"It's not what it looks like!! I- there are clothes underneath this! It was- this is a part of what I wanted to tell you!"
Lena took a moment to breathe again before she slowly turned her head back around. She sighed in relief when she saw that Kara was not indeed stripping in her office with just the two of them. What she saw instead was a very familiar outfit worn by a certain superhero who she has grown to respect and regard as a friend. The red symbol outlined by yellow for the House of El stood out among the rest of her attire. Before Lena knew it, her hand was on Kara's chest, tracing out the 'S' and the pentagon surrounding it.
"I'm Supergirl," Kara said quietly, as if saying it any louder would give the secret away to the whole world.
Lena's finger stopped tracing along the crest, much to Kara's displeasure for reasons she didn't know. Her hand went up to Supergirl's face to put a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I know," she smiled crookedly. These two simple words held more feeling and explanation than any other. It held memories of all the little accidental slip ups that Kara thought she could get away with, but Lena had a keen eye. It held the intense relief Lena felt all of those times Supergirl saved her from death. But it also held the dullness that she felt at having to live in the image of the villain everyone made her out to be. It held the pain of all the times Kara lost her loved ones. Lost her planet. Lost herself to her thoughts. It held the weight of the world. And it held the forgiveness Lena had for Kara not telling her sooner because she understood. Lena knew this. Kara knew this. And if nobody else did, then it was okay because it was only important for the two of them.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Age of Adeline AU, Pt 3
Kara can't sleep. She's put up with Laurel for the night, but she's restless, anxious. She can't settle. So she goes downstairs for a glass of water.
She isn't the only one who can't sleep.
Lena Luthor sits with her back to the doorway, looking up through the solarium roof to stare at the stars. Even so, she seems to sense Kara's arrival.
"I had a friend once," she says without breaking her gaze from the sky. "We used to lay on the roof and build stories for the constellations. She told me once that she felt like a star-- burning so bright and so hot, but too distant for anyone to touch."
A lump lodges in Kara's throat, and she struggles to speak. "Mrs. Luthor, I--"
"Wait." Finally, Lena turns. In the shadows, in the light of the stars and the moon, she looks like she did fifteen years ago. "Before you say anything, there's something I'd like to show you."
Even with dread pooling in her stomach, Kara can't help but follow Lena outside, past the garden to the small shed behind the house. Her apprehension only grows when Lena doesn't turn the light on. Instead, she overturns an empty watering can, and inputs a six digit code on the pinpad hidden beneath it.
A panel of pegboard slide aside, and a biometric lock scans both Lena's eyes and her right palm. Only then does a trap door clank open in the floor, exposing a steep set of spiraling stairs. When they descend, they're met with a final metal door.
"Kara Zor el."
Lena's voice sounds deafening in the silence. The startling sound of her true name rocks Kara to her core. She can barely breathe as the door unlocks and Lena ushers her inside.
When the light finally turns on, Kara's heart nearly stops at the sight of, well... her.
Her face is pinned to nearly every available space on the stone walls, marked with dates and times and locations. Some of them older-- older than Lena. But more frightening are the newer ones-- ones dated since Kara last said goodbye to Lena.
"You've been tracking me?"
Kara can't believe it. Everything she'd ever feared would happen, all the dark certainty that someone's eyes were following her... she'd been right. She just hadn't anticipated who was behind it.
"Before you say anything, just-- hear me out," Lena urges. "You owe me at least that much."
That gives Kara pause.
She supposes maybe, that she did owe Lena that much, after the way she'd broken things off.
"I found this," Lena says, plucking a photo off the wall, "by accident, after you left."
It was a photo of Kara and her sister Alex, young and carefree in the Danvers' backyard. Kara had been twenty one then-- old enough for her appearance to be recognizable, but taken too early to make any kind of sense in Lena's mind.
"At first, I thought I was seeing things. Some of grief induced psychosis or something. But-- I kept coming back to it. And then I started digging."
Kara swallows thickly. "And you didn't stop."
"No." Lena offers her a wan smile. "How could I?"
But that's not all. With the flip of another switch, a bank of monitors comes to live, showing Kara a continuous loop of CCTV and traffic footage of National City, scanning.
Scanning for her.
"I tracked down every single point of contact you've had with city surveillance--"
"Why? To give it to your friends in the government? Or is it proprietary to LuthorCorp--?"
"And I've scrubbed every single trace of you I could find."
Kara blinks. "W-What?"
"Well," Lena says, huffing mirthlessly, "I figured if it was important enough to end what we had-- it was important enough to help you."
Suddenly, tears burn at Kara's eyes. "So you've know where I've been? All this time... and you never-- you never came to me?"
"I haven't exactly been a hermit these past fifteen years, Kara. You could have found me, if you wanted to." Lena offers a thin smile. "And it's Miss."
Kara blinks. "Huh?"
"You called me Mrs. Luthor, before. It's Miss. I never married."
She'd waited.
Reaching for the necklace that dips below the collar of her nightshirt, Lena withdraw its pendant-- a silver ring, glistening with a tell-tale jewel.
"This is why you left, isn't it?" Lena whispers past the tears locked in her throat. "You found it that day, at the cabin."
Kara remembers like it was yesterday. She'd been looking for something. Extra socks, for Lena, whose toes always got cold. And she'd seen the box, opened it, and known that she couldn't stay.
"Lena, I am so sorry--"
Lena takes a step towards her. "I couldn't have given it to anybody else, Kara. There's no one else I've ever wanted to--"
Kara closes the distance between them, wrapping her arms around Lena as the tears come crashing down. All her loneliness, all the anguish of pushing people away, of seeing those around her grow old-- it all comes pouring out into Lena's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Lena. I didn't-- I didn't know what else to do, and-- I can't--!"
Lena holds her tight, tears of her own getting lost in Kara's hair.
"I never stopped," Lena murmurs softly. "Even when I hated you for leaving, I never stopped loving you."
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iii. Luthor
read on ao3
She got hit by a bus. She definitely got hit by a bus.
No, no, wait.
"You're awake. Oh, thank God."
When her eyes blink open, it's to the extremely bright florescent lights of the DEO med bay. Senses come back to her slowly; the sharp smell of alcohol, the dry cool sheets against her skin, and Alex.
Alex's voice, then her heartbeat.
She tries to sit up but Alex puts a hand on her shoulder, gently pushes her back down.
"Ugh," she groans as dizziness overtakes her. "How long was I out?"
