#and take pleasure in that. i promise i will personally start throwing myself at you
forlorngarden · 8 months
all these pick up gurus look so foolish because the key to attractiveness has long been discovered. it's being very good at something
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spunsugarmusings · 2 years
Songs I Like Lyric Starters: Part 3!
Various lyric starts from songs the writer is personally fond of. Change pronouns as necessary!
“Heaven restores you in life.”
“You’re coming with me, through the aging, the fearing, the strife.”
“Tell them now you’re pleasure’s set upon slow release.”
“I’m sensitive to fate, not denial.”
“But hey, who’s on trial?”
“It took a lifespan with no cellmate
“Why can’t we just look the other way?”
“He speaks about travel.”
“Do you need a new man?”
“I could take you places.”
“You’re weightless, you are exotic.”
“You need something for which to care.”
“It’s a sentimental jury and the makings of a good plan.”
“You’ve come to love me lightly.”
“Is this motion everlasting or do shudders pass in the night?”
“You need someone to take you there.”
“Why can’t we just play the other game?
“With sadness in my heart and joy in my mind, I thought about the ghosts that we left behind.”
“The sweetness of your tears makes it feel like night.”
“I see no escape from the roles we have to play.”
“What do we have to prove on this judgment day?”
“You’re missing the whole point.”
“You’re not my little pet.”
Don’t throw away your life; the game’s not over yet!”
“I do not own your soul, don’t want you in a cage.”
“I only want your heart to find a special place.”
“I thought about us both and the life we led.”
“We make ourselves like clay from someone else’s dream.”
“One second you are cast just like stones at my feet; but I am not a King, please don’t worship me.”
“You were there like a blowtorch burning.”
“I was a key that could use a little turning.”
“So tired that I couldn’t even sleep.”
“I promised myself I wouldn’t weep.”
“It seems no one can help me now. I’m in too deep, there’s no way out.”
“This time I have really led myself astray.”
“It seems like I should be getting somewhere.”
“Somehow I’m neither here nor there.”
“Can you help me remember how to smile?”
“How on earth did I get so jaded?”
“Life’s mysteries seem so faded!”
“I can go where no one else can go.”
“I know what no one else knows.”
“Here I am just drowning in the rain, with a ticket for a runaway train.”
“Everything seems cut and dry.”
“I bought a ticket for a runaway train.
“It’s just easier than dealing with the pain.”
“I run away, but it always seems the same.”
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a-nonbody · 2 years
Tell it to my heart
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Masterlist October / Tokyo Revengers
Wakasa Imaushi x gn! reader
Notes: to be honest I don't know- (nsfw/ fluff/?)
Words: 1136
Mention of make out session but I can't right stuff like this lol; fake friends; old childhood friends; again ideas from the song: Tell it to my heart by Taylor Dayne;
The day was already not great. Work sucked, and my "friends" had the great idea to go partying with me as the driver! Congratulations. I was unable to drink and had to take care of giant crybabies. I didn't even know why I was still friends with people like this since that was not the first time shit like this has happened. And most of the time, they made me pay for the shit they purchased, as well.
Your history with Wakasa was rough. They were once childhood friends that after years broke apart. It all started when he joined Shinichiro's gang. Wakasa slowly didn't have any time left to meet me. We fully broke contact when Shinichiro sadly passed.
So to say that I was close, to just running out of this mess, was an understatement. It smelled, I was pissed and knew for sure the next time one of those bitches came up to me to ask for a drink, I
was going to throw hands.
The day couldn't get any worse. Or so you thought. That was until he walked in. The one person that you hoped not to see that day. Wakasa Imaushi.
To see him now in a club like this, was uncanny. Now my urge to run just got bigger. But instead of that, I walked right to the bar. Right past him.
By his surprised look, I could tell he noticed me, but I was too quick and was already at my destination, breaking my promise of not drinking and grabbing myself a beer.
I kinda hoped that the now blond-purple-haired male would come up to me and talk. But I waited for nothing. He disappeared somewhere in the cup section of the club.
So I broke another of the rules that I had created for myself. I drank the beer and then went straight to the middle of the club, where all the people were dancing.
I never thought of myself as a dancer, but I couldn't care less. Most of the people around me were busy with themselves anyway, and because of that, I was able to dance like no one was watching me. And it felt so refreshing.
I froze. Like, many fellows touched mine today, but this was different. And as soon as I noticed who the person behind me was, I understood why I felt so weird. Wakasa.
Just dance like there was no tomorrow. Here and there some strangers came up to me, and some body contact was made, but for some reason, they all came and quickly left.
I didn't care until I felt a pair of hands around my waist, pulling me towards whoever was holding me. I stopped to dance momentarily, while the person behind me continued swaying, and pushing their face on top of mine.
His eyes were closed, and I had the slight hinge that he may be drunk and not know what he was doing. But as soon as he opened them and look right into mine, that thought left me. He was very much aware of what he was doing. And now looking back probably also the one that made the other people back off.
At that time, I didn't know how to feel. Truth is, I had a crush on him ever since childhood. I just overplayed it and tried my best to forget about it when we lost connection.
Now that I was with him again, a rush came through me and I was overflowing with emotions that I once tried to push away.
It was sweaty. We didn't utter a word but continued to dance. It felt so right at the moment, how our body's rubbed together. Just being in his arms made me feel so safe.
Gods I felt like I was on cloud 9 again. Heads pressed together, and him leaning in for a kiss which I immediately returned.
A soft kiss quickly turned into a full-on make-out session in the middle of the dancefloor. The way his hands were all over my body, and the way I tried my best to not moan right into his mouth. I wish this night never ended.
With all the pleasure I was feeling, fear was coming up inside me.
Why was he doing this? Why after so many years and why in the middle of a club?
"Waka'," I practically moaned out to which he smirked. "Why now?"
I don't know if he didn't hear me or ignored my question, just leaning straight back into another kiss. I felt helpless at that moment. Maybe it was a game for him. Wakasa was always the playboy in our friend group after all. Being the pretty guy had its perks. He got girl after girl, while poor Shin had trouble even getting his first kiss.
He kept holding on to me, holding me tightly and looking into my eyes. If you didn't know Wakasa you would think he held no emotion in his eyes. But I knew those pretty droopy eyes that looked down on me. They held so much emotion, so much love, and longing.
Because of that I quickly tried to push away the crush that formed when I was younger, not wanting to end like the people before me. So being in this situation, only made me remember how he was years ago.
To even think he would love me- Gods I felt stupid.
"Because I never forgot you, y/n. I missed you."
The next day my body was extremely sore, and I was having a hard time getting out of bed, still in my birthday suit. I woke up alone. My mind already wanted to start twirling into bad though that he left me, only for the male to walk in with a tablet and food.
I slowly broke the longing stare by me putting my head against his chest, not letting go as my arms crept into his body. A sigh of relief came out.
It turned out that the gang Waka' was in now owned the club. As soon as he saw me he ran into the VIP section to hide at first. After a while, he went to me and didn't know what to say so he thought it was a great idea to "hug" me. We ended up outside the bar moments later and drove to his apartment where we stayed the night.
A good morning kiss on the head and breakfast in bed. Fuck me. He came back into bed helping me sit up on his lap while we ate and talked. The morning after all the stress was amazing.
"I love you," he whispered in my ear while kissing my neck, " stay with me?"
And how could I say no to that?
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Principal of pleasure part 27
Clark and Damian have conversations outside in the Wayne garden And it does not go well.
Superman x Nightwing pairing
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"Please Dick I'll talk to you after." Dick opened the secret door of the washroom and gave me one last look and left.
I walked out of the washroom and Damian leaned on the wall and turned his head toward me. "We could go into the garden and walk and talk." We walked past the dinning room I looked in the direction of where Dick was he looked at me briefly and looked away.
We went outside to the garden and we walked away from the manor.
We walked in silence so I decided to start the conversation. "You are very bold for saying that in front of your family, We're you going to tell them all of that during dinner throw Dick under the bus do you know how bad it could have went down because your choice of words." I told him I was calm when I told him this.
"I wish I did tell everyone but Barbrara would be in too much pain you don't feel sorry for what you're doing." Damian stops walking and turn to me.
"I do feel sorry for what I'm doing because I will hurt a lot of people, I don't need your help or need a push from you." I said I also stop walking the green path of the lush garden.
"You are Superman I would think your moral would be on point and unshaken, And this is what I encounter a miserable sorry man who cheats on his family." Damian huffed out.
"Yes I'm Superman but I am not miserable and refuse to take this from a man child how murders people for a living. And a boost about it. The sole purpose of my life is to throw your kind under the jail." I didn't want to have this conversation with a kid but I rather him then Bruce or Lois.
"Those men I killed if you knew what they were doing when they were alive you wouldn't bat an eye about killing them yourself." He told me truthfully.
"Please stay out of my affair Damian." I was getting tired of this back and forth from him.
"Dick is my affair he's an idiot and fool but he's my fool and I can't have you destroy him. for sex and pleasure to fill your own desire and needs that is not what I want for my kin not going in this path with you god I'm your son friend." He was being genuine when with me I knew he wanted me to stop this with Dick but I couldn't just stop my feelings.
"I need more time."
"For what."
"To put myself together and find an exit out of my marriage."
"That's what they all say and never do anything about it hurting the other person, You will break my brother's heart you will cast him out and he will be doomed." Pointing accusatory finger at me.
"Unlike most I'm being honest with what I'm saying and I want an exit from Lois" I said in my defence.
"That's something I would like to see the sooner the better, He's innocent Clark he's not like me I get we're your coming from I've seen men like you before the only thing is they have two face's I'm not getting that from you but your living two lives and I don't want you to feel at ease with Dick." He said watching me, His expression of sheer dismissive attitude of not letting this go.
"I love Dick I won't hurt him I've told him that."
"Now you need to tell your wife this."
"Damian don't black male me do you get me."
"I don't need to do that You're already putting yourself in a knot already."
"I can't believe I'm having this type of conversation with a kid."
""Better me then Bruce or Lois."
I turned and pace as I pace I saw Jon from far coming down the trail of the garden. "Jon is coming please don't say anything to him Damian." I held Damian tightly grasping his arms shaking him a little urging him not to spill any beans.
"Then promise me this tell Lois I won't hold anything against you. Superman you have done nothing at this point but lie if you tell the truth I you won't tell anyone but you will do it for Dick and you will earn more then whatever it is that Dick deserves." Damian's expression was sad and suddenly grabbed my face with both hands.
"If you so called care for him Clark Joseph Kent you will promise me this and not be dictated by the principal of pleasure." He didn't release my face when Jon arrived.
"Hey what's going on." Jon said he came to my side pressing his small digits on my bicep.
"Jon gives us a sec ok and I'll come inside the house I just need to talk to your dad." Jon looked at Damian and shook his head. "Why?" Jon didn't want to play the fool either.
"Come on let's all go inside."
Jon came in between me and broke Damian hold on my face.
"Let's go." He held out his hand to Damian Jon was jealous I knew all to well his crush on Damian he didn't hide it well.
Damian stared at Jon and walked away from both of us but not walking towards the manor. "Where are you going." Jon shouted after him.
"I'm going after him."
"No Jon he needs to be alone for awhile let's go inside like you said." We walked down the green path of the garden.
And I knew once I leave this place I would have to honour Damian's promise.
End of part 27 next is part 28
Thank you for reading
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 1 year
Master - Chapter 17a
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*Warning: Adult Content*  
The air in the car was thick with lust.
Kalem's needy whimpers were enough to drive me crazy but paired with his scent that testified to his arousal, I could barely control myself.
‘I don't think I can stop myself from fucking him tonight.’
I glance back at Kalem through the rear view mirror and press my foot down a little harder on the gas pedal at the beautiful sight I find. 
Kalem's entire body was writhing within its constraints, the seatbelt keeping him plastered to the back seat of the car despite his moans and whimpers. 
His mouth was parted and his lips wet as he worked himself over but never came like he was told.
My manhood strained against my zipper at the sight, fangs dropping with the need to have him in every possible way.
"Are you touching yourself for me Kalem?" I ask as I manoeuvre my way through the traffic.
"Y-Yes Master," Kalem replies shakily.
"Are you hard for me Kalem?" I press, knuckles paling as I gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.
"Yes Master," he moans with a small cry. 
"H-Hard for my Master."
Pulling one hand from the wheel I palm my own erection, hissing at the pleasurable friction that made me shiver.
"You're such a good boy Kalem," I praise, glancing back just in time to see him throw his head back with a moan that made my length ache.
Praise would always be his undoing.
"No releasing," I say quickly and smile at his helpless whimper.
"M-Master...i-it feels so uhg...good..." Kalem cries making precum spill from my tip.
I pull my hand back to the wheel and steel myself against Kalem's pleas, just a little more and I'd relent. 
Stopping the car and taking him at the side of the road in the back of the car.
The thought was too tempting, just as he was.
"Do you want me to tell you what I'm going to do to you when I get back?" I ask with a quick glance back, unable to control my smile as my mind brought forth so many delicious possibilities.
"I-I'll mess if you do," Kalem replies making me chuckle.
"No, you won't," I reply surely, voicing it as a command because he loved those so much more.
"Good boys listen and I said not to release, so you're not going to make a mess are you Kalem?"
"N-No Master," he whines with a little sob as he continues to stroke himself through his pants. 
"I-I'll be good, M-Master's good boy."
I smile at that, happy that he was turning away from referring to himself as a slave.
I'd been slowly working him away from the word, using 'boy' when praising him and 'slave' only when correcting and always in the third person. 
So he'd associate the word slave with negative things or actions instead of himself.
Any signs of progress had been slow to come but they were coming, he only called himself a slave when he was really upset at himself now and I saw that as a significant improvement.
Soon enough, he'd discard the word altogether.
"When we get home, I'm going to have those addictive lips of yours until all you can taste on your tongue is me," I start as I pull off the highway, only a little further to go until I could make my words a reality. 
"I'm going to touch you everywhere, like you've wanted for so long and I'm going to make your skin wet with my tongue. I'm going to taste inside of you before filling you with my seed and I'm going lick up all of your essence because you're going to release a lot tonight my love. That's a promise."
Kalem's strained moans were music to my ears, his desperate begs and pleads making it so hard not to cum within my trousers.
He was drooling slightly now, the scent of his arousal grown tenfold as he kept himself on the edge for me.
"Good boy, just a little longer."
When the car finally came to a stop, I didn't waste a minute getting to Kalem. 
Opening the door, I stop in my tracks, body freezing as my eyes rake over him.
Kalem was a wreck.
His chest was rising and falling erratically as it tried to control his raging heart, his lips slick with saliva and his hazel eyes shimmering with need.
I let my eyes linger on his hands for a moment, watching as one stroked over the prominent bulge in his pants while the other groped and squeezed at his balls.
Resting my arm on the outside of the car, I lean down slowly to get a better look, smiling when Kalem quickly nuzzles his nose into my neck as if to hide. 
His hands not stopping even as I watching him bring touch himself.
"How does it feel?" I ask gently.
"G-Good Master," He breathes out, his warm breath brushing against my neck teasingly.
 "S-So good."
Turning to him, I take his lips in a much-needed kiss, every cell in my body aching for him at this moment. 
Letting my tongue slip between his lips, I kiss him with everything in me before sucking on his tongue.
Kalem moans into my mouth and gives himself up to me without a second thought.
Pulling away I brush his hands away as I look down at his trapped shaft. 
Running my hand over his erection, I massage his erection and kiss my way down his neck as he cries out his pleasure.
Unable to tease him any longer, I unbuckle his seatbelt and take him in my arms. 
Making quick work of locking away the car, I take us to my bedroom and let him down onto the bed.
I watch from the end of the large, king bed as Kalem lies down for me. 
Opening his legs as wide as his shaking legs would let him while his hands clenched onto the sheets below him.
Undoing the buttons on my wrist, I roll up my sleeves as I watch the prize on my best I'd be having tonight and every night to come if I had anything to say about it.
I slip off my shoes and remove my belt before making my way over to the lights, turning on the one over the bed not wanting to miss a single part of him tonight.
Kalem eyes track my every moment, his heart racing while I moved around before finally returning to him. 
His eyes down wander as I unbutton my pants before dragging the zipper down.
Leaning over, I do the same to him before tugging off his pants after the shoes.
Kalem doesn't wait for me to take off his shirt and underwear, slipping them off himself before reopening his legs to reveal his hard dripping cock, that made in between his legs wet for me.
"You drive me mad," I confess as I palm my own erection. 
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caffiend-queen · 2 years
The Auction
Chapter Three: Not Out of Obligation
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In which we learn What Comes Next for our new brides.
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Chapter Two here
Like everything I write, this is 18+ only. I am barely capable of looking after my own children, I can't parent you, too. Plenty of profanity, explicit object sex, and general dystopian misogyny
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“It’s done.”
I barely got the words out before Rowan was nearly leaping on me, arms around my neck and tearfully thanking me. Her angry shell cracked wide open - at least for the moment, I reminded myself - and her joyful, lovely face was alive in a way that was so different from the bitter, practiced way she’d been onstage.
I just blurted it. “You’re so beautiful.” I’m amazed still that such a perfect woman had been walking the streets of the same city I had and we’d never found each other before this. Amazed at my good fortune and that she didn’t seem to hate me. That she was grateful. 
But, I thought, just how grateful?
“I don’t know how to thank you,” she began, but then her light dimmed, just slightly. “But, I promise, I will be the best wife I can be for you. You saving Ben for me, I just-”
My fingers slide into her hair and I kiss her again, I don’t want to hear her forcing herself to be the bride that was bought and paid for. Rowan’s mouth is open and wet from my tongue and god, I have never tasted anything so sweet. 
She sucked in a determined breath and her hands moved to my jacket, slipping it off my shoulders. The cuff caught like it always does on the glove on my left hand and I pulled back. Rowan’s long fingers - musician’s fingers - were already trying to unbutton my shirt. 
“Wait.” I caught her hands in mine. “Just… take a breath. This has been an insane day for you.”
Goddamnit. Her eyes rose to mine, that pale, perfect green. The color of the Nile River. I’d seen that river twice, once as a kid when it was that exquisite color, like nothing else on earth. The second time, choked with bodies and parts of it on fire. I shook my head and tried to smile. 
“Oh, god. I’m so sorry,” she started speaking very quickly, “I just… you want to be in charge of course and I’m throwing myself at you-” 
I watched a flush rise up that silky, pale skin on her neck and groaned internally. My fucking dick is about to tear a hole through these pants. 
“No Rowan, it’s not that. I don’t want to sleep with you because you think you owe me. Sex out of obligation is…” 
She’s stepping away, arms crossed and that pretty blush is turning her face red.
Rubbing the back of my neck, I feel my willpower slipping. I’ve got to get away from her or I’ll be fucking her right here in the hall. I press a button on the wall next to the light switch, and Mrs. Kashif is standing in the doorway instantly. She’s even made me jump before when she materializes out of nowhere.
“Rowan, this is Mrs. Kashif, she runs the household.” I watch her nod and smile at my house manager, who inclines her head politely. “Mrs. Kashif, this is Rowan Barnes. My wife.” If she’s surprised, the old broad will never show it. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Barnes. Perhaps I can introduce you to the staff tomorrow and take you on a brief tour?”
And Rowan takes it all in stride, straightening back up and clearing her throat. “It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Kashif. Thank you, I would like that.”
Meantime I’m standing there with my cock so hard it’s like a fourth person in the room and I know my housekeeper is carefully keeping her beady brown eyes away from me. “Can you show my wife to the master bedroom and help her get settled?” 
My wife, I think, that sounds so good.
Looking at my bride, I manage to smile even though all the blood’s left my head and settled down south. “I’ve got some work to finish tonight. Why don’t you get some sleep?” She’s even prettier when she’s confused, that hard careful shell is gone and her pink mouth moves for a moment before she manages to say, “Of course. Thank you. I’ll… see you, then? Later, then?”
Leaning in so I don’t poke a hole in her stomach with my dick, I take her chin and give her a slow, light kiss. God, her mouth. It’s perfect. Like the rest of her, perfect and I want to shove her against the wall and suck on her tongue…
Fuuuuck, you asshole! Get it together!
“Yes, I’ll try not to wake you. Goodnight, Mrs. Barnes.”
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“Yes, I’ll try not to wake you. Goodnight, Mrs. Barnes.”
This was not how Rowan expected the night to go. She’d been picturing James jumping her and ruining her vagina ‘till sunrise. He’d looked so hungry from the moment he’d gotten her alone. 
Following the tall and angular housekeeper up the huge, sweeping staircase, she looked down to see James watching her with a half smile before he turned and went into what she assumed was his study.
What are the odds that I’d actually get a decent man, she thought, a little stunned, a truly good human being?
She smiled tentatively until that cynical voice surfaced again, “Yeah, what are the odds? This is too good to be true, you sucker. 
While she’d been wrestling with what Ben called V.I.C, "her vicious inner critic," Mrs. Kashif had paused by an open door, waiting with a polite smile. The smile made it clear she’d been waiting as in waiting. Walking faster, Rowan caught up.
“This is the master bedroom, Mrs. Barnes.”
The room was ridiculously huge. She could have fit three of her crappy apartments just into this one space. The walls were a deep chocolate hue with cream-colored crown molding and trim. The windows on the second floor were just as tall as the ones on the ground floor, with an elegant wrought-iron balcony outside matching doors. Rowan tried to picture herself sitting at the little table outside, perched on one of those wildly expensive chairs and haughtily sipping tea, A snort rose and she just held it back by slapping a hand over her mouth. Yeah, she was so not cut out for this shit.
“You’ll see that the door to the master bath is just adjacent to the fireplace…” Mrs. Kashif was wearing a severe black dress, her hair in a severe black bun, and sensible shoes. But she still managed to have more intimidating dignity in one pinky finger than Rowan suspected she herself had in her entire body. She wondered if the woman despised her, thinking she was just another rich, useless asshole that the housekeeper would have to wait on hand and foot.
