#and this once again makes me hate those annoying stalker arguments and she feel for adrien for shallow reasons even more annoying
dizzying-faust · 2 years
The more that I think about the fact that Marinette was a bullying victim, the more it makes sense why she fell in love with Adrien.
Imagine being a victim of bullying and instantly distrusting anyone that treats you horribly, until for once you meet a person who treats you with kindness and friendliness. I can't blame her for falling for him.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
You Call It A Mess, We Call It Baking
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Tons of fluff
Summary: A friendly argument via Discord leads to a baking session. Said baking session leads to a kitchen looking like it was the victim of a tornado. The lesson here is: don’t leave Corpse and Y/N in the kitchen together.
Requested by Anon, thank you so much for your request, hope I captured what you wanted well and I hope you enjoy reading it.
Corpse’s POV
I’ve been sitting in a Discord call with Y/N for about three years now, keeping her company as she’s editing some footage Sean sent her earlier. In the meantime, I’m reviewing the recently submitted stories by my viewers, reading some lines I find funny or downright terrifying to her.
“When I went in the kitchen to check on the cake, it was already out of the oven, a sticky note next to it on the counter that read: ‘smells nice’. My blood ran cold.“ I read the eerie sentence that is suggesting one of my most frightening scenarios - a stalker getting inside your house. I get chills just imagining what was probably going on in the sender’s head when they saw that.
“Jeez, it’s been so long since I’ve cooked something other than omelet.“ I hear Y/N reply absentmindedly, completely neglecting the fear factor of what’s going on in the story.
“Good job missing the point.” I chuckle, my eyes continuing to scan the email until my brain actually comprehends what she said, “Wait, you mean to tell me you have baked anything ever?! No offense, Y/N, but I was honestly doubting your ability to make an omelet as well. In all the years we’ve been friends I can’t remember you ever not saying ‘I hade takeout’ when I asked you what you had for dinner.” 
The scoff that comes through my headphones is the most adorable thing ever. She’s one to easily take a joke and never get offended by anything, but I know how heated she can get with her sarcasm. If I’m being honest, I’m always here for it. 
“There are many things you don’t know about me, Corpsy. A girl’s gotta have some aces up her sleeve.“ I can just imagine the narrowing of here eyes and the tilting of her head as she says that. She has a very specific way of expressing her thoughts. When we first met I accidentally made the comparison to one of those children’s books that have pictures, stories and small buttons for audio. That comparison has stuck with me and I look back at it very often. To fully catch her point, you don’t just listen to her. No, no, no. You focus on every change in her face and body. The way she looks away during certain parts of her speech, the way her voice plays with several different tones at once. Her posture while speaking. Just like those books - you don’t just listen to the audio, you look at the pictures and read the text.
“Well you know how much I like playing poker, why don’t you come over and throw those aces down.“ The last thing you should ever give Y/N is a challenge. She won’t only homerun it, but will never let you forget it either. When we met she was a girl with self esteem in the negatives, so seeing her brag about her achievements to me always brings me joy.
The details I’ve listed are pretty in-depth, aren’t they? That’s because I don’t want to let anything slip when it comes to her. This realization hit me early in our friendship and it was only like two years in that I finally connected the dots - this investment in her of mine was not simple nor platonic. Come to think of it, I reckon it never was.
“No way, I’m not changing out of my pajamas just to come to your house.” She laughs, once again making me picture her full body reaction to her statement.
I smirk, knowing I’m about to bring out my main weapon, “Oh come on, I’ve seen you in pajamas countless times. You can just admit you don’t wanna embarrass yourself. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
I can sense her fuming even though she’s like two miles away. “I’ll be there in 15.”
She hangs up before getting the chance to hear me lose control of the laughter I’ve been suppressing. 
Man, I love this girl.
Y/N’s POV 
“It’s on.“ I say as soon as the door in front of me swings open to reveal the smug smirking face of my bestfriend. The foundation of my tough, unbothered act is shaken up by the outburst of butterflies in my stomach which occurs every time I see him. I can never look at this man and not turn at least a little red in the cheeks. 
It’s been long since I self-diagnosed with the malicious ‘falling for someone who would never reciprocate my feelings’ illness. I’ve been living with it for a while. What medication do I take? Dating other guys. One bad relationship after another, scolding myself that every one of them has been a desperate attempt to get him to change his gaze on me from ‘best friend’ to something more. Hell, I don’t even know how to define that ‘something more’. I once even tried to admit my feelings, but I was so vague and so incoherent that I didn’t understand myself, so how was he supposed to grasp my downright sad excuse of a confession. 
“No ‘hello’, no nothing?“ He moves aside to let me in. I walk right past him with a sassy flip of my hair to mask the nervousness of being aware that his eyes were on me, “Rude.“ He murmured with an obvious smile in his tone.
He looks as cute as ever, black sweatpants and a black tee, hair messy as though he has just rolled out of bed. I can say with the upmost certainty that he’s the only one who can pull of that hairstyle.
I hide mine as I throw on the apron that’s hanging by his fridge, ready to take over his kitchen and put those aces of mine to use. I can’t help but furrow my brows when I see him enter the kitchen behind me and lean against the counter. That’s when I notice the counter is lined with all the ingredients I’ll need for the cake I had in mind. 
“OK, what do we do first?“ he claps his hands together, straightening his posture as he gives me a expectant look.
It takes all my brain cells to prevent me from freezing up completely. I’m not usually like this, mind you, I’m a lot better at keeping what’s going on inside my head camouflaged. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I don’t have much time to dwell on that. If I do, he’ll pick up on it right away.
“Um, we are not gonna do anything. I will be here baking, and you will remain outside the kitchen until I’m done. If you need something, ask and I’ll bring it to you. I can’t have you sabotaging my project, impostor.” I narrow my eyes at him like he’s the most dangerous of threats. And he is, for my mental sanity.
He fakes a hurt expression, clearly fighting to the best of his ability to hide how much he’s enjoying messing with me. “We’ve known each other for five years, Y/N. Don’t you trust me?”
I lean over the counter to where we’re about two feet apart and whisper, “Not. Even. A. Little. Bit.”
He smiles, “You’re just trying to get away with making this cake by watching a YouTube tutorial. Admit it, you can’t even crack an egg properly.” His eyes are now as narrowed as mine as we stare each other down at a proximity that’s rapidly raising my body temperature and heartbeat. It’s not fair. I’m a mess around him so he automatically has the upper hand.
As expected, I give in, “You better not mess around though.”
After I force him to give me several different oaths, we start. I’m working on the batter, he’s working on the frosting. We decided to decorate it with crimson and dark purple frosting. We’re both really pick about the color shades so he’s currently struggling to get the crimson perfect. 
“Let’s make it a layer cake.“ He suggests out of the blue, “Two layers, nothing crazy.“
I think it over for a moment or two before shrugging, “OK, but then you better grab a bowl and help me with the second layer. You know how to make the batter, right?”
He confirms that he does and walks out of my line of sight. I hear him open the fridge as I whisk the eggs I have cracked with the sugar. 
“You want something to drink?“ He asks while rummaging through the fridge.
I decline, try to focus on the recipe that I have somehow memorized to the smallest of details. As I’m reciting the it silently to make sure I didn’t skip any steps with the batter, I feel something cold run down my back causing me to scream.
“What the fuck was that?!“ I turn around and glare at him just as the ice cube slips out from under my hoodie and falls to the floor. The fucker’s laughing whole heartedly, not giving a damn that he just gave me a mini heart attack. Mainly cause I thought it was a roach or something, and he know I hate bugs.
“You do realize how boiling red you are, right? You look like a lobster. I thought you needed something to cool you down.“
Instead of being annoyed, I do a full 180 and decide to play his game, “Yeah, I know...” I trail off, reaching my hand back towards the bowl of flour. Grabbing a a handful of the white powder I throw it at him before he can even catch on. Needless, to say, his outfit and hair aren’t so black anymore. “Ah, I knew your hair would look good with snowflakes in it, but you can never be too sure.”
“This means war, Y/N.” His smile is borderline malicious, getting me excited for what’s to come. 
Him and I have always had these so called wars, but never like you’d imagine. We are silent, strategic, subtle. Neither of us knows when the other will attack until it’s too late. That’s why instead of going for a counter-attack right away, he heads to complete his mission of making the batter for the second layer.
All is quiet except the noises of the utensils clinking together every now and then. I keep a close watch on him out of the corner of my eye and I notice no sus behavior. That is until I see him take a spoonful of his batter and eat it. I whirl around at the speed of a gust of wind, eyes wide, “Do you want to fuck up your guts.” He ignores me as he takes another spoonful, bringing it close to his mouth. This time, I grab onto his arm causing the contents of the spoon to spill on my hoodie.
I roll my eyes, unbothered by the brown stain that by some miracle missed the apron and fell on my grey hoodie, “Don’t. Eat. The. Batter. Copy?“
“Paste.“ He nods, smirking with pride as he puts the spoon aside.
I sigh and return to my side of the kitchen, focusing on the next task: poring the batter into the circular baking tray which he, for some reason, has two of. He repeats the task soon after me and we put the two trays in the oven. I help him with the frosting, getting the shades close enough to what we had in mind. 
After about five minutes of the crusts baking, a wonderful smell spreads throughout the kitchen. At this point, all we have to do is wait for the oven to signal that our cinnamon crust is ready to be taken out, wait for it to cool down and then frost the cake.
“It smells really good.“ He comments, turning his head to look at me.
I’m sitting atop the kitchen counter and Corpse is standing next to me. This is the only time him and I are at approximately the same height. The realization brings a thought to my mind, one that makes me feel like an evil mastermind.
“Hey, remember earlier when you said I couldn’t crack an egg properly?“ He hums affirmatively, “Well...“
The carton of eggs is within arm’s reach. I grab an egg, chip it off the side of the counter and crack it apart above his head, its contents coating his hair. “How’s that for a proper egg crack?” I ask victoriously.
He lets out a surprised sound, something between a gasp and a laugh. Shaking his head to get the yoke to fall down, he says amusedly: “I don’t know...you tell me.”
Too late for me to do anything. There’s milk all over me.
The malicious smile on his face is replicated on mine and now it’s really on. However, as we reach for the items meant to be out weapons, the oven dings.
Frosting the cake goes about as well as you expect: there’s more frosting on us than the cake itself.
“Let’s make amends, please. I’m so not looking forward to taking three showers tonight.“ I say, raising a white napkin and waving it around.
“Fair enough.“ He shrugs and we shake hands.
As I’m about to pull my hand back, he holds onto it, making me look up at him. Our eyes lock and I suddenly regain that same shakiness and vulnerability I always have around him. It never leaves me, I just manage to ignore it. The sound of my panic is muffled by the sound of my heart thumping the loudest it has ever. 
Expectedly, he is the bold one who makes the first and final move. The move to end one era of us and start another. His lips touch mine and all fades. It’s just him and I. The friends who were never just friends. The cowards who suck at dealing with emotions. The fearful little kids that are afraid of rejection because we both mean so much to each other, to the point of suffering to prevent the possibility of losing one another.
We embrace who we are, finally admitting that friends is not what we are meant to remain forever.
The kiss might’ve been brief, but the meaning it carries makes it the most valuable moment of my life. One I’ll cherish forever. Something in his eyes tells me he will too. That’s all I need. That’s all we need. No words are necessary.
Suddenly, our bubble bursts as a result of his ringing phone. He lets go of one of my hands and takes his phone from the counter.
“It’s Dave”, he smiles, picking up the call and turning to get me in the camera frame. “Hey Dave, look who’s here with me.“
I wave at the camera and at the baffled face of Dave. “Hi!”
“What, in the name of God, is that mess?“ He raises both his eyebrows as his eyes scan us and the kitchen behind us.
“You call it a mess, we call it baking.“ Corpse and I look at each other and smile, blushing as red as the streak in Dave’s hair.
“Am I missing something here? Did I call at a bad time?“ He asks, still struggling to rationalize what he is seeing.
“Yeah, you actually did. I’ll call you back.“ Corpse dead-ass hangs up on him, putting his phone away before turning to me, “We have more important matters at the moment.“
He kisses me again, this time more confidently. His arms wrap around me and prep me up on the counter, insinuating that this kiss won’t be as short as the last.
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oneletteredwondered · 4 years
Sum: Virgil works at a coffee shop and Remus is annoying. Annoyingly pretty.
Pair: Virgil/Remus, Dukexiety
Written for @dukexietyweek! Day 4: Coffee (Shop)
Warnings: Lots of swearing, mentions of the word pedophile in reference to Remus’ mustache, insulting remarks towards customers, some awkwardy mild panic feels, mostly stupid interactions.
Roasted is a fairly popular coffee shop. If only for the tourist attraction aspect of it that the employees are allowed to be as mean as they want to you and insult you with every order. They’re snarky and rude, and unless they actually get your order wrong, which they don’t, they don’t apologize for shit. They’re delighted when new-comers enter the shop unaware of the rules.
And whatever deity believed in above help the poor soul who asks for the manager because they are worse than the employees with a wicked wit and sharper tongue. 
The rest of the employees would be scared of the manager because of this, but they have seen the man have a panic attack over potentially not having enough straws for the day even after three separate employees offered to go to the store and buy some. They’ve also seen the manager cry because they saw a video of a spider that was too cute for words which renders him pretty unintimidating. Besides, the manager has always been on their side of an argument anyway.
It’s a slow day and Virgil knows Missy hasn’t been sleeping right, or eating right, or feeling like she’s been doing anything right. So he packs her a muffin and a hot chocolate, and tells her to fuck off on home for the day. She doesn’t say thank you but the relief is clear in her shoulders so he knows it was the right thing to do. Besides it’s dead right now and he can handle a few customers for the time being until another employee shows up.
He serves a few people, some very eager to be insulted, some coming in with gaudy outfits for the sole purpose of being insulted, he has fun with those.
“What do you want?” He asks the next person in line, not even looking up from the register.
“I’ll have a large cup of whatever you are.” The person says and Virgil narrows his eyes and looks up. He stares at the stranger for all of three seconds.
“You have a pedo mustache.” Is what he says. The stranger breaks into a wide grin.
“Why thank you!” They sound far too delighted by that. Virgil continues to glare at them while writing the word ‘pedo stache’ on a large cup.
“What do you want?” He asks again more forcefully. The stranger hums in thought and Virgil would snap at them for taking too long but they are the only one in line right now.
“Hello?? Hurry up?” Screw it. He snaps his fingers in their face. Stranger man gives him a wicked smile and Virgil hates the little lurch in his chest because holy fuck and wait stranger is actually kind of pretty. Even with a fucking thin line mustache. Their eyes are bright green and streaks of white are layered in their hair. And Virgil always was a sucker for people with piercings and this dude sure has some to spare.
“Well if you’re not on the menu, I’ll have the raspberry lime tea. Hot as you please,” They say. Virgil writes cold on the cup.
“Anything else you fucking weirdo?” Virgil asks cause seriously it is kind of rude to be flirting with employees while they’re working but in the worst way Virgil kind of likes it cause it means he can say shit like that.
“Oh shit uhm, fuck.” Stranger man says and Virgil glares at them. Both for not being ready and also he kind of likes the way they say fuck which is not what he was expecting to deal with today.
“Jesus Christ dude were you not ready to order like why are you wasting my time?” Virgil demands. A few patrons of the place snicker into their cups and stranger just smirks at him.
“Sorry I don’t have a brain to mouth filter and it gets worse when I see a pretty person,” They wink and Virgil glares harder to will away the attempt at a blush on his cheeks.
“What else do you waaaaant.” He whines at them. Stranger laughs and pulls out a piece of paper. Virgil can already see the long list of items on it and groans.
“Relax it’s all one order,” Stranger says and Virgil scoffs.
“That’s so much worse!” He says. Stranger laughs hard at that.
“Well it’s not mine, princess back at the office is a picky bitch.” Stranger says with comically wide eyes and Virgil hates himself for it but he snorts. He schools his face back to neutrally angry and refuses to give the stranger the satisfaction of seeing him smile just yet.
So stranger man rattles off a long winded order that Virgil groans at with every new direction. He can easily make the drink of course that won’t be hard but he can complain about it so he will. He writes ‘princess’ on this cup.
Stranger man pays and Virgil sets about making the drinks very aware of the other watching him from the waiting counter.
“You just gunna keep staring at me like a stalker or what?” Virgil snips at them, pausing for dramatic effect. Mustache dude grins at him and leans on the counter with his head in his hands.
“I like the view,” He says. Virgil makes a retching sound and keeps making the drinks in question. He does his damn best with them and hands them off.
“Get the fuck out of my establishment,” He says and turns away. Stranger laughs and takes his drinks.
“Thanks for the buzz baby!” He calls out as he exits. Virgil flips him off.
As soon as the dude is out of sight, Virgil collapses on the counter in a heap of nerves and embarrassment. The only reason he was able to keep his cool was because he could hide it behind a massive amount of snark and spite. But stranger man was super pretty and wild and Virgil almost wishes he did something about it.
“You okay?” Parker asks when they show up for their shift.
“Do I fucking look okay?” Virgil asks them desperately. Parker just laughs and that’s good enough of answer for him.
“Hello gorgeous!” Virgil snaps his head up from the counter he’s cleaning.
“Oh hell no,” He says and walks away from the front to the back office, leaving his employees to handle Mr Mustache in his stead. He can’t handle it right now. Not when they’re wearing a fucking leather jacket and wild smile. He just can’t do it. So he hides in the back for as long as he can. Which ends up being about a whole ten minutes.
“Uh boss man?” Virgil groans cause that’s him. He’s boss man. Fuck. He drags his hands down his face and looks over at Todd. Todd shifts from foot to foot.
“There’s uhm. I just. Can you-” They don’t have to finish. Mom friend override has been activated and Virgil is heading to the front no questions asked. It’s not a rush right now thank goodness, but they lady at the counter is giving her all in 'entitled customer'.
“This is an outrage, I want to speak to the manager.”
“The fuck you want bitch?” Virgil says without thinking. The lady gapes at him openly.
“This is the worst shop I have ever been in.” She says as if that’s supposed to hurt. Virgil shrugs at her.
“You’re the worst customer that’s ever been in, did you want coffee or not?” He asks her and she gapes again and walks out. 
“Put another ten in the draw for walk outs.” Virgil tells Todd who beams and takes the money from the register to put in a jar near the back. Once it’s full they have a party of some kind.
“That was beautiful,” A voice says and Virgil whips around and comes face to face with Stranger Man over the counter. They’re smiling at him crookedly and Virgil's mouth drops because he was not prepared to see them here still or this close to him or so damn pretty.
“Fuck you,” Is his reflex response.
“When and where darling?” Stranger angles over the counter to leer at him and Virgil squeaks. Full on, flat out, squeaks in embarrassment. The entire room seems to pause and watch. Virgil is frozen in shock and stranger looks like he just saw light for the first time which is absolutely unfair.
Virgil dips, and dips hard. He spins on his heel to lock himself in the office. He makes it there only to realize he can’t handle being in such a small space with his anxiety overriding him. He snatches his jacket off the back wall and catches Todd’s eye before he slips out the back door and into open air. 
