#and just try my best not to die before I turn 30
milo-is-rambling · 11 months
Me vs confusing gender thoughts vs mental illness
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tootiecakes234 · 7 months
First Kiss
Your first kiss with Katsuki was overwhelming…
The two of you have been friends since U.A. You’ve gotten so close over past couple years to the point where if your friends saw you they expected him not to be far behind and vice versa.
Best friends, that’s what you’ve settled with because you know Kat had 0 interest in you outside of that. You’ve seen the girls he’s hooked up with and you did not fit that type at all.
And don’t get it wrong, you loved being his best friend. He taught you stand up for yourself and you’d taught him how to speak to people with some level of respect. You guys were good together… yin and yang you liked to think
One night, you’re leaving a hangout you guys had at Mina’s place and Kat is walking you home. It was cool out that night and the moon was shining so bright you could still see the clouds in the sky. Apparently you had been gotten lost looking up at it.
“Oi, earth to y/n…. Get your ass moving. I’m exhausted and I’m ready to get home.”
When you come back to reality and look at him, he does look tired. It was almost 11:30pm and Kat had a strict bed time of 9:30…. 10 if he was feeling frisky.
“You do realize I don’t need you to walk me home. I’m a pro hero. I think I can take care of myself”
“Psh…. It’s not a criminal I’m worried about taking you out. It’s your clumsy ass coordination. You’re going to end up offing yourself if you don’t learn how to walk like an adult”
Ok so yea… maybe you had sprained your ankle last year while walking up some stairs. That’s wasn’t your fault tho… it was the stair ‘s fault.
“Are you ever gonna let that go?? Isn’t it getting a little old?”
“It still makes me laugh so nope…”
You rolled your eyes at him. He’s such a dick.
You were now walking up the same previously mentioned stairs to your apartment with Katsuki on your heels.
“ Are these the tights you were talking about the other day?? The ones that make your ass look “the best it’s ever looked””
“ Yea!!! Doesn’t it look amazing??!? I gave Mina the link while we were at her house because she mention how fantastic they looked on me”
“Sure I guess. I ain’t seen anything your ass doesn’t look good in but whatever you say”
You didn’t know what to say to that. He was just upfront like that. The man had little to no filter. Thank god you were at your door. You were unlocking it and about to go inside..
You turned around to look at him.
“What’s up”
“I uhm… well….”
“Come on, spit it out. I ain’t got all night”
He stared you directly in your eyes and said
“Fuck it”
Before you had time to react you were pressed up against the wall and his lips were on yours. Calling what happened a kiss seemed to be a real understatement. It was more like he was consuming you. More so than he already had. You got lost in him. Your hands were in his hair and his arms were around your waist pressing you against him.
When he pulled away you found yourself chasing his lips because you were afraid if it stopped, it might never start again.
“Next time, instead of bitching to raccoon eyes about how you don’t think you’re my type, just come straight to me dumbass. Since when do you keep secrets from me?”
You were really trying to pull your train of thought together but it was really hard when his lips still looked so inviting.
Kat realizes you’re not paying attention to him and flicks you in the forehead.
“Hey asshole. You know I hate when you do that”
“Then pull yourself together. I know I kiss like a god but that doesn’t mean you get to space out.”
He was smirking at you. Katsuki Bakugo had just kissed you and was now standing in front of you looking all suave and handsome. If you died here, you’d die a very happy person.
Your brain started playing catch and you realized something
“So you were eavesdropping on a private conversation?? And I wasn’t bitching… she was asking about you and me yet again and I was explaining to her that I didn’t think it’d ever happen”
You said the last part a little softer because you were embarrassed talking about all of this
“I wasn’t eavesdropping… it was shitty hair. Idk what you think my type is but apparently you got it all wrong”
He does not elaborate or tell you that you are his type. He just leaves it at that so you side step it
“I’m gonna kill Eiji…”
You guys sit there for a second until
“Anyways I’m tired . I’m going home to salvage the little bit of sleep I am going to get tonight. See ya later.”
And he turned to leave. Just like that.
“So that’s it… you kiss me, reveal my biggest secret and leave”
All you can do is sit there befuddled and confused.
“Yep. See ya tomorrow”
Katsuki actually leaves after that. He was not playing about his sleep. You do get a message about 10minutes later letting you know he’s home and also requesting the link to the tights you had on that night.
You ask him why he needs that and all he says is that you need them in more colors than just black… ha! You knew your ass looked good in these!
*you do not know until weeks later that in his head, that kiss was the start of y’all’s relationship. Asshole never does actually ask you but what else do you really expect from the angry Pomeranian?🤷🏾‍♀️
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justmeinadaze · 11 days
Yin & Yang (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This post got me feeling some kind of way🫠 .
Warnings: Older Daddy Eddie (Late 30s)/ Older Dom Mr. Harrington (Late 30s) & Younger Fem Sub Y/N (mid 20s)
SMUT, LOTS of dirty talk, male masturbation, fingering, talks of sharing (duh), slight innocence kink (if you squint; she's new to the dynamic), ANGST, reader deals with a rude customer and Eddie saves the day. A fight between Eddie and Y/N are mentioned.
Word Count: 4838
Donate to my Ko-Fi <3
Everyone always said Edward Munson was a rude, pretentious asshole. News outlets, websites, social media; everyone who met him briefly or not at all expressed a particular distain for him that you always found amusing when the topic came up. 
Visually, he did seem a bit aloof whenever the businessman did any kind of interview or was asked any kind of question. It was always a bit odd seeing a music producer get so much attention especially one who focused on the heavy metal scene but everyone who hated him also tended to agree that he was a genius at the craft. 
The bands he signed and prompted always hit high numbers on their respective charts making him and them a ton of extra money in the process. 
Anything you read or heard you skimmed past mostly because that wasn’t exactly your scene nor did you know anything when it came to what goes on the background of the music industry. Working at a coffee shop wasn’t extravagant or lucrative but it got you through till you could figure what actually was your scene and go from there. 
That’s how you met him. 
On a particularly rough shift, a man was screaming at you about an order that you supposedly got wrong as you tried to control the tears from spilling down your face. 
“How stupid are you?! It’s coffee not a fucking math equation. You just put the right liquid in the right cup and fucking hand it to me! It’s not that hard! Fucking moron.”
“Excuse me.” The man turned just as the handsome gentleman who addressed him hung up his phone and shoved it into his coat pocket. “I understand you’re a bit stressed but I’m going to have to ask you to stop harassing the young lady. It’s not her fault and she’s doing her best.”
“Pfft. Fuck off, douchebag. This doesn’t concern you.”
“It actually does because you couldn’t handle this situation in a quiet calm manner. You’re ruining everyone’s morning including mine. Now…either take the coffee she’s giving you or wait for her to make a new one patiently.”
The man’s fist flew but the gentleman moved out of the way, grabbing his wrist, and twisting it as he forced the man to kneel before him. 
“Ok. If this is the way you want to do this, that’s fine. Sweetheart…” When he addressed you, you immediately stood at attention ready to die for this man if he asked after what he had just done. “Can you hand me that cup there? Thank you.”, he praises, flashing you a small smile that makes you giddy. “Now, apologize to the young lady.”
“Ow, I’m sorry!”, the man cringes when his wrist is twisted a bit more. 
“Good. Take this coffee and get the fuck out of my sight. If I see you here again I won’t be so nice.”
Disregarding the Styrofoam in the gentleman’s hand, the rude customer quickly gets to his feet before running out of the store. Sighing, your hero places the coffee in front of you.
“Thank you…for defending me… He was being such an asshole.”
“Yeah, he was. It’s not your fault he didn’t order the correct thing. I can be an asshole myself but I know when and where to use it.” When you giggled, his beautiful eyes scan you over as if trying to get a read on you with the little information in front of him. 
“Are you, um, are you Edward?”, you ask as you slide him the coffee with the name scrawled across. 
Again, he glances you over and later on you would learn he was looking for recognition. Everyone he interacted with knew his name and who he was. You were the first person in years who seemed to regard him as just another stranger which fascinated him.
“I am but you can call me Eddie. That’s what my friends call me.”
“Oh. Um, we’re friends?”
“For now, but I’d like to be more whenever you’re open to it.”
Another smile stretched across his face when he noticed your own turn bright red as you blushed. 
“You don’t even know my name.”
Coyly, he leans his elbows on to your counter as his eyes stare at your chest. At first you feel self-conscious before you realize he’s looking at your name tag and you let out a tiny laugh to break the tension.
“I’m sorry, I just—”
“Do I make you nervous?” 
“A little.”
“Honest. I like that. How about this. I can pick you up after your shift today and we can start with dinner and go from there.”
“I don’t have any clothes to change into.”
“That’s ok. I think you look perfect as is and I promise when I come get you I won’t be dressed as formal.”
“O-Ok, Eddie.”
“Good. Good girl. I’ll see you tonight.”
That evening, he showed up right as the shop was about to close and when you told him it would be a few more minutes, he nodded as he patiently waited by the front door. You occasionally snuck glances at him as he browsed his phone. True to his word, he wore jeans and sneakers with a nice white button up shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows. With how he looked this morning, you imagined for him this was dressed pretty down. While his hair was slicked back when you last saw him, now his waves seemed to have a mind of their own making him seem less intimidating and quite adorable. 
Eddie asked you so many different questions about yourself, silently listening as you both ate at the restaurant he took you to. You learned fairly quickly, while he seemed like a man of few words, his body language spoke loudly. His chocolate eyes never left yours as he hung on each and every word you spoke. When you said something he found even remotely funny, his lips would flicker into a slight smirk before returning to their proper alignment. When your drink ran low, his finger would raise and a waiter would promptly run your way with a refill and as the night progressed you found his leg leaning against yours with a little sigh escaping his chest when you didn’t shy away. 
“I feel kind of selfish. I’ve been talking about myself a lot but I feel like I don’t know anything about you.”
“Honestly, sweetheart, it’s a nice reprieve. Everyone I run into knows me and my perceived reputation so to finally meet someone who doesn’t know me is a breath of fresh air.”
“Reputation…”, you repeated the word apprehensively. 
“Um, I’m kind of known as being a jerk.”
“You don’t seem like that to me.”
Eddie smiled so wide this time that his teeth came into view and you knew at that moment you’d do whatever it took to see him smile like that as much as possible. 
“Thank you for that. I can be when I need to be. In my line of work people tend to take advantage pretty early on and I wanted this industry to know I’m not someone to fuck with.”
“Do you make movies or?”
“Music. I’m a music producer for some heavy metal bands.”
“Oh wow! That’s so amazing. I would love to know more! Did you use to play?”
When he finally began to open up, hours passed like minutes and you were so entranced that you didn’t even realize the restaurant was getting ready to close. 
Eddie told you at one point he was in a band but hated the way they were cast aside for being “to generic” and “stuck in the past” so he took matters into his own hands. He bought a building and turned it into a label where he could help produce his friend’s music. He learned everything he could about production and managing, getting everything together, and essentially put Corroded Coffin on the map. 
He found that he actually loved working behind the scenes and stuck with it from that point forward. Now he’s a well-respected name in his field earning triple what he would have made as a guitarist. 
“What’s the name of the label you first opened?”
“Franklin Production; my mother’s maiden name. It seemed right because her money bought the building and she always loved music. She died when I was young.”
When his head hung, your heart broke. 
“Oh my God, Eddie. I’m so sorry.”
His mood changed in the blink of an eye as he breathily chuckled and glanced at his watch. 
“Shit, Y/N, it’s almost 1am. You have to be exhausted after your long shift today. Let me pay for our meal here and then I can take you home.”
“We’ve ordered so much food and drinks. Please let me help pay.” He paused at your comment then as his eyes met your now confused ones. “What?”
“I’ve only met one person who ever offered something like you just did and that man is my best friend.”
“I mean…it’s rude…isn’t it? It’s not fair for me to expect you to pay for everything.”
“Fuck me, baby.” Your eyelids visibly flutter at the term of endearment; coming out of his mouth with a sultry husk that made you swoon. “You’re really something special. I appreciate the offer but when you’re with me, honey, I can take care of you. It’s my pleasure quite honestly.”
You watched him pay the waiter and leave him way more than 15% before Eddie grabs your hand, leading you back to his car. 
That night he dropped you off at your apartment continuing to be the perfect gentleman as he walked you to your door and kept his hands behind his back as you slowly turned your key. Before you entered, however, you paused and hastily turned to plant a small kiss on his lips. Without waiting for a retort, you want inside and shut your door with a little giggle, watching through the peephole to see what he’d do. 
Eddie’s fingers softly brushed against his mouth as he grinned the way you enjoyed at the restaurant. 
You had been together now for a few months and you loved him with every fiber of your being. Eddie was extremely protective over you insisting you quit your job and move in with him. 
“Sweetheart, I don’t want you being somewhere where some fucker can belittle you and make you feel like trash. I can take care of you till you find a new job that makes you happy and people treat you with the respect you deserve.”
“Eddie, I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking; I’m offering.”, he cooed as his hands cupped your cheeks. “You know how much Daddy loves looking after his pretty girl.”
The first time he called himself Daddy, you blushed and hid behind your hands making him smile as he chuckled low in his throat. 
“Have you ever called a man Daddy before?” When you giggle and curl tighter into your body, he climbed into the bed beside you and pulled you to his side. “It’s ok, sweetheart. Nothing to be embarrassed about with me. Can I show you something?”
Eddie grins when you drop your palms and show him your beautiful face. 
“Good girl.”, he praises as he takes ahold of your hand and kisses the back of it. With his eyes locked on yours, he gradually places it on the bulge in his slacks. “You feel that? Do you feel how hard I am just from being around you as is? You don’t have to do or say anything you don’t want to, princess. I’ll still be here and I’ll still want to fuck you till you can barely move.”
A smile twitched on his lips when your breathing stuttered. 
“I-I-I’ve never called anyone Daddy before or done anything that’s not…”
“Vanilla?”, he helped when your sentence stalled. “Vanilla’s ok to. Definitely a delicious flavor that can’t be disregarded. Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course.”
Eddie leans in till his mouth is just hovering over the shell of your ear. 
“The fact that you’re so nervous and innocent to all this really fucking turns me on.”
When his cock strains a bit more against the fabric and pushes back against your hand, you can’t help but release a little whine as you push your thighs together. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Got a bit of an ache between your legs?”
“Yes.”, you breath out heavily as his palm ghosts up your thigh and his lips tenderly peck along your neck. 
“I can help with that if you want.”
“Y-Yes, Daddy, please.”
Now, you were more than comfortable especially since he was always so patient with you when it came to almost everything. Unlike your past relationships, you were genuinely surprised at how little the two of you fought if at all. Eddie was a force in his business but when you two were together he was always as accommodating as possible. The one time you ever saw his anger directed towards you was when you forgot your phone when you went on a girl’s night out with your friends. 
When you came home at 2 in the morning, he was waiting in the living room and pacing with a glass of whiskey in his hand. 
“It’s 2 in the morning, Y/N! I’ve been worried sick! You forgot your phone. What if something happened to you and you couldn’t reach me!?”
“Eddie, it’s ok! I just forgot it. I promise I’ll do better next time—”
“That’s not the point! What if there hadn’t been a next time!? I’m responsible for you!”
“I don’t know what you want me to say!! I’m sorry!!”
“You watch that fucking tone with me, little girl!”
“Oh yeah. Or what?!”
When the glass in his hand shattered into the wall behind you everything became abruptly silent. Tears stung your eyes as you grabbed the little trashcan nearby and scooted towards the mess, sinking to your knees as you collect the pieces. 
“Y/N, baby. No. No, no. Let me clean this, please.”, Eddie begged, his tone much softer than before as he kneeled beside you. 
When he tried to take the sharp items from your grasp, you angrily pulled away from him. 
“I didn’t mean to forget my phone. It was an honest mistake and you had no right screaming at me like you just did!”
“I know. You’re right, sweetheart. You are absolutely right. I just… fuck… I’m so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much and the idea of something happening to you or you getting hurt just terrifies me. I shouldn’t have reacted this way.”
Blinking up at him, your hand reaches for his own. 
“You love me?”
“Yeah, Y/N, of course. Since I met you behind that coffee counter.”
After tackling him excitedly, you beamed as you kissed his lips. 
“I love you to.”
People on the outside didn’t seem to understand why you were with him but they didn’t know him the way you did. Eddie was sweet, funny, and incredibly kind despite his hardened outer exterior. According to the man himself, the only other person who understood him the same way you did was a man you had yet to meet. 
Steven Harrington was a name you knew solely due to his reputation in media. 
He was always portrayed as just another trust fund baby who was utilizing daddy’s money to do whatever he wanted. He got in trouble constantly but brushed it off with a sexy smile and a calm demeanor that made even the biggest skeptic want to trust him.
The first time Eddie mentioned him by name was after you noticed him watching one of Steve’s interviews. 
“Fucking idiot.”, he chuckled light-heartedly, turning the screen of his phone so you could watch to when you climbed into bed beside him. “This is the guy I was telling you about. Steve Harrington has been my best friend for years.”
“This is your best friend?”
When he nods, you focus on the interview in front of you.
“No, no. Trust me, that company would be crazy to sell right now in this economy. Once things bounce back it will be worth way more than it is now. Then again…if they sell I could buy it and turn it into a hotel or some s***. Go ahead than! Sell that f***er!”, he laughs making you giggle as well when his nose scrunches adorably. 
“Steve is actually a very clever business guy. People constantly underestimate him because he acts like a playboy.”
“So…he’s the yin to your yang?”
Eddie smirks down at you before kissing your forehead. 
“You could say that.”
The more your boyfriend told you about him the more you wanted to meet him. Eddie seemed to genuinely care about this person and as his girlfriend you wanted him to get to know him as well. The first time you spoke to him was after you moved in with Ed and he called to congratulate you both. 
“Hey! Are you Y/N?”
“I am.”, you grin. 
“Oh good. I don’t know what I would have done if you said no. ‘EDDIE! Some random pretty girl is in your place!’”, Steve laughed. 
“Pft. How do you know I’m pretty?”
“Because a sexy voice like yours must be inside a beautiful woman. I’m kind of jealous.”
He said it so smoothly that if you weren’t already sitting you’re sure his words would have knocked you off your feet. Your eyes glanced towards Eddie who was watching you from his spot on the couch. 
“Uh oh. Did I lose you, honey? Sorry. Sometimes I come on a bit too strong.”
“No, no. It’s ok. You just… you remind me of him.”, you exhale as you get up and walk towards your boyfriend. 
“Of who? Of Eddie? I take that as a compliment. He’s a good man.”
“Yeah he is but that’s not exactly what I meant.”
“Oh? Well then use your words, pretty girl. Who do I remind you of? I’m DYING to know.”
Eddie softly smirks as he watches your breathing stagger the same way it does when you’re intimidated by something. His ring covered fingers gently trace down your arm making you shiver. 
“Tell me.”
The two words that followed came out as a strong command that told you to obey. The contradiction of how he spoke now to how he had before made you dizzy and you desperately wanted more. 
After tossing the phone next to Eddie, you covered your face with your palms and ran up the stairs. A few moments later, the man you loved climbed into bed beside you and collected you into his arms. 
“Talk to me, baby. Remember, no matter what there’s nothing to be embaressed about, ok?” He smiled when he felt you nod against his chest. “I know Steve can be a bit much at first but he’s a good person who’s been through a lot of bullshit.”
As you sniffle, you tilt back so you could see his face. 
“I feel bad.”
“About what, sweetheart?”
“I liked the way he spoke to me. It turned me on the same way you do.”
“Ok…why does that make you feel bad?”
You shrug. “I love you.”
That makes him genuinely smile. 
“I love you to, Y/N, so much. That’s why I trust you, babe. I, um, I have a confession to make.” When you sit up to give him your full attention, he does the same. “I’ve known Steve for a long time and I trust that man with my life. I’ve told him things I’ve never told anyone and he’s done the same. You said, sweetheart, he’s the yin to my yang and you’re right. Fuck… how do I say this…”
“You want to share me?”
The innocent way you asked your question drove him insane but he pushed down the need to fuck you for the time being. 
“Kind of, yes. I…I wanted to see how you two got along and if it worked out, maybe, we could fly to go meet him and… you’d still be mine but he’d—”
“Use me.”
“Fuck, baby, you have to stop saying things like that the way you are.”, Eddie panted excitedly as he adjusted the growing bulge in his pants. 
“May I ask why? Why you would want to share me like that?”
“Of course, Y/N, you can always ask me anything. You hold the power here especially when it comes to this. I just… he’s my best friend and I want him to be happy to. In these past few months, you’ve changed my world and I just want to give him some of that. I, um, I also think…”
“Tell me, Daddy. Please.”, you beg in your tiny voice that has his eyes closing as he tries to control himself. 
“Fuck… I think it would be incredibly hot to watch you fuck him.”
You had told him you were open but apprehensive because it was all new territory for you. Both men came up with an idea to help you get acclimated to the idea. 
“Hey all. Wow, Jesus Christ Munson, you undersold your girlfriend’s beauty. Hot damn.”
You giggled as Eddie rolled his eyes at his friend who was laughing himself from his side of the computer screen. It looked like Steve had the device he was using for this facetime visit resting on his lower stomach as he leaned against the headboard of his bed looking incredibly sexy with his ruffled hair and tank top just barely covering the chest hair that littered his skin. 
Eddie had you sitting in between his own legs as he rested his head against your shoulder and his arms hugged you to him. 
“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable. If I do at any point please just let me know and I’ll respect your boundaries.”
“You don’t make me uncomfortable but, uh, you kind of intimidate me a bit…more than Eddie did.”
“Is it because I start at 10 and go from there? Yeah, casualties of growing up in chaotic household and then starting a business where your biggest competitor is your father.”
“What DO you do? Ed said you’re an investor?”
“Kind of.  I invested in a friend’s tech company many years ago and that paid off in a big way. They make medical supplies that are high quality for a cheaper price. I’m trying to expand so we can invest in more—Pfft! Listen to me talking about all that bullshit. Let’s talk about something else.”
“No, hey! That’s amazing that you do that. My father needed supplies like that but it was so hard for him to afford stuff. You’ve probably helped so many people. What supplies has your company helped make?”
Steve blinked, sitting up straighter.
“I told you.”, Eddie sings as he places a delicate kiss along your skin. 
“D-Did I do something wrong? Am I not allowed to ask him questions?”, you asked genuinely worried you crossed a line. 
“Most people, let alone women, don’t care enough to ask us things like you just did.”
“Maybe you two are spending time around the wrong people.”
“Maybe… Damn, Eddie. She’s perfect. Where did you find her because obviously I’ve been looking in the wrong places.”
“Hm. I found her in a coffee shop being yelled at by some asshole. Fucker.”, he growled before you tilted back and kissed his cheek. “It’s not just her personality either. Her body fucking drives me crazy. Even just watching her walk from the bed to the bathroom makes me so fucking hard.”
“Yeah? Your Daddy says you have sexy body. Can you show it to me?”
“Only if you’re comfortable, princess.”, Eddie whispers in your ear.
“Can you help me, Daddy?”
Nodding, he removes each item of your clothing till you were naked for the man on the screen in front of you. 
“Fuck me. I’m not just saying this, Y/N, but you’re so gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”, you groan as you lick your lips. “May I see you?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”, he smirks. 
Your whole body tingled as you watched him undress until you sucked in a sharp intake of air when his cock sprang free from his cotton confinement. 
“He’s so big.”, you murmur against Eddie’s cheek as his eyes remain downcast to focus on you. “How will it fit?”
“We’ll make fit, pretty girl. Steve and I can take care of you.”
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Little one is worried about your splitting her in half. “
“Don’t worry, honey, I’m a gentleman to. I’m not going to just shove my dick inside of you. Even if it takes hours, we can eat and finger your little pussy till she’s ready.”
“Fuck, Daddy, please.”
Aggressively, Eddie opens your legs wide putting you on display and making Steve groan. 
“Wet already and no one’s even touched you yet.”, he responded mockingly before leaning over his cock to spit on his tip and stroke himself. “How tight is she, Munson?”