Oh, damn the bathroom was too perfect to pee in. A huge glass enclosure housed a shower with multiple heads and the most exquisite tub - long and gracefully sloped and clearly big enough for two, even if one of those two was a giant like her… husband?
Oh god, she cringed, the V.I.C was back and whispering in her brain, I can’t have a husband! And he’s going to want babies! I’m not ready, how do I even-
“Here you will find the dressing room, Master Barnes has made available the left side for your wardrobe.” 
She thought about the battered armoire she’d picked out of a trashpile. Ben painted it blue with flowers snaking up to a sunny sky along the drawers, and that was where they’d hung their meagre stash of clothing. And now there was a dressing room. Polished wood shelves and drawers, one side hung with an endless array of astronomically expensive suits, crisply pressed dress shirts and ties neatly rolled in glass trays. A display drawer for watches that would have cost more than Rowan could have made in her lifetime. She put an index finger on one, a chrome vintage Rolex. 
The familiar, comforting fury was rising again. This man with his insultingly costly watches. Buying her. Buying her fallopian tubes and ovaries and her apparently spectacular DNA. Angry was good. She could handle angry. Enraged Rowan was the most effective version of herself. Furious meant she could deal with anything. Even a Rich Asshole who bought her.
“Of course, we use Sferra Palace sheets, I hope you are comfortable with Italian cotton?”
Mrs. Kashif was standing stiffly next to the bed. It was a massive affair with a high mattress that Rowan couldn’t have accessed without a running start and African Blackwood posts, carved with vines and faces of animals and rising regally over the bed with ivory and navy blue pillows and a hugely thick and downy comforter. As gigantic as James was, surely the bed could fit like, six or seven of him comfortably.
Rowan wondered if he’d hosted an orgy in this bed. Would Mrs. Kashif, the woman who did not look like she liked her at all, tell her this? The woman’s expression was completely neutral, but those dark eyes told a different story. She was quite clear the new Mrs. Barnes Did Not Belong.
As if I fucking want to, she thought bitterly.
Still, it wasn’t in her to be impolite. Not to a fellow member of the working class. Mustering a smile, she said, “Thank you. I appreciate your tour and the information. I know it’s quite late, so I hope we didn’t disturb you coming in.”
The housekeeper arched a brow. “It is my purpose.”
“What- you mean your job?”
“No.” Mrs. Kashif corrected flatly, “My purpose. Serving Master Barnes is position so sought after that it becomes a life’s purpose. It is no mere job,” she finished with a slightly contemptuous tones on the last word.
Rowan’s lips pursed. Okaaay, she thought, that level of devotion is creepy, but sure. “Well, again, thank you for your time, and I won’t keep you from your own bed any longer. Good night.”
The other woman inclined her head and left the room silently.
Eyeing the colossal bed and the perfectly turned down cover, pillows plumped and sheets glowing in the light from the elegant scones, she backed away uncomfortably. The bedroom was deathly silent. There was no screeching of brakes or shouting from pedestrians, she noted. No sirens. This gargantuan, fancy fucking mansion blocked all the business of the lower forms of life. Walking over to the corner window, she sat on a wonderfully cushioned window bench, drawing up her legs and looking out at the city. The part the Rich Assholes saw.
“It will be okay,” Rowan whispered. “Tomorrow I’ll see Ben and we’ll just… figure it out. It’ll be okay.” Really? That was exactly the phrase she’d avoided with the crying girl today. Because it was most definitely not going to be okay.
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Ransom was snoring next to her in bed, maybe it wasn’t snoring, more like wheezing because he kinda passed out after that last round. She was grateful because sweet baby Jesus, she couldn’t feel anything below her waist and her nipples were on fire from being bitten so much. Was he warming ‘em up for nursing? Oh, god she hoped he wasn’t one of those weirdos who wanted to suck the milk along with the baby because after he opened a couple of drawers in that scary-looking armoire she saw enough hardware to know Ransom Drysdale already had plenty of kinks.
Sitting up cautiously, she watched to see if he’d stir, but Ransom just grunted and turned over on to his side. Slipping out of bed, Glenna stretched and gave her ribs a scratch. Turning to stare at her new husband’s broad back and excellent wide shoulders, she sent a silent prayer of thanks up to the Lord. There were some nasty-looking guys there at the auction - what did Rowan call them? Oh, the Rich Assholes. A'course Ransom was kinda one of them but he was hot and he’d just ruined her for all men with that huge jackhammer dick.
After groping blindly on the floor to find something to put on, she padded across the vast, shining floor of the bedroom to look out the window. Tugboats crisscrossing New York Harbor, their sweeping spotlights lit the water, and further out there was the Statue of Liberty on her own little island. She took her brothers and sister out on the ferry to see Lady Liberty when they first came here. The Lady was much smaller than she looked which made sense. Because all the liberties she used to stand for were now only for the rich. The statue looked tired, Glenna thought. Tired of holding that light when it didn’t really shine any more.
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What was happening here? Who was this man?
Loki Laufeyson terrified her from the first second she’d spotted him, holding up one imperious finger for the final bid on her body and soul. For the next five years, anyway, she reminded herself. Of course, she knew better than that. Once Auction Brides gave birth, very few of them were willing to just give their baby up and disappear with their bag of money. So it was a new kind of ownership, then. Dancing to a rich man’s tune forever?
And this place! It reminded her of the castle from Beauty and the Beast, a massive mansion with Gothic spires and stained glass windows more beautiful than anything she’d ever seen before, even in books or movies. A high stone wall around it all to keep anyone from looking in. There had to be servants because someone laid out a simple meal for her, but they were gone before she could see them and say thank you. Invisible, silent servants. Did Loki scare them as much as he scared her?
She’d been too dazed to recall anything between the front door and ending up in his study. Shame flushed through her like a bucket of hot water splashed down her back.
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Earlier that evening…
“Remove your clothes.”
Mina just stared at him, stunned at how fast he was going. But when he’d seen her shocked expression, he’d just chuckled lightly, circling her like a panther, examining every inch of her body.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, darling. I simply want to enjoy your beauty right now.”
He owns you, she thought bitterly and half scared to death, so just… do it. Down went the pretty dress they’d put her in for that awful “wedding” and her hands rose slowly to her bra.
Loki had seated himself in a big chair by the fire, his long body filling it and still dominating the room. He nodded to her, “And your bra, darling. Let me see those lovely breasts.”
The fancy lavender lace bra joined the dress, neatly draped over the side table. His cold blue eyes were assessing her again, idly swirling that expensive booze in his glass.
“Mmm…” he hummed approvingly. “Those sweet brown nipples? The color of a good dark chocolate. Perhaps I will pour some over them one day and lick you clean.” His tongue came out to slowly trace his lips. “And now those scant scraps of lace. Push them down your legs. Slowly, mind.”
Mina’s mind turned sluggish, everything went into slow motion, the burning logs in the fireplace, the pulse of Loki’s throat as he took another sip. Everything but those eyes of his, flickering like an incandescent blue flame. Rowan said they need us, she thought. They’re scared enough to pay for us. Her fingers went to her panties and she slowly pulled them down, trying not to be awkward. But her hands flew to her center as the lace puddled around her ankles.
Like a snake striking, Loki’s cane flew up and the tip slapped her hands away. “Ah, ah. No hiding what is mine.” The slim wooden cane was stroking lightly up one thick thigh, then the other. “Your skin glows, do you know that, sweet Mina? Almost as if it absorbs light and makes it brighter still. And such a tantalizing pussy…”
“I didn’t wax,” she blurted, “they told me to, but the esthetician stripped off all the rest of my hair and took pity on me when she got to…there.”
“Good.” That cane was still sliding along her. “You are a woman capable of carrying a child, you should not be hairless like one.” The cane’s tip sharply tapped her knee. "Spread your legs.”
Sucking in a desperate gasp of oxygen, she slowly slid her right foot wider, leaving that part of her exposed to Loki and she was dying right now.
He made a sound, something deep and guttural and a little scary. “Aren’t you just… the most delicious thing? Your tender little cunt is swelling for me. And this…”
She jumped, alarmed, as the smooth wood slid between her thighs, between the lips he’d been praising and stroked along the slim furrow between them, stroking lightly, maddeningly, back and forth and rubbing her clit on each pass.
“Look at my cane, darling.”
Mina forced herself to look down and smothered a moan. The wood was shining with her slick, her arousal making each movement of his instrument of torture slide easily along her most sensitive, private parts.
“I think my lovely bride rather enjoys this…” his voice was deeper, his crisp English accent slurring slightly and Mina thought of the image of a panther circling her again. 
“Now, just like that,” Loki purred, “your proud shoulders back, your head up like the regal goddess you are.”
“I j- j- just-” Oh, no don’t stutter now Mina!
He didn’t seem to notice or care, eyes still trained on her swelling center and the slight, helpless movement of her hips. “Shh…” he soothed, “so close, aren’t you, darling? Be still!” His cane slid free from her and landed a sharp tap on her hip. “No moving. Focus on how you feel.” 
The evil cane was between her legs again, sliding along faster now with a twist upwards and against her clitoris each time. “Beautiful…” the rich lunatic who’d bought her sounded almost reverent. “Your toes are curling, lovely Mina. I believe you are very close to coming. Would you like that?”
“I- it’s…” Oh, my goodness, she thought despairingly. Was that a trick question? What kind of maniac makes you-
“Yes! Please I’m so close can I come?” Her breasts were heaving and it took everything she had to not bend her knees slightly and rub harder against the silky, slick wood but cruelly, he slowed its movement.
“Such a very good girl,” Loki approved, “asking so nicely, without any prompting. Such good manners…”
The way he purred the last sentence made it quite clear to Mina that this had nothing to do with manners at all. 
The leather of his chair creaked as he leaned forward, eyes alight and intent on her wet center, slick glistening in the black curls there and streaking along her inner thigh. And then, thank you! The cane moved faster, sparking all the delicate nerve endings so exposed now and her throbbing pearl, flushed and she was going to keel over. She was going to pass out and-
“You may come.”
This moment would have been the last thing Mina ever could have anticipated, but she gasped out in gratitude, “Oh, thank you! So good, I…” her babbling silenced as a tidal wave of pleasure hit her, nearly knocking her over and making the muscles in her legs shake and clamp down on that insidious cane. How was it that a piece of wood had made her come harder than anyone or anything in her life?
Just as her knees buckled, Loki was up and one long arm around her waist, holding her up and murmuring compliments. He lifted his cane, examining the wet wood and ran his tongue lightly along it. 
“Just as I knew it would be,” he wasn’t as unaffected as he’d pretended because his voice was husky, “utterly delicious. You, darling, are a delicacy.”
In a matter of moments, his horrifyingly expensive Tom Ford jacket was wrapped securely around her and Loki swung her up into his arms, carrying her lightly up the sweeping staircase as if she was a feather and not what her mom had called, “well-established and sturdy.”
“Your fertility tracker tells me we have two days before you reach your full potential,” he commented, putting her down gently on a spacious bed, the duvet cover and pillows done in shades of ivory and oyster. “So I shall let you rest.” He nodded over his shoulder. “Your ensuite is there. And there is clothing in the dressing room for you.”
Leaning down, so he was eye to eye with a dazed Mina, Loki lifted her limp hand and kissed it lightly. “You were an orchid in a garden of weeds, darling. I am very pleased with you.”
Present… Shifting again on the sinfully puffy mattress, Mina flushed again at the memory of earlier that night in her intimidating husband’s study, thinking again, Really, who is this man?
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Alerting mutuals who I think might be interested, please let me know if you’d like on or off this list. Thank you!
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lotus-flowerz · 3 years
hello hello I love your writings so far sobs I couldn't help but do an ask myself aa (it's my first ask ever help hwkajd) could I request perhaps gn reader that flinched away from the boys by reflex? (preferably with Diluc, Kaeya and Kazuha but you can add or remove someone if you want to!) like they were hanging out and reader was lost in thoughts and suddenly when they see in the corner of their eyes how the boys raise their arm for smth reader quickly raises their arms above their own head to protect it- how would they react and how would they comfort the reader? I hope it's not too much or if you're uncomfortable with it you can ignore it if you want to whaaaa
AHHH TY IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WRITING! i actually do this too, some of my old friends would make fun of me for it, so i hope that my writing here is accurate >.<
i also added beidou in here, hope you don't mind, i just had to since she's my favorite character <3
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The cherry blossoms fell silently from the trees under which you and Kazuha were sitting. Those had remained unchanged since you and Kazuha were children. The beauty of the pink blossoms falling towards the green earth without a care.
It had remained the same through the vision hunt decree, through the war, through watching Tomo get killed by the shogun, through both of you getting injured during said fight. Kazuha's hand was burnt from Tomo's vision, and your body had a large scar running from your knee to the side of your neck from a stray bolt of lighting from Tomo's divine punishment. If not for Kazuha's determination to not lose another friend and Beidou and her crew caring for you, you would be dead.
These days, although you and Kazuha both carried the same trauma, he seemed to be doing leaps and bounds better than you were. Your eyes flitted to Kazuha, who was writing poetry. The only sound that could be heard was his pen gliding across the paper, filling it with his eloquent words that always seemed to flow so smoothly.
You were deep in thought, when out of the corner of your eye you spotted something coming towards your face. Instinctively, your hands flew out to shield yourself, leaving a very confused Kazuha, who was only scratching his head, looking at you with concern in his eyes.
"Dove.. did you think I was going to hurt you?"
You slowly lowered your arms, guilt washing over you.
"No! It's just- sometimes, when movements are too sudden.. I.. you know, I try to protect myself because uh.."
His eyes drifted to your scar, then looked up at your face, only to find it tilted to the ground. He put a finger under your chin, bringing your eyes up to meet his, then kissing your forehead.
One hand snaked around your waist while the other traced lightly over your scar, sending shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around him as well, putting a little of your weight onto him.
He kissed your lips, squeezing you tight against him.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise."
"Kazuha, it's not-"
"I know it's not my fault. And I know I couldn't have prevented it. But I promise you, you're safe now."
He brought his hand up to cradle the back of your head as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you." you said, squeezing him a little tighter.
"No need to thank me. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kazuha."
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You had been a part of Beidou's crew for just over a year now, after meeting her in the wharf of Liyue harbor after finally finding the courage to leave your abusive and toxic partner. You didn't have a place to stay and you were clearly distraught, so when she asked if you were okay and you immediately began to cry, she offered you to come on her ship. You trusted her, since she was the well-known captain of the Crux. After you had explained your situation, she offered you to join her crew. You agreed, and began dating her about six months after joining the Crux.
Because you had been aboard the Alcor for a year, you knew the crew was loud and prone to get drunk. You had never liked to drink, preferring to quietly sip a small glass of dandelion wine while sitting next to Beidou while she drank a few beers and talked with her crew.
It was now the one year anniversary of when you had left Liyue Harbor, and conveniently, the Alcor was anchored there for a bit for a supplies run, imports drop off, and exports pickup. While out and about with Beidou, you had seen your ex in the wharf. They were about to come and talk to you, when you had pointed them out to Beidou. Beidou had slipped her arm around your waist, glaring at your ex, who glared back and turned heel to walk away.
Now, you sipped your wine beside Beidou, deep in thought. The loud atmosphere wasn't helping your anxieties, and you couldn't get your ex's glare out of your head. You didn't even realize you were completely zoned out until Beidou raised her arm to sling it around your shoulders, after she noticed you were zoned out.
Your arms flew up to shield yourself, and you spilt wine all over the both of you. The cup clattered to the floor, but luckily no one else noticed what just happened.
Beidou's face dropped and she quickly picked up the cup, setting it back down on the table.
"Men!" she called out. "Y/n and I are turning in early tonight! Make sure you scallywags have this cleaned up by the morning!"
The crew cheered their goodnights, raising their beers to their captain and her first mate. Beidou smiled, slipped an arm around your waist, and led you back to your guys' shared quarters.
"Alright doll, what happened just now?"
She closed the door behind her and sat on the bed next to you, looking at you with a certain softness that made you melt.
"I'm.. I'm sorry, I was just thinking of my ex, and how we saw them earlier, and I couldn't get their glare out of my head.. and I left them exactly a year ago.. I don't know why I flinched away from yo-"
Beidou cut you off by taking both of your hands into hers.
"Y/n, don't say sorry! You know, your ex wouldn't stand a chance against even my weakest crew member. They will never hurt you again."
"I don't doubt that for a second," you said, a small smile growing on your face, "Thank you for taking me in, Beidou."
"No, the pleasure is all mine. I couldn't ask for a better first mate. You're safe now, okay?" she smiled, squeezing your hands.
You looked into her eyes for a moment before throwing your arms around her. She squeezed you back, kissing your head.
"C'mon, let's shower and get this wine off of us." she giggled.
You laughed. "Yeah, let's."
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Kaeya had told you his backstory, but you never mentioned yours. You just weren't ready to talk about it. Your parents had never been great, you always walked on eggshells around everyone, and everyone was all too rough with you, emotionally and physically.
You had met Kaeya in the tavern one night, while trying to drink away what you were feeling. Kaeya had noticed how obliterated you were and let Diluc know he was taking you to stay at the Knights Headquarters, and would keep an eye on you. The rest was history, and now you and Kaeya had been dating for a little over a year.
Kaeya had told you his backstory on Monday. That same day later on, you had a run in with your parents at Blanche's, where they had yelled at you for deciding to become a Knight, and proceeded to pick you apart from your very core.
In turn, you had been drinking a little more than usual for the entire week. You seemed more withdrawn and just not fully there. And it all came to a head when you were laying in bed next to Kaeya.
He went to put his arm over you, a loving gesture, but your arms came up on instinct to shield yourself. He sighed loudly.
"You're scared of me."
"Oh Archons- I didn't mean to- no, I swear it isn't-"
"You've been acting all angry and cold ever since I told you about my roots. I thought you would be the one who didn't leave me after I told them."
"No, Kaeya- please, just let me explain!"
"I'm listening."
You began to hesitantly tell him about your parents. His face grew angrier and angrier every time you told him another thing your parents had done to you.
"I'll kill them. I had no idea that that happened though. I'm sorry for assuming."
"It's alright, Kaeya. I didn't even consider that you might think I was acting weird because of where your confession."
"I swear they'll never get near you again, alright? You're safe now. It's alright."
He pulled you into him, wrapping you up in his strong arms and putting his legs over yours, making you feel protected and safe.
"No one will hurt you, not on my watch. I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, Kaeya. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
"No need for apologies, you were gonna tell me when you were ready. Now let's get some sleep, that dandelion wine I downed earlier is starting to get to me."
You giggled, burying your head further into his chest.
"Alright. Goodnight, Kaeya."
"Night, prince/ess."
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You and Diluc had been dating for a few months now, you had met when he had needed to hire a new bartender, and you volunteered your mixing skills to the Angel's Share. You had caught his eye immediately, and he had asked you out on a date soon after you began your work there.
Your ex wasn't a kind person, to say the least, so you had been hesitant to say yes. You assured Diluc that this was just because your ex was unkind to you, but you had never mentioned physical harm. You hadn't wanted to worry him.
You were sitting on the couch with Diluc, his arm slung over your shoulders while you stared into the crackling flames of the fire burning before you. Diluc wasn't paying attention, as he was reading a book in his free hand.
He raised his arm up, attempting to adjust to a more comfortable position, but you misread this. Your arms were shielding your face in an instant, and Diluc was looking at you with a shocked and concerned face that quickly morphed to anger.
"I'm going to kill him." he growled/
You lowered your arms and looked down, avoiding looking him in the eye.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."
"Did he hit you??"
"I, um, didn't want to worry you."
"Barbatos.. and this domestic abuser is just, what, roaming around Mondstat? No punishment for the pain he put you through?"
"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want him to come and hurt me. I also didn't want to cause any trouble."
Diluc rubbed a hand over his face, before wrapping you in a hug.
"You're safe here, alright? I will never lay a hand on you to hurt you. I won't let anyone else hurt you either, okay?"
"Thank you.." your eyes welled up with tears, "I thought you would be upset that I didn't tell you."
"No, never. It's a hard thing to talk about. If you'd like, I have connections. We can have him arrested."
"I don't want to cause trouble.."
"You won't. He won't be able to hurt anyone else this way. But we can discuss this later. Would you care for a cup of tea?"
"That'd be nice. Thanks, Diluc."
"You're welcome, angel. Tell me if anyone hurts you again, alright? I'll protect you."
"Will do. I love you."
"I love you too."
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Hello, love! How r u?
First of all, I just want to say sorry for being my third request 🤣🤣 I'M SOOOORRY! I dont wanna bore you, but you are so attentive and dearest with me... and i cant resist, because your writing is inspiring! 😍🥰
Okay, it's like i'm "flattering", but its true! 🤣
Alright, lets go! 😅
I don't know, maybe you had already written something like that... if you have it, sent to me, please!
Could you write a jealousy Bucky, like... reader is the only person who he had ever talked, specially about the nightmares being the winter soldier, and, i don't know... maybe an ex-boyfriend being back, or another avenger flirt with the reader, what was just a kidding and Bucky taking to serious... some situation that make him being jealousy? He decides to talk about that when they're training (he helps her with self defense), and the fight takes such a serious turn that they offend each other.
They past a few days without talking each other and Bucky starts to get a little bit closer with another girl, maybe Natasha or Sharon, what makes this time, reader get jealousy.
In the end, the Avengers are in a mission to save a city being attacked by aliens. (The next idea was inspired by TikTok 😅) When all its over, Bucky appears looking for "her", asking if "she" is okay and the girl who approached him appears, saying she's fine and hug him... when actually, he's looking for the reader.
The reader is the last one to appears, asking if everyone is okay and Bucky goes and hugs her and happy end (?) 🤣🤣
Sometimes i feel like im being annoying for making long requests... and so specific lol sorry, but its just an idea that appears in my mind. I'll control myself, I promise! 🤣🤣
Thank u for reading, darling! U r awesome 🥰 Luv u ❤😘 have an amazing day!
