#and that’s why they want me. these people are not going to let me sit down and uhhhh i have an arthritic knee. i need to sit down
barcaatthemoon · 3 days
bad girlfriend || alessia russo x reader ||
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you and alessia get in a fight when you confront her about neglecting you.
you were utterly exhausted. it was your team's first practice of the season with your new coach who wanted to see your team reach the wsl. there had been offers to play in teams that had already made it, but it would have put distance in between you and alessia.
a part of you wanted to tell yourself that you didn't want the distance to put strain on your relationship, but you knew that alessia would break up with you before you could even finish telling her where you'd be. she couldn't be bothered to keep your relationship going if you moved away.
"are you fucking kidding me?" alessia grumbled at the sight of you splayed out on the couch. you let out a whine as alessia stomped past you. all you wanted was one day where she wasn't acting like an ass at home.
you had no idea what had gotten into her lately. alessia had been sweet at first, but once you got serious, she stopped caring. the longer that you stayed, the worse she treated you. there were often moments where you stopped and wondered if she just wanted you to break up with her. she'd look like an ass if she broke up with the social media sensation who was trying to get her team promoted.
"did you even get anything done today? the house looks like shit," alessia said. she dropped down onto couch. she pushed your legs away, careful not to sit on them. "it would be nice if i didn't come home to a mess like this all the time."
"it would be nice if you spent some time with me, but we can't all get what we want, now can we?" admittedly, it wasn't the most mature response, but you were sick and tired of being the adult with alessia. not only was she actually older than you, but she was always the perfect gentlewoman whenever other people were around.
"oh i'm so sorry. do you want me to quit playing at arsenal and join your little pipe dream pretend team?" alessia asked you. you clenched your fists at your sides and shot up from the couch. you stormed off towards the bedroom with alessia shouting after you about how immature you were being. all of her little comments died down as soon as she saw you walk out of the bedroom with a packed bag.
"i'll be back for my things tomorrow," you told her. alessia jumped up from the couch and sprinted to stand in front of the door. "alessia, move out of my way please. i need to go."
"no, i don't want you to. come on, this is a stupid fight. i'm sorry, i didn't mean what i said to you. i'll help you clean up and we can watch love island together. just please, don't leave," alessia fell onto her knees in front of you. you felt a bit bad, but you shoved right past her with your bag to leave. you didn't look back that night, you couldn't have without turning yourself right around.
"you said what to (y/n)! i should kick your fucking ass right here blondie!" alessia flinched at the sound of katie's voice. it was nothing compared to the glare she was receiving from leah. "are you mental? why would you ever say that it her?"
"i was mad, it just slipped out. i didn't mean it, not at all. i'm such an idiot," alessia cried. she had made it three days without you at home before she completely broke down. alessia didn't know whether or not to count herself lucky that katie and leah had been lingering in the locker room when alessia had her little tantrum.
"you're a dickhead, that's what you are. i don't know (y/n) very well at all, but i know that she's given up a lot to stay in london with you," leah told alessia. "i don't know what the hell is wrong with you, whether it's stress or your fucking ego, but you need to apologize."
"what can i do to get her back?" alessia asked. katie and leah shared a look, one that told alessia all she needed to know. you weren't hers anymore, not after what she had said to you. there was more than that, months of neglect and harsh words building up. alessia would consider herself lucky if you ever agreed to speak with her again.
"i'll be checking on the little chick, and if i heard that you've said anything other than that you're sorry and it was all your fault, i'll shatter your fucking knees," katie threatened. alessia jumped out of the way as katie moved past her, no doubt with her phone out to check on you.
"if she does take you back, don't make this mistake again," leah warned. alessia knew that already, but she still took leah's words to heart. she wanted a second chance, one that she wouldn't let waste for anything.
you hated being alone, but you hated living with your sister and her boyfriend even more. martha was great, but nick was an asshole. he got on your nerves like nobody else. you didn't think it was possible, but you almost missed being ignored by alessia over having to sit through nick's constant chatter for another night.
you pushed that thought out of your head as you pulled up to the training facility to see a familiar car in the parking lot. "alessia, what are you doing here?"
"i wanted to speak with you, but i don't know where you're staying," alessia said. she looked nervous, something that you weren't used to seeing on her. "can i start with apologizing because i am so sorry. i'm sorry for all of it. i shouldn't have ignored you for starters, and i shouldn't have said that. i'm sorry that i lied to you too."
"what did you lie about?" you asked her. suddenly, you were afraid that alessia had been hiding some big secret from you and that was why she had been so distant.
"i said that what you were doing with your team was nothing, and it's not. it's important, and i can't wait to play with you in the wsl," alessia said. she reached out to grab your hands, as if that would fix everything.
"alessia, you can't just come here, apologize, and expect us to be okay. do you have any idea how badly you've hurt me?" you asked her.
"i can't imagine what i've done to you. i can't explain why i ignored you, but i won't let it happen again. it's been a week, and i've never felt more miserable. i miss you so much, and i just want you to come back home with me," alessia said. you hated seeing her upset, even after what she had done to you. despite everything, you still loved alessia.
"a week. i'll come home for a week, and we'll see how things go from there. do anything like this again and my first call will be mccabe," you threatened. alessia nodded, already well aware of the things katie planned to do to her if she broke your heart again.
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gguk-n · 2 days
Angst with Lando and he says “please don't cry, i can't stand to see you cry"
Thank you for the ask! I hope I was able to do it justice. There is implied smut. Reader's POV
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Fragile Bonds
I could say it now, I officially hated going out. It has less to do with the fact that we've been at every club across the globe since the season started and more to do with the fact that Lando attracts attention. He was a gorgeous man with a career in F1, so it was a given that people would be attracted to him. What I didn't expect was how much we would go out to drink. Neither me nor Lando are huge drinkers but he can never seem to say no to a party. So, here I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend while my boyfriend was on the DJ booth, remixing some songs.
I will agree, the first time he did it, it was very hot; watching Lando DJ, even the second time around. Right now, all I saw was red. The girl at the DJ booth was making herself too comfortable with 'my' boyfriend. The way her hands would rest on his biceps or the lingering touches she left on his shoulder or back. Was Lando blind or oblivious to what was happening? Did he forget that he had a girlfriend? I am not the jealous type but I am terribly territorial about my stuff and the people I love. I love Lando too much, and this bitch was making me so annoyed.
So, I took matters into my own hands and went towards the stage only to be rudely pushed away and scolded by the guards and the lady on the booth. I told them that was my boyfriend and I wanted to speak to him, she laughed at my face. What the fuck was Lando doing and why did he not see his own girlfriend? After a couple more harsh words from the lady, I screamed Lando's name which seemed to make him to look at me, a loopy smile on his lips. God, I wanted to smack his pretty face. I was pissed, I told him I was leaving and without waiting for his reply, I turned on my heels and left the club heading back to the hotel.
Once back, I took my clothes and make up off. I had tears streaming down my face. This wasn't the first time Lando had forgotten about me. He would always end up surrounded by all the people and while soaking in their attention, forgot about me. To me, he was the most important thing, to him, I felt like a commodity. My eyes were red from rubbing them too hard and the lump in my throat did not seem to go away no matter how hard I screamed into my pillow. My social media was also filled with pictures and videos of Lando from the party.
I don't know how long it was since I came back, I had stopped looking at the watch at some point. I quickly wiped away my tears when I heard the click of the door. I was going to pretend to be asleep, I didn't want to deal with Lando right now. Before I could act, my face was cupped in between two rough calloused hands while his thumbs tenderly rubbed my cheeks. "Why did you leave?" Lando asked. "I was tired" I squeaked out. Lando holding me like this made my eyes prick, I pushed him away while sitting up. He could see the tears in my eyes, I mean my vision was blurry. "You're so blind. I hate you." I said, I didn't in fact hate him, it's just that he made me angry. "No you don't" Lando chided. This annoyed me so much. "Why did you let her touch you? Why didn't you tell her I was your girlfriend when I tried to talk to you?" I asked. "I only saw you when I turned around, baby. I didn't know she was touching me, if I did, I would've stopped her." Lando reasoned. "Really, because, she was literally hanging from your arms, running her hands all over you and you didn't care." I said. "I really didn't notice her, I was looking at you the whole night" he said. "If you were looking at me the whole night, you would've noticed your girlfriend walking towards you." I said while angrily wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Baby, please don't cry, I can't stand to see you cry." Lando said while trying to hug me. "Doesn't feel like it Lan, you seemed to have forgotten you have a girlfriend." I spat. "Babe, I love you and I am sorry if I made you feel like that. I really was looking at you the whole night. The only woman who can command my attention is you. While I taking a sip from my glass, I lost you, I kept trying to find you and I couldn't, until you called out my name. Please give me another chance." Lando whispered with tears in his eyes. I was a sap when it came to him , sometimes he can be really dumb. "I promise this will never happen again. You can brand me if you want." Lando continued a laugh left my lips on hearing his words, "Lan, I'm not branding you but I know a better way to keep women away." I said whilst pulling him by his collar to kiss his lips. "I think I'll like this method more than the branding one, anyways." he muttered against my lips.
I couldn't stay angry at anyone for long, especially not Lando.
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cvnt4him · 2 days
Reader who got hit w a bunny quirk during a mission w izu please smuttt I love yew💋
I love you too bbg💕
This is actually like a great idea and I had the EXACT same one except izuku was the bunny. Yeah this one is way fucking better.
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"don't be amused, it's just the news! This just in; we have more details about pro heros deku and y/n's fight with the new and upcoming villain; sphinx. A local has given us amateur footage of y/n getting blasted with sphinx's quirk! They have the ability to turn others and themselves into animals! Y/n has been out of the hero scene for a while, as far as we know with the information her close friend and partner deku has given us, she's going to be out of hero work for a while, they haven't found a cure or much of a loophole with sphinx's quirk. Next in a cat stuck in a tre---"
You shut the TV off with a groan of annoyance. Why hadn't this gone away yet? You've been like this for a week. A long, miserable, insufferable, week. You weren't alone, even if you wanted to be, izuku wouldn't let you. He felt guilty, he felt as if you were like this because of him. During your fight together he pushed you out of the way when a flying car had come your way, you'd known nothing about the villain upon fighting them. Izuku however, knew everything about the villain, he pulled his mask up before the fight even began.
Izuku always got in a certain head space when fighting whether it be a measly robber, or a very experienced and high tech villain. He always made sure he was ready and that morning could take him out of this state. He just wishes he had warned you beforehand of what the villain was capable of.
You look at your reflection in the black TV screen with a frown. You hated the way you looked. Two fluffy bunny ears standing tall before falling to either side of your face. Izuku walks into your room going completely unnoticed, he spoke and sat down your cup of water but his words falling into deaf ears.
His voice nothing above a whisper, sitting beside you while patting your head lightly. People always shipped you two due to the way he treated you, don't get me wrong hes nice to everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from. People just liked to do stupid shit in their free time so you never really took it to heart, mostly because izuku always avoided and shut down all questions that surfaced about you two during interviews. Saying he only saw you as a friend.
You turn to him slowly your sad eyes staring up at him. He sighs while giving you a sad look back, putting your foreheads together. He hadn't left your side at all besides when he and to work, but he made sure to come right back to your apartment to assure that you were alright. It's not like you were sick or anything because you weren't. You could walk, talk, shower, cook, and do everything just fine, but he insisted you do nothing he felt far too guilty to even allow you to lift a finger. He once apologized for you telling him you thought about cooking on your own.
He whispers an "I'm sorry" while your heads are together, you simply chuckle and try to smile. Your quirk had been disabled due to being transformed. There's always a loophole in quirks so why hasn't anyone found one for sphinx's quirk? It was weighing on you far too heavily for either of your liking. Izukus heart ached for you to get better, he hated seeing you like this, all sad and unable to do anything for yourself. You can but for some odd reason he thinks you can't do you just let him take care of you.
Izuku pulls away, putting his fingers in your hair and scratching your scalp, the soothing motion making you sigh and lay your head on his shoulder. He hums with a smile that didn't meet his eyes, he grabs the remote from you and puts on a movie, grabbing your cup of water to ensure that you are hydrated.
You both had fallen asleep on each other, his head on top of yours while you laid on his shoulder. You got up and stretched making him get more comfortable and turn his head to lay on a pillow beside him. You looked at him closely, admiring each and every freckle that littered his cheeks and slightly down his neck his chest moving up and down in a smooth rhythm. He looked so peaceful not having to worry and feel guilty for your current state. Your body moved on it's own, one of your hands moving to his chest rubbing up and down his body. He was very toned, you knew this you could practically see it through his new skin tight suit. It hugged his body deliciously.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, his shirt was slightly raised and scrunched up ending just above his v line, the way it looked like it was sculpted by gods. He looked like a Greek god himself. His body was fucking hot.
Your tail wiggled and twitched against the bed light noise coming from the way it moved. You bit your lip lightly while looking down where his shorts hugged his waist. Your eyes kept trailing down his figure landing on where a tent in his shorts sat. He was completely flaccid yet his thick cock made a very visible print. Fuck this was really turning you on, he was completely unconscious and unaware of how you were fucking him with your eyes. Your hand moved down to his dick print and gently rubbed over it making him take a deep breath and breathe out slowly, you noticed this and continued your movements while staring at his face, a pink hue forming onto his baby-like cheeks.
You watched as he gulped and turned his head in your direction with a breathy and quick sigh, he was getting bothered by how you teased his semi erect cock. His brows slightly furrowed while you stopped your hands movements completely, his cock twitched against your hand making your eyes shoot down to his cock, seeing it fully erect and leaking slightly against his thin shorts. God this was such a sight, it was so fucking hot and lewd, you felt guilty for getting him all hot and bothered but seeing the way his cock twitched and bobbed up and down for your touch was hypnotizing.
Without thinking you hopped onto his lap you weight sitting on top of him making him shift under you, that was almost enough to snap you out of whatever trance he put you in but the way he put his hands on your thighs and rubbed them out you right back into the daze you never got out of.
Your tail wiggled against his thigh as you slowly grind into him, rubbing your clothes pussy against his clothed cock in a slow yet rough manner. a moan accidentally slipped out of your mouth when his cock rubbed against your clit in the best way.
You panted lightly as the grind of your hips started to quicken in pace, you dug your hips down into his to feel his cock press against you. A noise left his throat as he gripped your waist tightly, his grasp bruising your skin while pushing you down more into him. You didn't think about the fact that he might've woken up due to your moans and the way you moved helplessly on top of him. He rubbed his cock up into you to feel that light friction that had him dizzy.
You grabbed onto his shoulders and rode him like you were actually riding his cock. The thought alone of actually getting to ride his cock getting you to that building release. He moaned deeply before his eyes slightly opened and peered up at you, you were too busy in your own haze to acknowledge the way he looked at you, your fucked out face contorting in such a pretty way.
He couldn't believe you were using him while he was asleep, riding his clothed cock for all that it's worth. He bit his lip and flipped the both of you, a scream ripping right out of you as you look up at him with wide scared eyes. He could only look down at you with lust filled ones. His emerald orbs looking at every feature that painted your body, the way your thighs looked more plump because of your shorts. Your boobs spilling out the top of your tank top. You looked so good and the way you looked at him with those scree and glossy eyes went straight to his aching cock. He was so ready to split you in half on his thick cock, he knew you'd have a struggle but it'd be worth it just to be inside of you. He'd wait as long as he'd have to just to feel your pussy squeeze around his cock.
No words were said as he went in to kiss you, lightly pressing his dry but soft lips against yours. A moan left you as your tail wiggled underneath you, you were so horny and you could feel the way it ate you alive from the inside out, you were so close to crying from how much it burned inside of you.
"please.. please fuck me, I need it."
You whispered up to him with a raspy voice, whining as your eyes moved down to his cock, it looked like it was going to burst out of his shorts with the way it stood up proudly.
He smirked at you with lidded eyes while he kissed you neck, you closed your eyes and fell into the soft kisses being planted on your sensitive neck, he moved his kisses up to your bunny ears blowing on them lighting, the soft feeling of it all making your pussy throb and a whimper leave you lips.
He chuckled lowly to himself as he flipped you over into your stomach. He pressed his chest and his hard cock against your ass cheek as he whispered in your ear.
"using me while I sleep? naughty thing. poor bunny, must need it badly, hm?"
You nodded your head aggressively while rubbing your ass against his hard on, earning a low groan from the muscular man above you.his weight on you felt so good and it wasn't even sexual at all.
He slipped your shorts and underwear down in one swift move, he pulled his own down as he teased your dripping hole, slipping his engorged cock head in and out of your lips. Your eyes roll as you lift your ass in the air and wiggle against his cock. he's surprised by this, a chuckle leaving him while he pulls you back by your ears, a squeak leaving you while he slaps your ass.
"you're so fucking needy huh? this sopping wet cunny of yours dripping around my cock, hm?"
You nod again, not being able to speak due to your throat getting rather dry. He hums and slips his cock in halfway before taking it out quickly, this went on for about 5 minutes, the torture was so funny to him yet painful for you. You felt as if you were going to die, the heat forming inside of you burned badly. You needed release, finally being def up with his teasing, the second he tried to do it again you slammed your ass back onto him taking his cock fully, a choked moan leaving his pink lips.
He groaned loudly while lying his head on your shoulder with a smile, he was out of breath from you taking his cock fully. He chuckled against your skin while kissing it, he bit harshly on the skin of your shoulder making you scream while he thrusted vigorously into your soaked pussy, the squelching noises clouding his mind while he moaned into your ear and grabbed onto your bunny ears. The sensitive muscle being pulled painfully hard went straight to your throbbing cunt, the way he slammed his hips into you and hit that spot repeatedly was just enough to make you cum, but he knew you were going to by the way you started squeezing his cock for all he was worth, milking him and slicking his cock up with your fluid.
“A-Agh fuck don’t stop- don’t fuckin stop.”
You command him while throwing your ass back, you were feeling too good you felt as if you weren't even in control, the way your body moved lewdly against him was inhumane and unlike you. You'd never felt the need to be near someone like this, like you yearned for his very touch, for him to cum inside of you. Oh. God that sounded so good, the thought of his warm thick cum spilling and spreading inside of you made you squeeze around his cock even more.
Just when you felt as if you were going to cum you felt the need leave. He had pulled out of your cunt with a groan, his cock twitched from the cold ajr hitting the leaky tip. He looked down at your pussy squeezing around nothing, god you were so fucking needy and that made him go feral. He could practically smell the delicious scent you released. Your tail twitched fastly, catching his attention. He had asked you before questions about your body and if anything felt different, he hadn't asked about your tails however, he was curious if it was sensitive. Out of pure curiosity he pushed his thick cock back inside of you, and yanked at your tails, his tight grip on your ears never leaving.
He used them to bring you back more into him. You let out a high pitched moan as your arms gave out, your body felt like it was on fire, throwing your ass back against him while your thighs burned from the work.
“fu— m'cum— cumming!!“
You couldn't control it, it just ripped out of you. The feeling was far too strong to hold back or even pretend not to acknowledge you groaned while sobbing, tears falling from your face due to the extra stimulation. He cooed in your ear, coaxing you through your orgasm while never letting you in the way he fiddled with your tail, his other hand leaving your floppy ears to go to your clit, rubbing it slowly while speeding up his hips.
"nngh~ izu— Izu-"
You couldn't speak from the immense pleasure, it began to hurt due to overstimulation. You sobbed and hiccupped against the pillows as he drilled his cock into you, he groaned and grunted behind you moans leaving his lips as well.
"shit...- fuck— god dammit, u/n I'm gonna cu- cum again.. shit take it, fucking take it all.."
