#and then i went to bed at 3….. which became extremely normal by the middle of the semester but in september i was trying to be good
scholarhect · 2 years
oh btw technically today it’s 3 months since i read doctor sex. and like yes, nona rewired my brain, but the day i read dr sex, something did happen to me. so happy 3 months to this version of my life
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menlove · 3 months
i’m new to the whole beatles rpf (i am an rpf veteran though i wrote 75k words of michael jackson fanfiction in middle school and 15k of queen freshman year of hs 😐) so what are like the tenets of beatles rpf. what’s the need to know.
YELLS that's so fucking valid of you I can't even lie
and HMMMM okay I can only speak for mclennon bc I observe the other ships from a distance but don't chomp at the bit about it but here's some things that come up A Lot in fics
john & paul met on july 6, 1957 at a church garden party. john played "come go with me" & got the words wrong while paul watched from the audience and Fell In Love. after, they officially met. paul took john's guitar, tuned it, then flipped it upside down (he's left handed) and played 20 flight rock perfectly. john was smitten and the rest was history
oh shit edit I forgot! john used to climb the drainpipe into pauls room. VITAL info that comes up so often
they had group wanking sessions (beat the meatles lmfao) & they'd call out the names of various female celebrities during it (john would apparently call out male names as a joke to throw people off which 💀)
STUUUUUU. we love stu, paul hates stu. stuart sutcliffe was a boy john met at art college & he became His Boy Bestie instead of paul for a while which had paul FUMING. john & stuart lived together for a while & in mclennon lore john was in love with him (& I do also think that lmao). which brings us to
HAMBURG. in 1960 the beatles went to hamburg & stayed several months in the world's dingiest room. they shared bunk beds & stayed up all night playing music & took pills (prellies) to stay the fuck awake. stuart went with as their bassist & paul hated him soooo bad so bad. in part bc stu did not take the band very seriously & was not good at playing and paul is a notorious perfectionist. fun hamburg facts! here stuart met astrid, his future fiance. and she took them to a gay bar lmao. also, at one point, in the most heinous and toxic move, john walked in on paul fucking a girl and lost it. he cut up her clothes with a pair of scissors and then started stabbing the wardrobe 💀 normal behavior. the whole thing was just drugs and sex and music. great fic setting always.
eventually they got back. george was deported first bc he was underage & then paul and the drummer lit a fucking condom on fire where they were staying and got deported too. john stayed an extra bit & when he got back didn't tell anyone. in the meantime, stu stayed in germany w astrid and paul Got A Job at his dad's insistence bc they all thought the band was over when john didn't show back up. but eventually he did. and made paul pick between the job and the band...... or rather, his dad and john. and paul picked john.
Some Months Later john took paul to paris for his 21st birthday. 200000000000 fics about this. all legendary all gay.
stu died </3
there's barely any fics of the touring days which is tragic I think there should be 60000. I guess the only thing that comes up semi often from that era is that they played lovers in a play, pyramus & thisbe, and paul named two kittens pyramus & thisbe. and gave pyramus (the character he played) to john. not joking at all.
next biggest Canon McLennon Event everyone brings up is lsd. george & john got into lsd first & ringo tried it as well. paul was extremely reluctant to and this caused a bit of a rift between him and john. eventually though, they did trip together and the first night is McLennon Fic Lore. john accidentally dropped acid in the studio (smth he avoided) & was out of it. almost jumped off the roof. paul took him back to his home (cavendish) & took lsd with him. there's a lot to this trip I can't even summarize but it was gay and there's lots of fics abt this incident
was Not the first time paul took lsd though which brings us to the Next Big Tropey Players: tara browne and robert fraser. both are men paul hung around in 1967 and there's looots of fics where he was gay w them and john is Seething
india! I'm not an india truther so I don't really get into these but the fandom at large thinks Something Happened during the beatles' 1968 trip to india. this usually takes the form of john confessing to paul and them fucking and then paul turning him down. background lore for many many breakup fics
and that's the stuff that tends to come up Most Often. there's so much lore I could probably write an entire novel & a lot of it gets referenced but these are some of the biggest players lmao
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3: Running in Circles
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A/N: As a forewarning, this chapter focuses a lot on Olivia at first. Noah plays a bigger part towards the end.
I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating continuously on my nightstand, indicating that I was receiving a phone call. Snatching it from the table, I grumbled as I accepted the call. “Hello?” I croaked. “You bitch!” Vic’s voice pierces through my ear, causing me to pull my phone away from it briefly. I sighed. “What? Did I not leave you a good enough tip?” “No,” she laughs, “you didn’t tell me you got home safe last night!” I try to rub the sleep from my eye, rolling my knuckle around it. I prop myself up on my shoulder to look at the time—7:43 AM. It was way too early for her to be so loud. “Shit,” I huffed, “sorry, Vic. I kind of just threw myself into bed.” She chuckles on the other end. “It’s okay. I ran into Noah on the way out so I knew you were fine.” “Oh,” I mumble, this time pulling the blankets off of me and throwing my legs off the side.
I stand up, raising my hands over my head in a stretch. I groan, satisfied when I feel my back crack and bring the phone back to my ear. “—Tonight?” Apparently, she had been talking while I was stretching, catching the end of her sentence. “Sorry, what?” “I asked what you were doing tonight.” I shrug as if she can see me. “I dunno, why?” “Rumor down at the bar is that there’s a little party goin’ on at the other side of town,” she starts as I begin my morning routine. “Uh huh,” I say, tucking my phone between my shoulder and ear so I could grab a coffee mug from the cabinet. “Aren’t we getting a little old for these kinds of things?” “Oh come on,” she whines. “There’s gonna be a live band and free booze! You won’t have to dish out a hundred bucks like you normally would down at the bar.” “I don’t know, Vic—” She interrupts me, “Ricky is back in town, and we haven’t seen him in forever. Please?”
That took me by surprise. Ricky was Victoria’s younger brother who had made his way out to Boston for college, and she was right, we haven’t seen him in a few months now. They had a really tight bond, practically inseparable, so naturally we became a trio of best friends. Wherever he went, she went, which in turn meant that’s where I went, too. I didn’t mind it though; Ricky had this energetic personality that would rub off on you, making it impossible to be in a bad mood around him.
“Fine. But only because Ricky is gonna be there,” I chuckle, finally starting the pot of coffee I desperately needed.
I was extremely anxious trailing Vic into this unfamiliar house—it was actually a mansion, and it was very intimidating. As you crossed into the foyer, the room opened up into the shape of an elongated octagon—the walls on the left and right sides longer than the walls in the corners. There were three entryways; the one on the left was the living room, opposite of the dining room, and the one straight ahead lead to a grand staircase that spiraled up to a second floor. As I made my way further into the home, I could see that the stairs also lead downstairs—maybe a basement or to the backyard?
I was absolutely appalled, taking in how spacious this place really was. Inside the living room was a hallway that lead into yet another room, this one being some sort of a lounge. It had several large leather couches surrounding the largest TV I have ever seen in my life—that thing had to have been at least 120 inches. A little ways over in the middle of the room stood a decent sized bar, accompanied by a healthy selection of liquor behind it. There were two bartenders preparing drinks for the evening, making their way through the slowly accumulating line of thirsty party goers. Vic immediately pulls me by the wrist, straight up to the counter, promptly flashing two fingers at one of the men. He nodded his head quickly, turning to mix up something for us.
“Do you know him?” I asked with a chuckle, shaking my head. “Liv, I know every bartender,” she winked at me as she picked up the two towering glasses, handing me one. “Cheers.” We clink the rims together, pulling a large sip from the straw. Whatever it was burned as it went down, causing me to wince as my eyes immediately watered. “Wow,” I coughed, holding the glass in front of me to inspect it. “The fuck did you just give me?” She laughs loudly, clearly finding humor in my reaction. “Long Island Tea, Olivia. No Sambuca for you tonight; you’re gonna get fucked up!” She then bumps her hip into mine and takes a turn to head towards a group of people who were having a lively conversation. I shrugged to myself as I took another gulp, trailing after her.
As I neared the group, it became apparent as to the reason why they were all laughing. There stood Ricky, the same old shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he undeniably cracked a joke, everyone in tears with laughter. I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my own face as he pulled me and his sister into a tight bear hug. “Ooo, it’s so good to see you again, Ricky!” Vic exclaimed, pulling out of his grasp and kissing him on the cheek. He swatted her away, scrunching his face up in disgust. “Gross. Can we not act like mom?” “Sorry,” she chuckled, giving his shoulder a push with her knuckles. “I just missed you, bro.” He slung an arm over each of our shoulders. “I missed you both, too. Now let’s get fucked up!” I chuckled to myself; they’re clearly related.
As the night carried on and more people funneled in, the three of us continued to steadily drink. My anxiety of being in this stranger’s home—I still have no idea who’s place this was—had shrank to nothing, leaving me to roam around freely and chat with whoever was willing to.
Eventually I found myself outside, really enjoying the fresh air as I leaned against the railing. It was slightly quieter out here, not having a million voices overlapping and heavy bass thumping through my head. I could hear a few people chatting below me as they clearly were shuffling things around. Curious, I poked my head over, having the perfect bird’s eye view of four men lugging equipment onto the patio. Once I saw a case that was in the shape of a guitar, I realized that this was the band that was supposed to be playing tonight. I continued to people watch, still leaned up against the metal railing, taking sips of the “tea”. Slowly yet efficiently they set their instruments up, taking their time to tune them appropriately. It wasn’t until I saw a slim figure emerge from under the balcony I was standing on that I realized who I was watching.
I saw Noah pull his hair up to the back of his head, promptly clipping it as he focused on setting up his mic. Though it was dark out, the flood light illuminated the area just enough for me to see that he wasn’t wearing long sleeves tonight, exposing his tattoos. Being on the balcony, I was way too far away to make out any of the details, but my suspicions from last night were right: he is littered with ink. I was tempted to call down to him to say hello, but decided against it in fear of distracting him while he worked. While the other three men continued with their instruments, Noah took it upon himself to set up some lights. He erected one light post to the left of me and played with the position of it before beginning to set up the other stand. He walks it over to the right of me, glancing up as he places it down.
He does a double take, his full attention on me. “Oh, hey,” he greets me, tucking one lone strand of hair behind his ear. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” I smirked, “I could say the same about you. So, this is the band, eh?” “Sure is,” he nods, then points them out one by one. “This is our guitarist Jolly, our drummer Nick, and our bassist… also Nick. We got two Nick’s.” He finishes with a chuckle, holding up two fingers as he says it. I grin, giving them a small wave of ‘hello’. “I’m Olivia,” I call down to them. “I’ll leave ya to it.” I raise my drink to them, spinning on my heel to head back inside.
I made my way through the french doors, stopping dead in my tracks once I noticed someone that I never expected to see. In fact, it was someone I never wanted to see again: my ex, Darren. My heart thumped painfully fast, anxiety building in my blood once he leered over at me. He smirked deviously, making his way over to me. I gulped down the rest of my drink; I knew I was going to need more liquid courage to make it through the night now. "Heather Feather," he exclaimed once he was in front of me. "Don't call me that," I barked at him, folding my arms over my chest. His brows raised in shock briefly, only for his face to fall back into a smirk.
After we broke up, I no longer wanted to go by my legal first name. I wanted to rid anything that reminded me of him, and that pet name he gave me put a sour taste in my mouth. Of course, he didn't know that I no longer went by Heather seeing as I cut all ties from him immediately and bid him farewell.
I brush past him, beelining to the bar behind him. I was done with this interaction already. However, he clearly wasn't as he followed me and leaned his hip against the bar and propped himself up with his elbow. I didn't pay him any mind, keeping my eyes on the bartender in hopes of catching his attention. "What brings you to these parts?" I scoffed without turning my head towards him, "A friend." "Oh? Victoria?" I ignored him, finally ordering myself another drink. "Oh come on, don't be like that." That made my anger flare, and I whipped my body towards him. "Like what, Darren? Did you forget that you pulled the ultimate scumbag move and buried yourself in someone else's pussy? In our bed?" "You mean Sabrina?" He sneered, motioning his head to look behind me.
I foolishly turned around, seeing that broad Sabrina. She was leaning up against the bar on her forearms, pushing her breasts out in a flirtatious way at the other bartender. I rolled my eyes—that's probably how she got Darren's attention in the first place. The bartender slides my drink in front of me and I flash him a smile in thanks. I turn my attention back to Darren as I backed away from the bar. "I'd say it was nice to see you, but it wasn't. You're still a prick," I spit at him and promptly trek away from him. With tears of rage in my eyes, I made my way back outside and descended the stairs onto the patio.
Hours have passed, and in the words of Victoria and Ricky, I was fucked up. I wasn't sure how many drinks I had consumed, but everything around me was laggy and I was seeing double. I found myself sitting in a patio chair, trying my best to keep my vision steady as I watched Noah and his band perform. They were actually pretty decent, and he had one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard live. I couldn't help but to wonder what the studio versions sounded like—it was very clear that he had a pair of lungs.
"This is going to be our last song," Noah's velvety voice filtered through the air. "This one's a personal favorite called The Fountain." Intrigued as to why it was his favorite, I perked up and gave it all my attention to decipher the lyrics. The track started off with some sort of industrial sound effect, like someone building something which immediately piqued my interest. "What will I have left when even the hurt is gone, and I can't feel a thing?" I watched as he held onto the mic with both hands, eyes closed as he sang damn near angelically into it. "I wish I had not held, held on to you so long, but I was just so damn afraid. I wish I hadn't used you to pull me out of this dark and lonely place."
The first verse struck a note in my chest, summing up what I had been feeling on the inside for so long. After the breakup with Darren, it took me a while to analyze the relationship as a whole. I thought I was in love with him, but as it turned out, I had been dating a neglectful narcissist for two years. I held on for so long and regretted it. I regretted turning to him to help me through the pain of slowly losing my father. Though he's still alive, watching him decline was heartbreaking and I slowly slipped into a deep depression. I thought Darren was the one to help me when I felt like I had no one to confide in, and it was a slap in my face when I realized he just wasn't the one.
I couldn't bear to listen to the rest of Noah's song in fear that it would cause me to slip down the rabbit hole if I continued to relate to the lyrics. I shot out of my seat, stumbling right into a side table on my way out. I was so disoriented from the alcohol; the whole world was spinning and I couldn't walk straight. Bumping into people left and right, my throat burning from holding back cries, I made my way through a gate on the side of the patio. From there, I tried my best to make it down the 5 steps and onto the pathway without stumbling. I did not succeed—I tumbled down and landed on my hands and knees. Hopefully before anyone could notice that I had fallen, I scrambled onto the bottom step and pulled my knees to my chest, hugging them.
My right knee was bleeding, both of them throbbing from the impact. At that point, I finally let it all out. I sobbed, folding into myself and let the tears flow. I tried my best to stay quiet, but being as drunk as I was, I had no control over my cries. I wailed against my knees in hopes of muffling the sounds.
Moments pass, and I'm startled when I feel a hand on my back. I pull my face away from my legs, sniffling as I turned towards the entity sitting next to me. Dark, concerned eyes and a pale face stared back at me. His eyes were scrunched up with worry as he spoke, "Are you alright?" I wiped my nose on my arm, embarrassed of the fluid that was coming from it. I shook my head 'no', not being able to form any words. "Are you hurt?" Noah questioned softly, motioning his head to my bloodied knee. "What happened?" I shook my head again. How do I tell this man that I barely know what's going on in my head? That his song low-key triggered this response? I know he didn't mean to. I didn't want to offend him in any way if I were to tell him that. "Do you need to go home?" I shook my head 'yes'. "C'mon, let's get you out of here."
He stands with his hand now on my shoulder, the other grasping my left hand as he guides me to my feet. I wobbled, but he steadied me as we slowly, but clumsily, made our way towards the front of the mansion. Eventually, we made it to his car. He opened the passenger door for me to sit down, but I declined and put my hands on his chest. "No," I shook my head, which I immediately regretted doing as it made me nauseous. "You need...stay with your band," I slurred. "They can handle it," he replies, gently taking my hands from his chest. "Please, I want to make sure you get home safely. You're in no condition to be out right now." I sobbed once, hanging my head, my chin hitting my chest. "Hey, hey, hey," he whispered, tipping my head back up so I was looking at him. "It's okay, we've all been there. Let's get you home." He somehow manages to get me into the seat and buckled me up. He then reaches into the glove box and grabs something, placing whatever it was in my hands. I grasped it tightly, feeling it crinkle in my fingers. It was then I realized that they were napkins, most likely from McDonald's or something. I laughed to myself, amused that he does the same thing that I do; stock pile fast food napkins for emergencies.
I wiped my nose just as he took the driver's seat. "Do you remember how to get home?" I thought for a minute—I couldn't even remember my fucking address. "No," I mumbled out, ashamed. "Okay. I'm gonna take you back to my place so you have somewhere to sleep this off. Is that okay with you?" I tried to process his words, but my brain was on the fritz. I threw my head against the headrest and closed my eyes to stop the spinning. "Olivia." "Mmm?" My head lazily rolls towards him, peeking one eye open at him. "Is it okay if I take you back to my place? You can stay on the pullout couch." "Mmnyeah," the alcohol was making it hard to form proper words at this point.
When we got to his home, he sat me down on the couch and gave me a blanket to drape over myself. I smiled up at him as a way to say 'thank you', as I still was having trouble making sentences. "Do you need anything?" He questions, placing his tattooed hand on my shoulder. I meet his eyes again, taking note of how they sparkled from the light beside me on the side table. He looked so concerned, his eyes so soft. I take his hand in mine and pull him to the right side of me. "Stay," I manage to say, "I don't...want to be alone." His face falls for a moment, saddened. As quickly as the expression came, it changed into an understanding grin while he bobbed his head lightly. He takes a seat next to me and starts to rub my back soothingly. I feel fresh tears prick my eyes, spilling down my cheeks as I take in the comforting warmth of his palm. "I'm just...running in circles," I say, glancing at him. "What do you mean?" "One second I'm okay," I mumble, gears grinding in my head, "next I'm back to the start. I get better, then I spiral back... I can't get away from my own mind." He nods lightly, "I'm sorry." I sniff with a small chuckle. "Me, too."
|Chapter 4|
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Michael Myers X Reader - Part 3 - Final
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
This one made me cringe lol- Also, there's sorta a sensitive part of the story so beware.
Today is the day, Y/N thought to herself. She pressed her hand against the wall of her hallway, slowly moving her hand across it as she walked towards the living room. It was in the middle of the night, around 3AM, where Michael would be asleep by now. Perfect time to finally see that face for more than 5 seconds... At that thought, Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered how Michael doesn't have terrible acne due to wearing that mask all the time.
Shaking that thought from her head, she finally entered the living room and saw a sleeping psychopath on her couch with his arms wrapped around a pillow and a large cover over him. The pillow he hugged always covered his face, hence why Y/N wasn't able to see his face in his sleep either. And because he always hides his mask when he sleeps as well, so Y/N can't just take it from him. And Michael's a light sleeper anyway, so he's catch her before she gets the chance to hide it.
But this time, Y/N had a plan. Michael sometimes goes out for a kill and she never knows. So when he comes home at 3AM and knocks on the door really loud, it scares the fuck outta her. In order to prevent that, she bought a camera that has night vision that connects to her computer. But she might as well test it out in living room, wink wink. And hey! She can find where he keeps his mask so Y/N doesn't have to look around for hours. All she needs to know is the general vicinity to find it. It was set up earlier, so all Y/N would have to do it wake him up so he goes to get his mask.