A/N: Hey, love! First off, feel free to send in as many requests as you’d like... I don’t mind at all! I love each and every one!! Thank you so much for sending this one in. It truly was a pleasure to write. Also, YOU are awesome and I hope you’re having the best day. Love you too! :)
I hope you all enjoy and as always, feedback is appreciated! 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger! Reader
Warnings: angst/fluff, weapons, violence, cursing
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His fists have been clenched. All. Damn. Week. Ready to strike Loki in the face at any possible moment. Every time he’s gone out of his way to see you, there was Loki, unabashedly flirting with you with a smug grin plastered on his face. And today is no different. 
You watch as Bucky strolls into the gym and aggressively throws his bag against the wall. He dares a glance at you and all you see is anger. 
Did you do something wrong?
“Barnes looks a little troubled today, don’t you think, darling?” 
Loki’s close. Pressed into your side, to be exact. His tall frame bent over as he speaks into your ear. 
You notice Bucky’s glance peeking over at the God standing next to you and for a second, you wonder if his anger is directed towards him. 
“Let’s just warm up.” 
A distraction is what you need. Anything to keep your mind off the fuming super soldier across the room. Unfortunately for you, luck isn’t on your side today. 
“Y/N, you’re with Buck.” Steve’s words are clipped and you know it would be pointless to argue. 
Sighing, you slide under the guardrail and come face to face with the brooding man himself. 
His jaw is tight, clenched shut in fury. You rack your brain to file through anything you’ve could’ve done these past few weeks to make him this way. Bucky’s your best friend and it hurts to think he’d dismiss you like this, without even talking to you. Besides Steve, you’re the only one he’s let in, willingly coming to you about his nightmares. And you’re always there to pick up the pieces for him. With willing arms. 
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by Bucky’s hand pummeling towards you, aiming for your face. You dodge it quickly, bending down to slide out from under his arm. 
“What’s wrong?” you whisper, not wanting to capture the attention of the others. 
Bucky grunts, swiping his leg out to intercept yours. “What makes you think something is wrong?”
Jumping to the side, you land on your back and immediately rise onto your feet. “I know you, Buck. Plus, anyone in a foot radius can sense the anger coming off you. It’s kind of distracting.” 
Grabbing your waist, he pulls your arms behind your back, his mouth resting near your ear. “Sorry to be such an inconvenience, doll.” 
Twisting out of his hold, you move to stand across from him. “That’s not what I meant-” 
“Are you fucking him?” 
What in the fuck?
Your arm shoots out on its own accord, your fist heading straight for his face. He grabs your hand right before it connects with bone. “You haven’t even given me the time of day,” he seethes out. 
Really? He’s angry at you right now? After that comment?
“You haven’t really given me the chance to,” you counter. 
He twists your arm, sending you tumbling to the floor. In an instant, his body is on top of yours, holding you down with his weight. “How can I? Every time I walk up to your door, all I hear is him.”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you struggle to push him off you. “He’s just being friendly.”
With one hand, he pushes your arms over your head and onto the floor. “And you’re just pathetically naive.” 
Scoffing, you plant your feet onto his chest, forcing him off you. Standing, you give him one last glance. “And you’re just a fucking jerk.” 
You walk off before he can respond, leaving him cursing to himself as he watches your retreating form. 
Exactly one week later and still no word from Bucky. To be fair, you haven’t spoken to him either, still reeling from what he said to you during training. 
Pathetically naive. What an ass. 
Turning your head, the irony hits you full force. To the right of you sits Bucky and Sharon, heads down as they speak quietly. 
And, here’s the other thing. Since your fight, Bucky has been spending a large amount of time with Ms. Carter over there. At least three hours a day, not that you’ve taken notice or anything. It’s not like you’re jealous. 
“My apologies for causing a rift between you and Bucky, darling.” 
Your eyebrows scrunch together in confusion as you look over at Loki. “Don’t apologize for Bucky’s stupidity. Us not talking has nothing to do with you.” 
“If you insist.” 
Sighing, you look back over to Bucky, who’s already staring at you. You lock eyes, your breath ripped out of your chest as a small grin appears on his face. 
“What was that, darling?” 
Realizing you spoke out loud, you smile fakely at Loki before standing up to grab your gear. “Nothing to worry about.” 
Groaning, you pull yourself back up after falling down onto the cement yet again. You have the cuts to prove it, skin bloody and burning. 
All you have to do is wait for Clint to destroy the reactor. Then, these stubborn aliens will vanish in thin air. Except, he left half an hour ago and you’re getting tired. 
“What the hell is the hold up?” you grunt into your comms, striking an alien in the chest with your spear. 
“Sorry, Y/N, I got caught up. Almost there now.” 
You want to punch Clint repeatedly and you decide right then and there that the next time you see him, you will. 
At least sixty aliens have already come and gone, and your body is tired. Screaming out for you to just stop and rest. 
“Just hurry the fuck up.” You’re not in the mood for manners. 
“Want me to come help?” Loki asks. You appreciate the thought. Truly, you do. But, by the time he gets over to your location, you will have killed another sixty aliens, so you see no point. 
“I’m okay, I just wish Clint wouldn’t take his sweet fucking-” 
One of the aliens rushes into your side, knocking you to the ground hard. The breath is swept out of your chest and you struggle for air. 
You throw your arms up, dodging all punches that are coming your way. 
“Y/N?” Clint asks, concerned as to why you didn’t finish your sentence. 
After a few seconds of silence, Bucky’s voice yells through the comms. “What’s Y/N’s location? Y/N? Goddamnit, you better be okay!” 
Rolling out from under the aliens, you struggle to jump back onto your feet before a knife appears out of nowhere, slicing into your side. 
You go down once again, landing straight on your back, your head slamming into the cement ground. Blood trickles down your face and you know your head is cut open. 
You look down to see your side bleeding out. Double fuck. 
Feeling your head start to get heavy, you take a deep breath and focus on keeping your eyes open. 
C’mon, Clint. You’ve gotta almost be there by now. 
Another minute goes by and you’re barely able to dodge the oncoming attacks from the aliens. 
This is it. This is how you’ll die. 
Another slice into your side and you gasp, the pain slicing through you. 
You want to answer Bucky. You do, but you can’t find the strength to open-
“Got it.” 
Clint’s voice flows through your ears as the aliens in front of you vanish in thin air. Tears start to roll down your cheeks and you laugh, unable to wrap your head around the fact that you almost just died. 
Instead of thinking about it, you muster all the strength you can to get up. 
Time to go find the others.
“Where are they?” 
Bucky’s eyes are wildly searching for you, panic rising up in his chest when he doesn’t see you. “Where the fuck are they?!” 
Sharon appears out of nowhere, stepping in front of Bucky’s line of vision. “Buck? I’m right here. I’m okay.” She reaches a hand out to rest on his shoulder, checking him over for any injuries. “Are you okay?”
Scoffing, Bucky pushes Sharon to the side, continuing to look around. “Somebody please tell me they’ve seen Y/N!” 
He’s almost in the midst of a panic attack now, everyone else on the team staring back at him. The only one he doesn’t see is you. He can’t lose you. He can’t. He won’t allow it-
“Is everyone okay?” 
The sound of your voice has him whipping around, eyes wide as he takes in your form. You’re slumped over, holding your side as blood seeps through your fingers. You have blood caked on your face, reaching down towards your eyes. 
He runs to you, grasping your cheeks with his hands and planting his lips firmly against yours. 
In shock, your mind takes a second to grasp what’s happening before your lips start to move in sync with his, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
When the two of you pull apart, you’re both breathing heavily. 
“What was that for?” You pant out. 
Bucky swoops in for another kiss and damnit, if it isn’t everything you’ve ever dreamed of. 
“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he whispers against your mouth. 
You have so much to say, so many confessions to make, but the only thing that manages to slip past your lips is a small “okay”. 
“Good.” Bucky smiles after that, gently kissing the top of your head. “Let’s get you to a medic, doll.” 
You let Bucky guide you towards the quinjet like a lovesick puppy. You know you’ll talk about the kiss later, more than likely in the setting of his bed as you’re cuddling. But for now, you focus on getting patched up. 
As you walk, you pass Loki. He’s staring at the two of you intensely, his lips slightly lifted in the smallest of grins. When he notices you looking back at him, he nods his head, his grin turning into a full-blown smirk. 
That motherfucker. 
Suddenly, everything makes sense. Bucky wasn’t mad at you, he was jealous. Of Loki. And Loki knew the whole time. It was all a part of his mischievous plan, to get the two of you together. 
You chuckle to yourself. “The ultimate trickster.” 
Bucky looks behind at you, a confused look on his face. “What was that?” 
You shake your head and smile. “Nothing. Just happy to be with you.” 
He flashes you a toothy grin before turning back around and you're left with your thoughts, thinking of how to repay Loki. 
And as Bucky pulls you into the quinjet, the only thing on your mind is where you can purchase a gold and green, antique dagger.
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ilalos · 3 years
Worth it (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) Part 1/2
Summary: You’re Simon’s cousin and you are ready for your first social season, excited for the courting and dancing. Your plans are shattered when you find yourself in an arranged marriage to none other than Lord Anthony Bridgerton, the one man who avoided love like it was the plague.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, arranged marriage, tiny bit of angst, Anthony is an idiot, if you think of anything else please let me know.
Word count: 2.5k
It was the second season the duke and duchess had the pleasure of enjoying together in their London home. The duke’s household had been rejoicing in the arrival of baby A for a year now and the family was also preparing themselves for the birth of their second child. One might think that they would rather spend these blissful moments away from the chaos that the social season brought, and one might be right.
Simon and Daphne had opted to miss this social season in view of the fact that Daphne would be heavily pregnant when the summer started and would be at risk of having the baby in London instead of the comfort of her home. They chose instead to visit the Bridgerton home before the season started so Daphne could be with her family for a couple weeks with no added stress.
But their plans changed when Simon’s aunt, seeing that they were going to London, decided to ship you, her daughter, with them so you could be part of the social season and hopefully find yourself a husband. The couple had agreed to take you to London and also to chaperone you throughout the social season.
You were a good, polite, and well-prepared lady; your mother had sent you to the finest finishing school in the country to make sure you were molded into the perfect bride. Despite the extensive preparations your mother had subjugated you to, there was one thing they couldn’t take away from you and that was the desire to marry for love. Everyone told you that what mattered was how well you could marry, that you’d eventually grow to tolerate your husband and that your children would give you more than enough joy; but that just didn’t seem enough for you. It didn’t matter how you felt about a loveless marriage though, your mother had been clear when she told you that you had this one season to find a husband and if you didn’t she’d choose for you whomever she seemed fit.
On the day of your arrival you learned she didn’t intend to give you even one season and, with no previous notice to you or him, you were introduced to Anthony Bridgerton as his bride.
Violet Bridgerton had grown tired of her son’s refusal to marry and after pressing him about the matter he admitted he was looking for a wife this season; she didn’t trust him to choose well and when Daphne wrote to her mother about you, she decided it was the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. And so, with your mother’s blessing, Lord Bridgerton was given your hand in marriage.
“I beg your pardon?” Anthony was shocked, to say the least.
“You heard me, son, this is Lady (y/l/n) and she is to be your bride”
You couldn’t think, move or do anything but stand there staring at the man you were supposed to marry. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish and Daphne had to guide you to take a seat because she feared you might faint. Anthony then excused himself and fled to his study with Simon hot on his heels.
“I’m deeply sorry for throwing this at you with no warning, your mother warned that if you were told before you got here you might have refused to come at all” Violet apologized taking a seat in front of you and taking one of your hands between hers.
“Anthony is a wonderful man and I’m certain you will learn to like him, maybe even love him” continued Daphne.
Meanwhile, in Anthony’s office, a similar conversation was being held.
“What excuse do you have now to reject her?” Asked Simon
“I don’t know her, that’s enough to not want this marriage”
“You said you didn’t wish to love the person you had to marry, so I don’t see the big deal in not knowing her” Simon served himself and Anthony a drink as he spoke.
“Even with that being true, I also said she had to be smart and at least interesting to talk to” he took a small sip of his drink “and also that it wouldn’t hurt if she happened to be beautiful”
“And isn’t she?” Simon raised a brow behind his cup before continuing “She is incredibly smart, kind and she also attended the best finishing school available in the London area, which means she is as proper as a lady can be”
“Well yes, but-”
“Your only problem with her is that your mother forced her upon you”
“My only problem is that I saw in her face she had no idea she was betrothed to me, it is not fair for her to be forced to a short and loveless marriage like ours will be” Anthony finished his drink and slammed the cup on his desk, he knew there was no way out of this.
“She, as any lady in the country, knows that her duty is to marry well” Simon placed his cup softly besides Anthony’s “You’re the most desirable bachelor this season, there’s no better man for her if we look at status, money, and age”
Anthony limited himself to roll his eyes and remained silent, he knew Simon was right but it still stung that because of him you were now forced to be married to a man you didn’t love.
“Well, she’ll be a young widow so she’ll eventually have a chance at finding love”
A knock on the door interrupted Simon’s answer and he was thankful because he was quite frankly tired of Anthony’s certainty that he would die young, he understood that Edmund’s death had been hard for him but it was still tiresome to hear him speak like that constantly.
“Yes?” Called Anthony from his desk, prompting Gregory to enter.
“Mother requests both your presences in the dining hall for supper, now”
The rest of the day was uneventful, Anthony refused to speak to you and you were too shocked to utter a single word to anyone. After supper you excused yourself and went to bed early, when you had laid down Daphne entered your room and gave you a letter from your mother before saying good night and wishing you sweet dreams. You sat up and decided to read the letter before bed, maybe it would bring you some comfort.
“My dearest daughter,
If you’ve received this letter it means that you know about your engagement to lord Bridgerton, we couldn’t find a way to tell you because we feared you might refuse to travel to London if you knew. I hope you understand that all I’m trying to do is securing your future, the viscount is a kind man and you’ll be safe with him. I sincerely wish for you to be happy by his side, and maybe even learn to love him.
I know your father is looking down at you proudly and I’m certain he’ll bless your union with happiness, you were his sunshine and he’ll always take care of you no matter where he is, as will I.
Your mother who loves you”
You couldn’t help but feel angry at your mother for lying to you like that as if you were a child with no control over your own emotions. It would’ve been nice to know about your fate before you got here, it would have saved you from daydreaming about balls and love matches that you now knew were never going to be possible. Still, you were grateful that they had chosen Anthony, they might as well had promised you to an ugly old man. So you fell asleep that night disappointed on the false expectations you were allowed to have, but grateful for having secured the best bachelor in the season without even trying; it might not have been a love match but at least it was a good one.
-this time jump is brought to you by Roma, my golden retriever-
“If we are to be married no matter what, shouldn’t you spare me the pain of courting her?” Anthony was straightening his tie as he spoke to his mother.
“Courting, in this case, isn’t meant to convince her to marry you, it’s so society can see your intentions are respectable” she took over his hands and settled the bow tie once and for all “this ball is the perfect opportunity for everyone to see you both as a couple”
“And you act as if you weren’t already attending for Eloise” Benedict entered the room also dressed for the ball.
“Chaperoning, not dancing” clarified Anthony.
“It’s only one dance, my lord, it will be over before we know it” you had entered the room without anyone noticing and Anthony was a little taken back by your beauty, but recovered quickly enough.
“The dance might be, but the ball will be unending” with that he left the room to go and rush Eloise, they were going to be late.
You frowned a little looking at his retreating form, he hadn’t said anything about the way you looked, not one single compliment for his future wife. Benedict must have noticed your disappointment because he swiftly stepped in to make you feel better.
“You look positively stunning (y/n)” he kissed your hand with a small wink “My brother sure is a lucky man”
“That he is” called Daphne from the door “Here you go darling” he placed a tiara on your head, “I told you it would look wonderful with your dress, now let’s go” she patted your back softly “Simon’s waiting for us in the carriage”
“We’ll see you at the ball, my dear” called Violet seeing her daughter to the door.
The ball was beautiful and you felt overwhelmed by the number of people in the room. Simon and Daphne guided you through the room and you felt everyone’s stares on you, you hadn’t presented before the queen because you were already in courtship with Lord Bridgerton so everyone was seeing you for the very first time.
Daphne had begun to feel tired and Simon had left to fetch her some lemonade while she found somewhere to sit down for a while, leaving you unchaperoned and praying no one would approach you while they were gone.
“Excuse me, miss?” So much for prayers.
“Yes?” Yo faked a smile as best as you could looking at the old man in front of you.
“I see you have so much space in your dancing card, perhaps I could book myself the next dance?” Your card was in fact empty because your darling fiancé had yet to appear.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible Mr. Wyatt, since she’s dancing with me,” said Anthony who had gotten to you just in time.
“Perhaps the next one, then?�� Persisted Mr. Wyatt.
“That would be my dance” this time it was Benedict who saved you “Would you look at that? Her card is full, maybe you could try on the next ball” You hadn’t even noticed them scribbling all the Bridgerton’s names on your dancing card until it was full, but it now was and you were thankful for it.
“Thank you so much, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had had to dance with that man” you thanked Benedict.
“What are brothers for if not to protect future sisters-in-law from dancing with horrid men?” He joked back, making you giggle.
“Well then, let’s have our dance and get this over with” Anthony broke you from your fit of giggles.
“Remember you two, you have to look madly in love” at his brother's comment Anthony only managed to huff some curse words under his breath, dragging you to the dance floor by the wrist.
Once on the dance floor, you both got in position, and when the waltz started you began gliding through the dance floor gracefully.
“For someone who says he doesn’t like balls, you are an exceptional dancer,” you said in a playful tone.
“Mother made us take classes when we were little, any respectable man should be a decent dancer”
“They paid off, it’s a pleasure dancing with you” he didn’t respond to anything so you continued “Are there other talents you are hiding from me, Lord Bridgerton?”
“Not that I’m aware off, miss (y/l/n)” his answer was short and it was clear he didn’t care for conversation.
It had been like this since the two of you had been introduced, any attempt you made to get to know him better was quickly shut down by him. It was as if he wanted to remain a stranger to you, but you were to be married and you at least wanted to know a little about him besides his name and his clear lack of humor.
When the dance ended you left the dance floor and met with Colin by the beverages table.
“Why so sad, love?” The pet name caught you off guard but you assumed it had something to do with the alcohol you could smell on his breath.
“It’s nothing, Colin” you attempted to smile as you served yourself a small glass of lemonade “Have you seen my cousin?” You asked before he continued asking questions.
“He is by those tables with Daphne, a ball is no place for a pregnant lady” Colin pointed to the other corner of the room.
You thanked him and walked to where he had pointed, you were ready to leave, and also what Colin said was true, being in this ball was very stressful for Daphne so the earlier you left the better. Soon you spotted your cousin, his wife, and, to your horror, Anthony.
“Cousin! What are you doing here? I thought you’d be dancing with Benedict” said Simon.
“I was thirsty so I went to get some lemonade, here” you handed a glass to Daphne “I brought you some”
“How nice of you, thank you” she took a small sip “shouldn’t you be having fun? It’s your first ball dear”
“I think I’m quite tired already” you turned to look at Simon “Perhaps we could leave, cousin?”
“If you wish” he looked you up and down, making sure you were alright “Why don’t you and Anthony promenade around the room while I send for the carriage? Just to end the night right, at least in the eyes of the people”
You simply nodded and watched the way Anthony rolled his eyes as he offered you his arm. His plain rejection of you always hurt you, you knew he didn’t love you but never did you expect him to despise you. You walked by his side with a soft smile planted on your face but on the inside, you were hurting because with each day you saw your future clearer, and what the future held for you was being married to a man who could not stand you and would never love you. But then he lead you to your carriage and kissed your cheek when you were out of everyone's view, maybe he didn't find you so bad after all.
Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading this, if you like it let me know i love the feedback. I’m kind of in love with Anthony atm so that’s why this is the second story I’ve written of him. Thanks for reading! :)
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Whatever You Want
A/N:  My first Hawks fic omg I’m so excited. The smut could've been longer but I was tired writing this. I know most of the time Hawks is depicted as being super aggressive and dominant during his rut but I wanted to try a different approach. I hope you guys enjoy this subby Hawks meal because I know I sure did. Love you all !!!!!
Fandom: Hawks, MHA
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Warnings: I’m not the best when it comes to following writing rules. I pretty much write how I want to, so if you’re a stickler for grammar and what not just ignore it or don’t read loll (I’m nice I promise.) SMUT SMUT SMUT
(Word Count: )
Plot: Spring has hit and Hawks is entering his rut. He is desperate for any type of release.
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        Spring is here. The weather is great and everyone is in a wonderful mood. Well, almost everyone. My phone continuously vibrates in my lap, my screen lighting up with text after text and call after missed call from my boyfriend. I feel bad not answering him but I have things to do and unfortunately he’s going to have to wait for a while. I sat at my desk trying my best to complete all the work I had left before I left for the day. Heat began to emanate from my phone from the sheer number of notifications coming through. All from one person. Keigo goes through this rut every spring. He told me about it when we first began dating and even though we've been together for two years this is the first time I'm going through it with him. Last year I was in another country on a very important mission. I had to stay on the phone with him for hours while he jerked himself off, saying lewd and obscene things.
        He made me promise not to go on any missions that would take me away from him this year. I replied to the last of my emails for the day before closing my computer. As I made my way out the door of my busy office I said my goodbyes to all my co-workers. When I finally got to my car I sighed trying to release all the stress I had built up. The engine of my car revved to life, I backed out of my parking space and drove out onto the road. I used a voice command to call Keigo back as I drove. I just know he’s gonna be pissed.
“Babybird, where have you been all day? I've been calling you nonstop. Why didn't you pick up the phone?” His voice shook as he spoke.
“I’m so sorry babe but I had to finish my work and I didnt want to get distracted. I’m on my way home to you now, don't worry.”
