#and the characters moving in a way that is not just naive happy family??? i live for that shit
ribbittrobbit · 8 months
also, the science fiction vibe that burrow's end is building up to is extremely cool and i love it so much
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iouinotes · 5 months
Good gone bad | Coriolanus Snow
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pairing: young!Coriolanus Snow x female!reader
movie: Hunger Games: The ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
warnings: dark!character, smut
word count: 3,8k
summary: You are childhood friends and very close with him. When his behaviour starts to change for the worse, you try your best to hold on to his real-self.
a/n: I adored Snow the first half an hour, because he was a gentleman and cared so much! Then his character became dark, obsessive and murderous and it really was a game changer...but I definitely want to read the book, so I can describe his character in my following stories better!
part 2 here
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"I will call my new discovery just like you, Mr. Snow. The best student and the future of this world. No one will stand in your way, when the blizzard blows over the people. And because it will work so well for your little infatuation, it will function for every other naive creature too."
"Coryo!" I shot his name across the hallway, when I see his blonde locks, ignoring the looks from my classmates around me. At the sound of my voice, his head turns in my direction and I run faster towards his figure. As soon as I catch up with him, I meet his curious eyes and look further down to his smiling lips.
"Good morning to you too. Let me guess, you have something really important to announce or are just very happy to see me." Holding the door open for me, I try to catch my breath, wanting to ignore the lovely tone of his voice and the way he looks so outstanding beautiful.
"Well, both, but I heard some gossip about the upcoming ceremony tomorrow. Details who is gonna get the scholarship." Now, while entering the room, I have his full attention.
When I heard about the changes, that were made I immediately searched for him, clearly knowing how much he was ready to sacrifice for this academic possibility.
As he stops walking and places his hands on my shoulders, stopping me in my foodsteps and searching my gaze, I feel my pounding heart.
God forbid this man to look at me this way.
As I try to avoid his intense glare, his hands gently move to my cheeks to focus my eyes on him. I feel myself blushing, fiddling with the rings, that are attached to my fingers.
"No time for jokes, please. What do you know?" I clear my voice, trying to ignore our close gap or the way his curls lay on his forehead and how his skin shines beautifully in the light- No, wait. Not good. We're just friends. I don´t like him that way. Nope.
"I- uh, so please don´t freak out on me, but rumor says it's not up to the student with the best grades to get the scholarship..." I watch his posture straighten, see the how his facial expression turns blank and the irritated change in his mood. And I promise you, it´s not good.
When he lets go of me to strike forward, I try to hold him back. "Wait- you are angry and disappointed, so talk to me first before you let your emotions out on the others, okay?" I catch his left hand and hear his upset breathing.
"It's just- you know, more than anyone, that I deserve this scholarship the most! And now the only possibility to help my family and to become successful are at risks, because someone decided to change the rules? God, I worked my ass off to be the one they choose and now I'll probably get laughed at, cause I didnt get it!" I nod, trying to calm him down by listening to his outburst.
"You do deserve it, I know that. But you still have the chance to stand out more than the others. You are intelligent and brave, very ambitious and you care a lot. Not only for your family and friends, but for everyone. You are the best candidate and if they don´t choose you, then it is the wrong decision. Because they need someone like you. Just like I need you, believe me." I hold his hand close to my heart, trying to convince him of his abilities and his good heart, to show him that he deserves every recognition he gets.
And it works, because he relaxes slightly and after another second passes, I feel myself being embraced in a tight hug. His hand holds the back of my head and I hear his quiet "thank you".
"Always, blue. I am here for you." His lips linger for a second on my forehead, the kiss leaves me feeling warm and in love.
Even if I try to deny it.
"It's been a while, since you called me that nickname." I look in his eyes, when he pulls back. Admiring the shining blue that follows my dreams.
I only smile at him, shrugging when we have a normal distance between us, that helps me to concentrate again.
"It slipped out, I guess. But you are right, the last time I called you that, we were in primary school. How fast the time goes." Nodding we gently smile at each other and I clear my throat, when I get more and more enchanted to him.
We have known each other for so long, but nothing has changed about us.
Expect my feelings for him. They seem to never go away.
So, when I step forward and his eyes follow me, I start to walk to class again.
"Come on, we're being late. The greatest student of all time does not come late." He shakes his head, smiling at me and when I feel for a moment that something is different between us, I brush it off.
When he's finally catching up with me, I order my thoughts.
Don't fall in love with him.
Pretend, you didnt fall in love with him.
I am good at pretending, really. It normally helps me to focus on the important things in my life, for example school, my grades, studying and getting accepted by a college. Did I mention, my academic success needs to be excellent?
But now, the only thing I can concentrate on is him. And I can hardly pretend, not for much longer, that I am not in love with him.
Because his life is in danger, now that the Hunger Games have started and he is the mentor of the tribute of district 12, a girl named Lucy Gray, everything is different.
He is different.
I know him long enough, that I see how much he cares for her. And because I'm good at pretending, I can see right through his actions.
He maybe likes the girl, but even though he tries to hide it, he cares more that he is the victor in the end.
And that is something that I find quite odd. I mean, he always wants to win, wants to be the best and on top or ahead of everyone. But he was always fair, human and supportive.
But his behavior changed as the days passed. Of course, it's obvious that the violence and torment that the game brings with changes you. More for the worse, than the better.
But it's not only the pressure he is under or the tension that he feels, because he needs the girl to win. It's something different and I notice that none of this is doing him any good. Especially for his heart.
Because he is being distant, he talks less, smiles less, is acting like a person I don´t even know anymore.
And it scares me, it hurts to see him losing himself in the process of being successful.
The last time we talked, he said something to me that left me awake all night, thinking about the decisions and sacrifices he has to make to achieve his goal.
He said: "I will become president and when I am on top, the world will be as cold as the snow in the winter. Nobody will oppose me."
It scared me. He scared me.
And maybe it was the change of his behavior or the cold look in his eyes, with which he looked at everyone or maybe it was because I started to fear him, that I distanced myself from him.
And even though I thought, he wouldnt notice, he did.
And it made everything complicated.
He tried to approach me, talking and joking like we always did, but it wasnt the same. Because he wasnt the same. Even though the color of his eyes was still as bright as the sun, the way he looked at me hid something that was as dark as the night.
I didnt know how I felt anymore.
Because when fear is equal to love, do I fear him then?
I guess I did and it made me sick in the stomach. He lied, he betrayed, he murdered, he did things, I would hate anyone for.
He did things for that I started to hate myself, because I couldnt hate him. Not when he really was the victim in this cruel world, even when he presented himself as the victor.
But for me, he didnt win. Because he rather lost something.
My trust for him.
And that made him angry, so much that he started to manipulate his way into my life again, when I decided that I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.
At first it would be small things. He continued opening the door for me, even though I didnt walk to class with him anymore.
He always saved me a seat next to him, although I decided to sit somewhere else. Then he started bribing the teachers, so that I had to do my assignments with him, he started showing up by almost every place I would go to.
He would give me roses that I wouldn't accept or visited me at work, always with a smile on his face. But I could tell it wasn't real.
He wasn't his real-self after all. He pretended to be someone else and I couldnt trust this new version of him.
He cut his hair short, nowadays wears expensive and neat clothes, always speaks in a formal voice and does polite gestures.
Small smiles, fake laughs, adoring looks which he uses to hide his real intentions behind a facade.
He enchanted the whole world.
But his magic didn't work on me and he became more and more aware of it as the days went by and I continued to ignore him.
And then, on one evening he visited my dorm and before I could close the door, he stood in my apartment and said something, I will forever keep in mind. His presence began to feel like a short movie, captivating me with each encounter.
"I know that you don't like the way things are now. But I am doing this to maintain peace, to keep the people in the place they belong. And I want you to know, that you just need to understand my actions and start to trust me again."
As he spoke, he started to walk towards me, looking me in the eyes, trying to convince me. I had no way out, all I could do was to back up until I hit the wall and he was standing right in front of me. Starring at me, like I needed to be on his side.
I tried to avoid his gaze and the deep blue that somehow always successfully convinced me. Until now.
"Please look at me, I´m telling you the truth. You know me, I´m still the same guy. Why don´t you believe me?" His hands brush my cheeks, roughly holding my face in his hands to keep my eyes on him.
It wasnt new to me that he loved to manipulate. I overheard some of his lies, the hidden betrayal of his own best friend and I couldnt be sure, that he wouldnt do the same to me too.
The only thing I knew was that his striving for power was taking over his being and I seemed powerless to do anything against it.
"I can´t trust you anymore, Coryo. You are acting different and all the things you did-" his face gets closer to me and my heartbeat becomes faster the less distance there is between our faces.
I can´t deny it.
He looks so beautiful.
Even though I want to talk, he leaves me speechless. As if the cold blue of his eyes froze me into a stature, that can only listen to him.
"Everything I did was for you. I know you love me, always have and always will. But you don't admit it to yourself, you don't want to admit it. I know how you feel for me, sweetheart and you have no reason to stop loving me now."
His words are like magic, his eyes like a hallucination, that everything is fine. His hands so warm and familiar that it's hard for me to remember the bad things he did.
That he's trying so hard to make me forget about.
His fingers move around my neck, his body comes closer to me until we touch, until I can only see him and only he matters.
His face is so close to mine and my eyes flutter - out of fear or anticipation, I don´t really know - until I feel his breathing on my ear.
"If you just let me make you remember the old time. Everything we did, the fun we had, how much we trusted each other. How much I still care and appreciate you. Stop thinking and let yourself feel."
His lips touch my skin and I have to suppress a whimper. I can breathe in his scent, his hands around me confuse my thoughts. My dreams from back then, imagining being able to have him, love him and touch him - they make me insecure about my decisions.
I wanted him for such a long time, that it now seems impossible for me to actually call him mine.
But coming to my senses, realising he is no longer the sweet gentleman I fell in love with, I want to stop him, by holding my hands out to push him back. However his hands react quickly and enclose mine with a firm grip to press them against the wall.
"No, listen to me. I never told you, but I heard you dreaming about me once. You whispered my name, like your heart longed for me, in a way you would never be able to truly understand your feelings for me. Like I am the god you pray for and I promise you, if you would just let me, I would fulfill your every wish. Because, together, you and me, we can become holy in our own, untouchable way. "
When I try to shake my head, his hands change so that one of them is holding both of my hands and the other one is grabbing my face.
"Don´t fight against me, darling. It wont work. You know it, I always win."
And as his hands hold my chin and I can hear my loud heartbeat, his lips meet mine in a wild kiss, clearly showing me the control he has over me.
And it's addicting, but so so dangerous.
His lips are soft against my own and he roughly kisses me, like he's the devil trying to steal my soul.
His body feels warm against my own and I'm weak for a moment, gently kissing him back, enjoying the way he smiles at my reaction.
His kisses becomes more heated, his hands are roaming over my nightgown and his fingers caress the exposed skin. Everything feels too good to be true.
But I can´t let myself enjoy this, I need to focus.
"No- Coryo. We cant-" I try to studder, breaking the kiss and hating the way he makes me feel. Because I feel so good, like only he can make me feel this way.
When I interrupt our kiss and while I try to assert myself against him, I notice his anger becoming more and more obvious.
"What I do is only to make you happy, why dont you understand? I want to see you happy and because of that, I have to do certain things. Just like now." His intense gaze is focused on me.
Without being able to do anything, I suddenly feel a liquid on my skin, that first makes me shiver because of the cold, but in the next second, I feel as hot as if I was standing in the desert and would be dying of thirst.
His touch begins to feel like the only solution and I want more. So, I lean into his touch and literally melt against his body as his lips brush mine.
"Fascinating, as Dr. Gaul said. It becomes one with the skin and intoxicates the senses." He whispers, but I can't figure out what he means by that. The only thing I can concentrate on is him. Why was I here again?
"You need me. You said it yourself, I'm here to remind you." His voice is quiet and I feel my thoughts dissolving. Only the sight of him remains in my head.
His look, those beautiful blue eyes, they distract me and I can´t ignore the desire that his lips are about to meet mine again. We're just centimeters apart and even if I try to stop it, my emotions change. I stop thinking about all the things he did.
Instead, all I can think about is his touch, his lips. And now that I know the ghost of his touch, I wouldn't want anything else.
So, I lean myself forward and kiss him.
It feels like my insides burns with desire, something that is so indescribable, that I don't even know, if I'm capable of feeling this love for too long.
My hands move to his shoulders and to his head, but my control is quickly suppressed as he pushes me back against the wall. So that I almost can't move.
His fingers lift my chin up, I see him grinning smugly at me in triumph.
"Good girl, you only need to listen to me. No one else." And I want to believe him so much, that I suddenly want to forget my doubts.
So, I let him make me forget. His hands roam my body, freeing me from my clothes and holding me where he wants me.
And I let him because I remember that I always wanted him to have his way with me. And when I look at his face, I no longer differentiate. For me, only my Coryo exists.
I close my eyes and lose myself in these sensations, the heat of his words and his actions.
His lips are soft, his kisses leave me with an unknown want and I can't do anything other than just take everything he gives me.
When he strips me out of my pants and unbottons my blouse, he lifts me up against the wall. His hips are pressed against my waist and his kisses travel from my lips down to my chest.
"Everything I do is for you." His words sound familiar.
"You will never doubt me again, I promise you. I'll make sure of that. From now on, you will feel this good forever. Because of me, you hear me? Only because of me, always me." His words cover me like a veil, but I'm unable to process them. My head is so empty and just like he said, I only feel.
I've never not thought about nothing and even if it should unnerve me, I can't even remember to be bothered about it.
As my hands try to move further down to his back and my nails leave marks on his back, his hand squeezes my neck like a warning.
"I am in control, you do as I say. Now take off my pants, so I can fuck you until you believe in me again." I can't think straight, when his hands are undressing me, cupping my breasts and turning me on in a way, I only want to be here with him.
As soon as my hands undress him and his pants are pulled down, he tears my panties apart, meeting my lips in a wanting kiss.
I feel one of his fingers slipping through my wet folds, pumping roughly two fingers inside me. My mouth opens and moans escape me, while I hold myself onto his shoulders.
"You needed to play hard to get, huh? Look who is at my mercy now." My body is still pressed against the wall and as my eyes close on their own, I suddenly feel his tip at my entrance.
And when I want to protest, he places his hand on my mouth to keep me quiet.
"No talking back to me. If you don't listen, I will make you." He pushes himself into me and I feel every vein as his hands direct mine against the wall behind me.
When he starts fucking me, I'm sure I'll pass out.
"C-cant take- too big, please" I dont even know how to speak properly anymore. His hands hold me tight and his thrusts are so brutal, that I barely have enough concentration to breathe.
"What did you say? You want to please me? Then shut your mouth and let me use you." With every harsh thrust, I feel my muscles become more and more relaxed and only he is holding me up now. I can't concentrate on anything else other than him inside me.
My thoughts begin to only focus on being good for him.
I feel like my soul is leaving my body. All I can hear is the dull clapping of our bodies, my loud moans and his heavy breathing.
As he buries his head in the crook of my neck, I softly whimper his name.
I feel how he tenses, when he react to me calling his nickname. His eyes shift to me and suddenly he lets go of my arms and I put them around his shoulders without hesitation. The position now is much more intimate and I scratch his back as his thrusts become even deeper and harder.
I hear his heavy breathing and feel his arms wrap around mine too.
"Tell me you want me." His voice is menacingly quiet. When I don't answer, too focused on his hips thrusting into me, he lets go of the wall and lays me on my bed.
"Fine, I will make you say it then." He sits down and pulls me onto his lap with my back to him, sliding his cock into me again. I moan so loudly, that I notice him grinning contentedly against my shoulder.
"You like that? Good, everyone will know how me you like me, when I'm done with you." His hand directs me so his chest touches my back and one of his hands moves to wrap around my neck.
"You will get used to doing what I want and you will do it, because you want to. You hear me? You won't stay away from me anymore, you belong to me. Everything you do is for me and only me." My thoughts are so confused, I can't think straight anymore. All I know is that I have never felt so good and that he is the reason for my pleasure.
"But I fucked you dumb so it seems. Pretty, little thing. You are like my personal doll, that I can use as I please. This turns me on even more than I would have thought." He pushes me further down on him, making me bounce until that one special spot in me is abused over and over again. And all I can utter are useless words and loud moans.
"B-blue" I hear him chuckle darkly in response.
I'm no longer certain, that I'm even laying in the arms of the person I once loved so much.
"You should have let me fucked you much sooner. It would have destroyed any resistance you had towards me. Just like now and just like I wanted." His voice whispers in my ear and my head leans against his shoulders, my mouth opens and I feel every inch of him inside me.
His hand strokes the skin, where my heart lays and I feel his lips brush against my ear.
"If this heart ever beats for anyone else other than me, everyone in this world will die and I won't be afraid to tell you that it is entirely your fault."
I collapse in his arms, when I come, going completely limp and vulnerable, unable to move. This time I only seem to be physically present.
His arms wrap around me and he let me sink onto him again, then I hear his voice whispering promises into the dark room.
"You cant ever escape me. I will always find you and I will always get you."
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nikolais-eyepatch · 3 months
I found it! :3, yayyy! Request timeee!(I'm the same person that you texted I think a week ago so please don't report me TwT)
I request a Yandere AU(Dazai or any characters you will like) to an innocent cute reader which the reader is really naive, which will include a argument and fight a bit, then they will make it up for Y/N!(smut if you want to lol)
Well take care and have a nice and great day :3
just so u guys know im doing requests randomly so yippie!!
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"Try me and see what happens.." he snarls as he looks down on you, cheerful eyes darkening.
Nails digging deep into you're wrist. Its so painful so painful so painful!
"It's just a small walk 'samu!!" You whine as you stomp you're foot slightly upset.
It's been so long since you've walked out of his house.
Whenever you make the mistake of asking him...hes so nice. He pats you're head and kisses you're forehead as he tells you hoe much you're hearting his poor heart. Poor him...maybe you should reconsider-
"How many times have i told you. It's dangerous out." He says lowly as he drops his nails from you're wrist to look at the mark he had left.
Half cresent moons marking up you're beautiful...beautiful skin. But..his marks do look so nice on you maybe he should opt for more methods that are-
"Why! Why can't i go out?" You whine as you stare up at him so confused.
You look so pretty....hah theres no way someone like you exists.
"What if something bad happens when I'm gone?" He says as he drops both of you're wrists.
He then takes both of you're wrists gently kissing the marks as he coos at you making you shiver...its normal yet...the look in his gaze is so...
"You know much i love you, dont you sweetheart? Hmm?" He hums as he rubs you're aching wrists.
For a moment you stay quiet, as you begin to open you're mouth he interupts by saying
"I'm such a good lover. I dont understand why you can't accept that? Is it me? Do you hate me?"
He says sadly explaining his reasons with a small pout then he smirks...it comes as it goes as he looks at you disapointed. As if he's been betrayrd as he then squeezes you're wrist harshly.
"I....'samu I don't hate you its just-" you start before getting interupted by him grinning at you as he drags you into you're shared bedroom
He looks so happy as he tugs you're hand to his...no both of you'rs shared bedroom
When was the last time you went outside? The day before you moved in with osamu.
Why did you move in? He threatened...no he was just joking about you're family and friends in trouble...
You can't ever say the word 'no'. To him it's so foregin..
He loves you so dearly. He spoils you. Affection. Loyalty. Dream lover right! Maybe you are naive...he is right....you've been so selfish this whole time
So just indulge in his...behavior. You can handle it, can't you?"
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hopeyarts · 2 months
If Wish ended with King Magnifico getting true love’s kiss from Queen Amaya, then he and Asha actually talk about their views more and come to terms and forgive each other…
I wouldn’t find a single problem with the story.
Disney’s biggest mistake about this movie was making him turn into a ‘classic villain’ and locking him up by the end of it. I get that the audience wanted a true Disney villain, and the company tried to provide that but they also DIDN’T really provide that until the third half of the movie.
But in this case with the film that they gave us (take away all the concepts and deleted scenes), this guy was sympathetic at best. Now I’m not going to baby his character and treat him like an absolute angel, but what I will say is that he deserved to be redeemed.
He’s not a villain. At most, he was a douchebag (I mean that in the nicest way possible). But that doesn’t take away the fact that he was also a genuinely benevolent king. His paranoia and need for power got the better of him, but that doesn’t make him a bad person. The forbidden evil book only influenced the darkest parts of himself, and unfortunately it was his need for power. Originally it was to keep the kingdom safe from a false threat, then the book shifted it into a need for power to just… keep himself in full power over everyone, in the worst way possible. Kinda bland, but whatever.
