#and then they wipe it all away by having her transform in the nick of time anyway to save wednesday like???
chibikittens · 1 year
cant believe im posting this on the website that loves wednesday eep
#it was okay#the end was... off#though...#like the bad guy is a monster whos genetically predisposed to be evil or to serve a master or something?#i could be getting the details wrong about what a hyde is but whatever thats the feel i got from it#like it was a fun experience but looking at it too deeply theres like these little things that kinda ruin it from being genuinely good#also what was up with the werewolf conversion thing#it feels like theyre trying to mild the werewolf allegory to fit a bunch of different things and then directly acknowledging that (like the#audience is too stupid to realize it) contradicts previous information#like is it a physical condition where she cannot transform even if she wants to?#or is it a gay allegory where she genuinely doesnt want it?#it tries to do both and maybe even some others im missing too#and then they wipe it all away by having her transform in the nick of time anyway to save wednesday like???#like that coulda been built up and explored waaaayy better#also LOL no cops reads out miranda rights they just dont#oh huh i guess i have a lot of complaints about this actually XD#also it felt like it was also building up to an... you know that one trope where the hinted-at ND character does something thats not by the#books and at first no one believes them but then it comes to light that their way is also a valid way of doing things?#i didnt feel like they wrapped that up at all#like why did we need a cop character did he even really do much of anything except for arrest some guys and be vaguely menacing to wednesday#and like also SPEAKING OF LIKE HE KNEW#HE KNEW TYLER WAS A HYDE OR WHATEVER#AND DID NOTHING ALL WHILE BEING PISSY ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE#and its like never acknowledged how shitty that is its just like 'oh how sad hes a sad grungly man whos sad over his kid' like i dont care#also just a pet peeve rather than a real critic but lET THE WEREWOLVES BE FURRIES#give them fucking tails you fucking cowards#oops theres a lot of typos in these tags O_O#god this is a messy rant lol dont even look at it
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slocumjoe · 1 year
some things I love about the companions 💞
Ada; is best girl. She's a cool ass robot who gives me glue and doesn't judge me. No, this is not my "transformers prime permanently rewired my brain" bias for robots. At risk of sounding like a 12 year old boy, Assaultatrons are just badass designs. And she's blue!
Cait; is a lot funnier than anyone gives her credit for. Also, weirdly educated? For example, she wonders if Raiders like tunnels as a "Freudian" thing. Few people she'd have met would known about Freud, so she'd have to have gone and read about it herself. Also also, is on Danse's level of romantic sweet talk. Girl makes me swoon.
Codsworth; somehow hates the wasteland more than X6. His wording and tone is very optimistic but you can tell that, underneath his chipper facade, Codsworth is so fucking grossed out by everything he sees. Also, the only two companions he doesn't trust to keep you safe, are Piper and MacCready. Make of that what you will.
Curie; X6-88 (like, 10 years old) calls her unqualified and she (200ish) basically tells him to get the fuck back in the play pen
Danse; Sending his eyebrows to space by showing the smallest amount of care and affection. I'm pretty sure this man would die if someone asked if he was okay.
Deacon; talks a big game about being a liar, and being very good about it, but if you don't read that 'recall code' ASAP, he bugs you about it constantly because he hates lying to you. It's not even that you're being naive, he genuinely hates that he's being trusted when you were supposed to question him.
Dogmeat; my favorite thing about Dogmeat is that I'll spend an hour scrapping all dog houses in Sanctuary, make him a little area in my backyard with a house, food bowl, toys, a rug, and classical music, and he thanks me by getting up on my countertops to sleep, using my antique pie collection as bedding.
Gage; Wears a fake eyepatch and throws hissy fits when my army of sexy chads curbstomps his furries, Nepo babies, and Joker stans. This is entirely wishful thinking and I get why this didn't happen, but I would have liked an option to convince him "Hey, I'm coming back with my army to wipe out all these raiders, but I'll give you a chance to join me or leave since you also seem to hate these chuckleheads." I appreciate his shady convict uncle vibes. I would let him teach Shaun how to cheat at cards.
Hancock; takes mentats to feel "intellectual" when he has the second highest INT of all the companions. Also, his puppy dog eyes. "IM FERAL NOW" as he gets his ass kicked by a legendary god roach
MacCready; dork man. he has more cliche stock line jokes than Deacon. I unironically vibe with his taste in trailers, fucking LOVE leopard print (fake bc we don't fuck with wasteful animal hunting like that). He's a very cozy companion to travel with, for lack of a better description. Like if a thermos of soup was a human.
Nick; Nick is what I imagine Mac would be like as he got older—just a laid-back weirdo who wants whats best for you and will insult you so you understand that. I love his tacky ass agency sign. I wish you could put him in other clothes, because I need him in a bathrobe wielding a cane against my enemies. Just really succumb to the grumpy uncle vibes.
Old Longfellow; reminds me strongly of my old neighbor, an elderly southern gentleman who was a sniper in the military, had a chunky rottie named Baby, and once watched me play Fallout and gave his opinions on the design of the weapons in game. That man is now in Thailand with his girlfriend. I've never traveled with Longfellow but I'm pretty sure its a 1 to 1.
Preston; if you don't take Preston to Quincy, I don't blame you, because oh man, does he not have a great time there! Preston sounds five seconds away from snapping his gun over his knee and going for strangulation in Quincy. King shit.
Piper; I was pretty harsh to Piper but I love her gaslight gatekeep girlboss approach to her life. She's like an adult Junie B Jones. Piper has never had her shit together and is self-medicating with sugar harder than Hancock and Cait do with drugs. She's a cringefail woman. If Bethesda was brave they would have gone with her pixie cut concept.
X6-88; a blank canvas for me to go wild on with the fanon. But I love how he's just an asshole 10 year old murderbot that's scared of heights, thinks Power Armor is so cool he privately fangirls over Danse, is scared of children, and gushes over how awesome the Survivor is to his courser buddies. What a babe.
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azuramarigold · 7 months
Day 6 for NaruMaru Week 2023 - "Domestic/Intimacy". Pretty much combined the two prompts. @narumayoweek2023
Day 6: Domestic/Intimacy
The small plastic stick sat on the edge of the counter as Maya paced back and forth, waiting for her phone's timer to beep to signal that it was ready to look at.
            She glanced at her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in less than two minutes. There was still another two minutes on the timer. So, she paced more until a wave of nausea hit her and she threw herself to the toilet and profusely vomited, her body shaking from her retching.
            Her nausea was what had prompted her to take the test in the first place. She was starting to become ill randomly in the mornings, often finding excuses to not go on investigations with Phoenix or even stand in trial next to him. Even thinking about having a nice, juicy burger made her stomach churn, which was almost alarming. It was that morning she made her way to the nearest drug store, overwhelmed by the dozens of different options of test - each sounding more complicated than the last. She had picked a middle ground and headed back to the office quickly, her cheeks flushed as her hands were gripping the small, brown bag.
            As she wiped the back of her hand from her retching, her timer went off. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Hands shaking, she reached for the plastic test, and she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath to calm her pounding heart and slowly opened them. On the test was a pink plus sign.
            Her smile could not have been any bigger. She was ecstatic as her heart began to flutter. To be honest she had thought it would take a few more tries, but it seemed to be true what they said about the Fey bloodline.
            "NICK!" she screamed loudly as she ran out of the small bathroom, the pregnancy test in hand as she went to quickly hide it in her robe. As she went searching for him, her mind couldn't help but go back to that night she knew how it all happened.
♟️ ♟️ ♟️
It was a few nights before their departure from Khura'in back to the states.
            Despite the recent revolution, it was already apparent that Apollo Justice and Nahyuta Sahdmadhi were working on the law reform for the country. The two were always asking questions between Phoenix and Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth for any advice as the two had traveled to multiple countries to study different laws and legal systems in Europe together; this had helped them create the MASON System for a jury that eventually fully committed Kristoph Gavin for multiple murders, attempted murders, and even the reason why Phoenix was disbarred for seven years.
            When Phoenix had arrived back at his room that was given to him to be used at the temple, almost like a small guest room, he was shocked to see that Maya was there. Before he could ask why she was there, she had flung her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. Maya didn't know what to expect after that, she honestly thought he would push her away and state that they were friends.
            But he kissed her back, holding her close to him, almost desperate to keep her from slipping away. It had been a long couple of weeks from crazy trials, murder plots, kidnappings, blackmail, and unveiling secrets that were over twenty-years old. But to them it was the same song and dance - the craziness never stopped.
            It wasn't long before Maya was disrobed, her in just her white bra and underwear, as she assisted the man she had been in love with since she was at least eighteen years old remove his clothing as well. That was what seemed to finally click in his mind when he suddenly broke off from her and held her arm's length away from him.
            "Whoa, whoa, HOLD IT!" Phoenix stressed, his voice hitched in a panic. "W-What the hell are we doing…!?"
            Maya darted her eyes between the two of them, her practically naked and him half undressed. "Um… about to have sex…?" she offered meekly, her voice small.           
            Phoenix's eyes widened. "Wh-What… no… we shouldn't…" he almost murmured.
            "Because we are staying at a sacred temple…?"
            "No!" the attorney squeaked. "Although that does seem unorthodox… But no! Because how can I live with myself if something happens and you leave my life again, especially after that!?" He then held her close to him again, wrapping his arms around her. "Ever since… the Engarde trial… I wanted you so close, but I couldn't ask you of that because of your duties with your training and the village… and then Hazakura happened, and I thought I lost you then… and with my disbarment I just wanted you to have a better life without me, but I was so selfish because I just wanted you to be with me-" He was babbling, a trait that Maya had seen early on that he did when he was very nervous - she found it very endearing.
            "Nick…" Maya interrupted him. She then put her hands on his face to force him to look at her. "I don't want to lose you too…" She then pressed her lips against his again, prompting him by pressing closer to him as she felt Phoenix's hands grip into her hair. "I love you, Phoenix, and I have for a while…" she murmured against his mouth.
            "I love you too…" Phoenix admitted to her. "I have for quite some time too…"
            Maya helped finish undressing him, all that Phoenix was now in was a pair of navy-blue boxers. With a small yelp, she was lifted into his arms and carried bridal-style to the bed. The bed dipped beneath them from their combined weight, him hovering over her as he continued to kiss her.
            Within a few minutes, those kisses turned into loving pecks along her jawline, which in turn trailed down her body. Each kiss caused goosebumps and shivers to roll through her body, causing her to sigh and moan.
            "Nick…" she almost said his name breathlessly.
            "Yeah…?" he replied, his voice slightly hitched.
            "Do… Do you have a condom…?" she asked softly, her face turning crimson.
            Phoenix's face flushed. "I, uh, technically do, yes…" he admitted. "It's a guy thing… we just keep one in our-"
            "Can you not use it?"
            "Wa-Wait… what!?"
            Maya slowly trailed her right forefinger against his chest, which she never realized was so well defined. "Well… as soon as I get back to the village, I will be officially the Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique," she said to him, almost shyly. "And with that…"
            Phoenix responded by giving her a slow, drawn-out kiss. "I mean, if it happens, it happens, right?" he said to her.
            Maya felt her eyes go wide. "Y-You would really want to start over with raising a kid…?" she squeaked in surprise.
            "If it's with you, yeah," he said, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "I don't mind…"
            "So, that means…"
            "If it happens, it happens," he reiterated again, a small smile on his face.
            The rest of that night was filled with whispers of love in her ear, sweet caresses, moans of her name, and the sounds of their small pants. Maya had never had sex before, so she was preparing for the worst, but it never came; instead, she felt herself desperately clinging to Phoenix and calling his name, biting into his shoulder as passion coursed through her body.
            When sunrays crossed her face the next morning, she blinked open her eyes to see that her face was snuggled against Phoenix's chest. When she was younger, she would've blushed in embarrassment, but in that moment the ache between her legs and the satisfaction she felt was enough to tell her that she didn't imagine the night previously.
            When Phoenix blinked open his eyes, seeing how tangled they were in the bed, he didn't hesitate to pull Maya closer to him and kiss her deeply. It didn't take them long to get into a second session of lovemaking, but Maya didn't care, because-
            If it happens, it happens.
♟️ ♟️ ♟️
Maya found Phoenix in his office, separate from the rest of the agency, him working on paperwork and slightly frowning.
            When Maya rushed into his office and shut the door behind her, she saw that Phoenix was looking up from his desk in confusion.
            "Maya…?" he said to her. "Everything okay?"
            Maya practically skipped over to him and perched herself on his lap, earning herself a small peck of a kiss on her head. Her smile never left her face as she had made her way from the apartment to the agency that was below.
            "Niiiick," she drew out his name.
            The edge of his lips twitched, desperately trying not to smile. "And what is it that you want, Anata?" he asked her, thinking she found some other "Steel Samurai" item that she wanted to add to her collection.
            "Remember a month or so ago when we were in Khura'in…?" she pressed him gently, her free hand running through his hair.
            Phoenix's face flushed slightly. "Uh… yeah…? How can I forget that?" he replied, his voice wavering with nerves.
            "Well, it happened," was all Maya said as she took her hand out of her robe, showing her positive pregnancy test.
            Phoenix took it gingerly from her hand, looking at the pink positive sign. Suddenly, he hugged her tightly to him, causing her to gasp in surprise.
            "This is amazing," he whispered in her ear. "This is the best news I've heard in a while…"
            "If it happens, it happens, right?" she said to him. "And boy did it happen…"
            "I love you so much…" Phoenix told her. "We were all already a family before… but the new edition is going to make it even better."
            "Oh, Pearly and Trucy are going to love this news," Maya felt herself saying, her heart fluttering with warmth.
            "They'll make great big sisters, that's for sure," he stated. He then separated from their hug for a moment and looked her seriously in the eyes. "Hey, what if we have a boy?"
            Maya smiled cheekily at him. "Well, if it happens, it happens, right?" she threw his words back at him.
            Phoenix gave a small chuckle, "Well, you got me on that one… that is true… Even so, I would love to try again then after."
            She swatted his arm playfully. "Hey, how about I give birth to this one first before you think about having another one!"
            "I mean, if it happens, it happens…?" he offered with a sheepish smile.
It was the middle of February when her water broke, and she was rushed to the nearest hospital.
            Normally, as the Master of the Kurain, she was supposed to give birth back at the village. However, this was a different circumstance that was agreed with ahead of time between her and the Elders that for the safety of her pregnancy, she was to give birth at the hospital.
            Phoenix of course was in the room with her, him offering his hand as she clutched it for dear life. One of the Elders was also in the room as well, overseeing the spiritual side of things. She was told to give one last hard push, and she did, and when she heard that small cry, she nearly burst into tears.
            "It's a girl!" the doctor announced, her wiping the small crying newborn of the excess blood and fluids. Immediately, the baby was placed on Maya's chest to get that instant connection of skin-to-skin contact, and that was when her dam broke.
            "Oh, she looks like a little alien…!" Maya cried out, her voice thick with happiness.
            Phoenix couldn't help but laugh. "Maya… all newborns look like that…" he assured her.
            "I have a cute alien baby!" she insisted. It seemed she was still a little loopy from her epidural.
            "Yes, we have a cute alien baby," Phoenix chuckled.
            The monitors were still going off as her body was still going through contractions. The small little girl was taken off Maya's chest, just as Phoenix was given the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord. The doctor instructed Maya to begin pushing again, so Maya did. After her final push there was a second, small cry.
            "And here is your little boy!" the doctor announced, again wiping the excess blood and fluid and placed him on Maya's chest.
            "He looks like an alien too!" Maya smiled. "They both have black hair and those spikes… how are we going to tell them apart…!?"
            "One has a penis, Maya…"
            "Oh, yeah…" she laughed lightly, her hand stroking the crying baby's back.
            Shortly, the small baby boy was taken from her as well, Phoenix cutting his umbilical cord as well, and got cleaned up along with his sister. Soon, both babies were placed back in Maya's arms, after a nurse graciously wiped the smudges of blood off her.
            The little girl was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a pink hat that read "BABY GIRL" and the little boy was wrapped in a robin egg blue blanket and similar colored hat that read "BABY BOY". Both babies looked sound but were starting to squirm in their blankets.
            "My babies look like burritos now!" Maya laughed, her holding them tighter to her.
            "Alien burrito babies, that's a new one…" a nurse murmured as she walked away.
            Phoenix hovered next to her, eyeing the two babies fondly. "Are we still in agreement with the names…?" he asked Maya.
            Maya was lovingly rubbing her thumbs over where the legs of each baby was under their blankets. "Yes…" she said coherently, the loopy sensation starting to fade. "I wouldn't change them for anything…"
            In the small hospital room where Maya was put for recovery was when they were officially allowed to sign the birth certificates. Phoenix teared up as he signed his name on both and saw that Maya had of course signed her name as "Maya Fey-Wright", the first Master in the history of her village to have a hyphenated name.
            "And… there we go…" Phoenix announced happily. "It's official - these kiddos are ours."
            "Nick, it was official when I told you I was pregnant…" she deadpanned at him.
            "I'm talking in a legal perspective!"
            Maya rolled her eyes and laughed, "We can take the lawyer out of the courtroom, but the courtroom can't leave you, huh?" She then looked lovingly at her two sleeping babies in her arms. "I hope one of you will be a lawyer like your Daddy and your Aunt Mia."
            "Why not the both of them?" Phoenix smiled.
            "If it happens, it happens."
            "Oh, you love to throw that in my face, don’t you?"
            "You literally said it in your wedding vows Nick… didn't help I was seven months pregnant either and already emotional…"
            Phoenix grimaced at that. "Pearls… she really smacked me hard for making you cry…"
            "Would you like to hold one of your children?" Maya offered, her voice sounding tired.
            Phoenix nearly jumped at the opportunity. He gingerly took the slumbering, baby girl from Maya. "And how my Daddy's Girl, doing…? Hmm? Little Mia Yuki Fey-Wright…" He smiled warmly.
            Maya felt her heart soar at seeing him hold their daughter. She then looked down to their son, the baby's hair spikes poking form underneath the hat. "That must make you my Mama's Boy, huh? Caladrius Ryuji Wright?" The baby boy continued to suck on a green pacifier.
            When they allowed to have visitors, as they wanted to have at least a day with the twins by themselves, Trucy and Pearl practically bulldozed Phoenix to get to Maya in the bed as she held the babies. Both the young women were cooing and talking to the new additions.
            Both girls got to hold each of the twins, Trucy being the most excited. She was excited as she was no longer "the youngest sibling" - referring to Apollo, Athena, and Pearl being older than her.
            Athena ended up visiting as well, dragging Simon Blackquil behind her. Once they left Detective Gumshoe and Maggey had came in a visited it, tugging along their five-year-old son and three-year-old daughter behind them. Franziska von Karma and Edgeworth came once the Gumshoe's left, Franziska declaring that both the children would learn proper etiquette from her. Edgeworth gave his congratulations and was extremely touched when asked if he would be their godfather; something that he accepted gladly. In order not to be whipped to high Heaven, it was quickly offered to Franziska to be the twins' godmother; she had no objections.
            After all the craziness of people visiting, Maya was leaning back in her pillows, both the twins snuggled in her arms. Her eyes were fluttering shut from the tiredness, her hands beginning to feel lax; Phoenix managed to get both babies into their respective bins so that Maya could properly sleep.
            "Nick…?" she called out tiredly to him.
            "Hmm? Yeah, Maya?" he replied.
            "I'm glad it happened…" she barely whispered, her struggling against her yawn.
            "The twins?" Phoenix smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad too…"
            "Not just that… I'm glad I feel in love with you all those years ago…"
            Phoenix went up to his tired wife, the mother of his children, and kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad too…" he said to her.
            As Maya closed her eyes, her breathing slowed as he fell asleep. Phoenix adjusted her pillows so she would be more comfortable and adjusted her blankets. His phone dinged lightly, and when he looked at the message he smiled that his offer was accepted about buying a small condo that was still in the city, but it was a shorter distance to Kurain Village for Maya and Pearl to travel to; it had a finished basement so that Phoenix and Maya could convert it into a Master Bedroom, all while the main floorplan had three bedrooms.
            He had told Maya about the offer and moving, which she was happy about as there would be more room. She had even suggested as Trucy was going to college locally that she could still stay at the apartment attached to the agency, her friend Jinxie moving in as well for college. Even Athena decided to move in, taking the third bedroom and stated she would pay rent.
            After Maya woke up after a couple of hours, she asked for the twins so she could feed them. As she did so, Phoenix told her that the offer was accepted.
            "Three bedrooms," he had reiterated. "We can probably even have another baby."
            That was when Maya smiled coyly at him.
            "If it happens, it happens."
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When the past knocks on her door, Silena has to come clean
Part 4 of Sirens Scream Names Forgotten by Tomorrow, Laid to Rest in Infinity
(Chapter 2 under cut)
Chapter 2: Sunrises in Shades of Violent Despair
Summary: Jason stumbles in
“I really don’t know what ‘I love you’ means. I think it means ‘don’t leave me here alone.’” 
- Adventures in the Dream Trade (Neil Gaiman)
There is someone passed out on her couch. Someone who looks like they’ve run into the wrong end of a pile driver, fractured bones, split skin and bruises mottling every visible inch of them.
And there is her, kneeling beside him and staring at a pool of drying blood with a thousand yard stare, a cloth circling mechanically and smearing more blood than it’s wiping away. 
He’s terrified to speak anymore, not when his earlier words sent her down so hard he’d thought she’d go through the floor. Whatever the meaning of this is, it’s an awful one. His eyes flick to the couch again. Vinyl covers, ugly as sin, but she’d always refused to hear anything against them. 
(Easy to clean. Hides blood.)
How long has she been taking people in like this? How has he not noticed? Where the fuck has she been hiding all the medical supplies he sees scattered around? What the fuck is going on?
(You ignored all the signs that something was wrong.)
(There has to be an explanation.)
(She’s lying.)
(About what? What the fuck do you think?)
(You’re asking my opinion?)
(I’ve got nothing else.)
(Kill her.)
