#and they're desperate alright/j
Imagine this,
you're with a friend or two(if you don't have any, i can be ur friend :))), maybe talking to eachother, playing genshin together, maybe even cosplaying for a tiktok, right?
when all of the sudden, you're on top of some sort of machine/on-ground type of teleporter - think like the ones at sumeru's desert like those ones where u put an upsidedown triangle in it - , bless your soul/s if you were laying down or sitting cuz that chair/thing u were laying on ain't going with u, but if you weren't, you'd still probably fall down butt first on the platform
Imagine being in the cosplay with said friend and were doing one of those trends involving ships and whatnot (bonus points if what u guys chose were and underrated/underappreciated ship of sorts), and while doing said trend involving dancing or smth, you get teleported to said platform, which in turn making u and ur friend open ur eyes (if they weren't already) and seeing the genshin characters basically surrounding said platform with utter confusion in their eyes
like, first of all, what????? they anticipated their creator(s)/overseer(s) not a copy of the two attendees, with said copies dancing with eachother, second of all, who were these people??? they had some similarities to the copied people, yes, but they didn't feel the same. think about it like a lake having a similar lake somewhere near it, it's the same lake but it doesn't feel/seem the same, why? maybe a change in view, a change in the water temperature, or maybe a change in grass length or even rock placement. now imagine those lakes as people, that's what we've got going on over here
both sides are in confusion, Albedo's just standing there (🧍mf lookin ahh) thinking if this is another whopperflower disguise thingy, but then that wouldn't explain why they were the ones to pop up instead of their creator(s)/overseer(s) on the platform, maybe Dottore is just over at the control panel wondering if he accidentally teleported another universe here instead of where you (and maybe even your friend) resided, maybe a skill machine issue, who knows? (no one does)
all of this is happening and u and ur friend are just standing there like:
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 /🧍🧍
with your cosplays still on
c/n(cake's notes): i nearly fell asleep FOUR TIMES while writing this, and yes, i regret nothing.
tl;dr: u and ur friend are cosplaying for a tiktok when u two are suddenly isekai'd in genshin, with everyone standing/attending there confused; ft. me being bored and not sleeping and making this on a whim cuz my fingers totally and accidentally slipped (whoops sorry about that ehe)
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anyways have these lovely selfies while i speedrun my commissions (totally didn't forget to do them haha)
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listen maybe this is just because i've always been a slut for pov outsider fics anyway but i desperately want some on our dork trent crimm. like. the character development??? his softness and dorkification???? i need someone to be like just. what do people think about this. like whether it's a random richmond player, a random reporter trent worked with, someone from trent's personal life, another rando in the sports field who's used to trent crimm, the independent, ruthless reporter, or whoever, just. random people watching trent crimm go from "ah yeah that asshole reporter who specifically has a reputation for being a ruthless cutting bitch" to "openly excitable dork who clearly cares so goddamn much and is visibly softer and has he just secretly always been like this??"
it would probably have to be someone who's close enough to him or richmond now to like, be able to see the change, but i just. am obsessed with this. and that's not even getting into considering the angles of his possible ex-wife/divorce + if non-audience-members can tell he's madly in love with ted or not, because i'm not sure if it's funnier if they're like "trent crimm is a huge dork now and we have no idea why????? i guess this is just the lasso effect fucking bending reality again??" or if they're like "hey fucking WILD that that one journalist specifically known for being a huge asshole apparently fell so ass over teakettle in love with that weird cowboy miracle worker of a gaffer that he divorced his wife, exploded his job, and had a radical personality shift via apparently deciding to be emotionally vulnerable. and all of this after writing a pretty fucked exposé on him?? why does no one talk about this more"
and while all the possibilities mentioned are great in their own ways, it could even be one of the other main characters whos just not generally involved in his storyline like. what does sam think of all this. what is jamie thinking when trent becomes their emotional support journalist dork. what does keeley think.
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two-white-butterflies · 11 months
lover boy | c55
Description: Carlos is jealous when someone begins hitting on you.
Pairing: carlos sainz/lawyer!reader
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"Are you seriously on twitter right now?" Lando scratched the back of his head, attempting to get a clear view of Carlos' phone. "It's important," he shrugged - seeing that John Mayer's comment about you. "Wait, is this about (Your Name)?" he asked, knowing about his friend's little crush on his co-worker.
Lando remembers you as a funny person, the type of girl who'd tell jokes but her laugh would be the funniest part. He could see how his friend fell in love with you. "You didn't hear it from me, but Taylor's ex has a crush on her too." he informed, taking a sip of his champagne.
"He looks desperate," Carlos was quick to insult, feeling the blood pump through his veins with fury. Wasn't this the guy that Lewis couldn't stop complaining about? Apparently, Shakira doesn't like the John Mayer man too. "Desperate until he's in her dm's," Lando glanced at his friend - seeing if anything changed in his features.
Bingo! Carlos was frowning.
"She wouldn't, no? She's a Taylor Swift fan. We're going to the Era's Tour together." he defended himself, still staring at your tweet. "Going to a concert with no label? Carlito - you have to make it fast or else you're gonna be in the friendzone forever." Lando continued teasing, wanting to see his friend with a girl.
"Loco," he mumbled underneath his breath.
But deep inside, he knew that Lando was right.
And Carlos had to make his move.
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babylemem1 J*hn Ma**r after seeing Carlos Sainz' post
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carlosleclairfan: CARLOS SAID "UR NOT HITTING ON MY *ALLEGED* GIRLFRIEND" WAHHAHAH 🤣 - havanagomz22: gf?? - - carlosleclairfan: yeah, I FEEL LIKE THEY'RE DATING
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"Carlos," you knocked on his door impatiently. "What's wrong?" he asked, turning his phone off and giving you his full attention. You take a step inside of his room, settling on the couch beside him. "Is everything alright between you and a certain singer?" you ask cryptically, not wanting to spook him just yet.
He probably hasn't opened twitter - and Lando - well, he's Lando.
"John Mayer, hate him." he rolled his eyes, already knowing where the conversation was headed. "Well, you'll be happy to see the tweets that Lando made about him." you bite your lower lip, turning your Ipad in his direction for him to read the tweets. "Madre mia..." he mumbled - resisting a laugh.
"I couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it. Does this have something to do with me?" you inquire, knowing that John Mayer was currently sitting in your twitter dms (ignored.)
"Maybe," he lied - looking away from you.
"You know that you can tell me anything, right?"
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carlossainz55: I don't believe in soft launches 😛
149 comments 125,923 likes
LandoNorris: Looking very respectful! 💪🏽
Y.N_Official: I like that picture of me, very good Carlito! - carlossainz55: ❤️ te amo tanto
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Y.N_Official: all along there was some, invisible string. 💗
812 comments 12,842 likes
carlossainz55: Handsome ❤️ - LandoNorris: who lied to u? - - carlossainz55: I'll let you pass this one time...
twilightfan22: OMG OMG OMG Atty. Y/N Sainz. The fucking power.
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Requests are open
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mochiwrites · 2 months
For the ask game/prompt, mayhaps #1 with Scarian? Could be in canon, one of your AUs, or any other AU you think of lol, no preference ☺️
01. Touch starved/cuddle curse (put that guy in a situation!)
reblogs do more than likes!
"How in the world have you managed this, Scar?!" Grian's indignant voice exclaims, echoing in the small space of Scar's train car. The avian looks down at the man currently pouting at him, a sheepish expression on his face.
"I-I don't know! Joel just gave me this potion thingy and -- and said it would be good for bonding with cOW!" As he speaks, he makes a grabbing motion for Grian, his pout morphing into a pleading look.
Grian pointedly takes a step back from Scar's outreaching arms, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Trusting Joel was your first mistake," he mumbles, sucking in a breath.
"He's a trustworthy fellow!" Scar retorts, "Besides, I don't see what's so bad about this arrangement... all I want to do is cuddle with you."
"That's exactly the problem, Scar!" The feathers of Grian's wings fluff up as he stares at his husband with a firm look. "I have building I have to do! Shops to set up, permits to not do! I also promised Gem I'd help her out with something in a few hours. I can't just stay here with you all day."
Scar's pleading expression only becomes stronger, his green eyes looking shiny as he stares up at Grian from where he sits on his head. "Please, lovebird? Just for a little bit?" He makes another grabbing motion for Grian, who finds his resolve rapidly crumbling the longer he looks at Scar.
"Nuh uh mister, I know exactly how this sort of thing goes. We both know it won't just be 'for a little bit,'" he answers. Grian's making any desperate attempts at keeping his denial firm.
But... he could just tell Gem he'd be around tomorrow. And it's not like the Permit Office is really ever open. They're only sometimes there to help anyway. And he still hasn't come up with any ideas for his mushroom stem shop.
"I promise this time I'll stick to it! Only a few hours, I swear on my hat!" Scar exclaims, eagerly nodding.
"Where have I heard that one before," Grian mumbles under his breath, fondness written into each and every word. He lets out a little sigh, "Alright, alright, fine. But only for a few hours! Let's hope this... cuddle affliction has run its course by then."
He takes a step toward Scar, and the moment he's close enough, a hand jumps out to grab hold of his wrist. Grian yelps as he's pulled right into Scar's lap, arms slinging around his waist. He steadies himself by gripping Scar's shoulders, finding the love of his life grinning at him.
"You should know I always want to cuddle with you." Scar shoots him a cheeky little wink, making Grian roll his eyes, a small smile upon his lips. "You just fit in my arms so perfectly!"
"Maybe that's just because you're a giant," Grian huffs, getting settled in Scar's hold. He moves to lay his head on Scar's shoulder, tucking it within the crook of his neck. "You're like one big teddy bear."
Scar squeezes him lightly, one of his hands moving to rest against the small of his back, right in between his feathers. The contact leaves Grian melting right into him with a content noise. "Am I a cute teddy bear?"
Grian snorts at him.
"It's the most important question I've ever asked you next to proposing, Grian!" Scar gasps in return, a serious look in his eyes. His green eyes sparkle with mirth, and pressed against him like this, Grian can feel the way his chest rumbles with hidden laughter. "I have to know if I'm a cute teddy bear!"
"Yes Scar," Grian sighs fondly, pulling back to hold the man's face in his hands, "you're a very cute teddy bear." He accentuates his response with a kiss to Scar's nose, "Although Jellie is cuter."
Scar makes some kind of ecstatic noise, pulling Grian down into bed as he rolls onto his side. Grian squawks at the sudden action, just narrowly avoiding his wings getting squished. "But of course! No one is cuter than Jellie. You come in a close second place though."
If it were anyone but Jellie, Grian would have complained.
Instead, he snuggles in close to Scar, wrapping a wing around him as they fall into a comfortable silence. Scar's arms are secure around him, and Grian thinks he'd be fine with laying here all day, wrapped in his husband's arms.
"Remember Scar, only for a few hours."
"Right, right! Only a few hours. Or until this cuddle curse goes away!"
(They go well over 'a few hours' together. Grian's communicator pings a few times, but it sounds almost silent over the pair's easy breaths as they sleep.)
