#and thats also why his ability would be very VERY HARD to copy and why i consider he is also an abnormality
nie7027 · 4 months
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Once again i did notes (for my fics) instead of working on the very important work i have to do but this time its ok because i meant to take off today and rest anyway.
and besides i did something i had always wanted to do since fricken 2019!
As you can see im still missing the 7th division claw members and the awakening lab kids (and others) buts its ok because i did the most important ones!
(also those missing are all around the same level anyway)
As i watched mp100 I ve always classified the espers in 5 categories(excluding mobs own) depending of their abilities in my mind which i put on the side and also they way i understand their powers (aka telepaths/seers/spiritists behaving differently)
(or at least the way i see all of this)
i included notes explainning why i put them the way i did (good luck understanding them) and even how their powers grew during the story!
even thought ive had this cale in my mind for years i never realized how much ritsu grows in it! (even though i did him so dirty lmao)
i made this mostly as a handy reference for myself but if you want to use it feel free to do it (ñ
or to askme if you are curious about anything!
... Except why Teru and Shou got extra lines... I don't even know it myself I just know they make sense
(I think besides their first appearance im also marking their status as of the world dominatiom arc and at the end of the story (dotted lines are the leaves they reach when pushed to their limits... Not recommended))
dunno when ill get to finish this but when i do it ill update it here or maybe in another post and link it... who knows
Edit: although I named the zone "can copy others special techniques" it doesn't necessarily has to be copied.
That zone actually is "can use more than 1 specialized technique".
I put "copy" because I believe each techquine is innate to some psychic somewhere and while yeah you could come up with a technique on your own different than the one you already have I think it's easier to do it once you see someone else doing it. Aka easier to copy techniques than to create them yourselves.
Copying techniques isn't that easy either (remember the scale is exponential) which is why Teru being able to do it on the spot is so remarkable and says a lot about his level of power.
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aroacesetitoff · 8 months
Infinight Interns Reference Sheet + Headcanons
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Bartholomew Finn
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-Vest of Slow Descent-i made it green based off his canon design and then gave it "feathered" hems to allude to its ability
-pre-Draconic Transformation Bart-gave him silver jewelry and the only draconic traits are gold freckles, fangs, and shorter horns
-post-Draconic Transformation Bart-gold jewelry to match with his dad (Simsun), and of course claws and scales and larger horns
-boatswain's call whistle-a reference to the Jebediah + Capt. Marge
-gave him the thigh dagger sheath-cause why not. I think Bart's that character in movies that has a shit ton of knives hidden in the most improbable places
-he's got a 17 string lute, but lets be honest i aint drawing 17 strings. painted a wave design on the body and the soundhole/rosette has a dagger design
-Breath Diagem/lute pick ftw
-scars on his hands (from doing hot boi sailor shit)
-not shown but i think he's got a bunch of tattoos (like "I <3 Mom" for Marge, flowers for Gum Gum, crossed anchors, etc.)
-pupils are slitted like dragons and a very dark shade of blue
Kyborg the Mighty/Kydelius of Everwinter
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-Fun Fact: i used to do archery! so some of his gear is based off of stuff I had. But you know cooler
-Canonically his hair pretty loose, and its pretty but my god its gonna get caught up in his bowstring man. braided/tied it back for practicality
-thigh highs. no notes
-gave him an armored version w/ fur because his current design didn't feel like Everwinter-y enough
-its not terribly visible but he has the Belt of Sick Trick so i put a bird on it (vaguely Tony Hawk reference)
-the Longer Bow Krystallina-gave it a snow fall design + red accents
-scars from archery, since this guy shoots barebow
-the left (flesh arm) side is the most armored and unscarred, and the right (metal arm) side is scarred + unprotected (bc u know its metal)
-pupils are really dark shade of red as a reference to the Source Diagem
-metal arm-i took an anatomy class not a robotics one, so the structure is based off human musculature (kinda) and i put the Source Diagem in his shoulder instead of his hand
Gum Gum Galindor
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-star boi 🌟
-constellations on the inside of the brim of his hat that Bart sewed for him-(Bart's a sailor, he knows his constellations)
-the flowers (orange @ blue) on his hat represent him & Bart. The orange ones bigger bc u know thats his big bro right there
-the hoodie+pauldron+cross body strap combo is a direct copy of Bart's design bc thats what younger siblings do u know
-made the patches to repair his coat stars bc why not
-Random Axe of Kindness-the cute lil heart does not detract from the fact that its an axe
-timeskip design i went for a gardener vibe bc he works in the Orchidnage now-i think despite having the worst dad of the group, Gum Gum would be a pretty good father figure
-Staff of Flowers-i wanted to reference Dia w/ this one so I tried to have this be the most colorful part
-Bart pierced his ears at one point
-i gave him constellation freckles that showed up post Dia reveal
-he has his manacles yeah but i wanted to design friendship bracelets for the rest of the team
-Mudd's-green thread with pink & white flower beads-the charm is Gumbo
-Bart's-leather cord with blue & gold beads and an anchor charm
-Kyborg's-brown leather cord, green beads, and a red arrow charm
-made his pupils a lighter shade of blue that glows when he uses Wild Magic
-edit: lots of scars, some from fighting, a lit from just tripping and shit. Also a dog bite from that one time
Mudd Bramblecrack
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-i love him but it was so hard to come up with a design
-the pink streak keeps moving bc im inconsistent and also bc he has to redye/cut his hair constantly
-the "fur" cloak is the Cloak of the Secluded Garden, and its actually pine leaves & grass
-gave him a very simple tunic w/ a bramble design bc we would try to disguise his noble bg
-i put Mudd in a kilt bc i have free will and also he's Scottish. I dont think he would ever wear one unless for formal occasions tho bc i think they take a while to put on
-Gumbo :) + badger armor -this ones very specifically inspired by Lonna Bowstripe from the Redwall series
-originally had the purple gems on his tunic, made em earrings instead bc thats cooler
-Bramblecrack signet (?) ring-also the Virtues Diagem. Both this and his earring are purple bc its an ace reference (for me). The ring is definitely an ace reference bc i made it a black metal and put it on his right middle finger (ifykyk)
-pink paw pads + talons-less of a firbolg thing, more of a Moon Druid thing
-eyes are a rlly dark shade of green but glow a brighter shade when Wildshaping
-pupils are a rlly dark shade of purple (Diagem ref) and also horizontal like cows
Okay I think that's everything. If not ill just come back and edit it 🤷. working on the OG Infinights next so stay tuned or whatever
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Others have already been furrying the Raincode characters and doing a phenomenal job, but when I would peruse Danganrompa fanart I really liked seeing different and wildly varying interpretations for the characters' animal choices and now it is my turn, my GOD GIVEN DUTY TO PROVIDE IN THE GENISIS OF THE RAINCODE FANDOM, FOR THE HONOR OF THOSE WHO HAVE COME BEFORE ME.
For all of them I used their pose from the artbook renders. I'll say it's to keep them recognizable but that is actually a lie I'm just lazy.
Secretary Bird Halara:
Halara I did first and they were the one I was most jazzed to do because I love them dearly. I made them a secretary bird and I think it's a PERFECT fit. Ahem allow me to rattle off. Secretary birds are birds, so doomed by the narrative to have to stay away from cats, they are predatory birds and of course Halara would be at the top of the food chain. Speaking of predetory birds, secretary birds are known for their ability TO KICK VENOUMOUS SNAKES TO DEATH, AND THATS JUST TOO GOOD A FIT. They also have plumage that I could easily shape into Halara's kinda smooth swoopy hairstyle, and face markings that could be sort of representative of their glasses! I think the drawing for them is probably the weakest out of the group just because as I went along I improved and started to translate the human designs in less one to one ways, plus the pose Halara has in the artbook doesn't fit perfectly to the really big wing hand things. I still enjoyed making it because H A L A R A N I G H T M A R E but I'm honestly kinda sad at how lackluster it is compared to Fubuki and Viva who got the most interesting details and texture work. NEVER DO YOUR FAVORITE FIRST IT'S A TRAP.
Guinea Pig Desuhiko:
With Desuhiko I was going back and fourth between a few rodents, I just think he kinda looks like one and already had those pikachu cheeks. My first scetch made him a hamster, and while it DID look like him, it felt a little too... Indistinct. Desuhiko's probably my favorite design in the cast just because he looks so distinctive and has a short stocky bodytype I really really love and makes my character designer brain happy, so I swapped hamster for guinea pig. While the guinea pig face doesn't look like him quite as much as the hamster, they are very interesting and distinctive looking which I loved a lot more even with a bit of accuracy sacrificed if that makes sense. Also there are Guinea pigs with spikey wild fur that make it so I could just kinda give him his actual hair and still have it make sense. Guinea pigs are also the perfect size and shape to be thrown like a large softball and out of all the Master Detectives Desuhiko looks like he'd be the most sadisfying to chuck across a room.
Fish Fubuki:
Fubuki was really hard just because it's difficult to anthropomorphize a fish in the same way as a mammal or a avian cause of their structure. She might look a biitttt more like a fantasy creature inspired by a fish than just a fish but she's charming enough I don't completely mind. I got some SOLID advice and looked at some Splatoon NPCs characteristics to try and make her more appealing. So why fish? I got it as a suggestion that I ended up really liking because fish are notorious for their bad memory, live in tanks their whole lives(Fubuki is the definition of sheltered), and they have fins to mimic the shape of Fubukis cloak and hair. I used beta fish for reference, they don't really fit her but just being a fish was good enough for me and at that point I was prioritizing looks. She doesn't even really look like any specific species like the other three to be honest. She's defiantly the outlier of the group but that's fine, she can be special in her own unique way like always. Got a little lazy with making the hair look all that fin-like, but it's kinda the main event of her human design so I wanted to keep it as true to that as possible but looking at it now I think its tooooo copy and paste looking. Her furry design IS my brothers favorite out of the batch so that's gotta count for something!
Flying Fox Bat Vivia:
The vampire looking man was always gonna be a bat, I am but a slave to the whims of fate. I made him specifically a flying fox because they're the largest bat species and therefore can loom ominously. Vampire bat would have been fun too, but they have more of a squished bastard energy that doesn't really fit Vivia. Bats also are known for their weird sleeping habits, ala upside. Viva isn't sleeping upside down or anything like that but he DOES snooze in some weird places so I think comparing him to a bat in multiple aspects is very apt! His drawing and animal design is probably my favorite, I really like the wings, and the bat feet are super weird I loved doing those. I did have trouble incorperating his hair, flying foxes have pretty smooth heads, but they do have sort of a mane thing going on so I tried to put some of his hair texture and shape there instead. Sorry I did not give him is edgy edgy hair cut, I too love it very much but it was simply not to be. I did try to mimic it's vibe with the patterning on his head though, an illusion of his bangs.
I'm very happy with this lineup overall, they're some neat little designs if I do say so myself! I might do more but I have the chronic problem of not being able to sit still for a long time to do a BUNTCH of guys again(though for the record I would make Seth the most delightfully storm drain gutter looking creature). I also kinda wanna do Makoto and Yuma cause someone suggested a REALLY good idea for them, but the concept for Makoto with this idea would be more of an involved design that I wouldn't be able to use all of his normal outfit for so it'd probably take longer than average.
TLDR: Furries amiright?
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rule-number-3 · 2 years
I had this idea for a fic, I would propably never write, shame, I love it, so I can at least share the concept... I mean, why waste it, good AU concept is fun to read too. I hope you don't mind, because it gets loooong.
So, because I am sucker for redemtion arcs (well writen not just thrown on us like we were stupid) I was thinking of HOW I would do red.arc. for Bullar? I came up with what comes:
It is post ROTT timeline where Jim is a trollhunter. He is trying to make things right but the timeline goes WILD very qickly. Mainly because Stricler noticed that his enemies, seem to know things they shouldn't and gets far more caucious. I feel like Stricler would be far more dangerous villian if he just took Jim more seriously.
Somehow, Bular gets affected by that "human potion" from Gattos trasure. For the purpose of the story I am assuming it was not an accidental mix of potions, but really just one of them that will work the same no matter if it is thrown into the lava or just spilled on someone.
So Bular the Bucher is a temporarily human and super unhappy about that. He also don't know what is happenineg but he knows that Stricler will take that opportunity to ruin his possition, maybe even convince Gunmar, that his son is a lost case.
Bular is driven by one motivation, gaining and keeping his father's affection forever. And he well knows that Gunmar is loving him only as long as Bular is his perfect subject.
Oh, yeah, Gunmar is a bad father in this version. He is a true psychopat and is rally not capable of loving anyone but himself, and he views Bular as an extension of him, his smaller copy. Every time Bular does something Gunmar wouln't do, he is pissed. o B just learned to copy whatever he thing his father would do, incorporating anything he says as his own, never really developing own ideas.
He is okay, as long as he is strong as he is winning, and now he is not only weak, but a crature most despised by Gumm-Gumms. So, basically he has a problem.
Bular is not accustomed to being a fleshbag and heunderstans them far less than Blinky, so he is not doing very good. He runs from the changeling, untrusting of them (understandably after he terrorised and killed them for so long). And he is captured by Trollhunter,and the don't really know what to do with him.
Akiridions come to earth ealier that in Oryginal Timeline. Maybe because Morando's close encounter with godgood gave him ability to partially remember previous timelines, so he acts differenly? Not shure.
Bular beigns to form relationships with the good guys espesially with Varvados, ARRGGHH!!, Mothership, Toby and Krel in that order. He laerns a lot baout being a human, and that life can be more than just fighting, killing and eating. That there is more to honor than wnning, and that for parental love you don't need to deserve.
The concept really extended above my expectations and thats why I don't think I could write it.
There was a whole ass intrigue around Bular's second parent, and Varvados were supposed to turn from "worthy enemy" to the real "fraher figure" for Bular.
I think Bular is the character I've seen people want a redemption arc for the most out of all the ToA villains which makes sense. Good character, easy potential for a side switch since Gunmar is his main motivation and there are plenty of ways to work with that, around just long enough to make a strong impression but not too long that it's hard to work around his story and personality. I constantly forget he's only around for the first half of the first season then only like 5 total minutes of Wizards.
This is a fun take on how he can get reformed. The best and only logical way for someone as bullheaded as Bular to even consider switching sides is to have their power stripped away. And nothing is more humiliating than turning into a pathetic, squishy fleshbag, especially when Strickler absolutely would pounce on any opportunity to rise above his own station like you said.
I would love any interaction between Bular and Varvatos if only to see who could come up with the most creative ways to threaten a person.
I can relate to getting an idea that goes way beyond what you can/feel confident writing. I have so many ideas and projects I just never finished because I manage to overwhelm myself.
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sakinotfound · 3 years
can i request kakashi x little reader fluff and how he would take care of them? if thats okay ofc! (gn/female reader)
Kakashi Hatake x Little!Reader
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Pairing: Kakashi Hatake x Little!Reader
Genre: pure fluff
Synopsis: Kakashi and your life with one another as a small cute family.
Warnings: None. Sorry if there are any typos, I try to remove them but sometimes I miss out.
A/N: Hello Akira! Thank you so much for the follow and for sending this request. It was lovely and I had fun writing about this. I really hope this is what you wanted and that you as well as other readers liked it. If you wanted something else, let me know! I'll try my best. Requests are open so send in what you want to read! This was my first ask hehehe *happy excited noises* :)
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If we're talking about jōnin Kakashi, well, doesn't he already have three little babies? Why do you want to put him through much worse?😭 JK JK
Kakashi having to take care of a child a.k.a. you would be good for you but maybe not so much for him lol, at first.
