#and the mindset people seem to have that romantic relationships are the ONLY kind that exist or matter
rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
You know what? Heck you. *Makes one of the only canon romances in Oasis to Oakwood between two of the most horrible, reprehensible characters in the series.*
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
I really liked your interpretations of Lucifer being apprehensive when getting romantically involved with a sinner. I think a lot of other people kind of forget (not to say I dislike their writing) that he is just barely starting to come out of this bias after Charlie has shown him that not only can the exorcists be fought but also people can change.
With these things considered, how do you think Lucifer would react to a sinner who was sent to hell for complicated reasons? As in, they are a good person who did horrible things out of necessity. Like maybe they killed someone or committed other crimes to keep their loved ones safe, and they'd do it all over again and go straight to hell if it meant their loves ones got into heaven.
Lucifer x Reader who did something terrible for a good cause
Now that's a long title!
But yeah I agree with you, I wish more people explored that Lucifer would be hesitant to have a relationship, much less with a sinner. Though to be fair I hardly read Lucifer x Reader content, I understand the appeal but my heart lies with Sir Pentious aha!
I hope you enjoy, Anon! C:
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Regardless of how he ends up finding out about what you've done, you can see the gears working in his head before his eyes eventually soften. It's a moment of understanding; a moment where he can relate with you. He did something with good intentions but with horrible consequences.
Imagine you both get into an argument and that's when your past is revealed. Even after Charlie and him reconcile, he still has the mindset of judging sinners. Of course he would, it doesn't go away over night. It's a stance he's been holding for years, maybe even decades.
He begins to speak badly of sinners as a whole, which in turn upsets you. Oh but of course, you weren't part of the group he was talking about! Except that doesn't change anything, it leads to a heated argument... and then you spill. The air is still tense, and your hearts are still raw.
Going forward it does change how he looks at you, and how he acts around you. He seems.. different. Around you at least. I don't think he would pry for any of the details, you've already said all you need to do to.
He thinks its commendable. Actually in his eyes it makes you more attractive, you did what you thought was right. It only serves to make him feel even worse for pushing you away like that... Dozens of apologies will be coming your way, as well as many gifts.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
The Strictness of Saturn: Giga Chads, Scammers & Spiritual Gurus
Lately, I have been contemplating the energies of Saturn and how it manifests in men and it brought me to the realization that Saturnian men are the type of men that other men idolize and look up to. There are always certain male celebrities that other men fawn over but women dgaf about and they usually tend to be Saturnian as well. Why do men worship Saturnian men? For starters, the world we live is a deeply Saturnian one, with law and order, systems and regulations and structure. The general narrative is that in order to be successful in life, you have to "hustle and grind" and work hard and that you'll be rewarded for it. This is essentially the theme of Saturn. Saturn is also a masculine planet and a malefic. We live in a capitalist society where the working culture is designed with men in mind. Be it the 9 to 5 or the culture of conquest and domination (in business, politics, colonization etc) are all aggressively yang. You do all of it to make more profit to buy/accumulate more stuff, this is a deeply patriarchal worldview because yang energy is one that is fixated on "accumulation". Therefore to thrive in this world, its important to have a strong Saturn and the kind of people who thrive in this set up, aka men, look up to and admire other men who exemplify such Saturnian qualities.
I'm going to start with the most notorious example of this Saturn worship by men
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Andrew Tate, Anuradha Sun & Moon
Tate's brand of hyper-toxic masculinity and his "hustler university" is so wildly misogynistic it's insane. Yet it appeals to many men.
In one video, Tate describes how he would deal with a woman who accused him of cheating: “It’s bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her by the neck. Shut up bitch.” He’s argued that women are a man’s property, shouldn’t drive, and shouldn’t leave the home if they’re in a relationship. He claims only to date 18 and 19 year olds as it’s easier to “imprint” on them, and in a now deleted YouTube video, Tate claimed that “about 40 per cent” of the reason he moved to Romania is that he believed police in Eastern Europe would be less likely to pursue rape allegations.
Tate seems to represent the lifestyle that most men dream of (wealthy) and he presents himself as ultra masculine/alpha like which is every man's dream but the thing is extreme behaviour of any sort comes across like that person is overcompensating for something.
Machoism and machismo are what men use to signal to other men that they're not to be messed with. Its a very primitive display of behaviour that probably goes back to the cave men era where men had to rely on physical strength and brute force to survive. But no man who is actually secure in himself will feel the need to aggressively display his "masculinity" by spewing absolutely vile hateful nonsense against women or other people. Toxic masculinity is rooted in narcissism and self centeredness; these men want to be the best among men (more rich, more powerful, get more girls etc). Its a gross by product of male insecurity because truth be told men grossly overestimate the standards women have for their romantic partners.
they seem to have a scarcity mindset about how no women would want to be with a deadbeat ugly loser (i mean, duh) but believing that every single woman would only date 6’4” dudes with 12 abs and rolexes isn't true either. majority of heterosexual relationships feature a gorgeous girl with a guy who looks like a gnome. many women date absolutely hideous men who are broke just because they have sweet personalities and are nice to be around.
but male insecurity leads to incel behaviour because they believe that the reason women dont go for them is because they're ugly or broke when usually the reason women dont go for them is because theyre an asshole. by blaming women for not sleeping with them or dating them, they get to conveniently shift attention from the fact that they have absolutely nothing to offer and also, women dont owe charity sex to lame, rude, broke, ugly men?
men underestimate just how much personality matters. and by pretending that being the "alpha" will get them women, they're feeding their own masculine egos because women literally just want a guy who is sweet, texts them back regularly, listens to them and isn't a complete asshole. you never hear a woman talk about being into "alphas". its literally just a male fantasy that is completely severed from what real people are like or what real people want. its like how men believe the "Cool Girl" exists, they write female characters to be quirky, nerdy but above all hot and constantly feeding their male ego, they also write male characters to be macho, alpha, dominating other men and women because they want to be like these men.
anyways lol went off on a tangent (me with every post)
Saturn is considered a malefic not because of how it represents "karma" or "discipline" its because Saturn overdoes the strictness, commitment and discipline and "hard work" associated with it. You may work hard but you can't always tell if you're working hard enough or why your hard work isn't translating to results/rewards. That is the energy of Saturn. You overdo things and go beyond the extra mile. This may sound like a good thing because we live in a world that values these traits but it can manifest in many unpleasant ways bc pushing yourself that hard means risking burnout out and it's actually unhealthy to swing into such extremes? You can live a good life without living like a monk or a soldier which is what a lot of hustle/self-improvement coaches advocate for. This is a negative manifestation of Saturn; believing that deprivation, scarcity and harshness are the only way to get things done or that "tough love" is the answer.
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Hunter Moore has a Saturn stellium (Mercury & Venus in UBP and Saturn in Anuradha)
He was a predecessor to Andrew Tate who posted intimate photos (some acquired through hacking, and many nonconsensually submitted) of women with their Facebook details on IsAnyoneUp.com (he's a convicted criminal)
He's an early example of a toxic masculine internet influencer who spewed misogyny and was worshiped by many dudebros.
Solar men may be Chads who just want to hang out with other men but they are NOT like these Saturnians. If we're going to think of Sun as the most masculine or "yang" planet, it also means they're masculine to the point of being almost feminine, if that makes sense? The qualities of preferring other male company, valuing male friendships and wishing to keep women at an arm's length (under the guise of "independence" or "non-attachment") are similar to behaviours shown by women described as a "girls girl". Solar people of either gender have a very welcoming, positive energy but they're often virtually sexless. (there are exceptions to everything ofc) but these are not people known for being highly sexually desirable. They're likable and have qualities/traits that make them "wanted" but Solar energy is too self-centered to be sexually appealing. Sun is the centre of our solar system, it's used to being the source of light and does not have the same need to achieve things the way Saturnians do for whom accomplishment has its origins in insecurity and the desire to overcompensate for what they lack. Solar ambition is rooted in their belief that they're the best and deserve to be at the top of the world and refusal to settle for anything less. Those are two very different approaches.
Tom Hardy, Uttaraphalguni Sun, Chitra Moon once said:
“A lot of people say I seem masculine, but I don’t feel it,” Hardy confessed. “I feel intrinsically feminine. I’d love to be one of the boys but I always felt a bit on the outside. Maybe my masculine qualities come from overcompensating because I’m not one of the boys.”
Tbh this could be a generalization but I feel like I have seldom seen Solar men present themselves as mega alpha hypermasculine figures. They are often perceived that way but they're not personally like that. They're more boyish, more youthful than aggressively "manly". They actually represent a more indulgent "frat boy" type of masculinity than the alpha male ideal presented by many Saturn men.
I'll cite some examples of famous men who are popular among men and not so much among women
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Jason Momoa- Pushya Stellium (Sun, Mercury & Venus)
Men love to talk about him like he's a God or something because he represents the kind of masculinity that other men want to embody. 6'5 bulky beefcake build and has this uber-masculine personality.
Like all Saturnian men, he's also known for making crass, tasteless remarks like the time he said at ComicCon:
“But as far as sci-fi and fantasy, I love that genre because there are so many things you can do, like rip someone’s tongue out of their throat and get away with it and rape beautiful women"
In 2011 during an interview he said:
"Yeah, I’m raping Emilia [Clarke]” he said. “I love her, but I’m hurting her and she’s crying. We could have made it longer, but you get the idea. I’m not a rapist. I prefer my women to enjoy sex.”
