#and probably a bunch of other places in the world but I can only speak for the US
anxious-lorf · 9 months
I didn't think anything could be more confusing than "Why do they call it oven..."
and then my co-worker said "I disagree, but nobody deserves to be harassed over it" when referring to the queer community. And I'm just standing there, trying to process the implications of that.
Best case scenario is that the dude was trying to say he was a straight ally, but even that still leaves the unfortunate connotation of queerness being something you can "disagree" with (ex: an opinion, a choice, etc) rather than it simply being the way some people are built. He would have to hold that view in order for the statement to make sense in his head. Otherwise, what are you disagreeing with? Our existence??
If that's the case (which would be the worst possible yet sadly still realistic way this sentence could be interpreted) then that would imply this person thinks queer people should not exist at all. There's unfortunately a lot of big organizations and institutions that hold this belief, and will go to varying lengths to achieve a world in which queerness is bullied into submission (and not in a fun, sexy way). But the majority of them seem perfectly fine with the idea of opening harassing members of the queer community. My co-worker (allegedly) disproves of that, but would be in favor of their end goals, if my interpretation of his statement is correct. Personally, that seems like an odd line to draw.
Believing and taking action to eliminate a fair percentage of the population's sexual and gender identities, violent or otherwise? Perfectly acceptable. But outwardly expressing that you detest the way said population is through nasty words? That, apparently, crosses the line.
The whole thing comes across as "yes I hate you and everything you stand for and would absolutely wipe you from the face of the earth if I could, but I'd like to be polite about it". And I hate that. How can you think you're in the right for wanting at best, cultural and historical erasure, and at worst, literal genocide?
Being nice isn't the same as being good, and actions speak much louder than your nice words ever could.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the more you try and unpack this, the more problematic it becomes. And the more confused I am about how bigots are able to believe that it's both moral and just to want to make queer people cease their existence.
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strangesem · 1 year
Dropping in with a request!
Could you do either Miles or Hobie (you can choose) with a Spider person reader who everyone thinks is scary and intimidating but actually just really quiet and shy?
THIS IS SO CUTE (and also very much fits my spider-sona 🤭)
hobie brown x intimidating but shy reader
a/n: I took a brief hiatus bc I’m trying to get my license but I’m back and more feral than ever
FIRST OF ALLL I feel like part of the reason people think you’re intimidating is bc of your spider-suit?
like maybe the mask is “spooky” or it’s super dark or what have you
and if you have good posture that would definitely make you seem sm more intimidating? like you’re just standing there upright saying nothing
even though you’re only quiet bc you’re shy, no one knows that!!!
except for hobie
tbh I feel like he originally approached you to annoy you or knock you down a peg?
but when your response was so quiet and soft he was like ?????
he doesn’t believe in consistency soo you’re basically his new best friend
but genuinely you would both bond so fast, largely due to how well your personalities even each other out
but also because no one else really talked to you bc you seemed “scary”
I also feel like you’d end up forming a trio with pavitr bc he’s too sweet to be intimidating by your “rough exterior”
and pav is the number one supporter of you two getting together I’m serious
“I can feel the tension, you guys should go to dinner after this”
“DID YOU SEE THE WAY HE LOOKED AT YOU? he’s in loooooveee”
speaking or pav; when you first met he *did* get jumpscared a little bit with how quietly you move around, and compared you to a ghost
it really stuck with hobie bc he immediately started calling you “ghostie”
(you’re crushing way too hard at that point to care let’s be real)
once you get together he’ll probably start spending more time in your world; just chilling at your place
teasing you occasionally about how nervous you are to even just open your door and talk to a delivery guy (he WILL do it for you if you ask though he doesn’t care lmao)
he’d also want you to spend a bunch of time in his dimension bc he wants you to go to his shows! go to all his favourite pubs with him!!
but if that’s all to overwhelming for you, even just lounging in his bed is more than enough to appease him
he likes that it smells like you after you leave
also!!! he definitely would want his partner to wear his clothes
if you’re bigger and his “normal” shirts don’t fit you comfortably? he’ll steal some oversized shirts and wear them a bit before handing them off to you!
hobie loves loves LOVES taking part in conversations where people are talking about how intimidating you are bc it’s hilarious to him
peak comedy even
“nah they’re a little cutie pie; couldn’t hurt someone if they tried”
“[spider-sona name]????”
miguel absolutely despises you both though bc hobie’s full time job is already being a menace to him and then you just stand off to the side and stare? WHISPERING TO HOBIE??? he can’t.
peter b parker though? he LOVES you guys. you’re his otp and she will sometimes point to show mayday what “true love” looks like
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 month
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🌬Mother Earth’s Message for Children of the World ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Astrologically speaking, beginning this year a number of generational planets were moving either into Aquarius or Pisces. You know that Aquarius represents the Divine Masculine in its best form and Pisces represents the Divine Feminine in its best form. Earth’s temperatures are changing especially with Pluto finally dipping its toe in Aquarius. All members of Humanity are being asked to elevate their intelligence—both spiritual and cognitive—and become keen on the patterns of lies and abuse in the world.
We as a collective are entering a new era of true abundance and joy. Sure enough, echoes of the terrible Reality of the past are still heard but they are echoes at best. If you notice everything around you crumbling to the ground, these are withdrawal symptoms; but if you look within yourself, you will find that you’ve grown stronger and surer of your place in this completely Brand-New World. As they put it, you are the Chosen Ones.
What the hell does it mean to be a Chosen One? Are there only 144,000 Chosen Ones within this Matrix? Of course not. We have collectives of 144,000 working towards the same goal. And those collectives really bleed into each other as we share knowledge and assist each other. So in essence, there are millions of us Chosen Ones working together holding the Frequencies of Light, assisting the birthing of a completely new paradigm of real Paradise.
Be excited, o Holy Ones~ Many of you have grown up without ever abandoning your pure inner essence as Holy Children and Stewards of Gaia. Your time to shine is NOW. Revive your memories, recall your power back to you, redefine what it means to be Human, and rediscover your true motivation for being alive on Gaia at this passage of time.
There is a dream, or two, you’ve always felt important since you were a child. You’re entering a brand-new chapter of being fully immersed in your Mission. The next 3 years on Earth are the final years of the CHANGEOVER—if you know what this means, you know who you are ;P The years after 2027 will be the years of your greatest achievements, abundance and blessings, but most importantly, a phase of intense clarity as to your purpose for being here on Earth at this time.
Keep the vision, Sisters and Brothers of the Light. All of us in our own unique ways are reclaiming Gaia as the Paradise Planet of Blue and Green Sheen. Namaste—I honour your Light, fellow Stewards of the Planet~
‘To have the feeling of wanting to care for someone. It’s simple, that’s all. I don’t mean that it’s insignificant. Just…you don’t need a reason.’ — Shiroma in Chocobo’s Dungeon 2 (1998)
BOOK: Totto-chan's Children: A Goodwill Journey to the Children of the World (1999) by Kuroyanagi Tetsuko
MOVIE: Tokyo Godfathers (2003)
SONG: Aishiteru by Nakashima Mika
[PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – Go Forth Towards All Your Spiritual Rewards!
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Soul-deep motivation – VI The Lovers
You, for sure, came into this world with a BUNCH of Soul Family and Tribes. It’s a given; you’re meant to ‘open up shop’ together and be of such great service to Mankind. Some of you reading this probably already met some of your Soulmates from a young age and you will continue to meet more of them as you go along; but for the majority of you, this is a lifelong journey—a discovery—that could’ve left you feeling quite lonesome when you were much younger.
Well, it’s ironic, right? Now that connectivity is this easy. But for the most part, this ease in technology could feel more like a nuisance and a breach of privacy rather than an actual sense of belonging. If you’ve ever felt deeply lonely and divorced from the rest of Humanity, I’d like to assure you that such feelings naturally arise from your Soul knowing that you’re meant to have a beautiful relationship with like-minded, like-souled people. Because you’re eager to meet them you can feel quite impatient about it, and this causes anxiety and sadness to some degree XD
Truly, you possess a Soul-deep motivation to connect with people of similar values. Life is most beautiful when people of similar values and goals work together to create good things for the community. You ain’t talking about values in terms of how we identify with religions, races or political views though—you’re so much more transcendent than that! You’re so much purer than that~
your Co-Creational prowess – Ace of Wands Rx
You and your Soul Tribes definitely will come up with some crazy-ass creative solutions for many of the world’s problems. I really can’t imagine a person with your type of consciousness being confined to an office cubicle 9-5 hahah But since the workforce is changing rapidly, it doesn’t seem a problem in the near future. Still, I feel most likely you will jump into very unusual types of jobs like a forest ranger or something related to the healing and protection of wildlife XD
Perhaps some of you will want to be involved in politics or journalism or something on the periphery of those segments of society, because you’re seeking justice for those who don’t have the power to seek justice for themselves. Perhaps in a sense, you will create a true crime podcast revealing all the dark and corruption of some industries and stuff like that. Basically, what you and your Team Mates are meant to do is something that could be considered quite ‘scandalous’…to the establishment LOL
What you do may not be the most original thing in the world, but your Soul Mission ain’t about that; what you do and create will have a very refreshing impact on your audience nevertheless. You will become very popular with whatever endeavour or movement you will be championing with your Soul Tribes. I see that you could be involved in more than two projects that could be related to one another. When you’re fully immersed in your Soul Mission, I promise you Life is going to get exciting again and the greatest reward of all is the sense of positive Human connections you’re able to foster along the way.
turning wishes into Reality – 9 of Cups
Since you’re doing so much good on the Planet and the effects are positively felt by a large group of people, you bet the money is there as well. I imagine someone like Sadhguru for some reason? He does a very spiritual thing and his teachings have touched the lives of so many people, although in a sense what he does is ‘business’ so he’s smart enough to know how to expand his exposure, influence, and wealth. This isn’t evil, of course, and I think you know that already XD People are deserving of financial rewards for all the good they do for the world, right?
And if you’re still unsure, try to understand that getting the money for your spiritual work will allow you to continue to do more of that spiritual work, and that is ultimately what’s good for all of Mankind—if you believe in what you do. Right? Right. So, Mother Earth and the elements of nature want to shower you with a great abundance of material wealth that corresponds with the spiritual happiness you gain from making other people’s lives better.
If when you’re reading this you feel that you’re not fully immersed in your Spiritual Mission yet, it’s going to happen this year, babe, so get ready! For the majority of the peeps tuned into this Pile, it’s gonna start happening this summer, end of the year, up to mid 2025, or maximum the next couple of years for some, OMG!!! Are you ready?? Are you ready?!? Why am I more excited than you?!?!? XD
YOUR WORLD – Priestess of Opulence
COSMIC ANCESTORS’ SUPPORT – Red Astrologer (William Lilly)
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Pile 2 – Your Duality that Resembles Mother Gaia Herself
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Soul-deep motivation – Queen of Cups Rx
The spirit of service, of nurture, was something that was already embedded in you from a young age. Perhaps it was nature; perhaps it was nurture; either way, you’ve always wanted to be of some kind of help to the world at large. You’re someone who has a charitable Soul. You were the kind of kid who’d nurture a sick stray animal back to health; you were probably the weird kid who’d be so gentle to worms whereas other children would squish them to mush; you were also likely the kind of kid who weren’t afraid of getting dirty to help someone find something valuable that had gotten lost in a gutter or something.
You’re such a gentle Soul, but sometimes you do feel a little misunderstood or even underappreciated. In some manner, you could’ve gotten taken advantage of quite a bit for your generosity. You’ve felt like, when you extend some help, sometimes you notice how people take your help for granted as if they expect you to do whatever it is you’re helping them with naturally—as if, you’re a maid or a henchman or something—and they’re not even that appreciative in the end. Like it’s expected. Like your entire existence is just for serving them. Ugh, yuck.
That’s crazy and massively annoying because deep down you’re a super self-respecting person who can be a bit of a bitch when you let loose, but you make an effort to present your best face forward and be helpful always, so it’s only natural that you expect to be treated with appreciation and grace. That’s just basic. At the core of your being, you believe in a world where people show deep and genuine appreciation for what’s truly good in this world. Genuinely good and helpful people are rare in this world, you’d be a little happier if the world would show more respect and gratitude for rare qualities like these.
your Co-Creational prowess – Knight of Pentacles
Due to your charitable and generous nature, it is possible that this feeling of being treated like some kind of an underappreciated maid is a theme surrounding your childhood or young adult years. But as you grow up and grow into your power, sooner than later people will notice what a grandiose character you are. You’re just naturally gentle and sweet and helpful, but when you stand still you exude a strong charisma just from your regal quietude. Well, depending on many things in your birth chart, this charisma and quiet power could attract admirers or enemies. At the end of the day, you just need to know how to play your cards right XD
So you can see, you have a natural charm about you that can gather many enemies, all for your learning of how the Devil ticks. If this is the case, best believe when you’re older you’re going to swash so many narcs, bullies and unveil the tricks of the truly negative people in society. If your natural charm attracted many admirers since you were young, very likely when you’re grown up you’re going to continue to serve as a humanitarian or philanthropist or whatever it is that you do to help the less fortunate.
Your path is one that’s filled with learning, careful planning, baking ideas and experimenting with new ways of doing things. Perhaps that is why you’ve had to deal with difficult or annoying—even frustrating—human interactions from a young age. It seems like that whole ordeal was necessary for you to understand the variety of human psychology. This will serve you greatly when you’re on your Mission, gathering different types of people in a team, battling different types of losers and psychopaths on the way.
turning wishes into Reality – 4 of Cups
Hahah, before jumping into your main real Soul Mission, you could’ve felt that Life is so boring. No matter how glamorous it could look to outsiders, no matter the money you have, no matter how grateful you are that your everyday is fulfilled and you can eat whatever you want, you could still feel like nothing that you do is truly deeply importantly meaningful. In the years leading up to your spiritual breakthrough, you will be itching for something more. You may not necessarily understand what ‘more’ means but it’s just a nudging feeling that there should be…more to your whole existence.
At some point in your spiritual awakening phase, you will be tempted by the Universe to choose from amongst a few options or paths to take seriously for the continuation of your existence. Weirdly wildly enough, even if you can’t really explain why, you will choose one thing and one thing only: your Highest Intended Destiny. You may not necessarily know exactly what it means or how to get there, but you’ll choose wisely. This isn’t something you could mess up, trust that. If the Universe is tempting you, it is more for you to see for yourself just how badly you want this. And if you want it, you will have it~
By the time you’re reading this PAC, I think it’s obvious you’re mere months away from fully embracing your truest highest intended Soul Mission. Months…could mean up to 2 years or so hahaha But babe, Mother Gaia is saying, your Life is going to get even more abundant than now (if you’re already quite abundant) but more importantly, that extra abundance is going to come from endeavours that are truly exciting. Your Soul will sing again when it happens~! Since this is a general reading, I can’t pinpoint exactly what’s coming into your Life soon, but your intuition already knows this, right? Keep the vision! Expect the best! Because it’s really coming to hit you like a silly UFO!
YOUR WORLD – Priestess of Beauty
COSMIC ANCESTORS’ SUPPORT – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
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Pile 3 – You Have Everything in Your Power to Create Your Very Own Peace and Calm
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Soul-deep motivation – 3 of Cups Rx
You’re somebody who has a tough outer appearance. It’s probably your optimism and confidence, but for some, it could also be your resting bitch face and aloofness. At any rate, most people would never guess how sensitive and fragile your heart really is. That at the core of your being you’re such a lovely person who would be extra gentle and friendly towards animals and children. It's probably some kind of a paradoxical existence that you can understand through the lens of astrology :D
You’re definitely an Old Soul who has experienced many past incarnations on Earth before, and thus you possess this level of complexity to both your psychology and worldview that most people can’t even grasp. I know that Human beings tire you for the most part if you’re honest about it. Though I sense, many of you tapping into this Pile are still such sweethearts that you still make an effort to be accommodating and understanding! What can you do? Humans are infants in the grander scheme of cosmic events XP
You came into this world carrying Soul-deep motivations to smoothen out friction in society, mitigate cultural conflicts, dissolve hatred born out of differences, etc etc… Isn’t it crazy that people can hate and even destroy each other due to ‘differences’ when at the core of everything, we’re all really just Humans riding on the same ship—Planet Earth?