Again?! He'd already came?? Maybe that's why you thought about his warm cum spreading and claiming every spot inside of you. Because he already did.
You couldn't move or even speak, the way he bucked his hips into yours, stuttering and rhythm becoming uneven. He threw his head back with a moan as he came again, tears welling at the corner of his eyes. He felt so good, your fluttering walks squeezing and convulsing around his soft turning cock.
He collapsed beside you without a word. His eyes closed as he tried to steady his breaths, he hasn't felt this good in so long, it's been a while since he'd last been with anyone. He took pride in his job, he'd wanted to be a hero since he was a kid, however it did take him away from a lot of things, including interacting with people and making new friends.
He needed this and he's glad you gave It to him. He turned to check on you to see you had already passed out, he rubbed your back lightly making you shiver underneath his touch. He got up to assure you were alright, making sure you water was refilled and that you could be clean, he grabbed a warm damp towel to clean you but before he did he got a good look at the two loads that were fucked into you, slowly oozing from your still convulsing lips. Fuck this was a sight to see, he was afraid he'd never get to see it again. He hates what he did but, he had to save this moment forever! A picture to remember this morning by! After all, you won't be a bunny forever.
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AN: this was very fun to write actually, I've recently been in a chokehold w top!izuku there's something ab him being mean or js taking care of me that gets to me.
Dividers by @anitalenia
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todoriin · 1 day
now he's in your bed, laying on my chest. | reo mikage, 18+
no explicit nsfw but still mdni, aged up characters, reo down bad, not very realistic s3x but alas, reader's feelings are ambiguous but they eventually get their hesitation fked out, no pronouns or specific body parts mentioned, not beta read sorry.
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It's 10pm and there's a purple-haired, billionaire athlete on your doorstep, knocking a little too eagerly on the door.
"There's no one in there." You interrupt, spinning your keys on your finger and Reo turns around, shocked to see you in front of him. "So banging on my door like a madman won't be productive, I'm afraid."
To your dismay, all he says is an apology when you wanted him to explain why on earth he was here.
"Are you looking for Nagi? Try somewhere else, don't think he'll ever come around again," you murmur before pushing in front of him to unlock the door. The key enters, as it always does, your door hinges creak when you open it, as it always does, and you turn around to face Reo, who has never looked as frazzled as he does now.
"I'm not looking for Nagi," the athlete mutters, running a hand through his hair. "I'm looking for you."
"Well, here I am. Aren't you supposed to be on a flight across the world right now?"
"I'm flying tomorrow morning."
Such dry and icy responses, what's up with him this evening? Reo's always so talkative but you wonder where his words and usual mannerisms have wandered off to tonight. Perhaps he's holding a grudge against you on behalf of Nagi after your breakup.
"Have a safe flight. I'm gonna go now, see you-"
"-Can I come in?"
You narrow your eyes at him, alarms blaring in your head, flashing vibrant hues of red. Still, you step aside and let him inside your humble abode. He takes off his shoes at the entrance, letting you turn on the heaters and boil some water for tea.
He takes a seat on your couch, watching you in the kitchen that's adjacent. The loud noises from the kettle fill the silence that would otherwise be too awkward, giving you time to think about why Mikage Reo would seek you out at a time like this.
It's not like you were close friends. You were only friendly with him due to his position as Nagi's best friend, and you had barely spent any time together alone before. Even now, it feels like there should be a third presence, spread out and lounging on the exact couch that Reo sits on.
"Green tea," you mutter when you place his mug in front of him. The purple-haired thanks you silently, bringing the cup to his mouth and you two remain sitting in silence.
Are you going to have to carry this conversation when he's the one that intruded?
"Why are you here, Mikage?" You question.
"Why did you really break up with Nagi?"
Count on Reo to always be so brash and straight to the point. Time is money and there is no time like the present.
"I... didn't," you explain. "He's the one that broke up with me. Just... called me one morning and decided it was best for us to go our separate ways and that was it."
"That's all?"
"Yeah. I was surprised too, I thought things were going well between us. Guess not."
"Do you resent him?"
"Aren't you going to ask me how he is?"
"Life is bigger than being curious against people who come and go. I just hope he is well and happy with where he is."
"But you aren't happy."
You meet Reo's eyes with a bewildered stare, taken aback by his boldness to assume something and speak it outright as a guest in your own home. You fear you don't have anything nice to say, so you don't speak at all, opting to drink your tea instead.
"Did you come all this way just to interrogate me about Nagi and I's breakup?" You ask.
"No, I wanted to come and check on how you were. He didn't tell me much about it, didn't even tell me how you reacted, all he said was that 'you broke up' and that was it..."
Humiliation settles itself deep in your gut. You know of Nagi's infamous nonchalance, but after everything you did and experienced together, you'd like for him to show at least a little bit of sadness. But it seems like that is still too much to ask for.
Rubbing your eyes, you will yourself not to cry. You haven't shed any tears for him yet, not wanting to do so over someone who can't even break up with you in person. In fact, you thought you were beginning to get over it, going out with a few friends tonight for dinner to try and relieve your mind of overthinking too much. Why did Reo have to come by and ruin it?
"I thought he loved you, said he wanted to marry you too," Reo murmured.
That was your breaking point and you clench the pillow in your hands to stop yourself from throwing it at him. "Yeah, well, he didn't love me enough to stay," you spit with venom dripping from your tone, rushing to the kitchen with your now empty mug.
After a moment, you hear Reo's footsteps follow you and he places his empty mug next to the sink. You don't look at him when he leans against the counter with his arms crossed.
"Do you resent me?"
"Why should I?"
"By proxy. Just 'cause ya know, I'm his best friend."
"I don't resent you Mikage, if I did then I would not have let you in my home."
Two beats of silence pass before he speaks again. "I didn't come by just to check up on you."
The sink screeches when you turn it off and the newfound silence envelopes the atmosphere like a blanket of snow. "Go on."
"Don't tell him I said this but you've always been too good for him. You deserve someone better."
You scoff. "Like?"
He steps closer and you have to crane your neck to look at him properly. You don't back down, trying your best to breathe through the heavy air as he scans your expression for any hint of rebellion.
"Me," Reo's voice is unwavering, firm with his declaration. Determination sets his indigo eyes ablaze and his hair falls to frame his face perfectly, the light of your kitchen hitting his skin in all the right places.
Then you realise just how built he is. Broad shoulders, wide chest, and he towers over you so easily, all features that come from years of athleticism. You could fall for his trap, line, hook, and sinker, but whatever little integrity you had remaining keeps you on your feet, reluctant to fall.
His thumb comes to brush your cheek and your knees buckle instantaneously. "Isn't this against 'bro code'?"
"Nagi doesn't have to know."
Oh, but it's been so lonely recently and Reo is so warm, the fabric of his sweater feels so soft, and you just want someone to take care of you, but letting that person be Reo is too risky.
Still, you trail your hands up to rest on his shoulders. "This isn't smart."
"I'm just followin' my heart, pretty."
You're the one who kisses him, pulling him towards you with a tug and his hands slam onto the counter on either side of you. It's sweet, but so short that you don't even give him a moment to close his eyes and savour the feeling. Now you're pulling away and Reo is desperate to keep you close.
With the inch you've given, Reo steals the mile, sealing your lips with his again. It gets heated too fast and now he's everywhere, hands leisurely exploring your sides as his leg settles between yours, effectively trapping you against your kitchen counter.
"Reo," you whisper weakly as he's pressing kisses against your nape, but he stops as soon as his name slips past your lips, head retracting so he can look you in the eye. "Bedroom, please."
After Nagi broke you the way he did, you felt unlovable. As if the reason he left you so suddenly was because there wasn't anything good left about you for him to continue loving. Yet, Reo clings to you like an oath, hurried hands grabbing and squeezing everything and anything he could touch.
Where Nagi was lazy and unrushed, Reo acts like you could slip away from his touch any second, but he doesn't hurt you. He never grips hard enough to leave bruises no matter how much you want him to, and he never strays too far.
Slowly, he strips you of your clothes, taking the time to appreciate you as if he'll never get the chance to see it again. His pupils dilate with every piece he gets to remove and he hovers over you before leaning down to kiss every inch of your bare skin.
Gratitude oozes off him like honey, like he's thankful that you're granting him the luxury of the sight before him, like he's the lucky one out of you two.
Reo presses into you in all the right places and doesn't suffocate you with his weight. It's mind-numbing, he's making you feel so good and you curse yourself for choosing the wrong one and losing the time you could have had with Reo instead.
Every part of you erupts with bliss when he's finally inside. It's warm everywhere, he fits so perfectly that you wonder if you were meant to find heartbreak first so you can appreciate this blissfulness even more. When you arch your body moulds perfectly to his chest, and you can't remember what you were even worried about at the beginning of the night.
The more you kiss him, the more of him you feel deep inside is like a chip to your armour.
Pure euphoria flows through your veins, intoxicatingly slow. You never want this to end, even as you gasp for air, even as your throat turns dry and scratchy and your legs lose feeling, every climax causes you to pray that he won't leave. That just because you're spent doesn't mean it is the end of the night.
As if he can hear your wishes, Reo's craving is insatiable and his warmth never strays from you.
The clock strikes 02:30 and on a normal day, perhaps you would have been asleep, preparing for the day ahead. Except tonight there is a purple-haired athlete splayed on your chest, bodies coming down from the multiple highs you've experienced together. Oddly enough, this feels like the most intimate part of the night as his chest moves in unison with yours, idle chatter filling up the space as both of you drift off.
Reo tells you something before you fall asleep but you’re too close to unconsciousness to remember, eyelids heavy and senses dulling. “My flight is early in the morning tomorrow. I’ll be gone before you wake up.” 
True to his word, he isn’t there beside you. There’s a noticeable dent in the sheets that traces his silhouette but excluding that, there’s hardly any evidence of his presence at all and if it weren’t for your sore muscles, the flicker of doubt in your mind wouldn’t have been extinguished so quickly. Then your eye catches sight of the exact sweater he wore last night, the same one that you tugged off him impatiently, it feels like a promise that he will return.
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© todoriin 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site
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faeryarchives · 2 days
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hey chat! (first years x gn! streamer reader!)
summary: random but cutesy moments with your bf and brother ortho while being on air warning: modern au! fluff just fluff and rusty writing 🙂‍↕️ characters: twst nrc first years notes: platonic/familial section for ortho (you being the shroud's sister) !! recently read some streamer au and it made me yearn and now im dragging you guys with me 😁 + longest one i've written ...
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✧.* ace trappola
being a streamer with a clingy boyfriend is really interesting
you are a pretty well known streamer mainly focusing on rpg games and movie reviews
and you also have a pretty good fanbase - they are pretty chill, encouraging and welcoming to newcomers especially in chat (maybe the chat do reflect the streamer)
they are pretty used to the times where you would start your stream with ace in the camera view sitting next to you
the loading screen finally disappeared revealing you on screen waving at the camera. "heya (fandom name) and non-(fandom name), welcome to the stream!" a laugh escaped your lips as the chat start to flood greetings, some were spamming hearts, some are getting creative with their comments and only one stood out to you. (name)clips: our favorite most beautiful wonderful (name) i hope you had a good day! please beware of red haired rats nowadays! and oh hi ace, i guess "oh you are worried for me? sure thing, i will look out for red haired rats, right babe?" "not you again (name)clips, i know you love my partner but they would pick me over you at any day!"
while they always joke around with you and ace, you `can see how they adore your boyfriend as much as they adore you
creates compilation of you and ace during your streams + ace is a regular watcher of your fandom clip channel
and he sees it all and leave comments (very supportive bf real)
@ (name)clips uploaded a new video: when (name) is going crazy but their boyfriend is crazier @ thebestace: @ (username) SEE I TOLD YOU THAT U MISSED THAT ONE SPOT @ (username): i am kicking you out of our minecraft house 😡 NAWT MY FAULT YOU SAID LETS NOT CHECK THAT ANYMORE?
especially when the two of you do streams together specifically horror based games and movie review
"(NAME) WHERE ARE YOU?!" while trying to escape the monster in front of you, ace's character suddenly blurred in and bumped into you. his screams echoing through your headphones. "ace i am literally in front of your character- why are you closing your eyes?!" "I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO LOOK!" "just move to the sid-" before you two could move out of the way, the monster grabbed ace's character and killed him along with his screams leaving you to run away from the scene. "i will live for the both of us!" ilikepringles: LMAO NOT THE CUT OFF SCREAM?! deuce spade 🔧: wow what a normal horror game day with these two cowabunga: never heard someone hit that note so high gloomurai 🔧: what a diva trying to salvage your gameplay (you both didn't save before the encounter), you didn't notice how the door to your room opened only for ace to lean to lean on your side while burying his head into your shoulder. and as if your body was on automatic mode, you leaned your head next to him and hummed. "i hate you." "i love you too, do you want me to finish this game?" "mmmm, we could play it another time with more people..." a dangerous glint appeared in your eyes with both of you letting out evil giggles. epel felmier 🔧: just got chills running down my spine should i be scared (name) (last name) 🔧: oh yes you should be
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✧.* deuce spade
now before you even start your streaming life, deuce was the one who helped you with setting up and with the computer troubleshooting
that is why when you experience trouble during your stream, chat would typically expect him to come in your room with snacks for both of you while he fix your computer
while deuce is more on hands on, this man doesn't really understand most of the slangs your chat use that's why sometimes you include him in reading your fandom tweets
"this is a surprise video but we are going to read some of your tweets under my hashtags! and by i meant we, my boyfriend is going to join our stream today!" not even a minute in of scanning through the compilation of your fandom tweets about you, deuce looks so confused. "from @ ieattoes, not gonna lie, i would let mx. (name) (last name) to break my back like a glow stick. i'll stay on my knees for them." the man looked spaced out for a moment before looking directly at the camera with the most worried look you had ever seen. "... first of all, i don't know if i should be concerned with your username or the tweet. second, what the fuc-" "okay, next one!"
deuce is also one of your moderators! and let me tell you how he is so strict with people breaking the rules ESPECIALLY if there were mean comments about you on your chat
while he do want to uphold his running for honors persona, people disrespecting you, your viewers and friends is a different thing
randomuserjvsd: why did they just passed through that chest? its one of the most important things to do in the game? rebeccabot: aren't you that one streamer accused of hacking? fgsvklvbdhsv: LMAO SHIT GAMEPLAY WATCH (name) DRAMA CHANNEL INSTEAD it was a norm for you to receive such comments but who cares? your community knows you well and you know you did nothing wrong but to play the game. "hi to my favorite haters, thank you for viewing my stream! i don't know about you but tuning in live helps me makes money so..." through out the game, you notice how one by one those channel start disappearing in the chat, peaking your interests. "oh my, that is interesting." one and only ace 🔧: LMAO ONE TAP DEUCE STRIKES AGAIN deuce spade🔧: don't worry love, just continue your stream 😊
deuce's mom, dylla, knows about your hobby and fully supports you with it! even sending you some gifts to try on stream and promote them
pretty sure deuce and his mom are one of your biggest supporters in the fan base really - like mother like son (they are leading the fan war whenever someone drags you into a mess)
he knows he is not much of a gamer but man will go lengths for you in the game
(name) (lastname) @(username) guys 🥹 my bf went through multiple domain runs to build his characters and help me with the boss and explore the new areas in fontaine + liyue 🥹 (he suck at playing games) even in star rail so he could understand what i yap about 🥹 879 replies 11.5k retweets 1.2k quotes 90k likes @ thebestace - if my man isn't like this then i eon't want hiim @ (username) - GAY SPOTTED IN REPLIES?!?!?! @ cddiamond - HAPPY PRIDE 🌈🏳️‍🌈 @ jamilviper - congratulations @ spadecued - hey i don't suck that much at games :( @ (username) - remember how you died to a ruin hunter @ spadecued - that was when i start playing the game ??
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✧.* jack howl
"... since we ended the game late and some of you don't want to leave yet, why don't we have a quick chat?" while you are having a small talk with your viewers after finishing your nth game run, your chat start to flood the stream at a fast pace ji9star: are my eyes playing me or something just passed through (name's) door? lightray: and it's 3am too... kreideprinz: how can you guys see a shadow when their hallway is so dark? "shadow?" curious, the viewers could only watch as you stood up and peeked out of your room. for a moment, you looked shocked and honestly the chat couldn't do anything anyways but what surprised them when that same shadow patted your head and urged you back inside. https.(name): A HAND?!?!?! (name)luvr: that is actually me scaratoes: stop the delusions ruggie bucchi 🔧: woah a mystery someone 🤭 "don't worry guys, it not a bad ghost. its a friendly neighborhood one! ace can prove it, right?"
being very open and active in your social media account, your viewers didn't expect you to be in a relationship!
sure as the kind of person who is hands on in academics and games, they didn't think you would still have time for a special someone!
its not like they are mad - they are happy !! but more like curious on who is the mystery guy!
