#and not everything separately like you're a bird lol
pathetichimbos · 2 years
was wondering if you’d like 2 do a quick “where is she” type hurt&comfort prompt with thomas and/or bo!! maybe some victim vs slasher action thatd be funn
Includes: Thomas Hewitt / F!Reader
TW: Hurt / Comfort / Reader is kidnapped under false pretenses of being 'saved' / Their slasher bf does Not Like That / Canon Typical Violence
Hi! Thank you for sending in this ask and I hope you're doing very well.
This... Did not turn out to be a quick drabble, haha. I, as usual, got carried away. When I checked the page count I was at 12 pages and had only written Thomas' part, so there's that. I don't want to overload in one post, or keep you waiting any longer, and I'm currently struggling to write Bo's part at the moment, so I'm going to post Tommy's part for now and update this later with Bo. I welcome any pointers for his character, by the way, I've never written for him lol. Anyways... I hope y'all enjoy!
Quick side note: I just recently reached 300 followers!! Yay!! I'm so excited and happy that you guys enjoy my work <3 I'm going to try and start writing more often so please, send in all your requests! Thank y'all for taking the time to read my stories and follow me, it means the world to me.
Thomas Hewitt:
The Texas air was hot and heavy, as it was in most August days, weighing everything from the birds to the pigs down, not much of anything caring to move about in this heat. Even Hoyt elected to take the day off, currently lounging about on the front porch, beer in hand. Though that wasn't too unusual, at least now he had somewhat of an excuse.
Luda Mae was in town, running the store, today being one of those rare days where she took Monty with her so he could “get his stinkin' ass out of the house”, as she had so graciously put it.
Not even Thomas had a lot to do today, so the two of you were taking advantage of that, currently set up on the living room couch.
You were sitting on the back of the couch, with Thomas situated between your legs, mask off and hair down so you could properly comb through it.
It was late morning by this point, so the strongest wave of heat hadn't come through yet, and you had all the windows open to try and keep the air flowing through the house before it did.
The radio played an old song from its corner, echoing a woman's voice throughout the living room. You hummed along, gently separating another section of hair and spraying a light mist of water over it with a spray bottle so you could carefully brush it without hurting your husband.
Thomas currently had his head leaning against your thigh, partly to give your more access to that side of his head, and partly because he was dozing off from the mix of humming and having you gently work through the knots in his dark curly hair.
You finished brushing out that section, running your fingers from his roots to the tips a couple of time to be sure, before pulling it to the side to place in a loose ponytail with the rest of his untangled hair.
You could start feel the soft, deep rumble as Thomas began to snore, and let out a soft laugh.
He had a habit of falling asleep every-time you brushed his hair, enjoying the close contact and the chance to take his mask off and let his skin breathe.
You let out a soft hum and bent down to place a kiss on his head, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone as you did.
You pulled back and continued to work, putting in even more effort to be gentle and soft as to not wake him. You carefully moved his head to your other thigh and began to brush the other side of his head, the brush easily combing through the knots, a stark contrast from when you initially started brushing his hair for him a few months ago.
After another fifteen minutes or so, you were finished, and pulled his hair together to give it a final brush through before setting the water bottle and brush to the side, sitting up straight to stretch your back and arms.
Thomas was still gently snoring, face pressed against your inner thigh as he continued his midday nap. You didn't really have the heart to wake him, but your ass was starting to fall asleep and hurt from sitting on the hard surface of the back of the couch, and it was getting close to time to start on lunch.
You let your hands run down his hair and to his shoulders, giving them a gentle but firm rub as you planted a kiss on his temple, speaking softly, “Tommy, baby, wake up. I'm all done.”
Despite what most people would assume, Thomas wasn't too much of a heavy sleeper, especially when he was on the couch, and that little bit was just enough to stir him awake.
He sucked in a shallow breath and let out a yawn, stretching his arms under your legs before hooking them over your thighs, letting his head fall back to look up at you with a sleepy smile.
“Good morning.” You joked with a smile of your own.
He hummed a bit and leaned over, pressing a kiss to your thigh.
“I've gotta start on lunch soon.”
He shut his eyes and let out a soft grunt of disapproval.
“Mhm.” You hummed back, running a hand through his hair again, “And then I've gotta--”
You were cut short by the rigid sound of the telephone ringing from the table behind you.
You sighed and reached around, pulling the base up and into to your lap.
“Hello?” You answered, holding the receiver with your shoulder while you idly played with Thomas' hair.
“Y/N? Could you put Hoyt on?” Luda Mae responded, skipping a greeting as she always did. After all, she's calling her own house, why should she have to say hello?
“'Course, Mama, lemme call for him.” You agreed, covering the receiver with your hand before yelling, “Hoyt, it's for you!”
No response.
You reached down and tapped Thomas' shoulder, catching his attention, “Tommy will you go grab Hoyt? I think he's passed out in the rocker out front.”
He let out a disgruntled sigh but stood up, reluctantly sulking out the front door.
“Thomas is goin' to get him now, Mama, I think he fell asleep on the porch again.” You explained into the phone.
“Alright.” She sighed, “Just tell him to hurry up.”
After a few moments you could hear Hoyt yell from the front porch, followed by him stumbling in, still half asleep, with Thomas in tow.
“Phone.” You set the base back down and held out the phone for him to take.
“Who is it?” He slurred out, yet still grabbed the phone.
“It's Mama.”
“What the hell does she want?” He grumbled, before repeating the question to her, “What the hell do you want?”
You silently ushered Thomas over and grabbed his mask before standing straight on the couch to help him put it back on. It wasn't your favorite thing, having your husband hide half of his face, but Hoyt was awfully mean when he was drunk and it made Tommy feel more secure.
“Uh-huh. Alright. Yea. Yea. I'll be there in 'bout half an hour.” You could hear Hoyt finish mumbling and hang up the phone behind you before much too loudly announcing, “Thomas, get ready, we got supper comin' in down at the store!”
Thomas and you both let out a sigh. Well, looks like your day off was cut short.
There was a routine in place for days like these and falling into it was rather easy. You were placed on Hoyt duty, meaning you had to get his sheriff uniform ready to go and Hoyt sobered up enough to drive, and Thomas had to prepare the basement for the arrival of new guests, to put it delicately.
The two of you set to work, Thomas planting a quick kiss to your lips before tucking himself away in the basement, and you sat Hoyt down with a plate of carbs and a large glass of water to try and sober him while you tracked down everything he needed.
By the time you finished finding all of the things he carelessly threw around from the day before, he had sobered up enough that you deemed him safe enough to leave the house.
You assumed you had quite sometime before Hoyt would make it back, so you decided you'd take the time to get a few chores done beforehand, even though you knew it would upset Thomas if he found out.
It was his request that you stay in your shared room when Hoyt brought any new victims home, always worried that something would happen.
Normally, you listened to him, but the longer you waited the more chores would pile up. Besides, it would just take a few minutes.
You started with the dishes from breakfast, what with it being a lazy day and all, you figured you could do them at lunch instead. You had a couple of other things to clean up in the kitchen and finished it off with gathering the trash to take it out on your way to feed some leftover slop to the pigs.
Only an hour and a half. You smiled to yourself as you checked the wall clock, happy that you finished the chores so fast.
You dropped off the bag in the can by the back door and dumped the leftovers into the slop bucket that you kept beside it and made the short walk to the small barn out back where the pigs stayed, passing the chicken coop on the way.
The small pink pigs squealed with delight when they saw you approach, having gotten used to either you or Thomas being the ones to bring them food.
They gathered around the long feed trout that was set up in their pen, happily squealing in anticipation as you dropped the spoiled leftovers into their pen, each of them happily chowing down on the food. You kneeled down and patted one of their backs, one of the females, if her large, very obvious pregnant belly gave any clue. Tommy had noticed a while back that she was pregnant, and you gave extra care in keeping an eye on her.
You cooed after her, ushering her to eat all she could for her and her little babies, gently rubbing her back as she ate.
You sat up after a moment, stretching your back again before standing up and grabbing the slop bucket to carry back to the house.
You cringed when you picked it up, however, this time catching a whiff of the moldy food that caked the sides. Apparently it had been a while since the bucket was washed out.
You carried it out of the barn and to the side where one of the outside hoses sat, turning on the creaky faucet to wash out the bucket.
It was a messy job, and by the end of it, the dirt you once stood on was now mud and your shirt was soaked with a large splash of water. At least it helped cool you down a bit, being out in the heat like this was exhausting and you were already sweating.
You turned the faucet off and shook the bucket out a bit more before the sound of running footsteps caught your attention.
You turned back to the house, only to see a young man you didn't know running straight for you.
You jumped at the sight, taking a step back out of surprise and fear. However, when you did, your shoe hit the mud and you slipped, landing clear on your back and knocking the breath out of you.
You tried to take in a sharp gasp of air, only to be met with pain coursing from your spine to your chest, making it tighten.
You sat up, grasping at your chest and trying to breathe, tears streaming down your face, all while the man finally reached you.
“Hey, hey--!” He called out in a loud whisper, shaking as fear lined his voice and filled his wide eyes.
You shook your head no, pushing yourself back and away from him.
“No, no, it's okay, it's okay,” He raised his hands as he kneeled down, “I-I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna help, I'm gonna help.”
You continued shaking your head and pushing away, desperately trying to breathe so you could scream for Thomas.
He ignored your obvious attempts to get away from him, and grabbed your arm, pulling you up and towards the back of the barn. You finally managed to pull in your first breath, coughing as he continued yanking on your wrist, practically dragging you across the dirt and grass.
There was a second door in the back and he found it easily, pushing you into the barn and towards the ladder to the loft where the hay was kept.
The pigs squealed in surprise, running around in their pen in distress as you tried to fight against the stranger.
“Stop! Leave me alone!” You pushed and pulled against his grip as he tried to shove you up the ladder.
“No, it's okay, I-I'm not one of them, I'm not gonna hurt you--” He ignored your pleas as he spoke over you, “I'm gonna help, I'm gonna help--”
You could feel the old creaky wood bend and groan against your back as he shoved you into the ladder repeatedly, trying to force you up there.
Sharp pain shot through your elbow as it slammed into the wall, finally managing to get your wrist out of his grip.
You ignored the pulsing and shoved him back, freezing when Hoyt's revolver fell from the man's pants.
You thought about diving for it, but he was faster, his hands in the air as he knelt down to pick it up.
