#and the more you approach it with understanding and compassion the easier it will live with you
allaboutthemoonlight · 5 months
How to Build Self Discipline
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Cultivating self-discipline is the way towards personal growth and achieving long-term goals. To me, it’s really all about making choices that honor your well-being and identity.
Understand that self-discipline is about self love and respect
It’s not about punishment or deprivation, but rather caring for yourself enough to make choices that align with your long-term well-being and goals.
You’re showing yourself the respect you deserve by honoring and committing to changes you want to make.
It’s all about recognizing your worth and having the motivation and courage to pursue what’s really best for you, even when it requires a lot of effort and decision-making.
Frame your identity in a way that includes discipline
How we act directly ties to our identities and how we believe we are. If you believe you’re a successful individual, you’ll live a life framed by confidence and determination. If you believe you’re someone who is lazy and unmotivated, you’ll struggle to find the drive to pursue your goals and aspirations.
Gaining discipline is all about acting as the person you believe you are and moving through life in a way that’s consistent with your determined identity. The key here is to try to imagine who you are at your highest self in a disciplined state of mind.
To start this, ask yourself these questions and slowly arrange your life in a way so there’s no distance between who you are now and your highest self:
What does your day look like
What do you eat
What do you wear
What does your week look like
What does your work day look like
What hobbies do you have
What’s your morning and night routine
Who are you surrounded by
What do you say yes and no to
Have systems in your life
I recently wrote a post about habits and mentioned the idea of systems versus goals. Here, I want to delve a bit deeper into that concept within the context of self-discipline.
To me, another way to truly live a disciplined life is to establish starting systems, something that will propel you past hurdles and reduce the friction that accompanies change.
Let’s say you want to improve your eating habits and cultivate discipline in consuming less sugar while incorporating more whole foods into your diet. You could begin by implementing a system of prepping healthy snacks or meals in advance at the start of each week, or however you see fit. By having these snacks readily available, you eliminate the need for decision-making, making it easier to adhere to your goal.
Anything that serves as a reminder or facilitates consistent action toward your desired outcome is a valuable system in your life.
Be okay with not doing something and embrace the mindset of small wins
This may seem paradoxical in the context of developing self-discipline, but being okay with not doing something is crucial. There are times in life when we need tough love and motivation, but there are also moments when compassion is the driving force that propels us forward.
When you don’t follow through with something, whether it’s going for a run or preparing a healthy dinner, it’s important to be okay with it. You don’t need to shame yourself or feel guilty for not taking action because that will only reinforce negative thought patterns, making it harder to create the change you desire.
Consider this: if you miss a planned run and spiral into self-criticism, you’re more likely to avoid running altogether. However, if you approach the situation with understanding and compassion, you’ll be more inclined to try again next time.
This is where small daily victories come into play. Sometimes, all we need is one small step forward to develop a new habit and maintain consistency. Whatever you're striving to improve or change, if it feels daunting, tell yourself, "Just for today, I'll do a 15-minute workout instead of the full hour," or "Just for today, I'll read 5 pages instead of the entire chapter," and celebrate these as small victories. Doing so not only helps you establish new habits but also allows you to acknowledge the progress you've made and the trust you've built within yourself.
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zeroducks-2 · 5 months
Do you really think reverse flash is in love with Barry? I don't mean for this to sound snarky I'm just confused. Thawne killed Barry's mom how can you say he's in love with him? I like all the things you post and rb about them I really enjoy the ship. I just don't get it can you explain?
The question "how can Eobard be in love with Barry if he hurt him" has both a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is that people are very much capable of hurting the ones they love, on purpose or by accident.
The long answer is that Eobard is a deeply disturbed individual who has never been the recipient of love, and because of that and of many extremely traumatic events (including but not limited to being brainwashed in prison, being trapped in a timeless limbo alone for years, being tortured and treated like cattle and put in sensory deprivation for ludicrous amounts of time, dying at the hands of the only person who had ever shown compassion towards him), he has a skewed perception of a lot of things and is extremely bad at emotional regulation.
Moreover, and this is something which is easy to overlook but it's actually very important, Eobard is not human. His actions are informed by his traumas, but the way he approaches pretty much everything (including his "problems" with Barry) isn't done the way a human would.
Eobard is a timeless, deathless creature which embodies one of the driving forces of reality itself (the Negative Speed Force). He lived probably more than a few hundred years considering how he keeps running around through time doing stuff, and how he keeps going back to watch past events and adjust the way he will interact with the timeline next.
He knows the huge impact that killing Nora will have on Barry, but from a moral and ethical standpoint it's not a big deal for him. Nora is less than a speck in time, an NPC who served her role for that briefest moment in which she existed. She is a big deal because she is a big deal for Barry, not because she's meaningful in any other way.
"But then he did want to hurt Barry when he killed her" Yes, absolutely he wanted to. Eobard didn't "just" kill Nora Allen - he went back in time and changed everything about Barry's life, made it so he had no friends, made him grow isolated and insecure and shy, lacking confident in his abilities. And he did it because he is very, VERY angry with Barry for one, and also because isolating Barry makes it easier for them to grow closer.
And it worked! Back in the Silver Age, when Nora and Henry were alive and not in prison, Barry couldn't be bothered with Eobard. For him Eo was just a random criminal with superspeed, and sure he was threatening because speedsters always are, but not that much of a big deal.
Now? Now Eobard is a primary element in Barry's life, a constant he's had to deal with basically since birth, someone who rewritten his entire life to make himself part of it in an indelible manner.
It worked because now Barry is more likely to fall for Eobard's manipulation, to listen to him, to just accept that he's THERE because he's always been. Near the end of Running Scared, Eobard tells him "run away with me", and Barry says yes.
Back in the Silver Age there would have been no way.
It's worth mentioning that to understand Eobard, you need to understand that everything he does, every single thing, has the end goal of being with Barry. Whether he's trying to protect him or trying to hurt him or trying to manipulate him, whether they manage to work together against a common enemy or they're on opposite sides of the fight, every single one of Eobard's actions is motivated by love (his personal, inhuman version of love).
"But if that is the case, then why doesn't he just tell Barry 'I love you'?"
Two reasons, and one is meta.
The in-story reason is that every time Eobard tried to do something good without masking it as horrible, it went sideways and backfired spectacularly - mix that with poor emotional regulation, and you have someone who's not going to be able to handle rejection and is outright scared of doing good things openly. I think if he told Barry "I love you" and Barry reacted badly it would hurt too much. Also he wants Barry to understand, and thanks to a couple of competent writers who sadly don't work on Flash anymore, we were getting there.
The meta reason is because DC is homophobic, plain and simple. Eobard DID SAY I love you many times except with words, because DC editorials won't let him. That's it. It's the same reason why Joker can't tell Batman "I love you" and has to do weird ass word plays and even more weird ass attention seeking maneuvers. They're stunted by reasons which no one but DC itself can control.
So in short. How can Eobard be in love with Barry and hurt him so much at the same time? Because he doesn't have many ways of express love, he has a hard time being caring, and every time he allows himself to be soft it backfires. Because he wants Barry to belong to him and will isolate him and make him suffer to get there. Because he's angry with Barry -- Barry hurt him too, rejected him and left him alone and refused to accept that Eobard is his lightning rod for a long time.
Eobard easily lashes out when he's hurt, and the less grounded he is the more vicious and violent he turns.
"But Zero, how can Eobard think that Barry will ever forgive him for having killed his mom?"
I don't believe Eobard was ever looking for forgiveness, but fun fact. Barry did forgive him already. Barry is not human either, and at this point I think he'd forgive Eobard just about anything, and despite how difficult everything is between them, he really wants to get to a place where they don't need to hurt each other.
The problem with this, and it's one of the reasons why they have so many issues communicating, is that Barry is in denial about many things - about being the Speed Force, about Eobard being in love with him, about how they're two constants through time and two sides of the same coin and basically can't exist without each other, about how they're each other's lightning rod.
Their relationship is very complex, absolutely not what it looks like at first glance, and it's colored by all the hurt there is between them. But again, ultimately understanding Eobard is understanding that love is what motivates him, even when he does the most horrible unhinged things.
In conclusion, have this panel from The Flash Age which is one of my favorite Flash comics, in which you can see the way these two manage to trust each other and fall into the right rhythm, despite the oceans of misunderstandings and suffering between them.
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Pages from The Flash Age, by Joshua Williamson. In which Barry tells Eobard to "do the right thing", and Eobard just does it.
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Doubt and how to persist
When you’re working towards manifesting your dreams, there will be times where doubt creeps in and it feels like it will never come to fruition. However, you need to stay persistent if you want to make your dreams come true. Here are some tips to help you persist even with doubt in your manifestation journey. it can be difficult to maintain faith and believe in the process. Even when you know that it's real and are dedicating time and energy to manifesting your desires, it's common to experience doubt. In this video, I'll explain why it's so normal to doubt your manifestation, and how to push past those doubts in order to successfully realize what you're wishing for.
First off, let's examine why it's so common to experience doubt when you're trying to manifest something. We live in a society that condones logical thinking and tangible evidence, so when we focus on something intangible and unseen, our minds will understandably become filled with questions and uncertainties. This is why it’s natural to have doubts - your mind may be propelling you to view the world in a more analytical way.
It's also important to understand that manifesting often requires us to have a certain level of faith and belief. When we become aware of the doubts and lack of faith that can exist within our minds, it can create further doubt as we become even more aware of our own lackluster faith. So to work around that doubt I think it’s important right First, focus on your ‘why’. Your ‘why’ is the reason you’re motivated to make your dreams come true. Remind yourself why you’re doing this and the impact it will have on your life and the lives of those around you. It will be the source of strength when doubt creeps in. Also limit your exposure to external factors. Doubt can take root more easily when you’re constantly exposed to outside opinions that may not align with yours. Block out this noise and focus on yourself and your ‘why’. The amount of time I see people question their own beliefs just because a blogger says something else is super concerning. Different perspectives and beliefs from someone else doesn’t take away from the validity of yours.
