#and that's probably what he still associates me with bc he really enjoyed it even tho it was so fucking weird lmao
lususnatura · 27 days
🎤 🎤 🎤
a song that i associate with my muse meme!
AHH, hey, ramone!! thank you for sending in this prompt :D since you sent in three of the mic's, i shall now be treating you to three songs that make me think of blamore when i hear them / that i associate with it. an explanation of why i chose them will be in the tags <3
hozier - who we are.
icehouse - crazy.
depeche mode - personal jesus.
#IT WAS PROBABLY NOTHING BUT IT FELT LIKE THE WORLD: musings.#asks - answered.#ooc post.#okay but ESPECIALLY heavy on the last one because it literally all about the idea of someone that people can turn to in hard times-#like a god or a prophet who will listen to your plights and help you + who you should believe in. and i say this because one major theme-#to blamore's character is the concept of being a false prophet and someone who essentially unfortunately takes advantage of people's-#longing for things to get better in gotham. bc i feel like a lot of people there have either been failed by the system by other's or-#possibly both and this is so that blamore can get people to voluntarily want to consume the 'seeds' it distributes in order to uhh...#well purge gotham of its undesirables basically as terrible as that sounds. but yeah that depeche mode song? it's such a good one for-#him and definitely has helped me before to write things related to him since blamore does sometimes believe in its own hubris.#but as for the second one by icehouse that one i associate with it because although it doesn't exactly consider itself to fully identify-#with the label of being a 'man' i feel as if blamore will still talk about itself that way sometimes. its relationship with its gender-#is honestly a little bit complicated NGL because him using it/its pronouns as well is something blamore adopted recently even-#though he'd always sort of felt like disconnected and/or like it didn't really align with how he saw himself completely. BUT yeahhh#i honestly could start a whole discussion about that but i shall do that another time perhaps ahah. anyhow though besides that-#elephant in the room ever since it has transformed into this half-human half-plant monster being... although it does love any partners-#it has very much (trust me) i feel like it does wonder why they chose to be with him more often than he'd like to admit.#so that's where the whole 'crazy' part comes in and as for the hozier song that song is about how you kind of have to carve through-#this 'darkness' to rediscover ourselves and who we want to be as a result of going through a rough time or just something tough in-#general and that is SO freaking fitting in my opinion for blamore because it definitely had to completely reframe the way it thought-#about itself when it transformed. and he also had to figure out what he believed in / what his values were now which can be suchhh-#a messy process TBH but this isn't the first time that blamore's had to rediscover itself as life is honestly kind of this ongoing-#process of losing yourself and trying to find yourself again you know? but yeah. i hope you enjoyed my explanation here tehe <3#and also that you enjoy the tunes!!
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
low key tempted to email the professor of my standup class being like "hi jysk i just registered for [course number] and i'm very excited to take a class from you again!" and then use the rest of the email to infodump about kids in the hall and the buddy cole documentary lmao. using the trojan horse of being a joy to have in class as a way to spread kith propaganda
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nanabansama · 6 days
hiii it’s tsutsumi-kurose!! would to hear your thoughts on the new chapter!! do you have any thoughts on who the people in the red house were this time? do you think they were really trying to help mitsuba? they seem different from the kannagi we originally saw in the red house arc! also just any thoughts overall bc wow what an ending!!
Hiii!!!! 💖💖💖
I really should write a proper post but...let's see! Yes, the new victims are mysterious, aren't they? I enjoyed the twist that they aren't evil and actually tried to help Kou and Mitsuba. At first their "Get Out"s seemed malicious, but then you realize it was a warning... (so yes, I do think they tried to help Mitsuba!)
I also don't think it's weird to say this is Amane's doing. This was his house, and these people weren't here in the old timeline, to our knowledge. And yes, I'm also thinking these aren't exactly kannagi...
That said, notice where they are. They're submerged in water. They're gurbling and glubbing out their words.
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As I've talked about before, the Entity beneath the Red House is associated with water. Water bubbles float around its speech bubbles. It lives in a well. The kannagi were sacrificed into a water-filled chasm. Given that we are in the Red House itself, I am very confident when I say the Entity is a part of all this. (Very obvious conclusion, I know, lol.)
Anyway, I have to imagine these people are similar to Kou in that they were lured to the Red House by Amane. What the victims have in common I'm not sure... however given the fact that Kou was drawn here after being possessed by "Tsukasa-kun" it wouldn't surprise me if these people also came into contact with Tsukasa-kun.
But if that is the case that is extremely concerning... are there a bunch of missing person cases linked to people from Kamome Academy? Or does Tsukasa-kun have a farther reach than we thought?
Let's also remember Amane's age. If I remember correctly the latest we've seen him alive was as a teacher spreading rumors in 1983. It seems like he died that year, or soon after anyway, given his relatively young appearance in Chapter 118.
This could mean he's been at this forrr... more than 30 years?! With over 10 victims at that. It's not too crazy then if he's been getting away with it and that people think the missing person cases are unrelated...especially since the perpetrator, Yugi Amane, is probably considered dead...
One thing I found interesting is some of the victims are rather tall. And some rather short. Either this is a stylistic choice or the victims are all ages. Kind of mysterious! It's hard to imagine elementary schoolers being connected to Kamome Academy, for example, and these beings are really quite short...
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They are very vaguely defined though so maybe it's not important. I mean, they don't even have legs.
Regardless, it's at least safe to assume the victims are all from the city of Kamome. Which isn't too weird considering the Red House from the old timeline also had many victims from Kamome.
Anyway, as I was saying earlier the victims are submerged in water which is famously linked to the Entity. I really don't think it's too crazy if these were victims sacrificed to the Entity in order to grant a wish. The Red House has always been a wish-fulfilling house, after all; from when Tsukasa sacrificed animals to it to give presents to Amane, to when Tsukasa asked Kou if he would sacrifice Nene to get his mom back.
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It would be strange if the Red House of the new timeline didn't have anything to do with wishes! But that's time paradoxes for you I suppose.
Much to think about...I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious right now. But I really loved the chapter! Threw a big curveball at me with Amane having a hole for a face. It tickles me that the twins still resemble each other so much, despite the age difference.
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Really curious about the ways in which they are different though... and how much of their true selves remain... hmm... still kinda hoping we might find Tsukasa in the Red House!!! Feels wrong without him tbh. Thanks for the ask!!
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
I'm sorry if this is a silly question but I'm just curious. Do you know how much time Ciel and Sebastian spend in Weston? I haven't read the manga in a while but while watching the anime I just feel like everything is happening too fast??? Luke the whole are was done in 2 weeks max
Hi, anon, I am not someone who pays super close attention to the chronology of canon (as in, exactly what day/date things happen) partly bc I care more about the overall story and themes and the characters than minutiae like that. Not bc I think people who do are dumb but bc I’m more of an AU creator than canon so knowing the details like that to extreme doesn’t really benefit me much so it doesn’t interest me to spend the time doing it. (Though I know at least one person did come up with a timeline through a certain point in the manga years ago, which you may find if you do a google search.)
But what I can tell you is Ciel comes home from the Campania before Easter and arrives at Weston presumably after that holiday, so likely in March or April. (I could probably find out exactly when Easter happened in 1889 but I honestly could care less lol.) We also know from McMillian that he is joining mid-term. It’s actually a clever way for Yana to have the school “begin” in Spring (which is familiar/nostalgic for Japanese audiences, where school years begin in April, usually) while still reconciling with the Western tradition of beginning in the fall.
We also know the cricket tournament takes place on the 4th of June—probably a day Yana picked since it plays with the theme of four (four houses, four prefects) in the arc but also because the number has an association with death in Japanese.
This means that Ciel is not a student at Weston for very long at all—only 2-3 months at most—since the midnight tea party happens after the cricket completes and presumably marks the end (or close to it) of the school year/term.
Honestly, until the last episode I think the anime has been perfectly paced with the manga. They’ve really made only minor shifts and mostly expanded things, so they’re following Yana’s vision fairly closely.
The one major thing is that this episode shoves most of two chapters into one, when it really could have been done in two. But that would mean 12 episodes. and I suspect the team was worried if they didn’t get the cricket part over fast, they might risk losing/boring their core audience.
One huge change they did was take out the explanation of the game itself and its basic rules, which Bard explains in the manga. This was likely done for time/space reasons but also because they may have figured most viewers don’t care and they can communicate enough for people to understand and follow along even if they don’t understand the rules of the game itself.
This is partly perhaps because the cricket part of the arc was not well received in Japan and was one of the least popular chapters, supposedly. It’s why I was shocked they turned it into a musical a couple years ago.