With this redeemable ending, this would’ve given our main character Asha an arc. She could’ve learned that it’s okay to not get what you want and that you have the ability to MOVE ON. She can realize she doesn’t have to be chained to a lost desire, and can give herself the option to improve their lives and listen to others. Like with her father— Tomás died from an illness even after she wished for him to get better. That’s her lost desire. That moment in her life drove her to make sure that her family, for example her Saba, wouldn’t feel that hurt like she had. That’s why she wanted Sabino’s wish granted so much. Yes, it was selfish from an audience viewpoint when she simply asked for King Magnifico to grant Sabino’s wish. We cannot deny that. And for what it’s worth I actually like this scene, but not when it reaches the ending of the movie. I LIKE the idea that Asha is selfish from the beginning, and THEN turns into someone who is selfless. We see her focus on Sabino’s wish at first, because she wants him to be happy, then that focus turns towards the entire community. I like that idea, but the execution was not it BECAUSE Disney decided to not redeem King Magnifico. That’s how this whole thing backfires on Asha as a character. It makes her look selfish for the ENTIRE movie. I love her (honest to God I do), but I have to admit that she seemed a slight bit selfish and naive, even if her intentions were good. And no, this selfishness doesn’t make her a villain. We see Disney protagonists be selfish, but then they learn to be selfless. So I’d never demonize her. To do that, I’d have to throw away all understanding of this movie and the character motivations, and even my willingness to look at something in another person’s perspective. She’s only a teenager after all.
Sorry, that was a little bit of a rant there. Disney just makes me frustrated.
Asha’s not a bad person, and neither is King Magnifico. They just didn’t think their options through.
Now if we were to give King Magnifico this redemption, he can’t go without a lesson learnt as well. He could learn the same thing as Asha: that you can choose to move on and not let a lost desire keep you stuck in the past. What he did for his people was right, but the execution was not. Yes, he kept them safe and sound… but he took a part of their hearts.
Remember that a wish is the ‘one that drives your heart’ or according to Magnifico, ‘They are a part of your heart. The very BEST part.’ (I can make a post about how the wishes given up were good intentioned. Some were vague, but they were the BEST good of a person’s heart. Although one thing I find humorously stupid is how someone’s wish is to find a nanny for their kids. Like damn- are your kids that bad? 😭 I’m sorry, I find it a little funny.)
So what is living a life safely but without passion? The answer to that is that it’s NOT living.
“A life without passion isn’t living at all. It is merely existing.” - Leo Buscaglia
This shouldn’t villainize movie King Magnifico, because he did this to protect his people and his kingdom. And the reason behind this is because of his past. So he could’ve learned that not everything is out to get him and that he can choose to move on and IMPROVE. Especially the system with wish granting.
I feel like I made this too long. But all in all, the story would’ve been perfect (in my eyes) if King Magnifico was redeemed at the end, and he and Asha could’ve learnt a shared lesson about moving on. And even still, your dreams can come true in unexpected ways.
Again, I like both Asha and King Magnifico. They are quite similar in terms of motivations and being plagued by their past lost desires. They thought they had to take matters into their own hands, and they didn’t think their options through. One however was rewarded for this, meanwhile the other was villainized for it. And no, I don’t blame that on Asha.
Additionally, I’d like to add that I like Wish. So don’t think I’m saying any of this because I ‘hate the movie’. I really don’t. If I turn off my brain and distract myself with the songs and art, I can get through the movie just fine. I just recognize that the story isn’t portraying what Disney intended, and I can only blame the executives. Not the writers, not the artists or animators, and certainly not the cast members. They did what they could with what Disney executives gave them, and I can only appreciate their hard work into trying to create a story for a 100th anniversary.
Thanks for reading all the way through! 💖
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Living Dead
Summary: Before meeting the Emperor, Mortarion meets a girl who might love him. At least that's what he thinks.
Warnings: Angst, Dark romance, gore/rot (a little bit), obssession, yandere.
Guys, it's all your fault. I wasn't a Mortarion fan before your fics.
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Every day Barbarus defended their freedom. People were no longer afraid. They fought for lives against rotten tyrants. And every day Mortarion was getting closer to his goal. He led all these people with him. But he never felt at home. Didn't find a family. But at least he was “among his own”, and not locked with monsters in a poisonous stronghold.
The poison was a weapon, but also a reminder of the monsters' strenght. He used his power, but he hated it. His whole appearance resembled death. No wonder people avoided him even if he is a reason why they finally fight back. And then he met you.
You lived in one of the distant villages, which was often attacked by tyrants. On one of these days, your spouse was taken away for a play. And although he was able to escape, as Сalas Typhon had once done, he was unable to cope with the top layer of Barbarus. His skin was healing, he smelled of death, and poison oozed from open, rotten wounds. Living Dead.
But you continued to live with him. You accepted him as such a disgusting thing. You loved him.
Mortarion still could not understand how this was possible. He saw how hard it was for you, how often you hid from his eyes to cry out all the tears. How do you stop yourself from gagging at the smell? But you were still with him. You could, no, should have, renounced him. Continue to live and move on.
Nobody understood you. All the villagers said you were crazy. Mortarion's warriors pitied you, but thought you were too naive. As for Сalas, he looked after you for a long time. He said that you remind him of someone and that you're a good girl.
It's true, you were kind. Even too much. And Mortarion himself did not understand how he felt envy of the living corpse. "Father" did not love Mortarion, he did not care about him. His warriors may have respected him, but they were never equals.
And one day he began to wonder more and more often… will you also stroke his hair… hug him tenderly… wash his wounds and help him bathe… will you smile at him as if he is the most beautiful person you have ever seen. Will you kiss him like you kissed your husband?
Such strange thoughts. Insignificant, unimportant, vulgar. Completely out of character for him. Why is it important for him to know what you think about him? What could you do with him? Does he really need to feel affection that badly? To feel not just needed, but loved. He leads thousands of lives. But why does his heart beat so hard when he sees your gaze?
Alas, you are not a witch. The problem is not you. There's something wrong with him. You don't even belong to him. And all your attention is focused on your dying husband. But he won’t even be able to protect you when the lords come to your village. But Mortarion can. He is your true savior.
But everything goes away sooner or later. All the villagers only breathed a sigh of relief when your husband left this world. But not you. You're desperate. You're broken. All alone. There is no one else to give your goods to.
Mortarion himself didn’t notice how he put his hand on your shoulder. And he is so ashamed but so happy to see your haunted tearful gaze. You looked at your husband in the same way before enveloped him in your love.
- No need for tears. I'll take care of you.
He will.
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ssbptigers · 2 months
Hey, can i request some of the horror characters react to a massive black shadow demon thing that can take any form of anything but mostly stays in a puppet form that is a human, the only thing is their eyes are a different colour so they wear sun glasses when out and about, but they hide what they are really well they seem so human? (I dont care who you add but can you please add max to this? pls i want a demon being soft and gentle with her, that would be so cute!)
Character's from horror reacting to a demon gn! reader.
Character's included in is (In order): Chucky/Charles, Maxine coleman, and Freddy kruger.
Requests: Are open!
Authour notes: This was fun to write, i did this as when you first met them. The one with max is after kate kills esther which is why i made kate distrusting with max hanging around adults because of what happened. I'm sorry if their ooc.
Word count: 588
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of murder. (i think thats it, tell me if i missed anything.)
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When Chucky first saw you, he knew something was wrong with you. He just didnt know what.
He was sitting in alleyway by the bins as people passed by but than he saw you.
'You wore sunglasses on a cloudy day? What the hell is wrong with you? You blind or something?'
His suspicions were confirmed when you stopped walking than walked into the alley than looked down at him and spoke to him.
'I can hear you're heartbeat. You're a human in a doll's body.'
Chucky was simply glaring up at you, not trusting you one bit but also a bit unsettled.
'How the fuck can you tell? What the fuck are you? an ailen?'
When he saw you take off your sunglasses, than he noticed the fact you're eye's were fully black with a yellow pupli's.
'I think the word would be demon or entity.'
'Yeah, i guess entity explains it'
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Maxine "Max" Coleman.
Max was playing in the park, being careful to not slip in the snow.
She was running around and accidently ran into someone, she turned around and looked up at the person.
She signed to you, not thinking you probably didnt understand sign language.
She signned, it took you a second or two for you to understand it, once you did, you signed back to her.
'It's alright.'
You than crouched down to be at Max's eye level, you smiled at her, she was much cuter than any human child that you have seen.
'What's your name?'
'I'm Maxine.'
She was so happy you knew how to sign, she was happy she met someone other than he family that knew how to sign.
You two signned for a while before Max's mother, kate came over and quickly grabbed her hand gently and pulled her away from you.
You stood up as Kate grabbed max's hand.
'Sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable for talking with you're child.'
Max tried signning to her mother saying you were good, but kate didnt trust you.
Kate walked away from you with Max.
Max looked back at you and waved bye as she was dragged away by her mother.
Luckliy she didnt notice you're eyes, it wouldnt been bad.
'She was such a sweet and cute but naive child.'
You thought.
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Freddy Kruger.
Freddy did notice you walking around when he was still alive, he didn't think too much about it.
But after he died, he couldn't find your dreams.
Like at all.
It confused him to no end but he was also frustrated that he couldn't get in you're dreams.
That was untill one day, he ended up in a weird place.
It looked like the living world, but it also didn't.
There were distant screaming from all sort of people.
Men, women, children.
It didn't scare him but it didn't make him feel at ease at all.
'Where the hell am i?'
He thought to himself as he looked around, than he noticed you.
Staring at him with your arm's crossed.
Freddy stares at you, he was ready to attack you but something stopped him, like he couldn't move.
'Mhm, Don't think i wouldn't pick up on your habit with killing kid's in their sleep, interesting way of killing if you asked me.'
You took off your sunglasses off and threw them somewhere.
Your eyes black with yellow puplis, you weren't human.
'That explain's it, you don't sleep, do you?'
'No, i don't need to. But i'm sure you understand that now. Don't you, freddy?'
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grandtyphoonpoetry · 7 months
Sarah and John B's love draws people in because people love the idea of star-crossed lovers in any form of media. Because we're fascinated by love and tragedy intertwined, and even more fascinated by people trying to overcome all odds to find happiness, even when it's not in the stars for them. Which is exactly why so many people are drawn to the story of Romeo and Juliet. (or maybe its just leonardo dicaprio) And at first star-crossed love is all they have in common. But if the Kooks are Capulets, and the Pogues are Montagues then all the characters start to fall into place.
The Kooks/Capulets:
Sarah = Juliet The leading woman. Both are young and beautiful and naive on their ideas of what love is and what it should be, both get drawn into a whole different world when they meet their lover, and both are willing to risk everything, including their family to stay with them.
Rafe = Tybalt The violent relative. In Rafe's case it's a brother, and in Tybalts case its a cousin, but in both cases they'll do anything for their family honor and their own honor, including hurting and killing people who aren't even involved with their fight just because they can.
Topper = Paris The jealous ex-lover. The person who was to be with The Leading Woman from the start, and despite a bad attitude about their scorned(or lost) love doesn't grow violent till it all starts coming to an end and they get defensive of the woman they loved, and even then they're still able to make amends.
Weezie = The Nurse The nosy close friend of The Leading Woman. They are more different from each other than many of the other characters. But both are the closest female friend The Leading Woman has, are incredibly nosy, and don't particularly care who she ends up with as long as there is a little drama.
Ward = Capulet The Kook/Capulet patriarch. They're both an enemy of The Leading Man's family, both family oriented towards their own family but in an unhealthy way. Successful and commanding of respect, but liable to fly into a rage when things don't go their way.
Rose = Lady Capulet The ineffective mother. Neither of these characters are well connected to their families despite any efforts they put forward. Both are young and inexperienced.
The Pogues/Montagues:
John B = Romeo The leading man. Impulsive and immature but also, idealistic and passionate, aware of the fight going on, but not at all interested in it. Both affectionate and devoted to their friends. Both are absolutely captivated by their new love and do everything they can for them to stay together.
Pope = Benvolio The peaceful friend. They spend a lot of their time throughout the story trying to keep the peace between their friends and other violent characters. Level headed and thoughtful, they try to diffuse a lot of violence especially in public places.
Kiara = Benvolio/Mercutio The friend with a foot in both worlds. As Mercutio is a relative of the duke and doesn't even have a reason to be involved in the rivalry, Kiara is technically a Kook and doesn't need to be involved in the rivalry either. She's sarcastic and salty like Mercutio, but also pragmatic, sensitive and an advocate for peace like Benvolio. (She could also be translated as Rosaline, Romeo's love at the beginning of the play, but I feel like Kiara is too important to be brought down to just that character.)
JJ = Mercutio The reckless friend. Hotheaded and chaotic, they spend a good amount of time getting into fights or encouraging others to do so. They're both imaginative with a strange sense of humor, and wildly loyal. They're both implied to be more sexually active than their friends and flirt with anything that moves.
Both Montague and Lady Montague are far less involved in the story line than the heads of the Capulet family which could be translated as John B's parents being out of the picture.
Other Characters:
Peterkin/the police department = Prince Escalus Law enforcement. They want to help and attempt to maintain the peace at all costs, but are too uninvolved and oblivious of what is actually going on to actually play an important part in the situation.
Nobody = Friar Laurence Everything the friar does for the story comes from somebody else in Outer Banks. Escape plans, support, soothing words, and even legally marrying two people, all come from separate characters.
The details of how the story goes down are obviously changed up, but key elements are the same. Romeo and Juliet fall in love, and in an unrealistically fast amount of time are willing to do anything for each other. Romeo's friends notice a difference in his behavior. Mercutio takes a hypothetical bullet for a friend and takes their place in a fight that isn't his. (JJ saying it was him, and not Pope that sunk the boat.) Because of this Tybalt is ultimately a huge part of Mercutios downfall (emotionally and physically or fatally)( and Benvolio is there for Mercutio in those moments when Romeo isn't!!!!) Romeo is accused of a death that wasn't (entirely) his fault and has to go on the run from the law. Juliet dies. (disappears) Paris and Romeo fight. Paris and Romeo are tolerably respectful of each other in their very last moments with each other. A plot is hatched for Romeo and Juliet so that they can still be together. (In John B and Sarah's case they plan it together) The plan goes wrong. They decide they would rather die than be without each other. (Sarah literally says the words, "I would rather die than be without you") They hold each other as they die. (Or are presumed dead)
By the end of the season it's made clear that a social divide is never going to come to anything good. It's about young people who are torn apart by their families or cultures or things that were decided far before they were born or far before they could have any say in it and how they're stronger after realized that what they are fighting is not each other. Despite being a cliche, love overcomes all things and kids are smarter than they seem. The only major differences are that in Romeo and Juliet, the death is permanent and far more tragic, and the reaction that is had by their family and their people is that of overcoming their differences. They overcome their differences for their children and because they realize that it was their fault Romeo and Juliet were driven to this. Love prevails. Whereas in Outer Banks, they eventually come back (yay) and a lot of the people who drove them away were corrupt and didn't care, or change. I like to think that was a plot choice, for the sake of an ongoing story and that love prevails eventually.
Anyways, if you got this far thanks for entertaining my rants, sometimes i like to hyper-analyse every single thing, there were a lot more things that i did not add because it is obscenely long now
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icy-watch · 2 months
So, Mei's getting fire training from Red Son. Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and Mo are on their way to find her and bring her back. Well, both of them back, I'm thinking.
Wukong's headed off into battle, and Ne Zhe and MK are on his tail to try and stop him.
Macaque just noped out of there after he was freed and subsequently threatened by Wukong.
I'm thinking that the special is going to be about bring down the Lady Bone Demon. And a new enemy will rise up right at the end
The plan for tomorrow is to watch the entire special. I should have plenty of time to do that. Until then!
Correct and incorrect predictions below the cut.
Ne Zha will be less than happy about the map being stolen by Wukong. And boy was he! He did come around, in the end.
Lady Bone Demon wants Wukong and MK back to drain their powers. I mean, this was pretty obvious.
MK is going to get his powers back. This was pretty obvious too.
Macaque will be trying to break free for the rest of the season. Another prediction that was pretty obvious.
Red Son will return Mei's stuffie to her. They did!
Mei was in the vision she shared with Ao Guang. Something will happen with her, the Samadhi Fire, and the rings. Oooooo boy. She was. And something did happen to her.
Ne Zha will be less than happy about the map being stolen by Wukong. And boy was he! He did come around, in the end.
Lady Bone Demon wants Wukong and MK back to drain their powers. I mean, this was pretty obvious.
MK is going to get his powers back. This was pretty obvious too.
Macaque will be trying to break free for the rest of the season. Another prediction that was pretty obvious.
Red Son will return Mei's stuffie to her. They did!
Macaboo will try and stop Team Monkie if he wants to live. He won't succeed in that goal. He did succeed in his own personal goal, however. He got the chains burned off.
Red Son will come back and help them forge the rings. Honestly, if he'd been there, a lot of things could have been avoided.
Mei will get possessed by the Samadhi Fire. Thank goodness she didn't.
Ne Zha and Wukong can break free if they work together. Ne Zha had it.
The TEA will be how they get to the moon. Plus some Monkey Magic.
Mei has easy access to the fourth ring. Well, she has access to it. It wasn't easy, tho. Genuinely, I was originally thinking it was locked away somewhere in her family's home. I wasn't expecting it to be in her when I originally made this prediction, and then as the season wore on...
They will get the third ring and it'll be revealed that there is a fourth ring in the next episode (episode 8). Well, they got the third ring.
The fourth ring will be activated in the last episode, and Macdonalds will get burned. It was activated, but he wasn't burned.
Macaque's character arc this season will be to overcome his anger and hurt from the past and starting to move on. I was a naive summer child.
MK is not human. He's a monkey demon. I'm still feeling strong on this prediction.
Mei's powers are connected to the Samadhi Fire somehow. I'm feeling this might be an incorrect prediction, however it wasn't confirmed or denied in this season, so it's down here
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evillillad · 5 months
Can we maybe get some character sheets for your ocs and id like to write about them!!
AAAHH i really wanna do updated character sheets WITH personality and lore i just aint got time rn!! BUT thank you for being interested!! 😭😭
to make up for the lake of sheets, heres some facts and lore typed out lol
Molly: (based on persona) secret demon being attached to Nina
Mollys kind of a strange case. Not quite puppet not quite...other creatures. She popped into existence around the time nina was born, hence the shared birthday. Shes a bit scatter brained, very easily distracted but once she has her mind set on something, nothing can get in her war. She's quite inquisitive and is constantly asking questions. Her first day in the neighborhood was basically asking every neighbor she met the most wild and intrusive questions she had. Little to no filter, says exactly whats on her mind. Doesnt understand why that makes some people so uncomfortable. Isnt it good to be curious? To tell the truth? To be honest? Man these creatures are strange. Also doesnt have any boundaries, is an absolute open book and for some reason is suprised when not everyone else is too. Think of her almost like a more unhinged wally, very naive to the ways of the waking world, but well verse in the night time activities. frequently takes long walks alone in the middle of the night. she sees them. she knows them. she keeps them away. some have gotten a bit too close to the neighborhood for comfort, is it because of her? do they know shes one of them, if not atleast similar? shes suspicious wally knows whats going on, its not normal for these beings to be here, but what draws them in?
^ongoing plot line of Molly spying on Wally constantly. A bit obsessive with him-she cant tell WHAT he is but she knows he isnt like the other neighbors but hes also not like her. Constantly pushing and manipulating him to break, but he seems either annoyed or oblivious to her attempts. otherwise, general nuisance to Wally, Frank (eats his bugs), Eddie (stares at him thru the post office window), Poppy (constantly getting herself into trouble) and Nina (personal demon).
Also maybe kills the nighttime creatures?? it seems like shes protecting the neighborhood from an outsiders perspective but those that REALLY know her know its territorial...somehow isnt intimidated by home tho. maybe shes trying to work with home? two demon things band together?? idk lmao
clumsy but also graceful? very bendy. no bones...crawls around like a creep sometimes.
Nina: (self insert oc) regular spider gal with a knack for art
Ninas quite normal actually. She was raised by a normal family within normal circumstances, but found herself with the strangest imaginary friend. She was never quite sure why one day everyone was suddenly able to see Molly but shes glad she finally isnt crazy. Now she cant get rid of the annoying asshole. Stuck with this annoying ass demon puppet thing, Nina moves to the neighborhood to get a new start on independence. With her new home, Nina spends most of her days painting, sewing, crocheting, and sculpting. Of course she always has her music going on, its never quiet in the house. Wally spends lots of time with her, they will frequently setup figure drawing sessions where their fellow neighbors will pose for them. Howdy seemed more than happy to constantly volunteer, maybe a tad bit overzealous to show off his muscles. Nina was more than excited to have such an interesting subject to create art of, although with Wally by her side, he always seemed to end up drawing an apple. There wasn't even an apple in the set. Nina doesnt care, shes just happy to have her little darling with her!