Jason’s lips curl angrily. The one fucking time he wants the parasite in his head to voice an opinion and all it gives him is the worst fucking option. 
(She lied.)
His hand crunches the bloody rag into a fist.
(She lied.)
He looks at her, maybe his last look at her, taking in the familiar- 
Sitting back on his heels, he blinks at the right side of her face. At the texturing he’s somehow never noticed before. He’s looked at her face how many thousands of times, studied it and memorized it, he thought he’d have been able to pick it out of a crowd. But now? Now, he’s wondering if he’s ever seen her before at all. It’s right there, plain as day because he knows what covered scars look like. There are plenty on his own face he covers when he’s out in civilization. Little nicks from where the crow bar took skin around the most obvious one that caved his skull in, the one he hates with every fiber of his being carved at the hinge of his jaw that no amount of stubble will even try to touch. Like that patch of skin is cursed, defiled, forever unsalvageable. 
(Stop thinking about it.)
(It’s just as cursed as the rest of you.)
She’s tried very hard to make it look natural and gotten impressively close. But not close enough that he shouldn’t have fucking noticed. 
(Did the crowbar take an eye too?)
Reaching towards her shoulder, he expects her to jump at the movement, look at him, react in any way at all. She’s strung tight enough to snap with a feather touch and so hyper aware he thinks a speck of dust could set her off if it moved wrong. If she looks at him, maybe he’ll get a better angle to see exactly how blind he’d been.
But she doesn’t notice until he touches her and a sickening pit of suspicion opens in his stomach when she flinches away. 
“I’m going outside,” he tells her, sounding far away in his own ears. He can’t be next to her without losing either his guts or his mind, both of which will result in him doing something irrevocably stupid and he’s fucked up enough recently. 
(Letting her in at all was the fuck up.)
(I didn’t know.) 
(Because she’s been lying to you.)
(I’ve been lying to her.)
(Not since you showed her.)
(But I never told her the truth.)
(She never asked.)
Walking away from her might be irrational, but he can’t bring himself to empty a chamber into her. 
(Shoot her. Don’t give her a chance to run.)
(She won’t run.)
(You don’t know her at all.)
(Weak. She walked into your hands, end her.)
But she’d smiled at him in sunlight and danced with him even past moon-rise, like the light would never fade. 
(She danced with a dead man.)
She’d laid out his helmet like a welcome mat, helped hold his weary body upright, brushed gentle hands over bruises and run loving fingers through his hair. Cooked dinner with him, sprawled in his lap and made inane commentary to stupid shows, spoken so passionately about stitching techniques he didn’t even begin to understand, listened to him ramble on about engines and complain about fiddly electronics. Normal. Every time he swept through her door, he was normal again. 
He can’t hurt her. Because even when she knew she had a lion in her lap, she loved him all the same.
“Do I get any explanation?” He’s not even looking at her when he asks, face obscured and focused on the distant sight of the tower denoting Wayne Enterprises, barely visible from her shitty fire escape placement. 
“How long of one do you want?” she replies, hugging herself as she watches him from the open window. 
“I want the truth.”
“That’s the most dangerous part.”
“It usually is.” Silence falls, his back to her, her eyes burning into the back of his skull. She can’t taste anything but ash and gasoline, the tarry pit of vinegar tinged betrayal, the metallic and rottingly cloying resignation.
“I…” she can’t start. How can she start? The Greek gods are real and it all gets worse from there? It’s the truth but…
“Anna-” There.
“Silena.” Something shatters there, in the silence. She thinks it’s a heart, but if it’s hers or his she has no idea. Maybe both . “My… my name is Silena. Anna is what my father called me when I was little. Easy for me to answer to.” And that one truth is the final crack that brings down the floodgates, that brings everything she’s ever swallowed into the light, look at me, look at this awful thing- “My apartment is a… pit stop, I guess you could call it. A waystation is what it’s actually called. It’s… it’s for other people like me who need help. Other demigods.” Keep going. “The Greek gods are real. They have children with humans. And…” keep going, keep going- “and we’re not expected to live long. Between monsters, gods and others like us, it’s rare for us to see twenty.”
“Why did you lie?” And there’s the kicker, please look at me. If she sees his face, she’ll know what to say, how to say it. His taste hasn’t changed, she’s running practically blind and hoping this doesn’t blow up in her face, you knew the risks when he came to you that night and you’ve let him in every night since.
“There are no meta-humans allowed in Gotham,” she whispers. “So I hide in plain sight. Most don’t stay. They don’t come here unless there’s no choice.”
“Why did you come here?” She closes her eyes. Even if he was facing her now, she’ll keep running blind. This is the most honest you’ve been in years, isn’t it?
“To hide,” she repeats, “in plain sight.” 
A hand touches her chin, making her eyes fly open. He’s so quiet she hadn’t even heard him come close. He stands just to the other side of the crooked, ill hung window frame in her crappy, run down apartment that’s seen too much despair, reaching over the sill and cupping her chin like she’s glass.
“That’s not everything,” he murmurs, his eyes digging into her soul like it’s an open book to him. Maybe it is. Only the gods know what exactly this man is capable of and Silena certainly isn’t one.
“It’ll take a long time to tell you the story of my life.” She doesn’t dare touch him, look at me, look at this wretched little thing before you and see the truth that everyone else ignored, everyone else denied. 
“You would tell me?”
“You’re the only person I know who’d listen.” They stare at one another, deadlocked in an eternal second before he huffs a broken laugh.
“That’s not a high bar.”
“It is for me.” And it really is. Someone who would listen . Even if he hates her by the end of it, Jason will listen. “It is for me.”
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Finding Comfort - A Girl and her Teddy
This is part of the booklet I made as a secret santa gift for @noxachi, along with Tastes of Home, Behind the Masks, and A Mural to Forgotten Nightmares.
cn neglective parents, bullying
Luisa is Nox' OC, Teddy is as well but they kinda gave him to me.
It was during the long months of winter, where the nights were getting longer, stretching into the days like shadows. Though it was just early in the evening, the sun had already set when Luisa came home, leaving behind a dark world draped in fog that settled on her skin in cold water droplets. The wind was whistling in shrill shrieks through the nooks and pipes of the house, and pulled the big wooden door shut behind her with a loud bang once she had entered. Her steps echoed through the hallway.
A window had been left open, so the air was just as bitingly cold as outside, a cold creeping deep into your bones, and making the tears on her face freeze rather than dry. Luisa opened the creaking door to her bedroom and flicked on the switch on the wall, making the lamp on the ceiling light up the room, shadows stretching towards it from the bed.
Luisa threw off her schoolbag and tossed her jacket onto the chair. Out of the corner of her eye, she could spot two bright white dots blink open from between the shadows under the bed.
The eyes were joined by a wide grin of many sharp teeth as she stepped closer and crawled under the bed.
“Hey, how was your day?” a deep grating voice greeted her, but before the sentence could even be finished, Luisa had flung her arms around the big shadowy form. Teddy returned the hug. “Bad day, huh?”
Luisa hid her face in his shoulder, finally letting out the sobs she’d been holding in all day because the few tears she hadn’t been able to hold back had already been enough opportunity for more mockery and pointing fingers. Teddy pulled her closer and rubbed her back to comfort her. He didn’t say anything, just left her space.
“Just...” When she finally said something, Luisa’s voice was hoarse and she had to clear her throat. “During lunch break, some other kids were having a snowball fight in the yard, and I wanted to join in because it seemed like fun. But they wouldn’t let me. They called me a creepy weirdo and that they don’t want anything to do with me. And then one of them snuck behind me and rubbed snow directly into my face.” She sniffled and then continued. “So I told them I was going to dunk some pigs blood on them someday.”
Teddy gave a low chuckle. “Attagirl.”
For a moment, Luisa smiled as well. But then that faded. “And then they went to a teacher and told on me for saying that, and she was mad at me and said I had to apologize. So I said ‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you’re all so stupid and don’t even know about Carrie’. And then the teacher said I had to stay in the classroom for the rest of the break. And then later, one of those girls said I looked like a child from a horror movie with my braids.”
“That sounds like a compliment,” Teddy said.
“Yeah, I know, but it didn’t the way she said it.”
“Hmm. Is that why you took out the braids?”
Luisa reached up to her open hair, pouting, but not answering. “Can you do them again?”
“Sure, kid,” Teddy smiled. The claws of his hands became longer and thinner, like several knives made of shadow. He combed them through her hair to part it into several strands, and then started braiding them. “Really not that smart of those kids to be mean like that when it’s Krampus Night.”
Luisa wiped away the tears with her sleeve. “I thought it was St. Nicholas’ tomorrow?” she said. “I heard some other kids talk about cleaning their boots and putting them outside, so he’d fill them with chocolate and candy. But I don’t do that because St. Nick never shows up at our house. I think he doesn’t know where I live. I don’t really care, it’s not as cool as Halloween anyway. Or maybe I just wasn’t good enough for him to bring me some. They said only good children get candy from him.”
“I don’t think that’s it,” Teddy said. “If you were judged as a bad child, Krampus would have visited you instead.”
“Who’s Krampus? Is that another one of your friends?” Luisa couldn’t help but smile because she could tell she was about to get another story from Teddy.
“The Krampus is a demon who is black and furry – “
“So, kind of like you?” Luisa giggled.
Teddy grinned, showing more sharp white teeth. “He also has the legs, tail, beard, and horns of a goat. He and St. Nick work together, they are kind of colleagues. Nicholas brings candy to the children they think are good and the Krampus kidnaps those they deem bad.”
“That sounds like it would be much more fun to get kidnapped by the Krampus,” Luisa said. “I mean, not if you’re any of the kids from my class. They would be so scared they would pee their pants. And serves them right, too. But I bet I could befriend him. Especially if I got you with me.”
“That would be quite the adventure.” Teddy had finished the first braid and tied it with a black band. Luisa tilted her head around to let him get to the other side of her head better.
“Maybe I should sleep under the bed tonight,” she mused. “So I’ll be with you when he shows up.”
“Are your parents home?” Teddy asked.
“Nope. They are at a Christmas party or something. I think they won’t be back until in the morning. You know, like always.”
“Have you had dinner yet?”
“No, I came right under the bed because I wanted to tell you about my stupid schoolmates.” She smiled. “But now I feel much better. Can you make me food?”
Another sharp-toothed grin from Teddy. “How about pancakes?”
“Yes! And hot chocolate! I’m so cold and I think the heating is off and you know I’m not allowed to touch it.” And then she grinned, almost as wide as he did. “But my parents never said anything about you not being allowed to turn it on.”
After Teddy had finished the second braid and tied a neat little bow around it as well, he said: “Off to the kitchen?”
“Uppies!” Luisa called out and he lifted her up by the waist. He pulled her out from under the bed and set her on his shoulders. This high up, Luisa could even touch the ceiling while Teddy carried her through the hallway, where their first stop was the thermostat. They left the window open for some fresh winter air.
Luisa remained on Teddy’s shoulders while he made chocolate chip pancakes, tossing them high in the air to flip them. At the last toss, Luisa would catch them out of the air and eat them with her bare hands, while passing the hot pancake from hand to hand so she wouldn’t burn her fingers too much.
“You know, I don’t really care if St. Nicholas or the Krampus turns up tonight,” Luisa explained while chewing. “I already know I’m getting all my Christmas wishes this year because I wrote a list with all the stuff I want and I put it on the windowsill and the next day it was gone, so I know it’ll all be under the Christmas tree. Or under our plastic plants, if my parents forget to buy one again.”
“What did you wish for?” Teddy asked, tossing another pancake upwards.
“Don’t be silly, I can’t tell you that. It’s like with birthday wishes: If you tell people about it, they won’t come true.”
“Makes sense. You want some hot chocolate to wash that down?”
Teddy always made the best hot chocolate, with just the right amount of sweetness to it, and a bit of cinnamon added, and whipped cream with rainbow sprinkles on top (her parents never put sprinkles on anything, they rarely even cooked for her).
Exhausted as she was from the long day, the warm drink made Luisa even sleepier, and after she had eaten the last of her pancakes, she let out a long yawn. Teddy carried her back to her room, but she had fallen asleep before he even reached her bed.
There were no visits from any Krampus that night, but when she woke up in the morning, Luisa found her boots standing in front of her bed, filled to the brim with candy.
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helenaheissner · 27 days
Magical Girl Exorcist Squad One-Shot Issue: Amy
The Following is set during the events of the first season of MGES, primarily the first half. 
“You! Explain! Now!” Amy said as she lowered herself onto the ground. Some boy who’d been checking her out in the commissary was there, having stolen their job, a typical man showing up and stealing the women’s thunder from them right as they were about to finish the work they’d been given. His facial expression made him look like a baby deer with its leg caught in a bear trap… It was honestly kind of adorable. 
Amy grimaced as she tried to push the lustful thoughts out of her head. This was no time for that, and she’d just gotten a new boyfriend. Debbi’s feelings had gotten hurt in the process, again, so the last thing she wanted to do was screw that up by perving out on some pretty blond eye candy. Even if he was very, very pretty, albeit in a non-threatening-boy kind of way. 
“I think I just exorcized a shark demon,” the boy said. 
“WHAT?!” Amy screamed. And all her teammates screamed with her. 
They un-transformed and headed back to the church after that. Of course, the happy, smiling idiot just wanted to help out and do the right thing. Of course he couldn’t stomach women in danger. Of course he didn’t remotely register the fact that he was being a sexist ass. Of course, of course, of fucking course. 
Amy went home to her empty apartment that night, fuming. She drew a bath and lit her scented candles and put on some music, and she thought about the boy. About Nick. 
Why did he have to be her type?! That was the cruelest part of all this- that he was a dumbass tradcon who’d barged his way into a women-only space and was gonna start spouting his antiquated views on women. It was bad enough that Amy constantly had to defend her Catholicism to every woman she met, had to explain that no, it was possible to a feminist and be a Catholic thank you very much Sandra (fucking Sandra with her perfect teeth and perfect blonde hair and perfect abs!!) without all the men who made the Church into what it was showing up and undercutting her! 
Amy lowered herself into the tub while Brandi Carlile started blaring from her phone, her rubber ducky floating by her in the soapy water as she dunked her head and let the water cover her every inch. 
Nick’s stupid face and stupid, beautiful blue eyes shined through the water. For not remotely the first time, she cursed her chronic state of horniness.
“UGH!” Amy shouted at nobody in particular. 
Her downstairs neighbor, Reginald, banged on his ceiling and cried, “stop yelling!” through her floor. Amy just sighed and leaned back in the tub. 
Stupid stupid stupid-
“I can’t believe you kill-stole from me,” Amy said. 
“Sis, it was not kill-stealing,” Debbi groaned. “We just got there first.”
Amy and Debbi sat on the couch hammering away their controllers attempting to keep up with Cass during their Smash Bros game. To no avail- Cass kept kicking their asses. It had gotten to the point where Cass had to sacrifice two lives at the start of each round to give Amy and Debbi any semblance of a chance at victory, and they still lost!
Amy was struck from the platform, and grunted as she put her controller down. “Dammit. Cass, weigh in on this?”
“Less talking, more hitting,” Cass monotoned. She and Debbi went one-on-one… For about thirty seconds until Cass got done wiping the floor with her.
“Fuck!” Debbi shouted. 
“Hey- volume,” Amy said. 
“KEEP IT DOWN UP THERE!” Reginald shouted through the floor. 
“That’s why,” Amy said. 
Cass simply held her fists raised above her head in a silent victory pose. She sat on the floor while Amy and Debbi each occupied one of the couches. 
Amy sighed. “Okay, look. Maybe I’m overreacting-”
“Maybe?” Debbi said, eyebrows raised. 
“But you gotta admit this is weird- all of the sudden, we have a guy on our team and we get two monster attacks in a row-”
“It is weird, but correlation does not automatically equal causation,” Debbi said, stretching out on the couch. “And frankly, I think you’re just looking for excuses not to like the new guy.”
“That’s not true!” Amy said. “Why would I do that? What could I possibly stand to gain?”
“Nothing,” Debbi said. “That’s why you’re doing it.”
“That makes no sense!” 
“Neither does you being needlessly hostile to everyone you meet! You did this with Heather, too-”
“... I did?” 
“You did,” Debbi said. “You constantly talked about how you didn’t trust her at first. And it’s not like you guys have ever been super close, since you disagree with her lifestyle-”
“What are you saying-”
Debbi stood up and stared at her. “It’s because she’s gay. You don’t like her because she’s gay.”
“That’s not true!” Amy said, standing up herself. 
“Then why isn’t she here right now? Why did you not invite her over? Why do you never invite her over!”
“Because this was supposed to be a sister’s night only!” Amy said. 
“Cass is here!” Debbi said. 
“Cass is our sister too!” Amy screamed. 
She and Debbi glared at each other. 
Cass packed up her things and headed for the door without saying a word.
“Cass, wait!” Amy and Debbi both said at the same time. 
Cass stood in front of the door, not turning to face them, and held up a hand. “Amy, whatever grudge you have against the new guy after one day, don’t let it get in the way of the mission. We’re superheroes, and we have a job to do. Beyond that, I don’t really care. And Debbi… Great to know where we stand.”
Debbi gulped, and reached out for Cass, but she was out the door before Debbi could reach her. Debbi pinched the bridge of her nose, and Amy sat down and raked her hand through her hair. 
“Welp,” Debbi said. 
“Yeah,” Amy replied. “Good job. Really great.”
“So I’m the bad guy now?” Debbi said, eyes narrow. 
“To her? Yes,” Amy said. “How could you say that- Cass is part of our family.”
“I… I… Fuck, you’re right. But if I’m apologizing, so are you,” Debbi said. 
Amy grimaced. Maybe Debbi had a point- she’d always held Heather at a distance and never really stopped to examine why. “I’m sorry. For the Heather thing. I know she’s your best friend. And I… I’ve never really given her a chance. I’ll try to, going forward.”
Something lurched inside Amy’s stomach as she said the words, a strange feeling of clarity and recognition. It spiked her with fear and anxiety, but she tried to push it aside. Don’t make this about you, you stupid bitch, she thought to herself. 
“And Nick?” Debbi asked. 
Amy sighed. “One thing at a time, please?”
Debbi rolled her eyes, but smiled. “Fine. Just play nice and keep it professional.”
“Will do,” Amy said, still trying to ignore the knots her stomach was tying itself into. 
“I’ll apologize to Cass tomorrow,” Debbi said. 
“Good. Look, I’m kinda tired-”
“I’ll clear out,” Debbi said. She hugged her, and said, “Get some sleep.”
And Amy was alone after that, once again.
She texted Aidan, asking him to come over, but he was busy tonight. He was busy most nights, it seemed. 
“Hey guys, it’s me and Cass,” Amy said. “We’re here to check on the himbo. He alive in there?” 
A moment passed by in the hallway of Heather’s sorority house. Amy tried not to stare at the herd of sapphic party girls getting busy out front, grimacing as she tried to keep her eyes closed while navigating her way to Heather’s room. Then the sounds of female moaning echoed from the main room, and several of the bedrooms, and the familiar sense of dread echoed through Amy’s stomach. Amy reached for the doorknob, twisted it as she found it was opened. 
“Sorry to barge, but it was unlocked. Heather, you better not be having a 'menage a sept' right now. ‘Cause if you are, you should put a sock on the door at least and- umm, what? What am I- who are-” Amy stuttered.
A girl sat on Heather’s bed. She was tall and willowy, with short, messy blonde hair, wearing an oversize t-shirt and jeans combo and no bra. She was pretty, incredibly pretty, beautiful, even, if unkempt and a bit… Boyish. The dread rippled through Amy’s stomach, more powerful than ever, saturating her every cell, as recognition slowly dawned on her. 
This girl was Nick. And Nick was turning into a girl. And she was… 
She was… 
Something clicked inside Amy’s mind, as if a door in the back of her brain, locked and barred and barricaded, was suddenly exploding open. A warm, almost magnetic feeling flowed outward, guiding her towards…
… Towards Nick. God, he’d been pretty before, but now he was… Now he was beautiful-
BAD! She thought. That’s a bad thought, don’t you dare think it, you stupid perverted bitch! What’s the matter with you- that isn’t you. You don’t like girls, you never have. And this isn’t even a girl, this is… Is… 
A freak. Like you. Sick in the head. 
Her heart kicked against the inner wall of her chest, and her hands started to tremble. 
In her dreams, the ground crumbled beneath her and swallowed up her legs. The earth collapsed on her and broke her back, trapping her beneath the rubble without an ounce of feeling to spare. Everything went black as pain consumed her every atom… 
… Until a shard of pastel pink light broke through the darkness, and a warm, soft hand reached out and touched her. The light poured through Amy, and she was healed, stronger and brighter and sharper than ever. The hand pulled her from beneath the surface and brought her back beneath God’s blue sky. 
Nick held her in her arms. She was wreathed in pink light, clothed in a pink dress and hat, balancing Amy on her broom. She went in for the kiss, and Amy met her lips and melted into her. 
That was when Amy woke up, damp with sweat and… Other liquids, her hands shaking, her eyes wide and her jaw dropped as the dread ate away at her insides. She bunched up her knees and held them tight, rocking back and forth. Her first alarm went off, then her second. She had to get to class. 
She got up and washed her face in the bathroom sink, then looked up into the mirror and stared into herself. “You don’t like girls,” she told her reflection. But you do like Nick, don’t you? Nick isn’t really a girl, so it’s okay… 
… No, no this is no different than with Heather. You’re trying to keep this at a distance, keep her at a distance so you don’t get uncomfortable. That’s bad for the team and you know it. You almost got killed last night because you were dragging the team down with your personal biases. The only reason you’re breathing right now is because Nick… Because Nygaard saved you, because she remembered what being a superhero and what being a Christian is about when you were too busy being an asshole. You owe Nygaard now. She Good Samaritan’d you. The least you can do is try to respect the boundaries she set. She says she’s a girl, then you indulge her. It’s the least you can do. 
But if she’s a girl, that means I don’t like her. Because I don’t like girls. Because I’m already enough of a freak. She’s a girl, and a very good person, doing what she did. And I’m… 
I’m not. 