“No, don't, don't worry, I- I'm not going to hurt you, I got this, before I ran--” He grabbed the gun and shoved it back into his jeans, “I won't hurt you, I promise.”
How stupid could this man be? Did he still not get it yet?
You were shaking, your racing heart almost loud enough to cover up the sounds of the pigs fearful squeals and Thomas' chainsaw echoing back from the front yard.
There was no way he'd hear you, not all the way back here, and definitely not in time.
You took a shaky breath and silently cursed yourself for reloading that same pistol before sending Hoyt off just earlier today.
Your mind started racing as you tried to think of a plan, your hands grasping at the air, looking him up and down.
He was on the younger side, early twenties at most, splashes of blood covering his open red button up and gray t-shirt. He was blond, making his light five o'clock shadow almost hard to see against his tan skin. His brown eyes were puffy and red, practically shaking with fear, his chest heaving and fists curled at his side.
“We, we've got to hide--” He took two bold steps towards you, “Before they come looking for us.”
You pressed yourself harder against the ladder as he did, taking in a shaky breath and nodding. He didn't know who you were, and you needed to keep it that way until you could escape.
You turned around to face the ladder, the old wood creaking under your weight as you climbed up, pushing the thick wooden door open with a thud before climbing in.
The scratchy hay dug into your knees and hands as you crawled further into the loft, giving the man room to climb in right behind you.
He immediately shut the small door and looked around, “We should put something heavy on the door.”
“B-But what if we need to get out quickly?” You countered, not wanting to make it harder to get out.
“It'll make it harder for them to get in.” He ignored your input and walked over to the nearest bale of hay, “We need to keep them out.”
You watched helplessly as he struggled to drag the heavy bale across the dusty wooden loft, finally falling down with a thud after he managed to cover the door.
“We can wait here until we get a chance to escape.” He crawled his way over to sit beside you, still shaking but seemingly calmer than before.
He swallowed and took in heavy breaths, trying to process the last few hours in his mind as you silently begged whatever god that was willing would help you get out of this alive.
You could've practically jump for joy when the familiar sound of a idling chainsaw and heavy footsteps against the barn floor became apparent against the calming squeals of the pigs down below.
You could almost feel the man tense beside you as he started shaking his head, quietly pushing himself away from the bale of hay that covered the loft door.
“No, no, no, no...” He mumbled to himself quietly, covering his own mouth as he pressed himself into the old wall of the barn.
You looked to the floor, Tommy's footsteps slowly circling around the barn, and felt a firm grip on your arm as the man quietly pulled you back with him.
“Shhhh.” He pressed a finger to his lips and pulled out the revolver, looking back to the bale.
It was your turn to shake your head, lifting your hands as you spoke, “No, no, it's okay, don't--”
He slapped his hand over your mouth as the footsteps stopped.
Thomas looked up, to the loft.
He could've sworn he heard a woman's voice, even over the anxious pig's squeals.
He gripped the chainsaw tighter, confusion overcoming him.
The victim Hoyt sent him after was a man, so, did that mean there were two of them? Had Hoyt somehow overlooked an extra person? It wasn't completely uncommon for him to make such a mistake.
He stayed silent, listening. There were no more sounds now.
He took a step towards the ladder, noticing the mud marks leading in from the open back door, even against the ladder.
The chainsaw weighed heavy in his hands, send vibrations through his fingers as he readjusted it to hold it in one hand.
He grabbed the ladder with his now free hand, the ladder creaking loudly under his weight as he took a couple of steps up, positioning the chainsaw to press against the door.
It didn't budge, so he squeezed the trigger, the chainsaw revving up and cutting through the old wood with ease.
He pressed further, the spinning chain suddenly flinging wood chips and hay back at his face with enough force to actually leave some small scratches on his exposed cheekbones.
He ignored it and moved the chainsaw in different directions, cutting at the hay bale that was apparently left on top to deter him.
Within a few seconds he was able to use the base of the chainsaw to get enough leverage to sling what was left of the door open, the remaining hay flinging to the side with ease.
He pushed himself up, grabbing a hold of the side of the loft's floor to help him balance as he pulled himself up with enough force so he wouldn't get caught off-guard by the two victims undoubtedly waiting for him.
His chainsaw slammed on the loft floor, still rumbling in idle as he stepped into the loft, deep brown eyes darting to the man sitting across from him, to the gun pointed directly at him.
He ignored the threat as he stood up straight, chainsaw tight in his grip.
“Don't come any closer!” His voice was unsteady, his hands shaking.
He took a step.
“S-Stop!” He stuttered over himself, thumb slipping more than once as he pulled the hammer down.
Thomas listened this time, staring the man down.
“Drop the chainsaw.” The man ordered, “Now!” His voice cracked.
Thomas did as he was told, the chainsaw hitting the floor with a loud thud.
“O-Okay, now grab it!” Thomas could hear the floorboards creak as the second victim walked up behind him.
His hand flexed as the footsteps stopped.
He could use her, as leverage, even a shield. All she had to do was reach for it. The moment she did he could grab her.
His eyes darted right and he saw dirty, shaky hands grab the handle.
His hand shot out, catching her with force as he turned.
You screamed, out of surprise and pain as Thomas gripped your wrist with enough force to bruise it.
Confused eyes met yours as he stared, his strong hold loosening out of reflex.
“Let her go!” The man yelled from beside you two, still pointing the gun at your husband.
He did.
He pulled back, fear and hurt in his eyes as he tried to figure out why you were here.
You hated yourself as you picked the chainsaw up, heavy in your grip as you dragged it away from him.
You walked closer to the man, the chainsaw sending vibrations through your hands and to your arms, turning them to jelly. You were unfamiliar with handling the large tool, only ever using it once before when Thomas had taught you how.
The man hurried to stand, still pointing the gun at Thomas.
“H-Here.” You offered, pushing it out to him, “I don't even know how to use this thing, I'll end up hurting myself.”
The man nodded, falling for your lie, “Okay, then you take this,” He shoved the gun towards you, “I can handle that thing.”
You switched weapons, Hoyt's gun feeling much easier to handle in your hands.
It wasn't light, the weapon weighing heavy in your hands as you slammed the butt of it against the man's head, a few drops of blood splattering against your hands and face as he hit the floor.
You turned to Tommy, letting the gun hit the floor as you let out a heavy, shaking sigh.
“Thomas--” You stepped over the man's unconscious body, arms wide as you threw yourself at your husband.
He met you halfway and slung his thick arms around you, clinging to you as he crushed you against his body.
You choked on a sob as you buried your face in his neck, hot tears streaming down your face out of relief.
He pushed his masked cheek against your head, pressing a kiss to your mud caked hair, his eyes squeezing shut as he tried to steady his breath.
He had been ridiculed, relentlessly beaten by bullies, threatened by coworkers, attacked by victims and almost killed dozens of times, but nothing compared to the fear he had when he saw you in that loft.
He couldn't understand why you were there. Had you randomly changed your mind and decided to leave him? After so long? Were you taken against your will, threatened and forced to do these things? Were you hurt, scared, afraid for your life while he was off doing what Hoyt told him to? What would've happened if he hadn't shown up? Did he scare you, or hurt you?
You pulled back just enough to place your hands on his cheeks, Thomas holding you up as you pulled him into a kiss.
You opened your mouth and he deepened the kiss, your hands snaking around his neck and trying to pull him even closer while teeth clashed and tongues fought to explore each other's mouths like teenagers sharing their first kiss.
You sighed through your nose, pressing your forehead to his as you pulled back to look at him.
“I'm so sorry.” You whispered, “I didn't think he'd be back so soon, I- I thought I had more time...”
His brown eyes were filled with fear and relief, feeling like he had almost lost you.
You cupped his masked cheek, letting your eyes flutter shut as you finally felt safe again.
It was a long time before Thomas let you out of his sight after that. He was glued to your side, overprotective and worried for months to come.
You often caught him staring at your deeply bruised wrist while it healed, angry and ashamed that he hurt you.
You constantly reassured him that you weren't angry at him, or scared that he'd do it again. He treated you like glass long after it healed, gentle and afraid, like you'd break into a million pieces if he didn't take extra care in his touches.
Needless to say, it took months before life went back to normal for you two, but after that, anytime any victims were expected, the first thing he did was safely tuck you away in your shared room before anything else.
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auncyen · 6 months
and another little scene THIS IS THE LAST ONE I'M POSTING UNTIL I UPDATE ON AO3 JUST BECAUSE I REALLY SHOULDN'T SPOIL MY OWN FIC THIS MUCH but like. I'm also just excited that I'm writing. And the mental image of this scene has been in my head for way too long lol
"You're…real this time, right?"
Siffrin has always been on the quiet side, but this question could have been whispered by a mouse. You nearly miss it; Isabeau reacts first while you're still parsing it. "Sif? Of, of course we're real! Can't you tell??"
Siffrin flinches away, shrinking into their cloak with a faint "sorry", and you know.
They can't. They can't tell. Not well enough to be sure.
Have they been hallucinating? How long, that they're doubting their own sight right now? "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," they whisper. "I'm sorry, I lost you. I'm sorry, I have to make sure you're fine, I have to be sure, I have to loop back--"
"Siffrin," you say loudly, just as their hand lights on their dagger. Why is he reaching for his dagger if he's going to loop back? No, no, that's not the issue right now. The issue is that they cannot loop back. You'll forget everything. He won't tell you again, not if this is how things end. You cannot have him looping. "If--If you can't trust that you're seeing us," you say, thinking quickly. "What if I touched you?"
Your question works in that it distracts Siffrin. His eye widens as they stare at you, the surprise clear as crystal on his face. "Huh?"
His hand falls away from the dagger.
You don't like that it was there to begin with, but you need to convince them while you have their attention. "If you're doubting sight and sound, touch would be the next logical option. It may be distasteful to you, but…" You raise your left hand with a deliberate slowness so that it's clearly in their vision. "If I touched you, would that be enough reassurance?"
He stares at you for a moment. The 'no' is already ringing in your mind. If he goes for the dagger again you'll need to use your Craft to slow him down and grab him--or hope Isabeau grabs him--but why would he reach for the dagger? He said he was going to loop, he said he was going to loop last night, how does he choose when to loop when he's made it clear he can't control the looping itself? The only answer coming readily to mind is abhorrent--
His hand moves up, further away from the dagger. Both of his hands reach up to the top of his head, snatching his hat off to hold by the brim as he stares at you, light eye unblinking.
