#and there was almost no peace and downtime
goffilolo · 1 year
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In conclusion, when Asta becomes the wizard king Yuno needs to bid his time and wait for his turn to be Asta's 2nd wife
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neckromantics · 9 months
Astarion loves to take baths with you.
It's one of his favorite ways to spend his downtime in general, honestly. Not only is the bath such a soothing place to be (you know once this man has the option, he's going to splurge on a vast collection of luxury soaps, oils, hair masks, and body scrubs- the list goes on.), but there's just something about it that makes him feel so normal? Mortal, almost.
If he lets himself soak just long enough, the heat from the water begins to nullify the vampiric chill that he's grown ever so used to. It's a pleasant warmth that works its way past pale skin- past tired muscles and aching sinew- and settles down deep into his very bones. For a few precious moments, he can convince himself that the eternal discomfort of undeath has made off for good this time.
And his hair always looks spectacular after wash day. It's a win-win scenario for him. So for his favorite person to be involved as well? Well, that just makes it all the more better.
This time, you're lounging on the floor nearby as he soaks- having stuck around after washing his hair for him as he oh-so-kindly requested of you. He's still a bit new at asking for small acts of kindness, so of course, you jumped at the chance to put your hands to good use. You were so careful not to catch your fingers on any snags as you worked a sweet-smelling soap through his wet curls, nails scrubbing away at his scalp even after it's all rinsed away just to hear him purr for you.
You're leaning against the bath, cheek cushioned against your forearm as it rests along the edge. The other swirls idly in the water- kept heated by clever use of prestidigitation (you'd recently picked up this cantrip for purposes such as this) and softened by the finest oils stolen gold could purchase. The curtains in your room are carefully drawn, and although your source of light comes from the multitude of candles scattered about, it's still enough to see the nice flush the heat brings to his skin. It's a little odd to see him so pinkened, and obviously, you can't help but stare no matter how hard you try not to.
It's the blood- your blood- that's pooling beneath the surface of his skin and giving him this radiance that many a man would covet.
Rose blooms a pretty bouquet on the smooth skin of his chest, up the length of his bared throat as he rests his head, and even reaches the tips of the pointy ears you so adore. Gods, even his knuckles are pinker when he reaches a hand out of the water to push his hair away from his forehead, and your gaze immediately follows the trail of soapy water as it glides down his wrist- drip-drops from his elbow and back into the bath.
Astarion looks so... peaceful like this.
Pale lashes rest upon warm cheeks as he reclines, face fallen soft, similar to how it does when he's deep in trance. A part of you wonders if this is how he might have looked back some two hundred years ago, before the affliction that was bestowed upon him by his old (now deceased, you celebrate mentally) master.
Eyes of ruby open just a crack, and you know that smug smile is coming before his lips so much as twitch.
"You know, my dear, most people consider staring to be rather rude." He purrs.
You're proud to say you don't miss a beat.
"Good thing you're nothing like most people then, hm?" Quick wit- a developing side effect from the many days spent traveling with the cheekiest rogue in all of Faerûn.
Quick as you may be– he is quicker. 
"Ah, right you are. Most people aren't nearly as beautiful as I am– one can hardly blame you for all of your slack-jawed gawping."
A half-huffed laugh is pulled out of you. Astarion loves to pretend he isn't just as delighted by your glossy-eyed admiring as he is amused.
And here you are again, suddenly distracted by the slightest bounce of silver curls when he tilts his head to watch your smile hit your eyes. His hair looks a bit longer when it's weighed down by bathwater and conditioning oils, almost to the point where some bits just barely brush his shoulders. You're so mesmerized that you have to touch him. The hand that's been playing in the water comes up to brush a few nearly translucent hairs away from where they've stuck to the curve of his neck, lingering afterward to carefully trace a finger down to his collarbone as you continue your oggle-fest.
Only just a moment longer, you tell yourself, and then you'll leave him be.
Yet, he doesn't let you pull away too far when you've finished. A deft hand comes up from the depths to capture yours the second you think about leaving him to his privacy, and you nearly jump at the unfamiliar temperature of its grasp.
He's warm.
Almost warmer than you, and it's honestly kind of jarring.
Astarion's still sporting that smile, although a bit kinder than before. If you weren't watching so closely, you'd miss how his eyes flash, uncharacteristically shy for just a moment before that heavy-lidded stare is set back in place. He brings your joined hands up to his mouth, petal-soft lips resting against the damp heel of your palm in a not-so-kiss.
They press for a long moment, and you can feel the appreciative hum he gives more than you can hear it. It occurs to you that he's probably just as dazed at your matching temperatures as you are.
"Get in here, darling." The command comes out as more of a question, really. You know in your heart that you have every right to refuse him if you really want to and that he wouldn't even consider holding it against you if you did.
But why in the hells would you ever do a thing as silly as that?
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jinxs-gf · 1 month
snack thief
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the team x spider!reader
summary: someone is stealing your snacks and you’re going to figure out who.
content, warnings: kind of a crack fic, spider cusses a lot? not proofread
word count: 1.8k
a.n. Aunt May mentioned! who cheered?
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It was peaceful in the confines of Mount Justice. So peaceful it was almost suspicious to the team. They barely get downtime nowadays, something they used to practically beg for. Now all they want is a break.
It's perfect and quiet and peaceful.
Until they hear their friend scream bloody murder.
Everyone jumps up, alarmed and ready to fight.
You're in the kitchen holding an empty container, the refrigerator wide open, and looking more stressed out than they've ever seen you. But there was no threat?
The team is still worried but confused. There was no one else in the kitchen with you so...? Why were you screaming? And there was seemingly no spider on the container you were holding, the only creature that could scare you bad enough for you to freak out like this. (You denied this claim again and again, unfortunately they didn't believe you. How embarrassing was that? Spider had arachnophobia? How damaging to your reputation.)
You continue to stare at the container, and your friends have concluded their near heart attack at your cry for help was all for not.
Their shoulders all sag simultaneously, breaths of relief leaving their mouths.
Kaldur is the first to speak, "What has gotten into you, Spider? You scared us all." He does not sound happy.
And if you took the time to look at the rest of your teammates, the annoyance would be evident.
But no. You continued to stare at your stupid container.
"Hello!" - Artemis
"Earth to Spider!" - Robin
"We're not getting any younger over here." - Wally
Roy only sighs, shaking his head, Conner raising a brow beside him, amused for the most part.
M'gann just stands quietly, wondering if she should read your mind without your permission to figure out the problem or not.
"Which one of your imbeciles did this?" Your voice was eerily calm...it was disturbing.
They all shared the same sentiment. What?
You glare in their direction, eyeing each one of your supposed friends carefully.
"One of you is the cause of this," you hold up your empty container. "Someone ate my cookies. I've had the worst day of my life and the only thing that could help was having my precious cookies. Only I get here and they're gone!" Ah. They get it now.
"I'm going to find out which one of you is responsible. And it won't be pretty."
"Uhh why was it in the fridge anyways?"
"Shut it Robin. They’re leftovers. And you’re at the top of my suspect list. You and your little buddy there," you eye Wally.
He squirms in his spot.
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You were grocery shopping for your aunt when you spotted them.
Spider-Person gummies.
You wince, the name Spider-Person did not roll off the tongue correctly. You prefer Spider like the team calls you. Or maybe Arachnid would be cool? Oh well, it's too late now. The name Spider-Person was plastered onto kid's snacks for Pete's sake! There was no coming back from that.
Whatever. You threw it in your basket and immediately opened the box when you got home. Showing off to Aunt May, she was very proud, just like you thought she’d be. Except for when—
"I always thought you'd be known for curing diseases or something, but children’s snacks? This'll do!"
"Hey!" She was joking of course (right?).
And later that day you brought it to the team's kitchen, wanting to show off to them. You didn't want them to eat it of course, it was going to be your post-mission snack. A little pick-me-up.
No one but Red Tornado was there, which was a little weird but it was a rare day off. You'll just come back when everyone is here.
You made sure to stick a post-it on the box of gummies, effectively claiming them yours that shall not be touched.
You hadn't left your snacks alone in the kitchen of Mount Justice since your cookies disappeared a mere week ago.
You still hadn't figured out who the culprit was.
You will. One of these days.
You leave and don't come back until the next day, everyone is there.
"Oh goodie! I have something to show you guys!"
Only you get to the kitchen cabinet, open the box, and...no.
The box of "Spider-Person Gummies" was completely empty.
The box that clearly had your name written with the words "DO NOT EAT!" on the post-it!
You scream like the first time.
"Who did it?!"
The team is a little slower this time around, not trusting your panicked screams after the first incident.
Robin face palms, "Come on spider, it's not that serious."
You gape at him, "Not that serious?! Are you crazy?!" You eye him suspiciously, "it was you, wasn't it?"
"What?! No! I'm just being reasonable here. You can always buy more,” he shrugs, clearly not seeing the bigger picture. Someone is eating your snacks without permission. Deliberately ignoring your name that was written in bold on the post-it stuck to the front. You try a different approach though.
"First of all, I don't exactly come from a background of money. I can't just waste valuable green for some fruit snacks! And second, it was the last box in that section. How do I know they'll be restocked by the time I get back? What if they were there for limited time?!" The thought terrifies you, "oh no."
The team watches you nearly have a breakdown over your gummies "...those snacks are usually less that 10 dollars, Spider."
"And that's too much!"
"You can't be that poor."
"Eh, you'd be surprised."
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It’s a full two weeks of the snack thief’s attacks.
Your spidey senses go off at the two week mark and they lead you to the kitchen.
You gasp.
Wally is caught mid slice into the chocolate cake you made for the team, he looks petrified at being caught.
His voice cracks, "what?"
"It's been you! I knew it was you!"
"What! No! You made this for the team, right? That's not fair to pin the blame on me when I have permission to eat this!"
Okay, he's got a point.
"Whatever. You're still at the top of my list."
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You’re in stealth mode with the rest of the team, waiting for your cue to attack.
You communicate through the mind link to keep yourself from boredom, this is gonna take a while.
You decide to bring up the most recent snack attack.
‘I still need to figure out who this snack thief is. They took my leftover brownies this time! The ones May made for me. Do you know how upsetting it was to see the brownies made by my very precious, hardworking Aunt all gone?’
You hoped to weed the rat out through sympathy.
‘Oh...that was yours?’
‘I'm sorry! I didn't know!’
Just then, Kaldur makes your cue to attack. And before you know it, you’re in battle. However, your mind is elsewhere.
The distraction earns you a kick to the face, your spidey senses were screaming but you couldn't be bothered to really care at the moment, too focused on the fact that M'gann admitted to eating your brownies.
She's the snack thief?! But she was at the bottom of your list...
You regret ignoring your senses immediately, that kick was more powerful that you thought it’d be. Definitely going to bruise later.
‘I'm not the snack thief! I just thought Red Tornado left them! Remember? He said he wanted to be more involved with us outside of missions? I swear I know better! You forgot a post-it with your name this time. I'm really sorry, I should've known.’
You sigh, she sounds too sincere for it to truly be her.
‘It's alright, I forgive you. This time. It was my bad anyways.’
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There’s many instances of coincidences as your friends would call it.
Robin caught digging into your chips;
“But you said I could have some!”
“No not those ones! My other chips!”
“Wow, thanks for specifying that.”
Conner caught…eating your candy?!
Conner doesn’t even eat sweets like that, so what changed? Or was that all a ploy? Pretending to not be fond of sweets only to eat yours behind your back…
But his eyes pleaded forgiveness, truth. Damn him.
Roy, Kaldur, and Artemis also had their moments of suspicion.
So who was it?
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You only had one more course of action. You beg May to let her borrow your phone.
“It’s an emergency!”
“An emergency that could last all day? Or more?” She lifts a brow, don’t let her intimidate you, Spider.
“Pleeeaaaase,” you bat your lashes at her.
She can’t resist you. The child she’s come to see as her own. You are hers, no one could tell her otherwise. She sighs, “Don’t know why I even try with you.”
“Thanks May!” You plant a kiss on her cheek, “love you!”
“Whatever kid,” trying not to show disappointment in herself for allowing you to get to her.
Set your phone up in the kitchen cabinet of Mount Justice with your snack. Hit FaceTime with Aunt May’s phone and accept on yours.
There’s no way you don’t catch your thief now.
You wait a good 20 minutes before you’re already tired of your plan.
You groan in annoyance, can they hurry up and attempt to take your snack already?!
It takes another three hours before something happens.
Your spidey senses blare, making you jump from your place on the couch with Artemis and Roy. They look at you like you’re crazy, yeah you were getting used to that.
