#and was like 'wait where do the bones go??'
writeaboutit · 1 day
Donation Boot
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How firefighter Abby and Reader met
Hello hello it’s been a bit so sorry but I had this idea for a series of sorts following firefighter Abby x Reader through life. I have ideas for a couple more stories but if you have any suggestions leave them in my inbox for sure 🤍
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none just fluff
You heard her key jingle in the lock from the kitchen. The metal on metal scratching noise was like music to your ears despite it being like nails on a chalkboard to others.
That noise meant your wife was finally home. All day you had been waiting for her to come home, missing her warm cuddles. She left for the station before you had even woken up.
Usually you stirred awake for the briefest of moments in those early hours when you heard the shower start, you made it a point to stay awake just long enough to say an I love you as you sent her off to do her work. You never knew when it might be your last so you didn’t chance it.
But last night the melatonin must have hit you extra hard because you didn’t even register Abby’s movements when she leaned down and pressed a warm kiss to your brow bone before clunking out of the room in her steel toed boots.
You regretted not waking up; no more melatonin for you.
The front door creaked open and you heard your dog’s collar jingle as she ran to greet your wife.
Abby must have been following the dogs lead to your presence in the kitchen because you heard her mutter, “Come on, where’s your momma?”
Your heart was instantly a mushy puddle on the tile floor following the comment. Just as you finished drying your hands the love of your life rounded the corner.
She was wearing her normal uniform. Not the big, bulky, fireproof suit but the fitted jeans and the navy blue t-shirt with the station’s logo over her breast.
You were such a sucker for a woman in uniform, it’s how she caught your attention in the first place. But what kept you around was that blinding smile she had plastered across her face that first day.
You and your friends decided to visit your local farmers market during second year of college. It was a fluke really, you weren’t even planning to go with them but after days of them whining that you could spare a couple of hours away from the text books and come have fun you agreed.
The local fire station had a booth set up collecting donations and the truck open for kids to climb in and take pictures.
One of your friends thought a fire fighter was hot and insisted on getting a picture with him by the truck (her very obvious way of flirting). You couldn’t blame her though because you had your eye on one of the younger trainees.
She was working the booth, tracking donation levels and you knew you would hate yourself for the rest of your life if you ignored your gut.
So, despite you being 19 and a broke college student you approached. They were collecting cash donations in one of the big fire suit boots.
You slipped the only cash you had on you into the dark depths of the boot, ten dollars, and were planning to make your way back to your friends, chickening out of talking to her, when all of the sudden you heard, “Hey, wait!”
You turned around and there she was. She had gotten up from her perch and made her way around the table. It was a bit jarring at first. She was tall, muscular, that tight ponytail made her look very sever, and here she was leaning over you with an expectant look.
“Yes?” you asked hesitantly.
“Don’t you want your coupons?” she asked suddenly realizing that she was close and backing up a step.
The confusion must have been written on your face because she immediately explained in a sort of rambily but very cute way, “When you donate you get a coupon to the local grocery store… and some other stores but honestly there all the old lady stores in the mall. The grocery ones the only one worth it.”
You just smiled softly at her over explanation. You expected her to be this over confident, maybe slightly douchy character from the way she approached before but really you could see her nerves peaking through now.
It only made you more attracted to her in all honesty.
“Oh right, yeah thanks.” you took the coupon sheet from her and after a moment of tense silence between the pair of you, you both went your separate ways.
It wasn’t until later that night when you went to cut out the grocery coupon and throw out the rest that you realized she had messily scribbled her name and number onto the think colorful price of paper.
You squealed, your roommate asked what was wrong and then you both quickly plotted on what you should text her.
It was simple really just a quick hey this is so n’ so, how are you?
Your phone only sat face down for a total of three minutes before you heard the chime of her reply and the rest is history.
Now seven years later your wife, the nervous fire fighter with the tight ponytail, was coming home to you. You would share a meal, a shower, a bed. It was the life you always wanted and all because you went to a farmers market on a random Sunday seven years ago.
That blinding smile that caught your attention all those years ago was plastered across her face now in the small kitchen of your small house.
Her setting her bag down on the island brings you out of your memory.
“Hey honey,” you greet, making your way to her.
“Hi baby, what were you thinking about just now?” she wraps her arms loosely around your waist.
“Hmm nothing much just your pretty smile,” she rolls her eyes, never one to take a compliment, “Speaking of which, that smile usually means you’re plotting something. What is it?”
She looks down at you and smiles, “You know me too well. I was plotting on what we are going to do over the next three days that I have off of work.”
That gets you excited. It’s not often that she gets time off of work. Sometimes you don’t even see her for days at a time when she has to sleep at the station. Three days off in a row is practically unheard of.
“Swear,” she kisses your forehead.
“Eek, so what were you planning?”
She chuckles and belts her arms just under your thighs, lifting you into the air, “Oh I think you know exactly what i have planned.”
Her voice turned seductive and husky. You squealed as you became level with her face. You both laughed into a soft kiss, one that was definitely going to lead to a forgotten dinner on the stove and a closed bedroom door.
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axeeglitter · 2 days
Uber Frat
Tom had driven this route a hundred times before. The streets near the university were alive with students barhopping, loud music booming from nearby frat houses. His Uber beeped as a new ride request came in from Delta Sigma Gamma, one of the more notorious frats, known for their cocky jocks and constant partying. He sighed, not particularly excited about the prospect of dealing with another drunk frat boy.
The rider’s name popped up on his phone: Ryan.
"Another one of these guys," Tom muttered to himself, already dreading the ride. At thirty-five, Tom was happy with his life. He was engaged to Sarah, his high school sweet heart, and they were planning their wedding. Driving Uber was just a way to save up a little extra for the wedding. He was a simple guy; routine, stability, and a future with Sarah. He had no interest in wild parties or the frat life he’d never had.
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When he pulled up to the massive Delta Sigma house, a shirtless, muscular figure stumbled out, carrying the telltale swagger of someone who had downed far too many beers. Ryan was massive, broad-shouldered, thick arms, chest bursting out of his soaked tank top. His feet dragged a little as he approached the car, and when he opened the door, the powerful stench of sweat and musk hit Tom like a truck.
Ryan collapsed into the backseat, reeking of alcohol, but worse than that, his scent was overpowering, the smell of sweat-soaked skin and dirty gym socks filling the car immediately. Tom gagged but tried to keep it under control.
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“Yo, driver!” Ryan slurred, kicking off his sneakers without a care and slapping his socked feet right between the two front seats on the arm rest “Take me to the next bar, bro.”
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“Uh, can you put your feet down?” Tom asked, his voice tight with irritation.
Ryan didn’t even glance at him, wiggling his toes lazily. “Nah, man, you’ll get used to it. Just like everyone else. This is how it is when you’re part of the brotherhood.” His voice was thick with drunken confidence, a cocky grin spreading across his face.
“Look, man, I’m just trying to do my job,” Tom said, irritation rising as the smell intensified, like sour sweat and musk combining to form something nearly tangible.
Ryan chuckled, the sound low and mocking. “You think you’re better than us, huh? Driving your Uber, going back to your little pathetic, boring life, playing it all straight and safe. You don’t even know what you’re missing, bro.”
Tom glanced in the rearview mirror, trying to keep his temper in check. “I’m just trying to get you where you need to go.”
Ryan leaned forward; his eyes gleaming. “Yeah, well, maybe where you need to go isn’t where you think. You ever think about that? You’re just waiting for someone to show you the way.”
Before Tom could respond, Ryan started to laugh under his breath, a weird sound emitting from his mouth. The air in the car shifted, growing thick, almost suffocating. Tom felt his heart rate spike as a sudden, intense heat spread through his body, followed by a strange tingling sensation.
“What the hell are you doing?” Tom snapped, panic rising as his muscles began to twitch uncontrollably.
Ryan smirked. “Don’t worry, bro. You’re about to find out what it’s like to really live.”
Tom’s breath caught in his throat as the tingling spread, intensifying into sharp, searing pain. His body felt like it was on fire from the inside out, muscles spasming and bones popping. His hands, gripping the steering wheel tightly, began to thicken before his very eyes. His fingers lengthened, widening as his palms became rough and calloused, swelling with new, brute strength.
“No… what’s happening?” Tom gasped, watching in horror as his forearms bulged, veins popping out against his skin. His arms were growing, muscle piling onto muscle, forcing his sleeves to stretch tight against his biceps and forearms.
Ryan leaned back, grinning. “It’s starting, bro. You’re just getting jacked like the rest of us.”
Tom could feel his chest expanding, pecs pushing out as his once-slender frame grew broader and wider. His shirt strained against the sheer bulk of his chest, the fabric barely able to contain the growing mass of muscle beneath it. His ribs cracked, reforming to accommodate the new size of his upper body.
With a groan of agony, Tom’s spine elongated, forcing him to hunch forward in the seat as his height shot up. His back rippled with new muscle, his shoulders broadening into massive slabs of strength. The pain was unbearable, every bone in his body felt like it was being stretched and reshaped.
“Stop! Please, stop!” Tom begged, his voice shaky with fear, but his words only made Ryan grin wider.
“Why stop, bro? You’re looking real good now. Imagine how much the boys are gonna love you.” Said Ryan as he wiggled his toes.
Tom’s legs began to throb, his thighs thickening, swelling with raw power. His jeans ripped at the seams, unable to contain the bulging muscles that pushed outward. His calves, once average, now bulged with definition, covered in a layer of thick, coarse hair that sprouted up his legs, across his thighs, and up to his groin.
He felt a strange tug in his groin, and his breath hitched as his penis twitched, growing harder, swelling in size. His balls, once normal-sized, ballooned larger, filling with an almost unbearable pressure. The musk of Ryan’s feet, the overpowering scent that had once repelled him, now seemed intoxicating, and Tom could feel a growing hunger building in his chest.
“No… this isn’t me. This can’t be happening,” Tom whispered, his voice deepening, taking on a more masculine, gruff tone.
Ryan wiggled his toes again and crossed his feet, brushing Tom’s forearm along the way “Oh, it’s happening, bro. You’re gonna be just like the rest of us. You’re gonna love being with your bros. Trust me, man, it’s what you’ve always wanted.”
Tom’s mind screamed in protest, but his body continued to betray him. The hair follicles on his chest started to burn as Tom saw in the reflection of the mirror that his faint dark brown hair was turning clearer, taking a golden hue, almost disappearing in his skin. He saw the same happening in his armpits as they grew thicker and denser there. The scent of his own sweat mixed with Ryan’s musk, creating an overwhelming cocktail of testosterone that filled the car.
His abs rippled beneath his torn shirt, each muscle growing more defined until his midsection was a solid, chiseled six-pack. His body was drenched in sweat, the salty tang of it filling the air, and to his horror, Tom realized he didn’t hate the smell. He liked it. He craved it.
His face contorted in pain as his jawline shifted, becoming squarer and more pronounced. His cheekbones sharpened, his nose slightly thickened, and his brow became more prominent. His once-neatly dark brown trimmed hair grew wilder, curlier, messier style that looked perfect for a frat bro.
But the worst was yet to come. Tom’s groin pulsed with heat, his penis swelling to an obscene size. His balls hung low, filled with a primal need, a hunger for something more. His underwear strained to contain the sheer mass of his manhood, and Tom could feel his arousal building, stronger, hotter, and more insistent than anything he had ever experienced.
“No… no…” Tom moaned, but it wasn’t just the size that scared him. It was the desire. The growing lust, not for women, but for men, his bros. The idea of being surrounded by them, feeling their bodies pressed against his, touching, tasting, servicing them, it sent waves of unwanted pleasure through him as he was trying to restraint those foreign pulsion. Tom turned his head back to throw a look of pleading to Ryan, but the only thing he saw between his locks of curly blonde hair was Ryan gripping his own groin through his jeans while licking his lips looking at him.
Inside his mind, Tom was screaming, fighting to hold onto his old self, but his body was changing too fast, too much. His cock twitched, a bead of precum forming at the tip, staining the inside of his underwear turned into a kaki speedo. His new, massive muscles tensed, and every part of him screamed for release.
Ryan watched him struggle, a grin of satisfaction on his face. “You’re almost there, bro. You feel it, don’t you? You need to let go. Just blow it in your speedo, man, and it’ll all be over. You’ll be one of us.”
Tom’s mind rebelled, but his body was beyond his control. The overwhelming musk, the power coursing through his muscles, the heat in his groin, it was too much. He could feel his balls tighten, his cock throb, and his heart race as the tension built inside him.