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
I'm gripping the bars of my cage desperately, I'm chewing at the bars, begging, pleading for more zombie ghoap x reader au.
zombie ghoap x reader au coming right up chef 🫡
btw this is super similar to charliemwrites' jaw dropping ghoap x reader "the (scottish) cabin in the woods" so you need to go read that immediately (and leave a nice comment because charlie rocks)
cw for noncon puppyplay below the cut
i was talking to ceilidh a tiny bit about this earlier, and i think that johnny and reader met in like a cannibal cult kinda thing. very much so like that episode of TLOU, yknow? they both think they've found a little commune safe haven, but it very quickly becomes clear that that's not the case.
anyways, they end up trying to get out together when they realize what's going on, and have to kill a few of the cult members :/ they've been "stuck together" ever since
they threaten to leave the other for dead (or kill them in the middle of the night) constantly. it hasn't happened yet, obviously, but boy oh boy do both of them bring it up nonstop. they act like they hate each other, but honestly they just need to fuck
but they're sorta stuck together now. you're better off paired up with someone than on your own, that's something they both learned pre-cult fiasco. and, really, they don't dislike each other nearly as much as you might think based on the way they gripe
enter ghost. he spots these two survivors wandering through the forest, one injured and both filthy, and basically thinks to himself "hm. could be good in home entertainment"
(here's the deal with puppyplay like this - it's absurd, and we're just going with it. alright??? just WORK with me here)
if you didn't see, i put in the tags of the original post "#btw - he takes you home then chains you both up outside and says something like “this is where dogs stay” :/#dont worry you're perfectly safe (he has a high fence keeping zombies out) but he likes to hear how scared you get when you're out there all#you're both quite well behaved when he lets you in for dinner the next night <3#he only has to scold you once when you both complain about being made to eat while kneeling on the floor next to him"
you're probably both "behaving" because you don't want him to. you know. fucking KILL YOU. but this is also a zombie apocalypse au, so you're both totally feral too. and this is an apocalypse ghost too, which means he's probably way harsher and way rougher around the edges than he even is in canon
anyways i think soap and reader here are more likely to be like "lets wait this out and try to escape when he's not expecting it" except they're like... really bad at trying to play along
ANYWAYS!!!! ghost takes you two back to his compound, ties the both of you up outside for the night. he wraps soap's ankle first, gives him a stern command to stay off of it, and goes back inside like everything is normal. he watches you two over the camera while planning out how he'll build some outdoor kennels for the two of you
you're both cold and tired and hungry and scared the next morning, so it doesn't take much coaxing on his part to get you inside. it takes a lot more coaxing to keep you two on your knees :/
honestly johnny's ankle is so fucked that it's almost a relief to keep pressure off of it (even if it means crawling around on the floor like an animal) but you care a hell of a lot more. ghost threatens to break your ankles before you finally listen :/
he ties the leashes to your wrists, to keep you both out of trouble as much as he can. it's not like either of you are eager to go very far - his house is warm and you're both chilled to the bone from your night outisde
anyways. that's all i've got like, linearly. but i can offer some random little tidbits about their lives after
ghost makes you both eat from the floor. he gives you plates (no silverware) at first and lets you use your hands, and gradually works the two of you up to eating from bowls with just your mouths
you and johnny bicker constantly and simon frequently makes the two of you kiss to make up :( forces you to make out with each other while he smokes a cigarette and enjoys the show. no matter how mad you are, you both end up needy and humping the air when he finally lets you stop
he tries to have you two sleep in the same crate, but it does not go well. ghost very quickly realizes that you two will try to tear each other's throats out if forced that closely together for an entire night
sometimes one of you will try to get the other in trouble. there's one particular night where you trick johnny into misbehaving and he's stuck in the outside kennel all night - but it rains. and every time you glance out the window you see how sad and cold he looks :((( ghost lets you love on him the next morning, and soap is more than eager for a bit of comfort after such a miserable night
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plscallmeeren · 10 months
G I R L  O N
G I R L ?
Hermione J. Granger x Reader
Request: indeed
Summary: upon accidentally witnessing Cho and Ginny making out, you and your friend Hermione grow curious as to the concept of doing something with other girls and decide to experiment ;)
Warnings: swearing; scissoring; top!reader; bottom!Hermione; fingering (her receiving); loss of virginity ig
Word Count: 2.9K+
"Have you written your essay on bezoars yet?" you asked suddenly, disturbing the quiet library air.
"Yes. Now, don't tell me you want me to write one for you-"
"I'm not Ron," you interjected, slightly insulted. "I was just wondering which points you covered in order to write three feet on it."
"Oh. Sorry. I just- Ron's really getting to me, y'know. I mean, he always has, but couldn't he just- just- oh, I don't know."
You posture softened at the desperation in her voice. "Do you still like him?"
"No, no, none of that... if I'm being completely honest- Can I be completely honest? If there's anyone I can tell, it's you." You nodded. "He... I used to find him attractive, you know. Like, I thought about it and about- well, you know what, but now it just... he has no appeal and he's still a blithering idiot, so really, there's nothing left to like. Oh, does that make me awful?"
"No, love," you consoled immediately, "not at all. If it weren't for Harry, I'd say maybe you've just grown too far apart. C'mon, let's talk about this some more in the privacy of our room. I think I've still got some sweets from Honeydukes?" You smiled warmly and she gladly agreed.
The two of you laughed at the unfortunate victim of one of the twins' pranks who was sitting rather unhappily in the hallway, Hermione albeit a little ruefully.
"Oh! I forgot my textbook in the Transfiguration classroom, I almost forgot. Can we quickly-"
"Sure. It's just around the corner, anyway."
You lay an arm around her shoulders and she wrapped hers around your waist, the both of you ambling along in comfortable silence.
"Alright, I'll be just a second," she said, letting go of you and heading to the classroom.
"Yeah- 'Mione?" you questioned, a tad concerned. She stood with the door ajar, frozen in place, staring inside.
"What's wrong?" you asked again, but she didn't bother replying. A little on edge, you moved behind her, staring over her head to see what had captivated her.
Inside the classroom, Ginny Weasley pushed Cho Chang against a desk, a firm grasp on her ass as they welded their lips together in beautiful sync.
You weren't as shocked, perhaps, as Hermione, but your eyes went wide and you could hardly force your gaze off the two of them. Your lips parted involuntarily and you hardly noticed the way your friend's body was pressing flush against yours.
Ginny began trailing kisses down Cho's jaw, the latter moaning out her name as if god herself was doing this to her. She grasped the hem of the red-head's shirt and just as she was about to pull it over her head-
Hermione closed the door and locked it with a charm simple enough to beat with Alohamora.
She turned and only then did you realise how close you were, foreheads almost touching, hips pressed against each other. You quickly stepped back.
"W-What was that?" she asked shakily, gulping when we heard a carnal groan from the other side of the door and casting a quick silencing charm to their benefit, too.
"I'd say it was pretty clear what that was," you replied, unsure as to what she wanted to hear.
"Yes, but- but they're girls. Both of them." You could see her trembling, wondered why this bothered her so much.
"Well, yeah. I haven't really heard much about it, either, but I don't see why it's a bad thing."
"No- No, I'm not saying that. I think my second aunt Marie was a lesbian, or at least my mother thinks so, but they're so... so close to our age and- and-"
You cupped her face in your palms, looking her in the eye in an attempt to gift her some sort of comfort.
"It's okay. You don't have to feel that way or feel challenged by it or- alternatively, if that's what you're worried about, if you share that sentiment, you don't have to be ashamed of that, either."
"Right," she breathed, calming, but much to your confusion, her legs were still shaking. "Do you... Do you ever think about girls like that?"
The question caught you thoroughly off guard and you noticed with mild surprise that while you never thought of boys sexually, you had never really considered girls.
"I... I haven't, but..."
Before you could stop yourself, you began imagining things, and you almost slapped yourself when an erotic painting of Hermione, a naked mess of moaning limbs in your bed, came to mind.
"But what?" She stared at you inquiringly, and that image of her letting you fuck her only took on more detail.
"Well, I could imagine... some girls are pretty hot, I mean."
"Yes. Yes, that's true... Would you- Let's just go to our dorm."
You nodded hurriedly and you made your way to the Gryffindor common room, although this time keeping your hands to yourself, in a silence that was not so much unpleasant as thick.
Brown waves splayed across your pillows, her back arched and nipples perked-
Stop it.
Her toes curled, fingers grasping the bedsheet as she cries out for you, she needs you, she needs more-
Stop it!
Hermione, so vulnerable before you, core throbbing, clenching around your fingers, so wet the slick runs down her thighs-
You shook your head as if that would help. Hermione wasn't looking in your direction and you considered - just for a split second - whether the same thoughts were plaguing her mind. But surely not. Hermione wasn't like that. She wouldn't.
Eventually you arrived at your shared dorm (together with Lavender and Parvati). Much to your surprise, she whirled around, a look of studious determination on her face you knew all too well.
"Okay, I- I've thought about it. I think these things need to be tried out, you know? Just to see if they work."
"Oh, I think they work," you smirked, but she only glared. "Okay, fine. What are you suggesting? That we make out and see if we find it better than our experiences with boys?"
"Well, if you put it that way... Yes. I think it would be a beneficial experiment for both of us. You know - broadening our horizons. I wasn't particularly attracted to Viktor, necessarily, and you said your attempts at - you know what - sort of failed with Dean, so maybe..."
"Maybe we would be better off with another girl?"
"Girl on girl?" she affirmed, and the images of her flooded back.
"Yeah, okay, well- Do you want to prepare or...," you trailed off half-heartedly, fearing this might be awkwarder than necessary considering how you had worked up to it.
To underline one important thing; You couldn’t believe in the least what was happening. You were almost certain you were dreaming. And yet… her hot breath on your skin felt so life-like.
"No, now's probably best, Parvati and Lavender will probably be in Hogsmeade until this evening.
Deciding waiting wouldn't improve the atmosphere at all, you simply dove in.
Your lips crashed against hers and a moment later she reciprocated, her movements a little sloppy but otherwise pleasant. More than pleasant. Electricity seemed to be sparking between you, a force that drove you to push her back against the door to gain more friction.
With half a mind to just risk being caught, you pointed your wand at the door from the inside of your pocket and muttered colloportus and silencio.
Hermione’s hands clasped behind the nape of your neck, the kiss morphing to open-mouthed movements as she whimpered, your hands roaming the curves of her waist and finally grasping her ass.
You noticed as a dull sort of side-note that it all came naturally. Not once had your fingers ventured like this over the curves of a woman’s body, not once had you arched your back in just the right way to press your body flush against another female one, not any of it. But it came like second nature, just like a first kiss, where you formerly wonder if you’ll know how to even move properly.
“More,” Hermione whispered frantically, only urging you further to drag your lips along her jaw, hardly coming up for air.
“More what, sweetheart?”
She expressed a high-pitched moan that told you everything, but you needed to hear it.
“Use your big words for me, love,” you purred, and with a groan she managed ‘you’.
“I thought you only wanted to make out?”
“G-God, I need you. I’ve never felt like this before, I can barely stand- my legs- my legs-“ You sucked on the sweet spot below her collar bone that you could still reach without taking off her shirt.
“Hm… I think these’ll be getting in the way, then,” you nodded at her attire, and she sank along the door in need of rest, sitting on the floor with her legs spread wide before her.
“Do it for me, (y/n). Please,” she whimpered, and you couldn’t help but obey.
