#and this is also why she feels so out of place and paranoid in act 1 events where she gets kidnapped and dropped off on the surface
swordmaid · 7 months
in my hc the noble houses of menzoberranzan operate similarly to the houses in ice and fire where they’re constantly feuding with each other but instead of trying to take the throne/control of the whole realm they’re all fighting for lolth’s favour instead. and because they can’t outright declare war on each other (forgot the reason for why they can’t exactly do that but iirc lolth doesn’t like it?? she loves the drama I guess) and if they rise too quickly lolth casts them down so they have to be cunning about it. not to mention if they stay too long in power and do nothing about it that also displeases the spider queen so the nobility’s game of intrigue is constantly moving and working both for self gain and for self preservation.
shri’iia also plays the game but more of a pawn than a player. she’s not born from any noble house (she’s actually a commoner). the only reason why she has any foot in the game is that she’s taken in by the matriarch of faen tlabbar - one of the houses who fervently worships lolth to the point of zealotry - when they’ve heard word that she—a commoner—have managed to succeed lolth’s trials and gained her blessing. lolth blessings are rare to come and making someone a paladin is even more rare so for a zealot house, that’s a a sign they can’t pass up. so, the house matriarch takes her in and keeps in a tower where she’s supposed to pray and train to lolth day and night. the paladin oath that shri’iia swears is both for lolth and her matriarch; she swears to punish the enemies of her mistresses and forever keep her loyalty to them. her matriarch’s word is an extension to lolth’s will, so to disobey her will be disobeying lolth herself.
and ofc shri’iia being born poor with everything to give and nothing to lose, who thought that there is more to her life than a merchant’s daughter, to be known by the goddess she worship and noticed by one of the most influential houses in the city, swears herself to that oath. she never regretted that choice not even when she’s kept in that tower in complete isolation with her matriarch being the only person she could interact with.
#shri’iia’s backstory to me is like og fairy tale of rapunzel but instead of the witch raising her to be a daughter#the witch raised her to be a very well trained guard dog instead#see I’m just thinking; in a setting where subterfuge is key and the truth is what people is made to believe instead of the actual#factual truth .. the fact that you have a person that no one knows about and is unquestioningly loyal to you that is like your biggest#asset. since she can do everything for you and leave without a trace and no one can link it back to you nor accuse you of being the one#responsible. like in ice and fire she’d be the equivalent of varys’ little birds but she’s only one person lol#anyway does shri’iia develop a toxic codependent relationship with her matriarch? ofc she does#shes trapped in that tower for 100+ years and that’s the only person#not to mention constant isolation can fuck up your mind so ofc she gets obsessed with her. and her matriarch KEEPS her obsessed esp in a#city where you’re not supposed to trust anyone .. her matriarch says that shri’iia is the only person she trusts so ofc she’ll feel special#and this is also why she feels so out of place and paranoid in act 1 events where she gets kidnapped and dropped off on the surface#bc not only that’s her first time being in the surface she also hasn’t gone outside nor interacted with anyone in a long time#and her choice of being compliant and following instead of asserting her own dominance and being a general menace as expected for lolth’s#followers is a survival tactic since she literally doesn’t know what to do or how to go home#and that’s the first choice she had made for herself in so fucking long and that’s what also leads her to her oath breaking#= which is being free from lolth’s dogma and her mistress essentially#anyway I have more thoughts abt this but I’m like … it makes sense.. TO ME ..!
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comradekatara · 3 months
notes on “the runaway”
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the more i see people discuss how strangely sokka’s character is portrayed in “the runaway” the more i cannot help but feel that all my ad hoc rationalizations and justifications as to why he would contradict himself so greatly might actually be meaningless. why would he allow the gaang to endanger themselves for foolish reasons when he is the overly paranoid voice of caution in literally every other episode? why would he be so easily swayed by toph’s manipulative promise of buying him a fancy atlas when he’s literally holding her wanted poster? and most crucially, why would he say that he sees katara as his mother when no other episode in the show indicates that this is remotely the case?
this episode is great for katara and toph, whose hangups are compellingly explored here. i won’t get into the common misconceptions about katara being “motherly” or why they’re even at loggerheads to begin with, as i’ve discussed this at length in the past, but it’s actually undeniable that the assumption that katara is the de facto “mom friend” stems primarily from this episode, where toph all but outright accuses her of fancying herself their collective mother. however, katara becoming “the mother” of the group is very much a post-toph shift in her character, and you see her femininity being accentuated in contrast with toph’s deliberate lack of femininity also being linked to this sort of maternal role that she occasionally adopts, especially around toph. but i don’t actually think the issue is one of katara being a smothering, maternal figure towards toph, but rather a miscommunication regarding power, gender, class, and community vs independence. when katara and toph fight, it is for far more complex and nuanced reasons than the notion that katara is simply too overbearing. if anything, it’s the way in which she is overbearing that irks toph, just as toph’s rudeness is not the central issue, but rather that toph’s values (those of total independence and freedom) are misinterpreted as malice by katara (who values community and collaboration), and vice versa.
something very crucial to understand about this episode is that katara is not actually mad that toph endangered their group by pulling fun scams. katara has endangered their group countless times in the past to satisfy her own impulsive desires (and yes, she wants justice, but toph similarly rationalizes her scams through the lens of achieving moral vindication). katara would be all over toph’s scammery, would come up with scams of her own, would be having more fun than anyone—had she been included from the start. which is exactly the point. it is her exclusion that foments her critique, not the subject of their act itself (and the reason that you could not replace katara with sokka in this scenario is simply because toph would never exclude sokka in the first place). but katara would never admit that she is hurt by toph’s exclusion aloud, because katara is an extremely proud person. and a prideful, wounded fourteen year old is not going to thoughtfully use “i statements” as if in a group therapy session with the equally prideful twelve year old who deliberately excluded her; no, she is going to lash out. (lest we forget that in their first real episode establishing their group dynamic, katara literally mocks toph’s blindness. hardly an okay thing to do, in my opinion!) their conflict stems from their differences, but also from their similarities. they are both proud, angry, powerful, stubborn, and must assert their dominance at all times. it’s clear they both want to be friends with each other, and at times they are, but it is really only in this episode where they are able to cross a threshold that allows them to be truly honest about more meaningful insecurities than simply their looks (although i do of course find their exchange in “tales” beautiful as well). and you know who is instrumental (albeit reluctant to interfere) in facilitating that growth? sokka.
i’ve gone more in depth in the past analyzing why sokka’s speech in this episode regarding his mother and katara isn’t exactly as it sounds. i personally interpret his admission, that katara has always been there for him and that her face is all he sees when he tries to picture his mother, as an illustration of his codependent attachment to her, as she is the very locus of his identity. this interpretation is compounded by the fact that when kya’s face is finally revealed later in the season, she does bear an uncanny resemblance to sokka, which to me signifies the way in which sokka sublimates his own face for katara’s—which is also deeply unhealthy, but in a different way than an older brother parentifying his younger sister would be.
the fact is that there is simply no indication throughout the entire show (including this episode) that sokka views or treats katara as a parent. there are of course moments wherein she supports him emotionally or materially, but most of the time she is in fact teasing, tormenting, undermining, yelling at, or otherwise making life harder for him, at which point he is far more likely to act as her guardian figure and admonish her while simultaneously helping her get out of whatever mess she’s caused. and considering that sokka’s defining moment is when hakoda stakes his identity to protecting his (ontologically special) sister (which, as we know, as the bearer of kya’s face, in fact means dying for her), this dynamic makes far more sense than the other way around. i know that people commonly portray katara as the voice of reason who cleans up sokka’s messes, but besides a couple examples, it’s consistently the other way around. yes, it’s very easy to assume that sokka’s speech indicates that he sees katara as his replacement mother, but we cannot take this speech at face value if we are also to take the rest of the text into account, which we must.
but then there’s also the other glaring question that must be taken into account: why would sokka even allow all this? considering the first thing toph bartered was the sword he has painstakingly crafted just an episode prior, why didn’t sokka just pull the plug then and there? it really doesn’t make sense that sokka wouldn’t take katara’s side just for practical, logistical reasons. even if she doesn’t really care about the own point she’s making (as demonstrated by the fact that the scam she devises literally lands her in jail), sokka would see the logic in it. but... he does. he is the one to first discover the wanted poster, and he immediately points out to toph that their scams are drawing undue attention to her, and that they should put an end to it now that's it's putting them at risk. and yet, toph successfully bribes him, and so he continues to participate. why? what about the prospect of having money is so appealing to sokka that he’s willing to risk his precious rationality and caution for the potential of acquiring more of it? well, it’s actually quite simple.
toph is scamming for the thrill of the game. she loves proving the kind of men who undermined and demeaned her all her life wrong. she loves humiliating the people of the world who had once humiliated her. she’s not someone who values earthly possessions or really even understands that money is a finite resource. to her, these scams are a matter of ego. aang is also scamming for the thrill of the game. he loves a prank, a bit of mischief, getting into some tomfoolery. he loves spending time pulling hijinks with his friends. it’s funny, it’s fun, and it’s lucrative on top of that. but it’s clear that he views it as a game. now, sokka similarly enjoys pulling these scams. he adores toph and clearly finds it nearly as satisfying as she does to watch her destroy the egos of men thrice her size. but even more potent than his adoration for toph, is his appreciation for money.
when katara put them all in danger countless times in the past, it may have been to enact righteous justice, but it was never materially beneficial to sokka. sokka is a very practical person, and growing up in a state of colonial abjection taking on the role of provider for a couple dozen people mostly comprised of elderly women and small children makes you appreciate the value of goods and resources in a way that an aristocrat and a monk do not. you may be asking, "are you really arguing that sokka would undermine his own values and endanger himself and his friends so readily for the prospect of financial security?" to which i would argue that you underestimate how truly cynical sokka is. of course he loves money and food he doesn’t have to catch or forage – see: his appreciation for the immediate luxury of ba sing se that everyone else finds so stifling. he is not spiritual; he is attached to earthly possessions and the immediate physical needs of those around him. so of course he loves a material object. in his own words: “i do believe in the power of stuff.” because even when sokka is supposedly being uncharacteristically foolish or naive, he is in fact nonetheless promoting the cynic’s agenda every step of the way.
“the runaway” is a good episode, perhaps even a great one. however, it has also lent to some of the fundamental misinterpretations i see of katara, sokka, and toph that are constantly thrown around (including the occasional citing of this episode to justify that aang apparently “sees katara as his mother”). so in some ways, i do resent this episode for begetting those strange and incorrect takes, even if i think that in a vacuum, it is well-executed. it is an episode that complicates our characters, adds nuances and shades of grey to their pre-established characterizations, but does not actually rewrite them. sure, if this was the only episode of the show i had ever seen, i too might assume that katara was the maternal and responsible figure of the group, toph was a careless and rude little bitch, and aang and sokka were idiots who relied solely on katara’s infinite well of long-suffering guidance. but even within this episode, that is clearly not established to be the case, and if that notion is not sufficiently undermined by the episode’s conclusion, it is quite clearly by the episodes bracketing it, which provide crucial context through which to inform our understandings of the choices made in this episode, and why they are indeed interesting, but nonetheless do not reflect the characterizations established in the series as a whole.
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tojisfavlatina · 4 months
‘Me and My Husband’
Wc: 3.9k
Cw: nonconsensual drug use, brief message of SA
An: if you’ve seen this fic before… yeah that was me i accidentally deleted my tumblr acc cuz i didn’t know deleting ONE blog deletes all of them… oops… i also wrote that spider-man gojo fic WHICH I WILL REWRITE AND REUPLOAD
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Being engaged to Satoru Gojo was nothing short of perfect. You both completely trusted each other, you were completely in love, you rarely ever argued, and if you did, it was over the simplest of things and you’d both end up laughing at the end of it.
The only problem was his family. They didn’t approve of your ranking as a grade 3 sorcerer and they didn’t like how you chose to spend your time as a sweets maker, instead of trying to become at minimum, a grade 1. You had the potential, they were aware of that, but you just chose not to try and promote your rank. They saw your actions as rebellious and an embarrassment to sorcerers.
When you first started dating Satoru, they all laughed in your face, saying your relationship was nothing more than a fling, but once Satoru announced he had proposed to you, hell broke loose.
They condemned it, they hated it, they even sent you threats, stating if you didn’t break off the engagement, they’d ruin your life.
Satoru always told you to never worry about them. He’d always choose you over his family, and of course, you trusted him.
“Ugh, do you have to go?” Satoru had gotten a call, another mission he had to oversee, since no one else could be trusted enough to take care of it.
He laughed at your grumbling. “I wish I didn’t, but you know how it is.”
You threw your head back on the couch and let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, I know… I just wish we could spend every day together.”
“Become a grade 1 and then we can go on missions everyday together.” He sat down next to you and placed his hand on your thigh.
You placed your hand on top of his. “Very funny, Satoru.”
You felt your phone buzzing and you quickly glanced at it, but the messages weren’t from anyone in your contacts.
2 New Messages From An Unsaved Number
hey it’s mei-mei
let’s go out tonight. just the two of us.
“It’s… Mei-Mei. Why would she be asking me to hang out?”
“Change of heart? I say give her a chance.”
“I don’t know… this feels random. She’s never liked me, Satoru, why would I believe she all of a sudden is a changed person?
“I think you’re acting way too paranoid.” You gave him a light smack on his forehead. He pouted at you as he rubbed it better. “Come on! It’s been forever since you’ve gone out, hasn’t it? Go have fun!”
You groaned with annoyance knowing he wouldn’t stop persisting. “Okay… only because you’re irritating me.” He gave you a smile and kissed your cheek before standing up.
“I guess I’ll see you later tonight. Have a great time baby.” Satoru gave you one last kiss before leaving.
Once you heard the door close, you flopped down onto the couch. You didn’t like the idea of hanging out with Mei-Mei, especially since it’d be just the two of you. There was a bad feeling growing in your gut, but you pushed it down because you told Satoru you’d have fun. You sent her a confirmation text and you felt your phone buzz a couple minutes later, but you didn’t even bother looking at it.
Slowly, you rose up from the couch and started getting ready. You didn’t bother doing much since you didn’t really care how Mei-Mei perceived you nor did you care about impressing anyone there. You were doing this for Satoru and Satoru only.
She sent you the address to a bar nearly half an hour away, so you decided to call an Uber instead of having her pick you up.
The bar was extremely busy, the only reason you were able to spot her was because of her bright hair.
You tapped her shoulder and let out a small hi. She let out a small gasp and gave you a smile before giving you a bone-crushing hug. “Go find us a table, I’ll get us drinks!” She left before you could even say anything, so you simply obliged.
