#and we talk about a lot of vices you should be careful about right
irisintheafterglow · 2 months
a kaiju attack spoils date night with bf!hoshina. he is so pissed.
cw: canon-typical violence, swearing, mild angst/fluff, happy surprise ending
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"is it just me, or does the vice-captain seem angrier than usual?"
"maybe he's just fired up. there's a lot of yoju for him to take care of," iharu observes, scanning the emptied streets from the rooftop of an evacuated office building.
"you idiots really don't pay attention at all, do you?" shinomiya mumbles under her breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. the rest of the officers with her stare at her blankly. "it's thursday, geniuses."
"is there something special about kaiju appearances and days of the week?"
"not that i've heard of," kafka states, scratching his head with a finger. "did new research come out?"
"maybe it's because of the full moon," haruichi says and the other men look up at its soft shining light, nodding in understanding.
"that makes a lot of sense."
"but why would that make the vice-captain angry?"
"maybe he's a werewolf," iharu whispers with sincere worry. "maybe kafka's not the only shapeshifter in our division."
"it's date night, you meatheads! the vice-captain's supposed to be off-base and relaxing," shinomiya explains impatiently like it was written on the floors in fluorescent paint. "he's probably angry that the attack came right when he usually picks up..."
"picks up who?" the officers stiffen and quickly fall into perfect lines. you smile at their professionalism and try not to laugh at how quickly they changed their gossiping demeanors. "you know, officers, you should be careful about what you say in regards to the vice-captain."
"our deepest apologies, platoon leader," kaguragi monotoned, ever the perfect soldier.
"at ease," you command them. "you have nothing to apologize for. i'm simply warning you of what might have happened had it not been me passing by."
"understood, platoon leader," izumo confirms. "if we may," he continues slowly and you can see the rest of the officers eyeing him warily. "were we...correct in our assumption as to the reason for the vice-captain's mood?"
"the werewolf assumption or the assumption that only shinomiya was correct about?" everyone but shinomiya reddens, looking down sheepishly at the toes of their suits. the axe-wielder straightens her shoulders with a proud glint in her eyes. "to answer your question, it would be the latter," you answer with a poorly-hidden smirk. "he'd barely knocked on my door when the alarm sounded."
"oh, i bet the vice-cap was seething."
"he definitely was," you confirm, recalling the colorful curses he uttered as you both begrudgingly shed your nicer clothes for your combat suits. i was supposed to take off your clothes under different circumstances, he'd lamented. don't go thinking our night is canceled because of this. i'll finish them off quickly for you.
your relationship with hoshina was no secret, considering that he talked about you whenever he was given the chance. every kdf member on base knew you preferred to keep your romantic life as private as possible to avoid questions of power dynamics from higher-ranking officials. hoshina, however, either didn't listen or didn't seem to care. he happily declared thursday nights to be date nights, threatening intense punishment for the officers below him if they caused trouble while he was gone. a static-filled message from the scouting teams sounds in your earpiece and you dismiss the officers, moving to join the vice-captain at the front line.
judging by the slowly increasing trail of dead monsters covering the asphalt, you find hoshina easily as he cuts a clean slice through a fast-moving yoju. you change the frequency on your earpiece so that you're directly connected to his.
"someone's been busy," you remark, pulling the batons from your back and electrifying them with the switch by your thumb. they hum in your hands, electric blue lightning crackling in sync with the released power of your suit. "save some for me, would you?"
"any other day, i would," he replies and you hear him smile despite his annoyance. "but it took me three months to get those reservations, so i wanna finish this up quickly." another yoju falls, your boyfriend a phantom blur in the darkness.
"are you calling me slow?" your hand plants itself on your hip as you continue to watch him cut down enemies, barely moving from your place between the dead kaiju. "i can't believe my boyfriend thinks i'm slow. here i thought you were my biggest supporter."
"that's not what i said," he huffs, the slightest waver in his exhale the only evidence of exertion. "i'm just faster." he pauses for half a second to catch his breath, and you snag your chance to overtake him.
"hmm, i think i'll take over for a second, then." launching yourself from the ground, your feet run perpendicular against the wall of a crumbling building as you close the distance. you can feel hoshina's attention on you while you dodge the yoju's swinging limbs and sink your batons into the skin covering its core, electricity surging through its body as it falls with a loud thud. "how's that, mister i'm just faster?"
