#and it's double sided so everyone who passes my car can see it too
sampegger · 9 months
fucked up asshole my friend got me as a joke a few days ago that stinks up my car
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thoughtsforsoob · 5 months
Can you do a txt most to least likely to be a passenger princess? 🤣
a/n: omg yess! Thanks for this request anon. I myself am always a passenger princess (lmao i can't drive hahaha. I’m  scared of going faster than 25 mph at my grown age of 19). Anyways, shout out to all the people who have to drive around said passenger princess. Yall are so real for that. Please enjoy this!
Song: angel or devil - txt (i love the dance for this song omggg)
Huening kai
I think this is only because I still see him as this little guy back from debut but he does not look like someone who knows how to drive. He gets so embarrassed when you call him your passenger princess but he appreciates you driving him around. He always makes sure to pay back the favor by treating you to whatever you want :D 
He knows how to drive but this little menace plays damsel in distress when it’s time to go somewhere. “But baby…I can't drive! My hand hurts.” “boy…i know damn well that your hands only hurt from spending hours on that damn game.” he pouts his way into the passenger seat and takes full advantage. Has his one blanket in your car to cover up for longer rides and he takes BOTH cup holders. 
He likes to drive sometimes but he would prefer you to drive. He has his license and all but he doesn;t feel very confident in his driving skills. His nature is very gentle and that goes out into the road. He will wait at a 4 way stop for hours and let everyone pass. Therefore, you have to drive most times. He frowns when you start cussing out the person who cut you off. The plus side to him being a passenger princess is him controlling the playlist. He's got great taste. 
He would much rather drive you around because he feels cool. “Yeah baby, i'll go pick you up. Be ready soon okay?” he will insist on driving you around but there have been a few occasions where you’ve driven him around. You picked him up from work on a few occasions and he enjoys riding with you. He doubles as a little secretary too because if you ask him to text someone back on your phone or pick a song, he will gladly do it! 
Bro will do anything for you to let him drive. He always says that your driving is scary to him, even if it really isn't. He got in the car with you once and after that, insisted you need to let him drive. He doesn't know what to do with himself when he’s in the passenger seat so he starts to tell you how to drive. So, you not wanting to hear him, let him drive. He's great at treating a passenger princess though. He keeps your little pillow and blanket in the back seat and he lets you control aux and everything. He loves when you feed him while he's driving. 
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oval3000 · 1 year
Simon Riley x Reader
Not my art! Not my characters!
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After defeating Makorav, Simon went back home to enjoy his night rest. The next day he heard noises outside his apartment. When he went to see who was making those noises, by peaking through the eye hole on his door, he saw you. He never thought you would change his life forever.
! WARNING ⚠️ Terrible grammer, past abuse, abuse, ptsd, trauma, swearing, Obsession, Possessive, death,boring story.
New to this wanted to try it out. Maybe making it to a series idk
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
C/S/T =Country or Sate or Town.
"Alright team, we did good. Time to wrap it up and go home!" Price yelled out as they dragged Makarov's dead body out. Soap gave Price a head nod and a fist bump on Simon's shoulder.
"We did good, Lt" Soap said as they both walked inside the vehicle.
Simon was honestly relieved to go home. He never cared about going home or not, but defeating Makorav made him feel like he got hit by a bus.
Everyone was cheering and giving eachother high fives and words of encouragement. Eventually Gaz had mentioned about going out for drinks as a celebration. Everyone agreed expect for Simon. He was happy about the win, but his body could really use a nice shower and a nice rest on a comfortable mattress.
"What do you say? Lt?" Soap budged him on his side with a smile on his face.
Simon crossed his arms and laid back, "Pass, you guys can enjoy yourselfs." He felt bad for turning down the fun, but he knew his limits and the last thing he wants is to end up at the hospital for lack of rest.
"You sure?" Soap plead, hoping Simon can change his mind.
"Affirmative." Simon shut his eyes and let it out a sigh.
When they got back to the base everyone headed to the bar as Simon headed on the opposite direction. He opened the trunk of the car and placed his duffle bag there.
The driver who was dropping him off was talking to him about how things went, obviously, keeping things confidential. The driver is familiar with soldiers by picking them up from their homes to dropping them off back. Simon didn't have the energy to speak in full sentences so he responded with '"mhms" and head nods.
As he saw his apartment building, he was almost drawn back by how quickly he forgotten the building structure. He pulled out his keys as he waved the driver goodbye.
He knows how things are quiet in the building, especially his floor. Alot of empty apartments ready for someone to move in.
He entered into his home quickly closing the door and locking it, double locking it for extra safety. Not that anybody dangerous lives there, but for someone like him, you could never be too careful.
He gently threw his black duffle bag onto the couch and made his way to his bedroom. He took of his black jacket and black hoodie revealing his tight black short showing off every muscle he has. As he took of his shirt he couldn't help to feel a good stretch letting out a deep sigh. He unbuckled his pants and quickly took them off including his underwear.
He turned on the shower head as he took off his mask and placing it on the sink for him to wash it later.
He felt his muscles relax more as he felt the water dripping down his body. The scent of sweat and dirt washed away has he scrubbed every inch of his body with his body wash and loofah.
He got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist walking towards his closet, quickly putting on some men's boxers, grey sweatpants and a light t-shirt. He didn't bother getting himself comfortable in bed he just flopped down on his stomach and closed his eyes.
He didn't know how long he slept and he didn't care. He didn't have anywhere to go either way. When he opened his eyes by the noises coming from outside his apartment door he saw the sun shining through his closed white curtains. He laid back with his arms spread out.
Hearing the noises from outside made him curious to know who it was or what it was. He really wanted to ignore it, however when you leave in a peaceful quiet home and out of the sudden it's no longer quiet, curiosity takes over you.
He got up and made his way to the door. He didn't want to be abrupt and come out of the blue so he peaked through. He saw multiple boxes on the floor all labeled as 'Clothes' 'kitchen' 'books' 'accessories' and so on. His eye gaze went up as he heard a woman's voice. He saw you standing there on the phone talking to someone as you were kicking the box labeled as 'movies and cd' inside your new apartment.
He looked away ashamed that he's spying on his new neighbor. He couldn't hear everything your were saying but by context you were talking to your friend about your new place and the address. When he heard you say goodbye he waited a while hearing you carrying boxes inside.
He opened his door and walked out seeing you fully standing there with a box in your hands.
You looked at him and as a smile grew on your face. "Hello," you quickly placed the box down on the floor as you reached your hand out, "my name is y/n."
He shook your hand with a soft gentle touch, afraid of applying too much pressure on your delicate small hand, "new neighbor? Simon Riley"
You were a little shocked to hear his thick deep British accent that you weren't so use to." Yes. I'm moving in- I hope I didn't disturb you with the noises"
"Not at all, was already up" he looked at the boxes behind and saw that you have a long way to go, "let me help you"
"That's okay I don't want to inte-" you were cut off by Simon picking up the box you placed on the floor.
"S'not a problem. Just tell where to put it" he made his way inside your apartment. You honestly didn't expect your first vsistor this early and certainly a man. A man like him. Tall, masculine, tattoos on his arm. As you faced his back you can see a tattoo on the back of his neck, but not clearly since half of his was covered by his t-shirt, which did nothing to hide his back muscles.
"Thank you."
Has he finished placing the last box in your so-called living room you couldn't help, but to feel bad that you made someone work for you on your first day of moving. You knew you had to thank him for it more than just simple words.
He looked around "That's all?"
"I believe so. Thank you so much, you saved me from a headache." You palmed your forehead while the other hand rested on your hip.
"Don't sweat it. Moving can be stressful." He made his way towards you. You felt nervous as you got a clear view of his face.
"..uh..so how long have you been living here. I've met a few of the other people living here except for you" you wanted to slap yourself for asking stupid questions, but it helps to cut out the awkwardness.
"For a few years now. Although it doesn't feel like it. I just got back from my deployment la-" he quickly bit his tounge not wanting to mention that he just got home last night. He could tell you felt bad for having him helping you even though it really wasn't a problem. Last thing he wants is to make you feel even more bad.
"Oh so you're in the military" you smiled as your thoughts of questions about him washed away. It made sense.
"And you're not from here?" He didn't want to explore more deeply into his job knowing is not all sunshine and rainbows.
You rubbed the back of your neck. "Yeah I actually moved into the city a couple months ago. But it's finally nice to get settled in and having a fresh start."
He gave you a soft stare as he crossed his arms flexing more of biceps and triceps "So where are you really from?"
"I'm form C/S/T"
He gave you a small smile. It felt good for him to speak to someone that isn't related to the military.
"Well, I should get going? If you need help with something you know where I live." He walked out and entered his apartment. He could hear your soft voice saying 'thank you.' He shut the door as he felt his heart rate starting to slow down.
He's been through hell his whole life suffered alot of things that will make a person throw up, yet he felt his palm sweat, his heart pounding as you spoke to him, as he stared at you, as he smelled your scent.
He hated this feeling, but never felt so satisfied in his life until he heard your first words to him
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i-love-oldermen · 3 months
|The Winchester|
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A/n: Angsty so im kinda just writing, should I make a part 2?? Trust big plot twist
Summary: It’s been years since you’ve seen Dean, you left him but he was the love of your life.
Warnings: Some Language also not edited yet.
You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into, you were on a hunt by yourself. You left your family of hunters due to the fact they were to overbearing and thought you would get hurt all the time. You left 5 years ago and you hadn’t seen them since the big argument. No one has seen you, you made sure you never ran into someone that may have known you. Still finding cases in towns and making sure to change your name with every case although now you needed help so you went to one of the best hunters you know. Bobby Singer.
You had been hunting the nest for what felt like eternity
Contemplating your decisions you pull up to Bobby’s house. Parking your cherry red 1968 Chevelle, you turn off the roaring engine. That’s when you see Bobby coming out with a shotgun. You get out of your car, shutting the door behind you, you put your hands up and stand right next to your car while holding your side.
“Who the hell are you” Bobby doesn’t put down his shotgun. He looks you over noticing the blood on your shirt.
“Please I need your help Bobby, I’m a hunter too” he puts his gun down but puts it back up once you take a step towards him. “You know my father Bobby”
“What’s your name kid”
“Y/n. Y/n Harvelle”
Bobby lowers his gun. He has a sad look on his face, you don’t know why though. Yes your father did die a year after you left but you’re more careful then he was hunting.
“I know Bobby”
“You went MIA you had everyone looking for you” He gives you a look of disbelief.
“I’m good at hiding plus I didn’t wanna be found” you shrug it off as you follow Bobby inside his house.
After a while you tell Bobby about the hunt you’re on basic vamp nest but you can’t seem to find the nests location. You both start going over the lore just double checking anything you could have missed. Your thinking is cut silent by a knocking at the door.
“You just stay here okay kiddo” you shake your head and stay in your spot at Bobby’s desk.
He opens the door calling whoever is on the other side idjits. You continue reading the book you have opened on the desk, when you hear his voice. Dean Winchester. You saw him a year after you left your family, the day your father passed. You were crying in his arms while he held you tell you fell asleep. When he finally woke up the morning after you were gone, you found out he had called your mother, Hellen while you were asleep so you disappeared and never talked to him again. Now though he was here at Bobby’s it was to late to run out the back door as Bobby led him and Sam to the living room where you were sitting.
Dean is speaking to Bobby “we just need some books for-“ when his eyes land on you he stops talking, as if he was frozen in place.
Bobby calls out to you “Y/n the Winchester boys are here”
You quickly get up from your spot standing up, biting the inside of your cheek. You look into Deans eyes hes just as beautiful as the day you left him.
Dean speaks first his eyes cold at first “I saw that Chevelle and prayed to god i didńt have to see you”
Bobby looks at Dean with a disappointed look “What is the matter with you Dean”
Dean looks at you again with nothing but rage “She knows what she did Bobby”
You feel your eyes begin to water, so you turn to Sam instead.
“Hey Sammy” you look at him with a sweet melancholy smile, before he slowly starts walking over to you and hugging you tightly. You can hear Sam’s voice begin to quiver “I thought you died”
You pull away from him holding his face in your hands “I can take care of my self Sam”
Bobby interrupts “Im guessing you guys were close”
“Yeah not anymore” Dean says full of anger or sadness you cant tell. He starts to storm out of Bobbys house so you follow him as he goes to the impala. He gets in his car before starting it and driving away so you do the same racing after him. You grab your phone, trying to call him but he doesn’t answer at all sending you straight to voicemail every time. He starts going faster taking turns to try to lose you but you stay close on his tail. He pulls over when he gets to a motel probably where him and Sam were staying. You pull up right next to him jumping out of your car as he does. Before he can make it to his room, you yell his name. You grab him by his hand as he yanks it away before turning to you.
“Please Dean wait” you look in his eyes to see anger layered on his face.
“No so stop acting like you care y/n”
“I do care”
“You dont get to say you care you left Y/n and you didnt come back, I didnt know if you were dead or alive” he took a step closer to you.
“You don’t get it Dean” you practically whispered.
He yelled back “I dont get what, you didnt want to be with me or the fact you couldn’t love me how i loved you”
As tears threaten to spill you yelled back “I did love you Dean that’s why I had to leave, I couldn’t lose you too”
Truth was on the day you cried in his arms you told him how much your father truly meant to you. You hadn’t told anyone. You told Dean you loved him that night right before he called Helen.
“I told you i loved you the day I left you in that motel room and you said nothing and called my fucking mother” tears slipped from your eyes as you kept eye contact with him.
“I was trying to help you y/n and you wouldn’t let me”
Just like before you were back in his arms as held you close. Not ever wanting to let go you wrap your arms around him as you let the tears spill. You hear his uneven breathing as he lets some tears slip from his eyes. You pull away as hes still holding and grab both the sides of his face, you close your eyes as each others lips crash into one another. His warm lips move in sync with yours, as if you guys never parted to being with. For the first time in a long time, you felt whole again.
You pulled away trying to catch your breathe “Listen Dean I love you more than you could ever know”
Dean wipes the drying tears off your face cradling your face in his hands. He has the smirk on his lips that you’ve loved forever “You love me more than your Chevelle”
You laugh a little “Without a doubt Dean Winchester”
“Good cause I love you more than baby” he pulls you back into a kiss, stepping on your tippy toes you pull him deeper.
You wake up from your dream you’re still at Bobbys. You fell asleep on his desk so he wrapped a blanket around you. You look at your phone to see the time read 3:15 a.m. You went to dial in the love of your life’s number memorizing the numbers. As you listen to the phone ring on the second ring he answers.
“Hello this is Dean”
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So I was re-watching Step By Step Episode 10 yesterday when I started to notice something. I was planning on writing about it today, but @chicademartinica beat me to the punch line. 
HOWEVER! There is more I can build off of here and so I am gonna!
I was talking with @shortpplfedup today and she started a fabulous analysis of Jeng that I hope she will post…
When she mentioned that Jeng was trying to compartmentalize Pat from the rest of his life, and both of these things (chica’s post and Nini’s brilliance) spoke to an observation I had also had, and that I touched on in my post the other day. 
Last week @respectthepettymade a wonderful post about how Jeng has always been boxed in, separate from Pat and the rest, and how the preview for Episode 10 had Jeng stepping past that barrier line 
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and well, you would think that after crossing that barrier, that Jeng and Pat would no longer be confined. You’d think that they’d have eliminated everything that was holding them back…
But instead, every single scene with Jeng and Pat together boxes them in. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Scene 1
Pat has his third eye opened thanks to everyone’s favorite Gay Fairy Godmother, Chot and has decided it is time to get over the hang ups he has and be honest with Jeng about his feelings. It is Jeng’s birthday, so on the way to confess his mutual interest, he stops to get a cake (#anticarrotcake for those of you on tumblr following the carrot cake wars)
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Pat is boxed in by the display case looking at a cake he is going to get for Jeng.
Scene 2
Pat arrives at the kitchen, and calls after Jeng, who at first remains with his back fully turned, unable to look in Pat’s direction. Until he gets the courage to turn around and 
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Here Jeng is, in his little box, all alone, but here Pat comes, approaching the edge of the barrier, stepping right up to the line
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And collapsing over it, entering Jeng’s space, entering Jeng’s world, barreling right into it face first.
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And that is where he and Jeng will stay for the entire episode, inside their own box, inside their own little world. 
Scene 3
They finish eating each other and eat cake instead and are immediately trapped together here, walls on either side as they start navigating being openly affection with each other (and perform a phone screen ad) they don’t know it yet, but they’ve already sealed the fate on, and created an inevitable downfall for themselves…at this point though, they’ve merely missed the “turn back, unstable ground ahead” sign. 
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Scene 4 
X amount of time passes and we see Pat and Jeng trying (and failing) to be discreet at the office, going so far as to hold hands, touch arms and legs, and play footsie under the desk
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This is a little less obvious of a box but the arms of their office chairs and the side of the desk create a box inside of which their physical affection for one another can exist. 
Scene 5 
Work ends, Pat and Jeng get in Jeng’s car and the entire day’s worth of unrestrained sexual tension comes crashing together.
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Here we actually end up getting a double box, with Pat and Jeng enclosed by the car window, and Jeng’s car, existing as a current space for intimacy with Pat is also sitting in between two barriers (the window support structures in the background). They have had to spend the entire day being aware of the people around them, and while they have ultimately failed to be completely separate in the office, the second they are alone, they re-enter their own little world. Closed off from everything around them.
Scene 6
Jeng is openly flirting with Pat during office badminton, and being so obvious about it that his assistant notices and Chot has to bail him out by asking Jeng for water too so it won’t look like he is favoring Pat. Notably, the three queer men in the office are closed in, closed off from the rest of the group, in their own world. Keep the fact that Chot can enter their box in mind as we continue.
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(Chot's hair in this scene is one of the best parts of the episode)
This moment, these barriers are where Jeng and Pat have no longer accidentally missed the “turn back now, unstable ground” sign on their path of doom, but have found caution tape and ducked underneath it to press on. 
Scene 7
We cut to Jeng’s condo, and the first image we see is of Pat standing alone inside the double barrier, admiring the view in front of him, we’re about to start heading towards Pat’s office homophobia journey and we’re getting a little foreshadowing here that Jeng is going to end up leaving Pat to his own devices.
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But for now, Jeng enters the scene, enters the box where he and Pat can exist together, can share space together, can be open and affectionate and attracted to each other.
