#and it's nice to remember the people that shaped us every once in a while
virgo-dream · 2 years
I have Cool History Professor story if you’d like it :) my old ancient lit prof was super cool, he dressed like a goth rock punk and was very rebellious against authority etc. I think he rode a motorbike. His lectures were such a goddang highlight of my time at uni. the last lectures for the semester, he made a slide show about his time working in Pompeii, and how he gOT PUT ON AN ARCHEOLOGICAL BLACKLIST for breaking and entering with his phd students to take measurements. And the PHOTOS, were incredible. 90s punk and nerd students climbing over a giant security fence, posing for photos with their measuring sticks and stuff. It was crazy. He died suddenly during my last semester, so he’s likely off breaking rules in the afterlife these days. Or maybe interviewing ancient folks or ghost-pranking other history professors. He was a really cool guy. OH GOD I DONT WANT THIS TO MAKE YOU SAD THOUGH THATS NOT THE INTENTION
Don't worry! It didn't make me sad at all :) it's nice that you can share the memory of such an amazing individual like this!!! i'm sure he's having a blast measuring the columns in heaven
Also reminds me of two of my favourite teachers in school. One of them was a biker lady that was the literal leader of a biker gang that did cross country trips and all, and she always showed up wearing the sickest leather jackets and no student dared disrespect her. And then there was the art teacher, who was this super tall, hippie lady with long blonde hair and even longer tye dye skirts, the most friendly person you could ever hope to meet. And they were besties which made the whole thing even better, bc Biker Math Teacher was tiny and menacing and Hippie Art Teacher was tall and soft. They really were the best of friends, and we loved seeing how they were so completely opposite on the outside but seemed to get along so well.
It was really heartbreaking getting to school on the day that Hippie Art Teacher died. She was killed during an armed robbery, and one of the kids eavesdropped on a conversation between Biker Math Teacher and another faculty member saying that Hippie Art Teacher had been having nightmares and visions about dying for about a week by then. It was really sad.
I still remember them both very fondly, and I think the both of them and your Punk History Professor would get along really well! Hob would be a great addition to the gang tbh :)
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
*slowly opens your closet door and hands you the rest of the chips I was eating in there*
What if. Reader kissed King's scars or traced over them n asked if shed tell them how she got em? I think scars are neat and I dunno about you but personally I'd love to know how she got em. Hope your day is well!
Not a scratch on her.
You distinctly remember the claws of your attacker digging into the exposed meat of the knight's bicep her armor failed to shield yet here there is no mark to prove it. The two of you sat in King's dressing room following the incident, and all the time it took you begging to pull her off them. You thought you'd be fine on your own for a little while without her - clearly word hasn't gotten around the casino that you belong to her just yet. After she checked you over and made sure you weren't hurt it was only fair of you to do the same, but once you scrubbed all that blood off her there really wasn't much else for you to take care of.
King lifts her head from the pile of pillows you both lay on, dismayed by absence of your hands on her. "Everything okay over there? Seems like you got something on your mind."
"Just thinking.... You've got so many scars, but that other demon didn't even put a scratch on you ... Kinda curious why.."
"Oh, that? That was nothing.-" King sits up, pounding a fist against her chest as she rises. "Takes a lot more than a coward like that to put a dent on this body. Hell, my skin's thicker than the steel I throw on. The stories behind every single one of 'em could the tale of centuries."
"Really?.... Then do you think you could tell me how you got your scars? I actually think they're pretty neat, but I didn't know the right time to ask you about them."
The mountain of pillows crumbles under the heavy swish of King's tail. "Yea....course... we'd be here all week if I told you how I got them all, but I can start off with some of my favorites for now."
King removes her chestplate - gesturing for you to climb in her lap as she regroups the pillows beneath her. She leans back down as she takes your smaller hands in hers, placing them on her abdomen. It was almost impossible to tell where her skin began and the old wounds ended. She guides your fingers to a crescent shaped hole just below her left pec - right over her ribs.
"Feel that? Got that one during the first tournament I feared I might lose. Underestimated the little bastard due to their size - barely came up to my knee in this form, the fucker. Unfortunately for them, they got a little too confident and all it took for me to wipe the floor with that small fry was catching them once.
"Amazing...." Your trace your fingers over the scar, dipping your head until in range to place a soft kiss on her hardened skin. King flinches - tail threatening to foundation of the pillows again as it shoots up with her.
"Wha- Huh?!- The fuck was that?"
"Sorry... Was that not okay? I guess I should've asked before I did that."
King's used to people asking about her scars. She may have been asked to be been kissed once or twice, but that was often by drunken fans - not the little treasure she picked out for herself. You are aware she could snap you in half at any second? You most definitely did, and that she'd never put you in serious danger. Still, you being so careless around a beast like her has got feeling a rush that's incomparable to the surge she feels in battle.
"Nah...." King shifts her tail benath her legs to hide the excitement it gave away. "A warning might've been nice - but your boldness makes it kinda hot. I knew I picked the perfect person to call mine.... Let's move on."
King nudges your fingers further north over her heart to anotger oddly shaped scar over her heart. With three points it almost look like a crudely embroidered crown. "This one. Welcoming gift from the boss themselves. Should'a known not to underestimate that other demon after dealing with them, but they're such an airhead it's easy to forget they can take care of themselves just fine."
Again - you kiss the blemish, the dragon's heart hammering loudly in her chest you can feel its rumble from your lips. There's other's she'd like to show you, but it you're so willing to kiss all her marks....
"Hey, got another one I think you might like."
King lifts her helmet over her jaw - shadows pealing away to unveil the wide, branching scar starting from her lower lip to benath her chin. She grins to show off the extent of the injury, the skin of her lips splitting to reveal more of her gums the further her smile creeps up the side of her face.
"This one? First and only time an angel tried to mess with our staff. Something about some demon winning the soul of someone they were watching over in a gang of cards. Made a huge fuss, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Scar I'm most proudest of."
You ghost your fingers along her jaw, smiling as she slides her large hand down your back. "Uh-huh.... Something tells me there's another reason you wanted to show me this one in particular..."
"Don't get too full of yourself... Heh, who am I kidding." Tossing her mask aside, King pulls you for a kiss - a loud, yet oddly polite banging on the door interrupting the happy moment.
"Ms.King? We are all very glad you have found someone you are willing to protect at any cause, but some guests have raised concerns about your displays of victory. Please stop stringing your prey up over the pool. This is the third time we've had to close it this month."
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mossy-opal · 1 year
Not Yours Anymore
Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
WARNINGS: Stalking, Obsessive Behaviour, Mentions of Harassment, Hints of Abuse, Mentions of Murder, Smut (consensual)
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He was here again.
Tomura didn’t like the hero who frequented your area, he was your ex after all. It was one of the reasons he fell so hard for you, obsessed over you so much. You left him after you got your own place, it made things a lot easier for Tomura.
It was easier to get in, easier to get out, easier to take things from you, and easier just to watch you. Admire you. Adore you. He wanted to be with you, so badly. He wanted to lay next to you, to hold you when you cried, or help you when you remembered what you’d gone through. Your ex was a hero to society, sure. But he was a monster to you.
Tomura hated him…
But, the hero wasn’t exactly his problem. He didn’t want to step on your toes or hurt you by hurting your ex. What if you still had feelings for that asshole? He didn’t want to ruin your relationship by ripping his arms off and shoving them up his ass.
It wasn’t his call.
Besides, he was content on the side lines for now. He got to steal your hoodies every so often, falling asleep with them wrapped around one of his pillows, letting him pretend it was you. He wasn’t all innocent though, he knew that. He gave your panties back every once in a while, so he wasn’t all bad.
He really wasn’t all that bad.
You were used to much worse.
You had been living in the area for a few months after you left Jerred- er- “Night Lock” as he was known to the public. He was far worse than your little admirer, whoever it was. Jerred was an asshole, through and through. He lied, cheated, manipulated…. He hurt you.
You hated him for what he put you through, and you were elated when you finally left him.
You just wished he’d leave you alone…
It wasn’t like you could tell the police, he was a “hero”, after all. The only people who truly believed you were your closer friends, and they couldn’t do much to help you, or protect you. Security cameras were far too expensive, and you knew he was smart.
He harassed you when you went to work, harassed you when you got home, begged you to get back with him when you were grocery shopping, it made you scream in your pillows at night!
… You were exhausted…
But you weren’t alone. Despite how much you hated him, you knew Jerred well. He didn’t break into places, he didn’t steal meaningless objects, much less your panties. Whoever it was they seemed… Shy.
As demented as it sounded, you were far more scared of Jerred than you were of your new stalker. The stalker didn’t hurt you, didn’t break any of your possessions, didn’t touch you or threaten you or your friends, all they did was… Live in your house when you weren’t there. They slept in your bed and poorly remade it every time. They cleaned up after themselves, and only so often took some of your dirty clothes. They were certainly a pervert though, because you noticed quickly when your panties went missing, only to reappear nice and clean… It was unsettling, but slightly comforting…
You reached your boiling point one day on your way home from work, he grabbed you.
"We need to talk."
"I don't have anything to say to you, let me go-"
"No, you have to listen to me-"
“If you don’t let go of me I will fucking scream. Wanna test it?”
Jerred’s grip tightened, before he let go roughly.
"We have to talk...!"
You pushed past him, “No, we don't...!"
That same night, you huffed, looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing a hand-shaped bruise on your arm. This was ridiculous, and you were done… You just didn’t know what to do anymore, you were at a loss. Police wouldn’t help you, your friends couldn’t help you…
Going on a walk was your best bet, not only that, you hoped your admirer would be there.
He was. He watched you get grabbed by that “hero”, and he swore it made his blood boil. He couldn’t do anything, just pretend to play on his phone, acting as inconspicuous as possible as he plotted murder. Making sure you got home safe, he noticed almost immediately the change in your routine… You never went on walks…
You stopped in a dark area of the park, which made him stop a good bit behind you, immediately walking to casually lean against a tree, out of your sight.
“I know you're there..."
His blood ran cold… You could’ve been talking to someone else.
“Please I... I don't know what else to do..."
He wasn’t sure if he should… But he hated hearing you suffer like this.
“What is it?”
His voice shocked you, he actually sounded quite nice, you expected someone much more shy. “U-uh… I just… I’m scared… Not of you, but of…”
“Night-whatever-his name is? The hero?”
“Jerred… My ex… H-he’s been-"
"Watching you, I know. What about it?”
“I can’t do anything about it and I’m scared..! I… I need help..”
Tomura rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue, “Call the cops then.”
He could hear you shake your head, “He’s a hero, they won’t… They won’t believe me…” You sighed, “I’ve tried…”
Tomura sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Of course you had tried before, why wouldn’t you? No wonder you were so scared, there was nothing you could really do.
“Go home… It’s late.”
“Can… Can I see you?”
Shigaraki felt his face flush as his eyes widened, “No. Not yet.”
You frowned and folded in on yourself, taking yourself home for the evening and going to bed.
The next day you were more than exhausted, but you were mostly unbothered. Work went smoothly, your friends checked in on you… The next day, you expected Jerred to bother you, but you didn’t see him. For another week you didn’t see him, until the police knocked on your door.
The hero Night Lock has been missing.
After you explained yourself to the police and told your friends, you suddenly felt… Like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. Like you could sleep at night, no longer scared your door would be kicked in, no longer waking up screaming because of the nightmares…
You opened the window to your bedroom and looked out at the nights sky, and you fell to your knees, crying.
Did… Did Tomura do something wrong?
He got rid of your ex for you, made him suffer before killing him too, did you not want him to kill him? You should’ve specified if you wanted him alive- You asked him for help and you were crying!?
“A-are you… T-there..?”
Tomura jumps a bit, but doesn’t move. You sniffle, wiping your face.
“P-please say something…”
He doesn’t, maybe you were setting him up- This was so stupid he should just kill you and move on-
“Thank you…”
He looked at you from where he was, you had your head down, tears dripping onto your thighs, but you were smiling. When you looked out the window, your tear-covered smile shined in the light of the moon.
“T-thank you… Thank you so much…”
It was almost like you were looking right at him, even though he knew you weren’t. You continued crying, oblivious to the noise of your door opening slowly, before he was finally there behind you. He kneeled down next to you, and with a shaky hand he pet the back of your head. You jumped, turning to finally look at him.
You recognised him, too. From the news.
“You’re… You’re Tomura Shigaraki…”
He nodded silently, looking away from you. He didn’t see your smile widen as you hugged him close, pressing yourself into him. His eyes widened and he could feel his heart racing, his face going red.
