#and it occured to me I wanted to be eldritch
quinacridonered · 3 days
Rings of Power Recap - Season 2, Episode 6
Orc #1: All I wanted was to settle quietly in a suburb of Mordor.
Orc #2: You still can. 
Orc #3: Put a downpayment on an ox… 
Orc #1: Get a warg puppy for the wee ones…
Arondir: Nope.
Passing Mouse: You look like you’ve been subsisting on pizza, but apparently it’s all scrap metal?
Assistants: Good point. Lord Celebrimbor?
Celebrimbor: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow… Creeps at this petty pace from day to day…
Mirdania: Shall we order some pizza, my lord?
Celebrimbor: Who the fuck are you?
Sauron: Perhaps you should stop spending the food budget on Red Bull and vodka.
Eregion Citizens: Lord Celebrimbor!
Sauron: I’m taking over. What’s up, citizens?
City Guards: The only inbound traffic has been dead bodies covered in foreign graffiti.
Sauron: All is well. You are getting very sleepy. 
Mirdania: I don’t feel sleepy. Your new dress is making me very awake indeed.
Sauron: Don’t worry, we’ll get you one just like it.
Orc Daddy: We both love-hate Sauron. Friends forever?
Galadriel: You are the only one who understands.
Orc Daddy: Look, I got you fresh produce and everything.
Galadriel: Aw. You’re really trying.
Orc Daddy: What’s new in your world?
Galadriel: *full disclosure of elven state secrets*
Orc Daddy: You know how Sauron makes you feel seen and understood, and then you give him what he wants, and then he totally fucks you over?
Galadriel: Uh-huh…
Orc Daddy: I did mention he was my leader and teacher for centuries, right?
Galadriel: What’s Black Speech for “fuck my life”?
Elendil: Traitor!
Pharazon: Takes one to know one.
Elendil: The Valar will show who’s right.
Pharazon: Brilliant idea. 
Homeless Wizard: What episode is it?
Tom Bombadil: Episode 6, why?
Homeless Wizard: Does time flow differently in Rhûn? My plot feels like it hasn’t moved in months.
Tom Bombadil: Fine. Here’s the next bit. Betray your friends or doom the world.
Homeless Wizard: Suddenly I miss when you were just forcing me to bathe.
Poppy’s Love Life: *occurs*
King Durin: Look who’s here!
Prince Durin: Annatar. You look… asymmetrical.
Sauron: What can I give you for more mithril? Timber? Grain? Eregion’s finest virgins every full moon?
Prince Durin: I need a shower just talking to you.
King Durin: I am knee deep in all the virgins I could possibly want.
Balrog, via Fire Zoom Call: Cousin! Missed ya, where you been?
Sauron:  Spent a millennium as evil goo. Not my best moment.
Balrog: Sworn enemies?
Sauron: Disloyal minions.
Balrog: Gets you every time.
King Durin: *taking notes* Watch out… for disloyal… minions…
Disa: Is he still…
Prince Durin: He’s worse.
Disa: I hear the League of Disloyal Minions is looking for new members.
Prince Durin: He’s my Dad. I can’t do it.
Disa: Who do you fear more, me or him?
Prince Durin: Tough call, but frankly, you.
Pharazon: We’re gonna feed you to the Sea Wyrm. 
Elendil: I’ll take that over your company.
Miriel: Over my dead body. I mean it literally.
Guards: Incoming!
Eldritch Marine Horror: I’m hangry.
Miriel: I am the rightful monarch of Numenor.
Eldritch Marine Horror: For fuck’s sake. This used to be a normal ocean. Now it’s crawling with the cosmically significant. Is there at least a fish and chips?
Pharazon: We can hook you up with some gumbo.
Crowd: MI-RI-EL!
Giant Eagle: My god, they are fickle here.
Eregion Citizens: Oh shit. Orcs. Many.
Sauron: Celebrimbor! Chop fucking chop! I can’t move this whole forge into a trebuchet projectile shelter now, can I? You wanted the world’s tallest tower and now you work in the world’s easiest target!
Celebrimbor: This is the point in our relationship where I normalise physical violence.
Sauron: Baby, I thought you’d never ask.
Hallucinatory Eregion Citizens: What a fine sunny day we are having in the middle of the night. 
Clock tower: *strikes thirteen*
Sauron: Asking nicely for the last time: make the fucking rings. Here’s your grandpa’s hammer. Go get ‘em, tiger, etc.
Celebrimbor: Rings… Gotta make some rings…
Sauron: Servants! New case of Red Bull and some Zero Age tequila! Let's party like it's 1999!
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caffeinewitchcraft · 4 months
When I was a kid (and teen if I'm being honest), I used to wish I had a dozen eyes and at least two more limbs. I would be totally normal out and about my home, but then I would creep into my closet and pretend to be a predator with glistening fangs and talons. There was a period of about two years where I had my own room where this was a nightly routine.
Looking back, I'm impressed with my own ambitions.
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i just realized setrákus is just ra ra rasputin But Evil and it took an inch off the front of my skull
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
Hey I was wondering if you would do a post about how you make your feralnette au? I really like how you color it and was curious about your process.
Yes this is absolutely for plagiarism purposes /j
(I want to incorporate something similar on a smaller scale within my artwork, I don’t plan on posting anything but I can run the art past you if your worried about me actually stealing your style)
sure! as a note I'm not a pro or anything, this is just how I render my comic for ease of access
as a general note I draw everything in black and white first
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I use a LOT of texture heavy brushes for effects, and specifically because I render with gradient maps a lot. people ask me why I do AU's in different styles - usually anything outside of feralnette is done in color - but that's because the rendering process is different.
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for instance in the dad villain au, I do basic linework and chunky colors. if I was to do Feralnette in the same style, the gradient maps wouldn't nearly have the same effect, as you can see up there ^
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when a gradient map is applied I can fiddle with the color values to set a Tone for the update I'm going for, while also making it really pretty, bc textures can really bloom the subtle colors in a gradient map. I get a lot from the CSP page itself, but I also MAKE a lot too. this specific map I made by color picking off of a neuron map from a brain scan I thought was pretty~
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I don't do the feralnette AU in full color because generally, anything IN full color will have significance - either to show that a scene is important character development,
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is a flash back,
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or to put emphasis on something supernatural happening.
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with Feralnette, when something is colored purposefully, its to emphasize it, whether that be to highlight character moments, or to stress that something eldritched and unnatural could be occurring, as its colors that do not exist in the pre-existing gradient map. Color out of space, yknow?
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((SOMETIMES I put gradient maps on my colored chunky stuff, but once again, for the purpose of creating a tonal shift, like when papa Tom shows up in the dad villain AU!))
anyway I hope that helped!
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leonw4nter · 24 days
been obsessed with ur fics relating to Taylor’s songs 🥺 can u do one with ‘sl/t’? Just a good ole fluffy fic.
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My Cuddly Eldritch Boyfriend!
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Eldritch Horror!RE2R!Leon x F!Reader
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“Ah yes, my human female companion, I believe I am required to inform you of my whereabouts for today. Since we have run out of the minuscule jar of the chocolate-hazelnut spread you quite enjoy consuming with sliced bread, I had to leave our shared den and purchase some for you. It appears that I have underestimated the price of such delicacy for the bills I have pocketed fell short of a few more dollars,” your boyfriend Leon happily recounted as he showed you the large tub of sandwich spread that he bought earlier today. “Boyfriend”, rather, if he can be considered that.
Leon waltzed into your life quite interestingly, a little more differently than most boyfriends do in the lives of others who have them. You were trapped in an unhappy relationship, the kind where you had to beg to be shown affection and got scolded for buying yourself little goodies like a funny little pond jewelry dish. He was always on his gaming computer or out with his buddies for beer and snacks, yelling at you over the phone whenever you refused to lend him more money. You went home one evening, after a draining workday, to see your “boyfriend” quietly cleaning around the house and stopping to greet you good evening and ask you about your day. It’s quite the contrast to go from an “annoying clingy hoe” to “human female companion” but the latter is leagues better than the other words hurled at you. Leon isn’t even the name of your former boyfriend, wherever he is now; this replacement simply decided to name himself. You know you should be looking for your former partner, wherever he is, but you don’t want to. You’re more than happy with Leon and you wouldn’t want another undeserving girl to fall into the suffocating clutches of your ex.
“A lady has also offered me a small slice of processed meat– a sausage, it is called. Seasoned pork meat rolled into logs, a cut skewered into an infinitesimally slim stake referred to as ‘toothpick’. It is quite delectable, I must admit, but I haven’t any payment in my pockets so I had to politely decline her offer,” he continues recalling. You take out your phone and google a word: “infinitesimally”. This is another of the changes you noticed with your boyfriend: his lexicomane speech; you would never hear words the likes of ‘infinitesimally’ and ‘minuscule’ from him, intelligent phraseology is not in his vocabulary. A few days after the swap of boyfriends, you found yourself having to install a dictionary app on your phone in order to keep up with his sesquipedalian use of words and engage in conversation. You smile, finally spotting the definition of the word: extremely small.
“That’s great, Leon. We still have some sausage in the freezer, though, so I think it’s only right that you didn’t get some coz we might’ve ended up with far too much,” you respond as you set your phone down on the counter. “What brand was it though? I might pick that up for you next time around when I go for groceries.”
“Hm,” he hums in thought.
His human appearance appears to slightly glitch as he delves deeper into his recollections of the day earlier; he appears to have a chromatic aberration, multiple shadows of his head moving about and twitching around in smoky wisps, as several muffled voices of ancient chanting begin to grow a little bit more noticeable in volume. You grow worried yet you stay seated on your chair, carefully observing Leon before anything too out of control and mind-shattering occurs. Thankfully, he finally manages to remember before the voices get too overwhelming for your human mind.
“I believe it was called ‘MorningStar’,” he finally says. He falls silent, head tilting as his face grows expressionless. “Are you alright, girlfriend?”
He steps closer and sits in front of you, back straight and hands in his lap as he continues to observe you thoughtfully, the gears in his head turning to determine how to approach you.
“Oh, yes, Leon. Don’t worry, just zoned out a little. That’s all,” you respond with a forced smile that doesn’t convince him entirely.
“Have you finally observed that I have left the bathroom light bulb switched on during the entirety that I was out purchasing goods to consume?” he quietly asks, voice laced with guilt and shame as he looks at you with something akin to puppy-dog eyes; you didn’t know that eldritch horrors are capable of giving puppy-dog eyes. “I apologize with utmost remorse, my human female mate. In my haste to please you, I have overlooked a step in securing your household utilities.”
You wonder what is the connection between his previous concern for you and the most recent sentence he just uttered then it occurred to you that he wanted to delay admitting to  you that he forgot to switch off the lights; Leon must’ve also forgotten that humans don’t have the level of perception as whatever his kind has, or maybe he assumed that you and you alone possessed that ability. You never would have known if he didn’t bring it up to you. It is funny to see this eldritch being that was clearly trying to pass off as human, as if you had the power of the universe in your palm and could so easily kick him out into the streets, a look on his face now reminiscent of a kicked puppy. It appeared as if he shrank into his olive green sweater, hiding into the warm and dark depths that the piece of clothing offered. Now his ashamed aura was seeping into you, making you feel a slight tinge of what he’s feeling.
“Leon, it’s fine, okay? We’re still in one piece and nothing too bad happened. Besides, I have enough money to comfortably pay off utility expenses so there’s nothing much to worry about,” you reassure him with a gentle hand to his firm shoulder, feeling the spot unwind from the tension beneath your warm palm. “That happens to me too and I get frustrated sometimes but now I just laugh at it.”
He lights up again and that aura of despair fizzles away lickety-split. He beams again, a little too widely for what could be considered normal. He continues rambling on about sausages before asking you about your workday and leaning in to listen intently; you talk and talk, he sits and devotes all his attention to you and answers too, from time to time. He’s a lot more engaging and present when it comes to talking about yourself than your former boyfriend; all he’d talk about is himself and how you’re lucky he loves you, the occasional comparison to other girls. When you’re finally finished talking about your day, it’s Leon's turn to talk about his.