You moaned loudly as Eddie inserted two of his thick fingers into your cunt and your head leaned back against him.
“So fucking tight, Harrington, and greedy. Her pussy just sucks me in and chokes my dick when she cums. Add in her sexy little noises and the way her face scrunches…” 
“Open your eyes, Y/N.” Steve smiles when you do what he asks. “Good girl. She listens to. Fuck, baby, don’t take those eyes off me. God, I’m—mmm—I’m dying to feel those pretty lips around my cock.”
“You’re really good at sucking cock, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy. I’m…M’close.”
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Why don’t you tell Stevie how bad you want his cum.”
You mewl as Eddie moves at a faster pace with the sound of your slick echoing around the room. 
“Please, Mr. Harrington, Sir. I-I-I want your cum so much. I want to feel you—ahhhh—feel your cock in my mouth till you spill down my throat.”
“Jesus Christ.”, he grunted and you both watched as his release hit his thigh. 
“You did so good, sweetheart. Cum for Daddy now, baby.”, Eddie praised as your back pushed against his chest and you panted as you came. “That’s my girl. Good girl. Ride it out on my fingers till you come back to me. That’s it.”
“Fucking hell. That was amazing, honey.” Steve watch with fascination as you turned your body and wrapped an arm around Eddie’s chest as you curled into his warm chest. “Everything ok?”
“She’s fine. It’s something baby girl does when she cums hard like that. She’ll squeeze me like a fucking Teddy bear and fall asleep. Sometimes it’s for a few minutes or a few hours. At first I thought it was the headspace but I don’t know. Either way I love it.”
“Yeah, man. If she had a good time and is open to it I have that party coming up in a month. You two can fly down and we can hang out. Of course, nothing has to happen. I can always just show you guys around and get to know her more.”
“I’ll let you know when she wakes up and we talk about it.”
“No problem. No problem. Hey, maybe at most, you and I can fuck around.”, Steve replies as he coyly raises his eyebrows making his friend laugh.
“Ok, calm down over there.”
“Oh, come on. Not like it would be the first time—”
“Good night, asshole.”, Eddie teases as he cuts him off and closes the laptop.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”, Eddie asks as he watches you fidget with your hands as you stare at your reflection in the metal of the elevator. 
“Yeah. I’m just a little nervous. This is your best friend and I know how much he means to you. I don’t want to…I don’t know…fuck anything up.”
“Fuck, I still think it’s hot when you get all jittery like this.”, he chuckles as he takes your palm in his. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I love you so I know for a fact he will. Just keep being your unique self, baby, and no matter what I’ll be here if you need anything.”
When he flashes you that big toothy grin, you can’t help but smile back as you lean up on your toes to kiss his lips. The doors abruptly swing open and your boyfriend’s demeanor instantly hardens at the sound of loud party guests in the room you both step into. 
Your eyes swing around the area with no sign of the host himself. 
Tugging on Eddie’s bicep, you lead him to the drink station where you desperately chug down some liquid courage as you pray that tonight goes as smoothly as possible.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 3 months
Weekly Recap | March 18th-24th 2024
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It's a long one today folks! I hope you enjoy! :) If you know anyone who's not tagged, don't hesitate to let me know!
idk 'bout you but I can't wait for the final part of the premiere on Thursday!!! 😃
anything that is beautiful, people want to break. by dylaesthetics (Post-Coma, Trans Buck | 3K | Teen): Buck has never meant to keep it a secret from the one-eighteen. Hell, he trusts them with much more gritty, uncomfortable stuff than that. It’s more like… It hasn’t come up. There’s been no reason for it to come up. But then he gets struck by lightning and the mix-up with his medical records happens. A nurse he hasn’t seen yet barges into Buck’s hospital room, with his entire family in it, blood and found alike, and stares at him for one dumbfounded moment before blurting out a name he hasn’t been addressed by in well over eight years. 
not flesh and blood but the heart by Jinko / @jinkohhh (Post-S6, Getting Together | 10K | Explicit): Five times people assumed Chris was Buck's son + one time Eddie confirmed it.
🔥 don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (S7 Spec, Bachelor Party, Pretend Relationship | 14K | Teen): or, chris wants dating advice and it turns out taking your best friend on a pretend date to practice being as romantic as possible is not a good idea in theory or in practice, considering the pesky being-in-unrequited-love of it all
A Little Bit of the Bubbly by Jinko/ @jinkohhh (Post-S6, PWP, Getting Together | 7K | Explicit): Since turning 30, Buck's relationship with champagne has changed. It also manages to change his relationship with Eddie.
washed away (but not) by Jinko / @jinkohhh (S7 Spec | 3K | Teen): “Well, this is awkward.” Every part of Buck wanted to tell Chim to go fuck himself, but he couldn’t, so he didn’t. Nothing made a situation more awkward than pointing out the awkwardness of it. “So which one of you two made the deathbed love confession?” Ravi laughed, and frankly, Ravi could go fuck himself, too. The both of them could go fuck themselves because both Chimney and Ravi were correct.
i like the way you scratch my itch by oklahoma/ @sunshinediaz (BTHB: Hives | 3K | Teen): Buck’s big blue eyes sparkle. “You’re so cute, did you know that?” he asks, leaning close enough Eddie can count the small red-brown-orange freckles all across his nose. “Even when you’re red from poison ivy.” Red. Red from the poison ivy. Yeah, yep, that’s exactly what he’s so red for. Absolutely.
meet you in the middle. by dylaesthetics (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): OR buck and eddie get their shit together during a regular friday movie night at the diaz house.
🔥 Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Hades/Persephone AU | 45K | Explicit): Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Mythological AU, BDSM | 80K | Explicit): When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies.
and check out the amazing podfic!! 🔥 My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [Podfic] by Rhea314 (Rhea)/ @rhea314
hold tight, you’re slowly coming back to life by bucksclipboard/ @excuseme-greentea (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Eddie runs into Natalia at the grocery store. He learns something about her and Buck’s breakup that gives him the final push to take care of his own complicated love life.
🔥 miracles under your sighs and moans by napricot (Sex Pollen, PWP | 21K | Explicit): When Eddie gets exposed to an experimental aphrodisiac on a call, he realizes there’s only one person he trusts to help him get through it: Buck.
Touch Me and I'll Scream by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Unhealthy Coping Mecanisms, Established Buddie | 5K | Mature): At his low, Buck uses rough sex as a way of self harm.
in another life by bellabrady (Coma AU | 2K | Not Rated): Or: Buck's in a coma and dreams of a life where Daniel never died and he never became a firefighter.
Locations by rogerzsteven/ @rogerzsteven (BTHB: Vomiting, Drowning | 4K | General): In which Buck drowns.
I was born to take care of you by Beulaugh/ @if-music-be-the-food-of-love (Getting Together | 3K | Mature): Buck has a revelation at work and then promptly falls on his face. Eddie Diaz's ass: 1, Evan Buckley: 0
hold the silence. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6 | 3K | Teen): OR while looking for clothes to donate, Buck stumbles upon the shirt he was wearing when Eddie got shot.
Tomorrow we can drive around this town by lamardeuse/ @lamardeuse (S7 Spec, Drunk Eddie | 4K | Mature): If Eddie had been sober, he would have realized it wasn't something to be happy about. But drunk as he was, it had the blood singing in his veins, because Buck was going home with him, not Tommy. Tommy could go fuck himself – or you know, anyone else who was willing, but not Evan Buckley. Because Eddie was a pathetic, sloppy drunk and his best friend had a responsibility to make sure he didn't choke on his own vomit or drown himself in the bathroom sink.
sang to the sea for feelings deep blue by Tizniz/ @tizniz (S7 Spec, Cruise Ship Emergency | 14K | General): God, he hopes Buck got out. That he isn’t trying to get to Eddie. That he gets to go home. And not just because Christopher needs him, although he does since Eddie is fairly certain he’s not making it home this time. He doesn’t let himself dwell too long on that thought. No, Eddie wants Buck to go home because he deserves it. Because Buck deserves to live. Because Eddie needs him to live.
you've got game by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (S7E01 Coda, Established Buddie | 1K | General): a silly little late night conversation about chris being a 'ladies man'
take this life and make it yours (take this heart and let it love again) by Maira/ @carrierofthepaperclips (Canon Divergent, Post-Coma | 31K | Mature): Before he could second guess it, he’d dialled Eddie’s number and listened to it ring in his ear. As soon as he heard the click of the connection, he said, “Eddie, what the hell, man?” “I meant what I said. I don’t know who you think you are, but call this number again and I will contact the police.” . . . or, the one where Buck finally figures out he's in love with Eddie, only for things to not go as planned. At first.
if i bleed, you'll be the last to know by heartbeatdiaz/ @loserdiaz (S7, Hurt Buck | 6K | Teen): buck gets stabbed while out on a run and then... doesn't tell anyone about it. eddie loses his shit when he finds out, they have a moment in the kitchen and they kiss.... not necessarily in that order.
Baby, take me by 42hrb / @exhuastedpigeon (S7E01 Coda, Getting Together | 4K | Explicit): “Same thing,” Eddie nuzzled him, stubble scratching even more as he moved his face. When he stopped nuzzling, he pulled back far enough that he could see Buck’s face. “I said stop thinking.” “Kinda hard to turn my brain off.” “Pretty sure I turned it off just fine last night,” Eddie said with a smirk that went straight to Buck’s cock, already half hard just from the way Eddie’s stubble is dragging across his skin. “Is that how I get you to stop thinking?”
when you call me yours by browney3dgirl6/ @hoodie-buck (Established Buddie, Proposal | 5K | General): Buck starts calling Eddie his husband. Only problem...they're not engaged. aka the 5 times Buck refers to Eddie as his husband and the 1 time Eddie makes it true.
just lay back in my arms for one more night by diazbegins/ @evanbegins (Established Buddie, Fluff | 2K | Teen): Buck loves Eddie as he naps.
Brat Burrito by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Established Buddie | 1K | General): Just a cute Buddie moment about breakfast burritos.
it's a sliding into home kind of day by devirnis/ @devirnis (PWP | 3K | Explicit): Eddie’s eyes still don’t leave the television. Frowning to himself, Buck cranes his neck to get a look at what could possibly be more important than him coming home after covering a tragically Eddie-less shift. A baseball game evidently is the answer.
your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep by BekkaChaos/ @bekkachaos (New Years Eve, Getting Together | 8K | Teen): aka, Eddie's in love with Buck and he doesn't know how to tell him, until there's a miscommunication and fate (well, Hen) intervenes.
Loose Threads by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Secret Relationship | 3K | Explicit): New to dating and keeping it quiet, Buck and Eddie get a little carried away on a slower shift at the firehouse. But when the alarm eventually sounds, a spur of the moment mistake leaves them a little mixed up.
Married Life by buddiefication (pumpkincreamcoldbrew)/ @911onabc (S5, Getting Together | 2K | General): Taylor films Buck for a TikTok challenge, and Buck finds out he would much rather be his best friend’s husband than his girlfriend’s.
A Seal By Any Other Name (Would Still Be My Best Friend) by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Post-Tsunami | 5K | General): Evan "Buck" Buckley is a collection of oddities. But they're just what makes Buck Buck and Eddie loves him for them. Eddie had thought that after their years of friendship (and maybe something more) that nothing Buck could do would surprise him anymore. But there is one oddity that Eddie never saw coming. “How about you start with why there was a seal in my bathtub and now there’s just you in my bathtub.” (Part 1 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
Just Add Water by bigfootsmom (Seal!Buck, Tsunami | 3K | General): There may be more to Buck than meets the eye. But he's still only human(ish) and getting stuck in a natural disaster with his best friend's son is still all sorts of terrifying. A small hysterical part of his brain thinks about how ironic it would be if this was how he died. Him, a mythical aquatic creature, drowning. The universe would surely laugh and the long line of Buckley ancestors would turn in their graves. (Part 2 of Seal!Buck as in the aquatic mammal)
you can be my daddy (come on, you know you like) by bigfootsmom (Getting Together, Daddy Kink | 4K | Mature): Buck has a teeny tiny problem. One, he's in love with his best friend. Two, he wants to call said best friend Daddy.
It's the softness that breaks you by bigfootsmom (BDSM, Hurt/Comfort | 6K | Explicit): Or the one where Buck has more issues with intimacy than he had originally thought.
lay your love on me by bigfootsmom (PWP, Getting Together | 3K Explicit): Buck never thought the words he said to Eddie in the kitchen would ever come back to haunt him like this. Honestly, he’s not complaining.
you made me feel (i've got nothing to hide) by bigfootsmom (Virgin!Buck, Established Buddie, PWP | 8K | Explicit): Buck has a secret: Contrary to popular belief, Evan "Buck" Buckley is actually a virgin.
🔥 Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 22/? | 162K | Explicit | ❗️Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
🔥 Any Other Way by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon Divergent, S2 | 6/18 | 37K | Mature): In a switcheroo alternate universe, Buck spends young adulthood in the military, while Eddie, who has no idea Christopher exists, spends his twenties messing around, finally enjoying freedom away from his family’s expectations. When they both end up in Los Angeles, at the 118, some things are different, and others will be the same in any universe.
🔥 Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars (Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 122/? | 374K | Mature): This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
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celiastjamesoscar · 10 months
Say Yes to Heaven
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Pairings: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: It was never Sam’s intention to fall in love with you, but after countless nights tangled up in sheets together, she fell for you. But her love came with consequences, and she knew she could never provide you with the life you needed. So she broke up her arrangement with you, breaking your heart in the process as well.
Trope: friends with benefits
Warnings: mentions of smut at the beginning, angst, insecure and extremely soft Sam, cussing, Sam protecting reader from herself (Sam), self-destructive Sam, Billy slanders Sam
My Masterlist
AN: ‘Say Yes to Heaven’ heavily inspired this. In Lana we trust!
Word Count: 11.8K
With a heavy sigh and a small prayer, Sam clocked out of the cafe. It was nearing 11:30 at night, and she wanted to sleep and maybe do a few fun activities with you before that.
When Sam moved to New York, she was ready to put her past behind her and steer clear of relationships for a while, at least until she met you.
You were working on a project with Tara when Sam first met you, and she was immediately enthralled with you. Where Sam never smiled, you always wore a smile on your lips, and where Sam had dark, haunting eyes, yours lit up every room you walked in.
You and Sam were complete opposites, but you fit together like puzzle pieces. So, when Tara had invited you over for a late-night hangout with the group and got a few beers in the mix, you walked past the bathroom and heard Sam talking to herself.
“You okay?” You worriedly asked as you gently knocked on the half-opened door. Sam turned her head and gave you a weak smile, “Yeah, I’m okay.” But how her eyes refused to meet your own and her eyes seemed darker told you a different story.
So, you approached the woman and placed your hand on her tricep and gently rubbed up and down, trying your best to comfort the girl. “Just so you know, I’m here for you, Sam. I always will be,” you said with a smile.
She didn’t know why, but when Sam was with you, you always quieted her father’s voice, and when she pressed her lips against yours, his voice was completely gone.
The soft and eager kisses you shared in the bathroom were your first with her but certainly not your last. The gasps and muffled moans that escaped Sam’s lips were the closest you had ever been to magic, but you were quickly pulled back to reality when Sam pulled away and left you in the bathroom.
You continued the night as if nothing had happened between you and the older woman, but when you got up to go to the bathroom, Sam slipped a note in your hand as she returned to the living room from her bedroom. You nearly fainted when you read the beautiful penmanship that said, ‘My room at 2.’
When the time reached two, and thankfully, everyone else was asleep, you snuck off to Sam’s room and were instantly greeted by her soft lips assaulting your own. The soft moans you pulled from Sam sounded like angels singing, and when you tasted her, you knew you could never get enough. If God would allow it, you would live and die between Samantha Carpenter’s thighs, and it would be the best life you could possibly live.
And that’s how your arrangement came to be with the woman; two or three times a week, you would meet up and have sex but act like friends in public. You weren’t going to lie; it hurt you, but you wouldn’t complain as long as you had her.
Recalling your first time together, Sam smiled as she drove to her apartment and eagerly sent you a text asking you to come over once she got home. By the time she arrived at her place, she only had enough time to take a quick shower before you were eagerly knocking at her door.
The smile on your face was almost comical when Sam opened the door and quickly pulled you into a kiss. Your lips danced with hers as you stumbled into her room and locked the door. You gently pushed Sam down on the bed and peppered kisses along her jawline and neck. “Is Tara home?” You muttered between kisses on her neck. “No. Mindy’s,” Sam said heavily as her fingers started to scratch down your back.
“Good,” you replied before kissing Sam’s lips and removing her shirt.
You kissed down her chest and removed her bra before worshiping her breasts. Your lips left a trail of soft kisses and rough hickeys as they traveled from her neck to her sternum and down to her hips. Even though Sam was tough on the outside and pretended like she didn’t need to be taken care of, she was the softest with you.
The sex you had with Sam was the softest and most genuine you had ever had before, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything. The way Sam would intertwine your hands when you were buried between her thighs, eating her out like she was your last meal on earth was something that had your heart do flips, and when she pulled you up to her lips and gently cupped your cheeks before kissing you; you knew she liked it soft more than anything else.
You loved the beautiful pleas and moans that left Sam’s lips as you gently kissed and nipped at her thighs before focusing on where she needed you the most. And you groaned when you felt Sam’s hand fly into your hair and tug, roughly encouraging you to keep it up.
The aftercare was probably what you enjoyed the most; the way Sam wanted to be cuddled after her orgasm to remind herself that you wouldn’t leave her made you fall in love with her. You would provide her with water and maybe even some snacks while you prepared a bubble bath for you two to share, and Sam melted into your hold as she relaxed her back against your front, enjoying the hot water with you. When you would wash her hair and run your fingers through it, a few involuntary moans would escape Sam’s lips, and you would chuckle before placing a few chaste kisses on the hickeys that littered her neck.
“I love it when you do that,” you would mumble against her neck and Sam would slightly turn her head and press her lips to yours, silently telling you to keep it up.
There were rare moments throughout your life where you were sure about something, but you were confident that your purpose on this earth was to please and cater to Sam; you would live and die a happy life if that were all you did.
The soft sound of labored breathing could be heard within Sam’s room. After countless hours of enjoying each other’s bodies, Sam lay naked on your bare chest. You traced gentle patterns on Sam’s back with your left hand while you held Sam’s hand with your other, and she kissed your collarbone before leaning up to look at you. “Can I tell you something?” She asked with honest eyes even though her tone seemed scared.
You didn’t know about Sam’s past, and she was grateful for that, even though she was positive you knew about the rumors circulating on the internet about her. But you never asked, and she felt that she owed you for that. Sam was comfortable with you, which terrified her; when she was comfortable, she was vulnerable, and Sam didn’t know if she could trust you. But when she looked into your eyes and saw nothing but love and understanding, she knew she could trust you with everything; her body, her heart, her soul, her past.
You placed a quick kiss on her lips before speaking in a quiet tone, “Of course, Sam; what is it?” With a sigh, Sam leaned her head on your chest and told you everything: how her actual father was Billy Loomis, how her adoptive father left, the Ghostface attacks, her drug addiction, her schizophrenia, and how she saw her dead father, everything.
Sam expected you to get up and leave or tell her that you wanted to break things off. Hell, she even expected you to scream at her and leave her too, but when she felt you place the softest kiss on her head and whisper, “You’re still my Sammy,” all her worries disappeared. She knew it wasn’t a part of your deal, but she slowly felt herself falling for you, and you also fell for her.
Sam leaned up from your chest and stared into your love-struck ones. “I don’t deserve you,” she choked out with a laugh as tears welled in her eyes. You shook your head and cupped Sam’s cheeks with your hands. “Don’t you ever say that, Sam. You deserve to be loved; you deserve to have someone in your life who cares for you and will do anything for you. You deserve to know what peace feels like,” you stated as you kissed her Cupid’s bow, “Samantha Carpenter, you deserve all of the love in the world.”
And when you spoke, Sam knew she was doomed to fall in love with you, but she also knew she was unloveable.
So, she did what she thought was best for you: she broke it off.
“I think we should stop this,” Sam admitted one night while you were at her place. You two had the entire apartment to yourselves, and you had been tasting each other for hours. Sam lay on your chest when she spoke but leaned up and moved to hang her legs over the side of the bed as if she was getting ready to stand up. The statement caught you off guard, and you thought it was a joke.
“What? Why?” You asked with a dry laugh as you moved to your left side and gently reached out and rubbed Sam's naked back, but the girl flinched at your delicate touch. “Sam, what’s wrong?” Your heart dropped into your stomach when your lover flinched at your touch, something she had never done before.
“I just think we should stop this,” Sam replied while standing up and walking to her closet. She couldn’t face you while she did this; if it made her coward, so be it. If she saw the heartbreak on your face, she would never forgive herself.
You huffed before leaning up in bed and holding the blankets over your chest.
You admired Sam’s naked body as she picked through her clothes and threw on a loose t-shirt and some sweatpants. “Give me a reason,” you stated, clearly leaving no room for negotiation. “I don’t want to do this anymore,” Sam replied as she gathered your clothes and handed them to you.
With a scoff, you snatched your clothes from Sam and quickly threw them on. “I know you said that, but why? Why would you tell me that after I just fucked you?” You exclaimed with bewilderment in your voice. This wasn’t the Sam you knew, and you knew that something was bothering her.
Sam refused to meet your gaze and crossed her arms, something she only did when trying to isolate herself, “I just think it’s time we moved to different things.” A dry laugh left your lips as you sat down on the end of Sam’s bed. “Different things?’ Sam, you don’t spend six fucking months sleeping with someone and then just decide out of nowhere you don’t want to anymore!” You exclaimed.
“Yes, I can. It’s called having a change of heart. And besides, we both agreed to no strings attached,” Sam defended. You saw the tears in her eyes and how her voice broke when she spoke, but it didn’t make you feel any better.
“Yes, but that was before…” You trailed off with a sigh, “That was before I fell in love with you. I love you, Sam.”
A single tear ran down Sam’s cheek as you spoke; she felt her heart rip into tiny pieces as she took in your confession. She wanted nothing more than to tell you that she loved you, yearned for your soft kisses and sweet words and that her life would mean nothing if she didn’t have you. But Sam knew that she could not provide you with a good life; her schizophrenia would drive you away, along with her haunting past of drug addiction and the Ghostface accusations. She believed she was helping you in the end, even though you couldn’t see it.
“Please, do not say that,” Sam quietly admitted as her lip quivered and another tear fell down her cheek, “Not now, Y/N. Please.”
You moved from the bed and gently gripped Sam’s wrists, and she finally made eye contact with your sullen eyes. “I know you feel it too, Sam. Please, I’m begging you, Give peace a chance, and let the fear you have fall away,” you pleaded with a weak voice as your vision blurred with tears, “Say yes to me.”
Sam knew that if she said yes to you, she’d be saying yes to heaven and all the wonders that included letting herself love you, but it would ruin your life.
With a shake of her head, Sam pulled back from you, “You don’t want me, Y/N. I’m too fucked up to give you the life you deserve, and I’m trying to protect you from that.”
“Fuck that! I want you, Sam. I need you,” you exclaimed as you felt your heart break even more and tears streamed down your face, “Tell me you want me too. I know you do. We do everything couples do, Sam. We go to dinner together, we share a bed, we kiss and have sex. Fuck, we even go on dates together, and I even bring you flowers!”
Sam wrapped her arms around you and gently kissed your forehead as you cried into her chest and gripped her back. “One day, I’ll find someone who isn’t the schizophrenic daughter of a famous serial killer, and they will give you the best fucking life you could possibly have, Y/N. Which is something I can’t give you,” Sam choked out as her tears started to freefall.
You pulled away from Sam’s chest, and your chest tightened when you saw how difficult this was for her. You knew she was only doing this to protect you, but you didn’t want her protection; you wanted her. You both wanted each other, but perhaps this was the best course of action.
With a small sniffle, you left Sam’s room and went to the front door to leave, but you sent Sam one last glance. Sam approached you and handed you your keys and phone. “You might need these,” Sam joked, but it wasn’t funny at all.