"30 hours, give or take. You need to take it easy, Kara,” her sister sighs. “You’re lucky we got to you when we did. Lillian got away though, I’m sorry.”
“T-they had Kryptonite, Alex.”
“I know.”
She breathes in deep, lets it out through parted lips, hand coming up to massage her temple.
“Lena? Where’s Lena?”
“Nia said she found her passed out on your bed,” Alex says, adjusting the sunlamps so it isn’t glaring into Kara’s face. “She’s been staying vigil by your side since yesterday. That woman needs to learn how to rest. I swear to God, the both of you—”
“What?” she asks.
“I wanna go home,” she tells her. Alex makes a sound of protest, so Kara argues, “You know you hit two stones with one bird if you keep us together.”
She hears Alex halt in her movements.
She squints against the remaining brightness of the unadjusted sunlamp. Her sister arms frozen mid-way.
Alex is giving her a strange look.
Alex’s eyes narrow at her.
“What did you say?” Alex demands. “Just now, what did you say? Did you say two stones with one bird?”
Kara shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts enough to rewind back the last few seconds. She finds she can’t remember. She was saying something about Lena, about-
Going home?????
Her head feels fuzzy. Heavy.
“Mm’sorry must still be a bit out of it.”
“I’m doing another scan,” her sister says, words final and Kara groans loudly.
“Ughh, Alex. Please. I want to go home. There’s probably nothing wrong.”
Alex wheels her out nonetheless.
Something is wrong.
Something is very wrong.
She doesn’t understand, why is- why does Alex look like that? Alex’s eyes are bloodshot. What- Why is her head fuzzy? Why is she-
She pulls a hand to her temple. She can’t. A metallic clang echoes.
She’s cuffed; strapped and held-down. There are restraints around her ankles, her waist even.
And then it occurs to her, the whole room is bathed in red.
Red sun emulators.
There is a familiar buzzing in her ears, too. Tinny. Painful.
“Alex,” she croaks.
Her sister is standing stiffly at the far end of the bed (if you can even call this piece of metal a bed.). Her lips set in a thin line. There are dark bags under her eyes. Kara feels like shit. But Alex, Alex looks like shit.
“W-what’s happening? Wha- why am I—”
Rao, even her mouth feels disgusting.
“Wha-what happened?”
Game night comes early. It’s only the middle of the week, but everyone had decided to camp out at Kara’s living room floor after her kidnapping and mini-coma adventure just last night. So, Wednesday game night it is.
Everything is warm and good, Kara thinks, as she hums contently under her breath.
She’s filled with potstickers and wine. Her head on Alex’s lap, her sock-clad feet and calf being massaged by Lena on the opposite end. Nia is laughing loudly at something Kelly said, and Kara lets herself melt against the couch cushions.
“Darling,” Lena says, tapping a hand on her thigh. Kara looks at her, sees her gesturing at her empty glass, and promptly removes her legs off of her lap.
Alex’s fingers stop running through her scalp, as she reaches across to hand Lena her wine glass, too.
“Hey, Luthor, can you also-”
Everything goes black.
It happens so fast.
Alex was just deciding whether or not to switch from wine to brandy, when Kara lunges straight for Lena.
J’onn instantly transforms into Martian form at the commotion, and Alex is still sitting there; stunned, wine glass still clutched by the stem, as she watches Kara pin Lena to the floor, as she hears Lena shriek, as the room bursts into action.
Alex sees the glow of Kara’s eyelids, and it sparks her into action. She jumps from the couch and latches onto Kara’s back.
Her hands press into her sister’s eyes and immediately she can feel the heat filter through her skin. “J’onn!!” she shouts, Alex manages to pull Kara off of Lena, as J’onn grabs the brunette to safety.
Kara growls, stands up with Alex clinging. Kara grabs her, flips her over. She crashes on the floor with a sickening thud. Kelly gasps out her name. From here, she can see how Nia has wrapped her girlfriend and Lena into a bubble of forcefield.
Just as Kara is about to turn around and head for Lena, J’onn flies straight at her, grabs her sister by the arm, and crashes into Kara’s TV. J’onn manages to wrestle her into his grip, and he flies them out through Kara’s window.
Brainy picks her up from the floor. Her heart is beating so fast in her chest. How did she miss this? What has gotten into Kara?
Alex is panicking, all of them are panicking really.
What the fuck just happened?
“Brainy,” Alex says, voice firm, the cloudiness from the alcohol finally clearing. “Get the Legion ship, we need to track down Kara and J’onn. Disperse Kryptonite on sight. We have to detain her.”
Alex looks around the room, Nia retracts her forcefield, Kelly goes straight for her.
“Go,” Kelly says, “I’ll take care of the neighbors, I’ll take care of the mess here. Go. Find Kara.”
“I’ll stay with her,” Nia pipes up and Alex gives her a stiff nod.
She looks at Lena, red marks already blossoming on her neck.
“Are you o-”
“Do not ask me that.” Lena warns. “Now, let’s go. I’m coming with you.”
“You’re in the Legion ship,” Alex tells her sister, “what’s the last thing you remember?”
The base of her skull throbs with pain. “I-I don’t- I can’t remember. Ugh. Alex, can you- can you turn down the Kryptonite? Please, please?”
“I can’t, Kara. I’m sorry, please. I can’t-”
“Why?” Kara rasps out, her eyes closing shut.
“I need you to listen to me, Kara,” her sister says, she hears her stepping closer. “I need you to keep calm when I tell you.”
Kara’s heart beats faster, skin crawling at every awful thought curling from the depths of her mind.
“I-I’m calm. I’ll keep calm,” she promises, “please, Alex. Please, tell me.”
“CADMUS did something to you, Kara.”
Kara’s going to be sick.
She hurt Lena. Oh, Rao, she hurt Lena.
“Kara, Kara, listen to me.” Alex’s voice is distant, far-away. “Lena is fine. She’s fine. It wasn’t your fault.”
But it was her fault. She hurt her, her hands wrapped around Lena’s fragile human neck, and she almost lasered two holes into her pretty skull.
Oh, Rao. She almost killed her.
“Don’t let her near me,” she instructs, voice firm but eyes flashing with unshed tears.
“Kara, no. I don’t think she—”
“No. No, Alex, listen to me,” she urges her sister.
“Keep her away from me.”
There are wires connected to her temple and her spine.
Brainy is sitting next to her bed, typing away on a little screen in front of him.
Her hippocampus and most of her somatic nervous system were experimented on, it seems. It was Kelly who cracked it, they tell her.
