#and its hard to talk about something without an actual promt
wasyago · 1 year
I absolutely love ur art and reading ur thoughts abt the riptides! What do you think about chip?
VERY POG. love chip.
i didn't really like him at first, but after learning about his backstory and motifs and after all the changes he went through i like him a lot lot, he's so interesting to me, so alive.
chip has so many interesting themes and ideas and they're so consistent and clear, its just- augh. i think the one that absolutely breaks my heart is his selflessness and the amount of times he sacrificed something for his friends. especially because on the surface he looks like a covard that wouldn't think about risking his own skin over someone else's. but if its people he cares about - he will do everything in his power to keep them safe, and its so heartbreaking broooo.
like, the first time chip met lizzie and she told him about the war. the fact that it was lizzie, his old friend, his old family, asking to go against their mutual opresor, together. and he said no (!!!!!!), he said that he'll rather drop everything he's been fighting and living for, because he didn't want to put jay and gillion in danger, because he didn't want his friends to suffer and go through this, he was ready to leave everything, leave lizzie to her own devices, and just leave and go as far away as possible to protect them. SO. HEARTBREAKING. the fact that chip was acting so angsty around lizzie just because he wanted his friends to be safe.
that same arc actually-- signing the magical contract. talk about self sacrifice??? my guy risked signing his life away forever and ever just so his friends didn't have to. yes he had a plan, but he was fully ready to take the bullet for jay and gill, and he was fully ready to do it alone without even telling them.
edison's kingdom? giving away his finger to make a deal with a big shady guy, again biting the bullet for the whole team.
the entire goddamn price encounter????? he left, alone, didn't say anything to anyone, went into the base of a very dangerous guy, risked his life, almost lost his life. just so price wouldn't send more assassins after his friends. he went and dealt with this whole giant thing by himself.
the entirety of faywild that im not even gonna talk about because what the hell bro.
there's probably a lot more that i can't remember rn
i know that all three of the gang have the theme of self sacrifice going for them, but chip's just hits different for some reason...
and for the character growth. just, to compare chip who was so into this idea of being a pirate, of what he remembered as a kid, to chip who takes responsibility and cares about his crew and makes decisions. damn. gill said that chip is finally becoming his own person and i agree with that. like, both visually and emotionally chip grows and becomes someone unique. he's not a boy from the black rose pirates anymore, he's chip, he's a captain of the riptide pirates, his own life and his own crew. and even if this whole plot with maps and treasure and stuff continues, it doesn't feel like chip is in the shadow of a lost legacy anymore, it doesn't feel like chip is chasing ghosts and is in denial. it feels like that's something that chip wants to do as a person, as himself.
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you-usuratonkachi · 2 years
why mike’s monologue is wack (aside from what’s already been told)
so i saw this answer to this anon, and tbh i wanted to add to it, because i haven’t talked about it yet.
the argument is that the cast complimented Finn for his performance, so doesn’t that go against Byler? 
So here i go...
The problem with Mike’s monologue isn’t Finn’s acting. People like to blame his performance, because it’s the easiest thing to pick apart, but tbh I don’t feel like he acted any different from how he always has. Acting, my loves, isn’t the only thing that makes a scene. In fact I’d say that writing, editing, directing and music can make or break a scene more than the acting performance does. 
And here is exactly where the major issues with the mologue actually come from.
1. the writing - the monologue was wack because of the build up to it and because of its word choices. Not only was the confession weak in terms of what Mike actually said during it (outright lying about how he felt when he met El, talking only about her superpowers, etc.), I’m pretty sure that even the least attentive watcher subconsciously picked up on the fact that it quoted Will’s confession and was pushed by Will, because the show hammered it in everyone’s head for EPISODES. 
The build up to that monologue is Will suffering over and over as he tries to fix Mileven’s relationship for them. Even if people like to deny it, after watching the whole show, that kind of exposure sticks in one’s head and in the perception of the overall show. The monologue felt wack because it was written so that the audience would never forget that it just happening because of Will and that it was hurting Will in the process.
2. the directing/editing choices - Mike and El aren’t alone as Mike conesses his love, they aren’t even face to face. Not only that, they could have still concentrated on their faces, but the editing and directing CHOSE not to help them in the slightest. 
Imagine the shot having both of them in it, even just a diveded screen would have sufficed to make a lot of difference, but no, they decided to have them always separated as Mike’s voice echoed for her and he looked at her wearing pizza goggles. Not exactly the most romantic circumstance, was it? 
If that wasn’t enough, they DELIBERATELY chose to include Will in basically all shots as Mike professed his love. Go back to check, you can either see him behind Mike blurred out or actively see his expression. There’s barely any frame of Mike alone and even when there are, right after that Will gets a full shot looking devastated.  
If the writing wasn’t enough to force you to remember him, the directing made it a point to always include him in the background (which has happened all season btw). Even in Mileven’s highest moment, the audience is made to remember that Will is there, Will is listening, Will is hurting. The focus of the scene ends up being more on him than on Mileven themselves.
You might hate Will, but the whole triangle was written so that even just subconsciously you would end up filling Will’s shoes. Even as a Mileven shipper, it’s hard to concentrate on Mileven because the focus constantly turns to Will. 
So yes, it’s not Finn’s fault the monologue feels wrong. Mileven’s feelings weren’t the point of it, Will’s were.
And if you don’t believe me, let me just add a point 
3. the music - just check the title of the song they used in that scene, it’s literally “You’re The Heart”. That’s something Will said. Those are Will’s feelings. Mike was telling El that he loved her for the first time in 4 freaking seasons and they didn’t get the scene for themselves, they weren’t even the focus of it. The focus was Will. 
I would underline this a million times if I could. This was the first time we heard Mike actually say TO EL that he loved her. THE FIRST TIME. And he had to be PROMTED, they weren’t even in the same mental dimension, they were not looking at each other, Mike was answering Will’s feelings without knowing it, they were never singled out in the scene, there was always Will but also other people in the shots, the SONG even WASN’T ABOUT THEM. 
Literally nothing that came out of this confession is Mileven except the active paricipants.
At this point, after all the built up, the whole thing feels cheap and childish and hollow.
It leaves a bitter aftertaste, it’s not shot nor written as a happy moment, something everyone was waiting for and is delighted to hear. Can’t you see? 
It’s written as a dreadful moment. Because it was. To Will.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Soft and fluffy prompt (make this hurt): Post-Prison Dream somewhat accidentally adopts a kitten and subsequently becomes super attached to it without really intending to.
this didn’t end up going the way i expected it to, and didn’t get Super Angsty, but i still really like this :D i hope u do too!!!! very good prompt anon thank u
part of the reverse prompt challenge im doing !! give me a genre of promt + i’ll reverse it and make it the opposite (angst turns to fluff, etc)!!
warnings: attempted animal death, c!dream hurt, emotional distress
Punz finds Dream dangling a kitten over lava, breaths haggard and shallow.
Obviously, the situation is enough to set him on edge, even as he hovers uselessly at one end of the bridge, but Punz sees Dream as well as the situation, sees the tremor in his hands, the clench of his jaw, the hard set of his arms, the gentle, gentle way their friend actually holds the little kitten, and knows something much fucking worse is happening. 
“Dream?” They call out, voice wary. “Can you hear me?”
Sometimes when he sees Dream, Dream isn’t... there. He’s going through the motions, eyes glassy behind the mask, voice distracted - however, this isn’t the case this time. Dream is maybe too present - Punz catches sight of the twitch of his head, hears the sucked-in breath ripped from the hot nether air, and- fuck, okay, they’ve known this kitten for all of five seconds and they really don’t want it to die, so they step closer, stowing his sword and shield back in his inventory. 
Around Dream, they don’t need it.
“Punz,” Dream greets, and his voice is calm if not for the undercurrent of tension it’s steeped in, “sorry I’m late to meet you. I just...”
“Got carried away with a cat,” Punz says, “you know, the whole pretending-to-be-mean part only needs to happen around the rest of the SMP, dude. This seems a little excessive.
Dream flinches at the lighthearted comment. “That’s not what this is,” he mutters, and when Punz moves closer on the bridge, he lets him, “that’s not- I don’t want to do this.”
Not wanting to do something has never stopped Dream before. Punz remembers plenty of times Dream has forced himself into doing things he doesn’t particularly want to - staying up while sick to wish Callahan a happy twelfth birthday, building a huge statue for Bad for his Christmas a couple of years back on an old server (he forgets where). Imprisoning himself in an obsidian cage for almost a year and letting himself lose two lives.
His heart clenches.
Dream is stubborn enough that he can make himself do anything if he thinks it’s necessary.
That’s the worrying part.
“Okay, so what’s the deal with the cat?” They ask, tilting their head. It’s a cute little thing, the cat - can’t be any older than a few months, still scraggly and fluffy. There’s a nametag round its neck, though Punz isn’t close enough to read it. “Wanna talk about it?”
Dream snorts, but his gaze doesn’t leave the cat in his arms. “It’s...” He begins, then falters, when the cat blinks at him, falters, and Punz watches turmoil wriggle through his friend’s face, what little of it is visible behind his mask. “It’s complicated. It’s stupid.”
Punz sits themselves down on the bridge, lets their legs hang off the edge. It’s comfortable, apart from the stifling nether heat. “I got all day.”
This seems to set Dream a little at ease. Lips twisting unsurely, the younger clears his throat. It’s almost self-conscious. “This is... Patches,” he says, and then immediately amends his soft statement, “I can’t have her around. She’s a liability.”
“She’s a cat,” Punz points out, “she’s-”
“Soft.” Dream won’t look at him. “She’s soft. And she’s... company for me when I’m travelling. And she makes me stop for salmon every time we pass a river because she’s spoiled, and she wakes me up when she senses I’m having nightmares, and she helps me when I’m training.” 
Punz says nothing. But he understands. Suddenly, sadly, he understands.
“And I love her,” Dream admits, and his voice ends on a crack, “I love her.”
“You got attached,” Punz says, voice quiet, “that’s why you’re getting rid of her.”
Patches purrs in his arms. Punz watches something inside Dream crumble.
“I had a cat in the cell for a bit,” Dream tells him, and Punz’s eyebrows fly into his hair, “and... a dog. I can’t have another cat.”
A cat and a dog. He’s certain Sam wouldn’t allow that even for a minute. Heart tight, throat tight, Punz gets to their feet, and holds his hands out for Patches. He nods when Dream looks at him. “Give her to me,” he says casually, “I’ll do it.”
Dream’s throat bobs. Slowly, reluctantly, he hands her over. “Be careful,” falls from his mouth, and he looks humiliated even at his own words, “she has a bad left leg. Don’t touch it.”
Punz is careful with the little kitten in his arms, shifting her over and being cautious about her back leg. “Do you want to look away?” He asks, already knowing the answer. His friend is turning away even as they speak. “I’ll tell you when it’s done, okay?”
Dream doesn’t answer. His lips are pressed into a tight, tight line. For a moment, he looks like a kid again.
Punz manoeuvres the cat into one arm, holds her over the glowing lava. She looks back, calm, understanding.
She almost seems to smile when instead of throwing her, Punz throws his sword, tosses it in an arc and watches it dissolve into the lava with a telltale hiss. Maybe she does understand - when they slip her into their bag, she’s silent, curling at the bottom and nestling around the UFO pieces he’d been picking up for Purpled.
“Done,” they say, and Dream turns, “you good?”
When Dream faces him, Punz starts. His friend has never looked worse.
“Good.” Dream heads towards the Nether portal, shoulders hunched. “Let’s go.”
And I love her, Punz hears him say in his head, softly, pained, I love her.
“Let’s go,” Punz echoes.
When all this is over, he’ll give Dream Patches again. Maybe he’ll learn to love her unafraid - maybe Punz will learn and teach him first. For now, though, he slips Patches salmon when Dream’s back is turned, and when Dream leaves, he lets her out to run around.
Dream doesn’t mention Patches again. Punz pretends not to notice the little scratchy grave dug for her in the basement of his tower, and pretends not to notice Dream’s eyes red-rimmed when he takes off his mask to tend to stitches across his nose.
They pretend not to notice he’s been crying, either, but that’s not new.
Their heart grows heavier.
The Plan has never seemed less important.
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neeswords · 4 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested?: yes
Word count: 2794
Authors notes: I hope you enjoy it. If you would like a personalised one please do ask! have fun reading! I have also a promt list :)
Trigger warning(s): mention of death, swearing, violence 
Summary: jay seems to always take Hailey's side one everything. Hailey always seems to come first. A trauma takes place and jay realises the reality.
Prompt: request.
Since Hailey had received a job offer from the FBI Jay had become really close with her, so close then he was pushing away his own actual girlfriend. It wasn't just y/n who noticed this though Atwater asked y/n one evening at molly's if her and Jay had broken up. 
Y/n loved Hailey and she thought she was so good to Jay. Maybe too good to him. When Jay got shot one time y/n was sat in the waiting room and Hailey and Vanessa were there and she heard a convocation she wish she could unhear. 
'you love him' Vanessa said to Hailey.
'Of course I love him he's my partner' was the response. 
This broke Y/n heart a little as she knew at that point that if she wasn't in the equation Jay would be in absolute awe of Hailey. Who was y/n anyways? Everyone would prefer a beautiful blonde greek badass cop. 
Y/n worked with a law firm, in fact that's how she met Jay. She was a criminal defence attorney she met Jay in an interrogation room whilst defending her client. Jay later asked for her number and one thing led to another. 
At some points she wishes she never picked up that phone call.
'Y/n if your gonna start then leave, Hailey would be so fine wi-' Jay yet again started comparing y/n to Hailey. Y/n was pissed off that Jay kept staying out late with Hailey. 
Thats all it took. Y/n lost it. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND GO BE WITH HER THEN" Y/n was fuming she was so tired of being compared to Hailey. Her own boyfriend who was meant to love her and only her was clearly in love with another woman.
"y/n come on what's going on with you? Since I've been shot you've been so different around me. Talk to me baby" Jay was so soothing. He gently approached y/n and gently placed some hair behind her ear. 
Y/n refused to even look at him. I guess you could say that she reached her breaking point. She had given up on him. Jay went to kiss her as a way of saying 'I love you' but she turned her head before he had the chance. As much as it hurt her, y/n had to leave. She made her way to the bedroom completely avoiding all eye contact with Jay. She grabbed a duffle and started showing clothes into it. Jay just stood there entirely confused on what to say or do. 
"I'll come get the rest when you're out" a few tears were brimming in her eyes but she sure as hell wasn't going to let them fall. 
Jay went to grab her hand y/n ignored him and walked out the door. 
"Derek what do you want" y/n was at her firm and her associate, Derek was wanting her. 
"you need to go to the 21st district, Mr Maxwell got caught up again" y/n rolled her eyes. Mr Maxwell was a frequent flyer he was homeless, y/n always felt bad for him so she took his case pro-bono. However, Rossi Maxwell always seemed to find trouble. 
"Tell him i'll be there in twenty" and with that y/n left to go to the district. 
"Hey Trudy, looking as beautiful as ever" y/n cheekily said with a smirk. 
Trudy rolled her eyes and responded with a blunt "upstairs" 
Going up these stairs was a familiar feeling for y/n whether she was going to support a client or going to see her boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend. Y/n hadn't seen Jay in a week she still hasn't been by the house to collect her stuff. She loved Jay but just couldn't face him. 
Ruzek greeted y/n with a hug as soon as he saw her "girl I thought you were dead where have you been?" 
y/n just laughed and said "Maxwell? what's he been up to this time?"
Ruzek chuckled slightly 'what hasn't that man done? He got caught with some dope but if I tell you anymore I'm pretty sure you'll get him released and we will lose our best shot of catching our guy."
Y/n raised her brows at him. "Ruzek, you do realise i'm his lawyer and that's my job right?" 
Ruzek clicked his finger and led her to the interrogation room. 
"Adam who's in there with him?" y/n asked nervously. 
"Jay and Hailey" Ruzek said barely above a whisper. It was clear that everyone seemed to know about this love triangle between y/n, jay and Hailey. 
Y/n being the badass she is walked in with her head held up. "Rossi what have you gotten yourself into this time?" 
Rossi gave her his compelling cheeky smirk "oh nothing new, I just wanted to see your pretty face" 
Y/n smiled at him then looked towards Hailey who was sat next to jay directly in-front of Mr Maxwell. "My client has nothing further to say to you, we are leaving." 
Mr Maxwell stood up. "no he's not, he's being charged with the handling of a class a drug as well as distribution, hell I could hold him as an accessory to murder" Hailey stated with a stern voice. 
"accessory. Hailey come on he's a harmless old man who can hardly look after himself how the hell would he be able to help with murder?" y/n stated somewhat pissed off. 
"y/n he's staying. End of." Hailey said slightly raising her tone. Jay sat there silently not knowing where to look. He saw that Hailey was getting annoyed and placed his hand on her lower back. Y/n saw this and it made her blood boil. How could he have moved on in a week? They had been together for 3 years and he goes to his partner in a week! It was really clear how much he cared for y/n. 
"My client has rights and IM NOT SEEING ANY PROOF OF THIS ACCESSORY TO MURDER. MY client denies all charged and without any admissible evidence we will be walking out of here now." y/n leaned over the table to she was in Hailey's face "end of" she whispered to her. Y/n was true to her word she told Mr Maxwell to leave the interrogation room and to go outside, where Derek, the associate, was waiting. Y/n wanted to speak to Voight about how the whole situation was handled. 
"y/n can we-" jay began.  
"no" y/n simply stated and carried on walking. However, she was stopped when Jay grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her into him. 
"baby please. I love you" y/n could have sworn she saw tears threatening to spill form his eyes. This made her soften but she was still mad. 
"I won't be second place" she stated and with that she walked off to Voight's office.
"you need to get your detectives in place before this unit has a pending court trial" y/n said entering Voight's office. 
"y/n I know she was out of place bu-" Voight began. 
"no Voight I'm tired of making excuses for this unit sort it out" as y/n was leaving she saw Hailey comforting Jay. Y/n chucked and murmured a "point proven, case closed" and made her way back outside to meet with her client and Derek. 
Normally, Derek would be waiting outside the car but this time he wasn't. Y/n just predicted that he was in the car; the windows were tinted so she couldn't see. Y/n got in and saw Derek in the back seat, he was coated in blood. "oh my - DEREK WAKE UP" she started to shake him. Maxwell was sat next to Derek looking at his hand with a sore excuse of a smirk. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" she screamed at him. This got his attention, he looked up at her and reached for a knife. Y/n knew what was about to come so she reached for the door handle of the car. Maxwell grabbed some rope and put it around y/n neck. She found it strange with how he didn't say a word, this wasn't him. She didn't know this person, she knew a sweet old man who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. Y/n fought hard trying not to be choked to death, tears were falling and fear was taking over her, she could barely breathe. "Rossi please" y/n said softly as she was somewhat loosing conciseness due to the lack of oxygen. This made him stop. He got out the car and left. y/n couldn't move, when she finally pulled herself together she went to check on Derek. "hey, hey" she said tears falling rapidly. She couldn't find a pulse and knew she needed help. She could barely catch her breathe so she had to leave the car. She got out and looked around, Maxwell was no where to be seen. 
She started speed walking back towards the district. She was stopped by a sharp pain in her upper ribs. She turned around, it was Maxwell. She had been stabbed. He continued plunging the knife into her, she didn't have any energy to fight him off. "Rossi please stop" y/n managed to get out. She wasn't sure if he heard so she said it again with everything she had "Rossi stop p-please." This time he looked at her. He froze and dropped the knife. y/n kicked it out the way. Yn fell to her knees she was blacking out. Maxwell snapped out of his trance and saw her in front of him covered in blood. 
"Y/L/N! HELPPPP" Maxwell picked her up and ran into the district with her in his arms. 
Trudy saw them and instantly shouted "HELP CITIZEN DOWN" she froze, that's when she recognised her. "AVERY GET YOUR ASS UP TO INTELLIGENCE AND TELL THEM Y/N Y/L/N IS DOWN HERE AND IS IN BAD SHAPE" Trudy put pressure on her wounds "come on y/n stay with me". 
One of the officers came running up the stairs, something had to be wrong. 
"sergeant platt said you need to come down stairs she said something about a 'y/n y/l/n' she's in real bad shape" he started rambling. My heart dropped. There was no way it was her. How could it be her. 
I ran downstairs in less than a second and I saw her. She looked completely lifeless. 
"baby, come on oh my god, baby wake up" I cried. I couldn't hold myself together. I grabbed her hand whilst Trudy was doing CPR. 
Jay was frantically pacing around the hospital waiting room. How could he have let this happen? Who the hell would do this to her?
Dr Halstead entered the room. 
"Will, tell me she's fine. Will please" Will placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and took a deep breath. 
"Jay she lost a lot of blood. She's in the ICU at the moment its a hit and miss she's just gotta make it though the night" Jay fell to the floor sobbing loudly. Will comforted him. They were like this for a while until Jay finally spoke. 
"Can I see her?" Will responded with a nod, not knowing what else to say. 
Will walked Jay to y/n's room. Jay walked in and Will left them alone. 
She looked ghost-like, yet perfect. Why didn't I go after her? why didn't I try to get her to stay? This is my fault. 
I went and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand and placed a light kiss on it. 
"Hey honey, its me." I was hoping she would wake up and answer me, she didn't. 
I didn't know what to do. what could I do? 
Y/n made it though the night but she still had no woken up. Two weeks had passed and nothing seemed to be improving. 
"Jay go home, take a shower and get some sleep I will call you if anything changes I promise." Will told Jay sternly. 
"promise" Jay said mid-yawn. 
"yes let me drive you" and with that both the Halstead brothers drove back to Jay's apartment, previously his and y/n's. 
Jay went straight to the bathroom when he remembered what was in the cabinet. He smiled at the thought of what he could have had. He never understood why y/n was always so mad at him he really never noticed how close he was getting with Hailey. He was furious at himself. 
"Jay you good?" Will interrupted his thoughts. Jay opened the bathroom door and showed Will what was making him smile. "do you think this was her style?"
Will laughed. "brother, she's a lawyer. Believe me they make it clear what they want. That is perfect" Jay also laughed. It was a noise Will missed hearing. 
Jay had a nap whilst Will went back to the ER. 
Jay didn't hear. 
He finally heard. Jay answered the phone as quick as he possibly could. 
"what's happened?" jay asked frantically 
"get here now" was all Will had to say. 
Jay rushed out the door and sped to the ER with sirens on. He ran up to y/n's room. He went to the door and he rushed over to her. 
"you're awake, Will had me thinking you were dead" Jay chucked 
Y/n didn't say anything she still was somewhat mad at Jay. 
"Y/n I didn't realise what I did when you left, I really confused me. I love you and I thought you loved me too. I have never missed someone so much, you make me the happiest man. These past 3 years have been the best. You put up with me through my sleepless nights, through the hospital visits and all the times I tried arguing with you in the interrogation rooms. y/n/n you are my everything. You are the reason why I smile in the morning and the reason why I can peacefully and happily close my eyes at night. Atwater made me realise about Hailey, I've only been with her so much lately because she's leaving y/n. She accepting the FBI offer and I wanted to give a good goodbye, spent time with her you know. She's one hell of a cop. She wanted me to go with her. I said no because everything I could ever want is right her. My life is perfect. Well, it was until you left and got yourself stabbed" Jay lightly chuckled. Y/n was tearing up and smiled. Until realisation hit her about being stabbed. 
"Is in a mental asylum. He has a 2 personality disorder, he will get better he just needs some support" Jay said softly going to kiss her forehead. 
"Derek?" y/n asked not really wanting to know the answer. 
Jay shook his head "i'm sorry" 
Y/n moved over in the uncomfortable hospital bed. "whoa what are you doing, you'll hurt yourself?" jay said sternly. 
"shut up and come cuddle me" y/n said back to him sternly. Jay did as he was told being careful not to hurt her. 
"i'm an idiot" she said. 
Jay laughed "my idiot" 
Will came in and ruined the moment "hey lovers not naughty business in the room thank youuu" They all laughed as Jay smacked his brother lightly on the head. Will placed something in Jay's hands making sure y/n wouldn't see he winked at him then left.  
"What was that" y/n asked as Jay got comfy next to her. 
"Look at me" Jay said. She did as she was told. "I love you. I don't want to lose you or wake up without you for another day. You are the one I want and I've been planning this for a while"
Jay got down from the bed and got on one knee. 
"y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
y/n didn't know what to say so she just nodded and let the tears flow from her eyes. Jay placed the ring on her finger. 
"I love you Jay Halstead however I'm not letting that my idiot comment slide. I think your forgetting i'm the one with the law degree" y/n smirked. 
Jay laughed. 
"I love you too" and that's when Will came in. 
The three of them laughed as Jay kissed y/n
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“Entangled” (c.h) (h.s)
Pairing: Calum Hood X Reader / Harry Styles X Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: You never wanted to be caught up in a love triangle, you never asked to be entangled in this situation. Now you have a choice to make. You know it has to be one of them at the end but, who would it be? And why is it so hard?
Warnings: Love Triangle! Pinning, unrequited love, language, angsty with a little fluff, mentions of alcohol and some grammatical error (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 7.2 k
Author’s Note: Requested by my darling @rime-warrior a few weeks ago, I decided to turn her wonderful promt into a series. This part serves as the intro of the series! It starts with the reader in the “present” (just go with it) and then it will follow their journey with the boys since 2014. Reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcome 💕 You can read my other works for Harry and 5SOS HERE. Hope you like it and happy reading 🦋✨
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@rime-warrior : Hi! I’m back lol I loved the heather imagine and I was wondering if you could do a calum/reader/Harry imagine where they’re on tour and trying to get the readers attention by being goofballs
Part 1: The beginning.
Never in a million years did you think you would end up making a decision like this. Hell, never in a million years did you think you would be here in the first place! If somebody would’ve come to you a year ago to tell you that you would’ve been in one of the biggest reunion tours of one of the biggest boy bands that's ever existed and one of the greatest pop/alt bands of the new generation you’d call them crazy and probably pepper spray them as you run away. But here you are and, surprisingly, it’s the last place you want to be at.