I was a bit disappointed to lose all that not only bc we lost a nice scene with Bard and the servants (they cut a scene with them where they have lunch, though it’s possible that could make it into next episode, but I won’t hold my breath), but also bc I’m like the ONE person who genuinely enjoyed the cricket part of the arc, and it’s one reason this arc is my second favorite in many ways.
I LOVE seeing Ciel and Seb working together in devious ways to get their mission accomplished, and how far Ciel is willing to go to win. Ofc we can still appreciate it anyway, but the fact that he so carefully works within the limits of the rules— and in fact, I learned in commentary on the arc that some of the rules Ciel takes advantage of were actually changed not long after this period of time, which is a fun detail.
So it could be things feel like they’re moving fast because in a sense they are, but it also could be you’re sensing that urgency from how rushed this last episode was. But I suspect when all is said and done, and you watch the entire thing, it probably won’t feel as off. Book of Murder took place over only 3 days, and Seb and Ciel were not at the circus long at all. I can’t be sure but maybe only a week or two? And ofc the campania adventure was also only a few days. In fact, this may actually be the longest mission in the series to this point. So it seems like most missions don’t take too long.
Hope that answers your question! I’ve been looking through the chapters in this arc before every episode to get a sense for the pacing and they’ve generally fallen exactly where I expect. This episode being one exception since they really did condense a lot.
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thespoonisvictory · 4 months
to be so honest I haven't even watched the most recent fhjy ep yet but I think it's hard to pick one singular reason why the rat grinders aspect felt so flat for people. On the whole, I thought the season was great and really loved it (compared to neverafter which I had issues with throughout), but this one aspect of the plot just kind of got crushed underfoot, which, tbh, it's dnd that's what happens sometimes brennan is still more talented than I could ever dream of being. anyway here are some reasons why we didn't get more rat grinders:
the downtime mechanics were cool, but highly rewarded deprioritizing social interaction to make sure you passed your classes.
the bad kids are so established as pcs that they already have a well-developed host of relationships, meaning they're less likely to reach out to new people (see how the mazey side-plot also fell flat for me). on top of that, this is more speculation, but the Intrepid Heroes play the bad kid's social cards closer to their chest and metagame more, probably bc they're the oldest pcs and the ones they're most attached to.
brennan, probably because he was juggling a ton of stuff, hardly initiated any rg subplot stuff. this made things like the oisin crush plot work, well, not at all, because what was the plot? all of his advances needed high perception checks to even notice, nothing was explicit, and it didn't go anywhere! they never even had a solo conversation! same thing with ivy and fabian, she just completely dropped off
the bad kids are also canonically paranoid PCs, who were given no carrot nor stick to interact with a group of people who they knew were associated with an enemy, especially when the downtime mechanics pushed them to prioritize other things
all of these issues led to an end of season lore dump where we learned pretty basic info about the rgs that we probably should have found less than halfway into the season. throughout the season, there were just a bunch of dropped balls from both brennan and the pcs that could have helped pick things up, had they been caught. it was both an oversaturation of plot threads and the insanely hostile (for comedy! because rude makes good comedy!) way the bad kids were played in general.
I don't think the rg inherently had to be redeemed. but putting aside that it thematically feels weird to not even mention it in a season about corruption, redemption, and rage, it's also not... really about that. take oisin for example: imagine a world where we get those interactions, maybe a date or even just hanging out more. there's an avenue where he legitimately catches feelings and can be swayed, or one where he plays a much more actively manipulative role. Either way, we learn way more about him, and either way, him getting killed means so much more.
if the rgs were not meant to be a prominent part of the season, it's surprising that brennan dropped so many details that suggested a sympathetic nuance! this was not a penelope everpetal level of detail, here. arguably, it was way more attention that ragh got pre-redemption. it just feels strange.
ultimately, fhjy just had too much to juggle, kind of a reoccurring theme with d20 at this point. there's so much I love and enjoy in the season (once again as compared to trw or neverafter), and I think it succeeds at being a comedy first dnd show! it is hilarious! but the number of plot points that felt like they were either blindly dropped or hastily resolved makes me really hope there's a senior year in the works to try to clean some of this up, and also that d20 will consider longer or simpler seasons.
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vacantgodling · 2 days
hewwo thank you for asking <3 i'm gonna randomize some wips and give u a nice lil ramble lol
(1) train master chidori
in terms of me redesigning folami, i think i'm also gonna tweak her personality a bit too. i want to give her braids and slicked down baby hairs instead of the initial poofs that i had her with previously--and i think that may change which association creature/thing that i want her to be associated with bc i mostly just associated her with poodles because of her hair LOL. in terms of her personality, i originally made her a bit airheaded but i think i may kinda wanna give her more mature vibes since she's technically gonna be the oldest and most experienced of chidorky's crew. more... zakuro from tmm energy tbh. i think that may be the vibe i wanna go for for her lol.
(2) celestial weddings
beloved extremely wholesome polycule shenanigans lol. i think the one character that i know much less about their romance arc with dag is muu? muu is from denjai, which is the fourth sphere and its a swampland and marshy type of place. muu themself is the youngest of all of dag's lovers and it definitely shows in how upbeat they are and how they very much look up to dag in an almost hero worship kind of way. tbh they probably have the senpai/kouhai romantic relationship arc and ngl its very cute. muu also flaps their hands whenever they get excited about something and they tend to stumble over their words when they get excited, which is a lot lol.
(3) nondisclosure
i used to be sooo back and forth about nyseah and 17's relationship when i made the characters many many moons before; (and actually now that i think about it, most of the characters from that wip, except everything relating to owen and helios's storyline still exists in this version of the story lol. idk if i'll ever go back to those two characters but they did have a sweet relationship, it was just SO thematically different than everything else that was going on, which is how it developed into what i call now nondisclosure LOL) i actually kind of wanted them to get together only because i built up 17 to be a sort of "he's justified for his actions and he actually does care about nyssie.... somehow" back then. but i think i was also biased because he was one of the first "morally grey characters" i really ever made and i suppose back then i was much simpler in what i wanted from those kinds of characters.
when i think about nondisclosure now, 17 barely plays a role in it from what i think. tbh i think 12 plays more of a role than he does and that's because i'm obsessed with 12 and i think everyone should be obsessed with 12 but this isn't about him this is about 17 and nyssie. i think it works better for nyssie to not get with him in the end because like he seriously violated her in a way that younger me didn't really see an issue with (thanks ya and anime for not thinking this kind of relationship was bad or that it could be fixed LMAOOO... not to say that i don't enjoy making those kinds of relationships now, its just the fact that now i'm more likely to lean into the relationship being fucked up LMAO). anyway tho, mama nyssie and her brood of kiddos is the best ending for her because its the one where she's the happiest :D
(4) sixteen candles
ranger being aromantic makes so much of how he acted in all of the old chapters that i wrote many moons ago make so much fucking sense. like seriously, he was soooo noncommittal to the point of it being basically a meme, and even tho the friend i would talk with about these characters at the time helped me make a character for him to be with and i 'enjoyed' it to a certain extent, it always felt kind of off? and i think its because the person ranger will always be the closest with is always gonna be nanette, like they are inseperable and i think them defining a qpr is actually So Fucking Good for them. i'm kinda obsessed with their dynamic ngl, adn i also like the idea that ranger is just like down to fuck all of his besties and at the same time they all have a relationship with each other where that's just a thing that they do.
i really need to work on roger tho because he is so conflicted about a lot of things. not just to get him open to the fucking really, but mostly just because he has the roughest go of it relating to family and it kinda hits home for me personally a bit, so in some ways i feel like idk how i should handle it. but overall, love they. i should think about them more tbh LOL
(5) the liminal space series (overall)
chloe being involved in jenna's story is honest to god still so funny to me. like here's this "average" small town popular girl, who's popular by virtue of being normal enough and outgoing enough that everyone likes her, but having a bit of an alt style so people think she's edgy and unique and then all of a sudden she's hanging out with the town weirdos trying to hunt down a what? what did you say it was jenna? a chupa--WhAT?
and the fact that she's so taken aback with how casually jenna says that she likes her that it just takes her and her sexuality for a wild ride and at the end of it all she has to go to college and pretend that she didn't just have the craziest senior year/summer of her fucking life LMAOOO its just so funny to me.
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i-miss-summertime · 6 days
hi there! i really really really enjoyed your analysis of birds of feather for ian and anthony and it made me start thinking of other songs that fit them and i was wondering if you’ve ever heard scott street by phoebe bridgers bc i feel like that’s such a them song especially in the post anthony leaving smosh era.
Sorry for taking so long to answer! I hadn't heard this one since I got into Phoebe Bridgers during her Punisher album but I listened a few times and I totally get where you're coming from.
