#and maybe sometimes women are the ones doing the attacking because they are human beings who are also capable of dickery
a Certain Group online: "doesn't matter what you ~identify~ as, women will see you as a potential threat and cross the street if you're there because All Men are potential threats to women!!"
what the women approaching me in the street say:
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twelvemonkeyswere · 9 months
watching more of Ace and 7th, I'm delighted by their unmatched dynamic:
the Doctor built a gigantic weird grey square thing to substitute Ace's boombox, which was destroyed by the Daleks (awww)
while spying on some nazis, Ace sneezes. the Doctor immediately fakes bird sounds so nobody suspects there's a human there
when Ace sprained an ankle, the Doctor adamantly insisted on helping her himself and gave her a small speech about how she has to take care of herself
while spying on the nazis, the Doctor asked Ace if she ignored his instructions and has explosives in her backpack. she says she's "a good girl" and does as she's told, so he says "excellent, blow that vehicle up." she's SO thrilled about it
Ace has defended the Doctor with all her heart every time someone accuses him of something because that's her Professor and she rescued him from the street and gave him a forever home. she defended him even though he refused to explain his past and a cryptic lady teased that the Doctor had deep secrets that couldn't be revealed without grave consequences, and there were hints that he was involved in the creation of Gallifrey in the Time of Chaos. Ace said "fuck the lot of you this is my old weird little guy go find your own" and stood her ground
Ace made friends with a girl in a town who had her exact same energy. they began talking about nitroglycerine so Ace told her they should talk outside. when her new friend asked why, Ace said "he gets upset when I talk about explosives" loud enough for the Doctor to hear her laugh. he let her go without another word
in that same episode, Ace meets another female soldier who was now commanding Brigadier, as well as Brigadier Stewart's wife. They all went out on a girl's night, leaving the house chores to their respective male companions. The Doctor was beaming at the women while leaving and very cheerily said he'd cook something for the men left behind
sometimes the Doctor is trying to figure something out and Ace chimes in to ask questions that prove the Doctor has been teaching her about physics
the 7th is very vocally anti-war and anti-violence yet has immediately resorted to death threats the moment someone's even sniffing at Ace. I've seen him use a sword, several types of guns, and maybe a bomb? All to prevent Ace from being slightly threatened
Ace accidentally destroyed a madman's lab while being attacked by some creatures. The scientist was all "YOU RUINED MY LIFE'S WORK" and the Doctor turned proudly to Ace and said "that's my girl"
one time they sat at a bar and Ace tried to order alcohol. the Doctor growled a warning "Aceeeee" and she sheepishly changed it for a lemonade
the Doctor boops Ace's nose several times as a sign of affection, and Ace smiles and accepts it, which I'm CERTAIN she would never take from anyone else
Ace has repeatedly dragged the Doctor around when he was being stubborn, sometimes even using his own umbrella, which I'm CERTAIN he would never take from anyone else
the Doctor keeps sending Ace places where she will be out of harm's way and Ace keeps finding direct and indirect ways to put herself in harm's way, which makes the Doctor then run after her to help her. this is literally what most episodes are about.
Ace repeatedly refuses help and compliments, but never from the Doctor. she also talks with insolence to most adults she encounters, but never to the Doctor, even when she's angry or talking back to him
the Doctor encourages Ace to be brave about her fears. there are very few things that truly scare Ace and make her feel insecure, and he is honest about what makes him scared and insecure, to show her he wants her to get through this
one time they had to return a magic sword to its place, and they were doing a ritual about it. Ace, who took it out in the first place, held the sword insouciantly to put it back and the Doctor says "Ace, don't you have a sense of the moment? this is important" and Ace just flatly says "no" and smashes the sword back
after a long day of being hunted down by creatures the Doctor paces around to monologue and when he turns to Ace, she's fallen asleep on a couch. so he smiles and gently pats her cheek with the back of his hand
truly the most duo of all time
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bonefall · 7 months
.. opinions on wind runner? i feel like im one of the only ones that genuinely hates her sometimes
If you feel like the only one who genuinely hates her, I think you need to look around more. Wind Runner is a very widely disliked character, because she's often used within the story as a small antagonist who "threatens" the authority of Tall Shadow. Gray Wing dislikes her. Thunder is openly cat-racist to her. She spends several books trying to break through the moor cats' xenophobia to join a group that came to HER LAND.
Then, when Moth Flight is old enough to be a relevant character in Forest Divided, Wind Runner is turned into Yet Another mean mom the very moment Moth displays ADHD. She's contrasted to her mate Gorse Fur, who is a Soft And Good Dad, and ultimately MASSIVELY punished with the harrowing events of Moth Flight's Vision (even though, for most of that book, she's completely right.)
Ask yourself why they're especially harsh on WIND RUNNER for being mean to her child, in the arc with Tom the Fucking Wifebeater and his redemption death, plus Thunder being forced to stop being mad at his abuser Clear Sky, please.
To me, Wind Runner is an intense, ambitious woman who's demonized for it in a way that men just aren't. She's subject to several misogynistic trends within WC, plus a huge helping of xenophobia that goes absolutely unexamined. If DOTC cared at all about women, it would have treated her with the nuance she deserves.
Wind Runner is treated with nearly endless suspicion by Gray Wing through books 1 - 3, while he's bending over backwards to suck Clear Sky's toes.
Her wanting to join the group that came TO HER HOME and being a bit pushy about it earns a stronger reaction from Gray Wing than Clear Sky murdering people.
She's pressured into changing her name "to fit in," and it's still not enough. She wanted to join the group so bad she changed her name, at the request of the Mountain Cats, for a chance of being better accepted
This came after she'd already saved Jagged Peak's life when a burrow collapsed on him. She's plenty trustworthy.
She keeps doing shit to try and prove herself to this group of assholes. Remember Bumble being dragged back to her domestic abuser? Gray Wing interprets this as a power struggle, when WIND RUNNER WAS NOT EVEN PART OF THE GROUP AT THE TIME.
From Wind Runner's POV, she did something that the Moor cats wanted done. It was fucking evil. It was committing violence against another member of the out-group the cats see her as.
But who actually has the power here? Tall Shadow does.
Gray Wing said it himself that she could have come up with some excuse for Bumble to stay, and she didn't. In fact, any cat could have spoken up. No one did.
and still. STILL. Wind Runner gets nothing. Her reward is Gray Wing surmising that actually, her doing their sick dirtywork was a political move.
It's more consistent as a motivation with how Wind Runner wants to join their group. The thing she's been doing.
She only actually gets to join the group after Thunder starts publicly hurling slurs at her for suggesting they need to be ready for Clear Sky to attack them. "What do you know about peace? Last time I was here you were NOTHING BUT A ROGUE WITH A ROGUE'S NAME"
Gray Wing even starts purring when she gives birth, because her ambition goes away briefly and she "stops bossing everyone around." this is treated like a sweet thing. god forbid women retain their personalities when they have kids
She loses her first premature child to a seizure and Gray Wing starts proselytizing his religion to her. "Maybe it's a good thing your weakest child died because Jesus has them now" I want to beat him with a hammer
When her second child gets sick, Clear Sky has a bright idea that involves killing it. I refer to this as his "reverse leper colony" suggestion. He only develops a sense of humanity towards the sick when his brother's pregnant wife is in danger. Wind Runner and her kitten barely seem to clock as people to him.
It's only after her SECOND baby succumbs to a horrible, painful death that she decides the moor cats are assholes, and she goes to start her own group. It's LONG overdue. I was extremely excited to see it.
Now. Listen.
I've been treated just like Moth Flight before. I've practically heard the scolding in Book 6 Chapter 3 verbatim. I'm not downplaying anything about Wind Runner being harsh to her; being yelled at like that never fixed the problem.
What I'm saying is that this is the SAME arc that summons the hollowed-out ghost of Storm to coo that Clear Sky "never drove anyone away" with his abusive behavior and gives Tom the Wifebeater a heroic redemption death.
So why is the scolding from Wind Runner treated as unambiguously harsh? What's the difference between her and them?
Why is it that outside of this little bubble of the community, you can get buried in a flood of people crying about how "Clear Sky made Summisteaks Butt he thought it was the right thing :((( He feels bad about shoving Thunder's face in a weeping, pus-filled wound and trying to kill him :((((" but Wind Runner is mean about Moth Flight not catching a rabbit and she should be skinned alive
Why is WIND RUNNER held responsible for the death of Clear Sky's child in Moth Flight's Vision, WHEN IT WAS COMPLETELY HIS OWN FAULT??