You are currently sitting at the stairs outside the venue, it’s the last concert on the “Here We Go Again” One Direction/5 Seconds of Summer Reunion Tour. Tapping your feet relentlessly against the cold metal and regretting not bringing a jacket with you as you can hear the fans going crazy inside the stadium, and who could blame them? They waited so long to see their favorite people again, not only that but together! After almost six years apart. You would’ve been just like them if it weren’t for the stomach ache your nerves are giving to you at this exact moment.
You knew what you had to do. It was the right thing after all, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like crazy. Somehow you were going to lose someone tonight and you weren’t ready for that, you’ll never be ready for that.
How the hell did this all start in the first place? How did you become so entangled in this mess without realizing? And how would you get out of it?
So many thoughts are running through your head, yet none of them seem to stick around for more than ten seconds before rushing onto another. Head spinning at a thousand miles per hour as you clenched your fists at the side of your body, knuckles turning white as they grasped the cold and dirty metal of the staircase.
You could run… you were kinda fast and they are all inside so they wouldn’t be able to catch you. Maybe you could move to Peru, you always wanted to visit Machu Picchu and its alpacas, plus the ponchos look really good on you. The problem was that 1. You didn’t know Spanish. 2. You had exactly 9.57 dollars left on one of your pockets because you left your wallet inside and 3. You weren’t a coward.
Well, you were. That's why you let it come this far. But you were not going to do that anymore. You need to make a decision and it has to be tonight. But why was it so hard though?
A few years ago
“Y/N! C’mon!” You heard your best friend say “We are going to be late again!”
Lottie was impatiently pacing around the hotel room once again, she had her bags around her shoulders as she considered leaving you behind.
“You know I have to start early today! There’s gonna be four more people to style and I don’t want to do it all rushed.” She whined, sitting on one of the beds.
You came out of the bathroom soon after, cheeks a little bit flushed because it wasn’t like you to slow things down, especially when it came to work. But you wanted to look cute today, well, more cute than usual.
The tour was about to start and you were lucky enough that management let you come with Lottie to work on the stylish team with her. Her older brother, Louis, was a close friend of yours as well, so when he proposed the idea a few months back, you just couldn’t resist.
“Sorry, love” you replied sheepishly “I lost track of time”
Lottie lifted her gaze towards you and rolled her eyes playfully “Oh, shush. You and I both know that you are bluffing. I know exactly what you’re doing wearing that outfit and honestly? Can’t blame ya”
She was right, she’s always right when it comes to these kinds of stuff.
It’s not like you’ve never met the guys! I mean, you know Louis and Zyan because of Lottie, you’ve never seen the other members of the band in person, yet. But it’s not like you don’t know them either, they are everywhere! It was impossible to escape from the impact One Direction had. And now you were going to work with them as a stylist, it seemed like a dream.
Not only that, but you were also in charge of styling the opening number: An Australian band called 5 Seconds of Summer that Louis likes. You don’t know much about them other than this is the second time they’ll open for One Direction and they’ll be around for the European and American leg of the tour. You googled them to have a reference of what they’d look like so you’ll know how to work around them and, honestly, where do they get those guys? They don’t even look like eighteen year olds! And they are also talented and successful at such a young age? You promised yourself that you were going to listen to some of their songs, but still haven’t gotten around to do it just yet, but tonight will definitely change that.
You were nervous. You could feel your hands get clammy just thinking about the pressure that’s on you to make those guys look like absolute gods on stage (though that wouldn’t be a challenge, knowing the nine of them are incredibly handsome already) But that thought didn’t ease you a bit. You wanted to be good. No, scratch that. You know you are good. You want to impress them, hence the cool outfit.
“Think you know it all?” You said, already grabbing a pillow and throwing it to Lottie’s face.
“I know it all, darling” She laughed, throwing it back at you “Now, move your ass. We need to ge to the stadium as soon as possible”
You could hear the fans from a mile away before you walked through the backstage doors. The adrenaline was contagious, everyone was moving around like crazy but you could feel the excitement in the air. You already knew this was where you were meant to be, haven’t even started but you love it already. This was meant to be.
Lottie was walking fast, easily leaving you behind as you stared in awe at your surroundings, not paying any attention towards where you were going until you felt something hard crashing into you, making you lose your balance and you fell to the floor with a massive weight crushing your lungs.
All you could feel was the painful sting that shocked your body as your ass touched the ground with a big “thud” Luckily, the person that knocked you down was quick enough to put a hand behind your head so you don’t hit it too harshly as it came in contact with the cement floors. You tried to curse but the weight in your chest made it almost impossible to talk, making you only gasp in surprise.
The person lying on top of you groaned in discomfort, they must’ve hurt themselves too when you both hit the ground. “Are you okay?” The deep voice said, trying to hide the pain. You opened your eyes at the sound of his voice and were shocked to find two green orbs staring right back at you.
Harry’s face was too close to yours. Noses almost brushing as you took in all the details on his panicked expression. He was beautiful. Breathtaking in the metaphorically and literally since he was still on top of you, crushing your chest with his.
You tapped on his arm trying to push him off you. He seemed to get the hint as he quickly apologized and stood up, offering you his hand to help you do the same. You gladly took it as the air came rushing back to your lungs, a little whine escaping your throat as you felt how your muscles ached after the impact.
“Oh shit, are you hurt?” Harry asked, faced filled with worry as he looked at you up and down, trying to make sure there were no visible injuries.
“Not really, but-“ You said bringing a hand to your lower back and rubbing it gently, hissing when you felt a hint of pain when you touched a certain spot “Definitely gonna bruise in a few hours”
“I am very, very sorry. I didn’t mean to- Do you need ice? I can get you some ice if you-“
“I’m fine” You raised your palm to cut him off, smiling as you saw how worried he actually was “Really, I’m fine. It could’ve been worse if it wasn’t for your hand working as a cushion for my head” You giggled “Are you okay, though?”
Harry nodded, smiling as well “I truly am sorry, I was not paying attention to where I was going”
“Well, that makes two of us. But why were you running?”
“Oh, ’m running away from my bodyguard. You see, they really don’t like it when you do that and steal the keys to the van” He said with mischievous eyes, flashing a smile as he showed you the key dangling in his finger. Soon after, you heard someone yell ‘Harry Styles come back here!’ You couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the situation was. Harry stared at you for a little while, eyes gleaming at the sound of your giggles “Gotta go! Are you sure you’re okay…?”
“Y/N” You said, nodding your head.
“Y/N…” He repeated in a low voice, eyes scanning you once again as he backed away slowly “See yeh round, love” The last thing you saw was his flirty wink before he started running again.
You felt your cheeks get warmer but you were quick to hide it. This was your job, you need to be professional. Though, you gotta admit, having Harry Styles knocking you off your feet on your first day wasn’t bad at all. Really not bad at all.
“There you are!” You heard your best friend call from the other end of the hall “C´mon, we need to set everything up before they come here” Lottie came close to you, softly grabbing you by the hand and tugging it so you could follow her. She had an understanding smile on her face “Don´t worry, I was in the same position as you when I first visited the tour. It's amazing, isn't it?”
“Kinda intimidating, actually”
Lottie laughed and linked your arms together as you walked through the enormous hall downt to a small room.
You spent the next hour or so getting everything ready for when they come, laughing and joking around each other like you always do, making you almost forget that you were here to do a job and not just hang out. That's one of the many good things about the Tomlinsons, they make you feel so comfortable that you forget all your worries.
The playlist you chose was blasting on the small speaker you had brought to entertain yourselves while waiting for the boys. You were both laughing and jumping around with brushes in your hands, pretending they were microphones and you were having your own little concert with the Spice Girls. You were in the middle of your solo, already lost in the sound of Baby Spice´s voice when the door opened at the same time you were stretching your arm in an improvised dance move, accidentally hitting the person next to you with the heavy brush.
“Ouch!” The boy said as he quickly brought his hand to his nose, trying to make sure it wasn't bleeding.
You covered your mouth immediately and threw the brush into one of the cushions “Oh my- I´m so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry” You soon apologized and went over to him, trying to assess the damages and hoping you didn't break his nose “Are you okay? I really am sorry I didn´t-”
The boy opened his eyes, locking them with yours. You have never seen such an intense stare in your life, it was intriguing, magnetic. You could feel yourself blush, but you didn't know if it was because of the embarrassing situation or because you felt intimidated by those brown eyes.
“Uh.. Yeah” He said blinking when he realized he was staring at you for a little too long “I just wasn't expecting that” He chuckled to ease the tension. He had a beautiful smile, like the kind that's just so welcoming and warm, so you couldn't help but join in his laughter.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Lottie trying to hold herself together so she wouldn´t burst into fits of laughter at the scenario playing in front of her. You quickly cleared your throat and asked “Are you sure you are okay? Nothing's broken?”
“Nah, that's just his face” A voice with a thick accent said.
The boy rolled his eyes as you peeked over his shoulders. Leaning into the door frame were three other people, boys of apparently the same age, taller than life and equally amused by his hurt friend. You recognized them immediately (mostly thanks to the color haired boy) They were the opening act. They were 5 Seconds of Summer. And you just hit their bassist on the nose.
“Way to make an impression, Cal” Laughed the boy with the long curly hair. Ashton? or was that Luke?
Calum flipped them off as they made their way into the little room and you felt your cheeks get warmer again. The three of them went to say hi to Lottie, having already met her at the last tour, and started a whole new conversation with her.
“Uhmm, I can go get some ice. If you want?” You asked, feeling a little self conscious now that there were more people in the room.
Calum smiled.
“I´m good, but thanks sweetheart” He winked at you “I´m Calum, by the way” He extended his hand for you to shake.
“Y/N” You said with a smile.
“Beautiful” He said, barely even a whisper before his eyes met yours again and you swore your heart just skipped a beat right there and there.
“Hey, Calum!” Lottie greeted him with a hug “We are starting with you today, okay? Go grab a seat” Calum nodded and sat in front of one of the vanities. Lottie came closer to you and whispered “Talk about a meet cute” She teased.
You rolled your eyes and muttered a “Shut up” before you walked away and started to work with one of the other boys.
This was going to be an interesting first day.
For the next hour or so, you found yourself amazed at the fact of how much you had in common with the Aussie band. You bonded over music, fashion and you laughed at the same dumb jokes, and were genuelly surprised at how grounded they all were. They were just as excited as you for the tour, knowing what big of a chance it was and how lucky they were to be here, just like you. In a matter of minutes you were acting like old friends.
From time to time you would look at Calum over the mirror, only to find that he was already staring at you, flashing you a smile every time your eyes met. He wasn’t much of a chatter like his friends, but he still engaged in every conversation, especially if you were part of it.
When their time at “your office” as Lottie calls it, ended, he was the last one to go out. But before he stepped out the door, he gave one last look at you and said “You’ll be watching our set tonight, right?”
You smiled “Wouldn't miss it”
Calum's smile grew until it almost reached his ears, he muttered a last goodbye before closing the door.
“Well, someone has a crush” You turned around and saw Lottie wiggle her eyebrows in a suggestive way, pressing her lips into a teasing fine line. You just rolled your eyes.
“What are you talking about? He was just being friendly”
“Who was being friendly?” A familiar voice said.
You looked behind you and ran towards the slim figure that just opened the door, pulling him into a hug.
“Louis!” You squealed in excitement, circling your arms around his back as he held tighter to you.
Louis was the closest thing you had to an older brother. Growing up as Lottie’s best friend made you an unofficial member of their family and you loved them all as your own. He was always the life of the party, making jokes, teasing you and sometimes reprimanding you if you messed up. You couldn’t count how many times he took you both for a late night snack or let you hang out with him and his friends when you got bored. He also gave great advice, and you trusted him more than anything (besides Lottie, of course) The day that he went away to chase his dreams was one of the most bittersweet moments of your lives, for one part you were happy for him but you would miss him like crazy.
And now, almost five years later, here you were. The three of you, together again like old times but with a more busy schedule. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Y/N/N! It’s so good to see you, love”
“What? No hug for me?” Said Lottie sarcastically, cocking an eyebrow to his older brother.
“Only if you tell me who was being friendly with Y/N” He said as he let you go and her in for a tight bear hug.
“Who’s being friendly with who?” Someone called out from the door.
The three of you turned around to see Harry leaning onto the door. His brows frowned as his eyes scanned the room until they met yours. If he was surprised to see you there then he didn’t show it. After all, you didn’t get to tell him what you were doing here.
“H!” Lottie gasped in delight as she pushed her brother away and went to hug the curly haired man.
Harry hugged her with the same energy, holding her close and muttering a sweet ‘hello’, just like Louis did with you.
“Oi, mate! Have you met Y/N? The new stylist and best friend anyone could have?” Asked Louis as he put his arm around your shoulder, showing you off like a proud big brother.
Harry looked at you and smiled “Yeah, we ran into each other earlier” He shared a knowing smirk with you and you couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.
“Quite literally, I must say”
He was about to say something when the door opened again, you realized no one here bothered to knock first, apparently. Niall, Liam and Zayn entered the room, ready to get themselves ready before the show. Lottie introduced you to each one of them and immediately started working when she noticed how knotted Niall’s hair was.
The conversations started flowing with ease, all of them genuinely curious to get to know you, convinced that any friend of Louis was a friend of them. They were all very sweet and welcoming, and, just like with the members of 5SOS, you bonded rather quickly. All the nerves you once had easily faded away as you felt more comfortable in this space, more convinced than ever that this was where you were meant to be.
“Oi, what about those pretty eyes you saw earlier, Harold?” Liam’s voice filled the room “Seen them again?”
Harry instantly lifted his gaze to watch his friend through the mirror and shot him a deathly glare “Don't know wha you’re talkin ’bout” He stated.
You could’ve swore he looked your way, just for a moment his green eyes met yours through the mirror. It was quick, almost like a reflex. Maybe you were just imagining things.
“Ooh, does Harry have a crush?” Lottie teased while applying some oils to his curls. He just rolled his eyes “Wouldn’t be the first one to catch feelings in this room”
You snapped your head towards your friend, knowing and dreading what she was going to say next.
“Spill” Said Louis, living for the drama.
“Well…” She started, searching for your face in the mirror. But you quickly averted your eyes, suddenly finding Zayn’s hair very interesting “Let’s just say that one of your Australian mates already started making eyes at our Y/N”
The room filled with “oooohs” and “aaawwws” from all of the boys. All except Harry, who was just staring straight at his reflection with a rather serious look.
You laughed and shook your head “Honestly, Lottie. You are just imagining things”
Staring at the mirror one more time, your eyes quickly met Harry’s green orbs, already staring at you from his seat. You shot him a smile and he returned it as the topic of the conversation changed once again.
Time flew without any of you really noticing it. All the boys were done with their hair and make up, ready to move on to the wardrobe department. Lottie tagged along with Louis, wanting to say hi to a few friends she made last year. You wanted to go too, but a quick glance at your phone made you aware of the time and the promise you had made.
“Oh shoot” You breathed, quickly grabbing your phone from the vanity as you rushed through the door.
“What’s the hurry, love?” Asked Harry, amused at your behavior. You didn’t notice that he was the only person left in the room.
“The show’s about to start and I kinda promise someone that I wouldn’t miss it” You smiled “But, now that I think about it, I don’t even know how to get to the side of the stage!”
Harry got up from his chair, wiping his palms onto his black skinny jeans “I could take you there, but only if you promise to stay there for our set as well”
“What? Are you kidding?” You laughed “You really think I wasn’t planning on doing that already?”
His eyes gleamed with joy at your words and you swore you saw a glimpse of his pink tinted cheeks as he nudged his head and asked you to follow him.
You followed Harry though a complicated mess of halls filled with people running around, making sure that everything was already set to start. You had to admit, he really knew how to navigate, not only on stage but backstage as well, you would’ve gotten lost the moment you stepped outside the door if it weren’t for him.
Once you reached the side of the stage, making sure that you stayed way out of the fans point of view, Harry said he had to go back and change.
“‘S not Ashton, is it?” He asked, just before he turned to leave.
“The boy who was a crush on you” He stated, eyes locked to the stage, almost like he was trying too hard not to meet yours “‘s not him, right? Cos I’ve seen him look at my sister and I don’t-“
“Nobody has a crush on me!” You laughed as you rolled your eyes, reminding yourself to kill your friend right after the show. “Lottie was just teasing. Besides, I’m here to work, not to look for a relationship”
Harry nodded, seemingly pleased with your answer, making his way back to the maze called ‘backstage’
You watched him walk away with a soft smile on your face. Harry was not like everyone in the media said he was, and you were glad. You didn’t need more drama in your life, no boyfriends nor toxic relationships. You could feel that this was going to be your safe space, and who knows? maybe when the tour finishes you’ll have a new friend to lean on.
The sound of a guitar riff caught you off guard, pulling your attention away from the black background and into the stage. You could hear the fans go absolutely bonkers as the four Australians came into view, smiling as they took their places on stage.
Sharing one understanding look among each other, Ashton banged his drumsticks together, setting the pace for their first song. The crowd goes wild as they recognize the melody immediately, singing and jumping along the words of a song about a girl friendzoning one of the guys.
They sounded incredible. It was hard to imagine that they were still teenagers like yourself, like most of the people in the crowd, actually. The way they moved on stage was erratic, always walking around and messing with each other as they sang and played their instruments like it was nothing. It was easy to tell that they’ve been friends for a long time now and they feel comfortable with each other, having the most fun up there, seizing every moment like it was their last,
You, on the other hand, found yourself enjoying their set a little too much. Since you’ve never gotten the chance to actually listen to most of their songs before tonight, you were quite surprised at how much fun and kinda edgy they were, making you want to dance and jump like the rest of the fans. So you did. You didn’t care about if people around you were watching, you just let yourself go to the rhythm and enjoyed your night. This was the beginning of your new life, what better way to celebrate it than letting all your worries go while your new favorite band played on stage, just mere meters in front of you.
You were so lost in your own little world, completely immersed in the music, that you didn’t notice the looks Calum gave to you while onstage. Everytime he had the chance, his head spinned towards you, watching with joy as you danced along to their songs. Once you caught his eyes staring at you, you smiled at him and stuck your tongue out, mocking him. He just laughed wholeheartedly, bringing one finger to the side of his nose, the same one you punched a few hours ago. You did the same without questioning it, turning that little gesture into your first inside joke.
The guys played a few more songs before their set ended. Calum came to you as soon as they finished their bows.
“Hey!” He said, still pumped with adrenaline.
He was sweaty, very sweaty. But his energy was contagious as he flashed one of his beautiful smiles to you, eyes shining from excitement.
“You came!”
“Told ya I was going to!” You exclaimed “You guys are amazing!”
“You really think so?” Calum looked like a boy on Christmas, genuinely happy that you like how they sound like “Or are you just being nice because you almost broke my nose?”
“Almost! That’s the key word there” You chuckled “But no, I’m being honest. You killed it tonight!”
Calum’s smile almost reached his eyes, making all of his little dimples pop out as he looked at you softly.
“Hey… Uhm.. I need to get back to our dressing room, Wanna come with me?” He asked, suddenly shy.
“Sure!” You said, making his eyes sparkle “Then we can come back and watch the others perform”
Calum furrowed his eyebrows “Oh, you’re staying for that?” He sounded a little bit disappointed.
“Well, yeah? How could I miss it” You chuckled, but stopped once you saw his expression change “Why? You’re not staying for the whole show?”
“Management doesn’t let us stay long after our set”
You muttered a surprised ‘oh’ That wasn’t fair at all! Why couldn’t they enjoy the show like the rest of you? Or even just stay backstage and do nothing but chill until the show was done? You could see Calum was disappointed in that fact too, it must be a bummer for them not to have the full experience.
“But..” He said smiling, bringing his eyes up to meet with yours again “There is an after party at the hotel later tonight, will I see you there as well?”
You nodded “Of course! I’ll be there”
“Yes! Can’t wait!” He jumped in excitement as he took a step forward and started walking towards the dressing rooms. Not before turning back around and saying “See ya there, Y/N” Putting his finger to the side of his nose and smiling when you did the same.
A few minutes later Lottie showed up beside you, knowing the concert was about to start.
“How did the guys do?” She asked.
“Oh, they were amazing! I don´t know why I´ve never heard of them until a few weeks ago!”
She hummed “Yes, they are pretty good. How was Calum?”
You looked at her confused. Was this going to become a thing now? Couldn't you just have a friend without getting involved in some relationship drama? It was frustrating and it will only end up making things awkward for everyone. It has happened before and you were not ready to experience that again.
She seemed to notice your discomfort and immediately changed the topic. Not wanting to upset you. Clearing her throat she said “Uhm.. the boys really like you”
You snapped your head towards her direction.
“They´ve talked about you a little bit, they all say you are really nice and all the yadah yadah I already know” She smiled “Harry was especially pleased with your work. He says could come and stay with me permanently on the team”
You blushed at his compliment, but before you could even say anything you were interrupted by his voice.
“Straight off the plane to a new hotel..”
The fans go wild. Quite feral, you might add. But you couldn't blame them, not even a little bit. The five boys walking down the runway was truly a sight to behold.
You felt the goosebumps run around your body as the energy grew into something quite impossible to understand. This was it. This was the feeling everyone's been talking about, and now it was your turn to experience it every night.
As the music flew through the stadium. All five of them took over the stage like it was their home, and in some way, it was. They practically grew up there, being in the spotlight since a very young age and stealing the hearts of millions around the world. They were as professionals as they were goofy, always finding an excuse to have fun and tease each other in the middle of the songs and with the public, creating an atmosphere of pure bliss wherever they went on that huge structure in the middle of the stadium.
With every song they sang, Lottie grabbed your arm and started dancing and jumping like it's the first time she heard their music and you did the same, getting completely lost in the feeling, so much so that you didn't even notice how much time had passed and just before you know it, the concert was getting to an end.
When the last song came through, the guys were scattered around the stage, running around as they took in everything they could from this experience. At some point, Harry stood right in front of you, just like Calum did a few hours ago, and while he sang his heart out, his eyes connected with yours. His green eyes sparkled like stars when he met your gaze, only for a second too long before he joined his brothers in the middle of the runway, ready to give one final bow and exit the stage where he came from.
“C´mon!” Said Lottie, pulling you out of your trance “They are going to shower and get ready for the after party. We should get going now, because I am not going to show up there with this outfit!”
You laughed at her and followed her to grab a cab, feeling more than excited for the afterparty.
You walked along the lobby, Lottie right by your side. Both of you clean, fresh and looking hot as hell as you made your way to the venue. To say you were nervous was an understatement, you were downright terrified. This was your first VIP party celebrating, not only your first day, but also the first day of one of the biggest tours of the year.
“Hey,” Lottie calmed you down, placing her little hand on your shoulder. “We did an amazing job today, sweetie. It’s time to celebrate”
You nodded and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, trying to calm the stomach ache that your nerves created and opening the door of the hotel club.
You immediately got caught up in the dark atmosphere, flashing colored lights flying around the room and reflecting themselves onto the mirrored dance floor. Out of the corner of your eyes you spotted a few people sitting on the bar stools, some were already on the dance floor and others were just sitting on dark booths pulled against the walls, chilling as they watched the party go by. You recognize some of them, but most of them were strangers, elite people that came to celebrate and wish another successful tour for the boys.
The pressure on your chest became tighter. You grabbed Lottie‘s hand and felt some kind of comfort when she squeezed it for a second, at least you weren’t alone.
“LOTTIE!” Someone called from one of the dark booths. You could recognize Zayn’s thick accent anywhere. With one reassuring look, Lottie pulled your hand and guided you through the sea of people flooding the room.
Once you reached the booth it was easier to identify its occupants. Zayn was sitting next to Louis who, at the same time, was beside Ashton and Luke. You all exchanged your hellos as you took a seat next to Lottie.
“What’d think of the show?” Asked Louis, taming a sip of his beer.
The group started rambling on and on about the different parts of the show, their favorite moments and about the craziest fans they managed to see. You spend quite a bit talking and laughing with the guys, slowly getting more comfortable being there. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy parties at all, on the contrary, you loved them. The problem was that this was new territory, pleasure mixing with your responsibilities and you didn’t want to fuck this up. The sheer thought of that possibility made you feel ill again and you wanted nothing more than to breathe a little air into your lungs before you passed out from overthinking too much.
Scanning the room you spotted a glass door that led to some sort of balcony, you cheered internally “I’ll be right back” You whispered to Lottie, who was having a nice chat with Luke about his bone structure. She looked at you, worried. You smiled at her “I’m just going to get some air, keep talking. I won’t take long”
You almost sprinted to the door, heart racing at the thought of a moment alone to gather yourself. Once the cool air of the night grazed your skin, you felt like you could finally breathe properly. You always felt more like yourself when nighttime arrived, it was complicated to explain but it seemed like the stars could understand you better than anyone. They were your comfort and your confidants, because no matter what, you knew they wouldn't ever leave you alone.
“‘S nice to know ‘m not the only one who needed a break” You heard a familiar voice say next to you.
Harry was standing next to railing, green eyes fixed on you as you took a step closer.
“You’re not having fun?” You asked, resting your elbows on the cold metal of the balcony.
“Parties are all the same after a while,” He said absentmindedly “‘m just really tired”
“Well, that’s understandable. After the night you had? If I were you I would be sleeping until I turned 40!”
Harry laughed and shook his head at your comment “How’s your bum?”
“My what now?”
“Your ass” He said pointing at your backside “From the fall?”
“Oh! It’s fine, just a little bruised up. Which is surprising since I expected a lot worse from being run over by a six foot man”
He smiled “‘m sorry, love. If it makes you feel better I got my ass handed to me by a six foot five man right after that”
“Yeah, that does make me feel better” You chuckled, looking at the sky again “Still can’t believe I’m here”
Harry came closer to you, his arm barely inches from yours. You didn’t notice as he studied your face carefully, almost like he was trying to remember every detail “‘s like a dream, isn’t it?”
“It truly is. I-“ You turned your face to him, only to find his way closer than you remember “Is everything alright, Harry?”
He hummed, distancing himself from you as he laid his back to the railing “Just thinking”
“That I might actually enjoy the parties if you’re around”
You were about to return the compliment when you heard the glass door open with a ferocious amount of force.