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Both of them talked about how their public image had to take time to redefine itself after being "Ian and Anthony" for so long but I think Anthony talked specifically about how post-leaving, he had to reckon with himself of his value outside of his creation he made at 14 years old. In his self isolation of not wanting anything to do with Smosh, not only was he cutting out Ian but also the people he knew from Smosh. That probably largely cut down his social circle even if they were just coworkers/work friends since Anthony talked about how much of their lives they dedicated to Smosh. Plus, being the one who left, tons of people were looking at Anthony to see how he was going to define himself as an independent creator after the split.
"Open heart" also reminds me of the kinda lost period of his channel where he was kinda barring a lot on camera in his time of trying to find himself. He was pretty open with being burnt out and definitely his emotions, namely sadness, was bleeding into his on camera persona until he found his niche of being an interviewer. Even now, he definitely wears his heart on his sleeve a lot more than Ian.
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I definitely associate the chorus more with Ian and his confusion over why Anthony had cut himself off from Smosh and Ian. The parallel of Anthony being a self proclaimed "conspiracy theorist" of what Ian was thinking and feeling like their relationship was worse than what Ian had thought to post-leaving, Ian being left wondering why Anthony had so firmly shut the door on their past. Ian was still thinking it was a no brainer to still collab and work together and then met with such resistance to enterain being associated with Smosh.
Feeling left behind as your former best friend moves onto something else and just not even knowing what they even think of you anymore. Are you angry at Defy? Are you ashamed of all the things we did together? Do you just not want anything to do with Smosh? Do you just not want anything to do with me?
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This verse reminds me of the small talk they would say they had when it was in the between years. Just texts on birthdays and on a rare blue moon. Even before the split, they talked about how surface level their conversations would be, just talking about what was happening instead of actually opening up and discussing things. It was all so shallow in comparison to the times they talked about everything together.
Plus "I asked you, 'How is playing drums?'/Said 'It's too much shit to carry'" feels like Ian stepping back from his comedic writing since he never found another creative partner that matched his energy like Anthony did. Alone as the sole founder and president at Smosh, it was quite simply too much to carry when also shouldering so much responsibility. No one who fully understood or on his exact level, either being technically an employee even if also a friend, or people above him at Mythical.
Then, not to put on shipper goggles since i think this is also applicable in a friendship sense but seeing other friends find their people when you feel like an island still is also somewhat isolating. If you feel like you had your person and lost them, there's definitely a bittersweetness in seeing your friends who go from friends to partners.
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Lastly, the outro feels like the offers for Anthony to come visit and work with Smosh again. Something about the transition between "Anyway, don't be a stranger" having the tone of a light farewell you'd tell anyone leaving to the final and simple "don't be a stranger" which feels more like a plea. Like finally breaking the cover of apathy, please don't leave in totality like I feel like you're going to. Please don't become a stranger to me.
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dearweirdme · 6 months
you know I have always been one of the first in lines fighting to defend Tae from that rumor, I'm 100% positive that is mediaplay still but something shifted these days as in yes it was mediaplay but ultimately Tae did choose to take part in that paparazzi walk( albeit he didn't look happy at all I think I have reasons to believe that even if he was somehow coerced he probably was made to feel like he had some negotiation power too) and honestly I guess I felt more adamant to defend him bc i saw how much he tried to fight the tide and separate himself from all of that ( the wv live in the airport, these insta pic changes being the last example etc and seeing ppl disrespecting his agency and his right to state himself his own truth really pissed off me a lot ) but I started to think these last days what's the point in him doing all of that when he agreed to do that walk and he must know what would happen otherwise why did he even agreed, what is he even fighting himself doing little things to separate himself from being associated to this person when he will forever be associated,for the gp and fandom itself and as you said once this will be in the historial of his live forever? By doing all of that it's like he made us, the fans who cared for him and were paying attention to him fr want to defend him too and literally fight air because there is nothing to defend when he did that walk, when the purpose of that walk being met. I'm not saying he did any of that with the purpose of having fans fighting on his name at all, I don't think so but that's what happened, I guess I'm feeling disappointed these days bc i see no need for him to even fight against all of this when this issues reached the levels it did when he chose to do the walk. I'm also disappointed bc i think anything he might do that would have been considered brave and important about his identity before loses weight completely now, him smooching jk's cheek on the party and uploading it, him being bold etc bc no one but a small group of ppl considered delusional by everyone will see this for what it is. He can do a lot now only bc no one it's going to take him/it seriously.
I used to be pissed by Holland behavior that one time but I even kinda can get the frustration now. Tae is safe or at least has reduced the risk at a minimum now to do whatever bc everyone thinks he dates women. And some ppl be crowing him as an LGBT icon when some other idols have actually exposed themselves honestly to a lot more without any security plan to fall back into. And that actually feels like being brave and doing something. Not making everyone who supports you look like a delusional clown and make the thought of you being queer laughable to most ppl. Moonbyul being a pretty good example of someone who has been direct and brave.
Im sorry I really needed to vent, I have loved Tae for a lot of time ( not that i dont love him now but sometimes i cant shake the disappointment and the distaste of not being able to enjoy his content without seeing him being constantly related to ppl I don't like at all) and I'm open to anyone making me feel different about this situation
Hi anon!
Let me give you my perspective on this and maybe that will make you see things differently as well.
Tae is moving within certain boundaries. It is most likely that there are actual clauses in his contract that tell him what he can and cannot share publicly. That goes beyond plain saying that he is queer. That also goes for the level of queerness he can show through art and media. Basically I feel he is able to show queer media and art, but not adress it as such. Going beyond that would probably mean he’d be breaching his contract, which could lead to monetary penalties… and when it goes too far he could be kicked out of BTS (not that I think it would ever go that far). I think it’s possible that with this new contract, things have become more loose though. BH/Hybe doesn’t want to lose Tae, because he is one of the most popular members and losing any member would look bad. So I think there was some leverage there.
In my opinion it should not be underestimated how bad things still are for queer people in SK. Artists loose their careers over it stil. People like Holland are absolutely very brave and I hope within time there will be more and more like him. But you cannot compare one person’s choices with that of another’s. I think Tae possibly discovered his sexuality when he was already under contract with BH.. that would mean he had the choice to either hide, or to break his contract… leave BTS… and be left with a shitload of debt (because you don’t simply leave a contract). He would have no perspective of any career after that.. losing all his dreams and all chances of having any influence at all. It is an impossible choice maybe.. or maybe not.. I don’t know. Has he chosen to leave BH would his life have been easier, better? He would still have had to deal with severe homophobia. So I don’t think Tae had much options but to hide in the first case. It is not something he chose.. it was basically decided for him. Contracts are no fun anon, they basically chain them to the company in many many ways. I don’t think Tae ever had the option to be as open as Holland. And I think that is something he struggled with greatly. So if that walk was something he agreed to just because it would give him some more room to be authentic, I am absolutely not holding that against him. It doesn’t make him bad or whatever, it makes him someone who needs a bit of room to breathe.
In general I don’t feel Tae owes us much. Speaking for myself, I am here completely voluntarily and completely aware of forever being shit on by the rest of fandom. I’m of the opinion that both Tae and Jk aren’t actually fighting to be out and open.. so that probably makes my perspective on this different than yours. I think they’re just trying to live their lives and what we see of them is just stuff we pick up on.. because we pay attention. I always see myself as a bystander and not a participant in this. But.. that’s just me ofcourse.
So how did we end up here; Tae doing a walk with Jennie. Looking at it from a practical side, it was only one walk.. half an hour tops. If we assume he did agree to it and he wasn’t actually forced all the way, for him that was probably doable, and if he traded that for more freedom to be authentic.. to insert more queerness in his work (which is eventually what people will remember him by), then I think the trade probably looked worth it. Ultimately it wasn’t a fair choice ofcourse, because trading anything for freedom to be yourself is insane.. freedom should always be yours. But I do think the company possibly sold it that way.. and being used to having no freedom for years, maybe to Tae it did seem like a chance. It is ofcourse also possible they made him do this, but it’s not something I’m leaning towards personally.
It is not something Tae would’ve done/come up with himself. Tae didn’t go “yeah, I want to do a papwalk with Jennie for fame and attention”… people are right when they say he didn’t need that. He was not enthusiastic. And I think he was very over it all soon after.
The way I see it.. is that possibly Tae gave away a small part of himself to do something he felt is necessary in a broader way. His new mv is so important! To have such graphic display of queerness is so important! Especially from someone as famous as Tae. Imagine all the young queer fans he has seeing that! Tae knows what kind of influence he has. He has probably missed seeing representation like that himself when he was younger. I think this is what matters to him most and personally I just applaud him for that. Taennie will be nothing but a blimp on our radar in a few years, but his songs and mv’s… I think those will have an actual impact on many lives.
