#and they like 👉👈 y'know 🥺....
tojisrealwifey · 4 months
If you decided reader gets with someone else in the end, maybe the reader can end up with Sukuna 🥺👉👈
honey i would love to- and i might even consider it. but i genuinely have no idea how i'm supposed to. like i freaking love the yuji's cool uncle sukuna thing going on in the fandom and i almost gave in and added him to the story as a love interest- but i wanted to give toji a fair chance y'know?
i'm having second thoughts...
crybaby masterlist
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Omg, your asks are back open, I just want you to know that I can’t stop thinking about your punk miguel post god damn. If you could write some more of that that would be very cool 🥺👉👈 Only if you want to though!!! I love you
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art by @bumbleboots_art on Ig
Warnings: Angst, mild physical assault, fluff, suggestive towards the end.
Punk Miggy
Pt. 1
Ever since Miggy appeared through a portal into your lives, things had been chaotic.
You needed to believe things were chaotic good, but with two Miguels you truly didn't know what to expect. Your grumpy faced Miguel often barked orders with a strategy in mind, while Miggy just gave in the heat of the battle and things somehow ended up working.
But at the end of the day everything resumed into a bunch of
"Te dije que hicieras caso!" (Told you to obey)
"I obey orders from none. You specially"
God, as handsome as they were, they were annoying. The constant clashing had also played a huge part in your almost-lover/boss situationship with you. Everytime they bickered like loud vexing parrots, you left them be.
At the begining it was fun to watch them rant and banter, but as things evolved into something more tense and borderline dangerous, your own share of mental force was drained.
You barely hung out with them anymore, adding to the already snapping short temper of your Miguel.
Miggy looked suspicious, and truly wondered if things had been too much for you to not be around.
His eyes however widened in knowing pain as a flurry of memories paraded on his mental runway. He watched Miguel, or at least another variant of him, having and enjoying a little girl he knew so well. Little Gabriella.
"Stay away" He growled, but how could he?
How he could do such thing when another variant of his little girl was there, happy on his shoulders, freshly out of a soccer game.
His own Gabriella loved hearing him play the guitar, just as much as he loved serenading her. His Gabriella loved to make patches for him to add at his jacket. The two had matching patched up vests. In every universe his little girl was beautiful and loved. Like it should be.
"I fucking told you to stay away!" Miguel growled as his punk counterpart held his hands in defense while dodging a hurling chair thrown his way
"I lost her too, Y'know?" Miggy laid on his chair as Miguel grabbed him by the collar of his vest. Fangs bared, tight grip and nose flaring.
"I miss her too."
With a grunt, Miguel let him go.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"C'mon, jefazo. You might fool everyone under your command. Even our princesita. But you don't fool me. I am you, remember? Estás bien pendejo si crees que puedes engañarme." (You're stupid if you think you can fool me.)
"She's a constant reminder of what I do." Miguel pointed at the screens, "And why people should fucking follow orders."
Miggy rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Could you shop talking about work second for a moment? Let's focus on-"
"She's gone. Nothing to focus on, besides the multiverse."
"I know what it feels like. To suddenly lose-"
"Tu?! Tu no tienes ni una puta idea de lo que se siente!" (You had no fucking idea to what it feels like!)
Miguel roared, as Miggy frowned with a scowl only to his chest to bump against his, retaliating.
"¿Crees que no, cabrón? I lost her due an asshole policeman doing a misdirected gunshot just cause he mistook me for a criminal. He shot in the air, and it got her. It was aimed at me!" (You think I don't, dipshit?)
He palmed his chest before ripping the velcro patch Gabriella had made for him and tossed it on his hands.
My favorite Rockstar
"You fucking think I don't know how powerless you'd feel while watching your little girl dying right before your very eyes?! "
"Al menos tuviste algo que sepultar." (At least you had something to burry)
Miguel mumbled and his punk counterpart stilled.
"She vanished in my hands." Red and blue clad shoulders slumped heavily. A burden he still carried to this day.
Silence stretched for a bit too long, before Miguel sighed and turned his back on him.
"You stepped in when none wanted to."
Miggy rubbed his neck as he offered his best comfort words.
"That's what a real father does."
Miguel cleared his throat and turned to face him "We wished we could save everyone."
"But we can't." added Miggy with a solemn face.
"Now you understand why I do what I do?"
"I've always understood that, though guy. Still, is fun to give you shit for it"
Miguel dismissed him with a roll of his eyes, but a newfound level of mutual respect settled between the both.
"Specially when our princesita was caught in the middle of our antics."
"Again, there is no ours in here. Give her space."
"I think we've given her enough of it."
Miguel grunted, annoyed as he followed him.
"No, no, that's not how you do it."
"It's my turn, I kiss her however the fuck I want to."
Bossman Miguel spoke as he cupped your reddening cheeks, making your flushed lips, that glistened over a new make out session invited him to deliver another desperate and breathless kiss.
Meaty lips guided yours in a pace you've grown to know well, just as Miggy nuzzled your neck playfully. The tip of his nose roaming up and down, for him to give a gentle nip at your earlobe.
You groaned into Miguel's mouth, and whimpered as you begged for air.
How had you ended up in this predicament after such a parkour of emotions displayed between them? Lyla had shown you their conversation, glad at least they learned how to share something that found them a common ground.
And then Miggy had waltzed in your work bay, smothering your lips with a breathtaking kiss as an apology for the troubles caused and it only triggered Miguel, that showed him what a real kiss was.
And now it all resumed into this moment. The three sitting on your couch, that sometimes acted as your bed, taking turns to make out with you.
Miggy's turn arrived as he turned your face, placed a gentle hand on your cheek and kissed you. It was soft and chaste at first, but then his tongue pried your mouth open. Soft and moist muscles fighting for a chance to top you, and he did.
Earning a lovely and delicious mewl from you. Rough and calloused hands roamed up your sides and waist
"Let her go, that's enough"
Miguel grumbled as he had to pry away your needy lips from his counterpart.