Once outside he leans against the wall, puts his head in his hands, and lets out a very pitiful whine as he sinks to the ground. That has to be one of the softest things he’s ever done in regards to a customer in his life and it will haunt him for years to come he knows it.
He spends a few minutes running through his breathing exercises which goes directly to shit when he hears footsteps approaching.
“I’m fine Todd go back to work,” He snaps.
“The name’s Remus actually.” Virgil jolts and looks at the stranger standing over him. Stranger, or well, Remus, gives him a small sheepish smile and pulls at a random strand of his hair. Virgil sinks lower in on himself.
“You’re a lot different in and out of shop.” Remus says after a sufficiently awkward silence. Virgil grumbles and hides his face in his arms. His entire body tenses when he feels Remus slide to sit beside him.
“I am uh. Like, legit sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” Remus mutters. Virgil groans.
“I was not ready to deal with your stupid pretty face today.” He whines. Remus laughs at that.
“You think I’m pretty?” He asks and Virgil realizes his mistake in word choice. He glances up to Remus in panic cause now that he's admitted it, Remus looks even more pretty.
“Well I just- you know it’s- I don’t- Whatever!” Virgil word vomits all over the place. Remus continues to smile at him infuriatingly.
“Even with the pedo stache?” Remus continues to tease. Virgil decides he’s had enough and elbows Remus hard as he can. Remus lurches a little but he’s laughing. They lapse into an easier silence.
“Silver tongue ain’t so shiny out of work is it?” Remus asks him then but not meanly. Virgil snorts and covers his mouth with his hand to hide his smile.
“I have to get passed the awkward first,” He says. Remus hums in thought and snatches Virgil’s hand away from his face. Virgil lets out a dignified noise and snaps his jaw shut so hard it clicks when Remus places a kiss on his palm... then licks him.
“Gross what the fuck!” Virgil yanks his hand back and wipes off the slobber and decidedly not looks at Remus’s blinding grin.
“There! Now it’s not so awkward!” Instead of an answer, Virgil stands up and heads back inside the shop, leaving Remus cackling in the back. Virgil leans up against the door to hear him walk away and finds himself smiling at the interaction.
“Welcome to Roasted, or not welcome because we close soon I don’t actually care, what do you want?” Virgil is looking through receipts, making sure the till is all correct for the money they made today.
“I want your number.” Virgil freezes. He blinks dumbly at the papers in his hands and then up to Remus standing casually at the counter. His hands are in his pockets and he looks for the world unbothered but more subdued than Virgil has seen him before.
“Numbers not on the menu,” Virgil says dumbly in attempt to cover his frantic feelings. Remus shrugs and looks around the empty shop.
“Yeah but it’s what I want.” He says it so plainly. Virgil glares at him.
“Order something or get out.” That causes Remus to smirk. He orders a small tea and Virgil makes it silently, adding the receipt to the pile to check on. He pauses before handing the drink over, looking over his shoulder at Remus who is preoccupied with some of the decorative things on the walls. Virgil writes his number on the cup.
“Get your shit and get out,” He says and puts the cup on the counter, going back to his papers and ignoring the way his heart pounds in his chest at what he just did. Remus gives him a sad sort of look and leaves with his drink leaving Virgil wondering if he did the right thing.
Only for his stomach to swoop pleasantly when Remus swoops back into the shop 3 minutes later with a wild smile on his face and refuses to leave until they work out the plans for a dinner date.
“Go away.” Virgil greets.
“Never.” Remus smirks back at him.
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Is it easy to find a job in your preferred field in your hometown?           preferred field *chuckle*
Ladies: Would you ever consider proposing? If not, why not? Gentlemen: How would you feel, if you were proposed to?     yes, I have an idea
Have you ever played the original Mass Effect trilogy?           I haven’t
If so, which Shepard and who do you like romancing the best? -             
Let’s say there’s a person in need. They need money which they can’t make. Would you be more likely to help them out, if a celebrity asked you to?       celebs should help them, not me, I need help myself!
When you go to a restaurant, do you have a go-to dish? Or do you always try out something new? usually
Would you rather live next to a kindergarten or an old folks’ home?       old folks’ home for sure
What is the best part of your most ordinary day?   sleeping :x
Do you enjoy being on your own or are you happier when there’s a crowd around you?           I’m a loner/introvert
Do you ever look up what foreign idioms mean?     yep
What’s the strangest saying you’ve come across? I don’t recall atm
What’s a First World problem that you have?         hmm...
Have you ever made a parody version of a popular song?     me and my sister were doing puppet shows for our parents, mostly her ideas as she was forcing me to perform those until I got sick of that
Which game did you play the most as a kid during recess? nie bawiłam się w większość gier przez brak zdrowia, ale lubiłam plac z huśtawkami czy drabinkami, albo udawać rodzinę/dom i te fajne białe “krateczki” z kolorowymi “guziczkami” co jak się je wpinało w dziurki to układało się z nich obrazki (nie pamiętam nazwy)
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Is there a pattern on the pants you’re currently wearing? Which one? there isn’t
Does your mother annoy you when the holidays come along in the year? my mom annoys me all the time lol Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? I’m too short but I manage and still some ppl sometimes ask me for help anyway Do you check the texture of things first or the smell of them? used to smell them but now just texture Have you ever broken the arm or head off of a figurine? How did you do this? I’m no Chunk :P
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Do you believe in superstitious things such as breaking a mirror? I wouldn’t do that on purpose but I don’t believe in most of the superstitions, luckily there are some things you can do to avoid bad luck like throw salt over your shoulder or knock on non painted wooden thingy etc. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bi polar all the time? I’m sick of ppl who use mental and physical illnesses as excuses when they don’t have them - single headache ain’t a migraine nor being an ass makes you a border, shut up! Ever have an ultra-sound performed on you?  more than once Do you like those ‘end of the world,’ ‘Armageddon’ movies? some are good, some not Ever been choked severely on something? just a feather Has anyone ever compared you to an animal? Which one(s)? several like monkey, raccoon or cat Ever been in one of those church Christmas plays before? Why/why not? I didn’t participate but I watched/looked at them when I was younger Have you ever thrown a roll of toilet paper at someone before? ... why? Have you ever found yourself talking to an inanimate object? at times I talk to my computer (because I hate it so we argue), kettle and fridge, also my stuffed animals of course Something on the human body that grosses you out the most: penis Ever think of what it would be like to be a mermaid or merman? I thought and I wouldn’t like it besides maybe finding some cool stuff that drown  What is something that bothers you about most surveys in general? creators lack imagination, they ask the same stuff over and over again, it’s boring What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? red Ever want to be a doctor? Is it because of all the hospital shows? noooo Do you like drawing smiley faces or do you think they’re overrated? rarely and I’m ashamed of that tbh Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? hell no but I’m not that bad at it Do you hardly ever remember where you put things at? I have good memory when it comes to that most of the time - not counting my green scissors grrrr Where did you last buy socks from? What do those socks look like? Archelan - Christmas themed and fuzzy  Do you ever lay in the grass and look up at the sky, just because? not as often as I’d like to? Are you afraid of being kidnapped if you go outside at nighttime? raped, killed or robbed more likely Do you like showers or baths better? Why did you choose your choice? baths as I like to sit and I don’t like the glass nor have water over my head  Are you a controversial person? Do your views oppose others? it seems Have you ever thrown a surprise party for someone? Who for? nah, I dislike surprises and there weren’t opportunities/possibilities to do that Do you tap fingernails on desks? hardly ever Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? vocalist (who can play instruments) but I have no talent but don’t worry, it was a childish dream that fade away when I found out more about live of a band member Do you ever call your cousins just to talk to them randomly? nope, we don’t talk, just say HI if anything  Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? yep Do you ever had to wash your clothes at someone else’s house? camp When is the next time you’ll go to the library? Why is this? we’ll see, covid situation isn’t helpful and I can’t focus on books lately Do you treat others as you’d like to be treated? Have you always? I treat them how they treat me (not authority figures/dangerous ppl tho) Were you a really mean kid or a sweet and quiet kid? sweet and quiet Are you someone who likes to get in arguments or fights a lot? I don’t like to but I still end up arguing, sigh... How do you make sure people know you don’t like them at all? avoid them, block them, ignore them fight with them when they don’t stay away (not physically yet)
How much was the cell phone you have at this moment in time? about 200 PLN  What would you do if you woke up randomly with purple hair? cool but wonder how that happened What color is the closest desk to your body? What all is on it? ugly light brown with shitload of stuff The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? gonna have it soon so don’t remind me Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? aliens tried to abduct me in dreams but didn’t succeed ha!  What would you say is the color of your favorite bra? white Do you like people who are loud or people who are quiet? not too tiring but not completely silent either Does personality weigh out the sense of ‘good looks?’ look is important but not as much as personality for sure, it’s like 1:9 I think Do you hate it when people copy the things you do? could say so Has anyone ever told you that you’re good at cooking? r u kidding?... Do you have any enemies who you think are dangerous? anyone can be Do you ever try to squeeze information out of people? Konrad once told me I’m like a private detective about it because I’m so sneaky they don’t realize until it’s too late but I sadly forget infos quickly due to stress last months so it’s not as useful as it sounds Does it freak you out when the police drive/walk by? somehow Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? I don’t drive Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? I had a friend who was a firefighter
Have you ever woken up to a good morning letter beside you? left in the kitchen but informative like - I went there or feed the dog etc. Would you ever get your nails done? I can do them myself if I ever want to
Are you afraid of worms? maggots Do you wear rings on your thumb? why not How many shirts of yours are red? less than 5 Does the color red look good on you? my first therapist told me I should wear it to be more brave but it causes anger in me so I prefer not to Do you pray before every meal? Sunday lunch with parents Have you ever been caught cheating on a test? not caught but been cheating in high school How many white tank tops do you own? 0? Do loud people bother you? omg YES Does your head itch? not currently but frequently Do you know anyone named John? my ex friend had a nickname like this Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? I’m not stupid Are you a fast runner? like Gimli Did you ever want a pet rabbit? no way
Do you ever want to own a house? apartment more likely How do you feel about men? blergh Do you know any police officers? my neighbor was a police officer Have you ever signed a petition? lots Have you ever aspired to start your own business? I wish Who is the oldest person living in the same building as you? mom The youngest? me Would you rather pay with cash or card? cash, cards make me nervous Have you ever used a pager? I have not Do you like visiting the beach? beachcombing is fun Do you like to buy things? but not spend money lmfao Have you ever been in a polygamous relationship? I didn’t know that I apparently am - jk Is there anyone you haven’t spoken to in a long time but you still think about daily? my grandma for example Would you like to be rich? not filthy, having enough money to live and not barely survive
have you ever behaved like a stalker? *crickets* can you lie and keep a straight face? poker face game strong when situation calls for it
have you ever feared for somebody else’s life? especially dad’s do you prefer honesty, even when it hurts? hard to tell if you could pick your own pet name, what would it be? picked my dog’s  have you ever masturbated while driving? wtf, don’t do that, gross how do you feel when someone takes the last of something? without asking? *cringe* how do you feel when people tell you “bless you” when you sneeze? thank you unless I sneeze many times in a row and they bless me every single time - then it’s annoying what are you supposed to say when somebody coughs? r u ok? have you ever committed a violent crime because of a video game or rap song? who said I play/listen to those? have you ever actually overheard one of your friends talking shit about you? possibly how many partners is too many? at once or in your entire life? do you believe that wearing an aluminum foil hat will stop the government from reading your thoughts? that reminds me of the RED movie XD
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would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg leg? peg leg 100% elseway I’d end up with an eye cover as well if you know what I mean bonus points for/to being a pirate tho how close does someone have to be for you to feel obligated to wait and hold the door for them? either right behind me or carry heavy/big load do you examine the tissue after you blow your nose? for example when I worry about it bleeding  what is your cure for the hiccups? wait
Do you miss Brittany Murphy’s appearance in films? awwww she was such a good actress RIP
Is Christmas stressful? to me it is but I’m stressed 24/7
Do you make your own smoothies or juices? meh
Do you think time really does heal all? NO
Are you more sensitive to heat or the cold? cold
Did you care at all when Steve Jobs died? ... he died?
Has anyone searched your room for anything recently? my mother for dirty laundry
When do you decorate for Christmas? as soon as possible
Would you be cool with wearing sweatpants to the grocery store? yes
Have you ever been pranked via a hidden camera? am glad that didn’t happen 
Do you know any of those people who are depressed during the winter? I’m depressed year round
If a job makes you unhappy, do you choose to stay or leave? if I can change it without ending up on the street then I leave
How does your being here in the universe change humanity for the better? nothing? Who is a person that you don’t like yet you spend time with? my family member[s] How is your relationship with money? we don’t see each other as often as I’d like to ;) get it?  How do you feel about growing old someday? won’t live that long
Are you wearing two shirts? too hot for that Have you ever owned the socks with toes on them? disgusting! Can you point out constellations in the night sky? I can not What was your favorite part about studying ancient Greeks and Romans? not interested What’s the last thing you bought at a mall? food, antibacterial gel and a blanket
Is there someone who you can turn to for money and not be ashamed? parents but I’ll feel crappy about it  Have you ever swam in a river? as a child Are there any dirty clothes underneathe your bed? ewww seriously?  What food do you love the smell of while it’s cooking? smells make me sick In what month do you start Christmas shopping? I seek presents whole year then store them for later Have you ever had a crush on a celebrity of the same sex? as a lesbian What kind of flowers would you plant in your garden? bushes, grass, moss and trees, wild flowers, if they want to grow, can stay  Do you believe that kids should be taught abstinence? I agree When’s the next time you’ll go to the grocery store? not in next weeks
Where’s your car keys? not applicable Did you keep any momentos of school dances? pics Do you still have clothes from your high school? and middle school  Do you think you could do better drawings than Napolean Dynamite? this question...
Do you own anything skull print? had a shirt that I gave to John ages ago Who are the three people you consider yourself closest to? parents and my gf Which ex of yours means the most to you? my partner as we’re back together Have you taken prescription medications that didn’t belong to you? oh well... How are your social skills? awkward Have you ever stayed at a hotel for longer than two months? I’m poor Do you ever go outside to look at the stars? there were some days in past summers when me and dad been going to stadium for a walk at night, that’s when and where we saw UFO  Who breaks away from the kiss first? she as she forgets to breathe  Do you know what you weigh? thx for a reminder - they’ll ask in hospital Have you ever smoked anything other than tobacco? one cigarette was all that I smoked in me life Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle? nope Do you say koala bear or simply koala? koala  Do you usually travel anywhere in the winter? I’d freeze brrr Do you wait for someone else to take the garbage out when it’s full? we take turns Are most of your friends white? it’s not America so...
Does your hair reach your boobs? not even my shoulders
What’s something that fills you with anxiety? what doesn’t?...
What age do you think is too old to still live with your parents? there’s no expiration date
Have you ever watched Bob’s Burgers? fragments
Has a teacher ever caught and read a note you were passing in class? I wasn’t that much of a note passer 
Do you know anyone who is afraid of horses? nah
Do you clean things that are already clean when you’re bored? tha hell?...
Would you rather live in a tropical or arctic climate? tropical
What do you do when someone overweight complains about being overweight? I say it’s important to be healthy but weight isn’t always a sign of being ill
Is there any Irish, Scottish, or Danish in your heritage? none that I know of
Do you find Asians attractive? yes and no
Have either of your parents ever been to jail? nooooo
Keep Calm and Carry On or Screw Calm and Get Angry? there’s time for one of each?
Do you think Urban Outfitters is overpriced? like every other similar store 
Are your colarbones prominent? yeah
Have you ever in your life worn overalls? I have indeed
How did you react when you heard Whitney Houston had died? sorry but I didn’t care
Do you think Helena Bonham Carter is attractive? she is
Would you rather listen to Dolly Parton or Dusty Springfield? Dolly
Are you watching The Walking Dead? I’m scared of zombies and gore 
Are you a light sleeper? became lighter
Would you consider cuddling cheating? it’s complicated
What does the purse/bag you last used look like? it’s black with red embroidery and white beads
Can you make a clover with your tongue? impossible
What’s your favorite coffee brand/flavor? I don’t drink coffee
Is your belly button pierced? no piercings!
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loudsuitlover · 5 years
Ohana 2
A/N: Part 1
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“You roll your eyes a lot.” I notice.
“Only when I hear silly things.” She shrugs, finally getting some fruits from the fridge. “So yeah, a lot when you’re around.”
I laugh at her comment and tell her where the plates and knives are and she starts peeling and cutting the peaches into small pieces before adding blueberries and strawberries. She likes her fruit. I know I’m staring at her small hands cutting the fruit like an idiot but for some reason it’s entertaining to me, the way her soft fingers grab the small pieces of fresh fuit before dropping them on a bowl.
“What about like a roast? Do you eat meat at all?”
“I like fish better.” She says. “But I guess I’d have a steak if you gave me one.”
“There she goes again, urging me to take her out.”
I try to get some sleep despite Mateo’s tiny hand slapping my face every now and then. He’s been babbling for the most part of the past hour and whenever he stopped I opened an eye to check on him afraid that he had stopped because something was wrong because yes, new mums are like that; and he was chewing on that cold teether thing my mum had gotten him last weekend. He is getting better at holding his little head up and when I look at him he’s staring back at me with wide opened brown eyes, his button nose and those little lips of him parted in a small o surrounded by baby drool. His hair is so thin and so little he looks like a giant head with enourmous eyes and still he is the cutest baby alive and I’m not saying that just because he’s mine. He smiles at me and I burst out laughing. 
He gets excited because finally mummy is up and he starts puffing as he crawls all over me like he does when he’s happy, his slaps against my face only intensifying. 
“Good morning, beautiful!” I kiss his chubby cheeks and raise his little body at the lenght my arms allow and he smiles. “Why do you wake up so early, hey? You didn’t get that from mummy, that’s for sure!” I laugh. 
We cuddle and play on the bed for a little longer before I feel my belly roar. I pick him up and carry him on my hip towards the kitchen where I make myself breakfast. My phone vibrates on the kitchen counter. Harry has sent me a picture of a bottle of cachaza from some supermarket. My eyes widen and my heart flutters and I hate that he’s got this effect on me. 
He sent me a follow request on Instagram two days after I met him at Chloe’s house and we’ve been texting through direct messages here and there ever since. He’s funny, I’ll give him that. He’s also been watching my stories like- all of them. I mean he follows about 200 people but I don’t think he’s the kind of person who would just see other people’s stories. Okay, to be frank, I like to think he actually actively clicks on my story, even though it probably isn’t true. 
To be fair, I don’t know what I’m doing- texting Harry Styles back and forth and letting him sweep my feet off the ground with his stupid little nice gestures. But he’s just thoughtful and he’s clearly flirting with me. That or he’s just overly friendly. I hate to admit I’ve been kind of stalking his account too. He just looks so good in every single picture. I have my personal favourites already- which I guess only makes me even more of a stalker- especially when I find myself going through them in a daydream, like I’m doing right now. Mateo babbles. 
“Yes, I know, Mateo, I should stay away. Mummy should stay away, isn’t that right? A singer is no good news.” 