Kara’s brain was reconditioned in the short amount of time she spent in that CADMUS facility. A code word implanted to trigger her.
What a cruel joke.
The next time Kara wakes, she is warm.
So warm, and-
Not alone.
She gasps loud. Lena is here. Lena is tucked to her side. Her breaths tickling Kara’s collarbone.
Lena is not supposed to be here.
Kara’s squirming seems to rouse her.
“Mmmm, stop thinking so loud, 'm trying to sleep.”
“Lena—” Her voice is bordering on hysterical.
“Shhhhh.” Lena shifts, ignoring Kara’s racing heart, ignoring Kara’s protests, just presses closer to her, lips kissing her collarbone.
“Nothing could ever keep me away from you, y'know," she slurs sleepily, "not even you, Kara Zor-El.”
Lena’s eyes are still closed, and Rao, Kara doesn’t even remember the last time she saw her like this. So pretty, so peaceful, so relaxed.
“Lena, you’re not supposed to be here. It’s not safe. Please, listen to me.”
Tears fall down from Kara’s cheek onto Lena’s skin. The contact seems to finally wake Lena.
“Oh, oh, darling,” she coos, hands coming up to cup Kara’s face. The blonde leans into the touch, presses her lips to Lena's palm, uses the touch to stifle her sobs.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Kara. You’re not,” Lena tells her, resolute and so full of trust.
Kara can still see the marks on Lena’s neck where her fingers have dug into her skin, and this time a sob breaks free from her throat.
“Lena, I could hurt you, please. Please, leave now.”
“Oh, Kara,” Lena murmurs, “you know I could never do that.”
Why is she so effin stubborn?
“I’m not scared of you, you know?” Lena whispers. She hooks a finger under Kara’s chin, “Look at me, look at me, Kara. I am not afraid of you. I am not going to leave you. I will never leave you.”
“You don’t understand. Lena, I hurt you.”
“No,” Lena answers her, “no, you did not hurt me. They made you hurt me. That wasn’t you, Kara. You will never hurt me.”
“No,” Kara echoes, voice breaking, eyes shining, “no, I would never hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I know, baby, I know.” Lena wipes the tears flowing on her cheeks, kisses them away. “We’ll figure it out together, okay?”
“Nothing can keep me away from you, you hear me?” Lena tells her, and all Kara can do is nod silently, sniffling. Lena presses a soft kiss to her lips and lets Kara break apart in her arms.
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
Hoodie - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Smut 💕(Missionary and Male to Female Oral)
Requested by ab1nsur
"I think you should dress like that from now on when it's just us"
"You think I look sexy wearing your hoodie with my outfit underneath?"
Link to art: https://www.deviantart.com/jmascia/art/Hoodie-Supergirl-501570182
A yawn came from the bedroom as the morning sun shined on through the curtains onto the king-sized bed that was shared between two people that lived under the shared roof.
Y/N yawned as his eyes began to open a little more, his arm drifted toward his right, knowing he would feel "her" sleeping beside him, but... He felt nothing, just the cover on the matrass and the feeling of the soft bedsheets on his hand.
He looked narrowly toward that same side, knowing it was rather odd for him to not wake up beside the love of his life who he began dating months ago, heck it's almost been a year since they began dating before they got intimate, sharing their feelings for each other, whether that be during their job or not.
Their job? Protecting the innocent of course! Keeping Earth safe from any who wish to harm its people. Earth was his home too, a "home away from home" according to his refugee mother, he always was reminded that he was pretty lucky to be born after his mother escaped the hell-scape of a war-torn planet she lived on.
That was years ago, Y/N was now 19 years old, living in his shared home with the one person he fell in love with, he had met her during their hero work of course, his technology is what interested her since she was a huge fan over tech, especially the technology of her own people, the Kryptonians.
He loves her for who she is, just a cheery, sassy and out most beautiful blonde girl and they were friends since 16 years old before dating at the age of 18 after confessing their feelings for each other, for it was a "good luck" kiss that made him realize she liked him and has for a while. After all... He has been by her side all this time, defending her from any who badmouth her, that did include civilians who once blamed her for destruction of property, saying what ever she touched, would be destroyed... Thankfully that was dealt with ages ago, other wise those humans probably wouldn't be alive due to a certain boy at the time.
He gets out of the bed with a yawn, grabbing a t-shirt he took off the from last night and pulled it over his head, stretching out his arms as he puts the short sleeves on while walking toward the shared bathroom to brush his teeth, he cared not for a shower at this minute since he smelled something cooking out from the bedroom.
Meanwhile, a humming blonde girl is seen making breakfast for herself and her seemingly now awakened boyfriend, she heard him quietly yawn thanks to her super hearing and also hearing the tap running in the bathroom also.
The smell of what is called the Great British Fry-Up, consisting of bacon, fried eggs, sausages, black pudding and toasted buttered bread on the side, most of it was on a plate for herself and her boyfriend as she was just cooking the fried eggs which were almost ready.
She then heard her boyfriend walking in, without the need of her X-ray vision, she began smirking since she was wearing something that belonged to him, over what she wears out there as her heroic self, the blue crop top and red panties instead of her blue skirt with the yellow belt, yellow outlines on her top with a shield glyph in the middle donning an S, which was her family glyph.
The whole world knew her as the Heroine: Supergirl, but her close family and friends knew her as Kara Zor-El and her alter-ego in the public also: Linda Lang, the niece of Lana Lang.
Lana Lang, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl... They're same person, only two is an alien refugee while being a Superhero, while the other is hiding in plain sight as a normal Human girl, blending into society.
"Morning Ba -" her boyfriend stopped for a moment as he took in what he saw, she was wearing one of his hoodies; in fact it was one of his favorite ones he usually wears out in public, under his "secret identity", he began chuckling at the sight as she smiled after looking back at him.
"Morning handsome" she spoke to her soulmate with a huge smile before she let out a little giggle, he walked closer to her as she focused on making the last few eggs on the frying pan.
"I thought I smelled something, don't need super senses to tell me what you're making, not like I have any anyway ~" he hugged her from behind, placing his lips on her cheek as he watched her cook - "Wearing one of my hoodies now huh?" he asked her as his hands travelled around her hips to the point he could feel her skin under the hoodie, knowing very well she was wearing her Supergirl crop top underneath.
"Yep, and I think it looks damn good on me" she chuckled, her eyes still on the pan.
"You're right about that... It makes you look pretty sexy, you should dress like this from now on when it's just us" he suggested, his hands drifting down a little lower from her stomach to just about her panties, teasing her a little as she slightly purrs at his touch.