Also..Don’t forget to practice self-care during doubt-filled moments. Take a little break from your manifestation journey and do something that makes you happy. When you come back feeling refreshed, that doubt won’t be so big anymore. God or not, you’re still a person with emotions and this can be overwhelming. Taking a break says nothing about your persistence or your faith, don’t let that false notion stop you from taking care of yourself. Despite how seemingly difficult it can be, understanding how to persist with doubt is something that anyone can work through. Taking the time to practice far-reaching awareness of one’s thought patterns is key to improving internal dialogue and recognizing those pesky, discouraging thoughts. Developing self-compassion and an awareness of past traumas can help in having a more soothing, understanding approach to handling these types of thoughts. Additionally, engaging in activities like mindfulness meditation, journaling, and nature walks can help build healthy coping strategies for when these unwanted feelings arise are all things I’ll never stop advocating for.
Finally, this isn’t talked about much, but don’t be afraid to find an accountability partner or group and keep working towards your goals. Having someone support and encourage you on your journey makes it easier to push through the moments of doubt. Plus, knowing someone else is counting on you can be a huge motivator to keep going. Community and relationships not only have personally held me more accountable but my resolve is always stronger when I’m also encouraging and fighting for others.
I think it's also important to remember that we must persist if we want our desires to come true. I think this is a concept but we’ve all seen but people interpret what true persistence looks like differently.
So let's talk about the concept of persistence according to Neville Goddard. He famously said, “What you persist in imagining, you will ultimately experience.” This is a powerful statement and it's one that we should remember if we want to manifest our deepest desires. Goddard believed that it was necessary to persist in our imaginings in order to bring them into being. He taught that our subconscious mind is incredibly powerful and can help shape the world around us. We can use this power to create the life we desire if we are willing to persist in our imaginations.
When we imagine something vividly, we are actually bringing it into being in our minds. The more we do this, the more powerful it becomes and the easier it is to manifest it into reality. This is why Goddard emphasized the importance of persistence. remember that our desires will inevitably come true, no matter how many times we imagine them. However, this does not mean that we should not persist in our imaginings. We must be consistent in order for our imagined realities to take physical form. This is how we create the life of our dreams. That’s it. Simply having the desire and constantly longing it for it in the imagination is all it is and it’s what we all do.
Persistence is key when it comes to manifestation. When we persist in our imaginings, we are planting the seeds of our desires deep within the subconscious and they will eventually take physical form. But it will only happen if we persist in visualizing and believing in our desired reality.
At the core of Neville Goddard's teachings is the belief that by believing and feeling something is true, it will eventually come true. He believed that each of us has the power to create our own reality by using our thoughts, feelings, and in some cases, physical actions. This means that we have the power to shape our lives as we see fit and that it is up to us to take the actions necessary to make that happen.
So then why does it take so long for a 3D manifestation to conform to a 4D vision?
Well, Neville Goddard himself said that it takes time for the spiritual vision to become physical. That is because, in order for a manifestation to become real, it has to go through several steps, including developing an emotional connection to the desired outcome, defining what that outcome looks and feels like in detail, and committing to the daily practice of visualization and affirmation in order to bring the vision into reality. Another reason why it may take some time for a 3D manifestation to conform to a 4D vision is because the spiritual process requires us to surrender our attachment to the outcome. When we let go of our expectations and surrender our attachment and need for control, we open up space for the divine to work its magic. as Neville Goddard stated, “Energy follows thought” – so if you invest more energy into something, it will eventually come to you. This means that if you are focused on your vision and put in all the effort needed to bring it into reality, not only will you remain patient until its completion but you will also see faster results.
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no-gram · 27 days
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Ai: Hi, Jun.
Jun: Hi. Admin.
Ai: ...... huh.
Jun: You seem to be at a loss for words, didn't you come here with a script?
Ai: I wonder if Tsuguha told you about that...
Jun: Well, yeah.
Ai: It's true that I've been thinking about what to ask, just in case. I was, however, amused. You were hostile at first, but you're surprisingly cooperative, aren't you?
Jun: Are you kidding me? If it looks that way, you're wrong. If anything, I'm just not going to put up a pointless resistance. You're not our enemy either, even though you ended up in that role.
Ai: Right.
Jun: I gave you an answer, but you're not going to like it if you act like that.
Ai: Thanks for the advice. I'm sorry, but I don't really know what that feels like.
Jun: Oh, I see.
Ai: Well, introduce yourself.
Jun: Jun, that's all.
Ai: Didn't you say you don't interfere with business?
Jun: That's your broad interpretation, one, I didn't say I wouldn't interfere, and two, I introduced myself. That's all.
Ai: Don't you introduce yourself too?
Jun: Hmmm, I see. Did Tsugu say the same thing? Well, that's what I meant.
Ai: This job isn't easy either...I'm going to change the way I ask. What did you do before you came here?
Jun: Nothing special. Just the usual. Go to school, go home. Eat and sleep.
Ai: ...How is life here?
Jun: Nothing too good, nothing too bad.
Ai: Really? You seem to get along well with Tsuduri.
Jun: Hmm, I won't deny it. There are a lot of weirdos out there, so it's only logical to approach the one who seems the most normal.
Ai: Wow, you think that way. So, if there is someone more decent than Tsuduri, would you hang out with him?
Jun: Hmmm, sorry, I can't say that I would. I guess it would be more correct to say that I am where I am supposed to be.
Ai: I don't really know...
Jun: You don't have to understand, I didn't ask you to.
Ai: No, I didn't mean it the way I said it. 
Jun: What?
Ai: I understand your point of view. I mean, you are where you are because you are comfortable with your role, right?
Jun: Well, that's what it comes down to.
Ai: As I told you earlier, I don't understand you because you are so cooperative instead of complaining about this jail. If you want to sabotage me, you don't have to answer my questions, do you?
Jun: You've made your decision. I'm just comfortable in my role. Sabotage is pointless.
Ai: Why do you feel that interference is pointless?
Jun: I kind of know what I'm going to do. To put it plainly, I could hit Anta here and sabotage her, but that would be played by the system, right? It's the same thing.
Ai: Didn't you say you were falsely accused at first? Why are you giving up so much?
Jun: I think it's a false accusation. But that's for you to decide, isn't it? It doesn't matter if you try. Life is complicated because you try to cover it up. If you are honest, your life will be easier.
Ai: ...What if I judge you to be evil?
Jun: What will you do...? I don't know. You won't know until the time comes. I don't want you to judge my life in the first place.
Ai: I hope I didn't give you a hard time.
Jun: Don't feel sorry for me, it's creepy.
Ai: I'm not trying to antagonize you guys. Besides, I think I've learned a lot about compassion for others after talking with Tsuguha.
Jun: ...I'm sorry Tsuguha, but I'll teach you for your own good.
Ai: Jun?
Jun: It is indeed difficult to survive without compassion. As a human being. But you shouldn't live by caring sincerely. Instead of caring sincerely, you should care in order to use, otherwise it is you who will be used.
Ai: Well...
Jun: You don't understand, do you? It's knowledge that you will eventually need. If it's unnecessary for you, that's okay.
Ai: Oh, thank you? I wonder if it's okay to...
Jun: Giving up, you know, is my salvation. Expectations are feelings of betrayal and loss. Life can be mundane. Just because it's Sunday doesn't mean it's good, and tomorrow I have to go to school.
Ai: For you, is it painful to go to school tomorrow?
Jun: At least it's not fun. There are a lot of humans there, right?
Ai: You are human too, right?
Jun: ...I don't know. Maybe I'm just a looker, maybe I'm not a person.
Ai: Are you the type to be surprisingly spiritual?
Jun: No? See, some people are very human, and some are outcasts.
Ai: I know what you mean. What is the difference between the two for you?
Jun: Difference? Difference, yeah. If a person was down and you were the only one there, what would you do first?
Ai: What? In practical terms, I would call an ambulance to help him.
Jun: If you were a human being, of course you would do that, right?
Ai: Of course.
Jun: That's naive. There are people in the world who think about the benefits of helping first. There are people who would help a fallen person if they can get a reward for it.
Ai: Worst case scenario...but there are definitely people like that.
Jun: I think such a person is not a human being.
Ai: So, what you mean by ''not human'' is...
Jun: You can figure out the rest on your own.
Ai: Yes. Non-human.
Jun: Hmm, I like that way of calling you that. But I would call myself an alien. And you are the non-human.
Ai: I guess you're right, now I'm...
Jun: But you should remain pure and innocent and believe in your own values. Don't be influenced by anyone.
Ai: Can I ask you something else that I don't understand?
Jun: Sure.
Ai: Why do you care so much?
Jun: I don't care. It's a role.
Ai: That's a kind role.
Jun: No matter what you say to an alien, you won't reach him because he doesn't have a heart.
[bell tolling]
Ai: Come on, alien, the interrogation is over. Do you have anything left to say?
Jun: Nothing left to say. I'll leave it up to you to decide, but you've got to be a good judge of character.
Ai: You say disturbing things.
Jun: I have an alien intuition. No, it's a lie. Maybe it's telepathy between aliens.
Ai: It's a roundabout warning.
Jun: That's what it's supposed to do. Don't let someone like me kill you.
Ai: Yeah. I never really knew much about yourself.
Jun: Only now. I'm just one way or the other.
Ai: Well, then, let me retrace the steps that led to your resignation.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
redson x god s/o but they always have a human form around him cause they are scared he wont accept him for who they truly are?