Despite being easily excitable and down to earth, shes actually quite timid and easily flustered. Howdys first few advancements had Nina trying to come up with some sort of lie so she could hurriedly get out of the bugdega and hide her beet red face. After this its just the rom com do they like me pinning i love so much lol
Unlike the other neighbors, she is somewhat aware of what goes bump in the night. Shes not sure what exactly it is, but she knows its dangerous...and she knows Molly has too much fun dealing with it. Despite Mollys homicidal tendecies, Nina is NOT scared of her. Shes aware of the fact that without her, Molly wouldnt have a host to stay alive. She cant do anything to harm her and even if she did, Ninas not afraid to grab her by the tail and launch her into the sun (Molly is actually somewhat intimidated by Nina, so she shows some level of obedience).
and thats it for those two!! I also would like to add that I wanna work on an oc of my dog and make goofy content of him and barnaby being like dude tf are u doing. also i know i have other ocs but either they arent quite fleshed out (lilith, betty, batsy), they arent technically mine (tilly and mitzy), or im just really tired and its late rn.
but if u got this far wow ermgee thanks for reading my late night rambles im dying
TLDR: Mollys homicidal, stupid, cant read a room, and is a demon. Ninas just a timid, excitable, down to earth, artsy spider with a weird demon imaginary friend that came to life.
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Since I’m currently in a Star Wars phase, I was thinking…. How about a WondLa trilogy AU set in the Star Wars universe?
It wouldn't be me if I didn't have a crossover or a couple for things I'm currently interested in, so I absolutely have a few, lmao.
I've been thinking of a post-WondLa canon SW AU wherein SW isn't in our past; rather, it's in the future and is currently set in the Prequels/Clone Wars era (my favorite :) ). I'm fudging with both canons a bit and putting WondLa several millenniums ahead of where it is in canon to fit in with the SW timeline and also saying that the galaxy is not far, far away. It's the Milky Way. SW humans are from the humans that abandoned Earth via the Dynasty Corporation and affiliated and just. Never came back.
(Continued under the cut because this got long lol)
It's been three or so years since the Battle of Solas, so Eva is around 16. My thinking is that Orbona is out in Wild Space, so it's been lost to charts and maps for a while, thus explaining why the people of SW don't know that the human home planet still exists, or even that there is a human home planet. During the War, the disaster trio (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka) end up crash-landing on Orbona on the salt flat near Lacus and find themselves trekking from the now-broken Twilight to what they can see as the nearest civilization, which seems to be a mix of species, most of which-- barring humans-- the Jedi have never seen before. Let's say, for consistency's sake, that the aliens who ended up colonizing Earth/Orbona where from farther out, potentially the galaxy Ezra ended up in, so they're not present in the SW galaxy. Thus, the Jedi can't understand them. They, of course, manage to encounter Eva and co. and, since the humans speak Basic (or English, as the humans of Orbona know it), manage to get a rundown of where they are. (Obi-Wan's nerdy ass is incredibly excited to learn that Orbona/Earth is the planet of human origin. Think of the fossil records.)
And thus, through a series of shenanigans, Orbona is introduced to the larger galactic stage. A selection of beings from Orbona is chosen to go to Coruscant in order to present their planet to the Senate. This includes Eva, Vanpa, Rovender, and maybe Huxley? And others. Redimus is protection.
The Jedi have no idea what to make of Eva. She's extremely strong in the Living Force, but it presents itself in a way none of them have ever seen. I think she and Yoda would get along very well, to the horror of everyone else. She and Anakin would also eat bugs together.
One of the things I've been thinking about the most for this is Eva and the clones, because she, herself is also a clone, just of someone else. I can imagine they bond over that fact as well as personhood and being a second-class citizen in a place that doesn't really care for you. (Say what you want about New Attica, but Eva's status as a clone and her unique experiences were totally brushed over by the Atticans and I don't think she was super happy about that.) I think the vod'e would hear that Eva is still using her designation as her name (Earth in Vitro Alpha, ninth generation) and encourage her to find a name for herself, if she wants to. Eva Nine thus becomes Evelyn "Eva" Kitt :)
This somehow leads to Palps getting outed and ousted because I am all about fix-its in this house.
Other ideas I've had are SW characters in the WondLa setting, which I think is also very fun, but I've thought less about. For instance, the "Eva" would likely be either be Ezra or Omega due to the "naive little kid sees the world, grows up, and develops some pretty serious skills while also finding a family" thing. Ezra works thanks in part to already having similar powers and his relationship with his mentor/dad figure is similar to Eva's. Omega also works because of weird-little-girl-ness, vibes, being a clone, and a similar arc of losing a loved one and having to learn how to move on, though, in this AU, I feel like the person she loses- her caretaker- would have to be Nala Se and not a brother. (You can also insert Batcher in as Otto quite nicely. Maybe Ezra could get a Loth-Wolf?) Hunter is the Rovender, though I'd make it so he had a falling-out with his brothers instead of them being dead and that's why he left.
This also means that it's easy to insert Emerie as the Eva Eight figure, but also means that, in order for Ezra to work, there'd also have to be a bunch of Ezra clones running around. Lmao.
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A Darling among Dragons- Part Three
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This part is only short i'm just trying to build up the relationship between the characters but it's gonna get a lot steamier in the next few chapters!!
Hope you all enjoy :)
Warning- incest and swearing
Raenerys kept her gaze locked on the floor, the large stone tiles that covered the floor of the dragon pit, her dusty leather boots that peaked out from underneath her new emerald silk gown. Her shadow being cast by the light that flooded in through the big open doors, anywhere but up. She could feel his eyes on her, but she could not bring herself to look at him. Not today, not here. Even when her mothers finger lifted her chin Raenerys looked at the great big window in front of her. It was only when everyone turned to watch the bride enter did her eyes meet his.
His dark heather eyes were glazed as he looked at her sadly. Everything about the way Aegon looked broke her heart. His shoulders were slouched, hands clung to each other, and his jaw tensed. No matter how many times Alicent told her to turn and watch her sister Raenerys could not. She could not watch another woman walk down that aisle to her brother, to her true love. It should be her, beaming as she was led into the dragon pit, knowing that Aegon Targaryen was waiting for her at the end.
But it wasn’t, it was Haelena. She moved her eyes back to the floor as they filled with tears once again. How was she going to get through this day? Through this wedding and the feast?! gods the feast. Her grandfather had arranged for hers and Aemond’s engagement to be announced at the feast.
And then she had to watch him leave the great hall with her, knowing what they were to do when in their chambers. Her hands were going to touch him, she was to feel him and taste him.
Raenerys inhaled deeply and trying her hardest to keep her composure. Wincing a little and allowing a tear to fall as her mother gripped her hand tightly as a warning to get it together.
After leading his eldest daughter up the steps and to her betrothed, Viserys joined his family and watched the ceremony as it began. To appease Alicent the king agreed to some Westerosi wedding customs. Such as Haelena’s ivory gown and Aegon placing a cloak of protection over his new wife’s shoulders.
After placing it around his sister’s shoulders Aegon’s eyes were averted to her. She had been watching he knew, but now she stood sniffing and wiping her eyes. He felt ill, he should not be doing this, he ought to be running to her and taking her away, somewhere safe where they could marry and be happy. He should have left when she had asked him to.
Raenerys finally entered the room, hours after she had left to escort their father back to his chambers. He had sent maids and knights around the whole of the castle looking for her. Now there she stood, tears still visible on her cheeks. Aegon stupidly still had a small hope in his chest that she had been able to talk father around, to let them wed each other. But her appearance and the small shake of her head answered the question his eyes had been asking. Huffing he turned away from him, needing a minute to compose himself before he broke down into floods of tears.
‘I am so sorry brother’ Raenerys whimpered.
Immediately Aegon turned and made his way to her, engulfing her in his arms. Face buried against his chest she clung to him like he was oxygen. His breathing was deep while he rested his mouth to her hair that always smelt of the sweetest flowers.
‘We could leave’ she stated as she pushed away from his chest and looked at him.
Aegon still had his hands on her waist, looking down at her not being able to decipher if she was being serious or trying to make light of the situation. But her facial expression did not change as she looked at him wide eyed and it unnerved him.
‘We could run, find a ship and sail far away! Somewhere no one will ever find us’ she smiled naively.
Aegon sighed and once again turned his back to her, heading to the table in his chambers that held the wine jugs and goblets.
‘We would not even get out of the city before being captured by the city watch sister, father would have our heads on spikes for treason’ he spoke while pouring himself a cup of wine.
‘Not if we left through the tunnels, we could arrange for a ship to be waiting in the black water for us, if we leave in the late hours we could be past Tarth before anyone would know we were gone!’ she argued with a strong sense of optimism laced in her voice.
‘Where would we go? Hmm anywhere we try and settle we would be found, we are not easily mistakable sweet sister’ He smiled gently at her before downing another cup of wine.
Aegon hated smashing her down but there was not point getting her hopes up for nothing. They had no other choice but to stay, marry and hope they could steal as many moments between themselves as possible.
They had spent the rest of that night wrapped up in each other’s soft embrace, stealing small kisses from one another. Aegon wished he was back there now. He had made sure to take Haelena’s left arm as he led her down the steps of the dragon pit, in hopes of catching his sister’s eye but she refused to look at him. The rest of the way out with his sister wife Aegon hung his head, he needed wine and a lot of it. Haelena smiled innocently at the lords and ladies that line the walls of the throne room, still beaming that it was her wedding day, even if it was to him.
They seated themselves at the head table, Aegon to the left of his mother on his fathers left side, Haelena next to him while Raenerys sat to the right of their grandfather on the king’s right side. Once everyone was seated and the applause had ceased the king made his customary speech and the feast began. People were loud and cheerful as the food and drink flowed, music filled the room and people laughed. It was a joyous evening for all but them. Aegon drowned his sorrows in his cup, demanding his own jug on the table at all times. It wasn’t long before he was drunk, swaying in his chair. Raenerys, meanwhile, just stared into space, looking at nothing in particular. She didn’t touch her food, only taking sips of her wine every now and them.
‘My lords and ladies it pleases me greatly to be joined by you all today as my family is made stronger by the marriage of my son and daughter. I do however have another announcement to make today all the more joyous.’ Viserys voice boomed through the otherwise silent great hall.
Raenerys gulped, not ready for all the attention, Aegon down another full cup to the protest of his mother telling him to stop drinking.
‘I am happy to tell you all that my other children, Prince Aemond and Princess Raenerys are engaged and will be wed before the year it done!’
Raenerys stood, feeling numb, along with her brother who stood proudly. He took her hand and placed a kiss to her knuckles, she let a small smile grace her face for the smallest second before it disappeared again.
‘Now let us dance, if the bride and groom would start us-‘
‘No’ Aegon interrupted his father outright.
The room filled with sharp gasps and harsh whispers of the disrespect from the prince to his father. Viserys turned slightly and looked out the corner of his eye at his drunken son.
‘Very well, then maybe we could have a betrothed couple start the festivities for us’ He smiled at Raenerys and Aemond, knowing full well it would be a slight to his eldest son.
As the king had hoped, Aegon sat up suddenly. His face turned sour as he watched his brother take the reluctant hand of their sister and lead her down from the top table and into the empty space that had been left between the long tables full of lords and ladies watching them.
A gentle melody wafted through the big room which the young couple began the traditional betrothal dance. Circling each other, hands floating in front one another but never touching while their elbows were linked. They circled each other, changing direction every few minutes.
‘Keep looking at me sister, many people are watching us at least try and look as though you are enjoying yourself’ Aemond muttered under his breath, grabbing his sister’s waist and lifting her in an arc through the air and gently settling her back on her feet.
Raenerys could not bring herself to wear a smile, just wanting done with the whole day. She knew Aegon was watching her. Watching her dance with Aemond, his hands on her body, hers on his. He could’ve been sick, Aegon filled him cup once more and took a gulp, losing sight of his love as more people contaminated the floor.
Aemond quickly removed his hands from his sister’s waist and gave a tight-lipped smile behind her. She turned to find her grandfather, the hand, stood behind her.
‘May I steal you lovely sister away from you, my prince?’ Otto asked as a courtesy, they all knew the answer he was going to receive.
‘Of course, grandfather’ Aemond replied reluctantly, not wanting to leave her to receive the lecture she was sure to get.
‘How about you offer your sister a dance, tis unfair for a bride not to dance at her own wedding feast’
Aemond moved faster than anyone expected, disappearing from their side for Haelena.
‘Am I free to ask Aegon to dance grandfather?’ Raenerys asked hopefully.
‘No my sweet, it would be improper of the prince to dismiss his bride but accept you, no you shall be dancing with me’ he smiled that smile of his. The one that said that he was being a caring grandsire but screamed that he had an ulterior motive.
The hand took her left hand in his and placed his right on her side, he took charge and began moving her about the small space of the dancefloor that they occupied.
‘I do hope you intend to leave you sister marriage be my sweet, she will have enough to suffer through with Aegon, she does not need you meddling in it too’ he said without removing the fake smile from his face.
Raenerys’ head shot up to look at her grandfather. She had no intention of going near Aegon now, he was wed to another, and she would not disgrace herself or her brother by bringing dishonour on themselves, or their family. But hearing the words leave his mouth made her want to jump on her brother right then in front of everyone.
‘Do not give me that act princess I am not as easily fooled as your father. Aemond is a fine suitor for you, he will be a good husband and do his duty to you and give you many children to bear. I will be surprised if Aegon is even able to consummate his marriage tonight he is so deep in his cups’ The hand spat disapprovingly, his granddaughter grimacing at the idea. She hoped he would continue drinking until he passed out and had to be carried to his chambers.
‘Aegon is distressed today grandfather, he did not want this match anymore than I’ she muttered with venom laced in her tone.
‘He is a drunk and a mockery to your fathers name, Aemond however is a gentleman and would never dare bring such dishonour on your house’
‘Aemond does not have you and mother breathing down his neck every second of the day treating him like a failure for everything he does’ Raenerys retorted.
‘Now now calm yourself princess, tonight will not be ruined by a mere strop. You ought to be thanking me that we did not wed you off to a lord of another great house as we had originally planned’ His words forced a hurt expression to adorn her facial features.
Raenerys forced her way out of her grandfathers embrace and looked at him with disgust and a slight hatred in her glare. Many people around them stopped and looked at the princess’ sudden movement away from the hand.
‘I am not some common whore that you and my mother can just gift someone for gold or armies! I am a Targaryen princess!’ she yelled at him, gaining the attention of everyone else in the room.
‘Raenerys lower your voice’ Otto mumbled as a warning.
‘ I will not be insulted so! Who are you to say I belong with some lord when I know who I should be with and that is here at my brothers’ side!’
Alicent watched the commotion her daughter was causing, heard the words she yelled before she stormed off towards the exits. Aegon slammed his cup down and all but fell out of his chair in his drunken attempt to follow her.
‘Stay in your seat Aegon!’ Viserys demanded but it fell on deaf ears.
Their son stumbled off the platform the top table sat on and rushed out of the room. All the lords and ladies watched and whispered about the event unfolding before them. Aegon was slurring for people to get out of his way when Aemond reached him, just in front of the doors to the throne room.
‘Brother for your own good grace return to your wife’ his brother murmured, holding up.
‘F-fuck my wife you c-an have her, I n-need to go to...’ Aegon hiccupped as he forced Aemond off him and fell out of the doors.
He looked around for her, his vision so blurred that he could not focus on a thing. He just knew he needed to find her. Aegon started in the direction of her chambers hoping that he would find her there, or at least her bed while he waited for her.
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valthevalkyrie · 1 year
A Twist of Fate (1)
A beautiful young woman struggles after trading her life for her father's. When left in the care of a beast she becomes plagued by erotic dreams of a handsome prince. She tries to make the most of her situation but eventually comes to find out the hard way that a happy ending is never guaranteed.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader (addressed by nickname Belle)
Word Count: 9.6k
Series Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, NONCON/DUBCON, dark fantasy, dark fic, named reader (nickname Belle), blood, monsterfucking, smut (wet dreams, masturbation, fingering, piv, oral sex), angst, unwanted advances, language, degradation, humiliation, possessive behavior, imprisonment, psychosis, major character death, takes place in France like original version, vampire/incubus thing, it admittedly takes a while to get to the dark stuff
A/N: this is for @boxofbonesfic Once Upon a Time... Challenge in celebration for a much deserved 10k followers. This was a lot of fun to write. I did so much research for this, looking at as many versions of beauty and the beast as possible. This grabs a lot of the plot points from the original Villeneuve version. I've written smut like maybe 3 or 4 times and have no real life experience, so please have mercy on me. I had grand ideas for this and hopefully I am able to execute it well.
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Once upon a time, there was a man named Eliott. He was once known to be a very lucky man. 
It was hard to pinpoint exactly when Eilott’s luck had turned to shit. 
It could have been when his beautiful and loving wife passed, leaving him to raise six children all on his own. 
Or when his fleet of trade ships were lost at sea, ending his fortune as a merchant and forcing him to move his family to their small summer cottage deep in the woods. 
Who knows. What he did know was that after spending years forcing his entire family to work for a living wage, he’d received word that one of his ships had returned to port. 
He was sure his luck was about to turn for the better. How naive he’d been. At the port, he had been notified that the ship’s cargo had been seized to pay for his debts. And now, on his trip back home, he’s been caught in the middle of a vicious storm. Just his luck. 
The rain was coming down in thick fat drops, pelting his skin and surely leaving bruises on his poor balding head, the blustering winds regularly throwing him about. Eliott had been trekking through the storm for quite a while, having lost his horse and small wagon what felt like hours ago. 
Unbeknownst to him, his horse was on its way home thanks to his innate sense of direction. Eliott, on the other hand, was traveling farther and farther away from his little cottage. 
He slugged through the mud and rain for ages, sustaining scratches and tears on his skin and clothes. The cold ache in his bones from the freezing rain was overwhelming. It was almost a guarantee that every other step was going to be a slip on the uneven ground and every other breath would be full of water thanks to the onslaught of rain. The farther he went, the more gnarled the forest got around him, branches leafless and twisted. 
Just when he thought there would be no end to the storm and he would surely perish in it due to his waning strength, there was a break in the wood. As soon as he breached it, he could just barely make out the faint shape of what must have been an abandoned castle if the overgrown grounds meant anything. 
With deliverance from the storm at his fingertips, he felt a newfound energy surge within him. His gaze was firmly locked on what he could only assume was the door, and he happily ignored his missteps and bumps along the path and through the gate.
Fumbling his way up the ivy overgrown stairs, he raised his hand to knock, out of habit. Just before his knuckles hit the door it opened a smidge all on its own. Startled, he stood there for a moment wondering if maybe it was a result of the wind before the door swung all the way open. Eliott hesitates for just a moment before a crack of thunder sounds and he rushes in. 
The door closes on its own, leaving him in darkness. All is still and quiet until a tall candelabra lights up near the center of the room. He approaches cautiously, rightfully so, for when he is but a foot away it goes out once again. As he debates sleeping in the entryway outside, regardless of the downpour, another candle in a sconce on the wall to his left comes to life. A bit of fear strikes him, for who could be controlling the fire? He approaches that one as well, and as he gets closer it goes out and then another candle farther away turns on. And so the process goes, through hallways and echoey rooms. 
Just when Eliott believes the candles are leading him nowhere, he sees a strip of light at the end of the hallway. Not just the faint aura of candle light, but the glow of a fully lit room. He rushes forward, hoping to meet someone on the other side who could perhaps answer the questions rising in him.
Now that he’s closer to the light he can hear the tinkling of cutlery and he can’t quite figure out what scents are flooding his senses but whatever they are, they’re making his mouth water. 
The shockingly cold doorknob quickly adjusted to his body temperature and an unexpected warmth burst from the room as he opened the door. Very quickly, the tinkling noise of cutlery stopped and all was still in the sizable room. 
The first thing that grabbed his attention was a long black dining table with a feast spread out on top - roasted pig, steak, lamb, cakes, pies, fruits, you name it. Eliott’s knees almost gave out.
Even at his richest, he’d never seen so much food in one setting. He quickly looked to the head of the table closest to him and found no one, the same with the one on the other end. Although he knew it wasn’t proper etiquette, Eliott took a seat to rest his weary feet while he waited for the host. 
While he waited, he took in the decor of the room. It was a bit dark for his tastes but beautiful nonetheless. Everything was black and gilded, the intricate gold decor warming the otherwise foreboding color scheme. The feeling the room gave was still off, as though the glitter of the gold were to distract one from looking too closely at the imperfections all around the room. 
He’d been waiting all of five minutes when a voice spoke up, “monsieur, you are free to eat as much as you please.”
Looking around for the source of the voice, he asked, “and what of the host?”
“Unfortunately, he will not be able to attend but know that he hopes you enjoy the meal.”
“All of this is for me?” 
“Yes, although I suggest sitting closer to the fireplace so you can warm up.”
Eliott does as he’s told and takes the seat right in front of the fireplace. As he gets comfortable he looks at the assortment of food in front of him trying to decide what to eat first. A bowl of grapes catches his attention and as he pops one in his mouth, he realizes just how hungry he is. 
Once he starts eating he can’t stop, can’t seem to get enough. He gorges himself on the food in front of him, juices and grease dribbling down his chin, but he can’t bring himself to clean it up. Never before in his life had he had such horrible table manners, and he couldn’t even bring himself to care. Everything he grabs is rich in flavor, quite literally the best food he’s ever eaten. After what feels like ages he’s finally full and he leans back in his chair, chest heaving as though he’d done a tremendous amount of exercise. 
