#kids are strange and feral creatures
caffeinewitchcraft · 4 months
When I was a kid (and teen if I'm being honest), I used to wish I had a dozen eyes and at least two more limbs. I would be totally normal out and about my home, but then I would creep into my closet and pretend to be a predator with glistening fangs and talons. There was a period of about two years where I had my own room where this was a nightly routine.
Looking back, I'm impressed with my own ambitions.
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
Flash dealing with a feral child (Adult)
Flash, known as one of the fastest men alive, was stopping to check out a known hangout spot for rouges in Central City when he got a notification from the JL about dead bodies of drug dealers, kidnappers, etc, showing up in abandoned warehouses in Gotham and other cities around the world.
He may not be the brightest, but he was still the first one to notice that most of his rouges, at least not the money hungry ones, seemed to only come out in the daylight to do only minimal damage and stealing. Which was strange in of itself.
He was also one of the first ones to notice, besides Batman and Green Arrow, that most of the rouges whisper about a Dream demon or some kind of demon that eats villians’ heads and leave their bodies for the police to pick up.
Tonight, one of many nights, he was eavesdropping on some rouges when he noticed that was rocking back and forth, muttering that he somehow fucked up on a heist and a kid accidentally got hurt.
Some of them were trying to comfort the terrified rouge, but others were too busy looking around with guns and other weapons in hand.
Flash, who was known by his rouges as caring and willing to help those that wanted/needed the help, tried to slowly walk in, but due to his powers it ended up just scaring his rouges instead.
“FUCK FLASH!” “Don’t do that!” “You got to help!” “Please don’t let me die!” All of them cry, each in different levels of fright, with one rushing over to him and grabbing onto his suit, begging for his life. “I did’t mean to! She was just there!”
Cue a very confused Flash, who can only sit down and have his rouges explain what the actual hell was happening. Which included learning about the spread of drugs and trafficking of women and children around the world, but mostly focusing in the U.S in major cities, and the meeting of a black slime thing eating a corrupt cop (who was supposedly abusing his family)
The hours pass without an incident, and as the daylight start to dawn, Flash goes out of his way to rush all the rouges into a safe place. Including the one that accidentally hurt a little girl, which in reality she only got scared by his enterance and wasn’t actually hurt.
Flash then goes back to the warehouse and notices that a man was standing in front of a young teenager, or a child (all he knew that the young thing was small and looked very young), and pointing a gun to their forehead and had a black slimy thing in his other hand.
Flash panics for a brief moment before rushing in, not noticing that the slimy thing was opening its mouth to bite the man at the same time.
Time slows down as he grabs the gun and man’s hand to point it away from the kid, but he then notices that the slimy thing has opened its mouth, full of pointing and knife-like teeth, and bit down on the man’s hand (right next to Flash’s fingers).
The man screams in pain as blood squirts out of the deep bite mark and the gun goes off in another direction. Which causes both the man and Flash to let go, the gun to drop, the slimy thing drops and goes back into the child, and the child bites the man’s left leg.
Cue Flash and the man panicking and jumping away from the child thing, which causes it to melt into a huge black, and purple, monster with dark purple tentacles, and pure white ‘eyes’, with a ‘mouth’ full of sharp teeth (like Canies or knives).
The man gets hit in the head with one of the tentacles and gets knocked unconscious. Flash gets one smacked into his stomach and he smashes into one of the walls.
The creature makes a weird distress child noise as Flash tries to recover, holding onto his stomach area and taking a few deep breaths.
”I’m good, I’m good. Just wasn’t expecting for the power behind your punches, or well slaps.” He jokes as he flops to the ground and rubs his back with one hand, glad that he his super speed allows him to heal quicker.
”Forgive us, we were trying to get a quick meal, but his face reminded us of someone else. It will not happen again.” The thing ‘says’ as it stands up and seems to stretches itself out, like it wasn’t seconds away from dying.
Flash can only wave the thing off, trying to determine if this thing was the “Dream demon” that his rouges were terrified of, which he doesn’t blame them now, and if the man was supposed to be it’s next meal.
”Well, all’s well that ends well. Just please don’t put yourself in these type of situations again, please?” He asks, begs, because he still is very confused on if the thing is a child in a monster’s body or an adult, or what.
”We can not keep that, as we need to eat. However, we will make sure to devour our meal and not play with it.” The thing ‘promises’?, and Flash tries to laugh it off, but the thing doesn’t laugh with him…
”Right, well. I’ll be taking this man to prison and then come back to get you.”
”No, we will go get a new meal. Thank you for teaching us that we should not play with our food.” The thing thanks him, which he doesn’t know to accept or not, before it CLIMBS out of the building, scaling the walls up to the skylight with it claws and tentacles and disappears into the night.
”Hey Flash to JL, we have a feral child on the loose, and it likes to eat humans. Please be advised that I accidentally gave it advice and now I’m not too sure where it went. Please don’t kill me, I thought it was just a kid.”
Cue the Flash experiencing the strangest police interview ever, and JL interview as well. Including being pulled to the side by Batman and getting the rundown on what he knows.
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silverskye13 · 5 months
Silver I know next to nothing about the alien franchise and movie, I am giving you full permission to use this ask as an opportunity to spread propaganda to get me (and anyone else) to finally watch it
So it's, so like, the thing is, right. I'm not a movie tech kinda person [though it is technically impressive, the funny little tricks they did, like not having the budget for a Big Space Ship Derelict so they are a scaled down model that the director's kids in space suits walked up to so it would look bigger, and it was shown to the audience on a shitty CCTV because they didn't do a big matte painting of the set they filmed the tiny one, projected it onto a wall, and then filmed that.] So my rant isn't going to be about how technologically cool the movie was for 1979 on a less than optimal budget. But what I do like, what I excel at, is breaking down themes and tropes. And my god. My god. Just. Ugh. [Flails my arms.]
So a basic rundown for the movie, spoilers ahead, and my analysis of how fucking cool it is:
Basic gist of the movie: The crew of the commercial mining vessel Nostromo are awoken halfway through their trip back to earth by a mysterious signal, calling for help on a far away planet. Upon going down to investigate, one of their crew members is attacked by a strange alien parasite which attaches to his face. This kicks off a tale of increasing horror as the new alien kills off the crew one by one, culminating in Ripley [the main character] blowing up the ship and fleeing in an escape pod, not sure if she'll ever be picked up in the vastness of space -- with the ships cat, who miraculously also survives. [We all know Jonesy is the real main character 💜.] Along the way a plot by the Weyland-Utani corporation is revealed, one of the crew is discovered to be an android, and there is a lot of alien screeching.
Now! The themes that I go absolutely feral over can commence.
The horror of the movie, the reason why the alien is scary, and lethal to humans specifically, is it is a creature built for efficient survival, and this is a trait that Ash, the ship's science officer [and resident hiding android] highly praises in the critter. He describes it as beautiful, elegant, pure in its efficiency. The perfect organism. Efficient.
Humans, by comparison, aren't efficient. We are social. And efficiency preys on social needs. For example:
The xenomorph eggs can survive for ages [in the derelict they're found on, the dead alien who drove the ship is described as fossilized. These eggs have been here for thousands of years. But they activate immediately when a curious human pokes around them. It isn't a fast process. Kane is poking around for a few minutes, looking at the movements of the creatures in their eggs, making observations. Curious. Curiosity is an inefficient trait -- he would have survived if he had climbed out of the hole the eggs were in and left, or even waited for the rest of his team to enact quarantine and investigation procedures.
Speaking of quarantine! When Dallas and Lambert bring Kane, newly infected by an alien parasite, back to the ship, Ripley locks them in the airlock. There are quarantine procedures. We can't risk the whole crew. But they are scared for Kane's safety. He might die without help. They break quarantine. If they hadn't broken quarantine, the baby alien would've been born in the airlock, where it would get spaced the moment it was born.
When the face hugger parasite dies and Kane seems to return to normal, what they should have done to attempt to reinstate quarantine was put him in hyper sleep. His body would have been frozen in a stasis which might have frozen the parasite or, if it hadn't, would have left the new baby alien trapped in a stasis pod. But Kane, haggard and scared from his ordeal, asks can we please have one more meal together before I go to sleep? And that one meal is long enough for the new xenomorph to be born, and release terror on the ship.
There is more. Parker would have lived if he hadn't gone to find the cat by himself, leaving the safety of his group. Dallas would have lived if he let Ripley go through the vents, but he was the captain and he didn't want to risk someone else's life so he went instead. Brett would have lived if he'd left Lambert behind when she was being attacked, or if he'd hit the xenomorph with the flamethrower instead of insisting Lambert get out of the way first. And Lambert would have lived if she'd run instead of being paralyzed in fear by the creature killing her friends. And the xenomorph? Wasn't even eating it's kills. No gore. Little blood. It was killing them because it knew they would kill it, and it was neutralizing threats. Efficient.
The xenomorph is very clearly engineered for survival, and it's survival depends on killing the inefficient organisms around it. Even it's acid blood is described as a survival mechanism, not an offensive mechanism.
Okay Skye, we hear you talking about how scary the critter is because it's not a social creature. That's an interesting observation, but it's still just a monster story, right?
Well, let me tell you an alternative story. Just a little to the left of the original, but one I would argue is still very very canon.
You are an android built by Weyland-Utani, a company which is jealously hunting alien tech to use for its many space programs. You are placed on the Nostromo because there is a known anomaly in the area, and they want to find it. Your job is to get a specimen back to the company, all other protocols expended.
You are programmed to be efficient, so you get to work.
You wake the crew when you find the signal. You give them only the information they need to investigate: it is a signal that repeats every 12 seconds. You let them make the conclusion it is an SOS. Humans are social creatures. They want to help other social creatures in need. There is some arguing about whether they should go, but in the end an extra push from you sends them. Ripley, one of the more efficient members of the crew, keeps asking you why you haven't decoded the message.
"Mother [the super computer running the ship] is still working on it." This is true. She has only translated part of the signal. By the time Ripley realizes it's a warning, the crew is already on the way to the derelict. You tell her if she walks out there, they will have already figured out if it's a warning or not by the time she makes it to them. She agrees.
When they return with a specimen, Ripley [efficient, following protocol] doesn't want to let them on. But Ripley doesn't know you're an android, so when you break quarantine, and you tell her you just wanted Kane to be safe, she begrudgingly believes you.
When the alien is loose, it is easy for you to keep them from killing it. Humans are social, inefficient creatures, and you feel no empathy for their deaths. You do pity them though. Between you and the alien, their chances of survival are slim.
If only they were more efficient.
The horror in Alien is not the xenomorph. The horror in Alien is when anything, primal creatures, androids, a particularly greedy corporation, preys on human social needs in order to get what it wants. There is significance in that Ripley, despite everything, chose to save the cat. She needed companionship. All humans do. She needed to save that cat. A cat that was cantankerous and mean, and hissed whenever it was held, was better than the cold efficiency of empty space.
Any system that prioritizes absolute efficiency will be inhospitable to human life.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Oooh, could we get some headcanons for Alien and reader if they've been friends since childhood??
"Hello... My name is Y/n. I live over there, and I always see you by yourself when I come home from school. Wanna hang out?"
Alien was an absolutely feral, yet timid kid. They were about five when they were adopted, but they don't recall anything before they were rescued from the abandoned building they were found in. To hide their features, their parent spun a tale of them being disfigured in an accident and made them wear a prosthetic mask which they hated. Because they were impossible to handle with it on, they were homeschooled majority of their adolescent years.... then they met you.
The start of your relationship would be a bit rough. Alien couldn't speak more than a few words during the adjustment period of their new life, and the limited speech they did learn was thrown out the window in favor of perfecting ways to copy the sounds of all the creatures around them. They could perfectly mimic the yapping dog from down the street, and the strange clicks made by creatures like the yautja from predator. They studied you from afar because they always knew they weren't "normal" and wanted to be like the kids on tv and in public.
The day your paths first cross, and a full week after, Alien turns tail and hides under their porch. It was due to their timidity, and following the rules their parents gave them by hiding whenever someone comes near. Their stomach felt weird when you smiled at them and they hated that too. They finally cross the bridge to friendship when you eventually give up or no longer look their way. The feeling in their gut when that happens is worse than all the others - it hurts. They pluck a fresh head of lettuce from their mother's garden and head on over - taking a large bite and offering the unbitten side to you.