Don't get me wrong, he doesn't hate you but at first it's going to be a task. Either assigned by the Hokage or he himself took the duty on himself. Either way it's going to be a task. Taking care of a child is no kid's game.
The thing with you is, you are a child not a baby. So it can be both - a good and a bad thing. Lemme explain.
If you're a curious kid and always ask questions which is a good thing! Kakashi would sometimes get overwhelmed. Like you are a kid, how much does that little brain of yours think anyways?
But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact when you ask him questions even he isn't able to answer he feels oddly proud of you.
Also he also tries to indulge you in intellectual debates! Nothing too serious or traumatising for a kid, no. He doesn't want you to deal with stuff he had to go through.
He thinks it's a good way to stimulate your brain in a positive way. It would help your brain grow and develop cognitive abilities as well as make you a critical thinker.
Okay so at first Kakashi is going to be very… robotic with you. I mean he is going to make a list of what all you would need and make sure it's all done on time and perfectly. That you are content.
But then when you finally start to grow on him and he realises that as a child, apart from materialistic things and daily needs, you also deserve and need affection.
Hahahahaha Kakashi sweat drops real hard at that. Kakashi be like: "IKWYZVEGS HOW TO AFFECTION? BABY NEED LOVE WHAT DO I DO? SOMEBODY FUCKING HELP!"
JK. It isn't that bad. He isn't as stone hard as you think. I mean after Team 7, he is much better.
He would start slowly and carefully. He doesn't want to overstep any boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable around him. Of course it took time for you to trust Kakashi and be comfortable in his presence. So he doesn't want to ruin what you both had worked so hard on.
At first you would be slightly confused at his changed behaviour all of a sudden but you wouldn't stop him. It feels nice. You liked it. So you would let him do it and show it back too.
Slowly and gradually, with both of you working hard on improving your relationship with one another, it would be a very wholesome relationship.
It's your wish if you see Kakashi as a father figure, an older brother or just a very close and amazing guardian.
You trust and respect Kakashi a lot! Even though Kakashi has low self-esteem and doesn't think that highly of himself, your opinions on him are the exact opposite. You want to be exactly like him!
He is brave and strong. He is nice, kind and polite. He is smart and good at quick thinking. And he is an outstanding shinobi. How can someone not like him? He's so cool!
So when you first saw Kashi reading a book you wanted to start reading too. It doesn't matter if you had an interest in reading before or not, now you do even more. You copy him a lot. So you started reading too. Of course not porn but children friendly books.
When you were small, Kakashi would sometimes read you books at bedtime and then you would fall asleep. Now you both sit quietly in the living room or in a training ground with a book in both of your hands and just read. In between you would call him though to ask the meaning of some words or their pronunciation if they are too big.
One of your favourite times is when Kakashi takes you grocery shopping. Weird right? What's fun about grocery shopping?
Well Kakashi does most of the shopping but when he takes you it's because both of you are going to make something special for dinner.
Before you, Kakashi just used to cook basic things and live with it. He didn't care much. He just made sure it was healthy with a balanced diet because he was a working shinobi.
Now though, he likes to, he wants to make different things for the both of you because he thinks you are gonna like it. Sometimes it's healthy, sometimes not so much. Kakashi is very strict about your nutrient intake and healthy diet, keep that in mind. But hey, you can have some cheat days right?
So when you guys go shopping, you are bouncing and prancing around happily looking everywhere with big curious eyes. There's a huge smile on your face and honestly Kakashi feels his heart melt at your cute little face. He sometimes chuckles to himself or shakes his head at your childish antics but you are a child, so that's how you are supposed to be.
Children in Narutoverse don't really get a chance to be kids, well he most definitely didn't. So trust me when I tell you, he feels very happy seeing you act like a child. He wouldn't dare let anyone take it from you. He feels kind of envious that he didn't get that and that makes his goal to protect your innocence even stronger.
Yeah so I was talking about shopping. So after you come back with all the required ingredients as well as small things you asked to buy him here and there which he first denied but then you gave him puppy dog eyes, you guys start with the cooking/baking.
Oftentimes things don't work out and you both make a mess but there are times when you both work in silence and peace. It's a very smooth process. You two work very well together.
When you shop together, you cook together and Kakashi asks you to join him because he wants to teach you things when he isn't there to help you. Of course when he leaves on missions he asks his friends to take care of you but still. He is a firm believer in learning to do everything on your own. It had helped him throughout his life.
Some nights, you hear a scream from Kakashi's room which jolts you awake. You rush to his room only to find him huddled on the bed, legs pressed to his chest and head between his knees. He is whispering soothing words to himself and his position is acting as a hug from himself to himself. Honestly that breaks your heart. Something stabs you right in the chest. You realize for the first time, that the man who has always been so strong and fearless for you, cries to himself at night in the privacy of th four walls where no one can see him. Sure you live with him now but before you, he used to cry himself to sleep. And that just wasn't acceptable to you.
So you slowly crawl up to his bed, slightly tap him so as to not scare him and then place yourself on his lap. Arms wrapping around his waist, you hug him tightly.
You are just a kid. You can't do much. But you know how good it used to feel when Kashi would hold you close to him and whisper soothing words to you. You would just sleep listening to his heartbeat and his fingers in your hair.
"It's okay, Kakashi-san. You are okay. You are in your room and you are safe here." You whisper.
"It's not me I am worried about, little one." He finally speaks, sadly smiling down at you.
You look up and ask him what the nightmare was about. And he just shakes his head, not wanting you to know the gruesome things he has done and seen.
So instead you tell him something. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me. But I just want to tell you that I find you really cool. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. You are really very strong. I respect you a lot and I am thankful for having you in my life. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I love you a lot Kakashi-san."
He is speechless for a moment. He doesn't know how to respond to all the things you just said. It had been so long he heard those words though. Yeah, the last sentence struck him hard. It reminded him of when his dad used to say that to him as a child. And then he…
Tears start forming in his eyes and his shoulders start shaking. "I love you too kiddo. I love you a lot."
You both just lay in bed for sometime. He wipes his tears and asks you to go to sleep now. It was late.
"Can I sleep here with you? If it doesn't bother you of course."
"Sure." He ruffles your hair and smiles. That crinkle-eyed smile, and presses a kiss to your forehead. "You never bother me Y/N."
One day he takes you to meet Team 7. Having Kakashi Hatake as your caretaker, you were growing up to be a very smart person. You were observant, careful and mature. So when you met the teenagers you got along just fine with them.
At first Sakura cooed when she saw you and started to treat you like a baby, which you didn't like at all.
But then Naruto got annoyed at all the attention Sakura was giving you. "C'mon what's the big deal about them anyways? They're just a kid."
But Sakura just ignored him and continued babying you to which Sasuke let out an irritated groan. "Stop it, will you Sakura? They're visibly uncomfortable."
He knew how irritating it was when people babyed you. And frankly you were relieved he said something. Sakura immediately stopped after that.
After that, you talked to them and Sakura realized you were so much different and definitely not an innocent ignorant child. She immediately felt bad for her behaviour. But she also felt really proud of you. She was in awe of you. And that was the beginning of your friendship with her. Sakura at that time was a very naïve and immature girl. You weren't all that mature either considering you were just a child but you often found yourself correcting Sakura when she said or did things that were wrong or based purely on her infatuation with the Uchiha boy.
Talking about the Uchiha boy, he was the one who got you into the shinobi world. He was a very focused and determined person and seeing him train and spar made you really fascinated with the shinobi world.
So one time you went and asked him why he worked so hard and why he wanted to become a ninja? His answer wasn't something you understood properly but you got what you needed. And that was the start of your personal journey to become a ninja.
Out of all the three, Naruto was definitely your favourite. Your start was rocky but eventually you both grew to like each other a lot. Naruto treated you like his younger sibling, just how he treated Konohamaru. It was fun being with him.
Oftentimes you would sit on the grass and watch Sasuke and Naruto spar. Kakashi noticed but never acted upon his observations. He didn't really want you to become a ninja. He knew what was to come and he was terrified that you would have to go through that. The thought of you being hurt or even dead, sent shivers down his spine. He didn't want to lose another one of his loved ones. And he had sworn to protect you.
He refused you at first, when you brought up the topic. You were confused. And he wouldn't even give a logical explanation which irritated you. That's what led to an argument. At the end of which you found out what was holding Kakashi back. You felt bad now. But you explained to him how his fears couldn't control your life. That it was wrong. That becoming a ninja is what you want, what you feel connected to, that you wanted to protect him like he protects you.
So he agreed and apologised.
NOW! Movie nights, picnics, annoying Gai and making the life of his genin worse with Kakashi were your favourite things to do. But also, training sessions with him were a great bonding time. You both felt very connected with it.
Talking about Gai, you really liked him too. To you he was very different and very cool. So you two got along just fine. Kakashi even sent you to him when he wanted you to practice your Taijutsu and body building.
All in all, Kakashi is a great guardian who takes care of you a lot, loves you till death and beyond and having you in his life definitely made his life a thousand fold better. He finally had someone to call family. He was very happy and he made you happy too.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Stardew Impact [Stardew Valley+Genshin Impact x Reader]
Part 2/3 Zhongli, Xiao
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Synopsis: “A mysterious phenomenon brought you and your s/o to an unfamiliar world: Pelican Town! Without the power of Visions, the two of you begin to learn the life of what it takes to be...a farmer?”
Genre: Fluff
Diluc and Kaeya
Albedo and Childe
(A/n): This was meant to be part 3 but I couldn't wait to write xiao. Plus Ive been writing Albedo for almost the whole month already Word count_2.6k
• Thrown in an unfamiliar environment puts Xiao on high alert. Instincts kick in and his hand subconciously grabs for his spear. Nothing. Not even his vision activated. Xiao's gaze darts all over before landing on your figure. He sighs in relief, you're safe, that much he can decipher as of now.
• Stripped of his power, left with only claws and teeth (if must) to protect you from any dangers, he was ansty with every little thing. 
• The villagers are so nice??? For what reason must they have to act so friendly to strangers (Xiao wonders). The Mayor even granted you two a vast farmland free of charge. 
• Shortly he realized he no longer had his karmaic debt. Xiao wasn't sure how to live his life in this state. He dedicated his entire existence to years of slaughter and suffering that it became the only thing he knew. He won't admit it of course, he'll just throw in scoffs and remarks about how mundane activities are a waste of time when in reality, he just has no clue on how to handle them.
• Thats why the first day was difficult as you both try to figure out how to plant parnsips. Deciding it was better to go with an experiment, you split the share of seeds in half and used what basic knowledge you had on farming to finish the job. Xiao on the other hand tried copying what you did….though the outcome wasn't so desirable it was a mess. (His trained hands have taught him to be on the rough side).
• He doesn't bother socializing with the townspeople even though he has no karmaic debt to worry about. Xiao thinks you're more than enough anyways so what's the point? 
• Robin is the only person who can tolerate him for obvious reasons (cough Sebastian cough) she knows exactly how to deal with his personality type. His glares don't faze her, she simply thinks its just a teenage phase of some sort. 
• Eventually they become mutuals, Xiao thinks Robin is similar to Verr Goldet in a way. Since he's the one who does the heavy labour of chopping down trees and mining stones for building upgrades, he gets a chance to visit her house quite often. He comes back with lots of recipes too.
• You find out that his adepti blood never left him. Xiao doesn't need sleep so you better believe it when he tells you the next morning that he spent the whole night watering all 300 of your crops (watering is the only process he's good at for farming). 
• Sometimes you catch him staring out of the window, wondering what he may be thinking. Life was so much more different, almost hard to recognize. Was this real? Is it okay for it to be real, just this once? Ever since he committed his duty to Morax, Xiao didn't dream of a time when everything would be peaceful. Yet here he is, no longer a weapon but on a journey to find out what it's like to live as a normal person. 
• Spring: Every morning you find him kneeling behind the cabin with the pet cat (yes, cats seem to suit Xiao very much). He just stares at them, hesitant if he wanted to pet their fur or rub their chin. So he continues to glare intensely, scaring your cat away :(
• Whenever you wanted to attend any of the town's festivities, Xiao wouldn't even hide his distastefulness but goes with you regardless. Why do mortals consider hiding eggs and finding them a fun activity? And what kind of a name is Flower Dance? Can't they just call it a dance?
• Though…he does like the sight of you wearing a flower crown. Xiao likes putting stuff in your hair.
Since setting foot upon this new world, time seemed to have slowed down to the point that almost everything felt like an eternity. And you didn't mind, with him by your side, you wouldn't mind if it did last forever.
The lull of the grass was the only sound Xiao could hear as he closed his eyes and rested his head on your lap. You maneuvered across his scalp in small, subtle motions, surprised with how warm he felt against the heat your palm. He stirs a little and lets out a soft breath before turning his face to lay on the side.
You were slightly intrigued by the yaksha's new demeanor. From far away, Xiao was an intimidating man, even during the first time you laid eyes him, his presence felt similar to a knife pointing at anyone who dares to come too close. But now, the face that usually held his signature annoyance melted into something you never thought you'd see as the sun rays brushed against the surface of his fair skin. You observed the way his dark eyebrows stayed in a relaxed arch. The red crescents lining right above his beautiful long lashes and the sound of soft snores through parted lips. It was hard to believe that this man was the same person who claimed to have ended a thousand lives through thousands of years.
Did he fall asleep already?
Gently moving away the strands away from his cheekbone, hovered your gaze above him and whispered, "I thought adepti don't need rest."
"Hmph," Xiao responds, though there was no harshness in his tone, "Quit trying to be difficult, I didn't tell you to stop."
The smug grin on your face only widens. You lean downward and said to his ear, "And what's the magic word~?"
Xiao sighs at your antics. You were truly pushing your luck today and he simply didn't have the patience to entertain you. Without a warning, he grabs your wrist and pulls you down, foreheads pressing until you were but a breath away. The adepti conquers, he does not plead.
• Summer: As expected, your parnsnips weren't able to grow as much. Thus, this season was going to be the one to make up for the lost profit. Xiao is very good at hunting, perhaps the best in the entire town. Though the way he catches fish is rather peculiar, said by the folks. He prefers to carve a spear made of wood and repeatedly stabs the lake until results show. Xiao dislikes the old fashioned way, he says its unproductive and it unecissarily takes too much time. 
• But as much as he scared the whole town, they were extremely grateful when he cleaned up the slime issues happening in the mines. You could say that he grew very popular since then and eventually mustered up the courage to greet him a hello whenever he passes by. 
• You nudge him to reply back. Xiao usually shoots you a glare but slowly, he learns the courtesy of acknowledging someone's prescence.
• Fall: You woke up to a burnt smell coming from the kitchen. Xiao just thought he would return the favour since you always worked so hard. (He was actually trying to figure out what a 'whisk' was. It was no wonder why there were eggshells in the dish!)
• You realized that Xiao was taking more initation compared to before. At night, when you thought the animals were actively jumping in the barns, the noise was actually from Xiao trying to adjust himself to the ways of tending the field. After learning what TV was, he would always switch to the channel "Livin off the land" to gain some insight. Truly, Xiao was greatful even though he knew he eventually had to return to his duties, he wanted to utilize the current days the best way he could. And what better way was it to just make you happy in return?
• Winter: This was the season to test the accumulation of Xiao's abilities: you caught a cold and he had to manage everything in his own. Xiao scolded you for not wearing enough and being too careless but at the same he considered that you must've been working too hard.