“Come on, bro, I gave you a chance to really enjoy this all. Way too long…” Ryan urged, his voice low and commanding. “Fuck it, you wanted this. CUM!”
With a shuddering gasp, Tom’s body obeyed. His cock spasmed, and with a grunt of pure, animalistic pleasure, he came hard, his seed spilling into his speedo in a hot, sticky mess. The sensation was overwhelming, waves of ecstasy crashing through his entire body. His muscles flexed, his heart pounded, and his new frat bro self-emerged in full force. As the orgasm was subsiding, Tom’s clothes torn clothes started to vanish into pure manly musk, evaporating straight from his body and pushing the musk in the car even further. Tom stood there, his new kaki speedo damp with his cum. The outline of his huge cock still visible in the dampness of the tissue. Tom trying to find his breath as Ryan was still boringly stroking his cock and riding the hangover of alcohol and musk.
Tom’s conversion was complete, his body now entirely foreign to him, yet every part of it felt strong, powerful, and, worst of all, desperately needy. His new muscular frame was drenched in sweat, his speedo sticky and soaked with his release. His broad chest heaved, the musky scent of his own sweat mingled with the fresh cum soaking his crotch, the stench filling the car.
Tom opened his eyes after a while when his brain could connect the information around him. He tried to move to take a look but to his surprise he couldn’t do anything. IT was like he was frozen on his car seat. As he started to panic, Tom heard Ryan’s voice from behind him as he felt hands on his muscled sweaty shoulders. “I told you you should have let it go and accept it. But no, you had to fight… I’m sorry bro, but if you had accepted the changes, your soul would have been assimilated. Now you’ll have to live your life from the passenger seat. Too bad for a driver to be a passenger of his own life.” Inside, Tom was screaming in pure, abject horror. He could still feel everything, the slick wetness in his shorts, the stench of his own musk, and the weight of his massive muscles. But it was like he had been shoved into a tiny corner of his own brain, trapped as a mere observer while his new frat bro body had taken full control. He could see, hear, and feel, but he was no longer in command. “See? You should have accepted way earlier Tom, or should I call you Carter!”
Ryan leaned forward, inspecting his handiwork, and laughed. “Oh yeah, bro. You’re one of us now. Look at you—fucking perfect. Just wait until the other guys get a load of you.”
Tom wanted to scream, to shout at Ryan, but his body refused to respond. Instead, his lips parted into a cocky grin, and his voice, deep and full of arrogance, spoke words that Tom didn’t want to say. “Hell yeah, man. I’m ready. Let’s fucking go.”
Inside, Tom’s soul wept. He tried to fight, to claw his way back to control, but the frat bro instincts that now filled his brain were stronger, overpowering his old self. He couldn’t stop the way his muscles flexed instinctively, couldn’t stop the pulse of desire that rushed through him at the thought of being with his bros, couldn’t stop the way his cock throbbed with excitement at the idea of being used by them.
Ryan clapped him on the back, his grin wide. “That’s the spirit, bro. Let’s head back to the house, just got a text from Cassidy and she cancelled our date. That’s okay though, looks like our brand-new slut just arrived. The guys are gonna fucking love you.”
Carter shifted in the seat, his large, muscular frame barely fitting in the compact space now. His legs stretched out, thick thighs brushing against the dash as he shifted, adjusting his still-hard cock in his shorts. His skin felt tight over his new muscles, the hair on his chest and legs sticking to his sweaty skin, adding to the overpowering scent that filled the car. His body, now perfect for the frat life, responded instinctively, craving the approval and attention of the bros waiting for him at the house.
After a while, they were both back at the frat house, every step sent a fresh wave of musk into the air, the smell clinging to his skin, marking him as one of them. Tom hated it, despised the way his new body seemed to revel in the scent, in the sheer masculinity of it all.
The door swung open, and the other Delta Sig brothers were already lounging on the couches, drinking and laughing. As soon as Carter walked in, all eyes were on him, and the room erupted into cheers.
“Damn, Ryan, you did a fucking good job on this one!” one of the bros called out, eyeing Carter with a mix of approval and lust.
Ryan grinned, clapping Carter on the shoulder. “Told you guys I’d bring us a new hole to fuck to replace the last one. He’s fucking perfect, right?”
Carter’s frat bro instincts kicked in, and he flexed his arms, showing off his massive biceps with a cocky grin. His body responded to their approval with an almost addictive high, a deep, primal desire to be wanted by them, to be used by them.
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Inside, Tom was screaming, but his body was lost in the moment, his cock already twitching in anticipation as the bros crowded around him, patting him on the back, feeling his muscles, and welcoming him into their ranks.
Ryan leaned in close, his voice low and teasing. “You feel that, bro? You’re one of us now. Doesn’t it feel fucking amazing?”
Carter’s mouth opened, and his voice, deep, confident, and undeniably turned on answered, “Yeah, bro. Feels fucking incredible.”
Ryan smirked, satisfied. “Welcome to the brotherhood, man. Now, let’s get you upstairs and really show you what it means to be a Delta Sig.”
As the group led Tom toward the stairs, the weight of his new life fully settled in. Inside, his old self screamed and fought, desperate to break free. But his body, now a slave to the desires of the frat, couldn’t wait to submit to his bros, to be used by them in every way. ______________________________________________________________ Hey guys! Hope you'll enjoy this story based on this prompt from an anonymous: "An Uber driver picks up a drunk guy with smelly feet who taunts him with his scent and tfs him into a bro to go out drinking with." Hope you like it! As always feel free to message me in dms or ask if you want me to write prompts or just talk. Have a good day! :)
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achilles-rage · 3 days
Good For Me
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summary: while having sex, buck pushes down on your tummy.
word count: 1.1k
request: eddie or buck where they push down on readers stomach while going at it so they can feel themselves inside. idk what it is but Iijust think that’s so hot. whoever it suits more lol.
a/n: y’all got me posting smut on my birthday that’s so crazy. this is also more of a drabble, i’m so sorry! but i just wanted to get right into it because this idea is so hot😵‍💫😵‍💫 enjoy<33
warnings: smut, plus size!reader, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
MDNI-18+ Only!
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You let out of a soft whimper as Buck finally pushes himself into you, your grip tightening on his shoulders once he’s reached the hilt. He’s been teasing you for what feels like hours, using his fingers, and his tongue, and the head of his cock to bring you right to the edge, only to pull away completely. He looks down at your soft tits and plush tummy as he begins to move, groaning at the sight.
He never thinks he’ll get used to seeing you like this, so whiny and needy for him to make you cum, so desperate for his cock that you’re clawing at him and begging him to just fuck you already.
“Is this what you wanted, baby? Just needed my cock?” he whispers in your ear as he leans into you. He lets out a breathy chuckle as you nod vigourously, then begins to press hot kisses against your neck.
“Please.” you whimper as he starts to kiss down to your chest, tilting your head back as you squirm under him. You’re not even sure what you’re asking for, you just know that he’s teased you to almost the brink of insanity, and you can only focus on how he’s stretching you out around him.
“What do you want, huh? Tell me, baby.” he rasps, going painfully slow as he uses one hand to trail down your body.
“I- oh my god.” you get out, moaning loudly as he picks up the pace, his fingers ghosting down your stomach and landing on your swollen clit. Your back arches as his fingers circle your sensitive bud, and your nails dig into his shoulders when he starts to move his hips quicker, rougher.
“You’re gorgeous, sweetheart. So good for me.” He smirks when he hears your sweet little cry, tutting you when he sees your eyes flutter shut.
“Ah ah, eyes on me. Let me see those pretty eyes.” he says softly, smirk widening when you open your eyes to meet his, your pupils blown.
His hand moves back up to your soft tummy, caressing and squeezing it as it jiggles in time with his thrusts. You look down at his hand on your tummy, watching with your bottom lip between your teeth as his hand travels down to rest half on your tummy and half on your pelvic bone.
He groans once he pushes down on your skin, feeling his cock moving inside of you. He looks back up into your eyes, watching you trying so desperately to keep your eyes open.
“You take me so well, baby. Can feel how well you’re taking me.” he grunts. He licks his lips when you let out a strained whine, and he can tell that you like the idea of
what he’s doing almost as much as him. “You like that, huh? You like me pushing down on your pretty tummy?”
“Yes, yes. Buck, please.” you squeak in a whispered tone. You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and you’re aching for your release after so much teasing.
“Please, what? Use your words.” he says in a husky tone, his dick starting to twitch as he sees your face scrunch in pleasure. He can tell you’re close, but he wants you to beg.
“I’m gonna- Please-” you whimper, looking up at him through hooded eyes. He leans down to kiss you hungrily, hand still firmly resting on your tummy.
Buck had never done this before, but you know that it’s going to become a regular thing. You weren’t even sure it was possible to feel beneath your soft rolls, but now that you know he can, you love the idea of him feeling himself inside of you.
“Just wait, baby. I’m almost there, just hold on.” he grunts, thrusts becoming sloppy as he starts to move even rougher. He thinks he’s obsessed with the feeling of his cock in your belly, and he wants nothing more than to fill you up with his seed while you cum around him.
After a few more thrusts, you feel him twitch inside of you, and you know he’s right on the edge, so you moan louder, crying out as you arch your back.
“Fill me up, please. Need you.” He moans loudly at your words, and it nearly sends him over the edge.
“Come for me, baby. Come on.” he rasps, and that’s all it takes for you to cum with a high pitched whimper. When you clench around him, Buck can’t hold back anymore, and he cums hard, filling you to the brim with white hot cum.
You wrap your legs around his hips, keeping him close as you both cum, his hand still firmly placed on your tummy to feel himself twitch inside you. He slows his thrusts to a stop, then finally removes his hand from your tummy to caress your cheek. He kisses you passionately as you both try to catch your breath, but he stays inside of you the entire time, keeping his head nuzzled into your neck.
“So good for me, baby. So pretty.” he whispers against your skin. You smile absentmindely, trying to come down from your high as you run your fingers through his hair. He hums softly, eyes closed in bliss as you massage his scalp.
“I love you.” you whisper after a few moments of silence. He hums softly at your words, then ducks his head down to press featherlight kisses between your breasts. He pulls back a few seconds later and smiles softly at you.
“I love you.” he says back.
He finally pulls out, groaning when he looks down to see your mixed releases dripping down your skin and onto the sheets. If you didn’t look so fucked out, he would’ve pushed himself back into you, eager to fuck his cum deeper into your cunt, but he holds back.
He leaves the room and comes back a moment later with a damp cloth to clean you up. You shiver as the cloth touches your skin, but not because it’s damp. His touches are so soft that it makes you flinch; they’re such a harsh contrast from the way he was just rutting into you.
He throws the cloth to the side once he’s finished, then lays down on his side beside you. He pulls you onto your side and then moves towards you, pressing his chest against your back. He kisses your shoulder softly as he settles behind you, and you lean into his arms, humming contently.
Yeah, you’re definitely going to do that again.
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felassan · 2 days
Info from shinobi602 on DA:TV's CC:
"Character Creator I'll start by touching on the character creator. To sum it up as concisely as I can, and I've played plenty of games - Veilguard's custom character creator is very likely the most robust that I've seen in a game. There is a ridiculous amount of options for you to pick from. The expected stuff like head shape, skin complexion, eyes, nose, hair, etc, are all there, but there's so, so much more. Head shape is done by morphing and blending multiple models together out of 30 available head types. You can select from over 42 different skin complexions ranging from young to smooth, freckled to weathered and so much more. You can give yourself a double chin and adjust the size of your larynx. You can make yourself as fat, lean or buff as you'd like, customize body proportions like height, chest size, shoulder width, and the size of your ass or package. Yeah. You can adjust your scalp in over 9 different ways, your eyes in 10 different ways, the colors of your sclera, inner/middle/outer irises, give yourself bloodshot eyes or cataracts, and pick among dozens of options to adjust your nose. There's 90 different hairstyles, 44 facial hair styles, tons of makeup options, tattoos across your body, scars and on and on. It's an almost overwhelming amount of customization and something that I can see people lose tons and TONS of hours in. I can't wait to see the kinds of Rooks players make. I also messed around with some of the different races like the dwarf and Qunari. Dwarves look suitably...Dwarven hah. Some of the wilder, more exotic hairstyles and beards go especially nice with them. I dabbled a bit with a Qunari character as well. I've seen the comments and some of the clips of 'smooth faced' Qunari. I'll say that they do appear more humanized this time around compared to Inquisition, where they were already more humanized from Dragon Age 2. It's a difficult line to thread, as since this is an RPG with a customizable protagonist and tens of thousands of lines of dialogue, it makes sense that the developers had to make some compromises so things like bone structure, jaw movement, placement of facial features, etc all are adjustable into a certain window. The result is a more humanized look, but I also I've included a bit of myself toying around and making something that wasn't so 'smooth'. One thing I'd advise is to flatten that forehead! Take a look at my Qunari at the end of the video here. Since I spent a solid 45 minutes in the character, I've edited it down into a shorter video and sped it up. I hope it gives a good idea of all the options."