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Jeng asks Pat to come with him to give some leftover food from the bakery to the homeless. 
Scene 8
Jeng and Pat give away the food and go and sit together under the bridge, where they are immediately boxed in by concrete pillars and discussing cruelty. This is where Jeng and Pat are at their peak. At their strongest, and you can see that because they are literally sandwiched between two concrete pillars rather than thin metal lines of window panes. 
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They are at their strongest as a couple here, because this is the truest and most honest part of Jeng that he has shown to Pat since they started fucking. (And I will be referring to what they have now as fucking, they are in lust, they are in like, but they are not in love). This is where Pat has his first opportunity to get to know Jeng a bit better, what his mindset away from work is, how he is trying to solve the world’s problems. Pat gets to see the Jeng that Jeng has often had to tuck away, here in their own little world. 
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And then this person enters, the artist of the stick figure drawing that sits above Pat and Jeng’s head. 
Remember Chot? Chot, gay man, one of three in the office? Remember how he was able to enter Pat and Jeng’s barriers at badminton? Alright, well, here again we have someone who doesn’t quite…enter the boundary, but does cross in to it, stands in front of Jeng and Pat in a way that does not place them all the way outside of it especially because his drawing is inside their boundary. 
Why is this important? 
Well, I wrote about this the other night but that person only says two lines to Jeng and Pat: 
“That picture was drawn by me, you look the same,” 
“It looks like us” 
Which means I have decided to interpret this character confirming his own queerness. So a second queer person is able to join Pat and Jeng in their little bubble. Jeng and Pat have hiked the trail, they have missed one sign, ignored the other, and have found their pristine view. 
But, remember, the ground is unstable and the earth is starting to quake (and not just from them...nevermind)
Scene 9
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Jeng enters a work meeting with Pat, Chot, and his busybody of an assistant. Again, Jeng is boxed in, but this time he is alone. He is compartmentalizing, trying to compartmentalize his life, here he is trying to put himself back into the box of Boss, and on the surface he appears that way, but in reality Pat is sitting before him. So while Jeng may be trapped here, in the expectations of his family to run this part of the business, he is looking forward, looking forward to Pat. 
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And where Jeng’s box in this scene is made of glass (we’ve been talking a lot about glass closets recently with this show….anyway) the assistant is also boxed in…around wood. Something you can’t see through. Boxed in, however, by a door. Something that can be opened, something that can be opened and reveal something beyond. Pat has entered Jeng’s world and they have spent all their time together inside that world, inside that barrier, unable to look out, and unwilling to see what is happening around them.
Scene 10
One of the least obvious visible barriers and one of the most obvious emotional barriers
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Jeng sandwiched between Pat and Pat’s Dad. But he’s still boxed in here, with the top of that window wall running just barely above his head. Visually, he is still caged in here. But this barrier is made up of potential family, and Pat is out to his father, in a way that I don’t think Jeng is to his. (By that I mean I think, no I am sure, that Jeng’s Dad knows he’s gay, but it’s not exactly like Jeng can take Pat around to meet his pops. Especially not after their first encounter….). Jeng is undeterred, refers to Pat’s father as “Dad” does not try to defend himself against his angry ranting or attempts at instigating a fight cause of how many nights Jeng left Pat crying. 
Scene 11
Unsurprisingly I have many additional thoughts about this scene and the way they utilize the boundaries here, but I’m going to save the additional thoughts for a different post. 
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There are many many many many instances in this scene where Pat and Jeng are trapped in a frame, but I’m using this one for the Dutch angle, because Dutch angles make things seems off-kilter. And unfortunately for Pat and Jeng that’s the way this is going, their foundation has not been built up the way it needs to be for them to be strong and stable. But they are too wrapped up in each other to see the ways things are beginning to turn. 
Scene 12
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Boxed in yet again, this time with Ae and Kanon pushing themselves between them. But this barrier, this box wasn’t of their own making, this is one that Jeng and Pat were invited in to, (like literally invited to) and it is a box they can not stand together in, they must stand apart. 
Scene 13
Jeng is riding the high of unlimited access to young, talented, and enthusiastic dick and starts imagining a wedding between him and Pat. Once again they are boxed in by the archway, and personally I think it is worth noting that the most intricate, decorated, and beautiful barrier Pat and Jeng are placed inside of this entire episode…is in a fantasy. 
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Scene 14
Jeng calls Pat into his office to talk about the Forge Project and a promotion to manager!
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Now, obviously all visual media is up to the interpretation of the viewer. So if you will allow me to be absolutely ridiculous in my interpretation of this shot. The barrier around them here is a little less obvious (similarly to the barrier from Scene 2 when Jeng has Pat pressed up against the glass). The barrier here is made up by two separate walls, one at an angle, and one side of the barrier is hidden by Jeng’s shelves. 
Personally, I think Pat and Jeng feel like they are being careful at work, they are certainly not maintaining healthy distances, and they are by far pushing their luck, but the affection we have seen them directing towards each other in the moments in the office are 90% eye contact, 10% everything else so I’m certain in their minds, they are like ‘yeah, no one knows’ and that’s reflected in way this barrier is framed. At first glance the scene looks open, like they have freedom to move around, the windows show the city beyond and so you have all this…space. But the barrier is there, because they aren’t capable of staying in the world outside. 
Scene 15
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Pat is left to his own devices, Jeng nowhere to be seen, and suddenly the real world is knocking at his door. Pat is left to view homophobic comments about him from the other side of a wall. From the inside, looking out, Pat is suddenly enlightened to the real world consequences of his relationship with Jeng, and those consequences are pressing right up against him. He is trapped here, he has no room to move around, he has no space to breathe in, he cannot fit anyone else in this space with him. He is alone and being crushed.
Scene 16
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More homophobia, more vitriol thrown in Pat’s direction, and another box Pat’s found himself in. One he can’t leave, one that makes him a spectacle to others. Pat is on display. Not only does the window trap Pat inside it, but the way the whiteboard and the perpendicular dividers for the cubicles are placed fully makes it feel like Pat’s in an enclosure. Like he’s at the zoo, like he’s putting on a show. Ying and the woman in blue are on the edges of this barrier, the woman in blue peers at Pat in his enclosure, Ying reaches through the bars to keep Pat there. The only person who is fully inside that barrier with him?
Once again, the other gay in the office is able to exist inside the boundaries. In this case the boundaries seem more sinister. These boundaries weren’t built by Jeng or Pat, they were created by the other people in the office. 
Scene 17 
Meanwhile, Jeng is being alerted to the fact there are rumors circulating about him and Pat. But Jeng doesn’t care. Because Jeng has money, has power, and has a second job should all of this go South.
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It is as Nini said, Jeng is compartmentalizing hard. Here Jeng is initially standing outside the barrier. Refusing to enter the business side of things. He’s blending in with his surroundings here almost, like if he stood still enough people might not notice him. He doesn’t want to hear anything about the rumors, so he refuses to leave the barriers he has created around himself. But just like Pat in Scene 15, the walls around Jeng are closing in, that space Jeng has around him that is supposed to be for him and Pat is no longer big enough for both of them.
Jeng is told that Pat needs to be taken off the Forge project. Jeng is told the Board is going after Pat.
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Reluctantly Jeng steps back into the corporate world.
Scene 18 
A long, hard, emotionally taxing day at work for Pat and we get the next box
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Okay, I lied, it’s not a box. Pat is standing at the end of a walking path and is no longer able to move forward. And though logically we know that there is legitimately space on either side of Pat that would allow him to walk around or exit, the way the cubicles line up make it look like they are trapping Pat in. 
Pat cannot move forward, his next move can only be walking back. 
Scene 19
Pat and Jeng are cuddling in the evening and the events around the office are clearly weighing heavy on Pat’s mind, but as we know by now, Jeng is compartmentalizing, Jeng is ignoring the world around him, he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. At the beginning of the episode Pat entered in to Jeng’s world, stepped through Jeng’s barriers, stayed in there with him. 
But now?
Now things are changing. Now Pat has seen what lies beyond the walls they’ve put around themselves. 
And when Pat suggests he and Jeng stay apart for a little bit, while Pat is laying in Jeng’s space, Jeng does not want to entertain the conversation and tries to shut it down in every way he can. 
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And he is only successful when he moves in to Pat’s space, but it’s not because Jeng’s successfully soothed Pat’s fears. No, it’s because Pat gave up trying to express his concerns to Jeng. 
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And Pat is left alone, stuck in his own head, while Jeng rests peacefully outside Pat’s world.
Scene 20
I have to give it up to Pat for valuing himself enough to ditch Jeng in the middle of the night, and then go over Jeng’s head to Jeng’s father and resign from the company. Pat’s pissed, Pat is being the responsible one, and Jeng knows he fucked up. When we see him sitting in that conference room he is moping. Full on kicked puppy dog, and I’d hope that that would be enough for Jeng to do some introspection, and to finally stop trying to keep Pat separate from everything else in his life. But we will have to wait and see how the next two episodes go. 
We end the episode with Jeng, sipping coffee, stuck back between two barriers that can barely fit him. 
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That is every single scene with Jeng and Pat together and even a few where they are apart, and this whole essay has been my evidence that they are throwing walls up everywhere this episode. 
The lesson here, kids, is that Jeng and Pat rushed in to this too fast. They spent all this time in a slow burn because they were valuing the workplace, because Pat was trying to get over his crush on his boss, because there were a lot of fucking considerations that needed to happen. 
But Jeng grew impatient, and got swept up in the moment, and Pat was stuck right in there with him. They closed themselves off to everything around them. They stopped paying attention to anything but each other, which meant they weren’t careful, which meant other people caught on, which meant that Pat, who has no power in this company, was forced to face reality and Jeng, who has power and is happy for the first time in who knows how long, stuck his head in the sand, refused to look at Pat’s reality, and ultimately let Pat down in a big way, and he’s gonna suffer for it. They are both going to suffer for it. 
Onwards towards the Episode 11 Curse! 
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mythicalcowboyatheart · 11 months
Meat and Greet
Spencer x gn reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Drugging, Spencers kind of a creep, swearing (i probably missed something let me know!)
An: hope y'all like it! 😊💚
Part 2 -smut
I threw my head back and let out a sigh, placing my hand on the key and turning off the car. 
'I hope this goes well and I find what I'm looking for.'
I reluctantly get out of the car and walk up the driveway. 
I was meeting with Mr. Spencer Charnas about the disappearance of a few girls in a nearby area. Charnas is one of the main suspects. Why am I going alone in the house of a potential kidnapper and or murder? Well to get the latest scoop on the kidnapping case! What would any other good reporter do?
I walk to the front door. 'here gose nothing' I sigh once more before Knocking. 
On the second knock a man about 6 feet maybe a little shorter with dark short hair answers the door. "Good afternoon I'm looking for a Mr. Spencer Charnas!" "Im him." He answers with a slight kind smile. "Oh well I'm Y/N L/N with The Haddonfield Press! I believe we talked on the phone correct?" "Yes! It's a pleasure to meet you Mx. L/N! Please come in!" I nod and walk through the door with Spencer following not to far behind. 
" just go straight and take a seat on the sofa. Would you like anything to drink Mx?" "Sure!" I say taking a seat on the black leather sofa. "What do you got?" "Well I have water and tea that's about it." He chuckled, " I haven't been able to get to the store lately. It's kinda hard to leave the house when everyone thinks you kidnap people." He chuckles sadly "I'll take some tea." I smile back sadly "okay two teas coming right up!" He says trying to sound more cheerful. I nod and take out my notebook and everything else I need to start writing notes.
 Not too long passes before Spencer comes back with two mugs of tea. "Here you go Mx." He says handing me the warm mug and taking a seat in the chair in front of me. “Thank you!” I say taking the mug and taking a sip after he takes a drink out of his own mug. 
‘He wouldn't drug an entire thing of tea would he. Would he?’ I cleared my throat and began the interview. “So Spencer… may I call you Spencer?” “You sure can!” he smiles “Okay, so Spencer I am here to try to get your side of the alleged kidnapping, Let's start with a simple one shale we?” “I would like that very much.” he lets out an almost nervous laugh.”So did you do it?” you look at him and giggle. He laughs with you.
 “Well what do you think? I mean you're the one who came to the house of an alleged kidnapper alone, might I add.” my heart feels like it skips a beat. “W-what? I never told you..” I trail off feeling suddenly dizzy, my vision begins to double. “What were you saying Y/N?” I can't see much but I can tell that Spencer had an evil smirk on his face. “W-what did you do to me…?” That's all I could get out before everything went dark. 
When I wake up all I see is darkness. “What the fuck?” “Ah! Y/N you're awake!” the voice of Spencer booms from above me. Wait? Above me? I look up and with the faint light I see Spencer. “WHAT THE FUCK SPENCER?!” “Oh love what's wrong?” He asks with mock kindness. “Warre the fuck am I Spencer?” I respond with more calmly. “Well you're in the pit that's dug in the floor of my basement.” “YOU ACT LIKE THATS A NORMAL FUCKING THING!”
 He shrugs and walks away. “Wait! Don't go!” “Why? Are you scared?” He teses. “No.. I just want to know why you kidnapped me? I mean like i was trying to clear your name, and how you repay me is throw me in a fucking hole in the ground?” “Well my friend… You're here because you intrigue me Mx. L/N. I have been reading your articles in The Haddonfield Press for a while. I got to say I'm a big fan of your work! But by far my favroit article you have writen is the one about how the Dhamer series effected the family’s of his victums, I mean that guy was realy fucked up!” “And YOUR NOT?” “Let me finish!” Spencer snaps. If i wernt scared i sure a fuck was now. He sighs “As I was saying I love your work and when you called about an interview well I couldn't resist taking you for myself.” He chuckles.
 Tears threatened my eyes. “Oh don't cry my love! I won't hurt you, I would never do anything to harm you because I love you.” a moment of silence fell upon the two of us. “Well imma turn in for the night. Goodnight my love.” Without another word he left the side of the pit and I heard a door open and then slam shut, dirt falling from the dirt walls of the pit coating the top of my head with dirt causing me to cough. I finally take a look at my surroundings. There's a dirty looking mattress in the corner of the pit with a bottle of water next to it. As I pick up the bottle of water I find a note taped to it. It reads 
‘Stay hydrated my love!’ ~ S<3
I roll my eyes and take the note off and throw it as far away from me as possible. “Fuck it” i say sitting on the mysteryus mattress. I lay down and close my eyes ‘this is going to be interesting.” I sigh for drifting off to sleep.
An: let me know if y'all want a part 2 I am planning on making this a series or something any way love y'all 😊💚
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goldenworldsabound · 11 months
GROUNDCORE and bastardcore for wrio, joyride for clayman and clown fam!! :D
KJFHEWKJFE THANK YOU!!! double whammy!!!
🪨Groundcore🪨 ~ What would your F/O do if you became a worm? (Wrio 🐺)
dkjfdfshakd he would take super good care of me and pull every string he has to try and get me turned back. And he has a lot of them-
🖕Bastardcore🖕 ~ Are there any “flaws” of your F/O that you find endearing? (Wrio 🐺)
This man is so flawless...if I have to choose it's that he can be such a bastard sometimes. There's some argument to be made for why he was as cruel as he was to Lyney (making a point and making it crystal clear who is in charge) but by the same toke like DAMN bastard-
I would also get bullied (though it's to tease me relentlessly not to hurt me fkjdhfa) but I do enjoy that so. Do I find it endearing...? Well, I like it in any case fkjdsahfkjdsa cruel is definitely attractive
🚎Joyride🚎 ~ How would a road trip with your F/O, friends/associates, and you go? (Clayman and Clown Fam 🎭🤡)
oh my god fkjasdhfkjdsa this is incredible. It's chaos. Tear and Footman want to stop and see EVERYTHING and also "are we there yet". Yuzu is right there with them on that front however if she gets pets on a lap then she's content to quiet down and fall asleep. But that won't happen if the other two are awake fkjdshfak
When I drive Clayman and Laplace fight over the front seat because the option option is to sit in the back with Tear and Footman and well- they are so excitable (Tear sits in the middle of course since she's small). Clayman usually wins. When Clayman drives, he insists I be his copilot and I have no qualms. Laplace is liable to put in headphones and tune out (...mostly. he does sometimes respond even though he appeared tuned out). I think he also can actually fall asleep despite the shenanigans which is truly baffling.
Laplace drives at night when it's quiet. Clayman or I will be his copilot depending on who is more awake. I have Yuzu on my lap and pet her while she laps while Tear and Footman are passed out from an exciting day of being nuisances in the car and enjoying everything even vaguely touristy or interesting on the side of the road. Eventually Clayman and I will fall asleep too, and Laplace will carry on thinking fondly of his sleeping family (and relieved everyone has shut up).
It would be very fun though when we stop and do things!!! I think Clayman is resistant to touristy stuff until I show interest and then he'll go along with it. Tear and Footman are kid like - they get excited about everything (and so does Yuzu).
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Spoiler for my stories
Today is an extremely hot day, the pin kkomas almost melting from the heat.
Doll trying to fan himself but get too heated to do more moves: too hot.... (#><)
Reaper his head is now submerged whole in the water is not moving:..
Bee trying to remember how to use ice spell but failing and making the situation worse: [ honeycomb summer!! ] *Suddenly a very hot honeycomb appear on top of him* G'AHH, BURNING HONEYCOMB!!! ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Mad Hatter, casually using webs to make the mechanic he made to fan him in the heat yet it's not enough either:... Can't go look for that bastard today either. (¬_¬;)
You pop out of nowhere and helped bee and giving him a smooch.
Bee: (*μ_μ)thank you, omae....
MC: your welcome, hanii!! (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
You proceed to take reaper off the bucket of water he submerged his head on.
You cough a bit and held your throat as your eyes turn bright red:
[ the flakes of falling snow ]
As you use a spell while copying certain reaper of eternity voice, reaper eyes widen as he look up to you as snow flakes fall around the four to stop them from getting heatstroke but it's not a permanent thing.
Reaper:... Eternity...
Bee, hugs you: omae I dunno you can copy someone else voice other than rinne! (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
MC: well I don't see the need to use others thru. I only basing who I copy from who Dollmaker can copy from.
Doll: oh that's why. (c" ತ,_ತ)
Mad Hatter: (¬ ¬)
MC: hey! Do you guys wanna go to the beach side? We have beach here too!! (◍•ᴗ•◍) it be a cool off for ya all since this place going through summer season now!
