#and maybe edit smth lmao
mifhortunach · 7 months
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fucked around w more shirts ! 😔
Its all notes to me under here! Ignore them ? anyway, Genuinely pushed these thru making-wise (3days?) bc i realised that if i did another shirt i could probs make an okay end of year insta post about them lol
Despite the usual registration issues these were SO much easier & cleaner than any of prev (bar printing aint easy) honestly. Finally mostly got my emulsion coating p consistent! The inks were flowing well! They (mostly) stopped bleeding the whole time! And it all just took most of the year!! god, lol
The image was 1/2 done w a forgiveness towards inaccurate registration in mind, but i still wouldve liked a bit more lining up. I had Z Merrill in mind when i actually bothered to put in reg marks this go, but i think working w the acetate as a reg sheet is an issue - at least w fabric. Not sure how to fix that just yet tho ://
I was gonna say that i think i should do smth w just 2 layers, but requiring a closer reg, then remembered i still wanna do that bosch thing, so idk!!
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dxxth-gxd · 4 months
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monggay · 2 years
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@mechtober2022 day 17: acheron! haha couldnt stop thinkin abt arachne in UDAD. i love twisted threads so much and i mean. who can resist raphaella + tim + some good ol tragedy and hubris leadin to your downfall??? but also just like. pretty women <3
glitch version and others below the cut!
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
this is what you all get for allowing me access to my video editor. it’s not perfect but i am actually very happy with it so <3
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girlwithfish · 1 year
bro finally someone said which fortnite radio plays runner i have to find it😭
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nethercomfies · 2 years
Back in high school we had to hold presentations every year on a topic of our choice and I'm so sad because right now, two years after high school, I got an idea for the MOST BANGER presentation... This is so sad
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safyresky · 1 year
Frostmas Year Ten: Behind the Scenes
Prologue | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 | Y4 | Y5 | Y6 | Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y10 | Y11 | Y12
[To Read Frostmas: From the TOP | Year Ten]
Boy howdy! It was two years in the making but, at about 30k ish words, year ten is FINALLY finished and I can FINALLY say, out loud, that Jacqueline got fuckin FROZEN!
Lots I wanna share because Year Ten had the MOST edits out of all the years I’ve written so far. I do NOT want to know what Year Eleven will be like. Y10 was like, the HARDEST year to write so far! Let's get GROOVING
The Intro
I actually rewrote the intro after finishing the entire year. It was a weak start, originally, I realized after writing those three BANGERS of final scenes!
the version you SHOULD have read was only completed on the 13th, after being rewritten once the day before.
I almost didn’t write an intro for Year Ten. I actually think, when I started writing it, on Easter Day two and a half years ago lmao, I went right into the beginning of the year.
If I’m remembering correctly, I actually didn’t write the intro until after the All-Staff scene!
Scene 1: Bernard Machine BROKE
what the elf is elf version of what the fuck. v. important note
“We’re really in it now Jacqueline” is absolutely, 100%, the Frostmas version of this meme from The Good Place:
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And oh boy, with Y10 of Frostmas? WE ARE REALLY IN IT NOW, JACQUELINE
OKAY SO one of the reasons I decided to do these BTS things was for all of the memes/references bc I find it FASCINATING that I can read these chapters and recall DISTINCTLY what I was doing/hyper fixating on at the time. Year Ten edition: Quarantine 2020!
First reference: Jacqueline deciding to go to Timmies
I was 100% projecting, a month into quarantine and I had NO IDEA if Tim’s was open and I was craving timbits and my iced capp of choice (which is also Jacqueline’s)
Two months in I saw they were open via drive thrus and I have a car so I got me that ding dang iced capp
HONESTLY, a lot of Canadians don’t actually like Timmies these days. Apparently, they’ve gone down hill. But Imma be real with you folks, ice capps HIT and I have yet to find a place with a similar drink that hides caffeine well enough for me to enjoy!
Stir-Fry: Best way to make a quick dins and get rid of leftovers
Okay, srs note now: thinking about what would drive Bernard to leave, without knowing what the canon relationship between Jack and B-Man is (tho most people HC that they HATE each other and B wouldn’t take Jack’s BS, and I support this) one of the hardest things I’ve done, to date.
like Jacqueline said in the intro, this is Bernard’s home! He takes care of the elves, they’re his fam! Like, everything considering Bernard’s decision is HEARTBREAKING and the only way I could think of that would allow Bernard to fully leave the picture is, well, him basically trading his “exile” for their freedom.
The conversation they have once B-Man has semi-processed grief is once again, me trying to work it all out
apparently a running frostmas theme for things I can’t figure out is to get Berline some food and watch them scheme. Hey, if it works it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scene 2: Jack gets SERVED
fun fact: I added this scene in after writing about half of the chapter! It was reading very bad prior, since I had just summarized what Bernard did.
“you’re not you when you’re hungry” I think about that commercial a lot. Specifically the Betty White version
it’s also a gr8 Jack line, 100%
so thanks to snickers, i guess, for giving me free dialogue (🤫)
I actually really like this scene! I think it’s a v good villainy Jack scene!