• Goes to Robin for help. She basically became his mom now. Prepares the food and leaves them in the fridge, she teaches Xiao how to use the phone in case he needed any help and also lets him know where all the essentials are. 
• Xiao stayed by your side the whole time even though you told him you'd be fine. But he refuses, he may no longer be a gaurdian but he was your gaurdian. That role never changed.
• You wake up on a soft bed with Zhongli sitting at a chair nearby. He hands you a cup of brewed water but you're still blatlantly confused. Seems like everything was taken care of by Zhongli, it ends up with him explaining everything to you. 
• The folks instantly assumes you both as a married couple. Who could blame them? He did carry your unconcious body all the way to town while asking for a local doctor. You can bet that the ladies wish they were you at that moment. Zhongli took care of everything, including with the contract with the new farm.
• It didn't take long for you both to adjust to the new lifestyle. Zhongli's accumulated knowledge was enough to last all four seasons. Days past by peacefully as you shared the tasks. He'd place down the stone paths towards the gate and you busied yourself with decorating the house. After that was done, Zhongli would rest upon the rocking chair outside your door (like the grandpa he is) and sometimes you'd join him in one reading session. His voice was soothing, you eventually dipped into a slumber as the evening grew colder. Just like always, your beloved brings his arm to encapsulate you from the wind, brushing his thumb against your skin subconciously while you snore softly into his shoulder.
• In a way, the townsfolk were right. You both do act like a married couple. It's basically domestic life with Zhongli in a nutshell.
• He gets connected with Gunther and lands a role in the Museum. Since he's there so often, Zhongli also manages to be acquainted with Elliot as well. Two men who have a common interest with books while speaking in poetic prose. Their conversation would last for hours to the point Gunther had to kick them out of the library!
• Veeeery good with the children, not in an entertaining way but its just the aura he reeks. Penny usually had trouble dealing with Vincent since he never seems to be able to focus but the minute Zhongli speaks, he's all ears. Not only that he was also very good with the elderly. He even recommended some herbs George could take to soothe his back issues.
• Problem is that he still forgets to bring his wallet and Childe isn't here to save him. So once you stepped foot into the Stardrop Saloon and Gus calls you over, he tells you about the cost he owed to his tab….
• But this tranquil life full of genuinity and deprived of sovereignty, he was overjoyed to be able to spend it with you. Because he knew you were unlike him, that all humans were born with an expiry date. He knew so well that after every new greeting, he would have to face the goodbyes over and over until the world eventually came to an end. He knew you were also going to be part of those many goodbyes while he would still be here.
• But as Zhongli walks amongst the fallen leaves, he remembered the beauty that carries within every new beginning. They brought him to you and he would never hesitate to trade his gnosis for it.
Spring: You shot up your bed when Zhongli blast the TV at full volume. He apologizes, saying that he was simply trying to change the channel. You figured it was best for him to go outside before he somehow glitches the screen until it couldn't repair itself (Robin charges for repairs).
• Every thursday you both go to Pierre's store to complete your grocery shopping. He offers to push the cart as you fill the basket with all the necessities (plus it saves you the trouble of having him tossing whatever he sees without looking at the price tag).
• Every afternoon you order a take out from the Saloon, sharing the meal while sitting at the fountain's edge near the community center. Every evening Zhongli would take you to explore the rest of the vast farmland, discovering places you weren't even aware of. It was no wonder why everyone thought you were a married couple. 
• Summer: Since the cabin was too small for a bathroom, you guys would have to travel up the mountains in order to get to the Spa house (cue sweatiness x10). 
• The concept of hotsprings was derived from Inazuma so it was no surprise that Liyue eventually took it after him. Zhongli had collected some incense from foraging items over the past few months, he knows whats up. But overall he gives the best bath sessions (hands down) and you were the one who insisted in joining him.  He was a gentle and sweet lover, always putting your needs before his. Ancient artifacts and old history books have always been precious to him, he treated you no differently.
The heartbeat of the oceans continues to rock back and forth until they brush up on the sandy shore, washing away the two pairs of footprints left behind by a man and a woman.
Gold against gold, his amber eyes reflected against the scenery. Millions of lights flashed among the sea when the sun began to climb down from the sky, it's rays hugged across the valley like an ethereal glow bestowed by the heavens as summer's wind brought even more warmth than what he had currently felt. You trance ahead of with the same light shaping around your form. 
"Oh hey there's another rainbow shell," you waved at him before running off, "I'll be back!"
How is it that you still continue to shine like gold in his memories?
Zhongli suddenly ponders at the chapters laying ahead of him. He spent so many years turning each page without ever reaching a conclusion, forever searching the fabled happy endings written in fairytale books, but he knew his immortality wouldn't grant him that wish.
Thus, the formal archon raised his pen and reweaves his own story. He envisions his future with you by his side, engraving every detail until it was immortalized in his memories.
Perhaps I shouldn't keep her waiting.
With a renewed resolve, Zhongli clutches the gemstone tightly in his palm, he seals the page with the final contract between your future and his.
• Fall: After getting your first house upgrade, it was time for the next event: the ceremony. Yes, Zhongli would only have a wedding if Liyue traditions were involved. Everyone was invited of course, they were quite intrigued with the flashy setup such as lanterns and fireworks (you were a little worried with where he got the budget for such items) and Zhongli even educated Gus about some recipes he can use for the Saloon.
• You found out that Zhongli was saving all his money for this day (it was no wonder that he couldn't pay for his tab!). Old habits die hard, it was a shame that he didn't have his powers to craft the right items, but at least he got to sea you in a traditional eastern dress (it's the part he was looming forward to the most).
• Fall is the best season. One you wouldn't forget.
• Winter: Ah he finally learns how to use  technology after three seasons. He only knows two channels from the TV which was 'Livin off the Land' and the weather channel. Zhongli oftens talks to himself as he tries to figure out more mechanics, he seems to be extremely absorbed in the most basic things.
• The miner of the house. But instead of using them to upgrade tools and donating them to the museum, Zhongli likes to keep some of them for collection. You could say your house also had a little museum in the other room.
• Romcom movies and soap operas. You can't change my mind that this is what you both spend your time watching as the snowstorm rages outside. 
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oliviamillss · 4 years
reading dreams chart
im only going to use up to orb 3, for stronger accuracy lmao
**if you can’t be bothered to read it all, theres a summary paragraph at the bottom**
sun in 7th: strong emphasis on relationships. tends to copy others lingo/habits. extroverted. probably ‘needs’ others. only really shows his true self around his close friends/family/partners. 
sun at 19 degrees: a libra degree. (emphasis on this bc libra rules 7h), makes him a very charming, likeable, particularly popular guy.
sun opposite ascendant: inner conflict, probably doesn’t feel like people see him for his true self, may struggle showing true self. may feel misunderstood. may need approval/validation a lot.
sun square mars: hints to daddy issues. may struggle with a lot of built up anger and frustration, but it seems like he takes it out very positively, as you can see he is competitive, so i think he lets it out through gaming. probably very energetic, motivated.
sun square saturn: high expectations for himself. probably the type of person to think ‘i’m only good enough if i do this’. probably very hard on himself. also probably very insecure of himself, but doesn’t show it. another sun square masculine planet, more hinting to daddy issues.
moon in 7th: probably relies on close friends/family/partners a lot. loves to help people, esp people he’s close with (kinda mr beast vibes). probably very like ‘oh shit, he’s sad, i need to do everything within my power to cheer him up’ if that makes sense lmao
moon in virgo: looking after people!!! esp with the sun square saturn,, high expectations. probably a very much perfectionist, which also explains why he is competitive. may ‘always need to be right’. but virgo moons are actually so lovely omfg
moon at 9 degrees: sagittarius degree, likes to help people by optimism, and giving things to the person that they would want (im aware that sounds obvious lmao). probably feels a sense of achievement when cheers them up.
moon square pluto: probably hard time dealing with and growing from negative things that have happened, possibly struggles with letting things go. possibly self destructive (why did that one heatwaves part come to mind), possible trust issues + anxiety, probably very particular about who he lets close into his life, maybe quite protective. 
mercury in 6th: likes to help people, probably not disappointed if he spends his time working with someone, may struggle with anxiety/depression. a quick learner, probably overthink every word because it wast the ‘perfect’ thing to say. 
mercury in leo: funny asf, and out there, also thinks his ideas/things to respond and say are the best, with the 6h and 7h placements, he is open to listen to others, but in the end he only really wants his one lmfao, good with conversation.
mercury at 1 degree: aries degree, another fire placement which emphasises the loud, out there kinda vibes.
mercury trine mc: career and reputation are strongly linked with what he says. (this is obv bc hes famous lmao). he’s smart, particularly with technology and its linked to his career. *im aware this sounds like im just describing him, this is exact so thats why its overly accurate*
mercury opposite neptune: daydreamer, probably has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, but they just dont come across right. probably zones out, may struggle with focusing. but very creative, has big and creative ideas. i havent mentioned it before but its come up too many times now, but he has a lot of placements, when manifested badly, creates a good manipulator
mercury square jupiter: optimistic, possibly thinks his ideas are the best (we’ve covered that before), can be really overly talkative or just nothing at all. (i rlly dont know much about this placement)
venus in 7th: he will have a beautiful relationship with his future partner. charming asfff, probably a good flirt. tends to love love. needs to be liked, sort of a pleaser. 
venus in virgo: the type of person to remember everything about the people he cares about. loves to help the people he cares about. probably sees the people he truly loves as ‘perfect’, which may end up being really bad if they’re toxic. 
venus in retrograde: struggles feeling loved, possibly feels like he doesn’t deserve love. probably the type to be like ‘how could you ever love me?’
venus square mc: attract people who take care of him. either has self-esteem issues, or is quite a dependant person. creative. may struggle finding people who support his career, or may have to change a few things about himself to be liked by others. 
venus trine jupiter: very likeable, and he’s veryyy lucky. he’s funny, and a generous person, probably very giving to his close friends and family. charismatic asfff, likely he will marry someone foreign. 
mars in 9th: more things hinting to attract(ing/ed to) foreigners. loves experiencing things with people he cares about. likes to learn more and more, possibly stubborn, makes sure his opinions are known.
mars in scorpio: that boy needs privacy in his life, doesn’t like being predictable. probably an overthinker. we’ve already known this but he’s definitely a top. probably could get anyone he wants, seductive asfff. also pretty spiteful.
mars at 17 degrees: leo degree, fame bitchesss
mars square ascendant: hates to lose, competitive. people may be intimidated by him at first, can’t really hide anger, pretty stubborn.
mars opposite saturn: really hard on himself. wants to be the best of the best, leader. stands up for himself. another placement hinting to daddy issues. harsh about his work, and himself in general, perfectionist. 
mars square uranus: anger may change a lot, a lot of energy, probably struggles to focus, doesn’t like to be the one who is being controlled/has restrictions. probably struggles with authority. outbursts of anger.
jupiter in 3rd house: loves writing, and is actually pretty good at it. knows how to talk to people, how to persuade them, and how to manipulate them. good liar, knows how to sell his wants across, how to get what he wants.
jupiter at 4 degrees: cancer degree, cancer rules his 6h. he uses his luck/money to help others.
jupiter square neptune: big dreams, desire to escape the world as it is.
saturn in 3rd: afraid of/ is often misunderstood. struggles to open up?, maybe he wasn’t listened to much growing up. hard on himself academically, feels like he isn’t smart enough. hard time expressing himself. maybe feels like noone really cares for what he has to say?
saturn at 16 degrees: cancer degree. idk what else to say abt it lmaoo
saturn square ascendant: quite serious, maybe struggle with the way he looks? possibly quite overwhelmed about his life,, feels like he has too much to do at times. fear of rejectionnn
saturn square uranus: maybe he doesn’t like change, tradition v change clashing. authority troubles. probably needs freedom, but feels unstable without what he’s used to. rebelling against norms. 
uranus in 12th: probably very curious about unexplainable things, maybe quite into conspiracy theories. two complete ends of the spectrum: fear change/need it, unpredictable things happen/ everythings the same. 
uranus at 14 degrees: taurus. taurus ruling 2nd, i guess it shows change in dream’s wealth.
uranus opposite north node (and conj south node): with exceptions, doesn’t like conflict. he is fine with joke conflict, but the second there’s an actual argument he tries to be the ‘peacemaker’ guy. technology is major in his life. also quite nervous about his career/future. 
neptune in 12th: awful sleep schedule. overworking himself, never relaxing. vivid dreams. once again, this has come up loads and i just haven’t mentioned it: intuitive asf, george is the same. whether either are aware of it or not, they are super intuitive.
neptune at 2 degrees: taurus degree.
neptune sextile mc: creative, also likes helping others, empathy to the public. has big dreams career wise. 
pluto in 10th: determined person, gets a lot of hate, but also a lot of love. trust issues, persuasion/manipulative abilities. leader leader leader. another hint to daddy issues, maybe privacy invading, maybe overprotective. don’t want to be controlled.
north node:
north node in 6th: overwork himself. but i think we can interpret this as his life goal to be working to help people. literally mr beast. just work hard, and give a lot away. humble.
chiron in 9th: possible restriction from either his or his communities beliefs/religions. maybe he’s afraid of leaving where he is right now (sapnap moving to orlando, whenever its brought up its always george coming to orlando)
lilith in sagittarius: need for truth. dislikes restrictions. hides emotions, uses humour to avoid them/ make people think they’re okay when they’re not. stubborn asf. 
lilith in 10th: tend to be sexualised/ reputations for being sexual. another placement hinting to daddy issues. really wants to be at the top, the most powerful. likes using his dominance/ power to seduce. motivateddd.
lilith conjunct pluto (exact omfg): typical ‘mystery’ guy. probably the mystery/scorpio vibes he pulls off attracts/ seduces people. the most dominant partner ever. sex is probably so intense and overwhelming
moon square lilith: possible mummy issues. his need for sex can change quick asf, from one end of the scale to another. struggles to open up. 
 i ought to mention!!
there’s a theory that the degree of your venus sign is the birthday of someone who is v important in your life. what’s dreams you may ask? 1. and when are george and sapnap’s birthdays? the 1st. they’re soulmates, your honour.
basically, dream has so much care and love for his friends and family, and probably relies on them a lot. he only shows his true self around them, and he (at least thinks) people don’t really understand him in the way his friends and family do. he is a social person, who’s very likeable and charming. he lovesss helping people, doing everything in his power to cheer others up, he remembers details about the people he loves. he is such a perfectionist, needing to succeed and win and everything, and is very competitive. he probably doesn’t think he’s ‘worthy’ if he’s bad at something. he sets very high expectations for himself. he is very hard on himself. if he wants to, he knows how to manipulate people. he has so so many placements for an amazing manipulator. he may struggle to express himself or open up, and may be hard on himself academically. maybe he doesn’t feel ‘listened to’. a lot of emotions like anger and sex drive may change rapidly for him. he over works himself a lot. a major theme in his life is tradition vs change. he is probably afraid of change, or finds it uncomfortable, or he may have some sort of attachment to traditional values/things, no matter how much he wants to change. he is also a peacemaker. he was born to be loved or hated, kinda like marmite but if the balance was more equal. he doesn’t like restrictions. he uses humour to hide his emotions.
im also thinking of doing a synastry reading between george and dream but idk yet lol
hope you guys enjoyed, this took ages lmao<3
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osmpalliumduo · 3 years
Hello! May I hand u my healer!Tommy au??