        I could hear him shifting in the bed. Probably trying to get comfortable while he waited for me.
“Hurry. Please. I want you so bad. I don’t even know what to do with myself. All        I can think about is how badly I want to touch you and hear all the noises you make when I’m inside you. Get home now.”
        He hung up before I could even respond. I knew what that meant. I sped home as fast as I could. Once I made it up to our apartment I opened the door to see the place in shambles. Things were all over the place, all the pillows in the living room were gone and ice littered the floor. Slowly I pushed the door open to our room and my vision was instantly blocked by keigo as he rushed me. His hands were all over my body grabbing and squeezing, as if they were searching for any inch of me that wasn't covered by clothing. His mouth crashed into mine. The kiss was desperate and passionate. He nipped at my bottom lip. A small yelp escaped me. His wings fluttered in response.
“Keigo wait - just - I need to - let me just take a shower. I’ll be quick, just give me two minutes.”
“You can shower later. I need you.”
        I squirmed and turned, trying to escape his grasp but no matter what I tried I couldn't get away from him. I’d been at work all day running up and down doing all kinds of things. I felt sweaty and icky and all I wanted to do was wash this long day away before I did anything with him. His lips traveled to my neck. He inhaled deeply taking in my scent.
“Babybird you smell so good just the way you are. You don't need to shower.”
        My resolve to shower started wearing thin as the heat within my core grew. He placed wet open mouth kisses all over my neck. I moaned, pressing my body into his.
“Please baby, I need you. I’m desperate for you right now. My cock is so hard I can feel it pulsating and so much pre cum is leaking out of me, I can't take it.  Please!”
        Hearing him beg was like music to my ears. I love it when he lets go and gives me control. It doesn't happen often but when it does I turn into a different person,
“Okay baby I’ll help you. Take these pants off.”
        As he removed his pants I unbuttoned my dress shirt and allowed it to slide off of me to the floor. My bra followed soon after. Keigo was on me in an instant, his mouth attached to one of my sensitive nipples while his free hand massaged the other. I cradled his head in my hands gently stroking the nape of his neck. He groaned into my chest.
“That feels so good baby.” I said breathlessly as he moved his attention to my other breast.
        My head fell back as I reveled in the feeling of his lips and tongue. His strong hands were wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him. His face was completely engulfed in my chest now.
“Do you like when I hold you like this while your mouth is full with my breast? Hmmm? You like turning me on like that? You wanna be my good boy so badly don’t you?”
        He let out a whine like groan. I felt his body shiver. I could see how frustrated he was but I was enjoying myself too much to give in just yet.
“What’s the matter baby? Are you that worked up you can’t even talk anymore? All you can do is moan and groan? All you want is a little release huh? You want to fuck me until I can’t take anymore, until I’m full with all your cum. Is that it?”
        I gently slid my fingers down one of his wings just to tease him even more.
“Please! Don’t tease me like that (Y/N)  I’m barely holding on here. You’re so fucking hot I just wanna take you right here right now but I also wanna be a such  good boy for you it hurts.”
“Okay baby I think I’ve had my fun. Let me make you feel better.”
        I knelt down in front of Hawks, his swollen erection twitched with anticipation. His eyes darkened with lust as he looked down on me. He probably thought I was going to give him a blow job but I had something else in mind. I took him in my hand, he inhaled sharply at the contact. I allowed the pre cum leaking from his cock to fall onto my chest as I pumped him slowly allowing it to coat my breasts. The sheer amount that came from him shocked me. I’d never seen anything like it. His hips bucked into my hand desperate for more friction. My slow pace made him growl with frustration. I loved teasing him, he always got needy so quickly but I knew it was time to finally give him what he wanted.
        Ever so slowly I guided him in between my breasts and squeezed them together. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could even get the words out he was pumping his cock up and down against my chest. His pace was fast and without thought. His hands gripped my hair pulling it as he used my body for his pleasure.
“It feels s-so good.” He groaned through clenched teeth, throwing his head back
“Look at me. Yes. Is this what you've been craving? Huh? What you've been begging for all day? I know this is what you've been dreaming about. Having your cock between my beautiful soft breasts?”
“Fuuuuuuuuuuk.” He moaned.
        I couldn't help but smile. I had him wrapped around my finger in this moment. I could ask anything of him right now and he’d say yes without hesitation. I loved having this control. It really made me feel so powerful to know that I could make such a dominant man like Hawks bend to my will using only my breasts. I could feel his  body begin to shiver. His grip on my hair grew even tighter. The veins in his cock bulged and pulsated and I knew he was close.
“If you wanna cum you know what you have to say don't you baby?”
        He hesitated, not wanting to give up that last little piece of control.
“Come on, I know you’re so close. It's right there isnt it. All you have to do is say one thing for me.” I pushed my breasts together even more around him.
“Ahhhhhhhh! Can I cum please?!”
“Please what?”
        That’s all it took. His thrusts were hard and rough as he came all over my face and chest. His whole body convulsed and shook. I could hear the ruffeling of his feathers. Once his movements stopped I used my hand to pump him. He groaned as a jolt went through his body. I was shocked. He was so sensitive yet he was still so hard. I looked up at him in disbelief. A chill ran through my body when we made eye contact. The look on his face was unlike any I'd seen before.
“You’ve had your fun with me babybird now it’s my turn.”
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tnystrk-exe · 4 years
Hannibal x Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+ thigh riding, fingering, oral, daddy kink, plot to make up for my first attempt at writing smut.
Word count: 6.8k
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Chapter One
“Fucking hell.” You sighed as you looked at the still tall stack of essays that needed grading. “I’m never getting through this.”
Your stomach grumbled, signaling it was time for a break. Stretching, the quiet was interrupted by the sound of your bone’s protest from sitting in one position for hours. It was nights like these you had regretted your choices. Sure you had known Professor Jacob loved to torture his students with too much work, but when you took the job as his assistant you assumed that he’d shoulder some of the weight. A ridiculous thought now that you’ve experienced working with him. Why should he even think of grading an assignment when he had a perfect little lackey doing it for him? That was a non question. He had been strict about the work not leaving his office, which meant you had accidentally fallen asleep in his office more than often than you would have liked. The pile of work never seemed to diminish. 
Walking out the office, you thought briefly of the joy you would feel when you’d never have to see it again. These long corridors would be a thing of the past in just a few, short months. Then you’d probably go to the city and struggle for a while but at least you would be free from here. As much as you prided yourself for getting through the first round of college, the walls of the building gave you more of an annoyed feeling than anything. 
Pushing open the door to the teachers lounge, you made a beeline for the fridge. The leftover pizza already seemed like a feast until you noticed it was nowhere to be seen. “Hannibal,” you whined to the empty room as you closed the fridge. 
“Yes, darling?” 
You startled, immediately turning around to face him, a mischievous smile was plastered on his lips. Usually your missing dinner meant to head over to his office. It wasn’t typical, but the two of you had managed a comfortable friendship between the shared late nights. Though, you suspected he’d stay longer than necessary to accompany you in the empty building. “Would you mind telling me where my dinner went, handsome?” You asked, raising a brow at him.
“Old pizza can hardly be considered dinner. Come,” he motioned to sit next to him at the table, “I’ve got a better meal prepared for you nonetheless.”
“Or maybe you just need to learn to appreciate the simple things,” you quipped as you took your seat.
“And you, the finer.”
You gave him an obvious look over, “I’d say I appreciate you plenty enough.” 
Being so forward wasn’t usually in your cards. However Hannibal had always been a gentleman and it had been fun to tease at him a bit. He never complained, often just acknowledging what you said with a raised brow or chuckle. Still there was always some truth in jokes and you’d be lying to say that he was anything less than tempting. Especially in the dark grey suit and dried blood red shirt of his. ‘No’ wouldn’t come to mind if he ever offered.
“Naughty, Miss LN,” he chided you, “What shall we do with you?”
“What do you want to do with me?”
“Eat your dinner,” he said, humor in his voice as he shook his head.
You choked back a comment about him just wanting to see your mouth stuffed, deciding it was too much of a push. Instead you just opened the lunchbox he placed in front of you. Hannibal watched you expectantly as you took a bite of the meat.
Closing your eyes, you savored the bite. It had been a while since you had something home cooked. “Han... I’m going to miss you most. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you. Delicious, as always.”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” He went back to work on his own stack of papers as you ate. “Though, I’m not sure I’m ready to allow you to live off street food once we part.”
“Guess we’re gonna have to find me another man that insists on throwing away my perfectly good food to serve me home cooked meals.”
Hannibal left some remarks on a paper before pushing it to the side. “You could always come learn a few things. Maybe I’ll rest better knowing you know how to make yourself a couple of decent meals. Any guesses for the meat?”
It was a strange guessing game, but you indulged him, he was just eccentric. “Oh, definitely human,” you teased, making sure to pick up some spinach and artichoke in the next bite, “Probably had a boring name like David.”
“Close. It was Richard,” he corrected. 
“Beef, it was the Rolex of all farm animals hand picked by you and I’m very grateful you shared some with me,” you smiled at him, “So how are things going with Baltimore?”
“I’ve found a beautiful home. The office, however, seems to be harder to find.”
“I’m sure you’ll find the perfect one.” Your phone started ringing. Grabbing it from your pocket, you looked at the screen. Mom. “They’re making this unnecessarily difficult,” you sighed to yourself. 
Hannibal looked at you with peaked interest as you shut off your phone and pushed it away. “Is something troubling you?”
“My parents aren’t taking too kindly to the no contact rule. It’s the tenth call today.”
“You’ve cut them off?”
“I thought about what you had said,” you shrugged, “I’m tired of always having to get them out of troubles and be their ATM when I don’t have enough for myself. It’s just too much on me right now. Between school assignments, Jacob’s work pile, and my other part time, it’s all just suffocating. They keep trying to use my grandfather’s death as a leverage to make me feel bad about not talking to them now, but they just want some money. I don’t want to feel guilty about this but I can’t help it.”
“Don’t,” he placed his hand over yours, “You deserve to feel taken care of and appreciated. They aren’t providing you with that now. Especially now when they use the death of the person who raised you as leverage,” he shook his head, making a disgusted sound, “It’s for your own well-being that you take some time to breathe and be young. They provide too much stress…” Hannibal fell silent. “I’ve suggested this before but i-“
You gave his hand a gentle squeeze before pulling away. “I’m not taking your money. We’re friends. Money complicates things. Muddies the waters.”
“Friends help each other,” he reminded you, “I’ve already told you I wouldn’t want any payment.”
“But I’d still feel like I owe you.” You shook your head, “It wouldn’t feel right to me. I’m fine. I promise. Though, if you’re so willing to help me with something, I wouldn’t say no to those cooking lessons. They could be fun.”
He spared you a smile, “It would be my pleasure to teach you what I know.”
“And I’d never deny your pleasure,” your mouth spoke before you could think about it, “Sorry.”
“I don’t deny myself pleasure either,” he said, amused. “You’re fine. Now, how about we meet on Sunday? I’ll have time to figure out a full meal and gather all of the ingredients.”
“Great!” You ignored the heat that still lingered on your face, “I- um, do you need me to bring anything?”
“Nothing at all, I’ll make sure to take care of everything. All you need to do, sweet girl, is bring yourself and an appetite.”
You stifled a pleased smile at the term of affection. “I’ll make sure to do that,” sparing a glance to the clock, you frowned, “I should probably get back to work on those essays.”
“Why don’t we work on them together?” He suggested. “My colleague is notorious for drowning you in his work. I can help you sort through it all and you can have a restful Saturday without Micheal’s added stress.”
“I really can’t ask that of you. You already have enough work as it is.”
“We’ll work together. First your work, then mine. What happened to never denying my pleasure?” 
Your eyes widened, but you laughed all the same. Maybe a while more in his company wouldn’t be so bad. “Fine. Hold me to my words, but it’s only going to cause you a headache. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. These new kids are… something else.”
“They’re nothing,” he stood, grabbing his papers in one hand, “Meet me in my office. We can be more comfortable there and I may have stowed away a bottle of wine.”
“What would I do without you Doctor Lecter?”
“You have arrived at your destination,” the robotic voice informed you as you parked.
You took in the mansion of a home. It was too big for someone that lived alone. The thought made you shiver. Homes should be filled with life, not empty space. Then again, he was a fan of dinner parties, extravagant ones at that, so you supposed there was life in those walls on occasion. The home itself reminded you of the houses in old movies. Ones where the lightning would strike at just the right moment as a warning to stay away. But this was real life and there was no lightning, just a sun setting on a near perfect day. 
Without a warning telling you to keep away, you grabbed the gift bag and stepped out of your car. He had said to bring nothing, but you couldn’t resist a simple gift. The ties in the bag had taken out a decent chunk from your pocket, but he deserved them. Between agreeing to give you cooking lessons and helping you out with grading every so often, the simple pieces of fabric meant nothing. Besides, it was a two way gift, he’d get more of the patterned ties he was fond of and you’d get to see him in the darker colors you liked on him, knowing he’d feel compelled to wear them to show you his gratitude.
Knocking on the door, you waited a couple of minutes before he emerged. “YN, just in time. Please, come in,” he stepped to the side, “I’ve looked forward to this all day.”
You smiled and stepped past him. “I have too. Entertained myself a bit today by finding you a gift.” 
“Darling, you shouldn’t have.”
Nervousness bit at you slightly, a bit self conscious they’d be too cheap for his taste. Too late to back out of it, you handed over the bag. “You’ve always been so kind and I really appreciate everything. Let me do something for you.”
He set the bag on the nearby table, laying out the ties to get a better look at them.  “They’re all lovely,” he ran a finger across the fabric of a maroon one, “Fond of me in darker colors, YN?”
“What can I say?” You shrugged, “We catch ourselves spending a lot of time together. Why not make you a decent piece of eye candy?”
“Inappropriate,” he chided you, before signaling you to follow after him.
“You just wear them so well, Doctor Lecter.”
Shrugging off his navy suit coat, he draped it over a chair, making quick work of rolling up his sleeves. “Ready to get your hands dirty, my little sous-chef?”
“What are we making?” You asked, looking at his kitchen wide eyed. It was definitely bigger than your measly studio apartment. 
“Frisee aux lardons, duck with a pomegranate-citrus glaze. I took the liberty of preparing a blood orange sorbet for dessert.”
“I have a proposal.”
“We don’t do any of that and just have dessert for dinner.”
“No,” he gave you an amused glance, “There’s more pleasure in waiting for things. Why don’t you start washing up the vegetables and I’ll start preparing the duck?”
You stuck your tongue out at his back but set to your work. “This is what I get for befriending a charming old guy.”
“Keep going the way you are and our next meal together will be langue d’Agneau en papillote.”
“That can’t be a threat if I don’t know what that means,” you quipped, setting aside an endive. 
“It means, darling,” he pointed his knife at you, “The fondness I feel for you is an inconvenience. Nonetheless, it’s welcomed.”
You smiled at him brightly, as you brought the washed vegetables over to him. “I’m fond of you too, but you gotta stop flirting and teach me how we’re gonna cook Daffy here.”
He motioned for you to grab a cutting board and a knife of your own. The two of you worked in quiet harmony, occasionally he’d tell you exactly why he was doing something a certain way or just give you simple instructions and let you have a hands on feel of exactly how to prepare something. It was nice to see him in his element. Hannibal seemed much more content in his kitchen than any where you had seen him at the college. Eventually he set his work to the side and washed his hands. 
“You’re cutting them too thick. Thinner is better for this dish.” He stepped behind you, “Do you mind?”
“Go ahead.” You attempted to move to the side, but Hannibal had already caged you in between himself and the counter. His cologne was different from the one you were accustomed to him wearing, but the subtle spice of it gave a more homey feeling to him. 
Hannibal grabbed your hand that had yet to  let go of the knife. He made sure to show you how to cut them the right thickness. “See? A little thing can unbalance everything.”
“Hm,” you hummed, catching yourself relaxed against the man, his frame strong against yours, “I don’t see much of a difference. Pretty sure this is just your variation of a putter.”
“You assume I have hidden motives,” He acknowledged, looking down at you, “And if there were any?”
Taking the bait, you pressed a kiss to the side of his jaw. “I wouldn’t be too upset.”
His head dipped into your shoulder, taking in a breath. “What happened to not wanting to bring on complications in our friendship?”
“We only have weeks left with each other,” you shrugged, “There wouldn’t be any complications. Not really.”
“We really should get back to making our dinner, darling,” he sighed, almost seeming reluctant to pull away, “What else did you did you do today?””
It took you a second to respond, still shaking off the embarrassment. You weren’t sure what had compelled you to do that. When you looked up at him you grimaced. Grabbing a napkin, you carefully wiped away the lingering lipstick. “The ties were the more interesting part of the day, I didn’t plan anything eventful. Honestly most of my day was taken with trying to recall the shop you mentioned that carried the ones you liked.”
He hummed in appreciation, “You also managed to pick out two I have had my eye on. I’ve got new suits coming in soon that will pair perfectly.”
You beamed at that, happy he did actually like what you had chosen. “Lucky guess. It was difficult remembering the ones I had seen you wear.”
Hannibal made to grab some ingredients and set them on the counter near the stove. “Have your parents tried calling you this weekend?”
You sighed, sure you didn’t have to tell him the truth but you wanted to, he had a compelling thing to him that made it easy to just speak. “I sent them money for rent. Which was honestly the dumbest thing I’ve done in a while.”
“It wasn’t idiotic,” he stated, setting to work on making the pomegranate sauce as you watched, “They’re you’re parents. It’s only natural you worry about them. Though, I do worry they’ll think of you as a person that doesn’t stick to her word.”
“I know, I really meant to, but the thought of them out on the street. It’s not my responsibility, but I’m just so used to being their adult.”
“It’s difficult to detransition. You worry for them as they should worry for you.”  He checked over a pan he had been heating, “That’s perfect. If you could please..” Grabbing the plate with the duck you set them on the pan. “With duck it’s important to render off the fat. A low heat is necessary.”
You nodded, “Low and slow, got it... You know, I’m not sure they worry about me at all. I mean- I know they don’t. It should hurt, but it’s just a fact of life.”
“They didn’t give you an opportunity to be a child. When you were supposed to be in the most carefree moments of your life, they burdened you with the responsibilities of an adult.” He held out a spoon with some of the pomegranate sauce for you to taste. “Any pain the notion inflicted on you has been killed with time.”
“There are still moments though. Suppose that’s common enough, isn’t it Doc?” You leaned in, allowing him to feed you, “That tastes amazing. I really should have paid attention.”
“It’s simple, I’ll write it out for you later.” Casting the sauce aside, he set a pot of water to boil. “Very common. We aren’t too dissimilar when it comes to how quickly we had to grow up. Very different reasons, but the fall out isn’t much different. Our paths left us in places where we’re very much alone.”
“What happened?” You asked, realizing that he had known a great deal of your family and you had known nothing more past how his day had gone or his preference of coffee. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t.” Hannibal went to fill two glasses with wine. “I was very young when my parents died. My father had implemented in me that, if anything were to happen, I was to take care of my mother and sister. Which meant I had grown fiercely protective of Mischa when the time came. Soon I was acting more as her father than a brother.”
“Where’s Mischa now?” You asked, knowing at the very least she had to be in her late twenties.
His lips set into a frown, he took a quick drink. “Lost her sometime after. There was a lapse of judgement on my part and she suffered because of it. My days have often been shrouded by the thought that I could have done better by her. The ways I failed burdens me significantly.”
You rubbed his arm sympathetically. “I couldn’t even begin to imagine that pain.”
“It’s something I never wish to experience again. Losing someone you love so dearly, it changes a person.”
“I’m sure you tried your best. You’re a good man. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that when you were so young.”
“You think too highly of me,” he patted your hand on his arm, “Far better than I deserve. Still if my childhood had taught me anything, it’s to value those I hold dear. Such as yourself.” 
“I’m glad we found each other. Even if it is for a short while.” You watched as he stepped back into the rhythm of cooking. Maybe you weren’t any help to him but watching him work was comforting. 
He raised a brow, “Just because the amount of time we physically see each other will diminish, doesn’t mean we need to completely break apart. I’d like to have you at my dinner table later in life.”
“I’d like it if we kept in touch,” you replied, looking at a small box on the counter. The small black beads glimmered in the light, calling at you to take a peek. A neat row of recipe cards in his impeccable penmanship, numbered as high as 120 but there could have been more. “That’s sweet,” you mused, looking at the back of a card, noticing a couple had business cards on them, “You keep track of your friends’ favorites like this?”
“Friends, acquaintances, business partners. It’s difficult remembering everyone’s preferences. When I have dinner parties I like to make sure there’s a bit of something for everyone.”
“Hm, well I’m sorry I don’t have a card for you to have.”
When everything was said and done, you helped Hannibal set up the plates to have dinner. The conversation became light as you laughed along to the better memories of Mischa. From his smile it was easy to see he adored the usually shy girl. You never pressed on to find out how she died, simply choosing to bask in his soft smiles and laughter instead of entertaining curiosity. It was easy to see he rarely talked about her and you were grateful that he found that much comfort in you.
Some time later he was sitting at his harpsichord, playing a self composed melody as you browsed his shelves. There was an almost familiar calm in the air, like this was a usual happening and it would simply just happen again. A naturally reoccurring moment. You found comfort in his presence too. 
You looked up from the shelves when you heard his sigh. “I can’t seem to master this melody,” he stated, “The ending never sounds right.” The annoyed demeanor contradicted his lax look. At least lax for him. His vest and suit jacket had been discarded a while ago leaving him with a popped button, loosened tie, and rolled up sleeves. “I may just leave this one in the air.”
“Sounds perfect to me,” you said, walking over to him, “Though we can be our own worst critics. I know I’m mine.”
“It sounds… forced. Almost as if it’s reluctant to work with me.”
“Forced things just need time.” You placed your hand on his shoulders, digging in your thumbs to relieve the tension you felt. A soft groan as he let his head lull back to rest against your stomach. “Time is all you need sometimes. I thought you would have learned that already, old man.”