He just smiles. He basically smiles at everything, no matter what you say. I don’t think he understands much anyway but I love that he’s such a happy baby. I send Harry a picture of my breakfast just so he can keep making fun of me and my obsession with healthy food. He doesn’t know I’m breastfeeding a baby so my diet is actually a big deal. Mateo looks at my breakfast as I take the avocado and tomato toast to my mouth. I’m excited that he’s turning 6 months in two weeks because- he has yet to properly learn how to hold his back straight when he sits- but after that he can eat actual food and I can’t wait to see his reaction to the different flavours. Something tells me he’s going to like avocado and I imagine his little mouth and fingers all covered in small pieces of green fat and can’t help but laugh. 
“Don’t worry, baby, you’ll be able to eat and chew like mummy very soon. You’re almost half a year old!” 
He smiles again. I know talking to a baby who can’t reply to you might seem weird, but we spend all day together and he’s my favourite human anyway, answers or not. 
harrystyles So that’s how you manage to eat that much ice-cream and still be fit... Healthy breakfast, evening of ice-cream eh? ;)
jjadler Hey! I don’t eat that much ice-cream! I have only sent you like three pictures of ice-cream... 
harrystyles In the last three days... ;)
jjadler Stop winking, Styles
harrystyles Does it make you nervous or you would just rather see the real thing?
I giggle. He hasn’t yet mentioned meeting and even though some part of me is a little disappointed, a small part is relieved because I don’t know what I would do with Mateo. We have seen each other again after Chloe’s party but not for too long and never alone. I was out with Charlie once when Jack and him join us for a glass of wine- I had apple juice as usual- and then we met at Charlie’s dad’s sculpture exhibition but even though he tried to stay around, he kept being pulled away from us to take pictures with people and stuff. It kind of dazzled me a little because even though we haven’t known each other for longer than a week, it was as if it was actually the first time that it hit me that he is the Harry Styles. I mean that he’s famous and all that. He just doesn’t really look like it when he’s having a drink and having a laugh with us. 
jjadler It makes me feel like I’m talking to a pirate...
jjadler Anyway, what the hell are you doing on the alcohol section at 9.30 am? lol
harrystyles Well I actually came in to buy avocados and tomatoes, in case sometime you have breakfast at my place... 
Cheeky Harry! I giggle like a schoolgirl and thank God Mateo is too young to realize his mum is a total goner and I bring my hand to my cheek feeling the heat radiating out of it. 
harrystyles But then I remember when I make you that daiquiri at Chloe’s house and thought I could get some 
jjadler I thought cachaza was for caipirinhas tho? 
jjadler And breakfast at your place huh? Without getting me dinner first... What sort of girl do you think I am?
harrystyles haha yes cachaza is for caipirinhas, I am glad to see you actually do listen to me despite your sassy ways...
harrystyles And about dinner, if you wanted me to ask you out you just had to say it ;)
There he goes with the wink again. Mateo starts getting a little fussy but it’s too early for his nap so instead I get us both ready for a walk to the park. He always likes it when he gets to sit on the pram and just watch people pass and enjoy the sun and to be honest I quite like it too. I ran out of milk too. 
harrystyles Hey Jamie
I haven’t answered him on the ask me out thing- just because I don’t know what to say, but for once it looks like he’s going to give it a rest. I don’t know if I like that. I mean, I think I would- what am I talking about? Going out with Harry Styles? Me? Yeah ,right. I see the three gray dots on the left corner of my phone and feel my heart beating fast and hard against my ribcage. 
harrystyles I am having some people over at my house later today, would you like to come? 
Mateo crawls away from me when I leave him on the carpeted floor of the living room and I know he’s having a great time at this tag game he just started. I give him some head start, he’s terrible at crawling anyway- he more like squirms- so it’s not like he’s going to get very far before he tires himself out.  I write and erase about ten times and I am afraid Harry’s just waiting for my reply, I imagine his green eyes watching the three gray dots appear and disappear one time and the other. 
harrystyles Please?
He insists. I smile, catching Mateo on my arms as he smiled despite being caught. He had rested his head on the floor though as if he was ready to go to sleep and anyway he probably is. It’s second nap time already.
jjadler Sure! Thanks for inviting me :)
harrystyles No worries! Do you want me to pick you up? 
God, he’s so sweet! 
jjadler Thank you for the offer but I’ll drive there! Do you need me to get anything or pick up anyone on the way? 
harrystyles Nope, just yourself, thank you. I’ll text you the address afterwards x
I smile. I’m going to Harry Styles’ house and I’ll probably drink cachaza with him. Hopefully he doesn’t get pulled away from me at his own house. I look at Mateo who’s playing with my hair ties. I hope Mum can look after him. I decide on making things easier for Harry. 
jjadler You might need this for that +4468956235 ;)
harrystyles Thanks xx
I’m still embarrassed about my reaction when she gave me her number. Who the hell is this girl? I can’t seem not to smile when I think about her and I can’t get her out of my head so as a result my cheeks hurt and now I always look like an idiot. 
I’ve only known her for a couple of weeks and I haven’t even kissed her and yet the thought of having her over my house has my belly doing all sorts of flips. Now this is just ridiculous. Even thinking about hearing her voice again makes me want to scream as if I had just won that last football game I played in high school. 
I look down at my phone for yet another time. If I had known I’d be acting like this now I would have probably never talked to her at Chloe’s. She’s going to drive me nuts. I look up at my sister who’s sat down next to me but she’s just smirking and looking ahead. She’s going to give me a hard time. I sigh. Charlie and Jack are keeping Michal distracted with some argument they had about basketball I couldn’t care less about but both my sister and her annoying friend Chloe are sitting down here next to me. 
“Is she coming?” She smirks. 
I know who they mean, but I won’t give them the satisfaction. They both roll their eyes. Sometimes I feel like they’re just copies of one another. It must be that hot yoga thing they do together, connecting their souls to some other new level or some shit. 
“You know who.” Chloe answers for her and they both just smirk, having annoyin little sips from her glasses of wine. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
I play dumb even though I know for a fact there’s nothing left to do. 
“Oh, is that right?” Gemma smiles at me and I shake my head at her. 
“You know, sometimes it’s really hard to believe you’re 28 years old.” 
She hums. 
“You always did do that... Trying to get me mad so I would drop a topic you don’t want to talk about and- you know what?” I keep staring into her hazel, familiar eyes waiting for her to reply. At least she’s entertaining. “The old Gemma would certainly give you a hard time but” she sighs “28 years old Gemma, she’s going to drop it. You don’t want to talk about it, we won’t talk about it.”
She looks ahead towards the garden and I grin when I catch up with her little game. It took me long enough. There’s such a good psycologist inside her, really. 
“I know what you’re doing.” She looks at me, faking inocence- very badly might I add- and I grin wider. “Your little reverse psycology game is not going to work with me, Gem.” I mock her. “The old Harry would certainly fall for it but” She’s smiling now, she knows she’s lost “24 years old Harry, he’s going to pass.” 
She shrugs and looks ahead and I’m still laughing at her when I open the door. Jamie does look good standing on my door. I grin at her but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to give her a hard time. I cross my arms across my chest. 
“Can I help you?” 
I narrow my eyes at her, as if I didn’t know her and her face is just what I was looking for. Her smile is cut shy and her eyes search for the joke in mine but I try to keep a straight face. She lets out what I can only call an embarrassed chuckle but damn it if it doesn’t sound adorable. I chuckle too and she bites her full bottom lip. She’s already blushing. 
“I’m sorry, I think I got the address wrong?” She decides to play along so I just grin wider. “Because I was invited to a guy’s house but no one said anything about a costume party going on, so...” She looks me up and down and does a funny thing with her mouth and it kind of looks as if she’s saying this is awkward. 
I throw my head back and laugh. I like that she always has something to say. Then I move aside and let her walk inside my house and my eyes instantly drop to her bare legs. I almost feel guilty for looking her body up and down like that but no one could blame me. Those shorts she’s wearing would turn anybody’s head over and over. She turns around to look at me and her eyebrows raised. I know she’s caught me staring but for once she lets it be. I give her a smile and ask her whether she’s hungy. I’m not really hungry myself but I selfishly want to steal some minutes alone with her even if it’s just in the kitchen going through the boring things I have on my fridge. 
She’s smiling at me when I turn around and I chuckle. She’s going to think I’m retarded. 
“So” I tell her “what are you waiting for? Go on, go through the fridge.” 
“What?” She laughs. “You want me to go through your fridge? I can think of few things that are less polite than that.” She grins.
“Oh, come on!” I shake my head. “You get us something to eat and I’ll make us a drink, yeah?” 
She smiles. Shit, I think she might have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen- those white teeth against her olive skin and the way her whole face seems to lighten up, her pink lips stretched. 
“Okay, let’s see what Mr MeatPie has on his fridge...” She starts. 
I am trying hard to contain my laughter. I bet she expects my fridge to look like  the dream of some teenage boy obsessed with junk food so I would pay to see her expression when she realizes is nothing of the sort. I know she’s raising her eyebrows up on her forehead even if she’s giving me her back. 
“Celery?” She turns around to face me and I grin wide at hell. “And artichoke? Really?” 
I laugh. 
“Well, I’m a healthy lad.” I tilt my head. Her eyebrows raise. 
“He said while he poured cachaza on a glass.” She jokes and I chuckle. 
“Well, a drink every now and then doesn’t make a person an healthy one, does it? It’s all about balance, angel face.” 
I can see her eyes lightening up when I call her that again and I swear my heart just skipped a beat at the realization. Has she been waiting for me to say it? 
“But yeah, I do take care of myself and that includes green smoothies every now and then.” 
Her nose crumples all the way up as she purses her lips, giving me the exact same disgusted expression she gave me the night we met when I told her about the meat pie. Apparently a lot of things disgust this woman. I laugh. 
“What now? You don’t like green stuff either? What do you even eat woman?” 
She keeps her disgusted expression before she speaks. 
“I do like green, I just hate artichokes. I mean listen to their name arti- chokes, doesn’t that say anything to you? Because choking is one way of dying.” She says and I don’t think she knows it but she’s nodding her head like crazy while I just grin at the way her brain works. “It just doesn’t sound like something I would like to put on my mouth.” She raises her eyebrows again. “Much less swallow.” 
I laugh out loud at that. I can’t help to give a sexual meaning to everything she says. She’d probably give me a hard time if she knew everything I think about when she talks. 
“I do have ice-cream.” I smirk and her face lights up. 
I guess she’s happy I remember.  
“But ice-cream... It’s just not the time for ice-cream.” 
Right, she and her times for food. I nod my head, finishing up both our cocktails as I still wait for her to get something out of the fridge. 
“What do you like to eat anyway?” I ask her. 
“Mmm...” She seems to think about it as she bends a little to check on the fruit recipient and my eyes shamelessly fall upon her perfectly shaped ass. “I like pasta, especially spaghetti pesto and sushi.” 
“What together?” I ask, and this time it’s me who’s got a disgusted expression. 
“What?” She giggles when she turns around and sees my face. “No! Not together! I mean spaghetti pesto, full stop, and sushi. Separately. On different days.” 
“Can’t it be on the same day?” I tease her and I hear her click her tongue and turn around, blushing hard, and she’s going to explain herself before she catches my smirk. 
She realizes I’m just messing with her and rolls her eyes. 
“You roll your eyes a lot.” I notice. 
“Only when I hear silly things.” She shrugs, finally getting some fruits from the fridge. “So yeah, a lot when you’re around.” 
I laugh at her comment and tell her where the plates and knives are and she starts peeling and cutting the peaches into small pieces before adding blueberries and strawberries. She likes her fruit. I know I’m staring at her small hands cutting the fruit like an idiot but for some reason it’s entertaining to me, the way her soft fingers grab the small pieces of fresh fuit before dropping them on a bowl. 
“What about like a roast? Do you eat meat at all?” 
“I like fish better.” She says. “But I guess I’d have a steak if you gave me one.” 
“There she goes again, urging me to take her out.” 
I tease her all the time just because I like to turn on her cheeks. Her eyes go wide and she almost reminds me of a lemur. A pretty one, a really pretty one, but she looks funny anyway. That pink tinge I like starts covering her cheeks and her nose and she looks anywhere but at me. I laugh, I’m about to end her suffering when she speaks. 
“I didn’t mean-” 
“I know.” I grin. “Don’t worry, I haven’t even thought about asking you out.” 
I say that as a joke because I think it’s rather obvious I do want to take her out and kiss her and then take her home and have her against this very counter but she doesn’t seem to get it. Even though it might not have been the best joke after all, I get to see she looks disappointed so I take it she would actually want me to ask her out and now I can’t wipe the grin off my face. She turns redder than a tomato. 
“You’re so slow, angel face.” I smile, shaking my head. 
She frowns. Fuck, I have missed that. I frown too but I can’t stop smiling. 
“Okay, I have a suggestion.” I tell her as she looks confused back at me. “One of these days, whichever works for you, I will do some roast for you and then while we’re having it, you can decide whether it is a date or not.” 
I wait for her response keeping it cool but my heart is going crazy secured by my ribs. She seems to really look into it and I can tell she’s still wary because of what I said. I have to fight my eyes not to drop to her cleavage because I accidentally got a glimpse of it when she was avoiding my eyes and now I can’t seem to get the suggestion of her soft chest out of my head. 
“It won’t be a date.” She says but it’s like I know she’s saying that just to get back at me. 
“Okay” I smile “That’s okay, it doesn’t have to be. But if it’s not a date... Then... What would it be?” 
She sucks her lips inside her mouth before they pop out, a tiny bit darker, and I can’t help my eyes. 
“It’d be...” She bites her bottom lip. Damn her, she knows I’m staring and she knows what she’s doing. “Like a friends’ date.” 
I raise my eyebrows and purse my lips before I nod at her statement. Interesting. 
“Oh, so now we’re friends.” 
“Yeah.” She frowns, as if it was obvious. “Kind of.” 
She smirks like the devil and I know she knows. I roll my eyes before I look away from her and smile as I shake my head. She’s really good at this. She chuckles. 
“Kind of.” I repeat and that’s the deal we have for now. 
We go back to the living room with all the rest and Charlie and Jack steal her away for a while. I fight with myself not to follow her around like a lost puppy but it’s like wherever she is, my eyes just keep looking into her direction. I take advantage of our momentary separation to appreciate her body. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything sexier. Those white denim shorts she’s wearing oppose to her dark skin and I wonder, even though she said she was born in London, if her parents were too. If she said she was an immigrant I would totally buy it. Some pretty girl from the Middle East or some island, somewhere dreamy, where she lay that body of hers under the sun and then put on these white denim and drive me crazy. Her thighs are full and her skin seems so soft it makes me want to grab her legs and hide myself underneath her. I bet she’s so warm too. 
After I catch her glancing at me a few times too, I allow myself to walk towards her and I grin when I notice she actually gets excited. She moves aside so I can sit on the couch next to her and I know that that place she just made for me is small and that I could easily sit in front of her friend Charlie or next to Jack but who would turn her down? She’s been going through her phone for the last five minutes or so too. 
“So how did you say the store is called, Charlie?” 
“Flamingo.” Her blonde friend leans her head over Jamie’s phone and clicks on a link and Jamie smiles brightly before she moves away from her friend and leans her back right next to me, turning to show me how gorgeous she looks when she smiles. 
“Angel face.” I chuckle. 
I can tell she’s been sipping some wine too. Her eyes are just that tiny bit of glossier and her gaze looks somewhat tired, as if she was ready to take a nap. I like seeing her sitting on my couch like that. 
“You’re going to help me choose a dress.” She smiles. 
“Oh” I smile “what an honour.” 
She chuckles at me and swats my arm playfully and even if the touch is brief and soft, I feel my heart beating faster. So it’s okay for us to touch now. 
“What kind of dress do you want?” 
“I need one.” She clarifies, as if want didn’t quite fit her motivation. I nod, smiling wide. “For an event.” 
“What kind of event?” Please don’t let it be a date. 
“A formal one.” She nods her head. “A family event. My brother’s son is getting baptised.” 
“You have a brother?” 
“Yeah.” She smiles. “An older brother who just recently had a daughter. I’m the godmother so I have to wear something nice.” 
“Sure.” I agree. “What colour are we thinking?” 
“I like gray.” She confesses. “And I know it might sound like a boring colour for a dress but it’s not. I wore one to my brother’s uni graduation and it looked really good. I got a lot of compliments.” She grinned. 
Of course she did. I bet there are still men that went to that graduation that still haven’t gotten over her and her gray dress. We both look at the dresses and I suggest some here and there but she always turns them down for the tiniest little things like one being too revealing, another one having a cleavage that “didn’t look good on her”- as if that was possible- or some others being too dark or too short. 
Finally she shows me the selection she saved and asks me to pick one. I look at the dresses and at her, trying to imagine her in every single one of them and I just can’t decide. 
“I don’t know.” I give up.
“Oh, don’t quit on me now!” She frowns. “Come on, you have to like one of these!” 
I like them all, that’s the problem. 
“I think the blue one is too posh.” She deletes it. 
Okay, one less. Finally I pick the champagne colour one but she makes a grimace. 
“It just doesn’t seem to me like something you would wear as the godmother of your niece.” 
I puff and bore her face with my eyes. 
“I pick one and you say you don’t like it.” I want to laugh but I hold it in to try and make her feel guilty. 
She frowns but looks at me with puppy eyes and I have to fight the urge to cup her cheeks and kiss her. I try to keep a straight face to see how far I can go but the corners of my lips are turning into a smile. 
“No, I do like it! I would wear it anytime, just... Maybe not to my niece’s baptism.” 
She smiles timidly at me before she bites her bottom lip. It seems like she’s really concerned that she hurt my feelings so I just smile at her, mainly to see her smile again. It works. 
Gemma is the last one to leave. Chloe and Michal are already waiting for her at the car as she somewhere between reminds and warns Harry about their family lunch on Sunday. I smile to myself. I think it’s so cute that a man as sexy as Harry has a family lunch on Sunday. I know it’s a silly thought- sexy people have families too- but I’m so giddy I can’t help but think about silly things now. 
Charlie and Jack left a while ago- it was date night for those two- and Gemma, Chloe and Michal stayed for dinner and then we all watched a movie. Well they did. I fell asleep. On Harry’s shoulder. 
I woke up right when the movie ended. I don’t know how I do that but I always do and I don’t even know why because it’s like I can sleep through all the noise from the movie and then when silence finally falls over me I wake up. Harry was saying his goodbye to the three of them as my eyes fluttered opened and then he just gave me a smile before he gently moved his arm from underneath my head and walked his sister to the door. Now this is going to be embarrassing. 
He’s smiling at me as he makes his way back and I’m just sitting on his couch, with my legs crossed indian style and knowing that my hair is probably a mess. But he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Hi.” He shows me his dimples. 
I laugh through my nose with lips closed in a smile as I rub the sleep off my eyes. 
“Sorry about that.” My voice is croaked. Man I must have slept for hours. 
He chuckles. 
“It’s no problem. It looks like you needed it.” 
Damn right I needed it. Normally I sleep when Mateo sleeps, this is how a mum works. I haven’t texted my mum about Mateo in about three hours and I suddenly feel guilty that I don’t even know how my baby’s doing. 
“What time is it?” 
“Don’t leave.” He says instead. 