-Tommy had passed most of all his life training to be a hero just like his brothers and father, this ones being the owners of one of the biggest agency of heroes in the country
-In his family, everyone manifested their abilities as soon they turned 15
-His father, Phil or known as “Philza”, got this big gorgeous black wings in his back as soon as he hit that age
-His first older brother, Technoblade or “The Blade” presented this inhuman strength and was able to manifest a huge blade in his hands whenever he wanted
-His other older brother Wilbur or known as “Mockingbird”, noticed that he could suddenly use this tone of voice that would force anyone around to copy whatever he said
-Being said that, Tommy was nothing but excited to know what kind of sick ability he would get as soon as he turned 15
-but much to his surprise, nothing happened
-well, not until the next day after his birthday, when Wilbur accidentally tripped and fell down the stairs of their house and somehow despite being this huge hero, hit his head really hard to the point it started bleeding
-Tommy grabbed onto Wilbur’s face gently, trying to calm him down as his father called an ambulance and suddenly, the pain faded away along with the blood
-and Tommy’s eyes looked strangely brighter than before, like shining stones
TOMMY: so.. you are telling me that, I am a healer?
WILBUR, PHIL & TECHNO, nodding enthusiastically:
-Tommy didn’t liked his power, not even one bit, so he trained even harder to make up for the fact of not having a “cool ability”
-he got guns. two silver guns which later Tommy painted red with a graffiti paint can he stole from a guy on the streets
-anyways, he didn’t gave up on his dream of being a hero, actually, he decided to become a vigilante until he got his license
-moving on, Tommy is constantly sneaking into Wilbur’s missions even tho he isn’t allowed in, getting sometimes even kidnapped by the villains themselves as a hostage
-Techno always makes sure to make them regret it deeply to the point that most of the time, if a vandal sees Tommy wandering around, they’ll stay as far away as they can
-Tommy thinks it’s because he is very intimidating, he really isn’t
-Eventually, Wilbur and Techno let Tommy hang around in the hero agency where the “big” heroes talk about plans and shit
-it quickly backfires
WILBUR, grabbing a whiteboard: as I was saying, we should talk about the patrol schedules, as you see here-
Everyone there, chuckling:
WILBUR, looking at the whiteboard, finding a doodle of Tommy with the header “SUCK IT WIL” instead of the schedule: ...
-Tommy always finds a way to get into Wilbur’s or Techno’s nerves, interrupting their meetings, stealing their shit, sometimes even hiding their hero suits
-but he also helps a lot at the station, whenever someone gets badly injured in battle they get send back at the station so Tommy can cure em
-Tommy pretends he finds that job annoying, but he kinda feels great whenever he fixes a broken leg or a very bad burn that could have been problematic
-he also helps a lot with the interns! Also known as the “in-training heroes”
-the in-training heroes are people who are very close to getting their hero license but wish to know how’s the career actually like! So they train with actual heroes and act somewhat like their sidekicks
-And, that’s how Tommy meets Tubbo and Ranboo, two guys who get chosen to be Wilbur’s interns for a couple of months
-at first Tommy messes with them in purpose just to piss them off but he ends up getting attached to the two boys
TOMMY, entering the station: Big man is here!
WILBUR, putting down his paper work: oh hi Tommy! Come here! Give your brother a hu-
TOMMY, walking just past by Wilbur: Tubso! Ranboob! Wanna go get some milkshakes? :D
WILBUR: ...betrayal >:(
-Wilbur gets kinda jealous of them, which ends up on a stupid battle for Tommy’s attention
-Oh! by the way, Tubbo and Ranboo also get attached to Tommy much to their dismay
-why a dismay? They kinda are there to kill Wilbur, Techno and Tommy
-yep! Villain bee duo! They were infiltrated into the station as two interns and aspiring heroes, but they are actually just there to spy on em and kill the three brothers
-the plan backfires, they are kinda attached to Tommy now
TUBBO, in the meeting with all his gangster mates: so, problem here
Everyone: ???
TUBBO, erasing Tommy’s name off the “to-murder” list: we aren’t doing this anymore
RANBOO, nodding while holding onto one of the sweaters Tommy knitted for him: we are attached now
-The group wasn’t very pleased but out of fear of Tubbo and Ranboo, they said nothing, deciding to continue with the murder plan just behind Tubbos and Ranboo’s back
-and that kinda ends up with everyone going for Tommy in the missions, attempting to kidnap him, to shot him, and of course murder him
-so, Tubbo and Ranboo are always behind Tommy in the missions, keeping a close eye on him
-Tommy just thinks they are clingy, like his brothers or dad
Extra stuff:
-Tommys power drains a lot of energy out of him, so he has to constantly eat or drink things with lots of sugar before missions so he doesn’t end up passing out after healing two or three people
-He used to drink lots of coke cans but Phil got very concerned for Tommy’s kidneys so he exchanged that with sweet apples, so Tommy always has to bring a backpack with apples to the missions
-If he abuses his ability too much and doesn’t “regen” with the apples he will end up passing out! Example: (healing 5 persons with no regen = passing out for two hours) (10 = a whole day) (40 = a whole week)
-one time, after a huge attack with bombs, Tommy healed about 70 people in the accident and ended up passing out for almost two weeks straight
-the whole family (and Tubbo & Ranboo) got so scared that they didn’t let Tommy use his ability for at least a month after
-Ranboos ability consists on teleporting and inhuman force (apart from being able to manifest a huge axe into his hands whenever he wants to)
-meanwhile Tubbo’s ability consists on being able to manifest bombs with his hands (tho he likes to call them “nukes”)
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Grand Design
Also on AO3! 
If you asked the Heroics Commission why they created Izuku, you'd get an answer pretty close to the truth. The rising power of quirks was making them nervous, and All Might won't live forever.
What they aren't mentioning is the fact that they don't like All Might either.
He's kind and good and dedicated to people over the country. The man will break countless laws to save a single life and has defied the heroics commission on many occasions - something they can't punish him for in any way without being slammed by the media.
So, they come up with a plan.
if you asked the heroics commission why they created Izuku, you'd get an answer pretty close to the truth
the rising power of quirks was making them nervous, and all might won't live forever. 'there might be another quirk as powerful as all mights just around the corner for the heroes' you might say. 'we're just taking away the 'might'' they'd reply
but what they aren't mentioning is the fact that they don't like All Might either.
he's kind and good and dedicated to people over country. the man will break countless laws to save a single life and has defied the heroics commission on many occasions - something they can't punish him for in any way without being slammed by the media
so, they come up with a plan
"if we can't control all might, we make the next all might ourselves"
sure, the doctor who does the work for them is a little shady, but it can't be helped. quirk genetic experiments were recently made illegal in a case spearheaded by nezu himself. nezu doesn't exactly agree with a total ban and is encouraging regulation in place of a blanket stop, but its been years and the laws are going nowhere fast
maybe the man has some shady connections to some shady people all too eager to replace all might? oh well, it can be managed
a pregnant woman called Inko Midoriya shows up at a hospital, dead on arrival, with the baby inside her still clinging to life?
thats just convenient, isn't it?
they extract the child, pronounce the mother dead and whisk the child away into 'foster care', or the arms of the good doctor
when he's revealed to be quirkless? at first the commission is dubious but the doctor assures them this is perfect. he doesn't have to base the quirk off anything, it can be built from the ground up, as exactly the quirk the commission wants
izuku is born 3 months premature to a dead mother and one month later has a strong enough combination of quirks to take down all might when he grows up.
there is a bit of a catch, though. due to the whole 3 months early and dead mother thing, his constitution isn't the greatest, leaving him pretty sickly. the doctor assures him he'll be much better when he grows up (he’s lying). still - it’s a long while until their creation will be an adult. they could let him grow up normally in a nice house, only to pounce on him when he's grown a little stronger
but a chance of letting their perfect child slip away? nope. they resolve to train him as soon as he can crawl.
A few variations of this AU bc I had loads of quirk ideas before I settled on one - Knock Off For All: Izuku has a quirk as similar to OFA as was possible to create without being able to stockpile, complete with the achy breaky bones (no extra quirks) - Power Set: Izuku has a set of the most useful quirks the doctor could think of, ala USJ nomu (Shock nullification, Regeneration, Super Strength, etc) - Midorigiri: Izuku has a powerful combination quirk like a certain cloud mist dude. Probably either a shock absorption + redirection quirk / all 4 elemental types / guardian angel: wings, flight, hard light construct, healing - All for Naught: Izuku has a knock off of All for One that lets him perma copy 5 quirks at a time
So, Guardian Angel is the quirk I’m going with, mostly for the Hawks parallels. They end up basically being raised with each other, hawks jokingly calling Izuku his little brother. He almost cries when Izuku asks what that is.
Izuku’s quirk allows him to fly with a set of wings (he has hollow bones to facilitate this), can create hard light constructs; the more complicated the shape the harder it is and was originally classified as a forcefield quirk before Izuku got creative with it, and gives him the ability to heal.
All abilities excluding flight are based on the amount of ambient light. The brighter it is, the stronger his constructs and the better he can heal. His blood glows. Make of that what you will.
The problem being that while his quirk/s are strong, Izuku himself is very weak. He has chronic anaemia, difficulty putting on weight, a heart murmur, weak lungs, etc. the HA don’t care at all and make him train until he can’t walk.
From birth till 7 Izuku has no contact with people outside the facility, whereupon he is promptly dumped into a public school for 5 days a week. The education he gets there isn’t important, he’ll learn what he needs at the facility. What they do deem as important is A, creating a paper trail for the kid and B, socializing him somewhat.
People flock to him for his quirk, cementing what they always told him. “All of your worth is in your quirk. You have an obligation to save others.”
Plus, they’ve told him he wasn’t born like everyone else, he was created. Different, artificial, inhuman, those where all words used to describe him at the facility. He finds it difficult to make friends.
He forms a strange almost friendship with Bakugo as the only other kid with a super powerful quirk in the school, even if it’s more of a support quirk than anything else. Izuku silently heals Bakugo when he gets into fights, Bakugo snarls at anyone who makes Izuku too uncomfortable. It’s odd, but it works.
Izuku’s personality is similar to canon in the fact he's the same person but it’s a little jumbled.
He’s even less trusting of adults than canon which is saying something, but he doesn’t have canons blatant disregard for authority. If he breaks a rule he makes sure he doesn’t get caught because the punishments he’s had before left scars.
His anger runs a little closer to the surface but he feels like a bad person for feeling any emotion that isn’t positive so he crushes it down under forced optimism. Izuku shows his anger rarely and when he does, it’s quiet and vicious.
If an authority figure tells him to do something, he does it. It takes a while for Aizawa to break the kid’s conditioned need to respond automatically to any request from a ‘Handler’. Aizawa is very afraid of where it came from, but Nezu can’t find anything about this kid other than the record of his birth and his school enrolments.
Izuku thinks he’s less valuable than others which is pretty canon, at least at the start, but here it’s because he’s ‘not as good/natural/ something’ as a ‘normal’ human. Most of the UA teacher see it, but they have no idea why he thinks he’s lesser so their mixed attempts at questioning/comfort fall pretty flat. Izuku is convinced they would abandon him if they knew.
So, Izuku has a complicated relationship with the concept of All Might.
To start off with, even with everything that happened, Izuku adores heroes right down to his very core. Hawks counts the HA lucky that they didn’t accidentally turn Izuku into a villain. Izuku’s favourite hero is All Might, but -
For a start, he was told he was made to be better than All Might. The part of the HA that created him isn’t fond of the no. 1 as someone they can’t at all control, Izuku has basically been taught that All Might is lying to the world with the way he presents himself and that he’s secretly a terrible person and would hate him for both being artificial and for being made to be better than him
Ergo, Izuku is shit scared of him.
Izuku wants to go to UA because Katsuki is going to UA and Katsuki is the only person other than Hawks he’s ever had a somewhat close relationship with. The HA thinks: eh, fuck it, it’ll be a nice fuck you to All Might anyway.
Then All Might is announced as a teacher after Izuku has been accepted and all hell breaks loose.
A brief set of things that happen:
Dadmight and Dadzawa to the extreme, all of 1A basically adopts Izuku instantly (after they get over the fear of his crazy quirk lmao). All Might and Eraserhead are Izuku’s favourite heroes, other than Hawks, so he's both terrified and in awe of them at all times. He finds himself both loving the familial affection he was denied as a child and being terrified they’d think he was a monster when they learnt he was made to overtake All Might, and isn’t a ‘real person’.
Izuku gets OFA, eventually. It ends up improving his physical health which is neat, along with its extra quirks and strengthening of his own.
Todoroki hates Izuku a little from the beginning, although he’d never admit it. Izuku’s quirk is incredibly powerful and he didn’t have to undergo Todoroki’s childhood torment (Which is Incorrect, but he doesn’t exactly know that, does he) When Todoroki finds out (sports festival, Izuku has a pretty emotional response to his little angst time and lets a few things slip) he becomes fiercely protective of him.
Izuku and Bakugo develop an actual friendship and it’s an adventure
Izuku gets kidnapped along with Bakugo at the training camp, during which the doctor, AFO or Shigiraki reveal he was created to beat All Might, just like the Nomu. Izuku wants to run away out of fear/shame, but Bakugo drags him along with the rescue attempt. Izuku, too scared to go back to the HA or UA, wants nothing more than to vanish off the face of the earth. When Aizawa and All Might visit him and Bakugo at the hospital, Izuku breaks down crying and cowers in fear, convinced his teachers are either going to hurt or kill him. Everyone involved is horrified. They try to calm him down but just seeing them is scaring the shit out of Izuku so they end up getting chased out by Bakugo who clumsily comforts him.
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
If I may one last director's cut: And the Nightmare Collapses? 👁️
Ask as many as you want i dont mind.
Oh my monster au, what to say? I had this in the backburner for a few months now. Originally i was going to make a series of one shots from different characters perspectives.
So first it was going to be Jon waking up from the coma and realizing that everyone were monsters but him sort of like a walking dead scenario. I had the clear picture of him seeing Georgie in her hald deaf state being like, what the fuck happened???
Now the entire idea came to mind with how pissed off i was at everyone in season four acting like Jon was the worst for no discernable reason. Like, Melanie, Basira and Georgie, all treated him in different levels rather cruely. Georgie wasnt so mean, but she was playing blind eye to the whole thing being fucked.
So Jon is the only one who remains human because he tries so hard to keep his humanity despite everything. While everyone else becomes more monstruos, Basira and Melanie in particularly were much more affected, i had a clear vision of a slaughter Mel. But had to keep it brief since Georgie wouldnt want to dwell on her becoming a monster, since now she had no way to deny it. Daisy gets a pass because while on the coffin she regains her humanity by her regret of what she became, its why her changes are minimal in the text.
The other one shots were supposed to be from Elias and Peter perspective with the last being them reuniting.
Now my original idea had no reasoning as to why they were monsters all out sudden. Its not until i realized the potential of the entities just dropping in a world similar enough where they already existed and they end up overcharging, while still carrying the vestigies of the apocalipse that i went like-
Hoy fuck.
Ultimately i am happy with the one shot the way it came out, with Elias being able to see, he was capable of tying up those little threads i wanted to make and make the reference to having an anchor. Anchors tie you to humanity, people are fundamentaly capable of good if they wish too, kindness even in the face of despair, destroys the horrors of the world.
The world wont fix itself, but you adapt and grown and try to make it better.
Now as for the story itself? I just wanted to go buck wild with the scenery of reality fracturing itself and Elias just losing it while perceiving the horrors and understanding far more than possible.
