#and on friday my family is coming over for our MOVE IN PARTY!!!!!!
konansgirlfriend · 2 years
Cant believe @worgbutch and i have matching blogs now
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starkidmunson · 7 months
glitter & crimson
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Realistically, Steve knows the band won’t hang around Chicago forever. He knows they’re out promoting a new album; knows they’ll have to move on and that Eddie has to go with them. It doesn’t stop him from wanting Eddie to stay; to live in the quick familiarity he’s built within Steve’s little found family.
Eddie and Robin seem to have already created their own secret language, all gestures and movement and eye contact Steve picks up on but can’t quite read. He’s already picking on the Party like he’s known them their whole lives; ruffling Dustin’s hair, elbowing Mike, throwing his arm around Will’s shoulders, and giving Lucas little shoves. 
It’s easy; so easy to get caught up in how charismatic Eddie is. Steve has a hard time keeping his eyes off him, and Eddie knows. He keeps making comments, throwing winks in Steve’s direction, seeing right through every wall he’s ever built around himself and Steve is caught between being obsessed with it and terrified. 
He stops drinking after the one beer, worried he’ll make things weird if he gets anywhere near tipsy, opting to stay as far away from the possibility as he can. If anyone notices, they don’t comment.
Lucas is chatting animatedly with Jeff, Max sitting close by, twisting braids into El’s hair. Dustin, Mike and Will appear to be grilling Gareth and Freak about dungeon and dragon campaigns Eddie used to run. Nancy has her arm looped through Robin’s, but her attention is on the phone in her hands, as Eddie and Robin talk about what touring is like.
“Where else are you going on this tour?” She asks as Steve tunes back into the conversation.
“This isn’t really a tour, we just haven’t been on the road in a while and we just stopped the album, so we lined up a few shows to get our feet wet before we hit the road for real this summer. One more show out in LA on Tuesday, then we’re done until May, for now.” Eddie explains.
“We’re in LA on Thursday!” Robin exclaims, and Steve’s stomach drops because, yeah. LA on Thursday. He trains his eyes on the glass in front of him, not willing to actually look at anyone they’re around. 
“We could totally meet up again if you guys are able to swing it?” Freak offers, and Steve forces a little smile onto his face and nods.
“We can figure it out later,” Eddie says after a few beats, and Steve is grateful for how the conversation rolls onto the next topic. When he finally looks back up, though, Eddie’s still looking his way. Steve hits him with what he hopes comes off as a reassuring smile, but it doesn’t seem to pay off the way he hopes.
Once the tab is closed and the staff is tipped well, Steve catches Eddie’s elbow on their way out the door. “I would like to meet up in LA, if you’re interested. I didn’t mean to get weird about it, it’s… I’ve been in my head a bit about that game since it was announced.”
“Oh, hey, no worries. We’re in LA the whole week, then we’re heading home. So no pressure, honest.” Eddie hooks his hand over Steve’s softly.
“Well, we should get in Wednesday, but we could totally do something after the game or even Friday?” 
Eddie smiles and nods, patting over Steve’s hand. “Text me about it.”
“I can do that. How much longer are you guys in town for, anyway?” Steve asks.
“Ah, the dreaded question comes,” Eddie’s playful, and it makes Steve’s face heat up. “We’ve got just under another 24 hours in the Windy City before hitting the road again.”
“Oh,” It pulls his chest in a way he wasn’t expecting, in a way that shouldn’t be happening for a rockstar he was adjacently aware of in high school. “Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Harrington,” Eddie’s teasing again, and it does nothing to help the blush on Steve’s face. “You can’t possibly miss me this much when I haven’t even left yet.”
“Shut up,” Steve shoves him away then, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout, only for Eddie to pull him in with an arm around the shoulder.
“We can grab brunch or something? We leave around 8 to avoid rush hour, so I’ll have to be in the bus by 6, or I’d say dinner.”
“Brunch works for me.” 
The trip back to the hotel doesn’t go as Eddie expects; everyone is silently chatting amongst themselves, nodding and tapping along to the music and not causing a scene. He almost points it out, but elects not to bring unwarranted bullying upon himself instead. The guys had been giving him shit about Steve near constantly, so this was a nice change of pace after the last few days.
There was actually quiet as he made his way back to his room. A hot shower finally restored warmth to his bones the hockey arena had stolen, and he was drying his hair when he heard his phone vibrate with a text notification.
Steve: anything you're craving for brunch tomorrow so I can pick a place?
It’s practically too easy to flirt with Steve; he sets up lines without even seeming to realize. But Eddie still can’t get a real gauge on how Steve feels about the flirting, so he sidesteps the easy pass he could have made about Steve being enough of a meal, in favor of actually answering.
Eddie: French toast?
The next series of texts come before Eddie even moves his hands back to the towel over his hair.
Steve: sick, I’ll pick you up around 10:45
Steve: you mentioned going home, did you mean like, back to Hawkins?
Eddie twists his hair up in the towel, and lays down on the side of the bed he doesn’t sleep on before firing off an answer.
Eddie: nah, I’ve got a place in Nashville and no reason to go back to Hawkins anymore. My uncle moved to Indy, so that’s usually as close as I get.
Steve: any reason you moved to Nashville?
Eddie: are we playing 20 questions?
Steve: sorry.
Eddie bites his lip, and only hesitates for a moment before flipping over onto his belly and hitting the FaceTime button. Steve answers on the second ring, looking embarrassed, but Eddie doesn’t let him get a word in.
“My mom was born and raised in Memphis, but she always told me her favorite city was Nashville. I was there with her a few times when I was little and she’d just, like, light up. And music is so heavily engraved into every inch of the city, it’s hard to not find inspiration everywhere you turn. So. I bought a place in Nashville the minute I had enough saved up, and it’s kind of my home base now.” Eddie explains, watching as Steve’s face softens and he relaxes into his chair listening to Eddie’s answer. “Do I get to ask a question now?”
“I really wasn’t trying to be annoying, “ Steve looks ready to keep going with an apology, but Eddie cuts him off.
“Why do you play hockey?” It stops Steve dead in his tracks, and he genuinely looks confused for a moment. Eddie almost offers to drop the topic, but Steve fumbles his way into an answer.
“My, uh. My dad wanted me to play before I was even born. Because he played. Professionally for a few years when I was growing up, then he went on to coach.” Steve explains, and it sounds a little rehearsed. Eddie’s sure it’s something that comes up often if his father played and coached. “Gotta keep the Harrington legacy alive, I guess.”
There was a bite to Steve’s words that wasn’t lost on Eddie. “You don’t sound too thrilled about it.”
Eddie can see Steve working over how he wants to answer before he shrugs and sighs. “Because it’s all a show for him. The part we don’t talk about is how I got hurt and benched most of my senior season and he cut me off when I didn’t get full rides. Convinced me it was better to not go to college at all, despite the other scholarship offers, than to not get promised a spot on the ice. Convinced me to self-sabotage so I had to fight tooth and fucking nail to get into the league at all.” Steve pauses, then, and lets out a quiet laugh. “Sorry, that’s so unbelievably whiny of me. I love getting to play professionally, and I don’t take the opportunity for granted.”
“Not whiny. Dads can be the fucking worst.” Eddie offers, gently, and is grateful when Steve doesn't press on that particular bruise.
Instead, he takes his turn to ask a different question. “Why music?”
“This is lame, but the answer is once again my mom.” Eddie rolls his eyes at himself, but he smiles. “She was a musician. There were always instruments around and music was always playing and we traveled for her to perform. I knew my whole life I wanted to be a musician like her, but it wasn’t until after she died that I figured out that songwriting… telling stories and painting pictures with words and melodies and making people feel something…” Eddie trails off, lost in the thought.
“I’m sorry you lost her. It sounds like you enjoyed your childhood with her.” Steve offers, hopes it doesn’t sound like a forced nicety, but Eddie smiles and his nerves ease.
“She was a force to be reckoned with. Firing on all cylinders at once, chaos and home bundled into one.” Eddie’s soft a quiet for a moment, and Steve appreciates the silence by taking in how relaxed the other is to be talking about his feelings; it’s a refreshing break from many of his experiences with teammates or opponents who don’t know how to get emotional in a healthy way. Eventually, though, Eddie clears his throat. “Anyway. Back to 20 questions,”
“I wasn’t trying to start a game, really, I just… like talking to you,” Steve admits around a blush, tucking his chin into the collar of his shirt in an effort to hide the shade of his cheeks, but Eddie’s smile says his cover is blown.
“ANYWAY!” He announces louder, then taps at his chin. “Favorite and least favorite teams to play and why, go.”
“I’m not a dog.” Steve laughs but thinks about his answer anyway. “Favorite is probably the Flyers in Philly. Their fans are absolutely brutal, and their mascot is hilariously terrifying.”
“I have seen many a Gritty TikTok, so I completely understand,” Eddie gives him a few beats before he prompts. “Least favorite?”
“The Kings. LA. Billy Hargrove.”
“The…, what the fuck? How many guys from Hawkins are professional hockey players?” Eddie asks, because honestly, how had he not known there was more than Steve?
“He’s technically from LA, which is why he went back, thank God.” Steve mumbles, before dropping his head back against the wall behind him. “But, for whatever it’s worth, there’s me, Billy, and Tommy Hagan in the league.”
“Well isn’t that a fun bunch to surround yourself with,” Eddie muses out loud. Tommy and Billy were two of the biggest assholes Eddie had ever met, and it sounded like Steve wasn’t too fond of the other pair either.
“I actually…” Steve trails off, before trying again. “I was going to invite you guys to come to the LA game, but I’m really not sure it would be a good idea, so I’m… I’m actually going to ask you guys not to come, if that’s not too much of a dick move? I can get you tickets to literally any game you want for the rest of the season, just. I don’t think it’s worth it to get Billy started, and if he’s heard any of the press about us, I’m already going to hear it even if you’re not there.”
“Homophobe extraordinaire still, then?” Eddie guesses, and Steve chokes out a laugh, before covering his mouth and holding up a finger to ask for a moment to compose himself.
“He's… a lot of things.” Is the response Steve opts for, but Eddie can tell there’s more there. Whatever the two of them are doing, it doesn’t feel like Steve is ready to elaborate, so Eddie moves on. 
“I think it’s your turn.”
Nothing changes after Corroded Coffin leave Chicago, though. Not in the ways Eddie had expected, at least.
Steve still texts him throughout the day, answers his Facetimes whenever he’s available. Eddie makes him the playlist he promised, and Steve gives feedback on which songs he likes and which ones he really doesn’t, after Eddie promises to not take Steve’s opinions personally. Which, to be fair, he tries really hard not to.
The concert in LA comes and goes, and Steve seems to send him every TikTok he comes across from the show. It’s a refreshing break, as every few videos in Eddie’s feed are of him cheering for Steve at the game, or Steve watching from sidestage in Chicago. 
A text from Robin eventually confirms their arrival in LA, and Steve and Eddie make plans to meet up after the game. Since Steve had expressed concern about Eddie going, he decides to just watch from the bar they agree to meet at. Televised games make it easier to track the puck, but Eddie decides he likes being there in person better.
Eddie’s sipping absently on his beer and in the time it takes him to look down at a text from Chrissy, several of the people around him react to something. Eddie looks around to make sure someone in the bar hadn’t passed out. When he looks back at the screen, absolute mayhem has broken out on the ice. The refs are trying to separate players from one another, and Eddie’s scanning through the numbers on each Blackhawks jerseys before he finally spots Steve, slightly off to the side from everyone else. The camera pans away from him, zeroing in on the fight, now between a Blackhawks defenseman and none other than Billy Hargrove. 
Billy’s helmet and gloves are off, teeth shining with blood as he grins like a psycho and starts to skate in Steve’s direction. One of the refs pulls him back, though, escorting him into the penalty box while another Kings player gathers his helmet, stick and gloves and clears them to the bench. 
The camera finally pans back to Steve, who is now sitting with his back against the boards. He’s got a gloved covering the lower half of his face, but his white jersey is covered in blood. A ref and the Blackhawks goalie are kneeling on either side of him as someone else speaks with him. The camera zooms in as the TV crews work to make out what is happening, just in time for Steve to lower his hand and shows off a gnarly gash along the side of his face. He leans forward a little and spits out blood onto the ice, and the TV jumps to the announcers in the booth. 
The volume is off, but they show a slow-motion replay of the few moments Eddie’d missed; Steve passes the puck off to another player on his team, just before Billy slams into his side. The impact sends both of them into the boards and down onto the ice. Billy swings his stick around and cracks Steve in the face with the blade heel. Steve reacts, throwing his whole arm into Billy’s face, before a sea of white Blackhawks jerseys sweep in and suddenly Billy’s a few feet away, with players from both teams piled up.
Eddie’s hand hovers over his phone; has no idea what to do in this situation. Texting Steve is useless; it would likely be hours, if not days, before he even thinks about looking at his phone. He doesn’t want to bother anyone, but he’s… well, he’s stressed. Even if Steve isn’t interested in him the way Eddie’s interested in Steve, they’ve still built a weird little friendship and that was an awful lot of blood.
So, Eddie ends up firing off a text to Robin. It’s just a simple 'let me know if there’s anything I can do,' but his phone lights up with a call immediately.
“How bad is it?”
“I’m not back with him yet, but just… meet us at the hospital, if you can?” She asks. While her voice waivers a bit, she’s calmer than Eddie expected her to be.
“I’ll be right there.” He agrees, hangs up and exits the bar before the game even returns from commercial break.
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riofann · 9 days
5. tempestuous
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Tempestuous: characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.
Previous Chapter
Trigger warning: Violence, Arson
Tuesday December 31, 2019
The bar is alive, it's expected it is New Years Eve after all. There's sooo many people it makes it difficult to maneuver with drinks and food in hand, it felt like the entire city was convened at your bar even though you knew it wasn’t true.  Thank goodness for your staff being willing to pick up extra shifts all hands-on deck  was the moto tonight and they were going to get compensated for it. You had triple the amount of people helping. You gave a limited menu today as well, no way were you having your team  frying up and grilling all types of food. Finger food: fries, sliders, sandwiches, dips, chips, mixed nuts, you name it things that wouldn’t matter if they fell on the floor or were lost due to the commotion. 
At first you didn’t see him because you were so busy running around delivering food, picking up glasses arguing with drunk customers. You felt like someone was watching you and that's when you paused to scan the bar, and your eyes met. He lifts his glass to you before turning his attention to the TV ahead. 
Why was he here? Shouldn’t he be with Marcus or Nick and family? You didn’t have time to worry about him because your bartender was arguing with a customer.
You smile and nod clasping your hands “That is because you are at your limit you are slurring your words you can’t stand straight so we are closing your tab” “I AM A LHOYAL CUSTOMEH YOU BITCH! YOU GIVE ME MY FUCKING SHOT NOW!” You make a face and smirk before picking up your walkie talkie “Sean I need you at the bar rear entrance” In less than 1 minute Sean arrives
“What’s up boss?”
“We have closed this gentleman’s tab because of his current state, I want him out of the bar please” “Oh come on you don’t have to do that listen he is our friend we will watch him we know he gets testy when drunk” his friend defends You give a half sympathetic smile “You’re friend called me a bitch at my own bar he’s not welcome anymore” “Come on listen we will leave a good tip” You shake your head “Nooo, I’m sorry but that won’t do, you can go with him if you would like” The group remained silent “I am happy to close out your tabs and let you enjoy the rest of new years but I don’t tolerate disrespect to my staff or myself so what’s it going to be?” “Fucking bitch men” you hear from behind “Excuse me?!” You lean forward over the bar “I didn’t hear you speak up” you talk directly to the one you know said it   “It’s nothing name on the tab Taylor” another friend speaks seemingly embarrassed by the situation at hand You beam at him “Perfect lets close you out so you can enjoy the rest of your evening!” You turn to Sean “Don’t leave until they are gone” “Yes ma’am” 
You turn to find Rio gone, you needed to speak to him. You urgently leave the bar running onto the parking lot to see if you can spot his car. You don’t. You make it back to the bar defeated. 