"Who did it best, cariño?"
Your head felt like it had detached from your body and floated like a balloon as your Miguel nipped at your neck softly and Miggy mumbled the sweetest things to your ear. You certainly couldn't decide, even if your life depended on it.
"A tie."
Both scowled.
"Guess we'll have to find out differently, then."
Miguel's steely stare fixed on you with a suspicious glint in his eyes, as Miggy licked your earlobe.
Where were the anomalies when you needed them the most?
You gulped at your ongoing demise.
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reverseexorcist · 7 months
♡ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♡
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You couldn't not give me Carmilla fucking Carmine and expect me not to go feral over her-
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !F!Reader
➲ Romantic ☒, Platonic ☐
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 1,479 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, these are kind've all over the place, Carmilla might be a tad OOC since this is my first time writing her
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➲ There are so many different ways this relationship could possibly start. The mind boggles trying to think of all of them. Just think of all the potential shenanigans that could occur and have fun with that
➲ But lemme just say before anything - This woman is fiercely protective over you. Not in the cutesy, clingy kind've obsessive way, but the silently scary scary-dog privilege kind've partner. The epitome of 'excuse me sir, they asked for no pickles', and, because I love this trope, you are the only person (besides her daughters) that she will ever fully be soft for.
➲ Insert 🥺 right here
➲ Just, get you a woman who looks at you the way Carmilla looks at her wife. That's all I can say
➲ The soft moments in the morning when you can just lay in bed and watch her get ready. Pulling her hair up into her signature, gravity defying buns(?) and delicately slip on and twine her angelic steel shoes. The minutes of her fingers expertly working away in a comfortable silence as you just lay under the comfort of your warm blankets? Those are the moments right there 👌
➲ Probably not one for physical affection, at least not in public. Definitely not in public. Her reputation alone would probably put you in danger, which is, y'know, not good, so no hand-holding in public
➲ (Honestly, one part of her probably prefers not to be seen with you in public for that exact reason. The other part wants to keep you in her line of sight at all times because at least then she can personally keep you safe)
➲ All of that being said, can't deny she'd probably give top tier hugs. Proper bear hugs because this woman is tall and strong and would undeniably make you feel safe whenever you're in her arms. Depending on how tall or short you are, she could also probably pick you up if you really wanted 👉👈
➲ (She could 100% pick you up, and probably with one hand as well)
➲ Gives the most tender of little kisses. Small pecks on the cheeks and forehead whenever she's tired from work, her larger fingers gently grazing the sides of your head as her fluffy hair tickles your face
➲ And the adorable little pet names she whispers to you! Maybe you're just passing by each other in an almost empty street or just relaxing at home together, but she'll always try and take the chance to whisper something like 'mi Vida', 'mi Corazón' or 'mi Reina' just loud enough for the two of you to hear
➲ Let's be real, this woman is really goddamn tall, so you're probably shorter than her and she absolutely loves it and would absolutely tell this to your face just to fluster you. What she loves even more is the way you'd have to reach up on your tippy toes with her leaning down to meet you halfway just to have you playfully kiss her on the tip of her nose or her chin
➲ Maybe, very rarely, if she's feeling extra sentimental, she'd love it if you sat on her lap while she works in her home office, just so she can have your comfort and warmth nearby. More often than not this scenario would end up with you falling asleep in her lap and her carrying you back to bed with the smallest of smiles on her face
➲ If she could really help it, she'd prefer to keep you as far away from her work as possible. As much as she would love to have you in the office, maybe helping her with paperwork or something similar so she could have you at within her reach at all times of the day, arms dealing is a dangerous job. At least her daughter's have each other's backs' when they're out doing business, but you'd probably have to make it on your own or with one of her other employees and that's a big no no in her eyes
➲ Also, speaking of her daughters, your relationship with them would vary wildly depending on when you met them
➲ If you started dating Carmilla when Clara and Odette were rather young, they'd probably cling on to you like a second mother figure. In some cases, they might've even preferred you over Carmilla for the sole fact that their toddler puppy eyes work on you better than their biological mother
➲ Your dynamic would probably just be the three of you racing to see who could give Carmilla a hug first after she gets home from work
➲ (Though, this only works if Carmilla is hell-born seeing as sinner's can't have children)
➲ If you started dating Carmilla when they were older though, there might be a bit of a tense air when you first meet. Carmilla's protectiveness isn't just one way - Her daughters absolutely adore her, and although they definitely couldn't protect her physically, they'd do their damn best to protect her emotionally
➲ They'd warm up to you after some time though, seeing you do truly love their mother with your whole heart. You'd never be a parent to them, barely even a step-parent, but they'd respect you and care for you like family nonetheless because you make their mother happy
➲ Either way, her heart melts seeing the three of you getting alone, and she 100% has a family picture she keeps on her desk for her eyes only
➲ Sometimes she just waits until you fall asleep so she can cradle your head in her heads oh so carefully. She just sort've stares at you, her eyes glowing in the dark with her wild mane of hair spilling out behind her, and she just traces all the intricate details of your face with her eyes
➲ And then she just sort've hugs you closer to her, tugging the blankets a little tighter around the two of you as she presses the littlest of kisses to your forehead before relaxing into the pillows
➲ But just imagine Carmilla with a wife who died so much later after her. Just this tall, scary and proper woman that strikes fear into the hearts of millions with her little gremlin wife who keep talking about shit like reddit that the other sinners just don't understand (not even Carmilla herself, but she finds your antics somewhat entertaining, at least when she doesn't have to act as your self preservation instincts and keep you safe)
➲ Extermination is your least favourite day for multiple reasons