“Y/N!” Lottie yelled from the insides of the party “Get your little perky arse in here! They’re playing our song!”
You knew better than to say no to that. So you laughed as you made your way back inside, but not before saying bye to Harry.
“I’ll come and find you soon” He said with a dashing smile.
“As long as you don’t throw me to the ground, then that’s okay”
You grabbed Lottie’s hand and she pulled you over to the dance floor, not wasting any time before she started moving along to the song blasting from the stereos, you joined her almost instantly.
At that moment, you didn’t care who saw. You were having the time of your life dancing with your best friend in a party celebrating your new life. Your new beginning. Yes, you were scared. But why be scared now? Why don’t just enjoy the moment? Life’s too short to be moping around hypotheticals. Right now, you wanted to dance.
And you did, for five more songs you let all your worries go down the drain. Tonight you were living the dream and you silently promised yourself to cherish every moment like it’s the last one, no time for worries nor fears. Just fun.
“Ugh! I need a wee!” Lottie called over the music.
“I’m gonna grab some water!” You said to her before each of you made your way to your own destinations.
Once you reached the bar, you tried and failed to get the bartender’s attention. Them being to worried about the other clients waiting for a line of shots at the other side of the bar.
Wanting to rest your feet for a while, you decided to sit up on one of the tall stools they had, trying to catch your breath after that intense dance workout you just had. Your eyes began to wander across the room again out of curiosity, you wanted to know what your friends were up to at the moment.
You quickly found Liam and Niall on the dance floor, trying to copy some choreography they probably saw online and failing miserably while doing so. Louis, Zayn and Ashton were still at the booth, they were laughing hard at something that Josh had said, making Louis spill his drink onto the table. You scanned the room a little bit more, pretending like you were in a game of ‘Where’s Waldo?’ Without looking for anyone in particular. That’s when your eyes met Calum’s.
He was sitting at the other end of the bar, eyes already fixed at you when you met them. When he noticed you were staring, he quickly shot you a smile and brought his finger to the side of his nose, remembering your secret greeting from earlier. You smiled back and did the same, beckoning him to come talk to you.
He was by your side in a second
“Hey you!” He said excitedly “Was wondering where you went”
“I was just dancing with Lottie a few minutes ago” You pointed out the dance floor.
“Oh I know, hard to keep the eyes from ya” He smiled “Looks like karaoke is not your only talent”
“Oh shut up!” You laughed as you playfully punched him in the arm “I could still break your nose, you know?”
“I’m completely aware, darling. Wouldn’t mind it if you did, though”
You rolled your eyes at him “Are you having fun?”
“I am now”
You laughed again and Calum swore he had never listened to such a beautiful sound before. His brown eyes met yours again, trying to communicate everything you needed to know with just one gaze, just one moment. He was never a man of many words, but he hoped that this would be enough.
“So..” You said, trying not to get lost in his stare but failing miserably as you felt how his dark eyes took you in “What’ve you been doing, if you weren’t having fun?”
Calum smiled and shook his head “Trying to get Michael and Luke out of trouble-“
“CALUM” A voice was heard from across the room, probably Luke’s
“Like I said…” He pointed behind you at the two young men on the dance floor next to Liam and Niall, trying to balance some beer bottles onto Niall’s quiff “Cal! Come here!”
Calum sighed “I better go see what they’re doing”
“Make sure they don’t hurt themselves, I certainly don’t want to deal with covering them with make up tomorrow if they end up cutting their faces off” You joked.
“I’ll take that into account” He chuckled “I’ll find you later, Y/N” Calum said, turning around to their friends.
After a while, you decided to go over the booth and hang out with Louis, not wanting to be alone on a stool bar any longer.
“I can see you’re having fun, aren’t ya, love?” He said, putting his arm around your shoulder in a brotherly kind of way.
“I am, in fact. Thank you for asking”
“Been a bit flirty from what I can see as well, haven’t ya?”
You looked at him. He had a smug smile on his face, one brow raising teasingly as he waited for your answer. What did he mean by that?
“Uhm.. what? I haven’t been flirting with anyone” You state, confused by his question.
“Yeah? Do they know that?” Louis said, pointing behind you.
You turned your head to where he was pointing and you could see Calum and Harry, both coming from different sides of the room each one with two drinks in their hands, approaching the booth. Both of their eyes were fixed on you as they walked closer and closer, until they stopped completely in front of you.
It seemed like only then did they acknowledge each other, as they comically turned their heads to their side, looked down at each other’s drinks and then lifted their gaze to meet again face to face, mirroring each other’s movements and expressions.
“Guess you got a handful there, love” Louis whispered in your ear.
Oh, boy.
Part 2
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charlettebffxiv · 3 years
Promt #2: Aberrant
It’s never simple, is it? Not when you live in a forest that’s infamous for bordering wilderness less understood than it is feared. Of course, it’s feared and avoided for good reason, Charlette knew this, she’d seen what lays beyond the shadowed borders where brush and canopy grow too thick, and the shade too dark, for anyone to see further than six paces. Nothing is ever simple, but why does it have to be like that here, on her botanist table? Right now?
“Don’t look at it like it’s an opo-opo waiting to fling scat, Charlette. It’s not going to bite if you do it properly!” Bobocufu’s confidence was not infectious, at least not for Charlette. It did not, in fact, make her feel any braver, and honestly she didn’t think anyone would blame her.
“What if it’s worse?” she asked, tongue-in-cheek and making the lalafell leader of the Botanist guild puff-up like a shroom ready to spore. “Don’t be difficult. It’s not going to come out on it’s own, but it has to come out. So reach-in, and tickle the damn things belly!” ridiculous. Botany is ridiculous! That’s the only thing that crossed the Duskwights mind as she glanced at the pot, turned on its side and constructed for the express purpose of attracting what lay within. A mite, the size of Charlette’s head, and filled to its gnashers with water and earth aether. It stunk, and it growled, and the click-clack of the segments of its body were ominous. “It’s going to be worse than an opo-opo flinging scat. It sounds worse, looks worse, and is worse. I can see how the thing is brimming with aether. Nothing gets that packed with the stuff, without something terrible happening because of it.” She was not wrong, and she knew what she was talking about. Or, at least she would be if this was an aberrant she was hunting down for the Archives. Bobocufu, though, was already on the verge of popping. “Don’t be such a coward! You and the rest of those tunnel-dwelling librarians have no grit in your soil! I thought you’d done dangerous things, gone to exciting places! Fought criminal elements and uncontrolled magic!” She’d climbed onto Charlette’s desk, and was standing right next to the pot, containing the mite, who was hissing like a viper. It made Charlette nervous, Bobocufu had awfully long ears. Ears that can be snacked on in the quick clamp of mandibles. Do mites have mandibles? A question she didn’t want answered right now. “I have! I did! They also taught me never to stick my hand into a dark hole with an obviously mad creature inside. A mad aberrant creature too!” The lalafell swung her little hand and switched Charlette across the ear with the flick of her fingers. The elezen balking from the pinch of pain at the tip of her long, long listener. “Ow!” “Positive Aberration, thank you very much! Just because they don’t fit your fancy list of what is, or isn’t, correct doesn’t mean they are just bad. Why do you think Giant Mites get so full of aether in the first place? Because it has to go somewhere, and they use it! Earth to make burrowing easier, water to keep themselves hydrated and make traveling through tunnels quicker! Mud is slicker than hard soil after all!” The way she said it, it upset Charlette. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but should anyone at all be so enthusiastic about a giant vilekin swimming through mud like a landshark? “Aberrations happen when aether is out of balance though. It’s, quite literally, the product of things being wrong. The embodiment of discord where we want order and a healthy cycle.” another swat to her ear, Charlette now holding her hand over it, pressing it back against her head. If she where a Miqo’te she’d fold it out of the way. “Stop it!” “You stop it! Think, Charlette. You’ve been with us for almost six moons and you’re still acting like we’re a bunch of white-robed Order soldiers off to stop a great, big, bad! You’re in Botanists duds, my girl. Think like one, if you’re going to look like one. How is order brought back to the cycle?” Charlette has to stop, as much to let the sting subside as to take a chance to actually think on her Leader's words. “We go in and fix the problem. Remove the issue, so balance is restored.” this earned her a nod, but not the kind that is a straight yes. It was one of those nods, sort of to the side, following a long and annoying “Yeeeeah… almost. But not quite. Going in and removing the issues is all well and good, stop it at the source. But that does not make all that aether go away. And, sometimes, you can’t stop it. Those great, big, crystal craters left behind by the Calamity? I don’t see us chipping away at them.” Bobocufu was the kind of person to talk with her hands, miming swinging a pickaxe, and swaying her short arms wide as she can when she, finally, gets to her point. “It’s up to us, and them. The seedkin, vilekin, beastkin and all other kin that want to, or need to, live here. What happens, when a bunch of mites burrow away with all that aether? Leaving long tracks of it along the way? Dispersal, dummy!” little knuckles rap against Charlette’s head. “It’s not to be feared. It’s not the enemy. It’s, actually, our friend. And the only reason it’s hissing at you, and you’re hesitating like a little baby, is that both of you are too dumb to see that.” Charlette’s pout was thick, and far too sour. It made Bobocufu laugh, loud and high-pitched. “I’m not dumb.” “No, you aren’t. So stop acting like you are! I can forgive the Mite, it’s a bug! But you? Are you a bug?” “No…” “Then reach in, and use your big Duskwight brain to yank that stupid thing out of it’s hide so we can take it, and the rest of them, to the dying groves! They’ll bring life right back to it again, you’ll love seeing it Charlette. Trust me. But before you can, you need to-” Charlette raised a hand, stopping the lalafell before another lecture came her way. “Okay. Alright. Against my better judgement, I’ll wrangle the stupid Mite.” little hands clapped together, and a big smile spread across the Botanist’s face. She watched, eyes trained on Charlette as she slowly reached out. It was cold inside that pot. Cold, and dark, and the only signs of what was inside was that click, clack, clatter of chitin and the shuffling of the mite. Charlette’s hand touched smooth, bugish hide. Goosebumps bloomed up her arm and across her shoulders. It was cold, it didn’t feel like a living thing. But it was too big to scoop out with one hand, the other disappears out of Charlette’s sight and into the den of the hissing ball. Cupping it in her grip, and hefting the surprisingly light mass, she pulled it out. “There we go! Not so bad, was it?” Bobocufu asked, looking as proud as a mother hen with Charlette’s progress. She’d never admit it to the woman, but Charlette did enjoy that look. Well, really, she lived for it. Approval from her peers, ah, so sweet. “Now watch this!” and a stubby little finger, dark with the stain of soil, rushed out and poked right in the center of the coiled vilekin. It unfurled, heaved, glowed with the brightness of blue and green. Earth and Water! “What’s happening?!” Charlette shouted. Or she would have, if the Mite had not just fired a long jet of greenish-black water right into her face. Bobocufu laughed, Charlette choked, and thankfully Maxim was there to pick the scuttling thing up and stuff it into the cart with the others. “Ah! Excellent. Refreshing, mite ichor. It’s good for the skin, and now you’ve seen the worst these little shits can do. Next time you’ll be a little more brave, huh?” If that was the intention of the lesson, Charlette was too busy scrubbing grit from her mouth to have taken it in. Well, aside from the fact that nothing is ever simple.
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maraudersandlily20 · 4 years
heyy! saw you were looking for some promts? well i thought if i could maybe suggest something about Reg and Sirius? maybe one of them wants to talk with the other after Sirius has ran away? something like that. only if you like the idea though!
The room was empty and cold and unlived in. It had been years since a living human had stepped into the room. There was a feeling in the air, like the past of the owner loomed in every direction.
Sirius was just... staring. He could feel himself staring, hardly breathing, trying to convince himself to take a step forward. And when he did that, he had to convince himself to flick on the light. And then he seemed to stop breathing all together. 
The room looked very much the same as it always did. The bed was neatly made. There were no photographs on the walls, simply a Slytherin banner that their mother had given him hung above his drawers. The closet held numerous white, grey, and black clothing, as if he had never worn one color in his life. Even the shoes were paired and tucked away. If there had been someone living there, you wouldn’t know it from looking at the room. It was a ghost’s habitat. A place that had a memory of living that could never be pinned down. 
Kreacher had told him that he had been caring for “master Regulus’” room after his disappearance. He never let the dust gather, he kept everything exactly how master liked it. It was a stagnant piece of history, unnoticed and untouched even as years moved on.
Sirius felt like the past was holding his hand, gripping tightly, forcing him to remember times spent in this room. Times spent with his...
His brother.
The titled smarted at a wound that Sirius held deep down, one that he couldn’t explain. James was his real brother, not Regulus. Regulus had picked his side. He had decided against Sirius.
And yet.
Sirius would never deny the presence of an ache in his soul when he remembered Regulus. He had felt his absence in his life the moment he had left his brother behind. No amount of begging would convince Regulus to join Sirius and leave their abusive house behind them. He was just as stubborn as Sirius was, but he lacked the courage to leave.
During their school years, Sirius had noticed evidence of their parents’ cruel treatment of his younger brother, but he never seemed to complain. In fact, Sirius often wondered if Regulus knew how to feel emotion. He seemed so cold and stone like. Remus had compared him to a statue on numerous occasions. Sirius couldn’t help but agree.
The room Sirius stood before belonged to a human that Sirius had known but maybe hadn’t fully understood. Remus told him of his mysterious disappearance and later the declaration of his death. It weighed on Sirius more than he would admit. And now, he was standing in the doorway of Regulus’ room, looking as dark and as cold as Regulus had been himself.
“I don’t suppose there is anyone in here?” He said, a sarcastic note in his voice. “Regulus would never lower himself to becoming a ghost and haunting this house. It’s haunted enough.” He wandered into the room, settling into the desk chair, swiveling it to face the bed. 
“It weird, how different we were. My rooms were always covered in portraits and posters. Whereas his is just... plain. Even in the place where he was supposed to feel most safe, he never left any evidence of himself.” Sirius leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “I always wondered if Regulus ever wanted to live a life outside of this,” there was a hint of pain as he spoke. “I guess I’ll never know.”
He looked at the room again, assessing the cold atmosphere and felt a deep longing inside him to just ask Regulus what he thought about his own room, why he had left it so bare. And, beyond that, why he hadn’t left. Why he refused to change, why he never let emotion overwhelm him, like any ordinary kid would have. He had so many questions for his brother that he felt would never be answered. 
With a tired sigh, Sirius turned the chair back toward the desk and gently pulled the drawers open. The first drawer was incredibly tidy, quills bound together on one side, notebooks and scrolls layered on the other side. The second drawer had a bit more interesting things. There was a painting, slashes of grey, black, and red, signed by someone named Everett. There was a locket with the words “and on” inscribed inside. There were photographs of people, Slytherins in their common room; some laughing, some hugging or scowling. Other pictures of trees swaying, grass blowing in the wind, water rushing over stones. Then he found the camera, and wondered where Regulus had learned to shoot magical portraits. And wondered too if he had enjoyed it. It seemed like he had. They were beautiful, for lack of a better word.
Sirius replaced the camera and opened the small draw across the top of the desk. There was nothing inside of it but a small folded up parchment. And on top of this parchment was a name.
His name.
It was addressed to him. 
With trembling hands, Sirius pulled the letter out, tracing over the swirls of Regulus’ writing of his name. He steeled himself and pulled the page apart.
He had written him a letter.
Regulus had written a letter to Sirius. Before he died. 
The letter was short. Sirius couldn’t help the tears as they came to his eyes as he read the words written in steady handwriting.  
“The star “Sirius” is considered the brightest star in the whole night sky. You couldn’t miss it, even if you tried. Just like you. You were always the bright one, the one that people stopped and took notice of. I always envied you for that.
On the other hand, the star “Regulus” is the brightest star in the lion constellation. By itself, it’s possible it wouldn’t be noticed at all. It requires the presence of others to truly be seen. It’s actually a collection of stars, but is visible only for a few months in its full glory, before disappearing. I may not have matched you in eternal glory, but at least I offered something.
I guess the first 17 years of my life would be considered the time I shone the brightest. And now, I am coming to the end of the light. The world is rotating, moving on... without me. 
I am sitting here, staring at this treacherous mark on my arm, watching the snake move against my skin, and I wonder how I could have done it. How I ever let someone tell me how to live my life, how to feel, who to be.
I am not what he wants me to be.
And, if there is anything I’ve learned in the few years I have been alive, it’s that the people who love you should allow you to be you. And not demand you to change for the sake of their gain and their image.
You never did that. You always just wanted me to be me. That’s why you shone brighter. You illuminated the work and love of everyone else. Like a lighthouse, showing the good and the bad of the treacherous sea. You were always like that. Even after you left.
In my wardrobe, there’s a small wooden box that holds photographs I’ve never shown anyone. I want you to have them. I hope one day you will read this letter and find those photographs, and maybe you will begin to understand. 
I think a part of me has always known it would come to this. Me, alone, in the house that seemed to hate us from our conceptions. You, off saving the world, with the people who love you so well, dreaming of a future I can’t even imagine. I think there has always been an understanding in my heart that I would never have that future, no matter how hard you tried to give it to me. That’s why I stayed, Sirius. I knew, if I went with you, you’d never let me be. You’d give all of your attention and energy to me, trying to make me into the person you hoped I could become. But I know better. Unfortunately, I will never be that person. It seems I have run out of time.
Other people need that love more than I do. I got to have it for so long, and I know how powerful it is. Other people need that. I hope you don’t hold back in giving it to them.
Can I tell you a secret? I never gave much thought to what I wanted to be when I grew up. I think a part of me always knew I would never get that far. And now, possibly at the end of my life, I know that I am not afraid to die. 
I only wish I could tell you, Sirius, how badly I don’t want to leave you. Leaving you, as I have had to do over and over again, is like the story of the man in hell, who pushes a boulder up a hill, having to watch it fall to the bottom after every try. That pain and anguish I feel, leaving you, it doesn’t go away. It just starts over, again and again.
I promise this is the last time I’ll do it. 
I hope you get to grow up and become the things that you’ve always wanted. I hope that where my life stops, at the edge of all this potential, your life will dive in and grow and flourish. That alone gives me the strength to let this be the end. 
I wonder what you’ll be when you grow up. I wonder how your obnoxious and loving light will save people. It saved me. You may not believe it, considering where we are, but it did. And if my life is to end now, I hope the years I had left will be transferred to you. 
You made me the lion’s heart. And now, I’m going to prove to you that you did not believe in me in vain. 
Yours, faithfully, 
And Sirius didn’t know why, but he felt like his heart stuttered to a stop. And it did not resume it’s beating for several moments. When he felt himself come to life again, he stood and wandered to the wardrobe, where he found the small wooden box that Regulus had left for him. He slid the lid off and pulled out a hefty stack of pictures. Some were enchanted, others were not. But it was clear who the star of them was.
It was Sirius. 
Sirius with his friends, in the great hall, walking between classes, cheering at quidditch matches. There were a few of him dozing beneath a tree or swimming in the great lake. Pictures of him smiling and laughing, holding Remus’ had or stealing a kiss.
It was all Sirius. 
And for the first time in his life, Sirius understood that Regulus had been there for all of it. He hadn’t been ignoring Sirius. He hadn’t left Sirius, as Sirius had always thought. Regulus had watched him, every moment of him, had understood him. He had captured who he loved and how he loved them. He captured him in quiet moments, and loud.
Regulus had never left him at all.
At the bottom of the pile of photos was a portrait of Regulus himself. He was setting the camera up on a bookshelf, and he was smiling. He must have been about sixteen. He was in... He was in Sirius’ room, wearing one of his old muggle band shirts. He looked more like a kid than Sirius had ever seen him, an aura of innocence about him. The picture came to life, showing Regulus laugh as he balanced the camera before moving backwards. He didn’t do anything but smile, but it was the most beautiful picture that Sirius had ever seen.
It was like Regulus had left his soul in that picture. He had left it, as proof for Sirius, that he had lived. And, more importantly, that he had loved him. 
He held the picture to his chest and collapsed to the ground, not even noticing the sun set behind him. And, feeling more heartbroken then ever, Sirius cried more than he had since James and Lily had died. 
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fandomtrash264 · 4 years
I have some Fred and George promts that I don't want to forget so imma put them here. If you are interested in writting them, by all means go for it, just tag me. I don't think I have a preference over who is in each scenario. I will probably write George and Fred based on what I thought but they should work with either twin. I do think they are different, im just saying that I could see the story going with either boy
• Reader and Fred pull a prank on George that changes his hair color based on mood. (Red - angry, blue - sad, green - disgust, light pink - embarrassed, hot pink - flirty, purple - in love/swooning, dark purple -lust) The 3 are sitting in the great hall eating and George is staring at reader and his hair turns purple. Reader thinks he has just zoned out and starts to bug him asking who he is thinking about. Leads to confession (and I imagine he is embarrassed so his hair is pink)
• Reader is a metamorphmagus and they like to switch between male and female so they change their physical appearance as such. (I see Fred as bi ngl) Fred gets a crush on the reader without knowing they are both people. A little while later, he falls for the other side (if that makes sense) of them and thinks he likes 2 different people. He is super torn and has no idea what to do
•This one is a Soulmate AU. The one where you can hear the music your soulmate is listening to. Reader is listening to ✨🌶 S p i c y 🌶 ✨ music and he knows its reader and he is shocked because they don't seem like they would listen to it and he is pleasantly suprised to find they are super flirty and such (he is twin of your choice lol)
•Yet again, one of our boys gets pranked. They lie about something that makes reader upset so they prank them so that everytime they try to talk, bubbles come out instead and the only way to undo it is to do somthing super embarrassing (I'll leave that to y'alls imagination's) and they refuse because they are petty but they eventually give in with this big social stunt or smth
•i imagine reader is a Ravenclaw (could really be any) who is the child of Bellatrix and *Moldy Voldy* (why ravenclaw you ask? I'll explain) They are in George and Fred's year so they are older than Harry. Reader was rescued a little before Harry was born and got to stay with someone else (probably Remus or smth. I imagine a gryfinndor so that way the Slytherin and the Gryfinndor kinda cancel out so you get Ravenclaw. Slytherin is their blood but they know its wrong so they push for the good values. I know slytherins can be good [believe me, I am very big on the fact that not all Slytherins are evil] but when its Bella and Mr. Tom, they have some bad bones) and they keep it a secret from their friends (the twins, the trio, etc.) Until Remus brings them to an OoTP meeting. He doesn't say who he just says he is bringing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named 's child and they are terrified of how their friends will react. Kinda angsty but eventually they all understand that reader isn't evil
• Branching off of the previous, same family situation but when they were younger, they weren't seen as a child, they were a weapon. Trixie and Tommy boy would experiment on them so they are lowkey fucked up. They are super powerful and struggle to control it. Reader freaks out because they are terrified that he will be able to control them or see in their mind and good 'ole Gred and Forge help our reader to feel better and reassure them
• Reader and a twin are dating in 7th year (With Umbridge) and instead of breaking up or telling them about the plan to start a shop, they just leave and break off all contact. Years later they see each other and reader confronts them about how he couldn't even break up with them before leaving and he confesses his worries. Inspired by the song Ways to Break a Heart by Maddie Zahm [you can find it on YouTube]
• Can happen to either the reader or George or Fred but somehow by prank or accident in class, they get separated into different parts of themselves [parts like the 7 deadly sins (so they would be split into Pride and Lust) but also other things work (like Fear and Wonder)] and the other 2 have to deal with it until the problem is fixed
• (I have a lot with the boys and pranks, sorry lol) the boys get de-aged and reader has to chase them around because they are H E A T H E N S but then later on they put them to sleep and the Love Interest (twin of choice) snuggles up to them and mentions how much they love them and reader gives it no mind because "he was a baby". They snuggle and when they wake up the boys are of normal age and the Love Interest just snuggles closer and says something like "I meant it y'know. I really do love you/think you're amazing" and just. Fluff
• (I wrote George, yet again, could work with either) Reader is playing with the sleeve/hem/string of George's sweater/hoodie and he quips with a flirty comment like "you want the whole thing? Here, give it back when it smells like you" and the reader brushes it off as a flirty comment and teases "how am I supposed to know what I smell like? I'm noseblind to myself" and he gives them a scent. The scent seems familiar to them but oh well. They wear it because its soft and it smells like him and later on when they are chilling in the common room or whatever (George isn't there) they realize that's what he said he smelt in his Amortentia in potions last week and they lowkey freak out and go to ask him about it and aaaah! Cute things ensue
• [!!!TW: Depression, suicidal thoughts!!!] Can happen to either reader or one of the boys.(If it happens to a boy i see it being George as he seems insecure of being in Fred's shadow and I will write the prompt that way but it works with Fred and reader as well) George has been a little off recently and reader and Fred can't figure out what it is until reader goes to the astronomy tower late one night and finds George on the roof of the atronomy tower, seemingly fighting with himself about whether or not he should jump off. Angst, ends with fluff, reader helps him to feel better. Inspired by the song Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
•During their 6th year with the Triwizard Tournament, a durmstrange gent takes a liking to the reader. They start to court the reader and flirt with them, give them lots of compliments, try to show their affection. The Love Interest (again, twin of choice) get REALLY jealous tho and decides to try and out-do the durmstrang boy. This leads to really extravagant methods of flirting (ex. Sending a howler that is actually a shower of compliments or after a big quidditch match, the whole team does a choreographed dance where the suitor sings/performs to reader) all of this leading up to the yule ball. They either go with the durmstrange guy and deal with Love Interest later or they end up going with the Twin, whatever you would like
• Everyone is at the Burrow and they decide to watch a movie. While everyone is in the kitchen, the twin (who is the Love Interest) comes by and says "Oh! Are you guys watching a movie?" Readet replies "Yeah, P.S. I Love you" and he just blushes really hard and sits next to them and says "I love you too". Reader doesn't know how of if they are gonna tell him that "P.S. I Love You" is the name of the movie. Then everyone else comes back in so they have to wait until after the movie to talk about it. The whole time the movie is going all they can focus on are the "I Love You"s that escaped each others mouths. Inspired by a wolfstar text post by @starsandmoonys
• Inspired by the drarry work, Mental by sara_holmes on Ao3 (which you should totally go read like holy shit i love this idea sooooo much) written with George but as usual, can work with either. Reader is in for total shock when a joke gone sour ends with George striking them with a bad Legilimency spell. Due to this spell, they can (and have to) hear each others thoughts and see the pictures in each other's minds. What will happen when they see all that goes on in each others heads? Will they learn to communicate? Will they let one another in? Will they like who they see, or will they be scared away from the thoughts behind closed eyes?