You, are essentially an ambassador of Peace. If you’ve chosen this Pile as your main pile, know that you have a very important role to play on the world stage. This is defo my ‘celebrity pile’ hahah
your Co-Creational prowess – Knight of Cups Rx
The majority of you tuning into this reading probably have significant Pisces/12th House placements—followed to varying extents by Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius. In simple terms, I’d say you don’t immediately look like a ‘spiritual’ person and depending on what kind of industry you’re in, your true sense of OG spirituality could well be hidden, or that you could’ve needed to struggle quite a bit to let your more spiritual side shine. Due to this paradoxical background, when you speak on the world stage, you’re going to offer the world some of the most fascinating perspectives on what it means to be a spiritual being having a Human experience at this passage of time.
No, baby, you don’t understand; you’re going to be super fascinating! The elders who are currently doing their thing on the Internet can’t even keep up XD And of course, we’re not talking about being in a competition with our wise elders who are already doing their Lightwork. This is just acknowledging your brand-new highly elevated perspectives that could change the world for sure. And to be sure, we acknowledge that we’ve learnt a great deal from the elders, too, right?
In that sense, you could also be the type of person/persona that bring back knowledge or speeches from old—even ancient—esoteric texts. Whoa, those are some highly intelligent writing/speeches—kids of today can’t keep up what with their brains rotting every day from TikTok LMAO You have this power to glue together aspects of society, history, or Life itself, that don’t usually work on paper, but you can make it happen because you’re FUTURISTIC as fuck!
turning wishes into Reality – 4 of Wands Rx
It’s very clear to you that there’s no going back when it comes to the trajectory of what Humanity is becoming. The problem is, most Humans aren’t even aware of what they’re being herded towards becoming. And you want to be that force that halts this train to hell and inform the passengers of all the details of their journey as a collective. What you can do for yourself and Humanity is to enlighten with your words/speech—to wake the people up from their mass delusions.
Humanity has been living under a bad spell for far too long. I think you’re the type of person who understands that the first step in removing black magick is to first be aware of its existence. The power of black magick lies in deception and sneaky movements. As long as the mass can be aware of it, its effects weaken naturally; that’s the thing with black spells, you know that? And this is why your perspectives matter. When you speak the quiet part out loud and help the mass realise some kind of a blind spot.
Your words are very much needed by this world. You’re going to be some kind of a prototype that gets emulated by others in the decades to come. You’re going to be blessed by so much ease and abundance as you continue courageously to walk this path of a trailblazer. Your good karma, essentially, really comes from your walking this lonesome and challenging path of a spiritual rebel—a spiritual gangster, even LMAO
YOUR WORLD – Priestess of Innocence
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[PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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whereisten · 7 months
To Be Forgiven
FT: Suguru Getou & Nanami Kento
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Pairing: Suguru Getou x Nanami Kento x reader Genre/Themes: sMUT! Convent (nuns and priests), angst Warnings: Threesome - F/M/M, vampire priests, loss of virginity, praise kink, light BDSM (rope use, spanking) overstimulation, multiple orgasms, oral sex (m and f receiving), rough sex, blood mention, gaslighting, devotion, voyeurism, degradation, dumbification, creampie, character death, vampire priests Word Count: 8.8k
A/N: WELL... this is probably the dirtiest thing i've ever written, and I know its not kpop or nct based so im sorry for that. It was HEAVILY inspired by these two posts: https://x.com/polariae/status/1722684591079673876?s=20 https://x.com/kimmy_art0912/status/1721731893622714594?s=20 (so please take a look to get a good image in your mind before you start reading hehe the artists are amazing) Also, this in no way is meant to offend Christianity or the world of Catholics, the theme is only used for fantasy. Sorry if it's a little messy, i just had to get it out of my system. Dont forget to leave a comment if you like it! Thank youuuu xoxo
Freedom felt good. That’s what you thought to yourself the moment you stepped off the bus and onto the new convent you’d be living the rest of your life in. You’d finished college, graduating as you set out to do and now came the next step: devoting your life to Christ. 
Your parents didn’t understand your desire to live this way, but they supported you nonetheless. With tearful eyes, they bid you farewell and swore to stay strong until the next time they’d see you.
You drag your luggage to your room and sit down on your bed, inhaling and exhaling the fresh air slowly. 
“Hi! You’re new here!” A woman dressed in her holy tunic stands in the middle of your open doorway, her hands placed in front of her as she smiles.
You smile back. “Oh..yes! I just got here actually.”
“That’s wonderful, welcome to our home, my name is Khadija and I hope I can help you at some point, my room is a few doors down if you ever need anything!” She waves as you nod. 
“Thank you, my name is Y/n.”
She nods as well and walks away.
A few days later, you’ve started speaking with other nuns in an effort to gain an understanding of how things normally operate. 
“At 8 A.M, we have breakfast together and then continue our studies in our assigned classrooms. Should you need anything, I am always here.” Sister Nancy, your neighbor, walks with you to breakfast. She guides you through the convent and provides helpful information.
While at breakfast you try to get to know her better. “How long have you lived here?”
“Hmmm…time has sort of..run away from me…” she looks puzzled as she stares at her bowl of oatmeal. Almost as if lost in thought, her voice trails off and eventually becomes silent.
“Sister Nancy?”
“Oh! Yes..about 5 years.” She nods and looks back up at you. Once at the end of your breakfast you stand up and bring your trays to the cafeteria where you can toss any trash.
“Sister Y/n..” Nancy says quietly while walking beside you.
“Yes?” You look at her curiously.
“I must tell you..when you study, when you learn how to best serve God here..please be wary..”
“I’m not sure what you mean..” your brows bunch together.
“Well..the priests here are great, devoted and caring..but there are some who..may not have good intentions.”
You place your trays down and walk together in the hall towards your rooms.
“Men of the cloth are always good, Sister Nancy, what do you mean by this?”
“They should be good..but they are not, be careful and stay steady in your faith, do not lose sight of your goal..”
She stops while you continue walking. 
“But Sister, who-?” You turn to look at her, but suddenly, she is gone, not even the breeze from her departure surrounds you.
You stare into the hall. “Sister Nancy?” You call out, but it is empty and eerily quiet. You turn back towards your room and bump into a large chest.
You stumble backwards, but the tall, sturdy figure grabs your arms to hold you still.
“I am so sorry..”
You look up slowly. 
The man has long black hair, feline-like eyes and a tempting smile. You quickly look away and onto the floor as your mind starts to desire more than just this embrace.
He chuckles and it’s like angels have started to sing from heaven. “My apologies, I should’ve walked more carefully.”
He finally lets you go.
“You’re new here, right?” 
You look back up at him, a strand of hair gracing his beautiful face perfectly as he smiles. 
“Y-yes..I’m Sister Y/n..please forgive me for-“
“Ahh no need, Sister Y/n..please continue..my name is Suguru by the way, if you need anything, just let me know..” He steps to the side to let you pass, but never lets go of your wide eyes.
You wondered how such a young man could become a priest. He looked dark and mysterious, unlike any of the other priests you’d seen before.
[The Next Day]
You’re heading to your first class where you’ll be taught by Father Nanami. You sit down in your chair comfortably before looking around to see if you can find Khadija and Nancy. To your disappointment, they aren’t there.
Then, he walks in. The blonde man with small glasses makes your jaw drop. He is just as tall and young as Father Suguru, but he looks stern and serious.
He places his books down and looks around at the class. “Welcome, let us begin, please open your pages to the verse written on the board.”
He sounds just as strict as he looks, no “good morning” or “how are you?” He jumps straight into business.
He is also your personal counselor, but you aren’t sure if you’ll be visiting him often.
Later that day, you go apple picking with Sister Khadija. 
“Would you like to tell me of your life before you chose Christ?” Khadija asks, gently picking a ruby red apple from above her head.
“Sure! I was happy..I graduated college and felt I’d done it all..but somehow, I still felt empty. Then one day, I overheard a sermon on the radio..and I felt..I felt this urge, a calling, rather. I felt the need to participate in something much bigger than myself, and so I decided to devote my life to Him.”
Khadija smiles. “That’s very nice.”
“And what about you?”
“Oh..I..don’t quite remember, but yes, I did feel the calling as well.”
You nod slowly, then smile quickly to cover up your worry. How could she not remember?
“That’s great!”
As you’re walking back with baskets full of apples, you turn to her. “I didn’t see you in Father Nanami’s class today, do you have a class with another priest at that time?”
Khadija stops, dropping her basket as her eyes widen. “Wh-who’s class?”
You kneel down and begin to gather the apples that fell out. “Father Nanami..is everything okay, Khadija?”
She dips down to pick her basket up. “I’m sorry, Sister Y/n, how clumsy of me.”
“It’s okay! I-“
“But Y/n, Nanami is not a great instructor..I would recommend another professor..”
She looks into her eyes as your hands touch while reaching for the same apple.
You frown. “He seems to be very serious about his work, I feel I can learn a lot from him.” 
Khadija shakes her head. “He..is dangerous.”
You stand up straight and laugh. “Are his exams that bad? I figured he’d be a harsh teacher, but I look forward to the challenge!” You grip your basket and continue walking.
Khadija looks at you with a worried expression. She wished Nanami was a harsh grader, and nothing more, but unfortunately, this wasn’t the case.
[One Week Later]
You step into Nanami’s office to ask a quick question.
“Father Nanami-“
Suguru stands next to Nanami’s desk, flipping through one of his books before gazing up at you slowly. 
“Hello, Sister Y/n.”
You nod. “Hello! I’ll come by later.”
“Wait a moment, you can speak with me if you’d like.” He says smoothly before sitting in the chair.
“Oh..is Father Nanami not available today?”
Suguru smirks when he senses your unease. “He will be back in about an hour, what is it you’d like to ask him?”
“I-I’ll ask him tomorrow, it really is no problem.” You turn to leave, but he stops you.
“Are you enjoying your time here, Sister?”
He intertwines his fingers in front of him and places his chin on top.
You turn back to him and smile. “Yes..but to be honest with you, father, I’m not sure if I’m worthy to be here.”
He tilts his head slightly, a dark glimmer presents itself in his eyes..or are you just seeing things? “What makes you say that, Y/n?”
The absence of “Sister” from his sentence and the way your name rolls off his tongue makes you shudder, but the feeling quickly leaves you as you clear your throat.
You look to the floor. “I don’t know, it’s probably nothing more than nervousness.”
Suguru leans back. “Of course you are worthy, Y/n. Do not worry, Christ lives through you at all times.”
You look back up at him and return his smile. “Thank you, father.”
You leave and release a deep breath you'd been holding. Something about him made you..unsettled. You didn’t know why, but as you walk back to your room, you shake the feeling off, never noticing his eyes on you from the doorway.
A few weeks pass and you notice that you often see Father Nanami walking about the halls and chatting with other Priests or Nuns. Suguru is hardly ever around, but honestly, you didn’t mind it. The long-haired temptress reminded you of the sin that still resides in your heart. The sin of lust. You couldn’t deny it anymore, and it forced you to visit the chapel more often.
You could resolve this impure feeling if you just prayed and believed in your Lord.
Apart from that, your time at the convent was going well. You bonded with your Sisters, and learned from Father Nanami as well as your Bible.
Some nights, however, you wake up randomly with the doomed feeling of being watched. 
“Hello?” You say quietly as you turn your bedside lamp on and peer out into the corners of the room. There’s nothing, there’s no sound. You only hear your trembling breath. There’s a slight chill in the air and it makes you grip your blanket tightly. 
This would happen around the same time every night, but you brushed it off to you being nervous. After all, you’re in a new home, surely it would take some more time for you to get used to your new bed and room. You tried to brush off the thought that part of these strange occurrences had to do with your room being just a few feet away from a cemetery.
You couldn’t go back to sleep most nights so you’d stay up and read your Bible until the sun rose.
To make matters worse, you didn’t see Nancy or Khadija as often, you couldn’t talk to them about how your nights had been going.
[One Week Later]
You run into Father Suguru for the first time in a while. He was just leaving Father Nanami’s office when he collided with you while turning the corner.
“Oh!” He laughs, his smile causing his eyes to crinkle. Your heart weakens at the sight.
No. Remain firm.
“I am so sorry, Father Suguru.” You step back and bow slightly.
“It’s alright, Sister Y/n, how have you been doing? You look tired.” His smile falls when he notices how dark your eyes have gotten since the last time he’d seen you.
“Oh! Really?” You rub the side of your neck and look to the floor. “Is it that obvious?”
He nods. “What’s wrong? Are you having a difficult time here?”
You shake your head. “No..no it’s not that..it’s just-“
He steps closer, looking down on you intently with knitted brows.
“You see..I’ve been waking up…in the middle of the night..feeling strange.”
Suguru smiles slightly. “How so, Y/n?”
And once again, you felt anxious about his tendency to omit your title.
“It’s nothing, Father..I’ll be-“ movement behind him catches your eye. You see a nun now down the hall quickly.
“Sister Nancy! Wait!”
You call out, but she doesn’t stop.
You look back at Father Suguru. “I apologize, sir. I must be going.”
He nods and watches as you walk by him.
You run after Nancy who quickly turns a corner. “Wait!” You try to call after her again, but once you turn the corner, she’s gone.
Things were getting weird and you didn’t know why. The sudden disappearances, the disturbing stillness and chill at night, it all made you worried.
That night, you wake up as usual, but this time, you finally see a figure. You aren’t sure if you should feel relieved or frightened at the sight.
You turn your lamp on before turning back to her. “Sister..is everything okay?”
Sister Khadija stands at the foot of your bed with dark circles under her empty eyes. Her lips are gray and her hair is unkempt. You’d never seen her like this before.
“W-what’s wrong?” You sit up in your bed.
She only raises her hand and points to the window behind your headboard.
You stand up and look outside of it, but nothing is there, only darkness.
“Sister Khadija, what’s going-“ you turn back to look at her, but she’s gone.
Goosebumps engulf your skin as the room suddenly feels much colder. You open your door quickly to see if she has gone to her room, but no one is there.
You’re seeing things. You just need to sleep more, that’s all.
You close your door again and climb into bed. You clutch your blanket then reach for your Bible, praying that Sister Khadija is sleeping soundly in her room.
The next night, the same thing happens, but this time with Sister Nancy. 
“Nancy-“ you wipe your eyes and focus on her face.
“You have to leave.” She says softly then runs out of your room. 
You jump out of the bed and run after her, ignoring the fact that you’re inappropriately dressed in just your nightgown and running through the halls of the convent.
You run fast, trying hard to not lose her this time. You needed answers. Why were they both visiting you at night? What did she mean by “you have to leave?”
But after running for nearly 4 minutes, you finally lose sight of her. You stop and look around in hopes of figuring out which dark, gloomy hall you’re in. The walls are lit by candles, making it difficult to figure out, but you’re sure that you’ve never been in this particular corridor before.
Your head flicks toward the end of the hall where a loud banging sound comes from.
You walk towards it and hear it again.
As you get closer, you also hear soft groans and whispers.
Your hand hovers over the door knob. Should you enter? What do you expect to see? Someone that could help you get back to your room?