You don’t want to tell him that he’s not perfect on trying to pass off as another ordinary human being– he still tends to unhinge his jaw when he gets excited, his form glitches when he’s deep in thought, he refers to you as ‘human female mate’ or ‘human female companion’ or simply ‘girlfriend’ though in a manner free of offensive intentions, he likes to change the shades of his blue irises, and his verbose vocabulary. Other than the multiloquent manner that he converses in, no one seems to pick up on the irregularity of his physical form, not even when there’s faint shadows of his head fluctuating when he thinks; surely he’s travelling to universes beyond human comprehension just to figure out an answer to “what’d you think of the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie?”. You guess that he’s conjuring some form of illusion that mask slip-ups in his form but why this doesn’t apply to you, you’re not exactly sure but you don’t plan on telling him his lapses; you’re perfectly content with him cooling up your drink with his hand alone in a matter of seconds when you’re out together. He’s far from perfecting the image of a totally human boyfriend but you’re slightly positive that he’s the most perfect lover.
“I would like to relish in the amusement of motion pictures with sound alongside you on our couch,” Leon expresses in mild emotion though he seems quite eager to watch movies, just phrased in a more archaic fashion.
“Me too” you respond with a small giggle at his unintentionally goofy personality. “Got a movie in mind?”
“Movie? Ah, yes. The moving images,” he recalls. “I have overheard this title from a young couple I happened to share a bus with, Kate and Leopold, they said. Appertaining to this hearsay statement, it must be a picture that thoroughly imprints itself on the heart and mind.”
“Kate and Leopold?” you say out loud and he nods. “Sure, why not. C’mon let’s head to the living room.”
“Of course,” he responds with an enthusiastic smile as he gets up from his dining room chair and quietly pushes it back before trailing behind you like the lovecraftian horror puppy that he is.
You put on the movie, both settling into a comfortable silence, attention centered on the film on your TV. In the middle of the film, you realize how you are quite near to him yet he does not make advances to touch you as he appears content with your shoulders touching. You sit up, inching closer to his side yet you don’t make this all simultaneous as you don’t want to shock him into discomfort. Much to your pleasant amazement, he not-so-subtly extends his arm behind your neck and rests it there. You look at his head and his face is still trained on Leopold chasing the snatcher, though the tips of his ears are dusted with a faint bloom of pink; who knew that cosmic beings could blush. Now slightly more confident, he slowly tries to urge you closer to the warmth of his side though he’s now hesitant with his actions. You snuggle closer to his side and now his hand is comfortably resting on the side of your arm where his silvery touch sends a flurry of tingles. Leopold and Kate are now sharing a kiss on a rooftop after a waltz to which your heart nearly goes into overdrive; Leon is not faring any better, visibly red-faced and overcome with butterflies that press up against his lungs (if he has any), making breathing feel a little funny. You wonder if he’s mentally replacing the characters with you and him and the image makes him feel madly excited.
“Leon, are you cold?” you ask towards the movie’s nearing end.
“No, but are you?” he counters, turning to face you now.
“Would you like me to fetch some for you?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I can get it myself–”
Something heavy and weighted and fuzzy envelopes you from the chest down, placed down by the man beside you.
“What’s this?” you ask in a slightly raised voice.
“A blanket,” he responds in a nonchalant manner.
“Why is it so heavy? I know weighted blankets exist but this one’s a little heavier than what I’m used to…”
“It’s bear fur.”
You fall silent, staring down at the brown fur mass laid above your body before staring back up at him, silently asking if this is his form of a prank. Unfortunately, he is serious about this.
“Um… Leon, I appreciate the blanket but I generally prefer faux fur to actual animal-sourced fur. It’s, you know, more wildlife friendly… yeah, um…”
You need not to say more when the blanket is still brown but is now clearly made of faux fur, having changed it right away without arguments or insults hurled at you. He seems satisfied with his service, adjusting the blanket to cover you up properly without obstructing your view of the movie. You offer to share the blanket but he objects, tomato-faced as he stutters his apology.
The movie is finished and he smiles, remarking on how the couple was correct about their opinions and recounting some of the lines that stuck to him. He seemed to especially adore the portion where Kate is enchanted by the sight of Leopold on horseback, most excitedly analyzing the scene and going into detail about the look of love and the twinkle of Kate’s eyes before sighing dreamily.
“I wish to one day flawlessly emulate the depth of emotion she captured with only both her eyes, though I am well-aware that this is all expert acting. It would be my pleasure to one day look at you with such adoration as you tell me tales for there is nothing more that I desire than to enlighten you about the boundless worship that I present to you,” he wistfully conveys as he watches you walk around the bedroom before settling down to lay beside him.
You softly giggle, biting your lip as his voice bounces off in the walls of your mind and plays over and over again.
“Thank you. You’re doing a great job at that already honey,” you sincerely respond to him as you slip under the sheets and get snug.
“Your welcome,” he softly murmurs as a dopey smile points the corners of his lips skyward.
You ask if you can switch the bedside lamp off and he nods, the darkness of the room taking over as your eyes adjust to the lack of light. You lay still and silent before quietly wishing him a good night and restful sleep, to which he returns before he shifts and faces his back to you. Sometime in the middle of the night Leon awakens to the warmth and weight of your head and arms on his chest, the sight of you causing a human warmth to bloom where a human heart would be. You are peaceful and delicate, basking in the warmth that his form offered; the fact that you sought him out in your sleep made him feel loved, a feeling he didn’t know he’d grow to constantly crave. He pulls you closer and delicately wraps his arms around you in a protective embrace, a soft purr humming from his chest– an actual purr, like a cat’s. He strokes your hair with a silvery touch, daintily patting strands as he thinks about the fragility of his human and how he’d need to be very careful with them. His silky hands cause you to drift between the world of sleep and waking consciousness, growing more aware of his purr. You’re not new to his purring; he purrs when you two hold hands while running errands together, he purrs when you refer to him as your boyfriend to other people, he purrs when he finds out that you bought him a snack he likes. He has yet to discover that humans do not and cannot purr, that’s why you aren’t returning his physical display of contentedness but he’s satisfied that you’re letting him hold you like this. You don’t mind his purring at all and you’re firm on the decision that you love him and that he loves you back.
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NOTE - First off, thank you to the anon who requested this!! I hope this one reached your expectations, even if I did put a little twist to it :)) guys... I think we're back!!! coz I decided to start on this last night at around 11:30 PM and I rlly had my creative juices flowing, like it just occured to me so clearly so now ig I'm going to start quite late into the evening if I'm going to start something new :D this fic is inspired by the eldritch horror boyfriend prompts that I came across on TikTok and also bc I felt like writing Leon rlly poetic and soft tonightt teehee :3 That's it and and I hope you really enjoyed this fic :)) Thank you for reading my works!!!!!!!!!! I <3333 UUUUUU!!!!!!!!!
The dainty chain dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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in-search-of-an-exit · 11 months
Hatchetfield, Continuity, and Eldritch Horror
So, Nerdy Prudes Must Die just came out and it reminded me how much I love the Hatchetfield series and I want to talk about one aspect that makes it so unique and interesting. Continuity.
If you don't know Hatchetfield is a series of stories by Starkid that has three stage musicals and a series called Nightmare Time and a short film. It is a horror anthology series where in every story some different supernatural or other horrible event occurs where characters die or the world ends in different ways. But that is kinda of not true because anthology isn't quite the right word.
The characters stay the same as the inhabitants of the small town of Hatchetfield but each story focuses on different characters at different times and the interesting part is that while certain individuals will act differently because of something related to the horror or supernatural elements mostly they always stick to canonical personalities and histories, and it is heavily implied that the events all actually happen and there is some wider story where there are multiple timelines.
This creates two really cool effects.
One is that you slowly start to learn more about the characters as you encounter them in various stories, and different things come about depending on how the current threat affects them. It also gives more information than any length single timeline would because we get to see what pushes them to different points. From NPMD for example, the story takes place two years after The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals in which the world ends and Paul and Emma fall in love, but we see in NPMD that Paul for the first time gives Emma his number perhaps hinting at what the timeline would be for Paul and Emma's relationship to mature without the intervention of a world ending disaster.
The other thing is about Eldritch Horror. Hatchetfield's core story revolves around the Lords in Black a group of Elder Gods who orchestrate most of the events. In most cases Eldritch Horror has difficulty truly selling the concept of creatures outside of our dimension who are not bound by time and space, and even if they demonstrate their power to the characters, as an audience it doesn't have a huge effect. But with Hatchetfield, because as an audience we are aware of the multiple timelines, we take on the role of the eldritch beings and see the stories from their perspective. In NPMD they make references to other stories implying that it is the same Lords in Black everytime with Tinky talking about having "another Spankofski" for his collection(an episode of Nightmare Time.) They also play with having the audience being the perspective of these Eldritch beings with the stagecraft like in Black Friday where entering the Black and White has the president move in from the audience, or in TGWDLM the ending has the audience clap for the end of the show with Emma screaming for help and unsure why the audience won't help her.
Its a really cool format that I personally have never encountered before and really sells the horror and makes you more invested in the characters.
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absolutely-esme · 11 months
Monster!Tim Coraline AU Idea
This idea would not leave me alone.
It’s a cross between a meta!/magic!Tim au and a Coraline au.
Before I get into it, I feel like I should explain.  I was on a bit of an Eldritch!Batfamily and Cryptid!Batfamily kick.  Then I found a collection of supernatural Tim aus.  Then I stumbled across a Coraline au.  There’s probably also some inspiration in there from vampire au fics.
It didn’t really jell until the idea occurred to me of a scene where some frightened villain asks Tim “What kind of monster are you?” and Tim says “The hungry kind.”
The idea is that somewhere back along the way, Tim’s family tree includes some kind of supernatural creature which may or may not have been an eldritch entity.
The supernatural heritage allows Tim to acquire abilities from other entities he has defeated, and Gotham is absolutely full of the supernatural if you pay attention.
Of course, Tim’s power isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.  It actually comes packaged with some pretty nasty side effects.
One of those side effects is perpetual Hunger.  Tim is always Hungry.  There is no way to stop it.  He eats enough to stay healthy, but he still feels Hunger at all times.  Increasing his food intake will not help and will screw up his metabolism and cause him to need more for normal function.  If this was allowed to spiral out of control it could eventually reach a point where he was physically unable to eat the amount of food he needed to function and starved to death on a full stomach. 
Fixing it is stupid hard because this particular sort of magical inheritance is really fucking inconvenient.  And, of course, whatever is up with his biology also makes him insanely susceptible to addiction, so no coffee for him unless he wants caffeine withdrawal symptoms all the time for however long it takes to fix that.  The constant Hunger also makes it difficult to get enough sleep.  Have you ever tried to go to sleep on an empty stomach?  Not easy, was it?  Imagine that every night.
The Hunger is fairly central to the nature of the magic.  Whatever supernatural entity he’s descended from, it is the Hungry kind.  The ritual of defeating another supernatural entity, taking a bit of the defeated entity’s power, and incorporating it into himself serves as a sort of metaphorical devouring, (and metaphors matter more to magic than they do to normal biology).  That’s why he’s able to gain power and abilities from defeated foes. 
Tim’s relationship with his parents is complicated.  His supernatural heritage comes from his mother’s side of the family.  She did her best to teach him about it and how to cope with it, but a lot of knowledge was lost over the generations due to persecution forcing those like them into hiding more than once.  There may have been a few individuals who spiraled out of control and caused small-scale famines before losing their lives.  It only takes a few cases for people to decide that a specific category of people is simply not worth the risk of having around.  Janet always referred to herself and Tim (as well as anyone else sharing the condition) as “those afflicted with Gluttony.”  This is the closest they have to a name for the condition.
One of the important things Janet Drake teaches her son is to pursue his passions.  It is incredibly important for individuals like them to have things outside the self that they can draw satisfaction and fulfilment from, things that keep them going in the face of the relentless Hunger.  This is what leads Tim to his night-time photography of Gotham, and eventually to his fascination with the Bats. 