"cute," he admits, offering you a hand as you hop down from the monster's head. you're shoulder to shoulder facing opposite directions and catch the challenge in his eyes as you look at him over your shoulder. "but i know you can go harder."
"go your fastest then, soshiro," you dare. his throat bobs as he swallows thickly, a subtle sign that you'd thrown him off. "i'll do my best to keep up."
"so, this is not how i wanted date night to end up," he says through a mouth full of noodles, slurping them loudly from the bowl on your living room coffee table. "and i'm sorry we couldn't go to that fancy place."
"to be fair, the website didn't exactly update its hours immediately," you remind him. "how were we supposed to know the place got demolished in the attack?"
"true, but i made you get all dressed up for nothing," he grumbles, accidentally dropping a vegetable and splashing broth onto his face. "ow." you snort against your spoon, setting it down in your bowl and swiping over the corner of soshiro's mouth with a napkin. "this was my favorite shirt, too. worst date night ever."
"good thing there's this place called the cleaners, babe." he continues to frown despite your unending patience, letting you clean him up while he indulges in staring at you in your nice clothes. you could make anything look pretty, he thinks, staring unashamedly at you wrapped up in a blanket and covering your going-out clothes. "hey," you murmur, gently grabbing his chin and turning him to face you. "i don't mind."
"you don't mind what?"
"this kind of date night."
"but we could do this anytime," he mumbles, avoiding your eyes. you shake your head, pushing away your food and climbing into his lap, your legs on either side of his hips.
"no, we can't. we don't know how many times we get this in our line of work," you point out with an ache in your chest and he finally blinks up to look at you. "so i'm grateful for any time i get to spend with you, soshiro." his throat bobs again, but he manages to give you a small smile.
"you're too good for me, you know that?"
"if you say so," you shrug, leaning down until your lips barely brush his.
"but, you know," he murmurs and you pull back, staring into his starry eyes. "there's not a lot of nights," he inhales, reaching behind him to grab something from under the couch's throw pillow, "where i get to pull this move."
"what're you--ohmygod." he smirks at you as you blink down at the small box sitting in his hand, covered in crushed velvet and embroidered with gold. "that's-you didn't..."
"i did," he whispers, memorizing every inch of your shocked expression. "so," he pushes open the top half of the box with his thumb to reveal something that sparkles even in the dim lights of your apartment, "please--"
"yes!" you scream before he can finish his sentence, your excitement echoing off the walls as you both break out into wide grins. "holy shit, yes!"
"baby, i didn't even ask the whole question," he chuckles, giving in and slipping the ring on your finger. "what if that wasn't the question i was gonna ask?"
"i'd skewer your head with my batons," you smile sweetly and he hums, admiring the jeweled band in the light. "that was the question you were gonna ask, right?"
"of course, sweetheart," he assures you, finally leaning up to press his lips against yours. "you're the only one i'll ever let keep up with me."
"you gonna marry me, hoshina soshiro?"
"i'm gonna marry you so hard, the entire base will know." you fondly remember your conversation with the officers earlier in the night.
"darling, i think they already know."
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uncle-fruity · 2 years
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Your friends aren't your therapists"?
If you've been on the internet enough, I think it's a sentiment that's pretty difficult to miss.
But you know what that means, right?
It's meant to warn people not to place too much personal baggage onto their friends when they should be unpacking it with a professional. It's to say that venting to your friends shouldn't be your main source of coping. That is to say: most of your friends are probably unqualified to untangle complex emotional & mental health problems, and if you expect them to endlessly listen to your problems & have them help "fix" you, then that's usually going to end up in stress and tension in your relationship (or worse).
Do you know what "Your friends aren't your therapists" DOESN'T mean?
It DOESN'T mean that you shouldn't ever seek any emotional support from your friends or that you should keep all your problems to yourself.
Yes, it's important to establish boundaries in all your relationships. If there's something you'd rather not hear from your friends (and vice versa) that should be talked about if it ever becomes relevant. If your friend is easily overwhelmed by a lot of emotion/stimulus, then you shouldn't dump serious emotional things without checking in to see if it's okay first. Over time, in a healthy communicative relationship, you get a feel for what's okay and what's not.
But goodness fucking me when I see folks say that they don't deserve to express their harder emotions because "friends aren't your therapists" I just... I mean woof y'all!