I like eldritch horror i just dont use it enough, or horror shorts in general, maybe i should put up the small ones i made in tumblr they are like a paragraph long each.
For realsies, I really like the idea of monster Elias for several reasons and i wanted to go with it. I have another different take on this verse of how things pan out too, but i will see eventually if i want to write it. There is... also the horny aspec of Peter being, as the fic implies, a monster fucker, not really he just loves Elias whatever shape he comes even if its some weird owl spider thing. If i ever feel brave enough to go thought it in an extra will shall see.
Anyways Jonah goes through life replacing people while manipulating them and toying with their sanity like he did to the ogElias in his interview. Despite being beholding, as per the soup theory, at this point he also represents the stranger, web and spiral fairly well. I have a soft soft for him losing the ability to recognize himself after a while. Because as i pointed out? He kept sort of a more or less stable life, sure, but it must be jarring having to go from one face to another, to have to pretend to be someone else, at least enough that its not glaringly obvious that something is wrong.
So he loses it. The fears overcharge and it all stacks up on him, causing his transformation to be so strong, it ends up consuming him. Not only that but he is vain too, so to be changed into something so horryifing it breaks something else in him, it gives him the idea that no one could want him now, he cant make people do as he says like this, he doesnt know himself and now no one would want to know him anyways. The more he changes the more he loses his sense of self, its not only him, he was so many people it feels weird to be just him, it doesnt fit anymore, so through the story he starts to use they until its what he mainly uses at the end, because he grows and its happy with it by the very end.
His body changes when he doubts himself, the more time it passes the more he forgets. Now the main reason he didnt become a puddle of ink and die, was because as i mentioned he thought about being alone, and it made him think of Peter, that was his last connection, the last thread to a humanity he wasnt sure he still had. When he thinks that he loves him, even if a little, its enough to let him move.
That small lifeline is what actually saved him and what kept him more or less stable for longer that he would have otherwise. Same goes to Peter whos last action before becoming one with his siblings was pick up the phone, the same though went through him, its why even if he was already at the brink of being melded he kept himself alive for longer.
Then there was the idea of copies.
Because, eyes? just the eyes?? I know it works with supernatural energy but, the doubt, the idea or posibility that Jonah Magnus actually died the moment he transplanted his eyes the first time and that Beholding merely put the copied memories of Jonah that it reatained into the new body was such a good concept, i have a special love for it, to not be sure if you are you, but ultimately chosing to live your life despite knowing that you may not be the real one.
I like to point out at the end that he does, that he is the original and that he is not a copy but... its not really proof, Jonah wants to believe it is. Wether is true or not? Thats up to anyone.
Also his monster concept, i toyed with a few options, and ended up adding it somewhat in the final product, originally he was going to be sort of an owl monster sort of mixed with a cat, no not for the joke, i saw really nice fanart of owlcats and i was in love. But as it is i went with something similar to his body in the afterlife beach party.
Instead of tar it was the ink of the letters he wrote, the static remains because he doesnt know his face anymore and he wont again. The fur... i just wanted something nice for later when Peter made his appearence, less sticky more fluffy. 8 arms like a spider, more eyes because of beholding- you get it.
Speaking of Peter!!
Here is the deal, i know or at least believe that the curruption? Is the oposite of the lonely and viceversa. Wanting to be alone vs being consumed by what you love? Perfect.
So the Lukases become amalgamations of fog trapped in a hive mind that they cant escape from. Forced to be together and then to be alone once someone manages to impose themselves like Nathaniel did. Peter could have theorically left his siblings become him, after Elias saw them, but in this, the closenes they shared was enought that he could not do it. <3<3
I wanted to play with the fact that being stuck with so many people, mainly his sisters while slowly melding into one, made him switch from pronouns feeling comfortable in all of them. Lydia, Judith and Clara were all nice and accidentaly he wanted to feel that nice, so he switches more often to her. It too, because at one point he was litreally nothing since the rest were rather happy being one.
Reality check comes and they all realize that, oh shit we fucked him up. Hence the road trip, unfortunately the melding was inevitable, either they became one or someone took charge. Still it gives them time to bond too, which adds to the decision to let them stay with him despite everything. Peter plays into a similar idea, but from a different perspective, you lose yoursef but become a different person. Luka is all of them being at peace with being one, being happy and wanting the same thing, but still mantaining some way to be apart. If i was being sappy i would liken it to a fusion in Steven Universe.
It wasnt as such at first, but later once Peter is the main body they can do it with less fear of dissapearing. It is also true that his feelings bleed out onto them and likewise to him. Its hard being a single being while simultaniously be 5 people in one.
They do love Elias, except for Clara who is mostly just enjoying the company while judging everyones tastes. It is also true that if this hadnt happened they would never have tried it. But life works oddly. Plus they are happy.
The world cant be fixed, but life sort of goes on and people adjust as they can.
Final note? I really, reeeeally wanted to have JME corpses just drop and have everyone freak out. There was a brief idea of having them alive and react to what they did to the world, but i did not want to deal with that many explanations. So yeah, they are dead.
If you want to ask something in particular go ahead i have the ideas still fresh for this one in my head.
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gigilalaka · 5 years
Kirby HCs part 3
So here is part 3 of my Kirby hcs. Hope you enjoy.
-Kirby is at least somewhere between 100 to 500 years old when he crashlands on Popstar. He was pretty much a newborn in his species term, which was one of the reasons why Meta was NOT HAPPY with Dedede wakeing the child up. Too early indeed.
-Kirby has inherent Meta’s stubborness and strong will. Which has ended up in the both of them getting on eachother nevers and caused a few fights and yelling here and there. They do in the end makeup and say sorry, but it can take a few days if its really bad.
-Kirby has a natural talent in makeing friends wherever he go’s. It dose not matter if your the good guy or the bad guy, he will make you his friend. However over the years, Kirby has been a bit more careful in who he wants to befriend. Getting betrayed or hurt every now and then has thought him a few lessons in that.
-That said, when someone do betray him. Its not easy to get his forgiveness, as Susie, Magolor and Marx can say with 100% certainty. Even if he does forgive you, you still need to expect the cold shoulder ever now and then.
-There are a few copy abilites that Kirby has sort of been banned to use by Meta Knight, Tiff and Dedede. Said bane of abilities has been lifted over time has his gotten older though. It mostly comes from that the kid find it either hard to control said ability or its power ( like the Crash ability), that his body is not yet ‘ready’ for said ability ( his Mike ability fits this very well, it was only after puberty that said ability did not turn anyone instantly deaft or worst) or could right out kill someone without him meaning to ( hello Poison ability).
-However, there has been times when the kid have had to use the banned abilities when he’d have no other ability to use or when either of his uncles, not knowing these abilities was banned for good reasons, trys to help him train his copy abilities and other skills. All three uncles have some major regrets from those mistakes. Galacta Knight as well have some regrets when he tried to help Kirby with his Poison ability, despied Meta warning him not to, the end result was not pretty.
-Kirby learned to cook from Galacta and baking from Meta. His very good at it too and loves to surpries his dads, husband and friends with their favorite foods and desserts on special days or whenever he wants to cheer them up on a bad day.
-Kirby loves it whenever his grandfather Arthur gets to babysitt him. The old veteran commander would take his grandson on trips around Cappy Town and parks that Dedede has build over the years, tell him storys, play with him, take naps together and teach him some nice little tricks here and there. He allways has a great time with Arthur and would often ask his dads when the next time grandpa gets to watch over him.
-Falspar has manged to teach Kirby a few dirty tricks to use whenever the kid got in a bind, which he did, when he was in his teen years. Those tricks as over many years helped him come out of some really hair tin troubles.
-Kirby as also gotten the chance to meet his great aunt Bella Mare, Galacta’s aunt, and have fun times with her whenever Meta and Galacta has time to visits her or she comes over herself. The old woman has over the years taught Kirby many card and puzzle games and they both have become masters at them. She also loves takeing photos and has many photos of Kirby which she show to her friends with great pride.
-When Kirby hit his teens, he went through a really bad and awkward time. Just like any other teenager did, with some rebel time mixed as well. Though when his wings started to grow, he was very glad his dads was there to help. That hurt worst than hell.
-Its rare, but sometimes Kirby will holde a grudge at someone for some time. It most often happens whenever Marx or Dark Meta dose something that leaves long lasting damage or just turns the whole week sour.
-Kirby has a at least, by accident, destroyed Dedede’s castle and the Halberd a few times whenever he gotten a cold or the flu. The inhalling ability becomes more of a burden when this happens since no puff can propely control their lungs when they get sick.
-Kirby’s house ended up in the care of Bandana Dees familiy when Rick became too old to look after it and had to move to the house of the eldery. For the next 16 000 pluss years the familiy took great care of the house. Kirby would often come over to check and help around when he has the time. He was very happy when he got it back in his teens. Sometimes, liveing on a flying ship can become very small and as a teenager, you need your own space at times.
-When Kirby realised that he was going to out live many of his friends, the puff became heartbroken and very sad for a while. Meta, Galacta and Dedede had a hard time getting Kirby to eat or sleep for some weeks, before Bella found a way that worked most of the time, and neither of Kirby’s dads, uncles, great aunt or grandpa did not leave him turing that time. He was very greatful for the support that they gave him.
And thats it for now. I’ll be makeing a part 4 for Meta Knight soon so stay tuned. A part 4 of Kirby might be on its way as well. Once flu seasons is over. Yay.
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writingforloki · 5 years
Sparks Fly
Chapter 3: Hit me with your best shock.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Chapter summary: Your first combat training session with Bucky goes just how you’d expected it, shockingly.
A/N: I’m back!!! sorry for the mini hiatus, I had some ~personal~ stuff going on.
However, I’ll be way more on top of my writing from now on!!! Hope u enjoy this chapter, as always pls feel free to comment, ask questions and give me some constructive criticism in the comments.
Ao3 link. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
You went to bed feeling a bit more relaxed about your place in the compound, you had chatted with the group and started to feel more chill around them. However when your alarm woke you at 7.30 for your training session at 8am, chill was not how you were feeling. The annoying pinging shocked your eyes open and you grumbled patting your bed to try and find the source of the noise to make it stop. You hadn’t slept terribly to say it was your first night in a new bed, although it definitely helped that the bed was massive and extremely comfortable.
Pushing the covers off your body and letting the cool air do its thing and wake you up a little, you tried not to let the anxiety of a new day in a new place scare you too much, you had half an hour until your first training session and although it seemed counter productive to shower before your workout, you decided the water would wake you up, so you pulled yourself out of bed, grabbed your towel and headed to the bathroom.
You hopped in the shower and let the water run down your body tipping your face gently into the spray to try and wake yourself up. You started to think about what your first session would entail, how hard would it be? Would you embarrass yourself? Would the Winter soldier crack a smile? Were a few of the questions swimming around your brain. Knowing you couldn’t hide in the shower for ever, you made your way back to your room.
You opened your wardrobe to find something to wear to see that it had been decked out with an impressive amount of workout gear, you decided on a pair of black high waisted leggings with pale blue piping at the seam, along with the matching sports bra, you felt bougie as hell, you’d never been so coordinated before, so you pulled on an oversized white tee and tied it at the bottom, feeling better slightly more covered up.
It was 7.57am when you checked your watch and decided it was best if you headed to the training area of the compound, and although you had a vague idea of where it was, it was easy to get lost when all the halls all had the same uniform, slick, chrome finish to them. That’s how you found yourself at 8.05 starting to panic and none the wiser about your whereabouts in the massive compound. You had wanted to make a good impression, and being late didn’t strike you as the best way to do it, you had started to lose all hope until you saw a familiar figure walk through one of the slick doors in the hallway.
“Clint!” you sighed in relief as he spotted you and walked towards you, fiddling with something in his ear.
“Hey newbie, what you doing down here.” He asked head cocked to the side comically. He looked like a confused puppy.
“I’m supposed to have training with Bucky at eight but I got lost and now I’m late and I don’t want him to think I’m a slacker, it’s just these halls you know? All the doors look the same and I feel there should be signs up in this place!” You babble, unsure of whether you’re coherent or not at this point.
“Woah that was not easy for a semi-deaf dude to comprehend but I got the bit where you said you were lost, come on sparky follow me, I’ll deliver you to the grumpy soldier.” He laughed as he took you in the opposite you would’ve headed next.
However you didn’t manage to make it all the way to the gym before bumping into someone else, it was Bucky and he did seemed to fit the grumpy soldier profile pretty well as his face was the blank expression you’d come to expect from him, his mouth set in a straight line and his eyes looking impassive.
“I come bearing your dutiful student.” Clint extended his arm to you and you looked up at Bucky guiltily.
“I got lost, I’m sorry! You guys really should have signs in this place.” You mumbled repeating your earlier statement.
Buckys expression softened and it was only then that you relaxed enough to notice that he had his hair pulled back into a low bun. It was cute, you thought. Wait, since when was the kinda intimidating winter soldier cute? It was only Buckys voice in your ears that alerted you out of your inner man bun related turmoil.
“No worries, I was just coming to see if you were awake, C’mon the gyms this way.” He turned, you guessed he expected you to follow.
“Thanks Clint!” you turned on your heel and gave him a cheery wave as you embarked down the hallway, and he saluted you in response.
You followed Bucky into what you assumed was the gym, and judging by the vast amounts of workout equipment you were in the right place.
“Right, like Steve said yesterday we’re gonna start out light, a bit of boxing and some very light hand to hand combat lessons.” Bucky said as he turned to look at you, his eyes were a steel blue and deadly serious.
“Okay, sure sounds good.” You say and put your fists up doing a few small air punches in his direction before immediately feeling embarrassed and questioning what went through your mind when you decided to do that.
However to your relief the winter soldiers lips quirked into a smirk similar to the one you’d seen yesterday, it was small and it didn’t quite meet his eyes, but it made your embarrassment ebb a little, so you’d take it for now.
“C’mon then Muhammad Ali, time to warm up, you don’t wanna pull anything.” he said softly and led you to the centre of the room, encouraging you to copy what he was doing.
After your stretching was done and you were apparently warmed up, it was time for you to actually start training, to say you were apprehensive about it was an understatement.
“Just to warn you” you said throwing a sheepish look in Buckys direction “I’m gonna be terrible at this, I’m really clumsy, so I’d stand at least 5 feet away in case I sock you in the face, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
He laughed quietly, that smirk back on his face, “I don’t think a punch from you could do much damage sweetheart.” He drawled, coming to stand in front of you.
You flushed at the term of affection, although it seemed more patronising than affectionate, you still hadn’t expected it.
“So first we’re gonna start off with basic self defense, I know you have your abilities but you can’t depend on them all the time, sometimes you may be put in situations where your powers have been suppressed and you’ll have to rely on your fists to get yourself out alive.” His face was serious again and you tried your best to listen and concentrate on what he was saying but it was difficult when his body was getting closer to yours.
“We’re gonna start off simple, basic self defense remember, we’ll get to the combat stuff later okay, so a lot of things can happen when you’re on a mission that you don’t expect, people can come out of know where and surprise you, grabbing you from behind is common if they’ve been waiting for you to turn your back.” He positioned himself behind you, not close enough to be intrusive, but close enough to make you shift uncomfortably.
“You’re gonna wanna think of your attackers pressure points, so if someone came up behind you and grabbed you, like this -” His arms wrapped around you from behind, encasing you in his vice like grip.