There’s shuffling on the other end of the call.
Whoever is in the kitchen is toast. You look down at May’s phone.
“Uh oh.”
“I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it! From the beginning! How could I be so stupid and not listen to my gut?!”
Wally states back at you through the phone screen, eyes wide.
“You lying son of a-”
“Listen, we can talk this out-”
“Put my cookies down! You know damn well my name is written on the box!”
He surrenders, placing the cookies back in its place.
The rest of your team came out to witness this very amusing and long awaited moment.
It was funny, the living room you were in was right next to the kitchen, meaning speaking through the phones was pretty useless. They won’t say anything, lest they catch your attention and get yelled at.
“I’m going to ruin you for what you did, Speedy Bitch.”
Roy hears his code name and it’s enough for him to scare. He holds his hands up, “whoa! What did I do?”
“Not you! Obviously not you!”
You get up from the couch, bolting to your “friend.”
Wally panics, “Someone call Superman! Spider’s gone crazy!” And he books it.
It’s okay. He may be the fastest man alive, but no one messes with a Spider’s food.
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so who’s attending Wally’s funeral? definitely not spider.
this is based off a video I saw, someone’s sibling was on FaceTime w a phone in the cabinet to catch who was eating their snacks 💀 I just HAD to use it
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her-devils-advocate · 7 months
Selfish risks
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x (GN!) reader
genre: domestic fluff
summary: In the peaceful downtime spent together, Levi decides to risk asking an important question.
word count: 1,435
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54159382
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The Scout headquarters is silent, most of the survey corps members have already taken themselves off to bed, greedily getting as much rest as possible before the next mission creeps up on them. Everyone has been working hard, with both training sessions and squad meetings running longer and longer each day, almost as if each scout could sense something approaching.
The wind howls outside the stone structure, rustling the leaves and causing the windows to rattle. You shiver despite the loud crackling of the fireplace inside your office, the amber flames fighting to keep the chill away.
The warmth and ambient sounds of nature do their best to lull you to sleep, exhaustion tugging on your eyelids as you force yourself to work through the night. A bad habit that you had picked up from a certain captain.
Your relationship with him over the years within the scouts had caused a few of his mannerisms to rub off onto you, for better or for worse. You’ve found that the recruits you are tasked to train tend to listen to you more after you picked up Levi’s “don’t test me” expression. However, you have caught yourself clicking your tongue in displeasure a lot more as well, much to the amusement of all those nearby to pick up on it.
The frantic scribbling of your pen grows louder as you try to rush the piles of paperwork towering before you. A small rumble breaks the silence as your stomach protests, unhappy with the dedication to the mountain of paper causing you to skip dinner accidentally.
You are so engulfed in the moment that you almost miss the gentle creaking of the door. You raise your head only to be met with tired silver eyes cutting through the shadows of the room. 
Levi slowly shuts the door before pausing, simply watching you sign your name and toss the pen to the side, ignoring the halfhearted glare thrown your way as it rolls across the desk and onto the floor with a small clatter. 
You stare at him for a moment, waiting for the small lecture about making a mess, even if it is in your own space. A lecture that, surprisingly, never comes.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He says instead, his voice is gentle, yet you can sense the small reprimand within his words. 
"Curfew doesn't apply to squad leaders and higher, I thought you knew that?" You shoot him a playful smirk that only grows with the withering look you get in response.
"That's not what I meant and you know it."
"I know, there's just... so much to get through and I figured I would power through most of it while you were in the meeting with Erwin and Hange. Which seemed like a good plan considering how long it took."
Levi lets out a long sigh as he walks towards the armchair by the fire, flopping down onto the worn fabric. You smile at the sight, at how carefree and unguarded he lets himself be around you. 
A sight some could never think to imagine when it comes to the aloof captain, but you know him better than most.
You get up from the desk, groaning slightly as your muscles scream in defiance. A sign that you have been cooped up on the uncomfortable wooden chair for far too long. The sound causes Levi's head to snap in your direction, only relaxing again when he notices you are in no real pain.
The sight makes you smile, even with everything he has to handle within the Survey Corps, he still always makes sure to look out for you as well. Even when he doesn’t need to.
His eyes track your every movement and you see a myriad of emotions swirling through them: exhaustion, concern, wonder, adoration and love all mix with the flickering amber of the fire within the gunmetal of his eyes.
He shuffles to try and give you some space beside him in the small armchair, only to frown in frustration and pull you into his arms instead. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, straddling his lap as you bring your hand up to run through his silky hair.
"Interesting meeting?" You whisper into his neck, not wanting to break the peace that has settled over you both. Something you both rarely get to cherish, yet heavily deserve.
The only reply you get is a small hum, he tightens his grip around you and peppers your shoulder with small kisses.
"Four-eyes has a new experiment they want to try out. Apparently, it's fundamental that Erwin lets them capture more titans for it." Levi says with a small grumble, his voice slightly muffled by your shoulder, clearly unhappy to remember what had held up the already late meeting for so long.
You go to open your mouth to speak, only for his low voice to cut you off instantly.
"And no, you're not helping them with whatever shitty plan they have in mind. You need to stop letting them drag you into their schemes so easily." He punctuates his words with a small flick to the centre of your forehead.
You let out a light laugh, the action sending a shiver across Levi's skin.
"How did you know I was going to suggest helping Hange?"
"I know you too well."
"That you do." You kiss his jawline, slowly moving towards his lips, leaving a trail of feather-light kisses as you do. He sighs when your lips finally meet his own, his eyes flickering shut briefly as you part. 
"Marry me."
Your eyes widen briefly, shock and excitement rushing through you, you are almost certain you had misheard him if it weren't for the slightest blush covering his cheeks and the determined look in his eyes.
"Is that an order, Captain?"
He huffs out a small laugh, his eyes flicking up briefly before he reveals a small ring from the pocket of his jacket. A proud green jewel sits atop the thin silver band, your breath catches as it glints in the firelight.
"I could make it one if you wanted. I got fed up of waiting for some perfect moment or whatever that traditional bullshit is. There are no perfect moments in this world, not when titans could eat us at any moment." He pauses for a moment, his usually stoic voice faltering with emotions as he tries to hide his face from your unwavering gaze.
"Or so I thought until you made me experience peace in these moments with you. Then I realised that every moment where we are alive together is a perfect one."
You stare at him with wide eyes, not noticing the stream of tears running down your cheeks until you feel his calloused hand brush them away with a softness you couldn't begin to imagine.
"The thought of having someone to lose scares me, but you've made me realise that marriage or not, loving you has been a risk I've been taking for a while now. Might as well make you officially mine while we have the chance."
You let out a watery giggle as your hands dance along the fabric of his shirt, smoothing out any creases that dare to cling to him.
"You know, most marriage proposals don't have the implications of a horrible death woven into them."
"That's clearly where the poor fuckers are going wrong then."
Levi's eyes are soft as he watches you, his lips finally quirking up into a small smile as you let out an undignified snort at his comment.
"Yes, I will marry you." 
You don't miss the way his shoulders drop with relief, nor the genuine joy that shines through his eyes. He delicately takes the hand you wordlessly offer him, taking his time to slide the ring onto your finger.
“Good, I want to risk being selfish. Just this once.”
You beam at his words, heart heavy as you place a soft kiss onto his lips before throwing your arms around his neck to pull him as close as possible. His arms quickly wrap around your lower back as he holds you tightly, his head resting against your chest. 
He can almost sense the approaching comment from the way you jiggle with pure, albeit restrained laughter.
“Is it green to match our capes? Don’t get me wrong, love, you choose very well. A fact I’m sure you already know, but…is that the reason?” “Shut up.”
The laugh you give him in response warms both of your hearts more than the now-dying fire could manage.
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breadbrobin · 8 months
hello, hello!! first of all, i just wanna tell you that your fics got me kickin' my feet and shi. with that said, can i request a luke castellan x gn! reader where reader is a minor god's kid and so they're staying at cabin 11 it was just this fluffy thing where luke and them are just being domestic and all that, like almost acting like parents to the younger kids? i'm such a sucker for domestic fluff it's INSANE
lego blocks
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
[gn!child of eos reader]
summary: parental figures are hard to come by at camp half-blood, so you and luke (barely old enough to not need them yourselves) take up the mantle where you can. and, well, it’s the hermes cabin, so it’s a little more chaotic than anyone bargained for.
warnings: like two minor swear words, pure fluff, kissing, reader is called pretty (but reader is still gn)
word count: 1.4k
(hiiii omg thank you for this request it’s so cute and was so fun to write!! and thank you for your compliments ahhh you’re so sweet! AND DOMESTIC FLUFF IS WHERE ITS AT FR i can’t believe i haven’t written any before smhhhh)
scarcely a day in the hermes cabin went by without an injury, an issue or an altercation.
just in the last week alone, you’d seen a fist fight, an argument, many stolen belongings, three bad nightmares and six threats of death or violence. it was your job (unofficially) to diffuse the tension. and it was luke’s job (officially) to have your back.
just like every morning, you woke up at dawn. as a child of eos, goddess of the dawn, you were always awake with the sun. the moment dawn struck, you, like the apollo cabin, snapped awake. it was something you’d complained with them about many times, but it eventually became something you found yourself at least trying to enjoy.
you slipped out of bed quietly and padded across the dim cabin to the door, stepping out onto the porch to watch as the sky turned from dark blues to soft pinks.
just as the sun was beginning to peek through the trees, you heard footsteps behind you.
“morning,” luke’s gravelly morning voice reached you as he rested his chin on your shoulder and hugged you from behind. “pretty today.”
“it is,” you sighed contently, leaning back into him.
he yawned. “meant you.”
you smiled and turned in his arms, pressing a kiss just beside his lips. he pouted.
“brush your teeth first, and then i’ll kiss you properly,” you teased.
he just sighed a little, a small gracing his face, before looking away to watch the sunrise.
you had only around ten minutes before you had to wake everyone else in the cabin up, and you’d be damned if you weren’t going to enjoy the peaceful quiet and sweet chirping of birds in the trees for as long as you could.
it would become hectic later, when you had to rouse everyone from their sleep and rush them to the dining pavilion for breakfast. you never enjoyed it, and you often wondered how luke had managed it on his own before you came along. so you soaked up the sun rays peeking through the leaves, watching as the world around you turned from blue to gold in a dazzling array of colours that made you ever grateful for your parentage, and relaxed in the warmth of luke’s embrace. the peace wouldn’t last for long. it never did.
“tom, put the knife down!” you called across the room as you moved a chess piece along the board. a groan came from a few bunks over and the sound of a knife hitting the floor echoed. “and, max, will you please stop trying to fight jennifer? she’s gonna kick your ass again, and i’m not even gonna tell her off or patch you up.”
a disappointed, “fine!” came back in return, followed by jennifer’s teasing.
“sorry!” she replied.
your chess opponent, a young girl you were almost sure was a daughter of athena, scowled at your move and studied the board, giving you a chance to look around at the hermes cabin.
it was your scheduled downtime between activities and dinner, and while some of the residents of cabin 11 were out around camp, many were inside playing games or hanging out. so, that was where you were—diffusing the tension every time you had to and pretending to enjoy chess because sandy really wanted to play, and who were you to deny her hobbies?
two hands landed on your shoulders and a kiss pressed to your cheek. you could smell the familiar scent of pine, sword polish and leather—luke.
“hey, babe,” he said softly. “any issues?”
sandy moved a piece on the board. “check.”
“again?” you leaned forward in shock. “okay, uh… yeah, the only issue is how i win this game, actually. oh, and tom’s got that knife back somehow and he won’t stop threatening khalid with it. i’m a little concerned about them. max and jen should be fine now, but maybe check on them? oh, and make sure callie hasn’t stolen any snacks again? last time, she got really sick and—“
“and we stayed up all night making sure she was okay, i remember. i’ll check on presley too. make sure he’s not drawing on the walls again.” luke patted your shoulders gently as he stepped away. “i got it. you focus on winning.”
“i’m trying,” you pouted. realistically, you weren’t too bad at chess. however, you felt like it was only fair to give sandy a chance to show off, since she’d been in the hermes cabin, unclaimed, for a month now. you knew how that felt. before your mother claimed you, you’d been unclaimed for just under two months. in all fairness, you’d always flown under the radar, until your sunshine and smiles reputation breached the walls you’d attempted to build up and you started dating the golden boy of camp half-blood. the second that had happened, just over seven months ago, everything changed. suddenly, you had respect, appreciation, love, family. so maybe you didn’t have your own cabin. and maybe you were stuck in one that was full to the brim of kids. and maybe you had to be somewhat of a parent for many of those kids—those who missed their families, who had never had families, who had never had a place to call their own. but did you mind? not at all. it would have been impossible without luke though. it was like he could read your mind sometimes. he knew, just as well as you did, all of the ins and outs of the kids in your cabin, how to appease the older kids, entertain the younger ones, and make sure the cabin was still standing by the end of the day. you’d never know what you did in a past life to deserve him, but it had to have been something goddamn saintly.
finally, you moved a piece. you knew it would easily put you in checkmate, but you didn’t mind.
sandy’s eyes lit up. she moved her knight into position and looked up at you, grinning widely. “checkmate!”