Doll: aren't ya able to control things going in this world??
MC: I mean ye but the weather? Not really. (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)(lies)
Bee who can see you lying: >.> Omae...
MC: let's go to the beach!! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ BEACH! BEACH!!
Reaper: beach huh? I never been to one. So it be good first time experience... (o^▽^o)
Mad Hatter: how jolly. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
MC: you can bring your spider buddy too! It be fun time!
Mad Hatter:... Fine then. Baby blue have not been to beach either. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
MC: yeeeyy let's go then!
Then as you said that, a car made a curve and park behind you in the most dangerous and rad way, the door open revealing certain green haired and purple eyed fallen angel
Tatsu: hello. You called for pick up driver?
MC: yup! Yup! o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
Reaper: woah you look like that spirit of winter cycle that everyone don't like to see driving. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Tatsu: oh? I'm sure his my other version then. I'm tatsu from another au. From au of soul mates.
Bee: oh!! The same au as that Niki! How is Niki!? (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
Tatsu: huh... Niki Shiina huh... His doing just fine. (´・ᴗ・ ` )maybe you can see them at the beach too!
Bee: wow really?
Tatsu, who sees doll and Mad hatter trying to sneak away: ah, you all going for a walk instead? I do hope not. On this heat, it's far worse than demon realm. So please let me take you all to the beach side. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
MC: don't worry everyone. If you all pass out. I will heal you up! Ehehe. Of course there's Totally no reason for that to happen.. (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
Reaper:oh, that sound suspicious. (• ▽ •;)
Mad Hatter: I'm busy with mansion affairs so I rather not.
MC: your spider buddy already in the beach side so no point of running away now. Blood.(●´u`●)
Mad Hatter:... (ʘᴗʘ✿)
MC stare at bee and whisper something: what if...
Bee, blush: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ okii.
In the beach side, in the far rock in the sea, certain someone with pink hair emerge from the sea to peak on people arriving and throwing up in the side of the van with his purple eyes before he meet with lifeless purple eyes similar to him that scared him back to the sea.
Mad Hatter:... (´・ᴗ・ ` )oh. So this is why you making us go here.
MC, holding the dizzy bee: what? (◕દ◕)
Bee who's seeing double MC: w-woah... There's two omae... W-whos... Is real... N-no.. I think all real.. d-dizzy... (@_@;)
MC, kiss bee forehead: ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) *chuu chuu. Hope your better now
Bee who finally not sick from the ride: (。・//ε//・。)o-omae!!
Doll: *pass out in the floor
Reaper stare at the beautiful blue sea in wonder before he look down and saw a pretty large shell, picking it up he wonder what it is before mad hatter help him put the shell to his ears and he start hearing a sound.
Reaper: ... Woah... (。☬0☬。)
Mad Hatter: they say you can hear the sea from a sea shell. So your hearing the sea from the shell. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Reaper: ooh! I see! How cool!
Mad Hatter, looks around and spot other spiders in front of a store with a horned Niki selling some food and drinks with another mc with crown like demon horn and tail helping out the booth
Mad Hatter: found the lots. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) having good time without me.
He then left reaper who start to collect sea shell in glee, wanting to give them all to his friends
Reaper: since it's summer... It mean they really can't see this too... So I'll give each one of them sea shell. (^˵◕ω◕˵^)
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dreamauri · 8 months
Hey don’t know if your taking requests but I was wondering if maybe you could write something like going to watch Lando at silverstone with your mum and dad cause lando and your family are really close and they’ve never been to a race before , love your writing by the way 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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♪ — 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗡 𝗡𝗨𝗚𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗦 lando norris x  girlfriend! reader (fluff) “. . . after attending lando's most recent podium at his home grand prix and celebrating at dinner, it's time lando rewards you for being by his side.”
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( my master list | more of lando norris) ( requests | taglist )
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“There you are.” You cooed once it was your turn to hug Lando in Parc ferme. “That was amazing, Lan.” When you pulled away from the hug, the Brit was greeted by your parents, your mother briefly hugging him and your dad patting his back. “I’m so glad I had you here!” Lando hugged you again, tighter this time. You couldn’t help but laugh as you squeezed him.
“You're definitely my lucky charm.” His smile was bright when he pulled you away, holding both your hands. “I’ll definitely have to keep you in my pocket from now on.” He joked, his fingers lingering on yours as he pulled away. His smile never left his face once as he attended his post race interview.
Getting P2 at his home race was such an amazing feat, the whole circuit was buzzing with excitement. You even more. This was your first time attending a race with your parents. When you usually sit on the couch cheering for Lando from behind your TV screen, you are now cheering from the paddock.
You and your dad had spent the whole race explaining things to your mom who usually doesn't pay too much attention. But today you and your dad were a screaming and shouting mess, which you’d like to think was the reason Lando got his beautiful P2.
When Lando returned from his Podium celebration you were the first person he let carry his trophy before having to attend to his post race duties like reviewing stats or interviews and the press conference. When you finally got Lando back, Adam, Lando’s dad, suggested that the two families, the Norrises and the L/Ns, go out for dinner together.
Lando of course convinced you to come along, saying that he owed you since you were the one who brought him his paddock pass which he only realised he forgot when he was at the entrance. He picked your dress and insisted on brushing your hair, even if he was just going to put it in a ponytail at the end.
The place Adam chose was nice and cosy with everyone sitting at a booth, Lando squished between you and Cisca. This gave you the opportunity to tease him the whole dinner, whether by stealing some of his food or by scaring him off with some salmon from your mom’s plate. In the end though you got to feed lando, literally. He ate off your fork happily and asked for more a few times.
When the night came to an end, Lando convinced you to go on a drive with him ( he said his car missed you and that he put a passenger princess sticker on the mirror in the sun visor which was cute once you saw it ). There wasn’t much to see at night and both of you decided not to go clubbing and just drink at home instead.
“coffee?” Lando repeated, glancing at you. “Darling, it's almost one in the morning.” “It's been a long day, I don't want to sleep yet.” You tried to convince him, nudging his shoulder. “Hey! don't distract the driver.” he scolded, smacking your hand away. “Now you double owe me, Mr norris.”
“What?” Lando breathed out, scrunching his face. “I didn't owe you in the first place.” he quickly denied. “I should've just left you stuck outside the paddock then. No p2 at home race.” you replied sassily, folding your arms.
Lando gave you a look, holding intense eye contact with you throughout a stop light. He kept glancing at you, waiting for you to say something. You didn't even notice that Lando pulled in a drive-through until you were there.
“Welcome to Xxxxx’x, how can I help you?” “Yeah, can I have two Coca colas, medium.” “Is that all?” “Ye--” you nudged him. “and chicken nuggets.” Lando added. You gave him a happy smile while Lando only gave you a playful eyeroll, kissing you briefly.
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luminousvision · 9 months
to the same place anyway
Double-decker commuter train cars stroll through alternating pastures of green, yellow, and cow. They haul us to the faraway Bay Area for a brief morning and afternoon before pulling us back to the quiet suburb of Tracy, only to repeat it the very next day. I make this trek every two weeks for my summer internship.
Second floor hosts poker hour with the same three people, although sometimes a fourth joins them. They shuffle one-dollar bills and a loud pile of quarters. The handicap seat houses a lady with flowing white hair reading a thick paperback, one where the author’s name is so big you can’t see the title. She looks like she should have finished her job many years ago, but every day, she’s reading when I get on and still reading when I get off. One unlucky car gets the infamous gossip group who cannot see the side-eyes from others. Everyone brings headphones, just in case.
These are dead days. They afford no space for life. You go, you do, you return, at which point the day is over. Thankfully, once you accept that the day is lost, you watch the cars on the highway race past you at twice the speed without wondering what you could do with those extra minutes. You wonder about that later, maybe back at home, when it’s easier to pretend you’re not the main character of a story you don’t want to read.
This is the story of the middle-age guy wearing his faded Intel badge with a photo of an unrecognizably young man. He clutches his black leather briefcase while staring out through the window on my side. A regular fixture on the train, this man sits like a statue and does not speak. Is his day dead? From the way he looks straight through me and the passing ticket clicker, I worry more is dead than just his one day.
The Tracy station, however, summons a flash of life. The moment the train doors open, dozens of men and women in heels, dresses, suits, and ties sprint across the platform, off to the races. I have seen grown men and women stampede in news clips of violent mobs or Black Friday sales, but I had never imagined such desperation in dignified professionals. They try to be the first to exit the parking lot which has just one narrow exit, magnifying even a second’s delay into many lost minutes from the labyrinthine tangle.
Dad will pick me up, so I wait on the curb outside the lot, watching the less fortunate exit the parking lot one by one, drop by drop, drowning in the pent up frustrations of those eager to make the most of their evening. But what awaits? Some go home and play with their children: some, docile toddlers, others, intolerable teenagers. Some make dinner, others have dinner made for them, and still others just starve. Some go home and cry on a loving shoulder, while others can’t summon tears because you can’t know you’re sad if you don’t dream.
For those who have strung too many consecutive dead days to remember their last dream, I’d like to take us back to elementary school. Back then, teachers shipped us around in disciplined lines and took attendance every hour, not unlike the protocols in the correctional facility down a few blocks from our house. Watching the class race to the cafeteria one day, Ms. Jane ridiculed our speed-walk, our clever running without running because that is against the rules. What’s the hurry? We’re all headed to the same place anyway.
We hurry because we have dreams, Ms. Jane. Each kid we beat to the lunch line earns us a precious few extra seconds on the playground where we enjoy our freedom within the constraints of whatever the yard duties feel like enforcing that day. If you pretend the yard duties aren’t there, you can taste ten minutes of life. When everything else is confined by parents, homework, or the seven-foot tall chain-link perimeter around the school, you live for those ten minutes.
I sit on the upper deck, watching the adults race each other home. One woman bears an astonishing resemblance to Ms. Jane. But we are honest with ourselves. We chose this rigmarole, diverting ourselves with poker, gossip, and books because we did not dare to dream beyond. We are Intel Man. Whether we’re wearing a suit, heels, or not much at all, Ms. Jane is still right. We are all headed to the same place anyway. Maybe if we didn’t have the exact same destination tomorrow, then, just maybe, then, we could argue otherwise. But instead, we are quiet, having slain yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Do you see it now, Ms. Jane? Do you see why we run?
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 1 year
The Consort - Chapter 3 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Kelly points to the last exit on the right.
He checks the GPS on his phone a final time before nodding.
"That's the one."
I ease the car onto the exit.
Nerves get the better of me and a cold sweat breaks across my skin as we get further and further away from the land of the living.
There's not a single car in sight when we merge onto the new highway.
Even the road seems unsure of what to do with us as we cruise over it.
"I shouldn't have let you drive me," Kelly whispers.
"I wouldn't have let you go alone."
And I wouldn't have.
Besides, even if I did, Fiona would have my balls for breakfast.
That's really not the way I want my manhood removed.
Lights break through the dark and dingy night.
The colors radiating from the immortal city vary from a florescent white to a neon green.
Kelly nervously taps his foot, up, down, up, down, up, down.
The woman on his GPS instructs for him to take the next left.
Both of us glance ahead.
We pass under a final tunnel and the shift in view causes my breath to hitch.
The buildings along both sides of the street are made of all glass.
They're so pristine they seem to sparkle.
The few vampires walking along the sidewalk stare at my car as we drive by, their reddened eyes pierced with curiosity.
My courage scuttles into the shadows.
Even though vampires might look like us, their moral compass doesn't beat with the pulse of a conscious.
They live by a different set of rules entirely.
And unfortunately for us, since we're in their territory now, we need to abide by theirs.
I turn right and the glass buildings transform into metal homes.
Most of them are shaped in the same fashion of a wide dome.
A handful are square but none of them look anything like the houses I'm used to.
"Please proceed another twenty feet. You will then reach your destination."
Kelly puffs out his cheeks and stares at the house ahead.
I ease the car to the curb.
He clicks his phone to silent and stuffs it in his pocket.
He nudges me and plasters an overly bright smile onto his face.
"Want to go in for me?"
I force a smile in return.
"If I could, I would."
He shakes his head at my words.
Probably because he knows they're true.
The longer I don't hear from Brayden, the more envious I become of everyone else who has a vampire.
Kelly reminds me more than a handful of times this is something that should make me grateful.
But I can't help feeling useless knowing my vampire cast me aside.
"I'll be right here waiting," I assure him.
Kelly puffs out his cheeks and then reaches for the door handle.
He swings it open and kicks his leg out.
"May your veins be thick and your blood run freely," I shout after him just as he closes the door.
I think I see him smile at my morbid joke but he turns away so fast it's hard to tell.
He jogs up the long stretch of white, speckled pavement leading up to the house.
The door opens before he has a chance to knock.
I crane my neck to try and get a look at his vampire but he's ushered into the house too fast for me to see.
The moment the door closes behind him, the uneasiness in me doubles.
There aren't many vampires walking the streets but the ones who are have taken notice of my presence.
A woman just a few houses down stares without shame.
Her red eyes look way too bright, even from here.
She remains stoically frozen but her nostrils flare and she licks her lips. Shit.
My chest tightens when she takes a step towards my car.
And then another one.
A cunning smile slips across her beautiful face.
I want to look away from her but she seems to have me in a trance.
The blood pulsing in my veins drives her forward and the fear bubbling up inside me is strong enough to make me choke.
Her pace quickens and soon she's just a few feet away.
I swallow hard and lock the car doors.
If I wasn't in this situation, the action would probably make me laugh.
Locking the doors will do me as much good as trying to open a can of soup with a paper towel.
That woman, that thing, could destroy me in seconds flat if she wanted to.
Her pupils dilate into a menacing victory when she gets an arm's length from my window.
Another figure joins her and in a blur of fast movements and red eyes, she's gone.
I blink in confusion.
My mouth goes dry and I whip my head all around trying to find her.
Where in the hell did she go?
I'm about to start searching the car just to make sure she didn't break inside but then a new figure stands outside my passenger window.
He leans down ever so slowly, his eyes blazing with fury.
He brings a hand up to my window and tap, tap, taps it with the pad of his index finger.
It's Brayden.
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selamatpagy · 1 year
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You decided to go out and take the bus instead. Although it was faster to take the metro, it was more convenient to take the bus because the bus stops are right in front of your office. You quickly run over to the nearest bus stop and wait there, hopefully, it won’t be a long wait for the bus to arrive. While waiting you prepare your phone to scan the QR code in the bus to pay for the tariff. You wonder why doesn’t the metro use a QR code to utilize its payment. It doesn’t take long before another bus arrives while you thought out a scenario where the metro uses QR code for payment instead of a metro pass system. You quickly scan the QR code and sit on an empty double seat.
On its way, the bus made quite a few stops but you are certain you will make it into the office 9:30 sharp. At one of the stops, a tall man wearing some sort of noir costume enters the bus. You and the tall man glanced eyes for a split second before you divert your attention elsewhere. To your surprise, the tall man sits right beside you and starts to whisper something.
“Aren’t you the kid who makes a mess back in my class?”
You sigh in relief as he was Mr. Ahmed, your high-school dance teacher. It has been quite a few years since you and Mr. Ahmed saw each other and he was very delighted to see you go working despite his reasoning on how low his expectation of you was back then. You asked Mr. Ahmed why is he dressed like a person from the 1940s, he laughed. He explains that this was his only suit since his father passed away and apparently some producer took notice of it and decide to cast Mr. Ahmed in a mavia-esque movie.
As you talk with Mr. Ahmed you fell in deep conversations with him and missed your stop. You started to sweat heavily as the time tells you it was 9:10 currently. Mr. Ahmed apologizes for causing you to miss the stops but you are too overwhelmed about the current situation to hear his apology. Mr. Ahmed then grabs you and tells you to come with him to drop with him at the next stop and you agree relentlessly. The next stop came and you and Mr. Ahmed said gratitude to the bus driver and exit the bus. As you are deep in your scenario making thought about what happened if you are late to the office, Mr. Ahmed interrupts you and points at a shining black Mercedes-Benz 770.
“Come! I’ll drive you to your office!”
The two of you quickly ran across the busy street and went into Mr. Ahmed’s car. As you’re about to ask how he got this car Mr. Ahmed quickly runs the gas and starts to weave in and out of the traffic like in those action films. As you’re amazed by Mr. Ahmed’s driving skill and how this old looking car still holds the two of you finally arrive at your office. As you quickly thanks Mr. Ahmed he gives you one of his cards and told you to hang out with him sometimes. You agreed and rushed to the office as fast as you can.
You come to the office on time at 9:30 and everything goes back to normal. As you sit at your office desk eating your late breakfast, for some reason, everyone is staring at you with a side-eye and you don’t know why. As you do your work as efficiently as possible, you knock down a pen and decided to bend over to grab it. You are shocked to find that you lose one of your shoes. So now you have an explanation as to why everyone looked at you in a weird way.
Work at the office went smoothly and it’s time for you to go home. You take the bus again as you still don’t have a metro pass and take a nap on the bus. Fortunately, you wake up on time for your stop. Walking with one shoe is hurting your toes more than you imagined. You arrive right in front of your house. As you stick your key to open the door, the door slide by itself, as if it weren’t locked in the first place. The door handle is still warm, so it must mean that someone, a burglar is still in the house. You pick your last shoe as a throwable weapon to teach the burglar one last lesson. As you traverse your house every window you see is shut and no light can come into the house apart from the main entrance door. The door shut itself and you are alone in the dark. Suddenly…
Lights lit up and windows opened. There are so many people in your house you barely had anything to say.  You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around and see Mr. Ahmed!
“Happy Birthday!”
You’re too tired to make sense of what is happening around you and decided to go to the sofa and found your family all there preparing a cake. But something is off, you never had any surprises or birthday parties since your 10th but here they are celebrating your 30th. Turns out it was your fiancée’s plan all along. Your fiancée explained that they knew about what happened to you this day because they were Mr. Ahmad’s best friend all along.
“Also, I want to ‘gift’ you this”
Mr. Ahmed hands you a box wrapped in your favourite colour, probably your fiancée told him what yours as you couldn’t remember telling Mr. Ahmed your favourite colour. Turns out it was a new shoe, a newer model you could say of the shoe you are carrying right now in your left hand. You laughed as you never laughed before stopping and told your Mr. Ahmed and your fiancée of the wonderful birthday party and gift. So then, you partied hard as the weekend is every day.