“Your arms are pinned down, so there’s not much you can grab from my upper body, so you’ve gotta be thinking lower body, unless you just wanna head butt them of course but that might hurt you a little as well. So your gonna grab just above the knee and I want you to squeeze real hard, you should get the sciatic nerve which’ll distract them enough to let their arms down.” he broke his hold on you and suddenly you felt rather cold as his arms were taken off your body.
You turned to face him nodding slowly, taking in everything he had just said.
“Right so squeeze the leg real hard, possible backwards headbutt if that fails, then what?” you ask, eager to learn.
“You wanna take advantage of me dropping my hold on you, at this point you should be able to twist your body ‘round, so go for the chin.” he says gesturing his chin in the air as if you’d just swung for him.
“Like this?” you ask, fake punching his jaw with your fist punched up.
He smirked as he looked at your hand, grabbing it and gently unfurling your fingers. “No Doll, didn’t anyone ever teach you to throw a punch before? Don’t tuck your thumb into your hand, that’s an easy way to break it. Also for this you wanna be using the bottom of you palm, that way you can get the most force behind your blow.”
He straightened out your hand and demonstrated, pushing your hand against his jaw. You could feel his stubble scrape against your skin. You’d always had a thing for guys with a bit of scruff.
“Right, that, that makes sense.” You mumble as he releases your hand. “And to answer your question, why would anyone need to teach me how to punch when I can just give anyone who bothers me a shock.” you smirk and look up at him.
He smiles back and raises his hands in mock defense. “Thats fair, but let’s practice this again but put it faster into motion.”
Suddenly his arms are back around you in his vice like grip, you can feel his body pressed against your back, and your not used to having any men pressed up against you, never mind super buff super soldiers. You tell yourself that’s what makes you do it, it was the unfamiliarity of the situation which makes you press your hand and force an electric current his leg instead of squeezing his nerve.
He goes down straight away, grabbing his leg and releasing you, while the shock of the situation hits you and you realise what you just did.
“Oh my god, Sargent Barnes- I mean Bucky, shit I’m so sorry I just panicked when you boxed me in, I knew I wasn’t in control enough to be with you guys, i-i are you okay?” You ask, close to tears and frantic as you crouch to match his doubled over position.
“Hnnng yep, I’m okay, it’s fine, you just caught me off guard Doll.” He says between gritted teeth, straightening himself up again and shaking his leg a little.
“I’m so sorry, I- I just can’t always control it.” your voice was shakey and you could feel the tell tale signs of your eyes starting to prickle. God this was embarrassing.
“Hey don’t worry about it, super soldier, remember?” he said trying to catch your eye and failing when you dipped your head and stared at the floor. “Listen, I don’t know how much you know about me, but I’m an expert in knowing how it feels when you’re not in control of your own body.”
You look up at him, his gaze is soft and not at all what you had expected from the steely eyed winter soldier.
“So you’re okay?” you ask “You’re not hurt?”
“Nah Doll I’m fine, c’mon why don’t we leave the one on one combat stuff for a bit and i’ll talk you through basic pressure points, maybe I’ll even teach you how to throw a punch without breaking your hand.” He smiled gently.
What you had been expecting from Bucky Barnes, you weren’t sure, but it certainly wasn’t the level of kindness and understanding that he’d shown you today. It was nice knowing that someone else had experienced the struggle of not being in total control of their body, and knowing he’d managed to change it and take control.
“Hey Bucky” you mumble softly.
“Yeah Doll?” he asks, head tilted to one side.
“I know Steve said he usually trains the beginners but, would it be okay if you trained me, even when Steve comes back from his mission?” you asked shyly meeting his eyes as he looked back at you, his face a picture of shock before he plastered on a neutral expression.
“Of course.” he answered.
It wouldn’t be easy, but maybe with Buckys understanding, you could get better at all this, and maybe finally gain control over your abilities.
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@latsyrc85x @jsmith509 @yourwonderbelle @mywinterwolf
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morphogenetic · 6 years
why you should play the ds version of 999 first and not the nonary games version: a thread
excuse the formatting of this bc im copying it from my twitter as text, but: why you shouldn’t play the nona/ry games version of 999 on your first run, a thread. lots of this has been said by other people too but i figured i would condense my opinions + what other people have said. 999 spoilers ofc, also vague vlr spoilers later on but the 999 spoilers are a lot worse lmao.
this is ABSURDLY long and i am sorry but tl;dr spoiler free version: buy tng anyway so you can easily play vlr in hd and to support the games, but play 999 on either a ds or an emulator if you have to because boy howdy the story is really meant for this platform (if you’re replaying 999 in the tng version after originally playing the ds version none of this applies LMAO)
(also this isn't meant to at ALL be angry at people who played the t/ng port first! im sad y'all didn't get to experience the dual screen version, but at this point t/ng is much more accessible and a lot of people don't even KNOW about the ds-original thing, so it's not your fault!!  like i WISH to god that they had ported it in some dual-screen/two-screen way, but the fact that they didn't isn't anyone's fault. ok end this part y'all are so valid i just feel sad that you didnt experience the game in its Best State)
spoilers below the cut
1) the big one: the implementation of the dual screen thing. they were always going to have a hard time implementing this on not-a-3ds, but i'll start with the non-spoilery part: action mode...is bad. the fact that they force you into it. is bad. novel mode is more passable but the fact that they default you into a mode with nearly 95% dialogue-only, in a visual novel, is..pretty gross, and the fact that they force-switch you into novel mode sometimes anyway is. maybe an indication that having a 95% dialogue route in a visual novel...wasnt good
  they EASILY could have done a split-screen mode instead, and while that wouldn't have been ideal either, it would still have allowed for the incorporation of both screens simultaneously without having to make compromises
also, petty spoiler thing, but some of the dialogue rewrites to make action mode flow better took out one of my fave pieces of foreshadowing. the main example of this is in junpei's flashback thing to getting kidnapped near the beginning of the game. in t/ng, they had him voice the 'huh, did i leave that open?' line, with respect to his window being open because, you know, zero 'bout to kidnap him. in the original, this is /not/ on the top screen (i.e. voiced by junpei) - it's on the bottom screen. without quotes, i.e. it's not something he's thinking but it's there, in the same formatting as the rest of the descriptions. in other words.....zero is the one saying 'huh, did i leave that open?' in real time, foreshadowing the dual screen twist. this is SO minor in comparison to everything else for SURE but the fact that this got left out still makes me so sad bc i LOVED it. anyway.
 (also the fact that the narrative mode twist of all the random gore descriptions being food-like makes WAY more sense in retrospect with the dual screens, because of course a fucking 12 year old wouldn't know how else to describe gore lmao. this is kind of lost in t/ng because it makes it out to be more of something that jun/pei is thinking but i digress. dual screen for dual protagonists good thanks)
2) (YES IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO GET HERE. SH) the final puzzle.....in t/ng....fucking sucks. not only because the puzzle itself sucks, which uh...it does (PASSWORD IS THE PASSWORD?? FUCKING REALLY??). but a) it loses the theme-ing of the sudoku itself since, yknow. 9s everywhere but, 
b) more importantly, it just...doesn't have the same punch to it. even ignoring the fact that the sudden upside-down-ness is one of the best ways i've ever seen a puzzle suddenly hit you with a plot twist/a revelation, in this case the 'oh shit, we were solving puzzles from akane's viewpoint the whole time and /only now/ are we truly doing it with junpei being the input source' is just. fucking masterful. explaining this is so hard but i promise it makes sense. like obviously the twist w the dual perspectives thing is revealed right before but the fact that they suddenly (literally) flip the entire game on its head is just. *chef kiss* so good. 
also, adding to this, c) the fact that the tn/g version took out the fact that you were seeing baby!kane's face while you were doing the sudoku just adds to the emotional impact of the puzzle. like, in that moment, the puzzle itself isn't the relevant factor, it's the fact that you're doing the puzzle to save her. i no joke started fucking CRYING irl when that happened bc of how hard that hit me emotionally and the fact that they didn't even have something to mimic that in t/ng makes me so goddamn sad. it's not about the puzzle, its about Saving someone via the puzzle, and they just...removed that part. h
(also another dual screen thing here bc i forgot to add it earlier: the constant perspective-swapping thing during the true end feels much less awkward on the ds since you can just naturally shift your eyes between the screens. again, minor, and there probably was never going to be a great way to implement this with a single screen regardless, but it really does flow so much better with two screens. 3ds port of tn/g when)
3) finally, a more Controversial Opinion, but the timeline flow, while absolutely great for replays, kind of ends up spoiling you on the fact that there are multiple timelines that you have to search through for the truth. i wouldn't have minded this so much if the timeline feature in t/ng only unlocked after you hit your first ending, but they didn't do that - they let you look at it from the very start, which really..misses the point of the game. 
(minor vl/r spoilers incoming) in vlr, the fact that you know you have multiple branches from the start makes sense, especially both because it's SUPER obvious that there are branching points (door choices, allying/betraying, etc). obviously 99/9 has choices like that too ala the door choices, but you're actively -not- jumping between timelines. that's the point! because junpei CAN'T jump!! he's an esper, sure, though maybe only one by accident/strong emotional connection [thats a whole different thread LMAO], but the whole point is that he can't make timeline choices  in the same way that phi and sigma can literally timeline shift.
(end v/lr spoilers here i think) tl;dr the timeline feature is great for replays bc its super anti-frustration but boy howdy they did not implement it well. final point:  the fact that you have to play 999 from the beginning every time you get an end makes sense narratively since akane has to do the same thing - she has to go through the whole route (in junpei's head ofc) over and over, she can't just skip around. again, anti-frustration feature that i'm glad they added, but you still lose something w t/ng this way
like ngl, having to fast forward through things instead of just skipping around is annoying as hell, but akane had to do the same goddamn thing! probably way more than we actually have to do it in the game, tbh. definitely this is me prioritizing certain limitations of the ds hardware as important to the narrative but you really do end up missing out if you can just skip at will
4) very minor thing that isnt actually a plot thing at all but  some of the puzzle dialogue is infinitely funnier when you have the ability to see the characters on the top screen talking at the same time you have the puzzle stuff on the bottom screen. this mostly applies to all the stuff with the cards w all the player faces on them in the...cargo room? like it's still funny without it but somehow seeing santa talking about himself on the card when he says 'that's one handsome son-of-a-bitch!' is 500x funnier when you literally see him TALKING about himself
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asianpower5 · 6 years
Ok so its been 24 hours since I saw the movie and I wanted to write down my thoughts, most of it is for me so I can go back and read how I felt about it years from now, its going to be very long and wordy but im just writing as the thoughts come and now worrying about grammar or anything, that includes timeline, so my thoughts may come to me out of order . I’m going to put it all under read more so i dont spoil it for any of you lovely people
So I got to the theater like 40 minutes early because I just couldnt contain myself and I wanted to get my perfect seat. Wore my new HTTYD shirt and brought my toothless plushie from build a bear (another little girl had the same idea she was so cute)
but now onto the movie
they threw me for a loop I was totally expecting a “this is berk’” speech as the very opening, not the raid, but honestly this movie is about change so I liked the change. But I still got my fix, because as they flew back to Berk my only thought was “this is berk”, AND THEN HE SAID THE THING YES.
Loved the scene in the great forge, it just really showed how big Berk is and how many vikings there are, and seeing them all happy and enjoying a meal together just warmed my heart, plus Gobber teasing Astrid and Hiccup about marriage and Valka beating Spitelout at arm wrestling haha.
Tuffnut was comedic gold, talking about his “beard” and giving hiccup bro pep talks. And when he said the earth was round? and the stars? I almost died laughing. 
Grimmel  being a complete jerk and drugging those poor dragons with their own venom.
Fetch with Hiccup’s leg?? and him dropping it in Astrid’s lap and then being over protective of the leg when Stormfly came near it? Then Hiccup tickling Astrid, what did we do to deserve such a cute Hiccstrid scene?
Toothless meeting the light fury was even better than I thought, he was such a dork and had no idea what to do, then looking to Hiccup for advice about how to flirt oh gosh silly boy.
Im calling Hiccup out on his saying Astrid isnt a romantic, I mean Hiccup is totally the hopeless romantic, but Astrid in my mind is totally a secret romantic, at least when it comes to her own relationship.
Also Toothless practicing his mating dancing by watching his shadow and studying the naddars as they danced was so adorable.
Ok ngl I actually thought Grimmel had shot Toothless in the house, and I was so happy to see that is was part of their plan and that he had back up (sorry Fishlegs I love you and you took one for the team so good on you!). Why I was surprised by this idk, I know these characters enough to know that they would pull something like that. BUT HICCUP TELLING GRIMMEL OFF AND CALLING HE OUT FOR SITTING IN STOICKS CHAIR, YES BOY. That just made the feeling of Berk being attacked and flames burning everywhere hurt so much more.
The meeting with all of Berk? Just wow, I mean first off I love that Hiccup had his whole gang up there with him, just goes to show that he really trusts them and values them as being part of the team. Astrid sticking up for my boy and Tuff just going “IM WITH HIM WHO ELSE” A plus team work, I loved the support. Not to mention the fact that Hiccup was able to convince them all to pack up what little they could carry and leave. I mean we know from the first movie that vikings are stubborn, but they are also capable of change. The fact that they left their home of 7 generations and probably left some import things they couldnt carry with them was such an amazing gesture. And Berk really is where ever the vikings are, it is not just a single island. It really hurt to see them leave the island, the place where it all started, but the fact that they all stuck together really shows how strong of a bond they have as a people. 
Light fury knocking Hiccup off Toothless, such a sassy girl I love her. I mean come on Toothless was obviously gunna save him. Also the sheeps wanting to be dragons is something I never new I needed, especially after seeing how afraid of dragons they used to be (I mean the dragons did hunt them, but im all here for them cosplaying as their favorite dragons) 
I JUST REMEMBERED I NEVER TALKED ABOUT FLASHBACKS SO LETS DO THAT NOW. First of little toddler Hiccup??? THE FRICKIN CUTEST THING EVER OK. I know there was a line in the trailer that wasnt in the movie the one where Stoick says something like “I believe its your destiny to find the hidden world so dragons and vikings no longer need to fight” but I wasnt sad that they didnt keep this line. I think it makes more sense to have what they did, Stoick talking about finding the hidden world so they could protect Berk from it. I mean this took place when they were still fighting dragons, so yea the line about destiny could mean he thinks Hiccup would destroy the hidden world, but the tone of the scene was so calm and relaxing that to me it gave off the vibe that Stock was implying that Hiccup would unite their worlds, which doenst make sense since again they were still at war with the dragons at this point. So I liked what they had in the movie, I think what they kept fit the tone and it still showed how Berk was at war with the dragons.
NEXT FLASHBACK. Little Hiccup just sneaking down the stairs and then his little face like “oh shit” when he saw his dad was up and trying to sneak back up. The way he said he wanted water, I JUST IT WAS SO CUTE, whoever voiced tiny hiccup good job because omg it was so cute. How happy he was to go over to his dad and sit on his lap.  When he asked Stoick if he would get them a new mom, my heart just broke I mean Hiccup was so young that he didn’t fully grasp the situation, and I mean before Hiccup got caught sneaking downstairs we saw Stoick crying. That was so important to me I mean Stoick the Vast, he is massive, and remember the first movie the fact about him ripping a dragons head off as a baby? Yea this character who basically screams masculinity has yet another vulnerable scene, showing yet again that crying is ok (I mean back in the first movie when he told Hiccup he wasnt his son, and when he met Valka again?? yes please keeping showing people that being masculine doenst mean you cant cry!). Stoick teaching Hiccup about love, yes dad points for you, I adore the scenes like these, that show how much Stock loves his family, he would be so proud of Hiccup and who he has become. OH YEA SIDE NOTE HOW I FORGET HICCUPS STUFFED DRAGON? THROWBACK TO THE TV SERIES THANK YOU.