You slowly sunk to her height, crouching before her, starting by pulling off the tie loosely hanging around her neck (she only allowed such slack in herself on weekends) and then opening button after button on her shirt.
You continued to undo her slowly, her legs spreading wider and wider as if welcoming you in, raking her fingers over the carpet in an attempt to ground herself.
You finally pulled off her shirt and Hermione gasped as you ripped off her skirt in one swift motion. Her fingers grabbed at your hair instead and you could already feel the slight scratches on your scalp.
Her shoes and leggings were discarded carelessly and finally you could stare at her in nothing but her white lacy panties and a frilly white bra, not to mention the matching socks. If you hadn’t already known she was a virgin, you might have noticed at the sheer innocence of her arms covering her torso half-heartedly and the dark patch - ever-growing - in her white underwear.
“I-I’m not- I know I don’t look perfect, I… I don’t exercise much and I know my breasts are-“
You shushed her with a passionate kiss in which you hoped to share even a magnitude of how beautiful you found her. She moulded her lips against yours with just as much ferocious attraction.
“You wanna see me, too?” you asked quietly and she nodded immediately.
With hardly a second’s thought, hoping Hermione might be too hot and bothered to care how you looked or notice all the things you were insecure about, you pulled off your shirt, pants, shoes, and socks, finally leaving you in your underwear as well, although a tad more simple and certainly more black.
“You- You’re- You’re gorgeous,” she stuttered, eyes widened.
“Thank you, darling, but if I may continue,” you taunted, expertly undoing her bra (which, lucky for you, opened at the front) with your teeth, a skill you were most surprised you possessed, considering you had definitely done no such thing before.
“That’s, uh, that’s hot,” she murmured, panting slightly as you sucked on her left nipple, rolling the other in between your fingers. Your tongue traced a spiral around her nip and eventually you were massaging both of her tits as your mouth wandered further down, placing open-mouthed kisses and hickeys along her sides and abdomen.
“Oh, my God,” she whined, throwing her head back with closed eyes.
“It’s not God who’s doing this to you, love,” you teased, smiling into her as you finally reached her clothed pussy. The wet stain was dark and sweat beaded on every patch of skin, but you wouldn’t assume, you wouldn’t dare.
Stopping, your eyes flicked up to look at Hermione, the brunette needing a moment to realise why you had stopped.
“Please, I need you,” she groaned, and that was confirmation enough.
You ripped her panties clean in half in desperation, taking only two seconds to examine her pretty cunt and press your lips once to each inner thigh, diving two fingers into her without warning.
She moaned loudly, a sound so crazed and pleasurable you were glad only you could hear it. Then again, if Lavender and Parvati walked in on you both, they - and probably the rest of the school - would always know she was yours…
But she wasn’t yours.
This thought angered you more than anything could have in the foreseeable future, encouraging your fingers even more-so to pound into her at an ungodly speed. Her whines matched your pace, a girlish sound escaping her every time her back hit the wooden door.
“Am I fucking you good, ‘Mione? Better than Viktor could’ve?” You weren’t sure where the confidence came from or how you knew what words to choose to almost drive your friend over the edge, but the risk of her being put off by them vanished into thin air when her pathetic moans only grew louder.
“Much,” she squeaked between thrusts. You could feel her walls clenching around your fingers, climax ebbing just one more lick of your thumb over her clit away, all so close, so close, trembling, yelling your name, unspeakable sounds-
You pulled out of her and licked your lips. Slowly, taking your time as she stared at you in utter horror. Obviously, she was new to a little something called edging.
“Don’t look at me like that, baby,” you cooed, swiping up the last of her juices with your tongue. She was so wet it was pooling on the floor.
“You- You- How could you!? I’ve never came before and you just took-“
“C’m’ere,” you offered, standing and sitting down with open legs open on your bed. “I wanted to try something. This is supposed to be an experiment, right?”
She flushed so deeply red you considered calling it something else.
“If there’s one thing I did learn from Dean, it’s that an orgasm is always better if you’ve been denied one several times. Don’t worry, I won’t make it several times,” you promised, seeing the look on her face. “But, because we’re two females, which was the point of this whole exercise, I thought we should try doing something you can’t do with a dick.”
You took a moment to stare at her, let your hungry eyes roam as you licked your lips. There she lay, leaning against the door for support, legs spread incredibly wide, liquid spilling out of her, coating her inner thighs, cunt tensing around nothing, nipples perked, trembling, panting, hair a mess, a slight smudge of her mascara.
Almost how you had imagined it. Only better.
“What’s that?” she asked, with the same kind of intrigue she had when examining a bowtruckle.
“Well, we both have cunts-“
“(Y/n)! Don’t use that word!”
“Why not? It describes something so pretty,” you countered, nodding at her pussy, and she blushed anew.
“We could try… I don’t know, rubbing them together or something. It’s not like it can go wrong. If it doesn’t work, I’ll fuck you like that again and you can cum, I’m getting the hang of it, I think. Please. For the love of science?”
“We’re going to a magic school,” she teased, standing up shakily and making her way towards your bed.
“Well, that certainly felt like magic, hon’.”
She smiled shyly, letting herself down with one leg over yours on the red covers, watching closely as your sexes edged closer.
“Okay, just…”
The effect was immediate, and you weren’t prepared for feeling so good yourself.
Your gaze flicked back and forth between the squirming mess where your bodies connected, soaked to the brim, and this beautiful woman as naked as anything, jaw dropped in concentration and pleasure.
“F-Fuck,” she cried out, tensing yet again. On any other occasion you would have teased her for using a ‘bad word’, but now wasn’t the time.
Your stomach was doing somersaults. Your lungs burned with the effort of humping against her. Your legs had about as much idea of where they were as a bear in the Sahara desert.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, ‘Mione,” you groaned, a guttural noise that had her throw her head back. No answer met your comment but high-pitched ‘ah’s strung an unstoppable melody from her mouth.
You were so close, she was tensing, so close, so close, so close-
You both came simultaneously, a mess of limbs as she climbed over you to slump on your body, flush against you. After what you had just seen the other do, there was no more shame. Yet, perhaps.
“Oh, God, that was so good,” she whined, almost bumping your abdomen at the mere thought.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to answer, simply pulling the blanket over the two of you to keep warm. Not that the hot flush would die down any time soon.
“So, uh,” she started unsurely, at once glad she was hidden under the covers, even if her knee was at your groin and your breasts were practically entangled. “Would you say we’re attracted to other girls?”
“Fuck, ‘Mione,” you cursed, feeling the need to fuck her all over again. “Yeah. I think it’s pretty clear we’re both very capable of being attracted to other girls.”
“I thought so.”
You pulled her even closer, relished in the smell of sweat and sex and her vanilla perfume.
I hope this is something like what you wanted :)
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brayneworms · 10 months
wide eyes (cherry pies).
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featuring. kobeni higashiyama/reader
word count. 1.07k
content. gender-neutral reader, kissing, intoxication, kobeni-typical crying, reader is kobeni's boss but no power dynamics, thorough consent checks, no smut but EXTREMELY suggestive, love confessions.
notes. this is an 18+ blog. minors and ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked.
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The hand with your key had shaken trying to unlock the door to your apartment.
It might've been the nerve, or the drink, or the fact that Kobeni had stuffed her face into the crook of your neck, breathing hard and fast, her hands pawing at the back of your suit jacket, squirming like a kitten.
Regardless, they're not shaking now.
The moment the both of you stumble through the cramped parlour and kitchenette to the bedroom, dimly lit with orange string-lights and a salt lamp petulantly aglow in the corner, Kobeni is on you with a vigour you see from her once in a blue moon and always on the field. She's slightly... damp, from sweat or rain or drool or just whatever keeps her perpetually sustained in a state of unspooling anxiety, but her strong fingers have a grip on your blazer, tugging it off like it had offended her.
"S-slow—" you manage to gasp out before she reaches up to kiss you again, fast and needy, parting her lips to lick into your mouth and you groan. "Beni," you pant between breaks for air. "Ben, Beni—"
She whines when you grip her narrow shoulders and push her down, bracketing her fast with your strength. When she peers up at you, your brain flatlines a little; her usual flouncy ponytail has unravelled, leaving two scarlet clips adrift in a wave of messy brunette hair, and it frames a face scarlet with blush from cheekbone to jawline. Her lips are red, full as candy apples, wet with spit, her dark brows knitted up, her dark eyes big and deep and starving.
She makes a needy noise, tries to lean in to kiss you again, but you manage to force her back down.
"Just—just lemme breathe a minute, babe," you pant out. Kobeni goes painfully redder and nods. "Alright. Okay. Look, we've both had a little to drink. Are you sure—"
"Yes," she blurts out, before you've even finished the question. "Th—I mean—that's the only reason I f-feel brave enough to..." Her voice wilts a little, but you can suddenly feel your pulse in your skull.
"Kobeni," you say, lowly. "I... overheard you talking with Himeno a week back. I know you... you haven't done this before. I just want to make sure you want—I mean, that you know what you want. With me, of all people."
Kobeni's eyes fill with tears. "I—I only want you," she hiccups. "I m-mean... God, this is so embarrassing, but I—ever since I got assigned to you, and working under you, I mean, oh, I'm messing this up but I j-just..."
"Breathe, dove," you murmur, and—trusting her to stop jumping you like she's springlocked—move your hands to cup her face. She burns beneath your touch, eyes pools of ink staring urgently up at you. "You're not messing anything up, 'kay? I just need to make sure here. I'm not some kinda scummy boss. I—I care about you. That's half the fuckin' problem, I mean—fuck. I don't want you to regret this. That's all. Okay?"
Kobeni sniffles. "I won't. I've always... it's all I've b-been thinking about. I—every night. And tonight, going out, I thought I was being annoying, clinging to you like I did b-but now we're here and—and I'm so close, please don't send me away." She hiccups pathetically. "I, mm. I love you. I love you."
Something presses down on your chest like a weight, compressing your heart into your ribcage. And you love her too, you love her too, so you lean forwards and kiss the tear tracks on her face whilst she huffs and squirms, craning her neck; her wet lips brush yours once, twice before she makes a whiny noise of desperation and you finally bring her in.
She's jittery, switching between being too enthusiastic and freezing up—presumably because she has no idea what to do. But at least she's moving slower now, satiated apparently by getting her feelings off her chest, and she lets you guide her this time.
"On the bed," you murmur against her lips. "If you're sure."
Kobeni nods frantically, clambering upon your mattress so eagerly that the sheets tangle around her. You bite back a giggle at the sight of her, sitting on her haunches like a dog awaiting its owners return.
"Tell me, okay?" you reiterate as you start undoing your shirt of your own admission; it slips off your shoulders, and Kobeni squeaks, eyes tracking your every moment like it's the last thing she'll ever see. Lamplight glints in the onyx of her eyes. "Kobeni. You can stop whenever. Whatever you're comfortable with. I need you to tell me what to do, how far you wanna go. Okay? You hear me?"
"Y-yes," she whimpers. "I, um..." Her hands wring together, eyes averting into her lap. "I want to... I don't know. I want... you to... t-touch me?"
"That's a start," you agree mildly. "How about we start smaller, though... you wanna take your shirt off?"