What kind of friend is a friend that doesn't care if you're upset? What kind of friend sees you struggling with something and tells you to deal with your own problems because they don't owe you anything? What kind of friend comes around only if you hide your pain at all times?
A fair-weather friend, that's what kind. A friend that's only around for the good times, and goes away during (metaphorical) storms.
If someone only wants to be a fair-weather friend, that's their prerogative. But I'm telling you all that you deserve the kind of friendship where your friends actually give a fuck about you. You deserve to take up space sometimes. You deserve to get heavy things off your chest with someone you love and trust.
If you want better, stronger, healthier friendships, it's important to understand that intimacy is about Knowing and Seeing and Experiencing someone authentically. Taking off whatever mask we wear to get through the world and being ourselves and sharing that with another person. Anger, pain, grief... tackling these issues with each other builds trust and intimacy and makes everyone involved feel more important & needed & cared about. Isn't that what all this is for?
Anyway, this is all to say: be open about your emotions. Communicate with your friends (& tbh in all your relationships). Learn each other's boundaries, but don't shut each other out just because emotions are scary to navigate at times.
Please be kinder to yourself. Seek intimate friendships, AND seek professional help when you need more support than your friends can provide. Just don't assume your friends can't give you any support! Assume that they love you and trust that they will tell you if they're at their limit. And if they *are* at their limit or if they just aren't comfortable with some conversations, respect that & don't try to force it onto them.
This has been a PSA. Thank you.
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
hii can i pls ask for an argument with hoshina and how u fixed everything after jsnshsbshsbs 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
a/n: thank you for your request (´∀`)♡ this took longer than it should have, I apologize ╥﹏╥
pairing: hoshina soshiro x fem!reader
summary: a small misunderstanding turns into a huge argument.
genre: romance/hurt & comfort/jealousy/fluff |
[wc: 1,6k]
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Kiss and Make Up | Hoshina Soshiro
You were mad, beyond pissed even. Your heart was beating in irregular motions and the irritation practically oozed off your face. The tension laid thick in the air as you and your boyfriend continued to ignore each other, sitting in complete silence in front of the television.
So many thoughts roamed your head– insults, counter arguments and statements, yet you refused to give the man another second of attention.
He has truly done it now.
“I'was just another celebration with the squad, nuttin that big of a deal. You would have known if you had come.” Hoshina slurred his words as he dragged his drunk self through the hallway of your shared apartment and into the bedroom.
“Bet that Okonogi was there too, right? That smartass wannabe who always seems to be in desperate need of your help.”
“Oh pwease, you're overreacting. Okonogi is not like that so stop bein so annoying.”
That last statement had sealed his fate (and almost earned him a slap in the face). Before you knew it, the two of you fell into a fully blown out fight that lasted through the entire night. Insults were dropped, his hands pushed you and yours shoved him as well.
“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?! It's honestly so irritating!” Hoshina yelled out.
“Your stupidity is more irritating! Maybe if you stop being so full of your fucking self all the time and start using that brain of yours, you would see the issue at hand!” You snapped back.
Fights were uncommon in your relationship but when the two of you fought it was messy and draining. But most importantly, they stung.
Even after the night had fallen and sunshine arose, the atmosphere in your apartment still laid thick in the air. Half the day had passed and neither of you said anything to each other, until the both of you ended up in the living room at the same time. He was busy taking care of the cats (who had run into the wide space) while you were already sitting there, reading your favorite novel.
At first silence kept the situation at bay, neither of you forced to interact with one another, until a phone call broke the tranquil atmosphere.
“Your work phone, huh.” You said, eyes remaining on the book as you flipped to the next page. “Wonder who that could be.”
Hoshina refrained himself from answering your remark and quickly picked up the call. Although he had turned the loud speaker function off, you were able to hear a female voice from the other side.
“Yeah of course I can help, no need to thank me.” He hung up.
“Let me guess, little damsel in distress needs your help again?”
“That's enough, Y/n.” Hoshinas voice cut sharp through the room, silencing you temporarily, before you spoke up again.
“Don't talk about Okonogi like that, alright? She is a good friend and your coworker. Ya being so unreasonable.”
“I am being unreasonable?? Oh, I'm sorry for getting upset when my boyfriend spends more time with his good friend than his partner!” The book was no longer of any importance to you. You had tossed it while standing up from your seated position.