The time reaches when the countdown begins, you have the staff pass out champagne flutes to everyone 3 minutes prior to the count down. You on the barstool by bar along with the rest of your bartenders, your staff surrounds you. You even have the kitchen staff join in. 
“10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!” The crowd erupts in celebration as Auld Lang Syne blasts through the speakers! You take a few shots with your staff before the party continues. Time moves by faster now and you and your staff are focused on getting people home safely and making sure nothing nefarious is taking place. 
“Have a good night, remember we aren’t open till Friday” “Oh so you guys get some days off?”  A customer comments “YES FINALLY” one of the waiters comments laughing along with the customers
“She got y’all working on tight schedule” one customer comments “Nah we love her” they hug you 
“Yea yea yea” you joke around with them. When the last customer is gone you all work together to clean up all the bar so that the only thing that needed to be done was opening back up on Friday and get into the swing of the new year.
“Thanks guys, drive safe please! If you’re gonna party please be safe!” 
“We will” “Sean Gracie (bar managers)  thank you so much your hard work I’ll see you guys Friday be safe okay” “Will do Y/N” 
Sunday January 5, 2020
You wake up groggy from the night before you had picked up drinking as a coping mechanism to nurse your stress. Slowly you make your way to your kitchen. 
“Good morning sleeping beauty” You hear his voice which makes you drop your mug with a scream. He snickers behind you. 
“What are you doing here?” you ask him 
“Well seeing that you made a scene last week” He speaks to you going to his warehouses and demanding to talk to him 
You turn to face him “I have to talk to you” 
He smiles “what could be so important?” “Where have you been?” He smiles at you “I’m a busy man I’ve been working” Your phone rings and you look down at it 
“How’d you get in?” You had upped your security recently, for sure you thought if someone was breaking in you would be alerted
“Gonna pick that up?” It was Alejandro calling you
“I need to talk to you” “I’m here, better hurry up before your man shows up” 
You roll your eyes “He’s not my boyfriend” 
Your phone rings again “I think you should pick up” “I have to talk to you” “I’m listening” Before you can say anything there’s a knock on your door that makes you jump again. “I’ll get it” he smirks before standing up to open the door 
One of Alejandro’s goons barges in with gun in hand pointing it at Rio 
With hands up Rio says “I’m leaving, I’m leaving” Your phone rings again you watch as Rio walks out before picking it up 
Saturday January 25, 2020 
“Hey boss” you hear Gracie call to you while knocking the door “Rio and Mick are back!” she beams “Ohhh.... that’s great!” you force a smile
“Wanna take the food out to them?” You shake your head “just pass my hellos” “Oh okay, Rio asked for you” 
“Tell him I’m busy” “Okay” 
You resume the task on hand 20 so minutes later there’s another knock 
“Hey, he said he really wants to talk to you” You sigh “okay” you feel your hands shake but put your best poker face on and leave the office
“Hey” He smiles at you as Mick shimmy’s he’s way out of the booth. You don’t protest like you usually did
“We got interrupted last time what did you want to talk to me about?” 
You shake your head “Nothing, no longer relevant” He snorts “Oh your man got you on a tight leash” “He is not my man” you speak defeated He hums taking a bite of his food “You good?” You nod vigorously “Yea! Just working” “Y/N” You feel your phone vibrating  “I have to go” “You just got here” You take a deep sigh and mutter out “He threatened to kill Marcus, thought you should know” You glance at your phone Alejandro was calling 
Rio laughs throwing his head back “I’m not worried about that” and you knew if anyone had security it was his family no one could get close without one of his men running interference “Yea see not important, figured I just panicked for nothing initially” He glances at you “nah.… that aint what you wanted to tell me” “It’s all I got excuse me” You don’t give Mick the option, instead you practically push him out of the booth before you very quickly find your way on the other side of the restaurant. 
(A/N: when I wrote this I envisioned pushing Mick out the booth and it made me laugh, because the man doesn’t say much so you know he huffing and puffing while you got hands pushing him out)
Wednesday February 5, 2020
You proceed opening the delivery boxes to find a burner phone with the words “call me” written on the paper. You stare at the box and the cell phone before placing it to the side gently as if it was a bomb. It adds to your paranoia. It could be Rio or Alejandro or someone else and you weren’t willing to take the risk.
Monday February 17, 2020 
“What’chu doing here lady I already told you we don’t know a Rio!” the very scary looking man comments as you attempt to make your way into the warehouse “They know where everything is stashed” The man scoffs “They are gonna hit all of them at the same time” “Lady you must be on that shit huh? I don’t know what’chu talkin’ bout!”
“Just warn Rio” with that you leave 
Friday March 13, 2020
“Hey mama” You hear as soon as you walk into your office at 9:00am that morning “Why ain't you....” you slap your hand on his mouth to shut him up 
Your phone rings “Hello” “Buenos dias Carino? Who’s at the bar now?” “No one” you turn to look at Rio and put the phone on speaker
"Sounded like a man, is Cristobal there?" "No!" you clear your throat to sound more convincing "No he is not here, seeing how you chased him out of town"
He chuckles arrogantly "Eso perro didn’t stand a chance just checking, I’ll keep in touch"
"Listen before you go I need to be able to do payroll so i need money for my workers"
He chuckles "si si si carino, yea you will" you don't believe him
You hung up with your hand still on Rio’s mouth, “sorry” you mouth removing it. “I can’t talk” you mouth to him pointing out your headphones 
He nods understanding your situation, you slowly remove your hand from his mouth hoping you two would remain silent and communicate via pen and paper
"What do you want?" You write on the note pad
He looks down at the paper then up at you, there's a pause you can't tell what he is thinking
You motion with your hands opening them up and mouth "what?" to him
He throws his head back laughing “Nah I'm not doing this, you might not be able to talk but, I can though, so what you wanna talk to me about?” Your mouth hangs open, your phone rings and it's Alejandro again “Why?” You ask with tears in your eyes He stands up and looks at you “I told you to pick wisely, see you around yea?” He smirks leaning close to your ear  “hola Alejandro, mi amigo” 
You look down at your ringing phone 
Thursday April 1, 2020
You wake up body sore groaning internally wishing for 2 mores hours of sleep or 1 more at least. You were starting to look and feel like a shell of the person you used to be. You sit up on your bed and notice Rio sitting on the corner chair bloody and bruised. Gun aimed at you with a deep scowl. The instant fear makes you freeze in place, making sure your eyes didn’t deceive you. Damnit what is going on with your new system? It’s supposed to be alerting you. Why was Rio the only one slipping by it?
You both sit staring at each other it feels like hours have passed by when he decides to speak. You have a death grip on your gun although if you move you know he would know and shoot you instead.
He adjusts sitting up straight “How’d you know?” he asks. You swallow not wanting to reveal the secret. “Better start talkin’” he warns aiming the gun at your head
“I heard them”
“Heard them say what?” “They were gonna attack your family, a planned attack all at once” you whisper
Your phone rings, its Alejandro, you had a specific notification to know it was him
He nods “Gonna pick that up?” You shake your head 
“They knew everything” 
“I know” you confirm
He mugs you “You told them!” You shake your head “It wasn't me Rio” “They knew where my safe houses were, they attacked Marcus, my kid, my son Y/N!” He pauses to gather himself
“Is he okay?” you ask
He nods slowly “He will be” 
Your phone rings again
“Gonna pick that up?” 
You shake your head “I’m good as dead anyway so no” 
“How?” “You have a mole” you comment
“You!” he accuses 
You shake your head “I didn’t know everything, someone high up, someone close to you. You gotta go it takes them 5 minutes to show up” you advise
He stands up and limps away out the door 
Wednesday April 15, 2020
After the attack on Rio things had been extremely tense. It felt like the city was a war zone the amount of shootings/mutilation of bodies increased exponentially. For some you were sure they had Rio/Alejandro attached for the others you couldn’t tell if it was just a bi-product of the issues happening or a random act of violence.
Your head is throbbing, no literally it feels like it has it’s own heart beat. You go to touch it but your hands are tied.
“Rapido cabron!” you hear
There's splashing and sloshing sound around you, droplets of the liquid was getting on you and try to look around 
“CHINGA TU MADRE!” you hear before intense pain, and you’re blacked out again 
“Y/N! Y/N!” 
You groan 
“Get her in the ambulance now!”
“Y/N, Y/N, It's Jasmine can you open your eyes?” 
You try to cover your eyes but your arms don’t move again “the light is bright”  you close them again as you fade in and out of consciousness 
Authors Note: Please leave your feedback do you like it do you hate it?, again please don't steal. Only repost, like, or give credit.
Taglist (are you guys getting notified? Can't tell):
@katymae12344, @yinmaggiorebass , @flirtyjen, @wnbweasley, @meadows5, @ffenthusiastt, @rio-reid-whoreee, @belezaya, @meera10
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heyidkyay · 1 year
And if it weren't this dark |
(Tip of the tongue but I can't deliver it properly)
Part One
A/N: hey, a short Alex one for you! it's been in my drafts for a while now, and isn't proofread but I figured I'd just post it and see if anyone likes it, first time writing for him so bare with me..
Summary: You and Alex have been together for ages and it's been so incredible, only now things have changed and you're struggling to tell him just how you feel.
Warning: angst- but also a bit of fluff so, lack of communication
Part Two
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I’d been dropping hints.
JESUS CHRIST had I been dropping hints.
There wasn’t a day gone by that I hadn’t thought about it finally happening. But as I mentioned, I’d been dropping hints only, they hadn’t been hitting.
So either I was relatively shit at this whole charade or… Alex was just utterly clueless.
I was leaning more towards the latter. But maybe I was simply biased, because over the last coming weeks my hints hadn’t been all that subtle.
I mean, only the other day we’d been on the way to my sister’s house for tea- she’d recently gotten engaged and mum had wanted to celebrate the only way my family really knew how. With good food. 
But neither Alex or I had remembered to pick up the wine we’d promised beforehand, and so we’d popped into the local Tesco’s on the drive over to pick up a few bottles. And whilst we’d been perusing- as you do- we’d somehow found ourselves wandering down the baby aisle.
Yes, the baby aisle. Because that was what I’d been waiting on. A baby. Or rather, a fucking good shag that then led to a baby.
Because, let’s be honest, I really wasn’t one to turn down a good time, far from, but these last few weeks there had been something else I’d been rather hoping for.
Everyone (and I mean everyone!!) around us was either settling down, buying homes, building families, or getting engaged. And Alex and I, well we’d been together for years and yet, nothing.
No ring. No big day planned. No talks of the future. Nada.
And I could honestly say that I wasn’t the type that needed that kind of security voiced or announced.
When Alex and I had first gotten together, I’d only realised that we were properly seeing each other when some other lad at a house party had tried to pull me. I’d never seen Alex so possessive, and it had been proper cute and a tad bit funny in the moment. He’d ‘staked his claim’- how cliche and chauvinistic, yes I know- but that was what had quickly taken us from Y/n and Alex, to Y/nandAlex. Which had suited me quite fine.
So yeah, him and I, since then had always sort of relied on our actions to simply show how we were feeling. 
Like when we’d first moved in together. There’d not been much of a discussion about it, my flat had quickly become the first place Alex would come back to after touring, his stuff had just started taking up space- washing in the dryer, dirty trainers in the hallway- and then he’d started calling it home. ‘Let’s head home, shall we?’ and ‘We’ll be home soon, darling.’ 
And that was all lovely. I adored having that kind of connection with him. 
But there were times when I desperately wished he would open up a little more about what he was thinking. Because although I could read him like an open book most days- his emotions especially- there were far and few times in between when I just felt so lost.
Like recently, I supposed.
I feel like we’ve been on the same page for so long, only now I’m ready to turn anew, start another chapter. Together.
But Alex? I have no fucking clue what he wants.
In all honesty, I think he’d be rather content to just carry on as we have been for the rest of eternity. No talk, no hashing things out. Have Christmas dinner with his parents, spend Boxing Day with mine. New Years in London, back home in time for spring. Same order from the local kebab, Friday nights stay reserved for one another.
And that would be it.
Lost to this routine.
Not that I was expecting a proposal or some grand gesture. I wasn’t much into the idea of any of that! No, just- I wanted more, you know?
I wanted that family I’d always dreamt about, that house we’d quickly make a home. I wanted nappies and nightly feeds, baby-grows which then turned into dungarees. Ten tiny little toes, someone with a cute button nose, a person made up of both him and I. 
But I just didn’t know when that would happen, or if it ever would.
So yeah- Tesco’s. Fuck, did I love to ramble! If Alex could only hear me now I supposed. 
So, as I was saying, we’d been stood in the baby aisle, Alex scrolling through his phone aimlessly, waiting for my dad to text him back a reply after we’d asked if they’d needed anything else whilst we were out. And me, staring starry eyed at the tiny socks and mittens and cute little newborn tees that were on display.
I’d said to him, almost thoughtlessly, “Imagine us having to buy all this. All these tiny little things.”
He’d just glanced up at me, smiled, hummed. Then replied, “Your dad asked if you’d pick him up some of that heartburn medication he buys. Says his acid reflux is playing up again.”
And hadn’t that just been grand? Mentioning my father’s gastrointestinal issues whilst we’d been stood surrounded by adorable little baby items, with me unsubtly referencing the image of US buying some for OUR child in the (now very obvious and very, very far) future.
Incredibly clued in, my Alex.
That hadn’t even been the worst of it though.
A few weeks back, my friend had mentioned that her and her fiancé were actively trying to conceive and I’d been so over the moon for the pair of them. All excited about the chance of having another baby to spoil rotten.
And Alex, he had been all smiles whilst congratulating them, sat comfortably beside me, but when I’d brought it up again on the drive home, he’d simply shrugged it off as though it was a thing that occurred every other day. 
Your mates starting a family. Nothing too out of the ordinary there, at least not to Alex. 
It had royally pissed me off in truth.
And I’d been a little off with him ever since, I think he knew it too.
I blinked out of the daze I’d let myself get lost in and looked away from the laptop screen I’d been staring at for the last, however long. I hummed quietly to him in reply, titling my head against the cushions and over towards where he was stood in the doorway.
“Been calling your name for a while now, you alright?” He quirked a brow up at me, a smug little smile limning his lips as he leant against the frame. He didn’t even know how good he looked. 
I nodded with a small smile then glanced away, back towards the email I’d just been typing. “‘M fine. Just need to get this done.”
Alex said nothing but I heard the soft shuffle of his socked feet across our wooden floors before the settee dipped beside me. He rested his chin against my shoulder, peering down at the screen.
“Just wanted to know what you fancied for tea.” Alex murmured, breath brushing against the skin of my neck. I withheld a shiver. “Figured we could order from that place round the corner.”
I rolled my lip against the other, pushing my glasses up my nose before I wrote another passage, honing all of my focus on finishing this email so that I could finally just relax for the evening.
“Whatever you want, Al. I’m not all that fussed.”