Scene 3: All Staff Meeting
I hate all staff meetings. We had one MONTHLY in quarantine and by the time May rolled around, I never wanted to go to one ever again
SO LET’S MAKE THE ELVES GO INTO ONE! at least they got to go in person 😢😢
Idk why I had B-man give a spare set of keys to Quintin? It’s been so long since I wrote that part, and Quintin makes his way to the Valley in the later half of the year ANYWAY. I actually went back and edited the final few scenes to hint that Quintin splits his time
like some kind of divorce settlement
he and elfsburg divorced. he gets the shop every other week 😂😂😂
ALTHOUGH it IS before B-Man knows he’ll be able to relocate everyone, so maybe that was part of the reasoning?? See, this is what happens when you wip something for TWO YEARS. 30k later ur a mess
Also, hate that Quintin is spelt Quintin. Mostly bc spell check hates it. Sorry spell check, BUT THAT’S HOW IT’S SPELT IN TSC1 END CREDITS
Anyway I think Curtis deserves a little credit, as a treat, and I’m SOFT for B-Man being soft with the elves 🥺
especially since he gets really, really, really into the Resort stuff (that’s canon, you saw him in the last movie!)
Quarantine 2020 Reference: “And for now, it’s the new normal”
we’ve all heard it at this point, even B-Man apparently
also, totally forgot that I had established a LOCKDOWN before covid19 did lmao, almost thought it was another quarantine reference
Scene 4: Frost Mansion/Manor
was two scenes, fixed it to be one scene! one of the many, many, many, MANY edits I was doing up until I finally posted the chapter. This year took SOO MUCH EDITING
the Blaise making a room scene was literally just so I could show off that I finally figured out how warlocks worked in CS :D
Legates are salaried! That’s a Crystal Springs FACT
anyway I think about how jelly like the magic in tsc series is. do you? i think about it a lot. like, you could chose any kinds of sounds, and you go for slurping? icky
Scene 5: City Square; Scene 6: Meeting with Governor Blaise
This scene. was another one. that got rewritten way too many times. Idk what it is about Y10, but I could NOT get things sounding decent on the first try for like, MOST of the scenes! Except for the last one, lmao. I’ve had that written for a year :)
it was another opportunity for lore drop tbh, i’m shameless
on that note, I’d like to thank Assasin’s Creed: Valhalla for teaching me what a MOOT is, historically speaking! I read it and was like so THAT’S what CS does! Aight, neat!
“Blaise said with a grin, opening his arms” similar to how Jack said. three or four scenes back 🙃🙃 I didn’t even realize the parallel until the third in process read through!
(Scene 7 is the Council Meeting, and not much BTS info exists for it so we skip!)
Scene 8: Ley Lines
She had the brilliant idea of Christmas trees being like beacons? And chatted with me for a good two or three hours one winter evening in 2020 to help me workshop this idea!
there was another idea of the stockings delivering the gifts but it was knocked down lol, if the trees are calling in the gifts then why on earth would they come shooting through the stockings?
besides, stockings are their own spawn points!!! they gotta be filled with STUFFERS like FUZZY SOCKS, AND CANDY, AND CHOCOLATE!!
no idea how I connected everything together afterwards, tho. Maybe that’s why this year took two whole years to write 😲😲
anyway, yeah, no, thank you SO much as usual ana for being your amazing self FILLED with BRILLIANT ideas and letting me pick from your genius!! something something we stan??? is that meme dead yet?
(oh! and if u squint...u can see Winter watching for frozie Jacquie)
Scene 9: The First Check In
Once again, i have Jacqueline noticing that someone looks slightly different to acknowledge changes in the movies! This edition: Curtis’s growth spurt and slightly deeper voice 👀
(the voice bit was shoehorned in very last minute 🤫)
I ALSO started dropping hints about how Curtis gets very into the Resort later on. I mean, I thought he was way too invested when Scott finds him at the Resort! He was not as disgruntled as any of the other elves were. I’m running with the subtext >:)
FUN FACT: this is where I left off when I initially started doing this Frostmas BTS. I had not made it very far. ONWARDS
Scene 10: Everything Moves Fast
My one regret with this chapter is settling on "New Elfsburg" before placing it in a valley. "Elfsburg Valley" is just so...chef's kiss
BOOM! ELLE DROP! I've got plans for Ms Elle come next chapter. You guys probably won't like it, but uh, I will enjoy the reveal immensely >:)
"saying you were part of Health and Safety went a long way with ordinary beings" -> I'd like to thank Doctor Who episode "Partners in Crime" for this one! I watched it a LOT during the two years of writing this chapter took. It was a rough two years and I was taking all the comfort I could get while isolated from my fiance and my family and LITERALLY EVERYONE
Scene 11: Bag Heist
oh my god this scene. this scene is so good for so many reasons
Jacqueline being an ass
Jack being an ass
God tier frozie sibling banter
Jacqueline acting almost EXACTLY like Jack would just to bug him--hammering home the theme of "becoming what you fear most >:)"
Also, it was so much fun to write! It was goddamn hilarious!
"Do your kids really want the flu?" I asked, hands on my hips. "Because a kid sneezed all over the place a few photos ago, and we need to sanitize this asap. Maybe even close it off for the day."