“How long has this been going on now?? Every other day she asks you to hang out or do this together or she needs help here and there. Are you fucking kidding me??”
“Oh please, look at the way you're acting, it's ridiculous! We work in the same department so of course we spend a lot of time together!”
It felt like your words went right past his ear and vice versa. Both of you were now standing right across from one another, anger evident on both your faces. Even the tension grew in size, swallowing up the entire space and forcing your cats to run out.
You hated the surge of anger that rushed through your body. Feeling this way, jealous and annoyed when the man who normally solved all your problems was right in front of you, it pained you deeply. In moments like these, all you wanted to do was break down and hide away, preferably in his arms, but that was not an option right now.
“You sure that's the only reason you spend so much time together? Because it sounded different a couple weeks ago.”
“A couple..what are you talking about??” Hoshina asked, genuinely confused. You broke your gaze, looking at the ground in hopes that the pressure would disappear.
“At the bar..don't act like you don't remember!” And without allowing him to even respond, you dashed into your room and knocked the door shut behind you. Your boyfriend simply stood there, unsure of how to react to this sudden change of events. A long sigh escaped his lips as he followed you into the room.
“Leave me alone!” Your head was buried deep into the pillow (the one on Hoshina's side). Tears had made it out of your eyes and you desperately wanted to hide them.
“What exactly did I say at the bar..please tell me.” The regret in Hoshina's tender voice did not go unnoticed by you. It tugged on your heart and only caused the pain to increase. You truly hated seeing him like this.
“You..you said that you like smart women..” Repeating those words from weeks ago now made you feel stupid. “When Kafka asked you what your type was..you said that you prefer smart women and then you..proceeded to look at Okonogi! She was sitting right next to Kafka, so maybe you were looking at him instead, I don't know, I was just as drunk but still!”
Hoshina stood in front of the bed, disbelief holding him back from talking. He could barely remember the events of that night, only that it involved too much alcohol. But hearing you say those words, with tears in your eyes and a broken voice, it made your boyfriend feel like shit.
“But I was obviously talking about you, love, You are smart” He said as he placed himself next to you on the bed, hands rubbing your back. “Wait..is that why you didn't join us in yesterday's get together?”
You nodded hesitantly.
“I am not smart, not at all. I work as a damn secretary for the Kaiju Hunters while Okonogi is a skilled woman who runs analysis and she is the Operations Leader. And not to mention, she is so pretty too.”
Up until now, Hoshina did not know that you were harboring such emotions. Your sudden confession left his mind blank, it was as if he had temporarily lost all thoughts due to the shock. You on the other hand couldn't have felt more embarrassed.
You had no right to go after Okonogi like that and blame her for your insecurities. But when Hoshina spoke those words and afterwards looked at her, you just felt too heated.
Moments like these made you wonder, why Hoshina refused to leave you. Unlike the other women in his life, you were hotheaded and emotional, pushing and shoving when someone messed with your feelings instead of talking it out.
Little did you know, that this was exactly what Soshiro liked about you. He loved you for being hotheaded and a tease, but also sweet and caring during the right moments. You were the perfect match for him and nothing could convince him otherwise.
“Y/n, don't you ever say that about yourself ever again. You are my smart, beautiful hotheaded woman, the woman I love and cherish. Plus it takes hella brain to work as a secretary, especially for those jerks.” Soshiro placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you back up into a seated position.
Your eyes were slightly puffy and a soft frown pulled on your lips.
“I'm sorry for not expressing myself clearly enough and for making it seem like I prefer Okonogi to you. You are the one I love and care about, I promise.”
“But..but I am so mean to everyone and to you as well, Soshiro.” Hoshina's words had touched your heart and caused the tears to resurface, even though they never truly left.
“Plus I get jealous way too easily and don't..I'm just too..” You hiccupped.
“Shh, there there. I don't wanna hear none of that, you hear me?” Your boyfriend wrapped one arm around your waist while the other patted your head. A soft kiss found its way on your cheek, drawing a pout from your lips.
“I'm sorry Soshiro, for being so irritating. You are a great friend and coworker to Okonogi and you are a true blessing for constantly helping her out. I shouldn't get jealous over that." Hoshina smiled and placed another kiss on your face, this time on your lips. It felt sweet and comforting, you wished it could have lasted forever.