You swallowed any pride you had left and kissed her hard for a final time, and you nearly cried when she kissed you back and gripped the back of your neck, pulling you into her and feeling your soft skin against her own for the last time. “You don’t have to do this,” you muttered against her lips, but she pulled back from you and opened the door. “I know, but it’s for your own good,” Sam replied as you stepped out into the hallway.
That was the problem with Sam; she always did things to protect others from herself. She never allowed herself to enjoy things in life, and that even meant you. Sam’s own mother had told her that she was unloveable and she shouldn’t waste her time on relationships because no one would ever want her, so she didn’t want you to waste your time with someone like her. She wanted to allow herself to love, cherish, and kiss you; she longed to tell you that she loved you, but her past traumas prevented her from telling you, so she loved you from a distance.
So when you walked down the hallway and Sam closed the door to her apartment, you felt your heart close for good with it.
The days after your split from Sam were blurs; you went to class, did your homework, and slept. You did this for weeks, and you never talked to anyone, too heartbroken to care. You missed your home; you missed your Sam. She was your world, your everything, and in the blink of an eye, you were stranded with nowhere to go.
You could go any you wanted, anywhere you wanted, just not home.
And that killed you. You had never felt heartbreak like this, and you were sure that you would never recover from it. Of course, you knew other people would come along, but no one would ever compare to Sam. You would do anything to have just one more night with her, but you knew it would never work as long as she refused to believe that she deserved happiness.
When you stumbled into your apartment around ten at night, you heard hushed voices in the living room, but you paid them no mind and went into your room.
You had kicked off our shoes when you heard a gentle knock at your door. “Go away,” you replied as you gathered clean clothes for a shower.
The door quickly flung open as Anika marched over to you and forcefully shoved you into your bed. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” She hissed as she stared you down, “You have been so goddamn moody this past month, and you don’t talk to anyone! What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, Anika,” you replied while standing up, but Anika refused to let you get by. “Nope, I don’t believe you. Tell me,” the girl commanded, but you had no mind to tell her what was wrong.
“I’m fine, seriously. School is just getting to me; that’s all,” you said with a fake smile, and Anika did not buy it for one second. But she knew you would talk about it on your own time, so with a sigh, she went to your bedroom door but stopped and faced you, “Just…Come out and talk with the group; they miss you.”
You didn’t have any time to ask Anika who the group was before she left your room and shut your door.
With a sigh, you went into your bathroom, took an excessively long shower, and only got out when no hot water was left. You slowly got dressed and sat on your bed for five minutes, debating if you really wanted to go and socialize, but you sucked it up and left your room.
When Sam saw you enter the living room, her heart cried out for you. Your once bright eyes had dark bags under them, and your cheeks looked hollow, as if you weren’t eating enough. And that beautiful smile you once had was nowhere to be seen; a fake one lived in its place. She knew this was her fault; she was just trying to protect you from her, but seeing you like this destroyed her.
Sam wouldn’t lie; breaking things off with you was the hardest thing she had ever done, and missing you was far worse. She missed you like the stars missed the sun in the morning sky, and she only wanted to have you back, but it was for the best. Not only did she have a lot of baggage, but she was a full six years older than you, and by the time you were her age, you would have already started your life with someone who had their shit together, not a dead-end job and no college degree.
You gave the group a fake smile as you sat in a lonesome chair in the corner of the room. The group consisted of Mindy, Anika, Chad, Tara, and Sam. The woman you loved was sitting on the opposite side of the couch, and you tried your best to keep a great distance between you and her without raising eyebrows.
“Alright, I’m just going to cut to the chase: What the fuck, Y/N? You disappear out of thin air on me, and you don’t return any of my calls,” Tara stated as she looked at you. She didn’t know what had happened between you and her sister, but she had her suspicions once she saw Sam with a hickey on her neck after you came over.
“I’m sorry, Tara. I really am. I have just been swamped with homework, and I’ve been studying for the MCAT,” you stated as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, not expecting this integration from the more petite girl. It wasn’t a complete lie; the MCAT was murdering you, and you were solely running on coffee and Red Bull, but you weren’t in the mood to admit your love affair with Sam to your friends.
“Mhm,” Tara replied as she glared at you. She didn’t believe you at all and knew something else was bothering you, but she wasn’t going to question you about it in front of people, but she will do it when you two are alone. “So then, would you want to come to my place for a movie night this Sunday?”
You thought about the offer momentarily; you wanted to have a night with your friends, but you didn’t want to be around Sam. “Sure, what time?” You asked while sending a quick glance at Sam, and you noticed that her eyes hadn’t left you since you first walked into the room.
When your eyes locked, your hearts quickened and soon started to beat in sync, as if you two were soul-tied and the universe knew it. You saw how Sam’s dark eyes were darker than usual and how there were stress lines between her eyebrows, and you swore you could see the faintest of gray hair. A slight frown pulled at your lips when you finally realized how much Sam wanted you, but she told herself she couldn’t have you.
“Sometime around 7, if that’s alright with you,” Tara replied with a small smile, completely ignorant about your stare-down with her sister. “Sounds good. I shall be there,” you said.
A small groan left Mindy’s lips as she pushed herself off the couch, “Thank god you two got that sorted out; now it’s time to drink,” she stated as she walked into the kitchen area and pulled out two six-packs.
With a loud thump, Mindy sat them on the coffee table before you and the group, “Anyone thirsty?”
One drink turned into two, two turned into three, and then many more as the night continued. When the time rolled around to one in the morning, you were definitely drunk off your ass, but the alcohol helped numb the pain in your chest.
You were sitting on the couch next to Tara as you watched a comedy movie with the group due to Chad’s selection. “This is such a shitty movie,” Mindy whined while throwing her back to add more effect. A scoff came from Chad as he faced his sister, “‘Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan’ is an awesome movie, actually. You just don’t have taste.”
“That title is the reason this movie sucks,” Mindy replied but shut up once Anika laid her head in the twin’s lap.
You conversed with Tara while Chad watched the movie, and Mindy and Anika fell asleep on the couch together. Sam was sitting on a small chair next to you and Tara but made no effort to join your conversation.
“So, seriously, Y/N. How come you ghosted me?” Tara asked with a slight frown. She missed having you over every weekend even though you only stayed to be knuckles deep in her sister at some point throughout the night.
You fidgeted with your fingers while looking down at the floor, “I’ve just been…” you didn’t know the correct way to word this without throwing Sam under the bus, “I’ve been going through some stuff, and it sucks.”
The younger girl moved closer to you and gently took your hands into her own, “You’re my best friend, Y/N. You can tell me about anything that’s bothering you.”
“I know; it’s just not something I want to talk about. I hope you can understand,” you replied with a weak smile. You felt Sam’s guilt-ridden gaze on yours, and you couldn’t bear to look at her. ‘I’ve got my eye on you,’ Sam thought to herself as her worry grew with every second that passed.
“I understand,” Tara said as she gave your hands a caring squeeze before pulling them back and leaning against the back of the couch, “You know, Sam has also been going through something as well.”
When the words left Tara’s mouth, you instantly perked up, and your eyes locked with Sam’s guilt-ridden ones. “Tara, that’s not for you to share,” Sam remarked through gritted teeth as she stared at her sister. “I know, but maybe that’s something you two could talk about,” Tara stated as she stood up from the couch and stuck an arm toward you and Sam.
You shared a quick glance with Sam and a silent conversation with her before you grudgingly took Tara’s hand and allowed the girl to pull you up from the couch. She did the same with Sam and led you two into your bedroom.
“Do not come back out until you two have talked about your problems,” Tara said with a knowing smile as she locked the door from the inside and left. “I can literally unlock the door,” you mumbled under your breath as you walked to the door and unlocked it.
You sighed as you turned around and faced Sam, and you almost frowned at how out of place she looked. The woman before you had been in your room countless times before, and she practically knew it like the back of her hand, but now, she was just as awkward as when you go over to someone’s house for the first time.
“You can make yourself at home, you know,” you said as you walked to your bed, took off your shoes, and sat down. You rested your back against the headboard and brought your feet onto the bed as Sam approached your bed. “Is it alright if I sit with you?” She quietly asked, and your heart cracked at how weak it was. The voice used to be full of love and certainty, but now it was only a ghost of itself.
“Sam, you’ve been naked in this bed before. Of course, you can join me,” you said with a small laugh before Sam copied your actions from before. When she got comfortable on your bed, you two sat in awkward silence as you stared forward, neither knowing what to say but wanting to say everything.
You looked over at Sam’s, and you noticed the frown on her lips as she battled with her thoughts. “I miss you,” Sam breathlessly admitted, “I know it’s fucked up and wrong of me to say this, but I really do miss you.”
“I miss you too, Sam,” you replied. A wry laughter Sam’s lips, and she choked out, “Some nights, I’ll wake up in an empty bed and think that you’re either in the bathroom or up talking to Tara, so I wait for you to get back. Only, you never show up.”
A small tear ran down your cheek, and your lip quivered as you tried to keep your composure. “I got so used to sleeping in your arms that most nights I cuddle with Squid to go to sleep,” you joked through a broken voice, and Sam couldn’t help but laugh as well.
Squid was your cat sent straight from Hell who hated any affection but somehow loved Tara and only her. Probably because they were both small and evil, but you shrugged it off as both of them being like-minded. You looked at Sam and noticed her hiding her hands in her bomber jacket pockets, something she only did when she saw her father.
“You saw him again. Didn’t you?” You worriedly asked. You knew how Sam got when she saw Billy, and the only way to get her back to her normal self was to comfort her, but she wouldn’t let you do that after she destroyed your heart.
Sam didn’t respond to you, debating on whether she should tell you that CVS ran out of her antipsychotics a few days ago, and Billy was starting to get more persistent. “I’m fine; nothing new,” Sam replied while refusing to meet your piercing gaze.
Of course, you knew she was lying, but you would never pressure her into talking, and it was one of the many things she loved about you.
“Well, if you ever want to talk about it,” you said as you reached over to Sam and gently placed your hand on her thigh, “I’m always here for you.”
Sam’s eyes shot to your hand, and heat instantly crept up her neck at the contact. “Thank you, Y/N, but I’m fine,” Sam mumbled.
“Okay, but if you need anything, you can always call me Sam. No matter what it is, I’ll drop everything and come to you,” you said as you gently squeezed Sam’s thigh before removing your hand and placing it in your lap.
A few awkward beats of silence passed before you quietly asked, “So, how have you been?” Sam chuckled at your question. “You seriously did not ask me that,” Sam joked.
“I don’t know what else to say,” you replied with a small laugh, “But seriously, Sam. How have you been?”
Sam looked at you, and she saw the genuine concern in your eyes. “I feel like I should be asking you that question,” Sam weakly replied. You shrugged your shoulders and smiled at Sam, and the older woman felt all the love she felt for you come flooding back, and all she wanted to do was kiss you.
Instead of giving in to her urges and desires, Sam, once again, decided what was best for you. She got off your bed, and your eyes followed as she opened your door. “This is goodbye, isn’t it?” You asked when she was halfway out the door.
Sam turned to face you, and you saw the tears in her eyes, showing a rare emotion. “I believe so,” Sam replied with a weak smile, “Goodnight, Y/N.” And with that, Sam left your room and shut your door.
Once again leaving you. And for the first time, you let her go without a fight; you simply couldn’t take it anymore.
“I’ve been seeing someone,” Sam blankly admitted one night with Tara. The two sisters were in Sam’s room, and Tara was cuddled up next to her sister as she dozed in and out of consciousness, but she eagerly shot up at Sam’s statement.
“As In hallucinations or dating?” Tara asked with a raised eyebrow. Knowing Sam, it could be both; she hoped it was the latter.
“Yes, as in dating, you fucking asshole,” Sam huffed under breath as she sat up in bed. Tara moved off of Sam completely and sat crisscrossed on the bed. “Who is it?” Tara asked with an idea of who it was.
She wasn’t stupid; she noticed how you suddenly stopped coming over the mood shift Sam had gone through. And Tara also noticed how Sam’s eyes were always bloodshot, as if she had been crying.
“Promise me you won’t get mad?” Sam asked.
“I cannot promise you how future Tara will react to the news I am about to receive,” the younger sister replied with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
With a small sigh, Sam looked at her sister before confessing, “I had been sleeping with Y/N for six months.”
Nothing. That’s all Sam could hear: nothing. Not even the sound of her breathing or the AC running; it was silent. She was ready to leave when Tara exclaimed, “I fucking knew it!”
The younger sister wrapped her arms around Sam and gently shook the girl back and forth, “I fucking knew it!! I called it!”
“Called what?” Sam asked as she pushed out of Tara’s tight hold and looked at her sister’s eyes full of excitement. “I knew you and Y/N were together since I first saw a hickey on your neck after she ‘disappeared’ somewhere!” Tara replied while making air quotes.
“Whatever, just don’t get too excited about it. We aren’t together anymore,” Sam mumbled.
“Well, I figured as much. You have been extra grumpy lately, and Y/N has been more reserved.”
“I am not grumpy!” Sam defended.
“Yes, you are! You get grumpy when you go a period of time without sex. And it only started when you got with Y/N!” Tara remarked as if she had been studying Sam’s behavioral patterns for a while now. “So, why did you break it off with her?”
“Because she can do much better than me,” Sam admitted. Tara took a few minutes to think about her sister’s words before speaking, “And why is that?”
Sam scoffed, “What do you mean? She can do a lot better than me. I don’t have a college degree, I work two shitty jobs, and I’m six years older than her.”
“Sam, I love you, I really do. But do you think Y/N cares about an age gap? That woman would murder someone just to go on a date with Jennifer Aniston; I think you’re fine. And Y/N wants you for who you are, Sam. Not something you are trying to force yourself to be,” Tara replied, and Sam had to admit, she had a point. “I know, it’s just different,” Sam weakly retorted as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
“So what happened then? You freak out and push her away?” Tara blatantly asked. She knew how her sister pushed people away when things got rough for her, and to be frank, it hurt her to see Sam push away the people she loved just to protect them from her.
Sam dropped her hand down to her lap and fidgeted with her fingers while she thought about how to word this. Yes, she did break things off with you and push you away, but it was also something more serious than that.
When it came time for Sam to get serious in a relationship, she always ran away from it. But this time, she was ready to get serious with you. She wanted to share a home with you somewhere; she wanted to wake up in bed with you every morning for the rest of her days, and if she was lucky enough, Sam wanted to marry you. And that terrified the shit out of her.
Being in a committed, long-term relationship horrified Sam; she was scared of being stuck with someone and unable to get out. But when she was with you, the only thing she could think about was how beautiful your name would sound if it ended with ‘Carpenter.’
“It’s complicated,” Sam finally said with a shrug of her shoulders, hoping Tara would let it slide.
“No, it’s not! You just have commitment issues,” Tara exclaimed with her hands.
“No, I don’t.”
“Oh really? Then how come you broke up with Y/N?”
“Because…” Sam finally realized that she did, in fact, have commitment issues, “because I am scared to get serious with someone,” she whispered, afraid that Tara would judge her.
Tara moved closer to her sister and gently took Sam’s hands. “Sam, I want you to listen to me, and you listen well. Y/n loves you. Okay? I know that scares the shit out of you, but she really does. She would do anything for you, even if that meant letting you break her heart. But please, do not let this once-in-a-lifetime relationship slip out of your fingers because you are scared to commit to it. Okay? If you really do want a relationship with her, then please tell her, and do not push her away, because a human can only take so much heartbreak before they are too broken to care about others. Please don’t do that to Y/N.”
Sam took Tara’s words as guilt and regret spread throughout her body. Of course, she loved you, but she was afraid that if she told you, you would run away in fear and never talk to her again. But now, as she listened to her sister’s words, she realized she might have already done that. Sam just hoped it wasn’t too late to make it up to you.
With a small sigh, Sam got up from her bed and excused herself to the bathroom. When she walked in and shut the door, she was greeted by her ever-loving father.
“It’s been a while, Sam,” Billy acknowledged while staring at Sam through the mirror. “Please, not tonight,” Sam quietly replied as she grabbed her toothbrush.
It had been a week since CVS ran out of her medication, and she started to see Billy everywhere: the reflections on the train windows, in the puddles of rain that scattered the cracked sidewalk, she even noticed in the corner of her room once, and that was the first. Sam had always seen him in reflections or mirrors, never by himself, and she knew it was only the beginning when she caught the faintest glimpse of him in her corner.
“You never want me to talk to you, Sam. It’s honestly quite insulting,” Billy retorted with a snort, clearly amused with himself. “Honestly, Sam. Why do you hate me?”
A loud scoff left Sam’s lips as she tried her best to keep him quiet, hoping that Tara wouldn’t have to see her talking to Billy. “Leave me alone,” Sam whispered as she wet her toothbrush, put some paste on it, and brushed her teeth.
“Leave you alone? Are you insane? What would you do without me?” Billy exclaimed. Sam didn’t respond to her father as she continued brushing her teeth and ignored the lecture she was getting about following in his footsteps.
“Seriously, Sam. How could you fumble Y/N?” Billy joked as Sam spit out the toothpaste and rinsed out her mouth. She could excuse her father talking to her about murdering people, but she drew the line at slandering you. “That’s enough,” Sam dryly replied as she began flossing her teeth.
“No, it’s not. I might be a figment of your imagination, but I will be damned if I let you pass up on Y/N! That’s just bad parenting,” Billy defended as he crossed his arms. “What are you going to do to get her back?”
“Nothing,” Sam commented as she threw away the string and turned to leave. “Sam, please. Don’t let this pass you up. You will regret letting Y/N go for the rest of your life if you don’t go after her,” Billy reasoned but stopped talking when Sam turned off the light and left the room.
She didn’t need to get lectured by her serial killer father right after her sister finished preaching to her, but maybe he gave out some good advice occasionally.
The week following your conversation with Sam was typical, even though you occasionally cried yourself to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night looking for Sam. And you had miraculously found yourself another suitor.
Of course, you looked at other women following your split from Sam, and you put them into two categories: Sam and not Sam. And no one else seemed to fill the void that Sam left, even though one girl came close.
She was your age and was attending your university when you ran into her at a party, and you two hit it off. You both shared a love for books and nature, but when you were with her, you felt nothing, only longing for your beautiful Latina.
“Are you even paying attention?” Ashley asked as she snapped her fingers before your face, pulling you away from your thoughts.
“Mhm? Oh, yeah. Sorry about that,” you mumbled as you looked around the library. It was later in the evening, and you and Ashley were studying for your MCAT together, but all you could think about was Sam.
“Well, then,” Ashley said with a playful smirk on her lips, “Would you like to go on a date with me sometime?”
The question had caught you off guard, and you certainly weren’t expecting her to be so forward about it. “Um, yeah. Just let me know when,” you replied with a fake smile that Ashley didn’t pick up on. “Sweet! I’ll text you the deets! See ya!” Ashley said as she stood up from the table and kissed your cheek before waltzing away.
The kiss surprised you, and when you felt her lips on your skin, you didn’t feel anything. Not a single spark, and it didn’t make your stomach get tingly like it did with Sam. So, in your eyes, she was just another Not-Sam. But when she texted you late one Thursday, asking you out to dinner on Saturday, you couldn’t find yourself to say no.
Even though she never compared to your Sammy, you were willing to settle for a nice enough girl who had the same career path as you. And hopefully, you could find it in yourself to love her one day.
Saturday night had arrived, and for the first time in two months, you got dressed up for a date. You and Sam had made a habit of going on dinner dates at least once a month, as you both hated the idea of classic dates. Your normal dates would consist of small hikes, going to the movies, sometimes watching a local play, shopping at the local bookstores, picking out flowers for each other, and the occasional date where she would pick out a tattoo for you to get.
The thought of getting matching tattoos disgusted you, but you had no problem with letting Sam pick out a tattoo for you, as long as you agreed with it, of course.
You wore a simple black suit with a sheer shirt, classy but still showing a bit of skin. Naturally, you had no intention of trying to impress Ashley, but you wanted to dress up, and it felt good to get fancy occasionally.
Your phone dinged with a text from Ashley, telling you that she was heading to the restaurant now, so you grabbed your keys and jacket and left your room to tell Anika that you were leaving.
When Sam saw you enter the living room dressed in a nice black suit with the jacket in your hand, she felt her heart rip and almost lost her breath. She had killed you, but it killed her just the same. Seeing you dress up for someone who was clearly not her hurt in more ways than a bullet to the brain ever would.
“Alright, Anika, I’m leaving,” you said as you approached the couch and gave Anika a fist bump. You tried your best to ignore the tension in the room as Sam stared at you.
“Let me know if you’re bringing her back here or going over to her place,” Anika said with a smile. She was glad to see you finally leave your room and go out with someone, even if she hated the woman you were going with.
“Sounds good,” you replied with a weak smile that faltered when your eyes landed on Sam. The Latina had a blank expression, but her eyes told a thousand stories. You could see the heartbreak in them, along with the love and yearning she felt toward you. You wanted to say ‘fuck it’ and finally get rid of all this angst between you two; she was your lifeline, and you needed her like the ocean needs the moon, but you knew breaking things off was for the better.
So, when you cleared your throat and said goodbye to the group, you let a lone tear fall down your cheek at the thought of losing your Sam.
When you left the room, the group of friends let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. “Sam,” Tara whispered as she reached for her sister’s hand, but Sam pulled away. They all knew of the situation between you and Sam, and all four of them hated saying you two this way.
“I need a moment to myself,” Sam said as she pushed herself off the couch. “Are you sure that’s a good idea right now?” Tara asked with worry laced in her voice.
“I’ll be fine; I just need to be by myself for a while,” Sam replied as she left the room, went outside to the backyard, and sat at a table. She allowed herself to think about all the times she had with you, and she slowly felt you slipping through her fingers. You were once her home to come back to on a hard day at work, but now, she had nowhere to go.
No one understood her the way you did, and she desperately needed you back, but she would not ruin your date. Sam had been the one to break things off with you, and she needed to pay the consequences. When she heard your car pull out of the driveway and drive down the road, she finally broke down crying, and you weren’t there to catch her.
She didn’t know how long she was crying until she heard the back door creak open, and Tara walked out of the house and approached her. “Sam,” Tara breathed out as she walked to her sister and wrapped her right arm around her, pulling her sister into her chest. “It’s okay, Sam. I’m here for you.”
Tara gently rubbed Sam’s back as she comforted her sister, not knowing what to say to improve it.
After a few minutes, Sam’s cries turned into soft sniffles as she pulled away from her sister. “I take it you didn’t talk to her?” Tara weakly asked. “Nope,” Sam replied with a small laugh, “I guess I deserve this, don’t I?”
“No, you don’t. Well, I mean kind of. You did break it off with her, but still, you deserve love,” Tara commented as she tried her best to comfort Sam but still gave her the hard truth. Sam lightly laughed at Tara’s words while wiping away her tears.
“My entire life, I have been told that I’m destined to be alone, that no one will ever love. My own fucking mother told me that I was unlovable, and I believe her. So when I fell for Y/N, I broke her heart to try and save mine, but it killed me. The only thing I want to do is run to her and tell her that I love her, but I can’t do that because she found someone else, someone who will treat her better than I ever have, and she will give her a better life than I ever will. I pushed away the only person who has ever loved me because I was too much of a coward to say, ‘I love you,’” Sam admitted in a broken voice, and Tara felt her heart break for her sister.
A few beats of silence passed before Sam spoke, “Do you know who she’s going out with?” She knew she would only get hurt by asking, but she needed to know if you had found someone better than her, praying that you did just so she had the final confirmation that you didn’t need her, even though she needed you.
“Sam,” Tara quietly said, afraid to tell Sam the truth, but her sister's look told her that Sam needed to know or else she would not sleep. “The girl’s name is Ashley, and they met at college. They are both in pre-med together.”
The look on Sam’s face was comical; her expression was pure relief even though her eyes told the opposite story and were full of guilt, regret, and longing. “Good. Good,” Sam muttered with a voice full of confidence, “I’m happy for her.”