“no way!” you protested. “how did you even—?”
“i’m good at chess.” she blushed a little.
“uh, yeah, you are.” you extended a hand over the small table to her. “good game.”
“good game.” she shook your hand with a smile and skipped away to gloat to her friends.
luke’s arm slipped around your shoulders as he sat next to you. “you let her win?”
“no, of course not,” you lied with a smile. “and if i did i’d never compromise my dignity by telling you.”
you could see his smile out of the corner of your eye. “sure. my bad.”
you hummed and turned to kiss him, but just before your lips could meet, a resounding “ew!!” echoed through the cabin.
you pulled away to see what was going on. maybe another bug needed dealing with? or someone had thrown up or wet their pants? no. everyone was staring at you and luke. you frowned. “wait, what?”
“you guys were about to kiss,” tom cringed, somehow holding a new knife. “that’s gross.”
luke laughed while you shook your head in amusement.
“it’s not gross!” you protested. “and put that knife down.”
“it is!” one of the slightly older girls exclaimed as tom dropped the knife on his bunk with a groan.
murmurs of agreement followed.
you laughed along with luke as he cupped your cheek in his hand and kissed you, deliberately slow and sweet, much to the chagrin of the campers around you.
you pulled away first, laughing, as someone threw a lego block at you and luke, hitting you in the arm lightly.
“hey!” luke laughed and tossed it back in their general direction. “no one throws lego blocks at my partner.”
before either of you could do anything, lego blocks were flying.
through your laughs and trying to hide behind luke as a shield, you could only feel love for your boyfriend and the kids you both chose to spend your time looking after. despite the fact that they threw legos at you, and despite the fact that you weren’t related to any of them. this was your family. a messed up, too big, far too crowded unit of kids and teenagers, all crammed in one room, connected by two things alone: the fact that you were all thrust into this messed up magical world with no preparation, and love.
and lego blocks, apparently.
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A Desperate Moment II
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Summary: In a moment of calm following a near-death experience, Y/N and Dean confront their unspoken feelings for each other.
Part 1 here
The bunker is unusually quiet, the kind of stillness that feels both peaceful and unsettling at the same time. It’s been a few days since the hunt that almost cost you your life, and things have started to settle back into some semblance of normalcy. You, Dean, and Sam have fallen back into your usual routine—research, hunting, and the occasional moments of downtime.
But ever since that night in the library, there’s been an unspoken tension between you and Dean. It’s not the same kind of tension that used to simmer between you—the teasing, the arguments, the constant back-and-forth. This is different. It’s charged with something deeper, something that neither of you has acknowledged out loud.
The first kiss was unexpected, born out of desperation and fear, but now that the dust has settled, you can’t stop thinking about it. You can’t stop thinking about the way Dean held you, the way his lips felt against yours, the raw emotion in his eyes when he finally let his guard down. 
You’re in the kitchen, absently stirring a cup of coffee, trying to focus on anything other than the thoughts swirling around in your head. The dim light above the stove casts a warm glow over the room, and for a moment, you allow yourself to just breathe, to savor the rare moment of calm.
The sound of footsteps approaching pulls you from your thoughts, and you look up to see Dean entering the kitchen. He looks tired, the shadows under his eyes a little darker than usual, but there’s something softer in his expression as he spots you.
“Hey,” he says, his voice low and rough from a night of little sleep. He walks over to the counter, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and filling it with coffee. His movements are slow, almost hesitant, like he’s not sure what to say.
“Hey,” you reply, offering him a small smile. You take a sip of your coffee, the warmth of the mug grounding you as you try to ignore the flutter in your chest at his presence.
Dean leans against the counter opposite you, his gaze fixed on his mug as he takes a sip. The silence between you isn’t uncomfortable, but it’s charged with the weight of everything that’s gone unspoken since that night.
You’re not sure how to bring it up, or even if you should. Part of you wonders if Dean regrets what happened, if he’s been avoiding you because he doesn’t know how to deal with it. The thought sends a pang of anxiety through you, but you push it down, determined not to jump to conclusions.
After a long moment, Dean finally looks up, his green eyes locking onto yours with that same intensity that makes your heart skip a beat. “I’ve been thinking,” he starts, his voice unusually soft. “About… what happened.”
You swallow, your grip tightening on your mug. “Me too.”
He nods, like he expected that, and takes a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t regret it,” he says, his voice steady. “But I don’t want you to think that I… that it was just because of what happened that night. It wasn’t just about the hunt, or the fear… it was more than that.”
His words take you by surprise, and you can’t help the way your heart leaps in your chest. You’ve been so caught up in your own thoughts, worrying that maybe he didn’t feel the same way, that you hadn’t even considered that he might be feeling just as uncertain as you are.
“Dean…” you begin, unsure of how to articulate everything that’s been going through your mind. But before you can say more, Dean pushes off the counter, closing the distance between you in a few short steps.
He sets his mug down on the counter next to yours, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek. His touch is warm, steady, and you lean into it instinctively, your eyes fluttering closed for a moment as you savor the contact.
When you open your eyes again, Dean is watching you with an intensity that makes it hard to breathe. There’s no hesitation in his gaze, no uncertainty—just a quiet determination and something deeper, something that makes your heart ache in the best way possible.
“I need you to know that this is real,” he says, his voice low and rough with emotion. “Whatever this is between us, it’s not just about what happened that night. It’s not about the fear, or the heat of the moment. It’s real, Y/N. And I don’t want to ignore it anymore.”
His words hit you like a wave, washing over you with a force that leaves you breathless. For a moment, you’re not sure what to say, how to respond to the raw honesty in his voice. But you don’t need to say anything—your heart is speaking for you, and it’s telling you exactly what you need to do.
Without another word, you close the remaining distance between you, your hands reaching up to cup his face as you pull him into a kiss. This time, it’s not desperate or frantic—it’s slow, deliberate, full of a longing that’s been building between you for far too long.
Dean responds immediately, his hands sliding to your waist as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. There’s a tenderness in the way he kisses you now, a softness that contrasts with the roughness of the first kiss, but it’s no less intense. If anything, it’s even more powerful, because this time, it’s a choice—a conscious decision to embrace whatever this is between you.
The world outside the bunker fades away as you lose yourself in the kiss, the warmth of his body against yours grounding you in the moment. It feels like everything else has fallen away, leaving just the two of you and the quiet, undeniable connection that’s been growing between you.
When you finally pull back, you’re both breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you try to steady your racing hearts. Dean’s hands are still on your waist, his grip firm but gentle, like he’s afraid to let you go.
“Y/N,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m not good at this… at letting people in. But I want to try. I want to try with you.”
You feel a surge of emotion at his words, the vulnerability in them making your chest tighten. “Me too, Dean,” you reply, your voice equally soft. “I want this too.”
He lets out a shaky breath, and you can feel the tension slowly start to melt away from his body as your words sink in. It’s like a weight has been lifted, and for the first time in what feels like forever, there’s a sense of peace between you.
Dean pulls you into another kiss, this one softer, more tender, and you melt into it, letting the warmth of his embrace surround you. It’s not just a kiss—it’s a promise, a silent vow to face whatever comes next together.
And as you stand there in the quiet kitchen, wrapped in each other 's arms, you know that this is the beginning of something new, something that’s been a long time coming. The fears and uncertainties that have been haunting you both are still there, but they seem smaller now, less overwhelming, with Dean by your side.
When the kiss finally ends, you rest your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It’s a sound that calms you, grounding you in the moment, and you feel his arms tighten around you as if he’s trying to hold you even closer.
For a long time, neither of you speaks. You simply stand there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, letting the quiet and the warmth of the moment wash over you. There’s no need for words right now; everything that needed to be said was spoken in that kiss.
Eventually, Dean pulls back slightly, just enough to look down at you, his expression softer than you’ve ever seen it. There’s a small, genuine smile on his lips, one that makes your heart flutter in your chest.
“You hungry?” he asks, his voice gentle, a hint of that familiar Dean humor creeping back in.
You can’t help but smile back, the tension between you finally easing into something more comfortable, more familiar. “Yeah, I could eat.”
He nods, still holding you close as if reluctant to let go just yet. “How about we make something together? I could go for some pancakes.”
You chuckle softly, the normalcy of the suggestion bringing a sense of comfort. “Pancakes sound perfect.”
With that, Dean finally releases you, but he keeps one hand resting on your lower back, guiding you toward the stove as if he’s afraid you’ll slip away if he lets go completely. There’s something endearing about the way he stays close, and you find yourself leaning into his touch, feeling more at ease than you have in days.
As you work together in the kitchen, mixing the batter and heating up the griddle, the weight of the past few days begins to lift. It’s not just the pancakes or the casual conversation that flows between you—it’s the unspoken understanding that things have changed, and that change is a good thing.
Dean isn’t just a hunter, and you aren’t just a friend. There’s something more between you now, something that neither of you has to question anymore. It’s real, and it’s worth fighting for.
When the pancakes are finally done, you sit down at the small table in the corner of the kitchen, plates piled high with warm, golden stacks. Dean reaches across the table to take your hand, his thumb brushing over your knuckles in a simple, affectionate gesture that makes your heart swell.
You meet his gaze, and in his eyes, you see the same quiet determination you felt in that kiss—a promise that whatever comes next, you’ll face it together.
And as you dig into your pancakes, the taste of maple syrup and butter filling your senses, you can’t help but smile. Because for the first time in a long time, everything feels right.
tag list: @roseblue373 @hobby27 @jc-winchester
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tarotwithavi · 11 months
What makes you hauntingly beautiful?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Pile 1
Your stunning, haunting beauty comes from knowing the value of slowing down, not just lazing around, but in taking real moments to think deep—kind of like finding peace in just thinking. You're a boss at stepping back, seeing that downtime and recovery are as important as the daily grind. That insight of yours? It's like a mysterious, magnetic power. The way you make choices isn't just about choices; it's about having a clear vision and following your gut. It's like you've got this inner compass steering you, giving off this cool vibe of purpose and confidence. You're beautiful in how you appreciate fresh starts, personal growth, and handling real-life stuff. There's a down-to-earth vibe about you that's super attractive, as if you totally get how embracing new opportunities and making them something big is where it's at. You've got this cool vibe of accomplishment and success. It's like you've been around the block and learned a ton, and it shows in the way you carry yourself. You've got this wisdom and worldly thing going on in how you present yourself. Fate seems to be your buddy on this life trip, and you carry it off so gracefully. That grace you've got in dealing with life's ups and downs adds this layer of depth to your beauty. You kinda know that life changes all the time, and it gives this mysterious charm to how you roll. Your strength? Man, it's a mix of soft and tough. It's not just physical but also emotional and mental. It's built on understanding tough times, almost a beautiful sadness that's super interesting. The real deal beauty is in how you face conflicts and challenges. There's this sense of organized chaos, where you handle friction and competition in a way that's more like a dance, showing off your adaptability and staying cool under pressure. And there's something crazy fascinating in how you deal with giving up and letting go. It's not about losing out but gaining a fresh perspective. There's this almost out-of-this-world beauty in your ability to move on and see things from a completely different angle, finding beauty in the stuff that's surprising and uncharted. Your haunting beauty is like a mixtape of these cool details—being calm, driven, down-to-earth, wise, accepting, strong, adaptable, and letting things go. It creates this totally mysterious allure that's both captivating and spellbinding.