[ending 1]
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harrysmimi · 3 years
It Wasn't A Compitition But...
Synopsis: One where Harry and YN are wondering what their baby's first words would be.
More of my work
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Harry was dreading to go back home and be with his girls, it's been three months he have hardly seen both of them both. He went back and forth from his Europe tour shows and London as he could.
Marlowe was eight months old and he have missed three months of seeing her grow up. He missed his wife too, their little dates with and without their baby
His last show was in London, and he had Marlowe and YN at his show watching him from the very back. Marlowe looked very excited, dressed up a Gucci dress her dad got her, and her green noise cancellation headphones, she'd recently learned to clap her hands and she's been doing it since going back and forth to everyone, to her grandma, her aunty, Jeff and his wife, she was being passed like a parcel; she is just that adorable that everyone want to just cuddle her and hug her and she loves her attention. Seeing that from the stage warmed his heart.
Marlowe was very much enjoying seeing her dad on stage, she was definitely more attached to him like every girl is. Harry and Marlowe are example of typical dad and daughter, and Marlowe fitting into every stereotype of a girl makes it even more typical. But everything aside Marlowe really loves her dad, YN wouldn't be surprised if her first word is Dad, Dadda or daddy, she definitely isn't going to say Mum or Mummy and Harry is going to brag about it forever!
It was when some threw a stuffed bunny on the stage and Harry caught it. He couldn't help but giggle seeing it was dressed as him in the rainbow cardigan he once wore. He walked back singing to the other side and saw Marlowe trying to reach for it, she was a huge stuffed toy enthusiast and her vision was too sharp for a eight month old. Harry was on his last songs anyway so he kept it by the elevated stage where Sarah was sat so he can give it to his daughter afterwards.
Marlowe eventually got tired and clung to her mum there still looking up to his dad. Jeff had escorted Harry family before he got off stage. Anne and Gemma left immediately but YN waited for Harry and strapped Marlowe in her car seat by the time came out.
"Hey Lolo!" He greeted his half asleep baby with a kiss on her forehead, he gave her the stuffed bunny. She looked happy yet sleepy as she hugged the bunny and started drifting off to sleep.
Harry and YN went back to their flat, he thanked the driver and got Marlowe's car seat. Her sleep was disturbed and she wanted to be held streching her arms out to her dad.
"I'm all sweaty baby, do you want to go to Mummy?" He asked. YN did tried to get her but she wanted to be held by her dad.
"It's fine just hold her before she starts crying and wake the entire building." YN chuckled holding the car seat so Harry can get her out of it as they waited for the lift.
"I love you!" He told her, holding her close to his chest. The little girl curled up against her father in attempts of falling back to her slumber. "You alright baby?" He asked his wife standing next to him. Both of got into lift.
"Yeah, got my period this morning, cramps are killing me right now." YN explained.
"It is first time after postpartum, take day or two off work and relax with us yeah? I'll be there if any of you need anything." He suggested.
"You're the best, I love you!" She hugged him.
"I love you more lovie!" He chuckled, "and how you both don't care that I am covered in sweat."
"How long have been together to not be bothered by a sweaty Harry?" She asked, "I've seen worse, took care a high and drunk Harry too who threw up all over my bathroom floor of my college dorm."
"Don't remind me of that!" He sighed rolling his eyes dramatically. He was still embarassed about it till this day, luckily her roommate wasn't at her dorm room that day or he'd double embarrassed. Everything was quiet expect for Marlowe's soft snoring and she snuggled into her dad.
Once back home Harry lied her down in the bed which him and YN share. Making a pillow barrier around her for the time him and her mum get ready for bed.
"Hey baby can I come in?" He knocked on the bathroom door.
"Yeah!" He heard her little chirp. She was all changed and started with her skin care.
"Do you need anything? Did you take pain killers?" He asked walking over to her so he can press a kiss on her forehead.
"I'll take one after I'm done with this." She told him.
"Uhmm, just go lie down with Lolo I'll bring it to yeah? Just give me ten minutes while I shower." He pressed another kiss on her forehead before he hopped in shower.
As he promised, Harry got YN her pain killers and dark chocolate he was saving for himself but he rather give it to his wife, and a bowl or ice cream.
"Aw Harry!" YN cooed seeing the tray in his hands, "thank you!"
"Your welcome baby," he smiled peppering several kisses on her mouth. Marlowe was still fast asleep next to YN, she has been sleeping in her cot for a good few months now but her parents do let her sleep in bed with them some times.
"Can she sleep with us tonight?" YN asked, she didn't liked putting the baby in her cot even though it was in their room for now as they sleep train her.
"Yeah, she can." Harry gave in too.
He missed his angels too much. And even though Marlowe have started to kick and punch in her sleep, and he seemed to be her favourite one to try out her Karate skills on he wouldn't want to trade it for anything, even if that meant to sacrifice his good nights sleep for one night.
It was the next day, Harry was home of course, he was having a little cuddle session with Marlowe as she lied on top of him and they watched Cocomelon. Harry was honestly sick of that cartoon but he gotta do what he gotta do, his baby has just gotten up from her nap a little grumpy or usually she is all smily showing off her dimples she got from him. YN was at work to sort things out before she took the next two days off and Harry worried for her.
"Do you want to go see Mummy at work baby?" He asked Marlowe, his hand rested on her back fell as she sat up on his tummy a little confused and still trying to get off her sleep state, "she is not feeling well, let's go surprise her yeah? Then we can go out somewhere until Mummy finishes her work."
And she smiled her sleepy smile as if to agree. She wouldn't squeal or babble like she always does but Harry took her smile as an agreement. He took her upstairs and changed her into something clean and comfy.
It was true that Marlowe is a Queen and everywhere she went she got a load of attention. Especially at her Mummy's work place. YN owned her company so Harry felt that sense of comfort that he could go see her whenever he wanted, but not to often because it would be very unprofessional for YN to have her husband around all the time who obviously doesn't work there. Everyone fangirled over Marlowe in YN's company and she was very safe there and her privacy and identity was very protected as YN have strict policy of no phones on the floor. And she took her baby to work when Harry was on tour, she didn't liked to bother Anne or her mum that much and both her and Harry felt a bit cautious about having a nanny for her or even putting her in a day care. Especially YN was very paranoid one there.
"Can we come in?" Harry popped his head in through the door of YN's office door.
"Oh my god, yes!" YN was surprised to find him. "I was just going to call you two. Oh hello little moon!"
Marlowe squealed and jumped on her Mummy with all the trust a human should have to be not dropped from almost six feet up when that young and fragile. YN caught her in time of course. The baby excited to see her mother bumped her head against hers in attempt to hug her.
"We brought lunch!" Harry announced.
"Thank you," YN cooed, her hand running up and down her baby's back.
They all had lunch together. Especially Marlowe had a blast for this meal as she got to eat most of her Mummy and Daddy's cupcakes— she is definitely going to have a sugar crash after.
Marlowe was clung to her Mummy as Harry picked up the trash from the take out and threw it in the bin in the corner. Marlowe was now able to stand up even though it ment for all for two seconds. She held onto her Mummy's hands tightly as she tried to stand up on YN's thighs just to fall back onto her bum laughing out loudly.
"You're growing up too fast, aren't you princess?" Harry walked up to his girls and placed a kiss on the back of Marlowe's head. "Should we leave and let Mummy work now?"
"Mum, mum, mum," Marlowe cooed bouncing happily looking at her Mummy.
"Did she just say Mum?" YN looked at Harry with a shocked face, just to end up in a fit of giggles seeing his jealous face, "it wasn't a compitition but you lost!"
"Right, shouldn't have bragged about being the favourite parent!" He let out an jokingly upset sigh just to end up chuckling.
He honestly would never get upset hearing their daughter say her first word, he always bragged about having that very special bond with their baby he was almost convinced she is going to say Dadda or Daddy first. He is sure YN is going to have fun pulling his leg about that and even get Marlowe involved when she's old enough to make fun of her dad.
"Okay, you both can head home first I've got a staff meeting then I'll be home, not feeling well to be honest." YN shared passing the chunky baby to her to her husband.
"You want me to wait for you? Don't want you to drive alone," he worded his worries.
"That would be good, thank you, you'll have to drive me tomorrow back though." She said.
"I don' mind being your personal chauffeur, ma'am," he bowed in courtesy and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. He was surprised when Marlowe got jealous and pulled him back just to lean over to her Mummy and place a messy on her mouth. "I get it, I know your mum is very pretty and you get jealous but she is my wife too!" He said to his daughter holding her securely.
"Anyway we'll wait for you at the park down the street," Harry chuckled looking at his wife.
"Sure, it won't take me that long." YN said.
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i-writes-things · 3 years
Field Trip? Really?
Natasha x Daughter!reader
Fluff, mama nat <3
request- Hello could you please read it is Natasha's daughter and she's going on a school trip to the avengers tower but nobody knows that Natasha is her mother @maveldc25
Warnings- mention of choking on water, one swear word, and mama nat <3
Extra Pairings::
Peter Parker x Romanoff!reader
Romanoff!reader x bestfriend
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Not my gif* found on pinterest
F/N = Friends name
You walked into class and, the second you sat down and read the board you almost had a heart attack:
You half choked on the water you had sipped from your water bottle, earning a few glances from classmates to see if you were ok.
Then all of a sudden you remembered a few weeks ago
*Flashback to two weeks ago*
"Ok, Class you can all pack up a little early, today... On that note, In two weeks we will be going on a field trip to, The Avengers Tower, the Avengers will be there to give us, well a little tour!" Your teacher exclaimed, clearly a bit excited herself.
You on the other hand, you were in shock.
Peter stopped you in the hall after school was over
"Y/n!" He shouted your name
You turned around and smiled at him "yes?"
He looked worried "Well what are you gonna do?"
"Don't know." Your smile drops trying to think of things to do "You know we aren't in the same block, right? Just the same class"
"Yeah, I know." He rolled his eyes.
"So then you have nothing to worry about." You smirk at him, walking away and trying to rack your brain of a way to get out of it.
It's not like you could stay home, AT THE AVENGERS TOWER..!!
The bus ride was thankfully not too long, but the second the Tower was in view, you got a bit nervous of the possibilities, you tried remembering that they don't know, but if anyone could blow it for you, it was ALL OF THE AVENGERS
Sadly they would all be there...
Your class was jumbled in a group near the front doors, each group in front of you leaving one by one, and seeing Peter's class walk off with Steve Rogers, Ned admiring him and flash taking multiple pictures of Mr. America.
The group in front of you left with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, you remember the night before them arguing about having to be some sort of team the next day. They never shared the specifics.
You hadn't seen Natasha and hoped to God that she wasn't leading your group.
Then out walked, none other than..
The Natasha Romanoff herself, and you hid behind the group, trying to not be seen.
Your teacher on the other hand, moved towards her "Hello! I am Eliza, this classes main teacher! It's so nice to meet you! The whole class is so excited to learn all about the Avengers Tower and everyone inside it!!" Your teacher exclaimed happily shaking her hand
Natasha quickly scanned the group, smiling at them, completely missing you.
"Yes, very nice to meet all of you!" She gave a small smile
"Well, we should get started." She turned on her heel and walked off towards the elevators as you all quickly followed
You were somehow squished two kids away from your mom on the elevator, thankfully the two kids where rather tall.
Blocking you from Natasha's view.
You had forgotten how cool the Tower really was..
The lab had totally be redone since you last went in, and all the floors you went on seemed totally different, then what you remembered..
Natasha, After maybe 20 minutes had finally spotted you talking to one of your friends in the class, while everyone was walking around the Lab.
You looked up from Tony's latest invention in progress and stared right into your mother's eyes, from across the room, and she was smiling at you. The second you noticed who you were looking at, you looked away and walked over to rest of the group, looking at one of The IronMan suits, with your friend, now by your side.
"Alright everyone, we should be moving on.." Your mom said looking over your classmates and landing on you, as voices exclaimed how cool Tony Stark is..
She smiles to herself as everyone lines up, you reminded her of how you were when you first got to the Tower, so shy and unwilling to keep eye contact for very long, your nerves use to keep you from it.
You get pulled to the front, as your friend wanted to stand closer to ✨The Black Widow ✨
It was stupid, that just because no one knew that Natasha Romanoff was your mom, you were nervous. It would have been better if you were in the back, but your friend would have insisted on standing in the front.
You were now in one of the many common rooms, the one that not everyone used very much, you were walking with your friend looking at the all the group photos of the Avengers on the wall with dates, you moved away from your friend to look for the year you came to the Tower, almost 6 years ago...
You found it and smiled to yourself remembering where you stood for the photo.
Right next to Natasha, you remembered hugging her side and when she laughed, you smiled just slightly and the photo was taken..
You weren't in the photo on the wall, but you remember they took two photos, you were only in one.
"Hey! Everybody gather round. Gather Round!" Your teacher clapped her hands and we all took seats, facing the wall of the pictures, either on the ground or if you were lucky, which you weren't, some people got to sit on the couch.
"There all yours.." Your teacher smiled at Miss Romanoff
"Thank you.. As you all could see we have dates on all our yearly photos,"
She glanced at you
"we have a few copies of each that everyone can chose one and take it home, at the end!" She slowly continued, after the few claps died down from your fascinated teacher
"My personal favorite is.." She points to a photo in the middle of the wall
You started to get nervous again
"this one.." She smiled softly and glanced at you again before looking at the rest of the group of happy faces
She was pointing at the photo, they had taken almost 6 years ago...
You never knew that.
You never knew she had a favorite.
You never knew you were her favorite.
You smiled genuinely to yourself, well to yourself and Natasha saw you as she was helping your teacher hand out photos
You were nervous again, but..
You were happy. <3
Natasha took your whole class to the Tower's Gym, exclusively showing you all where The Tony Stark worked out.
It was cool seeing it, like you weren't in there yesterday, kicking Mr. America's ass
Now that the day was coming to a close, Natasha took your class back down the elevator to the lobby.
When you all got in the elevator, you stood right next to Natasha, your friend right next to you looking at the wall
"F/N?" You whispered
They looked over at you, and gave a small smile
"Wanna switch spots?" There face lit up with joy and nodded
You both moved and you looked over at your friend smiling excitedly to themselves.
You smiled at the scene.
After getting off the elevator, your friend told you every little detail about what happened very excitedly...
"EVERYONE LINE UP" Your teacher shouted at you all
"WAIT WAIT-" Everyone's jaw dropped
You looked over and saw that...
Tony Stark had walked out into the lobby, and a few kids from all the different classes were taking photos of him
"Before you go.." He swooshed his hand to the side and behind him was a fancy box filled with pens that had the "Stark" logo on them
Multiple kids ran up, as everyone, besides yourself, followed.
Tony noticed you weren't in the messy line for a pen, then did a double take and scrunched up his face
You gave a small wave
He understood immediately and shot you some hand guns
Natasha saw the whole thing and was biting the inside of her cheek trying to not laugh.
Your friend came back showing you the pen, admiring it fully..
You were glad your friend as least wasn't stressed out by this outing.
Once back at school, everyone was talking happily with each other, wearing their backpacks waiting for the final bell
You said a 'goodbye' to your friend, and they thanked you for the elevator ride, saying you were a good friend.
You pushed open the heavy door to the outside, the light blinding you for a split second, as you walked towards the familiar black tinted car
You opened the door and sat down
"Hey mama.." You closed the door
"Hey bub, how was your day?" She questioned you oddly, starting the car
"It was good, um it was really fun." You changed your answer after registering what she had asked
"It was, really fun.." You look down at your hands and hesitated but finally said
"I never knew that was your favorite photo."
Your mother smiled "It is.. The one with you, I mean.." She said checking to make sure no cars were coming to make a right at the light
You smiled again, this time out the window at the passing trees..
Natasha looked over at you at the red light and smiled to herself, leaning over to kiss your head
"Love you, Y/n/n."
"Love you, mama."
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
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for the 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 collab <3
summary: you've always been fond of your step-brother, jean, despite how much he tries to avoid spending time with you. he finally reaches his breaking point when he sees you talking to eren, though.
warnings: step-cest, slight manipulation (reader), possessive behavior, teasing + edging, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), degradation, rough sex, creampie, jean is a good boy and reader is a fiend
author's note: i hope everyone likes this!!! i'm thinking about creating a step-cest series, let me know who should be next! tagging the lovely @yeagerslut & sending a big thank you for creating this collab! <3
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Jean can never really peel his eyes away from you, no matter how hard he tries. At first it was subtle glances, like staring at the exposed skin of your supple thighs from his place beside his mom, when she was first introducing you and your father to him.
His first thought, besides the fact that it’ll be nice to have a sibling in the house with him every once in a while, is that your dress is incredibly short. So short that he wonders how you’re allowed to leave the house in something like that. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t let you, that’s for sure.
He quickly remembers that it’s not up to him, and that it’s not his place to be worrying about the length of your hem. Jean tries to suppress the strange, sudden burning feeling in his chest when he thinks about you wearing something as short as that when he has his friends over. No, that won’t be allowed.
He’ll have to tell someone about it, at some point, because he can’t stand the unusual jealousy he feels stirring at the idea of one of his friends looking at you while you’re wearing that.
His thoughts are cut short when his mother tells you two to get acquainted, while your dad and her head to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Jean almost doesn’t want them to leave, doesn’t want to be left alone with you and those legs and that dress, but he doesn’t have any say in the matter.
Your first words to your new step-brother are carefully calculated. In fact, you've been deciding everything carefully. The way you did your hair, the dress you’ve chosen that’s much too short for a family dinner but it’s not like someone can stop you, even the pink lip gloss you reapplied in the car before entering the house. Everything has its purpose, its place, with one goal in mind: see how long it takes for Jean to crack.
“I’m so excited to finally have a big brother, Jean!” you let out in a cheerful, chirpy voice that doesn’t match your insidious thoughts at all. You close the bridge separating you two with a few steps, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a hug.
It’s so sudden, so unforeseen that he stumbles a little, letting his tall figure be pulled by your efforts and arms wrapping around your waist for support. And before he knows it, the sweet smell of your perfume is invading all his senses and leaving him with nothing to think about except you.
He takes it all in, the lingering scent of shampoo in your hair, something fruity, he thinks off-hand, the feel of your soft skin on the back of his neck, your cheek against his, but especially the way your breasts feel against his chest.