[source] <- potential spoiler warning for some of the other tweets in this thread
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aithusarosekiller · 17 hours
You know those videos where they convince the groom they're doing a first look with their bride but they prank them and it's their brother/best friend/someone that said they couldn't make it in a wedding dress? I have a sweet version of that for you. Ofc James showing up at Sirius' wedding in a wedding dress is funny as hell but not what we're going for today.
Imagine Remus managing to get in touch with Regulus, who has been out of the country working on something for Dumbledore alongside Severus for years. Nobody knows where they are but Remus manages to contact him through Severus and tell him about the wedding
Then they start scheming. He's there telling Sirius that they're going to do a first look and Remus is always honest and trustworthy so why would he lie?
The day gets closer and nobody knows what to expect when it happens. He doesn't really cry so probably not that, he stopped hugging Regulus when they were around 13 and 'grew out of it' so they don't know if they'll do that, and he is very unpredictable when he's caught off guard so they all sit and prepare for whatever is going to go down
The day of the wedding comes and he's lead out behind the game and turned away. He waits, expecting to see his husband-to-be in a pristine suit matching to his, but when he turns around, it's his brother standing a few feet away from him, smiling like crazy in one of their father's posh old suits as if he hadn't vanished from existence for a decade
As for the reaction he has: all of the above
Unexpected loud swearing, a lecture, then a few badly hidden tears before he's pulled into a bone-crushing hug that lasts forever
It calms his wedding nerves a bit because he's now entirely distracted, so it clearly worked
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orcasoul · 22 hours
Joel Miller Headcanons
Joel when you're ill.
This idea came to me while dealing with a stomach bug and, oh how I wish Joel Miller would take care of me :)
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Joel's bones ache as he rides into Jackson after an eight hour patrol. Knees creaking as he dismounts at the stables, he presses his hands into his lower back and stretches out, a satisfying click rippling through his spine. All he wants now is a hot bath and quality time with his girl. After settling his horse in the stable, he makes his way outside with Tommy, where Maria is waiting to greet her husband.
"How was it?" she asked, pressing a chaste kiss to his Tommy's lips. "Nothing much to report," Tommy began, "A couple 'a' straggler Runners-" "But Tommy shot them from half a mile away," Joel ribbed, at his younger brother, thumping his shoulder. "Damn right!" Tommy grinned and Joel rolled his eyes. "I'll catch you both at the Mess Hall. Just gonna meet Y/N at the greenhouses and we'll join you."
Joel began to stroll away but Maria's next words brought him to a standstill. "She went home earlier, Joel. She's not feeling well." Joel spun to face Maria, eyes wide and chest pounding from a sudden surge of adrenaline. "What's wrong with her? Is it serious? Is she okay?!" "Joel..." Maria raised and lowered her hand. "Breathe... she's alright," Maria insisted with a reassuring smile, "I checked on her a couple of hours ago. Probably just caught a bug."
Joel doesn't have time to hear any more. He needs to get to you now. The thought of you sick and alone is unbearable! His legs move before his brain can catch up, his stiff knees and aching back no longer of any importance. He bursts through the front door to find you balled up in a thick fleece blanket on the settee, fireplace crackling and glowing and a bucket on the floor below your head.
You've always been a light sleeper, and the fact you've remained sound asleep despite the crashing door indicates to Joel just how bad you must be. He kicks off his muddy boots and closes the door, quietly this time so not to disturb you. kneeling in front of you, Joel removes his gloves and gently places his calloused palm on your forehead, instantly feeling the reason for your flushed complexion.
Next he checks your pulse, relieved that it seems normal. He takes a moment to study your face. Even though you look peaceful he feels his heartstrings being tugged at the sight of you so weak and vulnerable. He's overcome with the desperate desire to scoop you up into his arms, to hold you close and make it all go away. If he could trade places with you, he would in a heartbeat.
At the flutter of your eyelids, Joel's pinched eyebrows give way to a tender smile. "Hey, darling," he whispers while smoothing his fingers over your cheek. "I was worried about you. How are you feeling?" You blink slowly and grumble, "Like crap." Joel's lips purse, accompanied by a sympathetic frown. "I'm sorry, baby. What can I do to help?" You shake your head as if to say 'nothing'.
"Have you been drinking enough?" "I've been asleep most of the time," you answer sluggishly. Joel immediately heads for the kitchen, returning moments later with a glass of water. "Here, let me help you up." He sets the glass down on the coffee table, and turning back to you, slides his arm under your shoulders to sit you up, despite your protests that it's hard to keep anything down. The most important thing for you now is to stay hydrated, and he's going to make damn sure you do.
"Hey, why aren't you in bed?" Joel asks softly but sternly as you take little sips. "Wanted to wait up to see you," you smile as you lay back down. Joel tuts and shakes his head. "Darling, you should be in bed, resting properly." "No...," you mutter. "I'm sleeping here tonight. I don't want to pass this onto you." 'Like hell you're sleeping here!" Joel scoffed, his eyebrows hitting his hairline.
"Joel-" "No!" Joel cut you off firmly. "Either you sleep in bed with me or I sleep on the settee with you. Either way, I'm not leaving you alone." "So stubborn," you chuckle, tapping his cheek. Now Joel knows you must really be out of sorts if you're not even going to fight him on this. "Bird's of a feather, sweetheart," Joel retorts with a teasing smirk. He carefully lifts you off the settee bridal style to carry you to bed.
The feeling of you snuggling into his chest begins to calm his racing heart. The warmth of your body, the rise and fall of your ribcage against his, the complete trust you gift him with, once again reminds Joel of his purpose; that he's here to care for and protect the people he loves. This is what he was made for, it's what he knows and it's what makes him, him. He tucks you into bed and pushes any loose strands of hair behind your ear.
With a soft lingering kiss to your forehead, Joel whispers, "Be back in a flash." Pulling himself away from you goes against every natural instinct he has, his entire body thrumming with the need to settle beside you and hold you in his arms. But he's dirty and sweaty from the trail and wants to be clean for you; besides he knows you'd give him hell if he got into bed in his state. A very quick shower will suffice.
After rushing through his shower, he goes downstairs to bring you the glass of water and the bowl - just in case. Climbing into bed next to you, Joel slips one arm under your side and the other around your chest, pulling you into him until your back is flush against his torso. He smiles as you sigh and wrap your arm around his as if you can't get close enough to him.
"Joel?" "Mmm?" "Have you eaten?" " Not yet..." he presses a kiss to the back of your head. "I'll make something later." "Make sure you do," you reply with a hint of finality in your voice. Joel's heart feels close to bursting with the love it harbours for you. What did he do to deserve you? Even when you're sick and exhausted, you're concern for his own welfare never wavers.
Joel tightens his hold on you, running his fingers along your forearm; a sensation, he has learned, which always helps you drop off. "Don't worry about, baby. You just focus on getting better, okay. I'm here for whatever you need, I'll look after you," he promises in earnest. "I love you, Joel." Another kiss to the back of your head. "I love you too, Y/N. Get some sleep now. I'm here."
Joel listens as your breathing evens out. Now that you're asleep, relaxed and safe in his embrace, he can feel the tension in his muscles dissipate. His mind starts to clear and now, and only now can he join you in your ease. As long as you're okay, he's okay.
@pedrospurplerain @picketniffler
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milliesfishes · 3 days
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[fem reader] contains: descriptions of blood pairing: billy the kid x fem reader summary: billy helps you when your hunt is unsuccessful author's note: hii!! this was originally going to be for flufftober but I decided to publish it now! consider it a little taste of what's coming!! Mwah Pinterest Board Spotify Playlist
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The way you held his name between your lips was bloodlust.
Billy was unsure of the state of his soul, but if he ever found out exactly how filthy it was, he'd strain to unbind it from yours, rip and the seam until the frayed threads of love were waving at him from your side. You didn't deserve to have the burden of loving a man so sinful.
Your unbridled, uncontrollable thirst for blood did little to sway him from you. If anything it only heightened his awe until it was level with the sun. Despite your body's immortal need for what ran through human veins, you were achingly sweet, so darling and curious about the world around you. The wonder of your being captivated him wholly.
As the door creaked open, Billy looked up from where he'd been cleaning his gun, the heat of the fire warming the barrel. Sheathing it back into its place in his discarded belt, he turned as your soft footsteps punctured the previously silent atmosphere.
You looked tired, exhausted, even. In the dim glow casting shadows across your body, he could see the dirt on your dress, on your feet. Many a time, he'd begged you to wear shoes to protect you from the forest elements, but you insisted you didn't need them.
Getting to his feet, Billy met you halfway, drawing you into his arms immediately. "Hi baby...was it a good hunt? You okay?" He thumbed away some of the blood on your chin and you winced.
"Mhm. It was fine," you murmured, voice as delicate as a butterfly's wing. His brow creased in concern. Despite the fact that you'd just eaten, you still seemed weak, weaker than you should be.
He brushed a strand away from your cheek, cupping your face. "Honey, what'd you end up eatin'?"
Your eyes fell to the ground, a tinge of shame in them. "A...a deer."
Billy sighed, his hand sliding to the crown of your head and pressing you into his shoulder. "Baby..."
"I know, I know," you whispered, immune to his concerns. Though animal blood would do the trick in a pinch, you were only supposed to use it in just that. He'd told you a thousand times, every time you went out to hunt that it wasn't healthy, that you needed something better. You were practically skin and bones in his arms at this point, not having fed on human blood for nearly two months. He was worried about you withering away, like a dried leaf in autumn.
Clenching his jaw, he rubbed his hand up and down your back, a fruitless attempt to warm you. Your skin remained cold as snow no matter what he did. Despite that, you adored the warmth, soaking up the sun whenever you got the chance, sitting by the fireplace wrapped in both blankets and his arms most evenings. He led you there now, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt after you were both sat.
He pulled you between his legs, bracing you against his chest with both arms. Sliding one closer over your collarbone, he watched as his scent overwhelmed you just like he wanted it to.
For a moment you were still, leaning back and closing your eyes. The centers of them were enhanced due to your lack of blood, he knew, shiny like a lake at midnight. Your hands came up to hold his bare forearms as your back curved to fit the contours of his chest, the warmth emanating from the fireplace practically melting you into his arms.
Waiting a moment before he asked, Billy nuzzled his cheek into your hair, nosing a kiss there. "Could you take some of mine?"
Stiffening, you shifted to face him, and he could see a no forming on your tongue. "I-"
Billy's gaze cut you off, and he caressed your cheek. "Darlin'...you need it. More than I do."
"Billy," you began helplessly, starting to shake your head. "I don't...I can't do that..."
He busied himself, shifting you as you mumbled reasons why you didn't want to take his blood. Pulling you to sit up straighter against his chest, he secured you to him, holding up one arm close to your mouth, pearly fangs hidden by a pretty mouth. In soft words, you called yourself a burden. He disagreed.
"C'mon," he coaxed, rubbing your side with his free hand. "Ain't gonna hurt me, sweet girl. Just have some."
You slackened, turning away from his arm and hiding your face in his chest. "Not from there."
His shoulders slumped. "Sweetheart. Please-"
"-too sensitive there," you finished, looking up into his eyes. His face softened, and you nodded, letting your hand fall to his side, just above his hip. "Here."
Billy pursed his lips, nodding. He let go of you, letting you lean against him as he unbuttoned his shirt, trying to be quick about it. You helped him slide it over his shoulders, and he tossed it aside, away from the fire.
Positioning you between his legs, Billy helped you lie on your stomach, unhooking his pants to push them down just slightly. You leaned down, and he braced you under your arm and across your back, holding you in place as you settled your chin on his thigh.
Soft as morning's first breath, you kissed his hip, shifting your head slightly to the side before leaning in and letting your teeth pierce his skin. He stifled a grunt, instead choosing to stroke your hair with his free hand, eyes glued to you as you fed from him.