Without much thought, you turn it and push the door open slowly.
Your eyes widen at the sight.
It’s Priest Suguru on a bed. 
You gasp. He’s tied up with thick rope and completely naked. His head hangs low as he watches a nun’s head move on his lower half.
“Slower..yes..just like that.” His intoxicating voice fills the room. You step back and the sound of your foot just barely dusting the wood causes his head to snap up.
You cover your mouth.
His eyes are red and glow in the dim lighting of the candle lit room.
But what’s even more frightening is the blood that drips from the corners of his mouth. His chest heaves as he smiles wickedly. You tremble at the sight of two large fangs in his smile. 
“Y/n…” he calls out softly to you. Your eyes refuse to leave his body. Your knees feel weak as a mixture of emotions flood you. Fear, confusion, lust- you become too overwhelmed to speak.
The Sister below him releases his dick from her mouth, causing a ‘pop’ sound to echo. She turns around to face you, her mouth drips with blood and her eyes glow as well. She wipes her mouth with her fist before standing up and walking towards the door. 
You stumble backwards, your eyes still focused on Suguru behind her.
And then, the door slams in your face.
You snap out of your gaze, feeling your body experience a shock unlike anything you’ve felt before. What did you just see? Was it real? No, you had to be dreaming. Suguru, a holy man, would never—
The gorgeous sounds of his moans fill your head.
“Stop!” You say to yourself as your eyes grow teary.
You start running away from the door. You had to find your room, you had to repent immediately. How could your lustful mind conjure up such a degrading image of a priest? You’re disgusting, you’re unworthy of the Lord.
You pray you can be forgiven for your sin, but the sudden wetness in between your legs tells you that it may be too late.
[One Week Later]
Fortunately, you hadn’t seen Suguru since that night. You still weren’t sure if you dreamt it or not, but you begged God every night that it wasn’t real. 
“Are you okay, Sister Y/n?” Father Nanami interrupts your thoughts. You look around the classroom to see you’re the only one still there.
“Oh! Yes, Father, I apologize..I’ll get going.”
“You look tired, get some sleep tonight.” He says before grabbing his briefcase and leaving.
“Yes, Father.”
That night, you tossed and turned. You had vivid dreams of the halls and the people you saw every day. Your dreams were more realistic  than ever before.
You then start to dream of that dreaded night..but there is something different.
You feel your wrists are tied to your head board, your legs are pulled apart by large hands as you wiggle on your bed. Your nipples are perky, peeking through your gown, and you can feel your slit leaking.
You look down and see him. His hair is tied up and his upper half is naked.
Suguru crawls over you slowly.
You moan when you see his low gaze on your body.
He lifts your gown up and kisses your stomach with his pillowy soft lips. He works himselfvall the way down to your entrance. You can feel his hot breath fanning it.
“Father..please.” You close your eyes tightly and beg, and with just the sound of this one desperate plea, Suguru licks in between your slit.
Your back arches instantly. 
His mouth on you feels amazing, you can’t stop moving your hips in an effort to get more from him.
He grips your thighs tightly, pushing them even further apart to lick and suck all parks of you.
Your moans grow louder, your breathing becomes quicker, you’re so close.
He reaches up with one hand under your gown and caresses your breast.
“Look at me.” He demands.
You look down as he drapes your leg over his shoulder and licks at a faster pace.
You lock eyes with his red ones.
“Faster..faster..please..I need more.” You cry out.
And Suguru follows your commands all while watching you writhe under him.
And with one final flick of his devilish tongue, you cum.
Your eyes fly open, you jump out of your sleep while panting.
Another lustful dream.
How could you betray God like this? You can't control your urges, it’s becoming a distraction and a serious problem that needs to be dealt with.
You start to cry quietly and decide that it’s time to get help.
You get on your knees and begin to pray until the sun comes up for only God could banish these cravings and impure thoughts.
[The Next Day]
You visit Father Nanami after class.
“Hello..do you have a moment?”
“Yes, come in.”
You close the door behind you and sit in front of his desk.
“How can I help you, Sister Y/n?”
In your time at the convent, you’d never seen him smile, and you certainly didn’t expect to see it today.
He looks sternly at his laptop, awaiting your reply.
You swallow hard, where should you start?
“Father Nanami..I saw..Suguru the other night..he was..he was tied up and in a strange position and he…he was partaking in scandalous activities with another Sister..”
He stops typing and looks up at you over his screen.
“But father..the strangest thing of all is that his eyes were red and his mouth dripped with what I think was..blood..it was..it was terrifying.”
“And yet..you couldn’t look away..could you, Sister Y/n?”
Your eyes grow. Nanami saw right through you and instantly knew of your sins.
“Father..I’m so sorry, I must beg for forgiveness.”
He takes his glasses off and places them onto the desk. He shrugs. “Why?”
You’re confused. “Because..because I saw the devil and had impure thoughts, Father! I’ve sinned, I’m unworthy of being here.” You bring your hands to your face and start to sob in them.
“Shhhh..no need to cry, Y/n..simply beg for forgiveness and do as he says..”
You nod. “Yes, father, I will visit the chapel right away and live as God tells me to, I-“
Nanami chuckles. “No..no Y/n..beg him for forgiveness..”
“..him?” You look up slowly.
“Father Suguru is the one whose image your impure mind has desecrated without reason..surely, you don’t think what you saw was anything more than your lust taking form in a dream? You imagined Suguru as something completely opposite of who he is, and you need ask for his forgiveness as he is the human embodiment of God..we all are, isn’t that right, Y/n?”
“Oh..I see, I apologize for not understanding..I will go to him right away.”
Nanami nods. “Good girl.”
You look to the floor to not see his smirk. But you can feel it in his tone and it’s strange.
You go to Suguru’s office in the evening when everyone is leaving to prepare for bed.
“Father Suguru..?” you say softly, but feel worried as you stand in his doorway.
“Oh. Sister Y/n..it’s nice to see you.” He gives a sly smile.
You nod.
“Close the door.” He sets aside a few books and sits down.
Like before, you find it hard to get started, but know you must in order to become a better Christian.
“Father..I must confess and with this confession I hope that you will not change your perception of me..I-I hope you will forgive me and allow me to continue to grow in this establishment.”
“Sister Y/n..you don’t believe you are worthy of being here, so why should I believe it?”
Your mouth falls open.
A smug look crosses his face. “You’ve come here to ask for my forgiveness, but have you forgiven yourself?”
“Father..I-I don’t follow.”
“What is it you’d like me to forgive you for? For watching..for craving..for..wanting to not only feel the devil but to taste him as well?”
You step back and gasp. “Father! I would never-“
“Oh, Y/n..sure..I’ll forgive you, but I know that’s not the only thing you desire.” He stands behind his desk and holds his hands together in front of him, his grin never leaving his face.
“Father, I only wish to absolve myself of my sins and live purely. It is the goal that I-“
He waves his hand. “Sure..sure..but tell me Y/n..how did it feel?”
“H-how did “what” feel?”
He walks closer to you, making more and more hairs on the back of your neck raise with each step.
“The lust, the desire…the craving..”
“I-I don’t know..it felt..”
“Strange, right?” He smiles widely.
”I’ll forgive you if you’ll allow yourself to indulge in your fantasies tonight.”
“No!” You back away from him.
“My dear Y/n..these thoughts will only go away if you give in for just a moment.”
“So what I saw the other night..was real?”
“It’s as real as you want it to be, Y/n. Tell me..do you want to feel what it’s like to be tied up and at the mercy of another?”
You tremble.
“Hands can roam along your skin, press into your thighs and collect the slick building in between your slit..fingers part it to allow way for my tongue to taste you and draw out your long withheld moans. But I won't stop, not until you’ve really felt me inside, making you the perfect size for me, pushing every breath out of your body. Not until our bodies become one and you’ve cried out to God for release.”
“Father..” you breathe heavily, his lips just inches from yours.
“And with your hands tied behind you, you’ll have no choice but to bounce on me until I’ve said I forgive you..even if it takes all night..you’re mine to control. In every position, in every hour..we’ll gain a brief moment in heaven together..only then can your sins be absolved.”
You swallow hard.
“You watched the devil and you liked what you saw..are you ready to fuck him too?”
Suguru’s eyes become a deep shade of red.
“How can you say such obscene things? What are you?” You stare into his eyes.
“A servant of God..of course…but I’m also the one that can make you feel so..so good.” he places a hand on your neck and tilts his head.
“But you..you’re..”
“Yes..Y/n..go on..say it.” His eyes follow your lips.
“A demon..”
He chuckles and his eyes float downwards. “And you’re as wet as you were that night..so shall we?”
“How can you..live in the house of God?” You look up with wide eyes.
Suguru lifts one corner of his mouth. “You see..I use my abilities for good Y/n..just one night and I shall remove the impurities from your blood, would you like me to?”
You hesitantly nod. He takes you into his arms and cranes down to your neck.
You grunt at the sudden move.
He then digs into your neck, causing you to yelp, your head falls back over his shoulder. The pain quickly turns into a pleasurable feeling as he sucks your blood. Your body relaxes in his arms. He pulls away and tilts your chin toward his to kiss you deeply. It’s your first kiss, so he leads you into it, caressing your lips slowly, mixing your spit with your blood. 
Your eyes close as you feel his tongue dance over your bottom lip. You relax more and more into his arms and embrace the feeling of his broad chest against your back.
He pulls away and looks into your eyes. “Do you wish to feel more? Do you wish to indulge your sins and be absolved of them thereafter?”
You nod, feeling your willingness to leave dissipate after his kiss. He smiles. 
“Very good, Y/n.” He says before sucking again.
He takes you to a room lit with only candles.
He carefully removes your head cover and dress, then pulls his rope out from a closet. 
He ties your hands behind your back, and continues to create intricate patterns across your body, making sure to kiss you every now and then. His cold fingers brush against your skin, sparking fires.
You feel vulnerable, but follow his every move and command as you kneel on the bed.
He removes his collar and lets his holy robe drop to the floor. You stare at his magnificent body causing him to laugh out. “The lust in your eyes is delicious” he puts his hair up in a bun, but a part of you wishes he’d let it stay down so you could run your hands through it.
You turn away in embarrassment. “I’m sorry father, I-“
He turns your face back to his and continues to kiss you. When he pulls away he runs his thumb along your bottom lip. “Are you ready?” 
You nod.
He lays down under you, fixes his face between your thighs and begins to eat you out as you cry out his name. 
With his hands on your ass, he forces you to move back and forth onto his face. Your ankles are tied to the same rope that binds your wrists, forcing you to stay open.
“Father!” You cry out when you feel the tip of his nose rub against you. You rock your hips back and forth on your own. 
More, you need more. That’s all you can think as his tongue explores you.
He groans against you, sending amazing vibrations through you.
“So sweet..your scent has driven me insane since you first stepped foot inside this convent..”
He groans and begins to buck his hips into his own cuffed hand.
He can’t wait to feel you around him, he can’t wait to drain you as you tremble and lose it all to him.
Suguru sucks your clit harder at the thought.
You yell out at the unexpected action and move faster.
Just then, Nanami walks in and stands at the end of the bed to watch.
“You really are trying to let God hear..”
You jump up and look at him, but Suguru digs his fingertips into your thighs to keep you still.
“Father Nanami! Please..forgive me.” You shut your eyes tightly, holding back your tears while cumming all over Suguru’s mouth.
Nanami palms himself through his jeans.
The casual look suits him very well, but you’re still embarrassed to let him see you like this.
He walks over to you, caressing your face with one hand and zipping his pants down with the other. “Shhh..open your mouth and all will be forgiven.” 
He rubs his thumb along your bottom lip, gently pushing downward.
You do as he says, doing your best to fit all of him into your mouth. Laying your tongue out underneath it, you push forward and taste the saltiness from the precum leaking out.
Suguru kneels beside you on the bed and watches.
“Yes, good girl, you follow instructions so well.” Nanami removes his collar and shirt now too.
You choke slightly after feeling him hit the back of your throat, but you keep going, bobbing slowly as your spit builds.
Suguru now licks your nipples, eventually biting into one and sucking your blood once more. You groan from the pain, sending vibrations onto Nanami who grunts and curses. 
He puts a hand to the back of your head and begins to thrust into you. Tears prick the ends of your eyes, you can barely breathe. If your hands were free, you’d use them to cover a few inches. If you could talk, you’d tell him to be gentler on you. But you take it all, knowing that you’d be forgiven if you bring both men satisfaction.
You moan as you feel your throat become raw.
“She’s being such a good girl..” Suguru smiles wickedly before licking up the blood around your wound.
Nanami finally releases along the bottom of your throat, choking you as tears fall onto your cheeks and your eyes become red.  You wish he’d tell you you were a good girl, but the stoic man simply says “Swallow.” And looks down on you through laser eyes.
You do as he says, swallowing every drop and hoping that it will somehow purify your soul like holy water or wine.
He pulls out. “Ahh good girl..” he finally smiles, using his thumb to collect the spit that escaped and putting it back into your mouth. Suguru kisses you to taste yourself as well as Nanami. Nanami caresses his hair and your head as well.
“Am I forgiven, father?” You look up at him with wide eyes.
He looks down at your breasts and neck, aching to bite into you so he can grow hard again.
Suguru then kneels in front of you and begins to cup his hand around his member. The tip is red and dripping with precum, you stare but Nanami grabs your hair to pull your neck back.
“There’s so much greed and lust in your eyes, you’ll have to do much more than that to gain forgiveness.”
He pushes you down so you now face Suguru’s member. 
“Open that filthy mouth of yours again.”
Nanami kneels on the bed behind you and begins to eat you out.
His tongue is lighter than Suguru’s, just applying kitten licks, but that somehow makes it hotter. You can’t help but move more in an effort to get closer to his lips.
Meanwhile, Suguru’s head falls back as you take him into your mouth. 
He isn’t as patient as Nanami thrusts into you while groaning, causing a yelp to escape you. Your throat, still raw and irritated from being pounded into by Nanami, still closes around him well. He whimpers and places his hand onto the back of your head.
Nanami adds his fingers to open you up more and you throw your head back. “Father!”
“So wet and pretty..this tight pussy of yours needs to be made ready.” 
He pushes in and out faster. You pull away from Suguru as Nanami’s fingers stretch you out.
“Slower, Father..please!”
“Focus on me, Y/n. It’s my forgiveness you should be seeking.” Suguru takes your chin in his hand and forces you to look back at him.
Nanami bites into your thigh, sucking harder and faster. You’re shocked to see that Nanami is the same as Suguru, but your focus shifts to the amazing feeling of being sucked from the area closest to your opening.
You quiver and clench around his fingers before moving up and down on them on your own.
Your moans send vibrations onto Suguru, and combined with the sight of your ass being up, he quickly cums in your mouth, leaving you a crying mess as he forces your head down. You choke while feeling the strings hit the very back of your throat once again.
You cum along with him, Nanami continuously pressing into a sweet spot. It feels too good to explain, but you know you’re too sensitive for more.
When he pulls out, you flick your head back to Nanami who continues to finger you.
“Father! I can't take any more.” You beg Nanami to leave your aching opening be.
You collapse into the bed and pant. Suguru laughs 
“We’re just getting started sweetheart. You’re ours tonight, then you’ll be God’s forever.” He says as he ties a collar around your neck. He then unties the rope around your legs. He hands the leash to Nanami who sits against the headboard. He tugs you back, wasting no time to grab your thighs and spread you apart over his lap. 
He forces you down onto him as you face Suguru. Suguru smiles again then flicks a thumb against your nipple.
In one move Nanami starts to enter you, causing you to squeal and attempt to run from the penetrative object , but he is just too strong. 