Aww I love this :)) biblically accurate y/n>>>>
“Holy Grounds” (742 w.c)
Redson x GN!God!Reader
romantic one shot
pronouns: they/them(Redson), you/yours
CW: some anxiety from reader
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The past few months had been a little rough for you, to be honest. You were unfortunately alone for the most part, with Redson, your lovely partner, on some kind of trip. They called you as often as they could. They always mentioned how they’d be home before you knew it, how boring it was visiting relatives they hadn’t seen since their early years when they could be there with you instead. It was all weighing on you, and so you tried to practice some self care by letting down the glamour you used to hide your godly form. 
Letting your true form out was like taking off a tight piece of clothing. Fresh air seemed fresher, colors were more vibrant. You found it easier to actually relax around your home as your true self. 
You spent a whole week just hanging around doing whatever you wanted, still calling Redson for updates on how things were going, but never revealing this secret of yours to them. One thing you’d neglected to remember was when they were coming home…which was today.
“Y/n, my beloved! I’m back!” Their voice called in an almost singsong voice. Approaching the room you were in, which was the living room. You practically jumped out of your skin as you attempted to put on your disguise again, but Redson had already seen you. They froze in their tracks, mouth agape. You were still like a deer in headlights.
“Uh…welcome home, love!” You managed to say. 
“What on earth was that?!” Red questioned. 
“Nothing! Don’t even worry about it! I’ve got some dinner in the oven—“
“Y/n,” they stopped you from moving past them to get to the kitchen, staring deep into your eyes. “Is this not your real form?”
“…can we talk about this later, Red? Please?” You were still in a panicked state, and you were thankful as they gave you a bit of physical space.
“Yes. It can wait a bit.” They gestured for you to continue, and so you did, heart still pounding in your ears. 
They think you’re scary, that you’re a terror. They’ll leave you.
That night, as you two got ready for bed shortly after dinner, you could feel Redson’s eyes on you every now and then. Were they analyzing you? Perhaps subconsciously you were the one analyzing them.
Now you sat on your shared bed, feet dangling off the edge as you waited for them to join you. 
“My love,” there was a shift on the mattress as they took a seat with you. “Are you ready to talk about it?”
“I guess,” you closed your eyes. “You were bound to find out sooner or later, I’m sorry. I understand if you hate me.”
“Why would I hate you?”
“Because I lied to you! You probably think I’m a freak or something!” 
You were shaking like a leaf as you actually turned to face them. Their bright red hair was disheveled, no longer in its uptight ponytail. Their eyes, despite having slight bags underneath them, showed compassion and concern for you that you hadn’t expected.
“Quite the opposite, y/n…” they took one of your hands, kissing your knuckles gently. “The being I saw earlier was the most amazing, luminous entity I have ever seen.”
“You really mean that?” You asked. They nodded. You allowed your true appearance to show again, not once feeling their grip on your hand waver. 
“I do. And I mean it even more now that I’m getting a proper look at you.”
“Stop, you’re gonna make me all flustered! You snickered. They could tell the tension around you was dissipating.
“That was my devious plan, all along!” They held you close, even though you were still laughing and moving in their arms. “To woo you!”
“It’s working, it’s working! Lemme go!” 
They planted some kisses along your face and jawline and you could feel your face turning red. Finally, they stopped, and you were able to catch your breath. Now, on your own accord, you shifted forms again. 
“Not gonna sleep like that?” They asked, separating from you so they could move the blankets around. You had no idea how they could sleep under three layers despite being a walking space heater.
“No, as cool as it is, I don't feel like being a night light.” You yawned.
“Fair enough,” they got comfortable, with you at their side. “Sweet dreams, my lovely light.” 
“Goodnight, love.”
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uranium235s · 2 months
HIIII!!! once again so intrigued about your courier. if you wouldn't mind explaining the context in THIISSS post for your choices in symbolism i will totally devour it. :D
I'll even include little close ups of the symbols in question. long post under the cut probably
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1. COLOR - yellow/magenta/dark turquoise
tbh there's not much color symbolism put to thought for my color picks for chester or for arcade they are just colors I picked because I associate these pallettes with them which is CRAZY because i LOVE COLOR SYMBOLISM!! THE CURTAINS ARE ALWAYS BLUE FOR A REASON!!! but I will put depth to them anyhow
yellow, representing joy and optimism reflects chesters outward feelings towards his life and his circumstances. he's a realist in the sense that he knows that things will probably not go his way/he might die but I'd wager that's a pretty common thought process across the post-apocalyptic united states. however he approaches situations with the idea that he can make things better or easier, or resolve things peacefully or with as little conflict as possible, and maintains a positive and upbeat attitude as often as he can manage
magenta is representative of balance, kindness, compassion, which is pretty true to chester's character. he doesnt approach any situation with a mind of violence, and only resorts to it when left with no other choice or pushed into a hard place. he enters every encounter with the idea that other people are human too, even when they're human and evil. he tries very hard to see and understand everything eye-to-eye even when the scenario is way over his head, i.e. pretty much everything about the struggle for power over the dam.
turquoise, on the positive side, has a lot of similar symbology to the other two colors, but on the negative side can represent stress & high alert, which, I mean, come on... I fear there's no couriers out there in the wide world of fnv ocs that aren't constantly unyieldingly stressed out ... darker shades of colors usually have a dour effect to them, seeming unsaturated & devoid of spirit, which I think plays well with chesters mental state throughout the game (and at times after it), a bright and cheerful color that has been stripped of its spark, suddenly looks sadder and has less joyful connotations
2. FLORA - dill
wellll according to the flower dictionary, dill represents power against evil. I am for sure not on flower language & can't speak 100% to the accuracy of random flower almanac online but for the sake of this post let's say it's real. I don't think I need to go into meticulous detail about why dill fits chester so well hashtagindependentvegas, but I think it's more than just him killing "the bad guys" and more his dedication to helping the individuals living in these conditions. his highest faction relationships are with goodsprings, novac, freeside & the followers. yes chester ends up being very powerful in that way that he takes out the biggest heads, but the strongest weapon against oppression and fascism is the simple act of caring about and for other people ,which is what turns out to be what chester does most and loves best
3. FAUNA - cow
cows symbolize generosity and nurturing, but I think I've already covered things similar to that with the previous couple of things so I want to focus more on the cow as an image of butchery and sacrifice, and in contest to the Legion using the bull as it's token symbol. I think chester is frequently in a position in which people are trying to use him and kill him, getting him out of the way so that some aspect of what he has can be useful, or sending him to his death or into danger for personal gain. need I even mention old world blues and being literally hacked apart . also I've never mentioned chester has legion lore but he was owned by the legion for several years as a child and I think it's quite interesting if he's represented by a cow, a softer and arguably more toothless vision of the same creature (I am aware all bovines are quite big and strong but I'm talking about representations here <3)
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4. OBJECT - screwdriver
while in the legion his primary job was repairing and cleaning weapons and technology, and he grew a real hatred for mechanical upkeep after escaping, letting his own property (weapons, furniture, etc) go to waste because he couldn't bring himself to diddle with things anymore. i think the screwdriver kind of represents the apprehension to grow and heal from his own past (as opposed to running away from it + changing himself to ignore it). it sounds kind of silly when I write it out but it's okay 🥹
5. SONG - Life During Wartime - Talking Heads
I actually don't know what to say about this one for real because explaining how I relate my characters to music is like trying to say what a color tastes like it's so hard because it's very much about feelings and lyrics and lyrical analysis is a whole other beast for me BUT this is my excuse to post the chester playlist ;)
6. FEELING - enduring
Chester is experiencing a near sisyphean struggle day in and day out but he still makes it to the end of the fucking game BABYYYY. chester knows that the struggle in the mojave will never be over and he loves it anyway, chester knows there will always be someone trying to hurt others and he keeps trying to prevent it anyway. he will always be doing something in the face of adversity and will keep going anyway. maybe a bad explanation but idk! he just doesn't give up! indomitable chester
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1. COLOR - off-white/light yellow/blue
for off white I was thinking of white being representative of purity & innocence & off white being kind of an off-kilter interpretation. arcade had such strong ideals and wants such cut, clear good things for the people of the wasteland. I agree with what he wants very much but I think in action, some of the things you have to do to achieve them have more complicated outcomes than is let on in theory sometimes!!! you have to kill a LOT of people in this game!!!
fun fact yellow is also a color that represents intelligence + clarity, things I think arcade has in spades, obviously . I chose light yellow because I like it for him more, it's a gentler color and i think arcade is a more gentle person than he gets credit for (am not calling him weak or anything, just tactful & cautious)
as for blue , I think the obvious call is that it is symbolic of sadness and melancholy, but i also find I like that blue can represent stagnation and boredom and loneliness, all things I think arcade vocally struggles with before becoming involved in the escapades of the courier (in my case chester of course). I think the dialogue he has when you ask him about his research in the old Mormon fort does not spell the story of a person that is happy where they are at, talking about how the research is boring and fruitless, and apologizing for rambling to you because he never has an outlet for his thoughts. not being a people person, being "stuck" with his research because he doesn't want to interact with others despite being a for serious doctor. I'm clutching my chest I'm so distressed by him
2. FLORA - rosemary
chester and arcade with their herb symbology. aren't they so special. apparently rosemary is symbolic for remembrance! Arcade's story is deeply steeped in themes of memory and the past, I think it is only suitable that he would have something likewise for this. he grapples strongly with how lovingly he remembers his family vs. the reality of what they participated in. most of his pertinent ambient dialogue is him reminiscing on things from his childhood, old world technology and science, politics, writing and history. arcade, before his growth, is living both in the past of his own life, and other peoples
3. FAUNA - elephant
you know the old adage about elephants having excellent memory is actually true and not an exaggeration but since I've already said my piece about arcade and memory I will instead say that elephants are one of the most nurturing animals on the planet and travel in family herds ! Male elephants do break off from the herd after some years but female elephants will stay forever. I often think about how arcade lost his father at a young age and then had his mother and Daisy to turn to most of all. the maternity of it all wounds me!!!!