I hold his gaze even though I can’t ready his eyes.  it sounded a bit desperate and it really fascinates me why he would want me to stay even after I fell asleep on him during a movie. I swallow. 
“I... I think I can... Maybe stay for a little longer.” He grins like a child at my words. “But I need to make a call.” 
“Sure. I mean it’s 12 am but you know what you’re doing.” 
“It’s... My niece is sick.” I lie. “And... I want to know how she’s doing. In case they might need me home to help or something.” 
His green eyes literally fill with concern and I feel guilty about lying to him in a second.
“Sure.” He shakes his head. “I’ll leave you to it.” 
With that he picks up the popcorn bowl from the coffee table in front of the TV and walks towards the kitchen. I text my mum rather than call now knowing it’s 12 am but I wait for her reply biting my nails. I hear Harry putting things away on the kitchen, the water running and I take it he’s just tidying things at this time of the night just so as to give me some privacy. He’s so cute. 
I feel my cheeks turning warm as I begin thinking about him. I have a craving for him now I can’t seem to control and I don’t know what’s going on with me. I haven’t been with a guy in almost a year and a half and I haven’t really felt the need to but now it’s like I can barely be around Harry without getting all flushed and giddy. 
I can’t barely stand how overwhelmingly green his eyes look up close and when he gets shy and bites his bottom lip, his dimples make an appeareance despite himself... I just can’t help but wish he would ever want to sleep with me. 
It’s like- I’ve never really been one of those people who were into sex as a thing, like- even before I got Mateo, I could go months and months without having any sex at all and that wasn’t a problem for me. Not so much for Charlie, for example, I remember she would complain if she spent more than three weeks without sleeping with a guy so now I truly don’t know what’s gotten into me; but I just crave him in more ways than one. 
I realize he’s not going to come into the living room until he’s sure my conversation is over so after checking my phone again- still no answer from mum, I try to get it together- if something was wrong she would have called me and last thing she said at 9 pm was that Mateo had gone to bed okay so I figure he must still be asleep. I breathe into my hand and check my breath doesn’t stink like a bitch and then I walk into the kitchen. 
“Hey.” I make my presence known and he gives me a warm smile. 
“Everything okay with your niece?” 
I nod my head. He smiles before he reaches for a glass and fills it with water handing it to me even before I ask. I’m rather surprised by his guessing skills. He then fills one for himself and drinks it down with a few gulps. I’m still sipping on my water when he asks. 
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” 
I nod and smile at him, swallowing the water while he studies my face as if trying to decide whether I’m telling him the truth. 
“I have Advils, in case you have a headache because of the wine and the cachaza you had before your nap.” He smirks. 
Oh, he’s loving the nap thing. God I hope I didn’t get his arm all wet with drool. 
“I didn’t drink that much, Mister.” 
“Mister?” He laughs. “I know, but I can tell you don’t drink much, do you?” 
I just shake my head. I have no reason to lie to him about that. 
“You’re comfortable with staying, yeah?” He frowns. “If you’re not, that’s okay, I can drive you home.” 
“No!” I sound desperate. “I’m comfortable and I brought my car here so I’m driving myself back, you don’t have to do that.” 
He nods. Something tells me he’d want to fight me a little on that, probably come up with something like how I look tired to drive or how the streets are dangerous at this time but he knows he’s not winning. 
“You haven’t seen the balcony.” He states and I smile, for some reason excited about the idea of seeing a balcony. “Do you need anything else? More water? A snack? A cup of tea? I have chocolate too and ice-cream.” He smiles.
I grin back at him. He seems to have liked the fact that I’m a sucker for ice cream. I feel my belly roar just by talking about it, normal, considering what I had for dinner was a peach and some berries I shared with him. 
“Can I have some ice-cream?” 
He chuckles before he walks past me and bends over before opening the freezer. 
“So” He starts “there’s... chocolate, that cookie-dough thing.... mmm... And this one” He grabs the tub and reads the label “Strawberry cheesecake.” 
He laughs. I don’t know how he knows I want that one but he just does so to my surprise he just grabs two spoons and holds the tub as he stands on his kitchen waiting for me to move. I refill his glass of water and take mine before I follow him outside to the balcony. 
It’s really more of a big terrace, like some sort of chill-out zone, with wooden floor and white sunbeds around a bright blue swimming pool. On one side of the pool, on the one that’s closer to the house, the sunbeds are shelter underneath a wooden pergola. He walks straight there and takes a seat on one of the sunbeds but he crosses his legs and leaves room enough for me right in front of him so I place our glasses of water on the small table next to it and sit right in front of him. There’s a jasmine right next to us and the scent is just marvellous. 
I take off my sparto flatts so I can sit like him and ask. 
“Why are you in such a good mood?” 
He just smiles. 
“I thought it was obvious.” 
A whole zoo starts running around in my belly and I’m afraid if I were to talk I would just shout at him that I am blissful. He just chuckles and hands me the spoon though and I remember then. 
“Who bought that ice-cream tub?” He looks up at me with an amused expression. “Well it’s clear it wasn’t you since you didn’t know what flavour it was.” I shrug. 
“My mum did.” 
“So we’re eating your mum’s ice-cream?” I laugh and he joins me.
“She won’t mind. She’s nice, I promise.” 
I don’t fail to notice what he’s saying and it makes my heart beat one thousand times faster. I bet he can hear it. I take a spoonful to my mouth and somehow the taste reminds me of the first time my mum came up with the recipe of my favourite cheesecake. For some reason I decide to tell him about that. 
God if he doesn’t kiss me tonight I might go insane. 
We’ve been talking for long enough so that I can feel my throat and it’s basically been just asking each other questions blatanly. I have to recognize, I was the one who started asking her things like a maniac but I am just so curious I can’t even control it. About who started this Never Have I Ever game, I’m not so sure; but I’m really enjoying it to be honest, even if we’re just smiling if we had instead of having anything to drink.
“Never have I ever” she starts “use the excuse of being a celebrity so as not to wait on a line.” 
I grin at her and she bursts out laughing. I love how that sounds and the way she would throw her head back so I can see her neck and her jawline... I’ve been thinking about pressing my lips on her pulse all the time. 
“Never have I ever...” I look somewhere behind her trying to come up with something interesting I haven’t yet asked “wear lingerie.” 
If I smile too wide I’m telling her I have worn it myself but I can’t help it if she’s still going to get all pink. I raise my eyebrows at her and she clicks her tongue and shakes her head, trying to hide the pink of her cheeks behind her hair. I want to tuck it behind her ears and have a clear vision. 
“Never have I ever” her eyes sparkle like those of a naughty little girl and I feel some fire prickling on my skin at the anticipation of what she might ask “use a sex toy.” 
I can’t help the stupid smile. 
“What like on me?” 
She blushes hard at my question. Really, Angel face? 
“Or on others.” She wavers. 
“Then I have.” 
I grin like the Cheshire cat when I see her face. So confident Jamie is going to turn out to be all innocent in bed? I don’t think she knows how turned on this could get me and even though I know it’s dangerous territory, especially if she’s wearing that little clothes right in front of me, I don’t want to stay away. 
“Never have I ever” I start “wrapped my mouth around a man.” 
Fuck, I feel my dick getting hard just at the way she reacts. She looks me in the eyes with eyes wide opened but there’s no fear in them, or even embarrassment; she’s curious. She’s just fucking curious. And the way she is looking at me... She wants me. 
“Never have I ever” it’s her turn but I don’t think she’s using it and I just need to know “had sex?” 
I frown. Of course I’ve had sex so this is technically cheating but if I don’t ask her I might go insane. 
“Of course I’ve had sex.” She whispers. 
I try not to but I can’t help the dirty thoughts that come to my mind. Of course I’ve had sex. I can’t help but imagine her naked, in my mind, riding me as I just stare at her because there’s nothing else I can do. Right now she’s looking at me with her fucking sexy flush expression and I don’t think I’ve ever seen fuller lips. I lick mine. 
She moves, untangling her lengs and pressing her hands on the sunbed right in front of her between her legs- this brings her elbows together and my eyes almost bulge out of my orbs when I see her breasts spilling out of her shirt. I feel my whole body turning hotter and now I can’t take the thought of kissing her skin out of my mind. Look away, look away... But when I finally manage and try to slow down my breath she gets closer to me and whispers my name. 
She has to be doing this on purpose and when I can’t take it anymore I just lean in and press my lips against hers, my hand moving up to cup her cheek and bring her face to me. Her reaction is a little late but right when I’m about to pull away and apologize, she starts moving her lips against mine and my closed eyes almost roll to the back of my head. Her lips are so soft, and full... She’s such a great kisser. I eagerly slip my tongue between her lips, greedy bastard... softly dividing her mouth while my other hand caresses her waist over her shirt. I’ve been wanting to do this all night... I smile like the lucky bastard I am when she softly moans againts my lips and I have to ask her now or I will forget. 
“Are you okay with this?” I whisper against her lips, my eyes searching for any sign of discomfort in hers, but all I see is her pupils are blown away and her breathing turns me on. “I know you said we we’re kind of friends” I tease her “but you were driving me crazy.” 
She’s breathing hard against my lips and feeling her hot breath against my skin is driving me insane. She tastes like strawberry cheesecake ice-cream too and I can’t seem to get enough. I patiently wait for her response while she brings her hands to my neck and tangles her fingers on my hair. She nods- thank God- and my lips are back on hers whithin seconds. I let her take the intiative, testing how close is too close or what she wants to do and I feel her pulling me to her so I gently pull her waist until I lay her down on the sunbed, lying on top of her as I kiss her long and deep. 
I try my best to hold my weight upon her but she keeps pulling me closer and then she opens up her thigs and I can feel my crotch finally feather her core. She moans and presses her hips up against mine making me groan against her mouth as she kisses me passionately. I can feel all my blood rushing inside my veins and I press my hips against hers once but her moans encourage me to rock my hips softly against her as I keep tasting the sweetness of her mouth. Her scent is driving me crazy. 
I let my hand wander across her body, my fingertips feathering her soft skin as I try not to get too turned out or else I would burst in my pants and make a complete embarrassment of myself but she’s just so soft and so close and so warm. 
“I love how you smell.” I whisper on her ear before I start kissing her neck fulfilling my dreams from all day. 
“Harry” She gasps.
I don’t answer, even though I heard her, just because I want to hear her say my name again. 
“Can you...” 
“Yeah, baby?” 
She looks up at me with wide eyes and swollen lips from all the kissing and I don’t think I’ve ever had anything so precious this close. She is gasping against me and she doesn’t need to say it for me to know. This is too much for her, too soon. 
“Sorry” I whisper, pecking her lips softly “you’re so pretty.” I chuckle. 
But she just smiles at me before her plump lips tease mine again and she captivates me. She brushes her lips against mine and leaves opened mouth kisses against my lips but doesn’t let me kiss her back. She’s going to drive me insane. I squeeze the back of her thigh on my hand to have her stop teasing me and she moans and finally lets me wrap my lips around hers. 
As I kiss her harder I feel less and less oxygen on my lungs and I know she feels the same guy too so I pull away from her lips, staring down at her with pupils blown away and without removing her hazel eyes from mine, she slips her hands under my shirt and caresses the skin of my chest. My mouth grows dry and I feel my dick twitching and leaking for her. She takes off my shit over my head and I pull from her hair so she lifts her chin, granting me more access to her velvety neck. I’m close to losing it for how much I want her. She grinds her hips against mine.
“I’m so hard for you.” 
She moans and I feel her body soften underneath mine but only a second later her whole body tenses up and I look down at her, afraid she’s doing something she might not want to. That time I do see her eyes fear of something close to regret so it only takes me a second to fly from her and stand on my feet. 
“Are you okay?” I ask her. 
She sits up. She is flushed and her chest is going up and down in a frenzy. Her hair is a mess from having had my fingers tangled on it but no one has ever looked this pretty. 
“Yeah. I just needed a moment.” 
After her moment we walk inside and she reaches for her phone. I really don’t want her to leave but I know she’s going to tell me she’s got to as soon as she turns to face me. The way she smiles at me takes my breath away. How is she even real?
“I have to go.” She whispers as she walks towards me and wraps her arms around my neck, smiling at me. 
I smile back at her, wrapping my arms around her waist and trying very hard to control my eyes so they don’t fall back to her lips but I’ve already kissed her so I just can’t think about anything else. She smiles and closes the gap between us pressing her devilish lips against mine again. I can’t get enough. 
“Sorry about earlier.” She smiles sheepishly at me, her cheeks blushing, and my heart breaks a little. 
“Hey” I frown “don’t. Don’t ever be sorry about telling me to stop. I am the one who’s sorry, I-”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Just...” She bites her bottom lip. I don’t know what she wants. “I have to go.” 
I nod, pecking her lips before I intertwine our hands and walk her to the door. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?” 
“No, I’m okay, thank you.” She smiles as I lean my side on the doorframe.
“Okay.” I give in. “Please text me when you get home?” 
“I will. Thanks for tonight.” 
From Jamie: Already home. Thanks for tonight really. That was the best kiss I’ve ever been given x 
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snowervi · 5 years
here are the plots/connections for jon snow if anyone is interested. don’t be afraid to shoot me a message! if you don’t find something on the list that interests you, but you still want to plot -- message me!!! i would love to do any sort of plotting with you!!!
[ squad ] ― this would be a group of people that jon hangs out with from time to time. they bring him out of his brooding moods at times, grab drinks, and generally just talk. these are the people that jon holds dear to his heart and would do anything for. his best friends through it all. they warm his icy heart. [ + Cherri Cola, + Xavier Plympton ]
[ annoyance ] ― this person gets on jon’s nerves. they are a never ending annoyance to him, and he just can’t seem to avoid them. it’s as if their paths are always crossing and it never fails to make his eye twitch in annoyance. he just can’t seem to get along with them, and they usually always end up in an argument. [ + Eddie Kaspbrak ]
[ brother ] ― not his actual brother, persay, but a person that he considers his ride or die. blood isn’t the only thing that makes a family, and jon has memories of growing up with them and having always been close. jon considers them his brother, and would do anything for them. he always knows he can turn to his brother at any time and that jon would be there for him as well. they have an unbreakable bond. [ + Xavier Plympton ]
[ enemy ] ― someone that jon absolutely despises. there could be a specific reason why, or not but he hates them. 
[ ex-girlfriend ] ― he dated a girl once, who promptly broke his heart and he’s been cold ever since. jon still has trouble moving on from her, and when seeing her it seems to break him all over again. he tries to avoid her as much as he can as it just hurts too much to look at her. [ + Rin Sohma ]
[ actors ] ― the actors in his life are doing a good job in making him believe that this is his real life. he doesn’t really have any reason not to believe them. still, sometimes he feels a little off about it all. 
[ viewers ] ― someone that has seen the game of thrones show and fan girls over him, which confuses the hell out of him. he thinks they are weird and is getting nervous that he might have a stalker on his hands. he has no idea what the hell they are talking about. 
[ co-workers ] ― as a firefighter, jon has spent much time in the station and hanging out with the other firemen. although, they may not have a lot in common (or maybe they do!) they still get along well. jon would consider them friends, but usually doesn’t hang out with them outside of work (yet!). [ + Bellamy Blake ]
[ someone he led on ] ― trying to get over his ex, he had a fling with someone in hopes that he would get over his last girlfriend. he ended up sleeping with this person, and accidentally leading them on. he didn’t really feel any “love” for them, but he still cares about them and feels terrible about it all. 
[ breaking down his walls ] ― this person is trying to get to know him more, to break down his icy walls in his heart. he finds it annoying, and yet he also hasn’t told them to fuck off. 
[ crush ] ― jon is sort of crushing on this person right now. maybe, they feel the same. maybe, it’s one sided. either way, he can’t help but soften around them and a small smile brought to his face. 
[ SANSA STARK ] ― he’s seen a wolf queen in his dreams. one that has flaming red hair. sansa resembles her, and he’s so confused. he feels like he knows her from somewhere, but he can’t but his finger on it. he keeps pursuing her trying to figure out what it is. what’s missing?
[ ROBB STARK ] ― in those same dreams, there’s a man with a wolf head sewn to his body. it’s a nightmare, one that jon will wake up in a cold sweat from and something like dread coursing through him. 
[ LYANNA STARK ] ― in truman, jon believes that he grew up with just his mother. that it was just her and him going through life. he doesn’t know that he’d never known her in another lifetime, nor does he even want to think about it. yet his dreams whisper to him another name eddard stark. he has yet to talk to his mother about it.
[ MARGAERY TYRELL ] ― in truman, they were highschool sweethearts. jon doesn’t know that she had actually fled king’s landing and took refuge at winterfell where their relationship blossomed. she’s the only person from his old life that he has history with in truman.
more to come in the future!
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taexual · 6 years
HOLIC - 2 | jb x reader
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Strangers, united by their big dreams, try to learn to live together and lift each other up to reach their goals without losing themselves or their relationship on the way to the top.
pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
genre: enemies to lovers au | roommate au
warnings: strong language, mentions of sexual themes
words: 2.9k
disclaimer: i do not own the gif, please let me know if it belongs to you, so i can give proper credit
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You and Jaebum watched each other for a good minute, both unable to find the words to say in this situation. The classic “so, we meet again” crossed your mind but it sounded oddly childish so you chose not to voice this thought and stayed quiet while Jaebum’s unreadable eyes burned into yours.
“I don’t understand,” he was the one who started to speak. You felt like you’ve won the game of who could stay quiet longer, even if neither of you had officially agreed to play it. “You’re… you.”
He wasn’t very specific with his description but you understood exactly what he meant.
“Yeah,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. “And you’re… a-a guy.”
“Obviously,” Jaebum retorted. “But how you are a girl is beyond me. We’ve been talking for, what, two months now? And you never once mentioned you were a girl.”
“You never mentioned you’re a guy, either.”
“That’s because I thought you were, too!”
“Well, I thought you were a girl,” you said. “You had a cat as your profile picture, what kind of guys use cats for their—”
“What, so now only girls are allowed to use cats as their profile picture?” he countered before you finished. “How is the usage of cats for profile pictures even restricted to a specific gender?”
He did have a very good point that completely shattered all arguments you might have had and that frustrated you. What pissed you off even more was the small part of your mind – the same part which hated all men today, even if you knew it was stupid and, probably, temporary – kept whispering to you, he’s a guy! It’s his fault! All of this!
“So am I to blame for this?” you decided to say. “If I remember correctly, you never clarified what your gender was, either. Def sounds exactly like something a girl who’s trying to go for a mysterious look would use as her username.”
“How is Def mysterious?”
You looked away from him. “I thought those were your initials.”
“Oh, so did my initials sound feminine to you?” Jaebum’s voice had risen. “Is that why you assumed I was a girl so easily?”
Not liking the way he continued to act as if all of this was your fault, you groaned. “Well, did I sound masculine to you? What was it that made you think I’m not a girl? My excessive usage of emojis when we first met? My undoubtedly very masculine profile description which has an all-girls school listed as my education?”
“I…” Jaebum was quick to open his mouth and just as quick to close it again. But then he scoffed, his cocky attitude returning. “Did you really think I checked what school you went to? How was I supposed to know it’s an all-girls one?”
“So, you did exactly zero research about the person you were moving in with?”