"You think I look sexy wearing your hoodie with my outfit underneath?" she cooed with a smirk as she just finished frying the eggs on the pan, scooping them up not long after to gently place them on her plate and his afterwards.
She took the time to turn her body round to face him before planting a kiss on his lips for a few short seconds.
"Yeah, makes you look hot" he spoke into her lips, pulling back as his girlfriend simply smiled.
"Breakfast is ready honey" she gestured to the plates, waiting to be picked up.
"I love you babe, and I gotta say? You're getting better at cooking" he complimented, before unwrapping his arms around her to pick up his plate.
"Love you too, and yeah. You can thank Megan for that, she taught me how to cook better when I was hanging around with her and the Titans" she replied with a smile, also picking up her plate and walking over to the kitchen table where the both sat.
"Miss Martian? That makes sense" he spoke as Kara shot out her heat vision at his food to heat it back up, along with hers.
"Alright, I wanna know how well I've cooked this time around, so..." she smiled as the two dug in...
"Okay, that was actually really nice Kara, best breakfast hands down"
"Aww, thanks honey" she was simply overjoyed by her boyfriend's reaction to the breakfast she made, their plates were from full to empty.
"It's nice for you to cook for a change, knowing you told me the last time you ever cooked, you burned something that was cooking in the stove/oven and overcooked something else after that" he spoke as the both began to chuckle.
"Yeah, honestly I just wanted to surprise you since our anniversary is coming up, we've been together for almost a year now, thought I'd show you what I've learnt recently ~" she winked - "Also, there's still some leftovers if you want them, cooked extra incase if you were hungry" she added.
"Hmm ~" he thought, he was in fact hungry but the more he thought about it, he became hungry for something else... He was hungry for her - "Well... I am hungry for something else" he began to smirk as she raised an eyebrow.
"And what exactly are you hungry for?" she chuckled, smiling a little while also looking slightly confused, what else would he be hungry for?
"Well... I'm looking at it right now" he replied, not taking his eyes off of her as her eyes widened before a huge grin grew on her face, knowing exactly what he meant with being hungry for her.
"If that's the case..." she spoke in an alluring tone of voice, standing up from her seat as he did the same.
The two walked up to each other before their bodies made contact, their lips crashed onto each other as they began making out.
Her hands explored his body, she knew he didn't go for a shower but that didn't matter right now, all she wanted was for him to have her since he was hungry for her.
She began pulling at his shirt, hinting at him to take it off as he did so, she purred upon seeing his body once more which she fantasizes over, she used to have wet dreams about his body, how it made her purr, turning her on in ways she never thought possible but thankfully she had a much more better control of her powers... Except when it came to the finale of sex with him, they both knew the amount of stuff that got destroyed in their time spent together when things turned sexual. Sometimes she just needed him so she could just feel relaxed after a hard day, she couldn't help it and neither could he.
Everything was amazing about her, he loved that she uses her powers at times, how the last time they done it in the sky, he always thought back to that time and remembered she wanted to do it on Mount Everest though he feared they could probably destroy the mountain after a good time.
Their tongues danced as their hands explored each others bodies, Kara was tempted to take the hoodie off but he insisted her to keep it on, even the crop top underneath so he knows he's fucking the Girl of Steel.
Next thing is... Y/N had her pinned to the wall, allowing him to take control as his stray hand slipped down her pants to the part that made her squirm and beg for more, his fingers teasing her clitoris as he slowly done circles around it, warming her up.
In a sense, Supergirl is invulnerable to mostly everything on Earth, except magic based sources and but of all: Kryptonite and its many variations... Well, excluding Blue Kryptonite.
She's bulletproof, not a single human being can harm her normally, she's faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, can leap tall buildings in a single bound let alone be able to defy gravity and fly, even out of Earth's atmosphere and fly around in the vast of space... But she's very vulnerable to a single mortal being's touch? That being her boyfriend's touch?? He maybe half alien but he's also half human and considers himself as a human.
"Oh fuck you're making me wet" she purred as she bit her lip, feeling two of his fingers entering her as he went for her neck, pecking and biting it to give her a hickey, marking her as his and only his.
She moans softly as her body began to squirm a little more, her breaths getting shaky before she forced him to look at her and began making out with him again, while being pinned to the wall behind her.
His fingers soon exit out of her, dragging his hand out from her panties as he pulls back to breath after a long minute make out session.
The hoodie wearing Girl of Steel simply smirked before wrapping her arms around him and speeding them both to the bedroom, where things would continue on in there.
She had already took off her red panties, dropping them to the floor before laying on her back on the messy bedsheets, stretching her legs outwards to invite him in.
She began playing with herself in front of him as the bump in his pants began to grow, but he didn't want to fuck her right at this minute, he wanted to do something else to her vagina.
He lowered himself down onto her, his face coming close to her clit, she began to gasp before letting out a fit of arousing giggles which soon turned into moans upon his tongue licking her clitoris.
She looked at him, her hand at the back of his head as she used one elbow to support herself on the bed to get a better look at his work on her, his tongue teasing her entrance as he continued to warm her up.
Her moans escaped with ecstasy, her gaping mouth as she moans in pleasure, feeling his tongue go inside her as he flicked it round.
"Ahhh yeah" she moans softly, rocking her head back as her eyes roll up.
She was right about one thing... Only one person on Earth could make her vulnerable without the need of magic or Kryptonite, it was her boyfriend, his touch alone is enough to make her like this... Especially when she's this aroused.
Her moans increased as his tongue continued to warm her up to the point she began playing with her clitoris, rubbing it as he continued flicking his tongue.
She felt herself coming to orgasm the more she worked herself up with him eating her out, she really wanted to orgasm so badly, it had only been a month since she last orgasmed.
Her hopes to orgasm came to an end for a few seconds as he pulled his tongue out, getting up by pulling down his boxers next.
Before she could even pout, she felt his manhood enter her as she let out a surprised gasp, beginning to thrust into her deeply, her wet vaginal walls had lubed his shaft as he thrusted deeply a few more times before continuing at a normal pace.
"Oh Rao, fuck yes Y/N! Right fucking deep in there" she cursed with a huge grin on her face, a fit of aroused laughter escaping her mouth as he passionately thrusted into her.
He began to grope her breasts through her outfit's crop top, glancing down at the S on her top as he began to smile, letting out a moan as her walls began to close on his penis, he had already eaten her out and it satisfied him, now with this? He was satisfied even more, hearing her moans as he continued thrusting into her tight pussy.