Alex leant away from me slightly, back pressing against the settee cushions, he stayed that way for a while and I could feel his presence as I continued to type away. It was only a short time later that I grinned triumphantly down at the laptop and clicked send, thankful to have it gone and out of my mind.
“All done, cherry?”
Smiling at the familiar petname, my eyes flickered over towards him. I took in the woollen jumper he wore, as well as his hair which was tousled and unkept, probably from having run his hands through it all day. I was only just able to stop myself from reaching out to tangle my fingers in it, wanting to smooth it over. 
“All done.” I murmured faintly and gifted him a tired smile.
Alex was the type to take something and run with it though, so I wasn’t all that surprised when he grinned right back at me and extended a hand out to cradle my left cheek. I leaned into his warmth for a second, allowing his thumb to brush the skin under my eye, probably from where today’s makeup had just begun to smudge. 
I inhaled after and slowly pulled away. Not paying much mind to the way Alex slumped slightly and instead opting to busy myself with putting away my laptop and clearing up the mess I’d made of the coffee table. 
I did it all quietly, picking up the two mugs of tea I’d made, one empty, the other barely touched from where I’d forgotten about it, whilst Alex watched on. The tele remote was perched on the very edge of the table and so I tossed it over towards him, padding my way into the kitchen.
“Put something on, will you? Think there’s a good film on Channel 5.” I prompted over my shoulder, glancing at him through the tramson window that had been installed shortly after the sink had sprung a leak during last tour and flooded the flat, forcing us to make do whilst the owner had remodelled.
Pressing the power up button, Alex flipped the remote around in his hand a couple of times, he looked deep in thought and so I left him be, choosing to wash up the two mugs as well as the few stray knives and forks which littered the basin. 
I hummed quietly to myself, an old song I could hardly recall the lyrics of, whilst I worked, thinking about the many things I had to get done before the weekend started. 
It was Alex’s voice which startled me from my musings actually. He was so much closer now than he’d been before when he spoke up again, I'd obviously not heard his approach.
“So, tea?” Alex questioned me with a slight furrow between his brows, he’d propped himself up against the kitchen counter about an arms width away.
“God, Al! What are you- a wraith? Don’t sneak up on me like that!” I scolded, having jumped out of my skin. I took a deep breath. “Could’ve had a heart attack or something over the kitchen sink.”
Alex chuckled lowly at me, clearly amused by my reaction, he shook his head. “Make headlines, you- woman dies whilst doing the washing up! Reckon it’ll lead to a riot- start up a petition that’ll change the way we wash dishes forever.”
I rolled my eyes, flicking a few soap duds at him in retaliation which only made him reach out towards me. I tried to evade him but he was too quick, sweeping and wrapping me up in his arms so that I couldn’t proceed to splash him any further.
“You always been this much of a weirdo?” I huffed, not making much of an effort to escape his hold even as I struggled to blow a strand of hair out of my face. 
He hummed, smiling down at me as we begun to sway. “Might’ve been. No getting rid of me now that you’ve finally realised it though.”
I playfully winced in retort, forcing out a loud put-upon sigh. “Should’ve just kept quiet and slipped out once you’d fallen asleep watching the tele.”
Alex narrowed his eyes at me, tugging me in tighter. “As if you would.” He taunted.
I simply smirked in retort and let my damp hands work their way under the soft material of his jumper. I cackled loudly at the way he shivered and jumped away from me like a frightened cat during a thunderstorm.
“Ah, you’re in for it!” Alex declared, his face a right picture.
Quick as I could, I dived to my left so that I could position the kitchen counter between us, bracing myself against it to grin over at him. “Should’ve thought twice about that before telling me what to do, Turner.”
“Minx.” Alex smirked, and then he pounced.
We spent the next however long running about the flat after that. 
He’d somehow been able to grab at me in the hallway but I’d thankfully managed to wrangle my way out of his hold, sprinting into our room to use the bed to my advantage. I rolled over it, putting a dent in the freshly made sheets but using the spare moment to take a couple- much needed- deep breaths whilst Alex waltzed slowly inside. I scowled when the door closed behind him. He flashed me a victorious smile.
“Unfair. I’m at a disadvantage.” I pouted, hoping it would soften him slightly. But when that didn’t work I resorted back to a narrow eyed glare. “Open the door, Alex.”
“I don’t think so, Angel-face. You see, I’ve got you cornered.”
I looked for another escape, Alex only growing nearer, but my only options were limited. I could either goad him and then dart towards the door, or dive out the window. 
Seeing as though I didn’t much fancy breaking my neck, I opted for the former.
“Come on, Al.” I chuckled breathlessly, perching precariously on the edge of the mattress in hopes of lowering his defences a little. “We’ve had fun, but I’m proper knackered now. Call it quits so we can have a cuddle?”
Alex glanced over at me warily, he knew me far too well but appeared to be on the verge of agreement. He slowly made his way over towards the bed, shoulders hunched, still on his guard. 
I hummed my vague assent, smiling up at him softly.
He paused with squinted eyes, “You’ve gotta verbalise it, love. Don’t count otherwise.”
I tilted my head up at him, feigning confusion. But we both knew I wouldn’t say it unless I really meant it. I kept my word.
That little flaw of mine seemed to trip me up though, and we both realised it at the same time too. So as I manoeuvred my way towards the door- feeling like Kim Possible, might I add- Alex was already in motion, catching me by the hips before I could even surpass the foot of the bed.
“Alex!” I screamed, only growing louder when he threw me over his shoulder and span us around. “Put me down! Now!”
“I fucking knew it!” Alex laughed merrily, bouncing me about the place. I swatted at his back unhappily, starting to feel my stomach in my throat. “Knew you’d try something.”
“Yeah, yeah… proper clever, you. Can you put me fucking down now? Think I’m gonna yosh.”
I could only roll my eyes when he dropped me on my arse, although thankfully it was on the mattress. Huffing, I fought to tame the mess he’d probably made of my hair.
Alex merely chuckled, leaning in close to tuck a strand of stray hair behind my ear. I smiled when he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Hm, so you say.” I replied, peering up at him from where he towered over me, his hand falling to frame my jaw.
He leant in again, smiling as his lips met mine. “Had to show you who’s boss, didn’t I? Couldn’t let you get away with that.”
I gave an airy titter, pushing him away so that I could pull myself to my feet. “I could’ve had you on your arse the second you strolled in here, was just playing fair.”
He caught my wrist before I could retreat back into the living room, encasing my hand in his. I frowned slightly, looking back at him, mainly confused.
“What’s up?” I questioned him. His brown eyes flickered back and forth between my own, he looked conflicted all of a sudden, it was something you didn’t see on Alex too often which caused my frown to deepen, “Alex?” I prodded.
A small sigh escaped him and his gaze fell towards our joined hands, I let my thumb brush against the back of his own, wanting to reassure him in some way.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” I asked again, stepping closer. My other hand braced his forearm.
Alex’s eyes found mine once more and I didn’t think I had ever seen him this torn up. It threw me a bit, his demeanour had changed so quickly, it was like he’d done a total one-eighty on me.
“Think I should be asking you that question.”
I frowned at Alex’s vague reply.
“What do you mean? I’m fine, Alex. Annoyed that you won, but I’ll get you the next time.” I assured him, chuckling softly at the end. But it didn’t seem to do much.
Alex just shook his head, stepping away towards the window. He dragged a hand across his face, rubbing at his chin whilst he gazed down at the street below. 
“Al…” I tried. “Alex. Will you look at me?”
His eyes fell shut, he squeezed them as though he was trying to sort through a messy array of thoughts, of emotions.
Then he sighed. “I just don’t get you sometimes. One second you’re off with me, hardly even have the time to spare a glance my way. Then the next, we’re as happy as Larry, dancing about the kitchen, play-fighting, laughing.”
I had to look away, down towards my feet as a surge of guilt rippled through me. It wasn’t Alex’s fault that he had no idea about all the thoughts that were raging about inside my head. It wasn’t his fault that I was too scared to just come out with it. To tell him what I so does wanted. To just talk to him. 
None of the blame was on him and yet, I’d still placed it all there.
“I’m sorry.” I said, slumping down onto the edge of the mattress with a sigh. My eyes trailed over to find him staring back, his face gave nothing away. “I’ve been an utter twat. And I’ve been so fucking unfair to you. I- I don’t know, Al. I’ve just been struggling with a lot lately. But it really is nothing that you’ve done.”
Alex released a long breath, thumbing the bridge of his nose before he walked towards the bed, taking a seat beside me. We sat there in silence for a few moments, I could feel my heart hammering in my throat. Because it really was now or never. I either told him or… I got over myself. And nothing would change.
“You say you’ve been struggling.”
I angled my head over towards him upon hearing his words, Alex continued to look onwards though, his hands clasped between his knees.
He looked a lot older in that moment, and it reminded me of just how long we’d been together. I could recall a similar moment we’d shared well over a decade ago now, just before the band’s very first London gig.
Alex had spent weeks torturing himself over it, figuring that they’d be wasting their time playing to an empty room. 
It had been the night before they’d been set to leave when he’d come round mine. It’d been late. Really late, as in only mere hours before the train he’d been expected on was set to depart. 
It had just been the two of us. But that hadn’t ever been an unusual occurrence. We’d sat in silence together for a longwhile on my messy bedsheets- he’d always been the type to struggle with words. Strange for a songwriter, yeah, but unless they were accompanied by a couple chords then Alex could honestly spend a millennia searching for the right ones to use if you’d let him. 
He had spoken up eventually though. Told me what was bugging him. And I’d been the one to try and right every bad thought he’d had. Dull his racing mind. 
I’d always very much doubted his fears, about no one wanting to listen to their music outside of Sheffield. Outside of the safety net we’d grown up in. But Alex was as stubborn as I was, and so we’d spent a lot of late nights arguing about it. We’d always make up for it though come morning. 
And Alex had gone, obviously. I’d been one of the few to see the band off that morning, waving goodbye even as the train blurred and disappeared out of sight. He’d phoned me later that night after the gig, I’d heard his smile, he’d gone on this long rant about how wrong he’d been. Because the pillock had only gone and gotten carried around the venue on a sea of hands, hadn’t he?
This moment didn’t feel quite the same though. Because these fears I’d been facing, well they didn’t threaten anything outside of the four walls we’d carved for ourselves. If I told him how I felt, there was a very big chance that he might not feel the same, want the same. There was a very real chance he could just walk away.
“If it’s been so bad. Why didn’t you just come to me?” Alex asked and his eyes found mine then, that warm brown of his appeared so oddly defeated. So much so, I struggled to find a reply. 
“Just come out with it. Please. ‘Cause all this up and down, and back and forth. I don’t know if I can take much more. It’s been driving me round the bend. I hate reaching out towards you and feeling you pull further away. Kills me. Hate feeling like there’s something standing between us. ‘Cause it’s never been that way. Not with me and you.”
My throat grew tight with tears, but I wouldn’t cry, not now. Not when it was me who had caused all this.
“I know.” I had to take a deep breath to keep them at bay. To hide the strain in my voice. I pivoted so that my knee folded beneath me and I could really see his face. He followed, taking ahold of my hands. “I know, and I am sorry. Truly. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. That I let it get this bad. That I let you get so torn up. I didn’t even realise.”
Alex pulled me into an embrace, hand holding the back of my neck as I buried my face in his. Because that was the man Alex was, he put me above everything else. Including himself.
“It’s fine, sweetheart.” He hushed, thumb brushing over the top of my spine. “You can tell me anything. You know that.”
I did know that. But still.
“I don’t want to lose you, Alex.”
That probably hadn’t been the best thing to say. Alex all but flung himself back, alarm swimming in his eyes as he levelled me with a long look.
“Lose me? What’s that meant to mean? Why would you lose me?”
A tear fell then, followed by a couple more. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, willing them away, hating the thought of seeing him so distraught.
“Y/n. Love. Please, you’re actually beginning to scare me now. Tell me what’s happened.”
I tried to look away. I didn’t want to do this, not here not now, but his fingers grasped my chin, tugging me back to face him.
A sob spilled from my lips and I crumpled slightly, his hands jumped up to my shoulders, struggling to hold me up.
“What could have you this worked up?” He stressed, shaking me slightly. “Just tell me, because all the fucking things I’ve got racing through my head. I- Put me out of my misery at least. Please.”
It took all the strength I had to peer up at him, eyes red and raw. “I want more, Alex. I want more than just this.”
After I’d said it, I wanted to take all my words back. The hurt that flashed across his face felt like a sharp slap to mine. He started to move, to stand. And I realised he was about to leave.
“Al. Alex.” I called, tried. Clutching at his arm. “Alex, please! Just listen, will you?”
He wasn’t having it. Shaking his head at me as he stormed his way out of the bedroom.
“I can’t believe you’ve just said that.”
It was like a punch to the gut, hearing the upset that lined his voice. His back was to me as I chased after him, I’d ever seen him like this.
“I didn’t mean it! Not like that! Not in the way it sounded.”
“Like fuck you didn’t mean it, Y/n!” Alex shouted, and I caught a glimpse of his face when he went to tug his jacket off the hanger by the front door. 
I could count the times I’d seen Alex cry on one hand. But right then, there were tears in his eyes.
“Alex.” I pleaded with him.
A deathly silence fell between us, I watched his shoulders sag before he turned back around towards me. I wanted nothing more than to hold him again. Take away all his pain, the pain I’d caused.
“If you leave right now, I’ll never forgive you.” I choked out, “Please don’t leave. Please.”
He stared at me. Long and hard.
“Tell me the truth then.”
His voice was nothing but a strained whisper. He looked so tired, arms slumped helplessly by his sides.
I swallowed thickly. Hands fisted against my chest.
Alex scoffed at me then and ran a hand over his face, rubbing at his stinging eyes. He shook his head and went for the latch.
I felt my eyes fall close. It was now or never, I supposed. He was leaving either way.
“I want a baby, Alex.”
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Transiting Sun enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, December 22, 2023
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights, the good cheer, the hot chocolate, the buying or making presents, all of it. I love the feeling of the old year coming to a close (great memories!), and the anticipation of what the coming year could bring.
It’s just going to be a little more challenging to enjoy it, this time. The Sun makes few “flowing” aspects (sextiles and trines) during its 2023 trip through Sagittarius. We’re all going to be prone to the less positive Sagittarian traits. Jumping to conclusions, oversimplification, commitment-phobia, excess, insisting that one’s own traditions are the only valid traditions.
Maybe you can’t decide which holiday party to go to, and your refusal to commit results in you sitting home, alone. Maybe you’re determined to have a lavish holiday, and you overspend. You could quarrel with someone over when to open gifts. (A teenaged Ms M was horrified to learn that not every family opens presents on Christmas morning.)
What can we do? Keep in mind that this Sag season brings challenges, and rise to the occasions. Work hard to avoid materialism and competitiveness. Cut everybody a ton of slack, including yourself, during this especially stressful time of year. The whole point of Sagittarius is to be resilient and tolerant and wise - and the best way to develop those traits is to get experienced.
Give all these aspects a day or so on either side.
Thursday, November 23:
Sun/Sagittarius square Saturn/Pisces, 0°49
Sun/Sagittarius (0°57’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (15°57’)
This is Thanksgiving Day in the US, and it’s easy to imagine these aspects manifesting over the dinner table. Disappointment and hurt feelings.
Friday, November 24 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 2°25’. Wanting to be strategically sneaky about something, but not having all the information.
Monday, November 27 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Vesta Rx/Cancer, 5°16’. Back to work or school, in the US, and difficulty with concentration and focus.