Her cheeks burn, but she nods, shaky hands moving to untuck her shirt from her slacks and start on the buttons. Pale skin slices down the middle, adorned with a worn, plain black bra. It looks like it's been through the washer two dozen times—you know Kobeni sends most of her paycheck home to her family. She must not be able to afford luxuries.
You could buy her one. Not in a weird way, like an old geezer sending lace thongs to his twenty-something secretary, obviously. Just... something that doesn't look like it's held together by two threads.
Kobeni covers the exposed skin. "Sorry," she mumbles, and you realise with a lurch you've been staring in silence. "I know I'm not—y-you're probably used to more—"
"Don't think that," you interrupt, walking over and slotting yourself between her legs. The fabric of her slacks strains against her thighs, and she stares up at you, slack-jawed, starry-eyed, alight with blush. "You're so gorgeous," you murmur. "So—the second you walked into my office, oh my god. Haven't been able to get you outta my head. Do I sound creepy? You can tell me if I do."
She shakes her head wildly. "N-no! Me too! I—like you said, the second I walked in—and you've been so kind. Nobody's ever..." Her lower lip trembles. "I really love you. Sorry. I love you."
"I love you too," you murmur, and swoop in to touch her.
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da-awesom-one · 5 months
At All Costs (Snowflake Version) - Chris Pine & Idina Menzel
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Art I commissioned from Frost_Art on Instagram.
*DISCLAIMER: These lyrics are fan-made lyrics of a song created and owned by Disney for characters that are owned by both Disney and Dreamworks respectively . No money is being made off of this. This was solely written for recreational purposes.*
Context: This is set during Frozen II, in the middle of the Dark Sea scene. They’ve barely survived the Nokk, and Jack is the most upset he’s ever been. Elsa left him behind not once, but twice. The first when they left Kristoff and Sven behind, and the second when she sent Olaf and Anna away. Not only that, she recklessly runs into the Dark Sea, and that’s not mentioning his fear of water. Coupled with the fear of being sent away, and not feeling like he has a place in Arendelle, he’s really struggling to prove his worth without being selfish.
Love is selflessness, and he has taken that to heart since the events of Frozen 1, where he abandoned Elsa before her parents died, and he did everything in his power to make up for it when she finally sees him again. However, it doesn't always work in the right way. So he’s desperately trying to not be what he perceives to be selfish, for being selfish is what almost lost him his best friend in the first place, and he is deeply afraid of losing his new family. Of losing Elsa.
But somewhere along the way, whether he understands or want to admit it or not, things changed. Jack sees Elsa differently, just as she started to in her late teens, but kept quiet due to what happened and out of respect to her friend, also because she's not sure she understands it either.
They argue in the Dark Sea, telling her he doesn't want to lose her, but right as Jack’s about to say what he actually wants, he relents, saying what he wants doesn’t matter. Elsa doesn’t accept that. Once they get to safety, she tells him what he wants matters to HER.
And he tells her he wants to stay with her forever. That he sees her the way Kristoff does to Anna. But time, fate, what have you, makes it seem like no matter what he does, he can’t. But still, he wants to be with her regardless. Because she is his destiny. And being with her makes him feel better, and whole.
So then he starts singing. And so does she. And for the first time since entering the Enchanted Forest, they're on the same page. Better now than ever before.
Sing = Siiing
J: If destiny is a set-in-stone thing,
Mine would be you.
If you'd have told me the feelings you'd bring,
I'd think them untrue.
Yet I never thought I’d meet someone like you.
Not in this life.
You still amaze me after all this time.
You pull me in like some kind of wind.
Save me from all the doubts within.
Make me brave enough to tell ya...
…That I…
Love you as one does.
I, I would protect you 
At all costs.
Bring you here into my arms.
I, I would protect you 
At all costs.
At all costs.
E: How to say… the words that I wish to convey?
That I want you, too. Even if I tried to,
I can’t go back to life before you.
If someone tried to stop this, I don't
See how that could happen.
I'd fight for us in ways you can't imagine.
I’ve felt this once before, so I hope
It would be alright to stand right here and tell you…
B: I love you as one does.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs.
Hold you right here in my arms.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
At all costs!
If you're ever feeling like you're lost,
I’ll come find you!
Man all fronts! There's no ocean I won't swim across
To be right by you!
And not just once. Here and now, I swear on my response,
I'll remind you…
I love you as one does.
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
Keep you safe here in my arms!
I, I will protect you 
At all costs!
At all costs.
Debated whether or not to do this after posting the Jack Frost This Is The Thanks I Get?!, and finally hearing this for the first time. I got giddy, as this is definitely one of the top songs from the Wish soundtrack, and it struck me as odd that the villain, who in the movie was married, and the protagonist would sing something that sounded... well, romantic.
After seeing Wish for the context of it, and later discovering the Demo Version, learning that it WAS originally written as a love song, well... I had to go back and tweak my original draft.
@doodlemel's Animatic of them singing this song definitely didn't help, either. XD
I had to tweak bits that weren't making sense for Jack to say, especially parts that Magnifico said in the movie that kinda hinted to his more sinister persona. Because Jack is a good guy, but also someone who has never experienced these kinda feelings before, as well as also dealing with a lot of mistakes and trauma that influence his perception of whether or not his feelings are genuine, and whether he has a right to feel these feelings.
Elsa, for her part. is more straightforward, remarkably. Because I headcanon that she fell in love first, but Jack was being Shonen Protagonist oblivious to it. And by the time he started feeling a spark of something similar, stuff had already happened between them that they needed to clear up. But her feelings for him never really went away, even if she got better at hiding them. So when she hears him FINALLY admit that he feels the same way, she doesn't have to hide anymore. She lets him say his piece, and responds in kind.
Ultimately, I didn't really change much but the first parts where they sing, and parts of the choruses. Especially the “love” parts, as I just HAD to incorporate the original Demo Version into it. It's telling a sort of story. Of them slowly synchronizing once more, and finally ending with them being of one mind and heart.
For to love on a spectrum that has both beings as one, in my opinion, is truly a beautiful thing.
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Can you please write a whumpee that was locked in their cell to starve for weeks and weeks when they were with whumper, and now they're safe at caretaker's house, but they refuse to eat because they think they don't deserve it
They wait for the middle of night where they're sure caretaker is sleeping and go to the kitchen to raid the fridge, desperately eating like they were never going to eat again
Caretaker walks on them mid act and comforts them, reassuring them that they will never starve again
Thanks in advance <3
aghh love this idea! pls enjoy <3
cw starvation, past trauma/abuse, whump recovery, hurt/comfort 
Caretaker slowly crept into the kitchen after they had been woken by the noise. They didn’t know what to expect, but when they stumbled in half asleep, rubbing at their bleary eyes, they certainly weren’t expecting to see Whumpee sitting on the floor, devouring a container of leftovers. 
“What’s going on?” they muttered. 
Whumpee looked up in shock. Empty Tupperware and snack bags were discarded on the floor next to them. “I—I’m sorry,” they gasped, eyes wide with horror. “Caretaker, I'm sorry, I just—I couldn’t...” 
Caretaker rushed to kneel beside them. “Hey, shh. It’s okay.” 
Whumpee set the food they were eating aside as they began to shake. “No, no, it’s not okay. You’ve been so kind to me a-and I’m so ungrateful. J-just eating your food without asking, I’m sorry.” 
“Whumpee, it’s alright. Breathe, okay?” Caretaker said softly, pulling Whumpee into their arms. They recalled the last couple days, and how Whumpee had refused to eat anything—it suddenly made sense. “Were...were you not eating because you didn’t think you were allowed to?” 
Whumpee sniffled, clinging to Caretaker’s shirt. “I don’t deserve it,” they whispered. “I don’t deserve any of the kindness you’ve shown me. B-but I just couldn’t—I was so hungry...” 
Caretaker’s fingers stroked their hair, gentle and comforting. “Of course you deserve it. You deserve to eat, Whumpee. I don’t care if anyone’s told you otherwise. From now on, you can eat whenever you want.” 
Caretaker nodded. “Yes. Now come on—if you’re still hungry, I’d be happy to make you something. I think I have some brownie mix around here, as well.” 
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"Mindshadow" review
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One of these days, Spock will do the logical thing and get an all-risk insurance for his brain...
Novel from 1986, by J. M. Dillard. Okay, this story is quite messy, as it tries to put together a pastiche of plot threads and themes that may or may not be that cohesive. It borrows heavily from TOS episodes, from The Enterprise Incident to Journey to Babel (even a bit from Wolf in the Fold). There are definitely a few plot holes and some silliness. The espionage/murder plot is sometimes too convoluted to follow. Also, some names look like typos: Transporter technician "Lyle"? (I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be Kyle), the penal colony of "Ebla Two"? (should have been Elba Two), "Chekhov"????... In terms of absurdity, it's similar to that other novel, "Black Fire" (and yes, there's even a pirate Spock in here too). But just as it happened with that book... I actually liked this one as well. It's a glorious mess, alright.
The most serious (and somber) thread is that of Spock receiving brain damage, and his struggles to recover his memories and Vulcan mental disciplines. The abuse he suffers from medical malpractice, his frustration with his impaired learning, his loving (and sometimes painful) relationship with his family, or Uhura's tender attempts to help him through music... Those elements have probably the greatest emotional impact in the novel, and are actually pretty good in themselves. This is also, at core, a "triumvirate" novel, with strong character drama between Kirk, Spock and McCoy, and a focus on their closeness.
On the other hand, there's another, more ridiculous drama: both Kirk and McCoy fall in love with the same Mary Sue, and hilarity tragedy ensues. For his part, Kirk seems pretty callous in his seduction of this woman, as he doesn't even like her all that much; at times, it almost looks as if he just wanted to piss McCoy off (isn't there really ANY other woman available for him!?). While McCoy, who truly loves the Mary Sue, ends up looking incredibly pitiful, desperate and, well, downright pathetic. However, out-of-character as it is, I ended up getting some guilty pleasure from all of it, as in "Let's see Kirk's next shitty move and what happens next..." Anyway, even though the woman likes the two of them, she ends up realizing they're both just too gay for Spock, to the surprise of nobody.
Spoilers under the cut:
The planet Aritani has suffered recent raids from cloaked vessels, so Kirk is negotiating with the natives to offer Federation help against the attacks, despite the natives’ reticence towards technology. They erect a shield around the planet to prevent the fighter ships entering the atmosphere, or trap below it those that may be cloaked right now. Then Spock goes alone to investigate the nearby mountains, since he found valuable minerals that could be the objective of the raiders. However, when Spock is late to report, Kirk goes after him… And finds out he has fallen off a cliff and has gravely injured his head. McCoy’s assessment is that Spock has suffered extensive damage to the left hemisphere, so his logic, language and memory will be impaired, and the doctor has many doubts about his eventual recovery; they’d need a neuropsychologist specialized on Vulcans.
Meanwhile, Kirk authorizes shore leave on the surface of Aritani, as several hours have passed without sighting any fighter (the reasoning being that, by now, they’d have run out of fuel to keep their cloaks up). Well, if you ask me, I don’t think it’s the most appropiate time and place for shore leave; and sure enough, a little while later a group of enemy vessels appears out of nowhere and starts attacking the crew on leave. Kirk and Scott can’t understand how that’s possible, and only see two options: either the fighters have an improved cloaking device that allows them to stay hidden for longer, or they somehow managed to penetrate the shields. Actually, there’s a third option, which they never even consider: they’ve been beaming people down to the planet for shore leave! That means they’ve been lowering the shields ALL THE TIME!! Duh… Kirk is having the worst day of his life, and on top of that, the Aritanians refuse further help from Starfleet, after their failure to protect them. Kirk’s orders, however, are to stay in the vicinity.