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4. OBJECT - scizzors
i fear the symbolism as scizzors as a means to cut ties/cut free makes me sick when I think about encouraging arcade to grow and become his own person outside of the enclave + his fathers' shadows. also scizzors medical utensil, finish of stitches, open wounds , et cetera. I feel so silly with these surface level explanations of things that's my bad
5. SONG - Runs in the Family - The Roches
oooh you wanna listen sooo bad
6. FEELING - guilt
maybe a bit on the nose its in my opinion kind of that arcade feels like he has to make things up to the world based on his family's behavior... I think arcade does what he does for the right reasons of course but I also think it's so beautiful & telling that this guy is so passionate about knowledge, learning, and restoration, which are things the enclave had too, to some degree, but wants these things to be put to action in a way that aids and benefits the lowlifes that would've been put to death in an enclave-run mojave. poor drug addicts and land starved farmers, traders and prostitutes and more. the common person and all their flaws become just as worthy in arcades eyes than they would've been to others. I think there is a shadow of responsibility to be this better person hanging over his head that is made bolder by a genuine enthusiastic passion for medicine and research & an understanding of what would be actually useful to people in a world such as this. he wonders if this is what his father would've wanted him to be. I think I could've found a more apt word than guilt but to my defense I was at work when drawing this
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cderiva · 1 month
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about maria + the impact of being an oops! baby, having older parents, & much older siblings:
when maria's mother got pregnant with her there were already four children in the house, the oldest was fourteen and the youngest seven. her parents were approaching forty and done having children.
not alone, surrounded by people, but lonely and disconnected is basically how she felt within her family growing up.
from an early age she was pushed to cooperate and to pick up on things fast or get out of the way because her parents simply didn’t have the time and energy to slowly and gently raise another kid. there wasn't a whole lot of enthusiasm for her "firsts", there aren't a ton of pictures of her as a baby and child, she always got hand-me-downs from her siblings, etc.
maria was always a highly energetic and curious child, and she also struggled with sleeping, which didn't make things easier because her parents (and siblings) often found themselves overwhelmed by her.
her family is close-knitish, but she always felt disconnected from her siblings due to their age differences. growing up they always seemed to be on different stages of their lives with different levels of patience and compassion.
she often felt compelled to take on adult-like responsibilities or emotional roles within the family structure to alleviate / make up for perceived burdens. add to this the fact that she became an aunt for the first time at like 11 and her siblings never hired a babysitter in their lives because they had her around.
teenagerhood was: babysitting her nieces/nephews after school at 3pm, sneaking out the window to go hang out with friends or some guy she thought was cute at 11pm. duality.
she was both responsible and irresponsible at the same time. responsible with others, irresponsible with matters related to herself. she tried to make herself as ~chill and as little of an inconvenience as possible…. but she couldn’t help herself sometimes. felt guilty after. told herself not to feel guilty because life is short and needs to be enjoyed. stopped feeling guilty. remembered that she shouldn’t add more stress in any way shape or form to her parents. started feeling guilty again.
her parents are mildly religious and she was raised in a fairly religious small town and she struggled a whole lot with repetitive rituals, extended ceremonies, or the need for stillness difficult, and her family often saw her behavior as disrespectful or improper - a lack of discipline.
she grew up with the importance of fulfilling one’s duties and avoiding actions that bring shame to the family or community being drilled into her brain. maria’s parents, already feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities, often saw her unconventional behavior and personality as source of something that needed to be toned down and learned to conform.
maria wasn’t unloved per se. honest. if she had been unloved maybe things would be more clean-cut, but she was and is loved by her family. it's just a… nuanced situation. it's hard when you aren't unloved but are neglected / can feel like your presence is too much, makes things muddy. both her parents presently feel guilty about their lack of patience / initiative towards her when she was younger, and that’s why now that she's an adult they are extremely lenient with her even though they often don’t understand her. this ends up, at times, creating tension with her siblings.
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pearlsofthec · 2 months
Do you have advice for dealing with sexual shame as a girl/woman?
I wasn't brought up religious, but I've always been very spiritual and therefore romantic, at the same time I would like to experiment but whenever I have been around people I am attracted to, I have ignored my feelings and I just always run away from these situations, because I feel like it's so obvious and I have no privacy - as if everyone will know.
It's like, I know that I would like to be more free with my sexuality, i.e. have relationships with people that I like, without defining them too much or wanting to be serious from the start (so, have things happen naturally...); at the same time, I have this idea that it has to be true love from the beginning, maybe due to my vulnerability as I am not experienced. (I'm 24 and my life got turned upside down 2 years ago(once every year just for fun).).
I feel like if I have been led to be a virgin for so long, maybe it's for a reason, maybe I should wait for love, but I also think my view of things is immature - because of my lack of experience - which leads to shame, because how can I be spontaneous with someone if I am a virgin, especially at 24? I think this is the root of my issues because of the sexual frustration. And I keep hiding it and I act more mature than I feel, because I feel I have to, plus I have enough social experience I think to be able to do that(I am a flirt - up until a certain point). I have always been very private so I guess my family just think I do my own thing. So I feel like a liar also. (I guess I am literally confessing due to my very strong moral compass)
Sorry if this is weird, obvs feel free not to answer - I am asking you because you seem at ease with your sexuality but you have mentioned being religious so I feel like you would understand.
Thank you!
and thank you for your lovely blog and style!
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Hey don't apologize about it! I'm glad you felt free to open up. You mentioned I seem at ease with my sexuality, and it's true, but I'm a virgin too! I feel like instead of battling with the To be or Not to Be of it all,you should welcome a comfortable duality in your life. I adore eroticism and I embrace it because I think it's inherent to human nature, and I think people need to welcome it in their lives, though not necessarily through intercourse. Before anything, I'd advice you to get in touch with yourself, with your body. Dancing is amazing for that, it really makes you feel and connect with each particle of your being. Massaging yourself will do that trick as well (and since I have super dry skin, I've become a pro at that, applying cream 24/7). Ressignifying eroticism is a big one too. I guess the things I find more intimate are sometimes really far from what could lead to the canonical lovemaking, but my conception of things ressignifies consumption, and maybe you should try to do the same and understand what, according to your philosophies and your approach of life, constitutes the ultimate communion between beings. What does sex represent to you? The only way to understand that, is allowing yourself to be aroused by the touch of life. And I know you said you feel guilt regarding themes of sexuality, but you should approach this with the same innocence of a child coming in contact with the world and its sensations for the first time, free yourself from innuendos and maliciousness... Easier said than done I know, but if you really are finding it difficult to separate sexuality from promiscuousness or any negative feelings, I'd advice you to dive into the world of art. Go on a Georgia O'Keefe deep dive and see how much of sex is nature, and vice versa (I'm speaking as a huge fan of GK... her work was lterally what changed my perspective on those things when I was around thirteen years old ahaha).
After all of that work is done, you will surely be closer to knowing what sex really is meant to represent on your journey. If you give so much significance to it, my intuition would tell me to advise you to wait for a strong emotion to move you before doing it out of convenience or peer pressure. Don't let your inexperience frustrate you, let it inspire you instead! I feel like I wasn't complete enough in my answer, but I'd love to talk about the topic some more. If you want to chat, feel free to reach out. XX
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mariacallous · 1 year
Talking to your partner about sex isn’t always easy—especially if you want to change things up. In an ideal world, you’d feel free to talk to your partner about anything. Unfortunately, we live in a society that fills our heads with all kinds of hang-ups and roadblocks that can make talking about sex less comfortable than, say, talking about your favorite music. 
Think about it. We spend so much of our grade school, high school, and college years learning how to communicate effectively about everything but sex. For some, talking to your partner about abortion rights or gun control is easier than asking if they have a favorite sex toy. That’s because growing up, many of us weren’t given the space to learn how to talk about sex, let alone how to advocate for our own pleasure. 
Talking to your partner about sex, and about trying new things in the bedroom, is all about compassionately disclosing your own preferences, desires, and boundaries, and encouraging them to do the same. That’s where we’ll start. 
1. Approach With Compassion
Since we’re not often given space to learn and grow our ability to talk about sex, most of us end up getting stuck in ideas and attitudes we learned from movies, TV shows, games, music, and porn. Too often, these sources perpetuate the idea that women’s sexual needs are extra credit—something nice but not exactly the main course. Conversely, the media often reinforces the idea that men’s sexual desires begin and end in a race toward orgasm. 
Talking openly about what you want out of sex means challenging these deeply rooted ideas, in yourself and in your partner (or partners), no matter what your gender is. Because we start to absorb these attitudes at such a young age, the part that holds on to them is a young part. That means it’s probably sensitive, feisty, and prone to being easily embarrassed. Have you ever fallen behind in a class? It can feel like that. So you hide it, pretend, and put on an act, but deep down you still have trouble advocating for your needs, curiosities, and boundaries. 
No matter where you are on the comfort spectrum, have compassion for yourself and for your partner. Think about where they’re at, think about where you’re at, and approach them with kindness and understanding. 
2. Know What You Want to Try
Next time you’re masturbating, pay attention to what really gets you going. What are you fantasizing about (or watching) that you really want to try with your partner? Write it down in a journal, in a note file on your phone, somewhere you won’t forget about it. 
Make sure you’re specific. For instance, don’t just write down “rough stuff.” Write down spanking, hair pulling, bondage, etc. The more generic you are, the more room for confusion there is, and the more likely you are to be disappointed. We don’t want that. We want sex to be fun; we want talking about sex to be fun. 
3. Talk During and After Sex
One of the best ways to break the ice and get comfier talking to your partner about sex is simple: Talk about sex. Being vocal during, after, and even before sex is one of the best ways to open the door to a world where you talk about sex as easily as you talk about what to have for dinner. 
Tell him, her, or them how much you like doing what you’re doing, or how much you like what they’re doing. When you’re lying in the afterglow, mention something you liked. “It was so hot when you,” or “I loved when we.” It’s a good thing to practice because it opens the door to talking about things you liked outside the context of actually having sex. 