You sat at an empty table and let out a shaky breath. You wanted to calm down, you wanted to have a good time, but this still felt strange.
She came back and slammed two glasses on the table, sliding one over to you.
“I wasn’t planning on drinking…”
“Come on~ one drink won’t hurt…”
“…Okay.” You took the shot from her and downed it immediately. It burned your throat, making you wince. There was a slight salty taste, but you ignored it, thinking maybe alcohol just tastes like that now. You rarely ever went out to bars or clubs, since Satoru was a lightweight and couldn’t get past two drinks. Mei-Mei giggled at your reaction and took her shot soon after.
“I’m gonna get us some more~.”
“N-no Mei-Mei, please I had the one drink, I think that’s enough.”
“What? You don’t want to have some more fun with your friend?”
“I… I’m gonna find the bathroom.” You quickly left your seat and walked forward, not even knowing if you were headed the right way. You eventually found the line for it and waited.
Once it was your turn, you felt yourself get lightheaded, must’ve been one hell of a shot Mei-Mei gave you.
You finished using the restroom and tried finding Mei-Mei, but couldn’t spot her. Every step you took had you stumbling, you couldn’t even stand up straight. You’ve only had one drink… Why was it affecting you this much?
You spotted white hair in the middle of a group of people, and you let out a sigh of relief. You hoped Mei-Mei could take you home since you felt so strange.
You pushed through the crowd to reach her, but once you did, it wasn’t her you saw.
“S-Satoru? Why are you h-here? … at work…” The words that could leave your mouth came out slurred and mumbled. The music started sounding extremely muffled, every blink you took made your vision blurrier. Satoru kept fading in and out, eventually, someone grabbed your arm and pulled you outside.
Your eyes shut. Once they opened again, you were inside a house, but you couldn’t tell who it belonged to.
Everything felt foggy, you felt nauseous. You wanted to stand, you tried to.
But you must’ve fallen, since the next time you had opened your eyes, you were blinded by the sun’s rays.
The first thing you felt was pain. Your head was throbbing and the light wasn’t making it any better. You rubbed your temples for any sort of relief, but to no avail.
You slowly opened your eyes, hoping they’d adjust to the light. Blink by blink, the light wasn’t so harsh anymore and you could fully open them. You looked around and didn’t recognize where you were.
Satoru. I need to call him. You looked around for your phone, but as you looked down, you weren’t in the clothes you put on last night. Instead, you wore an oversized shirt and sweats, clearly belonging to a man. A sick feeling grew in your stomach. There’s no way in hell…
“Mornin’.” A deep voice caused a shiver to run down your spine. Every worst case scenario went through your mind.
“W-who are you? Where am I?” He handed you two pills, but you refused to take them, you didn’t even know who he was.
The man only rolled his eyes at you before dropping the pills onto the coffee table. “They’re painkillers. Take ‘em’ or don’t, I don’t care.”
“How did I get here… did we…did you…” Sleeping in the house of a stranger scared you enough, but the possibility of him also taking advantage of you, made your heart almost stop.
“No. We didn’t have sex, I didn’t even touch you. The most we ‘did’ was me liftin’ your body off the floor.”
“Did you see the girl I was with? She has white hair-
“Yeah, she left. She came with us last night, but she was gone before I even woke up. Hell of a friend you got.” He walked to another room and came back out with a bag. “Here’s your shit. You should leave soon.” You only nodded to him before he left you alone again.
At the top of the bag was your phone, which thankfully, had enough battery to last you until you got home. There were 27 missed calls from Satoru alone, and a couple of others from your friends. You’d call them once you got home, right now you just wanted to hear Satoru. You dialed his number, but it immediately went to voicemail.
You didn’t think much of it. His phone was probably dead, you were always the one that plugged it in at night. You’d see him soon, so you simply ordered a ride home
You unlocked the front door, but it was eerily quiet inside. He was probably still asleep, he always woke up late.
You walked towards your room, the door was slightly cracked open, but you could see a figure inside, “Satoru?” Once you opened it all the way, you saw it was him and let all your things fall to the floor. You missed him so much, you just wanted him to hold you.
He had his blindfold on, which was extremely out of character, he rarely wore it around you anymore. He was sitting on your guy’s bed and stared at the wall ahead of him, not even glancing at you. “You’re back.” His tone was cold and his voice was meak, the complete opposite of what you had expected.
“Yeah… I am.” You approached him for a hug, but he stood up and immediately backed away from you. “Satoru? What’s wrong with you?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with me… the fuck is wrong with me…” He let out a dry laugh. Everything about him was confusing you. “What exactly did you do last night?”
“I… I don’t remember. I met up with Mei-Mei, I had a drink, then everything after that is… blurry.”
“What were you doing with Toji?”
“Who’s Toji?”
“So you don’t even know the man who you slept with last night. That’s fucking amazing.”
“What are you talking about? I didn’t sleep with anyone!”
He pulled out his phone and walked towards you. Satoru made you hold it as he swiped. On the screen was a picture of you getting pulled out of the bar by a man and you getting into that same man’s car. You recognized the man, you woke up in his house this morning. You started laughing at Satoru. “Is that Toji? Are you two friends? Wait… you both set this up to prank me! Oh~ you really got me.” You continued laughing, but as you looked at his face, he didn’t find this the slightest bit of amusing, making you stop.
He snatched his phone from your hand before inhaling deeply, “and whose clothes are you wearing?”
“I don’t know. I woke up like this.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, “and you keep lying to me, even though I already know…”
“Already know what?” Your voice grew louder, angrier. “You don’t… believe me?”
“How am I supposed to!? There’s pictures, the clothes you’re wearing, Mei-Mei called and told me everything that happened.” Hearing her name made you pause…
“You believe Mei-Mei over me? Satoru, you know she’s been oddly obsessed with you since you’ve known her.” You threw an accusing finger at him.
He only glared at your finger, and at you. “I’ve also known her longer than you. She’s given me evidence that you cheated on me, so is believing her really the craziest thing right now?” You were taken aback by his words. He had never doubted you before, but now he was believing Mei-Mei of all people.
“So is that what’s going on? Is this your lame ass way to end things with me, so you can go and have her? Is that why you were so insistent on me going out?” He rolled his eyes and scoffed at you.
“Don’t try turning this on me ‘cuz you can’t own up and admit you’re a whore now.” You lifted your hand to slap him, but your hand never made contact with his skin. His infinity was on. Satoru didn’t even trust you enough to have it off around you anymore.
You scoffed, tears were building in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You let out a shaky breath, “okay… I’ll admit to being a whore once you admit you were too pussy to end things with me, so you called your side bitch for help.”
“My family was right, I should’ve never proposed to you.” That was the last straw for you.
“Yeah, they were right.” You started gathering your things, but as you tried walking past him, he grabbed your arm to stop you.
“I already packed my things. You have my number right?” He let go of you and started walking out of the room, “make sure to get rid of it.” He walked further away and you eventually heard the front door slam shut.
Everything that just happened hit you all at once, finally breaking you. At first, you felt so betrayed, so angry. You threw the framed picture of him you kept on your nightstand against the wall, shattering it. Anything that even reminded you of him was broken. Once your rampage was over, you fell to your knees and started wailing, screamed until your voice was gone, you could barely breathe at this point.
You weren’t sure if you even wanted to.
Your entire life, the love of your life, gone.
Just like that.
A few days passed, you’d wake up hoping it was a nightmare, but the other side of the bed was always empty. He’s in the bathroom… he just woke up before me.
You’d get up to use the bathroom, but of course, it was empty, not even his toothbrush was there.
He was gone, and every time you came to that realization again, you’d break down sobbing.
A week passed. You knew he wouldn’t be there. You knew he wasn’t coming back. It still hurt, but you had to get use to it.
Word got out to your friends that you’d broken up, and they all sided with him. No one came to check up on you. It sucked, but you grew to understand it.
Three knocks sounded from the door. They were faint, almost hesitant. At first, you thought you imagined them, but then you heard them again, this time, a lot louder.
You opened the door to see the very man who had caused this depressive episode. Just seeing him made your knees almost buckle. Various emotions coursed through your body; rage, shame, sorrow, but worst of all, love.
You wanted to throw yourself back into his arms, for him to cradle you and say everything’s okay. You needed his warmth against yours and to bring you back the comfort you’ve been yearning for since he left.
But that wasn’t possible. Nothing he could say would fix what he’d done to you. His immediate response being to leave you, told you how much you really meant to him. He was so quick to push you away, like these last couple of years together truly meant nothing to him. It hurt to think about all the empty promises he had given you when he proposed.
How he promised to cherish you forever. How he swore to endlessly love you no matter what. How he’d choose to relive this lifetime over and over again if it meant being with you and only you.
The longer you stared into his eyes, the more you wanted to bawl. All of those happy memories you had with him flooded your mind, nearly drowning you into submission.
A lifetime had passed before you decided to be the one to break the silence. “Why are you here?” Your voice was laced with venom, making him rethink everything he wanted to say to you.
“I… I needed to see you again.” He could barely even look at you. Ironic. He knew he had caused you all of this pain and he wanted so badly to just hold you once more. “Can I come in?”
You exhaled before answering him, this didn’t feel real, you weren’t sure if you wanted it to be. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” His eyes pleaded to be let in, making it hard for you to refuse. You opened the door a little wider and let him walk past you. You closed the door behind him and stayed facing it.
“We need to talk.”
“I don’t think there’s much else to say.”
He tried turning you to face him, but you wouldn’t move. “Please. Just give me 5 minutes and then you can slap me, kick me, scream at me, I don’t care, please just… listen to me for a bit.”
You sighed. “5 minutes.” He let out a breath and thanked you. You ignored him and you both walked over to the living room.
You sat down and waited for him to start. He was nervous, he wouldn’t stop pacing around.
This was getting on your nerves. “Time’s ticking.”
“I found out my family had paid Mei-Mei to set you up. They paid her to drug you, and they paid Toji to take you home. I talked to Toji and he said he wasn’t aware of this plan they had set up. All he was told was to take you and Mei-Mei to his place and that’s what he did.” He said that all within a single breath.
Everything that had happened that night came back to you and what he just told you, explained everything.
It explained why you got drunk so easily, why you ended up in Toji’s car, why you woke up the next day with different clothes on, and why Mei-Mei had that picture of you and Toji together.
To say you were pissed was an understatement.
“You believed everyone else over me, over your own fucking fiancée.”
“Mei-Mei showed me proof! How am I supposed to believe words over that?” He threw his hands into the air out of frustration.
“Because they were my words! When have I ever fucking lied to you, Satoru?!” He was stunned into silence and you took a deep breath before you continued.
“When you proposed to me, I thought that meant we could trust one another, that we understood each other, that we were in love, but I see that I was wrong. You believed the bitch that’s been trying to get at you since high school. You chose the family that you shit talked more times than you’ve told me you loved me. All of them… over me.”
He was at a loss for words. He felt like the biggest idiot alive. Satoru knew he had made the worst mistake possible, believing others before you, and he could see that now.
Before, he was so blinded with anger, he was so hurt by you, he thought he had hated you. He even blamed himself, thinking you had cheated on him because he didn't care about you or didn’t appreciate you enough. He didn’t even stop to consider you were telling the truth.
You tore your eyes away from his body, knowing if you even caught a glance of him, you’d never say what needed to be said. “Maybe… maybe this is for the best. You need someone equally as strong alongside you. Someone who can pick up from where you may fall short, not someone weak, who drags you down alongside them. Maybe your family doing this was the right thing to do. You need to find someone better.”
Every word you spoke tore his heart apart. He hated hearing you belittle yourself, how you thought leaving him is what’s best, and how the both of you knew, you didn’t believe a single word that came out of your mouth.
He grabbed onto your hands and tried getting you to look at him, but you wouldn’t budge. “But there isn’t someone better. I don’t need to find anyone else… I need you. I can’t imagine my life without you, I don’t even know how I managed to live before I met you. You’re the reason I wake up in the morning and the reason I continue living. You make me want to get stronger so that every time I leave, you have that reassurance that I’m coming back home.” You continued looking away from him, causing him to feel helpless since he knew once your mind was set on something, there wasn’t any changing it.
He fell in love with your stubbornness, and now that same stubbornness became his grief. He couldn’t stop the flow of tears that fell from his eyes. Gojo hated showing weakness, he hated showing that he was just a human. He was never treated as such, so why act like one?
It hurt to see him like this. You hated seeing him in pain, but you kept convincing yourself this was the right decision. “Satoru, I’m always going to love you…” You tore your hands away from him and slid your engagement ring off your finger, “so when you eventually find the perfect somebody, the person who truly completes you, just know it was all because of me. Because I had the strength to let you go. I had the strength to let you find true happiness.” The tears that had been threatening to fall finally came crashing down.
You had spent the last few weeks all by yourself, abandoned by your fiancée, so officially breaking things off should’ve been easy. But it was so difficult having to mourn the very person that stood right in front of you.
It’d be so easy running back into his arms and saying everything’s okay. That everything would be fixed and everything would go back to normal.
However, there wasn’t any trust anymore, the very foundation your relationship was built on, was broken. Staying with him would mean living under his constant supervision, since he’d fear being lied to. You’d never be able to enjoy yourself without feeling guilty. It simply wasn’t possible.
You wiped your eyes and sniffled a few times before speaking again. “It’s been 5 minutes, Gojo. You should leave.”
He was on his knees, practically begging now. “Don’t do this. Don’t call me that. Please, we can make it work again, it’ll be okay.”
“I gave you what you wanted, and now it’s time for you to go.” He very hesitantly got up and tried to at least hug you, but you backed away from him. “Funny, you still haven’t even apologized to me.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but you quickly raised your hand to stop him. “Don’t bother. Just leave.”
Gojo wiped his eyes and turned to walk out. He wanted to say something, anything, but his mouth kept failing him. He decided to say nothing, he didn’t want to make it worse. He opened the door to leave but before he could, you grabbed his shoulder
“You have my number right?” He nodded, a spark of hope lit up in his eyes. “Make sure to get rid of it.”
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yurislilygarden · 4 months
ʚїɞ Self Aware! Hazbin Hotel
ʚїɞ Their reaction after becoming self-aware and first thoughts about reader! part 1
ʚїɞ Angel Dust and Husk / Part 2!