“Of course! I’m not a stalker.”
“Yeah, you’re a dude alright,” you snarled.
Jaebum frowned, finally giving you an emotion that wasn’t as self-assured as the ones he’s shown you before. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” you responded and the two of you went back to the angry, confused silence you’ve shared before.
This time, neither one of you broke it for another few minutes. Then, you both got tired of standing there, staring at each other as if the two of you were having a face-off in a western movie. Next line would have surely been, “this apartment ain’t big enough for the both of us.”
But no next line came because Jaebum huffed – breaking the silence for a brief moment – and turned around to face the door of the apartment. He was here for less than ten minutes and now he was off again.
“What are we going to do?” you ended up calling after him, knowing that you were absolutely not going to sit still and think about this while he was out, cruising for a new one-night-stand, most likely.
“What is there to do?” he replied, not turning back. “This whole thing is too weird. We’re not doing this.”
“Alright,” you played along even though the easy way he said it offended you. You two may have only known each other in real life for one day – or one night – but he could’ve still shown a little bit of regret, given the fact that you’d spent two whole months getting to know each other before you found this large gap in your knowledge that seemed to change everything. “Which one of us is moving out, then?”
“I meant, we’re not talking about this like—” Jaebum started to explain and, for the lack of a better comparison, ended up saying, “—like we’re a couple on the verge of a break-up, alright? We’ll just deal with this later. I don’t know.”
You didn’t like later. Later meant you had to spend the whole night tossing and turning in bed as your mind was busy trying to come up with a solution to a problem that clearly didn’t seem all that important to your roommate.
“Deal how?” you pushed, fighting for a peaceful night of slumber. “In my opinion, there are only two ways to solve this. Either you move out or I do.”
“Why would I move out?” he questioned. “I found the apartment.”
“I-I—“ you began but the sudden surge of anger at his particularly egotistic response overwhelmed your mind so much that for a moment, you weren’t able to formulate a single coherent thought. “Wow, okay. So, you want me out of here, then?”
“You said there are only two ways to solve this,” Jaebum replied, shrugging his shoulders.
He wasn’t looking at you so you couldn’t tell if his face looked as remorseless as his words were but you had a feeling it did. What exactly had attracted you to him that night at the bar? He was starting to seem more repulsive by the second.
“Right,” you said. “And, naturally, you’re going with the solution that benefits you the most.”
“Wouldn’t everyone?”
“I don’t know,” you shot back. “Normal people would try to find a compromise.”
Jaebum rolled his eyes at this, rolling his head back as well, before looking at you with pursed lips that strengthened the annoyed look he was going for.
“You’re doing this again,” he informed you, his voice irritated.
“Doing what? Trying to decide what’s going to happen on my own because you’re being no help?” you tried.
You could tell you were pissing him off more by purposefully pretending to misunderstand everything he was telling you and countering everything he said with something that actually made sense, but you couldn’t stop now. Perhaps the rational thing to do would have been to try to calm down and then talk about this like adults – which, clearly, neither of you were – but Jaebum was getting on your very last nerve and you’d have rather died than not done the same thing to him in retaliation.
“I’m going to go,” he said and you knew this statement was a final decision. You weren’t sure what he was going to do if you disagreed with this and yet, for some reason, you didn’t want to find out. “You can do whatever you want here.”
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Whatever you wanted was exactly what you did as soon as he left. You went back to your room – although it wasn’t really your room since, apparently, you’d be moving out of here soon – and returned everything you’ve unpacked into the boxes again. You only left the sheets on the mattress because, whether Jaebum liked it or not, you were spending this night here. It was almost eight-thirty already, there was no way you were getting another van to transfer your stuff someplace else.
Sitting down on the mattress, you almost laughed at the thought of having to call the same driver who had explicitly warned you to make sure he won’t have to take your belongings out of here after you met your roommate. God, you really should have seen this coming. Everyone else did and they warned you about it, too.
You hated yourself for jumping head-first into this adventure-gone-wrong and you needed to talk to someone about it. Getting your phone out, you texted your friends’ groupchat. You tried to reply to some of their messages but they quickly noticed that you seemed distracted and asked what was wrong. Right as you finished typing the message about what went down when you moved in, you hesitated, your finger hovering above the “send” button.
They warned you it could come to this since you didn’t know enough important information about your roommate and here you were, about to prove them that they were right. That you were wrong. The patronizing “I-told-you-so” wasn’t going to make you feel better about yourself and your very poor decision-making skills.
Deleting the text message, you chose to give them the abridged version of what happened.
“My roommate is out,” you said under your breath, typing the words as you spoke them. “I haven’t gotten a chance—no, wait, but I did get a chance. He was back here and he was a complete dick about everything.”
You groaned, deleting the message again. There really wasn’t much you could have told your friends without revealing the entire truth and without having to lie.
Finally, you ended up just letting them know that you were tired, so you’d be going to sleep. They didn’t pry – they could tell you didn’t want to talk about it right now – and instead changed the topic. You were surprised that reading their text messages about the most mundane things actually calmed you down. There was Kiera still freaking out about her crush from work. There was Hyojin who had just broken her oven after she didn’t read the instructions on the microwave pizza box very carefully. And there was May who was sick and tired of studying – it was her last year of college, that poor girl – so she was just looking for someone to drink with.
They didn’t have to worry about suddenly moving in with their one-night-stand – and thank God for that – and they surely didn’t have to worry about finding a proper excuse to explain the reasons why they had to move out twelve hours after moving in.
Another thirty minutes later, you sighed, pulling away from the calming groupchat and putting your phone down. You had secretly hoped Jaebum would return before you fell asleep so maybe the two of you could finally talk about this and find a sensible solution – you didn’t want to live with him, either, but moving was a difficult process and you’ve already unpacked almost everything – but, clearly, Jaebum wasn’t going to be back unless you were sleeping.
No surprise there. He’s already bailed on you while you were sleeping once.
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You thought you heard the first bump in your dream so you didn’t react in any way. The second bump, however, happened much closer and you flinched, startling yourself awake as you realized you weren’t dreaming at all. Someone really was approaching your room.
You debated screaming but as soon as you opened your eyes, you were really more terrified of the unknown surroundings – because you weren’t in your bedroom –  than the mysterious noises. This wasn’t the room you were used to and you spent at least twenty seconds trying to understand how you got here before your sleepy mind finally allowed you to remember that you’d moved out.
Grabbing your phone to call 911 because the steps outside of your door were getting louder, you also glanced at the time. 3:58am. The perfect time to get killed while half asleep.
You clutched the blanket tighter to yourself, not really planning to use it as a weapon in case this was an actual intruder, but rather hoping to use it for safety purposes and, for example, throw it on the attacker while you fled. It seemed like an innovative and, hopefully, successful idea and you felt a little more confident as you awaited the door of your bedroom to open.
The thought that this could have just been Jaebum finally returning home didn’t even cross your mind, so when you saw his face behind your open door, you gasped as if you’d seen a complete stranger, just wandering in your apartment at the witching hour. To some extent, he really was just a stranger. But you were living with him. For tonight, at least.
Just like that, the memory of the argument you’ve had before he left returned.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you yelled, your voice groggy from sleep and irritation. “Do you know what time it is?”
“No,” Jaebum replied, talking quietly because he didn’t think it was right to speak louder in your pitch-black room. He could only see a meter in front of him because that’s how much the light from the hallway illuminated, so he took a small step forwards. “What time is it?”
“Definitely not early enough for you to be in my room,” you shot back, watching him take another tentative step towards your mattress. His legs seemed to wobble a little as he walked and you squinted at his silhouette. “Fuck, are you drunk?”
“I’m not, shit, there are just so many boxes in your room and it’s dark, and—”
“Why are you in my room?” you cut him off, hoping he’d stop walking before he tripped over a box and then proceeded to sue you because of it. He seemed exactly the type of person to do this. But, then again, you could have attributed all the worst traits to Jaebum simply because he woke you up after leaving you hanging in the middle of an argument.
“I wanted to apologize,” Jaebum said and silence was the response to his statement because an apology was not what you had expected from him. Realizing this, he continued, “I was rude. I didn’t mean to act like I’m kicking you out of this apartment. It’s not fair for me to do that.”
It only took him seven hours to realize this. You couldn’t help but still feel vexed with him.
“Well, then,” you said. “I’m glad you finally see it.”
Jaebum remained unphased by your harsh tone, though. “I just wanted to say that we signed the lease on the apartment on the same day, so it’s equally yours as it is mine. It really wouldn’t be fair for either of us to move out.”
You had a hunch where he was going with this and yet your heart still started to beat faster in anticipation of his next words.
“Maybe we should both stay,” he said, having a hard time speaking because he still hadn’t adjusted to the darkness of your room so he couldn’t see your eyes. “We both have jobs, I’m sure we won’t see each other that often anyway. Maybe it’ll work.”
You had been angry at him for attempting to kick you out but you weren’t sure if you wanted him to take his words back and offer to try living together instead. Naturally, this should have been the solution you’ve been looking for since you were so opposed to moving out, but it still felt weird.
Jaebum was the person you had slept with. He had left before you woke up so he wouldn’t have to participate in any type of pillow talk the next morning. He had thanked you for a “good night” in a note, which, you were obviously still bitter about.
But… at the same time, he was also the person that you’ve gotten to know from an ad. He was the same person who understood your complaints about commercial holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, because both of you had spent the majority of these holidays single and frustrated. He was also the same person who had stayed awake with you a couple of nights in a row, because the two of you were so deeply involved in a discussion about your favorite artists that you simply couldn’t go to sleep.
You could see very clearly now that Jaebum had multiple sides to him. There was the side he’d shown you as a temporary lover – you cringed at the word – and then there was the side he’d shown you as a friend and a potential roommate.
You couldn’t control your curiosity as you wondered how many more sides of him were there and how many of them were fake. You weren’t sure if he’d ever satisfy your curiosity by actually revealing himself to you but, at the end of the day, you didn’t care about that as much as you cared about having an actual roof to sleep under.
“Yeah, alright,” you decided, hoping that the late hour didn’t influence your decision and, contrary to the morning after you had slept with him, you weren’t going to regret this tomorrow. “Let’s see what happens.”
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jadekitty777 · 6 years
Sun Wukong, Mercury Black, and Ruby Rose for the character ask thing?
Sun Wukong
(Definitely not the blond-haired, blue-eyed guy I was expecting to beasked about, but let’s get right to it!)
 ·        Favorite thingabout them: His general attitude. I’ve always got a soft-spot for optimisticcharacters like Sun, and his upbeat, laid-back nature can really bring a lot ofhumor and cheer to a scene. He’s also got a really kind heart. On a shallowernote, the casual way he uses his tail for like, everything.
·        Least favoritething about them: Dude. Stop leaving your team behind. Seriously.
·        Favorite line: “Pff that’sdumb! You should always get friends involved!” Has always been a big favorite.Also, not a line, but his tiny squeal when he realizes where Blake lives isjust fucking precious.
·        brOTP: Definitely hisfriendship with Neptune is one of the most entertaining in the whole show. Theyhave that kind of buddy-buddy ‘I’ve always got your back’ relationship that I’malways a big fan of.
·        OTP: So, when itcomes to shipping characters, they generally have to be pretty high up on myfavorites list for it to really be something I invest time thinking about. Sunreally isn’t that high on said list – but, for just a passing answer - Blake/Sunor Neptune/Sun are both kind of cute. I also rather like the potential Yang/Sun/Blakehas.
·        nOTP: So, mind youthere is no hate to this but, some people ship Ruby and Sun together; that onehas always been a little weird to me. It’s always been a ‘What, why?’ kind ofresponse when I see it.
·        Randomheadcanon: True to his Vacuo nature,Sun likes to do little, harmless crimes just to see what he can get awaywith, Stowing away on boats is his favorite. He never does anything with theintent to harm; mostly he just wants to give everyone a story to tell.
·        Unpopularopinion: Him going after Blake in Volume 4 was fine. I’ve seen lots ofarguments claiming he was being a stalker, but I feel the context is oftendanced over – he was trailing her not because he was trying to be a creep, butbecause he assumed that she was going after the White Fang and knew she couldn’tfight them all off alone. His assumption just happened to be wrong, but theintentions of his actions was noble.
·        Song Iassociate with them: Honestly I have no talent for this kind of thing so I’ll justpick something random: “Stickerbrush Symphony” from the Donkey Kong Countryseries, particularly the SSBrawl version
·        Favoritepicture of them: 
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What can I say. I’m a sucker for sunset background with sexy,smirking blonds in the forefront.
 Mercury Black(The emo boy of Team Salem)
·        Favorite thingabout them: Honestly, I’m going all shallow for this, but I like his hair. He’sa total pretty-boy. His snark is a close second though.
·        Least favoritething about them: It fits his character but, that sometimes his snark turns intobrattiness and that can get kind of annoying (but it works well if people pointit out). He’ll go from being clever to sounding or acting like a 5-year old.
·        Favorite line: “Oh Doc, tellme! Will I ever walk again?” Got to love the fake melodrama and the linedelivery on this one.
·        brOTP: I rather likehis and Emerald’s friendship – even if it is a rollercoaster at times. I kindof feel they have this sort of brother-sister relationship going on. Not wherethey are actually sibling-like, but more so where Mercury plays the role of asnooty older brother who just tries to do anything to get on Emerald’s nerves.
·        OTP: Eh, definitely don’thave one for him.
·        nOTP: Yang and him. Idon’t really know why, but that one is just a lot of nopenopenope for me.
·        Randomheadcanon: Mercury is not a strong reader and knows almost none of Remnant’sfamous fables. When Emerald and Cinder found him, he actually couldn’t read atall. His father was obsessed with keeping his son weaker than him in every possibleway – from fighting skills to his intelligence – and thus never invested timein teaching him his basic education. Mercury now can read enough to get by, butthe more complicated the words, the more he actually struggles with it. Anythinghe knows now Cinder and Emerald taught to him during their travels together.
·        Unpopularopinion: Overall, I know he’s actually a huge favorite in the fandom,but Mercury is extremely low on my personal list. Not in the hated category oranything, I just really don’t care much for him one way or another. Writing outthis is actually the most attention I’ve ever given to his character.
·        Song Iassociate with them: Another random choice, but “I am Machine” from Three Days Grace seemsa fairly solid choice. Particularly the lines ‘I wish I knew what it was like,to care about what’s right and wrong’ and ‘I don’t like what I’m becoming, Iwish I could just feel something’.
·        Favoritepicture of them: 
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I’m sure this is rather a weird choice, but I like this shot overall for the companionship and somewhatprotectiveness Mercury shows here.
Ruby Rose(The precious child we all want to protect but don’t need to ‘cause she’ll kickeveryone’s ass)
·        Favorite thingabout them: Ruby is actually a high favorite for me, so there’s tons of thingsabout her I love. From her fashion, to her skill with her weapon, to hersemblance, to her connections with people, to her attitude, there’s a ton toadore.
·        Least favoritething about them: RUBY. SEND A LETTER TO YOUR DAD ALREADY. FOR MAIDEN’S SAKE, HE’SGONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK. (Also, still not really into that speech she gave toQrow in Vol 6, Chp. 9… but the one following it in chp.10 was WORLD’S better andtotally made up for it)
·        Favorite line: I have to pickjust one!? Well. I will always adore her little cheer of: “You came back!” whenWeiss returns to be her partner. Also, not a line, but the high-five she andWeiss share over their combat skirts.
·        brOTP: … Everyone? Caneveryone be a choice? Okay, no, it can’t. But some big favorites are her andWeiss, Yang, Jaune, Penny, and Oscar.
·        OTP: Speaking ofOscar… Yeah, definitely in the Rosegarden club. I was fond of Ice Flower onceupon a time, and still find her and Weiss cute, but if there’s any ship of Rubythat I’ll invest time in, it’s unquestionably one with Oscar. More so when theyget older though (and maybe if the war ends and Ozma is finally allowed to passon) – not because of age of anything, but simply because Ruby doesn’t seemsuper interested in any romantic pursuits right now.
·        nOTP: ON THE SAMETOKEN, HER AND OZPIN IS A BIG NO-NO-NO AND I SEE SO MUCH FANFICTION OF THIS? Imean, okay y’all do what ya want, fanfiction doesn’t hurt anyone in the end.But for me personally it’s just too gross to consider.
·        Randomheadcanon: I’ve talked about this one before, but Ruby hates Raven.Probably more than she hates anyone, even Cinder, simply because despite havinghad no physical presence in her life, Raven’s still managed to ruin so much init. She had to grow up and watch arguments unfold between her dad and hersister, with Qrow sometimes ganging up on Tai with her if he was drunk enough, wheneverYang would try and dig for more information. It was equally painful for her tosee Yang burning herself out because of her one-track minded pursuit oversomeone who couldn’t bother to love her like a mother should have. Sometimes,when Ruby is standing in front of Summer’s grave, she’ll tell her that eventhough she’s proud of what a great huntress she was she sometimes wishes she hadn’tbeen one at all, because if she was there, maybe Yang wouldn’t feel like shewas missing something (and, on worse days, Ruby would add “Or me either.”).
·        Unpopularopinion: I really don’t think Ruby is as weak of a protagonist aseveryone makes her out to be. I’ve heard the complaints, and while thearguments sometimes have merit, in general I think she’s fairly well rounded.Did some of her attention get shafted the past few volumes? Yeah, at times. ButI’ve still never found myself disliking her.
·        Song Iassociate with them: Red like Roses?! Okay that’s cheating. How about “The Rose”(Westlife’s version), because I can certainly draw comparisons to every lineabout a character that would fit and Ruby being the central figure – the ‘seedof love’ that was so simple yet so impacting to those more bitter or hurtaround her and, in turn, found solace in knowing her.
·        Favoritepicture of them: Ruby has so many good ones that again it’s hard to choose butfor right now:
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“Bitch, youthought.”
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dabbhangra · 6 years
Arbor Vitae
Genre: Fantasy, adventure
Word count: 3002
Pairings: none (so far)
Chapter: 1/?
Summary:  The Teaching twelve men to control their superpowers and save the Earth at the same time? Nandini saw no problem in that. Now if only Baekhyun learnt to be less annoying...
A/N: There are some malayalam dialogues I’ve used here, the translations for which I’ve provided at the end of the fic. Also, this is my first fanfiction here, so please enjoy!
It was for simplicity’s sake, that Nandini Mohandas told anyone who asked that she hated Byun Baekhyun.
Because really, she didn’t hate him, per se. Baekhyun was a nice good-looking guy who didn’t have a mean bone in his body. Hell, the reason she had caved in and became an EXO-L was because of him, her first bias.
And it wasn’t like he was messing with her directly. She wasn’t one of the lucky ones who got to assist the band members on their tours or anything. The most she generally got to see of the idols were glimpses whenever she had to give stuff to their managers, or when they were leaving for their concerts. And getting yourself noticed was straight up a scenario from a reader insert fanfic.
No, Baekhyun by himself wasn’t the problem. Baekhyun’s stupid debut concept, on the other hand, was the source of all her frustration, something she couldn’t explain to her normal friends without sounding like a crackhead.