She smirked mischievously as she tiptoed over to the couch, hovering over him. He was lightly snoring peacefully, relaxed (not for long-). Y/N slowly gripped the sides of the pillow he was hugging, very delicately pulling it away from him. As soon as he started to stir in his sleep, she ripped it out of his arms and giggled as he shot his arms up over his face. "Aww, good morning, honey!" She giggled; Y/N could basically feel the anger radiating off of him, which was her que to ruN THE FUCK AWAY.
Right after saying good morning, she darted towards her room as fast as humanly possible. Rather than chasing her, Michael just hissed and stood up to grab his mask from in between the couch cushions. Sliding it on, he groggily went his way towards Y/N's room to probably scare her or something. I don't know, he was acting out in the moment.
Y/N could hear his slow footsteps faintly as he got closer to her door. She went under her bed to "hide from him" so it doesn't seem suspicious that she's just calm and all that. Yeah, poor reasoning but sTiLL. Anyway, Y/N giggled under her breath as he opened her bedroom door, walking inside her room and looking around. She could faintly hear him sigh as he went close to her bed, then turned his body so he could see under the bed. Y/N jolted backwards so she wouldn't get caught however Michael grabbed her arm strongly but gently. Y/N laughed as she was pulled out from under the bed.
"Michael, Michael, honey! I thought you were asleep or something!" She spoke innocently. She could just feel Michael's half lidded "shut the fuck up" stare. Y/N opened her mouth to speak again, but suddenly there was a loud knock on her door. I mean loud as in they were trying to break it. Y/N jumped, yelling, "what the hell!" Michael let go of her, watching as she raced towards her the kitchen to grab a knife. But as soon as she grabbed one, she heard someone yell.
"Police, open up!" Y/N's heart fucking dropped. Her lips quivered and her eyes widened with fear. Michael's image was the only thing she could think of as she opened the door, seeing a couple of large men in suits with guns and whatnot. One of them was holding a large black objects used to break down doors. Another was holding a piece of paper towards Y/N, speaking in a rough voice, "Y/N L/N! The FBI has a warrant to search your house for the wanted criminal Michael Myers. If we find any trace of him, you'll be under arrest for harboring a fugitive. For now, you'll be detained and questioned, not arrested. If it seems that your innocent, then you should remain calm and you shall have nothing to worry about. Otherwise, feel free to speak up now."
At the end of his speech, he put the paper away as a dozen of FBI agents bust into Y/N house, running across into ever room and searching for both Michael and evidence of him being here. At the sight of seeing all of this and the feeling of that officer grabbing her arms roughly and detaining them with cuffs, Y/N began to cry. Her legs became shaky and could barely support her weight. "What...What are you guys talking about?" She breathed out fearfully.
One of the FBI Agents came across an office room with a computer in it. The computer screen showed the living room as it is with agents breaking things and yelling. The agent hummed, messing with the keyboard and mouse a bit in order to see the earliest footage. It was of Y/N still setting up the camera and when she left the view of it, we can assume she went to bed. Hours later, a large and tall man was seen heading towards the couch, pulling off his mask and hiding it, then going to sleep.
"Muh-Michael is a...a..." Y/N breathed heavily, her back against the wall and an agent crouching on front of her. Of course, Y/N already knew this but at least she can get off with "not knowing."
"That's right. He's a murderer of many, including his older sister," the agent, who has Danyel written on his tag, replied. Two other agents went up to Dabyel, one of them addressing something.
"There's not a single thing of evidence of him, nor his clothing or anything. However I found camera footage of him being inside the house, sleeping on the couch in here. This woman clearly had a good relationship with him since she woke him up before we came here." Danyel responded to him, but Y/N didn't pay much attention. So Michael just left me, she thought. No, he had to leave so we both didn't get hurt! But it still hurts a little.
"Well, the good news is you didn't lie about not knowing him," Danyel laughed, grabbing Y/N's arm roughly and pulling her up. "Eh, sorry," he apologized when Y/N whenced at his grip. He started to walk her out of her extremely noisy home and to the outdoors, where she felt an amazing relief wash over. She sniffed, his breath quivering as some tears remained and more pouring out of her eyes.
"Michael was never bad to me," she spoke in a low voice, but still loud enough for Danyel to hear.
"Hmm." He walked Y/N up to his car, opening the back door to put Y/N in. She slid inside and was pushed away from the door and towards the middle of the seat. Then Danyel sat next to her, closing the door. Wait, she thought, this isn't normal. "Wanna tell me more about how he was?" He asked her, placing his hand on her cheek and using his thumb to wipe his tears. A shiver made it's way down her spine and her eyebrows furrowed together.
"He really is a nice guy. I can't comprehend he would do something so, so...evil," Y/N started, playing along. She really was hella upset about the reality of what murder really is; yes, she knew he was a killer but had never heard or seen any of it on the news or in person. And hey, if she didn't know the person, why would she care? But now in the situation where the hell that comes from murder is placed upon her so forcefully, she couldn't help but be slightly truthful when she spoke about how terrible she feels.
"My house was always open to people in need, and than I found him. He was knocking on doors, looking for a place to stay, and I let him in. He was so nice," Y/N sniffed, flinching her head back when Danyel tried to wipe away newer tears. "He was funny, loved the food I cooked and I finally had someone to talk to. No, he finally had someone to talk to. I could see so many signs of loneliness and hurt on him and I was finally curing it. Eventually, a few months in, I started to fall for him. Actually, I can't help but still love him.
"I know it's bad but he was the greatest friend, and roommate I could ever ask for. He never complained about anything either; heh heh, there was a time when he didn't have any clean clothes to change into so I had find something for him. All I had was a large baggy, blue hoodie and he it was a good look on him." Y/N chest ached as she finished her story, staring down at the car floor. Danyel hummed, a frown on his features.
Come to think of it, I never described Danyel very well. As mentioned before, he had a rough voice; it was serious and void of care. His demeanor matched it, too, as he showed no care for Y/N as she cried. Even when he wiped her tears, he didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart, but for some other reason. His uniform was a blue business suit, unlike the other FBI agents, and it matched a serious demeanor well. His stone cold blue eyes remained on Y/N as she talked, and every once in a while he was push back his slicked back grey-blonde hair.
He was around 35 with youth in his eyes yet his forehead and eyes had wrinkles. His hair was turning grey already, probably from the heavy amounts of stress that comes with the job. He was quite tall, about 6'3 (190cm) and had broad shoulders and had a slim yet muscular build. He wasn't necessarily attractive or youthful looking, but not yet ready for unattractive or old. He always had a frown and half lidded eyes showing nothing but boredom for everything around him.
"That's very touching, Miss L/N," he spoke. Y/N looked up at him, sniffing. Danyel hummed sadly and slowly changed his face to a softer expression. "Well, you won't have to worry about it after today. In the meantime, is there anyone you can stay with for now?" Y/N's lip quivered as she shook her head. "No? You have no family, no other friends? Surely a parent or sibling would help you on a time of need, regardless of your relationship." Y/N shook her head again. She doesn't really like to talk about it.
"I don't have anyone, sir, I really don't. I don't...I don't want to talk about it but I can't see my mom! I don't have any siblings or dad, but she's not a recommendation," she reassured, her heart speeding up at the mere thought of her mom. Danyel noticed this and raised a brow.
"In that case, you will stay at my place. Of course I'm putting my life on the line that way so expect some serious restrictions." Danyel spoke, a smirk almost appearing from the corners of his lips. Y/N felt a chill go up her spine and shook. "That means in case you attempt to escape, I'll be locking your room at night. Don't think I won't go further to ensure you don't attack me in my sleep. You won't be allowed to go outside at all ever. No one is allowed to visit. You'll be able to get food whenever you wish, as well. Roam to your heart's content, but please keep silent at night."
Y/N nodded in understanding but at the same time, she felt way more uneasy than she did when he suggested it. After all he never asked if she wanted to stay with him. No, he told her she would. And his rules seem way too restricting and very unprofessional for someone in the line of service. Y/N is nearly 65% of the size of him, so how the hell is she supposed to "murder him in his sleep?" He could literally just kick her if she ever tried. Lastly, it's almost like he really wanted this.
"Now that's settled, we should be heading towards the police station for questioning. If you're innocent and knew nothing of his history, you have nothing to fear so please be honest and put up no fight. May the lord have mercy on your beautiful soul."
"This will be your room, Miss L/N," Danyel said as he opened a door. Inside was a small bed that was made, a dresser that was somewhat dusty besides it, and a single lap besides it. He walked up to the dresser and set down a suitcase that Y/N had packed after questioning at the police station. She had to get it searched twice in case something were to happen, which was hella annoying for her. "Please do make yourself at home. I'll cook something tonight."
Y/N nodded her head, very uneasy as the thought of staying at some strangers house. She sighed when he stepped out of her new room and she shut the door after him. She shivered, rubbing her eyes before tears well up. "I miss Michael," she whimpered silently to herself. She pushed her hair out of her face as a shaky breath came out of her mouth. Turning towards her suitcase, she walked towards it and unzipped it. She began to pull things out and pet them away in a respective place in the dresser.
"Hmm... Where's my hoodie?" Y/N mumbled to herself under her breath. She made sure to bring a certain blue hoodie with her, but she can't find it. As she scanned through it more, she noticed a few other articles of clothing was missing. "Um, alright, that's creepy," Y/N said out loud. What the hell did Danyel do? When she finished putting her clothes away, she pulled out comfortable pajamas of F/C and S/F/C. Right afterwards, she walked out of her room.
"I'm done," she called out as she walked into the kitchen. Danyel was wearing normal clothes now, no longer a suit and tie, and he was moving around something in a pan. It smelt a lot of breakfast in the kitchen, so it was probably eggs.
"Well, I hope you enjoy it here Y/N. You'll be staying for a while, heh heh," he chuckled as he turned off the stove. "I don't know if you like breakfast for dinner, but I made eggs and pancakes for us." Y/N smiled, sitting down at the table.
"It smells very nice, thanks," she answered. "I must have been in my room longer than I thought."
"You must have been. I had to go look inside to make sure you weren't sleeping, heh."
Y/N's smile dropped when she looked away from him. He was making plates at the moment, too distracted to see Y/N's look of discomfort. Maybe I'm just paranoid, she thought to herself, but he's so weird. As Danyel passed a plate in front of her and one for himself across the table, the room became filled with an awkward silence aside from the side of the a fork clinging against the plates. Y/N poked around at her food, a bit too unnerved from today to eat well. "You know, you shouldn't play with you food."
"I know, I know, sorry. It's just..." she drifted off before getting it back together. "I miss Michael. This is all so weird." Danyel frowned, picking up a few eggs and eating them before replying.
"I see. But you know, this is very essential for your well being. After all Michael is described as pure evil. If he truly cared for you, he would come here to save you and the task force will be here to protect you. If you wanted to go back to kill you because you know too much, the task force will be here to save you. I understand this sounds like I'm using you to lure him in however I am not. You're a very beautiful and intelligent girl who has a heart in the right place; as seen when you choose to let a homeless mute guy with a mask in your house.
"It would be quite a shame for someone like you to be void of life. After all, I'm sure you're a very fun woman and it would be nice for you to stick around with me for now. As you can see I'm without a family so it'd be nice to have some company." As Danyel finished talking, Y/N nodded in understanding. By now she had already finished her food as she kinda just wanted to go to sleep as fast as possible.
Y/N stood up and brought her plate to the think. "Thank you, sir, I appreciate it. I'm probably gonna go to sleep now, okay? Have a nice night," she said as she smiled at him. Danyel stared at her as she walked away and mumbled goodnight to her. Y/N walked into her new bedroom and looked around. It's depressing to not be in her own home, especially at a stranger's house. But she knew she'd see Michael soon, right? As she layer in bed and put on socks, she couldn't help but recall that one time Michael laid in bed with her because it was cold. She giggled to herself when she turned off the light and laid on her back in bed.
It was deadpan silent in that room. So if Y/N likes a fan or TV to help her sleep, this isn't very good for her. Either way, she managed to fall asleep while replaying plenty of memories in her head. Like one time, the first week of Michael staying at her house, she woke up to get ready for work. When she stood on the countertop to get the blender out of the cabinet so she can make a milkshake before work, she saw three sticky notes that said, "Short."
Giggling at the thought, Y/N closed her eyes, waiting for the day that she can live like that again. After all how can she can live in piece in her home again when her neighbors learn her roommate is a killer? She'd never be able to live in peace again. With these thoughts in mind, Y/N began to slowly drift away to sleep until finally all at once. At least, it would last like that for a little while.
A scream erupted from Y/N's mouth as she felt someone pin her to the bed. Danyel, of course, was the culprit; he held her arms tight and got really close to her. "Tell me where he's hiding! Tell me or you'll fucking regret it!" He yelled, making Y/N burst out into tears. She gasped for air, trying to kick him off of her but to no advil.
"I don't know! Let me go!" She yelled back, now trying to release her arms but of course to no advil.
"Lying little bitch," he mumbled under his breath as he let go of one of her wrists to grab something. It was too dark to see, but the metallic-plastic sound she heard means that's it could either be a knife or a gun. Y/N used her other arm to try to release her pinned down hand but she stopped when she felt something touch her head. It was, in fact, a gun. "Tell me where he is," he said as she flipped off his safety, "or die."
Y/N whimpered holding her free arm to her chest as to make herself seem smaller to comfort herself. Danyel released her other arm, putting both hands on his gun as he began to count down from 20. Y/N sniffed, her heart racing so heavily she felt like she would die. Only 20 seconds to live? What's the point of putting up a fight? She closed her eyes tightly, huffing until Danyel got to 5. As these few numbers left rang in her ears, she began to feel apprehensive.
In one swift and easy movement, she managed to hit the gun away from Danyel. A metallic clink sound hit the floor and right after that, a shot erupted. Danyel growled, slapping Y/N before lunging to grab his gun. As fast as humanly possible, Y/N shot up and ran out of the bedroom. The light from the moon shun from all the windows, making it easy for her to maneuver around and there was still enough darkness to hide. To the right outside her bedroom was the kitchen, and in the kitchen are knives, and like hell Y/N passing that up.
She swiftly grabbed one of those larger knives, one similar to what Michael carries. As soon as Y/N made it into the living room, she heard Danyel's loud footsteps run into the kitchen. In his house, the living room and kitchen don't have a wall to separate them to Y/N was in plain sight. "Put your hands up, L/N!" He yelled as he shakingly pointed his gun to her. "Make a move and I'll blow your head off!" Y/N gulped before having a master plan she learned in elementary school: she would juex him, or make him think she's going one way but she'd go the other way.
Y/N growled, jumping to her left but right as he shot, she jumped to the right again and began running. Danyel sped up after her, but it was a little too dark to actually see her move. He had to rely on her softly little footsteps that were being covered up but his own footsteps. Y/N took this time to swiftly get into Danyel's room. Luckily the floor in there was carpet rather than wood so she didn't worry about making too many sounds. In his room was a giant bed, two dressers, a nightstand, and a computer desk.
Danyel ran towards his room, not in it, and paused. "Where the hell did you go!" Y/N's lip quivered as she wiped off her tears; she looked around her for maybe something to throw so he would check inside the room, but know she was behind the door. Looking around her, she saw a binder on a bookcase she hadn't noticed before and grabbed it, throwing it against the wall across the room. Almost as soon as it hit the wall, Danyel ran in passed her, giving Y/N a good opportunity to ran out.
But instead, she gripped her knife strongly before running up to him from behind and plunging the knife right into his ribs, below his arm. Not many people know this, but one of the most vital places of the human body is below the arm; hell, sticking a fingernail in that place could pop so many vital veins that it will kill them. Danyel screamed loudly and spun around, his arm colliding with Y/N's head, knocking her over. Damn bobblehead. Danyel's blood sprayed as he pulled out the knife, dropping it onto the floor and covering his wound. He fell onto his knees. Somewhere in that time, he had dropped his gun, so he was defenseless.
Y/N ran towards the knife, as the gun was no where in sight due to the darkness of the room, gripping it. She rushed towards him a second time and this time, plunging the knife right into that bigass forehead of his. He went silent, went limp, and fell straightforward onto the floor. Y/N was covered in his blood but she weirdly didn't feel anything about it; she was basically desensitized from seeing Michael covered in it so many times.
With a small smile, she pulled out the knife and took it with her into her bedroom, throwing it onto the bed. She took of her bloody pajamas and then headed towards his bathroom to take a shower. Luckily there was much more blood on her clothes than on her body so she didn't struggle too much to get the thick liquid off her. Unfortunately, some of her skin was stained.
When she got out of the bathroom, she went back to the bedroom to get changed. No matter if she choose to put on a lovely dress, or skinny jeans and a sweater, or sweatpants and a tang top, she knew she wouldn't feel fully dressed until she could find that blue hoodie. So she headed towards Danyel's room and hummed to herself along the way. Stepping into the bedroom again, she froze when she saw a looming silhouette that was lit up by the moon threw the window. It wasn't open before, so she could only assume he had just gotten here.
A smile formed on Y/N's lips and her eyes felt watery from tears of joy. "Michael!" She yelled as she ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. She felt his arms slowly wrap around her too, lightly though as if she was fragile. Michael looked over at the fallen officer; he never knew that Y/N had it in her to kill someone. After all, Y/N once cried because Michael killed a butterfly. She must have been terrified; and although she couldn't feel it at the time, Y/N was so scared.
"Where were you?" Y/N asked as she whimpered, her lip quivering. Michael brushed her wet hair with his fingers, not answering her as expected. "Whatever... I'm so happy you're okay," she giggled to herself, wiping her tears away. "I guess their gonna link me with the murder no matter what I do, huh? So what should we do?"
Michael audibly sighed and let go of Y/N. He pulled his hands up to his mask, pulling it off. Y/N stood wide-eyed, her mouth parted open at the sight. Even in the darkness and little light the moon displayed, she could examine his ever feature for more than 5 seconds. "Oh my god," she mumbled as she brought her hands up to her mouth. "You're hot! What the hell! Why didn't you show this to me sooner you asshole!"
Her face was a light red shade and she was fangirling so badly inside her mind right now. After a solid 5 minutes, she finally calmed down; she crossed her arms and sighed to calm herself down. By now, Michael kinda just sat on his knees because he would rather not just stand there the whole time. "Well, um anyway..."
"Y/N. Obviously, we'll have to leave and hide. I've been doing this for a while; I know exactly where to go." Y/N shivered at the sound of his voice. It was serious this time instead of mischievous like the first time she heard it. Her cheeks lit up again but instead of fangirling on the outside, she kept it more on the inside.
"R-Right... I suppose we should be going now?" Michael nodded, smirking as he grabbed the sides of Y/N's face and pulling her close. They're lips collided (ew cooties) for a few seconds, and in those few seconds Y/N managed to have invented a new color, uncover a number hidden between 8 and 19376484974939, and small the word "iris." Right after they parted, Michael slid his mask back on and stood up.
"It'll be faster if I carried you. Your short legs won't go far on their own." Y/N huffed loudly, putting her hands on her hips. Her face was even brighter now, but wHatEver.
"You know what? Fine! At least I can see what it's like to be a damn giraffe." Plus she can also be held with biG StRonG ArMs or something like that, I don't know. She went up closer to him and held out her arms. "Just so you know, I want to stop by McDonald's on the way to where ever we're going."