"who is the mystery guy?" you stopped in your tracks to look at someone off camera and laughed, not wanting to spill the beans so early. the view count did increased once you reach out of the camera view only to show to the camera that you are holding someone's hand. cater diamond 🔧: oh you crazy 😭 "there is no fun if our mystery person got revealed so early, so why don't we start a game?"
in no time #friendlyneighborhoodghost start trending on twitter (not calling that app as X) - speculations about the mystery person
(name) (lastname) @(username) you guys are funny 😂 how are you so wrong about it? good luck guessing because he is also having fun with all your tweets 🤭 who knows he might be your mutual 1k replies 23.5k retweets 3.5k quotes 400k likes @ (name)clips - HOLY SHHIT WE GOT A CLUE ITS A GUY SPREAD THE WORD! @ (name)luvr - i am that mutual @ https.(name) - sweetie we support you but not with this one @ azulstan - no wait what if oomf is cooking something @ leonakingscholar - how are you two such trolls @ (name)bf 🔒 - whatever they say goes 🫡 @ jackloml 🔒 - ily 😘
its not helping them at all when you laugh at each speculations, because some of them were actually crazy
as if to add insult to injury, the mystery guy would come in your stream fully clothed and would randomly hug you from behind, - his face would always be out of camera's view and you made sure of that
it went on for months and finally, something happened
"... i don't think that was the best ending of the game, we could've save some playable character-" before finishing your insight on the game's ending, jack entered your room, his earphones on and probably just got home from training, not noticing how you were still on stream. "hey love, i am going to cook for our dinner, do you want anything?" at first there was silence, not noticing how you just froze in place and looking at him in shock. jack felt there was something wrong and finally removed his earphone, realizing that you were unmuted and your viewers probably heard it on live. "...oh." livelaughlove(name): THEY BAGGED THE ATHLETE?! jackstan: this is the best day of my life my two fave are together 😭 one and only ace🔧: LMFAO U STUPID ruggie bucchi 🔧: U HAD ONE JOB 😭 now i have to pay leona $20 thee leona kingscholar 🔧: hah told you i'm right "guess the secret is out now, finally!" you rolled your chair away from your chair to come your boyfriend and hug him from behind - proudly showing him on screen. "so yeah, this is our friendly neighborhood ghost! you guys may know him as the athlete but he is pretty active in the fandom too, right?" "i'm not subtle about being yours too, its not my fault no one believes me." scanning through his phone, jack showed a particular twitter account that sent the chat through more frenzy. white beast @(name)luvr told you guys i'm the real deal. love you @ (username) 259 replies 2k retweets 1.5k quotes 50k likes @ (username) - love u too 🤍 @ https.(name) - IT WAS REAL THE ENTIRE TIME? @ (username) - told you guys he was among you 😝
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✧.* epel felmier
it was funny how you two first met because it was just on pure accident that you got to team up in a random 5 man team
and the two of you carried your team leading to more duo team up with each other
turns out you have a lot in common too, what a strange coincidence!
and now you live together 🥂
"how did you and epel got together? oh that's such a good question!" you twirled your gaming chair around - huge grin apparent with a mischievous glint in your eyes hayikeva: not the scary vibes all of the sudden 😭 jiminijipity: they were so waiting for this moment to come kandii783: LMAO ON THE OTHER STREAM EPEL JUST GOT SHIVERS "so funny thing! you guys already know how we met through valo and we got to know each other more through discord and collaborations with other streamers. while we only play fps and rpg games on stream, we play some game specifically for two players only!" epel felmier 🔧: ??? epel felmier 🔧: what r u talking abt epel felmier 🔧: R U BACKSTABBING ME?! bokuaka4ever: WHO CALLED HIS ASS HERE? (name)#1fan: what kind of games were you two playing? "oh hi epel, no i am not backstabbing you, it's the opposite - i am sharing how we got to know love! why don't you guys guess what kind of games we play?" teresita: roblox? randomuserh: GEOGUESSER epel felmier 🔧: get that away from me "don't mind him, we almost ruined our relationship fighting about the capital of australia." rook hunt 🔧: I KNOW THE ANSWER!! epel felmier 🔧: what are YOU doing here?! leona kingscholar 🔧: its not like it was a secret, it was obvious afterall mwishxr: WHOA THEE LEONA SPEAKS "hush you two don't spoil the surprise!" as the two streamers appeared on chat, more and more people start to appear too, mostly the familiar ones. ace trappola 🔧: real i have to agree w leona on this one ruggie bucchi 🔧: (2) deuce spade 🔧: (3) jack howl 🔧: wow this is surprising sukisuki: IJBOL DID THE WHOLE GANG TUNED IN TO EXPOSE EPEL? yuriified: this is the real power of friendship epel felmier 🔧: this is not friendship this is BULLYING "alright, i guess if he won't tell then i will - we often play sky: children of light. we play other games like minecraft or stardew valley but epel in this game is so amazing because he is guiding me throughout the game and everything." epel felmier 🔧: ihy 😡 epel felmier 🔧: i am taking tubby with me 😡 sleep outside tonight "wait. no, okay i'm ending the stream" and you really did end the stream on the spot
you apologized with tears that night (no not really)
both of your fandoms know about tubby - your adopted dog/child and he will witness his parents (mostly epel) screaming at random people in game to the point that he will bark along side your screams
but sometimes u have your off days too so there were times where you might have bad game plays -> getting trashtalked by your random teammates
as soon as you peeked at the corner, your character suddenly fell down after getting headshot by the enemy team. frustrated, you let out a groan before burring your head into the pillow next to you. "(nickname) do you wan to take a break?" "no i can still go for one game, i'm really sorry epel. after i told you we would rank up..." "it's oka-... what the fuck?" surprised at the sudden change in attitude and the sound of your boyfriend's furious typing ringing in your ears, you automatically looked at the team chat realizing why he suddenly became mad. randomnamehere: wtf if you are going to troll can you not do it here? randomnamehere: so much so for being a (username) fake randomnamehere2: that is so embarrassing get your ass off rank noob (username): have u seen your stats, been covering for your skill issue the whole game "if i wasn't a streamer, i would've talked back about his ass gaming very much." applelppa: why don't you get your ass off that pc and touch grass and have a touch with nature bc YOU TWO ARE THE ONES WITH THE MOST DEATHS?! **applelppa has been muted for 24 hours** "love, you got muted again..." "COWARDS I TELL YOU! YOUR MOM WILL NEVER BE PROUD OF YOU!" "epel-" "WHY DON'T YOU *BEEP* Y-" "BRO, WAIT CALM DOWN! I AM ON LIVE!"
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✧.* ortho shroud
this little guy is a regular at your stream no doubt it!
it would be more surprising not to see ortho in one of your streams rather than being in it
ortho would entertain your viewers while you go try to tell idia to tone his screaming down (real)
"okay so do you think i should change furina's artifact or not?" leaning over your shoulder, your brother took a closer look humming, analyzing everything then shaking his head. "no, your build is actually perfect, i think you should focus more on-" "AHHHH I HATE THIS GAME!" a loud scream followed by a loud thud from the room above you cause a thousand of laughing emoji to roll in the chat. jiminijipity: lolololololo mamasita: the eldest sibling is back at it again lolololol ace trappola 🔧: did idia just died or something jamil viper 🔧: as someone who plays league, he is pretty relatable... "... not this again, ortho keep them entertained for me will you?" with annod, you left the room running and ortho casually twirling around his chair, waving excitedly at the camera. "hello everyone! how are you all doing?" orthofanreal: HI ORTHO petuniaaaa: hello ortho how are YOU doing? skibidirdir: its a miracle your neighbors haven't filed a complaint with how noisy your sibling gets in playing games "we are sure noisy, but the truth is we don't actually have any neighbors, it gets pretty lonely here at times." in the viewer's eyes, they can see ortho looking out of your window longingly before shrugging what ever was clouding his mind and smiled. "you guys might already know that our parents are really busy leaving us three to stick together most of the time. and i am glad that (name) and big brother idia would include me in their livestream so i won't feel lonely." https.shroudsiblings: oh no... who is chopping the onions :( jack howl 🔧: you know you can come over here evey once in a while right? yuu 🔧: ORTHOOOO 🙁 there were several crying emoji flooding in as well as the sound of someone crying behind him. the youngest shroud turned around to see his older siblings at the door way, holding in their tears - obviously hearing what he just said. "since when did you guys got here?" "*sniff* okay fuck league and genshin we are going to play mario kart."
it may come as a surprise but ortho is actually the best player out of the three of you
ortho being first followed by idia and you at dead last 😅
but hey who cares if you are last?! you could even play the most boring game ever but ortho will always make it like its made for fun
sometimes you would try to entice ortho with his favorite food just to turn on idia on voting what to play on game and movie night
(name) (lastname) @(username) i love my siblings very much (don't mind the ugly one at the right) 459 replies 2.5k retweets 1.1k quotes 40k likes @ orthoshroud: but isn't that big brother idia on the right? @ (username): exactly 🥰 dont mind him at all our youngest 🤍 @ randomuser: loolololol agreed @ (username): @ randomuser shut the fuck up only i can insult idia @ gloomrai: I SEE HOW IT IS I AM TELLING MOM @ mrsshroud: yeah about that idy... @ (username): IJBOL
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✧.* sebek zigvolt
and if i speak - this man will get everything just to support you
and i mean everything: your channel subscription, merch, plushie, photo cards that he made and he will still support you by sending donations + gifting subs to your fandom
sebek is very proud of you real! he is very vocal about it and he really feels giddy when you invite him to your streams
(name) (lastname) @(username) okay new waiting room for you all <3 and donations are still off so it's a sign for y'all to save money I AM LOOKING AT YOU MISTER @ wanisama 😾 (insert twitch link) 233 replies 1.5k retweets 900 quotes 20k likes @ gloomrai: to those non (fandom name) its like putting a kpop stan on merch ban for their fave artist @ lilredbat: and i was about to sen you some too @ (username): SO YOU ARE THE ONE INFLUENCING HIM 🫵 @ wanisama: :( @ (username): oh don't you go all sad on me now mister YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH 😾
but it won't be too long until he would do it again - just like a routine 😭 that is just how he shows his love okay
other than that, sebek is a pretty cuddly person and pretty much let you do what you want
while you were streaming, you suddenly faced the man with your arms wide out. "sebek babe, come here." before his mind could even process anything, his body moved on his own and quickly wrapped his arms around you. even giving you a a kiss on the head. "what's wrong?" "hehe, nothing. can you sit next to me? we just finished playing." "sure, do you want me to get some snacks?" you cuddled each other, him wrapping you into his hoodie, until you finally finished the stream.
its funny how your viewers would comment on how you are endorsing more of sebek's hoodie rather than your own merch 😭
with your relationship being out in the open, it's no surprise that both of you would shoot some videos and post stories on instagram like cooking and this is where they realize sebek is more like a boyfailure disaster than the one they see on live
"sebek?" "...yes?" "... can you tell me what are you doing right now?" in the video, sebek was trying to hide something behind him, ribbons and papers scattered around his feet. sebek avoided your gaze, hand flailing in the air. "i-i thought you were streaming?" the more you step forwards the more he tried o hide that certain thing behind him "yeah but it got delayed because the game had a sudden maintenace... oh my god is that the one i wanted to buy the other day-" "OH MY MY PHONE JUST STARTED RINGING, I THINK WAKA-SAMA IS CALLING FOR ME. FAREWELL MY LOVE."
yeaaa and don't get him with the q and a because he has a one track mind if there are questions regarding about you
i think he knows you more more than yourself
sometimes though sebek would join his friends' games and content involving everyone asking each other questions and such (like 2 truths one false or a batsu game).
"okay, my turn!" after ace spin the bottle, it landed on sebek who looks like he was about to say something that would change the world. "ah, it's sebek. now this is hard." "give me your worst, trappola." the green haired man challenged, knowing he will emerge as the victor (man vs himself). "alright! if you could kiss anyone in the world without consequences, who would it be?" "easy, my wonderful partner (name) (last name)." "that shit don't count, you do that anyways!" "@ (username) in every social media platform." riddle rosehearts 🔧: never let ace interrogate anybody (name) (last name) 🔧: AWWW BABE <333 I LOVE YOU TOO (name) (last name) 🔧: and ace open up i'm at your door 😃😊
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lndonorizz · 1 day
Hi :) Can you please write second change romance with Lando and he says “After all this time, i still love you."
Hundred years
LN04 x reader
word count: 3.1k
summary: searching for him every where is a curse turned blessing.
warning: none.
[if it's bad, I apologize very hardly]
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"the games over, what are you looking at?" Your friends called out to you. You saw him. Your hands gripping the railing, as your eyes searched again. People getting up from their seat but no face matched the one you were looking for.
With a defeated sigh you finally let your friends pull you away. Maybe you were thinking too much. "Let's go to the rooftop place, I've been dying to go" your best friend said as she intertwined her hands with yours. Glancing to your other friends, you smiled and nodded.
As you both got ready, your friend group made their way towards the restaurant. Having a place to sit as the time passed by the enjoyment. Not a single second passed without laughter but the thought still at the back of your mind.
A coat around your hand as you got pulled by your best friend. The familiar cologne hitting your nose making you halt. You whipped your head to the direction as you saw him. "You guys go, I'll come on my own" You whispered as you unlaced your hands with hers. She only nodded, giving a weak smile as she walked with the rest of the group.
"I knew I saw you" You said as you walked besides him. He looked the same. The same as the day you left him. His hand in his pocket as the other had a drink in it's hand. "Did you?" He whispered back as he glanced at you.
You nodded, looking up at him. Silence filling the air as it brushed past you both. Your fingers rubbing into each other. Suddenly you can feel the hair sticking to your neck, the dress on your body and make-up on your skin. Pulling out a claw clip, you clipped your hair up. At least one less thing to feel but a hundred remain.
"Why?" A whisper came from him. His elbows now against the railing as he placed his drink besides it. "After all this time, I still.." love you. He stopped mid sentence. You did too. You looked at him. His eyes focused ahead. But yours remains on his. You knew what he was asking, the answer never left.
"Just felt right" He chuckled. You could hear the lump at the back of his throat. "Right? Nothing was right after you left" He said. "That's not true, you had your first win. Congratulations" You whispered as you smiled.
"Yeah, without you" He snapped back almost instantly. Straightening up again as he turned his body towards you. "I wanted you there when I won, to feel your arms, your voice cheering me on" He continued as he took a step towards you. Closing the distance.
You took a sharp breath. Staring up at him as he inched closer. Hundred words circling your mind, none on your lips. He let out a frustrated sigh as he closed his eyes, turning around to leave.
Your hands instinctively wrapped themselves around the collar of his shirt. Pulling him in, placing your foreheads together. "Stay" you muttered as another shaky breath leave your lips.
The noises of the busy street below the rooftop silencing. Only the sounds of each others uneven breathing could be heard. Staying like that for a few seconds before his hands wrapped around your waist. Pulling you flush against him.
Even a smallest gap can seem like miles right now. "Fuck it" you whispered as you closed the remaining gap. Placing your lips on his. You hands that gripped his collar now lay flat against his chest.
Your lips move in sync. Like they know how to react to each move, having a mind of their own. The grip on your waist tightened. As if you would disappear if he loosened it. After what felt like years and seconds together, you both pull away.
You chuckled a bit as your hand traveled to his cheek. Him leaning into it unknowingly. "I was a fool. Forgive me?" You smiled as you tilted your head.
He broke into a smile as he dipped his head kissing you again. Lifting you in the air, still your lips locked.
"I'll forgive you even after a hundred years" He said, making you laugh as you threw your head back. Maybe this time, you won't "just feel right" ever again.
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chaniceroses · 2 days
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The ride back was extremely awkward, Kelly and Dorn never said a word since Armando was with us and Marcus and Mike debated about old things. You eventually made it to Kelly’s home, got out of the car and started walking towards it, when you noticed Kelly pointing her finger back while side-eyeing Armando. So you turned to look at him, to see him not paying attention.
“All of you can come in, except him.”, Kelly said walking into her place. You looked back at him and watched as he shrugged.
“Armando, just wait here and let us talk to her.”, you added, following Marcus, Mike and Dorn and shutting the door. 
You watched as Kelly was now pacing around, you could tell she was uncomfortable with the idea of Armando being in her home. So you scanned around, trying to allow your eyes to catch something so that you could change the subject. That’s when you noticed boxers and underwear near the couch. You thought she lived alone.
“You stay here by yourself?”you asked, pointing over to the underwear that was on the ground
Kelly and Dorn gave each other a slight look….you got them.
“We’re just friends..I mean, we’re seeing each other, you know…”, Kelly responded, trying to come up with an answer.
“We didn’t want our relationship to interfere with work, that’s why we’ve been keeping it a secret.”, Dorn explained, looking at Kelly and then at you.
Mike and Marcus looked at them with a shocked expression and then threw their hands up.
“Armando has to be with us everywhere we go, he’ll be the one to help us. Him and y/n”, Mike continued walking up to Kelly. You watched as Kelly argued back, and continued to be against it. This was going to be harder than you thought.
I stood outside on the porch and watched the waves hit the sand. They had me waiting outside, just because people were in their feelings about me. I could hear Mike and y/n trying to convince them to let me in. I don’t need permission from anybody to do anything. So I went inside and shut her door.
They all were so busy, debating with each other that they didn’t even notice that I had walked in. Until Kelly shifted her eyes over to me. That’s when she walked up on me, pulling out her gun. I looked at her and then at the weapon that was now pointing at me.
“Well this isn’t necessary.”, I whispered, looking over at Mike and y/n.
“Chill Kelly.”, Marcus sighed.
“Kelly, I know you’re upset but he’s not going to do anything, right Armando?”Mike asked, looking over at me. He had his lips pursed out, telling me that I had no choice.
I examined Kelly and what she was wearing. A t-shirt that looked way too big for her, however, she did look fine in it. I shifted my eyes to everyone that was now staring at me, waiting for a response. Even y/n.
“Sure”, I sarcastically smiled, walking away. I kept my distance from the group to ensure that another gun wouldn’t be pulled out on me, when I noticed underwear laying on the floor. I looked up to see how close Kelly and Dorn were, they’re with each other. I watched as Kelly talked about not wanting me in her home and what I did to Howard…Same ol’, Same ol’. Until the perfect opportunity for me to create an argument between y/n and I popped up and I wasn’t going to allow myself to miss out on it.
You watched as Dorn tried to calm Kelly's nerves down about Armando being in her home. She was against it but after what felt like forever of convincing, she finally agreed.
“I’ll let him stay but I’m watching you.”, she sighed, looking over at Armando.
“I want you too.”Armando responded, sitting down on a stool against the wall.
 You, Kelly, Marcus, Dorn and Mike were flabbergasted. You couldn’t help but to turn your head and look at him. What the hell did he mean he “wanted her” to?
“Look..guys he’s just kidding.”, you laughed, trying to ignore what was just said
“Armando…”, Marcus scoffed, walking towards him. You watched as he threw his hands up as a sign of “surrender” and looked at you. You turned your head to avoid eye-contact.
“Kelly, are you okay…we need you guys help. We’re a team.”, Mike continued, looking at Kelly and Dorn.
“Yeah, I am. I’m fine, okay.”, Kelly sighed, leaning into Dorn’s chest.
“Yes you are.”, Armando flirted, getting up and walking towards the group.
“Yo, what the fuck is your problem?”, Dorn questioned, turning around to face him
“Seriously.” you scoffed. You were jealous at this point, you and Armando just kissed not even thirty minutes ago and he’s flirting with Kelly now. You were livid.
“Look, can we focus!”Mike yelled, while looking at everyone in the room.
“We need to figure out where McGrath is, so everyone go to the van.”Mike instructed, pointing towards the door.
You looked at Armando disgustingly and then walked outside, you could hear Marcus talking about how mad you were but you didn’t care. Who the fuck did Armando think he was? You went to sit on the porch, allowing the others to walk to the van and figure shit out themselves.
“Y/n you’re not coming?”, Armando asked, sarcastically. You remained silent, and stared as he allowed Mike, Marcus and Dorn to get on the van. 
“You can go…”, Kelly demanded, pointing inside.
“Ladies first, i’m a gentleman…”, Armando smirked, intensely staring at Kelly.
You watched as Kelly stepped onto the small stairs and went inside, when Armando gave her a fake air butt slap. Now you could feel your blood boiling, while you were shaking your legs. Until you allowed yourself to think….Breathe
“In and out,  In…out.”, you whispered, looking out into the ocean. That’s when you realized he was trying to make you jealous. To be upset and to drool over him. You knew a man with an ego like Armando, they love women over them so you quickly thought of something.
“Well, he’s always looking at me, especially when I’m talking to Mike or other men in general.”, You whispered. You looked down to see that you were still wearing the flannel from earlier. However your legs were covered. So you found yourself looking at the ocean, your top and then your jeans, repeatedly.  That’s when it hit you, you knew exactly how to beat Armando at his own game.
I was inside the van, sitting against the chair that was up against the wall. Marcus, and Mike were talking to Dorn and Kelly, to help them search through Howard’s files to see if we could get anything that would lead us to McGrath. Y/n and McGrath. Y/n and McGrath. I couldn’t help but to repeat that in my head, how did he pull someone like y/n. Have to be a pervert because she’s young, around my age, so imagine back when…..nevermind.
I was so caught up into thinking about what McGrath and y/n relationship may have been like, that I didn’t even notice the van door being opened. It was y/n and she was wet. Why the hell was she wet? “Happy to see you…joining us.”, Mike whispered, looking at y/n and then down at her legs and then back at the computer.
When the hell did she take off her jeans and why were they dripping water.
“Yeah, I figured you guys would need my help?”, she smiled, walking over to Mike.
“What the hell were you doing y/n? Going for a swim?”Marcus laughed, looking down at her. I watched as Dorn slightly shifted his head down to her legs and then at me.
“No, I felt my body overheating a little bit so I decided to go to the water and wet myself a little bit, since that’s the only thing that knows how to get the job done.”, she smiled, keeping her focus on Marcus.
I watched as Marcus looked at me, then at y/n and laughed. He knew exactly what was going on.
“Armando, baby…you wouldn’t mind me sitting across from you. Just until we find what we’re looking for.”, she continued walking over. Baby, when the hell did she start calling me baby? I remained silent but couldn’t help but to observe her legs, the way the water glided down it slowly, while her skin was smooth and as silky as brown silk. She was turning me on and she knew it.