➲ The first being, well, the exorcists descending form heaven to brutally murder sinners left and right, but also because Carmilla changes around this time
➲ It's understandable, especially with what happened in one of the previous exterminations when she and her daughters got caught, but it still scares you to see you usually cool, calm and loving wife turn into a robot who's only goal is to get you and her daughters to a safehouse to wait out the terror outside
➲ Doesn't mean you're not grateful, though. You can look past all of that because you know she's just doing it to keep you safe, and in the end you'd rather be safe and living with your family rather than dead on the end of an exorcist's spear
➲ You probably also have a good relationship with the other overlords, despite never having gone to a meeting
➲ (It's because of this you've never met Velvette or the other Vee's, and if Carmilla has a say, you never will)
➲ Rosie, being the social butterfly she is, loves to talk gossip with you every chance she gets. Zestial likes to join in on your little sessions, not saying anything but bringing tea for everyone to drink and enjoy. Clara also likes to join in sometimes, but her sister would much rather sit with her mother and just watch the chaos unfold in front of them
➲ Almost certainly has caught you trying on her shoes when she's not looking. A part of her is annoyed because she'd rather not have you involved in anything to do with her work, but the innocent look you give her makes her rethink her annoyance in the moment
➲ She'd later found out Clara helped you because you also wanted to try and walk around on pointe like the rest of the family. No idea why you skipped straight to trying the angelic weapon shoes, but Carmilla does offer to help you later
➲ Overall, great wife and I'd give her a 9/10. One point deducted probably because she'd be a tad too overprotective, but everything else about her is great; From her bear hugs to those little moments the two of you share
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squinch-depraved · 11 days
smoking with ted and he gets all shy bc he likes u so much 🥺👉👈 (another inspired by irl events) i hope u enjoy my first ted fic <3
the two of you finally have a chance to sit down and hang out; there's no work left to do for the day, so you plop down on his couch together and kick your feet up onto his lap. he turns to look at you just in time to see you pull your dab pen out from inside your bra. the sight rouses something in his gut, and he files it away for later as he continues to stare at your chest, screaming at himself mentally to look away but he can't tear his eyes from your tits.
"teddy," you snap your fingers at him, finally getting his attention after several tries at saying his name.
"hmm?" he blinks at you, zoning back in and bringing his gaze back to your smiling face. his own lips perk upwards at the sight of your soft grin.
"wanna smoke?" you ask, twirling the pen between your fingers.
he nods and tries (fails) not to let his eyes slip again in the time it takes for you to take your first hit and pass it to him. he looks away when you start exhaling. something about it is angelic and he can't think about you while he takes this hit, you make his breath unsteady and he can't cough in front of you, that would look stupid! so he fixes his eyes on a poster hanging across the room, running them over every detail while he takes as deep a breath as he can before passing it back to you. the process repeats a few times, and you put on a playlist the two of you have crafted for whenever you have a smoke sesh.
soon, the two of you are laughing, doing impressions and bits on the fly that you would never come up with sober, when you shift so that you're a lot closer to him. his face visibly reddens and he looks around, searching for something else to focus on so he doesn't make himself look like an idiot in front of you. you pick up on this and continue scooting so that you're almost in his lap.
"you okay, ted? got kinda quiet," you say, grabbing his massive hand and fiddling with one of his rings.
"uhm." his voice cracks as he says it and he nods, unable to look at you. you drop his hand and reach for his face in an attempt to make him meet your gaze, and he moans when your fingers graze his jaw. a small, pathetic noise, but still perceived by you. when his hazel eyes meet yours, his pupils are wide and dark.
"ohh, my pretty boy," you coo, climbing fully into his lap and straddling him. he remains looking up at you in pure adoration. "so sweet for me," you kiss against his neck. he whines sharply and tries weakly to push you away. "what's wrong, teddy baby?"
voice breathy and pitchy, he croaks out, "makin' me dizzy," before groaning and leaning his head all the way back. you take the opportunity to kiss more, now using your tongue to draw circles up and down his neck. "is this the stuff we usually smoke?" he asks, hands finding their way to your hips and grinding you down into him. "this shit is really strong."
you laugh and snake your hands up his shirt. "you're so cute, y'know that?"
he grins. "'m glad you think so. been tryin' to make you think that for ages."
you end up riding him as he stares up at you, lost in worship of your beautiful body, and he curses himself for waiting this long to tell you.
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floofeh-purpi · 2 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 10)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm @keirennyx
Guys when did I last upload a part again? 😭🙌
Warnings: Beh if the links are somehow arent working anymore you might have to look for that certain part of the fanfic somewhere in my blog, cursing, grammatical/spelling errors, ooc (help me), Your vitiligo is back 😫, this is shorter than my bsf in real life.
【Part 9】
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Much to Y/b/f/n's delight, Dottore was finally done treating you, but not before giving a tender kiss to your knuckles with a tiny blush on his face. Yah, they were tired of being a 3rd wheeler to this shit—
"Yo N/n, lets gooooo" They dragged you out of Dottore's lab. "Can we play mineraft again pelesè?? 🥺👉👈"
"Lmao we can when we get home 🙃"
"Yo bro..."
"Milk chocolate planks or dark chocolate pla—"
"AJÆJEJDRKFOGKAÆÆ👹👹👹👹" *Turns into an alpha*
"...omigash so couquette 😍🎀" You feigned innocence as you could hear y/b/f/n screeching in both voicechat and in their room. Amazing.
Someone knocked on the door. Which much to the happiness of your almost bleeding ears its your turn to get ear theraphy, stopped your bsf's screeching. "Ima get that shit 🤠👍" You say to y/b/f/n like they didnt make you wanna rip your ears out like 3 seconds ago.
You skipped your ass down the stairs after praying to whoever the fuck is watching/reading this in other words, you basically lmao for no reason, and opened the door, in which you saw a certain banker that was totally not visionless you thought he was also visionless in terms of eyesight at first with how his eyes were close in their debut 💀.