“W-what the-”
“My secret admirer is the feared villain, Tomura Shigaraki… Tomura Shigaraki saved me~”
“Don’t say that, I’m not a hero-”
“You’re my hero~”
He rolled his eyes, trying to peel you off of him. This is going far different than he expected your first meeting to go. You laughed gently, snuggling into him further, Tomura just patting your head. He could die right now and be happy, but he would rather die than admit that. You two sat like that for a moment, before you giggled.
“What is it..?”
“Tomura, why did you pick me?”
He was silent for a moment, “I don’t know… I saw you break up with him, and thought it was stupid. Why would you leave a hero like that…? I did my own research after that, and when I learned how you dealt with him, I admired you… You’re smart, and strong, and pretty…”
He saw your blush and smirked.
“And then I started watching you…”
He moved slowly, leaning more over you now, the blush on your face deepening.
“And I was hooked….”
That was it. Your whimper made him snap, moving quickly to grab onto you and kiss you. He’s been so good, he’s done far more than your ex ever has for you, he deserves a nice reward. He figured you might fight back, but… You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, grabbing the back of his head and tangling your fist in his hair, moaning into his mouth as you swallowed his tongue.
He kept kissing you, damn near ripping your pyjamas off of your body so he could finally, finally touch you like he’s wanted for so long. He saw the bruise on your arm, and growled.
“No one’ll ever hurt you again…” He said, before kissing you fervently.
You moaned into him again, gripping at his coat as he gripped at your sides, grabbing everything he could, touching every soft part of you he wanted. He was almost shaking by the time he was pulling at his pants, already hard and ready for you- Just for you. And when he looked down at you, you were breathing heavily, your clothes strewn about and still half-on, your face flushed a beautiful red…
You smiled softly at him, moving your hips closer to him.
He nodded without a word, pushing into you, and fucking into you like his life depended on it. You damnear screamed in his ear as you wrapped your arms and legs around him, praising him for helping you, thanking him for caring, and if he could talk right now he’d tell you everything…
You didn’t have to thank him, you didn’t have to ask for anything, not anymore… He’d do everything for you.
You were truly perfect…
Inside and out…
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Tags: @slayersins @dabislittlemouse @dabislittlebeaniebaby @mothiopal @elias-fable @the-milk-anon @shockinglysubmissive @shadowsandshapes
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sunflowersandsapphires · 11 months
Self-Indulgent HCs
pairing(s): Frank Castle x fem!Reader, Matt Murdock x fem!Reader, Michael Kinsella x fem!Reader
summary: How each of the boys would care for you when you were sick, headcanons bc i am tired
warnings: non-graphic, general descriptions of sickness (just cold/fever, not covid)
a/n: this month was already rough on my allergies but i came down with quite possibly the worst cold I’ve ever had. (It’s literally so bad i had to use PTO instead of WFH days? I am literally dying.) I wrote this when I was feverish and couldn’t sleep to make myself feel better. I hope someone out there likes it 😭
I think Frank would worry a lot when his partner was sick.
He’s lost so many people and he doesn’t have a huge circle so i think it takes him by surprise a little.
But he’d do his best to hide his worries by going about his day and comforting you.
He’d get fresh produce from the store and make you delicious soup, pick up tissues and medicine for you, threaten anyone who tried to make you go into work
“Your boss still pullin’ that shit? Gimme the phone, let me talk to ‘em”
He loves being your big spoon anyways but he would not let you go if you looked or sounded ill. You’d be nestled carefully against his chest while he stroked your back until you fell asleep.
He’d keep you entertained by reading to you or watching whatever TV your fever-ridden mind is craving.
Above all, he wouldn’t leave your side until you were feeling better.
The smile on his face the next time you take him out would be brilliant. He’s just so happy that you’re here with him and feeling better.
Personally, i hate the idea of getting people sick more than actually being sick sometimes but i think this would especially be the case with Matt
His senses are so delicate, I wouldn’t want to fuck with him by being gross and loud or by getting him sick.
But there is no way this man isn’t the biggest self-sacrificing-mother-hen when someone he loves is sick.
He’d sense your illness before you would, and encourage you to take it easy and sleep a bit extra that week (above all, he’s a hypocrite.)
Of course, he’s a bit embarrassed of everything he can do, or maybe you don’t know the extent of what he is capable of, so he plays it off as “you’ve been working so hard lately, sweetheart, you need to take it easy.”
A day or two before the bug hits you like a truck, he’d come over with a bag from the pharmacy that’s just chock-full of DayQuil and Tea and cough drops and like a single bandaid
He poorly plays it off as “uh, your first aid kit was low, remember?”
Once you’re well and truly sick, he’d be stubborn as a mule if you tried to keep him away. You lock him out of your apartment? You wake up from a nap wrapped in a Devil-shaped blanket to find that someone picked your window lock.
At that point, you just cave and let him stay because you are so cold and he’s so so warm.
Not afraid of using his puppy dog eyes to get you to stay home or in bed.
Also not afraid of crying wolf and pretending that he’s not feeling well to make you take a break
“Sorry, pet, my head is hammerin’. Think we could lay down fer a bit?”
Combined WITH the puppy eyes? You don’t stand a chance.
Though you usually take care of the housework while he’s dealing with his family’s business, he wouldn’t let you lift a finger until your temperature was normal and your voice came back.
It’s as if you’re the only person that exists to him, he’s running around trying to anticipate your every need.
It’s been a while since he’s dealt with the real world so he might ask Birdy for advice on how to care for a sick person.
Lots of home remedies (idk just vibes.)
He would have you lean against him in a scalding shower to clear your sinuses or draw you a nice bath.
Keep cool water and a cloth by the bed to bring your fever down.
Hand you cup after cup of tea until you have to threaten to tie him to the bed.
“Just lay with me, please”
“Of course, pet. Anything fer ya.”
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howlingmod · 1 year
Are you bored yet?
summary ; human/actors au again ... reader is a local clay worker that Wally may or may not like just a teeny bit. meetcute coric ..
notes ; they/them used for reader , not proof read and just a teeeny tiny bit rushed (i am sleepy) . glass breaks but there is no violence or anything ..
wc - 2k
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He really should’ve been more careful, looking back on it now.
Yes, it’d been a while since he’d gotten that vase and set it down, but, really, for walking past it every single day, he should’ve realized how precariously it sat on the table. He should’ve realized that sooner or later, he was going to be too tired to remember to give it some space when he walked back into his apartment. Unfortunately, however, he did not in fact realize that in time. And so, he is tragically faced with the terrible fate of going and buying a new vase. Perhaps this time, he will not place it so precariously. Perhaps this time he will buy a thicker one that has less chances of shattering into one-thousand tiny pieces in the dark at around 10pm on a Thursday. He had much to think about in his journey of replacement.
Luckily, for as long as he’d had the vase, he could still vaguely recall where he’d gotten it from. It was some pottery store he’d randomly passed by once just outside of the city, curiousity (and fatigue, if he remembers right, it’d been an eventful day and he was still too jittery to lay down quite yet) getting the better of him when he’d noticed it. The owners were nice enough, an older couple who he could recall telling him long-winded stories about anything tangentially related to what he’d been looking at. Plates with flowers painted on them prompted a story about some unidentified, gorgeous plants one of them had seen around a river long ago. A cup with an oceanic color-scheme had prompted a tale of a seagull one of their previous coworkers would feed bits and pieces of bread to on their break. So on, so forth. Long winded for anyone passing through, but pleasant for someone just tired enough to want white noise and easy, one-sided conversation.
Getting into his car, he wondered if they’d have any stories to tell him this time. He would likely be better conversation this time, now that he was less exhausted from being around other people for a long, exciting period of time and more tired from waking up at some time before 11am on a rare free day. He found himself gathering excitment somewhere in his chest, bubbling up in fondness at the idea of this little trip. Sure, it was just a silly little thing to be excited over, but it was nice to have a break from monotony, wasn’t it?
It was a nice day out, too. The breeze forgiving and the sun sociable in the sky, bright rays easily negotiated to peace with sunglasses. It’d been a while since he’d ventured out of the city. Sure, it’s not as though he lived in the heart of it, but it was still different to see the buildings like miniatures from afar. It was a nice break from the towering skyscrapers and heavy traffic. Especially the traffic, actually. He’d never been good with handling bad drivers.
There wasn’t anyone else in the parking lot, only one or two other cars there, likely the owner’s or someone in a closeby building’s. There were a few other businesses dotted around in the area, some strip mall closeby and a park on the way there. He was likely just early, there probably aren’t many people stopping to buy pottery at 9am.
The inside of the store was quiet enough, music playing softly enough you had to pay attention to the murmurs to pick up on it. The lights shone on everything, not blindingly as much as it was in gentle awareness of everything. As his eyes refocused, he could’ve sworn he seen a vague shape duck into a doorway near the back of the store. Before he could properly investigate his suspicions, his attention was drawn away.
“Well, I was wondering when the resident celebrity was coming back!”
He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, turning to face his company. “I hope I’m not intruding, it seems I’m rather early this time.”
The older woman he recognized from his previous visit smiled and shook her head, “Much earlier, I’m glad to see the cold night didn’t drag you in this time.”
He returned the smile, pushing his hands into his pants pockets as he replied, “Oh no, I was actually coming to look and see if you had any new vases in.”
She’d lit up at his words, straightening up with intent to lead him off, “Of course! We’ve got plenty of new ones in since last time, I’m sure we can find one to your liking.”
“-turns out, that hammering I thought I’d heard from the neighbors had just been a big woodpecker all along!”
He’d smiled fondly, “Ah! You don’t see many of those around here, do you?” He was careful to keep a good grip on the vase in his hands, decorated in an intricate scene of a forest dotted with various birds. From the minute details on every pine needle and carved indents on certain elements, he could only imagine how long it’d taken to make.
“No, no you don’t,” she’d laughed, shaking her head as she looked back to the shelf filled to the brim with other, equally eye-catching vases. He’d studied the one in his hands a moment longer, carefully tracing over the carving of texture in a tree before perking up at a new sound.
A soft ‘clink’ had snapped him out of his thoughts. Initially, he’d figured the old woman had picked up a new piece to show him, but found she was still studying the selection herself. He’d turned around quickly, curious to see if anyone else had stopped in, but the store was empty. That was when his eyes caught that doorway again, vaguely making out the shape of shelving in the darkened hall. On that shelving sat one vase, darkness obscuring the pattern of it.
“Why put that one piece there?”
The woman had snapped out of her own thoughts, looking back at him momentarily before following his gaze to the pot patiently sitting in the shade. Upon noticing the object of his attention, she’d smiled once more and turned back to him, “Our resident potter puts their finished work there so we can price it and set it out.”
That had caught his attention. “Resident?”
“Oh yes! While we do get a fair amount from other sources, just as fair an amount is homemade,” she hummed, “Would you like to meet them?”
He’d readjusted his hold on the vase again, not wanting to risk another work in his excitement, “If that wouldn’t be a bother.”
She shook her head, “I’m sure it’ll be quite alright, chances are they would appreciate the conversation, artist-to-artist.”
Before he could offer any sort of further fret, she’d started off towards the hall, leaving him to stand awkwardly with the glassware on his lonesome. He’d glanced at the large cardinal on the surface of the piece one final time before hurriedly (and carefully) placing it back on the shelf, jumping to catch up.
It was far darker back here than it had been in the main area of the store. Combined with the noticable increase in temperature, however, it was more comfortable than you would’ve imagined. Through the shade he could pick out calenders, notes and other miscellanious papers littered along walls and desks. Half-dirtied rags were scattered on shelves, various bottles standing not far from them nor the different tools lying about. Before he could even try and dissect what their uses would be by simple observing and guessing, the woman spoke up again.
“I hope you don’t mind some company, (Name),” she chimed, speaking just a tad louder to properly catch attention in all the visual noise.
With that, he’d finally noticed the figure standing in front of a tall table near the middle of the room, turning their head to look towards her. Their eyes flicked to him momentarily in what he could only assume was surprise. They’d straightened up from their hunched over position, wiping their hands off on a dirtied apron as they walked around the table and towards the pair.
Oh no.
They’d opened their mouth to start talking to her, but he couldn’t pick up on any of it. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was focusing on, he just knew that he was particularly distracted by the person in front of him and it wasn’t exactly getting any better the more and more he zoned out. He couldn’t make out every detail perfectly in the low-lighting, but it was enough that he could very, very easily tell this person was very, very attractive.
“-so you’re that one guy on tv?”
“Yes!” He flinched as he snapped out of his thoughts, “Wally Darling, but just Wally is more than fine.”
You’d smiled and for a brief moment he had to hope and pray his wasn’t too dopey and the low light hid the heat in his face as you stuck your hand out. There was a brief moment your smile faltered, as though suddenly realizing something, but it wasn’t a fast enough reaction as he’d snatched up your hand. Your hands were, similarly to the rest of the room, noticably warmer. They were also noticably sticky with clay, some already drying out on your skin as the rest, inevitably, would likely dry to his.