"You want me to put my hand on your head?" you guess, trying to make sense of the silent response. The question elicits a nod, and it seems…logical enough--their cloak and gloves would mute any touch on his body, and the face and neck would likely feel too vulnerable--so you move your hand toward the bird's nest of hair, still slowly, not wanting to alarm them. He's so tense. "Breathe, Siffrin." You don't want them panicking, and you certainly don't want them fainting, either.
He breathes deeply in a familiar way. In and out. He still stares at your hand as it approaches, but at least he knows it's coming. Both his hands are occupied with the hat and won't make a Craft sign by accident. He has time to object, either with words or a gesture, if he realizes it will be too much.
You lower your hand into his hair in a waltz count, one-two-three. Immediately you encounter tangles and take care of where your fingers go in his unkempt hair. He tenses up even more, his breath hitching, but otherwise doesn't move. You hope that means they trust you.
"I'm real, Siffrin," you tell him, putting all the self-assurance you can muster into your voice. "As are Isabeau, Mirabelle, and Boniface. We're fine. We were only separated for a few moments."
"…Anything could have happened," they whisper.
"Nothing did. And even if it had, we're a bit hardier than that."
He winces. "I'm sorry I lost you."
You can't help the dry exasperation that creeps back into your voice. "Then don't storm off again. Straightforward enough, don't you think?"
He quickly nods several times, the motion frantic under your hand.
"We're here, and we're okay. You're…" They're not fine. You can't bring yourself to say that they're fine when it's plainly untrue, especially after how often they've misused that word in the past day, but you need to reassure them somehow. "You aren't alone. We're here with you. Do you trust me?"
The nods are less frantic this time. He seems to be calming down. He's still rigid, though. Touch has done its job and now it's only making them uncomfortable, so you start to take your hand away--
And then they bunt your hand with their forehead. Their eye darts up to look you in the face before it widens in horror. Siffrin takes two quick steps back, his gaze dropping back to the floor as he jams his hat back on. "Sorry! Sorry!" With his shoulders hunching up, his cloak and hat eclipse his entire expression.
"Siffrin?" Mirabelle asks. Isabeau and Boniface are both looking at you, likely trying to gauge what Siffrin did that they're apologizing. You're trying to figure that out yourself. The way he moved…certainly, you're not harmed. They tapped against your hand with only a little bit of force; if anything, it reminded you of how one of Ka Bue or Poteria's many friendly stray cats, comfortable around people, would sometimes ease up to you as you were reading in the open and bunt your hand to signal they wanted to be pet.
You doubt that was anywhere near Siffrin's intention. They hate being touched. Still… you wonder what that expression meant. Before he'd gotten scared, the expression he'd given you had been almost…
The only way you'll figure it out is if you ask. And if, hopefully, you get a straight answer. "What are you apologizing for this time?"
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alarrytale · 2 months
It makes me kind of feel like something is off, like they broke up and don't have to be separated anymore since they don't have a relationship to hide anymore//
I don´t know if some of us are just so numb and too used to not having a nice things at all because when things sound too good to be true we are automatically scared what bad will happen to make us disappointed again but good lord, they were in the same room after 7,5 years and it probably means for some of us that they broke up and so they can be spotted together? On the other hand, I totally love everything about yesterday - except their sh*tty business/friends circle whey were hanging with when watching the match. I love that H wore bluegreen bird, said "It´s coming home" like his husband during the only opportunity he had on Friday. I love that Ed, the biggest larrie tea spiller, was there with them. I love the article saying how H joined Louis and writing they catch-up away from cameras like someone saw them leaving the broom closet like in the good old horny days lol? AND I love that Spain won because they deserved it much more.
Marte, I wish I was as strong as you are in your belief that they’re still together, of course I believe it but sometimes I do think otherwise regardless it’s admirable I’m kinda scared now after we got such a huge crumb
Hi, anons!
Don't be scared, celebrate the good times! You're allowed to be happy about this! It would be strange for Harry to wear a bluegreen bird and cheekily sneak in a "it's coming home" just days ago, like Louis also did, and then for them to be in the same place if they were broken up. They're not broken up, but i understand that this is a shock to the system for those of you who haven't experienced this euphoria before, or have become numb. I don't think any of you would have survived lairport, and they were just on the same flight! It's more than a crumb, and were not used to it anymore. So don't be scared. Be exited and celebrate this. Things might turn to shit later, but for now, rejoice and enjoy it!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Love In Separation P1
Tumblr media
Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Sweet Af
Requested: Its another benny one lol (I love that man to death😂) But imagine benny being like super upset cause he hasn't seen his girlfriend in like forever (two weeks lmao) cause she's busy in London for work and he's so upset that when she suddenly shows up at one of his tournaments he just fucking runs dead straight for her and hugs her like "I MISSED YOU!!!!!" cuz lets be real benny is definitely that type of boyfriend anyways
so he's like so happy and hugging her that he doesn't even remember the tournament he's just focused on his girlfriend 😂
I sat admittedly pouting, sat on the bed my back against the wall my shoes kicked off of course leaving me in my black socks, dark blue jeans my belt still wrapped around the bedpost, and my dark grey button-down my sleeves rolled up to my elbows my arms crossed over my chest I could feel the cold sing of my chains against my arms. Watching as she moved gracefully around our bedroom often moving back and forth between the edge of the bed where her suitcase sat with various items sorted into piles and the wardrobe where most of her dresses hung. Her little white fluffy slippers glided across the concrete floor, the slight swishing sound of her long black dress as she moved humming to herself as she picked things out, counting clothes and picking perfume all the usual packing things but I couldn't help feeling the way I did
"Do you have to go?" I asked
"I have to We've been over this" she laughed
"Can't your agent just do it?"
"No, it's a press tour that's the whole point" she laughed "hummm plaid or checked skirt?" She asks holding both
"Plaid always, but y/n I'm serious there's no way you're able to get out of this?"
"No Benny, you know I wouldn't go away if I didn't have to," she says giving my cheek a kiss
"But you'll be gone so Iong,"
"Benny I'll be gone two weeks?"
"So? You go away for tournaments for months at a time in the chess season?"
"I know but I always take you with me," I told her getting to my feet wrapping my arms around her pulling her into my chest "We haven't spent any real time apart since you moved in, and you'll be so far away, in a whole other place that might not be safe, and we won't even be able to call because of the time difference, and I'll be going to my tournament and I haven't been to a tournament on my own in-" I began but she kissed me
"You can just say you'll miss me, Benny"
"Of course, I'll miss you, little bird." I cooed pulling her into my chest and of course, she happily rested her cheek against my shirt as I gently stroked her hair until she moved and rubbed her nose into my chest "Hey!" I complained it ticked
"It'll be okay, it's just for two weeks Benny then I'll be home"
"I know, I just… I'm not used to you not being around."
"Well it'll give you lots of guy time"
"Guy time?"
"Yeah to do all the things I usually don't let you" She smiled heading out of the bedroom but I followed her
"Like what?"
"Like, have a party?" She laughed going to the shower to make up her wash kit to take with her
"I don't like parties"
"Drink loads of beer and watch sports?"
I didn't even answer I just leant on the kitchen counter and glared at her "Well not exactly that, but do…man things"
"Everything you tell me not to do you have very good reasons for,"
"Like you tell me not to leave junk food out, very good we love in New York the rats don't need encouragement, you tell me to shower everyday good my body is weird and goes sour if I not constantly cleaning myself, you tell me to make the bed and I actually really like when I'm tired and I get to crawl into a warm made bed it's nice makes me feel fancy"
"Well do other not-normal things then, have wine, play poker, buy chicken nuggets. Just do whatever is going to make you happy Benny" she laughed taking her now full wash kit and giving my cheek a kiss before she went to the bedroom to add it to her suitcase
"But… being here with you would make me happy"
"Naaawwwww" she giggled "that's so cute"
"I'm not cute"
She smiled coming and taking my hands pulling me into the room more "Benny, when you wanna be your damn right adorable" she smiled rubbing her nose on my own "humm what would the chess boys think? There scary goth cowboy pirate all cuddly and cute"
"That's why you're the only one who gets to see me like this" I smiled pulling her into a kiss and stroking her cheek "My little bird, I'm really gonna miss you"
"Aww Benny I'm gonna miss you too"
"I'll be here in this dark cold basement all on my own, without my little bird to warm my bed, or make me coffee, or to go shopping with, or to do laundry with, or cook with, or play chess with, or cuddle, or kiss"
"Awww Benny, it's okay it's only two weeks just have fun treat yourself have some boy time, play chess, have drinks, get a pizza do some self-care. Enjoy some time without a lady messing up your boy time. Like it was before I moved in"
"Do you have any idea how miserable I was before you moved in?"
"Well, I was. And it's not just being here on my own, I have to pack up and drive all the way to Ottawa by myself without my little bird to navigate for me, and I can't even get slushie and fries on the way because that's the thing we do and without you, I'll just be all alone in my car with half an order of fries and half a slushie that you normally have" I explained
"You still can Benny"
"No, not without my little bird. It's not the same it's our tradition I can't do it without you"
"That's very sweet Benny, why not get something else like a cola and a burger or something instead then?"
"I guess but who's gonna make the hotel bed up just the way I like? Who's gonna help me figure out hotel shower taps? Who's gonna tell me I'm wearing my boxers inside out?" I explained
"I'm sure you can manage all of that yourself for one trip Benny" she laughed heading to the bedroom getting her now packed suitcase and bringing it to the door with her already packed handbag she kicked off her slippers and put on her little flat shoes for travelling going through her handbag to check she has all her paperwork and I sheepishly approached
"But… who's going to tell me how handsome and clever I am before I go play?"
"Well I suppose you just won't be told"
"But - but you tell me how clever and handsome I am before every tournament."
"That's true"
"I can barely play chess competitively without being told how handsome and clever I am"
"Well tell yourself?"