In sickbay, Uhura comes to visit an injured friend and starts singing for him. Then, upon hearing the music, Spock finally shows some reaction, and is capable of calling her name and asking for songs, as his right hemisphere (supposedly associated with emotions and art) is intact. During the following days, Spock will make some progress thanks to Uhura’s company. Apart from that, a new neuropsychologist is assigned to the Enterprise to study Spock’s case: Dr. Mary Sue Emma Saenz. Five minutes later, both McCoy and Kirk fall head over heels for her (to the point that McCoy is jealous even when Kirk says “Hello” to her). Emma also shows an unusual physical strength when she beats Kirk in their combat trainings. Nonetheless, it turns out that Emma… is actually Dr. Evil!Mary Sue!! She forces a mind-meld with Spock while alone with him, and extracts some important information about what he saw in Aritani, before erasing his memory of the meld. Her diagnostic is that Spock will probably recover in the areas of language and amnesia. But he has lost the Vulcan mind rules to shield himself away from others’ emotions, which he can now receive telepathically at all times. This could turn him into a violent individual, and Emma suggests restraints and an experimental medication: neodopazine.
In the bridge, Chekov manages to locate a decloaked enemy vessel, and they capture it with a tractor beam along one of the pirates. The raider turns out to be Romulan, but he denies the existence of any special device to penetrate shields, and Scotty doesn’t find anything of the like upon dismantling the fighter. Kirk was about to interrogate the prisoner, when they discover he’s been vaporized. Someone stunned the guard, then removed the brig force field and killed the prisoner, trying to make it look like a suicide. Security doesn’t have a clue about the killer (though the reader certainly can suspect who is it…). If this wasn’t enough, Spock is found in bed with his wrists sliced, as if he had also attempted suicide. Spock denies having done so, and says someone tried to murder him, but he doesn’t remember who. Emma is furious and gaslights Spock, saying he’s imagining murderers to cover up his suicide attempt. McCoy, however, takes Spock’s side and has a violent discussion with Emma, who ends up admitting she just wants to help Spock. Of course, the situation is very romantic, so they kiss. Later that night, Kirk is having trouble to sleep (no wonder) and goes to McCoy’s cabin for some pills (you see, he can’t go to sickbay, no; if he doesn’t sleep, then McCoy can’t either). Then Kirk finds out that McCoy is… sleeping with Emma!! Kirk doesn’t like that.
Since Spock believes his only option of recovering the mind rules is returning to Vulcan, he’s sent there in a shuttle with Scotty and Chapel. The shuttle has been sabotaged, and they crash land on Vulcan, though just with minor injuries. Spock is fine, so he leaves Scotty with Chapel at the hospital, and walks to his home town on foot. During the following weeks, he will stay at his parents’ home, trying to relearn the Vulcan disciplines with a Kolinahr master. His progress is really slow, though, and with mounting frustration, he realizes the neodopazine, far from helping, seems to be deteriorating his mind. Spock also meets T'Pala, a girl who's staying with his parents while she studies to enter the Vulcan Diplomatic Corps. T'Pala has many things in common with Spock: she's also half human, and has difficulty adapting to Vulcan life (even moreso than Spock, since she grew up in Earth). Sarek's disappointment with her is a mirror for Spock's own youth.
In the Enterprise, Scotty is put in the brig as the main suspect for the Romulan's murder (of course, he's later cleared of charges). For his part, Kirk hurts his shoulder while training with Emma. She takes him to her quarters to treat the injury, gives him an analgesic, and then they kiss. McCoy waits for Emma the whole evening, grows increasingly suspicious, and finally sees her leaving Kirk's cabin. After that, he mopes for a couple of days, until Kirk visits him with a bottle of moonshine ("here, I stole your girlfriend, but you can get drunk with this..."). Kirk, however, says he doesn't remember what he did with Emma. And Emma confirms that Kirk just passed out because of the analgesic; she's attracted to Kirk and kissed him, but nothing else happened. McCoy is happy with this (he doesn't ask for much, right?) and suddenly he's like "Hey, you slept with me a couple of times. Where's my wedding ring!? I'm a decent boy!". Emma says she'll leave soon, so no, no wedding...
After this, the Enterprise is tasked with bringing a bunch of ambassadors to Vulcan, to discuss the acceptance of Aritani into the Federation. This part is a bit dull and drags too much, in my opinion. During the journey, more suspicious incidents take place: one ambassador is killed, another is badly hurt, and an explosion leaves the Enterprise without warp drive. It seems someone doesn't want Aritani to join the Federation. Then, Kirk discovers that Emma has been making unauthorized transmissions, but she assures him she's been working for Starfleet Intelligence all this time. An Admiral confirms this point, so Kirk is satisfied.
Back in Vulcan, Spock has stopped taking the neodopazine, and experiments a clear improvement. Finally, he's able to recover the mind rules, and his memories from Aritani return to him in dreams. There was something really important he needed to tell Kirk, and now that the Enterprise is near Vulcan, Spock opens a transmission to the ship. But just before he can say anything, an assassin breaks into his house, injures Sarek, and tries to slice Spock's wrists again. He wants to make it look as Spock murdering Sarek, then killing himself. T'Pala intervenes at the last moment, vaporizing the assassin with a phaser. Then, she confesses that Romulans approached her to leak info about Spock, but she couldn't comply with their murderous plans. Having failed at entering the Diplomatic Corps, T'Pala doesn't have much more to live for, and she kills herself too.
Sarek and Spock recover in a hospital from the attack. And Kirk and McCoy band together against Emma to go visit him. Then Spock tells everything. What he saw at Aritani was some fighter vessels beaming up from below the earth, where the Romulans must have an underground base (that's why the atmospheric shield was useless). Knowing that they'd kill him, Spock decided to escape by jumping from the cliff, where he damaged his head. Much to McCoy's surprise, Spock also shows him a medical article written by Emma, explaining all the damaging effects of neodopazine in Vulcan brains. McCoy confronts Emma about the use of such dangerous drug on Spock, just when she was leaving for her next assignment. But she stuns him (and a bunch of other people) and escapes the ship, confirming their suspicions.
In the last part, the Enterprise returns to Aritani to destroy the Romulan base once and for all. Kirk gets again that surgery to look Romulan (as in The Enterprise Incident) and infiltrates the compound with Spock (who's dressed as a Romulan pirate, while McCoy wants to pierce his ear). However, they're captured by a Romulan officer, that Kirk recognizes as Emma. Her real name is Tanirius, and actually, she wasn't Evil!Mary Sue at all. She just carried out the Praetor's orders as a cover-up, all the while working for Starfleet and a group of Romulan rebels, to destroy the underground base. She gave Spock the neodopazine to avoid killing him, once she understood how important he was for McCoy and Kirk. This plot twist really took me by surprise, but that's in part because... well, it doesn't make much sense. You know, despite the novel trying to present Emma as eventually good, she's just not! Not only did she try to kill Spock SEVERAL times, but she was far more efficient at carrying out the Romulans' plans than what was strictly necessary!! (whatever, maybe she was just jealous of Spock). Emma helps them to deactivate the cloaking device of the base, and then stays behind to destroy it whole. Kirk and Spock beam up to the Enterprise in time, while an underground explosion shakes the planet. In the aftermath, Aritani accepts the Federation's help, now that they're free of Romulans. And Spock tries to console McCoy saying that some vessels fled the base in time, and Emma could be among the survivors. Kirk sees through his bullshit, though, and wonders if Spock is just lying because he also has affection for McCoy, much to Spock's indignation.
McSpirk Meter: 9/10*. The Kirk/Spock angle is more evident. When Spock is injured, Kirk just can't think about anything else. He goes constantly to sickbay to check his state, argues with McCoy, is irritable with everyone and everything... Kirk even tries to reach the catatonic Spock through a mind link, to no avail. And once he gets a replacement First Officer, Kirk is unreasonably hostile to him, just because he's not Spock. It's also said several times that Kirk is the person that knows Spock better in the entire world. Another remarkable scene happens when Spock is leaving for Vulcan. Spock can feel Jim's emotions and pain at his departure, and his repressed impulse to touch him, so Spock relents and takes his hand. As for McCoy, his care for Spock comes rather as medical concern, but Emma sees through him quite early. She says he's too emotionally involved with the patient to be of any help. And despite the fact they're in a relationship, it seems that all of McCoy and Emma's conversations revolve around Spock, which causes continous tensions between them. At one point, she states the facts clearly: "I have risked myself for your friend because you loved him". Effectively, the reason she gives for not killing Spock outright, is that McCoy and Kirk cared about him too much. The ending lines have Kirk reminding Spock of this fact, and wondering if Spock also returns McCoy's affections.
Apart from this, there's a certain tension between Kirk and McCoy. Before the whole problem with Emma begins, they're reminiscing their shore-leaves together, and McCoy is said to grin lasciviously at Jim. Also, when Emma tells Kirk that she and McCoy are having dinner together, McCoy starts blushing, and doesn't understand why such a simple statement embarrasses him so much. Later, Kirk comes to McCoy's cabin in the middle of the night, and finds him basically naked (wearing just a short tunic), which almost prompts a sarcastic whistle from him. He attempts to enter the cabin (you know, with naked Bones in there and all) and feels offended when the doctor doesn't let him come inside. At last, after they reconcile, McCoy comments that Kirk looks dashing in his Romulan pirate uniform. There's also something in Kirk's behavior about Emma, that almost seems like a disgruntled ex trying to ruin the doctor's new relationship. After all, Kirk doesn't even find Emma all that attractive at first.
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hornyhornyhimbos · 8 months
"Love Potion No. 9" ~ J. Byers
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Summary: When you and Jonathan visit a witch on your hunt for something supernatural, you don't expect to leave with ever-growing arousal between your legs.
Pairing: Supernatural Hunter!Jonathan Byers x Supernatural Hunter!AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 2,106
Content Warning: MINORS DNI (18+ content) unprotected piv sex, cowgirl activities, car sex, love potion/aphrodisiac consumption, dry humping for a second, explicit language, lmk if i missed anything!
Extra Notes: does this read a little bit like a Supernatural fanfic? maybe. but i can't be blamed when Jonathan just feels so Winchester-coded.
Originally Written: 10/12/2023
stranger things masterlist can be found here!
halloweek masterlist can be found here!
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Neither of you were quite sure how it happened, but your latest hunt had led you into the home of a witch. Low-hanging ferns and wind chimes and twinkly lights filled the area, the scent of frankincense heavy in the small space.
"Don't mind the smell," she'd said, "Figured I should cast some sort of protection over my home with that thing running loose."
After talking with the woman for a while, you and Jonathan had both silently come to a mutual conclusion: that this thing was a werewolf, and a rabid one at that, and it wouldn't stop until it had consumed as much blood as possible.
"Would you mind if we grabbed a bottle of water?" you asked, standing up from your spot on the lumpy sofa.