“You know it’s her first time, be gentle, Father.” Suguru chuckles.
Nanami tugs your collar hard, “how could I forget? This pussy is reserved for God, isn’t it? the blood will be even sweeter if I go harder, don’t you think?”
“Hmm only one way to find out.”
Nanami pulls you down hard, burying everything inside you at once. You lift yourself up while in tears, but he grabs you again.
“Where are you going? You have work to do..take me in as you take God into your heart.” He smirks. “This is the Godly dick you’ve been craving, isn’t it?”
“T-too much, Father Nanami, I can’t take it.” Heated skin against heated skin, fingertips digging into your skin to leave a permanent impression and the way you can’t stop dripping for them, it’s unlike anything you’ve felt before.
You should feel shame, but you don’t.
“Tsk tsk..you need to prove yourself worthy, Sister Y/n..need I remind you of why?”
You shake your head, tears leaving your eyes as you are stretched out. “It’s my first time, father, I do not know-“
“Just relax and move..”
His hands are stable on the inside of both knees. He begins to bring you up and down onto him. “Yes..just like that.”
You’re wide open for Suguru to see, with just rope around your body. You should feel embarrassed, but there’s something building in the depths of your stomach.
Suguru looks you up and down and sucks your neck as you move. His large hands rest inside your knees to help you move up and down. 
Nanami’s hand reaches around your waist, his fingertips part your folds and rub circles into your clit. 
It feels amazing, you moan louder and bounce faster. “Father! I’m..I’m going to—“
“Yes, sweetheart, cum for me…”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, you want to stay still as you feel your climax rush over you, but Nanami continues to thrust into you.
Suguru releases and begins to touch himself again. “Ahh you taste so good.”
“Does she? Let me try.” Nanami pulls your collar, forcing your neck backwards. He bites in hard, still bringing you up and down on his member.
You whimper at the feeling, but shake soon after, cumming twice with just a few seconds between. You feel dizzy, you might pass out. But you also don’t want the men to stop. 
Nanami keeps moving as you cry out, your head falling back even more.
You move faster to get his orgasm, he pushes you forward once he's done sucking, kneeling behind you to rail you from behind.
You feel the collar tighten as he pushes harder, forcing your face down into the bed.
“You should feel shame for cumming before me, the holiest servant of God, what makes you think you are higher than me?”
He pushes even harder, making you cry out loudly. “I’m so sorry, father! I didn’t mean to!” You turn your face to the side to breathe.
Nanami spanks your ass hard, causing a breath to leave you and you clench around him.
“All the more reason for this exorcism to take all night, isn’t that right Y/n?” Suguru looks at your strained arms, feeling himself grow unbearably hard with your sweet blood still on his tongue.
“Yes, father, I will do whatever you wish me to!”
Nanami pulls the collar and spanks your ass again. You grunt and close your eyes, you can’t stop clenching around him.
“More father..please, I deserve this.”
A snicker escapes him and spanks you repeatedly as he fucks into you hard, leaving you gasping for air with each thrust.
Suguru kneels beside him and watches while touching himself.
“I’m going to cum inside you, if you let a drop escape, you will have disappointed God. Do you understand?”
You nod. “Yes father. I will keep you in.” You squeal.
He holds your warm ass onto his pelvis as he cums deep inside you.
“Fuck..so fucking good.” Nanami curses while listening to your whimpers.
He then pulls out and leans down to make out with you. You’re enraptured by his aggressive kiss, it’s as if he wants to take every breath out of you.
Suguru licks up the blood that trickles down your leg and moans. “You were right, Nanami. It’s sweeter than the apples and berries outside.”
Nanami pulls away, watching the string of spit that connected your lips drop onto your chin.
“Then she’s ready for you. You’re welcome.”
Suguru laughs then wastes no more time to enter you.
“Suguru!” You cry out, hoping that he’d give you a moment to recover, but he only laughs harder.
“Come on, Y/n, you’re supposed to be ready for me.”
You cry into the sheets, but Nanami lays under you. He hugs your upper body tightly as Suguru fucks you just as hard as he did.  
He sucks your neck, his fangs digging into another vein to pull out your impurities.
Your opening is silky and easy to move in, so it doesn’t take long for Suguru to cum again. 
“Ah-ah…father!” You climax with him, seeing stars while Nanami drains you.
Suguru pushes everything inside you as well, cursing as he watches you clench around nothing and shake. 
Nanami slides out from under you and leaves the bed. You pant and roll over onto your back, hoping that you’d finally be forgiven and welcome into the convent after tonight.
Suguru unties your rope, allowing your body to be free.
However, he can’t get enough of your blood, sucking your wrist while you gather your sanity.
Nanami then pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his jeans pocket. He sits 
 on the bed with his back on the headboard.
“Ride my thigh, sweetheart.” 
You shakily get on your knees and put your hands together in a prayer position.
“Father..please grant me forgiveness..”
He blows smoke into the air and smiles. “It wasn’t a question. Come over here.”
You do as he says, crawling over his impressively muscular thigh and grinding against it. He watches you through half lidded eyes and the sight makes you clench. Something about his disheveled blonde hair and the cigarettes he presses in between his swollen peachy lips makes it all hotter.
Suguru lays down beside him and smokes his cigarette as well. “Look at her, a whore that thinks she will be absolved of her sins.” Suguru chuckles.
“In all my 300-something years of life I’ve never pitied anyone more.” Nanami takes a drag.
You continue to move back and forth, but a sense of worry crosses you. “Father..I..what must I do?” You whine.
Nanami looks down at his hard member, having grown quickly since drinking your blood. 
You hurriedly move over it and grasp it in your hands. You may have grabbed it a little too hard as Nanami grunts. “Careful, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” You carefully align it with your opening, but you’re too nervous to bring it any closer.
Nanami hands the cigarette to Suguru. He swats your hand away and grabs your waist, pulling you onto him with ease. You whimper, trembling as you adjust to his large size once more.
Your hands find his broad shoulders. 
You begin to bounce slowly. “Is it good, sir? Can you forgive me?” It’s a genuine question but you can’t help but feel ridiculous after hearing the desperation in your tone.
Nanami’s eyes are focused on the way your bitten breasts move. Your velvety pussy glides onto him easily, but he needs more. More of your blood, more of your essence.
He flips you over onto your back and sucks your right breast as he fucks into you hard, moving the entire bed as you squeal. 
“Too big!” You cry out after his animalistic move. He pounds into you without hesitation. Not caring if anyone heard the lewd sounds created by his thighs hitting yours, or the creaking bed hitting the wall repeatedly. The rush of your blood flowing from your tender breast and into his mouth as well as the sight of the muscular man in between your bender, sweaty legs makes you quiver.
“Now this!” thrust “..is how you take dick, Sister Y/n.” He smirks, pounding hard again. 
“Oh God!” Your head falls back as you are stretched out. It’s painful, but you cannot escape Nanami. He sucks your breast and places one hand around your throat. 
Your nails dig into his back as he drives you crazy. 
“Yes, Y/n, tell God how good your sins feel.” He pushes harder. 
You shake your head. “It is wrong to feel this good while sinning.” Your tears flow in a steady stream, you feel as though he may just rip you in two.
“Says who?” He grins wickedly. 
Your mouth falls open, you don’t know what to believe anymore.
He stops moving, you look down with furrowed brows. “Do you want me to stop, Y/n?” The corner of his lip tilts up slightly as he already knows your answer.
“No-no, Father, please contin- Ah!”
Before you can even finish, he’s back inside your depths again, molding your pussy around him like he will forever own it.
“Open your mouth wider Y/n..” Suguru takes the cigarette out of his mouth and kneels beside your head, pushing his member into your mouth.
He enters your mouth, thrusting in just as deep as he did before. You gag and Nanami smiles. “I much rather hear you gagging like this.”
Suguru smokes nonchalantly as you are ruined by both of them. You feel open and raw, your mind is mush and you are beyond sensitive. Your hips hurt from being open and your arms hurt from being bound before, but somehow you feel amazing.
They both watch you lose your innocence, your purity, and are happy to be at the center of it all. The sorrowful look on your face as you do anything for forgiveness, your eyes wet with tears and your mouth open, chin covered in a mix of spit and their cum drives them both crazy. There is nothing on your mind except how to please them and yourself.
“Cum with me, let us enjoy this moment together.” Nanami squeezes his hand around your throat then rubs your clit with his fingertips again and you both cum. 
Your voice becomes hoarse from yelling out their names all night. You press onto his abs as your eyes roll. Suguru pulls out to watch your wet lips overflow with a mixture of cum and spit.
“You fucked her stupid, Nanami.” Suguru giggles.
Nanami pulls out of you quickly before taking the cigarette from him.
“She’s even cuter now, isn’t she, Suguru?”
He sits back and watches as Suguru flips you over and grabs your leash, pulling your neck back as he fucks you from behind like a wild animal, moving so fast, all you feel is a vibration against your sweet spot.
“Mhmm our cute slut..don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll take care of you. Just keep gripping me..fuck..that’s my girl.”
He pushes in and pulls out completely, watching as his dick drips with so much slick.
Nanami blows smoke out and leans back. “Ask the slut a few questions, see if she even knows her own name.”
Suguru pushes back in. 
“Think you can just dream of these things and be forgiven, sweetheart?”
“Yes, father.” You grip the sheets beside your head, feeling as though you may lose consciousness at any moment. But the way Suguru makes you feel is too good to miss. You hope you can climax with him just one more time. Your body needs him, your pussy needs him.
“How badly do you want to be forgiven, will you please us all night long, is this pussy ours?”
“Yes, father.”
“You’re good at obeying, aren’t you?”
“If you keep yourself from cumming, you’ll be forgiven, how does that sound?”
Your eyes widen, you look back at him and shake your head. “Sir..I don’t know if I can-“
He thrusts harder and pulls back.
“What was that?”
He leans over you, grabbing both of your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head.
“Obey..me..Y/n..or spend an eternity in hell.”
“Yes..father I will obey you!”
And this would’ve been possible had his fingers not been playing with your clit, you’re in tears as you try to hold back.
You feel his sweaty abs flex against your back, you hear his low and loud groans.
His hot breath fans the back of your neck.
You can’t possibly hold back.
Then, he bites into you, sucking your neck, drawing out blood to cause even more pleasure. “Father! Please! No more! If you do, I’ll-“
He moves his fingertips faster. 
You cum and shake, unable to hold yourself back. Suguru laughs and cums as well, holding your ass fast against his hips.
“Ahh I guess we’ll just have to keep going until she proves she is worthy of forgiveness, Father Suguru.” Nanami smiles.
Suguru falls back onto the pillow while Nanami drags you by the waist and down into the bed beside him.
You hang your head low in embarrassment. 
“Why so sad Y/n? We’ve got all night to absolve your sins.” Nanami says as he enters your sopping entrance once more. Suguru lights another cigarette and blows the smoke into your face before kissing you and fondling your breasts.
“Huh?” He thrusts into you from behind. “Can’t hear you..”
“Father-“ you go weak, your eyes closing tightly as you are overstimulated.
Nanami holds you close, thrusting into your weak body while he chases another high.
“Yeah..sound it out, baby.” He chuckles lowly into your ear.
He bites into your shoulder, not caring just how much blood they’ve taken from you tonight, only caring for the euphoric feeling that comes from it. Blood rushes into his mouth and straight to his dick every time, the ecstatic feeling is just as good..maybe even better than an orgasm.
He moves his fingers onto your clit and you let out a high pitched moan.
You cum again with him, this time ruining the sheets, but he only touches your chin covered in drool. 
“Good girl..”
Suguru drags you back over his lap, “Move pretty girl..don’t disappoint God..again.”
He angles you over his dick and slides you down.
You move up and down onto him despite being so tired you might pass out.
Suguru only drags a smoke and hands it to Nanami as they both watch your tired body bounce, your fucked out face, swollen breasts and neck riddled with bite marks.
“Tell us how good it feels.”
“So good..father.” Your hands run down his chest, caressing the soft bricks under his skin. 
“Is that why you can’t stop cumming like a slut?”
“Yes father.” Your head falls back, you move faster, the building in the pit of your stomach grows.
“Are you gonna cum again for me?”
“Yes father”
“Beg for it.”
“Let me cum with you father!”
“I wish to rid myself of sin with you.” 
He can’t help but laugh.
“Please father, I need you.”
“Of course, Y/n.” He grabs your wrist, sucking hard while still watching your breasts move.
You both climax hard, shaking while still being attached.
You lay down in between them, feeling Suguru’s lips on yours and his fingers inside you, pumping in and out as you squirm from the oversensitivity. 
You try to close your legs but Nanami forces them apart by placing them on the outside of his strong hands. 
“Tell God how good you feel.” Nanami bites into your thigh and sucks as Suguru bites into your neck. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. “So good..” The combination of the two along with Suguru’s long fingers makes you cum so hard you black out.
[The Next Morning]
You’re back in your room with your nightgown on.
“What happened..was it real?” You rub your eyes and turn to sit on the edge of your bed.
You feel your body, but don’t feel any bite marks. You don’t feel any difference in your private area either.
“Oh..it was just a dream.” You hang your head low and look to the floor, you then see two feet as someone stands just in front of you. Your head flicks up. “Sister Khadija?” 
She wears her nightgown and displays a sad expression. She was the same one who pointed outside that one night, but you never did see her again.
“I told you..” she points outside the window again. You turn to look, “told me what?”
You turn back to her, but she is gone again.
You get up and look outside the window, trying hard to see what she is pointing to. The cemetery that you always prayed over before going to sleep looked the same as always, except..there was a freshly dug grave.
You run outside and decide to look at the headstones and sure enough, the names of the two Sisters you met are there. 
Nancy and Khadija. 
They've been dead..for 5 years. 
“No..no this can’t be true.”
You stumble back, tripping over a pile of dirt and falling to the ground. When you look at the headstone behind you that the dirt has been dug from, you see your name.
Khadija appears. “Sister Y/n..they killed you, just as they killed us and now you are here forever..” she tears up as she watches you cry.
“No..no that can’t be true, they helped me purify my soul, I am good, I am worthy now.”
She shakes her head. “Sister Y/n..a night with the devil will not absolve you of your sins…you know this..”
You look to the ground.
“But..but why did they-“
“No, Sister, the question is why did you?”
Suguru and Nanami fed on your body until you dried out, leaving you for dead, and now..this is your hell.
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kafus · 4 months
why dot & episode 41 of pokemon horizons means so much to me as a recovering social recluse
when i got into pokemon horizons i had no idea whatsoever that my favorite character would end up being dot, one of the best handled social recluse characters i've ever seen in a piece of media. pokemon places such a large focus on adventure and travel, meeting new people and pokemon, so really the idea of a respectfully handled social recluse character just didn't seem to fit in with the concept. but now that the environment travels with the characters in the form of an airship, dot was able to be created and my god i love her. as someone who's been a recluse most of my life, even as a child, (i would qualify as a hikikomori and/or NEET at different stages of my life!) who is slowly crawling out of that pit, dot means the world to me.
there's a lot of good episodes that have some level of focus on dot but episode 41 in particular really blew me away and for the sake of my autistic ass desperately wanting to tell people about it i'm going to explain that here in trademark rambling fashion. obviously spoilers ahead - though not just for episode 41, i'm also going to be talking about earlier episodes a little bit. you've been warned!! if you don't want spoilers don't read below the cut ty!!