Pile 2
Your eerie beauty is like this intricate dance between real powerful endings and those kick-ass beginnings. You give off this vibe that's kind of magnetic but also a bit unsettling. Your energy is intense, like a fire burning inside an adventurer , your moves, your determined eyes, it's all in there. You're not someone easily figured out, your depths are like a maze. There's something cool about your fearlessness, the way you tackle your fears straight on. It's this bold part of you that makes you such a mystery. You've grappled with your own inner monsters, and that struggle has really shaped you, leaving this mark of toughness that's both fascinating and puzzling. The times you've spent alone have totally changed you. They've chiseled your soul, creating this calm strength that's weirdly attractive. It's like you've found something special in the dark corners, finding comfort where most people wouldn't even dare to look. But even in your alone times, you've got this pull with others. Your interactions have this magnetic sweetness, kind of like the mix of life's bitter moments. The way you dive into happy stuff with a hint of sadness? That's what sets you apart. Your talent for handling both the shiny and the gloomy sides in your relationships gives this depth that's so attractive and kind of haunting. The way you guard yourself and the people around you, It's pretty impressive. It's like you're standing there at the gates, protecting not just yourself but everyone near you. Your determination to fight for what you stand for, your stubborn nature, is both a bit scary and strangely attractive. It's not just the physical space but also the mental and emotional lines you've drawn. Your ability to set these limits and safeguard your turf is both impressive and a bit haunting. It reflects your smarts and that mysterious vibe you've got going on. There's this mix in you of strength, toughness, being on your own, protection, sweetness, and a depth that's captivating and leaves a cool, haunting impression on everyone you meet.
Pile 3
(Some of you may be attracted to pile 1 , make sure to check that out!)
You've got this amazing vibe that's like this mystical spell . There's this magical aura about you. The way you handle your life, keeping your dreams close while staying super down-to-earth, it's like this mesmerizing dance that pulls folks towards you. Your inner strength, usually hidden behind a gentle sweetness, sets you apart; it's like you're a total pro at bouncing back and owning your power. There might've been times when you felt guarded or clung tightly to things, maybe because of past letdowns. But there's this soft glow that comes from inside, like the sun, bringing warmth and hope that pushes past any anger or worries. Your journey has been patient and full of thinking, a bit like taking care of a garden waiting for all your hard work to pay off. That patience and the skill to plan, dream, and build the world you want is where your haunting beauty shines. Your emotional depth and how you handle feelings without fear are like having a pure and innocent heart , it shows off this sensitive side of yours. It's like a shining innocence that hasn't been touched by negativity. There's a natural richness to your life, full of connections and joy that represents this abundance, this real sense of satisfaction and happiness that just beams out of you. Your journey isn't just about you; it's about finishing phases, ending chapters, and growing, this ongoing change and evolution. You've got this big-picture beauty about you that's linked to the grander scheme of things. It's like you've been through some tough stuff, each leaving a mark, but you stand tall with this unbreakable spirit, showing off your strength and echoes your toughness. The marks from those past struggles just add to your depth. Your haunting beauty is in your ability to renew, mend, and keep growing, like this unstoppable force of nature that remains enchanting despite the scars from the storms you've been through. You're this cool mix of strength, grace, and a mysterious charm that sticks in people's minds long after they've met.
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kelthebarb · 11 months
my favorite thing will always be domestic levi.
- waking up & seeing him buttoning his shirt in the mirror, having already showered before you due to his inability to sleep in.
- dragging him back into bed with you cus it’s barely 7:30 in the morning and you have all day with nothing to do.
- showering together, gently washing his hair and him kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you from behind.
- him not knowing how to cook very well, but he can make good tea. you stick to the cooking, and he makes drinks. always.
- after the war, he’s not used to so much peace and quiet. he’d always been used to tons of work, always running around, and almost no downtime. most of the time, he has no idea what to do with himself. he found that he enjoys reading a LOT.
- he was very iffy on retiring at first, and it did take a lot of convincing before he finally decided it was time to leave the military and what it did to him in the past. he doesn’t cry a lot, but when he does, he cries hard. almost 40 years of pent-up trauma and emotion will do that to a man, even one as tough as him.
- you & him go to visit erwin and hange’s graves at least twice a month, and you find it slightly heartbreaking that he talks to them, the same way he did when they were alive. quiet and short conversations with what he hopes is their ghosts. you find yourself grabbing his hand and squeezing it when he starts getting shaky.
- sometimes when you can tell he’s in a bad mood, you say you need a hug, but it’s really him that needs it. he doesn’t like asking for affection, so it’s a way to help him get over a bump in the road.
- as most people say, he’s not big on pda, and it’s true, but he will hold your pinkies together when it’s crowded. you’ll think it’s because he doesn’t wanna lose you in the crowd, but he’s so short that he’ll be the one getting lost 💀
- with that being said, he hates it when you poke fun at his height. it’s not that he’s insecure about it, he just finds it annoying that that’s one of the first things people notice about him.
- i’m a firm believer in levi with a slight size kink. as isayama said, levi just likes tall people. i think he’d like it if you were able to manhandle him, toss him around, pin him to the bed, shit like that.
- he’s definitely a switch. he’s the softest dom - he’s experienced too much hurt in his life to hurt you in any way - and he’s the most adorable sub.
- when he’s the dom, he’ll be gentle with you. slowly pushing into you, stopping and giving you little breaks if you need them. never degrading, always the sweetest words coming from him. he groans a lot, frequently but quiet enough to where it’s just you that can hear it.
- when he’s the sub, he loves hates being teased. he’s a little embarrassed to beg, but he will if he needs it bad enough. he almost always cries a little, now matter how nice or mean you’re being. definitely louder as a sub, more whiny.
- it doesn’t matter if he’s the dom or sub, he will hold your hand. never fucks without your fingers laced with his. when he’s on top, he’ll have both hands on the sides of your head, holding yours gingerly. it works vice-versa.
- going back to the hurt thing, he’ll never hurt you. BUT. he does like biting. him biting you, you biting him, doesn’t matter. he does it pretty soft, though, but just hard enough to leave marks (very territorial tbh).
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xxtheophilusxx · 1 month
Sparks and Laughter: A Bakugo-Todoroki Tale
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Summary: A playful interaction between Todoroki and Bakugo leads to an unexpected and amusing turn of events, revealing a new side to their rivalry and strengthening their bond. Warnings: Tickling Word count: 1.3k
The morning sun filtered through the dorm room blinds, casting warm, golden rays across the common area floor. It was a rare, peaceful moment at U.A. High School, with classes behind them and the students relishing their downtime. Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki found themselves sharing the space, each absorbed in their own world. Bakugo lounged on the couch, his intense red eyes fixed on his phone, scowling at whatever caught his attention. Todoroki, a few feet away, was seated in an armchair, his book resting lightly in his hands, his expression calm as ever.
Despite the quiet, there was an undercurrent of tension in the air. It was almost a given with Bakugo around; his presence had a way of charging any room with a certain energy. Yet Todoroki, with his cool composure, never seemed fazed by Bakugo’s fiery personality.
But today, something different stirred in the air. Todoroki’s eyes lifted from his book, glancing over at Bakugo, who was completely engrossed in his phone. A mischievous thought flitted through Todoroki’s mind, one that was as unexpected as it was intriguing. The idea of seeing Bakugo—explosive, always-on-edge Bakugo—react to something as lighthearted as a tickle sparked a rare curiosity in him.
Setting his book aside, Todoroki shifted in his seat, moving quietly closer to Bakugo. The explosive hero-in-training remained oblivious, too focused on his phone to notice Todoroki’s approach. With a hint of a smile tugging at his lips, Todoroki reached out, his fingers lightly brushing Bakugo’s side in a quick, playful motion.
Bakugo’s reaction was immediate. His body went rigid, and he whipped his head around to glare at Todoroki. “The hell do you think you’re doing, Icy Hot?” he growled, his voice low with suspicion.
Todoroki met Bakugo’s glare with an innocent expression, though the amusement in his eyes gave him away. “Just curious,” he said, and before Bakugo could snap back, Todoroki’s fingers darted out again, this time with more intent.
The contact was fleeting, just a light tap on Bakugo’s ribs, but it was enough. Bakugo jerked back, a startled laugh bursting from him before he could catch it. “Hah! What—” His eyes widened in surprise, a mix of shock and irritation flashing across his face.
Todoroki’s smile grew a little wider. “So, you’re ticklish?”
Bakugo’s eyes narrowed, but before he could unleash the retort brewing on his tongue, Todoroki struck again. This time, his fingers found Bakugo’s ribs with more accuracy, drawing a louder, more genuine laugh from him. “Hah—haha! Stop it!” Bakugo barked, twisting away as if the tickles were as deadly as a villain’s attack.
“Cut it out, damn it!” Bakugo demanded, though his voice wavered with the laughter he was desperately trying to contain. Todoroki, however, wasn’t in the mood to listen. He kept at it, his fingers dancing along Bakugo’s sides, delighting in the rare sight of Bakugo squirming and laughing.
It was surreal—Katsuki Bakugo, the volatile, no-nonsense hero-in-training, reduced to a writhing, giggling mess. “Hahaha—hah! Get off—hahaha!” His attempts to swat Todoroki’s hands away were half-hearted, his strength sapped by the unexpected tickles that kept pushing him to the edge of laughter. Todoroki, usually so stoic, found a certain joy in watching Bakugo’s tough exterior crumble under something as simple as a tickle attack.
Bakugo’s laughter was raw and unfiltered, completely at odds with the tough image he usually projected. “Hahaha! I swear—hahaha—Todoroki—” His cheeks flushed red, both from the exertion and the embarrassment of being caught off guard like this. His breath came in short, uneven gasps as he struggled to regain his composure, but Todoroki wasn’t ready to let up just yet. He continued his playful assault, his fingers skimming over every ticklish spot he could find with a surprising amount of enthusiasm.
Finally, when it seemed like Bakugo was on the verge of either collapsing from laughter or exploding in a fit of rage—maybe both—Todoroki relented. He pulled back, his hands retreating as he leaned casually against the couch, his expression as serene as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
Bakugo, panting heavily, shot Todoroki a glare that could have melted ice. His hair was even more disheveled than usual, and his pride was clearly bruised. “You’re dead, Icy Hot,” he spat, though the threat was dampened by the breathlessness in his voice.
Todoroki simply shrugged, unfazed. “You needed to loosen up,” he said, as if that explained everything.
Bakugo opened his mouth to retort, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he let out a frustrated huff, turning away with a scowl, his fingers still twitching as if the sensation of Todoroki’s tickling lingered. Todoroki, satisfied that his little experiment had been a success, picked up his book and resumed reading, his demeanor calm and collected once more.
But Bakugo wasn’t about to let this slide. As Todoroki’s focus shifted back to his book, Bakugo’s scowl morphed into a devious smirk. If Todoroki thought he was going to get away with that, he had another thing coming.
Silently, Bakugo leaned forward, eyes narrowing as he sized up his opponent. Todoroki was still engrossed in his book, unaware of the impending payback. With a sudden, swift movement, Bakugo lunged forward, his hands shooting out to grab Todoroki’s sides.
Todoroki’s reaction was priceless. His book tumbled to the floor as he jerked in surprise, a sharp intake of breath escaping him. But Bakugo wasn’t going to give him a chance to recover. His fingers dug into Todoroki’s sides, moving with the same ruthless precision he used in battle.
“Gotcha now, Icy Hot!” Bakugo growled triumphantly, his voice dripping with satisfaction.
Todoroki’s usually composed face twisted in shock as he tried to wriggle free. “Bakugo—wait—hah!” A laugh, uncharacteristic and almost boyish, slipped out before he could contain it. Bakugo’s grin widened at the sound.
“Oh, you’re ticklish too, huh? Let’s see how you like it!” Bakugo’s hands moved faster, finding every sensitive spot he could reach. Todoroki squirmed, his breath catching between laughs as he tried, and failed, to fend off Bakugo’s relentless assault.
“Hah—stop—haha!” Todoroki’s laughter bubbled up, his usually calm demeanor completely shattered. He twisted in Bakugo’s grip, but the explosive blonde held firm, clearly enjoying the turn of events far too much.
“Not so cool now, are ya?” Bakugo teased, his tone playful but with a hint of vengeance. He continued tickling Todoroki without mercy, relishing the rare opportunity to see the normally stoic hero so undone.
Finally, when Todoroki’s laughs had turned into breathless gasps and his attempts to escape had grown weaker, Bakugo relented. He pulled back, letting Todoroki slump back into the couch, breathless and flushed.
Bakugo crossed his arms, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. “That’s what you get for messing with me.”
Todoroki, still catching his breath, managed a faint smile. “Fair enough,” he admitted, his voice slightly hoarse from laughter. “I guess I deserved that.”
Bakugo huffed, clearly pleased with himself. “Damn right you did.” But despite the tough words, there was a lightness in his tone, a rare sense of camaraderie that hadn’t been there before.
As they both settled back into their seats, the tension that had once filled the room was gone, replaced by a newfound ease between them. Bakugo, still wearing a smirk, glanced over at Todoroki, who was now eyeing him with a mixture of wariness and amusement.
“You better watch your back, Icy Hot,” Bakugo said with a grin. “Next time, I won’t be so nice.”