Michael rolled his eyes, a smile on his lips under his mask as he picked her up bridal style, heading for the window. "Also! If you drop me, I'm suing." He ignored her comments as he stepped out of the window, landing perfectly. Y/N jumped in fear, "Cheezits rice!" Now if what she said didn't make sense to the reader, they should say it out loud and think about what it sounds like. Anyway, Danyel's house was actually pretty secretive. It's in the middle of the woods with only one road that leads to civilization. And that's where the two were heading.
"This place is weird," Y/N said as she ate a McChicken nugget. She was holding a happy meal that contained a 6-piece chicken and fries. Also it came with a Rainbow Dash toy. Pure bliss. Anyway, the two of them were in an abandoned asylum that had concrete floors and white walls; there were cobwebs and wood and dirt scattered. "Also, if you think for a damn second that I'm cleaning this, you're wrong."
"Not you. We. We need a place to stay, right? A little work here and there would be sufficient."
"How are you gonna use big words when your handwriting looks like a mouse trying to use a pen?"
Three months later, the asylum did not look bad at all. They only used very few areas of it; by the window they entered through was three rooms that were very close together. These rooms and the hallway that connected it was basically their home. It sounds strange, but after managing to steal a bunch of lights, sweep away nasty shit, and steal certain kinds of wallpaper to cover up the old wallpaper, it became livable. They brought in tables, even a fucking fridge, chairs, etc to make it more homey.
The asylum wasn't that old either; there was outlets for plugging in lights and a fridge and all that. They were able to steal power from a nearby working place to even get the power needed, too. Things worked surprisingly well. Y/N would cook, Michael would clean, and all that good stuff. Y/N was the one to go out shopping and all that, and Michael would steal. The power of teamwork! One one of the rooms was a bed and dresser; the bed was pretty low on the ground actually and hella big too, so Michael could fit.
Y/N would be home a lot by herself, as Michael's quest to kill his family was worth more than life to him, but she would still see him pretty often.
This series is over, but if anyone suggests a story deeper into how their relationship would be or perhaps even kids, I have no shaming in making it happen. Or perhaps a different ending?!
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jackson--t · 3 years
Hi ! I hope you're doing well. I've had an idea for a one shot and though I could write it myself I don't think it could ever come out as beautiful as if you would write it so here it is.
I was thinking of Ivar and Heahmund as a couple. They haven't really had to spend too much time away from each other because whenever ine traveled with work the other would come along so maybe this time Ivar has to go alone because it's urgent and Heahmund can't come along cause he's stuck at work and unable to take a few days off. I was thinking Ivar would be so homesick. Like unable to sleep and stuff. And though he would have had to spend around a week away he won't be able to stay away for so long and return 3 days later and surprises Heahmund and they cuddle q lot and Ivar barely let's Heahmund go anywhere because he's touch starved.
You don't have to write it. It's just an idea but if you fancy it and want to I would feel honored to have my idea written by you and also very happy. Thank you ! Love ya!
Hello my dear, and I feel so honored that you want me to write this idea of yours! ❤️ As I already told you, it was a huge pleasure for me as I can identify myself with that situation very well, and I really hope that you like what I wrote and it turned maybe a little bit out the way you wanted it. Thank you so much! ❤️
Three days
Words: ~ 3k.
It's all pure fluff and stuff, and a bit of missing, obviously. xD
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Ivar clenched his hand lightly around Heahmund's; he had been afraid, damned afraid of this day that was coming anyway - and it had just been there far too quickly, far too fleetingly, and most of all - far too hard.
He could feel Heahmund squeezing his hand a little tighter as well, but the big man only smiled slightly, while Ivar could already feel the tears in his eyes.
"I can't do that, no. I'd rather be out of a job." he snarled tensely, while Heahmund let out a soft snort. They had arrived at the final departure lounge, where he would soon be leaving - and where Ivar would have to say a final goodbye to Heahmund.
They had been a couple for maybe two years, had been through many ups and downs together - but they had never been apart for long. The longest they had spent without each other was one day. And that was only because Ivar had been far too offended at the time and had missed his bus when he had changed his mind after all. In that night, Ivar had sworn to himself that he would never again spend even one night apart from Heahmund - which had generally worked out well. When one of the two had to travel, they had taken each other with them. One had taken time off, the other was working; in this way they had been able to discover many places together. But this time it had been different. Since Heahmund had an important job to do, he couldn't take time off - just when Ivar had to fly away for a week for his job.
It was the first time Ivar had seriously considered just quitting; it was one thing to go to work and have your partner back in bed with you in the evening; but something completely different to have to go to sleep without him. The thought of it sent deep goosebumps down Ivar's body, and he sighed deeply.
"Honey, you're hurting me. It's only a week.", Heahmund said in a relaxed manner, trying to lightly release his hand from the clamp-like grip of Ivar's warm fingers; however, Ivar shook his head. Breathe in, breathe out, he told himself; but his eyes betrayed him. It wasn't really a tear that ran lightly from the corner of his eye, but Heahmund saw it anyway.
He made a soft clicking sound with his tongue and wrapped his arms tightly around the middle of Ivar's body; Ivar buried his face deep in Heahmund's black jacket, breathing in deeply the smell of his boyfriend. God, how he would miss him. Already his body felt drained, and his heart area became terribly heavy.
"I'm going to miss you so much, Heahmund. What are you going to do without me? Who's going to cook for you? And don't you dare meet anyone else.", Ivar mumbled dully into Heahmund's jacket, and he wrapped his arms tighter around Heahmund as he laughed softly and melodically.
"Babe, I'm not seeing anyone else. And besides, I'll probably survive a week without you! What are delivery services for, huh?" Heahmund replied, lifting Ivar's chin with a slight movement; Ivar blinked.
"Still. I should stay here." he grumbled, and Heahmund laughed softly.
"I have something for you that will comfort you a little. I know you always claim you don't like these things and are too old for them - but you always hug your bear very fiercely for that when I come home at night. That's why...", Heahmund said and pulled something out of his jacket pocket; it was a small stuffed animal, a small, soft hyena, wearing a dark blue ribbon around its neck. Ivar had to swallow; he took the stuffed animal carefully in his hands and then blinked very gently up at Heahmund, who looked at him with a smile.
"A hyena! You remember I was particularly fond of those?" he murmured softly, and Heahmund nodded as his hand went lightly to the back of Ivar's neck.
"Sure. You took about 200 pictures, and you kept stressing how much you'd like one yourself, and that you'd keep it in the bedroom."
"In the bathroom, so it could have a tub!"
"Of course!" Heahmund snorted in amusement; through the hall came the distinct and final call for Ivar's Gate, and the voice again sent a terrible shiver down Ivar's spine. He pressed himself as tightly as he could against Heahmund and sobbed slightly; Heahmund's warm fingers stroked through his hair, which for once he had not braided today, and which was just wildly disheveled. Who else was he going to make himself pretty for when his future husband wasn't around?
"Shhht, it's going to be okay, Ivar. You have to go now.", Heahmund said softly; Ivar knew it was time, but he found it extremely difficult to let go of the warm and familiar body and the familiar, beloved smell.
They kissed firmly and as long as they could; before Heahmund softly broke the kiss and smiled at Ivar once more. "You call me as soon as you land, okay? And no cell phone on the plane!" he said with a wink, and Ivar rolled his eyes.
He wiped away the last of his tears and hugged the hyena tightly before shuffling towards his gate with infinitely heavy feet. He looked after Heahmund for as long as he could - and when his dearly beloved guy disappeared behind him, the whole feeling in his body became really crushing. He tried to calm himself down the aisles to the plane and not show his tears - which worked well as long as he kept chewing his lower lip and answering all questions from stewardesses and staff only with a dull nod.
But it wasn't until he was sitting in his seat on the plane that all his emotions suddenly came rushing up - especially when he put the little hyena down on his lap and squeezed it tightly. He knew it was Heahmund's way of letting him know he was there - but the takeoff still sucked. Normally, during airplane takeoffs, Ivar always held Heahmund's hand, and always huddled slightly against Heahmund's shoulder out of fear; now that he wasn't there, the plane takeoff was a thousand times worse for Ivar.
The flight itself went by quickly, it was also only two hours. But the first day in his seminar from work was not great. Ivar found it awful to keep in touch with Heahmund only through his cell phone. Every two minutes he glanced at the screen, waiting to receive another heart, or an "I love you, I miss you." He knew Heahmund was working, too - but his inner, offended side most wanted Heahmund to text him every second.
The distraction of the seminar made the day go by quickly, even though Ivar shut down easily; he barely listened, and when he fell into his bed at night, all the fierce violence of missing him came crashing down. It took him a few seconds, a few seconds and his little hyena, before he could breathe reasonably again and pull out his cell phone to call Heahmund.
"Hey, little guy. Are you okay?" Heahmund said; he sounded tired and exhausted, but tears immediately started to flow on Ivar's face.
"I want to go home, I don't feel like it anymore! I'm homesick as hell, and I already know I can't sleep in this shitty bed! Heahmund, come get me. You can work from here too!" Ivar grumbled, sniffling as Heahmund laughed softly.
"Babe, you know I can't do that. I've really had a lot of conversations today, and I'm really, really knackered. I'm about to go to sleep too."
"You sound really tired too. But still... How am I supposed to sleep without you?" Ivar whined softly as Heahmund tossed and turned, Ivar heard it clearly. "And you're not supposed to sleep on the couch, Heahmund."
"I'm about to go to bed. Are you stalking me?"
"No, but I know our couch." Ivar said, smiling slightly; although tears were running slightly from his eyes, he could not hide the smile. He hugged the hyena a little more to his chest, imagining for a moment that it was Heahmund's warm hand; it helped a little.
"You are unique, at least your ears are. Which, after all, only hear what they want to hear. I miss you, Ivar."
Ivar swallowed hard. "I miss you too."
"We can talk on the phone with video tomorrow, I'm really too tired today."
"All right. Sleep well, and don't touch yourself too much! I want the full load when I get back.", Ivar grinned slightly, and he heard Heahmund snort exactly: it was the snort that Ivar knew quite well he was imagining him naked, with Ivar lying underneath him, moaning and whimpering.
"Of course. The same goes for you. I want you trembling and fucking starved with me," Heahmund replied; "...I love you. If there's anything, get in touch!"
"I love you, too. Will do."
As soon as he hung up, Ivar's heart grew heavy again, terribly heavy. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his chest, almost crushing him. It was such a sickening feeling to be lying alone in this bed, so many miles from Heahmund.
"You're 20, you can do it," Ivar whispered to himself as he tucked himself in and snuggled comfortably. But no matter what he did, he couldn't sleep.
His thoughts kept circling around Heahmund, and his body and soul missed the man next to him just terribly. Ivar had the feeling that his body was in severe withdrawal, that he simply needed Heahmund to function at all. He remembered the smell, the so familiar smell of Heahmund's neck and chin as they lay over Ivar's head, taking him in; he remembered his fingers always sliding over Heahmund's chest, sometimes on shaved, smooth, skin, sometimes on something hairier... but either way, it was the most wonderful feeling in the world to sleep in Heahmund's warm embrace.
For as long as Ivar could remember, he had always slept with his head on Heahmund's chest or shoulder; he couldn't think of an evening when they hadn't somehow fallen asleep without physical contact. Even on the hottest summer nights, Ivar would always curl up against Heahmund's back like a little hedgehog, holding at least his one arm, no matter how much Heahmund grumbled in his half-sleep.
It was simply his means of falling asleep, of waking up, of feeling good all around. But now, so alone in this hotel room, he felt completely lost and abandoned. The pain after Heahmund's closeness was so gravely real that Ivar found it difficult to breathe normally at all; again and again small sobs interrupted his breathing, and he pressed the hyena very tightly against him; unfortunately, it no longer bore any traces of Heahmund's scent, and only now did Ivar remember that he had forgotten to pack a worn shirt of Heahmund's - and it was so bad for him in those seconds that he burst into sheer tears, which only subsided when he eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.
The next two days were an absolute nightmare for Ivar. He didn't want to and couldn't eat anything, hardly felt like doing anything with the others even though the weather was wonderful - and he cried so terribly after every phone call with Heahmund that he always had to calm down before he could do anything else.
This feeling didn't go away either, and it got worse. This terrible feeling that a very primary part of him was missing, that his better and more beautiful half was simply missing. This missing squeezed all the nice feelings out of him and took over almost his entire daily life - so much so, that on the third day he was fed up and pretended to be sick so he could fly home.
He didn't tell Heahmund about all the action, because he would have just said, "You can't do that," and put on his dad look, along with his glasses, which he needed to work. But Ivar didn't care what he would think; he wrote to a work colleague of Heahmund's beforehand and asked her if he was in the office - when she answered in the affirmative, Ivar decided that he would wait for him at home as a surprise.
It was like a warm hug when Ivar unlocked the door to their apartment and smelled the scent of Heahmund still in the air; his heart was still burning, and he could hardly breathe with excitement - but finally he was home again.
Ivar felt a little bad that he had lasted such a short time and had only managed three days without Heahmund. But he knew that he would not have been able to stand it any other way, and no matter what Heahmund would say - he would just be glad to hold the man in his arms again. It would take away all the pain, and finally the endless burdensome pressure from his chest.
As he wandered through the apartment and looked around, he discovered slight chaos in some corners; but he was not angry. Rather, he smiled from the bottom of his heart, because he saw exactly that Heahmund seemed to need him in everyday life as much as Ivar needed him. As he was already unpacking his suitcase in the bedroom, he discovered the photo album of all their travels on Heahmund's bedside table; it was still open, and Ivar carefully took the book in his hands.
It showed a page with four pictures where they had been together in Egypt; there were pyramids in the background, and Ivar kissed Heahmund on the cheek while the older man grabbed his butt. It was a wonderful photo, and Ivar had to hold back his tears hard. It touched him more than anything that Heahmund had apparently looked at these pictures, even though he had seemed so tough on the phone. It was a moment that was so precious to Ivar - even though it was just a small, hidden detail in their otherwise great relationship.
As the evening approached, Ivar had almost prepared Heahmund's favorite meal; he had placed the little hyena in the hallway so that it would be the first thing the older man would see when he came into the apartment. And indeed - after a little while Ivar heard the lock of the door open, and someone standing in the hallway, puzzled. For a moment, nothing was heard - Ivar bit his lower lip in gleeful excitement before quietly sneaking around the corner of the hallway. He lurked around the corner and saw Heahmund perplexedly picking up the hyena and eyeing it in his hand, and once he had his eyes on this beautiful man, Ivar could wait no longer.
He jumped around the corner and threw himself into Heahmund's arms; the older man was a little startled, but he caught Ivar effortlessly and immediately took him deep and tight in his arms. He even lifted him up slightly with the embrace, and Ivar smiled broadly as Heahmund kissed him breathlessly, demanding.
"Oh fuck, I missed you so much, my little burglar." he murmured against Ivar's cheek, and Ivar took his face in both hands and kissed him again, firmly and intimately. Although tears were running down his cheek, he finally let go of that terribly heavy feeling of missing him, and he could finally breathe freely again. His arms wrapped around Heahmund's neck as tightly as he could, and the older man held him effortlessly in his strong arms.
"I escaped." Ivar admitted dryly, and Heahmund laughed softly.
"How did you do that again, huh?"
"I said I was too sick, and I just flew. Heahmund, I couldn't go on without you, I'm so damn starved and it hurt so much and... oh, the food!", Ivar groaned and pressed one last kiss on Heahmund before breaking free from the hug and running to the kitchen.
They spent a wonderful dinner together, and Ivar talked an incredible amount, though he didn't actually catch that much; but he was immensely satisfied when he was finally able to lie down in Heahmund's arms in the evening, and the older man pulled him into an intimate embrace on the sofa.
Ivar inhaled the smell of Heahmund deeply and firmly and swore to himself that he would never let him go - at most when he had to go to the bathroom. But that was it. Far too much had he missed the pressure of strong arms around him, and didn't want to be left alone for another minute.
When Heahmund wanted to get something to snack on from the kitchen, Ivar grumbled; but he clung with his arms around Heahmund's broad shoulders and let himself be carried like a little monkey all the way to the kitchen, where Heahmund finally had to laugh.
"What are you doing, huh? Are you my little spider monkey again?" he said, amused, and pushed Ivar onto the kitchen table; Ivar chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms around Heahmund again, even though he actually wanted to go to the freezer to get some ice cream. But Ivar kept a tight grip on him, and additionally clamped his legs around Heahmund's hips.
The big man raised an eyebrow, slightly enraptured, and leaned down to Ivar; they kissed intimately, and Ivar felt Heahmund's warm hands slide under his shirt with a slight pleasant hum.
"Are you a little starved?" he murmured softly, and slowly began kissing Ivar's sensitive right side of his neck; a thousand butterflies raced through Ivar's body, and he opened his full lips slightly to let out a soft moan.
"Yes - starved for touch. After all, we have three days to make up, my big guy."
Heahmund's eyebrow rose again in rapture, and not a second passed before the two strong arms had Ivar firmly in their grasp once more, and they were kissing fiercely. And even as Heahmund pulled his shirt over his head in one fluid motion, he knew for sure that he never wanted to be without this man for even one more day. Fuck the job - he didn't need money.
He just needed the full love and absolute closeness of this incredible man with him, forever.
@youbloodymadgenius @jadelynlace @punkrocknpearls (Uh, I don't remember if it was you who wanted to be tagged in stuff like this? xD Otherwise, I'm so sorry! <3)
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
Anidala Week 2021
Day 3: Mythology/Fairy Tales or Favorite Touches
A Serpent in the Garden of Eden
This is based on Hindu mythology about two lovers named Behula and Lakhindar. Some aspects of the original story have been tweaked :)
Once upon a time, two seraphs in the kingdom of heaven fell in love – a love so deep and profound they would attract the envy of the other angels who served in the court of gods. They were Vader and Amidala, the most beautiful out of all the angels.
Vader was descended from the bloodline of the Father himself, creator of the heavens. Vader with his enormous black wings – a black as sinful as midnight – was the angel of death. He could be as beautiful or terrible as the person whose soul he intended to take with him.
Amidala was descended from the Sister, the deity of light, love and purity. She was the queen of the celestial maidens. She inspired all to follow her and was well loved by the citizens of Zion. Her soft wings were as white and pure as snow itself.
This couple’s union caused quite a stir in court and attracted the attention of everyone. The gods felt they were an excellent match and gave them their blessing to marry. They lived together in harmony for centuries and had many children including the twins Luke and Leia, who became deities of the sun and the moon. But after a while, like most immortal beings, they grew weary of living eternal life and craved adventure. They desired to be reincarnated and sent to Earth so that they could find each other and fall in love with each other all over again. The gods granted them this request.
Amidala, being the elder of the two angels, was sent to earth first as the youngest daughter in a well-off family in Theed. Four years later, Vader was sent as the son of a woman named Shmi. Shmi Skywalker was a middle-aged woman who lived on her own in a city called Mos Espa. It so happened that her family had been cursed and killed by the god of snakes and destruction, Sheev due to a grudge he bore against the Skywalkers. He had spared her since she was a child at the time, intending her to become his devotee, but the iron-willed Shmi vowed never to worship the god who had taken away her family.
Sheev, a vindictive god, was affronted by her refusal and placed a curse on her. Any child born of her would never reach adulthood. Shmi went on to have six sons and all of them died under mysterious circumstances in their infancy and Shmi suspected it was from snakebites. Which made sense, of course, since snakes were associated with the conniving god and it was said that was how he took the lives of people who incurred his wrath.
When she found herself with child again, she briefly considered giving in to Sheev. This seventh son was conceived without a Father and Shmi suspected a divine intervention. The child was born with stars in his eyes that reflected infinite wisdom. He was too aware as a child and emitted a godly aura. Shmi knew he was no ordinary human child as soon as she held him in her arms. With his unnaturally bright blue eyes and soft golden curls, he looked like an angel descended from the heavens. Shmi named him Anakin.