I looked up at Mike to see him slightly laughing, I didn’t find it funny at all. I could feel hot tension slowly crawling up my back while I tried to avoid y/n presence. This was going to be hard.
You knew you had him, you made sure to walk over to the chair that was across from him a certain way and to throw enough water on you so that it would keep you soaked. You sat down and watched as he kept his head turnt from you. You began to act oblivious, just to stir up a conversation.
“So..Armando, how was your day?”, you asked, messing with your hair. You made sure it stayed wet, that way if you wanted to take it down and coil it, you could. You watched as he adjusted himself on the stool and turned to look at you.
“What do you mean?”, he answered, giving you a slight look and then turning back towards Mike and the rest of the group. You could see him tapping his foot, probably hoping that something will be brought up.
“You don’t mind, do you? I’m still sweating and it’s hot in this van.”. You flirted, unbuttoning the top part of your flannel that will be revealing a little bit of your cleavage. You could feel water running down it, and you know that it would be perfect to catch Armando’s attention.  And you were right, he was watching you like a hawk. So you scooted up in the chair that you were sitting in, leaned your head against the wall and slightly departed your legs open, not enough for him to see anything but just enough for him to imagine.
I hate her. I hate her for the way she’s teasing and I hate her for the fact that she was beating me at my own games. I watched as she took a deep sigh and adjusted her hips forward. Her thighs were showing and her legs were slightly separating. I was turned on, and I could feel my bestfriend knocking to be exposed. However, this wasn’t the place. I needed to get y/n alone, to have her all to myself.
“Armando, you never answered my—”, before she could finish her sentence, Mike yelled at us to come see whatever was happening on the screens. 
I got up to walk over to y/n as soon as I saw her stand but she ignored me and ran towards the group. Clever move. Walking over, I could see an extreme and intense look on everyone’s faces. What the hell is going on?
“ BEHIND YOU REGGIE!!”, Marcus yelled, pointing at the screen. I turned to see a tall, black guy with barely hair and a mustache fighting off guys that were in a kitchen.
“What’s going on?”I asked, looking at each screen that was in front of me.
“McGrath’s people.”, y/n replied, folding her arms. I looked down to see her breasts pushed up together. Could it be a push-up bra? Or maybe it's the way she has her arms folded? I must’ve been staring too long because she noticed and started buttoning up the shirt that she was wearing. Damn.
We all watched intently as Reggie fought each person. One moment it was him and one person and then the next minute, it was five. By the time he was finished, the house was smoking and two women were running out the door, while Reggie soluted the camera and then followed. Had to be Marcus’s family.
“Wait, how did he know that camera was there?”Marcus asked, looking around.
I watched as Mike stood there for a second, as if he was in deep thought and hurriedly ran out the van. The rest of us looked at each other and then followed after him. 
“Mike what is?”, Dorn asked, shutting the van door.
He didn’t respond, he just pulled out a phone, punched something in and threw it up to his ear. We all just stood there confusingly and watched Mike as he kept trying to call the same number, over and over again.
“Damn it, she’s not answering.”, he sighed, looking up at y/n. I turned to look at her and watched as she looked at me back, she was worried.
“Who is he trying to call?”I was curious about why he was panicking.
“His wife, Christine.”, y/n answered looking at me and then back at Mike. We watched as he took a couple steps away from us, and called again. This time he was successful.
“Christine…baby, you need to leave…No, don’t worry about…who’s there? Shit.”, he stuttered looking over at us.
“Judy’s daughter, Callie is there.”, he sighed looking at Marcus.
“Take her and leave, some bad people may be heading your way, Christine…hello?”Mike continued. I watched as he tried to talk to his wife, he must’ve not been getting through to her. Maybe a bad connection? 
“The phone line was disconnected.”
  That’s when he quickly received a notification, it was a video. We couldn’t see what was going on but we could hear everything. McGrath and his men had Judy’s daughter, Callie and Christine. And he wanted us to transfer all of the smuggled money from Howard’s files to his, and give ourselves up for Callie and Christine.
“He didn’t give us a location…how can we find them??”, y/n asked, looking at Kelly and Dorn.
“I don’t know, we will need to use that phone so we can see if we can track him down that way.”, Kelly replied, reaching her hand towards Mike. I watched as Mike passed the phone to her.
“We can try to find them tonight, He’ll kill them if we don’t.”, Mike continued looking at all of us.
“I’m sorry Mike but you won’t find him. He’ll probably take them to a whole new location. Give Kelly and I time to go through the phone and the files to find something that will help us.”, Dorn explained.
“How long will that be?”
“Could be all night…”, Dorn replied.
“They’ll be dead by then!”Mike yelled, walking towards the shore. We watched as Marcus went after him, while y/n, Dorn, Kelly and I stayed back. He was hurt and I would be too if the woman I was married to was taken from me.
“Can you guys give us a second?”, y/n asked, turning towards Dorn and Kelly. They responded with a nod and then headed back inside.
“Armando, McGrath isn’t going to kill them.”, y/n said looking at me.
“And how do you know that?”
I was lost on how she could be so sure about him. Yeah she knew him but when it comes to holding people hostages, you treat them like rags. You never keep them for a long time and at some point you trash them.
“Because…if McGrath wanted to kill them, he would’ve done it. He never waits.”, she explained looking at me. I knew that she had a point, so I just shook my head in agreement.
“I believe the best thing for us to do right now, is to go to a hotel and rest just a little bit. Just so we can have some kind of energy for when the time comes to meet up with him. Because I’m sure it won’t be pretty.”, she explained, putting her hands on her hips.
“I agree, we should go tell him…well you should.”, I replied, turning my attention towards Marcus and Mike. They were hugging. Mike's shoulders were slumped, showing a sign of defeat.
“Well c’mon then.”, she smiled walking towards Marcus and Mike.
We weren’t too far away from Marcus and Mike, so by the time we started walking up to Mike. He was already heading back towards us.
“Mike…you don’t have anything to worry about. McGrath won’t kill them, he’s just using them until we come to him and bring Howard’s files. I promise you that…Armando and I won’t allow anything to happen to them.”, y/n promised, looking at Mike and then at me.
“Yeah.”, I responded. I allowed y/n to lead this time, trusting that she knew what she was talking about.
And if I’m being honest, this probably won’t be the last time she’ll lead. I love when she becomes dominant and takes control.
“ He’s after all of us but now we have two innocent people involved, so we all need to be focused and have a clear mind. I suggest we go to a hotel, we don’t have to stay there the whole time but just until Dorn and Kelly send us info about McGrath and where he may be located. This will allow us to clean up and get some type of rest before we go after him.”, she explained.
I watched as Mike had a face of disapproval until Marcus softly touched him on the shoulder and told him that it was for the best. Which it was, I am going to use this time to absolutely fuck the shit out of y/n and she doesn’t even know it.
You could tell that Mike didn’t want to follow through with what you suggested, however thankfully Marcus was there to back you up. So the four of you headed back to Kelly’s house and explained the plans that you had for the rest of the night. It was late and you were tired so as soon as Kelly and Dorn offered to give you guys a bag filled with materials that you’ll need for tomorrow and to drop you off. You made sure that you and Armando were the first ones out of her home, that way Mike wouldn’t change his mind last minute.
The group decided to not pick a hotel that was too far, that way Dorn and Kelly would be able to automatically pick you guys up. Walking in you were met by the aroma of the smell of roses, it had to be the kind of air-freshener that was used. You allowed the boys to walk up to the counter and deal with the pay of the rooms, while you sat on the lounging chairs and listened.
“Oh shit, Mike Lowry and Marcus Burnett do you guys remember me, Jojo!!!!?”, the guy at the counter excitedly yelled. You watched as Mike and Marcus threw their heads around and scanned the area, probably making sure no one heard him say their names. Armando looked back at you and  pointed at the guy. You shrugged your shoulders in response.
“Hey Jojo, I know that it’s been forever and we would love to talk but we’re busy and tired so can you get us a room”, Mike sighed, smiling at him and then pointing at the group. 
“You four are together?”
“Yeah.”, Marcus replied, leaning his body against the counter.
“You…four..together..For real?”, he repeated, shockingly. At first you were confused on why he was acting that way but then the longer you stared at Marcus, Mike and Armando…the more you realized what it looked like. Hell the only thing you were wearing was the oversized flannel t-shirt that Mike gave you earlier.
So you decided to get up and tease Armando some more, the way you did earlier. Unbuttoning the top of your buttoned shirt, you walked over to the counter and softly pushed Armando, Mike and Marcus out the way. Allowing them to form a circle around you, while you stayed in the middle.
“You’re cute…what’s your name?”, you smirked, tilting your head slowly to the side.
“My….My…My name? Uh damn..what’s my name?”, he stuttered, slapping his head.
“Jojo…can you get our rooms or not?”, Marcus interrupted.
“Hey, don’t do that  baby, he can probably come and have fun with us.”, you flirted, turning around to Armando, Marcus and Mike. You could help but to laugh on the inside. The way they were trying to read you and figure out what the hell you were doing.
“Watch and pay attention.”, you whispered looking at Armando and then walking past him. He was livid, he tried grabbing your arm to stop you but you gently rejected him.
“Jojo is your name, right?”
“Well..Jojo, are you free tonight?”, you smirked, walking around the corner to where he was.
“Because I am…and they are too. Maybe you can join us and..I don’t know…make it..five…”, you continued, now standing in front of him. You could see his heart drop as excitement poured over his face. You grabbed the tie that he was wearing and pulled him close to you. He was now sweating.
“Um…One room…you said?”, he stuttered, examining your chest that was now exposed.
“Actually..papi, make it two, I want my own room…”
“Three....I’m not sharing a room with them, they act like children.”Armando interrupted, leaning against the counter. He was watching intensely and you knew what you were doing was bothering him.
“Can you make it three then, please Jojo.”, you begged, seductively staring into his eyes.
“At this point, give us the damn rooms for free Jojo and fix yourself.”, Marcus sighed, frustratedly.
“Yeah Jojo, you should and you should also stop by my room later, when you’re free.”, you flirted, letting go and leaving from behind the counter. You walked back towards the boys to be met by Marcus and Mike staring at you with a “girl-are-you-crazy-” look, while Armando ignored you.
“Yeah, I can most definitely give it to you guys for free tonight….Of course not because…you know..but.. You know…I know you Mike, that’s why.”, he stuttered, frantically pacing around to find the keys.
You pointed towards the row of keys that were hanging on the wall and watched as he grabbed three of them and passed them out to Mike, Armando and then you.
The four of you grabbed the keys and then walked over to the elevator and watched as Jojo followed. Mike was the first to get on, then soon the rest of you followed.
“Were you being serious?”, Jojo asked, as the elevator began to shut.
“So serious..”, you smiled, waving at him. You kept your smile as the elevator doors were slowly shutting and watched as Jojo walked back to the counter.
As soon as the doors closed, you stopped smiling and walked over towards the walls of the elevator. You threw your head back against it and started buttoning up your shirt. You felt that the room was too silent so you looked up to see Marcus, Mike and Armando looking at you.
“What?”, you asked confusingly. You knew exactly why they were looking at you but you decided to act oblivious.
“Shit nothing, that was crazy.”, Marcus laughed, walking up to you to give you dap. You returned the favor and couldn’t help but to laugh about it.
“Very much so, never thought that you would do something like that..ever.”, Mike giggled, caressing his mustache.
You turned your attention towards Armando to see him leaning against the wall while trying not to look at you. He was clenching and unclenching his jaw, causing his temples to show. While the tip of his foot was tapping against the floor.
“I mean…Armando that shit was crazy, like seriously. The way Jojo freezed when she walked up to him. He was stuttering, BAD…i’ve never seen that happen before. You did that y/n.”, Marcus smiled, while clapping his hands.
“It was bullshit!!! That was bullshit, what the fuck were you doing y/n!?”, Armando yelled, now looking at you. His eyes looked as if they were black and the veins in his throat were slowly making an appearance. 
“Ah shit.”, Mike whispered, scooting closer towards Marcus. Leaving room between you and Armando.
You looked at him and turned your focus towards the numbers that were lighting up. Your hall was coming up.
“I was just helping Marcus and Mike out, Armando…so they wouldn’t have to pay anything. And it worked.”, you explained, keeping your attention on the doors.
“She’s not lying, Armando…it worked.”Marcus supported. Mike shrugged his shoulders in agreement and then threw his hands up as a peace offering once he noticed how mad Armando was.
After what felt like forever, the doors finally opened. Allowing you, Marcus, Mike and Armando to leave. Your rooms were at the end of the hallway, next to each other. You walked up to your room and put your key through the knob, after a couple twists and turns the door finally opened and you were greeted by the  crisp, freezing temperatures of the room.
You turned around to shut it, when you noticed Armando walking into his room and then slamming the door. You won and you knew you did. It felt good to shatter his pride and to beat him at his own games. He started it and you finally finished it. Shutting the door, you ran over to your nice, fluffed out bed and threw yourself on top of it and laid there. It felt like you were being hugged by one big cloud, while you were in Antartica. You were so focused on laying down that you didn’t realize the open balcony, so you got up and walked over to it and glanced at the night sky. You were in love with the view that you had. The bright lights lit up Miami, while the ocean shore danced around freely with each other. 
You stood there for a couple minutes, then decided to go and hop in the shower since it was late. About twenty minutes passed by and you were finally out of the shower. Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around your body, you walked over to the blow-dryer that was in your bathroom and started drying your hair. When you heard a knock on your door. 
“HOLD ON!!”, you yelled, setting the dryer down while looking at yourself in the mirror. Your hair had shrunk from it being wet and you didn’t want to open the door with your hair looking the way it did, so you decided to grab another towel and wrap it.
Turning off the lights and walking over to the door, you took a quick glance at the clock that was on the nightstand and looked at the time.
“It’s one in the morning, who the hell is it?!”, you asked, walking up to the door and looking through the peephole. It was Armando. He was wearing nothing but pants with his boxers slightly showing. You could see water slightly dripping down his neck from his hair. He had just gotten out of the shower.
“Fuck.”, you whispered, running back towards your bed and then slowly walking back towards the door. 
“Jojo, baby..I’m coming. Just hold on.”, you continued, softening your tone. You stood there and waited a couple seconds and then opened the door, making sure that you had your head turned towards the balcony to act shocked to see Armando.
“Jojo, I have the balcony curtains open, so that everyone can see us..”, you flirted, opening the door and then turning to see Armando leaning against the door frame with one arm up to support his weight.
“Oh…you’re not Jojo.”, you sighed, disappointedly, walking back towards your bed. You were playing with Armando and he knew that you were. You could hear the door shutting and then steps creeping up behind you. Before you knew it, Armando aggressively turned you around and pulled you closer to him.
He was towering over you. His eyes were filled with fire, passion, and lust. You didn’t know where he was, but you knew that he wasn’t in the room with you at the moment. You watched as he leaned his head down and gave you a slight peck on the lips. A peck of permission, trying to see if you would allow him to continue on with what he wanted to do to you. So you answered, grabbing his face and kissing him as passionately as you could. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You could feel his tongue exploring the inside of your mouth, so you explored his. Allowing  the both of you to fight for dominance, to see who would lead.
He won… you could feel his hands start to rub on your ass, when he patted it. Signaling you to jump, so you did.
I wanted to be inside of her, to hear her moan, cry and to be all over me. I needed her. Bad. So while we made out, I gently patted her round, firm big ass that she carries and signaled for her to jump. And when she jumped, we never allowed our kiss to break contact. Keeping it close and allowing it to get as juicy as it could. I held her butt underneath my hands and carried her to her bed. Throwing her onto the clean bed that was now about to become dirty. I watched as she kept her towel wrapped around her body and scooted towards the end of the bed.
She turned her focus towards the door and looked back at me.
“What if someone walks in?”, she asked, leaning back, allowing her forearms to support her body weight.
“Then we put on a show.”, I smirked, slowly unzipping my pants, wanting to see her become impatient.
Once I finished unzipping and unbuttoning my pants, I pulled them down along with my boxers, allowing my member to be exposed. I watched as her face went from being extremely passionate to now being slightly worried.
“Damn…Armando.”, she whispered, looking up at me.
“Big shoes..”, I smirked, climbing on top of her.
“I don’t know..I don’t think I can—”
“I’ll be gentle, I promise. We can start off slow and build up to it. You’re in control.”, I reassured, now hovering over her as she laid down. She shook her head, yes, and then allowed me to start kissing her again. I was ready.
You were terrified. Never having someone that big inside of you before. He had everything, the length and the width. You felt blessed knowing that it was now yours however scared because it had been a minute since you’ve last had sex. Although, you knew that you were ready. You wanted him inside of you, to hear him beg, moan and whimper. To see him damn near cry. You wanted it all, so you started kissing him and biting him on his neck.
You could feel your towel that was once covering your body now exposing it so you grabbed it, trying to wrap it over you again.
“You’re beautiful, I don’t care about your scars, stretch marks or rolls y/n. They’re normal.”, he whispered, looking you in the eyes. 
 You were hesitant, it has been a minute since you’ve been fully naked in front of a man so you weren’t sure how he would react. However, you trusted that Armando meant what he said, so you removed your towel. You could feel his hands opening up your legs while massaging the inside of your thighs. You were getting hot and could slowly feel your clit start to throb.
You closed your eyes and allowed Armando to explore your body, you were now experiencing your thoughts about Armando coming to life but you also wanted to savor the feeling. You could feel his fingers run across your womanhood, making your hips twitch forward towards him. You wanted more of it and he caught on. So he started gently and slowly rubbing your clit in a circular emotion while leaving kisses across your chest.
“Fuck Armando…”, you moaned, your eyes were now open and you were looking up at him.
“That feels good..doesn’t it.”, he smirked, shifting his body closer towards you. He was now pressing down on it and was  picking up in speed. You could feel your heart racing and ringing in your ears, you felt yourself about to cum when he suddenly stopped.
“Not yet….”, he whispered, stopping and getting on top of you. You took a deep breath and allowed yourself to exhale, it felt good and you knew there were more to come.
I used one of my hands to allow her head to sit up on it. I wanted her head to have as much support as it needed so she wouldn’t get hurt.
“Open…your legs.”, I demanded, kissing her in between. I felt as she separated her legs and kept her feet on the bed. I made my way down to her breast, nibbling on them while leaving hickey’s across them. She was moaning and pushing her body towards me. She wanted more. I hovered back over her and stared into her eyes, I was worried myself. I want to leave her sore but I don’t want to cause her any pain either. I must’ve gotten so lost   into my thoughts because that’s when I felt one of her hands gently caressing my cheek.
“I want you inside of me.”
We kept eye-contact the whole time, as I grabbed my dick and rubbed it against her clit. Up…down…up…down, I dragged it, allowing her to get as wet as she could before putting it inside her. Once I felt it was time, I softly guided my member inside the entrance of y/n pussy and started coming in and out of her slowly.
“Ugh..fuck y/n, you feel so good.”, I moaned, putting my head in the crook of her neck. I kept going, pumping in and out….in and out. Slowing down and then slightly picking up speed. Allowing her body to adjust to me being inside of her.
“Shit Armando, faster…”, she whimpered, grabbing my back. So I listened, picking up in speed, while allowing our moans and grunts to create music in the room. I was several pumps in when we heard a knock on the door. I looked up to see y/n with her eyes rolled to the back of her head, she didn’t hear it, so I kept going and started kissing her neck. Allowing my dick to get as deep as possible inside of her. That’s when I heard another knock, this time she heard it.
