#and only two people have to be closing managers on the reg … leaving the older men to open all the time instead having to do something hard
ierogenvy · 1 year
y’know it’s so weird … there’s a lot of women that work at my job … but 99% of the time i’m the only non-man at opening … and it’s all non men closing …
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dumb-gryffindor · 3 years
Happy Birthday
Based on the headcannon that Sirius ran away on Reggie's birthday
Sirius stared at the open trunk in front of him. He had already packed everything he needed, arranged everything with James and was ready to leave this shitty excuse of a family. He didn’t care about getting disowned or burned from the stupid family tree, he only cared about being finally free, about finally finding a loving and happy family. 
But yet, there was something stopping him. Something that had had him hesitating about his decision for the past 20 minutes. Why couldn't he leave? It was as easy as going through the door, and if he was lucky, he would do that unnoticed. This wasn't just a silly prank like the ones he always did at Hogwarts, this was going to define his future, so he took the time to make a Plan B, and a Plan C and a Plan D, although he hoped that he wouldn't have to recur to those.
"Come on, Sirius. It has been your dream to leave since you were 11, so just fucking do it" He told himself. With a slightly shaky breath, he closed the trunk and was ready to grab his wand, which was lying on the ground, but then he heard a knock on the door.
"Sirius," A voice said on the other side of the door. Sirius' heart suddenly dropped to the ground, "Mother says you should come down. We are about to eat the cake" Regulus said, and Sirius noted sadness in his voice.
Silence. Suddenly he didn't know what to say, so he just stood there, in the middle of his now empty room (except for the wall decorations, purposely left there). He knew Regulus was still there, and Sirius had the urge to at least do something, to let his brother know that he was there, like he always did. He rushed towards the door, but stopped himself before grabbing the doorknob. After a second or two of hesitating, he finally opened it.
Regulus' eyes lit up when he saw his brother, although his expression stayed the same. He had barely come out of his room for the entire day, only early in the morning before everyone else was awake to wish Regulus a happy birthday. He had missed his birthday lunch and dinner—neither brother ever got to have a birthday party, so a family dinner was as far as they got—and had spent the entire day packing his stuff.
So, that was what was keeping Sirius from leaving. His brother. His little brother (Not so little anymore, though. He was already fourteen). He couldn't just leave him. Not when he had spent his entire life protecting him, trying to guide him into the right path instead of the one that his parents wanted him to go through. Yes, things had gotten quite difficult now that Voldemort was becoming more powerful everyday, but Sirius had never stopped loving or caring for his little brother, and was sure Regulus felt the same. 
"Reggie" Sirius said, trying to smile, although he found it quite hard. He wanted to say a million more things to him, but he didn't have the courage to say them. "Come with me, let's leave this house together" "Don't stay" "I'm sorry. For everything"  "Happy Birthday" "I love you".
"So… are you coming or not?" Regulus asked, and Sirius snapped back to reality, and looked at his brother in the eyes. He couldn't leave him behind, but how was he going to tell him? He was aware of the fact that Regulus had been manipulated by his parents to always be against his brother, so it was expected for him to react badly to the proposal. But instead, Sirius did what he best knew what to do: Fuck things up.
"I’m leaving" Sirius said, and Regulus looked at him in confusion.
"What?" He asked
"I'm leaving," Sirius repeated.
"What?" Regulus asked now in disbelief. Sirius felt a pang of pain in his heart as he watched his brother realize that it was not a joke, and that he was actually leaving, “W...Where? Why?”
“Well, it was obvious that at one point I would finally get fed up with our parents' bullshit, and that moment is now.” Sirius said, “I’m going to...to James’ ”
“Of course you are” Regulus muttered, his eyes flashing with anger, but his voice flooded by disappointment.
“Co...Come with me, Reg. We can live together and have a life of our own,” The oldest brother suggested, grabbing his little brother by the shoulders, but Regulus quickly shook him off.
“Are you… are you out of your mind?” Regulus said, angrily, “We wouldn't last two seconds outside before having hundreds of aurors looking for us… and...and you can't just leave like that!”
“Yes I can.” Sirius replied dryly, “And I swear we will be safe at James’ house with his family. We can have the life we always wanted, Reggie…”
“The life you always wanted, just because you were too blinded by your ego to realize that our parents only wanted us to be safe and successful!” Regulus interrupted him, and Sirius noted his eyes glimmering with tears. One part of Sirius wanted to scream to his little brother, to make him finally realize the truth, to wake him up from whatever their parents had poisoned Regulus mind with, but the other half wanted to stay just for him, wanted to go downstairs and finally act like the rightful heir of the Black family, just for Regulus.
“Reggie, please…”
“Don't call me that.”
“...Just, think about it. A life away from mother and father. You wouldn't have to be stressed all the time, you wouldn't have to carry such pressure over your shoulders. You wouldn't have to become them, you wouldn't have to join the Dark Lord! Think about it!” Regulus stayed quiet for a few seconds, seeming to have an internal war with himself. Sirius suddenly felt a flash of hope that maybe he had managed to convince his brother with that last idea, but then Regulus stood up straighter and his jaw clenched.
“You don't know anything about what I want” He answered.
“For fuck sake, Regulus!” Sirius snapped, starting to lose patience, “Wake up! Cant you realize you are being fucking manipulated by them?!”
“I'm perfectly capable of realizing when someone is using me, and that would not be the case in here!” His brother answered back, “You always talk about mother and father like they are the fucking devil himself, when everything they always wanted was just for us to be safe and to know what is best for us!”
“That's what they want you to think! They just want you to become like them, they just want you to lead you to a path that will make you unhappy. It's not too late to change everything. Just come with me! We can be happy with James and his family, we can form a new family!”
“Oh, its always about fucking James!” Regulus snapped, “James this, James that, James told me this…You seem to prefer him as your brother better than me!” Regulus shouted, pronouncing James’ name like it was poison, and Sirius said nothing for the next few seconds. Regulus was panting with anger, his fist clenched and a storm being unleashed in his grey eyes. Sirius’ blood was boiling by this point, and he didn’t see the point on continuing arguing, not when Regulus was this reluctant to open his fucking eyes for just one time.
“Fine,” Sirius managed to say, “Then stay the fuck alone in this house” He stormed back into his room, grabbed his wand and quickly casted a levitation charm on his trunk, not caring about the fact that he would most likely get a warning from the ministry. The ministry could suck his dick. He went out of his room again, his trunk following him floating a few inches from the ground, Regulus just standing there. He snapped back to reality once his older brother was already a few steps down the stairs.
“Sirius, please!” He said, grabbing his brother's wrist, but Sirius quickly let go, not bothering to look back, “Please, think about it!” His voice was now almost like a whisper, pain managing to creep through it.
“I’ve already thought plenty about this, Regulus, '' Sirius simply replied. His brother followed him down the other three flights of stairs, saying things that Sirius chose to ignore, as much as it hurted his heart deep down. He could hear the voices of his family members—ex family members— in the dining room, and that somehow encouraged him to leave faster. He reached the entrance hall and opened the front door. Rain was pouring outside, but that didn't stop him.
Sirius started walking quickly towards the sidewalk, his hair getting wet and falling over his shoulders due to the rain, his clothes getting soaked wet. “Wait!” Regulus called for him. Sirius stopped on his track and turned around to face him, surprised to see that he was running after him. He stopped, and both brothers looked in the eye. 
“Please. You can't leave… You can't leave me” Regulus pleaded, his voice low and looking down to his feet. Sirius' expression softened a little, realizing this was his last chance to save his little brother.
“Then come with me, Reg” Sirius answered, this time in a softer tone, “I promise, everything we’ll do, we will do it together. I’ll never leave you alone, Reg. I swear”
“Then don’t leave!” Regulus shouted back. They were both now soaking wet, and Regulus had started to shiver a little, so he hugged himself in an attempt to cover his arms from the cold. Sirius felt the impulse to hug him and protect him from the cold, to protect him from the world, but he remained on his spot, looking at his brother.
“I have to, Regulus! I don't want to keep living on like this. I want to be free and to be whoever the fuck I want and to be surrounded by the people i love!” Sirius answered, and Regulus stared back, his eyes reflecting the moment his heart shattered, begging him to stay.
“Stay for me. I need you” He whispered, the sound of his voice slowly fading away with the pouring rain. Those words hit Sirius like a trainwreck.
“I won't stay, I’ve already told you that!” Sirius managed to say, although he hated himself. Of course the last thing he wanted was to leave his little brother behind, but he was just so tired and the only thing that he wanted to do was arrive to the Potter’s, where he knew he would always be welcomed, “If you so desperately want to be with me, then just fucking come with me!”
“I can't, Sirius. I can't!” Regulus shouted, “I cant.” He repeated himself, this time in a lower voice. Maybe he was waiting for Sirius to keep insisting, but he didn't. He made a decision, one that he would later come to regret the prior years. One that the cold and lonely cell in Azkaban would make him hate himself for. But the past can’t be undone, and with just three simple words, Regulus life was ruined forever.
“Then I'm sorry” Sirius said, “I really am, Reggie”
A sob escaped from Regulus lips, and a tear fell from his eyes, although it mixed with the raindrops that were falling down his cheeks. The brothers locked eyes for one last time. One last time, and they both understood that this was the end of it. Of everything.
“Happy birthday” Sirius said, and started walking away from the house, from his childhood, from his suffering, from his brother.
Soo, this is my first time writing a one shot (can you call it like that?) and i'm quite happy w it :) English isnt my first language so there may be some mistakes.
Hope you liked it :)
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Happy Pride Month everyone! Whether you queer or questioning, closeted or out, I am so proud of you, you are valid and perfect! Remember that you never have to come out if you don’t want to. You’re not lying to anyone if you don’t. You don’t owe them to come out. Only do it if you want to. Also remember that labels can stay forever or can change and both is perfectly normal. You're fantastic the way you are. <3
So, I managed to write a pride fic for the first day of pride month! yay me. I hope you like it :)
Thank you for the idea @moonofthenight
Characters by @lumosinlove
When Pascal came into their living room it had never looked more colourful, but it had also not looked this messy in a long time. There was tape on all four sides of the table, paper and little paper cut outs all over the floor and in the middle of everything, all his four children, looking like deer in the headlights.
“What happened?”, he asked slowly. There would be a reasonable explanation for all of this, he was sure. Celeste had probably helped and they would clean everything back up in no time, leaving no trace of a mess before the team came over for dinner tonight.
Adele shuffled over looking at the floor. “Um,” she stared before glazing back at her siblings, who nodded at her encouragingly. “So, we decided to make some things for the others. You know, since you’re having that Pride Party tonight? We thought we’d make little gifts for the team.”
Oh, Pascal’s heart was already a puddle. “You-”, he stared, but couldn’t continue. He had questioned a lot if he should have raised his children differently, more open to the rainbow or attractions and genders (or lack thereof) that was out there, but this made him feel like he and Celeste had at least done some things right.
Pascal only realised he hadn’t properly said anything yet when Katie rushed towards him, hugging his hip. “Please don’t be mad. I promise, we’ll clean it all up. Mama said she’d help us!”, the big eyes of his youngest daughter stared up at him, guilty, but hopeful.
“I’m not mad, mon chou.”, picking her up, he turned towards the other three, still standing in front of him. “Not at any of you. This is an incredible idea! The team will love them. Thank you so much, it’s really thoughtful.” Leaning down, he placed a kiss on each of his childrens’ foreheads, including Katie’s before setting her down to get back to the others. Celeste walked through the door the next moment, flowers of all colours in her hand.
“You found our little pride squad then?”she asked, walking past him and into the kitchen, probably to cut off the ends of the stems. “Don’t worry, I’ll help them clean up and we’ll be done before any of your teammates even leave their houses.”
His wife knew him too well. He hated when other people visited them and their house was messy. Of course there had been times where he couldn’t really keep it clean with four toddlers running around, but he still always tried and his family knew that and helped him. It wasn’t really that it bothered him that visitors could see that they were possibly not clean people, it was just the principle. He thought it should that they were prepared and anticipated someone’s visit. He never wanted them to think it was a bad time to visit because he would eventually excuse the mess. He always wanted everyone to feel welcome.
And that’s what tonight would be about. Making his team feel always welcomed and loved and accepted.
Celeste returned back to their dining room without the flowers, kissing Pacal’s cheek and then turning towards their children. “Did you show him what you made already?” they shook their heads but quickly climbed up onto chairs and sorted through the things they had made. “They’re all really cute, I already saw some of them.” Celeste whispered giddily into his ear, as excitement bloomed in his chest and they walked over to look at the crafts.
“Here!” Katie waved a piece of paper in the air and Pascal walked around the table to look at what she had made. SHe beamed up at him as she explained, “This is for Tremzy! And Harzy and Knutty! It’s a card and I drew Lo, Leo and Finn on the front, see!” The man took the card in his hands. There were three stick figures on it, the smallest with brown hair, the next one with bright red hair and the last, taller than the other with yellow hair. In the back there were blue, red and black dots. “Why did you use those colours, ma petite?” He did have an idea, but with the many coloured pens on the table it could have just been a coincidence.
He could see Katie look over to Adele and Marc, before her eyes met his again. “Del and Marc said that those are the colours when you have more than one love and Logan has Finn and Leo, so they said I should use those. They look good together right?” Pascal could see that he wasn’t the only one close to tears after glazing over at Celeste smiling brightly. “Yes, Katie, it looks beautiful. Lo, Leo and Finn will love it! Adele, Marc, thank you for helping your sister. I know that this will mean a lot to Logan.” then as if he couldn’t help but to add, “I’m also very proud of you for looking up pride flag colours. I’m really happy you're informing yourself about these topics. They’re important.”
They all smiled at him. Pascal went over to Louis next. “I made two! This one is a card for Olli and Del and Marc also helped me with colours, so it's black, grey, white and this really nice purple that Katie gave me. It didn’t really match the photo, but I liked it better than the really dark one. Do you think he’ll mind?” The fact that his youngest son actually looked concerned staring down at his work had a tear spilling over. He let out a wet chuckle. “Non, je pense qu’il va l'adorer, c’est parfait. For who is the green one?” Louis pulled it out from under his other one and now Pascal could see it was not just green. There were black, grey, white and purple stripes on it too. “It’s for Reg! See, it’s got these stripes and then I drew this heart above it, cause even though he doesn’t want a boyfriend like Siri, he still gets all the love he needs from me and Siri and you and Re and the rest of the team!” Celeste came over and placed a kiss on his cheek, “He loves you too, mon lapinou. They look amazing.”
He walked over to his older son, he didn’t know if he could be any prouder of them. “ I made one for Kasey, Nat and Alex.” Marc stated as he handed his father one of the cards he had made. There were three heads on it, one with long blond hair and hoop earrings, one with light brown hair to the shoulders and one with dark red hair, freckles filling up more of his face than the light pink his son had used for all their skin tones. Pascal was about to compliment it, when Marc gave him another one. “This one is for Nado and Kuny. I made it full of hearts in pan and bi colours, because you mentioned that once and I really hope it’s right.” before Pascal could even think his next thought a stack of cards was placed in his hands. “And then for some of then we didn’t know, but we didn’t want them to feel left out or asume, so I made some rainbow ones for Pots, Talker, Sergei, Timmers, Cookie, Bluey, Ringer, Volley, Wrangler, Sunny and Foxy.”
Pascal was a bit shaken, not only that his son even remembered everyone of his teammates, without missing a single one, but at him having crafted every single one of them a rainbow card. “They will all love them, I’m sure. They look incredible.”
He saw Adele look down at her cards and moving them slightly out of view. Frowning, he walked over to her, “Did you also make something, ma colombe?” She nodded, pulling out one of her cards and holding it up for him to see. It was beautiful. She had glued blue magazine cut outs on the top of the cards, which got lighter til they reached a white in the middle and to green ones at the bottom. Over it there was a heart which read “Some hockey players marry their PT, get over it” He didn’t know how she had thought of that, but it was true and funny and so Adele, Pascal had no choice but to love it.
“These are all perfect. Thank you so, so much for making them, they’ll all love them I’m sure. We can tell them to all sit down in the living room so you can give them their cards later, sounds good?” They all nodded, seemingly happy with the idea. “Now let’s clean up before they come here and don’t recognize the place, eh?” All of them nodded as they got up, Celeste telling them where to start and how to clean it.
Pascal moved to the kitchen with the tray of now empty glasses Celeste had no doubt gotten them earlier, when he heard something behind him. Once he had carefully placed down everything he turned around to see Adele standing in the kitchen, arms behind her back. He waited for her to speak for only a moment until she did. “So, you saw that we made cards for everyone, because they’re all great and we should let them know we love and support them, right?” Pascal nodded, letting her continue, “But there’s one more card I made,” Pascal had counted before, his children hadn’t forgotten a single one of his teammates, he had no clue what that last card could be for. “because it’s important that they know they’re loved right?” she continued, “that’s a really important part of all of this. So,” she slowly pulled out a card from behind her back, “this one is for exactly that. Just because someone’s not queer or questioning, doesn’t mean they’re not important this month. It’s not the main focus of it, of course, but having allies is a big part of being able to be proud of who they are for some people. I wanted to thank you for that. I could have gotten some homophobic dad like some of my classmates, but I’m really, really glad I got you.”
She handed him the card she had made, similar to the collage of magazines but in black and white stripes with a rainbow A covering it. He couldn’t help the wetness that gathered in his eyes again. And here he had thought the emotional stuff wouldn’t be until the team arrived. He walked forward and hugged his oldest daughter. “Thank you so, so much,” he whispered, since he didn’t trust himself with anything else to come out anywhere close to evenly, “Thank you, ma petite. I am so proud to have you as my daughter. You’re the best children I could have ever asked for.”
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Kiss Her (one shot)
Harry Potter Marauders Post-Hogwarts 
Request:  Can we get a regulus simping for the reader but she can’t read signs so he just kisses them to make it extra clear what he wants? Love your page 💓💓
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T
“Regulus? Reg? Reggie? Brother of mine! Regulus Arcturus Black….why are you ignoring me?”
It wasn’t until Sirius kicked Regulus under the table did the younger Black brother look up from his plate. He scowled at his brother as Sirius burst into a fit of giggles at the dinner table.
“What do you want?”
Regulus snapped as Sirius sheepishly said hi. Rolling his eyes, Regulus muttered about how big of a pain in the ass his older brother was as he went back to watching you. You, however, seemed oblivious to the young man’s gaze.
Sighing, Regulus looked down at his food knowing that he needed to eat but he didn’t want to. What he wanted was for you to see him. He didn’t mean just looking at him but actually seeing him for the man that he was.
Y/n will not want a former death eater for a lover.
Regulus thought miserably as you laughed over something that your brother, Remus Lupin, said. Your eyes finally looked up and met Regulus’ before giving him a small smile then turning back to Remus.
It didn’t matter that Regulus had deflected and came to the order for help. You probably saw him as some lunatic turned to the good side. That was the only thing that could explain how you seemed oblivious to almost all of Regulus’ advances. No matter how many times he told you that you were beautiful or how many bouquets of flowers that he hid in your room you weren’t putting 2 and 2 together and it was making Regulus nutty. He had never had this bad for a woman and he was beginning to question his own sanity.
“I’m telling you to just go kiss her.”
Sirius’ voice once again pulled Regulus from his thoughts. He turned to face his older brother with a frown.
“What are you talking about?”
Regulus questioned as Sirius smiled. He had put things together over his younger brother’s “crush” weeks ago. Sirius had never seen Regulus look at a woman this way and it was freaking adorable.
“Y/n, go grab her and kiss her.”
Regulus rolled his eyes before taking a sip of the fire whiskey in front of him.