-> More Covid Nuggets lol
"Barry, right? You chased me out of storage the other day! I remember that, that was fun! How's your arm?"
-> Jacqueline is very much causing trouble and I am trying to really really reinforce that lmao. She's on a first name basis with some of the guards!
"Sorry Barry, but I have the high ground now" -> for some reason, my friend sir eng and my fiance got really into quoting that specific phrase re: Star Wars:
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just before my household shifted and we went FULL lockdown, my (now) fiance (then boyfriend) came up for a visit and marathoned Star Wars with our friend Sir Eng while I was working
(I think that's how it went! May have been my other housemate, and then Sir Eng said it to Fiance and it went downhill from there. Idk man. April-Oct 2021 was kind of a blur)
it went downhill from there, haha. It was a popular turn of phrase up until Sir Eng moved out!
FUN FACT: Jacqueline has never seen a Star Wars :)
"That wasn't rhetorical, Jacqueline. Why is it you're holding Santa's bag? Don't you have citrus to freeze? Noses to get all runny?"
"Not until 3," I said, to more laughter.
Thank you based Spongebob for the ABOVE reference :)
Scene 12-14: It's DORMANT
So, my running gag for this year of Frostmas is basically this:
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And it SHOWS in this scene, especially! More on that in a mo!
"The Workshop itself had been designed to be a bit smaller, to be ready in time for toy making. It felt a lot bigger on the inside thanks to some brilliant engineering on Quintin's end"
->this is 100% a dr who/British joke, a la this scene from Phineas and Ferb's Avengers crossover. It lives rent free in my head for whatEVER reason, especially since I never saw the entire episode!
but also, like, why WOULDN'T they have it be bigger on the inside? They're MAGICAL. SUSPEND THE DISBELIEF! anyway.
""At this point, I don't care how you got it. I'm just glad you got it." Bernard said, gently taking the bag off of my arm."
->and so it begins! B-Man literally does not care, he just wants to get this moving and try his bestest to save cribmas 🥺🥺
"Everything dies eventually. Even us," Bernard pointed out.
"You must be fun at parties," I said, thrown off guard.
And Winter is in her element! She's got very mom energy. I'm hoping to explain why she's quietly lurking in the next chapter, but basically she has the BIG WORRY for both Jacqueline AND Bernard! She knows Jacquie's frozen, as we see in the final scene. she's doing her best to be there but NOT be overbearing
And Bernard is doing her a real big worry, too! Her mom senses are going crazy
(Winter would've been gr8 at being the next Mother Nature. She declined when approached by MN when the Legate Law was put into place. More on that in Into the Shadows!)
"If you keep clenching your jaw like that, you're going to need a night guard" -> You'll never guess who did, in fact, get a night guard around this time (last March)
if you guessed me, you are so correct lmao. again, one of those oh hey! I recall why this went in! What a crazy thing to look back at! anyway it's done wonders for stress headaches, and I'm positive Bernard would benefit from having one lmao
Ah yes. A bit of sillies before we head into the BERNARD DOES DUMB SHIT portion! Little Shop of Horrors was the first production I saw "post" covid. I quite liked it. The puppet for Audrey 2? AMAZING.
Jacqueline's Interlude
I just had to edit the Jacqueline interlude because holy guacamole, were there EVER spelling mistakes GALORE. It's like, did I miss that section ENTIRELY?! DAMN.
Anyway, it's kinda funny, I remember getting to that part and having to take a step back with all of the shit I was about to do--those three BANGERS of end scenes 😍😍--and straight up needing a moment to process it ebcause I couldn;t figure out how it all started
Mostly because Jacqueline was mum on the subject, if you can believe it. Can't blame her in the slightest, lol, but when ur characters get suddenly quiet while you're trying to tell their story? YEAH. IT'S A PROBLEM
This was ALSO a fun spot to shoehorn in some ah, CS government lore >:) Do I know how their system works? YES! Do I know wtf it is? NO! But it seems to work for them so YEAH, ENJOY THE LORE
Looking back at these now have me cackling, I really went BAM! BAM! BAM! with a bat to everyone's knees, huh? Anyway
YEAH. WOW. you know, this whole section was unplanned. Like, the bag failing? Unplanned--kinda just happened as I wrote! Bernard doing the dumb shit? Not planned, but the moment I had the bag low on magic, I went ah. yes. Bernard would 100% do his best to help save it, given everything he's sacrificed and lost so far
And Jacqueline would be MAD about it, given the ENTIRE situation that Frostmas is/has caused and also, the FROZEN THING
My god, tho. I really feel for Bernard, you know? It's just. WOW. after all of that everything, you just really, really, really want, need something to go right. I feel like we've all probably been there before!
But yeah, everyone's really at their lowest low here
And even with their sibling-esque banter, Berline is still not doing so HOT
I had that final scene written for YEARS. I think since year 8 went up? My GOD. Been biting my tongue for WAY TOO LONG to try and avoid spoilers but boy am I GLAD it's OUT NOW! AH!
This year of Frostmas decked me lmao. WOWIE. Anyway, plz enjoy the Y10 bts! and the MEMES! I'm HOPING this kick starts my ass into figuring out why Y11 isn't quite VIBING rn 🤔🤔🤔
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kaluawoo · 2 years
Well this was a dream I hope to not have again.