Janet’s passions are archeology and travel.  Unfortunately, traveling from dig site to dig site is not a particularly stable or safe environment to raise a child in.  She needs to do these things to remain in good health.  Without her external coping mechanisms, she could start spiraling.  If she starts spiraling, it might trigger her son to start spiraling too because children in their developmental years are delicate, and this type of hereditary magic is fucking inconvenient (there might be ways of managing things that make it easier to live with, but between the knowledge lost and the risks that come with experimentation, they don’t have much info on how anything works).  She comes home as much as she can without the risk of compromising both their health.
She also taught Tim how to calculate appropriate portion sizes based on nutritional data so as not to screw up his metabolism, and how to fix it if he does mess up.  She also stayed and managed the process the first time it happened because the process of returning the metabolism of one afflicted with Gluttony to normal after it’s gotten out of hand is difficult and unpleasant and Tim wasn’t old enough to handle it by himself.  The nanny that had overfed him hadn’t been malicious or unreasonable, she’d just been operating on the assumption that he had standard human biology.  It took months to get Tim healthy again.  It took several hefty bribes to keep things under wraps.  Janet doesn’t know if there are still people out there hunting their kind, but she’s not willing to risk it.
Janet may not know about the aspect of the family magic that lets them gain powers from defeating other entities.  It’s possible that she was holding off on explaining this until he was older and more ready for the responsibility of multiple superpowers.  It’s also possible that the knowledge got lost somewhere along the way and Janet didn’t discover it herself because she didn’t spend her childhood running around Gotham at night and was more the sort of person who would stay home and read when she had trouble sleeping.
Tim discovers his ability to gain abilities from defeating other supernatural things fairly early on.  The type of defeat can vary, but it has to be something of significance.  A fight will work for most, but there are other particular challenges that will work for specific cases.
The first things a young Tim is able to beat are these small things, invisible to most, that gain power from learning secrets.  What that power is used for, I couldn’t tell you.  They don’t seem to do much other than sneak around and learn secrets.  Tim doesn’t know if there’s a proper name for these things or not, but he calls them Secret Hunters.  They are absolutely everywhere in Gotham. 
Secret Hunters are invisible to most, but Tim is able to see them.  It might be because of his own supernatural nature, or it might be something else entirely.  If it’s hereditary it must have skipped his parents’ generation.  Neither of them seem to be able to see them.  Tim gains improved stealth and a sense for when something is hidden from catching Secret Hunters until they wise up and start avoiding him.  (Catching them works in place of a fight because secret hunters primarily operate on stealth and evasion.)
He can’t just magically know secrets, but he can tell when there is a secret.  (He still figured out Batman’s and Robin’s secret identities on his own merit.  The most this ability would have done is alert him to the fact that they had secret identities if that hadn’t already been obvious from the fact that they were wearing masks.)
He also gets various other abilities from other things he encounters while scrambling all over Gotham at night.  Nearly doesn’t get out of some of the scrapes he gets himself into.  He gains the ability to cut with his fingernails as if they were razors from something that nearly killed him.  He gains the ability to climb like a goat from a Jersey Devil.  Etc.
At some point, Tim is targeted by a beldam.  He doesn’t get the kind of warnings that Coraline does, but his ability to sense secrets lets him know that the Beldam is hiding something, and any child raised in any part of Gotham knows to be suspicious of things that seem too good to be true.  Tim doesn’t have a convenient seeing stone from the neighbor, but he does have the advantage of his own supernatural nature which the Beldam doesn’t know about.
Tim finds a button-eyed doll that looks like him after his parents leave on yet another trip, and thinks it’s a gift they meant to give him before leaving.  They do often bring interesting souvenirs.  It wouldn’t be at all unusual for them to find an artist who sews dolls to look like people and have one made based on pictures of him.  Later on, he discovers the key. 
This Beldam is older and more powerful than the one from Coraline.  She has more power and more past victims to work with, so she’s able to make a larger, more populated world. 
Oh by the way, I head-canon that the Other versions of people in the Other world are actually past victims of the Other Mother, remade and dressed up for whatever role she has them play.  The three ghosts were just the three most recent and not fully processed for use yet.  That’s why the Others are able to act against her sometimes (Other Wybie saving Coraline from the mirror, Other Father tossing the eye to Coraline) or say things she doesn’t want them too (Other Father says “so sharp you won’t feel a thing” and Other Mother kicks him under the table).
The Other Mother doesn’t know all that Tim knows, so the Other World has inconsistencies like Other Batman and Other Robin sitting across the table from Other Bruce and Other Jason.  She doesn’t know they’re the same people.  She just knows that they’re all important to Tim.  She also tries to tell him to “eat as much as he wants” when his real mother was the one to explain the dangers of attempting to eat to fullness for people with their condition.
There isn’t a cat to warn Tim but he doesn’t need it.  He can sense hidden intentions in everything, and he’s fully capable of uncovering the hidden secrets himself. 
Tim doesn’t have a cat, but he does have Other Robin, who might have been made from whatever remained of someone close to one of the people mirrored in the Other World made for Tim.  He doesn’t remember his life, but somehow he feels incredibly motivated to help a boy who cares dearly for whoever and is willing to let him know that they're living a good life out there in the real world.
Tim discovers the nature of the other world and sets out to free the souls trapped there.  He fights the Beldam will all the viciousness and desperation of someone who knows they’ve only got one shot.  He takes everything he can from this fight as he makes sure she won’t ever hurt anyone again.  He doesn’t stop until the beldam is well and truly dead.  Then he unravels Other Gotham and spills all of the souls out into the world where they can move on and rest.
This is how Tim learns to Sew.  He can’t make entire populated worlds like the beldam, but that’s mostly because he refuses to do what she did.  He can control things he’s made (though there’s limits on how much) and even see through buttons he’s sewn (onto cushions and such, he's not the Other Mother).  He also gets some minor illusory powers that let him make things look a bit brighter/nicer/cheerier than they are.  It takes quite some time before he’s comfortable with using these powers.  Trauma is a bitch like that.
Part of the reason this version of Tim was so desperate to do something about Batman losing it out of grief is because he already has Evil Batman trauma from Other Batman, and he doesn’t need that shit happening in real Gotham.
By this point Tim has a collection of powers that allow him to navigate the more dangerous parts of Gotham largely without fear.  Now he has to learn how to manage without using any that he isn’t one hundred percent certain he can sneak past Batman, which means he’ll have to divide his attention between learning from the training and not letting himself do things the supernatural way.  This is going to suck.
It does, in fact, suck.
Oh, it turns out some of the rogues are a bit supernatural.  He gains a bit of an intuitive understanding of the health of plants from Ivy.  He gains the ability to taste emotions from Scarecrow.  (Also, Johnathan Crane is a freaking weirdo, fear tastes like spoiled milk!)  The rogues with supernatural tendencies are freaking terrified of the new Robin because he always seems like he wants to freaking eat them.  The non-supernatural types don’t get it.
Eventually, Red hood breaks into Titan’s tower.  Tim, by this point, is very good at deciphering how supernatural entities work and is packing an extensive inventory of powers.  He realizes quickly that this is some kind of manipulative entity that feeds on rage and pain attached to an unwitting host.  When he realizes that the unknowing (and therefore unconsenting) host is Jason Todd, he tells the Lazarus Entity in no uncertain terms to give Jason back or perish.
Jason, who does not realize he has a malicious, mind-warping, supernatural parasite and believes there to be no one other than himself and Tim present, is understandably confused.
Tim decides that the Lazarus entity has had its chance and springs into action.
Jason is treated to the terrifying sight of just what Tim Drake is like when he’s not expending conscious effort on not being something out of a horror movie.  Suddenly he’s in the middle of a spider’s web and no matter how hard he tries to fight back everything around him is under the control of his opponent.  Furniture flies around on puppet strings.  Getting too close puts him in range of the freaking claws this kid apparently has!?  Trying to get away just leaves him caught in strings and the more he struggles the more entangled he becomes!  The new Robin is skittering and gliding around in a decidedly inhuman way. 
Jason honestly thinks he's going to die when he finds himself bound with Tim standing over him.  He passes out when Tim rips the Lazarus entity away from him and destroys it. 
Tim gains the ability to heal from defeating the Lazarus entity.
Jason is surprised and confused when he wakes up bundled in a handmade quilt with his head in Tim’s lap and a cool compress on his forehead, feeling sore but more well and whole than he has since before he died.
Jason later decides that his memories of the fight at Titans Tower must be some kind of weird fever dream caused by his body purging the last of the Lazarus Water from his system. It goes along with Tim's account of things.
According to Tim, Jason entered the tower, initiated a lock-down, and then collapsed on the floor. Then, Tim moved him closer to a wall where he was less likely to get stepped on than in the middle of the walkway and did his best to take care of him there because Jason was simply too large and heavy for him to carry all the way to the med bay by himself.
This is far more believable and less of a mind screw than what Jason remembers. Obviously this tiny, baby-faced kiddo who played nursemaid for a stranger who broke into the tower and now looks up at him with wide, starry eyes couldn't actually be the terrifying, predatory creature from the nightmare. It was all just a bad dream.
He's honestly glad he collapsed before he had time to do any harm. The poor kid will never have to know what Jason went there to do. Jason knows, though, and he'll do his damned best to make up for it. He may have flubbed first impressions, but he is going to be the best damn big brother that ever big brothered.
Tim might or might not go full on feral cryptid when Bruce is lost in the Timestream. I haven't decided. He will probably pick a fight with the Lazarus Pit much to the confusion and alarm of everyone around.
That’s all I’ve got so far.
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vermilionsun · 2 months
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Okay, so we basically know very little/nothing, but I compiled everything I could find here :)
TW for religius themes [?]
Strap in
First of all, we know two definite Gods: the Allmother and Ocudeus.
The Allmother seems to be a benevolent deity that protects her believers. We can assume that since mr. Chocky was wishing upon her for mercy during the Soulless’ attack on the caravan and he was the only one not dying at that point (The Soulless kills him only after the MC’s curse has taken control of him).
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Plus, the (Oracle! has the extra —[text]—) MC comments:
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Is she the one who made the Soulless kill the traveller to save the MC? And cut their arms off to end their misery? Could she be protecting them?
Or did she not want her subject [the traveller] to suffer due to the MC's curse?
Was everything random and out of her control?
And that's basically everything we know about the Allmother.
Then we have Ocudeus. This ancient motherfucker— I had to rewind the damn game for this tentacle bitch again.
Anyway, we know he's the ancient, eldritch being Ais has formed a pact with" that gives him "borrowed, unnerving abilities."
Also, it is suspected that its name is likely from Latin oculus and deus ("eye" and "god") + that "Ocu" also means water in Betoi.
Now, onto the funny stuff: (Oracle!MC is the only one who comments on these)
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The MC can hear a heartbeat the moment they step out of Kuras' clinic
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And it gets louder the closer they get to the Seaspring
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The MC can literally feel Ocudeus watching them from the Seaspring. What's interesting is that they find it familiar
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Ais warns the MC about "ruining the host's mood" [Could be interpreted as: "I'm (Ais) nice, but you don't want to ruin the host's (Ocudeus, who propably lives in the waters of the Seaspring) mood (by asking questions regarding its power and questioning its dominance/control over me)] — As if Ocudeus itself invited them over; that would explain how that lady knew the MC's name:
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Either Ocudeus wanted to see them or it wanted to be fed tea leaves by Ais and felt it was nescessary to brought someone over for Ais to clean the damn temple once in a whie—
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The MC's eyes always return to the mark, and only explanation left is that it was made by Ocudeus
WAIT. Pause and backtract to the Seaspring
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Let's break them down:
1. The topmost
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2. The closest one
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3. The bottommost
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"ucly dpzo vu h zovvapun zahy ol'z hsdhfz spzalupun." - Both with Affine [A=1, B=7] and Mono-alphabetic Substitution (+10 other cyphers) it's the same message: NEVER WISH ON A SHOOTING STAR HE'S ALWAYS LISTENING
Since the notes are left there by people who have evidently drank from the Seaspring (“If you see me, never speak to me,” etc) I will take a wild guess and assume the bottomest note is Ais’ last moments before Ocudeus merged with him.