"Uhh... hi?" You awkwardly said to the banker who looked flustered with how pretty Vitiligo looks on you. "H-hello My Your Grace... •/////•" Pantalone replied with a blush that you're pretty sure it'd be ooc of him if he'll be playable...— "Ehmm... Come in...?" You made way for him so he he could come in y'alls house. "A-Ah... Of course Your Grace... Holy Tsaritsa they're so pretty..."
Oh... how he wanted to kiss those oh-so-soft looking lips of yours... he doesn't care if your lips are actually rough. He was tempted to kiss you regardless! Anygays, he sits down the huge ass couch in the living room.
"Wait how'd you know that im.. uhhh... y'know?"
"Childe and a certain doctor who just so happens to have the hair color of a certain fucking toothpaste (*EHEM* COLGATE *EHEM*) told me so, my love. Your Grace."
"Oh cool, anygays wanna something from the kitchen?" You asked him as you stood up to go to the kitchen. I hc that he's a coffee enjoyer.
Pantalone hummed in thought and was gonna say he wants you but had to stop himself to not scare you. "I'd like some black coffee."
"Alrighters :D" You said with a smile that made him mentally recite the reasons of why he fell inlove with you in the first place.
【Part 11】
Published: July 17, 2024. 10:00am.
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
If your still doing requests, How would Cater, Kalim, Malleus and Jamil be like when their s/o gifts them a portrait of themselves that s/o painted?
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✰—" because every artist need's a muse!"
the prefect decides to gift their lovely s/o a portrait!! how will the boys react?
characs: cater, kalim, malleus and jamil <3
includes: sfw, fluff, pining, pre-established relationship, and ofc, gender neutral reader as per usual!
notes: this was pretty fun to write! thanks for the request nonnie~! (also yes thats malleus' username) (he was using speech to text and it was too late to change it khehehe)
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Growing up, he never really wouldve thought he'd have someone..Let alone a partner, care for him like you do, and now after he's seen how you see him? Heh, he might as well have fallen for you all over again.
Sheeesh you got him feeling all mushy inside mc! youre gonna be the death of him, you're too cute you know that?
He's uncharacteristically careful, quiet even for a few moments, wide eyed as he observes the little strokes and splashes of color you added, whether it be the emerald green you carefully painted for his eyes, the lovely ginger locks you gingerly (heh) painted across the canvas, or even just his smile, not the smile that he put up with everyone but the smile that he puts with you.
Once he's done observing though, he'd smile, he'd smile real big at you, the type of smile that never failed to make your heart flutter
Thanks you by tackling you into a hug, peppering kisses all over your face despite your giggly protests
He definitely posts it on magicam bring all ooey-gooey
(yk those couple posts? Yeah)
heh, after all! he has such a lovely s/o and he absolutely wants to brag about it
If you hear ace gagging in the background ignore him smh (maidenless behaviour)
He has the painting in his room now, a silent reminder that you'll always be here for him, and he greatly appreciates it <3
"—Hey, (name)-san, thanks, alright? no really,- I-..I really appreciate this, kay? You made cay-cays heart melt y'know!! You're the most cutest sweetest s/o ever!!! Hehe!! I'll post this later but..For now, I'll reward you with my affection!!!"
You decided to give it to your sunshine of a boyfriend once you were both done with classes, casually showing him the portrait inside your locker wh- OH GOD IS HE CRYING??? KALIMM-
Bros literally SWOONING (rook who?)
Literally squeels and scream like a little kid on christmas when you gave him the portrait, guy fell in love with you all over again please his hearts doing jumps and he feels all mushy and just <33 his,,, his pwetty s/o 👉👈 painted him🥺
Thanks you by giving you lots of kisses!!! literally smothers u in his affection and hugs the life out of you (FLOYD WH-)
He immediately hangs it on his bedroom wall, gushing about you to jamil (help him)
it definitely cheers him up in his bad days!!
Like he could be doing the most mundane things and randomly think about your portrait, and hes smiling all lovesick all over again
Seriously, at this point jamil's heavily considering into moving into a different dorm because all Kalim will talk about for the rest of the week or so is prefect this, prefect that, blegh dear sevens jamil is TIRED
But anyways, kalim loves it, and love you even mooreee!!! He also hosts a party in your honor (jamil stopped him from doing anything more grand)
(I love him so much omg)
"—AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH (NAMEE)!!! I LOVE IT!!! *SNIFF* YOU PAINTED ME SO WELL TOOOO!!!! I love love love you!!!! I'll make sure to hang this in my room hehe!! oh and by the way!! im hosting a party later for you!! eh? what do you mean its not necessary? Only the best for my dearest jewel!!!"
this man, oh my sevens where do I even start? He already praises the ground you walk on, so boy-oh-boy does this work wonders for him! (sebek crying in the background is normal)
You guys were at your normal hang outs, gazing at the stars as Malleus held you close, talking about whatever is on both of your minds when you realized the portrait you did for him!!
Literally mid way of you talking you stopped bc of that and just went like :O !!!
(Malleus found it ridiculously adorable, he wants to kiss u stupid rn)
Curious to what revelation you had just witnessed, he watched as you grab something from your bag carefully
"My my,? What's this child of man? Fufufu~ I was not aware you would be bold enough t—!!!"
His teasing remark was caught in his throat once he saw your bashful grin at the painting of what seems to be,,...him..?
You handed him the painting as he carefully examined it, the details of his features that you took great notice of, his eyes, his horns..
You cleared your throat and explained yourself when you saw noticed how quiet he was, cheeks flushed
Breaking him out of his reverie, he finally processed your explanation and flashed you the most sweetest, sincere smile that made your heart go crazy bc he was so cute rn oml
He quietly pulled you closer, engulfing you in the most gentle hug ever, treating you like fragile porcelain as he inhaled your scent, chuckling a response to your gracious gift
"—my my, child of- no, (name), for once you have me speechless...You truly are full of surprises arent you,? Well..Anyways, I sincerely thank you, dearest. Your affections have reached me and I hope you know I plan on returning them ten fold. I love you, (name)."