All of these statements reek of the smug asshole Saturn alpha-chad vibes like he really thought he did something by saying it. You just know that he was saying it for other men to laugh to🤢🤮🤮
Saturnian men lack social grace and manners and are literal troglodytes
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Sam Levinson- Pushya Moon
everything he has ever made is SO male gaze-y, be it Euphoria or The Idol. he literally makes torture porn and all his female characters are treated like shit with absolute shitheads written as the male protagonist
The Idol portrays an absolutely vile toxic relationship where the woman is literally treated like scum. He sidelined his female collaborator on The Idol and reworked the show to suit his shitty male gaze. The show Euphoria was also stolen from photographer Petra Collins' aesthetic. Here's what she said:
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he's also just known for being an asshole in general. several female cast members on euphoria asked Sam if they could cut down on the nudity (first of all, i think making a highschool drama, casting grown adults and getting away with depicting gratuitous sex scenes is fucked up on its own)
Sydney Sweeney had said:
“There are moments where Cassie was supposed to be shirtless and I would tell Sam, ‘I don't really think that's necessary here,’” she told the Independent. “He was like, ‘OK, we don't need it.’”
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Jason Statham- Pushya Sun, UBP Moon
Jason is another example of a man who is idolized by men. He's known for playing menacing tough guys in action movies who are sometimes complete psychopaths and has the brooding toxic violent masculinity that men get off to.
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Tom Brady, UBP Moon
He is another male celebrity whom men fawn over.
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Chris Evans, Anuradha Rising
Chris is arguably more popular among men than he is among women. He's too plain and boring to appeal to the female gaze truth be told.
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DJ Khaled, Anuradha Sun conjunct Mercury (and Saturn in Pushya)
DJ Khaled is in general known for being an obnoxious, egotistical, pompous asshole further confirming the rumours about how self-obsessed, vain, downright delusional and mannerless Saturnian men are.
In 2014, DJ Khaled revealed in an interview that he never performs oral sex on women. The full quote goes like this:
"It's certain things I just don't do. I believe a woman should praise the man, the King." "If you holding it down for your woman, I feel like the woman should praise and the man should praise the Queen," he continued. "But, you know, my way of praising is called, 'How was dinner? You like the house you living in? You like all them clothes you getting? I'm taking care of your family, I'm taking care of my family"
When host Angela Yee asked Khaled if he "goes down" on his longtime girlfriend, he replied, "Nah, never. Nah, I can't do that. Hell nah...I can't do that. I don't do that."
Yee asked Khaled if he would be okay with his girlfriend not giving him oral sex, to which he said, "Nah, it's not okay. You gotta understand I'm the Don, I'm the King."
She told Khaled she doesn't think the double standard is fair. Khaled said, "It's different rules for men. You gotta understand, we the King. There are some things that you guys might not wanna do or wanna do. It gotta get done. I just can't do what you want me to do. I just can't," he added.
This literally sums up how Saturnian men see themselves versus how they see women.
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Logan Paul, UBP Sun & Mercury
In 2017 Paul was accused of sexist behaviour with the release of his song "No Handlebars." The track, which samples 2008's "Handlebars" by Flobots, changes the original song's lyrics from "I can ride my bike with no handlebars," to "I can ride your girl with no handlebars." The video shows Paul mounting three women who have positioned themselves to act as a bicycle. This wasn't the first time Paul was accused of sexist behavior, famously releasing a now-deleted Vine with controversial Vine star Sam Pepper in which the pair lassoed women as a way of courting them.
In 2018, in one of the first videos back from his infamous post-Suicide Forest hiatus, Paul can be seen lifting a live koi fish out of water and moving it like a toy boat, as well as tasing dead rats. 
In January 2023, fans were outraged when Paul's former pet pig, Pearl, was found abandoned and injured in a field by the nonprofit The Gentle Barn. In the past, he had put his Pomeranian in seemingly stressful situations for YouTube videos, like introducing him to an actual tiger and putting him in a bucket to zipline him off the roof.
In fact, animal abuse/cruelty seems to be a recurring theme with many Saturnians, both men and women. I think so many Saturnians are notorious for abusing animals because their desire for domination and control manifests most through people who cannot fight back. Obviously being abusive to women and expressing desire to subjugate them is another extension of this Saturnian tendency but it is very telling how a Saturnian can and will dominate, control and abuse absolutely every living being they come across.
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many years ago, Kim Kardashian, UBP Moon went viral for holding a cat like a toy and many people said it was abusive behaviour
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Kristi Noem, Anuradha Sun, Ketu in Pushya
She recently came under fire for revealing in her memoir how she shot and killed her dog who was difficult to train along with her goat who she hated? Idk how callous you have to be to describe in detail (her exact words and excerpts from the book are available online, I dont feel like repeating it here) how you murdered your pets?? idk how insane you have to be to even publicly admit something like that??
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Paris Hilton- Pushya Moon conjunct Rahu
Paris is notorious for how she prefers teacup sized dogs and for anybody who does not know, when animals are specially bred to be an unnaturally small size (bc people think small dogs are "cute") they really struggle with their health a lot bc their bodies are too small to hold all their organs and they struggle with respiratory issues along with being more susceptible to diseases and having weaker immunity. Breeding dogs is absolutely inhumane and cruel. imagine saying you want a cute tiny dog when being that small means that dog lives a much shorter life and a much more arduous one as well?
But Paris isn't just guilty of this but is notorious for neglecting her pets. Los Angeles Animal Services finally interfered after rumours that staff had found a dead puppy in one of Paris’ closets. This was one of Paris’ ways of handling dogs when she got annoyed: lock them away in a different area of the house and then forget about them.
After her documentary came about, many have also accused Paris of being a neglectful mother. Her own sister, Nicky Hilton once said that Paris was too selfish to be a mother and unfortunately 😬it sort of looks like its true? Paris basically left her newborn baby with his nannies and complained about having to "work a lot" when the truth is she's a multimillionaire who can afford to take time off to bond with her newborn?? she treats her babies like props to pose with. if you watch the show you'll know what I mean. her whole attitude and demeanour made it seem like she did not gaf about her kid. She also very callously said she was doing egg retrieval over and over because she wanted a girl and kept getting boys?? idk what happened to the other embryos but its a bit icky to admit that you kind of have a designer baby? On the show, her son was supposed to get circumcised and she says she doesn’t want to be there because it’s too painful for her. How painful is it going to be for your baby?!
On the same show, she also said casually that five of her dogs got ate by coyotes on different occasions? and she cloned two of her deceased dogs??
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Shane Dawson, Pushya Sun, Mars in UBP
Shane is a sociopathic asshole in general but in 2015 on a podcast, he, in very graphic detail, explained how he inserted his penis into his cat and then ejaculated onto it as well. His exact words were, "One time I laid my cat down on her back...I moved her little chicken legs spread open or whatever," "I came all over the cat. It was like my first sexual experience...I was also like 19." After this was brought back up in March 2019, he then tweeted saying “I didn’t fuck my cat. I didn’t cum on my cat. I didn’t put my dick anywhere near my cat. I’ve never done anything weird with my cats.” 🤮🤢🤮🤢
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Mitt Romney, Anuradha Moon, Jupiter & Ketu
He infamously tied his pet dog in a kennel to the roof of his car for a cross-country trip.
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Ted Bundy, Anuradha Sun
Serial killers usually abuse animals as children and there have been studies that link animal cruelty to future psychopathic behaviour. Ted used to abuse the neighbourhood dogs. He shot one neighbour's dog because according to him, the dog was an "evil force" that compelled him to kill. Bundy used to watch as his own father tortured animals.
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Angelina Jolie, Pushya Rising
I used to suspect her of being Punarvasu Rising but I came across a 90s interview where she admits to abusing her pets which makes me think she is indeed Pushya Rising lol
"I had a dog and I ended up beating him, and he got sick and... I've hurt so many—I am just not a good animal person... I had a rabbit that died, too... a cage fell on him..."That happened when she was six. But then I had a hamster... I took him in the shower. He died of pneumonia. I had a bunch of little lizards. My friend left them in the sun, and I came back and they were just... my snake, I tried to kill."
Another thing I've noticed with Saturnian men is how they usually scam their way to the top? Deceit, duplicity, being a con artist and a scammer are also common among Saturnian men (Andrew Tate included). They have vv right wing views, especially regarding women and they're also entirely dishonest?
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Lance Armstrong, Jupiter in Anuradha in 1h
He was stripped of his tour de france titles after it was revealed that he used performance-enhancing drugs and cheated on his doping tests??
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Emily Ratajkowski, UBP Moon & Pushya Stellium (Venus, Mars & Jupiter)
Her bikini wear brand Inamorata has come under fire for not shipping any of their orders?? last year lol. Her brand has also been criticized for selling poor quality bikinis that are tacky and garish
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Jennifer Lopez, Pushya Sun, Mercury & Rising
Apart from the fact that J Lo does not sing her own songs and has essentially scammed her way to the top, her numerous business ventures over the years including her Sephora skincare line, Kohl's clothing line etc have all been absolutely horrible, even her perfumes are apparently terrible lol
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Anna Delvey has Jupiter & Ketu in Pushya
She is an infamous con artist and fraudster who posed as a wealthy heiress to access upper-class New York social and art scenes from 2013 to 2017. 
Back to the theme of Saturnians being abusive, here are some more examples:
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Colleen Ballinger, Anuradha Sun
She was accused of grooming her underage fans and being creepy to them and she responded to that with a ukulele song? Her ex-husband reacted to the weird apology saying "This behaviour was my reality anytime I spoke up & disagreed with her actions & rhetoric during 2009-2016. I was gaslit too. I was made to feel like I was always the problem. Any pain I felt was an inconvenience and was belittled. Every ounce of what you’re feeling, I understand."