He pulls away before you want him to, and you begrudgingly allow him to, recognizing what a challenge it’ll be. But you’re always up for a challenge.
The first few months pass by in the blink of an eye for you, and dragging on and on for him. Jean tries to avoid interactions with you since that first meeting, but it’s hard to when you’re living in the same house as him. Even harder when your bedroom is right next to his, his mother offering up his assistance to help you move boxes and get settled while she and her new husband go out to dinner.
It’s ridiculous, the way he flushes bright red when he opens boxes and suitcases filled with clothing he doesn’t want to look at, all short skirts and sun-dresses and delicate panties that he tries and fails not to stare at.
You keep your gaze away, knowing exactly which suitcase you had given him to unpack, while you organize books on the shelves of the room and sort knick-knacks.
“Won’t it be nice sharing a wall?” you comment, adjusting a frame on your nightstand and not meeting Jean’s eyes. “I think it’ll be fun to have you so close.”
Jean chokes on the water he was drinking, gasping for air and trying to process your words all at once, when you finally turn around and smile. A smile that he thinks should be illegal, given the way it’s innocence personified when you’re actually a little devil.
He leaves a little bit after that, calling out that he’s not hungry when you knock on his door for dinner, but you don’t miss the way he sounds breathless, or the panties missing from your drawers.
Every challenge gets easier, right?
It doesn’t take long for your behavior to get a little out of hand, especially when the two of you have so much alone time together. Your parents are gone all the time, frequenting dinner parties and double dates, and not coming back until late at night.
Jean tries his best to keep away. While he had once been the friend whose house was always available for sleepovers, movie nights, and the like, he was now keeping everyone away. Every time your parents’ car left the driveway, Jean followed suit, either hopping into Connie’s Jeep or walking the short distance to Sasha’s place and leaving you alone.
He was hoping no one would notice, but of course someone did, and of course that someone was Eren.
“We can’t do my place again,” Sasha says, absentmindedly reaching for the bag of chips which Connie yanks out of her reach. “My dad’s having people over.” A swat to the back of Connie’s head gets her back the snack quickly.
“How come we can’t do Jean’s place like usual?” Eren asks, reclining back in his seat and enjoying the panicked expression on Jean’s face. “There something wrong with that new sister of yours?” Jean chokes back a cough.
“Does she always have friends over, or something?”
“Then it’s settled,” Eren says, bringing his hands together. “Jean’s place it is.” Shit, Jean. Better come up with something quick.
“We- we can’t do my place!” he sputters out much too loudly, meeting the gaze of every person in the room.
“Any reason why, Jean-bo?” Eren asks.
“I- we- what if she’s not okay with having a bunch of loud-mouthed idiots sleeping over?” Shitty, but it’s the best he can think of when he’s so concerned with keeping everyone away from you.
If you behave like that with parents in the house, how are you gonna behave with his friends around? He doesn’t wanna take the chance to find out.
“How about you call and ask, dumb-ass?” Connie suggests, shoving his phone at him and waiting with a confused look. Jean lets out a defeated sigh, knowing how this phone call will go.
Your loud, chirpy “I’m perfectly fine with that, silly! I’ve been waiting to meet your friends..” can be heard through the phone and answers Eren’s question.
Jean searches for a reason, any reason really, to keep this sleepover from happening, but realizes that he’s failed miserably when all his friends appear, clad with pillows and overnight bags, on his front door. “So,” Eren begins, with a wolfish grin on his face that Jean wants to punch right off, “Where’s the sister? It’s only polite to say hi, right?”
As if you’d been waiting for the cue, you poke your head out from the living room, that very same innocent and sweet smile gracing your face.
“Hi,” you, stepping out to greet his friends in the foyer. “It’s so nice to meet you all.”
Jean immediately regrets the fact that he never had that conversation with you about the length of your dresses. It always sat in the back of his head somewhere, though it was incredibly easy to dismiss when you would come sit next to him on the couch, dress riding up frequently and exposing more skin that he somehow always found himself entranced by.
Today the dress of choice is yellow, and though it does, in fact, cover everything it needs to, it doesn’t leave much to the imagination either. Jean almost feels like a schoolboy again, blushing at exposed shoulders and thighs, but he can’t help it when you’re clinging right to his side as you greet his friends.
“I’m Eren-”
“Hi, I’m Connie-”
“Ignore these two, I’m Sasha-” All meet each other at once. You let out a laugh at your step-brother’s funny friends, glancing up to see his expression, but all you see are signs of anger. Your smile dims a little, but picks right back at up when you notice the way Eren looks at you, and the way Jean looks at Eren.
A plan is working itself into creation in your head before you can help it, deviousness taking a hold on you as you smile brightly in favor of Eren over Jean. Your step-brother’s been keeping his distance all this time, but you’re about ready to force his hand.
You don’t miss the way Jean’s jaw tightens, his hand clenching into a fist at his side as he guides the group to the living room. Your original plan changes quickly, following them into the space and taking your usual place on the couch as you scan the various video games laid out.
“Eren, will you sit with me?” you ask in a gentle tone, one that Jean is all too familiar with. “I don’t know this game, can I watch you play first?”
“Don’t you have work to do, or something?” Jean blurts out without thinking, his only thought centered around getting you out of the room and as far away as he can.
“What work? It’s summer,” you reply, watching your step-brother’s cheeks turn red.
You’re not helping matters for Jean, as he watches Eren sit where he usually does, teeth clenched so hard his jaw hurts. He doesn’t think he could get more angry, until he notices Eren’s hand move to your knee, squeezing quickly but lingering entirely too long. There must be steam coming out of Jean’s ears at this point, watching this interaction between you two.
“Yeah, Jean, she can stick around to watch. Anything for your little sister, right?” “I’m not that much younger than you guys, you know,” you reply with a laugh, adjusting your position on the sofa and purposefully lifting the skirt of your dress for a second before letting it settle. If someone were looking, which both Jean and Eren were, they’d catch a glimpse of black panties, and they both did.
Jean is seeing red now, standing up without realizing why, ready to yank Yeager away from you, when the doorbell rings again. It stops Jean in his tracks. “That must be Marco,” Sasha reminds, looking up from the games to glance at Jean with confusion. “Aren’t you gonna go get that?”
“Y-yeah. I’ll be right back.” Jean locks eyes with you as he leaves the room, and you dejectedly sigh, leaning away from Eren. It’s no fun to mess around with another guy if Jean’s not there to see.
He guides Marco into the living room, and you greet him with a quick smile before giving your full attention back to Eren.
The next few hours are fun for you, and unbearable for Jean. Every time he spared a glance to you, you were pouring over Eren, asking questions about the game and insisting on clarification, leaning in much too close and supporting yourself on his shoulder as he explained another trivial rule to you.
Jean didn’t like any of it, not the way you laughed sweetly and played with your hair while talking to Eren, not the way your legs were on display and Eren’s sleazy hands kept finding its way back to them, none of it. What he couldn’t stand, though, was how you didn’t shy away from his touch and found any and every way to keep it going.
He’s at his limit when you go to your bedroom after dinner to change into pajamas, knowing what to expect from your nightwear. If he’s lucky, you’ll pick a big t-shirt and shorts, but he’s seen first-hand the silky slips and cotton sets you prefer to sleep in.
Jean doesn’t think he can handle the look on Eren’s face if you come down the stairs wearing one of those, so he lets his anger do the thinking for a minute when the others are fighting over snacks and who gets the couch versus the floor.
Eren’s waiting near the bottom of the stairs, looking at something on his phone when Jean approaches and glances quickly to make sure you’re still in your room.
“You better knock it off, Yeager, I’m serious,” he says, trying to contain his anger and keep his voice down. His words come out in a low grumble that he barely recognizes, body stiff and trying his best to intimidate Eren. It doesn’t seem to be working. “Knock off what?” Eren questions nonchalantly, amused that his suspicions were proving to be correct. Looks like Jean had a little thing for his step-sister after all.
Jean’s eyes unwittingly flit to the top of the stairs again, before he forces his gaze back to Eren, but the quick gesture isn’t missed by his so-called friend.
“Oh, I see. You want me to stop being so buddy-buddy with your step-sister, huh? You better tell that to her first, you know. She’s been all over me since the minute I met her.”
The sly smirk playing on his lips only makes Jean want to cave his face in all the more.
“You better watch it, you son of a-” Eren clicks his tongue to interrupt Jean.
“Come on now, Jean, you can’t really expect me to stop. I mean, it’s not like she’s my sister, right?” Eren says, with a strange look in his eyes as though he was tempting Jean to blow his cover.
Eren walks away to rejoin everyone in the living room, leaving Jean seething by the stairs and you in your bedroom, pressed against the door and clinging onto every word.
All night you had known Jean was getting agitated by your constant flirting and touchiness with Eren, but he hadn’t been close to cracking, or so it seemed. The fact that he even confronted Eren had your heart pounding in your chest, wondering if tonight might finally be the chance you had been waiting for. You hear Jean’s heavy foot steps walk away, and you decide that it’s all or nothing, now.
You leave your room and close the door gently, dressed in a pink camisole and shorts that were sure to get Eren’s attention for long enough for Jean to finally crack.
Just as you began the descent down the stairs, you heard footsteps coming back and were greeted with Jean at the foot of the stairs.
The look in his eyes was something you hadn’t seen before, something entirely different from the reserved, hesitant Jean you had gotten so used to.
No, this Jean was someone else, a mix of want and desire and shame pooling in his pretty eyes, looking at you as though you were the prey he had finally cornered.
Before you know it, Jean is in your bedroom and your back is pressed against the door roughly as his lips stay on yours and refuse to pull away. His tongue is hot in your mouth, and his hands feel as though they’re burning your skin with the heat they are radiating, groping your ass and the soft skin of your back as he explores your body. All the things he’d wanted to do for these last few months, that he’d forced himself to repress, finally coming out.
You moan into Jean’s mouth at the sudden feel of his hands on your tits, grabbing blindly and pinching your nipple roughly and suddenly, causing the moan to turn into a loud squeal. Jean clasps his free hand over your mouth.
“Shh, now,” he begins, staring into your eyes and making your core heat up uncomfortably as you realize your little challenge was finally over. You feel the wetness between your legs growing, pussy throbbing just at seeing Jean be so dominant for once. “We don't want anyone to hear, do we?”
You shake your head quickly to answer his question, having completely forgotten about the multiple guests just a floor away. You expect Jean to pull away, to tell you that he’ll take care of you after they’re all gone, some other time, but he doesn’t.
He pulls his hand away and leads two fingers to your mouth, guiding them into your willing mouth, latching your lips around them and sucking while swirling your tongue, getting them wet as he wanted.
“You know how long I’ve wanted this? Huh? Since the day I met you, that’s how long. And you’re such a fucking tease all the time, you know how unbearable it's been?” Jean says in a deep voice, his eyes observing your mouth continuing its work. You moan around his fingers, wanting to speak but no words come out.
He pulls his fingers away and leads them straight to your throbbing pussy, running one up and down your slit teasingly as you hold back a loud moan.
“P-please, Jean, please do something, I- oh!” Jean shoves the two digits into your tight hole without any warning at all, causing your whole body to shake at the sudden fullness.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it, you dirty slut? You wanted your big brother to get fed up and fuck you senseless, didn’t you? Say it,” he orders, fingers pumping in and out and his hand grazing your clit with every motion, causing you to moan as your body tenses. You can hardly process his words because of the pleasure you’re feeling, but his other hand finding your throat brings you back quickly.
“Say it. I won’t ask again.”
“Y-yes, Jean, I-I wanted big brother to fuck me, oh, yes-” You lose your thoughts again as his pace increases, making you squeal again before you clamp your mouth shut to make sure no one hears you. Your stomach is tensing and you know you’re so, so close, one more touch from Jean would have your orgasm washing over you like lightening spreading through your body, when he suddenly stops.
You gasp loudly at the sudden emptiness, feeling your orgasm dissipate as you buck up and clamp down against nothing at all. Jean’s fingers are in his mouth, tasting your wetness as you try to catch your breath and protest against the way he’s teasing you, but your pleas are met by deaf ears.
“Jean,” you moan desperately, clinging to his shoulders, “please, please, let me cum, please-”
“No. Filthy sluts that mess around with their big brother’s friends don’t get to cum,” he says gruffly, as you whine again and try to release yourself from his tight grip. It’s useless since he has you caged in, firm hands on your waist dragging you to the bed and throwing you on top of the soft covers.
“Please, I promise I’ll be a good girl,” you plead, using your sweetest voice and big. teary eyes to win Jean over, but it’s still useless.
“I said no,” he repeats, hovering over you and his hands finding their way to the bottom of your camisole. He pulls the skimpy top off of you quickly, revealing your tits. Your nipples harden at the sudden cool air, and Jean’s fingers find them once again, pinching and teasing as you moan into your pillow, desperately bucking your hips up for contact between your legs, to no avail. His hot mouth finds your nipple, flicking with his tongue as his hand plays with the other, before he pulls away quickly.
You whine again at the loss of stimulation, before you see Jean pulling down the band of his grey sweatpants and leaning back against the headboard.
“Prove to me that you deserve big brother’s cock,” he says, revealing his hard dick as it snaps against his stomach. “With your mouth. Now.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You reposition yourself, ass in the air and head at Jean’s crotch as you stare at his pretty, pink cock with wide eyes. You’d expected him to be big, but not like this, though you don’t have time to dwell on it as he grips it firmly and taps the angry, pink tip against your lips.
You hang your tongue out, spit collecting and falling all over his length before you finally take as much as you can into your mouth, sucking and swirling as your hands move up and down the rest that you can’t take.
“Just like that-” Jean begins before breaking into a loud moan. You pop him out of your mouth and keep stroking with your hands as you whisper for him to shush.
“What happened to being quiet, and everyone downstairs will hear, and-” You’re interrupted as Jean grips his cock and shoves it back into your mouth, gagging suddenly at the unexpected movement.
Jean stares at your obedient mouth, following his instructions without any sign of the brat he was so used to. As you cup his balls in your hand, he feels them tighten and knows he’s not gonna last much longer like this. He guides your head away from his cock, admiring the drool and spit on your face and the glassy eyes he’s longed to see.
“Jean, I wanna-”
“I don’t care what you want, sweetheart,” he says, a false sweetness in his voice that’s making you feel dizzy. “You’re gonna ride me now, you got that?”
Jean’s hands are firmly set on your hips, positioning you just as he wants as you hover above his leaking cock. You grind down quickly, desperate for friction on your throbbing clit, before Jean stops your motions with the tight grip he has on you. “Are you gonna make me repeat myself?” he questions, in a tone that makes you positive that you don't want to make him angry. You shake your head immediately, taking his dick in your hand and lining it up with your wet hole, before slowly sinking down.
“Oh, god-!” you let out, before clasping a hand over your mouth. You had never felt quite so full before, the stretching burn making heat course through your whole body, as you bottom out and clench hard. “Come on, baby, you know how long you’ve been begging for this? Don’t get shy on me now,” Jean says, and you regain your senses slowly. You start moving, up and down, just like he wants and speeding up as you feel your cunt gush against Jean.
You’re sure to be making a mess, but you can hardly care when your brain feels so cloudy and distracted at how good Jean feels inside you, and you start the grinding movement again. Jean entertains you for a minute, before grabbing your hips even tighter, nearly at a bruising grip now, and snapping his own hips to thrust into you.
You’re blabbering now, utterly senseless as Jean fucks you mercilessly. You know you’re being loud, but you just don’t care, not when Jean is hitting that one spot inside you that has you seeing stars before you know it, your hands on his shoulders and holding on for life.
“Are you close, baby? Are you gonna cum all over your brother’s big cock?” Jean teases, feeling you clench down harder and knowing he won’t be able to hold on much longer either. “Yes, yes, yes! Jean! Oh, Jean-” you finally feel the tight coil in your stomach snap, unaware of your own movements and surroundings as you focus on the pleasure Jean’s giving you. You yell out, cumming so intensely and shaking on top of Jean, twitching once more when you hear Jean groan and feel hot ropes of cum inside you.
Your throat feels dry and scratchy, heart pounding as you come down from your high. You feel Jean’s grip, much softer now, lead you off of his cock and lay you next to him on the bed. It’s a mess, and you don’t know how you’ll clean up with everyone downstairs and surely they’ve noticed you’re both still gone-but you still don’t care.
All you care about is the sound of Jean’s heart beat from your position on his chest, and the way his hands feel on your skin as he holds you close to his warm body.
“So,” he starts off quietly, “was it how you’ve been imagining it all this time?” You’re not looking at him, but you know he’s smiling.
“Mmh,” you hum contentedly, “even better.” You feel his body rumble with a laugh, and his hand reaches to cup your face and lean into you for a kiss. Just as your lips meet, you hear a sharp knock at the door.
“Might wanna hurry up, you two,” Eren calls out from the other side of the door. “The others are getting suspicious.”
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Dirty Little Secret - Toji Fushiguro
I love a good meanie :) this was inspired by a thrilling convo i had femme reader lads, everyone 18+ 12.3K words
content warnings are as followed: dubcon, blackmail, age gap, manipulation, noncon somnophilia, pseudo-incest, cheating, infantilization(?), mention of guns, drinking, choking, burning(w/ a cigarette? Idk how to explain), a lot of different pet names lol and Toji calls himself daddy
It all started with the messy, bitter divorce your parents went through, leaving your mother a struggling woman all on her own. You tried to help with bills, tried to tack on a few side gigs here and there and get a couple part time jobs but it just wasn’t enough.
Until she met Toji and all the worries you two had about money just suddenly melted away. He wasn’t outlandishly rich but somehow he made enough money that both you and your mother could quit all the jobs you’d had to take on.
Your mother was ecstatic, positively thrilled about the newfound freedom she has. She’s able to afford luxuries she’d never been able to before and there was no need to worry about pinching pennies and scrounging for every last meal. You could live comfortably, but there was something about Toji that rubbed you the wrong way.
There wasn’t one singular thing that drove you to disliking him, it was all just a culmination of things. His cocky attitude, the way he acted like he owned the whole house the first time he visited, how he seemed to be eyeing you up in a way far less acceptable for a man that was meeting his new step-daughter. As soon as his eyes landed on you, it was like your mother no longer existed.