The witch shook her head. "Not at all, dear. Kitchen's just through that doorway. I think I'm gonna go have a quick smoke out on the porch." Your brows furrowed at her statement, but she quickly rebutted, "I'll be fine. I keep a gun by the door and I'll use my frankincense spray to help ward him off."
And with that, she was headed out the front door, leaving you and Jonathan to yourselves.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Jon asked, leading the way into the kitchen.
"Werewolf?" you asked, arms folding in front of your chest.
He gave you a quick nod, opening the fridge and pulling out two water bottles. "Yeah, and a rabid one at that."
"Which means there's probably another one close by that gave it to him," you commented. You quickly grabbed one of the bottles from him and took a long drag of the liquid. It had been hours since you'd stopped for food or drink or gas, and the water was like nectar from the gods to your desperate and deprived taste buds.
Jonathan chuckled at your behavior, but took a long drink from his own bottle. After gulping down the liquid, he concurred, "That's what I'm thinking too."
"So, how do we find them?"
He shrugged. "Wait. The wolves around here only come out at night so we wait until sundown, then hope to God that we're right about where they're hunting."
After a few minutes had passed, the lady had joined you back in the house, leading the two of you back into the living room. As the conversation carried on, you started to feel a strange, warm tingle in your belly. You attempted to shake off the feeling, but your body heat picked up and the feeling grew stronger.
"Jon," you whispered into his ear, "can we please go? I'm not feeling well."
Jonathan had a sort of flushed look to his face, and you assumed he must've been experiencing a feeling similar to yours. As you stood, he quickly side-stepped behind you, almost strategically placing you in front of him.
You both managed a rushed goodbye before heading out to the car, the warmth in your stomach quickly turning into a feeling you could identify— arousal.
The ride was silent, save for the tape playing quietly on the radio. Your legs clenched together involuntarily as a familiar wetness formed between them. Curiosity got the better of you as you looked over at Jon, who was white-knuckling the steering wheel like his life depended on it.
You came to a stop at the end of the nearly abandoned road, no other cars in sight as Jonathan approached the stop sign. He shot you a quick look, trying to act as casual as he could. "You alright?"
You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, nodding much more enthusiastically than you should have. "Yeah, I'm totally fine." A heavy silence took over the air for a couple seconds before you awkwardly asked, "What about you?"
He quickly nodded as well, avoiding eye contact with you. "Yeah, I'm good."
Another round of heavy silence came over the small space, Jonathan opting to break it by clearing his throat. He mumbled something to himself as he started to take off again, the car gradually gliding toward a speed bump.
You tried your best to hold it in, but it was almost compulsory the way a moan flew out of you when the speed bump caused your jeans to hit your core in just the right spot.
Jonathan hit the brakes right there in the middle of the road, an erratic look coming across his face. "You too?!" he asked in surprise.
You knew it would do you no good to lie, not after the way your mouth had just betrayed you. "You think she put something in that water?"
Sweat was cascading down both of your faces, each of your breathing already speeding up. "I don't know," he answered, his expression changing to one of shyness. "What are we gonna do?"
You thought for a moment, quickly going over your options. You could wait it out, but that might be miserable. You supposed you could pull over and one of you go into the woods, discreetly giving you both time to get yourselves off, but that would chance one of you getting taken by something in that clearly haunted forest. The third option was one you truly hated to think, but you supposed it might be your best bet.
"Quick, get me that dropper out of the trunk. It's in the case with my dagger."
He pulled off to the side of the road, giving you a questioning look. "Why-"
You all but pushed him out of the car, urging him to not ask questions. While he grabbed the dropper, you unscrewed the lid to both bottles of water. When he got back, you dropped a tiny dab of the liquid in the tube down into the bottles of water. You watched as the water turned a bright sapphire blue, knowing all too well what it meant.
"Fuck," you exclaimed exasperatedly, your hand meeting your temple.
Jonathan met you with a confused look, brows furrowed tight together. "What? What does that mean?"
"That bitch gave us a serum of desire."
"A what?"
You sighed, though you couldn't ignore the growing feeling of arousal as you looked into his eyes. "It's a potion to make us realize our deepest desires."
He went from confused to downright dumbfounded. "So, our deepest desire is… each other?" You nodded in reply. "Well, what do we do?"
"We have no choice but to confront our deepest desire. It's the only way it'll wear off."
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, shock and lust wafting through the air as heavily as the frankincense had earlier. You tried to think of any other way to make the potion wear off, but deep down, you knew there was only one way to get rid of this feeling.
"So…" he said, the word lingering.
"So…" you repeated.
Jonathan was the first to make a move, which surprised you, given his hatred of confrontation. "Can I… kiss you? I-In the backseat?"
He didn't have to ask twice. You were practically shoving him into the tiny backseat, climbing on top of him in record speed. The idea of doing this with him had you embarrassed, given your practically life-long crush on the man, but at the current moment, the serum was working hard to dilute all thoughts of rationality.
Your lips connected, heavy breaths flowing out of your mouth and into his as his hands landed on your waist. He pulled you down the expanse of his thigh, guiding your center along his denim-clad leg. Your hips were grinding all on their own, a moan slipping from your kiss-swollen lips as your jeans brushed your clit just right.
"Do you wanna," he started to say, being cut off by a needy kiss, "get off like this? Because this," another kiss, "is perfectly fine to me."
You shook your head, your tongue slipping between his parted lips as you continued humping his leg, your pleasure already nearing its peak. "Need more, please."
Your fingers slipped into his hair, tugging at the light brown strands and eliciting an absolutely beautiful noise from the man underneath you. You wanted to bottle that noise up and play it on repeat for hours, music to your ears.
He made quick work of his jeans, sliding them down just enough to release his cock. You moaned at the sight, torn between taking it in your mouth or putting it exactly where you needed it. The latter won as you made quick work of your own pants, Jonathan letting out another one of those gorgeous sounds at the sight of your wetness.
Without any resistance on your part, he was lowering you down his length, his head falling back against the car door. "Oh, holy fuck," he sighed, his eyes going glassy. Your hands moved to his bangs, moving the sweat-sticky hair away from his eyes to give you both an unobstructed view of each other.
You were the first to move, nearly cumming right then as the head of his cock brushed against that wonderful spot inside of you. Labored breaths filled the air as the two of you began to create the perfect rhythm between your bodies, his balls slapping against you every time you slid back down his length.
Your lips reconnected as you rocked up and down on him, tongues roaming freely inside one another's mouth. The car was undeniably rocking, anyone who drove past would know exactly what you were doing, but the slight movement had him bucking up into you even harder, and secretly you were thankful you'd decided to do this here.
Your hand roamed down to one of his, bringing his calloused fingers to your clit. "Touch me, right there, please," you all but begged, guiding his fingertips in the exact rhythm you craved them.
The pad of his thumb was rough, but only brought your orgasm closer. His opposite hand moved to grab the supple skin of your hip, guiding you along his cock and bringing him closer to the edge as well.
Your own hands gripped his shoulders for dear life as your climax washed over you, your cunt sucking him deeper inside you as your legs began to shake. "Shit, Jonathan," you whined, your hips speeding in hopes of bringing him to his own release.
"Fuck, where do you need it?" he groaned, his dick throbbing inside of you.
"What?" you breathed heavily, still working yourself through possibly the best orgasm you'd ever felt.
"Can I cum inside you?" he asked, somewhere between begging and demanding.
All words left your body as his finger continued to work at your swollen clit, so you simply opted for a nod of the head.
As if on cue, he was filling you up with every last drop of his seed, both of your bodies falling limp against each other. "Oh, my God," he sighed, his breath hot as it fanned around your ear.
The serum was already wearing off your body, realizing what you'd done. You wanted to enjoy this moment, to just be with him, but you couldn't deny the logical thoughts that had started to flood back into your mind. "Oh, my God," you repeated, nearly a whisper as you lay on his chest.
"We really just did that, didn't we?" he asked, a hand moving up to brush softly over your hair.
You let out a soft, amused huff as your eyes finally met his again. You swore you saw his eyes sparkling as he looked at you, an expression of adoration coming over his features. "I guess we did," you laughed lightly.
"Are you mad about it?" Jon asked, his tone seeming genuine.
This time, your brows furrowed. "Why would I be mad?"
He chuckled, leaning to kiss your cheek. "Just checking to see if you'll kill me the next time I ask to kiss you in the backseat of my car."
Another amused giggle fell from your lips. "I wouldn't dare. You're too valuable to kill, no matter if we enjoyed ourselves back here or not."
A playful pout flashed across his face. "Are you saying you didn't enjoy yourself? Because it seemed to me," he paused, moving to suck a harsh kiss on your collarbone, eliciting a gasp from you, "like you were really, really enjoying yourself."
"How long until sundown?" you asked, all breath escaping your lungs for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
Jonathan spared a quick glance at his watch. "Probably another half hour, maybe forty-five minutes if we're lucky."
"Better make it count, then."
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-> taglist: @ducky-died-inside @aftermidnightwriting @esoltis280
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geekthefreakout · 5 months
An Empirical Study of Sex and Efforts by A.Z. Fell (Annotations by A. J. Crowley): Part 1
Rating: Mature. If you're underage, I can't stop you from reading this but like... you shouldn't. Please don't interact with me about it.
Sex, as it happened, was nearly as awkward as actually speaking about feelings was, to Crowley's consternated surprise.
He'd thought that once he and Aziraphale had gotten all the blasted talking out of the way AND had saved the Earth a second time, it would all be easy. Tickety-boo, even.
The kissing had been alright- tremendously so, in fact, once they were both actively participating rather than one desperately begging the other not to leave. Also once they'd worked out the angle and force required to avoid painful clashing of teeth. It had seemed to Crowley that sex would follow- this was how most humans did things, and they both tended to enjoy the human experience.
Only- neither of them quite knew what to do. Aziraphale had thought that Crowley would have experience, what with being a demon and all. Only Crowley'd never been given to *that* sort of temptation. Meanwhile, Crowley had assumed Aziraphale would know what to do. Between the two of them, he was the hedonist, and what the heaven had he been doing in all those "gentleman's clubs" if not this??
(This line of inquiry had led to a long explanation of the history of the gavotte, interspersed with cheerful exclamations of "Never assume, dear! It makes an ass out of you and me!" Crowley had screamed venom into Aziraphale's favorite throw pillow in despair.)
Even so, Crowley had been certain they could figure it out. Aziraphale had shelves of books on the subject, and Crowley, though he lacked personal experience, certainly knew what "sexy" was. Or at the very least, he knew what it wasn't.
Sexy wasn't, he decided, standing buck naked in the cool air of Aziraphale's seldom-used bedroom, staring at themselves in the mirror while debating what sort of Effort they should make. But here they were.
"The trouble is, I'm not sure what I would like best." Aziraphale was saying thoughtfully, stroking his chin. "Anything you choose to manifest, my dear, will be lovely. But there are so many possibilities! So much variety! How does one decide?"
"Humans are usually stuck with the Effort they're born with." Crowley offered, having thrown himself dramatically onto the bed once he realized Aziraphale wasn't going to just pick something without proper discourse.
"Not all of them, though." Aziraphale fretted. "Nowadays they can switch with a surgery to what suits them better. And they enhance what they do have! I've received several emails offering to lengthen my--"
"Don't click on those, angel." Crowley groaned. He had invented the "grow your penis" spam email back in the 90s, and thought himself quite clever for it. "It's all rubbish."