What struck him was how careful you were being, as if when you removed your teeth you'd find cracks in his skin like porcelain. He couldn't help the tiniest smile- in the few seconds since you'd bitten down, he could practically feel your strength coming back.
"There you go," he mumbled, thumbing through your hair. "That's it. Atta girl. Get it in, get what you need."
His hand stayed on your head the entire time, thumb stroking you there. Once or twice, you tried to pull away, but he shook his head, nudging you back to the spot. "You ain't had enough. Go on."
Billy could have sat there an eternity, until his body was drained dry, nothing but bones and organs left in his body. He'd look up at you with one final touch and die happy knowing you were full. He wasn't a man who had much in this life, but all that he possessed was yours. His spirit, his life, his soul. He wrapped it all up and presented it to you proudly, a gift that was still too little.
You lifted your head after what he deemed a satisfactory amount of time, licking the crimson from your lips and bracing a hand over the wound. He smiled, smoothing your hair back. "Feel better?"
Drawing in a little gasp, your lower lip trembled, and his face fell. "Oh, honey...baby, sweetheart, c'mere. C'mere, it's okay. Whatsa matter, my love?" Billy drew you up into his arms, legs on either side of his thighs. He held you close to him, burying his face in your hair and moving his body back and forth, trying to rock you into being soothed. "'re you still not feeling well, sweet girl? Belly hurtin'?"
"I took your blood," you choked, voice hitching every other syllable. "I took it-"
His heart dropped. "I wanted you to. You needed it, pretty, needed it bad." Billy splayed his hand over your back, rubbing up and down. "Shh, don't cry. It's okay."
You sniffled, body relaxing under his touch. Where your breaths had once been crisp, they were now soft. As he murmured sweet nothings into your head, holding you tight to the shelter of his chest, you began to calm and he breathed a sigh of relief. His girl wasn't going to feel bad for keeping herself alive, not on his watch.
"It's okay?" you breathed, lifting teary eyes to look into his. He was relieved to see they were back to normal, his blood having placated the insatiable thirst inside you. That alone made whatever else would come worth it.
He nodded, tracing a heart into your cheek. "'s okay. More 'n okay."
You squeezed your eyes shut, nodding and hiding your face in his stomach. Billy breathed gently, letting you lie there as long as you wanted. He was relieved that you found comfort in him, that he was the one you trusted.
He'd fight tooth and nail to keep you safe, kill a thousand men for you to drink their blood. Day and night, fighting wind on horseback, Billy breathed for you. The sight of you drinking his blood was more than enough motivation to keep himself alive, and he thrived on it. On your love, the love that quenched his need the same way blood did yours.
Now as he held you, your stomach full, the color returning to your face, he revisited every vow he had made for you, as solemn as the grave, as real as if you'd walked down the aisle toward him to stand at the altar. If it killed him, he'd love you, as raw and real as anything he'd ever done.
Until his blood ran dry, until his heart was staunched by the mark of your fangs.
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lieslab · 16 hours
Are you with me?
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Chan X gn reader
Summary: After struggling with being underweight, you binge out of desperation to gain weight and that's when your boyfriend finds you.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 1.6K
Trigger warning: Insecurities, implied underweight reader, mentions of weight, weight loss, binging, calorie counting, and a mention of nausea.
A/N: I believe that this is the final request I had. I'm so sorry for making you wait forever, life has been hard and this topic is a bit too real and relatable. Please know that your weight doesn't define you. Whether you are thirty pounds, three hundred, or three-thousand, you still deserve love and respect. You are allowed to love yourself no matter what you look like.
Society can be really fucking shitty and harsh. Don't let it tear you down. This is your life and maybe we do only get one. Eat the slice of cake on your birthday. Indulge in your favorite coffee. Weight can fluctuate and be lost or gained, but good memories last a life time. Don't let yourself miss out on experiencing them because you think your weight and the way you look is holding you back. It's easier said than done, but it's entirely possible <3
_ _ _
The brain is a chamber and each thought is a bullet. A complex system full of neural pathways that define who you are. The brain controls your entire being. Your personality, your motor skills, the cognitive ability to retain information, and pull it out later. 
Beneath the skin, we’re all just bones. Chipped and withered skeletons that will one day disintegrate into nothingness. They say life is a blessing. We should cherish it to the best of our ability. We only get one life, supposedly. If that’s true, then why is it so hard? 
Bodies. Bodies. Bodies. Bodies. Thick and thin. Taut skin stretched over hollowed cheekbones. Round cheeks full of facial fat. Sharpened and softened jawlines. No matter what yours looks like, you only get one. 
A random genetic lottery thanks to your parents. You might hate yourself or you might love yourself. No matter which one wins, there always seems to be hiccups. Those times of turmoil where you just can’t seem to go on another day because you are trapped inside your body. The machine that causes you to breathe, it feels like a burden to some. 
You cannot control how the outside world perceives you. You cannot make everyone like yourself. Chasing idolization and devotion is a great bomb of self-destruction. Feelings can be fatal and if you’re not careful, they will be. Drowning in insecurities and letting them weigh you down while the days pass you by isn’t a good way to live. 
Yet…you just couldn’t help it. The way you looked was just overwhelming. You were a mess. Physically, nobody could see it. Mentally, you were overwhelmed and falling apart. Unraveling at the seams and spiraling out of control. 
The whispers of your insecurities had turned into a sympathy of screams. Scorching hot tears streamed down your cheeks in the kitchen. Your weight has always been an issue. People don’t second guess the things they say at times. 
“Gosh, you’re so skinny, you need to put some meat on your bones.” 
“Is that really all you’re going to eat?” 
“One blow from the wind and you’re going to fall over at this rate.” 
Some people are blessed with rapid metabolisms and some are cursed. No matter how much you consume, your body works it off. Over and over and over and over and over. Just when you think you’ve gained a pound, the scale says you’re down another half of a pound. 
What does your boyfriend think about it? He always says you look wonderful, but does he really mean it? What if he’s lying? Members of your family have stated that you look like you’re on your deathbed. 
What if you’re not good enough? What if this body isn’t great? What if nothing changes? What if you’re cursed to be this weight forever? What if? What if? What if? 
It was a spur of the moment decision. Ever since you lost another two pounds within the last week, something inside of you seemed to snap. That’s when you found yourself tearing through kitchen cabinets. 
Thoughts were swirling as you ripped open the package of oreo cookies you bought. It was one and then it was two and you blinked and half the row was gone. Crumbs caked your lips and all you could do was wipe them along your sweater sleeve. 
As much as you were spiraling, you were desperate to gain control. Surely, if you ate enough, you could put on a pound or two, right? Right? You had to. 
Crinkling filled the air as you opened a bag of brand new chips. The kind that were too salty and you knew they weren’t healthy, but you did it anyway. Life felt better with the occasional unhealthy snack. People weren’t perfect and neither were you. 
Staring at the back of the calorie contents, you lost track of how many chips you placed in your mouth. People didn’t seem to binge on the fruits and vegetables. 
It was the sugary sweetened foods that stuck to your sides. The salty chips and pretzels. The kind of food that was full of empty calories, but you didn’t care. You were desperate to gain a pound. 
People don’t understand what it’s like until they’re there. You will never understand what it’s like to be skin and bones until it’s all that you are. You will never understand what it’s like to carry around a pudgy stomach that bounces with every step until you are there. 
Weight fluctuates and bodies are different. We only get one, but it’s so easy to abuse it. To never eat enough. To over consume and eat too much. You didn’t think you were doing anything wrong with your body. 
You ate your food and that was that. It wasn’t a ton of food, but it wasn’t like you were starving yourself either. Yet, at the exact same time, your body seemed to stay thin. 
The more you spiraled, the more you lost track. You didn’t remember what you put in your mouth. Everything tasted like defeat, even the oreos. 
It kept going and going. Your stomach began to ache with the amount of food you consumed, but you couldn’t stop. It was overwhelming and all too much. Everything hurt and you just wanted to break down and sob. 
When you caught the reflection of yourself in the microwave, that’s exactly what you did. The lump in your throat pulsed and the tears welled up again. The box of crackers in your hand dropped to the floor and you grabbed the counter top for support. 
Your body caved and slumped over the cold marble top. With a forehead pressed into the marble, you cried. You cried because it wasn’t fair. You cried because you hated what you were doing to your body. You cried because you were worried about how you were perceived. You cried because everything was overwhelming and too much. You hated yourself and it hurt like hell. 
Piercing sobs racked the empty kitchen and bounced off the walls. They reverberated back to you and you were left alone with the heart-shattering reality of what you were doing. You ate so much, you were nauseous. 
Your stomach twisted and churned. A fresh layer of saliva coated your tongue. The queasy feeling caused you to squeeze your eyes shut. All you could do was just cry harder. 
Your sobs were the first thing that Chan heard when he unlocked and pushed the door open. Fear struck his heart and he ripped off his bag. Not caring that his laptop was in it, it dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. 
He rushed into the kitchen and found you slung over the counter. “Baby? Baby?” His hand went to your back and he tugged you into his arms. 
The warmth of his chest made you cry harder. You hated that this was who you were. Why couldn’t you have another body? Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn’t it just be different? 
“What’s wrong?” His eyes scanned your face. “Why are you crying? What’s going on? Are you hurt?” His hands gently cupped your cheeks. He positioned your face up towards him. “Please talk to me.” 
“I-I hate myself,” you uttered hoarsely with a hiccup. “I’m not good enough. I can’t gain weight and I’m a walking skeleton and I-” 
His eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “Sweetheart, what are you talking about?”  A reassuring thumb ran over your cheek. 
“My body isn’t good enough. Not for you. Not for me. Not for anyone.” 
Knowing that you thought so negatively of yourself, it stung. It shoved an arrow through his heart and he shook his head. “Listen to me, you’re perfect the way you are. Just because y-” 
“You don’t get it!” You snapped angrily. Your hands shoved at his shoulders and he stumbled back in shock. “You don’t get it because you’re perfect! You can gain weight and you can lose weight. You can do whatever you want and I-” Your voice cracked and cut off. 
He didn’t utter a word. He knew you were struggling, so he just opened his arms. With a quivering bottom lip, you let yourself fall forward. Sturdy arms grabbed you and he pressed your head against his chest. 
The steady lull of his heart made you burst into tears. A weak and hoarse apology fell from your lips. All he could do was quietly shush you as he rubbed your back. 
“I know that it’s hard. I know what it’s like to struggle with your self image. Maybe I don’t know exactly what it is, but I’m right here and I love you. Please don’t push me away just because you’re struggling. I might not understand, but we can figure it out together. I’m not going anywhere and you know that.” 
That last reassurance was the final straw. Your knees buckled and your fingers dug into his cotton shirt. Down the both of you went and you landed on his lap. 
He pressed you against him as tight as he dared. With your eyes shut and your forehead pressed into the nape of his neck. He soothed you softly while rubbing your back. 
Even if he didn’t understand exactly, he’d wait here for as long as he had to. He’d be here until the kitchen was pulled into darkness and the sun went down outside. He didn’t care if he had to be here all night. 
He’d do whatever it took to remind you that no matter how you saw yourself, you weren’t entirely alone.
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
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lucygxybaird · 2 days
billy & his mermaid lover have an important conversation.
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Living here in San Diego is the first time in his life Billy has seen the ocean, and even after living here all these months, he still finds himself marveling at it. 
It seems almost like a living thing. It rages, it sighs, it lingers like a lover reluctant to leave. It is different from one day to the next, from one moment to the next, colors shifting from deep blue to slate gray, sparkling in the sun like a veil sewn with countless diamonds. He especially loves the way the moon will lay a path of ivory over the waves, reminding him of the snow in New Mexico, when it was freshly fallen and unblemished. 
Of course, the most miraculous, beautiful thing about the ocean is you. 
He’s waiting for you with his trousers rolled up to his knees, his feet in the water. Months ago, he found this little cove, sheltered by cliffs and conifers. He’d just been walking aimlessly, restless now that he didn’t need to run anymore. 
It might sound strange to some, to anyone who had never lived walking the knife’s edge of danger like a tightrope, but it’s difficult to get used to living any other way. The absence of adrenaline, of purpose — even if it’s just the jagged uncertainty of wondering where his next meal was coming from, or when he would have a roof over his head again — feels oddly like grief. There’s an emptiness, a vague sense of being lost, of drifting aimlessly like a leaf caught by the eddy of a breeze. And so he had just let the breeze carry him, pushing him across the country until he hit water.