• (TW!!!!: Dreamt character death, War) Fred and reader have been friends-with-benefits for a long time with feelings slowly growing between the 2 of them. They stay in denial until Fred has a nightmare one day where reader dies in the war. The next day he is desperate to hold them and see that they are okay. He confesses his feelings in fear of losing them. Inspired by Woke the Fuck Up - Jon Bellion
• [(TW!!! War) Fred lives] Fred and Reader had a huge fight right before Fred and George left Hogwarts and leave things on a rocky ending. Fred knows just how much he needs Reader and he desperately wants them back. Reader doesn't want to admit it but they miss him.and want him back too. They see each other again after the war and Fred breaks down in their arms and confesses how much he misses them and needs them. How hard it has been without them. Reader reciprocates these feelings and tells him. They start over, slowly building their love up again inspired by Bad Habit - Ben Platt [First verse and Pre-chorus would be Fred's feelings and second verse and Pre-chorus would be Reader. They blend on the 3rd]
• George has been strangely quiet all day. Reader is confused and a little hurt as George seems to avoid them. Leaving rooms when they walk in, not keeping eye contact and staying as physically far as he can. That is until they sit down in the great hall for lunch and Fred tells his friends (including reader) all about having put a truth serum in George's drink and all the funny things he has gotten him to admit. Reader goes to confront George about what he is hiding (because otherwise he would talk to them, right?) And they get an oddly specific but touching confession [ie. "I borrow your chapstick because that is what your lips will taste like" and "I see you in my dreams almost every night" ] inspired by Jenny - Studio Killers
• [Choose whether the person who can dance is reader or Twin of Choice. I will be writting with reader] The yule ball is coming up and reader can't dance to save their life. A certain red-heades friend comes in to help. At first, reader doesn't believe him because "c'mon, why would you know how to ballroom dance?" But they are pleasantly suprised to find they are actually really good at it. Like, REALLY good. "Mum made all of us learn. In case we ever needed it". Reader notices their feelings start to change as they spend more and more sessions together dancing until the yule ball occurs. Take it from there lol
• just a very cliche typical love potion fic. Reader volunteers to be on the receiving end of one of Fred and George's pranks- spike their drink with love potion- on one condition. The person reader will be in love with, knows about it. Reader figures this will allow them some leeway and safety against other pranks. All is going well until they spike the drink for reader to like (twin of your choice) and they realize that nothing has happened except they are a bit more flirty. Everyone is crazy confused because for everyone else they were head over heels swooning and attached at the hip until Hermionie (or somebody else) quips in with "You can't create something that already exists, y'know".
• So this one is less creative and it's also a mix of 2 tropes but bear with me. Reader is a very outgoing flirtatious type of person. They openly flirt with everyone, Fred, Ginny, Neville, Dean, etc. They don't care, its a way they show affection. Then, when they start to get a crush on George (or Fred) they star getting more shy and reserved with him. And he is completely clueless. He's lowkey hurt because "why doesn't Y/n crack jokes like that with me?" And shit like that. He is feeling down when he sees it. No, not 'it', he sees you. You and Fred flirting. He's got you cornered to the wall and your cheeks are flushed and George is big mad. (When really, Fred just cornered them so they couldn't avoid the question and was teasing and asking about their crush on George). George ends up seeing out Y/n, getting them alone and confronting them. Light angst? But ends fluffy as reader explains what actually happened
*im going to keep updating this as I get more ideas so be prepared*
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Pedro's character reactions to an unexpected kiss on the cheek from the girl he's been trying to woo forever but continuously got rejected by?
Din is a little flustered when after he hands you a cloth wrapped loaf of that sweet bread you had spend a hour talking about last week you lean over and kiss the side of his helmet. He had given up trying to get your attention after you continuously ignored his offers to spar. You had made it pretty clear to him that you just wanted to be friends- hadn’t you?
Whiskey has been trying very loudly, very obviously, very obnoxiously to get into your pants since Tequila had introduced you a month ago. Honestly, under any other circumstance you would have given in already, the man was exactly your type and office gossip said that that lariat wasn’t the only thing he knew how to handle. But you were new to your supervisory position and you had a team of three young female agents working under you to whom you were determined to give a good example. And that meant no giving in to that cowboy and his cheesy pick up lines and dazzling smile. Until one of your girls got herself into some trouble on a mission with Whiskey and Tequila and instead of charging in to fix it, he grabbed the back of Tequila's collar and stood off to the side to let her handle it herself. She emerged from the fight with only some cuts and bruises and a cracked rib, but smarter for it and with the kind of confidence in her abilities that only comes from hands on experience. So you cornered him as the three of them stepped out of the plane and kissed him. You figured he deserved some kind of reward for his help. What you were not expecting (but what you really should have been, this whole situation was on you and your own stupidity) was for Whiskey to blink down at you stupidly and watch as you smiled politely at the other senior agent and start to walk away. What you also did not expect was to hear a ‘swish, whooshing” sound and for your arms to suddenly be pinned to your sides. You looked down to see a lariat wrapped snugly around your middle and you sighed and rolled your eyes. You were tugged gently backwards and rather than fall on your ass and be dragged- which you were sure he would do- you complied, and found yourself face to face with a grinning cowboy. “There now, little lady, that wasn’t so difficult was it?” You tried, and failed, to put your hands on your hips and heard snickers from behind you. “I hope that wasn’t the last of that sugar you were planning on giving out, honey, or I’m going to be mighty disappointed.” You sigh, unable to resist smiling back at the grinning idiot in front of you. “Let me go and I’ll see what I can do Jack” you bargain. He shakes his head and tips his hat back with his free hand. “Now, sugar, a this cowboy knows not to let his catch go without some much stronger assurances”. You step closer to him, you can feel the heat he radiates and smell his leather, spicy scent. He grabs the rope around your middle and hauls you against him, wrapping his arms around you, holding you up right. “I knew you couldn’t resist me forever baby.” You know you should shove him away, make him wait longer for a smart remark like that but frankly, this has gone on long enough and you don’t want to. You allow him to pull you up on your toes so he can bend down and kiss you properly. You’ll get him back some other way soon. 
Oberyn grabs your wrist as you turn to walk away and drags you back to his side and into his lap. “Now was that so difficult” he asks, a slow and sultry smile on his lips. You blush and try to look away but a long and elegant finger turns your face back to his, and once your eyes meet his eyes you can’t look away- they’re as mesmerizing as the snake’s he takes his name from. “It wouldn’t be very chivalrous of me to not return the favor, and not only that,” he pauses, his face a breath away from your own now. “Since I have looked forward to this for so very long, I wouldn’t deny myself the pleasure for all the gold in Casterley Rock.” He kisses your cheek gently, first one, and then the other. His lips are soft, full, and you feel only a hint of a scratch from his beard. Its tantalizing and you want more, that feeling is just this shy of not enough, and he pulls away with a smile. You frown at him and he laughs, hugging you closer to his body and leaning back in to press feather light kisses on your chin, your forehead, and then the tip of your nose. He then releases you, puts you gently off his lap and walks away with a bow. “I hope you have a pleasant evening, my lady.”
Ezra smiles softy at you and just stares. For a full minute he says nothing, and while you’re sure he has been quiet for longer since you made his acquaintance two months ago you can’t think of quite such a loaded silence as this. You were about to break the quiet with a rough joke or something when he placed his hand on your arm and squeezed gently. You looked up to find him smiling brightly down at you and you resisted the urge to sigh in relief, instead choosing to grin back. Maybe a quiet Ezra wasn’t always an indicator of trouble. 
Catfish blushes. Like the kind of blush that you thought only happened in Loony Tunes cartoons. His whole face turns red underneath the patchy scruff that had scratched your lips. The friends he had introduced you to (you were positive those were not their real names- Pope you might accept but no one would actually name a kid Iron Head) had been teasing him about his homebody ways since his daughter had been born and you could see it was bothering him. You kind of thought they were being jerks so you did the first thing that you could think of to make them stop. The silence that followed your kiss and “hey babe, I’m gonna go grab a beer you want something?” was almost too comical for you to keep a straight face. Fish managed a quiet “no thanks” and touched your arm briefly before you made your way to the kitchen. All was quiet and then you heard a muttered remark from the curly haired guy- promting hard laughter from the group of men. They were poking fun at Fish again. Jesus you can’t win with buttheads like this can you, you thought, rolling your eyes and returning to your seat on the arm of Catfish’s chair.
Tovar pretends to be annoyed. As usual. He “harumphs” and glowers at the trees surrounding you and you laugh and walk ahead of him.
Max- you know when a dog is begging to go play outside and is just sitting there staring at you and you finally turn your phone off and like, he just lights up and looks at you like yes? Yes? Finally?? And is just so sunshine and thrilled? That’s Max. It’s almost annoying enough to make you regret it, which you tell him, which only makes him laugh and continue to be disgustingly positive about it. (Note, this is you don’t know he’s a vampire Max. The scenario changes completely if you’re in the know.)
Javier is frustrated. After weeks of trying to get into your pants, you decide now, of all times, while you both are being SHOT AT is the perfect time to distract him with this? You grin, lean over and kiss his now stubbly cheek before standing and laying down covering fire for Steve and Carrillo as they go charging through the narrow room. And all he can do is just sit there. Surprised and frustrated. Women.
Maxwell had been trying to get your attention since he saw you in the elevator two months ago. Every day it was expensive gift after expensive gift, nothing had worked and he was getting more and more frustrated. Was that diamond tennis bracelet not nice enough? Did you not like the show he’d managed to get those tickets to? What was he doing wrong!? So when you finally looked up at him with a smile and stood on your toes to kiss his cheek when he handed you a cup of coffee (just the way you liked it- he had been practically stalking you for two months, it did have its advantages) that one time the whole office had to stay a few hours longer than normal he was a little confused. After all this time and effort all he really had to do was bring you coffee? Seriously?!
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llendrinall · 3 years
Hi I have a writing promt.
A story that is written from both pov's that shows Draco and Harry falling in love with each other. Little moments together where they fall a bit more in love. Things they do that make the other thing "Wow I'm so in love with him". Ect.
Harry had always been starkly aware of Draco, but it was after the war, in the Wizengamot, when he actually noticed him for the first time.
Draco was sitting next to Pansy Parkinson, holding her hand so tight that he was leaving white marks. Harry got a glimpse of them when Pansy was called to give her testimony.
Then the unthinkable happened. Instead of demurring, which she was allowed to do –was expected by everyone to do, was what every other member of a Death Eater family had done so far– Pansy answered all the prosecutor’s questions. She gave true testimony and denied her parents the imperius defence.
Draco was waiting for her when she came down from the stand. He grabbed her hand and led her away with measured steps so it wouldn’t look like they were running.
The second time Harry noticed Draco like that, as a person rather than as an opponent, was, coincidentally, the first time Draco saw Harry as Harry. Not as a school enemy or a war enemy or The Boy Who Lived or The Saviour Of The Wizarding World. Not even as Harry Potter. He saw Harry as just Harry.
It probably helped that Harry was unrecognizable under a thick layer of soot and grime so Draco didn’t know who he was calling an idiot. Draco also yelled to stop immediately and step back and, miraculously, Harry did. No hesitance.
Not all Death Eater had been arrested and not every awful individual had joined Voldemort, which meant that there were plenty of terrible people out in the world. Someone, Death Eater or not, had attacked Wisteria House. The house where rescued and freed house-elves were hosted.
Draco understood that the house-elves weren’t the goal. They were just the bait, a cheap collateral. The point of the attack was to have someone (maybe Harry, most probably Granger), cross the door quickly, without looking around them, and walk straight into a deathly trap.
Draco saw the trap, called out a warning and Harry listened. He listened to Draco.
Both of them walked away with a different opinion of the other. No one comes out the same from a burning building.
 The third time went like this.
“Je- Blimey!”
“Find your own corner in the shadows to hide, Potter. This one is mine.”
“I don’t have time to find another spot.”
“Too bad. W- wait! No, quit it!”
“Scoot over! We can share.”
“No, we can’t. This is my dark spot, go away.”
“Either we share or I make sure they find you too.”
“As if I care. I’m not hiding from your devotees. Go away.”
“It’s Clay Buckthorn.”
“… be quiet, then.”
They hid in there for an hour, talking in whispers and sharing a bottle of butterbeer, while Secretary Buckthorn, the most persistent and insufferable politician to ever crawl out of the Ministry, looked around for a popular face to join his campaign. They were about to leave when in came Rita Skeeter, pressuring Percy Weasley to answer her questions. They watched from the shadows as she pressed and cajoled and he resisted. It was a bit like watching some sort of fight sport, only after ten minutes they weren’t sure who they were supporting.
Harry thought Draco was dating Pansy Parkinson and maybe he still was. Evidently, it was all for show. No need to read so much into it.  
There was this old witch complaining about tradition and values. Nothing no one hadn’t heard before many times. People these days had no respect, it was disgraceful and so on. But then she turned to Dennis Creevey and his boyfriend (some Slytherin kid, Harry didn’t know him), and she asked if their families weren’t ashamed of them. Two men together. They ought to be.
Harry wasn’t sure if she knew about Dennis’ brother or not. It was hard to believe that people could be so deliberately cruel to a stranger. The question stopped him from immediately jumping to her neck. He had been accused of blowing things out or proportion before. And by before, he meant that morning when he called out that rude shopper who cut the line before a goblin.
Meanwhile, Draco rolled his eyes in that magnificent way of his. For someone who acted so proud and proper, Draco had a very expressive face and the rolling of his eyes was a spectacle to behold. He stood from his table, grabbed Theo Nott by the lapels, and kissed him on the mouth long and hard right in the middle of the crowded restaurant. Afterwards he sat down, perfectly composed, and both Theo and him turned to look at the witch like the smuggest pair of snakes in the forest.
The witch left the restaurant soon after. Dennis lost the wretched look on his face and Harry paid the bill on Draco’s table, earning a nod from him on the way out.
The day Draco’s heart began to beat a different rhythm was a hot Thursday in summer and someone had tried to kill him.
It wasn’t a particularly well thought attack and Draco took precautions. He wouldn’t have gotten anything worse than an intense headache and maybe some sore muscles. Still, Harry felt the need to push him to the floor and shield him with his body from the sparks and shrapnel falling over them. Harry had stopped the hex in mid-air, which was admittedly impressive. Draco watched the purple rivulets of the failed curse slowly descending around them and wondered if he was in shock. That would be embarrassing. This clumsy attack on his life didn’t deserve any shock.
Harry jumped from him (so nimble!) and chased down the would-be murdered, on foot, like a muggle. He, he just ran down the street, didn’t even cast a spell until he caught up to him and brought him to the floor. Draco was sorry to miss that part, although there were very good pictures on the newspaper the next day. Harry looked amazingly heroic. One of the pictures had him jumping in mid-air.
Draco didn’t know if this was something Harry did for everybody or if it was just for him, nor did he care. His chest and stomach and… other parts, were confused enough about how to feel, and his heart, in particular was beating to a new tune.  
So Draco could make moving shadows to play stories and it was amazingly beautiful and Harry loved it, he loved it, and no, it was not the potion talking, he was perfectly sound of mind. St Mungo was about to let him go! But Draco had come visit him and when Harry complained about being dreadfully bored, Draco had put on this absolutely magical spectacle (yes, Harry knew they were both wizards, it was still magical; no, no potion talking, it was an honest opinion). In the end Harry stayed the night, just like the mediwitch had begged him to, and fell asleep with the shadows performing a dance before him.
Draco didn’t call it love because he was quite an obstinate young man, but he was at that stage where he would easily admit that he was willing to lay down his life for Harry. He only had trouble with the word, not with the sentiment itself and its manifestation.
They were at the Ministry. It should be a pretty simple and straight-forward process. Go in, Pansy signs the documents, Draco bears witness and signs his own documents, go out. But of course it wouldn’t be so simple. A pretty pureblood witch doing anything against her family was a spectacle. The press wanted photos, people wanted to see it live, and, of course, there was the ever present mob who just wanted to shout awful things. Usually Pansy dealt with the mob by herself, swiftly and with a sting.
But today was different, hence why Draco had informed Pansy he would be accompanying her before she could ask him to. It wasn’t like the day she gave her testimony, but it was close enough. In a way, it was worse. A year ago they had her testimony to think about. Today it was just signing a document. That could hardly distract them from the crowd waiting for them.  
A push. A yelp. A crash. And Harry Potter gallantly preventing a very old wizard from having a huge flower vase fall on top of him. Somehow, Harry didn’t cast protego in time, so he avoided being brained by the vase but was splashed by the water and stood completely drenched in the middle of the Ministry main hall.
Across the mass of curious people and reporters and workers and people who had come to shout awful things, Harry looked at Draco. He gave him A Look. If he had more time, Draco would stop and think of a suitable metaphor for Harry’s eyes, their colour and intensity. But he didn’t, so he grabbed Pansy by the elbow and together they crossed the hall without the crowd noticing. Everyone’s attention was naturally fixed on the way the Saviour of the Wizarding World’s wet clothes clung to his chest.
Afterwards, once he had seen Pansy safely (and discreetly) home, Draco went to find Harry. He was perfectly dry now, but he had a faint scent of flowers around him.
“The rose garden is lovely in June,” Draco said, which should be enough but of course Harry didn’t understand him. Harry was kind, brave, handsome and clever in the most useless way so Draco had to actually explain, with words, that Weasley and Granger must have realize by now the extent of their fame and what it would mean if they married at the Burrow, where anyone could break in. Hence, why Draco mentioned his lovely rose garden where they could get married if they chose to without anyone invading their privacy.
“Hermione’s extended family is muggle.” Harry said, and dear Merlin it was even worse than Draco thought. They were going to pick a muggle place. So not only people breaking in, but a violent attack against the muggles too. Just what you want for a wedding.
“The Malfoy family marries for power, not blood purity.” Draco explained in a whisper. “There is no repello muggletum in our houses.”
“What!?” Harry cried, drawing immediate and sharp attention to them so they had to leave quickly and find a quiet place where Draco explained that Grandmother Imogen –that is, Lucius Malfoy’s mother– was a muggle but, most importantly, a peer of the Realm.
Harry stood in shocked silence for a minute, and after a lot of “whats” and “hows” and “no, really, how could you join Voldemort?” he accepted to at least extend Draco’s offer to the happy couple.  
Draco said he didn’t plan on attending the wedding. Just because he was offering his summer house it didn’t mean he expected an invitation. He got one anyway, because Draco had showed them his summer house and two country houses belonging to his muggle cousins and was very careful not to mention Malfoy Manor at any point. Ron appreciated it even more than Hermione.  
He rejected the invitation anyway because he said he much preferred to sit by the gates and send stinging hexes to anyone trying to intrude. It was his one chance to curse people indiscriminately and he didn’t want to waste it.
He showed up later, during the reception, looking handsome and with a pleased smile on his face. He grabbed a glass of champagne, immediately transformed it from a flute to a pompadour without wasting a drop, and sat himself next to Aunt Muriel whom he proceeded to engage in a long and acrid dispute until Ron and Hermione had left. Dear Aunt Muriel didn’t get a chance to insult the bride, or the groom, or any of their families really.
It was right then, while Draco forged a lifelong enemy (her life, not his) by insulting her garden (how did he know so much about flowers), that Harry realized he was in love. He was in love. He was in love. He wanted to be with Draco and insult people together and scandalize prejudiced old bats until they themselves were old bats.
Harry picked up a fight with the officiant (to be fair, that comment about the goblins was very unfortunate) and they ended up getting married at a muggle register’s office and Draco was so, so, happy. His family was obviously displeased. Cousin Nerissa said that her fiancée could officiate and was very offended when Fred Weasley said no one wanted to be married by a man named Cuthbert. It was amazing. George Weasley sat next to Cousin George, the baron. Hermione and Ginny Weasley started a fight with the most traditional-minded relatives (from every side). Cousin Audrey came out to the family when she was caught propositioning Luna Lovegood. Pansy Parkinson got engaged to no less than three lords and said they could sort between themselves who got to marry her.
Draco was so in love. It was amazing.
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steebrogurz · 5 years
Under the Radar
Summary: Steve makes it really hard to keep a secret
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
word count: 1657
a/n: my submission for @cametobuyplums‘s #2000plumswritingchallenge :) I had a lot of fun writing this I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. feedback is always welcome <3
Promt: Keeping a low Profile
warnings: smut (oral and fingering, female receiving)
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It was just another Tuesday morning. You stood with your friend and colleague, tea in hand, waiting for the elevator. You talked and laughed along with her until the doors opened to reveal Steve Rogers leaning against the back wall. He pushed off the railing and nodded to both of you as he walked past.
“Ladies.” His eyes lingered on you for a fraction of a second longer and almost reflexively your heart fluttered, your entire body began to sweat and a certain wetness pooled in your panties.
Working at Stark Tower as a data analyst meant running into various super heroes was inevitable but Steve was the only one who ever had that kind of effect on you. And it only got stronger when you two began dating on the down low. This was something you both agreed to in the beginning as neither of you wanted the attention from the press or the teasing from the other Avengers.
“That truly is America's ass.” Your friend commented as you both watched him walk away.
You hummed in agreement when the doors closed and you hid your blush behind your tea. Your friend continued voicing her thoughts on Steve and what sort of things she would do to him if given the chance, but you were only half listening to her ramblings with your mind on when you'd be able to see him again. You had been together for two months now but rarely got any alone time since he was usually away on missions and keeping your relationship private meant not going out in public at all. So you both had to learn to get by with lingering glances and stolen kisses.
“And did you see the way he was looking at us? I could tell he liked what he saw,” she checked her make up in her compact mirror. “I think I'm just going to go for it and ask him to get a coffee next time I see him.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and grinned at you.
Your stomach lurched at the idea of your friend asking him out. “I think he might actually be seeing someone.” You finally spoke up.
“Well, I've never seen him with anyone and, honestly, if it was me I'd be telling literally everyone I meet that I was dating THE Captain America.”
You scoffed as you walked out of the elevator and quickly went your separate ways to start on the pile of work waiting for you at your desk
The day seemed to go by slowly and quickly at the same time. You barely made a dent in that pile on your desk so you decided to put in some over time and work well after everyone else had gone home.
The room was quiet save for the music playing softly from your phone as you worked when you heard the elevator ding and the doors open, but paid no mind to it assuming it was the cleaners. Suddenly a pair of strong hands were squeezing your shoulders and you nearly jumped out of your skin. You whirled around to see Steve taking a step back with his hands raised and a smirk on his face.
“Jesus, Rogers!” You clutched your chest and could feel your heart racing. “You can't sneak up on a girl like that.”
“Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss your cheek before turning your chair around again began gently working on the tight knots that had formed at the base of your neck and between your shoulder blades. Closing your eyes at his touch you let out a soft moan as you realized how tense you had gotten throughout the day.
“Y’know, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you this morning.” His voice was low and breath was hot on your neck and you tilted your head to the side allowing him to press a gentle kiss to the spot just below your ear. “The way your ass looks in that skirt almost brought me to my knees.”
“Well, it’s not too late for that.” You teased, smiling at him as you turned around to face him again. He leaned down supporting himself on the armrests of your chair with a mischievous look on his face inches away from your own. Without breaking eye contact he sank to his knees and pushed himself in between your legs so he was as close to you as possible.
With steady hands Steve slowly pushed your skirt up to your waist and ran his thumb over the front of your panties and that wetness from the morning returned. You sighed pushing your hips closer to the edge of the chair and ran a hand through his blond hair.
“You know, we could get caught if we do this here.”
“I couldn’t wait.” Lust burned in his eyes. He pulled your panties to the side and swiped a thumb over your already aching clit. You gasped at the contact and a shiver ran down your spine. With a smoldering smile he dipped his head down between your legs and licked at your folds.
Your head spun and you had to cover your mouth with your hand to stifle the moan that involuntarily escaped your mouth. You bit your lip in the hopes of keeping quiet. A fire had ignited in your stomach but just as quickly it disappeared and your blood ran cold when you heard someone enter the room.
“Shit, someone’s coming!” You pushed him away and tried to fix your skirt, but in your panicked state you only had one coherent thought: Hide Steve Rogers. “Quick get under the desk!” You hissed already pushing him under. You fixed your blouse and pulled your chair in as close as you could without accidentally kicking him in the face.
“Y/N? What are you still doing here?” Stuart, one of your colleagues, walked over to you with a grin on his face.
Great. “Hey, Stuart,” you smiled up at him. “Oh, you know, there’s always work that needs to be done.” You look down at the various papers and charts that littered your desk.
“Right, well I hope you’re not working yourself too hard, because I was, um, wondering if you’d maybe want to grab a dinner with me later.”  He looked hopeful as he waited for your answer.
“Oh! Um, well, the thing is, I- aaaaahhhhh!” You let out a soft gasp as you suddenly felt Steve’s hand between your legs and his fingers gently pushing their way inside you. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to concentrate but the pleasure that was now pulsing through you made that difficult.
“Hey, you ok? You’re looking a little flushed.” Stuart’s hopeful look turned to one of concern and you could feel your face get warm as you squirmed in your chair.
“Mmhmm,” You nodded, biting your lip and you took a deep breath determined to push through everything Steve was subjecting you to. “That’s really sweet, and I’m...mmmm, I’m flattered.” Steve’s thumb traced slow circles around your clit and you saw stars. “I’m not really looking for a relationship at the moment.”
Steve’s thumb started working faster against your swollen clit in perfect tandem with his fingers and it took everything in your power not to cry out in ecstacy. Stuart was speaking again but all you could do was nod along until thankfully he left the room leaving you alone with Steve once more.
“For someone who wanted to keep a low profile, you aren’t making it easy.” You pushed yourself away from your desk and glared at him as he crawled out with a smirk on his face.