Wednesday, November 29:
Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 7°14’
Sun/Sagittarius (7°34’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries (22°34’), semi-square South Node/Libra (22°34’)
These are excessive. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and him being in Taurus points to material excess. We’re trying to force our viewpoint and it isn’t workkng.
Friday, December 1 - Sun/Sagittarius (9°18’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (24°18’). A lot of bluster. (If Geminis are “blarney” then Sags are “bluster.”) We’re trying to shout our own way.
Tuesday, December 5 - Sun/Sagittarius (13°37’) semi-square Pluto/Capricorn (28°37’). The outside world intrudes. Trying to make a profound change but running into problems and delays.
Thursday, December 7 - Sun/Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 15°37’. Here’s where we can try to make it up to people we may have hurt or offended. And where we see that forgiving is healing.
Saturday, December 9 - Sun/Sagittarius square Juno/Virgo, 17°53’. Probably some disagreement about how to celebrate the holidays.
Monday, December 11 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°56’. Another occasion to be wary of going overboard with material things.
Wednesday, December 13:
Sun/Sagittarius (21°07’) sesquiquad Jupiter Rx/Taurus (6°07’)
Sun/Sagittarius trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 21°49’
We may not be getting our own way about something, but we can handle it.
Saturday, December 16:
Sun/Sagittarius trine Eris Rx/Aries, 24°13’
Sun/Sagittarius square Neptune/Pisces, 24°55’
Trying to get into that “holiday spirit” a little too aggressively?
Wednesday, December 20 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto/Capricorn, 29°01’. The final degree of their respective signs - intimations of the future. Their conjunction will be at 29°59’ Capricorn, and both move on into Aquarius immediately afterward.
Thursday, December 21 - Sun/Sagittarius opposite Vesta Rx/Gemini, 29°38’. Distraction &/or lack of focus, as we try to finish up the Sag-type business, most likely in the form of another person. (Or are we the ones distracting them?)
The Sun’s trip through Capricorn will yield us many opportunities and blessings - so hang in there!
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chris-hartley · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month!
Today I thought I'd cover one of my favorite tropes: Found Family! This fic is based on a non-canon event in the Total Drama OC universe, but one that I think would be fun had it happened haha. It stars my OC Maggie and her found family (Cole - @hannahwashington's character, and Lola - @horatios-mom's character) along with a few others! Enjoy! And if these characters seem cool to you, do check out the blog we have for our Total Drama OCs: @teadocs!!
(Feel free to blacklist #kenziewritespride to avoid these posts in the future!)
December 19th was a complicated day for Maggie. For most of her life it was just another day. No cake or candles, no balloons or presents. Just going through the motions, just another year older somehow.
When she moved to Vancouver, she wasn’t expecting the day to hold any more significance. Her first birthday living on her own was quickly approaching and all the people in her life seemed to have other things going on so she didn’t think much of it. Just like usual, just another day.
She was scheduled to work at the job that Cole’s dad had secured for her, doing the front desk of a hair salon. So she got ready in her usual work go-to outfit. Professional but casual enough she wasn’t uncomfortable after doing all the menial tasks required by her boss, Sandra.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She looked down at the screen and it was Sandra, asking her to get there a little early. She didn’t have anything else going on so she replied simply: Sure.
Maggie got into her car, turning over the engine. The check engine light came on and she sighed. She’d needed an oil change for a few weeks but was waiting to get her next paycheck before shelling out the money for it. 
I get paid next Friday. I’ll be alright until then… I hope, at least.
She drove the quick 15 minute journey to the salon, parking in the back of the building. The place had been open for a few hours but the customer lot seemed busier than usual as she walked around the corner.
The lights were… off? She looked at the hours pasted on the door and they should be open, there were people here, why were the lights off?
She opened the door, the usual bell ringing as it did with all customers coming in. Sometimes she swore she could hear the bell ringing when she wasn’t even at work.
She flicked on the lights.
“SURPRISE!!!” A load of voices called as people jumped up from their hiding spots, scaring the living shit out of Maggie. She jumped back a few inches in shock.
As she looked around, there were all the people who claimed they were busy for her birthday. Cole, Lola, and even her boyfriend Landon. 
“What is this?”
“A surprise birthday party, Mags,” Cole explained, “You think we’d let it pass by without celebrating?”
“I-” she stood there stunned for a moment, “I’ve never had a birthday party I didn’t figure I’d start now.”
“Well as your best friends,” Lola said, wrapping her arm around Maggie’s shoulder, “We could not let that last any longer.”
Maggie chuckled softly, still completely surprised as she looked around the room. Even if she wasn’t close to some of the other cast members that lived in the greater Vancouver area, all of them had come to this makeshift party. Dannie, Paige, Cassie, and Esther stood there, the former wearing a party hat with a noisemaker sticking out of her mouth.
“Happy birthday Maggie,” Paige smiled.
Landon came up to her with a grin, “Hope this was a good surprise.”
“Y-yeah. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“We have cake!” Cassie pointed out, “Do you want some?”
Maggie nodded, walking further into the salon to spot a makeshift table set up with a cake that had 16 candles stuck into it.
“That seems like a fire hazard.”
“It’ll be fiiiiiine,” Landon chuckled, “I think.”
Sandra, who had emerged from the back with a lighter in hand, painstakingly lit all the candles before all the group of people began to sing to her.
“Happy biiiiirthday dear Maggieeeee! Happy birthday to you!”
She closed her eyes, making a wish. A wish that she would always remember this day, when she realized that while she’d had a shitty family back in Delaware, she had people who really loved her in Vancouver. Maggie blew out the candles and opened her eyes, a smile creeping onto her smile as everyone cheered.
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I’m here for the new prompt list!! Happy New Years beauty , thanks for this amazing surprise!
Could I request Jax Teller with First time as a couple?
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⬆️ I would like to be “destiny” 😈 LOL
Cotton and Lace
Contains: Fluff, smut, (oral sex F receiving, fingering, P in V)
2.2K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #Sp's fluffiest Smutfest
The beginning
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You and Jax were sitting on the couch in the corner as the Friday night party went on around you. Jax's hand was on your thigh as you talked about your day, a soft smile on his face as you spoke.
"It was so funny, dude slips on a wet floor sign then goes on and on about suing like he had a case. And then he tried to pull that his lawyer was a family friend and that if we didn't give him free shit for a year, he would make sure that we all ended up homeless. He only left when we called our own lawyer and handed the phone to him."
Jax sighed, "you are a saint, you know you can come and work at T-M?'
You shook your head, "no, I think our relationship stays alive because I'm not near Gemma everyday of the week."
Jax chuckled, "she can be a lot."
You leaned in and kissed him, Jax smiling against your lips as an idea came over him, "you wanna head home?"
You thought for a moment, "I'd like that, but as long as you come with me."
He smirked, "that's the plan darlin."
You got to Jax's front door and he helped you off his bike, then you handed him back his helmet, "we'll have to get one of your own, you were holding onto me so tight I thought you were going to break one of my ribs."
You shook your head, "you're the one that gave me your helmet, I was making sure that you stayed on the bike."
He chuckled, "sure darlin. You wanna come in for a nightcap?" His tone made it clear he was looking for more than just a beer and a goodnight kiss.
"Yep, I'll take tea if you've got some?"
The smile on Jax's face grew, he knew what that meant, "I think there's tea inside." He placed his hand on your back as you walked in his front door, kicking off your shoes while holding onto Jax for balance.
He pointed towards the kitchen with a smile and removed his kutte, handing it on the hook, "this way."
You nodded, "I've been to your house before, I know where your kitchen is." You sat at the table while Jax boiled the water and went to the fridge to get himself a beer.
"You got any plans for the morning?"
You shook your head, "nope, I have a drawer here, I was hoping you'd let me stay the night."
Jax smiled, "that sounds nice."
He sat down opposite you and took your hand, "I've really enjoy spending time with you."
You smiled, "me too, I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Jax leaned over the tabled and kissed you, soft at first, then he deepened it as you reached your hand up to hold his face.
"I'm not really feeling like tea now, maybe we go head to the bedroom?"
Jax smiled and took your hand, standing up and dragging you towards the bedroom. He opened the door and you followed him in, standing in the middle of the room waiting for him to do something.
Jax's hands cupped your face, "if you don't want tea, what do you want?"
You smiled, "you."
Jax smiled back and leaned down to kiss you, "I can do that." His hands moved from your face to your top and buttoned it, a sudden realisation hitting you as you stopped his hands with a giggle.
"What? If you're not up for it that's ok, we can wait as long as you need."
You shook your head, "no I want to. I know we had that conversation about what we were into and being safe and all that but I wasn't planning for this tonight and I'm not dressed for this occasion." You looked down and Jax followed your gaze, "my socks don't even match."
Jax smiled and kissed you gently, "that's alright, I'm not really paying attention to your underwear anyway, not this time at least."
You giggled, "ok."
Jax kissed you, harder this time and you felt your knees get weak as he walked you back towards the bed. Your knees hit the edge and you fell backwards, Jax going with you as he caught himself in his hands. "You sure you want to do this?
You nodded, "yes, are you?"
He smirked, "hell fucking yeah."
He went back to your top, popping the buttons and smiled as you sat up and shrugged it off your shoulders, "I like this colour and the lace is pretty."
You giggled, "just wait till you get a look at my granny panties." He didn't say anything else, settling for kissing your lips, then your cheek then down your neck and to your chest.
His lips brushed your skin and then he was running his hand up your back and to the clasp of your bra. "Can I?"
You nodded, "please." He smiled at you then the bra was opening, Jax's hand reaching up and brushing the straps off your shoulders.
His eyes went wide as they landed on your chest, "wow you have nice tits, I thought they looked nice with your clothes on but this is something else."
You smiled, "you're very sweet." His lips returned to where they were before he removed your bra, grazing the skin until they were moving down to your breasts. His lips wrapped around your nipple and his fingers found the other, his touch gentle. You placed your hands on the back of his head and wove your fingers into his hair, Jax sighing as you pressed him closer.
You went to remove your pants but he grabbed your hand, pulling away from your breast briefly, "let me do that." His mouth and his fingers swapped positions as he reached down with his free hand and unbuttoned your jeans. He pulled away from your breast and looked down with a smile, "I like them."
You giggled, "they aren't the most fancy pair I own."
You lifted your hips as Jax pulled them down, stopping to remove your socks, "I like these too."
You shook your head, "now you're just sweet talking me." When you were in nothing but your panties, you reached over and unbuttoned his blue flannel Jax sliding it off his ample shoulders with a smirk, "why do you need to wear so many layers?"
Jax chuckled and pulled back, taking off his top as your eyes raked over his newly bare skin, "you like what you see darlin?"
You smiled, "oh, most definitely." He kissed you again and you reached to undo his belt and pulled it away before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. You broke away from him and looked into his eyes with a silent question, Jax nodding softly.
You slid your hand into his pants and palmed his hard cock, your eyes going wide, "don't worry, we'll go slow." You nodded softly and pulled his pants down then wrapped your finger around the hem of his boxers and yanked them down, freeing his cock as he moaned.
"You good?" His tone was soft as he lifted his hand to cup your cheek.
You smiled softly and kissed him, pulling back just far enough to reply, "I'm great."
You went to grab his cock but he stopped you, "let's focus on your tonight, we have plenty of time for everything else."
You wrinkled your eyebrows, "what, but.."
He stopped you, "hey, I've got a reputation to uphold."
You giggled, "ok, well I'm going to make it up to you."
He smiled, "I can wait, lie back and let me make you feel good?"
You nodded and did as he asked, getting comfortable while he watched your every move. He hovered over you and pressed his lips to yours, his beard scratching your skin as his hands ran up and down your legs and with one final sweep, pulled your panties off.
He kissed down your body, bypassing your breast with his lips but picking up the slack with his hands, the callouses on his fingers making you feel warm as his lips moved down your body. He reached your hips then lifted your legs over his shoulders. He looked up at you with a smile, "can I?"
You nodded, "please." Jax kissed your inner thigh, slowly working his way towards your centre until his lips were brushing your core. He spread you open then licked you from entrance to clit and you gasped as Jax wrapped his lips around your clit. You twitched and Jax's forearm came down to hold your hips down as he took his other hand and circled his entrance with two fingers.
You moaned as he slid them inside you, his fingertips searching for your G-spot, you twitched again when he found it and Jax smiled against you, pulling back and replacing his mouth with his thumb, "found it."
You sighed, "you are a smug bastard."
Jax laughed and his mouth returned to your flesh, his arm pressing down harder as he built you up.
"Go a bit slower please." Jax listened before you finished speaking, his fingers slowing until you gasped, "that's much better, thank you."
Jax lifted his arm off your body long enough to wrap around your thigh before pulling you close then went back to hold you down. Jax listened to your every direction with no hesitation or complaint. Just as you reached the edge, he pulled away and replaced his mouth with his fingers and kissed your inner thigh. You tapped him with your knee and he lifted his head, "what gives dude?"
Jax smirked, "the night is still young."
You rolled your eyes, "we have all our lives for that, don't be a tease."
Jax's smirk widened, "our whole lives darlin, you really feel that way?"
You smiled, "yes, now get back to it or I'll change my mind."
He kissed the top of your thigh with a soft smile, "alright then darlin." When his mouth returned to your core, he didn't stop and with one more pass of his fingers to your G-spot you arched off the bed and contracted around his fingers.
Jax worked you through and you fumbled for his hand, Jax lifting his forearm off your hips to link his hand in yours as the orgasm faded. He kissed his way up your body until he reached your mouth, kissing you slow and soft until you wrapped your arms around his body and pulled him close.
He pulled his lips away from you with a smile, "you wanna keep going?"
You nodded, "yes please." Jax kissed your cheek and opened the top drawer, pulling out a condom, ripping open the packet and rolling it on his cock.
"You sure? You can always tell me no and I won't be mad."
You smiled, "yes I want this and you are very sweet." Jax kissed the tip of your nose and moved back to hover over you, lifting your legs and wrapping them around his waist.
He pressed his lips to yours and you placed your hands on his chest as he grabbed his cock, "you tell me if you want to change anything yeah?"
You smiled, "of course, can you please stop being so sweet?"
Jax sighed, "no way." His lips found yours as he slid inside you with a groan. He paused to let you adjust, his chest pressing to yours as his hand moved to your clit. His fingers moved in soft circles as his hips started to rock, taking a slow and steady pace until he was rolling his hips into you, the head of his cock brushing your G-spot.
He pulled away from your lips and buried his face in your neck while you pressed your face into his chest as the pleasure grew. You wove your hand into Jax's hair and he kissed from your neck to your cheek then your temples then finally your lips.
You tightened your legs and held him tighter to you, Jax moaning as his hips picked up speed, "please, Jax, I need more."
His voice was tight as he replied, "I can do that." He pushed himself up on one arm to gain leverage and looked into your eyes, his fingers pressing harder as he ground into you. You reached a hand up to stroke his cheek and Jax smiled at you, turning his head to kiss your palm.
"Jax, I'm close."
He grunted, deeper and more desperate this time, "I know, me too." Jax put more weight on his knees and slammed inside you, "you can let go, I'm here."
How were you to deny such a request, with one last roll of his hips, you came around him and Jax's pace faltered as he did his best to keep his composure. You took his face in your hands and kissed him, Jax nose bumping yours, "I love you."
Jax smiled against your skin then dropped his forehead to yours to look into your eyes, "I love you too." He kissed you again and came with a grunt, his chest falling onto yours as he caught his breath.
He rolled off you and threw the condom in the trash and pulled you into his arms, "how was that?"