Shmi was fiercely protective of her boy and always kept a close eye on him. Anakin was not to step a foot out of their extremely safeguarded house. Anakin, naturally because Vader’s essence still lived inside him, was born with the desire to explore worlds and make a name for himself. But he was aware that his mother’s overprotectiveness came from the sorrows she had endured so he (mostly) remained an obedient child. He dreamed of leaving his house once he reached the age of twenty-one for that would render the curse null and void. 
As a child, he had discovered he was an excellent craftsman and a natural artist. He painted everything he had heard Shmi talk about the world beyond Mos Espa and even Tatooine. Sometimes, images would flash in his mind about a place where there was only happiness. These visions would also show him a strangely familiar face.
Anakin hadn’t seen many girls and most of the women he had encountered were his mother’s age but he knew she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He wasn’t certain she really existed and perhaps, she was just a figment of his imagination and he decided to bring her to life with a portrait. He deftly painted her big brown eyes, delicate features and soft brown hair. It proved to be his finest work.
Meanwhile, Shmi began looking for a potential bride for Anakin. She knew he was lonely and she knew she wouldn’t be around forever to look after him and Anakin had just turned twenty. He had been mostly nonchalant to the girls she had considered for him and spent an awful amount of time thinking about some fictitious girl of his dreams.
She went to Jira, the fruit seller, who lived nearby. The old woman knew every girl in vicinity and she had doted on Anakin since he was little. Shmi told herabout Anakin’s reluctance to marry.
“Don’t look so down, Shmi. I have good news for you,” Jira assured her. “I know about Anakin’s curse and it seems like we have found a solution. A month ago, I visited my sister in Theed and heard the most interesting news. The Naberries are devotes of Shiraya and on a recent visit to the temple, they have heard a prophecy about their second daughter. It is said she would never be a widow.”
Shmi rejoiced at the news. If Anakin were to wed this girl, that would secure his life. “Where can I find this girl?” she asked.
Anakin did not want to marry this girl. His mother had gushed about her countless qualities. Shmi believed she was as special as her own son.  She was well known in all of Theed for being wits, virtues and beauty. But he was growing weary of living life as a prisoner inside his own home and he longed to live a normal life. Maybe this Naberrie girl was the answer. He agreed to meet her.
All his initial reluctance faded once he saw her. It was her. The girl from his dreams.
Anakin immediately agreed to marry Padmé, who seemed just as much taken with him as he was with her.
On their wedding night, Shmi prepared a chamber for them and took every precaution to keep out any snakes that could slither in. Unfortunately, Sheev was one step ahead of her. He conspired with Watto, the builder, to sabotage their accommodation and leave a carefully concealed hole.
Anakin and Padmé were fast asleep on their wedding night, after conversing for hours about their shared visions and memories. The snake upon gazing at the couple felt a pang of regret and hesitated to bring misfortune upon the innocent young couple. Sheev then used his godly powers to compel the serpent and charmed Padmé to fall into a deep slumber. The snake caused the lamp kept next to the couple’s bed to topple and the spills of hot oil forced Padmé to wake and she found her husband bitten by the serpent. She took out the dagger she always carried with her and with she threw it at the snake, which caused its tail to be chopped in half.
Shmi rushed to her son’s side but it was too late. The poison was already in his system and within a few hours, Anakin was dead. Shmi was inconsolable with grief and so was Padmé after becoming a widow at such a young age.
As per the tradition, Anakin’s body was to be put on a raft and set to sail on the river as was done to people who died from snake bites. Padmé refused to accept his death.
All her life, she had known her husband would never die before her. She wished to be on the raft and accompany him. The people thought she had lost her mind from the grief. She waited for them to leave after the ritual and then sneaked in the raft and started sailing on the river. She prayed to the gods to not let the raft sink.
It was said if you went far enough, you would reach the heavens. And that exactly was Padmé’s intention. She would enter heaven and beg the gods to restore Anakin back to life.
The gods were impressed by her perseverance and put her through many trails along the way. Padmé, with Amidala’s essence in her, proved she was worthy and passed them all.
When she reached the heavens, the gods welcomed her.
“We are impressed by your devotion to your husband,” said Yoda, the god of wisdom.
“Then help me by bringing him back to life,” pleaded Padmé.
“It is too late,” said Sheev, ever the schemer. “You have taken too long to reach here. We can only resurrect him within 3 days of his death. You have taken a week.”
Padmé was heartbroken. She besought them to find another way for her to be reunited with her Anakin again or take her life as well.
“There is a way,” said Qui-Gon, the god of compassion, thoughtfully.
“We can make him a god again, as he was once. But he would be bound to serve another god for eternity. That is the price you must pay.”
Sheev was quick to step up and offer to be Anakin’s master and Shmi, realizing her son’s life was more important to her, allowed Anakin to be Palpatine’s apprentice.
Shaak Ti, the goddess of power, was impressed by Padmé and offered to take her in if she was willing to give up her mortal life. Padmé agreed without a second thought. Anakin was restored to life and he was euphoric on seeing his beloved at his side. He felt very fortunate on having such a capable woman as his wife. In the end, Padmé’s endurance and good faith was rewarded. The couple was welcomed back in heaven as gods, reunited after the adventure of a lifetime, and as the happiest of husbands and wives.  
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anotherkpopvictim · 4 years
Respected and Loved - NamKook Littlespace Drabble
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(Gif source - me)
“Anonymous asked:  Hey! I was wondering if you could do a Jungkook-centric littlespace AU. I was wondering if his main caregiver could be Namjoon hyung. Panic attacks and angst with fluff and happiness at the end would be great.”
A/N: I know that I took longer to post it than I originally planned, but I realized that posting it for Kook’s birthday would be perfect so I hope it was worth the wait! Also, I really liked the JinKook idea you gave me as well, I might work on it for a while and post that for Jin’s birthday in December.
Anyways, enjoy! And Happy Birthday to the one and only Jeon Jungkook <3
Pairing: Little!Jungkook X Caregiver!Namjoon
Rating: T (swearing, panic attack)
Words: 2923
Hurt/comfort, fluff
WARNING: There is a pretty detailed panic attack, so if that triggers you at all, please do not read this fic.
It was obvious to anyone and everyone with eyes that Jeon Jungkook admired and respected his Namjoon-hyung. Between the doe eyes staring up at the older like he hung the stars in the sky and the way Jungkook’s bratty behavior immediately stopped whenever Namjoon scolded him, the other members figured it out within about 0.2 seconds of knowing them both.
The thing was...Jungkook never just admired and respected his hyung. He loved him. Jungkook loved Namjoon. He didn’t know that he was in love back when they were trainees and fighting tooth and nail to be able to debut. He was too young back then to understand the pounding of his heart when his hyung was around or the way he felt like he simultaneously couldn’t breathe around Namjoon and could only breathe when he was around. It was love, though, as he grew to understand.
Alas, Namjoon never seemed to quite realize just how much he meant to their beloved maknae. For someone with an IQ of 148, he sure was oblivious when it came to Jungkook’s feelings for him.
One night a few months following their Danger promotions, the maknae line had gathered together for a sleepover. The three laid cuddled together in the bed, lights off for the night, and whispers of hesitant secrets filling the air between them.
“Jungkook,” Jimin looked at him seriously, “You love him, don’t you? Namjoon-hyung?”
And Jungkook turned as red as a tomato, stuttering over his next words. “As a h-hyung? Of course I love him.”
“What about as a lover, Kookie?” Jimin continued, not for a second buying into the younger’s act.
Taehyung, looking adorably confused, turned to Jungkook with questioning eyes. Now the maknae was trapped between his two hyungs’ gazes and bodies, unable to lie.
“Y-Yeah,” he managed out in something of a squeak. “Yeah, I love him.”
That was the first time Jungkook ever admitted it to anyone or even out loud. Seokjin was next to ask him about it, followed by Yoongi and finally Hoseok.
So, literally everyone in the group knew that Jungkook was in love with Namjoon for years and Namjoon himself still didn’t have a single clue, or if he did, he was hiding it extremely well.
Even as they got older, as Jungkook found out about littlespace, as everyone accidentally found out Jungkook was a little, as the leader became Jungkook’s unofficial main caregiver, Namjoon still didn’t realize.
Honestly, Jungkook came to the conclusion that he never would. That Jungkook would have to take his feelings to the grave with him. It wasn’t like he was ever going to confess himself, considering how timid and anxiety-ridden he was.
So, when the leader finally did find out about Jungkook’s feelings, it came as a shock to both of them.
The day was like any other and Jungkook hadn’t the slightest suspicion that his secret was going to be revealed.
He was in the dance studio with Hoseok, Seokjin, and Jimin, goofing off even if they probably should have been practicing. They were playing a game of choosing a random song and having someone freestyle dance to it.
Jimin was the first to go, and when Hoseok put on a super bright girl group song, Jimin didn’t hesitate to go full-on with the choreography and cute actions. He basked in the cheers he received from the others.
Hoseok took the floor next and got into a starting stance. Seokjin grinned smugly in his direction before putting on possibly the saddest song ever. It was a song in English so they didn’t understand all of the lyrics, but they understood enough that it made them laugh when Hoseok began his popping routine anyways. The song and the dance didn’t match in the slightest, which was what made them all lose it, really.
Seokjin took his turn confidently and listened for the beginning notes of whatever song Jungkook was going to play.
The maknae took a moment to think of a good song and grinned once he thought of one.
A heavy bass and EDM beat filled the room, a song that Jungkook knew Hoseok would be amazing at freestyling to.
Seokjin nodded before cracking his knuckles and then breaking into a complicated dance routine filled with all of the most famous, cheesy dance moves in it. He started with a slick Moonwalk, followed by the Chicken Dance, the Carlton, and the Shopping Cart.
The three dancers were on the floor laughing their asses off when Jin confidently hit the Mashed Potato and the Lawnmower before finishing off his performance with the Gangnam Style dance and the Bus Driver.
It took a good few minutes after Jin’s spectacular performance for them to gather themselves back together. Jungkook finally wiped away the tears of laughter from the corners of his eyes and took the stage.
Jimin gave him a smirk before he pressed play on the song he’d chosen.
A deep, obviously sensual song began playing through the dance studio, making the maknae roll his eyes.
Shrugging off his initial hesitance, Jungkook decided to put on a show for his hyungs. He started off with grinding on the floor like they did in their Blood Sweat & Tears dance, followed by numerous hip thrusts and body rolls incorporated into smooth choreography.
Hoseok and Seokjin were hollering and whistling, hyping the maknae up in his performance. Jimin could only think about how ARMYs would die if they had the chance to see this dance, even if it was only a joke.
Jungkook finished his performance, panting and sweating from the workout.
“Dang, JK!” Seokjin exclaimed, bringing a nice, cool water bottle over to the maknae.
As the youngest chugged the drink thankfully, Hoseok waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Is that the dance you want to perform for Namjoon?”
Jungkook promptly choked on the water.
Jimin snorted, “Do you think Namjoon would finally figure out Jungkook’s feelings for him if he did?”
The new voice startled the four of them, all turning towards the door to the dance studio, where none other than Kim Namjoon himself stood. He had wide eyes and his jaw dropped slightly, blush creeping up his cheeks.
Jungkook’s heart fell to his stomach. Had his hyung seen what he’d just done? Had he heard what the others said? Judging by the look on his face, yes, yes he did.
Everything was silent in the normally chaotic dance studio, Namjoon trying to process the information he’d just been given, and the other three trying to find a way to explain what they’d just accidentally revealed.
Jungkook’s mouth felt dry and full of cotton, his heartbeat the only thing he could really hear pounding in his ears.
The maknae tore out the back door to the studio before any of them could even think to stop him. He ran through the company hallways until he reached the front door and then he ran some more.
Namjoon knew. Namjoon knew.
Despite the fact that Jungkook wanted his hyung to know, now that it was happening it was all just too much for him to handle.
What if his hyung hated him now or was disgusted with him? Jungkook felt his stomach twist into knots at the thought.
Jungkook ran and ran and ran. His lungs were aching for breath and vision was blurry from his tears, but he never once stopped.
Then he internally gasped. What if everything was ruined now, and the whole band was going to have to break up because of his stupid feelings? Jungkook would never, could never let that happen, but to keep the peace between the other members he’d probably have to leave the group himself.
“Jungkook! Jungkook!”
The maknae vaguely heard the voice calling after him as he ran, but it was overrun by his self-deprecating thoughts.
The sound of car horns honking loudly brought him back to the present and Jungkook realized he was in the middle of a road and while other vehicles had managed to stop for him in time, there was one dark-colored car that was heading straight for him.
There was a harsh yank on Jungkook’s arm and he managed to stumble out of the way of the car as it came to a screeching halt. The vehicle would have hit him if he’d stayed in that spot. It wasn’t going fast enough to have killed him, but he definitely would have broken some bones.
The maknae looked around him in a shocked daze that didn’t feel at all like reality. Now safely on the sidewalk, he looked up to see Namjoon standing there with his arms around Jungkook tightly.
“Jungkook, oh my god, that was so close!” Namjoon was rambling under his breath. The man raised his hands to Jungkook’s face and inspected it. “Are you hurt?”
Jungkook shook his head, not being able to find any words in his shocked state.
Taking a deep breath, Namjoon pulled out a black mask matching the one he had on himself and slipped it onto the maknae’s face. “Let’s get you out of here before someone recognizes you. I think we need to talk, Jungkook-ah.”
The two of them took a car back to their dorm because apparently Jungkook had gotten impossibly far in his race to get away from his problems. They didn’t speak while the manager drove them back, but Namjoon held onto Jungkook’s hand firmly.
Jungkook was still so shell-shocked from his almost car accident that everything went by in a haze. The next thing he knew he was sitting on the couch in their dorm with a blanket wrapped around him and a cup of water in his hands.
Namjoon sat down beside him and set a hand on the maknae’s shoulder. “Kook-ah, can you look at me please?”
And Jungkook couldn’t say no to his hyung, had never been able to, so he raised his watery eyes and looked his hyung in the face.
The leader’s expression was concerned but calm. He gave a gentle smile. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so scared when you took off like that...and when that car almost...” he trailed off.
“‘M sorry,” Jungkook croaked, his throat still feeling tight and dry from his panic attack.
Namjoon shook his head, “No...no. You don’t need to apologize. Just...you can’t run away like that when you’re scared. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Jungkook nodded. “Me neither. I’ll try to do better.”
Namjoon sighed and started hesitantly, “So...you have feelings for me?”
The maknae’s breath hitched again and he could feel the panic attack that had settled slightly come back full force. His whole body began shaking with the effort to breathe and his heartbeat was racing in his chest.
“Jungkook! Jungkook, it’s okay! It’s okay!” Namjoon hurried to say. He grabbed the maknae by the arms and tried to get him to look into his eyes. “Don’t panic again, baby, please.”
“D-Don’t hate Kookie, please Daddy!” Jungkook slipped into littlespace without any warning. “’M sorry, ‘m sorry!” he sobbed.
“Daddy could never hate you, baby,” Namjoon replied, desperation in his voice. “I-I love you, Kookie. I’ve loved you for years.”
Jungkook stopped breathing completely for a moment. “W-What?”
Namjoon sighed and hung his head. “I never told anyone and I tried my best to hide it. I never even thought you could love me back.”
Jungkook had so much he wanted to say, needed to say, but for a few minutes, he had to regain control over his breathing. Namjoon helped him by breathing deeply with him and running his hand through his hair soothingly.
“Y-You love K-Kookie?”
The leader smiled shyly, “Yeah, yeah, I do.”
“Daddy loves Kookie,” Jungkook repeated under his breath in awe. Then he broke into an ecstatic grin. “Daddy loves Kookie!”
Namjoon couldn’t help but smile back at the younger’s cuteness. “That’s right, baby.”
Jungkook scooted over until he was seated in the older man’s lap. “Kookie loves Daddy.”
Namjoon let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding as a breathy chuckle. “That’s so good to hear, baby.”
A light bulb went off in Jungkook’s head and he looked at the older with a shy blush on his cheeks. “K-Kookie made something for you.”
The maknae jumped off of Namjoon’s lap and ran down the hallway to his room. When he returned, he had a large piece of paper in his hand and was pulling his lip nervously between his teeth. Then he shut his eyes tightly and thrust the arm with the paper out in Namjoon’s direction.
Trying to fight a coo at the younger’s cute shyness, Namjoon took the paper and turned it over to see what it was. His breath hitched in his throat.
It was a picture drawn in crayons, obviously done by Little Kookie as he didn’t have as much artistic talent as his older headspace. There were two figures in the middle that appeared to be holding each other with smiles on their faces. Above their heads in speech bubbles were the words ‘I love you’. Behind the two figures were five others who were clapping happily.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that the two figures in front were Namjoon and Jungkook, and the others in the back were their best friends. The maknae had portrayed all of their hair colors and styles pretty accurately. The picture was so sweet that the leader actually had to fight back some tears.
“This...this is beautiful, baby.” he managed out.
Jungkook finally reopened his eyes and looked at the older man with hope. “Really? Daddy likes it?”
Namjoon chuckled and reached out to run a hand through the maknae’s hair before pulling him back into his lap. “Daddy loves it.” Then he furrowed his brow in thought. “When did you draw this, though? I’m usually the one with you when you’re in littlespace.”
“TaeTae-hyungie and Jinnie-hyungie took care of Kookie when Daddy was at work one day,” the younger explained. “Kookie was really sad and he missed Daddy lots, so TaeTae said Kookie should draw a picture for Daddy.”
“Well, it’s a wonderful picture,” Namjoon praised, kissing the younger’s cheeks in thanks.
The two of them sat curled up together on the couch for hours. Namjoon rubbed the maknae’s back soothingly and the younger tucked his head comfortably into his hyung’s neck.
At one point, Namjoon got up and retrieved Jungkook’s Iron Man blanket and red pacifier from the bedroom. When he returned to the living room with them, the younger’s eyes widened and he made grabby hands at them.
They settled together again and Namjoon turned on Spongebob Squarepants on the television, though neither of them were really giving their full attention to it.
Their peace was disturbed when the front door burst open and their five bandmates piled into the room. The sudden noise startled both of them, Jungkook’s pacifier falling from his mouth as it opened in surprise.
Seokjin was the first one to get to them, his eyes wide with worry. “Sejin-hyung just told us about Kookie’s almost accident. Is everything okay?”
Hoseok was next to him in a second. “Oh god, Kookie, I’m so sorry I told your secret and caused you to run off like that. I didn’t mean to, I swear!”
“Kookie’s okay,” Jungkook answered genuinely. “And Hobi-hyungie don’t have to say sorry, Kookie isn’t mad or sad about it.”
Hoseok looked relieved and gave the maknae a kiss on the top of his head.
“So...” Jimin looked between the two on the couch pointedly. “Did you guys talk at all?”
Jungkook broke into a big bunny grin that had them all clutching at their hearts in fondness. “Yeah! Guess what Jiminie-hyungie? Daddy loves Kookie too!”
Everyone looked at their leader with happy, slightly surprised eyes. “Really?” Jimin questioned with a smile.
Namjoon felt his face and neck flush sheepishly. “Yeah, I’ve loved Kookie for a few years but I had no idea he loved me too. Did...did all of you know how Jungkook felt about me?”
The five of them nodded.
“We’ve known for a few years,” Taehyung admitted.