#Like it wasn't a nightmare it was just. Uncomfortable.#Like it involved me first realizing I missed work. Waking up IN THE DREAM and realizing it was like 10-11 AM so I still missed a meeting#And I apologized for that with a meme for some reason?? like googled a pic and edited it a bit for that#And then my coworkers told me that original pic was made by a TERF and that that's REALLY not a good look for me#And I was just sitting there like No!!!! I just grabbed a random pic off of Google!!! But I didn't wanna tell them that I AM TRANS#And then there was some weird event thingy and there was a group called ''Young Poet's Society'' that I wanted to join#And the book I read was so BAD like#It was about a man cheating on his wife somehow??#Written very old timey like a book you'd get as assigned reading in German class#And the first scene I remember was the MC being worried about wanted to cheat and being told like#''better you bring other women home than to spill your seed elsewhere''#And then the second scene I remember was him with some woman telling her that 12 children is already more than enough#And that they'll soon not be able to see the floor between all those trousers and skirts. While to woman was pregnant btw.#Like. bruh.#Oh and before I first realized I'd missed work I was taking a walk or smth and ran into some kid (I'm guessing 8-10 maybe?)#And somehow ended up chatting with him. Idk guess we decided we'd be siblings now lmao#Went to get milkshakes with him and my dad. I wanted vanilla but dad ordered without asking me so idk what I got#Probably something nice tho. maybe Oreo or smth.#At some point some uncles/aunts and friends of the family were also there#kiddo started getting antsy so we told him to go back home#Meanwhile I was a little worried about missing horseback riding practice#Before I realized SHIT I STILL HAVE TO WORK MON TO THURS THIS WEEK AND IT'S ALREADY LIKE 8PM#(which btw is also after horseback riding practice but wasn't in this case)#So I thought it might be a dream and willed myself to wake up but I guess I only woke up into that other dream where it already was 10-11AM#And when I tried waking up again it didn't work so I figured it must be reality
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
See this is the thing, ratings were consistently low but the trailer got a SHIT TON of views. The official ratings are from the US where it seems they just didn't really promote the show much. I think that kinda set the show up for failure from the get go but then the shoddy pacing and drawn out seymour storyline was the final nail in the coffin
right, the pilot should have had WAY more views, when you don’t have that momentum you’re finished. i honestly think they shot themselves in the foot by delaying the series release so much; also think they might have done better had they released all at once (i think that’s always the case when a series has more of a mini-series vibe which i think this one did). i don’t think that formula works as well as it used to do when there’s not a primed fanbase and/or constant promotional material being released. 
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orcelito · 2 years
you may ask, “Did Fanny manage to write anything today, the day that is the lightest workday of their week aside from their single day off on Sunday?”
and I may answer,
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abandoning my steddie slow burn vampire au once again to start a brand new fic, maybe someday one of my five wips will actually be published <3
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llama-head · 2 years
Sometimes I think no one in the Garcias looks alike then I put all their headshots together and I’m like “oh no they do”
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y3llow-hoodie · 6 months
bit of a self indulgent ask, but i Adore your vast!jon au and i was wondering if by any chance he made friends with mike crew at some point 👀👀?
(I’ve always thought mikes character could’ve been explored more in canon, maybe if he survived daisy’s attack jon would’ve come back w more questions or smth, maybe this time he actually accepts his tea offer lmao)
Actually a few people asked me if vast!jon would be friends with Mike crew.
Imo, he would be an outside party that is not involved with Simon Fairchild’s affairs, but Jon heard of him and met him a couple of times.
When jon finally catches on that something isn’t right, he goes to his place and asks for answers (this would happen around end season 2 probs)
Here a lil comic about it >:)
Edit: I friggin forgot to add mike’s scars, now it’s all fixed 👌
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Vast!Jon AU _ 1-2-3-4-X-6-7
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fernaldoishere · 3 months
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"O Sol pediu a lua em casamento"
As per usual with me, this was just supposed to be a test to see how I wanted to possibly do a future pmv/amv, but I went too far... Oops lol
anyway, this song is amazing!! Ik people use it a lot for more 'doomed' relationships, but I think it has the potential to be pretty cute (as I've seen other people use it!!!) So maybe I'll make smth more with it!! Lostshipping is my absolute favorite ship, so this won't be the last you see of it!!
Edit: ignore when i typed geode that was a mistake i didn't catch until now lmao
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theoccultz · 10 months
What do you need to know at the moment?
#random messages edition
General reading,take what resonates leave what doesn't
Pics not mine credits to their rightful owners
Short Chanelled messages for you
Note: readings are not to disregard anyones feelings but to bring more awareness through it ,decision is always yours at the end
Paid readings x
Select your pile -see ya in your pile !!!
Pile l . Pile ll. Pile lll .
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Pile Vl. Pile V . Pile Vl .
Pile l .
Angel number:898
You need to do some savings ,invest in health more maybe ,i'm hearing open an account as well
Do not talk to strangers or give them full information on your life even if its on internet
You are not wrong for speaking up for yourself even if its against your family, release the guilt
You should tie the loose ends , even if its just sewing your shirt ,it will improve your attention span and you'll feel happier connecting with your hobbies
I'm hearing visit a part or work with ferries ,you might buy a gift or someone could gift you something
Pls limit your screentime its having effect on your eyes and you might be feeling more tired than usual
Buy that outfit?cap ? Watch buy it ,it'll be needed.