Tara nodded at her sister’s words, having no idea what to say to make the situation better for Sam. “I guess so. Are you ready to come inside?” Tara asked.
“No, not yet. I just want to be left alone,” Sam replied with a weak smile.
The younger sister nodded at Sam’s words and kissed Sam’s head as she stood up, “Okay, just please let me know if you need anything.”
“I will,” Sam said as she watched Tara walk away.
The sound of crickets chirping filled the backyard, and as soon as Tara walked inside, he walked out from the shadows.
Sam said nothing as Billy slowly approached her and sat beside her. “Well, looks like you’re on your own, kid. You always have been, though,” Billy remarked.
“What do you want?” Sam defeatedly asked as she looked up at her father. “I want you to suck it up and stop being a little bitch!” Billy exclaimed, clearly angry with his daughter for letting you go.
A small, dry chuckle left Sam’s lips as she exited the table. “Hey, where are you going?” Billy asked as he also got up and followed Sam to the door. “Inside,” Sam replied before she opened the door and closed it on him.
“You know you can’t outrun me, right?” Billy asked as he magically appeared in the living room, right next to Tara. Sam tried her best to hold her tongue as she watched Billy stare at her younger sister.
“Hey, I’m going to go home. Are you fine with staying here, or do you want to come with me?” Sam asked Tara as she ignored her father.
“I’m fine with staying here, but are you sure you want to be alone?” Tara asked, utterly oblivious to the fake man staring at her.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’ll text you when I get home, though, okay?” Sam said as she walked through Billy and gave Tara a quick hug. “Okay, just be safe,” Tara replied once she pulled away from Sam’s embrace.
Sam said her goodbyes to the rest of the group as she left the house and drove home, with Billy sitting in the passenger seat. He talked the entire way to her apartment, and when Sam turned up the radio to tune him out, he only spoke louder.
When Sam got home, she quickly got inside her apartment and locked the door before going to her room. She took a hot shower while listening to her father’s rant from outside the shower.
He was currently going on about God knows what, but it was driving Sam insane. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get him to stop talking.
Sam finished her shower and dressed as her father’s voice still filled her head, but she finally had enough when he said, “You know, you honestly suck at being a gay person.”
“Whatever,” Sam dryly replied as she left her bathroom and climbed onto her bed, with Billy in the corner of the room sitting in a chair. “I’m not saying that to be mean, but you honestly do. You should be fighting for your woman, not letting some bitch named Ashley fuck her instead.”
At the mention of you being intimate with someone else, Sam couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed her phone and got off her bed.
No drug could ever work as good as you did; she had tried them all, and nothing worked, nothing except you. She needed you more than anything right now, and she had pushed you away because she was scared to feel something that was real. So, she did the only thing she could think about: she called you.
She didn’t care if you screamed at her for breaking your heart; all she needed was your voice to help keep Billy away. She could handle you hating her because that meant you still thought of her. She could not take you being indifferent about her, not being on your mind at all, while you ran laps around her brain.
“I’m glad you agreed to go on this date with me,” Ashley informed as you walked into the restaurant together. She was wearing a tight green cocktail dress that showed a decent amount of her cleavage, and you respected her attempt to pull your eye.
“I’m thankful for the invite,” you replied with an honest smile as you held the door open for her. You were glad to be going to dinner with someone new, even if the restaurant was too fancy for your taste.
The restaurant was lined with fancy and expensive wines, and marble statues stood in the room's corners as you followed a waiter to your seat.
The table was already set up for two with a small candle in the middle, and you bit back a laugh at the shitty attempt to make this a romantic dinner.
You sat across from Ashley as she took her napkin and placed it on her lap, and you copied her actions.
“Hello, you two lovely ladies. My name is Cole, and I will be your waiter for the night,” a primarily built man stated as he approached your table, “What can I get you ladies to drink?”
“I’ll have water, please,” you quietly said, and Ashley repeated your words. When Cole walked off to grab your beverages, Ashley spoke with you.
Honestly, you felt terrible for not paying attention, but you seriously didn’t want to hear her talk about her rich daddy and the summer home she was staying at this weekend. You were halfway paying attention when you saw a woman in the corner of your eye.
You didn’t see her face; you only saw her jet-black hair and how she carried herself, screamed Sam.
“Sam?” You quietly muttered as your eyes followed the woman, praying she was here to save you. But when the woman turned around, she wasn’t your Sam.
“Sam? Who’s Sam?” Ashley asked as she studied your face. She picked up on how you wished this mysterious woman was here, and she hated the idea of another woman being on your mind.
You turned your attention back to your ‘date.’ “Oh, she’s no one, just someone I used to know,” you said with a fake smile.
Ashley just nodded her hair as she twirled her hair around her finger. “Okay, thank god. For a second, I thought you were talking about that Sam Loomis chick,” Ashley replied with a laugh.
“Carpenter,” you stated through a clenched jaw as your hand balled into a fist.
“What?” Ashley asked, pretending to play stupid. The smile on her face aggravated you for some unknown reason, and all you wanted to do was punch her for insulting your soulmate.
“Her name is Sam Carpenter, not Loomis,” you replied in the same stern voice.
“Well, whatever her name is, she’s that psycho bitch that killed a bunch of her friends and even her sister! Can you believe that?” Ashley asked with far too much excitement in her voice.
“No, I can’t. Because she didn’t do that, and her sister is still alive,” you replied with slight irritation. Your anger increased the longer you stayed with Ashley, and you desperately needed to get away from the girl.
Ashley scoffed at your words, “Oh, yeah? How do you know that then? Are you secretly in on the murders, too?”
“No, I just think it’s wrong to judge someone based on some bullshit rumors on Reddit.”
“You’re pathetic, you know that?” Ashley randomly stated as hate overtook her once peaceful eyes, “You’re so fucking pathetic that you can’t believe the facts and evidence that prove that Sam Carpenter is a murderer!”
A dry laugh left your lips as you shook your head back and forth. You had a mischievous smile as you clenched and unclenched your hands, trying your best to keep cool.
You were getting ready to defend Sam’s name when your phone went off, and your heart filled with joy as you read the name.
Never in a million years did you expect Sam to call you, but now, as her name flashed across your screen right before you were getting ready to go jail for assault and battery, you excused yourself as you walked out for the restaurant and answered your phone.
“Sam?” You whispered into the phone, praying you could finally return to your home. You listened to Sam’s shaky breathing on the other end, and you knew you needed to get to her as soon as possible. “Y/N,” Sam replied tremblingly, and you could sense her teary eyes, “I miss my home.”
Your lip quivered at Sam’s broken voice, and a tear fell down your cheek as you said weakly, “I’m leaving now.”
“Please hurry. I need you,” Sam whispered into the phone, trying her best to fight back her tears and Billy’s voice. He had gotten so loud that she couldn’t even hear herself think, and it was becoming too much.
“I will, my love,” you replied as you hung up the phone and returned to your table.
“I’m so sorry, but an emergency has come up, and I need to leave,” you quickly said as you frantically grabbed your keys and wallet. “Here’s a twenty to cover my food; I am sorry about this,” you said as you practically ran out of the restaurant and toward your car, giving Ashley zero time to take in the situation.
You unlocked your car, turned it on, and peeled off towards Sam’s house, and you couldn’t help but laugh when you heard the angelic voice of Lana Del Rey fill the car.
I got my mind on you
Say yes to heaven
Say yes to me
Say yes to heaven
Say yes to me
I’ve got my eye on you
I’ve got my eye on you
The ironic lyrics caused you to start laughing as you thought back to the beginning of your relationship with Sam.
Ever since you first met the woman, you had your mind on her all hours of the day, even before you got romantically involved with her. You felt like you would wait a lifetime for Sam to say yes to you, and it seemed your eye never left her.
When you parked your car outside Sam’s apartment, you ran as fast as you could up the stairs and knocked rapidly on the door. You didn’t even have time to catch your breath before Sam flung the door open and grabbed your neck, pulling your lips to hers. You kissed her back, and you finally felt yourself returning to your home, to your Sam.
And for the first time in weeks, Sam finally felt her father’s voice disappear as she returned home.
“You came,” Sam breathlessly mumbled against your lips. “You called,” you replied while pulling back to look at your woman. You noticed her bloodshot eyes and dried tear stains on her cheeks and felt your heartbreak. This wasn’t the cold-hearted Sam Carpenter the media portrayed; this was the real Sam Carpenter, scared to be vulnerable and loved but needed to be loved by you. This was the Sam who yearned for your heart with every fiber of her being and who would die for you. She was your soulmate, your home, and if you were lucky enough, maybe even your wife one day.
“What happened, Sam?” You quickly asked while rubbing Sam’s cheek with your thumb. The older woman shook her head as her lip quivered, and a tear fell. You wiped it away and placed a quick kiss where it had ended. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Sam admitted with an embarrassed tone, “I just need you here with me.”
“Okay. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere,” you replied lovingly, and Sam felt nothing but guilt for pushing you away.
Sam grabbed your hand and pulled you into her apartment, shut and locked the door before pulling you into her room. Sam shut the door as she looked through her closet and pulled out some of your clothes.
“I’ve been looking for this,” you quietly said as you reached into Sam’s closet and ran your fingers over your favorite hoodie. A slight frown pulled at Sam’s lips, “Oh. You can have that back,” she muttered as she handed you one of your shirts and a pair of shorts to change into.
“Sam, I don’t want it back. I want you to keep it; I was just stressing over where I put it last,” you replied with a smile as you studied Sam. You noticed how she had her hands hidden again, and the stress lines were more transparent; you knew Billy was bothering her again. You stripped in front of Sam, and for some unknown reason, she turned her head and gave you some privacy.
“What? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” you joked with a playful smile as you finished changing into comfier clothes, and Sam huffed at your words.
You gave Sam a quick kiss before you walked off into the kitchen with the woman right on your heels. You put some water in a kettle and set it on the stove to boil as you searched for some cocoa mix while Sam studied your actions.
Whenever she saw Billy, you would always make her some hot cocoa and turn on a movie you knew she loved, just to add some extra comfort. The feeling that Sam felt in her chest as she watched you grab the mix and make her a cup once the water was done boiling was something she couldn’t describe. She felt her chest flutter, and her heart beat increased when she saw that smile you reserved for only her.
“What?” You asked with that same smile, and Sam couldn’t keep it to herself anymore; she had to tell you, or it would continue to eat at her.
“I love you.”
You felt your heart explode at Sam’s confession, and you tried your best to keep your emotions in line as she continued talking.
“I love you so much, Y/N. I always have; I’ve just been too scared to admit it. I love you so much that the only way I thought I could love you was by pushing you away, but that destroyed both of us. Whenever I look at you, all I see is my future, and I want to have that with you: a future. But only if you want me, only if you accept me,” Sam admitted with tears in her eyes, hoping you understood what she meant by future: a wife.
Your bottom lip quivered as you approached Sam and gently cupped her cheeks before pulling her into the softest, most loving kiss you two had ever shared, and Sam knew you understood her double meaning.
“I want you to be my future,” you stated against Sam’s lips as your thumb traced her cheekbone before kissing her lips once before, “But finish up your cocoa.” Sam chuckled before kissing your lips to comfort her, before pulling away and picking up her mug.
You talked with Sam about how your lives had been since the split, and you found it ironic that both of your lives had turned downhill. You would occasionally throw tiny marshmallows at Sam and would scold you before putting some in her drink, but she cherished seeing the playful side of you.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” Sam randomly cut you off as you were talking about your schoolwork. You looked at the woman, whose eyes refused to meet yours as she stared at her mug.
You walked over to Sam and gently placed your left hand on her back, and she turned to face you. You cupped her cheek with your right hand and pulled her into a loving kiss, and she sighed against your lips before kissing you back.
“I would love to be your girlfriend,” you said once the kiss had ended, and you ignored the way Sam took in a deep breath as if she was surprised you said yes.
“Okay. Good,” Sam replied while pulling away for you, and her heart melted when she saw the giant smile on your lips before a puzzled look appeared on your face.
“What’s this?” You playfully asked as you reached up toward Sam’s face and quickly pulled out a hair.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Sam exclaimed while you held the hair close to her eyes and scoffed at you; it was a single grey hair.
“I call that one ‘Tara,’” Sam remarked as she took it out of your hand and threw it in the trash can, “I appreciate the hot cocoa, but can we please go to bed?”
“Of course,” you replied, smiling as you followed Sam into her room and shut the door. Sam threw back the covers on her bed and climbed in, opening her arms for you to join her.
With a giant smile, you got in bed next to Sam and cuddled up to her chest, and you both finally felt at home when Sam wrapped her arms around you and placed a loving kiss on your head. Telling you that she wasn’t going anywhere.
Tara let out a small groan as she twisted and turned in bed before fumbling for her phone and checking the time: 3:33 a.m. She groaned as she rose from the bed, and her tiny bare feet patted against the flooring as she walked into the kitchen. Tara grabbed a bottle of water before approaching Sam’s door, but she stopped her hand from knocking.
The girl heard muffled voices inside, and she heard Sam talking to someone, “You know you don’t have to leave, right?” The stranger sighed at Sam’s words as they approached the closed door, “I know, but I'm already in the dog house with Gale, and if I’m not back in her apartment in the morning, she’ll have my head.” Somehow, Tara recognized that voice, and she knew that she should know who it was, but she couldn’t put a name to the face.
When Tara heard a hand land on the door, she flew into the living room and hid beside the couch as the door opened.
Sam and the stranger walked to the door together, and a giant smile grew on Tara’s face when she saw that it was you. With a small sigh, Sam smiled at you, “Okay, just please text me back when you get home, okay?”
“I always do,” you joked with a giant grin as you leaned in and kissed Sam, and you felt your heart explode when she kissed you back. “I love you,” Sam admitted against your lips before you opened the door and turned to face her.
“I love you too, Sam. More than you will ever know,” you replied as you placed a final quick kiss on Sam’s lips before leaving.
Sam closed and locked the door and jumped when she saw Tara standing before her with a creepy grin and straight stance. “Jesus Christ, you’re creepy as fuck,” Sam stated as she walked to her room with Tara on her heels.
“What was that?” Tara asked while making a sour face when she walked into Sam’s room and breathed in the air that reeked of sex, “Air out your room, oh my god.”
The older sister scoffed at Tara’s words as she removed the sheets from her bed and threw them into a laundry basket. “I was hanging out with Y/N. Why?” Sam asked while putting on fresh sheets and properly making her bed. “‘Hanging out,’ my ass! You two were fucking!” Tara exclaimed.
“Yes, we were. And don’t act surprised; you were the one who told me to go after her,” Sam replied as she walked into her bathroom and brushed her teeth, getting ready for bed. It’s been almost a month since you officially started dating, and you both couldn’t be happier.
“I know that, but I thought you two would have a bit more decency than this,” Tara scuffed.
Sam spat out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth before returning to her bedroom. “Don’t judge me for what I do with my girlfriend, Tara,” Sam replied while getting into bed and plugging up her phone.
“How long have you two been dating?” Tara asked, almost hurt that Sam didn’t tell her. “It will be a month next Wednesday,” Sam replied while staring at her sister, “Do you need anything, or are you just here to make fun of me?”
“Well, I was here to ask if I could sleep in here with you tonight, but I’m going back to my room. Because it doesn’t smell like sex!” Tara exclaimed as she left Sam’s room and shut the door.
Sam chuckled at her sister’s reaction before she received a text message.
Y/N <3: Just got home, and I already miss you
Sammy 😼: You’ll see me in the morning time, Y/N. And I miss you too. Goodnight, my love.
Y/N <3: Goodnight, Sammy. I love you
Sammy 😼: I love you too.
Sam smiled as she texted you back and put her phone on her nightstand before lying down for the night. No words could describe her love for you, and she couldn’t wait to start her future with you.
You couldn’t help it when your heart grew ten times as you reread the text message. Sam loved you, and you loved her, and you went to bed with one thought on your mind: She finally said yes to heaven.
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inkskinned · 2 years
accidents happen. accidents particularly happen around children.
we make scissors designed for children because we know they can hurt themselves on it. we cut their food up smaller so they are less likely to choke. we "babyproof" our houses, make sure our medications are all closed and locked, close all the outlets.
we are told to just carry a gun.
at some point a kid is going to get hurt. everyone with or around kids knows this. often adults (who shouldn't work with kids) are a little-too-okay-with-this. they sneer that in their time, kids just got hurt. which is great for them, but i don't feel it's particularly necessary to willfully allow children to break bones just to "build character". the kids do just fine when i do my job right. i make sure, to the best of my ability, that they don't break the bone. it turns out you can still learn life lessons without trauma. yes, at some point they'll get hurt. that's the nature of it. but i like to try to keep it to a minimum of bloodshed.
about five years ago, in the middle of my summer training, the cop that came in to prepare us for mass shootings actually happened to be the same cop that used to be my DARE officer. what a small world! his hair had gone grey.
before working with children, i had no idea how many things a child can hurt themselves on. i had never thought about the possibility that a child could climb a bookshelf, only for that bookshelf to topple over. everything has to be screwed down. nothing can have particularly sharp corners - what if a child falls backwards onto it? - or be particularly breakable. no plastic bags or choking hazards. watch out for allergens, do your best to clean your super-gross classroom with all-natural (and expensive) fragrance-free products. there's a million other considerations, most of which are difficult on a public school budget. i hate the calculation - either the kids get a new playground 5 years from now OR they get new books now and just risk the tetanus.
the gun is not included in the paycheck.
we do our best, you know? but like, there's the rest of the actual job to do. we're neither trained, paid, or aided in our one-person quest to somehow get jason to stop giving himself splinters. and besides, we have the 98 other things to consider for our 30 other students. one of which is, you know, teaching them.
the children aren't prisoners. we need to walk this incredibly fine line of "chaotic exploration" and "reckless endangerment." to be frank - they're gonna do stupid shit and get hurt while they do the stupid shit. it's my job to at least try to predict the stupid shit, and minimize the risk. and before you judge the kids - i'm going to remind you that adults die every year from shaking vending machines. people just do stupid shit.
did you know that the leading cause of childhood deaths in america is to guns? we're the only country in the world with that statistic. it used to be motor vehicles, which is why there are so many laws about seatbelts, air bags, babyseats, and other protections against accidents. 1 in 5 childhood deaths will be a result of guns. of these deaths, 65% are the result of an intentional attack.
my brother often takes me to archery. i fucking suck at archery, because i have no aim, bad eyesight, and no grip strength. it's fun, though! as a teacher, archery at my school is super banned, because kids could get hurt. no throwing rocks or sticks. no impromptu self-made bows or arrows, oh my god, why do we keep having to have this conversation.
i remember this one conversation with a parent. he was chatting with me during pick-up and mentioned that kinder eggs being banned is so stupid, because, like, if a kid is gonna choke - they kind of "deserved it" for being so stupid. without thinking, my response was, "we don't typically practice darwinism at school, but you can encourage that at home if you wish!" which did result in me getting written up - for "talking back", i guess.
but his idea isn't unusual, is the thing. there's this sense that there's somehow almost an "expendable" child trauma rate. that it weeds out the weak or whatever, which is categorically cruel & dehumanizing. children should be able to mess up and have fun and - again - do stupid shit. they might get hurt, yes. but the job of the adult is to just go help the kid.
i had to quit teaching. i was really, really good at my job - 15 years of practice. but i would wake up at night, coating in sweat. trying to figure out how to bullet-proof my public school classroom with a public school budget.
bad things happen. in every other category: we try to prevent them.
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
Fooled round & fell in love epilogue
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summary: You and Eddie go on your first date and he tries to make it the most magical night of your life. But what happens when the last person you’d expect pops up at your house, and confrontation ensues?
warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI 18+, phone sex, diiirty talk, cocky but cute eddie, lots of flufff, confrontation, drunk Randy, cussing, oral (f receiving), p in v sex, slight anal play, slight dom Eddie, daddy kink, spit play
A/N: I’m so happy I get to add one of my favorite songs of all time to this fic, it just fit way too perfect. I had so much fun writing this little series, I can’t wait to write more in the future 🖤
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It’s been three weeks since Eddie officially asked you to be his. It’s been great so far, but Eddie had just started a new job at Penske’s auto shop, so you haven’t been spending as much time together as you had hoped. He did call you every night and would tell you about his day, how much he misses you, how much he loves you and things he would do to you if you were in bed with him.
So the distance wasn’t all bad.
Except for the fact that he hasn’t touched you since the night everything went to hell. Every time you’d try to take things further he would tell you he wanted to take you out first, do things the right way, which yes you appreciated in the beginning, but now you thought was absolutely ridiculous.
Sure the phone sex was nice, but after getting the real thing you were addicted.
Spending several moments playing back the images of his fingers on you, your waist, in your hair, inside you. You were going crazy, which led you to this moment in the shower with your fingers deep inside you trying to hit the same spot Eddie hits with ease, you were having no such luck, so you begrudgingly say to hell with it, and turn the water off. Grabbing the towel that was draped over the curtain rod, you securely fasten it around your chest.
As you open the door, your phone rings. You look over at your alarm clock 8:30pm he was always on the dot, every night.
“Hello” you say in your best sultry voice
“Well hello to you, sweet thing” he says back, you can hear the smirk on his lips
“Hi, baby how was your day?” Something about being on the phone with Eddie every night talking about the unholiest of things you’d like to do to each other when you finally do have sex again, just brings out the seductress in you, voice laced in an almost whine.
Eddie found it so sexy, cock instantly perking up as soon as he heard “hello”
“Well it’s much better now that I get to hear your sexy voice” he says back with a husky tone
“Glad I can be of service” you say back with a giggle
“Hey, I have good news actually” he excitedly says
“Oh really?” You say as your brows shoot up in intrigue
“Yeah, I have this weekend off, and I was wondering if you wanted to go on that date we’ve been talking about?”
You instantly get giddy almost jumping up and down
“Yeah, yes of course I do!” You say back excitedly
“Okay sweet, well let’s do Saturday maybe uh, I’ll pick you up around 6-6:30? Does that work?”
“Yeah that works perfect, actually more than perfect. My mom’s going out of town to some kind of sister’s retreat with my aunts” you pause before you sing song “so I’ll have the place to myself”
“Ya’know I’ve always imagined climbing through your window and fucking you into your mattress, so you’ll be making my dreams come true, babe”he chuckles
“Mmm, I’ve had that very same fantasy” you say back in your sultriest tone yet
“Well now we have to make it happen, don’t we?” ugh you could cum die just by the tone of his voice
As you laugh back, he instantly kicks it up a notch
“What are you wearing?” You already know where this is headed, and you cannot be more excited
“I just got out of the shower, so just a towel” you respond
“Jesus fuck baby, if I was there I’d rip it off of you and throw you on the bed, spread your legs nice and wide and just devour that sweet pussy.” “Fuck I miss her so much!” He whines
“Yeah? Would you let me sit on your face?” You say back as you remove your towel and climb into bed.
“My face is your throne, you can sit on it anytime you want, princess” he retorts back as he takes out his cock, spits on his palm and starts stroking it.
“Mm, I like the sound of that” you say with a giggle
“What are you doing right now?” Eddie asks
“Well” you drag out “I took my towel off, so now I’m naked in bed, talking to my sexy boyfriend” you hear Eddie groan at your words.
“Fuck baby, tell me more” he says as he bites his lip, hard enough to leave lasting indents in his skin.
“Now i’m gunna suck on my finger, get it nice and wet before I start rubbing myself” you put your finger in your mouth, dramatically releasing it with a pop.
“Mmhm, get it nice and wet baby. You know what I’d do if I was there?” He asks “I would make you feel so good, princess I would eat your pussy so good” he growls through clenched teeth
“Yes please, I need that so bad, eddie!” you mewl
“Mmm, you wanna be my little slut?” He groans
“I’m already your little slut” you can’t help the moans leaving your mouth, hearing Eddies and the slick sounds of his fist stroking his cock is giving you everything you need to hit your high
“Fuck yes you are, say it again, say your my little slut, y/n”
“I’m daddy’s little slut” you’re almost at your peak so you decide to up the dirty talk, knowing how much he loves when you call him daddy
“Fuuuuuck” he groans out as his cum spurts out covering his fist
“Oh my god, Eddie I’m cumming!” You squeal so high pitched it’d be a miracle if no one in your house heard
The line stays silent while you and Eddie catch your breaths and come down from your respective highs.