“Yeah, it didn’t take us very long to figure it out,” Yoongi added. “We didn’t know how you felt, though.”
Namjoon sighed, “I’m such an idiot.”
“Yeah, you are.”
“IQ 148 my ass.”
“We been knew.”
“Hey!” Jungkook scowled adorably at his hyungs. “Don’t be mean to Daddy! And don’t say bad words!”
Almost immediately, all of them mimicked zipping their lips closed and throwing away the key. Damn, all of BTS really were whipped for their maknae.
“Alright, now that that’s out of the way,” Yoongi stepped up closer and put his hands on his hips, expression serious. “We need to talk about Jungkook running off today and almost getting hit by a car.”
Jungkook groaned, ashamed, and buried his head back into Namjoon’s neck. The last thing he wanted to do right now was talk about this again.
The leader started rubbing his back again and turned to the others. “Leave him be. I already spoke with him about it and he said he’ll try not to run next time. I think the car almost hitting him was a big reality check.”
Jungkook smiled into the older man’s neck as he heard his other hyungs grumbling and pouting. Namjoon always knew exactly what he needed.
Jungkook loved Namjoon so much.
And Namjoon loved Jungkook just as much back.
A/N: Phew, that’s the end. More angst than I originally planned for but oh well. Let me know what you thought of it!!
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kylos-bens · 4 years
Mistakes Like This ↠ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Obi-Wan x Reader)  Chapter 2
Word Count: 2.4K 
Warnings: Nothing just angst again for the build up. 
Chapter 3 
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After the events of Obi-Wan's return you tried your best to avoid him and changed your whole routine. You were already busy with the Younglings so that was a plus. When it came to meals you tried to find a time when he would not be at dining halls or managed to bring back meals to your quarters. You get a glimpse of him here and there but you blocked him out. The only time the both of you had to be in one room together was in your re-training. He wasn't teaching you, but he was there as an instructor for other Padawans. You would feel his eyes on you as you moved swiftly through a course.
"Impressive," Obi-Wan was leaning against pillar. You turned to him and he was not looking at you but at the practice droids. "It seems that you will be back on missions with me."
"I doubt the Council will assign me to any missions," you ignite your lightsaber. The glow was a bright pale blue and you spun it around in your hand. The hum and vibrations were running through your veins. "I still have to finish my teaching rotation."
"It can change," he stroked his beard. You stepped on to the course and then you hear Obi-Wan ignite his own saber. You turned and prepared your stance. "Care for a rematch."
"So you could lose again?" there was a grin on your face and you felt an adrenaline rush. You did enjoy your practices with Obi-Wan especially as a Padawan. As you became more skilled he never went easy on you. You learned the way he fought in the same way he studied yours. With a flick of your wrist all the dummy droids were put off to the side and you made your way to the middle. Obi-Wan was waiting for you you make your move. You took a breath and immediately swung your lightsaber. Just as you did it Obi-Wan blocked it and the crackling sound was music to your ears. He pushed you back and lunged connecting with your lightsaber. You blocked his multiple attempts.
"You still got your perfect form," he says over the clashing of the sabers. You both pressed the sabers against each other and while he was distracted you lift your hand and force pushed him back. "Hey!" You laughed and brought your hand over the dummy droids and chucked one in the direction of Obi-Wan. He sliced it in half and went after you. Striking and blocking each attack it was just the screech of the lightsaber against lightsaber. The both of you in some kind of waltz in the spacious training grounds.
At one point he grabbed your hair in the updo and he chuckled which made you flustered and lose your concentration for just a split second. The hair fell loose and you cursed him. You went after him with quick and hard swings which he blocked gracefully. You let out a growl when he was able to cause you to trip but you tucked and rolled away before he can get to you. There was a few close attempts of singeing his robes and you did trip him up at least once.
Obi-Wan has become your match in duels you knew every move he was going to make. All he was doing was tiring you until he could strike and you watched as his hair falls flat across his forehead. Your eyes locked for the moment and you used it to your advantage. He grunts as you block an attempt and you kicked him back with enough power to make him lose his balance and then using the force  you disared him.In a swift movement you had your lightsaber inches away from his Adam's apple. There was a chuckled that came from him and you withdraw your saber. "I beat you again," you moved away and wiped your brow with your robe.
"You have definitely been practicing," he fixed his hair and robes. You blushed and thanked him before you start to head out.
"I'll see you around," that was all you can muster before you left.
After a quick shower and a meal  you received a message on you holopad. You checked and it was a summoning to the Council. It made you tense up because of what happened on the rooftop garden but you kept yourself calm. They'll figure something is up if you showed up nervous. You hooked on the lightsaber to your belt and made your way out.
It wasn't long till you got to the Council room. You took a deep breath right outside the doors and opened it. It has been a while since you were called and you were hoping that your duties are to be left the way they are just for now. Right away you tensed up when you saw Obi-Wan sitting at his chair. He looked calm and that was already a sign that this meeting was not anything that you had to worry about it. "It's been a while," you smiled once you get to the middle of the room. Obi-Wan looked at you and you gave him a brief nod.
"Been a while it has.. Hmm," Master Yoda was sitting at the center and you focused your attention on him.
"How are the classes with the Younglings?" Master Mace Windu spoke up and you turned to him.
"It was a great experience. I thank you all for allowing me to do that while I recovered," you clasped your hands behind your back.
"Obi-Wan told us that you are ready to get back on the frontlines,"Master Windu says and you shift your weight from one foot to the other. "Do you think you are?"
"I do," you nod and from the corner of your eye you see Obi-Wan looking down.
"For you this mission is," Master Yoda used his walking stick to tap the center table. A hologram of a planet not familiar to you appeared. The doors behind you opened up and you heard footsteps approaching.
"We believe on this planet of Darilia the Separatist are building droid factories," Master Windu continued on. "It's barren and no life forms exist here. There are underground caverns so be aware of that." You weren't expecting your first mission to be gathering intel on a droid factory. You thought it would be more of being assigned to protect a senator.
Master Ayala Secura appeared next to you and you gave her a smile. She has always been kind to you, especially when you were a Youngling. Master Windu was talking about other information that you drowned out because your attention was now on Obi-Wan who was tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair impatiently. You have never seen him like that before and when your eyes meet Master Windu calls your name bring you back to what was happening. "You will have Master Secura with you," he motioned to her next to you. "It is a change from your normal assignments."
"I have things to attend to," Obi-Wan spoke up. You felt some kind of relief but also disappointed that you won't be working on this mission together. If this was what the Council wants then it must be right. It would also be good to spend more time apart.
"I am happy we are working together once again," Master Secura turned to you and squeezed your shoulder.
"I'm happy too," you smiled. You sensed Obi-Wan'a force surround you and it was so heavy that it made you look over to him to get him to stop. He looked at you innocently and you sighed. "We'll send information as soon as we find anything."
"May the force be with you," Obi-Wan says and you keep your eyes on the ground.
You spoke briefly with Ayala before parting ways to prepare yourself for the mission. In your quarters you just packed the necessities in a small brown pack and looked all over the place for your favorite pair of boots. They were your lucky ones and even if they looked chewed up these boots are were on your feet every mission.
You read up on all the information about the planet on your holopad while you nibbled on a jogan fruit. As Windu said there were no life forms on the planet so that was a relief. It does become extremely difficult when encountering other inhabitants especially when they speak a language you are not familiar with. You hated having to bring the droids in.
You tried to nap before your departure but all you did was twist and turn on your cot. It was impossible so you just got up and clasped your outer robes on. You sling the pack on your shoulder and made your way to the docking bays. It was a long way there so you made a stop in the Jedi library to borrow some texts to brush up during the travel. You wondered if you will still be able to teach in between missions. You stuffed one book into your pack and then went on your way to the docking bay.
The ship was already there waiting. You were making your way inside and was expecting to see Ayala waiting for you but she wasn't there. "General," a few clones gave you a nod and went on. The cruiser wasn't so big so you were making your way throughout it without getting lost. You went into furthest section the ship and placed your pack on your bed. Ayala must have been late because her things were not here yet. This was your usual routine of checking out the ships and so you looked around before you heard that the ships is prepared to depart. Alarmed you went to go tell the clones that General Secura was not on board yet. "Why are we taking off?" You opened the doors to the main hull and froze. "Obi-Wan?"
This man had his back turned to you and then he looked over his shoulders. "There you are," he sounded amused.
"Where's Master Secura?" You we're confused so you spat that question out and the clones looked at you. Did that come off too harshly? First, you hate last minute changes. Second, this is not what you expected.
"An emergency happened on her homeworld and she was needed there. The Council thought it was better if she attend to that first," Obi-Wan went over to you. You crossed your arms across your chest and tried to keep yourself cool.
"And what about you I thought you had things to attend to," you looked up at him.
"They have been attended to," he looks down at you. "You should have checked your holopad. The change in plans were sent out to you." You sighed and moved away from him and to the nearest seat on the ship.
"I didn't check my holopad," you never do unless you hear it. Plus you must not have heard it while you looked through the shelves in the library.
"If you still find time to browse for books-" as soon as those words came out of his mouth you can see the regret on his face and the way your own face felt warm. He just turned away and went back to what he was doing. You sat there in silence trying to hide your facial expression after that admission.
The travel to Darilia as you read took some time because it was part of the Outer Rim territories. You spoke with some of the clones for some tactics while Obi-Wan listened on. He would interject once and a while but for the most part there wasn't a word from him. There was definitely a thick air surrounding the both of you and you were getting paranoid that the clones would start to notice it. They were used to the both of you discussing strategies and plans. Now it was just a few words to one another.
You retired to your quarters after the briefings. Before Obi-Wan can even come in you decided to just get ready to sleep before the both of you can have anymore awkward conversations. You start too peel away your robes and went into the small washroom. The sound of the door opening caused you to turn around. It was Obi-Wan and he kept his eyes low. He removed his brown cloak and folded it before sitting down on his own side of the room. "How did you get the Council to let you come on this mission?"you stepped out and went over to your own cot.
"I told them you needed me," he looked absolutely handsome sitting there and it made your heart thump faster in your chest. "Your first mission back I have to be with you." The way he just says things made your whole body shiver and you think that he takes notice of it. He loosened his robes so now they looked baggy on him. You unclasped your own and took off the final layer. Before these tense moments you would unconsciously strip down to your undergarments around Obi-Wan. At the time that was the last thing you thought about. You were too tired to think about other things. Anyway, they weren't revealing it was just a simple linen camisole underneath and you always kept your pants.
"It sounds like you had to beg the Council to be here," you fold your robes and placed them on the foot of your cot. With your back turned to him you realized that this would be the first time he would see the injury on your back.
Obi-Wan was tracing the scar with with his eyes and he had to look away when you made your way back to your cot.
"It looks better," he comments.
"Thanks to the nurse droid who did a good job with stitching me up," you sit back down on the cot and the both of you stare at each other for a while. The tension was all there. The feeling of desire was hovering and with the way he looked at you from across the room you wished that you were in a different world so that maybe the both of you could be tangled up in sheets. Warm breaths and soft touches.
"I wish we could too," that was all that he said before he lays down with his back towards you.
Next Chapter
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peachiekoo · 4 years
One Beep || JJK
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“I think it’s unfair that we can’t do anything about what our heart want.”
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⇢ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader ⇢ Genre: Angst; Fluff; Romance ⇢ Warning(s): Hints of divorce, slight flashbacks to dark past moments, denialism at certain points ⇢ Word Count: 2.04K ⇢ Posted: April 10, 2020 ⇢ A/n: Hey, so I made a fic based off of a show I’ve watched recently called “Love Alarm”. It has since became one of my favorite k-dramas! I’m extremely happy that this idea suddenly came to me. (I deadass don’t think I’ve ever been this hyped to write a fic) I hope you guys enjoy and also there might grammar mistakes which I sincerely apologize for!
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Everything that happened was an accident actually.
Maybe everything would’ve been fine if you only went to class at least a good two minutes later. All of it could’ve been avoided if you weren’t trying to go run an errand for a friend. But then again, who knows?
It was a Monday morning at exactly 7:50 am when you got a text from one of your closest childhood friends, Chaeyoung.
[7:50 am] Chae🍊: bubs,, where r u??
[7:50 am] You: studying in the library
[7:52 am] You: why?
[8:01 am] Chae🍊: do you think you could drop off my paper to ms.eve? i left it in your bag
[8:01 am] You: rn?
[8:03 am] Chae🍊: I mean,,, I would appreciate if you did
[8:03 am] Chae🍊: <3
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Classic Chae move, you thought to yourself. You closed the book you had checked out beforehand as you neatly placed it in your bag before you looked for her paper.
Finally, finding the paper slightly wrinkled, you made your way to the exit. You decided to take the shorter way than the usual way since you wanted to quickly get back to studying again before heading towards your next class.
While walking, you were busying yourself with your phone. Looking at a few unread messages and scrolling on twitter before you heard a group of people discussing a new app. 
It wasn’t your intention to eavesdrop but something one of them mentioned was an app that could tell if someone had a crush on anyone in a 10-meter radius.
“Unbelievable,” you scoffed quietly.
You continued walking past them as you decided to search up about it when you were recommended an app, LoveBeep. You chuckled at it. Do people really believe this? From the app details it’s popular at the moment. Are people just that gullible.
You were so engrossed by the app that you didn’t even see the tall figure in front of you. “Sorry! I-” Your sentence stops in the tip of your tongue when you realize who it is. He reaches a hand out for you without even throwing a second glance at you.
It was Jeon Jungkook. You two were never once friends but you shared a few good past memories together as your mom used to babysit him every once in awhile growing up. Now he probably wants nothing to do with you.
You felt your heart race in anxiousness. You quickly grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up before dusting yourself off and heading towards the main reason you were on the floor anyways.
You suddenly stopped though. You turned on your heels before gently tapping him on the shoulders. He looked at you with an annoyed look shadowing over his face.
“I’m sorry.” you sputtered.
All you heard was an annoyed sigh before he faced all the way towards you. He glared down at you. You felt as if you were shrinking, both mentally and physically. You watch him softly chuckling before he turned his gaze back to you.
“I don’t want your dirty ass apology, Y/n. Your mom has already enough,” He spits. “Why are you apologizing for what your mom did? Did you have any part in it? You pity me don’t you.”
You took a few steps back unconsciously before he grabbed your arm and pulled you close. He placed his mouth over your ear. “The fact that you constantly try to fix your mom’s dirty deeds is annoying. She should be able to feel the pain that she’s given others.”
Your eyes water at that for yet, he wasn’t wrong. She did bad things, but that didn’t make her a bad person. You pushed the boy off of you with resentment in your gaze.
It was silent for a moment before your voice broke it. “You know nothing. Nothing at all. You think you got it all figured out don’t you,” you hissed. “Don’t you!” you raved.
You felt the burning tears sliding down your cheeks. “I’ve tried so hard to be generous to you. Do you think I wanted things to be like this? Do you think you’re the only going through things?” you declared. “Go to hell, Jeon!” you shouted before storming off.
Finally, dropping the papers off, you continued on with the rest of your day. Doing your very best to avoid the brown-haired boy at all costs.
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It was a late night, you were bundled under your covers. You looked across the room to see a Chaeyoung peacefully asleep in her own bed. You sighed as you rolled into another position so you could finally go to sleep but it seemed nearly impossible no matter how hard you tried.
You looked over at your phone and you remembered that ridiculous app from earlier. You grabbed it from the nightstand before typing the name into the app store before downloading
Once it was finished downloading, you inspect med the app. The first thing to pop up was a loading screen that displayed tips about the app. Once it finished loading you were introduced to a welcome sign before it faded out into 3 rings with a zero in the middle of them.
It seemed fake. Like an app, a seven-year-old girl would download to try to find her imaginary prince charming. Nevertheless, it still intrigued you. You stayed up the rest of the night trying to find out more about before you crashed around 4 am.
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A few months later, it finally starting to begin spring. The incident with Jeon is far in the back of year head as you sit on the bench and enjoy the warm air and the few blows of cool air surrounding you as you took a considerable bite out of your apple, listening to Chaeyoung as she rants about her latest “life problems”.
You feel content for the first time in a while. You feel in your gut it won’t last for long though. You inhale a deep breath to just take the moment in. You let your eyes flutter closed for a second, reassuring Chaeyoung that you’re still listening to her.
Suddenly you hear your phone beep. You look at the notification to see from LoveBeep, saying exactly, “Someone in a 10-meter radius loves you”. You were just about to put your phone back since it wasn’t like it was the first time it had beeped before but you had felt a certain urge to look up.
You looked up to see Jungkook walking past you with a friend. You were just about to ignore the occurrence when you realize, he was, in fact, within a 10-meter radius when your phone buzzed. You felt your cheeks tingling at that.
No, it wasn’t him. It can’t be him. You convinced yourself. You’re in a school, there are tons of other students within a 10-meter radius of you. He was also walking with a friend meaning it could’ve been him.
The incident could’ve been easily ignored if for the past few passing you had with him within the last month didn’t result in your phone beeping. Every. Single. Time.
You kept trying to ascertain that it was another reason for this but what really got you was when you were in art class early, drawing a few sketches to waste time. You had felt your phone vibrate as you got other notification from LoveBeep. You had heard the door open before you turned your attention over to where the sound was made.
It had fully hit you. Jungkook is the one beeping you.
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You were currently waiting by the exit of the school since Chae was taking way more longer than expected oddly since it was normally you that was always late.
The majority of the students had already left school, only a few people walking around which you assumed was for the after school clubs. You decided on going into the school to go find her when you saw the boy down the hall.
“Jungkook, we need to talk,” you said as you walked up to him. You felt your phone vibrate again in your pocket before you let out a sigh.
“What?” he asked nonchalantly. He looked up at you like you were, in fact, wasting his time.
You tilted your head at him slightly look at him straight in his eyes. You just wanted to get it over with.
How can he act so damn rude yet still have feeling for you? Seems kinda fucked up.
“Listen, I don’t wanna be here just as much as you,” you smirked at him. “I know you like me, Jeon.” All you heard in reply was bluff of air coming through his sealed lips.
He rebuked, “What in the actual fuck are you talking about? You genuinely think I out of all fucking people would like you?”
Annoyed, you pulled out your phone and went directly Into the app.
“Then what is this?”
“An app.”
“What app jackass.”
“LoveBeep obviously.”
“Okay, and what does it say.”
“I’m not reading that you can do it yourself.”
You groaned in annoyance. “Are you just that fucking difficult?” You shot the phone right in his face. “You like me.” You disputed
“You’re gonna believe an app?” he yapped through tight lips. An obvious thick tension in the air had you fidgeting with your school skirt. The reality of it hit you.
This dickhead, the one who is steadily hateful towards you. The one who you once were close with. Yet, he is someone who had a full reason to hate. Not hurting any less though.
You hated him. But you loved him. Not in the cheesy ‘I’m in love with my enemy’ type of way. But the ‘You and me against the world’ type of way. A platonic love that was now one-sided from something which you strictly blame on yourself no matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise.
Your mood suddenly turning more sour at the realization, you mutter out a barely audible “Why?” before keeping your gaze with his eyes.
“You are so sick and twisted. I know she fucked up everything but you just let it out on me and then when I feel like I did it you have then you yell at me about why am I trying to fix shit that I didn’t do. It’s because of you!” you exploded.
Not stopping there, you step to up still maintaining the connected glare as you continue on. “Then you have the fucking audacity to like me? What the fuck is wrong with you.” You wept, your emotions finally overpowering you. You were so filled with anger but it was useless because there was nothing you could do about it. “It’s so unfair you can live your life like this while I’m just here.” you ended.