And also this ties with the whole “Ocudeus is a fallen god” (“shooting/fallen star”) who left the Shroud ignorant about the world beyond and ended up landing to Eridia
"A river bisects Eridia into two distinct halves: the flood-eroded districts of Lowtown, and the elevated, gilded city of Hightown." — Eridia's a river city and Ocudeus is a giant fucking octopus.
ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇˡʸ ᵍᵒ ʷʳᵒⁿᵍˀ :⁾⁾
What I find interesting though is that if the note is truly by Ais, he mentions mirrors and eyes. He must have been trying to hide from something—Ocudeus or another deity?—that “knew what he did,” and let Ocudeus overtake him as a last resort, perhaps.
Sure, it could be the surface of the water and the whole thing is metaphoricall but it bugs me so muchhhhh
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Recently, it was revealed that he, indeed, came out of the Shroud THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE THE FOGFALL OCCURED
And I bring you a background issue:
"An angel is a heavenly supernatural or spiritual being. In monotheistic belief-systems, such beings are under service of the supreme deity (i.e. God)."
Is he autonomous or does he worship a god? And if so, WHICH GOD?!
Perhaps, and take that with a grain of salt, perhaps Allmother
[Does anyone see a pattern? 'Cause I do]
What if Kuras' greatest sin was leaving the Shroud?
Kuras came through the Shroud because he loved humanity. He's had human friends, colleagues, and lovers...
Their incorporeal spirits take physical form, strengthening some and weakening others. The longer they spend in the human world, the better they adapt.
Kuras loved humanity so much he up and left the Shroud and gifted humans all the knowledge he possessed. He risked his power - perhaps his life - as he travelled through.
And so I ask you; Is that his biggest regret? Him loving humans to the extend of abandoning the Shroud and his creator for a life of teaching them, only for his efforts to result in "trinkets, pleasure, and petty tyranny"?
And lastly, Vere
I want you to keep an open mind with this
We know from his character lore that
"Centuries ago, the Senobium bound a wicked beast with a magic collar, sealing his powers and forcing his obedience."
and we know Vere has lived for over a century
BUT THE THING IS: ancient ≠ century [also mentioned here]
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"Seems we're both cursed"
What if Vere used to be human and attempted to take the ancient beast's power [remember, his fatal flaw: "Lusts for power, no matter the consequences"]
He obviously succeeded and became what he is now, while simultaniously getting chained for one reason or another;
The Senobium obviously sees him as a threat but uses him for his abilities anyways
Prehaps he couldn't control the power he gained?
He could have been a theif wanting a better life, like the Hound!MC
He could have been affiliated with the Senobium in another way before
But we know one thing for sure:
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He, too, was betrayed and caused havoc unintentionally
Perhaps in regard to the beast's powers?
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suzukiblu · 10 months
your most recent posts mentioning Krypton fertility cycles is making me think that the nest fake cryptid Tim might make could see multiple uses. Batman just wants grand babies and Kon being uneducated in his own biology might make that happen
. . . honestly, it's a nest in GOTHAM, so if the Batman THINKS his Robin is setting up to give him grandbabies . . . I mean, he's an eldritch cryptid in his home territory! What, is biology gonna ARGUE with him?! No! No it is not! If his Robin wants a chick, his Robin is GETTING a chick! That's just what's happening!
Meanwhile Superboy just assumes he's infertile because he's a hybrid or something and doesn't know much about his biology as it is, and even if he WERE fertile why would be be fertile with a weird bird cryptid who is definitely not a normal human teenager and therefore not even halfway the same species as him? And Tim just assumes Superboy DOES know his own biology, and the BATMAN just assumes his Robin's mate is no longer allowed to leave Gotham because said mate is now gestating an . . . egg? Pup? The Batman is unclear on how to expect his Robin's chick to be produced, given the whole weird thing with his Robin being human and all, but definitely it IS being produced. Lady Gotham and he both checked. There is definitely an eggchickpup . . . baby-like occurrence. That is definitely occuring.
No, it hasn't occurred to the Batman to mention that to Tim. Obviously his Robin KNOWS. He's so smart, after all, and he DID make his mate the nest to begin with. So of course he knows!
Superboy, awkwardly calling Clark on his cell: hey uh Superman, the Batman won't let me, like . . . leave Gotham, for some reason?? and also when everyone told me he was dark and brooding I didn't realize they meant it, like, how a BIRD broods. so, uh . . . help???? maybe??
Clark has the MOST confusing and weird conversation of his life with the Batman. Including the one where his parents introduced him to his spaceship and casually explained how they'd just lied to the government and every single person in their lives about where they'd gotten him. Like, even more confusing and weird than THAT.
Anyway then a baby Kryptid happens and is adorably eldritch and also incredibly telekinetic, mazel tov!! Tim freaks out, Superboy is mildly surprised but honestly kinda pleased with himself, and the Batman approves. Superboy is now his favorite in-law. Barbara can re-apply when DICK decides to provide him grandbabies.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
Finally read All Tomorrows last night and I know why people recommended it to me all the time, it was a very interesting piece of *biopunk* speculative evolution with a fascinating overarching story. It was also a breeze to read, I expected it would be long and a bit tiring (like Man After Man) but no, it was very illustrated and in fact it left you hungry for a bit more, I love the way it lets you fill in the gaps.
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Of course, like always, it falls in the same old trope that biotechnology = bad and gross. It doesn't fall straight into saying biotechnology is evil, but the element of body horror is very, very, very much present in all the book. The fact that being warped into abominations is shown as the big event of human evolution reminds me of Man After Man, where "human evolution" doesn't occur "naturally" or as a result of, well, human selection, but as a result of a higher power messing with humans. All those strange beings we see in the book were not the ultimate result of environmental pressures, "artificial" selection or people bioengineering themselves. They were the result of fucked-up eldritch beings who wanted to make fucked-up humans. Which is kind of dissapointing if you are looking for a book that actually talks about future human evolution.
Which brings me to a discussion of the future of human evolution. Because, obviously, humans are evolving today. But I don't think we can see the real effect of biological evolution in the timescale we are managing as current humans. From a quick search, there have been only 500 generations since the arrival of agriculture and thus of all recorded or remembered history as we know it. That's not nearly enough biological time to see any major changes. Yes, there have been changes. And the development of human intelligence and brain size was quick and monumental, with many things we still don't really understand (like the origin of language and abstract thought). But do notice that the body plan of a modern human does not radically depart from Homo erectus, 2 million years ago.
Some authors like Olaf Stapledon (one of the great grandfathers of science fiction) in Last and First Men (which could be considered the 1930s version of All Tomorrows, in fact All Tomorrows to me is the modern Last and First Men) thought that we would continue to have evolutive pressures like natural selection and our species will continue evolving over millions of years. This is true as all species are still evolving including us, but in just a few decades we have discovered genetic engineering, and it won't be too long before, somehow, it is used in the path of our evolution. All Tomorrows of course talks about this with the Star People and later the Asteromorphs, but I believe it leaves out the prospect of humans guiding their own evolution for the (admitedly interesting) plot twist of the Qu changing them themselves.
What would have happened (or rather, what WILL happen) if humans are left to evolve by themselves? I'm sure that we will find somewhen. And I think that cosmetic genetic modification will be part of it, which is why I personally found the depiction of the Star People so boring. Now, I don't think every human will genetically modify themselves into supermodels, for starters, our parameters of attractiveness are based on culture and material conditions, and people will always seek variety, but I do think "sexual selection" would be a major part of human evolution, and that some forms like the Star People, as practical(?) as they are, just don't have the appeal. The utopia of the Star People should have been just as interesting as the dystopia of the Qu, with people experimenting new ways to adapt their bodies and self expression. Not to mention people adapting to the many strange environments of space by themselves (an old sci-fi trope). And of course, there would always be humans who don't want any of that, preferring to stay as they are, or return as they were. None, none of the Asteromorphs desired that at all?
Even in my own biopunk setting, however, the future of human evolution is something I only can see as far as a couple centuries on the future. Anything more than that, with the infinite possibilities of genetic engineering, makes me dizzy to contemplate. So I think All Tomorrows, for daring to do this billions of years in the future, is an amazing book.
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Can I request headcanons about Jason when he start organizing everything for his wedding with the reader? Not that specific day, I mean when the reader agrees to marry him and this man starts planning everything, I wonder what it will be like 👀
This got a bit long, but I hope you enjoy :)
Jason is SO FUCKING EXCITED to plan your wedding?? I mean the guy likes creating and organizing things, and so your wedding is like the magnum opus of all of the things he's ever wanted to do, especially because he gets to do it with you. As I have said before though, in any request about marrying Jason, your wedding is going to have to be pretty big. Jason has a reputation he's made and clawed his way up to the higher class society of the Underworld, and there are quite a lot of higher class demons and eldritch beings expecting invitations to your wedding once it's announced that the two of you are engaged. However, now that this thought is finally occurring to me, I think if you'd like to have a secret smaller wedding first with just you two and your closest friends and families, he's absolutely fine with that and would plan accordingly. He's very put together and mature about how he handles things, and he has such an eye for details that he wouldn't forget anything or let anything slip past him and end up incorrect.
Due to this, for the big wedding, Jason ends up quite particular. I've always seen the reception in my head happening in a very large and open ballroom, and I think he'd like the actual ceremony to be in a beautiful, open field with lots of flowers and trees surrounding you. I think he'd want the wedding colors to be red and black, but if you'd like different colors Jason is also fine to do a split theme. He does ask your opinion on literally everything he does because as much as he loves planning things, it is your day as well. When it comes to the flowers, I think he'd actually default to your opinion. He may want a say in the color, but when it comes to the actual flowers he wants them to be your favorite flowers. If you suggest doing half your favorites, and half of them his favorites, he feels quite flustered and happy about that and is very willing to go with that idea. I feel like he would also leave most of the menu up to you as well. It's taking place in the Underworld, but if you want all of your favorite human dishes to make up the entire menu, he wouldn't mind, as he'd want you to be able to eat and enjoy every single food item the two of you would have there.
When it comes to desserts, I think he'd want the entire wedding cake to be for just the two of you. It's something I personally have seen at a couple of weddings, and I feel like Jason would absolutely love it. When it comes to the guests, you can have separate cakes and other desserts for them to enjoy that the two of you could also partake in, but the actual wedding cake Jason feels would be more special if the two of you picked a flavor you both liked and had a small, personal cake of for the two of you to cut and eat together. Jason would also TOTALLY hand make little wedding toppers that look like the two of you. When it comes to the outfits the two of you will be wearing, Jason wants to definitely make his own outfit himself. When it comes to yours, if you'd indulge him and be okay with it, Jason would really, truly love it if you'd let him make your own outfit so the two of you could match. However, if you insist it has to be a secret from him, he would probably request that you allow Trender to make it (as Trender is pretty much one of the only fashion designers in the Underworld Jason trusts), and he'd give Trender Jason's plans for his own outfit, that way even if it's not exactly what Jason wanted, the two of you could still match (I would just let Jason do it personally though if you really could). When it comes to music, he'd let you both go 50/50 on the playlists, and I think he'd let you choose the first dance song. While Jason wants creative freedom in the wedding, he's definitely not a groomzilla of any sort, and he is very fair and open with whatever you might like to be in the wedding as well. He views it as a day for both of you and thinks you should both be equally happy with the ceremony and reception. He loves you more than anything in the entire universe, and he truly just wants the wedding to be done and over with so he can call you his spouse both emotionally and legally, and get started on spending the rest of your lives together.
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ash-rigby · 7 months
It Becomes Us (Male Mutated Werewolf)[NB/M]
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Featured Characters: A nonbinary human (initially) and a male werewolf. Both are adults.
Description: Nightingale, a sorcerer who studies interdimensional portals, accidentally opened a gateway which led to their werewolf partner being bitten by an unknown creature. Orion feels changed in a way he can’t place and asks to be restrained during the next full moon as he is worried it will affect his typical shift. Little do either of them know, but his concerns are completely founded, as intense yet exciting changes occur. And perhaps they’re a little contagious.
