#and then he screams HELP ME and lestat fucking
slasherbaby · 2 years
I’m watching the first episode of interview with the vampire and Louis’ monologue in the confessional is….. oh my god so good
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onlylove4louis · 3 months
I am still not mentally sound enough, after this episode to properly even respond, but this kind of shit... I can not just scroll past. This person will be blocked, but I will link the post here, so that anyone else can see the post for themselves... "he did nothing to save her..." Come all the way off it, and with no respect at all, get fucked
Just in case you haven't yet watched Iwtv S2 ep7, and you for whatever reason don't have the tags blocked, but don't want to see any spoilers, I will put them under the cut:
Listen to me, pay attention very closely
This mindset, puts you in a theatre chair, amidst this racist, cackling hyena, lynch-mob audience.
Louis, just like Claudia and Madeleine, is sitting right there beside them, on that stage. Also on trial, in this fake-ass kangaroo court "play". With his tendons cut to the bone, beat to hell, actively fighting a severe concussion, probably even a fractured skull. Dipping in and out of consciousness... And having his brain also essentially deep-fried any time he tries to defend ANYTHING.
He was dragged in there, fighting with everything he had, to get to her. To protect her, to save her. Giving not a single shit about himself at all. He was literally carried in there in a fucking sack, and beaten by multiple Vampires he couldn't even see, and still all that mattered to him, was her. All that mattered, is what they were doing to her. He tries to stop them shoving her into that rat box and is literally brained for it. Knocked completely unconscious.
He tries to attack Santiago, he tries to fight against not only the coven, the court, the audience, but even Lestat (verbally, because it's all he can do). They literally bust a blood vessel in his left eye, by the mental damage they're inflicting on him, just to essentially gag him, any time he tried to speak up. For himself AND for Claudia.
And when they're sentenced and he's literally dragged away. He's screaming for her, trying to get to her, trying to hold on to her. He's literally being ripped from her. And he fights, AGAIN with everything he has, literally all the way into being entombed, aka buried alive. All to stop him from actively helping her at all.
And still he's in there, fighting to get to her. Screaming and crying, because he physically CAN NOT save her
And you have the audacity to make some fuck-ass post, saying "he did nothing to save her"
Like I may be skinned down to the bone, after this episode, but I'm still going to
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With everything I have in me, just like Madeleine on that stage, to every single one of you who very willfully CHOOSE to take a seat, in that audience.
--Edit: What I forgot to add as well, is that that user, just conveniently left out a gif or pic of it taking multiple coven members, just to drag this man away from her. Hobbled and suffering clear brain damaged, being actively blamed for his own abuse in front of a crowd of strangers... All of that, and it still took multiple Vampires to drag this man away from Her. So again, get fucked and stay fucked --
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wizardpink · 2 months
Do you guys want to read my Dr. Bhansali clone research / Tale of the Body Thief / Devil's Minion adaptation-in-a-future-season headcanon?
Armand takes Daniel's DNA to Dr. Bhansali in the mid to late 80s and after much trial and error, he is able to successfully create a viable cloned fetus in the early to mid 90s. Kept comatose in a Mewtwo style bacta tank for thirty years, the clone waits while Bhansali and other scientists Armand bankrolls study brain transplants and the transfer of human consciousness.
None of their experiments produce fruitful results, but they're proven unnecessary in the end when Raglan James, who through the Talamasca's eyes on Daniel learned of his Parkinson's diagnosis, approaches Armand prior to the interview with an offer to use his psychic body swapping powers to put Daniel's consciousness into a new body. His price is extremely high, and Armand declines, though it's less about money and more about not wanting Daniel in a different body. He likes Daniel's body. And he still has the option of making Daniel a vampire and curing his sickness.
The thing is, that doesn't go so well. At first most of Daniel's symptoms disappear and he feels great. But then new problems arise. He can't drink blood without vomiting most of it shortly after. He doesn't need to breathe, but his lungs occassionally gasp and spasm for air like he is drowning. Sometimes it seems he has heartattacks but just can't die afterward.
Before Armand can even reach back out, Raglan is back again. The price has doubled now and once Daniel is told about the clone option ("normally I'd be inclined to tell you how fucking creepy and demented that is, but seeing as this is saving my ass right now, I'll restrain myself..."), Raglan has another stipulation: he wants to keep Daniel's old vampire body when they're done.
Armand believes it's because he wants to turn someone else and steal their body after, but Daniel sees through him. "If you just wanted to make a vampire to inhabit, you wouldn't use my shitty body to do it. You'd blackmail Armand into doing it. You don't need to be me to turn someone for you, you need to be me to get close to someone I have access to."
Raglan is impressed but not surprised Daniel has sussed him out. "You're right, as usual. I'm not looking to be just any vampire. I want to be THE vampire." He holds up his phone to display a paparazzi style video of Lestat leaving one of his concerts, his body guards fighting through a sea of screaming fans. "You're going to help me become The Vampire Lestat."
At this point Daniel has spent a decent chunk of time with Lestat working on the documentary, absorbing his condescention plus his verbal and sometimes physical abuse, and he and Armand exchange a look before they, with no deliberation, tell Raglan, "Deal."
Raglan bodyswaps with the Daniel clone first, leaving his own body unconscious, soulless. He then swaps with actual Daniel, putting Daniel back into nearly the same body he had 40 years ago. Raglan, in Daniel's old vampiric body, flashes them both a grin and a characteristically Daniel double middle-finger salute and leaves immediately.
Armand cautiously approaches Daniel. The urgency of his health situation means a lot of difficult and necessary conversations between them were put on the backburner. Daniel must have a myriad of questions and things to confront him with. Where to begin?
"Well?" Armand asks. "Is it to your liking?"
"You didn't circumcise me."
"You didn't circumcise me. I was circumcised. This dick-- my dick--"
"Is that your only complaint?"
"What, like you forgot, or do you prefer it uncut and asked Dr. Frankenstein over here to leave it intact?"
"I did no such thing!"
Dr. Bhansali clears his throat. "I can confirm, the matter was never discussed."
Daniel's eyes have yet to come up from the white hospital sheet over his lap. "For the record, next time? Discuss it."
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OKAY SO I wasn't able to watch IWTV when it first came because I didn't have the time/money, but I just watched the first episode. Without further ado: here were all my thoughts
Paul 🙁
Omg I can’t wait for Armand this season
Claudia I’m free any day any time 
The odyssey of recollection I like that
Lmao Daniel calling himself a whore
Armand you sneaky bitch 
Okay here we go
The red sky intro I’m obsessed
On god let’s go
I love claudia 
Creepy start let’s go
Love the page turning sound affects
My girl Claudia I love her I love her I love her I lover her 
Ohhhh wait is this the holocaust
Hey Louis 
You look so depressed babygirl 
Armand stop being like that 
Lmao Daniel you petty bitch
They’re already fighting I love them
Intriguing. And disregarding! 
Did I mention how much I love Claudia
What an icon
I’d wanna explore some abandoned buildings with her
They both look miserable damn
Louis being constantly cold because he’s more human than she is
He’s so fucking alone stop not him talking to himself
I wanna be a historian. A deranged geologist or anthropologist
“It’s dead” shocking info Louis
Daniel just sitting there chewing while he suffers
Real Rashid is so fucking funny
Unworthy damn Armand
I hate them I want them to make out
OOh creepy
Love the vibes
Lestat you drama queen I missed you
The love in his eyes is insane
His voice with nobody there damn I love it 
Obsessed with Louis’ soft apology and Lestat just continuing on like nothing happened
His fear but the chin hold and the I’m gonna kill you
This is love this is love I want them I want to be them
Why the fuck are they shooting graves
Why everyone quiet 
Oh they think louis is hot lol 
God will forget when you die. Preach lady
Something’s wrong what 
There’s gaps in his memory. HIS MEMORY’S WRONG
Or Claudia’s wrong? 
Armand why are you looking like that
The tension in the room is crazy
Daniel smirking he knows what’s happening 
Armand what are you doing
Creepy song with children let's go
Claudia knocking a child over!
So glad I read the book and I know what’s happening
This would have scared the fuck out of me 
Edith Piaf it’s giving la vie en rose it’s giving Izzy Hands
Does red mean communist? 
Louis’ drunk. Don’t be drunk king. 
Oh he’s deductive damn 
Claudia’s so excited 🙁
Fighting like siblings
Adam and Eve of the damned- oh like the king and queen? ENKIL AND AKASHA MENTIONED
Louis looks so tormented my baby
What is happening what is happening why is he crying why
Daniel looks so devastated but he looks like he cares aw
Oh my god I love this show
Humanity is so. Uh. Fun. God I love this show
That’s a fucking catfish with teeth
Louis is such a sarcastic shit I love him 
What is that thing
Oh it’s a woman
Louis trying to help her and understand her against all odds
All those in darkness go in darkness 
All of them dead now, what about her
How has she lived
Claudia giving her blood
I don’t remember this in the book
But Claudia looks so happy!!
AND so does the woman!! 
Daciana is such a pretty name 
Oh shit…
Getting their hopes up for nothing 
Domestic couple aww Louis and armand 
Why is Louis asking permission…
They’re both cute and vaguely unsettling
The silence is so comfortable but also tense
Armand misses the boy from san francisco??? 
But why do they want to do this. What’s the deal
What is happening why does he want him enthralled what’s his plan
Daniel does not give af lmao the whistling
My man didn’t look up once
So fellas, what’s up?? I love him 
The way they’re so possessive of each other! The little touches and the hand holding. The stares that Daniel is so disgusted by I’m screaming
“We’ll get to you” KILL HIM DANIEL
Claudia looks so small :(
Louis and his talk of death is so relatable
But his HOPE. His HOPE. I’m killing myself. 
If you were the last vampire on earth it would be enough!!
Oh the next episode is about to be soooo good
This was so good I’m killing myself
Why did it feel so short?? 
I’m saving the rest for later but OH MY FUCKING GOD.
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avalonia320 · 1 day
what the fuck Marius
*discussion of The Vampire Chronicles, spoiler warnings for those who haven't read*
Just had to rant a little. So I am a long time reader of the Vampire Chronicles, first read them and became obsessed when I was 11 but I'm gonna be straight up - I kinda peace'd out after Memnoch the Devil because that was just a bit too weird for me and kinda personal; Anne Rice was on this whole religious journey at the same time my mother went on her own similar journey (and immediately told me I was going to hell) so the religious themes were just not it for me. After that I stuck with the first four books, which are still my favorites. Now that the series is out and I'm re-obsessed, I decided to read the later books.
I always liked Marius. I saw him as a mentor to Lestat, he just seemed like this older, wiser, and more patient vampire. I loved how exasperated and fascinated he was by Lestat. I thought his and Armand's story was tragic. But now I've read The Vampire Armand - twice - and all I can say is are you fucking kidding me. It's actually probably not for the reasons one would automatically think - yes I was skeeved that he bought a traumatized kid in a brothel and immediately engaged in sexual activities with him, (not to mention the whipping) but I'm also quite familiar with Anne Rice's erotica so these were not entirely unexpected themes. Anyway I'm not touching that discourse with a ten foot pole. We all know it's problematic. We're all watching the show any way.
But man, so what the fuck does Marius do immediately after he and Armand are reunited again after Armand's suicide attempt? Armand entrusts him with what is most precious to him, his mortal 'children', Sybelle and Benji. Armand leaves them for ONE FUCKING DAY and when he comes back Marius has made them vampires. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MARIUS.