“Live my life like this? My parents aren’t even in the same fucking country because of her and you think your life is tough because I developed unwanted feelings for you?” He argued.
Anger flurrying through you, your arm flung at him involuntarily, slapping him in the process. “You don’t know everything!” you screeched tear stains down your cheeks before storming off.
As you were walking off, you heard him yell out to you causing you to stop. “I think it’s unfair that we can’t do anything about what our heart wants,” You heard him let out an emotionless chuckle. “If we could do you think I would like someone as low as you?” he deadpanned before listening to his footsteps walk off.
“Fuck you, Jungkook.” you gritted out before continuing on. Deciding on going home, you decided to text Chaeyoung ahead of time.
[4:51 pm] You: im gonna walk home early
[4:51 pm] Chae🍊: ? did something happen :(
[4:55 pm] Chae🍊: y/n???
[4:56 pm] You: can we talk about it later please
[4;56 pm] Chae🍊: ofc bubs
[4;57 pm] Chae🍊: do you want me to order your favorite takeout when i get home?
[4:57 pm] You: yes pls
And that was the last time you had any interaction with Jungkook.
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a/n: I hope you enjoy this series!
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
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Characters - Sawamura Daichi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Lockdown had really affected your social life and daily routine, luckily a certain someone was willing to help you get your life back to somewhat normal. What will happen when you start catching feelings?
Genre - Fluff
Warnings - Slight mentions of anxiety 
Word Count - 2.3k
A/N - Back again with another Daichi fic! Are you surprised, probably not i got a one man mind lmao. This one isn’t as long as the last but still as fluffy, hopefully you enjoy reading it :) p.s. this was almost called Toothpaste I blame Jas👀
Covid-19 had really flipped your year in a completely different direction to what you were expecting. You started the year hoping to finish your last year of high-school on a high, helping the volleyball team get to nationals and getting into university. However, the world clearly had a different plan for you, when the virus first started you didn’t think much of it. Why would you? It was only when the announcement came that the country was going into lockdown that your brain finally registered what was actually happening. Being the slightly more extroverted individual you thrived off seeing your friends, plus both your parents worked as nurses. You were going to be alone.
The first few weeks went by pretty fast, managing to keep up a routine by going out for runs and making yourself eat at certain times. Even keeping in touch with your friends from the boys volleyball team as well as Kiyoko, one of your closest friends. However, after this fairly stable period you had a really bad day. Nothing went your way, blender… broken, guess you weren't having a smoothie this morning. After that frustrating incident Tanaka and Noya decided to start poking fun at you in the group chat, which you were NOT in the mood for. Group chat… Muted. It was also raining extremely heavy so you decided maybe a well deserved rest day was in order, throwing on the TV you flopped down on the couch to start your film marathon.
5am. That was the time it was when you finally passed out on the couch. How did you end up staying up that late, Harry Potter. Why you thought it was a good idea to start watching the films you don’t know, but you managed to watch them all, all 19 hours of them. That was all it took to mess your routine up for the next month, not waking up till 2-3pm everyday just to lounge around. Barely keeping in touch with anyone, you hadn’t talked in the groupchat for close to 3 weeks, hardly even thinking about eating anything but snacks. 
Luckily you had a saving grace, Daichi. After going MIA , the third year’s started to get worried about you, especially Kiyoko. She had dmed you multiple times and got nothing in return, mainly because you saw the messages but forgot to reply. You were a whole ass mess to put it plainly. 
~ 3rd Years Group Chat ~
Kiyoko - I’m worried about [y/n]...
Suga - Tell me about it, she hasn’t been in the chat for weeks
Daichi - Have you tried dming her?
Kiyoko - She is ignoring me, she hasn’t replied to one of my messages
Asahi - Maybe she’s just busy?
Daichi - In the middle of lockdown…
Suga - Yeah thats unlikely
Kiyoko - Can one of you dm her as well? I just want to make sure she’s ok?
Daichi - I can... i’ll let you know if she replies and if she doesn’t Asahi or Suga can try
Having received a concerned message from Daichi, you realised how much you had lost track of everything and anything. Replying to both him and Kiyoko apologising and explaining you had just forgotten to press send. Although Daichi wanted to believe that was the case he couldn’t, instead of being upfront about it though he started messaging you throughout the day. Just small things asking if you had eaten and if you were staying hydrated, little did he know that this helped you get back into a better rhythm of lockdown life.
You slowly fixed your sleep schedule and got back to eating 3 meals a day. Although you hadn’t managed to get back into running, your talks with Daichi slowly got more frequent and for longer periods of time. The more you talked to him the more motivated you started to feel, eventually you got back into your running routine. It no longer became the odd message to make sure you were eating, but full day conversations about anything you could think of. Eventually you started relying on talking to him to cure your lockdown loneliness, a day without talking to him was not a good day for you. Daichi being the fairly observant person that he is, started to realise and eventually bought it up.
Daichi :) - Hey [y/n], I've been meaning to bring something up with you, you mind if we call?
[y/n] - Yeah sure Dai, just call me whenever i don’t exactly have anything going on
Receiving this was like a bullet to the chest, worrying what it could be about you pulled your knees up to your chest steadying your breathing. As you were lost in your head, your phone started ringing. Answering it you heard his voice for the first time in close to 3 months, it was music to your ears. Slowly over these 2 months you had grown fond of the boy, but you had quickly dismissed the idea of anything forming between each other. Both having different priorities in life, being scared of rejection also didn’t help.
After an hour and a half of deep conversation, a couple tears shed but more laughter at the end. You collapsed backwards onto your bed, he had found out everything. How your parents were barely home, always doing long shifts at the hospital, how you felt like you had no one during those 3 weeks you were MIA. Most importantly though you had confessed that talking to him was like receiving a warm hug. It's exactly what you needed at this time, obviously you would love an actual hug as well but that's pretty hard from a 2m distance.
~ 1 week later ~
Your eyes went wide as they announced on the news that lockdown was starting to be lifted, you were now allowed to meet up with people outside at a safe distance. Smiling you quickly messaged Daichi telling him how excited you were that restrictions were finally being lifted.  
Daichi :) - That's Great [y/n]!! So.. you fancy going on a socially distanced pic-nic tomorrow? Don’t worry about bringing anything but yourself. I got the rest covered, obviously if you're ok with that?😃
Reading the text over multiple times, pinching yourself to make sure it was real. You hadn’t seen Daichi in close to 3 months, and within that time you had developed feelings. What would it be like seeing him in person now, generally being awkward with past crushes, you started to worry about scaring him away. You couldn’t do that, you needed him. Taking a couple paces around the room thinking about what to reply, before realising you were most definitely overthinking it. He didn’t see you that way…
[y/n] - Yeah sure! Just let me know a time and place, i will be there
Daichi - 1pm at the park round the corner from your house?
[y/n] - See you there!! 
The next morning you woke up with a huge smile plastered on your face, excited for the day ahead. Jumping out of bed and rummaging through your wardrobe you pulled out a cute summer dress, not too dressy but showed you put effort in none the less. The summer dress was red and was covered in little white flowers, you had only worn it a couple times and decided it needed another outing.
Walking down your road and around the corner to the park, the wind hitting your face made you feel like maybe the world was getting back to normal. As you walked through the gates, you noticed Daichi stood over by a slightly more wooded area, smiling as you made your way over to him. Greeting each other you forgot how much his laugh and smile made it seem like nothing else mattered, making your heart beat faster in your chest. He ended up leading you through the woods and into a small opening which had 2 picnic blankets laid down at the appropriate distance. As you got closer you noticed that there were sandwiches, fruit and small cakes on both.
‘You didn’t have to do this Daichi you know? A simple sandwich would have been fine?’ You started smiling at him, no one had ever gone to this much effort for you and honestly you felt bad. ‘It must have taken you a bit to set this up…’
‘Oh no, honestly don’t worry about it… i wanted to, neither have been out in a while so i figured why not?’ The laugh that came out sounded almost nervous, which confused you slightly… Was he really as nervous as you?
The afternoon went by quicker than both of you wanted. Chatting, cracking jokes and eating, which the food Daichi had made was really good. You had asked why he had never told you about his clear culinary skills, apparently this was the first time he had attempted something like this. Trying not to get too far ahead of yourself when he had mentioned this, even though you were freaking out. Mainly chatting about quarantine life and how you missed being out of lockdown, being able to socialise freely and do whatever you wanted. 
You only realised how long you had been with Daichi when it started to get dark, letting him know you should probably be getting back. Even though in reality you could have stayed there for the rest of the night and into the early morning. Helping him pack everything up  occasionally sneaking glances at him, wishing you could pull him into a hug or give him a peck on the cheek. Just to let him know how much he had helped you over the past month. Sadly you couldn’t, once everything had been packed away Daichi (being the gentleman that he is) offered to walk you back.
‘I had a really good afternoon, thank you for this Daichi…’ Smiling at him as you walk up to your front door.
‘Would you want to do something like this again maybe?’ The way he looked at you, his eyes almost pleading, with a slight smile gracing his lips. This made your heart instantly melt.
‘If you want to? I would love that!’
‘[y/n]... why would i ask if i didn’t want to?’ Raising a brow at you playfully.
‘Shut up you dork, i’ll see you soon then!’ Laughing as you walk through your door giving him a wave before closing it and sliding down it on the other side, trying to calm your heart that was about to burst through your chest.
Another couple weeks past, you had only met up with Daichi once more, but both were still texting all day with the occasional call. You also had met up with Kiyoko within these weeks, explaining your situation. She thought it was really funny how much you were worrying about it because to her it seemed obvious that he returned your feelings. You were still completely denying this fact though, it was something your brain really couldn’t fathom. However, the next day lockdown was reduced once again, you were now allowed to have people in your house from other families. 
Being as excitable as you were and the fact your parents were out almost all of the time, you rattled off a text to Daichi asking him if he fancied a chill movie marathon night? Both of you deciding to watch The Hobbit trilogy later on in the evening. Hopping up from the couch you started cleaning the house, preparing snacks and setting up pillows as well as blankets on the couch. Seen as though it was a chill night you had decided on a pair of grey sweats and a plain v-neck t-shirt, that was tied so it wasn’t too long.
You had just finished setting everything up when there was a knock at the door, practically running to get it. Opening the door to his smiling face made something snap and you don’t know what came over yourself as you jumped into his arms, wrapping your own around him. Luckily he was quick to catch you. 
‘What did i do to deserve this hug?’ He chuckles to himself as you nuzzle into his neck.
‘Everything. Daichi I owe you so much, you don’t even understand’ Letting out a sigh, he closes the door and carries you over to the couch. Placing you down next to him as you pout at him, sad that the hug was over so soon. You had waited for so long to be wrapped up in his arms and when you finally get the chance it barely lasts 2 minutes. 
‘Listen Daichi… you have helped me so much over the past few months, and honestly…’ Taking a breath to figure out how to phrase your next words, however before you could say anything else he had pulled you back into his chest.
‘I like you too dork…’ Frozen in his arms, how long had he known… How long had he liked you back? All you could do in that moment was snake your arms round him and enjoy each other's company as he started the first film.
‘How long have you liked me Daichi?’ You question him half way through the first film.
‘About 6 months give or take why?’ He turns his attention towards you and gives you a quick head kiss, before looking back to the film.
‘6 months… that's before we went into lockdown..?’
He hums, smirking at your clearly oblivious nature, as your brain was spiralling thinking about how many signals you missed.
Tags: @super-noya @stcrryskies @iwaxme @bb-noya @vventure @ardorwrites-hq-mha @scorpiosanssexy
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i wanna know what love is - drabble #3
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: fluff 
Summary: Y/N’s pregnant with the second baby, sebastian has been on tour for a few months and hasn’t seen her bump yet, fluff follows.
A/N: is this another pregnancy drabble? yes. do i like pregnancy drabbles? i do, also sebastian and a baby bump in endings beginnings.
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(gif not mine, credit to creator)
    - Jess. - Y/N walked into the bedroom of her oldest son, finding him surrounded by a bunch of toys. She smiled, rolling her eyes at the amount of toys the three year old had. Between her family buying him every single new toy that came into the shelf and Sebastian being the weakest parent in the world, surrendering to his son whenever he pouted and asked for something at the shop. She normally used to joke that they would need a whole new house just for Jess’ toys and now with the new baby on the way she wondered if she would need to buy a storage unit just for her kids’ toys. Despite all of this, what has found fun was how her son took after her when it came to decisions, ever the indecisive one and right now he was trying to decide which one of his new toys he was gonna take to show his dad. - Jessie, baby, didn’t I tell you we need to hurry?
    - But mum, I don’t know what toy daddy will like more. - he waved his little toddler arms around the various toys scattered around the floor. She smiled and crotched to the floor, cuddling her son next to her. 
   - Why don’t you take your Millenium Falcon Lego Set so you can build it with daddy?
    - But you said a small toy, mummy. 
   - What about Lego Set and Hugsie? - Hugsie had been a gift from Sebastian to her once she got pregnant with her second baby as Y/N was a big Friends fan and when he found it in a shop during their daily walk, he couldn’t help it but give it to her. However, Jess had taken a liking to the plushie and Y/N being the softie she was gave it to her son. 
Jess nodded, walking away from his mum to put the lego set on his little yellow ducky bag and to grab Hugsie. Job done, Y/N thought to herself, leaving her toddler’s room to go a grab her carry on. Being pregnant with the second baby was surely easier, not only was the baby calmer but the bump was significantly smaller than Jess’ was, which meant she did not wobble as much. Jess came running into the living room, suitcase bouncing side to side and Hugsie on one side. 
   - Let’s go see daddy. - Jess opened the door of the penthouse, walking with a purpose, something he clearly had gotten from his dad. Flying with a toddler was something Y/N had gotten used to, between travelling due to work reasons, to see her family or to visit Sebastian whenever he was on tour, Jess liked flying more than playing. Going through the airport checks while pregnant was somewhat traumatising however. In less than three hours they were walking into the Las Vegas hotel where she had first kissed Sebastian. Jess ran in front of her, pushing the doors of the hotel suit open before screaming Mary’s name. Y/N rushed over to see if he was alright only to see him hugging his godmother. - Look mummy, it’s Mary.
   - God, almost gave me a heart attack. - Y/N dropped her bag by the side, smiling at her friend. 
   - Look at that. - Mary pointed at her bump. - Baby 2 is making its presence known. 
   - It’s almost like blowing up a ballon, just appeared in this last month. - Y/N thought she was the luckiest woman alive when she reached 30 weeks and little to no pregnancy symptoms and then out of the sudden she got a bump. It was still better than her pregnancy with Jess but it still left her with no room to sleep at night. - Is Sebastian here?
   - Him and the boys went out for a meal, should be here in a bit.
   - Think you can look over Jess for a while? I really need to sleep before baby decides to kick again. - all she wanted was to sleep but with the baby constantly kicking , Jess being a three year old, and the bump being uncomfortable all she did was stay awake. Mary nodded, grabbing Jess’ hand before he could go around and break everything he found in sight. Y/N took that as a yes and made a bee-line to the bedroom with the really nice mattress and really soft sheets.
Sebastian came back from lunch wanting nothing but to go back home. He always thought that he’d be the cool dad once he became one but he was more of a softie always wanting his kids sort of dad. It only took a woman to walk in with a baby while he was having lunch that made him immediately miss his wife and Jess. He walked into his hotel room to be greeted by a slippery toddler hugging his legs. He looked down to see Jess in his swimming costume, holding his legs while Mary followed soon behind. 
   - Y/N said no running when you’re wet. - Mary did not like to play the bad cop so whenever she made a rule with Jess, she always added Y/N or Sebastian had made them. Sebastian rolled his eyes, crutching down to pick his son up making him giggle. - That’s your slippery problem now.
   - Daddy, daddy, me and mummy brought Legos. - he pointed at his little ducky bag on the floor. - We brought Hugsie too but he’s sleeping with mummy. 
   - Have you been a good boy to mummy and the baby? - Sebastian had told Jess before he left that it was his task to take care of his mum and sibling, something he was extremely proud of. Y/N had even sent him a picture of Jess trying to hoover the carpet. 
  - Yes, daddy. - he cuddled against his father’s neck. - Let’s build the Legos, please, please!
Sebastian nodded his head yes, putting his son of the ground who went to grab the Lego box, sitting in the middle of the living room. If someone had told him before that he would be a very proud dad of a beautiful boy, a baby to go and a husband to one of the most beautiful and smart women, he would never believe it. He went over to start building the Lego’s along with his son, laughing at just like Y/N he would get frustrated when the pieces didn’t fit and pout, sometimes even throwing them against the wall ... that he had gotten from him. 
Y/N woke up with the baby kicking again, she groaned and rolled to the side, lifting her torso before getting off the bed to go check on Jess. He normally used to come and cuddle next to her and since he wasn’t in bed, she had started to worry. She walked out of her room and into the living room stopping at the entrance to look at what he thought was the sweetest thing she had ever seen. Her husband lying against the coach, Jess on top of him, both sleeping surrounded by a half done Millenium Falcon. Y/N walked over to her husband, pushing the hair away from his forehead and placing a kiss there. He shook in his sleep, opening his eyes to come to sight with his wife. 
  - I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to wake you up. - she sat next to him, pushing some legos to the side. - You two just looked very cute.
  - I missed you. - he leaned his head down to place a sweet kiss on her lips, his eyes going down to her bump. - Wow, where did that come from?
  - I think it’s your daughter. - she smirked, looking at the surprised look in his face. - I know we were supposed to wait like Jess but I just couldn’t wait and I had my guesses and I wanted to prove myself right. 
  - God, we have one of each. - he placed his palm over her bump. - And I get to pick the name. 
  - Oh no. - she giggled, looking at her bump. - I’m sorry baby girl, your name is probably gonna be Jewel or Crystal. 
  - No, it’s gonna be Marion just like I told you. - he leaned slowly as to not to wake up his son so he could kiss her bump. - You really think we can do two kids and not entirely mess them up?
  - Well, I think that one is turning up just fine. - she pointed to Jess. - And this little one will turn out just fine. We make a great team. 
  - You do realise no one is ever gonna be good enough for our little girl, don’t you?
  - Hey, when I said that about Jess you called me mamma bear. 
  - I guess I’m papa bear now. 
  - Yeah, we’re a bunch of old softies. - she cuddled against Sebastian’s side, hand going to rest on top of her son’s back. - We’re gonna be fine, Seb. 
  - Yeah, we will.
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thealphabetmurders · 4 years
Pairing: Prinxiety
Word Count: 2522
Summary: Virgil knows exactly 3 things: 1. He is stressed about finals more than a normal person would 2. Impressionists are the worst 3. The barista at this new coffee shop has the prettiest eyes
Triggers: anxiety, insomnia, implied/referenced drug-use, lack of self care
Authors Note: I wanted to challenge myself and write a fic with a pairing that I don’t normally do. I am definitely more privy to Logince, Analogical, and Moxiety, but I gotta love Prinxiety, how could you not?  
(Read on AO3)
Virgil tugged off his earbuds as he walked into Monet’s, an unfamiliar coffee house and a new experience for Virgil. Virgil hated new experiences. The smell of vanilla filled his senses as he walked in a dream-like state to the counter (standing a little bit away to let the employees know he wasn’t ready), rubbing his eyes from exhaustion, getting his fix here because he did not have the energy to go out and buy more grounds. He knew that it was most likely extremely unhealthy for him to have only consumed Takis, coffee, and Adderall the past couple days, but it was finals week, which meant it was crunch time. 