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so episode 41. we meet dot's mother as the viewer who is there to pick up dot from her "trial period" on the brave asagi, learn about how dot ended up on the airship in the first place, and then at the end dot gets to have a showdown against her mother's lycanroc essentially to prove that she wants to, and can, stay permanently on the rising volteccers crew instead of going home. this is a huge turning point in dot's development as a character - at first she was a complete unknown only audible through her bedroom door, irritable to anyone who tried to speak to her, then over the course of the show she's managed to make friends with liko and roy, become a pokemon trainer, enjoy food with other people for seemingly the first time, and even caught tinkatink on her own accord pretty recently. and now this episode allows her to say in her own words that she isn't just on the ship experimentally, or because of murdock, or any other reason - she is choosing to be there and is enjoying learning more about other people and experiencing the outside world. again, this is a huge leap for someone who refused to show her face to the main characters for the first half of the show!
this on its own is already a pretty admirable character arc, one i can relate to, but i am really impressed by & feel seen by the way the writing handles her and that's really apparent in this episode. first i'm going to focus on how the writing and characters in the show respect dot's feelings despite her introversion and reclusion here.
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dot's mom (blanca) is introduced to us as incredibly overbearing, to the point of freaking out and sending a bunch of angry stickers when murdock and dot don't immediately respond to her messages. dot's first response to seeing her mom is frustration instead of any level of positive response or excitement, which implies they don't have the best history, even before she actually starts talking about her past. i'm not trying to make this a post about dot's family psychology, maybe another time, but similarly to liko her situation is a bit fucked lmao (though for opposite reasons!)
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the thing is - the adults around her are ALSO uncomfortable, in particular murdock, blanca's brother, which conveys a lot about the situation. she's not just some stubborn kid, there's legitimacy to her feelings, because if there wasn't the mature figures in this situation probably wouldn't also be reacting negatively, especially not murdock, dot's other relative here. from incredibly personal experience, it is so easy to wave off the feelings of a child, especially one as "difficult" and reclusive as dot, as just being some sort of phase, but already the writers are directly contrasting murdock, an adult dot is comfortable with who treats her with patience and respect, with blanca, who she evidently is not comfortable with - and they're respecting her feelings by making the adults in the show respect her feelings, too. and they're about to do a whole lot more of contrasting her mother with Everyone and Everything Else!
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dot is continued to be understood and respected by the people who know her best in the case of liko and roy choosing to approach her to talk first. dot has run off to her room, where she usually is to get away from people, a very clear sign that she's struggling. liko and roy recognize this and cut blanca off from making the situation worse. which, of course they would, they're her friends and they genuinely care about her and understand how she behaves! they even know how to get her to come out her room without banging on her door and continuously yelling or something like that - direct contrast to them struggling with this much earlier in the show, by the way.
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dot is happy to see them and much more willing to talk pretty much immediately, because guess what, they're people who respect her space and her feelings!!!
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and once again, when blanca tries to force dot to speak before she's ready to (i mean come on you literally jumped her with this massive thing out of nowhere), liko jumps in and cuts blanca off to defend her and once again respect her feelings in a way that blanca definitely is not.
and finally, when they end up having a pokemon battle with each other...
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blanca says this, yet another invalidation of dot's feelings and the way she responds to situations. this line actually made me viscerally uncomfortable, i remember the bitterness and upset i felt when i was a young person and my feelings, especially my frustrations with my parents and the way they handled my introversion, were invalidated on account of my age. "oh, it's just a phase" or "it's just because you're a kid" - just so incredibly frustrating.
and you know what that's followed up with?
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dot speaking her fucking mind and kicking her mom's ass baby!!!! get her ass!!! let's GOOO. this part of the episode is so fucking rewarding. it's so good to see this character who has grown so much finally stand up for herself. she still needed a little bit of a push but that's OKAY!! the important part is that she's doing it and the narrative recognizes that! having friends and loved ones to help you out is actually a very essential part of happiness and survival!
and before i delve too far into my personal feelings, i also want to talk about a second thing here; i just find dot's characterization really relatable, like i swear to god there's someone on the writing team who must have been a 12 year old autistic NEET or something. it's literally too fucking on point, it's uncanny, i swear there's times in horizons where dot is just a carbon copy of me when i was a preteen. i mean come on:
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dot flopping face down into bed after being overwhelmed in an awkward social situation and being confronted with a situation she's been trying to ignore thus far... the amount of times i have done this in my life, holy shit.
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the candidness in which dot speaks about being so interested in the outside world, but being unable to have those experiences for herself as simply a voyeur. the shot of her room being such a disaster because she rarely leaves it and stuff piles up in there, including food junk,
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the way she spends all this time alone cultivating skills she's passionate about and then shrugs them off as "just something she likes" when an adult compliments her on her abilities, the contrast between her confidence in what she loves but her complete social awkwardness in talking to anyone about it,
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her defining herself on the internet by being a homebody, hell even her cute little freakout about the streamer she likes noticing something she said,
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waking up late and missing the activities of other people because her sleep schedule basically doesn't exist while she's at home,
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even just her general body language of closing in on herself and holding onto something when she's nervous, hell even her clothing choices which are so obviously meant to be as comfortable as possible for her and easy to take on and off - i could go on forever even just with this episode alone but i think you get the point. i feel so seen by how dot is just in general and it's obvious from both the plot/writing and the way dot is portrayed and animated that the people making this show understand people like me, even the type of person i was as a child, too.
all of this means so much to me because like i said in the intro to this post, i was and still very much am a social recluse. i'm a homebody. even now i still rarely leave my room, i don't eat with family often, i struggle to do things in the "real world". growing up, repeated intrusions into my feelings and my life did not help me, they only made me whiplash further into feeling distant and not listened to by the people around me. they made me want to interact with real life less. finally, as an adult, when people started to give me a bit more space, when the ways i communicate began to be respected a little more, that is when i started making genuinely close and good friendships, that is when i began to venture outside of my room and partake in small joys with people, as a direct result of being given the space and time to do so, to have my own autonomy, to make my own decisions, to be myself. i think it's incredibly easy to see someone curling in onto themself and assume they need a fuckton of intrusive pushing, and sometimes they do need a little push, like how dot's quaxly pushes her to move forward in the moment sometimes, or how liko continuously tried to befriend her, but the important part is that by treading too far over her boundaries it is no longer a productive or respectful way of helping her - it's a balance, and a balance horizons always seems to get right, episode 41 included.
it really means so much to me to see dot's journey into coming out of her shell treated with so much respect by the writing and other characters. so often recluse characters are the butt of the joke, are pushed out of their comfort zones unrealistically fast, or never actually receive the support and growth they need - but horizons strikes the balance of being candid about the type of character dot is and giving respect and space to her feelings so she can grow at her own pace, but still giving her support and little pushes when she needs them, and showing that it's possible to grow and enjoy the real world, even as a recluse. it's refreshing, especially with a character who is a child, and a girl, too! i can count the amount of times i have found a young girl character i relate to at all on one hand, and dot is the best one i've ever seen, personally! horizons has been really inspiring to me to continue to cultivate my connections with others and continue to drag myself out of my shell at my own pace with people who love me, during a really chaotic and transitional part of my life and i really love it for that. i'm glad this episode exists for an infinite multitude of reasons but i really just wanted to talk about this specific aspect for a bit and how it relates back to me as a recovering recluse.
thanks for reading if you got this far jesus christ i talk a lot LOOOL. and i might talk more about my feelings on this episode or dot in general later. i have so much to say about likodot and also about the family dynamics in this show i'm practically eating thru drywall thinking about it rn
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lxclerc · 2 years
𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 | 𝐝𝐫𝟑
SUMMARY: in which daniel is terrified the whirlwind of his world would make you leave him. REQUEST: from anon: “Angry!daniel cause ever since y/n and him went public, paps won't leave her alone and she feels overwhelmed so he gets pissed and goes off on them”  WARNING: invasive paps, hints of anxiety PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x reader WORD COUNT: 1.9k
NOTE: i actually genuinely hate this haha definitely not my best writing
I’d give you my sunshine, give you my best. But the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me. Is it enough if I never give you peace?
The first time you got sent hate after going public with Daniel, you laughed it off as you showed it to your boyfriend, finding the entire concept of someone going out of their way and taking time out of their day and putting in effort just to send such brainless comments about someone they’ve never talked to. 
“My first hate comment,” you joke, placing your head against his shoulder. “Does this mean I’ve made it?”
But Daniel doesn’t seem to find it as funny as his arms wrapped around you, a frown on his face as he gently took the phone from you, already making a mental note of the usernames. “I can speak up about this. Maybe lessen it a little.”
Your laugh cuts off when you realize he’s genuinely upset and so you take your phone back, putting it down as you place your chin against his chest, looking up at him to meet his eyes. “You don’t have to, Dan. It’s just a bunch of jealous idiots hiding behind their screens and it means nothing to me. I know what I signed up for when I started dating you.”
Daniel says nothing else, only pulling you closer to him as he meets your lips in a soft kiss, making you smile thinking that was it but still, Daniel couldn’t help the sudden sinking in his stomach. He hates the fact that you’ve accepted that loving him comes with dealing with hate and he can’t help but wonder how long you can take it till you decide it’s enough, making fear rise in his chest. 
The first time you appeared in the Paddock, the whirlwind of photographers and fans alike crowding around you and your boyfriend had you holding on to Daniel’s hand a little tighter, letting him pull you towards him in a subtle way to shield you from the cameras and the prying eyes, a crease appearing in his forehead.
Still, you only smile at him, trying to ignore the crawling in your skin as you give him a reassuring squeeze, not wanting to worry him before a race because of a silly little thing.
However, everyone can see that the public’s interest with you seems to be different from their interest from the other wives and girlfriends. Perhaps it’s because of your bubbly persona or the way Daniel seems so madly in love with you but they took special interest in everything you do, your follower count skyrocketing from a few hundreds consisting of friends to millions in a matter of days. 
“Y/N!” An interviewer called, saying your name as though you’re close friends rather than complete strangers as he all but shoves his mic to your face, making you stumble back a little till Daniel wrapped an arm around your waist to stabilize you. “How do you think Daniel will do this qualifying?” 
Daniel was about to speak, probably to make some excuse that would save you from the intruding interviewer but you only give him a nervous smile, not wanting to cause a scene or make yourself seem snobbish that would in turn reflect on your boyfriend.
And so you answer with as much grace as you can manage, trying to school your features into a smile that you hoped doesn’t look as uncomfortable as it feels. “To be honest with you, I’m still not quite sure how the sport works but one thing is for sure, however Dan performs, I’ll be cheering for him.”
And with that, Daniel is steering you away before anyone can ask anything else, not wanting to overwhelm you the first time that you come to a race to support him. 
“That was weird,” you mutter once you’re far enough away from the group of people, the McLaren motorhome becoming visible as the pit of fear in his returns.
“I’m sorry,” he says immediately, hand holding yours unknowingly becoming tighter. “They can be invasive. I should have told you.”
You’re quick to spot the immediate worry appearing in his voice along with the crease in his eyebrows and so you make sure to give him a smile, planting a kiss on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Dan. It isn’t your fault and I don’t mind answering a few questions.”
Still, the media’s fascination with you only seems to grow. You’re not entirely sure either for what reason but it only seems to get worse as the entire issue with McLaren reaches the media. You’ve been busy mostly getting Daniel’s mind out of it as the two of you went camping with a few friends, deciding on a no phones allowed week filled with just each other.
The moment you come back though, everything seems to fall over. You aren’t like the usual models like the other WAGs are. You actually do have a boring desk job and an irritating boss and live pretty much a normal life. 
Of course up until you came in for work and a hoard of people with cameras came at you.
“Y/N, did you know about Daniel leaving McLaren?”
“Has Daniel told you about his future?” 
“What do you have to say about McLaren sacking Ricciardo in exchange for Piastri?” 
You can feel your chest getting tighter as you fight through the hoard to get back to your car, wanting nothing more than to get away from the invasive questions. Once your doors are locked and you’re back in the safety of your car, you immediately dial Daniel’s number, hands slightly shaking as cameras continue to go off outside.
“Dan?” Your voice is shaking too, you realize as you take deep breaths.
“Honey?” He asks and you can still hear the sleep lacing his voice. “I thought you’re at work.”
“I was,” you say, suddenly thanking everything that your car is tinted and no one can look inside from the outside. “There are paparazzis here and photographers. They were asking questions about you and I’m just–” You cut yourself off, unable to continue as your voice shakes again. “There’s a few of them surrounding my car.”
“What? Fuck.” Daniel suddenly sounds aware as you hear shuffling from his side as he gets out from the comfort of your shared bed. “I’ll come pick you up. Where are you?”
“No, no,” you say immediately. “I’ll drive home. I just wanted to let you know. They were asking me about McLaren and stuff and I didn’t want you to get in trouble.” 
“Who cares about that?” He sounds angry but you know it isn’t you he’s angry with. “I’ll run them all over.”
“Just stay there,” you tell him, already starting your car. “I’m on my way home.”
You hear him sigh and you know he wants to fight back again, wanting to be the one to pick you up and make sure you’re safe but he also knows there’s no way you’ll agree and so he can only nod his head despite the fact that you can’t see him. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for this, baby.” 
“It’s fine,” you’re quick to say even though you both know it isn’t. “It’s not your fault, Dan.”
“Still,” he insisted. “They’re bothering you because of me.”
You sigh, not knowing what else to say and you sound so tired that it breaks Daniel’s heart. Are you tired of it? Tired of dealing with everything that comes with him? Are you tired of him?
“We’ll talk when I get home,” you say instead.
“Daniel Ricciardo caught punching photographer.”
You sigh as Michael read the words, hand on Daniel’s wrist as you cleaned his wound gently. After a good night in celebration of his p5 finish in Singapore, the last thing you’d expected was this. A dinner date that was going inexplicably well as you and Daniel giggled over glasses of wine, hands entwined on the table. It was almost perfect if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of a couple of men with cameras blocking your paths as you move to go back to your hotel.
Daniel had you behind him, doing his best to shield you away from the prying questions but it was getting harder and harder as the few men became a horde after fans just passing by recognized him. He was trying his best to keep you behind him, arms wrapped around you in an attempt to put a barrier between you and the people you didn’t know.
His plan was to get you safely in the car then maybe he’d come back out to sign some stuff and get pictures, not wanting to completely ignore his supporters. However, that all flew out the window the moment one of the photographers wrapped a hand around your wrist, pulling you back and making you yelp as you almost fell if it weren’t for your boyfriend’s arm around you.
“Hey, man, let her go.” The restrained anger is clear in Daniel’s as he glared at the man still holding on to your arm.
But the man seemed to have heard nothing as he turned to you. “Y/N, I just have a few questions–”
But the photographer was unable to finish his sentence with Daniel’s fist colliding with his face. He’s never been one to result to violence but all he can seem to see is red as the man kept pulling at your wrist and before he knew it, he was pulling his arm back for a punch. 
“I told you to let go of my girlfriend, you fucker,” he spat out at the photographer now on the floor. 
Daniel seems ready to throw another punch but you’re quick to pull him away by his arm, the two of you barely escaping the clicks of cameras and videos that you’re sure is already trending on twitter.
And so here you were, in his hotel room as you cleaned his bloody knuckles, Michael standing over the two of them as he read the headlines. 
“McLaren marketing will handle it,” Daniel says and you know he’s still angry. “At least they’re useful for something.”
You couldn’t help but sigh again as you offer Michael a smile. “We’ll talk to you tomorrow, Mike.”
The trainer thankfully took the hint, nodding as he leaves the two of you by yourselves. For a moment it’s quiet as you entwine your hand with Daniel’s, placing it on your lap. You rest your head against his shoulder as you allow the silence to comfort the two of you.
“I’m sorry,” he said finally. “We were having such a great night.”
You smile softly at him, moving your head so your chin is on his shoulder. “It was still a good night, Dan.”
“I don’t know how you can keep doing it, stay with me and have your privacy be regularly violated.”
Is it okay if I never give you peace?