Armand is screaming & crying and furious and then I hate-scanned what seemed like 30 pages of Marius making long speechy excuses for it and why it was actually so loving of him to take on the burden of being their Maker so that Armand can be with them forever and they won't hate Armand for it. Hello, Benji was 12 FUCKING YEARS OLD. Have we learned NOTHING from Claudia??? Couldn't give him another decade of mortality first?? God, this guy just will not allow Armand any agency in any part of his life whatsoever and it's MADDENING. Yes, Sybelle and Benji wanted to be vampires and I do think they would have become immortal eventually but again BENJI WAS 12! (and Sybelle is um...not exactly stable at the time either. Girl could have really used some intense therapy first before being frozen in her current state forever.)
Plus the fact that he just abandoned Armand to the coven that kidnapped him, killed his brothers, made him eat his closest brother and best friend - Marius couldn't have helped all that, having been set on fire and all but he had centuries to find Armand again and instead he was just like 'nah, it's whatever. I'm sure that twink is fine.' Meanwhile Lestat comes sauntering along and Marius is like 'oh hey person I've met five minutes ago, let me spill all the secrets of my life, not to mention the most secret secrets of all the vampires, including how to kill us all.' You know, I used to hate Armand and now I understand so much better why he's got so many issues.
Anyway, there's no point to this somewhat incoherent rant, I just had to get it off my chest. I don't know how Marius will be portrayed in the show and I'm excited to see it. Maybe I'll hate him even more. Maybe I'll end up loving him the way I love Armand despite everything he's done but man, I just really want to kick his ass right now.
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queerquaintrelle · 12 days
Vamptember 2024: Dead dove ~ do not eat (3/4)
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Excerpt from my fic Anti-Hero, read here read the full story here. Chapter 15: Mistress Mine. Content Warnings: explicit sexual content, mildly dubious consent, vampire sex and blood.
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Lestat’s mouth pressed against hers and she tugged him against her. They were still in the hallway. 
“Not here,” Audrey half gasped. For fear that her light, her Ben, would see her entangled. 
Reading her thoughts Lestat pulls her into one of the court offices and shuts the door with a thud. 
Audrey gazed at him, he was always handsome, almost always knew the right words to say, and steps to waltz. 
Perhaps that’s why she still played with him and came when called. A loyal mistress indeed. 
“Fuck me,” Audrey said, shocked at her own eagerness. 
Lestat shook his head, gold curls like a lion's mane shaking from side to side. 
His ice blue eyes narrowed like a wolf on the hunt. Amused. 
“I will,” Lestat said. “I intend to make this goodbye last, mon amour,” he chuckled. “On your back, on the desk, I don’t wish to be remembered as a lover who paid you little mind.”
Audrey nodded and did as told, laying down on the desk. 
Lestat hitched up her petticoats and full skirt until her legs were spread on the table, but he didn't remove her pretty stockings. He knows well enough no one is afforded that privilege, however much he may want it. 
Audrey gazed up at him, puzzled. 
Finally, Lestat gets out of his knickers and traces a finger over her cunny. He is met with a pleasant warmth and wetness but he doesn’t see that as permission to take her, just yet. 
The debt is paid. But he wants to make her scream. 
Sliding a finger in he hesitantly teased her, grinning, like the brat he is, though it’s too dark to see. 
Audrey merely purrs, pushing back slightly against his fingers and gently lifting her hips.
Audrey lets out a soft whine as he hits her ‘button.’ 
At last, Lestat is pleased with himself. He slides another finger, in and out in a steady rhythm and Audrey moans, clinging to the desk like one of those images of a mermaid tied to a seagoing vessel. 
Taking a handkerchief he cleaned his fingers and at last positioned himself above her. 
Audrey doesn’t speak. She doesn’t breathe, though, technically she doesn’t need to, old habits are hard to kill. 
Lestat, it seems, is one of those. 
“Say it,” Lestat said, it’s an order, not an ask. 
Audrey gulped. As though pulled from a fairytale she most enjoyed reading. 
He was not her friend, he was no prince, he was just another selfish lover. 
Still, she can’t deny him now, not when caught between two manners of ruin. One, at least, is bearable. 
“Fuck me,” she said in a low hiss, as though baiting him, no, daring him to do it. 
Too bad, he lives for the chase, Audrey is all too familiar and eager to charm him back again, it seemed. 
Roughly his lips crashed against hers and he pressed himself into her. 
He wasted no time in taking her. It is a good thing the harlot seems to like it that way. For her cries certainly seem to say so. 
Audrey moaned into his mouth and without thinking pulled him down closer on top of her. 
“Mine,” Lestat rasped in eager desperation. “Mine,” he repeated, quietly as he moaned. 
“Of course, mon coeur,” Audrey reassured, simply out of habit. It felt normal to repeat the words. It didn’t make them true. 
“Until we are dust and ash,” she said. 
The desk creaked and Audrey’s head spun as he continued to take her, edging closer and closer. 
It felt good to create such ruckus, such scandal. She couldn’t help herself. Perhaps, until Tallmadge she had forgotten how to feel. 
At last, as they edge towards the precipice Lestat’s teeth sink into her neck, marking her. It’s not a wound he intends to erase. She’ll be fine. It’s not meant for her, not really, it’s meant for him, that Long Island liar. 
Audrey arched her back with a cry of pleasure and collapsed onto the desk. 
Lestat collapsed next to her, still throbbing inside her. Licking up the blood upon her pretty neck. 
Then he pulled out. 
“Undress and on your stomach,” Lestat said, sweetly. “We aren’t quite done.” 
Audrey nodded and did as asked, her gown falling to the floor, she got on her stomach and gritted her teeth. 
“Is that the worst you have?” Audrey said snidely. 
“If I gave you my worst, mon amour, you wouldn’t speak to me again. I can’t have that,” Lestat said, seeming to earnestly become unguarded momentarily. 
Lestat positioned himself behind her and wasting minimal time, slid into her. Audrey groaned and he tugged her hair. 
Nails dug into the desk as Lestat traced his nails down her back. 
“Mmmm, Lestat!” She cried.
“Yes, your mistress, yours, yours, yours!” Audrey whimpered. 
“Ma moitié,” Lestat crooned softly as he took her. 
Hand still in her hair, hand upon Audrey’s waste. 
Even now, even despite his cruelty. He can see what she is. 
Some better part of him that never learned to bloom. Some better part of his nature. Well, all human and vampire nature alike. A brutalized rose. But a rose nonetheless. 
The moans become soft sobs and their minds white out with the mixture of pleasure and pain. 
Adjusting her raven hair as best she can. Relacing up her dress. Adjusting her stockings. 
Audrey knows very well she cannot hide what happened. 
Despite the monstrous nature of their love, or maybe, because of it. Audrey loved Lestat, in a way. 
If she, in some other time, could be made to not choose between herself and Benjamin and Lestat. She would. 
But alas, there’s something about Ben that sets her alight. Like a sunbeam wherever he walks. Lestat possessed no such optimism or good nature. 
Turning to go Audrey meets Lestat’s cool gaze. 
Lestat’s lips pressed to hers gently. No viciousness this time. Just regard and most hollow fear and loneliness. 
Loneliness and fear Audrey understood too well. 
“À plus tard,” Audrey whispered against Lestat’s lips. 
“Ma moitié,” Lestat returned most softly. 
Audrey pulled away.  
Then, Lestat let her go.  
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allegra-writes · 1 year
"Various Storms and Saints" Part I
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Original gif by @hapireads
Lestat De Lioncourt x Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Human Au; Bank robber!Lestat
Warnings: Knife play, hand jobs, rough sex, over stimulation, non-con elements, non-consensual drug use (unrelated to the sex).
Disclaimer: I don't own any recognizable character, and for legal reasons I won't be accepting tips for this story or any story set in Anne Rice's Immortal Universe. Thank you!
The scream died in Louis' throat even before the hand came up against his mouth to drown it, the crisp, expensive smell of his French perfume giving away the identity of the intruder inside the darkened apartment even before he spoke.
"Hush, mon chere" Lestat De Lioncourt breathed hot against Louis' ear, "it's just me…"
"Yeah, that is exactly why I should scream" Louis countered, yet his voice was barely above a whisper. Yet he did nothing to step away from his embrace, even as his knife left his neck to toy with the buttons of his black shirt. 
The arm around Louis' waist tightened, pressing him against Lestat’s front, so he could clearly feel his need, hard as nails, against his lower back. Louis clenched his jaw, bracing against the shiver that was threatening to give him away.
"Ah, but I promise you, mon coeur" he cooed, puncturing his words with a long, filthy lick along the side of Louis' long neck, "before this is over, I will make you scream"
This time, there was no disguising the wanton sound that escaped the brunet's throat, right before Lestat dug his fingertips into his jaw, forcing Louis' head back to crush his mouth to his in a bruising kiss, all teeth and tongue and hunger. Lestat bit down hard on his prisoner's lower lip when he failed to kiss back fast enough.
"Don't be a brat" He warned Louis as he shook his head, trying to clear it, to break out of the blond criminal's spell.
"You shouldn't be here, Lestat" He breathed out, praying the words would come out steadier than he felt, "The police sent another alert for you. They think you killed that bank employee, Miss Brown" 
He felt Lestat stiffen at his back, felt the tip of his knife poke at the soft flesh where the shoulder meets the neck. 
"And you want to know if it's true?" He spat, "Is that what you're asking?" 
His blade snapped the buttons holding Louis' shirt closed, the hand around his waist traveling up to feel up Louis’ newly exposed skin.
"They're right. I did it." He rasped, flickering a nipple, sending sparks of electricity straight down Louis' spine, "She told me I had to let you go, so I pushed her out of the window"
His tone was sardonic, and Louis couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or telling the truth. What was worse, Louis realized he didn't care. Lestat was a murderer and a traitor. He was a sociopath without the smallest sliver of remorse. He was a ticking time bomb. Louis should have been fighting him, should have been pushing him away, and running for his life.
Should’ve been screaming for help
Instead, he leaned back into his monster, into this wanted terrorist, let him rut against him, let him bury his nose in his neck, relishing in the erratic little puffs of air caressing his nape. 
"I can't do that" he confessed, brokenly, between pants, "I can't stay away from you, I can't let you go…"
Louis could feel the truth in his words. It was something he had wondered about, what with Molloy and Rosh and the fucking FBI hot in his heels, why did Lestat keep coming back to him. Well, now he knew: Lestat was just as doomed as him, had sealed both their fates the night he had chosen to fuck Louis instead of killing him. The night he had singled him out from all of the hostages at the bank, and barked at him in a perfect, fake Australian accent, to get up and come with him.  
The scrap of teeth against his skin brought him back to the present, to Lestat's calloused fingers trailing down his stomach, slipping into his dress pants. He closed his hand around Lestat’s wrist in an attempt to halt his hand that felt half-hearted even to him. Lestat simply kicked his knees open, leg between Louis’ to make more room for his hand as he grabbed his cock.
"Is this the secret you were trying to keep from me?" Lestat's smirk was audible in his voice, as his hand began a lazy milking motion "How hard I make you?"
The flat of Lestat’s knife pressed against Louis’ nipple, a warning, making him gasp.
"Don't ever try to hide from me again" He commanded, "understood?"
Silence was his only answer as Louis remained stubbornly quiet. Lestat sighed,
“Louis, Louis… être un bon garçon” He coaxed, changing strategies, taking his hand out of Louis’ pants, pretending he did not notice the disappointed noise he couldn’t quite conceal. Pressing his pointer and index finger softly to his prisoner’s plump lower lip, Lestat said, “Suck”
There was a second of hesitation before Louis obeyed, the feeble veneer of resistance he had been putting up crumbling completely as he eagerly savored the digits, hungry for the taste of Lestat’s skin. 