So, why should I hate her? Because she's mean to the idiot protagonists? Because she's Yet Another Bad Mom whose actions ARE treated as Bad in the story, in the arc famous for openly weeping whenever someone's mad at their abusive dad?? When she has this whole horrific, unexamined story about how incredibly bigoted The Settlers are towards her and the extremes she goes to in order to please them?
I'm glad she's mean, actually. She should have been even meaner. I think she should have a gun
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
Recently, 227 out of 290 members of Iran parliament voted to execute those who were arrested in the past 8 weeks of uprising. According to Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), the number of arrested protesters are more than 14,000 people. Islamic republic has a long history of mass murders. In the 1988 massacres of political prisoners, more than 30,000 people were executed. In 2019 protests, the government killed more than 1,500 protesters during the internet shutdown. They never stop their criminal ways because blood and bone is the foundation of their reign.
These people, who have the dream of freedom in mind, are going to be sentenced to death if international human rights organizations don't do something about it. We're not talking about nameless faceless people. These 14,000 lives have friends and families, pets and lovers. Let's get to know some of them:
This is Hossein Ronaghi. He is an iranian blogger and human rights activist. He's also a computer programmer and one of his activism areas is internet restrictions and how to go around them. He has a long history of political activities and since 2009 protests, he has been a political prisoner on and off. During current protests, he was called to turn himself into Evin prison or his family will be in danger, so he did that. But even though he was there voluntarily, security forces violently attacked him and beat him. Currently he's in prison with broken legs and no medical attention and a 46-day-long hunger strike. His life is in danger.
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These are Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi, the two journalists who covered Mahsa Amini's murder news. This is not the first time the government arrest and punish someone who spread a crime news instead of arresting those who committed said crime. Media freedom is a joke in Iran and those who speak the truth get silenced. A while ago in an interview with Shargh daily, the newspaper Niloofar works for, she addressed sexism in her field of occupation and explained: "sometimes a female journalist would think with herself maybe I should just give up this job, this job has many safety issues and the salary isn't good at all. but most of them stay. Women journalists never give up."
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This is Fatemeh Sepehri, a political activist. She oppose Khamenei leadership and demands a democratic future for iran. She's a mother who lost her child custody to sexism. Her husband was a martyr of Iran-Iraq war. Her brother is also a political prisoner. She was kidnapped at the beginning of current protests and is being kept in solitary confinement.
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This is Leyla Hosseinzade, former Tehran university student. She didn't believe in hijab and still doesn't. She refuse to wear hijab while in jail and that put her in a dangerous situation with security guards. She's currently on a hunger strike.
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This is Faezeh Barahui, a young Baluchi girl who was arrested during protests in Zahedan, has been in prison for weeks.
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This is Fetemeh Mashhadi Abbas, a professor in Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences. She was kidnapped and is now being kept in Evin prison.
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This is Toomaj Salehi, Iranian rapper who's songs are mostly protest songs aimed at the regime. He was brutally arrested and is under heavy torture at the moment.
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This is Nazila Maroufian, a journalist who's in Evin prison because she interviewed with Mahsa Amini's father.
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This is Marzieh Ziari, a women's rights activist in iran who was arrested and her current condition is unknown.
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There are many many many more people. This is just a thin list of more known ones. According to HRANA, among all these arrested citizens, 1,941 of them have been identified and their arrests have become publicly known, 438 of them are university students. Children are among prisoners too but their number has not been reported. The wellbeing or placement of some prisoners are not known and that causes a lot of concerns.
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bellsana334 · 2 months
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Yandere Demon King Meliodas x Fem!human reader
So in all, this au, Meliodas betrayed the demon race because Elizabeth showed him how stupid the holy war was in general, (not him falling in love) 3,000 years passed. Everything was fine..until you came in. A young female holy knight, Meliodas at first suspected that you were going to attack, but was pleasantly surprised when you said you couldn’t careless who he was, and never believed the Sins killed the grandmaster. These words, along with how quickly you spat out his food, bluntly telling him he needed to work on his cooking, sparked…a fire in his heart.
Time would pass, and Meliodas often would be surprised, like how you’d seriously reprimand Elizabeth for her air headed ways and letting him be a pervert, not to mention point out her flaws, unlike everyone else who’d fall for her gorgeous and innocent charm. You were good friends with the sins, you’d did find it easy making good friends, with your extroverted and kind nature, while saying no one is perfect, Meliodas began to notice his feelings, and much soon, these feelings turned into an… “Obsession”. Meliodas knew this was unhealthy but..he was Meliodas and in the end he didn’t care. And it really did not help, that you were the type of person, be someone one can talk to and a good comforter.
After the fight with the 10 Commandments, Meliodas still turns depressed and emotionally stupid, when Chandler comes to get Meliodas, of course you and the Sins fight Chandler you specifically was powerful your magical power was crystals (Kind of like Iris from Lolirock) everyone was battered, while you were the last one standing, still fighting Chandler, he himself was impressed that you could beat him out, so much, well..you on the other hand was “much” more bloodied and battered. That was until you felt a rough hand around your waist lifting you up, as you yelp in pain, turning around to your horror.. “Meliodas”.. he’d awakened. You finally passed out from all the injuries.
The Demon Palace
After the fight in Camelot, Meliodas soon went on his journey to become the demon king, as his father cursed you to be in a coma. Only this time, he found out about his father’s plans of taking over his body, from your memories, when you argued with the demon king and cursed at him. Finally, Meliodas succeeds in becoming the demon king, helping Zeldris and everything.
Yandere Tendencies
Now, as for yandere tendencies, Meliodas quite the possessive partner, literally everyone in the demon realm knows whose women you are, when you woke up, you were shocked to say the least. Meliodas tried to explain everything to you, but you didn’t listen, you legit raised raised your sword against him, and Meliodas won’t admit it, but it hurt so much when you did, not wanting you to use this weakness against him. Being the demon king, he can get you anything you’d want, so why would you want to leave him, Melioda is pretty much delulu in this situation, then again, it runs through the family 😐😑 He has the delusion, especially after losing his emotions, that you just need time to adjust, so it hurts him more then ever when you resist his affections or try to run away.
If you do something like a mad dash or something Meliodas would smile.
If you manage to run a few miles, he’ll be right in front of you, waiting for you, drinking tea or chatting with Zeldris maybe. But, when it ends, you’ll have to go back, Meliodas stating you had enough exorcise for the day.
This is if he feels playful though, it’s all a game to him.
As much as it mostly pains Meliodas to do it, if it’s necessary.
If you do something bad, but not too much, usually he wouldn’t care, but if it’s about running away, depending on the severity, usually you’d get locked in your room, or sometimes his room.
If it’s too much, he’d seal your powers, and tie you to a chair, disposing of your weapon, and leaving to blow off some steam.
Don’t @ me on this one.
Meliodas considers himself a “man”, so yeah.. expect this guy is holding more then a 5 incher.
Remember when I said mostly in Punishments? Yeah, I said that for a reason. When he feels like it, he’ll tie you to his bed, and get more aroused when you’d squirm, while whimpering slightly.
Honey, I promise you, if you get this man the right amount of aroused, expect a new set of clothes the next day.
But if you really do piss him off, expect not to walk for a few days, and the bed made out of “rock” to be replaced. And you know what, yeah, forget a few days, expect to not walk for a week and a new set of clothes. Meliodas will make it up to you, by giving you your favorite foods as you curse at him.
But remember, remember, don’t take his, tsundere, patient tactics, and gentleness, as a way let your guard down, he has no qualms, taking “extreme” measures, he already has had researched ways for you to be immortal, planning to drug it in your food. And remember, no matter what, you couldn’t defeat him, escaping him is near to not possible.
Guys, this is my first tumblr, so any views or nice comments, lucky if follows would be greatly appreciated!! ❤️😭
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
Headcanons for Lilith!
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Author's notes:Just making headcanons for one of my favorite girls from nightmare mode, both sfw and nsfw!
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Historic moment: She was born in the Victorian era, when she hears a great growth of vampires, and in the midst of this context she was born.
Sister: She is Anazareth's half-sister, Anazareth being the eldest sister while she is slightly younger,Anazareth is close to Lilith and the two became friends quickly, in addition to always getting along.
Mother: Lilith's mother was a witch and creator of curses and potions related to a vampire In the year 1790, she was one of the few witches who survived To the Salem witch trials Because of her husband, She had had a relationship before with a normal human and had a daughter who was Anazareth, she loved her husband but he died for ensuring her and their daughter's safety, and then had Lilith from a relationship with a vampire.