You smiled, "it was great, amazing in fact, I do think I owe you a blow job though."
Jax smirked, "like you said, we have all our lives. I love you."
"I love you too Jax."
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fullstcp · 6 months
"The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess" by Chappell Roan Sentence Starters
"Same old story, time again."
"Got so close but then you lost it."
"Should've listened to your friends."
"He/she/they disappeared from the second that you said: 'Let's get coffee, let's meet up'."
"I'm so sick of online love."
"Can you play a song with a fucking beat?"
"Make a bitch go on and on."
"So let's say it's working out."
"You pretend to love his/her/their mother."
"Lying to your friends about he's/she's/they're such a goddamn good lover."
"Got what you wanted so stop feeling sorry."
"You know what I mean."
"You know what you need."
"But does it happen?"
"She was a playboy, Brigitte Bardot."
"She/he/they showed me things I didn't know."
"I'm in the hallway waiting for ya."
"I just want you to make a move."
"I just wanna get to know ya."
"Guess I didn't quite think it through."
"Fell in love with the thought of you."
"Baby, why don't you come over?"
"I don't care that you're a stoner."
"Fall right into me."
"I like what you like."
"That's my type."
"I will cause I really want to."
"Nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone."
"It's not attractive. Wearing that dress and red lipstick."
"This is what I wanted, this is what I like."
"I've been a good, good girl for a long time."
"Baby, I like flirting, a lover by my side."
"I'm feeling kinda freaky, maybe it's the club lights."
"Maybe it's the moonlight."
"I kinda wanna kiss your boyfriend if you don't mind."
"Let's watch the sunrise."
"Everything good happens after midnight."
"That's my type of fun, that's my kind of party."
"I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind."
"I love a little drama."
"Let's start a bar fight."
"I'll make a move."
"Then we're making out."
"Can't meet you for dinner."
"It's where I met your family."
"Some words were exchanged."
"We know where that leads."
"I'll meet you coffee."
"If we have wine you'll say that you want me."
"I know that's a lie."
"If I didn't love you it would be fine."
"Nowhere else is safe."
"Every place leads back to your place."
"I love the park."
"That may be true."
"Here comes the excuses that fuel the illusions."
"But I'd rather feel something than nothing at all."
"We've done this before and I don't need it anymore."
"It's never just coffee."
"My friends call me a loser."
"I'm still hanging around."
"I've heard so many rumors."
"I'm just a girl/guy that you bang on your couch."
"I thought you thought of me better."
"You said, 'we're not together'."
"Now when we kiss, I have anger issues."
"Is it casual now?"
"I know what you tell your friends."
"I love being stupid."
"It's hard being casual."
"I try to be the chill girl/guy that holds her/his/their tongue and gives you space."
"I try to be the chill girl/guy but, honestly, I'm not."
"I hate that I let this drag on so long."
"Now I hate myself."
"You can go to hell."
"You know what they say."
"Never waste a Friday night on a first date."
"He/she/they didn't ask a single question."
"He/she/they was/were wearing these fugly jeans."
"It doesn't matter though."
"He/she/they do(es)n't have what it takes to be with a girl/guy like me."
"Not overdramatic. I know what I want."
"I'm through with all these hyper mega bummer boys like you."
"We're hot, we're drunk."
"At every party, we're the party, shaking our asses."
"Making out while the world collapses."
"I could be the one, or your new addiction."
"It's all in my head but I want non-fiction."
"I don't want the world, but I'll take this city."
"Who can blame a girl?"
"Call me hot, not pretty."
"Do you like this beat? I made it so you'd dance with me."
"It's like a hundred ninety-nine degrees."
"I woke up alone staring at my ceiling."
"I try not to care but it hurts my feelings."
"You don't have to stare."
"No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute."
"What's it take to get your number?"
"What's it take to bring you home?"
"Is anyone else hot?"
"You coming home with me?"
"I'll call the cab."
"We broke up on a Tuesday."
"Kicked me out with the rent paid."
"Who knew that we'd let it get this bad when it ended?"
"It's comical, bridges you burn."
"Karma's real, hope it's your turn."
"You're losing it lately."
"It's hot when you have a meltdown."
"It's coming around."
"People say I'm jealous but my kick is watching you ruin your life."
"Wishing you the best, in the worst way."
"Six months since April and I'm doing better."
"No need to be hateful in your fake Gucci sweater."
"It's hot when you're going through hell."
"Counting lipstick stains where you should be."
"I need you around."
"I'm getting close now."
"Do you picture me like I picture you?"
"Am I in the frame from your point of view?"
"Do you feel the same?"
"Here we go again."
"Everything is fine."
"I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line."
"But ever since that day everything has changed."
"If you really wanna leave, I'll never make you stay."
"Whatever you decide, I will understand."
"It will all be fine."
"And just go back to being friends."
"Love is a kaleidoscope."
"How it works, I'll never know."
"Well, I'd love to see them try."
"There's no one else who could."
"The only one is you."
"I know you wanted me to stay."
"I'm having wicked dreams."
"I swear it's calling me."
"Won't make my mama proud."
"It's gonna cause a scene."
"God, what have you done?"
"I'm just having fun."
"It's where I belong."
"I'm up and jaws are on the floor."
"Every night's another reason why I left it all."
"I thank my wicked dreams."
"Don't think I've left you all behind."
"You're always on my mind."
"I'm gonna keep on dancing."
"I know you're probably busy, but I would love to see you."
"I'll never cross the line."
"I'd love if you knew you were on my mind."
"We both know we're getting drunk tonight."
"Baby, put your lips on mine."
"Could go to hell but we'll probably be fine."
"I've never done it."
"Let's make it cinematic."
"We both have a crush on Regina George."
"You love peach and ice cream."
"You can try things."
"An inch away from more than just friends."
"If I don't try, then it's my loss."
"Won't you fucking touch me?"
"I want more than you know."
"I was never told that I wasn't gonna get the things I want the most."
"If it hasn't happened yet, then maybe you should go."
"I'd make you proud."
"I almost had it going, but I let you down."
"Too hard to find reasons to stay."
"Even true love could not persuade."
"Come get me out."
"Think back to what you said."
"Sometimes I scare myself."
"But I can't help what I can't help."
"So shame on me and shame on you."
"I want this like a cigarette."
"Ca we drag it out and never quit?"
"You are heaven sent."
"You're a pothead."
"You're a cinephile."
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Your tags on my venn diagram post are gold and should be a fic.
LMAOOO not me forgetting y’all read my tags 😭 Look, your venn diagram is accurate af and I really hope you bless us with more. The world wants to see these talented men come together and team up on a project [or in my case, tag team me]. But hey, I support both scenarios. Your fic comment got me thinking “what if I actually wrote a fantasy, porn without plot one shot about them?” So then I attempted it [HEAVY on attempt because I haven’t written a fic before 🥲] But here goes nothing *gulps*. Hope you like it op! @scruffylookingpiratecaptain 💗 *deletes my entire account and moves across state lines afterwards* lol
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Gael Bernal Diego Luna Tenoch Huerta Pedro Pascal Oscar Isaac
“I want to fuck like we’re filming in the valley.”
**Warnings/ Disclaimers: NSFW, 18+, group sex, language, fiction [this is only intended to be fantasy], porn without plot**
We have a routine down. They stop by my apartment Friday night, fuck me, we eat together, and then they leave. Repeat. No cuddles. No pillow talk. No strings attached. No bullshit. Just straight fucking. I would be lying through my teeth if I said I didn’t develop feelings somewhere along the way for each and every one of them, but I’ll take that to my grave.
It wasn’t always like this.
It first started off with just Tenoch and I. We met one another through a drunk threesome one night after a friend’s birthday party. We instantly clicked and he quickly learned how to turn me on. The man could make me cum round after round till I forgot my first and last name. He knew all the right buttons to push and he got me hooked on him quickly. His dick game drove me insane and I hated that it admittedly elevated my standards for any man who was blessed to be entangled in my sheets. We became a casual “friends with benefits” type of a situation until one day he wanted to spice things up between us.
“Have you ever had sex with more than one guy at the same time?” He asks me out of the blue while we chill at a nearby cafe.
To my surprise, he wanted to add more guys to the mix. I wasn’t opposed to the idea but was honestly a little concerned at first.
“I want to watch other guys fuck you while I take part. That would be so fucking hot, you know? And I promise you would be safe, no funny business. I know these guys. They’re good guys, trust me. What do you think?”
Call me a whore. Lonely. Bored. A pick me. A girl with daddy issues. Some twenty-something big tit wide-eyed naive bitch finding intimacy in all the wrong places. Whatever. I could care less. I don’t need the judgement from my girlfriends, friends, family, or coworkers and I sure as hell don’t need it from you. The only thing that was running through my mind in that very moment was having an adventure and so I kept our little arrangement to myself. No one has to know.
I sipped my drink watching him over the rim of my cup. He met my gaze with those curious eyes of his like he was trying to read my mind. I looked down and smirked, finally swallowing.
“I’m in.”
Like clockwork, Tenoch always came by my apartment first. I opened the door to the sight of this goober holding a pack of beers and striking a funny pose with damp curls. He must of showered before heading over because he smelled heavenly.
“Hey beautiful.” He kissed my forehead then waltzed right in, draping his stuff over a nearby chair.
We made small talk about his shit boss and how she underpays her staff. “And now she’s doing layoffs!” In this economy?? I crack open a couple of beers for us and hear the doorbell ring. “Tenoch, can you get that?” Diego and Oscar are here. Funny enough, they live in another apartment complex only a couple of streets down. What are the odds, right? Shockingly it’s not weird, but hopefully it stays that way.
Tenoch throws a movie on while I pop open a bag of chips Oscar brought over. Gael swings by next and as always, without fail, Pedro comes last. Hours later, I might add!
“Sorry for the delay guys, I had an emergency come up.”
We all boo him in unison while Tenoch throws a cheeto at his head.
“I don’t deserve this abuse! I promise I have a good excuse this time.” Pedro chuckles, dodging another chip successfully.
Yeah don’t feel bad for him. This fucker always has an “emergency”. He couldn’t be on time if his actual life depended on it.
“Blah blah blah. Just hurry up and sit down. You’re interrupting an important part of the movie dipshit. Mulan is meeting Mushu.” Oscar excitedly motions him over to the couch like we all haven’t seen this masterpiece 50+ times already.
I giggle and look around at everyone enjoying themselves. I have a lot of fun with them. I mean outside of our little scheduled orgy we got going on, I truly enjoy their companionship. I know they have my back and I have theirs. I wouldn’t dare be sappy and say this out loud but I love these guys and would do anything for them.
What’s wild to me is even though we have made this a routine by now, they still get shy around me before we start. No one wants to make me feel uncomfortable and I appreciate that more than they’ll ever know, but someone has to have the balls to make the first move. Thankfully, Diego does. He starts to massage the back of my neck while we all laugh at Mushu screaming “dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!” He looks over at me and notices me purr in approval. While his hand works out the kinks in my neck, he leans in and sensually kisses the side of my neck licking all the way up to my earlobe, catching it in between his teeth. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear about how gorgeous I am and how he can satisfy me better than any of these so called “men” here. I know it’s all for the fantasy factor but fuck does it turn me on. Only I can hear his ramblings and that gets me even hotter. He invades my personal space and breathes me in deep. I tilt my head and expose my throat to him like a cat on it’s back surrendering. Mark me, Diego. I start to squirm in my seat. I can feel my wetness already pooling in my panties.
My whimpers play over the movie and Oscar proceeds to join in on the fun. He directs my attention towards him and softly cups my cheek before going in for a blistering kiss. I close my eyes and let him lick into my mouth greedily. I surrender to his demanding touch while Diego starts to leave a trail of hickeys from my neck down to my clavicle.
Gael gets up from the other side of the couch and kneels down in front of me. He carefully unties my shoes and slips off my socks. He starts to caress my legs and massage my feet, looking up at me with heat behind his eyes. I watch his eyes shift to peek underneath my skirt. I’m trying to get friction to my clit by grinding my thighs together but Gael holds my legs in place with a strong grip. He then slides his hands slowly up my thighs till he gets to his destination. He hooks his finger over the top of my lingerie and brings them down one inch at a time, leaving a trail of hot kisses along the way.
I shutter as the air immediately exposes my wetness, revealing my sweet arousal. Gael finally slips my panties off and takes in its dampness. Oscar distracts me by gliding his hand over my breasts till he settles on my neck, roughly gripping my throat while he licks up into my ear.
I yelp.
“Be gentle.” Tenoch possessively asserts while he comes over and starts to pull his shirt over his head, exposing his happy trail and tattoo.
“Calm down. I’m only doing what the slut likes.” Oscar counters, looking over at Tenoch with a challenging stare before directing his sexual frustration back to me.
“Isn’t that right, baby? I want to hear you beg for Daddy.” He taunts while I make eye contact with him through submissive eyes. I’m thoroughly turned on right now and he knows it. Oscar’s tight grip on my neck is sending me over the edge and I want more. I need more. His authority is sending waves of pleasure through out my entire body and my hair raises on my arms. My pierced nipples start to harden and peak through my shirt and a wave of desire goes straight to my cunt.
Diego ceases to kiss my shoulder and looks down at my pebbled flesh.
“Well, would you look at that. Our brat likes to be choked.”
Diego goes to undress my top half and unclasps my bra with a swiftness. My breasts spill out of their cups one by one and he fondles one nipple as he laps up the other in his mouth eagerly. My breath hitches. I bite my lip, holding in a strangled noise.
Pedro moves over to my line of vision and begins to unbotton his pants in front of me, giving me a show. He starts touching himself as we lock eyes and creates a mess in his jeans. He whips out his exuding member and I shamelessly stare, taking in all of its glory. He watches me watch him and delights in the attention. This fucker.
“You like what you see, sweetheart? It’s all yours, just be a good girl and open your mouth wide for me.”
I love it when he calls me his good girl and tells me what to do. He doesn’t repeat himself twice. Ever. Whatever Pedro wants, Pedro gets. I pay the consequence if I misbehave. But God, do I love misbehaving.
I don’t budge one inch and go to kiss Oscar, dismissing Pedro’s very existence. That sets him off. Mission accomplished.
“Alright, play times over Princess.” he snarls.
Pedro yanks me away from Diego and Oscar by my hair and forces me forward to the edge of the couch, bringing me at eye level with his hardened cock. He holds my head firm in place as he steadily rubs his throbbing wood over my lips, painting them with his pre-cum. His breath goes ragged and his composure quickly diminishes. He wants this badly, but so do I. Pedro shoves his dick past my lips to the back of my throat without warning and I can see his pupils blow from his dominance over me. He tastes like sea salt and musk. I bring my hands up to grip his shaft and brace myself on his waist, sliding back and forth. He’s rough with me and forces me all the way down till my nose touches his pubes. I gag and my eyes starts to water. He finally releases his grip on me, and I exhale and spit on his dick. I go in for seconds and savor the taste, licking circles around his sensitive tip.
“Ah, just like that.” He affirms, letting his head fall back.
Everyone moves to claim a piece of my flesh to grab, squeeze, suck or fuck. I aspire to be their personal fuck toy to use and abuse for their own selfish gain. Is that too much to ask for?
Oscar repositions me on the couch so that I’m flat on my back as I resume sucking Pedro off. He pushes my skirt up out of the way and coats his fingers with saliva. He begins to slick up my folds, steadily working his way into my tight entrance. “Look at you.” He coos. He kneels down and without hesitation shoves his face into my juices and begins to devour me whole. He licks a line from my tight asshole to my sopping pussy lips and engulfs my clit with his large tongue. He hums around it, sending a wave of vibration to my core.