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ Word count: just about 1.1k
ʚїɞ Part 1! (Lucifer and Alastor)
ʚїɞ This is WAY shorter than I would like, but I suppose that the first part was more filler-like for the au😭 May rewrite it one day ngl, am not satisfied with how this turned out but I've been at this for way too long
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Very few characters would notice something wrong on the first watch of the show, but wouldn't realize, nor become self-aware until the 2nd or further watch. 
While everyone's reaction would be different with different amounts of stages before total acceptance of the situation, they all would share the first emotion, simple disbelief. They would first need to even process the fact that they're not real, that they were created solely for the purpose of entertaining… something? Someone? In a completely different Universe. That everything that they thought had happened to them before they died didn't actually happen, they were never alive in the first place. Only after that did the emotions and reactions differ. The very first emotion or actual personal reaction would be:
Angel Dust
Irritation, a little bit of Anger, paranoid
Angel would be mainly irritated and somewhat angry due to realizing that all his pain was technically for nothing. The treatment from Val? His life back on earth that supposedly never happened? His life generally in hell? All that pain and suffering just to entertain someone? At first, he doesn't want to accept that it never happened, that he never existed, that he was never actually alive. That he’s just a 2D character. He just can’t.
He would become paranoid after the immense stress from noticing the little butterfly flying above them from time to time came in, after all, he had no way of knowing if he himself or others were watched only when they could see the little glowing motherfucker, or maybe they could be watched even without seeing them, without their knowledge. He would be a little disappointed in himself for not noticing anything earlier, especially since they don’t know just how long have you been watching them. He'd be up for drugs way more than ever, no, he didn't want to disappoint Charlie or anyone else by fucking up the progress he'd been doing, but surely they would understand looking at the whole picture right? He’d rather go back to being blissfully unaware than knowing he's not real if it means he's gonna feel like this. He hates it. He hates you.
At least at the start.
It was soon after he became self-aware that the others realized why he was acting more strangely than normal and filled him in on what they knew, which was barely anything, to tell the truth, but it was enough to get him thinking. Were you as bad as he first thought if you did nothing but watch them the whole time? He will blame Charlie for all the better thoughts of you, but he started thinking, what if you really can't do anything but watch? He knows others have mixed thoughts about what can you do, an example being whether you can only watch, or do you choose to just watch. He's on the ‘can only watch‘ team.
His feelings were mixed for a pretty long time. On one side, he thought he should be against the small glowing thingy, but there's also the other side seeing that you do nothing to them, just watch.
(I would say that he would have a little soft spot if you reminded him of Molly, his sister, but we don’t know anything about her. I’m guessing she was nice/good since she landed in heaven, so yeah, remind him of his sister in some way and there’s a soft spot he tries to hide.)
He was really negative at first, starting out as really irritated, but with time and help from the others (mainly Charlie since she didn't want anyone in the hotel to be against you), he did get to the neutral zone, and by the time any of them meet you, he would be in the more positive neutral zone.
Anger and worry
To say he's pissed would be the understatement of the century. The moment he processed his, everyone’s, situation and the disbelief passed, he could just feel anger, because how dare someone disregard their feelings, their whole damn existence like that? Do you think that they’re some sort of clowns that are supposed to entertain you?! Like most characters, he’s disappointed in himself as well for not noticing earlier. It’s even worse when there’s others who noticed before him and didn’t say shit.
But as much as he's pissed off, there's actually the feeling of worrying just under. What does it mean for them now that they realize they're just characters in a show, that they find out something they shouldn't? Can it fuck up their life on this side? Can it fuck up the whole city or more because of this? Should they try to continue living like they don't know shit or try to communicate with you or your world? Similar to Lucifer's, his mind is a mess.
Like everyone, he hates the idea, the knowledge, of the fact that they all are just some 2D characters created to be in some sort of a show to entertain people. Did that mean that his whole past of being an Overlord didn’t happen at all? That his supposed memories of that time were fake? Could he have been free from the deal if he had an actual choice in his actions?
He would keep reminding himself all the time about their situation even if he doesn’t want to, his mind just goes there without permission. He feels his skin crawl thinking about all the time that they’ve been watched, controlled, without knowing, for who knows how long. He would be in the middle when it comes to when all of the characters became self-aware, there were some before him, but there were also some people after him.
Reader can only see what they're meant to, and the characters realize it over time, but Husk knowing it leads to him sometimes trying to catch the small glowing butterfly in his paws when he is off screen/camera for you. Which he fails at every time as his hands just phase through your small form.
The others can just occasionally see him jumping up and down trying to catch the little shit or use his wings and try to catch your small form like that just to fail every single time.
Like with everyone else, you could have a small personal favor. You would have a sort of a plus point in his mind if you turned out to like gambling or card games, he would find the idea of playing with/against you somewhat enjoyable (he would think of gambling for answers, a deal where the one who wins a round will ask a question and the other has to answer to the best of their capability).
It would take longer than most, even with the others trying to help, to get him to the neutral zone, never mind the positive one. It was hard for him to see you in any other light than negative when they had so little information on you, for all they could know, what little they had could’ve been completely wrong. So his feelings start at practically despising you, then after a longer time going into simply not caring as much, shrugging off, if you will, and that wouldn’t change too much until he meets reader personally.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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bloomeng · 27 days
I know MXTX is a good author I want to get that out of the way before I get into this. She’s a fantastic (male) character writer and she has a great grasp on interpersonal connections. Though she’s working in an established niche genre she’s still very creative, I think SV especially is evidence of that. But there’s one thing that I just can never seem to get a pulse on, and that’s how much she means to comment on classism.
Author’s intent is always gonna be tricky especially when I have to rely on translated texts and interviews. There’s probably a lot of nuance that I miss, not to mention literally interviews I’ve never seen etc. It also doesn’t help that I haven’t read most of TGCF yet, so I can’t comment on that series, and with SV this conversation is less applicable, so for the sake of what I know best I’m gonna be using MDZS as my main example.
Classism is undeniably at the heart of MDZS’s themes, however for years anytime I analysis the text I’m usually fairly cautious to note that I don’t know if this was intentional. This isn’t because I think MXTX is stupid or can’t handle deep conversations, it’s simply because I can’t tell if it was her intent. On paper it seems obvious; WWX, JGY and XY’s wealth disparities, how privilege drives the plot, literally everything about the Wens as a whole. So much of the novel’s runtime is spent showing us how corrupt the feudal system can be, going so far as to have a protagonist who dies for the cause and two antagonists who are driven to be awful because of their poor circumstances in life. It feels intentional that WWX was granted a certain amount of privilege based on something he was born with (his parents connections) and how easily people turned on him. Sure he does unethical things but if not for his status it’s likely he wouldn’t have had to do half the things he ends up doing, not to mention that plenty of people didn’t like before the demonic cultivation started. JGY acting as a foil for WWX feels intentional and I would absolutely consider them foils regardless of intent. With all this in mind I would be inclined to say that yeah, MDZS is commenting on classism, but then WWX marries into the corrupt system and we the audience are supposed to read this as a good thing.
This has always been my biggest qualm with the book. We spend so much time showing how awful this system is and the two people who do anything to try and save it are punished for it by death. Sure WWX is brought back but as soon as he’s in Mo’s body he’s aimless. JGY is of course the secondary villain of the series, but MXTX goes out of her way to make us understand that even when JGY had power, his birth kept him from actually holding any real control, and what control he did have he mostly used to get bad people out of power and make the community better (he was biased and paranoid and vengeful but MXTX’s characters are nothing if not nuanced). Why set all this up to end up in such a contradictory place?
I get that solving such big issues such as classism isn’t easy and we want a happy ending but does MDZS even have a happy ending? None of the mc’s besides LWJ and (supposedly) WWX and LSH and LJY are in good positions by the end of the story. I remember reading MDZS for the first time and thinking that LWJ would fall for WWX because of his radical ideas and eventually see that the Lans were contributing big time to this awful system that favors wealth over everything. Especially because we have a second plot line about whatever was going on with LXC and JGY. And then it just never happens. Instead the Lan sect are painted as ok just because they’re monks. The system wasn’t the issue actually it was the people in charge but don’t worry they’re gone. Life is great now that the most powerful sects are in the hands of a 15 yr old, a man with unchecked anger issues, a council of elders that think corporal punishment is the solution to everything and a man who committed to a life long bit to get out of all forms of responsibility. What could go wrong?
I’ve always thought it was strange and ooc that WWX just accepts going back to Cloud Recesses. His literal incense burner fantasy was a cottage in the woods away from society. He never really warms up to the rigidity or their bland ass food, and he doesn’t even really respect the Lans culture more than he has to. It’s clear he only lives there for his husband and son’s sake. So why am I to believe this is his fairy tale ending?
The only answer I’ve been able to grasp over the years is that the romance genre of the novel overpowers everything else.
This is what brings me back to my original point. I don’t know if MXTX’s intended to comment on class, because if she did I struggle to understand how the ending of the story fits this intention. Which means by default it wasn’t the intention, at least not the priority. I mean ok duh, obvious conclusion, this is a danmei, it’s the bl genre, of course the romance comes first, but that’s not exactly what I’m getting at. You can absolutely have a romance that comments on other things at the same time and I think MXTX’s writing is smart enough to do this, except it fumbled so hard at the end it left me questioning if she even meant to comment on classism in the first place.
A part of me thinks that all of this commentary was just a coincidence of the genre conventions. Cultivator/ historical fantasy tends to just have classism baked into setting, so maybe that’s all it was. Perhaps she was just borrowing what was already there to make interesting character motivations and it wasn’t done with any intention of commenting on any sort of greater societal issue. Which for the record would be ok. I’m not policing what MXTX should write and romance for the sake of romance is perfectly valid, but as a reader I’m allowed to say this particular instant made me dislike the actual romance she set up. These issues in the book made me actively dislike LWJ. I’m on an island about that though. Getting back to my point, I struggle to call this commentary intentional and thus things like WWX and JGY suddenly feel unintentional as well.
I also find MXTX’s own words to be contradictory at times. For instance, she’s mentioned that after SV she found writing more than one couple to be too taxing. When asked if other characters in MDZS were gay she said explicitly they were not, yet both MDZS and TGCF have unofficial side couples that are an inch away from being canon. She’s also mentioned that XY, Sl, and XXC were old characters of hers and were originally going to be the focus of the book, which leads me to believe that they would’ve been a canon love triangle. So I am skeptical when she said all the characters besides WWX and LWJ are straight. I’m not accusing her of lying or anything like that. Tolkien contradicted himself so many times in his letters and essays, it’s sort of par for the course in my opinion. What it does mean though is that I can’t get a read on her intentions. What I can gather from what she tends to focus on in her extras, interviews, and just the fact that this is the BL genre, I’m inclined to believe that a lot of these parallels are unintentional but then I circle back to just how heavy handed it all is and I’m unsure again.
Anyway this was just the world’s longest way to say that actually we don’t have any idea what her intentions are and this is why when I’m analyzing her work I make a point to not put words in her mouth.
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cupids-archives · 4 months
Can you do an Chill (busty if you like! Im kind of busty myself :P) who hides it on always using oversozed sweatshirt Female y/n that just talks with MK, who likely just met and talked Sun Wukong once when MK introduced him to her on Pigsy Noodles, and he just straight up went obsessed after that?
Srry if i requested in the wrong place that you indicated <33 plus, i love your work!
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━━━━━━━━𖥔 ࣪ small fic ft. yandere! sun wukong ₊˚♱ ━━━━━ ₊˚♱ contains: obsessive behavior, small nsfw. ₊˚♱
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🪽 ៹ ࣪ this was a bit rushed so lmk if you want a part two or a better/longer version <3 🪽 ៹ ࣪
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you were being swarmed by the staff at pigsys shop, your hands tucked in your sweater while they ask you silly questions. “where are you from!! mei asks, uncomfortably close to your face, “and where did you meet mk??” tang says peeking over you, “you guys do know she’s not my girlfriend right…”
mk finally speaks up and you can feel the excitement in the room drop, some of them even looking dejected. the only person in the room who seems to light up at this, is the strange man sitting in the corner, he’s a celebrity so you tried to ignore him through your visit here but it’s almost hard as his follow you every time you get up or excuse yourself. soon most of the people in the shop spread out, starting to do their own things. leaving just you, mei, and mk, it was a little awkward at first but soon lightened up.
“i never thought that THE monkey king would be that weird.” you randomly say, still thinking about the awkward encounter. “he usually isn’t, I don’t know why he’s acting like that” he looks almost scared like he was worried about the guy. “I didn’t even think he would show up, to be honest, when you told me you were the monkey kid I thought you were just joking,” the conversation turns back to the happy one it once was. you guys continue talking about stupid stuff until you want to leave, you wish goodbye to your new friends and start to walk back home.
you can almost feel eyes on you on every step of the way, feeling observed and uncomfortable. you quicken the pace, you feel exposed even with having so many clothes on. you get back to your house safely, making sure to lock the doors. your head immediately hits the pillow, feeling tired, but your mind is happy after an successful day. “you look so adorable when your sleeping.” you immediately jump up looking around to see whoever just talked to you. the hair on your skin feels as if it’s rising and the paranoid feeling comes back again.
you convince yourself it’s just your imagination and start to drift off again, but you feel a cold hand to under your sweater, touching the sensitive skin around your breast. this time however you can’t move, you feel frozen to the spot, the only thing you can move is your eyes, looking up to see the monkey kid fondling you, looking down on you with such intensity like he’s been in love with you forever. you also notice your not in your room, somehow being transported to some weird magical place, one that you can’t help but call beautiful,
“I’m sorry for doing this so suddenly,” the king says, getting closer to kiss your soft lips, “I just couldn’t help myself.” he takes off your sweatshirt completely. immediately nestling between your breasts, “you should stop wearing those big shirts. you look so pretty all naked for me”
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Daddy's home
Series link
A/n: I have no idea why this took me so long to write. I'll try to release the next 2 parts sooner though.
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"He's not gonna hate you." I stand in between Jack's legs as he's sitting on the edge of my bed, playing with his wet hair.
"And if he fucks me up? Are you still gonna say that he doesn't hate me?" He rubs the back of my thighs.
"You're being paranoid." I kiss his head and move away. "Now go put your bag in the car before my dad notices that you slept over. He'll be here in a few minutes."
"Thanks for the heads-up, but I think he'll notice the wet hair." He shoves his things into his overnight bag. "Not to mention that my car is parked in your driveway."
"Your parents live across the street. You'll just say you were there." I pull him outside, grabbing his car keys along the way. "And then you came over, and I realized we have no ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, so we went to get them quickly."
"You really thought everything through, haven't you?"
We reach the car, and he quickly puts his bag inside. As he's closing the door, I jump on his back.