“That’s how I will get punched.”
Sirius shook his head.
“Nah, Y/n won’t punch you. Remus might but not Y/n. If you want a word of advice. The Lupins aren’t the most relationship smart of people. I had to just kiss Remus for him to figure out that I liked him. I don’t see Y/n being too much different.”
Regulus shook his head. That sounded like a horrible idea.
“Why don’t I just hit her over the head and drag her back to my cave? Sirius, do you realize how horribly unromantic just kissing someone who doesn’t expect it sounds?”
Sirius looked up.
“Hey, you’re the one talking about hitting her over the head. I think my kissing sounds a lot more romantic than a concussion.”
Regulus rolled his eyes, for the hundredth time.
“We should stop this conversation.”
Regulus’ situation only went from bad to worse when a new guy was inducted into the order. Not only was Brain super good looking but he seemed to be as interested in you as Regulus was. The only good thing about the situation was the fact that you didn’t seem to be the least bit interested in Brain at all. Anytime he tried to say something flirty to you, you politely exited the room or went off in search of someone to occupy your time.
Regulus never dealt well with jealousy and the urge to murder Brian was growing strong with each passing day. The only thing from stopping Regulus from making Brian “disappear” or poisoning the git with a magic cupcake was the fact that you would probably be angry with him. He didn’t see you being too thrilled with,
Sorry, love. I was jealous and I liked you first.
He looked up the moment that you said his name. You had come running into the living room looking almost desperate.
Regulus softly questioned. You looked over your shoulder before facing the younger of the Black brothers. God, why did he have to be so handsome...so perfect…
“I need you to help me! Brian won’t leave me alone. If he asks me for a date one more time…”
Regulus’ eyes seemed to darken.
“Come here.”
You rushed over as he pulled you onto his lap.
“Put your arms around my shoulders.”
You did as you were told as Brian came into the room. His mouth dropped seeing you snuggled on Regulus’ lap.
“Oh...was I interrupting something?”
He managed to mumble. Regulus nodded.
“Clearly. Now leave.”
The other man didn’t have to be told twice before he scurried out of the room without another word. Regulus waited for a moment before turning to look at you. To his shock, you hadn’t gotten off of his lap. Instead, your pretty eyes were focused on his lips.
Sirius’ words of advice came right back to Regulus’ mind.
“I’m telling you...just kiss her.”
If Regulus didn’t have alcohol in him, he probably wouldn’t have been brave enough. He waited for a second longer before placing his hand on the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss. The kiss started slow and timid before growing too rough and desperate.
The moment all of the lights went out in the room you threw your arms back around Regulus’ neck. Hovering your lips over his, you were thankful that the room was dark so Regulus wouldn’t see you blushing.
“Damn, you can kiss.”
You commented as Regulus leaned back in.
“Do you want to stop? I have been trying to get you to realize that I want you for so long but you keep ignoring me.”
You frantically shook your head and locked one hand in his black dress shirt.
“I’m sorry. I’m kind of oblivious to love stuff.”
“I would say.”
Regulus commented before easing you down on the sofa.
“Let’s not waste this silence.”
20 minutes later…
Sirius and Remus stood outside of the front door of 12 Grimmauld Place eagerly talking about a new restaurant to try in town. It was mostly Sirius whining about how Remus never took him anywhere and Remus listening with an annoyed expression on his face.
“You never take me anywhere!”
Sirius whined as they stepped into the foyer. Remus sighed.
“We went out last week. Why are the lights out?”
Sirius shrugged as Remus reached out to flip the switch. Both men immediately wished that they hadn’t you lay on the couch with Regulus on top of you kissing you like the world was about to end.
Sirius squealed as Regulus jumped up. It took all Sirius had not to laugh as all of the lipstick marks on Regulus’ cheeks, chin, and neck while you sat holding your shirt closed (like it hadn’t been on your back all night).
Remus stood not blinking as he started putting everything together. You blushed.
“Hi, guys.”
Before Remus could utter a word, Regulus reached down and apparated the two of you from the room without.
“I guess ole Brian isn’t getting any.”
Sirius replied with a smirk before going to make Remus a drink. It looked like it was going to be a long night and he had yet to hear half of anything.
“I think that my brother is about to get his pillows fluffed.” 
Sirius smirked at the grossed out expression on Remus’ face. 
“Come on, Moony. I’ll fix you a nice strong drink. If we start hearing things, we will need it.” 
@amelie-black @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @lucasfilms77 @spiderxalmighty @acciosiriusblack @exhsle @hazncalsgal @whymyparentscheckmyphone @jessyballet @knreidy1 @bennyberry @quuenofblacks @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @li0nh34rt @tas898 @marichromatic @maggioli-m @stuckinsaudi1 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel @mycuddlycorner @rubyroscoe1
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the-silentium · 4 years
Siren Song
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Masterlist - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Fors is an Original planet. I do not give permission to people to use it for their own fics, the planet, the animals, the Nightmares, the lore or anything related to Fors. Thank you.
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader
Words: 3025 words
Warnings: Blood, monsters, ANGST.
A/N:  Thanks to @shadow-hyder​ who helped choose who got hurt in this chap ~
Taglist:  @haloangel391​ / @lightning-wolffe​ / @cherrydemon5​ / @and-claudia​ / @clone-rambles​ / @mandaloriandin​
"Wrecker. I knew you'd come to help me." 99 whispered through his comm.
Wrecker couldn't contain his excitement at his ori'vod calling out to him. He was alright, on this planet, away from the long-necks and their experiments, away from the dirty looks and degrading whispers, away from all the forced maintenance. He left the rainy planet like he always dreamt he would. 
For so long Wrecker ached for the reunion with his brother. He had so much to say to him, from his biggest explosion to date to his best prank on the regs with Crosshair and he couldn't forget to relate how he fought a giant snake that could have easily swallowed him whole in a single bite! 
He could already see 99 listening intently to each of his words, nodding and smiling as he would move his hands around to illustrate his words, because words weren't powerful enough to convey the power of the moment. 
Clone force 99 would be complete with its fifth member on board. All they needed to do was get him out of there with the rest of them. 
"That's not him! Guys!" 
For a split second, Wrecker had forgotten their newest teammate. Their cabur'ika. He was so wrapped up in helping his vod that he forgot everything else and let his body take control. His body knew what to do, fighting was in his blood. 
A new spark burned to life in his chest at the prospect of presenting you to his very wise sibling, maybe he could help you with your insecurities like he helped them all with theirs. 
"I know his voice Y/N! That's him!" He pushed forward, his team right behind him. 
You'd see soon, it was worth it. 99 was worth it. 
"Stay under the trees!"
He would have laughed at your words if he hadn't caught a glimpse of a man standing near a river. Trees were everywhere on this planet, you didn't have to worry. Instead, he forced his legs to move faster. 
A huff resonated through the comm just as 99 called again, the newfound fear in his voice made Wrecker's blood boil in worry and anger. 
He was almost there. He'd help. He'd save him. 
A nagging feeling plagued the back of his mind. It was just like when he forgot to close the light of the fresher one night and caused the ship to be inoperable for a couple of days or when he forgot Crosshair in a secluded village while on a supply run. He couldn't tell what was wrong, all he knew was that something wasn't as it was supposed to be. 
Wrecker got to the edge of the river, 99 just on the other side of the large angry stream. The ravine they had followed for a while was visible from his spot on the bank. It seemed they had moved a klick away from it and deeper into the jungle. The tall wall of rock and mud abruptly stopped and disappeared under a tumultuous waterfall that would be breathtaking in broad daylight. 
He doesn't see them, but Wrecker heard the soft steps of his brothers joining his sides. He didn't acknowledge their presence in the slightest, his eyes being glued to his elder kneeling on the ground clutching his chest, the grunts of pain leaving his mouth were too clear over the roaring water separating them. 
Without thinking he took a step forward, carefully setting foot in the deep river to reach the other side without getting carried away by the rapids. 
“Wrecker, what are you doing?” Hunter put a hand on his pauldron to keep him from going further into the water.
“He’s hurt!”
Without wasting a second, Wrecker harshly shrugged Hunter's hand away to venture into the raging water, fighting for his balance against the strong current pushing against his abdomen threatening to take him further through the jungle. Wrecker winced as static took over his comm, drowning the words of his team behind him. 
99's voice overflowed the nagging sound to encourage him forward, inciting him to grab the outstretched hand as soon as he was within reach. 
"Stay back." Wrecker ignored the help, he didn't want to pull his older brother into the river where he'd have no chance to survive. 
The ignored hand gripped his armpit in a useless effort to assist him, water dripped down his soaked blacks and armor, nurturing the grass below. 
"Are you okay 99?" Without wasting a second, Wrecker turned to his brother, already reaching for his frail shoulder. 
The sight squeezed his heart in nostalgia. There he stood, smiling just like the last time the Batcher saw him when they departed for their mission on Devaron. He even opened his arms like he always did whenever they’d all return from their assignments. This was him.
An urge to jump into the long-awaited embrace propelled his body forward to carefully wrap his strong arms around the fragile form of 99. Relief flooded his brain as soon as he felt arms wrapping around his own waist, numbing his senses to concentrate solely on this moment.
"Thank you for making all the way to me." He heard his voice in his comm, as clear as day, the background white noise abruptly muted as Wrecker's eyes widened in understanding. 
He managed to pull away slightly before the sight in front of him paralyzed his muscles. By fear, surprise or sadness, he couldn't decide which one had more control over his body. 
“Thank you for saving me Wrecker.” 99's lips stayed glued together despite the words echoing through the soldier's head. The once calming smile had lost all its warmth only to be replaced with a way more sinister grin. 
Half of 99- no, half of the monster disappeared under a layer of darkness slowly bleeding from its eyes, nose and mouth, the black goo covering its right side morphed into parts of someone else. Brown hair, a youthful smile, a broad muscular arm, they all appeared for a moment before the goo engulfed them again and changed over and over again, never truly setting on anything in particular. 
The shiver running up his spine brought the man to his senses long enough for his brain to order his body to move away from the threat. His chest separated from the smaller one as his feet stumbled backward. Unfortunately, his left hand didn't have such luxury. The liquid tightened around his fingers, crept over his palm to reach his forearm and slide under the sleeve of his blacks. 
He pulled and pulled again without any success. He was trapped. 
"So long…"
It was cold as death, enough to chill the giant to the bone. Bile raised in his throat as the sticky feeling crept up his skin. He tugged as hard as he could, but inches by inches the wicked sludge reached his elbow, gaining complete control over his arm. 
"It has been so long…" 
For some reason the tank of a man has never felt as small as in this instant, heterochromatic eyes staring up at him right in the eyes like his opaque visor wasn't even there. 
"We're so hungry." 
Before he could register the meaning behind his words, Wrecker went flying backward a few meters away from his initial standing spot, a heavyweight on his chest pinning him to the ground. 
Everything was happening too fast. Wrecker had some difficulties keeping up. That is until the unprotected skin of the underside of his upper arms burned worse than a blaster wound, his brain instantly knew what happened. 
With a yelp followed by a powerful kick, the clone tried to once again to dislodge the opponent clinging to him. His movements didn't send the gigantic thing rolling like he hoped, instead it merely shrieked in his face and flapped its cracked white wings to fly away, claws still locked around his arms. 
Fortunately for once, the beast doesn't get off the ground. Unfortunately, it meant that some parts of its prey had to go. 
Massive maws closed around his helmet, offering an absolutely atrocious view of the beast's mouth and throat. Wrecker would never admit it, but the sudden fear forced his eyes closed for a split second, protecting his fragile orbs by doing so.  Shards of his visor exploded under the assault of some particularly sharp teeth, scratching the sensitive skin around his eyes. 
This high level of panic was completely new for him and he didn't like it one bit. A nice adrenalin rush was one thing. This was far from the enjoyable spectrum. He wanted to yell for help, but who would hear his call? He was alone. 
The pressure around his head was increasing fast. Saliva covered his helmet, leaving Wrecker to blindly touch around his head for the maws, fingers slipping between the sparse teeth to force them open. The grip around his upper arms tightened, shooting a new wave of searing pain through his body as the claws dug deeper into his flesh. 
Ignoring his agonizing arms, he put more strength behind his movement and had the toothy vice open in a second. A well-placed kick on the bird sternum sent it flying backward, liberating his lacerated skin in the process. 
Hands cleaned his visor in a haste but stopped as soon as his fingertips started to tingle. The soft feeling soon morphed into full-on burning, prompting the soldier to wipe his hands onto the grass at his sides. 
Holes adorned the once intact tactical gloves, showing the damaged skin that it was supposed to protect. 
Before he could question the condition of his hands, a screech pulled him back to reality. 
The milky bird was big, easily four times his size with weird legs and two pairs of arms. The long white beak was pretty sharp with nasty teeth occasionally poking out, its maws opening frantically on a high pitch screech, its old-paper like wings flapping in anger at its side. 
Following the blue trail of bolts hitting the creature, the calls of his brother resonated through the comm without any interference as soon as his eyes landed on their offensive positions. 
His brothers. He remembered them now. He wasn't alone. They were here. 
"-ot responding." Tech 
"Wrecker! Come back here!" Wrecker winced at the very loud order coming from his sergeant. Apparently, it wasn't the first time he barked his instructions. 
"I'll get h-" Static filled his ears once again as 99 appeared at his side, hands wrapped around his pauldron.
"Don't leave me. Please Wrecker, help me.."  
"I'll hel-" His words were cut off by a sudden pull from behind, quickly followed by water engulfing his armor. 
Gasping, Wrecker tried to keep his head above water by instinct but failed miserably. The strong current left him totally helpless, the force of the water digging into his injuries to make him totally unable to move them around to get to the surface. Where was the surface? He turned on himself so much that nothing made sense anymore. 
A pull on his back stopped his body from turning in all directions, halting his quick descent down the river. Multiple hands pulled him out of the stream and wasted no time to pull him upright. 
"Wrecker can you hear me?" Hunter shook his shoulder forcefully. 
Too soon Wrecker tried to lift himself up using his arms to reassure his brother. All he managed to do was to almost faceplant into the wet dirt beneath his torso. 
"99." Was all he could say. He still felt a pull towards the other bank where he knew his oldest brother was still waiting for him. 
"There's nothing there. It's not real." Hands lifted him by the armpits to take him back under the cover of the trees. "It was a trick."
"No he's right there!" The clone was getting frustrated as everyone ignored his hand pointing behind them focussing instead on keeping him upright. 
A shriek pierced the night followed by a sudden splash of water, causing the three soldiers to jump simultaneously. Wrecker turned just in time to see the bird emerging from the river and fly away with something bright in its mouth.
Once the beast disappeared over the horizon, every memory repressed by the weird fog obscuring his brain came back to the front of his mind. Tears ran down his cheeks as he remembered that 99 died in a Seppie attack on Kamino, that he wasn't there to help. 
He had to bite his bottom lip to keep his whimpers from escaping, the pain of losing his brother a second time was way worse than it originally felt. Whatever it was back there felt so real, so warm, it told him exactly what he needed to hear and acted like the one and only 99. Deep down maybe he knew already but allowed himself to be blinded by hope. 
And hope crushed his heart in the more twisted way possible. 
Crosshair was the first to let go of his brother when they got deep enough into the line of trees, moving his attention to the grapple fixed under his rifle to put it away. So that's what pulled him into the river. 
"Are you okay Wrecker?" Hunter's worry pulled at his already suffering heart. 
"I am." He weakly mumbled, quieting down the hisses of pain menacing to erupt from his throat. 
"We don't have much time." Hunter carefully lowered himself to set his brother at the foot of a large tree. "We have to patch you up and search for Y/N before anything that might 've heard the noises comes this way." 
 Wrecker perked up at the mention of your disappearance, his eyes roamed the surroundings to get a glimpse of your shirt painted in blood and guts that always gave him a tiny heart attack every time he looked at it. He never thought not seeing that shirt would fill him with dread. 
"What happened?" He asked just as Tech removed his helmet to toss it at Crosshair for examination. 
The jungle looked way more terrifying without the night vision helping his sight. Without it, every shadow looked like an Algax silently staring with its inexistent orbs. 
"We don't know. We were too…" Tech trailed off, quickly assessing the wounds on his arms. "focussed to notice anything." 
Wrecker winced at the same time Crosshair did, although for a totally different reason. Tech stopped poking at the edges of the wounds to stuff some gauze pads on the bleeding lacerations before wrapping them with a sterile wrap. 
"Cross?" He asked his brother that stopped analyzing the helmet to lose himself in his thoughts, eyes fixed on one of the holes in the visor. 
He seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered, rolling the customized helmet in his hands. 
"Night vision stopped working on one of the lenses. Too damaged. The front is melted at some places," He turned the helmet over to trace a long crack at the back of the head. "and it may not resist a hit to the right place." 
The frustration in his tone wasn't lost on anyone. Clearly, the helmet wasn't the subject of his irritation and no one had to ask for the truth. They were all prey of the same guilt. 
"I'm sorry. She told us not to follow voices." Wrecker averted his eyes, not able to look at his fuming brother anymore. Whatever happened to you was his fault. If only he hadn't followed the voices, you wouldn't be missing. 
Bile raised in his throat as his mind wandered on the dreaded questions. What happened? Were you in danger? Or hurt? Or dead? 
From his experience on this planet, Wrecker knew it was safe to assume that you crossed paths with a monster of the night. This was a certainty. All there was to speculate on was your wellbeing. 
"Her tracker is still working, we'll find her." Tech applied a small bacta patch that he pulled out of his belt onto the palm of Wrecker's hand, the latter hissing in pain. 
"You're lucky the water washed off any remaining chemical that burned your skin or else we'd see some bones if the state of your helmet is anything to go by." He admired the edges of the burns that weren't covered by the patch. "I'll wrap your fingers together to keep them from moving on each other so refrain from closing your hand. You'll only damage it more."
"But I won't be able to shoot!" He frowned, teeth clashing together as Tech put some gauze between his fingers and wrapped the bandages tightly together. 
"Blasters don't work anyway." Hunter grumbled as he turned back to them, letting go of the hair at the back of his neck to face his team. 
"But light does." The engineer got on his feet to help Wrecker, offering his forearm to pull him up.
"I threw an emergency light stick at it." 
"How did you know it would chase it?" Wrecker pulled on his helmet that Crosshair held out to him. 
Having only one night vision lens would make it difficult for him to continue, hopefully, it wouldn't slow him down too much or cause him to miss some monster out there. He couldn't be more of a burden than he already was at the moment. 
"I didn't. It was merely a theory." He typed away at his vambrace, missing Wrecker's bewildered expression. "And I was only partially correct. They indeed are reactive to light, but they do not fear it as I initially thought. Turns out that light enrages them. It gave up on you in order to eat the stick." He explained in his signature matter of fact tone.
Before anyone could add to the previous conclusion, Tech continued. 
"I got her position. She's close” The corners of Wrecker’s lips lifted slightly. They could track you, everything would be fine from here. You weren’t lost. “and unmoving." The whispered last words rang loud and clear in all the clones' ears.
Wrecker's breath wasn't the only one to abruptly stop.
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littlemissaddict · 4 years
Summary:  Julie, Flynn, Luke, Reggie, Alex and Willie all receive Saturday detention, chaos and pining ensues. Willex/Juke (Requested)
Word Count: 3K
“I hope you know I’m blaming you for this” Julie yawns as she meets Flynn outside the school gates, it was Saturday morning and Julie had planned to have a sleep in before getting her homework for the following week done so that she could spend the weekend working on music but instead here she was at school for a rare Saturday detention.