As someone who used to watch them in the early 2010s (I feel super old) I know for a fact that Colleen was a major asshole to Josh (her ex husband) and always acted like, since she was more successful than him, she had the "upper hand". She's a toxic narcissist and I hated the way she treated all the people in her life like they're all her glorified assistants or something ugh
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David Dobrik, Pushya Sun, Saturn in UBP
If you've watched any of his content, you do know that he uses people around him for "vlog content" and often does really crass, distasteful, offensive, weird, inappropriate shit to his friends for clout? he was rightfully accused of setting up the stage for one of his friends to sexually abuse a minor
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Russell Brand, UBP Moon
He has been accused or rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse by 4 women
He's like the spiritual hippie avatar of a toxic alpha chad and he used to be heavily involved in the Ra Ma Yoga place that was essentially a cult
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Haile Selassie, Anuradha Moon
This is a more extreme example of men (and women) worshipping a Saturn man, in this case quite literally. Haile Selassie was the emperor of Ethiopia. In the 1930s when he initially became emperor, Rastafarianism emerged in Jamaica and Rastafaris believed that Haile was the second coming of Christ and is perceived as a prophet.
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Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Anuradha Stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus & Saturn)
Sai Baba was a guru who was revered by his followers and literally thought of as God. however, he was embroiled in several scandals in his lifetime including child molestation. Its really hard to dig up info about Indian gurus because they started doing their stuff in the pre-internet era and because its really easy to get away with virtually any kind of abuse under the guise of religion and spirituality in India.
Another guru with major Saturnian energy was Anandamayi Ma who had UBP Rising.
There will be a part 2, where I'll explore more about Saturnian energies and how it manifests in women etc<3 But I hope this post was interesting <3
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Hey man. I have a question. Can you do a Yandere Concept for Princess Celestia?
I can try, sure! Here you go :) I struggled for some time on this for some reason? Idk why I had so much trouble, but I hope you like it despite the wait!
Yandere! Princess Celestia Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Isolation, Gaslighting, Possessive behavior mentioned, Mentioned threats, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Princess Celestia is a teacher and beloved ruler of her people.
Celestia seems like she'd have more platonic intentions than romantic when it comes to her obsession.
However, I am not denying the idea of Celestia having a favorite subject, one that may just capture her heart.
I feel Celestia is good at keeping her obsessive desires subtle.
She doesn't need everypony knowing of her secret desires.
Yet her obsession can tell that they are a favorite of the Princess.
Having and alicorn Princess, even on such as Celestia, sounds very dangerous.
Even if they don't intend to harm you.
Yet a trusted alicorn such as Celestia no doubt has the trust of many of her subjects.
Including you.
You assume the affection she has towards you is innocent... nothing dark.
After all, she's the Princess who raises the Sun.
She's mischievous at times, sure, but she's also patient and kind-hearted!
You see... Princess Celestia's reputation would be the thing that covers up her obsession.
Everypony trusts and respects her, after all she is the one that saved them from danger many times before Twilight.
As said before, she even brings day to the ponies across Equestria.
Which both means you won't suspect her obsession... and no pony would believe you if you said otherwise.
So when it comes to Celestia, by the time you realize there's something darker involved, no pony is going to believe you.
Maybe Celestia expresses jealousy or possessive behavior when you're around others.
Maybe she's too affectionate?
Maybe she wants to isolate you... and admits that she gets violent thoughts about you around others.
Even if you tried to tell other ponies such a fact, they wouldn't believe your words.
Plus, you're Celestia's favorite pony!
Are you just trying to lie about her?
It may get to the point where you start to second guess yourself.
Celestia's actions may just gaslight you into thinking her behavior is okay.
Which pleases the alicorn.
If you think her behavior is fine, then she can manipulate you closer to herself.
Soon you'll have no choice but to trust Celestia's every word.
She won't hurt anypony if you just listen to her.
You'll be her beloved student... or her lover if that's her intentions.
She'll keep you locked in a room designed specifically for you.
Only some guards can interact with you... most of the time it's Celestia herself caring for you.
As others have stated... there's no need to worry... this is normal, isn't it?
Why rebel when the Princess can take care of everything for you...?
Once you gain such a mindset... you're right where Celestia wants you... all to herself.
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bladeweavedance · 4 months
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I decided to do one of those ship template meme thingies. There is no official height for either of these characters that I have seen, but they appear to be about the same size, so I kind of gave 'em an average-ish height. Wyll's age is his official age. Gale does not have any official age - he looks to be in his early-mid 40s, but I can't discount the idea that the orb might have prematurely aged him a bit, so I put him in his late-30s.
I figure Wyll and Gale take turns being the big/little spoon hence why I kinda halfsies it for both of them.
For the lends clothes / borrows clothes thing… Well, first of all, I headcanon Gale as being stockier than Wyll weight-wise - so it's likely Gale would not fit in any of Wyll's clothes (which seem rather tight on him anyway). Additionally, I just have this thought in my head that Wyll is sort of used to not being near a water source for washing his clothes for days at a time - so, he might sort of have this habit where he ends up running out of clean clothes and where normally he'd just wear the same thing over again (sort of a young bachelor-type of mindset almost), he just decides to borrow Gale's clothes instead. When they get married, Gale tries to gently break him of this habit. Though, he does like seeing Wyll wearing his clothes. It does things to him. LOL
I feel like neither Wyll nor Gale are the type to really excessively use pet names, but they might use a few simple ones with the occasional unique one sprinkled in. Wyll uses darling, dearest, my love - and maybe "my sweet wizard" and "my king" - playing into the sort of fairytale romance thing with that. Gale is put-off on using darling himself because he's heard Astarion use it too much, but he also uses dearest, my love, my hero, my Blade, and he uses "my king" back to Wyll as well.
Wyll is very charming and he seems really sociable when he's in a good mood (he mentioned dancing a bunch of sarabandes with the ladies and gentlemen of the Gate, and he's really a Man of the People sort, I think - he likes interacting with people and inspiring them) - so I put him all the way on the extroverted side. Gale is a bit harder to judge - on the one hand, he enjoys a lot of solitary activities (reading, he stands off to the side at parties, etc.), but he also exhibits a lot of very social traits as well - seeming to enjoy conversation and hanging out in bars. So, I headcanon him as being the sort that's kind of in the middle in terms of extroverted and introverted.
Wyll and Gale are not only both service-oriented people, but they're also rather eloquent and enjoy romantic phrases and poetry and building up people around them (especially their partner). So, I see both of them as being in-between when it comes to Affection through Words and Affection through Actions.
I wasn't really sure what to put in regards to Confesses First and Waits for Confession. On the one hand, they both tend to play the slow-burn in terms of romance, but on the other hand, they're both also rather eager and bold people… Sooo… I kinda just put them both on the same level. They seem like they'd both confess their feelings first at various points in their relationship (Gale might be the first to say "I love you" but Wyll ends up being the first to propose or what have you).
The bugs question… ROFL While I don't see Gale as really being the scream-y sort about anything really (he's pretty level-headed in the face of danger), he does seem to harbor some wariness towards bugs, particularly spiders (Not just the "Stop licking the damn thing!" but he has some words about phase spiders and Kar'niss). Wyll meanwhile is absolutely fearless and will definitely squash bugs or anything else that might set Gale on edge without question.
More to come for the rest of this! Darn character limit…
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pianostarinwonderland · 6 months
I'm curious do you think that it's possible to have a healthy relationship with Azul??
I've been reading a lot of Azul x reader fanfics and they're all Nice and all, but it also got me thinking of an actual healthy relationship with Azul Coul be possible? since you know he has a lot of issues and since your a Azul Stan and you seem to know him quite well, do you think it's possible??
OOOOOOH rubs hands gleefully I love this ask holy shit
So I'm going to start this by saying that a lot of this is my opinion, and it's one that's formed by not just how I read Azul but also by experiences I've gone through with relationships, both romantic and platonic. I'll try to give an essay that's as close to his character as possible, but this is already written with biases.
So anyway, the short answer to this is: Yes. I believe you can have a healthy relationship with Azul. But it's going to take a fucking long time till you even get there, and you really have to prove that you're not only a good friend to begin with, but someone trustworthy and someone with a dash of Fucked Up to understand him.
The long answer?
One of the first things about Azul that must be understood when you write him in a romantic setting is that his view on relationships is damaged. And I mean that with italics. It's not exactly a secret with his transactional mindset. He follows the give and take policy, contract or no contract. The best example you'll see of this is his PE Uniform story, with how he didn't want Jamil to give him flying lessons, not until Jamil asked for a price. He's not into gifts either, because he'd give something back to you anyway, which you see in his first Valentine's letter.
But if we dig deeper, this also may stem from his home environment and past bullying.
Starting with the home environment, his parents divorced. It must have left an impression on him, all the more if there were arguments in the household. First impressions last, and there may always be that little reminder in his head that many relationships can fall apart, even with an official contract in place.
Then the nature of Coral Sea and his past with bullying. Jade in his Platinum Jacket story (TL by mysteryshoptls) narrates a time when some sharks didn't fulfill their promises to him.
Jade: I wouldn’t say that… Back in the ocean, there were a few sharks that had refused to honor their promises. As I was entreating them to fulfill their duty, they all decided to bilk their promise altogether.
Coral Sea doesn't seem to be a very friendly environment, at least in the perspectives of the Octavinelle trio. They also seem to be discriminated against, with Azul's being pretty obvious and the tweels more on the speculation side. Thus, Azul was prone to that sort of unfriendliness and even betrayal. It wouldn't be surprising if some merfolk or animals did the same thing that the sharks did to Jade.
Overall, Azul's relationship with... relationships is not exactly healthy due to the circumstances he grew up with, and that has to be taken note of.
However, I do believe that Azul wants to connect with someone deeply. And it's probably one of his biggest yearnings. It seems ironic that he being so guarded and transactional with people would yearn for such a connection. But honestly, it's the very guarded people who desire that kind of relationship the most. It's tiring to carry your guard up all the time. Wouldn't it be great for once to have a relationship where you just don't have to keep it up anymore?