“Because I love you.” There’s no hesitance in your voice as you say it. “Being with you and watching you do what you love makes it all worth it.”
“For how long?” There’s genuine fear in Daniel’s voice as he asked it, finally voicing out thoughts that have been plaguing his mind for months.
But you only smile that reassured smile of yours at him, seemingly so sure of your answer. “For as long as you want me.”
taglist: @ricsaigaslec @dragon-of-winterfell @coffeehurricanes @rdtbattinson @privcherry7 @miniminescapist @sebsdaniel @strelcka @writing-about-current-obsessions @amsofftrack @lostinketterdam @bisexual-desi @cialovessirlewis @multilovebot @lovelynikol16 @troybolton-14 @ohthemissery @dr3lover @myescapefromthislife @sunf1owerrq
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
your boy can't read ! | trevor zegras x author!reader
luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
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Liked by trevorzegras, jackbenedwards, and others
ynofficial my weekend☕️📖💐
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stephbohrer ❤️❤️
fan01 writing your next book right?😁
fan02 we want something happy this time !
fan01 no.
jackbenedwards lets go book shopping once you're back in nyc
ynoffical of course! ill text u💗
trevorzegras yaba daba doo☕️
liked by ynoffical
fan03 whatever the hell that means
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Liked by ynofficial, jamie.drysdale, and others
trevorzegras coolest place in the world⚡️
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_quinnhughes who wrote your caption? why does it actually make sense for once
trevorzegras i take offence to that.
fan04 the fact that the caption is so simple and quinns saying that😭😭
fan05 i'm going to be honest i never have any idea what trev is talking about liked by ynoffical
jackhughes interesting... 🤔
jamie.drysdale what happened to cereal being your ideal meal?
trevorzegras i'm a changed man🫡
ynoffical cute house!
liked by trevorzegras
ynfan now hold on...🧐
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, and others
ynoffical had some time off🌞🎨
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fan05 WHO IS THAT???
fan06 why are a bunch of nhl players liking..🧐
jackhughes im still so confused about this whole thing
ynofficial confused ? were in love😁🙏💗
jackhughes you know he can't read right?
ynofficial i know😞💔
trevorzegras you know i was just thinking and i think your bf is an excellent reader... like hes probably so good its shocking
ynoffical no i was actually just thinking that he can't
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liked by ynoffical, masonmctavish23, and others
trevorzegras reading very seriously.
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jackhughes no i dont think you are
liked by ynoffical
trevorzegras WTF STOP??
ynoffical happy to see you're finally learning how to read❤️
trevorzegras what if this was my last straw?
fan08 you're the lea michelle of hockey babes its okay! not everybody has to know how to read❤️
anaheimducks so proud of our Z🧡
hockeyfan: nawww even his team is setting him up😭
oldman get ur ass back on the ice you do NOT need to be reading.
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liked by trevorzegras, uncarley, and others
ynoffical totally normal weekly update
tagged trevorzegras
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fan09 HOLD ON????
trevorzegras 🤔🤔
jackhughes the last slide says: 👁❤️🫵 (I love Trevor Zegras) hope this helps❤️ liked by ynoffical
trevorzegras 😐
stepbroher you're really living out the hockey romance fantasy wow
ynoffical waiting for u to release your own hockey book🙏
fan10 does this mean the next book is a romance?😁
ynoffical 🤭🤭
trevorzegras i love you too
ynoffical i love u so much its crazy
trevorzegras i love you so much i read a book
jackhughes correction: he learnt how to read
trevorzegras STOP GO AWAY!
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liked by ynoffical, jackhughes, and others
trevorzegras you make it so easy to love 🧡🧡
tagged ynoffical
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ynoffical 💗💗
liked by trevorzegras
jackhughes so glad ynoffical can speak emojis! otherwise you guys wouldn't be able to text each other
trevorzegras jackhughes you make me sick.
fan11 z baby look at me this isn't you...
colecaufield u guys look great💤
jamie.drysdale i'm actually surprised and i've known this whole time
masonmctavish23 i didn't think he had it in him
ynoffical just posted a story!
caption: lover boy🫂🤍 (aka the love of my life)
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jackhughes replied: if only trevvy could read that😪❤️
trevorzegras replied: calling u in 5 🧡🧡 love you
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gffa · 10 months
I saw your post defending the way Jedi adopt the children/accept them into their culture, and I absolutely loved it! It was so well-informed, and you are right: It is all there in the original content!
I find it very ironic that many people spew these lies about the Jedi when that’s exactly what the Empire did. Iirc, this argument of Jedi being “kidnappers” was actually fueled by Emperor Palpatine and the Empire in their campaign against the Jedi. They wanted to discredit them and make the people turn against them so that they could erase them all more easily. So I find it very ironic that these lies are now being upheld by some people as the truth. (Really, have people forgotten the Empire was created bases on the Nazi’s and their own racist strategies?)
You are not inmune to the Empire’s propaganda.
Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not as good at pulling examples and proof from all the SW content as you are.
Hi! Thank you for the very sweet ask! Navigating stuff in fandom like this can be difficult at times, because there has to be room for compassion and tolerance for disagreement, like it's fine if people disagree with my views, I'm not your mom, I'm not telling you want to do or say, especially since this is fiction, these are made up space stories. But there also has to be room to understand that sometimes our commentary on fictional stories are echoes of reflection of real world attitudes--we can't just go around spewing racist, sexist, homophobic commentary and be like, "It's just fiction, you can't get upset!" There's no easy line for any of this, no single hard set in stone rule for when it's truly just fiction and when it's an echo of a real world attitude, especially in Star Wars, which often draws influence from a lot of non-Western sources and traditional Western sources. (My general rule of thumb is: I think it's fair to criticize those things through the influences they have, but if your criticism is then ended with, "So that's why we shouldn't have or acknowledge any Buddhism/Black people/queer people/women in Star Wars!" then fuck right on off with that.) And I also understand a lot of the anti-Jedi attitudes (or at least what I've personally experienced of them) because I've talked a bunch of times about how I started out as pretty Jedi-critical myself! I did the whole, "They had grown stagnant and refused to evolve with the galaxy, so they needed to be wiped out." thing because nobody had framed it explicitly as what it was: a genocide. It wasn't until a friend and I were talking and they mentioned that lens of it that it just sort of crashed down on me, oh, that's literally what it was and genocide is never justifiable. I did the whole, "The Jedi failed Anakin and taught him to repress his emotions." thing as well, because I saw it all over the place in fandom and just automatically folded it into my view, until I went back and actually watched Lucas' movies and Lucas' animation (first six movies + first six seasons of TCW) and read his interviews, which blew me onto my ass when I saw Obi-Wan being supportive of Anakin, when I saw Anakin not listening to the advice he was given, when I saw that Jedi were expressing emotion all over the place, when I saw they were respecting other Force traditions in the galaxy. I can't speak to why so many people think badly of the Jedi, there's probably a thousand reasons and I'm only vaguely aware of like half of them, but I do think that it's often unpopular to promote the idea of emotional regulation already being achieved, instead of something to be struggled with. I think we're all primed by a lot of mainstream media saying that an explosion of anger is what will save the day. I think there's so much anger in the world today that we're all angry and being told to let go of it feels really insulting at times. (But, as someone who has lost years of my life when I was younger to anger, I gotta say, I am so much better off having let go of as much of that shit as I can. It was poison in my veins, carrying that anger around. I lost so many friendships and opportunities and just time to being miserably mad about stuff.)
I'm getting off topic of the kidnapping aspect about the Jedi, but a lot of it starts to swirl together in what I've experienced (especially people who try to put this stuff on my posts--thankfully, that's died down/I block the people who won't respect boundaries) and so I kind of bounce from one aspect of it to another.
I do think it's good to talk about these things--both from "it's fun to analyze the content of the story on a meta level" perspective and "here's how this echoes into and from the real world" perspective, like I enjoy saying, okay, here's what's actually said in the movies/TCW, but also I think talking about how the Jedi are Buddhist influenced is important because that means they're going to have values that are meant to be reflected in that and Western fandom has a really big problem of being derisive about non-Western influences or automatically saying they're wrong. (I come from anime/manga fandoms, let me tell you, it's a big problem.)
And, yeah, in a way where it's really awful, but I think one of the most well-done things Disney's Star Wars has done is that it's really focused on showing that the Empire was a fascist one and the propaganda they used about the Jedi are ones that are super relevant to the conversation.
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spiderceo · 1 year
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“your music is shit.”
➪ paring: hobie brown & gn!reader (platonic or romantic. up to your interpretation)
➪ warnings: y’all hating each other, swearing, crying, mentions of death
➪ tags: ‘enemies’ to lovers(?), sfw, english person written by a scot ✨
master post!
miguel loves making your life hell so putting you in with a bunch of teens the complete opposite of you was horrible.
you never wanted to be a spider-person in the first place. you had no strong sense of justice that could drive you towards doing things just for “the greater good”. some would call you selfish but you thought of it as just looking out for yourself.
being surrounded by people who had much stronger opinions than you made your head hurt. especially when you found out one of your new teammates was a punk…
you and hobie clashed immediately when you stated that the world wouldn’t just change overnight because some rich guy gets taken out of power.
every time you were in a room together there would always be an argument.
didn’t matter what the topic was, you’d both be at each other’s throats.
“i never fucking asked to be here okay?”
“then pack up and leave! i certainly ain’t gonna miss you.”
it’s gotten to the point where people just start leaving the room when the two of you walk in.
they’d rather do anything else than sit and listen to you both bicker like a married couple.
speaking of that, pavitr is convinced you both got off on the wrong foot and you really do like each other.
miles and gwen called him delusional…rightfully so.
there was one rare occasion however when the two of you were absolutely silent. everyone could tell there had been an obvious shift in hobie’s attitude towards you.
not seeing you try to murder each other was somehow more worrying than it happening.
little do the others know that hobie had accidentally walked in on something personal.
it was purely coincidence that he managed to catch a conversation between you and miguel.
“so i’m going to die?”
“yes. there’s nothing we can do to stop it. you will fight him when the time comes.”
hobie had never heard you so scared before for your own life. you were always so reckless on missions to the point he and the others had to save your ass quite a few times.
he hadn’t realised he’d spaced out until you ran into him while leaving.
your face was stained red from tears and the silence was so loud.
you didn’t say a word to him, just stared with hollow eyes. it was obvious you were trying to process the news miguel had unfortunately given you.
hobie didn’t say anything as the two of you walked side by side in silence all the way back to the group’s usual hang out spot.
he ended up taking you back through your portal home (albeit reluctantly after finding out your fate) and standing awkwardly in your apartment.
“you good, yeah?”
probably not the best thing to say to someone who just learned they were going to die sooner or later-
you only nodded and shuffled to your room, leaving him to head back through the portal to his dimension.
hobie didn’t have much of a liking towards you but he’ll be damned if he has to watch the others grieve you…
a/n: gonna make this in a few parts me thinks. makes it a bit more fun :)
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faeriekit · 9 days
For @kingcrow01 and everyone else because I forgot to port this back over from ao3: what the hell is going on with Cass's gender in Quiet Respite, specifically?
1) I know that DC plays fast and loose with medical facts but the truth of the matter is that growing up without a language of any sort fucks your brain up forever. Like. I'm pretty sure you might not even live to old age, if I remember my child development class correctly— humans need some level of linguistic processing even just to FORM MEMORIES. Your brain relies on language like a structural support in a building. People handwave Cass's childhood with a "oh, Cass learned body language" sort of thing but that is NOT the same as actual linguistic processing. Hence why it's so hard for her (especially in this fic) to speak and communicate even with a speech therapist and a bunch of time dedicated to learning English and about the world around her: genuinely, kids who grow up without hearing or speaking human language widely suffer developmental delays for the rest of their lives. (This part of the reason why sign language is so important for deaf kids and why talk boards and AAC devices are so important in nonverbal kids n adults btw; Communication deprivation is REALLY BAD.)
2) Gender is fake. Have we all looked each other in the eye and figured that out? Good? Okay. Gender is sociological and varies and adjusts to whatever culture you're in at the time and is a social role we've all pretended to obey in order to facilitate other, more complicated social roles for long-term convenience. We got it? Good? Far out.
3) Social roles are WAY harder to understand and conform to if you're neurodivergent in any way. No joke, one of the theories around why autistic people are more highly represented in trans spaces is that gender is just another social role that makes no fucking sense. Why are we jumping through hoops for pretend facts about people?? Hello?? Anyway, I call this the Neurodivergent loophole. Cass didn't grow up with any living culture or IDing as any particular gender, even though she probably knew she didn't have a penis at the very least. She had no reliable adults to model herself off of and was only exposed to a living, breathing society as a preteen. Gender is something that's purely sociological. I will bet you every buck in my wallet that she isn't particularly attached to the idea of womanhood in any way that doesn't involve doing a good job as Batgirl so that Barbara likes her. She has Bruce-assigned pronouns and is aware of what her own body looks like, and everything else is just icing.
However, I also think that Cass is exactly like Bruce insofar that most things about herself can be presented in a way to get her into better places. If Cass is going to date someone, she is going to be The Boyfriend, and be the support that the title implies. Cass is willing to also let Peter be The Boyfriend, but she is the ass-kicking boyfriend and he is the breadwinning and emotional support boyfriend. This all works. Peter, who does not care (affectionate), is willing to see this through as far as Cass is willing to take it, because it's not like his opinion will change anything and her thought process is kind of fascinating tbh.
Anyway, they're bi4bi. Happy Pride! 🏳‍🌈
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general-sleepy · 1 year
Just plain babbling about shorthand
Since reading Dracula might be the first time or one of the first times that people have heard about shorthand, I thought I'd take this thin excuse to infodump. Because I find it fascinating and want to share. (Warning ahead of time, watch out for how many darn times I say "for example" in this post).
For some background, shorthand systems of writing have existed for millennia, but in the English-speaking world, the two most common and well-established systems of shorthand are Pitman and Gregg. Odds are that the Harkers are writing in Pitman. It's the older system (created in 1837) and is to this day more common in England and the Commonwealth. Gregg is more common in America and was introduced in 1888, either only a few years after or a few years before Dracula takes place. There were also numerous other less popular systems floating around at the time.
Pitman and Gregg and most other shorthand systems are phonetic. (Teeline is a more modern shorthand system based on a simplified alphabet, which is also quite popular). Simply put, each sound is reduced to one stroke of the pen. In Gregg, for example, the sound "k" (which includes the letter "c) is a medium-sized forward arch, "a" is a large circle, and "ch" is a short, downward diagonal line. So, instead of writing "catch" you just combine the symbols for "k-a-ch." Instead of "become" you just write "b-k-m." (These "words" are known as outlines).
Some shapes represent multiple sounds. For example, a small circle stands for the vowels in "bit," "bet," and "beet." A large circle stands for the vowels in "cap" and "cape." This might sound like it would be confusing rather than simplifying, but it's generally clear from the context.
There are a bunch of other means which allow you to write more quickly. Common words are further shorted into "brief forms." For example, "the" is represented by "th," "after" by "a-f," and "were" by "e-r." Some common endings or beginnings are also abbreviated, so that "sh" at the end of a word can stand in for "-tion" and "f" can mean "for-" or "fore-" at the beginning of a word. Thus, "Permission" is "p-r-m-sh" and "forgive" is "f-g-v." Common phrases can be combined into a single outlines. For example, for "to be" you can write "t-b" instead of "t-u[space]b." "I have not been able" can be "a-v-n-b-a." (The large circle "a" is the brief form for the word "I" in one of the rare quirks of Gregg that isn't basically intuitive).