Todoroki chuckled softly, shaking his head. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
With the playful banter still lingering in the air, they returned to their own activities, but the atmosphere between them had undeniably shifted. What started as a lighthearted moment had turned into an unexpected bonding experience, leaving both of them with a deeper, albeit unspoken, respect for each other. And though neither of them would ever say it out loud, they both knew this wouldn’t be the last time they’d test each other’s limits—in more ways than one.
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yelenasdiary · 5 months
Drabble for braiding yelenas hair?
Drabble || The Little Things
Pairing: Yelena Belova x GN! Reader
Summary: Yelena gets a call and has to go on a mission, but not before you've helped her get ready.
Warnings: None. This is not proof-read or corrected! | 0.4K
Translations: detka (baby)
AC: Oh to be able to run my fingers through my little spicy Russian's hair 😍, thank you for sending this! I hope you enjoy! x
Yelena walked into the living room to see you already set up and ready for her. She had just gotten off the phone and was coming to tell you that she would be away for a few days. You always knew that if Yelena ever had to take a call out of the room it was most likely a job for her to do.
"Come sit" you smiled, "I've got everything ready" you added as Yelena walked towards you and sat on the floor with her back resting against the sofa. You grabbed the hair brush and began to softly brush through her short blonde locks.
"I'll only be gone a week" Yelena said, closing her eyes to relax as you ran the brush through her hair. This is one of her favourite things, having you braid her hair. She loved how soft and gentle you were, it gave her a peace of mind before we would have to go off and do what she'd been trained to do.
"It'll go by quickly" you assured her, "before you know it, you'll be back here just in time for our weekly face masks" you added with a chuckle.
"If anybody knew that you pampered me up like that, I'd be the core of every joke" Yelena replied, shaking her head.
"Keep your head still or you'll become the laughing stock of a different joke" you said, laughing. You grabbed the spray bottle and began to part the Russian's hair, "now, do you want it up or down?" you asked.
"Up please detka" Yelena replied, allowing herself to relax even more, throwing her head back a little more for you. You couldn't help but smile to yourself when you saw that her eyes were closed and she was at peace for the time being.
You began to part her hair and do sections at a time, twirling and twisting bit by bit, pining here and there all while Yelena enjoyed the little downtime she had left. She would chuckle every time you would apologise for 'hurting' her, you never hurt her but she thought it was adorable that you thought you did.
"Almost done my love" you said, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"Already?" Yelena asked, a little disappointed that she would soon have to gather her other things.
"Oh crap!" you rolled your eyes, "I stuff up a little, looks like you'll have to sit still for a little longer baby, sorry!" you added with a playful wink when Yelena opened her eyes.
"That's a shame, I thought you were the perfectionist at this" Yelena chuckled.
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thronesoldaccido · 19 days
Love From Afar
Pairing: Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x Fem!Reader x Simon “Ghost” Riley TW: Angst, Romance, Love Triangle, reader injured, hurt/no comfort, “stalking?” WC: 2.6K a/n: didn't really know how to end this one icl i hope you enjoy it not proofread
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The base was always quieter at night, a stillness settling over the barracks that felt both peaceful and suffocating. Simon often found himself alone during these hours, taking solace in the shadows where he felt the most at home. The darkness was a refuge for him, a place where he could exist without the weight of his past or the expectations of those around him. But lately, that solace had been slipping away eroded by the presence of someone who had managed to slip past his carefully constructed defences, you.
You had been with the team for over a year now, and in that time, you had become indispensable. Not just because of your skills in the field, they were formidable, but because of your spirit. You were strong but also kind, a combination that was rare in their line of work. You had a way of making everyone around you feel seen, feel valued. Even Simon, who had spent years perfecting the art of emotional detachment, couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
At first, he had dismissed his feelings as a passing infatuation, something he could easily ignore. But as time went on, those feelings only grew stronger, more insistent. He found himself gravitating toward you, seeking her out in the rare moments of downtime they had. It wasn’t just your beauty that captivated him, though you were undeniably beautiful, it was the way you treated him, like he was more than just the mask he wore.
But there was a problem, a problem with a name…. Kyle
Kyle and you had a connection that ghost couldn’t ignore. You were close in a way that Simon had never been with anyone. You shared jokes, whispered conversations and a bond that was palpable even in a room full of people. Simon could see it in the way Kyle looked at you, the way you smiled back at him. It was clear that you cared deeply for Seach other and as much as Simon hated to admit it. You fit together perfectly.
Simon was always on the outside, looking in. he was the one in the shadows, watching as Kyle made you laugh, as you leaned into him for comfort after a tough mission. And it hurt. But he kept his distance, telling himself it was for the best. You deserved someone who could offer stability and warmth, a future and that wasn’t him. He was a soldier, a “Ghost” and he didn’t belong in the light where you shone. You picked Kyle Afterall.
But no matter how hard he tried to distance himself, he couldn’t escape you. You seemed to have a way of finding him, even in the darkest corners of the base. You would sit with him in silence, sometimes talking about nothing in particular, other times just being there. It was in those moments that Simon allowed himself to hope, just for a second, that maybe there was something between them.
That hope was dangerous. It gnawed at him, growing stronger with each passing day until it became almost unbearable. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like if things were different, if he was the one making you laugh, the one you turned to for comfort.
That day, the mission had started like any other, but something in the air felt different that day. The team moved through enemy territory with their usual precision, but the tension was palpable, an undercurrent of unease that none of them could shake. Simon led the way, as he often did, his senses honed to a razors edge. Beside him was you, always steady, always focused. Behind them, Kyle, his gaze ever watchful, not just the surroundings but of you.
Kyle had fallen for you a few weeks after you joined the team. He simply fell in love with you. He admired your skill he admired your intelligence. You would laugh at his jokes even the horrible ones. You were everything that he hadn’t known he was looking for. Kyle loved you with sincerity. But with that love came fear. fear that he couldn’t protect you that the dangerous life they led would take you from him. He kept it buried, knowing that you were more capable of taking care of yourself. Still the thought of losing you was something he couldn’t bear.
And then, the ambush happened
They were close to the extraction point when the first shots rang out, the sharp cracks of gunfire shattering the quiet. The enemy had been waiting for them, and within seconds, the team was pinned down, bullets ripping through the air. Simon’s instincts kicked in immediately. He moved with deadly precision, returning fire as he called out orders to the rest of the team. You were beside Kyle, paranoid, eyes darting, moving as swifty as you could. But before you could even raise your firearm to save yourself. You were hit.
Simon turned seeing you fall before his eyes. Your body crumpling to the ground as blood blossomed across her side.
“NO!” Kyles voice was a broken cry as he rushed to your side. His heart racing with a fear unlike anything he’d ever known. He dropped to his knees beside you, his hands trembling as he tried to stop the bleeding, panic gripped him. His thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of disbelief and terror. “Stay with me, love” Kyle begged, pressing down on the wound. “Please, stay with me. You’re going to be okay. You have to be okay.”
Your eyes fluttered open, pain etched across your features, but you managed a weak smile. “I’m fine, Kyle… don’t worry.”
But you weren’t  fine. The wound was serious, the blood loss too great. Kyle could see the colour draining from your face, could feel you slipping away, and it terrified him. All he could think about was how he had failed to protect you, how he might lose the woman he loved more than anything.
Simon saw the whole thing, his heart freezing as he watched you fall. Rage and fear surged through him as he fought to clear a path to the extraction point, his focus split between the battle and the sight of Kyle, desperately trying to keep you alive. A part of him was consumed with guilt, but another part—darker, more dangerous—began to resent Kyle for not protecting you.
“Get her to the extraction point!” Simon ordered, his voice a harsh bark as he cut down the last of the enemy fighters. “Now!”
The team rallied around them, forming a protective barrier as they moved toward the extraction point. Simon took point, his movements mechanical, driven by a cold fury that made him even more lethal. Every second felt like a lifetime, every breath a reminder of how close you were to death. And all he could think about was how Kyle had let this happen.
The chopper ride back to base was filled with a heavy, suffocating silence. The medics worked frantically to stabilize you, shouting orders to the pilot to get them back as fast as possible. Kyle sat beside you, his hands gripping yours tightly, his face a mask of anguish and desperation. Simon sat across from them, his eyes locked on your pale face, his heart a storm of conflicting emotions. When they finally landed, you were rushed into the med bay, leaving Simon and Kyle standing on the tarmac. The weight of everything that had happened crashed down on Simon, and he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He turned on Kyle, his voice low and seething with resentment.
“You were supposed to protect her,” Simon growled, stepping closer to Kyle, his eyes burning with anger.
Kyle looked up, his face pale and drawn, still reeling from the fear of losing you “What are you talking about, Simon?”
Simon’s hands clenched into fists, the rage that had been building inside him for hours finally breaking free. “You were right there, Kyle. You were supposed to have her back. And now she’s in there fighting for her life because you couldn’t do your damn job!”
Kyle blinked, the shock of Simon’s accusation momentarily stunning him. “I did everything I could! We were under fire, Simon! There was nothing I could do to stop that bullet!”
“Bullshit!” Simon snapped, his voice rising with each word. “You let her get hurt! You were too busy being her damn boyfriend to do what needed to be done!”
Kyle’s face twisted with anger, his own emotions finally boiling over. “How dare you say that? You think I don’t care? You think I’m not tearing myself apart over this? I love her, Simon! I’d die for her!”
“You didn’t do enough,” Simon spat, his voice filled with venom. “You say you love her, but you couldn’t even keep her safe. And now she’s lying in there because you failed.”
Kyle’s hands balled into fists. He took a step toward Simon, his voice trembling with fury. “You don’t get to judge me, Simon. You think you know what love is? You think you understand what it’s like to care about someone so much it tears you apart?”
“I care about her more than you could ever know,” Simon snarled, his eyes dark with emotion. “I’ve cared about her since the day she joined this team. But unlike you, I’ve kept it in check because I know what’s at stake. And now look where your so-called love has gotten her.”
Kyle’s eyes widened, the realization of Simon’s words hitting him like a physical blow. “You… you have feelings for her?”
Simon’s jaw tightened, the truth hanging in the air between them like a blade. “Yes, Kyle. I do. But I’ve respected her, respected you, because I knew she was yours. But now, because of you, she’s lying on a table, bleeding out.”
Kyle’s face twisted in a mix of shock and anger. “You think this is my fault? You think she’d ever choose you over me? You’re just a coward, Simon—a coward who hides behind a mask and a rifle because you’re too afraid to let anyone in!”
Simon’s patience snapped. Without thinking, he swung, his fist connecting with Kyle’s jaw with a sickening thud. The force of the blow sent Kyle staggering back, but he quickly regained his footing, his own anger flaring as he launched himself at Ghost.
They collided with a fury that had been building for months, fists flying as they grappled with each other. Kyle landed a solid punch to Ghost’s ribs, but Ghost retaliated, slamming his fist into Kyle’s stomach with enough force to knock the wind out of him.
“You’re not good enough for her,” Simon growled, his voice filled with years of repressed anger and pain. “You let her get hurt. You let her bleed.”
Before Kyle could respond, strong hands grabbed both men, yanking them apart with a force that broke their grip on each other.
“What the hell are you two doing?” Captain Price’s voice was like a gunshot, sharp and filled with authority. He shoved Simon back, his gaze hard and unforgiving as he looked between the two men. “This is how you handle things? Brawling like a couple of schoolboys while She’s in there fighting for her life?”
“You’re both out of line,” Price continued, his voice tight with barely controlled anger. “I don’t care what’s going on between you two, but this? This isn’t how you solve it. You think this is what she needs right now? You think this is going to help her?”
Kyle’s eyes dropped to the floor, the shame and guilt weighing heavily on him. Simon stood rigid, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to control the storm of emotions raging inside him.
Price looked between them, his voice softening just a fraction. “You both care about her. I get that. But right now, what she needs is to know that her team is behind her. That means all of us. You two need to get your heads on straight, because she’s the one that matters right now. Not this bullshit between you.”
Kyle nodded; Simon already walked away.
The days following the mission were heavy with tension, the kind that everyone felt but no one dared to address. Your condition was stable, but you remained in the med bay, recovering from your injuries. The team was grateful that you had survived, but the incident had left scars on more than just her body. Simon couldn’t shake the anger that had consumed him during the mission. The fight with Kyle had been inevitable, a culmination of months of pent-up emotions and unspoken feelings. But even after Captain Price had forced them to back down, the rage and guilt still simmered beneath the surface. Ghost couldn’t forgive Kyle for what had happened to you, but more than that, he couldn’t forgive himself.