"That's not the same"
"Benny" she sighed
"I'm sorry y/n. I shouldn't be complaining. This is a big deal I'm excited for you getting to tour for the release of your book, I really am happy for you, I'm sorry for being such a crybaby about it"I told her giving her a cuddle
"Thank you, Benny, it's alright it's very sweet to see how much you care"
"I'm just not used to being away from you"
"I'm not used to it either benny, how do you think I feel having to fly off halfway around the world without the man I love to keep me company, it's alright it's just for two weeks and I'll be back home again"
"I'm sorry"
"It's alright, It's sweet to hear how much you'll miss me" she smiled
"Of course, I'll miss my little bird, but have fun really and be safe"
"I will and I'll bring you a present back I promise"
"Alright," I nodded as I slipped my shoes on, I took her bags up to the street and soon enough her car to the airport arrived so I loaded up her things for her and stood on the pavement staring at the yellow cab knowing she'd be gone she's picked my head up and smiled
"It's just two weeks"
"It's just two weeks" I nodded "I'm gonna miss you little bird," I told her pulling her close and inhaling her sweet sugary scent squeezing her tightly doing my best not to cry
"I'm going to miss you too Benny"
I knew if I didn't let her go now I wouldn't and I didn't want to make her late for her flight so I forced my arms away taking her face in my hands and kissing her forehead as I stroked her cheek "I love you little bird'
"I love you too Benny" she smiled pulling my hands down and giving my hands each a kiss before she moved away climbing into the cab the driver started up and she blew me a kiss before the cab and she scampered away into the hazy new York streets.
I headed down to the apartment and locked the door kicking off my shoes leaning my hands on the railing listening to the deathly silence of being alone. 
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gelastocoridae · 4 months
This season on wildlife rehab (so far):
I finally got rabies vaccinated this Feb! Here I come, vector species *rubbing my hands together*
Very first babies of the season were three horned larks who threw me, the "bird-whisperer" as one coworker insists, completely for a loop. The last time we had a single horned lark was two years ago
Also one absolutely teeny house finch. Pink and fuzzy, profoundly little (he's fully feathered now and learning to self feed and we're all so proud of our baby!!!)
...followed by a dozen more older finches
Two other species we haven't had in at least the three years I've worked there - Lincoln's sparrow and White-crowned sparrow 🤨
(I mean we've had brewers and chipping sparrows and even a lark sparrow but ??)
A baby northern flicker, so young he looked just a little bit,, obscene lol (he had a horrible first day recovering from his injuries but now his feathers are growing in and he's perching on bark and we're also so proud 🥺)
Bunnies, bunnies, and more bunnies!! Good Lord they are such little dollops of velvet with lil pipe-cleaner sized paws, and you're telling me I get to hold them??? 🥺💕💕
Was literally about to close the gate behind me leaving one night, still in the driveway,, and my car headlights catch the eyes of a still-alive raccoon that had JUST been hit by a car moments earlier,,,
so I hit reverse, get out of the car, and heckin sprint back inside to fetch the only two people left in the building at 10pm - the actual Raccoons Staff - to help catch it
Finally typical baby birds that are not finches! But ofc it's starlings that eat like crap
And robins! And doves! ...with broken legs or subq emphysema (thanks outdoor cats)
Don't worry, we fixed the broken legs!
Still working on the sqe tho, slowly but surely
And bunnies with de-gloved hind-ends
(thanks outdoor cats)
Oh, some of the finches are being weird, like they've aspirated but their lungs are perfectly fine?? HAVE A PELICAN
Also she almost snapped two staff members who tested her patience teehee (she got fixed up n released! Yay!!)
Back to regularly scheduled bunny
I learned how to bottle feed two baby raccoons and one of them just wanted to snuggle into my elbow for safety 🥺💕🥺
Back to regularly scheduled finches. I mean starlings. I mean birds.
I said something in off-handed retail-tuned humor to a staff member i don't know super well to cope with understaffing stress and found out I'm viewed as senior staff with valuable love and expertise who is respected enough that my comment raised serious concern 😭🥺
Baby crow. This year's protocol to avoid habituation when feeding corvids is a camo suit with a picture of a crow face taped to the hat. With eye holes cut out.
Hate this so much I decided to sculpt a hand puppet crow head to try (like they used for the California condors). This is currently laying half finished on my desk
Those problem finches be problem-ing. Throwing everything we have at them and still haven't figured out how to fix them. Cue group problem solving in the Bird ICU Slack channel
Somewhere in all that were some fox kits and a separate adult whose shedding winter coat completely saved him from a fence wire amputating his tail
All these bunnies need antibiotics (thanks outdoor cats)
The softest, sweetest adult goldfinch 🥺
The most ferocious adult house sparrow, victimizing all my coworkers (not me tho, I'm immune to bird beak)
Both courtesy of window strikes
Two - count em, TWO common poorwills in one week!
A red-winged blackbird? In my rehab center??? Since when does anyone find injured rwb's?
TIL a lot of flickers n such end up caught in expanding foam sealant. Like. Come on guys. If you're putting that stuff anywhere. Sit watch until it's dry.
Come on, it's not that hard. Avoid having to carve out the screaming animal you were trying to evict
Anyways my dad/other boss is a contractor so I shot him a text and helped our vet & intake staff learn how to save more such lives in the future! The Flicker in question was able to keep almost all of his flight feathers intact (yay, less regrowth time!), regain his legs n feet, and eagerly scarf down all the mealworms we can give him
Btw a good solvent for expanding foam? High content rubbing alcohol
Baby beavers look fake
They're so gosh darn adorable but like. You're telling me that hand-puppet that just squeaked at me for cuddles is a living baby? Too good to be true, but it is 🥺
Got stopped by a stranger at the public library to be asked about the baby beaver. I will never know if it was purely because I was wearing a logo shirt or bc the person saw me as staff on our last social media post n recognized me in public 😵‍💫😎
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rvnwtch · 2 years
Not related to anything but I can’t t see windows that well sometimes.
Crashed into one while walking out of a place. Crashed into more. Literally have to check if a doorway has glass in-front of it sometimes. Im traumatized.
But like, Fenn or the Ravenwatch’s reaction to a vestige that can’t see glass very well would be interesting. Lol 😭🪦
Just an Idea.
(Perhaps I’m part bird)
Gwendis was doubled over laughing. The Vestige had their nose scrunched up in annoyance. Just because the Vestige can never see where they're going and constantly runs into everything, did not warrant this reaction. Fennorian was pretending to look away, acting like he hadn't seen. Vestige didn't know if that made them feel better or worse.
"You're ridiculous!" Gwendis said in between gasping laughs.
The Vestige narrowed their eyes. "Not everyone has vampire vision, Gwendis!"
Gwendis just snorted and doubled over again. "It's a door! How did you not see a door?"
Adusa sighed loudly. "Gwendis." She said disappointment seeping into her voice. Vestige smirked at, Gwendis, believing they had won. Until Adusa addressed the Vestige, "Adusa would suggest you get glasses but it would seem that would only make things worse. Seeing as glass is what caused the problem this time."
Fennorian didn't hide his laugh all that well, and Gwendis doubled down on her efforts to laugh at the Vestige.
Here's one with Verandis. It's only separate because it felt like adding another person's reaction to t he one above would have been too much.
Count Verandis was running through some instructions for a mission. The Vestige was nodding their head, listening.
Sneak into the camp, take notes and don't get noticed. Easy enough.
"I'll be back before sunset!" The Vestige promised with a smile. In an effort to save time and not take the stairs, they leaped toward the window. Unfortunately, the window was not open like they previously believed, and the Vestige smacked into it.
The Count was by their side in an instant. "My friend, are you alright?" He asked, looking conflicted. His eyes twitched between amusement and mild concern. "Why... did you jump at the window?"
The Vestige groaned in embarrassment. "I thought it was open. I... couldn't see that it was closed."
"Do I need to send Gwendis in your stead-"
"No!" The Vestige interrupted loudly. The Count looked surprised by the outburst. "whatever you do, do not tell Gwendis!"
"Don't tell me what?" Gwendis asked by the door, a teasing lilt to her voice.
Verandis answered before the Vestige. "They've run into the window." When Vestige looked at him, betrayed, he was only smiling.
As Gwendis laughed and the Vestige's last shred of dignity slipped away, they opened the window gave a singular wave over their shoulder and hopped out.
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7ban-sama · 9 months
hai there 7ban! realistically, about the ❤️🤍💜 bird au , if the human vers of tsu, amane, and nene were to own bird versions of themselves, how would you think it would go?? would the birds mimick everything they do?? would they watch them having a threesome?? would nene and bird nene get along well?? would the twins with their birdselves get along well?? tell me what you think!
Oh hai there. It's so novel to get an ask about an eccentric AU like that. (In general, I'm surprised by how many people have paid attention to the bird AU...😶)
However I must say, I don't usually think about interactions between human and animal selves in AU, I don't really explore things like that? Usually I think about it like: in this world it's a roulette of which of the three are human or not, so you can have human Nene + parrot twins, or all 3 as birds, etc.
Still, I can try my best to answer your question, it's just that my honest opinion might be a little funny. So for starters, I want to say, I typically think of Nene as the human owning multiple birds. Parrots are especially demanding animals, considering how social and long lived they are, along with how sensitive they are to their environment. Ideally, if you were going to commit to owning something like that, you'd commit in-full. So it's a world where Nene devotes a lot of her time to entertaining and caring for her birds. For this question, let's imagine she owns the twins and herself as a bird, and separately she has befriended the Yugi twins as humans. Sometimes the twins come over and look at her birdies.
For how the humans feel about their bird selves, you have a spectrum of at best... neutrality. At worst, active dislike.
Nene is perhaps neutral on the little budgie Nene, maybe just glad her boys have a playmate they like? Budgie Nene just neutral about the human that tends to her, not really thinking about her much, preferring attention from the boys. She can give her self seed. Accept seed.
The Tsukasas do not regard one another. I do not see him. Just a natural [walks away from you] reaction. Bored.
Amane would HATE his parrot self, and they'd actively feel competition with one another. Because Amane is such a rude, domineering personality, they'd each be offended by how ballsy the other is.
The extent Amane would hate himself is so much more profound than the way Nene&Tsukasa are indifferent to themselves, I think it'd actively cause problems. Cuz you'd have like parrot Amane screaming and diving at him, preventing him from touching either budgie Nene (MY MATE!!!!) or human Nene (MY OTHER MATE!!!!!!!!!!) Amane would be like 💢💢 I hate this JERK that's TERRORIZING you two... He's terrible to the other one too. [regarding Amane parrot constantly scrapping with Tsukasa and pulling out his feathers] He's a nasty pervert... [whines] Yashirooo, are you really going to let your pet bully me... Fine, I won't come over, you're all obsessed with him-
⬆ This would really suck lol. But I think it'd be the reality, you can't have two Amanes in the room, they want to control everything and they don't like each other kfkf...