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aroace-poly-show · 11 months
Hi you said you want to ramble, could you ramble some more about hollow ☆ wonderland i tried looking through your blog but search is. not working. so i failed to find anything at all
HEHEHEHEHH OF COURSE!!! and the reason for that is probably bc i haven’t posted very many details about them!! most of my rambles have been contained to dms with two of my friends and a currently 2.4k word doc of word and idea vomit 👍
anything posted before the most recent ask hasn’t been tagged correctly either, iirc i had a brief summary of the group a while ago though, tagged with “nightcord wxs” i think?? cause i didn’t have a name for them yet at the time. not changing it cause i’ve figured out more stuff since then so it’s sort of outdated. there’s probably a few posts lost in the marlo’s stuff tag, though that i didn’t tag properly but it’s okay those rambles are probably somewhere in my google doc.
anyway, since you didn’t rlly specify something in particular i’m probably just gonna ramble about whatever comes to mind. once again under the cut cause i can tell this is probably gonna get a bit long:
hollow ☆ wonderland is an online music group, and their videos are like kikuo style ones. but not necessarily ones like you are a useless child and aishite, more ones like and then you became the moon, welcome to the star inn, don’t look at me in that way, etc. pretty cutesy and happy sounding with a cute art style and then the lyrics tell a pretty dark story. that’s their general vibe. there’s a few songs i associate with them like judas by abuse (like i mentioned before) but i can’t confidently say it’s the kind of music they’d make. maybe that’ll change though we’ll see.
the group is composed of hoshi (tsukasa) the main lyricist, koki (emu), the artist, tako (rui) the animator and eventual co-lyricist, and kurage (nene), the composer.
they’re all silly online friends who like making music videos together and while none of them really talk about their issues pre-main story given that they’re not super close/don’t know each other super well yet, they still enjoy doing this together and care at least a little bit about each other.
i’m still figuring out how exactly the main story goes, but i’ve definitely made more progress now so HOPEFULLY i figure out a coherent story soon. i rlly do want to write a fic for them but don’t get your hopes up too much.
a few basic ideas i do have currently are some stuff like tsukasa, despite also being on his last hopes like the rest of them, is going to be the one to really encourage them all to start theater again. their sekai is a rundown theme park with lots of fireflies around, all the plushies are still there but they’re also worn down and have lots of patches and stuff on them. wonder stage has been closed down already, but it hasn’t been like torn down or replaced with a new attraction or anything. will it make a comeback? will hw be using it? we will see :)
i think the world hasn’t even started yet is still gonna be their untitled too. i’m thinking for their unit fits it’s gonna be something similar to the circus jester set cards? or at least the face paint thing. i’m absolutely giving them the face paint thing. and then there’s some other plot ideas i have but i’m not totally sure about them yet and i dunno how much sense they make on their own so i’m not gonna add them here.
uh. tsukasas name is hoshi since it means star iirc? so obviously he gets that name. koki meant something like to glitter, to shine, and i think emu would have liked that enough to choose it. and i already mentioned why rui and nenes names are what they are 👍
that is all for now. once again i’m more than happy to answer any other questions (like seriously i was so giddy and happy getting asked about them) so yknow feel free to ask. might answer a bit late cause i’m in school atm and have a lot to say but i will answer it eventually :3
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The Ghost King (of Miscommunication) Ch. 21
Part 1-12,Part 13,Part 14,Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Part 21!
So this kinda got long. I wouldn't be able to fit the explanation part without posting off of my ao3 schedule. Also the chapter would be, like, way longer than the ~2K I've been aiming for.
So! Here's this, and I'm gonna try to post the explanation-scene as a separate chapter on Thursday or Friday. (It'll probably be big on its own anyway).
Info: Self-concept upon death hugely impacts ghost form, and Sam & Tucker expected white hair bc of Danny. So by the time Jazz became a ghost (read: Died) it was just an expectation that white hair and green eyes would be a part of that.
(Danny's own palette swap is an effect of his beliefs about what happens when things burn [white to black] and bleach in heat [black to white - like the flag on the moon]. White hair being associated with stress/death, green eyes because green was all he could see, etc. Just a lot of jumbled, morbid, last-minute thoughts while he was dying combined with pre-existing, subconscious beliefs about life and death.)
Jason's form is his exact form from when he died - minus all the injuries and plus the full-white eyes (not just normal eyes behind a domino mask - I know that varies by version for some robins. This is full-whites. They do still turn green when he's angry tho)
Jason only realized he’d been tricked after they finally called it a draw.
For all a snowball fight barely counted as a fight, he certainly felt calmer after getting some of his energy out.
He’d been so distracted enjoying himself he hadn’t even thought of using the chaos to bolt - not that he would have anyway, given he still didn’t know where to find a portal home.
The girl flits in front of him just in time for him to catch his breath.
“Nice to meet you,” She holds out a hand, grin as exuberant as it had been throughout the game - minus the feral tinge of competitiveness.
“I’m Danielle,” she offered as he shook the proffered hand. “But call me Elle - or Dani with an i if you want to mess with someone.”
The mischief on her face at the suggestion made him think she’d done so before.
She almost certainly already knew his name, but not telling her himself would be rude - a death sentence if they really were fae. Still, that she hadn’t prompted him should make it safer. Maybe.
(If the initial kidnapping was permitted by Danny hearing his name then he certainly didn’t hear a prompt from him, but who knows if inaudible whispers count. At least he can see that Danielle’s mouth hasn’t moved)
(Not like he isn’t already kidnapped anyway. What’ll they do, double kidnap him?)
“Jason,” he says as he disengages from the handshake, smiling genuinely despite himself.
(And he meant to smile, he did - he’d read enough stories to know how important being polite to the fae is; one wrong word and you’re 15 ribs shy of a full skeleton. Or a brother shy of a full family. It was half the reason he’d spoken as little as he had - but he hadn’t meant for it to be real)
“I’m sure Danny told you aaaaaall about me already, and yes, I really am that cool.”
Danielle - Elle - breaks Jason out his mental spiral. He just manages to smother his laugh with a cough.
“Ah, the tour actually got kind of off track, so I hadn’t had a chance to mention you yet.”
Elle gasps dramatically, putting both hands over her heart and flopping to the ground at Danny’s proclamation.
“Oh, I am wounded! I am shattered! I am abandoned and unloved!-” Danny laughs “-I am filing a formal complaint! I am requisitioning forms to have my darling emotional support Panther, Palu, moved to the Palace-”
“You- Emotio-WHAT!?” Danny reels back, expression horrified.
Elle floats up to sit a foot off the ground, arms and legs both crossed. She glares at him for about 5 seconds before sticking out her tongue and grinning.
“I’m kidding, you big chicken.”
“She ate my cape made with Actual Stars, Elle.”
Elle laughs at Danny’s clear relief and the following pout. Jason himself fails to suppress a snort.
“Well,” Danny huffs, turning to Wulf. “While these two are busy laughing at my expense, I wanted your opinion on something.”
He gestures to a more distant tree with his eyes, and Wulf follows as he floats away - probably aiming for out of earshot.
Elle abandons her laughter to float upright just in front of him - the floating equivalent of standing, he supposes.
“Anyway, like I said, I’m Elle. Long story short Danny’s ex-arch-nemesis who shall not be named wanted to adopt Danny and handled the ‘no’ really poorly and tried to clone him. I was the only surviving clone, and after trying to kill Danny on said manipulative ex-nemesis’ orders he managed to change my mind about said nemesis, helped stabilize me, and eventually ended up adopting me.” She said, in the most nonchalant manner possible, which, wow, the story really did not call for.
Jason desperately wants to know the long version.
“Sooo…” she drawls, smile gaining a teasing edge, “I guess you can actually just call me big sis.”
She laughs at his suddenly blank expression.
“No? How about ‘best big sister ever?’ Oh! Oh! Or ‘Coolest big sister in the Realms?’ Get it? Cuz ice powers.”
She flits around him as she speaks, wiggling her fingers and loosing a few flakes of snow at the last bit for emphasis, giggling.
Jason isn’t sure how to respond without insulting her somehow.
To any of that, really.
“Never expected to have a baby brother,” she muses, “but then with how readily he adopted me despite my origins I guess it isn’t all that surprising. Especially with you being a halfa and all. We’re really rare, I’m sure you’ve noticed. Or maybe not - you are only like a week old, technically.”
“I’m 22,” he corrects, unbelievingly.
She snorts.
“In human years, maybe.”
And hey. Wow. Jason is not a fan of that.
(Yes, he’s glowing. Yes, he’s visibly de-aged 7 years. No, he has not accepted any of the potential implications that has regarding his human-ness.)
Jason has roughly 100 more questions after her little info-dump than he did before.
Before he can debate risking those rib bones, what can only be one of the infamous ‘eyeballs’ shows up.