He opened his eyes, raising a brow at you. “Always with that mouth.”
You smiled down on him fondly, something- probably the wine in your system -thought about pressing a kiss to his forehead right then. “What can I say? It has a mind of its own.”
“I do prefer when it’s otherwise occupied,” he stated, closing his eyes again.
Your fingers dug a little deeper at that, caught off guard. “And yet.”
Hannibal played a couple soft notes, seemingly testing the waters for his next attempt at getting it to sound right. “And yet.” The first melody seemed almost innocent, but was followed by a second seemingly stalking after it. “Would you mind putting on a record? It seemed I’ve grown bored with music of my own.”
“Sure thing, Han.” Giving his shoulders one final squeeze you pulled away from him. At the record table you browsed through his selection. Hannibal was still composing as you decided to go with a record that looked more worn than the others, figuring something well loved would help him out of his frustrated state. Setting it on the platter, you gave it a brief once over with the anti static brush, knowing he’d probably be attentive to that type of thing, and dropped the needle. The music filled the air as you took in the melody. “Very you.”
He let out a soft chuckle, abandoning the harpsichord, in favor walking over to you. “Very me, indeed.” Hannibal took the record sleeve out of your hand, setting it down on the table. The music’s build up reached. “Would you give me the honor?” His hand was stretched out toward you.
You gave him a sheepish smile, “Afraid I’m going to have to disappoint. I’m not much of a dancer.”
“I’ve been told I’m a wonderful teacher,” he pressed, a charming smile on his lips, “We all start somewhere. Let me be yours.”
A soft laugh bubbled from you as you took in his look of boyish excitement. “You’re not allowed to complain when I step on your toes.” You placed your hand in his. 
He gave a gentle squeeze to your hand. “If you’re too terrible, I’ll show you the way I taught Mischa. You can stand on my toes as I try to help you commit the movements into muscle memory.”
“Handsome and a comedian.”
“I try my best.” Hannibal gave you a gentle spin as he pulled you closer. A kiss was pressed to your hand before he placed it on his shoulder. “Now, just follow after me,” he instructed, placing his hand on your hip.
The moment could have made you fall for the man as you danced with him throughout the room. Toothy smiles and teasing winks were sent your way the couple of times you stepped on his toe. Soon enough, you figured out the pace and learned how to follow through with his unspoken plans. Still, ever the novice, you managed to place your foot in a way that sent you both stumbling to the floor.
Hannibal held you close to his chest, ensuring you didn’t get hurt in the fall. “Oh my sweet girl,” he laughed, “we are going to need more practice.”
You hid your face against his neck, ignoring the fact that he could feel how hot your face was getting. “You want more of that?”
“You were doing perfect, YN,” he stroked your hair sympathetically, “One misstep isn’t something to be embarrassed about.”
Taking a deep breath, you shifted off of the older man, opting to sit beside him on the floor. Hannibal followed suit, leaning back on his elbows. “I really am going to miss seeing you regularly,” you admitted, reaching out your hand to push back the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. 
“We spend much of our time together,” he acknowledged as he looked at you curiously. “In the kitchen-“
Your eyes widened slightly, “We don’t need to talk about that i-it’s fine. No hard feelings.”
“Romantically or physically?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Do you see me as a romantic or physical conquest?”
“I, um,” you opted to look at your fumbling hands, “I’m honestly not sure about romance… especially considering… everything and my experience when it comes to romance. Never really thought past- I’m talking too much.”
Hannibal’s hand tilted your chin up, forcing you to look him in the eye. “Oh? What happened to the confident girl in the kitchen? Don’t go shy on me now.”
“I was high on your cologne, you can hardly blame me,” you rambled, “It pairs with mine nicely I think.”
His thumb stroked absentmindedly at your jaw. “Such a sweet little thing you are… Now, tell me, YN, what couldn’t you think past?”
“You,” you offered lamely, “Mostly nights when I needed to relax. You’d cross my mind. I’d wonder how you felt. How’d you do things. Maybe you’d like to leave bruises only you’d ever know about…”
“There’s something special in knowing what others don’t,” Hannibal acknowledged, “I do enjoy my lovers wearing my marks, hidden from others view and only acknowledged by myself. As it should be, I’m certain you agree.”
You swallowed thickly at the implication of being marked as his solely. The idea of having normal conversations with him at the college with evidence of him knowing you well burned against your skin. Maybe you’d see if you could convince him into one particular fantasy Friday night had conjured. 
He rested his thumb against your bottom lip, bringing you back to him. “I’ve had thoughts of my own… I wonder… Have you ever wrapped a hand around your own neck?” Hannibal smirked at the way your lips parted in surprise as he felt the heat rise to your face, caught in a way you hadn’t expected. “Sweet girl, were you desperate for me?”
You went to lick your bottom lip out of habit, instead finding the pad of his thumb. “Yes, sir.”
“Darling,” he sighed out softly, almost disappointed, “we could have sorted you out this entire time, if you’d only ask politely. There would have been no need for you to imagine, creative as you might have been. You always put everyone’s needs before yours, but where does that leave you?” Hannibal his thumb pressed against your lips lightly, humming in satisfaction when you let him in, already so compliant. “All you have to do is ask. What would you have me do tonight?” A soft pop sounded in the room as he pulled his thumb back, smearing your spit onto your lips and chin. 
“Just tonight?” The words rolled out of your mouth thoughtlessly. 
A soft laugh. “Maybe more, if you behave.”
Hannibal threaded his hand into your hair, pulling your head back slightly. Leaning closer he took a deep breath, taking you in, before leaving a simple kiss against your neck. His warm breath fanned across your face as he kept you in anticipation. Finally he graced you with a feather light kiss, so quick you weren’t sure you even noticed. You didn’t have time to feel ashamed of the whine that had escaped when he started to move away. Following after him, you caught him in an urgent kiss, threading your own hands in his hair to make sure he’d stay close. Hannibal bit at your bottom lip, his tongue sliding in the second you gasped. You ignored the sting and slight coppery taste. 
Sure you had had your fair share of ventures. It was only natural to crave the attention for the night or a couple hours. However, Hannibal didn’t feel like any of your past partners. His kiss was unrelenting and passionate. Quickly he learned exactly how to kiss you to ensure you’d moan into his mouth. You weren’t sure how long had been spent like this. Lips on lips. Someone’s wandering hand trailing down the other’s body. The growing need. Every movement slowly became bolder. Hannibal took the time to pull you onto his thigh, closing the distance between you even more. He kissed along your neck until he found a spot that made you buck against him. 
“Please,” you sighed out, not really knowing exactly what you wanted, but having faith that he’d give you just what you needed. 
Hannibal leaned his forehead against yours, “Are you sure about this, darling?” 
It wasn’t time for contemplation though, everything was already set into motion. He had just asked out of politeness. His hands moved to your hips, he dragged you against himself in a way that clouded your mind. “You’re very convincing,” you said with a shuddered breath. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you matched his rhythm. At the moment everything in the world was him and you couldn’t find it in you to mind. 
“You came to me,” he pointed out. His hand tugged at your shirt and you allowed him to pull it off. Fingers raised goose bumps along your skin as he followed the fabric of your bra to unclasp the material.  
“Could you blame me?” You kissed the side of his jaw for the second time this night. The lipstick mark left behind wasn’t as embarrassing when you were half undressed on his lap. A blush blossomed in your chest as you watched his darken eyes take you in.
Hannibal kissed along your chest. His hand made its way into your pants, drawing slow circles on your clit. Your soft moan and jut of your hips urged him for more. Before you could ask, he thrusted two fingers inside of you, the pace changing every so often as he took in your reactions. You leaned your head against his shoulder as you grinded against his hand. Soft whimpers were muffled by the fabric of his shirt. 
“Come on sweet girl,” he used his free hand to pull you off of his shoulder by the hair, “you shouldn’t be hiding. Look at me when I’m touching you. Don’t you want to be my good toy?”
You nodded meekly, unable to make a smart comment when you saw a smirk settle on his lips as a too loud moan took its place. 
“That’s it, no one can hear you,” he teased as he worked at the spot harder, his thumb rubbed at your clit. “You seem very close, what if I…”
As he went to move his hand, you grabbed his wrist to stop him. “No, no, no. Please, I’ll be good for you.”
He chuckled, but didn’t say a word as he brought his pace back up. Instead he chose to revel in your soft sounds and the way you had to focus to keep your eyes on him. Finally, he decided keeping you on the edge was enough and allowed you to cum on his fingers. 
“Clean up your mess,” he said as he thrusted his cum coated fingers into your mouth, “There you go, good girl.”
You watched him as you sucked his fingers clean. Bringing a hand down you palmed cock through his pants, fully intending on returning the favor. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”
“I’m afraid that status isn’t going to change anytime soon.” Hannibal kissed your pouted lip. “Don’t worry, I fully intend on taking care of you. Come, let’s make you more comfortable.”
As he stood, Hannibal offered you his hand to help you up. You followed him through the home to his bedroom, a place you didn’t think you’d end up but were more than pleased to see. Still you weren’t exactly taking in the sights when you were pulled into a rougher kiss as he led you toward his bed. A not too gentle push to your chest landed you on top of it. Leaning back on your elbows, you watched as Hannibal took his time undressing you fully. 
“You don’t play fair,” you complained, shifting yourself higher on the bed, away from him, “I like a pretty view too you know.”
He smiled, looking down at you fondly, “Very well, but only as a reward for earlier. I know you struggled.”
You smiled at that, shaking your head, “Come here won’t you?”
There wasn’t any time wasted when he settled on top of you, you didn’t have his patience. Your hands worked on his tie and buttons as his lips and teeth trailed across your chest. A subtle grind against your pussy had your thighs squeeze his waist. Pushing his shirt off, you felt down his chest, still surprised by how muscular he seemed to be underneath it all. You wondered if he’d stop you as you reached for his belt.
“That’s enough. I don’t think you’ve earned it just yet.”
An annoyed huff was all you could manage. 
“All in its time, darling.” A surprisingly gentle kiss was dropped on your cheek. “Can you manage waiting a while longer for me?”
You resisted the urge to nuzzle against him, unused to such soft displays from past partners. “Yes, sir...”
“Always such a sweet, polite thing.” 
Hannibal kissed and bit his way down your body, ensuring there would be evidence of him the next time you saw yourself in the mirror. He allowed you to thread your fingers in his hair, giving him a soft push down when he took too long marking you in one spot. It wasn’t much longer until Hannibal was level with your thighs, he pushed them further apart. A moment passed without anything before you remembered his rule. Willing yourself up you looked down at him, catching a wink before you were rewarded with a broad lick. Hannibal sucked your clit, pressing your hips down when you grinded against him. 
A helpless noise was the most you could do.
He bit your thigh, his fingers immediately making their way back inside of you, targeting the spot he had quickly learned turned you to putty. 
“You really are beautiful like this,” Hannibal acknowledged, “Completely at my mercy. Desperate for anything I’m willing to give you.”
There wasn’t any time to think up something to say as Hannibal’s mouth replaced his fingers, silencing any words that weren’t his breathy attempts of his name and pleas. Teeth grazed against your clit and a soft moan of his own was enough to pull you closer. 
“Please, daddy,” you begged, too far gone to be embarrassed by your slip, “I’m close…”
Hannibal was merciful, helping you finish as quickly as you had asked. Maybe at another time he would have teased and made you hold on longer but there was only so much patience he had. Especially when there was such an eager lover begging him. You watched him, dazed, as he came back up, his hand gripping at your jaw.
Doing as he wanted, you opened your mouth, instantly receiving a mix of the still lingering wine he had drank at dinner and you. He watched as you swallowed.
He let out an almost dreamy sigh. “So pliant.” 
Hannibal kissed you, finally allowing you to get your way as you pushed off the last clothes. You pumped him in your hand, working up the courage as you shook off the daze he had left you in. He was definitely the most talented partner you had had.
“We don’t have to go any further,” Hannibal reassured you, kissing the side of your mouth, “I’m perfectly sedated watching you.”
You shook your head immediately, not wanting him to think you were hesitant. “I want to, college guys aren’t so giving, just needed some time to clear my head.” As if to prove your point you gave him a squeeze, that made him thrust into your hand on instinct. “I just feel bad you’re doing all the work.”
“I prefer it,” he groaned quietly, as you thumbed at the slit. Hannibal rolled so that you could be on top of him, “But if you insist…”
A soft laugh. “That was hardly the fight I was expecting,” you muttered teasingly, kissing his jaw. 
“My patience is running thin.”
At that you straddled him, your hand lining him up with you. His hands held you steady as you sunk onto him. The both of you moaned softly when he was fully inside. Hannibal slowly grinded you against himself as you adjusted to his size. Hands against his chest, you started riding him in earnest. 
“That’s my good girl,” he praised you, his fingernails digging harder into your hips. 
“Yours,” you whimpered, too enthralled in the feel of him to pay any attention to the weight of what you were saying. His groans underneath you encouraged you more than anything. “All yours.”
Hannibal sat up, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you firm against him. His soft kiss was a contrast to how roughly he was working himself into you. You couldn’t find it in you to care that he had taken control again. Instead you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him do as he pleased, just enjoying the way his hands and lips would travel across your body. Teasing, pinching, biting everywhere he could reach.  Your chest alone would be covered in marks left behind by Hannibal. That would be a problem for the future you to deal with at the moment you were too preoccupied with begging him for more. He’d slow his thrust whenever he felt you close to the end, chuckling lowly at the whining sounds you had made.
“Give daddy one more sweet girl. I know you can.”
You moaned loudly, giving Hannibal exactly what he wanted. When he wanted. Drained, you fell limp against his shoulder. Every small sound you made broadcast directly to him as he used you for all your worth. His arms tightened around you when you tried to pull away from the over stimulation. 
“Daddy’s close,” he promised, his accent thicker than usual, “I’ve taken such good care of my girl. Be good for me.”
Nodding, you dug your nails into his shoulders. You could be good. He had been so good to you after all. Still your vision blurred and it had taken a while longer for him to finally go still inside of you. 
Hannibal kissed the side of your head, before pulling you to lay down against him. His thumb wiped away the stray tear that had managed to fall. “You did so well for me. Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
You sighed sleepily, curling into his side more comfortably, “I’m alright. Just want you.”
“We’ll take care of you later,” he promised, seeing how tired you were, “You should rest, darling. I’ll be right here.” His hand rested on your hip, thumbing at forming bruise gently. Between the soft touch and his quiet humming, it didn’t take long for you to find sleep. 
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h4ji · 4 years
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summary: you and kei get into an argument, reassurance is the only way to appease you both
warnings: car sex, oral, creampie and mention of reader having a vagina AND NOT PROOFREAD
requested: yes
wc: 1.8k
a/n: hope you enjoy! sorry if it wasn’t to expectation, was a little harder for me to write 
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the bitter cold is ever so evident as goosebumps arise on your arm. the various gusts of wind biting at your arms and face. the dark and narrow path of the street made you feel lonely, like nothing before. the thin fleece of your clothing doing nothing to provide any warmth while tears well up in your eyes again as you remember the words your beloved tsukki spoke to you. tsukishima’s words replay in your head, surely he didn’t mean it…did he? 
tsukishima knew you feared you’d be too clingy, it was something you wished you could both avoid often, but you wish he’d open up to you, so it wouldn’t feel like being clingy would be the only way you’d get a reaction out of him. fighting was somewhat of a norm now and he never expressed his emotions to you no matter how much you cried and died inside. but you remember his icy stern glare biting at your shivering frame. “can’t you just leave me alone for one goddamn second” he snarks out, his eyes looking at you with pure anger, something that was new. 
your mind was frazzled and couldn’t come up with anything to say. until, “it doesn’t hurt to show some compassion, or any emotion at that other than anger tsukishima,’ you say bluntly. your fists balled up in desperation as you look at him. the shocked expression on his face says it all. would he retort? would he say something feisty back? what would this mean for your relationship?
your previous fights have never gone for this long and the loud silence started to become unbearable. his cold golden brown eyes stare into you, with no interest, and it makes you shiver. “showing emotion and vulnerability isn’t necessary y/n” he pauses, almost as of thinking, “the type of vulnerability you seek from me isn’t going to come, it makes people weak and-” he’s cut off by your loud sobs. “then what does that make me? some weakling because i show emotions? showing emotion doesn’t make you weak-” you ramble on, tsukishima doesn’t listen. it isn’t until you’re finished that he feels like he can breathe. “well, y/n, when your emotions get in the way of things so small like a relationship it becomes a hindrance. your constant need to be in contact with me and for affection is embarrassing”, he snarls out, his brows furrowed in… disgust? anger? frustration? you wouldn’t know. 
he couldn’t have meant the things he said… well if he blurted them out like that, they must have some truth? ironically enough, the sky gradually got darker while you were caught up in your thoughts. the faint prickle of the rain was felt on your skin, “well that’s just great,” you think, it just had to rain. you find refuge under the bus stop waiting area, contemplating whether you should call kei or not. 
little did you know, kei was frantically searching for you. driving around in the pouring rain trying to find you. something in the back of your mind tells you that kei is coming for you and not to leave, so you stay put. you were wondering what kei would say to you first, would he apologize? or would he just ignore the argument? would he make it up to you? your mind was going at 100 mph, you didn’t even notice your boyfriend’s car pull up in front of you. his body moves before his mind can comprehend anything, all he knows is that he needs you in his arms, safe and sound. his slim and long arms wrap around your cold frame. all you can feel is tsukki’s frame shaking against yours, it's almost as if he was….sobbing. was he badly shaken up by what had happened earlier? it didn’t seem like too much of a big deal. the constant shaking of his frame and the tight embrace he has you in, it makes you feel protected, but you also wanted to protect him. you’d never seen him this way, he was always the more emotionally unavailable one, he did have his moments though and this was one of them. 
phrases of “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it” were all you could hear from him. you couldn’t tell if drops of rain were hitting your back or if it was your lover’s tears, nonetheless you were happy to be back with him. 
he pulls you towards the vehicle, opening the door for you and persisting that you sit down. once you do, he shuts the door and jogs to the other side, sitting down in the driver's seat and inching his hand towards yours, which is resting in between you both. 
“i’ll be better, i promise” he starts off, “i’ll work on expressing myself more and-” you shut him up by placing your soft lips on his, tasting the salty tears that had poured down earlier. “We’ll be okay, we’ll work it out…together. “i just need you, right now” you blurt out after your lips are no longer touching. his cheeks flush as the words come out of your mouth, “r-right now? but-” he starts. “you can make it up to me this way, kei” you smile at him and who was he to not comply with your needs. your hand slowly moves its way upward, towards the zipper of his pants. his knuckles turn white because of the tight grip he has on the steering wheel. once his length was freed, the cold air hit it, making tsukki shiver in surprise. it was even more of a surprise when he felt your mouth wrap around him, warmth emitting from the space. 
it was getting hot, too hot. his hand finds its way to your head, resting it on top. and he was getting turned on even more, the fact that you could get caught, the fact that someone could see, that thrill was throwing him over the edge. the warmth of your throat encasing his cock, his tip hits the back of your throat, and that’s just enough to push him over. his cock twitches in your throat before you pull your mouth off. “cum on my face” you state, not demanding but not asking. his hand tugs on his hard cock, while you tongue his slit. “f-fuck, i’m close”, he groans out. 
both of you gasp as his thick and sticky cum hits your face, some of it gracefully landing into your mouth as well. the taste wasn’t too salty on your tongue, but you wouldn’t say it was sweet. out of instinct you swallow the cum that fell into your mouth, and at that lew sight, tsukki swears he could cum again, on the spot.
you sit back against the leather seat of the car, the heat ever so evident. then you feel kei’s cold and slender fingers find their way between your thighs. his fingers prodding and rubbing against your pussy. he finally inserts a digit, it reaches so far back, farther than your own fingers could ever reach. his thumb rubs gentle figure eights onto your clit. you almost forget for a second that you still have his cum stringed on your face, until kei’s free hand wipes at your face and pushes his cum soaked fingers into your mouth. you opt to suck and lap at the cum on his fingers. your moans are drowned out by the soft music that kei opted to play in the car, but all you could focus on was the feeling of his fingers in your mouth and on your clit. 
it doesn’t take long until tsukki finds your sweet spot, the spot that craves attention the more turned on you get. “f-fuck kei right there, right there. oh fuck, i’m gonna cum” you whine out as your legs lock, your hand wrapping around his wrist as you come all over his digits and he smirks as your cum leaks onto the expensive leather seats. “get into the backseat” he says bluntly and you comply, no questions asked. luckily the back wasn’t too cramped because kei also moves to the back, his arms holding your legs apart as his face sits between both of your thighs. “don’t be too loud, hmm” he grins before his tongue laps up at the remnants of your previous orgasm, sweet tasting on his taste buds. your hands weave into his hair, gripping on it as his tongue circles your clit before flicking the sensitive bud of nerves. “ngh, ah fuck, mmm” you whine out at the pleasure, gripping his golden locks even tighter as your thighs attempt to close in with no avail. the feeling of his wet tongue on you proves to be too much, you come all over his mouth and it leaks onto the plush fleece of the seat. 
just when you thought it was over, tsukki flips you over his body flush against yours as he rubs the tip of his cock against your folds. “just one more for me, mmkay? you’re so good for me, so you can handle this last orgasm. i just need you, all of you” he whispers against the skin of your shoulder before placing a small kiss as he inserts himself. the quiet moans and groans emitting from you both fill up the empty space of the hot car. “kei, please move-”, you beg, but your begging is cut off my kei’s thrusts into you. you feel so full, maybe it's the sensitivity to all touch, or maybe its the fact that kei indeed was a bit on the longer side. his cock feels like its hitting the end of your cervix, it stung a little but it felt so good. being filled to the brim by the person you love was an experience in itself.
it didn’t take you long to cum: the aroma around you, the heat, the overstimulation, constant sensitivity,  the sound of skin slapping, the wet kisses kei leaves on your shoulder and the knotting in your stomach tightening was all too much, you’d be pushed over the edge. but you didn’t only cum on his cock, no, that wasn’t enough for tsukki. he needed you to squirt on his cock, he needed to prove and show that you’d never be too much for him and that he’d always love you no matter what. his body is flush against yours as he makes no means to stop thrusting into you. the pleasure turning into slight pain, but good pain. before you even realized it, kei cums into you, which is enough to push you over the edge. as his cum leaks out of you, it's further pushed out by the new orgasm you have, gushing everywhere. 
kei is so satisfied to have you squirt on his cock, but he wasn’t happy that his cum was pushed out. he’d just have to fill you up again. but before he could plunge into you again, he realized it was best to go home, you’d both be more comfortable. “i just need you. As long as we have each other, we’ll be okay” he smiles before redressing in order to drive back to the comfort of your home.