"We don't have time for playing around. He'll be here soon." Jack states as he heads back inside with me on his back.
Time seems to crawl as we wait. It feels like hours, but in reality, it's only about 30 minutes. We keep glancing at the clock, hoping that my dad would show up soon.
We had prepared the place, making sure everything is tidy and presentable. I want to make a good impression, not just for Jack but for myself as well. After all, it's the first time he's visiting me in my first home.
Even though I assured Jack that my father would like him, the nerves in the pit of my stomach grow bigger with each passing second. My dad has always been super protective, and his opinion definitely matters when it comes to who I'm dating.
I'm even more anxious about how he'll act to Jack being 7 years older than me. I mean, I get it. Age differences can raise eyebrows and make people question things, and my dad is most definitely gonna have his concerns about it. But here's the thing, age ain't nothing but a number when it comes to love, right?
I want my dad to see that Jack and I have this amazing connection that goes beyond age. It's about the way he makes me feel, the way he supports me, and the way we understand each other. I hope my dad can look past the numbers and see the real love we share.
He wants the best for me, and he's just trying to protect me. I get that. I just hope he can see that Jack is a good guy, someone who treats me right and respects me.
I just hope that he'll give Jack a chance and see all the wonderful qualities that I see in him. I want him to understand that Jack is not only my partner but also my best friend.
Just as I switch the kettle on, we hear my father's car pulling up outside. I rush to the door, my heart pounding with excitement. Opening the door, I see my father, a warm smile on his face.
"Dad! I missed you!" I embrace him tightly.
"I missed you just at much, my princess." He lifts me up as he hugs me. "The house has been so empty without you."
"Dad, it's only been a few months. I've been gone longer when I was in college." I pull back as he puts me back down on the ground.
Dad's eyes move between living room and the kitchen, nodding with approval. "You did good here. And it smells amazing. Did you bake your famous chocolate chip cookies?"
"You know me too well." I walk out on the patio, calling Jack as he's running around with Ginger. "Bear, my dad's here!"
"Bear." Dad chuckles, rolling his eyes. "I thought you hated it when Melissa called me silly pet names."
"Well, Melissa was my English teacher. She already went over the top when I had to deliver your letters after school. Calling you 'babe' in my presence was just gross." I make a gagging noise.
"I thought she was your favorite teacher." He furrows his brows, tilting his head. "You always ranted on for hours about how intense she spoke about the books you read."
"And you always went on and on about the poems she wrote you. You didn't say much about what was written in them."
"Hey! That's my business, young lady."
Jack enters through the patio door with Ginger right behind him. He smiles nervously as he sees the big, buff man behind me. "Sir, it's great to finally meet you." He leans forward, holding his hand out for my dad to shake.
My dad, on the other hand, is frozen now. His eyes widen, his jaw drops, and his face is slowly turning pale. It's clear to see the gears turning in his head, trying to figure out how it's possible that Jack Harlow is standing in front of him. He doesn't even notice Ginger bouncing at his feet.
I place my hand on his arm, shaking him a little. "Dad, this is my boyfriend, Jack. You probably know him already." I let out a nervous chuckle. "And this little girl by your feet is Ginger." I squeeze my Dad's arm the whole time to try and snap him out of his daze. "Jack, this is my dad, Carter Morgan."
My dad finally lifts his hand and shakes Jacks. "It's good to meet you too." He continues shaking Jack's hand viciously, gripping it hard. "This isn't a prank, right?"
Jack, struggling to get his hand away, finally shakes free from my father, "No, sir. This is all real."
"Why don't the 2 of you go sit down while I make coffee?" I push them out of the kitchen.
I watch as they go to sit down across each other. Jack tries to make small talk, seeing that my dad is still stunned. It takes just a while before I join them with the coffee and cookies that I assembled on a floral tray. I take a seat on the floor, Ginger resting in my lap.
"How did you two meet? I've only heard bits and pieces." Dad asks, grabbing 3 cookies from the tray, clearly more comfortable.
I chuckle at his sudden change of mood, "His parents actually live across the street. They're the neighbors who are so kind to me."
"Then I have to meet them." Dad mumbles with a full mouth.
I widen my eyes at him, "Dad! It's not like we're getting married."
"Not yet, anyway." Jack winks at me, causing my face to turn a bright shade of red. "I'll organize something with them for tomorrow night if it's okay with you, sir."
"That sounds like a good idea to me." Dad leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "It sounds like you really have your heart set on my daughter since you want to marry her one day. Did you say that because you mean it or did you say it because you want to please me?"
Jack gulps slightly but tries to keep his charm, "Sir, I really meant what I say. Ever since I met Logan, there wasn't a moment when I hadn't wanted her in my life."
Dad grabs his coffee, growing more serious by the second, "Logan's well-being is my top priority." He takes another cookies and dips it in the coffee, "She's been rambling on about you for weeks, and I can see that she truly cares about you, but I want to make sure you're aware of the potential challenges that come with being in a relationship with a world-famous rapper. Are you prepared for that?"
Jack looks at me before answering, "Sir, I understand where you're coming from. I know being in the public eye can be tough, and I want you to know that I've thought about it. I care deeply about Logan, and I'm willing to face those challenges head-on."
I move up to sit on the couch and look my dad straight in the eyes, "Dad, I appreciate your concern, but Jack and I have talked about this extensively. We're aware of the cons that might come with our relationship, but we believe in each other and our ability to navigate through them. And besides, I'm a grown woman." My voice grows more firm with every word, "You don't have to worry about me anymore."
"I trust your judgment, but I want you both to be fully aware of what you might encounter. Jack, there will be scrutiny, paparazzi, and a lack of privacy. It could put a strain on your relationship."
"You're just trying to cause an argument now." I groan, making my annoyance very clear.
Jack gives me a nod, signaling that he'll do the talking further on. I grab a few cookies and eat them frustratingly in silence. "I understand that it won't be easy. But Logan and I have had conversations about this, and we're committed to supporting each other through any challenges. We're prepared to prioritize our relationship and find ways to maintain our privacy when needed."
Dad's eyebrows raise in surprise, indicating that he didn't expect such a heartfelt and committed response from Jack. His body becomes more relaxed and open, with a warm smile appearing on his face.
"Jack, just remember that Logan is my daughter, and I expect you to treat her with love, respect, and understanding, especially during the tough times."
"Mr. Morgan, I promise you that I'll always treat Logan with the utmost respect and support her through any difficulties." Jack turns his head to look at me. His gaze is warm and comforting, making me feel safe and cherished. I can see the admiration and adoration in his eyes, and it fills my heart with pure joy. "She means the world to me, and I'll do everything in my power to make our relationship thrive."
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"You didn't have to be so hard on him." I walk up the stairs ahead of my dad, helping him carry some of his things.
"He had to know who he's dealing with. He might have shocked me with his identity, but you're still my little girl." He carries the heavy suitcase effortlessly.
We stop at the top of the stairs, and I allow him to take a look around, "That's the bathroom you'll be using, and the laundry room is right next to it." I open the door to the second bedroom of the house. "This is supposed to be a bedroom, but I turned it into a cozy office space so I can get more work done."
"And where will I be sleeping, young missy?" Dad leaves his suitcase by the door, confusion spread over his face.
"That's why I have my friend over here." I place his things on my desk and unfold the sleeper couch. "I figured that there would be situations like these. And it's big enough for someone your size."
"What about pillows and something to cover me up?" He pulls his bag closer.
"Oh, all of that is in the wardrobe over there." I point to the corner of the room while unplugging my laptop so I can take it downstairs with me.
"You really thought of everything, didn't you?" He sits down on the edge of the sleeper couch. "When did my little girl grow up so fast?"
I lean against the desk, folding my arms, "It's like time zoomed by. I can't believe how much things have changed."
"You've grown into such an incredible woman. I couldn't be prouder of the person you've become." His eyes turn red, indicating that the tears aren't far behind.
"Don't cry, Dad!" I walk over to sit next to him, hugging him from the side. "It's all thanks to you. Your love and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today."
I've come to realize that no matter how independent I become, I'll always need my dad. He's my rock. And no matter how far apart we are, I know that he'll always be by my side, supporting me every step of the way.
"I love you, Flower. Today and every day."
"I love you too, Dad. Thank you for being the best father a girl could ask for."
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lokisprettygirl · 1 month
Rain to his Fire (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon 80s Au) (18+)
Read Chapter 6 here// Series Masterlist
Chapter 7
Summary: Amidst the chaos of learning the truth about Tanya, you meet someone from the past and things develop between you and Daemon.
Warning: 18+, smutty scenarios, crude language, description of Statutory rape, discussion of mental health (it's a fic based in a mental health facility), mention of physical assault, the fic would contain several mentions of several disorders like mpd, did etc, if something triggers you don't read, smoking.
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As you heard the news about Tanya, your heart started to race and your chest began to feel tight. You knew that you needed a moment to yourself, so you hastily excused yourself from the cafeteria and ran hurriedly to make your way to the fourth floor to get to your room.
On the way you saw Daemon as he was being escorted for his session and the washed out look on your face concerned him to say the least.
As soon as you went inside your room, you locked the door and sat down on the bed to think about Tanya. Poor girl, she was suffering so much with her sickness while she was here. But she seemed so happy while she was discharged, she hugged you so warmly as if she couldn't wait to get out of this place, then what happened to her?
And Why was her body found near King's landing?
You were lost in all the questions when you remembered the note you had found under her mattress so you quickly got up and reached into your closet.
Reading the note now filled you with immense guilt and uneasiness, at first you had assumed that she was just paranoid of her environment, a mental health facility wasn't exactly a happy place to be in, you figured that it was one of her personalities just writing anything but now your heart felt sinking into your guts as you realized that the note could have been a distress call for help.
Perhaps she knew something, or someone who was trying to harm her. You felt nauseous about the implications of the note, perhaps you could have helped her if you had passed on the note to the police. You should have looked for her, why didn't you?
Tears rolled down your eyes as you remembered her sweet face, she was so young and kind and she didn't deserve whatever had happened to her.
That afternoon members of the staff were informed that the police would be interviewing each member separately, you had never been questioned by the police before so obviously it made you nervous.
You couldn't even breathe properly, at one moment it seemed as if you'd die of a heart attack like your mother did.
As you were finally called in, you went inside Dr Darren’s office, the investigation was being held there.
“Good afternoon” you mumbled as you sat down. There were two men sitting opposite you, a middle aged brown haired man and the other one with dark hair seemed younger, and he also seemed familiar for some reason.
"I'm Detective Hightower," the older man said, introducing himself and his partner, "Detective Criston." You nodded nervously and tried to take in a deep breath, but your chest felt constricted still..
"You seem nervous," Det. Criston Spoke as he offered you a glass of water. "Have a drink”
“I'm fine..i am just nervous” you spoke nervously,
“Don't be.. it's routine..we just have a few questions regarding Tanya Anderson” Your eyes teared up as Det. Hightower said her name.
“Sure” you were looking anywhere but at the officers and you wondered if they would see you as a suspect because you were acting really suspicious.
“You're tearing up, I can imagine it must be hard as you were assigned as her custodian, is that correct?” Det. Criston asked, his voice firm but professional.
You had tried so hard to control your tears but you failed eventually so you placed your hand over your eyes as you cried as silently as you could. Det. Criston got up from his chair and offered you the glass of water so you took it from him this time.
“Thank you and I'm sorry”
You mumbled meekly so Det. Hightower gave you a comforting smile.
“It's alright, take your time”
A minute later you finally took a deep breath and looked up at them.
“Okay I'm ready..thank you for being so kind” you said politely as you recovered from the outburst you had just now.
“No issues..so y/n..how long have you been here for?”
“Two years”
“Was Miss Tanya the first person you looked after, not just as a custodian but as a friendly companion as well?” Hightower asked so you shook your head in response.
“There are several patients I care for while I'm on duty, she was one of them but we definitely got along, she just seemed so out of place here when she wasn't suffering from her ailments” they looked at each other as you said that.
“What do you mean?” Hightower inquired,
“She seemed normal most of the time and then sometimes she would freak out out of nowhere, she was suffering from multiple personality disorder or something. Dr. Vis was treating her here at the facility” you told them so Hightower nodded his head as he wrote down your statement. Why did you have to mention Vis? They must know that already.
“Alright …did she ever tell you anything personal, about anyone trying to hurt her or just anything really?” Criston inquired so you shook your head.
“No, not really, she often talked about her childhood but never went into much detail.”
“Okay good, thanks for your time y/n, we will connect again if required” Criston said to you so you nodded and as you were about to get up you realized that now was the one and only chance you'd get to tell them about the note you had found, even though it might get you in trouble with the management.
“Can I ask you something?” you asked nervously so Det. Hightower gave you a slight nod.
“What happened to her? When did she die?” You asked them solemnly so they shared a look with each other.
“It's a classified information that we can't share just yet”
“Okay ummm the day after she was discharged from here, I was cleaning her room for the new patient and found this under her mattress, perhaps it can be of help”
Criston grabbed the piece of paper and as soon as he had read it, you saw the worried look on his face instantly.
“Who else knows about this?” Hightower asked you.
“Nobody” as you answered you noticed that he seemed instantly relieved.
“Thanks for bringing this up to us”
You nodded as they dismissed but as you stepped out of the office you heard Detective Criston calling your name so you turned around.
“Hey y/n..I think you didn't recognise me in there” You looked at him confused as he said that, he did seem familiar. “It's Cole, we went to middle school together.. perhaps the term rock boy would jog your memory?”
“Oh you're the boy that collected rocks ..oh i know youuuu” you smiled as you finally recalled the memory, it brought an unexpected smile to your face. “So detective huh? That's amazing... wow that's so cool” you said to him as you crossed your arms.
“Thank you..well i am still obsessed with collecting rocks though” You let out a small laugh as he said that.
“Why have I never seen you here before?” You asked him so he sighed deeply
“Because I just got transferred like a month ago, I was in Bradford before I got here” you nodded as he said that.
“Ahhh well okay..i better get back to my work now, but it was really nice catching up with you” you mumbled politely so he gave you a smile.
“Ummm if you find out something about her. Will you let me know?” You asked him so he nodded in response.
“Is there a number I can call here to connect with you?” He asked you so you nodded so he took out a pen from the coat's pocket and offered you his palm as a parchment.
“Uhhh okay” you chuckled nervously as you grabbed onto his fingers to write the digits on his palm before you mumbled a goodbye..
As you turned around you saw Daemon standing a few feet away from you with two guards holding onto him. He was staring deeply into your soul and it made you nervous.