It was late one night, long after most of the base had gone to sleep, when Simon found himself standing outside the med bay. He hadn’t been able to sleep since the mission, his thoughts plagued by images of you lying on that stretcher, pale and bleeding. The guilt was a constant, gnawing presence, but it was the fear that truly terrified him—the fear of losing you, the realization that he might never have the chance to tell you how he really felt.
He hadn’t seen you since that day, choosing to stay away out of respect for Kyle, and because he couldn’t bear to face you after everything that had happened. But now, something pulled him toward the med bay, a need to see you, to make sure you were okay. He told himself it was just to check on you, just to see with his own eyes that you were healing, but deep down, he knew it was more than that.
The med bay was dimly lit, the quiet hum of machines the only sound as Simon stepped inside. you were there, lying on the narrow bed, your eyes closed in sleep. Even in the Bright light, you looked so fragile, so different from the strong, confident woman he had come to admire. The sight of you like this, vulnerable and wounded, twisted something inside him.
Simon stood at the edge of the bed, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked down at you. you were safe. you were alive. But all he could think about was how close he had come to losing you, how close he had come to losing the one person who had ever made him feel like more than just a soldier, more than just a ghost.
He didn’t know how long he stood there, just watching you breathe, the rise and fall of your chest the only thing grounding him. But then, as if sensing his presence, you stirred, your eyes slowly fluttering open.
“Simon?” your voice was soft, still heavy with sleep, but there was a warmth in it that sent a jolt through him.
Simon froze, his heart in his throat. He hadn’t expected you to wake up, hadn’t prepared himself for the possibility of having to speak to you, to explain why he was there. But now that  you were looking at him, those familiar brown eyes filled with a softness that made his heart ache, he couldn’t bring himself to leave.
“Hey,” he said quietly, his voice rough with emotion. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
You offered him a small, tired smile. “It’s okay. I’m glad you’re here.”
Your words hit him harder than they should have, a mixture of relief and something deeper that he didn’t want to acknowledge. He swallowed hard, trying to push down the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” you admitted, your hand moving to rest gently over the bandage on your side. “But better. The doctors said I should be back on my feet in no time.”
“That’s good,” Ghost said, but his voice was distant, his mind racing with thoughts he couldn’t control.
They fell into a silence, the weight of everything unsaid hanging between them. Ghost’s eyes traced the contours of your face. the way your lips curved into that soft, familiar smile. He knew he shouldn’t be there, that he should leave before he did something he would regret, but he couldn’t make himself move.
“Simon, what’s wrong?” Lolade’s voice was gentle, filled with concern.
Simon looked away, trying to gather his thoughts, but it was no use. The emotions he had been fighting for so long came rushing to the surface, and before he could stop himself, he spoke. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
Your expression softened, your eyes searching his. “I’m still here.”
“I know,” Simon said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But when I saw you get hit… I’ve never been so scared in my life.”
The words came out unbidden, a raw confession of the fear and guilt that had been tearing at him since the mission. He hadn’t meant to say them, hadn’t meant to open himself up like this, but now that the words were out, he couldn’t take them back.
You reached out, your hand finding his. The touch was warm, comforting, and it sent a shiver through him. “Simon, you don’t have to carry this alone. You’ve always been there for me, for all of us. But you don’t have to be the strong one all the time.”
Simon looked down at your hand in his, the softness of your skin against his calloused fingers. It was too much—your kindness, your understanding, the way you always seemed to see right through him. And before he knew what he was doing, before he could think about the consequences, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft, tentative, filled with all the emotions he had kept buried for so long. For a brief, fleeting moment, the world faded away, and there was only Lolade, her warmth, her softness, everything he had ever wanted but knew he could never have.
But then, reality came crashing down.
You stiffened under his touch; your eyes wide with shock as you pulled back.
“Simon…” you whispered, your voice trembling. “What are you doing?”
Simon recoiled, the weight of his mistake hitting him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“No, Simon,” you interrupted, your voice stronger now, though still tinged with shock and disbelief. “You shouldn’t have.” you pulled your hand away from his, your expression a mix of confusion and hurt. “You need to leave. Now.”
Ghost felt his heart sink, the rejection cutting deeper than he had imagined. “I, please, I—”
“Go,” you repeated, your voice firm, even as your eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “Kyle will be here any minute. You need to leave.”
The mention of Kyle’s name was like a punch to the gut. Simo knew you were right, knew that staying would only make things worse, but it didn’t make it any easier. He had crossed a line, a line that could never be uncrossed, and now everything was ruined. He took a step back, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he forced himself to turn away. The silence in the room was deafening as he walked to the door, his heart pounding with a mixture of guilt, shame, and a deep, aching sadness.
Simon knew he could only love you from afar.
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shitsndgiggs · 11 days
I loved the Jobe fic, I'll probably request something with him later on, but now, I have a request with Arda similar to that fic
Arda and the reader have been friends for long and the team knows who the reader is. But Arda and reader are secretly dating. One day, the team finds them fallen asleep on the couch, cuddled closely.
Thank you very much! I hope you'll feel better soon <3
Your relationship with Arda gets revealed in a unusual way
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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The day had been long, filled with training sessions, meetings, and endless drills. I had come to see Arda at the training facility like I always did, slipping in between practices to catch up or just hang out.
The team had gotten used to seeing me around; they all thought we were just close friends.
Little did they know that behind all the friendly smiles and casual conversations, there was something more—a secret that Arda and I had managed to keep under wraps for months.
Today, however, had been exhausting for both of us. Arda had looked drained, his usual spark a little dimmer after a tough match the day before.
I could tell he needed some downtime, a chance to recharge, and I had been feeling the same way.
So, after everyone had finished up, we snuck away to the lounge area—a small, cozy room with a big, comfortable couch that had become our secret spot.
We’d just planned to rest for a bit, maybe watch some TV or talk quietly until he felt more like himself.
But it wasn’t long before the soft hum of the TV, the warmth of his body next to mine, and the weight of exhaustion pulled me into a deep, peaceful sleep.
I didn’t realize just how tired I was until my eyes began to droop, and I felt Arda’s arm wrap around me, pulling me close against his chest.
I woke slowly to the sound of hushed voices and soft chuckles. Blinking my eyes open, I realized I was still on the couch, my head resting on Arda’s shoulder.
His arm was draped protectively over me, his face relaxed and peaceful in his sleep. I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him, so calm and serene.
But then I heard it again—the whispering. I turned my head slightly and noticed that we weren’t alone anymore.
The entire team was there, gathered around the couch, their phones out, taking pictures and laughing softly. Panic surged through me as I realized what this looked like—what they were seeing.
“Guys, shhh… they’re gonna wake up!” I heard one of them whisper, stifling a laugh.
“Too late,” another replied with a grin, nodding in my direction. “She’s already awake.”
Arda stirred beside me, blinking his eyes open as he came to. It took him a second to realize what was happening, but when he did, his eyes widened, and his arm tightened around me instinctively.
“What…?” He muttered sleepily, still half-asleep, but then he saw the team standing there, and his face turned from confusion to realization in an instant. “Oh… crap.”
I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me at his reaction, even though I was feeling just as caught off guard.
The team’s expressions ranged from amused to downright gleeful, clearly enjoying the spectacle of their two teammates being discovered in such a compromising position.
“Uh, hey guys…” I said awkwardly, trying to untangle myself from Arda, but he held me tighter, almost as if he didn’t care that we’d been caught.
“Oh, don’t mind us,” teased Viní, holding up his phone with a grin. “Just getting some evidence for the group chat.”
Eduardo chimed in, “You two look so cozy! Who knew you were this close, huh?”
Arda sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, but I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Alright, alright, you’ve had your fun,” he said, his voice still a little rough with sleep. “How about you all give us a little space?”
But the teasing didn’t stop. “So, how long has this been going on?” asked Aurélien, waggling his eyebrows. “And how come none of us knew?”
I glanced at Arda, wondering how he’d handle this. He glanced back at me, and I could see the hint of amusement in his eyes despite the situation. “A few months,” he finally admitted with a shrug. “We didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
The room erupted in playful jeers and cheers. “A few months?! And you didn’t tell us?
Come on, man, we could’ve thrown you a party or something!” Jude joked.
Arda chuckled, still keeping me close. “Yeah, well, we wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while. Didn’t think we’d get busted like this.”
I blushed, hiding my face against his shoulder for a moment before looking up at the team. “Can you guys just… delete those pictures, please?” I asked, trying to sound stern but unable to keep the smile off my face.
There were a few grumbles and reluctant nods, but eventually, they all started putting their phones away, the teasing still going on but now a bit more good-natured.
One of the senior players, Luka, grinned at us. “Hey, don’t worry, your secret’s safe with us,” he said, winking. “But you owe us a story or two.”
Arda laughed, finally sitting up fully and helping me to do the same. “Deal,” he said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.
As the team slowly started to disperse, still chuckling and shaking their heads, I turned to Arda, unable to keep the grin off my face. “Well… I guess the secret’s out.”
He smiled back at me, his expression warm and tender. “Yeah,” he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead softly. “But you know what? I’m kind of okay with that.”
I nodded, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over me. “Me too,” I whispered, leaning into him, feeling his arms wrap around me once more.
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panda-writes-kpop · 9 months
international love ~ huh yunjin (requested!)
a/n: Merry Christmas, everyone!! my Christmas present to y'all is the promise that I'm working on request, albeit slowly, but I'm getting there. loved writing this fic (yunjin my beloved), and I hope everyone else enjoys it just as much. And to the person that requested this, I hope this is what you were looking for. 🫶
tw: a bit of angst at the beginning that turns into fluff, long distance relationship, a bit suggestive at the end
word count ~ 1.7k
summary: you've been missing your girlfriend, huh yunjin, since she went to Korea to chase her dreams of becoming an idol. now that your career as an actor has taken off, the two of you have a chance to reunite in the city of dreams: NYC.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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You snap out of your thoughts at the sound of Yunjin's voice coming from your phone speaker.
"I'm listening, Yunjin, there's just some loud noises going on outside of my apartment." You bluff, hoping she'll buy it.
In truth, you hadn't been listening to her, but you had been thinking about her. She's been away in Korea for a year and a half, and you've been missing her presence as of late. Long distance worked for the two of you, when she wasn't busy with schedules and you weren't busy with your work.
As a rising American star, you had your own filming schedule to deal with. Movie production had just wrapped up for the night, and you know that Yunjin would be starting her day with interviews, dance practice, or whatever else kept her busy throughout the morning.
Whatever it was, she would often have a bit of downtime when the cameras turned off, and she'd pull out her phone and start messaging you. Messages turned into phone calls, and soon you'd find yourself talking to her face-to-face until she was interrupted by her manager, or your agent was calling you to confirm a booking of sorts.
The distance had been rough on you two, at first, but you looked forward to your nightly - and her daily - calls. Still, you couldn't help but miss hearing her laugh in person, the way her lips met your cheek every time you woke up together, or the feeling of her resting in your arms after a long day.
"Are your neighbors still practicing their drums at this hour?" Yunjin throws her head back and laughs, and every bit of you wishes that you could reach through the phone and kiss her at this moment.
There was no drumming to be heard but the beat of your heart in your eardrums, but you played along with her idea - it's better than any lie you could've come up with.
"Yeah, they're still at it. I wish they'd get picked up by a touring 80s band so I can have a night of peace." You draw out your sigh, which gets a stifled giggle from Yunjin.
"I wish I was there with you. I bet you'd forget about all that noise if you were with me." She teases as you widely smile.
"Me too, Yunjin, me too."
An all-consuming silence washes all over the both of you as thousands of words threaten to roll off your tongue.
I wish you'd come back to America. I wish I could come and visit you. I adore everything about you.
I miss you.
"Yunjin-ah, stop talking with them before the manager scolds you again!" 
You hear Eunchae softly scold her older member as Yunjin shouts a reply that the microphone doesn't pick up. 
"Sorry, babe, I've got to go. Same time tomorrow?" She tilts her head, and you nearly lose all composure at the gesture.
"Sounds good, darling. I love you, and I'm so proud of you." You softly say as Yunjin waves goodbye.
"I love you too-"
The call cuts off before you hear Eunchae lay into Yunjin, and you let yourself smile for a moment before laying your phone on the nightstand. 
Your head hits the pillow as you close your eyes and imagine a world where there isn't thousands of miles between you and your lover.
"I have good news." Your lips almost betray you as Yunjin leans in towards you. "I'm headed to New York to do some promotion for the movie!"
Yunjin lets out a scream that would've been ear-shattering if you had been in the same room as her. She happily claps for you as you take a pretend bow.