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dabisqueen · 3 years
The Captured Pt.4
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Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi
⇢ rating: 18+
⇢ word count: roughly 4.6K
⇢ plot: Being held hostage at the LOV HQ, you are Shigarakis "Spoils", but can't help falling for Dabi. This makes for a troublesome situation
⇢ warnings: 18+, noncon, rape, mean Shiggy, soft Dabi, blood, cum, creampie, smut, alcohol, force, vaginal sex, oral sex (male receiving), orgasm, threatening of quirk use
personal note: uff, finally the ending. i tried pulling it all together, i hope you like doming shiggy just as much as I did. Enjoy! Awh… and soft fluff dabi <3 <3
Back in Shigaraki's room, he hurled me towards the bed, but I caught myself before falling onto the mattress and faced him. 
“Shigaraki stop, please listen to me!"
“Why should I?” He asked with a sharp throaty chuckle.
“What if I tell you that what you've had with me so far was only like the normal loot in one of  your games. What if I told you, I could show you what it feels like to get the epic one?” 
That got Shigaraki’s attention. He stood still, observing, red orbs glaring at me. 
“If I don't fulfill my promise, you can do whatever you want with me." I swallowed hard, “but if I do, I want you to let Dabi and I be.”
He cocked his head, a slim smirk forming in his face. Still mistrustful and a bit hesitant, he finally nodded, rasping “Ok, this better be interesting”
The room was dipped in dim blue light, the soft hum of the computer filled it as we stood there, unmoving. Between his pale tufts of white hair hanging into his face, I could see his narrow eyes were staring expectantly at me. He was tense, his hands curled into fists. His whole composure was one of an animal in a fight or flight situation.
I slowly stepped towards him, positioning myself directly in front of him, looking up. “Well,” I leaned in, tilting my head so that our lips were close to touching, “let's go get that magic loot then.” I could feel his hot breath on me, this time not as unpleasant as usual. I had gotten used to the damp linen and dust smell constantly engulfing him.
Raising my hands up to his face he flinched back, eyes darting like a deer in headlights. Kind of adorable I thought. As he didn't move, I slowly started running my fingers through his hair, pulling and tugging on it, watching him inhale through tensed lips, breath coming out in short ragged pumps. I tugged harder at his hair and he let out a small raspy whimper. The sound sent a jolt of tingling heat straight through my body and had my core tense up. I moved to cover his mouth with my soft lips and eagerly sucked up his sweet moans. It just took a second before he leaned into my kiss, his lips a bit dry and chapped, but I didnt mind. My tongue slid into his open mouth, finding his, circling it until I heard another raw groan escaping his throat. I pulled back, a string of silvery saliva connecting us as I stared into his already lust blown pupils. Kissing his jaw this time, I leaned in again, moving down to his neck, starting to suck that one special spot he kept picking and scratching so often. That made him throw his head back and let out a deep, gutural rasp of pleasure and I could feel his legs go weak. Releasing my lips with a plop, I marvelled at the dark bruise starting to form and let out a soft giggle. 
As he tilted his head towards me again, I could see a rosy hint spread across his usually pale face. Huh, cute, I thought and couldn't help a smile spreading across my face.
I took him by his wrist and led him on his bed, pushing him down so he rested his back on the sheets. He looked so frustratingly adorable, almost helpless under me. I positioned my legs to each of his sides, noticing he still had his fingers balled into fists. His breath hitched in his throat as I started tangling my fingers into his hair, tugging at those pale locks again. I bent down for another one of his sloppy yet deeply satisfying kisses and he didn't disappoint, instantly mouthing at me. 
Heat started to pool at my center as I ground against his quickly hardening length, sending shudders through his body. I sucked his lower lip, catching it with my teeth, nibbling and pulling on it. My actions had him whimpering and bucking his hips underneath me, and I noticed his enormous bulge straining against the fabric of his sweats.
I pulled back to grab the hem of his shirt but his hand caught mine with lightning reflexes, pinkie raised. He looked panicked, shaded gaze fixed on me, still panting. I tuttet at him, shaking my head "Nuh-uh." He winced but loosened his grab around my wrist and I continued to pull his shirt upwards, revealing the impressive musculature of his torso, littered with scars and marks. He lifted his chest up a bit so I could take the shirt off completely and then I pushed him back onto the bed. As he laid bare chested below me, I noticed the thin trail of pale tuff leading down his belly towards his pants and I couldn't keep myself from sliding my fingers over it, playing with its softness. He winced and drew out a ragged breath, still watching me, eyes dazed and elated. 
With my soft fingertips, I started mapping out every gash and scar that marked his skin, tracing them, feeling every ridge and wrinkle as his chest rose and fell with his tense breath. I bent forward, moved to pepper kisses down his pale neck. I bit him softly, licking over the marks with my tongue before sucking them into bruises. I continued littering his throat down to his chest with those marks as I slowly scooted down between his thighs to get a taste of the rest of him.
Opening the strings holding his sweats up I curled my fingers under their hem, pulling them down. His massive cock bobbed out, already hard and glistening with precum. My cunt started switching in anticipation when I took in the delicious view. Shigaraki helped me pull his pants off entirely and then he laid back in front of me, completely naked.
I lowered my lips and started tugging on his white curls, biting and nipping at it, then moving to the side and peppering his hips with soft lingering kisses and nibbles. I slid my tongue down towards his thigh leaving a wet trail, kissing and biting his skin softly on my way there. Biting harder, sucking bruises, I continued to pebble kisses and little nips everywhere as he kept wincing, eyes half-lidded, his hips stuttering and bucking. My soft cheeks were touching his strained length as I moved to lick all around his sensitive parts, always too close to touching him. I kept repeating it until he was a panting, sobbing mess below me. 
Finally showing some mercy, I wrapped my fingers slowly around his dick and heard him whimper as soon as I made contact. I marveled at the deliciously solid meat in my hand and applied pressure, having him buck into my hand immediately, his voice cracking. He looked absolutely hypnotized by now so I moved and hovered my mouth over his dick and slid my tongue out. The second it touched the slit of his tip he croaked out a desperate grunt, his eyes rolling back in his head. I licked the pre off, savouring the sweet, salty taste and then took his tip in my warm wet mouth, while he kept panting and groaning uncontrollably beneath me. Flicking my tongue over his sensitive tip, I slowly descended, trying to take as much of him in as possible. I hollowed my cheeks and started to move up and down, circling my tongue around its ridge, flicking it over the top and letting it slide across his length. I cherished the heated whimpers and moans that spilled from his mouth as I forced his dick deeper down, almost swallowing him until he hit the back of my throat. My jaw hurt from the stretch but I didn't care, this was just too delicious. 
I started increasing the pace, sucking hard and relentlessly as I noticed myself becoming more soaked by the second, the heat between my thighs now undeniably intense. Suddenly, his movements become erratic and his breathing forced. The way his cock switched in my mouth told me he was bout to cum. I pulled back instantly, releasing him with a plop and quickly squeezed the end of his cock where the head joined the shaft. He let out a painful moan, his teary red eyes shot at me, a mix of pain and fury in them, but I kept a hold on the squeeze until his dick no longer twitched. He let his head fall back, whimpered loudly, the come down had to be miserable. I gave him soft kisses of sympathy as I praised "Want a reward, Shigaraki?"
He nodded frantically and I extended my arm, slowly pressing two fingers to his lips and watched him open his mouth. He swallowed my fingers, sliding them against his wet hot tongue. He closed his lips on instinct, a deep groan leaving him, rumbling through my arm into my body. The empty look in his eyes and the way he sucked on my fingers were priceless. I kept moving my fingers in and out, watching the drool drip down the sides of his mouth and down his cheek. Pulling my fingers out, he whimpered at the loss but that was cut short, when our lips found each other again, his mouth opening, tongue searching for mine. I caught it between my lips and started sucking on it, bopping my head up and down until he helplessly groaned into my mouth.
“Do you wanna be inside me now, baby?" I purred into our kiss.
"Yes- please” a desperate raspy moan left his lips.
I slid my leg over to straddle him, planting my knees on either side of his hips. His eyes were glazed over, lips slightly parted. So adorable! He carefully gripped my plush hips, pinkie raised. My core, wet and warm, hovered just above his pulsating length as I started dragging my slick folds along his red swollen cock. I kept rocking my hips back and forth to feel more of that hot, delicious friction where our bodies met. Gazing up I noticed the priceless look on his face - blushing and shaking, biting his lip to hold himself together. 
As I stopped rutting, his misty eyes slowly met mine. I moved forward, positioning myself over him, my wet folds kissing his tip. Holding his gaze I leaned down, mere inches from his face, fingers laced into his hair as I slowly pushed back onto his dick. The second the tip started disappearing into my hot wet cunt he totally lost it. His whole body started to shudder, cock pulsating eagerly as he buried his hands in the sheets, dusting them in an instant. But neither of us cared.
The stretch in my core was immense, the pressure so intense, it had me wincing as I slid down his length. Even the slightest movement had him moaning, loud and shameless. It took a couple of ruts until he was fully inserted and I paused, letting me get accustomed to the pressure. I rolled my hips and he started whining, digging his fingers into my flesh, as he managed to press out with a trembling voice "Stop, 'mclose." I noticed him twitching violently inside me, so I stopped and waited. It took a few minutes for him to regain control, while I kept stroking his hair, giving him soft tender kisses of praise. When he finally gave me a hint of a nod I rocked a little in response. He groaned and his eyes rolled back, rasping whines mixed with sobs as I slowly started moving. 
“Oh, f- fu-..." Shigaraki was too out of it to finish the sentence.
His hair stuck sweatty to his forehead and his coarse lips were slightly open, glistening wetness in their corners. It made my whole body tingle with pure pleasure, seeing him so thoroughly broken down. His body ached as I came up and dropped back down hard on his length, letting him strike that one special spot inside me with his immense girth and making his face twist in pleasure. The stretch was almost too much, it had me panting soon, his ridge and veins constantly rubbing against that one special spot. The pleasure built in a steady crescendo as I moved faster, feeling my core tense up. 
“Fuck- oh fuck,” he hissed out with strangled moans, as I kept taking him in as deep as I could.
I increased the pace and suddenly he took over, grabbing my hips and fucking into me. My walls clenched around his length with every rut of his hips, my small cries building into loud heated moans. He let out a steady stream of needy whines and swears as he kept pounding his hips into mine. His breathing became hard, each push of his hips had me hurling towards an unknown edge. A white heat flared up inside I had never felt before. It kept increasing with an insane pressure that would soon have me exploding. My fingernails dug sharply into his shoulders, leaving red marks as he gasped at the feeling of it.
Keeping up that relentless pace, the pressure became unbearable, my core suddenly releasing all it's build up tightness in a mind-blinding high. I went rigid and all I could feel was pulsating white heat that left my mind blank. I threw my head back, a loud keen erupting from deep within as it hit me in waves and I spasmed, a clear liquid gushing out of me, splashing against Shigaraki's pelvis, abdomen and my thighs as he continued rutting into me. "Fuck..." he stuttered as I kept coming around him, gummy walls clenching around his length with every rut of his hips. He didn’t hold out long after that, red-faced as he shuddered, a primal groan escaping his throat and he spilled over, his hips sputtering as thick and hot loads of his release coated my insides. It was such a great relief it had him in tears, breathless sobs shaking his chest as he continued riding out his high. 
He sagged back, his garnet eyes glazed over, lust-drunken emptiness in his expression as he was panting, trying to catch his breath. His hands were curled into loose fists and he stared at the ceiling, cracked lips slightly parted. His pale skin had a deep red tint, his hair stuck in sweaty disheveled strands to his face and I couldn't help but grin at how fucked out he looked.
Absolutely spent, I slid off of him, feeling his still half-hard dick sliding out, his sweet release gushing onto him. I collapsed into bed right next to him and we laid there, shoulders touching as I tried to stop my heart from beating out of my chest. The silence between us was not heavy but comforting, mutual.
Shigarakis’s breathing eventually evened out, he was still staring at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes, crimson pupils opium blown.
“That was-” his words slurred in exhaustion.
“Yeah.” I breathed, still struggling to get off my own high.
Neither of us spoke again.
Shigaraki eventually broke the silence, “Did you ever think about joining?” He moved his head to face me, his red eyes glowing intensely in the dark.
“Joining what?” I was kind of dumbfounded. 
“The League, Spoils.” he huffed annoyed, “I think you’d fit in well.” 
I jerked my head towards him, eyes wide with disbelief, “Seriously?!”
“Not gonna repeat myself.” He scoffed.
“Uhm... Yeah, I think that would be really awesome, Shigaraki.” 
“Call me Tomura.” he paused, “I... I could even get a quirk for you.” 
Totally speechless at his offer, I propped myself up, now staring bluntly at him. Silence settled between us as he stared back at the ceiling. 
“So, what about Dabi and me?” I prodded. 
“I might be a fucking menace, but no cheater. A deal is a deal.” he snapped exasperatedly, “you're off the hook.”
“Thank you, Tomura.” I smiled with honest happiness. 
I took in his sight. He still had a rosy hint tinting his usually pale skin, pupils still enlarged. I reached over, running my fingers through his hair, gently tuggin all the sweaty strands out of his face. He let me do it and I was able to get a closer look at him. Under all his scars, the chapped skin, he was really handsome. Fine facial features, slender nose, just the right curve of his lips and cheekbone. Strong yet delicate jawbones. At that moment, something about him had my chest fluttering unexpectedly. I stroked him along his cheek, bent over and kissed him one last time on his lips. Our eyes locked and a soft smile formed on my face as I said “Good night, Tomura.”
I slowly stood up, got dressed and turned towards the door. One last look over my shoulder I saw that Tomura had followed me with his gaze, the dim blue light outlining his undressed silhouette. A smile left my lips, one last moment with him and I left. Closing the door behind me I went to the bar and was greeted by a total mess. 
“What happened?” I clasped my hands in front of my mouth, chairs disheveled, tables topped over. Everyone was gone, except Toga. 
“It’s you!” she squealed with excitement, eyes lighting up at the sight of me. She had apparently waited for me, hopped over and greeted me with a “Missed you, Sis." As I still stared at the mess in front of me she gestured around “Oh, yeah, that. Well, after you left, Dabi went apeshit in here. And then took off.” She waved towards the exit, unnervingly close to my face with her knife, “Noone really cared to clean up after that scene. But I stayed, waiting for you to come back!” she beamed.
After a moment of silence she looked at me, sheepish grin in her face as she wiggled her eyebrows “I think Dabi likes you"
“No shit,” I recoiled, starting to clean up the mess, propping up the chairs and tables. 
Dabi didn't return that night, nor the next morning. Shigaraki couldn't care less, he just went about his usual business, although treating me with utmost respect after our last encounter. I was getting worried about Dabi so I asked Spinner and Kurogiri for their help. I was biting my nails in nervousness and every time Spinner returned through a warp hole and shook his head, my guts wrenched. It wasn't until nightfall, we were sitting at the bar, discussing what other place to look for him next as we heard a loud thump at the main entrance. Our heads flew around, eyes transfixed at the door, as it flung open and Dabi stood there, leaning lazily against the door frame. He let go of it, swaying, head hung down, hiding his beautiful face. He stumbled towards the bar, using the chairs and tables to keep himself from falling over. Spinner whistled amused but I slipped off the stool and rushed toward him just in time to catch him from falling over, huffing under his weight. 
He mumbled something, slurring, his heavy-lidded eyes searching for mine until our gazes met. Time came to a halt as we took each other in. Tears pooled in my eyes as he rested his head against my neck in an apologizing gesture. He reeked of whiskey, smoke, burned flesh and bones. It made me cry out loud even louder. A soft tug on my arm pulled me back to reality and, looking up between tears, I saw Spinner next to me, nudging his head towards the hallway. He wrapped his arm around Dabi and we both dragged him off to his room. 
Dabi slumped onto his bed and I turned around to thank Spinner, but he just shrugged it off and left. Dabi was sprawled out on the sheets, still fully clothed as I managed to get his shoes off. His black coat was not as easy to remove - with a little bit of his help, it finally fell to the floor with a heavy thumb. Dabi laid on his back, breathing heavily, eyes closed. I sat down next to him and started stroking his jet black hair, cupping his face. His eyes opened slightly and he looked at me. His sensual lips parted and he slurred out a “M'sorry...” as he leaned into my touch. I felt a tear run down my face as I leaned in to kiss him. His hand moved up to wipe it off, gently stroking my cheek. "C'mere," he pulled me towards him and I snuggled into him, ignoring the smell of burnt flesh that seeped through his own musky scent. I had been waiting for this the entire time, us, together, no hiding any more. He kept stroking my hair, placing gentle kisses on it as I enjoyed the feel of his skin and staples on my cheek. As we laid there, our heartbeats steadying, becoming one, I knew that this was my place to be. After a while, exhausted but happy, we both drifted into a warm, long overdue sleep. 
I awoke in the morning, Dabi's head nestled into my neck, his breathing regular. Enjoying the silence, I slowly stroked his hair, marveling at how soft it was, despite him almost never combing it. He inhaled with a yawn, stretched in my arms and nuzzled his head into my soft skin, mumbling a good morning into it. I cherished the feeling of his hot breath on me, his warm skin on mine. As he lifted his head to meet me for a kiss, tears welled in my eyes. He looked at me quizzingly, “What's up, doll face?“ propping himself up on his elbow. "You scared me,'' I whispered, lashes thick with tears, " I thought I'd never see you again." 
He chuckled lowly, kissing my chin, “Naa, won't get rid of me that easily." His hand moved up to wipe away the tears, cupping my face and stroking my skin with his thumb. We staid like this until I had calmed down, getting lost in each other's eyes. Eventually, he nuzzled back into my neck, inhaling my scent and kissing my pulse. "But-" his words soft and apologetic, “Should've stepped up for you much earlier. I was a shitty jerk." I shushed him, playing with his hair between my fingers. "It's ok. It will be better from now on. Tomura-" Dabi raised his head in surprise, "will leave us alone. I am not his Spoils anymore"
"How'd ya do that?" Honest surprise in his voice as he propped himself up again, his cerulean eyes staring into mine. 
"Secret-" I winked and he scoffed exaggeratedly, leaning forward to meet me in a deep kiss. “I'll find out sooner or later…" he whispered into the kiss. As our interactions were getting more heated, his hands moving towards my breasts, I pushed him back. 
"Let's go take a shower - this time you reek," I laughed softly and he smirked at me "Ok doll, but ya coming with." 
We got up and Dabi slid his fingers between mine and gave me one of his crooked smiles. It made my heart skip a beat and I couldn't suppress a wide grin in my face as we made our way towards the bathroom. We sensually undressed each other, hands roaming along each other's body, lips tugging, tongues groving. We barely made it underneath the shower, Dabi flipping on the water as he put his hands around my thighs and lifted me up with one strong jerk and manhandled me against the wall. As the water kept pouring over us like hot rain, our kisses intensified, tongues playing, lips nipping, mouths sucking, drinking in each other's moans. Our bodies were pressed against each other, fitting together like two parts of a whole, finally complete. The longing was so intense, we skipped the foreplay and he sheathed right into me, groaning loudly as I sank onto his length. He was rough, his grunts and hoarse growls made me shiver. Both pain and pleasure hit me at once as his thickness spread me open. The throb of his cock every time he bottomed out inside me was more than enough to have me see stars. He kept hitting that sensitive spot over and over again until my body was trembling in his arms. He stared up at me, deep insatiable hunger in his eyes, filled with fire, longing and passion. I felt myself hurl towards an orgasm at lightning speed with the pace he kept up. 
I moaned into his passionate kiss m’gonna cum and he groaned in response, burying his face into the crook of my neck. As I felt the tension reach its peak I let out a loud whail, closing my eyes as my walls clamped around him, wave after wave of pleasure rolling through me, having my mind fog over. Dabi's groans muffled by my skin as he sheathed balls deep into me one final time, shooting his sticky white load deep inside me. The water kept washing over us as we both panted, coming down from our high. Our lips met, kissing longingly as we whispered sweet words of affection into each other's mouths, endless strings of love you and mine and need you.
After we left the shower, dried ourselves and got dressed, he sat in his recliner, legs spread and palms resting on his crotch. He cocked his head, eyes half-lidded, a smug grin on his face. 
"So, babydoll, what'd ya do to have Shigaraki give up his Spoils?"
I smiled seductively as I stepped up to him, cupping his face in my hands, lips so close I could feel his breath on mine. I looked into his smoldering turquoise eyes, his smug grin still on his face as I lowered my lips to his ear and breathed out “I fucked that Sub senseless... “ 
I straightened up and saw that his grin was replaced by a blunt stare, eyes wide with disbelief. I strolled towards the door, glancing back at him over my shoulder. "Coming with me or just gonna sit there and keep on gawking…"
His perplexed expression changed into a wide smirk as he jumped up and sauntered over to me, hands in his pockets. He flung one arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards him, humming approvingly “Damn, babygirl, need to show me what you did to him. “ 
"Oh- tonight, tonight I will" I cood, tangling my fingers into his hair, bringing him in for another kiss as he chuckled, sliding his arms around my waist and pressing me to his body.