Its no secret that you and Jamil are busy people, after all he was the vice housewarden and you were a prefect
Regardless of your busy schedule, you would always reassure him that no matter how busy you two would get, you'd always be there for him, whether it be through sticky notes, or little cute texts to get him going, he would cherish them all, but..
all of that pailed in comparison to what you had just given him now
He stared at the painting you had given him in awe, wide eyed and cheek flushed as he stroked every detail of the piece, from his golden ornaments to his eyes..or the way his smile was painted, you never missed a single detail about him and..and..and god you were just so, so amazing
He's definitely quiet for a long time, but once he's out of his thoughts he immediately smiled, a small curve on his lips as his cheeks was painted with a lovely red, gazing at you with the most fondest look he's ever given.
Pulls you close to him as he mutters a quiet 'thank you', trailing kisses around your neck as he buries his flustered face in the crook of your neck, he loved you very much
He hung up the painting a little while after, admiring the little detail's you had painted on him.
"—ya hayati..Thank you..I really appreciate it," he mutters out, voice gentle as he trails a kiss on your forehead, chuckling at how flustered you were, too. "Love you.." He said, voice laced with fondness as he held you closer, feeling your warmth.
"-Say, (name), there's a feast later in Scarabia..Mind joining? I'll cook your favorite, alright?"
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end notes: hi hi!! sorry this took so long nonnie </3 hope you like it!!! My favorite parts to write was definitely jamil lol! i think it showed but anyways, thanks for requesting!
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koithelittle · 9 months
cg!wolfbur moodboard (maybe some hc's?) 🥺👉👈
cg!wolfbur moodboard + hcs !!
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note; sooo I sorta kinda read wolfbur as dark wolf after reading your request over and over again and ended up making a darkwolf one BUT I fixed my mistake so here! I hope you like it<3 I'm actually going through my drafts today and queing everything up so most requests should be out today & tomorrow :3 as always requests are open it just may be a few days before I get to them!
paci creds; littlest._.creations on ig!
other moodboards (requests are open!)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo @littlerosiesoot @arabellasrose (ask or dm to be added!)
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- i think he's a bit more strict as a cg, more sound boundaries and rules. just because he doesn't want you hurt, he cares about you and puts your safety and well-being first.
- things like candy/sugar limits, how far you go when you play outside, bedtimes/routines, no swearing, etc. small things but, more yk?
- he tries his hardest to not laugh when you do swear when regressed because, come on, it's funny!
- you're all puffy, getting mad because he said no ice cream for breakfast (when really you're just tired) and so you tell him 'f you!' and he just smiles.
- it sounds so silly with your baby voice, but he just smiles and tries to calm you down.
- I'm not very familiar with lycans or how it works so I won't touch on that too much bUT he does like to chase you around playfully in his human form and tell you how the big bad dada wolf is gonna get you! you're just giggling and squealing and running from him, but end up getting picked up and spun around by him!
- cuddles you into his chest and likes to curl around you and rub your back n stuff!
- he's very soft with you and he's very observant, he knows what you need before you do, often times.
- offers his hair for you to play with, like he'll lean his head down for you to play with his curls.
- any sort of stim like that helps you when you're fussy or having a meltdown
- so he'll offer his hair, or his hands or a stuffie for you to play with
- it's almost like a reminder that he's real and there and youre okay, y'know?
- likes calling you baby wolf and little one mostly but uses a lot of petnames!
- he's a good cook so he makes all the meals, and he's good at it too.
- cuts your food into bites though, he doesn't want you to choke!
- plays with you in the floor for hours on end
- most of the time he cleans up while you're napping but sometimes he'll have you help.
- he wants you to be as stress free so he'll just do it for you, he enjoys doing it though!
- like he'll just put on an old record and go around and clean up the house while you're napping in your room.
- wakes you up from naps with soft coos and sweet forehead kisses!
- likes giving you his sweaters/shirts to sleep in bc they're comfy but you like how they smell like him!
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mochiwrites · 2 months
Guess who's back? Back again? Anons back! Tell a friend.
Lol sorry I'm once again back. The same anon who sent a bunch of questions about night life a while ago since I was rereading songbirds blood au. Soo uhm here's more
1. Mochi why does scar say in villainous thing that he has put his head in a werewolfs mouth??!?!?!?!?!? Scar mah dude u ok???? (Lowkey would wanna try it but I probably would leave the werewolfs mouth with a head 😊)
2. Grian.Trans.Canon? (Or scar? Or maybe both???)
3. With the glyphs is there only one way to use them or could you possible make them a tattoo and still you them. Since they are then constantly touching the glyphs they could possible do the magic of a mage. If they had multiple glyphs he could mix the glyphs somehow.(like how Luz mixes the glyphs by drawing them with eachother but instead they do it with their ✨️MIND✨️)
4. Also I love the idea of papapulse. Like I imagine Pearl or grian (most likely grian:^P) and Impulse going full demon mode tl protect them. (I saw that you tagged "Parent impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF)" in troubke in the dead of night🥺👏😍) Also is there different types of demons and what type of powers do they have?
5. In the fic "sitting in the garden at your feet" they have a whole picnic and all the adorableness. Do they go on more picnics frequently? (I really hope soo) I would guess they do since in villainous things they were also on their way to a picnic...but then yeah...poor birb tbh and poor scar
6. Have Ren and Martyn already have their wedding or are they still waiting? I wanna see treebark and I want to see mumbo ask grian go with him as his plus one to the wedding<3
(Though treebark owns my heart, Grumbo will always win) Don't talk about scarian I've never left the desert and don't plan to either😘
7. Okay soo in the fic "weight of living" there was this one scene where etho stared at grian. Here's the quote: "Etho eyes him for a moment, his gaze unreadable as he does so. It leaves Grian with chills. Weird."