“Hey it wasn’t just me, you were the one talking during class as well” Flynn pointed out, Julie knew she was right but Flynn had started the conversation so she was still going to blame her. While they were talking they had made their way into the school and Julie noted how eerie the school looked when it was empty, she shivered.
“Where did they say the detention was again?” Julie asked, looking at Flynn.
“The library, I think” Flynn frowned as they headed the direction of the library. Flynn was right as they entered the teacher greeted them, asking them to take a seat and to get on with their work. Julie looked around the library and as far as she could see they were the only two there so either they were the only ones in or everyone else was late, she wasn’t really sure detentions were not a regular occurrence for her let alone Saturday detentions. 
A loud noise outside the doors drew the attention of those in the library and soon enough in walked the members of Sunset Curve, Alex first followed by Reggie and then Luke. The teacher glares at the three boys and reminds them to keep their voices down as they mumble out apologies but grin at each other when the teacher turns her back. Meanwhile Julie is silently panicking next to Flynn, she has known Luke for a long time because he lives on the same street as her but she has never spoken to him however she has the biggest crush on him. Flynn knows this and likes to tease her about it although at the moment she just settles on a smirk watching Julie and her internal panic play out. A minute later they hear a crash out in the hallway followed by cursing and by this point the teacher already looks like she has had enough as she gets up to see what the noise was, the group listen to the talking in the hall, all curious to know whats happened. When the teacher finally comes back in she’s followed by a boy carrying a skateboard, that Julie doesn’t think she’s seen in her classes before so he must be older she thinks, she chances a look at the boys to see if they recognise him and when she does she almost giggles. Luke and Reggie grin widely at each other before glancing between Alex and the other boy while Alex looks down at his fidgeting hands, his face flushed and Julie can tell straight away what's happening. 
Alex has a crush on the boy.
Well at least she’s not the only one that’s going to be suffering she thinks as starts working on her calculus homework that she brought with her. She had managed to work through about four of the questions when she looked at the clock to see how long they’d been there and almost groaned aloud when she saw that only half an hour had passed, it was going to be a long morning. When she looked at Flynn she seemed to be thinking the same, rolling her eyes as she began tapping her pen against the table. Not wanting to go back to her calculus problems just yet she looked around the room her eyes landing on the unknown boy who seemed to be fidgeting with the wheels on his board, she noted how his eyes kept glancing over to the table where the other boys where sat and if she wasn’t mistaken it was Alex he was looking at. Maybe there was something between them she thought remembering Alex’s reaction when he saw him come in. Her eyes moved over to the three boys where it looked like Reggie and Alex were passing were passing notes between themselves, obviously not wanting to risk being told off again, but she couldn’t help but notice how flustered the blond haired boy seemed to be which left her wondering if it was skater boy that they were discussing. Her attention was then drawn to Luke, he was hunched over the table writing in a black notebook, every now and then stopping to scribble something out, his brow was furrowed and he was mumbling quietly to himself and Julie wondered whether or not he was working on a song. As if feeling someone staring Luke lifted his head, eyes locking with Julie’s and shooting her a wide smile before she dropped her eyes back down to her work, feeling her cheeks heat at the fact she had been caught staring. 
“You’re not very subtle you know” Flynn whispered and Julie knew she was smirking without even having to look at her, she could hear it in her voice. She was about to reply when the teacher made a noise, everyone turned to look and they watched her get up and leave the room without a word.
“Where’s she going? Does this mean we can leave too?” Reggie asked hopefully and Julie caught the eye roll that Alex directed at him which Reggie didn’t seem to notice.
“Doubt it Reg” Luke said “Although it does mean that we can do what we want now” he grinned earning him a disapproving look from Alex. 
“And what is it you’re wanting to do?” Julie asked, surprising herself, in all the time that they lived near each other, they hadn’t said more than a hello on passing and now here she was engaging in a full conversation with him.
“Well for starters a second opinion on this song wouldn’t hurt and I know you write so” he replied getting up from his seat as Julie raised her eyebrows at him in question to how he would know that, “Oh um our parents like to talk” he says, hand coming up to the back of his neck as he speaks. He hands Julie the open book to read and as she does he turns to Flynn, who has been watching their interaction closely, he wonders if she can tell that he likes Julie. 
“So how did you two end up stuck here? You don’t seem like the rebellious types” he asks glancing down at their calculus homework spread across the table. Flynn shoots him a glare at the last part but answers anyway
“Talking too much in class,” she replies.
“Yeah that I can see” he chuckles but it’s cut short when both girls send a glare his way and he raises his hands in defense giving them an apologetic look. He hears Alex and Reggie laughing and looking towards them he sees that they’re already watching him.
“Anyway what did you guys do?” Flynn asks pulling their attention to her 
“We skipped class to hang out in the music room” Luke shrugs
“Why does that not surprise me” the boy with the skateboard laughs causing them all to look at him, it was the first time he had spoken but he had been watching the whole scene play out.
“Well if we’re talking about being predictable, Willie, I’m going to guess that you ended up in detention because of that skateboard” Luke states giving the boy a knowing look.
“Ya got me” Willie laughs “turns out skating in the hallways is a bad idea” he says lifting up his top and showing them the bruise on his side, Alex’s eyes widen at this and he feels his cheeks heat up again which doesn’t go unnoticed by Willie who flashes him a mischievous smile as if he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Yeah well you’re dangerous on that thing” Alex grumbles crossing his arms.
“Come on that was one time” Willie complains as Reggie sniggers saying something that Alex doesn’t quite catch but makes Luke laugh so he knows it can’t be good.
“Wait what happened” Julie asks Reggie, confused by his comment, and Alex gives him a pleading look asking him not to tell but Reggie ignores him.
“Well the only reason these two met is because Willie decided to crash into Alex while riding his skateboard, now whether or not was intentional is still to be decided” Reggie laughs giving the two boys a teasing smile.
“Reggie” both Alex and Willie shout in unison, although for two very different reasons. He gives them a look of fake confusion.
“Alright, alright not to spoil the fun but you need to calm down a bit otherwise we’re going to get busted” Julie chuckles, always the voice of reason and Willie is thankful for the distraction, any longer and he thinks Reggie may have given away more than he already had. He hadn’t meant to crash into Alex that day, more just skate right past throwing the cute blond boy a compliment, just enough to fluster him, but he had timed it wrong and Alex walked right in front of him without warning which led to both of them colliding. When they picked themselves up Alex had been flustered but he was more annoyed and Willie had apologised profusely.
“You do know it wasn’t intentional, right?” Willie asked gently, sitting down next to Alex.
“Yeah of course, who in their right mind would just go crashing into random people” Alex chuckles.
“Okay so what did you think?” Luke asks going back to the song he had Julie read through.
“Yeah it was good although this verse doesn’t seem to flow as well as the rest of it” she says frowning and he nods,
“That’s what I thought but I’m not sure how to fix it” he admits which launches them into an impromptu song writing session.
“Well it looks like it’s just us two third wheels now” Reggie jokes sliding his chair over to Flynn’s and nearly falling off it when the leg got caught on the table, he curses when he steadies himself. 
“Speak for yourself” Flynn replies but she’s smiling at him so he knows she’s not annoyed. She begins gathering her homework together, knowing she’s not going to get anymore done.
“You’re finished already,” Reggie asks, surprised when he notices but she shakes her head at him.
“No just decided I’d rather watch this to see how it plays out” she chuckles gesturing towards the two couples that are now completely immersed in their own conversations. “Luke likes Julie doesn’t he?” she says and Reggie nods.
“By the looks of it Julie likes him back,” Reggie adds getting a nod of confirmation from Flynn “and they’re both completely oblivious” 
“Although you do realise if he hurts her, there will be hell to pay” Flynn says, her expression serious and Reggie smiles
“I don’t doubt that but I really don’t think he will, this isn’t just a little crush” he explains defending his friend and Flynn seems to relax as she watches her friend. Reggie’s attention drifts to Alex watching him interact with Willie and how they just seem to fit perfectly together without even realising. “Speaking of being oblivious, look at those two” Reggie chuckles. Flynn looks over to where Alex and Willie are, they’re sitting so close they’re almost touching and Willie’s talking animatedly while Alex just looks at him with what can only be described as heart eyes, Flynn tells Reggie that which makes him laugh harder.
The sound of a door banging has them all startled, looking over to the door just as the teacher walks back in the room, she looks at them all suspiciously seeing as half of them have moved seats but she doesn’t say anything just lets them know detention is over and they are free to go. Out in the hallway Luke talks quietly with Alex and Reggie before turning to the others
“So I was thinking, me and the boys were going to hang out this afternoon anyway but would you like to join us?” he asks, eyes looking from Willie to Flynn before lingering on Julie.
“Sounds good” Willie’s the first to reply.
Julie looks to Flynn, knowing they were going to hang out this afternoon already, and Flynn sighs turning to Reggie as she speaks, “Guess we’re third wheeling again” which leaves the others confused but makes him laugh as they all make their way out of the school. Julie hangs back making sure she and Flynn are out of earshot of the boys before she asks her what she meant by the ‘third wheel comment’ and Flynn looks at her with disbelief written across her face.
“You’re serious, did you not see how you kind of just paired up in there. Alex and Willie. You and Luke, who likes you back by the way. So yeah it kinda felt like we were third wheeling on some weird double date” Flynn laughs.
“Is that-wait how do you know that he likes me back?” Julie asks, glancing over at the boys to make sure that they're not listening before turning her attention back to Flynn who now has a smug smile on her face.
“I have my sources”
Sources, what sources, Julie thinks, the only person she had an actual conversation with in detention other than herself and Luke was....
“Reggie” Julie says with a smile as Flynn’s own smile drops and she knows that she has worked it out “ha you’re not very good at keeping secrets” Julie chuckles “Maybe not but at least you know my source is credible” she points out with a laugh and Julie joins in.
“Are you two coming or not” they hear Luke call and they rush to catch up with the boys, who have stopped to wait for them.
“So where are we going?” Julie asks.
“The beach” Luke replies but he’s cut off before he gets the chance to say anything else.
“Yeah, Willie’s gonna teach Alex how to skate” Reggie giggles excitedly and Julie notices that Alex already looks like he’s regretting the decision.
“Alright let's go” Luke says, shooting Reggie a look and he settles down but still looks really excited at the prospect of Alex on the skateboard.
It doesn’t take them long to get down to the beach and they’re all quick to encourage Alex to try the skateboard as soon as they get there but he’s still nervous. Luke, Reggie, Julie and Flynn squeeze themselves onto one of the benches and watch as Willie talks to Alex before he attempts to get onto the skateboard. He almost manages it without an incident but at the last moment he over balances and starts to fall forward but Willie’s quick to catch him, his hands coming to rest on Alex’s waist. The others aren’t close enough to hear what was said after that but they hear Willie’s laugh and Alex groaning Willie’s name.
“I wonder what that was about?” Julie says.
“I don’t know but knowing Alex he’s probably blushing like mad right about now” he chuckles and Reggie nods agreeing with him.
“Yeah he’s been crushing on Willie for a while now” he says earning himself an elbow in the ribs from Luke.
Reggie’s eyes widen when he realises what he’s said “I-just forget I said anything” he says quickly and the girls chuckle.
“You’re spilling a lot of secrets today Reggie” Flynn says raising her eyebrows at him and Julie looks at him knowingly.
“Wait what else have you said?” Luke questions turning on him but before he can get any answers they hear Willie calling their names. They turn to find Alex a bit away from them getting ready to skate towards Willie, their previous conversation forgotten as they cheer Alex on. He manages to skate from where he started to Willie with no problems, they come as he gets closer realising he’s left it too late to stop and panics, crashing into Willie. The group rushes over to the two boys finding Alex apologising profusely and Willie laughing.
“Well at least we're even now” he says when Alex finally stops apologising and they all chuckle. “So what now?”
“Well I was thinking we get food. Hotdogs?” Luke grins earning him groans from Alex and Reggie,
“Definitely not, the last time we got hotdogs we all got food poisoning” Alex reminds him and Luke just shrugs looking at the others who all decline except Julie.
“Looks like it’s just us” she smiles as they head off in search of food,  they chat aimlessly for a while when Luke remembers the conversation they were having earlier before watching  Alex skateboarding,
“So what other secrets has Reggie let slip today then?” he asks, after they get food which catches Julie off guard.
“Oh um he may have uh told Flynn that you have a crush on me” Julie says slowly, watching as his face falls, his gaze falling to the ground as he mumbles a quiet ‘oh’. Julie reaches for his hand and his head snaps up to look at her “it’s okay I like you too” she smiles and he smiles back at her intertwining their fingers as they make their way back to the group.
“You do realise we're going to get a lot of teasing right” Julie smiles at him but he doesn’t unclasp their hands.
“I know but it’ll mean they leave Alex and Willie alone for a bit and hopefully they will both get their act together and confess” he laughs.
Julie was right they do get a lot of teasing from the group, mainly Flynn, but they’re happy for the two of them. She also finds out from Luke a couple of days later that Alex plucked up the courage to ask Willie out and he said yes. Reggie also made Flynn promise that whenever they hang out as a group she has to come so that he’s not third wheeling the two couples by himself.
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Hey! Do u write Reggie x Luke? (feel free to decline absolutely if you don't feel comfortable <3). In case: Luke finding Reggie after a bad fight with his father? Thank you anyway <3
Hi anon! 
I absolutely love the Reggie x Luke headcannon! I put the disclaimer on my ask box posts because I’ve had a few people be really annoying when I denied their request (insisting I had to take it ‘cause I’m a fic writer and all that). I hope you like reading this as much as I liked writing it! Your piece sort of got away from me so it’s under the cut!
~ R
Summary: When Reggie gets caught in the middle of one of his parent’s bad fights, he has nowhere else to turn but the studio. Injured and unsure of himself, Reggie calls Luke for help.
Rated T Because Reggie’s dad is a jerk who uses a few bad words.
He heard his parents fighting from the driveway on the way home from a long day at school. It didn’t sound like they were holding anything back this time. One fight away from a divorce, Reggie thought begrudgingly as he walked up the cracked pavement to his front door. After a beat of hesitation he dug his key out of his bag and slid it into the lock, walking into an all-too familiar scene. His dad seemed to be winning… if anything was won at the end of their fights Reggie was never able to figure out what it was. His dad’s back was turned to the doorway, so he didn’t see Reggie enter the house. His dad didn’t even acknowledge the sound of the closed door, he just kept railing into his mom. Continuing on his rant his dad was saying “-and do you think,” he shook his fist in the direction Reggie assumed his mom was standing. He stepped further into the room as his dad asked, “do you think I want to come home after a long day of work and not have dinner hot?” Reggie saw his mom, standing with her arms crossed and her shoulders pulled back. She seemed pissed off in her own right, and he really didn’t want to get in the middle of something this intense. His mom stepped forward, a dangerous sort of smile on her face.
“If you want to come home to a hot meal, come home on time.” His mom said through gritted teeth. Reggie’s dad scoffed,
“I’d be home on time if you weren’t an uneducated whore who can’t even hold down a fucking job!” Reggie winced, the anger wasn’t directed at him, but it didn’t stop him from feeling uncomfortable. He hated confrontations, even if he wasn’t a part of it. He shuffled closer to his mom, ready to jump in if his dad ended up getting violent.
“Mom, dad?” Reggie asked, voice squeaking. Heavy silence cut through the air, thicker than the thick crust pizza the band gets for dinner sometimes. His dad sighed heavily when he turned to face him, and Reggie suddenly found interest in his feet. He began to fiddle with the hem of his shirt, regretting saying anything.
“Reggie go upstairs to your room so your mom and I can finish this conversation,” his dad requested ordered, glaring back at his mom. Reggie hesitated then said,
“Sir I have uh… band practice later tonight.” His dad groaned,
“Do you have to go though? You’re killing my mileage and it’s such a waste of gas money.” His mom shifted her weight, scratching her arm awkwardly. Reggie ran a hand through his hair,
“Uh I guess I uh… don’t have to go today. We were just brushing up on a few of our older songs…” He trailed off and his dad deemed that the end of the conversation. Turning his attention back to his mom his dad said,
“Now what do you say to your son hmm? We don’t have the gas money to keep driving him to that kid’s house. How’s he supposed to play his music?” Instead of apologizing, Reggie’s mom just narrowed her eyes. Bobby’s house wasn’t even that far from theirs, just on the ‘richer’ side of the neighborhood. His dad always got petty when he had to drive through it to drop Reggie off.
“The reason behind us not having enough money for gas is because you keep dipping into the jar for your weekend benders. God knows why I ever married you in the first place!” It happened in slow motion, Reggie diving in front of his father’s glass just as he threw it at his mom. The glass shattered across Reggie’s face and a large chunk got stuck in his cheek. He collapsed to the floor, curling up as his parents continued fighting with each other. Reggie managed to crawl out of the room, leaving a thin trail of blood behind him. With slight effort he carefully pulled the shard of glass out of his cheek and winced in pain. Breathing heavily Reggie used the wall for support as he pulled himself to a standing position. He held one hand against his cheek as he fumbled in his pockets for his phone. He flipped it open and pressed one to speed dial Luke.
“Pick up,” Reggie half-whispered as he pushed his door open and stumbled into the sunlight. “Pick up Luke, come on.”
“Hey Reggie what’s up man?” Luke asked, voice floating through the speaker. Reggie sagged in relief, but pushed forward, trying to put as much distance between him and his parents as possible. A strangled sob escaped his throat,
“Luke,” Reggie said as he managed to turn the corner to their favorite hot dog stand.
“Reggie, what’s wrong? Where are you?” Luke asked sounding rushed. He shouted something Reggie couldn’t make out, probably to Alex. “Reggie you still with me?” Luke asked. Reggie sagged low into Luke’s couch, luckily no one else was in the studio. Digging through his bag he dug out a spare t-shirt and pressed it against his cheek.
“Studio, Luke it got really bad…” Reggie said, tears starting to roll down his face.
“I’ll be there in three minutes. Alex and I were just taking a break down the street.” Luke said. Reggie shook his head quickly, then realized Luke couldn’t see him.
“No, just you please!” Reggie cried out, he couldn’t let Alex see him like this. No one else should burden themselves by seeing him like this. Luke would’ve found out sooner or later, but Alex never had to know. Luke sounded out of breath, like he was sprinting from the restaurant just to make sure Reggie was safe.
“Alright, hang in there. I’m almost at the studio,” Luke said between pants. Reggie’s hand started to shake and he ended up dropping his phone, and didn’t have the energy to pick it up again. He tried to stay awake, to stay strong for Luke… but his sight got hazy and soon the ceiling disappeared under his eyelids. Through the haze Reggie suddenly heard Luke’s familiar voice urging him to wake up.
“Help,” Reggie croaked out as he felt something sticky attach itself to his cheek. Luke’s guitar-calloused fingers combed through Reggie’s hair. “Hmm…” Reggie hummed with content, snuggling closer to the wall of heat against his chest.
“Hey, hey, I know it’s hard, but you need to wake up Reg…” Luke said as Reggie’s eyes slowly blinked open. When he finally made eye contact with his boyfriend a watery grin smiled at him.
“Hi,” Reggie whispered as he pressed a soft kiss against Luke’s forehead. Luke let out a soft giggle. Reaching up to touch his cheek he felt a rather large band-aid somehow got stuck to it. Luke hummed softly to the tune a song Reggie didn’t recognize. It must be a new song he hadn’t shared with the rest of the band yet. “‘s pretty,” Reggie muttered, he always found it was easiest to relax when he was with Luke. Luke’s stupid grin stretched across his face and Reggie knew complimenting the song was the right call.