4. Be Horny
Now that you have a good idea of what you want to try and you’re comfortable talking about sex during sex, it’s time to practice talking about sex outside of the bedroom. Start with little things like sexually charged compliments. “Your arms look so hot when you” or “Your butt looks so good in those” or “From this angle, I can see your,” and just leave it there. Not every horny comment is a prelude to sex; they definitely can be, but it’s pretty fun to just flirt with your partner and let that sexual tension sizzle on the back burner.
5. Pop the Question
Once you’re comfortable giving and receiving horny compliments and you are both feeling some of that ambient sexual tension, instead of giving a compliment, sidle up close and ask them a question. Something like “Would you ever want to do X, Y, or Z to me?” or “What do you think about being spanked?” This way there’s room for a conversation, and room for your partner to say yes, no, or maybe. 
The nice thing about talking about it outside of the bedroom is that even if your partner is interested, you’re not in a situation where either of you feels pressured to try the new thing right now, and it can just sit in the back of the mind for a little bit. It's something you’re both aware of, thinking about, and will probably try pretty soon. Then the next time you start getting frisky, if you’re ready, ask if they are, and go from there. 
6. Leave Room for No
If your partner has a boundary around the thing you want to try, talking about it outside of sexual activity means you’re in a sexually open but not sexually vulnerable space to have that conversation. This is important. It’s hard to say no. 
Saying no to someone you care about and want to make happy can be even harder—especially for women. Those same influences that give us so much of our early sex education reinforce the idea that women’s pleasure is secondary, and it’s really easy to internalize that without realizing it. That's not to say that setting boundaries is easy for men either, it’s definitely not, for the same reasons. Leave yourself and your partner room to say no. Even if you don’t get to try the thing you want to explore, you still get to enjoy an all-new level of trust and communication with someone you care about. 
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We’re Burned For Better - Chapter Twelve
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Chapter 12
As the days passed, Aelora grew to miss her Mother more and more, until it became one of the only things she could think about.
She wondered if when her Mother returned, they would compare scars. The stitched line of raised white skin on Rhaenyra’s forearm was much easier to hide, fortunately for her. Aelora had no such ease.
The skin did begin to heal. Although, it was still puffy and raised pale pink flesh, a distinct diagonal line carved across the bridge of her nose and down onto her left cheek. She supposed she was lucky that it didn’t catch her eye. Aemond wasn’t as fortunate.
Now they matched.
When she heard of the news, Alicent came rushing to Aelora’s chambers. “I am so sorry, my dear.”
“I’m not,” Aelora replied curtly, not in the mood for visitors. “It was my fault. I won’t place the blame on anyone else.”
Alicent shook her head. “No, my son knows better. He should never raise a weapon to you. I’ve told him this. He’s very sorry.”
Aelora sighed at her words. She wished Alicent hadn’t done that. She wished Aliicent and the rest of the Greens would leave her alone entirely. She didn’t want Aemond’s pity or apologies. Only his understanding and compassion, if he had any left in his heart to give her.
“I asked him to play along. He was only listening to me, Your Grace. I don’t blame him. Not for this, at least.”
“I do,” Alicent said, making Aelora’s chest tighten. “I blame him for a great deal. I love him, but I do. Perhaps you’re stronger than me, not placing the blame with him.”
Aelora contemplated her words, her voice solemn. “We’ve all made mistakes, Your Grace. All you can do is learn to live with them. I suppose that’s what he’s doing.”
A hard task, to be sure. Aelora didn’t know just how much she blamed Aemond for, and how much she blamed herself for. Every single person in her family had something to be blamed for. What was the point in dwelling on it, other than wanting revenge?
Revenge was all that was worth the effort. The rest was not.
Aelora thought of Lucerys often as the days approached what would have been his name day. Helaena had offered to spend the day with her, coming up with ideas they could do to celebrate Lucerys’s life.
But Aelora politely declined, resigning to spend the evening alone.
She took the Essence of Nightshade that Aegon had brewed for her and Aemond every night, but she tried to use it sparingly. She made the mistake of using too much of it the first night she took it, and it was a mistake she would never make again. She didn’t know how Aegon had stomached it. It was awful. Such a cold and distant sleep. She almost preferred the nightmares.
But she decided that waking up screaming every night in a room right next to Aemond’s would not work well in her favor, so she came up with a solution.
Half an hour before going to sleep, she would pour a few drops on her tongue. Not enough to knock her out, but just enough that she would begin to feel the effects. It would put her body to rest, at least, and she wouldn’t have to worry about screaming or thrashing about. She would then spend those last thirty minutes–before she could no longer fight off the effects–thinking about everything good she could remember.
Like summers on Dragonstone, feeling the sun on her face as she soared through the clouds on the back of Meraxes.
The squawk of the seagulls, and the smell of the salt in the sea.
Afternoons spent in her Mother’s arms, on days off where no one was allowed to bother them.
Joining Daemon for walks along the shore, taking in every piece of wisdom he would give her. Ignoring his less than helpful advice, and laughing at his overly crude jokes that he didn’t seem to mind telling in the company of his daughter. Aelora would laugh every time, so he’d continue telling them, despite Rhaenyra’s scolding.
The sound of little Aegon and Viserys’s laughter and chatter, their little hands reaching up for Aelora to pick them up and swing them around.
Watching Jacaerys and Lucerys spar, and joining in when she felt like teaching them both a lesson.
Avoiding the Septa when it was time for their lessons, stifling laughter as they sprinted down the halls to get away.
Late nights curled up around a hearth in the Great Hall, listening to Lucerys tell folktales he had read in some book he found in the library. She liked remembering her brother that way, happy and alive. Those were the memories Aelora seemed to get stuck on the most, the ones that would carry her off to sleep.
With the small amount of the elixir she took each night, she still dreamed sometimes. Not violent dreams, like the ones that would awake her with deep rooted fear and trembling limbs. Not those dreams, but dreams of the past, more like a memory than anything else. Those dreams crept their way into her subconscious, and her brother would haunt her like a lost spirit who couldn’t find their way home.
She wished he would stop. She wished he would leave her alone, and let her rest.
Thinking about him was becoming unbearable, but she could never bring herself to stop. It felt like a betrayal, pushing him into the recesses of her mind so that he could only visit her in her dreams. In a way, she was punishing herself. It was what she deserved. He was gone because of her, because she couldn’t reach him in time. Someone had to think of him, and she would be the one to do it no matter how much it hurt her.
Lucerys deserved that much.
So, Aelora would meet him every night in her mind. Sometimes, she would wake up to find tear tracks that had marked their way down her face. She’d splash her face with cold water every morning, hiding the evidence that her brother had ever visited her.
But these dreams were beginning to take their toll. She was no longer waking up screaming, but it almost seemed preferable to her memories. At least her nightmares weren’t always about him. It was getting harder shaking off each night’s visit, but she refused to take any more of the elixir. It did more harm than it did good.
One night, the effects of the elixir wore off early, dragging her out of her mind. When Aelora awoke, she could feel the familiar trail of tears running down her cheeks, but she ignored them, refusing to wipe them away. These were no longer just tears of sadness, but tears of rage.
These, she would allow him to see.
Aelora scrambled out of bed, pulling her robe over her shoulders to cover her shift, before marching out the door. She walked with a fury to Aemond’s chambers, balling her hand into a fist as she pounded on his door. She didn’t relent until she heard movement from within the room, taking a step back to let the door open.
This was one of the first times he had seen her in days, since the accident. He had made himself scarce, unable to bring himself to look at her and the new scar that ran across her face. She was still beautiful, even with it. There was no doubting that. Even like this–with angry tears streaming down her face and wild hair–she was still beautiful. But he still could hardly bring himself to look at her.
Aemond squinted at her through blurry vision, his hair down and his clothes disheveled from having just woken up. He wasn’t wearing his eyepatch or the sapphire.
Aelora let out a broken and angry cry, pounding her fists into his chest. Unprepared for her attack, Aemond stumbled back, having to regain his footing. She continued to shove him, letting out painful sounds of rage and despair as she continued to strike him.
“Aelora,” Aemond warned, catching her wrists.
“You fucking–” She spat through gritted teeth, fighting to free herself from his grip. “You fucking traitor!”
“Aelora!” He shouted, gripping her wrists tighter to keep her still. “Stop! Calm down, and tell me what is going on.”
Aelora could feel her knees beginning to buckle, a sob catching in her throat. She finally ripped her arms from his hold like his touch was burning her, backing up until she felt the chamber door pressed up against her. She dug the heels of her palms into her eyes, furiously wiping away the tears as she cried. Aemond looked at her in horror, his feet cemented to the floor.
He had yet to move, unable to process the sight in front of him. “Aelora, I don’t understand–”
“You ruined everything,” Aelora choked out, her chest heaving. “Why did you do that?”
“Do what?” Aemond asked in confusion, shaking his head as he cautiously approached her.
The one word stopped Aemond in his tracks, dread coursing through him like ice in his veins. Aelora had yet to truly confront him about her brother’s death. Was this the moment? Had she finally snapped? He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the venom he thought she was preparing to spew at him. But what she said was so much worse.
“I’m alone here, Aemond. I can’t go to you anymore. The one person I needed–my best fucking friend–to get through Lucerys’s death, I couldn’t go to. I can’t look at you anymore, I can’t be around you anymore…and it’s all your fault. Why did you do that to me? To us?”
Aemond’s jaw clenched at the sight of the woman he loved, crumbled and reduced to tears. And it was all because of him.
There was nothing he could say or do to make her feel better, because there was nothing that could be done to bring her brother back, and that was all that could fix this now. She wasn’t there to hear any excuses or accept any of his apologies, either. She was there to splay herself out on the ground in front of him, showing him exactly where he had broken her, and how he had done it.