Is it possible that etho is a Watcher? I'm mean   he is definitely not human(or maybe he is an immortal human?)  Etho may recognize grian, either as an old Watcher or a new Watcher to be made. Or maybe etho just thinks it is weird to see scar with grian(A HUMAN) The last one is more logical <:^)
8. On that note with Etho. You never confirm nor deny if grian is the "lost watcher" but what if I were to ask you if EFFO is the lost Watcher. I don't have proof but-...yeah idk
Wait wait just had another thought what if Pearl is the Watcher???? When the dream bugs ate her dreams there was a purple mist! Huh huh gotcha!/silly this is purely a joke🤣
9. Will we see a bad boy grian phase or possibly a drag queen phase🥺👉👈. Since it often mention that grian was a dare devil(still is:^P) or did grian have such phases. One of my friends is kinda a dare devil and he did drag once and I feel since grian might be the same there...
10. What did Scott do with the shard? Did he just entirely get rid of it? Also is Scott pure evil or broken. Maybe with the lost of his brother(Xornoth) did he turn evil or was evil just in his genes?
Those are all the questions and theories for now thank you for listing to my literal brain rot<3
This time it was numbered
(There will possible be more to come>:^] )
see me rubbing my paws together with a big grin >:3c no apologies needed !!!! I love questions hehe. as always, I can't answer everything clearly, because of spoilers but I'll certainly answer as much as I can!
1- WHEEZE scar just feels like the kinda guy to me to stick his head into the mouth of a werewolf for fun, y'know? he'd try it once just to see what would happen (and I mean, he's got no reason to fear dying, all things considered LOL)
2- GRIAN TRANS CANON !! honestly, just operate under the assumption that any grian I write is trans JFGDHFKKJDFG it's my comfort character and I get to project on him /silly (no trans scar though </3)
3- WAUG OKAY -- I've answered this kind of question before but for the life of me I can't find it D: I'm gonna keep searching for it, and when I find it I'll reblog this with that information mjfdhkfghfjg I don't wanna contradict myself LMAO
4- PAPAPULSE MY BELOVED 🥺I really wanna write more with him ueueue. I actually haven't done much world building for sb!demons but I'm going to say that yes, there are different types of demons! and they all have a wide range of different abilities :3
5- they def go on picnics yeah!!! I think it becomes one of grian's default methods to drag mumbo out of the manor when he can <33
6- ren and martyn haven't had their wedding yet :3 I actually hadn't thought about when their wedding would take place but ;w; oh that gives me some ideas....
7- etho isn't a watcher! the current lore is well. no one really knows what etho is. except maybe bdubs and joel. but their lips are Sealed (he's not the lost watcher either I'm afraid </3)
9- so currently I don't have any plans for a bad boy or drag queen phase to pop up in the story (though that could change, if any ideas come up) but they were certainly things he did when he was wayyy younger
10- what scott did with the shard hm? he broke it :) and I'm afraid evil is just in his genes unfortunately </3
hehe thank you for your questions!! :D
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meatmensch · 2 years
y'know the cas touching the handprint during sex trope?...well what about cas accidentally giving dean a new handprint during sex?...when ur man slobs on ur knob so good u accidentally burn him...sex so good make him go woah woah OUCH...give that man an ass handprint...cas is like. oh no i have hurt my beloved :( and dean is so turned on he's bluescreening...cas is all "oh nooo dean are you okay im so sorry 😳🥺🥺🥺😭👉👈" and dean can't even hear him because he's been rendered insane and stupid by lust...cas is also very turned on by it but he is ignoring the lust bc he feels guilty until dean is like. do that shit again. right now
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ferretseal · 2 months
I'm planning a Sarentu character!
This has spoilers for the game so y'know. If you don't want spoilers.... Don't read it.
But! If you'd like to maybe do an roleplay with her and one of your characters I wouldn't mind. I actually would really like it 🥺👉👈
She doesn't have a name yet but she's a Sarentu survivor, however is not one of the kids from TAP. She was traveling on her own and was late to the meeting point, arriving to find her clan dead... She then was traveling a little on her Ikran, but he was shot down a year after her clan was destroyed. So now, preset day, she's traveling on foot and doesn't stay somewhere long. She's kinda grumpy when she doesn't know you, but will soften with time and will eventually be a bit more of a goofball and "herself", but you have to work through her hard crust first.
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ghostsandmirrors · 29 days
this is far longer than expected.
they are organised by muse, but I'm not organising them as like canons, then originals. they're just all in this together.
The Menagerie do you have a smug shithead muse? we have a zoo! pick one or two or three to bully your muse with. they're all a pain in the ass. (the menagerie are the animals. they're all canons from different sources.)
Bucky Bucky and general DC heroes (MCU/DC crossover) (I started writing half my muses on MCU/DC crossover forum sites, including Bucky! I'm throwing him back into his roots)
Batman I just think Bucky meeting Batman would be very funny, especially in a professional setting and especially if canon divergent post-Endgame. Bucky having war flashbacks to being chased through Bucharest by a man dressed as a cat because 'so many superheroes are furries.'
Wonder Woman Bucky and Diana based on that one fan plot where Diana was involved, in some way, with fighting during WWII and they met back then and then meet again in the modern day. bonus points if Diana thinks he's his own grandson and he doesn't correct her.
Superman idk Bucky and Superman would just be kinda wholesome? also if Superman mun comfortable, Bucky would totally have a crush on Superman. you can't convince me otherwise. also Clark and Bucky as a ship would be 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' in that order and it makes me giggle.
Other any of the Batfam would also be fun but there's every chance they get unofficially adopted. new dad! new dad! new dad!
I don't know that many DC heroes. girl help. who else is there? idk but I want them!
Bucky + ship partner post-mission shit. anything. just them being like 'thank FUCK that's over with'. snuggling. idgaf.
Bucky + Steve, Bucky + Sam pure of heart, dumb of ass. this is a never-ending want. it's not a specific want, either. I just like putting them in threads together.