“And could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?” You looked like you were stuck between apologizing for getting the blood of your work on him and introducing yourself, glancing between him and your hands for a few moments. He vaguely realized this was probably a bit long for a handshake. Eventually, you managed a weak smile, righting your grip on his hand, “(Name).”
“That’s a very lovely name,” he stated plainly, hoping you could pick up on the sincerity in his flatter tone, “How long have you been working with ceramics, if you don’t mind my asking?”
You’d perked up at that, seemingly completely forgetting about the handshake (that was still yet to properly break apart, this was definitely not a proper one, anymore) with the topic of your work. “Well, that’s a bit of a difficult question. I’ve been working with clay for a long, long time, but I really only picked it up career wise a year or two ago.”
“Ah! That figures, your work is all very professional looking, it’s very impressive,” he complimented. Sure, he might’ve been laying it on a little thick, but it seemed as though he’d suddenly lost the ability to control his words, them tumbling out before he could even really think about it.
Luckily, you didn’t seem to mind, instead reaching up a hand to rub at the back of your neck. “Well, I don’t think my work is that stellar, but I really appreciate it. It uh- it definitely takes some time, it’s nice to see it goes to good use.”
“It’s nothing, really. If you don’t mind, could I watch for a bit? It’s completely fine if not, I really am just curious to see how you go about it.” Yes, he was definitely pushing his luck a little bit. In his defense, however, he was genuinely curious about how you managed to get all your vases so smooth and pack so many details onto such a small, unconventional canvas. It was just an added bonus that he’d possibly get to find out more about you, that was all! He can’t help the mysterious potter he hadn’t even known existed was not only nice on the eyes but, so far, was nothing short of pleasant.
You’d thought on it a moment, moving the hand at the back of your neck to hang at your jaw absentmindedly, “I suppose that would be fine by me, I can’t promise it’ll be too entertaining though.”
He smiled and shook his head, “Not a problem at all! I’m sure I can find enough entertainment for the both of us, I am an entertainer myself, after all.”
You returned his smile, finally letting go of his hand and breaking off your entirely-professional handshake to turn and head back to your workstation, “Well, make yourself comfortable, then.”
"Oh, trust me, that won't be any problem at all."
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layla4567 · 1 year
I'm just a librarian ✿
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Steven Grant/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Summary: You work in a library in the middle of London, you get paid well and you love your little reading space surrounded by books that rise to the highest ceiling. But one day your normality will be turned upside down when a guy comes looking for some books on Egyptian history.
A/N: Ok first of all I must say that this idea arose from a little dream I had (and I also wanted to use the image from the movie The Mummy, I mean, just look at her, she is beautiful, she looks like Belle) second, I don't know if this will have more parts the truth is I'm not good at making long stories because then I leave them unfinished or I run out of ideas so, yes, I'm building this as I go along, sorry.
Part 2
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And here I am once again, sitting behind the counter where you could see an old green lamp, a couple of books stacked one on top of the other, a typewriter and a little badge where you could read my name. With my legs crossed I moved my airborne foot rhythmically back and forth following a silent melody while my face rested lazily on my hand. My view was always directed towards the large windows that were near the line where the roof began. They were in the shape of a half circle and had a nice drawing similar to a stained glass window through which the sunlight passed in a warm way.
I loved being around libraries just for the sake of being a bookworm. I could spend hours reading old books sitting in a comfortable chair enjoying the silence without realizing it. But it was kind of boring to sit and wait for people to arrive so that you could help them with whatever they needed. I had already finished arranging the books with the help of the ladder, I loved doing it, it was fun to slide from one side to the other, it was almost like skating.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize someone had entered the library until they were in front of me so I gave a little jump in my seat.
"Oh so sorry! did I scare you? It wasn't my intention"
The person who addressed me was a very polite and kind middle-aged man, he had an innocent look in those pretty dark eyes he had. He was wearing a jean jacket and underneath was a white shirt, he was also wearing khaki pants and had a brown shoulder strap on one side.
"Don't worry, It's okay, I was just thinking, can I help you with something?"
I could not stop seeing his eyes, his look gave off a peculiar innocence glow, I could sense a genuinely beautiful aura like that of a child
"Well, yes. I was looking for books on Egyptian history, you know, gods and pharaohs, myths, pyramids, etc."
Every time he spoke his face would light up with enthusiasm, it was admirable to see
"Sure, we have several. Follow me please"- I said while my smile deepened
I led him through the aisles looking for the "Ancient Egypt" section by the gigantic shelves. The man meekly followed me like a lap dog without taking his eyes off me as he clung to his backpack. When we had reached the section, I took out 4 books, stacking them one on top of the other and numbering them as I handed them over to him.
" "History of Egypt", "Gods and mythologies", "Encyclopedia of the pyramids" and "The 10 most famous figures of ancient Egypt" And remember to return everything within 15 days "
I piled the books in the arms of that man who tried with effort to hold them since they were quite large and hardcover while I raised a finger and recited the prayer from memory. Even though the books were about to fall out of his hands, the man looked from the books to me with a beaming smile.
"Of course, yes, miss, I will do so. Thank you very much for your help"
I smiled generously at the man's good manners and walked him to my desk to finish the paperwork. I sat as the middle-aged man patiently watched me with his books in his arms like a child waiting for his Christmas present.
"Ok, I will give you a paper with the exact date where you must return the books along with our address, I would only need to know your name to write it down please"- I looked at him expectantly
"Steven Grant, Steven with a V"
I couldn't help but laugh at the clarification as if I didn't know how to write his name
"I clarify it just in case. A lot of people always misspell it, sometimes they call me Stephen. But surely you wrote it well, you seem to have nice handwriting hehe"
Steven giggled nervously as I smirked in amusement. What a singular man that Steven was
"No problem, what a nice name you have"- I smiled warmly
Steven got more nervous and his face begins to take on a cute reddish color as he stuttered and mumbled a thank you.
"By the way, my name is Y/n"
I told him, pointing with a fingernail to my badge that was resting on the desk. He looked at it for a while and smiled
"Now I won't forget"
And with one free hand he gave me a childish wave as he uttered a sweet "Laters gators" and headed for the exit. With one elbow on the table and my hand resting on my cheek, I watched him until he disappeared through the door.
I pronounced his name slowly delighting myself with the syllables, it was sweet as honey and resonant as a bell. I was wondering if I would see him around here more often. I sighed with a lopsided smile and went back to staring at the stained glass windows waiting for someone else to come and help them.
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The days passed and I didn't hear from Steven, he hadn't returned the books within the agreed period and I was beginning to worry. He supposed that this man was a little distracted or had forgotten or was busy with something important, anyway it was very common for people not to return the books on time and to be a little late. My head was full of thoughts hoping nothing bad happened to Steven and hoping to see him again when someone stormed through the library entrance.
"I'm really sorry!! I got there as fast as I could, apparently I fell asleep and woke up in a place full of sand. I have a sleep disorder, I'm sorry"
Steven was talking fast, spitting out the words like a machine gun, he looked agitated and his hair was messy. And on his face you could see the nervousness and concern. I tried to reassure him
"Steven, Steven calm down, it's okay. I get it, you don't have to apologize."
I grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard trying to provide warmth and protection. Steven giggled nervously and his cheeks turned pink, it was adorable.
"Oh by the way, here are the books"
Steven took out of his bag the books in perfect condition that I had given him. At least he was a man of his word
"Thank you very much Steven, do you want any other books?"
"Well actually yes, if it's not a bother, wouldn't you have one that talks about the moon god Khonsu?"-he said something nervous
I laughed in amusement
"Of course! We have many books on Egyptian gods, take the ones you want"-I said tenderly
Steven for some reason gave me a strange feeling, a maternal need to protect him, he looked so helpless at times. I can't even imagine how chaotic his life must be
"You know something? Why don't I buy you a coffee? I'll give you the new books and then we can hang out and chat, I have a break in 15 minutes."
Apparently Steven didn't expect that so he got even more red.
"I-Is it some kind of date?"
"If you want to see it that way, yes"
Steven smiled like a kid in a toy store and followed me back to the bookshelves. After giving him everything he needed, he waited for me at the entrance of the library like a true gentleman. I left my position in charge of my partner Selma who answered me with a grunt and left with Steven towards the nearest cafeteria.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
We sat at a table close to the street. The cafeteria was decorated with flowers and vines, it was my favorite, it made it look Parisian. We both ordered a simple latte and to eat I ordered a croissant with chocolate and he asked for a kind of vegan burrito, then he explained to me that he doesn't eat anything that comes from animals.
"Well Steven tell me something about yourself, do you have a job?"
"Yes, I'm working in a gift shop at the British Museum. But I would really love to be the one who makes the guides"
"Really? Amazing! who'd say? You are a museum and history enthusiast and I am a bookworm willing to provide you with all the information you want."
We both laughed happily forgetting what was happening around us. Steven's laugh was like sweet nectar to my ears that made all my worries disappear. Except for one that was still on my mind
"Wait a second, how come you woke up in a place full of sand? Where exactly?"
"I have no idea, I wish I knew. But it's not the first time it's happened to me, one day I woke up on top of Everest"
Steven started laughing downplaying it and I laughed too but with less enthusiasm. I was worried about him.
"Well I think I should go back to my work, thanks for everything I really needed to talk to someone and distract myself"
I looked at Steven tenderly, thinking that I was probably the only person he could talk to broke my heart.
"Anytime Steven. Anyway, I also have to go back to work, the time flies by when you talk"
I left a tip on the table and was about to go to the library when Steven stopped me with a question.
"Would you like to visit me one day at the museum? It's that I always visit you...-"
"I'd love to"
We said goodbye with a smile as if we were lifelong friends and each one went their own way to continue with their work on that beautiful afternoon in London.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sorry if it was boring and there wasn't much interaction with Steven but this is just the first part of the story
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babeilovemonsters · 1 month
It's incredibly rare for me to post twice in one day, but I can't get merfolk out of my head. This one is more self indulgent, but I still hope you enjoy!
You just love to collect seaglass and rocks. Who doesn't? Seaglass is so, so pretty, and soft, the result of something ugly and dangerous becoming delicate and smooth, while every single stone and rock is completely unique, with it's own story to whisper in your ear, as gentle as the lapping waves.
But the beach is connected to one of the most vast biomes known to us. Few people truly know what goes on in that place. What lurks beneath the surface, cleverly dodging our eyes and avoiding our traps. Yet from time to time, something is bound to slip up. Sometimes as small as a scale, and sometimes as big as a whale. Today, you found that something. A mer.
They were nothing like what you were maybe expecting. You'd heard tales of perfect, pale skinned models, with the lower bodies of beautiful fish. This merfolk was nothing like that. Their skin a dark green, like seaweed, with bumps and scrapes, freckles and spots. Their tail was a nice red, and looked to mimic the appearance of a red snapper in both colouration and shape. They were fairly small, only around 4ft long, and thick, with a soft, round belly and chubby arms. Their hair was a darker shade of green than their skin, but didn't look at all like hair, moreso like the tendrils of a jellyfish. They were... beautiful.
You weren't sure what to do exactly. It's not like this had ever happened to you before. It was barely out of sight of the public beach, half in the water, half out, bleeding out from several deep wounds all over their body. If you left them here, they'd likely die. But if they were a siren, they could kill you soon after rescue. You thought about it for a while, not even sure if they were still alive, before jumping back as they let out a sudden gasp. They appeared to be able to breathe air at least, blessed with both lungs and gills, so that's one less problem.
You decide to do the selfless thing, and gently wrap the mer in your beach towel, leaving room for them to breathe, but making sure to cover them from the masses. You hurry back home as quick as possible, checking for their pulse every now and then to make sure they're still kicking. Metaphorically speaking. Once home, you head straight to the bathroom, turning on the bathtub tap and carefully placing them inside, tending to their wounds as the tub slowly fills. You remember salt water fish can't really breathe in fresh water, so you just hope the air is enough intake for them, and leave to let them heal in peace.
In all honesty, you nearly forget about them. It isn't until a few hours later when you hear water splashing from the bathroom that you're hit with a sudden realisation. You quickly hurry to the bathroom, only to find your little catch very much awake, thrashing and panicking at the strange environment. You attempt to coax them down, but alerting them to your presence only startles them more, as they breach the water's surface, snarling like a feral animal, baring their jagged shark-like teeth. Their bold yellow eyes stare daggers into you, unblinking.
You take a few steps back out of the bathroom, holding up your hands in surrender. You speak gently, in the softest way possible, just hoping they can understand English. They don't back down at first, but eventually, they grow fatigued from their injuries, seeming to just give up and accept your words of reassurance. Worst case scenario to them, you eat them and their pain ends. But of course, you don't do that. You sit with them, trying to encourage them to talk back.