Even once he was here, with nowhere else to go except across the Pacific Ocean, he didn’t stop moving. He changed lodging just about every month, if not simply for a different view. And he took walks nearly every night, when the cool ocean breeze reminded him of his mother’s gentle touch, teasing at his hair and fussing with his collar. Once, he’d never taken the same path twice, but that was before he met you. 
It’s different now, though. He thinks he could walk the way to meet you blindfolded, having memorized the particular whisper of sand beneath his boots, the barely audible murmur of the grass brushing against his legs, the call of the ocean getting louder with every step he takes. Each moment is so important to him, preserved in his mind like a photograph; he’s learned to appreciate beauty wherever he can find it, for as long as he has it, because it’s impossible to know when it will be taken away. 
In his experience, it’s always taken away. Illness, murder, demons of the mind or in the shape of men — one way or another, anything sweet and lovely in his life is stolen from him. 
As he spots a ripple in the water, getting closer and closer to shore, he hopes that this time is going to be different. 
Your head breaks the surface, your smile shining more brightly than the moon. Your hair is swept back, plastered to your neck and shoulders, but as you make your way closer to him, he watches as it flutters as if in a breeze, falling around your face in soft chestnut curls. 
It’s little things like that which remind him, even more so than the glimmering tail below your waist, that you’re a creature entirely apart from him. He’s seen you take a handful of sand, press it between your palms, and pull them apart to show him a pearl — seen you purse your lips and blow sea-foam into fantastic shapes, which firm up until they’re as solid as bone — seen you swim miles in a moment, jumping up from the water and arcing so high into the air that it seems you could catch the stars in your hands. 
You’re magical, that’s for sure, but the most magical thing about you is that somehow you’ve seen something in him worth coming back for, over and over. 
“Hi, baby,” he says, reaching out for you as soon as you’re close enough, pulling you into his lap. His feet remain in the water and so do your fins, and you lean back against his chest, turning in his arms to smile at him again. 
You wiggle your fingers. Hi. 
Of all the things you can do, the one thing you can’t is talk to him. He doesn’t know why, and you can’t explain it to him, but he supposes it’s something about your vocal cords. Maybe they only work beneath the waves, because something about the air ruins them. Or maybe you don’t even have vocal cords, the way he does. You’ve shown him so many times how special you are, it just stands to reason that the way you speak — or whether you can speak above the waves at all — would be different, too. 
The fact that it makes sense doesn’t mean it stings any less, though. 
“How was your day?” he asks, and you scrunch up your nose, holding out your hand and see-sawing it from side to side.
It was okay. 
You reach up and pat his cheek, gifting him with another smile, which he takes to mean: Better now. 
Billy smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist and hooking his chin ever your shoulder, breathing you in. You smell absolutely intoxicating — the sweetest, freshest breeze off the ocean, mixed with notes he can’t quite identify but bring to mind lavender and citrus, hydrangea and rosemary. 
You look at him, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. You?
“Better now,” he agrees. He presses a kiss against your cheek. “I’m always happy to see you, honey, you know that.”
You smile, nuzzling your nose against his. Billy leans down and presses his lips to yours, melting as you respond. You manage to turn completely in his arms, until you’re kneeling — for lack of a better word — between his legs, and you wind your arms around his neck, kissing him again. 
And then again, again, again, until Billy is pleasantly dizzy.
When you finally break apart, you rest your forehead against his, your arms tightening around his neck. Billy keeps his hands on your hips, closing his eyes for a moment. 
No one in the world is more important to him than you are, and all he wants is to tell you he loves you. The words nearly escape him every time he sees you, like a firefly managing to find a chink between a child’s fingers to flutter up into the night sky. And he thinks — he hopes, more like — that you feel the same way, just by the way you look at him. 
He’s been thinking about saying it for so long, but he just keeps losing his nerve. What if he’s wrong? What if someone like you — so extraordinary, so rare, so beautiful — could never actually love someone like him?
Not for the first time, he wishes he could hear your voice. It might be pathetic of him — childish, at best — but he just needs your reassurances, spoken out-loud like an oath, rather than gestures that are up to his interpretation. He doesn’t think he’s been wrong about figuring out what your little looks and gestures mean, exactly, but he’s always been (no pun intended) a straight shooter. Sometimes, he just wants to know for sure.
He feels your cool fingertips against his cheek, and he looks at you, managing a smile. “Sorry, honey, I was just lost in thought. What do ya need?” 
You tap his temple, before touching his lower lip. Tell me what you’re thinking. 
He smiles again, shaking his head. “I was just…”
Your brow furrows impatiently, which makes him chuckle despite the rainclouds staining his thoughts in shadow. “I just wish…I wish you could talk to me.”
Before you can react, he rushes on, “I don’t wanna change anything about you. I love you just the way you are, but—”
A moment later, his voice sticks in his throat as he realizes that what he actually said. You’re staring at him, and he feels his heart climb into his throat, heat rushing over his cheeks so powerfully that he’s surprised he doesn’t just burst into flames like a tree struck by lightning. “I…I…”
You frame his face between your hands and you give him a resounding, smacking kiss on the lips. His heart starts a descent back into its normal spot, and when he sees the way you’re smiling at him, it gives a pleasant flutter. 
Emboldened, he goes on: “I love you just the way you are, but sometimes I wanna…I wanna know what you sound like. I bet you have the prettiest voice in the world.” He reaches up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Sometimes I dream about you sayin’ my name, and then I think about how sweet it would be all day.”
You lean in, nuzzling against him. Billy closes his eyes, breathing in your intoxicating scent again. “My sweet girl,” he murmurs, and you snuggle closer.
After a moment or two like this, you pull back and look at him, nibbling at your lower lip. “What?” he asks, his forehead wrinkling with worry. “What’s wrong?”
You hesitate, and then point toward the water, before holding your hand at the level of your chin and raising it slowly until it’s above your head. Then you point to the ocean again, repeating the gesture. It takes a second to click, and then Billy blanches. 
“I…honey, I don’t…I don’t know if I can.”
Ever since that terrible day when the wagon collapsed as his family crossed the river — Billy swallows, his skin going clammy just thinking about it, as if he’s submerged in that greedy current all over again. Watching his mother lean over his father, desperate, white-faced, pleading with him to wake up, saying his name over and over like it could weave a spell to save him. Ever since then, Billy has hated being in water, especially being in over his head. He loves you, so much, but — 
You take his face in your hands again. Your eyes are wide and earnest, your touch gentle, and you take one hand to put it over your heart. He knows what you’re trying to say: I’ll keep you safe. I promise.
“I can’t,” he whispers, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, baby, I just — I just can’t.” 
You smile at him, but it’s not the same smile as before. It’s tinged with sadness, with — his throat tightens — disappointment, but you just kiss his forehead and nod. I understand. 
“I’m sorry,” he says again, his voice rough, but you just shake your head and offer him another smile.
Don’t be.
Billy feels his eyes sting. He knows you were trying to say that you can speak to him underwater, which means he could hear you say you love him back. He can hear you, period. But the thought of the water closing over his head, his eyes seeing nothing but swirling blue-gray depths, his lungs begging for air…he doesn’t think he could stand it. The mere idea has his chest tightening as if someone is standing with a boot-heel pressed over his heart. 
The two of you stay on the beach for a few more hours. You dive in and out of the water, bringing him seashells, ropes of seaweed that you weave together and place on his head like a crown; you cup your hands full of seawater and pull your palms apart, countless water droplets sparkling in the space between like stars. You summon a dolphin and race with it (you win). 
Billy manages a genuine smile or two, but in the back of his head, a voice that sounds awfully like his stepfather’s keeps saying: Coward, coward, coward.
Eventually, you’ve tuckered yourself out, and you crawl back into his lap, curling up comfortably and dozing against his shoulder. He runs his fingers up and down your spine, leaning his cheek against the top of your head. He closes his eyes for a minute, steeling himself. “Honey, I…I don’t — I don’t think we should see each other anym—!”
Before he can finish his sentence, you’ve jackknifed upright in his arms, putting your hand over his mouth. You shake your head fervently, brows furrowed in a firm line. You flatten your mouth and shake your head again. No! Stop that! 
Billy gently peels your hand away from his mouth. “Baby, I — I’m crazy about you, but I’m not…”
You put your hand back over his mouth. Your frown deepens. Your eyes narrow dangerously. Stop. 
He lifts his chin, freeing himself from your palm against his lips. “Listen to me, please,” he says. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me — ever, ever — but how can you say I’m deserving of you when I’m too chicken-shit to be a part of your world? Eventually you’re gonna get sick of always makin’ the sacrifices, always comin’ to me, when I can’t even spend a second in the ocean.” 
You lean back and splash at his foot, which is extended out into the surf. He chuckles despite himself. “You know what I mean.”
You shrug, casting your eyes down and back up. And so? 
“And so, you deserve better.” 
You slap your tail against the wet sand, hard. He isn’t sure precisely what that might mean, but it’s clear you disagree. You fold your arms over your chest and glare at him. 
“You deserve better,” he repeats softly. “You should just leave me behind.”
He earns another tail-slap for this. This time, he supposes you mean, I’m not going anywhere. 
Billy sighs, closing his eyes for a moment. “I…I want to,” he says, and you nod, knowing what he means. He wants to go underwater, so he can finally hear your voice. He’s just so damn afraid. “I…how long would I have to be…?”
You hold your thumb and forefinger a hair’s breadth apart, indicating it won’t be for very long. And then you wrap your arms tightly around him, looking at him earnestly. I won’t let you go. 
He knows you mean that in more ways than one. Billy presses his lips against yours, and your kiss gives him a small drop of courage. He knows you well enough to understand that you’re not just going to give up on him, that you don’t believe him when he says he’s not good enough for you. He can’t help but smile to himself. You’re so sweet and gentle that he never really noticed how stubborn you are before.
With this possibility out in the open between the two of you, he can’t just ignore it, and you can’t take the knowledge away. It will eat at him, being too afraid to do this for you, with you, and your tenacity can only hold out for so long. Eventually, he’ll push you away, even if that’s the last thing he wants to do — just because he’ll be so damn ashamed of himself.
He’s far too familiar with shame not to realize that’s the truth. 
Living this more settled life hasn’t always been perfect, hasn’t always felt like it fits, but he’s finally started to feel tall again. To push away the shame he’s felt about all the things he’s done, all the things he had to do, in order to do the right thing — or just in order to survive. You’ve been a big part of that, listening to him talk for hours; and no matter what he’s told you, you keep coming back. It helps him to understand that maybe he’s not such a lost soul after all. 
“Okay,” he says softly. “Okay.”
You smile at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. He disentangles you gently and nods toward the water, and you dive back in, waiting for him a few feet offshore. He strips his shirt off and rolls his pants up to the knees, wading in. His heart starts to pound as the water reaches his waist, and by the time it’s up to his shoulders, he already feels like he can’t breathe.
But then you put your arms around him again, stroking his hair away from his face. You widen your eyes slightly, questioning. Ready?
He nods. “Yeah,” he croaks. 
With your arms still tight around him, you dive down. Billy has just enough time to suck in a deep breath, holding it, before he’s underwater. 
He looks at you, and he feels his heart trip.
Somehow, you’re even more beautiful down here. The shifting light dances over your skin, illuminating it as though from the inside out; you shine like a pearl, like a star, like a whole fucking constellation. Your tail catches the light, too, looking like a thousand tiny brilliant jewels. Your hair shifts and flows around you, but it doesn’t obscure your eyes, the way you’re looking at him. You lean in, pressing your lips against the shell of his ear. “I love you, Billy,” you say. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Your voice is far lovelier than he imagined it would be, which is saying something, because he has spent hours and hours wondering. It’s warm and shimmering, full of music, ringing like a bell, yet somehow soft, gentle, intimate. He doesn’t think he could do justice describing it even if he spent the rest of his life trying. 
A moment later, you start to swim up again, and he manages to find his feet and wade back to the beach, despite the fact his legs feel weak. You follow him, smiling as you nestle yourself in his lap again. He puts his arms around you, holding you tight. 
“You’re everything to me,” he murmurs, pressing his lips against your hair. “Thank you.”
You look up at him, drawing your fingertips along his cheek. Gently, you ruffle his wet hair, getting it to stand up on end, making the both of you smile. You lean your forehead against his, looking earnestly into his eyes. Are you okay?
He nods, offering you another smile. “More than okay,” he says. “I think I’m the luckiest man in the world.” 
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vy-canis-melodis · 2 days
the following is a blog post, written by tanja, in the Bird HRT universe:
UPDATE and a cancelled article!