There’s no point in being here, is there? She thought to herself. The damage is already done. Aelora let out a trembling breath, turning around to reach for the door handle.
“Aelora, wait!” Aemond called out before he could stop himself, just as she had flung open the door.
Aelora stopped at the threshold, waiting for him to speak. She didn’t know why she had stopped. Maybe there was some part of her that had the tiniest bit of hope that there was something he could say or do to fix this. Something he could say to make it better, something to make the hurt stop. Anything to give her a sign that there was some way out of this prison he had locked them both in. She waited a moment longer, finally looking over her shoulder when Aemond had yet to utter a sound.
He opened his mouth to speak, hesitating for a moment, before closing it again. Pathetic.
Aelora let out a dark chuckle, sighing sadly. “Goodnight, husband. Sweet dreams.”
Then she was gone, out the door before he could bring even himself to move.
Aelora didn’t end up going back to sleep, nor did Aemond. He didn’t try, although he still wouldn’t have been able to even if he tried. Aelora had gone to his room quite early in the morning, so the two laid silently in their beds till the sun rose, with nothing but a wall separating them.
Aelora finally dragged herself out of bed when a handmaiden came to dress her and bring her food.
Like usual, she splashed cold water on her face, hiding the evidence of her tears. No one would know that Lucerys had visited her again in her dreams, and no one would know it was ripping her apart from the inside out. No one besides Aemond, that is, and he wouldn’t utter a word of what he saw to another soul.
The shame of it was too great.
Aelora passed Aemond in the corridor on the way to greet Helaena and her children, and she kept her head held high. To anyone else, nothing looked out of the ordinary. Aelora had nodded to her husband–as any good wife would do–and he had nodded back. Nothing was amiss from an outsider’s perspective.
But they both felt a part of themselves chip away as they passed each other in silence, wishing they had it in them to stop for a second and pick up the pieces.
Perhaps Aelora would find hers later, and figure out a way to glue it back together. Maybe one day, she could find his piece, and help him put his back together. Perhaps they could do it for each other, and become whole again. She hoped that was the case.
But hope is a dangerous thing.
Aelora pushed the thought into the back of her mind, forcing herself to forget about it for now. Perhaps the idea would revisit her later in her dreams, along with her brother.
A/N - Hi! So sorry for the long wait, I’ve been very busy and had a lot to do. Plus, I got some other writing I needed to do done. But I promise to devote more focus to this fic along with everything else, and I’ll start working on the next chapter soon. I apologize for how short this one is, but I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think, and thanks for all the support :)
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Take Yourself to the 5th Dimension or Regress to 3D
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so happy to be able to contact so many of you in this way. We appreciate each and every one of you who is willing to receive us and our perspective on what you are living there on Earth. You may have noticed that there are a lot of teachers at this time, and as a result, there are many, many perspectives for you all to choose from as your truth. This is the nature of the fourth dimension, which is the vibrational frequency in which you dwell at this time.
You get to decide which aspect of the fourth dimension you want to experience. There are lower aspects and higher aspects, and it is easy for you to tell which aspect someone is telling you about when they give you a piece of information or a spiritual teaching. If there is even a little bit of an emphasis on a victim/perpetrator type of experience and/or an us-versus-them mentality, then the person is focusing on the lower aspects of the fourth dimension. They are basically recycling the third dimension into the fourth and asking you to believe, in a sense, that you still are third-dimensional beings operating in that particular vibration.
Now, those who are giving you the upper aspects, or higher aspects, of the fourth dimension are talking to you about what you can do to empower yourselves. They will be emphasizing love, compassion, and forgiveness. They will also be telling you about how you create your reality, and they will be emphasizing unity consciousness and oneness. The lower aspects of the fourth dimension are still emphasizing separation, segregation and concepts such as dark-versus-light. Those who are showing you the higher aspects of the fourth dimension will be emphasizing integration, unity, and oneness.
You are the lightworkers of the world, but you are not warriors and you are not there to defeat the dark. But rather, you are there to see the darkness in others and in yourselves and forgive. You are there to recognize that darkness always has its origins in trauma, and therefore, you can feel compassion for yourself and others for the darkness for the darkness that you have played in and with. And as you do so, it will be easier for you to be your true and whole selves. It will be easier for you to become unconditional love and then complete the shift to the fifth dimension.
You really have to pay attention to how you feel during this process of ascension, and you really have to acknowledge that how you feel is your responsibility. It’s your creation, and if it is negative it is yours to process and release. There awaits those who are willing to do the work on themselves such an enormous amount of positive energy that we cannot possibly do it justice with words or analogies. We just want you to know that there is a reward for working on yourselves, for taking the high road, and for taking your attention off of what others are doing who are playing in the dark, still.
You are there to save everyone, and that starts with the self. The only way to save yourselves is to put your attention on yourselves, and ask the simple question of, ‘How can I be better? How can I do better? How can I become more of that which I truly am, which is unconditional love?’ That question turned into three, but you understand that it is that simple, and that’s why we give it to you so simply. Your lives are complicated and complex enough as it is; your approach to spirituality should be simple. And it can be, if you let it be. Take care of yourselves, do the work that needs to be done, and you will take yourselves to the fifth dimension sooner rather than later.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
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raidblogs · 1 year
"Crafting Your Digital Success: The Power of Youedia's Digital Marketing and Graphic Design"
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where first impressions are formed in a matter of seconds, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated. Whether you're a budding startup or a well-established brand, the success of your online endeavors often hinges on two vital pillars: digital marketing and graphic design. And when it comes to mastering these essential aspects of the digital world, there's one name that stands out – Youedia.
Who is Youedia?
Youedia isn't just another digital marketing and graphic design company. It's your creative partner in the journey towards establishing a standout digital identity. With a keen eye for design and a passion for digital strategy, Youedia is your go-to destination for turning your online dreams into reality.
Crafting Digital Success with Youedia
1. Innovative Graphic Design:
Youedia understands that visually appealing content is the cornerstone of any successful online presence. Whether you need a stunning website, eye-catching social media graphics, or captivating marketing materials, their team of talented graphic designers is here to bring your vision to life. Here's what sets them apart:
a. Tailored Designs: Youedia doesn't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. They take the time to understand your brand, your goals, and your audience to create designs that are uniquely yours.
b. Creativity Unleashed: Their designers are masters at combining aesthetics and functionality. From sleek and modern to fun and quirky, they can tackle any style or theme you desire.
c. Consistency is Key: Youedia ensures that your brand's identity remains consistent across all platforms, reinforcing brand recognition and trust among your audience.
2. Strategic Digital Marketing:
Effective digital marketing is about more than just reaching your target audience; it's about engaging them, converting them into loyal customers, and driving results. Youedia's digital marketing services are designed to do just that:
a. Data-Driven Approach: Youedia leverages data analytics to understand your audience's behavior and preferences, allowing them to create laser-focused marketing strategies that get results.
b. Social Media Mastery: Their social media experts know the ins and outs of each platform. They'll craft engaging content and manage your campaigns to boost your online presence and drive engagement.
c. SEO Wizardry: Youedia's SEO strategies are designed to help your website rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
d. Paid Advertising Precision: From Google Ads to social media advertising, they know how to make every dollar count, delivering maximum ROI for your ad spend.
Why Choose Youedia?
Youedia doesn't just provide services; they offer solutions. They're not just another agency; they're your creative partner, committed to your success. Here's why you should choose Youedia:
Experience: With years of experience in both digital marketing and graphic design, Youedia knows what works and what doesn't in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Tailored Approach: They don't believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Every project is approached with a fresh perspective, tailored to your unique needs.
Results-Driven: Your success is their success. Youedia is dedicated to delivering measurable results that drive your business forward.
Passion for Creativity: The team at Youedia is passionate about what they do. They live and breathe design and digital marketing, and it shows in their work.
In the world of digital marketing and graphic design, Youedia is your creative compass, guiding you towards success. With their innovative designs and strategic marketing prowess, they are poised to elevate your online presence and help you achieve your digital goals. Don't just settle for ordinary; choose Youedia and embark on a journey towards digital excellence. Your brand deserves nothing less.
Contact Youedia today and let them transform your digital dreams into a captivating reality. Your success story begins here!
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caustic-light · 2 years
There’s some shit going down in the yugituber community right now and it made me wanna point something out that a lot of leftists don’t really understand, even if they can recite the theory of it.
The left and the right recruit from the same pool of people. And those people are disenfranchised and marginalised people. Most people under capitalism are marginalised, because capitalism relies on economic disparity to function and as such poverty is actively marginalised. This creates a massive and ever increasing pool of disenfranchised people ready to be radicalised into either direction, splitting society and creating conditions for the rise of fascism over and over again. This is part of how capitalism sustains itself.
This means that the people who are radicalised towards the right are not fundamentally different from those who are radicalised to the left. The main difference is which kind of ideology they are exposed to and how they were raised. Marginalisation on other axes affects this, too, of course, so people who are marginalised on axes of gender, sexuality, race, disability, ect skew more left while more axes of privilege make right wing ideology easier to accept. Right wing marginalisation sells you an idea of your privilege entitling you to something better than what capitalism is willing and able to give you and scapegoats other marginalised people as the guilty party. It lives off of dividing the economically disparaged.
You are under no obligation to involve yourself with people on the right. But if leftism can not approach these people at the common point we both experience, being failed by capitalism and marginalised for it, leftism has failed. It’s part of the capitalism -> fascism -> capitalism cycle that leftism has to separate itself by default on a basis of ideological purity from the people who are being targeted by the right, so that the liberal center and the far right can crush growing leftism with every repitition of the cycle. A part of leftism needs to be to have compassion and understanding towards the right, even when we have to draw a hard line in the sand towards them at the same time. Part of the balance act is to understand the nazi as a human person who has been indoctrinated with fascism and who is fundamentally no different from us, possibly less lucky, while still being able to throw them out of the bar, knowing if we don’t, it’ll become a nazi bar.