Bucky + Thor I don't know why but I've always wanted to and never gotten the chance to.
Bucky/Loki 🥺👉👈 Listen...
Bucky + Spider-Muses I once joked about Bucky adopting various Spider-characters and I still want it. Bucky is the ancient, morally ambiguous MCU Batman on this blog, in that he will not stop fucking adopting people, but at least Bruce usually adopts children. Bucky'll adopt a 30 year old. they're still 70 years younger than him so they're fair game.
Joker Joker + Batman <3 Joker is obsessed with Batman. ofc I want to thread them. I want every possible thread in any verse that's most comfortable. Joker is my comfort villain.
Joker + Batman characters in general (focused on villains/rogues gallery) I have no specifics, I just realised he talks to the Rogues Gallery a lot in comics/cartoons and my Joker… hasn't. ever. I can fix that.
Dylan Dylan and Heroes (any DC) I also want Dylan and Gotham heroes, Gordon, etc.. Dylan needs more screentime 'cause her ass is overshadowed by the fuckin owl at this point. lbr who isn't.
Dylan and Heroes (any MCU) also Dylan plus marvel heroes since she has an MCU verse. do I have icons? fuck no. am I asking for Dylan threads regardless? fuck yes.
Jameson Jameson and Heroes (any) Mortitaint is a masked murderer. that's it. that's the pitch. you want your muse hit with a shovel? I can help with that! also if any men want a boyfriend who is sweaty and dirty every day and surprisingly strong……………. im just saying……………… and then they can one day find out the other is a hero/villain……………………….. drama. 👀 (this includes anti-heroes)
Jameson and Villains (any) I just think it'd be interesting, y'know? Jameson doesn't tend to play well with others, in general, but there's a chance it doesn't go horribly wrong!
Wag Wag and X-Men Characters Wagner Himura is an X-Men oc that, in his entire time on my blog, has never threaded with an X-Men character. it can be any character and any verse. I don't care. I just want him to speak to other mutants, man.
Logan specifically, I would like Wag and Logan threads. I always picture Wag as a general pest when he starts working at the school, like throwing water balloons filled with speed potions at people that annoy him kind of pest, and I get the feeling Logan would either hate his guts, like him because he does not discriminate between students and teachers, or be very cautious because he doesn't know Wag's limits while Wag's just like 'hey ;D I don't actually find you attractive but if flirting means I don't get stabbed, I'll flirt. ;D I'm high as a fuckin kite rn lmao ;D'
Charles Xavier Wag and Charles would also be funny because of the aforementioned 'high as a kite'.
Brotherhood any brotherhood muse in his brotherhood verse would be nice, too. Idk how he got into the brotherhood in that verse and I want to explore it. I just miss writing Wag, lbr.
OCs tbh any OC. let's yeet our x-men OCs together and see what bad ideas they come out with. it'll be funny. I'm willing to make up places that they can go through a portal to, as well.
Bam and X-Men Characters Bam has an X-Men verse in which he vibrates particles when angry and I just… I miss Bam being chaotic. I miss Bam being a mess. she's gotten too collected and I want disaster Bam back. I don't have specific preferences for this one.
Wag and Bam Basically, both Wag and Bam (in his X-Men verse) have abilities that can/are activated by emotions. With Wag, he has more control over his abilities and thus the chances of anger doing anything is low but not zero. If his anger is doing anything, it's a silent, 'scorched Earth' kind of anger that mostly shows in things moving telekinetically. With Bam, his power is exclusively activated by anger.
I just want that in a(nother, in Bam's case) thread or plot. It'd be fun.
Mattie and Avengers/SHIELD/HYDRA Mattie worked for both SHIELD and HYDRA so I would like to establish some kind of relations with SHIELD and HYDRA muses, but she also sent records to the Avengers after the fall of HYDRA and began torturing/murdering HYDRA agents who survived The Snap so like……….. 👀
also Avengers meeting her after The Blip or whatever dumb bitch shit The Snap 2: Electric Boogaloo is canonically called would be… like she a gremlin in the swamplands. she's a whole fuckin cryptid by that point. I want her ex-coworkers to meet the cryptid she's become and be like, '... ayo? you good?' and her to be knee-deep in swamp water, dragging a body, like, '... yup!'
Arnulf Arnulf and Steve's Friends arnulf needs to meet non-Steve avengers (or others who know him). it would be funny. 'hey you kinda look like Steve Rogers..' '[subtle german accent] a lot of people say that! it's so strange. I don't see it.'
Past - HYDRA threads between like 2012-2014 would be interesting? idk. I feel like I've forgotten how to write serious threads.
Ultron + MCU? I'm sure i've mentioned this before but I just really want Ultron to reunite with the avengers through like idk texts? e-mails? something technology based so the urge to blow his ass up is reduced.
this is not limited to just the avengers. you have an MCU hero muse? a child of a canon? I'll take 'em. give me any muse who may know Ultron or his reputation.
Ai and Tony Stark I always imagine that they know each other due to being rich and fundraisers and shit like that. Ai might be an assassin but she gives to charity and does all the Very Good Things she's meant to which means attending Stark fundraisers and drinking his booze x
they do not have to like each other. I don't think Ai has met a single person she likes since she killed her husband, I'll be honest.
Villains generally I do want more villain threads where my villain muses are being villains and doing villainous things. like, I have Joker and Ultron who deserve some attention but also Jameson, Ai, Mattie, Jesse, I have a verse where Bam's a villain (he's doing it for the vibes. that'd hold up in court /s), I have the brotherhood verse with Wag… like… plz. I want my muses to go apeshit.
Fandomless OCs (Liaxee, the Bringer, Lieat) also I would like to do more with supernatural/fantasy/generally fandomless OCs and Liaxee or the Bringer or Lieat. Liaxee is a joy to write, the Bringer is my dumb bitch, and Lieat's the cutest muse I have. I love them all, your honour.