“God damn baby, we’re gunna have so much fun on Saturday. But, first I wanna wine and dine you. Ya know, butter you up real nice?” he says
“Where were you suggesting we go?” Voice still a little shaky from the intense orgasm you just had
“That my dear, is a surprise”
“Surprises make me anxious, but I’ll trust you. So what should I wear?”
“Don’t be anxious, baby. It’ll be a night you never forget, I promise. I’m gunna make it as romantic as possible” his words make your heart full and stomach flutter
“Hmm, I think a dress would work or a skirt” he chuckles
“Eddie Munson, are you insinuating you want me in something with easy access?” You squint your eyes in an accusatory manner.
“Absolutely” he howls with laughter, “no but I just want you to be comfortable, okay sweet girl?”
“Okay, comfortable but cute, got it!” You giggle
“Hey, can you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep?” Eddie asks
And you can’t help but think that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever heard, and you do, you stay on the phone all night while you both listen to each others light snores
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As Saturday quickly comes along, you wake up in the best mood, so ready for your date with Eddie. You knew he was trying really hard at this relationship stuff. Growing up he always made fun of guys doing sweet things for their girlfriends stating “love was for posers” which always made you roll your eyes, so the fact that Eddie is doing all the thing he said he never would for you, had you on cloud nine.
As you got out of bed, you made the decision to dedicate your morning to pampering yourself: take a bubble bath, shave all necessary areas, paint your hands and toes red, maybe even do a face mask. Once you were all finished and nails were dry, you went downstairs to have some breakfast, clean up and unload the dishwasher your moms been asking you to.
Going back up to your room you turn on some music, and start taking every little black dress out of your closet to try on, you landed on a little silk number with spaghetti straps that stopped mid thigh with slits on both sides, and instead of heels you opted for knee high boots.
After just relaxing for a few hours, you started getting ready. Hair, makeup, body lotion, perfume. You wanted to look and feel perfect for him.
After everything was done and you were putting the last touches on your outfit, you heard Eddie pulling up with his loud engine and even louder music.
Your stomach instantly doing flips, you grab your little black shoulder bag and head to the door, as you open it you can’t help but to feel tingles throughout your body, in some places more then others
Eddie’s eyes widen at the sight of you in your little black dress. He internally groans at how good you look, but you were equally losing your shit.
He had on a black button up, buttoned half way with an exodus “bonded by blood” shirt peaking out underneath, black jeans, boots and his hair was down, you could tell he had put some kind of products in it to make it look more tame than usual and he kept all of his accessories on, you were really happy about that, it was still all very Eddie.
He pulls white roses out from behind his back, you remember telling him they were your favorite of all the roses a couple valentines ago, you couldn’t believe he remembered that tiny detail of something you said in passing, you were already swooning and you hadn’t even left for the date yet.
“Hey baby” he says as he hands you the flowers, you take them while he grabs you by the waist, holding you in place while he kisses your lips.
“Wow, you look… wow” you both laugh at his flustered nerves
“You look wow too, babe” you bite your lip as you check him out from head to toe
Giving him one more kiss before you leave to put the flowers in water.
“M’lady” he says once you’ve returned, holding out his elbow so you’ll intertwine arms, as he begins walking you out to his van
He opens the door for you, helping you in and then strolls over to his side with the cheesiest smile on his face, it was so contagious you couldn’t help yourself but to mirror it
“You ready to go?” He says while looking over at you, sending you a wink after you nod
“Alright baby, buckle up”
Sometime during the ride he put his hand on your thigh, you both continuously taking little glances at each other from your peripheral‘s, music playing softly in the background which was rare for Eddie
The van pulls up to a restaurant you and Eddie had been to one other time before. As you’re waiting for him to open your door, the memories come flooding back
You remember that day so well,
You both were heading to a local show in Indianapolis for this band called iced earth, while on your way Eddie’s van overheated, so he pulled into a random parking lot. Eddie got out and popped the hood trying to figure out the problem, he realized it had something to do with the cooling system and he’d have to let it sit to get the gage back down. Luckily the parking lot you both pulled into belonged to a cute little restaurant, you and Eddie were starving at this point, so you both headed inside. You guys ate and talked for hours. It didn’t even seem like Eddie was disappointed to miss the show, he seemed to be having a great time even though you knew he was excited about it. You also remember a lot of shared glances and stares that lingered a little longer than usual and hands brushing against each others creating what felt like electricity to course through your body. You knew you felt something, and now that he’s brought you back, its making you question whether he felt it too.
Once inside, Eddie gives his last name and the waitress walks you both to the table you had sat at 2 years ago. It was a secluded little table in the back by a big arched window. The table was covered by white cloth, silverware, salad plates and your menus, with a single candle held in a beautiful glass holder right in the middle, it was all more romantic then you remembered.
But that could be, because you did everything to fight your feelings at that time.
Eddie scooted out your chair for you and pushed you in, as you thanked him he made his way to his side, sitting down and picking up his menu
he looked at you as he said
“Do you remember when we came here?”
Of course you did.
“I do, that was a really good night” you say
“It was, it was a great night” he says back as he eyes the way you lick your lips
“I’m impressed, Munson” you say as you pick up the wine glass filled with iced water and take a sip
“I wasn’t expecting this at all”
“Well, I’m full of surprises baby” he says while he shoots you a wink
You both order your food and as you ate the conversation was great, almost nothing had changed in your relationship since getting together, other then the flirting being amped up. Eddie always flirted with you but this was on a whole other level. He also grabbed your hand over the table and kept telling you how beautiful you looked, and how he couldn’t wait to get his hands on you
He made you feel like a teenage girl with her first crush, ironically he was your first teenage crush.
Eddie was really impressing you. You couldn’t believe this was the same guy that told you, he enjoyed fucking girls from the back so he didn’t have to look at them, or have any kind of connection other then a quick fuck, but that was high school Eddie, this was your Eddie and you couldn’t continue to hold onto that old image when he was showing you so much more
As you both finish with your food, the waitress comes over to ask if you saved room for dessert. Eddie looks at you silently telling you it was your decision but you were too full for anything else, as Eddie paid the bill and left a tip on the table you both walked out hand in hand and fingers intertwined, once you walked to your side of the van, Eddie pulls you back to him and grabs your cheek as he bring you closer to connect your lips, you kiss up against his van for what felt like 5 minutes, before he opened your door for you and held out a hand to help you inside.
You expected to head back to your house but Eddie had other plans.
“Where are we going?” You say while looking around, but realizing it was too late to recognize any of your surroundings
“Just sit tight, princess. You’ll see in a sec”
You can’t tell if your anticipation is nerves or excitement.
As you continue to wonder, you feel the van come to a stop. Before you know it Eddie is grabbing a blanket out of the back and heading to open your door for you, as you hop down from the van you look around, he’s taken you to a park surrounded by woods with the most beautiful view of the night sky. Eddie lays a blanket out on the grassy field and throws a couple pillows he brought from his room, on top while taking out a thicker throw blanket just in case you got cold, he really thought of everything.
As he’s setting everything up he tells you to pick a tape to play in the van, you open his glove compartment and go through the handful of tapes. After rifling through you finally see the yellow cover reading “screaming for vengeance” and you instantly knew the perfect song to play, a song you’d listen to at night when you’d dream of a life where Eddie liked you the way you liked him.
You pop the tape in, skipping to the eleventh song on the album
Once Eddie hears the first few notes he turns to look at you with the biggest smile, that made your insides wanna melt, it’s like this song meant to him what it meant to you
When I saw your face
I became a prisoner of your eyes
And I would do just anything to stay and be with you
“Good choice” he says as he sits down on the blanket, he looks at you and taps the spot next to him, signaling you to sit down
You know there are times
When I let myself wonder
As I was going under
you pulled me back to earth
You take your spot next to him and he wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer to his side, as he looks into your eyes, almost like he wanted to say so much, but didn’t know where to start, instead he looks up into the sky at all the stars, leaving you wondering what was going on inside his head
Don’t you hear me crying
Take me in your arms again
Tell me that your tryin or is our love a lie
Love is blind
And love deceives you
You came along and captured me
Now I’m a prisoner of your eyes
“You know I use to listen to this song and think about you, was so convinced that this was my song for you, it held everything I had ever wanted to say” you say with glassy eyes
He took his eyes off the sky to look over at you, giving you a look with so much adoration, it gave you goosebumps
“I listened to this song for a week straight, when you told me you were going out on a date with that Josh kid from junior year” he says as he smirks and looks back up at the sky, his grip on you tightening
As each day goes by
I’ve given up completely
Trapped myself inside your heart
And thrown away the key
“You’ve liked me since junior year?” You ask almost too stunned to speak
“I mean, it wasn’t that simple, baby. I did all I could to push those feelings down, I knew I liked you yes, but i had my head so far up my ass with the “fuck love, fuck relationships mentality I had, I was almost too proud to admit I wanted you to be mine, but y/n if I could go back, you’d have been mine for a long time” he says as his eyes begin to match yours
“Well I’m yours now, Eddie” you say as you cup his cheek and turn his head towards yours
Only time will tell
If I can live without you
Can you see into the future?
Will you ever set me free?
You lean in and kiss him, his hand coming to slot itself at the back of your neck and in your hair, you deepen the kiss as you slide your tongue into his mouth, the kiss starts to get heated until Eddie pulls away, you whine as you try to chase his lips
“Patience baby, patience” he says while putting a finger up
“I want you so bad, please” you whine
He looks over at you and grabs your chin, turning your head so you can meet his eyes
“I said patience” he says in a dominant tone that was doing you no favors
You nodded your head in understanding
“Good girl” he says back in the same tone
You were sure your panties were soaked at this point
“Trust me baby, this is killing me too. If I was the old me I’d take you into the back of my van and fuck the shit out of you, but I want to be different with you, I want to take my time on you, okay?”
“Okay” is all you can muster, after hearing his reasoning. But you can’t help but wish he would just fuck you right under the stars
He lays down on his pillow, slotting the arm furthest from you behind his head, while the other guides you to lay down next to him, he pulls you so close to him you can feel his heart beat in his chest and the faint feeling of a hard on he’s trying so hard to wish away
You snuggle into his chest, smelling his vanilla and tobacco cologne you got him, one year for his birthday
“You know you can fuck me under these stars and I wouldn’t look at you any different, or think you were only using me for one thing” you say trying your best to get what you want
“Y/n” he said with a warning, but his voice was losing all resolve
“Okay, okay” you say back with a giggle
“What’s got you so worked up, huh angel?” He says
“You” you whisper back
“Daddy’s got you all worked up?” He says back, knowing exactly what he was doing to you
“Mmhm” you groan with a nod of your head.
He brings his lips closer to your ear as he whispers
“Don’t worry, baby. Daddy’s gunna take you home and stretch that pussy out real nice, Kay? But for now, be in the moment with me, I wanna spend this time with you here just like this, in each others arms, we’ll get to that other stuff later”
You continue to nod while shooting him your best innocent look.
This desperation for him was intense, you’ve been in love with him for years and you’ve never felt like this. It was slowly driving you crazy. But you were going to try and enjoy the moment like he said, you know there’s plenty time to get to the good stuff, later.
You both get caught in deep conversation, talks about the universe, life’s purpose and the future. It was the deepest you and Eddie had ever gotten, you loved picking his brain, you wanted to know every little opinion he had.
After a couple hours pass by, Eddie starts to sit up
“I think we should get going baby, what do you think?” He asks as he stretches his arms above his head
“Yes, my butts starting to fall asleep” you snort
You both get up, picking up the blankets.
As you bend down to pick up the pillows Eddies palm comes down to slap your ass, you yelp out at the unsuspecting blow
“Ow, Eddie!” You whine out
“Sorry baby, couldn’t help myself” he smirks at you while throwing the blankets into the back from the passenger side
“I thought we were being patient?” You say raising an eyebrow
“We are, just wanted a little taste to hold me over” he retorts
Rolling your eyes, you slip into your seat.
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As you pull up to your house, you instantly recognize the car sitting in your driveway.
A red Pontiac firebird
Your heart starts to race as Eddie pulls up on the curb of your front yard
“Is that Randy?” Eddie says as he looks over to you, trying to read your face
“Yeah, what the fuck is he doing here?” You question yourself out loud
You get out the van, noticing Randy sitting on your porch
“Y/n” he slurs
Oh, god he was shitfaced
“Why would he come here?” You thought
“What are you doing here Randy?”
“I came to see you, beautiful, was missing you”
As he slurs out Eddie walks up behind you
“Go home Randy” Eddie says, clenching his jaw
“Eddie the best friend, thats what you said, right y/n?”
“Randy, you really need to leave” you say, tone laced with venom
“Aw, what’s wrong baby, the other night you were telling me how bad you wanted my dick and now you’re telling me to go away?” He slurs out
“You better watch your fucking mouth” Eddie spits back
“Yeah whatever, look y/n I just want to know why? You know I really liked you? I thought you felt the same way but next thing I know your screaming out this son of a bitches name, and now what, you’re together?”
“Randy, you told me that night that I should tell him how I feel” “I’m confused, what happened?”
“Well what did you want me to say y/n? I thought you’d figure out he was a piece of shit on your own, that he’d just fuck you and throw you away like he does, but apparently not”
“Is that why you sent Becky to my place?” Eddie asks jaw still tightly clenched
“Me and Becky made an agreement, I wanted y/n and she wanted another quick fuck with you, but me, no I wanted you y/n I wanted you to be with me, be mine” he says as his eyes start to gloss over
“Alright, Randy that’s enough, if I have to tell you to leave one more time I’m gunna have to kick your ass”
“Fuck you munson, I’m not going anywhere until she’s mine”
“She’s not fucking property, dude. She doesn’t want you, I think she made that loud and clear, don’t ya think?” Eddie says back with a shit eating grin
Randy turns back to you, trying but failing to conjure up the best puppy dog eyes
“Cmon, you know he can’t give you what you need, you know I can do that for you y/n”
“Alright, man I already warned you once, I really don’t want to hit someone who’s drunk off their ass, but I will”
You stand in front of Eddie, seething
“Randy, I’m gunna go inside, I’m gunna call chief hopper to come and get you because there’s no way in hell your capable of driving, and you’re not gunna contact me ever again, okay?” You say pulling out your best stern voice
Randy looks at you and then looks away, as he swallows making his Adam’s apple bob, then nods his head
“Okay” you nod back walking up to your front door, with Eddie following right behind you
After you call chief hopper and wait about 15 minutes until he picks up Randy.
You and Eddie are stuck in this almost awkward silence, not really sure what to say, until Eddie finally speaks up
“Are you okay?” He asks
“Yeah, I’m fine” You answer
“Are you sure?” He questions again
“Yeah baby, I’m okay, was just nervous I didn’t want you both to fight, especially over me”
“I would fight over you a million times, princess” he says while cupping your face in his hands
“I love you, Eddie” you say as you scan his eyes
“I love you too, y/n” he says as he leans in to kiss your lips
It starts off as a few pecks but then gradually becomes something more, you both start walking up to your room, neither of you daring to break the kiss
Once upstairs, Eddie picks you up bridal style, walking you into your room and throwing you down on your bed
He looks over at the window
“Should I pretend to climb through the window?” He looks over at you with a sly grin
“Eddie, if you don’t get over here and fuck me right now, I will throw you out the window” you can’t help but to laugh at your last sentence and how desperate you sound
“So impatient” he says while walking over to you as he unbuttons his black button up. You start to remove your black dress but he stops you
“Hold on, let me take mine off and then daddy will get to you, Kay?
You nod your head, as you watch the show in front of you.
Eddie removes his shirt before working on his jeans, he seems to be doing everything very agonizingly slow, you realize his motive is to tease you for your impatience.
Finally he removes his boxers, you watch closely as his dick springs up. Already hard, tip leaking pre cum, and all you can think about is licking it
“Now it’s your turn” he says walking over to you
He starts with your boots first, and then removes the dress from over your head, he’s gawking at your bare chest and red lacy panties
Oh yeah he’s definitely gunna take his time with you
He slides back onto the bed grabbing your legs and spreading them, digging his fingers into your thighs
“Open up, nice and wide for me, baby”
You do as he says
“Good girl” he praises
“You gunna be my good little slut, tonight?”
“Yes, I wanna be daddy’s little slut”
Eddie really wanted to make love to you, but you were making his internal battle of making love vs fucking you into oblivion, too easy.
He begins to remove your panties, slipping them off your buttery smooth legs, before widening them back up.
Your pussy on full display for him, glistening from your arousal. It was the prettiest pussy Eddie had ever seen, and it was all his
“How do you want me baby?” He asks, looking up from your revealed sex and into your eyes
“What do you mean?” You cock your head In question
“Well, I can be gentle or I can be rough, how do you want me?” He says
“I want whatever you want to give me, you’re allowed to enjoy yourself too” you want him to be a little rough but you didn’t want to come out and say it
“I know, but I want to make this special for you” he says as he glances back down to look at your pussy
“It will be special, baby. Everything with you is special to me” you whisper
Eddie nods his head in understanding
“Daddy really wants to make you scream his name, is that okay?” He says scanning your eyes
Your eyes almost roll into the back of your head with how horny you are and how sexy he is
“Yes, please” you whine
Eddie starts to lay down between your thighs, stomach flat against the bed
He takes you behind your knees as he props your legs up and out of his way
First he kisses your thighs and moves up to the crease between your thigh and pussy, you try to quiet the moans that are desperate to leave your mouth, it already feels too good, and he’s not even eating you out yet
Finally moving his mouth directly in front of where you need him most, Eddie licks his lips and gives your clit a kiss before he starts his ministrations
Licking all the way from your puckered hole to your clit, and holy shit there’s no way you can keep the moans at bay any longer
“Oh my god, Eddie” you almost scream out
It’s so incredibly sensitive from all the teasing Eddie’s been doing to you today
Finally he sucks your clit into his mouth, before he’s spitting on it and then slurping it back up
Fuck, you think you’ve died and gone to heaven because there’s no way he’s this good with his mouth
But Eddie proves you very wrong when his tongue continues to go back and fourth from your asshole to your clit
All you can do is gasp and moan
At this point all words are lost on you, as your orgasm begins to build
You’re white knuckling the sheets while Eddie eats you like a man starved
Slipping two finger into you and hitting that spot you’ve been trying to hit for weeks is what pushes you over the edge, as you scream out Eddie’s name so loud the neighbors could probably hear you
Eddie continues giving your clit some more licks and kisses before he’s moving back up to hovering over your face, his chin and lips glisten with your arousal, so you suck his bottom lip into your mouth, tasting yourself as you both moan in unison
You were going to ask Eddie if you could return the favor, but before you could he was slapping his cock against your folds, as you cried out from overstimulation
“You ready baby?” Eddie asks as he wraps his hand around his cock and begins to move it to your needy hole
“Yes, yes, please fuck me” you moan out in desperation
He begins to enter
“Baby I need you to relax, it’s too tight when your body’s tense, okay? I got you, I’m gunna make you feel so good if you just relax” Eddie sounds just as desperate
You nod as you do your best to relax your body, and once you’re completely relaxed Eddie starts to push in, you were still super tight so to distract you from the pain Eddie started rubbing small circles on your clit, you moan out from the sensitivity of just having it devoured
But it does distract you from Eddie bottoming out inside you
“Holy shit, how did you get tighter from the last time we fucked?” He moans out
“Fuck y/n you feel so fucking good”
He hasn’t even started stroking yet, and he’s already sounding like a moaning mess, and you love it. It was turning you on even more if that was even possible with how turned on you already were
“You can move, Eddie, please”
With that he starts off slowly, but as your moans start to get louder he starts to pound into you harder, your eyes continue to roll back and close
“Uh uh, keep your eyes on me” Eddie says in the dominant tone you got a glimpse of earlier
“Yes daddy” you say as you look into his eyes
“Good girl. Good. Fucking. Girl” he says with each thrust
“Daddy, please spit in my mouth?” You don’t know where that came from but you were the most turned on you’d ever been and you just wanted to try the dirtiest shit that came to mind
Eddie starts to slow his hips as he looks at you with your mouth wide open and tongue out
He could cum right then, if he wasn’t so desperate to get you off first
He leans down and spits a glob right on the middle of your tongue
You take it into your mouth swallowing it, and then smiling up at him
“Thank you, daddy” you said in the sweetest voice
You were really trying to kill him
“Fuck your such a dirty little slut for daddy aren’t you baby?”
You nod unable to form words with how hard he’s hitting your spot
“I said your a dirty little slut aren’t you?” He said again, through gritted teeth as he slapped the side of your ass
“Yes, yes daddy I’m a dirty little slut, for you”
“Just for me?” He asked as he continued to hit your spot
“Yes, just for you, only you Eddie, fuuuck”
“You’re so fucking deep, I’m gunna cum”
“Cum for baby, cum on my cock, so I can fill you up” he moans out
He starts to rub your clit again, to help you reach your peak
Your legs start to shake
Your pussy gripping his cock like a vice as you cum, this orgasm way more intense then the last time you were together
Eddie cums inside you with a low growl, and sweet whispers in your ear of
“I love you, I love you, I love you”
Eddie lays on top of you for a few minutes, maneuvering himself so you could still breath
He lays with his head nuzzled in your neck as he continues to whisper praises in your ear
“You were so good for me baby, I love you so much” “nobody compares to you, I hope you know that” “I wanna marry you someday”
You and Eddie stayed up that whole night until the sun came up talking, about everything and nothing.
Eddie was right, this was a night you would never forget.
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Time jump blurb
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
Double trouble: fun little au about hot sex and cute spats between König and his younger self
My terrible diseased brain: I wonder how young König felt when he realized his older self has a wife. Did he feel relief? That there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that there is someone who will love him, flaws and scars and all? Did he feel bitter that he doesn’t get that love until he’s older, more tired? Did Colonel König ever think about the fact that his wife would even have loved him as the young, stupid asshole he used to be? Do you think that the recuit and the colonel ever have a quiet moment of just existing next to each other, having a mutual realization that he was worthy of love all along?
Me: good grief
Bucca my sister in crime!! Ily 🩷🩷🩷
I'm sorry that you had to wait so long and on top of everything, all I have for you is angst 😭❤️‍🩹❤️
Young König is surprised (to say the least) when he sees his older self as a married man. He’s stunned to see he’s even alive. He thought he would die before reaching his 30s, in a way he had aspired to be dead before growing too old: that was the goal goddammit.
Who would want to live long enough to see how they turn even more lonely, fucked up and cold?
So his whole worldview is in turmoil now. This is what happens instead? He grows old and happy and gets to marry this hot chick? He gets to be a colonel?? He gets to be loved???
Young König is in love with reader too before even a month has passed, he’s torn between wanting her all to himself and settling for the bone he’s given. Even if he’s a horny menace full of red flags, he adores her. In a way I think he’s the most tragic character in this love triangle/polycule because he seems to be ok with it and has this nonchalant ‘no strings attached’ attitude while clearly, he’s madly in love (and needs therapy).
The attempted mating procedure of young König goes something like this: he sees a hot girl -> he opens his mouth -> she leaves. So now that he is the one who was approached, the dynamic is a bit different. The presence of Colonel means that his bad behaviour flares up like a bad old wound that’s poked. The saddest thing is that the older version has learned to love himself, he loves his wife boundlessly, he even loves his silly young self.
I mean what else can he do but love this beaten dog who’s trying his best and is still a mess?
Colonel’s secret hope is that he could somehow help the young pup to reach destination self-acceptance a little faster through this experiment. But like all of König’s tries to help himself and others, it backfires a bit…
Because young König doesn’t fool himself for one second with daydreams of love. He knows reader doesn’t love him like she loves the Colonel: he’s just a fucktoy in this sick scenario. So no, he isn’t mature enough to co-exist with his older self without bringing good old competition in. Reader can tell him she loves him all she wants, he’s not going to fall for that. Her and Colonel’s love life and marriage only remind him of what he doesn't have, what he can’t get. It’s just scraps for him, like always.