I think there's reason to believe that Azul is hopeful for such a connection to enter his life too. His mom found a second man, and from the few stories that he shared of his family, she and her new partner seem to be doing really well. Azul calls him 'father', and has described him to be kind and sensitive. And their relationship is likely to have started when Azul was still very young, if we assume that the restaurant boomed in business during his mom's second relationship. So Azul may have witnessed his mom's divorce really young, but he also saw early on that there can be a relationship that thrives with the right person.
To a big extent, you'll see this desire he has to have a deep connection with people in canon. An obvious but still notable one is Azul and his relationship with Jade and Floyd. A big part of his OB had to do with the two of them not following him and Floyd calling him lame. The Octavinelle CM exhibits this attachment he has to them as well. In Jade's Platinum story, Jade says he occasionally gives Azul coins. In Floyd's Lab card lines, he states that he'd give Azul shiny things on occasion. They both give Azul these gifts, and there's no hint that Azul gives them something in return, which is unlike his usual principle of give and exchange.
Outside of the twins, you also can see that it is possible to get Azul to be comfortable with someone. Book 6 showcases this at the end of the Riddle-Azul tower, when Azul fell asleep on Riddle's shoulder. This is after clearing their huge misunderstanding about why Riddle is often shielding Azul. Azul thought Riddle was underestimating his strength, but his reason for shielding Azul is just so he wouldn't have to treat a mer without a license or he'd be breaking the law. And it's so Riddle coded that Azul easily took it as the truth and saw that Riddle was really looking out for him. The progression of trust being built in this case seems pretty quick, sure, but it has to be noted too that Azul knew Riddle for more than a year at this point. They're both some of the top scorers in their year level, and they're fellow dorm leaders who have worked together. And Azul definitely knows Riddle's honesty and strict adherence with all kinds of rules, so it helps him trust Riddle more.
Honesty is not the only thing that Azul needs, though. He likely wants to connect with someone who's got that brand of fucked up like him. And this is where I bring up his dynamic with Jamil.
For this part, I'd like to link this wonderful thread made by @/kennae_bae because it highlights a few things I want to discuss here. This thread is mainly in the light of Azul/Jamil, but it goes into the need for connection that they both have as individuals. Of course, for the purposes of this essay, we mainly focus on Azul.
To an extent, Azul's view on Jamil gives us an idea of what he does when he wants to connect with certain folks. Firstly, it's seen in how he likes to approach Jamil a lot more so than other characters. He's offered on more than one occasion for Jamil to transfer to Octavinelle, which the thread has elaborated on. Even though he sees benefit in getting closer to other characters like Malleus (which has been shown in both Halloween Azul and Lab Sebek vignettes), he gives this offer to Jamil because he knows his potential. Azul is the type to see the strengths and potential of most people, and usually, he'd either see use for it or simply comment and do nothing with it if there's no benefit. But Jamil is different; it's true that if Azul just wants him to work at the lounge, he'd be much more forward with it and name a price. However, by wanting Jamil to join Octavinelle, and thus work together with him, Azul is also implying that he wants Jamil in a closer circle of friends.
But that's just one small part of it. I think the part that really shows his yearning to connect with someone like Jamil is in Book 4-34, when Azul gives his own thoughts about the situation between Kalim and Jamil:
Azul: The things you say out of unwavering faith in others will rub people like Jamil or I the wrong way. Rather, to those who live their lives on a budget, it sounds like condescending sarcasm. (TL by shel_bb)
Notice how Azul mentions himself along with Jamil in that one sentence. In that line alone, it sounds like he's connecting himself with Jamil because he feels that they are similar. And that acts as reassurance to Azul, that there's someone else (outside of Jade and Floyd) that could understand his pains.
However, having similar traumas and everything isn't a huge requirement to get to connect with Azul. If it was, he definitely would have let Jamil teach him flying in his PE story. But if he can at least see that you can understand the things he goes through (and maybe even empathize just slightly), it definitely opens up gates to having a deeper relationship with him.
Now okay, we really just covered one half and a bit of the question: is a relationship with Azul possible? Yes. But now we have to address the other half: the healthy relationship part.
To which case, I would say yes. I think the longevity of his relationship with Jade and Floyd is already a testament to this in some way, and all three of them have stayed together in spite of his overblot.
Now this is definitely biased, but I believe a glimpse of a possible healthy relationship with Azul can be found in Book 3-38. After everything that had transpired, Azul goes to return the photo to the Atlantica museum. And I believe most of you reading this will know this conversation.
Azul: I thought that if I could erase all the photos from my past, my time spent being bullied as a "dumb clumsy octopus" would vanish with them. The Sea Witch never hid her dark past but faced it and worked to overwrite her reputation. I kept saying I wanted to be like her, but... in the end, I couldn't accept who I was and tried to act like it never happened. (TL by shel_bb)
In this segment, we have Azul becoming vulnerable to us about his feelings. And I think this is important to bring up because (1) most of the OB characters do not get this vulnerable about their feelings post-OB (aside from Vil, who even then had a professional front when he apologized to the NRC Tribe), and (2) you just don't get Azul sharing something so vulnerable very often. He usually keeps his feelings unsaid so that people don't potentially use them against him. Yet there he is, admitting to you the reason why he wanted the photo he made you steal. And then Yuu reassures him and compliments him, to which Azul responds with:
Azul: My... hard work? Pfft. There is no need for you to flatter me. I only wanted to get back at those who had made fun of me for so long.
And that's all said with a smile. He's happy to get those compliments. =w=
But to cap it off, a healthy relationship with Azul means that it's a relationship where he can let himself be vulnerable to the other person. It is definitely huge bonus points if the other is not only trustworthy but also someone that can understand him somehow.
However, it definitely still takes him a lot of time, especially with how much he goes through. I think that's why you really have to prioritize friendship in order to have a healthy relationship with him. Being able to have a good lasting friendship with Azul would let him trust that you'd be a great partner in life. It definitely will take years, but when you can connect and be open and honest together, a healthy relationship with Azul is possible.
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ivesambrose · 1 year
May mini messages 🍇
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1. 2. 3.
Indepth Month ahead reading slots open for $20 only 🩷
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Tips appreciated ✨
Gif 1
A sense of leadership and accountability will be awakened in you this month. For some towards others or their career/studies or pursuits and for some towards themselves. Maybe in the past few months people have told you to 'humble yourself' or have projected an energy of, 'well, you're not special. So be quiet.' which in turn made you second guess your own capabilities. Well, that is about to snap itself in half. Because you'll realize you do yourself a great deal of disservice when you give into this mindset. There's a fine line between humility and straight up imposter syndrome.
You'll also be feeling connected to the spiritual side of yourself. Now this is something very personal to you but you may feel as though you're receiving intuitive nudges or spiritual downloads. Mostly in the form of words, phrases, messages, texts etc. You may also be inclined to write or express yourself more. A part of your mind will be very analytical but in the sense that you'll have more discernment instead of giving into herd mentality.
There will be steady progress and even promotions for some or some of you might just pave your own way because you got tired of building things for others when you could surely use your talents elsewhere or for yourself.
Channel your aggression in any kind of sports or just brisk walking. Nearing the end of the month you'll feel very excited about something that makes you feel that the true summer of your life has just begun.
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This month, remind yourself that every expert was once a novice that didn't give up. So if there's something you've always wanted to do but were too reluctant to try because you weren't already perfect at it, discard the perfectionism mindset and go for it.
You may really want to go back to a time of your life where things seemed more innocent and sweet before you got too hyper aware of everything and being a responsible adult took away the child like wonder that you once had. Please allow yourself to indulge and find beauty in everything.
Likely whilst revisiting this energy you'll figure out your true calling in life. You'll also realize the more fun you have or the more you engage in activities that just seem silly yet exciting, even as simple as watching a film and making that your personality for a week or discussing new or old things with a friend, the quicker you find clarity, confidence and things falling in place for you or manifestions coming in quicker.
You'll feel more in tune with your emotions without having to dissect them or discard them.
Some of you may also be drawn to flowers, floral designs or fragrances. Like I said, a childlike wonder towards things more. The more those aspects of you are catered to the happier and peaceful you'll be.
Towards the middle or end of the month you may have improptu travels and events to celebrate with your friends and family.
Some of you always have an ancestor or a late family member looking over you, they want you to realize your worth and take pride in yourself and your accomplishments and what you will be accomplishing ahead.
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Romantic admirers and romance in general but a lot of healing when it comes to the wounds relating to the matters of the heart and relationships, doesn't have to be solely romantic relationships but the ones that were significant to you but caused you pain along the way.
I see you romanticizing your life this month, at least starting to. I literally heard, "this is my Sophia Copolla movie era, I do not care."
For some of my ladies and those who identify as women, if you were having issues related to let's say hormones or coming into your femininity in the past this will be a good month to recover and heal those.
You'll be putting yourself on the pedastal and focusing on your physical appearance, aesthetics, skin and hair health and well being. You just want to slow down, make a routine for yourself, see which supplements suit you best etc
Some of you may be wanting to get into a creative, intertaintment or fashion industry so you'll be making that your primary focus. There will be a lot of deep changes, lot of discarding the old story, old mindsets etc moving away from chaotic times to happier ones.
Some of the events in this month might just feel destined or that whatever is happening is leading you to your goal or life path. Keep a tunnel vision when it comes to your desires as priority.
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galene-gothic · 2 years
Your future spouse's first impression of you
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Pile 1
tw: mentions of substance abuse, sex, suicide, mature themes, etc.
Cards: the ten of swords (reversed), the ace of cups (reversed), the devil, the knight of pentacles (reversed), justice (reversed), the five of cups.