Father: Lilith's father was a vampire who lived at the same time as her mother,He was a thirsty vampire who ended up dying, his attacks were famous and many people were converted to vampirism because of him, he did not kill, he fed and turned his prey into vampires,In addition, she was successful with women, there is no doubt that Lilith may have many half-siblings. (if you look closely, Lilith is similar to yog and only the two have fangs and Lilith's token doesn't say anything if she's also a vampire)
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About 234 years.
Lilith has dark brown hair with purple tips, they are not dyed but natural the slightly purple ends of the hair.
She wears the blindfold because she has visual impairment underneath, she was not born with this disability, she ended up being attacked by hunters and well they ended up throwing a kind of poison on her while she hunted, her face had scars but they were healed over time without leaving marks, but the young vampire lost her sight.
She uses the blindfold to compensate for her lost vision, this increases her other senses and in addition makes her see both through the blindfold and through the tattoos.
Even after years she still loves Victorian fashion for her it was the best thing she had at that time,because the sanitary conditions were terrible, many people died due to the terrible living conditions, the children, many do not exceed 5 years old.
Their favorite colors are the darkest ones, such as black, dark blue, dark green, purple, burgundy and red.
She loves gothic fashion and especially black color such as flats, black boots and dresses and dark jewelry.
She loves piercings, like the ones she has in her ear and maybe she has a bat between her breasts, with open wings and a moon.
She loves her earrings but sometimes forgets why she takes them off to sleep, they are a little heavier than normal, I think maybe she has a perforation in her navel like a small crystal.
Her veins are marked on her skin, in a dark blue tone because her blood is a dark tone almost black.
Sometimes she makes light cuts on her hand because it is necessary to use in some potions but she does not usually use hers because she is a vampire.
Her body is definitely cold, and for her it doesn't make the slightest difference, she doesn't feel cold or hot.
Her fangs show up in her smile when she talks or laughs, she doesn't like it very much but it's still cute.
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Lilith is the affectionate type but in a more reserved way, she likes soft touches and kisses on the neck
She daily enjoys drinking her partner's blood as the meal of the day, although she does not consume other people's blood
She likes to teach her things like making potions, and especially when you help her do those things.
She doesn't consume many things like food, even though flesh and blood from animals, even so she keeps sweets and other things in the fridge for when you're there with her.
She is definitely attracted even by the smell of your blood, and that's why she loves to bite your skin.
She likes to walk with you holding your hand and showing you your favorite places in the city, such as a remote park with no one to watch the stars
She's definitely kind to you, but during sex, not exactly.
While you're both having sex, she loves to really mark you as hers, filling her body with hickeys and bite marks, her body is slightly sore the next day.
She really needs to control herself when she's with you so she doesn't bite you and transform you at that moment.
I think she really couldn't live without you after years of relationship, at some point she would turn you into a vampire, either because she doesn't want you to die or because you have some disease.
She's kind to you but only to you, and when you first met you were surprised why she wasn't as rude as the others
Her favorite body part is her thighs and neck
She loves to suck you, in every way
She enjoys having sex during your period, the taste of her blood is perfect and she feels happy to satisfy you and also to relieve your pain.
She likes to wake you up in the middle of the night with kisses on the neck and massaging your breasts
She is jealous but not exactly because of you but if someone flirts with you she would get very angry with the person and ask Anazareth to put a curse on the person
She doesn't really like affection in public
She can use potions to increase your horniness level
She loves back scratches
Bites and marks will always be on your body in the morning after you sleep together
She is slightly dominant and loves accessories such as ropes and also collars
She loves to pour scented candles down her body to give it a slight feeling of warmth
You will like to overstimulate you
She prefers to give than receive pleasure, she loves to be between your thighs and also when she is up your face and you suck her
She loves aftercare for you
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What does she like?:
She definitely loves reading books about macabre tales and horror stories
She likes to do piercings because she likes the slight sensation of pain at the moment and also finds it beautiful
She loves dresses and dressing as she did in the Victorian era
She loves affection especially kisses on the forehead
She loves to eat animal flesh
She likes cats and has one that sometimes enters her apartment with anazareth but he is free to come and go and only spends the nights
I think she would also like tarot a lot,and when he was bored he would read whatever the tarot cards said
She loves to sleep with you wrapping her arms around your waist and leaning her head on your shoulder
Definitely likes it when you say you like her real eyes because it was an insecurity.
She loves what sweet you are with her and worried
She loves that you want to learn how to make magic and potions
I think she likes history in general
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genericpuff · 10 months
I was reading your essay on "fat" rep in LO and as woman who is overweight, maybe not but definitely chubby/pudgy and often getting shit for it by my family... Do we ever see Persephone with a not-flat stomach? Even just a little protruding, not necessarily round. Or a double chin? I know fat looks different on different people, but... To me that seems like a pretty obvious way for an artist to show their character is meant as fat rep. If Rachel actually wanted that, I mean.
There are definitely times Rachel tries to draw her "fat" but it feels so tone deaf because it's still just like... as I've mentioned in my essay about it, it's "Hollywood fat", i.e. the kind of belly pouch fat that many women have that's often painted as ugly even though it's very commonplace to have (because no person is entirely flat! we're humans, not planks of wood!) The problem is if you try to quantify as little amount of fat as possible as "fat representation", you can't really call it fat representation because it only represents people on the lower end of the spectrum of fat. Here's an example of what I mean when I tried to find that one specific image example I was thinking of that I had seen ages ago lmao (this isn't the one I was thinking of but it gets the same point across):
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Yes, cartoon stylization is a thing, but watch out for the folks who say they can't draw fat people because "it wouldn't suit my style", it falls into the same type of excuse camp as Tim Burton saying black people wouldn't suit the "aesthetic" of his films. They actually could draw fat characters in their style, it's more likely they just don't want to (but don't want to admit to that).
And honestly, if someone just wants to stick to drawing characters of a specific race, body type, etc. that they're familiar with, that's not a crime in and of itself IMO, but don't claim that your work is representation for a group when it's really only carrying the bare minimum or if you're just forcing it for the sake of seeming progressive. That's pretty much where LO falls, its "fat representation" only represents the bare minimum of fat that doesn't apply to the people who are looking for legitimate fat rep in media. Sure, there will be people who will still connect with that body type, especially for people who have stretch marks or belly pouches, but can it really be called 'fat rep' on the whole when it's not going to connect with the people who are genuinely fat? I'm someone who's gone through weight gain and struggled with body image, while I can totally relate to the type of body Persephone has where she (sometimes) has a muffin top and cellulite on her legs, that doesn't make her "fat representation" as a whole because she doesn't represent the women who are genuinely fat beyond chubbiness or being "not flat".
All that aside, the only indications of Persephone being 'fat' are the odd panel where Rachel gives her a belly or "stretch marks" (tbh they look less like stretch marks and more like scars from a bear attack lol):
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But then she'll also draw Persephone with a straight up bodybuilder torso and have her say outloud that she's "small-medium":
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It all feels very tone deaf because it's Rachel trying to have her cake and eat it too - she wants to draw Persephone as her usual small cinnamon roll self who can be infantilized and fetishized by the men around her (which Rachel loves to write and draw btw) BUT she also wants to try and take credit for Persephone being "fat rep" so whenever she remembers to do so, she'll throw in her laziest attempts at making Persephone seem "fat" but really she's just the Hollywood version of "fat" by having a belly pouch and stretch marks that many women of varying sizes have regardless of weight changes. We can't even assume that she may have been fat at one point and lost the weight (leading to the stretch marks) because we've seen Persephone in basically all stages of her life from childhood to adulthood. She's always been itty bitty and her entire personality and relationship with Hades is written around that.
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whereserpentswalk · 6 months
You're so used to being near your vampire now. The way he pets your head, and the way he'll take your blood whenever he wants, how he trusts you to be able to show him your neck the moment that he wants you to. And you can start to tell yourself that it's better that way, that it's better that he takes your blood then that he hunts someone else's, if he didn't have you, he might really hurt someone. And when he says you can't do something, and you understand you have to obey, he makes sure to remind you that anything is worth keeping you safe.
And you hear him talk sometimes about evil human, monster hunters, extremists who want to destroy society, who slay werewolves who attack young women in the night, who break the contracts that fairies force mortals to sign, people who slay vampires like him. He speaks with such fear, as he says that some of them probably want humans to rule themselves, and the idea sounds so scary, so dangerous and impossible, like the world would be on fire, but it's so seductive. But you wouldn't want him to die, it wouldn't be right, he might be a bit controlling, a might not let you see some of your friends, but he's not a fully terrible person, you get the feeling he really cares for you, he's not so bad he deserves to die right? It's all to keep you safe.