Contains: Eventual Monster/Monster, Light Bondage, Transformation, Stomach Mouth, Long Tongues, Tentacles, Diphallia, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Excessive Cum, Praise Kink.
Nonbinary Character Anatomy: Nightingale uses a spell which allows them to switch their genitals at will. They utilize both a penis and a vagina at separate times during this scenario. Terms for both sets are used. Their original sex is not specified and their chest goes undescribed.
Content Warning: Body Horror
Completion Date: February 29th, 2024
Word Count: 4937
Requested by @mushki-art (this was won via a raffle; requests are not always open) who asked for a submissive werewolf story and invited me to spice it up with some eldritch elements. I hope you like it!
The tension immediately left Orion the moment he was bound. He released a relieved sigh, a soft expression coming over his face that made Nightingale want to kiss the breath out of him. Or tease his body until those honey-brown eyes swam with tears. But despite his position, it wasn’t the time for it; this was technically their fault.
“Comfortable?” they asked him, allowing themself the somewhat innocent action of running their hand through his thick, dark chest hair.
Orion cleared his throat and shifted under their touch. “As much as I can be.”
He was laid out on their bed, Nightingale’s magic purple rings glowing at his wrists and ankles which kept his arms out from his sides and his legs lightly apart. It wasn’t an uncommon look for him. Nightingale’s eyes trailed over his naked form, their lips quirking at the sight of his already half-full, twitching erection. He was always easily excitable in the days leading up to the full moon. At least that was a sign of normality.
They sat on the edge of the bed as their hand travelled to the newly healed bite scar on Orion’s left bicep. An uninterrupted ring of teeth marks with a single puncture at the center. The colour was dark and shifted to carry a green tint in certain light. It had baffled Nightingale for weeks, matching nothing in any of their peers’ records. They gently ran their finger around it.
“You simply can’t help getting bitten by things, can you?” Nightingale asked. “First that mangy, cursed wolf and now whatever this wants to call itself.”
Orion shrugged as much as his bonds allowed, giving a crooked grin. “I must be tasty.”
“Oh, I can vouch for that.”
“Really though,” Orion said, bringing Nightingale’s attention back to his face. “Thank you for doing this. It’s hard to say what’s going to happen tonight…and I don’t want to hurt you.”
Nightingale leaned over him and wrapped a set of deft fingers around his neck. His breath hitched, pulse quickening under their pressing thumb. He swallowed hard against their palm as his eyes glazed.
Nightingale smirked. “You couldn’t hurt me even if you wanted to.”
They closed the distance and kissed him, invading his mouth with their tongue and making him moan. His sweet noises stirred a needy throb between their legs. There was nothing they wanted more than to take him apart.
He was panting when they pulled back. A drop of saliva escaped the corner of his mouth. Nightingale licked it back up past his lips, passing once more over his lower teeth before moving away.
Orion whimpered. “Touch me? Please? Just a little before—.”
Nightingale shook their head and clicked their tongue at him.
“Down, boy,” they said. “You know that can trigger you to shift early.”
“Right…right,” Orion said. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, an involuntary growl sounding in his throat as he released it. “Fuck.”
He was hard, his cock straining and leaking as he hissed his desperate curses. Nightingale only just managed to keep their head about them. Respecting their partner’s concerns had to come first. They swiftly stood from the bed and moved towards the door.
“I’ll responsibly admit that you are far too tempting,” they said, drinking in the bound, aroused form they were walking away from with immense regret. “I have some things to finish up. Will you be fine on your own for a while, darling?”
“Yeah,” Orion said. His hands curled into shaking fists. “Probably for the best. I—I need to calm down and your scent is…it’s a lot right now.”
“Poor thing,” Nightingale said with a theatrical pout. “Though…if all our worries turn out to be for nought, I’m also looking forward to some play time.”
Orion groaned, his head falling back against the pillow. “Not helping.”
“Apologies. I’ll see you later.”
Nightingale left the bedroom and closed the door behind them before making their way to the candlelit workshop. They went to the organized chaos of their desk; loose papers, open books, their peacock-feathered quill. It was easy to pick up where they left off in transcribing spells from a borrowed tome but their mind still wandered.
It had been a little over two weeks since the incident that led Orion to wish himself bound. Nightingale’s interest in exploring other planes and dimensions was to blame. However, they didn’t regret their choice of pursuits. Years prior, it had allowed them to uncover a sigil that granted the ability to shift their body’s sex at will; which had been a godsend to ease their frequent but not constant dissatisfaction with their birth equipment.
However, portal-based magics were unpredictable by nature. Not to mention intricate. One misplaced stroke in drawing a circle could send one off their target; as Nightingale had unfortunately discovered. It was embarrassing, to say the least. They prided themselves on their attention to detail but perhaps they had become cocky after so many successes.
The portal opened to a clearly hostile environment. A long, maw-bearing tentacle had lashed out at Nightingale almost immediately. Orion, ever the dependable protector, lunged to their rescue. But he paid the price of a nasty bite wound and gods knew what else. He told them he felt changed in a way he couldn’t place. Some ineffable thing that had been lodged deep inside him and brought fear.
Nightingale was forced to hastily destroy the circle during the struggle to banish the portal, thus wiping away any knowledge of where they went wrong. They had been trying to recreate their mistake. It was dangerous, recklessly opening unknown portals, but having access to where the creature originated from was looking to be the only way to glean answers. To fix this.
With a heavy sigh, Nightingale set aside their quill and stared at the closed bedroom door across the room. They usually took great joy in binding Orion; he was so well-behaved for them. The unease on his face had soured things. However, not enough to void their arousal it seemed.
Despite the circumstances and attempts to distract themself, Nightingale was unable to banish the lewd thoughts from their mind. Orion had looked so pretty, spread out and tied down as he whimpered into their kisses. How wracked by need he was; panting, begging, weeping from his hard yet untouched cock.
Nightingale couldn’t help themself; perhaps it was what this worry needed. Quick hands untied the front of their robes and pulled them aside. Their breath stuttered as their fingers went straight to what was currently their pussy. They were already wet.
The goal was release; not a prolonged, indulgent pleasure. Nightingale stroked themselves furiously, the sigil tattooed on their abdomen glowing warm as they focused on their clit to make it larger. The growth was rapid and they whimpered at the swelling sensation. Its stout two inches pulsed under their hand, aching to feel that familiar lapping tongue.
“Orion,” they whispered. “Orion…Orion.”
Their hand flew over their sopping folds and clit. The filthy, wet sound of it was the only one in the room as they bit back their moans. In their mind was a vivid evocation of themself bearing down on a thick, raging werewolf cock as its owner tearfully begged to be inside them. It had throbbed so desperately against their pussy, the thick knot bulging in anticipation at its base but doomed to not fulfill its purpose that night.
A memory of a delicious, mournful cry as Orion came all over his heaving chest heralded Nightingale’s only briefly satisfying orgasm—gods, they needed him.
Nightingale slumped in their chair, a relentless quiver between their legs. Their swollen clit twitched as if suggesting a second round but they denied it. How dare they consider touching themself stupid at such a time? Shame was hot in their chest. Panting, their eyes drifted from slick-glistening fingers to the closed bedroom door, concern as much as arousal remaining unabated.
Please be okay.
It was then that they heard something, muffled behind the wood of the door. Orion’s voice, deeper and laced with growls. Their gaze snapped to the clock. It was only a little after nine in the evening; his shift normally happened closer to midnight. He was groaning, sounding distressed. Nightingale shot out of the chair and raced towards the bedroom, not bothering to take the time to close their robe before bursting inside.
They could barely process what they saw.
Orion had undergone a change. That was expected; though the exact form, not so much. The wolven features Nightingale knew were visible even through such mutation. But his dark fur carried a green tint. Gnarled horns sprung from his brow. Countless eyes adorned his shoulders and upper chest like a mantle, as wide and rolling as the four on his face. A long, tentacle-like tongue stuck out from his open mouth as he cried out. But Nightingale knew then that it wasn’t out of pain.
He was moaning in pleasure and they could see why. A second pair of arms had sprouted below the first, unfettered by Nightingale’s magic as their large hands stroked his cock; no—cocks. He had two. His mindless pumping was halted with a flick of Nightingale’s hand and glowing rings affixing to his wrists.
Orion growled in frustration but seemed to quickly come back to himself. Though his raging dicks continued to visibly pulse against his palms. All of his many bright yellow, now-reptilian eyes met theirs. His voice held a serrated edge and somehow sounded like two speaking in tandem, echoing and deep as an abyss.
“F-fuck…I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know you didn’t give me permission to—I-I couldn’t help it. Please don’t leave me like this—oh, gods, I need to cum.”
Nightingale shushed him gently, waving their hands to situate his new appendages at his sides. With him laying still and fully spread, a last oddity made itself known. A large, fanged maw had opened up in his stomach. The surrounding fur was wet with drool. Nightingale watched as a tongue snaked out from it and wrapped itself around one of his swelling knots. Orion groaned.
“Stop that,” Nightingale hissed, fearful and vexed over his lack of priorities. But he obeyed, keening as the tongue retracted and the strange, wide lips pressed tightly together. “This is serious, darling.”
They strode over to the bedside, heart pounding; though, to their chagrin, for two reasons. Cursing the pulse being echoed in their needy cunt, Nightingale looked Orion over. One half of his eyes fixated on their naked form visible between either side of their open robe while the other stared longingly at his dual endowment.
“Are you in any pain?” Nightingale asked.
“N-no,” Orion said. “It felt good. Really good. More than usual.”
Nightingale nodded, recalling his reassurances that shifting was a full-body pleasure instead of agony. Stretching, swelling, elongating. Hence the large erection he typically sported by the end of it that begged for any and all attention.
Orion had managed to calm himself somewhat and was speaking clearly. Disregarding the clear issue of him prioritizing the need to satisfy his arousal, his mind was still there. He hadn’t been lost to some unknown abomination's will—thank goodness.
“Well, you seem like yourself so far,” Nightingale said, a bit of tension leaving them as curiosity began to brew. They were certain he wouldn’t be hurt from touching and carded a gentle hand into his chest fur. “Any new urges? Aside from cumming in two damn directions at once.”
Their eyes flicked to his cocks, watching as precum pearled at one of the tips and lazily dripped down the thick shaft. It took everything in them not to rush and catch it with their tongue. They tried not to long too much for the taste. Or at least not let that show on their face.
“I don’t want to swallow you up if that’s what you’re asking,” Orion said and, despite themself, Nightingale grinned at him. “Not—not in the eating you kind of way anyway…I….”
His mouth snapped shut. The adorable thing was still under the impression that he wasn’t going to get fucked. But his eyes and straining, leaky cocks did all the begging for him. Denying him started to feel pointlessly cruel; as fun as it was under other circumstances.
This was proving to be no different from Orion’s typical shift. Not violent or dangerous. Just needy. A dog wanting to be good for his master for sweet, little rewards. Nightingale decided then that a touch of caution could be thrown to the wind. They weren’t so different from their lover after all; chasing pleasure before answers—reckless, amorous fools.
Fear abandoned, they had to admit it. This new form deeply excited them. He was beautiful. Such a striking change that begged to be known. A deep, thorough exploration was in order. One for the books indeed.
Orion’s breath hitched as Nightingale disrobed fully in one fluid, graceful motion. They climbed up onto the bed and sprawled belly down across his torso with their legs on either side of him. They pillowed their chin with their hands as they looked up into his face.
“Wh-what are you…?” he asked, bewildered.
Nightingale waggled their hips, rubbing their enlarged clit into thick fur. “I was thinking, given your over-excited state, perhaps this needs to be fucked out of you. Remember that pollen you stumbled into a few months back?”
“Yeah,” Orion breathed. They felt his heart begin to race beneath their hands, excitement from the memory and the confirmation that he was getting what he wanted. “Go for it…keep me tied up though. I don’t—I don’t know—.”
“Shh… of course, love,” Nightingale said. “I want to see what this body can do. Start with that pretty new mouth.”
They rose from Orion’s chest and turned, moving down until they were straddled over his stomach. The mouth opened beneath them with an audibly wet parting of lips. Hot, humid breath came in quick bursts against them as it opened wide; they could have sat fully into it if they had wished. The dark tentacle of a tongue writhed in the slick maw before rising and licking a line over Nightingale’s pussy. Orion shuddered.