Hi all, it's been a long time since my last blog post. Here's the deal; I was in hospital. Long story short, some things went pretty wrong, and here I am, having to deal with a huge backwards step in progress then having had to retrace those steps with additional gooey complications and therapy.
Anyway, here's a journalistic article I was pretty close to finishing and submitting to actual newspapers before everything went down and I had to cancel it.
Rejecting Humanity - Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Just Be Myself
As I write this, I'm sitting in the waiting room of a Hospital cross Research Laboratory in London. By the time you're reading this, I'll have been on my treatment journey for over a year. What treatment, you ask? Well, it's Humanity Removal Therapy. One year ago, I undertook a radical new procedure which slowly transforms you from human to another form. Perhaps you've seen strange creatures out and about; a snow leopard at the supermarket, a dog at the drive-thru, or a tuatara at the thrift shop. Or, perhaps, you haven't; as I write this, the number of patients might not yet have reached triple digits worldwide.
Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Tanja ------, and I am an Iberian Azure-winged Magpie, scientific name 'cyanopica cooki'. One year ago, I was fully human, and now I look like a hybrid between our two species. So, let me guide you through my world.
How is this possible?
A little over a year ago, certain medical circles revealed that species transformation had been trialled in mice, turning them into various other creatures, with various success rates from 20 to 80% depending on size and how different the target species was. Now, I'm not for animal testing, but when I heard that human trials were going to open, I kept that pinned to my calendar. And so, after a few months, I was able to finally sign up and have my first interview. Which was… short. Turns out, they had pretty elaborate ways of gatekeeping people who really meant that they wanted it from those that they thought would regret the procedures. They also had a little joke, based on gender HRT, where they would ask if you'd spent years living as your preferred species beforehand. Or at least, I think it was a joke. And then, I was on my way to becoming the bird I love.
How much did it cost?
Well, luckily for me, the NHS provides free healthcare. Then, due to this being a clinical trial, I get paid for being a test subject. Then, due to the effects of the medicine, I receive Disability Benefits. The treatment itself is… a bit of a legal loophole, really. This very article may well be the first you've heard of it.
Is it just a magic pill?
Nope! It's a mix of CRISPR, gene replacement, hormone injections, and surgeries over time. It's a real mishmash, at least in my case. For example, keratinous structures can be grown through selective DNA editing and hormones that stimulate 'hair' growth in specific areas in specific ways. Bone structure can also slowly be altered in some cases through gene replacement, though in some cases, surgery is needed. My back, for example, will soon be undergoing surgery to adjust the way the vertebrae are laid out. Some aspects just are too difficult to be done naturally, and so artificial parts and prosthetics are added. But this complicated procedure has an upside - it means that there is more customisation possible! For example, a Harpy would be a very specific set of applications of Bird HRT that exclude certain aspects such as the face!
Are there downsides?
Definitely. There's the immunosuppression that has to occur to stop new parts from being rejected. There's the high risk of cancers and other diseases to occur as a result of this procedure. There's just the risk that your organs will fail. Most of this is irreversible too.
Why even do it then?
Because, to that small number of people, it's so worth it. This is a new life, an opportunity to discard that uncomfortable human vessel and be yourself at last. For the vast majority of people, being oneself is being human, but that's not the case for everyone.
Is it going to be banned?
Well, that's hard to say. Governments worldwide are, I'm sure, now aware of this phenomenon. And I think it presents a threat to the status quo. This is something new, something scary, something intimidating, that shifts the power balance between subjects and governers. And it's not just because some people have become huge fire-breathing dragons - it's the meaning behind it. They've rejected the very notion of the social contract between humans and crafted a new identity. Do we still count as people? And that's really the question, isn't it. So much of the way government and society works is to split people into groups of those that are 'more' people, and those that are 'lesser' people - and that dictates what societal violences are permissible, for example. This whole new procedure will have to make governments rethink so much, and it can either be a source of worry for us, or a source of hope for everyone. We just have to be loud enough to be heard for who we are.
So what will come next? Well, I'm going to hop on in to my next appointment, and the Earth will keep spinning. My first set of wings has almost reached full-span, and my toe-dexterity is almost at where I was with hands as a human. With my next set of primaries, I may have enough of a wingspan to fly, if I keep my weight low enough. Meanwhile, Parliament will likely have a debate on the issue, as a petition to legalise the procedure has a few thousand signatures on the government's official petition website. I'll be waiting on that result eagerly.
If you have any other questions, I'd be more than willing to answer them!
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angel-gone-dark · 1 day
Kyle x Coquette girlie pretty please with sugar on top. 🤭
Kyle x Coquette!F!Reader
ok so like. i went off here. um, hope you like it bestie LMAO
CWs: unprotected sex, reader is a little bit of a shit, maybe a lil rough?
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Kyle raised a brow at his friends in the hallway, who were all in various states of confusion. 
“What the hell are you all staring at?” He snipped, and Cartman pointed across the hall.
“Dude, look at her outfit. I’ve never seen anything like it.” 
Kyle looked over at the girl who had been pointed out. She was surrounded by the other girls, talking and laughing. He was entranced with the way she moved, flipping her hair over her shoulder. He’d never seen someone dress the way she did, her outfit consisting of white lace and pink bows. The mary janes on her feet clicked against the tiles any time she shuffled her pose. He swallowed, forcing his eyes back onto his friends. 
“Yeah? What, uh, what about it?” He asked.
Cartman cocked his head to the side, “What is she even going for?”
“Who cares, it works,” Kenny grinned. “She looks fucking hot.”
Kyle couldn’t help but agree. Her skirt was short over her tights, shirt showing off the smooth skin of her shoulders. He couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of it pressed against him, especially the skin on her chest and thighs. He had to take some deep breaths, attempting to force his boner down. Kyle was saved, literally, by the bell. He dashed off to his class, trying his hardest to ignore the pretty girl- and the bewildered cries of his friends.
୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧
The ginger slid his fingers through his curls, squinting down at his textbooks in frustration. He jotted down notes, rereading them at least 5 times over to make sure they made sense. He jumped, looking up with wide eyes when he was joined at the table… by the girl he was looking at earlier. You.
“Uh, hey,” he greeted. “Do you need something?”
“Yeah, I hear you’re a really good tutor. Can I get you to look over my work quickly?” You batted your lashes at him and he was suddenly extremely glad he was sitting down. 
“Yeah, yes of course,” He nodded, taking your notebook from you to glance over your notes. “This looks really good, but I think you have an error right here.”
You hummed, nodding. You contorted your face into your cutest pout, absolutely indulging in his eyes on you. 
“I don’t understand,” you huffed, moving your chair closer to him and pressing your chest up against his arm. 
He stammered trying to muster a reply, “W-well, uh, here. Look at the way I broke it down in my notes.”
Throughout his whole ‘tutoring’ thing, you acted your absolute cutest. If you were being entirely honest, you’d had your eyes on him from the moment you saw him. You were heavily repressing the urge to jump his bones in the very public library.
“You know, I think you should come to my house after school. I could use some more help,” you suggested, leaning further into him. 
His face was tinged deep with a blush that went from the tops of his ears down, down… you gnawed your lip thinking how far it reached. 
“Y-yeah. Okay,” he gave in. “Where do you…”
You interrupted him, “Meet me after school. We’ll walk together, handsome.”
He gaped as you retreated from the library, your little date secure. 
୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧
You waited for Kyle near the school’s main entrance, books clutched close to your chest. Your sickly sweet smile returned as he approached, and you gave him that innocent look that you knew would drive him nuts.
“Hi, Kyle,” you had put on your most charming voice. “Thanks for walking me home and helping me with homework.”
“No problem,” he smiled and it nearly took you out. “Can you scooch over? I’d rather be the one walking on the outside of the sidewalk.”
Oh, he was going to be the death of you. The walk to your house was mostly quiet, Kyle seeming content with the silence.
You opened your door, gesturing for him to follow you, and led him all the way up to your room. You sat pretty on your bed, tilting your head at him. He glanced around, trying to avoid your hungry gaze draping down him. You sighed gently, combing your fingers up your body to untie the ribbon holding your hair in its graceful ponytail. He sat in your desk chair, moving his textbook over his lap.
You stood, waltzing right on over and placing your hand over the thick book between you and heaven.
“Hiding something?” You teased, pressing down on it. 
He grabbed your wrist in his hand, speaking through grit teeth, “Stop it.” 
“Or what?” You taunted. He had had enough of your attitude. 
Kyle stood, grabbed you by the hips, and tossed you onto the mattress. He leaned over you, voice strained and hands gripping the sheets. 
“You’re making it extremely difficult for me to stay decent, do you know that? You asked me to help you study, and here I am trying, and you’re giving me those goddamn eyes,” he rambled, more frustrated than you had expected. “I can’t tell if you’re giving me permission to touch you like I want to.”
“Do it.”
As soon as he had your permission he was ravishing your lips with his, his hands moving to squeeze eagerly at your chest as he practically shoved his tongue down your throat. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, honey,” he breathed, face dipping to nip at your neck. “Why can’t you be this good all the time, hm?” 
You groaned as his lips moved downwards, and he left purpley blue hickeys on your skin. Those would be hard to cover, and you would have been angrier if one of his hands hadn’t moved under your skirt to stroke your slit through your tights and panties.
“Sorry about this, but the damn things are in the way.” He huffed, ripping a hole directly in the crotch of your tights.
As you made a move to protest, his deft fingers moved your panties to the side, thumb rolling over your clit and index plunging into you. You gasped, back arching under his touch as he stretched you out, adding his middle finger as well.
“Kyle, please.” You whined.
“Please what, pretty? Use your manners.” 
“Please just fuck me.” 
He chuckled, fingers curling inside of you teasingly, “Since you asked so nicely.”
You whimpered at how empty you felt as he retracted his fingers to undo his belt and jeans, leaning up on your elbows to watch. As he pulled his cock out of his boxers, you couldn’t help but salivate. He was thick, and wet, and blushing an angry pink at the tip. It twitched as he touched it to glide it against your slit, making you moan.
He was eager, too eager to properly undress either of you. All he did was flip your skirt up as he sunk into you, his jaw hanging open as he allowed you to adjust. 
“Shit, you’re tight,” he grunted, rolling his hips harshly into yours. “Atta girl, you can take it. C’mere.”
He pressed his lips on yours again as he began to move, pace quickly rising from the simple grind of his hips to roughly pound into your cunt. Your eyes fell shut, hands clawing at your cute pink bedspread. 
“K-Kyle, fuck.” You heaved, hips bucking up into his.
“Such a dirty mouth on you, gorgeous…” He smirked down at you, thumb moving back to roll over your clit. “Do you want me to make you cum on my cock?”
“Please, please, I need it, Kyle.” You begged, all sense of dignity out the window as he plunged in and out of you with wet slaps.
“Good girl. Such a good girl,” he groaned, increasing the pressure of his tight little circles. “So cute f’me.”
His cock twitched inside you, and he dropped his drooling mouth to your neck again, biting down hard before whispering in your ear.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, honey, you can take it. Fuck.”
You couldn’t hold it any longer, the tight coil that rested in your abdomen snapping suddenly as you came with a cry. You gripped him so tight he could barely move as he ground his hips down into you, his release not far behind, spilling warmth inside of you.
“Shit,” he cursed, gently pulling himself from your hole. “If you look this good with my cum dripping out of you we might be here for a while.”
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he owes reader a pair of tights!!!!
word count: 1411
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inkdrinkerworld · 3 hours
Hello again I’m the one addicted to your dealer!remus writing, you have such a good way of writing his character and I love it! Anyways I hope you’re feeling better I’m currently poorly as well and it sucks. If you’re feeling up to it I would love more of your writing. Maybe a dealer!remus who meets fem reader at a ren faire and she’s like a siren or fairy or something? Idk I trust you
Also if you don’t have a 🐡 or 🫧 anon I would love to be one or both of those since I have a feeling you might be seeing more of me 🥰
I hope this is okay! I’ve never been to a ren faire but I’d love to go one day though! Of course you can be both!
“You’re a nymph.” A man in pirate costume says as he helps you climb up the stairs to the stalls.
You’re in a sheer purple skirt that has vines hanging down to your thighs, there’s a slit somewhere that shows off your skin and your green blouse has sleeves that flow down your arms and behind you.
The chains in your waist clink as the crystals hanging on them knock against each other with each step.
“And you’re a pirate,” you take a glance at his eyes and flash him a smile when you notice how red his eyes are. “A very high pirate.”