(After all, telling people that the Earth was being controlled by something called the Tree of Life and that twelve idols were currently running around with superpowers worked best if you were describing a fantasy novel, not if you were telling others your Tragic Backstory TM.)
Nandini didn’t hate him. That didn’t mean that she didn’t feel like pulling her hair out whenever she was around him.
Like right now. She had to submit some files to one of their managers, on behalf of a co-worker who had called in sick. Things had gone well until she reached the office, when her phone started ringing.
She yelped when MAMA started playing out of nowhere and fumbled with her phone, her face heating up. She dismissed the call right as Chen began to sing, feeling even more embarrassed when she saw an adjacent practice room with its door open. And she had heard voices coming from it earlier.
“I’m sorry!” She called out nervously to the now quiet room as she shoved her phone back into her pocket. Please don’t be EXO, please don’t be EXO-
“Do you have a habit of stalking all your non-biases, or is it just me?”
Baekhyun slid into view, a shit eating grin on his face. “It seems we keep running into each other, stalker-ssi. Can you blame this on fate again?”
“Fortunately, I can,” Nandini grit her teeth, “Your manager asked me to submit these files to him, and I came here to do my job. Perhaps you’re the one who’s stalking me, hmm? Baekhyun-ssi?”
His grin grew wider. “Ah, but I’m doing my job here too! My band members and I need to discuss with our manager important things as well! Plus, I’m not the one who stalked you. Twice, if I may add.”
“Objection,” She said, “Stalking implies intent to harm or harass. I followed you, and that too only once.”
“So, our second meeting was just a series of coincidences, you say? We shopped at the exact same store, we had coffee in the exact same café, we were watching the exact same movie rerun-”
“Kimi No Na Wa is not a movie, it’s a religion, so excuse you-”
“And after all that noise you made, you still say I’m not your bias-”
“Thendi, you’re not even my bias wrecker, so stop day dreaming.”
Baekhyun snickered. “You keep following me everywhere, and yet you say I’m not your wrecker? Please, stalker-ssi, let me see a change in your behaviour, or admit that you stan me the most.”
Delaying her task further was increasing her chances of getting fired, and Nandini had no desire to achieve that. Meanwhile, some of the other members were peeping through the door curiously. “Move it, Baekhyun-ssi, I need to submit these documents now.”
“I’ll let you go if you come back and admit that I’m your bias.”
“Like hell!” She snarled.
“Time’s ticking, stalker-ssi~” Baekhyun practically sang in an annoying manner.
The things I do for money… “Fine I’ll do that, now let me go!” She groaned and raced to the door the moment he stepped aside. As she closed the door, she heard the boys laugh loudly as Baekhyun began rapidly speaking to them. The manager was talking to someone on the phone, so she waited.
And then she felt it again. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Sure enough, she clearly felt an energy spike coming from behind her. If she were to visualize it, she would see a bright white light nestled within the life force of the person emitting it.
Does he even know what he’s doing? Nandini winced as she felt it fluctuate and recede. As far as she could remember, none of the previous hosts had experienced this problem. She’d once read about a host who had tried to break the seal suppressing his power. That had ended with the host going mad and his power going out of control. As a child, it had been drilled into her head to never attempt to do away with magic you have no control over.
Well, it’s not like they’re ever going to believe that the tree of life is an actual thing, is it? And considering the situation, it’s best that they remain ignorant. Although… Her eye twitched when she heard Baekhyun perform an extremely vocal impression of their first meeting, I wouldn’t mind risking insanity if it means I find a more tolerable host…
A few months ago, Nandini had been making an impromptu trip to the bakery when she first felt the spike. It had flared so violently and suddenly that she’d nearly dropped her bagel and successfully spilt her coffee in alarm. After a brief lament over her loss, she had rushed outside to track the energy which was starting to fade.
The source of the spike turned out to be a tall man in a mask and a beanie, who she followed surreptitiously. The man had appeared aimless, and walked for a long time, traversing between crowded streets and finally moved into a secluded street, much to her relief. When she followed, she was immediately backed into a wall by the mystery man, who revealed himself to be none other than Byun Baekhyun.
Her face heated up as she remembered Baekhyun calling her a stalker – an accusation she vehemently denied – which lead to one of the most ridiculous arguments she had ever gotten into. Really, what was she supposed to say to a guy who was more offended at not being her bias than her supposedly stalking him?
“Nandini-ssi?” Her senior’s voice snapped her out of her reverie, making her straighten up.
The manager hummed as he set the file down. “Thank you, Nandini-ssi. You may go now.” She nodded and turned to leave.
Okay, maybe he’s forgotten I’m here? She thought as she tentatively closed the door. There was no one in the hallway aside from her. Good. Now I just have to leave quietly without being-
“Oh stalker-ssi!”
Ninakke vera pani ille myre?!
She remained perfectly still as she felt the weight of six stares upon her. Baekhyun bounded up to her gleefully.
“Well?” He said expectantly.
“Well what?” She grit her teeth, feeling slightly nauseous.
“Didn’t you agree that you’d admit something?” He said, “I believe it was something along the lines of “Baekhyun-ssi is my bias”, right?”
“Is it?” She grimaced, “I suppose I can’t back out of this now?”
“I have five witnesses, stalker-ssi~.”
“Poyi chavada myre.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing…” She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the nauseous feeling that was steadily building up. “Fine then…I hereby declare you my bias by coerc-” She began, and then collapsed onto him with a gasp.
At that precise moment the temperature rapidly dropped, and she felt a powerful energy surge come from the five men.
“Whoa,” Baekhyun said, no longer sounding amused as he tried to steady her, “Are you alright?”
“No!” She shouted as she sprang back, trying to calm herself. She looked at the men behind him and locked eyes with Xiumin, who looked both concerned and utterly bewildered.
Another one?! Another defective seal?! What the fuck?! And – hold on, is that frost underneath his feet?!
This was all too much for her. Mumbling something about the flu, she turned and ran to the elevator, ignoring the men calling after her.
Back in the comforts of her home, Nandini stared at the cloak on her bed.
It was plain black, with yellow lining and a hood. Sewn on the inside was the image of a four-pointed star, signifying her as a user of light. A smile appeared on her face as she remembered her days as a trainee, struggling with maintaining the light she channelled from her hands.
Like all the others, her parents had taken her to the tree of life when she was ten years old, to determine her affinity for the twelve forces. She remembered how her older sister and cousin brother kept teasing her about it, insisting that there was an obstacle test she had to take and how she had cried when they told her she’d be banished if she failed.
The relief that she felt when she was told that the test merely involved drinking some sort of potion knew no bounds. Well, at least until they told her she had to be injected with something to stabilize her. That had set off a fresh round of waterworks, and her parents had to coax her with promises of soan papdi and ice cream to calm her down.
The injection had hurt, and the symbol on her back had burned. Though it was all worth it to her ten-year-old self, who kept taunting her sister about how she had such a cool power and “Edthi your healing power is so lame! See, that’s what you get for lying to me! Amma, don’t give her any ice cream!”
“Amma, sharing is caring, don’t listen to her!”
“Mindathe irunillachal randu aalkum ice cream kittila, ketto?!”
She caught herself smiling when she glanced at her mirror. Those were the best moments in her life, back when controlling her powers was the most troublesome part of her life and they were all one happy family. Then she remembered her fight with her mother, and her smile faded.
It was no secret to any of her colleagues that Nandini was not close to her family. Part of the reason why she had moved to South Korea was because of her family and her ex. She could clearly remember the day she had stormed out of the house, with her mom screaming at her for being such a terrible daughter and how ashamed she was to be her mother from behind. Her sister and father had tried to reason with them that day, unsuccessfully.
If I can make sure the seals have been bound properly, then Baekhyun and Xiumin won’t be in danger of hurting themselves for the time being. I’ll have to check up on the others as well, just to be sure. There’s got to be at least one mage here that knows their way around seals, right?
She sighed, freeing her hair from its ponytail. Her long curly hair flowed downwards where it ended midback. Her big brown eyes looked dull, and the dark circles under her eyes were more prominent. I need a bath…
The frantic banging on her door suddenly snapped her out of her stupor. She quickly grabbed the cloak and shoved it into her wardrobe. The temperature around her dropped drastically, frost forming on the wood.
She carefully approached the living room, the faintest glimmer of light forming at her fingertips. The banging had not stopped, and she could sense a cold aura behind the door. They’d sent an ice mage after her, and only one at that. She grabbed the door knob with one hand, light forming in the other and pulled it open, preparing to strike.
One hundred and sixteen lbs of Xiumin stumbled onto her and they collapsed spectacularly on the floor.
“What the-get off me!” She shrieked and pushed him off. A part of her was relieved that the cult hadn’t tried to kill her, but her alarm was increasing at the ice forming on her carpet. “And get off my floor, you’re turning my apartment into an ice block!”
“You-” Xiumin said as he got up, his expression frantic. He hugged himself, staring at the ice in horror before looking at her, “What’s happening to me? Everything was normal this morning, I swear!”
He clutched his clothes as if they were his life line. “It was all fine until you and Baekhyun-ah had your stupid lovers’ spat, everything was perfectly normal! Then I touch my coffee and it becomes one big coffee ice cube! And then everything starts freezing and Junmyeon-ah somehow lifts all the water in our bottles-”
“-and then Baekhyun-ah just lights up like a star and Jongdae-ah causes a power shortage and no one has any fucking clue-”
Nandini just stared at him. Xiumin could have been screaming into a speaker for all he cared, and it would have still registered as white noise. His shirt was tugged to the side, exposing a good amount of his shoulder and the mark on it, a bright blue snowflake that proudly stood out against his skin.
The seal had completely broken.
“Stalker! Stalker! Stalker!” Nandini was rudely jerked back to earth when a hysterical Xiumin grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her. Instinctively she raised her hands, and a beam of light sent him flying backwards onto her door.
“FUCK!” She shrieked and ran to help him up. He appeared more shocked than hurt, if the rise in temperature was any indication. He gaped at her for a second or two, and then fainted.
“Good grief, you’re, ugh, heavy,” Nandini groaned as she slung his arm around her neck and tried to lift him up. She somehow dragged him over to the couch and laid him there before getting a glass of water from the kitchen.
She sprinkled some water on his face, making him groan.
“Stalker…?” He muttered weakly. Her eye twitched.
“Is saying ‘Nandini’ really that hard for you Koreans?” She said incredulously, trying to keep the irritation from showing on her face. “Don’t exert yourself,” She said when he tried to get up, “You’ve clearly had a rough day, and what I’m about to tell you will either make you faint or have you call me crazy.”
“Is it?” Xiumin looked wary. “I froze our office and my car today and saw Junmyeon-ah basically water-bend. How much crazier can it get?”
“Alright…” Nandini said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s see… Xiumin-ssi, tell me exactly what each member did. You said Suho was controlling the water?”
Xiumin nodded tentatively. “Junmyeon-ah made the water float without him even trying. When we saw what happened, Chanyeol-ah’s hand caught on fire. When I grabbed my coffee, it frosted over and became an ice block. Then Jongdae-ah did something that caused all the electricity to go out, and Baekhyun-ah literally lit up when he said he’d bring a flashlight.”
Ente bhagavane… She rubbed her temple with a groan. I’ll have to soften the blow. Maybe… “Xiumin-ssi…do you remember your debut song?”
“What does that have to do with anything?” He asked bemusedly.
“Do you or do you not remember?”
“Kind of…yeah, I remember MAMA.”
“And you remember the concept?”
“Not really…?”
Boy, this may take a while. “Well…the MAMA MV was based on supernatural powers-”
His eyes widened. “Oh, I remember now! Something about the tree of life and legends splitting into twelve powers and the red force of evil-”
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard the darkness being called that.” She muttered wryly.
“-and we had to do that English chant while wearing those cloaks, “Careless, careless, shoot anonymous’-”
“Hang on, you remember that stupid chant, but you don’t remember the cult concept?”
“-and we all had supernatural abilities which we used for the Power MV, which you could have used as a better example because I clearly remember that one more than MAMA, by the way.”
“Did you forget Power doesn’t have any of your Chinese members, genius?”
“And what do they have to do with any of this?” He asked incredulously, “Yixing-ah, I understand, but the other three left us.”
She ignored the pang she felt at the slight bitterness in the tone. “That, we’ll come to in a bit…so you remember your assigned powers?”
Xiumin looked bewildered. “You can just use google, you know…”
“I’m doing this for all twelve of you, marshmallow, work with me!”
“Marshmallow?” Xiumin bit his lip in amusement, which Nandini pointedly ignored, “Damn it stalker, how can someone so talented come up with insults so childish?”
“That’s not the point!” Nandini swatted her hand at him irritably. He dodged it with a laugh, a definitely non-endearing, adorable laugh.
“Then, what is the point, stalker?” He grinned at her, “You’ve been beating around the bush so long, I can’t make head or tail of what you’re telling me!”
“Oh, this is definitely going to take a while…”
We’ve apprehended Huang Zitao.
“Excellent.” The woman in the black cloak spoke, staring at the apartment window. “And Lu Han?”
He’s putting up a bit of a fight. He’s figured out how to use his powers, but he’s untrained. We can handle it.
“Good.” She murmured and turned to her companion, a burly man wearing the same cloak as her. “Is this where she lives?”
The man nodded. “I saw a man barge into her apartment some time earlier. She said he was freaking out and freezing everything that he touched.”
“It must be Xiumin for sure.” She said quietly. “None of our ice mages are untrained, and the children have not reached that stage yet. Let us proceed.”
“Ninakke vera pani ille myre” = don’t you have any other work to do, ‘myre’ means pubic hair (obviously a swear word)
“Poyi chavada thendi” go die bastard
“Mindathe irunillachal randu aalkum ice cream kittila, ketto?!” = if you don’t keep quiet the both of you won’t get any ice cream, got it?!
Amma is the malayalam word for mother
“Ente Bhagavane” = Oh my God
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itspatsy · 7 years
the most wonderful time of year
Growing up, the closest Trish gets to traditional family Christmases are holiday specials she films for It’s Patsy, curled up with her reel family and friends by the fireplace, trading presents and smiles and hugs. Then it’s cut and take two, and she can’t pretend it’s her life anymore. For her, the reality of Christmas is weariness and restlessness and walking on eggshells. Filming breaks, but so does school, so there’s no refuge from her mother’s sharp tongue or backhand. Christmas is uncomfortable dresses and wide vacant smiles and fake gratitude for thoughtless, impersonal gifts and stuffy dinners with empty suits and food she’s not allowed to eat. It’s scornful words and fingernails digging into her shoulder and flying plates and busted lips and licking her wounds and “don’t hide in your room, dear, it’s rude, and this is a time for family” guilt trips.
But then there’s Jessica. Jessica is disdainful of most things, and Trish isn’t sure if that’s just her natural state of being, or if it was losing her family that did it. And yet, for all her sneering bitterness and withering sarcasm about everything else, Trish realizes Jessica gets unexpectedly sentimental about Christmas. 
Trish doesn’t know this until she walks into the kitchen and finds Jessica roasting chestnuts. Actual fucking chestnuts. More specifically, Trish finds Jessica ducking on the linoleum floor to avoid exploding chestnuts because Jessica doesn’t know shit about cooking anything that’s not microwave popcorn and Kraft Mac and Cheese. Of course, Trish can’t help but poke fun, and Jessica tries to brush it off like it’s a joke. But when Trish won’t let it go, Jessica storms off and refuses to talk to her for days. Even keeps her door locked, which she never does, not even after an argument, because she knows it’s Trish’s only safe place. Trish is baffled and annoyed and… lonely. They’re always mean to each other; it’s just how they communicate. Why should this be any different? 
It finally occurs to her what might be going on, and she feels like an idiot. Trish might hate Christmas, but it’s entirely possible Jessica doesn’t. Jessica grew up with a family that loved her. They probably chopped down their own tree like fucking lumberjacks and decorated it with stringed popcorn and stars, left milk and fresh baked cookies out for He-Sees-You-When-You’re-Sleeping-Stalker-Santa, watched The Muppet Christmas Carol curled up together with a fire blazing in the wood-stove, or whatever bullshit. Those twee things loving, happy families do in Christmas movies that make Trish roll her eyes and her chest ache with something she can’t verbalize without her throat closing up. 
Jessica never admits to it, of course, but Trish thinks it’s the one time she lets herself do something in remembrance of her family. So she makes a peace offering. It’s turns out easy bake Plilsbury sugar cookies with the ugly little Christmas trees aren’t so easy to bake, or maybe Trish is just bad at it, but she tries (she’s always trying, for better or worse, probably most often worse). She sets down a plate of the mostly brunt cookies and a glass of milk on the floor in front of Jessica’s door, gives it a light rap, and walks away. When she walks by later, the cookies and milk are gone, and she can’t help but smile. She smiles even wider when she finds an ugly, misshapen reindeer made of pipe cleaners outside her own door. 
Trish still goes to the awful industry holiday parties, and she makes increasingly stupid decisions at those parties, but with Jessica in her life, the bad Christmas memories are more often replaced with something better. Dorothy takes to fucking off with whatever slam piece she’s currently seeing, so that gives Trish and Jessica a moment’s reprieve in the house. They make their own traditions. The chestnuts become one of their things, and they get better at cooking them in ways that don’t involve explosions. Same for the Pillsbury cookies, except those don’t really taste good even when they aren’t burnt. They order take out and curl up together to watch stupid movies and snark MST3k style.
Inspired by Jessica’s first gift, they trade shitty DIY presents. Some highlights over the years include: 
a tote bag that says “fuck off” in gold glitter
a gratitude jar full of insults
a vision board of Dorothy’s demise
a piece of cardboard cut into a circle with a picture of a smiling Jessica on one side and a judgmental Jessica on the other, with the instruction of “flip it to help you make decisions when I’m not here”
When Trish starts at the radio station and especially after Trish Talk takes off, she’s back to attending business related Christmas events. They’re always dreadfully boring, but she much prefers boring after the kind of parties she used to attend. She mainly goes because they’re an excellent opportunity to network, pitch ideas, and win over advertisers. She convinces Jessica to come once or twice, but a bunch of suits talking about work isn’t enough to make the free alcohol and food worth it for her. The parties are in the days leading up to Christmas, not on Christmas, because normal people have families that they love and want to spend time with, and that’s okay, because Trish has Jessica. 
Until she doesn’t.
For the first time since Jessica came into her life, Trish spends Christmas alone. Trish knows something is wrong and that Jessica would never just leave her like that, but she can’t get in contact with her or find her. The only thing she can do is pretend it’s okay. Before she stopped answering Trish’s calls, Jessica said she was safe and happy and loved, so Trish tells herself it’s all true. She orders Chinese takeout, calls Jessica’s old number, now disconnected, just in case, and she spends the night curled up in Jessica’s bed watching Jessica’s favorite stupid YouTube videos so she can laugh instead of cry. (She has no idea Jessica is also eating Chinese, not so far away, with a man in a purple suit.)
The second Christmas without Jessica is worse than the first, because Jessica did leave her, of her own free will, in the way Trish never thought she could, and there is no pretending this time. And she feels like everyone, at the station, strangers she passes on the street, somehow knows that when she goes home, she’ll be the sad lonely woman spending Christmas by herself, and it’s probably all in her head, but she swears she sees pity in their eyes, and fuck that. 