“You’re…already soaked,” he said, digging deeper against their folds for the second pass.
Nightingale bit back a moan. “You were indisposed. I had to take matters into my own hand, so to speak.”
Orion groaned in a desperate and desolate tone.
“I know,” Nightingale said sweetly. “So awful of me to cum on my own. Not wrapped around your cock so you can feel my tight, squeezing heat milking you dry. Or buried deep inside you; throbbing, filling you until you’re leaking me.”
Every word seemed to spur Orion into licking Nightingale more fervently. A quick, ceaseless lapping as if they were water and he had been parched for days. His cocks pulsed in heavy, rhythmic tandem before them, spilling clear fluid in rivulets. The scent of him nearly had them drooling. His breath was so sweltering against their ass and cunt that it was akin to melting.
They wanted more.
“Darling,’ they said, drawing out the vowels. “I don’t recall telling you to hold ba—.”
A sharp gasp was punched from Nightingale as Orion shoved his tongue swiftly inside. He reached deeper than he ever had before with this method, twisting and pumping into them. They ground down to meet each thrust of the probing muscle.
There was a shift and a sucking sound within the maw and Nightingale felt a second tongue at their ass. They could no longer suppress a moan as it worked its way in, carefully but greedily. A third wormed into their cunt next to the first and entwined with it. A fourth, fifth, and sixth wrapped lovingly about their thighs, smearing warm saliva.
“Good boy,” Nightingale praised. “Goooood boy.”
Feeling he had earned it—and unable to help themself—, Nightingale reached out and brought their palms to those swollen cocks. They couldn’t fully wrap their hands around either one but they began to pump the throbbing shafts. Orion cried out, hips shaking and lifting as much as his restraints allowed. He dropped heavily onto the mattress as he was stroked. Precum spurted from him, running over Nightingale’s fingers.
“Y-your hands are so soft!” he said; whimpering, lower tongues thrashing inside Nightingale. “And you taste…you ta—fuuuuck. I’m not good. I’m a bad dog. I’m a bad dog! I can’t hold it—I can’t—!”
He came with a wavering cry. Thick, copious cum pumped out of both cocks, painting Nightingale’s chest. It splattered their face; hot, musky, and landing or dripping into their open mouth. They swallowed a half mouthful as their hands relentlessly milked.
Cumming took nothing out of Orion. He breathed heavily around whines, but Nightingale’s holes were still stuffed with wildly thrusting tentacles. They released him and leaned forward until their hands met the mattress between his spread legs. The tip of a seventh tongue curled around their pulsing clit. Their head snapped back with a loud moan as they instinctively began to thrust into it.
“There you go,” they said, practically growling. “Keep that right there.”
Orion’s dicks, full of boundless vitality, were pressed against Nightingale’s cum-covered torso. Their hard, sensitive nipples grazed the weeping heads as they moved. The tentacles squirmed deep inside them. They could feel a warm mix of Orion’s saliva and their slick making a mess of their thighs.
“Perfect, darling,” they moaned. “So perfect for me. Make me cum…make me cum.”
Roiling heat built inside them, pleasure throbbing through their holes out to their clit. With a few final thrusts, they were clenching down on Orion, squirting around his tentacles and into the gaping maw. His tongues paused as if to feel them come apart. He came again with a grunt, his cum hitting the underside of Nightingale’s chin as they panted and shivered.
Before Orion could think about starting again, they stood. The tongues exited them with multiple lewd, wet noises. Slick dripped from Nightingale in their wake. Both holes quivered; spent. But their clit had other plans, twitching insistently. Wanting to be enveloped again.
Nightingale gave a breathless, unsteady chuckle before mentally reaching out to the sigil bound to them. They gazed down, always loving to watch. A, swelling sensation overtook their clit as it lengthened into a thick cock, balls hanging beneath. It pulsed itself to a full erection without the aid of touch.
They took it into their hand, stroking as they looked over their shoulder to catch Orion’s many eyes.
“Objections?” they asked with a grin.
Orion swallowed, his dual endowment still raging. “N-no.”
“Let’s get a better view, then.”
Nightingale dropped off of the bed and, with a few waves of their hands, compelled the magic rings to re-situate their darling werewolf. Orion was placed face-down, his ass in the air. His top set of arms were set reaching out over his head, while the bottom ones connected at the wrists behind his back.
The position revealed that the mantle of eyes extended over his shoulder blades. And Nightingale also watched a line of sharp, deadly spines flare out from the base of his neck to the small of his back. They sidled up behind him where his tail lay draped down.
“Show me that hole,” they said, digging a hand into the fur at his thigh.
Orion obediently raised his tail, leaving it to curl over his back. He sucked in a breath as Nightingale took his large, furry balls into their palm. They teased, watching his cocks leak onto the sheets with every caress and squeeze. The flesh between his balls and hole twitched uncontrollably.
“Nightingale,” he moaned. “Fuck me…please.”
Nightingale hummed and released him. “Wag for it.”
A sweet, little whine sounded in Orion’s throat. His tail gave a twitch before waving through the air. It was soon whipping, his ass moving with it from the sheer eager force. His balls and cocks swung as well in an enticing display.
Nightingale halted his movement without a word, hands lighting on his ass. They spread him open, ready to work his hole with their fingers. But they took pause. They had seen the wetness there and assumed it was precum from his earlier position. But his wildly twitching, swollen-looking hole seemed to be dripping a clear lubricant; like a beast in heat.
There was a scent to him that made Nightingale’s head swim. They felt their cock take up a heavy, demanding throb. Their shaft was burning in their hand as they lined themselves up, a breath shuddering from them as they pressed against the fevered ring of muscle.
Perhaps they could simply just—.
Nightingale carefully breached Orion. He took them with ease and they moaned as they were welcomed by wet, clinging walls. The squeeze was exquisite, tight yet effortlessly accommodating to their shape. A single, slow penetration had Orion wailing with pleasure which compelled Nightingale into fucking him without a second’s thought, eyes wide and heart pounding.
Their thrusts were short; despite it all, they still held a distant concern over hurting Orion. They had impetuously shoved themself in after all. But that pulsating heat continued to serve their cock so well, clasping and sucking without resistance. A perfect fuck hole.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Orion chanted, slurred in ecstasy. “It’s never felt this amazing before! Harder…please, harder!”
Nightingale bottomed out with a grunt, pausing as they activated their sigil. There was a surge of heat as their length enlarged to a broad seven inches in Orion’s ass. They grinned at his loud, unsteady moan. Their hips pulled back and rammed them in to the hilt once more.
“That’s it,” they groaned, gripping at Orion’s fur. He whined, his hole pressing in around them, and they began to slam into him. “Good boys get every inch of this cock. Ngh—because they can take it so well. You make me so hard. So wild. Oh, gods…such a good boy!”
Nearly lost in the snap of their own hips, Nightingale almost didn’t notice a strange feeling coming over them. A sensation on their sides just below the ribcage. At first, they thought it might be the sweat pouring off of them and crawling its way downward. But this was different. Like someone had pinched their flesh, pulled, and their body yielded to it far beyond its natural elasticity.
There was no pain. It felt like stretching a muscle—until the moment it escalated to a near-orgasmic pleasure. Nightingale moaned with it and all at once became aware of their ability to move something new. Doing so brought two alien—yet very familiar—appendages into their view; long, dark green tentacles that opened into toothy mouths.
“N-Nightingale?” Orion questioned, the eyes on his back falling onto the new developments. “What’s going—ahhh, fuck.”
It should have frightened Nightingale or at least given them pause. But excitement coursed through them instead. They kept driving themselves into Orion as they fixated with fascination on the tentacles, reason outmatched by the sheer, feral arousal of it all. What would it take for more?
Something in the back of their mind answered. Not with words, but with ideas. Knowledge came to them in an instant and showed Orion as the answer to their heavily aroused query.
They needed more of his cum.
A laugh laced with pleasured noises bubbled from Nightingale. They guided their tentacles to Orion’s drooling cocks and latched on, one in each maw. There was more than enough space in those wet, fleshy sleeves to take him entirely. Orion moaned, long and loud; his face was out of view but it sounded like it came from around a lolling tongue.
“Mmm, you like that?” Nightingale asked.
“Yeeees!” Orion cried, all visible eyes rolling back. “More. More. More. Suck me more!”
Nightingale began to milk him with their tentacles as they relentlessly thrust, pumping at a desperate pace. He throbbed hard in their squeezing confines as precum streamed from him. They could taste it. The saliva at the tentacles’ mouths became profuse, speaking to their eagerness and hunger. Ready to drink him dry.
It didn’t take Orion long to cum this way. His hole clenched as his cocks pulsed with release. The tentacles sucked greedily, not letting slip a single drop of hot, potent cum. Nightingale could feel it travelling through the appendages and into their body.
Give it to me, they chanted internally with a need they could sense wasn’t entirely their own. Give it all to me.
Nightingale kept fucking, plunging deeply into wet, pliant heat. Orion was still hard. He had more to give; they could sense the mutation-driven overproduction of seed taking place inside him. Churning, spurting, primed to burst and sate this madness’ appetite. They would take it all. It was theirs.
Theirs to use; a delicious, addictive means of shucking off the limiting prison that was a human form.
“Let’s feed this together,” they growled, an abyssal tone creeping in with every syllable. “Succumb with me…succumb. Su—cum. Cum. Cum.”
The tentacles drank well with Orion’s frequent orgasms. He was a mess of moans and babbled words; begging for more when he was coherent, wracked by ecstatic shaking. Nightingale’s cock dug for that sensitive spot deep inside him with every thrust, forcing out smaller spurts of cum even when he wasn’t caught in the twitching throes of release.
Nightingale took in his lewd ambrosia, being suddenly struck by the licking tendrils of an otherworldly energy. A heated tingling overtook every inch of their flesh and turned the whole of them into one active pleasure center. Every pounding beat of their heart brought a deep ecstasy, their moans wild as they fucked and swallowed and changed.
A green tinge spread over their skin from their hands, claws sprouting from grasping fingers. Muscle and bone alike swelled and stretched as their body grew. Their large hands were soon able to fully grip Orion’s waist and pull him into their thrusts. The bed creaked threateningly beneath them.
Their skin rippled with emerging scales and a thick mane of fur erupted at their shoulders and upper back. Horns burst from their skull and curled backwards. Facial bones shifted to account for lengthening, sharpening, multiplying teeth and the first of two long tongues that lolled from their jaws as their tailbone pleasurably stretched out into a whip-like, spiny tail. Eyes and mouths opened up where they had no business being.
Nightingale’s head tipped back. “Fuck! Fuuuuuck!”
It was discordant roars as every maw found its voice; tongues lashing, teeth gnashing. More tentacles sprouted from their back and found their way—almost of their own accord—to being pushed in alongside their now-ridged cock in Orion’s hole. They panted and grunted, saliva dripping freely; bearing down on him like the feral, horny beast they now were.
Orion was soft in their sucking tentacles. Though spent, his voice came to them clearly through the haze.
“I need it. I need it…gods, fill me!”
A thick, pulsating knot swelled at the base of Nightingale’s dick and, when the final shift of their form clicked into place, popped in as they came with a warbling howl. Cum poured from them in a rhythmically pumping torrent unlike anything they had ever experienced before. They were locked in, but their hips continued to thrust forward with every throb, rocking Orion forward with their newly acquired superior size.
Nightingale curled over Orion as the pleasure abated; a low, prehistoric-sounding growl rumbling in their heaving chest. The room was suddenly deadly silent. Save for two unsteady breaths and a wet shifting as their connected bodies swayed.
Orion broke it first, shivering beneath them. “Nightingale…are you okay?”
Nightingale could only nod, not yet having caught their breath. They looked down at him, catching his eyes and expecting to find fear or disgust now that the spell of pleasure-chasing had likely faded. But there was awe and a softness in the way the gazing mantle roamed their body. Pure adoration.
He liked this, was Nightingale’s realization. Maybe because he had always been attracted to these things. Or because he was simply looking at his lover with unconditional affection—a loyal dog through and through.