It sure is an eyeball, just one giant eye takes up most of its head, but for the thin green outline that connects to the rest of its body - only seen by the matching green of its hands, which themselves bear off-puttingly long claws.
It is also wearing quite possibly the most pretentious robes he has ever laid eyes on.
This coming from someone who grew up watching Brucie Wayne play air headed, carefree rich boy like it was his true calling - the man had a designer collection of dramatic robes to greet unexpected late-evening guests with.
“That is not my name.”
By the terse greetings and short follow-up, this was a common exchange.
The eyeball - Greg, why not - turned its eye on Jason just then.
For all its size, the eye moved just as fast as a normal one. The motion was wrong in some indefinable way; grotesque to see. He did his best not to react, cautious of setting the being off; this one seemed more volatile than those he’d met thus far.
Despite the lack of a facial expression, Jason couldn’t help but feel like he was being sneered at.
Thankfully its attention on him was brief, turning back to address Elle after only a beat.
“If you are quite finished shirking your duties to play in the snow, the Valhallan representative is waiting to speak with you.”
“What??? He isn’t supposed to be here for another hour,” Elle questioned, brown pinched.
“It has been an hour, Phantom.”
He floats to her side to point towards the palace.
“If you would be so kind, I would like to get this over with.”
“Uuuuuuugh,” Elle groans, drifting slowly in that direction despite the apparent distaste, “Can’t you just watch from your lair like Clocky always does?”
“You know very well that matters of exceptional import and tumultuous path selection require personal observation in order to maintain timeline coherency. All royal meetings for-”
“‘-at least the next three weeks fit the criteria.’” Elle makes air quotes as she speaks, turning to face Greg while still floating towards the palace, backwards.
“I know, I know. Blah blah regulation, blah blah timelines, blah blah paperwork. Heard it. Got it. Thanks.” She concludes with an eyeroll, before looking back at him.
“Have fun with the rest of the tour!” she yells, smiling and waving as if she was already a mile away. “Make sure Danny shows you the map rooms!”
And then she turns and zooms away.
He can sense the faintest bit of rage coming from Greg, and he barely hears the muttered ‘Insufferable abomination’ before the…guy?...eye… follows suit.
He watches until the eye disappears into the building.
At which point he hears a small sigh from beside him.
He nearly jumps out of his skin in startlement, whipping his head around to find Danny floating placidly by his side, saluting into the distance.
“Good luck, Elle,” he says mournfully, “Rip to your good mood.”
“That bad?” Jason asks, resettling his nerves.
Danny snorts.
“The Observants always make everything either as boring as they can or as difficult as they can. It could be worse though; the Valhallans are a party people so it should balance out. Best case scenario they’ll spend the end of the meeting annoying ‘Greg’-” he adds air quotes at this, grinning, “-together.”
‘The Observants must be the eyeballs then,’ Jason thinks. ‘The name is a bit on the nose…or eye.’
“Anyway!” Danny twists and drifts to float in front of him. “We’ve got another hour or so before dinner; ready to get back to the tour?”
Jason opens his mouth, then pauses.
He takes a glance around and asks “Where is Wulf?”
“Oh, he’s off picking up a preorder - Volume 15 of, uh…something? I don’t remember the name. But don’t worry, he’ll be back in a few hours.”
And wow, the promise that Wulf isn’t just hovering unseen in the background does a lot to untense muscles he hadn’t realized were tensed.
“Right. Sure, tour away.”
He held in his questions, for all that he was bursting at the seams for answers.
Because really: Clone? Archnemesis??? Was this a hero-villain thing or a fae politics thing? Cloning generally wasn’t a thing heroes did, but kidnapping wasn’t either.
What did Elle mean by ‘Halfa?’ Or technically a week old???
Also: brother? Adopted? There’s no way, right?
Being yanked off of the streets of Crime Alley by some dude living in a veritable castle to be adopted with little to no explanation was not something that happened to people twice.
Let alone when he is, in fact, a grown-ass man.
The next section they visit is Elle’s, located close to the final tower on the same side as the Specters’ had been.
The first room is filled with complex ice sculptures - a panther the size of a horse, a normal-sized cat, a few of the yetis, a kid in a pirate garb with a parrot, a girl covered in…Lunch Boxes? Danny, Jazz, and Spike were scattered among more unfamiliar statues.
They take their time in this room, Danny pointing to a lot of the people depicted and giving him names to go with faces - he even recognizes a few of them from earlier parts of the tour, and makes sure to commit them all to memory.
Then came the rooms that looked like a cosmopolitan’s dream collection.
A room dedicated to world maps through the ages - little groups of similarly-aged maps slowly orbited each other in globe-like patterns while newer versions and even a few of alien worlds lined the walls.
At least 3 rooms are dedicated to photos from all around the world - he spotted the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids, the Congo from above, the Great Wall of China, Niagara Falls - plenty of well-known tourist locations, as well as a wide variety of nature shots. The nature shots took up an entire floor-width room, and were arranged to transition from one biome to the next.
The next room is full of souvenirs; postcards, foods from around the world frozen in more of that crystal-clear ice, weapons, clothing, jewelry - a little bit of everything.
Another swift pass-through - and by, since one of them was occupied - of the meeting, sitting, and nap rooms has them finally arrive at the room that was probably the reason Elle said ‘map rooms’ and not just ‘room.’
It was domed like an observatory, but instead of the night sky it showed that infinite green.
Different sections zoomed in and out, just slowly enough to take in. The room is scattered with cushions and telescopes aimed up. At the very center stands some kind of machine, spitting out paper which, when he floats over to look at it, reveals a single, ever-growing map.
“Elle is obsessed with travel,” Danny says fondly. “She was away more often than not at first, but then she got the idea to map the Realms - a map that can be referenced rather than a single ‘take me where I ask you to’ artifact.”
He floats up towards the dome as he speaks.
“It might seem pointless with how much paper an infinite amount of realms will take to map, but the mechanism feeds the map data into a computer that sends everything to be incorporated into Tucker and Technus’ Zone Map App. It updates constantly, what with the fluctuations in the Zone, but it’s always improving.”
“Fluctuations?” Jason asks, processing the ‘infinite amount of realms’ remark.
“Think of it like space; there’s gravity against the constant growth of the universe. The zone expands and contracts, like the flow of a tide. Except it’s moving in all directions instead of just the two.
But it expands more than it contracts, and just like on the sea or in space things can drift closer together or farther apart. Following specific streams can help, but only so much. Reliable navigation was pretty hard to come by before Elle, Tuck, and Technus started working on this.”
“Impressive,” Jason says softly.
And it is. The thought of mapping a veritable ocean with important bits that never stayed in the same place…it seemed nigh-impossible.
Opposite the third tower - “We can tour my tower after dinner,” Danny had said - lay the section belonging to Jazz and Spike.
The first thing they come to is familiar - the library.
“Anyone can use the library, but Jazz is the one in charge.”
Jason stops cold.
“Jazz.” He echoes.
Jazz, who had so calmly and proficiently wielded a gun.
Who had gifted him a gun.
Who had expressed her own love for literature.
They’d even briefly discussed some of the classics and yet-
“Jazz made that impossible excuse for a sorting system!?”
He couldn’t bring himself to worry about upsetting him, he’d just have to risk the ribs. That ‘sorting’ system was a travesty that could not stand unchallenged.
Luckily, Danny only chuckles a bit.
“Come on, it’s not that bad,” he snorts, shaking his head.
“Not that- how are you supposed to find anything!” he shouts, throwing his hands into the air.
“You ask,” Danny answers, brow raised.
“WHO!? THERE’S NO RECEPTIONIST!” Jason scrubs his hands against his hair in frustration.
Understanding dawns on Danny’s face at that.
“Here, let me show you,” he says, nodding to the doors before zooming through.
Jason follows, anger simmering under his skin - fully his own, for the first time in years.
“Library,” Danny says as Jason comes to float beside him, “May I please see The Guide to Phantom Palace?”
A book soars from a wall shelf to float, wiggling in front of him like an eager puppy.
“Thank you!” Danny says brightly, before turning to hand the book to Jason.
“The library is sentient,” he explains. “Good manners are key, by the way - Jazz is in charge, but the library can and will kick people out if they're rude or incautious with food and drinks.”
Jason stares at the book in his hand a moment, frustrated at the simplicity of it and the hour he spent looking aimlessly, but at least a bit soothed at the presence of a way to actually find things - even if the organization still makes no sense.
“Why the emotional organization system, then?” He finally asks.
“That’s for Jazz,” Danny answers. “This library is a part of some psychology project she’s doing - the return system, at least. Ask the library for the book you want - or you can ask for suggestions based on certain criteria. It’s sentient, it can help you find things - and when you’re done with it you put it back where you think it should be based on your own emotions.