For a while, Alien does what they did best at the time and copies you. It help tremendously with their development. Walking on two feet instead of their hands, holding a fork the same way you did instead of shoving everything in their mouth with their fingers. Their speech gets better when they copy your hellos and look over your shoulder while you're doing school work. They initially hate school because it takes away your time together... But if they went with you then you'd never be apart.
"Human School! Y/n! I want to go to School with Y/n! Human school for a human boy!"
"But darling, you hate wearing your-"
Before everything is finalized, their parents sit you down to explain their situation. As a kid, some parts are probably easier than others, but you promise to look out for them like they ask. They run laps when they find out you have the same class, and bullies your seatmate into giving up their spot. Later on as they become more outgoing, bullying isn't a problem with their charm - not that it was a huge thing without it as one headbutt from them gave a kid a concussion. Throughout the years they acted as your guard dog which lessen in severity as they grew, but never completely died out.
Outside of school, your main hangout spots are in their bedroom or yours. Once they got used to you and had the ability to ramble on, they wouldn't shut up about all the space memorabilia they had. You have steak outs for aliens by their window and sleep overs in the giant, star covered tent in their room.
Alien realizes he's in love with you in middle. While you remained their top priority, they started to branch out and meet new people. One of these people asked them for advice on asking you out. It took three teachers and your arrival to get them off the poor kid. They don't know what happened. They started off by giving them a few pointers, but as the conversation went on all they could picture was you doing everything you did with them with this stranger. Ditching him for them and holding their hand in the halls. Graduating and starting a life together. That first kiss.
And everything went dark.
Since all they had really done was shout at the kid and thrown a few punches at the ground instead of their head he got easy. Few inches east and they'd be facing a murder charge. Alien didn't care. They had these possibly decade long feelings clawing their way to the surface and it was tearing them up inside. From them writing your combined initials as writing practice as a kid, it's safe to say they've always seen to in a different light. It wasn't until picturing you moving on with someone else that they realized that buzz from the romance between the blood and gore of the horror flicks you watched was from wanting to kiss you like it was the end of the world too. They now know why they've kept every gum wrapper you've ever held in a shoebox under their bed. These feelings they have for you are the most human thing they've ever experienced, but it still felt beyond the human concept of love.
Closer to present day, Alien confess on the last day of highschool. They've been pushing it off for so long, and likely hurting you in the process for getting rid of potential love interests behind the scenes. They want that picture perfect highschool sweetheart dream. Getting jobs at the theater together and fooling around on breaks. Moving in into some apartment and planning out the layout of your future home. Hunting for solid evidence of aliens and laying together beneath the blanket of the stars.
If you reject them, they'll understand. They continue to be your friend and mend their broken heart - by making sure you never have the chance of giving yours to alone living being again. Maybe after they console you on the fifth rejection you'll finally come around
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phoebepheebsphibs · 5 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chap 2: Exodus
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Mikey growls loudly at the creatures as they come close. His marks start to flicker, as if they want to glow bright with his ninpo but can't anymore. Some part of Raph wonders what that means... but currently, he's terrified of what Mikey is going to do.
He's never heard him growl like that.
It's deep and guttural, much lower than Mikey has ever made his voice go.
Mikey suddenly lunges, running on all fours at the army of mutated monsters coming at them.
One creature that looks like it may have once been part wolf tries to swipe at him, but Mikey dodges it and swings his tail at him instead, sweeping out the hind legs and causing it to trip. Mikey's tail suddenly becomes sentient, grabs the hound and swings it like a club, knocking back several mutated animals before tossing the wolf like the world's furriest bowling ball. It slams into a row of oncoming beasts, slowing them down.
Raph can't let Mikey do this alone.
That's not what brothers do.
Not again.
He punches his fists together, creating two large hologram arms, and charges to join the fray.
Mikey is becoming wilder and wilder by the second, his grimace turning into a nasty snarl with sharp fangs beginning to jutt out. His eyes begin getting wider, the red irises glowing brighter and brighter. There are strange spines starting to creep out of his shell, the scales on his arms becoming sharp scutes like armor. Even his whipping tail -- which was much shorter before this crazy thing -- is starting to grow spines on it, the end practically looking like a mace or medieval weapon.
Raph is starting to get scared of his baby brother.
"Mikey! Mikey, you okay?" he asks, as he pushes several mutated raccoons and beavers aside.
Mikey doesn't respond beyond a gravelly low growl as he grabs a mutant badger by the tail and flings it into a wall.
How many animals are there?!
The hall is starting to fill up!
"Mike, we gotta get outta here! I can't hold these guys off for much longer!" he grunts, creating a few extra hologram arms to help ward off the rest. "Plus, I don't wanna hurt em!"
Mikey doesn't seem to hear him as he roars at the hoard. A few creatures start to back away in fright, before what looks like a mix between a boar and a porcupine starts running at them.
"That's our cue!" Raph shouts, grabbing Mikey. The spines and spikes protruding from his shell stab his palms and scrape his arms...
Mikey whirls around and bites Raph hard on the hand.
He yelps as he drops him. There's a mark on his hand, a deep indent. A small puncture wound begins to turn bright red. A tiny flow of blood begins to form just above his thumb.
Raph stares at Mikey.
Mikey glares back, the glow in his eyes bright as the blood on his hand.
His voice is a whisper. He can't stop shaking.
A moment passes and the glow in Mikey's eyes begins to dissipate, the spikes and spines slowly creeping back into his shell and skin. His tail smoothes out and starts to curl around his feet. His demeanour shifts, from one of a feral animal to a scared kid slowly coming out of a tantrum. He looks at Raph in fear as he realizes what he did. He whimpers, backing away slowly...
"Wait, it's okay! Really, I'm not mad, I --"
The mutant boar reaches them, slamming head-first into Mikey and throwing him into a wall. Mikey grunts with pain, a large crater forming in the drywall where he landed. He gets up quickly, his eyes immediately shifting back to red as he goes to retaliate.
Raphael watches in shock and horror as Mikey grabs the boar by the tusks and rips them out from his jaw. The pig squeals in agony and charges again, two smaller tusks quickly starting to grow back almost instantly.
"R--aph! Ra-- Come in, do y-- read me--?"
Raph looks down at his communicator. He totally forgot about it for a second... Leo and Donnie had been searching the other floors of the facility looking for Mikey, too! He should have let them know he'd found him --
"RAPH! I repeat, Raph, can you hear me?!"
"Yeah!" he shouts back over the screaming behind him. "I read you, Leo!"
"What the heck is all that noise?!"
"Long story short, I found Mikey. We need an escape, like, NOW."
"Donnie's on it," comes a second voice on the comms. "What floor are you on?"
"Five," he responds quickly, ducking from another mutant's attack. "I think we've been made. There were cages filled with animals and they all got released at once!"
"I'm coming now!" Donnie shouts. Raph can hear his hovershell whirr in the background, wind start whipping past the mic as he speeds towards them.
"Leo, where are you?"
"I just came from the basement. You guys will never believe what I found --"
"You can tell us on the way home, but we have to go NOW!!"
For a moment, Raph forgets that he isn't the leader anymore. For a moment, he's in charge and it's all on him to get them out. He's in control of everything and doesn't have to wait on Leo to make a self-sacrificing decision to solve everything like he tends to do.
"Okay, boss man. I'll meet you all outside in the turtle tank."
Raph sighs with relief.
"Got it. Donnie, ETA?"
"Right behind you -- oh what in the name of unholy science is that?!"
Raph turns around to see Donnie slowly coming to a halt, hovering over Mikey. The box turtle has defeated the boar at this point, slamming it hard into a wall until the boar slumped with a groan onto the floor.
"Is... is that Mikey --"
"Donnie, just find us an exit!" Raph shouts as he grabs Mikey, who doesn’t bite him again but struggles against his hold until he sees who's holding him.
"R-right... right... Uh, take a left, that window leads directly to the alley where Leo is waiting..."
The intercom buzzes again.
"What did Donnie say? What's going on with Mikey?!" Leo asks, his voice in a panic.
"Get the tank started, we're coming to you."
"But what about Mikey?!"
"He's here with us."
"Why doesn't he respond--"
Raph crashes through the window before he can answer, landing with a thud against the top of the tank. Mikey howls loudly, whining in fear and scratching at Raph's arms to let him go. He sees Donnie for the first time and makes a feeble chirp.
Donnie stares wide-eyed at him, mouth open and hands trembling.
Raph scrambles into the tank, holding Mikey tightly. Donnie follows after him, silently staring at his baby brother.
"There you guys are!" Leo yells, a wave of relief rushing over him. "I was starting to get really --"
He sees him.
"What... what happened to..."
"Just drive," Raph orders, holding Mikey close. "Just get us out of here."
Leo nods slowly, turning to Donnie. He receives the silent command and navigates the tank, speeding away.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
In a regular X-Men Evolution AU, imagine Sabretooth adopting one random teen out of the blue. Why was he interested in this random teen? Maybe they were an experiment, or were taken by scientists. Either way, the Acolytes and Brotherhood and X-Men want them, and if he can possibly annoy his boss and steal a kid from his brother and possibly lure him to him, then sure, let him try his hand at parenting.
And he ends up with some feral-*ss kid, who keeps curling up in the corner like a scared kitten, yet they have sharp claws and teeth. Reader could be smaller than Logan or almost as big as Victor, but they're a feisty, ferocious little creature. And Sabretooth? He thinks he's in (platonic) love for the second time in his life (the first time was with Logan, his baby brother). Finally! A kid who has every drop of ferocity and danger that he and Wolverine have! A worthy heir, and someone to take care of and love on...
Reader keeps trying to run from this absolute behemoth of a guy who possibly saved them? Only to kidnap them and take them with him. And he won't leave them alone. He keeps trying to fight them, keeps chasing them through the woods, and whenever Reader sneaks away, he hunts them down and drags them back, drugging them if they don't calm down enough.
And he doesn't give up on them. He keeps trying to tame them to accept him, but he keeps doing things that are just weird for someone who wants to use them. He IS using them, right? Or plans to? Whenever they fight, he'll drop after a good bit, then lets Reader have a minute ... Then he's back up again, edging them to fight once more... He keeps bringing food, even urges them to hunt, and keeps the bones from any creature they successfully kill. He even shares his own food... Then he keeps trying to get them to sleep. The moment they've gone forty-eight hours without sleep is the moment he's forcing medicine in their mouth or injecting them, and no matter what it is, it leaves Reader in a tired, sleepy heap, until they eventually are pulled into a deep slumber...
Reader isn't sure how much of this they can resist. This guy is weird, scary, and knows way too much about how to kill people... But he keeps being nice? In his own strange, creepy way. So now Reader hopes they can hold out a bit longer, until they can either run far enough, or find someone who can get them out...
(Reader likely has a surprised reaction to soft beds and comfortable rooms and good, warm food. Sabretooth keeps trying to feed then a bit of everything if he cooks, to feed this starved kid and to see their cute reaction to tasty, good food... It also gives him a chance to drug them, if need be. Can't have his kid running off after dinner, they'll get too cold and he doesn't want a repeat of when they first ran off into the snow...)
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TMFT (Tiny Mutant Feral Turtles) By @phykoha
Rottmnt but they're new born feral creatures.
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(art by @crownedcrowrow)
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(art by @crownedcrowrow )
The Great Skittle Heist of 2105/Papadile and Croctots /Big Sis Leo/Nameless AU
The Great Skittle Hiest of 2105 by @bluepeachstudios
The turtles follow Darius Dunn and see him leaving a strange ship with an even stranger bag, which he promptly throws into a dumpster. What's inside will change their lives. AKA the 03 boys become dads and shenanigans happen.
Papadile and Croctots By @crownedcrowrow
What if Leatherhead found the baby turtles before Splinter? Congrats LH your now the dad of four feral baby crocodile turtle mutants. The Croctots learn about the world around them, a mysterious mutant in the sewers and their fathers past
Big Sis Leo By @adorabledrugl0rd
Transfem 12Leo finds rise Leo in the sewers and ends up becoming the rise kids big sister!
Nameless au (Vincent the Axolotl) By @tired-o-fighter
The turtles discover what Bishop's been doing with their DNA samples and why he helped to save Donatello. Hundreds of experiments lost to his cruelty, but now they have the opportunity to save one. Names are currently being accepted for this au!