They might think that you struggle with moving on from the past. They'll think that new chances are coming in for you and finally you've gotten rid of something that wasn't serving you (might be someone too.) They will likely think that external influences like others' opinions regarding you tend to affect your creativity and pride. They'll think that you seem to question your self worth a lot. They'll also be able to see that even if your passion for something is burried for a while, it'll be back to the surface soon and will think that you aren't the type to give up. I'm sorry but they might think that you lack confidence for some reason. I feel like some of you here might be addicted to something that might be harmful on the long-term, can be weed, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, sex or maybe even some other human being and might be recovering when you meet them. They might have heard about you either having some sort of addiction or a toxic relationship with a really bad end. They will see that you are working towards material gains when you meet them. "I can't find anything to dream about, I can't find anywhere to hide" that might be the energy that you might be in when you meet them, confused and just going with the flow. Some of you will meet them during summer. They'll be able to see that you feel trapped and it makes sense if you've just gotten rid of something or someone. They'll also be able to see that your routine at that time will be leaving you with little to no time with yourself. They might think that you're a very rigid person and also a perfectionist. Some of you might have had a run-in with cops or gotten bailed recently or something. They will think that you struggle with taking responsibility for the actions that you take. I wouldn't be surprised if they met you at jail, police station, rehabilitation centre or something. They'll also see that you're overly critical of yourself. There's a chance that some of you might have tried to commit suicide but got saved and when you were asked why you tried to do so, you either blamed yourself or just went "um just... Felt like it." They'll see that your positivity has been completely demolished. You might meet this person after a break up or someone's death too! Please keep in mind that this is their first impression of you and you might be nothing like how they perceive you to be.
Pile 2
Cards: the lovers (reversed), the seven of swords, the five of swords, the nine of wands, the seven of wands, the two of cups.
I feel like you might be a naturally detached person or they'll see you to be so. They might think that you either do not talk much to others or you don't express much about yourself/express yourself very strategically, like they might think that you let people know only the things that you want them to know. They are going to see a lot of potential in you. They might know about someone sneaky around you. They will see that you lack quality connections around you, your relationships whether platonic or romantic might be very fun and even deep for you but the people you're involved with might not see you accurately, so they'll feel like how misunderstood you are is hindering your growth. Your friends at that time might be the type to gossip and spread negative rumours about others without thinking about the consequences or others' emotions while lacking awareness of themselves and also others around them. They might think that you have a very 'win at all costs' mindset. They will think that you've just gotten out of some sort of competition, might be after a loss and are resting at that time. They might also think that you're kind of being tested by the universe, like they might not think that consciously but it's just going to seem kinda evident that you're growing and will come out stronger. They will also think that you are very courageous and persistent. You might struggle with procrastination or lack of discipline when you meet them. They'll think that you are good at enduring stuff and have a very tolerant personality. I'm getting you carrying yourself like nothing can hurt you. They're going to think that you stand up to injustice in a very aggressive manner. Someone here has a leo stellium or mercury. They'll think that you are very decisive and cut throat. However, they'll also think that you're very loyal and believe in equal sharing of energy. I feel like once they talk to you, they'll realize that you value your own and other people's experiences and learn from them. It might be love at first conversation for some of you. Someone here might have prominent cancer/libra placements too. Please keep in mind that this is their first impression of you and you might be nothing like how they perceive you to be.
Pile 3
Cards: the four of wands, the eight of pentacles (reversed), the two of wands (reversed), the five of pentacles, the ten of pentacles (reversed), the queen of swords.
You might meet them during a homecoming to your friends or through family friends or something like that. For some of you, it might be someone from your childhood or teenage years. I'm getting them finding you really familiar and homely. They'll be able to see that you have a particular skill that you've almost completely mastered. However, they can also see that you don't know how to make plans or execute them properly in order to showcase your skills. They can also see that things outside of your control tend to negatively affect the outcome of your projects. They might think that in the past you had planned your future on unstable assumptions. They might also think that you used to be indecisive in the past. I wouldn't be surprised if this person has known you for a long time but since they've known you for a long time, the first impression that they had of you isn't very strong so I'm being brought to this impression instead. You might be struggling financially or in your work life when you meet this person. You might be really stressed, worried and anxious when you meet this person. You might end up having a one-on-one talk with them, if you do meet in a social event, they're going to realise that your family isn't treating you well due to how things fell apart in your work life and they'll also be able to see how insecure you're feeling, even if you do not end up talking to them one-on-one they'll still be able to pick it up. They're going to find you really intriguing and admirable, even though, your financial situation has completely fallen apart, you will still demand respect from others, you'll still continue thinking independently and state it out clearly and directly without any fear or shame. They'll also be able to see how mentally clear and headstrong you are. You might be trying to be as organised as you can when you meet them. Please keep in mind that this is their first impression of you and you might be nothing like how they perceive you to be.
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k0ff1n · 1 year
First of all, sorry if there are any errors, english is not my first language and I'm still learning it.
Seeing how people reacted to this post I'll add some things first, to at least not be called a pedo:
I'm literally a minor, so please don't call me a pedo because that's not really possible I think
If you were to actually read the post, not because you agree but because you want to complain then you have two options, to not read it at all or to consider the first point and the fact that I too would prefer the people writing about him to imagine a older looking version.
As stated before, if you want to complain pls don't interact
So I suppose that everyone who plays twisted wonderland knows who Ortho is, but in case someone doesn't, here's a little description:
He was and still is Idia Shroud's little brother, he died when he was a child and his body was remade by his brother to somehow "keep him alive".
I know that reading this gives the idea of him still being a child and that, if he was one, writing fanfictions about him would be wrong, so this is why I'll try to explain why having this idea while knowing the full story is kinda stupid.
After saying that he died as a child and was made anew it gives the idea that he's still a child, but he technically isn't.
In the birthday card form the first year of the game, which is almost three years ago at this point, Yuu asks him in the interview what was his best memory from a past birthday party. To this Ortho answers the party that was held when he was five, which was eleven years ago. If you know basic math you should understand that 5+11=16, which makes him as old as the first years. Ok I know, some of you don't understand that being sixteen isn't the same as being five years old but for the sake of this post we'll say that, yes he's still a minor and we shouldn't write romantic stuff about him because bla bla bla (Also I'd like to point out that I'm not talking about writing nsfw stuff about him, just relationship scenarios instead of only platonic ones) but if you consider the year in which the card was released then it means that this August he'll be eighteen, so yeah legal age for stuff.
In case you want to argue about what he says in the story I'll leave the screens of the translation:
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Writing this might seem stupid but some of you don't understand it so I'll do it anyway. We said that his body is new, and this applies for his mind too, well kind of. Some of his memories as Ortho Shroud, the one who actually lived, are still inside his head, we know that because Idia somehow put some of them back inside of him to "preserve his little brother". With this said we are left with:
50% old memories
50% all that's known to mankind
We know that in his head he can search everything, you can clearly see that during history lessons and in some of his cards (if I'm not wrong it was a birthday one but I'm not sure which of the two). He talks about how much he likes playing games with other students and that since he can predict everything they'll do they decided to create a handwritten list of moves to use against him. From this we get:
He can know everything from the entire internet, from every site and from every data storage around the world
Can without much trouble go against entire groups of people at once and still win, something that I don't think someone with the mind of a kid can do
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To conclude this first part about his head I'll just say that you can't have the mindset of a child if you know everything, and this applies to him too. 3: HIS PERCEPTION OF HIMSELF
This is still about his mind but with a different point of view. When we finish the sixth chapter of the story Ortho gains a real heart, a real himself we can say. He's finally free from his brother's restrains and he starts to become a real person. The school realizes this too and accepts him as a student, starting from the first year. This might seem obvious but we know that two years before, when him and Idia arrived at the school, he wasn't perceived as a person, he was just a tool, another piece of metal and cables that his brother bought with him. Now having a heart and a mind of his own he still has the knowledge he had before but he can also appreciate things from another prospective, one only a real living being can have. I feel like saying this might not mean much but to put it simply: he arrives at the school and is fourteen, he stays a total robot for another year and then we meet him when he's sixteen. After another year he gains a heart and he's almost an adult and now, one year after he's become a person, he's to become eighteen. He's almost a literal adult, this is what I wanted to say. Another thing that I'd like to point out is the fact that during chapter six he acts a different way when with or without his brother. The "childish" version of him is only visible when he's talking to Idia and that single time that he slips in an annoyed expression, one his brother has probably never seen, he gets asked if there is need for maintenance. His real self is later introduced, he's way more similar to his brother if not worse at some points. Various times he expresses amusement in seeing someone struggle, something that even Idia had never done. We can clearly see that the version of Ortho that we've always seen wasn't the real one but something that his brother remembered about him from their childhood and that he had to take as his only option regarding personality. His real personality is yes, friendly, but not childish in the slightest. The most childish character in the game is probably Kalim lol. Btw these are some screens from one of the cards where be talks about himself and stuff, even before becoming a real person:
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We know he's short, he's 148 cm. Oh wait you want to say that his face almost looks... like the one of a young looking person? Please don't. Seriously, this might mean something if he was the only character in the game with a young looking face but he isn't, we literally got Epel and Riddle a similar design. And oh look, people write about them, even nsfw stuff, but no one complains for some reason. Epel is sixteen, a minor, but no one says anything if someone decides to simply add the "every character here is aged up so everything's fine" thing. Riddle is seventeen, oh look, another minor people don't have a problem writing about. You can clearly see how stupid this is, he's the same age as them, has the same type of design as them but for some reason is treated different from the fandom. Also, to add things to this mix of reasons, his body isn't even human, he's a literal thing made of metal, wires, fans and a heart. Idia could customize him any moment, and maybe in the future he will who knows, but for now this is what we got.
There's also a "problem" with his voice if we want to call it that. Yes, in this case I'll say that he sounds like a kid, but there's a reason. When Idia created him the only voice he has ever heard his little brother speak with was the one of a five years old, we can clearly hear the similarities between Ortho's real voice when he was a kid in chapter six and the one that AI Ortho has. But during chapter six we also hear the voice that he's supposed to have now, and it's not a childlike one, he really sounds like a teenager.