Or if you don’t want to participate you can just put your books back on the shelf by the desk and Jazz will rearrange them however she sees fit.”
“Psychology project?” Jason asks after pause.
“Ah, you’d have to ask her. She told me all about it when it was first getting set up, but as much as I tried to understand it, it was all Greek to me.”
“Anyway!” he claps, “Now for the rest!”
The rest of Jazz’s section seems to follow the psychology theme.
A rage room that looks well-loved - battered, glowing clubs and a variety of damaged items from tech to glass to dummies that appeared to be slowly healing themselves.
A soothing room full of soft things and calming music and candles and even a few flowers.
A sound-proof room for quiet, a therapy room for meeting with ‘patients.’ Then of course there were the business meeting, paperwork, sitting, and nap rooms. And a combat room.
The nap, combat, and sitting rooms seemed to be shared, with the second part of the section - Spike’s - branching off from the sitting room.
Spike, of course, had his own cursed paperwork and meeting rooms.
Then came the ‘this is the home of an artist’ rooms.
An enormous circular room was dedicated to acting as a color wheel, the walls slowly shifting from deepest reds to darkest indigos, with every shade and color in between. In the center of the floor was the darkest shade of black, radiating out to a blinding white where it met the walls - the ceiling was the opposite, a bright white dot radiating darker until it met the walls as a void-like black.
A room filled with sketches and paintings, a room full of blank or half-made canvases with pencils and paints and brushes floating all around - seemingly where they’d been abandoned, a room full of miniature landscapes matching both locations he’d seen on earth and the strange landmasses he’d seen on the journey to the castle. And then what Danny called an archive room, where Spike stored older projects that he no longer wished to display.
Skalfred found them just as Danny finished explaining the room.
“Perfect timing!” Danny grins, turning to Jason. “Race you there?"
They’re near the library. Jason knows the way.
He zips around Skalfred and out the door in lieu of an answer.
He can just faintly hear Danny sputtering, ‘You cheater!’ coming out around the echoing laughter behind him.
@mayoota-blog1 @kyrianclawraith, @do3y, @someonebored0100 @omegasmileyface @a-star-with-a-human-name @akikoyuii @newgraywolf @tytythehistoryguy
Fun Facts!
Elle’s name - she initially chose Dani because she didn’t want to change herself just to differentiate herself from Danny - lots of people have the same name, and she has just as much right to it as Danny.
But it also made her feel too much like a copy and less like a person - especially with the confusion when she started living with the Fentons.
Then Jazz suggested Elle would be a nice name - it’s part of her name already and it’s like Elle Woods, known badass. They then watched legally blonde, and Dani decided it was a really cool name and started going by Elle. She’s a lot happier with it - no more discomfort when being spoken too, and they can still call her Dani when she and Danny are both in the room and they want to annoy the Observants or other people by doing The Bit(™) [both pointing to themselves ‘who me’ - other person, also in on the bit, facepalming and saying ‘Danny’ - them ‘which Danny.’ Of course no one told the observants Dani also goes by Elle. One time one got tired of it and went ‘Obviously the Danny with the crown of fire.’ And Danny makes the Crown of Fire appear (separate little mini-rings-transformation) at the same time Elle pulls a Burger King Crown actively on fire from her Halfa Pocket Space and they both go ‘which crown of fire’ and it is by the blessing of not having organs alone that the observant in question did not immediately have an aneurysm from sheer, apoplectic rage.]
Palu - Danny is a dog person, Elle is a cat person. Palu is named for Cath Palug - the closest thing I could find to a cat-equivalent of Cujo’s namesake. Same neon-green fur as Cujo, but all-purple eyes. Palu can be the size of a cat (around twice Cujo’s puppy-size), but can get up to the size of a horse (just slightly smaller than Cujo’s max). Unfortunately, Palu is very fond of Being Enormous And Also Hunting Everything That Moves That Isn’t Dani, so they put her in one of Sam’s conservation areas where she’d be happy. She liked it enough to move her lair - an incredibly large pet-bed in a small forest of cat trees - and Dani visits whenever she wants to see her.
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transphilza · 2 years
I have no where else to talk about this bcs i'm too terrified to post abt the dsmp after the whole dream thing. I don't support him and want nothing to do with him but my love for the story surrounding wilbur and tommys characters is so immense it makes me really sad that i cant talk about them online anymore bcs everyone seems to be dropping the dsmp, even if i have to argue that it can be separated from the dude its named after. Lmanburg means the world to me, and c!wilbur means a lot to me for a lot of reasons. I guess im just very upset about the events that have ensued lately, i miss the dsmp
hi nonnie <3
i thought a bit about whether i wanted to respond to this or not but i have seen so many concerns just like yours that i feel the need to state outright: just because the dream smp bears his name does NOT mean it is all his, nor does it mean anything to do with the smp has to be “tainted” by his association with it.
a lot more under the cut
c!wilbur is one of my favorite characters of all time, he means a lot to me and just like you i find a lot of joy in the stories he told on the dream smp. the best part about all that? it was WILBUR who did that. WILBUR is the reason why c!wilbur was amazing, and TOMMY was the reason c!tommy was amazing, and so on for everyone else on the server. it feels like a disservice to all the hard work so many people put into their characters and their storylines to allow one guy to ruin all of that. WILBUR wrote those scripts, WILBUR wrote that character, WILBUR poured his heart and soul and energy into creating an amazing story for us, and NOTHING and NOBODY can change that. it was he who made his own story amazing (and this applies just the same to c!tommy and all the other people on the smp who worked so hard)
furthermore, and firesnap spoke beautifully about this already, i’m BEGGING you to listen to your OWN instincts about this entire thing. what do YOU think is right? what feels right to you? what makes sense to you? the people who are choosing to no longer engage with the dsmp whatsoever are entirely valid to feel however they feel which led them to make that decision, but you would be just as valid to come to a different conclusion. as long as you are thinking critically, you’re on the right track. there is no Right reaction to all this. you can refuse to watch anything to do with it from now on, you can just engage with past lore, you can watch the vods, you can watch live but leave when dream appears, or you can watch the entire thing live (and though i would not personally recommend doing so, my word is not god and my morals are not Your morals!!) you can do whatever feels appropriate to You.
life is not as simple as “someone i loved turned out to be someone i no longer want to associate with, therefore i will cut ties with them and everyone they knew or anyone they work with and i will no longer have any positive feelings about any impacts theyve had on my life or any of the things they or anyone they associate with have created.” this is an unfair expectation to put on yourself or anybody!
don’t punish yourself for feeling however you feel. you don’t need to feel guilty for still being attached to the dsmp — hell, i’m going to be candid and say that c!dream is one of my favorite villains ever, and while i really enjoyed watching and talking about his character, because of this situation i no longer feel comfortable publicly enthusing about that character. this doesn’t change that i really enjoyed the character, that i STILL think it was a great character, despite having difficult feelings toward its actor/creator. you are allowed to FEEL, FEELING is not endorsement, and as long as you think critically about how you engage in fandom, however you are doing so is probably just fine
understand that nothing about this is black and white, that you are allowed to have opinions and feelings that are different from your peers, and that if the idea of one man changing your perception of other people’s creative work simply by association feels wrong, then you don’t have to let it
much love ❤️
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googledetective · 1 year
I’ve talked about this song with people on instagram and discord and people don’t really seem to get why I associate this song with the dynamic of Tsurugi Kinjo and Rei Mekaru in the Kisaragi Foundation after DRA. So, I’m gonna do a bit of a post here explaining why.
(feel free to listen along while reading)
why “Another Shot of Whiskey” by the Gits reminds me of Rei Mekaru’s perspective on Tsurugi Kinjo;
“You walk in with another headache
I can tell by the lines in your face”
(Rei walks into the foundation everyday, and he’s usually working himself half to death and is constantly going over his morales.)
“You seem to think if you just remove the problem
The answers are what will come next”
(A part of Kinjo’s whole philosophy on everything. He thinks that removing all the criminals in the world is the solution and everything will be better afterwards.)
“Another shot of whiskey
And maybe I'll be ready
For what's still crowded in your head”
(Rei needs a drink before Kinjo unloads his philosophy bullshit on her before she can even begin to tolerate it.)
“Never thinking that all the good times
Are what walked in with the bad”
(All the good times she’s had at the foundation are bc of the killing game. This could also reference all the good times she’s had at the foundation are bc of Tsurugi Kinjo, but he’s also is a lot of the bad times too.)
“I don't know why we compromise ourselves
I thought it was a common understanding”
(I am not so sure abt this line besides the fact there’s a lot of self sacrifice in the foundation. This, or the fact that they are all workaholics and work way too hard.)