To be able to draw that kind of line a lot of leftists disregard the importance of understanding and compassion towards the right. and by doing that we become a tool in their rise to power. We judge the past of people, rather than engaging with the present, we create strict moral codes, we push for no tolerance, no nuance positions on anything we can fight, we long for a yes or no rule set and we seek to outcast and punish without a moments hesitation. We are afraid to acknowledge the inherent mess of humanity and ethics and we suffer because of it. We make leftism inhospitable to anyone but people seeking positions of power to kick down from and those who believe strongly enough in leftism to be leftists in spite of how leftist spaces operate. To live in a panopticon of our own creation does not make for political insight, and it especially doesn’t make for human understanding.
And it has always happened. There is a reason leftist infighting is a meme older than fire. During fascism’s rise to power in italy and germany we neglected the fight against them because we couldn’t stop arguing amongst our own. In a lot of ways anarchists and ml’s hate each other more than they hate fascists. Add soc-dem’s to the mix and boy does it not get better. At the time leftists in germany watching the rise of Hitler have commonly said “What’s that gonna change? We’re already under crypto fascism, going mask off doesn’t matter.” But it did. And it was more important for the left here to remain ideologically pure to their own metrics than fight the rise of fascism until it was too late.
I live in western germany. There is a lot of worry here about how the ever present crypto fascist party, the AfD, is incredibly popular in the east. And the way we talk about them is incredibly void of compassion, pretty much just attributing it to easterners being stupid and gullible. Meanwhile the east has spent decades under the control of the soviet union, failed by a system that calls itself communism. When germany was reunited, it wasn’t so much a reunification as an annexation. We didn’t form one new country, everything in the east was bought up immediately by investors and landlords in the west and other western countries. As a result, not much changed. Now fascists come along and point at how both the glorious left and the enlightened liberal center have failed them and we, here in the west, have the audacity to laugh at them and call them stupid for falling for it.
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septembersghost · 1 year
I'm feeling embarrassed that I show so much love for Taylor and like all my friends know and I've gotten a lot of them into her too because now idk what to say to them about this situation and it feels. bad. do you feel like you should stop posting or anything?
well, i am not here to invalidate your emotions, sometimes we just feel how we feel and that's okay. people are different, people are flawed, people make choices (people are people and sometimes we change our minds...). and we don't have to like or agree with all of those choices or behavior, or even understand them (or have to like them if we do understand them!). i also feel like some are forgetting that liberal dirtbags unfortunately persist - someone can be quite progressive in their ideals and yet still say/do harmful things because of lack of empathy or foresight or tact or intersectionality, etc, which is i think an issue here regarding mh. though it doesn't in any way excuse it. that said, while you have every right to be upset about association, how much that affects your engagement is entirely up to you. i feel it's important to remember this doesn't change things we know to be true, and on a wider/more fundamental level it doesn't change the artistry or the music. if that's important to you or something you've loved and found comfort in, i don't believe you should give that up or even allow that to be tainted (easier said than done at times, i understand).
so here's a bit of a tangent - obviously i love classic hollywood and old music. the studio system was corrupt and abusive (towards women and poc especially), the music industry is often terrible, and i recognize that, but it doesn't cause me to dismiss the art that was made in those films or the joy the music brings me. there were perhaps decisions and behaviors i don't agree with even from artists i love dearly, and i can parse that some of that is because it was a very different time, some was down to individual circumstances and traumas and experiences, some was just people being imperfect humans. we decide what we can keep and what we can't. (like i won't watch w**dy all*n films, but i enjoy a bunch of hitchcock. granted, he is no longer profiting off of that work, but it's ultimately not about him for me, it's the actors' performances, the stories, the design, the costuming, and so on. i saw a post the other day joking about how nobody today would survive fleetwood mac and i laughed). if i judged the performers i enjoy for every misstep, i wouldn't be able to be a fan of anyone's. i know a lot of actors (gn) and musicians i love simply weren't perfect, so i ask, did they try to do better? did they work to grow, did they ultimately share more kindness and good? humans are fallible, but also beautiful. love and compassion and art live on. separation of art and artist is a necessity at times, but i really like the approach, where possible, of lending understanding to the artist through their art too.
i don't think moral arbitration and judgment based on art an individual enjoys does much for real social change and justice, because where does it end? there are things we should have no tolerance for, and yet even on those topics not everyone agrees where the line is? then you have to ask, is someone intentionally hurting others, actively harming marginalized communities, spreading prejudiced ideology with no compunction, profiting off of that harm or exploitation, and doing more damage? or did they mess up personally because they're human, but still do more net good?
she's not suddenly revealed something monstrous about herself, though it’s disappointing that she’s willing to overlook things he’s done. tbh it seems like she's…going through it or whatever and maybe not thinking too clearly. human. we can dislike a choice without discarding every other true and meaningful thing. you shouldn't be embarrassed by something you love that makes you happy. you should never be embarrassed about sharing that love with others, that's really special and helps it grow. the music is what it always was. the meaning to you is paramount. even if you need to take a bit of space, i would encourage you to not let anything steal your love or your joy.
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masterofrecords · 2 years
Angstober day 27: Fragments
The Council
Lucas was uncertain why he was invited to the meeting.
Something about the will of the gods, something about shared responsibility and valuable input from followers of other pantheons. Unfortunately, none of that helped him understand what the other three were talking about.
Even his shaky knowledge of magical theory and leylines aside, sometimes they switched to different languages, apparently finding it easier to express certain concepts in a way that made sure Lucas couldn’t follow it at all.
He sat there rather miserably for what felt like hours, answering their questions from time to time to the best of his ability, until Kalidasa threw a strange look at him and announced a break.
Qiao Xiu patted Lucas on the shoulder and left the room, apparently to get them refreshments and more parchment, and Remi leaned down to him to whisper, “You okay?”
Lucas hadn’t been okay ever since he realized that his god had died and the power in his holy symbol was fading with each passing day.
“I’m fine,” he smiled, reassuringly, fully knowing there was no fooling her but not wanting to worry her nonetheless. “But I really don’t think I can contribute anything.”
Remi opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly there was a dark wrinkly hand on Lucas’s arm. “You’re contributing plenty, young paladin,” Kalidasa smiled. Lucas jerked, having not heard him approach, and almost headbutted the older man in the chin. Kalidasa stepped away gracefully, nimble despite his age, and continued.
“We do not know much about the dying magic yet. But you know – you lived it. It is a perspective we would be amiss to overlook.”
Lucas looked down. He had plenty of reminders of his growing uselessness, but Kalidasa’s words still stung – clinical, cruel in their compassion.
“Chin up, young paladin,” Kalidasa sighed as he stepped back to his seat. “It is not your god’s power that makes you a righteous warrior. It is your faith and conviction, it is your skill and bravery. Does the Sun Angel dying mean you will betray her ideals?”
Lucas shook his head. Kalidasa put his chin on his hands and finished, “Then her strength will live on for as long as you are alive, magic or no magic.”
Kalidasa’s words couldn’t dispel Lucas’s grief, but there was something comforting about them. He didn’t know much of the intricacies of religion, but he knew that while his church valued self-sacrifice above all else, it also frowned upon sacrifice that was meaningless. Mourning the past was pointless if it was jeopardizing the future.
“Thank you,” Lucas offered, and Kalidasa just shook his head. He looked just as tired as Lucas felt, and Lucas wondered if it was the long nights spent doing research, or maybe all the teleporting they had to do to communicate with each other, or the stress of risking to lose all their power at any moment if more gods died.
It was probably all of it.
Qiao Xiu returned with a tray and a stack of parchment. The silver ornament in his hair cast speckles of light on the table, reflecting the sun outside and instantly brightening the room, and he poured a small cup to set in front of Lucas, the steam rising from it in peculiar shapes.
Lucas distantly noted that it was some herbal mix and not the usual one Qiao Xiu used to gift to Remi, the scent soothing rather than stimulating.
Maybe, thought Lucas, that was why he was invited. Not for their benefit, but for his.
Perhaps their company shouldn’t have been so comforting. Lucas had his suspicions about Kalidasa, the man’s skill set all too fitting for the Aspect that assassins worshiped, and Qiao Xiu never stayed in the same place and mood long enough for Lucas to get a solid read on him, but Remi was his dear friend and so he trusted her judgment without reservation.
“Shall we continue?” Kalidasa asked, and everyone took their places at the round table once more. Remi winked at Lucas before straightening up, and his heart bloomed with affection.
Maybe they’d pull through, after all.
Qiao Xiu spoke first this time, “We should probably decide on the course of action today. The details can be settled later, and locally, but I believe we can all agree – and the Council does too, as I just received word – that it cannot be solved without pooling all of our sources together, and there is little time left to do that.”
Remi nodded, “As much as I hate to say it, blocking the leylines and sealing off the remaining gods in the space between the planes sounds like our best bet. I would appreciate it if you both could verify my friend’s calculations, but I trust his meticulousness.”
Kalidasa pursed his lips. “I know we have discussed it at length, but it is too drastic a measure,” he noted, obviously displeased.
“What are our options?” Qiao Xiu waved his hand at the large map on the wall. “I have seen to dozens of leylines, large and small, in the last weeks. It’s not even that they are dying,” he turned to Lucas and paused, thinking, “they are fracturing the fabric of the world. Keeping them relatively stable is something that we cannot do, and even gods are struggling with.”
“If we do that, we will all follow the young paladin’s fate,” Kalidasa frowned. “No gods, no magic. The world will… change.”
“Change is better than dying,” Remi butted in. “I don’t like it any more than you do, but… we have no time for a gentle solution.”
Kalidasa leaned back in his chair, thoughtful. “Perhaps. But what you are offering is also in the realm of impossible.”