“Not this guy again” you heard Criston mumbling so you turned around to look at him. Did they know each other? The events of the day were becoming increasingly strange. It was especially puzzling since Daemon wasn't even here when Tanya left so why was he being questioned.
You hadn't seen Daemon all day, so visiting his room directly seemed risky. Waiting until night, you knocked on his door once before sneaking into the terrace and walked towards the ledge, looking down. Your heart sank again as you thought about Tanya, imagining her final moments stirred emotions you didn't wish to face. You couldn't shake off the feeling of helplessness, knowing that you weren't there for her when she needed someone in her corner.
The scent of mahogany filled your nostrils before he had his arm wrapped around your waist so you turned around and hugged him tightly, finally letting the tears out. Caressing your head gently he then placed a soft kiss on your shoulder. Your fingers clenched around his shirt as you felt the warmth of his body, on a cold night he felt like a comforting bonfire.
“I found a note under the mattress, a cry for help and i ignored it..i thought she probably wrote it in her fits of paranoia, what if I had caused it…what if it could have been prevented if I had gone to the authorities or perhaps if I would have checked on her–” your lips trembled as you spoke, you had been keeping it all in since this morning and his hot comforting embrace was all you needed in the moment.
“Shhhhh it's not your fault alright? You couldn't have known darling..it's an unfortunate tragedy but you can't put the blame on yourself okay” you shook your head as he said that so he cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears “Hey look at me..not your fault, none of this is your fault” he mumbled softly so you placed your head back on his chest and nodded as you let out your tears until you couldn't cry any more.
Once your breathing leveled back to normal you pulled away from him.
“Why did they call you in for questioning? You weren't even here back then” you asked him, worry evident in your voice.
“I don't really know..why did that copper have your telephone number on his palm?” He asked you, a hint of jealousy visible and it made you smile a little.
“We went to school together..he remembered me” he squinted his eyes for a moment before he rolled them around in typical Daemon fashion.
“He's an arse” he grumbled.
“Why would you say that? Do you know him from before?”
“It doesn't matter..how are you feeling?” he asked as he shifted the conversation again.
“Okay..I'm okay” you mumbled softly.
“You should get out of this forsaken place once in a while” he said to you.
“And go where..do what?”
“Anything..you're young and beautiful, live your fucking life” you let out a chuckle as he said that.
“And do exactly what out there? Get drunk in bars and have sex with random men?” he grabbed the back of your neck as you said that, the smirk on your face only boiled his anger. He hated imagining that scenario in his head, a sight of you in some other man's bed, writhing and moaning underneath him.
“I'd kiss you right now if I wasn't your first kiss” he whispered against your mouth so you stifled the moan that was threatening to spill from deep within you.
“I have been kissed before”
“I don't think so”
The audacity. Not that he was wrong.
“It wasn't consensual but i have been kissed” his brows furrowed as you said that.
“You don't want to know trust me”
“I do want to know”
“Well long story short I was at party with few of my friends, I got drunk out of my mind and then started to cry because I was just sad.. really sad, about my life and I kept crying and this guy that I was dancing with kissed me out of nowhere.. and i hated it, I didn't like it at all” you mumbled hurriedly so he grabbed your cheeks between his palms. If he had enough information he'd have found the guy and perhaps beat him to pulp for touching you like that in your vulnerable advantageous state.
“I'm starting to see why you're so appalled by intimacy”
“I'm not against it..i just don't want to do it with every other fella” he smirked as you responded. He knew you would want to do it with him sooner or later, his ego was soaring these days due to that particular reason.
“Kissing a person you adore is a high darling, nothing short of a drug” he whispered in your ear so you pulled away from him to control yourself.
“You must have kissed many people then” you taunted him so he chuckled.
“Didn't really adore half of them”
“Well i didn't enjoy being kissed so–”
“Were you attracted to that bloke who forced himself upon you?” he asked strictly.
“That's why..you have to have the hots for the man who's into your mouth darling” you bit on your lips as he said that. You had definite hots for him and you wanted his mouth in yours.
“We should go”
Before we do something stupid you thought.
He stared at your lips for a moment so you placed your hands on his chest and nudged him slightly to get out of his warmth but you weren't really expecting what he was about to say next. Unpredictable as always.
“Sleep with me tonight” his tone was deathly serious and you couldn't deny how your intimate areas were tingling at the prospect of it.
“Are you joking?” you chuckled to hide your arousal.
“No ..I'm not joking, I'm not asking you to have sex with me, just sleep with me, in the same bed”
“That's not a good idea at all”
It was a great idea but a risk you couldn't take these days, besides you had never slept with a man you were attracted to before.
“I'll come to your window..nobody will know”
“No ..stop..lets go” you giggled as you dragged him along with you to take him back to his room.
Once you laid down in your bed, your mind shifted from thoughts of Tanya to those of Daemon, you wondered how it would feel to have him so close to you, his mouth rubbing against yours slowly and sensually.
The following day, you were assigned to clean room 390, formerly occupied by Mrs. Rodriguez, who had been discharged. This left you surprised, considering her frail mental state. While tidying up, the sound of the door opening caught your attention, and Doctor Vis stepped in, his presence intimidating and commanding like always.
“Good morning doctor” you mumbled politely so he gave you a smile and walked closer to you, you didn't even understand what he was doing or why he was looking at you like that but a part of you knew it couldn't have been about anything else but Daemon. Your life seemed to revolve around him only these days.
“Did you hear about the upcoming gala on Sunday?” He asked you so you nodded in response. The fundraising gala was traditionally held annually at King's Landing institution, offering a unique opportunity for patients, doctors, and staff to come together for one night, setting apart from the usual daily routine.
“I want you to take my…uhhh i want you to make sure that Daemon is on his best behavior at the gala” He said to you, making you all perplexed about his motive.
“How would I do that?” you asked him firmly so he smiled again.
“Just keep him engaged in conversations, think of it as a part of your duty and you'll earn a hefty bonus immediately”
Well the bonus would be nice but the entire situation bewildered you. Why did he only assign these extra tasks to you? Especially after that day when he had seen Daemon attacking you?
On the night of the gala, you chose to pamper yourself with a refreshing shower and meticulous grooming. After doing your makeup, you slipped into a black, full-length dress gifted to you by your mother, a piece you had never worn before, you never found the occasion for it.
You didn't dress up this lavishly for the previous galas as you really didn't care unlike this year. The dress featured thin straps that hugged your figure, a smidgen of cleavage on display, leaving you feeling both elegant but also slightly exposed. However you wanted to look sexy tonight, it was strange having such feelings, wanting to dress up for someone, getting all dolled up so he'd look at you differently and would perhaps make your knees tremble with his inappropriate touching and filthy words.
You enjoyed that feeling.
As you reached the main hall you felt everyone's eyes on you, especially your colleagues, they were not used to seeing you so made up.
There were plenty of influential people invited at the gala, it was a grand affair, alot to look forward to but your eyes wandered around to just see him, besides you had a job to do.
You didn't know what you were expecting but you definitely didn't expect to see Daemon in an all black suit that gave him the aura of a royal prince. Two guards had been appointed by the Viserys to bring him to the venue but as he entered Viserys gestured them to uncuff him from the shackles and then he gestured to you to keep an eye on him. The look hadn't gone unnoticed by Daemon as he walked towards you.
“Who knew you were hiding all this behind that granny dress you wear everyday” he mumbled as he neared you so you rolled your eyes.
“Who knew you were capable of wearing a two-piece suit?” you retorted making him chuckle in response
“You look gorgeous love” he muttered, a smirk playing on his lips,
“You look handsome” you responded honestly.
“Thank you”
“I'll get a drink” you turned around to get to the bar as you felt flushed under his intense gaze. As soon as you had your back to him he stared at your hips shamelessly while you walked away from him and cursed profanities under his breath, the dress hugged you in all the right places and his instincts were screaming at him to pounce on you right now.
To claim you in every possible way, show you what you were missing in your bed every night.
He was half a wild unruly creature and sometimes you made it really hard for him to keep that animal intact inside him, your alluring presence ignited the fire already burning within him, compelling him to satisfy that beast who just wanted to mate with his mate.
You made it really hard for him, literally and figuratively.
His eyes met with Shyla at the other end of the hallway but she quickly looked away as he approached you.
“It's my birthday” he mumbled as he stood next to you at the bar so you looked at him surprised.
“You can check my records”
“Why didn't you tell me all day?” You asked him so he rolled his eyes.
“I don't celebrate it”
“Why not?” you probed further to make him open up so he sighed.
“You need friends and family to do so.. didn't have any of that growing up” there was a hint of sadness in his tone and you felt your heart clenching at the sight of him.
“Well..how old are you now?”’
“35.. I feel ancient”
“I hear you” you hesitated for a moment before you spoke further,
“I have a job to do ..Dr. Vis have asked me to keep you in line and in return i would receive an early bonus” he chuckled as you said that, clearly amused.
“He's an imbecile” he scoffed
“True but he's being cautious, you areeee unpredictable” you admitted to which he responded with a smirk.
“Uhhhuh and that arse thinks a pretty little thing like you would get me under control if I wanted to go berserk right about now?” he asked arrogantly as he stepped closer to you. The scent of mahogany made your knees weak already and he hadn't even touched you yet.
“Perhaps I can do that” you replied confidentially as if to challenge him.
“You're overconfident love…I care about you but you can't tie me on a leash and have me wrapped around your fingers like a domestic pet” His words were affecting you in ways you couldn't even describe to yourself, you didn't think it was possible to feel so turned on by a man speaking to you so callously.
"Mhmmm, perhaps I would simply have to manipulate you emotionally." He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued as you challenged him again.
“And how would you do that?”
“Like this” you made a sad face and your eyes teared up suddenly as you looked at him with that pathetic puppy look on your face, his eyes softened for a moment before he realized that you were messing with him.
“Oh you little minx”
You couldn't help but grin at his response, feeling the sizzling chemistry between you, the flirting and the electric tension filling the air. The sight of him dressed so sharply added fuel to the fire, igniting a heat within your core. He then walked so close to you that there was not an inch of space left between your bodies, for a moment you worried about being seen like this but his words kept you hooked to him.
“Ask me to be nice and I won't disappoint you” he whispered in your ear.
“Will you be nice please?” You asked him softly so he caressed the bridge of your nose before he stepped away from you.
“You got it Princess”
And he upheld his promise, throughout the gala he was well behaved and polite with everyone, not that many people were interacting with him. He was misunderstood and he had done nothing to diffuse those rumors about him attacking Shyla. Sometimes you envied the power he had where he didn't give any fucks about his reputation.
Later that night you grabbed a piece of cake and made your way to his room, he had left the Gala before you and you didn't want to look suspicious so you waited for a bit before you stole the cake and sneaked out quietly.
Like always he had his door open so you entered immediately.
As expected, you found him standing by the window, his arms resting against the frame, the soft light of the moon bathing his silhouette.
“Happy birthday” you mumbled softly as he turned around and his gaze met with yours. The gentle flicker of the candle you had carefully placed on the cake casted a warm orange hue and he didn't know what it was about the gesture but it made him want to cry. All his adult life he had fought against emotions like these but with you he was failing miserably.
He walked towards you as he stared at you so you gestured towards the cake,
“Blow and make a wish” you told him so he chuckled and shook his head but his resolved melted as you made a pout, you didn't bring any fork so you cut the corner of the slice with your fingers and offered the sweet delicious treat to him, you weren't really expecting him to suck your fingers clean off the delicious cream. He grabbed the plate from your hands and stepped away from you to place it on the dresser before he approached you again.
“I want to touch you” he murmured under his breath and your heart ceased to beat for a moment.
“Where?” you asked hesitantly but evidently turned on by the husky whisper of his voice.
“Everywhere” he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to his chest so you looked up at him.
“You can't start touching me everywhere at once, it's …scary” you mumbled softly.
His fingers trailed up from your wrist and you shuddered as they caressed the curve of your shoulders, he messed around with the straps of your dress before he lowered them down, exposing your clavicle and a bit of cleavage, it wasn't really much but you felt as if you were all naked , you felt as if he could see right through you and the thought made you feel so aroused.
As his thumbs traced over your collarbone, your eyes rolled back in your head involuntary.
“Is this alright? Not too much, hmm?” he asked, his voice gentle but slightly mocking in your ears.
“No..not much..” the trembling of your voice betrayed the conviction in your words.
“Yet you're shaking like a leaf” he murmured as his thumb traced over the curve of your breasts, ragged breaths escaped your chest at the touch. You could feel yourself dripping in your thong. “Depriving yourself of such pleasures all your life? It's a shame darling, a woman as sensual as you was made to be ridden every night”
You silenced him with a gentle press of your palm against his lips as he spoke filthily.
“I don't want to be touched by anyone or everyone” you mumbled meakly as his hands wrapped around your neck like a necklace, his hold both possessive and gentle at the same time.
“And I would be honored if you'd allow me to savor a part of you that you've never shared before, my sweet girl. I promise to keep it safe, secure, and thoroughly pleased.” your eyes moistened at the sincerity in his voice.
“Mmmmhm? Kiss me then”
You looked him in the eye and cupped his cheeks as before you got angled up and pecked his lips briefly.
He leaned down and took a whiff of your scent before he sucked a mark on your neck, his lips then trailed up to your jaw and as he kissed the corner of your mouth, you felt your knees trembling with anticipation.
“Daemon” you whispered against his mouth as he cupped your cheeks.
“Mmm?” He asked, concern filled his voice as he didn't want to make you uncomfortable in the slightest.
“I …adore you..very much”
“As do i”’
With those words he then planted his lips on yours, your breath hitched in your chest as you gasped in his mouth, the wave of feelings that you experienced felt unfamiliar. This feeling that you had, you couldn't have anticipated it. It definitely wasn't the same as kissing your own hand as a child to practice kissing, and it definitely didn't feel as awful as it had with that man you didn't even remember the name of. He let go of your upper lips and looked at you for a moment,
“I'm not kissing you back am i?” You asked him between your bated breaths but he didn't answer, he smiled instead and leaned down to capture your lower lip into his mouth , his hands cupping your other cheeks as he pulled you closer to him.
The feeling of his warm big hands rubbing over the curve of your rear flipped a switch inside you right then and you reciprocated his movements, arms curled around his neck as you followed the rhythm of his mouth.
For the first time in your life you felt as if you were in a hazy dream, this feeling felt too good to be true, and for the first time your boring mundane life felt as exciting and as thrilling as those wild dreams you have had all your life. And it terrified you if you were being honest with yourself.