“And I'm sorry for being so stupid.”
You pulled him into a tight hug, the sweet scent of his body filling your nose. The hug lasted quite long, as long as you both needed it to, and it patched up all the wounds that were still left open by the argument. As you pulled away, you gazed into each other's eyes, losing yourself temporarily.
“Lucky for you, I love my women slightly irritating.” He joked.
“And I like my men stupid.”
The both of you laughed, the content of the argument already forgotten.
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a/n: i know its not obvious at all but i was actually going for a hori x miyamura type of relationship
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (do we as a society still use this emoticon?)
i just love hori’s and miyamura's dynamic, they could never make me hate them! plus i wholeheartedly believe that Hoshina needs a partner who is more emotional/teasing than him so he can be sure that his attitude is handled ^^
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sexy-monster-fucker · 4 months
Lover’s Quarrel
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Lee Russell x Reader
Summary: Reader is the third Vice Principal of North Jackson High. She often finds herself fighting with Lee Russell. Tension builds until it finally breaks.
CW: cussing because duh it’s Lee Russell, p in v, creampie, biting(?), Lee being a panty thief,
You sat alongside your two coworkers watching some of the kids practice for the pep rally. Neal Gamby and Lee Russell, your fellow Vice Principals. Only a few weeks back they had dragged you along for some harebrained scheme to get the new Principal, Dr. Belinda Brown, fired. Breaking into her home, resulting in Russell loosing it and burning her entire house down. You were in the thick of it with them now, no turning back.
Gamby and Lee argued back and forth about what the next plan was to ensure Belinda Brown was no more. You were halfway zoned out not much caring for their petty bickering.
“I can’t help both of you pussed out on me and ran,” Lee scoffed at Gamby. “You can’t be serious right now, what did you want us to go up in flames with the house?” Gamby rolled his eyes.
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Lee began talking through his teeth, “I’m talking about how we were gonna highjack her car too, Gamby! Could’ve burnt that shit down right in the school parking lot!”
“I think burning her new house down was far enough, Lee,” you finally chimed in.
“Yeah, dumbass. Don’t you think we would’ve been caught then?!” Gamby leaned in.
“She has kids, Lee. We’ve already made them homeless,” you sat up straight rolling your shoulders.
“You two are no fun!” Lee rolled his eyes, “Too invested in her personal life and shit. I don’t give a fuck about her! Neither should you, little miss sensitive.”
“That’s rich coming from someone with a detailed binder on every single faculty member in this building,” you stood up.
“Yeah!” Gamby pointed a finger in his face, “You’re the one who’s invested!”
“Shut the fuck up, Gamby,” Lee scrunched his face up at him. Lee’s eyes followed you as you walked down the bleachers.
“Where the fuck are you goin’, prissy pants?” Lee stood up behind you.
“Anywhere where I don’t have to hear your dumbass complain,” you turned around and threw your arms up.
“You always are the first one to back out on anything! Can’t even commit to a conversation with us,” Lee crossed his arms.
“Ooo a lovers quarrel,” Gamby teased.
“Shut Up, Gamby!” You both spoke together.
Lee began walking down the bleachers towards you. This just pissed you off worse.
It had almost always been like this with you and Lee. Small bickerings that were normally wrapped up with some flirting. All your coworkers constantly teased you both about fighting like an old married couple. Lee was different when you were alone. Staying late to help you with some paperwork that you could’ve done yourself, deeply complimenting you, always making an excuse to invite you into his office or himself into yours, lingering touches between you. Things had changed since Dr. Brown joined the faculty. Lee was sassier than ever. No longer willing to be any form of helpful, just hanging around throwing off-hand insults towards anyone and everyone. It had been growing old. You were sick of constant negativity pouring from him.
You headed down the stairs of the bleachers walking as fast as you could away from him.
“What’s the matter with you?” Lee rushed behind you, his hard steps echoing on the metal stairs. You ignored him, continuing forward. “I thought this was like our thing! Just some back and forth, what’s the big deal?” Lee scoffed.
“I’m not in the mood for this today, Lee,” you rolled your eyes refusing to look back at him. He was hot on your heals.
“What are you on your period or something?” Lee joked.
That was it. That sent you over the edge.