“With all I've tried to help with
Tell me, do I end up empty handed?”
(Rei tries to change things and help out a lot at the Foundation, but Kinjo’s ideals get in the way and nothing gets done.)
“Another couple of beers while I'm safe here at the bar
And maybe I'll get me some rest”
(Rei needs a fucking drink to finally wind down cause she’s a workaholic)
“Don't know why all the good times have to turn-up with the bad”
(Same as the first time this line came up)
“It's like a sword of hate
You brandish it so proud
I wonder if you're taught what you feel”
(Kinjo’s ideals are so hate-filled and he preaches them proudly. The second part is kind of like ‘where did he get that from’, and it hints at the fact that Kinjo was taught all this by his dad anyway.)
“Or is it the way you got it cold dead in your eye?”
(His eye in sdra2 is full of hatred, once you see him tip the hat off.)
“It would be good if you could just
Leave me well enough alone”
(Sometimes Rei needs Kinjo to give her a break bc lets be fr, he’s probably exhausting.)
“The crime of fate is what I have to follow through
If I'm going to get past you”
(Fate needs to keep her fighting against him because she’s got no motivation to anymore.)
“Another shot of whiskey
And that's about the only
Way I can listen anymore”
(She needs a drink before she has to listen to Kinjo’s BS)
“Go ahead and drown me of everything
At least I still got my place at the bar”
(Kinjo robbed Rei of leadership and a lot of other stuff, but at least she’s still running strong in her place at the foundation.)
The rest of the song is all repeating lyrics, but I hope y’all enjoyed this schizo post 💀
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
Hello, 'tis I, SecretIdentity!Alastor Anon once more:
I didn't realize wendigo weren't closed culture, I was under the impression that they were, my bad, sorry; thanks for telling me. Anyways I agree that interpretations w/ them as spoopy monsters is pretty blargh & that my Secret-ID-AU!Alastor, even canon!Alastor, are as far from wendigo as can be lol.
And yes! I really like Peryton!Alastor as a concept (plus, bird AND deer behaviors! It's got the flavors built in! Either the SecretIdentity!Alastor's wings are too small to fly, or they were injured & rendered flightless some time ago (broken funny? Nerve damage? Amputee? haven't decided). He's been a lot of fights over the years, there's a toll taken there.
And I just had a thought, what if, Alastor's plan to ally with Charlie & support her hotel idea, was a survival-brain, seat of his pants idea? The most recent Cleanse had all of Hell in a huge serious of brawls, duels and turf wars right (tbh I have... issues with Sinners and the Cleanse itself only being confined to the Pride Ring but I haven't decided yet)? Set 'Day in the Life' Alastor comic but a little to the left slightly before the Cleanse, Alastor and Sheep Lady get caught outside during the Cleanse. Eventually leads to Alastor getting into a marathon of close calls both with Exterminator Angels AND Sinners afterwards, he's won in the sense that he's alive, and the Radio Demon's identity is still a mystery as well as his mythos uplifted further. By the start of the AU Pilot time post-Cleanse, all his usual hideyholes (Rosie? Who actually is an Overlord apparently?) are either too far or partially compromised (Vox bothering him, Alastor, as himself, a 'known associate' of the Radio Demon?), so he needs to buy himself some breathing room to recover and figure out his next moves. (Sheep Lady is alive somewhere but nowhere to be seen for now).
Alastor uses some magic he's got to make himself look unruffled/unhurt, can't show weakness after all, wounded prey animals get targeted first. He ends up ducking into the News Studio just in time to see Charlie's broadcast interview live.
Idk I just thought it would be kinda interesting if Alastor allied with Charlie because he was flying by the seat of his pants and too allergic to showing weakness (legitimate concern considering Hell's society) to try coming as a guest, because not only is that an affront to his pride but the lack of control would be scary probably, so he needs to pitch himself (and his true identity, but separately and somehow a reason to also be there bc that's the point but he can't let them know it's the point) as a valuable asset without looking weak. So he calls in a couple of those few ongoing contracts/favors that he's been holding onto for a while, Niffty and Husk, they're the... Safest choices, to contribute something to this allyship support deal he just pantsed himself into. He had a plan the whole time (no he didn't).
Instead of the pilot/ep1 ending with Sir Pentious just showing up, he doesn't, no big powerwank scene, just quiet scenes for each of what is probably going to be (most of?) the main cast ending their day, settling into the hotel. Also I feel that there was some missed opportunity in the pilot canon where Angel mentions that there's no food at the hotel, and Alastor offering to cook jambalaya for everybody (later if he has a more pressing injury to bother with in secret? Could even be a tidbit of Vaggie talking to Charlie about how Alastor [Radio Demon's ambassador] smells like blood, and if Alastor hears he wouldn't correct her) dialogue at the end can stay though, or it get picked up later.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my Alastor blether, I know he's just Viv's edgy karen-hair wasted potential OC but, man I enjoy redesign/rewriting him.
Thank you for sending in your ideas -- it's some truly excellent blether! Characters that are exceedingly powerful but also in survival mode always make for an interesting time.
(Incidentally, you've also got me really invested in the idea of Alastor with stubs of what used to be wings hidden under his clothes.)
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
TW: slurs, death threats, typical bullying stuff
on my 11th birthday, during 5th grade, there was this giant fight between my classmates because a friend of my bully told my friend that he liked her but because she was associated with me, his friends got mad at him and then my friend's friend got mad at him which caused his friends to be mad at her and it sorta spiraled from there with my classmates getting into fights over crushes and I watched the chaos unfold
at the time, I didn't know that I was aro, and both at the time and now I thought it was an over-exaggeration, but I still don't quite think that would've been the normal situation if my bullies weren't so dramatic so it's probably not an allo thing and was just a "these specific people are weird" kinda thing
anyway, because of this fight, people started making assumptions about who had a crush on who, it was weird, but eventually someone got to me and assumed I had a crush on my bully and I was so genuinely hurt by that that I almost punched the guy in the face, the only thing stopping me was school rules against physical violence (verbal death threats and drawing yourself murdering a classmate are okay but tag is banned bc someone tagged a little too hard once).
I've seen so many other aros talk about how enemies to lovers is the superior trope, but as someone with experience of having someone that wanted me dead, tried to get everyone else to turn against me, and frankly made my life a living hell while I also hated him for what he would do to me and wanted so badly for him to disappear (aka, an enemy), I could never get behind the enemies to lovers trope. To me, it sounds like rebranded "he's only bullying you because he likes you!" I see nothing wrong with liking stories like that but the amount of the conversation that goes "it is objective fact that enemies to lover is the only good romance trope" is troubling to me (or even worse: "much more relatable/realistic"). It's never "I like enemies to lovers more than other tropes," it is always objective language used. It feels like that classmate telling me that I must have a crush on the guy that called me dyke and fag because that's "just how it works." I'm not mad at anyone who likes the enemies to lovers trope, there is no possible way they could know who I am or how it affects me and I'm not gonna tell someone to stop enjoying something because I don't like it. I know people are going to get defensive about this so I want to make it very clear that I have no ill will to anyone and maybe you don't see this trope this way and that's fine, fiction is very much open to interpretation. I just wanted to get my thoughts about it out there and maybe there will be someone who can relate, maybe I can help others who feel the same feel less alone.
this is also not a invitation to argue or debate this with me, I could never be in the right headspace to defend how my trauma affected me, so please don't tell me I'm wrong about something this subjective and personal. I'm not trying to say anyone who likes enemies to lovers is wrong or morally corrupted or that they've never been bullied or harassed, this is just my experience. I know I sound like a broken record with that but I really just want to make it clear.
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storynerd121 · 5 months
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it's not saturday anymore (at least for me) but i don't care and i hope you don't either...
(yes, i'm gonna ask you one for nearly each point, cause... that's like my personality...)
i'm not very original here, but i'm excited for your answers!!!
☆ fuck, marry, kill:
(really not original, but i wanna knowwwww)
james, sirius, remus?
regulus, evan, barty?
mary, dorcas, marlene? (and lily too?? ahhhh how can i add her???)
☆ top 3 of...
hmmm... i'm gonna do that differently: if you could only eat (don't worry about drinking) 3 things for the rest of your life, what would it be?
☆ are you a dog or a cat person?
☆ ahhhhhhhhhh i can't think of something for the next two... (okay, that's like half true i'm just too shy... sorry...)
☆ headcanons... that's a long answer probably? and this is so long already... but... tell me something if you want to? about anything? anddd one question: what do you think about ravenclaw barty?