“Thanks,” Luke said. “Just something I’ve been toying with.” He paused, and Reggie could see the concern written across his face. “Do you want to uh… what happened?” Luke asked, and Reggie couldn’t bring himself to lie to his friend.
“Dad threw a glass at mom and I jumped in the way… Luke it was so, so bad this time. I don’t know what to do… I want them to stay together and I try so hard but they just keep fighting.” Reggie choked back a sob and Luke’s expression softened as he cupped Reggie’s uninjured cheek. Reggie leaned into the touch gratefully.
“It’s not your job to keep your parents together,” Luke said and Reggie looked away from him. “You know that, right?” Luke asked him, worry in his voice. Reggie shrugged,
“I don’t know man... sometimes it feels like the only reason they haven’t divorced yet is because of me.” Luke’s lips curved into a slight frown.
“So... I had this idea awhile ago…” Luke started, before trailing off. Reggie urged him to continue so he did. “Do you wanna move into the studio with me? You shouldn’t have to keep going home just for a place to sleep if it’s going to put you in harm’s way Reg. I just want you to be safe.” Reggie nodded as he closed his eyes and leaned against Luke’s chest.
“I would love to, especially if it means spending more time with my boyfriend,” Reggie said, and he didn’t have to look up to know Luke’s happy-puppy-dog expression had returned. “Love you Luke,” Reggie said as the two settled in for the rest of the night. Luke wrapped his arms around Reggie then said,
“I love you too Reginald.” Reggie sighed happily as he let the sound of Luke’s soft breathing lull him back into a peaceful night of sleep.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Young Blood V -(PB/WITS Crossover)
A/N: Last part! We had so much fun writing this, we might come back to this baby in the future :) -Val & Danny
Words: 2,700
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter
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Summer 1996
“So, Hermione,” Sirius handed her a drink, he was grinning widely. “Tell us all about Percy back at school, is he a good boyfriend?”
“Dad,” Percy started, Hermione chuckled.
“He’s really nice, yes. My parents want to ask all of you to my Dad’s birthday in two weeks, they’re looking forward to meeting you.”
“Oh, wanting to meet the boyfriend’s parents already?” Persephone raised a brow. “We have to be on our best behaviour Sirius, they’re paying half of the things for their wedding!”
“Mum!” Percy frowned, trying to stand up to leave the room. “Let’s go, Hermione, it’s getting late…”
“Thought Matthew was going to take you to the movies?” Sirius raised a brow.
“I rather walk than stay here and be humiliated in front of my girlfriend,” The young wizard replied. “Honestly, you guys don’t act like this with Lyra, this is ridiculous…”
“Lyra’s an angel,” Sirius said with an accusing finger. “She’s never done anything wrong in her life and she’ll stay single until she’s forty.”
“The fact that she’s never been in detention doesn’t mean she’s an angel,” Percy scoffed. “And I saw her flirting with a sixth-year Slytherin the last term.”
“She what?” Sirius straightened in his place.
The doorbell rang and Percy was quick to stand up and answer it, Harry walked in looking rather anxious.
“Your parents are here?”
“Yeah?” The boy raised a brow. “Why?”
“Good,” He whispered. “I’m pretty sure Mel’s dad has been planning a way to murder me tonight and make it look like it was an accident.”
Perseus laughed.
“Shh!” He looked over his shoulder. “He’s coming!”
Matthew’s imposing figure stepped into the entrance, Mel walked in after him. She was tinier than her father, but her scowl was enough to make people fear her.
“Lovely night, isn’t it?” Matthew asked out loud.
“Wonderful,” Mel replied sarcastically. “If only my dad stopped acting like a baby.”
“Watch your words, girl,” The man warned her.
Matthew Dumbledore’s daughters were usually calm, sweet daddy’s girls. However, whenever they had a disagreement people could just feel the power emanating from them. Now that Mel was older, it was really obvious that she had inherited her father’s character.
“Ruddy,” Sirius’ eyes were darting nervously between the two. “It is a lovely night, so let’s try to keep a nice attitude, shall we? It’s a group date! Love is in the air!”
“And it stinks of hormones,” Matthew replied angrily.
“Oh god,” Mel rolled her eyes, she turned to look at Hermione. “Hi, are you having a good summer?”
“Er… yeah,” Hermione stared at Mel’s dad nervously, he was usually the most charming man. “Yeah… and you?”
“It’s been good,” Mel walked up to Harry and he flinched, eyes immediately fixing on Matthew’s. “This is ridiculous!” Mel turned to Persephone. “Could you please talk to my dad? Harry’s been nothing but a gentleman in and out of school and it’s time he gets over his overprotective nonsense.”
“Alright, enough of this, Ruddy,” Persephone crossed her arms and looked at him sternly. “You know Harry since he was a baby! His parents are your friends! It’s family already, c’mon…”
“I’m sorry, but I find it a bit hard to believe that in a matter of months this boy dropped all the mischief and bad behaviour,” Matthew frowned. “The Potters are professional charmers, they would know how to trick a crowd.”
“Hark who’s talking!” Persephone exclaimed in disbelief. “You spent a whole year flirting with the whole school just to get Emily’s attention!” She turned to the children. “Which didn’t work, by the way.”
“My dad did what?”
Matthew’s eyes widened, he blushed a deep shade of red.
“That’s… that’s different, I was a kid.”
“I was a kid too!” Harry argued, finally finding enough courage after Persephone’s scolding. “I won’t use it as an excuse, I’m aware of how bad I was…” He looked down. “I just… I spent my whole childhood wanting to be like you and my dad… I saw an opportunity and took it.”
“That’s true,” Percy decided to back up his best friend. “He’s always admired you, Uncle Ruddy.”
“Admired?” Matthew grimaced. “Why?”
“You guys are legends,” Harry said. “And Mel is the coolest girl I’ve met. I promise I’m not dating her just to fool around… I’m…” Harry looked over at Percy and his mocking grin, Harry groaned internally, he swallowed his pride and fixed his eyes on the tall man in front of him. “I’m in love with your daughter.”
Mel beamed at his speech, she looked back at her father with her bright, sweet eyes and for the first time in the whole summer, Matthew felt ashamed of his attitude towards the boy.
“Fine,” He sighed. “You’re a good boy, Harry.”
“He’s amazing,” Mel responded, hugging Harry by the waist and looking up at him adoringly.
Matthew groaned, Sirius patted his shoulder and muttered something that sounded like ‘you’ve lost her, mate.’
“Hey, guys?” Remus suddenly appeared at the doorstep. “Hurry up, the movie starts in twenty minutes.”
“Moony,” Sirius frowned. “Thought Matthew was the only one chaperoning the kids?”
“He’s not here to babysit us,” Percy smirked. “Mel invited Tonks and uncle Moony suddenly had time to join us.”
“Really?” Sirius raised a brow, he walked slowly towards Remus, eyeing him up. “How come?”
“Ever since Mum brought her to talk about her work as Auror,” Percy explained. “He’s been awful social.”
“Uncle Moony has a crush,” Mel grinned.
“I don’t!” Remus tried to look offended. “I — I just want to spend time with my favourite nieces and nephews!”
“Huh,” Harry raised a brow. “Is that why you offered to take Tonks home separately?”
“You’re trying to woo my cousin, Moony?” Sirius stood in front of him.
“Oh, I saw the way they greeted each other this afternoon,” Matthew raised his eyebrows. “Pretty sure he’s wooed her for at least a month now…”
“Ruddy!” Persephone swatted his arm. “Don’t be vulgar!”
“And he still has the nerve to complain about Harry,” Mel teased, Harry now had his arm firmly wrapped around her shoulders.
“Seriously, it’s getting late,” Remus insisted, completely ignoring their comments. “And we don’t get to use magic at muggle theatres, so you don’t want to get caught in the middle of a long line…”
“I insist, we don’t need babysitters for our dates, we’re sixteen!” Percy whined as he walked out of the house followed by the rest.
“Tell that to Prongs’ car,” Matt snorted. “It’s lucky we have magic, otherwise you would’ve spent half of your parent’s money paying for a new one.”
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June 1998
They had decided to make the party at Lupin’s place because it had a beautiful, wide garden. Usually, they would wait until July, but this was a special occasion.
Harry, Mel and Percy had finished their last year at Hogwarts.
The place was full of familiar faces, friends from school as well as their families, even some of their favourite teachers were there, even Snape, who was (unfortunately, in James opinion) part of the family since he was Joshua’s godfather.
James and Sirius had been snickering close to the man’s table, laughing at how absurd Snape was looking surrounded by colourful balloons and confetti.
“We can’t deny he’s been quite a decent godfather to Joshua,” James sighed. “Although Joshua has never been a problem, bless him, he’s all Lily. Snape’s lucky he got the quiet one, I can’t even imagine what he’d do if he’d gotten Cassia or Ivy.”
“Drop dead, probably,” Sirius smirked.
“I can hear you,” Snape turned around on his chair, looking at the men with a quirked eyebrow. “Loud and clear.”
James choked on his drink and quickly replied with an apology, Sirius couldn’t stop the silly grin on his face from widening.
“You’re worse than your children,” Snape sneered, standing up and moving away to get a drink.
“Yeah we’re happy to see you too, Snivellus,” Sirius snorted.
“Leo Regulus Black!” Persephone’s voice came from the kitchen.
“Sounds like my wife needs me,” Sirius excused himself.
Back in the house fourteen-year-old Leo is looking at his mother with an innocent expression that it’s not working at all.
“What’s the matter, love?” Sirius enters.
“McGonagall told me just now that she never got a reply for her last letter,” Persephone said heatedly. “She says our dearest son set fire to the Hufflepuff Keeper! And he’s got this ongoing prank war with Cassia and Ivy, did you know they somehow managed to turn Filch’s cat bright green?”
“To be fair, that one was meant for Dennis Creevey,” Leo said. “I can’t stand that git—”
“You’re grounded,” Persephone crossed her arms. “For the whole month. I don’t know how you did it but I know you intercepted McGonagall’s letter and you’re in big, big trouble.”
“C’mon Mum, don’t be such a bore…”
“Leo Regulus —!”
“Yeah?” Regulus Black walked into the kitchen, holding a piece of cake.
“Not you!” Persephone replied moodily.
“She’s talking to the other Reg, mate,” Sirius said, patting his brother’s shoulder as he walked past. “Glad to see you could make it! How’s life? How’s work?”
“I’m not telling you what my job is, Sirius,” He replied with a knowing smirk.
“Oh, c’mon!” Sirius whined.
“— and if I hear you tried to steal another toilet from the school’s bathrooms I’ll write a letter so they ban you from the Quidditch team!”
Leo gasped, his mother walked out of the room fuming and Sirius looked down at his son trying not to look too proud.
“Bad luck, boy,” Sirius sighed. “At least the twins think twice before messing with the school staff.”
“It was their idea,” Leo sulked. “I wanted to turn Filch’s office pink.”
Sirius snorted, he shook his head and ushered his son out of the house.
“That went well,” Sirius sighed, looking over at the garden.
Outside there were two large tables so all the kids could sit in the same spot. Harry, Mel and Percy were all together as usual, although now Harry had his arm around Mel and Percy was holding Hermione’s hand on the table. Next to them were Ron and Ariana, who was laughing so hard she was almost crying.
Matthew had suffered the last two years, Ron was Harry’s best friend right after Perseus, meaning he’d been part of their mischief, but Emily hadn’t let him scare Ron and he’d been dating little Ari for a year and a half now, she looked happier than ever.
Next to the big group of lovebirds were the Potter twins: Cassia and Ivy. The redheads where talking animatedly with Lyra and Leo. Further down were the Weasleys, Erick Flint and his cousin Jo, Neville Longbottom, Josephine and Luna Lovegood. Persephone’s nephews and nieces were also there, although they were seated at a different table.
Sirius had never been fond of huge parties when he was younger, but this one was completely different to the one he remembered from his childhood.
“Needed a break from the noise?” Remus spoke behind him. “Me too, but I think I should get used to it.”
Sirius turned around and smiled, his friend was standing there, holding his newborn and glowing with happiness.
“Little Teddy has entered the party!” Sirius rushed over to carry his nephew. “Look at him! Nice hair, buddy.”
Remus laughed, standing beside him.
“Tonks has been trying to make him change it to pink, but so far Teddy’s favourite’s are blue and green, she’s not happy about it.”
“Well I think he looks good,” Sirius made a funny face to make the baby laugh. “Isn’t that right, little Ted?”
“Don’t let him fall asleep,” Tonks said, looking slightly anxious. “We’re trying to keep him awake so he’ll sleep the whole night.”
“It’s fun, isn’t it?” Sirius teased. “Real fun to have a baby...”
Remus shook his head, chuckling lowly. “Well you tell me, you had four.”
Little Teddy started to squirm in his arms and Sirius quickly returned him to his father, Remus was happy to take him back. The couple walked out of the house with Sirius behind them.
“Elena’s first year was uneventful, I heard,” Remus grinned.
“Yeah, she’s a nice girl like Lyra,” He smiled. “Leo says she doesn’t hang out with him and Joshua a lot, but they look after her anyway.”
“They’ll come back, you know?” Remus pointed to Percy with his head. “He’ll be around for a while before he moves out.”
“Yeah, a year or two,” Sirius smiled at his son proudly. “He wants to earn his own money, and he’ll need a while for that, then he’ll get his own place and leave us… Blimey, he’s a man now, I didn’t have enough time to enjoy him, you know?”
“It’s not like he’s leaving for good,” Remus calmed him.
“No, but it’s not the same, is it?”
“What are you guys whispering about?” Persephone got closer and kissed her husband’s cheek.
“We’re running out of kids,” Sirius nudged her side. “How about we have another one?”
“Absolutely not!” Persephone raised a brow. “Easy for you to say it, you don’t have to carry them around for nine months!”
“You know I’d do it!”
“My answer is no and that’s final, Sirius.”
“Oh well, I had to try,” He pouted.
“Is that Teds?” James called across the garden. “Bring him over, Moony!”
“My favourite thing about parties is that everyone always holds the baby for me,” Tonks winked, walking away from the couple with her husband following her.
“Is only a matter of time before Percy marries Hermione,” Sirius shook his head. “At least Lyra still hasn’t shown any interest in boys...”
“Yeah, she hasn’t,” Persephone snorted. “Because she’s dating Ginny Weasley.”
“She what?” Sirius’ head snapped to the side quickly, he spotted Lyra in no time.
Ginny was shamelessly flirting with his daughter, something Lyra seemed to be enjoying a lot.
“Ah, I know that smile,” Sirius frowned. “Well, okay… at least she knows how to use it.”
Persephone laughed at his reaction, kissing his cheek again.
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“So what now?” Ari asked them with a bright smile. “What’s your plan? You guys will all live together for the rest of your lives?”
Percy made a face, Harry and Mel chortled.
“Nah,” Harry and Mel shared a look. “We’ve talked about it, actually…”
“I’ll work with mum,” Mel said excitedly. “I’ll learn all I can from her, she’ll teach me everything… then we’ll travel around the world looking for magical creatures for research and stuff...”
“You’re going with them?” Ron asked Percy.
The boy shook his head.
“I’ll make enough money to get my own place and then…” His gaze lingered on Hermione. He smiled. “Then I’ll do whatever she wants.”
Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Don’t be silly, you’ll know what to do by then, you won’t need to ask me.”
“Maybe,” He leaned and kissed her. “Doesn’t mean I won’t ask for your opinion, though.”
“You can join us if you want, Ron?” Harry offered. “I know you told your brothers you’ll help them with the shop they opened in Hogsmeade, but…”
Ron thought about it, Ariana was quick to intervene.
“Oh! Can’t you wait for me?” She said, her clear blue eyes staring at them imploringly. “I’ll graduate next year! If you wait we can all go together!”
“Didn’t you say you wanted to become a teacher?” Mel asked in amusement.
“Uncle Lupin said he’ll wait until Elena graduates to resign, and that’s six years away,” She shrugged. “Said he wanted to be around before his son was old enough to go to school — So travelling with you just like my uncle did might help me!”
“Sounds right,” Harry shrugged. “We’re not leaving until Mel decides it’s time, and that may take a while.”
“Well then, I could start working at the joke shop so I can have some money for the trip,” Ron smiled. “How long are we going to wait?”
“A year, maybe two,” Mel squirmed in her place with a huge smile. “It’s exciting, isn’t it? I can’t wait!”
Harry looked at her with adoration.
“Don’t worry, Mellow, we have time…”
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WITS Taglist:
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere @t-rexs-world @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @21bruhs @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @dielgonacoffee​
PB Taglist:
@avipshamitra​ @auroraawrites​ @findzelda​ @lizlil​ @siriusmuch​​ @may-rapp​ @the-specific-oceans​ @eveft​​ @secret-obsessions​​ @theeicedamericano​​ @xkonpinkx​​ @inkandpen22​​  @littledeadgirlwalking​​  @chloe-geoghegan1 @medalloway-blog
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hermitreunited · 4 years
Hi, I love your fics so much! Could you do 2, 6 and 10 for Everyone Gets Here Eventually? I have such a soft spot for it :)
Thank youuuu!! I have a soft spot for it, too, which is why, oh boy, I went overboard on this reply. So I am definitely putting in a read more and venture forward at your own cluttered risk!
2. Which scene was your favorite to write in eghe?
Some of them I really liked writing because I they were centerpiece scenes that I basically had all the dialogue laid out for ahead of time, so it was easier to sort of just fill in the rest, like the meeting Dave’s family dinner, or when Klaus and Dave have their big fight.
Some I really liked because I didn’t anticipate them existing and then, hello! there they were! and cute and fun, like Rachel teasing Dave about Klaus, and the two of them baking and talking about homophobic dads after, and Diego meeting Dave. Dave going off on Reg was also not a way I thought things would go there and ‘cute and fun’ is not how I would describe it but oh MAN was it satisfying to write.
6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in eghe?
ooohh it stayed surprisingly intact, actually! One of the curses that plagues me as a writer is I basically have to write each scene in order, and then things sort of settle in, with scenes leading one to the next in ways I don’t tend to mess around with.
But I pulled out the docs and looked at notes for it, which honestly is where this all went wrong because I have A Lot Of Notes for it. The scene that probably got the biggest changes is in chapter two, where Dave shares about how the afterlife works and that the ghosts Klaus sees on earth are the bad bits that get left out of the afterlife.
So it never made it onto the page, but this was the scene where they decided that they needed a name for this afterlife and they settle on Peace, as in the spirits there are at peace.
And anyway, I always need to know everything that everyone on the page is thinking when I write, so when Klaus learns about the spirits on earth mainly being the worst parts of people’s souls, I have a note about what’s on his mind:  “not only is this a ‘here is why your life is so fucking shitty - solved it’ moment, which sucks, but also I think he’s conflating things a bit and possibly over the top self-pityingly toying with the idea that he keeps getting kicked out because allll of him is the worst of humanity. it’s not an entirely consistent idea, but when he wants to feel really shitty, he dabbles in the notion.”