They got married faster than you could blink, a rushed ceremony done at city hall with a few random witnesses watching her take the surname Fushiguro. Your mother was beyond happy, and while you were happy to see an easy smile on her face again, the knowledge that Toji would be living with you now hung like a dark cloud in the back of your head.
“Careful there doll, wouldn’t want you to break a nail.” Toji teased as he saw you pick up a moving box that was left in the living room. He was moving his and his sons belongings into the house and you’d been tasked with helping.
“Shut up.” Glaring at him, you grabbed the box in a huff and stormed up the stairs, stomping your way into the room that was your step-brothers, Megumis. You’d only met him once at a formal dinner and he seemed nice enough. Far different than his father but strikingly similar in appearance. He was away at university in another city, only visiting every other weekend if he felt like it.
Lingering in the empty room longer than you should, you tried to steer clear of Toji. The physical labour of moving boxes had made him sweaty, a nice sheen building up on his forehead and arms that highlighted the taut muscles underneath the skin and underneath the tight black t-shirt he was always wearing.
“Why don’t you go sit pretty on the couch, hm? A little girl like you shouldn’t be trying to lift such heavy things.” Catching you coming down the stairs, Toji was sporting his usual signature smirk whenever he saw you.
“There’s still a lot of stuff to bring in and I don’t want this to take all day.” Standing at the top of the stairs, you wavered. He wasn’t making any move to get out of your way or to come up the stairs and the two of you were stuck in a staring match.
“But you’re just so delicate, are you sure you can keep up?” Toji finally started moving up the stairs, a large box in his hand that looked to be no trouble for him.
“I’ll be fine!” You snapped at him, backing up and out of the way to let him pass you.
“You sure about that?” Stopping right in front of you, Toji held the box out of the way so he could lean close to your face, almost brushing his hair against your forehead.
“I’m sure!” Face erupting in a hot flush, you scramble away from him and down the stairs. You can hear the dark chuckle leaving his throat and the incident has your hands shaking as you go to the moving van.
Starkly avoiding eye contact with him for the rest of the day, you take the pizza your mother ordered for the family straight to your room and don’t come out for a good while. She knocks on your door not once throughout the night, too busy giggling stupidly in the living room with Toji.
“Good morning baby girl.” Toji croons when he sees you appear in the kitchen in the morning, a hot cup of coffee in his hands as he leans against the kitchen counter. Your ears burn at the nickname, but you ignore him and go straight to the refrigerator.
“Hey!” Shuffling back when he slams the fridge closed in your face, another shout is caught in your throat as he looms over you, large calloused hand keeping the door closed.
“You just gonna be rude and not say good morning to your new daddy?” The smell of coffee and cigarettes hangs on his breath, fanning over your face. He’s cornering you against the refrigerator, using his looming stature to force you against the door entirely.
“Go away.” You whisper, but you want to shout, push him away and stand up for yourself. But something in Toji’s stare and the way he carries himself has you withering.
“I don’t even get a good morning kiss?”
“Huh?” Your eyes go wide when he grabs your jaw, tilting your face up and holding it there so he can lean in and graze his lips against yours. Slapping your hands on his chest, you struggle to keep him at bay.
“Toji, have you seen my car keys?” Your mothers shout from the other room rips away the quiet, tense moment between you two. Toji takes a few smooth steps back, shuffling back into his place against the countertop right as she comes into the room.
“Yeah, right there.” Flicking his chin to the kitchen table, there lies her keys.
“Thanks.” Grabbing them, she takes a glance at you and then a double take, furrowing her brows and pointing vaguely at you. “Sweetie, what’s wrong? Why are you making that face?”
“I-” A tiny flicker of your eyes to Toji has your face burning all over again and any words are lost on you. “I feel a bit sick.” Ducking your head down, you rush out of the kitchen, the passing cry of ‘go lay back down then’ from your mother going ignored as you slam the door to your room and lock it.
Toji leaves sometime after your mother does and for a while you’re home alone. Finally able to eat in peace, there’s a few things you’ve been wanting to do ever since you met Toji, one of them being snooping through his things.
He was secretive with so many things, it was only right that you get a little intel on him. You barely knew what he did for work, the only thing he said he did was ‘freelancing’ and that was it.
Walking through the open bedroom door, you steered clear of the things you knew were your mothers. The old dresser she had and her section of the closet was still exactly the same as before Toji came into her life.
But now there was a new chest of drawers tucked away in the corner of the room, rich dark wood that contrasted with the light color palette of the rest of the room. There was also a safe tucked under the bed and one in the closet as well, you’d seen Toji bring those in himself.
Opening the top drawer, it was no shock to find folded piles of socks and underwear, a few black tank tops. The second had more shirts, the third was the baggy pants Toji mainly lived in and the fourth had more fitted bottoms.
But sticking out from between a few folded pairs of slacks was a thick file folder with your families last name on it. It was in pristine condition and once you opened it, you saw that so were the things inside it.
Detailed records of your bank history, notes that had everything about you on them; your favorite food, color, your typical daily schedule, who you hung out with and all their personal information, the places you frequented and all the jobs you’d held in your life.
“This fucking stalker.” Reading over notes clearly written in Toji’s handwriting, the contents of the folder made your stomach churn. Shoving it back between the pants, you stood up properly and turned to the closet.
The safe in here was buried under a stack of folded clothes waiting to be hung up. Toji’s side of the closet was relatively bare, with the only thing hanging up being the lonely suit he owned that he wore to get married in.
Punching in all the possible number combinations you could think of - all the phone numbers you knew by heart, your home address and every birthday - you came up empty. There was no way to open the safe in the closet, and you had to abandon it.
The safe beneath the bed was heavy, nearly breaking your back as you tried to drag it out into the open. It was a thin black metal box with a long rectangular shape and the same number pad as in the closet. Only this time, when you punched in the last four digits of your phone number, it opened with a click.
What you saw inside wasn’t what you were expecting. Sure, Toji was a mysterious guy with secretive habits and a job you knew nothing about. You had barely information on him, yet you still weren’t prepared to see all the guns he had stored inside the safe.
There were long shotguns, handguns, revolvers and plenty of ammo and holsters. Even with the slight wear and tear on some of the barrels, you could tell Toji took good care of them as nearly all of them were freshly polished.
“Just couldn’t help yourself, could you?” Just as you reached out and skimmed a finger across one of the handguns laying innocently in the pile, Toji’s flat monotone voice sounded behind you.
Ripping your hand away, your head whipped over your shoulder to stare at him in terrified shock. He shouldn’t be home, you hadn’t heard him come in or the front door open and close. Frozen on the ground, you struggled to find the air to breathe.
“Such a nosy little thing.” Toji commented, his eyes drifting to the open closet door and the dresser drawer that you’d left ajar. “If you were curious about daddy, you could have just asked.”
“Why do you have these things?” What were you referring to? The guns? Records of your every move, down to how long your phone conversations were late at night?
“They’re for work.” Pushing away from the doorframe, Toji sauntered into the room, dragging his feet lazily.
“That’s all you need to know.” He cut you off with a stern look, kicking closed the safe.
“Why...why do you have all those papers about me?” Came your next question. Looking up at Toji, you were suddenly aware of how you were presented to him. Sitting on your knees, hands balled up into fists in your lap, looking up at him with wide scared eyes - and he noticed it too.
“You’re my little girl, why shouldn’t I know everything?” Biting his lip as he looked down at you, Toji had to stop himself from grabbing your hair and shoving your face into his clothed cock. Instead he flexed his fingers, rolled his shoulders and used his foot to push the safe under the bed. Scrambling to your feet, you watched as the safe disappeared.
“What’s in the safe in the closet?” You were standing far too close to Toji for your liking, he was within less than an arm's reach of you and you could smell the dark woody aroma he liked to put on.
“Important shit. ‘Gumi’s birth certificate, passports, the usual.” Shrugging casually, Toji walked over to the dresser and kicked it closed as well. “Got some stuff for your mom and you in there too.”
Letting a lull fall into the conversation, you scurried from the bedroom when Toji went to close the closet door. You could hear him chuckle and mutter something under his breath upon discovering your absence, but he closed the bedroom door shortly after and you could hear him go down the stairs.
Hours later and your mother informed you she wouldn’t be home for dinner. Something about meeting up with friends for an unexpected late night outing and staying out past dark.
Left to your own devices, you tried to avoid being detected by Toji as you milled around in the kitchen and fed yourself.
“Sweetheart, that you?”
Keyword being tried.
Biting back a harsh sigh, you emerged from the relative darkness of the kitchen and into the living room where Toji was lounging on the couch with no shirt on, all his muscles and scars on full display.
“There’s my baby girl.” Toji broke into a smile.
“Yup, I’m here.” Rolling your eyes so you could force yourself to stop ogling his body, you turned halfway back to the kitchen.
“Woah woah come back!”
“What do you want?” Not keeping this sigh at bay, you quirked a brow at him.
“Ya know your mothers not here and I’m getting awfully lonely sitting in this house by myself. Why don’t you sit with me?”
“No thanks.”
“That’s too bad, sweetheart, ‘cause I wasn’t asking.” You can feel his hand wrapping around your upper arm before you even hear him getting up from the couch.
“L-let go!” Thrashing in his hold does no good, you’re thrown onto the couch like a doll in no time and Toji sinks in next to you, spreading his legs wide and throwing an arm over the back of the couch.
“Your mother wants us to spend more time together, get better acquainted and whatnot.” Grabbing the beer he had on the coffee table, Toji drinks until it’s empty and he crushes it in his hand. “And what better time than now?”
Huffing and puffing, you adjust yourself on the couch and try to focus on whatever Toji has playing on the TV screen. It’s some cheesy action movie made way before you were born, and while it makes you groan at the cliche plot points, Toji is having a grand old time.
“You want a beer?” Toji asks, picking up a can and cracking it open.
“No.” Shaking your head, the last thing you’d want is to possibly get drunk and lose your senses around him.
“Oh, oops.” Upon hearing your no, Toji not so subtly tipped the can over and let it fall into your lap, the beer inside spilling out onto your clothes.
“Toji! What the-” Leaping up and tossing the can onto the coffee table, you could feel the cold liquid seep into the fabric of your pants and underwear, even stretching to the back of your pants.
“That’s too bad, my mistake! Better go get changed.” Toji laughed, completely unashamed of what he’d done. Flipping him off, you stormed away. “Put your pajamas on, it’s getting late!”
“Fuck you!” Angrily walking to your room, you ripped off the wet clothes clinging to you. You were tempted to stay in your room the rest of the night, but there was no doubt that Toji would come up and drag you back down to the living room.
“Aw, don’t you look cute.” He teased when you came back down in an oversized shirt and sleeping shorts. He had procured a blanket from behind the couch and it lay on the arm.
“Ugh, it’s still wet.” Even though he’d grabbed a blanket, he hadn’t grabbed a towel to sop up the beer in the couch cushions.
“It’s okay, you can sit right here.” Grabbing your wrist, Toji yanked you onto his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist as you fell into him. Throwing the blanket over you, Toji forced you to lay against his bare chest.
“Let me go sit in the other chair.” There was a perfectly good arm chair a few feet from the couch you could sit on.
“Now how could we bond if you’re so far away?” He chuckled, hiking you back up as you tried to slide off him. Biting your tongue against any further useless arguments, you tried to get comfortable in Tojis lap.
“Be careful now, baby, all that squirming might get me excited.” Toji whispered in your ear, gripping the flesh of your waist tightly underneath his fingers. Chuckling again at how your body went completely stiff, he settled back into the couch and watched the movie.
Begrudgingly focusing on it as well, it was almost inevitable that you relaxed into laying on Toji, the smooth up and down of his chest expanding with every breath lulling you into a sense of comfort.
“This movie’s stupid.” You grumbled as a commercial hit. Your arms were crossed tightly, having gotten riled up at one particular scene for how predictable it was.
“S’not stupid, it’s a classic.” Toji replied.
“Still stupid.” Shaking your head slightly, you let out a soft yawn.
“Aw, is it getting close to your bedtime?”
“Shut up.” It wasn’t that it was particularly late, but sitting in the low light of the living room, under a cozy blanket with a warm body underneath you holding you tightly, it was more relaxing than you thought. Coupled with the quietness of the TV and the slow even breaths Toji took right by your ear, who wouldn’t get a little sleepy?
“Poor baby’s tired.” You could just feel the mocking pout on Toji’s lips. Shifting his hands and grabbing onto your thigh, he turned you to sit sideways in his lap, legs across him and your head securely tucked under his chin.
“Not tired.” Trying to reason with him was impossible, and you gave up once the movie came back on. With a secure arm wrapped around your back and his other hand resting snugly on your outer thigh, Toji had you right where he wanted you.
“Still awake?” Toji asked ten minutes later and he already knew the answer. Your breathing had gotten quiet and you’d fallen slack in his arms, and when he rubbed your back you let out a soft, sleepy hum and snuggled deeper into him.
Careful not to wake you, Toji dipped his hands to the hem of your shirt and tugged it up so he could get under it. Trailing his calloused fingertips up your back, he felt the bumps and ridges of your spinal cord as he went. Pushing under your arm, he got to where he wanted: the soft flesh of your breast.
Cupping it in his palm, Toji bit his lip to hold back a soft groan. He’d wanted to do this since the day he started dating your mother and learned about you. From the very first picture of you she’d shown him he was hooked and every subsequent move he made after was calculated to get right to this very moment.
A soft uptick in your breathing let him know that you could feel what he was doing, but you did nothing else as he pinched your nipple and rolled it between his fingers.
Pushing you to lay back a little, Toji crept his other hand up your thigh. Your legs were simple dead weight to him and with a few nudges he was able to get his hand down your shorts and cup your sex.
“Be a good girl and get nice and wet.” Mumbling to himself he pushed his middle finger through your folds, coming to your clit and grinning wildly. Rubbing it with practiced precision, Toji kept his ears trained on the sound of your breathing and he was prepared to keep going even if you woke up.
Pressing a few kisses to the top of your head, he cooed at the delicate sigh you let out. You were getting aroused, Tojis finger was starting to get slicked up and glide easier against you.
Pushing his index finger against your clit, he worked you up even further. The movie was forgotten on the television, all of Tojis focus going to you and the way your brows scrunched up at the feeling of someone else’s fingers against your cunt.
You weren’t wet enough for Toji to push a finger inside, but he was fine with waiting for another time. Just playing with your clit and pinching your nipple was enough for him for now.
Pressing his nose against the top of your head, Toji let out a shuddering breath when you came in your sleep. A few desperate whimpers fell from your lips, and your face screwed up a little, your body clenching as pleasure rolled through your sleeping form.
Taking his hand slowly out of your shirt, Toji laid it back on your thigh and tried to collect his own breathing. Getting you to cum in your sleep on his lap had riled him up more than he expected, the thrill of making you come undone without your knowledge going straight to his head.
It wasn’t long after that your mother came home, gasping at the sight of your sleeping body in Toji’s lap and delighted that you were finally getting more comfortable with him. Not wanting to wake you, she snapped a few pictures for posterity and had Toji carry you to your room.
“You want me to what?” Staring at your mother like she’d grown another head, you couldn’t hide the disdain at what she had just proposed of you in the late morning.
“I want you to spend the day with Toji! He’s going into town to do some shopping and I think it’d be a great way for you two to get closer.”
“I don’t want to get closer to him.” The memory of last night made your cheeks burn. You were far more embarrassed about falling asleep in his lap than you’d ever be willing to admit.
“C’mon (Y/N), I saw you two together on the couch last night! It was so cute, I want you to have more moments like that with him.” Your mother gave you a pout, one just begging to humor her request. The desire to say no was right on the tip of your tongue.
“Fine, I’ll go with him.”
“Yay!” Clapping her hands together lightly, your mother turned away and started to gather a few things to start her own day.
“Let’s be quick, okay?” Ten minutes later and you were sitting in the front seat of Toji’s vintage camaro.
“I think we should take it nice and slow today.” Toji replied, firing up the engine and drowning out your thoughts with the loud roar. It was hard to look at him, so you kept your gaze trained to the passing scenery outside.
“Did you sleep well last night, baby?” He asked as the car came to a stop at a light. Toji was staring right at you, a wide smirk on his face. Pressing your lips together, you refused to look back at him. You might have slept well, but waking up with slick coating your inner thighs ruined the entire experience, whether good or bad at all.
“Why do you care?”
“Ha! Why do I care?” His sharp laugh made you jolt, turning to glare at him as the car started moving again. “You must have slept well, you were knocked out on my lap.”
“Won’t happen again.” You grumbled, watching his hand fiddle with the radio and turn it to a random station.
“That’s what you think.” Giving your thigh a quick pat, Toji settled into his seat. Driving to the shopping district he had in mind, as soon as you stepped out of the car Toji was by your side with a hand on your back. “I’ve got some business to take care of first, let’s go.”
“Don’t touch me.” Shoving his hand away, it was right back where it was in seconds. A low wave of annoyance washed over you, but you started walking in the direction Toji was taking you. The annoyed feeling only grew as you passed people by on the street and women openly stared at him, not giving a care in the world about the gold band on his finger or the fact that you were next to him.
And he didn’t seem to care either. You could see the way he would look back at some of the women, sending them easy smiles or holding eye contact longer than normal. Walking into a jewelry shop, you were finally away from their prying eyes, but the hand Toji had on your back only got firmer.
“Want me to buy you a little something?” Toji whispered, leaning close to your ear.
“Like what?” You challenged, looking across the shop floor. There were countless expensive jewels just lying in wait behind thick glass cases.
“Whatever you want, baby girl. Just point and I’ll get it once I’m done.”
“Done with what?” Looking at him incredulously, you saw him nod to someone waiting against a back wall.
“Business.” Patting your back, Toji went to talk to them, slipping into a back room and leaving you alone on the shop floor. Trying not to stand out, you found an open chair and pulled out your phone, already bored.
“Finally.” You said upon seeing Toji appear in front of you after nearly thirty minutes.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, I was doing some negotiations.” Inspecting him further, you could see he was breathing a little heavier and there was just the slightest sheen of sweat above his brow.
“What, did you kill someone back there or something?”
“Almost.” He replied with a shrug. You’d meant it as a joke, but with the way Toji wasn’t smiling you couldn’t tell if he did too. Letting his eyes roam over the shop, he flicked his chin out. “Find something you like?”
“No.” Taking a step toward the door, you were tugged back by your sleeve.