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thlayli-ra · 4 months
Stray (part 2)
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Characters - CM Punk, Drew McIntyre, Larry
Pairing - CM Punk/Drew McIntyre
AU - Stray AU
Rating - Mature
Warnings - Strong language
Words - ~1,800 words
Summary - Punk brings the stray home
The storm was raging furiously by the time they reached Punk's penthouse. Larry trotted in through the open door first, shaking the droplets off his fur before heading into the kitchen area for his bowl of kibble. Punk took up the rear, red-faced and panting from the effort of carrying the strange man home on his shoulders.
'Here we are,' he announced through his heaving breathing. 'Home, sweet home.'
He gently lowered the other man down and allowed him to lean on his shoulder as he helped him up the short flight of stairs. It was a gruelling task for both men with the stranger whining in pain each time he was forced to put his bad foot down but eventually they made it to the top then through the hallway to the living area. The stranger glanced around him warily as he hopped on his one good foot, taking in the industrial interior of Punk's penthouse apartment; the exposed brickwork, the dark tones of graphite and wine, the brass fittings as well as the certain quirky tastes of its owner. Punk wondered if he'd met anybody else with large paintings of famous Universal monsters hanging on their walls.
Finally, they reached the small lounge at the foot of the stairs and he set the stranger down on his large couch. 'Here,' Punk said, grabbing a blanket from the back of the sofa (an insistence from his younger sister, he'd have to thank her for her foresight later) and carefully wrapped it around the other man's wet, grimy shoulders.
Stepping back, Punk used the opportunity to study the stranger in the better light. Behind him, the three-storey tall windows displayed the storm in all its terrifying glory, white flashes of lightning flooding the room while the walls trembled from the boom of the thunder. But in here, they were safe from the frightening elements outside.
Yet the man still shivered in fear. With his head bowed and eyes downcast, the strange being pulled the blanket in closer around him, jerking with fright every time the thunder roared above him. Punk's heart ached, his gaze straying towards the chaffed skin on his wrists.
'How about that coffee?' he asked, trying to break the tension but as soon as he tried to step away, his arm was snared by a tight grip. His breath hitched but he soon relaxed when he noticed a sliver of blue eyeing up his jacket pocket. 'Oh yeah, how could I forget?' Pulling out the bag of muffins, he passed them into the man's large waiting hands. 'They're all yours, kid.'
That was all the incentive the other man needed and he tore the bag open and began stuffing large chunks of chocolate sponge into his mouth, gobbling the treats down like a man starved. Punk gnawed at the vacant spot on his lip watching the poor creature, feeling a surge of grief inside him.
Meanwhile, Larry had finished his bowl and came scuttling through to the lounge to hop up on the couch.
'Oh no, you don't,' Punk said, grabbing the little dog before he could plonk himself down. 'You're wet and filthy. Into your bed, you go.' He set Larry down in his dog bed, the fleecy fabric as good as new considering it was never used. Ignoring the vexed expression Larry gave him, Punk walked off towards the kitchenette, not noticing the look shared between the two former strays. A mutual recognition of loss and dread, forgotten for a time in a home that had welcomed them both in. Letting out a resigned whimper, Larry lay down in his dog bed and placed his chin on his front paws.
In the kitchen area, Punk's mind was racing a million miles an hour as he waited for the coffee pot to brew. Ok, so you found a feral, naked guy in the streets and got him to come back to your apartment. Great! What now? What do you do now? Calling the police seemed like the most obvious option and yet, it didn't sit right with him. From the state of him and the metal cuff around his ankle, it was clear the stranger had escaped some terrible ordeal and was still suffering from the shell-shock. Tossing him into police custody to be interrogated and probed about his trauma when it was so fresh seemed cruel.
Not to mention that Punk wasn't exactly the greatest fan of cops, and they were not particularly enamoured with him either.
So... what? You just... let him stay. Why not? You don't know a damn thing about him. Does that matter? He could be dangerous?
Punk peered over his shoulder, finding the back of the stranger's head, his dark hair cascading like ebony waterfalls into the pool of soft blanket around his shoulders.
No, he's not dangerous. Just a guy, all alone in the world, desperate for someone to help him.
Just like he had been. All those years ago.
The coffee machine beeped and Punk poured two cups, bringing them over to the lounge area. It was grabbed up as eagerly as the muffins had been but Punk placed his palm flat over the mug before it reached the stranger's lips. 'It'll be hot,' he warned the other man. 'Let it cool first.'
The order was obeyed immediately and the stranger put the cup down on the coffee table in front of him, placing it gently on a coaster. Sitting on the armchair adjacent to the stranger, Punk watched as the other man leaned forward, his two sapphire eyes staring intently at the cup, as if expecting it to disappear the moment he flickered his gaze away.
The pair sat in silence, only the sound of the storm raging outside breaking the stillness. Larry gave a sleepy grunt as he rolled onto his back, his tongue jutting out between the fangs of his underbite. A smile crept up Punk's cheek at the sight. Sometimes, if he felt like teasing the small dog, he would poke the little pink tongue with his finger. Looking back across at the strange man, he felt a thrill of joy at seeing a similar flash of pink sandwiched between his full lips.
'It should be alright now,' Punk's words jolted the stranger from his concentration. The dark-haired man glanced up at him with blue eyes wide with hope. Punk returned a gentle smile. 'Go ahead.'
The stranger grabbed up the cup in his large hands and loudly slurped the coffee down, eager as a kid who'd gotten trapped in the Slurpie machine. Punk huffed a small laugh when he spotted a solitary muffin on the table, sitting pretty on a coaster.
'Is this for me?' he asked, pointing to the cake. The man paused from his coffee and lifted up his hand, closing it in a fist at eye level, then titled it down like a cat's paw. Even though he found the gesture weird, Punk understood what it meant. 'Thank you,' he replied and picked the muffin up.
'You know, what with the storm and the, you know, everything out there, I didn't really introduce myself.' Punk pulled off a chunk of soft sponge, a hint of warmth still radiating through it and popped it into his mouth. By the time he'd finished chewing, the other man was staring at him intently. 'My name's Phil, but everybody calls me Punk. It's kinda my 'professional name'. What about you?'
Lifting up his hand again, the man began to throw up different gestures and signals. Punk finally realised what he was doing.
'I'm sorry, I don't know any sign language.' The look of deflation on the other man's face was heart-breaking. Punk hated that look so quickly added. 'You can hear me though, right?' Cat paw motion, meaning 'yes'. 'You don't have a problem with your ears?' The cat paw shook from side to side, meaning 'no'. Good, they were getting somewhere. 'But you can't talk?'
The man hesitated, his brow furrowing with conflict. Eventually he replied with both the 'yes' and 'no' signal. What did that mean? Punk bit back the question, it didn't matter right now.
'Are you finished your coffee?' The stranger's face perked up and he eagerly bobbed his cat paw. 'Good, how about we get you all cleaned up?'
Another falter. Fear creeping back into that captivating face.
'I said out there that I wouldn't hurt you and I meant it,' Punk tried to reassure him. 'I won't touch you if you don't want me to, ok?' Cat paw. 'Ok.'
Punk turned around and eyed the stairwell leading up to the top floor of his penthouse apartment. His ex had once called them a 'death trap' and he had taken the accusation to heart, openly scoffing in retort, but now looking at the way they twisted and snaked above him, climbing steeply, he understood what he meant. There was no way he was going to get the stranger up there with his bad leg.
'You know what, there's a shower downstairs in my home gym so, WOAH-!'
Punk had turned his head back to the centre of the room to find the stranger crawling towards him on all fours. He'd shed his blanket, revealing every inch of lightly tanned skin, the taut muscles of his back rippling with each slow, sumptuous movement. As he edged closer, the stranger kept his large, sparkling eyes on Punk, blue punching into hazel. Hazels that were growing larger by the second, not unlike another part of Punk's anatomy down between his legs.
'F-f-f-fuuu... ok, OK!' He put up his hands to ward the bizarre jungle cat off. The man blinked and sat back on his haunches, tilting his head with confusion. 'Um, yeah...' Punk was sweating as if he'd just run a marathon. 'Let's not do that anymore, ok?' Cat paw. A forlorn one. Oh, don't do that to me, fuck! 'Not that it wasn't... um, nice? But uh... it's just not... appropriate, right now. Ok?' Cat paw. 'Ok, good. Good. Fucking... great.'
He scrubbed a hand over his face. Jesus, he was never going to get that image out of his head. Not that he wanted to, it was the prettiest damn thing he'd ever seen! Nevertheless, this was a man he'd just picked up off the streets and that sounded bad enough but he was trying to fucking help him, not get in his pants! As tiny and skimpy and not-leaving-anything-to-the-imagination-tight as they were and FUCK-!
'You know what?' Punk shook his head harshly, hoping to dislodge any perverse thoughts from it. 'Think I could do with a shower too.' Yeah, one as fucking freezing as the Artic! 'You first, though. It'll help warm you up.'
Punk grabbed the discarded blanket - a little too quickly - and threw it over the stranger's shoulders before helping him back up on his good foot. Together, they lumbered out of the lounge and headed towards the back door where the stairs for his home gym were.
'You coming, Larry?' Punk called over his shoulder. 'You could use a bath.'
The little dog gave a lazy grunt and snuggled further into his bed.
'Suit yourself. Sleep tight, buddy.'
To be continued...
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Ipliers
Pt. 2
Iplier Manor is home to most of Mark Fischbach’s egos, the Ipliers.
Part 1
Google Blue(he/him): the head of the android family. Is the one that goes to meetings. Often helps Dark keep the schedule updated and followed.
Google Green-GG(he/him): generally easygoing and helpful. If you need a question answered, he’s the one to go to.
Google Red(he/him): very easily annoyed and tends to avoid Bing for that reason. Is not the one you want to ask for help with anything.
Google Yellow-Oliver(he/him): the most human of the Googles. He suspects it’s because he has a name and he’s tried giving his siblings names but they never stick. Spends most of his time with Bing or Eric (he enjoys the quiet company of the younger ego).
Bing(he/him): your basic skater bro. Enjoys annoying Blue. Is always very happy when Oliver agrees to watch him do tricks on his skateboard.
—The androids are their own family.
Reporter Jim-RJ(he/him): always has a microphone.
Cameraman Jim-CJ(he/him): always has a camera.
Anchorman Jim-AJ(he/him): knows thingsTM.
Weatherman Jim-DubJ(he/him): always has an accurate weather forecast.
—The Jims are clones. No one (besides Dark) knows where they came from but they call each other brothers. If more Jims appear, they will be immediately added to the family. They have some sort of hive mind/telepathy and often talk to each other nonverbally. Dark is strangely protective of them. Apart from the telepathy, they have no known powers.
Sliver Shepherd(he/him): doesn’t live in the Manor. Has a girlfriend. Only visits for mandatory meeting and Christmas. Has beef with his alter ego (nobody knows why, or how). - Powers: super strength/speed.
Dadiplier-Stan(he/him): BiAce but hasn’t really acknowledged it yet. Shares an apartment with Friendly J. Rarely visits, only for mandatory meetings. Generally friendly and easygoing guy. Typical suburban dad. Runs a water business (and is a drug dealer on the side) with Jimmy. Is a grade A criminal but you’d never suspect it. - Power: hydrokinesis.
Ed Edgar(he/him): doesn’t live in the manor. Runs a small illegal adoption agency for kids that have suffered abuse. Is really, really bad at advertising. - Power: unknown.
Captain Magnum(he/him): pirate dad. Doesn’t live at the manor. Very tallTM. - Powers: unknown.
Illinois Smith(he/him): pan adventurer dude. Lives in a separate cabin in the Iplier woods with Camper. The two keep an eye on Heehoo. - Powers: absurdly good luck
Camper Mark-Cam(he/him): lives with Illinois. Has a tent permanently set up beside the cabin for Heehoo when it rains. - Powers: unknown.
Heehoo(???): feral. Loves takis. Lives in the woods surrounding Iplier Manor. Really only interacts with Camper and Illinois. - Powers: unknown.
MerMark(he/him): merman with a rainbow tail. He has an aquarium like room in the manor that connects to the swimming pool and a lake in the woods by the cabin. He’ll see Heehoo every once in a while. - Powers: can talk to any aquatic creature.