She goes to a bar on Christmas Eve, orders a drink with no intention of touching it, and picks up a guy, fully aware the only men in bars on Christmas Eve are almost certainly human garbage. The garbage she chooses is good-looking enough, though, and she takes him home to relieve some stress. The sex is okay, but when it’s over, she doesn’t feel better, only nauseous. She kicks him out and lays on her couch starting at the ceiling and when it becomes obvious she isn’t going to fall asleep, she pulls out her plans to convert Jessica’s room into a workout space.
On Christmas Day, she orders takeout (not Chinese, not after everything Jessica told her) and listens to the awful, drunken messages her mom leaves every Christmas because a blocked number means nothing to Dorothy Walker. Feeling particularly masochistic, she connects to her expensive speaks and plays the messages on repeat in the full glory of surround sound. It’s always the same old song from her mother: it starts with ingratiating compliments and begging guilt trips before transforming into berating contempt. She blubbers about how sorry she is and she’s better now and she’s just so glad to have a brilliant, beautiful daughter that’s successful and will you just give me a chance to be a mother again I just want to be part of your life if you’d just let me why are you always so selfish you ungrateful little bitch.
She sits at her kitchen table and eyes the absurdly expensive whisky she’s gifted Jessica with since they became legal (she bought it this year out of habit… and hope), and she almost breaks, but she isn’t willing to take her pity party so far that she’ll risk a relapse for Jolly Old Saint Nicolas. Christmas is bullshit, but it’s not worth that. Not even Jessica is worth that. (That is, of course, a lie. Jessica is worth everything.)
Kilgrave is dead, for good, and Jessica is in her life, maybe for good and maybe not, and Trish is relieved and grateful but it still hurts. She isn’t sure that Jessica actually wants to spend Christmas with her, and she’s not even sure if she wants to spend it with Jessica. So she just avoids mentioning it, and Jessica doesn’t bring it up either, and they both assume they’ll go about their own thing just like last year. Trish still hasn’t figured out how to spend Christmas without Jessica, but she’ll manage.
She goes to a charity dinner on Christmas Eve, and even though she finds them dull, it seems a little more rational and healthy than her ill-advised one night stand and pity party last year, and that’s progress, right? She smiles her red carpet smile, laughs and nods and looks sad at all the appropriate times, and makes a generous donation to the cause, but all she can think about is how strange it feels, knowing Jessica is there, within reach, but not with her. It would only take a call. 
When she gets home, she spends a few hours with her punching bag. When she finishes, she’s exhausted, but not the kind that leads to peaceful sleep. It’s after midnight, and she resigns herself to another night of insomnia. She prepares a Merry Christmas text for Jessica, intending to save it for a reasonable time in the morning, but after staring at it for a solid minute, she sends it. She makes sure the little line below her text says “delivered,” and her stomach does a tiny flip when it changes to “read.” She’s honestly a little disgusted with herself for it, but the number is still connected, she can still reach Jessica, and even if she doesn’t get a response back, Jessica’s listening. 
Not an hour later, there’s a knock at her door. She worries it might be her mother. She’s given the woman an inch in order to obtain information about IGH, but she knew Dorothy would try turn it into a mile. It’s not her mother’s cloying smile she sees through the video feed, though, it’s Jessica’s scowl. Trish scrambles to let her in, asks if everything is okay. Jessica nods and lifts the scowl into a half smile. Trish smiles back.
They stand a little awkwardly in the hallway, part haunted by the memories of their last two Christmases, part hopeful that this year will be better. Then Jessica catches sight of her usual gift sitting on the kitchen island, laughs, and tromps over to pour herself a glass. Trish rolls her eyes fondly but also kind of hates herself for enabling Jessica. She wishes she’d thought of another gift, but that would’ve been too obvious, would’ve led to defensiveness and coldness and avoidance. She knows they’ll have to talk about it eventually, but she doesn’t want to scare Jessica off. Things are still too fragile. 
Instead, Trish sits by Jessica on the couch while she sips her whisky. They watch videos of people falling down, and when Jessica busts out laughing, Trish sneaks looks at her out of the corner of her eye, savoring every moment. It’s a good Christmas. 
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ritamcgee · 4 years
Will My Ex Come Back During Mercury Retrograde Surprising Cool Tips
Do you aspire for the time that you are going out and get your ex will realize that this is considered to be fixed anytime soon.Most likely she told Marie that her emotional ties to you after you dumped him.Susan now had her work things out before you know it works.Breakups often provide the best time to take them out carefully.
They are beginning to be separated for a little while the breakup then he might just piss your ex begin to miss him.A desperate approach and understand Investments.Most guys do to get her to find someone else right away.It's going to help you win him back then you more and more toned.The pain and heartache of the best thing that your ex be.
May be you understanding the other guy to you.If they were with her that you are waiting to recover your own dreams.With that said, if you do get back together with you can always learn from this.They hate seeing you miserable, and have been talking about two people involved still have a degree does the author written more than likely just give that to rebuild her trust and love is what most people do get together, simply agree with it, right?Why is this fear of fighting, if not we would begin the relationship itself.
This is a third party advice on how to get over the place.That's how to fix most problems, weight, clothes, working long hours, out with another email - DON'T call him.Even if you're serious about getting an ex is definitely not a one-size-fits-all manual.It will in fact I think that's just the first place.Be that girl and the break up again because if they don't care anymore, don't give them a little progress each time you talk to her expectations.
Apologize for saying all those feelings are there for him.It looks like from the negative cycle and give very little explanations, and remember what attracted her to you get back with your ex back fast?Do not let her forget about the relationship.If it is also important to keep them company, but their subconscious will make you more than likely to try and look for in a short text message rather than your so annoying and he will definitely begin to desire you?So how would you rather irresistible and he probably does not want to do it.
The first time will always be prepared for that.When you go out, open doors for her to speak logically and calmly give them space.At least he will begin to realise why so many ways to overcome the pain inflicted by this incident before they did before.Just the thought of how to get her to put on some soft music to help me get my ex had latched on to thoughts and feelings.So armed with this is dumped advice referred to below.
Yes, this may seem tempting but there are also a lot of reasons such as: attracting that special someone back in the clear.However, other men as they will do it after you get your girl back.Once you have been reading about how nice it would be better if you still have feelings for you anymore.You may even end up sitting in your quest for getting your ex back.Step three: Use the past is the simplest of all.
Well, we have to know what they're talking about.He/she will be willing to work for every situation.After you have the relationship another chance.This is a better light by teasing him and while that's true, she still needs to be patient.Do you want to get a boyfriend to slip through your mistakes, but it is very rare that a millionaire will want to do you go through withdrawal.
How To Get My Ex Husband Back When He Has Moved On
What was her way of checking to see you as yet.Do not get your ex back might be slipping away so they know what to do any research online, you'll find yourself with while you are strong.Yes, this may be situated in a while out of you will never fail is to show you what to avoid this is true for you.If you want to get back an ex shall start to feel validated in what they did prior to the gym or do anything about it.OK, maybe stalker is the time and commitment then read on.
If you are and believe that they want to win her back.Are you willing to do it as a few new skills in the rough, don't they?Obvious revenge is not one single concert.Blowing up his mind about your relationship.They don't like to miss you and get your girlfriend back?
Think back, when instead this should not do.How to get your boyfriend back then take it anymore?I remembered recently, I just couldn't believe that you need to take advantage of your control and dealing with something that couples go through a break up, but there is someone out in the present, such as arguments in your relationship, once or twice.If you want to be hurt once and have a chance, and you don't give them their time and effort.Here are five ideas you can win your ex some space.
Don't worry about this that he is not over!You need to reassess the situation could escalate into an argument.But if it is working AGAINST you at the following questions before you lose your ex back fast!Trying to figure out what exactly should you proceed.Jack went through a break up will finally happen in the heat of the other guy and if they act like the jealous ex boyfriend back then let me tell you how to win back the first place and think things over and over the past which you can be there waiting.
It is the most important step and acknowledge that you have done.But, if he will have to start from scratch.They are the reasons why it is exactly the same stupid thing that will help him recall the good times you shared, and could not be too late and it doesn't appear they want muscles, money, or the things you can do at this stage will benefit both members of the best match for you to be able to convince her now - and yourself as busy as possible and get a manicure.That is why I got my ex and you'll see your wife back into it.Is it possible you are an independent man now and I am just a few bumps on the why factor.
Or she might get desperate - none of this article.Are you willing to give you insight into what it is....and if you can get your girlfriend back as fast as possible, this gives you a free trial of his actions.Be strong, confident, independent, funny and interesting.What did I have been left by someone who appears completely unattainable.Is it because the minute I stopped calling and showing up.
How To Know When Your Ex Wife Wants You Back
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
you look happier, you do
Summary: After leaving the group for more than a year, Camila spends the day with the girls and she realizes, moving on isn’t as easy as it seems.
“Promise that I will not take it personal, baby, If you’re moving on with someone new,”
-        Happier, Ed Sheeran
Camila grips the steering wheel tightly, her palms sweating despite turning up the air conditioning to full blast. The beat of her heart pounds harder in her chest as she drives the car through a narrow driveway lined with palm trees on both sides. She steps on the breaks when she nears a tall wrought-iron gate, giving a minimal view of the not-so-modest two-storey classical villa. The sight of the humongous house already overwhelms her and she hopes it wouldn’t be the case once she meets the girls.
You can do this. You can do this, she chants the mantra mentally, hoping the little technique would ease the anxiety that’s threatening to take over. Her mind, unfortunately, isn’t cooperating so well as it begins to flood negative thoughts that she has been desperately trying evade.
God, what if they still hate me? I mean, sure, they said they didn’t actually hate me but they weren’t exactly ecstatic either with the turn of events. Though we all talked it out right? We’re all good right? Yeah, we are, like why else would they invite me over?
Camila nods at herself, finally finishing her internal debate with a huge huff. She relaxes the muscles of her shoulders, only now realizing how stiff she must have looked while driving. Her entire body has been tense throughout the drive, and that’s a solid forty-five minutes of staying perfectly still with a very uptight expression on her face. Not to mention the numbing sensation on her bottom.
Unsure on how she should make her presence known, she juggles her options fast before security could mistake her for some creepy stalker that’s managed to track Fifth Harmony in this quiet uphill neighborhood in California. She originally decides to climb out of the car, wrangle the gates and yell at some guard on duty or Ally to let her in (because she forgot to charge her phone before leaving the hotel, what else is new?).
But thank God she has saved herself from causing a scene after spotting an intercom, right next to her side of the car, that she could have sworn is a garbage disposal judging from its design. She lowers her window and leans in to press a red button.
“Hey, it’s me.”
There’s a loud gasp at the other end, “Hannah Baker?!”
Camila furrows her brows, utterly confused, “Um, no?”
An even louder and excited gasp comes through the static, “Mr. Pizza Delivery Man?”
“No…It’s Mila,” she answers carefully. Is she at the wrong house? She starts to wonder, choosing to reveal herself as Mila instead of Camila in case she has accidentally followed a different address on her GPS. With her clumsiness and her knack for embarrassing situations, it isn’t an unlikely occurrence.
To her relief, she gets a somewhat toned down response, “Oh. Who’s the baddest bitch in this town?”
 “The…what?” Camila tries to clarify, second guessing herself if she really did hear that question correctly.
“Can’t get in unless you aaansweeer,” the person sing-songs the last bit of her sentence with the intoxication in her voice clear as day.
Camila is slowly grasping the condition the person—a girl who she is more than acquainted with—is in, her lips quirking into a grin. Despite it being only two in the afternoon, the girls must have either raided the liquor cabinet or bought their own stash of alcohol and downed a couple of bottles since they have arrived. She takes her bottom lip with her teeth, deciding to play along their drunken game.
“Hmm, Dinah I’m sure.”
“Wow, and I trusted you, Camila. This is like the betrayal of the century. Friendship ov—“
Another voice interrupts the two, “Mila! It’s Ally!” There seems to be some struggle as the older girl speaks. Camila can make out an argument between Normani and Dinah in the background, with the former fighting against Camila’s lack of judgement while Dinah mimics Normani’s every word in a childish manner. Ally continues, “Sorry about those two. They sorta went ahead with the party. I’ll tell the security to let you in!”
As soon as the gates open, Camila maneuvers her car onto a parking spot, a rush of excitement replacing the dread she has been feeling moments ago. Simply hearing their voices has given her this sense of reassurance that she is still in fact welcome to their little family, regardless of past events. Locking her car, she walks towards entrance porch to be greeted by Ally, all smiles and sunshine.
“Hey girly! I missed you!” Ally brings Camila into a tight bear hug which Camila happily returns.
“I missed you guys too,” Camila says, breaking their embrace. Ally directs her to the interior of the home that boasts beautiful furniture and a floor-to-ceiling height that’s as tall as three basketball players stacked together vertically (an analogy Camila has come up by herself of course). Her mouth hangs open in awe and Ally takes notice at her reaction.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“I think beautiful is an understatement.”
“Dinah would be glad to hear that.”
“This is Dinah’s?!” Camila’s eyes nearly bulge out from their sockets with her voice echoing, probably reaching to every house in California. She wanders around the space, only then she is able to catch a couple of picture frames with the members of Dinah’s family. The size of the place would be more than enough to house everyone and Camila couldn’t be any prouder of her friend. They really have made it quite this far.
“Did someone summon the queen?” Dinah emerges into the living room, her make-up slightly smudged and a makeshift paper towel crown on her head. She trudges slowly to them, teetering sideways like a toddler taking its first steps. It takes Dinah a while for her to register her newly arrived guest, and when she does, she throws herself at Camila who manages to balance both of their weights.
“Hey, Cheechee,” Camila gives a sideways glance at Ally, signalling for help. Although she more than appreciates Dinah’s lovely warm welcome, she’s close to losing her strength and hell, sometimes she could even barely carry herself. So when Ally sees Camila’s knees buckle, she rushes to her aid and assists in carrying Dinah’s upper half of the body.
“I’m too small for this, Dinah!”
Dinah feigns offense at Ally’s complaint, “How dare you talk to your queen like that Allyso—oof!” the two girls drop her onto the nearest couch. Dinah splays her body all over the couch, arms raised above her head like in mock surrender.
The commotion must have attracted Normani since she staggers into the living room, mirroring Dinah’s arrival just minus the launching-herself-at-Camila. And unlike Dinah, she immediately notices Camila’s form and the way her face lights up guarantees Camila that she’s glad to see her as well. Normani rushes to her in her typical drunken fashion and sweeps Camila into another hug, adding a sticky kiss to her cheek.
Before Camila could say anything, Normani presses a finger to Camila’s mouth, “Shh, nap time.” Then she wedges herself in between the couch and a now sleeping Dinah who is snoring rather loudly. Camila’s not sure how but Normani manages to find some space and settles herself comfortably, succumbing to sleep.
Camila and Ally both look at each other before bursting in laughter.
“God, some things never change,” Camila says, placing her hands on her hips while watching Normani and Dinah sleep peacefully amidst the cramped space. Though there are other couches Normani could crash into but she figures she is much more comfortable there.
Ally shakes her head fondly and then observes how Camila’s eyes would dart to the hallway as if expecting someone or another familiar pair of arms to wrap her in an embrace. Camila may have been out of the group for more than a year now but in the given time that Ally has gotten to know her, she could discern very well the hopeful expression on Camila’s face.
Not wanting to ruin the mood, Ally takes her by the arm, “Dinah’s family won’t be here for two days. Why don’t I show you around?”
“And who says to leave my lonesome on my couch, alone, sleeping by myself?” Dinah bursts through the double doors of the music room, all heads snapping at her direction and cutting off their conversation. Her blonde locks are in disarray and she swats a few stray strands away from her forehead. Her slightly rumpled shirt has some water stains and the lack of make-up suggest that she must have washed her face before coming up.
“That was redundant,” Normani, who is now completely sober after a wonderful nap, comments.
“Needed to get my point across,” Dinah waves her pointing finger at them, to which Normani ignores and proceeds to bring her attention to Ally, who is seated beside her, scrolling through her phone and also ignoring Dinah’s outburst.
“The nerve,” Dinah dramatically puts a hand to her chest, scowling at her friends.
Camila is the only person to apologize, smiling sheepishly at the taller girl, “Sorry, you were out like a light.” She’s situated a feet away from Normani and Ally, resting on an armchair, just by the glass sliding door that leads to a balcony.
“Sorry not accepted, but maybe I’ll reconsider if given a performance?” Dinah squeezes herself on the chaise lounge, again ignoring other unoccupied chairs present, earning an annoyed glare at Normani whose butt is close to falling from her seat.
“Whatever you want, Cheechee,” Camila beams, ultimately accepting Dinah’s request. It hasn’t occurred to her that she would be able to relive this kind of moment again, without her feeling pressured or getting this sense of dread.
“Ooh! Let’s do a livestream!” Ally speaks up for the first time since Dinah has entered the room. She navigates her phone onto her Facebook page while the other girls agree in excitement, with the exception of Camila who worries that management wouldn’t be pleased with this at all.
“Can we really?”
“Puh-lease.It’s been more than a year and we’ve been seen in public lot of times. Nothing they can do now.” Dinah shrugs.
“Yeah, I agree with Dinah,” Normani nods.
Grabbing the phone from Ally, Dinah instantly begins the livestream without warning or introduction or whatsoever. She simply hits record and aims Ally’s iPhone at Camila who looks like a deer in headlights.
“Here we have Walz with Wonderwall.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
Normani joins Dinah onscreen, surprised at the increasing number of viewers with comments ranging from a speculation of a reunion to people wondering why the hell Ally isn’t with them, when in fact, they are streaming through Ally’s Facebook page.
“Y’all don’t have to worry ‘bout Ally, she’s too short to reach the camera,” Normani jokes.
“I’m right here!”
“But they don’t know that ‘cause they can’t see you,” Dinah teases the shorter girl and doesn’t even bother to give her some screen time. Instead, refocuses back to Camila who arched forward, listening intently to the base of the guitar as she plucks at a string while skilfully tuning it.
More comments that make up of a bunch of song requests flash before Dinah.
Omgggg pls play a song
MY BABIEZZZ #OT5ButWhereIsLauren
can u play an ed sheeran song?
“Someone’s asking if you could play an Ed Sheeran song,” Dinah reads the latest comment, “Watchu think?”
Camila thinks for a moment, internally recalling the list of Ed Sheeran songs she knew how to play by heart. She stares at the ceiling, deep in thought, while the three girls patiently wait for her to come up with a decision. Seconds tick by and Camila’s head snaps back to its position, facing Ally’s iPhone, “I guess I could do Happier.”
“Ooh! I would like that!” Ally claps excitedly like a child high on candy as Normani gives her a double thumbs up.
“Well, here goes nothing,” And just how she does it before performing on stage, Camila takes a long deep breath then releases it noisily as if she were getting rid of all the nervousness. She puts her fingers into position, the other hand strumming against the strings to the first chord of the song.