As for mimicry, they wouldn't pick up any notable tics from their human selves... I like tend to do my animal AUs a bit 'magically', even without literal magic. Soo like, it's kind of as if these birds truly have the 'souls' of Amane/Nene/Tsukasa, and their most individualistic traits are mostly something they innately have. I think what would sooner happen is that human Nene would note eerie similarities between her twin parrots and the twin humans, things she can't explain. Maybe the twin parrots 'talking voices' already sound kind of like the human twins, but this was the case before they ever met each other. Little haunting things like that... (she'd just dismiss herself though, feeling crazy, maybe too into her birds or something...)
If the human trio had sex in front of the bird trio... That's funny, I have to think of it as Nene putting them in their cage before anything went down... The birds wouldn't even register it as 'sex', just humans doing human things, as they enigmatically do. Maybe them all being in a pile would be like ? ?? weird... but w/e. [preens one another]
I'm imagining human Amane feeling some sort of I'm Doing This To Prove She Is Mine emotion tho lol, and the vibes would be kind of weird, because of that, like. Maybe Nene already would be like // /// geez he's so pushy rn... //// Barely let me finish putting everyone away before he dragged me off. Sigh... I'm being fought over... (???????)
All I can picture is chicanery along these lines basically lol. I suppose the driving force is the fact that the Amanes cant completely ignore the interspecies version of Nene/Tsukasa, but this will make one another mad. Which... is why I try to keep things contained in just the OT3 usually. No room for this many Amanes.
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sayakxmi · 8 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 12: Determination and Separation [Part 1]
Sorry I did little to nothing last week, I had two exams and then I badly needed to recharge. But now I feel pretty alright!
On a different note, I've finished the first part of that Final Arc rewrite which I've been (probably?) mumbling about every now and then. Pretty excited about it, ngl. One day I might even post it, lol.
Ok, but the actual episode.
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I genuinely cannot imagine being under so much pressure.
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Five days till the wedding.
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No one will let him breathe. Only more pressure and responsibility.
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God, look at the relief on his face after Sinbad joined the conversation.
So, I joke a lot about Sinbad and Alibaba's father-son relationship of sorts, but tbh, I don't blame Alibaba. It's not just about Sinbad being his hero, or being an adult guy who acknowledges his existence more. Sinbad is probably the first person since Anise and Cassim who made him feel less pressured about everything. By taking control of the situation, Sinbad took some of that responsibility from him - if something were to go wrong, Sinbad was there to fix it. That's kind of what parents are meant to do for their children, ensure they have somebody to fall back on in a difficult situation. The sheer relief he must feel that Sinbad is there must be unreal, especially after years and years of guilt and having to fend for himself. Alibaba is seventeen, and people are putting the responsibility for an entire severely messed up country on his shoulders.
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More judgement.
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Cool shot, ngl
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"My homeland needs somebody to save it... but is that person really me?"
Can't blame him for these doubts.
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Honestly, it's kind of funny how his eyes go soft as he starts talking about Sinbad, even though I know it's about self-deprecation. Also, again, bro, you're 17, and Sinbad had years of experience with this stuff.
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"Compared to him, I'm a nobody..."
In the manga he doesn't add that "I'm a nobody", I think, but, honestly? Not a big change. You get the impression that this is how he feels, anyway. And, like, can you blame him? Everybody's always putting him down, and he's the type to care too much about everything. It's bound to mess him up somehow.
Also, birds again. I guess it's symbolic? Of what, though. Freedom, or maybe that he'll take action soon? Cuz they're flying - moving forward. Hm.
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...maybe it's about them being connected by fate or something, since Rukh are golden birds... Or just fate in general...
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"S: This country needs to be built anew by somebody who really loves it. / J: You mean Alibaba? / S: To be honest, I don't have high expectations of him."
Bro's seventeen. Not everybody has been told that their special and can do absolutely anything since they were like four, cut him some slack.
But I'll be actually honest, I don't blame Sinbad for coming to this conclusion. I don't like how he is about it, bc he makes it sounds like it's Alibaba's fault for being a kid and getting very understandably overwhelmed, but he isn't completely wrong. This entire time he sees Alibaba following others around (Cassim), fail at actually leading the Fog Troupe, and even fail at easing his people's worries. Even when he's faced with the fact that his country is about to be turned into a slave factory, Alibaba still can't answer nor promise anything to anybody.
This is something I've always liked about Magi - there's so many points of view, and sometimes it's not about who's right, because simply nobody is completely wrong in the conclusions they make. Except Hakuryuu, maybe. But Hakuryuu's an exception to many things. Including the consequences of his stupidass actions. But that's a rant for another day. But anyway, Sinbad isn't wrong to have doubts about Alibaba, just like Alibaba's fears aren't really out of place and irrational. That's just how it is sometimes.
On a different note, I also don't completely blame Sinbad for drinking here. Bro really went to restore trade with his country, then got caught up in this entire mess, and had to take charge there. He might be more together than Alibaba, but it doesn't mean he isn't stressing about it. I would say it's actually a decent way at humanizing Sinbad to us - he might be an amazing person, but he's still a person.
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You go, girl.
Ok, it's a small difference, but I have mixed feelings about it. In the manga she talks about Alibaba on her way out, but here she starts while she's still in. Idk, I feel like the former gives you the impression that she was still deciding whether to say it or not, while the latter is like, yea, I overheard and came to argue.
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Always gets me that this is how Morgiana views it. Alibaba didn't think so hard about it, he just did what he believed to be the right thing. It actually happens a lot with him - he doesn't realize how meaningful his gestures are to others, even the simple ones like offerring to be somebody's friend. And at times it comes off as man, this world really is sad that something so small is so important to the other person, but at times it's Alibaba not realizing how much he actually does, because to him it's just the barest minimum. Not enough to warrant more than simple thanks at most.
Once upon a time I was talking with a friend, and they've said that it wasn't Alibaba who broke the chains but Aladdin and Goltas, and the thing is, Alibaba would've been the first person to say that. To him, he did nothing of importance. To Morgiana, he told her she didn't need to be in the Dungeon, and then stayed in Qishan, freed all the slaves, made sure that being free is something that stuck with them, and only after that left. It changes so much about that Dungeon interaction, bc in Amon it was easy for her to see it as Alibaba trying to pretty much bribe her - which wouldn't have been that uncharacteristic for him - but once they left he didn't change his mind all of sudden. He more than proved that while, yes, sure, he tried to get her to stop attacking them, he still meant what he'd said. I feel like that was what recontextualized that entire interaction to her, and that's why she sees him like that benefactor.
On a different note, the smile he has in her imagination is really cute.
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"I believe he can save this country."
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Ok, sliiightly disappointing. In the manga the Banker literally lied to... I fucking hate this guys name, I always have to check the spelling, I'm gonna start calling you 23rd like my friend Henry does. Anyway, in the manga the Banker tells him that Kou isn't a brutal and strategic country, which in a cool way transitions to Sinbad saying that, yeah, they're a militaristic country, bad news. Here the Banker simply doesn't add that last part that they're not a danger at all, which, F.
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Here that person has normal pants. Also, I haven't noticed the magi silhouette until now, F. Love how these guys always have braids.
No hilarious "Was it the same for you, Sinbad-san? / No, I'm different.". What a shame. Ok, there it is, later. "But I'm an exception.". I still think "No, I'm different." is a much funnier wording.
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Oh, hey, in the anime they added Kouha and Koumei! I love Kouha's mad grin. You go, little murder boy, you go.
Kouha is kinda like Judar, except not an awful human being.
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Haven't noticed until now, but they added chess here. Kinda random choice, but at the same time, it's a scene where they pretty much only talk, so maybe it was done to have, idk, some animation be there.
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Back to the father-son thing, another thing Sinbad does is offer guidance (from Alibaba's perspective, at least). And it's worth noting the way Sinbad goes about it. Just like Cassim, he pretty much tells Alibaba what to do, but he's much gentler and more calculated about it. Cassim pretty much emotionally gut-punches him whenever Alibaba tries to question him to shut him up, while Sinbad let's him cool off. Not even that, Sinbad is actually trying to build up Alibaba's confidence there rather than drag it through the dirt. He talks about his father, how Rashid spoke about him etc, while Cassim constantly reminds him of something he blames himself for even though was compltely out of his control.
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Sinbad: Alibaba, you're special. And a Dungeon Conqueror, just like me! : ) Alibaba: No.
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The moment he sees Alibaba freak out abt the whole You need to become a King, he immediately offers his support.
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I don't blame Alibaba for reacting like that. I would've gotten overwhelmed, too.
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Damn. In the manga he looks more sad/disappointed. In the anime he looks kinda pissed.
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avocado-frog · 5 months
Happy STS! What are your characters' favorite songs? Bonus: Why that song?
Happy sts this one was GOING to be on time but SOMEONE had a birthday party (<- glaring at my stepbrother rn) and my computer died while i wasn't using it so everything i wrote out got erased.