Pitman Shorthand is very similar to Gregg (or, more accurately, Gregg is similar to Pitman). Other than using different symbols (for example, in Pitman "k" is a short forward line) Pitman differs from Gregg mostly by its use of the thickness of strokes to differentiate sounds. For example, "g" is also a short forward line, with the only difference being that the line for "g" is drawn thicker than "k."
I learned shorthand absolutely because of Dracula, though for convenience I learned Gregg. As of right now, I'm pretty out-of-practice, and honestly I was never particularly fast. (At my best, I probably was on average as fast writing shorthand as cursive longhand; I think faster than printing, though).
If you're at all interested, I really recommend learning some form of shorthand. It's useful in note-taking or when you don't want people to be able to read your writing (if, you know, you're kidnapped by a vampire or trying to write fanfic at work). It's also just a fun hobby and a nifty skill to be able to say you have.
In my opinion, if you want to learn shorthand, Gregg Simplified is a solid option, because the materials are accessible and the system is a good middle-ground between easiness to learn and quickness to write. I taught myself just following along with the Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified. The book is broken up into 67 short "lessons." I did one or two lessons a week, maybe a few hours of work, and I was "fluent" in less than a year. I also bought a Gregg Simplified Dictionary, but all you need is the Manual.
(Note that the manual is written both assuming you're probably some kind a secretary and in the fifties. So, you'll learn brief forms for super-useful phrases like "dear sir" or "remit." For practice, they have you read and copy these sample letters in shorthand, and it's almost hilarious how almost all the letters to men are about business matters and the letters to women are advertising sales. There is one spectacular letter that's a man writing to a newspaper to cancel his subscription, because he's moved into a house in the suburbs with another man who gets the same paper. I'm legit tempted to go through the manual again just to find that letter.)
Fun fact! The fastest shorthand stenographer ever recorded wrote faster than the fastest typist.
Also fun fact! It's not uncommon for individual people to invent their own brief forms based on words that they use commonly. So, Jonathan might have been writing "c-a-r-p" (or the Pitman equivalent) for "Carpathian" or Mina writing "t-b" for "Whitby" or both of them writing "v-a-m" for vampire. And I'll bet credits to navy beans they had specific brief forms for their favorite trains.
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surachibee · 7 months
if you’ve been following a lot of my recent stuff, you’ve probably noticed (or maybe you haven’t, idk!) that I’ve been tagging a few art posts as ‘pitverse’. You’ve also probably noticed that I’ve provided no context to these posts what-so-ever! and that sucks! So to explain a bit, I present:
”surachi what the heck is pitverse”
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Okay, first. ‘Pitverse’ is a working title. Maybe. It’s cheesy, but I kinda like it because it’s cheesy.
Anyways, if you’ve been following me for a while, you may or may not remember this art where I designed a bunch of pits that were loosely based on the different ending to the original Kid Icarus on the NES. Some took influence from different places (eg. the solider ending heavily drawing inspiration from Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters) and some were completely made up (eg. the farm ending’s design). It was fun! And it pretty much started this whole idea to begin with.
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I’d draw some stuff here and there for it, but other than that I never really did much with the idea other than ‘oh hey look designs’. That is until it came up again a couple years later when I started to get *really* into oMaM stuff, which led to me coming back to the idea of a weird multiverse thing.
Thanks to a few friends, we talked about it and eventually it became like a four-swords adventure multiverse labyrinth thing. Pandora’s Labyrinth times twelve. So as it is right now, it’s like a hypothetical game where some new *evil big bad* takes a handful of Pits from different universes/timelines and plops them into some pocket dimension of different levels and challenges, and together, they have to find out what the heck going on.
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Right now, I think I’m gonna try to keep it to three Pits for simplicity sake. Obviously, Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising has to be here, that’s our guy. He’s also the protagonist! He’s left relatively unchanged in this AU. This also takes place in a post-game setting, so he’s already fought Hades. This applies to the other guys as well, even if their hypothetical “games” and adventures aren’t actually real (Factor) or heavily rewritten (Myth) here.
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Good news is that Uprising Pit can still communicate with Palutena! But he’s the only one out of the bunch that can. (Would’nt that have been nice? Imagine all the work you could get done with THREE Palutenas [haha reference]). In this AU’s logic, Uprising’s world in the pocket-dimension what-ch-ma-have-it space is closer to the one where this takes place, so (Uprising) Palutena is able to establish a decent enough connection to at least communicate, though it’s not the best. The other Pit’s worlds are further away, so communication with their respective realms are off the table. This also causes other problems like occasionally “bugging out” and forgetting stuff since they’re so far from their original worlds. So Uprising Pit got kinda lucky.
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Speaking of other Pits, there’s other Pits! Both of them draw inspiration from things previously done/involved in the franchise so they’re not entirely made up, but they do stray pretty far from their source material. Anyway..first, we have Factor! He’s heavily inspired by Factor 5’s rendition of Pit from their “Icarus” project back in 2007-2008 that was turned down. Here, this AU’s interpretation of the idea is a little more in line with the franchise’s overall light-hearted and goofy nature. (In this AU the Pit’s are taken from different points in time, so he would’ve been plucked from the future. I did this so 1. They all could look visually distinct from each other, and 2. the thought of Factor going “oh he doesn’t know about [x] yet” or Uprising Pit insisting Myth to NOT go after the wish seed in the future was funny.)
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Next…there’s Myth! He’s based on Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters, and besides a few plot points he’s pretty much just a modern take on the character. He was easier to pin down because while the concept of Factor’s story was interesting, being banished from the heavens for some unspecified crime, it’s pretty vague in comparison. With Myth, there’s an entire game with a plot to go off of, even if this AU strays a bit from it.
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That’s pretty much the basics of this AU! Just a couple of Pits going on an adventure getting into other-worldly shenanigans. I’m having a ton of fun with it and hopefully I can develop the idea more as I go along. Thanks for reading! There’s some extra footnotes and miscellaneous doodles below.
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• This AU follows the idea that oMaM takes place in a different timeline than Kid Icarus: Uprising, hence it not being referenced (at least not on purpose, I’m looking at you aurum track accidentally having the same intro motif) or mentioned. Plus y’know, Sakurai not knowing it existed so there’s that. Might as well rework it into a weird explanation. (coping)
• All of these worlds take place in different timelines, so Factor isn’t an older version of Uprising Pit, nor is Uprising an older version of Myth. They’re all still Pit, and all of them have fought Medusa, but it had different outcomes (somewhat based on the endings) and at that point they diverged from each other. • I’ll probably change the naming of the Pits at some point. While they’re good right now, I’m not sure if I wanna keep Factor named after a company. Might have their names based off the titles of their respective games, so instead of “Factor”, “Myth”, and “Uprising” it’d be “Icarus” (based on the project’s internal name), “Myth”, and “Uprising”.
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smol-and-scared · 1 month
Endemic Non-Lingual Tinies
Imagine a world where tinies never evolved the capacity for language (Mostly due to the fact that larger civilizations did not survive natural selection)
I posted about this idea before, but let me be more specific this time: These tinies cannot speak, cannot read or write, and they cannot be taught language. Their brains completely lack the capacity to convey complex ideas. The most 'language' they can possibly learn is about twelve words. And that's just because they memorized the sounds and meaning in the exact same way a dog would.
However... just because they are not able to convey complex thoughts, doesn't mean they don't have them.
Their thoughts aren't articulated as words (like humans do). Instead, they think in images, concepts, and emotions. And their voices are... just little chirping sounds.
Imagine seeing a pack of two or three tinies hiding under a picnic table, chirping and squeaking at each other. They are communicating, but only in the simplest possible terms:
'Anger', 'Confusion?', 'Assertion', 'Anger', 'Apology', 'Submission', 'Acceptance', 'Condescension', 'Exasperation', 'Challenge?', 'Dismissal...', *Scampering Off*, *whimper*
It's like hearing crows argue outside your window. There is clearly a conversation happening. But it's all conveyed through tone, body language, pitch and context. But to a human? It's just a bunch of tiny noises that sound almost identical.
That's just how things are with tinies! They're clearly intelligent. Most of them are able to craft weapons, tools and clothes. Some have even been observed making mechanical devices!
For a moment, one could almost forget how different their minds are. Watching them work, they seem just like us... And then you notice those tiny engineers keep a sort of 'Master Pebble' (which they carry everywhere, cradling it protectively) Because they do not have any other way to standardize their measurements within or between packs. ...Maybe not just like us.
And of course, how much you see tinies at all depends on the area, its wildlife, fauna, and ~general vibe~ If tinies feel particularly safe somewhere, they will mingle out in the open (but always close to a potential escape route). You can wave at them of course! In a hostile area, they will flee at any acknowledgment. In a friendlier or safer place? They will wave back! They aren't 100% sure what the gesture means, but it keeps the humans happy and most will immediately leave them alone after getting a wave back, so most tinies keep doing it.
[Side note: Mimicry has become most tinies' default solution to a seemingly friendly human gesturing at them. Don't believe me? Lock eyes with a tiny and wiggle your body a couple times. They'll be confused as hell, but goddamn it they will wiggle]
It's extremely rare for a tiny to approach a human, but the experience is absolutely magical. Maybe they're hoping you'll drop some crumbs from the snack you are eating. Perhaps they are curious about you, and perch nearby to watch in amazement as you lift an entire apple! If you've earned their trust, they may even beckon you to help them when there is an emergency or accident.
All in all, tinies are a beautiful little enigma. Their intelligence, willpower and emotions are almost a mirror of our own. But their instincts, communication and relationships are as wild as the animals that surround them.
(I wanted to revisit my idea about tinies that never evolved the capacity for language. Because it's by far my most popular post, and yet somehow, the core vibe never really got across. probably because of the specific fearplay scenario used).
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kankuroplease · 2 months
can you tell us what happened after Ringo and Wolgang's marriage, their daily lives, when they had their first child and especially how many children did they have?+ their leave Konoha ?
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I have a few quick HCs about those things~
The first thing to happen was Wolfgang placed her Uchiha robes under the floorboards of their home as she was an Inuzuka now, but he thought it would be a shame to burn them like she had wanted to
Ringo dedicated a good amount of time trying to figure out Wolfgang’s hair color sections and realized his stubble is even two toned
Wolfgang learned that Ringo snores in an adorable manner when she’s truly exhausted (he’ll never tell her that she snores as she very proud that she doesn’t)
Her cat did not like his ninken but, he eventually all got along with them after being forced to train together by Wolfgang
Ringo thinks it’s funny how serious Wolfie is about cleaning and tries to keep up with his cleanliness
Which he appreciates, but still does majority of the cleaning for his own sanity
He gives her foot massages whenever she seems stressed as those seem to relax her down and he can better contain himself unlike with back messages
They often stay up late when the night sky is clear to appreciate the stars and moon with some nice snacks and sake
She still teases him often by helping him clean up while wearing something revealing or by asking him to wash her back for her innocently
He ends up having to mend whatever he’s torn because she often wears his clothes while tempting him in that manner
They are a possissive (and somewhat jealous) pair which does lead to some negative reactions when Wolfgang sees another man eyeing his woman on her or when Ringo catches some other woman wagging her tail around her man
It’s not that they don’t trust each other; they both just view it as disrespectful for someone else to hit on their partner
Nothing a few kisses and a quick dismissal can’t fix to make it clear they’re a pair and not looking for a third
Outside their happy home; the Inuzuka ladies were eager to bring Ringo into their group of friends and teach her more of their ways
Wolfgang got her a puppy and the girls joked (it’s not really a joke) that he was getting her ready for a baby
Ringo is very much happy with her new life but is bothered that she still has to answer to her older brothers or they’re brought up in decision making (I.e. “Madara does think it’s a good time—“ , “Izuna said—“ blah blah blah she doesn’t care)
Their first child wasn’t planned necessarily but was very expected and welcomed into the world about a year and half after their wedding
Her mother came and helped with their first son
After the birth of their second child, Ebba decided it was time for her homeland and Ringo saw it as an opportunity to establish her own life away from her brother’s watchful eyes
Ebba only agreed to take them because she was attached to her grandchildren, she still told them it was probably a bad idea though given her people are welcoming, but rough around the edges Ringo didn’t listen
It wasn’t an easy decision given her family didn’t want her to leave and she���s never been away from them for more than a couple of months here and there
but she set her mind to it and promised to stay in touch with everyone before setting off
It was quite the journey to get to Ebba’s homeland and Wolfgang was surprised to see so many Inuzuka there as well
Ebba like “boy, we merged. Of course there’s Inuzuka’s here too!”
Ringo picked up on their language fast and taught their children how to speak it as well, even though it wasn’t necessary given they also spoke hers, but that earned her and Wolfgang’s little family kudos
Wolfgang gets teased that she speaks it better than him
It’s there they have the rest of their bunch. Six pregnancies leading to eight kids 🐾
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walrus150915 · 10 months
The most random out-of-order Nimona headcanons I've scrambled out of my mind and put in my notes as coherent as I could bc there's a LOTTTT
• I don't think Nimona uses specific names to label her sexuality/gender. Was she in love with Gloreth? Maybe she was. Maybe she was not. Does she like boys? Who knows, she sure doesn't. What's her gender? Nimona. That's it
• I think Ballister did try to be the cis ally™ and figure out the label Nimona would use but she'd just shrug her shoulders and say "I don't know, boss, it seems like you care about it more than I do"
• And even though she's NOT a girl, she uses she/her pronouns because 💥YOUR PRONOUNS DON'T DEFINE YOUR GENDER💥 you may use she/her and not be a girl, he/him and not be a boy, I even saw cis people use they/them simply bc they're comfortable. And that's okay!
• Although she's comfortable with people calling her he/they/neopronouns you name it. Just. Not it/its. You know the reasons😬
• Nimona is left-handed and it's CANON actually I am SO HAPPY as a left-handed person she's just like me fr💥💥
• Nimona isn't a big fan of domestic bliss Ambrosius and Ballister spend most of their time in (plus they're very sappy and very much disgustingly in love, Nimona's stoic organism can't handle their mushiness for the dear life), she's like an independent cat I think: comes to hang out, eats, spends time with her father-not-really figures and goes away for weeks only to come back again. She travels the world my dudes✨
• I think she has a bunch of photos from the places she'd been to and talks about her adventures a lot!
• Nimona also is the best cook of the fam I'm afraid. Ballister cooks, like, the bare minimum to serve himself as a functioning adult (rice, salad, pasta, some meat like you know the deal) but nothing too complicated. Ambrosius is a nepo baby who's probably lived in palaces and mansions with dozens of servants do you really think he's good at cooking😭 as he distanced himself from the Institute and moved in with Bal I think he learnt to cook, still not great at it.
• Nimona though? SHE CAN DO *ANYTHING* like she's madly good at cooking. It might look like she's burning the kitchen down only to reveal that she was putting Gordon Ramsay to shame!
Speaking of BallBros
• Ballister's experience is close to a second gen immigrant. Ambrosius's experience is close to a third gen immigrant. They can't be immigrants bc of the context of the story?? I DON'T CARE☺
• Ambrosius doesn't speak his mother tongue except for like a few words or phrases he's heard at home. His older relatives probably make fun of him for it on family gatherings. His parents didn't teach him because they didn't want him to stick out (totally not self projecting here - yeah I'm a third gen immigrant hiii)
• Ballister tho? I think Urdu was his first language but he learned English along the way
• And it kinda mixes in his head so he forgets the words from both languages sometimes and replaces them with the word from the other one (HA my experience again)
• When he's experiencing hard emotions, be it anger, happiness, sadness, or is overwhelmed, he drops English entirely and just starts bantering in Urdu
• Ambrosius didn't know Ballister was bilingual but when he learnt it? He was amazed and I think... Kinda jealous because he didn't get to learn Korean himself (self projection yeahhhhhh)
• "You know your mother tongue? Damn! I wish I did too!"