"Oh, sweet God, Lee! You're being a fucking asshole!" You stormed off into the nearby woods. The area in which old school supplies got dumped, also where Lee often took his smoke break.
"Me the asshole? You're the one actin' like a royal bitch right now!" Lee followed closely behind you.
That struck a nerve.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
Lee stood before you, hands on his hips, mouth hanging awkwardly open and eyes wide. He stammered slightly shaking his head.
"Nothing," he threw his hands up doing a circle step.
"No- Go ahead, Russell. Since you want to be so brave, tell me what you said!"
"You're the one that called me an asshole," he mumbled.
"Because you are an asshole! That's all you've ever been and all you'll ever be! A self obsessed, egotistical asshole!" You grunted as you spun around, leaning your arm against a tree.
"Oh, now look whose name callin'!" Lee stomped.
"You act all sweet and friendly to the staff, then do everything in your power to stab them in the back. Laughing and jokin' at the lunch table, pretending to be one of them. Well you aren't! You're a fucking psychopath who loves to pull everyone down with him! You're a sicko with a power trip, Russell!"
Lee scoffed at you, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
"FUCK YOU, LEE RUSSELL!" You got into his face pointing at him.
Lee cocked his head to the side. His hands found both sides of your face, crashing his lips into yours. You were stunned and extremely aroused. You sunk into the kiss full force, your body melting into Lee's grasp.
"You've got a dirty mouth on you, Ms. L/N," Lee flashed a toothy grin at you.
"You have no idea," you chuckled to yourself.
"Fuck, me. I like the sound of that," he pressed his lips back into yours, backing you into the tree you had leaned on prior. You exchanged spit as your tongues tussled, sloppy kissing being shared. Lee's lips found their way to your neck, biting and sucking at it. "Don't be fucking greedy," you breathed out.
"I'll do whatever I want," he kissed your skin, biting down a little harder than before. A small moan escaped you feeling his teeth dance along your skin. You wanted him badly.
Lee pulled you away from the tree, escorting you over to the mattress on the ground. A little gross, but you could not care right now. "Let's hurry things along a little, I've got an evaluation in an hour," Lee helped you onto the mattress, crawling on top of you. A prominent tent pitched in his tight khakis. "You really know how to make a girl feel special, dontcha Russell?"
"Oh, shut up," Lee kissed your lips. He ran a hand down your body, sliding under your skirt, finding your clothed core. His fingers began making circles against your sensitive nub. Your hips jolted forward at the sudden friction. Your eyes shot up to him. "Did you think I was gonna be the only one getting off here?" Lee looked at you with a cocky grin. You ran both hands up his body, tugging him down by his tie.
"Fuck me, Lee," you fluttered your eyes at him.
"Don't have to ask me twice, sweetheart," Lee began pulling himself from his pants. You shimmied your panties down your legs, cool air hit your soaking core. Lee's eyes stared up your skirt, mouth hanging open admiring your sex. Your eyes finally caught his fully erect cock, his hand grasped around it stroking himself. Your face flushed. Lee got in position, lining himself up with your opening. He eased himself in, the tip stretching you first. Lee’s eyes stared down at yours, lust written all over his face.
He continued easing his way inside you, giving you time to adjust to him. He found himself fully inside you, both of you breathing loud and heavy. He stayed for a moment not ready to begin moving. He gently pulled himself back before aggressively thrusting back into you. A moan fell from you.
"Ah, fuck. Has a pussy this good seriously being hidin' from me this whole time?" Lee threw his head back as he continued thrusting into you. His cocked stretched you just right.
"Should've bent you over my desk by now. Fucked you in the teacher's lounge. Hell, I'll fuck you on my future Principal's desk," Lee grinned ear to ear.
"You mean my future desk," you scowled at him.
"Whatever gets you to let me keep fucking you," Lee leaned his head against you. He squinted his eyes savoring the feeling of you around him. He had not been fucked in a longtime, let alone by someone as good as you.
Lee's hips rocked into you consistently quick, your head rested back on the mattress. He felt extremely good inside you, even if that mouth of his was not doing him any favors. He leaned down placing a wet kiss on your lips, his hand creeping down your body and finding your sensitivity again. His name was a soft moan on your lips. You felt your orgasm inching through your body his fingers working absolute magic on you. You were breathless.