"Oh F-FUCK! I'm c-cumming!!" she cursed out which began loudly before it tuned down as she felt herself beginning to orgasm, moaning loudly as she did so, the orgasm was pretty powerful enough to make the room shake a little.
She kept her eyes on him, not breaking eye contact as she continued climaxing as he slowed down his thrusts, he began groaning a little as he slowed down, allowing her to finish her orgasm... But he didn't stop there.
"Y'know? ~" he began smirking - "You may have finished... But I haven't" he chuckles as a huge grin creeped up on her face, an excited laugh escaping her throat as he began to speed up his thrusts.
Wet noises began sounding off due to Kara's orgasm with her boyfriend's manhood still inside her pussy, easily slipping in and out of her with precision.
Her moans continued with his noisy thrusts overlapping her moans, her pussy filled with her own juices began leaking out a little upon him pulling back his shaft to go deeper in her each thrust.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of her baby blues, he leaned down with a fiery kiss on her lips afterwards, thrusting his hips into her as his thighs began smacking off of her.
The two lovebirds moaned into each other's mouths, her moans increasing louder the more he kept going, getting rough with his thrusts... Just the way she loved it.
He grabs Kara's arms and pins them to the bed, asserting his dominance, although the Maiden of Might could easily break out of his grip, she simply couldn't because of how vulnerable she was right now, and she was living the dream.
"Keep going! Oh fucking Rao, fuck me like there's no tomorrow! rougher!! Faster!!!" she demanded with a growl, grinding her teeth as her cheeks turned a bright red, enjoying the feeling of him beginning to thrust rougher in her, laughing in pleasure as she kept her eyes on him, not breaking eye contact.
She loved the way he makes her vulnerable, the way he pins her down and fucks her, she always thinks about the way he fucks her in any position when she wears his hoodies, t-shirts and vests when he's not around.
And now? She's getting fucked while wearing his hoodie over her Supergirl crop top.
Her legs wrap around his back, she could feel his cock beginning to twitch more inside her as he kept his rough and fast thrusts going, wet noises escaping her pussy.
From her move, the feeling of her legs wrapping around his back, he could tell she wanted him to finish inside of her, despite the fact she can't necessarily get pregnant easily, a procedure would have to be done for that.
He kept thrusting as he began to feel his cock twitching more, which meant one thing - "Fuck, Kara. I'm gonna -"
"Do it! I want it all in me" she quickly interrupted with a moan, grinning knowing he didn't exactly have a choice to orgasm out of her with her legs wrapped around his back.
"Mmmmph, ughhhh" a groan escaped from him while she moaned loudly, feeling him deeply thrusting in her a few more times before releasing, his body on top of her as he dug his face into the crook of her neck with him draining all of his juices that built up in him, into her.
He lifted his face up with a satisfied sigh while looking into Kara's baby blues once more and kissing her deeply, thrusting his cock a little more into her to finish off.
They both settled down after a minute passes, Kara giggles as she heard a pop sound upon his penis exiting her pussy before her boyfriend laid down next to her.
She shifted herself to him by lying her head on his chest, smiling with satisfaction - "Now that's one way to start the morning after breakfast" she broke the silence with a satisfied sigh.
"Well ~" he began, Kara looked up at him from his chest - "You deserve it after making a good breakfast for both of us ~" he complimented, gently tapping her on the nose - "Boop"
"You're freaking cute at times, y'know that?" she began giggling, booping his nose back too.
"Says you ~" he scoffed - "You're the cutest person I've ever met, especially since your wearing my hoodie, cutie" he smiled.
"Aww, thanks honey" a blush arose up her cheeks, smiling ear to ear.
"No problem babe ~" he kissed her forehead - "It's the truth" he pecked her on the forehead once more as the two unknowingly stared at each other lovingly, getting lost into each other's eyes.
Her smile alone would give him butterflies in his stomach, it was a smile that would make a bad day turn good within a second, she radiated that sunshine of goodness and that's all he ever wanted.
He makes her feel the same way, both energetic at times who finishes each other's sentences, always a great team together.
"Well, I'm gonna get a shower -"
"Wanna join me? Yeah, I'll join" she interrupted, knowing what he was going to ask before both began erupting in a fit of laughter.
"Ugh I love it when you do that" he laughed, kissing her on the lips.
"Two minds, think alike, am I right?" she asked.
"Yeah, we both do think alike, and y'know what? After the shower, you better keep the hoodie on, I love the fact you've been wearing it" he smiled as the two began kissing again...
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thornedrose44 · 3 years
supercorp prompt: kara gravely injured, lena at her bedside waiting for her to recover, leading to soft confessions
“It was always you. Always. Even when… even when I burnt everything to the ground. Even when I stood and cried in the ashes, wishing to burn it all down again. It was you.” Lena inhaled shakily, lifting Kara’s limp hand to her lips and placing the softest of kisses to the cool skin that used to radiate ridiculous warmth.
“I felt it from the moment you walked into my office, trying to shift back into Clark’s… Superman’s shadow. But you were never meant for anyone’s shadow. Never meant for darkness and hidden away places. You shine. Did you know that? That was my first thought when I saw you. That you were brighter than the sun. That you glowed.
“My heart skipped a beat when I saw those… baby blues of yours. Later on… when I knew… I always wondered if you heard it. Did you think it was just nerves? A flicker of a lie? It was you. I felt so seen in your gaze. I always feel seen in your gaze. And the thought that I might never… that I may one day have to go without that… without you.”
Her voice cracked, splintering like her heart had when Supergirl fell to the ground and didn’t get back up again.
“It’s tearing me apart. I don’t know what kryptonite feels like and I know you would never want me to know but I wonder if it feels like this. Draining, destructive… I feel so helpless, nauseous whenever I consider-“ Lena cut off, she wouldn’t say the word, not even hint at it, not with Kara still recovering from the precipice her life had dangled on. She wouldn’t risk it, wouldn’t entice the reaper to turn his empty sockets to their sanctuary. “I feel like… someone cut my heart out of my chest and left the wound open and raw. Rubbed salt into it and keeps cutting back in whenever it considers healing. It will heal. It is healing… with every continued breath you take, every beat of your heart… it’s healing as you heal. Intrinsically linked.” Lena chuckled hollowly to herself as she defined their melded hurts. “Quantum entanglement.