King of FNAF-Mike(he/him): isnt actually a security guards for Iplier Manor. (He works at this pizza joint with haunted animatronics). Was later promoted to ceo. Hates his job (but can’t quit because FazEnt somehow basically owns him?? He doesn’t know when that happened either). Is terrified of animatronics and mannequins. Hangs around Dave mostly (he’s the only one awake when he gets off work and Dave is a pretty chill guy. He helps Mike calm down enough to sleep. Yes, Yan thinks they’re dating. Are they? They don’t even know themselves.) - Powers: heightened endurance.
Dave Torres(he/him): has no idea how he got to the manor and at this point is too scared to ask. Keeps to himself mostly but enjoys hanging out with Mike. Doesn’t need much sleep to function, but seems to always have a cup of coffee anyway. - Powers: dream walking.
Annus Memento(he/they/any): agender aroace god of time. Spends most of his time with Unus(possibly in a QPR). Absolutely hates being called “Old Man Time” despite that being his title. Followed constantly by the sound of a ticking clock (Elliot and Unus find it comforting). Is a wacky weirdo but can be serious. - Powers: time(controls the amount of time people have in their life, but can also warp time like if he wanted to run away from Dark after pranking him).
Eboy Mark-Elliot(he/him): gay e-boy and in a relationship with Gothan. One of the physically younger egos (around 20). Sees Annus as a father figure (Annus doesn’t understand how but accepts it as inevitable). Will occasionally call the other young egos his younger siblings. - Powers: unknown.
Convict-Vic(they/he): Largely nonverbal. Severely traumatized. Seems to be the embodiment of a pathetic sad puppy. Surprisingly doesn’t hate water (it’s clear and they can see through it well enough), but will not go in the pool/lake. No one actually knows what crime he committed and they’ve never said. Hangs around Engie the most, often just following him around like an extra shadow (he enjoys their warm hugs and the fact that Engie doesn’t expect them to talk). Will also sometimes hang around Annus, Dark, or Dave as well, seeing as they’re fairly calm egos and they let him just exist nearby and watch them do whatever they might be doing at the moment. Carries around a notebook for if they really need to say something. - Powers: unknown.
The Ipliers are always eager and open to answer questions :)
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diejager · 5 months
Joyce, can we have headcanons regarding that sicko bastard known as Jeffrey Hawk aka The Clown? I ADORED that thing u said about him having a dad bod ❤️❤️
*Hands you an ordinary Ultra Ball as a gift*
Oddballer, you’re asking a lot from me, aren’t ya?? That man is just so big and filthy that I’m sure he smells.
The Clown NSFW Headcanon
Cw: DARKFIC, DUB-CON/NON-CON, drinking, blood, gore, amputation, clown stuff, manhandling, gas/hazing??, tell me if I missed any.
Once a young and athletic kid, building his body to fit a certain way to help him ease through all the hard labour he did, now it his under a warm layer of fat, thick and heavy, bulging over his belt and breast round and soft. He might’ve had some difficulty to run, ambling or striding across the fields with a slow and taunting skip to his step, menacing while he hit the cork of his bottles and shook his special concoction. It made him all the more terrifying, slow and comfortable in his walk, strategic and strangely familiar with every type of hunt, ears keenly aware of the screams and pants of survivors, hungry for the dopamine those pained sounds gave him —especially yours. 
His special bird, the first he’d every wanted to keep, locked away from the other killers and survivors alike, chained to his carney’s caravan by the ankle, bloody and filthy just to his liking. It brought back memories, favourable ones, his first successful hunt, catching a little robin in his hand, the soft and pretty red plumage picked and broken, but you weren’t something he wanted broken.
He liked the fire in your eyes, the fearful and spiteful glare you sent him when he cornered you in the chosen realm, snarling at him like a feral creature. While he hated doing unnecessary work, abhorred the thought of you losing the flare in your being, taming such a wild cat was rewarding by itself. If he could tame you enough to be able to hold and touch you without too much fight, but keep your temper, it was a win-win in his mind. There was nothing more he hated than a husk, a shell of a broken man to keep as a pet. 
He took brave and foolish alike, young or old, nothing was off the table for him, all he needed was the true part of them, a finger to remember his exploits and victory, throwing away the part he deemed trash —fake. He could smell it from their bodies and figured that the hands - fingers - were the truth, a part that showed the person’s life, deeming it a satisfactory boon for him conquest, but you, all parts of you sang a different story to��good ol’ Jeffrey Hawk. A true treasure to keep intact. 
While he would love to keep you to himself, a little bird that would sing to him every day with snapping teeth and kicking feet, he wasn’t as favoured by her as other killers were, almost forgotten to his dirty little corner of the forest in his bloodied and smelly caravan, fingers littering every flat surface and beer bottles stacked or rolling across the floor. If he had such a favour, he would keep you in a comfortable corner, placed over a sullied mattress with blankets stacked over it, keeping you warm while he dressed you in his shirts, all browned and smelling of metallic blood and his musk. 
It was thick and heady, mixing with a scent of alcohol and iron, age-old sweat and dirt. You’d complained about his stink, gagging and choking on the many times he cornered you, pressing himself against you to feel and smell you under his grasp. Nose buried in your hair and arms pulling you to his front, your back arching by the neck against the solid mass of his stomach, soft and pudgy if it wasn’t for his rough clothes scratching your tender skin.
It brought tears to your eyes. Be it from the stench of him and his intoxicating tonics, or his wandering hands, slipping under your shirt until it rode up, removing a piece of protection from his hungry eyes, he loved watching you cry. Call it a recreational hazard from his job, tears and wails were just a part of his duty under The Entity’s guidance, but he simply adored your pretty tears, pearly things rolling down your cheeks and your cute sobs filling his lecherous ears.
You don’t know how much it affected him, the pout when you bit your lower lip in frustration while you struggled against him, the squirming that riled him when he had you in his arms, and your spitfire-like tongue, hurling every insults under the sun at him. It stirred something deep in his guts, a dark pleasure bubbling from his loins, fattening the growing hardness between his leg. He easily got worked up by you, the solitude of his lifestyle and the starvation for any kind of touch led his to drool and hunger for it. 
Your skin against his, soft and beautiful, bending easily under his kneading hands, his rough and bloodied glove as forced you on his lap, seated still to let him lap and suck at your small fingers. His tongue curling around your index, thick and lithe, and suckled in his warm and wet mouth while his tongue felt around, drool running down your wrist. He lost himself in these moments, aroused out of his mind and huffing hot breath against your disgusted face.
He liked your reaction —he liked any reaction you gifted him. He savoured each and every one, your gleeful ones, your sorrowful ones, your frustrated one, and your painful ones. He drank it all up like the drugs and alcohol he found pleasure in, gorging on you like an addict would. You were his new addiction, his new drug and dependence. And he hungered.
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 4: They're everywhere
The day has been good so far since Jeff had left. I've been caught up on paperwork, organizing the archives and I've helped make some of the wildlife's lunches for the evening. It finally feels like a normal day.
"Daaaaaaaaamn, check it out! That's the fifth one this month.", Ronnie (one of our surveillance experts and wildlife photographers) was checking last night footage.
"You dumbass, that's the same one from last Thursday.", Jonas was watching with him.
"No he ain't, This guys definitely new, see he's got a huge fuzzy pelt on him. The other two have little pelts ", he pointed at the screen.
I come out of the filing room, curious as to what they were talking about. "ugh, what's going on? Anything interesting in the cameras?". I was hoping they were talking about bears or something.
"Hey Lorey, come and see!", he motions for me to come closer to the computer.
As I walk to the computer, watching the footage intently. Ronnie skips a few minutes in as the usual creatures that pop up are obviously of no surprise to us. Than, something in the foreground appears. Three armored individuals. I couldn't believe it.
"you mean to tell me they're in the reserve too? Just walking around?", I rewind the image to get a better look. They're covered in random little charms and ends. The leader had a strange, more anthropomorphic helmet, the other two had similar shaped helmet with markings on them. It was like they're on a hike, walking around.
"Holy sheeze, is THAT what you saw?", Jonas asked nudging my shoulder.
Ronnie turns to Jona and I, "oh it's not just them, check this guy out. Caught him several weeks ago.". Ronnie than shows footage another one, this one had brought with him what looked like to be roadkill, and started chowing down on the carcass, it aesthetically closer to that big black and gold one...but it looked more monstrous, with bigger horns, and messed looking legs. This one was horrific to look at.
Jonas's usual silly antics stopped right there and then when she started to realize the encounter could have gone a lot worse. "Ugh...did...it look like that?", asking in a more candid tone.
"Yeah.... almost.", what shocked me to see was that it was now completely possible to encounter these....Marines...."...do you guys know of these folks?", I had Ronnie the business card Benedict handed to me.
With a squint and an unsurprised sigh, he puts a guard down and continues going through the footage from last night. "Oh yeah I know them, they're just a bunch of Bigfoot enthusiasts that got bored and decided to go for much more bigger fish. Only I heard from my cousin in Chicago that these guys are crazy dangerous. Some of them got claws, got like super strength and shit. Check it out.", he took out his phone to show us socal media footage of a red colored marine, again spikes all over and an even worse attitude.
The footage shows a bunch of teenagers following it through an alleyway, probably to find out where it's going. The marine turned around and charged at one of the teens. The phone dropped and all there was left was the sound of screaming and blood spattering. Kid didn't even scream more than 3 seconds before it got obliterated.
Ronnie then puts the phone away, "the dark web is having a field day. Turns out people get PAID to video tape the dangerous ones. It's like a snuff film or something."
I was mortified, these monsters can't be real....can they? I remember the footage of the three feral looking ones. "Ronnie, are their any examples of...I don't know....not homicidal ones? ".
He thought for a little and then remembered another viral video, "Oh! This one from Philadelphia, he's like a superhero or something. They call him "Big Blue". Check it out.", taking his phone out again, he shows a 60 second click of a robbery in progress, as the culprits bust out and get into the get away truck, some tall blue armored one comes charging in, lifting 3 ton truck! I can see that the robers where shooting him in the face but nothing looked like it wasn't doing anything. As the police come in, do their part, the click cuts to a reporter interviewing the marine.
"Big Blue! You've once again saved the city and stopped a robbery! Witnesses saw that you've shot several times in the face no less, are you ok sir? *Shoves his microphone up the the marine's mouth", the blue marine looked at the reporter and the camera, he seemed rather shy about answering. He than answered the reporter in a very strange form of Latin, it almost sounds like butchered Italian. He than nodded his head, pat the reporter's head and stormed off.
"....Ok, wise words that will forever remain a mystery! I'm Harold Storm! And you're watching Channel 5 Action News!". The video ends.
"That is so cool! Why do we have the crazy ones though?", Jonas rewinded the video again to see Big Blue again.
"that's because we live in Oregon, the crazies come here because the feds here don't really care actually.", I sit down on the chair next to Ronnie, and take notes on the differences between the two types of Marines on the wildlife footage. I honestly couldn't believe that there was such a distinct difference between them. "I think we better contact the annoying Bigfoot people. They probably have more information on these guys than we do, but we have the equipment to check them.".
Ronnie shoots me a look, "are you saying that we should dedicate a little bit of our time to hunting down these big metal dudes?".
I shoot back a grin, "no, I say we study them. We know nothing about them, there seems to be a clear distinction between the good ones and the bad ones and I think we need to pull our sources. These aren't some invasive species or some weird cryptid that only appears once in a blue moon l, only to be found out it was a hoax. It seems these guys are very real and so is the risks of encountering the wrong one.". I rewind back to the footage of the three fur cladded ones. Something about them emanated some interesting thoughts on me, in considering all that has been happening to me as of late, could one of them have been the proverbial knight in shining armor? I'm starting to get curious.
After a few hours, the rest of us clock out from the center and leave the night shift to their evil biddings so to speak. As with every Friday night, the reserve always goes to a local bar down in downtown. It wasn't the fanciest place but it was the only place with the best booze and was the only place that made cocktails.
"so, you know the guy who gave you that card? I mean the town is pretty small so it ain't going to be that hard to find him.", Jonas asked with zeal.
"oh trust me, you can definitely tell who it is.", I push open the door to the bar, ready for a relatively nice night of drinking.