And you're starting to feel drained, as he takes more and more blood. But you're not one to complain. Not when he talks about how great you taste, how great you feel. And not when he can give you so many little gifts, like a comfy bed, and all the clothes that he lets you wear. And if you left him, you don't know what other type of monster you could find to take care of you. Maybe it's normal to always feel a bit empty, and always have it hurt around your neck, and to always feel a bit sleepy. And maybe if things go really well, you'll be a vampire like him one day, you just have to give enough blood, maybe. You've stopped wearing clothes your vampire doesn't like, nothing that covers your neck, and you've stopped talking to people who aren't also vampire's subjects, he says it's to make sure you're safe.
You keep telling yourself you love your vampire, but you feel too clearly that he doesn't love you back. He trusts you so much to always be available for him, trusts he so much he doesn't bother with security, doesn't bother to notice the steak in your pocket. And you feel bad when you sneak up on him, when you don't even have to sneak because of how harmless he sees you as. And when you push the spike into his heart just like the monster hunters told you to, he doesn't even realize you could hurt him until it was too late. You're still not sure he was a bad person, but you were worried you weren't going to make it with how much blood he took, and you needed to do this for your safety.
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butchpeace · 3 months
Hi, I have a genuine question/confusion about the definition of lesbian in a lot of radfem spaces. Context: I am a lesbian, have always and exclusively been attracted to women and been aware of that since my early teens. And I'm sometimes attracted to post transition trans women. What I am attracted to is people who, to me, look like women, smell like women, feel like women etc. (this absolutely includes gnc women btw!)
So I have trouble understanding this concept of same sex attracted that excludes trans women - is your attraction really based on whether or not someone has a vagina? Or even whether they have xx chromosomes? How do you know? This is not meant to be an attack, just genuine confusion and occasional hurt feelings when I feel excluded as a lesbian when that's very clearly what i am.
For all of human history until very recently, “lesbian” meant same-sex-attracted female. 
We’re not the ones who are trying to redefine lesbian in some new way. We’re just sticking to our guns. They’re the ones trying to spoon-feed us a new definition.
Their definition says that sexual orientation isn’t based on the biological sex of the person, but on how masculine or feminine they are, and how they feel about themselves in their heads. 
Bullshit. Yes, we like vaginas. We know because that’s the kind of sex we enjoy or fantasize about. We like people who have XX chromosomes. We know because despite popular opinion, chromosomes do (in most cases) control whether your body develops to be biologically female or male. We can be attracted to both typically feminine and very masculine women, depending on preference. Therefore, the core of homosexual orientation is that we are attracted to females. Not to femininity. Not to whoever thinks of themselves as a woman. 
Is there a small minority of post-op mtfs who are truly indistinguishable from female-born women? Maybe. At least on the surface. You could think of these rare people, usually child transitioners, as a similar category to women with DSDs, in which case being attracted to one doesn’t make you not really a lesbian. 
But 99.9% of mtfs are obviously male. It’s not hate speech to say that we’re not attracted to males just because they’ve put on women’s clothes and grown some breast tissue. We don’t deserve to be called names, harassed, threatened, or told to “unlearn our problematic biases" just because we’re telling the truth about who we actually want in our beds. 
What they’re really saying to us when they try to redefine our sexual orientation is that women don’t know what we want. That lesbians don’t deserve the respect that other people are automatically given. That we don’t get to define for ourselves who we are. That we don’t know ourselves as well as they know us. That’s homophobic and misogynist. 
So what we’re defending isn’t just a definition. What we’re defending is women’s right to respect and safety. We’re defending our right to be openly and exclusively same-sex attracted.
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fosermi · 2 months
"I can't," Eclipse cried out.
Wade kindly patted his shoulder, carefully adjusting his scarf so it hide his scars. "Buddy, I'm not going to force you to come, but I think it would be good if you got out of the house."
Eclipse wasn't sure about that, "what if it's not allowed?"
"Silver and Shadow come to the grocery store with me all the time," Wade said gently. "There's no rules about anyone not being welcome there."
Holding onto his tail, Eclipse didn't know what to say. It was full of humans, ones that sometimes gave him sharp looks. What if someone yelled for him to leave? Staying in the house was safer.
"If you come with me, we'll get a treat," Wade promised. "Just you and me."
That was tempting, the hedgehogs were off at school. Eclipse didn't have to go, he just stayed with Wade most of the time. That was good, because he had heard Silver talk about it and wasn't sure he would like it.
"A good treat?" He asked timidly.
Wade offered his hand, "Yeah, come on."
Taking it, Eclipse followed him. It was a bit odd that he was the same size as the human, but didn't feel like an adult like he was. But that wasn't Eclipse's fault.
He followed Wade out to the car, let Wade buckle him in and put a hot water bottle in his lap and then the two of them were off.
To the grocery store.
Eclipse didn't know why this upset him so much, he was adjusting to a whole new life. Trying to find a way to live with his brain, when it constantly screamed that he might be in danger again.
Like right now, as they pulled into the grocery store parking lot. Eclipse saw all the humans walking in and out of the store and froze. "I can't-"
"Come on Eclipse, we'll just grab a few things." Wade said, "and then we'll get a treat."
Against his better judgement, Eclipse followed him inside.
Sometimes it was an embarrassing, he had done powerful things. done dangerous missions. But it had always been under GUN, now he was away from them and he didn't know who the enemy was, or how much Wade could keep him safe. The man said he would, but Eclipse had doubts on his ability to do that.
At first it was fine, Eclipse could feel people staring at him, but no one said anything. He stayed close to Wade, watching as he selected food and put them into his cart.
"You want to pick out a cereal?" Wade asked.
Eclipse didn't, what if he made the wrong choice? But Wade had asked him, so he looked at the selection carefully. There was no many choices and he had never heard of any of this before.
"I'm going to grab something right down there," Wade said, pointing to the end of the aisle. "I'll be right back."
For a moment, Eclipse thought about running after him, begging him to stay. But that made him sound pathetic, he could handle being away from Wade for a few seconds?
He went back to focusing on the selection of cereal, trying to figure out which one he should get. Maybe he should just pick randomly.
And then he heard it, soft whispers from another person.
"-shouldn't be allowed in here. What if it attacks someone?"
Eclipse lifted his head, turned toward the person who said it.
Two tall women, standing not that far from him, both pretending like neither were glaring at him. "Why would he bring that dangerous thing in here? What if someone had kids with them?"
These two humans hated him.
At that, Eclipse felt like his head was spinning. He wasn't wanted here, they thought he was dangerous. They were right... he had been dangerous before. But it wasn't as if he might attack someone here and now.
They didn't want him here.
Sitting down on the floor, he hugged his knees to his chest and hid his face. Eclipse knew he shouldn't have come here, he should of stayed home, where he didn't bother anyone and where it was safe.
A few moments later, Wade was back, kneeling down to him, "buddy, what's wrong?"
"I'm not wanted here," Eclipse sobbed. He didn't want to get up, even when Wade asked him to. Finally, he was lifted into the cart and he curled into a ball, hoping no one could see him.
He was sorry, so so so sorry, he would never make a terrible mistake like this again.
Even when Wade reassured him that it wasn't his fault, that he was allowed in public, Eclipse didn't believe him. What if next time, someone got angry at him, someone yelled? What if he became so overwhelmed, he couldn't handle it?
It was better not to risk it.
Even when Wade got him lunch, he couldn't eat it, just stared sadly at the meal in front of him and wished it mean something else besides the fact he would never fit into this world.
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did you have to go after ARK clippie for this?? DID YOU???
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what-gs-watching · 10 months
“Well…maybe I’ll save you.”
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
That’s not much better, is it.
I just finished The Giggle and I’m sobbing over the fact that 10 finally gets everything he was chasing and I am clearly unwell. I knew this episode was going to break me but I didn’t realize how far they were going to push us over the cliff. Like. You don’t get this in Doctor Who, not ever. That’s almost the appeal of it, sometimes. 
But Russell T Davies just ripped out everyone’s heart in the best possible way.  I really can’t.
Blorp. Okay. 
The thing is….the thing is - I think everybody needed that. How satisfying must this be for David Tennant? And Catherine Tate? How are they not fit to bursting right now? That was so beautiful, gang. And they must be so proud.
But I’m gonna focus. Also, didn’t I say catharsis? Jesus christ, you can’t get more than that. I’m pretty sure they hit the fucking limit on catharsis. Wow. I’m a mess.
Focusing, though: wherein the Doctor and Donna have to say humanity from their own terrible base instincts because the Toymaker loves a good game. 
So we open on Soho in 1925 (which, is anyone else wondering where A.Z. Fell & Co is in relationship to the street they’re showing? No? Just me? Okay cool) and we’re taken into a creepy toy shop where we meet Neil Patrick Harris doing a super weird German accent and being a general creep. He sells a dummy to a man who says he needs it for his boss, who is around the corner working on inventing the concept of television broadcasting for the very first time.  