As his tongue slipped into your mouth you were a goner, the taste of him was something you could see yourself getting addicted to, it offered you a euphoric high like that of a drug as he had said, it felt intoxicating, but it was a high no other drug could ever compare to.
As the kiss deepened, he didn't pull away until he was gasping for breath, stealing the air from your lungs with each frantic inhale. Doubts filled your head, and you wondered whether the kiss was as magical for him as it was for you. Did he feel the fire burning within his soul, or was this moment merely a fleeting distraction for him?
“It is” he mumbled softly as peppered kisses all over your face so you looked at him confused “it is as magical for me as it was for you darling”
You still didn't understand how he was so intuitive, perhaps he had a strong sixth sense or something, considering that he was half dragon, you were still on the fence of believing it completely.
“Turn around for me” he asked you, his tone commanding so you hesitated for a moment before you complied. Then, the cool touch of metal wrapping around your neck caught you off guard, drawing a gasp from your lips.
Honestly you just wanted to kiss him again and then again.
“It's a gift…belonged to my mother” You turned around to look at him as he said that.
“I don't think I deserve it yet” you whispered softly so he placed his fingers on your lips to shut you up.
“Just keep it .. please”
He placed his forehead down on yours as he sighed so you tucked his hair behind his ears before you cupped his cheeks.
“What is bothering you?”
He wasn't the only one with strong senses it seems.
“Nothing” he mumbled as he grabbed the locket of the pendant between his fingers and contemplated his words before speaking “Don't put it on in front of Viserys”
“Viserys?” You looked at him confused so he nodded.
“Dr. Vis”
He had a full name? Why didn't you know that after all these years?
“Okay..why though?” Your puzzled expression prompted him to sigh again.
“He'd recognise it..it belonged to my mother” his answer only confused you further.
“Why would he know about this Daemon?” you asked him as the curiosity piqued, you knew Dr Vis had been treating him for a while but why would he know about the necklace you thought, it was personal. And that's when he revealed the truth about his relationship with the man you knew as Dr. Vis.
“Cause he's my brother.. he's my older brother”
@anukulee @ammo23 @littledark11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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Request: what if the hantengu clones (+ the main body and zohakuten ofc) found their wife murdered‼️
The backstory: The demon slayer corps found out that one of the twelve Kizuki (Uppermoon 4) had a wife and decided to kill her.
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Hantengu x Fem!Reader [Angst]
Synopsis: He has a feeling that she should be moved. It's a tactic he always used if he's been in one place for too long since it would get on the Demon Slayers' radar. Oh well... Is that what the humans call 'gut feeling'?
Warnings: Blood, Corruption, surprisingly short?
Note: This has been on my mind for a while, you vile person. But, I love me some good angst also since it's been a good long while. Anyways, enjoy, babe. ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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"D-Darling, I believe it's best if we move...!" Hantengu tried to coax her into joining him on his travel before he leaves for his mission. "Nonsense! Look at how long it's been and not a single slayer or demon has found me!" But she was too stubborn to go, likely because she enjoyed this area and because it was closest to home. She, like many other humans, tend to wave things off because she's either too caught up with her feelings or has gotten used the feeling of safety. Nevertheless, something in his mind told him this place wasn't safe for him or his wife anymore. Especially her. "Go, you're just a little paranoid today. The mission will be fine. I will be fine." She assured him, taking his hand and placing a kiss on his temple. "Go now, those slayers will quite literally not kill themselves, you know?" Perhaps she's right. Maybe he's being too paranoid and it's just him worrying too much. She seemed to be perfectly fine like usual and it isn't the first time he's worried about staying in one place too long yet remained because he had no other option or had to by order of Muzan. The short demon whimpered quietly, having concluded that it was just him overthinking things before he then left for his mission.
He'd return hours before sunrise, that much is certain. He can't keep his lady waiting now, can he? And besides, he's had little to no time to spend with her, a date night would do him some good and would make her quite happy! The demon went off towards the south where he the Demon Slayers are currently travelling.
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"I say we execute her! She's a traitor to humanity for keeping a demon in her household much less being married to it!" A bold and brazen voice yelled out in anger. How could a human peer live happily with a demon? The bane of humanity's existence? How dare she! "We mustn't act irrationally. Who knows why she's still with him? She could potentially be under some spell." A softer more compassionate voice countered. The thought of executing a human, one of the very things they the slayers protect is revolting. "She's been married to that thing for nearly five years and is well-aware of the crimes he commits!" The brazen one persists. He believes that someone such as herself is no longer apart of humanity as she's committed the greatest sin one can commit and that is aid a demon. "Oyakata-sama himself said—" "I don't give a damn! He's a fool if he can't see that she's a traitor to us all and if you won't help me, I'll do it myself!" His peers tried to stop, tried to reason with him that killing the woman will get him executed and possibly hunted down by the Kizuki she's married to which result in death and death only. It's an Upper Rank demon for crying out loud, is he stupid?
It appears so... His peers tried to stop him from committing a mistake that would get him killed but it was futile, he had gone for the poor woman. They weren't going to stop him, it was too late and they were too scared. The slayers feed back to the Corps while the rogue went his own path – the path towards his grave.
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"Urogi!!!" Sekido yelled, commanding Urogi to be rid of the group of slayers trying to ambush him while he focuses on the main threat. A hashira. And to think such a young boy, no older than fifteen, is able to take them on so well. It's infuriating. Urogi did as he was told and killed the pests with little effort as they then focused on their main target. It was difficult and Zohakuten had to get involved, though from there on out was smooth sailing and as expected, they finished the mission hours before sunrise. Zohakuten took Hantengu and used his dragons to get back as fast as he could. Like Hantengu, he had a feeling that he needed to get there, as if somebody was trying to hurt her, but then, thought back to her words and tried to brush it off as him being paranoid. He travelled stealthily, using the forest as his camouflage until he reached the populated town, where he would have to travel by foot.
Once he arrived at his destination, he swiftly entered his home through the back though the instant he stepped foot into the house, he knew that something was not right. "Y/N?!" He called to his beloved wife, quickly searching the house with his eyeblinking speed. "Y/N!!!" At this point, Urami was out, searching for their shared wife as well. He had gone upstairs to check if she were hiding in one of the rooms, having taken note at some of the wrecked furniture, breaking down doors and flipping things upside-down. Zohakuten was downstairs, trailing the scent of blood... her blood... He knew where it was coming from. He could feel where she was and yet he refused to look, as if in denial of what could—is. Just then, the clone felt true fear for the first time. He entered the spacious kitchen, peeking his head around the counter before his eyes landed on a pair of legs. Her legs. Despite his monstrous strength and lighting fast speed, in that moment, Zohakuten found himself barely able to move at the sight, only taking small steps at the pace of a snail.
"Zohakuten! Did you find—" Urami froze instantly, not only at the smell, but also at the sight. He pushed past Zohakuten towards the corpse he saw and to his despair, it was was the one human he cherished so. He picked up the corpse which finally revealed to Zohakuten that corpse was his wife. It was silent. Blood dripped from her mouth, her eyes were open, and her injuries were... too severe for a human to handle. Slit throat, cut tongue, stabbed in the solar plexus... Their poor, poor wife. She was killed brutally and unjustly, afraid and alone as she choked on her own blood, likely hoping and praying her husband would save her, and yet, nobody came. What did she do to deserve this? What did his innocent and kind wife do to deserve this? After a few long and quiet moments, Zohakuten immediately snapped out of his stunned state and tried to check the room for any hints whatsoever on who might have committed such an unforgivable crime. And then, they saw it. The kanji "Destroy", painted with her own blood. The very same kanji they see on the humans that pester them and likely her last sign for him before she died.
"Those repugnant scum..." Zohakuten hissed softly, pupils constricting at the mere sight of the kanji and his hatred flaring to a level even he has never felt before. Urami stood there, wide-eyed as his large hand rested on his poor wife's face before, trying to thoroughly process that the Demon Slayers were the ones who had committed this crime. Demon Slayers... Aren't they the ones who boast about the fact that they do not eat or harm humans in anyway? That they defend them with their lives from "evil demons" like himself? As the realisation lingered in the air, he too began to feel strong levels of resentment that he has but unlike Zohakuten, his expression remained unchanging. That was until he felt her slip away from his touch. He immediately turned to see who it was that dared to take the only thing he has left of her only to be met with his silently sobbing, sorrowful counterpart. "My d-darling..." The other three were present as well. Sekido was speechless and so were the other two. They could take no pleasure or joy out of this... Their wife was dead. Aizetsu was the only one who properly displayed what Hantengu felt the most in this situation as his crying became more apparent and his tears stained her face.
"I should not have left you..." Aizetsu continued his hopeless muttering as he embraced her corpse while the others stared in silence. To Aizetsu, everything was gone. Everything that he as a demon could ever cherish was ripped away from his ever depressing grasp, that being the one true thing that made his everlasting sorrow a bit more bearable. His darling, his love, his better half...
My wife...
The tears of his still and broken heart rushed out like a raging ocean. His sobs increased in volume as his shaking hand caressed her still beautiful face, streaming down from his face to hears. "M.. My love... M-My beautiful.. No..." He couldn't stop his choked sobs and constant hiccups even if he tried, simply burying his face into her now pale and cold, dead neck. She who was once so warm and radiant, now nothing more than the average corpse he had seen of both humans and slayers. "C-Come back to me..." But the demon was no fool. He knew she would not ever be brought back to life.
"We can... We can turn her into one of us... right?" Urogi tried to ask but was quickly shut up by a blank stare from Sekido, which answered his question. "But how? She'll be able to resist it! Even now! Who knows how long it's been?! We can't leave her!" "The blood is almost an hour old... With what system will she fight back?" Sekido can understand why Karaku and Urogi are in denial but coming up with worthless solutions will most certainly flare his anger. It quickly died down when the scent of her corpse entered his nose as the realisation that his wife is dead would sink in once more. She was gone. Stolen from their loving arms and for what...? For what? FOR. WHAT. Taken by those slayer scum who pride themselves in protecting their human peers! Yet, look now! His wife was human too! Was she the exception because she was married to a demon?! Was that to them a way of betrayal?! Now, it was his turn for his anger to flare in overwhelming levels. "Let her go." He stated firmly, as if he was over her death just like that.
"What?" "No!" Aizetsu was first to refuse only hugging her corpse tighter while the others stared at him in shock, as if he had grown another head. "Let. Her. Go." Everybody had to object against that decision and ask why, especially Urami. He did not bend as easily to Sekido's will as the others and would refuse until he got an answer. "Standing here and feeling sorry for not having been there to save her will do nothing." Sekido states coldly, gripping his khakkhara tighter, giving Urami and the others his coldest, most brutal glares. "She was our wife—" "And she's dead." The others were absolutely in shock at his near merciless behaviour until they realised why he was acting like this. Revenge. "This entire town and the next will pay for it." Sekido announced with not an once of mercy present in his voice. No men, women or children will be spared and a point will be made. These Demon Slayers are as evil as Hantengu had said them to be, as their Lord Muzan had painted them to be and he intends on getting justice for his beloved wife.
After much struggle, Aizetsu eventually let up, closing her eyes and embracing her body one last time, muttering a soft apology and a declaration of his love for her – however his brain allows him to feel that which he is not. They had not intended on burying her just yet, though. Sekido had cleaned her up, washed every ounce of her blood off of her body, bandaged the stab wounds and stitched her slit throat closed before he dressed her in her favourite kimono. After he finished cleaning and dressing her, he took her hand and brought the back of her palm to his mouth, gently pressing his lips against it. "Wait for us, my bride. No matter how long it takes. Please wait for us." That was the only time Sekido had ever allowed such a vulnerable part of himself to be free as in that moment, his anger was almost non-existent. He felt only a dull and heavy feeling all over his body but especially in his chest. A sort of pressure. He didn't know what it was.
He left her in her bedroom and joined the others. The only one who wasn't there was the main body. He had been waiting for Sekido to leave so he could be alone with his wife, this moment being on of the few times he isn't hiding within Urami and simply remains out in his normal size, clutching his deceased wife's hand. "I-I-I'll... k-kill them.. for you..." That was his promise to her before he broke out into never-ending sobs, clutching her hand and hoping she would miraculously wake up despite her fatal injuries. He, Aizetsu, and Zohakuten were in denial the most...
That very same night, the entire town was slaughtered mercilessly within a singular hour. No men, women, or children were spared. Not even the animals. And the town after, and the town after. That night, the true unfiltered power of an Upper Moon demon was shown. Neither of the nine current Hashiras would ever defeat the once madly in love demon now scorned. Not the period before, or the one before that. Any slayers and Hashira that were sent to deal with the Upper Four were killed in mere minutes and devoured like a delicacy. Lord Muzan himself caught onto to the reckless behaviour of Upper Four, but allowed him to do so simply because he eyed his power.
From that day on, he never spoke of her again. Even thinking about her was far too painful and the image of her discovered by Zohakuten and Urami even more. He was back to serving his Lord Muzan mindlessly...
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Note: You, person, are responsible for the absolute outrage that will happen.
@hawnkoii @fallstreakfeathers @dreamcorechild @lumitylovepill @hantengus-fuckass-clones @sunbrokenswords @georgette-mademoiselle @hearts4mitsuri @star-dust-wanderer @shytastemakerthing
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renren-006 · 1 year
The Hearts Want | Daryl Dixon x reader
Summery: you just cant get him out of your heart. good thing he likes you too, maybe more than you thought
word count: 1806
warning: smutttttyyyy
a/n: ahhhh i just love daryl so much!!!
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It was another hot day in the Prison. The heat of summer makes your skin crawl with sweat. You sat out by the picnic tables in the common area. You sat watching the man that was constantly on your mind. 
“He's older than you,” Carol pointed out. You knew this, of course you did. It was the one thing that constantly went through your mind whenever you looked over towards the archer.
“I know” You answered, already knowing that some of the members from the other community would rag on you for ever being with him, not that you were.
 Daryl had found you in the woods back on the Green farm, you were paranoid, lost and convinced you were going crazy. You were a little older than Beth and just around Maggie's age, but you stayed away from the older Green. Beth became your best friend, saving you from yourself more times than you can point out. While you may be older than her the two of you lived in your youth around each other. 
“He's Daryl, he’s harmless plus the world did kinda end” Beth said from beside you at the table. It was just the three of you today, Sasha and Michonne being off somewhere. 
“You girls know I trust Daryl, he’s my pookie but he’s weird with feelings”' Carol defended, knowing we only meant to point out the obvious about Daryl. He was a recluse, only hanging around a few and you had only just started to crack his shell.