A fierce possessiveness washed over Nightingale. They dismissed Orion’s bindings so they could lay on top of him comfortably, their still-throbbing dick nestled warmly inside. He smelled amazing as they nuzzled their nose into his fur. Mine, they thought, directed at no one. The presence in the back of their mind faded with an air of satisfaction and the planted knowledge that this was permanent; it had passed on what it wanted.
The mixed feelings that brought on lasted a fleeting moment before landing easily on acceptance. Nightingale had always somewhat envied monsters; too much else for people to focus on that the specifics of their gender weren’t often a consideration. It felt right in a way. Comfortable and fitting.
Even as Nightingale settled into the reality of this new body, they were still resolved to find the portal that the being had sprung from. And given this—however exciting—development, they needed to warn their peers as well. Direct visits would be best. To all of them. All who would listen. All with the mind and body to accept It.
Consume. Spawn. Proliferate.
Nightingale’s cock pulsed.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
(I'm not sure if my last ask went through or if Tumblr really goofed like it said it did so just in case...)
This post...!
I love this. I want to know more about their dynamic and how things change but I'm not sure what to ask exactly. Is the harem recognized officially or is it still a toeing the line type situation because Krulu doesn't like to share? Are they all dads to the kids now? How do their wishes change? I'm not sure what else, random trivia? Sickly monster harem is right up my alley 🥺
[Okay, I'll try to make this coherent. There's a lot of complexity to this dynamic I can't shove in one ask though.]
Is it official?
It's sort of an unspoken truth. Everyone knows they're part of a harem but it isn't said out loud. Every worker agrees they're entirely devoted to you and will do anything to be in your favor, even if it means sharing you between themselves tightly.
Krulu himself recognizes exactly what's happening here, and it's entirely to his advantage, as this sickly infatuation not only ensures maximum productivity, it inspires great loyalty and susceptibility to manipulation in his workers. You're allowed to bed them, especially if you do so to pleasure him, but he will always hold more value to you than everyone else. There are instances in which you are shared between Krulu and one of the staff, and he makes it very clear he dominates your mind and affection.
Are they all dads?
Krulu and Belo are the only ones that get the title of fathers. But that doesn't mean the other ones can't act as unofficial parental figures. In fact, all of them would delight in it.
They're obsessed with you, Adrul and Adelo are extensions of you, most of them would adore to play a big part in the younglings' lives. All of them would probably shed a tear if either of the kids called them "dad".
Santi obviously suffers a lot more than others. In this context, his wish is to be able to stand kids so he can be a parental figure to Adrul and Adelo with you.
How do wishes change?
Not all of them change. Some like Vinnel's and Grimbly's remain static.
Right now, I can only think of the slight change in motivation regarding Santi. Forgive me, if something else occurs, I'll add it here.
There's a likely chance Ludwig would eventually get sucked into this mess. He wants happiness so bad, and seeing the way the staff gets to be so close to you, so happy- Even if he knows this is beyond fucked up, he'll give in to his desperation and jealousy;
Orgy nights are common and encouraged by Krulu, as a way to keep the bond between you all tightened through depravity and affections;
Strictly dominant monsters, such as Nebul and Morell, can and will adopt submissive demeanors without much pressure. They recognize you as superior, and find themselves very honored when you choose to sexually submit to them;
Religious fanaticism, which is already somewhat present in all of their minds, is cranked up to eleven in this scenario. They not only deify you, they're a lot more reverent of Krulu for gifting you to them;
Mother is very proud of you. You are the most successful of her shards, in fact, she sees a lot of herself in you. You are endlessly captivating, and you've surrounded yourself with endless love. You're desired, worshiped and a maternal figure. She treasures you;
Although this dynamic is centered around the core staff members, garden anomalies and the aquarium mers are eventually dragged into your orbit as well. The staff will voyeuristically enjoy watching you get ravaged in the garden by the gargoyle, Hellion and Colmei- Or balk when both you and Krulu take Magus and Glauk for a spin;
Adrul and Adelo will find monogamous relationships to be odd as they grow up. It floors them when they realize that's how the majority of relationships work.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 2 months
E for ALL the ships! Please (:
E - Do you have any favorite headcanons for this ship?
For ALL THE SHIPS!!! You really gave me a homework, love <3 But I really enjoyed writing this little compilation.
Let's see...
-- OrdoMaze --
My favorite thing about them is how they try to understand each other's functioning and motivations in life and usually this leads to conversations that can result in passionate arguments or potential fist fights and then hatesex.
Books are usually a topic they usually don't agree.
Maze is rigid in a way that he wants to feel the accomplishment that he worked very hard for a specific reward or something that is not obtainable in a military, such as: books. Eventually, the free-books available are not enough and sometimes he wants to read something other than dry information from the Jedi archive (free library pass from General Zey).
"Pirate it, then." Ordo shrugs, he doesn't understand why Maze is doing ethical dilemma over getting stuff he needs.
And then Ordo will never hear the end of it how artists, writers, content creators are working hard to tell their story, and is it harming for the creative industry to "just pirate" while not being compensated for it.
"I pirate it for you? So you won't have to feel bad for not compensating them because only I was involved in the... crime" Ordo offers, a sincere gesture to make his boyfriend happy.
Ordo will never hear the end of it but also won't understand the contradictions why morals and being a law-abiding citizen are even question here, when Maze works illegally in a low-level pub as a dishwasher with fake id and has a secret bank account so he would be able to properly pay for his books.
-- OrdoEcho --
Ordo is devastated that he can't express his love toward Echo through sharing food, because Echo is picky as fuck when it's about edibles created by natborns. So he keeps red ration bars - Echo's favorite one-, in his snack-pouches so he can surprise Echo with it~
-- OrdoEchoMaze --
Ordo and Maze is that kind of couple who are getting together and breaking up every two weeks. Maze started dating Echo when they were in this break up period and Maze decided that maybe he deserves better, more understanding and sensitive boyfriend (meaning, not the Ordo-kind of sensitive). Ordo almost killed Echo in jealousy.
-- FoxFives --
Fox and Fives' favorite datenight is going gambling, cheating their way though the games and get away with it, rewarding themselves with greasy junk food at Coruscant's low-level street carnivals, kissing in public to freak out people who think they are twins, and then soaking in naked in a public bathhouse.
-- FoxThorn --
This is an AU were Commander Fox joins later the Guard, reassigned from the fronts. And some eldritch occurences are involved too.
While Thorn was in sleeping-coma, he wasn't sleeping entirely. He heard Fox's every words who was thinking loudly while sitting at his bed or walking around the room. Fox needed someone to talk who wasn't hostile to him and who is better company for that than someone who can't mouth back?
I like the idea that Fox either shared the ideas how he will break this curse on Thorn. But sometimes he just shared that he misses the frontlines, he misses his men, he misses when he was actually knew what he was doing.
-- TEcho --
Tech and Echo first meeting was actually happened much earlier. Tech followed an interesting bug into the ventshaft, which in the end, collapsed under him and he landed in the mess hall, more precisely, in Echo's lap. (yeah. I know. I know. cheesy as fuck shut up) Echo immediately fell in love with this weird guy who protected the bug with all his life.
-- KalWalon --
Kal is shortking and Walon uses this as an advantage when he wants to piss off Kal. He actually has to bend down a bit if he wants a kiss from him.
"What now?"
"Beg for that kiss."
Walon realized too late that it wasn't the usual "Kal is deaf from all those explosions"-what. Kal headbutted Walon on the chin.
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swordfright · 1 year
I want to know about the ouroboros AUs very badly
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The amount of words I'm about to type is gonna make me look INSANE but in my defense I had to think about this every day for like a YEAR OKAY.
Island AU Spiderette AU: This AU operates on the premise that the Vault considers any structure c!Sam builds with the intent to imprison someone as an extension of Pandora — an extra limb. In Ouroboros, Sam was planning to kidnap Michael and keep him at the island house in order to lure Ranboo to the prison (as in canon), but he doesn’t have a chance to actually go through with that plan because he gets distracted by, y’know, Pandora becoming a sentient eldritch horror. So basically, Island AU diverges from Ouroboros in the final chapter. When Dream fakes a suicide attempt to force the Vault to spit him and Sam out, Pandora doesn’t dump them in the prison lobby…it dumps them in Sam’s island house. Essentially, the Vault considers that house (which Sam intended to keep Michael in, ostensibly as a hostage) to be a type of prison, and thus, an extension of Pandora’s Vault. So, Sam takes the only course of action that makes sense to him: he treats Dream’s injuries and officially incarcerates him in the island house. It’s supposed to be temporary, but after a while Sam is resigned to the possibility that he may never return Dream to Pandora Proper. And y’know what? This is fine! This is fine, actually. Dream is still his prisoner, Sam can still be warden here.
In the beginning, the situation is very similar to his and Dream’s dynamic in Pandora. Sam keeps Dream in the little room meant for Michael. The house isn’t really set up for full-on incarceration, so Sam has to make modifications. He can’t exactly install a lava chamber, but he adds chains to the walls so he can keep the prisoner secure. Michael’s room doesn’t have space to add a desk or a cauldron or a toilet, so Dream must be permitted to leave a couple times a day. Dream moves around the house with Sam’s permission and occasionally helps with chores/maintenance/daily tasks (a freedom which Sam justifies as “prison labor” lmfao)
After a while, the two of them fall into a bizarre domesticity: they are essentially cohabiting, but Dream is still Sam’s prisoner and Sam is still Dream’s warden. It’s weird. It’s tense and awful, but it’s also kind of okay sometimes, compared to the prison. Dream eventually hatches a plan to escape, but things get complicated. Honestly, a lot of the “plot” for this AU hinges on the idea of Pandora’s sentience, and the fact that people in-the-know can basically fast-travel between buildings on the server as long as those buildings are limbs of Pandora. It gets very technical so I won’t bore y’all with all that.
Ouroboros Extended Cut AU: In this AU, c!Dream does not attempt to fake his own suicide in order to force Pandora to release him, as he does in Ouroboros. The idea occurs to him, but he has extreme reservations about actually going through with it: what if the plan works too well and he actually kills himself? These reservations aren’t unfounded, given the intense anxieties he has surrounding death in canon. Sam can’t revive him because he has not given Sam the book. So basically, Sam and Dream spend way, way, wayyyy longer trapped inside the prison. I’m talking at least another year or two. And the longer they spend there, the weirder shit gets. This AU leans really heavily into the horror elements of Ouroboros. Dream eventually figures out how to communicate effectively with the Vault. Sam also communicates with the Vault, but far less effectively because he’s Sam and he fucking sucks. There’s plenty of bizarre space-time continuum stuff. Also, the prison gets really good at recreating illusions of people who have spent a lot of time in the Vault in the past. The strongest illusions are capable of speech and sometimes even conversation, though they appear to have a limited variety of possible responses. Quackity is one of those people, but it’s Tommy’s illusion that’s the strongest because he wasn’t just resurrected inside Pandora (like Ghostbur), he actually died there as well.
As things get more horrifying inside the Vault, Sam and Dream become progressively more desensitized to that horror; it changes their dynamic somewhat, because they have to be pragmatic as hell if they want to make it out one day. The Vault wants to keep them alive, and yet is fundamentally hostile to living. Dream is allowed way more freedom (under Sam’s supervision) for reasons of mutual survival. He and Sam become more codependent. I probably will never write this AU down, but if I did, I’d want to incorporate a bunch of minecraft gameplay and environment elements from the big spooky 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update: the warden creatures, the ruins, the Deep Dark biome, the skulk, etc.
Timewarp AU: One of the big decisions I had to make when writing Ouroboros was whether time inside the prison should pass at the same rate as time passes outside the prison. If you’ve read the fic, you know that time inside the Vault passes slower after the prison gains sentience, so Sam and Dream spend months in there but only a few days have passed in the outside world. However, if I’d decided to have time pass in the prison at the same rate it passes on the rest of the server, that would mean Dream completely misses Techno’s rescue. In this AU, Techno shows up on 11/28 to break Dream out and finds the prison seemingly abandoned. After having a thorough look around, he leaves. His thought process: Dream must’ve found some other way to escape! Makes sense! If escape was possible, why would he wait for Techno?