ALSO in that scene, I have the only chunk of properly written stuff I found that was cut but still saved. I took it out because it seemed like it dipped into too much confusing plot stuff and made the timing weird and it just didn’t work there but - Klaus realizes that with ghosts basically able to time travel, a person or organization could quite effectively change timelines, as long as they had Klaus around to talk to said ghosts for them. (and maybe it was a backdoor idea for a fic that could exist, I don’t know) But anyway here’s a version of what that conversation looked like:
Then the magnitude of this new angle hits him. “This is a lot, Dave. Holy shit. This is turning out to be a lot.” “Too big to mess with.” Dave has had plenty of time to think this over already, and that’s the conclusion he came to as well. “Did you know, there’s a whole group of time-traveling cops who make sure that nothing changes the timeline too much?” Obviously Dave did not know about that. ‘The world got weird’ is turning out to be a greater understatement than he could ever have imagined. “Whatever that even means,” Klaus goes on. “‘Cops’ is actually too sanitized a word, probably. There’s no way they know about this. If they knew that I - I don’t know what they would do. Jesus.” Klaus is slipping into that long distance stare that means he is circling in on a freak-out. “That’s got to stay a state secret, Dave, that can’t be a thing people find out. I can come up with too many ways to exploit that just off the top of my head and I’m the world’s biggest idiot; I’m not half as devious as some of these motherfuckers.” Dave steadies Klaus’ knee as it starts to bounce compulsively. “I’m not going to tell anyone.” The question is unsaid, because they both know the answer, but Klaus flicks his eyes to Dave’s to check anyway before he says it out loud. “Because we’re not going to do anything to save you.”
There’s a part of me that wants to share a little not really written moment from the fic I probably won’t ever write where we get to see Klaus’ side of what happened through all of the fic, but this post is already so stupid long. (maybe I’ll make another post just to spill on that? because I really don’t think the fic is ever going to be written)
10. What are some facts readers may not know about eghe?
So since I went combing through notes, I’m just going to paste in some of the maybe interesting ones here. Most are like, half sketches of a dialogue that never found a spot, but there’s a headcanon and a Thought in there, too.
When Klaus finds out that they just can kind of see each other/be seen as however he wants, he’s appalled with modern religion. “How did modern religion get so hung up on sex? This place is kinky as hell!” (Hm word choice ha)
it cracks him up that he is having this ‘who is older’ argument with his bf and it’s just as nonsensical as it always is with his siblings and that shouldn’t be possible
an unwritten piece of Vanya’s book: “sometimes she wonders if maybe he doesn’t even have powers either, if he’s like her but managed to lie about it early enough to get included. You cant ever see his powers and he never did anything useful with them and he always lied, even about big things like Ben. Maybe he lied about this all this time”
Klaus leaves doors open because a closed door can’t stop a ghost anyway, and he at least likes to know when they are coming.
So anyway just so we’re clear, the subtext story of this whooole thing is about how Dave is carrying around this fear of being unlovable because of gay reasons, which are ridiculous and he learns to set himself free partially due to the ways Klaus shows him that there isn’t nothing wrong with that. Klaus is carrying around this fear of being unlovable because of personality reasons, which are also unfounded and he’s going to learn to set himself free due to the ways Dave shows him that there’s nothing wrong with him. Basically they have the same anxieties, but Dave’s are tied to sexuality and Klaus’ are not. Still about feeling like inherently bad people because of outside influences telling them that they are.
regarding the Diego meeting Dave scene: “Which, good job talking about your feelings, Diego! Klaus might (semi-)jokingly tell him this. Because they are both in therapy. Klaus wasn’t going to go unless Diego did, too.Also, his reaction at first when his doc was like, ‘yeah you’re depressed’ was “if that’s depression than I’ve been depressed for years. Longer than I haven’t” and the response is just 😬😬”
Holy moly I can apparently talk about my own stuff for a while huh?? I hope you didn’t regret asking! I had a fun time looking back at it, so thanks again very much! 💜💜
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Downfall of Us All: Chapter 2
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Special thanks to @jtargaryen18​, who deserves more credit for helping me write this story, and for putting up with my crazy ideas. Check out her amazing stories, on here and on AO3.
Warnings: Forced Breeding, Angst, Depression, and Grief.
Downfall Of Us All 
Chapter 2 
Clint managed to put on a t-shirt, and a pair of jeans, he tied up his boots with some luck. He stood up and looked at the right side of his stomach where Laura had stabbed him. His heart ached for the loss of his children; he would never see them again. He'd never hold them, watch Cooper become a good man or see Lila walk down the aisle.
They were gone, but he'd never forget them.
He walked to the conference room where the others were waiting, and Ross was there already. He glanced at the Home Secretary with hatred burning in his eyes, as he looked at the man. He wished he hadn't taken the deal with Ross, he'd wanted to see his children, and this was the price he was paying. If he'd been with Nat, Steve and the others.... would things have been different?
Maybe. "We have discovered that two sisters, Sophie and Grace Drăgoi Melnychenko are the daughters of a Red Room Operative. Her name was Anya Melnychenko, she was born in Ukraine, Kiev." Ross said coldly and pressed a remote that showed a photo of a blonde-haired young woman. "Was she around the same time as Natasha?" Tony asked cautiously, he knew Natasha's past was a sore subject to be asking about.
"Anya Melnychenko wasn't around when I was being trained. But I heard whispers about more young girls being recruited," Natasha admitted quietly, Steve squeezed her hand tightly. "Stark, pull up the file on here." Ross ordered harshly, and Tony's face darkened but he did as the man ordered. He pulled up the file, and Clint felt his stomach roll in nausea. "They were impregnated by Winter Soldiers, who were HYDRA assassins." Steve said sickened, and Clint glanced at Bucky whose face had darkened in anger.
"I don't understand," Bruce said, "and with all respect, Nat, because I know it's an unpleasant subject. But weren't the Red Room agents forcibly sterilized?" "This came from the Red Room," Ross explained, "but it was a different program. It was called the Widow Program. A breeding program. According to the intel we've gathered, they intended to hand select young women from the Red Room and breed them with the Winter Soldiers. Their intention was to breed a superior class of elite female assassins. Instead of training them as small children, as they have for decades in the Red Room, they would begin shortly after conception." Clint shook his head. "After conception? What does that mean?" "Anya was the test subject in this program," Ross went on. "They selected her to be the first in this program. Both times they used a soldier named Adam Drăgoi, Romanian in origin, to impregnate her." At the name, Bucky glanced up at Ross. Did he know who he was? Was the name familiar? "And he was a Winter Soldier? Like Bucky?" Steve asked wearily. "Not exactly," Ross replied. "While he was part of the program, his tendencies were not as violent as the other soldiers. It was why he was selected." "It's rape either way," Nat threw out, looking disgusted. Ross nodded but went on. "Once they were certain that the pregnancies were viable, and the foetuses’ female, they experimented on each child in utero." "Before they were born?" Steve shook his head. "And female? So, if either of the babies were male…?" "The first one was a male foetus," Ross said nonchalantly. "They terminated that pregnancy." Nat's head lowered. Steve took her hand under the table as Clint watched, trying to comfort her. "What kind of experiments?" Clint asked. "What did they do?"
"The intel that we've recovered, suggests that they were injected with a rare form of spider DNA. A radioactive spider to be exact and were injected with its blood. They were also given a weaker of the Super - Soldier serum," Ross said bluntly, no empathy in his voice. "What happened to Anya? After she gave birth." Natasha asked quietly, her voice hard but everyone heard the anger in her voice at what they were hearing. "She and Adam escaped the Widow Program, they left and took the children with them. After that no one knew what happened to them, until after this." Ross said calmly and played a video. Clint's eyes widened at the sight of two young blonde-haired women, fighting off a group of men. He'd guess they were HYDRA, two of the men ended up in spider webbing, while the other two were blasted away. "They are wanted by the UN for refusing to sign the Sokovia Accords, you are to arrest them and by force if necessary." Ross said coldly and looked at them. "Any questions?" He asked calmly, and Wanda was the one who dared to ask the question. "What if we can't convince them to come with us?" Wanda asked bravely, Ross regarded the young woman with no emotion. "They will be sent to the Raft, you will be leaving in an hour. So, I suggest you pack a few things." He said sharply and paused. "Arrest Agent Grant Ward, he was protecting the sisters and broke the Sokovian Accords. So, bring him in, and Parker." The Home Secretary said coldly, and left. "Fuck, so we're dealing with two sisters who have spider abilities?" Bucky asked darkly, he was trying to remember any memories that had Adam in them. "Looks like it, Bucky." Steve said grimly and sighed. "Suit up."
Grace Viktoria Melnychenko Drăgoi sighed quietly, as she cleaned up the small cake shop that her mother had owned. It had been Anya Melnychenko’s pride and joy, and she had raised her two daughters to help her run it. "Well, that's Mrs Carmichael's cake order done, Gracie." Sophie Melnychenko Drăgoi said softly, glancing at her sister reassuringly. Grace attempted to give her older sister a smile.
The cake she'd done for Mrs. Carmichael was a masterpiece in shimmering white frosting with three layers, intricate doves, and flowers. Her sister's artistic abilities never failed to amaze her. Grace loved a good cake as much as the next person, but her sister's were so beautiful she wasn't certain she could bring herself to eat one if it were offered to her. The counters were all done save for Sophie's counter space, the floors swept. Most of their supplies and ingredients were put away. Grace couldn't overcome the sense that something wasn't done. Something was out of place. Something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" Sophie asked her as she eased the cake into the refrigerated display case beneath the counter. Grace shook her head. "Can't you feel it?" The cake safely tucked away, Sophie wiped her hands on her apron and studied her. "Feel what?" Hanging up her own apron and setting aside her broom, Grace tried to give a name to the restless energy that had filled her mind with dread. It had started only a couple of hours ago. Granted that was at five o'clock, their busiest time when people were on their way home from work. And they had been busy so maybe that's why she'd told herself it was just daily stress, supply and demand. Only the feeling had grown worse. "Sophie, something is coming," was all Grace knew to say. "Someone is coming." "Who?" "If I knew I wouldn't ask, now would I?" Grace wrapped her arms around herself, feeling like her skin was crawling. "Does this have to do with that dream you told me about?" Sophie asked gently. "It wasn't a dream," Grace said impatiently. "I talked to him. And he's… coming with them. They are coming here. Oh, God! Can't you feel it?"
Sophie stilled and tuned into her senses, sensing nothing for a moment but then felt like her own skin was crawling. She shivered and looked at Grace. "Let's drop off this cake and go home." She said quietly, keeping her voice calm despite her inner fear. Grace nodded and pulled the cake out as she carefully got it onto the table. Sophie pulled out a cake box, so they could deliver it carefully in the car. Sophie took the cake, while Grace closed the store and put the closed sign in front of the front door. Taking in a few deep breaths, she took off her apron and placed it behind the front counter. She had been on edge since she'd had that dream, with that mysterious man who had talked to her. Clint, his name was Clint. She heard Sophie honking the horn, and she quickly left the store and walked to the black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. She got in, and they started driving back to their apartment. Their apartment was in downtown Brooklyn, a blue-collar area for working class families. When their parents had emigrated to New York, Brooklyn following the collapse of the Soviet Union, they had decided Brooklyn would be a good place to raise their two young daughters. She missed her parents so much, she sighed as she listened to the radio. Sophie was watching the road, as the car was one street away from their apartment. "We'll pack a few things, and take the cats with us," Sophie said reassuringly to Grace who nodded quietly, they drove into the apartment parking lot and turned the engine off. They walked not too quickly to the apartment building, and Grace walked beside her as they reached their apartment. Sophie unlocked the door, and they went inside quickly, and locked the door. Grace hurried into her bedroom and took out a small travel bag, she packed a few pairs of jeans, underwear, and shirts. She then packed a few tank tops, and t-shirts, and her toiletry bag. She quickly packed it with her shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and her soap, and packed it all in her bag. She took in a deep breath and found Starling fast asleep on her bed. She picked him up gently, and put him in the car carrier with Custard, Tom, Jack, Reg, Bonnie, Clyde, Paul and Oscar. Sophie came in with Patch, the tuxedo cat purring. "Got everything packed?" Sophie asked quietly, Grace nodded and picked up a framed photo, she kissed it lovingly and put it in her travel bag. "Yeah, have you packed everything?" She asked nervously, Sophie nodded and looked at their mother's bedroom. "I took the passports from the safe, and the money that mom saved up for us." Sophie explained softly, and they started leaving the apartment. Sophie had just grabbed the doorknob when a loud thump sounded behind them. They whirled around to see a large man climbing through the door of their balcony, an assault rifle slung over one should and the other arm was… Metal? Wait, isn't that…? Flinging the door open, carrier in hand, Sophie tried darting out the door, nearly colliding with the huge shield of Captain America. Steve Rogers stepped forward, forcing Sophie to step back. To say he filled a room was an understatement. His gaze darted from Sophie to Grace and back. "Ladies," he said. "Going to need you to come with us, please." Grace glared back over her shoulder at the Winter Soldier, who was slowly coming in behind them. "Stop, right there," Grace warned him. He froze but once they turned their attention back to Captain America, he took another step. Sophie zinged webbing back at him and in his surprise, she was able to jerk the rifle out of his grip and into hers. She wasn't unfamiliar with firearms, so she hauled it up, pointing it at Captain America's face. "Get over here, soldier!" Sophie yelled at Bucky, "where I can see you both." Grace heard the machinery of his arm working as he contemplated his next move. Lunging, that arm swung out to grab Gracie who scaled the wall, staying just out of his grasp, clinging to the ceiling and staying just out of his reach. "Buck, stop," Captain America told him. "Come here." Sophie kept the rifle pointed at America's hero and Grace watched warily as the soldier went in the direction of his leader, his eyes not leaving her once. Captain America lowered his shield, not so much out of fear that Sophie would shoot one of them. It appeared he wanted to talk. "We're not here to hurt you," the Captain told them. "We're trying to help you." "Shit!" All of them turned to see Spider - Man just inside their balcony door, his gaze riveted on Grace. "Grace?" He asked, pulling the mask from his head to reveal Peter Parker who had once been their neighbour. "Is that you?" Sophie and Grace exchanged glances. Grace dropped from the ceiling, her heart pounding in her chest. She'd always liked Peter. His presence made whatever was going on a little less threatening. "Yeah, it's me." "Wait. How do you know each other?" the Winter Soldier asked, frowning. "We used to be neighbours," Peter explained, walking forward to hug Grace. "Me and May have missed you guys." "We've missed you too," Grace told him, wishing they could be talking under other circumstances. Peter looked to Steve and Bucky then. "Guys, what are we doing here? Did they do something wrong?"
"They didn't register under the Sokovian Accords, and Ross considers them to be a risk to Homeland Security." Steve explained quietly, although he didn't like this either. "We don't want to be used as weapons, by any governments. Please, we just want to be left alone." Sophie pleaded imploringly, hoping they would understand. "Wait, you've got powers?" Peter asked startled, he knew that their mother, Anya was very protective of them. She was very strict about what boys they dated and had a soft spot for him. Sophie and Grace glanced at each other, and it was like they were having a silent conversation. They turned to face Peter, and Grace threw webbing at the wall, causing it to stock. Peter stared at them in shock, and they looked at him sadly. Grace especially looked remorseful, while Sophie simply looked defeated as she looked at Steve and Bucky. "You're both like me?" Peter asked finally, shocked at what he was seeing in front of him. They nodded, and Sophie was the one who spoke up. "We wanted to tell you, Peter. Honestly, we did, but mama was terrified at the thought of the government using us as weapons. She forbade us from telling you, but we tried to protect you," Sophie said quietly, regret in her voice. Peter was just a kid, and she was a grown woman. Peter should be at home studying, or with his friends or with May. Not fighting dangerous criminals, and dangerous organisations. Peter shook his head, he wasn't mad at them, but he was confused as hell as to why the Avengers, and Tony wanted with them. "We'll go with you, just please.... can we take our cats?" Grace said defeatedly, she knew they had no chance against two super soldiers and the Avengers. Not to mention, the Hulk. Steve nodded in understanding, and gently took her by the arm while Bucky took Sophie, as they left the apartment. People had come to see what was going on and were shocked to see the Avengers with them.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grace was trembling slightly, as they were led outside the apartment building, and showed to a black armoured truck. It looked like a prison van. "Sophie Vera Melnychenko Drăgoi, and Grace Viktoria Melnychenko Drăgoi, you are both under arrest for failure of not signing the Sokovian Accords. Barton, you'll ride with the younger one, while Barnes will take the eldest." A man in a black suit ordered coldly, and two soldiers walked over. "This way, mam." The soldier said quietly to Sophie she looked over at Grace who looked scared. "I'm not leaving my sister." Sophie said firmly, refusing to leave her little sister in the hands of this man. "Are you resisting arrest?" Ross asked challengingly, Sophie squared her shoulders and glared at him.
"Come on," Steve stared down the man in the suit. "They aren't resisting arrest. Let them stay together." "And pose more of a threat together? No," the man replied coldly. Grace hadn't paid attention to the other soldier standing next to the scary one with the metal arm. He was flinching slightly in pain as he dug out a pair of handcuffs. Then he looked up, his gaze meeting hers. It was him. Clint. The way his grey eyes widened on her gave it away. He recognized her. He was the man she remembered meeting. "It's okay, Soph," Grace told her sister before her insistence made their situation worse. "I'll be okay." Sophie frowned at her, mouthed "what the hell". Grace nodded, trying to assure her she didn't feel in any danger. If Sophie wanted to worry about someone, she should worry about the warrior who carefully placed her in handcuffs, strange-looking, thick handcuffs, and helped her into the van. As Grace watched, she was surprised with the care he took with her sister. Maybe there weren't all bad. They were in custody. She had to hope for the best now. The soldier slammed the door behind him and Grace watched the van drive away. Clint stepped up, Grace put down the carriers and held her wrists out in front of her, not contesting when he placed the handcuffs on her. His gaze met her; such sorrow shadowed those kind eyes as they gazed into her eyes. She remembered his children. How much he loved them, how he'd cried for them. He had his initial reaction to their meeting under control, but still, he handled her with care. He winced as he bent to pick up Grace's carriers. "Your side," Grace warned, not wanting him to hurt himself. He only picked up one. The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. "I'll be okay." Steve grabbed the other carrier at her feet, walking behind them as Clint helped her into another black van and set his carrier down. Steve placed the other carrier in the van, slamming the door shut leaving Grace there on the bench seat next to Clint. "Thank you," Grace said to Clint in the quiet of the van as the engine started. Grace hadn't had a chance to tell her sister about meeting Clint, what she knew about him. Hell, they might have an ally in him in getting away from these people at some point. It broke her heart to have to give up their mother's cake shop. The small business had not only sustained them, it was the one thing their mother was so proud of, had worked so hard on. Their dreams weren't just going to end like this, right? They also had Peter. Maybe he could help them without compromising himself. He could tell them, in truth, that he hadn't know about their abilities before today. That they'd never posed a threat. That had to count for something, right? "Grace?" Clint's lowered voice pulled her from her thoughts. "You do remember me, don't you? That was real, wasn't it?"
"Yes, that was real. I was in your dream last night when you were flatlining. Thought I was going crazy at first, but I wasn't." Grace said quietly and looked at the street where their cake shop was. What if they weren't allowed to run the business? That was their mother's legacy, and Grace felt like she'd let down her mother, and to a degree her father. "Felt real to me, I saw you with your children. I'm sorry, no parent deserves to lose a child." Grace said sadly, her mind drifting to a little boy with dark blonde hair, and a sweet smile. She wiped her eyes quickly, and stroked Starling through the pet carrier, the cat purring softly. Clint looked at her quietly, she seemed to genuinely understand what he was going through. That confused him though, Ross had said that she didn't have any children. 'Maybe she's just being kind, she lost her mom and dad.' He reasoned silently and nodded at her in thanks. Grace smiled quietly and bit her lip. She hoped Sophie was alright.