It was a bit of a challenge separating what I associate the character with vs what I think the characters would listen to but I think I got it
Starting with Logan, I think he'd like Little Moth by Chloe Moriondo. Not necessarily that he resonates with the lyrics but that he connects them to the other kids (particularly Dylan, Jaxon, Ryan, or Elliot)
In my head, Leo is a Mother Mother fan. I don't know why. Vibes alone. I think Burning Pile or Hayloft II she would especially listen to. Sort of related but she's got an mp3 player that she's downloaded a Lot of songs on lol
I had trouble with Cass since her playlist on my spotify is small and full of songs that are instrumental and I was trying not to answer with instrumental songs. Two Birds Regina Spektor gives very Leo and Cass energy though
Had trouble with Lily too. She has a very specific vibe so I was torn between a softer sounding one or something else. I think she'd like marina. I picked Anything Adrianne Lenker as a solid answer though
For Jaxon I did Race by Alex G but specifically timeskip Jaxon. The "You're starting to look really weird" line also really sounds like him and Leo and I think he would enjoy the energy the song has in general
Dylan lore time: Not to let Dylan hijack this post but about a year ago last summer when I was outlining forget me not, I was this close to cutting Dylan because in all the versions up until this point, they were essentially the same character as Elliot. Aside from design. They were literally made to be sort of a parallel to Elliot in the draft they first appeared in. like superman bizarro world sort of thing. So I wasn't going to keep them, but I was attached regardless so I decided to keep them in and see if they would develop over time on their own. In forget me not, Dylan gets maybe like. ten scenes total. And I remember about three chapters where they were the focus. Their debut chapter (chapter 6), the one they had with Elliot (chapter 12), and that one towards the end (chapter 24). They barely had any lines, I barely knew anything about them that I didn't also know about Elliot (I still struggle sometimes with what is an Elliot Thing and what is a Dylan Thing) Chapter 24 (out of THIRTY) was the only chapter where Dylan was the pov character the whole time, so I used that to really quickly bullshit a backstory for them, as well as a bit of magic development. I'm sort of retconning it right now because I made it up really quick and didn't think very hard about it (my bad tbh) BUT that little tiny bit of character development, the crumbs if u will, put Dyl as one of the focus characters for dahlia. Them and Elliot being so similar in development made them both naturally work as characters who got along really well, and their friendship in forget me not had a bit of an arc in the background, but since I hadn't done much with Dylan's character yet I didn't really have any ideas for how their arc in the second part of dahlia would go. I know I said I wasn't going to pick songs that I associate the characters with, but Overgrown Garden for them. I listened to the song when I was trying to find songs to add to Cass's playlist and I was just adding every song that had a flower name like a madman without listening to them. The only other thing I knew about Dylan was that they Like Gardening (that's where I had them in chapter six lol) so when I actually listened to the song itself, Dylan's arc sorta just. happened. Pleased to announce that Dylan has been upgraded to Major Character status and gets a lot of screentime now. When I go through and edit the first two stories I'm definitely going to add in a few more scenes for them since I've got them good and developed
Moving on to what the actual ask was about. The next character in the list would be Ryan. I am not a ten year old boy. Disclaimer. I have no idea what they listen to. So making them up for the triplets was a bit hard. As a solid answer I would say Ship in a Bottle for him. Water motif + veryyyy him and Elliot
For Sam, I am still not a ten year old boy. So I'm cheating and picking the one I associate him with. Things to Do Alex G in a way I can't quite explain. Canonically, I think that Sam genuinely unironically listens to the music gym teachers play during kickball. Fuckin. believer imagine dragons. the one song from the minions. You see my vision
Unlike the other two, I knew exactly what I was going to pick for Elliot. Meteor Shower Cavetown. It's perfect. It's space themed. He'd love it. He likes Jack Stauber also. I'm sure of it.
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
my recent obsession has been watching those “lunch for my husband/kids” youtube shorts and they’re v satisfying but damn do americans eat weird. the lunches are usually some sort of american sandwich (i.e. two pieces of square bread and a thin slice of turkey or something), raw vegetables like bell peppers or cucumbers cut into shapes (sometimes it’s just plain broccoli or carrots..?), berries and some kind of crisps or crackers and gummy bears or chocolates. and like... why do they eat like that? you could add more things to the sandwich first of all. and why would you eat vegetables with nothing separately? like who eats plain broccoli by itself apart from idk, rabbits? it would make so much more sense to put the vegetables in the sandwich. or make a salad. or, best option, cook them in some sort of sauce to eat with pasta/rice/whatever else. like it’s just so weird to me idk.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Can I request Eddie loosing it because his GF sends him I love you texts every morning
A/N: Hell yeah, I haven't done texting hcs yet so let's goooo 💚📱
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: FlUfF, kinda obsessive because this is Eddie 🥰
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• Whenever you and Eddie are apart... he's still not gonna leave you alone
• Edward just can't help thinking about you all the time, because he needs to be a part of everything you do, and gets agitated at the long periods of time when you're working or something
• Needless to say, he'll be texting/calling whenever he gets the chance, even if it's literally just FaceTiming while you're both working so you can see each other and stuff 🥺
• He's often the first to text you to see how you are at random moments of the day, reminds you he loves you (like you need reminding lol) and asks if you're still at work and when you'll be home
• But if you text him first?? He has to really try not to get overexcited in his public workplace because the love of his life is texting him before he's gotten a change and agfhsk-
• You'll text something as simple as "Hope u have a great day, ily 💚" and he'll respond with dozens of heart emojis and heart eyes and ramble about how he loves you too, a lot of words spelt wrong because of how fast he's typing
• Is he one for sending you selfies? Well. Yes 😏 he prefers taking Polaroids tbh, but even so, he doesn't mind taking kind of blurry and odd-angled pictures of himself for you
• He has a whole damn folder full of selfies and photos of you on his phone and you're on his lock screen and background, not to mention the mini pictures he has in his clear phone case 😍
• When he's been away from you for most of the day, he'll stare at the photos and get motivation to keep 'cleansing' Gotham for you and has little fantasies about you being there while he's working, which gets him all giddy for when you're back together
• Eddie acts as if you've been separated for months when you're both back at home - you'll be smothered with needy attention and hugs and kisses before he sits you down and makes you tell him everything about your day 💕
• I feel like Edward would text you even if you're in the same apartment, like, "what's the only other name for angel?? 😇🤍"
• It's your name, always 🤗
• You'll be sitting together in the same room and you're paying attention to your phone instead of him, so he'll text you while you're beside you saying something like "You look beautiful when you're focused, but more so if you looked up so I can see you properly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
• I'm not exaggerating with the amount of x's he sends because... there are a lot.
• He loves the texting and all, but he much prefers face-to-face interaction and loving, because nothing beats that 💚
@birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @phantomofthecathedral @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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drippingmoon · 3 years
This or That Writer Edition
Done this before, but y'know, you're completely right @sleepy-night-child. I'm gonna take this as an opportunity to ramble some more because I really feel like it. Thanks so much, nightfriend❤ this really is therapeutic
And for that matter, anyone can join me. Open tag<3 the questions will be, uh, behind the cut.
1. historical or futuristic
I kinda love reading about history hahaha, and it was mostly fantasy in medieval settings that got me into writing, so this is a no-brainer. (Even my sci-fi shortie will have some dated technology🤣 for plot reasons, of course)
2. the opening or closing chapter
Mmm idk what it is about them, but endings always come to me naturally🥰 surprisingly with 'quiv it was both, but it was also meant to be a short story before it spun out of control🤷‍♀️ and though I kinda know where I wanna start Icy, fun fact! I have the endings for all three books down and detailed😇 I guess it's always the ending that draws me to writing a story🥺
3. light + fluffy or dark + gritty
how do you even separate them. Okay, when I first started writing I was all for the latter, but that changed quickly. 'Quiv has me loving it as much as I do especially because at its core it was a warmer, gentler story full of hope🥰
4. animal companion or found family
Before 'quiv, my casts used to be fully animal or >50% comprised of animal characters. Even now angel mannerisms are more bird-like in nature than human🤣 animals have always owned my entire heart❤ you've never known true love until you've had it curl in your lap🥺 Also, I'm all for the 'two people against the world' which doesn't really fit found families
5. horror or romance
Just saying, the Turning🤷‍♀️ and some of you might know I'm all about platonic love, soooo. Oh, and my sci-fi shortie will also be horror🤔 though I guess Icy breaks the mold and is a romantic comedy...
6. hard or soft magic system
Can't really have dances and song as time and emotion magic feature as a hard system. And I like to surprise myself when writing too🤣 so no systems. Would make me anxious and 100% like all my plans I would *not* follow them lol
7. standalone or series
...not gonna lie, I'm really drawn to series🤣 but that's also how I got burnt out, and since 'quiv is my love, I'll go with standalones. They're a much different writing experience🤔 feel a lot more compact. There's no "later", and that hit differently and in a good way😳
8. one project at a time or always juggling 2+
I did try juggling. I really did. I said, if I get in the mood to start something else, then that's what I'm gonna do. But apparently only one wip can devour my entire mind at a time, and though I can brainstorm for the others, after a few hours I just yearn to go back to 'quiv, you know? It's complete brainrot🥰🥰
9. one award winner or one bestseller
One finished book, I digress lmao
10. fantasy or sci-fi
^same as the historical/futuristic one. I guess fantasy doesn't have aliens🤔 and it's been growing on me lately with all y'all wips🥺🥰 but fantasy will always be my beloved
11. character or setting description
Character descriptions run the risk of turning into lists😬 I mean, settings also should. But for some reason they've also come more naturally to me, and I enjoy them loads more🥰 and lately I've started describing characters like settings, ie 'as beautiful as rain' 🤣🤣 but that's cheating. Also also. Let me just say. Star descriptions🥺 idk how angels in space came to me as an idea, but it was by far the best I've ever had. I have so much fun writing the setting💞
12. first or final draft
If final drafts are anything like, second, third, fourth drafts, then first drafts oh my god
13. Literary or commercial genre
I don't believe in these genres lol
14. love triangle in everything or no romance arcs
Never seen the appeal about love triangles, but then again I'm not a romance person. Just give me two people loving each other deeply and it'll turn into 'quiv I'll be satisfied🥰🥰 and no, for the record, it doesn't have to be carnal for it to be love or soulmates to me
15. constant sandstorm or rainstorm
How can you not love rain?? For plot-related reasons or not, once it gets to the rainy season I really feel like it's restored some life to me🥰🥰 and rainy settings are godsends for scenes. That, and I've never been fond of desert settings
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Herding The Calf
PAIRING: Hannibal Lecter x F!Reader
UNIVERSE: Hannibal (NBC)
WORDS: 1.1k
WARNING: Sorry if this is a little fast-paced and choppy. I feel like my writing is shit today!
SUMMARY/PROMPT: From a lovely Anon: may I ask for a hannibalxreader? id like Hannibal to try to kidnap reader after stalking them for months (as he is interested in the reader and wants to get closer to them, but the only way he thinks he can make the reader care for him is to make them rely on him for all support, therefore he holds them hostage) but the reader is a good fighter and ends up hurting him pretty good, though he eventually knocks them out and the reader is held hostage in his basement and isn't necessarily afraid, just more aggravated because they're bored and want to do something and every time he visits them they ask for stuff to ease their boredom and what have you I want you to take artistic liberty over this as it is pretty much a summary prompt, just have fun if you write this lol have a nice day!