Because of this, when Dream pulls his fake suicide stunt and forces the Vault to spit them out, his incarceration continues as normal because he missed the jailbreak. Ngl, this AU is pretty bleak because Dream is alone and locked up for a much longer period than in canon. (I actually ended up NOT going with this option when writing Ouroboros because my good friend aaron ringenthusiast told me very plainly that any version of events where Dream misses Techno’s big rescue was too depressing to contemplate!) 
Eventually the Syndicate get suspicious, of course. It’s been over six months since the failed jailbreak and if Dream really did escape prior to that, it’s weird that he hasn’t tried to contact Techno or reach out to any other Syndicate members…right? Eventually, Phil and Techno are contacted by Punz, who’s forced to out themself as Dream’s ally because they haven’t heard from Dream in an alarming amount of time and are frankly confused. Tbh, I haven’t decided where this AU goes after that, but I think it’d be neat if Dream still gets rescued or maybe even escapes Pandora by himself somehow. I'm fond of stories where Dream is ultimately the one to save himself.
The final AU is Amnesia Island. It’s similar to Island AU Spiderette in that after the events of Ouroboros, Sam manages to move Dream from Pandora onto his island and imprisons him there. However, Dream is in really bad shape. In this version of events, his suicide fake-out was unsuccessful in that he accidentally does kill himself. The Vault still spits them out, but the blood transfusion comes too late and it looks like Dream is actually gonna die – bummer! That’s not what either of them wanted! Luckily, Sam has a secret: he’s already created a clone of Dream’s body (without his consent or knowledge, because of course.) So when Sam realizes Dream is gonna die FR fr, he uses the power of (canonical!) cool awesome unethical science to transfer Dream’s mind to the new body just before Dream dies. This all happens in the triage ward in Pandora. After the process is complete, he whisks his prisoner away to the island. 
All should be well, theoretically. Except, uh oh! When Dream wakes up in his new body, he…isn’t Dream. At least, he isn’t Sam’s Dream. Something went wrong, either with the cloning process or the transfer of consciousness. New Dream has clearly got the same personality as old Dream, but minus the traumas he’s recently acquired. Huge chunks of his memory seem to be gone. He doesn’t recall who he is, who Sam is, L’Manberg, the Disc Saga, any of the events of the past couple years. It’s all gone.
Sam’s reaction to the amnesia is…messy. First, he doesn’t believe Dream, thinks he’s faking it. It takes an unpleasant interrogation to finally convince Sam that Dream really doesn’t remember anything. After denial comes anger: this version of Dream is both familiar and alien; he reminds Sam more of the man who built the Community House than the prisoner! Which means all the time and effort Sam spent conditioning the prisoner to fear him and respect him and obey him is wasted. Sam gave up parts of his soul for that deference, that submission. And now it’s just gone. He’s not happy about it. Next comes the bargaining, and finally, acceptance, or something that passes for acceptance until you hold it up to the light. According to Sam’s worldview, Dream is fundamentally corrupt. Even if amnesiac Dream doesn’t remember doing terrible things, he still did them, right? Which means Sam still has a responsibility to keep him locked up. The warden is still needed! This is a huge source of relief, since it preserves Sam’s self-concept.
Only…the situation is a bit more convoluted now. No version of Dream is innocent in Sam’s eyes, which means amnesiac Dream cannot be innocent. But the amnesia complicates things. For one, this Dream doesn’t have nearly as many reasons to fear and hate Sam, which means he’s openly affectionate — helpful, even. Sam appreciates that, and his appreciation throws a wrench in his plan to reincarcerate the prisoner. This is post-Ouroboros Sam, so he is aware on some level that he loves Dream, though he perceives that love as an unforgivable weakness. Not to mention he and Dream have been sleeping together for months and Sam misses that. Given these compounding factors, Sam opts not to punish Dream as frequently or as harshly as he did when they were in Pandora. It’s not that he regrets his former treatment of Dream (after all, Sam has never had any qualms about treating a lover sternly, has he?) but he does have a vested interest in encouraging Dream’s affection. He wants Dream to be obedient, and obedience is an easier thing to offer when you think you’re in love. So Sam does what he has to: he lies.
He doesn’t exactly tell Dream the two of them are married, not quite, but it’s heavily implied. Sam does everything he can to avoid verbally defining their relationship in such clear terms, while simultaneously doing all he can to make Dream believe that the two of them are in an established, committed relationship. It’s not so far from the truth, Sam tells himself. After all, what is the relationship between warden and prisoner if not committed?
In short, their life together on the island is fucked upppp. The two of them cohabitate and eventually resume sleeping together. Dream is not allowed to leave the house without Sam’s supervision, and he’s never allowed near the shoreline under any circumstances. He’s not allowed to send or receive letters or communications of any kind. Dream’s also forbidden from touching or picking up weapons and tools, lest he use them to harm someone (or himself. Sam has nightmares about watching Dream stab himself in Ouroboros.) The list of rules goes on, and the consequences for breaking them are…varied and creative. Dream understands, on some level, that Sam hurts him, that being around Sam is frightening and stressful. But Sam is also his partner, a man Dream thinks he loves. A man he feels comfortable with, sometimes. Dream has been told in simple terms that he’s dangerous, that he needs the warden’s guidance in order to keep everyone else safe. Dream doesn’t remember who “everyone else” is, but he has no reason to wish them ill, whoever they are. So he’s also grateful, in that sense, that Sam is willing to help him not hurt people. It is a gratitude that Sam has manufactured entirely, but it’s a powerful force nonetheless. 
So, in summary, they’re codependent as hell and their life together is scary and bad. Don’t worry, it gets better but first it gets worse. As time passes, Dream feels more and more often that the way Sam treats him is unfair, which is objectively true. He has misgivings, but with very few concrete memories to base them on, these misgivings don’t serve him particularly well. However, after about a year of island living, his memories do start to come back gradually. This creates problems. Sam is quite happy with their new arrangement, so Dream’s memories coming back is a nightmare scenario for him. When he begins to notice little clues, it makes him incredibly paranoid, which in turn causes him to act…rashly. There is one notable incident where a bird dies by accidentally flying smack into a window, as birds sometimes do. Dream calmly picks it up and steps around the back of the house to bury it in the garden. But when Sam comes to check on him a few minutes later, he finds the bird alive and flapping, as if it was never hurt. Dream tells Sam he doesn’t remember how he brought the bird back to life; he can’t explain it, he just knew. Sam doesn’t believe him. It’s a rough night.
Of all the AUs, Amnesia Island is probably the one that’s rotted my brain the worst. It's definitely the most detailed so I could probably go on about it forever, but this post is already way too long so I’ll conclude by adding that in none of these AUs does Dream ever cave and give Sam the revive book. He’s holding onto that motherfucker, always and forever. Amen.
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taradiddled · 2 months
Here is a peek at Johnny Eldritch meeting Ada, the Devil's Mistress. It's rife with Lucifer wishing he could smack Johnny in the face the more he talks.
"Oh!" Johnny looked Adam up and down. "And who are you, pretty demon?"
Lucifer stepped up, clearing his throat, and outstretching an introductory arm towards Adam. "Johnny, this is uh..." He seemed to suddenly realize that he couldn't be open about Adam's identity. Perhaps her name would be all right, but someone named "Adam", found with the Original Sin himself? People would probably draw slightly accurate conclusions. Especially if the people included someone who was supposedly a longtime friend of the King of Hell.
Luckily for Lucifer, Adam stepped forwards.
"Ada," Adam finished for Lucifer. She put out a hand for Johnny to shake, deliberately looking him right in the eyes. The closeness of their proximity gave Johnny two options: either shake Adam's hand, or back away, putting the power over the interaction in Adam's favor. It was a tactic many Seraphim had used on Adam in the past, and that she'd mastered herself.
Johnny looked down at Adam's hand, blinking, before he looked back at Adam's face, grinning. He grabbed her hand and gave it an enthusiastic handshake, entirely lighthearted with his chuckle.
"Nice to meet you, Ada!" Something occurred to him, and let go of Adam's hand and turned on Lucifer. "Saaaaaay. Is this the same Ada who you used to moan about on Beer Nights?"
Lucifer's flamed orange, and Adam cocked her head to the side. "What," she asked.
"It's nothing," Lucifer quickly said, but Johnny, not taking the hint from Lucifer's fervent glares, kept talking.
"Nothing? Oh, please! Even when you and Lilith were still together, you'd go on and on and on about this broad up in Heaven, who you had to meet up with all the time to talk about the truce between Heaven and Hell." He put his hands on hips, arms akimbo. "Said she'd just stand there, at your brother's side, practically drooling over him."
It was Adam's face's turn to blush, and she whipped her head towards Lucifer, shooting him a heated glare. While she didn't remember much of those meetings, due to Michael's memory-fuckery, she had a deep-down feeling that 'practically drooling' wasn't far off the mark. The look Lucifer gave back to Adam was entirely apologetic, and he even put his hands together, as if pleading to her, before he swung back to Johnny, scowling.
"I never said she was 'drooling' over Michael," Lucifer clarified.
Johnny shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. So maybe you said she 'simpered' over him, instead. But it all sounds the same to me." He looked Adam up and down. "But I don't think you're head over heels for Luc's brother anymore, right? I mean," he gestured to the horns on Adam's head, and to her tail swishing behind her in growing agitation. "You probably Fell for Lucifer, right? Only way an angel would end up like that in Hell..."
Adam wasn't sure how to respond. On one hand, she was annoyed with Johnny for being so blunt and uncaring of the privacy he was invading. On the other hand, she was somewhat amused by how the demon had just blown in, whipped Lucifer up into a fright, and was now just casually addressing Adam, as if this were just another day for the demon. He didn't seem to care that Lucifer was leveling him with the darkest of glares, or that Adam looked less than impressed.
That intrigued Adam, but she didn't have much time to ponder on it at the moment, because, as Johnny trailed off in thought, Lucifer took Adam by hand, giving it a squeeze.
"I want you to know that if I really did say any of those things, it was because I was really wasted, and still in denial about how I felt about you." His ruby-red eyes were so earnest as they pleaded for Adam to understand.
If Lucifer was worried about Adam being angry with him, he had nothing to worry about. Adam was more amused, if anything, by what Johnny had said, and the mental image of Lucifer, drunk and whining in a bar about Adam, tickled her fancy just a tad.
Bringing Lucifer’s hand to her lips, she kissed the knuckles. “Chill out, you goon. I said some pretty shitty things about you in the past, too. But it's in the past, right?" She watched Lucifer over the top of his Sinner-black knuckles. "So I'll give you a Get Out of Jail Free card." She kissed his knuckles again. "Just this once, okay?" She added a little wink, making Lucifer's frown turn upside down.
"Thank you," he mouthed to her. He then turned back to Johnny, frowning sternly. "I'd appreciate if you didn't dredge up how pathetic I used to be, Johnny. I am trying to have a committed relationship over here." He slipped his fingers out of Adam's and then pointed a finger at Johnny. "And, uh, Ada didn't have the best of time with the whole Falling thing, y'know? Pretty fucking painful?"
Johnny grimaced. "Oh shit. Right. That must have hurt like a bitch, buddy." He gave Adam an apologetic look, reaching over his shoulder to scratch at the back of his head, almost sheepish. "But I guess now Luc say he's got a literal angel falling into his arms, right?" He chuckled at his little joke, then stopped, freezing, when he seemed to register something previously said.
"Wait. So you really are that chick from Heaven?" Johnny grinned. "Look that! You finally got her, Luc! Good on you, ol' boy!" Johnny slapped Lucifer on his back, beaming proudly. "You got the girl, and you finally got back in the saddle and rode that pony! And -- oh." He paused when he finally noticed Adam's round belly. He blinked, almost as if he were bewildered, before he seemed to accept it, grinning once more. "Looks like you really rode this one!"
Lucifer shoved at Johnny's side, face a heated color of orange. "Johnny!" he hissed with reproach. "A little less crude, please?"
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