They pop the head off the dummy and leave it in a setup surrounded by a ton of lightbulbs and they go into another room to test it all out - and it works. But the heat from the bulbs is hot, too hot, which is why they needed an object, not an actual person. But of course, the creepy toyseller was obviously up to no good, and as the broadcast continues, the dummy head melts and lets out a terrible little giggle. Clearly, we’re in trouble.
Back in the present, the Doctor and Donna are in the streets of London trying to figure out what’s happening. Some guy argues with 14 who tries to stop him from attacking a car, saying that his taxes pay for the street but he doesn’t drive and he has the right to do whatever he wants with the roadway, thank you. Perfectly sound logic, and the guy is belligerent, saying two days ago everyone in the world decided they were right and wouldn’t listen to reason.  So that’s exciting.
Soon enough, UNIT finds them and they’re told to get Wilf somewhere safe while the Doctor and Donna follow them to headquarters. Where we finally get our eyes on Kate Lethbridge-Stewart who I absolutely love, she’s the “bitches get shit done” Tina Fey gif come to LIFE. Bitch will always be the new black, and that’s Kate, and exactly how she runs UNIT, loading it full of equally brilliant women, including Shirley who we’d met when dealing with The Meep, and Melanie, who was a companion to the 6th Doctor,
Who run the world? GIRLS.
Anyway, we get into explanation mode - two days ago there was a spike in aggression worldwide, the same spike across the board. It’s affecting everyone, even the people in government, but UNIT has a fun device that helps keep everyone wearing one sane. And Kate decides she’s going to demonstrate how fucked up the situation is - she asks them to take her device offline, so they do.
And she proceeds to spew a bunch of terrible things at the Doctor - how he’s an alien with two hearts that have infiltrated them and can’t be trusted, and then she takes shots at poor Shirley who’s in a goddamn wheelchair and it’s really gross to watch, it’s one of the worst parts of humanity and she tries to avoid having her device turned back on, but they finally subdue her. It’s some serious shit, gang.
They say that the spikes aren’t coming from outside, they’re in everyone’s head, except for Donna, and Melanie, who have spent significant time in the TARDIS. And for extra fun, two days ago a satellite went up that finally connected the entirety of the earth to the internet, and now, everyone has access to a screen. 
And of course, Donna is working something out about the spike they’ve found, saying that she spent six months teaching Rose how to play the recorder; she thinks it’s a tune. Melanie sings it out and it strikes with everyone, like they’ve known it for years. And then Shirley finds it, it’s not a tune, it’s the laugh from the dummy. The Doctor figures out that the image has been burnt into television itself, into all the screens everyone is attached to every minute of everyday.
As they’re getting the date of the exact transmission, 14 gives Kate permission to shoot the satellite down, even though it’ll start an international incident. He’s the president of the world, and I love that. Her relief is palpable.
He also has a little moment with Melanie, which is so sweet. I love that whenever he rolls up to someone he hasn’t seen in decades, he always mutters the kindest little “hello.” Just for them. His attention completely focused. It must feel like a sun shining directly on you. I literally have a collection of David Tennant saying “hello” in my mind, ugh it’s so something. 
During all of this, Kate is telling Donna she did well working out the spikes, and she offers her a job at UNIT once everything has settled. Pure Donna, she asks how much the salary is, and then counters with DOUBLE the amount and 5 weeks paid vacation which is immediately accepted. BAMF, BAMF, BAMF. Get what’s yours, baby girl.
So much going on. Okay, so they go back to 1925, and 14 is all about what they need to do but Donna wants to hear about Mel because he’s never once mentioned her. He never does, he never talks about them. Rose a bit, yes, but usually no. Not ever. And he reminds her he’s old as hell and he can’t just chat about everyone, but it’s more than that. She tells him he never stops moving, she says “You are staggering along. Maybe that's why your old face came back. You're wearing yourself out” and that’s the crux of the matter, friends. 14 is wonderful, we’re all in love with him, but he’s definitely bleeding out everything. All over the place. And it’s so sad to see him so run down. But, classic 10, he ignores her.
They find the toyshop of course, and the Doctor recognizes the Toymaker. Who immediately starts a game of catch with the Doctor, because he’s a fucking weirdo like that, and 14 looks incredibly determined and also freaked out but Donna puts a stop to it, and the Toymaker disappears. 
They follow him deeper into the shop and surprise! They find themselves in a never ending hallway full of doors, and each door just leads to another hallway. Which should be impossible, but we’re told that the Toymaker is only governed by the rules of play, so he can basically do whatever the eff he wants.
Donna gets the story out of him as they wander - the Doctor had once gone into another realm, where he played a game against the Toymaker and apparently won, but he said he made a terrible mistake. Poor kiddo is really raw all of a sudden, he says “I'm always so certain. I'm all sonic and TARDIS and Time Lord. Take that away... Take away the toys... what am I? What am I now?” and then he tells Donna, “I don’t know…if I can save your life this time.”
Scrawny little 14 all exposed and helpless and I told you, he’s bleeding all over the place, and she just tells him, “Well…maybe I’ll save you.”
THEY’RE BEST FRIENDS, and she’s definitely gonna save him, just not in the way he thinks. And it’s so good.
Speeding ahead, they keep wandering through the halls and then they get separated of course and Donna gets attacked by the dummy that was supposed to be the original dummy’s wife and his creepy babies but she beats them obviously, and the Doctor gets taunted by the Toymaker but they find each other eventually.
And then they’re pulled into a room with a little stage where the Toymaker puts on a puppet show about exactly what has happened to the Doctor’s companions since he traveled with Donna. And it’s so sad to listen to him try to justify everyone’s fate - Amy died of old age, but in a time and place she was never meant to. Clara was killed by a bird but technically saved in her last moments of life. Bill was turned into a cyberman, but her consciousness lived on. No happy endings, for the Doctor and his friends, not ever. 
 To stop the show, the Doctor challenges the Toymaker to a game. And Donna’s afraid the Toymaker will cheat, but it seems the rules of the game bind his entire existence: the Doctor will either win or lose. So they cut a deck, and the highest card wins. And it’s the Toymaker, with a king.
But the Doctor finds a loophole - he won the first game, the Toymaker one the second game, and that prompts another, the best of three. Which the Toymaker accepts, but he wants that game to be played back in the present. 
Meanwhile at UNIT headquarters they’re shooting down the new satellite, and the Doctor and Donna appear to try and figure out a way to force the Toymaker out of the universe they way he’d come, but it’s too late. 14 is explaining something and then “Spice Up Your Life” is playing, and I’m sorry but L O L at the entire dance scene with NPH that unfolds. It’s hilarious, and creepy, and it definitely goes on too long, but I’ll allow a little pageantry. He turns UNIT’s bullets into flower petals and it’s a little terrifying, how much power he possesses and that’s the point. And then as soon as he’s arrived, he disappears again. 
Just kidding though, the Toymaker is out on the platform where the beam they used to take down the satellite is still set up and ready to roll, and he’s got control of it. So everyone of course rushes out to try and stop him. 
The Doctor tries to talk him down, of course. He asks why he’s choosing to be so horrible when he can do so many good things, and the Toymaker reminds him he’s just a vastness that good and bad don’t apply to, only winning and losing. The Doctor tells him he’s a vastness that contains so much more, and then he suggests they take the game away from earth, that they can play across the cosmos. 
He says “we can be…celestial” - and I’m dying inside. Is anyone else wondering what Aziraphale’s reaction to that sentence would have been? So many little bits of Good Omens, it’s slightly painful. 
Also, I appreciate that the Doctor is always trying to turn enemies into his playmates. 10 did it with the Master, too. It makes sense, he’s always off with humans but why wouldn’t entities that are more in line with what he is, want to travel with him? They always say no. Because y’all are too obsessed with your own drama to recognize what a fucking opportunity that is. Idiots.
So yeah, that doesn’t work and the Toymaker declares that since he played the first two games with different doctors, he wants to play the final game with the next Doctor. AND HE SHOOTS 14 WITH THE GIANT FUCKING LASER. 
It’s agonizing. It’s terrible. And Donna and Mel rush to his side as he starts to regenerate, because they don’t want him to be alone. They tell him he’s not dying, and they don’t care who he is, because every version of him is fantastic. And that’s what he needed to hear the first time. Every time, really.
And then he says “It's time. Here we go again. Allons-y!” (squee!) but…nothing happens. So he asks them to pull, yank on his arms, and they’re like ‘um’ but they do and THEN:
Out pops 15. And I’m losing my fucking mind. 