They certainly seem to understand, as they respond to your questions with a tired nod or head shake, but they only ever verbally respond with little chirps and growls. You realise they may not have the same vocal chords as you do. Shit. Scratch that plan. You then turn to sign, telling them how to sign certain things. They barely pay attention at first, but eventually begin to cooperate, copying your signs. Your praise seems to surprise them at first, like they don't fully get why it's a big deal, but by the early hours of the morning, you've taught them basic phrases and letters, and they've started to take this praise as something to work towards.
Of course you aren't immune to sleep, so after ordering some foods containing shrimp and seaweed from your local Chinese restaurant for them, you go to bed.
This routine keeps up for a while. You get some actual fish for them to eat, not just takeout, and try teaching them more sign, to make communication much easier. As the days turn into weeks, they begin to heal, until eventually, they're well enough to go back out there. Still not fully recovered, but no longer bleeding, and now strong enough to brace the waters.
You wait for nighttime before daring to take them back to the beach, and duck down in a small cove to release them. They dart off at first, leaving you a bit sad, as they didn't seem to bother saying goodbye. But they soon return before you can sulk off back home, offering you a fish they had caught in their jaws. You politely decline, but tell them you'd love to see them again, and teach them more sign.
And so you do. Nearly every day, you duck down in your little cove, and meet your fast healing friend, to catch up and Google new things to sign together. It becomes routine for you now. The mer even begins to bring you rocks, shells and seaglass every time you visit. You think nothing of it, of course. They're just being nice! Until one day, they get visibly fed up with this part of the routine, and use whatever signing knowledge they have to ask why you keep taking the gifts without accepting the request.
Request? You weren't aware. Was this gift giving actually a ritual in mer culture? You apologise profusely, asking what their request was, and offering to give back what they'd given. They decline that offer, but finally clarify, that's how merfolk request a partnership. They had been trying to court you for little over a month, and you hadn't noticed.
You at first decline, unsure if that's morally acceptable. But... you give it some thought. Actually, why would that be so bad? They're sweet, and cute. And you've always been a bit of a monsterfucker. Surely it's worth a shot!
... right?
Part 2 is in the comments now.
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honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: You attend a party in celebration of exams ending, only to find your crush being cornered by her ex boyfriend
Warnings/Notes: uni au, drinking, kissing, mentions of cheating, suggestive at the end
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“Chanelle! Y/n! Welcome to the party-“ Yeji interrupted herself upon seeing your outfit tonight. “Wohohoho look at you Kwon Y/n~ Is this really you?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, unable to hide the proud smile creeping your lips. Yeji was right though, you had decided to go all out with your look, wanting to impress everyone (more like SOMEONE) with your visuals.
“Nerdy architecture student Y/n?! No this is womaniser Y/n!!” Chanelle did jazz hands as if you were her successful experiment. Which is technically true.
Upon finding out your crush was going to be at this party, you cried to Chanelle on the phone about dressing you nicely like a doll. Of course, she was more than happy to help you despite the 3 hours it took of actually finding an outfit in your dull closet.
Chanelle was also right on the ‘nerdy architecture student’ title because every lecture, every brunch, every dinner, you stuck with the same purple Champion hoodie that Yunah got you for your birthday 3 years ago. The colour had faded and some threading came loose but you refused to wear anything else as you quoted: ‘I am attending a 2 hour lecture. Not a fashion show’.
Your friends tried to convince you by using Son Jiwoo, your campus crush, as an excuse to dress better but your buildings are on complete opposite sides of the University so what was the point? It didn’t matter.
Well now it did matter. You had your hair down for once, revealing the outgrown wolf cut that Ruka offered to trim and retouch, and Chanelle organised a simple black long sleeve button up and slacks to help scream ‘lesbian’.
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She suggested for you to wear your contacts but you remembered doing that last time while being absolutely wasted and you ended up forgetting to remove them before you passed out in bed. Wasn’t a pleasant morning afterwards, having to deal with sore blood shot eyes for the week.
“You dressed her well, Chanelle. I feel so proud of our Y/n-ie!” Yeji fake cried before letting you fully step into the loud dorm. It was dark but the little neon lights allowed you to see just how many people were here, recognising a few from your classes.
“Jiwoo is in the kitchen if you’re wondering” Funa said in your ear, making you jump.
“Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
The girl laughed and ran her hands from your shoulders down to your arms. “Wow you look great. So pretty but so handsome, rawrrr!”
What you didn’t notice was Jiwoo eyeing you from the kitchen doorway, shooting daggers at Funa who’s hands could not leave your shoulders. Taking a sip from her red cup, she walked back into the kitchen for more liquor.
“Are you drunk? You’re very handsy” You chuckled at Funa.
She gave your shoulders one last squeeze. “You work out so well, I’m jealous. And no, I’m not drunk”
You shrugged at her. “Gotta stay in shape or else the ladies won’t love me”
“Ladies? You mean Jiwoo” She winked. “Get yourself a drink, Y/n. You deserve it after studying so hard”
You nodded and bid her a goodbye before making a beeline to the kitchen that had lights on, being better for you compared to the dark noisy living room. Chanelle was already on her 5th cup, having a good chat with Minju by the drinks table. They both noticed your presence.
“Hey Y/n! I didn’t even recognise you!” Minju beamed, eyeing you from head to toe.
“I’m gonna get that a lot tonight, huh?” You smirked and poured yourself some vodka and sprite.
“Let loose Y/n-ie! Our future architect deserves a reward” Chanelle winked your way, being enough of a reason for you to chug your drink and pouring a second round.
For the next half an hour, the effects of the alcohol got you more extroverted than you usually are, talking with classmates to talking with strangers, most of them being pretty med students that marked you as their eye candy. But they weren’t Jiwoo so you turned down any offers of taking things upstairs.
Being on your god knows how much cup, you were leaning your back against the counter while chatting with Ryujin about your childhood together when Yunjin appears with her hand around Chaewon’s waist.
“Hey there, architect” Yunjin grinned.
“Hey lovebirds, enjoying the party?” You asked with a smiling Ryujin.
“Better question is, how come you’re not making any moves on Jiwoo, huh? You’re dolled up like this and not expecting to get laid?” Chaewon tilted her head at you mockingly.
“I don’t just go up to someone like that, Chae” You laughed.
The three started a whole new conversation when you looked over Yunjin’s shoulder and saw the girl you’ve been thinking of getting cornered by a guy. You sighed and took another big gulp out of your red cup, turning around to pour another. Ryujin slapped your arm
“Slow down there, Kwon. You’re gonna kill yourself”
“What’s the point. Jiwoo’s getting talked to by some dude that could’ve been me” you grumbled, drinking your new pour with ease, going straight for another.
They all looked at where Jiwoo was, Yunjin frowning as she realised the situation. “Uh, doesn’t look like she’s into it actually. She looks uncomfortable”
Throwing your eyes back to your crush, you could see Yunjin was right. Jiwoo had her shoulders up with a disgusted look while the guy was trapping her between the wall and his body.
“Isn’t that Hwan?” (OC character) Chaewon questioned.
“Didn’t they break up two months ago? What could he possibly want?” Ryujin questioned next.
“Look away” You simply huffed and set your empty cup down before walking your way to the two students.
“This is gonna be so good” Yunjin smirked, Chaewon and Ryujin joining in as a small audience.
“I’m back now, baby. It can be us again” Hwan whispered into Jiwoo’s ear, kissing at her ear before he got pushed away by your hand.
“Ever heard of consent?” You hissed.
Jiwoo could finally breathe, holding onto the back of your shirt while she hid.
“And you are?”
You gulped and thought of the first response that came to mind. “Her girlfriend. Is there a problem?”
Jiwoo’s eyes widened, clutching your shirt tighter as her heart rate quickened. Being called her girlfriend was something she dreamt of for way too long.
“Cut the bullshit. She needs a real man and I’m the closest thing to that compared to you” He jabbed a finger at your shoulder.
You took a step closer, killing him with a deathly stare that Jiwoo nor anyone hasn’t seen before, causing an uncomfortable aura around you. “Having a 3 inch dick doesn’t make you a man, Hwan”
His eye twitched before trying to reach around to grab Jiwoo but you aggressively pushed his hand away and grabbed at his polo collar. “Don’t you fucking touch what’s not yours” You growled.
Jiwoo gasped and was quick to grab onto your shoulder, trying not to distract herself from the yummy muscles she was feeling. The touch made you look at her.
“Y/n baby, please don’t. He’s not worth it”
Releasing a heavy sigh, you pushed Hwan away with your eyes piercing angrily into his. You snapped out of it when you felt arms slide up your neck, making you face Jiwoo who held you close. “Please don’t hate me for this” She whispered, not letting you question it the moment her lips pushed into yours.
Instantly closing your eyes, your hands went around her exposed waist while kissing deeply back. You opened your eyes briefly to lock eyes with an embarrassed Hwan as you squeezed Jiwoo’s waist. The man cursed under his breath and left the party.
Jiwoo gently pulled away, fixing your glasses that got wonky from the kiss. Your hands never left each other. “I’m sorry, Y/n”
“Don’t be, please. Just felt the need to save you. Who was he anyways?”
“My ex. He’s insane, don’t worry so much about him” She sighed and ran her hands over your strong shoulders.
“May I ask what happened between you two?”
“Cheated on me, that’s all. I don’t care anyways since I’m here with you. I’ve wanted you for a while now, Y/n” she smiled.
You were about to melt from the blunt confession. “Same here. I didn’t even know you knew my name”
“I’m mutual friends with Chaewon. The moment I saw you, I had to ask her for every detail”
“Stalker much” you joked, letting her head rest against your chest.
She went on her tippy toes to give light kisses under your jaw, marking it with her red lipstick. “You look so fucking good tonight. You don’t understand how crazy you made me, Y/n”
“Oh believe me, I’ve been worse”
She then placed lipstick marks on your cheek to the rest of your face. “Glad you’re out of that same purple hoodie you always wear” She giggled.
You looked at her shocked. “Hey, don’t be mean. I love that hoodie because Yunah gifted it to me!”
“If I buy you a new hoodie can you let that purple one go for once?”
“If it’s from you, I don’t mind anything”
Jiwoo shook her head from your cheesy words.
“Well Miss Son Jiwoo, how about we change this fake girlfriend thing to something real?”
She looked up at you and bit her lower lip. “Hm. If you make me forget everything tonight, I’ll consider it”
You noticed the seductive tone in her voice, easily intertwining your hands and walking towards Yeji’s spare bedroom.
“WOOOH YOU GO Y/N!” Ryujin yelled.
“GET IT BABY!!” Yunjin screamed afterwards.
A/N: Yes finally wrote for mommy Jiwoo :p I can write a smut part if y’all want😭
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Hi! Can I request valentines HCs for Kuai Liang, Hanzo Hasashi, Takeda, Kung Lao! 💌❤️💝🍫
Valentine’s day Hcs for Kuai Liang, Hanzo Hasashi, Takeda Takahashi, And Kung Lao.
Valentine's day is coming right up for you Molly!
Kuai Liang/Subzero
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Five years ago, you met your soulmate. Kuai Liang, The Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.
You love him so much and he loves you too, Since today is Valentine’s day, you decided to make a surprise for him. You went to the kitchen, Preparing to make a red heart-shaped cake for him.
You have all the ingredients you want, you put the ingredients all together and stirred them, then after a while, the cake is ready.
After Kuai finished the training session, he went to his room. That you both share, at first he was surprised to sniff a beautiful scent, rose petals on the ground. He sees you wearing a beautiful medium-length pink dress with hearts on it.
“Y/n.. you look beautiful!” He said to you.
“Really? Thank you! Love~” you replied,
He smiles at you, he had saw the room, and the beautiful decorations you had put in it, the big cake you had put on a table, tea, and valentine's plates and letters.
“Oh! It is valentine's day!!” He muttered, giving himself a light facepalm,
You saw that he hid something behind him, and he walks to you while smiling at you.
“Here is your gift my love~” he whispers lovingly,
“Thank you! Here is yours too,” you thanked him, and gave him his present.
Subby giving you a known look, you knew immediately what he wants and that is more than a kiss or putting a hand on his chest in a loving way.
“Come here, I want to feel you now~” He demanded, lovingly.
“I’m coming dear!” You obeyed him.
Hanzo Hasashi
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Every person in the world knows that you belong to Hanzo, No one dares to lay a hand on you knowing that Hanzo is still alive. Hanzo made it perfectly clear that you are his, you belong to him and no one will touch you, or they would pay the price.