“He's just so stubborn but so…” You started, your words drifting off not being able to fully say the rest of the sentence out loud. 
“Attractive?” Beth supplied for me, you nodded your head. He was handsome and lord did you want to know what he could do with his hands.  “Omg stop” Beth squealed from beside you. 
“What?” you asked, shocked by your friend's outburst. 
“You are thinking about what he would do to you” Beth exclaimed loudly, followed by your hands covering her mouth. The two of you continued to wrestle with each other until the man in question approached the table.
“You girls fighitn’ ov’r here?” He asked, the southern drawl coming out heavy.. You swallowed slowly. Beth kicked you from under the table, you hissed and clutched your leg. “You good darling?” he asked, using that damn nickname again. 
“Oh…yea im fine” you told him hesitantly, a small blush crept up your cheeks, making it look like the sun's heat was getting to you. Beth snickers fom beside you. Carol was here to save the day, and more importantly save you. 
“I think the girls should go help out Lori with the laundry, hm?” she questioned. You both shot up from the table, saying a small goodbye and dashing back inside the prison to a little bit of cooler air. Carol still sat, and Daryl joined her. He didn't say anything at first, still wondering why you had been acting weird around him.
“It's not my place to tell you so don’t ask'' Carol started, “but the girl has a special place in her heart for you, so don't be mean to her pookie." She stood up from the table, leaving a startled Daryl and walked away.
The days following Carol's words to Daryl he started over thinking many things, the way you looked at him, the small touches, even the way you walked. Every single thing you did clouded his mind till he knew he was in trouble. He figured that it was some sort of cold, then he realized it wasn't a cold that was making him hot it was you. For a week he let his feelings be mulled over, and after having many conversations with Carol and Rick about it he knew he had fallen hard for you. The two of you had not hung out in a while, courtesy of Daryl avoiding you, but you figured he was busy and not that he was grossed out by you. Daryl also avoided you knowing that he was older than you and thinking that it wasn't a good thing to be attracted to a woman significantly younger than himself, but Daryl continued to watch you. He watched you leaving the prison, watched you enter all the while you didn't see any of the looks he gave you. He did this for weeks, just watching you still afraid of the things going through his head. 
“Oh pookie” Carol said to her best friend. Darly shook his head. 
“Ah! how could i ‘av been so stupid?” Darly asked her, she smiled at him.
“Your not stupid Daryl, just a little blind” She told him, when you walked out of the door to the prison Daryl's eyes immediately found yours. You smiled over at him, someone probably Sasha called your attention away from him and you walked down the gravel path towards the gate. He trailed your body with his eyes, watching the shape of your ass walk away from him. Carol got up and stood beside him, pushing him in your direction. She nodded, giving him a bit of encouragement.
“She’s not going to reject you,”Carol assured the man. 
“What if she does?” he asked
“She wont” Carol said, giving him another push. Daryl kept his eyes on you watching the way your hips moved or the placement of your hands. You were talking to Sasha about another potential run for supplies further out, you were willing to go with but needed to check in with Beth and the others in case you had another job they wanted you to do. You didn't want to admit it but you hoped Daryl would be going as well. Daryl walked down the path towards the two of you, Sasha waved him over.
“Hey, I'm trying to get some people to go on another run further out tomorrow. I need you man, your good out there” Sasha told him. He glanced at you.
“You goin’?” he asked, you looked back at Sasha who had some sort of mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Yea, I was planning on it” You told him, he nodded.
“Good, ill see ya’ tomorrow then” he said, walking back up the hill towards Carol.
When the sun rose Sasha, Daryl, Michonne, Bob and yourself met up at the gate. You had on your jeans, a tank and a flannel shirt to keep the sun and the bugs off your arms. The heat of the morning was variable, seeing as the sun hadn't gotten to peak height just yet. You carried your bag with you, loaded with water and a few cans of beans, your hip had your gun holster and an assortment of knives on your belt and boots. You could never be unprepared going out into the world you lived in now. Daryl took in your appearance, turned on by just the sight of you standing there with all your equipment. Once the car was loaded Daryl offered for you to ride with him. 
“I don't want to be a burden, I can just ride with everyone else” You told him, he shook his head.
“Nah” Daryl said, “I want ya’ to ride with me.” You hopped on the back of his motorcycle, and hugged his middle, once you got comfortable, and felt the flex of his mussel under his shirt. He didn't flinch, and he didn't move when your hands roamed a little. When the journey started you didn't realize how much the rumble of the motorcycle engine could entice you, or even the way he felt while you were hugging him. Daryl knew that if you stayed on the bike long enough he may have you unraveling. He knew what he did to you, because he watched you too often to know about the hungry looks you gave him. Beth would often slap your arm or flick your head when you were lost in thoughts about him. It made him want you closer, just thinking about the way your eyes looked at him, or the way your mouth contorted when you thought about him long enough. When the group had stopped for the night, in one of the town they had scavenge everyone stayed in the two closest houses. Daryl, Michonne and yourself in one ad the other had Sasha and Bob in the other. The whole night you wished you were next to him, drawing a straggled wine from your mouth. The room you were in was cold, no one else was staying with you since the only bed was yours.  Michonne took the room downstairs while you and Daryl took the rooms upstairs. You heard one of the bored squeak outside your door, and a soft nok came from it. You walked over to the door and opened it to find Daryl standing outside your door. 
“Daryl?” you asked. Before any more words could leave your mouth he kissed you. It was needy, sweat and a little rough. You felt him move forward making you cling to him and follow his movements. He shut the door behind you before continuing the kiss he had started. You didn’t question it, your mind to hazzy now from the breathless kisses with Daryl. He moved to lay you down on the bed, his hands came to roam over you.
“Woman, you have any idea how many times a day I wanted to do this?” he asked you, feeling his hands all over your skin, he started a trail of kisses down your neck till he found your sweet spot. “How i wanted to see you unravel on my bike, make you ride it out behind me?” His words sent a moan out of your mouth and shivers to travel down to your core. You felt hot in your clothes and attempted to rip them off. Daryl however stopped you, taking the lead by taking them off you himself. “I want to see you squirm, Y/N, I want to see you unravel underneath me as I take you” he told you, and you only nodded our heads. “I need confirmation sweetheart or ill stop right now”
“Yes! Please Daryl” you moaned, you wanted all of him, his mouth, his voice, the throbbing feeling of your core didn’t stop and you couldn't take it. Cloths ended up on the floor and Daryl crouched over you watching you breath. You nodded your head, waiting to feel him inside you. Both of your breathing increased and the moans coming from both of you filled the room. He helped you ride out your orgasm and you did the same for him. His hands fell from your hips and the two of you collapsed on to the bed.
“God Darlin, you really are somthn’’” Daryl said to you.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
ahh~ i’m so glad you liked my little essay~!! i have a knack for analyzing and interpreting stuff, i just think it’s so fun. plus i needed a way to vent out my thoughts and feelings on the little hyper-fixation i’ve developed from your story, my brain just went into overdrive because of how unique it is so i couldn’t resist.
anyway, thank you, seriously thank you for enjoying it, and i’m super happy to say that i have come up with few a headcanons of my own. these are mainly könig headcanons, so they’re more of my interpretations and analysis on him. let me know what you think~! i hope you have a wonderful read, and please keep doing you, you are a wonderful writer, and incredibly talented!!
okay, so first:
despite könig’s openness and acceptance to engels interest in his weaponry, i highly doubt that he would actually allow her to indulge in using any of them. i would even consider that he wouldn’t even teach her how to use one, especially his guns. sure, he’s gifted her knifes but notice that they’re quite feminine and dainty even, könig does try to engage with engel and her interests but emasculates them in a way that should suit her, a cute little knife is practically harmless compared to the massive destruction of his guns. the furthest he would go to showing her anything is how to hold it, but he still wouldn’t want her to hold it herself, and he won’t even shoot it in front of her considering that would damage her hearing, and he can’t bring himself to do that to his baby.
with that, i do think könig is careful and cautious with his engel. i feel like he tries to filter through the good and the bad for her. yes, we’ve been given instances in which the exact opposite has happened, i.e. him stabbing her boss right in front of her, but that was acted purely on impulse. i think after that, he tries his best, and i mean he really tries to shield her from that ever again unless absolutely needed. however, if she were to ask for that twisted ruthless side of him again, because she has the tendency to be twisted herself, then i’m sure he would have to lay down some ground rules, and although hesitant, in the end, he would do anything for her. but despite that, he does not allow angel to consume things that he perceives to be negative for both him and her, and what i mean by that is that he doesn’t allow her to consume any material that could be triggering for him or anything that could alter her behavior that would negatively effect both of them. so, stuff like world news, social media, anything that could give her a sense of empowerment, he doesn’t allow her to have her own phone, she’s constantly monitored, and she’s never alone once she leaves home because könig has to always check in on her. könig absolutely does not want her to be influenced by anything, it’s another reason why she doesn’t have friends, and knowing she isn’t influenced by anything other than him helps keep him from being paranoid, anxious, and violent.
now, back to könig being a raging misogynist at times, he would definitely believe in the value of gender roles, and i mean nothing is more important to him than the normalcy and complacency of the ideal of gendered roles and relationships. also, i hate to admit it, but he just can’t see his woman doing or portraying anything too masculine, it’s a turn off for him, he prefers if she were to just stay at home and do “womanly things” and be a woman, whatever that entails. i think he would even encourage engel to quit the job that she has now, he probably never liked the fact that she worked in such a masculine environment, working such a dirty job in the first place. the only times when he’ll allow engel to even be remotely dominant is during sex, and it’s only if she wants to be, but even through sex he still has the upper hand and has this, ‘this is only happening because i’m allowing it to happen’ mentality. plus it’s a nice thing to let go, relax, and allow her to take control for a little bit, but he would always remind her, both sexually and domestically, where her place is.
könig is completely shameless when it comes to his physicality. he knows what he’s capable of and he knows engel loves his body, so he uses that to his advantage to show off and impress her more. so that means, more unnecessary bouts of strengths used in front of engel, more commitment to his workouts, wearing less clothes around her (he honestly prefers to be casually nude more than he likes to admit, i also think it’s a kink for him to see her so flustered from it too), and insane sex positions. i think he would really enjoy fucking/eating her out standing up, just anything that involves comfortably lifting her up and possibly manhandling her, in a safe way at least.
also, könig is the most expressive when it comes to his sexuality. again, he has little shame, but it’s only because there’s something so special in sex that allows him to let go and just do what he wants in such an intimate environment, and it’s because of engel that it only amps up way more. so, with that being said, the guy is incredibly kinky and experimental. like i said, he likes casual nudity, but only done on his part, he doesn’t really like engel flaunting her body the way he flaunts his and prefers for her to stay modest, it’s really because of the innocent aspect that she tends to play that gets him going because of it. i also see him thriving in animalistic, predator/prey type of sex, especially if it’s outdoors. every time they’re out hiking, camping, or just happen to be in a large remote wooded area, expect some wild sex happening between these two. he just really enjoys pushing his limits and boundaries through sex for the purposes of showcasing the emotions he is unable to communicate normally, which is why he often has an intense sexual drive, but he also enjoys letting go once in a while, being taken cared of, and feeling loved by engel. könig really bonds well when he has this outlet where his emotions, something he constantly suppresses, can be catered, and very often is his emotions expressed dominantly, whether as a hard dom or soft one, it’s mainly about control and acceptance for him.
something könig would slightly be ashamed of though, is receiving open comfort and affection. his upbringing is super fucked and his lack of affection and love as a child definitely shaped himself as a very undeserving man of any of that, although he craves it immensely. so, as contradictory as it is, while he loves giving devotion and intimacy for selfish reasons, he does have trouble accepting genuine love and warmth for himself. it’s something that takes time for him to recognize that he needs and accepts, especially with the right person. so, yes, he’s very hesitant of these instances, but by god, does engel make it so much easier for him. it’s no wonder he’s so indulgent with her and why he’s constantly pushing her limits, it is not because he’s consciously choosing to do the most insane shit but rather, he doesn’t realize it and it’s inappropriateness. i think if engel were to teach him how to properly love and care more respectfully and appropriately, you know something he wasn’t taught as a child, i think he would be a bit more mentally stable in his behavior. however, i do not think she will, it’s because of his dangerous behavior that drew her in the first place and his toxic, overwhelming personality that solidified her place in their relationship, so there’s no way she’s getting rid of könig’s obsessive, possessive, dominant traits that practically has made him into a sex god, but she will suggest therapy from time to time if he continues to exhibit insecure-like behaviors and especially when he’s going through ptsd episodes. i’m pretty sure he has both ptsd and c-ptsd, and to top that off, personality disorders, and mood disorders, soooo…
last but not least, and this one is purely self-indulgent on my end, he is a serial spender for his engel. dude makes an absurd amount of money for what does, and has no reason to use it… until engel walked into the picture. even since then, könig will buy anything for engel and help her splurge to keep her happy, comfortable, and away from society. this man will get her all the material items that she wants, clothes, a big new house, lots of land, entertainment, all the foods that she wants. want a dog and/or cat? sure! he’ll even supply her with weed if she’s that type of girl, but anything to keep her sane and occupied, he is willing to buy, just nothing too illegal, and definitely no vacation spots, dude is way too paranoid to travel and is not willing to risk it.
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These were just pure gold, *chef’s kiss* exquisite!! Every single sentence is perfection. So well thought out, and so well put! I don't even have the words to express how incredible this is (and I call myself a writer lol). Seriously, thank you again!! 💖
Also I want to participate (teacher teacher lemme participate please) by adding a few things:
The first one I wholly agree with, but I also believe König might have a little teeny tiny kink for watching how his innocent Engel brushes her fingertips down the barrel of his huge shotgun or holds one of his biggest knives in her *cute* little hands... The contrast between a woman’s softness and a massive, cold, brutal weapon drives this man crazy.
To indulge in his dark fantasies, he might allow Engel to come to the range with him once or twice. I imagine König getting off on showing a “fragile woman” how to handle and shoot a rifle 🙄 He thinks it’s both horrifying and drugging to see how her smaller body tries to absorb the recoil from his guns. Soon enough he’s like “Ok that’s enough” but not before he has enjoyed that peculiar scene a while longer.
And the fourth oh god. Gave me butterflies. He's shameless. I just know that König sleeps naked. Guy associates nighttime with masturbation – and nowadays, sex with his Engel – so off with his clothes, and off with hers, too. König also gives me semi-somno vibes: he would try to wake Engel up with his dick if he can't sleep. (Give me attention and love and provide me with a distraction from my anxiety! Now...!)