“What can I say I got jealous when he asked you out!” He stood and pulled you up with him, holding you against his broad chest. “Let’s get out of here I want to finish what we started.”
You quickly fixed your skirt and cleaned your desk of its papers, then allowed Steve to pull you towards the elevator. Once inside, his lips were on yours in a crushing kiss and his hands were all over you. His right hand found its way to your ass and you moaned against his lips. You were both so focused on each other that neither of you heard the elevator doors open a bit too early.
“Holy shit.” You and Steve froze at the sound of the voice and slowly pulled away from each other.
“Hey Sam.” Steve rubbed that back of his neck stepping aside to make room for his friend.
Your face burned as you shifted from one foot to the other in the corner, not knowing what to do with yourself. You spent the rest of the elevator ride staring at the floor wishing it would open wide and swallow you whole.
“So how long has this going on?” Sam asked, trying (and failing) to hold back a grin.
“A couple months, we didn’t want it to be a big deal which is why we haven’t told anyone.” Steve quickly explained and you looked between the two men.
“Don’t worry your secret's safe with me.” Sam winked at you. “Honestly, I’m surprised he was able to keep this to himself for that long.” The elevator doors opened and Sam stepped out. “Have fun you two.”
You let out a shaky breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and giggled as soon as he was gone. “Should we start telling people now?” You asked leaving the elevator with Steve close behind.
He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to him once more. “Not yet, I kinda like the sneaking around.” His lips ghosted over yours and you sank into his kiss once more.
“You know what? Me too, but we better go before anyone else sees us like this.”
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Totally unedited and I have to cut the storyline a little short, because well, its supposed to be a drabble. Ahahah ❤ and I decided to combine all promts you requested into one.
"Seriously Jeon? You have fucked everyone else and now you are finding girls in my home?" Y/N sighed and walked passed the shirtless male, grinnibg with his mouth full of cereal. Her cereal, in her house, using her bowl.
"Not my fault your roomate is hot," he winks, totally shameless about the fact that he and her so called roomate keep the whole house, specifically her, since shes the only other person in there anyway, awake all night, with their disgusting activities. Endless activities. "Cereal?"
Y/N rolled her eyes and grab the half eaten bowl and throw in the sink.
"No thanks, and thanks for offering, since that is my cereal in the first place. Now that you have disgraced this house, would you please get out so I can comfort my roomate when she realizes what an asshole you are and what a mistake she made?"
"Aww, come on Y/N why so grumpy? Someone not getting any?" Jungkook smirk, slipping on his shirt, thank god. He might be an asshole, but hes an asshole with a bod! And its hard to be snarky with his hard pecs staring back at her.
"Ive been getting plenty on my own, thanks," Y/N rolles her eyes again. "And I rather be dead than being with you in the same bed Jeon,"
"Oh come on Y/N, I know you wish I want you. Hey, maybe I do. Wanna gove it a try?" He winks, taunting her.
"Just get the fuck out Jeon," Y/N open the door and crossed her arms, waiting for Jungkook to walk himself out.
"Okay, okay, no need to be so hostile," he laughs and walks out. "See you babe. Just call me if you change your mind, I'll make time for you," he laughs before the door slammed at his back.
The rivalry between Y/N and Jungkook started so long ago that even Y/N cant remember how it even started or if its even relevant anymore. But what she knows is that she hates that fuckboy's guts. Walking around like he owbs the damn campus. Well, maybe it started whe Jungkook pull her braids at the playground when they were 5 or maybe it didnt. It doesnt matter anyway. What natters is that Y/N hates him.
Whole heartedly.
"Ouch!" Y/N turns around as her hand hit a solid rock. A rock that makes a sound. Wait, what rock?
Theres an intruder in her bed!
Y/N freaks out and immediately sits up, a massive headache attacking her head like sharp needles before she takes in her surrounding.
This is not my room.
And I am definitely not alone.
Not just not alone... Y/N turns her head slowly and nervously to the side and screamed out when she sees Jungkook rubbing his head, evidence of being hit by her hand earlier, naked, only with a blanket covering his bottom half.
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Geez woman, stop shouting. Its like too early for this," Jungkook rubs his eyes and yawns, totally unbothered by the fact that they are in bed together and naked.
"Get out! What are you doing in my bed?! What did you do to me?" Y/n starts hitting him.
"Yah! Stop it!" Jungkook catches her hands and hold it tight. "First of all, this is my bed. So the question you should ask is, what are you doing in my bed?" Jungkook smirked. "And second, you dont remember?"
"Remember what? What did you do to me?! I couldnt have done this on my own free will! Never!"
"Oh sweetheart, think it long and hard and maybe you will remember," he grins and lays back on the headboard, totally relax.
Y//N scrunched her nose, trying to remember, and slowly everything came back to her.
"I cant believe I missed the dateline for my Math project!" Y/N wailed to her friend. "Im so stressed oit. Urghhh!"
"Then I have good news my friend. Theres a party happening tonight, and I heard its gonna be big. Everyone is invited,"
"Then I'm in!"
"Wow, you are really stressed out. Nerdy Y/N saying yes to a party without hesitation? Amazing,"
"Wow, never seen you at a party before," Jungkook grins towards Y/N as he sits on the kitchen counter of the packed house, a bottle of beer in his hand. "This is usually my forte,"
"Pissed off Jeon. Why are you everywhere," Y/N slurred, losing balance and almost fell if Jungkook didnt catch her.
"And definitely never seen you this drunk before," Jungkook helped to steady her. "Actually, I have never ever seen you drink, at all. Are you alone? Who did you come with?" Jungkook looked around, concerned etched on his face. "Lets just sober you up a little then I'll send you home okay?"
Jungkook held her shoulders and bring her upstairs, to his room. Its such luck that the party is being held at his frat house. His room is off limits to everyone, but this is an emergencu. Hes not going to leave Y/N downstairs to be taken advantage by all the guys at the party. He knows the guys. He is one of them. But he will never let anything happen to Y/N.
Not Y/N.
"Just lie down here. Ill take some water for you okay?" Jungkook places her on his bed, covering her with a blanket.
"Nooo, dont go," Y/N pulls him, making him fall on her and giggles. "Wow, you are so handsome," she traces his face with her fingers.
"You are definitely drunk Y/N," he laughs, he hinself a little tipsy.
"No, I am not. Hey Jeon... Why do I hate you again?" Y/N stares into his eyes, not letting her grip on him go.
"I-I dont know.." Jungkook whispered. He knows its wrong. Y/N is definitely drunk, and he himself is intoxicated. And they hate each other, dont they? Atleast thats what Y/N been telling him, but Jungkook hasnt been hating her for the longest time already. Its actually quite the opposite.
And as Y/N pulls his face, connecting their lips together, the rest of the night is history.
"Fucking. Hell..."
"So I take it you remember?" Jungkook grins.
"I was drunk! You took advantage of me!" Y/N screamed making Jungkook laughed. So dramatic.
"Me?! You are the one who make the first move! You took advantage of me! Besides, its not so bad. I made you feel good," he winks. "We both kinda win here,"
"Urghhh, shut up!" Y/N quickly stands up and collect her clothes which is strewn all over the room, hastily putting it on, all the while mumbling like crazy. "Not a word of this to anyone! Oh God, I cant believe this happened! I an serious Jeon, no word to anyone!"
Jungkook laugh and made a swear sign with his hand.
"I swear. I wont tell anyone. Although are you sure? I know you want to gloat on how good I made you feel," he laughs more.
"Shut the fuck up! Urghhhh," she threw a pillow to his head, missing him by an inch, making him laugh more as Y/N scurried away.
"Thanks for the night!"
"Fuck off!" Y/N screamed out and slammed the door, leaving Jungkook still laughing on the bed, mumbling to himself, smiling.
You are such a pain in my ass, it actually hurts to fucking love you Y/N. If only you knew how I feel.
Eversince that fateful morning, it seems like Jungkook is everywhere. She cant seems to shake him away. Grinning, waving, annoying her...
Y/N never told anyone about that night of course. She doesnt want to be knows as another one of Jungkook's girls, or his latest victim. Jungkook is someone she despise and thats the extend of their relationship. And she would like to keep it that way.
But fate of course have another plan and her science teacher partnered her up with Jungkook, as part of the mentor - protege program hes trying. A good student oartnered up woth a less performing on, in hopes it could help each other. Worse, after weeks ignoring him and asking him to do his own thing, the class is assigned with a project, something Y/N could never run from. And that is how she is in the library, sitting beside a grinning Jungkook.
"We are finishing this project as fast as we can and thats it,"
"Oh come on Y/N. Cant we atleast be friends?" Jungkook grins, teasing her. "Afterall, you have seen me nak-"
"Shut up!" Y/N quickly covers his mouth. "What are you trying to do? Telling everyone we hooked up? It was a drunken mistake okay!"
Jungkook laughs and mumble to himself. So cute.
"Nothing. I didnt say anything," he smiles and shrugs.
"Look Jungkook, I'm serious okay? This marks are important to me. Lets just do thia properly and be serious about it. I will divide the work load so we can do it on our own time and we can meet uo eve-"
Y/N was cut off when his lips landed on her and he grins.
"What the hell did you just do?!" Y/M hissed, looking around to see if anybody noticed. "Didnt I tell you just now? You cant just go around kissing people! I mean, I know you are a manwhore but thats not how the rest of the human world works! Stop being a-"
Another kiss.
"Jeon Jungkook!"
"I only kissed you because you were talking too much," he smile, bunny teeth showing, chin olaces in the palm of his hand that is laced together, looking at her.
"See, it works. You are finally speechless," Jungkook smile got wider. "Lets get to work shall we?"
The project did bring Jungkook and Y/N closer together. They can be now considered somewhat... friends?
"So.. do you still hate me?" Jungkook asks as they are having coffee together after submitting their final project.
"Well.. hate is a strong word Jeon," Y/N smile. "And I think I am getting used to you. But I still dont like you," she giggled.
"Well, I'll take that," Jungkook smile. "Uh.. hey.. do you want to go to the dance with me?" His voice laced with nervousness.
Y/N was surprised by his question. Is Jungkook asking her out?
"I-I mean, as friends? To celebrate our new friendship?"
"Whatt? Does the great Jeon Jungkook has no date for the dance?" She laughs.
"Hey, I spend all my time doing this project with you. I got your nerd aura all over me okay," Jungkook smile. "So will you?"
"Yeah," Y/N smiles. "Yeah, why not,"
"Hey Minji, I have to meet up with my professor, kts a last minute thing. If Jungkook came can you tell him to wait? Please?" Y/N shouted to her roomate as she rushed to the door.
"Jungkook? Wait, you are going to the dance with Jungkook?" Minji raised an eyebrow.
"Y-yeah. He asked me. Wait, you are okay with that right? You said hes only a one night stand right?" Y/N stopped in her tracks.
"Of course. It was a mutual understanding. Im only surprised because I didnt know you two still hang out. And he never brings a date to a dance. And dont you hate him or something?" Minji questioned, hands crossed on her chest.
"Well, lets just say hes changed," Y/N smiles. "My phone is out of battery but I'll be back in a jiffy. Let Jungkook know ok? Thanks, love you!" Y/N waves off and went out.
Lets just see if Jungkook truly changed Y/N-ah. A fuckboy will forever be a fuckboy. And if you think a nerd like you can chabge him instead of someone like me, you are dead wrong. Minji smirks.
"Oh hi Kookie, what are you doing here?" Minji gave him a sultry smile as she opened the door to see Jungkook looking dashing in a tuxedo, flowers in hand. He even get Y/N her favorite. How tentative. Minji rolled her eyes.
"Im here to pick up Y/N. For the dance?" Jungkook smile.
"Oh no," Minji puts a hand on her chest, brows furrowing in sadness. "I am sorry to hear that, but Y/N left,"
"Left? But I'm her date?"
"Kookie, I am so sorry. I dont know how to say this. But she was so happy she managed to tricked you. She said its some kind of revenge and that you are stupid to believe she would actually be friends let alone go to the dance with you?"
"W-what? N-no. Y/N couldnt... could she?" Jungkook's face pained as the clutch on the flowers loosen and drop to the floor.
"I am so sorry..." Minji carressed his face. "But hey.." he pulls him to the sofa and scoot closer. "I can make you feel better and forget about her,"
Y/N almost ran home. Shes ao excited and she needs to get ready, to look good for Jungkook. She dont know why she have to, but she just wanted to. And shes late.
She happily pushed open her door, a wide smile on her face, which immediately dissapear once she is greeted with the image of Jungkook being balls deep inside her roommate, on the couch... in the middle of the fucking living room. He cant even find the decency to take ger to the room atleast? Knowing she lives here too?
"Y/N?" Jungkook was shocked and immediately pull out, scouring for his boxers and slipped it on.
"What the hell?! You cant even wait for a few minutes without fucking anyone?!"
"You bailed! I thought you left. And what do you care? Arent I just some kind of revenge?" Jungkook smirked.
"What are you talking about?! Bail?!I was meeting my professor! I told Minji this. To tell you! And what revenge?!"
"Wait, what?" Realization suddenly hits him as he turns to face Minji who is smirking. "You lied? You bitch!"
"Hey, dont be mad at me. If you can just keep it in your pants this wont happen," she shrugs. "Y/N, I am just trying to show you that fuckboys will never change. Just one lie and hes already fucking someone else! How can you be wih him?"
"Shut the fuck up you lying manipularive bitch!" Jungkook yelled at her, trying to control his temper. But he knows Minji is not important right now. Y/N is. "Y/N listen to me, I can explain. Minji.. she said-"
"It doesnt matter Jungkook. Minji is right. Just one lie from her is all it needed for you to start sleeping with someone else?"
"Y/N, no. Its not like that. I was hurt. I was-"
"Save it Jeon," Jungkook stopped at the nickname. It felt so cold. He took a step forward, lurching for her arm but Y/N pull back immediately.
"Stop. Fucking. Touch. Me!" Y/N yelled. "Minji is right. Fuckboy never changed, get out Jeon,"
"Why should I care anyway right, we are just friends," Y/N angrily wipe her tears. "Maybe not even friends," she stormed off into the room, slamming the door, leaving Jungkook to pick up the pieces of broken heart.
"Go away!"
"I am going to annoy you, follow you around until you talk to me. Until you forgive me. I dont care what it takes, or who knows how desperate I am!" Jungkook followed her around like a pupoy around campus for a whole three months now. Never once did he gives up. Y/N has finally had enough. The whole campus heard about how Jeon Jungkook, the campus player is now whipped and chasing some nerd. Y/N cant already tolerate the endless flowers, chocolates, gifts, texts and phonecalls that he sent everyday, but following her around, all day and all night? For three whole month? Its too much.
"Why wont you give up?! We were not even friends to begin with!"
"I am never giving you up. Ever!"
"Seriously. Why?! The fuck, why?!" Y/N has reached her limit, screaming in the middle of campus to the campus player, not caring to maintain her cool anymore.
"Fine, you wanna know so bad? Its because I fucking love you L/N Y/N! I have love you for so many years eventhough you hated me! And now that I have the chance to be in your life I am not gonna let some manipulating bitch ruined it for me! I want you and I am not gonna stop until I get you!" Jungkook's chest heaved from his confession. "Got your answer now?"
"N-no," Y/N shakes her head, eyes searching his. "It cant be. We hated each other!"
"I dont. I never did. I dont even know why you hate me? Ia it because I pulled your braids when we were 5?" Jungkook smiles. "That just means I like you Y/N. And I have never stopped since,"
"B-but all the girls you have been with? You are the campus player!"
"Its only to get you attention," he bunny grins. "I gor your attention when I slept with your roommate and I have stopped ever since Y/N. Please, believe me. I love you,"
"Please Y/N," Jungkook kneeled down and hold her hands, in the middle of the busy campus. "I wont stop until you say yes. I will follow you. I will tell you everyday I love you. I will call you, text you, I wi-"
Y/N cuts him off by pulling him up, grinning, tears in her eyes.
"Serioualy Jeon, you are so annoying,just kiss me already," she grins, hands holding the back of his neck, making Jungkook smile with his bunny grin, love in his eyes.
"With pleaseure my love,"
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peters-starks · 5 years
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Peter Parker x Reader 
This was for @spideyboipete Writing challenge with the promt “i think i’m going crazy”! (check out their writing its amazing) 
“I think I’m going crazy”
The sound of your bag dropping on the floor next to your seat and your voice made your lunch table turn their heads toward you. Peter, Ned, MJ and Betty all stared at you expectantly waiting for you to elaborate.
“So I’ve been walking home pretty late, right, because of mid terms I’m staying at the library until way past dark at least-” your hands moved about animatedly and Peter lent his cheek into his own hand his mind slipping off as he watching you speak, telling your story with a passion which Peter always found endearing. You didn’t half ass anything, even your random stories.
“-and so that’s why I think Spider-Man is stalking me” Peter’s eyes widened and he suddenly regretted not listening to your story completely, god why did your face have to be so distracting. Ned had choked on his coke when you said that and sent Peter a very suggestive look, MJ simply laughed and had to turn away because honestly that was hilarious and Betty was just confused.
“You what?” Peter managed to splutter out sounding just as shocked as he felt. If his eyes could pop out of his head they’d be in Flash’s lunch tray half way across the cafeteria by now.
“Yea like I said every night I walk home I see him on the rooftops, I think he doesn’t know I’ve noticed but he’s always just swinging along the exact route I walk home, even though I walk at a different time every day” you shrugged and stared at your friendship group looking bewildered. Honestly you were confused. It started out as you walked home the first time you’d stayed late not realising the time but feeling slightly better knowing you’d covered all the material you needed to. The street lights were mainly on and so the streets were illuminated and you kept one earphone in just in case as the streets of Queens really weren’t all that safe at night. A random gust of wind had startled you on your walk and so you looked around briefly, slightly preparing yourself to sprint home, only to see a quick blue and red blur disappear over the roof tops. It was pretty cool to see Spider-Man in action.
The next 5 times this happened consecutively however it became less cool and less of a coincidence, after day 3 you had started to leave at different times to try and see if he was still around and the fact he was made you worry. Overthinking was often a skill you possessed and so in your head you managed to convince yourself that a) Spider-Man thought you were a threat and was almost definitely stalking you to find out your weakness and take you out or b) you were a target in some massive crime scheme and he was trying to protect you. Either way they were impossible but thinking of them whilst in the shower was quite entertaining, and the only way to make yourself feel sane.  
So yesterday, which would be the 6th day you spend late at the library, you decided to test something out, walk a different and slightly longer walk home which was less lit and more dangerous but hey anything to prove a theory. As you were just changing paths of your walk you heard a commotion around the corner from you and turned seeing Spider-Man shake his head and swing the way you were now heading. This time he was more visible, sticking lower to the ground and being a lot closer to you. It made the hairs the back of your neck stand up in anticipation if he would approach you but also settled you, knowing if anything were to happen you were safe.
“So, what are you gonna do about” MJ spoke up and held a humoured smirk on her lips.
A coy smile came onto your face and Peter felt his chest tighten, you were totally going to find out and honestly it was going to be beyond embarrassing.
“I think I’m just going to confront him next time, so probably this evening” you nodded almost like you were still trying to convince yourself to go through with it, confront New York’s infamous vigilante that totally saved the world probably more than once, totally easy right?
Peter could feel MJ’s and Ned’s eyes resting on him and he knew they found this hilarious as they both knew about his not to subtle infatuation with you. Peter is pretty sure half of the school knew about how much he liked you, and if you knew you didn’t let on to him.
Peter tried to hide his feelings for you when he first realised them, burying them within because you were friends, he dared to say best friends. However, keeping feelings hidden for someone who you spend almost every day with especially someone like you with a smile So infectious that would spread across a room within a second and a laugh that warmed anyone who had the pleasure of hearing it.
Peter often noticed small things between the both of you, the way you’d touch his arm or shoulder when you laughed at a joke he said or how you’d bump his shoulder with yours and roll your eyes with that smile of yours when his pun was just a little too cheesy or when he was lightly teasing you. He noticed when your hand brushed his when you walked next to each other, how you’d always pay attention to what he was saying and smile reassuringly when someone else had interrupted him and how you always asked how May was. Peter really tried but you made it so hard for him and now he was completely and utterly head over heels for you.
Flash would often flirt with you in front of Peter just to get under his skin and you’d only shake your head and move closer to Peter, ignoring Flash or telling him to “go back to writing Spider-Man fan fiction or whatever it is you do Flash” which only made Peter fonder of you, as well as amused at you bringing up Flash’s Spider-Man fanboy habits.
Peter gulped under his friends gazes and excused himself from the lunch table with some lame lie of having to see Mr Harrington about work he missed when doing the Stark Internship last week instead of going to school, which you would often lecture him about.
Despite the small common sense sector in his brain telling him to just for one night to not make sure you get home because no matter how well he hid you always noticed apparently, he couldn’t bring himself to sit at home or do his patrol anywhere else. And so that’s how he ended up hiding behind a ledge as you stood on the street corner calling out to him.
“Spider-Man? I know you’re up there! Can you just come down here? Spider-Man?” Peter sighed and cursed himself as he slowly came out behind the ledge and jumped down to the wall next to where you were stood, crouching to be closer to your eye level without being stood too close to you.
“Um hi” Karen was hiding his voice and he noticed your eyebrows raise in surprise at the robotic deep voice coming from the suit.
“Uh Hey” You gulped and realised you didn’t actually know what you were going to say to the famous web slinger. Being prepared turned out to not be a strong suit on your half. “Um, I know you’ve been following me home for the past week” you waited for him to react but he simple sat there silently. “And uh I want to know why”   Your voice sounding at least slightly firm at your demand.
Peter had been thinking of excuses all day for this moment that would inevitably happen. And yet none of them seemed good enough.
“Uh aha yea about that um, well, my friend Peter!” Your eyes squinted at him waiting for him to continue “Peter asked me to keep an eye out on you, you know, just in case”
“Peter Parker?” You blushed slightly at the mention of Peter.
“Yea, I Uh know him from uh Mr Stark and he knows I usually patrol your ar-this area- and yea” even the fake mechanical voice couldn’t hide the endearing awkwardness from the hero.
“...right” you nodded slowly digesting the new information and wondered why Peter hadn’t said anything at lunch earlier when you brought it up. Although he did seem uncomfortable with the topic so maybe he was embarrassed that he had asked. It was kind of sweet you thought. “Um thanks I guess then Spider-Man” your hand reached up to tuck your hair behind your ear which Peter knew was something you did when you felt nervous and it made him smile.
“No problem” and at that he nodded at you before pulling himself away to the nearest rooftop, leaving you stood there feeling quite lost.
The next day at school you saw Peter stood next to his locker with Ned and strode up to him. Ned nodded in your direction to alert Peter of your incoming, mainly so Peter had time to prepare himself and look less like an idiot when he opened his mouth.
“Ah- Uh - hi hey how-good morning” yup. Didn’t work.
“Why didn’t you tell me” a small smirk rested on your lips in amusement at Peters flustered state, he always was quite awkward but usually you two were comfortable around each other and could talk about almost anything so the fact he was being extra flustered humoured you.
“Uh- tell- tell you what?” Peter tried to act casual as you asked, crossing and uncrossing his arms as his eyes darted around you before finally making eye contact. Ned wished he was filming this to show MJ.
“You know- that you asked Spider-Man to keep an eye on me?” Your eyes darted over to Ned as he let out a small laugh before shoving his hand over his mouth trying to keep it in but failing to keep a straight face.
“Well you know you walk home late at night and there’s been some crime in that area so just wanted to make sure you were okay?” Peter winced at himself because honestly it would be less embarrassing to admit he was Spider-Man at this point.
“Crime?” Your eyebrows scrunched together and Peter thought about how cute the crease in between them looked.
“Yea just like general crime and stuff” Peter shot Ned a ‘help me right now I am crashing and burning’ look.
“Yea like loads of Crime, muggings and death and stuff” Ned said nodding along to make himself seem more convincing.
“Riighhhhttt, totally, um well thanks Peter that’s sweet of you, I’ll let you know if I see any death and stuff on my walk home one day”
“It’s okay just want you safe I um want everyone safe yea” honestly Peters blush was just covering his whole face right now he might as well be a beacon of embarrassment.
“Well you know you could just walk me home? I need help studying for math and you got top marks last time, if you don’t mind?” And at that Peter thought his cheeks were gonna start aching from how big his smile became.
“Yes! Yea totally I mean yea sounds good I’ll um, I’ll meet you at the library after school?” You nodded and waved bye to the boys walking to meet MJ to go to homeroom together. Peter leaned against his locker letting out a sigh of relief as Ned patted his shoulder.
“Good luck with that dude”
You and Peter had been studying mainly in silence so far, he’d occasionally explain a problem to you or go through step by step and answer he got as you took notes on it. Sometimes his explanations would turn into a story or a conversation but they’d get shut down quickly as a librarian would shout at both of you for laughing too loudly. And without realising it you both stayed until the library closed.
“So, will we be seeing Spider-Man on our walk home today or are you going to protect me from the awful criminals of New York” you asked laughing slightly as Peter rolled his eyes at your dramatic tone.
“Maybe he’s taken a night off” Peter shrugged and his lips turned up as he caught you staring at him from the corner of your eye.
“Interesting” you commented as your brain whizzed , quickly checking the roof tops to confirm your suspicions.
“Maybe he’s taken a night off orrr he’s decided to finally be a real escort” you bit your lip slightly at you spoke trying to calm your nerves as you tried to find the words to explain.
You’d slowly been piecing it together for more than the past week, Peter’s Stark internship was entirely out of the blue to you as he never mentioned applying not even to Ned, and you’d googled it and found nothing on the subject. Also what kind of internship makes you leave school for a few days? Also Peter randomly running off from the homecoming dance and not to mention the cancellations of study sessions and movie nights. Something was off.
Then when Spider-Man had started following you home and Peter become oh so flustered when you bought it up was quite the coincidence. As well as “Peter asking him to watch over you”, the boy was quite obvious. Well not to everyone but when you knew him as well as you did, it wasn’t exactly mission impossible to figure it out.
“E-escort?” Peter stuttered “I don’t think Spider-Man does that kind of stuff you know like the spandex might be suggestive but it’s really just easier to swing in and-“ your laugh interrupted Peter as you quite literally bent over in laughter.