As me in the afternoon staff walk in, the first thing we notice is all the angry stares that the men are giving at one small group and the corner of the bar.... At least I would consider them small if it wasn't for their size. But there they were, the group of four, extremely well built men. Not too dissimilar to the guy I saw back at the hardware store.
All of them seem to just minding their business, again not acknowledging a single soul in the bar. However another thing I noticed was the amount of women swooned at the sight of them. However, wasn't able to smell that strong hormonal odor anymore, probably because the place is well ventilated enough for that.
I look to my left and I see Jonas with her mouth agape, absolutely stunned at seeing the guys. I look to my right and I see Clara and Shelly (our receptionist and hotline receiver, in case of any wild animal attacks) absolutely drooling over them.
As for me, the smell may have not been as pungent as it was at the hardware store, but it definitely was in the air. "Guys, ugh, we need to find a table soon... preferably as far away from those guys".
Ronnie looked at the men, than looked at me, "why are they dangerous?", than he started to notice the rest of the girls in the group.
Jonas was practically in lala-land, "Oh maaaan, those are some fiiiiiine looking guys.".
"ooooh, y'all's right! I think I'm love.", Clara declared.
"Oh no none yah don't, I'ma bag me a man!", Shelly may have not been the youngest of us, but she's been after a husband for 20 years now, and she isn't giving up. She struts confidently to the table.
As for the four sitting in the corner booth, they begin to notice Shelly heading their direction. One of them noticeably smelling his clothes, the look of mortified realization hits him like a ton of bricks. I could see that he was whispering something to one of them group members and he too starts to realize the same thing.
"Howdy boys, have you guys fallen from heaven because I see four of the Lord's loveliest of angels.", Shelly may not have been lucky, but in the past she has been successful at getting a man's attention.
All four of them were stunned, yet not surprised, they weren't prepared for something like this to happen.
"ugh ... pardon me and my brother miss, but may we assist you in anything?", one with a yellow cap with a unrecognizable construction logo speaks first.
Shelly boldly skoots in to sit with one of them. "Oh you can assist with anything.", she begins to caress the man's impossibly huge bicep.
Meanwhile the man just looked down at her with curious confusion. Something about his interaction felt you're really disconnected. It was two people interacting, it was a person and an animal interacting.
"Shelly you absolute legend!", Jonas egging her on.
"Ooh get'em Shelly!", Clara wasn't helping either.
"More like an absolute mad lass, I've never seen her act this bold before.", I was more concerned if she was going to hurt herself. These guys were all big enough to domestically abuse animals bigger than elephants let alone gently shove a woman away.
"Uhm, Shelly! I'm so sorry about my friend here, we had a few drinks before coming here and she's not taking to tequila shots very well. Shelly say sorry and goodbye to very nice man.", as soon as I finished that thought, the smell came back. Now with four times the strength. Everything was fading, I had no control of what I was doing. I began to practically crawl on the table...all I could see was a pink haze.
"Brothers, I am afraid our night has ended. We need to take these women to the local hospital.", one with a mustache and a gnarled scar across his forehead had signaled to the other three to mobilize.
As fasting as efficiently one can see, all four prepared to leave. Picking Shelly and Lorence up, paying the tab with a small pouch.
The bar tender motioned for the busboy to quickly get the pouch before any of the patrons see it.
"Hey wait! Where are you guys taking them?", Jonas tried following the four strangers, hardly believing how big they were.
"Please do not worry, we are taking your friends to the hospital, where they will be taken care.", the mustached man turns around assuring Jonas, and inevitably trying to avoid unsolicited kisses from Lorence.
"Ah wait?! Nah ugh, we're coming with you.", Clara followed them to their vehicle, which in this case an industrial transport truck. "Oh dang ya know what I ain't disappearing into the night like those girls from Forensic Files. She than decided to go back into the bar.
Ronnie ran after them as fast they could but they already started their truck. Taking Lorey and Shelly with them.
"FUCK! Get back here!", he takes his phone out to call the police, but just as he was about press the call button. The sound of howling wolves echoed endlessly throughout the night sky. "...what the hell....", he glaces to where the howls sounded the loudest. The noise of braking branches and wrestling bushes was an unmistakable sign that something big was chasing the truck.
In the truck, the driver, an imperial fist named Moors, comfortably drives to town to drop both women off at the hospital.
"How are they?", he shouted from the driver seat in high gothic
One of the men is managing Lorey relatively well, just tightly restraining her in his arms. "This one is doing fine! Practically sleeping, Cahrilo how is yours?"
Cahrilo, the youngest by a hundred years and a neophyte in comparison to his veteran brothers, is having a bit more trouble handling the 40 year old retired police officer gone receptionist. "She's strong for her age!", he tries not to hurt her while getting a better hold of her. She showers him in kisses. "Can someone help?"
The other two, Bilhard and Urtus, were sitting in their chairs watching Cahrilo struggle, laughing hard.
Urtus wiped a tear from his eye from laughing so hard, "It seems we have learned our lesson, we must tell the apothecary to make a stronger suppressor. These mortal women are ravenous!"
Just as the trio were laughing, loud banging could be heard from the walls of the transport truck.
The laughter stops, Bilhard stands up to check the outer side cameras of the truck. "What in the name of the throne?". He sees an unidentified marine clinging on to the side of the truck, ripping the haul. As Bilhard was witnessing this from the camera, Urtus and Cahrilo were seeing it as it was happening in front of them.
Bilhard faintly growled in frustration, now was not the right time for a fight. "By throne what's going on?!", suddenly the truck was hit again, this time from the left by something trying to push truck off the road.
As the passengers were trying to keep their footing, the mystery marine had successfully tore through the side.
Revealing to be a Space Wolf, with a more animalistic helmet. He growled furiously at the Imperial Fists.
"By Dorn!? Why are you attacking us Space Wolf?! Have you been touched by chaos?", as Bilhard was shouting at the transgression, Urtus may have realized what they had done.
"WHICH ONE IS IT!?", he shouted to the wolf.
The space wolf was staring at him the hardest. Now he's gotten his answer. "savage..." Urtus leaves the dazed Lorey in a seat next to him, "..if you harm this mortal, our agreement is void!"., his other brother, stunned at what he had just done.
The wolf picks her up gently in his arms, content with her safety. Lorey, still dazed is now currently becoming more delirious, as the pleasant aphrodisiac effects of the hormones have now become akin to breathing in toxic inhalants. He leaves a threatening glance at Urtus, now having having earned his ire. He leaves through the hole he had entered, and runs with the rest of his pack into the night.
Urtus was calm, but he should have known something like this would happen. "Brother, he may have had eyes on the girl before we even perceived her existence, we were the ones that have cross a rather difficult line. You know how territorial another Astartes can be of their chosen mate. You of all people should know better.", Urtus sat back down.
Bilhard, tired from what can be perceived as a failed mission. Walks up to the driver. "To the hospital. Now.", goes back to sit back down.
Moors had been keeping an eye on the road, but a ear to the back. "You boys know this is going to have to be reporting to the chaplain right?"
The three of them had a collective groan.
Meanwhile, the late night had gone from loud, undefined chatter and drumming of metal to soft croaking of tree frogs, the crunching of leaves under heavy foot prints and the quite whispers of unrecognizable voices. Lorey had now time to take in fresh air for the past hour, but something in her had taken much of her strength as if she had drunk heavily. She looks up at whom every was holding her, but her heavy eyelids could only preview the dark sky, the bright crescent moon, and a dark shape gently cradling her. Everything from that point on, had went dark. Diving into a deep sleep.
End of log 4
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billys-mullet · 10 months
To say Steve's life was a little strange would be an understatement.
Completing tests and juggling the trials and tribulations of high school was one thing. To do all of that while also fighting off inter-dimensional creatures reminiscent of dogs was another.
It's a good thing he's a cat-person.
"You sure do eat a lot."
The dim glow of the light overhead sent a grungy yellow over the concrete of his front porch. It was a little after six and the sun was in the midst of setting. Steve was crouched, weight leaned back on his calves, while tired eyes took in the furious chowing of the stray before him. It was a mangy thing; fur matted and eyes wild, more plump than it had been when they first met. It was cute despite its ragged appearance: fluffy and feline, whiskers curled at the ends, coat the color of sunshine with eyes like the ocean. Kind of unusual for a cat. He hadn't seen anything like it before.
They'd been playing this little game for weeks now. Steve had found it rummaging through his trash can during the last bit of this month's cold snap and had called animal control at his mother's urging. The poor worker had been flushed with exertion after an hour of attempting to get it trapped and handled.
He's smart, the man had panted, cheeks ruddy and sweat beading beneath the brim of his cap. He had wiped over his forehead before continuing, but not smarter than us. I'll set up a trap, give it a few days, and then I'll be back. He's sure to slip in there if you make sure to bait it right.
And Steve had. Diligently — to not get any part of himself stuck in the metal cage — he had placed some treats in there, had even gone out to buy a couple of cans of wet stuff that smelled metallic and meaty. Each morning, without fail, he would come back to see the trap undisturbed… and the food missing. He had even made eye contact with the stray once while he had been setting everything up. It seemed to be taunting him from its perch high on the one of the barren oak trees in his backyard. Its eyes had been too wise and too knowing, like the Cheshire Cat leering over Alice.
A week went by without trapping him. Steve didn't have the heart to tell the animal control worker that their efforts had been useless, so he made up some lie: yeah, I came out the other day and the door had snapped shut on its neck. It was gross so I put it in a bag and threw it away. The man had shrugged, gave him a it happens and then had collected his trap without any other questions. Fast forward a few weeks and Steve seemed to have built up some trust with the thing.
Had even given him a cute nickname despite his feral appearance: Billy the Kid, after a character in the Westerns he sometimes saw his dad watching on the rare occasion that he was home. Mother had never been a fan of animals, much less cats. They smell, she complained in her heavy accent, and the hair, Stephano! The hair will get everywhere in my home! Do not bring them here, I will not like it. Steve hadn't ever questioned her rules because he had felt the same. Growing up without pets did that to a person. But something about this cat…
Leaning his cheek against a hand, Steve continued with his fruitless efforts to befriend the stray, "it's supposed to get cold again, you know. That's probably why you're eating so much, huh? I think I heard somewhere that animals have a sixth sense for that kind of thing. Nancy said that birds will leave their nests and travel far away if they sense a storm coming. Can cats do that?" God, he probably looked so lame sitting here, trying to strike up a conversation with an animal that wanted nothing to do with him if it didn't involve food. The cat licked its lips, easing away from the mostly-empty bowl. Steve sighed, a long and low sound, before pushing himself up to his feet.
"Are you done?"
Ocean eyes stared up at him wordlessly. He reached down to collect the bowl, only to snap back when it hissed at him, revealing its delicate and needle-like teeth. Both of Steve's hands came up in surrender.
"Fine, I'll leave it."
The cat grumbled a displeased noise before sitting back on its hind legs. One of his front paws came up, pink tongue lolling out to lick over it, and then he used it to wipe his face. Well, at least he was attempting to clean himself. Kind of a pointless effort when it rummaged around in his trash can every other evening. Steve leaned against his front door, arms crossed over his chest as he took in the darkening evening. Billy peered one ocean eye at him. Always watching. Waiting. Probably thought he was trying to trap him again. The smart thing would be to do that, but…
Steve was lonely. And, as pathetic as it sounded, this was one of the few things he looked forward to every evening.
"It's nice and warm inside," he said offhandedly, nonchalantly, like it was no big deal. A move like that usually worked with the ladies, and they could be finicky like a cat, so why not give it a shot? "And there's a lot more food inside. Water, too. Milk? Can cats have milk? I think Nancy also said--"
Fuck, was he really talking to himself like a loser? This was so lame. Had Steve Harrington really fallen so far from grace that he found solace in a cat of all things?
"Whatever," he sighed before turning the knob and pushing open the door he'd been leaned against, "What I'm trying to say is that you can come inside if you want. As long as you don't pee on anything. Mom'll kill us both."
Billy watched him silently, tail twitching side-to-side behind him in an interested jerk. There was an obvious language barrier but the light spilling out from the interior of the Harrington home looked inviting against the twilight of the evening. The promise of shelter and food was universally understood, and the cat took a tentative step forward. And then another. And then he was pausing to stare up at Steve. Apprehension was written all over its face, but Steve jerked his head and shrugged with a well, what are you waiting for?