He doesn’t fight it once he starts to doze off, stomach full and the heat of the fire at his back. 
“Did you enjoy your meal, monsieur?” 
Eliott startled at the voice. “Oh, very much so. Thank you.”
“If you would follow me, I would show you to your room so you can rest for the night.”
A door to the far right opens and an older man is suddenly in the doorway. Eliott knows a butler when he sees one (having had many of his own at one point) and he’s relieved to have some company after spending so much time alone in such a dark and grand place. Rising from his seat, he tries to clean his face a bit before heading towards the strange man. 
Once he was close enough, Eliott could see the flaws in the butler’s appearance. Not only were his clothes faded and worn, the edges of his sleeves were eaten away by moths. After the feast he was presented with, he’d expected someone a bit more put together.
One by one, the candles came back to life as they passed through hallways and up the stairs. Eliott tried to look around and see the condition of the rest of the castle, but it was too dark.
“This is where you will be staying,” the butler said as they stopped in front of a door. “There will be a change of clothes on the bed. You mustn't leave the room until morning, Master’s orders.”
Eliott nodded and made his way into the bedroom. Before he could turn to ask the butler something, the door closed behind him. He shrugged and went about changing out of his wet clothes. While old and worn, the clothing provided to him was comfortable and the bed sheets soft. 
As soon as his head hit the pillow, the events of the day caught up to him. A drowsiness like he had never felt before overtook him and just as he drifted off he couldn’t help but think his luck might be turning for the better. By the time his bedroom door opened, he was fast asleep.
Eliott was overcome by dark and carnal dreams. Dreams he’d not had for ages. Usually when he had dreams of that variety, he’d conjure up his beloved wife in a loving setting. Now, he was dreaming of a handsome young man with long curly hair, deep brown eyes and a penchant for biting. 
When he awoke, all that remained of his dreams were flashes of skin and feelings of pleasure. When he threw the covers off, he found a mess in his lap. Overcome by embarrassment (for he’d not done such a thing since he was a budding young man) he rushed to take off his clothes. 
In doing so, he took note of all of the cuts and bruises from the trek through the storm the night before. He found a large pair of puncture wounds but shrugged it off as probable wounds from his many stumbles. 
Nestled and folded on a chair near the door to the room were his clothes from the day before. He didn’t remember folding them but shrugged it off as poor memory from being so tired. As he put them on, he took advantage of the sunlight and looked around the room. How odd that the outside of the castle looked so abandoned and forgotten while the inside looked mostly dusty and unused. Much like the dining room, the bedroom was gilded except instead of black, the room was a dark and deep blue. 
The butler was nowhere to be seen when he opened the bedroom door. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Eliott walked around the castle, absorbing as much as he could. He took note that the rest of the castle was similar to the dining room; black and gilded, furniture grand and elegant. 
He found his way onto a balcony overcome with vines of ivy. From his position, he could see a forgotten gazebo surrounded by what seemed to be an overgrown garden. 
A memory sprung to his mind at the sight of the garden. 
“When I return from my journey, what would you like me to bring you,” he’d asked his children. 
It was something he used to do before, back when he was a successful merchant. He would leave on business for a while and return with gifts for all of his loved ones. While they were all adults now and working on their own, he wanted to perhaps revive an old tradition since it appeared his once lost fortune was at his fingertips. 
“Papa, Papa,” his eldest daughter Elyna cried. “Bring us the finest clothes you can buy.”
His second daughter, Anna added, “we’re tired of these rags.” 
He laughed and turned to his boys, Matheo, Gabriel, and Raphael. 
“We wouldn’t mind newer clothes, Père. If you are to regain your fortune, we would like to look the part as we once did,” Matheo, his eldest, said. His brothers agreed. 
Finally, Eliott turned to his youngest of the six, his little beauty. “And what would you like, ma belle?”
“I just wish for your safe return, Papa. It has been a very long time since you’ve made the journey and we know not what dangers may lie ahead.”
He brushed her off, “oh, nonsense. I will be fine. What would you like?”
“Really, that is all I desire.”
“Belle,” he said sternly. “I would like to bring you something physical. Please do me the favor of picking something, anything.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “I would love a rose. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen one and you know they don’t grow on this side of the country.”
Eliott smiled and tapped her nose. “Very well, then. A beautiful rose for ma belle.”
His little beauty. One would think he’d find Anna the most beautiful of all the children, considering she took after her mother physically, but she was mean spirited and vain, much like Elyna. The boys had a good mix of their parents and were hard working and intelligent, like him. His youngest, though, was well read, kind hearted, grateful for all she had, and had the best features of both her parents. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she was beautiful on the inside. She didn’t make him feel like a failure of a parent, and that made her his favorite. 
Eliott quickly made his way down to the garden, searching high and low for a rose. The bushes of flowers bled into one another, making it difficult to see where one type ended and the other began. He was just about to lose hope completely when he had almost reached the gazebo and not found a rose, but then he caught a flash of red inside the gazebo. 
Once inside, he felt happiness bloom in his chest. He’d not been able to get the gifts for the others, but he would be able to bring a gift to one. Better something than nothing at all. 
“Good morning, monsieur. Please follow me to the dining room so you can break your fast before your journey.” The butler was fast approaching the gazebo with a panicked look on his face. 
“Just a moment, I’m going to pick a flower.”
“Oh, please do not. My master-”
“He won’t notice, it’ll just be the one.” 
Mindful of the thorns, he plucked a rose. Seeing just how perfect and shapely it was, he decided to pluck a few more to make a bouquet. He had scarcely plucked the plumpest buds he could find when he heard the butler shout. 
It was as if all the air had been sucked out of his lungs when he turned, for there was a beast in front of him. It looked like a bat, but it was twice his size, piercing eyes staring right into his. A hand grasped the front of his shirt and lifted him out of the gazebo. He looked down to find a pair of black, leathery arms connected to the giant bat’s torso and he’d been lifted high off the ground. 
“Is this how you show your gratitude after I show you hospitality? By stealing from me,” it shrieked. Eliott flinched for the beast’s yell had a hint of a high pitch under the strong timbre and it pierced his ears.
“I didn’t know! I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” Eliott cried.
The beast hissed at him. “Humans now are so ungrateful. I should have drained you dry when I had the chance.” He growled, arms bringing Eliott closer to his face all the while ignoring the man’s pleas for his life.
“Please, spare me. I assure you, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I meant no disrespect.” A pair of sharp fangs and equally menacing teeth come into Eliott’s line of sight and he struggles to free himself. “Please, I was just picking them for my daughter!”
The creature ceases all movement. “Daughter?”
“Yes! Please, my children need me. I’m their only living parent.” Tears and mucus run down his face, hands trying to break the hold the beast has on him. Eliott feels himself be lowered.
“Tell me of your children.”
He speaks quickly of everything that comes to mind when thinking of his children. He speaks of his dead wife and all of the work the children have done to help him run the house, the most helpful being his youngest. He tells the beast of the gifts he promised to give to his children when he came back from his trip. 
The beast lifts a hand to stop his rant. “Very well. You may live.” 
Eliott expels a sigh of relief.
“As long as you give your word that one of your children will take your place.”
Eliott feels his face drain of all color. “But how am I to choose? What will you do to them?”
“The first living being that greets you upon your arrival will be the one to take your place. They must be under no illusions or misconceptions about the reason for their stay. And you need not worry about their fate. I will take better care of them than you did my roses.” He turns to his butler. “Prepare him for the trip back. And be sure to get him a change of clothes, he seems to have soiled himself.”
And so it went. The creature was kind enough to send him off with a new horse and wagon with chests full of finery, jewels and wealth. 
Eliott encountered no storms on his way home and spent the entire trip stressing over who would welcome him first. He tried to think of all the pros and cons of each child being forced to live with the beast and could think of no one he would rather send away. The biggest pro of all was that his luck had definitely turned for the better. To be confronted by a beast and then sent off with riches galore? If that was not the definition of luck he did not know what was. The only thing he was sure of was that he wanted his youngest daughter far away and deep in the woods upon his arrival. 
A sweat began to build up and his breathing quickened when he recognized the well worn path to his little cottage. Eliott kept his eyes peeled as he approached his home. From this distance, he could see a couple of heads bobbing about in the small garden out front and his family dog sleeping in the doorway. The closer he got, the clearer their faces became. 
Raphael and his youngest were working in the small garden. Oh, how Eliott prayed that Raphael would notice him first. 
As his luck (that fickle thing) would have it, his youngest daughter noticed his arrival and waved at her father. She quickly set down her tools and hurried over.
“Papa! You’re safe,” she squinted from the sun as she looked up at him. “We were so worried when Phillipe showed up without you.” She raised a calloused hand in greeting at the horse he rode, “hello.” She turned back to him with a stern look on her face. “Where have you been?
Tears quickly filled his eyes and he said nothing as he searched the bag next to him for the rose that set a curse upon his family. Eliott handed it to his daughter and discreetly wiped the tear that fell down his cheek. 
She softened. “Oh, Papa. You shouldn’t have.”
“You’re right,” he sighed. “It came at a great cost.”
Her eyes widened. “Whatever do you mean?”
“Gather your siblings. I have news about where I’ve been.”
She did as she was told and soon enough everyone was gathered in their small dining room, chests from the wagon on the table. All but one child chatted and speculated over what was in the chests. His youngest instead kept a close eye on her father, for she had noticed his somber disposition.
“Before I tell you where I’ve been, why don’t you open that up and see what I have brought home.” 
Elyna was the first to put her hands on one of the chests, snapping off the latches and swinging it open. She shrieked in delight at the sight of the beautiful gown laid out on top. “Does this mean the fortune really came back? Will we finally be rid of this place?”
Eliott shifted on his feet and swallowed deeply. “Perhaps you should all take a seat.” 
He told them of his journey to port and how everything on the ship had been seized to pay for his debts. The trip back home and the storm that disoriented him. The castle and the sentient candles. The grand feast that was presented to him and the room he slept in. The garden out back and the rose he picked. The beast who appeared and demanded he sacrifice a child to save his life. He told them how he’d have to go about choosing which child would go in his stead. 
Anna stood up and pointed to his youngest. “Do you see what happens when you are greedy? Look at what you made happen! You should be the one to leave and right your wrongs. You were the first to greet our papa and the one who landed him in this mess. Now you sort it out.”
Her brothers were quick to defend their youngest sister and even quicker there was a shouting match between the six. 
“Enough,” Eliott slammed his hands on the table. 
“Worry not, Père, for I shall slay the beast and ensure our little belle’s safety.” Matheo stepped forward. As usual, his brothers agreed.
“No, no, no. I forbid any of you going anywhere near the beast and his castle. We shall continue on as though nothing has happened. I will invest the small capital he gave me and ensure the return of the family fortune.”
“Papa, I do not think that wise.”
“Ma belle,” he placed his hands on her cheeks, ”I will not sacrifice your life for mine. I made a mistake, like we all do. Now we learn from it and move on. Do you understand?”
She was quiet for a moment, and he saw a flash of defiance in her eyes before it died out and she nodded. 
Later that night, long after everyone said goodnight, Eliott was sitting on the couch contemplating his next move. He knew he had to move his family far away, somewhere the debt collectors and the beast would not find them. Perhaps another country. 
As he sat there pondering the possibilities, he heard a thump from somewhere outside the house. Not a moment passed when he heard one of the horses neigh. Worried that it might be the beast, he grabbed an iron fire poker from the hearth and ran outside. 
He turned the corner of the house to the small stable they had, arms raised and ready to strike when he saw his daughter struggling to get the new horse under control.
“Shh, shh. I won’t hurt you,” she whispered. “I’m going to take you back home.”
“You’ll do no such thing, Belle.”
She jumped in fright and turned sheepishly. “I was hoping you would be asleep.”
“What do you think you’re doing?” He took the horse’s reins from her. “Did I not forbid you from going to the beast’s castle?”
“Papa, I won’t allow you to put our family in danger. We have no idea if the beast will come after us if we don’t send someone in your stead. He might take back everything he gave you, leaving us poor once more.”
“You need not worry about that. I have a plan.” 
“Papa, you gave your word to the beast. He spared your life. You taught me that giving your word was a serious thing, that you must always follow through.” 
It was at this moment Eliott hated the fact that she had her mother’s eyes. To have them staring at him so intensely in a moment where she was basically calling his character into question was not something he enjoyed. 
But she was right. He taught his children better than the example he was giving them. 
“Fine. We head out in the morning. I’ll take you myself.”
She smiled wide. “Thank you. I promise to right my wrongs and keep the family safe.”
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Her father had just been dismissed from the castle. They’d been greeted with a feast, much like Eliott’s first night there. Unlike his first night, the beast decided to join them. 
To say fear ran like ice through her veins would be an understatement. Just before reaching the castle, she had tried to cheer herself up by thinking of her situation like a big adventure. Upon seeing the creature, she realized she was not ready for such an adventure. 
Throughout the entire meal she’d felt the beast’s eyes on her. She had not the courage to meet his gaze, having spent much of the meal picking at her steak and watching the blood ooze out. 
She’d been led into the sitting room to wait for the beast. While she waited, she reflected on her last day of freedom.
Eliott had made sure they broke fast as a family one last time before she had to leave. After many attempts to talk her out of it, her brothers accepted her decision. Her sisters, on the other hand, did little to hide their glee. That hurt her, since she loved her family unconditionally. She knew of the jealousy and contempt her sisters held towards her, but she had hoped they would at least pretend to miss her. 
The journey itself had been a long one. It took them a few days thanks to the storm they encountered halfway there. Her father took it as an omen for what was to come. She knew it just got rather stormy this time of year. The relief she felt when they reached the castle was great, if only because that meant she would not have to be jostled around so much. The meal was long and awkward and her father left far too soon. 
She remembered the worried look on his face when they departed. Tears were filling his eyes and he’d been sniffling. 
Making sure her last words to him were something positive, she reached for his hand and said, “it will all be fine, Papa.”
Then he’d been sent off with a reward for following through with his word. 
“Tell me your name.”
She startled at the sound of the beast’s voice. She looked around the room, finding its figure casting a shadow in the doorway. 
It was massive, ten feet tall at the very least. Yes, at first glance it looked like a bat, but a mutated one-half man, half bat. It’s ears were large and pointed, eyes dark and small, muzzle large. A voluminous ruffle of dark brown fur adorned it’s neck like a fancy collar, a small trail of fur going down it’s naked torso until it reached his waist and covered his body in fur once more. It had a pair of bat-like wings and she could only imagine how grand the wingspan would be. Settled just under his shoulders lay another pair that led to leathery human looking arms, one of which was holding a rather large goblet. It’s legs were long and had talons at the end of its feet.
“Your name?”
Her voice quivered but she complied, “although my father calls me Belle.”
“How fitting,” it hummed. 
“What do I call you?” She may be frightened, but she was not rude. She could not possibly imagine calling him a beast to his face. Who knew how he would react. 
“You may call me Kas.” He ventured further into the room, gait slow and full of purpose. “You know why you’re here?” Stopping in front of her, he took a sip from his goblet.
Shifting nervously from the intensity of his stare, she cleared her throat. “Yes.”  
“And do you accept your fate?”
“I would do anything to save my father’s life.” Any trace of hesitation faded from her voice and she saw a malicious gleam enter his eyes. 
“It would do you well to remember that.” With that, he trailed a finger down her cheek, lingering on her bottom lip. 
Her eyes widened. She had no clue what he meant by that. 
“I need to set some ground rules before your stay truly begins.” He lets go of her face and begins to pace. “You are free to do as you please, I care not how you spend your time. I sleep during the day, so I ask that you not make too much noise. You may not, under any circumstance, go into the west wing.” His pacing stops and he turns his head to look at her. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Sir,” he hums. “I quite like that.”
A knock sounds on the door frame. “Master, the lady’s room is ready.”
“Very well, then.” He stops her as she rises from her seat. “Just one more question before you go to bed.” His wings shift as he brings himself into her personal space once again. “Will you marry me?”
She blinks once. Twice. Three times. “Pardon?”
“Will you marry me?”
“I cannot, for I hardly know you.”
His eyes darken, and she can tell he’s not pleased. The beast says nothing and takes a long drink from his cup. He does so sloppily, and when some dribbles down his chin she can tell it’s blood. 
A bolt of fear strikes through her and she rushes over to the butler. Her hands shake as she tries to settle herself on the walk to her room. 
Blood. He was drinking blood. It was fitting for a giant bat creature but where did he get it? Was it from people who stumbled upon his castle like her father? Did he get his blood drawn when he stayed here? Was it from his prisoners like her? Although he said she was free to do as she pleased, did that make her a prisoner or a visitor? The thought of possibly just being a visitor for a while helped calm her down a bit. But the thought of being drained of her blood filled her with anxiety once more. 
“Here we are, mademoiselle.” The sound of a key turning a lock took her out of her reverie.
The door swung open to an opulent, dark green room. The candles were already lit, the glint of the gilded decorations reminding her of fireflies. Everything in the castle had a faded and worn look to it, all covered in a thick layer of dust from the lack of use. This room looked recently cleaned, not a cobweb in sight. 
“Is this room for me?” She dared not step foot in it. Dirt and muck from her journey caked her shoes and she did not want to ruin the rug that spanned the room. 
“Yes ma’am.” He gestured to her small trunk of belongings sitting at the foot of the bed. 
“Oh my,” she muttered. Carefully, she took her shoes off and tiptoed into the room. She heard the door start to close and she quickly turned to the butler. “What do I call you?”
“You may call me Munson.” He gently bowed his head.
“Good night, Munson.” 
A small smile graced his face. “Good night, mademoiselle.”
When the door closed, she took a deep breath to center herself. After carefully placing her shoes next to the door and off of the rug, she turned to face the bedroom. 
Being the youngest in the family, she did not remember much of their life before their wealth was lost. She could only remember glimpses of a past her family were so fond of. Flashes of her mother’s face and toys galore, a pretty pink room. For the majority of her life, she lived in the small cottage in the woods. It was cramped and a bit uncomfortable, but it was home. Everything else felt like a dream. 
Especially now, being in a room as fancy as the one she was given. Never before had she seen such extravagance, none that she could remember. It should be a thrill, she should feel giddy. 
Instead, she felt dread. She knew not what would come tomorrow, or the days after. All she knew was that she was a prisoner in an abandoned castle, trapped with a beast. She hadn’t the faintest clue of his intentions, other than the bizarre marriage proposal. 
Why would a beast want to marry a human?
The events of the past week caught up with her. First, her father had gone missing only to come back with news of a beast and the conditions of his release. Then, there was the long trip, on which she barely got any rest. It was all very emotionally and physically draining. 
She dug through her trunk, looking for her nightdress. When she began to strip, her skin began to tingle with the feeling of eyes on her and eventually her own went towards the glass doors that led to the balcony. The curtains had not been closed. She knew no one besides Munson and the beast lived anywhere near, and she wasn’t on the first floor, but she couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching her. 
Naked, she went to close the curtains. Stopping when they were almost completely closed, she peered out into the darkness. 
She watched, as the wind rustled the trees and their leaves fluttered off the branches. What little moonlight shone through the clouds illuminated the gardens below. In the distance she saw a gazebo, most likely the one from her father’s story of the incident. A chunk of movement in the bushes caught her attention and she felt herself leaning closer to the window as if it would give her a better look. 
She just about had her nose pressed against the glass when a wild boar burst out of the bushes, making her jump back. Before she could catch her breath a large dark mass dove from the tree closest to her onto the boar. 
She shrieked in fright and shut the curtains. 
Her hands shook as she pressed one to her chest in an effort to slow her racing heart. The mass was huge and she’d seen nothing near the castle that size other than the beast. Kas. If it dove from the tree nearest to her room then she was right, someone had been watching her. She vowed to keep the curtains drawn every night from now on. 
Deciding she would much rather sleep than deal with her situation or the meaning of Kas’ peeping, she got her nightdress on as quickly as possible. 
Much like her father in his time there, as soon as her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. 
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She could not control the volume of her moans nor the rolling of her hips, the pleasure so unfamiliar and great she just had to chase it. A whine escaped her lips when a hand stilled the motion of her hips. 
“You need to stay still, mon trèsor. I cannot properly enjoy my meal if you keep moving.”
Leaning back on her elbows she looked down to the mess of curls lying between her legs. A pair of the roundest, deepest brown eyes stared up at her glittering with mirth. 
“Please,” she begged.
“Please, nothing. You promised you would let me eat to my heart’s content, that you would stay still, that you would be a good girl. Are you going to break your promise?”
“No,” she pouted, “but-”
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tutted. Gently, he trailed the tip of his tongue through her slit and circled her clit, humming at the sight of her eyes rolling into the back of her head. “If you stay still for a while longer, I will let you finish. Deal?”
Her breath stuttered as he resumed. “Deal.”
She fell onto her back the moment he thrust his tongue inside her, curling it deliciously. Her toes curled as he circled her bud with his thumb while his tongue made love to her cunt.