So even if I did like her, which I don’t, it’s not like I deserve her. 
“I’ll stay with her, while she recovers,” Amy said. “You guys go take care of what you need to take care of.”
“... I’m sorry, what?” Heather said, eyes narrow, hands on her hips. 
The four of them stood around the unconscious Nicole as she laid in the hotel bed. 
“I’m volunteering,” Amy said. “Somebody needs to be here when she wakes up. Heather, your apartment is a crime scene. Debbi, I know you have stuff there. And Cass, you’ve been monitoring Nicole since yesterday.”
“Well yeah, she saved my life,” Cass said. 
“And she saved mine, too,” Amy said. “I should take a turn at this as well.”
“Yeahhhh,” Heather exhaled. “Why do you think I’m about to let you do that?”
“I’m sorry, let me?” Amy said, cocking an eyebrow. 
“After what you said to her before, how do I know you’re not just gonna rip into her again when she wakes up,” Heather said. 
Debbi, tellingly, remained silent in all this. 
Amy exhaled deeply. Okay, time for the humble pie. “Because I need to apologize to her. Just like I need to apologize to you, Heather, for keeping you at arm’s length the past year. Thank you for everything you’ve done for this team and for this city. You’re a good friend. Better than I deserve. But exactly what Debbi deserves. So I’m sorry. All I ask is you give me a chance to be better. And I want to be better. I haven’t been… I haven’t been very Christian lately. Maybe not in a while, and it’s eating at me. I have to do this.”
Heather stared at her a good, long while before finally, she smiled. “Okay! Apology accepted.”
Amy blinked rapidly. “Wait, really?”
“Look, you and I haven’t been super close, historically, and I didn’t really expect us to be. Frankly, you saying you’re sorry was more than I ever expected to get from you. So we’ll go. But I’m gonna ask Nicole about this later, and if she says you said anything transphobic to her while we were gone, I’ll break your legs. Do we understand each other?”
Amy’s jaw dropped, but she said, “Yeah. Yeah, we understand each other.”
Heather clapped her on the shoulder. “Cool! Deb, Cass, let’s go see if we can get my stuff out before the cops claim everything in the brownstone.”
They left, leaving Amy alone with… 
… With Nicole. That was her name. The girl who’d saved Amy. She needed to call her by her real name, as soon as possible. And she needed to apologize, needed to make it up to her no matter what, even if that scared her. Even if that disappointed her, because acknowledging Nicole as a girl meant… 
Meant that Amy couldn’t like her, couldn’t be attracted to her. She just couldn’t. 
She was so fucking cute. That was the problem. So fucking cute already and then she’d had the audacity to go and be a Nova fan too. It made sense- Debbi had mentioned that Nygaard was a comic book fan, though she’d suggested she was more into DC than Marvel. Still, the fact that Nygaard said Blue Blazes… Could have just been that she was incredibly wholesome and corny and didn’t like to swear because she was just that goddamned pure, but no, she had to go an have the best possible taste in Space Husbandos, and she had to giggle and smile and go wide-eyed when she talked about it. 
Nygaard… Nicole, her name was Nicole. Amy had called her by her real name for the first time, and in that moment it was like all the resentment and anger washed off Nicole’s face, drained from her body, and drifted out to sea. Her posture relaxed, and her smile widened, and she leaned forward and faced Amy. Their faces were so close together that Amy could almost imagine-
BAD! Bad, stop doing that! Stop stop stop it!!! She’s a girl. You literally gave her a pedicure this afternoon. You’re gonna help her be girly, since she clearly wants to, and that’s it. It’s like when you taught Debbi and Cass how to do their makeup. It’s no different from that. 
These were the thoughts that ran through Amy’s head as they all ate dinner together that night, just a casual night of pizza at an Italian place in the North End. She sat between her sisters, and across from Nicole as she held a slice of pizza in her hands. It was platonic, what Amy felt. After all, there was no way she felt THAT way about a girl. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, what would people say, what would people think, they all already thought she was a whore, Amy already thought she was a whore, and it wouldn’t be right to drag some poor, innocent, adorable girl into whore-land with her. 
“So, do you have any other favorite comics?” Nicole asked Amy, a look of eager anticipation on her face. Friendly- that was how she looked. Friendly and open and genial. It was strange how quickly she’d gone from hostility to friendliness with Amy. But maybe that was just the kind of person she was- someone who forgave, and who gave people second chances; someone who genuinely wanted to see the best in everyone they met. 
Dozens of instances of people who seemed nice but weren’t echoed through Amy’s mind: of Sara Wilkins in fourth grade, her so called BFF whom Amy had trusted enough to bring over to her house to swim, who had laughed and started dropping all kinds of slurs the second she got a look at Amy’s family, who’d gotten everyone in their class to start calling Amy those slurs too; of Nora Petersen, a friend Amy had met at gymnastics camp when she was thirteen, who’d called her a nerd and a loser and an idiot when Amy had mentioned her very large comic book collection; of Morgan Henderson, the twin sister of Amy’s first boyfriend in eighth grade, who said she wanted to be friends with anyone who made her brother Tommy happy, who had decided Amy made Tommy too happy and told everyone, including Tommy, that Amy was kissing other boys behind his back; of Yvonne Cranston, the only other freshman who’d made varsity cheerleading alongside Amy, who said they were in it together only to tell the rest of the squad about Amy dating a lacrosse player two grades ahead of them so she could start slut-shaming Amy along with the upperclassmen; of Tanya Westlake, the cheer captain Amy’s freshman year, who decided to make Amy’s nickname Super-Tramp; of Cammy Wright, who’d made varsity Sophomore year and said she wanted to learn from Amy only to tell everyone about Amy sleeping with the captain of a rival school’s football team afer she’d caught them making out under the bleachers; of Serena… 
… No, no Amy didn’t want to think about Serena. Not now, not ever again. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Nicole asked her, those soft blue eyes sneaking past Amy’s defenses. “You kinda went away for a second there.”
Concern. That was all Amy could see on this girl’s face. 
Maybe… Maybe Nicole really was that nice. 
Maybe if Amy wanted Nicole to trust her, she had to start by trusting Nicole. 
Amy forced a weak smile and said, “I’m okay. And, uh, my other favorites are Daredevil, Fantastic Four, and Ms. Marvel.”
Nicole lit up, and a few seats down her little brother audibly groaned. “I LOVE Ms. Marvel- she’s the best.”
Amy gulped. Then her smile strengthened, and she said, “Oh yeah? Well, let me tell you about another fic I wrote a while back…” 
Amy must’ve been insane. What was she thinking, asking Nicole to move in with her? They’d only known each other a week, and they’d gotten off to a hideously ugly start, and this was weird. Amy was being weird, and stupid, stupid, stupid- how would this look?! Surely, Nicole would clue into the fact that Amy had feelings for-
STOP IT! She screamed internally. 
And then Nicole agreed. 
Amy wished she’d understood why. She hadn’t expected Nicole to say yes, but she had been hoping she would. That hope, that dancing spark of light in her soul, shined brighter than she’d ever thought possible when Nicole agreed. 
Amy poured them both a nightcap, and they sat on separate couches. Nicole wore her church dress, a long-skirted, high-necked blue number with a pink floral pattern. She looked so beautiful, so effortless, so… Feminine, in a way that Amy couldn’t describe. It was like she was seeing someone who saw the world in a similar way to her, but without all the shame and self-loathing Amy had about it. Or if she had it, she hid it better than Amy did. 
Either way… 
“Hey,” Nicole said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, anything,” Amy said. 
“D… Do you wanna be friends?” Nicole said. 
“I- I mean if we’re gonna live together we should probably-”
“No, no, I mean,” Nicole said, wringing her hands together. “Do you wanna just… Forget everything that happened a few days ago. Act like we’re just meeting for the first time, really getting to know each other?”
God, she wanted to say yes. But the guilt in her chest wouldn’t let her. “No,” Amy said. “I mean, I do want us to be friends, but… I don’t think I should forget what I did. And you shouldn’t forget it either. It happened, and we both have to live with it. God wouldn’t… I mean, I don’t think God would want us to pretend like nothing bad ever happened between us. It wouldn’t be…”
“Honest?” Nicole asked. 
“... Yeah. Is that okay?”
Nicole chewed her lower lip a moment, her lipstick staining her front teeth. “Yeah. That’s okay. That’s… Yeah. Friends.”
“Okay,” Amy nodded. 
She couldn’t let herself forget what she’d done. If she did… Then she’d never really be able to earn forgiveness. And if Nicole was as kind and genuine as she seemed, then… Then Amy wanted to earn that. She wanted to earn it again and again, every day, so Nicole could be happy. 
On an empty inland street, beneath the cloudy, cool night sky, Amy wrapped herself in shadows as she dove at the demonic moose, a quadrupedal, triple-headed beast with razor sharp antlers. It was the size of a semi-truck, and it thrashed its antlers and hooves about wildly, crushing cars and ramming buildings. Amy heard an antler pierce her veil of darkness, and she channeled Holy Light as she reached for the beast, trying to grab it by its myriad protrusions. 
She felt a soft, furry mass collide with her, and her darkness faded as she was head-butted off her broom by the moose. 
She landed in Nicole’s arms, atop her broom, back against her… Chest. 
That was certainly a chest. A very, very female chest Amy could feel pressing into her skin. She tried not to squeak as Nicole channeled a sphere of Pink Light around them as they charged the moose, and Amy reached out for the beast’s head with her Holy Light and exorcized it. 
When the light faded, all that remained were three ordinary, very grumpy moose, and they floated above them waiting for animal control to show up and herd the animals away. 
Amy still rested against Nicole, hoping her roommate wouldn’t see her tomato-red face, hoping her roommate didn’t feel her heart thundering through her. Their conversation earlier that day, while they’d both been stoned, when Amy had screwed up again… Through all the weed, Amy had noticed something, felt something, something that scared her, that she couldn’t deny. 
At first it was academic, objective. Nicole was a beautiful woman, and Amy could appreciate that. But the more she appreciated it, the closer the two of them got both physically and emotionally… The harder it was to stop herself from saying something that terrified her. Of admitting something-
Amy shook her head. She didn’t like girls, she didn’t, she didn’t. She hadn’t also noticed a woman in her thirties jogging in a sports’ bra and short-shorts earlier that day and been taken aback by her body; she definitely hadn’t gotten jealous when Curtis secured a date with Nicole earlier that day; and she definitely didn’t feel anything other than disgust when they’d run into Winona earlier. 
She didn’t, didn’t, didn’t. 
“Hey, uh, you can put me down now if you want,” Amy whispered. 
“Oh,” Nicole said. She sounded almost… Disappointed. No, no, that was just Amy hearing what she definitely, totally didn’t want to hear in the slightest. 
Nicole lowered them to street-level, and Amy hopped off the broom. 
“That was really cool just now,” Nicole said. “What we did back there- we make a wicked great team!”
Amy gulped. “Yeah, we do.”
“Could I… Could I give you a hug?”
Amy blinked rapidly, then said, “Yeah, you can.”
Amy fell into Nicole’s embrace, and Amy swore she felt Nicole fall into her as well. 
“Do you mind if I shower first?” Nicole asked. 
They stood in their shared living room, both covered head-to-toe in demonic shark-blood. A whole host of land-sharks, grown to nearly full-sized, had attacked them while they were patrolling. The results had been… Messy, to say the least. 
“Yeah, sure,” Amy said, trying not to concentrate on the fact that Nicole still looked beautiful while covered in fish-guts. That had to be her imagination… But if it wasn’t, that would mean-
I DON’T LIKE GIRLS, I DON’T LIKE GIRLS, I DON’T- she thought as Nicole climbed into the shower. 
As a test, a totally normal test, totally the kind of thing a straight girl like her would do, Amy pulled up her phone and searched for a picture of a woman she’d always admired: Margot Robbie. 
The first thing that came up was a picture of her in a bathing suit. 
A now-familiar stirring went through Amy, and she turned off her phone and stared at the wall until it was her turn in the shower. 
When they were both clean, Amy noticed Nicole wearing an outfit she hadn’t seen before. And Amy, fearing the words tripping out of her mouth, asked if she could see the other outfits Nicole had picked up recently. Normal things for normal girls to do, nothing queer going on there, just two girly girls girling out about fashion. 
And then Amy saw Nicole’s red party dress, and she felt the truth banging on the side of her skull. She said the word hot, and she realized that on some level, she meant it. Nicole was… Nicole wasn’t just a sweetheart and a cinnamon roll: she was an absolute BABE, in the same way people had always told Amy she was. 
The world grew bigger in Amy’s eyes that night, even as she felt walls start to close in around her. 
She’d told her. Told her the truth. That Amy had… Had feelings for Nicole. That she… 
… That she liked girls. ‘Bisexual’ was probably the right word for what Amy was. She still liked boys, her very confusing dreams involving both Nicole and her boyfriend from her freshman year of college said as much. It was strange, and it was terrifying, and it was… Liberating, as if a trembling child locked in the back of her brain had finally broken free and was facing the world unprotected for the first time. 
She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it, other than that she needed to stop drooling so much every time she came across a pretty girl. It didn’t help that she lived with one. 
And that that girl had admitted she had feelings for Amy as well. 
And that that girl was in a lot of pain. Because of Aidan, because of Winona, because of Zack, and because of… 
… Because of Amy. 
Nicole hadn’t really forgiven her. Amy believed her when she said she liked her back, but the way she struggled to meet her eyes even as she was flirting with her, the way she laid it on thick and then left all at once… She was still wrestling with what Amy had said to her when she’d first come out. 
And Amy couldn’t really blame her. If one of the girls who’d bullied Amy growing up, Serena for instance, who Amy also wished she could stop having intense, confusing dreams about (fucking bitch lived in her head rent-free), showed up and said she felt horrible for how she’d treated Amy and then confessed her love for her, Amy would be skeptical as well, even as she struggled to ignore the part of her that wanted to jump the girl’s bones. 
That, and Amy was a demon. A mongrel. A monster. A freak. Who could ever love something like her? 
No, no don’t talk about yourself like that, Amy thought as she ambled across campus, trying not to get distracted by the plethora of cheesecake and beefcake strolling by soaking wet from the rain. You wouldn’t let anyone else talk about themselves like that, wouldn’t let Nicole or Heather or any of your family, so don’t talk about yourself like that. 
She made it back to her apartment, where she heard Nicole sobbing in the bathroom. 
She knew what she had to do, then. 
After Astra left, after everyone else left, Amy couldn’t feel herself. The world spun around her, a distant rotation that threatened to throw her off and send her spiraling through the blackness. She stood in the living room, arms limp at her sides. 
Nicole didn’t ask this time. She just hugged her, held her tight. They laid down on the couch together and listened to music, and they fell asleep holding each other and snuggling beneath the blankets. Nothing was said, but everything was known, everything was felt. 
And it was all she needed. 
Astra could be dealt with later. For now… For now she was wrapped in the arms of the girl she liked, the girl who liked her back. It was enough. 
“So, I told Nicole I like her,” Amy said. They drove down the interstate to Providence, rain exploding from the cloudy sky. Too heavy to fly, but they had to make this trip today.
“... Wait, seriously?” Debbi said, sitting in the passenger’s seat. An endless sea of Sugar Maples dotted the sides of the highway, while a smattering of other cars shared the road with them.
Cass sat in the back and leaned forward through the center and looked at Amy with a confused expression. “You mean you… You ‘like’ like her.”
“Y… Yeah,” Amy gulped. “I do. And I told her. After everything that happened with Aidan and Winona I just had to.”
“When was this?” Cass squinted. 
“Two weeks ago.”
“And you waited this long to tell us?” Cass said. 
“Cass, don’t start,” Debbi frowned. 
“I mean you- I, I,” Cass stammered. “I just… This is weird.”
Amy’s heart sank. “I know.”
“I thought you were straight!” Cass said, a little too loudly, probably without even realizing it.
“I did too. But I’m not.”
“But you- and she- you guys hated each other!” Cass said. 
“We don’t anymore,” Amy said. “I don’t think she ever hated me. That’s part of what… What I like about her.”
Cass was silent. 
“Please say something,” Amy said. “Either of you. Anything. I’m begging you.”
“Well first of all, we’re both very proud of you, and we love you just as much as we did before,” Debbi said. “Right, Cass?”
“... Right, yes,” Cass said. “Of course.”
“Then why do you sound mad?” Debbi said. 
“I’m not mad, I’m just… Surprised, is all.”
“You didn’t react this way when I came out,” Debbi said. 
“That was different- it was way more obvious with you.”
“... I’m gonna try not to take that the wrong way.”
“Like I didn’t take it the wrong way when you said I wasn’t your sister?” Cass said. 
“Oh for- I said I was sorry-”
Amy pulled the car to the side of the road and slammed her hand on the horn. “ENOUGH! Both of you! Enough! This isn’t about you right now! Either of you! God, this must be what it feels on the receiving end and IT FUCKING SUCKS! And what’s more, I’m tired of you two snapping at each other, especially when you were getting along fine like a day ago! You’re both giving me fucking whiplash with how quickly you turn- one minute Debbi is supporting Cass with her panic attacks, the next she’s acting like a resentful middle child brat! One minute Cass is a sweetheart, the next she’s being a shithead! Now apologize to each other and make peace!”
“But I didn’t do anything!” both of Amy’s sisters shouted. 
They both sat there silently for a moment. 
Finally, Cass said, “I’m sorry for being biphobic, Amy. I’m sorry for being a brat, Debbi. I… I’m not used to this. Having siblings. I… It feels weird. But I do love you guys.”
“I’m sorry for saying you weren’t my sister, Cass,” Debbi said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “And I’m sorry for acting resentful. I… Look, I know it’s not true, but sometimes it feels like Amy loves you better than me. And I get jealous. It’s shitty and childish and I want to be better. I’m sorry.”
“Good, was that so hard?” Amy said. 
“YES!” both her sister’s shouted. 
Amy rolled her eyes as she shifted the car back into drive. “Should’ve brought Heather and Matt with us- you’re both vastly more rational when they’re around.”
“I am?” Cass asked, resting her chin on her hand. 
“Heather said she and her sorority sisters were playing laser tag today,” Debbi waved a hand. “And doesn’t Matt work during the day? And besides, why not bring Nicole with us at that point?”
“Because I wanted to talk to you two goobers about her,” Amy said as she got back on the road and sped herself up. “Before we got sidetracked, ya’ know.”
“Heh, ‘ya know.’ She’s certainly left an impact,” Debbi said. 
“Ayuh,” Amy nodded. 
“‘Ayuh’- wow, I was kidding, but good to know,” Debbi said. “So what did she say, anyhow?”
“She… She got a bit freaked out, but after the Winona thing settled down, she told me… She told me she has feelings for me too. And then she tried to shift straight into ‘we’re going out now’ mode, but then she had a panic attack and I realized she still had some stuff to sort out so I told her to take a bit more time before we decide where we go from here.”
“Well where do you want to go from here?”
“Honestly?” Amy said. “I’d love to date her. I’d love to be her girlfriend. But I’m worried she’s not ready. And I’m worried I’m not ready. I haven’t even told Mom and Dad yet. About Nicole or… Or the other thing.”
“Look, I…,” Cass started. She took a deep breath, then said, “Again, I’m sorry for being an ass. But it sounds like… Like you know what you want here. All you gotta do is wait for it. Ask yourself if it’s worth it- if she’s worth it.”
The road was open and never-ending before Amy’s eyes. She smiled. “She is. She absolutely is.”
Amy awoke beneath the covers of Nicole’s bed, the blonde’s head resting on her chest as she slept. ‘Zack’ was asleep in the other room, and the rest of their friends and family had cleared out after a long night of partying. 
For now, though, it was just the two of them. 
Nicole’s innocent blue eyes slowly opened, and love and recognition flowed out of them when Amy was the first thing she saw that morning. “Hey,” Nicole said. 
“Hi,” Amy said. 
They were both clothed- they’d been too tired to do anything more than pass out on top of each other last night. Plus, with Nicole’s ‘brother’ next door, they didn’t want to risk a noise complaint. Even still, this was nice. Amy could get used to this. 
And yet: “Sorry we couldn’t… Ya’ know?”
“We’ll have time later,” Amy said. “Besides: I know better than anyone that you’re worth the wait.”
Nicole’s eyes welled up with tears, and Amy held her, and they held each other. 
Holding turned into kissing, turned into making out, turned into the bedsprings shifting-
“KEEP IT DOWN UP THERE!” Reginald shouted through the floor. 
And Amy laughed, and laughed, and laughed. The more things changed… 
Nicole ignored the noise and kept kissing Amy regardless. There would be more to come later, further stages than this relatively tame one. But Amy remembered what her mother, her real mother, Victoria, had always told her, something that Victoria knew quite well: good things come to those who wait.  
Hello, lovelies! Please remember to like, reblog, and share, and consider supporting my work through one of the following platforms:
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nukacoola · 3 years
Companions react to Nick Valentine in a gen 3 body
Ada would not really understand why Nick Valentine would want to get a more human body. She supposed his circumstances were different than hers but she had never wished to be human and her robot-ness never affected her quality of life. She couldn’t deny that the look suited him though. 
“Well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, Nicky!” Cait likes Nick but is a bit creeped out by synths so she’d find this version of him a lot more pleasurable to look at and be around. She’d probably make some jokes about him being ‘a real boy’ now but not much would change as she didn’t spend an excessive amount of time with Nick before either.
“Why Mr.Valentine I must say you look stupendous! A very fine look for a very fine gentleman.” Codsworth is quite content with his robot body but he thinks Nick is much better suited to this new one. He’s one of the few who remember the old Nick Valentine and the resemblance of him and this new synth body is actually pretty close. He sees it as the perfect fit for Nick the synth as it’s similar to his old body while being different enough to give him a unique sense of self. He was a bit worried about Nick’s and Sole’s adventures now though as he knows Valentine often finds trouble where he’s not looking and human bodies are a lot more delicate than a generation two synth one is. He’d be sure to give the detective a good talking to about safe and responsible adventuring before the two headed off anywhere.