That seemed to seal the deal; Billy stepped inside and the door was shut behind him.
To say Steve's life was a little strange would be an understatement.
And it was only about to get stranger.
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avengerscompound · 1 year
The Recruit - 36. You
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The Recruit - An Avengers Fanfiction
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing: Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Sam Wilson x F!Reader
Word Count: 3665
Warnings: smut (seven person bisexual orgy, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, double vaginal penetration)
Synopsis:  When Sam Wilson is set up on a blind date, he doesn’t expect anything to come from it.  He is already in a relationship after all, and not just with one other person, but a whole group of them. You never expected to end up working for the Avengers let alone be dating six of them at the same time.  Now you’re balancing a new job, a new romance, new friends, and a secret that could destroy a lot of lives if it got out.  It’s a tricky balance to get right at the best of times, but when something happens to Steve Rogers it’s up to the people who love him most to get him back.
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36. You
Getting to know Steve Rogers again was much easier than the first time around.  The thing was, in the version of Steve you had known, he was still in there.  It was just that before everything had been so extreme.  You’d had to walk on eggshells around him, not sure if saying or doing something would set off his anger or his sex drive.
Now those extremes were smoothed off.  He could still be very serious.  He could still give you a look that made you feel like a kid who had just gotten in trouble with their father, but you weren’t scared that you were going to ignite something dangerous in him.  More than that, when he was very serious or not playing around with you or the others, you felt safe to tease him about it.
Where his extremes had been smoothed off in one direction, there were parts of him that had been suppressed by the thing that was in him.  He was sweeter now.  More tender.  He had a quick wit and an adorable playful side.  You went very quickly from being hesitant and unsure if this was going to work, to well and truly in love with the man.
The others were right all along.  It was really hard not to love Steve Rogers.
There was a lot more going on in your life than just getting to know Steve.  For starters, you now had a new job as a full Avengers Agent.  You were a combat field agent, which meant that if the Avengers were called out to fight, you were usually right there along with them.  There were also smaller skirmishes that you could be called out to, things that didn’t need a Hulk or Iron Man, you’d be there.  Thankfully that kind of thing wasn’t an everyday occurrence, and you could go a week or more with nothing happening, but there had been things.  Sam and Bucky had taken a group out to deal with a group of domestic terrorists threatening to release a virus.  Natasha had word of the Red Room being up and running again, and you and a group of agents went to break that up.  Clint had taken a few people in to arrest people selling alien weapons to collectors in an illegal auction in the city.  The biggest sting you were part of in those early months was the one where the Avengers had found the H.Y.D.R.A. base where Steve had been headed the day he’d run.  There was more of that Black sludge in bulletproof glass cases.  It turned out to be some kind of alien creature that formed a symbiotic relationship with other lifeforms but altered their thoughts to be more feral and primal.  H.Y.D.R.A. had somehow reprogrammed their thoughts the way it had done to Bucky all those years ago. The creatures were now totally loyal to the organization.
Being a full agent meant you didn’t see all your old recruit friends as much.  Collins was in IT, Qadira worked in the infirmary (though she’d come out to the field on rotation with the other medics), and Jacqui was held back for more of the bigger superhero events. It was strange for them not all to be there, but you all made time for weekly drinks at Valhalla, and when something else came up with any of them, like weekend barbeques, drag shows, or parties, there was always an invitation for you.
Then there was the whole going public thing.  The group didn’t make any announcements.  No questions were answered outside of no comment, or not answering questions about personal lives.  So it wasn’t so much about going public, it was about not hiding.
It meant there was a lot of speculation about what was going on with the group when you all started going out together.  There were rumors about different pairings, about cheating, about break ups and make-ups. Occasionally there were fans in comments on articles that suggested the theory that maybe there was some level of polyamory going on, and on one of the more liberal press sites they mentioned the rumor about polyamory with some accompanying photos of different members of your polycule being publicly affectionate with each other as possible evidence.  But even that article was passed off as a joke.  A public wink with a cheeky ‘oh maybe, are they…?’ With a very clear, probably not but good for them if they are at the end.
So far the whole group had not gone out together on a date.  There had been pairs, and a couple of trios, and once Steve, Bucky, Sharon, and Natasha had stopped at a diner after dealing with something downtown, and had ended up in the gossip columns talking about their double date, but logistics and time had meant that all seven of you hadn’t been able to go anywhere all together.
Tonight, that had all changed.  A booking had been made and the group had gone out to do that one date that Steve had been waiting all these years to do.  You had all gone dancing.
It was the same club you had gone to with Sharon what felt like a whole lifetime ago now.  Everyone had dressed up.  Clint wore a three-piece suit in purple with a long gothic-looking jacket.  Sharon wore a white aline halter neck dress, with an asymmetrical skirt that had white tulle layered over the white satin.  Sam wore a very tailored red suit that hugged his silhouette.  The jacket had a wide blue satin collar and he’d worn a white band collar shirt under it.  Bucky wore head-to-toe black that came complete with suspenders and a fedora. Natasha wore a black capped sleeve, a line dress, with a peekaboo panel in dark red.  Steve had a real gangster look, in his dark blue three-piece suit with red pinstripes.  You were also in an a-line dress - blue with white polka dots and black neckline, halter strap, and sash around your waist.  Everyone had gone all out for the date, and the result was amazing.
You’d all eaten together, and then danced, pairing off and staying close to each other.  Given there was an odd number of you, pairing up meant there was a leftover.  At the start of the night, that meant that three people would sit out while four danced.  As the night progressed and drinks were had, everyone's inhibitions dropped and all seven of you danced at once, the extra person always being absorbed into one of the other pairs.
It was fun and frantic and it kept your heart rate up.  When Steve led you onto the dance floor, the song changed to a slow jazz number.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your hips, and the two of you just started to sway with the song.  “Tonight has been so fun,” you said as you looked up into his eyes.
He smiled back down at you, his blue eyes soft and shimmering in the low lights of the dancefloor.  “It has been.  I’m so glad I waited to do this with all of you.”
You leaned your head against his shoulder for a moment, just enjoying the moment with him.  He wrapped his arms around you a little tighter, pressing his lips to your temple.  “Happy?” he asked.
You pulled back to look back up at him.  “I am so happy. I know what led to getting here wasn’t great, but I think even before I got here, some of the others wanted to stop hiding the relationship.  And now we’re not, I feel so much better.  I’m so excited to introduce you all to my family and friends outside the tower.  I love that we can do this.  What about you?”
Steve took a deep breath and hummed happily.  “I am happy.  I know we have detractors and people who think they get a say about who we get to love.  But I don’t care about what they say.  And you know what?  For every person who has said we’re sick or wrong, there have been two that are happy for us, or glad to see themselves represented by people like us.  And I love being able to go out with you all.  I do hate the attention we get, but I know that would happen no matter if I was monogamous or not.  I am really happy.”
You reached up and caressed his cheek.  Your heart felt full and you could feel his love and happiness radiating off of him. You hadn’t said those three little words to Steve yet. Now was the time. “I love you, Steve.”
He smiled and leaned in, resting his forehead against yours.  “I love you too.”
He kissed you, and you melted into it, pressing your whole body against his, letting yourself sink into the moment as the music washed over you.  He pulled back, just a little and brought his lips to your ear.  “I think it might be time to go home,” he whispered.
You grinned back at him. “I think you might be right,” you agreed.
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It didn’t take too much to convince the rest of the group it was time to go home.  By the time you were back, anticipation was high.  As soon as the door closed behind you at Steve's apartment everyone started shedding their clothes.  They were left like a trail of breadcrumbs to the bedroom, each of you kissing and grabbing at each other on the way down the hall.
When you passed through the door, Sharon grabbed your hand and spun you into her arms.  Both of you were already down to your panties, and your breasts pushed up against each other.  She kissed you deeply and you moved with her as if you were dancing.  Around you, there was much of the same happening.  Clint was kissing Natasha as Bucky moved in closer behind her and kissed her neck, and Steve and Sam were kissing frantically and backed her toward the bed. 
You climbed up on the mattress and Sharon climbed up after you. You were mirroring each other.  When you pushed your thigh between her legs, she pushed hers between yours.  When you started to grind on her, she did the same to you.  When her fingers slipped into your panties and began to circle your clit, you pushed your hand into her panties.
The whole time the two of you kissed.  You had no idea what the others were doing, except that they were close to you because anytime they moved, it made the bed dip on either side of you.  Your whole attention was on Sharon.  The way her body felt against yours.  The way her fingers ran over your clit and pushed inside you.  The way her cunt clenched around your fingers and dripped down your wrist.  Your pulse raced and you felt so hot, it was like a wildfire had been set under your skin, burning you up from the inside out.
Her fingers pushed against your g-spot, dragging over it, as her thumb rubbed circles on your clit, and as it did, you did the same to her.  Closer and closer, she pulled you to the edge, and from the sound of her breathy moans, and the flutter of her cunt, you knew you were doing the same to her.  Almost as one, your orgasms hit, and the two of you cry out and shudder against each other.
You continued to kiss as your orgasms passed.  Gradually Sharon pulled back and grinned at you.  “Come on, let’s go see what everyone else is doing.”
Bucky and Clint were currently on their knees and kissing each other like they had something to prove.  While Natasha, Steve, and Sam were tangled together.  Sharon moved over to the group of three, as you crawled over to Bucky and Clint.
“Hey, beautiful,” Bucky said as you approached them.  “Want to be the meat in our sandwich?”
You laughed and pushed your panties down, and tossed them to the side. “Oh boy, when you put it like that, how can I resist?”
Clint started laughing and took your hand, laying back on the bed and guiding you on top of him.  You straddled his waist and he grabbed his cock and held it up as you sank onto it, both of you moaning as he filled you.  Bucky grabbed the lube from the side table and lubed up his cock.  On either side of you, Sharon was now pushing Sam on his back and climbing on top of him, while Natasha had gotten on all fours and Steve was fucking her from behind.  Clint pulled you down tight against him and the two of you began to kiss.  A moment later, the head of Bucky’s cock was pressed up against your entrance beside Clint’s, and he started to push in.
There was a sting and burn as he breached you, and you cried out and bucked your hips.
“You okay, honey?” Bucky asked.  He stopped pushing forward and began to rub your clit.  Right away, warmth started to coil through you, making that burn in your entrance go from pain to pleasure.
You nodded emphatically.  “Yes.  Keep going.  Fill me up.”
Bucky pushed in, stretching you out and filling you, and you mewled loudly.  When he was fully seated inside you, both men just stayed still, letting you adjust to the size of them.  You took the moment to glance around at the others, Sharon’s tits were bouncing rhythmically as she rode Sam, and Steve’s face was set in pure bliss while he thrust into Natasha from behind.
Seeing them all lost in their own pleasure set yours off more, and you moaned and clenched around Clint and Bucky’s cocks.  They both began to fuck you, their hips moving counter to each other, so when one pulled out, the other thrust in.  It was intense and it sent a hot current surging through your core.  It became hard to focus on anything else besides the two men.  You were vaguely aware of the other four, but what you could take in, only sent you spiralling to the edge even faster.  Bucky began to rub your clit and Clint leaned up and pulled one of your nipples into his mouth.
You couldn’t hold it together.  You arched back against Bucky, keening as your nails dug into Clint’s shoulders.  Bucky pinched your clit and it sent you rocketing over the edge, crying out as you came, your cunt squeezing tight around both men's cocks. 
Bucky thrust forward gritting his teeth and groaning as he tried to hold himself together, and Clint’s hips stuttered.  “Shit,” he gasped.  “Nearly took me over with you.”
You laughed breathlessly as your orgasm passed through you.  “Trying to hold out ‘til the end?”
“You know it, honey,” he said.
Bucky pulled out of you, and you slid off from the top of Clint and the two of you just lay there for a moment, catching your breath.
The others had taken their cue from you, breaking their pairs and moving to create new ones.  You crawled over to Natasha and she reached out to you, pulling you into a deep kiss.  Sam moved up behind you, running his hands up your back and kissing your shoulder. When you broke the kiss with Natasha and leaned back to kiss Sam, she lay back, spreading her legs in front of you.  Natasha played with her clit as she watched you and Sam kissing.  He kissed you deeply and tenderly.  You could taste Sharon’s cunt on his lips and you tried to suck off every last drop of her.