"That's great! When are you going to New York?"
"Sometime in late October. My agent is working out the details now." You think back to your last conversation with your agent, where they happily told you that you will only have a couple of scheduled events over those two weeks. That means that you'd finally have a break, which was exactly what you needed at this moment.
You just found yourself wishing that Yunjin could be by your side for those two weeks.
Yunjin scrunches her eyebrows for a moment, deep in thought, before responding.
"Can't wait to hear about all of your amazing adventures. You'll take pictures, won't you?" 
"Honey, you know that you're much better at photography than I will ever be," You hold back a laugh as Yunjin attempts to sway you by slightly pouting, "but I'll do my best for you."
The smile on her face reappears as she happily tells you all about her day, and the misadventures of her and the other members over the week.
"You girls sound like you have so much fun together." You comment after her last story, but she notices the way your lips turn downwards before recovering into a soft smile. 
"Is everything alright?"
"I mean, I'm good, but I've been really missing you as of late."
"Aww, I've missed you too." Yunjin glances away from her phone for a moment before looking back at you. "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course." You nod as Yunjin sticks her pinky up towards her phone. "What are you doing?"
"You have to promise not to tell anyone."
"Yunjin, this is ridiculous-"
"Promise me." Her voice switches to a serious tone, which sends you backpedaling immediately.
"I promise." You stick up your pinky, and it takes everything in you not to laugh as you both shake your phones in agreement.
"Now that that's settled, I can tell you the good news: we're headed to America for some of our promotions."
"Yunjin, that's so exciting for you and the girls!" You proudly say. "You all deserve it, you've been busting your asses for a long time."
"I also may or may not have heard that we have a scheduled performance in New York..."
Your eyes light up the moment she mentions New York.
"Tell me when and where, as soon as you know. I'll be there, I promise you." Your heart quickens at the thought of Yunjin being near you again, but you know she probably wouldn't have time with all of her schedules.
You gently let yourself down as Yunjin glances away again.
"Oh shit, I'm gonna be late for dance practice. See you tomorrow!" She blows you a kiss before ending the call.
Tonight, you fall asleep with thoughts of Yunjin by your side.
New York, here I come.
NYC was the city of dreams. It was the place where you were first scouted, the first set for your first movie, and the first late night show that you were ever featured on was in NYC. You had a love for the bustling city and its endless streams of people, even as some of them pushed you to the side as you walked down the street.
After finishing your first interview with another cast member earlier in the week, you were done with promotions until the weekend. That left you with enough time to see LE SSERAFIM perform a few songs and do a close-up interview with fans. You didn't want to draw any attention to yourself, so you donned a face mask with a pair of sunglasses in order to draw attention away from yourself. Besides a few odd glances here and there, it tended to do the job.
You slipped into the back of the venue, with your agent by your side. They wanted to see the girl they'd been hearing about for months, and you wanted to get the girls a new fan. It was a win-win scenario for all.
The girls came out to loud screams from the crowd, and you absorbed yourself in their energy as you cheered along with them. You spot Yunjin from a mile away, but she won't recognize you. 
You told her you'd be there, but you'd keep yourself hidden. You didn't want to start any rumors between yourself and the girls, considering how badly that could go for either of you. 
Besides, with the help of a begrudging manager, you had something special planned for later in the night.
You anxiously await Yunjin in the hotel room while you're dressed in your finest clothes. She was supposed to be back a few minutes ago, the manager assured you, so everything was ready in time. 
You had a spread of her favorite foods prepared by one of your favorite chefs in NYC. You'd also taken the luxury of getting a window-side room that opened up to the busy streets of NYC. The view was breathtaking, but you couldn't imagine anything looking better than Huh Yunjin walking through that door.
You immediately jump to attention when you hear someone fiddling with the doorknob. A few voices come from the outside, and you realize it's her members. They wish her a lovely evening, and you hear the confusion in Yunjin's voice until she opens the door and sees you.
Her eyes widen as she sets aside her luggage in time to receive your hug. She squeezes tighter than you do, and once you're both satisfied, you pull away enough to give her the kiss you've been waiting for.
Yunjin is sweet like cherries and refreshing like the ocean, so you're nearly knocked to the ground when her lips leave yours.
"I missed that," She breathlessly says before letting out a small laugh, "but I missed you more."
She pulls you in to kiss your cheek before grabbing her luggage and heading inside. You quickly close the door behind her before taking her hand and leading her around the room.
"You did all of this... for me?" The surprise in her voice is evident, as is the genuineness in yours. 
"I knew that this might be the last time we see each other for a while, so I wanted to make it special, just for you."
"Just for me?" She's astounded, as if you wouldn't climb a thousand mountains to please her every whim.
"Love, I'd do anything to keep that smile on your face."
Her smile reappears as she drops her luggage off at the bedroom door. Yunjin turns back to you with a mischievous look on her face.
"Since we've got the place to ourselves, why not make up for lost time?"
You don't have to state your agreement before she pulls you in for another kiss. Thousands of kisses are shared that night, the night you won't forget until you and Yunjin are reunited once more.
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n3ptoonz · 10 months
How’d u think earth realm boys would react to their wife telling me there ready for kids 🎤
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mk1 hcs: how the earthrealm guys react to their wife being ready for kids
warnings/tags: suggestive, fluff, female reader obv
Liu Kang
The way you brought it up was so subtle and casual. It was during his downtime, which was kinda rare. A simple "Hey...I think I'm ready to have children." and Liu is looking at you with surprised eyes and a full heart.
Being the kind of man Liu is, and how busy his life has become since being appointed as a god, this man set an exact date and time where there would be zero distractions. All his focus and effort was on you. And in you (ba dum tss)
So be prepared for a long night of passion, love, lust, and care. Cause you're not leaving that bed until you've gotten every last drop
Doesn't mind the gender. Boy, girl, he would love them just the same. Hell, even if it was more than one child at once, he wouldn't hesitate to give them the world.
You mentioned it while you two were cuddled up on the couch. Little did you know how red his face turned until you felt his heart beat increase in real time, looking up at him with his genuine concern.
At first you thought he was nervous or probably didn't want to, and once he saw your slight frown he immediately countered that thought. He was so excited he froze. Endless reassurance from him until you verbally say you got it.
Did you think he wouldn't nervously suggest you start as soon as possible?? Pish posh, you are sad- happily mistaken. "Why not try right now?" he said, except he's stuttering over his own words and sweating profusely. No matter how many times you've been intimate with one another, he's always nervous around you <3
Gender doesn't matter to him either, however he does lean more on the side of a daughter. Simply because he'd die at the sight of a little girl running around the house that looked like you. If you had a son though, he'd be sure he doesn't meet ol uncle Bi Han bro would prob try to recruit
Johnny Cage
What if I told you he brought the idea to you one day as a "joke" and you're immediately like "That's crazy, I was going to say the same thing!"? You both looked at each other with narrowed eyes before making a run for it to the bedroom
Less talk, more action. It's safe to say y'all were up all night, touchin', lovin', going multiple rounds to the point where you forgot the entire reason for heading straight to bed. But hey, who's complaining? Johnny promised to tap that at the earliest opportunity (yes, i went there)
He SWORE that cowgirl and mating press were the "only efficient ways" to make sure you'd definitely get pregnant. As if going raw wasn't enough already-
Daughter. He wants a daughter. Give the man a daughter. He won't shut up about being a girl dad when you aren't even a month in yet. He's practicing dad jokes. Even coming up with ones that are tailored to daughters. Has a CVS receipt list of girl names and the only one you both decided that was perfect is "Cassandra/Cassie" (wink) He CANNOT wait to have another favorite girl in his life to spoil!
It was after training. You finished first and watched him complete his, and the idea came to you while he was helping one of the younger recruits. You just laid it on him without warning: "I think we should have kids." and cue him almost spitting out his water. Was he dreaming?!
Another nervous one who blushed and stuttered a bunch upon trying to conjure up a response. The thought of having a child with you has been on his mind for some time now and it's like you read his mind, he just didn't want to overwhelm you.
Speaking of overwhelming, that was all out the window once you got home. Going from a peaceful walk to a heated make out session on a matter of seconds. Not to mention, you both had a longgg day of training and could use a shower...why not save some money on the water bill!
Raiden is too good with all types of kids to really have a preference. Growing up with his little sister AND kung lao gave him experience on both sides
Kung Lao
After your weekly sparring session, you got to thinking. You're already married, you've seen him handle kids and younger people well, and most of all he looks so damn hot when he's sweaty and out of breath. Not an unfamiliar sight to you at all!
It was when you two went to Madam Bo's for a good after-spar meal when you slyly threw it into the conversation. Mid bite, he couldn't help but back up from his food and look at you with that classic smirk he does and his dimples are fully visible (currently dying at this imagery.) And he'd end up saying something cocky but playful like "You think I'd oppose you carrying the next great Kung Lao?"
Got straight to it when you got home. Luckily you had already showered after the session, otherwise the water bill would've been looking like a traditional Chinese scroll after you were done. Prepare for his teasing, flirtatiousness, and pride to be multiplied by a thousand
I feel like he'd want a boy, and we all know why. He's not at all opposed to the idea of having a daughter. But if your first child was a daughter, you're going back to that king sized mattress once you've fully healed and trying again! (who's complaining 🤨)
Kenshi Takahashi
He had come home from a long day of a series of trips and tasks given by Liu Kang. You were in the kitchen brewing some tea late at night just because when you heard him come in. He wasn't exhausted, but you could tell he just wanted to drop everything and spend all his time with you the way he plopped down at the dining table.
When you offered food he politely declined since he had already eaten earlier. But he could sense something else was on your mind by the slight shift in your tone. Being visually impaired, his auditory has improved considerably since. "Is something on your mind?" he asked. "I think we should have kids." you responded, sitting next to him with your cup of tea.
He was at full attention now, whatever tired him from the day vanished just like that. You took his silence as uncertainty, so as you began to start listing the pros and benefits, he quickly cut you off with a "Let's do it." "Seriously?" you said, just to make sure you heard him. He stood and took your hand in his, "I'm very serious. We can start tonight, tomorrow, next week. The sooner the better." (hey, starting tonight didn't sound like a bad idea 😮‍💨)
He says he doesn't really stress the gender, but he'd like a son. Kenshi would adore your child under any circumstance, but being an only child (idk if that's canon but it's gonna be today XD) who practically raised most of his younger cousins who mostly consisted of girls, he gets a little giddy at the thought of having an older son younger daughter dynamic around the house.
Sub Zero
With how busy he is all the time and how even more tense he's become since the rift, it was a little difficult to find a way to get his undivided attention. However, the whole reason he married you is because you don't take any shit. You voiced your opinions and concerns whenever you deemed fit, and it never got in his way. So, you waltzed into his office on a mission.
It was one of the few times he wasn't running around or training his heart out. He just got done talking to Cyrax when you walked in looking as determined as the day you met. He knows you never interrupt him unless it's something terribly important. At a moment's notice, he gestured for Cyrax to leave so you could speak your peace.
"What is it?" he asked. You made sure the door was securely closed behind you before walking over to sit in his lap. He was quite surprised but also would be lying if he claimed he didn't enjoy it. "Let's have kids." you said. He always told you to be blunt with him about anything, and this was no exception. "Alright." he replied, seldom reason to say no, especially to the love of his life.
Bi Han would for sure want a son. He's set on carrying on tradition, even if he did oppose some of his late father's views. If you had a daughter as your first born, like Kung Lao y'all aren't stopping until you had a son. Though, he knows he will have to learn to raise your kids better than how he was raised. He'd rather die than ever neglect or overwork his children. Plus, you wouldn't have any of that anyway.
Despite being busy a lot as the head of his new clan, he always makes time for you. All his down time was yours unless you said otherwise. You were giving fighting advice to a recruit when Kuai approached you, a gentle warm hand on your shoulder. Earlier in the day, you said you wanted to talk in his free time
After excusing yourself and talking to him on the way to his office, you wasted no time laying it on him. "Kuai...I think we're ready for kids." He stops in his tracks and looks directly into your eyes. "...You're sure about this?" he asks softly, taking your hands in his with the most gentle gaze you've ever seen from him. He's been thinking about this for a while now, but didn't know how to bring it up. Your approving nod with a smile set his heart ablaze with happiness.
Because of his busy schedule, like some of the other kombatants with a lot on their plate, there's a set day and time. And once that time comes...it's tiimmeee (mariah carey voice) That night is gonna be filled with romance and deep love for one another.