New Berk, cuz thats the best I got to call it right now, love how everyone basically immediately goes to claiming their areas ahha.
Ok Snotlout my boy did you really just say “who died and made yout Chief” because too soon, I still love you
Low key thought they were gunna make Snotlout and Eret a thing, despite the weird flirting Snotlout had with Valka. I mean he was trying to be taller than Eret, and Eret was like hah no, yall id ship it ngl eret and snotlout 
Toothless meeting up with the light fury again, but this time trusting his instincts is another reminder that toothless is in fact an animal, a very intelligent animal, but an animal who has instincts and a desire to be with his own kind, I mean can you blame him? Its been at least 6 years since hes seen another dragon that was like him, maybe even longer depending on how long he was alone before he met hiccup. 
The throw back to the forbidden friendship scene? With toothless drawing in the sand, and oh God I never thought I would get so emotional about sand but dang that sand animation just was so realistic that I wanted to touch it. Hiccup being like “wow now you can draw”, Toothless growling at the light fury like he did to Hiccup back in the first for stepping on his art, come on guys Toothless worked hard on his art! The light fury flying away but toothless not being able to follow her, another throwback to when he couldnt fly with the dragons during the snoggletog special.
Hiccup making toothless a tail to fly alone, and Im glad they added the part when Astrid said they tried it before, again throwback to snoggletog, and that he didnt want the tail, and Hiccup clarifying that it was because he had no need to fly alone before. Now my only worry here is that the casual fan will just think that the exchange is a copout, I mean unless you remember the special you wouldnt know that they tired making him a tail fin and he didnt want it, so to the casual fan it might seem like they only added the comment to answer the question “If hiccup could make a tail fin why did he never do it before?”. Seeing the special where toothless destroys the tail really adds a layer of depth to the scene, because those of us who saw it remember that it was a statement that even though Hiccup had the ability to create a tail so toothless could fly alone, toothless wanted to fly with his best friend and didnt care for the tail. 
now the actual scene with toothless flying alone finding the light fury, first off it was so cute how he showed her his new tail! He was so proud of it, and no doubt proud of his best friend for making it. The scene itself though reminded me so much of the romantic flight, the way they flew together above the clouds and how it gave a sense of flight because we couldnt see the ground, ugg it was so beautiful. I was honestly blown away by the animation, the clouds and the color, they were all so beautiful. Toothless and the light fury flying together and really bonding, similar to Astrid and Hiccup on their first flight together, ugg all the throwbacks to the first movie really killed me. Also Toothless trying to copy the light fury and how she goes invisible was so cute, he was like “ah yes I got this, wait no shit again, no shit again again!” then he basically summons thors power of lighting and finds his new power, so proud of my baby. 
Now I fully believe that Toothless was going to go back to Hiccup after he spent time with the light fury in the hidden world, no way my boy would leave my other boy without a goodbye. But the other started to freak Hiccup out, I mean Hiccup knew his best friend would come back, but the others made him doubt it and seeing him freak out was heart breaking.
Astrid being like boy hop on we gonna get yo dragon, yes girl. Honestly them going into the hidden world on Stormfly? I mean need i say anything about the animation in this scene? The visuals were just breath taking, I cannot put it into words. Tootheless being the alpha is always a win, also Astrid calling him a king and Hiccup realizing that this beautiful place of dragons, is not place for humans, because Valka said it best, greedy humans ruin everything.
Hiccup and Astrid getting caught by a dragon and then going on a fun slide ride, and of course toothless comes through as the alpha to protect his humans, ALSO STORMFLY DONT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT HER, CUZ YES. I mean just like toothless Stormyfly will protect her human best friend, and I love her. 
How did I forget the next raid scene? I mean dang again the visuals and the lighting were just so spot on. Them all getting trapped? Valka being a badass and working with Cloudjumper to save them? Hiccup jumping and just escaping the clutches of Grimmels dragon? RUFFNUT
Ruffnut my girl dont think I forgot about you, I just I dont even know what to do with you. She was amazing, I mean shes just does not care, not scared that shes a prisoner, she fricking just talks about how ‘hot’ she is and just other random stuff about her life, like girl give me that confidence. But when she talked about the island i was like girl no dont do that, but her flying back and saying she doenst look back in response to being asked about being followed was pretty darn funny.
Bro the scene of the light fury and toothless getting captured? Toothless protecting her and telling the other dragons to stand down, at least until they can escape. Just heart breaking, help is so close, but I guess thats the downside of being the alpha, having that power can be used against you.
Astrid my girl, pep talking my boy Hiccup JUST LIKE THE FIRST MOVIE. And yes parallels again, just like in the first one Astrid said things to hiccup, she was very honest with him pointing out the things that had done wrong, the first pointing out how messy the situation got because of the lies, and in this movie pointing out how he constantly doubts himself, and in both Hiccup has a sassy comment regarding her pep talks, but Astrid always follows up with the good, like how he was the first viking to ride a dragon or how he was always brave, even without toothless, showing how she would always be by his side to support him and help him, especially when hes about to do something stupid. I just ugg they are couple goals, they dont even need to say I love you because they SHOW IT in their actions, in their support for eachother, their cute banters, and I am here for it. ALSO I MEAN HE KISSED HER HAIR EARLY AND THEN HER FOREHEAD THOSE ARE SO CUTE TO ME AND JUST SO NATURAL FOR THEM AHHH. Also “so what are you gunna do about it” “probably something stupid” YES YES YES I AM HERE FOR THAT SHIT
Everyone jumping off the island so they can ‘fly’ on their own, just first off so visually amazing, and second off so symbolic to me of each of them spreading their own wings and growing up into amazing people. 
Fishlegs and his baby dragon, I mean come on lets be real that shit is adorable, and baby dragon had his big dragon (does that dragon have a class name? because I dont remember it) friend and Fishlegs be like dont mess with baby dragon. 
Yooo I knew it, from the trailer I was like “Tuffnut is probs pissed that this dude cut off his hair beard” and boom it happned, but rip hair beard (until the end of the movie that is when it comes back)
I got such satisfaction out of Toothless destroying grimmels arrow shoter thing and watching as Grimmel started to get afraid, I mean this dude was so confident in his abilites, and up until now he has had the upper hand, but then you can see the “oh shit moment” as he realizes he is starting to lose and heck yea im here for it. Speaking of oh shit moments, when hiccup was riding toothless and they wer getting attacked? and then toothless is like “I SUMMON YOU THOR AND YOUR LIGHTING” and hiccup was like WTH?!!??!?!?
Ok yall that scene when toothless got shot, and hiccup is hanging from the light fury with grimmel on his leg? I mean Grimmel really thought that he had won, he underestimated the love Hiccup has for Toothless, and the moment that Hiccup told the light fury to save Toothless and he let go? the hesitation she had trying to pick who to save? her new mate, or his best friend that she now seems to understand has a great important meaning to toothless? The image of Hiccup falling, and the camera angle? I mean seeing him fall from above, seeing it in his face that he was content, content knowing that his best friend would be alive and safe and that Grimmel would no longer be able to hurt the dragons or his people? Such a self sacrifice, a true Chief just like his father. 
Then the light fury to the rescue! Hiccup being like LOL BYE GRIMMLE YOU DEAD. Also reminded me of when he started to ride toothless back in the first movie and they fell and hiccup got back on his back and in control just in time, because dang she saved him his butt just before he hit the water. But seriously I loved this scene, she went back for hiccup, she saw the interactions Toothless had with him, how Toothless protected him and Astrid in the hidden world, how Toothless CHOSE HICCUP when he saw him in danger in the hidden world, she came to realize that this boy is important to Toothless, and she saw that Hiccup was willing to die for Toothless, and she went back and saved him, and God I got emotional.
Also Hiccup leaning on Astrid because he has lost his prostectic leg, yessss im here for it
NOW TO THE REAL TEAR JERKER I mean gosh you could just see the realization again in Hiccup that the dragons didnt belong with them on Berk, that even though they love the dragons and the dragons love them, even though they have worked together for years and they want to live together in peace they just cant do it safely.There are too many people out in the world who would attack berk, and we have seen that both in the movies and the show, and that puts both the people and the dragons at risk. 
It was safest for everyone if the dragons went to the hidden world, where no one could find them, well expect Hiccup and Astrid who have been there once. I just cant though, that scene was just so amazing and heart crushing. I mean you can see it that Toothless doesnt want to leave his best friend, and Hiccup doenst want him to leave, but he reassures him that its ok that its best for everyone and that its time to say good bye for now, not forever though. Then oh God how Astrid follows him, because she knows hes right too, she knows that they can no longer live with their dragons safely, and she takes off Stormflys saddle and says good bye to her best friend. THEN VALKA who has lived with the dragons for 20 years, she knows too and she doenst hesitate to let Cloudjumper go free, and it made so much sense to me that she was so willing to do so even after being together for 20 years, she has protected them for 20 years so there is no doubt in my mind that Valka would do this without a second though if it meant that was the best thing for her friend. THEN OMG EVERYONE ELSE FOLLOWS THAT JUST HURT SO MUCH. I mean ever single Berkian seens what Hiccup did, and everyone knows they have a special bond, I mean they all have a special bond with their dragons, but Hiccup and Toothless are different, they were the only pair that we know of that needed each other to fly, I mean sure the other vikings needed their dragons to fly but their dragons didnt need them to fly, toothless relied on hiccup to control his tail and that bond is so special. Anyway, I just thought that all the others saw Hiccup doing this, and hes their Chief the man who started the whole riding dragons for them, so I have no doubt in my mind that they would follow his lead, and again to me they see Hiccup and Toothless doing this letting go, so they must think “If these two can do it so can I”. I just really think it shows how much the vikings truly care for their dragon friends, when you love someone you want the best for them, you want them to be happy, even if that means you need to say goodbye. And thats what happened here the vikings loved their dragons so much that they were willing to say goodbye to their friends if it meant that they would be save, and the same goes in the other direction, the dragons are not dumb and I believe they knew that leaving is what was best too, that leaving meant that their viking friends would be safer. The love they all have for each other is so amazing. I only wish that the goodbye was long, I am so bad at goodbyes and omg I just wish they had a longer time to say goodbye, not only to their dragons but to the others as well, I mean toothless saying goodbye to Astrid and Stormfly too Hiccup? uG I SUCK AT GOOD BYWS OK I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE ABLE TO SAY GOOD BYE TO ALL THE DRAGONS.
But man i said to myself ‘you can do it dont cry’ didnt work, I sobbed, legit sobbed, and it wasnt my normal movie cry were its just tears, it was the kind where you can feel the pain in your chest from your heart beating to hard, from trying to hold back the chocked sobs so no one else would  get annoyed, although lets be real they are did the same thing so we all cried.  Seeing them all fly off, AND THE REVERSE HAND TOUCH I CANNOT, THAT REALLY HURT I JUST COULDNT TAKE IT THE PARALLELS REALLY KILLED ME THE ENTIR MOVIE. Then Toothlesses look back at Hiccup, and then the long shot and seeing the massive wave of dragons, and then seening toothless following from the back as he is the last to leave, the vikings looking on with sadness and fondness for their dragons, really did come for my heart.
NOW ONTO HAPPY TIMES. the Wedding, oh my god, how lucky can a girl be? I got to see the mother of all my OTPs get married, and dang they were beautiful, and they looked so happy, it just warmed my heart to know that these two dorks who truly have a special relationship finally got married. Then Gobber called them Chief and Chiefstriss and wow really hit me hard that these two were going to lead Berk together, because they are always there to support each other. THEN that kiss so cute, and how Hiccup goes to gently cup her face with his hands, just wow my otp is the best.
Then we again have love master Tuffnut who will take Snotlout as his new student, and FISHLEGS HAS A LITTLE BABY GRUNKLE STUFFED ANIMAL IN HIS BAG. aND RUFF being like “you win i love sensitive guys” Then we have Hiccup and Astrid looking out to the sea as their friends and family come together with them, and Astrid lays her head on his shoulder so great.
Now dang my boy HICCUP WITH A BEARD??? BEARDCUP IS REAL, and he is wearing his fur cap, and Astrid looking like a frickin QUEEN, and AGAIN HOW LUCKY CAN A GIRL BE I SEE A WEDDING AND I GET CHILDREN????? MY OTP HAS TWO CHILDREN???? AND THEY ARE GORGEOUS.
buT DANG when they saw Toothless through the fog and then the light fury and then the little baby heads pop up, and you can see how happy Hiccup is. But Toothless doenst immediatly recognize him, which makes sense because I mean 10 year for humans can change the looks drastically, and hiccup has a beard now so he doenst look like what toothless remembered, plus hes the alpha and must protect his family. Astrid protecting her children like a frickin badass mom, and Zephry hidding behind her mom and Nuffink going into her chest? Ug love it, they trust their mom to protec them, and I love this to because it really shows that they are children, I mean I have no doubt that Astrid and Hiccup are going to raise them to be brave, I mean its Hiccup and Astrid, but they are still children and well they have grown in a world without dragons, different than their parents, we know at that age Astrid was fearless, I mean she wanted to fight a flightmare, but now the world has changed and they arent at war and they can raise their kids as kids, and I love that they showed that fear in the children it just gave a sense of realism to me. 
Then HIccup DID THE THING with the hand and Toothless finally was like “WAIT THIS IS MY HUMAN” and his eyes went big and omg how he attacked him with kisses and licks. Then Astrids laugh to see them reunite, and them urging their kids that it was ok, and remember before when I said they would raise brave kids? Well this little cuties were afraid, but they still listened and trusted their parents, and omg Zephry was so stiff from fear and her face, and Nuffink was hiding his face, but Hiccup came and showed them how to approach Toothless, and wow here we go again with the hand touch and HIccup telling them to let him come to them, and Toothless did the thing AND OMG THEIR REACTION WAS SO CUTE. The way Zephry cocked her head and smiled, and how Nuffink dropped his hand from his face and his mouth widened in awe of his dragon. 
THEN I GET TO SEE HICCUP WITH HIS SON RIDING TOOHTLESS? AND HIS SOON IS JUST MAKING THE CUTEST LITTLE WAVING MOTIONS WITH HIS HANDS. And hiccup throwing his kid in the air as he giggles in delight, and I swear I heard him say “Dada” and it killed me. Then Astrid being Astrid flys right passed them ON STORMFLY, like thank you for not forgetting about my girl, because she loves Stormfly and Stormfly loves her and seeing Astrid ride her with her daughter just made the scene even better. They could have easily forgotten about my girl, but they didnt, they didnt do her dirty, I may not have gotten to see the moment when she and Stormfly met again, BUT I SAW THEY RIDING TOGETHER AND THATS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.
Oh yea bonus points for seeing the light fury and the babies flying with them. Then Hiccup just flys upside down dropping Nuffink on Astrids head, and ug the way he just casually clings to his mother, then I was like wow I hope Zephry gets to ride Toothless with he father, AND THEN HE PULLED UP NEXT TO THEM AND HELD OUT HIS HAND TO DO JUST THAT, dreamworks you really came through for me, thank you so much for allowing Dead and all the other hard workers of this franchise make this amazing world for us. It tore my heart apart, but I loved every second of it, and I have no regrets, it was honestly a great ending,no matter how badly it hurt and how badly I wanted them to live together forever, it was just the perfect ending with a great lesson about letting go and moving on, becoming your own person, and being happy with the memories you had, because being able to say you loved something or someone and letting them go is better than never loving them at all, thats what happend to the vikings and dragons, and thats what happened to me personally at the end of it all. I cant wait to relive the magic and watch all the movies again. 
oh how could I forget? The end credits, you thought the pain ended with the end of the movie nope the credits are going to give you every major scene from each movie, reminding us where we started and where we have come to, and that was just the cherry on top of it all. 