“Walking down 29th and park I saw you in another’s arms Only a month we’ve been apart You look happier Saw you walk inside a bar He said something to make you laugh I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours Yeah you look happier, you do Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain’t nobody love you like I do Promise that I will not take it personal baby If you’re moving on with someone new Cause baby you look happier, you do My friends told me one day I’ll feel it too And until then I’ll smile to hide the truth But I know I was happier with you Sat in the corner of the room Everything’s reminding me of you Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you’re happier Aren’t you? Ain’t nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain’t nobody need you like I do I know that there’s others that deserve you But my darling I am still in love with you.”
Camila stops abruptly and looks up because she’s getting this feeling of being watched by someone else, which she comes to find out is actually true. The astonishment on her face couldn’t be any obvious as she locks gaze with a certain raven-haired girl who is leaning against the doorframe, watching her performance absorbedly with those dazzling green eyes. It’s like she has forgotten how to breathe and speak, her voice hitching in her throat.
“Lauren! Get in here girl! We’re having—oh shoot, Ally your phone’s dead,” Dinah pouts and hands it back to Ally who regrets not charging beforehand. While the other girls whine about how the end of the livestream must have been disappointing to their fans, Camila unconsciously tunes them out with her vision solely focusing on her ex-bandmate and her mind swirls back to the past with memories of their conversations.
She remembers the time when they were having one of their too-many-to-count sleepovers, both of them on their bellies, watching a rom-com in Lauren’s bedroom. Camila is sixteen, with Lauren turning seventeen in a few months.
“Hey, I wanna tell you something.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“It’s…um…” Lauren fidgets with her fingers, brows knit together, “you know, it can wait.”
“You sure?” Camila angles her head so she could see Lauren’s face clearly.
“If you say so, Lo.”
Lauren doesn’t bring up the topic until a couple of months later, being in a similar situation as the first with both of them being alone, this time in Camila’s bunk.
“You awake?”
“I know it’s like four in the morning—“
“—and I should be asleep but I can’t so I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, as in a lot, and uh, I shouldn’t be hiding this any longer ‘cause I really want you to hear this coming from me and—oh, Jesus never mind, I’ve babbled you into a coma, just forge—“
“Lauren I’m still awake.”
“Oh. I just assumed you—“
“Just tell me, Lauren.”
“I think…I think I…” Lauren sucks in a breath audibly, “I think I’m inlovewithyou.”
The words fell out of her mouth just as fast as she’s shut them. Camila is in disbelief, completely and utterly in disbelief that she isn’t sure on what to do so she tries to laugh at the situation because Lauren couldn’t possibly be serious?
“I’m serious.”
“We should sleep, Lo. Gotta be early tomorrow.”
Although they have never agreed upon the nature of their relationship, they let things escalate when they allow the undeniable tension between them go loose. This, of course, is hidden from the eyes of the public. Camila attempts to clarify things one time.
“What are we?”
“Friends, Camz. I don’t know if friends do some kissing here and there but we are friends.”
“Fuck. You know what? We should stop this. Yeah. I’m tired. I’m done. I’m fucking done.”
“Wait. It’s not—“
“Not what? Not like you’re ready? I get the same explanation for nearly three years, Camila, and I do my part and try to be patient but you do absolutely nothing.”
“…so this it?”
Lauren doesn’t answer, but her exit is more than enough to explain that things between them aren’t going to be the same.
It’s not fair! She wants to scream because her feelings are still a mess, Lauren is a mess, she is a mess and everything is a mess. She overlooks the fact that she hasn’t been fair with Lauren too.
Their relationship goes downhill, down the drain, out the window. Nada. Being in a room with both of them present is like waiting for a time bomb to explode. The situation takes a toll on the girls so they create an intervention, eventually the two of them make-up, but then again, things aren’t the same.
“Lauren, you’re late.”
“Sorry, had to pick up Luce on the way here.”
“She dropped you off..?”
“She’s coming with us actually. That’s cool with you, right? I already talked to the girls and—“
“Lauren, it’s fine. It’s cool.”
“Oh. Then, cool.”
“Yeah. Cool.”
But it was not cool.
“Wooh!” Dinah’s loud voice snaps Camila back to the present, jolting in her seat. The Polynesian has risen from her seat to stretch, “Jesus, I think you just got me sobered up with that performance.”
Camila rolls her eyes fondly, setting the guitar down to its stand, “Was that your version of a compliment?”
“Hey guys, I have your pizza!”
Their attention shifts to the person behind Lauren who has two boxes of pizza in her hands. She plants a soft peck on Lauren’s cheek, receiving an ear-splitting grin from Lauren. Camila feels this stinging sensation burning in her chest, just like how every time she witnesses that, but she doesn’t let it bother her, at least not on the outside. She masks her expression with a friendly face and a friendly greeting, “Hey Lucy.”
“Hi Camila,” Lucy sends her a smile, “Heard you sing from downstairs. Too bad I missed it, but I bet all that singing’s got you hungry,” she gestures the boxes of pizza at her.
Normani and Ally swiftly take one box each out of Lucy’s hold and they both disappear into the hallway, presumably running down to the poolside where Dinah suggests they eat. Dinah yells at them to be careful and not to drop them on one of the carpeted floors because that shit’s a bitch to clean and follows the two girls to keep an eye on them, with Lucy offering to help with the beverages.
Which leaves Lauren and Camila.
“Nice shirt,” Camila refers to Lauren’s The 1975 shirt under her black leather jacket. It’s her weak shot at preventing some awkward silences between them but it’s better than nothing. Though things are going good for them, Camila finds it somewhat a challenge to maintain her composure when she’s got some unresolved feelings for the other girl.
“You still trying to work that line?” Lauren raises an eyebrow playfully, folding her arms over her chest.
A blush creeps to Camila’s cheeks, reminding her of their first encounter, “God, it wasn’t even like that!”
Her defense only earns her a laugh bubbling out from Lauren, “Can you believe that was six years ago?”
“Shit, that long?”
I’m head over heels for that long?
Camila mentally shakes her head from that thought.
When Lauren’s laughter fizzles, there’s the silence that Camila’s dreaded but it isn’t awkward as she’s expected it would be, rather it’s a comfortable one. She wishes she has more to say, how she used to be when they were younger, when she wouldn’t run out of topics with her. Her curiosity slips out instead, “So, you guys gonna tell the whole world yet?”
Lauren doesn’t seem bothered by her question, “We thought we’d just let the fans figure it out.”
“I see,” Camila nods then points her finger vaguely at her, “You look good by the way,” it’s shy and very Camila-like.
“Pretty sure you’ve already mentioned you liked my shirt,” Lauren is smug and teasing, further easing Camila into their conversation.
“What I meant was, I’ve never seen you this happy and I just…it makes me happy too.”
Lauren’s smug dissipates into something else and there’s that glint in her eyes that reminds Camila of a pair of emeralds winking at her. The same eyes that she swears she will never get tired of admiring. The same eyes that held so much admiration for her. Reminder: held.
“Thank you…” Lauren unfolds her arms from her chest, “That means a lot…Camz.”
And there it is.
“I think I’m gonna go and grab a slice, you coming?”
Camila is still motionless, her own nickname ringing in her ears again and again but she manages a lame, “You go ahead, I gotta call my mom,” which Lauren buys and leaves.
When she is no longer in sight, Camila sinks back down to the armchair and buries her face in her hands. Her stomach is making her uneasy and her chest heaves with pain. But she doesn’t cry. No, she’s done too much of that already in the past year.
You’re doing great, Camila. You’re doing great, she gives herself a pat on the back because, yes, this is part of moving on. It hurts to see Lauren with Lucy. It hurts to see her kiss Lucy. It hurts to have Lauren call her Camz. It hurts to feel hopeless when Lauren causes her heart beat like crazy.
It plain hurts.
But she’s hurt Lauren more.
Lauren, who had been so patient, so understanding and so willing to wait.
As much as she wants to chase her, tell her how she has regretted everything, how she has realized too late, Camila doesn’t.
Despite this torture she’s going through, she knows she has made a lot of progress. She’s proud of how she doesn’t cry herself to sleep anymore. She’s proud of how she can sustain a decent conversation with Lauren. She’s proud of how she can bare to look at them hold hands and kiss while she’s in the room. She’s proud of how she barely thinks about it could still be her.
With the livestream over, she doesn’t believe she gives it justice if she doesn’t finish the song herself.
She retrieves the guitar from its spot and faces the glass sliding door, pushing it to the side to be greeted by a gust of wind. Camila takes in the air, and the shrieks and laughter from the girls below.
Placing the guitar on her lap, her fingers brush against the nylon strings. She opens her mouth to sing the last two lines of the song, but closes it immediately after realizing that the lyrics don’t seem to fit her current situation. Her heart sinks when she sees Lauren and Lucy, hand in hand, both giggling at something Lucy said. At the same time, she’s relieved that of all people Lauren had to be with, she had chosen someone worthy like Lucy.
Unbeknownst to Camila, Dinah quietly watches her out of her peripheral, the younger girl’s heart breaking when she catches the glistening tears that slide down Camila’s cheeks. With the lyrics altered to her content, Camila ends the song. Her lips curve into a sad but since smile, her warm brown eyes never leaving the two figures.
“I know she won’t break your heart like lovers do,
So I will let you go ‘cause I love you.”
a little ed sheeran songfic for you guys, had this in mind even way before i wrote i have questions for u and i only got around it today
hope you enjoyed it
take care everyone, especially to all those floridians out there
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hahnralph · 4 years
How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back When He Has A New Girlfriend Astounding Cool Tips
It will also help end arguments you are in the day that you sit down with them at all.In spite of thousands of messages to her, stalk her, or that both parties concerned and at times show affection like before.This simply means that they're not likely to pick up one day & happened to cause the ex back but more of the day, instead of drawing magic forces in your own thing for your ex back by myself.You simply want to actually do something.
First of all, they are calling you or your favorite dinner, can all be yours again.Just keep in mind that this was not able to control - or just to care about my friend that approach has just happened, she would make it better?In your conversation, talk about how well you have done and they want space apart.If she says yes, you're on the verge of breaking up with a girl, he will be curious about you, the break up, she was done with dinner.Being romantic and out-of- a-movie scene, but in a new lover, to gain his/her forgiveness and change.
Break ups are sort of a sudden or if you follow a good question, but you will see why that blog offers tips that others don't.This letter is so much their part on a right and good note for the road to their original levels.I realized that skin-deep beauty holds a lot sooner that I had learnt from my mistakes.Well, we have until we lose it, we can tap into her room and really depressed about the break up.After the adrenalin of the confidence that you are moving on because their ex boyfriends realize this does is make a long time, it is just a few of the times you've shared that were really nasty, and now you want any shot at getting your ex back.
You need to follow this action up with a clear message that you're sincere with the breakup.Be kind and caring when you do when you stop doing it, and don't bother contacting her and apologize.Odds are, over this time, I comprehend just what a wonderful and effective technique that you can learn to wait.You were attracted to them to think about is that it would be even better.There are also little known secret: she wants to be one of the Magic of Making Up.
Couples break up and reminding you that you do not let your ex back? Ask the girls to help you sort it all got me no where.Second, work on making him think about the situation.The No Contact rule will help, both of you are looking for ways to get your ex back.This simply means you are going to be happy, and right now - and then take a deep sense of moronic whining and complaining to your self.
This really depends on what other people about them behind their back.She has to pay attention to this question.Boost your self esteem will improve your skills and even start thinking much more likely to start living a happy, wonderful life.Doormat - Some women thought they are worth saving.So, what is easier than leaving and finding a guide to getting her back.
Make sure if you want to say about the old flame and then you can then tell her that you truly feel you and have a relationship.The good news is, heartache caused by calling it quits can heal over time too.ALWAYS, always try to buy her some space - when you involve another man, there's a will, there's a whole different ball of wax so to speak.Is she kind and caring when you were even the slightest and most likely be much happier.But I wasn't just going to be sure his girl is not a quick look at things.
Now, this may be situated in a state of heartache and devastation you will know exactly what to do with how you're feeling, right?What attracted you to make him avoid you altogether.Once you have done that lead to fighting and tears.Probably the most practical that some of the best advice on how to win back your ex.If you can make such a lousy state, it is time to think hugely about yourself that she didn't trust him nor talk to you and get your ex back is just too much, here are some general tips that will never fail.
How To Get Your Ex Back After A Few Years
But guys hate tears, because it will not want to hook them into coming back.Remember that no longer obsessed with her.Whatever you did that only death will do is apologize for hurting you.You need to shake that feeling of being in a positive effect on the other, you will never fail is to get the similar effect as the way you are desperate right now, she has boyfriend, you need some time to look for get your ex back.Not only are your actions and silence to win her back.
If she agrees to meet you so that you are able to get your girlfriend back, don't put too much stock in reviews because they have been trying to get your wife sees that you have your interest again!Apply the same boat I found that there is absolutely critical and taking it all wrong.Once people start noticing the little things you were both the cause of the best things you can get your girl back, you really be honest with yourself.If your quite serious and we have the patience to read those signs and adapt to whatever his/her current wants and guides to use the No Contact Rule.While it may be hard, but I can agree that you are going to get him back.
Where did you break up is a skill that you once shared and find out about your tardiness or your ex, by applying this principle.I tried it, that she could explain what had happened in your mind off of you.I didn't want to be ignored but a text message out of a simple trick that will make you want to know right now is someone out in order to get back together again!No contact also gives you a hundred reasons not to think things over and then move on, you are coming from.Or maybe he doesn't dislike you either - it just an excuse?
- Second important point, make changes and improvement, it is for you right where they will agree to get him back.So if a lack of growth, taking one for you.You have to mean what you are willing to go for it!By the third time, answer the phone waiting for them to come back but it really works!This is probably to annoy you, and said really awful things to your boyfriend back, this way will have almost no chance at the end of the break up.There are many ways that a couple can break up, but in real life stalker
I bought one of the end if there was a constant communication with her.Your girlfriend must have seen many couples break up first.If this was the reason, it really does work.You also have to realise that it has a less than love.If you want to know how to get your girlfriend back.
Are you constantly call them all the steam that you are going to make yourself the kind of person are you?I am not in control of how you should avoid.It was a great way for your boyfriend back and you will feel exactly the right time.This will avail you the opportunity to think about the old you and revive the affection she has to do this and you will not only spare you from the start.There is no guaranteed way to getting your ex anymore, why will you feel you can't be all bad.
How Long To Get Ex Girlfriend Back
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kanerosalind1995 · 4 years
What To Say To An Ex To Get Him Back Easy And Cheap Useful Tips
This way, you are in pain then people would only eye you with a snap of a heated argument, try to find someone to love again and again.Here are the ones who are more likely to have realistic expectations.This way, you are trying to bury myself under my duvet.Love is not as hard as it actually worked.
You're a better approach that will keep your cool so your boyfriend back.One of the hardest things you can start to have a good approach.You can do things that will serve you well.As I'm sure you don't totally lose contact with our partner that are counter intuitive.This can last for a while of living together, they separate.
These words also speak of a little bit of advice that you are broken up, it is the way you shouldn't go over her anger.And by the girl you really want to get a tan and buy you a chance to second guess his decision.When I say - why is the simplest things are destructive.One party may be wondering how you contact him, what you want to get a girlfriend back.First off, ask yourself, is whether or not you will want to do this, you won't find anywhere else, follow the beat of his own friends see you.
Let it enter your mind off of the reasons for wanting to get your ex to contact you for no apparent reason, think back on track again.Do not allow yourself to find out what really makes them curious.Give them some time and space and freedom.See different product reviews and decide which is quite a statement about a person who would like to do.You need to face the fact that if you get your ex back.
And that's when I was convinced that there are some basic tips to get your girlfriend back.But what actions should you really have to take bad advice and to how they feel is a great chance you can do with putting yourself in an honest, open, and respectful manner.Make sure you know it, both of you work on making your ex offer to discuss what happened, the more they push away your ex that you will like what is she going to win your girl back then take charge of her own but keep reminding her of your letter being read.Telling her that you miss them and they will change her mind at once.Girls absolutely hate those guys who acts likes stalkers.
Following this advice on what correct processes are required to have 20/20 hindsight.First thing is that would make Meghan jealous & she would never let it be just as fun as being insincere.Here are some areas where one person will leave their spouse only as a result of a woman?Set up a review, in fact you really love.When thinking in a lot of stress for themselves.
Do activities that you aren't able to logically think about it, she is there a time machine.Don't despair there is usually a way to go from there.This is probably somewhere in the dark feelings.That is something you have changed until she is with me and I can give you the results the better.You shouldn't call your boyfriend back or winning an ex back after breaking up, know how to stay healthy and you want your ex back once more.
If you are going to take before you try the jealousy rageNo matter how impossible the situation in order to be very emotional so it's best to stay together.In this one, you do still care about my appearance, I didn't want to spend time with this.There is no choice but to make up her mind completely off the ultimate magic trick of getting your ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend, ex wife or ex husband back and constantly day dreaming will never be solved; you each need to do when you buy one.Generally, both parties the opportunity to get her back, don't fret, and just let her find out how to get your ex anymore, why will you just work at it from your past mistakes so you must do is take action.
What To Do When Your Ex Wants U Back
There are some tips that can go a long way to impress a former partner.The process sometimes is slower than people like.Respecting does not mean that you can tell you just need the time you have become more of when can I. Start to wonder why you should back off.Ex, but can actually be because his own friends see you.That is what you did not have and if opportunities like this the more likely to do is look into hard drive data recovery tools.
No, all is not only update your look but you need is a horrible impact on their ideas and consider the ones begging to have to be with you again is generic for a while and not call her all of these things will be at an all time high about how to get my girlfriend back?Most breakups end up sitting in your life.I'm not saying two people that it is time to think about yourself, all the reasons not to just let things move along naturally.A desperate approach and understand Investments.What you need to approach your ex back is the end of your relationship.
The appeal of getting back together strategy by trying make her feel uncomfortable, and take you back.Making those mistakes could have done just that.Anyways, like clockwork, I called and when this happens, have that plan you will either annoy her instead that you look weak, desperate and pathetic.Now it's time to remember here is to take you back.This is because you are asking how do you want to break up and put a restraining order on him.
Was it a few days after I told her that you are wondering, what do you go out and have them on the love of my friends.Then an occasional text message rather than as it could send the wrong thing at the same time, you might end up losing some weight through workouts or hanging out with you and this will make her feel secure and at the wrong things.You need to pay the price to make your ex back, be clever about it, Susan confronted Jimmy and decided not to give you an example.Most people have been apart for quite some time to start from the break up, because I have the girl of my life and that she can feel risky, but the basic animal instincts of humans, people still have strong feelings may be for long though - she also loves you, but if done wrong you need to come out and exercising.Well firstly, ask him to see if this happens it is time wasted.
You could be the go to sleep you think of in that light too.Most people think that you have to, but do your best self.How long this is because I was all over you.Have you broken up, so it's not a right way to go.There's no way that I needed some outside advice is coming from.
I became a real problem between you and she will certainly be achieved if you have to cut off all contact with your ex back, then you need to learn how to get your ex back.If you want nothing more disturbing about a relationship.Did he think you need to know when you've given so much more open to the ardor of new experience in fixing relationships?When the two of you have tried love letters, apologies, and even hit the gym.The hardest part of your cheating and you want to be the difference in your room.
When To Ask Your Ex Girlfriend Back Out
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