The sixth: yes, I don’t see things getting any "better" as in them suddenly calming the fuck down and learning healthy ways to live and love. They are too enamored with their dark side and as you said, I don't know if Engel would be that fascinated with König if he suddenly developed a conscience and healthy ways to cope with his trauma(s). Their escapades resemble a shared psychosis sometimes, but with time and patience this couple will perhaps find true love and relief together – something bigger and better, a way out of the spiral. They learn to dance on the knife’s edge, so to say. They might even start to behave 🩷
And the last one: YES he would spoil her to bits! One of the reasons for this is that König feels guilty. He doesn't know how to show love and devotion through emotional intimacy so he will try to show it through spending money on her. So yes to all of this.
I see Engel wishing for a pet to keep her company while he's away on longer missions. And König is so thick-skulled he wouldn't even bother to ask what type of pet she wants or if she has allergies, he just shows up with a cat one day like: "Hier. I brought this to you. Do you like my gift? I will bring you a different pet if you don't like this one. 🤨"
(And omg the image of Engel smoking a fat one or using a cute little bong on their porch, perhaps chilling out with that cat and giggling when König comes home... ^^)
Thank you so much for bringing these to us! Tbh I never wanted this essay to end 🩷😭 You're amazing I hope you know that!!
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tai-janai · 7 days
So, what is the main deal with the swap AU? Like what about the voices and vessels are swapped, why did you swap those particular pairs of Voices and how does it connect to what you swapped with Hero and Princess? /gen /pos
so, there is a difference between the voices swapped and the prince/heroine swap.
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the prince and the heroine have both been completely rerouted. they are choice and reaction, the pieces of shifty that were cut into the hero and the princess respectively in the canon game (er, in my headcanon). they just end up in different places. they are entirely different rather than just a personality/goal/embodiment swap like the voices; this is why the heroine and the prince have different names from the original (and the voices don't) (also why their colors are different, but that's just for my portrayal of them)
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the additional voices, on the other hand, are still themselves, just through the lense of their swapped counterpart. smitten doesnt act like cheated, but he feels cheated. broken doesn't act entirely like hunted, but he understands that he is prey, and he shouldn't just let the body die.
now, for the vessels,
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they do also get a bit of a personality shift ! here is the witchy hero!spectre. she's a bit upset that you killed her without hearing her out. she's not a fan. (uh, subject to change.)
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the reason i swapped a lot of them is that they are already kind of similar, especially in how you get them. hunted and broken both come from losing completely. skeptic and contrarian are both untrusting of the narrator. opportunist and cold are both murderers with no regret. smitten and cheated are both determined to do what they think is right. stubborn and paranoid are both very strong and put in tangible effort for the body. they all just go about it differently, so i just muddled it around a bit.
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Back Off Bitch
klaus mikealson x reader
A/N: reader uses she/her pronouns and has female anatomy
i sat in bed with the bedsheets pulled up to my chest, along with my knees tucked against my chest while i watched klaus get dressed.
“why do you have to go?” i ask. “cami called, she said it was an emergency. the witches are waiting to strike and if they hurt her i swear to god.” he says while pulling on a shirt.
is it bad i wished they would hurt her
“do you have feelings for her?” i question. “what?” he pauses and turns to face me. “no, i only have feelings for you, love.” he promises. “it’s just you’ve been spending a lot more time with her, i’m feeling like i’m on the back burner.” i look up at him getting dressed again.
“love, i’m sorry, but i can’t talk about this right now.” he says as he pulls on his boots. “klaus.” i state. “what?” he looks sharply at me. “tell me if there’s something going on, don’t lead me on.” i beg. “it’s fine.” he scoffs as he leaves.
i fight back tears as he leaves. that wasn’t the first time he left without a kiss goodbye. that was the first time he left while scoffing at me, the first time he left me in the middle of the night to be with cami.
i sigh and get dressed back into my comfy clothes. i debated on wearing one of his shirts but decide against it.
i feel like i’m going insane, does he even love me anymore. eventually the dam breaks and tears stream down my face onto the pillow. i manage to quiet myself into small sniffles, remembering the people who are also asleep in the house has supernatural hearing.
“you okay?” rebekah softly knocks on the door. she opens the door to see me laying in bed while quickly wiping off the tears on my face. “what has my idiot brother done this time?” she asks as she sits down beside me. “h-he left.” i start to cry again.
“where to?” she asks. “cami’s.” i respond as she holds me against her. “it’s okay.” she comforts and softly rubs my back. she pulls away so i can see her beautifully worried face. “hey, i’m here. klaus is an idiot for leaving someone like you alone.” she sends a polite smile my way.
eventually she left and i spent the rest of the night alone. i woke up and pulled myself together before heading downstairs.
i’m making myself tea while klaus walks into the kitchen. “morning love.” he says, acting like last night didn’t happen. i don’t pay attention, just move to the counter. “love.” he sighs. “where’d you go?” i ask. “cami got paranoid the witches were gonna come for her, so i stayed the night.” he responds.
i almost threw my cup at him.
“you stayed the night at another woman’s place?” i ask with my voice laced in venom. “i had to, she could’ve died.” he responds. “what if i did?” i throw back. “you have my siblings here to protect you, don’t be silly.” he smiles.
“fuck you.” i storm out. i reach the main part when he stops me. “please, let’s talk.” he reaches for my arms. “back off.” i free my arms from him. he tries talking but i cut him off, “go talk to cami about this. go spend another night at her place, go fuck her while you’re at it.”
“i mean for someone so old you’ll think you’d be wise, but christ, you love surprising people.” by now rebekah and elijah have stepped outside to watch and intervene if it gets too heated.
“honestly klaus, who do you think you are? you cheated on me with a step down from what you had. like jesus, you’d think you’d wise up. clearly, you’re still as dumb as ever.” i yell. “i mean you think you could replace me? no one in this world would put up with your stupidity and psychotic ass.” i add.
before he could talk i storm upstairs. “wait!” he barks and follows me. he joined me in the room we once shared to see me tossing my stuff into bags. “baby, darling, love, wait let’s talk, please.” he begs. “no, i’ve gave you too many chances. this was the final straw. i’m done, it’s over.” i spit.
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theanxiousghostartist · 2 months
I'm going to try to organize this to make all my thoughts less chaotic, but I apologize if this is still a mess 😅
Celia: So Celia randomly woke up in the middle of nowhere, I wonder if it's something to do with the Web. After all, Celia has implied that she was from the TMA universe, so maybe the Web is trying to get her to do something for it, as it's the last connection to TMA's universe Or could it be possible that she was unconsciously heading to Hilltop Road, where the portal was? Furthermore, who is Jack? Is he a partner or friend? Or could he be someone from the TMA universe that got pulled into this universe like Celia? Or is he someone important to her back in the TMA universe? Could he be someone she has turned to for her research on portal and other universes? Celia lied about where she was and why she was late, two questions: Why and does this have to do with Jack and/or her waking up in the middle of nowhere?
Lena and Gwen Debrief: They enjoy when you scream? Lena!! Are you confirming they are Avatars???? Also, "watch the caseload?" Does that mean Mr. Bonzo is going after one of the OIAR employees? Colin, Alice, and Celia are good possibilities.
* Colin because he "knows too much" and Lena has kept pushing him away from work, this could be her next step.
* Alice because she describes being followed, so this very well could be Mr. Bonzo. Also, she was at the ruins with Sam and could know more than she lets on.
* Celia because she is probably from the TMA universe and could know a lot. Also, her waking up in random places could be a result of a mark of a fear or a fear, like the Web trying to protect her.
* Sam also is a possibility, but I feel like, besides Gwen, he is least likely as he is really struggling to figure everything out.
Alice: Alice has been really paranoid this episode. I wonder if it is the Eye marking her like in MAG60. Or maybe it was [Redacted]? Or Mr. Bonzo?
Statement: First off, yay Ink5oul!!/pos The body looked perserved, and the tattoo was of the sea. Could this be a Flesh/Vast combo? Also, the ME died after observing the body, possibly Gordie as well, I wonder if the tattoo acted as an artifact or a Leitner. Also, I wonder if the tattooist(s) (Oscar Jarret and Sutherland Macdonald) Ink5oul mentioned were past Avatars or even their mentor.
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Round 1 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side A
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
GOD girlie gets a vision of the past showing her the truth of her and all cookies creation, and chooses to keep believing the lies she was fed because she doesn’t know any other way
this girl SO TRAUMATIZED IT’S UNREAL. She’s on the tipping point from cult victim to cult persecutor and it hurts sooooooo bad. So Cookie Run Kingdom Tower of Sweet Chaos spoilers but it’s unclear what happened to her to make her join, or if she was born into it, or something else, but it *is* clear that she’s completely unaware of modern society outside of the Order and is 100% convinced this is how all Rational And Correct people act (hint: It’s Not) so she acts all confident and rational but she’s actually paranoid as FUCK. She’s constantly quadruple checking every single thing she does, every single thought she has and emotion she feels, to make sure it’s in line with the Order’s expectations of her. She wants that praise and affection SO BAD because everyone’s literally SO connection starved!!! And to make it worse, she’s sent on a mission to purge all the Cakes living around the Oven the Cookies & Cakes were created in, and on it she encounters the overarching antagonists (this is so in depth but it’s literally a micro-plot the lore of this game is INSANE. Sprawling fantasy, political drama, CRK is incredible) and is made aware of the fact (along with the player, whom probably is flipping their shit) that THE COOKIES WERE CREATED BY THE WITCHES SO THEY COULD *EAT THEM.* So her entire life has been shattered but also she’s still under the impression that THIS IS ALL SHE HAS. From her perspective it’s either this or she becomes what she thinks is a terrible horrible evil worst person on Earthbread Ever. So she goes back and she’s like Reverend Mother (real name) I found out the most horrible thing. And her superior is like Ah. *I know.* And she convinces her that she’s learnt some horrifying secret that nobody else can know otherwise it’ll hurt them too, so SHE STAYS AND GETS WORSE. It drives me CRAZY this place is so bad. This is in motherfucking COOKIE RUN KINGDOM. This game is so dark and graphic it’s unreal. Also literally everyone in the Order is a girl for some reason and it’s never explained why??? Do they not recruit men??? If they’re self sufficient what do they do with the men??? Do they kill them??? Do they convince them they’re Actually Just Girls But Different??? Neither would surprise me at this point like actually
hope she explodes
She’s a cookie nun belonging to an order that worships the witches who baked the cookies. She later learns that cookies were baked to be eaten and that all this time she’s been worshipping MONSTERS AND HAS A FAITH CRISIS. RELIGIOUS TRAUMA AF
I think it's really funny that there's a christian pretty cure. She's the pretty cure of faith (Also btw Hifumi Togo whom I also submitted is from Persona 5. Idk if i remembered to write that)
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avatarmerida · 1 year
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The image: Hunter and Willow aren’t sitting together, obviously no Huntlow content
My brain: Well actually that makes it even more Huntlow you see
“Come on dude, the movies is the perfect place to make your move!” Gus said, giving Hunter a gentle nudge in the ribs as the girls lined up over at the concession stand.
“Gus, Camila paid good snails for these tickets to the cinema and being distracted during the film would be rude to her act of kindess,” explained Hunter, his eyes darting to the girls, making sure they did not hear him. “Please switch seats with me.”
“I’m preeeeetty sure Willow picked her seat on purpose to sit by you,” said Gus. “What, don’t you wanna hold her hand during the scary parts?”
Hunter’s face turned a deep crimson. “Of course I wanna hold her hand.” He mumbled quietly. “But I don’t want her to think I’m scared and I don’t want her to think that I think she’s scared.”
“Maybe she’ll just think you’re holding her hand because you like holding hand.”
“Well that also seems very rude because then how is she supposed to hold her popped corn? If I hold her hand then she won’t be able to enjoy it during the movie!”
“Well, you could always just put your arm around her,” suggested Gus, raising his eyebrow.
Hunter’s eyes went wide at the suggestion. The variables raced through his mind, the idea didn’t seem unpleasant at all. But there were too many variables. He might accidentally hit her popcorn with his arm as he raised and knock it to the ground and make a mess or his armpits might be sweaty or she might misinterpret him extending his arm as part of a yawn and think he was bored and she had seemed so excited about this movie what if she thought he hated it? Or what if when he put his arm around her, she scooted closer to him rested her head on his shoulder and he forgot how to breath? And then what if-
“Dude I think you’re overthinking this too much,” said Gus, interrupting Hunter’s spiraling train of thought.
“I think I’m thinking about it a normal amount,” said Hunter, not fully believing himself. “Besides, Willow likes to discuss the movie on the ride home and what if she wants to discuss a moment that I missed because I was too preoccupied thinking about holding her hand? How am I supposed to explain that? I can only sit by Willow at the movies if I’ve already seen the movie so that when she wants to talk about it she won’t suspect I was paying attention to her and not the screen.”
“Have you... done that before?” Gus asked, recalling the pair had gone to see a movie just last week. Willow told him Hunter had bought them tickets to a special screening of a nature documentary but had accidentally bought their seats with a seat between them. No one was sitting there but every time Willow tried to move close to him or tell him to fill the empty seat, he got flustered and said something about breaking the rules and getting kicked out of the theater. She used the empty space to store the pop bucket so she could ‘accidentally’ brush his hand when they both went for a piece, but he politely declined her offer to share. Willow noticed he kept looking at her, as though wanting to comment on the movie but had been shushed once by a few low viewer and feared breaking the social contact the previews gave against talking during the film. Willow has told Gus that she had thought that maybe Hunter didn’t want her to interpret it as a date but Gus could see now that a Hunter was just paranoid. He made a mental note to tell Willow to buy the tickets next time it was just the two of them going and see if that changed anything.
But for now he would let Hunter takes notes on things he wanted to discuss with Willow, impressing her with his attention to detail.
“Whatever you say dude,” said Gus, shaking his hand and switching tickets with the older boy. “What do you want me to say if she asked why we switched seats?”
“Tell her... you wanted to sit by her in case it got too scary and her presence makes you feel safe.”
“Pshh, you know I don’t scare that easily,” scoffed Gus, suspecting it was one of the reasons Hunter wanted to sit with her as he came up with the reason surprisingly quick. “I’ll just tell her it’s because I wanna share her snacks. Willow snuck some in from home in her purse.”
For some reason the very idea of Willow sneaking in contraband made Hunter swoon. There was no way he’d be able to sit next to her and act normally now. This was for the best.
“Besides, it’s a human movie,” scoffed Gus as the girls walked over with their drinks. “How scary could it possibly be?”
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