Hanzo knows you from when you were a nurse in the sky temple, that time when he was recovering from being a slave of Quan chi, you were there to help him recover and forget the pain in his soul and in his heart.
No one had ever been nice to him, knowing that he once was the infamous Scorpion, Slave of Quan Chi, But you decided to help him, lot of nurses and people told you to stay away from him for your sake, for your own good.
But you defied them all, and decided to help him despite everything, he was a ruined man, broken to the core, and he needed help at that time. And you were there to help him.
You fully remembered his reaction when you first met him, he was aggressive at first, but, in time he becomes soft towards you, you saw the knowing looks he gave, since, you are the only female who is kind to help him.
*Present time*
“Koibito~ I love you~,” Hanzo said to you
“I love you too~ Koibito~” you replied while playing with your hair.
He didn’t know of the surprise that you are preparing for him, he is indeed in for a surprise.
Hanzo is holding the teacup, as he was pondering your beauty, he always asks himself what he did to deserve a beauty like you. He is just happy with you, he is over the moon as they say.
“I want you to come in the room, you know~” you muttered, as you winked at him.
“Okay!” He uttered,
You hurriedly walk to your room, preparing the surprise, clutching the Valentine confetti cannon. 🎉
As soon as Hanzo’s leg steps into the room, you shot the confetti, alerting him and he holds the sword.
“Koibito! Relax! It is just confetti!” You joked with him
“Koibito! You scared me!” He yelped,
“Sorry, Koibito~” you apologized,
“No.. it is okay! Let us enjoy Valentine's day~” he replied,
“You are right,” you chuckled,
Then both of you kissed, enjoying your Valentine's day. 💘💝💌🍰
Takeda Takahashi
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Never in your life that you thought you are going to celebrate Valentine’s day with your soulmate, Someone like Takeda. You love him, you love everything about him. You know everything about him.
You know that he had been raised in a clan called the Shirai Ryu, and he has some sort of a Ninja lifestyle. You pretty much know everything about him. That’s why you love him!
You decided, that you wanted to surprise him with chocolate heart-shaped sweets! He loves chocolate and you decided that you will make chocolates for him!
You went into the kitchen, melted chocolate in a bowl, then you grabbed a heart-shaped mold added the melted chocolate to it, then, you went to put the mold in the fridge.
After an hour, you cut open the red velvet lid to sprinkle the chocolate you made with it, you also decorated the chocolate with a white chocolate drizzle. After that, you put the chocolate you made into a lovely heart-shaped box.
You went to Takeda into the S.F HQ. You saw him with his friends, Cassie, Jacqui, and Jin.
You boldly walk to them, in the middle of his talking, you gently tapped on his shoulder with your finger.
“Hey Tak~ Happy Valentin’s day!” You greeted then gave him the chocolate box.
“Hey! Y/N!” He greeted back,” Oh. You didn’t have to but thank you for the treat!!” Takeda thanked you, with the known smile and look he gives you.
Takeda took a bite of the chocolate and he was over the moon, he was enjoying every bite of the chocolate you made it. He kept eating piece by piece. By the looks of it, you know he loves the gift you gave him.
“I’m glad that you liked it! I’m going now bye!” You said, then left
You left his friend speechless, they were also speechless by Takeda's reaction, they thought he was just overreacting because he didn’t want to embarrass you, but it seems he likes the chocolate you made!
Kung Lao
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Everyone thought that Kung Lao would never get a soulmate! But you appear and silence them all. No one had ever thought of this, Usually, Kung Lao is the laughingstock of MK, But with you, they respect him and love him, because you inspire them to respect him as well.
You are his powerful Soulmate, you are a powerful sword-woman, and you defeated all of Kung Lao’s friends even Liu Kang. With you, Kung Lao has some sense of peace and agency. Since you are very strong and bold in everything you do.
Usually, they respect him so that you won’t kick their asses, but now, they respect him for real.
Now you Celebrate Valentine’s day with him, you make for him chocolate chip cookies, Red velvet macaroons, and a bunch of handwritten love letters on heart-shaped paper.
He is so happy, he has everything he ever wanted, he loves you, and he showers you with love letters and mooncakes.
Both of you sat in a beautiful place near the riverbank, you put your picnic basket and picnic rug.
Both of you sat on the rug, and you put everything in place, food, sweets, and love letters.
“Happy Valentine’s day, My love~” you started, smiling at him
“Happy Valentine’s day to you too!” He replied while putting his mooncake plate on the picnic rug.
Both of you exchanged gifts and words, and both of you talked and ate the food, Enjoying your time with each other.
Happy Valentine’s day people <3, from your favourite author 🖤🖤.
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tradraine · 2 years
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Self-Care Ideas for Young Tradfems! ♡
In a modern age that believes in teaching young girls to be ‘girl bosses’ and ‘sexuality liberated’, it can become easy to be disillusioned/depressed and want to give up on your dream of finding your beloved husband. But, it’s very important to remember that before a girl can care for a family and spouse, she has to care for herself. As a young tradfem, here are some of the things I do to keep out of my disillusionment and to feel happy and feminine! ♡
((Also I apologize for poor English I’m not a native speaker))
Write down baby names, go to stores and look at all the adorable baby clothes and accessories
This had helped me keep my eyes on my goal of motherhood so much! It’s really nice to imagine the details of the wonderful godly family in your future.
Clean your bedroom daily and decorate it with your own feminine, aesthetic dream
This one is great for preparation to become a wife one day. Organizing up your personal space and decorating it to your liking not only shows you are ready to take care of a household, but that you have a feminine creativity.
Pray/take part in your religion
It can be anything from a rosary or a prayer before bed to volunteering at your Church. Absolutely any activity that brings you closer to God is an activity with meaning.
Bake sweets for the special people in your life
I’ve had so much fun with this one! As a tradfem, one of my duties one day will be to cook for my household, so knowing your way around the kitchen is an important skill for a woman to have! Besides, I love seeing the happy faces of my friends and family when I give them cookies or a cherry pie.
Babysit/take care of younger family members
This one is essential for a young lady wanting to become a housewife. I’m not at all an advocate for woman making money ((quite the opposite, actually)) but this is one way to make some extra money while staying true to your god-given purpose.
Take a bath or a shower at least once a day, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant/light body spray
This one may seem obvious, but it’s very important. Smelling and looking clean not only makes you more palatable to Christian men but gives your hair and skin a gentle, feminine glow.
Buy yourself one nice ((but still modest and traditional)) thing
This one can we tricky. You shouldn’t buy your self too much lest your life is filled with the sin of greed, but buying yourself a singular new necklace or that cozy sweater you’ve been wanting can make you feel really good.
Read some classic/conservative philosophy books
While I love listening to my favourite conservative podcasts and news programs, reading is a great way to relax and exercise your brain while learning about faith and tradition.
Take a walk/hike in a forest, beach, or other natural space
Not only is hiking good exercise for your body and brain, but seeing the wonderful world god created for us helps to feel closer to him.
Make a Pinterest board of your future home/dream wedding
This one is great for keeping your spirits up! It’s a great reminder of how lovely traditional aesthetics are and how a wonderful life is just around the corner.
Stop eating fast food/eat healthy/focus on weight loss
Being trim is a crucial part of being a future traditional wife. But eating healthy to stay thin, it not only shows that you have dedication to keep yourself looking well, it will help you fit into cuter clothes.
‘Honour thy mother and father’
Your parents are a gift from God; they carry the traditions and values that have shaped who you are. Honour them by cooking a meal for them, cleaning the house so they don’t have to, ect.
Make sure your wardrobe is modest and fits you well/prepare your clothes for the upcoming week
Every girl looks beautiful in a long skirt/dress. Go through your wardrobe, discard any immodest clothing and have fun making outfits for the days ahead.
Put on some light makeup
I should emphasize that you should only put on LIGHT makeup. God and your husband will love you for your natural beauty, so there’s no point in covering in up. I personally only use mascara, light eyeliner, colour-tinted chapstick and concealer, but I believe added a light blush or some naturally coloured lipstick is an ok addition.
Watch a movie that reinforces conservative values
Movies can awful when they push a radical feminist agenda, but not all movies are the same! There are still plenty of traditional tales about a princess getting swept off her feet by a traditional masculine man or someone on the wrong path who learns the importance of obeying Christ.
Knit something/sew something/croquet something/ modify your dresses using needle and thread
Not only is this hobby perfect for a traditional young lady, but it gives you a chance to show off your creativity and make wonderful gifts for the people you love or something lovely for yourself.
Make a cute rag-doll or teddy bear for a sweet little girl in your life
So many dolls in the modern day are overly sexualized, wearing tons of makeup and skimpy outfits, or look like men. Make a little girl in your life happy with a modest toy that’s a positive roll model.
Shave your legs, arms, and underarms
Modern feminism has pushed the message that body hair is ‘beautiful’, but this is blatantly untrue. No man would prefer a hairy, mannish pig over a well-groomed traditional lady, and most women feel more desirable ((because they are)) shaven.
Be early to bed, and early to rise
Getting enough rest is important for looking traditionally beautiful and healthy. Not only will you have more defined eyes, clearer skin, and a smaller waist line, but you will be left with enough energy to clean your room six times over.
Embrace your nations traditions
Research where your bloodline descends from and it’s traditions to practice. It’s our job as traditionalists to keep the bright minds and beliefs of our ancestors alive; they would be so proud of you for following in the path God designed! ♡
Make sure your nails are well-groomed and not too garish
Men aren’t attracted to fire truck-red monster claws, or stubby, bitten dirt coated nails; it’s a sign you don’t care enough for yourself. If your hands look pleasant, then their ready to bake bread, change diapers, and wear that wedding ring.
Always trust in God, even when it’s difficult or seems pointless
As a young woman without a husband yet, it may seem like God is against you, but that’s not true at all! God has chosen the perfect man for you, now all you have to do is have faith and stay submissive and pure for your future beloved! ♡
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fluffywings13 · 8 months
To Deserve an ounce of Selfishness.
The terror that swells up within him when he manages to swipe a clean slice through Sukuna’s right cheek is nearly heart stopping. Tears are quick to fill his eyes, blur his vision, when blood slowly drips from the wound that he’d caused. “Now, now, accidents are going to happen every once in a while.” Choso doesn’t move a muscle even as he’s scooped up off his feet into muscular arms that have never not once instilled any sense of fear into him until this very moment. “I’m not upset with you, mishaps are a part of growth, there’s no need for tears. Your ability to use your Cursed Energy and my teaching you to handle it is the same as teaching a Infant to walk for the first time. Stumbling is nothing to be mad over and nothing to fear punishment for.”
Cradled in his arms, the Blood Curse User manages to get his tears under control before any real sobs take hold, still cradled there just as tenderly to watch Uraume dress Sukuna’s injured cheek. 
Yuuji is presently partaking in a nap. As he usually is when Sukuna and Choso practice together. 
“See, good as new, you’re quite strong even for someone still so small so a simple slice to my cheek is a far better outcome than I’d imagined.”
Choso can’t help it. “What’d you imagine?”
“Oh, a lost limb or a few dismembered fingers.” Sukuna smiles down at him, carrying him down the hall back to the Garden they’d just left after he’d accidentally injured the older Curse, training was thoroughly completed for the day but that didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy the pleasantness of the garden. “Now, if that had been the case, though, I can say I still wouldn’t be cross with you for taking an arm or a few fingers from me. In that case, you’d still have to be thoroughly punished, to ensure you were more careful in the future.”
“I should still be punished.” He doesn’t truly wish to be, Sukuna’s never truly punished either him or Yuuji in all the time they’d been there, but he deserved whatever painful ramifications came for his failings. “I hurt you, and you’ve been so nice to us, so I should still be punished even if it wasn’t as bad as you say.” Sukuna says nothing to his soft resigned declaration. “I’ll take whatever you think is necessary to compensate for the injury I caused.” They find a place to rest next to a medium sized pond filled with numerous colorful large fish. “All I ask is that Yuuji doesn’t see.” 
Choso’s mind shows him a thousand and one images of what his precious Baby Brother might see as Sukuna properly chastises him as he sees fit for the assault made by his careless hand. Surely, the rumors everyone knew about Sukuna weren’t just the ravings of mad people whose minds had left them, so far the man has been quite the contrary in his treatment of them. Perhaps this was the push that broke the illusion the King Of Curses was casting for himself. 
“I see.” Something heavy settles in his gut when the Curse nods once as a firm acceptance to his request for Consequence. “Well, I’d intended to overlook this slight hiccup, but if you wish for punishment for blemishing my cheek then I will deliver. Just remember, you asked for me to move my hand accordingly, I will not show mercy while chastising you, so you’ve got no one to blame for what's to befall but yourself.” 