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Here’s the thing, gang. There is one sure fire way to make the new Doctor capture everyone’s heart, and that is apparently to let him interact with 14. Because everything that happens after this is incredible.
15 says “You're me. No, I'm me. I think I'm really, really me. Oh-ho-ho, I am completely me!” and he tells 14 to push, and they’re both like ‘will this work?’ and they’re laughing and they push against each other and they’re two separate entities and it’s amazing. 
14 obviously was all done up in his traditional suit (minus the coat) so now suddenly 15 is wearing the dress shirt, and the tie, and their charming little tightie whities, and the CONVERSES! And 14’s still got the pants, the undershirt, the vest, completely barefoot. I’m delighted and crying my eyes out. 
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So apparently they’ve bi-generated, which is supposed to be a myth and 15 asks Mel what she thinks and she says “I think you’re beautiful” and 14 pipes up, “still beautiful?!” and it’s all so good but the Toymaker is exasperated and then both Doctor’s say “I challenge you to a game” but he doesn’t like that. He’d caused the bi-generation and he doesn’t want to play both of them but he can’t say no.
What follows is the highest stakes game of catch that has literally ever existed. 14 and 15 are ducking and bobbing and weaving and catching and it’s ridiculous but also so filled with tension; whoever drops the ball, loses. David Tennant is a 50-something year old spindly noodle and oh my god he’s just crushing the entire thing, I could watch this all day. 
But someone has to lose, and thank god, eventually it’s the Toymaker. They decide their prize is going to be banishing him from existence forever. He gets folded up into a little square of douchebag, shoved in a box, and left to rot in the deepest recesses of UNIT’s storage. 
And it’s wonderful! But 14 can’t help but think of all of the people that died. And here is where 15 worms into everyone’s heart for the rest of eternity: he reminds 14 that he can’t save everyone, and then he grabs him into a hug and he says “Come here. I've got you. Yeah? It's OK. I'm here” and he kisses 14’s forehead. 
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It’s what the Doctor has always needed, but never got. A reminder from himself that what he does matters, that he’s good and he tries and it’s okay when things don’t go perfectly, but he does save people. He deserves acceptance from himself, and if he can’t give it in his own mind, he can get it from someone else who is literally him. It’s fucking beautiful.
They head back to the TARDIS and 14 shows 15 all the bells and whistles and 14 wonders how it’s going to work, the two of them? 15 makes him stop his anxious rambling, tells him “you're thin as a pin, love. You're running on fumes.” He keeps talking, about all of the things they’ve seen and done. The Pandorica, The Time War, losing River and Rose. The fact that Sarah Jane has died. 14 says, “I loved her” and 15 says “I loved her.” 
15 reminds him that they haven’t stopped, not for a second. But he’s fine, because 14 had fixed himself. He says “We’re doing rehab out of order.” And it’s true; 15 has taken in everything that Donna has been trying to get 14 to understand, he has the sweetness and the willingness to express his feelings that 14 finally learned, and now he’s putting his foot down, to himself. His old self. He’s telling 14 that he has to stop. 
But 14 doesn’t know how, and Donna tells him that he just has to exist, every single day, in and out. Over and over. And that’s the adventure. She says “I've worked out what happened. You changed your face... and then you found me. Do you know why?”
“To come home.”
If you didn’t lose it at that, you might need to examine your inner workings. It’s a punch to the gut. And it’s absolutely true. It’s the one thing the Doctor has never had, but now he can. And the way 14 asks “Do you mean…he flies off?” is so sad and small, and deflating, like he can’t imagine being pried away and made to stop and just be and exist. It’s terrifying for him. And he knows he can’t leave the TARDIS, it would hurt.
15 has an idea though, he thinks they might have a little bit of time, still being governed by a state of play, so he produces a sledge hammer and he hops out of the TARDIS, followed by 14 and Donna. 
He wields the hammer and he says “You get a prize, honey. And here is mine!” and he SWINGS against the TARDIS, and out pops another perfect little blue police box (and he runs a hand down the first one, saying “I’m sorry!”). Two TARDIS’s, two doctors. 
(I’m also swooning over 15’s use of endearments - love, honey - he’s gonna kill me.)
14 goes in to inspect the new TARDIS, he’s reverent almost, and it’s much the same, but it’s got a jukebox. He wanders back to his own TARDIS and 15 hops into the new one and powers her up and he’s definitely about to leave without a goodbye but 14 bounds back in with Donna to get what they’re owed. Which is hugs and a little sass. 15 says “off you pop, old man” and I love that, but they remind him he’s the older of the two now, so he says “Okay, kid. I love you. Get out!”
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15 is full of the love the Doctor never gets to give freely, but he’s ready now, and I’m so excited to watch that unfold. It’s so perfect and beautiful that 14 is the one who gets to feel it first. Baby boy needs so much more, and he’s gonna get it.
And so, off they both go. 15 to his endless adventures, 14 to something even more scary.
The last scene is a dinner at Donna’s, wherein 14 is telling a ridiculous story about using his eyebrows to communicate (Crowley, Crowley, Crowley…) and it’s just banter and it’s so good. We find out that he’s taking Mel on little adventures in the TARDIS, even Rose a time or two. He says “Just can’t turn down my favorite niece” and oh, it’s so lovely. He says “That’s what you are. With my best friend, my brother-in-law, the evil stepmother, and mad auntie Mel.” 
The desperate wanderer, a man who has run for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years in a multitude of faces, finally has a family. 
Donna tells him he doesn’t have to stay forever, and then she asks him if he misses it out there. And his face, oh y’all his face as he says “The funny thing is, I fought all those battles for all those years... and now I know what for. This. I've never been so happy in my life”, it’s EVERYTHING.
Never, not once, has the Doctor gotten this. Usually, things work out just enough that it barely soothes the pain of what was lost. Never has he won so fully, so completely. Donna restored, and the chance to finally relish what he’s been protecting for so long. And no one deserved it more than 10 and 14.
The Doctor doesn’t have to be all hard edges and fire and war and unrelenting motion. He can be soft and vulnerable and he can accept help and he can love. 
And I didn’t even realize I wanted to see that. Doctor Who is like letting yourself believe in a higher power, a little bit. Believing in a species that maybe isn’t beholden to all of the disgusting emotions we have to deal with, he’s strong when we can’t be. He’s strong all the time. But I don’t think I’ve ever connected as much to an arch as I did to this one. We can’t be strong all the time. No one can. 
Watching the Doctor stop, and be taken care of for once, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Catharsis, on all sides. For everyone. I needed all of that way more than I’m ever willing to admit.
No matter what’s going on in the real world, at least now, somewhere out there 14 is hanging out at Donna’s house, telling silly stories and helping cook dinner and teaching Rose a bunch of science she should never get her hands on, and that’s satisfying in a way I can’t explain.
Basically, I’m so thankful for Doctor Who. And I can’t wait to see what happens next…
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gallierhouse · 3 months
armand is pretty solidly a squid and you did assign lestat sperm whale for that one post but u have any other sea creature associations? i feel like lestat could maybe be a dolphin bc they're freaks but what about louis? or claudia.
who do you think is most likely to be an extremophile creature living on an ocean floor hydrothermal vent
To me Armand’s also an orca (playful, intelligent, quick, perhaps sufficiently sentient to engage in meaningful sadism, enjoys chasing whales long distances to exhaust and eat them, other species of orcas regularly punt their food and play ball, generally mischievous) and by the same reasoning Lestat is a dolphin (show-offs, attention-seeking, playful, seemingly less scary than an orca but really much more threatening and prone to violence against humans, echolocation grants them effective X-ray vision and they use it to target organ tissue in their prey for more effective hunting, and we all know about how male dolphins behave). But I also think Lestat could be a leopard seal, which are these terrible, giant beasts with great rows of teeth that hunt and kill penguins for food and sport. I say that with love. They’re cute, and aggressive, and terrifying, but it’s pointless to resent an animal for being what it is. I see Louis as a beluga, because belugas are known to be beautiful, sweet, and otherwise charming and compassionate, and generally perfect. Similarly, he could be a manatee, but primarily because sailors used to mistake manatees for beautiful women, and there are so many men who mistake Louis for a beautiful woman. I think Claudia would be a fur seal, perhaps leopard seal Lestat’s baby, but not necessarily. Seal attacks are fairly common because people make the mistake of thinking them harmless and cute, and then they get too close and the seal takes a bite out of them. Claudia hunts by luring her victims in with her innocence before taking a big bite out of them. It’s similar.