Virgil tells people he is a bit more anxious than most people, and by a bit, he means a fuckton. So, of course, finals week has him questioning everything in his life, from his study methods to his career path. Virgil is a smart guy, so he doesn’t actually have anything to worry about, as long as he studies, right? Wrong. As a fine arts major, not all of his classes are just knowing that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, you have to apply the skills you learned into a creative piece, and while Virgil is a talented artist, he was always second guessing everything he created. Which is why, in the 11th hour, Virgil decided he hated the medium he was working in, completely scrapped it, and had 48 hours to create 3 completely new “transformative” pieces. Sleep was not an option until it had to be. Which, it seemed it had been, when he fell asleep on the bus after class, missing his apartment by 11 stops. Coffee seemed necessary at this point. 
Pulling his hoodie off his head, smoothing out his hair, he looked at the pretty standard local coffee shop menu with some lunch items as well, and just looking at those made his stomach grumble. 
“Suppose you cannot create on an empty stomach.” Virgil thought. “And while I’m here…”
 As he was reading, he noticed each combo had a quirky name relating to Monet’s works. Berry spring salad with bagel was Luncheon on the Grass, sesame soba was The Japanese Footbridge….
“Give me a break…” Virgil muttered, before finally deciding on what to get. The shop was completely empty, so Virgil didn’t feel too bad about taking his time, though he did feel a bit nervous looking like a mess in front of the handsome barista. 
His olive colored skin tone with black wavy hair made Virgil feel a bit woozy, but he became dazed when he looked into his beautiful emerald eyes, almost forgetting why he was there, until he asked, “What can I do for ya, man?” 
“Uh, yea, can I get the tomato soup and grilled cheese with a medium espresso frappuccino,” He looked around the empty store, “For here, I guess,”
The barista turned around and looked at the two other employees behind him, one on their phone and one inspecting their nails absentmindedly, “Does anyone want to make a frap?” 
They both looked up and looked at each other before turning back to the one taking Virgil’s order. The one with a large scar on the left side of his face put his thumb down while the other one who looked very similar to his cashier blew a raspberry, shaking his head. The handsome cashier turned back to Virgil, and shrugged, “Sorry, gonna have to pick something else, no one want to make it,” 
Virgil sighed, rubbing his eyes, “Okay, whatever, is an iced flat white with some espresso okay?”
The three looked at each other then back at Virgil, before the cashier said, “Dude… It was a joke,” 
“Yea man,” The barista with a scar said, “We can’t just say no to what you order,” 
“What kind of business would that be?” The third one piped up. 
“Are you okay?” The barista, Virgil looked at his nametag, Roman, asked. 
Virgil merely sighed, “I’m kind of going through it,” 
Virgil pulled out his card, but Roman put his hand up. “On the house,” Normally Virgil would protest, despite the cheesy food names it was still a local business,  but being so stressed and depressed he honestly could bring himself to care. He choked out a thanks and sat down by a window, leaning his temple against the it, cool condensation comforting and making him a bit more awake. 
His food and his coffee eventually arrived, Virgil thanked Roman, who then proceeded to sit down across from him, elbows on the table and hands folded. 
“Can I help you?” Virgil asked, probably being harsher than intended, it was just his natural speaking voice. 
“Probably not, I wanna see if I can help you,” Roman shrugged. 
Virgil frowned, “Help me?” 
“I have been told I am good company and good at advice, and you, Brad Pitt-iful, seems like you are falling apart at the seams,” 
Virgil chuckled dryly, “Trust me, I hardly think you are qualified to handle hearing about all my problems,” 
Roman sat up straighter, looking into Virgil’s brown eyes against his gorgeous green, “I work as a barista by day with a bunch of dysfunctional idiots and I am a bartender at night, there is nothing I haven’t seen before, I am probably more qualified than some therapists”  He crossed his arms and cocked his eyebrow, “Try me,” 
Virgil, intrigued, took the bait, and spilled. He talked about his anxiety, the insomnia, the fear of failure, the days where he debates dropping out, his nerves going into overdrive everytime he thinks about what he is going to, how he abandoned his final project, how he has to start on a new one- essentially everything that has been swirling in Virgil’s mind the past semester. 
“Hmm, okay, so you are pulling all nighters to finish all your work, and you only had one piece to do before you were completely finished with your final, and you then decided it looked all wrong and scrapped it?” Roman recapped and Virgil nodded, “Might I give you a suggestion?” 
“You can try,” 
“When you get home, go to sleep. Sleep for at least 9 hours, in a row, look at your old project again, and see how you feel,” Roman shrugged, “Maybe with a clear head you will feel differently about your project, maybe even get some inspiration,” 
Virgil gripped the bridge of his nose, “Roman, I do not have the time to sleep for a full 9 hours, that is ridiculous, I have to do so many projects,” 
“You’ll have one less to start from square one in if you end up actually liking what you did,” 
“It is a nice thought, I appreciate it, but I probably won’t be able anyways, not after the coffee,” Virgil took another sip, as to prove his point, but Roman just smirked. 
“That’s actually just a frozen hot chocolate with coffee flavoring in it,” 
Virgil eyes flew open wide, “Really?” He stared at his drink for a bit before looking at Roman, “They taste exactly the same, I cannot believe I let you fool me like that,” 
“Janus, Remus, and I made an executive decision, you do not look good,” Roman frowned, concerned, most likely looking at his swallowed out skin and circle under his eyes. 
“Well-” Virgil half-chuckled, “Not a lot of people look good compared to you,” Virgil would later wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat because of his flippant flirting that he never engages in, but for now he doesn’t care. 
“Charmed.” Roman said, a fond smile present on his face, “I am sure you are a catch as well, when you don’t look like a skeleton” The door opened and a gaggle of people walked in, dressed in the local high school’s uniform. Roman sighed, “That’s my cue,” 
He stood up and frowned, quickly patting his front and back pockets before pulling out a sharpie. He grabbed Virgil's arm, the other one yelped, blushing slightly at the contact. “I would do the cliche ‘write my number on a napkin’, but now I know if you don’t text me it’s because you don’t want to, which is okay too.” He capped his pen, “Message me about what you decide to do, if you want. Would love to see your art,” And with a flourish of his hand, Roman walked away to the counter to take the many orders of the teenagers. 
Virgil looked down at the 9 numbers on his arm, swallowing thickly, feeling a bit sick, though it is not just from Roman’s number in bold, black ink. God, he was tired. 
His body was not attached to his brain as he walked to the bus station, got off, and walked up to his studio, unlocking the door and banging his head against the wall (not too hard, though, these walls are so thin they might as well be made of rice paper). Virgil looked at the numbers on his arm, remembering what Roman said. 
Virgil shrugged off his jacket and jeans,  throwing them on his ‘stuff’ chair and pulled on a pair of sweats, collapsing on his bed. He looked at his phone, the time reading 3:35pm. 
“9 hours from now… That’s midnight. Is he mental?” Virgil muttered to himself. He attempted to pull himself out of bed to get started to study for his history of art final, but his body would just not cooperate. How long has it been since he has had a proper sleep. 
If you have to think about it, it’s been too long… 
That tomato soup and grilled cheese combination was beginning to make him sleepy. Virgil groaned, face-palming. He went on his phone and set an alarm for 6:00pm. 
“Fine, a short nap,” He said to himself. He hit the lights and it took maybe two minutes before he was sleeping, dreaming of impression paintings and emerald eyes. 
this is Virgil. 
i didn’t end up sleeping for the 9 hours like you asked
i ended up sleeping for 13.
i hate you. 
And how do you feel, now?
much better actually. you were right. after my coma i looked back at my final and realised it was a lot better than I remembered. 
i even ended up finishing it. 
That is fantastic! I am soooo glad I could help. What did you end up doing?
Can you send me a picture? 
oh uh
idk if that is a good idea
i don’t want you to think i am weird
I beta read my twin’s fanfiction. 
I am so desensitized, I do not think I am allowed to be weirded out. 
Incoming call (Roman- Monet’s)....
Virgil yelped when he saw the incoming call. He doesn’t like phone calls at the best of times, but especially not now, not after he showed Roman his final piece. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! He should have just said no, people don’t press about that kind of thing. But Roman is clearly a liar because he said he wouldn’t be weirded out and he is, and Virgil just met this guy and he already messed everything up, why does he have to be such a fucking weirdo all the time, goddamnit, everything is falling apart, Virgil may have gotten sleep but he can’t fix himself. He groaned and snatched up the phone on the last ring, attempting to put on his best, most positive voice. 
“Hey, Roman, wha-what’s up… Bro?” 
“Hello!” Roman answered the phone, not sounding angry or upset, which calmed Virgil a bit, “I apologize, I should have prefaced that I loved the painting. I understand why you might have been worried, but it is absolutely wonderful.” 
“Really?” Virgil let out a breath, “I was really worried that-” 
“Are you kidding?” Roman almost shouted through the phone, Virgil having to pull it away from his ear, “A profile of just my eyes surrounded by roses and irises, in the style of the impressionists, even though I know you hate that style,”
“I don’t hate it,” Virgil muttered. 
“You ranted about Renoir, Degas, and Monet for longer than anyone I have ever met, and one of my closest friends is a curator at the art museum,” 
Virgil sighed, “Yea, you’re right, they suck. Sorry about that…” 
Roman laughed, “Ha, are you joking? That was the highlight of my day. But all that aside, how could you even fathom me not liking the piece? 
“I mean,” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck, “I just met you yesterday, it’s not exactly something people do for someone when they do not even know their last name.” 
“My last name is Perez, my middle name is Thomas, my twin brother is Remus who you met yesterday, I am left handed, my favorite food color is red, and I love attention, it’s why I have done theater for 20 years. Does that help?” 
Virgil grumbled, “I guess it does,” 
Roman laughed, “I love it, Virgil, trust me, it is now my phone background,” 
Virgil’s heart swelled, “Really?” 
“Really. Honestly after us talking for like, 45 minutes yesterday, I would have been more offended if I wasn’t your muse, I mean, what about mean isn’t inspirational?” Both Roman and Virgil laughed at that, “But I could have told you all this over text, I called because I don’t like texting to ask pretty boys out on dates,” 
Virgil’s heart leapt into his throat, he felt as though someone dropped a ton of bricks on his chest. How was he supposed to respond to that? Roman first impression of him was a literal dead man walking and he still wants to go out with him?
“A date?” Virgil responded, still shocked. 
“Unless the pride pin on your jacket was just as an ally, and you just spent hours painting my eyes in a straight way, I would like to, if you want,” Roman said simply. Before Virgil could respond, Roman started speaking again, “And don’t say no just because I saw you at your rock bottom, I can see where this is going,” 
Virgil smacked his lips together, “You got me,”
“What do you say,” 
Virgil smiled, genuinely, for the first time in a while, “Let’s do it,” 
Virgil was only speechless for a full minute when Roman laid out an entire romantic picnic, scheduling it perfectly to watch a matinee Shakespeare in the Park production of Much Ado About Nothing, both of them happily munching on the brownies and sandwiches Roman had made that morning. Virgil only complained for 3 minutes when Roman wanted to take him to the art museum, the blushing lasted for 4 times that long when Roman confessed it was because he wanted to hear Virgil about the paintings, his voice being one of the most pleasant he has heard. When Roman grabbed Virgil by the waist, pulling him in for a kiss, Virgil responded with equal passion and emotion that Roman was, not even noticing they were in front of Monet’s Irises. 
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antihero-writings · 4 years
The Boy with the Unspeakable Name (Ch8)
Fandom: Harry Potter (and the Chamber or Secrets)
Fic Summary: Tom Riddle may have won his battle with Harry in the Chamber of Secrets, but there were a few unforeseen consequences; loss of Tom’s memory being the most obnoxious of them. Is it possible to stop Tom’s past from becoming his future? Or is the young Tom Riddle doomed to repeat his mistakes?
Notes: Hey! I'm so so sorry there was such a delay with this one! I was having a bit of a block with it. I hope you're still interested in reading! I'm hoping the next one will be a bit faster, as it's one I've been excited for. Cross your fingers everybody!
By the way, I changed that thing I said I would in the Snape chapter! It's towards the end, when Snape's looking into Tom's mind. It's not a big deal if you don't want to check it out, but it is related to this chapter!
I hope you guys like it!! As always, it's your comments, and interest, that keep me writing!! <3
Chapter 8: Only in Dreams 
Tom stared up at the ceiling in the hospital wing, his hand behind his head, thinking about all that had happened…and some of what hadn’t happened.
Sometimes that was very dangerous thing to do indeed.
An annoying woman by the name of ‘Madam Pomfrey’ kept periodically checking on him, and offering him food and medicine. He wouldn’t be surprised if she woke him in the middle of the night just to make sure he was sleeping well.
There was also a boy in the bed beside his. He kept asking him if he wanted to play a game with a strange name. Tom made it clear the only game he was interested in playing was one in which he shut up.
When he had arrived with Snape earlier, a group of students were leaving. Apparently they had been ‘petrified.’ Whatever that meant. That made it sound like they’d been turned to stone, but they clearly were still flesh and blood—(maybe he would have preferred stone).
Snape even pulled aside one of them—a girl with bushy hair. Tom tried to subtly listen, but Snape pulled her into another room, and Madam Pomfrey had deigned that moment as one of her thousand times to ask if he was comfortable.
Which left him here, with the annoying nurse, a boy who probably couldn’t hold in his own pee…and a lot of questions.
So many things about this whole situation weren’t quite right. Waking up in that chamber with the dead girl, the way she died, the way Harry and Snape reacted to his presence, and Dumbledore’s later denial that he had killed her, or that their hatred was all that serious. And though Dumbledore had explained the diary, he wasn’t satisfied there either. Not to mention the fact that everything else in that Chamber still was unaccounted for.
There were things they weren’t telling him.
He highly doubted a teacher would be so vehement against just a bully, not to mention the fact that everyone else he’d met so far hadn’t recognized him…He had to be something more than that.
There was something they weren’t telling him. In fact, he reasoned, there were probably a great lot of things. He wasn’t going to assume they were all on the same side just because they said so.
The idea that this was a magic school, and that he was a student…He wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it yet. They’d done magic in front of him, so he couldn’t deny it—not that he intended to. And the thought did send a certain energy through him…like that word was everything right in the world. And he was indeed excited to learn magic. Well, maybe ‘excited’ was too strong. But that was one of the few things that didn’t give him confusion, question and pause. Rather it create a form of what could only be called hunger within him. He wondered how proficient he had been at magic before he lost his memory. More than anything he wished he could remember the spells.
He was sure he could figure this, them, out—maybe even tonight, if he just stayed awake a little longer. But he was more exhausted than he realized and, in the midst of his pondering, fell into dreams.
“Wait, mom!” His voice sounded strange, high and young…too high, too young. Almost girly.
A plump woman with short red hair turned around at the last word.
“What is it, Dear?!” She sounded a bit put out. “Are you ready to go?”
“I’m missing my Charms book!” Tom’s voice was pained. “Have you seen it?”
She gave a forced exhale. “And you’re sure you checked your room? Didn’t miss any corners?” She inclined her head. “You’re sure it’s not sitting on your nightstand?”
“Yes! That was the first place I checked!”
“You checked under the bed?”
“The bookshelves and wardrobe?”
She sighed. “Talk to your father, Fear.”
“Did you say you were missing a Charms book?” A boy about his age with red hair like their mother’s came in front of him, along with an identical copy of him.
“We wouldn’t know anything about it, sure.”
“We’re just a little concerned”
“Of course, for our—” The last word got blurred.
“Boys. You didn’t take”—He was sure she said his name, but for some reason the word became murky, as if she was trying to speak through a veil of water—“Charms book, did you?”
“You know us, Mom, would we ever do something so terrible as steal a poor”—Another blurred word—“—’s charms book?”
“We’re good and virtuous boys.”
Tom looked at the woman who was apparently his mother, who gave him a knowing look. “Check your brothers’ room.”
The dream turned over, and now he was standing on a platform in front of a glimmering red train engine, the words ‘Hogwarts Express’ emblazoned on the front. Steam poured out from its many orifices, and it whistled with the shrillness of a bird being squeezed…though the sound was like music to his ears.
That wasn’t the only loud noise, in fact this place was extremely loud indeed. The whole platform was full to bustling with children, parents, and as many other assorted relatives as it could hold. But the strangest thing was, he wasn’t annoyed by their presence. He was feeling many things: nervousness to leave his parents, and about what house he’d get sorted into, and if the other kids would like him, and excitement, excitement for what the castle would be like, what house he’d get into, what the classes would be like, what friends he’d make…but no annoyance.
Perhaps more than anything there was a pit in his stomach about Harry and Ron. Were they okay? Why didn’t they get through the barrier? He had been so excited to ride the Express with them. His parents tried to assure him they’d be fine, but he could hear the fear lining their voices too. He tried to let the sight of the engine distract him, and the excitement about the coming year overpower him. They’d gotten safely through crazy situations before.
He gave his parents a giant hug, and his mom kissed him many times, and he could tell she was trying very hard not to cry. They told him everything would be fine, and gave him a number of quick quips of advice. He looked towards the engine, about to take his first steps towards it on his own.
The dream crossed over itself, and though he was on the same platform, he was alone.
Well, not alone alone, it was just as loud as before, and there were just as many passersby. Not the same people, still. But this time, the sound was muffled somehow, like he couldn’t completely hear or feel what was going on around him. Just a few loud shouts would break through, and each time they did, annoyance would strike him.
There were no parents to wish him luck, or kiss him goodbye. No brothers to steal his books.
Did he like it better that way?
He looked down at his robes, and felt satisfaction run through him. They were clean and sleek and new. The first clothes he’d had that fit that description in a long time. None of the other kids got those. Well, none of the other kids could do magic either. He was special.
Just satisfaction. Not really excitement or nervousness…Just that hunger. That hunger for magic, for prowess, for a better world. Nothing compared to the bursting geysers of emotion he’d felt moments ago.
He looked up at the engine, a small smile lining his features as he stepped up to enter it.
Tom woke up to the hospital room, and went from teetering to falling off the bed.
And for a brief moment he was dizzy with unsurity; unsurity of where, or even who he was.
After he took a moment to right himself, the questions restarted themselves:
Was that just a dream? Or were those his memories?
They can’t have been, could they? He didn’t wake in a flurry of remembrance of all the memories preceding and following those. Besides, Dumbledore had told him his family was dead.
Although the final dream, or memory, was so different from the first two…Maybe that was from another year, and explained what had happened to his family?
He could tell from context they were his family, at least at some point. Yet he didn’t recognize them, or remember their names, or much of anything else about them.
Yet, at the remembrance of their images, waves of emotion crossed over him, mostly comprised of loss, and longing. He didn’t know where those waves could have hailed from, when he didn’t remember or care for these people. But something inside himself wanted all this to stop.
It overwhelmed him. He wanted to brush it off…but stayed on the ground, leaning against the wall, digging his nails into his shirt.
He tried to feel normal…or even remember what normal was. He thought he felt normal most of the day. Right now he didn’t feel like…himself.
A line of light reached its hands out to him, and he looked up to see the door to Madam Pomfrey’s room open slightly. She must have heard him fall off the bed—(did she have owl hearing? The other kid was still snoring like a troll). Meeting her eyes was a mistake, because she gave a small gasp, and ran over to him with the speed of a rocket powered penguin.
As she helped him up, she quickly began bombarding him numerous questions, comforts, and recommendations—
“I’m FINE!” he yelled, pushing her hand away—(the other kid’s snores abruptly stopped, but he didn’t wake)— “Stop pestering me, Woman!”