You need to heal issues related to your body if its a scar or something else also water is significant here maybe you can go for a date near water or you should eat date with water
Pile 2 -
Angel number -459
Dont pick a side and dont forget what they have done to you its gonna hit em back
Someone with s or a singer could be significant here ,maybe you should sing more someone could praise you or recommend you for something big . congratulations omg
You need to travel or explore more on your own maybe in not busy places like aquarium or beach or go for bicycling
You leave a big impression on the people you meet ,i'm hearing your outfit choices are great like the colour stands out.
Do not be paranoid you'll get the chance to do something you missed out on ?
Flies or bees contain some message's do not ignore ?
Mind peoples action more set firm boundaries,dont indulge or respond .
There's some gossip group you need to be away from i'm hearing someone can overhear and tell others abt it
Tea or butterfly? Someone needs to do some research on it or if you're sick drink some tea .
Pile 3
Angel number -806
If you start something in this period it will flourish for the best although it may be hard to kickstart at first
Save your files or dont miss something while you're going out ? Double check
There's someone popular here who likes you they could find reasons to talk to you ?i 'm hearing this person has a baby face & sensitive skin they could be popular for their looks ?
Dont let your discussions get highly thereoritical with the people you interact? Keep it neutral
I'm hearing busy environment ,you need to connect with your inner self i actually heard dive lmao whatever you feel like suits you ,it will help you put yourself out there more
How? simply stop overthinking and start doing what feels right .
You are overeating this could your coping mechanism that you're unaware of .
I'm hearing a lot of slangs maybe you should join some online community or start a new one ,you will find fun people there i'm not kidding these people have good sense of humour*yeah i heart k!ling it lmao*
"If you're feeling sad' maybe you should relax " maybe its speaking abt mental rest
Pile 4.
Angel number:594
Oh wow people find you really attractive i'm hearing baddie maybe you have this dark aesthetic or smth
You look good in any hairstyle yeah you guys i think people are praising you a lot in this period. Yeah under the observation 😭idk if you have applied for an audion or smth there's people making a decision on you .
2months ? You'll receive your lost item ,you need some help -you'll receive
Make a deit plan ,make good food choices & drink clean water maybe go to some cleaning services
Attention by new jeans -song
Check where your scorpio placement is ?its important for your well being ...what ...maybe its effecting you in this transit.
Ah beware at night ,11am is highlighted here especially if you go for walks ,you could see something you wouldn't like .
Pay your tax , do not procastinate, watch a childhood movie you loved
Change your bottles ,blue bottles specially
If you wear some sort of brand that brand Is scamming people
Be more mindful and present when you're walking (:
Pile 5.
Angel number -982
If you suspect someone have a crush on you then you're right especially if this person randomly calls you or interacts you or tells you weird things which you find questionable
I'm hearing be aware of someone who complimented you recently for your imitation or smth? This person bad mouths you ,they could upload a lot reels in a day or week . someone with dark aesthetic,initials -R ,F,V
You are feeling triggered and overwhelmed emotionally because of your father wounds maybe you have completed a cycle and the shadow period taking over you specially if you feel the need to go out more
I'm hearing do the neediful dont overextended help they dont appreciate it ,this person is critical in nature its not your fault.
I'm hearing a community you are in is fake like they just fake their emotions & hide things or keep it to themselves yeah nothing much ,dont go finding deep connection with them .
You'll get the opportunity ,your background doesn't matter maybe you feel there's competition but the higher authority who's working behind the scenes an older woman she doesn't care for background like experience or smth she just cares for efficiency and excellence maybe if you pass her test she'll reward you
No their relations aren't good -this was random like if you're suspecting a friend or a couple is having the time of their life they aint "there's regret here"
Also you need to rest more or reschedule your stuff
This pile was juicy& direct af goodness 😭✋🏻 are u abt to expose someone? Tagg me jkk
Pile 6.
Angel number:101
Someone younger have a crush on you i'm hearing 3 years age gap they could be a libra with taurus placements their moon sign could be significant
>Yeah this person keeps an eye on you they feel overprotective over you ,they like you and will probably take Action their energy is very forthcoming
You need to do something less? If you exercise?listen to music or cook ? Clean whatever do it less frequently ,i feel like you're overindulging it will effect your health
"Its not your problem "
someone is mad at you, just leave them alone no need to do or say anything,its obvious they're projecting
Check up on a friend they are suffering, i feel like this friend really admires you, like you make their day better ,you should talk with them if you have been in separation for quite sometime or they dont live close by you
If you're thinking for therapy sessions or keep forgetting things like you dont feel good i feel like therapy or a support group would be of great help ,it will help you release
Flower by jisoo - You guys i'm giving you a big hug ,we'll be fine.
Pile 6 -I just feel the need to say this but you guys are amazing ,thank you for being here
Your energy will be restored ... be ready for s change ,if you do something creative sell it .