He pulled back and smiled at you.  “I think Natasha might want something from you.”
You laughed and stole one last kiss before dropping down between her legs.  She lifted her hips to meet you and grabbed your hair, pulling you down to her cunt.  “That’s a girl,” she praised.  “Get to work.”
You laughed and licked a stripe up her cunt, the tart, musky flavor of her arousal coating your tongue.  You both moaned and as you swirled your tongue around, tasting as much of her as you could, Sam pressed the head of his cock to your entrance and sunk into you.
In the position you were in, you had no idea what was going on around you.  You could barely even hear their moans with your head pinned between Natasha’s thighs.  You licked and sucked at Natasha’s cunt and Sam thrust into you from behind.  His hips snapped hard and fast, jolting you forward each time your bodies came together.
You were already so on the edge, that even just the hard slap of Sam’s hips as she shoved inside you was enough for your next orgasm to start to build.  Your cunt tingled and heat spread out through you, making your toes curl.  The worry that you’d end up coming far too fast, so you doubled down, focusing completely on Natasha.
You pulled her clit between your lips and suckled on it, as you shoved two of your fingers inside her.  She was so wet already that every time you thrust them in and out of her, it made a wet squelch.  You fucked her quickly with your fingers, your elbow pistoning as you shoved into her hard and fast.
The sounds she made were loud and animalistic and she started to hump your face and pull your hair.  It brought you even closer to the edge and you began to clench around Sam’s cock, your legs trembling.  It was hard to hold it together, and you decided the only thing you could do was try and bring Natasha on as fast as you could.
You curled your fingers and dug them into Natasha’s g-spot, and began to just hammer your fingertips against it as hard as you could as you sucked greedily on her clit.  At the same time, Sam started rubbing your clit.
It happened almost simultaneously.  Natasha’s cunt clenched around your fingers, she arched up off the bed, and her legs clamped around your head as she came, crying out loudly.  At the same time, your whole body seized up and you jerked forward as your own orgasm tore through you.  Sam kept thrusting but it became more erratic.
When Sam finally pulled out of you, you and Natasha just collapsed there, tangled together, breathing heavily.  Her fingers ran through your hair, and Sam rubbed your hip.  “You okay?” he asked.
“Mm-hmm,” you hummed.
The bed dipped on the side of you, and you looked up to see Steve looking down at you.  “You have one more in you?” he asked, holding out his hand to you.
You hummed and took his hand, letting him pull you up.  “Yeah.  I think I can do one more.”
He guided you up and sat back, crossing his legs lotus style.  You climbed into his lap and as you lowered yourself down, he guided his cock into you.  Even as large as he was, you were so wet and so turned on that he slid into you easily.  You moaned and wrapped your arms and legs around his waist.  His arms wrapped around you and one hand slid up to the back of your skull, pulling you into a deep kiss.  You moaned into his lips rocking your hips with him.
Around you, the others had split up again. Bucky was on his back holding onto Sam’s hips as the man rode him, his cock bouncing and slapping against Bucky’s stomach.  Natasha was on her back as Clint fucked her and Sharon rode her face.
You pulled back from the kiss and looked down into Steve’s eyes.  “This is the first time we’ve been together when it was just you,” you said in a breathless half-moan.
“And it’s the first time it’s been all seven of us,” he added.  “We better make it good.”
You smiled at him and cradled his cheeks.  “It’s already good.”
He kissed you again, passionately, his head tilted and his tongue dancing with yours.  You matched the passion and moved your hips with his.  It was so different than with the others, or even with him before.  The way Steve was with you was sensual and tender, but passionate and heated.  You weren’t being fucked, you were making love, and as you were brought closer and closer to your release, you started to feel overwhelmed with that feeling.  Your hands scrambled at his hair, curling in it and smoothing over it.  “Steve, I love you,” you babbled.  “I love you, Steve.”
“I love you too,” he replied breathlessly, holding your hips and snapping his up into you.
Your orgasm built, winding its way through you like vines around each of your muscles.  It peaked, and one after another they pulled tight, making you arch back in his arms as your orgasm took hold of you.  Steve wasn’t too far behind you, he bucked up hard as your cunt clenched around his cock, and he emptied inside you. 
You wrapped your hands around him and nuzzled into his cheek, your emotions feeling overwhelmed.  He held you close and pressed his lips to your temple. “It’s okay, honey.  I’ve got you.  I love you so much.”
Gradually, as everyone finished around you, the whole group squeezed themselves into the bed. You were feeling so much, and all of it was good.  You were happy, in love, and your future looked bright.  You’d managed to balance work, relationships, family, and friends.  There was no way of knowing what the future would hold, but there was one thing this year had taught you, you weren’t alone, and with all these people that loved you, you could face anything.
~ END ~
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shamelessliarkickapow · 3 months
Arrvatarr! The Last Arrbender! Ch 2, part 3/3
Read it all on AO3!
Rated M Zutara pirates AU: Prince Zuko has been taken hostage by a pack of goofball pirates. The situation is not as funny to him as it seems to be to others involved.
Ch 2, Part 3/3
Zuko stood on the strange, steel-lined deck of the pirate ship, clutching his pitiful armful of possessions and watching from afar as the metalbender ripped his hull apart. It was surreal. He had lived on that ship for more than a third of his life and now it was on its way down to the ocean floor. Never again would he run sets with his soldiers on deck. Never again would he scour the horizon from the control tower. (His spyglass was another casualty lost to Sokka’s incredibly deep pockets.) Never again would he storm through those close steel hallways…
He was not certain whether the massive swell of emotion in his chest was grief or freedom.
Uncle stood beside him, watching the ship heave and founder in solemn silence. Or it would have been silent, if it weren’t for the distant feral cackling.
“Yaaa-hahaharharr! Down to the briny depths with ya! To salty lightless hell and leviathans’ gullets! I’ll scuttle yer mother, ya scurvy scum-suckin’-!”
“Sorry about your ship.”
Zuko looked to his other side to find the swab peering up at him, compassion shining in his large gray eyes.
“It’s hard… losing the things you’re used to,” the kid went on quietly, looking genuinely morose. Then he offered up a reassuring smile. “But at least, when the ransom gets paid, you still have a home to go back to. Right?”
Zuko frowned a little harder at him. He had withheld the fact of his banishment in case it might interfere with Iroh’s plan, and this kid’s weird misplaced sympathy was as suspicious as it was unwanted. Zuko was about to snarl at him, to shout until he flitted off to mind his own business, but he paused a beat too long.
“We have been away from the Fire Nation for many years now,” Iroh said quietly on his other side. “There is no telling how different it will be from what we remember.”
Zuko scowled straight ahead at his sinking ship. It didn’t really matter how much the Fire Nation may or may not have changed. He wasn’t going to see it. Maybe never again.
“The passage of time really can make the world unrecognizable,” the swab said, melancholy and reflective in a way that was not normal for a child.
Zuko shot him an even more suspicious look. But those large eyes only watched the disappearing ship with a vast sorrow.
“But Monk G-uh-my uncle… always said that traces of the past remain like echoes to remind us we aren’t ever truly alone.” He looked back up at Zuko with the faintest smile - which did nothing to clear the grief from his eyes. “And while memory can be comforting, true peace can only be found by accepting the present as it is. Although…” The smile puffed out. “…that can be pretty hard to do sometimes.”
Zuko peered down at the swab for a moment, then glanced at Iroh and found his uncle was watching the kid with the same stunned bewilderment he was feeling.
“What did I tell you about talking to our swab?”
Zuko spun around to find Katara there, her arms crossed and an annoyed eyebrow arched high. He jerked his head roughly at the kid, who was already darting off, chasing some small winged creature.
“He talked to me,” Zuko blurted, immediately painfully aware of how un-princely the defense sounded and how awkward it was to face her with his arms full of his clothes. He raised up his chin and squared his shoulders. “Dawn’s not far off, waterbender. I want that rematch.”
She blinked at him slowly, unimpressed. “You do realize a rematch isn’t gonna do anything to change your situation, right? Even if you got lucky and won-” Her chilly blue eyes scanned briefly over him like a spattering of raindrops. “- not likely - you‘re still getting ransomed.”
“I know that,” he said, quiet and firm to match the building pressure he felt between them, the growing burn of having her eyes on him. “I just want the satisfaction of putting you in your place. And I don’t need luck to do it.”
Katara scoffed and her eyes heated for a second, then she offered him an overly sweet smile. It was almost like how she smiled at the kid, but with a sharpness to her eyes that made Zuko’s pulse throb in his throat.
“Fighting time is over,” she said. “It’s brig time for firebenders now. And if you try to fight me before I agree, I’ll just assume it’s because you’re trying to escape - which… refresh my memory? What would that suggest about you and your honor, huh?”
The way she looked at him, smiling with her teeth out so mean and so pretty, filled Zuko with a driving urge to somehow wipe the ridicule right off her face. He clenched his teeth and struggled to think of some cutting words that could do the job better than a little fire or a hard kiss.
“That’s what I thought.” Her smile turned to a lazy smirk in victory and she spun away for the gunwale. “Sokka and Suki will show you the way to your accommodations.”
“We will?” Sokka asked from where he and the warrior had stood spectating. At a sharp look from his sister, he raised his hands. “That’s right, that’s right - we will. Do that thing you said.”
Suki shrugged and led the way down the hatch and Iroh followed, but Zuko stubbornly stayed put. Completely ignoring him, Katara leapt overboard and, at the head of a roaring wave, surfed out toward the diminishing hump of steel still visible and the somewhat-less-confident earthbender sitting atop it.
“Tell ya what,” Sokka said, suddenly standing beside him. “I’m tired right now because, you know, up all night pirating, but give me a few hours and I could go for a rematch.”
Zuko shot him a disdainful sideways look. “You. You want to fight me.”
The guy shrugged, a mild smile still hovering about his mouth. “Swords only, just to first blood. No limb-chopping or throat-slashing. Call me curious, but a firebender who keeps swords crossed over his bed like a shrine has gotta be pretty confident in his ability to use them.”
Zuko fully turned his head, trying to suss out what was really motivating this challenge. Wounded pride, maybe. An insecure, untrained swordsman surrounded by superior fighters. Who were also girls - the Water Tribe cared a lot about that stuff, didn’t they? He’d had a poor showing today and he probably expected to beat a firebender with swords pretty handily. Because most firebenders would neglect the practice of weapons when they could be bending instead.
But Zuko wasn’t most firebenders.
“When I win,” he said darkly, “I want to keep my swords.”
Sokka’s smile spread like this was actually kind of funny. “Sure, buddy. You win, you can keep your swords. And if I win-” His eyebrows quirked upward suggestively. “-you tell me all about that sensual creature in the picture.”
“Ugh,” Zuko snarled and, too disgusted and irritated to stall any longer, stalked off in the direction Iroh had disappeared.
Shortly thereafter, Zuko found himself locked with Iroh in a cramped iron cell with two bunks and a bucket. He could not stop pacing the short distance from wall to wall.
“I hope your plan involves some way of getting us out of this cell,” he snarled, “because if we have to wait in here the whole time it takes those idiots to figure out they aren’t getting any money, I’m going to lose my mind.”
“Yes,” Iroh said dryly, his hooded eyes following Zuko’s quick back-and-forth progress. “Truly maddening.”
“So what is it, Uncle?” Zuko demanded, stopping and peering down a little beseechingly at the old man. “What’s your plan?”
Iroh blinked back up at him for an instant, then assumed a calculating look. “When the pirates discover that the Fire Lord is not willing to pay for our safe return,” he said, waving a hand before him as if slowly revealing a grand truth, “they will let us go.”
Zuko’s stomach dropped seemingly through the deck at his feet and went sloshing around in the bilge. “That’s your plan?”
Iroh shrugged. “They do not appear to be entirely normal pirates, my nephew. I do not think this is a group generally comfortable with killing hostages.”
“But that doesn’t mean they’ll just let us go! They’re renegades and money-grubbing thieves! They stole everything down to the coal out of our ship, Uncle. These are desperate people. They won’t release us until they can squeeze some kind of profit out of us. They’re going to want something in exchange for our freedom.”