TW: Language | Mentions of Violence | Hostage | Kidnapping | Stockholm Syndrome
My Masterlist | Taglist | REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN
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A mess of monkeys was pounding on a steel door with ball-peen hammers. Neon lights flashed on and off fast enough to send any epileptic into a seizure. Looking around, you let out a slight moan. The last thing you remember was getting ready to leave Hannibal's house before your face met the floor. Rubbing your head, you look around.
"You have got to be fuckin' kidding me?" You mutter. Taking in your surroundings, you see a toilet with a privacy wall, a bed that of which you woke up on, a sink, and a stand-up shower... and that's it. "He just couldn't take the hint." You shake your head. You try screaming, but nothing was coming of it. Chances are, this basement was soundproof. You try to walk around but, there is no luck whatsoever; here is a glass wall separating you from the rest of the basement. "GOD DAMN IT! HANNIBAL! WHAT THE FUCK?!" you yell. Frustrated.
He makes his way downstairs and takes a seat in front of your... cell. He sits down, looking at you, wiping his lip from the blood you had caused, clocking him a good one in the jaw. "You're a good fighter, Y/N, you got me good, may have even fractured a few ribs... but, you lost, I'm afraid. I wish you would have just listened, given it a chance." He stated.
"Well, Hannibal, you screwed the pooch on that one now, didn't ya? Couldn't you just take the hint? I wasn't interested. You stalked me! For MONTHS! Yet you always managed to have a god damn alibi when I tried to get the police involved. You need help Hannibal." You told him. Looking over his face, rather proud of yourself. Though you thought a moment, you wanted your money back on those damn self-defense classes.
Hannibal wanted you to need him, to rely on him. This was the only other option. When you left his care, he was insistent that you needed to stay, but you felt like you didn't need him anymore, you were feeling better, you felt like you had accomplished in your mental strength. That, and he was getting far too involved; hence you started putting more distance.
Looking at him, you rubbed your face shaking your head. "Hannibal, just let me go. I won't get the police involved- just- let me go. Please."
He stands up and looks at you. "I will bring you dinner and something to drink." He walks away.
"DAMN IT!" You bang on the glass, angry, and rightfully so. You begin to pace. There's nothing to do, nothing to read, he took your phone. You sigh; sitting on the bed, you put your head in your hands and close your eyes, trying to figure out ways to get out of this.
Day in and day out, you pace, growing bored, growing more frustrated, growing more aggravated and agitated. Looking at the wall, your back facing the glass wall, you sigh. Hannibal comes downstairs and takes a seat in front of the window wall.
"Hello, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Annoyed, bored, agitated, fuckin Christ Hannibal, a book, art supplies, something. I can't just sit here, pace and sleep. I need substance in my life, and you're not providing that." You state, facing away from him.
"I can give you books. What else?"
"To be let go."
"I will bring you some books. We will discuss some art supplies later."
You've gone through all six books he had brought down to you, Gone With the Wind, Pride and the Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, To Kill A Mocking Bird, Little Women, and Wuthering Heights. Sighing you had lost track of time, your sleep schedule was likely off, and your eating habits were off, you were losing weight, at least you showered, and he had given you a razor, knowing that you wouldn't harm yourself, so at least you could keep up on your shaving. He gave you clean clothes every day. To some, this wasn't so bad, but to you, it was starting to wear on you.
One night Hannibal had decided to sit in the dark you had no idea he was there. You had gone to sleep. Tossing and turning, cold sweats, you start dreaming.
You're stuck in a cage, hanging above a crowd of people, but there's something wrong with these people; they're sick, ill, bleeding from their eyes, noses, and ears. They're trying to get to you, trying to claw at you, not eat you, but they want to kill you. You see Hannibal in the distance, and you start screaming for him. Your voice goes horse. You begin to panic a little more; you're thrashing about in bed. You shoot up and gasp for breath. "HANNIBAL!" you scream.
Standing up, he walks over to the wall looking at you. "Are you okay Y/N?"
"I had the worst dream. People were trying to claw at me, trying to kill me. They were bleeding from their eyes, noses, and ears... I was in a cage, hanging above them, they started to climb the cage, and you were in the distance. I tried calling for you, but I woke up. It was horrifying." You wrap your arms around your knees and look up at him. "Hannibal, please, let me go. Please." You start to cry.
Tilting his head, he looks at you and shakes his head. "I'm afraid I cannot do that." He turns and leaves.
After a few days, he has brought you some high-quality art supplies, canvas, paints, brushes. You had gotten back in touch with your artistic side, and it was honestly a nice feeling. He would come down and watch you, observe you, and you had grown to like his company. Each day you two would talk a little longer, get to know each other a little better. You two would even have art time together and eat dinners together. He kept you in this glass box, and as time went on, you had grown accustomed to it. He had even given you a cat to keep you company. Things were changing in you.
Over time, you had liked the idea of being with him; it was this feeling of calm over you when you saw him. It was like everything was going to be okay. Fleeing wasn't a thought, not so much anymore- at least. He sits there and looks at you. "Good afternoon, Y/N. How are you feeling?"
"Hannibal, I would like to see the outside. Would you accompany me?"
He smiles and looks over your face. Tilting his head, he looks deep into your eyes and unlocks the door, takes your hand, and brings you out back. The sun hits your face you smile. Looking up at him, you smile again. "What a lovely day." you smile. And your wheels start turning surveying the area, but there was this tiny bit that stopped you; if you ran, and he caught you, your next capture, you could be the next meal.
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oswaldsleftbicep · 2 years
Ok scenario : the bros sleeping with their loves
Question: Two blankets or one big for both?
By the way what do you think how do they sleep? Like he has wakes up at the slightest noise or he snores....
I hope your good and everything goes fine 👍🏻
how lucia, levy, & mefy sleep
i had so much fun writing these lol and sorry they're so short, if you want more just lmk :) i'm doing well tho, thanks for the concern! this semester's halfway over and i finally got a job which i'm super excited for. oh this is gn!reader btw!
edit: sjfsjkdf ok so right after i originally posted this i realized i read the ask wrong so i added an extra hc for each
genre: fluff, crack?
cw: none
❧ he's totally a deep sleeper, like it takes a lot to wake him up, and he either sleeps like a rock or he's tossing and turning all night, no in between
❧ if he falls asleep on his back he snores like a madman so make sure he's propped up on a pillow if that happens
❧ he seems the type to run warm so i don't imagine he'd need several blankets, so just one for him and most of the time it ends up tangled up in his legs or halfway on the floor lol
❧ so pretty much if you want a blanket y'all should use two separate blankets, unless you're cuddled up
❧ one of the only ways to keep him lying still at night is to either have him sleep on top of you or have you sleep on top of him
❧ he has dedicated pajama sets but he prefers to sleep shirtless with just his underwear or long pants if it's cold
❧ he loves having a bunch of pillows on the bed, he thinks it makes it look so much comfier, but he really only uses one pillow
❧ he sleep talks but only if he's stressed or sick; if he's sick and sleep talking you'll hear the weirdest things
❧ he probably also had a sleep walking phase as a kid. i bet at some point the brothers all had to share a room for whatever reason, and the sleep walking and talking scared the absolute hell out of levy lmao
❧ he's a super light sleeper, super sensitive to noises when he sleeps and hates when anything wakes him up
❧ he falls asleep a lot in reading chairs and wakes up with awful neck and back pains it's why he's so grouchy lol
❧ he gets cold easily so he needs a lot of blankets, and he has a bunch of really fluffy and soft ones as well as a few heavy quilts; loves to cocoon himself in a blanket burrito, bonus points if you're cocooned in there with him
❧ so pretty much you wouldn't need to worry about having enough blanket for you, he has plenty to share
❧ he also has a bunch of pillows, like one to hug if he's in bed alone, a couple for his head, one behind his back if he's on his side; does he need all these pillows? no, but he likes to feel surrounded by that softness
❧ he probably tried out a sleeping mask but hated the feeling of it, he likes to open his eyes and be able to see
❧ has a fancy set of pajamas complete with fuzzy socks and slippers and a robe
❧ can't sleep on his back, he has to sleep on his side or stomach in order to sleep well
❧ always has to get up in the middle of the night to pee and he hates leaving the warm bed to go
❧ an average sleeper but leaning more toward being a light sleeper, like birds chirping or a midnight thunder storm wouldn't wake him but a door slamming down the hall would
❧ only uses one pillow, it's pretty thick, not too soft, not to firm, just right to support his neck and head comfortably, and it's got a silk pillowcase
❧ as for blankets he probably adds and gets rid of them as the weather changes, like when it's warm he only needs one and when it's cold he uses like three; he keeps a chest at the end of his bed and it's full of blankets in case he needs any
❧ he absolutely has silk pajamas too, he likes how fancy and light they feel
❧ he used to use a sleeping mask as a kid but as he got bigger it stopped fitting him properly, so he got a new one but hated how different it felt so he just,, stopped using sleep masks
❧ he's used to sleeping in absolute silence with only the wind from outside making noise, so when y'all started sharing a bed he had some trouble falling asleep, but he got used to it after a bit lol
❧ he often falls asleep on his back and stays that way for the entire night without moving like he's dead or something, it's a wonder he doesn't get sleep paralysis
❧ so because of the fact that he stays so still and adjusts the blankets according to the weather, i'd say you wouldn't need to have your own blanket when sleeping with him, y'all can share :)
❧ he's also one of those people that can drink a whole glass of water before bed and not have to get up to pee until morning i'm jealous
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Dear Zepp, I hope you're having a really good day/afternoon/night and I hope that school is not a burden for you:(.
I would like to ask for some fic reccomendations, do you know any fic where Jackie is pregnant? I really like the idea of Hyde and Jackie being parents, it's soooo cute and it warms my heart. I wish the show mentioned the idea of Hyde and Jackie having kids, I wonder how Hyde would react to that idea.
Well, that's my question, muchos besitos desde México❤🥰
PD: Have you saw or heard about a film called "Boy and the World" (O menino e o mundo). My teacher told us to watch that movie for homework and, boy, the amount of tears that my eyes spilled ugh, I could filled oceans with those tears:(. Beautiful work from brazilian cinema ♡
Awwn <3 I'm actually having a great day, and school's... Well, school, lol. It's exhausting but getting good grades is awesome, so it's worth it.
I love seeing Jackie and Hyde as parents more than anything, but unfortunately, there aren't a lot of fics that deal with Jackie being pregnant :( There are a few though, and I'll definitely list them to you!!