ATTEND THAT EVENT - whatever it is a free show ,a wedding,a competition,a meetup .
"Dont eat what you didn't cook " your messages are very crypted for some reason ,yeah dont take anything from strangers specially these 3 weeks .
Use your voice more or improve? Like use diction it will open up your ability to speak confidently.
Thanks for reading!!! Have a great day/night .
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
(send me recs pleassseeee ;-;)
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Hey this'll be the last time I use colored words for characters!
I think it's a bit too distracting, and the only reason I was using them was to let ppl know if their fav was in there, but now I'll probably just use CW/TW to mention character heavy asks/fics :)
Thanks for being patient with me for so long if ur still reading my stuff :0 <3
Listen as you read?
EDIT 1/1/24: Hey I expanded more about this on my Eldritch Fanfic Part 2 post, but unfortunately I did a form of exoticism by including the term "Huangdi" inappropiately here. I have since replaced it with "Emperor" as was the original untranslated term I would've used. I'm genuinely sorry that I did this, and will absolutely be on the look out/do better in the future. I hope you can understand.
also im so sorry?? Idky i was in such a scenario mood today??? Ig im in my exectutive dysfunction paralysis state so maybe that’s why, like it unconcoiusly wants me to waste more time not catching up on uni work??? anyway, hope u like this chaotic addon 😭
or i just love this ask sm, that’s entirely possible too <3
ok but they’d totally heard ur music tastes thru the screen right?
like just imagine-
the video game music is normalized, and to them its just another one of those ��all kinds of magic in teyvat” causing the music, like the seelies wandering around all the time or elemental energy
Jean is flipping through a folder filled with the reports for the week, she’s got to get the routes ready for the week, then there’s the liyue shipments the knights need to help escort over, then checking in on any of the emergency stations/rations throughout Mondstadt for weary or hurt travelers/merchants-
She sighs, and yet another irritated thought is thrown Varka’s way in her mind, she can’t even muster the energy to make it outright dislike she’s so tired…
Jean was so concentrated she just now is starting to hear the Favonious Headquarter’s music once more, it’s peppy upbeat tune… grates like nails on a chalkboard.
and if she has to hear that damn flute for the next hour she works, she’s going to start banging her head onto her desk.
Out in Jueyun Karst, Xiao is dealing the finishing blow to a flying ruin hunter
He’s huffing and stabs his spear into the ground to lean on and catch his breath, the gentle music of the peaks begins to float around him once more
The Yaksha feels the earth beneath his feet shake. Not like from his Lord, not the other adepti angered, but an enemy so large it’s stomps shake the ground he stands on
Xiao quickly straightens less he fall over, pulling his spear out of the dirt with a little more effort than it probably should’ve taken…
The high sounds of the guzheng trickle through the air, a perfect representation of the base of the slopes, trees, streams, and nature all around him
Xiao turns to face the enemy behind him, his arm popping with tired joints,
…A ruin grader, two ruin hunters, and finally regular three ruin guards, follows it. they come around the corner of the bottom of another slope, and they're still simmering with black smoke, curling off their metallic shoulders.
Xiao sees several red targets layer over his chest,
the music fades a little, but sticks around, plucking strings gently. Xiao sighs, exhausted already.
Kazuha and Beidou had to redirect the Alcor from a nasty storm at sea that intercepted their usual route between Inazuma and Liyue,
the storm had practically chased them further and further down form the Inazuman islands
it wasn’t until Kazuha, from the crow’s nest, spotted fog on the waters that they realized they’d be forced to go into said creepy fog, what with the crackling looming clouds at their backs pinning them in
“Not good Captain, the fog is miles long, I’m not sure I can see a way around it…” Kazuha calls down to the deck, Beidou letting out a sharp sigh through her nose
“Damn… fucker’s not even sentient and it practically backed us into a corner, feels like we literally gotta escape the damn thing… BRACE YOURSELVES CREW, WE’RE HEADING INTO THAT FOG!”
The Alcor makes it’s way into the fog, a piano swells with a strange tune…
Beidou, Kazuha, and the crew know to listen to the music of teyvat, especially if you have a life at sea, where storms can appear in the middle of the day or other pirates could attack any moment.
The music means nothing good, but at least Kazuha can see the storm staying at the border of the fog, moving no further in, unlike themselves
“Shit… see anything up there Kazu?” the Captain steering the ship doesn’t even reach a shout, for the music has creeped out all conversation on board
“No ma’am, wait,” a chill breeze brushes through the wanderer’s white hair, he feels goosebumps jump on his neck and spine,
“…Yes! Portside Captain, land, no enemy movement yet!”
“Alright, here goes a bad idea…” Beidou’s arms flex as she easily turns the heavy wooden wheel, steering left,
the Alcor gently comes ashore, and they make anchor.
…there are no enemies, like Kazuha said, but the tune worsens, it had gotten louder now that they’re actually on the theme’s land
It plays slowly, encasing the crew of the Alcor in a paranoid quiet, and it almost has a melancholy note
Crows caw and fly off of a stone gate up ahead, they can see flickers of a strange blue light further inland, like figures carrying lanterns everywhere they go…
“Damn music, I wouldn’t feel half this anxious if it didn’t sound like we were walking into a monster infested cave…” the first mate says, the first person to break the quiet the music held over them.