His mind provides images of limbs being torn from his person, twisting and yanking, the popping of joints as his arms are dismembered and then his legs. His eyes are carved out by sharp claw shaped nails. Choso admits that his mind can go to some dark places. Blood spilled everywhere, he’s barely clinging to life, waiting for the moment for Death to claim him or his Keeper to heal his wounds so he may be granted another day of Life. 
Really, Choso’s mind can get concerningly morbid, he blames Father. 
Now, Sukuna is what Modern Humans would call a Child Abuser when it comes to his views on Reprimanding Children, an accident is never something he would truly punish a Little One over, but if said Little One were to break his rules he found nothing wrong with a good solid Spanking. But one breaking rules or outright misbehaving is a far cry from one having a minor (or slightly major) accident while learning something new. 
Those rumors and stories that are spread that bring those gruesome images to the child’s mind aren’t without merit, Sukuna is known for such things and worse, but the children hadn’t given him any reason to retaliate with untold violence so why waste shedding blood without a purpose for the action in the first place. 
It is as they say, the Golden Rule: Treat Others As You Wish To Be Treated.
In this instance, and the one he’d thought of with missing a limb or two because of an Accident being had while Training, scaring the child into never wanting to continue learning to Perfect the Technique by getting needlessly angry and harsh is far more harmful in the long run. Sukuna can regrow limbs without breaking a sweat and a simple slice to his cheek is but a mere papercut to someone of his Stature. So sure, punishment can still take place, but not all reprimands have to make the little one shed tears of pain and anguish. 
True to his word, not an ounce of mercy is given, Choso’s dark thoughts of blood and carnage are quickly washed away. Shaking his head, as best as his current position of restraint permits, he kicks out as he cackles wildly. Four Hands made things so unfair from the start. All it took was one to hold his wrists captive and his arms above his head, another to undo the clasps on his new tailored top, and that left two hands–a total of ten fingers–to do whatever they so pleased to. 
Scratching first at his little armpits, nails itch and scratch over the delicate skin, while he’s squealing for mercy even with the knowledge that none will be shown. Fingers replace the nails, wiggling and poking and clawing, Choso’s surprised the scream he let out at that moment alone hadn’t woken Yuuji from his afternoon nap from the sheer Loudness of it’s echoes. Down his ribs those fingers crawl, digging into the right nooks and crannies with just the right pressure at just the right moment, he rocks from side to side as squeals break into his screams of laughter. 
All in all, it’s this moment, one that is silly and playful and protective and tender, a moment that’s only theirs. Choso and Sukuna. Choso and the closest thing he’s ever had to what he supposes a proper parent should be like. No sign or sound of Baby Brother in sight, this moment, the silliness and care it contains, is meant for Choso and Choso alone. As he’s screeching and squealing with the cackles of an insane man, laying safe and warm in Sukuna’s lap, unable to see the tortures he most definitely feels being inflicted on his poor abused tummy due to the well placed arm blocking his line of sight. His fingers curled tightly in the sleeve of the kimono in his view, fifteen fingers tormenting his tummy in ways that has him bouncing every few moments and arching into them every few intervals, head thrown back because the realization that the most he can do is grasp onto the man’s sleeve and cackle like a hyena has dawned on him. 
It’s in that moment, that Choso feels the guilt of leaving his other brothers behind begin to fade, he’ll never forgive himself completely for what he knows will become of them. But he’s finally getting the attention he’s always given but never gained in return, his tummy is tingling by the time his atonement is concluded and tears prick at the corners of his eyes, someone’s taking care of him, Choso’s always been the one seeing to the needs of others and he loves that he has his Brothers and would never trade them for the world, but now he has someone who’s seeing to his needs and….
Choso is a selfish person. 
He never stops thinking about the ones he left behind those months ago, when he and Yuuji disappeared, or the fate that they surely met in response to Father’s Disastrous Ire when those sent out to find and return the two that had gone missing come back empty handed. 
But he’s Selfish.
Choso likes that he can act as young as he still is now. That he can have a bad moment or a bad day and raise his arms for someone to comfort him and someone is there to meet him with that desired comfort. Likes that when Yuuji gets sick from playing out in the snow for too long, Uraume is the one who prepares soup and tea and remedies, while Sukuna asks gently about his own wellbeing because Choso was out in the cold just as long as Yuuji was and though yes because of his halfling nature it’s rather more difficult to catch the same illness as Baby Brother had that doesn’t mean that if he’s feeling unwell he won’t be tucked in nice and warm with Baby Brother for soup and tea and sleep until he feels better again. Choso’s always been the caregiver for as long as he can remember but he’s never known what it feels like to be on the end of those Receiving the Care being Given. 
Sukuna takes over the role that Choso has played since he can remember first Remembering anything, Uraume in the background too, they just get to be…them. He, Sukuna, gets Yuuji down to take his daily nap, the Curse rocking the Babe in his arms until he drifts off, a few times Choso himself is subjected to the treatment upon being caught spying on them once or twice. Sukuna makes not a sound as he gently sets Baby Brother, now fast asleep, down among the blankets to rest. He’s swiftly scooped up before he can think of the need to escape, lulled to sleep just like Baby Brother had been to the gentle swaying motion of the rocking and the soft hum of a lullaby too old for him to know the name of, the last image he sees is the King’s soft smile as he’s being tucked in next to Yuuji for a rest too. 
He gets praise and cheers for every achievement of his own, comfort and soothing when he gets injured, Choso is selfish in that he knows he could return to protect his other Brothers but he refrains because he doesn’t want to lose what he was never permitted to have while being there to protect them. 
Protection of his own. 
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andromedasummer · 1 month
2/3 of the way through The Whispering Skull. Enjoying it more than I did the first few times I read the books through which has been really nice!
- the group really are just. scared teenagers once carver dies on their doorstep. its pure terror, especially from george, and its an awful thing to go through. especially with how barnes reacts like i dont care that theyre agents these kids havent witnessed a man bleed out on their doorstep before RECOMMEND THEM THERAPY.
- i want the winkmans to explode i hate every time any of them are on screen i hate how casually violent julius winkman is i want to punt his shitty little son. his wife seems like the kind of woman who would confront me in a public bathroom about my gender because of my jaw shape or some shit. nasty fucking people.
- I completely forgot George snuck along the skull to the investigation of Bickerstaffs house. King behaviour. OH LOCKWOOD KNEW. OH LOCKWOOD TOLD HIM TO. Bro Lucy being mad is kinda fair
- Everything about that house is so... gross. It's like all the dissections and taking apart of bodies has become a part of it. All the stripped walls
- Love Kipps' team and the main crew having to work together. Also love Lucy pulling their heads in and stopping them from brawling in an actively haunted house of horror.
- Kat being described as so pallid shes grey from the psychic noise getting to her is interesting because we dont get much description about how Listeners look when theyre using their powers, because of course the Listener of the team is Lucy, and she's the narrator. It's nice insight into how the body changes when in the presence of ghost phenomena compared to those with Sight, who get frozen up and more alert but aren't necessarily as drained like those with Touch and Listening.
- All of them getting squashed in a tiny iron circle so tight George can smell and genuinely compliment Kipps on his cologne is so fucking funny. Same with his genuine "Oh, thanks." Response. They would get along so well if they weren't always at each others throats. I am so badly looking forward to him joining the team.
- Fucking Ned Shaw ruining it all blocking the teams exit starting a fight GOD I'll write my little thingy come the next book after his death but hes such a frustrating character in so many ways it just leaves me sad.
- Quill just booking it leaving his team behind. Christ this team is a mess. Genuinely don't know how he wasn't fired in his last few years at the agency. Like. This is probably how all those kids on his team died. Only reason Bobby didn't croak is cos Lockwood got him the hell out of there.
- WILBERFORCES GHOST IS MY FAV IN THE SERIES like the way its made up of rats.... looks like a victorian gentleman then disintegrates into rats leaving his gnawed bloody bones behind... Fucking COOL AS HELL
- Shaw being made to stand outside L&Cos house. No sleep, takeaway coffee, in tattered clothes. Good. Punishment for being Ultimate Dickhead.
- I can't believe I didn't remember that the first time George sees Flo, he mistakes her for a gnarled, filthy ghost, dragged from some muddy grave, clawing at the window while its broad daylight. And when Flo first sees George, shes gently tapping the window trying to get the teams attention, and watches him jump up, launching his chair in fright, hit the mops behind him and then begin slapping them away thinking them assailants. And then they fall in love. 10/10.
- Lockwood giving Lucy a bloody silver link necklace with a diamond pendant in the middle YOU LIKE HER. YOUUUU LIKE HER
Next up is the Fittes party, robbing the library in the Fittes building and then robbing Winkman's auction all in one night. These 14 yr olds are off the shits.
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azuremosquito · 9 months
The start of bad decisions...
Notes: Fic contains trauma mention, Astarion's memory of Cazador's abuse, and dishonestly leading Gale on.
Full NSFW version can be found here.
It had been marvelous, while it lasted.
For a precious few weeks, Astarion had allowed himself to believe things could be different. That he could be free, that he could make different choices. Help people, instead of hurting them. It had felt so good to inspire hope, instead of fear. Well, still a little fear; he was still himself, after all. But this time, to those who deserved it. He had savored the heady sensation every time his companions looked to him to take the lead. Even fancied himself an excellent leader.
That all ended, crashing around his delicate pointed ears, when they reached the shadow-cursed lands and came across the fallen bodies of the tiefling refugees. The very same faces he had last seen cavorting with joy around his campfire mere weeks before. How they had adored him that evening.
And now, those faces were contorted in grimaces of pain and fear, anguish overwriting the happy memories in his mind. A few dead cultists lay strewn about among the dead, showing the refugees had not all fallen in vain, but too many had, just the same. As he gazed upon the slaughter, Astarion felt the old familiar pit of despair rising up to meet him.
Even reaching the Last Light Inn, discovering some precious few had survived, meeting and saving Isobel, receiving the cleric’s blessing… none of it reached his heart as he attempted to lock it away again. He should have known it was foolish to give in to hope. Two hundred miserable years under Cazador’s thumb should have killed that pointless notion long since.
It was no surprise, then, that his memories returned to his old master when they made camp that evening. He rarely rested well, but that night something was different, unease flooding his veins. Again and again, his thoughts returned to memories of pain, of suffering.
In the meditative trance elves partook instead of sleep, Astarion remembered his small cruelties, his sadistic whims. The long, torturous night Cazador had carved ‘poetry’ into his back. It all felt vividly real again. Every jagged cut of the ‘needle’ Cazador had used, the shapes he carved into Astarion’s flesh. For the briefest moment, he started to see the pattern of the design in his mind, to make sense of it. But his panic and pain won out, pushing the vampire spawn to sitting, drenched in sweat and panting with fright.
Trembling, he pushed himself upright on shaky limbs, thinking only to get away from the others, perhaps a late night swim in the stream to rinse free the last of the unwelcome, clinging thoughts. A faint glow at the edge of his vision halted him, however, and he gave a slight start to see a translucent image of Gale standing nearby, smiling at him. He had seen the wizard’s mirror images often enough to recognize it, but what he couldn’t fathom was what one was doing here in the camp, instead of the man himself.
“Good evening,” the image said brightly in Gale’s own voice. “I am here on behalf of Gale of Waterdeep. He wishes to extend you an invitation for a private conversation in a more suitable locale.”
Astarion blinked slowly, considered rejecting the offer. He was still shaken by his memories and uncertain he wished to be around the wizard just then. Those same memories, however, urged him to accept the offer. He wanted to feel something, anything else but that haunting pain. He remembered the way Gale had looked at him after the battle to save the inn, earlier that day. Yes, that might do nicely.
“Very well, show me the way,” he sighed.
“Gladly!” the mirror image replied. “Simply follow yonder path and soon you will find him.” The figure extended its arm toward a passage between the trees bathed in soft moonlight. They were camping in the shadow-cursed lands, there should be no moonlight at all, and Astarion knew at once this was Gale’s magic at work.
He set off down the path, and it wasn’t but a moment until a clearing opened before him revealing a stunning starscape, beautiful rainbows of aurora arcing across the sky. And the wizard himself sitting in the midst of it, hands raised in delicate, graceful gestures, plucking the Weave like a master played the harp.
Astarion sauntered closer, slipping into old seductive habits like a familiar mantle, one he had draped around himself many times. Gale lowered his arms and smiled up at Astarion as the pale elf alighted beside him. The way the wizard gazed at him, oh this would be so easy. The man had been making eyes at him since almost their first meeting.
Not that anyone could blame him, of course. Half the camp had thrown themselves at Astarion’s feet already. He had resisted their efforts thus far, luxuriating in being offered a choice, that he needn’t use his body or his looks to survive. Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, he wanted this. He wanted to feel something else, to erase the memories of Cazador’s cruelty and replace them with anything else. That he felt nothing for Gale romantically was unimportant; all that mattered was that Gale was available, interested. Obtainable.