For non-mammalian creatures, I have less to offer, but I think any of the vampires could be a sailfish, because sailfish are so fast and genuinely terrifying to see cutting through the water. Other than that, Armand would be one of those huge, terrible jellyfish that float through the water and catch fish (and sometimes people) in their tentacles and slowly poison them to death. Slow poison, slow digestion. Or perhaps even a Portuguese Man o’ War, because they float at the top of the water and seem quite harmless and perhaps like lost balloons, and then their terrible stingers reach down 30 to 100 feet and kill everything in their path.
Obviously, the only one who could survive an ocean floor hydrothermal vent is Armand, but in this case I think he’d be one of those cute little octopuses that populate the ocean floor and eat whale fall and play with the lights of submarines. Well, I’m not sure if those live near the vents, and I tried to look it up but then I got a little scared, so I gave up. However, I do think Lestat could be one of those sharks that live around the super-heated waters of volcanoes. Well, I hope this was fun to read!
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queenwille · 2 months
heyy uhhh where are there so many posts about palestians asking for help finding clean water and getting out of palestine and showing pictures of their bombed homes and the corpses of children, but all the israeli "help me" posts are just like. Black eyes. And bruises.
And how the palestian posts are all new and constant and every single day, but all of the TOTALLY CORRECT REAL JEWS can talk about is that one time they got hit by a bomb. The one time, the one date. Oct 7. You know, that one time? That one time after 75 years? One? As in singular enough that it's the only "massacre" date of israelis that I can find?
But meanwhile, Palestinians are posting about new massacres every week? New dead children, new names to a list of tens of thousands.
can you help explain that? I'm confused
of course i can, here to help as always.
the photos you are speaking of are the photos of our hostages. sounds like you specifically mean these:
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or maybe the one of Hersh missing one arm, idk.
all of these were taken back in october 2023. all of them and are the last pictures their families have of them. why? we ask the same actually.
the main difference between the pictures/posts you see online of palestinians and these is pretty simple. the palestinian aren’t held captive, they have their phones and are free to post as they wish (tho do watch out, as most of those gofundmes are scammers that have nothing to do with the issue even). those girls aren’t free, that’s literally all we have of them.
there are horrible pictures of people hurt from missiles and such inside of israel (there were two from magdal shamash) that find their way to the web, but it’s mostly illegal in israel and more importantly, considered very unethical, to publish graphic photos from horror scenes. even more so if it’s possible to identify the person hurt. i’m not sure how and when it was established, but i do know somewhere in the back of my mind that it was an issue back in the 2nd intifada, i think, where horrifying photographs where broadcasted on live television very quickly. beside being very traumatic and seen by children and such, families identified their loved ones that way and it was very problematic. nowadays it obviously can be seen on social media sometimes, but even so, it’s considered unethical unless approved by the family and censorship laws (and then it’s published legally on national TV as well), so people widely avoid that.for example, an IDF soldier was actually sent to a military trail a few weeks ago for sending his friends a video from a truck with the bodies of 5 rescued hostages. he was proud of the rescue and meant no harm, but as the israeli population is very small, its considered very unethical and illegal to so.
lastly, october 7th wasn’t one isolated attack, yeah? many many, TOO MANY, people, including civilians were killed since and before that. this is a very bloody conflict. we mention october 7th as a day when all hell broke loose. the brutality, the horror, the acts that were preformed there were unspeakable. those were no acts of resistance or war, those were pure acts against humanity. why do we mention them so much? cause we’re still there, even if the world doesn’t care anymore, even if no one believes it, even if the world doesn’t think it was that bad. we’re there, with so many people not back in their homes, missiles still fired daily, people knifed on the streets, so many people still in duty and not back to their lives and most importantly… with 115 men, women, a child that had his 5th birthday yesterday and a 1.5 year old baby still held captive. it’s not even the fact that we can’t, because even with the ones we know for sure that are gone, it’s considered mandatory in judaism to respect the dead and do whatever it takes to bring him or her to a proper jewish burial back at home, but it’s also the fact that we won’t. no man or woman are left behind. the hamas (and others btw, keep hiding our people behind human shields and y’all keep hyping them up, so it’s a never ending cycle). it might sound like a dumb cliche to y’all, but with being such a small community, all of those hostages are our family members as well.
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ryuichirou · 20 days
Hi again! More short replies. The majority is related to our latest posts, but not all of them…
About Azul/Jamil comic from yesterday:
Anonymous asked:
"Long live the king or whatever..." *sounds of an octopus tumbling down a flight of stairs*
Awww poor octopus~  I wonder if Azul’s octopus form suffers too if his human form breaks a couple of limbs 😭
thestarlightfae asked:
Rip Azul. What did Jamil do to him to make him sulk?
F in the chat for our boy Azul
To answer your question: not sure! I’d say that he just refused him for 1000th time, but Azul is surprisingly good at handling rejection from Jamil (it’s his “sure sure, keep playing hard to get” mentality). But then again, maybe Jamil really was too harsh this time…
About Ruggie and leonut:
thestarlightfae asked:
Omg! Ruggie is adorable with his leonut!!!!!
Anonymous asked:
Thank you so much!! <3 I am very happy you like him.
Ruggie is such a rare guest in our blog, but he really is adorable and deserves nothing but good things.
About the Jade/Vil massage comic:
Anonymous asked:
JADEVIL?! truly blessed to live in a time where I can see JadeVil
HHEHE YES I can’t believe we haven’t posted anything proper with them yet and didn’t even have a tag for them… this is a good ship 💪
Anonymous asked:
OMG, Ryu, you gave me a heart attack as soon I saw Jadevil on your feed!! I'm so happy you guys ship, too 🫶🏼 I love it, thanks for the food 🙏🏻
Please enjoy your food, Anon! Thank you so much for liking it!! <3
Both of the tweels have interesting dynamics with Vil, both separately and together, so I’m happy to explore Jade and Vil together hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for the women. They have me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
(related to stuff from our 🔑🔞 acc)
You are very welcome, Anon, and thank you so much for enjoying them!!! 😭 I feel a bit weird when I post nothing but girl smut for a long period of time, so it’s very encouraging and frankly amazing to see you getting feral over them lol
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, were any of your other drawings inspired by asks you received?
To be honest, I can’t remember anything major… But I am very bad at remembering my own drawings, so maybe it’s just my memory thing.
Sometimes I get carried away when I write a reply and start thinking “damn this sounds fun” and then months later end up drawing it, completely forgetting that it was a hc from a list or something like that…
But also sometimes I draw a new ship and start remembering how Anon asked about this ship ages ago and I replied “nah don’t ship them” or “nothing against it but we don’t care much” back then lol I think it happened with Ace/Riddle and Trey/Vil, for example.
Anonymous asked:
[shroudswap anon] of course it's fine with me, if anything i'm honored! i would love to hear any ideas you have on it!! :] one aspect of it that i think about: do you think ortho would receive a subtle sort of... disdain from STYX? because idia is this once-in-a-lifetime genius, and ortho is just... above average. so who knows what idia would've made and been capable of if he hadnt died, and this whole thing WAS orthos idea.... this subtle air of "it should've been you" to rub it in. thots?
I’m happy to hear that, Anon! <3 I’ll definitely come back to this idea again once I figure out how I want to draw it.
Also oof, good question. I feel like Ortho would definitely feel like this is how people feel about him, like they would be nice to him and all, but him being worse than Idia is such a huge elephant in the room that no one could realistically ignore. There could probably be some people in S.T.Y.X. who genuinely blame Ortho for what’s happened with their precious prodigy, but the overall consensus would probably be that this was an accident, Ortho was still very young, and that they shouldn’t blame him. This is partially because Ortho is seemingly everyone’s little sunshine, and people would probably feel bad for him.
But! Once again, Ortho would absolutely feel like they just don’t truthfully express how they really feel about him. To him it’s 100% objective truth: it should’ve been him, and everyone knows that even if they act like they don’t agree. He doesn’t have as much to offer as Idia did and he can’t achieve half of the things Idia could have…
The angst just keeps getting more and more potent huh
Anonymous asked:
politely hands you the idea of the tweels nonconing epel…i’m also curious if you think azul would ever join in on the twins…playing…with someone in any way
Anonymous asked:
tweel x epel anon, i hope i’m not coming across as requesting anything i just want to share the idea sharing is caring
No worries, Anon, it does feel like you’re sharing, and I appreciate you sharing~ ;3
Epel is a very good victim for such a scenario; even know he knows that he shouldn’t do it, somehow he ends up fucking around and finding out… so the tweels could definitely play with him.  He would be a delightful little toy~
But when it comes to Azul, I feel like he would only be present if the whole thing was his idea initially + he is very interested in the victim. Otherwise to him it’s just his rabid hounds terrorizing a piece of meat to keep themselves entertained. It’s mostly their own business I think 🤔
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thesiridahl · 2 years
I'm writing this message after having seen the documentary on netflix. I am really far from being a fan but I wanted to sincerely support you in your fight. I know how hard it must be for you. Women don't end up in porn for no reason and being deprived of income is something inhuman.I think that many women who end up in this business have been in complicated situations and not all of them chose this path for pleasure.Many people don't realize how much pain this can be for you and unfortunately, once you get in there, I am aware of the fear you may feel. Finding a job in a store or in another field can become complicated. I wanted to write you this message. I can only support you and hope that your rights will be better defended in the future. I wish you all the best and outside of porn of course. You are human and you deserve respect.