The pirate man smiles, a silver scar splitting his lip making him look handsome. His sandy brown hair also works with his outfit, making it look like he’s spent years at sea with the sun and salt water to bleach his hair.
“They do like their influences.” He says making you laugh. “What about nymphs?”
You give a demure shrug, “We do live amongst them.” The pirate man’s hand shifts to your shoulder, adjusting some of the leaves and foliage there.
You know in your bones this man is a flirt, especially when he flashes you an easy smile when you look up at him.
“Is this your first ren faire?” You ask you walk ahead of him, smiling when you hear his boots clicking as he follows behind you.
“Second, but my friends seem to have abandoned me.”
You glance over your shoulder, finding the pirate man tucking a roll on behind his ear. You never would have imagined a simple action like that would be so attractive. “I can keep you company for the time being then. Will you drink tap beer?”
When he nods you smile and order two glasses.
“Where are your friends? Or are you a veteran of the ren faire?” You ask as you wait for the beer, leaning on the counter as you look at the man before you.
He has this soft beauty to him and his pirate get up makes it rogue-ish but also there’s flashes of the softness of it all underneath it all.
You smile as the pirate man rushes to pay, and hands you your glass first. “It’s my fifth year, but my friends are about somewhere.” You take a sip of your beer. “To be honest, I snuck away to save myself from being tie breaker to a game of darts.”
Your new friend raises an eyebrow and you spy another scar slicing through the skin there. “What’s so bad about darts?”
Your tone turns bashful and you look up at him through your eyelashes, “I have terrible aim. What’s missing from this outfit is a pair of glasses that irritate my eyes much less than the contacts I’m currently wearing.”
The pirate man falters for a moment your gaze soft yet intense as you look up at him. “I see. What would you rather be doing then?”
You smile, “My favourite parts are the jousting tournaments and the petting zoo. Also spending loads on trinkets.”
The man nods, about to say something in reply when a pair of pirates, one lanky with black hair and one burly rush up to him.
“Remus you can’t just wander off! We’ve been looking for you for ages.”
You laugh at the way the pirate man, Remus, flushes. Pink looks good on him.
He looks back and smiles at you and it’s even more handsome the second time; especially when it seems intimate and shared just between the two of you.
“I was here getting something to drink with the pretty nymph.” He gestures to you and you give his friends a wave and introduce yourself.
Remus tucks away the sound of your name in every nook in his mind. It suits you entirely.
The black haired one smirks and the burly one gives you a dimpled smile hello.
“How chivalrous, did he bore you to death with the fact that he’s about to be jousting and the historical reasons behind it?” The lanky one asked, clearly teasing his friend.
“No he did not, but now I’m even more excited to look at the tournament.” There’s a wicked grin on the black haired boy’s face.
Remus turns to you, “Does that mean you’ll toss me a ring of flowers?” He’s a flirt in all the ways, and by god you’d probably pass away if he looks at you any more intensely.
“Maybe I will, Remus.” You leave then, giving him a wave and a smile as you walk off towards the tents that sell all the odds and ends.
The black haired man turns to him, “You better hope you win, Moony. How embarrassing would it be if you let the pretty girl down.”
Remus rolls his shoulders back as he drains his beer, no pressure then, he thinks to himself. Maybe he’ll even get your number if he wins.
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Meeting Royalty {Part two}
Remus Lupin x Dutchess!Reader
English Love Affair 5sos
Summary: A chance meeting at a coffee shop}
An: Did I say I wasn't going to do a part two? This is for you amatoanima <3
The idea of trying to sleep that night made your bones ache. You stayed up, in your oversized room, in your oversized bed, tracing the large bit of signature that was left. You couldn't stop thinking about him, not a moment of peace as you found yourself wondering just how far this could go.
Your father could care less about your frequently documented affairs. The flings you would have with men of his court, government officials, other nonfamilial Dukes and even Duchesses if you fancied. He made it clear he was too busy to worry about his wild child. He could tend to his status or his daughter, much like Roosevelt. 
You didn't have many rules, outside of what your family dictated for you. You didn't care for prying eyes or who would catch you with a common boy- in fact, the idea of being behind caught with Remus was somewhat thrilling. What a scandalous headline, no longer running around with people of your status or proximity, but just a boy you found absolutely stunning. 
Eventually sleep took you. You woke up early in the morning while your lady in waiting prepared tea at the foot of your bed. 
“Your grace?” She called over to your groggy form as you turned over to try and get comfortable once more. 
“Yes?” You groaned out into your pillow and she huffed, walking over to raise your hand. 
“You're getting ink all over your pillows! Up! Up, now!” She scolded and you groaned, forcing your body to sit as she pulled off your bedsheets. Eventually it hit you, ink.
And the mission began. Finding your newest infatuation.
You don't have much luck.
Days turned into weeks, and still, you found yourself haunted by the encounter. You kept the library books on your nightstand, a reminder of your verbal dance with the mysterious stranger. You would find yourself daydreaming, imagining the possibilities of a day where you would see him again. You felt like a teenage girl again.
Eventually, when two months passed, you gave up. As winter approached, so did creep your responsibilities as a socialite. Going to parties and hosting your own, your fathers favorite thing to show off his money. It kept you busy for a while, but you still found time to return to that library.
Then, one rainy afternoon, as you were making your way to your favorite café, you spotted a familiar figure outside. Tall, tanned, and absolutely drenched. He was running across the small street, from a car stopped in the middle of the road. At first you were startled, his mop of sopping hair covered his face.
Now, you never had to deal with any real danger when you were with your chaperones, but someone stopping their car in traffic to run to the coffeeshop in the pouring rain? This was either a romcom or a very poor assassination attempt. 
The closer he got the more attention you paid him. Then, the door slammed open and everyone grew just a few decimals quieter. Your heart raced, practically bruising your ribs as you recognized Remus standing in the doorway, his hair tousled and a hesitant smile on his face. The moment your eyes met, the world around you faded away, and all that mattered was that water logged boy and the poor excuse of a withering book in his hand.
“Fancy seeing you here,” He spoke first, walking towards you. One of your chaperones stood but he was stopped by your lady, who dismissed his confused looks. Remus stared him down, a bit startled before you shot him a bright smile and gestured to the seat next to you. He wet his lips and sat down, still unsure of his next move.
He could see, just behind you in the window, Sirius with his head out the window roof of their broken down beater of a car, James slapping the driver side door as he also hung half way out cheering him on. They had the right sense to lower their heads when an older woman in the car behind them began to honk.
Your eyes flickered between him and the window behind you. Watching his friends make a fool of themselves. You smirked and turned to look up at Remus, trying to hide your bubbling excitement, “Still with me, Moony?”
He snapped out of his daze and chuckled, that warm sound wrapping around throat, making you swallow a bit thicker. 
“I’ve been meaning to return your book.” He broke the silence, it did nothing to lessen the insane tension between you two. Even your babysitters looked away.
“That so?” You spoke back airily, looking down at his lips. Just begging him to do it.
“Yeah.” He muttered. His eyes tracing the curve of your nose down to your lips as well. He quickly looked down at the book in his hand and smirked. Leaning forward he set the poor book down as it hardly clung to life. The spine was creased, the leather cover was bent, the pages were dog eared and the old binding was loosening worse then when you first bought it. 
You couldn't help but laugh, who is this guy? Reads a book like this so many times? 
You picked up and flicked a page or two, some falling out of the cover to the table. Then, you saw it. Several little lines of handwriting you could only describe as chicken scratch. They were all over every page and every clear line, random things you didn't quite understand, small comments here or there, but you noticed one thing that seemed to be a constant.
Your name.
Your eyes flicked up to his and he leaned back, still drenched and he looked a bit shy. 
“Did you.. write notes? In the columns, for me?” You asked, voice teasing and he rubbed the back of his neck with a small growing smirk. 
“May have.”
“You wrote me notes in an old diary from the 1800s? An artifact of time and you defaced it with my name and your chicken scratch? About Werewolves?” You continued, even as you tried to sound annoyed to keep up the act, your smile betrayed you. What an absolute maniac! Who does that? And then have the audacity to look so bloody pleased with himself?
He leaned a bit closer and made the way his eyes traced your face a bit more obvious. 
“I couldn't stop thinking about you.” He whispered before gesturing to the book. “It was my only outlet.”
You felt the heat rise to your neck as you imagined just how much of that behavior would reflect in how he treated you. The book was hardly together, it had been read, read, and read again. Yet he still had enough mind to write down every single thought he had. He treated it with care and showed so much passion to every page.
He made a mess of it. He could make a mess of you.
You looked him up and down, before you picked up the pages and slipped them back into the book. You leaned your chin on your palm and looked at him through your lashes. “Behave yourself.”
“You can't exactly blame me.” He continued, nipping at your small weak walls and taking great pleasure in how you squirmed in your seat. “Since I returned the book.. can I borrow something else?”
“Hm? What's that?” 
“You. Just for the afternoon.” He was suddenly shy again, not that you minded. You bit your tongue a bit as it poked out to wet your lip, his eyes licked on it and you smirked. 
“All yours, Moony.”
You spent the afternoon talking and laughing as the rain poured outside, sharing stories and sly flirts that felt so far removed from what was going on around you. With each passing moment, you found yourself falling harder and harder for him. His charm, his sly comments, his cheeky looks and his flirty remarks. Though, nothing appealed to you more than his mind. You could see a million different things running behind his eyes. You were never one obsessed with smarts, you had your own fair level of intelligence, but you never knocked someone off your roster for their mind alone.
But man was the battle of wits that you two exchanged utterly intoxicating.
As the sky darkened and the café began to empty, you realized that this was the beginning of something dangerously tempting. You both walked out together, your arm tucked under his as he escorted you to the door. You both pretend you didn't see his friends spying on you from a few yards away. Your chaperones left to retrieve the car and left the two of you alone.
“When can I see you again?” He asked without a moment of hesitation. You smiled and reached forward with your free hand, running your fingers over his stuffed button up. 
“When are you free next?” You hummed and he stared down at you.
You almost wanted to laugh. You knew you had a way about you, something that drew the boys in. Usually your tabloid worthy affairs were more coy with their affections. Remus was far more serious. He seemed to get what he wanted.
Oh sweet Mother Magdalene, he could have you if he really wanted.
“Same place?”
“I'll meet you here.” He mused before you both trailed off to silence. Just staring at each other's lips.
“Merlin, just kiss already!” You heard that familiar voice, black haired boy if you remember correctly, shout from their car. You laughed and he leaned in. It startled you at first but you melted in so easily. The kiss was messy and playful, your teeth clashing messily and your lips curled from where you were laughing. 
Eventually it melted into a proper and far more hungry kiss. Your hands found his shoulders and his found your waist. He pulled you flush against his still wet clothes.
 “Remus.” You whispered between his hungry mouth. “Remus, you'll catch a cold.” You tried to insist but he just deepened the kiss. You had become so familiar with it, you didn't even register the faint click of a camera coming from inside of the cafe. 
Eventually, and much to your shared dismay, your chaperones returned and ushered you into the car. 
You stared out the window and pouted a bit as you drove away from who you were sure was to be your soulmate. It was a long drive, the longest you've ever taken. It was the first ride you were sure you had taken as just a fraction of yourself. Considering your heart was growing miles and miles away in the scarred hands of a man who promised to take care of it. 
You tucked the book closer to your vest and gave a dramatic and fond sigh. “He's just..” 
“Your grace.” Your lady tried to scold but you simply shook your head. “This won't be ruined for me, ma'am. He’s just so bloody magnificent! How does a man like that truly exist?” You insisted and your other chaperone shook his head. You huffed at that.
“Truly! Did you see his eyes? His smile? I almost keeled over! Did I play it cool? Oh god I hope I did. Would he think I was weird if I painted my nails with his eye color?” You began to ramble and your poor guardians exchanged a look as you held the book tighter and fell to the side of the back seat, wrist to your head, and your face a complete red.
“He’ll be the death of me. I swear it.” You cooed in a dreamy way and your lady laughed. 
“Not if your father hears first.” She tutted and you rolled your eyes. “As if he cares. Let me have my fun!”
Remus was not in a much better state. Climbing into the car and James quickly began to speed off.
“An hour! Lily wanted me home an hour ago!” James complained and Sirius shook his shoulder.
“Lighten up Prongs! Remus got himself a muggle girl!” Sirius turned to look at him with a smirk. “A fit one at that. Heard she was a {L/N}? A duchess, eh Remus? Fancy yourself a royal?” He teased and Remus couldn't help but smile.