"Well, even so. There are shapes which are more desirable. Combinations that work better. Variety in depth, length, hair, texture, function...." Aziraphale's hands went to his hips as he narrowed his eyes at the reflection of his shapeless groin. "I want to do this right."
"'M not sure there is a right way." Crowley said after a moment. "It's all down to preference, isn't it? Like how you take your tea."
"Perhaps there is not a right way, but there is surely a wrong way. Any way that could hurt you would be wrong." The angel's brow furrowed, and Crowley could tell that he was becoming genuinely frustrated.
"You won't hurt me, angel." Crowley assured, sitting up on the bed. He reached out a hand, and Aziraphale allowed him to take one of his and draw him close. "And I won't hurt you."
"I know you won't, dearest. I just... oh, I just want this to be perfect." Aziraphale sat next to Crowley on the bed now, holding both of his hands. "I have hurt you without meaning to so many times. Now that we have this, I mean to treat it with nothing but the highest regard."
Crowley had to kiss him for that. He let his hands run through his angels feathery curls as he drew him close and kissed him, softly, softly. He drank Aziraphale in the way he drank the finest of wines, caressed his face and shoulders reverently. He let the love he felt for his angel, which he had so often kept boxed away, flow from him freely, and he received Aziraphale's love in turn.
"We've hurt each other." He said softly when they finally broke apart. "But not anymore, yeah? We're just here, being an us."
"Just us," Aziraphale said, pressing his forehead to Crowley's. "And we need to decide how to present for our first time together. First times are important, you know."
"Fine." Crowley sighed. "Look, why don't we just... try all of it? We can each have a turn with each effort. We can even have both, if you like!"
"But our first--"
"Bollocks to 'first'." Crowley said. "Why should our first time mean more than our second or third? You're still playing by the rules, angel. We have as many times as we like. We have time to figure it out."
Aziraphale twisted his lips in one way, then another, clearly stopping himself from arguing about the romance of it all. Finally, he tilted his head, conceding.
"Very well." He hopped up from the bed, oblivious to Crowley leaning in to kiss him again. "We might as well make a proper study of it."
"Study???" Crowley's serpentine eyes widened as Aziraphale made his way to his desk, pulling out a large piece of paper and a marker. "Oh, come on...."
But it was no use- Aziraphale was busily drawing a chart with the marker, his bare bum wiggling as he hummed through his work.
Crowley eventually came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his angel's beloved waist even as he rolled his eyes at the chart he'd drawn up.
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"I suppose you're serious about this." Crowley mumbled, pressing a kiss to Aziraphale's pale shoulder.
"You think I'm being silly," Aziraphale pouted.
"You are. But... love when you're silly." Crowley hid his burning cheeks in Aziraphale's neck. "Least you're not listing positions out..."
"Oh, but I could!" Aziraphale said cheerfully. "I'm certain I have a copy of the Kama Sutra in the original Sanskrit- not signed by the author, but still quite original--"
Crowley groaned and squeezed his arms tighter around Aziraphale. The angel turned his head to kiss Crowley's temple.
"Perhaps another time?"
"Hngk." Crowley muttered, intent on kissing the idea out of Aziraphale's head. "I want a cunt first." Crowley declared against his angel's lips, and manifested one with a thought as Aziraphale turned to embrace him fully.
"You-- oh!" Aziraphale flushed as he found himself staring at the mound that had appeared between the demon's legs, the red scales on Crowley's belly giving way to wiry red curls. All thoughts of charts and positions flew from his mind. "I knew you'd be lovely."
"Shut up." Crowley hissed, his hands tight on Aziraphale's shoulders as the angel dipped curious fingers into the folds. "We've got a study to do. Data to gather."
"Quite right, too." Aziraphale said, and kissed him again.
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harlowhockeystick · 1 year
8. "i've liked you for a super long time" fluff list
this is def officeBrock vibes
he tells you his feelings for the first time 🥹💖
contains: fluff, idiots in love but they don't know they're in love, office romance, fem reader, | office!brock boeser x reader | j's 2k celly
preface: reader and brock work for a law firm, which i know nothing about but i like the idea. so there's that.
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the end of a very successful, long series of trials for both sides of the law firm, the entire staff decided to go out for dinner and drinks to celebrate. you didn't plan to stay long, you were looking forward to a three day weekend and getting caught up on lots of sleep.
you sat next to brock throughout dinner, saying sly comments and cracking jokes throughout the dinner. you pretended not to notice when his knee touched yours, when his hand brushed against yours while reaching for another roll from the middle of the table.
"alright, think i'm gonna head out. thanks for dinner boss," you grabbed your purse and began to stand up. "see you guys on tuesday."
"here, i'll walk you out." brock stood up with you and walked with you to your car. a few fellow staff members gave knowing looks to one another. it was evident, to everyone but yourselves, that you and brock were desperately in love with each other. the looks, the giggles in the office, everything went noticed by your coworkers. even a few bets were made on how long it would take you guys to hook up, kiss, get together. and it all went unknown by both you and brock.
"any plans for your weekend?" brock asked as he walked with you to your car deep in the parking lot. you sighed and shook your head, “nope, just gonna relax and catch up on some sleep. oh- wait we still need to finish the lord of the rings movies don’t we?”
“hell yeah we do, what day works for you?” you had reached your car and leaned up against it, putting your purse in the drivers seat. you made plans to finish the movie marathon that weekend, brock agreeing to not fall asleep this time around.
you were about to say your farewell when you just couldn’t help but notice the way he looked at you. “do i have something on my face? what is it?”
brock laughed and shook his head. he was really about to do this huh?
he sighed, “have you ever thought about why we haven’t gone on a date yet?”
brock’s question caught you off guard, but once you processed it, you had finally realized what had happened. then you started to think about it, why hadn’t you gone on a date yet?
“well to my knowledge brock, you never asked.” you said in a teasing tone. “i’ve liked you for a super long time, you know.”
he smiled, putting his hands in his pockets and looking down at his shoes. “i have too.” he sighed, paused, then continued, “so, would you consider tomorrow evening a date?”
“i would. my place, six pm, you bring the food, i’ll have the couch and blankets ready.”
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liauditore · 9 months
Pssst if you’re still doing the shipping bingo, how would team rancher/solidaritek fill your bingo board?
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ok but.. real talk i think ranchers is like. my number two "I actually ship this no strings or footnotes attached" ship right after ethubs.
I am usually not one to be moved by ships that are just "they are fun and healthy together and love eachother" but oh GOD the ranchers. See I think the thing is they just.. make sense for eachother even if you don't expect it until the point they realise they're soulmates.
Jimmy's situation has been talked about to hell and back at this point but Tango is also very out of his element in the life series. He says himself that pvp is not his specialty and he doesn't have the time or resources to make his skill set shine. So he ends up either somewhat ignored or outcasted for most of the games. (<-- fyi fun fact this is where the whole 'mech pilot tango' idea came from lol. i feel like he'd have a dva-style mech outside of the life series)
In particular i LOVE his relationship with team BEST and I NEED desperately to talk abt it more. the way he's constantly talked over by his own teammates, intimidated, asked to sacrifice his own lives for their sake, "tango's Easy", etc. etc.
‘Cause inside, nothing’s fine It should be clear to prying eyes But I won’t let the feelings See the light So tell me, why should I even try? I’m frozen away in time
(Koala, Will Stetson)
They both have this habit of hiding their own insecurities behind a facade of boisterousness, but no matter how much either of them puff out their chests and raise their voices, their message of "please take me seriously" never seems to get through.
The Ranchers are just.. two losers against the world. and they inspire confidence within the other that they can't find in themselves. and yes the world forces them apart but you can Feel that influence they've had on one another in the background.
Guess I went and caved I wonder, is there another way? Because I want to believe That one day I’ll be okay So now, I’ll give it another try I can finally see with a clearer mind Even if the bumps in the road Might try to stop me, Still it’ll be alright Keeping it inside Isn’t clearing up the sky So you tighten your hand in mine Following the light like a cute Koala Laughing in stride
Plus I, uh... Unhinged but I have this thing with the life smp where there's this running theme throughout the story about how it doesn't really matter who wins or who dies first.
Because for every epic battle and every tear-jerking death there was fun and laughter and stupid, trivial drama before and in between and those little moments may not be as memorable or written down in history but they're what makes the series enjoyable. Yes, we're all gonna die, but isn't it cool that we laughed with eachother and made dumb jokes and adopted a frog and said "I love you" on the way there?
j-just like real life. life smp. evangelion moment im sorry
Though both of us will die one day Though this life is useless anyway When you’re here by my side, you make me feel like it’ll be okay And yet we laughed despite it all At this life which has no meaning at all Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other’s sides I’m glad that you’re you, that I’m me, and for us two I’m kinda glad that you’re evil too When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you I’m glad that I fell in love with you
(I'm Glad You're Evil Too, Rachie/Anthong translyrics)
The Ranchers epitomize that.
They are doomed. They both know this, I think. Neither of them can fight, they're left begging for scraps by session 2, no one on the server takes either of them seriously and they lost a life literally like 10 minutes into the first episode.
But they built a home together, raised livestock, stood up for eachother. and they were happy together.
and isn't that what really matters?
and neither of them are even aware of how much they really meant to the other one. the game ends. tango tells jimmy to go home. go. they certainly don't break up to the extent of Some Other Pairings In This Series but i like to think tango distances himself, thinking jimmy would be happier with his friends and not stuck with him. jimmy thinks the same. but they still wave hi and call eachother rancher and now they're running a salad restaurant together or something i guess.
It's just.. everything that gets the two of them condemned and made fun of in their other relationships is what's Celebrated in theirs. They can just be themselves, mistakes and silliness and imperfections at all, with no pressure to perform amazing feats and make amazing stuff and I think that's great.
um yeah i like ranchers.
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starlesswritings · 3 days
❪ ♛ › * ✰ ❫ ⁖ ⁀ ➴ just to live! ░. ꒱
GRAPHIC CONTENT AHEAD: extreme violence, gore, moral ambiguity, blood, major character death, lots of death in general, complete mindfuckery, tons of dead dove content everywhere you turn (well, that had been the idea, I can't remember if I ever wrote that far), anarchy reigns, tough decisions, wrong decisions, mental illness, trauma, graphic depictions of everything uncomfortable minus sex.
The audio logs of Vil Schoenheit as he finds himself in an unorthodox scenario.
Log: 000001
Ha... ha... ha... It's been a long while since I've had to run so fast. In case the person listening has no idea who I am, which is unlikely, my name is Vil Schoenheit. I am twenty years old. A model, actor, skin care and makeup artist — but I guess that's not exactly important right now. What's important is the fact that the world has changed. My life will never be the same. No one's will. Monsters. They're monsters. Everyone's a monster. I'm a monster, too. Ugly. Unsightly! Ha... I'm sorry. I'll be okay. If anything, at least I am positive, that I will survive. I am strong. I have knowledge on how to survive. It's almost like I was prepared for this from childhood. No, so long as I remain vigilant, I will survive. But, will I live? I don't know. I can't tell if I've really ever lived up to now, so how would I know if I'm living or not? How do I know that I can make it out of here alive?