Tagging list: @jtargaryen18​, @threeminutesoflife​, @katebishop2020​, @sapphirescrolls​, @marvelfansworld​, @kitkatd7​, and @redfoxwritesstuff​
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chyrstis · 4 years
I won’t ask for much (but just this once, I’d like you) 2/10
Updates for this’ll probably come every couple of days or so, and I’m already bracing myself for a third wave of edits to come. But here’s the next part, and Sharky, I’m sorry about the skunk, but you were the one to mention it to begin with. ...And the resulting idea was too entertaining to pass up.
Pairing: Sharky Boshaw x John Seed Rating: E (but only for Ch. 10, the rest are a solid T) Word Count: 4.3K  
Link to AO3!
Ch. 1 / Ch. 2 / Ch. 3 / Ch. 4 / Ch. 5 / Ch. 6 / Ch. 7 / Ch. 8 / Ch. 9 / Ch. 10
Sharky steals a boat. It just happens to be John’s boat, and when it’s damaged along with his boathouse, John proceeds to lay out a means of having Sharky pay him back. [No Cult AU]
It took two and a half days to tear the old boathouse down.
John hadn’t lied when he mentioned wanting him to get in there and take it apart piece by piece, and hovered over him the entire time.
The whole monitoring bit was easily the part that annoyed him the most. Like he was waiting for him to screw up. To somehow find a way to take the already burnt building and set it on fire again through force of will alone. Which, while badass, was well out of his means, all the wishing and praying he’d sometimes do to monkey Jesus aside.
But that didn’t stop John from acting like he had the ability. Riding him further during smoke breaks, or barking order after order at him from the sidelines.
Every other word out of his mouth was a correction. To tell him to go back to read the blueprints again. To check his measurements. To put out that cigarette, pry out that misplaced nail, and to use some of that delicacy he kept on going back to, making Sharky’s eyes want to roll back into his head.
And music? The one time he’d tried to bring any levity to the situation with the soothing sounds of disco, John put an end to it immediately. Really just made it clear how much of a drag he wanted to be, and only wanted to push the point home.
Seeing as John was some big-shot lawyer, he really expected him to have more to do than nitpick and lord this whole thing over him. Like he’d stick around for a few weeks, use the time to get off on whatever power trip he was having over this, and then go back to bugging the department, the local businesses, Nick, shit, anyone.
But John Seed was also petty as fuck.
Local gossip hadn’t painted the guy as a kind or forgiving figure, and while the Seeds as a whole were alright at best and fucking weird at worst, over the past couple of years John had picked up a rep as a colossal asshole all on his own.
Tickets? Contested. Special orders down at the store or for parts? Made with specific instructions that needed to be followed to the letter. If not, he’d demand and get his money back, damning everyone with the fine print others would skim over.
Hell, Sid, one of the guys that worked down at the cattle ranch, had traded paint with him once. He’d done so while stopping at the general store, and hadn’t paid much mind to the fancy car parked in the lot, getting just close enough to leave a small scuff on the rear bumper.
In those cases, a person would trade numbers, or see what they could buff off before moving on, 'cause insurance claims were a pain in the ass, and half of the cars in the county were a little late on renewing registrations anyway. Shit, he was coming up on a year, and hoping to see how much longer he could go before any of the Deps cottoned on to it.
But no, the minute John caught on, Sid recalled the glint he got in his eye. Then told him he’d slap him with the largest fine possible for both the damage and the late reg. All over trading paint. Not major damage, not even a busted tire.
Just paint.
Sid was still spitting mad about it, months after the fact.
He’d even pulled a fast one when it came to setting up big bro Joe’s compound. Digging up some obscure property laws all but guaranteeing the land could be sold to them.
No, no one earned the title of mega-dick by being sweet and accommodating. His bro had smoothed over a lot of ruffled feathers by being pretty okay after that, even with all of the converts chilling the fuck out on his property, but John was still John.
And now he personally had that shit to deal with. Today, two days from now, and who knew how many weeks or months after that.
So much for those chicks wanting and keeping his number too. Hurk told him he’d snagged at least one number on the way back to their drop off, but when he’d tried to call them back the other day he got no answer. Ghosted him like it was nothing, and he guessed he deserved that.
What with getting himself caught and left to doing whatever the hell John wanted for as long as John wanted.
“As per our agreement,” John would remind him, whenever he felt the point needed pushing.
And he pushed.
Whenever Sharky would drop something, whenever he let his feet drag, whenever he cut something and John was ready to whip out his tape measure.
He pushed, and Sharky shot another prayer up to monkey Jesus, hoping that maybe this would be the day to go Human Torch on the situation. Or at the very least a little Cyclops.
Not today, but he’d try again tomorrow.
But on the days when Sharky was working, it wasn’t always just the two of them. He’d full on expected this whole thing to go on in its own little pocket, with Hurk eventually crashing the party due to a need to bust him out or worse.
The day that Joseph first showed up stood out, for one.
Joseph Seed was kind of like Pastor Jerome. Not his first pick to hang out with, considering they were both on opposite sides here. Of the whole preaching and managing earthly temptations, while not super indulging in the kind of shit that he knew he wanted in his life, period.
It came with the territory, being religious leaders and all that, but when Joseph first rolled in to the county, he’d brought his people with him.
And they were an interesting bunch. The People of Eden’s Gate were some kind of holistic commune where it was pretty hunky-dory roughly ninety percent of the time. The other ten percent was wondering just what to do about the men and women that wanted the simple life. Living humbly while offering help wherever needed.
While their hearts were in the right place, it was pretty boring stuff otherwise, Sharky decided. He’d even considered joining up for the hell of it only until Hurk reminded him that there wasn’t much fucking to be found there. Pretty women, sure, but the kind more focused on spirituality, and less on how many ways they could Clutch Nixon-ify their daily lives.
But Joseph on his own was a different story.
Watching John go from calmly sipping his drink, doubling-down on just how refreshing it was when Sharky happened to push the wheelbarrow past him, to spitting half of it out when Joseph materialized next to him was fucking priceless.
Greeting him warmly, Joseph pulled a sputtering John into a kind-of half-hug gesture, but John’s cool had already been lost, and in front of his entourage too.
Joe’s wife was with him, plus kiddo number one of a baker’s dozen, carrying them up and on her hip as they talked. With them was also a woman dressed in the modest clothes the Peggies stuck to. She wasn’t trying to stand out, but he didn’t need sharp eyes to see how damn pretty she was.
It had to have been a brother thing, Sharky gathered. Embarrassing the shit out of younger siblings seemed almost natural to Joseph, and it might’ve been petty of him too, but watching John try to get his shit back in line in front of all of them was like hitting the jackpot.
So, Sharky kept on working, sneaking looks over at the group every now and then, and at one point gave an awkward wave back whenever they tried acknowledging him. But whenever John glanced his way, Sharky didn’t hide his shit-eating grin. No, it stayed put for the rest of the day.
The next time Joseph came over, however, he didn’t stop by just to say hi. He approached Sharky, ignoring John’s loud protests, and insisted on helping.
He’d get water, and help with any items that needed anchoring, stepping in whenever it looked like Sharky needed another hand. It was the most contact he’d had with the guy outside of the times he’d tried preaching at the Eagle, and outside of that? He was actually pretty okay to be around.
Well, he personally didn’t have a problem with Joe, at least. John’s irritation skyrocketed with every suggestion, especially when Joseph did the impossible. Told him that with a three-person job, you needed three people, and John? John was capable.
“You sure are,” Sharky added, giving him a wicked grin, and John looked mad enough to spit.
But he didn’t say no. Didn’t even try, or attempt it.
Did more than his fair share under the loving supervision of his older bro, and come nightfall, Sharky realized he’d had a damn good day. It was the lightest he’d felt in weeks, and wasn’t about to turn that down. Not when it helped him jump back into things with some extra pep, and the progress was a boost too.
With the actual frame up and the panels and exterior being added piece by piece, Sharky was starting to feel pretty accomplished. Proud even, because he built this. Yeah, he was being needled at every step of the way, but he used his own two hands to get this set up, no one else’s, and at the end of the day could actually see more of this coming together.
If he kept this up, he’d also have some extra skills to add to his repertoire. Might even get a chance to twist Hurk’s arm into trying out that whole ‘building and flipping’ thing that seemed to be hot at the moment, provided he wasn’t here for the next ten years.
But goals. He had goals to work towards and something to show for it, and it was pretty damn nice in the grand scheme of things.
Today, however, John had a guest again. The same Peggie woman as before, holding a basket, flanked by a few other converts.
Full on expecting to see Joe with her, Sharky wondered if he was waiting out in the woods again. Hell, even John was checking the path back up towards his house, looking past her every now and then to see if he’d catch him.
But as the minutes ticked by, and Sharky kept on working, nothing happened. And long after the other Eden’s Gate members had left, the two kept on talking, having what seemed to be a hell of a time going off of the signals they were giving off.
Smiling, laughing. Facing each other directly as they spoke, Sharky had John’s back to him almost completely, which had his eyebrows climbing up.
And judging by the way she was reacting to John in turn, he had to have been turning on the charm. Smiling shyly, twirling her hair around her finger, hell, he’d put money on her being a two-word question away from dropping everything to get a piece of that.
It was annoying as fuck, really. Dry spell or not, watching John pull it off with minimal effort sucked.
Sure, he had a lot of things working for him. The guy was loaded, for one. Had more than enough money to net himself a fancy car, his large-ass ranch, and a plane. He’d also had a boat up until Sharky had wrecked it, but that was beside the point. Man had more money than sense, and worked the slick lawyer angle for all it was worth. He’d listened in on enough convos to know just how many women in the county dug it. Shit, men too.
Plus the whole property on the water was a real panty dropper. At least going off of what his Auntie had said shortly after John had first bought it, gossiping with Sharky about the costs and expenses that came with it.
Then she promptly turned the talk on its head by launching into talking about John’s ass instead.
His drink hadn’t stayed in his mouth for long, and she’d dropped her forlorn sighing long enough to tell him not to stain the carpet. That he had to hear and think about John’s ass at all wasn’t fucking fair, especially since he was pretty damn sure it wasn’t that much of a draw to begin with. He’d checked.
Whenever John’s back was turned towards him, he’d sneak a look to see what the deal was only to be disappointed. Better asses were walking around Hope County right this moment, his included, but good luck trying to argue that with her. Or even get three words in edgewise before wanting to slap some sense into himself.
Besides, John’s eyes were better. Hands down, Sharky knew they’d been his ticket to pound town on more than one occasion, needing only to show them off and say a few fancy words to seal any kind of deal.
Dropping the wood onto the ground, he crouched down low. Stared at the wood grain of the plank to clear his mind a little before shifting his attention back towards John.
Shit, were they still talking?
He rolled his eyes. Whatever John was saying couldn’t have been that good, and any joke? Nowhere near funny enough to get a giggle like that.
At that time, John turned, giving him a look over his shoulder as Sharky became well aware of two sets of eyes on him. The woman for one, and the pretty boy lawyer that had been eating up every last shred of her attention until now.
A cross between smug and expectant, John gestured towards him.
Sharky knew three ways to tell someone to get fucked, but picked the least subtle one just in case.
Shocked for a second, John closed his mouth. But soon after, he pressed a hand to his chest, looking hurt. It was pretty convincing, making Sharky feel for a moment that he’d done something shitty like kicked a puppy.
Shame it didn’t reach his eyes. Or match the sharp smile that crept in.
“Smug-ass, smirking fuckface,” Sharky muttered, throwing the wooden plank to the side.
But not even that stuck around either. No, John flashed his pearly whites at the woman with him too, making her melt right in front of them.
Salt in the motherfucking wound. That’s what it all was, but lucky for him he only had a few more hours left to go. Then he could go home, get in a kickass shower and see what Hurk was doing.
Standing up, he wiped his face down with his handkerchief. If this had been anytime during the summer he would’ve been dying, but at least the weather was working in his favor. The breeze took the edge off just enough, and he closed his eyes for a few seconds to soak it all in.
“Oh, Charlemagne?”
Grating right on his ears, the pitch John used never failed to make him want to grind his teeth together. That, and saying his name. Kept on doing that well after being told he could call him Sharky. Shit, even his grandma used it sparingly.
“Shouldn’t you be focusing over there-“ John froze, and all smugness vanished.
That put him on edge. “Yo, you wanna expand on that, amigo?”
Slowly turning around, Sharky caught the small creature on the ground and felt every hair on him stand on end. Black and white, and assuming the posture any pissed off animal would, it stood tall for its small size with its tail up, ready and aiming right at him.
Skunks, though, had never liked him. Guess he’d earned that after the whole kissing one bit. So, staring down what he was sure had to be some distant relative out for revenge, he did what came naturally.
Yelled. Loudly, and might’ve sealed his fate right then and there.
Hit, but not in the eyes – thank Hurk’s monkey Jesus for that – he sprinted down towards the river and dove right in.
Grabbing his cap, he kept it in hand as he bobbed back up to the surface. The smell hit as he gulped down air, and he furiously paddled away from the shore when he realized he’d been followed.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
This was fucking bonkers, and it was only getting worse.
Could skunks swim? Did they have a sense for it, or was he getting played by the only one able to? Was this the moment some poor guy was going to have to act out in the movie about his life? Swimming out, smelling to high heaven as a rich asshole laughed it up from the shore?
Fuck, he hoped to hell not, 'cause he’d lived an okay life up ‘til now. And having that be the moment he’d be known for immortalized up on the silver screen was just lousy at best.
Looking back, he watched as the skunk gave him the evil eye for a minute, pacing back and forth as it thought about shooting at him again. Little fucker wasn’t done yet, but couldn’t fire another round off from where it was.
John on the other hand, was watching the whole thing develop from a distance. He hadn’t taken off, but wasn’t laughing like he thought he would either. If anything, his gaze was sharp as he aimed it over at the skunk camping him out, and kept it set in place as he approached the boathouse.
Whatever the hell he had in mind, Sharky hoped he’d do it, and do it fast.
Shit, if he ended up zapped too, that’d also make his week, but for now he needed to keep swimming, and tried to see if he could make his way back towards land. His arms and legs weren’t tired, but the water wasn’t getting any warmer, and this was more of a workout than he’d planned for.
The skunk did not let up, following his drift.
“Seriously? Don’t you got something better to get up to?”
No, it didn’t, and he paddled harder hoping to get some kind of a lead on it. Kicked enough with the intent of making a break for it as soon as he hit land.
Maybe he could shimmy up a tree? Nah, he’d be a sitting duck, worse off there than here. Get back to his car on the way? His keys were swimming in his pocket right now, along with-
Aw, dammit. There went that phone. Sputtering into the water, he coughed around the word that would’ve come out otherwise, then gave it up to keep on swimming.
On the edge of the shore, he dragged himself up and out and booked it. Didn’t see anything waiting for him, but didn’t waste time either. Just hit the nearest patch of tall bushes and stayed low.
Waiting was the worst part. Waiting, listening, and trying not to make too much noise on his end. Every branch, twig, and leaf was the enemy now, and he wasn’t about to let that skunk get the drop on him again.
Five minutes passed. Then ten.
Loud squeaking sounded off in the distance, and he poked his head out from the bush.
Scanning left and right, Sharky checked for black and white. That and movement. When neither seemed to be present, he pushed his way forward and stepped out into the open.
Letting out a slow breath, he shook his hat out and slipped it back on. Then took in a tentative sniff as he raised his arm. The smell hung around him like a cloud, and getting a bigger whiff of it only made him want to gag.
Peeling the shirt off, he wrung it out, and gave it a smell as well. Now that made his eyes water. With his luck his jeans were just as bad, and he didn’t bother checking. Just pulled them off to get some of the water out of them too, and resigned himself to drip-drying the rest of the day outdoors.
“Charlemagne? You can come out now!”
John. Guess he’d found a way to deal with it after all.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
“Ugh, fucker. Took him long enough.” Groaning to himself, he slung his wet clothes over his shoulder and started heading towards the clearing.
“Well, there you…are?” John gave him a quick once over as he walked past, and pursed his lips. “Hmm.”
The woman with him didn’t even try to make eye contact. Just kept her attention directed elsewhere, her cheeks tinted red.
Great. Not that he was trying, but his odds of getting even a pity look in passing had all but tanked.
“Yo, I don’t wanna know what you did, but after that? My bullshit meter’s maxed, so fuck off.”
Prying his keys out of his pocket, Sharky unlocked the trunk of his car and threw the clothes into the back of it. Between the gas cans and propane tanks he’d thrown back there often enough, skunk wasn’t going to add much to the smell in there.
“Fuck off? That’s not very kind, all things considering.”
The trunk dropped, and he might’ve used more force than necessary. “Kind?”
“Not even a thank you?” John eyed him from a distance, smug, but only for a second. “After chasing off your little tormentor? Such a shame, really.”
“That I ain’t feeling, what? Warm gratitude towards you right now? Like happy and fuzzy shit?”
John scoffed. “Hardly.”
“'Cause you’re making a whole lot of noise for nothing, and I wouldn’t be out here busting my ass at all without you to begin with.”
“Oh, my dear Charlemagne,” he watched as John withdrew a blue handkerchief from his jean pocket, and held it up to his face to cover his nose, “I’m hardly the one at fault here.”
His patience snapped like a brittle twig. Rattling off words as fast as they came to him, Sharky scraped for the bottom, tried actively to come up with the most out of bounds targeted insults he could conjure up just to see if he could wipe what he was sure was a smirk right off of John’s face.
Then nearly crashed into the woman who had stepped into his path. Making full-on eye contact now, she gave him a hesitant, but soft smile. “I think this might help.”
In her hands was a towel. A nice, fluffy one, and she held it out towards him.
The anger drained out of him as he stared at her. Almost as if someone took an ice bucket and dumped it right over his shoulders.
Gingerly taking it, Sharky let it dangle in the air between them. “Uh, thanks?”
“Of course. For anyone in need, and you certainly seemed to be. Considering your lack of…clothing in general right now.”
Still had the underwear on, at least. Blushing five different shades of red, he quickly wrapped the towel around himself. “Yeah, um, thank you again, miss.”
She nodded, and headed back towards John. “We’ll be heading out, but can we expect you at mass later tonight?”
John lowered the handkerchief just enough for Sharky to catch the frown. “If work allows it. There’s still a lot left to do here, but you can let Joseph know I’ll try.”
Sharky pulled up a corner of the towel to wipe his face, no longer able to hear much of what was traded between them. Lady hadn’t even flinched at the smell up close, and the towel was a nice one. Nicer than any of the kind he had at home, and must’ve been in the basket she had with her.
Yeah, got that pity look after all. Great.
Staring down at his feet, he removed his cap to run a hand through his hair. The hushed voices behind him eventually stopped, and by the time John walked over he’d switched to looking out over the water.
“That was interesting.”
“Sure,” Sharky said, tired of arguing with him.
“And there went our progress for the afternoon. At least the morning wasn’t a complete waste, but our guest derailed us thoroughly. And I don’t believe you have a change of clothes, do you?”
Sharky rubbed his shoulder, and felt it twinge in response as he moved it. He badly needed a cigarette, and was desperate enough to see how many times it’d take for a wet one to actually light.
“Do you?”
“Look, I get what you’re asking. And no, I’d have-“ John raised the handkerchief again, and the words died in his mouth. “You know what? Forget it. And if you’re looking to avoid this shit, don’t stand downwind of it. Basic Scouting 101 right there.”
Sharky whipped the towel off and threw it at him.
John snatched it out of the air, keeping it from smacking him in the face. “Leaving?”
Not bothering to check behind him as he approached his car, Sharky flashed him the finger.
“You can take this with you, you know.”
That John didn’t take the bait, or fight him on it, only irritated him further. He also seemed to be following him, and Sharky scowled at him. “Don’t need it.”
John sighed, and put away the cloth. “Charlemagne, it’s a towel, and you’re still soaking wet.”