I loudly moan with Pedro’s penis down my throat, generating a low growl from him. I take him out of my mouth and start to plead as Oscar relentlessly works my sensitive clit with no sign of letting up. He sets my body aflame with little to no effort and it’s truly diabolical.
Tenoch comes to my side and begins to gently massage my breasts, bending down and taking one nipple in his mouth while he jerks himself off. Oscar prys my legs open to stop me from squirming. The overwhelming sensation of his scruff on my bundle of nerves is killing me and the mix of pain and pleasure is intoxicating. Gael grabs my calf and begins to suck my toes, one by one while touching himself. He closes his eyes and takes his time savoring them greedily. He sucks and sucks like he’s making love to them and perverted noises start to fill up the room. My body riddles with ecstasy and the heat in my lower belly grows.
Diego squeezes some lube on his hand and continues to jerk himself off while watching this provocative scene unfold in front of him. He comes over to my side and replaces his hand with mine on his leaking erection. I slowly jerk him off while not breaking eye contact with him.
I can feel my arousal taking over. My brain is having trouble functioning and focusing on one particular thing at once. I am incoherent. I know I definitely heard my phone go off three separate times by now. Mulan is already beating Shan Yu’s ass on the roof. My AC unit turned off about an hour ago and it’s hot as shit in here. But none of these distractions matter to me right now. My ears tune into the sweet symphony of their joint moans and hisses, while I witness their hungry eyes fixate on me, mouths slightly parted in a fucked out bliss. The air is thick with sweat, sex and sin.
I come to and feel Oscar between my legs as I jerk Diego off with purpose while Pedro tilts my head towards him and fucks into my mouth, panting with each thrust. I create a tight vacuum, swallowing him with intense suction that my lips create a *pop* sound when I let go. He curses under his breath in satisfaction.
Tenoch breaks things up and takes control. He grabs hold of me and tears me away from everyone’s touch. He picks me up with one arm and lays back on the couch’s sweaty surface before positioning me on top of him. I straddle his waist and lean down for a kiss, exchanging fluids in a raunchy french kiss. He matches my energy and sucks on my tongue. Fuck, he’s such a freak. We continue to make out as he reaches over my ass and rubs my entrance in a circular motion, slowly dragging his thick digits along my folds. Tenoch replaces his fingers with his slick dick and coats his penis in my juices before tapping himself on my clit. Oscar prepared me for the taking and Tenoch is about to have his way with me. His thick cock promptly slides right into my walls and we moan in each other’s mouths. I’m convinced my vagina was made to please him. I try and adjust to his thickness, slowly making room for his size. My greedy cunt eventually swallows him whole. He gasps in approval. I dig my nails into his big chest as I begin to ride him, throwing my head back. Oscar promptly grabs my neck from behind and whispers nasty shit in my ear while I take Tenoch’s cock like a good girl. Tenoch holds onto my waist with a bruising grip, displaying his possessiveness over me. He sits up on one elbow and sucks my sensitive nipples, playing with my piercing with his tongue in a circle motion. My cunt flutters around him, making him buck.
Goosebumps break out all over my skin as a chill runs down my spine. I whine loudly, succumbing to my pleasure in waves. The sounds of Tenoch’s dick slamming into my tight hole as my ass cheeks hit his pelvis is delicious and it makes me wetter each thrust. He’s giving it to me so good right now but Oscar decides to test how much I can truly take at once.
He cups my ass and halts my bouncing. Tenoch’s member slowly slides out. He grabs my cheeks and spreads me wide, admiring the stretch of my asshole and vagina with his tight grip. Oscar leans in and dips his tongue in and out of both holes, indulging in my natural taste. He pulls back and spits on my tight asshole. He sucks his thumb first before bringing his slick finger to my hole, spreading his spit in a circular motion. Oscar deepens the pressure until his thumb successfully slides in.
A raspy moan leaves my lips and I cry out.
“Mmmm I know baby, I know. Daddy knows what to do.“ He confidently mutters between pants. He’s so turned on right now.
He spits on his pointer and middle finger next, slipping in two digits and stretching me out. His calculated process is driving me crazy and my thighs tremble around Tenoch’s waist. I gasp and stop sucking and jerking off Pedro and Diego, focusing on my breathing.
“Don’t be greedy Oscar, there’s enough of her to go around.” Tenoch gripes, assisting in spreading my cheeks to give Oscar better access. I whimper in anticipation.
Oscar continues to work open my hole with a squirt of lube, fucking me with his fingers until he deems I’m ready for his thick shaft. I grow impatient.
“Ah…f-fuck me Oscar, please. I need you!”
Pedro starts to laugh.
“Stop playing with your food Oscar. The lady is getting tired of you.”
“I thought you like when Daddy plays with you, baby.” Oscar taunts before spontaneously slapping both of my ass cheeks one by one, again and again and again. Left. Right. Left. Right. He spanks me so hard that the pain becomes unbearable. Tenoch proceeds to choke me, holding my neck in place. I scream but no sound comes out. My voice is hoarse from sucking and fucking. Gael ducks down and starts to suck on my nipple while twisting the other between two fingers, playing with its jewelry.
Once he deems me ready, Oscar takes his throbbing wood in hand and aligns his coated head with my stretched hole. He grabs some lube one last time, lathers me up and slides in. He takes his time to make sure he doesn’t hurt me but I want it now. He relishes in my tightness and cusses under his breath. Tenoch licks his fingers and lubricates my pussy with his saliva before re-entering me. My eyes roll back with the overstimulation of being filled to the brim. They start to move together in unison and I resume bouncing on both Tenoch’s and Oscar’s dicks together. Oscar looks down, watching himself go in and out of my ass, cheeks bouncing back on his pelvis and jiggling. He bites his lip from the glorious sight.
“Fuck y-your so tight…ah-“ They both rant together.
Sounds of skin slapping skin echo throughout my entire apartment and Oscar steadily grips my shoulder while Tenoch grabs my waist. I feel like I am being split in two as my holes stretch and adjust to being double penetrated. A bitch is on cloud nine and I can barely string two sentences together. They are deep in my guts and I think I’m going to black out from the overwhelming sensation. This is a ride I never want to get off of. Tenoch picks up the pace and fucks up into me with no mercy while Oscar follows suit. He looks determined, sweat dripping down his forehead. Tenoch gawks at my bouncing breasts in his face, matching the fast pace. He reaches down and thumbs my clit.
My orgasm is on the rise and I can feel my climax is near.
“Daddy, I’m….I’m close!” I moan.
Gael lets go of my breast and runs to grab my vibrator from my bedroom. He turns it to the setting I like and places it close to Tenoch’s groan so that it’s touching my clit at the right angle. He looks up at me as my mouth falls open. I’m slowly becoming undone and can’t hold on any longer.
Diego makes the split decision to get up on the couch and position himself in line to face fuck me. He holds my hair as I bounce and proceeds to have his way with me. I moan around his dick as spit pools and drips down my chin. Pedro leans down and fondles a breast while biting one nipple just the way I like it.
It was truly a sight to see. A real group effort. The one group project where everybody wins. My question is why didn’t we think to film any of this and post it to porn sites world wide or only fans and make millions?? You should have seen us! We fucked like real professionals. I could see it now: “Sexy whore takes 5 big cocks like a champ” as the title. Hmmm. Now that I think about it, we would have probably ran into some copyright issues with Mulan playing in the background. The “A girl worth fighting for” song blasting at full volume was a nice touch though.
I feel myself choking on his penis and Diego reminds me to breath through my nostrils as he shoves my head forward. He yanks me off of his dick to give me a second to breath and a string of saliva connects from my lips to his tip. He slaps me a bit and roughly grabs my cheeks. Diego leans in for a sloppy kiss and purrs “that’s my fucking slut.” He’s genuinely proud of me.
“Now suck!” He demands and plunges back into my mouth without any hesitation. He’s pumping me so fucking good while his thrusts start to become sporadic and his breath goes ragged. I know he’s close. He slips his throbbing dick out of my mouth and readjusts so that I give his neglected balls some lovin. He bites his lip in approval.
“I’m cumming…I’m cu-“ Tenoch goes silent as he spills his hot seed deep into my swollen pussy. My vagina pulses around him as I feel him paint my walls. I shake involuntarily as he comes down off of his high. His dick slides out of me and goes limp, while his seed leaks down my thigh. He lays there catching his breath as everyone continues to use me for their own satisfaction. He watches me bounce on top of him as Oscar continues to pound me from behind.
I quickly follow suit and climax hard, squirting all over Tenoch with Oscar deep in my ass, Pedro sucking my nipple rings hard, Gael rubbing my clit with my vibrator on high and Diego stuffing his balls in my mouth.
Everyone let’s go of me for a second as I buckle and grip Tenoch’s chest before completely collapsing on top of him. All of my energy leaves my body. He catches me in his arms and caresses my back, making sure I’m okay. He kisses my forehead and I feel his chest rise and fall.
Once my breath evens out, I look up and see everyone staring at me with concern. The Mulan end credits continue to roll on the TV. I sheepishly look around and immediately get shy in front of them for the first time.
“So…..round two?”
- - - - - - - - x x x - - - - - - - -
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moonogre · 1 month
Hello T! I would like to write to you with good news, if I can remain coherent enough.
It’s another absurd summer Friday in Montreal. My cousin J touches down for the first time in the city after the sky bursts open with the heaviest showers from the season. When I see J at the bus terminal I burst into tears, which I am prone to doing when I am often overcome with positive emotions. We swap tales: J tells me about an eight hour pedestrian lay over in New York City that is a skin crawling fever dream of grimy labrynthian metros, super sized rats, and escape routes predicated on the kindness of random strangers. They had also narrowly avoided some manner of altercation at Jamaica Station involving panhandlers and cocaine. My story is that I hadn’t finished tidying the apartment for their arrival because a last minute first date had devolved into a tousled half day of bed pleasures. My latest lover had left and came back and I had mostly tried to flirt my way past the strange things I revealed about myself over sweet cocktails and hand rolled pasta in my neighbourhood watering hole: how I had moved around a lot as a child, how my family had succumbed to the strange collective hypnosis of a religious order, how they had came focus on my quirks to an abusive extent, how my mother had hit me for the umpteenth and final time before I had pushed her down the stairs, and how all that business had come to an end only after that. We had laughed and I tried to assure her that I’m more sweet than creepy and it works despite my knife collection, shibari paintings and preserved organ specimens.
B picks up J and I and we go to a place where we can drink cocktails from a golden swan. We holler and laugh over mounting absurdities: are we meant to dress in leather for a fetish party we had been invited to tomorrow? Is B having another threesome— his second in a fortnight— with a charming gentleman that looked the splitting image of Mac DeMarco? We drink tequila in B’s jeep which has been affectionately termed the “car bar” for the evening. We go to another location: a basement speakeasy filled with smoke and hot with all the dancers sweating it out to disco. Our bartender looks like a runway model and makes us drinks: B has a Rusty Prick, J has an Apple a Day and I ask for “a fruity cocktail that is perfect for a basic bitch,” which turns out to be something sweet and delicious. We dance and are joined by a gaggle of girls, and one makes eyes at me and tells me that we should twerk together all night and make men buy us drinks. I laugh and my phone is dead, as per usual, and I cannot take her number; which is a shame because of our escalating flirtations. Her friends take J and B and I to another hidden bar within the speakeasy that is a tiny affair and there are hundreds of eucalyptus bundles handing from the ceiling. We are five rounds of tequila shots deep when we decide that it’s time to call it a night: during our hasty exit we run into B’s threesome prospects and I bend over cackling from the enjoyable stupidity of the night. We can’t leave now, so we go back in and I tell B that I am here to babysit this threesome into existence. There is a man break dancing and waving around a cane. Another man moved to me on the dance floor and holds me in his arms and whispers that he thinks I am the one for him and that I won’t ever break his heart and I laugh and agree despite knowing that none of these things are true: this is a ploy to get me, J, B and B’s potential bedfellows free alcohol. I am a lesbian and have no intention on remembering anything about this man past my letter to you. B sees this all unfold and laughs at me from across the room, and rescues me when my dance partner becomes too insistent in his necking, which may have been fine had I been awarded with the drinks I had asked for. But they never came.
B makes good progress getting to know the folks for the ménage-a-tois. J and I stumble back outside and I insist we retire for the evening. I abandon B to his machinations. J and I cackle the whole way home.
We miss you. We love you. We are happy! We promise 🥰
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for the oc asks 2 and 12 for kyle?
Thank you so much for playing the OC interview game we reblogged! We'd be delighted to answer some Kyle questions (or...er..."have Kyle answer them" lol 😂). Take care!! 💙
KYLE Answers:
2. Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
Oh definitely Zuzu (Zoey), but Mama (Hero) is a close second! 😁
Zoey has been my best friend since high school. She was a lot different back then (don't tell her, but I like her a lot better now 😂), but she was still really cool. She was the smartest kid in our class (except Gabe but he's mean), and when I had to miss school for all those knee surgeries, she would come over to my house and tutor me so I wouldn't fall behind and have to repeat a grade! We kind of knew each other before that because St. Al's (our private high school) was pretty small, but we didn't really hang out or anything until she started tutoring me. That's when we became friends, and we've been friends ever since!
I try to make sure she remembers to have fun, but that doesn't always work, especially since she hates parties. She thinks that I'm too irresponsible and I don't know when to stop or shut up sometimes and she'll always call me out on that, but I know she'll always be there for me. And that's a real friend, I think.
Hero is like that too. He's just a nice guy and takes care of people without wanting anything from them. He has a lot more patience for me and will actually go along with my ideas or what Zuzu would call my "shenanigans" sometimes. He also laughs at a lot more of my jokes! I wish he got out there a little bit more and had a little more fun instead of spending his Friday nights studying and organizing his sock drawer, but we're working on it!
12. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (on vacation or permanently!)
I've travelled a lot and always have a lot of fun visiting new places, especially meeting new people and collecting postcards to send to my friends back home!
But if you want to know where I'd like to travel...my brother, Ken, lives in Beijing right now, and I'd really like to visit him, but I think he's too busy with work and probably doesn't have time to see me. 😅 Zuzu really wants to go to Seville to see this really cool bridge there. She's always been a little disappointed that it was built after her family had moved away from Spain so she never got to see it, so maybe I'd take her there if I could even though I honestly don't know anything about bridges. I've seen pictures of this one though. It's pretty cool, I guess, for a bridge...
But...if I got to pick, I think I'd have to go with a ski trip to Vermont with my friends! My family has a ski lodge there, and I think it would be super fun to travel there together, maybe for spring break or something! I'll have to see if I can get them on board (I doubt I'd be able to convince Brandi to travel anywhere with me, but I'll try 😁)
I'm not sure where I'd like to live permanently. I'm honestly pretty happy in the city, and I liked Seaport (where I grew up) too!
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
W Rafe Cameron 💗
Series- outer banks
Summary- you’re back in the outer banks. And soon your crush on Rafe Cameron comes back too. After you see how well that boy glowed up, how he treats you like a princess, how much of a gentleman he is. Only for you.
Warnings- kissing, gotta be swearing in there too somewhere
Here I stood. Outside the airport, waiting for my car to come. The warm breeze blew my long hair around my shoulders and I shut my eyes sinking in the sun. “Holidaying?” A voice came from no where. My eyes snapped open to see who was talking to me.