“Oh mon Dieu monsieur Valentine, you look amazing! Zis body suits you!” Curie would be very happy that the procedure she had discovered with Sole was able to help so many more people. Not only does she find the mechanics behind it fascinating, she loved to be able to hug her dear friend without worrying about his hand getting caught in her hair. She really liked seeing how glad Nick seemed to be with the transition too. He seemed very happy to have a new sense of self which in turn made Curie happy. 
Before Blind Betrayal:
Danse is not ok with this. At least before he was able to tell right away that Nick Valentine was a threat but now he just looked human as anyone else. It was very disturbing to him that a synth could so easily hide in plain sight and look like a real human. Of course he already knew about this problem before but Valentine’s transformation reminded him how easy it was for synths to fit into normal life in the worst way possible. He would be staying further away from the detective now more than ever. Valentine already creeped him out anyways. 
After Blind Betrayal:
Danse is not ok with this. Even after the truth about himself was revealed he still hated the Institute and was freaked out by synths if not outright hateful towards them. Nick’s transformation reminded him how he was just as real as Danse. They were the same. Inhuman, freaks of nature who were built and programmed to do evil. If he had it his way, he’d never look at or talk to Nick again. He felt bad as he knew there was no good reason to fear or hate him but he couldn’t help it. Danse was programmed twice. Once by the Institute and once by the Brotherhood. That second programming would never allow him to feel comfortable around the robot who is now just as “human” as him. Maybe as he works with Sole more to accept himself and his humanity things will change but for now he’d stay away from Valentine.  
“Looking good Nicky! Not that you weren’t the most handsome guy I knew beforehand too!” Deacon wouldn’t be too surprised at Nick’s transformation as he would’ve known about it long before it happened. Working as the main info gatherer for the Railroad meant that he knew all the happenings of the Memory Den. It was really rough whenever a synth’s mind was destroyed by a memory wipe but ever since Sole had realized you can transfer a robot’s consciousness to an empty synth there was always a nice little silver lining of helping someone else gain humanity from someone’s loss. First Curie, then Edna and now Nick. It was a chance at a real life for those who couldn’t fully experience it before. The body definitely suited him. Real hardboiled looking guy with mousy brown hair and a five o’clock shadow. Deacon might make some jokes related to the changed man and might fall in love with him a little bit more but overall things would stay the same between the two. 
Dogmeat wouldn’t really be able to tell that the new man was the old man so it would be a rush of emotions at losing one friend and gaining a new one. He would like getting belly rubs from a softer hand though!
Gage didn’t really give a shit either way. He thought it was weird that a machine wanted to be human but he never spent time with Valentine so he didn’t need to think about it too much. 
“Nick! You look amazing! Hard to believe you were just an ugly bucket of bolts before.” Hancock would love the new look and be very happy that Nick is happy but he would be a bit disappointed that he’d have to get new joke material. He’s always seen Nick as a sort of father figure and this new human form will only enhance those feelings.
Longfellow has no thoughts on the matter. He tries to just keep to himself and stay out of all that synth business.
“Damn Valentine! Guess this means you won’t be needing that WD-40 I got for you, huh?” MacCready, like Cait, is a bit weirded out by all the synth stuff but he likes and trusts Nick so he’s happy for the upgrade. It will definitely make him feel more comfortable being around him. He’d probably hang out with him and Sole/him and Hancock more often now.
“Holy crap Nick is that you?! You look great!” Piper would be amazed at the extreme change. She’d also be very worried though that Nick would might face more discrimination in Diamond City now given the citizens are more scared of gen 3 replacement than anything else. She’d probably try to post more articles focusing on the Institute being the enemy rather than the synths and she’d stop fear mongering so much about replacement given the worries about her friend’s new look.
Preston: “Good for you, Nick. The new look suits you!” Preston, of course, would be very accepting of the new Nick and would be glad that Nick is happy with his new self. He would also probably recommend a lot more potential clients to him now that he wouldn’t scare off the average wastelander. People who had problems the Minutemen couldn’t fix would be sent to the new and improved Valentine.
Metal man now meat man??? Strong is confused!!! Metal can not be meat!!
X6 would be very concerned about the loss of an escaped synth and he would question Valentine on how he got access to the body and how he transferred his consciousness into it. He would report the whole situation to the SRB unless a Sole with a very good relationship with him convinced him not to. He might also be able to be convinced that this body upgrade is better due to the future of the Institute sometimes traveling alone with Nick. A better body can provide better protection right? Either way he’d be a bit anxious about the situation as all of his train is telling him to bring the gen 3 back to the SRB.
Sorry some of these are kinda short I didn’t know what to write!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML What if
(What if Marinette used Fluff?)
Marinette has mentioned using the rabbit miraculous on several occasions. But what if she did use it?
At what point would Marinette use Fluff.
Well the answer to that is simple.
Episode 3, Gang of secrets. Right after she kicked all her friends out.
-Marinette had hit her lowest point. She realized it. She couldnt do this. This was going to be the rest of her life! She couldnt have friends? She couldnt fall in love? She couldnt even be honest with her family! This was Horrific! She would do anything to just turn back time and...
-Marinette looked at the miracle box. She did have the means to do it.
-She could go back in time. She could stop Fu from getting his memory wiped. She could stop Shadowmoth before he was shadowmoth.
-She went into the miracle box. Tikki was not happy about this idea.
-"Marinette messing with time is dangerous!"
-"I know Tikki but shadowmoth is way too dangerous of a threat. I am not going to change too much. I am just going to make things how they should be."
-Marinette transformed with the Rabbit miraculous. (Names appreciated)
-And she jumped into the portal.
-She did her best to avoid looking to deep into it. She had a limited time. But she found it. The day that things fell apart.
-She jumped through.
-She transformed back into Marinette, having just made it in the nick of time.
-"There is still time to go back." Fluff commented."
-"Not an option." I have to try. Besides it isnt the first time I went back in time to fix something."
-Marinette made sure to give herself plenty of time to observe. That is when she realized. When Mayura was chasing her, Hawkmoth was to. If she could stop him. He wouldnt find out where FU was!
-Tikki was still very against this. But that wouldnt stop Marinette.
-Hawkmoth wasnt expecting someone to conk him on his head.
-He turned to see... Ladybug?! But how is that possible.
-"You really think I didnt see you coming?"
-Ladybug took off, leading Hawkmoth away. He failed to realize he was stalled long enough for Ladybug to get the miraculous from fu and find kagami. But it was a matter of keeping him distracted.
-Hawkmoth caught up eventually.
-"Now youre cornered."
-"Sir... did you find the guardian?"
-Hawkmoth growled.
-"Negative. Ladybug spotted me But I will take her miraculous. I have her cornered"
-"But she is fighting the akuma now. With Ryuuko and Chat noir."
-"WHAT?! But... then who..."
-"Lucky charm."
-It was ketchup.
-"Who are you?"
-Ladybug squirted the ketchup in Hawkmoth's eyes and escaped.
-Ladybug quickly evaded Hawkmoth. Watching as Ladybug cast her lucky charm into the air.
-Hawkmoth growled.
-"You wont escape."
-"Another time Hawky."
and just like that. She vanished with the ladybugs.
-Hawkmoth looked into the air and screamed with rage. His brillaint plan was foiled by that meddling bug. But how? Why.
-Mayura watched as the akuma was best.
-"Sir, the akuma is defeated. The plan was a failure we should..."
-Mayura felt her body weaken. but she was not going to let this stop anything.
-She was desperate. She would not let this day end in failure.
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gutsygay · 3 years
Stuffing Story: “Daniel Gets His Fill”
Hieee 👋presenting my first kink fiction story, just a couple college guys getting stuffed.
Features stuffing, overeating, tummy rumbles, burps, and tummy rubs.
SOOOO um hope y’all like it 👉👈🥺
“And that about wraps it up for today! Don’t forget chapter four homework due Monday.” the professor said, dismissing the class.
Daniel grinned, hopped from his seat and headed toward the lecture hall door. He was an active type, and hated to sit still for long periods. As he waited for the crowd of his classmates to shuffle through the door ahead of him, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the nearby glass bookcase. He was average height, with tan skin, broad shoulders and large thighs. He was muscular and lean, save for a bit of a belly protruding from the very bottom of his abdomen, which he could never quite seem to work off, or even to tuck away completely when he wanted to hide his pudge.
Daniel didn’t care though. His main passions were eating, and working it off with strenuous exercise. His energy seemed boundless, but none more than his appetite was bottomless. At the time he wanted nothing more than a full rack of ribs and some buffalo wings. But at the same time he already had energy to expend as well. He wavered about how he’d spend the afternoon when his friend Nick called to him from across the hall, settling his silent debate.
“Yo Danny! We hitting the gym or what?” Nick said with a toothy grin.
“Sure, bro.” Daniel replied. “Leg day today, right?”
“Think so.”
“Sweet. I’ll meet you downstairs in five.” Daniel said, and headed to his car.
He grabbed his athletic clothes. He smiled to himself in anticipation of the coming activity. Soon they’d squat, lunge, press and strain their legs until they were nearly too sore to walk. He turned his thigh to the mirror he’d mounted on the inside of his locker door. His quads were already looking huge - they were getting that chiseled teardrop shape as well. As he lifted his shirt for a better view, he felt a sudden rumbling from down below. It had been nearly four hours since lunch - which was never enough for Daniel in the first place - and he was filled with nearly child-like excitement for what was to come. He thought of his favorite part of lifting - gorging himself afterward. Such a strenuous, calorie-intensive session as leg day meant he could pack it in with no shame.
He arrived at the basement gym, which was open to all resident students, but was surprisingly empty at the time. Nick was already at the squat rack - he had already set them up with a soul-crushing 315 pound squat rack.
“Alright then.” Daniel said, pumped. “Let’s hit it.”
And so they did. They grunted their way through 5 sets of squats, followed by lunges and leg presses. Then Daniel did some calf raises in the squat rack, his belly jiggling every time he descended. Some of it slipped out from under his shirt occasionally, and glistened with sweat. Daniel just rolled his eyes and tucked it back in.
When they finished, Nick lifted his shirt to wipe his sweat, exposing his ab muscles. Nick looked at Daniel’s partially exposed abdominal region and smirked. “You can never seem to lose that chubby little gut, can you?” he said, poking Daniel’s flab, which was still beaded with sweat. “Nah, don’t have the willpower I guess. But I don’t care. Let’s go eat.” Daniel said.
“Sure, maybe just a salad, Danny? If you - “
Nick was cut off by a deep audible growl from Daniel’s belly. Daniel squeezed it with both hands and looked up at Nick.
“Uh, okay bro, how does Wendy’s sound?” Nick said, silenced by Daniel’s rumblings.
“I’m not feeling it. Let’s hit that new buffet instead.” Daniel said, already headed for the door. Nick followed, knowing his friend was now less of a freshman undergrad and more of a beast in search of prey.
They showered down, got back into school clothes and jumped into Daniel’s car. Daniel usually offered Nick a ride back to his apartment whenever he needed it after their afternoon lifting sessions. They headed a few blocks away from the main campus building, towards a new all-you-can-eat buffet. Daniel’s hungry stomach continued to growl louder, but he simply turned up the car stereo to drown it out.
After what seemed like an eternity, Daniel and Nick pulled into the buffet. They walked in and the greeter happily showed them a booth, but the restaurant owner behind her pursed his lips upon seeing Daniel and Nick, visibly ravenous. They had already twice visited the fairly-new establishment. This kid’s gonna drive me out of business, he thought to himself. That orifice must eat his weight in food once a week.
They claimed their booth seats, and beelined to the buffet area. Daniel grabbed a plate and loaded it with buffalo wings (honey barbecue AND blue cheese), meat loaf, a bacon cheeseburger, quesadillas and a pepperoni calzone. The plate must’ve weighed nearly a pound, and Daniel was practically drooling on the way back to the table.
“Jeez, got enough there, bro?” Nick asked as they sat down, but Daniel was already stuffing his face.
“Nnnf, mm!” Daniel forced a reply.
“Never, huh?” Nick asked. 
He watched as Daniel tore into the bacon cheeseburger, engulfing nearly a third of it in one bite. In well under a minute he’d downed the whole thing. Daniel grinned wordlessly at Nick while chewing the last bite, and quickly swallowed before promptly moving on to the meat loaf, followed by the chicken wings.
Jeez, does he ever slow down to breathe? Nick thought to himself. And I feel like he’s just getting started. Nick ate a few bites of his ham slices, and mac and cheese on the side. When he looked back up, Daniel’s buffalo wings had been reduced to six picked-clean bones piled up on the plate, being drenched with grease dripping from Daniel’s calzone. Nick watched as Daniel’s eyes rolled back slightly and closed with pleasure every time he swallowed. He’s enjoying it. It’s like sex on a plate to him! he thought.
Daniel finished the 3 quesadilla slices, and pressed a napkin to his mouth. And then he burped. He tried to quiet it, but his hand and the napkin did little to muffle the rumbling gas that burbled up and out of him. It lasted nearly 5 seconds in all, and Nick could even feel the vibration through the table.
“You good, dude?” Nick asked.
“Uh, ‘scuse me, heh heh.” Daniel wiped his mouth and rolled his eyes, trying and failing to play off his prior eruption.
“Damn dude, you really put that shit away.” Nick gestured to the now empty plate before him.
“What can I say? I’m hungry as fuck.”
“You mean you were hungry as fuck.”
“I dunno man, that belch freed up some room.” Daniel said, patting his stomach. His belly had always been a little large, or at least proportionally big compared to the rest of his body, but now it was visibly distended. More? How could he possibly still be hungry? Nick wondered, and watched as he purposefully strolled back to the buffet line. He had just packed away more than 3000 calories as if it were nothing. Nick couldn’t help but feel intimidated, yet drawn to Daniel’s ability to consume like some kind of alpha male. 
By the end of it, Daniel had downed a second plate. And a third. And a shish-kabob. And not one, but two bowls of ice cream for dessert.
Daniel polished off the second bowl, and released another burp, not even trying to muzzle it this time. Nick sat in awe. He himself had managed two plates and a scoop of ice cream, but his dishes were nowhere near as heavily packed as Daniel’s.
“Oof, I think I’m about ready to put a cork in it, bro.” Daniel said, fiddling with his pants belt.
He stood up, revealing his overstuffed abdomen. In the past hour it had taken them to eat, it had grown from a miniscule, doughy bump to a basketball-sized food baby. They headed out to the parking lot, and Daniel lifted his shirt to give his belly a little massage. Nick couldn’t tear his eyes away.
“So that’s where you put it all.” Nick said, blank-faced, and finding himself weirdly intrigued by this bodily transformation.
Daniel turned to face Nick. He burped again, managing to muffle it into a low hiss this time, and replied, “I’m not a bottomless pit after all, haha. It’s gotta go somewhere, y’know.” He looked down at Nick, grinning, and gently patted the underside of his bloat to make it jiggle.
“Uh, yeah, heh heh.” Nick replied, watching his friend’s flab bounce.
“Hey, you want to come over and hang for a while? That anime you like came out on Netflix.” Daniel offered.
“Yeah, sure! I’d love to let it hang out with you. Er, hang out with you.” Nick said. An unexplainable chill ran through him.
They hopped back in Daniel’s car and headed off to his apartment. Nick kept glancing over toward Daniel, still in disbelief at the size of his stomach. In the intermittent illumination from passing streetlamps, he saw it bulging and spilling out in between the seat belt straps. He also saw the physique of the rest of Daniel’s body - his arms and chest were defined, and his quads were still bulging from the prior workout. His left arm was fully extended, lazily gripping the top of the steering wheel, his other resting sandwiched between his thigh and his belly flab.
When they arrived at Daniel’s apartment, they went to his couch, turned on the TV, and waited for the streaming service to connect.
“Whoof!” Daniel exhaled, as he collapsed onto the couch. He reclined in the corner with the armrest and the back cushion, and extended one hand behind his head, the other poking his abdomen again. “Heh heh, maybe I overdid it.”
“Nahhh,” Nick said absentmindedly, staring at Daniel’s gut.
“Uh, don’t you think so?” Daniel grinned, raising an eyebrow.
Nick realized what he’d responded with, and simply blushed. 
“Yo, I’m about to burst, jeez.” Daniel lifted his shirt further and fumbled with his belt. “I gotta undo this, I’m dying. You’re cool with that, right?” Daniel said, popping his belt buckle open.
Nick paused, still staring, and said, “D-Do what you gotta do, man.”
Daniel’s exposed belly shone in the soft light of the television. He gripped the button of his jeans, pulled with a grunt, “Unnnh!” and popped open the waist of his pants, sinking backward into the cushions as he did so, as if overcome with relief. He pulled down his zipper, and the lower part of his abdomen spilled out, and rested upon his thighs ever so slightly. Then he lifted his belly to grab the waistband of his underwear, and tuck it downward, so that his gut now hung out completely, unrestricted. His stomach gurgled audibly. Daniel put a hand on his chest and belched loudly. Good lord, he has no shame about this at all, he’s just sprawled out, digesting and not giving a fuck. Nick thought. He’d never experienced anything quite like this before.
“Damn, ‘scuse me, heh heh. Sorry about that.” Daniel said, his abdomen continuing to rumble periodically.
“Don’t be.” Nick said quickly, unsure of why he had received such a feeling of satisfaction from someone else’s burp.
Just then, the streaming service loaded, and Daniel leaned forward to pick up the TV remote, and let out a slight groan, the sides of his belly folding into rolls as he did so. Daniel gripped the remote with both hands and said, “This dumb thing doesn’t work right, I need to get it fixed. The show won’t play unless you hold the On-Demand and Play buttons at the same time, for the first few minutes.”
Daniel reclined again and held the two buttons, extending both hands toward the TV, further exposing his belly in his lap. The theme song of the aging anime started on the screen. The catchy, angelic tune emanated from the TV, but wasn’t enough to muffle further rumbling from Daniel’s stomach.
Daniel looked down at it between his arms. “Ugh, it’s sitting in me like a rock. I really gotta burp again.”
Nick was fixated on Daniel, not paying a moment of attention to the anime on the TV. “H-heh, bet you could use a belly rub right now.”
“Ugh, you know it, bro.” Daniel replied.
Nick paused for a long while, staring at Daniel’s plump gut, resting in his lap. “You know… I guess, maybe, if you wanted to, I could rub your belly for you.”
Daniel looked over at Nick, and let out a soft chuckle.
Nick stuttered, nervous he’d made things weird. “I-I mean, uh, since your hands are full, and like-”
“Sure, bro. Come on over.” Daniel said smiling.
“Uh, seriously? I mean, okay.” Nick said warily.
“Yeah man, what else are bros for? Also I’m dying over here, I’ve never been this bloated.” Daniel reassured him, as Nick slid toward his end of the couch. “If I could get a quick massage down there that would be great.” Daniel reclined, and turned his body toward Nick slightly.
Nick rubbed his hands together to warm them, and gazed upon Daniel’s rumbling, distended tummy. In the low light from the television, he could see that it had bulged from under his ribcage, giving the top an almost triangular shape, but became sublimely rounded closer to his navel, and at the underbelly, which spilled between the zipper of his jeans and onto his thighs. There was almost no hair on his tummy, save for a light sprinkling of peach fuzz surrounding his navel, and trailing downward towards his manhood. His belly button, which Nick had earlier seen to protrude slightly outward, had all but disappeared into the newly chubbier, squishy mass of belly.
Nick hesitated to take in the sight up close. “Y-you ready?” he looked up at Daniel.
“Go ahead, bro.” Daniel replied with a smile.
Gingerly, Nick placed a hand - starting with the fingertips - atop Daniel’s belly, and he could feel the warmth and softness of his exposed skin. He placed his other hand on it as well - the fingers wrapped around the side of his belly, while the thumb lightly gripped in Daniel’s sunken navel. He slowly pressed into the soft skin until it reached a point and became firmer, the bloat caused by all the food. Nick blushed and remembered that he was giving a massage, not just feeling his friend for pleasure.
Nick began to press more firmly and move his hands in a slow, rhythmic motion surrounding Daniel’s navel. 
“Like this?”
“Almost.” Daniel replied, his eyes closing in bliss.
Nick continued, pressing firmer still, and re-orienting himself on the couch to press and knead from different angles. Nick could still feel Daniel’s stomach rumbling about, working away at the mass of food. Periodically Daniel would let out a small burp, and Nick could feel the vibrations starting deep within his friend’s body, and burbling up and out. Nick wondered what kind of relief he was bringing his friend, if Daniel’s tummy was faring any better due to the massages and release of gas.
“Move your right hand down a little.” Daniel instructed. Nick slid his hand down below the navel, closer to Daniel’s left leg.
“Unh, down more. And press.” Daniel said, sounding almost desperate.
Nick obeyed, his hand now brushing against the front of Daniel’s jeans, and the waist of his underwear. He pressed harder in this lower area, under the stomach, and felt something shift, as if he’d freed up some mass deep within Daniel’s swollen gut.
“Right there, that’s it -” Daniel started, before he was cut off by a sudden, intense rumble, followed by the loudest burp Nick had ever heard. Nick’s head was positioned right near the top of Daniel’s abdominal area, and he could hear the massive expulsion of gas, and feel the tummy deflating. The burp lasted nearly a full ten seconds, and Nick looked up at Daniel, chuckling.
“Man, you feel any better after that?” he asked.
Daniel hesitated to catch his breath, “Yes, oh my God, I needed that.” he said, groaning. Daniel set down the remote, as the show was playing properly now.
At this point Nick was in acceptance that he was aroused by all this, and continued softly massaging Daniel’s gut, which was finally settled, more or less. Nick prodded experimentally around Daniel’s belly button, curious if he could help his friend release additional pressure. Daniel rewarded his friend’s work with several more burps, each bringing him blissful relief as the pressure in his gut gradually decreased. Finally, Daniel’s stomach was settled, and Nick felt the mass beginning to move downward into the lower intestines.