“And maybe I want the draft to help dry the swamp ass brewing here, okay?” he shot, climbing in behind the wheel. “And if you wanna give me shit for cutting out early, tack on more hours as a penalty, whatever, I’ll deal with that next time. Or, hell, the time after, as long as it doesn’t mean I’m still standing here talking any of this shit with you. That work?”
The thin line John had pressed his lips into told him otherwise, but he said nothing. Just crossed his arms before holding out the towel to him one last time.
Sharky hit the gas and didn’t look back.
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useless-slytherclaw · 4 years
Chapter 4: Tear in the Veil
Regulus was lying in the grass, and Iset had her head on his shoulder.  The grass was soft and the weight of Iset against him was comforting.  They had talked for a while and walked down the road.  They had managed to walk away from the crossroads but had yet to arrive anywhere.  Regulus really didn’t mind.  He enjoyed resting in the grass with Iset by his side, and he enjoyed walking with her.  
They’d had time to discuss things they never had before, like their childhood memories.  It was somehow easier to talk about Walburga in this strange silent place.  Iset held him and stroked his hair.  When she looked at him it was with empathy and not pity.  She had her own stories about her father.  When she whispered about how she used to hide in her closet when she cried, he didn’t feel bad about being afraid of his parents. 
Everything wasn’t that heavy, though.  Sometimes they reminisced about their time at Hogwarts.  They remembered their time together and told stories about their other friends: Barty Crouch and Regina Lestrange mostly.  They even laughed about the handful of times they had aided the so-called marauders in pranking Mulciber, Avery, and Snape.  
Iset had also told him everything that had happened in the three years after he died.  He breathed a sigh of relief to know that the Dark Lord had fallen.  They discussed at length what sort of magic could have allowed a baby to defeat the Dark Lord.  But he couldn’t believe that his brother was in Azkaban.  It seemed incomprehensible that Sirius would betray Potter?  Then again, he’d already turned his back on his real brother, hadn’t he?  More than that, Regulus couldn’t picture a world where his brother supported the Dark Lord. 
They were taking a break again, and resting in the grass by the side of the road.  His mind was blissfully empty.  It was empty in a way that it couldn’t be in the real world. There was nothing in his mind, not even the sound of his own breathing or the temperature of the air.
Then suddenly, something changed.  Regulus sat up and Iset let out a startled noise and ended up with her head in his lap, looking up curiously.  
“What was that?”  She demanded.  Regulus just pointed.  There was the same strange warping of space that had occurred when Iset had arrived.  The pair of them jumped to their feet.  A figure was appearing, much much faster than Iset had.
Regulus rushed forward.  Who was this?  Whoever they were, they were falling.  A tall, dark-haired man solidified in time to slam into Regulus, who staggered.  
“For Merlin’s sake!” The man cried, pulling away from Regulus and almost knocking both of them over.
“Sirius?” Regulus asked incredulously.  Once he heard the voice it was obvious.  He looked much older than Regulus remembered, but it was Sirius, bloody Sirius.  Irritation flared, why did Sirius have to come here?
“Regulus?”  Sirius managed to get his feet under him and turned his head to look at his brother.  “That means--”
“You’re dead, yes.” Regulus’ voice was sharp.   
“Bullocks,” Sirius swore.  “Fucking Bellatrix.  I need to get back.  Harry needs me.”
“Sirius,” Regulus said, “You’re dead.  You can’t just ‘get back’.”
“Boys,” Iset’s voice interrupted whatever Sirius was about to say in response.  Sirius looked at her, confused.  She pointed at the place where Sirius had appeared, the space there was still oddly warped.  “It’s not closing.  Reg, maybe this is why we are in this place; this is what we were waiting for.  We aren’t ready to move on because we have to go back.”
Sirius looked from his brother to Iset and shrugged, turning back towards the veil.  Iset grabbed him.  “It might close when you touch it!”
“Well, I’ve got things to do,” Sirius snapped, “I’m not waiting around for you two to have a council.”
Regulus was frozen, looking at the warping space.  Back, he could go back.  He suddenly wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to go back.  What was there for him out there?  Was Iset right, were they in this limbo because they had to go back before they could move on?  He grabbed Iset’s hand tightly.  “Together,” he said.
Sirius stepped through the veil, pulling Iset along as she refused to let go.  Regulus stepped through after her.   
The first thing Regulus realized was that he had a body again. His heartbeat sounded incredibly loud, and he could both hear and feel his breathing.  The second thing he realized was that he was soaking wet.  His clothes and hair were dripping.  He opened his mouth and water spilled out.  Luckily though, there didn’t seem to be water in his lungs.  He put his free hand up to wipe his mouth and looked around.  
He was in a large rectangular amphitheater type room.  The light was dim enough that Regulus couldn’t see the top of the room.  The air was chill and he could feel the draft against his skin.  The three of them were standing on a platform in front of a crumbling arch with a gentle shifting black curtain in it.  He immediately sensed that was where they had come from and stepped away from it.  
“Where are we?” Iset’s voice echoed around the room.  Regulus turned to look at her and felt his skin go suddenly hot.  Regulus has hardly seen her in anything other than robes, but now, she was wearing silk pajama shorts and a tank top.  She hadn’t been wearing that before had she?  For some reason, he couldn’t picture what she had been wearing. He looked away, first at the ground, and then at the ceiling. Merlin save him.  He could feel his heartbeat accelerating in his chest.  They must have returned how they were when they died. He had been drowning, and she must have been asleep.  
“Inside the Ministry of Magic,” Sirius' voice broke through the rush of Regulus’ thoughts.  He’d momentarily forgotten that Iset had asked a question.  “We’re in the Department of Mysteries.”  
“Great.” Regulus gritted his teeth.  Three people who were supposed to be dead, one Death Eater, and one convicted murderer stuck in the fucking Ministry of Magic.  His heartbeat was still so loud.
“They probably have anti-apparition wards,” Iset said.  
Sirius turned on his heel and swore.  “Seems like it.”
“I might be able to do something about the wards if I had a wand.” Iset was worrying her lip between her teeth.  “I wish I had that book.”
When she said ‘wand’ both Regulus and Sirius reached for their pockets.  Regulus found his wand at the bottom of his pocket, it was soaking wet, but it was there.  Sirius was swearing and double-checking his pockets.  
“Must have flown out of my hand.  I’m going to kill Bellatrix next time I see her.”
Regulus offered Iset his wand, and she took it with a smile.  She gave it a few experimental flicks and fountains of silver sparks showered from the end. Taking a deep breath, she set her jaw and then started to move the wand in a complicated pattern.  Regulus watched her, and he loved it all. The glint in her eye, the confidence with which she cast the spells, the way she looked in those shorts.  But now was really not the time for those thoughts, so he forced himself to turn away.  Regulus had never been as obsessed with girls as his dorm mates and had often been uncomfortable with their explicit discussions, but right then, with Iset half-dressed right in front of him, he understood.  He forced himself to turn away and look at his brother.
“Can you really break through the Ministry’s spell work?” Sirius asked Iset, his face was skeptical.
“Maybe,” she said without looking up.  “It’s doable.  Dumbledore bends the ones at Hogwarts sometimes.”
“Yea but he’s--”
“Dumbledore, order of merlin first class, yes, yes, yes.” Iset said, her voice sharp.
“How long is it going to take?” 
“Longer if you keep bothering me.  Since I’m not Dumbledore, I have to do this the hard way, and I can hardly think over the sound of my own heartbeat.”  
Regulus knew the feeling.  The conversation between Sirius and Iset was underscored by the rushing sound of his own blood and the soft sound of his breath.  And the room- the chill felt like it was clinging to his skin… or maybe that was the water.  
Sirius had turned away from Iset and was frowning. “I don't understand where everyone went.  I was only on the other side for less than a minute.”
“Time flows differently there,” Regulus said.  His brother was about to open his mouth, so Regulus headed him off. “We can discuss it later.  We have a lot of things to discuss later,  but right now we need a plan.  Where are we going once we can leave?”
“Grimmauld Place,” Sirius said immediately and Regulus raised an eyebrow. Sirius wanted to go to Grimmauld Place?
“But mother,” Regulus started.
“Dead,” Sirius told him.  “Both dead and good riddance.  It’s my house, err, our house now.”
Regulus blinked.  He felt his breath hitch in his chest and heard it too.  So, his parents were dead.  His parents were dead.  Later, he would deal with that later, once he was out of the Ministry of Magic.  But he hadn’t seen them in the afterlife, so why Sirius?  He pressed his fingers to his temples.  There was so much to process and he didn’t think he could do it right now.  
“Okay,” Iset’s voice broke the silence and both brothers turned to her.  There was a glowing blue line on the ground in front of her.  She handed Regulus his wand. “You’ll have to do the apparition and take us side along.  Stand on the line.”
For a second, Regulus considered giving Sirius his wand and asking him to do it since Sirius hadn’t been dead for who knows how long.  But Sirius was frowning at him, and Regulus wasn’t sure if Sirius was doubting his ability, or just annoyed with  him.  Either way, Regulus stood on the line where Iset pointed.  He closed his eyes and focused with all his might on Grimmauld Place.  He’d never had problems apparating before, but the last thing he wanted was to splinch them because he’d been dead for years.  He turned on his heel and vanished into the tight vacuum of apparition.
keep reading on AO3
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TDLR: It’s basically a crack AU I made with a friend that has the Italy Brothers being “adopted” by the 2p Germanics at an early age. 
They’re fucking insane and I love them. My 2p Germanics were a bad influence on these two. 
I need to find the exact time line, but Veneziano fell into their care first after running away from Roderich and getting lost and injured in the German wilderness. Lutz (2p Germany), a older teen at the time, heard his cry and found him and carried him off to the family home where he stayed with his brother (Gwenneg/2p Prussia) when they weren’t busy at work. Hanna (2p Hungary) and Tobias (2p Austria). They ended up patching him up and taking him in, Hanna and Tobias helping raise him with Lutz as well. Hanna started a trend of getting Veneziano to called Lutz “papa”, joking about being a grandmother. This joke of hers ended up sticking. 
After Veneziano’s disappearance had gotten around, Romano went to look for his brother, and ended up finding him in that forest where he had disappeared in, he passed out from exhaustion and was woken up by his very happy brother hugging him close and rambling so fast in Italian it was near unrecognizeable. 
Veneziano brought him home and Lutz happily took Romano in, saying he was free to stay as long as he liked. 
And Veneziano and Romano remained “MIA” up until the tail end of WWI
Once the war was rearing it’s head, they decided to head back into work, their “papa” being completely understanding and doing his best to check in on them as much as he could. 
Veneziano meets Ludwig all the same, though the reasons for him being in the box and other such things change
What makes Bad Boys! Ita bros different than the Reg ones?
BB! Veneziano: Much more comfortable and showy in his fluidity with his gender. Still considers himself very masculine, and often keeps his hair long and braided, only wearing fancy suits and dresses. He loves to walk around with his parasol, a quirk he picked up from his grandmother. 
He’s much more gourmet and only accepts the best and highly respected when it comes to damn near anything. And similar to Hanna and Lutz, is very, very two faced. He acts very similar to canon, very bubbly and sweet. But his innocence is calculated and he is very combat trained thanks to Gwenneg in comparison to canon, he often plays it off like he is inept however. He knows how to manipulate his cute persona for the sake of espionage and getting behind enemy lines. Which is why the “tomato box” scene happens. He had snuck into the ranks but his box he had been hiding in got knocked free. Germany didn’t suspect him at first, because he gave him an alias and was wearing a German uniform his brother had stolen and tailored for him. Romano does a lot of the planning while Veneziano manages execution. 
Much like his papa and grandmother, he is attracted to power and has an obsession with love. Similar to the two he has a problem with detachment and the idea of giving up. Not helping with the deep seeded abandonment issues he faces with the trauma he had living with Austria has left him with a fear of locked rooms, along with his canon fear of being abandoned. Because of this, sometimes his cutest has a almost Russia air of absent-minded cruelty to it. Where he is clearly making someone (usually Germany) uncomfortable, but he either doesn’t seem to notice or chooses not to care. 
He never leaves home without his heart hairpin/necklace. They were Lutz’s first gift to him as a child and they mean the world to him. 
BB! Romano: Bad boy chill persona is turned up to eleven here. Growing up surrounded by men who were cool calm unhesitating and survivalist left Romano with a very chill macho man persona.  He loves to feel like a badass and his “tsundere grumpiness” has turned into outright harrassment to those who cross his line. He will not hesitate to threaten you if you piss him off, and unlike normally he will make good on his promises.
He didn’t spend as much time around Hanna as Veneziano did, leaving him to be much more loose, even playboyish when it comes to lovers. Similarly to Lutz he likes to flirt around with men and women alike, and canonically has had flings with at least three nations (Monaco, Belarus and Canada) who is still on very good terms with. Hell, Monaco and him are gambling buddies and Belarus/Canada will hop on the back of his bike for chaos at the snap of his fingers if they feel inclined. 
Similar like Veneziano he is no coward and wont back down when threatened. He likes to do more efeminine passions on the side, especially adores sewing and needlework, making most of the clothes they wear casually around the house that isnt a high speaking brand. He’s as much of a gourmet as his brother, but whines a lot less when he’s dissatisfied. Him and his brother enjoy lots of “healthy” competitions, and while Veneziano is able to get around through espionage via people not taking him seriously, Romano is able to use his persona to ward off those who try to act like the personifications of Italy are not a threat. 
But yeah
There’s a story to that last image, that also explains the relationship between the others and their allies better. Buuuuuut that will have to be for another time. If you all want to hear it, of course :D 
Bewarned; Very Old Art Ahead I haven’t drawn for this AU in FOREVER
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suzu-kun22 · 5 years
Killua Zoldyck: the all-time best boy
Since (hopefully) I’ll be posting this on Killua Zoldyck’s birthday (July 7th), this feels like as good a time as any to actually talk about why the white-haired little shit of an assassin is my favorite anime character of all time. Sure, I have plenty of characters that I’m obsessed with, tons and tons that I would die for, write fanfictions about, reblog fan art of, read fanfictions about, cry over, etc. But none of them come close to matching what I feel for a select few characters, my top 10 list, which has changed slightly over the years. However, the top 5 have yet to change. As much as the last five have shuffled over recent years, with a special shoutout going to Ray from The Promised Neverland, who managed to knock Reg from Made in Abyss out of the top 10 and climb all the way to number 6, the top 5 have remained exactly the same.
And Killua Zoldyck has remained squarely at number one ever since I watched  Hunter x Hunter (2011) back at the end of 2015 and beginning of 2016. Back when I was the same age as him and lacked a lot of the same social skills and friends that Killua’s upbringing stole from him. Back when I saw a character who could deal with most any problem effortlessly and thought to myself, ‘I want to be like that.’ 
A long time ago, I wrote about Izuku Midoriya. I wrote about why I loved Izuku Midoriya after only two episodes of My Hero Academia, about how he was a character who I both related to and aspired to be like. And that is exactly how I felt about Killua at the very beginning of Hunter x Hunter. He was a character who was fun to be around, fun to watch, bounced off the other characters with so much charisma, charm, and grace that he was mesmerizing to behold. I wanted to be like him. To be able to see a person my age and simply say, ‘hey! Let’s be friends!’ 
But, as the show continued, we learned more about Killua’s life. His inability to maintain a relationship because it was simply something that wasn’t taught to him. His family’s disapproval of his kindness and compassion for other human beings. And Killua climbed down from his pedestal. He went from a bouncy, fun, terrifying little assassin child who could do no wrong to an actual,,, person. There really isn’t any other way to describe the way that Hunter x Hunter portrays its characters. Even those who are murderers, villains, literally human-eating ants, feel entirely, inarguably human. And Killua was the first to become so. And the way the show humanized him, portraying him as someone who we see as perfect, charismatic, charming, social, as someone who just wants a friend, just wants to be a normal kid and have fun adventures with someone who wants him around just resonated with me.
All of this is just in the first 26 episodes. Killua just continues getting better and better from here. His arc is about finally getting what he’s wanted all these years, a friend, fun adventures with said friend, and to, just a little bit, be normal. Okay, maybe not normal. But a little bit more normal than he was before he met Gon. And he loves every second of it. He’s just overjoyed to actually have a friend, to be going on fun adventures with his friend, even if they’re constantly in life-threatening situations and doing absolutely insane nonsense, Killua is having an absolute blast.
And then the ants come.
While the Chimera Ant Arc is not my personal favorite arc of the series (that honor going to the Yorknew City Arc), I have no words to describe the raw... emotion that most of the arc manages to invoke in those who watch it. From Meruem’s entire brilliant character arc to Gon’s all-encompassing mental breakdown, every character is given something to set them apart from the time they had before this brutal experience.
Killua learns that his brother was right.
He learns that, no matter how much you care about someone, how much time you’ve spent with them, how much you’ve been through together, how much you’ve done for them, people will still hurt you. Having friends still means that sometimes people will put themselves before you. They’ll leave, sometimes, and maybe they come back, like Gon did, but maybe they don’t. Killua learns that what his brother said about friends abandoning you is right, sometimes. He ends the show away from Kurapika, away from Leorio, and away from Gon.
But, of course, that isn’t all that he learns. 
Killua learns that sometimes people are worth it. He learns that sometimes when you love someone enough, when you care about someone enough, getting hurt for them is okay. Getting hurt for their sake can be worth it. He learns that friendships aren’t meant to be conflict-free and perfect, and he learns to handle it. He learns that you can’t give up on people, you can’t leave them behind, and that you can’t simply run away.
Killua has been taught all his life to run away when you can’t win. But Gon doesn’t do that. Ever. He stands his ground and fights. And Killua learns to do that in his very own way. When Gon needs him, when his entire family stands in the way of what Killua wants for himself, for Gon, and for his baby sister, he doesn’t run away. He doesn’t give up, even though he knows that it’s more than likely that he won’t succeed. He stands strong, he doesn’t run away, and he takes what he needs to claim his victory.
He saves Gon. Because, despite the pain that Gon has put him through recently, despite how angry he is with him, despite everything, he knows that Gon would do the same for him. 
Killua Zoldyck ends Hunter x Hunter (2011) a strong, compassionate, caring, and loving person. He sheds much of his more callous nature, though never sheds the sly humor and bouncy confidence he’s had since the beginning. He changes from a little kid who doesn’t know the first thing about having friends, to a real human being, fully grown and capable of caring for his little sister the same way he was never cared for. 
Killua Zoldyck begins Hunter x Hunter (2011) as an inexperienced young kid with the world ahead of him. He ends Hunter x Hunter (2011) as a slightly older kid who has experienced more than most adults will in their entire lives, and Killua Zoldyck grows up. He grows up into a healthy, functional human being. He puts his abusive family behind him, saves his little sister from the same situation, and he moves on with his life while keeping the things that are most important to him.
And that is a very long-winded way of saying that Killua Zoldyck is one of the most lovable and relatable characters in all of anime. And that is why he has stayed at the very top of my list of favorite anime characters for as long as he has. 
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xomarauders · 5 years
You Can’t Stop Me
Sirius stood in the middle of his and the other marauders dorm room anxiously tapping his foot and replaying Regulus’ words in his head.
They know. I don’t know how, but they know. It would be in your best interest—and his—to end it now. Before someone gets hurt...
Part of Sirius thought it was a joke, that Regulus was just trying to pull a fast one on his older brother, but the look on his face made Sirius realize the gravity of Reg’s words.
They knew. Orion and Walburga. They knew about Sirius and, worst of all, Remus.