“Oh my god! Peter! Not that kind of escort I meant like walking me home kind” and Peter’s eyes popped open for more than one reason”
“I-I Uh don’t see him walking you home?”
“Yea dummy unless you have a mirror out you can’t see yourself” you smirked at you hint and Peter continued to open and close his mouth in shock. “I know Peter, you’re not very subtle, it would’ve been nice if you told me but here we are” you looked away from him and blushed, slightly embarrassed about the whole situation because you thought Peter would trust you enough with his secrets.
“Look- I - I really wanted to tell you okay? But it’s dangerous, the more people who know the more people could get hurt and I really couldn’t imagine anything worse than you getting hurt” Peter’s hand lightly touched your shoulder as he spoke and you turned to face him, his eyes had defeat in them as well as panic.
“It’s okay Peter, I get it, you wanna protect your friends” your smile was weak because calling yourself only Peter’s friend stung more than it should have.
“Uh yea, friends” He smiled sheepishly and then surprised himself by pulling you into a hug. “I really care about you, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I really wanted to” you buried your face into Peter’s chest as his smell surrounded you, bringing you at ease, so when he pulled away you frowned slightly.
“I understand” you looked into his eyes so he could tell you meant it and a small smile broke out onto your face “spidey”
At that Peter smiled back at you and a pink dusted his cheek Bones. “Guess I can walk you home as a proper escort from now on?”
“Of course, what would I do without you?”
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Long And Lost || Chapter 19 - Trigger Warning, mentions of torture
TITLE: Long And Lost
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 19 of 21
AUTHOR: FadingCoast
PROMT/ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine being Loki’s old friend/Lover in Asgard, but you left for Earth a long time ago. For all he knows, you might be dead, but you’re still alive and you’ve been working with SHIELD and/or the Avengers.
PAIRING: Loki/Sigyn
RATING: Mature.
NOTES/WARNINGS: Sexual innuendos (no explicit sex) / mentions of torture FOR THIS CHAPTER. The prologue is set right before Avengers. The first chapters are set after Civil War. Chapter 4 and on, are all during Ragnarok.
Also on Ao3 Tumblr masterlist
Feedback is always appreciated!!
Ch. 19: I’m trying to find the meaning: Let loss reveal it
The hug Thor trapped Loki in was dripping with apologies. Apologies that Thor was too proud to say, but Loki knew verbal communication wasn’t exactly their family’s forte.
“Thor, my ribs are complaining.” Loki choked out.
“I’m happy that you’re here, brother.” Thor said, stressing the last word to make its meaning clear. “Even if is not just for me.” He added, if a bit heartbroken.
“I know we don’t talk much, but there are things we need to discuss.” Loki said somberly.
“My king.” Heimdall interrupted. Thor gulped hard at the term. “Asgard is waiting.”
Both brothers looked at Heimdall and nodded.
“That’s quite the title.” Loki said with a tiny smile.
“Sure you don’t want it anymore?” Thor’s voice quivered a bit. The title was overwhelming to say the least.
“Nah, I can live without it.” Loki patted Thor’s back, walking with him to the control room.
Whatever was left of Asgard was there. It was time for Thor to step up. He not only had to get some sort of order working, while trying to pick a destination. He also needed to convey a sense of security to these people. HIS people. Those who, like himself, watched their home planet be blasted into oblivion. Most of the asgardians were clutching whatever they had brought from home. Many of them were just holding on to their families and loved ones. No belongings, no riches, barely the clothes they were wearing. Thor felt the huge responsibility to be the strong one, no matter how terrified he actually was. He needed all the help he could get, and the only place he knew had friends who could help not only him, but his people too, was Earth. It wasn’t a hard choice to make.
“Earth it is.”
After making sure everyone was settled as comfortable as they could in the cruiser ship, Thor met with Loki, the Valkyrie, Banner and Heimdall. They still had a few things to go over, not actually knowing how long the trip would take them. At least the ship had updated maps and data, and was also well supplied. They had enough healers, a few Einherjar and several volunteers for the most crucial tasks, like food and hygiene. It gave Thor a headache: they always had people to take care of everything, he couldn’t help but feel useless.
The last part of the conversation was about if Midgard would welcome the Asgardian refugees. Thor was optimistic, Banner in the other hand, not so much. And being the one human, his opinion mattered.
“Humans can be mean and cruel to things they don’t understand, Thor.” Bruce said. “There’s actually no way to know how they will react.”
“Don’t be so negative and give more credit to your people, Banner.” Thor said, convinced people on Earth loved him enough.
Bruce shook his head. “There’s only one of you, Thor. One of you is easy to accept. A whole planet…” He didn’t finish the phrase. He had seen the way humans reacted to whatever was different. Even the color of their skin was a problem. Aliens? Immortal godlike aliens? Definitely a problem.
“We could offer something in exchange: knowledge, technology, protection.” Valkyrie intervened. “Most of the Asgardians are well trained warriors, versed in magic and healing. We could use that to our advantage.”
“Earth is much bigger than Asgard too, we don’t need them all to agree.” Heimdall added.
It was a start. Maybe not all of Earth would be so keen to have them, but the amount of land they needed wasn’t big. Convincing some countries would be easier than to convince the whole world. There were some countries who would be more inclined to accept them. Those which had fed on their myths.
Loki, you need to tell them.
I know. I just– I’m trying to. Can you be here?
I’ll be right by your side.
“Maybe–” Loki finally spoke. “Maybe if we had something to bargain with… something apparently the whole world needs.” They all stared at him.
“Like what?”
“Show them.” Sigyn’s illusion appeared behind Loki, crossing her arms. “Hello, Bruce! I’ll send your regards to Natasha and Steve.”
Thor smiled, Heimdall shook his head, Valkyrie stared in confusion and Bruce nearly jumped off his chair.
“Ah, friends!” Thor said enthusiastically “This is Sigyn. My sister-in-law. She’s not really here though, she’s actually on Midgard.”
Loki had to roll his eyes at Thor’s joy.
“You’re Loki’s wife?” The Valkyrie and Bruce exclaimed at the same time, looking back and forth between Loki and Sigyn.
“Yes, she’s my wife.” Loki said, annoyed. “You can both close your mouths now. We are not going into the details of how we got married and everything in between.”
“Not now at least.” Sigyn added. “You need to know about something.”
Loki and Sigyn shared a look, and he waved his hand on the air, making the tesseract appear on the table.
“Loki, for fuck’s sake!!” Thor grumbled and rubbed his face.
“You had this the whole time?” Banner asked.
“It has been stored in the vaults of Asgard since we brought it back from Midgard. We stole it on our way out.” Loki said with a shrug.
“Surtur could have destroyed it, if you had left it there!” Thor said. “One less problem!”
“No.” Heimdall interrupted. “Not even Surtur can destroy an infinity stone.”
“Wha-what’s an infinity stone?” Bruce asked, looking around at the asgardians.
Heimdall briefly explained the nature of the stones and their power. He told Bruce the Avengers had come in contact with them, he even had worked with the mind stone itself. Then, Loki picked up the explanation. He told them of Thanos, his plans to wipe out half the universe and how he had been played into his schemes.
“New york-?” Bruce gulped.
“It wasn’t entirely his fault.” Sigyn responded. Loki was looking down, trying to keep a straight face. His body was fast to heal, his mind wasn’t. The memories were still engraved in him.
Thor just stared at Loki, wondering what had happened. But he knew not to ask yet.
“Thor,” Loki started again, with a sigh. “This is your leverage.”
“We stole it cause we made a deal.” Sigyn helped. “We were going to buy Loki’s stay on Earth with it. Now you can use it for all of Asgard.”
“Maybe we could use it… Tap into his power.” Bruce stared at the shining cube. “Didn’t Erik Selvig open a portal? Couldn’t we open one and get us all to Earth?”
Loki shook his head. “The amount of energy it needs to build such a portal is too much.”
“I can summon that much energy.” Thor said.
“And break the ship in half in the process.” The Valkyrie chided. Everyone looked at her. “We’ve all seen his lightning. Without something to harness it, it will just blow up.”
Thor shrugged in agreement. It made him miss Mjolnir, he knew his weapon could’ve helped him.
“We’ll have to get to Midgard the slow way.” Loki made the cube disappear.
The group remained silent for a couple of minutes. Thor was actively staring at Loki, while he pretended not to notice. Bruce was all fidgety, wanting to ask…
“You- you know Steve?” Bruce asked Sigyn.
“Yes.” She said with a small smile.
“H-how are they doing?”
“They had a rough patch. But Natasha is doing fine.” Sigyn said, knowing exactly what Bruce wanted to know. “I should see Steve in a couple of days.”
“Okay…” Bruce said sheepishly. The Valkyrie held his hand and offered to find a drink for him. With that, they left, and Heimdall followed suit.
Sigyn was about to disappear too.
“Don’t leave yet.” Loki blurted. “Sigyn…”
Thor was still staring at Loki, but waited until the others were gone to say anything. “I wanna know what happened to you after you fell from the bifrost.”
Loki chuckled sadly. “Can I just say it wasn’t pleasant?”
“Please.” Thor sat beside Loki. “I need to know.”
“Loki…” Sigyn said softly. “I can help you show him.”
Loki looked at Sigyn and then at his brother. “It will be easier than to tell you, but it’s going to hurt.”
Thor nodded stiffly, not really understanding what they were going to do, or how. But he didn’t question it. Loki put his hand on top of Thor’s and closed his eyes.
The images that flooded Thor’s mind were mindblowing. He saw himself as Loki, wandering through worlds until he was captured by the Black Order, and the torture started. First, it was the starvation, weakening him to the point of death, but never getting there. Then came the pain. Endless and cruel pain. Thor felt his skin burning, the very blood in his veins boiling, his insides turned to molten lava. The air was scorching his lungs. He wanted to rip his bones out, if that meant the pain would stop. His brain was being picked and torn apart, just to be put back together. Thor fought the urge to scream himself sore, but he was so exhausted and crippled, he wasn’t sure he’d make a sound. He was terrified. He knew he would do and say anything to end the torture. Even dying.
Please just let me die. Thor heard the voices in his head. No, you have another purpose, we’ll use you and your power, your motivation. You’ll live, little puppet. You’ll live and serve our cause. A dark figure laughed cruelly in the distance. If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevasse where I can’t find you. Thor couldn’t breathe. You think you know pain? I will make you long for that so sweet as pain.
After what it felt like forever, Loki let go of Thor’s hand and Thor came back to reality with a loud gasp. He gulped air greedily, as if he hadn’t breathed in ages. He was sweating profusely, tears streamed down his face. He felt like throwing up, as he fell to his knees.
“Loki, grab him.” Sigyn said.
“I can’t do healing magic!” Loki panicked a bit.
“But I can. It might be weak, but it will be enough.”
Loki grumbled under his breath and held Thor up, placing a hand on his chest. The faintest golden light glowed on Loki’s hand. It was enough for Thor to overcome the nausea. Everything else - it wasn’t that simple. Thor looked at Loki, his face a myriad of emotions: concern, regret, sadness, anger. He couldn’t believe what he had been shown. But there was no doubt in his heart that it was true.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Thor breathed out, sitting back on the chair. “Why didn’t we know this?”
Loki just stared at Thor, expression unreadable. He shook his head and swallowed hard, not wanting to talk anymore. He shared a sad look with Sigyn, before she dissolved in a golden glow.
Thor waited for Loki to say anything. His heart and his head were still pounding. He could still feel the lingering pain on his skin. Thor still had too many questions, and he looked at Loki pleadingly, but Loki stood up and turned to leave.
“Frigga knew.” Loki muttered, standing by the door. “She was the only one who asked.”
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katelides · 7 years
One Shot 26
Promt Yes yes yes yes. I've read this so many times my friend. High school aus are amazing, especially when cheerleading and other sports are concerned!! Amazing!! Can you continue doing this type of au? ❤❤ Ooooh. Could we also maybe have a prequel, where Beca gets up the nerve to ask Chloe out?! Ie. Where Beca first sees Chloe and makes an idiot out of herself because she has a crush, but maybe Chloe has a bf on the basketball team, which is why she initially tries out before finding out she's really good at it... and Chloe finds herself charmed by Beca's attempts to talk to her... I dunno. You get my drift ;)
find previous one shots on ff.net or AO3
One Shot 26:
Beca is nervously pacing in the locker-room. She had told the rest of the girls to go and warm up and that she would join them in a minute. She has been thinking of telling Chloe about her feelings for her but the fear of losing her forever kind of puts a hold on that. The redhead had been one of her best friends since they were little kids and her feelings had grown over the years and she always pushed them down. But she couldn’t do it anymore, she has to tell her.
The brunette is so deep in thought that she doesn’t hear the door open nor does she see Aubrey and Stacie walk in. “Beca? Are you alright?” Stacie’s voice sounds worried as she watches her tiny friend freeze in shock. “W-what are you doing here?” Aubrey rolls her eyes in annoyance. “We came looking for you when the team ran in but you weren’t with them. Chloe got worried.” At the mention of the redhead’s name Beca tenses. “What’s going on? Why are you being so weird?”
Beca mumbles something inaudible. “Ok, what did you just say? I didn’t get that.” The short brunette takes a deep breath before answering Aubrey’s question. “I like Chloe, like I like-like her.” Beca cringes at how weird and pathetic that just sounded. “Freaking finally!” Stacie shouts throwing her hands up. “What are you still doing here? Go and tell her.” Aubrey adds pointing at the door. “You really think I should?” The two girls roll their eyes. “I swear to god Mitchell, if you don’t go out there and tell her how you feel I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Relax Posen, I want to tell her but I also want to do something special?” The longer she talks the more insecure she gets. “What were you thinking about doing?” Stacie asks genuinely interested. “If I want this to work I’ll need help and I mean all the cheerleaders, I’ll talk to the team and maybe we can make it happen during the finals.” Aubrey nods. “Of course we’ll help you out with whatever you need.”
Beca puts up a nervous smile. “Relax Mitchell, she’ll say yes. Trust us.” Aubrey nods in affirmation before pushing the two brunette’s out of the locker-room. “Let’s go, we need to get to practice. And you need to train your team so we can claim another victory this year.”
The three girls walk into the gym. Aubrey and Stacie slam into Beca when she suddenly stops. “What the hell?” Stacie wants to shake the tiny captain but stops when she sees what Beca is looking at. They are watching Chloe getting hit on by Tom. He’s a senior and it was no secret that the older guy had a crush on their redheaded friend. And apparently he said something funny and Chloe is laughing out loud. The girls watch as the tall basketball player leans in and kisses Chloe on her cheek. The two cheerleaders watch as Beca tenses up right before their eyes. “Beca-“
“I’m fine… I’ll be alright.” Beca shakes her head. “Team huddle up!” Beca runs off towards her co-captain Jesse and ignores everything else around her. “Bree, please tell me that everything Chloe told you about Beca was real because if any of it was a joke I’m not sure… I’m not sure how this is going to end well.” Aubrey looks at her girlfriend, then at her best friend and then at Beca. “Chloe has always had feelings for Beca, and right now I’m going to talk some sense into our cheer captain.”
Stacie watches Aubrey walk over to Chloe. The tall brunette looks over to Beca and their eyes meet. Stacie waves her over. Beca hesitates for a brief moment but decides to join her best friend anyway. “Before you get mad or walk away please hear me out.” Beca rolls her eyes but waits for the speech she knows will come. “I have an idea, at the finals game during halftime we can plan something huge for you to ask Chloe out. She won’t be able to say no.”
“And what do you suppose we do huh? By the time we do it it’ll be too late.” Stacie groans. “Have some faith, we’ll get the teams together today after school and plan the perfect surprise.” Beca lets out a sigh. “Fine but how do we get Chloe away from the team?” Stacie smirks. “Leave that to me.” Just at that moment Jesse runs up to them. “Talking about a perfect opportunity… Hey Jesse, I need a favor.”
Stacie quickly explains the situation and Jesse and the co-captain grin at his tiny friend. “Sure, no problem, anything for my favorite girls.” Beca hits Jesse against his shoulder. “Alright lets go we have teams to train… Thank you for everything you guys.” The three high-five and Stacie quickly joins the rest of the girls. So all
Both basketball teams and the cheerleaders are sitting outside on the grass. Well, everyone except for Chloe, Jesse and Tom. “So if I get this straight you want us to get all of this ready by the finals in 2 weeks?” One of the cheerleaders asks incredulously. “If we all pitch in we can make it work.” Aubrey says. “Well, I guess it’s the least we can do for our amazing captains and friends.” A girl from the basketball teams says with a little whoop at the end.
Beca chuckles at the cheers following. “Hey what are you guys cheering about?” Chloe’s bubbly voice finds its way to the group. “Chloe… uhm-uhm-uhm…” Beca is starting to panicking and everyone is starting to notice so they try to help out by shouting anything that springs to mind.
“Just talking”
“The game”
Before it can get out of hand Aubrey shushes the group. “What they are trying to say is… we were talking about how amazing the final is going to be in two weeks.” Chloe raises her brow in confusion. “Uhm are you all ok? You’re acting weird.” Beca jumps up with a slightly forced laugh. “Whaaaat? Nooo,” Aubrey rolls her eyes at the high pitched brunette waving her arms around. “everything is fine, right guys?”
Chloe laughs at the brunette’s antics. “Relax, I believe you Becs.” Beca awkwardly scratches the back of her neck. “I don’t know about you guys but I need to study for a test so I’m going home.” One by one the others follow Stacie’s lead and slowly the only people left are Beca, Chloe, Jesse and Tom. “Hey Chlo do you want to go and study together?” Tom asks with an unusually large smirk. Beca’s face falls and she prepares for the hard sting that’s going to follow when Chloe accepts.
“Actually Beca and I always study for our tests together and I am having some trouble with math and she knows how to explain things to me.” Beca tries to stifle a laugh when she picks up Tom’s scowl. “I mean only if that’s ok with you?” Chloe turns around to face the brunette with a soft smile. “Of course, I would never let you down.”
Not in a million year Beca could ever say no to the adorableness that’s Chloe Beale. “Great, can we go get some take out on our way? My parents are out tonight and we have no food.” Beca quickly agrees and takes Chloe’s bag from her because she always does. All Chloe can do is smile and peck Beca on the cheek because arguing about it is a lost cause.
The game is about to start and Beca is freaking out internally. She’s going over the plays with the rest of the team. “Alright, we’re going to rock this. BHS Bulldogs on 3… ONE-TWO-BULDOGS WHOE WHOE WHOE!” The team gets cheered on even more by their awesome cheer squad. That’s the last push the team needs before running out on the field.
The game has been really intense since the very beginning. The score is tight until the break when the opponents knock Beca down so they can steal the ball when the buzzer sounds. The team quickly makes their way towards their captain on the floor. “Are you ok?” One of the girls asks slightly panicked. “I’m fine but that was a dirty trick.” The brunette grunts when she gets up. “Hey I don’t want to be a spoilsport but if you want to get that surprise going you should get ready.”
“Oh shoot yeah you’re right.” Beca makes her way to the side line so she can give Aubrey and Stacie a sign. They get the clue and take Chloe down while Beca makes her way to the manager who is totally in on the plan. Music starts playing and the whole field gets extremely quiet. Chloe is just confused, she recognizes the song because it’s one of her favorites.
Her heart stops for a moment when she hears the sweet voice that can only belong to one person. The person she has been crushing on forever. The one person she couldn’t live without. “Beca?”
I wanna follow where she goes I think about her and she knows it I wanna let her take control 'Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah
She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing And maybe I should stop and start confessing Confessing, yeah
Beca makes herself fully visible so she can really see Chloe’s reaction to everything. The girls from the cheer squad make their way down and start dancing to the beat.
Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy You take all my inhibitions Baby, there's nothing holding me back You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions Baby, there's nothing holding me back There's nothing holding me back There's nothing holding me back
She says that she's never afraid Just picture everybody naked She really doesn't like to wait Not really into hesitation
Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing And maybe I should stop and start confessing Confessing, yeah
The boys from the other Barden University Basketball team run out and join is as best as they can.
Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy You take all my inhibitions Baby, there's nothing holding me back You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions Baby, there's nothing holding me back There's nothing holding me back
Beca is standing on the middle of a perfectly formed circle while Aubrey and Stacie lead Chloe toward her. The redhead is gently crying with a huge smile plastered on her face.
'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright 'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far But I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
Chloe has no idea when the girls had broken the circle – who would blame her, she’s mesmerized by the most amazing girl in the world – to come back with huge boards with the words ‘WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?’ being spelled out.
Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you go crazy You take all my inhibitions Baby, there's nothing holding me back You take me places that tear up my reputation Manipulate my decisions Baby, there's nothing holding me back There's nothing holding me back I feel so free when you're with me, baby Baby, there's nothing holding me back
The song ends and Beca sheepishly smiles at the redhead before her. She drops her arm that’s holding the microphone. “Sooooo,” Beca drags out awkwardly. “I guess the signs kind of speak for me but… Chloe Anne Beale will you go out on a date with me?”
Chloe stays extremely quiet and Beca starts panicking. The brunette takes a few steps back preparing herself to bolt if Chloe turns her down. Aubrey and Stacie see this happening so step up and stop her. “Chloe?” Aubrey questions her best friend. “Beca I-I would be honored…” the redhead runs forward and leaps into the brunette’s arms, wrapping her arms around her neck to pull her in for a long, tight hug. The field erupts in loud cheers and the girls break apart with huge smiles.
The announcer clears his throat hesitantly. “I’m really sorry folks, I hate to interrupt this wonderful moment but we have a game to play.” Beca looks up to the booth and waves at the guy to show him it’s ok. Chloe pecks Beca on the lips whispering “Go win this game.”
With a new found boost Beca pumps her fist up. “Let’s go team.” The teams all go to their initial places. The basketball girls on the field, the basketball boys sitting on the bleachers and the cheerleaders making their way to the side to cheer even louder for their team.
30 seconds left on the clock and the score is 99 – 98 and the BHS Bulldogs are losing by one point. Beca is open wide and gets passed the ball.
15 seconds left on the clock. The brunette still has to get to the other side of the field but it’s going to be a very tight stretch.  
8 seconds left on the clock. She decides to make a run for it but the opposing team does not make it easy for her.
3 seconds left, Beca’s far behind the three point line and the shot is risky and maybe too far away. Now or never… Beca takes the risk, and shoots.
2 seconds… the ball travels through the air.
1 seconds… the ball hits the ring.
The buzzer sounds the end of the game but no one makes a sound, no one even dares to take a breath. The ball goes around the ring once… twice… thr-
Beca’s world freezes and she doesn’t hear the loud cheers erupting from the crowd. She gets crushed by her team and the rest of the high school teams. They won only 2 points difference but they still won. The brunette gets lifted up by the boys. Chloe is beaming right up to her. Beca taps the boys on their shoulders to let her down which they quickly comply to.
The brunette gets tapped on her shoulder before she can reach Chloe. She turns around and is being offered the cup by the team captain of the opposing team. “Great game you guys are amazing opponents.”  She takes the cup and holds out her hand so the two captains can shake on it. “Not so bad yourself can’t wait to see what you have in store next year.” The two girls part with smiles and no hard feelings.
Beca finally gets to turn around to face the redhead she’s been waiting to hug. “Hey…” Chloe looks down at her shoes, looking extremely adorable. “Hey…” Beca chuckles. Stacie rolls her eyes and can’t take it. “Oh for crying out loud Beca, just  kiss her already.” Beca cups Chloe’s cheek to make her look up, straight into her eyes searching for a sign from the girl that she might not want to be kissed. But luckily her smile only grows wider. They both lean in to press their lips against the other’s.
It feels like thousands for butterflies just escaped their bodies and fireworks are being lit around them. They thought it something like this would only happen in movies but boy were they wrong. They don’t want to break apart but have too, seeing that they’re still surrounded by way too many people.
Life couldn’t get sweeter for our two high school basketball and cheerleading captains. And it would only get better.
Let me know what you think, feedback is always fun to have :D
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wang-yeon · 7 years
Silver Lining| Min Yoongi
Life has its hardships especially being fresh out of college luckily you have a gummy smiled friend to help you with your struggles. You managed getting a shabby apartment with a shared bedroom and when worst comes ends up having to share a cold shower as the warm water is shut off. Things arent going so pleasant as the electricity follows off too but the most treacherous of all, you being able to face what your feelings might actually hold. But your just friends right?
Tumblr media
Warning: Smut, cursing, stuff, Best friend Yoongi!, So much friendly bickering like damn just fuck already
Genre: Smut and fluff
Word count: 13.2K Got a little carried away..
A/N: A wild update appears. Okay this damn comeback needs to back the fuck up. Yoongi looks like a meal and bighit is now becoming a jin stan everything it beautiful. School sucks thats the main reason my updates are late as hell. also i found this promt on pintrest but switched some shit. ALSO i am supposed to be doing homework but needed to update please pray for my grades. ALso my teacher was talking about college and im not even a senior so you need to calm the fuck down with that damn word. Okay im done
Oh and you know i had to get a blue hair yoongi on the screen.
Having a longing companion was a necessity to a longing life. Having someone to share the necessitates you were used to sharing alone. The feeling of having another comforting body against your side defeating the odds always seemed appealing. It was often rare for something to come along like so. You would rather find a needle in a hay stack then finding something as extraordinary as other couples demonstrate so. It was never an easy task to accomplish as everyone seeks for so, making your chances limited.
I soon accepted this fate and decided on second best, another companion that seemingly resembled the same. A best friend was well suited for my need, as they held the same traits but still remained rather different. A significant other held the qualities of love and romance as a best friend held the traits of honesty loyalty and bundles of fun. No argumentative sides or going a long period without talking as being away from the seemed like the end of your whole soul. I needed someone to rely on and cherish without that sexual desire yet it seemed almost impossible to find. I was hovering over ever possibility i could get, still lost in the endless hay stack.
Problems and situations seem to work out for you as soon as you stop seeking for the alternative, this played in my favor. I had reached the start of my first college class. The stress had already been pending the feeling of venting to someone was much needed. I took a quick seat near the door hoping to plan my escape as soon as it all ended. I was one of the very last people to enter the room before a loud closing door drove the dread from my head. The room had already been filled with eager students ready for the ending of the class already. Most students were held in the front taking in the professors important words while I sat in the back struggling to keep up with ever aspect he covered. Meaning that there was much more available seating held in the back, conveniently directed next to me.