“Thank you, bro. That felt amazing.” Daniel said, grinning as he looked down at Nick, whose hands were still feeling his belly.
“My pleasure!” Nick replied with a toothy grin. He realized that seeing his friend stuffed, and helping him through tummy trouble, made him feel a delight he’d never experienced before. He stayed still, save for his hands, waiting for Daniel to say he’d done enough. But it seemed to Nick that his friend was just letting him stay there, his hands on his tummy, for as long as he wanted.
Eventually Nick fell asleep, his head on Daniel’s lap, and he listened to the last remaining soft gurgles from deep within his friend’s tummy as he drifted off. Daniel soon found himself nodding off as well, in an irresistible food coma, his hand resting on Nick’s back. He fell asleep, happily dreaming of tomorrow’s breakfast.
And that’s that, hope y’all enjoyed 😅
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fenandfield · 3 years
Buried Beneath
Fic summary: Despite the tremors Phoenix felt a groan as the old courthouse shifted and creaked with the earth beneath it and he felt his face go pale. Realizing what was about to happen, he only had seconds to act as he rolled Edgeworth under the prosecutors bench, throwing himself on top of him just as the entire building fell in on itself, trapping the two attorneys inside its bowels.
The ground went still
After a particularly devastating earthquake, the courthouse is in ruin. Phoenix and Edgeworth are trapped down below the wreckage until help arrives.
Word count: 4049
Chapters: 1/1
Story and link to read on ao3 are just below the cut, reblogs and comments are lovely :)
It came out of the blue - like earthquakes tended to do - fast and terrifying as usual.
Phoenix stood in front of the court, pressing Edgeworths witness with no remorse as Maya stood faithfully behind the defence bench, sneaking candies into her mouth when she thought no one was watching.
It was with Edgeworths faltered “Objection-“ that the ground had begun to tremble. And it trembled hard.
Phoenix stumbled to his knees as someone screamed “earthquake!” and panic settled over the courtroom. A TV fell off the wall behind him with a clatter and the presented case evidence slid off the desk as Phoenix shielded his head with his hands and ran for Maya where she stood frozen in fear.
The ground continued to shake.
“Evacuate, evacuate the building!”
Phoenix fought for his balance as he tugged on Mayas sleeve, “Come on, we have to get out of here!”
The spirit medium fell into his side with a stumble. “But, Nick! What about Mr. Edgeworth?!” She cried over the noise of shattering objects and frightened people.
Phoenix gasped, eyes going wide. Edgeworth. He turned. Miles hadn’t moved from his place behind the prosecutors bench, eyes forced shut and knuckles white where they gripped the wooden banister.
Without thinking he shoved Maya towards the exit, “I’ll get him out of here, you go!” She stared back with tear filled eyes, rooted to the quaking floor. “Go!” He barked, fixing her with a stern glare until she sniffled, turning on her heel and running for safety.
The ground continued to shake.
Phoenix spun around. He knew he only had a matter of moments before Edgeworth would spiral out of mental reach or worse, faint. But it was too late. Phoenix had taken his first step forward just as Miles’ eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed onto the floor, forehead striking the desk rather harshly on the way down, impact eliciting a sickening crack.
“Miles!” He screamed as he staggered over to his slumped form, grabbing the man by his shoulders and slapping at his slack face. The man lying limp on the floor made no response. “Don’t do this, we have to get out of here!”
Despite the tremors Phoenix felt a groan as the old courthouse shifted and creaked with the earth beneath it and he felt his face go pale. Realizing what was about to happen, he only had seconds to act as he rolled Edgeworth under the prosecutors bench, throwing himself on top of him just as the entire building fell in on itself, trapping the two attorneys inside its bowels.
The ground went still.
Phoenix came around to the scent of blood and the sensation of a crushing weight resting on the lower part of his body, most specifically his right ankle. Swallowing blearily he lifted his head with a groan and opened his eyes.
What had happened?
Right. Earthquake. Edgeworth. The courthouse collapsing.
He coughed as he attempted to take a gulp of air, littered with dust and debris. His surroundings were cast in darkness though if he squinted he could still make out a dim light source coming from somewhere behind him.
So they were buried. Hopefully not too deeply if light and oxygen was still able to filter its way through the wreckage.
They were buried alive. Okay, Wright. Don’t panic don’t panic don’t fucking panic. It… it could be worse, right?
He could be dead.
As his vision adjusted to the minimal light source he could make out the silhouette of another persons head slanted to the side on the floor underneath his own body. Miles.
Phoenix felt a jolt of panic as he realized that the other man had yet to make any signs of life. Freeing a hand, he placed two fingers on the side of Miles’ exposed neck.
One beat. Two beat. Three beat. Four.
Phoenix let his head hang with a sigh of relief. Edgeworth was alive, simply out cold. The fact sent a small pang of worry through his system, albeit, a fact that he was slightly grateful for because the position they had ended up in was quite… undignified.
Phoenix lay on his front, arms that had previously been wrapped around Edgeworths shoulders now propping himself up. The exposed side of his body had been completely buried, forcing the two men taught against the far wall of the bench, and Edgeworth… Edgeworth lay tucked almost perfectly underneath Phoenix’s own self. Practically nose to nose on the floor.
Phoenix felt his ears go red with heat at the realization that there was nothing separating the two attorneys except for the clothes on their backs. Embarrassed, Phoenix attempted to roll off of his unconscious friend but met resistance in the form of searing pain in his ankle.
Stifling a cry of pain he held his breath and pulled at his leg as hard as he could muster. He tugged and tugged to no avail, cursing and panting.
Then something shifted. Something heavy. Shifting the opposite way that Phoenix needed it to go. He bit his lip hard as the pain grew tenfold, moaning in misery. Okay, so that was a bad idea.
And with Edgeworth pinned underneath him, it didn’t seem like they’d be freeing themselves anytime soon. No, they’d have to wait for help to come to their aid, and pray that it would get there fast - if it came at all.
He tipped his head as far back as it could go, desperate to make their whereabouts known. “Hello!?” He shouted at the top of his lungs. “Can anyone hear me!?”
Only the sound of Edgeworths even breathing met his ears.
Phoenix had heard stories of victims in these types of burial situations. Some having to lie in wait for days on end before being uncovered and by then… it was too late. Asphyxiation, starvation, internal injuries. It took them all out.
Fear was like ice in his veins.
Hastily, he placed his fingers back against Edgeworths throat for reassurance. The prosecutor was still alive but unresponsive. Phoenix swallowed as he stared down at Edgeworths moppy bangs in the dark. He couldn’t panic now. Not when Miles surely would, thanks to his past trauma.
And wouldn’t this situation just make everything ten times worse for him. Phoenix chewed his bottom lip in sweltering anxiety. It would be more than a challenge to keep Miles calm when he woke up.
If he woke up…
Phoenix winced and would’ve smacked himself for that thought if he had the space to move. He couldn’t afford that sort of doubt, not now at all times.
He shifted again in an effort to find a more comfortable position for his ankle as it continued to throb but went still when he heard a faint voice.
“...please…” Miles breathed and Phoenix’s heart leapt into his throat. He was coming around.
“E-edgeworth?” He stuttered in a low voice, so not to startle the man beneath him.
Miles made no signs of recognition, eyes closed and head tipped to the side. “Please… don’t… don’t hurt my father…”
Phoenix’s bottom lip was starting to swell under his constant nipping. “Edgeworth… M-Miles, it’s me, it’s Phoenix…”
Miles finally lifted his head to reveal the other half of his face which was - much to Phoenix’s horror - slick with blood. Phoenix’s eyes flew wide and he pushed away from Edgeworth only for the back of his head to make contact with the underside of the desk with a dull ‘bonk’.
He rubbed at the sore spot as he vividly remembered Miles whacking his own head on the bench when he fainted. He better not be concussed. Phoenix didn’t know how to deal with head injuries very well.
“Ph… Phoenix..?” Miles eyelids fluttered for a moment before they shut again. “No...no… don’ hurt…” Edgeworth whimpered and Phoenix shushed him gently, uncomfortable and unsure of how to treat the situation. He had never seen the man so open and vulnerable before.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay Edgeworth.” He consoled as he tilted his head to try and get a better view of Edgeworths head wound. The poor lighting discoloured the crimson liquid, altering its shade to one of inky blackness. He couldn’t tell where it was coming from. “That looks bad, Miles.” Subtly, he maneuvered his arm and patted down his breast pocket, removing his tissue that he stored in there. With one hand he shook it until it unfolded and used it to dab at the blood that coated half of Miles’ face and hairline.
Edgeworth immediately pulled away with a grimace and a noise of pain. “No… no…” he gasped and tossed his head, limbs weakly beginning to shiver.
Phoenix braced himself as Miles’ tossing and turning put pressure on his wounded ankle. “Hey, it’s okay… it’s okay Miles.” He struggled to keep his voice light as pain flickered across his entire leg at the change in posture.
Ever so slowly Edgeworths stirring ceased, and his only movements became the incoherent muttering of his lips and soft trembles of his body. Hesitantly, Phoenix wiped the blood from his cheek, smearing it slightly up the bridge of his nose as he went.
It was obvious that Miles was not faring well and it terrified him.
Phoenix didn’t know if it were the blow to the head or the PTSD that was making Edgeworth act so different - so <em>wrong</em> - but he figured it was likely a healthy combination of both factors.
Miles kept muttering incoherencies under his breath in a broken voice of a whisper as Phoenix cautiously cleaned his wound to the best of his ability. When he located the source of the blood he winced with Edgeworth as he felt it out with his fingers. A gash, roughly two inches long sat on top of a tough lump of swollen flesh that rested just underneath Miles’ hairline.
Phoenix knew headwounds bled quite a bit, but he was not expecting his handkerchief to become soiled with the substance as fast as it had. His fingers were sticky and red, stained almost as much as the fabric in his hands and yet the cut kept oozing. Not knowing what else to do, Phoenix refolded the tissue and settled it on top of the injury before pressing down. You were supposed to put pressure on wounds, right?
Miles moaned underneath him and Phoenix patted his chest with his free hand in an awkward attempt at comfort before remembering that he was probably smearing blood all over the expensive suit.
He retracted his hand with a meek chuckle. “Yeah, we’re in a bit of a squeeze, aren’t we Miles?” Tentatively, he lifted the corner of the handkerchief to check for clotting but had to press back down when more blood instantly welled up. “You know… you’re supposed to keep this red stuff inside your body.”
He kept up the pressure as Edgeworth continued to shiver as if he’d been left in the polar circle - most likely had something to do with blood loss and shock - Phoenix assumed. He hated the silence but hated the echo of his own voice even more, so he opted to stay quiet, kept sane only by the sounds of Edgeworths faint mumbles and exhales.
He didn’t know how long it had been since the quake had struck, but it felt like days. Phoenix rubbed at his nose. It had probably only been a few hours at max and yet there had been no sight nor sound of rescue.
Phoenix swallowed dryly, if anything he’d be dying of thirst before sun set. With a sigh, he doubled his pressure on Miles’ brow and mentally settled into the never ending silence.
But then.
Miles woke up.
With a gasp the prosecutors eyes flew open and he jackknifed halfway before whacking his forehead off of Phoenix’s and collapsing back onto the floor.
Phoenix clasped a hand to his head with a shout of surprise. “Miles!”
Edgeworth blinked and even in the dark setting, Phoenix could plainly see one pupil larger than the other.
Not good.
“F-father…” Edgeworth croaked.
Phoenix shook his head, “No, no, it’s me Phoenix, Phoenix Wright.”
Miles sucked in a breath through his nose, crinkling it on the exhale. “Wr...Wright?” The hint of confusion in his voice was strong. Yeah, he was definitely concussed, Phoenix decided.
“Yeah, it’s me… how do you feel?” He asked lightly, not expecting his next words to be a holler of pain and surprise when Edgeworth started moving again.
Miles pushed at him weakly, “Ge’ off…” he slurred as he writhed.
Phoenix grabbed at miles wrists and pinned them easily to the floor. “Stop, stop. Don’t move, please stop moving.” He hissed through his teeth at the agonizing sensation of the weight increasing pressure on his injured limb. “We’re stuck, okay? Now please, stop moving.”
Something Phoenix said must've managed to worm its way through Edgeworths swollen skull because immediately, Miles went still again. There was a beat before either one of them made another sound.
“St-stuck?” Miles’ voice was high with terror. “No… no…”
Shit, wrong thing to say… “Well, yeah! But it’s not that bad really. Well, I mean it’s a little snug...”
“No no… not… happening…” Miles coughed and spluttered as he attempted to twist out of Phoenix’s hold. “Have to… no air… st-stop stop stop…”. The prosecutor's breaths swiftly turned into panicked pants, settled on the cusp of hyperventilation.
Phoenix didn’t know what to do or say to qualm his friends fears. “Mi-Miles, breathe- you’re…we’re gonna get out of here, okay?” Edgeworths chest heaved and in the gleam of the light, Phoenix caught the trails of something wet on Miles’ face. Tears.
Edgeworth was crying.
Phoenix’s heart broke at the sight.
“I… We’re going to get out of here, Miles. I promise.” Phoenix let his head dip close enough to Edgeworths that their foreheads brushed briefly. “I promise you.”
All too suddenly Miles went totally still and Phoenix pulled away, worry contorting his features. Did he just pass out again? Phoenix didn’t know if he could handle being alone in the dark again.
God, he felt like a little kid.
“Miles... You still here?” He cried, voice shaking with poorly restrained emotion. No response from the man lying trapped underneath him. “Miles, wake up!” He barked, shaking the silent man by his wrists.
“Do… shut up…” Miles moaned when Phoenix began relentlessly chanting his name, poking his cheekbone with every syllable.
Phoenix laughed at the sound of his voice, now that sounded like the Edgeworth he knew. “Oh thank goodness, I was so worried!”
“Wrigh’ is that… you?” Miles’ voice was hardly louder than a mere whisper but it was still music to Phoenix’s ears.
“He-hey, Edgeworth… yeah, it’s me.” He sighed in relief at the coherency he could hear in his colleagues tone.
Miles squinted up at him. “You… you’re lying on top of me…”
Phoenix felt his smile falter, pressing his lips together as his thoughts spiralled. Hadn’t they already gone over this? “Yeah, I kinda am… sorry about that.” He confirmed. Miles simply blinked.
So Edgeworth still wasn’t… all there.
They gazed into each other’s eyes for a long number of seconds before Edgeworth whined. “Get off… you big… oaf…” He made to lift his wrists again but gave up against Phoenix’s heavy grip.
“Sorry, sorry, no can do.” The words ‘<em>we’re stuck</em>’ were on the tip of his tongue before he bit it back. He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. “How’s your head?” He tried instead.
Edgeworth swallowed hard. “Hurts…” he admitted without interrogation - another red flag revealing what state he was in. Edgeworth wasn’t the type to tell the truth when it came to personal feelings.
“Yeah, yeah I bet it does.” Phoenix started slowly, unsure of what words would trigger Miles' psyche into another panic attack.
Miles coughed, harsh and wet sounding, “...why?”
“Why? Uh, why what…” Phoenix frowned momentarily before realization struck. “Oh, well you took a good hit. Whacked it real good.”
Miles made a sound somewhere between a hum and a groan. “W-where?”
Phoenix paused. How was he supposed to answer that in truth without igniting another freak out? Easy.
“We’re, uh, in bed…?” Phoenix grimaced as soon as the words were out - what kind of excuse was that?
“...Oh.” Miles sounded slightly surprised, but he made no grunts of disapproval, which is what Phoenix had been expecting without a doubt in his mind. “T-together?”
Phoenix squeaked. “Yep! Don’t you remember, we’re uh-“ <em>he was really digging out his own grave here</em>, “- We’re dating.” He choked out.
Miles frowned. “Don’ remember…”
“Well I’m not surprised, you hit your head pretty hard.” Phoenix chuckled awkwardly, mixed emotions washing over him at the continuation of the charade. “How do you feel, Miles?”
Edgeworth sighed and turned his neck, eyes fluttering closed. “T’red… Head hurts…”
Alarms blared in Phoenix’s mind as Miles relaxed in his hold. There was something he had read about concussions and sleeping. “Oh wait wait, Edgeworth you can’t sleep right now!”
Miles growled. “But… bed?”
“Yeah, yeah we are in bed but Miles, you’re hurt.” Phoenix pleaded but Miles kept his eyes closed. “Come on, you have to stay awake… you could- you could die... an-and I don’t want to be alone…” His voice dimmed exponentially on the last part, admitting the fact more so to himself than Edgeworth.
“Alone… is not… head… hurts…”
Phoenix shushed him as Miles shifted minutely as he whimpered, brushing back his shaggy bangs with a blood stained hand.
“Make… it stop… Phoenix…”
Phoenix felt his breath catch in his throat. There was… there was nothing more he could do to help.
“I’m sorry.” He croaked, tears stinging at his eyes. “I’m sorry, Miles.”
“Please don’... don’t hurt my… don’t… father…”
Phoenix tucked his head into his chest, fighting back tears. He couldn’t deal with this, he needed out and he needed out now.
Miles went utterly limp and a lump formed in Phoenix’s throat, swollen and hard and nearly impossible to form words around. “Miles?” He choked, no longer comforted by the sound of Edgeworths breathing. What was once steady and even was now shallow and breathless.
No response.
His hope grew dim as the light source faded.
Night had come and what was once warm was now pale and cold.
He was shaking from the chill, clutching to Miles’ body heat like a moth to flame. The man underneath him had stopped shivering long ago.
It had been hours since Miles had passed out and he had yet to move of his own accords. Phoenix was scared for his life. If Edgeworth died in here… it would be all his fault. To make matters worse, Phoenix had accidentally reopened his cut when he had peeled off the crusty handkerchief and the wound was now bleeding freely again.
A trail of blood escaped the hold of the fabric clutched to Miles’ face and it streaked down his temple like a dark red tear.
Phoenix clenched his jaw at the sight. What he was doing wasn’t helping, <em>he</em> wasn’t helping, he was useless and they were both going to die because of his incompetence.
His eyes burned with malice, and his mouth contorted with the verge of tears. What happened to staying calm? Stay calm Wright, stay calm…
Stop imagining things and relax…
”Phoenix…” A woman’s voice, calm and cool rang echoelessly inside his mind. ”You’re not imagining things.”
Phoenix froze, holding his breath.
That voice… could it really be..?
“M-Mia?” He gasped as hot tears spilt over his cheeks. Maya must be channeling her late sisters thoughts somehow, meaning… the medium had to be close by.
Mia’s huff of laughter was the best thing Phoenix had ever heard. ”Hold on just a little bit longer, Phoenix. They’re close, they’re so, so close.”
Phoenix had never cried so hard in his life. Rescue was coming, they were going to make it.
He patted Edgeworth on the shoulder, “Did you hear that, Miles? We’re gonna make it, we’re gonna get out of here, just like I promised!”
Only… Miles…
He wasn’t breathing.
Phoenix’s world came crashing down in a sick mockery of the courthouse walls as adrenaline rushed through his bloodstream and he <em>yanked</em> his ankle free of the rubble with a sickening crunch. He would’ve screamed if he had felt the pain.
But his mind was solely focused on Miles laying stiff on the floor.
“No!” His throat was raw with emotion as he placed his ear against Edgeworths still chest, barely feeling any relief when the delayed beat of his heart registered in his mind. “No, no, please god, no!”
Frantically he hovered his hands over Miles’ chest and head, scanning the ground for any sort of clue as to what to do next.
“What do I do, Mia, what do I do?!” He screamed into the darkness but the woman had vanished back into the realm of the dead. “Oh god Miles, not now, please!”
Miles' features were peaceful, creases and worry lines gone into the night and Phoenix punched his chest with a newfound hatred for the man.
“Don’t you do this to me, don’t you leave me now after everything we’ve been through!” Phoenix screamed as he shook Edgeworths shoulders, watching his head turn bonelessly from side to side.
Phoenix settled a bloody hand on the side of Miles’ face as he steadied himself and realized what he needed to do.
With one final deep inhale, Phoenix steeled his mind and pressed his lips to Miles.
The kiss of life.
Plugging Edgeworths nose and transferring his air into the prosecutor's lungs, Phoenix pulled back to breathe again before diving back down.
“Come on you stupid idiot, breathe!”
Again and again he forced his oxygen into Miles’ unresponsive body, crying and panting and begging and dizzy with exhaustion until
“Sir, sir! Can you hear me sir?” A man hollered from above.
Phoenix whipped around, mouth agape with shock. “Ye-yes! I’m here, we’re down here!”
“Okay sir, just hang on a minute, we’re gonna get you out in a jiffy.” The man retracted his hand with a “Hey tell that weird girl she was right, there are people trapped under the prosecutors bench!”
Phoenix sobbed openly as he rocked Edgeworth in his arms. “They’re here, they’re going to help us, Miles… everything is going to be okay.”
But everything wasn’t okay.
Miles still wasn’t breathing.
The rubble cleared above and gentle hands reached inside and began to pull him free from the wreckage.
“No, no!” He cried, delirious from pain and terror as he was broken free of his temporary prison, “help him, help him please…”
The hands laid him down on a stretcher that was set on the floor. He went willingly as someone jumped into the hole in his absence.
“Hey we need a medic over here! This ones not breathing!”
Phoenix closed his eyes, tears still flowing freely. Edgeworth was going to die and it was all his fault. He couldn’t save him, he couldn’t save anybody.
Slender fingers entwined with his own. “Nick?” Someone asked, hesitant.
Phoenix opened his eyes.
“Ed- Edgeworth…” He opened his mouth to speak but she quieted him with a finger to his lips.
“Mia wanted me to tell you that Mr. Edgeworth will be okay. He’s hurt bad, but he’s gonna make it...” She paused for a moment as a medic bustled over and fastened an oxygen mask over Phoenix's face. “His spirit is strongly tethered to this plane. He won’t die. Not today.”
Phoenix choked on a sob as he clutched Mayas hand in his own. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever been so emotional but then again, he’d never been buried alive before.