• That said, Ballister has no idea how to shorten Ambrosius's name (WHAT THE HECK IS THIS NAME BRO WHAT ARE YOU, GOD'S FOOD???), so he sticks to Urdu endearments, "luv" (in the most British accent possible) and "darling"
People who say French/Spanish are the romantic languages are wrong LISTEN TO URDU OR INDIAN LANGUAGES OR ARABIC. THAT'S WHERE LOVE IS DUDE
• Ambrosius has learnt like a few words in Urdu and tries to rizz up Ballister by saying some basic words like "jaan", "mohabbat" and just😭😭😭 fails😭😭😭 because he's a cringefail man😭😭😭
I remember trying to ask out my (NOW EX😔) gf who's Italian by writing "will you be my girlfriend?" in Italian and I used GOOGLE TRANSLATION🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ SHE UNDERSTOOD THAT I USED GOOGLE AND POINTED IT OUT AS A JOKE BUT I CRINGED AT MYSELF SO HARD..... Ambrosius would totally do that too and Ballister would chuckle and pull him in a kiss bc he loves this cringefail man so much
• Ambrosius also serenades like I KNOW DAMN WELL HE DOES. He goes "this one's for you, Bal" with a wink and sings like the sappiest most disgusting love ballad ever and Ballister tries his best not to laugh because that's his beloved boyfriend but also like.... So cringe. So embarrassing😭😭 Nimona has more balls than her boss so she would outright say that it's cringe
• Also. I don't agree with people saying Ambrosius's a jock because have you seen this man?? He's a theatre kid. The worst kind of theatre kid. Even after not being a kid anymore he's still a theatre kid. BRO IS A HAMILTON FAN UNIRONICALLY, OF COURSE HE IS. He makes weirdass references to musicals and giggles like an idiot
• Can we agree that Ambrosius was an awakening for many teenagers because OOOOH BOY he sure would be mine. Some pop news youtube channel probably has a video of him reading the kingdom's equivalent of "thirst tweets", like yknow this type of vids😭😭
While we're on the topic of thirst tweets
• Diego the squire runs a fan page account with edits of Ballister like he's some pop celebrity
• He also may or may not write self-indulgent "Ballister x reader" fanfiction in his off duty time
• Also hc that when Ballister was on the run he saw some "WANTED" poster of him and hang up on the wall like yeah boy's crush is EMBARRASSING (can we blame him? I'm the same with Riz Ahmed)
• Todd would be on the "straight" side of their equivalent to TikTok. You know the ones with shirtless men with the same haircuts who think they're hot when in reality they're not?? That's what Todd and his friends are up to in their free time *throws up*
To wrap it all up NOT with Todd, some super random ones:
• Ballister and Ambrosius force Nimona to take her shoes off ("DO NOT bring your European nonsense in this ethnic household") in their house even though she doesn't even have boots on😭😭 it's just her skin😭😭😭 so she morphs her form to simply be shoeless😭😭😭😭
• Ambrosius knows how to tap dance. Idk don't question it I just think he does
• Nimona plays piano YEAH SHE DOES she's lived for 1000+ years man she can do anything
• Ballister's hair routine is "genetics, coconut oil n some prayers"
Yeah that's it I'll probably make a part 2 because it's not all... These characters have occupied my mind and won't let it go🧍‍♂️
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Do you think the Peters would continue to wear their masks in HQ because it's weird seeing your face on other people even if they're all a teensy bit different or would they have gotten over it quickly?
This kinda opens up a big chasm that I'm SO CURIOUS ABOUT - Because I would assume they'd get use to it, but HOW.
And now this has turned into a long post about
The Spider Society: Multiverse Integration Process Analysis
[In this post I theorize and deconstruct:
The psychological existential damage that would come with joining The Society
How The Society handles integration and mental health for new recruits in everything from those in different timelines (Noir & Webslinger), Duplicates (Like Gwen & Hobie)
These are all headcanons based on.....me.
And...this devolves into a rant a little bit in the beginning BEAR WITH ME - But I hope you enjoy and I'm DYING to hear people's thoughts!! We GETTIN INTO IT]
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So. Joining the Society sounds swell. But thinking about it for more than two seconds..
Even the idea is like...borderline traumatic.
Think about it. Like we've only ever seen ourselves in mirrors and photos - mirrors being reflections and photos having a shorter focal length than the human eye.
We normally have a very limited view on how we've ever seen ourselves externally.
So turning up to HQ isn't just seeing yourself - it's seeing yourself WRONG. In a way you've never seen yourself before. Some even theorize that your brain wouldn't even process it as you because of your visual expectations of yourself.
So as a Peter-
Maybe he doesn't even realize at first that the people around him ARE HIM, until it clicks like 'OH. THATS WHAT I LOOK LIKE?!' Is that my face???
It would only take a couple seconds to do the math, but it's still JARRING. To see yourself moving and speaking and actively laughing.
Hearing your own laugh.
HEARING YOUR VOICE SAY THINGS YOU'D NEVER SAY. Literally looking at another Spider-person like 'I would not say that'. It must be so mentally jarring and confusing to suddenly have a new and complete external view of yourself you have no control over - even moreso with such wide variation.
And then it goes even further - as trans person like
I imagine Trans-Guy Peter Parker turning up to campus and realizing '..oh, most other Peters are cis.' The emotions of that would be so surreal and conflicting. Part affirmative of your place in the universe as a guy, but also part isolating or confusing.
Part 'Hell yeah other guys', part 'WTF universe' [Like if I saw cis guy version of myself bruh Idk if I'd hug him or fight him to the death right then and there i REALLY don't know I might snap and go Miguel Mode on that mfer anything could happen]
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It even goes further to time eras:
I understand why Noir isn't in the Society. Having a bunch of Spider-people from 2023 saying 'Oh wow you're from 1933, well your life is gonna SUCK for the next decade or two cause in my universe in WW2 Germany-'
Like...that's NERVE-WRECKING.
Cause he'd probably be like 'wow swell, chipper. so umm...is WW2 a canon event because im trying really hard to stop that'
Imagine being from the 1930's and someone comes up and spoils WW2 for you. WORLD WAR 2. SPOILED. Like it's a soap opera.
If someone shows Noir Oppenheimer it's like..game over. What's he gonna do does he even know what an atom bomb is.?????
When joining, everyone is faced with a LARGE possibility of existential damage - even moreso for Peters, minority Peters, or people like Gwen.
Which begs the question - HOW DOES INTEGRATION WORK?
How does The Spider Society handle Integration?
I'm so curious to hear thoughts about this. Because how can you integrate someone of a different history, technological understanding, and basic EXISTENCE without psychologically sending them in a tailspin?
I'm gonna take a crack at it!
Culturally and Timeline wise? -
Culturally, how does one adjust? Like Noir?
I was thinking about this with the creation of my new OC - and I ran into a huge problem in terms off integration.
I recently created an OC who is supposed to come from a Wakanda-like rendition of South America - in a universe where the Spanish conquistadors never colonized.
Which is a lovely thought - But logically speaking
That Spider-person has to go to HQ and be told that in every other world their land was colonized for hundreds of years. *vine thud*
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Then that Spider-person would logically, have to be told that large swathes of their culture were either destroyed, desecrated or were never created to begin with because of this colonization
- and that THEIR universe is the only universe where their people survive and thrive.
AND THEN they're looking at her like
'Now that we explained that uhhh can you go through an integration course for us? :) so you can assimilate into our society? but the course is only in widely spoken languages like English and SPANISH. Do you speak SPANISH? Welcome to NUEVA YORK btw'
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UH-OH. THAT SUCKS ASS. Who's gonna be the one to tell her that???
Of course she'd be like 'Actually, this is the worst day of my life i hate everyone here and im psychologically stressed beyond repair, thanks for that. your society and multiverse sucks balls btw'
And this is not something I'm choosing to put the character through.
In fact, the character is supposed to be about the empowerment of Quechua people and avoiding the trauma of colonization.
But by simply existing in the context of The Spider Society - Logically speaking - she has to face this huge inevitable trauma and reality outside of her universe.
And that adjustment goes way beyond her learning technology. She'd genuinely be in mourning.
She wouldn't be able to connect with other Latin American Spider-people, because she's NOT 'Latin-American'. That idea is foreign to her.
She'd constantly be told or sent messages that her universe and nation and reality was a novel rarity. A lucky fluke.
There has to be some integration process in place -
If you're from a universe like Barbieland, where your society is matriarchal, you'd probably be really stunned and hurt to experience casual or outright sexism for the first time.
And then being told by other Spiderwomen that - yeah no, your universe isn't actually that common. Most universes SUCK for women.
-That'd scare the shit outta you. You'd be like fine I dont wanna go to other universes I wanna go home and cry
On the other hand, people like Hobie exist, who hail from dystopias. And for them, it's the reverse. The Society may be a new batch of freedom they've never dealt with before.
And they have to be assured they are back not and do have more freedom and that's good. Almost like the deprogramming from a cult (into something another society that's very similar).
Someone would have to explain:
People from different times (or social standings) as well.
Sure, Hobie may have adjusted easy, but we can only assume that. And I've talked before about how learning about other Spider-People, The Society, and their blatant disrespect to what HE considers the point of Spider-man - was probably incredibly stressful for him.
Or even simple things of telling a black Spider-person from let's say 1940 that 'you have equality now - there's groups and movements and you can meet black people from newer universes that are happy and free to do as they please. You can heal'. After DECADES of oppression.
Or telling a gay or trans Spider-person 'Oh, most universes are actually super accepting. I'm sorry yours is so oppressive. The HRT here is great and free.'
EVEN FOR SILLY PEOPLE for Spider-people like lets say Spider-Fool (a silly little guy). How do you explain to Spider-Fool that Miguel isn't a king - he's just some guy and NO horseback jousting with Webslinger is against rules and not a way to settle disputes??
They're not hearing that.
Or explaining to people that Lyla isn't a person and its possible for her to be everywhere at once.
Logically speaking someone has explain this to them right out very early on and I'm so curious about that!!
There has to be something there to mentally support them so they don't crack and also explain to them the nuances of existence in a universe that's literally like the New York of the multiverse- full of dozens of cultures and subgroups.
My Analysis -
So I'm assuming an cultural integration includes:
Some sort of Common World History Course
A Social Etiquette Course and a
Multiverse Minority Sensitivity Course that deals with either accepting and adjusting to the fact you're a Multiverse Minority or how to approach and speak to Multiverse Minorities if you're a Peter or something.
Optionally: The MMS Course may also include routine therapy sessions at the Mental Health Center to check their adjustments
So okay, you've explained the multiverse and how to exist in it! Great
Now you have to explain THE TIMELINE.
Which is arguably WORSE. And I'm not even TOUCHING Canon Events here.
Let's talk about Gwen. Because I feel for her. REALLY REALLY BAD FOR HER.
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How did they explain to Gwen WHO she was - or WHY these grown men were staring at her?
Imagine being Gwen on day one. Asking herself how all these guys know her name.
She's basically alone beside these new adults and Peter B. - and suddenly large groups of grown men are staring at her because holy shit she looks exactly like their sweetheart who they last saw in a goddamn casket.
Like not only is that gonna really throw off Peters mentally - it's probably terrifying for Gwen.
I'm not slagging off Peters here, but I genuinely think that Gwen's first time on campus would draw crowds. It a genuine situation on campus. Like people standing around her at all times until Miguel makes them stop.
Because when you lose someone SO traumatically, and then suddenly they're in front of you without warning - your first reaction would be to stare, and be totally stunned. It's surreal.
Even if you knew it was 'technically possible'. When they're standing there in front of you after you've seen them buried, your brain needs time to process that.
So I do think that her being there would trigger some kind of event on campus, and not in a good way.
Gwen's like 'How do these people - these GUYS know me? What's this crowd for? Why are some of them crying? This is scary.'
She's 16 for christ's sake.
And then someone has to explain to her who she is, and how she dies. Come on now.
Imagine someone being like 'Oh yeah you break ur back and die from a fall in literally every universe lol. Anyway can you go out and swing at high altitude after an anomaly? thanks, don't fall! - just kiddin'
Wouldn't you be like 'nah actually i wanna never leave my room'?. That could instill a level of fear that's paralyzing because you're waiting for the other Gwen shoe to drop (sorry had to take the pun)
Or even worse -
You're Gwen literally just existing and a grown Peter comes up to you and just shows you your own funeral photo. Like ?????????????? You'd be there like ?????????????????????!!!!!
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HOW DO YOU REACT TO THAT???? How do you stop that??? How do you explain or process that?????
That scenario is completely possible in the context of Spiderverse!!
How do they explain to people like Gwen or Hobie their 'PLACE' in the universe?
Especially someone like Hobie who isn't with the shits to begin with.
In the comics, we see Pavitr reflect on The Spider Society and race - and when entire identities are dragged into it - it's going to get confusing.
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Did they TELL Hobie's he's Prowler? Would he even believe them?
Or did they let him come across a Prowler only to see them and be like 'M8 that's me that's literally me standing there'
Once again, you may theoretically know it's possible. But also - the human brain isn't made to process that. In the moment you have no idea how you'd react, realistically speaking.
The situation in itself goes entirely against the brain's understanding of fate, reality, and your entire personhood.
Seeing yourself from 3rd person doing actions you would not do is like - forced depersonalization and disssociation. IRL.
You are literally being depersonalized from your actual basic identity. Dissociated and forced to watch from an outside view - except it's not something your brain is doing - IT'S THE UNIVERSE and you're watching it in real time.
There has to be some way all of these people are like - capable of processing all this in a natural way like a university - with some sort of mental support and coaching. It wouldn't be possible without it.
If Webslinger can walk around and see flying cars in Neuva York and not care, then something had to get him to that point.
Timeline wise - I can only guess classes are separated based on need and classifications which I spoke about here.
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for Peters - to help them resecure their identity in a sea of copies
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for 'Not Peters' - like Pavitr
A Mental Health Course & Identity Coaching for Duplicates - like Gwen & Hobie, to help them 'regain autonomy' in a universe in which they are a rarity or a 'lucky chance'
For their own safety and privacy people like Gwen and Felicia Hardy (NightSpider) stay in separate dorms, so they're not exposed to Peter's. (not that NightSpider stays on campus. Her penthouse is nice AF)
When a Peter experiences a Gwen Stacy canon event Gwen is put on a short sabbatical - usually Miguel just tells Hobie to keep her in his universe. This is one of the only times he'll tell Hobie to do this, but it's just easier and safer if she's not there.
Villainy Monitoring: For Hobie - extra surveillance, for a number of reasons. But Lyla also calculates his rates of villainy. They're always INCREDIBLY low, and Hobie's file indicates there's basically a 0 percent chance of him going Prowler - BUT it is something they check for. This would go for any other 'Villainous Duplicates' like Harry Osborns who become Spider-man.
Even though she's not too dangerous, NightSpider is considered a light antagonistic-but-not-evil 'Villainous Duplicate' designation in her file.
But those would have to be just the basics.
........... And now that I read this back I see that I may have went a bit off the rails...... hm.
Um...anyway I don't know where I was going for this and I'm not even sure this is what you asked for but I think it's SO interesting psychologically suhkfgdfjgkdf
This also gave me a lot of ideas for how the universes work and the web and how close different universes are but that's a whole other jar of worms.
But if you made it this far PLEASE PLEASE tell me how you think Hobie and Gwen and Your Spidersona would adjust to Spider Society! I'm curious!
..........I don't know how to end this. Thank you for this ask tho!! Here Hobie
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(my face after saying the most random shit known to humankind without proofreading and then hitting post like i did something)
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