Her eyes widened, apparently so shocked a student would speak this way to her, that for a moment she couldn’t speak. And at that look, before she could scold him, he muttered.
The words just came out, he didn’t really think about it. But as his tongue traced the words he tasted iron.
“My dreams weren’t very pleasant,” he added. “That’s all.”
She still proceeded to berate him heavily for his behavior, and checked more than once that his dreams really were the only problem, but he could barely hear her. He couldn’t stop thinking about how strange it was that, after all the foreignness both the day and the night had to offer, the most foreign experience of all that day, was the feeling of those two words leaving his lips.
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undeadorion-archive · 3 years
Strap in, folks! It’s family drama time! But there’s a lot of history, first. CW: emotional abuse, anti-vax/mask, physical assault
I have 2 sisters. One older, one younger. We’re all our own brand of mess thanks to an emotionally abusive and manipulative mother. But my older sister takes it to a whole new level. She’s the one who fell into perpetuating the cycle of abuse. 
Older sister is 6 years older than me, thus in her mid-40s. Younger sister is 1 year younger than me. 
Technically, my older sister is adopted. But she’s also my biological sister. It’s a longer story, but my mom got into a serious accident when my older sister was just a baby. My mom’s cousins adopted her, but didn’t tell her until she was like 10. They told her she was going to meet her biological family, gave her a one way ticket from the midwest to Oregon, and put her on a plane by herself. They didn’t tell her she was leaving for good. Which, understandably, would mess someone up for a while. 
Growing up, she had some serious issues with acting out and just being awful. She’d skip school to bring boyfriends home and have sex in other people’s beds, for example. 
The big thing she did to me, however, happened when I was like 20. I’d injured my knee severely and was still waiting to see the physical therapist. I couldn’t bend my right leg at all, I’d later find out it was because my kneecap had started to heal crooked. But at the time this happened, I was just in so much pain I was physically ill. She cornered me in the kitchen about something and refused to let me leave until I told her what she wanted to hear. I was in tears because I just wanted to go lay back down. I begged her to move, she wouldn’t listen. I tried to slap her out of sheer panic, but because of the pain and standing on one foot, I barely even touched her. She responded by taking my feet out from under me and laying on top of me, in a wrestling move type of thing. She then mocked me for not being able to get back up while I was laying on the floor having what I now realize was an extreme panic attack. I couldn’t even speak. 
To this day, she waffles between claiming to not remember it even happening and it not being a big deal. By one line in the sand is that if she apologizes, genuinely, for it then I’ll speak to her again. She’s tried exactly once in 15 years, and it was to tell me to get over it and move on.
At some point, she moved 300 miles away. She would periodically come to visit, but I wasn’t speaking to anyone in my family during that time.
She got REAL mad when I moved in with my dad. For the longest time using my deadname or the wrong pronouns. Eventually upgrading to calling me “Colon” (with the quotes). I’ve lived her since early 2018, and she continues to insist that I turned my dad and younger sister against her. Even though it was her vitriolic behavior about me that did it. My only caveat is that I don’t have to see her if she ever comes to visit. Yet somehow that’s too much for her to handle.
Slowly, my dad and younger sister started distancing themselves. The biggest blow coming in the middle of 2020. Late in 2019, my dad had started planning a trip out to see her in May. He bought plane tickets because he’s getting older and he just can’t do that drive anymore. Then his flight was cancelled so he re-scheduled for September. But the more the pandemic dragged on, the more he questioned it. So he told her he was going to cancel for now and they could try again after the world got back to normal.
She absolutely fucking lost it. Just blew her top. Started ranting and raving about how it’s all a hoax. Called him selfish and demanded he have empathy for her plight. Expecting him to risk the airport, when he was in a very high risk category, between his age and health issues. 
After that, she got REAL loud about being against masks. And eventually, against the vaccine. 
Then, about a year ago, she “coincidentally” tested positive for COVID when she went to the hospital for pneumonia. And expected the family to travel 300 miles to see her because of it. She’s still anti-mask and anti-vaccine.
All the while she’s been threatening my younger sister to come and visit. While also demanding to take my niece and nephew (ages 9 and 4) out for a day just the 3 of them. Without any other adults. Like flat out harassing my younger sister about it. 
She was constantly attacking both my dad and younger sister. And any time they’d say anything in the real of “that’s not okay” she’d start in with the usual “That’s just my OPINION” nonsense. Like telling my younger sister to have a cleaner house.
Then added on top of all that, over the last year we lost our 2 closest relatives. Our aunt and uncle who lived one town over. We practically lived at their house for several summers. When older sister was told about their passing, all she said was “sorry to hear that,” as if they were strangers. She didn’t care at all about it, and was almost irritated that she was expected to acknowledge it.
Until a few weeks ago. We went to help our cousins with clearing out the house. Took some heirlooms and sentimental stuff and otherwise helped sell what they weren’t keeping. They lived in a huge house out in the middle of farm country, so cell signal was non-existent and internet was spotty at best. She saw younger sister posting photos from the visit, and lost her shit. Because she expected us to video call her so she could see what stuff there was. Of course didn’t give a damn about the emotional weight of it all. 
Sometime after that, she ended up calling my dad and berating him about it all. Just yelling and insulting him for no reason. She called him a “Stubborn old fool” and hung up.
In the interim she had to go back to the hospital due to post-covid complications. During which she was on a call with my younger sister. Pulled that usual abuser tactic of pushing someone’s buttons until they explode and then letting someone see just the fallout. So she could then tell my dad the doctor asked if everything was safe at home, and called my younger sister abusive for it.
Well, today was all of this coming together in one single phone call. My dad called her back after a missed call, mostly to check in after her hospital visit. And all of a sudden it became her bemoaning her “abandonment issues.” Like literally saying “You should have compassion because of my abandonment issues.” This was in response to my dad telling her calmly that he didn’t like when she insulted him or yelled at him, which she also defended with saying she had been “frustrated”. As if that excused any of her behavior. It ended with him saying “I’m not your therapist,” and telling her to speak to one.
Ultimately, she proved that she’s allowed to say or do whatever she wants and everyone else must only be nice and sweet to her. 
Also, somehow, this is all my fault. Personally. 
Family is exhausting.
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mikeyhatesit113 · 4 years
forever and never: Chapter 13
November 4th, 2007.
“Welcome to Sunday Night Football! The Dallas Cowboys take on the Philadelphia Eagles...”
The lights in the sports bar had dimmed for the night game, which was being broadcast from the three large projector screens at the front of the dining area. The commentator gave his pre-game introduction as I settled excitedly in my chair at the table.
My favorite team was about to play...and she was coming.
She had just gotten back from her weekend trip to a college football game, and she wanted to see me. I told her my whereabouts, and she was en route. She even had arranged it so that a fellow couple from the daycare center would meet us there, as the husband of the other couple was a trash-talking Eagles fan who loved to mock my Dallas Cowboys fanship.
But his opportunity to taunt me served only as a pawn in a larger game he didn’t know was being played.
The other couple would give us our perfect cover from curious eyes. Janie and I would be just two friends, meeting up with some other people to watch a football game in a public setting.  
But the game itself was the furthest thing from my mind. The only thought that highlighted the evening was our first kiss, which had occurred 3 days earlier.
She appeared in the doorway a short time later, looking for me. The buzz and conversation around the bar went on normally, the patrons guzzling their beers and unaware of the forbidden scandal playing out between two people before their very eyes.
I caught her eye and waved her over, and she sat down in the seat next to me.  
What now? It’s not like we were an item, or in an official relationship.
Our exchange of small words was interrupted by the arrival of the other couple, and the stage was set.
Regardless of the occasion and company, we were where both of us seemingly wanted to be...together.
It’s what made me think this was genuine. Her efforts to see me, even under the most mundane circumstances, are what made me believe I was the exception.
Her “Happily Ever After”.
Her “Forever and Ever”.  
The game began, animated conversation ensued, and what seemed like a year of fateful good luck continued as my Cowboys beat the living hell out of his Eagles, effectively silencing him.
Victory was sweet.
The game ended too soon, and the other couple bid their farewell. Janie and I sat at the table after their departure, continuing our conversation.
“I couldn’t get you out of my mind all weekend,” she admitted.
The bar closed, and we went and sat in her van, as we weren’t ready to go home yet.
She turned on her radio, and the CD in her changer started playing.
Hinder’s “Extreme Behavior”, an album by a popular rock band that would play as the soundtrack to that entire stage of our relationship. Years later, I look back on how appropriately the album was titled.
“Lips of an Angel” hummed from the speakers as our lips found eachother once again...
...”And I never want to say goodbye, but girl you make it hard to be faithful, with the lips of an angel”...
November 4th, 2012.
5 Years Later.
“Welcome to Sunday Night Football! The Dallas Cowboys take on the Atlanta Falcons...”
I settled onto the couch, placing my cold beverage on the coffee table in front of me. I laid my lifeless cell phone beside my cup.
Janie was laying on the love seat a few feet from me, her phone tucked under her leg as she snoozed.
The face under my skin, the voice in the back of my mind spoke to me...urging me that this wasn’t normal behavior...
But I shook it off. After all that had happened...
...all the fights, the men, and the questions, this was my last stand.
This was my last chance to trust her. If I couldn’t trust the location of her cell phone, then I couldn’t trust anything.
The game started, and though the action and cheers on the television were non-stop, our living room was quiet, save for my occasional curse word.
The game drug on, and as the fourth quarter got underway, it became clear that I was watching my team’s loss in progress.
In a year of what was seemingly fateful, endless bad luck, Dallas lost 19-13.
The game wasn’t over quite yet, but I angrily shut the TV off. I had to work in the morning, and I wasn’t going to lose anymore sleep over this game.
“I’ve seen this story before,” I said, my finger angrily pressing the OFF button on the remote.
Janie’s eyes shot open, awakened from her slumber by my words.
“Whatever, Ekim,” she said, grabbing her phone from under her leg and standing up before marching towards the staircase.
“What’s your problem?” I asked, dumbfounded by her reaction.
Apparently, she thought my words were directed towards something else.
Could have been a guilty conscience. What else would she think “I’ve seen this story before” meant?
The sad thing is, we indeed had seen this story before. Too many times.
I stood downstairs in silence, hearing her move around and then get into bed.
Not giving a single shit I didn’t follow her up that staircase.
My temper soared. I reached another boiling point.
Treat me like this, huh? I’m this disposable, right? You’re invincible, correct?
I marched up the stairs and walked to our bedroom doorway, observing her get comfortable and curl up under the covers.
“You just think you’re hot shit, don’t you?” I fired.
“Whatever, Ekim. Just come to bed,” she said dully.
We exchanged some more words, and I spilled what was on my mind.
“All I want is you,” she said.
Following this fight, we made love, but neither of us knew it would be for the final time.
Few people ever know when it’s the last time for anything.
The next day, I woke up early and went to work, and throughout the morning, I was encouraged by normal, jovial rounds of text exchanges with Janie.
By mid-morning, they stopped.
And for the next few hours, it was complete silence.
I went about my day, unable to focus on anything but her silence.
She still worked in the same building as Steppenwolf...
After work, she finally contacted me and I felt instant relief.
“Sorry, busy day,” she said shortly.  
“Did you want me to pick up a pizza?” I asked her.
“...what are we doing, Ekim?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“All we do is fight,” she said.
“Janie, don’t start this shit with me,” I shot.
An argument instantly erupted, and I couldn’t help but notice that she was trying to cut me short and get off the phone.
“Why are you trying to get off the phone so fast?” I asked.
“Because I stopped for gas and I have to use the bathroom, is that OK with you?” she asked savagely.
“Fine,” I said.
“Do you want me to call you right back?” she asked.
“Whatever,” I replied.
But that call didn’t come. I arrived home, and I determined that this was no good anymore...or at least I thought I had.
Packing my things was more for presentation for her to walk through the door and see how serious I was. But was I?
If I wasn’t, it was about to get serious real quick.
More sadly yet, there wasn’t much for me to pack. Just some clothes and small belongings, as I had left the majority of it in my storage and at my grandma’s house.
The safe zones.
Janie arrived home soon after, and watched me condescendingly as I packed up my things and put them in my car.
She was flawless at making me feel like this was all my fault, and I was the one leaving.
But she wasn’t backing down. In fact, she marched upstairs and packed a bag of her own.
Gym clothes, and a bottle of vodka.
She walked out the front door, and this was my last stand.
I followed her across the street to her mom’s house.
Just like I had done so many times before, in the bad times and the good.
“Leave me alone, Ekim.”
“Tell me it’s over,” I said.
“I won’t end this until you tell me it’s over,” I said.
“Ok, Ekim. It’s over,” she said, not bothering to look back at me as she continued walking through her mom’s backyard.
But I needed more. I needed a whole lot more to end this.
5 Years...could a simple declaration just end that?
I continued following her as we made our way up the steps to her mom’s back deck.
“Tell me you’re done,” I begged.
“Why?” she asked angrily, turning around to face me.
Her husband. My wife. A union in splinters.
“Because I can’t walk away until I know you’re done,” I said, my eyes welling with tears.
Inside her mother’s house, everything was normal and happy conversations could be heard.
Outside on that wooden deck in the cold November sunset, there was an emptiness.
“Ok Ekim, I’m done,” she said emphatically, looking into my eyes.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yes. I’m. Done.”
She walked inside the sliding glass door and shut it behind her.
I stood there for a moment, soaking in the finality.
Tonight, there would be no pestering her. No knocking on the back door, pawing at it like a stray no one wanted.
This was my apocalypse, and I was standing in the middle of it.
I slowly walked off the back deck and back across the street to our empty home.
A home that held secrets. A home that would thrive without me.
A home that was no longer mine.
I finished packing, and as I was loading my final things in the car, Janie emerged from the darkness and walked inside the house.
I shut my car door and walked inside the house, the ghost of hope slightly rising in my chest.
My last stand.
Janie stood there, leaning up against the living room wall as she looked around wistfully, completely silent.
I was silent too, but I couldn’t help myself.
I walked toward her and reached out to hug her.
I wanted to hold her. I wanted to be those two people again who did everything they could to be together.
Sports bars. Stores. Hidden parks. Her van, listening to Hinder.
Anything to be together.
I reached out to embrace her, and she ducked under my left arm and marched to the staircase.
She trotted up the stairs, and on instinct, I went to follow her.
I put one foot on the bottom stair.
I felt it. It wasn’t physical whatsoever, but I felt it nonetheless.
I broke.
My resolve to fight for her snapped in two.
I stood there, in complete silence, staring up the stairs.
Deafening silence.
Except for one single thought that verbalized itself in my head.
“It’s time. You’re done.”
I turned around slowly and walked out the front door.
I walked to my car in complete defeat, understanding for the first time in years what was happening inside of me.
I reached my limit. It was time to go.
As I sat in my car and turned the key, the bright lights of my dashboard lit up my car’s interior. But something else caught my eye.
Janie had stepped out onto the front porch. She stared at me, her arms crossed, and her face without emotion.
But there was no looking back. No turning back.
My engine roared to life.
I put the car in DRIVE and put my foot on the gas.
I was going home, where there’d be no more hurt.
No more abuse. No more confusion. No more pain.
Not like this.
That night, I slept soundly for the first time in months.
And safe.
The next day, a co-worker gave me a ride back to Janie’s house where I picked up my Lancer.
I thanked him and got behind the wheel.
I turned on the ignition.
Gas Tank on E.
Stopped for gas and had to use the bathroom, huh?
There was paperwork that needed to be filed.
The games were far from over.
“There's nothing you can say Nothing you can do There's nothing in between, You know the truth.
Nothing left to face There's nothing left to lose, Nothing takes your place.
When they say You're not that strong You're not that weak It's not your fault And when you climb up to your hill Up to your place I hope you're well.”  
Our Lady Peace “Not Enough”
NOTE: Though this is my side of the story, including my own personal recollections and opinions, the reader should not consider this note anything other than a work of literature. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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snowdice · 4 years
Gaps in His Files (Part 3) [Relabeled; Refiled Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton
Main: Logan, Patton
Appear: Remy, Virgil (but only in the epilogue)
Logan Berry has learned many things the last 10 years: a lot of math and physics, a bit of humility, and how to be a hero being just a few. Through his education, his experience teaching, and his exploits as the superhero Bluebird, he’s changed in a lot of small and large ways. He has recorded these changes in well-organized documents and files. He’s even had to create two new file designations: a red one for files about his moonlighting at Bluebird, and a light blue one dedicated to his boyfriend, Patton.
When Bluebird is targeted by a memory device and all of those 10 years of progress suddenly disappear, Patton Sanders and Logan’s extensive files are left as his only resource to get those memories back. But what is Patton supposed to do when there are clear gaps in his files? And what does he do when he is one of them?
This is set 25 years before Sometimes Labels Fail though it’s story is completely independent of it and it is not necessary to read that one first.
Notes: Superhero AU, memory loss, past child abuse, past child neglect, unhealthy ideas about ones place in relationships, emotional suppression, self-deprecating thoughts, medical procedures mentioned, very brief unhealthy views of sex
As promised, you get chapter 3 quickly because it’s really short.
Part 1 Part 2
Logan awoke aware that many things were wrong. First of all, he was clearly not in a bed and was not lying in any position he normally would have if he were. In addition to that, everything ached, especially his head. For a moment, he entertained the thought that perhaps he was extremely ill with the stomach flu and had passed out on his bathroom floor after vomiting or something to the like.
Then he became aware of the screaming. Had he been in an explosion or something? He opened his eyes, and everything was blurred and not the usual blurry that just meant he was not wearing his glasses, but the type where it felt like the world was spinning. Perhaps he had a concussion. He blinked once, twice, and then the world came into sudden focus which was… weird. If he had a concussion, surely that would not have happened.
He struggled into a sitting position, body protesting the entire way and peered around himself. He was on pavement in the middle of a busy street in a city he didn’t recognize. While people were screaming, there didn’t seem to be any signs of an explosion except for a torn-up piece of concrete. He wondered what could have ripped that up.
His eyes flickered up to the main source of activity. There was a costumed figure standing some yards away which Logan immediately classified as bad. Whoever it was had a weapon though they seemed to not be using it. Instead, as Logan watched, they shot a beam of light from their hand and the trees in the park they were near began to burn forcing the people who had apparently been hiding behind them to run.
Logan found himself climbing to his feet on unsteady legs. He was wearing a costume himself, he realized mystified and a mask judging from the feel of fabric on his face. The costumed figure went to shoot more light, and Logan made a split-second decision. He threw up a hand, knocking the villain off balance and causing the weapon in their hand to crash into the ground and shatter. The villain whipped around.
“No!” they said when they saw him. “I hit you! I hit you!”
“You did,” Logan agreed even though he didn’t remember.
“But you!” the villain stuttered, “You shouldn’t even remember-” Logan didn’t bother listening to the rest. He reached forward and tossed the man like a rag doll into the nearest building. He slid down it. Logan imagined he was unconscious after that, but kept his powers pressing him against the wall with as much force as he could muster (which, he noticed, was much more than he was expecting) until a uniformed officer ran to apprehend the villain.
“Bluebird?” a different officer asked with a cautious voice as he approached Logan.
“I,” Logan said looking down at the blue fabric covering his hands. It was his favorite color. “I unfortunately have no idea who that is.” Then he ran.
The officer called after him as well as some of the citizens as he ran by them, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t help but recall the last words the villain had said to him. “You shouldn’t even remember,” because Logan was pretty sure he didn’t.
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AO3 Part 4 Part 5
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