Gentle waves of pleasure caressed her senses, building up in intensity as his thumb sped up. Soon she was adrift in mindless pleasure, moans increasing in volume as she tried to hold back her physical reaction to his ministrations. 
The size of the waves increased, crashing against her and she felt her body stiffening as she felt an indescribable heat and pressure build up at her core. As the intensity grew, she struggled to catch her breath.
The pressure increased and she was about to ask him for something, anything, when he murmured, “let go, my sweet. Come for me.”
She wasn’t quite sure what he meant but she felt herself ride the waves as they crested, creating a feeling of bliss she had never before experienced.
Her mystery man continued to lap at her folds despite her thighs clenching down on his head and he only stopped when she twitched from over stimulation.
He kissed one thigh while his hand caressed the other. “You did so well for me, mon trèsor. Such a good girl.”
A shiver wracked through her body at his praise. “I feel lightheaded. What was that?”
The warmth of his quiet laughter against her skin tickled as he began to kiss his way up to her. “That was an orgasm.” He pauses at her breasts, biting gently at one of her nipples before soothing it with a kiss. 
She gasps in pleasure. “What is that?”
“That, mon trèsor, is the epitome of pleasure.” He nips at her other nipple, this time biting a little harder. He smirks against her skin as she moans. “Oh, you like that, do you?” 
Making sure to nip and suckle all across her chest, he takes his time exploring. He makes sure not to leave any marks, just biting hard enough for her to feel something. Eventually he makes his way up her neck and it isn’t until he reaches the spot just under her ear that she grabs at him and he smirks just before he leaves a love bite. 
One of her legs curls around his waist and she presses herself up against him and he groans as her heat brushes up against him. “Please.”
“Please what?” He runs his hand up the length of the leg curled around him, grabbing a handful of her ass and grinding himself against her. 
“Please, I need-” she moans as his tip bumps against her bud. She whines loudly and writhes against him. 
“Calm down,” he chuckles. 
The hand on her ass makes its way between her thighs, teasing her clit once more. He dips his finger into her core to gather slick and groans when he feels how wet she is. Quickly, he drags slick up to her bud and begins rubbing circles into it. 
When her hips start undulating, he whispers a few words of encouragement in her ear before slipping a finger into her sex. A broken moan escaped her lips at the foreign feeling and she grabbed at his wrist.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Her brow furrowed. “N-no?”
“Do you want me to keep doing this,” he gently began to thrust his finger in and out. 
“Oh,” she sighed. “Yes.”
“I thought so.” He resumed kissing at her neck before deciding her breasts were a better place to be.
She didn’t know what to do with herself. Never before had she experienced sensations like these and a part of her (the part that knew doing this before marriage was wrong) wanted to stop. But that familiar heat began to stir in her loins and she wanted to experience that high again.
Soon enough, the one finger wasn’t enough and she begged him for, “more.”
The man complied, inserting another finger. When she grew accustomed to the feeling, he curled them, sending a delightful quiver throughout her body.
“Again,” she demanded. She felt his smile upon her skin as he obeyed her command.
If she thought the one finger was enough to fully stoke the flames of her desire, she was not ready for a pair of them scissoring inside her. 
Her back arched, hips chasing the pleasure his fingers were providing. She was fast approaching that peak once more and her moans grew desperate. 
“Do you want more?” His voice was low and sultry in her ear.
She hummed in agreement.
“Use your words, mon trèsor.”
“M-mo-ah, ah-more.”
“Very good.” 
He thrust his fingers faster and made sure to put more pressure on her clit. Her legs began to quiver and she felt her eyes roll. The feeling of his thick fingers inside of her was overwhelming but felt so good. She gripped his wrist tighter and chased his motions with her hips. Soon she felt the heat and tingles burst throughout her body. 
“Just like that, ride it out.” He continued to thrust his fingers until she stopped clenching around them. 
She let out small giggles as she tried to catch her breath. 
Finally, the man’s face came into her line of sight. 
He was beautiful, nothing like the men she’d seen in town. Big, brown eyes, an endearingly bulbous nose and a plump bottom lip. Long, curly hair draped over his head, coming down like curtains and putting them in a space all their own. 
“Enjoying yourself, are you?” 
“Very much,” she breathed. She could not help the smile that came across her face. “I’ve never felt anything like that in my life.”
“I’m glad I was the first to give it to you.”
She stares at him in wonder. “I don’t even know your name.”
“You need only ask,” he teases. When she says nothing he flops down next to her, resting his head on his arm as he lays on his side. “Go on.”
“Um.” She draws a thin sheet over her chest. He tries to and fails to hold back a smile at the action, causing a cute little dimple to appear in his left cheek. “What is your name?”
“My name, mon trèsor, is Edward.” He puts out a hand in greeting. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Timidly, she shakes his hand. “A pleasure indeed.”
They both break out in giggles. 
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When she wakes the next morning, it’s to a stickiness between her legs. Thinking she’s started her monthly, she throws the blankets off. But when she gets off the bed, no blood is to be seen. She feels something begin to trickle down her thigh so she hurriedly places her hand down there to check what it is. Surprise colors her face when she sees a clear viscous liquid coating her fingertips. 
Surely she had not wet herself, she’d not done that since she was a babe. When she checks the bed for wet spots, she is baffled to find none. How odd. 
Distracted, she goes about her morning, making her bed, opening the curtains, getting dressed. When she opens her door, she is surprised to see Kas waiting for her in the surprisingly dark hallway. 
“G-good morning, bea-Kas. Can I help you with something?”
He says nothing, instead slowly trailing his dark eyes over her figure, lingering between her legs.
Immediately, something in her core tells her something is wrong. There’s a tingle at the base of her neck, goosebumps rolling down her arms. 
Slowly, so as not to alert him, she begins to close the door in an effort to have something between them. He continues to say nothing, instead watching as she closes the door enough to hide the interior of her room. Both of her shoulders are out of sight, the majority of her body in the room, head leaning out.
“I actually do need your help with something.” His voice is low and he speaks slowly. It freaks her out. 
“O-oh?” She tries not to make it obvious that her hand is scrambling to find something to grab. A weapon of some sort. “With what?”
Kas takes a step closer. “I have a hunger that I cannot satisfy.”
She managed to grab hold of a candelabra on the table that was situated next to her door. “Oh? I’m sure I can cook something up for you if Munson is not able to at the moment.”
“I’m afraid Munson will not be able to help me. It is a very particular kind of hunger. One could call it a thirst.” He takes another step closer, inhaling deeply, eyes rolling as a distinct scent hits his nose. “But I can tell you have exactly what I need,” he rumbled.
Alarm bells rang throughout her head when he took another step and she brandished her candelabra. “Don’t come any closer.”
He huffed. “Silly girl. Do you really think that will stop me?”
She threw it at him as he closed the distance just to see it bounce off of him. While one hand covered her mouth, the other held her by the waist and lifted her up. One of his wings shut the door behind him and he walked her to the bed.
She struggled and tried to scream, but she could hardly breathe with his big hand blocking her nostrils. She kicked and punched as hard as she could but her strength was no match for him. 
He laid her on the bed, wings surrounding them both, cutting her off from anything other than Kas. It was dark and hot and he still hadn’t removed his hand from her mouth. She felt herself get lightheaded and the amount of fight in her diminished.
Kas caught on and quickly shifted his hand, allowing her nostrils clarity. The other hand let go of her waist and was rucking up her dress. He ignored her muffled shrieks and struggles, instead choosing to focus on getting to the apex between her thighs as quickly as possible. 
When he reached it he groaned, for she was still wet. “I knew it.”
She sobbed when his finger put pressure on her clit. Thanks to her dream she knew where this was headed and her attempts to fight him off grew stronger. He merely laughed while his finger rapidly drew circles on her clit.
She jerked in his hold. As much as she did not want to, her body began to respond to his actions. Compared to her dream Edward, Kas’ movements were much too rough and hurried. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second and the sounds she let out were starting to turn into moans.
His breathing was heavy in her ears and she could feel her own begin to match it. Against her will, her hips started to move with his finger, chasing the pleasure he was provoking. 
“Look at you. Acting so disgusted, but you like this. You enjoy my touch.” With that, he flicked her clit and laughed when she squealed in pain. 
She was surprised at the spark of pleasure she felt from the pain and it caused the familiar heat from her dreams to bloom. She tried to squeeze her thighs hard enough to cause his hand to slip out from between them, but in doing so it just made the pleasure hit differently.
When she felt herself being to clench around nothing she panicked, for she knew what that meant. Trying to fend off the increasing pleasure, she found herself holding her breath in concentration. But in doing so she felt the pleasure swell and it continued to build and build until she thought she was about to climax.
Kas withdrew his finger and laughter sounded in her ears as she came back down. “Oh, my pet, you truly are a sight to see. The loveliest creature I’ve set my eyes on in decades.”
With no warning, he shoved his finger inside of her, rumbling in pleasure at her scream of pain. He gives her no reprieve, no chance to adjust to the size of his finger (so much larger than what Edward had felt like in her dream) and begins to rapidly thrust it. 
Stretched beyond belief, she thinks she may just die from the pain when sparks of pleasure begin to flicker once more. Slick makes his passage easier and she cries at the sound of his cruel laughter. 
“Look at your cunt, so hungry for my finger she can’t help but pull it back in.”
And it was true. No matter how hard she tried to fight it, her body seemed to thrive under his rough ministrations. Her hips began to chase his movements once more and instead of clawing at the hand covering her mouth, she held on for her life. With every other thrust, his finger came in contact with a distinct spot inside of her, giving her a jolt of pleasure each time.
The pleasure mounting this time around was much more intense than her dream climax and she sobbed at the uncontrollable feeling. Just as she felt herself reach that peak again, Kas withdrew his finger once more. 
She cried out in frustration and disgust. Why did he keep stopping? And why did she want him to continue his assault?
Quickly, Kas moves down her body, wings following him. She squints at the abrupt change in lighting and has barely adjusted to it when she feels something wet touch her folds.
She begins to lift her head to look between her legs, “why are you doing this?”
“You said you would do anything to save your father’s life.”
Suddenly Kas’ tongue thrusts into her, curling as it did, coming into contact with that particular spot he had just started to explore with his finger. She felt full in a different way, in an honestly much preferable way. His finger had been rigid, his tongue (thankfully) much more pliable. 
She couldn’t help but to compare it to how it felt when Edward explored her with his tongue. Kas was reaching places Edward had no ability to. Whereas Edward took his time and was gentle, Kas would thrust viciously and without mercy.
He would alternate between jabbing his tongue in her and slurping up the excess slick from her folds. His snout would brush against her clit while his hands held her legs open. Without his hands covering her mouth, her noises filled the room, a mixture of crying and moans. He relished in the inconsistency of her begging.
“‘Yes, yes. No, stop it.’ You just don’t know what you want, do you?” He grinned salaciously. “It’s alright. You don’t have to know. I know what you want and I am all you need.”
With that, he doubled his efforts to draw her climax out of her. Soon her cries for him to stop diminished entirely and all that was heard in the room were her begs for more. 
And more he gave her. The heat in her core surged, continuing to rise and rise until it engulfed her entire being and she fell apart on his tongue. He didn’t stop until he had his fill, causing her to climax two more times. 
By the time he finished she had passed out, energy spent and body weakened.
Kas gently rearranged her on the bed, righting her dress. 
“You are exactly what I need.” He trailed a finger down her cheek. “Mon trèsor.”
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When she wakes hours later, the shadows in her room tell her it’s about noon. In a daze, she rights her bed and goes looking for the candelabra in the hallway only to find it sitting on its table, making her wonder if the events of the morning were a terrible dream. The soreness between her legs tells her otherwise.
After some time, she looks for the kitchen hoping for some lunch. She’s lost for only a moment before the candles lead her to the kitchen doors, the sound of tinkling cutlery bleeding into the hallway. When she entered, she could have sworn she saw a broom sweeping in the corner, but when she turned, it was against the wall. 
She makes a small plate of the leftovers from breakfast. In the end she struggles to finish her meal, too distracted from the morning’s events.
Eventually, she heads out to the gazebo, book in hand, and notices the very roses that doomed her. She barely clears the debris off the bench before sitting down. In the distance, she can hear the sounds of different animals and the buzz of insects.
For hours, she reads the same few pages, not absorbing a single word. 
“It is time for dinner.”
Munson’s voice makes her jump and she hurries out of the gazebo, avoiding his eyes.
Kas is waiting for her in the dining room. When she goes for a random seat she hears him grunt. When she meets his gaze, he gestures to the seat next to him. She hesitates for a moment before sitting next to him. 
Dinner plays out almost exactly as it had the night before. She is much too distracted to enjoy her meal and Kas is busy watching her. 
They both reach for their respective goblets at the same time when she notices the scratches she left on his arms and the size of his hands. 
While she knew his hands were big (she could tell when they were all over her) she hadn’t realized just how big they were. She took a sip of her drink as her mind drifted uncontrollably. If Edwards fingers were thick and long but his member even longer and thicker, then how big would Kas’ be? 
At that thought she choked on her wine, sending her into a coughing fit. Kas reached out a hand to pat her back but she jerked out of his reach. 
“No! No,” she calms down. “I’m fine.” 
His dark eyes narrow in suspicion but he says nothing. 
When dinner is over, she attempts to rush out of the room but Kas’ voice stops her. 
“Before you go, I have something to ask you.”
She nods in acknowledgement.
“Will you marry me?”
Her nose scrunches in confusion. Had she not answered this question the night before? Did he really think she would say yes after what happened that very morning?
His reaction was much like the night before and he dismissed her without saying a word. 
When she got to her room, she made sure to close her curtains before getting ready for bed. It was rather unrealistic, but she hoped to experience the same dream again. She would much rather be in a wonderful fantasy with a handsome dream man than in the newfound nightmare her reality had become.
Unfortunately for her, she did not fall asleep as easily as the night before, but once sleep grabbed hold of her she went with it willingly.
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“Fancy seeing you here.”
She sat up in her bed and looked around. The room looked mostly the same except the colors were much brighter. The walls were a pastel green instead of the dark, almost black green. Everything was still gilded and she could see little paintings of flowers scattered all around. The room had an overall brighter tone and lighter feel to it. 
Sat on the little couch near the balcony was Edward. He was dressed in a white shirt and unbuttoned trousers. There was a smirk on his face as he sat with his legs crossed, an arm spread out on the back of the couch. 
Noticing she was naked, she pulled the sheet up to her chest. “Edward?”
“The one and only.”
Dragging a hand down her face, she muttered to herself, “what kind of dream is this?”
“The best kind of dream.” He stood up from the couch and made his way to her. “The kind where your worries come to fade away,” he sat next to her on the bed, “and where only light is allowed.” He grabbed her unoccupied hand. “As long as I am around you will never not feel safe here. That I can promise you.” Staring into her eyes, he tenderly kissed the palm of her hand.
She swooned. Who was this man? How in the world had she conjured him? He was incredibly handsome, had introduced her to a new kind of pleasure, and now he was promising to keep her safe.
“Who are you,” she sighed. 
He grinned. “We’ve gone over this, mon trèsor. I,” he placed a hand on his chest, “am Edward. Although my close friends call me Eddie.” He nods at her. “You can call me Eddie.”
“I would hardly say we’re friends, I barely know you.”
Smirk on his face, he bumped shoulders with her, “I would say most friends don’t know each other as intimately as we do.”
Her jaw dropped in surprise at his statement. It was a crass way to do it, but when he put it that way, she couldn’t help but agree. Perhaps they were friends. 
He put a finger under her chin, shutting her mouth as quickly as it opened. “Close that up, before you give me any ideas.” Then he jumped off the bed. “Come,” he clapped. “Get dressed, I have much to show you.”
She did as he asked, wondering how a dream could feel so lifelike. It was almost enough to distract her from what had occurred that very morning. She decided to take it in stride, accept it for what it was. Given her circumstances, she would need all the friends she could get, no matter how unorthodox their introduction. 
It was a shame the only way she could make a friend and feel safe was in her dreams.
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A/N: There it is! The first of most likely two parts. There are much darker things in store for our sweet Belle. I have a lot planned for this story, so hopefully you stick along for the ride. I hope you enjoyed it, please let me know if you did 💕 If you want to see my fics and just the fics, go check out @valthevalkyrielibrary
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smilesatdawnmain · 4 months
in your different AU‘s, will some characters have drastically different personalities?
I’m not sure if it’s necessarily “drastic” but there are definitely differences in their personalities.
I’ll write if there are any~
MK is very- untrusting, is the best way to put it. He trusts those he loves, but doesn’t trust a stranger at face value. He 100% believes everyone is lying until proven otherwise. He doesn’t trust anyone to keep their word- and infact is more on guard when someone “swears to do something/promises things”
While he is a very kind soul, he doesn’t often cry. Not to say his can’t be moved by emotions, but things don’t affect him at that deep of a level anymore. Even good things.
His abilities only really match to Wukong’s except his ability to dream of the future. This ability came from Macaque.
He’s far more similar to Nezha in how he dresses and fights. As well as his sense of honor. Things like cheating and breaking vows/promises is very upsetting to him.
Hesitant to cause any real injury to anyone.
The Day the World Eclipsed
MK : extremely trusting and loving- probably naively so. Grew up being able to trust everything around him, thus is far more susceptible to manipulation.
He has no reason to distrust anyone or feel concern they might be lying.
His fighting style takes off more of both Macaque and Wukong, as his powers take after both as well.
More playful fighting, not willing to cause any actual harm.
He’s the perfect little mix of both his parents. Bubbly and sweet, yet easily able to switch to a more conniving little trickster at the drop of a hat.
The Tragedy of Six (this is the Au with the biggest difference)
MK: while his playful nature and attitude towards his friends are the same as all the other MK’s, it is with enemies that MK might show the greatest change.
Far more quick to violent tendencies. Can cause harm, and isn’t against doing so if needed.
Very curious of the world, but grew up being told it is corrupt and beneath him, so sometimes that mindset shows in how he interacts with others.
He is very protective of his family- almost boarder-lining on possessive.
His fighting style does have a lot of Nezha’s influence, but it is Erlang that he learned the most from.
Red Son: while Red Son is the same in all my Au’s, this is where his personality differs. He’s far more cautious in this Au.
Feeling both responsible as the oldest, he also has a large sense of fear since he has had the Samahdi fire since birth.
He is calmer. Not to say his anger management issues are gone, but he works twice as hard to keep them under control.
He struggles with abandonment issues. Always assuming everyone is going to leave him- and for good reason. It’s just a matter of time, in his mind
Mei: in this Au, her general bubbly spirit and happy go lucky attitude is the same.
She is prone to more illegal shenanigans, impatient as she tends to be, yet she meditations far more frequently.
And influence from Nezha, you’d be surprise how often you find her meditating without someone prompting her to do so.
She’s claimed the other children and Nezha as her family, and she is not keen to share. And similar to Emerald, she often quietly wonders of her own heritage.
Worried that she isn’t enough as a “Dragon” since she doesn’t fully understand what it means to be one.
She really really doesn’t get along with Xiaoxiao~ (the siblings that are always fighting)
And that is all I can really think that is drastically different for the characters of each au. Most everyone’s personalities are the same except for the differences here :3
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Young American - Part 9**
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A/N: Ahhhh finally and it's a long one! I really love this chapter because our characters have reached 2 new milestones. Also, I've been feeling very nostalgic and the places I wrote about are very real and extremely important places to me since I was a teenager 🥹. When I was in high school my friends and I ditched school (well we did on countless occasions haha) and would drive out to the mentioned beach and dune and hang out and sing and play guitar for hours, I felt safe and comfortable and so happy there (I might be wrong, but I think 1D actually filmed WMYB at this beach, or at least it looks similar). Either way, I just wanted to mention that because it really just helped me tap into the feelings I wanted to portray in this chapter and ultimately it helped me be able to finish writing this chapter. I really hope you guys like it and thank you so much for your patience! 💖
WC: 11.9K
Warnings: Mentions of family drama (same as part 8), mutual masturbation, facefucking (male receiving), slight degradation, subspace/topspace.
I forgot to tag people in part 8, here it is!
Series Masterlist
Y/N was smiling bright and looking out the window on his side as they drove down the 1, more commonly known as the Pacific Coast Highway. She liked the beach, it was one of the reasons why she had been so excited to move in with her aunt in LA. She usually hit the beaches in OC, wanting to avoid the heavy traffic out near Malibu. However, Harry drove through the small coastal city, the traffic diminishing the further out they got. She glanced over to him and he spared a quick glance to her.
“We’re going to the Ventura County beaches.” He said to her and she nodded, “Have you ever been out here?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No, not that I recall.” She said.
“They’re not as crowded as Malibu beaches.” He explained.
“Mmmm… and how did you come across it?” She asked.
“My first week here I just went for a drive and I just ummm…kept going.” He shrugged with a little smile. “Saw the beach we’re going to and I absolutely loved it. It’s small and it’s got lots of trees and it’s not very crowded, it’s very pretty there.” He explained, she was excited now and they winded up the 1 North. 