5: THE FINAL (not the dir en grey song) PART
After all these paragraphs I sincerely hope that at least some of you understand how all this doesn't make sense. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this, I know other people with this same idea but at this point no one can really write anything without being called slurs or assuming random things about them. This post was just a simple explanation of how I see this "issue", if we want to call it that.
Also as stated at the start of the post I too would really prefer an older looking version of him, one with the voice we hear in chapter six from his real and current self and not the one that resembles his old one. This said I understand why some of you want to complain about me wanting fantictions about him and this is why I say that if there will ever be some I will only be imagining the "older" version and not the one that we have now in the game.
Thanks for everyone who read till this point and have a good day :)
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tosahobi-if · 3 months
Sorry to bother but I actually get a bit triggered by cannibalism's metaphors because of some things I've gone through. So could you maybe put a warning or maybe a tag so I can block it?
And, would this type of text be a recurring thing in the game?
I know it seems weird, the thing is the blood nor death it was triggers me but the idea of cannibalism tied to romance, because let's just say that in real life it often appears in very toxic relationships.
You don't have to post this, just hoping that maybe next time you can put a warning?
(And btw is not because you were really descriptive, it's more just the concept itself)
don't worry, you're not a bother! i'll be glad to tag it. i also do want to say that the concept of hunger as desire is a prevalent theme within the story. the mc is very much a traumatized individual with a warped view on relationships. they don't have any healthy examples to base their own feelings off of, so they fall back on what they do understand (which is base instinct) to express themself, whether romantic or not.
you can kind of think of it like a child that thinks the only way to get attention is through being disruptive or acting out. they don't know any better because they've never learned any better. they do, however, understand that most people don't seem to feel the same way they do, and that brings a whole plethora of complications with it. this is, of course, not to say that it's a healthy or a conducive way to approach relationships but i hope it helps to explain their mindset!
i think personal comfort is first and foremost when it comes to interacting with media. imo i do think the story might be triggering for you, but i'll do my best to update the content warnings, and i'm currently working on coding a visible cw toggle into the game. please take care of yourself, anon! ( ´ ▽ ` )
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 4 months
Ok a rant about Cerri bomb and how much I HATE her
In the addict music video she was a very supportive friend of Angel and I loved her in the pilot! I wish we got that supportive best friend to Angel in the final product, but unfortunately she is a woman in a vivziepop show.
She’s AWFUL now I can’t stand her, the way she tried to make Angel relapse was so weird like pilot cherri wouldn’t do that! I also really dislike her design it has to be one of my personal least favourites (not the bottom though nothing is worse than alastors design to me) she isn’t enjoyable to watch anymore she had potential if she’d only been introduced earlier! Imagine if she was introduced in episode 4 and played the supportive friend she was originally supposed to be!
And GOD I hate her ship with pentious, it was SO RUSHED, so poorly done and the ship isn’t very “so cute and in love!!” When you remember she showed literally NO interest in him until Angel brought up that he has 2 dicks, and this is supposed to be a romantic relationship we CARE about.
Cherri didn’t need a romantic relationship she needed CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT we needed to get to know her! If you’ve only seen the show and no other Hazbin media at all (which shouldn’t be required you should be able to get all your info FROM THE SHOW) you’d barely know anything about her character or who she is. I wish we got pilot cherri bomb, and that she got a design update, and that her and pent’s relationship was either taken slower or didn’t happen at all
You silly little creature you, you have me writing in my notes app instead of Tumblr because I’m about to go crazy!
Cherri Bomb. More like Cherri what the hell happened
Anyway I’m gonna tackle this one thing at a time, and also forgive me if I word something weird I just woke up an hour ago at the time of writing this.
First thing, design: I personally quite like her design since it very loosely reminds me of Iris from Ruby Gloom with ofc the one eye, the very rowdy personality and kind of the hair, but those are very broad design choices and its just me remembering some random girl I thought was silly but like Iris did it better.
Okay now second thing and then we go into literally everything else: My blog has been an angry pit of despair for everything in Episode 6 as of recent so let’s tap into that again 🤏 just a little. I am going to give my classic centrist opinion and say I don’t mind Cherri Bomb all that much but I absolutely get why people dislike her, and I mean this in the kinda way as people who dislike… Idk Fukuchi from BSD. WILD jump in fandoms but gimme a second. I can’t 100% say that Cherri Bomb in the pilot was better than the series since we have no idea if maybe for some reason she was intended to be like that offscreen, but judging by the pilot and “Addict” alone, it’s very unlikely. I could see her maybe being a bad influence at times and being like “Loosen up dude we’re in hell and its Friday” or something (idk if they have Friday in hell but everyday is probably Monday 🥁) but overall I feel like she’d end up apologising for it. However on the other side of things, I can understand why Cherri did that in Episode 6. Of course not to say this is okay, but Cherri is still very clearly not in the “redemption” mindset. She’s happy the way she is and is really only focused on certain aspects of issues. We see her comfort Angel in “Addict” but thats basically the extent of it. Cherri’s definition of “self-care” seems to be less of actually taking care of yourself and more like just letting go and having fun instead which really only gives a momentary fix to the issue, much like how substances can be abused. Do you kinda see what im getting at? Cherri offering Angel drugs while he’s trying not to relapse is not okay, full stop. But her reasoning as to why makes a bit of sense for her purpose in the show which is honestly not much, since, as you said, she is a woman in a Vivziepop show.
To my knowledge Cherri is like 30-ish years younger than Angel Dust in Hell experience so she’s likely not reached a point where she’s gotten tired of how things work, as well as the fact we don’t really have much of an idea on her backstory aside from that random shot in “Addict” of that guy in a puddle??? But generally she seems to be in a better position than Angel is, so there isn’t really any reason for her to want to change, yknow? I will say I do like exploring characters that are good friends while still being bad influences at times, but I’m going to be honest I feel like thats really not what Angel needs right now. I wouldn’t be as pissy about it if she did end up apologising afterwards (I’m just gonna headcanon she did for my sanity) but even then as Angel’s friend we don’t know like… anything about her. I would’ve really liked to get some kind of callback to the pilot where Cherri mentions she thought Angel was dead until the random Sir Pentious turf war, and maybe we could see her actually being worried about Angel again instead of those 3 frames in “Addict”, but Hazbin is rushed and I guess we don’t have time for that. And also YES it would’ve been great to see her in Episode 4 and actually doing something but again, Vivziepop is boring.
Going forward I would really like to see Cherri, if not become a patron, at least try to be a better friend and sure if she wants to keep doing stuff she can keep doing it, but just don’t encourage other people to relapse. It is very simple.
SIR PENTIOUS! About Sir Pentious, this is going to be incredibly short. I don’t hate the ship but also I’m not really crazy about any of the Hazbin Hotel ships? I also don’t really hate any except for the genuinely horrid ones but thats basic sense. I absolutely agree with you, Cherri does not need a romantic interest. Romance doesn’t always = growth and growth should not always = romance. She needs some genuine character TLC and I hope to god she gets some in season 2. We’ve only seen a few minutes of her so I have yet to give a firm opinion, but as of now I’m just hoping they do something actually interesting with her instead of just alluding to Sir Pentious ship. Also the penis thing. 1. What was that, and 2. It made me and my friends briefly pause to sex Sir Pentious and come to the conclusion he is likely transgender/hj
TLDR; Please give us a fun Cherri Bomb again. ☹️
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hide-in-imagination · 4 months
Simón and Ámbar are two very contradicting people and that's why they work so well. I'll elaborate:
Starting with Ámbar, she's someone who seems a lot, but isn't actually that much. With that I mean she seems very happy and in control and determined and like nothing ever gets to her, but as we get to know her, we start seeing she's actually incredibly lonely, comically indecisive when it comes to the simplest things, and has no real idea of who she is and where she belongs beyond striving to be number one at everything (because it's the only way she learned she can be loved.)
Ámbar, due to her childhood trauma with her motherly figure, is very independent, assertive, perfectionist and controlling. With these qualities, people usually go after romantic partners that they can 'control'-- that are subdued, sweet, gentle-- all the things their mothers weren't with them. The problem with that is that then these women can never relax (which is what they truly want deep down) because they are the ones who end up doing all the problem-solving in the relationship, the ones who always take the lead. Therefore, they should actually go after someone with more masculine energy instead.
We could say Ámbar did this by dating Matteo, but the problem is that Matteo was also too independent, perfectionist, and detached from the relationship, so neither of them really developed a deep emotional connection. (Which, let's be honest, neither of them was seeking, so it worked great for them.)
Then we have Simón, who at first glance would fit the 'feminine energy guy' thing perfectly-- He's sweet, gentle, easy-going, he puts other people first, etc.
BUT, turns out, Simón is the very embodiment of "Get yourself a guy who can do both." Because man does this guy can do both.
Simón might be a pacifist at heart, but he will not hesitate to fight for those he cares about, and he will call you out if you mistreat him because he has a very strong definition of what's right and what's wrong, and he will not allow people to purposefully behave badly. He might tend to go with the flow of what other people wanna do, but he is brave enough and independent enough to leave his country and fly across the globe with nothing more than a suitcase and a guitar.
He also has the drive to go after his dreams even when they seem impossible, and he declared his feelings for Luna the moment he realized he had them even when it could endanger their friendship-- He did not stay passive. Even in Season 3 when he was the most passive (aka staring at Ámbar from afar 24/7 but doing nothing about it) this inaction was not due to lack of confidence or drive (after all, he had the confidence to ask her to dance from the very beginning)-- It was because he knew Ámbar was not in the same place as he was. Ámbar at the beginning of Season 3 was having fun playing with Simón, even tried to manipulate him with the feelings he harbored for her more than once-- She was not in an honest place of "I want us to be together." Even later, when she was getting into that mindset, Simón kept his distance but he was clear about what he wanted if she wished to be with him. He had the assertiveness to say "I'm crazy about you, but I'm not gonna play into this if you don't put in some effort."