I think Supernatural (the show) muses and any of these three would be fun, too. especially Lieat, because idk if there's anything like them in the Supernatural universe?
I know I have two doctor who blogs following me so I'm lumping them in with supernatural/fantasy/fandomless oc/Superrnatural (the show). yous wanna meet a void creature?
Special Requests have you ever seen a Crazy Quilt RPer? he's my favourite Batman villain. please. (this is mostly a joke but if there actually is a Crazy Quilt RPer, I want to know.)
Egghead is another DC special request because I love Batman villains.
also Typeface and Spellcheck. Idk them that well, but I want to and I have Spider-Man.
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lafortis · 2 months
if you were a muffler, you would do a really good job at reducing the amount of noise produced by the exhaust of an engine 👉👈
hi what. I would be good at acoustic deadening in a combustion engine? cus. what, I got really nices pipes? cus I'm good at getting blown? what's the come on here? like what's the payoff? I feel like I'm going insane. it's ~01:30 and I have to be awake in ~4h30m, and maybe that's not the right conditions for understanding an ask this esoteric, but I just really feel baffled. like.
I wouldn't even assume this was a come on except for the bottom fingers emoji. Like I guess you didn't include the bottom 🥺 so it doesn't HAVE to be bottom energy you could just be shy? in which case understandable and I apologize for my misinterpretation, godspeed and good tidings my friend and compatriot, I WOULD make a good muffler you're correct I'm square and round and can really take some gas. but assuming that's NOT the case (which I feel is the... well, "rational" isn't the right word, but let's say "more probable" assumption), what the hell, y'know. like I've made some innuendos before that were a real reach but this really feels like a step in a direction I'm not even mechanically inclined enough to really follow. like I can do some reading if u need me too don't get me wrong but I gotta know where we're going first nahmean. just let a boy know. give him a heads up first
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novaae · 8 months
Do you have any more Bumi II hc 🥺👉👈
Do I?
He is Izumi's love and life and also the Dragon Consort.
After Ikki and Jinora were born, Bumi took them to the park everyday he was home, partly to flirt with any single mothers there, mostly to see them running around happily with other kids (I don't think we really saw them interact with other kids till Kai was introduced, did we?)
He has a nicotine and smoking problem. Someone points out that he smells like mint, but that's because he carries around those mint breath freshners with him all the time so that the smell doesn't disturb anyone else.
He and Pema are actually great friends! Once he got over his brother marrying someone much younger than him, they got along pretty well. The two of them listen to the same radio-novelas and he takes her out fishing every now and then. She doesn't eat the fish but she cooks it for him.
Tenzin and Bumi go to probending matches and Bumi helps cover up Tenzin's tattoos so that he doesn't get recognised. It's a secret the two of them take to their graves.
He accidentally got included in a pregnancy scare Jinora had when she was 23 because he was in the room with Kya. Making the plan B tea for his niece was top 10 uncomfortable moments for him.
That being said he goes mildly insane when Jinora names her second kid Umi. After Bumi y'know. She just wanted to avoid a Bumi III situation.
He has been an international tribunal judge multiple times, both as his capacity as the only nonbending high ranking officer in the entire United Forces and as an official representative of the Air Nation.
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catboyolli · 2 years
#idk if it's the hair or the sweater but olli looks like he just woke up 🥰💕
-> when doesn't he? 🥺🤭 (except during + after shows 🥵)
(if you want to add your favourite sleepy Olli pictures below I wouldn't mind 👉👈)
hiiiiiiiii, i wanted to reply to this earlier yesterday but i fell down the pinterest rabbit hole (again) looking for pics 🤭💕💗💖💕
you're absolutely right!!!!! seems like Olli has 2 modes:
the main one is sleepy and zoned out with no awareness of his surroundings (he did say he was always tired and zoned out in his "red flags" video)
whatever the fuck gets into him when he's about to perform, performing and after performing that makes him....... do..... things.... and makes us..... 😳🥴🤤🥵 *horny grip* y'know......
here are my most beloved sleepy (and sleeping) Olli pics that i found and he's even hugging himself in one of them 🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💖💖💘💖💕💖💗💕 hope you like them too!
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and of course 💀
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everyone is welcome to add more 🥰💘💖💕💘
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anxiescape · 11 months
*knock knock* uhhhh any lunartides headcanons?
*opens door* Oh! Hello! 👋
Hmmmmmm I've never really thought about if I have any headcanons for them... 🤔
I guess my main two headcanons (if they even count as headcanons?) are:
1) These two are just, like... so good for each other mentally and emotionally. They really click, and are instrumental in helping each other through PTSD episodes and other trauma. Lunartides is my comfort ship, so it's pretty darn squishy and fluffy and cute when I write it. (There's this one scene in one of my fics where it's the first time that Macaque is witnessing one of Sandy's episodes and just—ack, my heart— 💔)
2) Honestly, I headcanon these two as being on the aro/ace spectrum. Sandy definitely comes off as aro/ace to me (and as an ace person myself, I love the representation), and considering that Macaque finds it really hard to trust or open himself up to others, I feel like he finds it easier to connect with Sandy. He doesn't have to push himself to do things that he isn't ready to do, and he knows that Sandy will be patient and respect and support him, and it's just the best, y'know??? 🥺
I dunno if that's what you were looking for, but yeah! I'd probably have more ideas about them if I wrote them a little more. 👉👈
Thanks for the ask! *hands you some leftover Halloween candy and closes the door*
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tgirlbumps · 1 month
Y'know what, fair. Let me try again....
What if.... 🥺 we played minecraft [GAME OF YOUR CHOICE CAUSE I DON'T WANT TO GO 0/2] together... 👉👈 and we were both overdue pregnant tgirls... 🤰
Yes, absolutely. What if we like, held hands and rubbed eachother's bellies and had cute lil lesbian yearning together, too? Maybe tease one another over how big we're getting, eat some snacks and cuddle on the couch or bed... That would be perfect.
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