“There’s my boy” Louis could hear the smile in Lestat’s smug voice, tried to be annoyed by it but found he couldn’t. Not when Lestat was undoing his pants, tugging them and his underwear out of the way as he took his fingers out of Louis’ mouth to bring them down, down and back, palm squeezing at one of Louis’ buttocks before the feeling of wet and cold right against the taut ring of muscle of his rim sent a shiver up and down his half-naked body. Lestat teased at it, circling it with his fingertips, pressing at the sensitive flesh of Louis’ entrance, but never going in, never remaining in the same place enough to bring Louis anything more than the most transpicuous, yet promising, shadow of pleasure. 
“Now… shall we try again?” Lestat finally pushed in, making Louis cry out. Pleased at the reaction, he sunk it in deeper, massaging Louis’ sensitive walls on his way in and out again, until he sagged bonelessly into his arms. “That’s it, mon chere, just like that. Do you have any idea how beautiful you look when you surrender to me?”
He chuckled at Louis’ whine, perfectly aware that, as talented as his fingers were, one alone was not enough to bring him the satisfaction he craved. But that was not his goal tonight. No, tonight, Lestat was out for blood.
"What is it, baby?" He purred, "Do you need something?" 
"More" Loouis breathed out, "need more" 
He didn’t even think of struggling as Lestat adjusted his grip, blade tucked in flat between his chest and Lestat’s wrist, forearm like a vice across Louis’ torso.
“Fuck yourself on my fingers" the taller man commanded, slipping another digit inside, "and beg"
Bastard, Luis thought, resentfully. Lestat loved pushing his buttons, obliterating his patience, pride, and dignity. 
It was liberating. 
He started moving his hips, almost losing his balance as the arm supporting him abandoned his chest and Lestat tilted forward to get a clearer view of Louis’ ass, of his small, increasingly desperate thrusts, of his long pale fingers disappearing time and time again inside Louis’ delicious hole.
It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen, and he had seen plenty of obscene things in his life. None of them could compare to his beautiful, perfect Louis. 
And Louis, on his part, didn't need to open his eyes to know Lestat was watching attentively, he could feel his ice-blue gaze burn him like a brand. He always watched, with such a wonder in his eyes, a hunger that made it hard to feel self-conscious, the ever-present voice of insecurity at the back of Louis's head, so used to mistrustful or downright scared looks on the street simply because of his height and skin color, instantly silenced by the naked desire in his gaze. Try as he might, he could not deny he had never felt more seen and more wanted in his life, than when he was with Lestat. 
And his praising certainly didn't hurt.
"Fuck, so fucking gorgeous, you precious thing… ridding my fingers so pretty…"
"Lestat… please…"
"There he is" He muttered, almost to himself, rewarding Louis by twisting his fingers just right so he could graze at his prostate just right with every stroke, "You beg so nicely, baby boy…" 
Oh, it was bad, the way he shivered whenever Lestat called him his. It shouldn't affect him the way it did, Louis shouldn't want it… but he did. And he couldn't hide it from him, his body was a traitor, its reactions impossible to contain.
If Luis had only known the trouble that would get him, he would have tried harder to conceal them. 
But Lestat could read his body like a magazine, knew the exact moment when to withdraw his fingers, just a second before he started clenching on them, the precise instant before Louis came, too early for him to tumble over the edge but too late for him to be able to come down. 
He knew just how to leave him aching for it.
"I love seeing you like this, mon chere, completely at my mercy. You'd take anything I'd give you, do anything I'd say right now, wouldn't you?" 
Louis gulped. He shouldn't. He shouldn't.
He felt Lestat’s quiet laugh against his nape.
"Oh yeah," he decided, "you would…"
The room spun and the floor was swept from under Louis's feet, in two movements, Lestat had him sprawled on the couch, head on the pillows, legs dangling from the armrest. It wasn't the most comfortable of positions but Louis had no time to complain as Lesta made quick work of the remaining of Louis’ clothes, his sharp blade ripping easily through the fabric.
"I always dreamed about ripping your clothes off you, back at the bank. All those hours locked together, it was all I could think about" He mustered, soft voice at odds with the almost feral look in his eyes. The sane part of Louis’  brain screamed danger. And it had little to do with the fact that the man hovering above him, caressing his skin with a hunting knife, was a killer. It went well beyond that. This was a different kind of danger, the slope of his cheekbones a different type of treacherous, the taste of his kiss a hazard to his heart, the weight of his body on his a threat to his sanity. 
Lestat was wild and unpredictable and entirely too beautiful, the perfect predator, one Louis didn't even want to escape. He was powerless, the mesmerized hare in the maw of the wolfhound. 
And he was ready to be eaten alive.
"I wanna do something now, chere, something you will like" He hurried to add at Louis’ alarmed expression: It wasn't like Lestat to give warnings, "but I need you to stay very very still, can you do that for me?" 
"I… Lestat, what-"
"Wrong answer, baby" He produced something from his back pocket, Louis’ pleasure-ridden mind too slow to process what he was doing until the plastic zip tie was securing his wrists. 
"No rope today?" Louis raised an eyebrow. Lestat smiled all teeth.
"No, not today. Not for this" He kissed Louis then, stealing his breath and halting his thought process, not letting him go until he felt Louis melt into him again, pliant and docile just like he wanted it.
"Now, mon beau, if you bring your hands down" He warned, pointing at where Louis’ hands were laying on the pillow above his head, "if you buck your hips, or try to close your legs, I will tie your ankles too, understood?" Lestat waited until Louis nodded his understanding, blandishing his knife in front of Louis’ face. His blade gleamed as he parted Louis’ knees and folded them back against his chest. Settling between Louis’ legs, he rained chaste, butterfly kisses on his inner thighs, fingertips opening him up further. Louis felt the cold dripping of lube on his rim, and Lestat’s warm fingers spreading it outside and inside too, making sure his inner walls were coated with it. There was so much of it, Louis could smell the scent of its cherry flavor. 
"Fuck, look at you, Louinounet, you're soaking wet" Lestat all but buried his face between Louis’ butt cheeks, placing a teasing kitten lick along his crack, and then blowing cool air on it. Louis had to fight the urge to tilt his hips up in demand. Lestat was a cruel man, establishing ridiculous rules and then pushing him any way he could into breaking them. 
One of Lestat’s long, dexterous digits started a slow massage to his entrance, deliberate and thorough, relaxing the thigh muscles but not going in.
"Feeling empty, mon chaton?" He mocked, "This pretty hole needs to be filled?" 
"Yes, please" Louis begged too far gone to be ashamed.
"Well, you only needed to ask…" 
Louis was startled at the unfamiliar feeling of something cold and hard against his rim. 
"Shhhhh" Lestat soothed, eyes never leaving the place where he was sinking the handle of his knife inside Louis's tight heat, "stay very still…" 
Louis bit his lip, trying to relax further into the couch, letting his legs fall open a little wider for Lestat. 
"That's it… such a good boy…" He pushed the handle an inch deeper, a moan escaping Louis’ throat. It felt… soft. Harder and coarser than his secret silicone vibrator, but not unpleasantly so. 
Oh, no, it was very much pleasant, he decided, as Lestat started rocking it in and out, burying it a little deeper with every movement, the ridges in the handle stroking his insides.
"Should I make you come like this?" He inquired, never stopping the careful strokes, "Think you can hold still as I make you come on my knife?" 
Louis shook your head no, he was having trouble remaining immobile as it was, desperate with the need to move and twist and convulse as he angled the handle to grace that perfect, sweet spot no one else had ever been able to find, yet Lestat had seemed to master from the very beginning. 
"No? Need a little help for that?" Lestat’s free hand wrapped once again around Louis's cock, purple and angry and leaking, begging for attention. It was too much, the double assault of the handle of Lestat’s knife penetrating him and his hand jerking him off was a lethal combination, and Louis came with a shout.
"That's it… come for me"
Louis’ orgasm was still crashing over him when he heard the metallic clank of the Ka-Bar being tossed away and felt Lestat sink into him to the hilt in one hard, unforgiving movement. He didn't give Louis time to adjust or come down from his high before he started thrusting hard and fast, loving the resistance he felt from Louis’ body. 
"Merde! So tight, clenching around my cock…"
"Les- Lestat…" Louis cried, but Lestat didn't relent, instead covering Louis with his body, trapping him as his hips kept snapping against Louis’ punishingly, bare skin against bare skin, and when had he taken out his t-shirt?
"No, baby, there's no escape" He spoke against Louis’ throat, punctuating his words with a harsh bite, "You're gonna take it… you're gonna take it all" 
Louis nodded, even as tears started to leak from his eyes, even as he struggled feebly against Lestat because the truth was he loved it. He love the pressure against his wrists, holding him in place, the bruise of Lestat’s sharp hipbones hitting his inner thighs, he loved the overstimulation as the blond demon extracted every last drop of pleasured pain from his body.  
Lesta sneaked a hand between their bodies, right under Louis’ navel.
"Fuck, baby boy" He moaned, "I can feel my cock moving inside you…" 
Somewhere in the part of Louis’ brain that was still somewhat capable of thought, he found he was not shocked. He could feel it too, overstretched, like Lestat was breaking him in half. 
"Taking me so good, my Louis… you were born for this, born to take my cock so deep" 
Louis trashed at his words, feeling another peak starting to build, high, so high he was terrified of the fall. 
Because he knew it would shatter him. 
Lestat’s hand crept lower, wrapping, unmerciful, at Louis’ over-sensitized cock. 
His hips bucked of their own accord, trying to dislodge Lestat, leg instinctively trying to kick him off. Lestat's other hand left his tied hands to press against his throat, warningly. 
"You're gonna come for me again, chere. Whether you like it or not." 
Louis liked it. Heavens help him, how he liked it. 
"And then, when your shaking and screaming my name, screaming for mercy…" His thrusts were speeding up, becoming erratic, his ferric control finally breaking, "I'm going to come inside you… fill you up with my come… until you're dripping with it. Do you know why, mon chere?"
Louis hoped it was a rhetorical question, he was far too delirious, too cock drunk to form words. Lestat licked into his open, slack mouth,
"Because you're mine" 
Something inside Louis cracked, the pressure too much for the fault line as he felt it snap, the earthquake shaking him to the very bones. Lestat cursed in French, hips ramming into him once, twice, three times before he buried his cock inside Louis as far as it would go, grunting as he spent himself inside him just as he had promised. 
Louis must have blacked out for a minute, because when he came back into, Lestat was on him again, holding Louis’ trembling legs over his shoulders, licking Louis clean, each swipe of his tongue sending aftershocks through his ravaged, aching body. 
"Lestat, please," Louis’ voice was wrecked, and he realized he probably had been screaming without noticing, "no more" 
For a second, he was afraid Lestat wasn't going to listen, but then he showed mercy, crawling up Louis’ body, even as two of his fingers sunk into him, collecting his own juices, making the ravished man whimper. 
"Open up, beautiful" He commanded, tracing Louis's bottom lip with his fingertips. He obeyed, letting Lestat sink his digits inside his mouth, wiping them clean with his tongue, "See how delicious we taste?" 
Louis hummed his reply, unable to do much more. Lestat seemed pleased enough with it anyway, if the way he gathered him in his arms, cradling him into his chest was anything to go by. They remained like that for a bit, catching their breaths, letting heartbeats return to normal, until Lestat sighed, depositing Louis back on the pillows of his couch as he disappeared inside the apartment, Louis’ eyes gazing appreciatively at the way his back muscles shifted and rippled as he walked. 