So what do we have? Someone who is empathetic and kind and chill enough for Ámbar to get that security and love she didn't receive as a child, but also someone who's strong enough, determined enough, and driven enough to allow herself to relax every now and then and let him take the lead of things. Our girl hit the jackpot and I am jealous every day.
By the way, let me just mention, for someone who by all accounts should have an Avoidant Attachment Style, Ámbar sure as hell lets Simón in a lot. This might be because the script needed it, but I wanted to point it out because it's very curious to me. (If you don't know what Avoidant Attachment Style is, you can click here to read about it.) I mean, she went from a superficial relationship with Matteo to basically crying in front of Simón every day-- That's huge! Sure, you could argue that she couldn't help it since she was completely destroyed inside, but even then, I think it speaks very highly of him that Ámbar considered him a safe space to vent to during those tough times. We got another example of that in Season 3 when she was upset after her phone call with Sharon and then Simón walked into the lockers and she hugged him, seeking comfort. It's like she can't stop herself from wanting him to 'catch her', if you know what I mean;) But of course, she didn't want to admit she was that 'weak', so she completely shut him out the next day (the infamous maracuyá juice scene, ugh, don't even remind me, it hurt.)
Anyways, I realize I focused too much on Ámbar's side of things in the relationship instead of what both get out of it, but I already wrote in a post once what Simón gets out of it, so I'll let that speak for itself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I wrote this instead of writing Roads✌🏻
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rikeijo · 10 months
Hello! :) Hope I don’t seem like I am trying to cause drama. 😅 I would like to ask how different and / or similar is the YOI fandom in Japan compared to the English fandom? Another thing I’m curious about is how do Japanese BL / GL fans view view Western shows with LGBT+ characters? For example does The Owl House have a lot of GL fans or do they not really care about the show?
Hello! Thank you for the message!
I don't think that it's trying to cause drama... In case of YoI and all the very unusual things that happened with this IP, if we try to understand why it happened, imo, it's impossible to see the whole picture without taking into consideration how Jp anime industry&fandom perceive LGBT+ related stuff.
The main difference is that, in case of anime like YoI, in Jp, majority of people think "fujoshi" when they see it, not "gay representation/ LGBT".
This is a quote from an article I happened to read recently (link) that answers a lot of your questions. A person, who works for a company that specializes in BL marketing, talks about Jp and Asian BLs.
"In Japanese BLs there is a lot of settings and cliches expected to appear in the story. There is so much that I'll only give you an example here, one that is difficult to explain in words - for example, the seme (the man that leads in the romantic relationship) is cool and the most popular person in the class, and on the other hand the uke (the man that is led) is more plain, and a bit of an natural airhead - this pattern is one of the classics. In BL, part of the culture is to enjoy those settings and story templates.
Of course, in the West, there are also BL stories called M/M, which portray romantic relationships between men and they have a lot of fans in Jp. But according to Tsutsui: "In the West, those stories are created more in the context of LGBT and are of a different kind that Japanese and Asian BLs."
Also, in BLs there is a lot of taboos, called "jirai, landmines". If you detonate those because you lack understanding [of the BL culture], users will immediately go away.
One example of a landmine is when seme and uke swap places, called "reverse"."
Of course, YoI isn't BL, but fans of YoI ships have exactly the same mindset: one uke, seme(s), enjoying our fantasies, not interested in LGBT. Obviously, it's not 100% of the fandom, but the vast majority is really like that.
VicYuu (Victor seme, Yuuri uke) is the most popular ship (seme the coolest character x uke the main character "I'd like to read shojo manga, but they have women there and I hate those" template is the most popular fujo template for every story - for example, in case of JJK, the most popular ship is... Gojo Satoru x Itadori Yuji (15) with almost 700 millions views in total on pixiv). So, that Yuuri doesn't look uke enough and Victor looks like a "fa*got with fake eyelashes" (that's a quote), when he should be a masculine seme, in a lot of arts is one reason why fujos started to hate members of YoI staff. Just like that person in the article said - for fujos, it's a landmine. I've talked about it a few times before - one of the most hated YoI staff member is Mitsurou, and there is plenty of reasons why she was targeted, but one is that the way she draws Yuuri and Victor is more similar to how "YuuVic" fanarts are drawn (and often you can basically tell the ship by how the person draws the characters)...
I don't know a lot about The Owl House, but of course, it has fans in Jp as well - only, I think that those fans (of Western LGBT shows in general) are more from the progressive side and there is little overlap with classic fujos (so a kind of BL/dojinshi fan). Another example, the Witch from Mercury was also popular with the progressive people of Jp twitter and they were also bashing the IP holders because of the marriage controversy... Of course, more progressive people read BLs, too, but many are against being labelled as "fujoshi"... That's generalization, but fujos are those people who labelled and still call heterosexual love "normal love" - I think that says a lot.
In my observation, YoI's Jp fandom is in majority fujo-fandom (2016 was a few years ago...). In 2023, however, more and more people are more open and know more about LGBT+ stuff, so there is also growing "progressive" population of fans on twitter etc. and those people gravitate towards different shows/have different interpretations compared to classic fujos.
So yeah, generally & simply speaking, in Jp, fujoshi, BL =/= LGBT. And btw, as I was labelled fujo-hater in the past, I don't think it's "bad" that fujos like to feminize their uke so much to self-insert and fantasize about the masculine seme(s) loving them, effectively making the ship into a heterosexual ship, because that's what they prefer (although when a grown-up woman is fantasizing about a tiny teenager having sex with a man twice his age and size, well... I'm not sure it's healthy) but I just don't think that it has much to do with LGBT rights and being allies or anything like that, and that it's something that should be acknowledged, too.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request prompts 12 and 23 for norman bates from the slasher movie pyscho (1960s version)? Pairing is romantic
Was finally able to see Psycho on Netflix! I do indeed have a story idea I can do for this. My prompts were used for this.
Did not do character research for this, wrote it right after seeing the movie so I hope his character is correct :) I also wrote this late at night so there's that too, lol 😅 By the time I post this it'll be the next morning where I can look at this with a better mindset and edit it.
Yandere! Norman Bates Prompts 12 + 23
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Obsession at first sight, Clingy behavior, Murder, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Darling is naive as serial killers weren't too common in the 1960s, Vomit, Violence, Norman actually has no chill.
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Norman had seen many people come to the motel before. Whenever he did grow attached to them, Mother scolded him. Mother never let the guests stay too long anyways.
Despite the desolate feeling of the motel and house, Norman never really felt alone. He's happy, mother's happy, things were great with just the two of them. There didn't need to be anyone else.
Then Norman met you, a tired traveler needing to rest. Norman had noticed you had a friend with you. The man thought nothing of you both, you'd probably end up like all the rest.
Then Norman started talking with you. By just standing in the office of the motel you managed to make him stutter, a shyness enveloping him and intoxicating his mind. You are so easy to talk to. You even seem to shy away from him as he did you.
Norman likes talking with you. He feels like he could talk for hours, actually. Norman sometimes felt this way towards guests... although with you it seems like a stronger feeling. Maybe mother would like this one....
Norman makes a promise to himself to be the best gentleman towards you. To you, he's a kind and sweet man who runs a motel and takes care of his sick mother. The person he didn't like was your friend....
Norman feels ill at the connection you two share. Perhaps he's envious, glowering at your friend and thinking about how close you two are. Norman just met you... you didn't know anything about him... and he already wanted everything to do with you.
"I can get you both some food! Then I'll show you to your rooms." Norman chirps, suddenly in a good mood.
"What rooms are available?" You ask, Norman being very attentive to your voice.
"There's twelve rooms, all vacant. You can have room one while your friend has room four!"
"Uh... we can share-" Your friend pipes up. Norman frowns at their voice, mood souring as soon as they spoke.
"Sorry, I can't do that. There's only one bed in a room and sharing a bed simply won't do! Can't have anything... unsavory, right?"
You and your friend grimace at the implication.
"Yeah, guess not...." You murmur. Norman smiles again, ushering you both outside.
"P-Please, take your room keys and wait for me! I'll deliver some food for the both of you."
You and your friend agree before taking the room keys and heading to your rooms. Norman couldn't stop smiling at the thought of you... he wanted to watch you through the hole in the wall but he had other matters to attend to at the moment.
Not only did he need to feed you... but mother has to know about you, too.
Norman consulted his mother about the two new guests he had met later in the night. The thought of you had made him excited! Although... he hates that you came with someone else.
His mother shared a similar sentiment. You seem very kind and just may treat her son right. Yet there was that issue with your little friend.
Norman pleaded with his mother to keep you. He wanted you over for dinner but it was too early for that to happen according to her. Norman was overjoyed when he watched you eat the food he brought back from the house, you said it was great!
Mother likes how you make her son happy. He's always gotten attached easily, though he may have picked right this time. She promises her dear son that she'll help him out a little....
Once she helps with that friend problem, the rest is on him, however.
After all the trouble she has to go through to make Norman happy, she hopes you're worth it.
You woke up late at night to the sound of shuffling outside your door. You yawn and try to open your eyes enough to see before wiping the crust from them. You thought it was some sort of animal or that Norman guy doing routine clean up....
Then you heard screaming.
Familiar screaming.
You shoot up with concern on your face, staring at the wooden door with uncertainty. Surely it wasn't anything bad, right...? The idea of being alone and without help frightened you.
The nearest payphone was a long walk.... The sheriff would take forever to come at the hour, too. Maybe you can ask Norman for help?