Sirius gawked and Remus quickly tried to hide it. “Oh ho ho! No you don't! What's the deal? Y'all meeting again?” Sirius pushed and Remus leaned back. Face a red mess and staring up at the roof of the car.
Sirius looked to James who adjusted his mirror to see him better. “Oh shit he's whipped.”
“Whipped doesn't even begin to describe it.” Remus muttered.
The next morning you woke up before your lady came to wake you, you dressed and cleaned your room, planning for company later.
Rushing down stairs and into the kitchen to give your mother a kiss and your father your usual grunt of knowledgement. Then you noticed the front page image of the newspaper. You being practically devoured by your new London boy-
What could possibly be a better wake up call? Oh, you knew. The very same boy waiting for you, to do it all over again.
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Here For You
Pairings: Poly!marauders x disabled!reader Summary: It's a bad day, a really bad day. And your boys have no intention of leaving you to suffer alone. Warnings: Chronic pain Series Masterlist
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The sun's light filters in through the curtains of your room, casting long stripes of gold across the floor. But its warmth doesn't reach you today, not in this bed where you lie still, the covers pulled tight around your body as if they could shield you from the world.
You stare at the ceiling, your mind a blank slate as you wait for the pain to recede. But it remains, a constant reminder of the night before, and with every passing second, it seems to grow stronger, more insistent. This isn't just any morning; it's one of the worst, where even the simple act of sitting up feels like an impossible task.
Madam Pomfrey's potions are lined up on your bedside table, glinting mockingly in the sunlight. You've already taken them all—the ones you save for days like these—but their effects are negligible. Your bones still ache deep within, each breath a sharp stab to your lungs. You've also left out the pill packets, your muggle medication that's a requirement to get by.
The thought of food is repugnant, the mere idea enough to make your stomach twist in protest. So you lie there, motionless, your eyes tracing the patterns in the plaster above you as you try to ignore the gnawing emptiness inside.
It's moments like these when you wish to be left alone, not out of anger or frustration but as a silent plea for privacy. Your boyfriends—Remus, Sirius, and James—understand this unspoken rule, a boundary drawn in the sand that they dare not cross unless invited.
They have witnessed your struggles, the way you grit your teeth against the sharp stabs of discomfort. Still, they haven't seen you like this—when the pain becomes too much, when it consumes you entirely, leaving you trapped within your own body, unable to move, to fight back.
This is the side of you that you've always tried to hide from them—the side that shows just how human, how vulnerable you are. And it scares you, knowing that they could see you in such a state.
But today, they’re not letting it go. They used to be just your friends, but now they’re your boyfriends.
The sound of the door creaking open is a subtle intrusion, but it sends a wave of apprehension through your already tense muscles. You haven't spoken to them yet, haven't given them any indication that you're aware of their presence, but you know it's them. They noticed you weren't at breakfast. They always do.
James is the first to enter, his face immediately softening with concern when he sees you still lying there, unmoving, unresponsive to his arrival. Remus follows closely behind him, his expression one of quiet worry. Sirius lingers in the doorway, his usual smirk absent, replaced by a frown that creases his forehead.
"Hey," James's voice is a soft murmur as he eases himself onto the edge of your bed. The mattress dips under his weight, pulling at the sheets that cover your bruised body. "We got worried when you didn't show up for breakfast."
The words hang in the air, but you can't summon the strength to answer them. Your only reply is a faint shake of your head—a silent plea for understanding.
Remus kneels by the bed, his hand hovering over yours. He hesitates, unsure where touch might bring comfort or inflict pain. Finally, he settles for taking your fingers, avoiding the worst of your injuries. "Is it bad?" The question is barely a whisper, but it carries the weight of his concern.
"Yeah." Your voice is a ragged echo of its usual self, each word scraped raw by the agony coursing through your veins. "Really bad."
Sirius crosses the threshold, closing the door with a soft click. His eyes meet yours, shadows of concern etched in their depths. He moves to the foot of your bed, his usual buoyancy replaced with a heaviness that mirrors your own. "Have you taken any potions?" The question hangs in the air, though he knows the answer. He's searching for something—anything—that might ease your suffering.
You nod feebly, the motion draining what little energy remains. "I took them all... but they didn't help."
James exhales, a sound laced with frustration and helplessness. His hand finds your arm again, the touch both grounding and reassuring, even as your world spins out of control. "Just tell us what we can do," he murmurs, the words barely more than a breath. "We'll do anything."
Normally, you'd wave them off, assure them that you're fine and they should enjoy their day without fretting over you. But today... today the pain is a gnawing beast in your bones, a weight too heavy to lift even with the strongest of pretences.
"I just... I don't know," you admit softly, voice barely above a whisper as it trembles with the effort of speaking. "It hurts too much to move."
James's frown deepens, a hand running restlessly through his already dishevelled hair as he turns to look at Remus and Sirius, as if hoping they might have answers he does not. It's Remus who breaks the silence first, his voice steady despite the concern etched into every line of his face. He rises from beside your bed, the movement fluid and measured.
"Perhaps a bath?" he suggests, looking between the three of you. "The warmth could help relax your muscles."
A faint nod is all you can manage in response, appreciating the thought but dreading the effort it will require to get you there.
"I can't... I can't move," you admit quietly, and the admission feels like a defeat.
Sirius steps closer, his gaze holding that familiar protective glint you've seen so many times before. "You won't have to. We'll help you."
The prospect of their assistance sends a wave of embarrassment through you, but it's quickly snuffed out by the realisation that you have no energy left to argue or resist. You've always been careful to maintain your boundaries, to not let them see you at your weakest—vulnerable and exposed—but right now, you need them more than your pride.
"Alright," you whisper, the word scraping against your dry throat.
James leans in, brushing his lips against your temple—a soft promise. His arms snake around you, cradling your body as if it were made of glass. "We've got you, love. Just let us handle everything."
A nod is all you can manage, the lump in your throat threatening to choke you with its blend of frustration and relief.
Remus retreats to the ensuite, the sound of running water soon filling the room. James and Sirius exchange a look, a silent communication that speaks volumes of their shared concern. With a gentleness belying his imposing frame, Sirius reaches for the wheelchair parked by the foot of the bed.
"Here," James's voice is a low murmur, more felt than heard. "I'm going to lift you now." His hands, firm and surprisingly gentle, slide under your knees and behind your back. You nod, offering him the ghost of a smile even as humiliation burns in your cheeks. They've seen you hurt before, but never like this, never so helpless.
The world tilts as James lifts you into his arms. A whimper escapes your lips, the movement sending daggers of pain through your legs and lower back. But he holds you steady, his grip unyielding against the tremors that wrack your body.
Sirius hovers nearby, a shadow cut from the dim light. His hand comes to rest on your head, fingers brushing through your hair with deep affection. "Easy there," he murmurs, the warmth in his voice belying the worry in his eyes. "We'll have you sorted soon. Just keep breathing."
Once they've settled you into the wheelchair, Sirius takes the handles, steering you towards the bathroom where Remus stands waiting. The door is ajar, steam curling out from the gap and filling the bedroom with the scent of lavender bath salts. He's always had a knack for knowing what you need, even when you don't.
The sight of the bathtub makes your face heat up, a fresh wave of embarrassment washing over you. You've been seeing them for a few weeks now, but none of them have ever seen you naked. The thought of their eyes on your bare skin sends a shiver down your spine, and it's not from the cold.
"I can undress myself," you insist, though even as you say it, you know it isn't true. Your body feels heavy, too weak to move.
But Sirius is already shaking his head, his hand coming up to gently push back a lock of hair that has fallen across your forehead. "We'll help, love. Don't worry about it. We're not here to gawk—we're here to help."
And you believe him. How could you not when their faces are filled with nothing but concern, their attention focused solely on easing your discomfort? There is no place for shame or embarrassment here, not in the warmth of their care.
Remus kneels next to you again, his gaze soft with understanding. "We'll be careful," he says quietly, "and we won't look more than necessary. Only us here."
You nod, the lump in your throat making it difficult to speak. With that, they begin to undress you, their movements slow and cautious. Their hands are careful not to touch more than necessary, and respectful of your modesty.
Your clothing, once a barrier between you and the world, falls away piece by piece until you're left in nothing but your underwear. Remus keeps his eyes on your face as he helps you to take your knickers off and you close your eyes, taking in a shaky breath as they lift you into the bath.
The water is hot, almost too hot, but it's a welcome change. It laps at your skin, soothing away the ache in your muscles and cleansing the sweat that clings to you. A sigh escapes your lips, long and shaky, as the tension begins to seep from your body.
"Feeling any better?" Remus's voice is low, just above a whisper.
You nod, the corners of your mouth lifting in a small, grateful smile. "Yeah," you say, your voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of water against porcelain. "A lot better."
James crouches next to the tub, his hand resting lightly on the edge, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that speaks volumes of his concern. "Good. We'll let you soak for a bit. Shout if you need anything."
Sirius, still leaning against the door jamb, gives you a small, reassuring nod. "We won't be far. Take your time."
They leave you alone then, retreating back into the bedroom, but their presence lingers—a comforting pressure at the edge of your awareness. They remain within reach, ready to respond at the first sign of distress.
Eventually, when your muscles have uncoiled and the ache has dulled to a manageable throb, you call out to them. They return without hesitation, helping you from the bath with the same gentleness they showed before.
The warmth of their hands is a tangible safety net, drying you off with such care that it's almost impossible to remain tense. The blush on your cheeks refuses to fade, but the embarrassment is tempered by an unexpected sense of comfort. This isn't how you imagined spending your day, yet here you are, surrounded by the people who mean the most to you, and they're taking care of you in a way no one has in a long time.
Remus's fingers are deft as he helps you into a soft shirt, his touch careful to avoid any lingering soreness. A pair of pajama pants appears, courtesy of James, who flashes you a reassuring smile as he hands them over.
Sirius kneels before you, his silver eyes serious as he gently rolls up the pant legs. His hands pause at your feet, waiting for your permission before lifting each one, guiding the fabric over your calves and thighs with a gentleness you wouldn't have expected from him. The tension in your shoulders eases bit by bit, replaced by the rhythmic lull of their ministrations, the familiarity of their presence, and the surprising intimacy of this moment.
"Better?" Sirius asks, his voice barely above a whisper. His fingers tighten slightly around your knee before releasing their hold. The concern in his tone is palpitous, a stark contrast to the bravado he often wears.
There's a shift in the air as James steps forward, taking control of the wheelchair once more. He manoeuvres you back into the bedroom with practiced ease, parking the chair next to your bed. "More sleep, or shall I make you a cup of tea?"
For a moment, you consider the weight of exhaustion tugging at your eyelids, the beckoning call of oblivion. But sleep is a fickle friend these days, and the ache in your bones refuses to be ignored.
"Tea," you manage, your voice threadbare from disuse. "That would be... nice."
A smile flickers across James's face, brief but genuine. "Tea it is." He straightens up, adjusting his glasses as he turns towards the door. "I won't be long."
"Here, let me help you," Remus says, a supportive presence by your side as he helps you move from the wheelchair to the bed. He arranges the pillows behind you with care, ensuring you're comfortable. Sirius sits at the foot of your bed, his hands restless as they toy with the hem of your pyjama trousers.
You watch them both, warmth spreading. "Thank you," you say quietly, and it feels like an understatement. For everything, you want to add, but words fail you.
Sirius looks up then, his eyes softening. "No need for that, love. We're just doing what anyone should do."
"Exactly." Remus's voice is firm as he sits on the edge of your bed, his gaze meeting yours as he wraps an arm around you. "We're here for you, always will be."
You feel a lump forming in your throat again, but not from fear or sadness—it's from the overwhelming sense of love and gratitude that fills you for these three boys who have become your everything.
Your eyes flutter shut as you lean into Remus' touch, the simple act grounding you, reminding you that you're safe, you're loved. Sirius moves closer, his hand finding yours, fingers intertwining in a silent promise of support. You squeeze his hand back and, for the first time since you woke up, you feel the tension in your body start to ebb away.
The sound of footsteps draws your attention as James returns, carrying four steaming mugs of tea. He hands them out, his movements careful and measured. Then, with a final glance at you, he slips under the covers on your other side. His presence is a warm reassurance, another pillar of strength in your small sanctuary.
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redroom-rainbowguts · 2 years
I always forget people have bones in there. Too many bones!! THEY'RE IN THE WAY!!!!
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moonysfavoritetoast · 2 months
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