Also side note a girl sat behind me and she goes “is that a toothless plushie?” and yes it was so she asked to see it so i handed him to her and we started talking about the movie, she was able to see it during an early release boo i had work. Anyway she asks me how old i was when the first came out, and I said 16, she seemed shook and i asked her the same, she said she was 5, so if math does me right she would be about 14/15. I was older than she is currently is when the first movie came out, thats wild. Then i laughed off the age difference saying “you would never know ill be 25 in a week”, and her (i assume) mom said I looked young haha. But because of the age difference I gave her some good life advice, I told her not to care about what others think of you, Im almost 25 crying over a dragon movie that means the world to me as i sit with my dragon plushie, and her mom just agreed with me and told her to listen to me because I knew what I was saying haha. Shout out to this girl too because shes the one who told me that Hiccup and Astrids’s kids had cannon names, I had been avoiding everything I could about this movie so I was glad to be up to date on that.
Wow this took me like 2 hours to write i think? I mean yea it was mostly for me to read later in life so I can remember this day, all the photos i took before hand, and all the excitement I had, wow Hi future me! Sorry about all the grammar mistakes but Im just typing as the thoughts come, hope I didnt break your heart again as you read all this. Until next time
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pwnyta · 6 years
These mediocre doodles are mostly for Omi. Theyre not even real characters from the games/show... its just... dont worry about it. Since im lazy its all just sketchy doodles. ((A shit ton of them under the cut!))
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Hugo (Nat- ):
Candy (Nat- Naive): A not all together newbie. Im sure she was delighted to get he codename... and then less delighted that there was someone already called ‘Candyman‘.
Scarecrow or just ‘Crow’ (Nat- Modest): A spooky man who’ll fit whatever roll he needed for. Very flexible. Has an easy personality to deal with though hes not very forthcoming about himself personally... might be better in a job like this.
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Lock (Nat- Quiet):
Doc (Nat- Careful): He has a lot of information on almost everyone... aside from Sickle whos doctor is Emanuel. Hes not a fighter and refuses to evolve because his tail was mutilated and he can be a Slowbro anymore. Hes somehow gained a weirdly dark organ harvester rep... maybe because hes rarely seen and peoples imagination go wild... but to the people under his care hes just a nice, tiny guy who does a good job of patching them up quickly. He will smuggle drugs however because now he gets to work in better conditions under Sickle... hes also got a strange morbid sense of humor.
Wisp (Nat- Hasty): An ice queen type, kinda haughty and smug but shes got the skills to back that up so no one can talk shit. Like ‘sure shes an asshole... but shes not wrong‘. She tries to work WITH people just so she can get them the fuck away from her as quickly as possible. She doesnt appreciate people overstaying their welcome and prefers to go solo. If she needs a partner she prefers another woman or at least a pretty man... but someone like Link or Skim would be better.
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Skim (Nat- Sassy): Honestly just a nod to Catwoman in general.
Father (Nat- Serious): A very religious man, mute, demands perfection. If you work for him and fuck up and embarrass him youre in for a world of hurt.  No matter how fond he may seem to be towards someone this is true. He doesnt play favorites and he doesnt want anyone under him to stagnate. You push yourself or HE’LL PUSH YOU. The operatives working under him are jokingly referred to as his ‘kids‘. Toward his equals he can be respectful... or maybe just tolerant.
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Perma (Nat- Adamant): A cruel efficient lady. Has a thing for blades which is possibly why she has no trouble working for a guy like Sickle. The fact hes not interested piques her interest in him even more.
Gadget (Nat- Rash): Tries to be a fun gamer girl but her short temper makes it hard. Some suggest her codename should be ‘Tripwire‘ because of how unpredictably dangerous she can be... but she disagrees BECAUSE SHES A FUCKING DELIGHT. Can be a bit of a troll... and not the goofy fun kind (the malicious I’ll ruin your life if you cross me kind).
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Blink (Nat- Calm) A Very obedient and very smart. Has a really droning dull voice and never loses his temper. Hes good at calming a certain Luxray down.
Mele (IDK)
Wool (Nat- Sassy) Plays dumb and pretty but hes rather clever and is a fun loving fella. Has a French accent. Master of disguise!
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Wreckingball (Nat- Hardy): Has no real talent or skill. Hes just a tough bastard you call in if you need to fuck some shit up. Hes probably one of the more pleasant agents in Sickles crew and is chummy... probably not the greatest idea considering his coworkers are a bunch of shady assholes.
Mittens (Nat- Jolly): Hes another rather nice agent of Sickles. But hes not a dumbass like Wreckingball and has become of the head of the Sigma divison. He is a bit reckless tho. He can shoot his arms off and use them as weapons so he occasionally wears prosthetic arms and spends a lot of time with Doc.
Prick (Nat- Impish) Hes a smarmy lad who enjoys talking vaguely and annoying people. HIS NAME IS APPROPRIATE AND HE LOVES IT.
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River (Nat- Naughty): Flirty and dangerous. Hes a killer but hes quick and efficient doesnt draw out anyones death. Not because hes nicer or squeamish or anything its because torture isnt in his job description. Hes great at getting people to think he honestly cares and like using built trust to crush his victims. He also like cucumbers! He somehow gets along well with Madam even though theyre both just being fake bitches.
Madam (Nat- Mild): Looks very dainty and delicate and uses peoples desire to please a pretty woman to take advantage of them. Shes not shy about minor edits to peoples memories to help her get away even though its illegal.
Cleo (Nat- Docile):
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Cresent the Shiny Lycanroc (dusk form. Nat- relaxed)
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Link the Golisopod (Nat- Quiet)-
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Methuselah the Drampa (Nat- Mild)
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Viola the Chatot (Nat- Naughty)
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Sandstorm the Flygon (Nat- Adamant)... Her personality is like that of a strict teacher dont let her have a ruler unless you wanna get spanked. Shes neat and detail oriented and because shes so outwardly respectable... no one would ever suspect shes a fucking thief. Shes a collector of rare and valuable books and of course prefers original copies. Her social skills arent grea unless shes pretending to be someone shes not and gets embarrassed if she reveals too much about herself to anyone.
Cavendish the Tropius (Nat- Lax). Her personality is like shes on autopilot, she gets shit done but shes sorta checked out. Shed much rather just stay home but she also got expensive tastes and shes not rich.
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Alkaloid (Nat- Lonely): A gloomy lass that craves companionship. Shes not great at making connections to people which is fine for her position but really wants to have someone to click with. After she lost her eye she became even more distant with people. Shes rather fond of Doc though their relationship is rather one sided... her projecting some strange friendship on him because he cares for her and keeps her secrets... but hes a doctor and its kind of his job.
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Blanco (Nat- Quirky): A vain dramatic ladies man. Is a skilled in his job (of course) but he hates when hes gotta tone back his extravagant life. After a long job he likes to surround himself with lively people and have some fun. He thinks he works VERY well with others and thinks himself a perfect partner.... most find him obnoxious and a lot have told him so... he just takes all criticism as jokes and lets it roll off him. If nothing else hes very positive!
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Mistletoe (Nat- Serious): He seems cold and scary but hes a man of honor (for a guy who tortures people for a living anyway). He refuses to harm anyone weaker than him and is very caring of children and will step in if he sees some injustice if he can. Rouge agents, traitors,and shit like that though... hes ruthless and is very good at prying information out of them.  His hobby of developing new and dangerous poisons/chemicals are often tested on whoever hes toying with. ((He should have spots on the light red parts of his jacket... I forgot them IDK how OH WELL. I wanna tweak his costume a bit anyways. Vileplume colors are so bleh.))
Dust (Nat- Calm): Outwardly very charming but theyre not as sweet as they seem on the inside. Dust doesnt need to bring their victims in any kind of room to do their dirty work and prefers using their dust and psychic abilities to just mind fuck their victims into submission.
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The Candyman the Alolan Muk (Nat- Quiet) is an annoyingly patient man and the perfect guy to call if you need to teach someone a lesson. If no one else can do it... THE CANDYMAN CAN. IDK what that Mr Mime did but he pissed Sickle off... Candyman has one weak point and thats his poor eyesight... and he’ll get very annoyed if you touch his glasses.
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Doc gets a penpal.
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BB Sparky helps Boat be a Pichu with the clever use of feathers and a pink marker.
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Lees a hit with his mommas work friends.
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Lee and his kids. (Sam and Sparky are his kids occasionally.) Hes a stronk boy but his health isnt the best... even Sam can feel a little guilty and worried when he causes trouble for his friend.
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Alex is not an easy man to anger and hes very dangerous when hes angry but no matter how pissed off he is... just seeing Lee can sweep that all away. Alex can get away with a lot... but Lee still wont let him wear his preferred fighting attire. QQ so mean.
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I revamped Boats friend Arcane. Hes a cop. ...he mostly hangs out with other dogs but also Boat. Nice guy, very righteous but also kind of a prideful asshole sometimes.
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Ray revamp.
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I made Sandy shiny because the black looked cool.
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Some cops.
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Another scientist
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Halos childhood friend turned criminal.
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Stan and Davy fam!! Stans mum is a detective, his dad is a stay at home dad.
Davys mum is an ~*~ARTIST~*~ especially in fashion but shes flexible and creative... and very spontaneous and his dad is former military turned workhorse for his wife. Hes good at sewing with all his tentacles.
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Although her desire to have a kid was random and ill thought out... they werent as awful at being parents as he thought.
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Another Ray! Mega Manectric and Hebenon.
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BB Pokemon Quest crew.
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I forgot to add Ho-Oh Lugia
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And the trios.
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vsa-pieldepapel · 5 years
Larvae spawn ask meme
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Send me a ship and I’ll tell you their:
Name: -Striker 
- Trinity
Teemo and Trist arent really that good at names huh
When Teemo and Trist are referring to both siblings at once, they use the terms The Squad and The Platoon.
Striker is XY chromosome. Trinity is XX chromosome
General Appearance: why the fuck do i submit myself to this
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Personality: Striker is a really loud, boisterous boy. Really reckless and if something is stupid and dangerous and a kid should not be doing it, he’s in. Quite energetic, always bouncing off the walls. Interested in the mechanisms of things, and how they work. Screams a lot and  laughs like thunder. Loves jokes, pranks and play-fighting. Does not care about getting dirty, ripping holes in clothes… Very resilient, capable of bouncing back from any difficulty. Massive optimist. Sees the good in everything. Extremely extroverted and outward with emotional expression, you can read him like an open book
Trinity is a girl so quiet one might initially assume something is wrong speech-wise, but it isn’t. She just does not like to ‘waste words’. Highly intelligent and a really keen strategist and problem-solver. Her presentation is often too impeccable for a kid, her posture is perfect, and she’s an excellent student and trainee. Absolutely adores nature, strolling through the woods, botany; but also literature and music. Quite the cultured gal, however—absolutely TERRIFYING when in fighing mode. She and Striker play-fight so much one might assume from the outside they hate each other— no… thats just how they spend time. Since she is so poker-faced, the few explosions of pent-up rage can get quite violent
Special Talents: Striker has near-perfect aim. Great physical strength and great speed. Zero fear in the face of danger (this can be a two-edge weapon really). Unafraid of new experiences, trying things, seeing if they work. Though he doesn’t really pay too much attention when explained things he’s not interested in, he will be quite skilled on what does absorb him. Very optimistic and hard to emotionally crack. Loves the work ethics of his mom, and will grow up to be a Gunner, simply because the heroic stories thrill him so much. First weapon is airsoft guns that he is an absolute pro at handling. Fiercely loyal
Trinity has quite an impressive memory catalog, knows taxonomy of a wide array of plants by memory. Amazing survival skills. Knows not only how to do the poisons—but the antidotes, too. Amazing problem-solver/strategist, even under pressure. Though not as physically strong as her brother, she is incredible at speed, stealth, and doing diplomacy and negotiation. Would make quite the fucking mothership scout if it eventually interests her to go down that path. Very loyal, but is a bit more of a tough-love kind of loyal. Her weapon is a bow/arrows with toxins that she’s pretty good with, since she took it up as very young kid (with harmless arrows with foam tips, lol) 
Who they like better: Striker is like the biggest mommy’s boy. He’s so jabby, loud, evergetic, and reckless that he has the same vibe as a mini-male-Tristana its hilarious. He’ll go to dad mostly if he needs some calm, thoughtful advice, cause Trist is an amazing supporter but really bad at wording advice. For casual hangouts he definitely likes banter with mama a lot more. Tristana also teaches him about gun mechanism stuff, which he enjoys a lot. 
Trinity is Teemo’s babygirl. They trek a lot around different areas of the woods on what are basically trips to learn taxonomy. Might be very tedious for some, but it’s actually one of those things that Trinity gets a real goddamn thrill out of. The household is awfully quiet if Trist and Striker are gone, and though Trinity is used to the noise and the mess, she likes those times alone with dad. She will often go to Tristana if she needs advice on ass-beating, cause Trist is the best ruthless practice dummy to practice close-range fighting. Teemo was the one to teach her how to use the bow and provide targets. 
Who they take after more: Striker is a LOT like Tristana… But though he and his sister are closely small copies of the opposite-sex parent, they will have moments/times where the other parent truly shines. He becomes a lot quieter and more thoughtful if the moment is too dire/stressful, and though he does reckless/stupid things very often, he has a bit more ability to clean up the mess afterwards than Tristana ever will, and deal with the consequences/punishment and learn from it too. He’s also more patient than his mom with many situations and people
Trinity could really pull off being a mini-Teemo, but though really calm, serious, collected, and poker-faced, Tristana shines in the fact that she doesn’t really stall violence as much as Teemo tries to do. Diplomacy will not last for more than a few minutes if the opponent is too stubborn to change their mind… She’ll just launch herself and switch to ass-beating mode. She also got Trist’s mad fits of rage… Doesn’t explode that often, but when it happens its messy
Personal Head canon: Teemo and Trist retire from the military just to spawn the platoon, but it’s such a part of their lives that a lot of the education of the kids is military-like, just softer. They are raised to be disciplined and respectful, and if they do chores/achieve things, they will often be rewarded with mock-badges and things like cash, a nice meal, etc. Because they’re children of soldiers (really good soldiers too) they get free, easy entrance to the military high school Teemo and Trist actually attended when younger. 
Teemo and Trist will often (many times not even intentionally) refer to them as “cadets” “rookies” or “soldiers”, in return the kids will often go “sir”, “ma’am”, “captain”, “chief”… 
Trinity and Striker bother each other a lot and mess with each other and scuffle but if any kid fucks with eather of them, the other will beat the fucker up mercilessly
They are good childhood friends with Lilith and they band up to protect her fiercely (both of them are older than her). She has given friendship bracelets to both
Striker is older than Trinity (by like 11 months…) but in every other aspect you would assume Trinity is the older one. She’s even the taller of the two
Face Claim: no
never make me make a reference sheet for siblings again
(teemo and trist are, OF ALL THE SHIPS I HAVE EVER HAD, the only ones to have more than one kid. fun trivia there)
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