“Sort of- we’re visiting people” I shrugged to the boy. He stood tally in front of me with his brown hair swept just over his eyes and tight t-shirt showing off his muscular body. He was hot, outer bank boys were something else. “Tourons” the boy giggled while shaking his head “I’ll be happy to be a guid”. His brown floppy hair shined reflecting in the sun. Because I’d lived in the outer banks a while ago I knew all the terminology they used.
“Actually I used to live here, so not a touron” my eye brow lifted while my arms folded half pissed off with the boy. “Did you now and why’d you leave” “my mother needed to move to England for her business- not that it’s any of yours” I fake smiled towards him. His dark blue eyes opened wide at my sarcasm but his lips smirked dangerously. “woah feisty, you remind me of someone”
“You have no idea- are all boys in the outer banks this arrogant still?”. His eyes trailed down me as I popped my hip scowling at him. I had a short tight purple skirt and a matching set crop top. The cut wasn’t exactly high. I was a small girl even with my sparkling white heels on the boy towered over me. “Mmm I’m not arrogant but, no one here is like me” he winked finally looked up at my eyes again.
I saw out the corner of my eye that my mother was now returning after having gone to the bathroom. “Nelly over here” Rafe shouted walking over to her a step or two. “Oh y/n! You’ve found rafe” she exclaimed. Me and- well Rafe looked at each other with confusion and a frown on our faces. “Y/n?” Rafe looked me up and down again “no way… I’m not- that’s Rafe? Like little Rafe I was friends with when I was 11?” I turned whispering to my mother.
“Yes” she laughed going in to hug the boy. He seemed to remember my mother “nice to see you again nelly” he only looked at her for a second before latching his eyes back on me. “And what do you mean little rafe?” His arms folded. “Are you serious- you were tiny” I giggled putting my hand over my mouth. Rafe was pissed but he was trying to hide it. “I’m not tiny anymore babe” “I’ll be in the car” my mothers hands flew up and she dragged her suitcase towards his jeep.
“No- I’m coming too!” I tried picking up my bag but Rafe replace my hands on the handle with his. “I’ve got it” he told me staring into my eyes. We had both bent down for the bag and were not that far away from each others faces. His blue eyes were beautiful I was stunned in thought. I can’t believe Rafe is the family we were visiting and I can’t believe how well he glowed up.
He took it to the car and put my bag in the boot. My mother had gotten in the back so the front seat next to rafe was free for me to sit in. “So how long are you guys down for again?” Rafe looked at my mother in the mirror making conversation. “Five days, we leave Friday night” “great, y/n will be around for the beach party’s there’s one tonight too, interested?” He asked raising an eyebrow taking his eyes off the road for a second.
“Um- Uh Im quite jet lagged actually I mean…” “yes of course y/n wants to go she wants to see her old friends huh” my mother wiggled her face at me. “Mum rafe was my only friend- I didn’t get on with the others” “yeah I don’t think you will have a problem with that anymore hun” rafe stated just as he pulled into the drive. I remembered the house well. I’d go here every day after school.
Rafe took our bags out the boot wheeling and carrying to the door. He turned to me “you coming” the boy grinned a shiny white smile. All i could do was nod. I hardly knew what to even think about all this. I followed Rafe into the hall way where my mother and rose where mid hug. “It’s so so lovely to see you! It’s been years” rose chuckled rubbing her back. “Is that- y/n oh how grown up you are and gorgeous!” She waddled over to hug me too. Rose was a enthusiastic woman.
Full of energy. Rafe giggled silently watching me be smothered by his mother in law. “Y/n let me show you to your room” he finally said as she started to puff out my hair. “Oh yes- I’d love to um- see where I’m staying- I’ll see you later rose” I hurried away climbing the stairs behind rafe. “I can remember where your room is” I told him smiling “prove it” Rafe nodded calmly. Automatically I walked through the halls upstairs weaving in and out until I came to rafes room at the end.
I pushed it open to see how it had changed. I walked in not waiting for his invite. None of our drawing where on the wall anymore. His baby bule walls where now all grey and grown up. His little white bed we had so many sleep overs in was gone. “It has- been eight years y/n” Rafe told me to get me responsive. “Yeah I know I just it’s a lot and-…” I stopped what I was saying when I turned. I saw on a side table behind the door Rafe had a photo of a drawing of us framed.
“There’s no way you kept that for eight years” “of course I did you were my best friend- the rest are in the attic” the boy told me watching me pick it up clutching it close with my delicate hands. “I always hoped we’d see each other again- though I can’t believe you didn’t recognise me” he shook his head jokingly “you didn’t remember me either” I widened my eyes laughing. “That’s because you got- ridiculously hot over these eight years” Rafe answered confidently. “One might say you had a glow up too Cameron” “everyone would say” he corrected me.
“Anyway- this isn’t the room your staying in but if you really want to, it can be arraigned” Rafe winked at me coming closer. “Just like old times huh” I flirted back and rafes eyes went wide. He didn’t see it coming I watched his pink cheeks turn red. I stepped forward and pushed him on the bed roughy, laughing. I ran away continuously giggling, I heard rafe laugh too and then his foot steps follow me. We thundered through the hall way until he caught me picking me up. “Rafe put me down” I hysterically laughed between his arms.
He turned us around and Sarah stood there “nice to see you again y/n- and to see you guys still acting like children when your nineteen years old” the girl chuckled under her breath. Rafe put me down staring at his sister with evil eyes, I pushed his face laughing at him “stop it rafe- it’s nice to see you too Sarah” I smiled back. “See you at dinner” she saluted us and skipped off down the stairs. “So uh- your room I guess” Rafe pointed to the one next to his.
“For easy access” the boy whispered nodding. I wondered into the room and a few seconds later rafe brought in my bag laying it on the floor. “Thanks” I nodded simply “dinner will probably be ready soon um- I don’t know if you wanna go down now or… unpack” “well- what are you doing?” I asked him confidently “probably going to head down” Rafes lips formed a smile at my question. “Alright then” I agreed walking over to the boy. “What’s for dinner?”. Now my heels were off he was even taller than me.
Rafe threw an arm over my shoulders leading me to the stairs. It was nice, comfortable with his large body size compared to me. “Hmm pork chops I think” he told me “what was the meal we would ask to have like every night as kids?” I turned to him my mouth open wide in deep thought. “Tacos” we both said at the same time. Me and rafe laughed to each other “those were the days” he told me just as we entered the dining room.
“Y/n, nice to see you” ward eyed the hand round my shoulders and his eyes slightly lit up. Rafe noticed and removed himself. “Nice to see you too, you haven’t aged a bit ward” he chuckled “always a pleasure- and I suppose you haven’t seen Wheezie since she was three” he nodded down to his brunette daughter sitting in the chair in front of him. She pushed her glasses onto her face and waved awkwardly. “No I guess I haven’t, I can’t believe it- your almost getting old wheez” I smirked at her.
“Humm is that a grey hair I see?” She pointed at me. Rafe sniggered taking out a chair. “I see where you get your humour from- or should I say who” I looked at rafe and he nodded to the chair. Had he just pulled a chair out for me? Since when was he a gentleman too? I took a seat and he took one next to me. After about ten minutes of talk and catching up Rafe started playing footsie with me under the table. He was such a child but it matched my personality so well. “So y/n what are you doing now school has just finished?” “I’m still deciding what university to go to”
Ward nodded while stuffing his face with pork. “Staying in education, good” he told me “Rafe is doing business in the uni here, have you looked here?” “I uh- I never thought about going to uni abroad” I admitted shrugging almost. “Well if you like the one here your welcome to stay with us” rose offered up before ward could. Rafe chocked on what ever he was eating. He looked at me looking at him “well we should really be getting to that party- it started five minutes ago” he glanced at his watch while announcing.
“Mmh of course” ward nodded for us to go “you will take care of her wont you rafe- you know she’s had a hard time with some of the people there” my mum raised her eyebrows “mum! I’ll be fine” I shook my head almost embarrassed. “I’ll be with her the whole night” Rafe admitted getting up first. My mother nodded at him. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t” Wheezie shouted as walked down the hall. But Rafe just winked at me. “Are we going like this?” “What’s wrong with what you have on”
“Is It- beach party’s style?” I looked at myself in the mirror. Rafe joined me. I stared at us both in the mirror, we looked like a hot couple right now. “Don’t over think it, you look gorgeous another reason why I’ll have to stay with you every second” Rafe held the door open for me. I had to hide the smile he gave me as I walked outside. Rafe soon followed passing me a helmet hesitating. “Is that- okay?” Rafe asked checking first. “All of the boys in England have bikes rafe I’ll be fine”
“The boys in England don’t drive like me babe” he walked off inhaling sharply. I squeezed one eye at him confused about the change in attitude. I held onto rafes waist as he sped off towards the beach. I already felt nervous but when I heard the music my stomach became a washing machine. Round and round and round. Rafe stopped the bike and I really didn’t want him to. “Rafe I- Im not sure actually” “are you still worried you won’t get on with any of them?” He turned to me softly.
“Yes- no… I just have bad memories from them all they made my life hell they all did… apart from you” “y/n if anyone says anything I swear I won’t be able to walk away… if you know what I mean” Rafe shook his gorgeous head sternly. “Don’t mean it won’t hurt the same” he opened his mouth to say something but some people started spotting us. “Rafe is that you?” I looked round at who was coming up the stone steps. “Is that topper Thornton” I whispered to rafe.
“It is you? Who’s this a touron” he widened his eyes looking at me. A few people came running after topper with drinks in there hands. I remembered each one of them and how they spoke to me, treated me. kelce smith. Aaron Rowe. Layton slater. David white. “Um no, remember I said a family was coming to stay with me” Rafe got up to put our helmets away. “You remember y/n” Rafe nodded to me. “Fuck off” topper raised his eyebrow laughing.
I stood there awkwardly wanting to leave so desperately. “Y/n y/l/n? From middle school” David pointed out frowning “yea” i nodded really not thinking I’d overly changed that much. “Shit y/n- I said some things back then that were out of line I guess I didn’t think I’d ever see you again” kelce told me straight. “I didn’t ever think I’d be back in the outer banks” “best place to be” topper shouted out. “You got fucking hot” Layton blurted. “You have no game” topped slapped his face.
“You had a serious glow up gorgeous” Aaron raised his eye brows. I saw Rafe roll his eyes after I laughed feeling a bit more comfortable. “So when did you guys become friends with Rafe?” I asked smiling. “Wanna come get a drink with me?” Kelce asked me putting his head to the side. “I’ll catch you up on the last few years” “I’ve got your next drink” topper winked at me. “Sure y…” “we will be over in a second” Rafe cut in signalling for them to leave.
I felt a lot calmer and more welcome than I had five minutes ago. The boys all stumbled away whispering while rafe scowled. “Look If you want me to take you home I will- maybe this wasn’t a good idea” Rafe admitted coming close to me. “Eh we’re here now might as well see how it goes, plus I did just promise kelce I’d get a drink with him” “fuck kelce” Rafe shrugged putting his hands on my waist. “What’s that supposed to mean” “what there doing now is worse there looking at you like your meat y/n”
“Well…” I started “I shouldn’t have braught you” Rafe cut in waffling while staring into my eyes. “Will you let me talk? What’s gotten into you where’s cocky rafe gone?” I questioned with half a smile. “Look I just don’t like how they were looking at you and talking to you- you can do so much better like- because- it’s just…. If you have your eye on one of the boys over there can yo…” And with that I lifted my head towards rafes lips and pressed them together. Holding his head my way. He didn’t pull away he pulled me closer.
I don’t think even I realised what I’d done before we were both at it for a few seconds. It was just like I’d imagined it to be. The boy had been my whole life and I don’t care… it was fate we met again. “I do have my eye on one of the boys rafe, but he’s not standing over there” I whispered still holding his face close. He looked at me In utter shock before smiling and kissing me quickly.
“Just- promise me you won’t leave me tonight” I looked up sceptically at the boy. “I don’t want us apart ever again y/n trust me I’m not leaving your side”. I smiled warmly and hugged him tight. “Let’s go then”. He took my hand tightly, gently. “Just to be clear..” Rafe stopped us a second “yes! it’s you rafe” his face relaxed when he heard me say that. I knew him too well.
“I guess we better have a conversation about where this leaves us huh?” “We will do it in our room, when we get back” I looked up winking at rafe. We were reunited by fate and we wouldn’t be separated that’s for sure. Not again.
Mastlist❤️ for more like this❤️
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hotsexydorks · 2 years
😈 Generic Plot Ideas 😈
Generic | Incest | Cheating/Cuck | Hypno  
He called it community service. They called him Glory Hole Whore.
“Shit! Sorry Coach! I didn’t think anyone was here..” “Don’t worry about that, why don’t you come join me, nothing about a shower between men.”
“Think he’ll notice?”  “Bro that slut? He’s been eyeing up your bulge since you walked in the door.”
“What did I say? If I find you near my daughter one more time. I'd show you what happens when real men are in charge.” 
“So still want to complain about me and my guys moving into your apartment complex? Me and my boys can leave and find somewhere else to live …. no? That’s what I thought.” 
“This one's good boys, come on in!! Hope you guys like parties, cause you’re about to be the center of one.”
Turns out you didn’t need to do anything to turn your arrogant boss into cock hungry slut. He already was one, all you needed to do was drop your pants. The boss had a reputation for ‘guiding’ the young new interns.
“You’d do anything for that promotion eh?” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll use a condom…not.”
“Told ya I used a condom… never said it had to stay on.”  
“You don’t need to be ashamed here son, the team locker room should be a place you can be to feel free. Now why don’t you drop that towel.”
Your pledge night task tonight determines if you’re sorted into either the cock hungry frat or join the Alpha stud brotherhood.
“What do you say, partner? Want to make this stakeout a little more lively?”
Doctor Smith was great for house visits, he always had the best remedy for your morning afflictions
Coach always loves when he gets progression pics from his athletes. This wasn’t any exception
“ALRIGHT MEN! Listen up. We’ve got new management. As you know the company has been bought by a larger global conglomerate, and with this will come some changes. First! Uniforms. Please look at Brent over here as our example. Secondly, following the new uniform policies all employees will be sorted into new jobs and assignments.”
When your neighbours asked if you could look after their sick son for the day you were happy to oblige. You knew just what the patient.slut needed.
“Come now Mr.Carson. Your rich parents are paying for you to raise your grades from these extra lessons. The least you could do is read some of the book while you’re down there.”
“Hey dude, could you help me? Think anyone will notice I’m freeballin today?”
You were so glad when your mother suggested that the family hire a pool boy for the summer, she just didn’t know how much fun the pool would bring you.
Those clothes, that mirror, the phone, that school bag. Looks like mister popular quarterback had a few secrets of his own. What would he think once he knew that he has been lusting after his teacher’s tasty cock for the last week. Only one way to find out, Friday night’s game couldn’t come quick enough.
“So I heard that you gay guys make the best cock suckers. Since we’re going to be roommates this year why don’t we start off things right and see if that myth is true or not.”
“This is how you nail a job interview”
“I told you before, boy, if you fail at that competition, there will be consequences. And don’t think you’ll be finished once Principal Martin is done. The entirety of the staff and school board are next.”
“Where do you think you’re going slut, you don’t get to hide. I want you looking into these cameras, we’re going to make sure you really make an impression with those scholarship reviewers.”
“Remember, you might be the straight married conservative senator now but, you’ll always be that little cop cock slut.”
“Working from home is great, all your own food, your own music and your very own cock sucker during meetings.” 