(When will it be his turn???)
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
ok hear me out w this dark!finnick idea; post-74th everlark, snow’s trying to do damage control and tells finnick to date another victor, and finnick’s hesitance to date his former mentee— means ofc she’s picked :( it’s not like finnick would ever put on a show to get her purposefully picked, he’s totally a good mentor and he’s defiantly never thought of ruining her, but, might as well make the most of it
alternatively omg image finnick living through the rebel’s victory— but the aftermath of the takeover meant a lot of the ppl involved in the games (no matter how small apart they played) get to executed,, including the little capitol girl who was (barely) part of his team n helped him get ready (or mb his district escort, or just like a stylist idk). helpful, helpful finnick steps up n tells her he can totally help her but it’s going to involve her losing her capital ties n taking up his name (plus they really have to sell it, so good knows how far they’d have to go, but he’s always so willing n helpful)
these aren’t requests or anything, i haven’t slept in 30 hours and I watched like my nth finnick edit whilst procrastinating prepping for my applied physics final
first of all i know i always sleep at wild times but THIRTY HOURS?? BABY GO TO SLEEP!!!
second of all, i wish you the best on your physics final ❤️
third of all your mind works wonders!!
can you imagine him seeing her again for the first time after she’s picked?? imagine nervous finnick for the first time 😭
“just our luck huh? two idiots make fools of the capitol and we end up on damage control!” your voice was as always sweet and pretty. finnick wanted to bottle it up all for himself.
“who would’ve thought?” finnick smiled, the charm may have been turned on but god was he a mess inside.
“you look good finn, grown. how’ve you been?”
i’ve been patiently waiting for the next time i see you. he wondered if that would scare you off so he smiled instead, “waiting for my lovely mentor to show and she’s here now so great.” you giggled as your touched his bicep, and his pants felt tighter, god you were adorable. you may be older than him but he has grown, and now he towers over you, dwarfs you in comparison and he adores it.
“you look stunning per usual.” you grinned and took your dress in, a gorgeous baby blue dress, with tiny straps on each side and a slit on the right side. your neck looked oddly markable to finnick but he’d refrain for now. “and you look handsome, when’d that happen?” you teased him before pinching his cheek.
you still thought of him as the same little boy from four. he could tell, but he wasn’t a boy anymore and he’d show you that.
“who knows. now, we have people to see.” he linked his arm with yours as the two of you made your way from the foyer and into the den of the capitol, hungry eyes and touchy hands pounced at the opportunity to feel the capitols darling and diamond.
he would snap every hand if he could, you were his, even if you didn’t know it yet.
“yes. i’ll do it, i don’t want to- no i can’t die.” you were crying now and finnick felt bad, but you’d just agreed to marry him so he couldn’t care less.
“no tears honey, you get to live.” his voice was sweet and comforting, looking up at him you felt happy. you watched him grow up, you helped him through it and now he was helping you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful.
“thank you finnick really, you don’t have to do this.” he shook his head and wiped away your tears, “you’ve been by my side for so long it’s the least i could do y/n.” your teary eyes should’ve made him feel bad but the idea of your marriage had his own heart racing. and as you hugged him he felt his worries melt away.
you were locked in for life.
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jujutsubaby · 5 months
final round (part 1)
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☆ pairing: eren x afab!reader ☆ summary: you have a very important interview coming up that basically dictates whether or not you have a job after college. and you're sure you're gonna ace it...as long as your arch-nemesis doesn't have anything to do with the interview... ☆ warnings: 18+, not nsfw in this part but has suggestive themes, former TA/student relationship, eren is kinda mean to you (but you're kind of mean to eren), a hint of power dynamics ☆ a/n: hiiiii my very first blurb on this site ~ yes this is my brain rot from trying to find a new job. also should i do a part 2? i kinda did this to tease the relationship a bit bc i didn't want my very first thing to be smut haha o(≧▽≦)o
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you hear a ping from your laptop indicating a new email. you read the subject line:
Paradis Labs, Inc Final Interview - Next Steps
you couldn't believe your eyes. your dream company wanted to interview you for their final round and suddenly, you weren't able to even focus on hearing about your best friend sasha's latest hookup at delta phi last weekend.
"hey y/n? you listening? he took me to pound town and back...what's more important than this?" sasha inquired, snapping her fingers in front of your face.
"uhh..i got into the final round interview for paradis labs! AH!" you squealed.
sasha remained seated but elated. "i'm not the least bit surprised. you're the smartest, hottest girl i know after all", she winked. "but wait... doesn't you know who work there now after he graduated..." she trailed off, not wanting to illicit any alarm bells off of you.
you groaned, thinking about you know who. you knew him unfortunately very well in the worst way possible. the guy who was your TA last semester and absolutely crushed you while grading your midterms and finals. not only did he never answer any of your questions during class, he actively ignored you? and would only talk to some sleazy girls he was planning to hit on after the class ended. he had berated your final project, purposefully skipped over you on the waitlist queue multiple times during office hours, and you could've sworn he gave you the wrong advice once on a lab.
eren fucking jaeger.
you groaned just even thinking his godforsaken name out loud. "it's okay sash, paradis labs is like one of the largest companies in the nation. the odds of you know who being my interview is basically slim to none." you surmised unsuspectingly. you always had a way of attracting the worst luck, but you couldn't bear to entertain that for even a second.
~ two weeks later ~
okay, you got this. you've been studying for this final round nonstop for the last two weeks, you thought to yourself as you rode the bus to the elusive paradis lab headquarters. you've turned down every party, every study session, every potential "date" sasha tried to set you up with for this one interview. and you felt great about it.
you arrived at the headquarters 30 minutes early, thanks to your fear of being late, and you started to feel your stomach growling, clearly indicating that the glass of orange juice you chugged before you left was not enough. the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit your nostrils, and you found yourself at the paradis cafe at the lobby of the building you were interviewing at. you ordered your coffee and pastry, but as you're waited, you heard a distant, yet familiar voice in the background. you dared not turn behind you, because you knew if you saw him, your day was fucking over. you know exactly who it was. hell, you could recognize that laugh in a room full of people, easily.
ignoring the mild annoyance, you looked at your watch and started getting anxious. you grew increasingly annoyed and worried about bumping into you know who, and you just wanted to grab your stupid coffee and go upstairs and get this interview over with.
"one iced matcha latte with oatmilk for y/n!" the barista chirped, as you dashed to the front to grab the order. you heard the familiar laughter die down, but as you turned around to beeline to the elevator, someone's torso knocked you out and you spilled your iced matcha all over your freshly dry cleaned blouse and someone else's shirt.
"oh my god, i'm SO sor-", you stopped cold. wait, no. it's not just anyone's shirt i spilled coffee on. no it can't be-
"hey, doofus", eren glared. you detected a hint of playful mischief in his dark eyes, but it went away almost immediately. were his eyes always so mesmerizing? stop, what the fuck, don't think that! "always makin' a fuckin' mess, are we?"
you rolled your eyes. this could not be happening to you. matcha stained blouse, and you were hungry, and the worst person you knew was here. "fuck off, asshat", you retorted. "i literally have a meeting in 10 minutes and i look like a fucking idiot because of you."
"for what it's worth, you always looked like a fucking idiot." eren said.
you flipped him off before you beelined to the elevator, aiming to head to the change room immediately. you didn't have an extra blouse, but you were wearing a sleeveless black shirt underneath, which hid the stain well but it was a bit tight. even you had to admit your boobs looked amazing in it. tucking it into your loose grey slacks, you stepped outside the washroom and composed yourself. your interview was in 3 minutes, but you could do this. you knew you can. you passed eren's class last year, and that was with his ass constantly throwing you curveballs. this was nothing.
you entered the waiting room for the interview, waiting your name to be called in. shortly, a dark haired man wearing a white shirt and black slacks called you in. "y/n? there you are." he said nonchalantly as his narrowed in on you. "come into my office, please." as you walked next to him, you realized he's way shorter than he looked from across the waiting room.
"i'm levi, and i'll be conducting your interview today. please take a seat." he motioned to the chair across his table.
"hi levi. i'm y/n. i just want to say that i am so grateful to have had this opportunity to come onsite and be interviewed by some of the most magnificent minds of our-" you're interrupted by a loud phone call coming from levi's desk.
"i apologize miss y/l/n. let me just quickly answer that. they should know i'm in the middle of interviewing candidates..." he said, sounding slightly annoyed by the phone call.
he answered it, and you heard him groan and say "i'll be right there. send him to my office to take over." he looked over at you, partially annoyed and partially apologetic about the fuss happening. "i apologize. some brat fucked up the program we were releasing today, and now i have to clean up some one's mess." he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. you thought you heard him say that he's going to fire the brat at the end of the say.
"someone else will be coming to conduct the interview, but don't worry. he can be a bit much, but he's unfortunately one of our best recent hires in a while. i'm sure you'll be in good hands." levi said, before he grabbed his stuff and headed to the work emergency.
you were left a bit confused, but ultimately grateful that you had more time to calm yourself down after what happened in front of the cafe. out of all the people who work here, why did you have to run into him. you just can't catch a fucking break can you? you thought to yourself.
as if right on cue, levi's office door opened, and your thoughts were interrupted by the person who once again, occupied an unnecessary amount of thoughts in your head. your jaw dropped, and you practically had to stop yourself from yelling at the universe for this sick, cruel twist of fate that destiny was putting you through.
eren fucking jaeger.
you heard him chuckle deeply. "oh, this is going to be so much fun." eren smirked, his eyes staring at you deeply. he looked at you up and down, and suddenly, you really wished you hadn't taken off your blouse in the changing room, feeling suddenly exposed in this tiny hot (hot? when did this office get hot?) office.
you took a deep shaky breath and buried your head in your hands, groaning and letting out all of the bad emotions you were holding in. "eren, if you're just going to flunk me on this interview, just tell me right now. i'll go home and we'll both just move on." you pleaded. what else can you even do at this point? you should've known this interview was over the minute you heard his stupid laugh in the cafe.
"woah there, slow down doof," he said teasingly. he moved in front of you, partially sitting on levi's (quite expensive) mahogany desk. "you can't just leave an interview before it even started. and who said i was gonna flunk you on this? do you reaaaally think i'd do something like that?"
"umm, you literally did! last year on my midterm, stupid", you yelled exasperated. you were trying hard to keep your cool and calm disposition, but eren always loved to test your limits.
eren pretended to think about it for a second before he shook his head. "nope, doesn't ring a bell. anyway, first question of this interview: why do you want to work at paradis labs?" he asked.
"well, if you must know, i-", you started, before being interrupted by eren.
"i actually don't care. i don't know why anyone asks that." eren laughed, eyes skimming over the files on levi's desk. oh, you could slap him right now. your patience was wearing thin. "hm, well look at this here. your resume says you took a chemical engineering lab last year with professor zeke.?" he asked, knowing damn well the answer was yes. he tried to hold back the smile he had while he watched you visibly tighten up at the sound of the class. "care to tell me about that?"
"not really since you were my TA for that class and went out of your way to almost fail me." you retorted back, fuming at what was happening. no way was he trying to bring this shit up in the middle of an interview. but you were not backing down from this fight. it had been a long time coming. i'm not getting the job anyway at this point. might as well go out cursing eren while i'm at it, you thought to yourself.
"god, i don't know why you think that," he mused teasingly. "if anything, i helped make sure the other stricter TAs didn't grade your work. i dunno where you're getting this idea i hated you." he shrugged. you could swear he almost sounded...honest while saying the last part.
"oh wow, you're really too kind," you said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. where does this guy get off?
"no, really y/n. i'm being serious," eren said earnestly. a slight genuine smile formed on his lips.
wait, is he? also, why is his smile so...cute? no, stop it, y/n! compose yourself! you quickly snapped out of your thoughts.
"you also ignored me every single time i came to your office hours and every time i came to your lab for help. you literally helped every single girl but me", you accused. you didn't mean to sound harsh and annoyed, but deep down, you felt your chest tighten up and you didn't know why. who cares if he helped other girls, he hates your guts anyway. why were you feeling so sour about it?
"don't give me that shit. i didn't help you because you were the cutest girl in lab and i couldn't make it seem like i was being inappropriate." he said without skipping a beat. eren wasn't sure what made him say it, but it was true.
your eyes snapped to him, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks, and you momentarily forgot what you were even doing here as your head felt dizzy all of sudden. no way you just heard what you thought you heard. you jaw fell and you were at a loss of words to respond. "i...uhh...well.." cough. "um, o-o-okay..." you trailed off, desperate to find the words to respond to eren. you thought back to your class lat year with eren. was he ever really that mean to you? or were you just a bit desperate to do well in an important class? no, wait, he's just being asshole.
"well, if you liked me so much why did you hook up with those sorority girls after the semester ended?" you said incredulously. this was some big fucking joke and you were not going to lose this game.
"oh c'mon, y/n. don't act like you never had a one night stand before." eren explained, his voice lacking any hint of teasing or malice. "besides, you were the only one on my mind, anyway...", eren whispered under his breath so lowly that you weren't able to make out what he said.
well, actually, you haven't ever had a one night stand like that. in fact you never actually...had sex with anyone before. you've always been too focused in school to really date around, and the most action you've gotten was hearing about sasha's escapades. and you sure as hell weren't going to let eren know that.
"umm...well...", you said as you flustered your words. you took a bit too long to compose yourself and respond, which was all eren needed to connect the dots.
"oh shit. y/n...are you a virgin?"
"u-umm...of course not...i-i just...i just never found...or had the time...", you dropped your gaze. that's it, eren had just found his trump card, after he played the cruelest joke on you. you couldn't even think of a witty one liner like you usually did to get out of something like this. you were tired and shocked by eren's confession (which you didn't even believe fully). and not only that, but you were talking about your v-card with your worst enemy.
"hey, hey, hey, it's okay. i'm sorry, y/n. i shouldn't have brought it up, that was weird. and...", eren trailed off. he wasn't sure what to say next, but he said it earnestly and honestly. "i'm sorry for treating you like shit when i was your TA, and i'm sorry for bumping into you and spilling your matcha all over us," even though eren would've done it again if it meant he could see you in the form fitting top you currently have on, but he dared not to comment on that.
you sighed, partially out of relief and partially because you felt vindicated through his apology. your eyes glanced up to his, and both of your gazes softened. "so, you really do like me?" you teased eren, finally cracking a slight playful smile and releasing the tension in the atmosphere.
"shut the fuck up and don't make me say it again, doofus." eren mumbled, as he leaned closer into you. your heart started beating faster and you swear even eren could hear the pounding in your chest as you sucked in a deep shaky breath. you didn't mean to break eren's gaze and look at his lips, but you did and eren noticed. his smile curved up slightly as he leaned closer to you. you felt his hot breath near you lips, and just as his lips were about to crash into yours, the door bursted open to a slightly disheveled levi.
eren immediately snapped back to leaning on levi's desk, and you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. you prayed that levi could not see how flushed you looked or the goosebumps on your arm.
"how did the interview go?" levi asked eren.
eren gave a quick warm glance to you before he said, "y/n did great. answered every question with ease. i think we should extend an offer." you noticed the slightest hint of a smile in eren's professional demeanor, but you were more surprised that he'd do this for you. bit by bit, you felt your hard shell crumbling for eren, and you wondered how you will survive working at paradis labs after graduating.
eren walked you back to the elevator, his hand lightly touching the small of your back as guided you across the hallway. "well, i guess i look forward to working with you and picking back up where we started." eren said with a wink.
you turned around and touched eren's shirt, softly tracing the matcha stain you gave him. "hm, maybe i'll start off my first day dumping coffee on you first thing in the morning." you playfully teased, your breath accidentally hitching as you realized his chest was way harder than you expected it to be. oh my god, no way he's actually built under the shirt. embarrassed, you quickly buried that thought deep where it came from.
"hm, maybe i'll take you to the bathroom and make you help me clean it up," he replied, his eyes filled with warmth and invitation. something that was new to you, but you weren't complaining.
god, you couldn't wait to graduate.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 30 - Diamond
@jegulus-microfic March 30 Word count 992
Previous part First part
Peter cowered in the middle of the cell. James and Sirius stood in front of him, glaring down at the pitiful man. 
Evan had put a block on Peters's magic while he’d been unconscious so he couldn’t transform into his animagus form. 
Sirius twirled Peters's wand in his hand, looking eerily like Regulus. Peter didn’t stand a chance. 
They’d decided, in case anything went wrong, that it was best if only the two of them were seen by Peter. Remus was supposed to be with the werewolves. Regulus, the Rosier twins and Barty were supposed to support Voldemort. If Peter somehow wormed his way out of this, he could potentially ruin everything they had so far accomplished and put them all in danger.  
“James, please!” Peter begged from the ground. “I was scared. I didn’t know what I was doing.” James clenched his jaw. Peter was lying to him. He caught the back of Sirius’s robes to stop him from leaping on Peter. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing, Peter when you got me to reveal that Sirius was still alive. You took me out to lunch and wheedled it out of me, and then you went straight to your master and spilled your guts. How could you betray me? How could you betray Sirius?” He was spitting by the end of his tirade.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. The Dark Lord he—he threatened my life if I didn’t do as he said.” Peter was crying now. Fat tears dripped down his face and turned the stones beneath him black.
“And Sirius would die if Voldemort decides to send someone after him because of the information you fed him.” He had to stop as his voice began to feel thick. 
“We were your brothers, Peter! We would have done anything for you! We would have died for you. You could have come to us if you were scared. But you know what? I don’t think you were sacred. I don’t think he did threaten you. I think you went to him yourself. You always were a little rat.” Sirius pounced, his hands curling into claws as he attacked the screaming Peter. 
James dragged his friend off the quivering mess on the floor. 
“Sirius, calm down. We need to find out what he knows.” James whispered harshly into Sirius’s ear. Sirius growled and spat on the floor beside Peter. 
“Then, let’s hurry up and do it, James. I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself from turning into Padfoot and using my teeth.” Sirius gnashed his teeth together as though Padfoot was already trying to break through. James ran a calming hand down Sirius’s back, and his friend immediately unpuffed his chest and backed away from Peter a step. 
“Come on then, Peter. What else have you told Voldemort?” James’s voice was cold. He’d never been betrayed like this before. Even Regulus had never hidden his intention to join the Death Eaters, though, with Regulus, it was because his mother had given him no other choice. Peter had had many options, and he still chose Voldemort. 
“N-n-nothing. I haven’t told him anything else.” Peter whimpered. 
“Liar,” Sirius snarled. His eyes twitched as he stared at Peter. It took James a second to realise Sirius was performing legimency on Peter. 
After a few minutes, Sirius turned away and strode out of the cell. James conjured heavy manacles and chained Peter to the wall. He found Sirius curled up in Remus’s lap. He looked up when James walked in. His eyes were dull. The usual diamond gleam and sparkle that resided there had been ripped away by whatever he’d seen inside Peter’s head. 
“He told them everything.” He croaked. “Everything we’ve ever said about our assignments, everything from the meetings.” He let out a sob. “James, he was planning to help death eaters get into your parent’s house.” James felt the blood drain from his face and Regulus’s arms wrapping around him. 
“How—how far along was his plan?” He choked out, looking back at the door he’d just come through. 
“Not very. He hadn’t even mentioned it to Voldemort yet. I think they’re safe.” Sirius still looked panicked. They were his parents as much as James’s. 
“Anything else?” James asked, not sure if he wanted to hear anymore. 
“I was right. He joined them voluntarily.” James felt any loyalty he felt for Peter slip away. That man wasn’t his friend, and he couldn’t believe he’d ever trusted him. 
“What do you want to do?” Regulus asked, holding him close. James bit back the pain. He’d deal with it later. 
“We need to give him to Moody and make sure he knows he can’t make a deal with him.” 
It took some juggling, but they eventually managed to get Peter to one of the Order safe houses, and Moody appeared moments later, wand raised. 
“What are you doing here without permission?” He barked, still not lowering his wand. 
“We caught your spy. You’re welcome.” Sirius growled at him. 
“That wasn’t the plan, Black.” They were glaring at each other. 
“Yeah, well. He was planning on killing the Potters, among other things. He went to Voldemort and asked to join them. It’s time he was caught.” Moody didn’t argue. Effie and Monty Potter were loved by all, and even the grizzled Alastor Moody didn’t want to see anything bad happen to them. 
“Fine, I’ll get the rest of the information out of him and find somewhere to keep him.” He grabbed Peter’s shoulder and began shoving him further into the house. 
“No deals, Mad-Eye.” James’s tone was a warning. Moody scrutinised James from head to toe and snorted through his nose. 
“Fine, no deals.” 
James and Sirius went to the Potters house, needing to see they were safe and hug them. James had a quick conversation with Regulus, explaining what had happened between them and Moody, and then he was in Effie’s arms. 
Final part
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mariinawrites · 1 year
Risky Meeting - Captain John Price
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, somewhat rough sex, neck kisses, dom John Price
Recommended songs to listen while reading: Talking Body by Tove Lo, Killshot by Magdalena Bay, Skin by Rihanna and Secrets by Magdalena Bay
Word Count: 4,000~ (approximately)
A/N: My first smut fic for my COD obsession!, Minors do not interact!
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You yawn lazily as you grab another can of soda from the mini table crowded with a bunch of snacks you and your best friend were munching on. Your eyes were glued to the television illustrating the daily news, not that it was of any interest to you. Your best friend suddenly breaks the silence, and you turn towards her. 
“This is getting boring.” she said as she dug into another slice of pizza while leaning back into the couch. You smiled.
She has always been your pillar, your partner in crime, your ride or die. Ever since your junior year in college, she was your roommate. And ever since then, she has always been there for you. And you appreciated her tenfold day after day.  
“Well, we can switch the channel if it’s bothering you.” You said with a small smirk as you reached for the remote from the table. She nodded mouth-full of pizza as her eyes lit up when a dramatic horror movie scene came on in one of the channels you were passing through. A few moments later, she swallowed her last bite of the pizza crust leaving crumbs all over her shirt as she stood up.
“Okay listen.” She said as she paused the movie and stood in front of the television causing you to be intrigued by what she’ll say but also confused.
“When was the absolute last time you got laid?” She asked jokingly as you scoff and shove your face with pretzels from the snack bowl. You couldn’t help but reminisce about the last time you did get laid, which was back in your last year of college. You were now working at some shitty job at a cafe and looking back at that day, it was as if it never happened. 
It felt like something meaningless, something that was just a fling. Which wasn’t something you liked, you wanted it to be special, but in the end, you didn’t care, you knew your worth and when the right person comes in line, you know exactly what to do. You were snapped out of your thoughts when your best friend had her eureka moment.
“I have just the idea!” she exclaimed as she wiped leftover pizza grease from her fingers on her shirt and hurriedly grabbed her laptop and set to finding what she’s going to show you. Moments later, she turned the screen to you and smirked. 
“This is…a sugar daddy dating site!” She said feeling proud of herself. You looked at her shocked and shut her up before anything else. You shook your head.
“No fucking way am I putting myself on there!” You said in denial as she giggled and quickly set out to make you a profile on the site. You scoffed and tried to rip the laptop out of her hands but she was too quick. She stood up away from your grasp and shushed you with her hand. 
“Now, the reason I’m being the best friend I am by making this for you, is for two reasons. Number one, you’re 30 and you're working a shitty barista job and barely get 25 hours a week, talk about B-O-R-I-N-G-” she dramatically said. 
“And second, you haven’t gotten laid since the dawn of time!...I bet dinosaurs had more action than you.” she said as she laughed at her own joke leaving you playfully throwing pieces of broken pretzels at her.
“Hey, that’s not true! I just don’t seem to have the time, thank you very much” You said retaliating but also sugarcoating it. You both knew you had loads of time off, she sighed and sat next to you on the couch and wrapped her arms around you softly.
“Listen, in no way am I trying to make you feel like a sack of trash but I think you should give this site a try, how about this-” she said as she tried to paint a picture about this for you.