☆ hmmmm... i don't really knowww... okay, this is weird maybe, but i think, you'd be awesome in a cartoon? that isn't even question-related... yeppp... i mean that in the nicest way possible btw!!! i think you're that mix of being sweet and cool that i associate with cartoon characters? okay... that's kinda dumb... my social anxiety/awkwardness is screaming at me... (what i mean is that i think you'd be awesome in a cartoon what leads to that maybe i'd ship you with a cartoon character? but i don't know enough about cartoon to give a character... i just kinda got that vibe...)
☆ my day was kinda boring... nothing special, but also very chilled...
how are you doing? how was your day? :)
hiiiii!! Thx for all the questions (im bored so this is perfect for rn. i honestly don't care if its not sat. anymore lol.) Anyways here's my answers.
☆ fuck, marry, kill:
kill james (im sorry my love 😭 i still adore u), fuck sirius (i may be ace but u get the point), and marry remus (bc we would be book lovers together).
kill barty (😭😭😭), fuck evan (bc why not), and marry regulus (he's just a bby thats in need of love). (bro it was so hard to choe between barty and evan omg. im still not sure lmao)
i'm gonna do fuck, slap, mary, kill for the girls bc i wanna add lily in. marry lily (ily queen), fuck dorcas, slap marlene, and kill mary (im gonna be honest here i dont rly know/read a lot abt them but i wanna read more good fics so recommendations r welcome)
☆ top 3:
Ok so if i could only eat 3 things for the rest of my life it'd probably be.... chocolate (bc i need it), chicken (bc i need protein and why not), and peas (my fav veggie). thats a hard question lol. i kinda just picked what i need for a balanced (ish) diet....
☆ dog or a cat person?
i love dogs, but im a cat person. (i also have 2 dogs and 1 cat. i love them all <3)
☆ headcanons… that's a long answer probably? and this is so long already… but… tell me something if you want to? about anything? anddd one question: what do you think about ravenclaw barty?
ooooo, ok. so ravenclaw barty (bc im starting with the question). I honestly like it. I feel like he's both sytherin and ravenclaw (like me) and i honestly like him in both houses. ig sytherin is a little better for him but honestly i still like him in both. idk why it just feels kinda right?? (and he still gets cute moments with evan in both houses so i cool with both lol)
hmmmm... a headcanon of mine..... i'm gonna stick to the marauders fandom bc why not. one of my fav headcanons is just soft reggie. like just for james. he's srsly so adorable and he loves to cuddle with his bf (even tho he's to embarrassed to ask at first so james just kinda pulls him into a hug/kiss every time he senses reg doesn't wanna ask and reg gets all flustered. he does get comfortable with it eventually tho). another one of my fav headcanons is abt wolfstar. I feel like siri is the one who stays with rem after every full and they just snuggle and enjoy each other. even before they get together (rem is so scared of ruining everything by confessing so he just holds it in bc he just loves siri so fucking much that it physically hurts him to even think of losing him.) anyways one day after the full they're chilling on rem's bed and siri just whispers i love you bc he needs to say it and they both just freeze. siri apologizes over and over and rem is just kinda stuck on the fact that siri actually said i love you?? to him?? and then he registers that sirius is crying so he just kisses him before he can think abt it. it ends well ofc. (i feel like these aren't rly headcanons and they're just little random stories but we're going with it for now lol)
☆ okay, this is weird maybe, but i think, you'd be awesome in a cartoon? that isn't even question-related… yeppp… i mean that in the nicest way possible btw!!! i think you're that mix of being sweet and cool that i associate with cartoon characters? okay… that's kinda dumb… my social anxiety/awkwardness is screaming at me… (what i mean is that i think you'd be awesome in a cartoon what leads to that maybe i'd ship you with a cartoon character? but i don't know enough about cartoon to give a character… i just kinda got that vibe…)
thank u!!! idk why but this is honestly rly sweet! cartoon characters r awesome so i absolutley love this thank u! u may have just made my day lol. (also the social akwardness is so relatable lmao) also a ship with a cartoon character? that sounds kinda interesting....lmk if u think of someone bc now im kinda curious lol. (i've never been in a relationship but im curious to see what cartoon vibes i give off and who u'd ship me with)
☆ my day was kinda boring… nothing special, but also very chilled…how are you doing? how was your day? :)
my day was pretty good actually! i hung out a friend's house (i haven't seen the friend in a while so it was cool to see them again) for a while so that was nice. although the misgendering was kinda annoying.... im doing meh. im rly anxious abt my upcoming presentation and also everything i've gotta do but i'm ok rn. how r u? ur day honestly sounds nice (i love lazy days so i may be biased lmao). I hope it was nice to have a relaxing-ish day tho.
thx so much for the ask btw!! ur sirius-ly awesome (ignore my marauders humor but i had to). <3
byeeeee!! <3
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targentis · 5 months
- What's your favorite character arc?
- What's your favorite details you noticed about the game?
- What's your favorite character design?
- Do you have any hcs/things you'd like about less popular characters ( the church staff, students like Raphael or Caspar, random npc )
- Idk if you particularly care about shipping, but do you have any rarepair? ( Ok, tbh that one is because of your Rodrigue fic because it was delightful. And because I saw you liked Ferdinand/Dimitri- )
- Do you have any hcs around the characters family? ( This one might also be because of your Rodrigue fic- )
- ALSO is there any platonic dynamic, especially less popular, that you care about?
- Group dynamic too! I'm pretty sure your favorite is the blue lions, but is there anything particular you enjoy/notice about the houses? ( including the Church staff! And it can consider recruits too, as well as either pre or post time-skip )
- This one is a bit cheessy but is there any song you associate with three houses in some way?
( Sorry I know it looks a bit like an interview, feel free to only answer the question you want! And I might not like/reblog your answer bc I'm shy but I'll garantee you that I will have read it! Thanks you if you decided to answer :) )
wowa sure i’ll answer all these why not HDSNDJSN
gotta say dimitri has my favorite character arc 💪💪💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥👆👆👆 they literally gave him a trauma recovery arc and it wasn’t even bad. we love the psychotic rep in this game 💪💪💪💪 the healing 💥💥💥💥💥💥 the sexy also 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
oogh. this is a Hard One. all the character design in this game slaps so hard. i’ll probably have to say post timeskip Edelgard takes the cake for me though because like…that headdress…the gravitas of the whole getup…never seen anything like it before
I LOVE CORNELIA 💥💥💥💥💥💥 i know i already talked about my trans headcanon for her but like genuinely…..she is so fascinating to me…what is trans Agarthan culture like…one must wonder…
LMAO the Rodrigue fic was a commission but i am a Rodriguela supporter forever 🫡🫡🫡 other than that yeah i like Diminand (but i’m a Cymitri truther and Yes this counts as a rarepair to me), Ashelix, whatever Ferdinand and Felix is called but Specifically as exes…i think that’s it off the top of my head. i also ship Cornelia with Valter from Sacred Stones but that’s a whole nother can of worms
OUUUU tbh i think All of my family hcs came out in that one Felix fic that everyone sleeps on HDBSBDJS i just i just i love thinking about Glenn……..and what would happen if Felix just went to therapy ONCE……… Rodrigue is a good father idc what anyone says
yes i think we were robbed of Claude and Hubert supports and i’ll die on this hill. they would have been such incredible worsties. i also really like Lorenz and Ferdinand as the most insufferable friends on the planet. and Annette and Dimitri have such cute supports that i never hear anyone talk about…faerghus four my ass, Annette is Dimitri’s REAL sibling figure ‼️ speaking of the faerghus four i hate that dynamic. Dedue and Dimitri have thee most beautiful friendship and ppl want me to believe he has a comparable relationship with the snotty rich kids he grew up with? get real. that being said Felix and Sylvain have that Exact lasting childhood bond that everyone seems to want Dimitri to have with the rest of them so. i like those two as besties i have a lot of feelings about that.
its so interesting that the Blue Lions come off as my favorite group dynamic because like…i gotta say they’re probably my least favorite as a group AKDKSNSKSA i LOVE the Black Eagles for this. (i am totally neutral on the Golden Deer. i have like zero opinions on them and i am sorry 😔) specifically though i think what gets me about the Black Eagles is that they have this…communal vibe, i guess? it makes it easy to imagine them all like hanging out with each other even though they all have such STRONG personalities. the Blue Lions…i just get the sense that they’re not all very compatible with each other if that makes sense??? it feels like i’m at an awkward family dinner every time i see them all together. it could just be that i like almost all the BE whereas there are quite a few BL i strongly dislike HHDBWNDN because recruiting my faves makes this less unbearable. also i fucking love the church staff…i especially love how supportive all the professors are of each other, and how Byleth really feels like they have a community around them while working at Garreg Mach… Gatekeeper i love you………
yes i do actually and it’s PVP by Amaranthe. i don’t actually know WHY that song makes me think of this game, the lyrics aren’t really applicable, but i have such a vivid animatic in my head every time i hear it so there you have it.
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