“You hurt l, I hurt. I get it now…” Lena revealed softly, eyes focusing on the rhythmic way Kara’s chest rose and fell with the ebb and flow of life. “Why you didn’t tell me… you knew it would hurt, truly, deeply hurt. The sheer enormity of it would create a negative feedback loop between us so overwhelming that… all that would be left is ashes…” Lena wiped an inconspicuous tear that had managed to escape off her own cheek. “I hurt which hurts you which hurts me and on and on and on it goes.
“It was you even when there were others. It was you when I was scared, it was you when I was happy, angry, jealous, irritated, delighted, wistful, amused… everything. It was always you. I just want you to know that. Everything I have is yours. Everything I am is yours. I know that-“
Lena bit her lip, teeth digging into the soft skin, ripping into it and staining everything with the smallest drop of crimson.
“I know that it’s not the same for you. That I’m your best friend and that… that’s all you’ll ever see me as and I’m okay with that. Genuinely because that… that position is still sacred, a blessing from the heavens. I get to bask in that… radiant glow of yours and it means everything to me. But you should know - though I will never be brave enough to say these words to you in person - that it's you. For me: it’s you.
“My port in the storm. My lantern in the night. My best friend. My love. My true love. It’s you. It’s always been you and always will be you. I love you, Kara Zor-El.”
And with that, Lena leaned forward out of her chair - still cradling Kara’s hand - and pressed her lips to the uncreased forehead.
Lena didn’t jump or jerk away at the sound of Alex’s soft voice from the doorway. The redhead knew, had seen the way Lena would blossom under Kara’s light - this little tableau the youngest Luthor had created wouldn’t have taken any of the Superfriends by surprise. They were kind enough - or discreet enough - never to mention it. It was Lena’s secret.
They had carried Supergirl for Kara.
They would carry this for Lena.
Lena stepped back, carefully settling Kara’s hand by her side and tucking the blankets tenderly around her form before turning to face the older Danvers with a raised eyebrow. Alex wouldn’t interrupt unless it was important, wouldn’t even consider pulling her away from Kara unless lives were in the balance or she could assure the task was quick - Kara’s hand not losing all contact heat in the time it took for Lena to complete the task and return to her side.
“Brainy needs your help. Just a quick review of the neutraliser design to make sure it works, he doesn’t want to send us in without being certain it will do the job.”
The ‘after the alien took down Supergirl’ goes unsaid.
“Right, of course.” Lena nodded, making her way to the door, head bowed only to be stopped by a light touch to her wrist.
“Lena.” Alex murmured; it was the gentleness of her tone that made Lena stop, it was a gentleness Alex only ever gifted to Kara, Kelly and Esme. “You should tell her.”
Lena pursed her lips at that, already shaking her head without the need for clarification.
“I appreciate the advice, but I can only stand to lose your sister so much.” Lena confessed. “I’ve already gone without once and I’m not brave enough to risk going through that again.”
“I’ve made my choice.” Lena asserted, voice firm yet kind.
“And what about her? What if it’s you for her too?” Alex questioned, brown eyes only showing the smallest slither of regret for eavesdropping.
Lena didn’t have it in her to reprimand for the trespass, Alex’s understanding of boundaries always got murky when it came to her sister - and considering everything the family had suffered, Lena could understand where that moral greyness originated from.
“I highly doubt that.” Lena replied, unable to hide how her shoulders dipped with loss at the prospect.
“But what if?” Alex pressed, hand squeezing Lena’s wrist tighter - not restricting, just reassurance of something solid and tangible to make this real and grounded.
“Then you should do everything in your power to change her mind.” Lena said bluntly. “She can do better. She deserves better.”
“No, Lena-“ Alex spluttered, jaw dropping open as the raven haired woman tugged her hand free and marched out of the room.
“Keep an eye on Kara for me until I return.” Lena ordered, not daring to turn back.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 3 years
Supercorptober 2021 Day 3: Luthor
Lena is intriguing, that’s the first word she thinks when she meets the other woman, besides the obvious word, which is beautiful.
Rao, is Lena beautiful
But yes, she is also intriguing, and Kara feels this pull, this invisible force that almost feels like it’s drawing her to Lena.
She wants to learn more, wants to know more about the woman standing in front of her and Clark, wants to ask what her favourite colour is, wants to ask where the slight accent she can hear is from, wants to ask how she appears so calm yet Kara can hear how fast her heart is beating in her chest.
She doesn’t learn much in their brief conversation, but she believes Lena had nothing to do with the crash, believes her when she says she just wants to make a name for herself outside of her family. 
It’s not until Kara gets home later that evening, when she’s getting ready for bed, that her feelings suddenly make a bit more sense. The name takes her by surprise, tattooed across her ribs, but it’s not the name itself that surprises her, something sitting so right in her chest at the sight of ‘Lena Luthor’ written on her skin.
No, it’s the fact that she wasn’t sure she’d ever get this, a soulmate, not after she’d lost her whole world, she wondered if she’d lost this too.
But she hasn’t, it’s right there in black, she has a soulmate, and she can’t help but smile at the prospect.
Just as quickly, other feelings start flooding in. Namely, nerves. Because she’s on a planet that doesn’t have soulmates, how is she meant to explain to Lena what it means. Rao, she’s going to have to tell Lena who she really is too.
And not only that, it’s not just anyone, it’s Lena Luthor, and she knows at least her cousin is going to have a few opinions on that fact.
She flies straight to her sister’s apartment, because that’s what she does when she needs help, she finds Alex.
“Jesus!” Alex exclaims, hand flying to her chest when Kara flies through her window
“Sorry,” Kara says, smiling sheepishly at her sister. “I’ll text you next time?”
“Please,” Alex says, walking into her kitchen, pulling a bag of potato chips from her cupboard and tossing them at Kara.
Rao, she loves her sister.
“What’s up?” Alex asks.
“Umm…” Kara says, not looking at Alex as she speaks. Kara has told her about the idea of soulmates on Krypton, told her when she’d had to explain to Kal why he had ‘Lois Lane’ written on his shoulder, but she’s not exactly sure her sister will be on board with a ‘Luthor’ as her soulmate. “Do you remember when-“ the bag of chips tears in her hand, Kara managing to catch most of the chips but a few fall onto the floor.
“Is everything okay?” Alex asks, eyeing Kara uncertainly.
Kara puts the food down on the coffee table and decides to just say it. “I found my soulmate.”
Alex gasps, eyes wide. “You got a name?”
Kara nods, feels some of the excitement she’d felt earlier thrum through her. “I did.”
“Who is it?” Alex asks, eyes flittering over Kara’s body, like she might be able to see the name through her clothes.