“You have this profile with a few pictures of you that are absolutely gorgeous and a caption saying ‘Looking for a daddy to spoil me’ or something, and then you get flooded with requests, you choose one and go on with it…besides you could use the cash plus…free dick.” she shrugged and she looked at you.
You grimaced at the thought of that cringey caption for your profile. 
What could go wrong you thought, it’s extra cash to help while you still work at your local cafe. Your best friend is unfortunately right, it wouldn't hurt to get laid, especially with an older-ish man who’s more experienced plus the good that comes with it, you’ll get the daily allowances which will help you a lot not that you're desperate.
You were ruling out the pros and cons of this and eventually, the pros took the majority. So you gave it another good thought and gently nodded, accepting this new thing your best friend set up for you, causing her to squeal in excitement. 
[Next Day - Friday - 10:30 am]
You groggily wake up to the sound of your daily set alarm and you slowly get up and realize you and your best friend crashed to sleep on the couch last night. She was sleeping and snoring with the empty pizza box using it as a makeshift blanket on the other side. You yawn as you throw away the trash from the couch and table, and make breakfast. The smell of eggs woke your best friend and the first thing she did with half-lidded eyes was get up groggily and open the laptop to the sugar-dating site from last night. 
Her eyes widened and smiled excitedly. “Uh dude, come here.” 
You turned around, mouth full of toast and walked to see what the big fuss was about. And her excitement was proven, there were 14 chat requests straight into your inbox. Your eyes widened, you pushed her over as you sat next to her to skim through them, they were all verified and some were not that bad looking, handsome even. You planted yourself into the couch and analyzed each request, hovering back onto a specific one many times. Your best friend nudges you playfully. 
“What did I tell you!!!” she said awaiting your answer. You smiled gently and sighed.
“Yeah yeah whatever” you said as you pressed one of the profiles that requested to chat with you, taking interest in him already. Your best friend noticed how focused you were on his profile. She read aloud.
John Price, 37, Male, 6’2
‘What is a pretty lady like you doing here?
Your best friend gasped and she shook your shoulder excitedly, your heart skipped a beat and you quickly accepted the request considering how handsome he was, he looked ethereal yet dangerous..in a good way.
Well Mr. Price, why do you think I am here?  
You looked at your best friend and smiled at her, a faint blush kissing your cheeks. He started typing, causing a rush of adrenaline to run through you even though only 2 sentences were sent between you both. He was good looking, so handsome you had to take a double take at his pictures, there were a couple posted, some with him in a tux at what seemed like a fancy party, while some others of him smoking cigars at some random pier. He sure was eye-candy to you.
I guess you're looking for a sugar daddy huh ;)
Your best friend squealed as you gently nibbled on your lower lip in excitement and responded back.
I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea Mr. Price
He replied. 
Then I would like to offer to be your sugar daddy hm? Are we okay with this agreement? With daily allowances of 400 dollars as a start and it is ultimately your choice if you would like to give back any sugar pretty lady.
You looked at your best friend in anticipation and she patted your back reassuringly. This sure was new for you but at the same time, it was something you grew to want to do.
How generous Mr. Price, I would love to return the favor, so I’ll be your sugar baby;)
He liked your message and offered to meet with you the same night at a lovely restaurant to which you were not going to say no of course. Something about John made you feel something that you haven’t felt in a very long time, so what shame is there for having a sugar daddy when he is as attractive as John and with pockets so heavy. You were feeling bold and you loved every second of it, without feeling pressured or anything, you decided to embark on this new experience with your best friend alongside you to offer support.
[Next Day - Saturday - 6:00 pm]
You were outside the restaurant, the one that John had sent you the address to and you were wearing a lovely thigh length black satin dress that hugged you natural body beautifully accentuating all your prettiest facial features. You felt confident and you told yourself sweet affirmations that this little date was going to end up amazingly and that you had nothing to stress about, despite you have not been on a date in forever which kind of freaked you out.
You were about to start worrying that you would eventually get stood up which irked you and caused you to overthink for a good 10 minutes when suddenly you get a phone call from John. 
As you saw his name on the screen of your phone, you were hesitant to answer only thinking what he sounded like, just the thought of it was having your stomach in mini knots. You purse your lips gently and clear your throat before answering.
“Hello?” You say thanking yourself for no voice cracks whatsoever. There was a very short silence but it felt like forever.
“Hello sweetheart..I am outside in the restaurant parking lot and I think I see you, wave your hand up for me darling.” he said.
You were shocked at how smooth and succulent his rough deep voice sounded, causing you to lean against the wall slightly, and reach your arm to gently wave towards the parking lot to catch his attention wherever he was, feeling your legs unconsciously clench together slightly.
 As you see him coming towards you, you hang up and smile as you slowly walk towards him, hoping you wouldn’t trip in the heels you were wearing. 
He looked amazing, he was wearing a white button up tucked into his dress pants that was rather tight accentuating his muscles, and he smelled of sweet musk, that gave a warm and subtle but woodsy scent to your nose. You couldn't help but ogle at him in more places than one shamelessly. He was tall and he towered over you, clearly claiming dominance. 
“Finally.” He said with a small sigh and slight grin as he cupped your cheek lovingly as he checked you out.
“You are breathtakingly beautiful.” He complimented as you felt a small blush reach your cheeks causing you to smile and thank him.
“Not as handsome as you, John.” He chuckled deeply at your compliment and reached for the door behind you and opened it for you, motioning you to enter first.
Moments later, as you both dig into your food and share sweet conversations about many topics getting to touch base with each other more, including the topic of the new ‘relationship’ you two seemed to have. You couldn’t help but feel a short rush of heat go through your legs as you paid such grand attention to him as he spoke, staring at his luscious lips. 
“Sweetheart?” He asked.
You suddenly come back into focus from your clouded naughty thoughts and straighten your spine.
“Sorry, I am just very intrigued by what you’re saying” You say with a little smile. He smiled as he noticed you were ogling at him and he loved every bit of it, he loved the attention he was getting from you, and he loved how flustered you looked. 
Later, as he paid the bill and left the restaurant with you, he offered to take you home and you agreed. As you both reached his car, it was an expensive car that seemed like it had a spacious back area, and it was in a rich color of black that matched John perfectly. 
You were going for the passenger seat, but before you could, he took you by the arm softly and trapped you under him, having you rest your body on his driver’s side of the car door. You felt a rush of adrenaline knowing exactly where this was going and you were thankful that there was close to nobody near where his car was parked.
As you both stare into each other’s eyes completely forgetting everything and everyone around you, focusing on John and such power he has over you in this moment, you were not complaining, you craved more of it. Did it seem too quick? No, you needed this man and you needed him now.
As a smooth breathtaking hum is released from his soft lips, you felt a sudden but warm touch of his calloused hand gliding up to push some of your hair away revealing the crook of your soft neck as he leans down and places butterfly kisses from you bare shoulder to behind your ear, finishing with a small nibble or your ear. 
This caused you to clench your legs together for the 10th time and bring him closer to you by pulling him in slowly by his belt buckle, while you leaned your head to the side giving John more access to explore your bare neck area. You hummed in satisfaction causing John to use his free hand to grip your hip tightly and looked at you. 
“Do you want this to continue sweetheart?” he asked, already knowing your answer as he looked at you with half lidded eyes covered in lust for you. 
You craved every inch of this man and you nodded in absolute consent for him to have you in any way he pleases. All you needed was John to rock your world, and he wouldn’t let you go without showing you just how beautiful you are.
John leaned in closer to you until both foreheads meet, brushing his gentle and luscious lips across yours slowly, leaving you beginning to feel hot and bothered. John excited you and you knew that it was time to indulge in this. You brought your hands up to grip John’s hair gently and he leaned in to kiss you. 
You were kissing him with such burning passion, feeling his well kept mustache against your lips, adding some friction. You couldn’t help but kiss him deeper, feeling those sweet, yet intoxicating lips. His tongue slips into your mouth gently, exploring slowly yet demanding. You felt warm in his embrace. 
He’s a natural at this  You thought.
He starts to gently caress your thigh while his other hand is pulling you by the neck deeper into his kiss. He lifts your leg to rest gently on his side. His dominating touch felt sweet and passionate, as he pushed his groin into your parted legs. He pulls away from the kiss, having a thin but sweet string of saliva connecting you both as he looks at you with hunger. 
“You’re precious, angel.” He cooed as he laid small butterfly kisses from your cheek to your clothed chest causing you to feel trembled yet needy.
You completely dissolve into his embrace, as he pulls you closer into him by pulling your ass firmly. All you could feel was the aching yet anticipated want for him at the pit of your stomach. It felt tight but you loved the feeling. It was exhilarating, it just pumped through your entire body and left you feeling numb. The feeling of his toned body against yours, the earthy and warm smell of this natural scent flooding your mind. 
You needed him over you, under you, completely inside you. Your back arches slightly as he comes back up to kiss your neck with small open-mouthed kisses leaving little hickies dispersed around in a little group. He gently bit onto your soft collarbone area, gifting him a small moan from you. 
“Why don’t we continue this in the back seat yeah?” He asked with his hungry brown eyes piercing into yours. You nodded feverishly, giving him the okay as he opened the back door, and lifted you to place you gently in the backseat as he closed the two seats down for more room. You wanted this man like no other, you needed that orgasm. 
And the rest was history.
He was towered over you, a now visible silver chain necklace around his neck dangling over you, You looked at him wanting to just rip him of his clothes and devour him, but that was rather not his plan just yet. He licks his lips softly as you feel him looking at you very carnivorously. 
His lips met yours once again and his hands were trailing up and down your deliciously natural body causing you to moan gently into his mouth earning small groans from him. His hands snake quickly around your back to unzip your dress and pull it down, revealing your luscious breasts that were hugged by a beautiful lace bra of your favorite color with matching underwear.
He leans lower leaving kissing down from your chest to your belly button and removes your heels skillfully giving you more comfort. He trailed more kisses up your thighs to your pelvis whispering sweet words into your plush skin. He reaches up to unclasp your bra, relieving your pretty tits so he can just ogle at them lovingly.
“You’re so fucking pretty y’know that?” He coos, causing you to smile gently, feeling fuzzy inside. He latches his sweet lips onto one of your breasts as the other is fiddled with by his rough calloused hand, causing you to arch your back into him wanting more.
Hickies and love bites were scattered all over your upper body as he licks each one admiring them. He was proud of himself like a painter finishing a painting. His thumb hooks onto your panties and with one movement they were off, the warm air of the car hitting your bare cunt. 
He stares at it hungrily causing you to clench your legs together, but before he can indulge, you want his clothes off. He was quicker than you and started removing his dress shirt slowly teasing you, button by button. He was later left in his boxers.
This was your chance to see his precious package. You reached your hand to the hem of his underwear to remove, releasing his throbbing cock, eyes widening at his size. He was rather on the longer but girthier side with a pretty pink tip as well as well trimmed. You were wondering if it would fit. 
You took your hand and gently wrapped your hand around his cock but he stopped you, and kissed your hand instead. 
“Now, as much as I absolutely want your pretty soft lips wrapped around my cock, I simply won’t allow myself pleasure before you princess.” He said leaving you a little dumbfounded but you smiled softly at his gentleman actions.
He pushes you down and with one swift move his hand meets your throbbing clit, as he starts lovingly attacking your neck with open mouthed kisses again while circling your sensitive bud. You shiver slightly at the rough but gentle contact. 
“John-” You say breathlessly feeling pure bliss and ecstasy as he chuckles deeply before going down to meet your aching cunt. 
“Do you still want this, gorgeous?” He teased knowing exactly that you would rather die than not have him fuck the hell out of you.
You laughed gently. “Of course I do.” 
His hot breath hits your sensitive area, and he smirks at you and with that, his lips latched onto your sweet aching clit, burying his mouth and nose into your delicious folds. He could one hundred percent feel your wetness soaking his sweet lips and his mustache, but that only made him want more as he tightened his grip around your legs so you don’t move an inch.
His tongue danced flawlessly around your clit, sucking it to its fullest potential, responding to your beautiful moans with kisses to your inner thigh at the same time. You felt on top of the world, you catched up to him and lifted your pelvis into the entirety of his mouth some more, using his skillful tongue to your utmost full desire.
Flicking his tongue causing your nipples to perk up gently, he inserted two fingers gently into your wet and slick center. You covered your mouth from releasing such loud pleasurable moans. You felt his fingers curl in and out as his tongue lovingly attacked your swollen clit once again. Sweet and breathy moans escaping his muffled lips.
Moments after.
“John I think-” You pitifully said.
He looked up and you smiled. “Let it out, beautiful.”
And with that, a warm and succulent blast of your juices soaked his handsome face from his mustache to his wet fingers, licking them off proudly. You lay there sprawled, seeing imaginary stars as you let out a breathy laugh. 
“You’re all tuckered out and we’re not even finished.” He said, smiling gently.
You pull him down for a short kiss, as you taste yourself on his lips. 
“Then by all means…finish the job.” You seductively said, connecting your lips with his once again. Time seemed to stop as he continued to lay kisses down from your neck to your perked and soft nipples, causing you to release sweet hums of satisfaction. He reaches for his back pocket with an already prepared condom and pulls it out swiftly from the package, wrapping it on his throbbing cock. 
You breathe in gently as he leans in and whispers in your ear.
“You ready, darling?” He asks.
You nod feverishly, as you pull him for a kiss leaving a few on his neck. He started teasing you as he rubbed his length at your slick entrance leaving you hot and bothered. His sweet compliments and affirmations made your brain all fuzzy and had you in a deep trance. You finally feel him drop into you, causing you to let out a loud pleasurable shriek. 
His hard cock filled you to the absolute brim and your head threw itself back as your back arched into him as he nipped gently at your nipples. He hisses gently, manly and rough moans escaping his mouth as he holds your hips, thrusting in and out of your wet and soft cunt. 
You pulled him into you and met for another passionate kiss as he kept on thrusting into you, each thrust harder and deeper than the last. His tongue danced with yours as you felt yourself close to release, once again. The car windows were absolutely fogged up as your heart raced feeling him twitch inside you many times. 
This is what I have been missing out on. You thought.
The ripping feeling of your core connected to his and the beautifully pleasurable feeling of having the most amazing orgasms because of him made your body and mind feel accomplished. 
Riding down on your second orgasm as both of you cum in unison, John pulls out slowly as he lazily ties the now used condom, and tosses it away in the packet to discard later. He leans a little up to place gentle kisses on your tummy all the way up to your lips once again, pulling at your bottom lip causing you to hum and smile gently. 
“Wow.” You said breathlessly, making John feel proud and triumphant as he chuckled deeply. 
“You did a good job baby.” He cooed as he helped you clean up, kissing your forehead. 
[Same Night - Saturday - 11:30 pm]
John pulls up to your place into the driveway after having a little trouble finding it even with the help of a GPS. You turn to him one last time and give him a passionate kiss on his soft lips and smiled gently at him. 
He kissed your hand, as you reached for the car door to leave, completely forgetting the last ultimate thing, but he reminded you by taking your hand before you left and handed you an envelope that felt heavy to the touch. 
As you opened it, it was roughly around 300 dollars. You smirked at him as a small blush rose to your flushed out cheeks.
“Don’t worry, I’d never forget princess, same time next week?” He offered as he smiled gently at you.
You laughed gently and nodded. “You bet.” 
You got out of the car and walked to your place waving back at him and closing the door behind you letting out a relaxed sigh.
I could really get used to this. 
You thought as you started counting the money in the envelope smiling to yourself.
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tgmsunmontue · 8 days
Online & Anonymous 9/16
Hangster. Explicit. Years before they meet in person Bradley and Jake strike up a friends-with-benefits relationship online. And then something more like an actual relationship.
Odd year = Bradley's POV and Even year = Jake's POV
>>Bradley chatting (bold and italics)
>>Jake chatting (italics)
2005/2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 – Jake
                Jake looks at the dates Nick has said he’s on leave and looks at his own calendar and scowls. It’s getting beyond a joke now and he feels like kicking something. Instead he goes for a long run, feet pounding the pavement in frustration. There’s nothing, not even a few days. Of course plans can change rapidly, which is what fucked them over in the past, so maybe it will act in their favor this time. He can only hope.
…            …            …
>>You know, with Taylor Swift’s new album I could put 1989 back in my username and everyone would assume I was just a fan.
>>You know who Taylor Swift is?
>>I’m a country fan. I like her older stuff.
>>Also I don’t live under a rock.
>>Old man.
>>Like you can talk.
>>You had your original birth year as 1986, you trying to make yourself younger now huh?
                Jake lets out a laugh, because this right here is how he knows he’s still talking to the same guy he started chatting to nearly ten years ago.
>>Nick, I’m thirty soon. That’s the age gay men die.
>>I’ll have a wake.
>>Bullshit. Don’t buy into that.
>>Life isn’t over when you magically turn 30.
>>Life just gets better. That’s how I feel anyway. Got my best years ahead of me.
>>Also I’m over thirty and I’m not chatting with you from my grave.
>>You might be. How would I know?
>>I might be dead by the time we actually get to meet the rate our luck is going.
…            …            …
                He knows the year is going to be a complete write-off when he enters the rec-room and Bradley Bradshaw is sitting there chatting with Omaha and Slipper. He can’t help but notice the two bars and tries to not let it bug him, knows it’s barely any distinction but it still rankles. As does the rejection, which is months ago now, it hadn’t been a stinging rejection by any stretch of the imagination, but it had definitely been a shutting down of anything, and those two-bars will be another reason or excuse Bradshaw will throw out there if Jake tries his luck again.
                Not that he will. He does note that Bradshaw hadn’t said he wasn’t gay, which is usually the first thing out of a straight man’s mouth when he’s asked out for a drink. Unless he’s completely oblivious, and if he’s being uncharitable then maybe he can think that Bradshaw is oblivious. But while he might not have taken Jake up on the offer of a drink, he’d been very quick to take Bambi out to dinner and then take her back to his place, where she’d spent the night. He’d thought he’d caught Bradshaw looking, but he wonders if it was just wishful thinking. Part of him wishes he was ignorant about all of it, but their base housing had all been too close for him not to notice.
                And now here he is.
                Stuck on a carrier with him for the next few months.
                And the fucker has gone and grown a fucking moustache.
…            …            …
                Fortunately Bradshaw seems to be content to keep his distance from Jake, almost like he’s wary of him; he also isn’t friendly, not like he is with nearly everyone else. Jake isn’t an idiot, he can extrapolate from that that Bradshaw doesn’t like him. He already suspected that was the case, and it rankles a little, but he tries to remind himself that not everyone has to like him. Something both Nick and Javy tell him. They’re in different squads, so fortunately the mutual avoiding each other is fairly straightforward.
                What does amuse him though is that Bradshaw has picked up a new callsign, Rooster, and the fact that he knows the origin makes him smirk every time he sees it on his helmet or flight suit. That probably doesn’t help endear him to the other man either, but Jake will keep his fairly benign callsign until someone gives him another one, or he does something either stupid or brave to earn one. He keeps up his Snapchat photo streak with Nick, although he does note the change of background of the morning coffee cup. Looks like every other fucking coffee cup on every naval carrier in the fleet.
                He looks up how many people are currently serving in the Navy and pulls a face at the number. 319,120. He’s one, and Nick is another. He supposes he should feel lucky that he at least knows Nick is Navy, because there are 1.35 million in the US military combined, which is an even more mind-boggling number when he tries to think about possibly of somehow just randomly bumping into Nick.
                Stranger things have happened though.
…            …            …
                “You don’t like me.”
                “I don’t know you,” Bradshaw replies, face bland and Jake responds with an equally bland smile.
                “And who’s fault is that?”
                He walks out of the rec room.
…            …            …
                He rings Javy to complain the next time they have shore leave, and for his credit Javy just lets him rant for a solid five or ten minutes before he tries to interject with anything.
                “Okay man. He really seems to get under your skin. I don’t know what to tell you, because I haven’t had any issues with him. He’s been… cool. He’s pretty chill and laid back, at least with all my interactions with him. Is there anything that you could have done that maybe annoyed him? More than just work shit that is…”
                “Oh. Uh.”
                “Jake… what’d you do?”
                “I asked him out?”
                “Seriously? With the whole attitude you gave him while we were at Top Gun you thought he’d say yes?”
                “I figured it couldn’t hurt to try.”
                “Well, I’m pretty sure he’s got something serious going with someone, at least, that’s what I’ve heard.”
                “Bunch of fucking gossips…”
                “Yeah well.”
                He suspects Javy has got his intel from Natasha Trace, and if that’s the case then it’s probably solid and correct. He doesn’t know what to think when he pairs that with the idea of Bradshaw having something serious but also having Bambi sleepover at the end of their Top Gun detachment. Unless the something serious is Bambi, which is also possible. Huh. He doesn’t say anything else though, because he doesn’t want to care anymore about Bradley fucking Bradshaw than he already does, annoying asshole. He does feel like he’s been a bit of a dick himself though, his comment he made about the fault being his that they don’t know each other. Jake isn’t usually that defensive, knows it’s got to be because Bradshaw turned him down, but he has to respect the guy if he does have something going with someone, because Jake wouldn’t have known, likely wouldn’t have ever found out, and he knows plenty of guys do.
                Too late to do anything about it now though.
…            …            …
>>You still out there having shitty sex?
>>Hey now.
>>I don’t go looking for bad sex.
>>It just happens to me.
>>You clearly have a gift.
>>Thanks man.
>>Truly I am blessed.
>>You want a picture to cheer yourself up?
                Jake can’t type his reply fast enough, the pictures and videos that Nick sends him few and far between but so good, and he’s starting to develop a thing for long fingers. Especially when they’re wrapped around a cock, and he’s mentioned to Nick that the idea of Nick’s hand wrapping around both of them gets him hot. The picture that comes through is gorgeous, Nick reclining and the picture down the length of his body, one leg stretched straight, the other bent, his cock hard in his hand as he jerks himself. The lighting is warm, like it was taken at either sunset or sunrise, all pink and peach hues. They’ve both improved in taking pictures, and he takes a screenshot so he can stare at it properly later rather than getting flustered about the time bar getting smaller.
>>Saw you take that screenshot.
>>What are you going to do about it?
>>Nothing. Just letting you know that I know you’re going to jerk off to it more than once.
>>Going to work myself over thinking about getting my mouth on you, sinking down on your cock.
>>I can’t exactly take toys with me when I’m deployed, but I can finger myself and imagine that it’s you.
>>God Jas. Send me a picture?
>>Sure thing.
…            …            …
                Bradley and his squadron leave the carrier after four months and Jake wishes he was leaving as well. Nick has leave soon, it would line up beautifully, but he’s got another three months of this deployment, and then he has four weeks of leave, but Nick is meant to be deployed again by then. The tide has not magically turned in their favor and lined up their leaves and he keeps his most bitter disappointment to himself.
…            …            …
>>Well, you aren’t the only one having shitty sex. Man some guys are dicks.
>>What happened ? Or should I not ask?”
>>Just a hook up. Blew the guy and he didn’t even reciprocate. Tried to give me a handjob but he wasn’t even trying or into it.
>>That doesn’t seem fair?
>>Well, it’s not always fair, but I’d kind of gone in hoping for reciprocation as a bare minimum. Ah well. Can only go up from here.
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Sleepy Daze
Warnings: dad JJ, soft unprotected sex, fluff
I roll over, throwing my arm out and finding an empty bed. I sleepily prop myself up, blinking myself awake enough to see that my bed really was empty. I reach for the baby monitor and it’s gone too. Panic sets in for only a moment but reality quickly catches up. JJ must be with the baby and didn’t want to wake me.
I jump up and glance at my phone, seeing that it’s only 5:30 in the morning. I quietly pad down the hallway and peak in our sons room. The chair is empty and my brows furrow in confusion. I push the door open further and walk over to the crib, almost sighing in relief. JJ was cramped inside the crib with our 13 month old son - who was JJ’s twin - curled up on his chest.
They were adorable and sleeping so peacefully. I almost wished I’d grabbed my phone to save this moment for later.