Sitting up, he rolled his shoulders, trying to get rid of the stiffness of having his hands stretched above his head for so long. There was a forgotten water bottle on the coffee table that Louis managed to uncap with some effort to take a few gulps as Lestat returned holding a wet towel and what Louis expected to be his bathrobe but frowned as he realized it was a small pile of clothes. 
He offered his tied hands to Lestat so he could cut the zip, but the blond ignored him, focusing instead on cleaning him up with soft, careful touches. 
"What's that for?" the brunet asked, gesturing at the clothes, breaking the silence and the tension that seemed to had fallen between them. There was a shift in Lestat, a squaring of his shoulders, a change in demeanor.
Some door shut behind his eyes.
"You were right" He declared, kneeling in front of Louis, cold grey eyes staring into warm brown, "I can't keep doing this, sooner or later someone, probably the police, is going to notice…"
And unleash hell on both their heads. Louis knew this, knew whatever… this was with Lestat had to come to an end at some point. 
That didn't mean it didn't hurt to hear it.
"I have a way out of the country, of course" He went on, “a fat bank account offshore, a nice beach house, the works. Everything is ready…" 
"Then why didn't you leave?" Louis prodded
It was reaching, pathetically grasping at straws, he was aware of that. But he had to know, if Lestat felt anything about him, whatever that might be, he needed to hear him say it. He had ruined himself, time and time again, slept with a criminal, with the man that had torn his and twenty other people’s lives apart. If this was the last time Louis saw him, he needed him to say it. 
"Because I wanted to win" He replied, simply, "I want it all. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I want it all: I want the money and I want the boy" 
Louis stared, taken aback. That certainly wasn't the answer he was expecting.
"What do you mean, Lestat?" Louis held his breath, having a feeling he already knew.
"I want you to come with me, Louis De Pointe Du Lac" 
He wanted to. 
He wanted to laugh in relief, he wanted to cry, he wanted to crush his lips to Lestat’s, cause this was so much more than he had ever dared to hope. He wanted to say yes, let Lestat sweep him off his feet, and run away with him into the sunset. He wanted to.
He couldn't. 
Louis thought of Grace, penniless and pregnant with twins. He thought of Paul, locked up inside that gloomy, depressive building, waiting for his daily visits, their supervised walks the only time he was allowed outside. He thought of Lily, his devoted girlfriend, always welcoming him with a kind word and an open ear and a warm meal at the end of his eternal shifts.
He started shaking his head,
"I can't, Lestat. Grace and Paul… they're my siblings, the only family I have left. I am the only family they have left. I can't do that to them" He knew better by then than mentioning Lily, "I won't do that to them"
Lestat's hand came up to cup his face, fingertips brushing his jaw. Foolishly, Louis leaned into his touch.
"Louis, my love…" His grip turned iron-like, forcing Louis’ head in place, "I wasn't asking" He sneered, his other hand, the one he had kept carefully out of sight without Louis even noticing, coming up, striking his neck, quick as a rattlesnake. Louis felt the sting of the needle, understanding downing on him way too late.
Lestat's manic grin was the last thing Louis saw before the world faded to black. 
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anaid-queen · 10 months
"This time, I won't save your life."
aka Thoughts on hints of Daniel being turned against his will
[note: there are no explicit hints, but there has been talk he'll be turned "soon" and that Armand will physically fight him, which i can't imagine him doing with his fragile human boy. so....!]
i have thoughts. on Armand and Daniel, and on Armand and Louis and all his lies coming back to haunt him. i suck at actually completing (and not just drafting) fic but. i have THOUGHTS. fic idea under the cut!!
("This time, I won't save your life", he said. like a lying liar who lies.)
Louis finally broke through all of Armand's mind blocks. Louis found out Armand had KEPT LESTAT IN THE FUCKING BASEMENT FOR DECADES [The Groan Theory]. Louis turns on Armand with the fury of a thousand suns, you killed my daughter you maimed the love of my life my husband YOU MADE ME FORGET ALL OF THIS. YOU MADE ME LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! picture a Louis HELL-BENT on vengeance.
and then.
Louis' eyes suddenly shift to Daniel. and he's a FRACTION faster than Armand and picks him up.
by the throat.
and straight-up smashes him through a window and dangles him there, fuck only knows how many meters above the ground.
Armand pleads with him…. when nothing helps, he falls to his knees. picture Armand BREAKING.
picture Louis trying, so so hard, to hold onto his anger as some part of his DEAR heart (bless his good heart like god damn, he's got so much anger and darkness but he's got so much GOOD in him too) wants to balk. doesn't actually WANT to give pain for pain.
he knows this is the only way he has to hurt Armand back.
he wants to hurt Armand. he's a MONSTER. HE DESERVES IT.
Armand manipulated him from the very start -
but Armand isn't manipulating him now. isn't even trying. not even a small mental push. he's just on his knees. pleading. "Not Danny…."
Louis' mouth sets in a hard line.
any moment he's gonna drop him.
(much longer, and Daniel's dead anyway, he's been holding his throat way too tight. there's glass shards in his hair (in his head?), he's got a concussion at the very least. Louis' claws have already torn into him.)
silent tears roll down Armand's face. even his whispered "please" is silent, now.
Louis balls his fist, claws ripping Daniel's windpipe right out, and throws him on the penthouse floor. then he runs out of the room, vamp-speed. (to Lestat.)
Armand doesn't even see him go, he screams as he falls to Daniel's side.
(sound cuts, only music over Armand's weeping and wailing. over Armand's heaving chest as he stares at Daniel, bleeding out. eyes already empty, so close to dead. so so close. Armand tears into what's left of his throat and drinks.)
cut to: a scene in complete silence, save for the steady beeping that gives a hospital atmosphere, though this can't be anywhere but the penthouse. camera pans through a white minimalist room. Armand comes into frame, sitting on a chair, staring at something (someone?) just off-screen. eyes hollow, face unreadable. camera slowly pans down. there is a needle in his arm, and the tube is running red.
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kmze · 6 months
Thoughts on 3x01-3x11, lol I WROTE SO MUCH but this season (especially this half) has so much happening it's kind of impossible to not have a lot of thoughts. This is also where the show starts to embrace being more comedic (like this show is really a dark comedy at it's heart) so that helps. More characters being involved in the supernatural business also helps and up-powering Tyler is great for the plot IMO. I don't think Klaus was as strong of a villian as Katherine was last season (he is so whiny in the first half) but he started to get a little more interesting after he came back, maybe he just needed his hybrid minions to become more interesting. More below, I even broke it up in episode order!
Isn’t Elena’s birthday in June? She said Ric spent half the summer on the couch but that would mean it’s gotta be late July early August, right? (don't know why I'm even trying to make sense of this show's timeline)
I forgot that A Drop in the Ocean was played during a montage and included Forwood sexy time! What a moment. When I first watched the show the Stefan and Elena scene at the end is when I actually started shipping Stelena, it was the first time I really felt like they truly loved each other (song helped too because WHAT A SONG I always sing-a-long). I didn't feel that same buzz this time though, but maybe too much time as passed (and that damn scene in 6x02 saying this was when Elena fell in love with Damon takes a lot away from my old feels). I'm getting such a buzz from Forwood though!
Elena’s getting on my damn nerves with this stupid rescue mission in the woods during a full moon… I don’t understand how Ric and Damon agreed. I fail to see any reason for this nonsense plan.
The moment in the 20s flashbacks when Stefan is looking at Rebekah while Klaus is talking to him and then he turns and looks at Klaus with the biggest heart eyes I have ever seen him use how am I supposed to not ship it? The way they keep using "brother" to hide the extremely heavy gay subtext too I S2G. If this show was made 10 years later on a better network with better writers that subtext would be straight-up text! Think Louis and Lestat on AMC's Interview with the Vampire. In that just world I would have gotten canon Klefaroline dammit!
Caroline is a much better person than I because she's protecting her Dad meanwhile I'm counting down the episodes until he drops dead.
Stefan is really off his game (happens when he's too emotional about something) I cannot believe he got out-manipulated by Rebekah one of the most easily manipulated characters on this show. Pathetic really.
As soon as Beremy started being cute the writers start fucking it up for Bonnie. Makes me madder watching it all over again and how much they never give Bonnie the devoted love interests like Caro and Elena. And I like Jeremy and Anna but I’m so annoyed at this whole storyline in how it’s treating Bonnie I can’t even enjoy it. GFY Julie.
Completely forgot Bill Forbes taught himself how to resist compulsion (IDK why too it's a big plot point oops) and I can't believe none of these idiots bothered to learn how. I like to believe Caroline did and there's a class at the Salvatore Boarding School that teaches it.
The gym buzzer countdown was a nice touch lol.
I like that Rebekah narrowed in on Caroline and was like “you, I want your life” because she sees the vision and the potential! In all seriousness though I wonder if Rebekah having an interest in Caroline is why the writers picked Caroline to be the love interest for Klaus (since it parallels with them and Stefan in the '20s). Things that make me go hmmm.
I'm with Ric and Caroline, every time I see or hear about Damon and Elena I was to scream "stop molesting her!" UGH! He is always invading her personal space and it annoys me! The part where Elena said Damon needed to use his charm to distract Rebekah and Ric said "better luck finding a dagger" and you see Caro in the background laughing was the best.
Kinda happy to get a break from Klaus for a few episodes, he's just so one-dimensional during this time period and frankly annoying.
3x06 made me laugh so much even though I'm not sure I was supposed to laugh as much as I did. I mean Ripper Stefan is never not funny (a jerk but a hilarious jerk) but the scene were Ripper Stefan and 1,000 year old Rebekah are sitting in Ric's HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY CLASS just kills me, like what even is this show. Also laughed at Tyler being a "d-bag" baby hybrid, and you knew he was sired as soon as he didn't want to help lock up Stefan. HA!
Um, how did Rebekah get into the Lockwood mansion?
How did Lexi make Stefan think he’d been bleeding out for years? Is that a vampire power they just never used again or is it a special ghost power? I don’t remember this ever happening again.
Caroline fighting the ghost-vamps in her ballet flats lol the cutest!
Elena dealt with Ripper Stefan for like an hour and was like "absolutely not, Damon you do it" LMFAO which reminded me of the gifset that made everyone mad.
The Defan convo in 3x08 about Stefan always saving Damon for the bajillionith time even without humanity reminds of the convo in Damon’s head in 8x10 a little. This is a good season for them if I remember correctly, obviously I always enjoy them more when their causes of contention aren’t solely about Elena.
Elena making the Beremy breakup about herself, she really does have a gift. Even Bonnie was like really?
Bonnie ignoring Jeremy and giving him a death glare 1000% BB you deserve better you brought his ass back to life and lost tons of witchy power doing so he deserves to feel like shit!
Oh this is the first time Tyler and Caroline get into it about not including each other in schemes. This is kind of always a cause of conflict in their relationship but it’s a good cause of conflict because it makes sense. Tyler has a pack mentality (werewolf/hybrid) whereas Caroline is more independently driven (vampire). Like Caro said so much supernatural boyfriend drama.
Elena stabbing Rebekah in the back with the dagger is one of her best moments (even if I RME at her “I care too much” moment after).
Elena giving Tyler shit for being sired to Klaus (something he has no control over) is pretty funny considering what happens to her next season... insert well-well-well-how-the-turntables.gif.
Stefan’s spin decapitation of one of Klaus’ hybrids in front of him is so extra, I love it.