“Yes, my nephew,” Iroh said slowly, thoughtfully, watching Zuko resume his pacing, “I fear you are correct…”
“But what can we possibly offer them? They already have everything we owned.” He cast a disparaging eye over the heap of possessions Iroh had managed to squirrel aboard. The stupid monkey statue sat on top of the pile like a gaudy little king. “Everything worth stealing, anyway.”
Iroh emitted a faint gasp. When Zuko turned to look at him, his eyes were wide and round with shock. “Prince Zuko,” he cried softly, “a most devastating prospect has just occurred to me!”
Zuko was… a little suspicious. His uncle was never this surprised about anything. Whatever he was about to say, it had very likely occurred to him a while ago.
“What is it?” Zuko bit out.
“We have fallen completely under the power of these nefarious miscreants-”
Zuko narrowed his eyes. Miscreants, they most certainly were. Nefarious… maybe a little. What gave him pause was the tone of voice Iroh used, as if deeply disapproving of very bad behavior - like he was describing the villain from one of the stories Zuko remembered from his childhood.
“-with no chance of rescue or escape-”
The old man had insisted they swear those oaths…
“-and now we may be forced into most shameful acts to win our freedom.”
Iroh paused, tugged his beard thoughtfully and fixed Zuko with a severe, bordering alarmed expression.
“Prince Zuko… I fear for your virtue.”
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clockwards · 2 years
i watched all 15 seasons of criminal minds in 29 days. these were my thoughts
Garcia being normal Garcia: 🤪
Hotch, quietly: remind me to have her drug tested
Reid: Kevin and Penelope sitting in a tree? JJ, that's just dangerous, do you know the statistics on-
"yeah I'm fine, he wrote me a letter explaining why he left, just like my father did when he left my mother and I" REID LMAO
Gideon and Hotch giggling happily over charlie chaplin films <3<3 work dads
man with multiple personalities: do I *look* like personality no.2??
Reid [staring directly into the camera]: 👁️👁️
Reid making mini rockets and Hotch being a grumpy proud dad about it fhevfhhevdhsgdvsh THEM
"If I weren't a lesbian, I would absolutely jump your bones" [aimed at Gideon]
psychopath who only wants to talk to Reid: 😚
Reid: why don't i ever get any normal fans :(
Random detective [about Reid]: where did you find this kid?
Rossi, whispering: He was left in a basket on the steps of the FBI
Hotch: we do not have jurisdiction over this very personal set of cases
The Team: 🥺��🥺🥺
Hotch: ......okay just be quIET ABOUT IT
Rossi: My wife always said I had a flair for the dramatic
Hotch: Which one?
Rossi: ...all of them 😀
Morgan, Reid, Emily, Garcia [staring Hotch down]: we love and care for you
Hotch: im gonna kms
Rossi, interrogating a suspect: I fucked your wife (real not fake)
Hotch: Son, you're taking over the business
Morgan: Oh! A promotion!?
Hotch [dumping paperwork in front of him]
Morgan: Oh no! A promotion!!
[during Hotch's review after The Reaper incident]
Strauss, to the team: 😡😡 Hotch 😡😡
Strauss, to Hotch: 😔😔 Hotch 😔😔
Hotch: any word on Prentiss?
JJ: she's arguing with the doctors
Hotch, nodding: Good
Hotch: There are lots of ways sons defeat their fathers
Reid, cheerfully: I just keep getting PhD's!
[about budget cuts]
Rossi: Let's just hope they don't take the coffee
Reid, very seriously: I'd quit
Rossi: well yeah, that'd save them about 50 bucks a week
[looking at a machine gun]
Reid: I don't think I have the qualifications to use that
Hotch & Morgan, in unison: You don't.
[the most suspicious man alive, saying something extremely suspicious]
Emily Prentiss: yes sir I will follow you to this dark secluded secondary location
Every member of the BAU: ily
Prentiss, with an arsenal of guns: BACK! BACK, STRANGE CREATURES!
Strauss holding back the entire BAU by the scruffs of their necks like feral cats: I Wish I Had Dogs
Morgan, sending all the press to Reid: 😀
Reid: No more FBI I'm becoming a criminal just to kill you
Strauss: Please hire someone normal
Hotch: Here's Doctor Reid, a child who has never passed a field test
Strauss: I'm literally begging you
Victim: what are you doing????
Unsub: well this is a *gun*, and inside of it are what we call *bullets*
"a member of the team is in jeopardy"
me: is it Reid? I really hope it's Reid.
Garcia: altruism is sexy
Hotch, very seriously: yes it is
The BAU team's nosiness
Reid's secrecy over a girl
Random teen: Get fucked old man
Rossi: Gamer on gamer violence. This is so sad.
Blake: I don't have any children...except Reid
Reid: I'm not your child though?
Anyone: I love you
Reid, just not like other girls: ....Thomas Merton?
Blake: People just need to say what they mean
Reid: Life would be so much easier without chit-chat
[A Tale as Old as Time - Autism Bros™]
Reid: I don't like technology
Garcia: Technology doesn't like you, genius
Rossi: All of my marriages have failed, I'm not exactly what you would call a family man
Hotch: We literally have 5 kids together
[on first meeting]
Hotch: I'm offering you a job hunting psychopaths
Garcia, caught trying to stop animal testing: I *am* a psychopath
Rossi, joining the BAU: I have gotten a first husband, fourth wife, and multiple children just by entering this office. I'm the real family speedrunner
Reid: My dad leaves and suddenly I've got new contenders lining up like it's the bachelor
Hotch: You're not even that great a son
Reid: You were literally first in line
Bomb Squad: You called??
Morgan: Early bird gets the explosive worm, bitch
Hotch: How long do you need to do this impossibly long task that no one else could complete?
Reid: Like 30 minutes
Hotch: Awesome. Do it faster
Reid: I'm arresting you for murder
Cat: ...are we about to kiss?
Cat: You have mommy issues
Reid: L + Ratio. You have daddy issues *worse*
Morgan: It's my turn to be kidnapped and tortured
Alvez: Why won't you be nice to me
Garcia: I'm always nice. Look, this is my nice face 😒
Prentiss: This guy is probably a loner, definitely has commitment issues...
Alvez, just made a full-course meal for his dog: 😤
Tara, cocking a gun: I'm not taking appointments
Reid: I need to take some time off to look after my mom
[is arrested for drug posession and murder in Mexico]
Reid: ........so how's my mom?
The Team: We're so worried about Spencer in prison
Reid: I made friend :]
Prentiss: Luke is snarky. You are snarky. Please just try to get along
Garcia: You don't understand. We cancel each other out
Reid, entering prison: I am going to make So Many enemies
Mr Scratch, doing anything: 😏
The Team: It's a trap. Let's go!
Alvez: I can tell, you're a cat person
Prentiss: Got the nine lives to go with it, bitch
Cat: I'm pregnant. It's yours
Reid, shocked: You mean you're not a virgin?!
Cat: I wish I killed you the first time round coME HERE-
Prentiss: I need a person I love and trust to relax with
Reid: ....are you gaslighting me into resting?
Prentiss: Yes. And it'll fuckin work.
Barnes: Don't you want to be unit chief? Don't you have....ambitions?
JJ: I'm ambitious about killing you. Wanna see?
Garcia: I hate newbie. He's terrible and stupid and has a dumb face and dumb thoughts-
Alvez: We literally just took a selfie together
Tara: ur mom
JJ, married with 2 kids: I'm a little bit in love with you
Reid, who took her on one date 15 years ago: 😯
Rossi: You can't ground me! I'm your dad!!
[Luke and Matt go missing]
Prentiss: The boys! They took our boys!!
Reid: I'm.....right here?
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cup1dxzs · 1 year
Tumblr media
Darling Little Puppet
Wally Darling X Reader
Chapter 5- Curiosity Killed The Cat
Momentarily enjoying the soft feathery feeling of the poor victim you’d slam yourself into, but to your surprise you were met with nothing but red colored feathers, you prayed to god maybe it was just a costume, but alas he was not on your side today as the mysterious ball of feathers turned to face you with a annoying look on her equally feathery face.
She squawked at the sight of you, pulling her arm- wing? Whatever it was up to her beak as if she was staring at a zoo animal that had just escaped it’s enclosure, it made you feel self conscious, did you look that bad? But you barely had space to think about that as you stared up at the bird that practically towered over you, she could practically squish you if she pleased. Doing the only reasonable thing you screamed bloody murder as you stared at what the fuck this abomination was and promptly bolted away from the terrifying colorful creature, having an alarmed face the entire time as you turned to run away like a feral cat, hearing her call after you in attempt to get you to stay and probably question who you were.
Making a quick turn around the building you two were previously in front of, you’d assume it was a post office as it had a mailbox on the side of the building you’d glanced at while running. Now located in the center of the small town? Neighborhood was also another guess that ran through your head, turning your head to look at one of the houses it was a cute little red house with some bushes and freshly planted flowers on either side of the entryway, walking closer to try and see if you could figure anything else out about this place and where the hell you were, also to catch your breath, unfortunately to no avail for both actions, you’d find yourself questioning the windows that were decorated as eyes, watching them move and stare-
“Did it just fucking look at me? Hundred percent sure by now I’m not anywhere close to my home…” You looked disgusted by this point, the living? House seemed to not be able to do anything other then just look at you and make lot’s of ruckus that involved creaking and thumping. It honestly freaked you out but it seemed that the house couldn’t harm you physically, you didn’t need another injury as the lingering pain in your head and the soreness of your whole body snapped you back to reality, if this could even be considered real.
“Oh Wally you’re just the best artist! This is the best drawing of an apple I’ve ever seen! It’s way better than the one you showed me yesterday!” A voice of a very joyful girl could be heard as she practically shouted at the person near her, you’d look around for a hiding spot and the one close enough was unfortunately the bush near the white flowers, quickly diving into it’s unnecessarily sharp sticks and twigs you’d quietly cursed as a twig had poked your eye. Making yourself as hidden as possible you’d try your best to peep out the bush and see who the new voices were, how populated was this place and why were the majority of them strange looking animals?
Peering from inside the shrubbery you’d spot very blonde hair, and what seemed to be green leggings..? It was almost humorous how similar she looked to that cartoon Julie….almost humorous.
‘You’ve gotta be kidding me.'
Inhaling sharply through your nose you’d push yourself a little bit more farther but not too much so you’d be seen by the girl that looked to be a puppet you’d watch play around on your Tv just the night before. The more you analyzed her the more you couldn’t deny that she was probably some girl dressed up as her, they acted the same, dressed the same, hell even talked the same and by that she literally kept talking without missing a beat for what seemed forever.
As you droned out her rambling you began to analyze your situation, so did this mean that you were somehow teleported, maybe even trapped, inside a children’s Tv show? But everything here seemed far too real to be a little show kids watched on their stupid Tv, did that mean they could see you? Were you trapped in an episode? Were you dead? You’d already checked the back of your head that one time and there wasn’t any blood or even a gaping head wound so that crossed out that possibility, it relieved you to know that you weren’t dead but it unsettled you to know that your were in a kids Tv show. Although it made you wonder, were you robbed by a person who wasn’t actually human because as far as you knew humans weren’t able to teleport each other into television shows at will. Even then you had to show an ounce of gratitude that you weren’t inside a slasher movie, You’d probably be the first person to die if that was the case.
Hearing Julie’s voice falter as she spoke was the only thing that stopped you from going into a downward spiral of pure confusion on how and why you’d end up in this very strange situation.
“Uhhh- Wally what’re you doing?” She’d ask, tilting her head in confusion as she’d stop her temporary rolling on her heels just to emphasize how confused she really was at her neighbors antics.
‘Wait where is Wally-‘ You’d think mentally slapping yourself for not keeping a better eye out, suddenly the sensation of being picked up by your underarms became very apparent as you were lifted from out of the bushes you took refuge in, as if you were some random outdoor animal being abducted from their environment, yelping in surprise as it had all happened too sudden not even having enough time to think of making an escape route, the most you could do was squirm in defeat.
“Well what do we have here?” A voice of the not so darling puppet spoke as he held you up with surprising strength.
Welp, Cat’s out the bag now.
GUYS I MADE THE AO3 ACCOUNT, it’s under the same user i use for tumblr, and all thanks to that beautiful person for encouraging me, I’m so happy for all of the support and love I’ve received so far for this story, lmk if there’s any little bits I messed up on or if there’s an idea you simply came up with! I love talking with you guys!
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