Vil put the recorder back into his pocket and checked his surroundings. The coast was clear. He could make a break for the trees, get some much needed cover, and hopefully find some food.
He controlled his breaths and checked his pulse. So far, so good. He was okay. He was going to be okay. If he pretended this was just another movie script, he would be okay.
Everything was alright.
After all, he was the villain.
Always the villain.
But, he would prove himself! He knew that he could. Vil Schoenheit was nothing if not a survivor. He would get past the ugliness of the world and stand on top, sparkling and beautiful, like the rarest jewel. The most beautiful person on planet Earth.
He wished Rook were here with him. He already missed the dear hunter's presence, and having a hunter by his side would have been so very useful, as well. In any survival situation, Rook Hunt was a good man to pick. When the going got rough, Rook got serious and was an amazingly gifted man — but ever since all of this had broken out, Vil has not been able to get in contact with Rook at all, though he assumed it would be like that everywhere for everyone.
The Fae Valleys would have the most advantages in this sick twisted world. Not only had they never relied upon technology, they thrived with their own two hands. They had been born stronger. More durable. Beautiful and fair in their darkened nature.
At the same time, Vil knew that if he tried to go venture into the Fae Valleys without an invite, he would get destroyed from all sides, so it was not an option whatsoever. Also, due to their lack of technology, it was impossible to tell whether they had been affected by the calamities or not. They were so secluded from the outside world that it was impossible to tell.
He was at the trees when he heard it. The sound he desperately did not want to hear.
Vil sighed as he shut his brain off, cut his emotions from his actions, turned around and shot a gun directly into a woman's skull.
That was not a woman.
That thing could not be a woman. It was a monster. For his own survival, to keep pressing forward, he had to do this.
The blood pooled to the ground and would feed the earth.
Vil rifled through her bag. her purse, and found things he deemed would be useful to him. The monster had terrible taste in color coordination, but it was of no matter now. It has no consequence in the end, because Vil had shot her point blank. He had killed her — it.
Better that he think of it as a thing and not a person.
I am ugly.
I will be beautiful.
In a world such as this, even just to survive would be beautiful. Vil could do it. He had to do it. For everyone he was close to and could not find — he would survive. It was all he could do now. There was no other option. To lay down himself, to give up and die, it was something that was unacceptable in his own eyes.
The world had changed like this, but even so, he would keep pressing forward.
So, even though he was in shock from what he'd seen back in the cities, he got his bearings and began to run again, getting as far away from regular civilization as possible, because nothing about the cities were safe anymore. There was only fire, and smoke, and the sound of people screaming, of blood and corpses filling the streets.
There was nothing else for him back there. The only thing in the cities was soon to be gone and Vil knew there'd be nothing left for anyone. If they all survived a few decades, perhaps things would change, and he could go back to scavenge for supplies, but it was far too dangerous to go there, now.
The Internet and cell service was still active, but there was no guarantee that would last forever, but just in case, Vil kept his phone and a charger on his person, because he wanted to hope, he wanted to believe that there would be a silver lining somewhere in this bleak life he was now preparing to live. He wanted to trust that someone he knew would come and find him (and come in peace), and that he wouldn't be so... so very...
"Alone," Vil Schoenheit whispered as the sky bled a thousand different colors, a beautiful sunset tainted by the earth bringing forth chaos, black acrid smoke, and its own central red flames. Flames that weren't hotter than the sun, but just as damaging — far more devastating.
Vil trembled, but he straightened himself out within seconds.
Only the strong survived. He had to keep his wits and remain as calm as possible.
He pretended that his hands didn't shake after killing that woma — that thing. He'd never actually killed something before. He wasn't a hunter like Rook. He hadn't taken life with his own two hands, watched the light in their eyes fade away and seep out. Vil had never actually harmed another being before, but now he had, and it was just day one.
The time to play nice guy was over.
It was the villain's world now.
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n1cholaswang · 2 years
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idol!jiung x nonidol!genderneutral!reader
cw: jiung's a perv 🙄 , phone sex , mutual masturbation , reader has a pretty dildo LMAO , slight voyeurism , mentioned somno , begging , a little crack at the end , nudes lolz
wc: 1.5k
a/n: support p1h's cb this month 🤭
jiung leans back into his chair, taking a deep sigh.
this was the third day in a row he has been in his room at fnc, working terribly hard on this new album, much to his partner's dismay.
[name] didn't mind his job. in fact, they loved seeing him performing on stage. but, the hardest part about dating an idol - besides having to keep your relationship a secret - was the promotional periods.
the periods were jiung would come home in the middle of the night, that is if he came home at all.
the periods were the only time they'd see him is on tv or over the phone.
the periods were they desperately missed him, physically, emotionally, and sometimes (most times) sexually.
god how much they missed being able to fuck him awake, fuck him after dance practices when he'd be dripping sweat, suck him off in the car while on the way home, and especially they missed the way his voice would tremble and crack as their hands roam all over him.
fuck, now they're aroused.
jiung decided his mini break was over and turned his attention back to his monitor but the audio files began to mush his brain again, making him groan and toss his glasses on the table.
he reached out for his phone and dialed his lover's number, spinning in his chair as he waited for them to answer.
their custom ringtone for jiung surprised them, not wanting to answer at first since their hand was down their pants, searching for some sort of relief.
"hello?", they whispered
"baby!", he exclaimed, "how are you?"
they felt a little better hearing his voice but it only made them painfully more excited.
"im okay...", they touched themselves to jiung's soft voice, "just really missing you"
he sighs, looking down at his lap, "i know, and im sorry i can't be there with you, cuddling you. i wanna hold you so bad"
they whimpered as they stroked a sensitive spot but masked it with a hum of acknowledgment.
"come home soon, okay?"
"i'll try...", jiung pouted, feeling bad for leaving his partner all alone, "whatcha been up to?"
they didn't reply, touching themselves more and trying not to make any sounds.
"baby? you there?"
"huh?! oh... uhm... mmmfuck- y-yeah im here"
jiung's eyebrows stitched together in both concern and confusion. were they sick? bloated? tired? had a headache? is that why such a noise escaped from their lips?
he couldn't deny, the hushed moan did turn him on but what if they were sick? he couldn't get off to the thought of his lover not being okay.
"darling?", jiung started, "you never answered my question; what've you been up to?"
they let a small and hopefully quiet whimper, pushing a finger into their hole, "j-just been watching... hmm... net-flix and p-playing games"
and there it was again: that pleasant, lewd sound which made jiung sink more into his chair.
"oh yeah? what kind of games did you play?"
they started thrusting their fingers, "oh you know... m-mariokart 'n stuh- stuff", they moaned out
they closed their eyes and cursed to themself for being too loud.
and too loud they were. jiung's hand moved from the chair's arm to his thigh, but not daring to inch closer to his crotch.
"you alright?"
"mhm, just a little... like, tired, you know?"
he laughed out, "you're a terrible liar you know that?"
"you don't have to lie, i know what you were doing"
their throat dried up, "what are you-"
and they did. damn their submissiveness.
he scoffed, "playing games, huh? more like playing with yourself"
"i'm sure you look so good fucking yourself"
the image of [name]'s beautiful scrunched up with bliss face made his cock twitch and harden.
the hand on his lap slid up, palming himself and sighing in pleasure.
"can you show me?"
"sh-show you what?", they ask shyly
"show me how you play with yourself while im away"
his tone was low, and sexy, irresistible and it was so easy to submit to him and his every desire.
jiung was a pervert, not that [name] really cared. they'll admit, at first it was awkward to hear him sniffing their neck and catching him trying to steal their underwear as if he was some prepubescent teen. but, once he explained his - what he'd called it - obsession for them, they were beginning to get used to it.
they set up their phone to get a good angle then went to their closet, pulling out a box of toys. opening it, they choose a glass dildo with a cute pink heart at the top and toss it onto the bed.
they close the box then hide it under the bed before turning on the camera, displaying their half naked body. they waited for jiung's camera to turn on and oh god, they were not ready for the sight they were faced with.
his navy blue beanie was covering his brown hair, a nude long sleeved shirt draped over his slim body, his eyes hooded with lust.
"my stunning angel", he sighed out, palming himself more as he scanned [name]'s body.
"can i see more of you baby? please?"
he was begging, like seriously begging. this was an once-a-month type thing and since he already begged them to sit on his face last week, they weren't expecting this.
"awh, you miss me that much?", they teased.
his cock hardened and he whined, "yes yes, now... please?"
[name] grabbed the hem of their shirt, pulling it off their body as slow as they possibly could which only made jiung more impatient.
he lifts up his hips, sliding his sweatpants and boxers down, his angry-red cock springing out. his eyes stayed glued onto his phone as their "angel" began giving him a show, swaying their hips back and forth and touching themself all over.
jiung's fist gently wrapped around his cock and hissed as he squeezed the tip to leak more precum.
but then, they started.
the pretty glass dildo fit perfectly in their mouth, sticking their tongue out while attempting to rut against the bed. moans were muffled by the dildo instead of jiung's cock, making him frown in jealousy.
spreading their legs more, they rolled their hips into the mattress, a little wet spot forming. their boyfriend's hand slid up and down his length slow, fucking his hand at the same pace of [name] fucking their own mouth.
their spit was dripping from the dildo, taking it out of their mouth before pumping it with their hand and sliding it down the center of their chest.
jiung threw his head back and moaned as he stroked himself more, sinking down into his chair.
"why am i the only one naked? seems like this is only fun for you", they put the toy behind their back, shaking their head in disapproval, "you don't see shit until you come home"
he pouted and whined, not hesitating to lift his shirt and show off his soft tummy, "is this better darling?"
they pulled the toy out again, spitting on it, "much better"
they positioned themself so jiung could perfectly see how the dildo stretched them and their beautiful face as they sat down on it.
[name] bouncing on a toy he bought for them made his head fuzzy. he imagined his hand was their velvety walls, gliding up and down easily and skillfully while occasionally and unintentionally squeezing around him.
he didn't wanna come yet. no, in fact, he wanted to see them unravel on a single dildo that wasn't even half his size.
their hand went up to their nipple, squeezing and tugging at it while whining jiung's name.
the two continued like that: [name] fucking themself while moaning jiung's name loudly and jiung fisting himself with his shirt between his teeth to muffle his own moans.
soon, they were close, their moans increasing in volume.
"jiungjiungjiungfuck! ... sogoodsogoodiloveit! fuckfuck, i love you jiu- fuck!"
and the knot untied. their legs were shaking, breathing heavily, cum covering their camera with jiung's name being chanted.
he was close too, seeing his angel turn into the complete opposite turned him on immensely.
he pumped his cock faster, the shirt between his teeth falling down as he gasps, sighs, and curses under his breath.
"shit- you're so fuckin' pretty... all the fuckin' time", he squeezed the base of his cock, his face contorting in pleasure, "wanna cum for my angel, wanna make a mess for you"
he was right there, but before he could finish, the door swung open.
[name] knew that voice from anywhere.
they closed their eyes and fell face down into the sheets in embarrassment.
before they could hear the end of that sentence, jiung hung up. they started giggling, predicting what their friend had said.
they took their phone and quickly snapped a photo of the dildo pushed deeply inside of them, sending it to their boyfriend with the caption "wish this were you huh?"
[name] knew jiung would come home and make them eat their own words but that was something they were looking forward to.
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