Over Mayas shoulder he could see Edgeworth being fastened to a stretcher identical to his own and he let his eyes flutter close as Gumshoe appeared at his side and they wheeled him away.
He trusted Mia with all his soul.
Phoenix’s own stretcher was lifted and began to roll and Maya kept pace beside him as he was loaded into the back of an ambulance. “You did good, Nick, you did good.” She whispered consolations to him as the air in his mask turned sweet.
“Everything’s gonna be okay…”
The world began to turn circles around him and Phoenix felt his body relax into the cushions underneath him.
“You can rest now.”
And rest he did.
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quillandink333 · 3 years
BotW Link X Zelda ~ Vampire!Link AU
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Rating: M
Word Count: 3.2k
WARNINGS: blood and gore, near-death experiences, nudity
Summary: In defiance of his creator, Link risks his life over and over as he fights to protect Zelda’s, but then watches his world crumble as she does the same for him.
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An electric arrow flew at her from above. I deflected it in the nick of time, skidding against the rainforest’s damp soil.
The scaly eyes of the monster who’d fired lased into me, just like those of all the rest as they emerged and made themselves known. I hissed, outwitted. We were surrounded, having just walked into the clearing before the Spring of Courage, but we hadn’t been expecting company. And now, there was nowhere to take cover.
One of the unholy creatures leapt out at us from behind. We would’ve been done for if I hadn’t heard its approach in time. I drew my blade and dealt with it swiftly, but this battle was far from won.
The lizalfi were cunning, more so than they appeared. They’d blended in with their surroundings, only revealing themselves when we’d walked straight into the heart of their trap. They were nine, ten...twelve in number, half of them foot soldiers and the rest archers.
“It’s alright,” I asserted, though I had to admit the validity of my statement was questionable at best. “Just stay close.”
My sword and shield clattered as they hit the ground. “Wait,” she stammered, “what are you—?”
I crouched down and closed my eyes. The image of my enemy’s blackening corpse strewn across the ground beneath me devoured my thoughts and claimed my focus.
Soon enough, my arms turned thin and leathery, my legs melted away, and the corners of my vision were blurred and bloody.
With my new wings, I soared high above the stone pillar.
The monster at its vertex jerked its head up.
I dove down. My body changed shape, and I landed feet-first on top of my victim, causing it to plummet to its doom.
I leapt to the ground, retrieving the sword and finishing it off with one final blow.
I turned. Time froze when I saw the princess backed up against a tree with two lizalfi closing in on her.
One grabbed her wrist between its claws. My throat clenched in anger.
Thinking quickly, I picked up the bow of the fallen archer and shot an electric arrow right into the nape of her attacker’s neck. It spasmed a few times, letting go of her before collapsing to the ground at her feet, dead.
The other turned its head. In response, I shot a second arrow through its eye socket and into its skull.
But when I reached for another arrow, my hand was seized, and I was pinned to the ground.
The princess screamed out my name as I wrestled with the enemy, but it had me immobilized. I could hear the pitter-patter of the others’ footsteps fast approaching, and saw countless shock arrows wizzing overhead. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn’t get the damned thing off me.
So I closed my eyes again.
The creature that had been holding me down squawked in confusion. I fluttered out of its grasp with ease. If I still had my face, I would’ve been smirking in triumph.
The archers were still firing away at me, but their aim was off by a mile as always. It was even harder to hit me now that I presented a much smaller and faster target.
Assessing the battle field, I counted three on foot and five ranged remaining. I spotted one try to pick up the sword, jumping back when its hand began to sizzle. I took this chance to shift back and reclaim my weapon.
It didn’t take me long from there to eliminate the three left on the ground. All the while, I was careful to keep Her Highness in my line of sight.
Until one of the archers shifted its aim from me to her.
I raced to her side at once. The arrow flew, and I blocked it with no more than half a second to spare.
Then one of them rushed at us, catching me off-guard.
I swung my sword out, and it leapt back.
I could’ve sworn I’d taken care of all the ones on foot. Could one of the archers have abandoned its post?
“Are you alright?”
The question caught me even more off-guard. “Yes, Princess,” I stuttered, trying to focus on fighting off my opponents. “Get to the spring.”
She nodded and made a break for the stone serpent’s mouth.
Then I heard a low grunt. Her footsteps halted.
Rising to its feet in front of her was none other than a towering, third-class moblin.
Another bolt just barely missed my ankle. It purged me of my paralysis, and I dodged it. I looked back just in time to see the brute raising its club above her.
She screamed and darted out of the way. I thanked Ganon for making these boorish behemoths as slow as they were.
“Keep running!” I ordered, blocking another lightning-fast attack. “Don’t look back!”
She was terrified. I heard it in the way she gasped for air as she fled. I should’ve known better than to give way to overconfidence. Now my grip was shaky, my movements frenzied, and I was starting to panic.
I advanced, but the spineless freak just kept leaping back miles out of reach. The three left with bows were still firing away at me. I shouted out in futile aggravation. I’d lost my shield some time ago while transforming, leaving my left side wide open. I could no longer see the princess, though I still heard her frantic footsteps, as well as her pursuer’s.
I had to get back up on my feet somehow, or else her blood truly would be on my hands this time.
I sprinted over to where a bow and quiver full of shock arrows were lying deserted. My opponent, after a moment of standing there in confusion, chased after me.
I turned and thrusted the tip of my blade through its open palm.
It screeched dramatically. This gave me an opening. I grasped it and slashed the creature’s throat open once and for all.
The loud rustling of palm leaves caught the attention of one of the archers.
Standing to the left of the spring’s entrance was the princess, frozen in fear. The black moblin was sluggishly approaching her from behind.
The lizalfos took aim. She gasped and turned around, but then came face-to-face with the pig-snouted giant.
Then she took even me by surprise and ducked between its legs.
The moblin stumbled. Then before it’d had the chance to recover, the archer let loose its arrow, which hit the beast right in its thigh. Lightning surged throughout its lanky form before it collapsed on its front.
I held my breath.
But it got back up again like nothing had happened. Of course that wouldn’t have been enough to kill it, as I had hoped. Soon, it turned back around and continued its dreaded hunt.
I’d missed my chance. “Damn it...” Now it was impossible for me to hit it with the projectiles at my feet, and I had the attention of all three archers back on me.
I picked up the bow and arrows and ran. There had to be some position that was ideal for shooting down the last of these fiends.
I maneuvered across the battlefield until all three of them were in view. They were farther away than I would’ve liked, but this would have to do. Besides, this way I was far enough that they wouldn’t be able to hit me with their inferior aim whilst I pierced their throats one after another.
Finally, the last one fell from its post and into the water below, vanquished.
I spotted Her Highness, sprawled out on the staircase at the spring’s entrance. She must have tripped on her way down.
Time stopped, yet again, as the monster emerged from the shadows, poised to strike.
The defenceless princess didn’t so much as scream, merely watching her fate unfold in complete, mortal terror.
The beast swung its mace.
I nearly tripped myself as I leapt in front of her, parrying the death blow, but just barely.
The enemy staggered back. I charged forward.
My aim was true.
The blade cleaved clean through its torso, exiting out through its backside. Its thick, black ichor sprayed all over my arm when I took it out. The beast fell to the ancient pavement slowly and heavily, shaking the earth as it landed.
My chest was heaving violently. By the time I looked down, the gore staining the sword had already burned away. Arms shaking in exhaustion, I returned it to its sheath, wiping the sweat from my brow.
I swivelled when the princess’ frail voice called me. She hadn’t moved from her position on the steps, twisting at the waist to look up and face me. She seemed just as drained as I felt, if not more so. Other than that, though, she hadn’t sustained any serious injuries from what I could see. All she had were a few small scrapes and bruises here and there.
Then it hit me. The front of her white dress was sopping wet, and I’d been staring at her for well over a minute. I immediately averted my gaze, feeling a wave of embarrassment crawl beneath my skin.
“What?” she worried. “What’s the matter?”
Without looking, I cleared my throat suggestively. When that evidently hadn’t gotten the message across, I muttered, “You’re drenched.”
“Ah...” She looked down, noticing the exposed state she was in. “I just...fell into the spring a couple of times,” she blushed. “You don’t have to look away, though. I-I trust you.”
There was that phrase again. That utterly ridiculous phrase that she’d been using with me for the past month or so.
Taking a deep breath, I reached out my hand to help her to her feet.
The few drops of sacred spring water left on her palm hissed softly as they made contact with my skin. I winced. The pain was small, but excruciating.
“Oh my Goddess,” she gasped, loosening her grasp on my hand and poring over it. A few small cracks had formed in my palm, from which a few wisps of smoke had risen. “I’m so sorry,” she deliberated. “Are you alright? Do you need—”
“I’m fine, Your Highness,” I interrupted, gripping her fingers gently in demonstration. She looked up at me, uncertainty lingering in her expression, then back at my hand.
My own gaze landed on her wrist. Through the intricate metalwork of her wristband, an array of three puncture wounds, each secreting thin threads of dark red, could be seen. The memory of the monster’s filthy talons penetrating her precious, delicate skin flashed through my mind’s eye.
I cursed quietly. Once again, my infernal hate had taken hold of me and obstructed my ability to fulfill my sworn duty to her. I’d tried to fight it, but it was inescapable. I bit my lip, swallowing back a sigh. The worst part of it all was how I now found myself struggling to tear my eyes away from the blood seeping out of her wounds, further proving that I was no different from the monsters from which I was trying my hardest to protect her.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked again, tone tender and brimming with warmth. I nodded; it was all I could bring myself to do.
It was not my place to listen in on her prayer. However it was difficult not to when she was such a short distance away. Tuning her out was quite the challenge, as soft-spoken as she tended to be during these rituals of hers. Besides, I couldn’t help but be intrigued.
The things she spoke to the Goddess about were shocking to me. I hadn’t the slightest clue about how formal or intimate one was expected to be when speaking with Her, but the princess seemed to have no qualms with confiding in Her just about anything. Once, during one of these pilgrimages, she’d even confessed to Her that I was in fact a day keese. It was likely that She’d already known this about me, but even so, if I’d ever been so obscenely foolhardy as to confess my betrayal of Lord Ganon to His own face, I would’ve been stricken down on the spot.
After a while, it became apparent to me that the princess had gone quiet. This was more than a little unsettling. I kept my back turned respectfully, but kept my ears trained just the same.
My heart sank. I turned around, just in time to see her hand fall below the surface of the water.
I didn’t think twice before diving in after her.
The water penetrated my clothes the instant I stepped in. It went up to my knees. I couldn’t withhold my wail of blinding agony. My legs were like sandcastles, and the spring, a riptide.
It took every sliver of strength left in my body to reach the princess. By the time I had her safe in my arms, I could no longer feel my feet. There was no way I could get her back to dry land by carrying her. The one choice I had left was to hurl her unmoving form as far as I could and hope for the best. So, with a silent apology, that’s just what I did.
I was forced to crawl my way back to dry land; I no longer had the physical capacity to remain standing. To my immense relief, she was there on the concrete, safe and breathing.
Until now, I hadn’t had the chance to truly feel the searing pain consuming what remained of my body. My flesh was cracked and crumbling, and the water had soaked through each little crevice deep into my brittle constitution. If I wasn’t careful, my body would’ve lost any resemblance to a Hylian it had left.
When it had become strenuous to continue drawing breath, I realized I wasn’t long for this world. And yet, as I gazed upon the princess’ unmoving form whilst my surroundings faded to black, I smiled. At long last, I could bid farewell to this dastardly life of mine.
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I awoke with a slight weight on my chest and a warm, bitter-sweet taste in my mouth. A series of coughs wracked my already broken body as the familiar liquid ran slowly down my throat. I opened my eyes.
The face that greeted me was veiled in heavenly, golden light. I squinted. For a moment, I was certain I was looking straight into the eyes of an angel. Then my vision adjusted. Of course, I realized, no angel would ever shine half as brightly as she.
Her hand, planted firmly at the back of my head, encouraged it forward, until my lips sealed shakily around the weeping slit in her neck once again. As I drank obediently, I began wondering if she’d made the incision herself. Something about it felt sickeningly wrong. Even so, I was too numb, too fatigued, and too delirious to do anything about it.
I regained consciousness gradually, becoming more and more aware of our situation as she slid down my throat one swallow at a time. Her blood was like finely aged wine, pleasantly burning my insides as it went down. All the while, I could feel my body recovering its structure. The cracks and chips littering my skin dissolved one by one, and before long, my legs had pieced themselves back together. Now I could feel the cool mists of Faron, as well as the warmth of her bare flesh, clinging to my own.
It was around that time that I finally came to my senses. My tongue traced over the smooth edges of the lesion, making her tense up against me. I jerked back.
For the first time since waking, I was able to get a good look at her neck. The cut was fairly small, but the way it gaped and pulsed—staring back at me and perceiving each and every one of my innermost thoughts like the all-seeing eyes of our Father—forced me to look away. I could hear His petrifying voice even then.
I let my fearful gaze meander, coming across her and my clothes, which were still damp with spring water from the looks of it. Then my eyes landed on my sword, lying unsheathed on the pavement a few feet away. A corner of its blade was stained with crimson.
I shed a silent tear. “Why...?”
“‘Why?’” she rowed, teeth clenched, clearly in pain. “You wouldn’t have made it if I hadn’t done this! And yet...you’re still asking me why?”
I opened my mouth, but found myself speechless. No matter how much I wanted to just look her in the eyes and tell her everything that weighed on my mind, I couldn’t. What good would it do to resent her for this? It was already too late.
“How could you throw your life away like that?” she stabbed. “You knew your body couldn’t take it, surely.”
I risked another glance at her neck, watching as it gushed out rivers of blood with no sign of stopping. “I could ask the same of you.”
“Because I love you, Link!”
My eyes widened. I looked up at her, desperately clinging to the possibility that this was some kind of joke. “What...?”
“I love you.”
So I had heard her correctly. “No...” I muttered, gently shaking my head. “N-no, take it back.” My fingers clamped around her arm. “Please...”
“But it’s true,” she cried, voice breaking. “I think about you every moment I live and breathe, and I can’t bare the thought of losing you.” Her tone made it clear that this was no joke. “I would rather die.”
I’d thought I had felt the most pain I ever would’ve felt when I’d thrown myself into the spring moments ago. But the crushing anguish brought on by those words was so unfathomable that I never could’ve imagined it until now.
“Link...” She cupped my cheeks in her delicate palms. The way she looked at me, eyes glistening behind a watery film and voice barely above a whisper, was just another twist of the knife. “Why won’t you say anything?”
I choked, giving way to an unstoppable wave of tears and hysterical sobbing. “Because,” I whimpered pathetically, “I don’t deserve...‘love.’” I was crying into my hands as she lay across my bare front, shaking almost imperceptibly. “H-how could—how could someone such as I ever love you back...?”
As she began weeping freely into my shoulder, I felt another even greater surge of tears swell up and out of me. All I ever did was hurt her. It was made worse when I thought about how, even if I hadn’t been born the demon that I was, I still wouldn’t have had the chance to be with her. In the end, Lord Ganon would kill us all either way. Why had I even been created in the first place? What was the point in letting me learn what happiness was before forcefully tearing it out of my grasp?
I clutched onto her with all my might for no reason other than that she was there. She held me tighter.
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iamakiller · 3 years
the anatomy of a killer (5/7)
This isn’t about me, it’s about you.
How I made you ...
The great Greek storytellers lied, when they told the tale of Hades and Persephone.
It is true that Persephone was a child of the springtime.  Everywhere she went, flowers bloomed, harvests thrived, and people rejoiced.  
But in her heart, she longed for winter.
And Hades?
He longed for something he couldn’t even begin to describe ...
The long, sun-drenched days of summer have finally come to an end.  The lush, verdant leaves on the trees that line the avenues of the city have grown dry, withering to dust even as they transform to vivid shades of gold, orange and brown.
Autumn has arrived, and winter is just around the corner.  
I can smell it in the evening air.  I can feel it in the marrow of my bones.
The nights are turning so bitterly cold now.
But together, we are warm.
Persephone had grown weary of late, but nobody else seemed to notice.  They cared only for matters which were light-hearted and easy to comprehend.  
Her friends sang and danced in the fields as gaily as ever, so Persephone tried to ignore her dry throat and leaden limbs to join them, because she had never done anything else.   
But the glib lyrics tasted like bile in her mouth, her once-radiant smile felt like it had been painted on, and poor Persephone suffered in silence as everyone around her made merry.
But someone noticed …
The world around us is shriveling, dying.
But you, my love?
You have begun to bloom.
As the shadows encroach, and the days grow colder, I have been tending you with great care.  Soon, you will reach your full potential.  Soon, your true beauty will be unveiled.  And I, your humble gardener, will be there to appreciate you in all your glory.
When I beckon, you come to me.
With a gentle sigh, you sink down onto me.  Your walls twitch and flutter around me for a moment, and then all is still.
Softly, gently, in perfect unison …
We breathe together.
The world is so quiet.  It feels so peaceful, when I’m with you.
Persephone didn’t even think to ask her friends to come with her, when she walked into the field of flowers she had never seen before.  Somehow, she knew that she must go alone.  
But did she know what she was doing when she grasped the stem of the biggest, brightest flower?
If she did, perhaps she simply dreaded the unknown far less than her current, miserable existence.
Regardless, as she began to pull up the flower, she smiled her first real smile in a hundred years.
My sharp edges have become blurred, but not softened.  I can no longer recognize where I end, and you begin.  Our bodies are joined, and our hearts beat as one.  I understand your mind, because you think just as I do.  I know your soul, because it is the same as mine, isn’t it?
And I have wanted ...
I have wanted ....
I want you to know me.
I want to show you ...
Slowly, I reach for the blade where it rests atop the nightstand, and place it in your hand.
When the earth began to split, and Persephone saw what was inside, she didn’t make a sound, or try to run away.  
Instead, she stared into the darkness, and the darkness stared back at her.  Persephone felt seen for the first time in her life, and she smiled once more.
When Hades held out his hand, she took it.  Gladly.
The blade feels right in your palm, doesn’t it?
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Do you see how it seems to glow in the lamplight, as if lit from within by the stories it remembers?  It contains multitudes, just like me.  It is filled with pain … pleasure … history … potential.
My love, I see your potential.  From almost the first moment I met you, I knew what you could become, if only you knew what I knew.
I want you to know.
I want you to know me.
The flame within you has guttered for so long.  You have struggled for so long, and my heart aches for you, as it aches for myself ...
My love, I want to ignite that flame, and watch it rise.
I want to see you burn like me.
“Hold the blade to my throat,” I tell you.
Without a moment of hesitation, you obey.
Hades’ hand wasn’t warm like the sunshine Persephone knew so well.  Instead, it was hot like the surface of the sun.  But it didn’t hurt her, because Hades did not want it to.  Somehow Persephone understood that fact, even though he had not yet spoken a single word to her.
Stern, silent Hades led her down, down, down into the darkness.
Persephone had never been so far from home before, but she was not afraid.  
You feel it, don’t you?  
My pulse beating against the point of the blade.  The blood, coursing through my veins.  My life, balanced on a knife edge.
It’s like a drug, isn’t it?  Intoxicating.  Exhilarating.  
The flame inside you has stopped guttering, hasn’t it?  Instead, it is beginning to grow.  Brighter, hotter ...
You are going to burn so beautifully, my love.
I feel myself harden inside you.  Your eyelids flutter closed, but only for a split second  When you open them again, I find myself dazzled.
With careless benevolence, I have tended you for months.  And now you have finally burst into flower.  You have burst into flames.
With the blade still pressed firmly against my throat, you begin to rock against me.
They walked for a long time, in almost total darkness.  The space felt narrow, the walls felt at times as though they were closing in, and the ground was rocky and uneven.  But Hades knew the way, and he made sure that Persephone did not slip or stumble.
Eventually, they reached the end of their journey, and she found herself in the depths of his lair.  Wide-eyed, she stared around her, and felt confused.
She had often been told of the horrors that lurked in the underworld, but looking around her now, she discovered that not a single word had been true.
This place was dark and hot, but it was beautifully furnished, and so different to anything she had seen before.  Flames roared, and shadows danced on the ceiling.
Persephone had never seen anything so wonderful in all her life.
I hold you.  
I guide you, as I have guided you since the moment we met. 
My fingertips dig into your sides hard enough to bruise, as I look upon the beauty of your form, and I take my pleasure as you take yours.
The hand which is not holding the blade flexes and grasps at thin air until I bring it to rest against my torso. You hold your palm over my heart for a second, and then your nails rake stinging furrows down my chest, and you rock rock rock against me.  
When the blade nicks my skin, you do not stop, but your eyes widen.
I smile at you, with blood trickling down my neck.
I am so proud of you.  Of us.  Of what we will become, you and I.
You smile back at me, reassured.  Your smile is brighter than the sun.  Brighter than all the suns in all the galaxies.  
Brighter than the fires of hell.
“There were others, you know,” Hades said, quite conversationally, as he led the beautiful Persephone further into the depths of his retreat.  “But they did not come willingly.  They did not understand.”
Their corpses littered the floor now.  Some of them still lovely, some of them just fragments of bone, but all of them so empty now.  They had served a purpose once, but Hades couldn’t remember what it was anymore.
Persephone held his hand as he helped her to step over them, and did not say a word.
“Will you dine with me?” Hades asked.  He had never requested before, only commanded, and none of them had ever assented.
Imagine his surprise when Persephone nodded, and followed him to the table, where a sumptuous feast had been laid out for them.
It’s strange ...
My mouth is moving.  I can feel the rumble of my voice in my chest, and in my throat ...  
But all I can hear is the roar of blood in my veins, the thunderclap of my heart, as the flame within you, me, us continues to spread far beyond what I could ever have imagined.
You have probably already realized that I am no wordsmith when I speak, but even though I cannot hear what I am saying, I feel the same sense of clarity, of rightness, that I feel when I commit my thoughts to paper or screen.  If the unknown syllables spilling from my lips are even half as elegant as the ones which adorn the decadent halls and galleries of my mind, then perhaps you understand me better now.