Thanks for reading!
@scruffymctee @sage-malf0y @undefined–person
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toorusproblems · 3 years
If your still taking requests can I request a death note oneshot nsfw were it’s after Light’s fathers death and the reader doesn’t like Light in fact hates Him but starts to feel sorry for him and later that day decides to visit his apartment to help him deal with his grief and ask if there is anything she can do to help him and light subtly implies that she can help him by sleeping with him and the reader is tempted to but doesn’t want to because she remembers she dislikes him and he has a girlfriend but light eventually persuades her into it ?
Just this once?
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pairing: light yagami x f!reader
wc: 1.4k
cw: infidelity (light cheats on misa), dubcon, coercion, reader is L’s little sister, not proofread (lmk if i missed anything!!!)
hi!! sorry this took forever, i took a lil break from writing. i tried my best to stick to the request but idk how well i did lmao but even so, i hope you like it!!!
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Your dead-set focus is suddenly ripped from you as the familiar noise of the task force headquarters’ door creaking open pulls your eyes away from the bright computer screen. To your displeasure, the new presence in the room is none other than Light Yagami.
“Oh, Light! I thought we agreed you didn’t have to come in today?” An uncharacteristically soft-spoken Matsuda greets.
“Yeah, but I guess my father’s passing only fueled me to get to the bottom of this even more.” Light states.
Being L’s sister, you’ve inherited the black-haired boy’s suspicion of Light. After all, you were the only person in the world that L trusted with his entire heart and soul. Those countless times you’ve stayed up together throwing theories about the Kira case back and forth, only for you and the night itself to hear.
Though your brother was undeniably a bit smarter than you, you weren’t stupid either. With everything L had theorized about Light’s true identity, it’s hard for you to write off L’s death as a coincidence. The timelines just seemed to line up too perfectly.
Everything on top of the fact that because of your investigation work on the Kira case you were barely even given time to mourn the loss of your precious older brother, a heavy dislike of the brown-haired man festered in you.
Even so, you can’t help but feel sympathetic towards him today. After all, it’s true that you know what it feels like to lose a close family member too.
“Hey, Light,” his name feels sour on your tongue, “if you want I can take the heavy lifting today, don’t stress, alright?”
His eyes meet yours, and you take note that they look even more dead than usual.
“It’s okay, Y/N, no need to worry.”
No need to worry.
Well, you did worry. All day in fact.
You hate yourself for feeling so empathetic towards the man who you suspect of being behind the killing of your very own brother.
But here you are now, about to knock on Light’s apartment door with a small bouquet of tulips in your left hand. Nothing special, you told yourself, just something to show that you care at least a little.
As you raise your right knuckles to the wooden surface, the door suddenly swings inward.
“Oh hello, Y/N. Pretty flowers you’ve got there.” Light points at the objects in your grip.
That’s it. That’s another thing that you hate about him. How he always seems to be one step ahead of you in even the smallest things. How it feels like he always knows what you’re thinking. It’s almost like he’s watching you sometimes, for fuck’s sake!
“These are for you, actually.”
“Really?” he fakes a smug expression, making you cringe, “Thank you so much!”
“It’s nothing. Feel better soon.”
You turn to leave, but Light’s hand catches your shoulder.
“Wait. Before you leave, can you come in for a second?”
“Oh uh… sure? Why?”
You receive no response as Light silently motions you onto his couch. A nervous pit grows in the bottom of your stomach.
“So uh… what do you need me for?” You ask apprehensively.
“Just want to talk. It feels like forever since we’ve actually sat down together and had a conversation, you know?”
You let out a sigh of relief you didn’t know you were keeping in. “Yeah, it has been a while.”
Yet another awkward silence passes. The sheer quietness seems very strange to you for a moment until it hits you.
“Hey, where’s Misa? Is she out at a shoot or something?”
“So observant.” Light chuckles, and with the tone he puts on, you’re not sure if he’s being sarcastic or not, “Yes, she’s filming a commercial for Miho Skincare. Or at least that’s what she told me before she ran out the door.”
“Oh, I see.” You bite your lip, unsure of how to continue the conversation, “Do you want me to put the flowers in a vase for you?” You ask, picking up the tulips from the coffee table.
Light moves his hand to your thigh in a smooth motion, catching you very off guard so that you nearly drop the bouquet. You hate the fact that blood rushes to your cheeks.
“No need. But there is something else I want from you, if I’m going to be blunt.” His eyes pierce directly through you. You feel naked under his gaze.
Fuck, as many negative feelings you harbour for the man in front of you, you can’t deny he’s attractive in all sense of the word. You know what he’s asking for. It’s plainly clear even just from the lust blooming in his irises.
And it’s then when you realize how touch-starved you are. You’ve been using every available hour of your life on the Kira case, of course you hadn’t had time for any kind of relationship.
So you don’t stop him from inching closer. One of his hands sliding towards the inside of your thigh while the other pushes a piece of your hair from your face. His captivating eyes flutter shut and you’re about to give into his touch when you remember the girl you had been talking about just a moment earlier.
“Wait. Misa.” You whisper simply.
“She won’t be home for hours. And you want to make me feel better, do you not? I’m just asking for one more thing in addition to those flowers you gave me, hm?” He borderline growls into your ear. You would be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on a little.
Without waiting for an answer, Light crashes his lips onto yours. The kiss is hungry, like he wants to waste no time with you. Admittedly, you still feel a little uneasy about all of this, Misa’s face—sweet as candy—beaming at you in your mind as her boyfriend sucks on your tongue.
You feel around each other’s bodies, unbuttoning anything you feel to rid yourselves of your clothing. It all goes so fast, and before you know it, you’re both in your undergarments. Light’s got you lying beneath him with your knees pressed to your chest. He reaches to pull your grey cotton panties to the side.
Suddenly, the peppy blonde girl inside your head once again appears, and you realize what you’re doing.
“Hang on, Light. I’m not too sure about this anymore…” You weakly tell him, pushing his hands away from your most sensitive area.
“Hm? But you promised you’d help me feel better.” Light throws uncharacteristic puppy eyes your way. He points to the wet patch that had formed on the centre of your panties, “And look, you want it too, right? Just this once? Please?”
It’s true, you had come here to make him happier. So why should you go back on it now? You criticize yourself, wondering how you could ever be so inconsiderate—to a coworker who just lost his father, too!
So you nod your head in coerced approval towards the man on top of you, who then in turn wasted no time pulling his cock out from his boxers.
Without warning, or any prep whatsoever, Light pushes the head of his cock into your cunt. The stretch burns, and you’re left wondering if it’s just because you haven’t gotten laid in quite a while, or if his cock is just that fat.
“Light!” You whine in slight protest, “You’re too big… hurts…”
He only hums in response, pushing himself further into you, “Sorry, little one, this cunt is just so tight, I can’t help myself. Fuck-“
Light starts a rhythm, watching his cock sink in into you over and over again. He notes how each time he pulls out, a sheen of both your slick, and even some blood coats it. Must’ve just been too big for your little cunny, he guesses.
The pain of the stretch slowly turns into pleasure and you relax into Light’s touch. You throw your hands into his surprisingly soft brunette locks as he pounds into your sweet spot.
You wonder if L is watching you right now. He must be so disappointed in his little sister, moaning and creaming so sweetly for the very same man he thought he had taught you to be wary of, the man who made the world a living hell.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Change of Heart ( Taehyung ) ( Complete.
Chapter 1   Chapter 2    Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5   Chapter 6  Chapter 7   Chapter 8    Chapter 9
Summary : Times are changing. After years of being oppressed, werewolves are taking a stand against humans , demanding equal rights and fair treatment. Heading the movement is Kim Taehyung, the breathtaking heir to the Kim fortune and one of the few remaining Alpha werewolves in the country. His disdain for the human race is well known and well warranted. They killed his family after all….. He wants to change the world , to put humans in their place but when his five year old daughter takes a shine to their very human neighbor , maybe he has to start with a change of heart , first.
: Pairing : Taehyung x OC / Werewolf AU!!
Genre : Romance, Explicit Content
Chapter 10
“Baby....you up?” Taehyung sleep heavy voice against my ear made me stir, blinking groggily as I tried to make sense of where I was. The window was still dark and I groaned. 
“What time is it?” I whispered and I felt the press of his lips against my shoulder, gentle and wet. 
“It’s a little past five in the morning.”
I whined in disbelief.
“Why would you wake me up so early?” 
I could barely see him in the darkness and I felt my breath catch when he moved to straddle my hips, hovering over me before grabbing the back of my thighs, spreading my legs apart and leaning down till the head of his cock pressed right up against my entrance. I felt myself clenching in anticipation and my body thrummed with the need to be filled, although I was still so sore from last night. 
“I’m sorry.... I need to head out but i wanted to...” Taehyung whispered, and I moaned when he kissed me  lightly, groaning when he slid right in, cleaving a way inside me, my walls pulsing around the hard length of. I flinched, the dull ache of it making me whimper a little and it took some effort to ground myself, to relax and not seize up against the intrusion. I could feel my heartrate speeding up, the last vestiges of sleep fading into the air. 
Taehyung, pressed gentle fingers to my waist, stroking my skin before running them up my torso, soft little touches to my ribs and up to my breasts, cupping the warm weight of them before rubbing his thumb over the tip till my nipples hardened. 
“So pretty...like this...” He whispered, pulling out and pushing back in and the movement jarred my insides , drawing a pout onto my lips. 
“you’re too big..” I complained and he responded by moving his hands to my knees, gripping the back of them and drawing them up and apart till I choked, spreading me so wide that my thighs screamed in protest, and he laughed at the look on my face .
“We should join a yoga class or something. Your flexibility is atrocious.” He commented mildly and I gasped, affronted. 
“What on earth-” He cut me off with a kiss, before grabbing my ankle and throwing my leg over his shoulder and pressing in closer, his cock sliding in even deeper. I choked out, laughing in sheer disbelief because I wasn’t made to bend like that. Nobody was. I was sure of it. 
“You’ll get used to it...” Taehyung laughed, “ Get used to me... Get used to my kisses and of course get used to my fat cock in you every damn night. ” he growled and the filthy words made me clench down on him, so hard that i almost cramped up. 
He kissed me slowly and I wrapped one arm around his neck, trying to breathe through the stretch of him fucking into me, each push and pull abrasive but amazing. . 
I stared at his beautiful face, trying to drink in the features, and I felt myself fall deeper, the look of affection in his gaze somehow so much more arousing than the things he was doing to me. And i realized how badly I wanted this...This and him for the rest of my life. 
And in the wake of it came the reminder that +my father was out there. 
A powerful man. 
A dangerous man who wanted Taehyung gone.
“Are you going to be in danger?” I whispered, pressing my palm against his face and he chuckled. He lightly grabbed my wrist and pressed a kiss to my palm before bringing my hand down to his shoulder and kissing me gently. 
“I always am.” He reminded me , lips brushing mine . It was far from reassuring and I gripped his shoulders harder, trying not to let the anxiety take over. 
“But you’ll be safe, right?” I demanded, willing him to look me in the eye and Taehyung gave me a soft smile.
“Would you miss me terribly if I was gone?” He grinned and I felt my entire body go ice cold at the very prospect of it , my lips parting and my mouth going sandpaper dry.  Taehyung’s smile faded at once, his arms tightening around me. 
“Hey...hey... I was just joking...baby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have joked about that. Rae, I’m going to be fine... Look at me. ” He whispered urgently and I curled my fingers into his shoulders, trying to breathe. 
“Hey...Come on, Rae.. Don’t look so scared. ..” He pressed kisses to my cheeks and I swallowed.
“Don’t underestimate my father. Tae....“ I said hoarsely.” He has so much more to lose than you do. He’s desperate and I don’t want you to be blindsided by anything. “ I whispered. 
He nodded.
“i know. i won’t. Now come on, let me make you feel good, yeah?” He kissed me again and I hugged him. He picked up the pace, thrusting into me faster and I closed my eyes, gripping his waist and hanging on as he sent my senses into overdrive. 
My mind was still too worried to experience any sort of overwhelming pleasure but I liked this. 
Liked having him like this, over me, inside me and wrapped all around me,. 
It meant he was safe. At least for this moment, he was here and he was safe. 
I felt the moment his orgasm hit him, warm wetness spilling into me and I closed my eyes at the sensation, blushing for some reason.
This time i felt him swelling inside me again and I froze, panic starting before I could stop it and he hugged me closer, lips pressing soothing kisses as he stroked my skin, gently soothing. 
“it’s okay baby... You’re mine... You were made for me. it won’t hurt... I promise.” He whispered, holding me closer, and I swallowed, bracing myself . 
“Oh, God, Taehyung... “ I whispered, burying my face into his shoulder as he pressed in a little deeper and he was right. It didn’t hurt, it felt overwhelming, like it was too much and like I was going to absolutely explode but it didn’t hurt. ....
Taehyung trembled a little, as he tried not to move, his knot lodging itself deep inside me, so deep that the smallest movement sent pin pricks of sensation all over my body. It didn’t even feel weird or animalistic anymore I thought , awed. it felt normal. Felt like us. Him and I locked together. Felt natural.  Or maybe the early morning grogginess was making me mellow. Maybe once i had my head on straight, I’d be more terrified. 
He groaned into my shoulders, body going lax on top of me and I choked a little because he was heavy, but there was a dull throbbing pleasure in it, the weight of him grounding me. 
I stared up at the ceiling, stroking the back of his head as he shuddered a little inside me. 
Time seemed endless as he stayed inside me and I felt my eyelids growing heavy, even as I heard his breathing even out.
Wasn’t he supposed to leave? 
But I couldn’t bring myself to wake him up. 
For a few more minutes, I stayed still, watching the windows grow lighter and as the first rays of the morning sun began spilling into the room, I felt sleep take over. 
“I won’t be going in at all. The Narcotic department is going to handle the whole thing. You know Namjoon and Seokjin right? They’re the one who’re going to be there and they’re going to make sure things go smoot. I’m going to be safe ...in the comfort of my luxurious office .... “ Taehyung’s voice  sounded completely steady and firm through the phone and i willed myself to trust him. 
Luna sat in my lap, happily sketching on a drawing pad as we sat cross legged in front of the huge French Windows in Jungkook’s apartment. Jungkook himself was in the kitchen, whipping up some milkshakes for us. 
I sighed deeply.
“ Can we come over today then? It ends today right?” I asked urgently. I buried my nose in Luna’s hair and the sweet scent of green apple and strawberries made me melt. She turned around to flash me a wide grin, eyes dancing with happiness. 
Taehyung didn’t respond for a few seconds. When he did, his voice was low and soothing. 
“I’m not sure Rae. These men, they aren’t the kind of people I can take lightly. There are going to be repercussions and I don’t want anything to happen to you or Luna. You’re safe there. Jungkook’s going to stay with you till I come get you and I’ve hired enough men to keep watch. I just need to hang around long enough to make sure we end this cleanly. “
“Okay. I love-”
“Don’t.” He said softly. 
I blinked.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s the first time I’m hearing you say that. I’d rather hear it in person.” Taehyung said softly. 
I laughed.
“You’re such a sap.”
“Only for you. Now, what is my feral daughter upto?” 
“Luna, Dada wants to talk to you...” I handed the phone over to her and she squealed.
“Hi Daddy....” She said cutely. “ When are you coming home daddy?” 
I couldn’t hear his side of the conversation but the pout on her face told me that she wasn’t pleased.
“But that’s soooo long....”
“I was drawing . RaeRae showed me how to draw a wolf. It looks angry like daddy.”
“No daddy, I’m being a good girl. I ate a bowl of rice and veggies too.” 
“I don’t miss daddy because RaeRae’s here.” 
And then she giggled.
“Of course not daddy...you’re both number one.” 
A sound at the door made me look up and Jungkook held the door in place with his leg, flipping the doorjamb down before carefully carrying the tray of milkshakes in. 
I gently maneuvered Luna off my lap before moving to help him. 
“Smells delicious, Mr. Jeon.” I grinned, taking a sip of the chocolate concoction. “Ooh..that's really good.”
“Its a premade mix I added water to.” Jungkook grinned. I laughed. 
“ Still a great cook !” I turned to watch Luna who was now flat on her back on the rug and going on about how Jungkook had let her borrow his sketching tab. 
“She’s adorable.” He commented with a smile and I hummed.
“When are you heading back to the preserve?” I asked gently and he shrugged.
“Not for a while. Taehyung told me they’re not yet sure how far this whole drug thing has spread. There’s going to be a lot of arrests and protests in the next few weeks. Messing with a wolf’s ability to scent his mate...that’s terrible stuff, Rae. Wolves are gonna be fucking furious. There’s going to be a huge fall out over this and we can only hope it wouldn’t be too violent.” 
I swallowed.
“Do you think I could get my job back, at the preserve?”
Jungkook looked surprised.
“You’re not gonna be with Tae?”
I turned to stare at Luna.
“Of course I’ll be with Tae but.. i love my job. I made a difference there. I’m not going to make a good trophy wife. I want to be able to help people in someway, not just hang around in the backdrop.” I said desperately.
Jungkook looked worried. 
“I’m not sure if Tae will agree to that Rae. You know how he gets about his job. As his wife you’ll have plenty of stuff to do as it is..,....”
“I’m not his wife...” I muttered under my breath, although it was kind of a useless statement.
“ Umm...you know he’s going to ask you to marry him as soon as possible? You’re already wearing his mark. in fact , in our world you’re already married as far as we’re concerned,” Jungkook pointed at my neck and I rubbed the small scar on my shoulder where he’d bitten me. 
“I can still do the things I want to do right? Taehyung isn’t going to lock me up , is he?” I laughed.
Jungkook tilted his head, watching me carefully.
“You don’t know him very well, do you Rae?” He said quietly. 
My heart flipped over in my ribcage at the words and the tone with which he said it. 
“What-What do you mean?:” I asked , nervous. 
Jungkook opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by Luna’s laugh. 
“RaeRae!!! Daddy wants to talk to you!!” Luna came bounding over with the phone held out and I took it from her.
“I’m going to head in now. We’re going to be coordinating with Seoul PD and they’ll send the guys in around 2 hours. You’re going to  okay right? I’ll call you when it’s over?” 
“Okay, Tae. Stay safe.” I whispered.
“I’ll be just fine. Don’t worry about me. Love you. Both of you. ”
Jungkook and i sat on the couch, eyes glued on the TV as the news played out watching the entire country erupt in chaos. 
“Fire broke out today on a popular resort in Jeju Do, owned by  Hotelier Cha Eun Woo..... Interestingly, the resort had been closed for the weekend with minimal staff and only a few VVIP customers . So far there have been reports of nine casualties, all of them guests including billionaire philanthropist Yoon Jae hyun....”
I felt the breath shudder out of me, equal parts relief and disbelief. Taehyung had closed the whole thing down with minimum fanfare and with no one any the wiser. I knew that the eight men were the major distributors in the entirety of Korea, and that with them gone, it would only be a matter of time before the entire racket collapsed. 
“These guys are good.” Jungkook commented mildly and I stared at the screen, fascinated... The whole thing was being written off as an unfortunate tragedy, a gas leak or something.  
A small crowd of people in uniforms stood huddled in a corner and I squinted, grinning when I caught sight of Kim Seokjin’s golden blonde head and Kim Namjoon’s tall figure, dressed like waiters. .
I felt my lips quirk at that. 
The phone rang just then and I exhaled, “ Taehyung...”
“Did I do good?” He whispered. 
I laughed. 
“ I think I know now, why you’re an amazing politician Kim Taehyung ssi. “ I said softly. 
Taehyung chuckled.
“Real life isn’t like the movies baby.... I suppose you were looking forward to some good old fashioned action sequences and a lot of alpha posturing?” He teased. 
I smiled.
“I’m just glad you’re safe. “ I whispered. 
“I’m sending a limo to Jungkook’s place. You should  come over to my condo.  I have a present for you. Will you come? ” He said gently. 
Curiosity piqued, “ Of course. I’ll be there. What is it?”
Taehyung laughed softly, his voice deep. 
“I think you’ll like it.”
I stared at Jungkook, who could probably hear the conversation.
He had a very odd expression on his face. Part resignation and Part worry. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.. I’m just thinking that I’m lucky...”
“That I didn’t think about pursuing you. “ 
I laughed. 
“What do you mean?”
“I’m just saying. i wouldn’t want to be on Kim Taehyung’s hit list.” 
I rolled my eyes. 
“Don’t be dramatic.” 
“I’m not. Be careful Rae. He’s a very dangerous man.” Jungkook said quietly, picking up the smaller glass of strawberry milk and lifting Luna up into his arms. i watched him laugh and carry her to the balcony. 
And i wondered what that was about. 
“So , what’s the present?” I asked impishly , wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. He hugged me close, reciprocating with fervor and I moaned into his mouth. I could kiss him forever.
“Patience , little one. It’s on the way. First , tell me is your brother alright? I’ve been trying to reach him but i can’t.” He sounded worried and i felt warmth bloom in my chest.
“Yuggie’s fine. He left his phone somewhere ...i spoke to him on the way here. He’s upset of course but for now, he’s not going to come anywhere near the family business. My father handed things over to his nephew a few years ago is what I heard. Yuggie’s heading back to the States after the funeral.”
“What’s his name? This nephew...do you know? ” Taehyung asked thoughtfully.
“Kim Ji Hoo. He owns a bunch of casinos across the country. When I was in college i once heard him talk about getting girls from somewhere to my dad. I don’t remember where .... ” I said apologetically. 
“That’s fine angel. Thank you for telling me... I’ll keep an eye on him.” Taehyung said with a smile. 
“So this is it? The drug racket is down??” I asked nervously and he sighed.
“Hardly. We don’t know a lot of things but the Narcs caught a lot of evidence today from these idiots and their laptops and phones. Seokjin and Namjoon are going to head the investigation. We’ll probably not reveal anything to the public until we know the true extent of the operations.”