I couldn’t have asked for a better partner and father. He was perfect in every way. So perfect in ways that I sometimes felt I didn’t deserve him. He was perfect at calming my insecurities also.
I quietly slip from the room and get back to bed after a quick pee break. I’m curled up nice and comfy in the center of the bed when I feel the bed dip next to me. I glance over my shoulder to see JJ slipping in behind me.
“How did you escape?” I whisper, smiling as he pulls me against his warm bare chest and nestles my neck.
“Magic.” JJ whispers, kissing behind my ear and instantly giving me chills. My body always immediately reacts to his touch and by the stiff jab in my tailbone, I could tell I had the same effect on him.
“Baby, aren’t you tired?” I murmur, my eyes falling closed as his hands start to caress my arm and down to my hip then over the swell of my ass.
“I could go for a quickie.” He turns my chin towards him, capturing my lips in a toy curling kiss just as his fingers glide over my panties. I gasp, arching into his light touches. He was a master at teasing me.
“J—.” I let out a breathy moan, surrendering to his touch as he circles my clit through my panties. It took no time at all for me to be wet and painfully needy.
“You’re so beautiful. I’ll never not love you.” He rasps, kissing me before quickly yanking my panties down and pushing me on to my back so he can hover over me.
“I’ll never not love you.” I whisper back, tangling my hand in his hair while we kiss as I spread my legs wide for him. I gasp with the first push inside me and he growls against my lips, taking my bottom lip between his teeth.
“You’re everything to me. I’d die without you.” JJ says softly between slow, deep thrusts. Tears fill my eyes but in the best way. We cling to each other, our bodies perfectly molded together as he moves. I’d never grow used to the feeling of him inside me.
“I love you.” I gasp, my body threatening to arch as my release nears. JJ grins at me before leaning down to capture my nipple through my shirt as he thrusts harder. My climax hits me, my entire body shuddering with my release as he moves faster. We had to be careful not to make the headboard slap against the wall or it’d wake the baby.
“I love you too, baby. So fucking much.” JJ grunts between kisses, trying to muffle my cries of pleasure.
“Don’t cum inside me, J. You know what’ll happen.” I pant, knowing he’s close.
“God, it’s so tempting to keep you pregnant so everyone knows you’re spoken for. That you belong to me.” I tug hard on his hair, rolling my hips to meet his movements until he breaks away, grasping his cock hard and stroking out his release all over my mound.
I drop back against the pillow, exhausted and sated while he cleans us both up before quickly pulling me back against his chest. He kisses my cheek, surrounding me in his comfort and warmth.
“When you’re ready for another baby, I’m ready. And if you’re never ready, that’s okay too. You’re everything to me.” He whispers sleepily, his arms tight around me as we both fall back asleep.
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notiddygxthgf · 7 months
Tumblr media
★ pairings: suguru geto x satoru gojo, satosugu
★ synopsis: Suguru Geto struggles with letting people in after leaving a three-year-long abusive relationship. Enter Satoru Gojo, the boy who doesn't seem to take no for an answer.
★ c.w.: slow burn, mutual pining, explicit sexual content, dub con elements, implied/referenced rape/non-con, mahito is a real abusive asshole, past relationship(s), past abuse, recovery, hurt, comfort, vent fic, based on my shitty ex, my therapist told me it'd be a good idea idk, im a good writer I swear, brought to u by the bch who wrote best friend's brother!choso, sexual tension, new love, fluff, angst, smutt, graphic, psychological trauma, theres a happy ending in here I swear, angst with a happy ending, psychological trauma, PTSD, idiots in love, sexy smut I swear.
★ a/n: NGL I kinda hate how this turned out. but! it had to be done! I had to get it out of the way. the way I think this is gonna work is past flashbacks first, present time next. it's gonna prob alternative between the two for a while. comment your thoughts! let me hear u! feel free to slander mahito... he plays the shitty ex.
★ w.c.; 3.4k
𝐔 𝐍 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐓 𝐔 𝐍 𝐀 𝐓 𝐄    𝐀 𝐈 𝐋 𝐌 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓
I WAS ONLY 12 YEARS OLD the first time I tried to kill myself. In retrospect, I can’t possibly imagine what could have been so important to little me that he firmly believed he would rather die than live without it. I wish I could say that I had a difficult life. That simply was not the case. I grew up with two loving parents and a kind brother, in a small town where every friend I’d ever had was within a mile of me at any given point in time. We weren’t rich, but we most certainly weren’t poor. I had everything a child could ask for and so much more.
Again, I wish that I could say I had a difficult life, but that simply was not the case. 
It’s just that I’ve had these… thoughts for as long as I can remember. An unfortunate ailment, if you will. No matter what I did, there always seemed to be something missing. Something I felt I would spend my whole life searching for – or at least trying to supplement.
At 12 years old, I planned my first attempt.
It didn’t work.
So, now, faced with the unbearable burden of deciding what I was going to do for the rest of my life, I chose to pursue a childhood dream of mine. I wanted to go to school to become a doctor. I didn’t know what kind, per se, but I knew that I wanted to heal. 
Maybe I thought, I don’t know… that if I healed enough people, I may have been rid of the ailment – healed, myself.
So I left my small town, enrolling in an academy 30 minutes away from the house. I got into their Healthcare program. Again, what more could a kid want?
Yet the void inside of me only grew larger, more ravenous. I lost touch with all of my small town friends – one by one. I had no one.
But I was pursuing my passion, right? Why wasn’t it enough?
It was in that godforsaken academy that I met him.  
“Pick a card,” he asked me. His grey eyes were so sharp, even then. “Any card.”
I glanced down at the fanned-out deck in his pale hand, eyes crawling over the many different suits and shapes before eventually settling on an ace. I pulled the card out. 
Ace of spades. I tried to memorize it. I also, coincidentally, tried my best to ignore the incessant thrum of my racing heartbeat against my veins, my arteries, my chest. He was sitting so close to me.
It was just the two of us in the hallway. Just me and him and the infinite space between us, the small gap between my right shoulder and his left. 
I handed it back to him. “What are you doing?” I asked.
He slipped the card back into the deck without looking. He shuffled it once, twice, three times. Made a bridge with his hands and let the cards fall back into place. I watched with a remarkable sense of interest.
“Is this your card?” He tucked a stray blue hair behind his ear, producing a card.
I furrowed my brows, about to say something, when I noticed something off about the card. It was different. Where there once was a large blue spade, there now was a small, torn piece of lined paper taped to the surface. The gray lettering on the handwritten note read,
My eyes went as wide as saucers. My mouth lolled open, lips shaped around his cursed name, “Mahito, I…” 
I thought of my parents. I thought of my religious father. What would he say? What would he say if he found out his 14-year-old son was a homosexual?
I thought of my parents, and I bit my lip, “I don’t know if I can… I don’t know. What if my dad finds out?”
Mahito tucked the deck of cards neatly into the pocket of his black cargo pants. His hoodie was rolled up to his elbows, revealing intricate stick-and-poke linework over his forearms. He shrugged, humming, “Who says he has to?”
The tardy bell rang. We were late for first period.
My mouth opened by itself again. At fourteen, I wasn’t so sure I was ready to lie to my father about something so serious. Not yet.
Seemingly sensing my hesitance, Mahito laid a hand on my stiff shoulder. “Hey,” he muttered softly. “Think about it. Give me your answer after school, yeah? We’ll meet here at 3:30.”
And then he slipped away with a quiet, ‘See ya’.
Without confirmation.
In his absence, I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.
2019 February.
Mahito ran away from home two weeks into our relationship. Ran away without so much as a notice or a warning. Ran away and left me there to assume the worst. He didn’t live in the best area. Perhaps he was staying with a friend? If not, was he dead in a ditch somewhere?
There was no way to tell.
He could have at least told me, I had thought. Then again, would I have tried to stop him? Undoubtedly.
They issued a missing persons alert the day after he didn’t show up. I remember seeing the poster all over my social media, all over the streetlights and posts. 
It didn’t seem real. Even as I held the missing poster in my trembling hand, I remember feeling numb. I remember feeling as if this were all some sort of cruel prank, that he would be back just in time for our after-school walk with a smile on his face.
 But there he was, smiling up at me from the page in my hand. 
Height: 5’8
Weight: 150
Eye color: gray
Hair color: blue
Remarkable features: tattoos on arms
Last seen: February 14th.
I crumpled the piece of paper up, tossing it across my messy bedroom with a sigh. I hadn’t slept last night, and I wouldn’t have slept tonight either.
I sunk into myself, curled into a ball on my twin-sized mattress – the same one I’d had for as long as I could remember – and cried. I was utterly inconsolable. I cried until my voice was hoarse, until there were no more tears left to cry.
Until my phone buzzed.
I assumed it was another homework notification. I didn’t check. What did it matter? In my eyes, my world had stopped spinning. It had stopped the moment he ran away.
But it buzzed again, and again.
It was then that I realized I was getting a call. Begrudgingly, I picked my phone up off of the bed. I turned it over. The screen was lit up with the words ‘NO CALLER ID’. 
I wanted to hang up. Desperately. Wanted to save myself a shred of peace and dignity and move on with my night – in hindsight, I probably should have just hung up when I had the chance. But, no, I felt something in my gut call out to me.
Against my better judgment, I answered, “Hello?”
The line crackled. “Suguru?”
My heart leapt up into my throat. With wide eyes, I answered again, “Who’s this?”
“Suguru, it’s me, Mahito,” He sighed with relief, like he hadn’t expected me to pick up. Truth be told, I hadn’t expected it either. “I’m sorry I couldn’t call you sooner, my love. I’m calling you from a phone booth right now.”
My love. The nickname sounded like honey coming from his lips, but I knew it was laced with venom. Still, as would seem to be the trend, I was weak for it. 
My eyes began to water again, somehow. “Where are you?”
I knew better than to call him ‘baby’. Not when my father was sleeping in the room next to mine. 
“I can’t tell you that right now,” He answered. Of course, he couldn’t. There always seemed to be something he was hiding from me. I didn’t see it that way back then. “Look, I don’t have much time to talk, I–”
“I’ve been worried sick about you, Mahi,” I spoke again. I felt numb. So numb. “Please, just–”
“I stole ten grand from my mom,” He cut me off. “I’m running away from home. The abuse, it’s just– I can’t. I can’t, anymore.”
His mother was a real piece of shit. I knew that. She never wanted Mahito, not as a single mother. So she tried multiple times to be rid of him – beating him senseless with hangers and wires and even going so far as to attempt to poison him on his birthday. 
Still, ten grand was a lot of money.
“I’m on the run from the cops, I– I think they’re trying to find me,” He panted into the microphone. “You can’t tell anyone, okay? You gotta lie for me.”
I felt sick. Sick to my fucking stomach.
“I’m sorry, I…” I trailed off, holding back vomit. “Hold on.”
I ran to the bathroom and promptly emptied the contents of my stomach into the sink. I had just eaten mac and cheese an hour or so ago, and the vomit was tinted yellow. I could still see a few noodles here and there, only partially digested.
It made me want to hurl again.
“You okay?” he asked me.
“Am I– No, I’m not fucking okay, Mahito! First, you run away without–” I had to swallow bile a second time. I felt it burn as it slid back down my throat. “You could have fucking warned me , or something, and now you’re calling me at eleven at night to tell me you’re fleeing the fucking cops?”
He paused. “I know,” he said. “I know, I’m sorry. You know I love you.”
And immediately, like some sort of magic trick, I felt my exterior soften. I didn’t even care that we were only a few weeks into our relationship. He was my first. It was like he knew the effect he had on me. 
“Suguru,” he said again. “I love you.”
His words were like honey. I took a spoonful.
“I love you, too,” I sighed into the receiver. 
“You’ll keep quiet about this for me, right?”
I was weak for him, as always.
“Okay,” I said.
I found myself sitting at my desk in the middle of the day, struggling to concentrate on the lesson. The classmates at my table – more like a group of desks placed together – were talking about the missing boy.
My missing boy.
They were talking to me, actually, but I had long since tuned them out. It was all a blur for me – a blur of faces and voices and words I didn’t want to hear. 
“He’s a freak,” The boy across from me, Choso Kamo, remarked. “If I were you, I’d break things off before it’s too late.”
Choso’s critical words sent a sharp pang right through my rotten heart. 
“Exactly,” My friend, Shoko, chimed in. She was a pretty thing, about a few inches shorter than me with brown hair up to her chin. She always looked so tired . I wonder if she recognized that I felt the same. “He’s got some serious issues. Guys like that rarely make for healthy relationships.”
Choso leaned in, leaned over the desk to offer more of his thoughts, “You can’t just ignore the fact that more people are catchin’ on, either. What if your dad finds out? You know he thinks that… kind of stuff is wrong.”
Choso was Shoko’s friend. He wasn’t homophobic. A little misguided, but he had the spirit. Hell if he weren’t a raging heterosexual, I might have even gone for him instead. He had that look I liked – sleepy, downturned, dark eyes framed by messy bangs. He never wore colors. He was content to make a statement in black. Black eyeliner, black shirt, black doc martens, black hair done up into two messy pigtails. 
It was his signature look.
Our classmates didn’t take too kindly to ‘emos’ like him, though. He was an outcast. Hell, we all were. That’s why we sat together, after all.
The harsh opinions of my classmates threatened to erode my self assurance. I knew people were talking – people always talked. I knew the hushed whispers of my name as I walked past people and cliques in the mornings on my way to class weren’t a hallucination. 
I knew I had to stand by my boyfriend. I knew I had to stand by Mahito, but the weight of their disapproval put a strain on my shoulders. Does anyone want to hear that their friends don’t approve of their partner?
Admittedly, he wasn’t a very good partner. He had demonstrated that much in the first few weeks of our relationship. I knew he wasn’t good for me, but, fuck, I wanted to try. I wanted to make things work so badly that I ached for it. Everyone else knew he wasn’t good for me, too. 
But, fuck, was I naive to wish I could prove them all wrong?
In my eyes, he was only misunderstood. The ghosting, the red flags, the alarming behavior… I could see past it all because I loved him. My first love. No one understood him the way I did. How could I blame them for their concerns?
It didn’t matter how many voices I had in my ear telling me it was wrong. Soon, he would come home to me, and I would feel his skin against my cheek as I hugged him hello. That’s all that mattered.
How could that be wrong?
“It’s not wrong. How could it be?” I kept my gaze trained on my desk. My vision was blurry, unfocused. My mind felt numb and detached. I muttered. “I love him. He loves me, too. He told me he did.”
He did.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Choso and Shoko exchange a dubious look. 
They didn’t understand him the way I did.
“He told me he loved me,” I repeated the words like a mantra, like a reminder to myself that I was fighting for something. 
That as long as I was loved by him, I would be okay. 
He called again that night. Earlier, this time, at nine o’clock. 
I was in the shower at that time, curled up on the floor, sobbing into my arms. The water streamed past my shoulders, my arms, my nose. I glanced over at the screen through blurry eyes. 
I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath.
Then, I let the call ring.
Current Day. 
[12:13 PM]
[Automated]: you have 3 new messages. Play back?
[USER] Selected:
[NO] ...
... [View Inbox]
[ Last 6 Years ].
[REPLAY>>] Message from 'Blocked Number'.
" Suguru, this is me, Mahito. I don’t know if you can hear me or not– I don’t know if anyone can hear you or not, so please use headphones, or something, I don’t know. I just wanted to call and make sure you’re okay. I’m gonna try and call you later. Right now you seem to not be answering your phone for some reason. Doesn’t matter, though. I’m not in a really good place, right now, I’m… surrounded by a lot of people. So, um.. I just wanted to say that I love you, and I’ll call you a little bit later, okay? Bye– kisses…….”  
[End of Transcription] 
[Automated]: Would you like to play the next message?
[ Yes. ]
“ Suguru, is this– this is me, Mahito. Um.. I just wanted to say that I’m okay. Nothing has happened to me yet. I’m perfectly safe. I’m in a laundromat somewhere. And, uh, I said I love you… I don’t know why you’re not answering my calls… You know that I always try to text you whenever I can– and try to… call you, but… I don’t know, maybe you’re too depressed, or some shit. Maybe you’re mad at me. I understand. I– what I did was wrong, I… What I did was idiotic, and what I did was stupid, and shitty… And I understand if you’re mad at me and you don’t wanna answer my calls. So, yeah, I gues… I’ll try to call you again tomorrow. 
If you’re hearing this voicemail, but you probably won’t, um… I just want you to know that I love you. And I’m trying to do my best just… to see you again. You like pizza, don’t you? How about we do a pizza date sometime, yeah? Somewhere around next week, maybe. Huh? How about that? Sounds cool, right? Yeah, yeah it does. Um, anyway, I… gotta… I gotta go. I have to… do some things. Uh… uh… at least I love you. 
And, I– I might not have brought much with me, but I have the little stuffie that you gave me. It’s in my book bag. Not gonna take it out because people are gonna know what my things look like. I’m always gonna keep these memories close to my heart. I don’t care what anybody says. Even if I go to prison, I’m taking this shit with me. Alright? Um, I guess that’s it. And… last thing? I love you. 
Please, answer me. If you’re calling, that means you actually care, but if you don’t, then… it’s fine. Don’t recall this number. I’m not gonna respond. This is just some random guy’s phone. Okay? Um… I love you, and please stay safe. Please don’t worry, I’m still alive. I miss you. Okay, bye, I love you.”
 [End of Voicemails Received on February 18th, 2019].
[Automated]: Would you like to replay the messages?
[ No. ]
[ Delete ] > [ All messages from {Blocked Number}] 
[Automated]: Are you sure?
[Automated]: Deleting all messages from {Blocked Number}.
THE WIND BLEW IN HEAVY from below, sending a plethora of leaves flying out in all directions. As I knelt down to test the current with my fingers, my boots sank deeper into the muddy riverside.
I sat on the bench in front of the riverbed. Wiping my fingers dry on the fabric of my denim jeans, I took a moment to take in my surroundings. The park was mostly empty, save for a few teenagers
The water always looked pretty this time of year. For a few moments, you stood there drinking in the sight of it.
In the present, I sat alone in front of the serene lake, surrounded by the picturesque beauty of nature. Lush green trees lined the shore, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The scent of damp earth and the distant call of birds created a peaceful atmosphere, contrasting with the turmoil in my mind.
I watched as groups of carefree teenagers ran around, their laughter and joy a stark contrast to the heavy weight I carried in my heart. A deep sigh escaped my lips as I averted my gaze towards the shimmering water.
I wished for the water to possess the power to cleanse me, to wash away the burdens that weighed on my soul. 
The sound of the water rushing past was almost deafening, drowning out the laughter of the teenagers. It consumed my thoughts, leaving me with an overwhelming feeling of dread and isolation. I yearned for the water to offer solace, as if it held the key to absolution and a fresh start, but it remained an unsettling reminder of my own inner turmoil.
I had a vision every time I came here for some peace of mind. It was the same vision every single time. It plagued me every time I found myself in front of the water. It was an image of me, standing at the water's edge, and then, with a deep sense of despair, throwing myself into it, sinking into the abyss and drowning.
As I sat there, the scenery around me seemed to blur, and the vision of my drowning self played on a loop in my mind, a relentless nightmare that I couldn't escape. The lake, which should have been a source of tranquility, had become a symbol of my pain and a relentless reminder of my inner struggles.
It seemed to call to me. I could almost hear the wind carry my name.
The water always looked pretty this time of year. I sat there watching it for a moment too long, wondering what it would feel like to be enveloped by the cold current, to feel it wash me away. 
And, again, the sound of the current grew louder. Deafening. Consuming me.
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a/n: l comment and lmk what u think pookiesss
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I obviously do not own jjk or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
So this is one thought that has rotated in my brain ever since I watched through the entire 2003 series for the first time, but as much as I love Donatello and consider him my favorite turtle, there is one not-so-tiny thing that bugs me and that's the fact that he does probably go through the least character development of the four turtles despite going through some genuinely terrible shit.
When I think of some of the stuff Donatello goes through during the series, the stuff that makes me think "Good lord, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO MY BOY," the three incidents that stick out the most are the Triceraton Mind Probe from the Space Invaders arc, the entirety of Same As It Never Was, and the Outbreak Saga/Good Genes Arc. The Triceraton Mind Probe scene is one that is physically painful to watch. Don is writhing and screaming the whole time as the probe rapidly picks through his memories trying to find information on Professor Honeycutt's whereabouts, and it's clear that at one point he becomes so scared that he begs for help from his father. Fortunately, his spiritual connection with Splinter allows him overpower the device and short circuit it, but if he hadn't had such a strong bond with him, who knows what would have happened.
Same As It Never Was... what needs to be said at this point? Donatello gets transported to a bad future where the Shredder rules the world, Splinter and Casey are dead, and the turtles have disbanded after their version of Don disappeared 30 years prior. Donatello watches all three of his brothers die protecting him, and at the end of the episode laments the fate of his poor brothers and just how nightmarish the world is before he's warped away. And that's just the tl;dr version.
Good Genes arc, though, oh my god. I feel a major reason why this arc is so good is because it plays on an idea presented on Same As It Never Was--that is, Donatello, with his level head and ability to come up with ingenious solutions to problems the turtles encounter, is what's keeping the team together. As a result of the Outbreak virus, Donatello undergoes a secondary mutation that turns him into a violent, aggressive monster and it's stated because of reactions with the Utrom mutagen already in his blood, his body is breaking down; if he's not cured, he will die. The knowledge that Donatello may perish if nothing is done is bad enough, but even just not having their brother there mentally is enough to mess up the entire team dynamic. In their desperation to save him, they go so far as to make a deal with Bishop, who Leonardo openly compares to the Devil himself, and their actions ultimately lead to the events of the Ninja Tribunal arc the following season. It was the single most dire situation the turtles were in since Exodus, and it wasn't even an entire galaxy at stake; just their beloved brother.
But despite all that, Donatello doesn't actually change much as a result of these events. That's because, more often than not, the stuff that happens to him is more used to fuel his brothers emotional reactions and development than his own. Good Genes is probably the best example of this because even though Donatello is the one physically suffering during the arc, it's Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo who get all the interesting emotional reactions to their present situation; Leonardo finds himself almost completely lost on what to do without Don, and Raphael and Michelangelo, who are absolutely devastated over Don's transformation, spend much of the arc eerily quiet when compared to their usual selves. The only thing we get in terms of Don is the fact that he doesn't remember what happened while he was "sick," and is thus frustrated by how much his brothers end up coddling him in the wake of the incident (which unfortunately isn't all that important since we're about to enter the Ninja Tribunal arc.)
It really is unfortunate that Donatello doesn't go through much development because I otherwise love everything about him. Besides his intelligence, techno savvy, and ability to quickly pick up skills that might be useful to the team (I'm also very biased towards his Bō not due to its strength as a weapon, but it's amount of utility both in and outside combat), I'm absolutely floored by just how nice and gentle he is. He's still got plenty of sass hidden in his shell and can be quite snippy when he's annoyed, but he shows a lot of emotional sensitivity and is very empathetic; this is especially shown in his sibling dynamics with Raphael and Michelangelo, whose relationships tend to be the most...tumultuous? Of the turtles. I don't have a better word for it.
As an aside, I genuinely feel like The King doesn't get enough credit where it's due because yeah, it's a touching tribute to the late Jack Kirby, but it's important as a Donatello-focused episode because it's not focused on his status as the genius inventor of the turtles; instead, we look at his nature as a kind, friendly individual who is very sentimental and doesn't take loss very well. He quickly strikes up a friendship with Kirby, who is one of the few humans not to reject Donatello just because he's a 5'2" mutant turtle, and they end up having a fun adventure in the alternate dimension where all of Kirby's drawings end up disappearing to. Unfortunately, Donatello is unable to pull Kirby back through the portal in time as it's closing; the alternate ending, which is closer to original Mirage issue the episode is based on, really hammered in just how deeply this affected Don, since he absolutely refuses to talk to Raphael and walks off to be by himself, gazing solemnly at the drawing Kirby was able to send through the portal. "Life at best is bittersweet. Take care of yourself."
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God damn it, my poor son.
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