Perhaps you know me …
And then, my voice catches in my throat, and I can speak no more.  
Your hand is steady, the blade stays in place, piercing my skin again even as we begin our final descent.
And you lean in ...
You whisper something to me ...
But I do not understand it in this moment.
We are lost.
We are found.
We are burning.
We are burning, together ...
Hades sat down at the table.  There were a great many chairs to choose from, but Persephone climbed into his lap, and tucked her head under his chin, as though she had always belonged there.  “I’m starving,” she declared. 
It was the first time she had ever spoken to him directly, and her words felt like music to his ears.  If anyone knew hunger, it was Hades.  He had been starving for a thousand years ...
His laugh was rich and deep as he reached out to pluck a pomegranate from an ornate serving dish right in front of where they sat.  “Then eat,” he told her, offering her one single seed.
Surely she knew ...
Surely she understood there was a price to pay ...
But Persephone just smiled, and reached for his other hand, which was holding the rest of the fruit.  When she wrapped her little fingers around his wrist, his skin should have been hot enough to sear her to the bone, but she didn’t feel a thing.  
Hades’ gaze was fixed on her face as she leaned down to take a great bite of the fruit.  As she chewed with great gusto, juice dripped down her chin, until he wiped it away with his thumb.  “How was it?” he asked, when he could find his voice again.
“Delicious,” she replied, reaching for the fruit once more.
Still smiling, she offered him a bite, but Hades shook his head.
He had been starving for a thousand years, but he wasn’t hungry anymore ...
You sleep so soundly next to me.  Your hair feels like spun silk against my fingertips.  You are soft and warm, your jagged edges quelled by your slumber.
As I fold my limbs around you, preparing for another long night of watching over you, the words you whispered earlier come back to me quite suddenly, as clearly as if you had just spoken them again.  
I can almost feel the trace of your breath against my neck, your lips ghosting over the shell of my ear, as you speak so sweetly to me from the depths of your heart …
“I love you, Charlie.”
In the darkness, my eyes snap open.  
I want to hold you closer.  
(I want to push you away.)
My love ...
Oh, my love ...
What have I done?
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jatpsometimes · 3 years
hello everyone, I return with more angst, this time, Willex!
As The World Caves In
Words: 2,554
Summary: 90s Alive AU where Sunset Curve performed in the Orpheum and are now rising stars. Alex and Willie have met and began dating shortly after the show. Around a year of their relationship, Willie falls seriously ill, and Alex is there to support him.
The boys are all around 18, as this is set a year after the orpheum performance where they were all 17.
The boys did not die in this AU, merely just had a bad case of food poisoning.
As this is set in the 90s, Flynn, Julie, Nick and other characters do not exist.
This is based on the assumption that Willie was also alive and 17 in the 90s.
I do not own any of these characters, however both Willie and Alex's parents are my own interpretations.
Ao3 link:
   Alex looks at Willie's face, and smiles weakly. Willie looks...weaker, than usual, and was clearly trying to put on a brave face for his much loved boyfriend. 
   "How do you feel today?" Alex asks, gently.
    "...Better, I think." Wille replies, sheepishly. 
     "Willie, you don't have to pretend you feel okay, you know that, right?" says Alex. 
      "...You're right...well then, my chest hurts when I breathe, and I feel constantly tired. The other day, Reggie brought me in food that his mom made specifically for me, and it looked great and it smelt divine, but I couldn’t muster the appetite to eat it. He just looked so...disappointed, Alex."
   Alex sighed, and took Willie's hand. 
    "He understands though. It's...it's harder on you, and we both know Reggie would never hold it against you."
     "I know just-" Willie begins coughing violently mid sentence, "...Sorry. But it's just, I hate feeling so...useless, y'know? I want to get out and function like a normal person, but even getting out of bed winds me for the next hour, never mind walking out of here."
   Willie looks at Alex. His eyes are so...tired looking. Alex's heart breaks a little more at the sight. Willie's eyes, the eyes that were always so bright and full of life looked so dull now. His face which always bore a smile, so...gray looking, skinnier. Even his arms which Alex loved to be held in were weaker. And yet he was still the man Alex loved, and would continue to love. 
   "Willie...I...look, you just..." Alex stammers over his words.
    "Hotdog. It's okay. I know you're worried, but really, I'll be okay. I'm doing better than I look, the doctors say so. And lord knows they're being paid enough to tell the truth." 
   Alex laughs weakly. Willie still has his sense of humour. That has to be good, right?
    A nurse enters the room to inform Alex that visiting hours end soon. Alex nods, and says he'll be out in a bit.
   "You have to go?" Willie says sadly. 
    "...Yeah. I do." 
     "...You'll be back tomorrow though, right?" 
      "Of course. Of course I will."
   Alex kisses Willie gently on the forehead.
    "Is that it?" Willie says, a smirk on his face.
     "Oh- Uh-" Alex stammers as his face turns bright red.
      "You don't have to, you know? I was teasing." 
       "No- I- I just wasn't expecting to hear it. But since you asked," Alex leans in, "sure, that's not all."
   Alex kisses Willie passionately, moving one hand to Willie's shoulder, and the other running through his hair. Willie pulls Alex in closer in suit. The two break apart, both smiling wide.
   "That certainly wasn't all then." Willie laughs.
   "What a 'bye for now', huh?" Alex says, his face still red from his moment of bravery.
    "For now," Willie says, pausing for a second "I love you, Alex." he adds.
   Alex stares at him for a second, unsure of what he just heard. 
   "...I love you too, Willie." 
   A few months later, Alex is visiting Willie again. Willie is still hesitant to admit it, but with his recently shaved head and the numerous more machines beeping and such around his bed, it is clear to Alex that his condition is worsening.
   "Stay still, will you? I don't want to nick you." Alex says as he slowly, carefully, shaves the recently appeared stubble on Willie's face. 
   Willie does not reply but does become more still, merely watching Alex as he shaves his face with such care.
   "There. Feel better?" Alex asks as he prepares to shave Willie's head. 
   "...Yeah." Willie says, hoarsely. 
    "I'm gonna help you sit up now so I can get your head, okay?" 
      "Sure." Willie says. As Alex helps him sit up, he starts coughing again. When he moves his hand away from his mouth, there are a few drops of blood. He makes hesitant eye contact with Alex, who, aware that Willie doesn't want to be made a fuss over, merely cleans his hand and sighs softly.
   As Alex lathers his head with shaving cream, Willie starts to cry softly. When he notices, Alex stops, cleans off his hands, and sits on the bed beside him.
   "Willie...what's happened, dear?"
    "They, uh...they told me the results of my scan yesterday. The lung cancer...it's progressed. It's spread to my kidneys now. Alex...they uh, they aren’t giving me long to live."
   Alex's shoulders slump in defeat. All the fighting...all the effort and the pain. Willie even lost his hair trying to fight off cancer and...for nothing. Alex stands up, wordlessly, and begins to shave Willie's head. 
   "So, you're just...saying nothing?" Willie says, a tangible note of hurt in his voice.
   Alex bites his lip to stifle a sob. He can't cry in front of Willie right now. Willie is the one who's allowed to cry right now. He keeps shaving. 
   "Alex. Please. Say something...anything."
    Alex lets out a sob, and immediately he feels Willie tense up. 
   "Alex-" Willie starts as he tries to turn around.
    "No, please. Just...just let me finish shaving, please." Alex says, his voice breaking slightly.
   Willie turns around again, facing away from Alex, and lets him finish shaving his head.
   When visiting hours end that evening, Alex hugs Willie as tight as he can without hurting, and pats Willie's back as he sobs and yells into Alex's shoulder. He says it'll be okay, he tries to comfort him, but they both know this can't possibly ever be okay.
   Alex is in a mall with the other three boys. In front of them is a case of rings. A jeweller walks over to them. 
   "Ah, you're-"
    "Sunset Curve! Tell your friends." cuts in Reggie. The boys laugh.
     "...Yes. My daughter loves you, she's booked tickets to your next tour."
      "Ah! A fan! Or...well, rather a parent of a fan." Says Luke, excitedly.
       "Indeed. Well, how may I help you boys today?"
        "Well, uh, we're looking for a ring." Alex says. 
         "I think, if you follow me this way, you'll find more what you're looking for? This is the...engagement ring section."
   The boys look at her blankly. 
    "Oh. Well, someone's a lucky girl-"
     "A lucky boy, actually." They correct her, all looking towards Alex, who currently looks rather sheepish. The jeweller makes an "oh" face. 
   "Well then, Mr. Mercer? I think this ring right here will be perfectly suited."
   She points to a silver band.
    "We do ring engraving too, if that's your thing."
   Alex looks at the boys. They smile at him and nod, already knowing what he's thinking. 
   Willie and Alex's parents crowd into the small hospital room. All four of them look ecstatic, an odd sight for a room with a dying man in it. Outside, Luke, Reggie and Bobby are fighting to get a good look.
   "Alex, love...what on earth are you doing?"
   Alex laughs, his hands shaking behind his back. He looks to his parents, who nod, then Willie's, who smile at him. He gets down on one knee beside the hospital bed.
   "Willie, I have loved you since the day I met you backstage at the orpheum. I have loved you since you looked after me during the aftermath of that nasty ass hotdog, and I have loved you since you stayed by me when I came out."
   Willie looks at him, unsure of how to react to what he's hearing. Alex brings out the ring box from behind his back.
   "I know that we can't legally get married. And I know that it will never feel properly real because of that. But Willie...if I could..." Alex trails off.
   "...Go on." Willie says, quietly.
    "Willie...I- Will you marry me?" 
   The energy from the couples' parents in the corner of the room is electric.
   "Of course, Alex. Of course."
    Alex breathes a sigh of relief and stands up to give Willie the ring. The boys cheer and whoop from outside the room, before being shushed, because people are dying here.
   "Alex...did you- did you get a hotdog engraved on this?"
   Alex smiles slightly.
   "I love it. I fucking love it." Willie says, as he lets Alex slide the ring onto his finger.
    "And look," Alex says, pulling out his own counterpart ring from his pocket "mines has a skateboard."
   Willie laughs, the first genuine laugh he's had in a while, but then in a snap back to reality, begins coughing harshly, and both Alex and his parents rush to hold him, and wipe his face of the blood spatters. 
   The rest of visiting hours are spent sneaking the boys a toast of champagne - for they know Willie won't live to 21 - as well as sharing baby photos and many, many congratulations. 
   Days later, Willie signs a deed poll to change his surname to Mercer. Both Alex and Willie reason it's as close as they'll ever get to marriage.
   A month later, the nights get colder faster now, and Alex notices it more than he ever has as he speeds to Willie's hospital at 11 at night. As his listed emergency contact, the hospital have contacted him as well as Willie's parents. Alex is trying desperately to calm his breathing to concentrate at the wheel before he causes an accident, to little aid, as his vision is blurred by tears anyway. 
   He doesn’t even lock his car doors as he bolts to Willie's room. He can hear multiple doctors in the room, all discussing what's and how's and when's. Alex begs them for information but as he's neither the patient, a (legal) spouse, or a next of kin, they can tell him nothing. When Willie's parents arrive shortly after, they are informed that Willie has went into kidney failure, and as his cancer has already metastasised, a transplant would only delay the inevitable, information they immediately relay to Alex. The doctors give Willie a few hours at most.
   Alex cries quietly at Willie's bedside, holding his hand as he watches his chest rise and fall slowly. The doctors have put him on morphine, to make his passing easier, more comfortable on him. Willie's parents stand behind Alex, Willie's father placing his hand on Alex's shoulder as comfort. 
   "Son...do you want us to give you a minute?" Willie's father asks. Alex nods quietly.
   When he hears the door click shut, Alex lifts his head to look at Willie. 
   "Willie..why'd it have to be you?" he says quietly, weakly as he cups Willie's face and his thumb strokes his cheek. This isn't how it should have been. They should have been able to grow up together, get old, maybe even someday, possibly, get married. They should have been able to hopefully adopt a few kids, to watch them grow up and become adults of their own. And yet here Alex sat, being robbed of his first, his only love.
   Alex buries his head into Willie's hospital gown. He cries out when all he receives is the horrible, sterile smell rather than what he wanted, Willie's warm, wood-ish smell. He doesn't have Willie's hair to stroke, it was all shaved off when the chemo started making it fall out. He looks at Willie's face again. He looks so...fragile. Alex's heart is shattering and he doesn’t know if he'll ever put the pieces back together again. 
   Willie's parents enter the room again, hot drinks in hand, and Willie's equally distraught mother hand Alex a coffee with a weak smile. Alex sips it, and grimaces at the bitter, yet watery taste. Nonetheless he is thankful for the caffeine. 
   A few hours later, while Alex and Willie's parents are engaged in light conversation, Willie's heart monitor starts beeping loudly in an alarm. When the three of them look at the monitor, they can see that Willie is flatlining. 
   "No. No. No this can't- No!" Alex starts shouting. He grabs Willie by the shoulders and shakes him. "Come on Willie, please, no, not now, please-"
   Doctors flood into the room, and Willie's father pulls Alex back out of their way. Alex struggles to get loose but eventually goes limp as he sinks to the floor to wail in grief. The doctors, unable to do anything due to Willie's D.N.R, stand to one side and turn off the alarm. 
   "Time of Death...1:32AM..." one of them says, flatly. 
   Days later, at Willie's funeral, Alex seems to have been cried out. Even as one of the pallbearers, Alex's face just remains blank, empty. He sits at the front, with Willie's family. He even comforts Willie's younger siblings with a hug as they cry. But Alex himself sheds not one tear. He just stares into the distance. He barely talks. 
   Willie's parents ask Alex to say a few words, and rather reluctantly, he agrees. As he walks up to the front of the small church in Willie's hometown, his hands start to shake and he feels a lump form in his throat. 
   He looks out at the crowd, herded into the very much packed church like sheep. He clears his throat.
   "I...I have known- I knew, Willie, for around a year. I knew him before his diagnosis, when he could still do the things he loved," Alex's voice shakes, "like skateboarding...or helping people, helping me. Not many of you know this, but I loved Willie. I still do. His death doesn't feel real to me and I doubt it ever will. I will miss him dearly, as I'm sure you all will. Uh...thanks for listening."
   Standing at Willie's grave site, it isn't raining. In fact, the sun is shining and the temperature is almost mild. Alex watches in silence as they lower his partner's body into the ground. As they begin to shovel dirt onto the coffin, Alex's facade that even he wasn't aware existed, begins to crumble, and he buries his head in his mother's shoulder and cries out, his tears soaking her nice black coat. He hears other people begin to sob, and had he felt up to it, he would have consoled them. But right at that moment, at that exact time, nothing mattered to him apart from the fact that his partner, the man he loved enough to want to marry, was dead, was gone forever and was never coming back.
   Weeks later, Willie's parents ask Alex to come to Willie's grave with them. Alex, who had barely left his room since the funeral, reluctantly agrees, letting him pick him up in their minivan. They drive to the cemetery in silence, none of them have the words to talk with, until they're walking over to where Willie was buried. 
   "We know that we didn't ask you...but since it's his legal name, we had to use it for the headstone..." say Willie's parents.
   Alex looks at them, unsure of what they mean. And then he sees the name on Willie's headstone. Willie Mercer. In some strange way, he never expected to see it anywhere so official, so permanent. He realises that Willie's parents are awaiting a reaction, but he blanks on what to do. The sadness of seeing his love's grave taints the small joy that is seeing his own surname on it. 
   "I- I- Thank you." He eventually stammers out, and Willie's parents pull him into a hug. 
   For the first time in a long time, Alex begins to feel that things might, eventually, be okay.
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Everything is Not What it Seems
Summary: Lila has the class convinced that she and Adrien are secretly dating, though she tells everyone not to tell Marinette as she doesn't want to break the poor girl's heart.A few days later, Alya hears some noises coming from the janitor's closet.
Read on AO3
For @galahadwilder (based on this prompt they posted a while ago)
Alya had been so happy for her bestie when Lila had told her that she and Adrien were in a secret relationship.
"He doesn't want his father to know, as Gabriel doesn't want him dating anyone at the moment. He said he was also trying to protect me from his fangirls. He's so thoughtful."
While she did feel kinda bad for Marinette, she quickly wiped those feelings away. She'd been trying to help Marinette win him over for months. Marinette had her chance, and she blew it.
"Though... I know how Marinette can be." She said sadly. "Do you think you guys could keep this to yourselves? I know Marinette and I don't get along, but I would hate to crush the poor girl's heart."
Wasn't Lila just the sweetest? She was considering Marinette's feelings, even though Marinette openly expressed her hatred for the brunette. Alya just didn't understand why they couldn't get along. Couldn't Marinette at least try to be friends with her?
Nonetheless, the class agreed. They would keep Lila and Adrien's relationship a secret, if only to avoid hurting Marinette (not that she didn't deserve it after the way she's been treating Lila).
Alya smiled as she listened to Lila recount the tale of her and Adrien's latest date. He'd taken her to a beautiful garden, where he'd had a picnic set up for the two of them. She blushed as she recounted the more intimate moments of their date, where Adrien had laid her back on the blanket, and kissed her passionately.
"It was amazing. He's amazing."
Alya couldn't help but think how wonderful that all sounded. Maybe Nino could ask Adrien for the name of the garden, and he could take her there? They were babysitting tomorrow night, so after she got Marinette to babysit for them, they should be able to have plenty of time for their date.
Adrien walked in the classroom then. "That's so romantic!" Rose exclaimed. "You two make such a good couple!"
Adrien looked at her in confusion, before taking his seat in the back.
"He doesn't want to talk about it in public." Lila said softly, not wanting Adrien to hear her. "So if he pretends he doesn't know what you're talking about, it's just an act." Marinette walked in then, and looked at the group of girls circling Lila. "After all, you never know who could be listening." She said that last part, just loud enough so Marinette could hear.
Marinette rolled her eyes, before heading back up to her desk and sitting down next to Adrien.
"Hey." Alya piped up. "Why's he sitting in the back with her, when he could be sitting up here with you."
"Well," Lila said, the perfect picture of innocence. "she's been falling behind in some of her classes so he offered to help her catch up."
They were all so focused on Lila's tale, no one saw Adrien take Marinette's hand in his, or Marinette rest her head on his shoulder.
Alya hummed to herself as she walked through the halls towards the cafeteria. She'd had to ask a teacher a question after class, and had told Nino and their friends to go on without her, and she'd meet them at lunch.
Suddenly, she stopped. There were some noises coming from the janitor's closet, and she knew it wasn't the janitor, as she'd passed him on her way.
She smirked.
That was a well-known spot for students to go for some alone time.
I wonder who we'll catch in there this time.
She quietly tip-toed towards the door, and placed her ear to it. Yep, some kids were definitely making out in there. Backing away, she threw the door open.
She froze.
Because in the janitor's closet, making out, was Adrien and Marinette.
He had her pushed up against the wall, her legs wrapped around him. His hand was trailing down her side, teasing the skin peaking out from underneath her shirt, his other hand on the wall. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. They'd pulled a part from their kiss then, both gasping for air, still not noticing she was there, as he began to trail kisses down her neck.
"What the hell!?" She said, making her presence known. They pulled away quickly, putting some distance between them, matching blushes adorning their cheeks. "What the hell!?" She repeated, glaring at Adrien, as she knew Marinette had no idea about Lila and Adrien's secret relationship. "How could you do this to Lila? She loves you! And you betray her by making out with her bully? How-"
"Alya." Adrien interrupted calmly. "What are you talking about?" It looked like he was genuine confused, but Lila did say he was a great actor.
"You!" She huffed angrily. "How could you cheat on Lila with- with her." She said, pointing an accusing finger at Marinette. "What's she going to say when she finds out you've been cheating on her? You're going to break her heart!"
"Alya," He said. "Lila and I aren't dating. I'm dating Marinette."
"Liar!" She accused. "You're just as bad as her!"
Alya didn't notice the butterfly that sunk into her orange bracelet until it was too late.
Hello, Avouer. I am Hawkmoth. Your friend's boyfriend has betrayed her, but refuses to admit it. I'm giving you the power to make anyone confess their crimes, but in return, you must get me Ladybug's and Chat's Noir's miraculous. Do we have a deal?
"...Yes, Hawkmoth."
When Alya, or rather Avouer, looked up, they were gone.
When Avouer made it to the cafeteria, the room erupted in pandemonium. She shot beams left and right, forcing whoever hit to admit their crimes to everyone listening.
Nino came froward nervously. "...Alya?"
"I'm not Alya, I'm Avouer, and Adrien is going to pay for what he did!" She proclaimed.
"Adrien? What did he do?"
"He cheated on his girlfriend, and he's going to confess that he did!" Nino ducked out of the way as Avouer fired a blast at him, and ran to go hide.
Just then, Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared on the scene.
"Okay, Kitty. We know what her power is, and we know where the akuma is. So don't get hit, okay?"
"Of course, M'lady." He winked.
They attacked in sync, and fought hard, but she fought equally hard back. She landed a tough blow on Chat, knocking him backwards, and smirked as she aimed and shot a blast at him. He rolled out of the way, in the nick of time, and the blow landed on one, Lila Rossi. She couldn't help herself as she confessed to every single thing she's ever lied about, including all the false promises she'd made them, and her secret relationship with Adrien.
Avouer was in so much shock at this, that she didn't even realize Ladybug was behind her, until she'd pulled the bracelet off of Avouer's wrist, and broke it, causing the akuma to fly out. She captured the akuma and released the butterfly, before throwing her lucky charm in the air, and watching as the ladybugs flew through the air, and fixed all the damage.
"L... Ladybug?" Alya said, rubbing at her head. "What happened?"
"You were akumatized." She said.
"I was just so angry. I'd caught Lila's boyfriend making out with Lila's bully, and I couldn't believe he would do that to her." She looked in confusion at everyone frowning around her.
"Alya," Nino said. "I think we need to talk."
Alya nodded, sending one last glance to the superheroes behind her, as her boyfriend and classmates led her away.