They hadn’t really said much, just listening to the music playing softly over the speakers and enjoying the view. She was grateful that he had whisked her away, as much as she loved being at the shop it was currently hard to sit there and feel like she was being forced to choose. She wanted to work on her things in peace with someone she cared for and trusted, maybe clarity would come with the calm.
“Everything alright?” Harry’s voice intruded her thoughts and she turned towards him and nodded.
“Yeah, just thinking about what happened.” She said and sighed, “They ummm…basically said that as long as I stay on this trajectory that they wouldn’t speak to me.”
“Oh.” He frowned and squeezed her hand a little bit. There wasn’t anything to say that she hadn’t already heard, so she appreciated his quiet contemplation of the information she’d just shared before saying anything, “What’s bothering you most about the whole thing?” He finally asked and she immediately knew.
“That I know what they did to Julie for doing whatever the hell she wanted, she literally was painted out to be this evil and rebellious black sheep because she wasn’t living too traditionally, it was awful! And I don’t know, I just feel stupid for thinking or…hoping that when it came to me they’d come around.” She said and Harry nodded as he still focused on the road, but listened intently to her, “I’m such an idiot. So fucking naive.” She almost spat to herself with disdain and Harry frowned.
“You’re not naive or an idiot, it’s your family, Y/N, you’re not out of turn to expect them to love you as they always have. It’s not an unrealistic expectation to want their support. This is not your fault.” He said to her and she nodded.
“I know Harry, but it feels like it.” She said turning towards him and he frowned.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He said and she sighed.
“God, must think my family’s a herd of bigots and traditionalists.” She huffed with an eye roll.
“I mean, a little bit,” he said with a chuckle and she giggled, “But look the only person I care about impressing is Julie and well, I’ve got her in the bag.” He said with a happy smile, “Or at least I think I do.” He spared a glance to Y/N and she smiled.
“Your confidence is sexy and not misplaced in any way.” She responded.
“I can’t tell if you mean that or are saying it sarcastically.” He chuckled.
“Well that’s for you to figure out.” She teased.
“I need to know if Julie likes me!” He chuckled, “Every time I’m over and run into her I have these full fledged conversations because she’s so easy to talk to! And you know I’m not really a talker. Am I like this annoying guy who comes around with a crush on her niece?” He asked her as she laughed.
“She loves you, don’t worry.” Y/N assured him and he smiled in relief.
“Good.” He hummed happily. It was only about five more minutes before they started to emerge through this very rocky part of the coastline and he smiled.
“And on your left you’ll find Sycamore Cove.” He said in his best “tour guide” tone and she grinned at his theatrics.
“Wow, that’s different.” She said and he nodded.
“It’s pretty right?” He asked as he rolled to a stop slowly and turned on his blinker to turn into the nearly empty lot, there were only two other cars there that she could see and soon he was rolling over the sandy lot and fitting into a spot, “Surprise.” He turned to her with a smile and she was beaming.
“I love this, thank you.” She assured.
“Great. I’ve also got something that we’ll need to do after this. You’re going to absolutely love it.” He said and she grinned in excitement.
“Can’t wait.” She hummed. Harry instructed her to grab her tote and his from the backseat while he grabbed the blanket and other things he had brought with him for this outing. Once she heard the trunk shut he walked past her to guide her way. As soon as the reached the sand he just slipped his feet out of his white vans, well they were more light gray and very wrecked up, but it was funny to her that he had been occupying these as slippers basically, “Wait, let me lean on you.” She said and he came on over so that she could steady herself as she slid out of her own shoes and socks before they continued their trek. 
“To your left.” He said as she got a little distracted looking over to the rocky structure they had driven past not even ten minutes prior, “We can climb that if you want.”
“Maybe when I’m not wearing these jeans.” She said, “I don’t have great range of motion.” She explained with a giggle and Harry sniggered as he stopped by this giant, worn down log. He set down the big Ikea bag he had and pulled out a navy & white checkered black blanket. He carefully extended it and then had her sit. She dropped her shoes to her side before settling into the blanket-covered sand, her back was up against the log. And once she was comfortable he pulled out his sketch pad and his pencil case and sat down diagonally form her. This prompted her to pull out her iPad and apple pen, “What’re you gonna draw?” She asked him quietly.
“Not sure yet.” He hummed.
“Do you want to draw me?” She asked with a smile.
“I could.” He mused and she nodded eagerly, “I’ll try to do you justice, capture you drawing.” He said and she smiled.
“Yeah, do it! I’m gonna finish this design I’m almost done with and then I’ll draw you.” She said with enthusiasm and they got to work. 
Y/N wasn’t sure if this qualified as romantic, but it was to her. The tension between them was steadily rising. She abandoned her tattoo design rather quickly and started drawing him instead when she felt his intense gaze taking her in. His eyebrows were a bit creased as he focused, but every now and again their eyes would meet and they’d both smile giddily before getting back to it, trying not to get distracted for too long. After a good thirty minutes of drawing and sporadic little pieces of conversation they were wrapping it up. 
“Wanna see yours first.” He said and she scoffed but agreed and hurried to add in the final little details of it.
“Ta-da!” She sang with a smile as she turned over her iPad and he grinned.
“That’s sick. That’s really fucking good.” He said taking it from her carefully and looking over it more closely with a big smile. As he shifted a bit his sketchpad slipped from under his arm and her smile fell as she saw his drawing. Obviously, it wasn’t as detailed as an hour or two-long portrait would be, but it was still an impressive portrait; if this was how he drew she wanted to see how he painted, he had said that was kind of his thing. She smiled as she pulled it closer to her face to see all the little details he had gotten in there - like the sliver of light on her face from the the sun reflecting off of the surface of the iPad. Harry bit his lip nervously as she studied over his drawing of her, “Like it?” He eventually asked and she nodded as her eyes flickered up to his own.
“I love it. Can I keep it?” She asked right away and he smiled and nodded.
“Course you can.” He responded softly and she smiled in quiet excitement. She handed back the sketch pad and he her iPad before Harry meticulously tore out the page and Y/N took it and carefully tucked it into one of the sleeves of her iPad’s cover before she put it away and leant back against the log, but much closer to him than before. “No, c’mere.” He said patting the open space between his legs and she climbed over and settled back into his chest as his hands wrapped around her middle and squeezed her close.
“Missed you.” She said as he rubbed his cheek into the side of her head.
“Missed you most.” He whispered and she smiled, her hands settled on his knees and relished in the warmth of his chest against her back. It was the slightest bit cold, after all it was late November now, “Mmmm, tell me something that no one knows about you.” He said lowly as he let his right hand slip away from around her waist and down his leg to intertwine their fingers together. It sent a hoard of butterflies through her tummy and chest in excitement.
“Ummm…I’ve never had a pet.” 
“What?” He asked and she giggled.
“It’s true! My dad’s allergic to both cats and dogs, s’why we or my grandparents would host holidays and family events, no animal hair.” She explained and he hummed.
“Did you want a pet?”
“Of course. When I was 9 one of my friends got a puppy and well I begged and begged but to no avail. I would take ladybugs sometimes and put them in a little plastic cage I had.”
“That’s sweet.” He hummed.
“A bit pathetic really.” She giggled.
“How many did you have?”
“Three.” She said, “One of them was yellow, I decided he was the boy. His name was Steve, the other two I couldn’t tell apart, they were called Dottie and Spottie.” She sputtered on a laugh and he joined her as well, “I was real creative with the names.” She joked about herself and he hummed in agreement, “They lasted about a week.” She finished and he shook his head as he laughed a bit more, “What about you?”
“I didn’t have any ladybugs. Well we call them ladybirds actually.” He said and she hummed, “But ummm, my mum she’s a cat person. We had two cats growing up, Angel and Violet. And my uncle had a big, black dog. His name was Shadow.” He explained.
“Who did you like best?”
“Well my mum’s cats were total assholes.” He said and she giggled, “Or maybe I was a bit of a brute with them so they didn’t like me so Shadow was my favorite. When those awful cats passed we got another one, her name is actually Dotty as well.” He chuckled, “She’s still alive, she’s very attached to my mum.” He explained and she smiled.
“Would you get a pet now?” She asked.
“I have thought it about it. Been to a few dog adoption events and…fuck, I leave with teary eyes every time.” He confessed and she pouted, “Would take ‘em all if I could.” He said, “There’s this one that I just can’t forget. It looked like a schnauzer, maybe it was a mini one, I don’t know. He’s all black and his name is Sebastian.” He said with a chuckle and she giggled.
“Does he look like a Sebastian?” She asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, he does.” He chuckled, “That’s the amusing thing. He’s three or four, so he’s still playful and a tad mischievous, but he’s very well trained, but you can tell that he has a big personality.” He explained, “I’ve seen him a few times at the events.”
“Do you know why they gave him up?”
“Yeah, the girl from the shelter said that his owners had a baby and they just couldn’t do both afterwards and they didn’t want to downgrade his quality of life.”
“Yeah, so he’s definitely spoiled.” Harry grinned and she hummed in acknowledgement.
“What’s something no one knows about you?” She asked back, “But tell me something that you’d only want me to know.” She said and he hummed pensively.
“That’s hard…want you to know everything.” He thought aloud and she felt her heart start to pound and she leaned closer into him, “Mmm…well, I think I want you to know that deep down I’m quite… fragile.” He finished off softly and she bit her lip, “You’ve probably figured it out for yourself, I mean, you’ve seen it for yourself but ummm, I’ve never trusted anyone enough to confirm that because I don’t want people to know just how easily things get to me, you know?” She nodded in understanding, “I want you to know because the way I feel about you is…” he trailed off, “I just don’t want to get hurt.” He finished and she pulled away and turned to face him.
“Look at me.” She said softly and his beautiful eyes met her own, “I would never hurt you. And if I do and cross a line or something please call me out on it.” She said seriously, “I’ve dealt with people like that who are sadistic like that and get off on feeling superior or bigger about themselves when they do that, but I’d never hurt you. Not intentionally, ever. Not to make a point or anything like that.” 
“I know you wouldn’t intentionally.” He said and she nodded again, “And well, I just wanted you to know that because well, I know we’ve been in a weird limbo lately with what’s happening between us and I…want more.” He said and she bit her lip nervously as her heart heart started to beat erratically and the butterflies in her stomach were swarming to the point that she felt like she was vibrating, it was exciting and nerve-racking at the same time.
“More?” She asked softly.
“Yeah, more of you. More of me. More of us.” He said as his hands grabbed her face, “I’m falling for you, Y/N.” He admitted quietly, “I love how it feels when we’re together and as much as I love hanging out and the occasional cunnilingus-” he said and she laughed, “I want to date you. For real.” He said and she grinned.
“Yeah, seriously.” He smiled, “Want you to be my girl.” He said and she hummed and looked away for a moment before her eyes fluttered back up to meet his gaze.
“Kind of thought I already was.” She said with a smile and he leaned in and pecked her lips quickly.
“Well, yeah in that way you are, but in this way too. In every way.” He said as he leaned back in and their lips met in a slow and sensual kiss that was inching towards hungry and desperate. She moaned as his hands slid down to her ass and pulled her closer to him as his lips started to migrate down her jaw and to her neck and she rolled her head to the side as he kissed and sucked at her heated and tingling skin.
“Oh my god…” she smiled as she squeezed her eyes shut as he sucked gently at her sweet spot and then let go.
“Didn’t leave a mark.” He assured her as his lips ghosted across her throat.
“Wouldn’t care if you did.” She gulped as he choose another spot to suck on and as the words registered he sucked a bit harder and she hummed at the increased pressure before he pulled off.
“No?” He asked and she shook her head no, once again confirming.
“Gonna tell you something else I only want you to know.” She said and he hummed, urging her to go on, “Every time I feel your tongue when we kiss?”
“I just can’t help it,” she started, “start getting so wet for you because I can just imagine how those movements would feel on my pussy. God, you ate me out so fucking good I think about it too much.” She confessed and he groaned as he went back in for a searing kiss and she opened up when she felt his tongue grazer over her bottom lip. He immediately pressed it between her lips and she sucked on it a few times before he drew back and grinned as she moaned quietly.
“You make me feel so out of control. I love it.” He growled and she moaned before he bucked up against her for a second and she hummed and started grinding down onto him and he chuckled as he grabbed her face again, “Not here, baby.” He exhaled and she frowned.
“But I’m aching for you.” She pouted as she ground herself over his erection.
“I am too, baby but we can’t here. There’s people, not to mention sand everywhere. Just be a good girl for me and wait. I will take good care of you, I promise.” He said and she huffed but nodded and made a little more distance between them, “Should we go dip our feet in? Cool down a bit?”
“Yeah.” She said and he smiled and kissed her lips once more before standing and walking the short distance to the shoreline. 
She loved how cold the ocean was; it was a sobering experience for every sound to fade except that of the waves kissing the shore. She glanced down to watch as little pebbles and pieces of shells created little streaks in the soft sand as Harry wrapped his arms around her waist. She watched as the last bits of water got pulled back through the little streaks left by the debris and in her mind it was almost as if the water was clawing at the sand, fighting to say with it and not to be dragged away by the current. She felt the same way as  Harry kissed the side of her head and hugged her a bit tighter as a chill traveled down his spine. She wanted to cling to him for as long as he’d allow it, and like the water, have to be dragged away from him to even consider leaving his side. A bigger wave was coming in and he pulled her back a little bit to ensure that their denim didn’t get soaked at the ankles.
“Gonna roll these up for you, OK?” He said and she hummed before he crouched down and rolled her jeans up above her ankles and did his as well before assuming his previous position. When the next big wave came they didn’t have to hurry back.
“The cold of the water doesn’t bug you?” She asked quietly.
“Love, m’from England.” He said and she giggled.
“Right.” She stated, “Just wondering, usually it’s the first thing people comment on.” She smiled.
“I think our water’s a bit colder than this.”
“Do you still swim in it?”
“I do.” He said and she smiled, “What about you?”
“Yeah. We should come at night though, when it’s cooler out.”
“You’re barking mad.” He chuckled and she shook her head.
“No, I swear the water feels so much warmer. It’s been warmed by the sun all day. You dip in and it’s feels like a heated pool. I swear it!”
“I can tell you why it feels like a heated pool and it’s got nothing to do with the sun.”
“Oh gross, Harry.” She scoffed and he chuckled, “But I swear it’s true. I do it at least once every winter. You have to do it with me at least once.”
“Maybe.” He chuckled and she smiled knowing fully well that she would convince him.
“Are you going home for Christmas?” She asked suddenly turning around and leaning into his chest, her head now settled into the base of his throat comfortably.
“Yeah, promised my mum I wouldn’t miss it.” He explained. She loved the feeling of his throat vibrating as he spoke lowly.
“Oh that’s really great!” She smiled as she pulled back to see his face, “She’s gonna be really excited to see you after all this time. Well, your whole family will be I’m sure.” 
“Y'seem so happy about it. Are you trying to get rid of me?” He asked playfully and she giggled.
“Obviously.” She teased back and he laughed softly, “But honestly I’m just really excited for you to go back and see your family and friends. It’s going to be really great.” She assured and he hummed. 
“I’m actually gonna leave…” he said pulling out his phone from his pocket and his eyes went wide, “Oh shit! Next Thursday, right at midnight!” He said in a slight panic.
“So soon?”
“Shit, yes. I’m all booked up from the 17th to the 24th. S’what Eddie told me.”
“Oh, nice!” She grinned and he smiled.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be sick. I’ve really missed doing those long winded sessions. It’s been so long I don’t know if I can hang any more.” He smiled, “And ummm, what about you? After everything with your family?”
“It’ll be fine. Julie has a little friend group here that gets together for the holidays. They do a secret Santa and a fancy dinner, it’s quite cute.”
“And what about New Year?”
“Same thing, they get together and have a dinner and games.” She said.
“Sounds like fun but if you need anything at all or are feeling down please give me a call. I’ll make time for you, you know that right?”
“Yeah.” She smiled and he kissed her forehead before hugging her tight, “Did this plan of yours extend to dinner?”
“No, just have one more thing for us. It’s the fun bit.” 
“OK.” She giggled, “Want to join Julie and I? It’s pizza night. Once a month Julie allows herself to have her favorite junk food since she’s on a really strict diet considering her health.” She explained and Harry nodded.
“Yeah, if it’s alright with you both.”
“Of course, we always have leftovers and to be quite honest I don’t really like pizza, but I eat it for her, you know?”
“You don’t like pizza?!” He asked incredulously.
“I prefer the little breadsticks. Why can’t they use the same sauce for dipping the breadsticks on the pizza? That’s one issue! And well, also cheese doesn’t really agree with me.” She explained.
“It makes you toot, does it?” He inquired with a grin and she laughed softly.
“I would much rather it make me toot. It makes me sick, like puke sick.” She explained and he frowned.
“I know, can have one small slice and that’s all.” She explained and without any warning he crouched down a bit and wrapped his arms around her before lifting her off of the ground and she shrieked out in shock before he started spinning them around. His boisterous laugh was so contagious.
“Oh my god!” She laughed loudly along with him until he abruptly stopped spinning them and slowly set her down and she slid her hands up to his biceps.
“Made myself dizzy there.” He said quietly as he pinched his eyes closed and she giggled and tip-toed, hoping to catch him with a surprise kiss, but he was quite tall and with the mushy and wet sand beneath her, the pressure of her trying to hoist herself higher actually sunk her into the sand and her lips missed the intended mark but smooshed right where his cute little mole was and he blinked his eyes open as she slightly pulled back to look at the glossy little mark she left behind and smiled and continued to bring her hand up to smear away the oily residue with her thumb.
“Sorry, s’a cute little thing.” She said of his mole and he smiled meekly.
“You’re a cute little thing.” He hummed, deflecting the attention away from him and right back to her. She smiled as her eyes stayed fixed on his, they were so pretty and clear as the afternoon sun shone into them. God, she was so into him it hurt her.
“Cute enough that you’ll think about kissing me?” She asked with a smile and he smirked.
“I think about kissing you for an ungodly amount of time, love.” He responded, “But by now you must know that it doesn’t stop there. I’m a man of action.” He said lowly as he leaned closer to her.
“Mmm-hmm.” She nodded, tilting her head up, following his movements as he inched their mouths closer together until his lips brushed against hers and he smiled before closing the gap with a slow, yet ardent kiss. She was obsessed with the way they moved together, in perfect harmony with each other. His big hands always ended up holding her face with the utmost care, it made her swoon and after a few more seconds of being completely swept away by this captivating kiss they parted to inhale a proper breath before she smiled up at him and he sighed and slightly shook his head, “What?”
“Seeing you smile at me makes it incredibly difficult to not kiss you non stop until we both can’t breathe or even think. Specially when I know that I’m the reason you’re smiling.” He said quietly, as if this beach were crowded and the message was solely for her. She felt her heart just about melt into mush as his words processed and she just surged up and kissed him quickly once more.
“I’m so fucking fond of you.” She breathed out when she pulled back and he smiled.
“I’m fucking fond of you too.” He whispered before kissing her forehead before he pulled her into his chest and they both exhaled simultaneously as the waves continued crashing into the shore, this was the perfect soundtrack to this moment. Things rarely felt divine or perfect and this afternoon with him, despite how hard her day had been, was the perfect day, she wasn’t sure what more could happen to make it any better. This was it.
“H, I do want to go on that date with you, by the way.” She confirmed, “I realize I didn’t really say anything before, but I would really like that. Having more with you.” She smiled timidly and he grinned.
“Best thing I’ve heard all day.” He hummed, “Well apart from you kidnapping bugs to keep as pets and naming said bugs Dottie and Spottie. And we can’t forget Steve!” He laughed and she rolled her eyes as she laughed and pushed him back slightly by the chest.
“You’re so annoying.” She grumbled and he was quick to latch his fingers into her belt loops and pull her back into him.
“Yeah, sorry about that but you’re stuck with me.”
“Mmmm, not necessarily, not yet!” She reminded, “So behave.” She warned and he grinned.
“You do deserve me to behave, don’t you?” He reasoned, “You’re always so good for me.” He said and she bit her lip while she nodded in confirmation, “I’ll behave.” He grinned and she smirked.
“So, what’s after this?” 
“So remember how I said I just kept driving down the PCH?” He asked and she nodded, “Well, I saw a sand dune it’s not too far from here. There were families climbing up and racing down or using like plastic bin lids as sleds…” he said and she smiled, “It was really cool and it looked like fun. I wanted to try it, we don’t have anything like that in England, or at least not that I recall.” He explained.
“OK, yeah, let’s go!” She grinned and he smiled and they hurried to pack up. Soon enough they were back in the car and Harry was peeling out onto the highway and it was only about a mile down when he pointed at it.