“I’m sure if we all took fragments of the gods’ power, sealing off the leylines would be… how do you put it? Piece of cake,” Qiao Xiu said.
“That’s… cold,” Remi looked down, but Qiao Xiu just shrugged.
“If it was a choice I had to make, I would rather give up my powers and die as a mortal than be forever trapped in nothingness.”
“So would I,” Lucas suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to him. “It’s… not up to us, obviously. But… you know, you should ask, while you still can. It was their offer to be sealed in-between the realms. Surely, if nothing else, they deserve to go out on their own terms.”
“If we do that,” Remi said slowly, “we will lose the only allies we have among the gods before we have a chance to place the seal. Can you imagine the kind of danger we will be in?”
Lucas couldn’t. He was no stranger to divine intervention, but that was on a whole new level.
Qiao Xiu rubbed his forehead, hiding his face behind one wide sleeve for a moment. When he reemerged, there was no sign of doubt on his face. “So we take precautions. Even gods are not all-powerful, and with the world changing and magic destabilizing, what they can do will be further limited.”
Kalidasa was silent for a few moments. He looked over the others, resigned, “If we fail – if even one of us fails – we will leave our cities or even the whole world shattered beyond repair. Is that something you are willing to take upon your souls?”
There was no doubt in Lucas’s mind. In the end, sacrifice was rarely fully selfless. It was a choice taken away from someone else, it was a grieving loved one left alone, it was leaving the burdens of one’s ideals behind for others to deal with. It was a sin as much as a virtue.
Lucas had never feared sin.
“I will do it,” he said firmly. “Just tell me how.”
This is barely on topic. I should also at least reread it, but I’m so freaking tired, I can barely make sense out of sentences. Still, I love these characters (lawful good Lucas! Kalidasa and Qiao Xiu that had barely appeared in-game but hinted at a world that used to be much smaller! God of death clerics assembly!)
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healthy444 · 13 days
How can I maintain my weight loss in the long term?
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Maintaining weight loss for long-term is a challenge, many people face after successfully shedding pounds. It requires a combination of mindset shifts, lifestyle changes, and self-discipline to ensure the weight stays off while continuing to live a balanced and fulfilling life. This guide will break down the key components of long-term weight maintenance and how you can sustain your success.
1. Understanding Weight Loss Maintenance
A. The Biology of Weight Loss
After weight loss, your body undergoes several physiological changes that make maintaining the new weight more challenging than losing it. Metabolism typically slows down due to a loss of lean muscle mass, and hormones that regulate hunger and fullness can fluctuate, leading to increased appetite. These biological changes can tempt individuals to regain weight, but with the right strategies, it's possible to counteract them.
B. The Importance of Sustainable Habits
Crash diets and extreme caloric restrictions might lead to quick results, but they are usually unsustainable. Weight loss maintenance is best achieved through steady, moderate approaches that lead to lifestyle changes. When habits are sustainable and enjoyable, maintaining weight loss becomes easier and less stressful.
2. Developing a Long-Term Mindset
A. Set Realistic Expectations
It's essential to understand that maintaining weight loss doesn’t mean perfection. There will be fluctuations in weight based on factors like water retention, hormonal changes, and life events. Aim for weight stability rather than a fixed number on the scale.
B. Shift Your Focus
Rather than focusing on short-term weight loss goals, shift your focus to long-term health and well-being. This mindset helps to reduce the obsession with the scale and places more emphasis on how your body feels, functions, and performs over time.
C. Self-Compassion
Adopting a positive attitude toward your body is key. Self-compassion involves acknowledging your successes and setbacks without being overly critical. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey and don’t necessarily lead to long-term failure.
3. Dietary Strategies for Weight Maintenance
A. Find Your Caloric Balance
Once you’ve reached your goal weight, you will need to determine your maintenance caloric needs. This may take some trial and error. Use tools like calorie tracking apps or consult a nutritionist to help figure out how much food is appropriate to maintain your weight without regaining.
B. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods
Prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods that are lower in calories but rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. These include:
Vegetables: Leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, peppers, etc.
Fruits: Berries, apples, oranges, etc.
Lean Proteins: Chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes.
Whole Grains: Quinoa, brown rice, oats.
Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil.
C. Portion Control
Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in large quantities. Practice mindful eating by paying attention to portion sizes and listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Eating slowly and savoring each bite can help prevent overeating.
D. Keep Indulgences in Check
Depriving yourself of treats can backfire, leading to binge eating or emotional eating. Instead, allow yourself occasional indulgences in moderation. Balance is key, and by allowing yourself small pleasures, you reduce the chances of feeling restricted or deprived.
E. Monitor Your Eating Patterns
Long-term weight maintenance often involves paying attention to your eating habits and patterns. Meal planning and keeping a food journal, even periodically, can help you stay aware of your intake and catch any problematic trends early.
4. Regular Physical Activity
A. Consistency Over Intensity
While high-intensity workouts are great for fitness, the key to weight maintenance is consistency. Find activities you enjoy so that exercising feels less like a chore and more like a natural part of your life. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week combined with strength training exercises.
B. Incorporate Strength Training
Strength training builds lean muscle, which helps maintain a higher resting metabolic rate. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Aim for two or more strength-training sessions per week targeting all major muscle groups.
C. Move Throughout the Day
Incorporate more movement into your daily routine. This can include walking, taking the stairs, or doing household chores. Regular movement not only burns extra calories but also improves circulation, boosts mood, and helps with stress management.
D. Find a Community or Support System
Staying active becomes easier when you have social support. Join a gym, take group classes, or exercise with friends. Being part of a fitness community creates accountability, motivation, and a sense of belonging.
5. Behavioral Strategies
A. Monitor Your Weight Regularly
Checking your weight consistently, whether it’s daily or weekly, can help you stay on track. While small fluctuations are normal, monitoring your weight helps you catch trends before they become problematic. However, avoid obsessing over daily changes and focus on long-term trends.
B. Identify and Manage Triggers
Everyone has triggers that may lead to overeating or making unhealthy choices. Common triggers include stress, emotional eating, boredom, or social settings. Identify your personal triggers and create strategies to manage them, such as stress-relief techniques or finding healthier substitutes.
C. Plan for Social Situations
Navigating social events, parties, and holidays can be challenging when trying to maintain weight. Plan ahead by eating a small, healthy meal before you go to avoid overeating, and choose your indulgences wisely. Practicing moderation during these events helps you enjoy the experience without sacrificing your goals.
D. Set New Goals
Setting new goals related to health, fitness, or other areas of life can keep you motivated and engaged. For example, aim to run a 5K, build muscle, or learn a new physical activity. Having something to work toward helps keep the momentum going post-weight loss.
6. Sleep and Stress Management
A. Prioritize Sleep
Sleep plays a critical role in weight management. Lack of sleep affects hunger-regulating hormones (ghrelin and leptin), leading to increased appetite and cravings, particularly for high-calorie foods. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support weight maintenance.
B. Manage Stress Effectively
Chronic stress can lead to emotional eating and hormonal imbalances that promote weight gain. Develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as meditation, yoga, journaling, or deep breathing exercises. Staying mentally balanced reduces the likelihood of stress-related weight gain.
C. Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness involves paying attention to your body’s signals and being present in the moment. Mindful eating practices, like eating slowly and savoring food, can help prevent overeating and foster a healthier relationship with food.
7. Accountability and Professional Support
A. Consider a Nutritionist or Dietitian
If you’re struggling to maintain your weight, working with a nutritionist or dietitian can be helpful. These professionals can provide personalized meal plans, tips, and accountability. They can also help you navigate challenges and refine your approach to eating.
B. Join a Weight Maintenance Program
Many weight loss programs offer maintenance programs or follow-up support after reaching your goal. Joining such a program can provide continued guidance and support, helping you stay on track.
C. Accountability Partners
Having an accountability partner—whether it’s a friend, family member, or personal trainer—can provide encouragement and support. Check in with each other regularly to discuss your progress, challenges, and goals.
8. Overcoming Setbacks
A. Embrace Setbacks as Learning Opportunities
Everyone experiences setbacks on their weight maintenance journey, whether it’s overeating, missing workouts, or emotional eating. Instead of seeing these setbacks as failures, view them as learning opportunities. Analyze what caused the slip-up and make adjustments to prevent it from happening again.
B. Get Back on Track Quickly
The key to long-term success is how quickly you recover from setbacks. If you find yourself overeating or falling out of routine, get back on track the next day instead of waiting until next week or month. The longer you wait, the harder it may be to return to your healthy habits.
C. Celebrate Small Victories
Celebrate your achievements along the way. Whether it’s maintaining your weight for a month, reaching a fitness milestone, or making a healthy food choice at a party, recognizing these small victories keeps you motivated and focused on your long-term goals.
9. Adopt a Lifelong Approach
A. Long-Term Commitment to Health
Weight maintenance is not a temporary phase; it’s a lifelong commitment to staying healthy. It involves integrating healthy behaviors into your daily life that feel natural and sustainable. This includes exercising regularly, eating well, managing stress, and getting enough rest.
B. Enjoy the Journey
Maintaining weight loss shouldn’t feel like punishment. It’s about enjoying a healthier, more active lifestyle. Find joy in movement, nourishing foods, and the confidence that comes from taking care of your body. The process should enhance your life rather than detract from it.
C. Stay Flexible
Finally, remain flexible in your approach. Life will throw curve balls—whether it’s travel, illness, or stressful events. Be willing to adapt, adjust, and find new ways to stay on track, even when circumstances change.
It's not necessary to stick to a severe exercise schedule or rigid diet in order to sustain weight loss over the long run. It all comes down to forming wholesome routines that work for you and gradually modifying them as necessary. Consistency, self-compassion, mindful eating, and an active lifestyle are key components that will help you maintain your weight loss over the long term. Remember that persistence and adaptation, rather than perfection, are the keys.
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