The elf’s thoughts drifted briefly to Halsin, but he pushed them away almost as quickly. The big druid had become increasingly withdrawn as they approached the cursed lands, departing the camp as soon as they reached the inn. Astarion was good and well rid of him, then. It certainly didn’t hurt his feelings, not one bit.
“I love this time of night,” Gale spoke, drawing Astarion’s attention back to him. The wizard was leaning back on his hands, gazing up at the sky. Astarion had to admit, the man was quite fetching in this light. A suitable companion to pass the time. And what little time it was. He knew the wizard still planned to follow through with Mystra’s cruel command, more the fool, he. Definitely safe enough to dally with in the meantime.
“There’s an almost reverent silence that accompanies the peak of darkness, when you’d almost believe the dawn will never break.” Astarion stifled an eyeroll at Gale’s penchant for romantic poetry and remained silent. “The cradle… of eternity,” Gale continued, oblivious, gesturing at the aurora overhead. “The timelessness of lovers.” He paused and gazed pointedly at Astarion. “That most beautiful of fantasies.”
His thoughts on the poetry notwithstanding, Astarion knew his role well, had played it countless times over the last two centuries. He shifted slightly, just enough for their shoulders to brush together, a flirtatious smirk curving one corner of his mouth. “It’s breathtaking, Gale,” he cooed praise for the other man. “Is this starry sky your doing?” Flattery would get him everywhere with this one.
“Indeed.” Gale seemed pleased as he gazed back up at the heavens. “The curse is still present, of course. Just veiled at arm’s length, for now. Not a trick I can repeat often, but tonight? Tonight is different.” His eyes drifted back to Astarion, drinking him in. “This may be my last night alive. I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty and wonder… and with company to match.”
Astarion smiled again, holding the wizard’s gaze and letting his pinky brush over Gale’s near his in the grass, hearing the other man’s breath hitch. Felt his heartrate stir. So simple. Astarion had whispered many such honeyed words of his own in the past, valuable tools in his arsenal of seduction. Gale had no need for them with Astarion, the man was simply a true romantic at heart. Pathetic. Astarion would have the wizard eating out of his hands before morning.
Gale blushed and cleared his throat, gazing back at the stars. “I thought this place might bring me peace. I thought it might make the weight of what I must do feel a little lighter… but I am not so sure.” His brows furrowed in pain and, for the briefest moment, Astarion felt a pang. Romantically he might not feel toward the man, but Gale had proven himself a true friend time and again.
“I refuse to believe this is the end. We’ll find another way, I promise.” The words were out of Astarion’s mouth before he could stop them and he silently cursed himself. Not that they were a lie, per se. He didn’t wish for Gale to blow himself up to save the gods' damned world, but he failed to see why he should stop the man if it would save all of their skins.
“Thank you,” Gale sighed, turning his hand over and curling his fingers against Astarion’s palm. “But, even if we do find another way, perhaps this is the right way. The end fate wishes for me.” Gods preserve him from melancholy fools determined to be martyrs. “There is no point in running from it,” Gale continued his mournful monologue, gazing away. “Better to meet it on my own terms.”
“Why are you so sure it’s inevitable?” Astarion demanded, hearing the petulance in his own voice and scowling faintly. “We haven’t even found this ‘Heart of the Absolute’ yet.”
Gale ignored his question, perhaps reciting a speech he had rehearsed in his head for days, and would not be swayed from it. “One moment with you could sate me for a lifetime, and prise the fear from my heart. I’m so very glad you came, to share this with me.” He nodded back at the magical sky overhead, bathing them in shades of teal and indigo. “I know this is all unreal, but I created it for you. You must know that you’re…” Here, his pretty words finally faltered. “That you’re very special to me.” His brows knit together, his gaze earnest as he turned back to Astarion.
Oh no.
“If things were different, if we were home, I’d have taken the time to do things properly. To say it all better,” Gale continued. “But time is short.”
Oh no. Stop, don’t say it! Astarion begged in his mind. “I’m in love with you.”
Astarion swallowed a painful lump in his throat. This wasn’t right. He didn’t want this. Not… not that. Not love. Absolutely not. This ridiculous wizard, wearing his heart on his sleeve, giving it to anyone who wasn’t cruel to him for five minutes!
He couldn’t stand to hear it, not another word. Instead, he closed the distance between them, palm sliding up the side of Gale’s neck, thumb gently caressing the man’s jaw and coaxing his head up before sealing their lips in a hungry kiss. He felt Gale’s breath hitch, the man tense against him for the briefest moment before his own hands came up to cradle Astarion’s face, kissing him back urgently.
Yes. Yes! This was more like it.
Astarion began to push Gale back into the grass, but the wizard struggled free. “Wait, wait!” He rose to his feet, shaking his head. “I want it to be perfect - to bond with you in the way that gods do… intertwining our spirits in visions of the Weave.”
Astarion growled under his breath as he followed Gale to his feet, impatient with the unwanted romance. “I don’t need illusions.” He reached for the wizard again and felt the other man’s confusion.
“...are you sure? I could conjure up any sight that you could dream of, and a few you could not. I could use the Weave to make us feel sensations beyond reckoning. I could do more than woo you - I could wow you.” The man gazed at him so earnestly and Astarion stifled a sigh. Gods preserve him from romantic fools.
“You don’t need to impress me, Gale,” he sighed, drawing the wizard into his arms again. “I’m no god.” The admission brought a faint hint of bitterness to his tongue and he ducked his head, hoping to rinse it away with another kiss.
“Yes you are,” Gale murmured, adoration in his eyes, and Astarion felt his own dead heart stutter painfully, against his better judgment. “Alright then, let’s do it your way. So long as it’s with you.”
Astarion moved to draw Gale toward the ground once more, suddenly desperate to stop this beautiful mooncalf from saying another word, but the wizard got one final say in.
“A small gesture to your comfort.” He nodded over Astarion’s shoulder and the vampire turned his head to discover a plush, luxorious canopied bed had appeared in the center of the clearing. Well, that would certainly be more pleasurable than in the grass…
Smirking, he took hold of Gale’s hand and backed toward the bed, drawing the wizard along with him. Falling back onto the soft cushions and trusting Gale’s magic, he pulled his companion down atop him, kissing him heatedly once more. At last, Gale finally seemed content to let the conversation die, kissing him inexpertly but with an eagerness that more than made up for skill.
Astarion rolled limber hips and was rewarded with a desperate groan from the wizard atop him, the man’s need rock hard against the rogue’s leg. Beyond impatient by this point, he slid his hands down to unfasten Gale’s belt and pull that gaudy tunic off over his head and cast it aside. The wizard cuddled shyly against him but Astarion’s hands wandered appreciatively over the man’s skin, deft fingers tracing a map of his body and finding all the places that made Gale sing. Oh and what a vocal lover he was, the noises bubbling up from his throat guiding Astarion with ease.
Hooking a leg around Gale’s waist, Astarion effortlessly flipped them over, gently pinning the wizard beneath him as he bent for another kiss. Gale’s fingers twitched and threads of the Weave began loosening the elf’s clothing, the wizard dividing his attention between the kiss and magically undressing the man atop him.
“Oh my,” Astarion purred with a grin, breaking the kiss to shimmy out of his billowy shirt, his lean muscular chest on display. “That’s certainly new.” Bracing his hands on Gale’s chest, he gave another deliberate roll of his hips, grinding their bulges together and earning another pretty moan from the wizard. “I trust you brought along supplies for this little… seduction…”
Gale tensed beneath him and blushed in adorable embarrassment. “I… er… that is…”
“Oh gods help you,” Astarion sighed with a playful eyeroll. “You thought of everything else.” He reached into one of many hidden trouser pockets and produced a small vial of oil, pressing it into the wizard’s hand. “It’s a good thing you’re cute.” He leaned down to nibble on the man’s ear before adding in a sultry whisper, “and that I am always prepared. Now. Get naked for me, darling.” 
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Blood and Vengeance - Part 1
A/N: I've had this story saved in my drafts for a while now and i think about it every dang day so here it is! Finally!
Pairing: Dettlaff x Reader
Words: 1332
Summary: You answer an ad for a housekeeping job at the estate of the two new mysterious visitors in town, despite strange rumors circulating around town you know the pay makes it well worth it. However, when you arrive it seems to be part housekeeping and part "nanny" as you're tasked with getting the dark-brooding Dettlaff used to humans. surely this will go smoothly, right?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
Your town had always been a sleepy place as far as you could remember. Small markets, rarely any visitors, and relatively little commotion as far as you were concerned; but maybe that's what attracted the two mysterious men to your tiny town. 
Word of their arrival spread quickly and quietly through the streets of the town, warping the way all rumors do. Some said they just seemed like two standard rich men. One was pleasant, always carrying a bag of herbs and odd-smelling concoctions, and the other didn’t seem to like anyone and was strangely intense for such a quiet man. However, in no time those rumors faded out, instead replaced by speculation of criminal pasts, and fake identities- some even went so far as to swear they had seen them turn into bats when the veil of night fell.
Either direction the rumors went you found yourself growing more and more curious the longer you stared at the posted ad on the noticeboard. 
It said they were looking for a few workers; mostly gardeners and people to help renovate- neither of which you knew how to do well enough, but you did think you could settle into the housekeeping role well. It looked like it paid nicely and you’d get to have a room at the manor as well. It was bound to be long hours and being on call at a moment's notice, but soon enough you should be able to save up a small fortune and live your life quietly on your own time. 
You nodded, determined in your decision, and went straight there to apply, despite the way your nerves grew with each step. 
As you walked up to the estate It’s multiple levels loomed over you and blocked out the low-hanging sun. You pushed open the iron-wrought gate which creaked with age as you closed it behind you and walked through the freshly tilled gardens. The home had been worn by decades of neglect and paint flecked off in patches here and there revealing an older color underneath. 
“I guess they must’ve already found gardeners” you commented as you made your way up to the door. A deep breath steadied your nerves long enough to lift the heavy door knocker, clacking it against the old wood twice. 
It was quiet for a short while before the sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind the door as it was pulled open with ease by an older-looking gentleman. His hair and sideburns were a sooty gray and his eyes held bags beneath them that betrayed the exhaustion his pleasant smile tried to hide. “Ah, you must be here to apply for one of the posted jobs?” He held his hand out for you to shake. “Emiel Regis, it’s a pleasure.” 
You put on your best smile, shaking his hand as you introduced yourself, “Yes, um- I was hoping the housekeeping position was still open..?”
An amusing thought seemed to cross him as he glanced you over once more, barely noticeable if you weren’t watching. He nodded and ushered you in right away, into the darkened entryway. “Of course. Come in, come in- I might as well show you around if you're going to be working here,” he said, leading the way.
Two large staircases curved their way out and upward and met at the next level. Rugs lined each step and the hallway before you, worn to a small degree but mostly dulled with dirt, dust, and age. The wood lining the walls could use a layer of polish, but you were surprised to see what decent shape the interior was in. 
Mostly the interior just showed aging, from the dimmed dirty windows to the cobwebs in the corners. “You’ll have to pardon the mess while we get everything put back to its former glory. The house Is big, but please don’t let it become daunting to you. I-” He paused his steps and his words to listen to the quiet house for a moment before he continued. 
“Well if I have to be frank. This job is in part a regular housekeeping job, I assure you. But it is also because I would like to have someone to keep an eye on my dear friend Dettlaff.” He said, glancing back at you before he continued giving you a tour of the house. “I-I promise it’s nothing strange. Ah- but that probably only made it sound stranger, didn’t it?” 
“Very much so..” you replied, laughing lightly, but still holding your satchel close as you went from room to room. A few of the rooms were more finished than the others- the bedrooms and the kitchens for example- others seemed to be more of storage for extra materials. 
“I apologize… I had no intention of making you feel uncomfortable. It’s just- Well, how do I put this… Dettlaff is not good with people. At all.” Regis huffed in mild annoyance. Because Dettlaff was such a good friend, Regis could only acknowledge his shortcomings for what they were. Dangerous liabilities. “He feels far too much, but I think small introductions could be good for him; someone who can pepper him with how people work socially” He further explained, waving a hand of his with nails that were just a bit longer than normal. 
This was all starting to get a little bit weird… but you still couldn't deny this kind of pay, plus room and board. “So you want me to be a sort of… glorified nanny for your friend?” You asked, increasing your pace to step side by side with the older man.
“Well, when you put it like that…” he began to mumble, but you quickly interjected. 
“I’ll do it. When can I start?” you stepped in front of him and held out your hand to shake on it, causing the older man to stop short and raise his eyebrows in surprise.