“See, it’s there!” He grinned excitedly and her eyes went wide. It was huge, you had to climb up a good distance of the mountain to reach the top of the dune. Harry was under no illusion that Y/N would want to climb up the sand dune with him. It was a long way up and if she fell she’d be completely full of sand and dirty and he didn’t want to make her feel like she had to, he really just wanted to do this and he’d be grateful if she could take a picture of him after he’d come down at full speed. The day he drove by everyone looked like they were having a total blast as they raced down, some people did fall others were fortunate not too. He’d been so caught up in watching that day that he almost rear-ended someone, but it just looked like one of those things that you had to try and that’d you’d love the memory of it in the future. It looked liberating and like good wholesome, nostalgic fun. He slowly steered out onto the shoulder and as soon as he shut off the engine Y/N reached down to slip out of her shoes.
“Wait, you want to go up with me?”
“Are you kidding? Hell yes!” She grinned and she leaned over and kissed her.
“It could get messy if we fall.” He warned and she shrugged.
“We can have a shower at mine, I’ve got plenty of clothes that’ll fit you.” She assured and he grinned.
“Yeah, alright let’s do it.” 
The hike up was exhausting. Walking on the sand is hard enough, now imagine doing it uphill; even Harry had to take a break towards the middle of the dune and he was in excellent shape. Y/N was just reminding herself to breathe through her nose and was fighting for her life to be able to keep up with him. When they made it to the top they were a bit sweaty, but the cool breeze helped remedy that. The clear view into the ocean was magnificent and so breathtaking.
“That’s so fucking gorgeous.” He expressed with awe as he looked out at the vastness of the ocean before them, “And we have it to ourselves?” He said before turning to her and she grinned.
“This is epic.” She agreed, “So are we racing or what?”
“If you want to lose, yes.” He smirked and she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, OK… we’ll see about that!” She said and without any warning she started running down.
“You fucking cheater!” She heard him yell and she started to laugh loudly. 
She started picking up momentum a lot faster than she anticipated, she was nearing the halfway point and her legs could hardly keep up with her. She could hear Harry close behind her and soon they were running down the sand side by side with big smiles and laughs flowing freely from them, the wind whipped past them and carried the sand being kicked up from their sprinting away and into the air. They were getting close to the bottom and they had to start slowing down lest they end up running into the middle of the 1. Of course, in their attempted to slow their runs the first person to go down was Harry, he dug his foot in too hard and started to roll down a few times and as Y/N spared a glance back to laugh at him she too lost her balance and fell into the sand but thankfully she was closer to the bottom and the sand was not as dense there so she did not start to snowball down like Harry. She was panting and laughing as she pushed herself up, she was definitely all sandy and she turned around to see Harry about 30 feet away from her still on his back and laughing loudly. She climbed up to him and saw that his eyes were pinched shut as he laughed.
“Guess I won.” She teased and he scoffed and went to open his eyes and immediately groaned.
“Fuck, there’s sand in my eyes now.” He griped, “And also you’re a fucking cheater.” He said as his eyes started to tear even as they were pinched shut and she grabbed his hand.
“A win is a win.” She teased, “Sit up, I’ll help you.” She said and as soon as he was sitting up he started to rub at his eyes with his fists to help his tears expel all of the sand, “You alright?”
“Yeah, s’almost out I think.” He grumbled and then started to slowly blink his pretty green eyes open.
“Here, let me blow a little air into your eyes.” She said and crouched down and used her thumb to drag his undeyes down a bit, “Look up, for me.” She instructed and he did so and she blew cool air into his eye for a few seconds and he quickly blinked it shut as more tears fell, “Is it out?” She asked after a few moments.
“Yes, thank you baby.”
“Course, now the other one.” She said and they repeated this process again until his eyes were free of sand. His face was still sticky with tears and rough with sand though, she didn’t even want to think about his hair, her own hair! They were in for a mess when they showered.
“Can’t believe you’re that person…” He laughed and she rolled her eyes.
“Oh please, with how competitive you are I’m surprised I lasted that long. Was half expecting you to trip me or something.” She joked and he laughed.
“I would, but I’d never admit it if I did.” He confirmed with a grin and she rolled her eyes.
“That was really fun.” She announced with a big smile beaming on her face.
“Even if you’re all full of sand?”
“Yes! It was very worth it!” She giggled.
“Fun enough to do it again?”
“Today, no. I’m too lazy to climb up.” She confessed with a grin, “But I would definitely do this with you again in the future.” She confirmed.
“Cool.” Harry smiled, “Well, I am going to go again and I need you to record so I can show my mum.” He said and she felt her heart get all melty and warm inside of her, “She’s gonna love this.” He said with a big grin and Y/N nodded.
“Yeah, alright. The phone’s in the car?”
“Yes.” He smiled, “Here are the keys.” He said reaching deep into his front pocket and handing them to her and she hurried off to get his phone as he started climbing back up. It was then that she realized that he was slowing down for her, not taking a break at the halfway point because he was now going up at a faster pace and when he reached the top she held up her index finger, indicating for him to wait a moment as she set his phone to record and then put a thumbs up and he returned the gesture before he started running down the sand dune again. She giggled quietly as he sped down and the closer he got to the bottom the clearer his big smile was. She was zooming into him so that his mom could see just how much fun he was having. There was a pretty sizable boulder near the bottom and being the show off he was, he veered toward it.
“Oh my lord, H…” she mumbled lowly as he went straight for the boulder, “Be careful!” She shouted instinctually knowing that he would try to be a show off and jump over it. She literally gasped as he propelled himself up and sighed in relief when he made it clean over the boulder before he started to slow down as he came to the bottom and started running towards her now.
“Did you get that?!” He called as his sprinting started becoming a jog.
“Yeah!” She shouted back and soon he was coming to a halt a few few away from her and she smiled at him and he returned the gesture as she stopped the recording, “Your mum’s gonna love it.” Y/N said as he walked up to her and she handed over the phone so that he could look at the video and she leaned into his side to watch with him. 
Harry couldn’t help but smile as he heard her quiet mumbles of concern when he started heading towards the boulder and her shout warning him to be careful, the gasp, the sigh of relief, it was sweet how much she cared and he used his free hand to pull her into his side as the video started to come to an end.
“My mum’s going to appreciate you fretting over me the most.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“Yeah, you’re a wild one, someone has to look out for you!”
“Well, thank you.” He hummed as he leaned down and puckered his lips before she tiptoed and kissed him quickly, “Ready to go home?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” She smiled.
The drive home was nice, they both hummed along to the radio and he told her about the tattoos he would be working on in England, and they held hands the entire way. When they arrived at Julie’s place they made sure to shake off as much sand as possible before heading inside.
“We’re home!” Y/N called out and hearing that made Harry smile and feel warm inside.
“Oh, Harry’s here?!” He heard Julie call from somewhere and he also loved that she automatically assumed it was him who she had brought in. Soon enough she was coming out to the front door as they carefully took their shoes off.
“Heard it was pizza night and I could not miss out.” He explained and Julie smiled.
“Oh yes! Happy to have you, the more the merrier!”
“We won’t hug you because we just came form a sand dune and we’re a mess.” Y/N explained.
“Oh yeah, no worries.” Julie laughed.
“H, you can have a shower first and I can go shake out your shoes outside.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, go ahead.” She insisted, “Can you get him a towel, please?” She asked Julie who nodded.
“Course! C’mon, Harry.” She said guiding him back as Y/N stepped back out and banged Harry’s shoes together to get the sand out of them. Julie soon peaked out and Y/N smiled as she did the same thing to the shoes she was wearing.
“Do we still have that battery-operated handheld vacuum? There’s so much sand in the car.” She said to Julie.
“Yeah, I’ll go grab it.” She said and hurried back inside. Y/N reached into Harry’s tote at the entrance of the house and grabbed his keys and soon she and Julie were heading out to the car and vacuuming up as much of the sand as possible.
“So what’s going on with Harry?” She asked with a grin and Y/N smiled.
“He asked me out, so we’re going to date. Don’t know the plan he has yet but yeah, we’ll start going out.” She said timidly.
“Finally!” Julie grinned with excitement and Y/N blushed, “What about Christmas, does he need someone to spend it with?”
“No, he’s going back to England on the 15th.”
“So soon?”
“He’s finishing up some big pieces before the holidays.” She explained, “But I’m glad he’s going to be going home for a bit. I know he misses his family more than he lets on.” Y/N said with a small smile.
“Yeah, that must be nice for him. When’ll he be back?”
“I didn’t ask, but I assume until the next year at some point.” She explained and Julie nodded.
“And what about you? Are you going to try and mend things with your parents or are you joining my holiday extravaganza?” She asked with a lighter tone.
“I think I need some space from them so you can count me in to your festivities.” Y/N grinned and Julie squealed in excitement.
“I will make it the best one yet!” She assured. Soon they headed inside. Y/N peaked down the hall briefly to see the bathroom door still closed before following Julie to the kitchen.
“OK, Harry’s still in the bathroom so I’m gonna hop in your shower.”
“Well I’m about to head out and order the pizza, I heard of this new place downtown where they have great vegan pizza, I know cheese fucks you up and now that you have a boyfriend I can’t risk you having explosive diarrhea.” She teased and Y/N scoffed.
“Oh my god! Also, he’s not my boyfriend.” Y/N clarified and Julie rolled her eyes, “Can’t you order on the phone, don’t want him to be all alone when he gets out.”
“I tried, they’re new so they must be busy, they’re not answering and their DoorDash is not active. I’m sure I’ll be a while.” She huffed.
“OK, well good luck. I’ll see you in a bit.” She said before heading out to grab their totes from the front door and take them to her room. She quickly texted his phone then headed off quietly over to Julie’s room.
It took Harry a while to get the sand out of all of his nooks and crannies, but when he finally did he realized that he had not asked for any clothes beforehand and stood in the bathroom with his ear pressed to the door for a good five minutes to hear if Y/N was around, he then peeked out into the hallway and called for her and no one came, he didn’t want to wander around and make Julie uncomfortable so instead he wrapped the towel securely around his hips and scurried across the hall into Y/N’s room. He shivered at the cooler temperature and just grabbed his phone before sitting on the edge of the bed. He then saw her text to take his time and that she was showering in Julie’s room. He didn’t want to search around her drawers for clothes so he grabbed the TV remote and stayed put. It was about ten minutes later when Y/N tapped on the door lightly before slipping inside and closing it behind her. She too was wrapped in her towel, hair dripping wet as she shivered.
“Forgot to grab clothes.” She said through chattering teeth.
“You forgot to give me clothes. Was calling and calling for you, m’sure Julie thought I was dying.” He said and she frowned.
“Oh my god, Harry! You could’ve looked around, you must be freezing cold.” She said heading over to her cabinet to find him something, “Also Julie left to get the pizza. S’gonna be vegan I hope that’s alright with you.” She informed as she pulled out a t-shirt and some sweat pants.
“Yeah, m’not picky.” He said and she stood back up and turned towards him.
“Perfect.” She smiled and set the clothes down blindly as her eyes raked down his toned and tattoo-infested chest. He was dry by now but that didn’t mean he was any less lovely to look at. Harry felt a little shy as she looked over him, but it made him feel good about himself, he worked hard for his physique and he was glad that she found him attractive, “You’re kinda hot.” She said softly with a smile and he chuckled.
“Yeah, kinda.” She teased and he shook his head as she kept him humble. “Now that I have you here in the nude let me see how your tattoo is healing up!” She said and he chuckled again and carefully raised the towel on his left thigh to expose the tiger she had inked in there about three weeks prior. She crouched down again to get a closer look and she smiled as she looked it over; it was healed now and it was looking really good, “You don’t have to flex your thigh, you know?” She teased as she gently pinched the underside and looked up at him through her lashes. 
That look in her eyes did things to him. Just her in general turned him on so easily and the only thing he could think about as she looked up at him like that was her pretty lips parting to fit his cock inside of her mouth. God, she would look so pretty like that. Taking his whole cock in her mouth and drooling for him. Next thing he knew she was leaning closer and pressing a quick and innocent kiss to the tiger she had inked into him and he swallowed thickly and tensed up as his cock started to grow hotter and thicker.
“What happened?” She asked when she looked up to see his eyes pinched shut.
“Nothing, nothing your mouth’s just really close to my prick and I got a little riled up.” He said as he blinked his eyes open, “Sorry. It’ll go down in a sec.” He said and she shook her head.
“No, it’s alright.” She assured him and then glanced down to the slightly tented part of the towel over his hips, “How long’s it been now?”
“I’m not sure.” He said and and she bit her lip before running her tongue over it.
“Can I suck on you? Please?” She asked as her nails gently raked down his thighs, making him shiver as he breathed out sharply through his nose.
“Always get me with those fucking manners.” He mumbled before just unwrapping the towel and letting it fall to the sides and she literally moaned and salivated as she saw his semi-hard cock resting over his perfectly round and swollen balls, it hadn’t even pushed out of his foreskin yet. She inched closer on her knees and let her own towel fall as she brought her other hand up to his right thigh and then she just looked up at him with those puppy-dog eyes but not touching him there without his permission, “Fuck, so pretty. You’re so pretty, baby.” He complimented and she smiled.
“Thank you. But I really just want to suck you off. Please.” She keened once again, “Please. Been so good for you.” She reminded, her patience was wearing thin.
“No you haven’t,” he huffed out a mocking laugh, “You cheated today.” He said and she pouted, “Good girls don’t cheat. Do you think you deserve to suck me off after that? I don’t.” He said decisively and she huffed and looked down at his cock and balls just sitting there so close, just within her reach. It couldn’t be helped as Y/N licked over her lips and swallowed down the saliva her mouth was producing; Harry saw this and it was making his impeccable sense of self-control start to fray.
“No.” She agreed sadly, “I’m sorry. What if I just put in my mouth? I won’t suck it or do anything if you don’t want that. I just want to feel it getting all big and hard on my tongue.” She said meekly and he whined softly, his cock growing a little bit more at her suggestion, he was trying to hold back but the thought of his cock resting on her tongue was enough to have him throw his self-torture out the window.
“Fuck, wanna keep my cock warm in your pretty, little mouth, baby?” He asked with a devilish smirk and she nodded.
“Yes. Please.” She said and he groaned and spread his legs wider, nonverbally asking her to come closer and she did and glanced up at him.
“Go on then.” He said quietly and she leaned in, eyes still on his as she parted her lips and let her bottom lip drag against his tip and then she used her tongue to lift his cock just enough to get it into her mouth and she made sure that her eyes were on his as she sunk lower and he moaned as he was finally in her wet and hot mouth. Harry was trying his best not to reach for her hair because this would surely end in him fucking her mouth until he was coming ropes down her throat.
Y/N on the other hand was fighting the battle of her life in order to not suck on him like every fibre of her being was begging her to do. She was salivating and it was getting to be too much and she slightly closed her mouth and Harry groaned as he felt more pressure around his prick as she attempted to swallow down some of her saliva.
“Holy shit.” He moaned lowly and his eyes squeezed shut as he started to get harder at the pressure her swallowing put on his prick. He wanted to come in her mouth so bad, he knew she was a little come slut now, knew she wouldn’t mind him unloading it all in her mouth. His resolve was wavering surprisingly fast. Besides he wouldn’t be seeing her in weeks, he needed to at least have a new memory of her getting him off for his spank bank.
It couldn’t be helped as Y/N’s saliva started to drip from the corners of her mouth, Harry was almost at full size and he was too big for her to even attempt to swallow it down at this point. She hoped he liked things sloppy because she would soon be dribbling down her own chin and making a mess. His tip was now pressing into the back of her mouth and she just wanted to sink a bit lower so that all of it could be in her mouth. She could feel his cock starting to slightly twitch and throb with need.
“Look at you making such a mess, should probably stop now. My cock’s too big for you little mouth isn’t it, baby?” He asked and she shook her head as she looked up at him, “Sweet of you to deny it, but I’m not blind.” He said and he watched as her eyebrows creased inward and he suppressed his grin with his teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he brought his index finger down to wipe the string of spit that was dripping out of the corner of her mouth and then he sucked it between his lips and hummed. A small whine left her throat and he grinned, loving the pinch of her nails into his thighs, a clear sign of her desperation and withering resolve “God, dying to suck me aren’t you?” He asked and she nodded as best as she could and he hummed, “How wet’s your little pussy for me right now, hmmm? Show me.” He commanded and she slid her hands down her naked torso and her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth opened wider as she circled her clit in passing towards her entrance where all of it was collected, “Did I say to touch yourself there?”
“Uh-uh.” She muffled out.
“Then move it along.” He said and she sighed and reached further between her legs and swirled her fingers around there before bringing them back up and showing him her shiny and stringy with arousal index and middle fingers, “All that just from feeling my cock on your tongue?” He asked mockingly and she whined again as he pulled her arm up higher and leaned down to her fingers and his eyes met hers with a mischievous smile, “Let’s play a game.” He said and she felt a shiver course through her body, “you do what I do, OK?” He said and she hummed in understanding, “Get me out of your mouth and grab my cock.” He said and she looked distressed about it but listened to him. She was finally able to swallow properly and then she looked up at him awaiting his instructions.
Harry then leaned in a bit closer and tapped her sticky fingers to his lips three times and she glanced up at him as she tapped the tip if his cock to her lips and he smiled. Then he kissed at her finger tips and she licked over her lips before kissing the very tip of his cock, the little dribble of pre-cum there glossed over the center of her lips and he grinned at the thought of making her lips all shiny with his pre-cum instead of some lip oil or other product. Y/N was vibrating with anticipation as he parted his lip and breathed onto her finger, it made her inner walls flutter and pulse with need and she did the same to his erection, puffing out a warm breath over it and watched it twitch in her hold. He then circled her fingers around his tongue and she bit her lip as she got closer and parted her lips to let her pink tongue roll out and she guided his cock to circle around it.
“Good girl.” He whispered and she smiled up at him as she pulled back. He then used the tip of his tongue to massage right against the small crevice between her two fingers. She was confident that she understood what he wanted and so she raised his cock just a bit more and her eyes met his as she started to massage her tongue against his frenulum, that sensitive little bit right under the head of his cock.
“Fuck.” He exhaled with a smile, “Love how you know that. Know about that spot.” He said lowly and she nodded as she pulled back and he bit down on his lip, losing his resolve, “Do it again, don’t stop until I do something else.” He said and she was eager to get back to it and he groaned as she tongued at his sensitive spot. It was sending shocks of pleasure through his stomach and down to his toes. Her hand was resting at his inner thigh, keeping his legs parted for her to fit her kneeling body between his. And as he relished in the feeling of her tongue massaging the sensitive parts of his erection he then glanced down once he felt her thumb just lightly tickle at his left testicle. She was reaching out towards his balls and it was making him lose his mind, “Fuck, you can touch there, baby.” He said and she was quick to move her hand to his sack and gently rolled his balls in her warm and smooth palm.
This was so fucking hot, Y/N was nearing her boiling point. She didn’t even noticed the slight pain from kneeling over the rough carpet for however long this was going or the fact that she was naked and a little cold, she was relishing in everything he was guiding her to do. With the way he used his tongue on her cunt and now on her fingers she knew that he probably had given an excellent blow job or two in his day and something about that drove her wild. She wanted to prove to him that she could take good care of him too, as good care as he liked to take of his partners. She then reeled in her thoughts when he released her fingers.
“Get ‘em wet for me again.” He said and she was quick to comply and offer them back up to him and he inhaled deeply once they were in his face and then he used the very tip of his tongue to roll into the crevice between the very tips of her fingers and she let go of his balls to adjust his prick so that she could do as he had done, “I’ll hold it for you.” She said and her hand went back town to fondle his balls, “Don’t be shy, you can squeeze if you want.” He said and she moaned as she gave a light squeeze and then proceeded to take her mouth to his cock. She licked and dipped her tongue against the slit at the very tip of his cock and he groaned. Y/N moaned at the taste of his pre-cum that steadily bubbled up from deep in his balls, up his shaft, and out of his little hole there. She wanted to taste his come so bad. No, she needed to taste his come again. Badly. It was taking every morsel of will power in her not to suck at his tip and draw out more. She needed more.
Harry’s abs were practically trembling at the teasing touches he was having Y/N inflict on him. His balls felt so full and achey as they drew up a bit, his bodies way of indicating that he wanted to come. He wanted to keep teasing her and himself in the process but she was being so good for him, so patient and respectful. She’d been wanting this for a while…
“Fuck…Fuck it, just suck my cock, baby. Please.” He panted and she didn't have to be told twice. Y/N sunk down until she was right up against his little bed of pubic hair without a single second of hesitation and he groaned at the feeling of his cock pressing into the soft spot at the back of her mouth, “Fuck, that’s it, Y/N. Take my whole fucking cock.” He moaned as he watched through teary eyes, he was so overwhelmed and on edge as she dragged her mouth up and down his cock and he sucked the arousal off of her fingers “Rub on your clit for me.” He commanded and she was quick to bring her hand down and circle her swollen little bud, it caused her to moan around his cock, “Oh fuck, make me come, baby. Please make me come with that perfect mouth.” He panted as his fingers scrunched into the bed covers as she started to pick things up, “Shit, that’s it, Y/N. S’so fucking good…” he praised as she gulped and slightly gagged as she took him deeper. Her head game was other worldly as she she focused on the tip and teased and tongued at the spot he had guided her to previously. His abs and thighs were trembling as he neared his orgasm.