"Well," Ladybug said, as they headed out of the building to find a place to detransform. "That was certainly a pleasant turn of events."
"Yeah." Chat agreed, as they ducked into the alleyway and both their transformations fell. "At least Lila can't hurt anyone with her lies anymore."
He linked their hands together as they headed back to school, ready to see what the rest of the day would bring.
But no matter what it was, they'd face it together.
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joannie95 · 4 years
Legacy- Part 37
Pairing: Carter!reader x ?????
Summary:  Everyone knows Peggy Carter is a force to be reckoned with, who could have guessed her granddaughter would hold the same ferocity, if not more.This story follows y/n Carter’s life as she faces the obstacles life pitches her.
Warnings: Swearing, mentioned death and violence 
A/N: Thank you to @mo320​ and @hermionie-is-my-queen​ for proofreading and helping with the ideas for this chapter, thank you to @writeyourmindaway​ for making these awesome text dividers im so excited to use them all
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You feel numb, you hear voices around you but you don't care enough to listen. Phil was gone, he was always there for you and now you'd never get to see him again. He promised it would be okay and now he's gone, how could he do this? He knew how broken you already were and he just lied to you, you shouldn't be angry but you were. It felt like losing a parent all over again. How dare he do this to you, how dare he make you feel this way, how dare he think you were strong enough to make it through this.
You’re suddenly snapped out of your thoughts at the sight of a set of bloodstained trading cards. How dare he, how dare he, how dare he. You feel yourself snap, you stand up and pull your chair off its hinges and throw it against the wall in a fit of rage. You walk out of the room leaving Steve, Tony and Nick behind you.
You sat on the floor across the bloodstained wall. It's hard to believe you'd never see him again. You quickly wiped the tears falling down your cheeks when you heard two people walk in.
"Was he married?" Steve was walking towards you with Tony following behind.
"No. There was a uh- cellist, it was nothing serious though." You wiped your hands on your pant legs.
Steve held his hand out to help you stand. "I’m sorry. He seemed like a good man."
You took his hand and thanked him. "He was."
"He was an idiot."
You scoffed at Tony's comment.
"Why? For believing?"
"For taking on Loki alone."
"He was doing his job."
"He was out of his league. He should have waited. He should have-
"He was doing what he thought was best." You couldn't take it anymore, they were talking as if they knew the kind of person Phil was. "He was always willing to do whatever it took to save the people he cared about most."
"Sometimes there isn’t a way out, Tony."
"Right. How did that work for him?"
You clenched your fist as he spoke, you couldn't stand the way he was talking about someone you cared about.
"Is this the first time you’ve lost a soldier?"
"We are not soldiers! I’m not marching to Fury’s fife."
"Neither are we. I may have known Nick for a long time but that doesn't mean I trust his intentions." 
"He’s got the same blood on his hands that Loki does, but right now we gotta put that behind us and get this done. Now, Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list-"
Tony looks down at the place Coulson fell, there is a dent in the wall. "He made it personal."
"That’s not the point."
"That is the point. That’s Loki’s point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?"
"To tear us apart."
"Yeah, divide and conquer is great but- he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That’s what he wants. He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience."
"Right. We caught his act in Stuttgart."
"Yeah. That’s just previews, this is- this is opening night. And Loki, he’s a full-tail diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered....Son of-a-bitch"
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You follow Steve into the med bay.
"Time to go."
"Go where?" Natasha gives Steve a confused look.
"I’ll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?"
Clint walks out from the restroom, drying his hands. "I can."
"Then suit up."
You walk past Steve as he leaves the room and pull Clint into a tight hug. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." He pulls away and puts a hand on your cheek. "I'm sorry about Phil."
You close your eyes for a second and will yourself not to cry. You feel Natasha wrap her arms around you.
"It's going to be okay." 
"I know." You take a deep breath and give them both a small smile. "Come on, we gotta go." 
The four of you make your way to a quinjet, when you enter you see Darcy waiting in the copilot seat.
"Quinjet is fueled up and ready to go when you are." 
Steve gives her a hesitant look. "Maybe you should stay behind."
"No." You walk up next to her and turn to face Steve. "She is coming and that's final. We need all the help we can get and there's no one I trust more with my life than her." 
He gives you a half smile. "Alright then. Let's go."
Darcy and Clint take their seats and prepare to take off.
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The quinjet comes around to Stark Tower, Clint and Darcy start blasting the army who are firing at them. One of the wings is grazed by Chitauri gunfire. One of the jet's rotors is hit and the quinjet begins to fall. Clint and Darcy hold on for dear life while you, Natasha and Steve grab a hold of the roof as the jet grazes buildings and crashes to the street.
The jet harshly lands on the street and the five of you make your way outside 
"We gotta get back up there."
You all run onto the overpass, looking up at Stark Tower. You freeze as they see a giant armored Leviathan -- a warship of the Chitauri, flies through the portal with more warriors.
"We need to help these people. "You start to look at the destruction around you and the people running for their lives.
Natasha and Darcy start to shoot at the Chitauri coming towards them. "We got this, you two go."
You and Steve leave the three of them fighting and jump off an overpass, rolling onto a bus and into the street. You run through the street and jump off cars towards a group of police shooting at Chitauri, once you reach them you two jump down on the car in front of them.
Steve starts to gesture towards the buildings around him. "You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they can be running right into the line of fire. You take them to the basement or through the subway, you keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th."
"Why the hell should I take orders from you?"
Two Chitauri warriors land next to the two of you. You each fight them off easily, Steve with his shield and you with your sword. You both turn back to the two men. 
The two cops stand in shock. The police sergeant reacts and walks back to his men. "I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets." He talks into his radio. "We need to set up a perimeter all the way down to 39th street."
You and Steve run back to Clint, Natasha and Darcy. You each knock out a few Chitauri as the rest are killed when Thor drops down from the tower with a bolt of lightning.
"What’s the story upstairs?" Steve walks up to Thor and questions him.
"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable."
"How do we do this?"
"As a team."
"I have unfinished business with Loki."
You and Clint look at each other then towards Thor and speak in unison. "Get in line."
"Save it. Loki’s gonna keep this fight focused on us and that’s what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he’s gonna need us to-" Steve stops once he sees Bruce arriving on a motorbike.
Tony suddenly flies around a corner and towards the group, followed closely by the Leviathan.
Bruce climbs off the motorbike, turns and begins to walk away, towards the Leviathan.
"Doctor Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry."
Bruce looks back as he continues to walk. "That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always angry." He then transforms into the Hulk and punches the Leviathan, smashing it into the ground.
Tony blasts a missile at the creature and it explodes. You quickly grab Darcy and pull behind an abandoned car to cover her from the explosion. 
"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we’re gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."
Tony grabs Clint and flies him up to the top of a building, then flies off.
"Thor! You gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow ’em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up."
Thor swings Mjolnir, flying off.
"The four of us, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk!"
Hulk turns around facing Steve, who points at him. "Smash!"
Hulk grins, then leaps off.
You quickly fight off the remaining Chitauri around you, sword in hand prepared for more to arrive.
"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don’t close that portal."
"Our biggest guns couldn’t touch it."
"Well, maybe it’s not about guns." Natasha looks up towards Stark Tower.
"You wanna get up there, you’re gonna need a ride."
You look towards Darcy knowing exactly what she was thinking. "There's only one way to get up there." You sheath your sword and take a few steps back.
She has a smile on her face as she makes her way over to the other side of the overpass. "The Dugan way."
She runs towards you, jumps on and off the hood of a car and with your hands you give her a boost. She grabs on to a passing Chitauri vehicle and flies off into the distance. 
Natasha looks towards you. "I think I like the Dugan way. You mind giving me a boost too?"
You chuckle and she runs towards you, the same way as Darcy you give her a boost and she grabs a hold of another vehicle flying by.
You look to your right and there are more warriors coming, you unsheathe your sword and look to Steve. "You ready?"
He grips on to his shield. "Ready as I'll ever be." 
Back to back you fight off each Chitauri. He throws his shield at them and cuts them in half as you stab them through their chests and slice off their heads.
You hear Clint over your earpiece. "Guys, the bank on 42nd, past Madison. They’ve cornered a lot of civilians in there."
"We're on it."
You both jump through a window of the bank and begin to fight. He snaps the neck of one and throws him into the pit while you shoot another. He is grabbed by a warrior and you quickly pull him off and toss him to the side. A grenade-like device goes off, Steve grabs a hold of you as it blasts you both out a window and onto a car. You stand silently while police lead the civilians from the building.
Soon all civilians are evacuated from the area. Thor arrives and the three of you fight off Chitauri warriors. Steve is shot in the ribs and drops to the ground, Thor sends a car rolling towards some of them and then throws Mjolnir in the other way. He helps Steve to his feet.
"You two ready for another bout?"
"What, you gettin’ sleepy?"
You look around you genuinely worried about how much more you can all take. You suddenly hear Natasha over your earpiece and get hopeful.
"I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!"
Steve hears and reacts. "Do it!"
Tony speaks up over his earpiece. "No, wait."
"Stark, these things are still coming!"
"I got a nuke coming in, it’s gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it."
You see him fly past you with the missile on his back. After he makes it through the portal you look around you and see the Chitauri warriors collapse, and the Leviathans fall from the sky. 
You wait a few more seconds before you hear Steve speak up. "Close it."
You look up to the sky. "Come on Tony." You smile when you see him fall through the portal back to earth. You quickly start to panic when you see him plummeting to the ground. "He's not slowing down, someone needs to catch him." 
Thor prepares to fly at him and catch him when the Hulk grabs him out of the air, slides down the side of a building and crashes to the ground in front of you. He throws Tony off him and you all run over to him. Thor pulls off his face plate.
You fall to your knees next to him, you place a hand on his cheek and you feel a tear fall down yours. "Uncle Tony," You listened for a heartbeat, then see the arc reactor is not glowing. After all these years of feeling nothing but hate towards him, you start to sense a new feeling. You're hurt, this isn't how it should end, after losing Phil, you can't lose your Uncle Tony too.
Suddenly the Hulk roars and beats his chest. Tony, shocked, gasps and opens his eyes, looking around. "What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."
You smile and wipe away your tears. "We won."
"Alright, Hey. Alright. Good job, guys. Let’s just not come in tomorrow. Let’s just take a day. You ever tried shawarma? There’s a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don’t know what it is, but I wanna try it."
"We’re not finished yet."
"And then shawarma after?"
Loki crawls over to a stair and turns to see you all surrounding him. Clint has an arrow aimed at his face. Natasha is holding his scepter. Hulk growls. "If it’s all the same to you, I’ll have that drink now."
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You're all standing in central park ready to go your separate ways. Thor and Loki vanish into the sky with the tesseract in hand.
You say goodbye to Clint and Nat and you let them know you'll see them soon. You walk towards Tony, you smile at each other and pull him into a hug. "Don't be a stranger, Grandma and I would really like to have you around in our lives again." 
He pulls back and kisses the top of your head. "Of course, I'd really like that." 
You say your goodbyes and walk towards Darcy. You tell her to wait in the car so you can quickly talk to Steve. "Captain Rogers."
"Please, call me Steve." He smiles at you.
"Alright. Steve, if you'd ever like to visit my grandma just let me know. I'm sure she'd be very happy to see you again." You hand him a card with your number on it. 
He takes it and puts it in his pocket. "Thank you, I really appreciate that."
You walk back to your car, you call back to him just before getting in. "And Steve. If you need any help adjusting to this new world, feel free to call me." You gave him a smile and got in your car before he could respond.
"Did you just give Captain America your number?"
You look towards Darcy and laugh. "Shut up." You drive off and think to yourself. A lot of things will be changing soon. Some for the worse, but hopefully many for the better.
Legacy Tags:
@agentmarvel13​ @1v-kayla​ @5sos-wdw​ @a-dancing-hufflepuff @agent-barnes40​ @agreatcheesecakestudentstuff​ @annoylinglyaries @antclottz​ @avngrsinitiative​ @bradfordsgreekgod​ @babypink224221​ @captainam-erika-trash​ @carisi-sonny​ @caseymcflurry​ @chook007​ @cosmiccomicloverqueen​ @daniellajocelyn​ @doctoranon​ @ecamille-xo​ @editsbyjenny @ellieababy​ @eternaleviee @futuremissstark @geeksareunique​ @gummiwormsandonedirection​ @henrietteoaks​ @hermionie-is-my-queen​ @imahoeforbucky​ @ineedmorefanfics​ @isabella-bby​ @jaemingold​ @jamessbarnnes​ @junitorials13​ @katykyll​ @keenmarvellover @klanceiscannon14​ @lady-sigyn​ @littlephoenix-fire​ @lovemarvelousfics​ @l0kisbitch​ @luckyfiction17​ @ludwigvonbaethoven @maddie-laufeyson​ @magnificentsoulecollector​ @mikariell95​ @mistressoftorture​  @moli1497 @nanajaeminniee @orderoftheflamingflamingos​ @oxodianaoxo​ @paintballkid711​ @pastelpurplexoox​ @peteyparkersbabyy @princessizzy36​ @shallowshawn @sillydecoy @spodermanpete​ @starstruckgardenstudentzonk​ @stuckyandsciencebros @superhero2552​ @thatharrypotterfan13 @thatweirdchick147​ @the-ducks-umbrella​ @tienna-laufeyson16 @trustme3-13​ @wishiwasanavenger​ @xalinx​ @yougottalovefandoms​ @zaza-jones​ @izzyisavengersupernaturaltrash​
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psychadelickate · 4 years
NCIS - Gibbs: New Year’s Eve
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Imagine: New Year’s Eve Word Count: 1733 Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Gibbs x Reader Gif: Not Mine Requested: Prompt: New Year’s Eve
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“Gibbs would never agree to it,” McGee says. Yes, Gibbs has apparently softened in the last few years, but that doesn’t mean he’s okay with having more than four people in his house at a time, more so when he’s there as well. “Oh, come on McGee, how bad can it really be?” you’d asked. The look he shared with Bishop and Torres was more than you needed to know. “Fine, if you’re so sure he’s not going to blow a gasket, go ahead and plan it,” he tells you. “Then again he does seem more into you than he does on the rest of the team,” Jimmy adds and you turn to glare at him. Yes, Gibbs hasn’t head slapped you yet, or reamed you out as he did the others at times, but giving you more leeway… you weren’t sure. “You’re crazy,” you reply. There’s no way Gibbs is interested in you. Sure, you flirt and joke around, but there has never been a time where you’d thought it would go beyond that. “Besided, he has Rule 12. Remember?” Still, there was nothing lost in trying and so you’d went and planned the dinner anyway… reeling in Palmer and Kasie as well. For all his protesting and arguing, you’re almost sure Gibbs has enjoyed hosting New Year’s dinner at his home this year. Normally, Dr Mallard would host, but you had decided to make a change this year. Gibbs had looked murderously at you when you’d come up with the idea, but you’d ignored him and went ahead anyway. The worst he could do was stay in his basement the entire evening.
You’d organised everything with the rest of the team with each of them bringing a dish or two, whatever they fancied. There were no rules, though you were thankful when Jack had offered to make the turkey. You’d decided to stick with making dessert, it was what you were good at. Granted, you weren’t bad at cooking, but you didn’t want to risk it. Gibbs had wondered just how everyone would fit in the small area, but you assured him there was enough space for the entire team. You’d procured a round table, with chairs, that seated twelve and actually fitted in Gibb’s dining room space, and you’d found a rotating serving board that would make it easier for everyone to help themselves. Soon enough there were sounds of screeching and shrieking laughter. Victoria, Morgan and John McGee Jr were having the time of their lives. Yes, their parents were horrified at their behaviour, but kids were kids and they weren’t breaking things, they were merely having fun. You did remember the safety gates to cordon off the staircases though and the fireplace. Dinner had been lively and fun with everything being grateful for everything they had. Sure, it wasn’t their own families, but this dysfunctional one worked for some odd reason. Gibbs’ house had been transformed at evening; from the quietest, darkest house on the street to one where warm soft light and gentle laughter had escaped through the windows. The roaring fire in the fireplace had added to the cosiness of an intimate family dinner. Jack had been the first to start clearing up, informing everyone she had no intention of spending the countdown wiping and packing dishes. There was certainly more to life than that! “You really need to get a dishwasher, Gibbs,” Jack informs him though he simply shakes his head. “Not happenin,” he responds. “Well if you did, (Y/N) wouldn’t have to be using elbow grease to wash everything,” Jack continues. “I’m almost done, Jack. Just wiping down the counters,” you inform her. “Well in that case, I’m going to get a drink and join the rest of the team on the porch,” she says as she grabs a mug filled with one-part scotch and two rocks. You hear the click of the closing door a few seconds later. By the time you’re done with the counters and sink Gibbs is leaning against the doorframe, shirtsleeves folded halfway up his forearm. You have to remember to breathe… After all the noise and talking, Gibb’s house seems uncharacteristically quiet now, save for the iPod and speakers in the corner softly playing Christmas songs. “All done,” you tell him and turns to look at you. You see something flit in his eyes, but its too quick to call him on it. “(Y/N),” he says, and you meet his gaze. “Thanks.” You frown at his words. He has no reason to be thanking you, if anything, you should be thanking him for allowing you to use his home to entertain the team. “Gibbs -,” you start, but he stops you as takes a step closer to you. “No (Y/N), my house hasn’t felt like a home in years and this today… Thank you.” “Well there was only two ways this would go. You could have spent the evening holed up alone in your basement, or you could’ve joined us. I’m glad you chose to join us,” you tell him. “I know people don’t do New Year gifts, but I got you something, just to say thanks for allowing us to use your home tonight. I’m not sure how you’ll feel about it, but I thought it was an apt gift for you.” You can see he wants to protest but you don’t let him, instead holding the bag out for him to take. “Aren’t you going to open it?” you ask, your enthusiasm bubbling out. He shrugs his shoulders and then proceeds to open it. There’s a fair amount of tissue paper, light blue, which he places on the counter and proceeds to pull out the gift from the bag. It’s a plush toy. A teddy bear, to be exact. A medium sized, soft, plush, white teddy bear, clothed in a red sweater, with the Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblems on it.  You’d also managed to get it personalised with Gibb’s name on the back of the sweater. It’s a marine bear… You’d thought of him as soon as you’d seen it. Sure, he was gruff and stoic on the outside, but once you got to know him, he was a total softie on the inside… A genuine laugh escapes him. “I’ll take that as approval,” you tell him. “Yeah,” he says, still examining the bear. “I’m glad you like it.” He straightens from the doorframe and takes a step closer to you. “Thank You, (Y/N),” he says again, this time with a kiss to your cheek. “Happy New Year, Gibbs,” you say in reply. He’s cheek is still pressed against yours, neither of you ready to move. You breathe him in. He smells like wood and Cool Water, and something essentially Gibbs. And then you feel his hands on your back, pulling you into him. You don’t resist. You know this is a turning point in your relationship with him. Yes, you’ve flirted, but he’d never asked you out, officially. But this… this feels completely different. “That’s not how you give a New Year’s Kiss,” he deadpans, lazy smirk gracing his mouth. Your heart starts racing… You feel him move against you, his cheek brushing yours until his mouth is almost touching yours, just a few millimetres separating you. He whispers your name and you look up at him, giving him permission to kiss you. He’s about to do so when you hear McGee calling out for the two of you. “Hey guys, the countdown’s started, you’re going to miss the fireworks,” he says and the moment is broken. Gibbs is the first to break away and you internally cuss at the disruption. “Don’t wanna miss the fireworks,” you tell Gibbs as you grab a coffee mug and head outside, Gibbs two steps behind you. Everyone’s out on the porch, kids included, and you come to a stop at the wooden railing. The countdown is at six already. You feel heat behind you and then a body come into contact with your back. Five… You don’t need to check who it is, you’re already intimately aware of Gibbs’ scent. Sawdust, and something innately Gibbs and for some odd reason Cool Water perfume; even though he claims not to use the stuff. Four… He places a hand on your hip, warm and heavy and you know nothing is going to be the same after this. Three… You’re so surprised at his next action that you lose focus of everything else but the feeling of him placing open mouthed kisses on your neck. Your hands squeeze into fists. Two… “Gibbs,” you whisper when the world comes exploding back, wanting to ask him if he’s sure about this. One… You don’t get the chance to because the countdown has stopped and the ball has dropped and everyone’s cheering and the next thing you feel his Gibb’s mouth pressed to yours, his lips brushing gently over yours, waiting for you to give him access. You do. And then he’s deepening the kiss, putting his everything into it. It’s hard and fiery and passionate and you really can’t get enough of him. You pull him closer to you, one hand on the back of his neck making sure he can’t pull away from you while the other cards through his hair. You don’t want to stop kissing this man… And then the need for oxygen overrides everything, and you pull away from him, but he doesn’t let you go. He allows you just enough space to note that he’s panting, his pupils are blown and his cheeks tinged pink with the cold. He keeps you in his space and as soon as he gets some semblance of his breath back, kisses you again. This time it’s hot and heady and it makes your toes curl, and you cling to him afraid if you let go, you’ll fall, your knees weakened by the intensity of his kiss. “That’s how you do a new year kiss,” Gibbs tells you and this time you’re the one that can’t help the laugh that escapes you. Nick looks confused, Jack, Bishop and McGee less so, but Jimmy, Jimmy is the one to voice it. “Took you long enough, Agent Gibbs,” he says and Gibbs fixes the medical examiner with a glare, but it doesn’t scare Jimmy. Not tonight when there’s promise of new things to come.
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tag list: @cameronmonaghantrashaf​ @pinturicchio13​ @diaryofafan17​ @iwritetoavoidmyproblems​ @ladyzombiielove​ @stanathanxoox​ @mahc1562​ @evy-lyn​ @anycsirp​ @kitty-kat2018 @mackenziepart2 @kittenlittle24​ @manicmarsupial​ @fullmoonshadowwrites​ @nocturnalherb16​ @countrygirl17​a 
If you’d like to be tagged, let me know.  Happy New Years to everyone out there, Hope this year brings you all you want and need
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