I wish you a great day.
This was an interesting Ask I received about the Netflix documentary. There's a lot of subtext to unpack here, so I'm going to answer a few of the Asker's statements individually.
I'm writing this message after having seen the documentary on netflix. I am really far from being a fan but I wanted to sincerely support you in your fight.
Thank you! I'm thrilled that so many people have seen the documentary. More than 13 million people in 65 countries have watched it, and it's been in the Top Ten on Netflix in dozens of countries since the day it came out. It's totally up to you whether you consider yourself a fan of mine. Thank you for clarifying that you're not, I guess? (lol)
I know how hard it must be for you. Women don't end up in porn for no reason and being deprived of income is something inhuman.
I did not "end up" here. I didn't slip on a banana peel. I made a conscious and informed choice to do porn. I love my work, and it can be challenging and stressful sometimes, like any other job. But I've never thought of it as "hard" in the way that you seem to imply with this comment. I genuinely love what I do, so even when it's stressful, I still enjoy it. And I agree that it's dehumanizing to have my livelihood attacked and potentially compromised by outsiders who don't understand how the industry functions, and don't value my work.
I think that many women who end up in this business have been in complicated situations and not all of them chose this path for pleasure.
There it is again. "End up." I hope you realize how patronizing that sounds. People choose to work in the adult industry for all of the same reasons that they might choose any other job. The pursuit of pleasure is a factor in many performers' choice to work in porn, of course. Money is also a big one. Because generally when you do a job, you want to be paid for it. That's how jobs work. I don't think that's problematic, or a reason to feel pity for sex workers.
Many people don't realize how much pain this can be for you and unfortunately, once you get in there, I am aware of the fear you may feel.
I'm not in pain, nor am I afraid for my safety. Maybe you meant that in a more general sense, but I do take offense to anybody making the assumption that sex workers are inherently afraid and in pain. The only thing I'm really "afraid" of is the speed at which the United States is careening toward a religious, conservative, fascist dictatorship.
Finding a job in a store or in another field can become complicated.
Yes, it can be, but only because of the stigma against sex workers. The more recognizable you are as a porn performer, the harder it might be to find a job outside of the adult industry, should you desire to. That being said, I worked "civilian" jobs during my 5 year retirement, and fortunately for me, I never had any real issues. I was recognized a few times, and one of my former coworkers tried to report me to HR for literally just existing, but I was never fired or treated poorly by an employer.
I can only support you and hope that your rights will be better defended in the future. I wish you all the best and outside of porn of course.
If you wish me the best outside of porn but not in it, then you don't wish me the best. When you word it like that, you sound like a sex work "abolitionist."
You are human and you deserve respect.
I am, and I do. And all sex workers deserve respect, too.
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p-redux · 1 year
Just a question, a serious one, for you or anyone else here. Sorry, this is a long post.
If you are totally okay with whoever S wants to date and you are just happy for him, then why do you allow people on your blog to trash these women? I know a couple of the women he's supposed to have dated have done some things to and/or said some things about Sam that were bad. But most of them still follow him (if they did before) and most of them have said nothing bad about him. Why not defend them? We don't know for sure which of them he dated casually, more seriously, or at all. It's mostly conjecture. Why are the women always attacked?
If we all do really love Sam and his work AND support whatever type of love life he chooses, then why do we look for every bad trait about the women associated with him? I do think a couple of them maybe wanted him for his money or fame, but all of them didn't do that. Sam is a grown-ass man, and while I do think he is a nice and sweet people pleaser, I don't think he is gullible enough to only go out with women who want to use him or who are trashy. It's terrible for women to attack other women when the only reason they do it is based on conjecture.
I know many here won't agree with me, but when I look at Katie , Abbie, and Mackenzie I don't see fake, plastic , bougie women. There are others we have seen him with who also don't look that way. Why would we assume he's attracted to those types? Just because he looks at or follows women who might fit that type, doesn't mean that's the type of woman he really wants a relationship with. The women I see on IG often just remind me of what has always appeared in men's' magazines, it's just easier now to post your own photos. Much of that is fantasy and men are really visual.
Personally, I just don't believe he has dated every woman associated with him in the last 10 years. I just don't. I also don't believe he has dated someone if we have no actual proof. Being around someone, friends with someone, hanging out with someone, having a meal with someone doesn't always mean dating them. Everyone jumps to conclusions EVERY SINGLE TIME he is rumored to be connected to a woman. I have even read where Sam said there are numerous scenarios about who he has dated or is dating and many of them aren't true.
Sure, it's fun to speculate. But when it moves to attacking these women, that's too far. We don't know Sam or any of these women personally- at least most of us don't. We only know what they may share on SM. I find it appalling the ugly, hateful things I have seen written about Karina Elle and Monika Clarke in the last year or so, for example. Unless someone here has more proof than I have seen - real proof- we don't know IF or how long he actually dated either of them. We don't know if he dated one, but not the other. We don't know if he dated them both at the same time. Only Sam and the women know for sure. Without irrefutable proof, we don't know what happened between them. Someone dropping an anon that he was at a football game with his hands on KE's ass, or that he was spotted in Brooklyn with a tall, beautiful brunette shopping but with NO photos just isn't proof. I'm sorry, but if you can hang around a location long enough to KNOW it's Sam and KNOW the identity of the woman, you can get a photo. I know many say they didn't take a photo because they didn't want to invade their privacy. Well if that's true, then why post about it on a fan blog???? I would guess that any fan who may have seen him with a date and asked for a photo with him- who genuinely likes and respects Sam-- probably knows who he was with and has chosen not to post it anywhere out of respect for Sam and the woman.
I fan over him too. Sometimes I love the speculation too. But these women are real human beings and we need to remember that. And if we love and respect Sam, we need to respect his own choices. He doesn't need my permission to date or care about any woman. But if I respect him, I shouldn't trash a woman he chooses to spend time with.
Anon, you've mistaken me for some other blogs. This is PURV, one of my number one rules for my blog is that I don't allow any hate toward Sam or Cait OR Tony OR any woman Sam dates. I delete hate comments other people may have left on my posts, and I warn the person that if they do it again, I'll block them. Sometimes, people will reblog a post and leave a hate comment, but there's nothing I can do there because I can't delete a reblog. But the person will automatically get blocked.
So, please pay better attention or realize you're mistaking me for other blogs, I don't tolerate hate for the women Sam dates at all. If anything, out of respect for him. If he picks a woman to date, then he must find qualities in her he likes, and that's good enough for me. Whatever and whoever makes him happy, I'm happy for him. Simple as that.
As for your specific comment about not knowing whether Karina or Monika dated Sam. Um, the sighting at the football game was not an Anon. It was an identifiable real person who was at the game and saw them together and their interactions. A source I directly talked to. She has no horse in this race, no reason to lie. I got the info from her directly and I know her full identity. So, there is NO doubt her sighting was real. As for Monika, there are PICS of Sam and Monika KISSING at a restaurant in New York. And I also DMed with the photographer who TOOK the pics. He confirmed neither Sam or Monika's people called him. He's a photographer active in New York and gets around a lot. The pics are real and the kiss was real.
So, while you're right that there are some women associated with Sam where it's only speculation with no proof...the two you mentioned there IS proof. And plenty of others as well. Simply search my blog or do a Google Search. There's more proof for Karina and Monika than the two instances I mentioned. And he didn't date them at the same time.
And to reiterate: I, Purv, DO NOT allow any hate on my blog toward ANY woman Sam dates. And certainly no hate for Cait's husband, Tony. Apparently that wasn't clear to you. I hope it is now. Sorry to be pissy, but it's annoying seeing this first thing in the morning, when I've literally made it my blog's work to NOT hate on any of Sam or Cait's significant others. I'm one of the few blogs who sets this boundary.
Have a nice day, Anon, but please, if you're going to take the time to write such a long Ask, do your research first before accusing someone of something FALSE. Thank you.
Happy Monday, everyone! 🙄🙃
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