The boy who most definitely appeared to be late to class sat next to me carting a seemingly big coffee cup filled with a strange substance that didn't seem to be coffee. The professor didnt bat an eye to his presence as he continued his lesson for the people who seemed to be paying attention. He went on about useless things that i managed to keep track with ignoring the cramp in my hand before the boy beside me decided to make his input.
"I'm going to fuck die due to this class."
He took a long drag of his drink displayed in his coffee cup letting out a small belch. I chuckled at his statement as i had been experiencing the same but somehow managed to keep a collective exterior. on the inside i was ambushed with all the notes we had to take this being the first day. He managed to let himself catch a breather as i directed my attention to the window trying to drown my sorrows with warm bodies roaming the campus.
There were some people who were sat against the trees alone soaking in the slight breeze that was displayed that day while others roamed making new connections while others already had them. I could already imagine myself out on the campus seen soaking things in trying to befriend everything that had been combined in my path. I saw college as a wonder filled experience, a chance to make new connections and roam new areas. I had been less worried about my school work as i had thought i would have it packed down and ready for the surface.
"It certainly is wonderful to see new faces but i hope it is equally as wonderful that everyone completed there summer essay as it is a key necessity to get a good start in the year."
Everyone went digging for this assignment he assigned us. In my opinion the essay was rather easy, stating the simple joy the art of food gives me. Talking about the history of food and the ingredients needed to make a certain dish pop. I had no trouble with the assignment but i did have a problem locating where it was placed in my backpack.
A set of panic was forming in my chest. I always hated that feeling but it rarely comes around as i normally have things prepared. I was seemingly expecting the same thing to always happen but the feeling of dread only engulfed my being. I began frantically looking for what I was longing for no longer having the need to patiently look as my professor was making his way up the isle rather quickly.
I began rummaging through out every inch of my book bag before i heard the small clearing of a throat signalling for me to met the bored eyes of our professor. I had removed my hands rather slowly away from my bag remaining eye contact as i was afraid at what may lay if if i dropped the sudden eye contact. My eyes slowly detached from his as i took in his strong posture seemingly intimidating as well. His arms laid crossed as if he was bored with the simple thought of me and my first impression I had been making for myself.
"Well, Ms. I presume you don't have your basic necessities for the first day of class. Seeing as you don't even have the first day essentials i suggest you leave my class before you make a fool of yourself."
He had certainly been blunt making me cower back in slight fear. I tried not to show that emotion as much as he seemed to feed into that only proving his point more. I wasn't suited for a class where he would judge off of my simple movement and my trying efforts. I truly did want a future for myself but his cold state was sure to make things feature more intense. I proceeded to grab my bag slowly making myself get up hearing the squeak of the chair run against the marble floor making me cringe.
It had been eagerly silent as i was on my going exit to the door before a longing voice broke the silence. Behind the professors cold eyes held a black haired boy behind him, the same boy I had observed with the coffee cup and iconic words following along with it. He didn't even clear his throat as he stood up and stated bits from his mind not afraid as I was.
"Are you seriously going to do such a thing from impulse. You arent supposed to give up on a student especially on the first day, you are supposed to push the student into excelling. You clearly got your bullshit degree from your ass as you go off things from the top of your mind rather than thinking them out like a logical person. So what she forgot a project that was assigned weeks back the point is that she worked hard on that as you can tell from the anxiety hurdling from her body. Let her show you what she can prove and not just kick her out leaving a longing impression like this. You dick."
Talking about his bullshit degree and him being a dick had certainly been the icing on the cake setting it all in. He was surely brave enough to state his opinion freely something i had admired right off the bat besides his attractive appearance. The professor seemed stunned by his words but tried to keep his cool as he was in charge of this whole operation. He still held a fuming exterior as the male keep his stance not afraid on what the professors input had entailed.
"Well mr. Min thank you for putting in your opinion but it surely isnt needed. Since you want to take the opposing side why dont you and ms. L/N please direct yourselves from my class room. Im sure the both of you wont be successful in life anyway as you are choosing this path."
The person who i presumed was Min smiled sarcastically wanting to seem more powerful then him as he grabbed a hold of my hand and exited the classroom. He held onto my hand firmly marching making sure to hold eye contact with the professor. As we left the room I stood in the hallway not knowing what was coming next till it hit me. He practically lost his position in this class just for my sake. Ultimately i felt like utter shit.
"You know you didnt have to do that, you know stick up for me. You didnt have to just leave that class because of that."
He had already began walking to where ever his destination held before he turned back to take in my speaking thoughts. He walked to where I was rather slowly still sporting a bored expression on his face. i hadnt known if that was permanently engrossed on his face but i took it as it was. He still held an attractive face as he had sharp facial features. I focused in on these details as he began talking.
"I know, its just something i chose to do. He was acting like a dip shit and frankly I didnt even want to join that dumb ass class. History of food isnt a topic im very well interested in, just needed an extra class is all."
He nodded off with his answer not thinking anything of it however as he finished i realized what had been done. he might have not liked the class but that class was sure enough to make a career at what i found a passion in. I had realized that this big impact that I had made had determined my whole future. It had been the first official day of college and i was already setting myself up for failure.
"Oh my fucking shit, this whole situation is fucked. Im going to become a bum at the age of twenty-one."
I had been running my fingers through my hair as Min had been looking at me curiously before he examined his cup that laid in his hand. He still held the same expression on his face as he directed the cup in my preferable vision signaling me to grab a hold of it, which i did hesitantly. I examined the cup before putting it against my lips.
"You definitely need that more than me."
I felt the energy drink disguised in a coffee cup slide down my throat. I had been taken back at the taste expecting it to be another substance but still took it as i needed the offer. As I handed the cup back to him he put his arm around my shoulder bringing us closer as we walked down the hallway together.
"If you keep sticking around me ill promise you energy drinks and friendship."
It seemed like an offer i most definitely couldn't refuse. I had been seeking for such thing for so long and for it to commence so easily and he certainly held up to his promise.
Since then the person who i now address as Min Yoongi had been the one to stick by my side till the end of our college days. We never made any other friends as we felt that having each other was merely enough. After school I would help him with his music and cook him cheap foods i found in the 'great value' section. We had been feeding passion to each other yet even after college we had no idea how to presume this. None of the less we chose to stick together and not question what might happen in the future as we had each other.
There were certain hard ships but in the end we always ended up by each others side even as graduation approached. We stood in the big crowd conjoined together as even after graduation we managed to stay together.
We were young adults not knowing where our path of life would take us. We settled for a cheap apartment that held a window view of brick walls and a single bed with limited space. I remember the first night being the most exciting as it was our first time together on our own home. Yoongi was anything but excited as he eyed the TV with a bored stare awaiting for my dish to be finished.
I had managed to cook up a cheap but exquisite dish as i sat it on the coffee table with a wide smile as Yoongis eyes went wide as well. He looked confused by the dish displayed in front of him deciding if he should eat it willingly or push it to the side. My eyes met his with a slight of worry wondering if the food was questionable itself. I had been fresh out of college with a culinary degree yet not processing any information i learned from my classes. I definitely could use some practice but as of now the exhibit in front of us would have to due.
I sat down on the coach picking up one of the plates as Yoongi still let his lay cold and full on the table. I held my plate in my hand awaiting for him to take a bite but he just stared at me with blank eyes. It surely was making me feel insecure about what i prepared making me slightly pout. I knew this action would make Yoongi feel some what guilty which was fairly rare but he still manged to huff and grab a hold of the plate.
I waited for Yoongi to take the first bite as the savory flavor hit his mouth. I took notice of his face as his lips wrinkled before turning to me with a soft smile nodding his head at the quality.  turned back to my food praising myself for my efforts before my taste buds engulfed the flavor of the stale food. I spit it out rather quickly turning to Yoongi who mirrored my actions.
"Thank god you spit that out, Cooking isnt for all of us."
I took Yoongis words in accepting that fact that my cooking was certainly below average. I definitely praised him for even holding the food in his mouth as for the first bite i nearly vomited from the displeasing taste. I still held a sad exterior as i was met with realization of my efforts. I had expected to much of myself and thought i could do things when i certainly couldn't. The professor was most likley right about me, i couldnt make it anywhere in life due to my efforts.
"Hey dont let it get to you, we can just order pizza."
I nodded slightly still feeling depressed about the whole ordeal. Yoongi slowly put his hand on my back rubbing slowly. Yoongi was always awkward in these situations not knowing how to take in my sadness and how to enhance it to happiness, however him just being there for slight support made things ever more better.
"Im sorry if i was harsh on your cooking you know how weird i am about expressing stuff. Please dont be sad or mad or any of this pointless shit, youre still my lil chef."
I smiled at the nickname Yoongi conjured up as i thought back to the memory. We had been laying in my dorm room watching Ratatouille when the red headed chef addressed the rat as little chef. I rolled my eyes as he began laughing his breathe away at has terrible joke comparing us due to our small interest.
"Come on that was funny."
"We must have different senses of humor because im not impressed by that comment."
"Whatever im a fucking genius."
Yoongi groaned putting the covers over his face grumbling about how hes Superior and other things that didn't add up.
I smiled at the memory looking at Yoongi dialing the number to the nearest pizza place. I focused on the pout that formed on his lips as he managed to say through out every sentence as the permanent pout was displayed on his face. It shook me on how his interior remind tough and sluggish sporting every honestly brutal opinion he could muster while his exterior displayed of a small fragile kitten. Min Yoongi was my best friend and i knew certain things he didnt know about himself or certain things he didnt want to accept. I hadnt known what i would do if a time would come if he wasnt apart of my future anymore. It was always us in any problem even when one of us managed to conjure it up.
"What the hell is wrong with you, were getting pizza so the taste of your sad food should drown your sorrows."
Yoongi smirked as he grabbed the remote changing the channel to the kids network. I shoved him slight getting up to scarp the food i had attempted to prepare. I held both of the plates in my hand as Min Yoongi watched me walk off to dispose of them before i made my way back into the living room with a comment back.
"You're the reason why my food taste like shit."
Yoongi snapped his head facing in my direction from my comment . He looked slightly offended as the cooking truly was terrible and him begin the key reason for it didn't make it any better. I knew he wouldnt do anything Jurassic about it besides saying a few comments back. He wouldnt go the extreme measure of actually wasting his energy and putting his time into getting me back. He did however deliberately use this to his advantage as he through a pillow.
Yoongi began snickering at his success as i used it to my advantage to through the Pillow right back at him. His face complexly shifted to a cold stare watching as i was now the one laughing. I clutched on my stomach as he huffed in the background while i sat down next to him giving a sarcastic smile. He still keep on his stone cold face bored by the whole thing not finding it entertaining in the slightest.
"Your lucky I cant get up or else you would have expressed the pain brought to you by Min yoongi."
"Oh no not that."
"I fucking hate it here."
Yoongi only huffed and groaned even more for me not taking notice of his so called genius and opinion. I knew his comment hadn't been real as he was only joking in a strange manor however this was his thing. Switching up how he actually felt. I knew he liked living with me and the small bickering conversations that were held inside of our cheap home. I secretly knew how much he loved every bit of it as did too. Even though he boiled my blood to the point of death he always revived me to the complete point of it being all over.
"I swear on my fucking life if you keep on talking about this bullshit interview im going to jump out of that damn window."
Yoongi and I had been sharing the bed we purchased but I was using it for everything else but sleep. I was anxious as to what was to come of the morning.I  was upholding a new job and was going in for an interview. It had been something i was looking forward to but also terrified of doing so. I knew it would offer me grateful opportunities but i wasn't confident enough to take them into my hands. All these thoughts were flooding my mind and i had the need to express them to someone preferable to the person sleeping conventionally placed next to me.
"But the Window has no view, there for youll only get a face full of brick."
"Ill take my chances if that means i wont have to finish this conversation."
I huffed ruffling my hair making a pout form on my lips. I truly was stressed about the whole ordeal and questioning why I even managed to hand myself this position that i seemed eager for at the time. I was confusing myself and what i wanted only making my head swirl, resulting in things for me to do.
"I think Im just going to not go at all."
The midnight air had enhanced everything as i came to my conclusion. Even as the dark atmosphere filled our room  could still see the shocked expression displayed on his face. I hadnt known on why he was so surprised. He wasnt fond of the topic which i understood as it was late but he never showed such interest any other time. It added to the other ideas roaming around my head making the stress increase more. In senescence i shouldn't have been stressing over this as he was finally showing the slightest bit of interest and was going to share his honest opinion. I knew his opinion always held the truth as he saw nothing wrong with his truth.
"Oh you are most certainly going to be attending this interview. I did not just waste a good amount of my sleep to listen to you go on about this damn interview. There are somethings in life that we dont want to do but we have to go through it to open new opportunists. Once the darkness comes in the light will slowly consume you over time. Just please go through with it."
I smiled softly at is input. Rather he knew it or not i surely did help me and impacted my conquest in a positive light. It was times like this when i appreciated him most and pushed the times i questioned our friendship to the far back of my mind. He really was by my side in ever situation possible and was there to attempt to make the broken remade. He made the sadness slowly transform into a lighter tone. I appreciated him but thoughts still consumed my mind as i couldnt make use of them even after Yoongis helpful statement.
"But what abo-"
I was silenced by a pillow colliding with my face. This action instantly shut me up and furthered anymore of my speech. Min yoongi left the pillow on my face as he curled up and attempted his well needed sleep. I pushed the pillow off of my head holding a bored expression on my face not fond of his previous action. I knew i had been talking excessively but I still didnt deserve a pillow to the face as it wasnt needed. With all the problems still swimming along in my head I began to twist in the bed. I wasnt able to say anything to make things harder than they once were. I couldnt keep still as every bad thing consumed me before i felt Yoongis arm sweep my mid section and places me on his chest as i cuddle up to him.
"You need to stop letting the thoughts get to you. You'll do more than fine you'll do amazing and if they didnt take you then they passed up an opportunity of a lifetime. Therefore you wont have to worry about anything as you have no need to worry about something that wont happen. now please can we get some sleep its a key necessity that i get this done in my daily life."
Strangely enough i agreed to his comment. Cuddling against his chest as the cotton rested against my cheek making me drift off into a state of oblivion. His hand had rubbed my lower back tracing small unknown patterns. He hummed a soft tune falling into utter bliss as i followed soon after. I hadnt had the worry or doubt in my head as i felt comforted by the situation of him being in my presence.
I had woken up rather early as the thoughts came back only managed to commence back into my inner thoughts. I slowly attempted to remove myself from Yoongi trying not to wake him as his sleep was a force to be reckoned with. I had already created the anger from last night as I keep him up more than usual due to my mind. I hadnt intended to due so but it so majestically happened to make an appearance. I teared myself away from him as i made my way to the closet unfolding the nicest dress shirt along with a skirt to make myself seem semi professional. I huffed looking at myself in the mirror taking in my appearance before i notice Yoongis curled up body in the background. I turn my head to gaze upon him smiling lightly as the reassuring words referenced my mind.
"What are you doing up so early?"
I meet the gaze of Yoongis slightly opened eyes and parted lips struggling to make sense. His ruffled bed head had been messily laying on the pillow along with his lower half jumbled up in the covers.
"im gonna make us some breakfeast."
"Really? It looks as if your checking out my beauty."
Yoongi smirked at his comment running his fingers through his hair tiredly. I rolled my eyes at his cocky behavior but couldn't stray away from it as he was slightly true. In assent i was minding my business taking in my appearance when i noticed his in the corner of my mirror. I couldn't help but take notice at his cozy up with his longing blanket. His face laid uflushed as he was drifted in a warmness of sleep but as of now his face lied with a smirk ruining his sleepy state.
"Min Yoongi you make me wanna become a lesbian."
"Glad i make you feel that way, wake me up when breakfast is finished."
Min yoongi grabbed the covers that once lied at his lower half up to his upper to the point of covering his whole head. His body had been consumed by the covers and he took advantage of the bed while he had it all for himself. I left him alone with his sleep as i prepared a bowl of cereal. We had been low on groceries as we had little to no food and only enough cereal for one bowl. It appeared that Yoongi would only have his daily energy drink in a coffee cup.
I placed the finished product on the table taking a seat on the stiff couch and turing on the TV. The TV had still been programmed on the child network and it seemed slightly interesting. it surely was pointless but yet still managed to grab my attention into a clouded fog. I had been so drawn into the TV that i didnt notice Yoongi walk sluggishly with the blanket wrapped around him till the coach sunk along with him.
I hadnt paid him any mind as i crossed my legs on the couch and proceeded to eat the cereal with the bowl placed firmly in my hand. Yoongi seemed uninterested in the show as he reached for the remote rather than his coffee cup. This action made me let out a small squeak in protest making his look at me with a questioned expression. I had been confused on why he wanted to change the channel as watching cartoons had been a natural thing for us however as of now he had other interest.
"I thought you loved watching cartoons with me?"
"I do but this show is plain stupid, seriously why would a dragon win in a fight against Godzilla?"
I turned my head in disgust at his perception of the show. It was a fairly good show for children of all ages but mostly some below my age. Due to my age i had gained enough common sense in life and this excellent show, just enough sense to realize a dragon would in fact win in a fight. It often saddened me that Yoongi didnt get certain concepts and this begin one of them. Almost anyone who had sprouted a brain would understand that a Dragon could easily win in such fight. Yoongi needed to be educated on this and i was more than glad to tell him as i sat my bowl down on the table and turned my body to Yoongis as he did the same.
"Yoongi, honey i get that your education isnt at its prime right now but please gather all the skills you can. This damn Dragon can fly spout fire all while choke him with his damn spiky tail. Now that you've gathered that use your context clues and understand that Godzilla has no chance."
I finished my statement proudly believing every word of it as i was right. In theory a dragon would have a semi chance in a fight in any animal that came in its way. I sat proudly at my observation while Yoongi was slouched with his mouth gaped with slightly closed eyes taking what i said in. I knew he had something to say back but with his brain in the just awakened mood he wouldn't have much energy to fight back on me with this. He hadn't even took a worthy sip of his daily energy drink meaning he defiantly had nothing to offer besides a soft grumble.
"Dragons arent even real."
"Neither is Godzilla, Yoongi."
"Fuck you, you know my genius gets effected in the morning."
Yoongi slightly pushed me signalling that he wanted the conversation to come to an end. As he pushed me the milk from my cereal had gotten onto my shirt making the shirt dirty and see through. I grumbled as i smelled the milk reddened shirt and sent daggers to Yoongi who displayed a gummy smile attempting to make things better. The gum of his smile had been poking out profoundly making the situation less terrible. I had won the conversation we were on about earlier giving me the advantage but that still didn't fix my milked shirt.
"Yoongi can you go get a dress shirt from your dresser or my dragon will light your ass into flames."
"Oh please my Godzilla will literally stomp you to death."
Yet Yoongi still managed to get up with a sigh sluggishly walking. I had usually borrowed his shirts on occasion. They weren't far off from my size only being one up. It certainly did make things more conventional and more manageable. It was a plus as the clothes resembled of his cologne. It was a joyous smell that engulfed my nose making me feel a slight fuzzy feeling in my heart. It hadnt been what we describe as falling for someone but rather knowing that you have the one person who makes you feel better be around you the whole day. Yoongi was always blunt and honest but that was the best kind of way into telling someone the truth. That was one of the ways i was so drawn into him, as he faced his opinion and stood up for me. I always managed to think back to that day when we are in our slightest situations like these. He was always going to push through rather it be telling his opinion for me in a big crowd or letting me borrow one of his shirts. I could always count on my best friend.
Yoongi entered back in the room with a plain button up shirt. He directed in my direction motioning that i still had on my milk shirt. I gestured for him to leave the room but he didnt get the hint as he stood there clueless with the buttoned shirt displayed in his hands.
"You can leave now, dont want you seeing my boobs."
"Are you fucking serious, weve been friends for years I promise i wont get a boner at the sight of your chest in a bra sack."
I rolled my eyes slowly taking off my shirt. For the amount of times we had been friends he had surprisingly never seen me naked as have I. This made things even more intimate as silence covered our atmosphere and his eyes directed to my clothed breast. I hadnt known what to do as i held my stance while he still held the button up shirt in his hands. I cleared my throat signifying that he could hand me the shirt which he did snapping out of his presences returning back to his unmentioned stare.
I began in attempt to button the buttons displayed on failing before i felt Yoongis cold hands take my place. He had a slight change in expression almost as if he had cared about something, affection. The state scared me as it brought by him, he never showed an ounce of expression besides disgust or nothing at all. This had been new but it was certainly something to get use to. His hands had been slowly been approaching my breast as his breathe began to grow agitated. Im sure it had been a long time since Yoongi had felt the longing touch of the opposite sex.
"Thats a nice bra, really makes your boobs look fantastic."
"Yoongi i swear-"
"What your gonna get your damn dragon on me again?"
I laughed at his comment as it brought light to the atmosphere, something that i needed. The thought of the interview had resurface into my head yet again floating around with bad possibilities. I couldnt help but fiddled with my fingers giving the obvious fidget a warning to Yoongi. His fingers had finished buttoning as he tucked in my shirt and fixed my collar. I had avoided eye contacting hoping that he wouldn't notice my nerves but it was Yoongi we were talking about. He mastered every aspect of me and how it was constructed. He could point out anything remotely wrong with me and this was one of those moments.
His hands slowly made  there way to my cheek making my eyes divert to his. His eyes read the affection that held a few minutes ago. This was a truly rare sight. Yoongi was rarely being genuine as he didnt like showing his true feelings to people, even being his best friend he managed to hide this from me. He went to these lengths to reassure me that things would be okay, risking his ego for me. It was a genuine thing wither he wanted to admit it or not. He did cared about people even when he didnt want to let that be known.
"I knew you may be in a struggle but i want you to know whatever happens ill be by your side. I know they will hire you or else they will surely be missing something valuable and thats there loss. When you get in the interview just keep on telling yourself how good you are for them because you truly are, you are to good for anyone. You deserve so much more than what you give yourself."
His hands had still been placed on my cheeks before he removed on replacing it with a small peck to the cheek. I smiled lightly taking in the moment before it was over. I nodded along to him gathering the information i had just received and made my way out the door giving him a longing hug for reassurance. I didnt need it but it was good enough to be engulfed by his rare aura and use it to its advantage.
The door shut behind me as I made my way down the hall before i heard the door being reopened to be met with Yoongis pale face.
"Oh and by the way that dragon you were on about is nothing compared to Godzilla."
And with that he closed the door with a small smirk and playful facial structure. He surely did make the worst of times turn into the best. Yoongi was right i didnt give myself enough credit but neither did he. People and himself often saw him a a sluggish loner who only cared about his own feelings however it stretched far beyond this. He was sensitive and caring when the time was to come and i always admired those times as he gave me strength from them. Yoongi was truly an amazing person and i wished he gave himself credit for so.
I looked at the door one last time smiling to myself at his behavior. The thoughts roamed my head about what he told me keeping it in the closest parts of my mind keeping it with me as i made my way to the interview.
I had been strolling the cart as Yoongi went on mindlessly about his gig he had later on today. I was touched on my own inner thoughts to his into consideration. Its not that i hadn't cared it was the simple fact that the interview had been playing over and over again demolishing every word that had managed to fall from my mouth. Had the words been to rehearsed or possibly unrehearsed. I had began to judge everything about every aspect of the interview even the smallest bit to my clothing. I had been grateful of Yoongis helping hand but the nagging though in my mind still knocked at my head at any possible excuse.
"Anyway, how did the interview go?"
My head had snapped to Yoongis direction who had mindlessly been walking in front of me as if his question didnt affect me. Of course i hadn't wanted to answer this as i wouldn't even answer this question myself. Well i assume i did have a basic understanding on who the whole ordeal went. In my mind it had gone terrible and i wanted to have nothing to do with the whole topic bu Yoongi gregariously brought it up. I had corrupted myself into making it much worst than it seemed but it already seemed terrible. Why not enhance that feeling i questioned myself. Yoongi and I had both unanswered questions only resulting in me driving myself closer to my insanity. Best bet was to abandon the whole conversation as it only made me think about the whole thing ever more.
"Hows your gig going."
"I already told you thats why i asked somethign about yo- wait were you even listening to what i said before?"
Yoongi already knew the answer to this question unlike his other one. Yoongi was fairly smart with his observations trying to make sure that no one takes notice in his stances and obstructions but luckily for me i did. He already knew i wasnt listening as i had all the weight on my shoulders but he went on to not ask further questions as it would only possibly break me down more. In a conversation where it was revolving around himself but he was rather thinking about my mental actions and state.
As he said his last sentence he hadnt asked anymore about it knowing what would only come from so. He may had pushed my buttons but he never pushed me off the edge. He knew his boundaries and what was acceptable. However I had still bent up anger over the dark themes it caused. I certainly knew that i was being over dramatic but i couldnt help myself to get like this when these situations commenced. I tended to make situations possibly worst by caring this mental emotion into my actions.
We had made our way to the cereal isle as we skimmed the cheapest cereals they could muster. Our favorite had been 'Astro Charms' an off brand 'Lucky Charms'. Yoongi and I had always found joy of making fun of the names they could come up with from the top of there head. They truly were genius people contributing genuine ideas for the cereal productions but atleast try and come up with your own product name. I suppose this was why me and Yoongi found showed joy and funniness out of their attempts.
I skimmed my eyes along the cereal seeking for the specific kind. Of course as i finished my skim they had been on the highest shelf possible. I hadnt been the tallest person ever and neither had Yoongi but he still remained taller than me to reach the farthest product of cereal. I groaned at my attempts to reach the cereal only failing. I tried to retrieve it once last time before placing my hands on my knees as if I had ran a full marathon. Yoongi took notice in my jumps smirking to himself behind his hand.
"You need me to get that for you?"
"How dare you judge the vertically challenged."