The symbolism of Elena “crowning” Caroline is not lost on me. Neither is Klaus forcing his way into Caroline’s house through the doorway.
Yeah the Wickery bridge scene was rough, no one knows how to psychologically torture/traumatize people quite like Stefan does.
Lines that made me laugh:
Bonnie: You think you're bored? My dads family is like wet paint that never dries. (oh I’m saving that one!)
Stefan: You’re into Tyler now, huh? That’s kind of fickle. (He's the worst but the comedic timing is *chef's kiss*)
Stefan: We should all listen to Elena, right? I mean, her plans always work out so well, don't they? (I’m saying! Damon agreed too LMFAO)
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September 24, 1973
The guy working at the desk at his hotel only speaks a little English, but they communicate well enough for him to write down the address of the train station on a piece of paper. Daniel rubs at the back of his neck, twitchy and impatient, even though the sun is up.
Slept a little bit. Kept some food down, but he’s uncomfortably bloated now. He shifts his weight as he waits for the concierge to call him a taxi, and can’t remember when was the last time he fucking took a shit.
Hates his fucking body all of a sudden.
A few minutes later he’s outside, lighting a cigarette and leaning against the wall of the hotel as he waits for the taxi. Closing his eyes against the sun, feeling the warmth on his face. It feels good, even though he’s beginning to resent it. Feels safe. He could fall asleep, just like this, standing up.
He digs Lestat’s watch out of his pocket again, flips it open. Ornate thing. Antique. He tries to wind it but nothing happens, and he can’t help wondering when it stopped. It’s stuck on 3:59. 
Maybe if things calm down, if he thinks he can stay in one place for a few days, he can get someone to fix it.
Lestat is still down there, Daniel thinks. He pictures it, wonders if Lestat sleeps curled up like a person, on flat on his back like a corpse. He thinks of that fucked up house and all those books, and has so many questions to ask. 
The taxi driver speaks even less English than the concierge, but Daniel is able to show him the note. Friendly as he nods, and gestures towards the trunk, but Daniel keeps his bag with him, in his lap in the back seat, hugging it as they pull out. 
He slumps against the door, his temple leaning into the window. The driver has talk radio on and Daniel can’t make out a word of it, which is… relaxing. Sun beats down through the glass, baking him. Feels safe. Moving, in the sun. Warm now.
Eyes close. Too tired to be scared. He’s not sure how far away the train station is, but maybe it’s okay to sleep for the car ride.
Armand knew that Louis would kill all those other vampires. They’re people, Daniel wants to scream. He can imagine himself down there, beneath the theatre, holding the yellow dress. They’re still people. The image of the theater is so vivid now, knowing what Armand looks like. Shorter than he imagined, but he holds the entire room hostage with his presence.
Daniel doesn’t understand why Louis stayed with him.
He killed your wife. She was your daughter.
The taxi hits a bump and Daniel gasps awake.
Unsure where he is, can’t remember anything except he’s got to get away, keep moving moving moving. The sky is too open through the window, and he can see water, and the cables of a suspension bridge blurring by. He sits up, rubbing at his chest, feeling his heart racing through his t-shirt.
He’s back in San Francisco. On the Golden Gate. Louis’s voice spills from the car radio.
Daniel shouts. He tells the driver to stop, but the man just glances at him in the rearview, perplexed. No English. Daniel’s hand leaves a smudge on the window and he considers throwing himself out of the car.
“They’ll find me here,” he shouts. “I left California, Louis will know. They’ll find me, they’ll know!!”
The driver slows. Not to stop, but to adjust to the flow of traffic. He snaps at Daniel in Portuguese, and his ears ring.
Armand is gonna fucking kill me.
He’s sweating, reaching for the door handle, but as the car slows he gets a better look at the outside.
Red bridge but… it’s not San Francisco. It’s not. It’s not.
He turns around in the seat, looking out the back window. Doesn’t see the skyline. His stomach cramps and his vision doubles.
“Sorry,” he mumbles. Lip quivering. He twists back to sit correctly. Hugs his bag to his chest. The driver narrows his eyes, and Daniel holds up his hands in apology. “Sorry,” he says again. He doesn’t know any Portuguese but he attempts a quick “Lo siento,” just in case. 
Their eyes stay locked for a moment. Finally the driver nods. He shrugs, mutters to himself. Looks back to the road.
Daniel tilts his head against the glass, trying to see up to the top. 
Just a red bridge. He’s in Lisbon. He remembers that. He flew to Lisbon.
He’ll take a train next. Just take off into Europe and see what happens. Trains don’t seem safer but he wonders if he should try take one overnight. That way he can keep moving. Won’t have to stop. 
That guy told him about the Midnight Sun one time. It’s almost winter, though, it’s not going to work. In fact, it would be the opposite soon. Dangerous.
Anyway. That guy got locked up, he was crazy. 
Daniel isn’t crazy. 
[previous day] | [next day]
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hekateinhell · 1 year
there's a devastating trust between lesmand despite everything they've done to each other. Armand going to Lestat after Louis breaks his heart is kind of funny but also devastating after everything he did to Lestat, but also their NOLA team up and Lestat allowing Armand to drink from him. And how Lestat completely trusts Armand to keep Louis safe despite what he did to Nicki and Claudia. But Armand feels the same way! His breakdown in Blood Communion is because he gave Lestat his blessing to take Louis to court and then he didn't keep him safe!!! His screaming breaks my heart because after so many losses he still can't handle losing Louis and he trusted Lestat with him because he's sacred to both of them. That's the agreement, they keep Louis safe!!! Always wanted to know how the Loumand and OT3 reunion after that went.
Lestat and Armand have such an utterly insane dynamic, I've never come across anything like it in my life lmao WHAT IS THAT???
The thing with Nicki is that Armand genuinely did try to help him the only way he knew how at the time, and Lestat even acknowledges this in TVL. Claudia... I wouldn't get this answered in days if I started talking about Claudia. But Lestat also says in PL that he was wrong about Armand long ago — that he's not without compassion, not without a heart. And even if Lestat did think he was lacking those things once upon a time, it didn't stop him from loving him.
That scene in BC wrecks me every fucking time because you can see how devastated both Armand and Lestat are. Louis is such an enormous shared piece of their heart and Armand trusted Lestat with him because he had to and Lestat knows that! I think it has another layer for Armand, too, because he has lived and died by Lestat for so long (this is a slight exaggeration but I'm thinking about Lestat being what gave Armand the reason to want to survive following his suicide attempt, Armand doing whatever it takes to be around him when he thinks Lestat will need him, fuck everyone else, etc).
Armand's love for Lestat is perhaps one of the most consistent things (if not the most consistent) about him throughout the series, and it's a different kind of grief to lose that element of trust (though how much or how little Armand trusts Lestat is a seperate can of worms) with someone you love so deeply.
My fucking life to see Louis and Armand reunite on screen after Louis returns, and Lestat and Armand's first conversation following The Scene™️ in BC and Lestat 'sending all his love to Armand.'
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cosmicjoke · 2 years
Well, uh... that was intense, lol.  Damn, there’s a lot I feel like I could say about the chapters I just read in “Memnoch the Devil”, but I think I’ll just focus for now on the fact that Lestat basically told God and the Devil both to go fuck themselves.  That took a set of balls unheard of, haha.  But in seriousness, I think this was maybe the most heroic act Lestat has, up to this point, ever acted out.  This was a serious moment of defiance in the face of unjustifiable and pointless suffering and cruelty.  That’s how I took it, anyway.
Memnoch takes Lestat to Hell, and Lestat witnesses first hand what his school of “reform” really is, this basic badgering and torturing of lost souls into forgiving God for his indifference to their own suffering.  They’re given a place in Heaven if they can forgive God for his apathy and cruelty.  Memnoch words it as them being “better than Him”, he tells this monk who’s suffering “Be better than Him, better than Him, set Him an example.”
And the monk answers and this happens
“I love... even Him...” came the whisper from the soul’s lips as it suddenly dissolved.  “Yes, He couldn’t have meant for us to  suffer so... He couldn’t”
He gets to go to Heaven basically for giving God a pass and forgiving him and pretending he couldn’t have meant for them all to suffer so much.
And Lestat, like a total boss, calls it out
“Did he pass the test!”  I demanded.  “Did that soul pass muster in this hellish place, what he just said?  Was that enough!  Ignorance of God, was that enough!”
And really, seeing Lestat’s horror and fear dissolve in the face of his rage and anger and disgust at this entire endeavor, his refusal to participate, was, as I said, truly a heroic move. 
“I can’t do it!”  I cried.  “I won’t do it!”  Suddenly my fury rose.  I felt it obliterate all fear and trembling and doubt; I felt it rush through my veins like molten metal.  The old anger, the resolve of Lestat.  “I will not be part of this, not for you, not for Him, not for them, not for anyone!”
I staggered backwards, glaring at him.  “No, not this.  Not for a God as blind as He, and not for one who demands what you demand of me.  You’re mad, the two of you!  I won’t help you.  I won’t.  I refuse.”
He sees this feud between Memnoch and God for what it is, as basically a pissing contest between them, with the souls of human beings used as ammunition against one another. 
And then when Memnoch tries to guilt trip him into complying, saying
“You would do this to me, you would abandon me?” he cried, stricken, dark face convulsed with pain, tears shimmering on his shining black cheeks.  “You would leave me with this, and not lift your hands to help me after all that you have done, Cain, slayer of Brothers, slayer of the Innocents, you cannot help me-?”
“Stop it, stop it.  I won’t.  I can’t support this.  I can’t help this to happen!  I cannot create this!  I cannot endure it!  I cannot teach in this school!
“No, no, I will not, not this fabric, not these rules, not this design, never, never, never!”
And then Memnoch starts threatening him, and still, like a hero, Lestat refuses
“Coward,” he roared... “I have your soul in my hands, I hand you your salvation at a price that those who have suffered here for millennia would beg for!”
“Not me.  I won’t be part of this pain, no, not now, not ever... Go to Him, change the rules, make it make sense, make it better, but not this, this is beyond human endurance, this is unfair, unfair, unfair, this is unconscionable.”
“This is Hell, you fool!  What did you expect?  That you’d serve the Lord of Hell while suffering nothing?”
“I won’t do it to them!”  I screamed.  “To hell with you and with me.”  My teeth were clenched.  I seethed and stormed with my own conviction.  “I will not participate in this with them!  Don’t you see?  I cannot accept this!  I cannot commit to it.  I cannot abide it. I’m leaving you now, you gave me the choice, I’m going home!  Release me!”
Again, this feels like such a heroic moment for Lestat to me.  His absolute fury and refusal to take part in the torture of human souls for what amounts to a contest between God and the Devil.  Lestat thinks of himself as evil, but he’s so far from it.  He can’t and won’t agree to this kind of cruelty towards others, even if it means his own salvation.
And then Memnoch resorts to even greater threats, and still Lestat tells him to go screw himself
“You go now,” Memnoch swore, even as he lay still on the ground where I had thrown him.  “And as God is my witness you come back my pupil and my student on your knees at death, and never again this offer to make you my prince, my helper!”
“I cannot serve you!”  I roared at the top of my lungs.  “I cannot do it.”
The way Lestat literally, physically fights Memnoch off of him, losing his eye in the process, and under such serious threat and promise of his own, eternal suffering, again, it’s pretty damn incredible, the way he just refuses to yield.  And this really is why I call Lestat something of a hero, not an anti-hero.  He thinks so little of himself, he thinks he’s, as he says in this very book, the embodiment of greed and cruelty, but he’s not.  He gives up his own chance as literal Salvation, something he’s longed for since he became a vampire, because he refuses to be a part of something as senselessly cruel and horrific as what he sees in Hell.  He refuses to be part of whatever sick game is going on between God and the Devil. 