“I bet you didn’t even look.” Toji chuckled, dragging you over to a case. “How about a little tennis bracelet, hm? We could add a little charm, how about a T?”
“I don’t want it, I won’t wear it.”
“Ah, sure you will.” Brushing you off, he waved over a sales associate. “Now, tell the nice worker what color you want, gold or silver.”
Walking out of the store with a pretty little bag in hand, you followed Toji to the next few stores he had to go into for ‘business’. Sometimes he was quick and you didn’t have to wait even a few minutes for someone to hand him a thick envelope that he tucked into the inner pocket of his jacket. Others, he’d slip into the backroom and you’d have to awkwardly wait around.
“Are we actually going to do some proper shopping today, or is this it?” You snapped after being dragged around for a good while. You hadn’t even wanted to come, but now you just felt like a kid being dragged around against their will.
“Relax baby, daddy’s done, he’ll pay attention to you now.” Toji teased, pinching your cheek and cooing at you.
“Whatever, lets go.” Swatting him away, you stormed off in a random direction, Toji’s laughter burning in your ears. It was your turn now to drag him from store to store, some you weren’t even interested in. Following you dutifully, Toji bought whatever you wanted regardless of price tag.
“Let’s go in here.” Toji stopped you right in front of a popular lingerie store. There were large adverts in the windows of scantily clad women dripping in lace and frilly garments, and there were a large number of people inside as well.
“You can’t be serious.” You blanched, watching in slight horror as he toed his way over to the front door.
“Cmon baby, you deserve something nice.” He said loud enough to have a few passersby giggle. Seeing your face turn from one of shock to embarrassment, Toji knew he had won. Following him into the store with your head down, you tried not to look at all the bras and panties displayed so prominently.
Taking a seat at one of the chairs near the front of the store, Toji kept his eye on you as you walked around. Seeing your fingers glide across silk and lace, pass mannequins in intricate pieces of lingerie, he couldn’t help but imagine you in some of them. He’d only gotten a taste of what you had to offer last night, and he already hungered for more.
“I think you’d look great in that.” He came up behind you as you looked at a bra and panty set, little red and white love hearts adorning lacy pink.
“Pervert.” Glaring over your shoulder, you tried to conceal that you’d grabbed a pair for yourself. “Go sit back down.”
“I get it, you wanna keep it a secret and surprise me.” Fishing out his wallet, Toji handed you the credit card he’d been using the whole day. “Take your time baby, I’m going to have a smoke.”
Making sure he left the store, you let out a sigh of relief at finally being alone in a place like this. It was bad enough he suggested it, but to have him watch you pick out underwear was downright mortifying.
Grabbing whatever you liked, you walked out with a sizable bag in your hand and a pretty long receipt. Toji was nowhere to be found outside the store, and as you scanned past the people milling about, he wasn’t on the street either.
You had his number, feasibly you could call or text him to find out where he was. But with a limitless credit card in your hand and newfound freedom, that was the last thing on your mind. He would find you eventually, say something snarky and tease you and then you’d be on your way to grab lunch.
“Excuse me, miss!” For a moment, you thought the gentle voice calling out to you as you walked down the street was Toji. But as you turn around and are confronted with a stranger, you’re reminded that Toji would never be so polite.
“Yes?” He was an average looking man, around Toji’s age.
“I couldn’t help but notice you walking around, you look so beautiful.” The man had a hopeful smile on his face, taking in your reaction to the sudden compliment.
“Oh, thank you.” Giving him a once over, you quickly spotted the silver wedding band on his finger.
“What’s your name? I’d love to take you out sometime.” Shuffling a tiny bit closer, the man was already pulling out his phone before he even finished the sentence.
“I’m s-”
“She’s not interested.” A heavy hand landed on your shoulder, yanking you back into a firm chest. There wasn’t a need to look up and see who it was, the distinct cologne wafting into your nose and the rough treatment was enough.
“Huh?” Bunching his brows together, the man looked confused between you and Toji.
“Huh?” Toji mocked, leaning towards him with a raised brow.
“I think she can speak for herself.”
“My baby doesn’t talk to insignificant flies like you.” Staring him down for a moment, Toji got him to turn tail and leave in a huff.
“I could have handled that myself.”
“Yeah, well I handled it better.” Turning you around, Toji smirks down his nose at you for a moment.
“What?” His look is unnerving, it makes your heart flutter a bit and that’s the last feeling you want to have for him.
“I deserve a reward, don’t you think?”
“A reward for what?” Scrunching up your nose, you recoil a little as Toji bends at the waist and presents his cheek to you.
“For coming to the rescue of a damsel in distress.” Tapping his cheek with one finger, he looks at you from the corner of his eye. “Don’t leave your daddy hanging, now.”
Looking him over, you weighed your options. It was only a kiss, an innocent little peck on the cheek. Where was the harm in that?
The harm came when, as you were leaning forward with your lips slightly pursed, Toji turned his head and kissed you square on the lips.
Jerking back in shock, you didn’t get far as Toji grabbed your chin to keep you in place. His lips were rough, dry and cracked and the scar on the edge of his mouth wasn’t helping in that regard.
Brushing his nose against yours, Toji didn’t keep the kiss going for long; even he had boundaries for being in public. Pulling away, he swiped your bottom lip with his thumb, grinning at your flushed face and slightly labored breathing.
“Daddy got you flustered?” He teased, taking the shopping bags out of your hand and holding them himself.
“No.” You reply a few seconds too late, your lip’s in a pout and your voice has a slight whine. Biting his lip, Toji scanned your face.
“God, the things you do to me.” Roughly grabbing your hand, he tugged you along down the street. “Let’s get some lunch, I’m fucking starved.”
“You’re back!” Your mother exclaimed upon your arrival, leaping up from the couch to hug both of you. She quickly hurried out of the way upon seeing all the bags Toji insisted on carrying in by himself, her jaw dropping in shock.
“Don’t gimme that look, babe, you know I had to spoil the little princess.” Toji laughed at her expression, dropping some of the bags into your hands and kissing your mother on the cheek.
“I-I’m just shocked...we never come back with that many bags when we go shopping.” Her voice was quiet as she looked between the two of you.
“You gettin’ jealous on me now?” Toji teased, poking her in the side and making her jump. “I was just following your orders, forming a closer bond with my new step-daughter.” Pointedly shielding the lingerie bag from her view, Toji passed it into your hands. “Maybe she’ll show you some of the outfits she bought, we even picked some out together.”
If by ‘together’ he meant he shoved a slew of tiny skirts and low cut tops into your hands in the dressing room and then bought them when you rejected all of them anyway, then yes, you could say you two picked some out together.
“Uh- yeah mom, I’ll show you some of the stuff later.” You nodded along, eager to escape the situation and hide in your room. Not waiting another moment after the words left your lips, you ran up the stairs and to your room.
Pouring out all the things Toji bought you, you couldn’t say you didn’t enjoy going out shopping with him. There was no limit to what you wanted, anything your eyes touched was yours in an instant.
“Knock knock.” Pushing open your door and swiftly closing it behind him, Toji held up the remaining bags. “You forgot some.”
“Thanks.” Reaching out to grab them, you didn’t get the chance as Toji set them down and stepped around you, grabbing the little bag from the first store you went to. Fishing out the velvet box, Toji opened it and dangled the dainty tennis bracelet from his finger.
“Put this on for me, will you? Wanna make sure it’s a good fit.” Dropping the bracelet into your hands, Toji chuckled when you struggled to get it on. “Need my help?”
“No I’m fine.” You said, pinching the clasp between your fingers desperately.
“Let daddy help you.” Grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer, Toji swatted your fingers away.
“Your fingers are too thick, how’re you ever-”
“Got it.” Releasing the bracelet, Toji watched triumphantly as it hung from your wrist. You barely mumbled a thanks before he was grabbing your wrist again, nearly pulling you chest to chest with him. “Now, what was that about my fingers?”
“N-nothing!” Slapping your free hand on his chest, your face burned terribly and only got worse as he laughed.
“No, no, go ahead and say it. My fingers are too thick, huh?” Grabbing your jaw, Toji slid his index and middle finger across your face until they came to rest on your lips. “Say ‘ah’.” Pressing your lips together firmly, you shook your head as best you could.
But Toji wasn’t one to take no for an answer and shoved past your lips, forcing your mouth open with his other hand and flattening your tongue. Clutching onto his wrist tightly, you looked up at him with watering eyes as his fingers slid too far back and choked you.
Growling at the sight of his fingers stuffed into your mouth, Toji dropped his other hand, grabbing your ass tightly in his hand and rocking your hips against him. Looming over you, Toji ripped his fingers from your mouth and slammed his lips onto you.
The kisses you shared before were nothing compared to this one. With a hand gripping the back of your head, Toji made sure not even a centimeter of space passed between you two. His lips molded to yours perfectly, mouths slotting together as he pushed his tongue in and claimed your mouth for himself.
Drool began to drip down the corners of your lips, sliding down your neck and chest and creating a glossy mess. It was getting harder to breathe the longer you went, your body quickly growing weak from lack of oxygen.
Gasping for air when Toji finally broke the kiss, your mind was spinning, barely able to focus on the fact that you were kissing your mothers husband and certainly not paying attention to the way Toji pushed you back onto your bed, body bouncing roughly on the mattress.
“God, I’ve been waiting for this moment.” Toji says with a sigh, climbing over your body and pressing his lips against the curve of your jaw. His hands pawed at your clothes, bunching up your shirt as he tried to get to your breasts.
“T-toji! Stop!” Letting out a scandalized gasp, your eyes flew to your bedroom door. Surely your mother would hear and come to save you.
“No need to be nervous, baby-” yanking down your bra, Toji palmed your breasts roughly, “daddy’ll make you feel good.” Sitting up just enough to yank your shirt and bra off, Toji held your arms down and stared lovingly at your chest, his cock twitching to life the longer he looked.
An argument had bubbled up from your chest, ready to spew out and knock some sense into Toji, but as he descended onto you, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and rolling it between his teeth, the words died just as quickly as they formed.
What was the use of telling Toji to stop when you knew he wouldn’t? There wasn’t a shred of doubt in your mind that if you yelled at him, told him it was wrong to cheat on your mother and fuck his step-daughter, he wouldn’t laugh straight in your face.
Fire back and ask why you think he cares about that? You’ve already seen the file he has on you and the lack of information he had on your mother. He’d already proven himself to be more than enamored with you and what kind of man would he be if he let something like ‘morality’ get in the way of what he wanted?
Moaning under your breath as Toji kissed and licked your chest, you had an argument with yourself brewing inside your head. You couldn’t deny that you enjoyed the attention he was currently giving you. He was confident in what he was doing, so sure of himself unlike some of the people you’d been with. The knowledge that came with being older was surely showing itself now.
Especially in the way he rolled his hips against yours, getting you to moan out a little louder this time, the sound coming from deep within your chest.
“Sound so pretty, baby.” Toji groaned, peeling himself away from you to shed himself of his clothes and to take the rest of yours with it. Letting out a low whistle at seeing you completely bare in front of him, Toji slapped his hands onto your thighs, peeling your legs apart to stare right at your cunt.
“Don’t look at me like that.” The pure animalistic look in his eyes had you throbbing, both with need and embarrassment. No one had looked at you like that before, unadulterated and hungry. Shyness crept in and you flung your hands down to cover yourself.
“No hiding, little one.” Smacking your hands away, Toji laughed at the pitiful, embarrassed whine you let out. “Aw, is someone getting shy? Can’t handle daddy looking at your messy cunt?”
“S’not messy.” You pouted, but it was true. A steady buildup of slick dripped out of you, coating everything between your legs and even dripping down between your asscheeks.
“You’re my messy little girl, aren’t you?” Ignoring your light protests, Toji laid himself down between your legs, making a show of putting your thighs on his shoulders and squishing his head with them. “I bet you taste as good as you look.”
With one last wink, Toji dove between your thighs, his tongue already out and ready to lap at your folds. The first touch of the tip of his tongue to your clit made you jump, hands flying down to grip his hair as your eyes went wide.
Flicking it a few times, Toji wrapped his lips around the bud, sucking hard as his fingers dug into your thighs firmly. You moaned just as loud as Toji did, the vibrations from his mouth travelling up to the ones leaving your chest.
Toji’s dream of being here with you, having you laid out on your back with his face buried in your cunt, had only gotten stronger as time went by. He nearly lost it in the lingerie store, seeing you walk so innocently around all the thongs and delicate lingerie. He had to leave to smoke a cigarette and cool down or else he would have dragged you into the dressing room in front of everyone.
Lapping at your entrance, Toji shoved his tongue in, his nose bumping your clit as he did. Massaging your walls, he drank in your essence, easily getting drunk off the taste and feeling of your thighs crushing his head. Painstakingly letting go of one of your thighs, he brought his thumb to your clit.
“Toji!” You gasped and your thighs got even tighter around him. Toji could barely breathe let alone think about anything but making you cum on his tongue and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Shoving his fingers between your legs, he slid them down to the hilt and felt your walls clamp down onto both them and his tongue. Your essence was everywhere now and he was sure the scent of your arousal would linger on his skin for days.
Putting his tongue on your clit again, Toji fucked his fingers into you. The obscene wet sound was music to his ears, a song he hoped to play over and over. Your moans had turned into babbles, your fingers carding through his hair as the pleasure washed over you.
“F-fuck-” Barely able to get the word out, you came on Toji’s fingers, whimpering loudly as he sucked your clit harder. You were sure you had crushed him for good now with how hard your thighs tensed up around him, but Toji seemed more than okay when they finally relaxed and fell to the wayside.
“What a good fucking girl.” Toji was breathless and lightheaded himself but he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to tease you, slap your quivering thighs with both hands and drink up your release. Your feeble hands were too weak to push him away, just a slight nudge on his forehead that he easily ignored.
Forcing air into your lungs, you got a moment's reprieve when Toji finally pulled himself away from your cunt. Your arms wound around his broad shoulders, pulling him into a half hug as your legs were hoisted up around his waist.
“You gonna let daddy take what’s his?” Toji whispered in your ear, blindly grabbing his cock and tapping tip against your clit.
“Yes!” You sobbed, nodding your head desperately. Glancing down between your bodies, you could see just how thick Toji’s cock was; his fingers surely did not compare.
Pushing the tip of his cock in, you could immediately feel the difference from his fingers. The stretch that his cock gave was unimaginable and you nearly broke into tears as he bottomed out.
“Hurts- s’too big-” Unwinding one arm, you pushed on Toji’s chest.
“Sshh, sshh, you’re fine.” He cooed, intertwining your fingers and pushing your hand onto the mattress.
“Toji…” Whining under your breath, you blinked away the mist of tears at your lashes and looked at him. “Daddy, please.”
The soft ghost of a smile on Toji’s face fell after hearing you call him daddy. His whole face fell, in fact, eyes going wide and pupils blowing out. The hand that was holding yours tightened, smashing yours into the mattress as his other flew to your thigh.
“Oh, you’ve done it now.” Toji could hardly get the words out before he was pistoning his hips, thrusting his cock into you at an alarming rate. He had intended on taking it a bit slow, savoring the moment more as he finally got to fuck you.
But that plan was gone and in its place was the plan to fuck you into the mattress, turn your brain and body into mush as he made you cum over and over again.
“Daddy! Slow down!” You wailed and in the back of your head you wondered if your mother could hear you, if she was outside the door just waiting to burst in on the two of you.
“Not a fucking chance.” Toji responded, voice muffled against the side of your neck. His tongue lashed out, hot and heavy against your pulse. Leaving bite marks along your skin, Toji growled into you, grinding his hips and getting a shiver down his back.
Already sensitive from your first orgasm, the second one came with no warning. Scratching your nails down Toji’s back, your feet dug into his back as your cunt clamped down on him. Any remaining sense you had, any thoughts about your mother or being caught were gone now, the only thing filling your head now was the drag of Toji’s thick cock against your walls and the way his balls slapped against your ass.
The sound of Toji fucking into you seemed to echo off the walls, mixing with the choked moans you let out and creating music to Toji’s ears. Every drag of his cock along your oversensitive walls, every thrust forward bringing another gush of your sticky release to coat his skin - all of it was heaven for him.
“Honey, have you seen Toji?” Your mother’s sudden call wafted down the hall as she came up the stairs, the familiar thud of her footsteps getting closer.
“Uh-” Your voice caught in your throat, fighting through the jumbled mess that was your mind to come up with a good answer.
“Better say something quick, I didn’t lock the door.” Toji smirked against your skin, forcing his hips to all but stop and grind painfully slowly against you, his skin just lightly catching your clit.
“I-I don’t know where he is.” Your tongue felt like lead, sitting stupidly in your mouth and barely forming the right words.
“Okay…” There was a pause as she trailed off and you could hear her right outside your door, feet shuffling a little as she thought of what to do next.
The sound of her footsteps trailed off and both you and Toji let out a gruff exhale.
“Finally.” He mumbled, pulling his hips back.
“Honey one more question, what do you want for dinner?”
“Pizza!” You screeched right as Toji snapped his hips forward. Burrowing your face into Tojis hair, you tried to stifle the squeals leaving your lips.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do.” Waiting until her footsteps completely rescinded, Toji sat up on his elbow and smirked at you.
“Guess we’re having pizza for dinner.”
“Shut up.” Pushing his face back into your neck you avoided his teasing gaze. Chuckling to himself, Toji nipped at your skin.
“Now, where were we?”
Crawling out your room nearly an hour later with sweat on your brows and unstable legs, you tried to conceal the cum dripping down your inner thighs. Toji refused to let you clean up, sliding a pair of shorts onto your legs and telling you it would be a waste to get rid of the gift he gave you.
Sitting down at the table without him, you were thankful to be the only one there. No one could see the way you were trembling and squirming with every squishy gush of cum that seeped out of you.
“Hi honey.” Joining you a few minutes later, none the wiser to what had happened upstairs, was your mother. Greeting you with a soft smile, she was about to open her mouth to speak again when the front door opened.
“There you are!” She beamed at seeing Toji walk through the front door. Your brow furrowed at seeing him come through the door instead of walking down the stairs. He’d made a comment about climbing out of your window and acting like nothing happened, but you didn’t think he was serious.
“Yeah, went on a walk.” He shrugged, stepping into the house and holding the door open. “And look who I found on the way!” With a fake beaming smile, Toji waved his hand behind him as Megumi walked through the door looking as unimpressed as the day you met him.