“Who..who is….fuck.”, she whispered, now scratching my back. Her nails were sharp and slightly dug into my skin, however I was enjoying the pain.
I started slowing down, so that I could lift my body up to pull her underneath me some more. I grabbed her legs and hinted for her to wrap her legs around me and then started kissing the side of her neck.  I was ready to go deeper.
“Baby..somebody is at the door for you.”, I teased kissing her on the side of her cheek, while picking up my pace. I wanted to hear her struggle to talk. So I started making my strokes longer and allowed my dick to drag out slow and then back in fast.
“Who…fuck, who is it?”, she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut.
“It’s me..JoJo, I brought you flowers.”, Jojo yelled from behind the door.
Perfect, I had a perfect time for her to let everyone know who she belonged to. That she was mine, I wanted to hear her say it. Loud and Proud.
“Are we together?”, I whispered into her ear, now going crazy inside of her. I could feel myself start to twitch while my heart jumped out of my chest. However, I wasn’t going to stop, not until she said it. Instead she kept whimpering and moaning, louder and louder each time I went inside her. So I turned her around and made her get on all fours. 
“You’ll say it, before we leave here…”, I laughed, pushing her back down and lining my dick towards her entrance. I pushed myself inside of her and listened as our moans conjoined together. I loved this shit, everything about it. So I pulled away and then pushed back in, while holding on to her hips. Allowing me to be in control.
You were seeing stars. You could feel him inside of you and it made you feel good. Everytime you thought he would slow down from hitting it from the back, he would pick up speed.
“Say it.”, he moaned, now slamming into your body. You were stubborn. You wanted to see how long you could go with hearing him beg about you being his. So you allowed your whimpers to be your response. 
So he kept going, faster and faster but this time, you could feel his hand rubbing your clit. He was finding his rhythm and once he did, he mastered it. In and out, in and out while he rubbed on you.
“Y/n… are you mine?”he asked again, pulling your body up against his chest and now, slightly choking you. 
“FUCK ARMANDO!!!”, you yelled, putting his head between the crook of your neck and allowing him to kiss your shoulders.
“You feel so good y/n..”, he whined, still massaging your clit while pumping inside of you. 
You were slowly building up inside, you could feel it. The next stroke he does would be over for you, but you didn’t stop him. 
“Shit…say it.”, he grunted, roughly grabbing your body and hugging you closer to him. You could feel him twitching inside of you. He was about to cum.
“I’m yours Armando, baby, I’m yours.”, you moaned, you could feel your body begin to shake but he didn’t stop. 
“Good girl.”, he replied, still going until he released, which was soon after.
“Fuck y/n…te sientes tan bien, te sientes tan jodidamente bien….”, he repeated, massinging your breasts while leaving soft kisses across your back. You turned around to look at him, his eyes were closed and you looked down to see his dick still twitching. 
“Come here…”, you whispered, getting up off the bed. You watched as Armando stared at you confusingly until you pointed towards the balcony.
“Seriously?”, he smiled, wiping the sweat off his forehead while getting out of the bed. You observed Armando’s body as he walked over to you. His broad shoulders stuck out to you the most, and the way his muscles would always make an appearance over the smallest thing…it turned you on. 
“Sit down.”, you demanded pulling out the chair that was near the table. He sat down and opened his legs, watching you kneel down in front of him. His eyes were dark and he was watching your every move.
You grabbed his dick and allowed your tongue to meet it for the first time. Licking up the fluids from both his and yours body while slowly stroking it, up and down. You could feel him shift his hips so that he could be more comfortable in the chair. He was slowly moaning and had his head leaned backwards. He was relaxed so you licked the tip of it some more and started gradually sucking it. Allowing it to touch the different barriers of your mouth.
You could feel him slowly growing again back inside of you so you started sucking harder and then used your hands to gently twist. His moans were gradually getting louder and louder as you picked up speed. Bobbing your head up and down to allow him to get inside of your mouth some more. You took your focus off of his member and looked up to see him clenching the arms of his chairs, while tears streamed down his face. His eyes were closed, which means that he was deep in the moment, so you stopped. Which led to him opening his eyes and begging you to finish but you ignored him.
You climbed onto Armando while he helped you put your legs through the chair. Wrapping one of your arms around his neck while grabbing his dick to aim it under you. It took you a couple tries to find the entrance but once you did, you quickly slid down onto it  which led to you and Armando moaning in unison.
“FUCK Y/N.”, he grunted, grabbing your ass to try to take control.
“Not this time.”, you smirked, slapping his hands, and putting them back on the arms of the chair. You put your hands on top of his so that you could be dominant this time. You wanted to see him beg and cry for you to stop.
So you started bouncing up and down slowly, while moving your hips forward and backwards so that the both of you can feel it. To feel the both of you inside of each other, for the both of you to become one.
You were teasing him and he knew it, so you started to ride him faster each time he whimpered. The way you held his hands down so that he couldn’t grab you felt like a power move on your end. However, for him, not so much. Though it felt good to him, he felt like he was being sexually tortured. Not being able to grab you felt like a crime to him but all he could do was moan.
“You look so good while whimpering Armando…”, you teased, picking up speed. You could feel him try to snatch his hands away but you continued to hold it down while you rode him.
“Ugh..i’m sorry..please..”, he whimpered, trying to throw his hips upward towards you.
“No baby, it’s my turn…you’ve been bad, baby…..”
“Ha,,,fuck…”, he tried to laughbut could only throw his head back.
You took that as an opportunity and started kissing his exposed neck, leaving hickey’s across it. You could hear him mumbling in Spanish which encouraged you to go faster. So you did.
“Fuck Armando!! You feel so good, cum for me.”, you yelled, now bouncing up and down uncontrollably. You watched as tears were streaming down his cheeks again, as he continued to moan.
You decided to let go of his hands and allowed him to wrap them around your waist. You were both now chest to chest while he had his head buried into you, allowing you to ride even faster and to cover his head with your hands. When you both finally released, allowing the both of you to be covered with each other juices. You stopped riding and Armando started pumping the rest of his energy out into you. His accent sounded heavier and he was speaking in his native language. You couldn’t help but to admire the way he looked while he held onto you and mumbled to himself.
There was silence between the two of you afterwards, allowing the sound of nighttime Miami to surround the both of you guys. You leaned your head down to kiss him on his forehead then tried to get up, when he pulled you back down.
“What Armando?”, you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Nothing..I just want you to sit here with me, that’s all.”, he smiled, looking at you and then leaning in for a kiss. You responded back and softly gave him a kiss on his lips. 
“I am yours now, Armando, and I mean it. I hope you feel the same way too.”, you whispered, looking at him. You could feel yourself start to blush; you were done with games. You knew that you wanted to be with Armando, and you were hoping that he still felt the same.
“I do y/n…I do… I belong to you."
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iwaasfairy · 1 day
a/n. yea I made it dad iwa and also some oc bullshit fucking suE ME but it’s good i like this one yeAAAA I hope you enjoy BBYYYYY I know I liked writing it hahahHAHA
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tw. incest, dad x daughter, single dad iwa, reader’s a brat, obv age gap, size stuff implied, pussy slapping, (hard-ish) dom iwa, brat taming, noncon voyeurism, it’s a family affair, solo masturbation, jealousy wc. 3k
iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader, iwaizumi eiji and hitoshi x fem!reader
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Its not his business that you’re a total nympho. Frankly, he could care less. Hitoshi’s eyes flick from under his baseball cap to the older sibling’s smug, almost accomplished smile when he runs a hand through his head of hair, before shaking some of the excess water out. The lighter brunet chuckles. “Our little sister’s laying on a towel with her tits out in the Oikawa’s backyard.”
“Dad’s over there, ain’t he?” Hitoshi responds, already back to scrolling mindlessly through Reddit to cure some of his boredom. Head of the Iwaizumi house said to ‘go outside for a bit’ so here he is, sweating his ass off in the lawn chair. What you’re up to really is none of his concern. Really. Eiji only smiles.
“And what? You think he’s gonna tell her off? Be for real for a second, Tosh.” There’s a look on Eiji’s face. Mixed in under the amusement and the bolstering, there’s something a bit tense. Impatient, and though he’d sooner die than admit it, Hitoshi recognises the glint that sits in the slight scrunch of his nose. He’s jealous. Yeah, you’re the type of little sister who gets away with having your tits out while they’re supposed to pretend not to see it. After sloppily patting himself dry with one of the towels, the oldest sibling slaps his phone out of his hands to grunt. “Get up.”
He responds before he thinks. “Fuck you, bitch.”
But it doesn’t bother his brother, who only tosses the towel back onto the table. “Stop intellectualising it and get up. You wanna get a look too, right? Dad’s over there right now to keep an eye on our little sister, and no one else is home. What do you think’s gonna happen.”
The sun’s so nice on your bare skin, glowing heat onto you and making you feel so sleepy and dazed. You’re all housesitting, which means access to the ridiculously nice pool of the Oikawa’s — and a secluded garden where you’re free to do whatever the fuck you want. The low voice is the only thing interrupting the peace. Daddy. “Babe. What do you think you’re doing?”
Your hat’s covering most of your view, but if you crack open one eye you can just about make out the way your dad crosses his arms over his wide chest, wife beater clinging a bit too tight to his muscular form. You push your lips out. “Sunbathing.”
“Put something on.” He sounds a bit tight, like he’s gotta clear his throat. Good.
“Why though?” You lift the hat up with one finger to look up further, see the slightly flushed visage of your father as he eyes you down. He’s a bit sweaty, yard work, and now has all his attention aimed at you. “I can’t get warm evenly all over if I do. Besides, no one’s home, and no one’s gonna look at me. The only people who can see into the yard is us, and Hitoshi nii’s not going to crawl out of his dungeon to spy on me, I promise you.”
It stays quiet for a few seconds as he takes in your words, before he sighs. Frowns just a bit, as he lets his eyes glide down your body just once. Enough to have his jaw clench, though. “I’m working here.” Then, after a bit more thought, he forces out the rest of the words. “You’re distracting.”
“Daddy~ please~” you start though, now pushing off the hat completely and wrapping your arm around yourself in mock-modesty. You have no intention of actually covering up. And looking at the way he’s breathing and already sweaty, he doesn’t actually want you to cover up either. “Nobody’s home. It’s fine. Please?” His olive green eyes flick to the way you’re pushing up your tits with your arms now, and those swimming trunks start feeling a bit tight on him if the way he shifts is anything to go by. The intense look would’ve scared you off before, but… well, it isn’t the first time you’ve gotten away with worse.
It also probably won’t be the last. “Once the sun is gone I’ll cover up to go back into the pool out front, promise.” You smack your lips, and give him those big puppy eyes that he seems to love so much. “Ei nii’s out there and I don’t want him to get an eyeful anyway.” You roll onto your side to send him your best smile. “Only trust you like that, daddy~” You’re audacious, a brat, but only because you know that gets him going. Wouldn’t do it this way if he really didn’t like it. When you go to lay back down with closed eyes, you can already hear him move in the grass.
A slight line works its way between your brows at that, at the idea that he’d walk away from you. But then a warm palm wraps around your arm to pin it beside your head on the towel, and you can feel the heat of him getting onto his heels beside you. Your breathing hitches, but you force yourself to keep your eyes closed. “Trust me to do what, exactly?” He rasps.
His other hand comes to your shoulder to push his thumb in, nice and hard, and works a moan out of you before you can think— working his way down in circles that pull goosebumps out of you. “What’s all this show really for? To make your big brothers jealous? Hm?” He gets close enough for the whispered voice to tickle your neck, hot thigh pressed against your waist before he places the other on your other side, straddling you. “You think that you can ‘daddy’ all your problems away? That if you look at me sweetly enough I’ll give?”
“I- didn’t-” your voice hitches when his mouth drags over your pulse, slight stubble and warm lips leaving kisses all down the length if it. The heat of the sun on your naked chest only makes the almost touch more irritable and itchy, and you have to fight the urge to just curl your body up against him already. “Didn’t want my big brothers to see. Wanted -you to.” When he noses at your collarbone you try to find your voice, and worm your wrist out of his grip to reach for his hair. “Wanted daddy to play with me again. I’ve been waiting since yesterday. Please.”
You can’t help but think back to last weekend, grinding down on his thigh with his fingers down your throat. Panties coated in stickiness and your entire body trembling with exhaustion. He laves soft mouthed kisses onto your throat enough to have you shaking now, too. But Hajime’s nothing if not consistent, as he noses the side of your breast and his hands slide down to squeeze your waist. “You know that I can’t, right?” He always says that.
You can’t help but laugh, humourlessly, and tug softly at the hair trapped between your fingers. “Then why are you?” And he is. As soon as he gets near enough, you arch your back automatically, still clenching your eyes closed. If you look now, the image will haunt you every day for the rest of summer. You’ll need daddy’s hands on you until you can’t go any more. Your tit is pushed against his cheeks because of your motion, and he groans a low, rumbling sound against your body. You can feel the heat of his bulge through his shorts. “Did you get jealous that Eiji might’ve seen me? Even a little?”
A second passes, before he finally grunts. “Fuck, yeah.” His mouth comes to your tits, tongue rubbing over hardened nipples too well, too knowingly. Knowing your daddy’s had other women before could make you green with envy, but he feels so good. His mouth, and hands feel so fucking good. Good enough to cry about it, trapped under his broad, heavy form as he squeezes and sucks your tits. “You’re a headache, you know that? Do you feel what you do to me?”
“Mhm.” You nod, panting, squirming under him. His hardening cock pushes against your thigh as you roll your hips, and he leaves impatient lovebites all over your tits. “Daddy.. d-daddy. Want you.” He’s so big and hot and heavy against you any time you get this close, it’s not your fault. You’re only a headache because he made you one. The clothed grinding against his covered, hard cock leaves your pussy awfully wet and sticky. Your breaths short. “Don’t you wanna- s-show your boys who your daughter belongs to, daddy?”
Your eyes shoot open when a sharp sting jerks your body, spreading through the flesh of your tit before he laves his tongue over the ridges where his teeth dug in. He clicks his tongue while grinding your other nipple between his fingers, making your bottom lip wobble. It feels so good, he always does. It’s not your fault. “Stop tempting me to make you regret your little stunt.” Your teary eyes meet his, dark and predatory before he pushes himself up, and yanks you closer by your thighs. “Legs up on my shoulders.”
“Legs.” He says again, lower. You do, let him help your ass up to his mouth and reposition you so he’s level with your cunt. Your pussy clenches around nothing as he blows on your clit through the fabric, and only one hand keeps wrapped like a vice around your thigh to stabalize you. “I don’t wanna hear anything except how good it feels. Understood?”
You nod, before thinking better of it and speaking up. “Yes.” Fuck, it’s hot. He’s hot. You’re about to melt into a puddle with his face between your legs. He pushes your bikini bottoms aside with rough fingertips before pushing in. And you gasp, doing everything not to whine already. As his nose pushes against your sensitive clit, his lips find yours to leave a wet kiss on the opening, and he pushes his tongue against your sloppy lips without another warning. It’s already too much.
“Agh- d-daddy. You feel g- gh-ud.”
The big, hot tongue pushing you open, makes you grind against him while blood rushes both to your cunt and your head. His other hand flicks over your enterance a few times instead, before two thick fingertips push inside you, slow at first. He makes a show out of bottoming them out, and you can feel the way he smiles when it makes your pussy squelch. His tongue flicks over your clit hard and fast, before sucking. “Fuck, you’re so- good- g-good to me. Daddy!”
“Mhm.” The blood makes your ears ring. It makes you so dizzy it’s impossible to see much past daddy’s face and how good he looks, rubbing his tongue in rough motions over your pussy. He’s licking and licking and licking against your clenching muscles so good it’s almost unbelievable. The rough friction of his chin and stubble against your pussy, the way he nibbles just right at your clit, it’s all too much. It’s too much because it’s daddy— because he knows what he’s doing.
You mewl as you curl your body against him and the push to your clit gets even better. Too good. You’re so sweaty his hand slips on your thigh, instead pulling you back by your heel and yanking you back up, right as your toes curl. His face is making a mess between your legs, and your mouth hangs open. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He- he’s already gonna make you cum. Sweat rolls down your back as your juices run down his chin and he buries himself as deep as he can, groaning your name into your pussy. “That’s my pretty girl, there you go.”
Your thighs squeeze around him and your eyes open through your tears, desperately searching for the eye contact you need to get there. But maybe because he knows you, he pulls back and drops you back down by your legs, spreading them by his thighs. “No, no- daddy pleas-uhh~ I wanna cum.”
“You’re coming on my cock.” He snaps back, before pushing you open more and slapping your pussy with a flat palm. “That alright with you, miss princess?” He says it like it’s an insult. For a moment, it does feel like it. Your mouth snaps shut against the cry you wanna let out, as his hand lands again before you can react. You jerk against the sting, clench your legs closed around his hand, but he pushes them back open to do it again. And again, and again, until slick is dripping down to your ass and your clit is tingling and swollen. You could burst out into a sobbing fit any second. “Can I do what I gotta do to get you there now?”
“Yes,” you sniffle back instantly, and open your eyes at him. Thick tears sit on your vision at it, you can’t help it. It’s all his fault you’re this way anyway. Your thighs wobble before your bottom lip does, and it’s this that makes him sigh.
“Aw, babe, shhhh— I’m sorry.” He takes only a moment to pull his shirt over his head, then gets back over you to wipe away the thick tracks. It doesn’t do much against the tears that keep coming, but it’s ok. It’s much better when you can place your hands to his bare chest and feel his heartbeat through your palms, reach up to kiss him. He tastes like you, and you suck on his tongue until he moans into the kiss. When he pulls back, that hot, big palm cups your cheek. “Was that mean?”
“I deserved it.” His dialated eyes search yours for a moment, before he kisses you back another few times. The tingling ache between your legs remains, but there’s a pit in your stomach that becomes more demanding again. “Please keep going?”
“Take me out.” Your hands instantly glide down his body at the order, hooking two fingers around the elastic band before pulling. Pulling down until you reveal the trail of pubic hair that leads down to his thick, flushed cock and down further. Down until the fabric can no longer hold him back from bobbing up against his stomach and he lets out a deep breath. You pull a little more to get a glimpse of his fat, heavy balls too, before daddy grunts and places both elbows by your head again. “Lead my cock inside you like a good girl, hm?”
“Uhuh.” Gladly. Your fingers reach for him, touching the dripping head first. Pre gets all over your fingertips, and you truly can’t stop yourself from putting two fingers inside your mouth with a whimper. Your hands return to squeeze around the head, need both to reach and stroke down a few times. Not that he needs it. He’s hard enough to feel his heartbeat through the skin, thick cock twitching as you shuffle around to line up. “‘s big.”
“It’s big to make you feel good.” He agrees, kisses your temple, and bucks into your palm. “Go on.” You line him up with a deep breath, before blinking your long lashes up at him with your lip between your teeth. The head kisses your hole as he hums, slides your slick around on the puffy mushroom head a few times before pushing in. “Ugh-always forget,” he grunts lowly, biceps bulging as he holds himself above you, “how fucking tight you are. My little baby.”
He starts rocking himself inside you bit by bit, and you can’t help but drag your nails along his flexing back to hang on. “Ah, ah, agh, daddy. You’re- so- big.” You throw your head back, and pant, tears still wobbling. You’re no longer sad though. Your pussy’s being forced open too big, too- fucking wide for you to clench around him properly- but it feels so good. He feels so fucking good, oh God. You want to fuck daddy all summer. You want him to never, ever stop.