“Which would be once you get to the local dealers.”
“Yes.... but that is out of my jurisdiction so I’m going to respectfully step away and let them do their job.” He smiled. 
“And the whole sex trade thing in Eun Woo’s hotel..What about that?”
“We rescued the girls earlier. There were seventeen of them, three of them underage.” His voice shook a little. 
“He’s a monster. I’m glad he’s dead.” I whispered. 
A knock on the door made us pull away from each other. 
“Speaking off, your present’s here...” He smiled. 
Grinning , i turned to the door.
And then the smile froze on my face when I saw who it was. 
Seokjin stood framed in the door way, dragging another man in front of him. I couldn’t see who it was because of the black bag over his head. 
“Special delivery for Alpha Kim.” He grinned, shoving the man forward till he crashed to his knees in front of me. Seokjin pulled the bag off . 
“Taehyung.” I froze in disbelief, staring at the familiar man in front of me , on his knees , bloodied and battered, wrists caught in handcuffs and face swollen and gagged..
Cha Eun Woo was almost unrecognizable. 
Taehyung stepped right up behind me wrapping both hands around me in a warm back hug, chin resting on my shoulder as he peered down at the beta wolf. 
“Do you like your present?” He whispered, kissing my neck gently. 
“Taehyung, what is this?” I said , my fingers shaking a little, my skin icy cold because of how cruel Taehyung looked and sounded, talking down to Cha Eun Woo. 
“I thought you’d enjoy a little action, angel... Life get’s boring sometimes if I don’t indulge my wolf once in a while, don’t you think, baby?” 
 “Tae, no.” i said desperately. “ Let him go. please don’t...”
Taehyung hummed. 
“Are you sure baby? You don’t wanna see how us wolves solve things?” 
I shook my head frantically. 
“No.. No I don’t wanna see you kill another man.” I laughed, voice just a little hysterical because why did this even have to be said. When Taehyung said present I was thinking a bottle of champagne and some roses.... not the prospect of cold blooded murder..... . “ Please.,.just... Don’t.” 
Taehyung pulled away from me and moved forward. I stumbled back and away, watching as he reached Eun Woo, hand reaching out to hold the man by his hair, the veins in his hand pulsing from how tight his grip was. 
Eun Woo whimpered, moaning out slurred syllables that were impossible to understand because of the gag in his mouth. 
“Are you sure angel? “ Taehyung pouted, holding one hand out.. I flinched when his claws popped out , three inches long and sharp as razors. 
My throat went dry as he grabbed Eun Woo by the shoulder, claws digging straight in with so much force that blood spurted out .
I whirled around, looking away , pressing my hands to my eyes, a scream forming at the back of my throat threatening to spill out.
Taehyung groaned in disappointment. 
“Fine. I won’t kill him.” He said boredly. “ Seokjin...” 
I turned back around , staring at him. Taehyung looked as he always did , a soft smile playing around his lips, eyes kind and warm ,  his voice even tempered and gentle. 
But the unconscious man at his feet, the pool of blood spreading out over the carpet , the mangled shoulder..... they didn’t fit into the picture. 
And suddenly, I understood just why everyone was afraid of him. 
Seokjin appeared at the door. He glanced at Eun Woo and wrinkled his nose.
“Did the bitch pass out again? i swear to God, my grandmother has a higher tolerance for pain than this fucker...” He glanced at Taehyung.
“Tie things up yeah?” Taehyung said evenly and Seokjin nodded, dragging the prone body away. 
“You look terrified.” Taehyung smiled, moving to the mahogany sideboard and grabbing a bottle of water. i watched as he casually washed his hands , getting rid of the blood. 
“You... Would you have killed him? If I didn’t ask you to stop?”
Taehyung stopped scrubbing under his nails, giving me a look.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you.. do you do this often? Kill people?” I said shrilly. 
Taehyung laughed. 
“You were plenty happy when I killed your father.” He pointed out. 
I swallowed. 
“That’s...That’s different.. He’s... He deserved it...” 
“And Eun Woo doesn’t? Come on , Rae...what he was doing with those girls was filthy.” 
“Yes.. yes but...” i was so confused, my brain refusing to come to terms with the fact that Taehyung, the man i loved, actually killed people. Personally. 
“Anyway... you told me to stop and i stopped. Didn’t kill him, right?” He smiled. 
I nodded. 
“Thank you for letting him live.” I whispered , turning away . I could feel a head ache come on. .
“Oh, i didn’t let him live.... He’s still going to die.” Taehyung said casually. 
I whirled around , gaze clashing with his as my lips parted in surprise. 
“You.. You said you weren’t going to kill him...” I said hoarsely. 
Taehyung blinked at me, looking confused. He grabbed a pure white towel, wiping his wet hands carefully. 
“Yes, I said  I  wouldn’t kill him. Seokjin will.” He said casually. 
My entire body went cold at that, sweat gathering on my hairline because of how scared I suddenly was. 
“Taehyung ...this isn’t... this scares me.” I whispered, taking a step back. 
He laughed at that, moving closer and reaching for me.
“Come now, angel. You know i have to right? Men like Eun Woo don’t change... He’ll find something more vile and awful to do , probably even try to get back at me by trying to hurt you or Luna... i can’t have that can I?”
“So you just...you kill people who get in your way?” I felt like I had been dipped in a vat full of cold water. Taehyung drew me into his arms, hugging me close.
“Only when I am protecting something i value.” He said softly. “ I can’t afford loose ends, Rae. They get tangled together and trip me up. As my wife, i expect you to trust me. Trust that i won’t do anything without reason.” 
“I’m not your wife.” I said dully, feeling just a little overwhelmed.
“Semantics.” He brushed my words off easily, pulling back to rub his fingers across my cheeks.
“I’m being sworn in officially, tomorrow. I want you by my side on the podium. You and our daughter. I know its going to be new to you... My world. But I think you’ll like it. I’m the king there and I want you to be my queen. ” He kissed me gently. 
I stared at him, this man who i loved because of the side of him I had seen so far. The kind, considerate father, the passionate leader and the tenderly sweet lover. 
But then i remembered the cold cruelty with which he had dug his claws into Eun Woo, who was after all a childhood friend of his. Was this the other side of Kim Taehyung’s perfection? Was he also a ruthless , heartless man who would do anything to protect his interests , destroy anyone who got in his way?  
I pulled back an away . 
“Taehyung are we rushing into this? I... do you think we should slow down? Maybe date a little and-”
He didn’t reply, his face unreadable. 
“And where do you intend to live?” He said quietly. “ You don’t have a job.”
“The preserve....”
“....no longer hires humans. The law came through last week.” 
It was like a knife slashed right through my insides. 
“What?” i whispered, confused. 
Taehyung inhaled sharply. 
“We talked about this? There are a lot of qualified weres who don’t have a job, who cannot find work here in the mainland.”
“And what about me? The preserve is the only place where there’s a laboratory studying werewolf microbiology which is kind of what I’ve majored in. I can’t work anywhere else .” I said softly.
Taehyung sighed.
“Baby, hear me out... As my wife, you’ll be heading charities, working with the most intelligent people in the country , running organizations that directly help improve quality of life for underprivileged weres everywhere. It is so much bigger than anything you could accomplish in that tiny laboratory in the island. “
“So, I just move in with you right away?” I asked quietly, already knowing the answer. 
Taehyung gave me that same, maddeningly rational look. 
“The customs department is going to go through your father’s assets... Everything he owned is going to come under scrutiny and I’m sure his wealth is going to dwindle to nothing once they’re through with him. As it is, I know he wrote you out of his will. If you’re going to insist on working some minimum wage job , living in a dilapidated apartment somewhere just because you think, we’re going too fast...” He smiled, “ I’m going to have to put my foot down.” 
And in a moment of startling clarity I just knew exactly what he’d done. 
“You planned this didn’t you? “ I blinked at him. “ It’s surreal, all these pieces falling into place so perfectly..... You knew I would want to  go back to my job in the preserve . That i would never agree to marry you so quickly. Why else would you rush a law like that? “ 
Taehyung didn’t reply. 
“i know how laws are passed Taehyung. You must’ve put quite the pressure on your bosses, to pass such a mundane law so fast...” 
He stared back at me without an ounce of guilt in his gaze. 
“I won’t apologize for wanting my mate by my side.” He said evenly. 
“Will you apologize for being a cunningly manipulative bastard, then ?” 
“you’re over reacting...” He said calmly. 
“Am I, Taehyung?” I said sharply. “ It’s been a week since I found out i was your mate. A week.... And now suddenly, i have your mark on my neck, no possibility of getting my job back and no other option but to cling to you.... I’d say I’m reacting how any woman would react.... You played me like a fiddle and I’ve been dancing to your tune all along. “ 
Taehyung sighed. 
“You make it sound like I’ve done something terrible. “
“ Haven’t you?? “ i demanded. 
“ No, I haven’t. I love you. I care for you deeply and so does my daughter. She needs you as much as i do and she loves you so much. Your own family is almost non existent right now. your brother is three thousand miles away and I am here offering you my love, my home and the chance to be a part of my family. Tell me what are you losing out on? Tell me what it is I’ve taken away from you?” 
 My choice,  I thought with clarity. You’ve taken away my right to make that choice. 
 He held my face gently, thumbs brushing across my cheeks. 
“I know you’re frightened. But trust me. I’m going to be here by your side. Eun Woo dies today, not because of those girls he destroyed but because of  you. Because he dared touch you , knowing you were mine . Tomorrow the whole country will know it and no one will dare to even breath wrong in your direction. Because they know what your mate is capable of.” 
He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I let him hug me, staring over his back at the opposite wall. 
The painting on the wall caught my eye. 
A beautiful, dainty gazelle, cornered against the edge of a huge cliff,  staring down the barrel of a hunter’s gun. And on her side, a big beautiful wolf , gorgeous and tempting as it seemed to call for her. And it was obvious that in her panic , she was going to run into the arms of the wolf. 
Not knowing that the wolf was just as dangerous, just as deadly as the hunter and the cliff edge. 
I closed my eyes hugging him tight. 
I was so tired. 
“Tell me you’ll marry me. “ Taehyung’s hypnotic voice wove its spell over me, soft and soothing and filled with all the reassurances a naïve young girl would ever need.  
I took a deep breath, trembling in his arms when i exhaled. 
And then I replied. 
The End 
Author’s note : Tell me how much you hate me. 
Taehyung isn’t a saint wbk. So of course there’s going to be a sequel.
Soon. Hopefully. 
Taglist : @veronawrites
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tth-pdf · 3 years
Burning for love; JJK [03]
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Contents: Smut, little bit of dirty talk, supernatural themes, romance, fluff, unedited.
Pairing: Werewolf!alpha!jungkook x omega!reader
Summary: A handsome man is hunting you in the dreams world, making every day more difficult to repress the need to come find him in the middle of the night to submit yourself to his every wish.
Requests: ON
A/N: Hello angels, sorry for the LONG wait, was so busy with school and depressing myself, but here it is, I tried to do my best and please also remember that English is not my first language be kind (😩), sorry for any grammar mistake, enjoy it and take care besties! 💖
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Jungkook was insatiable, he just couldn’t seem to get enough of you, he has already fuck you senseless on the kitchen counter, the sofa, the living room floor, the restroom sink, simply everywhere, but he seem to want more and more and more, he wanted so much that you could hardly believe it.
Right now you were waking up, feeling incredibly good, feeling like everything was fine, but those emotions were gone as soon as common sense started to come back to you. Yesterday, Jungkook’s hands everywhere, that incredible first orgasm, but the one who made it happen… His scent, his bright eyes, strong arms making you feel like you can do it all, but above all the interest he had in you, what makes you feel on cloud nine it’s the way he seemed to be mesmerized by your expressions and sounds, knowing right where to touch without a doubt. Almost every space in your skin was painted by the ferocity with which he seems to love you, that marks on your skin being the carnal representation of your wonderful night but insecurities started to rise right at this moment, your mother will be mad, she will yell at you that in the pack were more suitable omegas for alpha Jungkook, the nasty glances and the possibility that some of the females in the pack may try to take what is yours, damn, the mere thought of it makes your eyes turn bright red provoked by the sudden rage coursing through your body. Immediately sensing the unpleasant feelings in you Jungkook comes out of the bathroom, wet hair and drops of water running down his body, making your mouth water, so just like magic your body and inner wolf instruct you to crawl to the end of the bed and touch him, to offer yourself to him, second thoughts completely forgotten by now so you follow your instincts and touch and admire from his hard abdomen to caressing his broad shoulders and just show him that look in your eyes, the one he knows like the back of his hand consequence of all the hours spent admiring and getting to know your body.
“Little girl woke up hungry?”
A hand of his goes to your waist and the other caress your cheek and just like fire can light up the darkest place your senses explode inside of you and once again everything feels a hundred times more, all the textures around you, you can hear the sounds of children and women playing in the distance, even the steps of the smallest animal but his deep chuckle brings you to him again and you feel like melting. Even kneeling at the edge of the bed he is much taller than you, (like a shelter for the most difficult moments in life), warm and golden skin beneath your fingertips and the delicious beating of his heart calming all your nerves and insecurities.
You look right back at him with the same intensity, different shades of golden dancing in your eyes while his are different shades of deep purple, the connection between both of you more palpable than never, trying not to break the eye contact you turn your face to his nearest scent gland, which means is his wrist, basking yourself in his delicious aroma.
“I see what you are at puppy, but I’m afraid that I can only deal with you once before I leave”
His last words hit you hard making you feel like drowning and desperate from one moment to another.
“Are you leaving?, I thought that this days… Were for us”
He can see your teary eyes making him wish he had never said that, breaking his heart a little.
“Don’t be like that baby, I will make sure to end that meeting as soon as I can to come back to your arms but you will have to be a good girl and wait here”
You know he is in a hurry but you can not help but want submit to his wonderful hands and simply seduce him to have him eating out of the palm of your hand, have him only for yourself and memorize all his features.
“You promised it, you said you were going to make me a priority always, you lied to me”
You weren’t usually like this, but when he is around your common sense flies out of the window, so while you're throwing a tantrum and moving uncontrollably under his body he grows impatient and his alpha instincts kick in, putting with undeniably force both your wrists above your head and growls, the signal he’s giving you to submit, the air in the bedroom changing its way.
“Pretty girls know how to wait and to obey their alphas, I already told you I was sorry puppy and remember that I don’t fucking owe apologies to anyone, if I knew this wasn’t important I would have told them to fuck up, you should know your place baby, but good news for you, I’m feeling like even though you have been a little bit of a bad girl you deserve to remember me all over this pretty skin while I’m gone, isn’t that what my puppy wanted, huh?”
He manhandles you until you’re comfortably seated en his strong tights, holding his gaze you can see all the things he wants you to know, all that shit that cannot be said, all the things that are not expressed in a good way by putting them into words, so instead you will use your bond and body.
“Sit on my dick slow baby, make it hurt so you have something to remember, get yourself full of my pups”
And you do as you are told, you slip right where you belong to, starting to bounce yourself slow and hard but even though it feels like heaven you feel like you’re going to die because he doesn’t touch you, he is just watching.
“Touch me please or I’m going to hit you hard”
He laughs but you know he's holding back the urge to order you around.
“I love when my little girl turns all bossy”
You wiggle your hips not exactly knowing where to look but what makes you let out a loud moan of his name is the way he thrusts his incredible hips harder than you had planned, tip of his touching the spongy spot that makes you meet god in person.
“If I’m not gonna have you for a while at least show me that fierce side of you one more time baby, gods above, look at you, bouncing tits and pretty face with an even prettier voice filling my ears of pretty sounds, fuck puppy, turn around and see yourself on the mirror”
You tell him to wait a second because you want to remember him like this, beneath your body and that playful smirk but when you do turn a little your face to see the image that bites back at you is incredible, you even smile don’t exactly recognizing you but looking damn hot on top of your man. You can’t with the feelings so the first thing that comes to your mind is to grab a hold of some of his beautiful locks of hair and tug hard, enough for him to gain some more lustful rage and suddenly slam you in the mirror that both of you were looking a moment ago with such excitement, what brings you back to reality of the pleasure that does nothing but increase is the manly hand grabbing at your jaw, making it open slightly, enough for him to spit on it. And you fucking love it.
“That’s a good mate baby, swallow it all and show me”
All this time he hasn’t stopped that sinful hips of his so at this time it’s starting to hurt and you begin to loose all your grips but you now that he will catch you anyways.
All you are feeling is incredible, you fell full, satisfied. Your throat feels hoarse but it doesn’t matter as you held gazes once again, but it’s the whole moment, your own bubble. Watching his pretty eyes you realize that you have won in live, entirely.
“You don’t have a fucking idea of how bad I want to mount you everywhere until I know you are really pregnant, hell baby I love you so fucking much”
He is right in front of your face, both of your moths open but your not kissing, now he’s the one grabbing your hair into a fist but he can do whatever he wants with you right now and all you will say is thank you.
You’re both touching the finish lines and it’s then that you wonder if this is how it will always be, hot, sweaty and just incredible.
He kiss you right at the final, where both of you have reached the peak, smiling at each other like fools but entirely living the dream.
You know that Jungkook told you to not leave the room until he was back but you were really hungry and needing some fresh air, so knowing that maybe everyone was serving him in that meeting you dared to head for the nearest kitchen to just grab something and come back. You are happy when no one approach you on the way, focusing on the task to make you a quick drink and cut up some fruit.
You feel happy and complete, at ease with the environment despite missing your alpha a bit, but your clothes and body still smell like him so that’s something for now. That’s the same reason why you don’t hear the pretty and stealthy she-wolf approaching the kitchen, watching you closely.
“It stinks in here, you must have had a very good night young lady”
You jump a little because you are not supposed to see anybody in the sensitive state in which you now find yourself.
“Sorry, I wasn’t supposed to be here”
You murmured your words shyly so low that if it were not for the incredible senses of the lycanthrope body, the girl would have miss it.
She chuckles lightly and by her smell you know that she is a rare breed of a female alpha, but right now every smell its simply too much, almost unpleasant.
“No worries baby, no one else is here but me”
She is a little intimidating to be honest and It’s evident that she knows clearly what to do to get what she wants.
“I should… Probably go”
You try to rush towards the exit in order to feel protected inside the four walls where everything smells like Jungkook but just as you are about to walk through the door the pretty girl grabs you a little hard enough to make you let out a whimper. And it’s that exact moment that lets you know that something is awfully wrong, that you should have never left the room.
“Where are you going?, let me talk to you for a moment, I never had the pleasure of knowing you formally”
You know that she can her your heart beating uncontrollably and smell the fear mixed with nerves.
“Don’t be scared pretty thing just wanted to chat with you”
There’s something strange in her, something that you can’t quite put your finger on.
“This shouldn’t be happening, I’m sorry but I really should get back to-”
While interrupting you she is also forcing you to sit on the small benches that are situated in the kitchen only to bring you to a full state of discomfort and nervousness.
“Is Jungkook really into you honey?”
The sudden questions makes you blink twice and hold a breath, this seems like a pointless conversation, she didn’t even try to do some more small talk .
“Oh my, was I too direct?”
You still don’t see the clarity of the conversation because to your eyes she looks like a lunatic, asking questions about of nowhere.
“Honey, it’s just… Have you never heard what is whispered around the pack, about him and the pretty girl of the Kim pack or even worse… The boy with the deadly beauty from the Park family”
You do have heard the rumors, they were too strong when you were younger and more naive.
“I’m afraid that… I can’t help you with anything, I should really go…”
She puts his body in front of yours so that both of her arms are locked on the wall behind you, blocking any way out.
“Damn, just listen to me for a fucking second, I thought that you knew what was best for you”
You sit still because her harsh words came out more like an alpha command and you just couldn’t fight your true nature.
“Good girl”
You would never imagined that such a mundane phrase would disgust you so much.
“I know you don’t like me wolfie but I have been very well aware of the second thoughts that run at full speed in your little head about the bond that you share with that man”
if you had one wish, you would ask to disappear from this awful situation, if only you had listened to your alpha…
“I don’t understand what you want from me, please just let me go, I’m not going to tell Jungkook”
The female alpha just laughs a little, like you have said to her the funniest thing ever.
“He and I are at the same rank honey and of course you will not tell him anything, I have something that might interest you.”
Your posture is defensive but when she says that she backs a little and you take the opportunity to relax only little bit, a new look of curiosity in your angelic and innocent features.
“I don’t want to upset you honey but look at yourself for a second and tell me if you see yourself as the perfect representation of a good mate for someone like him”
She can easily see the insecurity cross your features because if anything has been bothering you since you found out about the bond it is that.
“I have the perfect solution to all of your concerns baby, there’s someone far more suited to take your place. Look at your neck, he hasn’t even marked you, but really, don’t worry and don’t overthink it, he will be in good hands. I know someone who can make the arrangements, all safe and of course you will be having a far more suited alpha”
It’s really stupid, but you actually think about it, as if all the previous moments with him didn't matter. At the end of the day all you're looking for is his well-being and happiness, isn't it?
People are going to talk, that's for sure, but you could assure him better commentaries and a better future, even if it's not by your side, but what will happen with the few moments that both of you have shared?
“In case you were wondering… No, you will not remember, everything will be gone as soon as the bond is broken. Just think about it for a second, remember all your insecurities and the bad feelings while being his mate, that must be annoying, let yourself be happy, both of you”
You are deep in your thoughts so you miss the way her canines grow in size and that dangerous gleam in her eyes.
“I… I’ll do it”
Call yourself a fool, but that tempting offer was enough for you to maybe, just maybe get yourself a better life, but above all a better life and opportunities for him… Or at least that was what your insecure brain thought.
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Tag list: @min-nicoleee, @in-a-way-that-i-should-not, @imluckybitches, @teresaisla, @anachikartadze, @jeonwiixard, @seagulljjk
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