Yoongi shrugged to himself with a stifled laugh. He quickly went down the rest of the isle scanning any other food items we may had needed. I had stared down my computation while he did so, trying to find any possible way to retrieve this item from the top shelf without any assistants. The whole ordeal hadnt been playing out in my favor as i tried climbing up the shelfs but stopped mid way as the assumption that i would need Yoongis assistants to get down. Overall whatever plan i demised in my head included him which was basically a cycle in my daily life. Everything included him and I wouldn't even know it. I let out on last defeated sigh and accepted the eager help.
"Yoongi, help me."
Yoongi walked over with his same smirk painted on his face as it was last time but this time more evident and radiating with confidence. He felt needed as he grabbed the box of under rated cereal giving himself a well deserved hand. I noticed him standing on the tips of his toes as he reached the box making me smile to myself that even himself was struggling to get a box of cereal. It made me slightly ravish in victory in some way seeing him struggling in the same requirement as i was.
Yoongi plopped the item into our cart as i continued to stroll it him following by my side. He had been rather close and been faking intimidation for some unknown reason. I could tell as the smirk o his face turned to a more playful one signalling his joking side making me question his next choice of actions and wonder what they held.
"I would be a better astronaut."
It sure as hell was a random conversation starter as he kept his eyes on the 'Astro charms'. Im sure he pictured himself instead of the little space man directed on the box instead.However just because Yoongi thought this didnt mean it was true. What was he on about lately first it had been about Godzilla and now this topic? Obviously i would be a better astronaut then him as i held the better skill set. If Yoongi was in space and suddenly ran into an unknown species surely he would full under pressure and shoot them at any given chance he held. He was certainly unsuited for the task at hand.
"Yoongi, you know i support everything you do and what you want to become but i will gregariously take up that job position in a heartbeat."
"Y/N you both know i can jump higher than you."
"In space there is literally no gravity that shit wont matter."
"Rule fucking one of becoming an astronaut is begin able to jump cool, mostly when on the moon. So just accept it."
I sported a straight smile nagging at him in my head knowing he couldnt handle what i would say. Yoongi patted my back encouragingly trying to seem helpful in a way. I hadnt been overly upset at all just portraying so to make the joke go further and Yoongi knew this too. We always picked on each other with things even the stupidest of conversations. Just the simple conversation striking between us two was enough for us no matter the topic.
"How about this, we both gather all our saving to go to space and roam the moon hell we could probably buy the moon. Just us, together."
Yoongi proceeded to drag his arm along my shoulder bringing us closer. I was taken back by the sudden action as i swerved the cart before his hands steadied it. Suddenly we were both directing the cart lazily together with goofy smiles painted on out faces dreaming as far as our banks could take us, which wasnt as far as we could assume however we choose to live in the moment with one another.
"Get away from earths bullshit and just be with each other."
How lovely the whole aspect surrounding that idea sounded.
Yoongi and I had carried the grocery bags up the stairs heaving at each step we took to our apartment door. I dropped the bags at the front of the door retrieving my keys while an agitated Yoongi laid behind me, I had to make my movements quick. However my movements halted as i say the prominent brick red sign lying on our door. I dropped any other remaining items in my hand replacing it with the item on the door. The tape had been still attached freshly to the top of the paper as i skimmed throughout the whole paper.
"Whats taking so long."
I slowly diverted my eyes behind me looking at Yoongi who had his eyes close and lips quivering at the feeling of his arms about to give up on the heaviness of the bags. I motioned for him to put the bags down as i waved the paper in his face while he opened his eyes. He grasped ahold of the paper reading it in a faint whisper. Overall the paper was bad but it certainly could have been worse. Due to our lack in money and not being able to pay full rent our landlord decided to make the grasious decsion to turn off our warm water leaving us with coldness.
"Well there goes our savings to a trip to the moon."
Yoongi held a small frown at the idea sported only a few minutes ago was now vanishing from reality. It truly did seem like a good idea but certainly wasnt going to be an idea that could be escalated so easily. It was now a figment of our imagination but at least it was shortly lived. We still had each other which was a plus as having him around was certainly enough of an adventure.
"Well atleast we still have running water."
"Yeah but we cant use to much of it, only for a limited amount of time."
"Well i need to take a shower first because of my gig tonight and i dont feel like sweating on the stage with all those hot ass lights."
"But ive been sweating all day because of that damn interview."
"Yeah you have I just didnt want to say anything."
I looked at Yoongi with hooded eyes as he placed his gummy smile over his face making up for his previous statement. He sure was the character but that wasn't helping us with our shower situation and how it would make itself out. We both had to take a shower at this moment as it would satisfy what we needed but the problem was we were running limited on water, leaving on thought in my mind. I turned over to Yoongi who seemed to have mustered the same idea as I but i was quick to shut it down.
"Yoongi I am not taking a shower with you."
"Come on its just to save water nothing sexual."
"Okay but i swear if you pull something."
I let out a sigh as Yoongi rubbed his hands in determination for whatever reason he held. Two naked bodies in a shower together was sure to start an experiment well needed but made me feel uneasy as what it could lead to. We had been best friends for years yet nothing so opened has happened between us and i could tell Yoongi was opened to letting that streak to be broken.
"Yoongi I swear you better remove your dick from my ass right now."
"I cant just take my dick off and re attach it, sorry but it just doesn't work like that."
The beginning of the shower had been going fairly well washing up with soap and ignoring each other awkward glances however as time passed by it increased in strangeness. As we proceeded to shampoo our hair we came up with the brilliant idea to have the other person massage our head and wash out with water. It seemed good at first but know the poking of Yoongis dick seemed to drive things further south. It could have been worst as far as him getting a full on boner but just the feeling of my best friends dick so close to me made me think about certain things.
I tried to ignore the feeling focusing on the messaging has i hummed while his fingers combed throughout my hair. It certainly felt nice to have someone else take up this task besides me. I had began to let our small whimpers as the pleasure increased. I felt Yoongi stiffen from behind me at my small noises coming from my parted lips. I hadn't taken notice that i was even making theses noises till i felt the familiar object against my thigh being to become slightly upright. I halted my sounds as now the shower was filled with the patter of the water droplets hitting the chipped tub.
I had rinsed the remaining suds in my hair before turning around to now take care of Yoongis hair. However as i turned around he didnt copy my actions. His eyes soon darted down my body as mine did too. It hadnt been intentional it just happened rather quickly something that i couldnt process. My eyes ranked down his body observing every inch it could muster. I was surely flustered after doing so not sure what my next moves should consist of.
"Yoongi why didnt you turn around!"
I was quick to put the blame on him not wanting to come to terms that i was in the wrong as well as him. I did what i was doing best when i didnt want to come to terms to things. It was a bad habit for sure but it worked in situations like so.
"Well neither did you."
Shit he did have a point and I wish he didnt. Better yet his eyes still shamelessly ranked around my dripping body not ashamed of doing so. He was owning up to what he did while I hid behind his words making him eat up mine as well as his. He graciously did it without a care in the world as if it didnt have any consequences.
"You really are beautiful you know. I find it hard to believe that its been this many years and i hadnt been graced with your beauty."
What he was saying was definitely far fetched and seemed as if it all had been over dramatic but Yoongi never said anything along those lines. I hadnt even known why he had ushered those things falling out his lips. Usually he called me gross and rarely complimented me only when bad themes accrued. Never did he trail his hands along my waist let alone my naked waist. This whole thing had been new and taking big steps at something that i never saw coming in our friendship.
"Im serious Y/N, whatever happens i just want you to know that i care about you more than i have about anyone else."
It was true as i felt the same way but not to the extant he was talking about. He was in the heat of the moment and i could feel myself being drag in just as he was. It was tempting as it also felt oddly satisfying. I hated the way it made me feel and how it could risk things but I pushed those thoughts away from any of the verbal actions i could communicate.
"Listen Y/N i know were best friends so I wont do anything that your uncomfortable with and i want you to know whatever happens to use it wont change anything."
After his statement it surely sent my mind into overload. Taking up on all the different options that roamed around my full head of possibilities. I however didnt have time to answer as the alarm from the timer ad began ringing. Yoongi whipped away the remaining suds on the sides off my head before rubbing my damp hair with a small reassuring smile. I knew that this would be the last moment to be shared like this as it was there first ever time to actually happen.
Yoongi was always rare on these occations however they began to become more regular. This began to change things in a way that i couldnt put my finger on. I couldnt tell if it was strengthening our relationship or making it fade. Im liked to believe that we would be together through out everything but in certain aspects i wasnt sure of. He made me confused as hell while i stared at him drying himself off with his straight face as if the moment between the two of us never accrued. Thats just how he always portrayed himself. Pretending the moment had never accrued and never bring it up unless he wanted to.
I knew that these thought would only intensify and i would be left wondering if i could continue on with this feeling I didnt know i was capable of having for Yoongi. If i wanted to somehow follow on with this i needed to portray myself as Yoongi did to himself. Act as if nothing was happening and keep on the friendship unless i seeked for something more. Besides it wasnt important as of now. I needed to push my problems away and focus on Yoongi tonight as an important gig was surfing his way. I had no time of giving up on something as of now because it had always been me and Yoongi nothing more and nothing less.
Together we could conquer more the the earth but the entire universe including the well desired moon. No amount of money could change that.
It had been only a couple of more weeks till anything else meaningful had happened. Yoongi and I had been living out our regular days filled with playful arguments and meaningless conversations. In fact the night prier to the shower had been a rather eventful one for the both of us. Yoongi had managed winning first place in the solo musicians cafe night. His face remained stone like and nodding while proclaiming a quick thank you with a short speech. He seemed grateful but very expressionless. As for me i had been waving all of the possible limbs off of my body. I had been rather proud of him and having his talent actually gain notice, i had every right to be proud.Someone my overenthusiastic approach had left people with he idea of me having the title of his girlfriend.
As Yoongi stepped off of the stage and i engulfed him whole he patted my back lightly not sure on how to handle this affection. I could tell he was proud of himself even when he wasnt showing it on the outside. He didnt know how to react at his accomplishment or how to take them as people usually would He was left with an unreadable approach to people who hadn't come into communication with him. People would often call him ungrateful for his reactions not knowing what he a actually experiencing deep inside.
The host of the whole event took a step off of the stage and stood next to me and Yoongi. I tore my eyes away from Yoongis as they traced to the host who held a forced smile. He seemed very strained not as if he was bored wth everything but almost like smiling was his permeate job besides this.
"Suga i certainly can see a bright future and you surely are lucky to have your girlfriend to support you and your creativity."
"Shes actually my best friend."
We often got refereed to being in a relationship on occasion. It wasnt something that surprised us and neither did we take offense to it. We always were in a close proximity with one another giving off the impression but we didnt want to go as far to break that just for peoples perspective of things. This was how regular days went for us. Spending our days together and have people make assumptions. It wasn't very eventful but it was how our life went.
Now as we transformed into the weeks following things began to grow eventful. Not to the point of excitement but much rather to the brink of terrifying. I had been having a rough time at work trying to knock down the basics of each task. Things had been getting difficult and it didn't help the situation as i walked into a dark light apartment. I had been frighten to say the least as I keep on the side lamp on to refrain from the position i was in now. However when i turned on the lamp it didnt cooperate. I stood there for a second trying to find a possibility on why this would happen till it dawned on me. The landlord had turned off our electricity leaving the apartment with a darkened state.
I made my way to the kitchen cabinet to retrieve some handles and light them with the lighter.I placed the materials on the counter. I had only been focused on the task at hand not taking in my surroundings. I hadn't heard the closing off the door as i was to concentrated on lighting the candle till i felt a hand land on my shoulder and a voice.
"Why are the light of-"
I hadnt been focused on who the voice belonged to rather whos hand was attached to my shoulder and what actions would happen next. I only had one main thing on my mind as i grasped a fork in my hand and stabbed the persons hand as they let out a yelp. I quickly lit the candle and turned my attention to the person who was behind me. I positioned the candle in my hand and in there direction to get a clear vision of who the yelp belonged to.
"Ow what the hell Y/N! Did you just stab me with a damn fork."
Of course my mind had transformed Yoongi into a house invader. I quickly apologized trying to make up a good explanation. Of course i didnt have a good logical reason on why well at least not one he would listen to. Atlest his hand hadnt been seriously injured or he would have been seriously angry with me. Instead of shouting any forbidden words he wanted an explanation as to why the lights were out. Luckily that distracted him from the actions that i caused on him. I roughly explained the situation as what I could gather from it.
We had no electricity what so ever. Meaning we had no tv system or no entertainment. We had been living in an age where we depend on technology and now we were stuck without it. I placed the candles in our proximity. Yoongi had gone on a venture to find an entertainment system while i had been in charge of sitting on the floor making sure the candles didnt blow out. What a difficult task I had
Yoongi came back retrieving monopoly and a bottle of alcohol. I hadnt even known that we held those items but Yoongi managed to find them without hesitation. He placed these items on the floor in front of me as he sat across. He look at the bottle before placing it on the floor as well. We opened the box and placed the board down looking at the different colors of cards and various items. The figures were laied out across the board as i went to reach for the skate board one Yoongis hand did as well.
"Get your hands off my skate board."
"Your skateboard? Yoongi, you dont even know how to skateboard."
"That doesnt mean shit and i was the one the one who found this damn game."
I tossed him the small silver skateboard as he caught it with victory. I settled for a dog already excepting my disastrous fail. Yoongis eyes dotted to another figurine as he dropped the skateboard and replaced it with a tiny silver piano. He placed it on his knee and began fake playing the tiny instrument in his hand. It hadn't projected any noise as it surely was fake but Yoongi seemed like he took a few sips of the alcoholic beverage before retrieving it back. He seemingly enjoyed himself as he was pretending to play until his mouth parted and he began to spout lyrics from his agape mouth.
Yoongi had always played me bits of his sound and it seemed like this was own of his well written songs. This had to be a newly written one as it still had small errors or possibly he was to drunk to correct them in the very moment. However I still took in every word he said and memorizing it as if it was going to evaporate from my mind. No instruments had been playing yet he still manged t make it seem meaningful with just his voice.
Yoongi took a swig of the beverage after finishing such a performance. He hadnt thought anything of it as he was to intoxicated to actually take notice. I had wished he would give himself a certain amount of credit no matter the situation.
"Yoongi, that was really good."
"They dont call me Min genius for nothing."
He offered me a playful wink on tat i couldn't resist to laugh at. Maybe i had been over thinking everything and i needed to relax and not focus on things that didn't involve my input. I reached my arm out and took the bottle from Yoongi and replaced my broken words with the nap of the bottle. I felt the sting of the liquor hit the back of my throat as i coughed violently.The rest of the game had been filled with boastful laughing and liquor staggered breath filling the area.
I moved my figure lazily over the square before exclaiming what it said.
"Yoongi looks like you owe me your house."
"Your a damn cheater their is no way im giving my house to a dog."
He directed his attention to the dog figurine on the board. He lifted it up testing his theory proving him wrong. He let out a groan saying how this whole game was testing his patients. Due to the alcohol in my system i let out a small laugh and a small smile managed to crack from him. We both had the liquor coursing through our veins as nothing really mattered as of now.
"We should get a dog."
"Yoongi were broke."
"Oh we could name him Min Holly. Oh Min Holly."
Yoongi placed his hand on his heart dramatically while laying down on the floor. I laughed feeling the alcohol bubbling inside of me before we banned the game and settled on conversion. However we still remained quit soaking up the comfort in each other. We didn't focus on the bad themes of what was going on as they were surrounding us. We had millions of reasons to be stressed out but instead of worrying about these so called things we pushed them to the side and took in each other.
"You know i wrote that song about you."
It was as if the alcohol that once lurked my system vanished completely. My once care free mind begin to move to assumption. I had an idea of the song being directed to an object rather than an actual person. It seemed weird to refer to it like that but it was an assumption that i corrupted.
"Yeah, I titled it first love out of respect to you. Certain aspects arent about you as i had multiple first loves but your the only person Ive grown an attachment to."
I could tell the alcohol had left his system as he began to speak his mind. Not completely all of it as he wouldnt actually let himself admit to something like this. He was slowly beginning to admit things more even when he didn't need to. He still didn't say everything on his mind as he saw that it wasnt needed. He would rather be alone with those thoughts even when he had me he didnt tell me certain things.He was feeling comfortable enough to actual to come to terms with this himself enough to tell me.
"What does that mean?"
I had fully known what he was hinting at but didnt want to come to terms with so. I had been struggling myself with this whole situation. I had always liked Yoongi but seeing the girls come in and out his life. It had damaged me in a way. I had always knew that i was one of the main parts of his life but just the sight of seeing him with someone else made things ever so difficult. I had always wanted to be in this position of me and Yoongi having an actual chance at something more than a friendship but as of now i had no idea what to make of it.
"It means I wrote you a song."
Yoongi had positioned himself as his elbows held him up. This way i could see his face more clearly as the candles lit across his face. His brown eyes sparkled as the flame danced across his iris. It certainly set me back to the time where i was just discovering myself becoming fond of him and his personality. I had felt something for him I couldn't feel with someone else so i asked myself why i felt so hesitant about the whole situation.
I reached my hand out for his as i engulfed his palm. I had ran my thumb across his as his eyes were glued to the small amount of affection. He never showed a sign of it unless on hard times did I as it was a strange aspect of our friendship. This however didnt mean that we never had a liking for each other we just remained more closed off to the idea. As now things were changing and maybe change was proved as a good thing.
My eyes flickered to his as his still stared at our interlocked hands. I carefully took my free hand to be placed against his jaw bringing his eyes to met mine. I took note in his appearance from the slight part in his lips to the mess black hair that laid atop of his head. I could smell the aroma of liquor still lingering from his breathe as my lips grew closer to his. The amount of space between our parted lips had been smaller then a thin string but we still didn't connect. I hadn't know what i was waiting for till I felt Yoongi lips meet mine and falling into a trance. Our lips had molded together perfectly after a longed wait. It felt longed waited after many years. Surprisingly we had never gone as far as hugging not even the most intimate of glances. We had tried to always seen each other as nothing more than friends until this very moment.
I pulled my lips away first opening my eyes lazily awaiting for Yoongi to do the same. As he did a small smile formed upon his lips but he tried to fight it as he didnt wan to show his soft side. I had found it another reason as why I had began to like him so much He couldnt fight what he felt and there were some moments where this emotion took him over so much to the point of actually showing what he felt out in the open. Of course he didnt want other people to witness this but i did. I was the reason why.
"Thank you, for writing the song for me."
Yoongi had nodded his head his eyes focused on something else. He had been concentrating on what i was saying as he lifted himself from his previous position to on his knees. He stood taller than me as his hands cupped my jaw taking in every aspect as i did him. He was feeling everything I did but this time he didnt take like as I did. His lips molded against mine yet again and was savoring each minute.
His tongue had graced upon my lips asking for entrance as i eagerly excepted. His hands that once cupped my jaw made there way down my body till they landed on the back of my thighs. He slowly used his strength to lift himself and me off of the floor. His hands had stayed firmly on my thighs as he walked to ur shared bedroom to put it to use.
My head hit the softened pillow as his warm lips still managed to collide with mine. My mind had been filled with carelessness yet again. Only few moments did i have nothing roaming around my head and he was able to unlock this. Nothing about what was to occur after this and how it would affect things. I was focused on now and what would come from it.
His hands traced along my shirt specifically the hem of my top. I knew his mind was ranking his abilities on how he could managed to take my top off without seeming overly cocky. I admired that he seemed like he was over thinking things judging his every movements but i wanted to make him feel as comfortable as possible.
I pushed him off of me slightly so we were both sitting up. I proceeded to grasp the hem of my top in my hands as Yoongis eyes followed my hands. His breathe had become slightly uneven at the sight. Things seemed to become more intense as the both of us hadn't been sexually active in quiet awhile. It certainly was riveting to be back in the state but even more better as I was sharing it with Yoongi.
I took off my shirt taking in his facial expression as he held a blank stare with his mouth slightly agape. I stifled a laugh not wanting him to seemed embarrassed. I had enjoyed seeing him in such a state and wanted to see how intense things could really get if i went the extra mile. I then proceeded to unclasp my bra making his eyes not break contact with my chest. Yoongi slightly mumbled if he could mantled my breast. I nodded along that it was okay to do so.
His lips clasped around the bud of my nipple. I cradled his head as he went on his assault on  my nipple. I moaned at the feeling ruffling my fingers through his hair needing something to grasp onto as i was experiencing such pleasure. His other hand grasped my other breast making sure to include it as well. His lips slowly made its way to my collar bone to my neck and up until they connected with my lips yet again.
My hands sorted its away around his shirt. I gripped it tightly signalling for him to take off his shirt next. Yoongi obeyed taking off his shirt quickly before coming back into the kiss. Yoongi leaned into the kiss resulting in me falling back down onto the bed. He wrapped his hands around my thighs directing them around his waist before his hands deepened down into my pants. I felt the slight chill while he did so. I felt my stomach dip at the feeling causing a small whimper to leave my lips. He took this as encouragement as he unbuttoned my pants and stuck his hands into my underwear all while kissing me.
"Fuck, Yoongi."
He hadnt even entered me yet i was already moaning for him. He was surely heightening up my senses making me hyper sensitive to the whole experience. His fingers dipped into my entrance making me squirm under his touch. I felt myself moaning more at just his fingers but also seeking for something more. I threw my head back at the feeling and also the longing feeling of him being inside of me.
"I love it when you moan my name princess."
The pet name had made me moan louder. I was practically dripping wet and Yoongi could tell easily as his fingers were feeling around for my juices. It seemed that Yoongi was getting his own excitement from this as i felt his cock poking against me. He decided to finally put the situation into action as he managed to take off my pant and underwear as he did the same to himself.
He had lined himself up taking control in the situation but still looked me in the eyes asking if this whole occurrence was okay with me. Overall we had been drunk at first but i was no more and i could certainly tell the same had been with him. The alcohol had been replaced with real feelings and how to act upon them so i nodded asking for him to do what was long waited for.
( PSA: Just because youre fucking Yoongi without a condom in this fan fiction doesnt mean that you shouldnt use a condom in real life AGAIN wrap your willy before it gets to silly!)
He slowly filled his cock with my entrance making us both let out a long waited moan. Yoongi had began to grow aggressive as he felt my walls around him. His grip on my waist had increased making the experience intensify in a good way making me moan louder than before. I couldnt believe that we hadnt done anything remotely like this but i was glad it was getting down as of now.
"I beat all your other boyfriend couldnt fuck you as good as I can."
I had only had one boyfriend in my whole life and Yoongi despised him in a way. I hadnt known why but a hatred had sported for him. He hated how he always held my hand and was affectionate as Yoongi knew him himself couldnt do these actions so easily. However times had changed and i was laying with Yoongi instead of him proving him something.
"Only you can, Yoongi."
"Thats right princess."
Yoongi ad began to go harder due to my response aiming to excel. He had easily already been the best guy i had slept with but just the added endurance made things intensify. I felt my walls clenching around me as i sure Yoongi did as his head went to the crook of my neck growling as he met every thrust before i came undone. I let out a series of moans as he did as well before releasing.
Yoongi turned to his side of the bed not knowing how to end on a good note, He hadnt meant for this to happen and neither did i leaving us with an awkward approach. I knew I liked Yoongi and I didnt want our friendship to be forever ruined due to the bump in the road. I wanted to come to terms with this instead of stray away from it so i decided to muster the courage and speak what was on my mind.
"I like you."
I had been looking at the ceiling taking a quick glance at Yoongis back muscles waiting to see how he would react but he didnt. He didnt move nore did he contribute to what I said. I had destroyed our friendship with the gracious amount of temptations. The thoughts commenced my head yet again setting me into  a saddened state. I had begun to scare myself at any possibilities but all that seemed to hush at the sign of reassurance.
Yoongis hand snaked around my hide section bringing us closer together. I felt him kiss my shoulder slightly smiling as if he had finally made the decision that would impact his life in the greatest.His hands wrapped over mine as if they were the most fragile thing in the world as well as they may slip away from his very hands. I was happy with what was occurring and could tell this feeling would never come to a halt and the words that ushered past his lips only confirmed this feeling.
"I love you too."
I had been anxiously biting my finger nails in anticipation. Yoongi had stood on the same stage yet again but held at a different venue. He had been begin judged on his performance staying on the stage trying to keep a collected exterior while awaiting his win.
Throughout his performance i had been sobbing and cheering him on as he preformed one of his so every loving songs. Tonight had been a special one due to it being'First Love'. The dedication he had mustered into each lyric really opened up his true emotions even to people who he didnt know. My cheers only increased as he made eye contact with me smiling slightly to himself at the accomplishments he was living.
He stood on the stage fiddling with his fingers trying not to make it noticeable but however as they called his name as first winner he couldnt contain his excitement. His mouth let out a squeak noise in shock at the sudden win grabbing ahold of the trophy as tears morphed. Theres was always something about the second win that made things seem more eventful. A sense that you actually made it rather being good for one thing.
The sudden jolt of energy had bolted into my whole being needed to be engulfed by his presences just to test how real everything was. Yoongi held his arms wide open as he took in my request rocking us back and forth while we cried into eachother shoulders. The answer began talking into the microphone but i didnt managed to pick anything up as i was to trapped in Yoongis being.
I pulled away wiping away his tears bringing us in a chaste kiss sealing everything. I looked into his glossy orbs taking into everything from each experience. Yoongi had been my best friend and still remained my best friend. He held an extra title is all rather than just being my best friend. My best friend had managed to make such an impact on my life and others as i look around the cheering people who were seated. It took me back to when our professor told us we wouldn't as succeed in life. I had taken up the offer of my dream job while yoongi had been living his dream. most important we had each other of all. Having another body to share these experiences with was the true key of life. Not the riches that came along with it but spending that time with someone.
Yoongi was my someone. He was my best friend and my boyfriend. Most people dreamed of having let alone one while i surpassed both. I truly was lucky and I needed to remind myself of this everyday as i couldnt believe it. I couldnt tell you exactly how it would end but i wanted to focus on the raw beginning. The beginning of our future and what was to come, I described it as a fiery passion with a burning desire of intensity and as he looked me in the eye i could tell he knew this too. We had been in our young adult years and have experienced the hard struggles of life but it was just the beginning.
And i couldn't wait to make more beginnings with him.
*corny i know*
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