Kara takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly. “Promise you won’t be mad?”
Alex is the one that looks nervous now. “Why would I be mad?”
Kara pulls up her t-shirt, revealing the name on her ribs.
Alex’s eyes somehow widen even more than before. “Lena Luthor? Kara, you can’t, she’s-“
“Please don’t,” Kara cuts in. “I already know what you’re going to say, don’t you think I haven’t thought about that? But Alex, I trust her, I trusted her before I saw the name. I can’t explain it, but I could tell she was telling the truth earlier. She’s not like her family, I can feel it.”
Alex sighs, pinches the bridge of her nose. She suddenly looks tired. “Okay, I guess I can’t argue with that,” she says, pointing to the place where her tattoo is, now covered by Kara’s shirt once again. “You’re going to have to talk to her, right? She’s going to have your name on her skin and that’s going to be a bit of a surprise, just like Lois got one too.”
“Oh Rao,” Kara hadn’t considered that part of it.
She definitely has to talk to Lena.
She goes to talk to her the next day, easily getting another meeting with her. She’s nervous and excited and all it does is make it hard for her to talk when she sees Lena again.
“Miss Danvers, back so soon?”
“I…uhhh…yeah…hi…” Kara manages to get out, adjusting her glasses as she does. She can already tell this conversation isn’t going to go as well as she’d been hoping.
“Or is it, Miss Zor-El?” Lena asks, tone shifting to something much less confident.
“Oh,” Kara breathes, she hadn’t considered that, what her name might actually say, and there’s no avoiding it now, she knows.
Lena has Kara Zor-El tattooed on her too.
“Should I ask why I woke up with your name tattooed on my back?” Lena asks, genuine curiosity in her eyes.
“I…I’m not exactly from here.” Kara swallows. “Earth, I mean.”
It takes Lena less than a second to figure it out, sees it in the widening of green eyes. “Supergirl?” Her eyes widen even more. “And Clark Kent is Superman.” It’s not a question. “Some things make a lot more sense now.” The last sentence is quieter, Kara thinks it’s mostly to herself. “So,” she continues. “That’s one mystery solved, but it still doesn’t explain why I suddenly have a tattoo.”
Lena’s not mad, or upset, she just genuinely does look curious about the whole thing, which makes it easier to just tell her the truth.
“On Krypton, when you meet the person you’re destined to be with, you know because their name appears on your skin."
Lena gasps. “We’re soulmates?”
Kara bites her lip. “Essentially, yeah.”
“You…have my name too?”
Kara untucks her blouse, undoes the bottom buttons, enough that she can lift it to reveal her tattoo.
Lena gasps again when she sees it, reaches out. Her fingers brush lightly over Kara’s ribs, red hot, yet Kara still shivers at the touch.
“But how?”
Kara shrugs. “I’m not sure how it works exactly, only that it does.”
Green eyes look up to meet hers, even closer now. “A Super and a Luthor? Is that really wise? My family-“
“You’re not your family,” Kara cuts in. “And I’m not mine. We’re our own people, and all I know is that I like you. This doesn’t have to mean anything yet,” she says, gesturing to her ribs. “We can be friends for now, see what happens. I just want to get to know you better.”
Lena’s smile is small but genuine when she replies. “I’d like that.” 
Fic link: ao3
Series link: ao3
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hrwinter · 4 years
Lena placing a pair of glasses on a pillow and making out with it pretending it’s Kara
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Lena’s not always this drunk. Well. Lena hasn’t historically imbibed this much after the age of 26, but her mother’s been arrested and her best friend is a liar, so what else is there to do other than look for an answer at the bottom of a very large bottle of scotch.
She’s been to three upscale bars and restaurants with Andrea, both of them reverting to their messy boarding school days almost instantaneously after the third glass, giggling in the corner and overtly hitting on men and women by sending them pretentious $24 cocktails.
But there’s still a dark streak in all the buffoonery. Lena can’t stop searching for blue eyes on the face of every blonde or broad shoulders under the lapels of every Armani jacket. She hates herself for it. And she hates Kara Danvers. Or Kara Zor-El, whatever the fuck.
Lena is pissed.
She takes another moody sip of scotch while some stock broker continues to shoot his shot (why do they all talk the same? why do they all feel the need to explain how money works to her, a billionaire?) and Andrea’s laughing and laughing at a woman far too loudly, her finger tips sloshing the edge of a martini she absolutely doesn’t need. While the man goes on about blue chip stocks, earnings per share, dividends (kill her), Lena’s eyeing the restroom.
No one would miss her if she ducked out. She could have a car here in minutes. Hell, Andrea would probably appreciate the attention of both parties at the same time. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d finagled a twosome into a threesome.
But that means going home. It means gazing at the dark sky from the cold enclave of her penthouse balcony. It means seeing the downturned photo frame, glass smashed, but still not thrown away.
God damn Kara. She stays.
She doesn’t go home with the man, and Andrea doesn’t go home with the woman. They don’t all go home together. But she and Andrea do go to another bar, and after that, an after hours bar. Then, by some misfortune of a higher power, they end up at a bratwurst stand at 4 AM with a horde of college kids. College children.
“Someone threw up just there,” Lena points at the pavement.
“Oh, don’t be such a snob!” Andrea shrieks into the night, grasping at Lena’s elbow and toying with a necklace Lena knows to cost more than a tricked out Vespa. Lena may be glassy-eyed, there may even be two of Andrea, but she can still spot irony.
“I’m starving. And I haven’t had one of these in yeaaarrrsss,” Andrea elongates as they move up a few paces in line. “Remember when we’d sneak into town and grift old men for drinks? That hot dog stand just outside of Hawthorne’s? I’ve been desperate for one.”
Lena wants to complain more, but it does smell good. And by the time they have bratwursts fisted in hand and are leaning against a nearby brick wall with the rest of the infants, Lena’s not feeling all that bad. It might be the best thing she’s ever tasted in her life. God, this might be the best she’s ever felt in her life. Numb, blitzed out of her mind, somewhere closer to nineteen sheets to the wind than three, she’s no longer a Luthor, no longer a simpering fool to a Super’s lies, not a CEO or a disappointment or even a person. She’s just a presence existing on this curb, eating a bratwurst.
“I’m having an out of body experience,” she tells Andrea with half her mouth full and still swallowing.
“That good, huh?” Andrea has mustard on her chin.
“I want another.”