Hitoshi’s so fucking hot it makes it hard to see straight. Cum’s gotten on his shirt, all over his hand, and he’s got boxers full of cum running down his fucking thigh. While his cock’s still hard and red in his fist as he forces his own hips not to buck. He can just barely hear your whines echo over the field to where they’re hiding— and you sound, predictably, just like how he imagined you do. You look good. Fuck, he’s sure you’d look just as good under him, but instead you’re clinging flushed faced, tits bouncing to your dad with his greying temples and letting yourself get used.
You’re pathetic, honestly. But he’s also not fucking blind. His cock twitches hard in his hand, and his other hand comes to cover the flared head as if that’ll keep a third load in. He’s trying to hold it so hard that he’s panting, balls pulling up to his body.
“Think she’ll let me eat the cum out of her when dad leaves?” Eiji’s pumping his cock without shame like there’s no tomorrow, getting drops of hot, clear liquid everywhere. He’s christened the plants with his cum earlier, too. Hitoshi just grimaces, before looking back at the way your body curls around the fat cock driving in and out of you, your cries about to make him bust again. “Huh?”
“I don’t fucking care, Ei nii.” He then furrows his brows so deep that you’d say he’ll get permanent wrinkles, not bothering to look over. “Why do you wanna eat dad’s cum out of her?”
“So I can fuck my own into her.”
Hitoshi’s too busy watching you and breathing through it to care about what he’s saying, so it takes a minute to filter through his hazy thoughts. “You’re a pig.”
Eiji just rolls his eyes. “Whatever you say, quick shot. Have fun trying not to cum when I go next.”
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All Rights Reserved © IWAASFAIRY 2024. Works are exclusive to this Tumblr.
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lovetei · 2 days
may u do how the om brothers would act with a bimbo mc who's like ..... scarily dumb 💀 like think Karen Smith x10 (gn mc but i don't remember the gn word for bimbo😭i think it's like thembo or something but im not sure. english isnt my first language so i might have made some mistakes😅)
I think bimbos are cute 🤭🤭
I fully believe getting treated like this by them would solve 99 percent of my problems.
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How would the brothers react to an MC who is a complete bimbo?
Warnings: Grammar errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, readers gender is not specified (even though bimbo is used to degrade a beautiful but unintelligent woman or frivolous young woman, I used "bimbo" in this scenario as someone who's attractive but unintelligent), slight dark themes, slightly deregatory
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
At first, he found you annoying
How come your only solution to problems is "Be pretty"
It's insane how stupid you were, what do you mean you don't know how to spell the orange fruit?
But soon after, he started to find you interesting
After meeting you, he believed that it's not the professionals that are dangerous, it's the newbies
It's interesting how they can never guess what's your next move
When you two got in a more romantic relationship though, he started treating you like a complete child
You would sit on his lap in a meeting while swinging your feet and you asked him, "Luci baby~ what's the investment thing you're talking about? Is that like, shopping?"
He would just chuckle and squeeze your cheek softly, "Don't think about it, little MC don't need to worry their pretty little head over something so trivial~"
Even though people think of him as someone who's as stupid as you
He proves them wrong when he started to act like a complete mature man around you
No funny pranks or anything, he's just taking care of you because "How can his pretty little survive in hell without him, hmm?~"
And you'll just giggle at him and continue clinging on his arm
He would walk around the academy and each time, it's either he's holding you or your stuffs
Some people would find your things on his bag and he'd just shrug it off
Though at first, he thought you as a nuisance
He started to like it how you depend on him so much
"Mams how do I use this??"
"Mams don't leave!~~"
Oh, how his heart speed up whenever you ask him for help for the smallest of things
It's alright, MC, this strong demon will protect this pretty little human.
He hated how you used to look at him like he's some animal in a zoo
"What?? How come little Levi don't like going in parties?!"
With those pretty, glossy lips of yours and that tiny brain in your head.
He hated how you wore your uniform, can't you see how innapopriate your uniform is?!
Is the skirt supposed to be that short?!
Is that shirt supposed to have only three buttons closed?!
Why is your pants so tight?!
But once you got close to him
Oh, the contrast between the two of you made others heart flutter
Other people saw it as "Discord mod x d kitten" in the best way
But his brothers
They saw it as "the nastiest pervert x the prettiest girl"
You don't want to know why
He'll just be there sitting with his arms around your waist grumbling, "Ah, people are so noisy... Let's just stay in my room, okay?"
If that's the only thing he'll say, you might find it normal but of course, he has to say something to ruin it
"This pretty sheep won't refuse me now, will they? After all the snacks and candies I've given them, this pretty sheep will sure come with me, right?"
As someone who values knowledge and education more than anyone among the brothers
You must've thought he'll hate you
Well, you're right
At first
Everytime your test exams will come back, he'll be the one to sigh the loudest
But after the tutoring session Lucifer planned for the two of you, to help you increase your scores
It's been different
Well, it's not like you're studying, psh, never
Satan gives you cheat sheets or tells you the answers secretly
He'll be next to you every exam and his hand will secretly on your thighs, or sometimes, even higher
Then he'll caress your skin to tell you the answer
Of course, after exams scores are released you have to give him a reward
One kiss for every correct answer, that's the reward
But since you wished for it, he'll pretend to be a good tutor and act like you really studied instead of cheating
"Ah, my baby is so smart~ look, the only thing you got wrong is the last part! Butt that's okay, it's really hard, especially for someone as innocent as my baby..."
Then he'll pepper your face with kisses
You two are a match made in heaven and hell
The moment you arrived with those leopard prints, he knew you two will have fun together
Shipping sprees and all
The internet will break everytime you two post on social media
He'll help you get in the high society of Devildom
And of course, get you a pass to the freakiest parties in hell
You two are practically beasts in parties
The most breath taking clothes and the sexiest proportions, what a combo
And the two of you will drunkly stumble inside the house, well, you will.
He's the only person who knew about you and Satan's little deal too
"Hi my prettiest baby! How's my apprentice doing?!~" He said while squeezing your cheeks
Yes, your cheeks
It doesn't matter if it's the cheeks on your face or your ass
He's squeezing them
He wasn't annoyed or anything
In fact, he's worried for you
"It's okay, MC. I will protect you, just tell me whoever says mean things about you."
He acts like your body guard
Always beside you whenever you have to go by yourself, we'll, not by yourself anymore
Always carrying your bags
Your little make up
Holding your clothes as you shop
Paying for you
Everything, who knew who might take advantage of you if he isn't there
That's not all
He's always carrying you too
"My feet hurts so bad! Beel!"
Is how all of it started
The next day, and so on
Everytime he sees you, he's scooping you up and carrying you on his arms
He knew you were dumb
Please, he has this sense where he can find out if someone is dumb just by hearing them form a sentence
And so far, yours is the most... You know.
He's one of the most manipulative, but also one of the most protective
He hates it when someone else use his dirty tactics on you
But that stop him from doing those dirty tactics on you again
He just loves it when you're so... Naive.
He chuckles everytime you tried to think for yourself once in a blue moon and would ruin it with a,
"Shhh... Don't think about pretty, it's better when you're dumb and dependent."
And you, who sadly didn't take that as an insult, just nodded and made him chuckle even more
Gosh, he wonders how much it will take for you to break.
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lovebittenbyevans · 2 days
In Their Words | One Shot
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Summary: When Oscar finally did an podcast interview with you
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x interviewer! Female Reader
Warnings: two cursed words
Author note: I was inspired by watching jay shetty podcast on youtube to write this. Enjoy reading!
My Masterlist
You sat in the chair across from him and moved the microphone toward you. You were nervous to do this but at the same time you were excited. You have been wanting to interview Oscar for a while now since he was always busy.
“We are ready to start.” The producer yelled making sure everyone heard him.
You clear your throat as the camera started rolling. You looked at him with a polite smile. “Oscar Piastri.”
He chuckles a bit. “Y/N.” He was wearing a black hoodie and comfortable blue jeans. He wanted to dress for himself for once and be comfortable.
“Welcome to in their words podcast.” You speak into the microphone.
Oscar leans back slightly in his chair and speaks into the microphone. “Thank you for having me.”
You let out a soft sigh. “Now, there is so much I want to ask but some stuff we can talk about off cameras as well.”
He laughed a bit. “Y/N, you and I have been friends for four years. You know you can ask me anything.” You rolled your eyes and sucked your teeth playfully. “Open book, huh?”
He laughed again. “Go ahead.” You clears your throat as you make eye contact with him. “My first question would be your lifestyle? What made you want to be so free.”
He rubbed his chin for a second before he answered your question. “As you know both my parents are rich and wealthy. I didn’t want a path where I had to be them. I wanted one of my own and just be careful with who I let in my life.”
“So, you wanted to be this sugar daddy for every woman you are with?” You raised an eyebrow. You knew how Oscar moved so well.
He let out a sigh and said. “No, I just like having women around me. Yes, I have money but I’m not stupid enough to let them use me. I truly care about my girlfriend Ruby.” At least he was being honest.
You nodded listening to him. “How long have you and Remi been together?”
Oscar made a thinking face. “On and off for almost a year and a half.”
“And do you feel like you are missing something from her? That’s why you don’t want to be fully committed.” You asked him another question.
He didn’t know how to answer that. He never thought about Ruby being his forever even though he did love her to an extent.
“I think when two people are enjoying each other's company and don't want to ruin their little bubble they have with them. It’s become a custom to it.” He explained the best way he could.
You just listen to him talk through the interview as you ask him more questions about him, his life mostly. You noticed sometimes Oscar only likes attention from people who matter to him.
“Charles, Lando and Lewis are the ones I’m closest to and they always have my back. Even when we see each other at events we have good conversations with each other.” He tells you.
You sit up a bit in your chair. “And I feel like I can come to you about anything as well.” He continues to talk.
“When I’m available.” You joked.
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Did you get what I sent you?”
You gave him a side eye. “I did but you didn’t have to do that.” You were not about to reveal what he gave you on camera. You like to keep things private between you and him.
He looks at you while shaking his head. He knew what kind of person you are even though he always wanted to be here for you.
“Y/N, why don't you let me be–” You cut him off before he could finish his sentence. “I have this card sitting on my lap and I am going to ask you a few questions from people.” You truly don’t want to have this conversation on camera right now.
Oscar opens his mouth, but closes it. “Question one is do you ever see a future of you settling down with Remi?” You glance at the card and then at him.
He chuckles briefly. “Um, that’s a tough answer to give.”
You moved on to the next question. “If you were in a different universe what would your career be?”
“I always say I wanted to be a professor on college campus, tattoo artists or soccer player.�� He answered truthfully.
You moved the microphone a bit. “And final question.” Your eyes widened when you saw the next question. You almost gasped. “Um.” You paused for a moment. “Could you see yourself being with Y/N? Would you be willing to explore with her and see if there is a chance?”
You felt your cheeks flush as he locked eyes with you. “My only answer would be a hundred percent yes.” You didn’t expect him to actually answer that so loudly.
“Ok.” You said. “Thanks for coming on my show Oscar.” You had to pull yourself together and be calm.
He smiled warmly. “Thank you so much for having me, Y/N.”
The producer yelled cut as you rose from your chair and walked off set. You walked out the door after thanking the crew for being on set. You headed straight to your car and unlocked the door with your car keys.
You open the door to your car when you hear Oscar call out to you. “Y/N, wait!” His Australian accent was thick.
He grabs your arm, turning you around to face him. “No, No, No.” You spoke first. “Did you not understand what you just did on camera?”
Oscar ran his hand through his hair. “Yes, but I don’t regret saying it.” You glare at him for a second. “O, fucking Remi!? You forgot you have a whole girlfriend and women?”
He rolled his eyes. “I am not taking it back. I meant what I said, Y/N.” Your heart was racing while looking at him.
You never saw him in that way ever. It never crossed your mind for you to be anything more with him.
“Have a good rest of your day, O.” You got inside your car, closing the door shut and immediately drove off.
Oscar stood there watching you drive away instead of talking to you. “Fuck!” He mumbles to himself.
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skullvgirl · 3 days
Hiii can i request somethinggg
Reo, Chigiri, Isagi, Bachira, Ness and Hiori first time seeing reader in a fitted clothes
when they see you in fitted clothing
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incl. reo, chigiri, isagi, bachira, barou, shidou
warnings. fem reader, suggestive tones, possibly ooc
an's. hi anon :3 I actually don't write for ness or hiori because i still haven't read the manga and don't know if i plan to, i've replaced them with my favs
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he's honestly way more shy then you would think. he's without a doubt the one purchasing all of the clothing for you so he tells you too go crazy and pick anything you'd like.
he only slightly regrets it because soon enough your innocent sun dresses and playful skirts turn into short body con's and skin tight clothing.
he takes ALOT of pictures, tells you he wants to lock you up put you on display ( affectionate ) and people would have to pay millions just to get a peek at your beauty.
he never stopped taking pictures, you tell him put phone down so he at you can marvel right now and he feels like his face is on fire.
chigiri is a hypocrite. he told you a few weeks ago he never understood the appeal of it, just prefrence from a pretty boy himself. that was untill he saw you in stocking that made your legs look so..
"hm" you asked him, getting ready for long awaited date. you couldn't quite hear him from where is stood.
"come ere' will you please?" he asks like he was desperate, like he couldn't go another second without you.
"yes-MMPF" he's kissing you, and you're glad you didn't start your makeup yet ;; you smile into the kiss and appreciate the feeling of him sliding his hands a bit lower than they would on you hips and ass.
"so you like the oufit?"
"oh i love the outfit , why don't you dress like this more often"
you only laugh.
chigiri was no longer a hypocrite. may the appeal wasn't so bad.
isagi is so cute about it omg. he feels like you guys aren't even dating the way you look right now. a skin tight all f/c bodycon dress reaching all the way down to your ankles.
he asks you politely to spin for him and you twirl, but instead of making a full 360° like he thought you would you bend and snap slowly in his direction, practically smoothering yourself in his face! (you were a well distance away, hes deluded off love rn)
you snap right back up, unfortunately his boner did not.
he's cheeky about it, reaal cheeky.
he asks if he can touch you and your confused on why hes asking since he's always touching you but you nod your head yes and smile anyways
what you don't expect is for him immediately take his rather large palms and put them perfectly on your ass, his head in the crook of your neck and tenderly squeeze the plush of your butt, his face completely red as he's doing this.
you almost want to laugh, but you dont. instead you lightly flick his forehead while his hands are still on your ass and you practically have to rip him off to let you keep changing.
silly boy
your at the (big and pretty empty) mall, dressing room has a chair for him to sit and wait on while you change from outfit to outfit and he's not paying much attention at first really. he was only planning on being your wallet for today, you had other plans however.
not a minute too soon you come out dressed. shortest skirt he's ever damn seen, askimpy little top on along with tall 6inch heels, and thats it! not a single thing else on you.
"how about this one babe, think I should wear this too the party next week?"
he doesn't say anything at first, he can't find the words for what he feels right now. on onr hand, you look damn good. on the other hand, there isnt a single person other than himself he would want to see you right now.
"how about, you wear it, just for me?" his phone is completely put away by now.
you smile and walk over to him. "sure that works perfectly too."
got his attention now.
he hadn't realize he'd never seen you in fitted clothing before, because lets be honest. he's a slut, there's no way he wouldn't notice if you had a crazy hot body like the one he's looking at right now.
"where'd you get that from"
you look surprised too see him, you were playing dress up in your room by yourself. you didn't realize he'd came in, since he was rather loud when he usally did.
"a friend let me borrow it, just for tonight. ya' know for the party, just seeing how it fits"
"oh really..." he's glancing at you up and down, not failing to lock eyes with your clevage as he does so.
he rests his arm on the door frame and without another word raises his finger and twirls it slowly. you do as command and he can only imagine what he could make you do with more fingers.
"do me a favor please?"
"take your clothes off" you blink and burst out laughing, but quickly realize he's dead serious. oh so this is happening.
you do as comanded, and he follows suit.
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an's. omg guys im back. ( with another highly suggestive post unsurprisingly)
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overtrred28 · 14 hours
So high school | Jessie Fleming x reader
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Summary; The story of how you and Jessie were brought together one fateful night in college and didn't leave each others side ever again.
Words; 2050
Pairing; Jessie Fleming x UCLA reader
A/N; Mother Taylor has inspired me and a tiktok that paired a footballer with an academic girl and I had thoughts. Then I was wondering who to do it with and THEN… UCLA J FLEM. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do because I’m in a Jessie mood rn. Btw this has been sitting in my drafts for literally like 2 months and I haven't had the inspiration to finish it until today. Enjoy loves xx
Jessie was more than kind of uncomfortable right now.  She was tired after a full day of classes and an early morning training session, wanting to flop into bed after her long day and sleep away most of the weekend. But here she was, nursing a cup of coke in the corner of a frat house and wishing she had declined the invitation to come out with half of the soccer team. 
“You good?” Teagan had made her way over, leaning against the wall and looking down at the midfielder who was seemingly lost in thought.
“Yeah, fine.” Jessie nodded her head, hiding the fact she desperately didn’t wanna be here anymore. 
“Why don’t you try and go talk to someone? I’m sure there are plenty of pretty girls catching your eye right now.” Teagan nudged her shoulder with a smirk, downing her drink before walking away again. Jessie sighed before taking another sip of her coke and walking to another section of the house where more people congregated. 
Her eyes filtered through the room, trying to take the goalkeeper's advice but giving up after noticing every pretty girl making their way over to someone else. Eventually her feet mindlessly walked her over to the back door, the glow of the pool under the moonlight catching her eye first before she spotted you. 
Your friends had practically dragged you from your dorm, insisting you had to come and party with them, but where were they? Probably inside making out with frat guys and forgetting you actually came with them. That’s how you had found yourself sitting on a deck chair outside, avoiding the loud music and heavily intoxicated 20 year olds celebrating the start of their senior year, after your friends ditched you early on.
It didn’t bother you, them leaving you alone that is. And you could have gone home but you wanted to stay and make sure your friends made it home safely. 
Jessie only saw the side of your face from how you were positioned on the chair but immediately found herself drawn to you. People may have called her crazy for falling with just one look, but when you know, you know. 
You didn’t hear the sliding door open, too busy looking up at the moon and wondering what else you could be doing right now if you stayed in bed. It wasn’t until you heard the chair beside you creek that you finally noticed her, snapping your head at the noise and becoming encapsulated by her big brown eyes and freckles immediately. 
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” She apologised, her eyes somehow getting bigger and more beautiful. 
“I-it’s okay.” You let out a breath. “Just wasn’t expecting anyone else to be out here.” You shared a soft giggle and she finally smiled. 
“Yeah, not really my scene.” Jessie shrugged and began sitting back in the chair, copying her movements and turning your head to face her.
“Me either.” You smiled before reaching out a hand to her. “Y/N.”
“Jessie.” She connected your hands, ignoring the tingling she felt in her fingers while you pushed down the butterflies fluttering around your stomach. 
You two spent the rest of the night talking before she offered to walk you back to your dorm, after finding out your friends had already left with guys and you were left alone. Well, not so alone now. 
The next few weeks would find you and Jessie with each other as much as possible, save for your individual classes, and you were happier than ever. You weren’t dating, no but it began to feel like it, especially when you ran down the bleachers after she won her next match, Jessie catching you as you jumped into her arms with pride. 
After almost two months since meeting you finally had your first kiss. It wasn’t super romantic but exactly how you would have wanted it to go. You and Jessie were hanging out in her dorm, you studying for an upcoming exam and her pretending to catch up on classwork but really spent the whole time staring at you. 
“Jessie.” You were focused on the millions of highlighted poems and texts that sounded you on the floor but could feel her eyes burning in the back of your head. “I can feel you staring.”