A Veteran's Day Wedding by Our Midnight's Musings
Jackie and Hyde are finally getting tying the knot! The only problem? It's not going how they planned it- at all.
6 chapters, 12k words, WIP.
Babysteps by Aaliamad
After their Season 5 summer fling Jackie and Hyde agree to go their separate ways and keep their creepy and unnatural secret to themselves. All goes well until they have to explain to their friends that Jackie is having a baby...Hyde's baby. Amidst the fallout that ensues, Hyde & Jackie still have to prepare for parenthood and work out what they are to each other.
Not my favorite story (I don't tend to like stories where Jackie and Hyde break off their "fling"), but it's well-written, and it's kind of cute.
33 chapters, 147k words, incomplete.
Daddy's Home by Hyde's Bride
A terrible thing happened to Jackie, but it resulted in something great. Can it bring Jackie and Hyde back together? Set post season 8.
The baby is not Hyde's (biologically). This story deals with a very heavy subject (rape), please don't read it if it triggers you.
14 chapters, 39k words, complete.
Fatherhood by varietyofwords
The birth of Betsy and Kelso taking on the role of father has gotten Hyde thinking about fatherhood.
Not about Jackie being pregnant, but more about their journey through parenthood. It's honestly a beautiful story, 10/10.
6 chapters, 10k words, complete.
Season 8 redo by tanith75
A classic.Not a story about pregnancy, but Jackie and Hyde being parents is a major part of the storyline.
The chapters where Jackie's pregnant are actually my favorites, they're so funny, and so in-character. I just love this story so much!!
42 chapters, 293k words, incomplete.
(Jackie's pregnant in chapters 10-25).
That's My Baby by kezztip
This is a JH story with a twist instead of the wedding and baby being the happy ending, it's going to be the rocky start. All of you who love to watch Jackie outzen Hyde will be on board with this one.
A classic. One of the very few stories in this fandom that I consider to be perfect.
23 chapters, 68k words, complete.
The Birds and the Bees by c00kiefic
Pregnancies! Misunderstandings! Toilet Paper! A comedy of errors like you’ve never seen before, starring the characters from That 70’s Show! Will eventually be JH. JD friendship.
6 chapters, 22k words, incomplete.
Daughters by twentysevenseconds
"My daughter, the birth of my daughter, gave me life."
There's not a lot of pregnant Jackie in this story, but she is giving birth in it. But honestly, the reason why I adore this story so much is the friendship part. Eric and Donna's friendship with Jackie and Hyde in this is everything.
6k words.
In the Oven by nannygirl
Having moved into their new home, Jackie and Hyde invite Red and Kitty over for dinner and to share a surprise that's in the oven.
Just a extremely cute one-shot where Jackie and Hyde announce that they're pregnant to Red and Kitty. It melts me every time I read it.
3k words.
sighs in my sleep by finkpishnets
“Congratulations,” the nurse says, smile pulled too tight as she glances at Jackie’s unadorned hand.
Jackie wants to shrug it off — “My husband’s getting the ring engraved as an anniversary gift. Isn’t that just so romantic?” — but she can’t find the breath to let the lie trip off her tongue, even in the face of pity.
2k words.
Surprise, Surprise by poetdameron
Jackie has something important to say to Hyde. Future fic, Hyde/Jackie.
638 words.
PS: I've never seen "O Menino e o Mundo", but I've heard wonders about it! It's been on my list of "movies I've been meaning to watch" for a long time now, lol. Brazilian cinema is actually great, it sucks that we don't get enough recognition :( if you're interested, you should watch "Carandiru", "Cidade de Deus", "Central do Brasil", "Minha Mãe é uma Peça", and "Meu Nome Não é Johnny"! They're my favorites!
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Inheritance (Shelby!Reader × Peaky Blinders Oneshot)
Character/s: Arthur, Thomas, John, Ada, Finn
Word Count: 1,393
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomrecs @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @captivatedbycillianmurphy @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87
A/N: I'm feeling insecure about writing and when I do, the only thing that helps is to write, even if it's god awful lol. I started with the first paragraph, just writing whatever, and it turned into this. I had plans for a completely different fandom/fic tonight, which I hope to post sometime this week. I'm sure this frustration will pass, it's just hard to get through. I feel like a mess with everything. I know its probably just the stress of school, and family, and August coming so soon. June lasted years, but July was gone in a second. Still trying to wind down from the panic I've gotten myself into. Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Gif Credit: @eylins :)
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You want to believe you're different from them. That your words, your writing, your work is anymore extraordinary, that somehow the thoughts in your head have not been repeated through history, stamped from one cracked skull to the next. You want to believe your eyes have seen something more, something hidden, that the trees deeply rooted, there long before your birth, and around after you're gone, have not witnessed the same blue birds or soft, summer storms. You think, for an instance, that there us a separation in what makes you you and them them. That the loneliness in your gut, the screams and cries gurgling in your throat, that this pain layered beneath every cell in your body somehow draws a line between you and them. Making you human where they are not. Giving you feeling where they lack. You hoped, and prayed, by some miracle, that whatever it was that created you wasn't in anyone else. Foolish and young, too naive for your own good. Where they bled you bruised. Where you collapsed they stood like stone. You could stare down the same Devil and see two fraternal beings, both wearing a wicked smile.
The funny thing is, you were more like them than you could ever tell.
Passed down from generation to generation, kept warm and safe cupped into two hands. The anger. Dangerous, bloody, boiling. Pricking beneath your skin like bees, tinging, numbing the sharp things that tore through it. It made your gums bleed, hateful words like knives sling your mouth up through and through. A sickening, twisted laughter bubbling, bursting out of you before you have half a mind to stop it. It made you cold, invincible, scowling at the earth beneath your feet and the sky above, somewhere in the middle this god everyone turns to in their time of need. He never showed up for you, though, instead hiding. From you, and from Arthur. The fire in your veins, swollen by gasoline blood and matches for breakfast. Your big brother caught fire with the slightest annoyance. Cagey, unyielding, a force that tore through him until he let it all out. A corrosive being stripping him of skin and bone, making man into monster. You too had been subjected to stares and glares, deemed more weapon than person. A hazard, too dangerous to be around. One more thing you had to watch out for, the bitterness in that Shelby blood.
That anger seething, turning in on itself. Imploding. Not wanting to hurt others, you hurt yourself. Bit the bad end of a barrel, a bullet sitting on your tongue, the broken bits of a bottle. You liked the way you felt when the only thing standing between you and that dark abyss of an end was yourself. That sense of control, of power, came too few times. A high you tried took chase as much as you could in this big messed up world. Hold these standards of yourself on your shoulders only took be crushed beneath them. Falling into a pit of all the things you bottled up and kissed goodbye, setting each jar on the shelf with its own special label. Grief. Guilt. Greed. Building up walls around you, a tomb to crumble in, afraid to let the rest of the world there were feelings beneath your cold complexion. Tommy always had a way of locking things up and never letting them see the light of day. Learning from the best, you guessed. Let them see your pain, your weakness, and it would be used against you. Weaponized. You couldn't survive another loss.
Boarded up, an abandoned home needing someone to crawl in and make it their own. Tidy up the place, see the potential you had beneath those rotten floors and broken bricks, chipped paint and peeling wood. A want, a need, an ache to be wanted, to be loved and accepted. John never could stand on his own, never wanting to face a bed half empty. Tripping over himself, falling too easy for the next set of wandering eyes and slim legs. He loved like no one else. And you did, too. Unrequited. Given the slightest bit of acceptance, lead into another persons word by free drinks and shameless flirting. You wanted to find the one, your other half, the same way he had, once believing the only way he could ever feel whole was with someone by his side. There was someone out there for everyone, there had to be. You weren't sure how much longer you could live so alone. Part of you wanted to think it was a lie, something you'd grow out of eventually, but John never seemed to, and you'd followed that path too far to turn back.
One day, you hoped, despite the anger, the walls, someone would find you, and love you regardless. You hoped for a lot of things. For the rain to stop and the clouds to clear. For the fog of your thoughts to disappear. For this life to be a little easier for everyone. Forgiving, motherly, nurturing, it's sharp edges dulled. To one day find your way out of all this, start fresh, start new, the potential of a freshly healed scar. Your sister had a way of whispering things in your ear, feeding into these delusions. She too wanted something more from what she saw everyday. Lost in a dream world she crested for herself. Often it was the only thing that kept you going, kept you upright. Eyes burning, sobs choking, too fragile for this world, you wanted to crawl inside the one you made from scratch and never leave. Ada told stories, too young to tell the difference between reality and imagination, her spirits high, embedding itself within your bones. The Shelby's were nothing without their dreams, their drive, their want for a perfect world just out of reach.
Without dreams, there was only dread. Fear of the future, the past, the footsteps you'd one day have to follow because that's what was expected of you. Stand tall, gun in hand, vertebrae stacked atop one another. There was no looking down, no flinching. If you weren't the best you weren't anyone. Turn a blind eye to the bad, to the meek, step on anyone who ever got in your way. Placed on a pedestal with broken knees. The baby, the one you helped raise, from cradle to grave. Never seen a second war, thrust into the one your brothers brought home. You both were. The lurch in your belly at the thought of so much red on your hands, of grief being associated with your name. You couldn't bear the thought of taking another soul from this world. Finn jumped at the pop of a gun, cringing at the cries of others. They could get used to it. Desensitized to it. But the both of you? This was new, and scary, and you were sure the softness they'd lost too long ago still lived inside you. The guilt they forgot chewed you alive, haunting your dreams. They could do as they pleased, but you couldn't. You refused to be as destructive as the rest of your siblings.
As much as you wanted to keep your distance, make some definition between you and them, there was too much of them inside you. Their faces staring back at you in the mirror. The sorrow, the hurt, the hate, the ups and downs of a life like yours, like theirs, there was no escaping it. You could run, but you could never hide. Like a shadow, it clung to your soles, dragged across the cobblestone. Escape however you wanted, however you pleased, there was only one thing all of you had in common: no matter how much you tried, no matter how hard you talked yourself into denial, that Shelby blood was a particular kind poison only the worst would become accustomed to. Try as you might, the thoughts, the feelings, all of it would follow you. Stepping on your heels. Breaking down you'd doors. It would bleed when you did, and dream with you, and hide deep within the cage of your ribs when you were too ashamed to admit it. You were of them. Always had been, always would be, no matter how much you prayed you were different.
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