“Step one - tell your straight guy friends that gay guys do it better.   Step two - work them up until their so horny they’re dumb and curious Step three - Reap all the hard cocks.”
“Time to get dressed for work as the office sissy. Fitted shirt, nice tie and my tiny thong. Check.”
“Hey Fag, my food’s here, you know what that means! Time for you to enjoy your meal of my cock. On your knees while I eat bitch.”
Coach started giving us these specialised protein blends for our workouts. Now my ass is too big for my pants.
“You want to be on the team fag? We’ve got the perfect position for you, now open up. You’re going to be our new ball boy.”
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ronni-right · 2 years
truth or dare? + daemyra (in case you are still interested in prompts), modern or not it’s up to you
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Fandom: House of the Dragon
Pairing(s): Daemon Targaryen x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Warning: rating T, Rhaenyra is 19, Daemon is 21, University, University Party, Rhaenyra and Daemon are barely related 
Headcanon: Rhaenyra and Daemon both attend same King's Landing Royal University 
Author’s note: Dear, hope you like it <3 English isn’t my native language. Prompts you can send me in Asks.  
Word Count: 1834
Going to the party wasn’t her first choice on how to spend Friday evening. After the last two weeks being full of tests, seminars and long cheerleader practices, all she wanted was to stay at her dorm room, with a bottle of wine and some funny comedy on her laptop screen, alone, cuddling with a big dragon plush toy.  Actually, a frat party at Nu Alpha Kappa house wasn’t on her list, but here she is, in a dorm room, full of drunk students, with a party in full swing, blasting music, not pleasant smells and some guys and girls making out over different surfaces. 
“You look like you swallow lemon,” Laena screams into her ear. They are standing in the middle of the chaos, with people all around them dancing and pushing them slightly, with red cups full of beer she doesn’t know how appeared in their hands. “Tomorrow is Saturday, we have no assignments or cheerleader practices, so just relax and have fun, Nyra.” Laena pokes her lightly, looking around the crowd.
Rhaenyra guesses she probably looks for her brother. Laenor is there too, being a member of Nu Alpha Kappa fraternity. So he always invites them to Nu Alpha Kappa’s parties and they always go. Rhaenyra just stands there, holding Laena’s hand. She takes a sip from her cup, enjoying the beer taste. Not her preferred choice of a drink, but will do too. With Nu Alpha Kappa fraternity members being wealthy heirs, like of them are wealthy heirs, it's no surprise that they have expensive drinks. Other houses have far less tasty drinks, with beer tasting like donkey piss. And Daemon, fraternity president, is famous for throwing the most luxurious parties.
Her heart starts beating faster when she thinks of Daemon. He is the president of the fraternity, the best student in his class, the captain of the football team, the playboy, the heir to a private security company, and her distant, very distant, relative. He seems to be her distant uncle. And it's funny as he's only a few years older than her. 
There is no family resemblance between them. Rhaenyra is a small blonde with blue eyes, Daemon is a tall brown-haired man with green eyes. What only resemblance they share is their surname. 
“Did we come here just to stand in the middle of a living room? We could do it in our dorm.” Rhaenyra asks with irritation. Mostly she almost shouts because music is loud. Good that no one pays them any attention. 
“Laenor said he would meet us in the living room!” 
But before Rhaenyra suggests go look for him, they both catch him standing at the stairs and the next moment Laena drags her to him, waving at him and splashing beer all over the place. Laena isn’t even drunk yet, but behaves like she is. But at the very least, no one who gets splashed by the beer seems not to notice that they've been soaked with it.
“We have our own private party on the third floor.” Laenor tells them when they reach him. 
Private party means less music, less people and more pleasant smells, so Rhaenyra is eager to reach the third floor and a room with said party. Not that she plans to stay there long, maybe just half an hour or so, and then she will sneak out and return to her own dorm room. She dreams about her bed and yawns. But Rhaenyra keeps moving, following Laena and Laenor up the stairs. 
She knows the fraternity house well. This is the largest house on campus, but it isn't filled with a lot of fraternity members. Being a member of Nu Alpha Kappa is a privilege. And every boy wants to pledge to them. But the house has strict criterias.  So the Nu Alpha Kappa house has the smallest number of members. 
They go up to the third floor, and almost immediately turn left, entering the living room. Rhaenyra is glad it’s a living room and not some boy's room. She notices Daemon immediately. He sits on the floor, leaning against the sofa, and other people sit on the floor too. Daemon's eyes set on her and she looks away from him, licking her suddenly dry lips. Rhaenyra can’t say they are friends, but they are hanging out in the same circle. They were friends once, when they were children, but they drifted apart through the years.
“Hey everybody,” Laena greets everyone loudly. 
 Rhaenyra just waves with quiet: 
“Hey.” She isn’t shy by any means, but not today. Today she is tired and sleepy and has no mood for partying. But it was impossible to say no to Laena so Rhaenyra tagged with her. 
Laenor goes to sit with his boyfriend Joffrey. And Laena and her are greeted with various hey. People are already tipsy as far as she sees it. 
“We are playing Truth or Dare.” Arwen Strong, Harwin’s sister, tells them. “Wanna join?” 
“Of course!” And Laena moves too, going to sit between Harwin and Daemon. It was predictable, with Laena having a crush on Harwin. Rhaenyra knows she should move too, to sit somewhere but she continues to stand. She knows it’s stupid but her body feels heavy as well as her eyelids. 
“Care to join us, princess?” Deep voice wakes her a little bit up. Of course it’s Daemon. Only he calls her princess. And too bad it makes her feel things, like tingling on her skin, warmth in her belly and wetness in her underwear. 
“I was looking for the best seat,” Rhaenyra chirps and moves too. There is a place between Laena and Daemon, so she goes there, takes a pillow from the couch, places it on the ground and  flops on it, leaning against the sofa, the same pose Daemon is in. She doesn’t see him smirking and checking her out. 
“It was Daemon's turn but as you joined, ladies,” Harwin says, and Rhaenyra looks at him. It will be Laena's turn, then hers. Harwin stares at Laena, mostly his eyes are on her tits, as she wears a low-cut shining top. Laena has a nice pair of tits, so she can understand Harwin. Somebody coughs, intentionally, and finally Harwin asks: “So, Laena,” he finally looks at Laena’s face “what’s your biggest turn on?” 
Well. Is this a spicy truth or dare game or is it just Harwin wants to know what Laena likes? But knowing games played at parties, it’s probably first, mixed with second. Harwin likes Laena. Laena likes Harwin. And it’s sad they play with each other and flirt but no one makes the first move. 
“Strong man.” Laena murmurs, leaning more into Harwin while telling him that, and Harwin chuckles, his cheeks turning pink, and they look at each other far too long. 
See, it’s obvious flirting. People erupt into giggles and whistles. And Rhaenyra cackles too. She really loves Laena, and she wants to be as brave as Laena is too. Not that she isn’t brave, she is brave but not with the boys she likes. Okay, it’s just Daemon she likes, she flirts with him every time they are hanging together, and he flirts back, but everyone knows Daemon’s reputation. He flirts with every girl he talks to. Rhaenyra turns to look at him, and she is stunned because he looks at her already. Daemon winks at her, and she turns from him. Why is he looking at her? Does she have something on her face? But she gets distracted. 
“Truth or dare?” Laena asks her with a dangerous glint in her brown eyes. 
Oh. It’s her turn. Rhaenyra doesn’t feel like answer questions and she knows that Laena won’t make her do stupid things so she says: 
And Laena smiles like a Devil.
“Kiss Daemon.” 
What the fuck? She hears some whistles and some people shout “do it, do it” and she is gonna kill Laena. While Laena has crush on Harwin, she has crush on Daemon, and Laena knows about it. What a shitty friend Laena is! Rhaenyra can say no and walk away. But firstly, this might be her only chance to kiss Daemon. Secondly, if she leaves, everyone will definitely think that she is in love with Daemon. Thirdly, someone might think that she is a coward. She can’t risk it all. 
Of course Rhaenyra imagined their first kiss. She imagined it would be after their first date. Or under the school bleachers after her cheerleading practice and his football practice before he asks to go on a date with him, or on the football field after their team won. But definitely not like that, at a party and only because her friend made her such a dare.
She is brave, all right? So Rhaenyra doesn’t think much about anything but his soft looking lips when she straddles him, his big palms find their way to her ass fast, and she kisses him. It’s a little bit rushed, and she doesn’t plan to make it more than just pressing on his lips. But Daemon surprises her, as he kisses her back, making it hot, and needy, and wild, like him. His lips are soft, but his kisses are not. She does register opening her mouth, and how their tongues meet and how she moans at that. 
She doesn’t register the audience at all, deepening their kiss, moving her hands into his hair. But then she hears a loud voice:
“Get a room, you too!” And she stops immediately, looking at Daemon with big stunned eyes. 
Oh gosh. What got into her? Her face is all red, and she tries to move from Daemon, but he just smirks, still holding her.
“Don’t be jealous cause I have a gorgeous thing like Rhaenyra on my lap.” Daemon tells a boy who stopped them. 
She is flattered by that, but she slaps his hands anyway and proceeds to move back to her place, face still red from what she did. Laena shows her thumbs up and Rhaenyra shoves her a little with her leg. It’s her turn to ask:
“Truth or dare?” She avoids looking at Daemon, and she looks at his neck, with a silver chain around it.
She knows the question must be spicy but she has enough spice today. 
“What is your favorite fruit?” It’s simple and the first thing that comes to mind. 
She dares to look at him. He looks at her lips, and licks his, and tells: 
“Right now it’s peaches.” 
Her lip balm tastes like peaches. And Rhaenyra turns away from him fast. Of course he is teasing her. And Daemon will tease her until he graduates. She looks at Laena, angry at her, and angry at herself. And she doesn’t expect Daemon take her hand in his, intervening their fingers while asking Erryk:
“Truth or dare?”
Well. As Daemon caresses her palm gently, maybe instead of trashing Laena, she will thank her.
Night will tell. 
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laresearchette · 1 year
Friday, October 13, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 7:00pm: Lions vs. Ti-Cats (TSN/TSN3) 10:00pm: Roughriders vs. Stamps
MONSTER HIGH 2 (YTV) 7:00pm: As they enter sophomore year at Monster High, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura and Frankie Stein face new students, new powers, and an even bigger threat that could not only tear their friendship apart but could change the world forever.
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:30pm: Penguins vs. Capitals
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN2) 7:30pm: Heat vs. Spurs (TSN2) 10:00pm: Warriors vs. Lakers
BE MY VALENTINE (Super Channel Heart & Home) 7:30pm: A widowed firefighter (William Baldwin) asks a florist (Natalie Brown) to be his date for a Valentine's Day ball.
THE MULE (CTV2) 8:00pm: Broke and facing foreclosure on his business, a 90-year-old horticulturist takes a job as a drug courier for a Mexican cartel. His immediate success leads to easy money and a larger shipment that soon draws the attention of a hard-charging DEA agent.
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF JERSEY (Slice) 8:00pm: A Grave Concern
THE VERY VERY BEST OF THE 80s (AXS Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): We're ranking EPIC MOVIES OF 1987. From tear-jerking to side-splitting, find out what made our list as Jodie Sweetin, Tia Carrere, Morgan Fairchild, and more give us their opinions!
PLANET WONDER (CBC) 8:30pm: Johanna dives into how climate change is messing with the motion of the ocean.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 8:30pm: Joshua Hill, alongside friends and family, orchestrates a massive lacrosse stick giveaway to help kids in the community and remind us of the importance of giving back.
BIG NEWS (CBC) 9:00pm: Unpacking the media's role in polarization and its effects on democracy.
TRANSPLANT (CTV) 9:00pm: When a sinkhole traps a man beneath the city street, Bash dives in.
THE DROP (Crave) 9:00pm: A married couple face a marriage test when one of them drops a baby during an island wedding.
DEATH OF THE PARTY (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): After a night of partying, a young California woman disappears; the police and her parents scour the area around her abandoned car, but there is no trace of Denise; three long years pass without a single clue to the mystery.
W5 (CTV) 10:00pm: Who Killed Sonia?: A 50-year-old cold case murder is blown open by new scientific evidence.
CRIME BEAT (Global) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): A sexual predator on the loose in the 1970s and 1980s; two little girls are attacked by the "Southwest Calgary Rapist" while riding their bikes one hot sunny day; homicide investigators were on the trail for a killer.
MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT (Slice) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): In Denver, 10 singles take the plunge to marry strangers, sight unseen in two weeks; among them, an inexperienced bride questions her decision, while a groom's girthy secret shocks everyone; the countdown to the weddings is on.
MYSTERIES OF THE ABANDONED: HIDDEN AMERICA (Cottage Life) 10:00pm: A curiously designed, windowless building adorned with gold tinted diamond shapes now stands derelict in Tulsa; experts investigate and uncover a controversial religious figure and the headquarters behind a pioneering form of American TV evangelism.
STELLAR (Crave) 10:35pm: A man and a woman meet in a bar as catastrophe looms outside.
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wynterlanding · 1 year
Cult Classics ! Weird Wishes From The Underground !
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Cabin retreats gone wrong! Our muses venture to an isolated hideaway in a beautiful forest retreat equipped with a killer local legend. Said killer may or may not have offed some teens the following year. Hence why filming a documentary / camping in this little lakeside vacation spot may prove to be more than bargained for. Consider our masked cryptid to be more real than you EVER imagined. And they're stalking our muses right now! They might be donning a hockey mask OR an old sack over their head. Hell they might even be the least expected person to be said murderer. Let's see if our muses can survive in time to find out!
themes: Friday the 13th. Sleepaway Camp.
Life's a party! Then you die! Or in this case our muses are faced with death in every direction. A night gone wrong to say the least. We start with a rather normal morning that leads up to an unexpected incident at the local mortuary. Anybody ask for some acid rain? Our muses sure didn't. Nor did their friends (npcs who are sure to kick the bucket in no time!) but when a chemical disaster resurrects the dead WHILE our muses are attending a party / attempting to get to said party their detoured with a little shambling monster problem.
themes: Return of the Living Dead. Dawn of the Dead. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things.
Our muses move into a new beautiful colonial home. We might be having a great time to start. Hell, it's probably our dream home. Come on! The only bad thing is there's a cemetery a hop, skip and jump away from our newly owned piece of land. That's fine though cause nothing bad will ever. Except when an unlikely accident occurs ending the life of one of our muses (or their family members). It's still OKAY THOUGH because we're told about the special spot in the cemetery that totally is not part of some ancient burial. No, it's totally not a place to bury your recently deceased love one to bring them back to life. The thing is that is exactly what happens. One muse ultimately dies and comes back - the wrong way.
themes: Pet Semetary. Sometimes They Come Back. The Monkeys Paw
Our muses receive complimentary tickets to a lavish movie theater in order to view a mysterious film screening! Sounds like a great time, right? Especially with the promotion being an odd mix of intrigue and hidden repercussions for both muses and fellow movie going patrons in attendance. The film in question is a horror fare focusing on a relic in the form of a mask, discovered among the ruins of a city following a demonic kind of disaster. Funny how that prop in the lobby looks exactly like said mask. The company who made that must be authentic. Or maybe it's the real thing. More real than our muses or anyone inside the theater expect. When one one unfortunate patron dons our grotesque prop they get quite a scratch on their face. Oh wait. Looks like it's become infected. They're not themself! They've scratched another patron! Looks as though our muses are trapped with survivors as a horde of demons run amok. Weird how there are no more doors leading to an exit, huh? Can our muses escape or will be turned next?!
themes: Demoni. Night of the Demons.
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