“What?” Jessie acted dumb, biting her lip to hold back a smile as she watched you turn your head, raising an eyebrow.
“You know that if you don’t get this work done you’re not playing this weekend. And I already cleared my schedule to watch you soooo.” You sat up fully, leaning back on your arms to look up at her on her bed.
“Can we not just take a small break? We’ve been at this for hours!” She whined, tilting her head at you, a fake pout accompanied by some puppy dogs eyes. 
“It’s literally been 45 minutes.” You deadpanned as you got up and jumped up to sit next to her. 
“45 minutes too long.” She huffed and you stifled a laugh as you looked at her. 
“What would you rather us do then?” You asked while shaking your head at her, letting out that laugh but stopping when her silence was noted. You looked up to find her staring, no, gazing into your eyes, a look on her face she had many times but this was the first time you noted it. She looked lovestruck. 
Your mouth opened to speak again but you were cut off when she was suddenly moving forward, one hand reaching up to hold your cheek and the other moving down to hold your waist. Before you could process anything, her lips were on yours and it was as if you had been transported into another world.
After that kiss your relationship didn’t seem to change that much, still spending almost all of your time together, though this time spending it a little closer and with a lot more kissing. Something about your relationship felt so young and naive, like you were back in high school making out at parties and never spending more than a couple hours apart from one another. 
You now went to all her training sessions, sitting in the bleachers finishing homework while she prepared for their next match. Jessie loved you just being there but was getting a little annoyed that you weren’t fully paying attention as she ran rings around her teammates in an effort to impress you. She knew the perfect way to get your nose out of your books. 
“HEY BABE!” Jessie shouted up to you across the pitch. The sheer volume and urgency of her voice caught your attention instantly, looking up to find her waving her arm comically in your direction. 
“What?” You laughed alongside her teammates who were standing on the pitch waiting for something to happen. 
“WATCH THIS!” She yelled again before running back to her starting position, eyeing up the cones and dummies she meticulously laid out and the ball that laid in wait for her. You bit back a smile at her excited nature, waiting for her to begin whatever trick she was about to show off. 
She began dribbling the ball skillfully through the first few cones that were placed closely together. Yourself and her remaining teammates watched her feet intensely, quite impressed with how precisely she was keeping the ball in and under her feet. She made it through her round of cones and looked up towards you in the stands, making sure you were in fact watching her and whether or not you were impressed. But what she failed to notice was how close she had positioned the steel dummies that were part of her second skill test. 
Everyone saw it happen before she did, running straight into the dummy, too distracted by you to realise she was running into it. You heard the ding from halfway up the bleachers and within seconds you were racing down to her on the pitch, trying to keep your laughter at bay so you could seriously check on her. 
“Jessie, are you okay?” You knelt down to where Jessie was now sitting up, legs splayed across the grass and a hand to her temple, soothing where she hit her head. 
“Don’t laugh. I was just trying to impress you.” Jessie finally spoke, avoiding your eyes and producing a pout, meanwhile her freckled cheeks were getting redder than they already were. 
“Oh baby I know. It was very impressive till… you know.” You directed her eyes back to you with a soft smile, biting your lip again to hold back your laugh. 
That night Jessie continued to pout, even when you were giving her all your attention, laying between your legs as you held an ice pack to her temple and babying her all night long even though you didn’t put the dummy there, she did. 
After graduation you moved with Jessie to England for her contract with Chelsea, you managed to land a position at the University of London, teaching in the English department, a great start to your life together in a new country.  
Jessie proposed to you in January of 2022 after three and a half years of dating, keeping it private and personal by dropping down on one knee as you were getting into bed one cold night. 
Clad in flannelette pyjamas and fluffy socks, just having got out of the shower, you walked back into the bedroom expecting Jessie to be curled up in bed and waiting for you. But as you turned the corner she was bent down on one knee and holding a ring in her shaking hands. Jessie had prepared a whole speech about how much she loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you but in true Jessie fashion she got nervous and the only words that came out were. “Marry me? Please?” 
You both took the next year to plan the wedding for Spring 2023 before the world cup, wanting to make sure you knew what you wanted and to enjoy being engaged before being married. 
The big day finally arrived and you hadn’t seen Jessie in more than 24 hours, both of your bridesmaid groups separating you from one another for practically the first time in almost 5 years. 
It was a beautiful ceremony filled with all for your close family and friends to celebrate your love and unite your families. You cried, Jessie cried, everyone cried. The reception though was one massive party. Everyone danced, everyone drank and most of all you got to have fun with your wife like you did back in college. 
At the end of the night, after the party ended and everyone went home, you and Jessie were sipping champagne on your hotel room floor, giggling with one another in the silent room while wearing matching pyjamas. 
“I love you.” Jessie said as she stared, no gazed, in your direction. “You’re so pretty, will you marry me?” Her words were slightly slurred as her tipsy frame swayed back and forth every so slightly. 
“Too late, already did.” You laughed as you brought your left hand up to her face, showing off both of your shining rings. “Look.” You brought her hand up too, showing her own ring clad fingers to her, shock adorning her freckled face. 
“We’re married already?!” Jessie shrieked and you knew it was time for bed. 
“Yes, now come on. Time for bed my love.” You placed a kiss on her lips before putting your flutes down and pulling Jessie up with you from the floor. You dragged her over to the large bed, crawling alongside each other to then assume your regular positioning. Jessie waited for you to get comfortable against the pillows before laying herself across your chest, her pillow. 
“Baby?” Jessie spoke after a few minutes, tilting her head to look up at you. 
“Hmmm?” You respond as you begin to stroke her hair gently. 
“Tell me about the first time you saw me.” Jessie asked before setting back down against your chest. You let out a small breath, a smile donning your face as she asked you. 
“Well, I was sitting at a party next to the pool…” 
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lemoncrushh · 3 days
Saturday Night
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Summary: Harry needs comforting after his performance on SNL.
Warnings: None, lots of fluff and emotions
Word Count: 1639
A/N: One shot written in 2017 after Harry's appearance on SNL. I believe this was a request. Written in first person, but the woman's name is not given.
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He was nervous.
He didn't want me or anyone else to know he was, but I could tell. And who wouldn't be? It was his first performance in over a year, and his first ever as a solo artist. I would have been nothing but a ball of nerves if it were me. He'd paced back and forth in the green room, spreading his fingers out as far as they would go, bringing them back into a fist over and over again, repeating the cycle each time he'd make it to the other end of the room and turn around on his heels.
I'd sat quietly on the sofa, nibbling on the display of fruit and crackers that sat in the middle of the coffee table. I was nervous too, but I said nothing unless it was to reply to a question, giving him the most space I possibly could. I'd asked him earlier if he would rather I took a seat in the audience, but he assured me he wanted me backstage, waiting for his return. Though he never expressed why exactly, I took it to mean he wanted me to be there for him, for him to see my face and perhaps share an embrace after he'd walked off stage, and I took comfort in that.
I'd watched his first performance on the monitor in the green room, sitting on the edge of my seat, my hands tucked underneath my thighs as I bit my bottom lip. By the end of the song, I'd felt my eyes well up, quickly wiping them away with the back of my hand before he saw. I could tell as soon as he walked in that he was less than pleased with himself. He'd missed a couple of notes, his voice raspier than usual from all the practicing, and once he'd even had to drop a word at the end of the phrase due to lack of air. I knew he had to be mentally scolding himself. But I'd thought it was flawless. He'd done it. He was Harry Styles, rockstar.
He didn't say a word to me as I rose from the couch and our eyes met. Instead, I saw his chest rise and fall with a deep breath before he removed his suit jacket and discarded it on a nearby chair.
I'd watched the rest of the show in the same spot, my gaze again meeting Harry's whenever he reemerged, but quickly faltering. I felt a tenseness in my muscles, a sourness in my stomach, wanting badly for him to tell me how he was feeling. But I knew better. He'd tell me when it was all over, and he could finally take a step away from it all and get out of his head. During the skits, he was his usual charismatic self, and I could tell he was having a good time. But I knew that during his second song, he was again in his head. Not that that was always a bad thing. Just as before, he was flawless, at least to me and probably ninety-nine percent of his fans. Though he seemed a little more relaxed than he had been during the first song, his nerves remained apparent. I wanted to hold him, to tell him how proud I was of him - remind him how incredible he was.
This time when he came into the room, I sensed a lighter air around him, a calmness. I let out a breath and smiled at him, to which he returned with a thumbs up, making me feel a little more at ease. However, he still said nothing, only rolling down his sleeves and grabbing his jacket to put back on. I bit my lip as I watched him on the screen one final time, to bow and blow kisses to the audience as Jimmy thanked him and the rest of the cast and crew. He looked genuinely happy, and that filled my heart with joy and pride.
I stuck around for a while after the show, allowing Harry to hug everyone and say goodbye. I could tell they all adored him, as it should be. I stood by his side while he chatted lightly with people, feeling his hand sometimes squeeze mine. I'd give his a squeeze back, our own little silent conversation. I could feel the tension dissipate from his body little by little as the evening progressed into early morning, though I knew eventually there would be a discussion with actual words. For the time being, I was content in letting him enjoy his moment, the friendly banter with the cast members serving him temporary distraction.
By the time we arrived at our hotel, Harry opting out of the cast party that followed, I could tell he was exhausted, though itching to finally talk. I sat on the edge of the bed, removing my shoes as I watched him, his back to me while he unbuttoned his shirt.
"You were amazing," I declared.
I saw his head turn slightly, though he didn't look at me.
"Coulda been better," he muttered with a shrug, shaking out of his shirt and tossing it on the floor.
I sighed as I rose from the bed, carrying my shoes to my suitcase.
"I don't think so," I argued. "It was perfect to me."
"Mm not to me," he huffed, pulling down his trousers. "I fucked up."
I stood frozen as I watched him cross to the bed and lie down, his arm over his eyes.
"I think you're a little hard on yourself," I said. "Everyone loved it."
"I didn't love it."
"Harry..." I murmured, climbing onto the bed next to him. "It was live television. You were bound to be nervous."
When he didn't reply right away, I worried that I'd said the wrong thing. I laid down beside him, watching his bare chest rise and fall. I wanted so badly to make him feel better.
"I'm really proud of you," I whispered.
Harry dropped his arm and blinked as he stared at the ceiling.
"You did exactly what you set out to do," I continued. "On your terms. Your rules. Your music. That's like every musician's dream. You're living it."
Turning his head finally to look at me, I saw his green eyes glisten.
"You liked it?" he asked, his voice scratchy.
"I loved it, baby," I replied. "And so did your fans. You have to know that, right? Everyone is rooting for you. We're on your side. A couple little glitches mean nothing. In fact, if anything, they made you more likable. It was so raw and real."
"It just sounded better in rehearsal," Harry muttered.
I tried my best to hold in a chuckle.
"You're such a perfectionist," I grinned. "But that's one of the things I like most about you. You keep pushing yourself because you know you can do it. That's what makes you great. That push...that drive...it's appealing."
Harry's expression softened as he sighed, his gaze returning to the ceiling.
"I'm just mad that I let my nerves get the better of me."
"It happens," I said. "But it didn't ruin the performance. It was spectacular."
I caught the corner of his mouth wiggle slightly. "Thanks, baby."
I scooted closer to him, placing my hand on his chest. I was relieved when he covered my hand with his and gave it a squeeze.
"You know how wonderful you are, right?" I asked rhetorically. "I envy you. Even though you might have been nervous tonight, you're the most fearless person I know. You just exude sheer talent, it's in your blood. I'm constantly hearing how kind and charming you are, and I'm so grateful I can attest to that because I see it with my own eyes. At least half the planet is crazy about you, and the other half just saw the show tonight and are gonna be talking about it for weeks."
I saw Harry's eyes blink faster at my words and he squeezed my hand tighter.
"I'm not saying all of this just to make you feel better," I stated. "I mean, I want you to feel better. But I'm saying it because it's true."
I pressed my lips to his cheek then, kissing a trail to the tiny freckles on his cheekbone and up to his temple.
"I'm so proud of you," I whispered again in his ear. "So proud."
With one last kiss, I released him and rolled onto my back. But within seconds, Harry followed, laying his head on my chest. He wound his arms around me, nearly taking my breath away. I smiled to myself as I heard him hum, the vibration tickling my skin from the inside. I let my fingers comb his hair as he continued to breathe and hum gently to the rhythm of my heartbeat. We laid there like that for several minutes until I thought he might be asleep.
"I love you," he spoke, making me jump.
I wasn't sure I heard him correctly. Although I'd known for a while that I was in love with him, neither of us had confessed our feelings for the other. Raising his head, Harry looked at me and crawled up my body so that he hovered over me. I stared into his eyes with anticipation until he closed them softly and lowered his mouth to mine. He kissed me passionately, like he had many times before, but somehow also differently.
"I love you," he repeated.
"Harry..." I murmured, pulling him back to me for another kiss. And another.
"I..." I stumbled between kisses. "I love you, too."
Harry grinned, pressing his lips to my forehead, then the bridge of my nose.
"I know," he said, before kissing my lips once more.
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If you enjoyed, please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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aestheticpearl · 3 days
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— 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲
✧·˚ kayson has always been patient and understanding in your relationship, even when you didn’t notice it
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you hated getting upset in front of people, every since you were little you’ve been aware of how uncomfortable you made your parents when you cried. so now that you’re older you’ve learned to cry alone to not make people uncomfortable. you leave and hide to cry without disturbing others and kayson absolutely hates it.
that’s why you were now sitting in a locked room hidden away with him sitting outside the door.
“i’m here when you need me baby.”
“i don’t want you to have to deal with me.”
“deal with you? babe when i committed to this relationship with you i also committed to everything about you. you can cry, it’s okay to be frustrated. your crying is a natural thing and i’m happy to help you through whatever you’re feeling.”
the lock on the door clicks as you open the door.
you quickly move into his arms and kayson immediately wraps them around your frame.
“i’m here.”
his soft whispers and reassuring words help you through the tears and you end up explaining what happened to him with little issue.
“hey, look at me.”
you hesitantly look up at him and he gently wipes your tears away before kissing your salty cheeks.
“i’ll be here no matter what emotion you’re feeling, you don’t have to be alone to try and spare my feelings. i want to be with you, i always want to know how you’re feeling regardless if it’s good or bad, because i care about you a lot.”
you sniffle and rest your head against him.
“thank you.” you can feel the fresh tears of relief roll down your cheeks. “i appreciate that.”
it wasn’t you’re first time doing something like this with kayson, but something about tonight had you anxious and you weren’t completely sure why. you didn’t want to disappoint him though so you said nothing as you sat on the bed while he kisses your neck.
“babe?” the soft whisper sent shivers down your spine and snapped you out of your daze.
“are you okay? you seem a little off, you know we don’t have to do this anymore; i won’t be upset.”
kayson sits back and looks at you with those puppy eyes he just naturally has.
“…really? you wouldn’t be disappointed if we stopped?”
“of course not, i want you to be comfortable and enjoy our time together.”
kayson takes your hand in his and rubs his thumb over your knuckles to soothe you.
“i’ll love you no matter what.”
he leans down to place a gentle kiss on your lips and you wrap your arms around his neck to deepen it. kayson’s hands find your waist, holding you as if you were made of glass and the harshest movement would break you.
“how did i get so lucky with you?”
“baby where you going?”
it’s the middle of the night and you should be asleep next to kayson but your anxiety is relentless tonight and you just can’t seem to sleep.
you look at kayson and see him rubbing sleep from his eyes and a pang of guilt shoots through you from accidentally waking him up due to you moving from his arms.
“i’m sorry i just couldn’t sleep.” you confess in a hushed tone.
“and you thought pacing the room would help you get tired?” you halt your mindless pacing and kayson reaches out a hand for you take. you take it and he rubs his thumb over your knuckles softly. “what’s going on with you baby? you seem so distracted lately.”
you hesitate to respond but eventually give in and tell kayson everything that’s been plaguing your mind for the past week. for the little things of stubbing your toe to the the much larger things of figuring out what to do for your future.
“i’ve just felt so overwhelmed recently and i just want a moment to regroup and not think about everything all at once for one second.”
kayson pauses and thinks for a second before responding to your vulnerable confession.
“how about we just take the day tomorrow? just you and me, we can go out if you want or we can stay in and do whatever you’d like. let’s sleep in and not worry about the world for a moment, hm?”
you feel tears welling in your eyes as you wrap your arms around his neck. kayson rubs your back and adjusts your position so you’re laying down with him once again.
“i’ll take that as a yes.”
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i’ve had this in the drafts for far too long
.love always <3 pearl
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dollsque · 2 days
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❤️‍🔥 ❝ Don’t You See The Way He Looks At You? ❞
❥ Word Count: 1.8k
❥ Short Summary: Peter B. Parker (Earth-616) talks you into confessing to Hobie and reassures you that he loves you back.
❥ Notes: Fluff, Y/N used sparingly, no mention of gender, one-shot, sfw
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🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU WERE SITTING AT one of the lunch tables in the Spider Society and eating a Miguel O’Hara burger when you heard a familiar laugh in the distance. Your friend, Hobie Brown, was standing further down with his best friends Pavitr and Gwen. Your stare lingered at him, as usual.
You had been itching to confess to him. You guys had been friends ever since you guys joined the Spider Society, which had been a very long time ago. You two were inseparable, and you guys managed to create so much chemistry that anyone would’ve believed that you two were friends even before you joined the Spider Society—if that was possible.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by someone familiar sitting next to you, and that was Peter from Earth-616. He gave you a warm smile in acknowledgment, and Mayday cooed at the sight of you finally noticing them.
“Hello, Mayday,” you smiled, letting her small hand wrap around your finger. “Hey, Peter.”
“Hey. I noticed you were a little out of it. Something happen?” He questioned. He and you both know why you were out of it; he just wanted you to admit it. It was only a matter of time before one of you said something to him, and it would’ve most likely been you instead of Hobie.
“Yes, it’s about Hobie,” you answered to his nonverbal question. Peter could only hum softly in response. He seemed to be pondering about something; possibly the right way to go about this.
“Well,” he began, “what’s stopping you?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I’m getting old; I’ve seen it all,” Peter chuckled softly with some sort of glint in his eyes.
“You’re just turning 40. You’re middle-aged.”
“Some people consider that old.” Peter shrugged.
“You’re taking that in stride. Usually, people would interpret it as having a ‘midlife crisis’.” You pointed out with a playful smirk.
“I got a loving wife and an adorable baby. I don’t think life could be any better,” Peter smiled proudly as he patted Mayday’s head which earned a giggle out of her. “Back on topic, though. You can’t distract me.”
You sighed and scratched your nail softly against the table’s surface. “I don’t know. I just…can’t.”
“You can’t? Or you’re scared?” Peter questioned, propping his head up with his elbow on the table.
“Both, I suppose.” His silence and the curiosity in his eyes signaled for you to go on.
“He had always called me his best friend, and vice versa. Hell, he even told others that we were merely platonic; that’s all. Why would I risk breaking our bond over something so silly? Why should I confess when I know he doesn’t like me back?” You frowned as you picked up a fry, mindlessly stirring the tip of it around in the poured ketchup on your plate.
“Because you don’t,” Peter answered simply. When you raised an eyebrow at him in confusion and even a bit of surprise, he continued.
“Have you seen the way he looks at you, Y/N?” Peter questioned rhetorically. “I do,” he continued.
“Actions may speak louder than words, but eyes show more than actions. There’s just this love and passion—this fiery passion in his eyes when he looks at you. He looks at you like you’re one of the most precious people in his life. He looks at you like he’d protect you from the world, even though he knows you can fend for yourself. The way he looks at you? That’s love.” He paused, looking at the hope, yet doubt, in your eyes.