And really, seeing Lestat’s own, despairing state afterward only drives home all the more how much courage and strength it took for him to do what he did.  When he makes it back to Dora, and David and Armand, and they try to tell him he’s safe now, and Lestat says to them
“Oh, no,” I cried.  I wept.  “No, none of us are safe.  And we will never be, never, ever again, ever...”
And then, when he’s finally left alone to sleep and he thinks
“Would that death were like this.  Would that one would sleep and sleep and sleep forever.”
His entire frame of mind and sense of stability and foundation has been shaken in the worst possible way.  He’s been shown that death brings something worse than he could have ever imagined, worse than the oblivion and lack of answers which made him have his existential crisis back when he was mortal.  That instead it’s just more meaningless suffering and confusion and being tortured into forgiving a God who never himself had the capacity or goodness to care that you suffered at all.  Tortured into forgiving a God who, frankly, doesn’t deserve forgiveness.
But still, Lestat, in all of this horror, never loses sight of who he himself is, or what he stands for, or what he believes.  He refuses to be party to the atrocity of what he’s just seen, refuses to compromise what he knows, in this moment, is right, even if it means saving himself.  And, yeah, to me, that’s what a hero does.  His courage in the face of his fear is really who Lestat is.  He doesn’t back down, even when it’s the Devil himself threatening him. 
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Thranduil and Josie Part 100- The 13th Hour
Summary: Magic, spells and illusions oh my. Sometimes things aren't always as they appear. Thranduil? Where for art thou Thranduil? Something wicked this way comes. Raven is a wanted witch as Josie vows to end her. Is this the end of a great love? Only time will tell....
Warning: DEATH, angst, sexual references, language
"Love can sometimes be magic, and magic can sometimes be an illusion. Tonight is one of those nights when even the moon has to bathe himself in blood to prove the love for his sunshine."
All Hallows' Eve 1 am.
The full moon had turned to blood at the passing of midnight. Low rumbles of thunder could be heard in the remote distance and flashes of lightning flickered through the hazy night sky.
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Raven stormed through the forest, execrated with rage after witnessing her mother's vicious death. She entered a secluded ritual ground that she held knowledge of as Caroline had frequently used it. Raven's hands burst into flames which also lit up the circle of standing firepits.
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Her eyes burned bright orange, matching that of the inferno encasing her as she screamed. "Jareth!!!!"
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Raven broke down in excruciating emotional agony causing all the fire to extinguish. Although she and her mother grew apart as Raven aged, Caroline was all she had in the entire world. Despite everything, she loved her...and now she was gone...bled dry before her very eyes. All because of you.
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"Jareth!! Where are you??? I need you!!!" Raven howled.
The wind suddenly picked up and Jareth appeared behind her. "I am here. Do not fear. I am yours."
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Raven gasped and spun around, jumping into his arms.
"Now now my love. Dry your tears and tell me what has caused them." the goblin King sympathetically demanded.
Rave released him and went into a rant. "They killed her! They killed my mother! And I saw it happen! Lestat and his evil clan, including my own grandmother. She killed her own daughter!. My mother trusted him and he turned on her! and they did it all for my wretched witch of a sister!! It wasn't supposed to be this way...my mother...she...she was supposed to come with us...far away from here where we would be safe with you in your Kingdom, after...after she took care of...that miserable Elvenking. And...she did...but something must have happened...after I assisted her to get him alone. I never should have left her but those damn elves were in the way....and the others were coming." Raven then became hostile as she clenched her teeth. "You have to take care of them all! For me, for my mother! and then help me finish the plan she started. I have to do this for her and to make my sister know pain like no other. Like she has caused me..."
Jareth paced slowly about as he took in all of this information. "I will help you but if you are asking of me to also harm your sister and her unborn child, I will not. It is non-negotiable."
"No, I meant I want her to suffer as far as pain...but..umm. Why?? Why are you defending her!! Like everyone else always does! She is nothing to you so why do you care???" The jealousy was unmistakable in Raven's tone and words. "Do you secretly desire her like every other man on the planet seems to? She has already taken one love from me, I will not let her have you too!!""
"Pipe down girl! Know your place for I am all you have left now. You do not want to infuriate me. My concerns regarding the Queen are none of yours."
"They are if you dream of fucking her!! Is that what it is?? Am I not good enough?? Do you crave a more experienced woman?? Because you will definitely find that in her! She's had two elves and a vampire. I am sure she wouldn't mind a....a...whatever you are!"
Jareth was now enraged like he warned her not to do. One swift turn of his hand and a monstrous creature evolved from the ground that stood growling with rage in front of Raven. She fell backwards and the alien like form raised his arm to strike her. A blinding flash of light then engulfed them both.
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The hideous creature began to combust in flames, lighting up the forest up through the trees and then it fell dead at her feet.
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She ran and then spun around to Jareth in utter fear.
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He stood with a cheshire cat grin upon his face as he formed his hand into the shape of a gun and blew a heavy breath over his fingertip.
"Are you fucking crazy??!!" she reeled. "What the fuck was that thing??!"
"That my dear was a wendigo. I suppose if you had not been under lock and key for half of your life, you would have known of the deadly beast's existence. Crazy? Some may choose such words to describe me. But I am only crazy for you. As I told you once before...love me and I will be your slave....but as you have witnessed just now...cross me and I will dig your grave. You conjured me as you wished for a King. You should be more careful what you wish for, for you just might get it all....and then some you don't want. Have I made myself clear now?"
"Crystal....." Raven muttered with wide ghastly eyes.
"Marvelous. Now. For the task at hand that you ask of me. Thy will be done. I will go now and handle the matters and you shall go attend to your mother's and then off we all shall go back to Goblin Town to live happily ever after." Jareth reveled in delight.
"Wait...no. I want to go with you. I cannot go and handle her agenda all on my own."
Jareth stroked her trembling chin and locked his lips on hers, slithering his devilish tongue into her mouth. Raven melted against him at his touch as she twirled her tongue around his. Soft enticing moans escaped her and in turn, his firm cock and intermittent twitches could be felt against her pelvis. "I...I do love you my King Jareth. I wish for you to take me away from this awful place as I once asked of you before."
The goblin King smiled as a clock appeared behind him and he pointed at it. "So be it. The thirteenth hour is upon us. Time is short. I suggest you hurry before the blood of the moon wears thin." Jareth and the clock then both disappeared.
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"J..Jareth?? Wait....oh god..." Raven panicked and then raced off.
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Haldir, Legolas, Aragorn, Narcisse, Selene and Michael had sped off after Raven but the conniving sorceress was able to deter them from her path. That did not dissuade them from their course and they kept on in search for the fire fiend.
You finally let go of Garrett and ran to your grandmother Maharet, who was now nothing but a statue of stone.
"We have to do something! She cannot be dead!"
A cold hand softly rested on your shoulder. "The power lies within your grasp." You turned to see a saddened and bloody Lestat. Maharet meant a lot to him and she had also just saved his life. If not for her, he would not have been able to stop from sucking Caroline's last supply of blood. He then glanced down at your pocket.
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"Oh...oh my god...the pendant! Will it...can it..."
"It can. Why do you think it is so desired in the vampire realms of the world." Garrett added as he came up to you with a smile. "You can bring your grandmother back Josephine."
You took it from your pocket and then gazed at Lestat. "Just so you know...If it were you before me in stone right now...I would do the same for you. You have earned a place in my heart LeBrat."
For the first time since you had known him, the disconnected vampire laughed a genuine laugh instead of his protective snarky ones.
"Just don't ever call me that again." he grinned.
You kissed the gem and placed it on Maharet's stone cold heart, holding it there with your palm. The emerald lit up so bright, it x-rayed right through your hand revealing your bones and veins. Just like that, there she was, alive and well...and in shock.
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"Grandmother!!" you screeched and ran into her arms.
After she realized what you had just done for her, her face softened and she embraced you in return. "I have no words. This will never be forgotten young one. And...just call me Mara. Grandmother seems so....old." she said with a smirk.
"I...I am so sorry for what you felt you had to do."
"Nonsense. It needed to be done or Caroline would have continued on her path of destruction. Now we must deal with Clover so you can find your husband. It is time to go."
As you all rushed out the door....a voice called to you stopping you dead in your tracks. Thranduil's voice. "Josephine...." You whipped around so fast, your neck cracked and then you ran back inside to where his voice came from.
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"Thranduil!!! Thranduil, where are you?? I am right here, I hear you!" you cried and panted in despair as your eyes darted all around the room.
"Josephine? What are you doing? Thranduil is not in here?" Julian asked as he gently grabbed your arm.
"Yes he is! Didn't you hear him?? He is calling for me daddy! HELP ME find him!!"
"Josephine..." Thranduil's voice called to you again, but in a whispering echo.
You gasped and clutched your father. "There! Did you hear him??" The look upon Julian's face told you that he did not. "It's alright...you cannot hear him because it is our special connection! Thranduil!! Tell me where you are baby please!!" you shouted as you quickly paced around the room.
You were beginning to hyperventilate when ....you saw him. In the mirror on the wall with his palm resting flat on it...from the other side...and it was raining. He gazed at you with an expressionless face. His eyes were of moonlight... And....then you saw....her. Behind him on a balcony. The same woman you saw that saved you from the ravaging ocean waters...the same woman that you saw Thranduil conversing with on the grounds of his halls. His mother....
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You turned to your father in desperation. "Do you see him????"
Julian shook his head softly. "No my love. All I see is our reflection."
"But...but..he is right here!!" You placed your hand on the mirror against his and you felt him. You felt his warm soft skin and could also feel his heartbeat pulse through you. His energy was invigorating.
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Sparks began to fly as your hands touched and it shocked you. Literally.
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The mirror shattered into pieces like a bomb had went off. The force of the blast sent you and Julian soaring backwards.
After all you had been through, you had become quite resilient and got right up to tend to your unconscious father who had held you in his arms to protect you from the fall. As powerful as Julian was, he still was somewhat weakened from 9 years of being shackled to iron.
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"Daddy!! Wake up!! I cannot lose you again!" you sobbed and shook him.
Julian's eyes fluttered open and he sat right up. "I am alright my Jo...I think I just had the wind knocked out of me."
You quickly turned to the shattered mirror on the wall, then ran to it. There was nothing there but the frame and the back lining. You panicked and ripped the frame from it's tethers....and all you saw was a gray stone wall.
"NO!!" You smacked your hands relentlessly all over the empty stone slab. "Thranduil!!!" Your hands slid down the wall as you dropped to your knees and bawled.
"Jo...Come...we will find him."
"But...he was right here!! I..I touched him!! Daddy...you have to believe me! It was like...like he was in some other world. He needs me!! He is trapped somewhere! And...I...I..I saw his mother there too....My mother did this, I know it!!"
"Then we must go now and find him! and Raven... I promise you, I will do everything in my power to help you. There are 13 of us against one little weakened girl."
"She is by far not weak when she is this angry. Father, you should know that the strongest magic comes from the worst emotions...anger and rage. Let us not forget that she was a mere child when she slaughtered half of Laketown. We cannot take her powers lightly."
Julian lowered his hand down to you. "I underestimate no one." You whimpered a soft cry and took his hand, then reluctantly went with him while glancing back at the wall...
1:15 am
Aragorn and the six others found the stone circle where Raven had been. A light smokey film still lingered. "She has been here just moments ago and could not be far off. Lets keep moving."