He had been so careful about it. Keeping their relationship hidden from everyone. Only four people had been let in on the secret: James, Peter, Lily and Regulus. And none of them would betray Sirius like this so how had his parents found out?
It didn’t matter. Not at the moment. Sirius would figure that part out later. First, he had to do what was necessary to keep Remus safe.
Remus. Who he had only been with for a little over 7 months now. Who he had loved long before that. Who he still loved despite what he had to do.
The door to the dormitory creaked open and Sirius turned around to face his boyfriend as he walked into the room. Remus’ hair was slightly messy and he was holding an armful of books. He must’ve been studying in the library, Sirius thought. He smiled at his boyfriends studious ways, wanting to run his fingers through Remus’ messy curls. He felt a pang in his chest at the thought of not being able to do that anymore...
Remus burst into a grin as soon as he saw Sirius, his amber eyes shining brightly at the sight of his adored boyfriend. Remus Lupin never thought he could be so happy with anyone until he met Sirius. Sirius loved Remus for everything that he was, lycanthropy and all. He would often whisper lovely things into Remus’ ear as they spent their nights together, behind the curtains of Remus’ bed. He would hold Remus after the full moons and tell him how beautiful and strong he was and for some reason when Sirius said it, Remus believed it.
“Hi Pads.” Remus said as he walked over to peck Sirius on the cheek. He noticed how Sirius tensed up at the action and pulled away quickly, a look of bewilderment playing on his face. “Something wrong?”
“Remus, we need to talk.”
Remus felt instantly worried. Sirius never called him ‘Remus’ unless they were about to have a serious conversation. Most the time he was addressed as ‘Moony’ or ‘Moonshine’ and occasionally ‘Rem.’ The only other time Sirius had called Remus by his name was when he, along with James and Peter, had sat him down and told him how they all became animagi for him.
“I want to do this, Remus. It’s my choice and you can’t stop me from wanting to protect you.”
That was a good memory. A memory he could think of as he cast the patronus charm that would work every time. But this...this felt different. Sirius had said his name with such sadness that it made Remus not only worried but concerned as to why his boyfriend was so upset.
“What is it?”
Sirius motioned for Remus to take a seat on their—his—bed and he obliged, setting the books down on his trunk at the foot of the bed before looking back at Sirius with a cautious gaze.
“Remus, I...I love you. I love you more than anything in this world and...and what I’m about to say is going to contradict that but I need you to believe it. Because I do love you. Which is why this is so hard...”
Remus felt his stomach tighten, his mind racing over all the possibilities of where this conversation was headed.
“What are you saying?”
“Remus we need to break up.”
The world came crashing down around Remus in an instant, his heart stopping and ears ringing as he tried to process Sirius’ words. This can’t be happening. This doesn’t make sense. Sirius became blurry in front of him and it took Remus a moment to realize that he had started crying.
“W-Why?” He managed to choke out, his throat tightening. Sirius clenched his jaw, trying to hold it together while Remus broke down in front of him.
“It’s not safe for you anymore. They know. My parents, they know.” Sirius whispered, his voice barely audible. Remus furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.
“I...I don’t...so? I don’t care, Sirius. I want you. I don’t care if it’s not safe—“
“I care!” Sirius shouted suddenly, making Remus flinch with surprise. Sirius’ face softened and he knelt down in front of Remus, taking his face in his hands and leaning forward till their foreheads were touching.
“You can’t stop me from wanting to protect you.”
Remus let out a choked sob, unable to hold back his tears. He gasped for air, his throat burning furiously. It felt as though he couldn’t breathe. As if his lungs refused to take in oxygen because what was the point of living if he didn’t have Sirius?
“I’m sorry.” Sirius murmured, pulling away from Remus and turning toward the door, not wanting to see Remus so broken because of him. He left the room quickly, shutting the door behind him before letting out a shaky breath. Tears burned his eyes but he would not let them fall, he couldn’t. Sirius pushed himself forward and toward the common room in order to get away.
Remus sat in the dorm room, staring at his hands in his lap as his heart broke. But as much as he was heart broken, he was also very angry. Angry at Sirius’ parents, angry at the world, angry at Sirius himself for breaking up with him to keep him safe.
Fuck that.
It was not up to Sirius to decide what Remus could and could not handle. It was not up to him to end things based of the possibility of what might happen. Remus wouldn’t allow it. He wouldn’t allow fear to break them apart.
He stood and walked briskly toward the door, opening it and slamming it just as quickly as he hurried down the stairs, desperate to catch up to Sirius. He made it to the common room, scanning the crowd for Sirius. He caught sight of him just as he was about to exit through the portrait hole.
“No!” Remus shouted. Everyone’s attention turned to him. James was sprawled out on the couch with Lily sitting between his legs. Peter and Mary sat by the fireplace playing exploding snap. There were first years studying at one of the tables but in that moment, all their eyes were on Remus. Sirius froze in front of the portrait hole, looking up at Remus hesitantly.
“You don’t get to act like your protecting me by leaving me. You don’t get to make that choice for me. I am in this! I am in this for the long run, no matter the threats. And if that scares you then I’m sorry but I’m not going to apologize for wanting to be with you. You can’t stop me from loving you!”
All eyes were on Remus and Sirius. The first years exchanged shocked looks, Peter and Mary’s jaws dropped and James and Lily’s eyes were wide at Remus’ very public declaration of his love for Sirius.
But Remus just stared at Sirius. And Sirius stared back. It was just the two of them that mattered.
“I love you, Sirius.”
Everything happened so slowly and yet so quickly. Sirius’ lips were suddenly on Remus’, pressing urgently and hungrily. His hands gripped the back of Remus’ neck, pulling him close and Remus threaded his fingers in Sirius’ hair.
As they pulled away from each other, James was hooting and hollering as everyone else clapped. Remus smiled at Sirius and Sirius smiled back, happy to be back in one another’s arms and Sirius swore he’d never let go again.
“I love you too, Rem.”
It was them against the world. Together. And they refused to let anything come between them.
just some wolfstar for you <3
requests open !!
💗- kat
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kalluun-patangaroa · 6 years
www.nme.com, April 5-7, 1999
You asked and they answered. NME caught up with Suede and put your questions to them.
Day 1 (April 5)
What’s the worst insult anyone’s shouted at you? (Fred Telfer, London)
Mat: “‘Effete southern wankers.’ Someone shouted that repeatedly through our first ever Scottish gig.”
Simon: “I was in the toilet at that gig, and this bloke came up to me and said, ‘Have you seen Sede? I’m going to smash their teeth in.’ I just pretended to be from Scotland. The hard part.”
Brett: “Someone once shouted, ‘You sound like Rod Stewart.'”
Mat: “No, they said, ‘We remember Rod Stewart.'”
Brett: “Oh, that’s it. That was at a time when everyone was into bands like The Wonder Stuff, and we were playing ballads. I think the Scottish crowd thought we were old hat.”
Brett, did your arse ever get sore from hitting it with your tambourine? (Kieren Kelly, Ireland)
Brett: “I used to get a lot of bruising, that’s why I don’t do it any more. I put my aggression into singing these days rather than self-flagellation.”
Are there any songs you wish you’d never written? (Debbie Harding, York)
Brett: “‘Stay Together’. I don’t know why, it’s just not one of my favourites. It was the sole time in our career when one of our records has been successful because of hype. We’ve been accused of that a lot, but that was the only time when it was true. It was just style over content.”
Neil: “I’ve only written three, so I haven’t got much to regret.”
I read somewhere that after you moved out of one of your flats, the council had to have it fumigated. Is that true? And do you like vacuuming as much as Nicky Wire? (Gary Regis, Leicester)
Mat: “That was in The Mirror, wasn’t it?”
Brett: “That’s a bit of an exaggeration. What happened was we were in the middle of a tour, and we finished a gig and I had one too many shandies and a couple of other things, and I was moving house.
“Me and a couple of friends were sitting on my bed while these removal men went around my house throwing things in plastic bags while we were off our tits. It was a bit of a mess when we left, and I apologise to the people who moved in afterwards.
“These days I find vacuuming and washing-up quite therapeutic. I hate having a messy house, it makes me really depressed, so I try to keep my environment clean.”
Which one of you has got the biggest ego? (Softywat, West Sussex)
Brett: “Definitely not me, ha ha. I don’t think any of us has got a big ego, to be honest. It’s another popular misconception about the band. We don’t all need to be pampered, none of us are that fragile. Possibly a few years ago, I had a bit of one, but I think I’ve managed to chip away at that. I don’t feel particularly ego-driven any more.”
If you could stick pins in a voodoo doll of anybody on earth, who would it be? (Kirsty Irving, Grimsby)
Brett: “I don’t have any bad intentions to anyone really. I think when you have bad intentions to other people, you’re just looking for someone else to blame for where you’ve gone wrong with your life. It’s just a coward’s way out, and I try not to entertain thoughts like that. So, nobody.”
What were the first records you bought? (Emily Mugford, Chertsey)
Richard: “My first record was ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson. I think I was about six.”
Brett: “‘Never Mind The Bollocks…’ by the Sex Pistols was the first album I bought, and the first single was ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Kate Bush.”
Mat: “I think it was ‘Abba – The Album’. The one with ‘Thank You For The Music’ on it, anyway.”
Neil: “Mine was ‘Another Brick In The Wall (Part Two)’.”
Brett: “Woah, what a record!”
Mat: “What a youngster!”
Neil: “I thought it was amazing.”
Brett: “I loved the video with all the kids and that. I used to have the sleeve painted on my wall. The headmaster.”
Simon: “Ever? David Bowie, ‘Low’. Shall I tell you why? I thought he was a punk, because he had orange hair. I then went out and bought ‘Never Mind The Bollocks…’ after that.”
Brett, were you good at games at school? (Clint Stone, Yeovil) 
Brett: “Yeah, I was actually. When you’re young, sport is really important, or at least it was at my school. I held the school record for the 800m for a couple of years. I was a good middle-distance runner. I used to play for the county at football as well.
“It was the only way to avoid getting beaten up. All the bullies tended to leave the kids who were good at sport alone, and not take them into the corner of the field and kick shit out of them. I fancied being an athlete when I was a kid, and then what happens, you get into cigarettes and girls and pop music, and you just end up a fat bloated fool.”
Which member of Suede can drink the most beer? (Mike Crisp, Brighton)
Mat: “Richard, probably.”
Richard: “I don’t think so.”
Brett: “Well, you’re the one who regularly empties their mini-bar wherever we go. Even if we’ve got day rooms. He brushes his teeth with vodka, he does.”
Richard: “Not really.”
Brett: “Well, yes. Who are you trying to kid? This is the man who has a bar in his bag. You sit in the back of a taxi with him and when you get out there’s glasses littered everywhere. That’s no exaggeration. After the pubs shut, you don’t try to find a dodgy offie, you just look in Richard‘s bag. That’s the truth, Mate.”
Simon: “He drinks anything, him.”
What do you say to NME’s editor, who recently included you alongside Ocean Colour Scene, Cast and Reef in a list of bands who “have nothing to say” (NME, April 3)? (Dave Thorley, Shropshire)
Brett: “I don’t think it’s true, to be honest.”
Mat: “There’s always this assumption that if you have something to say, you have to say it in terms of politics and social conditions.”
Brett: “I totally agree. When we’re in places like Germany, we’re always asked, ‘Why are you not political?’ and my answer to that is always the same. If you don’t understand the politics of the songs, then you haven’t looked into them. The songs aren’t flag-waving, they’re more subtle than that.
“I think I’m getting more interested in the music as I’m getting older, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I don’t think you lose that fire for life. As long as you’re inspired and have a real passion and rage for your music, that’s something to say in itself. That’s not a cop-out, that’s just how I feel about music and the band.”
Brett, you’re always photographed wearing a silver bracelet. Who gave it to you? (Samantha Jones, London)
Brett: “It was from a fan, actually. Someone sent it to me for my birthday. It’s just a cheap, silver-plated one, but I like it. I’m quite superstitious, and I wear a lot of my jewellery for that reason. This bracelet is a perfect example, it’s been quite lucky. I wrote lots of the album wearing it, so it’ll continue to be on my wrist until something goes wrong.”
When was the last time you cried, and why? (Gontie Tommy, Belgium)
Brett: “I think the last film that I cried at was Watership Down when I was young. The closing scene was really fucking sad.
“My sister used to read books to me, she liked reading to me so much she used to pay me 2p an hour to listen. She’d read stuff like Watership Down and Lord Of The Rings, and I’d cry at that too.”
Simon: “I don’t think I’ve ever cried while watching a film.”
Brett: “Neil?”
Neil: “Nah.”
Simon: “Oh, he’s a butch lad.”
Day 2 (April 6)
Have you dumbed down your lyrics to the point where they’re patronising to the listener? (Tom Stubbs, Dartford)
Brett: “I don’t think they are patronising. If you want to look for intelligence in lyrics, there’s a lot more of it in simplicity. I think the lyrics to our new album are a lot more intelligent than anything on ‘Dog Man Star’.”
Mat: “There’s a difference between dumbing down and being universal. The majority of people who buy Suede records aren’t English, their first language isn’t English.”
Brett: “When you go abroad people are just mystified about what the early stuff is all about. This is an interview for an English music paper, so everyone knows all the cultural reference points, but there’s a whole world out there and I think it’s important to communicate to them as well.
“As I’ve said before, the blueprint for a lot of lyrics on this album came from reading writers I really like, like Camus. His words are just like a simple painting of a triangle or a square or something. There’s nothing clever-clever about them, they’re just there. They describe a situation with a couple of simple brush strokes. That’s what I was trying to do on ‘Head Music’, and if that’s patronising, then sue me.”
What sort of cigarettes do you smoke? (Laura Pike, Aberdeen)
Brett: “Benson & Hedges. It’s always been the same. Mat smokes Silk Cut, but then he doesn’t count.”
If you could be any character in EastEnders, who would it be? (Sarah Glanville, London)
Brett: “I quite like Matthew Rose. I like the real ones P Matthew, Tony, people like that. I can imagine being one of them, they’re in the same sort of age-band. I really like the Mitchells as well.
“Actually, I think I’d be like Phil in the old days. He’s lost the plot a bit as a character since he gave up drink, but I used to love Phil. I’d regularly have dreams about hanging out with him and Grant, and committing various crimes.”
Simon: “I’d be Ian Beale, because I’ve always wanted to own a 50p/’1 shop.”
Brett: “Everyone hates him though, he’s the most hated man in the square.”
Simon: “Suits me.”
Neil: “I’d be Reg Cox (Reg Cox was found dead in the first episode after never speaking a word P EastEnders Ed).”
Richard: “I’d like to be Nick Cotton, but I don’t think I could pull it off. Every time he’s been in it, it’s been great. The time he tried to murder Dot was brilliant.”
Brett: “The best one was when he came back and pretended to be a Christian. That was really sinister. And I love Dot Cotton. Charlie was great as well.”
Tell us about your brown rice diet… (Johnny Robinson, Kettering)
Brett: “I still eat brown rice every morning. You get hooked on it, because it’s just so clean and good for you. I’m really looking after my body at the moment. I spent so many years abusing it, it’s time to give it a break I think.”
Mat: “I met someone at a Super Furry Animals gig who was such a Suede fan he’d started just eating brown rice. I was trying to convince him that you don’t have to do that to be a Suede fan. He should have seen Brett a few minutes earlier, he had a whole load of prawns stuffed into his mouth.”
Brett: “You’ve got to make sure you get the right sort of rice. It can’t just be brown, it’s got to be wholegrain. What I recommend to our fans is go to a standard Indian restaurant and have a fish masala. That’s very nice. I eat like a horse these days. Brown rice just gives you energy.”
Brett, did you ever want to punch Damon Albarn? (Paperback Rioter, Walthamstow)
Brett: “Punch? Nah, I’m not a violent person. Lots of people have had a go at me, but you just have to learn to deal with it because you’re always going to be a target for someone.”
Suede always seem well-groomed. How vain are you? (Jackie Long, Manchester)
Brett: “Personally, I’m pretty vain. You can only afford not to be if you’re really confident about yourself. If you’re always sticking your face in front of a camera and looking like a dog, you try to do something about it, don’t you? I spend a lot of time looking in the mirror just to iron the creases and get rid of stray bits of fluff.
“Simon‘s quite vain. The first thing he does when he gets into a hotel room is unpack his huge case of toiletries. He’s got five different sorts of aftershave, you name it. So actually, he’s the vainest member of the band, and probably the best dressed.”
Simon: “Yes, I’m glad you’ve noticed my Gucci shirt. Mat‘s got the best shoes, though.”
Mat: “They’re from Prada.”
Richard: “They’ve still got that revolting stain on them.”
Mat: “(Sheepishly) Yeah, someone was sick on them. Me, actually.”
Brett, are you still an eco-warrior (A reference to a recently unearthed school essay in which Brett complained about vandals defacing trees)? (Leonard Brown, Portsmouth)
Brett: “Oh God! I was eight years old. Listen, right, all that stuff from my past, anyone who wants to criticise that, I’d like to ask them what they were like when they were that age. When you’re eight years old you’re not boozing and injecting drugs into your eyes, are you? You’re just into stupid things. And no, I’m not an eco-warrior, it’s not something that keeps me awake at night.”
Neil: “He does live in a tree, though.”
Brett: “I have concessions to a green lifestyle, but it’s only buying eco-friendly washing powder. I’m not obsessive about it.”
Is it true you only listen to your own music and surround yourself with people who admire you in obsessive and fanatic ways? (Moa Ranum, Sweden)
Brett: “No, that’s bollocks. A lot of my close friends are into the band, but there are a lot of friends who’ve never heard a Suede song. A lot of our friends are ravers, and the music we make has no connection with their life at all.”
Simon: “My best friend in Scotland hates us.”
Brett: “I don’t think we’re that fragile that we need a load of people telling us we’re great. I think we’ve grown out of that to be honest.”
Day 3 (April 7)
Does Neil like antiques? (Purple Girl, England)
Neil: “I’m glad you asked me that. Not really, and I hate watching The Antiques Roadshow. It’s always shown in the winter on Sunday evenings, and it’s really depressing. It’s always dark outside. It’s so English, and it’s all part of that dreary idea of what it is to be English. It’s really parochial, seedy, it’s all about poking your nose into someone else’s business.”
People bully me at school for liking Suede. What should I say to defend myself? (Barry Beautiful One, Carlisle)
Brett: “Tell them they’re the cowards. If they have to persecute someone to make their own lives seem better then that’s pathetic. Tell them we’re going to go up to their school and get them.
“I don’t know, when you’re into music at school it says a lot about your identity and personality, and a lot of it was about getting into trouble with other people. You have to break an egg to make an omelette, don’t you?”
Your life depends on collaborating musically with either Damon Albarn or Bernard Butler. Which one do you choose? (Derek Brodie, Manchester)
Mat: “Well, we’ve done one of them, so it would have to be Damon.”
Brett: “What song would we do? We’d probably do a cover of ‘I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts’.”
Mat: “In a ragga stylee.”
Simon: “He’ll probably phone us up now and demand to know how we knew what he was working on.”
Have Suede become a parody of themselves? (John Rickleford, Kent)
Brett: “Not at all. Part of being in a band is being a parody. I don’t think anyone will listen to ‘Head Music’ and think it’s a parody of Suede. I think what we’ve done on it is develop the sound of the band, but keep to the heart of what Suede‘s all about.
“It’s true that there are certain constants in Suede‘s world that we go back to, but there’s a fine line between repetition and just having a lexicon of words to fall back on. Sometimes I fall the wrong side of it, but I like to have a palette of words that I use, like an artist has a style. That’s part of what makes Suede what they are.”
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