Y/N was also getting close as her fingers tickled her clit in quick little swishes. She wanted him to use her to get off, that would certainly help push her over the edge. She sucked at his tip fervently loving the way his moans and praises for her started to pour freely from his parted lips. She loved that he was already getting close, but she needed him to take over. She pulled off of him and he whined.
“Fuck my mouth. Please, want you t’fuck my mouth. Use me to get off.” She said and he frowned, looking like he was hesitant, “I was bad today, wasn’t I?” She asked and he groaned, “Use me, please. Teach me a lesson, daddy.” She pleaded and then immediately bit her lip in worry as the name just slipped out of her mouth. She froze for a second, unsure of how he would react, but Harry was just trying to collect himself. He’d always been curious about the daddy kink, but he didn’t want to ask someone to call him that, he wanted to earn that title from his partner. He wanted them to feel he was a daddy just as much as he felt he was one. And Y/N felt it as much as he did.
“Fuck, baby girl, daddy can fuck your mouth,” he said lowly as he reached his right hand around her head and she moaned as he started to push her down until she was back against his pubic hair and he held her down for a few seconds, feeling her throat bobbing around the tip of his cock without a single whine or sound of complaint, “Oh, fucking hell…” he hissed as he started to thrust up, getting deeper and deeper until she was moaning as her orgasm started to approach, “Shit, I’m about to come.” He warned, “Want it down your throat, like daddy’s good little cock slut? Hmmm?” He asked and she moaned louder in response, “Good girl, was gonna unload there anyway.” He grunted as he continued thrusting a bit more. She was barely breathing through her nostrils and was choking on his cock, the lack of air was making her feel lightheaded and that in tandem with her fingers blurring over her clit was making her start to unravel, “Fuck, here it comes, baby.” Harry grunted and a couple seconds later he was stilling and she felt the first warm spurt hit the back of her throat and she moaned as she started coming at the same time. 
She moaned as his warm, creamy sperm filled up her mouth and it kept coming and coming because it had been a while and he had a lot to give. She was struggling to swallow it all down and what a shame that was because she was loving the taste. She moaned as she worked herself through her orgasm and his was lasting as long as hers, it was incredible and erotic and somehow intimate as he came down her throat but gently scratched at her scalp in soothing motions at the same time until he was whining from the sensitivity and let the grip on her head relax and she pulled back and swallowed the cum in her mouth before she inhaled sharply but never the less she was nuzzling against his cock, kissing and licking at it, still hard despite the huge come he just had. And she also kept rubbing at her clit, already feeling another orgasm coming on because this entire thing had been so sexy and she didn’t want it to end. Her tongue then lapped down at his balls and she started sucking at them as he moaned and groaned before she sucked one into her mouth. She then felt a little range of motion and opened up her eyes and glanced up to see Harry fisting at the tip of cock as she sucked at his balls.
“Fuck, keep going, baby. Got one more for you.” He panted and she moaned as that mere confession had her thighs trembling as she started to come undone again and he grinned as he watched her get herself off to the thought of him coming for her twice, but it couldn’t be helped, she was fucking phenomenal. He has no idea what came over him, but suddenly everything was feeling better and like it was orchestrated perfectly as he listened to his instincts, staving off his need to come until she removed her fingers from her sensitive clit, “Lay on the bed.” He said quickly and she did and he stood over her and continued jerking his cock off with his right hand as his left hand guided her to open up her legs for him and he looked at her sticky and fluttering pussy as he masturbated over her. He suddenly leaned down and opened his mouth and she was quick to bring her cum-coated fingers up for him to suck and he groaned as he tasted her, he loved her taste, “Oh fuck, gonna come.” He panted and pulled back a bit and he went around the corner of the bed, the spot he had been sitting when he was waiting for her and he knelt over her, “Close your eyes.” He warned and she did so quickly and then she felt the little spurt of warmth streak over her face and her lips, “S’mine, right?” He groaned and she moaned in response.
“Yes, daddy.” And then she felt another spurt trail from her breasts to her tummy.
“That’s mine too…oh shit.” He panted.
“Yes, fuck yes.” She whimpered and then he got off of the bed and she felt him stand back between her legs. And then his cum started painting over her spread out pussy and she moaned at the feeling.
“This little pussy’s all mine, too. Fuck, you’re all mine, aren’t you, baby?” He moaned as his orgasm coursed through him.
“Yes, daddy. I’m all yours.” She moaned again and then she felt his tongue over her cunt, licking up his mess. And he worked his tongue over every stream of his sperm that had painted her skin. She was completed covered in goosebumps and shivering under his sensual licks and touches, it made her feel completely unhinged. She was complete mush for him as he  straddled her to be able to kiss and lick the cum off of her face and finally his lips smashed into hers ardently. She just wanted to be close to him and she hugged him tight as one of his hands gently landed over her throat and the other tangled into her damp hair. 
They made out for what felt like ages and the heated kiss slowly started to slow down. He eased her out of it by transitioning them from the tongue-heavy make out into long and deep kisses and finally into shorter pecks and finally to those little eskimo kisses, he nuzzled and rubbed his nose against hers tenderly until her pretty eyes fluttered open and met his own. The way she was looking at him shook him deep into his core, but not in a way that frightened him, in a way that made him want to feel that way forever. She trusted him completely now, she’d let him in all the way. She looked perfect like this.
Y/N couldn’t think or even figure out what it was that she was feeling all she knew was that she felt completely at peace as she looked into his eyes but her body was so alert and alive. Like every cell in her body was feeling a euphoric rush but there was no other way to express that. She was trembling on the outside, but inside she felt like she was on fire, on fire for him. She saw him smile lightly at her and he then kissed her nose and she blinked slowly at him.
“Got you there, didn’t I?” He asked quietly and she just hugged him tighter, needing him to be closer. Even the sound of his voice was impacting her, she could feel it rolling through her like waves. Harry used one of his hands to slightly lift her up off of the bed and he sort of dragged them further up on the bed so that he could lay down too and she curled into him, “I’ve got you love. You were so good. Did so good for me.” He whispered as he squeezed her body reassuringly. She seemed to be getting impatient with feeling so out of sorts and tried to push herself up while still being all trembly and floaty and he smiled at her, “Hey, take your time, baby.” He said softly before kissing her forehead, “S’this your first time feeling like this?” He asked and she nodded, “OK, just hold me, breathe with me.” He said quietly, “Remember, like you had me breathe with you at the housewarming party? Just like that, baby.” He hummed comfortingly and after a few deep breaths Y/N buried her face against his throat and started to cry. He understood that this could be overwhelming and she had just dealt with so much stress from her family, “Shhhh, it’s OK. I’ve got you, love. I’m right here.” He comforted her softly with long rubs up her naked back.
“Oh my god, I don’t even know why I’m crying…” she whimpered against his throat and he smiled.
“Who cares, just feel it out, baby.” He continued reassuring her until a few minutes later she had collected herself enough, “Alright now?” He asked her and she nodded as she drew back with a slightly puffy face and a sniffle.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he leaned down and kissed her lips.
“Course, baby.” He smiled and after a moment of silence he spoke up again, “Was that OK? Did you like feeling that way?” He asked cautiously and she nodded, “That’s called subspace.” He explained gently and her eyes widened a bit, “When I asked you if you wanted me to take control of your pleasure this is what I meant. But I don’t have to try and get you there every time if you don’t like it.” He said, “I know it can be a lot and really take it out of some people.” He said. She had heard of all of this but it hadn’t ever happened to her before.
“What did you do to…get me there?” She asked him curiously.
“I didn’t do anything, I wasn’t even trying to do that at all actually.” He admitted, “I think it was a lot of things that could’ve led to that happening.” He said and she hummed, urging him to go on, “I know I’ve been holding back a bit from you and edging you like that, depriving you can get you feeling really desperate and on edge. And well on top of that you let me take the reigns, just left it all up to me, and well you’ve been under a lot of stress and were having big emotions…Maybe subconsciously you knew that you just needed to surrender and I think when the mix of all of these things was just right it caused you to slip into subspace.” He theorized and she hummed pensively.
“As the person in charge do you ever feel that way?” She asked.
“No, not really. There is this thing called topspace though, not everyone believes it’s a thing, but I think that happened to me. Like towards the end there when I…came all over you,”  He said a bit timidly, “Like I wasn’t even thinking of doing that I was just flowing with what felt right and I wanted everything to be so good for you and yeah, it just felt like what you needed and so I did it and it felt really good and not even because I was having an orgasm, but just because I could see what it was doing to you and…I don’t know,” he chuckled, “That’s never happened to me before.” He confessed and she leaned up and kissed him.
“Well, intentional or not that was incredible and I would be OK if we tried getting there again.” She said and he smiled down at her.
“OK, baby.” He said before squeezing her tight and groaning, “I’m really going to miss you while I’m gone.”
“Me too.” She frowned, “You can call though, whenever you want.” She said and he smiled. 
“You already said it! No take-backsies.” He chuckled and she giggled.
“Nope, no take-backsies.” She grinned. 
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pastel-nature · 1 year
A Hero Afterall
Dabi x Reader
A/N: Happy Holidays! All characters are 18+. I don’t celebrate Christmas religiously so please excuse all the Christmas cliches in this fic.
Dabi sits alone in his room, staring at the wall as the memories flood back to him. He can't help but think about his past, about the family he once had and the people he used to know.
He remembers his childhood, his young and naive self. That big traditional house with his parents and his siblings. His father, Enji Todoroki or better known as Endeavor, was a hero, one of the strongest and most respected in the world, and his father expected nothing less than perfection from him.
But Touya was never perfect. Judging by the look on his father’s eyes whenever he burned himself, he was not even great. And so Touya becomes the black sheep of the family, the one who always seemed to disappoint his father. He was too weak, too sensitive, too emotional. Discarded to the side like a broken toy, a toy that will never be good enough for Endeavor.
But there was one person who always made Touya feel special, who made him feel like he mattered. You, his childhood friend. Cheerful and kind, you always had a smile for him, no matter how down he felt. You were the only one who seemed to understand him, who seemed to see the real Touya Todoroki. A boy of 10 who wants nothing but to please his father, be a hero like him, surpass him.
And yet despite being your constant companion, he was too scared, too embarrassed to ever tell you that he harbors special feelings for you. Touya just watched from afar as you grew up and bloomed, and he tried to hide his feelings as best as he could.
But then, one day, you were gone. 
No, that’s not correct.
He was gone. Touya Todoroki was gone, engulfed in fire, leaving nothing but ashes for you to mourn.
And after a time, you moved on and Touya was left behind, a remnant of childhood memory, a cautionary tale. 
He tried to move along, to forget about you and focus on Dabi, his new life. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost something special, something that he could never get back.
As the Christmas season came in full display, Dabi finds himself thinking about you more and more. He remembers the way you used to love Christmas, the way you would always drag him out to go look at holiday lights and shop for gifts. Unlike his traditional family, you would drag him to bake cookies and sing carols, your face would light up when it comes to presents.
Dabi shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He can't let himself get distracted by the past. He has a mission to focus on, a mission to bring down the hero society and create a new order. He can't let his personal feelings get in the way.
But as he lays down to sleep, your face is the last thing he sees before he drifts off. And for the first time in a long time, Dabi feels a twinge of regret and sadness for the life he left behind.
The next day, Dabi finds himself wandering the streets, drawn by a sudden impulse to see the Christmas decorations. He knows why he's doing this, knows that he should not dwell on the thoughts, yet his feet moved on its own. So he pulled his hoodie lower to cover his face.
As he walks, he finds himself drawn to a small shop that is decked out in Christmas lights and decorations. He pauses in front of the window, staring at the display of ornaments and decorations. A small glass ornament caught his eyes, shaped like a heart and painted with blue flames. It's something he would have never noticed before, something that would have meant nothing to him. But now, it feels like a sign, a reminder of the past he can't escape.
He wanders the streets, lost in thought, until he finds himself standing in front of a small park. It's decorated with holiday lights and a tall Christmas tree, and it's crowded with people enjoying the festivities.
Dabi hesitates, not sure if he should go in. He knows he doesn't belong there, an outcast and a villain. But something draws him towards the tree, something that he can't ignore.
And then, he hears a voice. It's soft and familiar, and it sends shivers down his spine. He turns, and there you are. You are standing there, staring up at the tree with a look of wonder and joy. Happy and carefree, your face lit up with laughter. And you’re not alone. There's a man with you, someone Dabi doesn't recognize. He's tall and handsome, and he has his arm around you, a gentle look in his eyes.
Dabi's heart aches at the sight, at the knowledge that he can never be a part of your life again. He knows he has no right to feel jealous, to feel hurt. He's the one who left, the one who chose this life. He has no right to expect you to wait for a dead man, a childhood friend who would never come back.
As he watches, he noticed a suspicious-looking man slip into the crowd. There's something about him that sets off alarm bells in Dabi's head. He look around and saw several heroes in the distance, none seem to spot him nor the suspicious man. Useless heroes, but he supposed it takes a villain to recognize one. Dabi follows the man, staying a safe distance behind him. Careful not to attract attention, knowing that the slightest mistake could give him away.
The man weaves his way through the crowd, and when he inches too close to you Dabi knows he had to step up. Standing in front of the fellow villain, he zipped down part of his hood, letting the man sees a part of his patched skin, his trademark. 
Dabi can see the recognition and surprise in his eyes, the way he's sizing up the threat in front of him. Then Dabi sees the gun. With his palm heated up Dabi swiftly reached for the piece of metal before the man could react, melting part of its handle. His heated right hand hovers in blatant threat, and left index finger on his lips all but saying "shh".
From the looks of it, this amateur of a villain is but a lowly pawn sent by someone to wreck havoc in the crowds. Thankfully the man had enough senses to not pick a fight with another villain who just melted his only weapon. He tucked his tail, running back into the dark alley.
Dabi stands there, his palm quietly cools down. He knows that he possibly just ruined Re-destro’s or AFO’s plan, but he doesn't care. For a moment he’s Touya Todoroki, a 10-year-old boy who finds out that despite the heartbreak and betrayal, he is your hero afterall.
Yet no one relized what just transpired, people passed him by without a second thought. Including you, talking to your male companion, heads bent close together as you both laughed and talked.
He turns and walks away, leaving his past behind. Cursing himself for a moment of sentimentality. After all, why would he be helpless little Touya when he can be Dabi, the man who will dismantle hero society and expose their corrupt deeds. Catalyst for a new order.
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brainrawt · 1 year
Jordayla Proposal 5x20 - my (early) thoughts
I was not prepared for the proposal to be Jordan and Layla’s! That wasn’t what I had wanted for them. Jordan had a very long teen marriage plot, in which the show made it clear the whole time that it was a bad idea, even when Jordan was up for it. Getting married at 17: bad idea, wrong, shouldn’t happen; Getting married at 19: good idea (???) What, from the characters’ perspective, not ours, is different? I’ve been thinking about this all week lol, and I’m almost there, but I actually wish the show would explicitly tell me.
Obviously what moved me was Layla’s joy! I can’t get over it. She has opened herself to Jordan completely. There is no fear, she loves and trusts him enough to do something crazy with him. Layla wants someone to stay, and this is the biggest commitment ever, he will stay quite literally until death does them apart. She was missing a family for so long, and now she has one of her own. Not only does Layla feel that it’s a good idea, she believes it! In s3, she couldn’t bear to see Jordan go along with his plans with Simone because it wasn’t his path, and she speaks up, even when she had no stakes. If she thought they couldn’t or shouldn't get married, she would’ve said no. Saying yes is just so fresh for Layla’s character and exactly what I dreamed to see. 
Jordan saying “When I'm with you, I feel like I'm home.” is everything, given his entire life was uprooted recently. He chased an identity in his father, he was always uncertain and insecure, but now he feels at home. “You know who else makes a great pair? Jordan and Layla (…) Hashtag couple goals” - Cute moment but these are real reflections! He thinks they’re compatible, they were able to help their friends. He thinks of Layla as family already, she’s Liv’s sister and Laura’s bonus baby. 
Liv described Jordan: “He’s impulsive, he does things without thinking.” Yes, he is impulsive and he has still matured greatly. I have loved Jordan’s personal arc, and I don’t think he has to lose his character traits to be ‘complete’, nor do I think he needs to be ‘complete’ to get married. I see a lot of Joey/Pacey in Jordan/Layla and there’s a quote from them that goes: “Part of his recklessness is that he’s constantly surprising me and part of his rashness is that he’s intensely passionate.” This quote has never left me and I think it suits Jordayla well. These things about them can be true and make their love great. In a way, I think his decision is commemorative of his dad, but not because it's some product of his trauma. After a tortuous, life-long journey, Jordan and Billy ended in a good place, and football wasn’t their sticking point. They bonded over Jordan’s love and happiness with Layla. Jordan was robbed of more of those conversations but he knew Billy would’ve encouraged him. “Tell Layla she has my approval”, that’s what he’s doing. Maybe his father son prophecy isn’t to be a NFL QB, maybe it’s to embrace the love of his life. 
Jordan and Layla honestly do give me the vibes of a couple that would get married young. I have nothing against young marriage. I love young love in all its sweet, endearing, naive, full force, unprecedented glory. I just can’t stand when its young people trying to be grown ups lol. But in the proposal, Jordan and Layla seem so young and I LOVE it. From Layla's pigtails to the way they’re not super dressed up. They’re not at a bar or a record label event. How giddy they both are, Layla is giggling and gasping the entire time, and Jordan is just bustling around nervously. She lights up at the pretty ring and is excited to put it on, and they can’t get their hands off each other. Beyond obsessed at how he hugs her first, again so sweet and youthful, and a reminder that they are best friends! It’s like he wanted to share his joy with his best friend before he wanted to kiss his fiance, you know?! In general, they are very much a young couple in the way they flirt, get each other flustered, gossip, fight and make up, talk about each other to their friends, giggle and say hi. It's adorable and refreshing to the show, and the scene captured it well. I find the unbridled youngness of their love SO romantic and I like that the writers embraced it. I like that Jordan isn't pretending to be sensible, and I find it hilarious that he splurged on a ring and wanted to assure her before she answered that she deserved a fancy proposal with fireworks. Come on she’s a Material Gworl - they both are. And adorably well-suited, given that Layla is also a Wedding Girl! She knew what wedding dress she wanted like 10 years ago, and Jordan is absolutely a Groomzilla. Good for them, they enjoy weddings and they can have a great one together. It’s not something dutiful, it's not something otherly, it's something great and all theirs!
In developing their relationship, they’ve barrelled through it all. They could not love each other or want to be together, more. People say they haven’t been tested – just because you pass a test it doesn't mean you weren’t tested. Jordayla’s challenges have not been typical either, no break ups or other love interests etc, so it's cool that the next step for them is them figuring out marriage. It's not that they're going to just get whisked away this second and pop out babies. 
They have so much love to share. I love that throughout the hardship of Billy’s death, their love brought some love and light to their friends and family. Their relationship was the only thing that made Olivia smile, their coming out dinner allowed everyone to joke around and be happy for them. They were the light in those dark times. They have so much more love to give each other and everyone else! Asher said at his first wedding (lol) that Jordan was the glue for their friendship, I still believe this and putting this wedding at the centre of their vortex is good for everyone I think.
I enjoyed how it played out on-screen, your suspicions grew throughout the episode and yet none of us actually knew it was Jordan. So fun! I love how the scene cuts from Jaymee saying “...then who was the ring for?” to Jordan proposing. The immediate buzz from seeing them, and such an intimate moment, it was just gorg. It reminded me of 5x04 when their “I’m glad we slowed things down” scene cuts to them in bed. I know some people would’ve liked to see these events unfold but to me the gag of it all is just too good. The first watch experience is too perfect. They have other great slow rewatchable scenes like 5x03, 5x14 etc so there’s a great balance and I wouldn’t trade any of them. 
From a story perspective, I am excited about the potential of this. I think it will speed up our timeline. If we’re fazing out the adult stories now, I’d much rather see this! Definitely want to see all the character-focused stories, their bachelor(ette) parties, in-law scenes, all sorts of things. I’m excited to hear Layla’s voice re: their relationship. We did once in the Homecoming scene telling Simone that Jordan stayed, I want more!
The whole engagement is so unexpected and exciting that it gives me butterflies. I have no choice but to get on board because how is it that this same ship still gives me butterflies?! I felt this way in their “What are we?” era at the end of last season and yet again now in their engaged era. I don’t know how this will play out, but if it was up to me, they wouldn’t get married until late in the season, especially given that there’s likely more seasons to come. I want seeing them up there, having made it from the proposal to the altar, to feel suuuper earned. I hope they stay this fresh and exciting. I do get bored when ships get too far into being the “parent couple” so I hope I don’t live to see that day with my beloved Jordayla. I know the proposal is for a reason, the writers have a vision. By showing them at better and worse (5x11 onwards), in sickness and health (5x18), the build up was stunning and this couple has never failed me before.
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