"Wait!" Narcisse shouted as he glanced all around, smelling the air. He then rushed to the other side of the circle and found the still smoldering remains of the creature, then squatted down to study it.
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"Is...is that...Raven?" Legolas asked with his nose cringed from the distinct foul odor.
"One could only wish. No...this mates, is a wendigo." Stephane explained in a disheartened tone.
"I knew that stench was familiar." Legolas informed. "I have not seen one of these since..."
"Gollum." Haldir whispered. "But..this one is much too large to have been him. And what is that other scent?"
Narcisse stood up. "You mean the citrus like smell?" His eyes scoured their surroundings in worry. "We have a much greater problem than Raven. Jareth is here....."
1:30 am
As you, Julian, Garrett, Lestat, Armand, Maharet and Marius raced around the grounds, a breeze swarmed over you and went right up your nose. Lilacs....
"Thranduil!!!" you began shouting in a frenzy as you charged off, following the scent.
"Josephine NO! It could be a trap!" Garrett shouted as he whisked up and snatched your arm.
"Oh you got that right G!!" Raven roared and set her hands ablaze. The redheaded fire fueled dhampir came out of an old church. "How about a little fire, lover?...a little foreplay yes?" She glared at Garrett with soulless eyes.
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"Ok..." is all Garrett said and placed his hand out in front of him. You had almost forgotten how his hand lit up in flames when he was trying to teach you how to use your magic as he was a fire sign like you. But in this instance, he did nothing but flicker his fingers together while he grinned.
The flames in Raven's hand began to burn her and she couldn't put them out. Frantically, she swatted her hands about but they remained ablaze and she began to panic.
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"You were saying?" Garrett taunted.
It began to rain. Raven became enraged and it broke the hold Garrett had over her. Her eyes lit up like a blood orange and she tenaciously sent a path of blazing destruction towards the both of you.
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As the fire streamed right for you, Narcisse stepped in line out of nowhere. "How about a cleansing bath you fucking cunt."
Your jaw dropped as Stephane hurled a ball of water the size of two basketballs at her.
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It knocked her over like a bowling pin strike and doused all her fire.
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"Narcisse, what the?" you began to ask in shock.
"What? I'm a water sign." he excessively grinned.
Marius muttered from beside you in a jealous manner. "So am I." You had to chuckle as you remembered him taking Raven out in the same style when she sent fire at Haldir.
Raven was now on the ground choking on the smoke from her own fire. You ran and grabbed her up by the neck. "Where is my husband!" Your teeth were clenched so tight together, it hurt.
She cackled just like Caroline did. "Let me up and I'll tell you."
"Jo...do not! She lies!! Kill her...now!" Narcisse shouted.
"No!! She knows where he is! Tell me Clover!! Or I will have G light you up again." you shrieked with sarcastic emphasis.
Garrett gawked at her with a tedious grin. He was becoming impatient with the psychopath. "You're outnumbered so just give it up already."
"Why? So you can then kill me? You are the ones who are outnumbered. The 13th hour is almost up and he will come. Time is short."
You flashed back to your memory of Jareth on Halloween when you were 15, the clock with a 13th hour on it and how he had said those exact same words to you. He had also said he would see you soon. You turned to look at Julian in fear as you knew whom Raven spoke of, and also the fact that you swore you had seen him inside the party earlier.
Narcisse then came up to Julian. "Jareth has come. I can verify it from our earlier findings. Your brother is here. But why is beyond me."
Raven was dumbfounded. "B..brother?" Now it all made sense to her as to why Jareth would not harm you. He was your uncle.
"He has come because the wicked one has conjured him and he has....claimed her." Julian reeled as he glared at Raven. "Do you know what you have done witch?!" Even your father, as powerful as he was, seemed to....not fear but be somewhat intimidated by Jareth and you had to wonder why.
"Enough of this." Haldir snapped and leered down at the weakened dhampir with wide eyes. At that moment you then knew what he was doing. Haldir was taking advantage of her crippled state and forced his power of truth upon her. "Where is Thranduil!"
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She began to whimper as she could not control her answer. "He is...he...is...in there..." She pointed with her shaking hand to the church she just came out of.
You stupidly let go of her and raced off to the battered structure as Haldir and Legolas followed quickly on your heels.
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Raven took advantage of the opportunity and tried to escape but Maharet locked her to the ground with one glance.
"Hello granddaughter. I have been dying to meet you." Maharet's eyes glowed yellow as she formed a sinister grin and moved towards her only to be stopped by Garrett.
"Wait...not until we know if Josephine has found Thranduil."
"You all are in for a big world of hurt." Raven reeled. "Especially if you harm me. You will all see!"
"You have quite the big mouth for someone in such circumstances. Very much like your mother and look how that ended for her." Maharet snarled.
Raven glared at her. "You are deranged! You killed your own daughter! My mother!"
A hearty laugh plunged out of Maharet's mouth. "You do the crime, you do the time...in hell, and you will soon be joining her."
Raven gulped and frantically searched for Jareth with her eyes.
1:45 am
It was beginning to storm as you entered the darkened church. The only light shined of red from the blood moon through a giant hole where part of the roof had caved in at some point.
"Thranduil!!" you yelled in a panic. "If you can hear me, make some kind of noise so I can find you!" There was so much rubble laying around that made it difficult to navigate.
"Jo...we have to use caution in here." Haldir informed as he glanced all around what was left of the ceiling. "The roof is unstable and could collapse at any moment."
"I don't care! If he is in here, we have to get him out!" You had made your way to the back of the church where part of the wall was missing as well. The wind from the storm rushed in and pieces of stone could be heard intermittently falling. As you walked through an archway, you froze at the sight before you, sending your knife crashing to the ground.
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There Thranduil laid on the ground perfectly still in a pool of blood. It all felt like slow motion as you forced your heavy legs to move. You plummeted to your knees at his side as Legolas ran to his other side and also knelt down while Haldir stood in shock. Thranduil's eyes were closed, his skin pale and he was silent.
"Thranduil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you screeched.
Your trembling hands cradled his face. He was so cold. You laid your head on his chest to listen for a heartbeat....but there was none.
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You raised your head to look at him refusing to accept he was gone. "No......no....It's gonna be ok. Please just look at me. Please baby don't leave me." you squeaked as you began to break down.
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"Josie, the pendant!" Legolas barked.
You gasped as his shout snapped you back to reality and hysterically fumbled to retrieve it from your pocket, then kissed it and slammed it upon his chest holding it firmly in place with your eyes pursed shut. "Please...PLEASE!!! Wake up!!"
Seconds went by that seemed like seemed like minutes. Nothing was happening. It didn't light up and he didn't move. "Why isn't it working!!??" you cried.
"It...it has been...too long. Jo...I am...so...so sorry." Haldir whispered in disbelief and deep regret.
Legolas had a dead locked stare on his father as his gaping eyes filled with tears.
Haldir's words echoed into silence and you felt your heart stop as time stood still.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" you wailed. "Please come back!"
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Everyone's heads snapped towards the church at the sound of your shrill cry. Maharet's hold on Raven broke from her distraction and she bolted off. Garrett, Selene and Julian all raced inside as the rest went after Raven. Garrett was the first one you saw come in.
"I...I am going to kill her.........."
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Updated Masterlist
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kingdomoftyto · 2 years
I’m so sorry I don’t mean to contribute to discourse when it’s already so toxic--people are allowed to be upset with what happened in ep 5 and even to drop the series entirely if they don’t like where it’s going--but I keep seeing even the most well-informed people saying Louis and Lestat have never had more than a minor/brief physical altercation and that’s factually untrue. In fact, I think I can pinpoint the exact scene from the book that this was supposed to be an adaptation of (bear with me):
I cannot tell you all that happened then. I cannot possibly recount it as it was. I remember heaving the lamp at Lestat; it smashed at his feet and the flames rose at once from the carpet. I had a torch then in my hands, a great tangle of sheet I’d pulled from the couch and ignited in the flames. But I was struggling with him before that, kicking and driving savagely at his great strength. And somewhere in the background were Claudia’s panicked screams. And the drapes of the windows blazed. I remember that his clothes reeked of kerosene and that he was at one point smacking wildly at the flames. He was clumsy, sick, unable to keep his balance; but when he had me in his grip, I even tore at his fingers with my teeth to get him off. [...] I remember rolling over and over with Lestat in the flames, feeling the suffocating heat in my face, seeing the flames above his back when I rolled under him. [Claudia attacks Lestat with a poker to help Louis escape his grip.]
What happened next then is not clear to me. I think I grabbed the poker from her and gave him one fine blow with it to the side of the head. I remember that he seemed unstoppable, invulnerable to the blows.
Now, GRANTED, this scene is supposed to take place AFTER the attempted murder, and maybe someone could argue that swamp!Lestat is not in his right mind here, but the fact remains that they do have a brutal fight that involves some pretty extreme violence. We don’t get any description of how injured Louis is afterward besides “scorched and aching” before it skips ahead, but as Lestat himself says one whole novel later: “Read between the lines.”
Is it more fucked up for Lestat to attack Louis the way he does in the show, without the prior provocation of an attempt on his life? UNDOUBTEDLY. OBVIOUSLY. YES. But him returning to the house and ambushing Louis and Claudia as he does in the book (it’s true Lestat doesn’t touch Claudia himself, but he doesn’t stop Antoine from attacking her) doesn’t exactly make him innocent, either.
Maybe I’m wrong and there’ll be an even BIGGER, even MORE VIOLENT scene after they try to kill him and he comes back in the show, but right now I’m assuming they just rearranged things so that this scene happened earlier. Whether that decision was a good one remains to be seen, and I’ll leave it at that for this post.
But yeah. TL;DR - saying Lestat and Louis have NO extremely violent fights in the book is untrue, though the one time it does happen is supposed to be later in the story. It’s still fucked up. Please be kind to people who don’t want to engage with the subject matter, regardless.
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vividxp · 2 years
Part 4 (final) of Liveblogging my second watch of IWTV Ep 5 because I need to process and get it all out
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
When I saw the synopsis before watching the episode I was so confused. Claudia going to college? The way the synopsis sounded was like welp, she just decided to go just for the ~*experience*~ and then Louis and Lestat had to deal with being empty nesters during the  the Great Depression alone. So yeah, they really undersold the episode by a lot.
Seeing the total dump the townhouse becomes in the 7 years of Claudia’s absences was another painful thing to experience. Even if the random racoon was funny. The picture of depression and desolation, my heart felt heavy watching this. To top it all off, the argument...like this isn’t fun, I want to get off this ride. 
I do wonder why Lestat stayed, why bother? Why not leave? Did he think if he waited 20 years one day Louis would stop being depressed and they could go back to whatever fantasy he had of their relationship? 
On that note, after watching the episode for the first time I couldn’t help but think of Hades, the videogame. One of the themes of that game was the idea that being immortal meant that eventually you had to solve your issues. Some of the elements are familiar. Hades is willing to kill his son, Zagreus, over and over again to prevent him from escaping. Eventually (and as Zagreus comes into his power) you get to a place where the relationship between Hades and Zagreus, while not a-okay and not without scars...it does show some potential for reconciliation.
Anyways, to wrap up that tangent, the point is I’ve seen the ‘immortals fuck up a lot but it gets better with time’ type of story pulled off before. It’s not completely impossible, but it’s going to take a lot of work. 
So we transition to the scene between Killer and Claudia. I have to agree with a lot of people. I didn’t like that they did this to Claudia. I don’t think this added anything and it wasn’t in the book, so I didn’t like it. If the point was to show that vampires can be bad news there are many ways to show that.