“I used to look at M.J. the same way when I fell in love with her. I still do,” he chuckled warmly at the thought, softly combing his little girl’s hair with his fingers. “I would know.”
Hobie looks past Gwen and Pavitr for a second and spots you. He didn't even seem to notice Peter yet and gave you a warm smile with this soft look in his eyes; he even turned pink for a moment with a subtle pink heart that you managed to notice.
It was gone as quickly as it appeared, though.
After you smiled back, he averted his eyes back to his friends.
That small moment between you two was when you finally saw a glimpse of what Peter was talking about.
“You see that?” Peter asked.
You nod.
“Besides that warm, loving smile and the fact that he literally turned a cute shade of pink with a pink, paper, heart floating around him for a split second, you can see the softness in his eyes. The way he looks at you is surreal, and yet you’re so worried about the wrong things that you can’t see the right ones.”
You considered his words, slightly frowning while looking down at the table. Maybe he was right.
“However, he shares the same fear as you. I could see it in his eyes sometimes. He loves you, but he’s scared of the fact he loves you, just like you’re scared of the fact that you love him.” His words caused you to look up at him.
“I’m telling you, kid, you two are just two lovers who are scared of breaking the bond that you so desperately hold onto because you think that it’s all that’s going to be as close to a relationship as it gets, but you guys could be so much more. That boy loves you, and I can tell that you love him back just as much.”
“However, I can’t make you confess to him. The rest is up to you. I’m just an old, 40-year-old, mentor.” He smirked, taking a mischievous sip of his soda.
Peter was right; one of you had to make a move, and it definitely wouldn’t be Peter. It was down to you and Hobie, and you decided that it would be you who would make the move.
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🏹 ˚₊ · »-♡→ YOU’RE ALREADY STARTING TO rethink your decisions as you walked side-by-side with your best friend, your arms bumping each other’s every once in a while. You guys talked and talked for a while, and eventually you guys perched yourselves off an empty platform that was higher up and more isolated from other Spider Society members.
You two were sitting in comfortable silence, not talking to each other much and just existing in each other’s proximity as he strung his electric guitar and as you watched all the other Spider-People do their own things or chatter with others below. You slightly gripped the edge, preparing to confess—preparing for the worst.
“Hmm?” Your nervous tone caught his attention, and he tilted his head up slightly as he continued looking at the strings he strung.
God, how do you say this without it being so damn obvious? With all the overthinking you did, you would’ve thought you were heavily prepared for this, but apparently not.
“I’m really thankful for you, and thankful that you’ve been my friend for so long—”
“Bloody hell, are you about to go on a suicide mission that Miguel assigned to you or somethin’?”
“What—no!” You replied, feigning a frown and playfully smacking him. “Let me finish, will you?”
“Alright, alright, continue.”
You looked down discreetly and saw Peter looking up at you two with a bright, encouraging smile and two thumbs up. Mayday struggled to mimic his hand gesture, but she got it anyway, and you smiled down at the both of them before you continued.
“As I was saying,” you began, taking a small inhale and exhale. “I really hope this doesn’t ruin things between us, but…”
Now Hobie’s concerned. “Is something wrong?” He interrupted, once again.
“No, no. It’s just—could you please…just…”
“Right, right, sorry.” He nodded as he silently promised to keep his mouth shut until you were finally done speaking.
“We’ve been friends for a while and…”
Hobie’s heart stopped, then started thumping slightly harder.
“…I liked you for a really long time. I was really scared to tell you, because what we had was already great and so…real. I didn’t want to ruin that, and I never would have forgiven myself if I did. But…”
You smiled warmly at the thought of Peter.
“Someone encouraged me, told me that I should make a move; he told me that I shouldn’t be so afraid. So, that’s what I decided to do—tell you how I felt. It feels good to get it off my shoulders no matter what your answer is. I just wanted to let you know.
Hobie looked at you, and you saw shock. However, you saw the very same look Peter told you he saw whenever he looked at you; love. Love, and passion. You could only look at him the same way.
“I’ve waited so long for you to say that,” he began with a breathless, soft laugh. “I waited so long to be able to tell you the same thing.”
He then smirked and nudged you slightly the side of his upper half. “Thank God you said something, because I’m not sure if would’ve been able to. Thank God for the person who convinced you as well. Lord, almighty.”
“Oh, c’mon, we were having a moment,” you snorted at his antics.
“Who was our knight and shining armor, hmmm?” He questioned, still keeping that smirk on his face.
“Which one?” he interrupted, causing you to give him a playful, deadpanned look.
“What? There’s hundreds of ‘em.” He shrugged.
“The one with a baby. Mayday?”
“Ah, humbling reality Spider-Man?” He questioned with feigned awe.
“Oh, shut up,” you laughed. Hobie laughed along and you two shared a laugh for a while. Hobie found himself scooting closer to you until you guys were touching. He then made a move of his own and placed his hand on top of yours.
“Well,” he began, sighing dramatically, looking off into the distance. He then looked back at you with a sincere, warm smile and the lovesick look in his eyes. He even turned pink again for a split moment, and this time there were more pink, paper, hearts floating around him. You almost wanted to touch one of them to see if they were real paper. They were gone quickly though, but not his expression.
“I like you too. Love you, even.”
You smile warmly back at him.
“I love you too.”
“See? What’d I tell you?” Peter asked, looking down at Mayday, who’s in her baby carrier, with a proud smile. “Your dad’s multi-talented. He can save the city, be the best mentor, AND be an amazing wingman.”
Mayday laughed and reached her hand up so that he could give her palm a kiss, which he gladly did. “Now, how about we go for another burger? I’m pretty hungry.”
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© 2024 dollsque - all rights reserved; do not copy my works, repost my content, edit my works, or translate my works on tumblr or anywhere else. it is strictly forbidden.
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reveriebae · 1 day
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pairing(s) : seonghwa x reader
word count : 3186
genre : smut
warning(s) : stranger to lovers, fem bodied! reader, mention of Yunho and Jongho, reader's choice of clothes is kinda cunty that caused something, Seonghwa kiss a lot, overstimulate, squirting, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, name calling (baby, pretty baby), cunnilingus, fingering (f receiving), creampie, kinda rough?idk, lmk if I missed anything!
Hate ice cream? No one could. Love ice cream? Everyone should!. You're at the new ice cream shop that's very popular lately, it's so hard to get the ice cream here cause they runs out really fast, so you decided to come early in a rush.
You busy yourself thinking about what flavor will you choose, the queue is very long in front and behind you even though it's still 9 am, why do people want to consume a sweet cold thing in the morning, and why do I want it too, it's summer anyway no one gives a fuck.
When it's your turn to order the ice cream after standing in line, you smile at the cashier with the name 'Yunho' written in his nametag. "Hi! what can I get for you? " Yunho said with a cute smile on his face.
"Can I have medium size of mint choco with chocolate drizzle on top, please? " Yunho nod and type something on the computer in front of him, "sure, that will be eight dollars. Dine in or take out? " You rummaging your small bag and then realized you fucked up.
"Oh my god, I forgot to bring my purse. I'm sorry, can you keep that-" you feel a tap on your shoulder and look behind, guy with black tshirt, matching denim jacket and pants with a pretty face make your knees tremble "I'll pay for hers" he says to Yunho.
Yunho looks at you waiting for your confirmation but instead you look at the guy behind you "why would you pay my ice cream? " he glance down at you as he pull out his card "you could always pay me back later", you mumble 'thank you' to him as you nod looking at Yunho "Dine in".
You sit on the chair at the corner near the big windows, it's feels pretty comfortable here, a quite nice place to hangout. The place is so clean, the colors match so well, and the dim yellow lights make you want to sip a cup of hot latte with croissant beside it, unfortunately it's an ice cream shop.
The guy who pays for you before catches your attention as he sits in front of you, he greets you and you greet him back, you keep looking at your phone cause this is lowkey awkward cause after the greets neither of you said anything.
"You have not answer my question" you start making conversation, he looks at you while feeling the taste of his cookies and cream ice cream on his tongue.
"About why do I pay for you? Just because" he says as he look back to dig on his ice cream, "because what? " you stop looking at your phone and put it down makes him draw his attention to you "because..maybe we can make a good friend, I love making new friends. I'm Seonghwa anyways" he sticks out his hand to you.
You reach out his hand and you both shaking hands "I'm y/n, it's a quite strange way to make friends by paying a stranger their ice cream, but yeah thank you so much for helping me" he smiles to you, your hand still wrapped around his, more like he's not letting go of your hand. His hands looks really pretty though, slender fingers with a couple of thin rings make it's prettier and you can't help but shiver at the skin contact between you and Seonghwa.
You pull your hand out of Seonghwa's hand, he chuckles "let's follow each other on Instagram" he said as you eye him confused, Seonghwa look at your confusion "so we can keep communicate and maybe hangout sometime?".
You can't think straight. He's a total stranger, and so are you to him. What if he's dangerous for you? Or what if he has bad intention towards you?, but he doesn't seem like that, but you can't guess whats in people's mind but this dude just pay your Ice cream you feel bad if you have to refuse what he asked.
"Sure" you say in a small voice yourself could barely hear, you take your phone back and open your instagram account, show it to the male in front of you, he type on his phone and you got a notification of someone's following your account, "Looks like I have to go now, I'll message you later" he wave and just go before you can say anything, you decided to follow back his instagram account and head home cause you need to get ready to the library.
You're trying so hard to concentrate on your laptop that burn like hell when you touch it because of how long you've been turn it on to complete tomorrow's presentation, you keep glancing at your phone ignoring the books you've borrowed from the library.
"Let's call it a day, I'm gonna make it 100% done tonight. I'll call you later... If I need some help" Jongho says as he stands and take the books from the desk.
"You sure? We can finish it together at my house if you want to" you say, saving the edited document on your laptop then turn it off and close it.
"No no, you already done this more than a half, let me do the rest. I have to go now, see ya" he left you without letting you say anything. You chuckle to yourself "why do people like to leave me alone today".
Right before you stand to take your stuffs, your phone dings and show a notification from Instagram, and yes it's from him. Of course you don't open it right away, you read his message through the notification bar.
You start to reply his message when you just arrived at your house, probably when you just lay on your bed. Which is an hour and a half after the first time he texted you, surprisingly he replies to your messages very quickly like a blink of an eye.
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Thank god you live on your own, so your place is always tidy enough to see when there's an unexpected guest coming. You brush your hair, change your blouse to a white oversized tee and put your small purse inside your shorts pocket.
You read some online journals from your laptop in the living room while wait for Seonghwa. It's been 3 hours and you started to get so sleepy from reading a lot of things you don't even like.
"I need ice cream" is all you say make you run to your room and put on a hoodie, when you just step outside of your house right in front of your door, there's a car in front of the gate, it's him.
You just continue, open the gate and walk to his car knocking the window and he opens it, "hey, I'm gonna go to Ice cream shop, I'll return your money now" you said and he chuckles.
"Who wants your money? Just keep it, I got you some snacks and ice cream" you just stand there confused, cause why? why he doesn't want his money back? why he brings you snacks? does he wants to be close with you? if he doesn't, why he's so kind? why are you questioning so many things today? .
You and Seonghwa end up eating tons of snacks and talks a lot about random things. He's so humble and make you comfortable enough, he always have a topic to bring up.
You have so much fun until you realized it's almost midnight, now you're the one who bring up more topics cause deep down you don't want him to go home, you don't want him to leave.
The problem is, it's summer night, air conditioner is not air conditionering, the oversized shirt you are wearing is too hot to get comfortable right now, and so does he, he still wears the same clothes as last morning.
When he sees you fanning yourself with the hem of your tshirt he suddenly feel the temperature and just take off his jacket, you can see his neck is covered in sweat and his tshirt shows a wet spot on his chest and his back.
You gulp at the sight of him, he's insanely attractive, rolled up sleeves you can see his toned arms, he definitely sees you staring you can feel he's muffling a smirk on his lips.
"Don't you remember we got ice creams?" He says while you busy trying to get rid of the heat in your body from the temperature and the situation.
"Oh right! You know where the kitchen is, I'm gonna change to a comfier clothes, make sure you knock the door before you get back here" he nods as he walks to your kitchen, leaving your bedroom.
You change to a white tank top and a white thin cardigan to at least make it less revealing, still wear the same high waisted short cause why bother to change when it's already a short.
Seonghwa knock your door and you open it quickly, he smiles at you but you slightly pouting, you thought it was the same ice cream from the shop but it's different, it's not in a cup but in a stick, but it's the same flavor as last morning cause maybe he afraid that you won't like the random flavors he chooses.
"I don't really feel to have mint choco right now, can I have the cookies and cream one? " he looks at you then to the ice cream, and now you understand, he hates mint choco.
"You can take both, I'm not eating chocolate covered toothpaste" he said as you rolled your eyes, "anyway, I saw a big bottle of coke in your refrigerator, can I have that instead? Looks like it will cool down better than ice cream".
You nod to him and he leaves, he's back with the coke and bring 2 glasses with him. The mint choco ice cream is half gone already when he came back to the room, he pour the coke to both glass as he chugged down the whole glass in one sec, he really is thirsty.
Now you open the second ice cream that actually belongs to him, "you really don't mind if I eat this one? " you asked him to make sure if he really doesn't want the ice cream.
"Sure, you can have that" he said, eyes not leaving the tv screen and looks busy with the honey butter flavored potato chips in his hands. So you just eat it.
"Is this your favorite flavor? Or just a random pick? " you asked him makes him look at you.
"My favorite is rainbow sherbet, but I feel like I'm addicted to oreo these days so I always choose that flavor for every dessert for almost a whole month" He said as he bite at the potato chip.
Your lips leave a small scream when you feel the cold on your collarbone, the ice cream melts and leaves a drop on your skin, "even the ice cream melt quickly on how hot it feels right now".
Seonghwa grabs 2 sheets of tissues, "let me clean it up, fortunately it doesn't drop on your white clothes" you nod and he softly clean the melted ice cream from your collarbone, you find you breath hitch when he touch your shoulder, his thumb pressing right below your neck with his left hand.
He leans closer as if he's cleaning a bloody cut, "you should eat it faster or it would be a bigger mess princess" he look up at your eyes, you try to calm down yourself at the nickname but then he says "by the way, you smell so good from here" you just hope he doesn't feel your heartbeat became faster.
"Oh.. Uhm.. Thanks" you look up to the ceiling, not daring to look at his face if he is this close, "I... I think.... What if you help me to eat this? " you say and he leans back after done cleaning your skin.
"Help you to eat the ice cream?" His eyebrow furrowed, you finally can look at him again cause there's a distance now.
You lick the melted ice cream on the stick and your hand, you nod while looking at him and then bite the ice cream, there's just one more bite of the ice cream and you give it to him, but he doesn't take that.
Instead, he leans closer to you and put his lips in yours, you gasp make your mouth open and his tongue suddenly enters your mouth.
You can't help but let out a whimper when you feel Seonghwa's tongue on yours and feeling of cold ice cream swirling inside your mouth, one of your hand grip into his shoulder then he cups your face and pull out from the kiss.
"Wow, didn't know cookies and cream would taste so good like that, could've say the sweetest I've ever had" he take the the ice cream stick from your hand and wink while looking at you, take the last bite of the ice cream and lick the stick clean.
You frown and throw yourself at him, sit on his lap and straddling him, "I think I know how I want you to pay me back now" he gently stroke your hair but then grips it lightly, a moan escape from your lips.
"All I can say is me too" you say with a smirk make Seonghwa grins, your hands slowly make a way to his chest feeling the muscles that covered under his tshirt.
One of his hand hold you hips to help you grind on him and the other hand pull your head closer to his face, he kisses you again but this time it feels more intimate and gets more intense when he bite your lips to enter his tongue inside your mouth.
You can still taste the ice cream on his tongue, you wrapped you hands around his neck, grind into him faster, you can hear the slight moans spills from his lips, the way he breathes faster, sweat began to appear on his forehead and the way he's focusing to kiss you just make you getting wetter.
He pulls out from you lips, kissing your forehead, down to your cheeks, your nose, give a peck to your lips, kiss your jawline while have a grip of your hair, one of his hands travels everywhere on your back then he sucks and nibble around your neck.
You can't keep the moan out of your lips with the feeling of his hardened cock that covered with his jeans, his hands back to your hips and guide you to grind on him harder.
"Fuck, we should get naked like...right now" Seonghwa says as he slide his hands to open your cardigan in one motion and feel the soft skin of your arms, you shiver cause he does it so slow with his breath fanning through your neck.
He slips his hand underneath your tank top, you can't help but grip his hair that unexpectedly makes him gets so aggressive, he lift up your tank top then make you put off your short.
"Pretty baby, should've fuck you since last morning" he make you lay on your back, on the carpet while he keeps rubbing his hard cock to your clothed pussy.
"Seonghwa..kiss me please" you whine with a pouty face, his lips pressing against your in a heated and messy kiss. He carry you in a bridal style then throw you on your bed, you can't help but squeeze your thighs together when he strip himself in front of you.
He surely can see that wet patch in your panties, he slowly crawling towards you and kiss your left cheek while pull you panties to the side and rub your clit slowly.
"Fuck, i know you will be this wet for me baby" he pushes his middle finger into your entrance slowly moving his finger as you gasp giving him a chance to slip his thumb from the other hand to your mouth.
You rolled your tongue on his thumb while looking at his eyes, he's about to burst a nut when he sees you like that "damn y/n, you gotta be the death of me", he slips another finger inside you and make the pace of his fingers faster than you could imagine.
You bite his thumb makes him pull out his thumb from your mouth, you cry while calling his name multiple times as you cum on this fingers. "Fuck Seonghwa, stop it please I can't ah--" he suddenly go down on you without a warning, fingers still inside you as he suck and lick your clit so fast you sure your eyeballs are gone.
You squirt into his face while scream his name out loud, you could hear the way he slurp all your juices and the way he's overstimulating you is too much for you to handle. "Oh, do my baby feel good enough her eyes is rolling back like that. Now, gather all the energy you have left and fucking take everything I'll give you, my pretty baby".
He flips you to all four then rub his cock on your ass "You got a beautiful ass y/n, bet it'll look more pretty with my red hand print on it" he smack your ass so hard as you cry into the mattress. He slowly slips his cock into your pussy, when I say slowly it does mean the 'painfuly slow'.
You look at your back and reach Seonghwa's hand with yours. "Please fuck me Seonghwa, don't be such a tease" with your pleading eyes and your messy hair, you can sense how insane his mind is, right now.
"Pretty baby isn't satisfied enough with her previous release?" He said while stroking your hair gently from your back, then he is gripping it for dear life make you shiver.
And eyes rolled back, of course.
He's slamming his cock inside you, so hard you can't muffle any sound, tears breaming in your eyes, drool pooling in the side of your mouth. His pace is so fast make you grip the sheets tightly, his left hand holds your hip while his right hand still gripping your hair.
You cum about two times and hardly shaking, then it his turn to cum. He shot his hot seed inside you while still pumping it.
"Oh shit, I forgot to pull out" he said when he's back to reality, you look back at him as he pulled out of you. "Don't be worry about it" you said to sure him.
He nods and then go to your bathroom to take a clean towel and warm water then clean you up like a gentlemen he is, isn't he?
You thank him after he helps you wear a clean tee from your wardrobe. He bit hip lips while looking at you, you furrow your eyebrows to him.
"Uhm.. you wanna cuddle?" He asks as you laugh at him.
"Sure Seonghwa".
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