“My, my… you certainly seem like a rather tenacious creature, don’t you? Though I think that could prove you well in dealing with him…” He smiled that friendly smile again and shook your hand. “If you’re up to it you can start tomorrow. I’ll create a list of daily duties and It’ll be waiting for you in the room we’ve set aside for you. We can discuss your pay after your first day, does that arrangement work for you miss Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with nothing but an earnest expression and kind eyes. 
You smiled as you nodded, hefting your bag further up on your shoulder as you were led back to the front door and seen off by the older man. 
You were quiet on your walk home, quickly scampering through the streets before the sun fully fell and the more malicious folks came out for the evening. As soon as the door clicked closed you shouted in excitement and did a little dance. You weren’t even a hundred percent sure where all the confidence had come from, but you didn’t care! A huge grin spread across your face as you breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, shit, I’ve got to get packing…” you thought aloud as you sprung yourself up and began pulling things together. For once you were thankful that you had only been renting in this little town. It felt like ages ago that you had walked away from your childhood home to try and make a life for yourself and for once it seemed to actually be working out. You didn’t have too much to pack up, mostly books, clothes, and a few little knickknacks you had picked up over the years, but each one held a small special place with you. 
A small smile painted on your expression as you put the last of your things away in a bag and gave the old place one last look around. 
Tomorrow would change the trajectory of the rest of your life for you, you could feel it. And you had never been more ready. 
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight (thought you might like to be tagged in this!)
Wanna be added to a certian taglist? DM me to Let me know!
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sugacookees · 1 year
it never was you
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PAIRING ✩ kim seokjin x reader fluff, a bit of angst w.c. approx. 1.5k ♫ it never was you - judy garland
As autumn leaves fall, so does the thought of you in my head.
So, on a sunny Saturday morning, I used your mug instead of mine.
“Jagi! Look there’s an antique store!”
As I drag him into the store, we both look in awe of the hundreds of trinkets and once treasures of people we will never know. Will any of Seokjin and I’s things end up in a place like this? And if they do, would anyone care to take it home with them? Out of my reverie, I turn to look at Seokjin who has taken interest in a mug. It looks like your conventional plain white mug, except for the fact that it looks like it's melting.
“I love it.” He says.
“Me too. It screams you.” And after a beat of silence, we look at each other and laugh. “We should find one for you.” He then lists the most outrageous things a mug can be; its rim shaped like a mouth so it would look hilarious when I hold it up to my lips and drink from it, or maybe a toilet bowl would be nice.
And so, we get lost in the aisles of the store, our list of groceries long forgotten. But after a while, everything I pick up and show him doesn’t seem to be enough.
“I’m beginning to lose hope.” He looks back at me in a flash, with those eyes of his that tells me I’m about to receive a lecture.
“Don’t! We’re are not gonna leave until we find you the perfect mug. Sometimes things lead us into unexpected journeys that we should take, not because we have to reach the end goal, but for what it could teach us, y’know? Like now, aren’t we having so much fun laughing at the weirdest things and what its previous owners could’ve been like? So, when we find that mug of yours, and we bring it home, whenever you’ll use it, you’ll remember this day. The day we weren’t able to get any groceries because you dragged us in here. The day we had so much fun. I’m having so much fun with you. Right now, right here. Aren’t you?”
“You’re unbelievable.” I link my arms on his shoulders and pull him close to me. “I don’t know if that was romantic, or plain annoying how you could say so much about the most ordinary things.” I laugh and peck him on the cheek.
“Well, it’s my charm. It’s why you fell in love with me in the first place.” He starts to brag. And as if there were still space between us, we pull each other impossibly close. Seokjin starts to squint his eyes on something behind me, then ever so graciously pushes me aside and rushes off.
“I found it!” He holds up a cat mug, with its tail acting as the handle. The cat isn’t cute. It looks evil like the stepmother’s cat from Cinderella. But with Seokjin holding it up so high with the brightest smile on his face, it was the most beautiful mug in the world.
When I got ready, I used that yellow sweater of yours that you really like.
Right after dinner, Seokjin’s mother hands him a big blue box with tied with a bright red bow. “Happy Birthday, my son!” along with a kiss on the cheek. He thanks her and unwraps it right away. He pulls out a fluffy knit oversized sweater. The majority of the sweater was mustard yellow, but starts to fade into a pastel yellow towards the bottom.
“Mom! I love it! Did you make this?” He screams while hugging her. “Yes. Though, it took me a while since I wasn’t sure how big you’ve grown.”
“Well, that means we’ll visit often so you’d know.” I chip in. Seokjin’s mother looks at me with adoration and holds my hands. “I would love that.”
And on that very night, he wears the sweater to sleep, saying “It’s cold, and I don’t have any other clothes left.” We’re in his family home. He brought a suitcase. Pretty sure there were enough clothes for him here for a month.
When we got back to Seoul, he would wear it to work every other week. And even on the days when we stayed in and cuddled. By that point, the sweater’s sleeves had gone so loose, I could fit my arms right in while Seokjin was wearing it, and he would still be able to move.
On my way to work, I listened to your songs even though I always fought you for it.
“Seokjin-ah, I love you. But can you please play anything else other than Coldplay?”
I reach for his phone and he slaps my hand away. “I’m driving, it’s my music.”
“Pleaaaaase! If you let me play the music, I swear I’ll play Coldplay every ten songs.” He looks at me with doubt, and I try my very best to muster pleading eyes.
“Make it two.” He argues.
“What?! How ‘bout eight?”
“Fine.” I cheer and connect my phone. True to my word, I did play a Coldplay song every five songs. Soon enough, we arrive at our destination.
“You know…” He starts, and I look at him questioningly.
“I would’ve agreed at ten. I just wanted to rile you up.” I hit his shoulder and he laughs. When we get out of the car, he quickly comes to my side. He holds my hand and gives it a kiss. And in my head, I decide not telling him I could listen to Coldplay all day.
And when I’m about to drift into slumber, I embrace my teddy bear tightly.
The lights and the noise of the fair started to drown out whatever Seokjin was saying. It was my first time going to something like this and I was amazed. Food booths and game booths were littered everywhere, the screams of people on the rides, everything was new and exciting. And so was my relationship with Seokjin. We have been dating for only three months, and so far, it’s been really good. He treats me well, and every conversation we have is smooth and easy. I really think this one might just last.
I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see Seokjin’s worried face. “Are you okay? Is it too much? We can leave if you want to, it’s no-” I stop him and assure him everything’s fine, that I was just taking it all in. He tells me again that we can leave whenever I feel uncomfortable.
Seokjin is really sweet.
He holds my hand tightly and we walk along the booths. We opt to try out some food first so we could walk out the grease and sugar from the fair foods. And as soon as we do that, we try out some game booths, one of which was a ring toss. In cliché date fashion, Seokjin promises to win me the huge bear hanging on the booth that may only be five inches shorter than me. I challenge him and say the same.
“Alright, bet. Let’s see who wins first.”
“It’ll be me, by the way. Just letting you know ahead of time.”
“Oh? Is that so? You’re too confident for your own good.”
The young girl manning the booth looks between us and laughs to herself. She gives us the rings and explains the mechanics. As soon as it starts, Seokjin tries his best accompanied with shouts that rivals that of those on the rollercoaster. Though, on my side, I wasn’t also doing well. I was so close to just throwing the rings at the bottles to shatter them. Out of desperation, I nudge Seokjin just to throw him off-balance.
“Yah! Stop cheating!” The young girl starts to worry whether we’re about to destroy her booth and make her lose a job. I go on with the game and win. Seokjin gives me a glare as the girl hands me a bear, not the huge one that looks like it could eat me, but a slightly smaller version with a yellow bowtie.
“He’s ugly. You guys deserve each other.” He jokes. “Really now? I was just thinking how he looks just like you!” I tease him more about being a sore loser, he teases me for being a cheater.
And just from that moment on, I knew my life was about to become brighter, and I started to pray to whatever god was out there in the universe to let me keep him.
Sunday morning has come, too slowly for my liking. I hope the days start to blend into each other, until the day of your return comes as a surprise, as if I wasn't counting every day, minute, and second.
Day after day of trying to imitate your warmth, your joy, and your love, I was nowhere close. All of this, everything, anything; but it never was you. It never was anywhere you.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
soulmates!au with greed.
special ; for @dyingstar-light​ ​: You couldn’t see Greed for next hundred years and still love his perfume, but hate his smirk and eyes.
# tags: scenario; soulmates!au; future!au; flashbacks; kind of romance; drama; a little bit of angst; rather sfw
includes: female reader ft. greed {fmab}
author’s note: I’m a couple of weeks late, but this is for you! Merry Christmas, bestie! 
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Year 2143, Nagoya.
The city is teeming with life; people use such sophisticated technology that a hundred years ago they couldn’t even dream of, and most of the things are produced and done by robots or robot-like machines. Japan, as one of the leading inventive countries, expands its knowledge about death, stimulants, healthy eating, physical and mental diseases, new cars and new forms of payment every day (bitcoins are obsolete). It’s 2143, and you’re reading the latest news from the country on your laptop in one of the most popular cafes, and your cake and cup filled with your favorite drink have been delivered by a robot in the shape of an adorable kitten. You stroke his plastic ear, then start eating your dessert slowly.
While browsing through your laptop, which you use for both study, work and entertainment, the door to the cafe opens again and again and the robotic cat greets customers with a cheerful ‘Meow, hello, meow’. At some point, you smell a characteristic scent that in no way resembles the coffee aftertaste of a latte or a fresh, still warm apple pie or oreo pudding. You can sense the distinctive aroma of musk, light vanilla and a hint of spices in the room. Of course, all this was accompanied by the heavy smell of cigarettes and expensive, eight-years-old whiskey. Your eyes immediately left the laptop screen and landed on a man wearing a tight maroon T-shirt and a waistcoat.
You instantly felt the bitterness of the coffee in your mouth (although you had ordered a cappuccino with double foam) and then quickly looked down at the keyboard. Like it or not, the man noticed you right away, as if he’d come here especially for you, even though you both knew it was just a strange, dangerous coincidence.
“Long time no see. How long has it been...?” He started amused and your muscles automatically tensed slightly.
“One hundred and twenty years.” Your low voice echoed between the two of you, and you slowly looked up, watching the dark-haired man’s movements.
“Did you miss me?” He laughed, his right hand sliding his glasses down his nose a bit. “Because I missed you so badly.”
“Not really.”
You and Greed had more in common than just an acquaintance from many, many years ago. You were one of those happy/unhappy people who remembered your every previous life; life as a princess in medieval England, as the daughter of a bakery owner in 1656 in Australia, as a traveler in the 14th century, as a famous writer in 2020 and now as a businesswoman more than a century later. You’ve met Greed at least once in all your lives, and each time he’s looked just as good and just as stupid with that smirk on his face. In each of your lives you have been close to him as his lover, friend or as the object of his sighs. He liked you very much and always tried to get close to you to show you that he had changed this time.
Because after all, he always hurt you whenever he had the chance, and you let him do it, believing his empty promises and dishonest words.
“Are you working or what? Hmmm. I preferred you in that nice bakery outfit. Green color suits you very well.” He said happily as he sat across from you. “Or with that expensive silver pen behind your ear I gave you before your first book was published.”
“... I am currently busy, as you can see.” You started seriously, keeping your eyes on the letters on the laptop screen. “And I do not want to talk to you.”
“Oh, you’re more sassy in this life. I like this.” He said in a more amused tone and you just rolled your both, shiny eyes.
You almost forgot his existence, and now, he’s next to you again. The young-looking male annoyed you like no one else in the world; he was rude to the elderly and children, self-righteous, condescending to working people, snappy, loved to flirt with other women, always borrowed money from you, and always wanted something from you. He was a bad man, but still... something about him always intrigued you and drew you to him.
“... I also have other priorities in this life, a good job and finally someone I’ve always deserved.” You looked out the window and a small smile appeared on your face. “And I don’t want to lose it.”
You quickly packed up your grey laptop and got up from the table, leaving your cake unfinished and your half-drank coffee.
“Honey, we both know we’ll run into each other sooner or later. If not in this life, then in the next. After all... we’re meant for each other, remember?” He chuckled and his hand turned towards you showing a red mark that was identical to yours on the same hand. After a short while, the man looked at the person standing behind the cafe building. Greed immediately noticed the ring on that person’s finger, which was identical to the one on your hand. It seemed like a clumsy attempt to deceive yourself and cover up your true destiny. “But do what you want. See you later, baby.”
Your body stiffened again.
“Just... fuck off.”
Without lying, you both knew that the next meeting would take place in this lifetime... And oddly enough, both of you were looking forward to it.
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