We go back to Daniel questioning Louis about the 4 ripped pages. Daniel you ain’t shit and you know it. You knew where you were and who you were provoking. Like sure Louis has generally waved it off maybe with a snarky comment or two about internet classes. But even Louis, even one determined to push this suicidal quest to get the story out is dangerous. That’s his point.
But yeah Louis also deserved the slap, that shit was scary as fuck. Like these vampires are scary y’all. I also see your theories on Rashid being able to pull Louis out of that and I subscribe to them because again, something is up. I would like to get to the bottom of it. 
Lowkey as much as the whole Antoinette infuriates me, I need to know what the fuck is going on with that. Why? 
“You’re not my Louis, you can’t be”. "I prayed myself old thinking about what to do about you. God never talked back, so this is what it has to be. For me, for my family. You understand?” Ok and this is where the tears start. This was so sad.
And then we don’t get a break because Claudia returns and shit goes all the way down. But firstly, I am so here for Claudia and Louis’s vampire hunting adventures in Europe. That whole premise sounds like a good concept for a tv procedural. But would it have been necessary if Lestat told her anything she asked. She wants to know! She knows Lestat knows. But I think Lestat wants her to go and not come back. 
“That’s right keep ‘em scared. That’s his way. But I think he’s scared. And when he’s scared he ridicules.” I mean...is Claudia lying? Is this not years of experience? Louis has to know.
So okay, here’s the thing that is going to haunt me a bit. Had Lestat not attacked I really don’t know who Louis would have stayed with between the two of them. 
This scene is still shocking. I really don’t have any eloquent thoughts. I do admit screaming in shock watching it for the second time. Once again, I don’t subscribe to the ‘unreliable narrator = lying’ explanations that sometimes I see floating around on social media. I think this did happen, yes, as people pointed out there was weirdness with not being able to see everything and the dialogue in that scene. Which I do think could be interesting to explore in future episodes, but when it comes down to it, I do think this actually happened.
I don’t know, I feel a little a little lighter after writing my thoughts, but this is going to stick with me for the rest of the week. I do think the episode was gripping. I do think I enjoyed it even as dark as it is. But again, I’m curious to see where we go from here.
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thevampirearchive · 2 years
Commentary on Interview With The Vampire - Episode 4 (Spoilers)
Now why did I think that was a cotton tree. Does Cotten even grow on trees? Okay
Omfg diaries! CLAUDIA MA CHÈRIE!
Black Angel :) he is beautiful! Pls, I love this!
From a young person perspective, I’m with Lestat. Imagine being a child forever? I’d loose my mind. @ vampires pls don’t turn me till I’m a crisp 35 pls and thank you.
“I dont know” I know this pisssed Lestat off. Like why you bring her here WITHOUT ANY PLANS? But also? Same Louis, same.
And ofc begging will help because Lestat would literally do anything to make his man’s happy, king.
Louis trusting Lestat and not saying anything as he nearly drained her —- iktr
Pls not a street cat, I love her.
“If you want it to be” Louis where will she go if it’s not pls he’s so nice, giving options and not tryna scare her. Lestat would have said yes ofc, and if you need anything else, tell me because I’m very rich.
“That make him the dumb one” not me weezing, child pls. And all while Lestat in the dark.
I love this tho, them communicating like this and watch Lestat be jealous as he should.
“What’s he saying” he’s so irritated! This is the reality Edward Cullen thinks he wants but trust, he doenst. Nobody does.
Relying on Louis words alone would make me anxious cuz it’s not like they understand eachother most of the time. And now miss C has access ? Yeah hang in their Lestat.
Not him calling her his lil Milkweed — IM SCREAMING
“Family secrets” awwwww. And Lestat got so happy! I’m so exited.
Uncle Les and Daddy Lou are the cutest nicknames!
Aww her observing them! She’s so cute.
Pls not the vegetarian parents vs the carnivore parent feuding. EAT HIM EAT HIM EAT HIM! Love how she sounds a lil sad but not for long cuz she about to have the best time and Louis will scream cry throw up
Lmaoooo ‘it has movement’ no because speak! Lestat, pls, You’ve been dragged for your outfits twice while we watched, you’re not a fashion icon pls you’re just French.
Pls not her smelling someone better hhhhahahahaa glad the swans are safe.
Ew not the singing, she’s so creepy, it’s perfect!
‘Not a cop’ Claudia said ACAP purr, that’s my niece for sure.
Lmaooo not now Lestat, he’s really tryna ‘that’s my baby’ rn? We’re busy bro pls have your proud father moment at home (but yes that’s y’a girl! PEIROD)
Lestat smiling at Louis as he really he’s him what Lestat taught him :) and I’m sure he’s especially happy because Louis had that whole morality dilemma. And now, he’s not even springing it on Claudia! Good!
Lmao she’s so pouty , same. Start screaming and kicking. “From starvation” hahahahaha ON HER KNEES, pls they need to pay attention or she’ll eat the streets💀
LMAO she’s having too much fun! FROG LEGS? Y’all sure this isn’t Leatats daughter?
Not her smashing the macaron, I know Lestat screamed cry threw up at the sight. It’s his country’s national treasur!
Hahahah not Kill Juice!
I love how she plays in the light! She’s such a kid Argh same.
Yes Daddy Lou is cute but Lil waif? Lmao not him calling her a fucking abandoned neglected poor orphan to her face 😭names go hard tho tho — they should drop a track
‘The book is her friend’ not Louis translating to Lestat who still don’t get it. She talks to books cuz she her daddy’s daughter hello? What’s not clicking.
Pls not the pen scribbling, it’s so loud 😭
NOT Lestat tryna threaten her and she unbothered, PEIROD. Nobody cares if your tiers uncle Les, answer the question 🔫
Omg! Louis French is good :) lmao Lestat just yelling FUCJING he’ll. Iconic. Lestat is super young-acting tho so idk how that was thrown at him. He’s mad cuz he cannot sleep, he cannot rest, 🎶a single mom who works two jobs —🎶
Pls not her testing the coffin, same.
Hahahahahahah not his feet in her face, baby was traumatized!
Not catching them get it on, ‘you miss me’ 🤓 yes pookie, hahaha I loved that
Glad Claudia realizes the hypocrisy, but don’t question him too much 😭 glad Louis set her straight cuz he’s been yelled at now a lil too much.
Pls not him explaining queerness, purr. She’s so freaking cute! Perfect casting!
Pls Claudia looks disgusted THAT FISH LOOKS NASTY INDEED. He’s tryna convert her and she’s still frowning, lmaoo. I lowkey don’t like this cuz he’s confusing her because he’s so tightly connected to his humanity still vs her adjusting so well already.
Pls not the call for prayer, mashallah. i could go on a 7 day rant about vampires and Muslims, and how Christian’s should step aside cuz their religion does not have the full facilities to hold such supernatural creatures to begin with! PURR
Claudia was out here on some author shit. Wrote all down like her life depended on it.
Her room is so nice. Lmao not her throwing stuff at him I’m screaming!
I’m glad she explains how time flies, cuz some ppl think eternal immortality is = boredom. YOU FOOLS!
Aww she truly is a child! Gets between her dads when they fight? Many of us are having war flashbacks, I bet.
Pls not them watching Nosfaratu and laughing! Same. The mockery. Pls
Another funeral, haven’t people died enough? And She wore red to a funeral? Baby, I bet it was lestats idea.
Pls not his sister against same
Sex parents hahahahahahahahha enough.
Not the smugness of Louis, same💀 I bet he’s sad tho, but still resentful after all.
Pls not his sister thinking Lestat pays for it all.. he does but Louis pays him back :/ put some respect on his name. And the threat. Pls! Their like a lil family of killers.
NOT THE SMELL! She was stood up there like that picture of blue Ivy
Lestat pls be Fr! cuz he acts however he wants and doenst care, and that’s why her behavior was fine lmaoo
Uncle Les and you are Evil Twins lmao, iconic evil twins.
Not him having the most convekyrrd complicated sex talk 😭 even i was slime huh? So he’s teaching her how to drive and what love and sex is? Iconic.
If someone called me belladonna I’d scream, that’s my fav nickname for her — why is he comparing her to drugs like this? Sir? 😭
Pls not them hunting together how Louis said he hated. Louis did tell her she hated it for a reason and I see why, but I see why Lestat loves it. Creepy, weird, enticing snd perverse.
Lmao not her just jumping him, I love this scene. “She’s with me” purr.
She’s realizing! I love it! But realizing too hard cuz now you playing grown.
‘Jumped a girl’ LMAO period, Lestat is so proud of her and Louis is terrified 😭I’m both 🫶🏾 Except that outfit is giving elderly, she truly is lestat’s daughter.
Pls, not darkie, I’m triggered y’all. 💀 NOT DARKIE. Almost had her commit homicide.
Omg he kinda looks like Louis’ brother :) omg.
Oh my gosh, she’s like a fanfic writer her thoughts hve be giggling.
She reads so fast she doenst even look down, me when? All so she could go see her man’s do his rounds!
THE FLOWERS! PLS! Not the blocking! ‘This is your father speaking’ LOUIS GET OUT OF HER HEAD! Can a girl get some privecy in here ?
Omg she’s matured so much! WAIT! I need a timeline cuz she said 19, is she lying or has 2. Years passed? If so, it took her almost 2 years to complete one diary? That seems fake.
Pls not the horse 😭 she’s finally getting what she wanted. But now I’m scared. ‘Your an Angel’ leave that man’s neck alone baby girl, cuz it cannot end good! YOUR KILLING HIM! CLAU! CLAU! NOOOOO! The horse fighting for its life in the back cuz she killed him!
I love her and I’m so sorry baby girl but not taking him home knowing your uncle is Lestat…. He’s gonna hurt your feelings Fr
‘He’s dead’ thump — I AN SCREAMING.
Louis: Lestat :/ — translation: be empathetic pls
Lestat: :) what? :)? — Translation: I keep telling y’all we vampires but everybody in this fucking house wants to mess around and be entangled with humans so this why y’all get, bodies bodies bodies..
‘Clean up after yoursel’ AND IM SCREAMING AGAIN. Y’all don’t understand this is him when he’s angry. When he’s yelling and shit? That’s him hurt and frustrated. Smiling and smooth and snip? Yeah y’all have him pissed.
Talk about taking actions for your responsibility. Lestat would be a ‘let it cry itself to sleep’ type of parent. He has to teach her tho or she’s gonna be miserable. And I love how harsh he is with her cuz this is exactly how Louis would have had to face the music if Lestat wasn’t so in love and so afraid of loosing him that he forced gentleness and patience out. Lestat fed up tho, he cannot have a Louis 2.0 situation, Mans 159, he’s tired.
“I don’t want you” 🤨 Louis, quickly, who does this remind you of? Option 1. You? Option 2. toi?
Not Anne Frank and Stephen king, Daniel…. 😀
‘I had two and their—’ lmaooo Daniel finish the sentence 💀
They have a lot of dark eras of their lives, ngl.
‘Bandaid for a shitty marriage’ DANIEL😭 this man must be an earth sign cuz what’s this brutality. Taurus maybe ? Or a
Coffin scene smacked. Omg the flavors! Me at 3am having yet another mental breakdown nBUT WORST. She’s realizing everything and it’s rushing thru her, poor baby about to end it. Pls and the nock on wood, CLAUDIA
LESTAT! LOUIS! GET HER! Their truly parents to an emo child cuz she basically cutting and venting to paper and I cannot beleive that’s how it ends :/ GIVE ME MORE DAMN IT!
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