“Yes, while we might need to stay here for awhile, I think we’re all very aware how dangerous this is…” Kazuha agrees, crossing his arms and squinting at the moving blue lights… the piano plays on.
You open on Spotify on your computer, clicking on your favorite kpop playlist, it’s been rainy all day, so you need the peppiness of this dance playlist to actually not be half-asleep playing Genshin-
You hum along to the Korean lyrics as you boot Genshin up, ugh, ur in-game music is so loud, u forgot u turned it up last time to hear the new Sumeru music…
Turning it down, you let the Kpop songs fill ur headphones as you nod to the beat, your team materializing on screen. Right, off to do commissions first!
Jean is like.. seconds away letting out a scream of frustration, anger, tiredness, loneliness, etc. her hands clenching her hair and ruining her ponytail when, thank Creator, the theme quiets down finally.
The loss of her immediate ire gone, she lets go of her hair, her hands just kind of hovering midair, not knowing what to do with herself, all the negative emotions giving her face wrinkles just melt off, leaving her stunned, blank face behind
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
Acting Grand Master Jean actually screams when abruptly a song in an unrecognizable foreign language, blasts into her office, around it, filling the entire Favonius Headquarters with its… cheeriness??
Jean lets her hands fall onto the desk, still in shock
..well, she quickly decides she’s grateful for the new music either Barbatos or the All-Parent had heard her pleas for…
…actually, it’s kind of,, catchy?
Jean takes out her ponytail, massaging her aching scalp, huh, she really did have it tight she’s just now noticing, she feels a small smiles appear on her face,
she actually kind of wants to do something now (she kind of hopes this new foreign bard song sticks around..)
If you asked Xiao what happened in that battle he’d be hard pressed to tell you,
without going completely red in the face. LMAO
He probably wouldn’t tell the other adepti this, especially Cloud Retainer, but Xiao had definitely had to get used to fighting brutal battles to the sound of gentle summer day-esque music
Right as the aruguably, army of ruin machines spotted the Yaksha, he’d launched himself into the air to try and evade the rusted beasts, aiming his jade spear, adding winds to swirl around the staff to better boost his attack, the machines warm up, their targets moved and locked onto him midair, right as both sides launch their attack-
🎶 Geogi neo I fancy you! Amuna wonhaji anha Hey, I love you (Love ya!) 🎶
Xiao nearly falls out of the air.
Quickly recovering, he uses his anemo power to propel himself off to the side dodging, he swears to his Lord and his Emperor himself, delayed attacks, as if the machines were caught off guard too,
missiles whiz by him, exploding behind, the peppy song of foreign women’s voices sings out into Jueyun Karst bright and happy-
🎶 Geurae neo I fancy you! Kkumcheoreom haengbokhaedo dwae 'Cause I need you! (What?) 🎶
Xiao’s face goes from being confused to concentrated throughout the rest of the battle, and the worst part… it actually helps his energy levels.
and he finds himself nodding along
Kazuha takes the lead, his sword unsheathed and at the ready to cut down the slightest movement before it can get to any of the crew behind him,
He’s flanked by the Captain of the Alcor herself, Beidou’s electro shield emitting a deep hum as it blocks in front of both himself, and the crew behind him
all of the pirates have unsheather their own weapons, daggers, swords, claymores, bows, their all on high alert, waiting for.. well, any enemies at all.
In fact, Kazuha hopes he sees hilichurls soon, just for the familiarity it could give him and the his crew-
the music begins to fade away.
The crew stops just shy of the entryway that was perched with crows before they scattered, the white fog hasn’t moved beyond its lazy drifting, but the creeping sounds have stopped entirely. Not good.
Captain Beidou sighs after a few silent moments, other than the quiet breathing and shuffling of weapons from the Alcor crew.
She lets her claymore sword thunk against her shoulder, and just as she opens her mouth, turning to address the all, deciding camping here will have to do for the night-
🎶Fancy! youu, ooh Nuga meonjeo johahamyeon eottae Fancy! youu, ooh Jigeum neoegero gallae Fancy! ooh!🎶
Kazuha’s shoulder shoot up to his ears in a flinch, red eyes wide, he barely stops his reflexes from taking a hard swing with his sword, several crewmembers shriek, collide with metal clinks into one another, Beidou drops low, her sword swinging off her shoulder into almost a full swing at the ground-
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
the music plays on, the only one making any noise as the entire Alcor crew just, stop. after their initial shock.
Kazuha’s the first to break.
He desperately tries to contain a quiet chuckle, which turns into a giggle, which turns into a full-on wheeze, as he buries his sword into the ground to brace himself on it and one of his knees
the Captain cracks by the time Kazuha wheezes, her laughter going straight to guffaws and knee slapping, her claymore shaking the ground where she stabs it to lean against
the crew erupts into laughter, both as the peppy foreign song echoes into the mysterious fog, and Beidou’s ridiculous laugh, as always
they don’t recover until two songs later when there’s finally a slow kpop song, Kazuha’s had to sit down, tears streaming down his face, Beidou’s half-dead, wheezing out complaints about her stomach, as the crew keep sending each other into more and more laughter right as they think they’re done.