Kuai wants a boy. He, like Kenshi, wants the older son and younger daughter dynamic, but for no particular reason. He just likes it. His feelings wouldn't change if your first kid was a girl though, the older daughter younger son dynamic would remind him of how his mother treated Tomas when they were kids before she passed.
a/n: as a mf who doesn't even want kids, this was so fun and cute to write omg😭ty anon for the idea! remember y'all my asks are open and i'd be down to do x or 11 if you want! just clarify pls <3
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her-devils-advocate · 5 months
It's all for you, everything I do
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pairings: Levi Ackerman x reader
genre: fluff
summary: Inspired by the sweetest post by @humanitys-strongest-bamf (can be read [here])!
You and Levi spend some well-needed downtime together, sharing each other's company and relaxing with a hot bath.
word count: 1,813
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55328983
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You enter the dimly lit room with a small groan, the loud creak of the ageing door alerts the empty room of your arrival. Your muscles do their best to protest as you manoeuvre your weary body towards the bed. You had pushed yourself too far, yet again, feeling the burn that only an extended ODM session could provide. Training in such cold weather isn’t ideal, the bitter air had caused your skin to sting more and more with each passing minute spent flying around in the forest, leading up to your reluctant retreat back to your room.
You're sure you will regret it in the morning, as you will no doubt find yourself achingly curled around a lukewarm bowl of porridge, a common occurrence for you. But for tonight, you don't care as you flop onto the firm mattress, letting your body sink into the soft blankets decorating the bed. You groan as you wiggle into a more comfortable position on your back, one arm thrown over your face while a single leg hangs off the edge of the bed.
Just as you are about to drift off into a peaceful slumber, eyelids heavy with exertion, the door to the small bathroom is thrown open. The unexpected sound causes you to jump and you slowly lift your gaze to the figure watching you from the doorway.
There's only one person who has unrestricted access to your private quarters, having taken to spending more time there than in his room. You remember his gruff voice as he attempted to explain himself the day you called him out on it: “Don’t let it get to your head, people are less likely to hunt me down here to deal with their bullshit.”
You snap yourself out of the memory and glance up at him. Levi's figure is bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, bleeding around him and breaking into the dark room surrounding you. You cannot catch his expression, his body is consumed by the shadows hiding from the light, yet his posture is relaxed. A halo of light hovers over him, ripples of water reflecting on the ceiling above, dancing in the amber haze of the room. Looking closer at his hidden form, you can spot the bare skin of his forearms, his sleeves having been rolled up before your appearance.
He lets out a small breath, close enough to a chuckle, before making his way to the bed. You smile up at him, now looming over your relaxed form.
“Hey there.” You break the silence, voice low to not disrupt the soft moment weaving around the two of you.
“Hey,” his reply is equally soft and he bends down to gently prod at your forehead, earning him a lighthearted scoff. “If your muscles haven’t turned to stone yet, get up. I’ve prepared a bath, don’t let it get cold.” 
“You ran a bath for me?” You murmur in disbelief and awe. Part of you shouldn’t be too surprised, Levi usually prefers to show his affection through actions, yet the domestic act causes your heart to swell. You begin to sit up, moving to lean on an elbow, still comfortable on the bed and giving no signs of relocating any time soon.
“Did you train so much that it caused you to lose your hearing?” 
He grows impatient at your lack of movement and before you know it, his strong hand is gripped around your ankle, giving you a warning tug. You meet his amused stare with your own, without a single word, you then make a show of flopping back down onto the bed. Your laughter almost drowns out his groan, and before you know it, he begins to move away from the bed without releasing you.
“Hey!...hey, hey, hey…!” Your weak protests, mixed with shocked giggles, are interrupted by a small crash and you let out a yelp as your body collides with the wooden floor. Levi stands over you with his arms crossed over his chest, looking a little too proud of himself.
“That was mean.” You state plainly, watching as his eyes flick up to the ceiling before falling back onto you. 
“You would only complain if you ended up having a cold bath.” He shrugs before crouching down and wrapping his arm under your legs, easily cradling you to his chest as he stands. 
With no retort ready to toss at him, you simply snuggle closer to his chest instead, letting him carry you towards the bathroom. A wave of heat hits you once he crosses the threshold and you watch the steam rise from the tub, twisting in the air before fading away.
A few candles are dotted around the room, the wax dripping down and onto the small plates below while the condensation does its best to cling onto its waxy stick. The rest of the room is covered in a light sheen of mist, growing foggy with the heat infiltrating the air. You are speechless at the effort he has gone to just to get you to relax.
He bends to let you stand on your own, silently turning around to gather the soaps while giving you enough privacy to undress. You make quick work of your uniform, leaving it in a messy pile in the corner of the room, something you know he will complain about later once the domestic bliss has faded and the reality of the world kicks back in. But for now, you embrace the tender atmosphere and slowly sink into the hot water, a small groan slipping past your lips as your aching muscles slowly begin to relax.
The water comes up to your shoulders, gently lapping over your skin with each movement. Once he knows you are settled, Levi finally turns around and places the collection of soaps along the edge of the pristine tub. Before he gets the chance to move away, your hand darts out of the bubbly water and latches onto his exposed forearm.
“What is it?” He raises an eyebrow, his head tilted in confusion at your sudden movement.
“Join me?” Your voice is tender while you gaze up at him longingly, “It’s been a while since we got to spend time together. And no, doing paperwork together in silence isn’t the same thing.”
He stays rooted on the spot for a moment and you almost begin to worry that he will reject the offer, but he is quick to begin unbuttoning his shirt. You look away with a small grin, extending the same courtesy to him while you shuffle forward in the tub.
You entertain yourself with the bubbles floating atop the water, collecting some within your palms and gently blowing on them. You watch the small collection of suds float through the air before rejoining the fizzing pile below. You can hear the small rustling of fabric to your side, Levi is no doubt making sure each piece is folded and stored where they can’t get damp. Once he’s finished, content that not a single crease will dare to find its way onto his clothing, he carefully slides behind you into the warm water.
He gets himself settled, his legs resting on either side of yours as he pulls you closer to lean against his firm chest. His hands find yours as he laces your fingers together, softly resting your intertwined hands against your stomach while you allow your head to rest against his shoulder. Moments pass without a sound while the two of you allow yourselves to have a moment of peace together, the consistent slosh of water breaking the silence as you wiggle to get more comfortable. 
He gently rubs small circles onto the slowly pruning flesh of your hands while he places gentle kisses against your shoulder, the action bringing a small laugh from your lips as his nose passes along a rather ticklish spot. You give him a small warning splash, earning yourself a soft poke in the side in response.
“Thank you for this, Levi.” 
“What? For the poke?” An incredulous tone colours his voice and you resist the urge to roll your eyes, knowing he would most likely sense the action even if he can’t see it.
“No, not for the damn poke. For setting all this up.”
He holds onto you tighter, his legs crossing over yours to cling with every limb possible. You free one of your hands from his grip and raise it to run your fingers through his hair, the black strands feeling like pure silk. Even with his face hidden from you, you can feel his soft smile against your shoulder.
“It doesn’t take much effort to run a bath, but it is nice to spend some more time together.” You give him a small hum in agreement, idly playing with his fingers while he watches with fond amusement as you poke and bend the individual digits.
“Yeah, it’s nice to try and act normal every now and then as well.” You can feel the gentle shake of his chest, the silent laughter reserved for you and you alone. 
“Oi, are you trying to say I’m not normal?” Levi tries his best to let the usual aloofness show through his voice, yet his humour remains.
“Oh, I’m sorry ‘Mr. I could kill a titan with my glare’. Are you trying to argue that any aspect of our lives happens to be normal?” You try to turn to give him a disapproving look, yet his arms keep you held firmly in place.
“That’s an exaggeration and you know it. My glare isn’t that bad.” Before you can interrupt him to remind him of the time his glare caused a fresh cadet to burst into tears, he continues, “Now hush, stop ruining the moment and relax for once, will you?”
You gently knock your ankle against his, grinning in victory before feeling his retaliation. He lets out a small swear as a wave of water is released over the side of the tub and onto the tiles below, covering the floor in a soapy current. You silently mourn your dry clothes, which are now proceeding to soak up the rogue water. With a small sigh, you shift so that you can rest your head against his chest, hearing the gentle beating of his heart. His free hand comes to rest atop your head, tenderly stroking his fingers through your hair and absentmindedly playing with the ends of each strand.
The still warm water tickles your flesh with each slow ebb and flow of its man-made waves, the gentle thump of his heart allows the exhaustion you had been trying to hold off to overtake you once more. You let your eyes flutter shut, the knowledge that would be safe to doze off within Levi’s warm embrace follows you as sleep finally takes you.
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spideystevie · 2 years
allie your vday party is so cute!! what about 💘 + steve with "you slept like a baby. it was kind of cute." from the third list <333
hehehe thank you emma!! obsessed with the idea of sleepy baby steve, lord knows he needs the rest. enjoy some soft, sleepy steve <3 - [0.8k] | join the party!
It was Steve’s idea to do a movie night. The past few weeks had been a hectic blur, your downtimes never fully overlapping until tonight. He promised to snag some movies from work, one you’d been wanting to see and one he liked the poster of.
You were more than thrilled, eager to spend the night with your boyfriend, giving and receiving the attention you’d been without for what felt like ages. 
When you made it to Steve’s house that night, you could tell right away he’d had a day. He tried to hide it, his smile wide and beaming when he sees you. The hug he gives you is a tight squeeze that feels like coming home. You can tell all the same and you hold back a frown. 
The two of you make it through all of the movie he’d grabbed for you and you can tell he’s fighting off sleep. His head nodding off against your shoulder. When he comes back after putting in the next one, he lays his head in your lap, shimmying against the couch to get comfortable. He’s out within the first half hour. 
You knew the amount of stress Steve carried. It sat on his shoulders like a weight, so much so that he always seemed to sag. You’d noticed he’d started to lean on anything he could, against walls, door frames, the counter at work. 
He tried to hide it, didn’t want anyone to see what he was carrying, always worried he’d burden them with it. You were the only person privy enough to help alleviate it, to help shoulder that weight. Truthfully, you could only do so much. Sometimes, all he really needed was a good bit of sleep. 
The sun has long sunk beneath the horizon and Steve’s living room is pitch dark, save for the flashing of the television. The movie you’d started watching together, his pick, before he’d fallen asleep had long been over and you’d simply used the remote to switch to cable. You kept the volume low, almost on mute so as to not disturb him.
You’re not even sure what’s playing on the screen, too wrapped up in keeping Steve asleep as long as you can. Even if that meant your legs falling asleep and not being able to move them since his head rested in your lap. Your hand smoothed his hair away from his forehead, your fingers threading their way through the strands. 
He looks so serene like this, the most at peace you’d seen him in a while. There’s normally a stress crease on his face, a permanent divot between his eyebrows and one stretched across his forehead. Here now, your hand in his hair and his head in your lap, the stress lines have disappeared, melted into his skin. 
It tugs at your heart. 
Sometime after your legs have gone past pins and needles completely and you've seen the same ad on TV at least 5 times, Steve shifts in your lap. A sleepy grunt gets muffled against your thigh and one of his hands comes up to rub at his eyes. He blinks at the TV in his living room, a confused look taking over his sleepy features. He sits up and though you’re glad you can finally stretch out your legs, you also miss the solid weight of him in your lap.
“Did I fall asleep?” his voice is husky from sleep and you can hear an apologetic undertone to it. He’s pouting when he looks at you but you only smile with a shrug. 
“You slept like a baby. It was kind of cute,” you say, smile widening when you take in the pink flush that rises to the surface of his cheeks. He tries to stifle a yawn and fails. 
“M’sorry. Movie night was my idea and I-” you shush him, pressing a finger to his lips. His eyes get a little wide. 
“Hey, hey, none of that, okay?” you say, dropping your finger and instead moving your hand to caress against his face. “You needed the rest and I was more than willing to act as your pillow.”
Steve smiles at you, a little bashful but his heart is bursting at the seams. It’s pushing against his chest, growing and growing until he thinks it’ll pop and leave him dead. He leans into your hand, nuzzling his face against it. It’s how you know he’s still tired.
“M’so in love with you,” he mumbles, feeling entirely overwhelmed by the feeling. It takes you aback only slightly. A heavy warmth floats to the surface of your skin, sticky affection pumping through your heart and seeping into your veins. You lean forward to press a kiss to his forehead. 
“Feeling’s mutual, honey. Let’s get you into bed though, yeah? We can try movie night again tomorrow,” you say, your hand falling off his face and landing on his thigh. Steve nods and gets up from the couch with you, another contagious yawn falling past his lips.
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