“Megumi, you’re home!” Clapping excitedly, your mother shot up from her seat and to him, giving him a quick hug and taking the bag slung over his shoulder.
“Mhmm. Nice to see you again.” Polite as ever, Megumi smiled briefly at your mother.
“Go sit down at the table, we’re just about to have dinner!”
“Okay.” Nodding slowly, Megumi set his eyes on you, raking over your form as he took a seat across from you. The silence between you two was thick and you could tell there was something hanging on the tip of Megumi’s tongue.
“Hi.” You whispered, briefly making eye contact with him before looking at the wood grains on the table.
“Hi.” Sighing out the word, Megumi kept his eyes on your face, observing the way you bit your lip nervously and kept your thighs tightly clenched together. When his eyes dropped down to see the tennis bracelet on your wrist, you thought smoke would pour out of his ears.
“Getting acquainted with your new step sister?” Sauntering into the space, Toji roughly ruffled your hair, laughing at the way you swatted him away before doing the same to Megumi.
“You could say that.” The younger man replied, his eyes slightly narrowed looking between the two of you. Loudly pulling out the chair next to you, Toji sat down and slid his hand onto your thigh under the table.
“Alright, everyone, time to eat!” Ever the hostess, your mother appears without fail with the pizza you’d said you wanted for dinner.
As you ate, you could tell Megumi knew something was up between you and Toji. He always seemed to make eye contact with you whenever Toji’s hand strayed too high up your thigh and his thumb grazed your soaked slit. He was far too keen, sending you questioning looks whenever you would clear your throat to cover up a soft moan.
Left to clear the table with him, you couldn’t make eye contact with Megumi at all. The silence between you two was overbearing, made even more so when you went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
“So, (Y/N)...my dad is fucking you, isn’t he?” Megumi’s abrupt question made the plate you had in your hands fall back into the sink with a loud clatter.
“W-what?” Staring down at the soapy water covering your hands, you could feel Megumi’s eyes burning a hole into your head.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you two at the table. And I saw him climbing out of your bedroom window.” Taking a clean dish out of your hand, Megumi peers his head into your personal space, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“And what if he is?” The lump in your throat was bigger than you expected, choking you as you tried to speak. This was it, now that Megumi knew he would tell your mother and life as you knew it would be over for you.
“Don’t cry.” He said softly, wiping off a tear on your cheek you didn’t even know was there. “My dad’s sick, taking advantage of you like this.”
“What?” Hiccuping softly, you rush to wipe the other tears off.
“I knew ever since he started dating your mom that he was into you, I’m sorry I didn’t try and stop him.” Megumi sighed heavily, shaking his head as if to chastise himself. “I’ll have a talk with him and-”
“N-no, don’t.” Sniffling the last of your tears away, you force your voice to be steady. “I can handle it.”
“(Y/N), he’s not a good man, he won’t listen to you if you just tell him to stop.”
“I know, I just-”
“Then let me help you!” Clearly growing agitated, Megumi’s voice rose and his palm slapped against the counter, making you jump. There was silence, then the shuffling of footsteps with Toji appearing in the kitchen entryway with a furrowed brow.
“What’s going on here?” Looking between the two of you, his gaze settled on Megumi. “You, speak.”
“I know what you’re doing.” Megumi glared at him. Refusing to back down, he remained locked in a stare with Toji as the man approached.
“Yeah? And what that might be?” Coming nearly face to face with each other, you noticed how close in height they were to each other, with Toji only a few inches taller.
“You’re taking advantage of (Y/N).”
“Ha, and who said that?” Flicking his eyes to you, Toji chuckled. “Cause I know it wasn’t her.”
“You’re disgusting, you know that? You’re married to her mother for God’s sake!”
“Whoop-de-fucking-doo, you’re so observant.” Spinning his finger in the air, Toji pushed Megumi’s shoulder. “What do you plan on doing about it?” Quirking a brow, Toji didn’t wait even two seconds for a response. “I know you’re just upset I got to her first, kid. Now all you’ve got is your little hand at night.”
“That’s not true!”
“Even if it’s not, keep your fucking hands off what’s mine.” Hooking an arm around your shoulder, Toji pressed a kiss to your temple. “If I catch you so much as jerking it when she’s around, I’m kicking your ass.”
“Fuck you.” Megumi spat, his fists clenched at seeing Toji touch you so casually. It boiled his blood to see his dad treating you like this; there wasn’t a doubt in Megumi’s mind that you weren’t suffering with him around.
“Sorry, not into boys.” Letting you go, Toji slinked away to the fridge and grabbed a can of beer. Leaving without another word, as he turned the corner Megumi slammed his hand down against the counter.
“That fucking bastard.” He snarled, hanging his head low and trying to calm his shaking breath. Slowly releasing the tension in his body, Megumi stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry, I need to take a walk.”
“Okay.” You whispered back, probably going unheard as he stormed out the back door. Leaving the rest of the dishes in the sink, you left the room as well, going up to your room and staying there for the rest of the night.
It’s deathly quiet in the house the following day. Any instance where Megumi and Toji are in the same room, the tension rises dramatically. Refusing to even acknowledge the others presence, Toji has already whisked your mother away for an impromptu date night at five pm, promising to stay out late with a biting tone directed at Megumi.
“Finally that dirtbag left.” Huffing as soon as the door is closed, Megumi slumped onto the couch. “I can’t stand him, I don’t get what your mother sees in him.”
“I have no idea.” You mumble, feigning disinterest and scrolling on your phone. In truth, whenever you had a moment alone during the day, Toji had come up to you and touched you, teasing you by cupping your ass or kissing you. All you wanted to do was go upstairs and relieve the burn between your legs, but no good excuse to leave Megumi alone came to mind.
“Some of my uni buddies sent me home with a gift, if you’re interested.”
“What is it?” Sending him a curious look, you watched him hop up from the couch.
“You’ll see.”
The gift in question was an unopened bottle of liquor one step up from the bottom shelf. It didn’t smell good when he opened the bottle and even mixed with some juice from the fridge, the burn as it went down your throat was horrid.
“Are you sure this can be called a gift?” You blanched, face scrunching up tightly in displeasure.
“When you’re on a budget like we are, yeah.”
“I thought Toji sent you money?” Swirling the liquid in your cup, you watched Megumi take a bitter sip.
“Why would I ever use his money?” Sure, Toji made sure Megumi’s bank account never hit below five digits, but that didn’t mean he wanted it or even asked for it. Leaving well enough alone, you turned on a random movie and kept drinking, keeping all mentions of Toji at bay.
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to get properly drunk, words slurring together and dumb drunk giggles shared between you. It was easier to get to know Megumi this way, his likes and dislikes and general personality; the harsh scowl on his lips was gone, replaced with a lopsided smile.
“I gotta take a leak.” Stumbling up from the couch, Megumi strolled out of the room, keeping his hand on the wall to steady himself. Flipping through your phone in his absence, a sudden text caught your attention.
(Toji): daddy’s bored baby, send me a little something
(Y/N): like what?
(Toji): I’d love to see you in that new lingerie
Giggling coyly as if he’d spoken the words directly to you, you kept a tight grip on your phone as you made your way to your room. Megumi and the movie on the TV didn’t even cross your mind as you closed your door and went straight to your dresser drawer.
It was a bit of a hassle getting your clothes off and then the new ones on, your vision was swimming and every few seconds you stopped to giggle at yourself and your lack of ability. Bumbling through sliding the lacy panties up your legs, you flopped onto bed and opened the camera.
Emboldened by the alcohol, you took several pictures of yourself for Toji. Nearly all of them were at least slightly blurry, some brazen shots of your cunt through the panties while others were tasteful shots of your breasts.
Sending them off with a few heart emojis and a little ‘sorry, I’m drunk’ tacked on, you clutched your phone to your chest as you waited for his reply.
“(Y/N), you in here?” Megumi threw open your bedroom door with no warning or second thought, his eyes bulging out of his skull seeing you spread out on your bed in lingerie.
“Gumi, get out!” Throwing your hands over your body, you let your phone fall to the floor. Stuck in a drunken stupor, Megumi didn’t leave the room, but he did look down at the text Toji sent you.
“Why is my dad texting you that he’s fucking rock hard?” Curling his lip in disgust as he read the message aloud, he scrolled up to see the previous messages, his mouth falling open at seeing your pictures.
“Megumi!” Snatching your phone angrily from him, you gave him a hard shove. “Leave!”
“(Y/N), don’t let him do this to you!” Megumi barely moved from the push.
“Just leave!”
“No! I won’t let him ruin your life!” Grabbing onto your shoulders, Megumi swayed slightly. “I know it can be exciting to get attention like this but- but don’t do it with him.”
“You don’t know anything.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you refuse to meet Megumi’s eyes. He’s silent for a beat, weighing whatever options are inside his head.
“I do know some things.” Licking his lips nervously, Megumi tilts his head and catches your eye. “I do know anyone is better for you than that nasty fuck. Even I’m better than him.”
“Yeah?” For some reason, you crack a smile for him. There’s something about how adamant Megumi hates his father that makes you laugh a little.
“Let me show you.” His voice drops and Megumi shuffles closer to you, the fabric of his t-shirt grazing your nipples through the thin fabric of the bra. The action, along with the way Megumi looks at you, has the heat between your legs picking up again.
You’re grabbing his collar and kissing him before you can take a full breath in, lips drunkenly smashing against each other as you stumble back onto your bed. Megumi’s hands go up and down your sides, grabbing and squeezing your flesh between his fingers.
Kissing down your neck, Megumi’s hand slides under your panties and he doesn’t speak on the fact you’re already wet enough that he can slide two fingers into your cunt with ease. Even if the fact does catch his mind it’s gone just as quickly as he grinds the heel of his hand on your clit.
Sloppily rutting into your thigh, Megumi lets out a pleased sigh when you tug his sweatpants down and free his cock. Jerking him off as you kiss, he swats your hand away when he finally gets fully situated overtop of you.
“Fuck.” You both groan as he slides in, your panties hooked to the side because both of you were too frantic to properly take them off. Megumi kisses you as he thrusts into you, noses bumping painfully together as you chase your high.
Even with Megumi looking exactly like him, you still find yourself wishing it was Toji above you. They sound nearly identical as well, Megumi’s groans a dead ringer for his fathers. Keeping your eyes squinted, you force the image of Toji to be the one in front of you and combined with Megumi messily rubbing your clit, you’re able to cum with a soft moan the same time as Megumi.
“Shit, I came inside.” When the glow of his orgasm finally subsided, Megumi pulled out of you with a hiss and slid your underwear back into place.
“It’s okay, I’m on the pill.” A decision you were happy about, remembering Toji had cum inside you as well. Sitting with you a few minutes longer, catching his breath and lightly petting your hair, Megumi comes to a slow stand.
“I’m going to take a shower, try to get some sleep.” Pulling your blanket over you, the two of you share a smile before he leaves. Your phone lays forgotten on the floor, all the ensuing text messages from Toji ignored as you fall asleep.
It’s not that he’s upset. No no, Toji could never be upset with you. He was more disappointed than anything. Coming home in the dead of night to an empty bottle of vodka on the floor and his son passed out drunk in his bed, and then coming to your room to see you still in the lingerie you’d sent pictures of with cum that wasn’t his smeared along your panties.
No, Toji wasn’t upset. But the way he ripped the blanket off your body could lead you to think otherwise. Staring at you, passed out and utterly helpless beneath him, the desire to ruin you had him rolling his shoulders. He was getting excited at the prospect of hurting you, teaching you a lesson in not sharing what was his.
Climbing on top of you, Toji spread your legs apart, a sick grin pushing his cheeks up. It wasn’t everyday he got to use his own sons cum as lube, and it surely wouldn’t happen again. But as Toji slid his cock into you and the squelch of it sounded around his cock, he couldn’t help but let out a deep, low laugh.
Lighting a cigarette over you, Toji goes slow in fucking your sleeping body. He doesn’t need to worry about your mother possibly wondering where he was; he had drugged her on the way back home. Megumi wouldn’t wake up even if you screamed, liquor was always a good nightcap for him.
Maybe Toji was a bit upset, because the longer he stared at you, the more irritated he became. He knew he would have to take care of Megumi later, smack the kid around a few times and send him on a train back to university. But with you, your punishment needed to be special.
“Wakey wakey, sweetheart.” He sang to himself, nearly dropping the cigarette dangling between his lips as he shifted forward and wrapped both hands around your neck. Slowly increasing the pressure, Toji’s eyes flew open in delight when you choked and sputtered to life.
“Toji?!” Your voice was practically none existent, there was hardly any air left in your lungs for you to make a sound. Your fingers clawed at Toji, struggling to be let go in your still drunken haze.
“Thought you could go and be a slut, did ya?” Leaning over you, Toji begins to pound into you. Although there’s a slightly softer give because you’re still wet, your cunt still burns painfully from the treatment and Toji refuses to be even the slightest bit gentle.
He lets go of your neck when your hands fall slack, clamping one hand on your waist as the other ashes his cigarette over your stomach, watching as it settles onto your skin.
“Le-let me go.” You force the words out between hard gulps of air.
“Why, so you can fuck my son again?” He cocks his head to the side and takes a long drag, blowing the smoke right in your face.
“How do you-”
“Cameras, baby. I put cameras all over the house and there’s a couple in your room right now.” Toji revels in your surprised expression and even more so in the pained one you give him when he takes another drag and puts the lit cigarette against your skin. You scream exactly how he wanted you to and he does it again and again.
“Toji! Toji stop, please-” You sob, trying to swat away the cigarette butt getting your hands pinned to the mattress instead. Looking down at your thighs, there’s several blooming burns taking shape, marring your skin and leaving bloody welts.
“Only if you stop being a slut.” Finally done with his cigarette, Toji flicks it onto your bed to be dealt with later. Planting both hands by your head, Toji sneers down at you. “Tell me, are you ever going to fuck someone else again?”
“N-no.” Tears cloud your vision and you shakily put your arms around Toji’s shoulders as he fucks you even harder.
“No what?”
“No daddy!” Fully wailing, you bury your face into Toji’s neck when he leans down close enough. “No no no no.” Your quivering little cries are all Toji needs to cum, slamming his hips against yours one last time before stilling completely. He breathes deeply as his seed mixes with Megumi’s, too much for your cunt to handle as it spills out when he pulls out.
“That’s what I thought.” Toji isn’t gentle when he removes himself from you. He’s even less so in removing your lingerie, ripping it to shreds with his bare hands and touting that it was ruined now. He leaves you alone for a few minutes, returning in only his boxers with a new shirt in his hands that he forces onto you.
Sitting at the head of your bed, Toji pulls you into his lap. His shirt does a good job of covering the burn marks littering your upper thighs, something you want to forget about sooner rather than later.
“I’m telling my mom.” The words fall slowly from your mouth, taking all your courage to say. Toji snorts, lighting another cigarette and blowing the smoke into the air.
“Life’ll get a lot worse for you if you become a little tattle-tale.” He says it calmly, meeting your eye when you pull away to look up at him. “Who do you think stopped all those debt collectors? Payed off this shitty house and filled not only your mom's bank account but also your fridge.”
“Who’s gonna take care of her if I leave? You two certainly weren’t cutting it without me.” He’s right and you know it. The truth of the matter was that you couldn’t survive without Toji’s money and if your mother left him, the two of you would have an even harder time finding work.
The truth made tears burn your lashes and fall down your cheeks, hiccuping cries left your lips that were only slightly muffled by Toji pulling your head into his chest. Putting out his cigarette, he ran a hand down your back and cooed.
“Oh pretty baby, don’t cry. Daddy won’t do it again, he promises. So long as you promise to keep that little mouth shut and let him do whatever he wants. We got a deal?” Toji half nods your head for you, pressing a big kiss to your forehead.
“Daddy, m’tired.” Sniffling loudly, you force the tears to stop falling, biting your lip to stem the flow.
“Let’s go to sleep then.” Shuffling you under the covers, Toji follows suit. He smells strongly of cigarettes, the scent overtaking you as his head hits your pillow. Pulling you against his body, Toji grips your ass tightly. “Goodnight doll.”
“Goodnight.” Biting back another wave of tears, you push your head into Tojis chest and will yourself to go to sleep.
Being awoken with your step fathers hands around your neck had been scary and was imprinted on your mind for the rest of your life. But waking up in the morning with your legs over his shoulders and his face buried in your cunt was surely a memory that would stick with you as well.
“There she is.” Toji grinned, his chin glistening as he looked up at you. “Took you long enough.” Shoving his tongue deep into you, Toji stifled any opportunity for a response. Your heels dug into his back, hand shooting out to grip his messy bedhead. With how sensitive you were already, he must have been between your legs for a while.
Sucking on your clit, Toji groaned as you gripped his hair painfully hard, your back arching high off the bed as you came. Your body thrashed around, hands trying to pull Toji closer while also pushing him away. Pulling his mouth away, Toji rubbed his fingers against your clit in the absence of his tongue.
“Good morning, princess.” Laughing when you smacked his hands away, Toji sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, making a show of licking off all of your slick that coated his face.
“G-good morning.” Breathless from the ordeal, you dumbly kissed Toji back when he knelt down and captured your lips. You could taste yourself so strongly on his tongue and smell yourself on his skin.
Breaking the kiss, Toji helped you dress for the day. He didn’t make any mention or acknowledge the marks on your legs, only giving them a flitting glance as you pulled on some pants.
Walking down the stairs together, to your horror Megumi was already in the kitchen when you walked in. He glared angrily at Toji, giving the man a wide berth as he moved about the space. Slinking to the farthest wall, he sent you a pitying look and took a sip of the coffee in his mug.
“Good morning!” Your mother announced her presence with a loud yawn, barreling into the kitchen with terrible bedhead and a stumble to her walk.
“Good morning mom.” You couldn’t look her in the eyes, keeping your head bowed as you returned her greeting.
“Morning honey.” Toji smirked, kissing your mother right on the mouth and keeping her there for a few seconds.
“Get a room.” Megumi mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes at the two.
“Toji, what’s that taste in your mouth?” Smacking her lips together as she pulled away from the kiss, your mother furrowed her brows. “Is that a new gum or something?” Making direct eye contact with you, Toji snorts and pulls her into a hug.
“Yeah, something like that.”
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