They decide their Akitsu Mikami must have the best sense of humor and must just be sitting on their celestial throne pranking some of their subjects from time to time, and the Alcor crew find themselves all the more appreciative for it, their nerves entirely gone about the island
Kazuha and Beidou are constantly asking other bards they meet to try and see if anyone can recreate the song for the crew sometime they liked the beat and the memory so much, Fancy by Twice will still get a laugh out of Beidou and Kazuha, and they’d quickly let you in on the inside joke so you’d be a part of it too (afterall you did it lol)
Who’s DANCING!! w/o u needing to do anything but play the music:
NILOU (she got those choreos done in like, an hour flat everytime u teach her, shes always begging for “just one more dance lesson Greatest Lord? 🥺”),
YUNJIN (difference betweeen the two dancers is that nilou asks :) → yunjin lowkey demands, she like always gets u into a situation where you have plenty of time to teach her and feel obligated, u just got gaslight gatekeep girlbossed into teaching her another kpop dance LMAO), they also see it as they’re (literally) god-given job to dance better than any idol you’ve seen do it before, esp when they recruit groups of other dancers to join for group choreos
Yoimiya! cutie #1, CHILDE, amber, eula, ITTO, bennett,
Collei (but shes shy u gotta encourage her),
Diona (cutie #2),
FISCHL (would form an actual group to dance all the choreos like a real kpop group),
Gorou (shy #2, needs encouragement),
Kazuha (tbh I think he’d have fun and be weirdly good at it, fem or masc dances),
Ayaka (shy #3, needs encouragement and would rather die than dance in front of ppl other than you),
Qiqi (but u gotta teach her slow bc she needs to memorize it, and also it takes her a bit to write down the dance steps in her journal so she doesn’t forget as much),
Razor (another person i think would just have fun with it! also he’d do it but it would be very, aggressive? like making finger hearts but violently shoving his arm out at ur face lmao),
HEIZOU (shutup he’d actually be good at it and brag- and flirt at you-),
Aether (shy #4), VENTI, xingqiu, xinyan, KAVEH
BARBARA (she literally stalks u around Mondstadt all like “oh hello your highness! just happened to walk by you and was wondering if you heard any new of those “kpop” dances, you know I’d LOVE to show it off at my next show-!” like she hasnt been a block behind you the entire day 💀)
babygirl Wanderer (he literally surveyed the area before he finally let u teach him any moves, and refused to any sort of dramatic moves, like fem or masc),
Alhaitham (but only like a small part of a guy group choreo like a bit from God’s Menu or smth, he was too lazy to do anymore even for u lol),
Cyno (dammit some of these bitches look way too good doing even girl group dances-),
Diluc (u got him to do like, a pose. LMAO and he saw Kaeya in the distance and quit immediately LMFAO),
Kaeya (but it didnt take much convincing, if anything it just took forever to teach him, he’s talented in footwork for swordfighting but apparantly not dancing, at least not modern dances he tripped so much ur convinced he did it on purpose at one point so he’d fall into your arms again lol),
Ganyu (super shy, wont do it around anyone but you, and maybe Shenhe),
speaking of Shenhe (she just took awhile to teach bc she wanted to stay upright a lot, kinda stiff),
Keqing (once again, another who’d only dance when it’s just u two lol),
Yae Miko (she just wanted to learn the whole choreo that’s what took so long… and now she’s making comments like “My goodness, my god wants me to dance for them? They’ll even show me how? Oh, now I must do it perfectly so I can satisfy you, my Kami.” STOP TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT UR TEACHING EVERYONE-),
Ayato (he’s acts so theater gay he refuses to do anything but the girl group dances/fem dances lol),
SARA (easy, give her ur strongest, saddest pout and she cracked like glass, u got her to do a whole dance with u/she actually got into it too, its her secret guilty pleasure now lol),
Kuki (did one sort of move then got BARRELED OVER by Itto’s crazied boy group acrobatics he likes so much, u know the backflips over each other type of ones? yeah. ),
Ei (the god herself/not the puppet, catch her never doing that lol, she tried but didnt, get it? she’s also pretty stiff, but she looks like she’s having fun so u just keep teaching her moves, and she likes that its you teaching her something new),
Thoma (shy #5 ? idek what number we’re on anymore lol),
TIGHNARI (u nag that bitch so hard he nearly throws a drink at you to get u to stop bothering him- NO he does NOT think those dances would suit his ears- dammit he wont do that dance, no matter how much he likes you- DAMMIT MY LORD-),
Xiao (if u thought nagging Tighnari was hard, this is like nightmare mode, not only does he not wanna do the dances, but he also wants to understand WHY u want him to dance each and every move- !! bc he would “look cute or cool”?!?!!?!!! …yeah he’s gone, he went so red u cant even get him back with tofu),
Zhongli (would like, be so confused on how to make his body do that, that he ended up just sort of posing, at least he looks cool)
(anyone not on these 2, u did, in fact, not manage to convince, yes, even if their god asked them to, nor are they doing it of their own volition lol)
also, im like, three weeks away form graduating uni? NICE, soon i will be free to assault u all with responses mwhahahaha (rubs my little gremlin hands together)
Safe travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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