The screaming had stopped as quickly as it started. It was either silenced or the pain wasn't that bad. Maybe your friend just... hurt themselves?
The idea of a serial killer wasn't a very common idea around this time... which made you a bit naive.
Cautiously you exit your room, intending to find Norman. Looking down to room four you see the room open. Surely Norman was already looking into it....
Trying to calm your racing heart, you try to reassure yourself it's nothing big. There's nothing wrong... maybe your friend saw a roach or something? You walk towards the room. Must be... it couldn't be anything that ba-
You stop in your tracks. No, Norman wasn't in the room already.... Your friend was there, however...
Just with stab wounds in their chest and stomach, their blood pooling onto the floor.
You pause, the shock still clouding your cognitive ability at the moment. You slowly trace your gaze over your friend's corpse... then it sets in. Then it all sits in.
You collapse onto the ground in a spew of vomit. Bile puddles onto the floor, the room smelling of metal and rot. You want to scream... but you're in too much shock.
"Dear-" A voice says from behind you before cutting off. The voice sounds like Norman, yet you can't bear to turn. Does he think you did it?
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Norman panics. You are confused to what the young man means before it clicks. Norman's a murderer... and you're alone.
"Oh sorry, mother... I wasn't fast enough-" Norman mutters to himself before fully turning his attention to you. "Dear, you look so sick... I should get you cleaned up."
"Don't... call me that..." You manage to croak out, stumbling to your feet quickly. "Stay away from me!"
"Please sit down! You're scared, I can explain!"
Despite being trapped in the room, you try to squeeze past the man. Norman stops you, no amount of brute force working against him. His eyes weren't friendly...
They were cold and a bit nervous.
"We can work this out! I'll get you cleaned up a-and we'll talk! I p-promise you this is a misunderstanding!"
You don't listen and struggle more. Norman frowns at your desperation and attempts to wrangle you back. Both of you get a bit too desperate in your fighting...
Leading to Norman accidentally hitting your head too hard against the wall.
When you manage to comprehend your surroundings again you notice you're bandaged and cleaned. Rope ties a wrist of yours to a bed frame and you can tell this is an old unfamiliar house. You begin to panic again, using your other hand to fidget with the knot.
You freeze everything when you hear footsteps come up the stairs. You hold your breathe in anticipation but it wasn't like you could hide. When the door opened... any hope of this being some nightmare diminished.
Norman Bates, the man who supposedly murdered your friend, stood in front of you with a tray in hand.
Norman offers you a smile... one you don't return. He places the tray down on a small table and you notice it's full of food. The moment Norman looks at you... you want to cry.
"Good Morning... darling." Norman chuckles, appearing to like the idea of calling you such a sickeningly sweet name. "I brought breakfast."
"You put me here..." You whimper.
"Of course!" He says in a chipper tone. "M-Mother allowed you to stay... because you make me happy."
You feel yourself grow ill again.
"Why...?" You could've been saying 'why' for a lot of reasons. At this point you didn't care. Any answer probably wasn't good or satisfactory.
"Why...?" Norman looks puzzled. "I-I thought we could just... stay here and t-talk... I d-didn't want to see you go so soon."
"You killed them...."
"Them? I didn't- Mother said they weren't welcome... so she got rid of them. She approved of you, thankfully! Which is great... because I really l-l-like you." Norman confesses nervously.
You drop the conversation there. You weren't in any state for interrogation anyways. Something was wrong with this man... he was not right in the head... you hear yourself sob.
Norman picks up on this and frowns. His little bird was crying.... You must be so overwhelmed by this new place and him.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Norman murmurs in what seemed to be a caring tone. The man sits on the bed a shifts closer. You try to run away with a loud sob, only for Norman to pull you roughly into his chest.
"Shhh..." He comforts, feeling you struggle and push to get away from him. Your sobs were loud yet he didn't mind. He wants to make his little bird feel better. "I'll take good care of you here. You'll never be lonely. It'll just be... us...."
You freeze when he kisses your forehead and presses your face into his chest. In your mind, you're doomed. This guy is insane... and probably was going to force you into something.
Norman, however, didn't plan on such a thing. He felt the love between you was stronger than anything. He wants to be a good boyfriend and husband... all he wants to do is hold you, nothing more.
"You're as cute as a bird." Norman smiles with a twisted attempt at flirting. He pecks your cheek with another kiss. "... I love birds..." Norman pauses, looking at your crying face with adoration. "I knew the moment I spoke with you I'd love you...!"
The twisted declaration of love from Norman sends another fit of sobbing out of you. Norman shushes you once more and keeps you suffocatingly close to his chest. You hated it here... you wished you just drove tired with your friend...
Yet Norman felt you'd enjoy your time here after you got to know each other.
Perhaps you, him, and mother can be happy here in this house together? Just the three of you....
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deadbydad · 3 months
I want to give you my opinion on Cloud/Tifa/Aerith relationship. I found some ideas you wrote before to resonate a lot with my opinions. My impression of Cloud and Tifa relationship is that is based on guilt trip, projection and childish infatuation, mostly coming from Tifa. She was the center of attention among her friend when she was a child, which she admits that she liked. I guess Cloud as a child makes the promise to impress the popular girl, because he has a childish crush and because loners tend to be attracted to extrovert people most of the times, he wanted to pe part of Tifa's group of friends. There is also the sory of their fall from the bridge and how Cloud gets blamed, it can be traumatic to a child to be shunned for something that wasn't his fault and Tifa didn't help in this matter. Tifa, on the other side, I think she was impressed by the promise because, hey, a guy wants to join SOLDIERS and be there to protect me. After their village burned and their parents and childhood friend were gone, it kind of makes sense that both Tifa and Cloud want to maintain the connection between them because of their common backgrounds. Also there is a guy, Johnny, who likes Tifa, but I guess he is not cool enough for her. What I find weird about their whole "love" story is how they still have feelings. Like, seriously, after 5 years people move on and their mindest changes. Relationships don't work on a childish promise of "I will protect you", if they do, they will most probably crumble after a time. I believe that love is about complementary personality, same interests, understanding, maturity and playfulness from time to time. To me, playing both the Remake and Rebirth games without knowing the OG story, Cloud and Tifa relationship can't truly be a romantic one. It feels awkward and baseless and childish. She feels jealousy over Aerith after she meets her for the first time because it seems like Cloud might have feelings for her, which I find it, again childish and awkward. She was never a good friend with him and they met after 5 years, time in which both of them experienced different things. And for the most parts of her interaction with Cloud, I feel like she projects a persona on Cloud that she would like him to be, an ideal, but doesn't really know how to handle/act, and at times I feel like she is annoyed with his vulnerable, inconsistent moments of his. For example, in Chapter 13 in that temple in Rebirth, when Cloud is under Sephiroth influence and wants to attack Elena, she goes to stop him, he gives on attacking her, but pushes Tifa away and she shows a sad face, like most of the times. Where Aerith, tries to adapt on the situation, she tries to encourage him, smile, acknowledge his problems and not blame him. I think there is more depth in Aerith and Cloud's relationship and it feels more natural, they meet and simply connect, whereas Tifa and Cloud's seems shallow, just on the surface. I don't disagree that both Tifa and Cloud care about one another, but they lack romantically compatibility. I think that AC shows that even more, the ending and credits are quite enough proof. He might go back to their place in AC, but he will still feel the need to run away from to time to time, which it's not really a healthy behaviour if you would speak about a romantic relationship. I guess there could be made whole pages of analysis on every scene, these were just some stuff that stood out seeing the story for the first in both Remake and Rebirth and then watch AC.
This is why I don't like Tifa, because of how she treats Cloud and her jealousy issues when in reality...
Cloud never was hers to begin with, so I don't see why she has this mindset that 'he promised to save me so he must still like me' which is false
Tifa, in my opinion, needs to grow up and realize that Cloud isn't the only option.
There's Rude and Johnny who literally have crushes on her and I think Tifa and Rude would be so cute together.
There's also Reno, and Zack, and fucking Barret!
Tifa has options, Cloud just doesn't seem to be one of them and she has to move on from the fact that he likes Aerith.
Yes they both care for one another but not in the same way
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fatalism-and-villainy · 7 months
Thoughts on nonmonogamy and fandom -
I think part of the shape of my own inclination towards nonmonogamy is that - I see some monogamous people say that they just don't feel much attraction towards other people or inclination to be involved with other people while they're partnered up. And I honestly feel like the direct inverse of that - it's much easier for me to be attracted to people in general if I already have one point of interest established. Because it puts me back in that mindset, and gets me more in tune with that possibility. This is why I find the framework of monogamy restrictive - because so much of how I feel attraction is about expansiveness, something that goes beyond that specific person. Exclusivity in a relationship would feel like clipping my wings, putting a cap on the joy I feel.
(This has sort of created a frustrating "entry level job/3-5 years of experience needed" learning curve to be hurdled for the past 2+ years, honestly, because after several false starts I just haven't been able to muster that kind of crush-like investment in someone that would rekindle that possibility more broadly and generally. Which is fine, as I'm more content directing my social energies elsewhere for the time being, but it does feel hard to explain, since most people associate nonmonogamy with being very easily and frequently romantically interested in others.)
But anyway, I've come to realize how much this informs my approach to fandom. My impulse is very often to explore my multishipping scenarios for a member or members of the main couple after they're together. Because it just seems natural and intuitive to me that of course being settled and happy with one person would make a person want to explore other similar connections, and because romances are most meaningful to me when they awaken some sort of erotic potential within the self that extends beyond the bounds of that specific relationship, and grants new context and shape to other connections. And it can be... alienating, to get struck with the reminder that many other people equally intuitively conceive of endgame coupledom in the opposite manner, and take it for granted that partnering with someone is the end of the line and indicates being fulfilled in only that person.
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