Lena glances up, and her visions tunnels. Her existence is whittled down even further, to its basest instinct. She’s become the singular pursuit of a thousand more calories, of another bratwurst. Lena surges into the street, the stand a beacon of light in the darkness.
But several things happen at once. There’s a screech of tires, the smash of metal, what feels like getting hit with a brick wall and then being shot out of a circus canon.
Lena finds herself throwing up on the pavement on the other side of the road, and Kara fucking Danvers yelling at a motorist. The guy has gotten out of his car, hood dented and engine smoking.
“You smashed my car!”
“You almost hit a woman! You could’ve killed her!”
“She just bolted into the street, that’s not my fault!”
“Hey!” Lena slurs, having regained her dignity by wiping her mouth clean of vomit. It’s called class.
Both the guy and Kara turn to look at her, but her eyes are trained on Kara.
“I don’t need your help,” she tells her with a point of her finger.
This feels very witty. The pinnacle of sass. So what if she’s lost a heel at some point and may have missed a bit of vomit in her hair. She’s the one in control.
The guy’s eyes narrow.
“Are you blind or something? Didn’t your mom teach you to look both ways before you walk into the street?”
At the mention of Lena’s mother, her eyes narrow, she sways dangerously.
“You’re fired.”
“What?” the guy rolls his eyes. “I don’t have time for this.” He whips out his cell phone. “You’ve got insurance right?”
“Um, yeah,” Kara hands him a card, but she’s quick to come to Lena’s side, to place a steadying hand on her shoulder. Lena tries to wiggle away from it like a petulant child.
“Stop it!”
Kara ignores her.
“Lena, I didn’t want to say it around him,” Kara cups a blocking hand over her mouth and points at the guy so he can’t see.
It’s so adorable and infuriating.
She stage whispers, “But you were jaywalking! And you could’ve been hit by a car. What’re you even doing out here?”
Lena rolls her eyes so hard, she might’ve just incurred permanent damage.
“I’m an adult, Supergirl, and I don’t need an escort--”
Lena’s very mature tirade is interrupted by Andrea crossing the street, mouth still wide open and staring. The look she’s giving Kara is distinctly not platonic, and the look she’s giving Lena is one of deepest intrigue. Her eyes scan the pair of them, their body language, the way Kara’s hand is still on Lena’s shoulder (hadn’t she shaken that off?), and smirks.
“Sorry, am I interrupting something?”
Lena could kill her.
“Be quiet, Drea!”
Andrea dissolves into snorts, and Kara glances between the two of them, a look of recognition passing over her face. Now Lena wants to hurl herself into traffic for real.
Kara opens her mouth to speak, but Lena waves a hand in front of her nose.
“Just--everyone shut up and take me home.”
And the route Lena wants to be taken home is clear when she swats at Kara’s (firm) bicep (to push her away, of course), and that swat accidentally turns into a posessive squeeze.
“Oh, can I come, too?” Andrea purrs, and Kara’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“No!” Lena barks at her.
“Fine, fine! Call me tomorrow!” Andrea waves, and like some sort of rich superpower, she’s already getting into the back of a sleek black car.
“Okay, Lena,” Kara hushes against her head. It’s too soft and caring, and Lena wants to push her away. But she doesn’t. (Mainly because standing is feeling like quite a complex task, and she doesn’t have the balance for it.)
“This’ll only take a second.” 
Then, Lena’s wrapped in a warm and solid embrace. It’s nice... before everything blurs, and she has the distinct desire to vomit again.
She never wants another bratwurst.
In the very next moment, she’s being gingerly placed on her balcony, and Lena’s surging out of Kara’s grasp and pressing her face against the cold glass of her balcony sliding door. It feels amazing, calming her stomach down by degrees.
“What’re you doing?”
“Oh,” Lena says. Maybe she’d been doing that for a bit too long.
She runs her hands over the glass in an attempt to open the door, heavily petting various keypads and biometric scanners. Nothing happens. She scratches at the glass like a raccoon desperate to be inside.
“Um, isn’t it over there?” Kara indicates a different keypad to the left.
“I don’t need your help!” Lena shouts before following her instructions exactly. The door opens. She grumbles inside.
Unaware and uncaring, Lena starts undressing in her living room the very moment she’s crossed the threshhold, discarding her shirt, her skirt this way and that. There’s a gasp behind her and another suspicious super speeding sound, but she ignores Kara. She paces into her bedroom to strip off her bra and grab an oversized shirt. After, she spread eagles on her bed.
“I, um, brought you a glass of water.”
Lena cracks an eye open, takes in the sight of Kara standing at her bedside, nervous and uncertain, glass of water extended between them like some sort of peace offering.
She groans loudly and sits up to snatch it from her, water sloshing onto her bare legs. She doesn’t register it, draining it dry, glaring at Kara over the edge of the glass the entire time.
The Super pulls at her fingers.
“What’re you doing here?” Lena rasps, rolling the empty glass onto her exquisite and overpriced comforter.
“You were in trouble, Lena.”
“You don’t care about me.”
“Yes, I do.”
Lena scoffs, completely undignified, a sound appropriate for an elementary school playground. She does it again because it feels good. Kara’s eyebrows pinch.
Lena swivels at the waist and plucks her reading glasses off her bedside table. She places them over one of her giant, California King-sized pillows.
“Oh, Kara, there you are!” she says, squeezing it’s sides together like she’s cupping its cheeks. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you in a pair of glasses!”
Kara’s brows furrow deeper, not amused.
“How did I not see that the kindness, the sincerity, the insistence that I was not just another Luthor was a total act!” she continues to talk to it.
“It wasn’t an act--”
Lena brings the pillow close in her arms.
“Stopping by to bring me lunch, complimentary puff pieces, spin class, game nights. You’re so sweeeeeet,” she elongates, squeezing the pillow tight. “And beautiful. You know what you deserve? A kiss.”
Surely, this bit has spiraled out of Lena’s control. This entire night has. And were she sober enough to realize it, she’d catch herself before this next part. But she’s not and she’s wasted. And this pillow is the Kara she used to know, the Kara Lena used to pine for unconditionally, fantasizing what it might be like to just, lean over and...
She loses her balance as she places a wet one just under the glasses of her pillowcase and falls over on top of it. Incidentally, it’s the perfect size for snuggling, just like Kara herself, and her eyes flutter closed, warm and content.
“I’ll--I’ll go,” she hears a voice say.
“Kara?” Lena mumbles, face down in her pillow and not long for this world.
“I lo--I mean, I hate you.”
Kara sighs.
“I love you too, Lena.”
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