“I wanna cum in you, okay?” Lee whispered in your ear. You nodded aggressively. You knew you would unwind any minute now. Lee’s hips grew sloppy and unrhythmic as he began chasing his high. Praises flowed from him as he threw his head back, his fingers finally sending you over the edge. Your walls fluttered around him, a loud moan escaping you. Lee’s body fell flush with yours, his hips snapping into you. “Fuck, Y/N, you have the perfect pussy,” he moaned in your ear. Ropes of him shot inside you, his hips sputtering trying to get as deep inside you as possible. His lips pressed into yours hard. One of his hands cupped your cheek, Lee admired you, being tender with you for only a moment.
“Goddamn, Y/N! That was— Fuck, great,” Lee chuckled awkwardly trying to catch his breath. You ran your hand through Lee’s hair, his eyes softening for a moment. Lee pulled out of you hesitantly. Deep down he wished you could stay like this forever. He would never admit it publicly, but he really liked you. You both sighed. He rolled over to be on the mattress beside you.
You sat up, searching for your panties that had been discarded earlier. “Where’d my underwear go?”
Lee laughed. He patted his chest, “Don’t you worry about those, I’m sure you have plenty more at home.” Your whole body flushed with heat when you realized what he was saying.
“You’re seriously going to make me walk around the rest of the day with no underwear?” You half smiled at him.
“Goddamn right I am. Make sure every time you sit down you remember what happened out here,” Lee laughed, standing up and reaching his hand out to you. You took it, he pulled you to your feet. Your chest was flush against his, you looked up at him. You pressed a kiss to his lips quickly. You saw a slight pink hue rise on his cheeks. Lee’s hands were on your hips, heavy brown eyes staring into yours. A faint smile painted his face.
The bell rang in the distance.
Lee’s eyes shot up to the school behind you. “Uh— Guess we outta get back to work,” he placed a tiny peck on your cheek. You smiled as he walked ahead of you, one of his hands reaching behind him for yours. You intertwined fingers with him, getting a satisfied look over his shoulder. He led you out of the trees, the field that was previously full of loud cheering students was now empty. No one was outside. At least, that’s what you thought. Lee spun around, planting another kiss on your lips. A goofy grin painting his face.
You both jumped slightly hearing Neal Gamby’s voice echoing through the air.
“Jesus Christ,” Lee sighed as he turned around to face him.
“What the fuck were you guys doing out there? You know we have to monitor the halls during class changes! Plus you guys forced me to have ‘small talk’ with Bitch Brown!” Gamby folded his arms over his chest.
“No need to get your nutsack twisted, Gamby. We just needed to plan out our next attack,” Lee flicked him in the shoulder walking past him to the school.
“I’m supposed to be involved in all conversations about this!” Gamby protested.
You laughed and rolled your eyes, following closely behind Lee. Turning to make a face at Gamby as you headed inside.
“You guys suck,” Gamby mumbled as he hustled to catch up with you.
You and Lee walked side by side inside the building, occasionally bumping into each other. Exchanging small smiles back and forth. Continuously grazing hands, longing to interlock fingers again.
Save that for another time.
~ Thank you for reading! This is my first time writing for Lee Russell so I hope you enjoyed it! I am currently on Episode 6(?) of Vice Principals and am absolutely obsessed. I will be more than happy to write more for Lee Russell if anyone has requests! If you want to be tagged in my future work let me know! ~
@megangovier ~ @lacey-mercylercy ~ @dichromaniac ~ @toogaytofunctiondangit ~ @justme12200 ~ @aliisa-jones ~ @one-of-thewalkingdead ~ @madladysix ~
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maharellasa · 1 month
I've given it a lot of thought about making a post like this, because I didn't want to just add to the already extended discourse on the subject, but I keep reading opinions and I just can't stay out of it.
Before I continue I want to make clear that I've done high approval solas playthroughs and I do believe that a befriended solas cares deeply for the inquisitor. He respects and values them, and you could even argue that they forge a kind of sibling bond or a mentor/apprentice one. So for him to betray that, it's really a tragedy in the end—the inquisitor hurts deeply for their lost friend/mentor.
That said, and I am truly, honestly, not saying this as a solasmancer, but from a storytelling point of view, the story of a romanced solas is still far more impactful.
Please let me make my case before you draw conclusions.
I am not saying it's more valid, or that you should do it, or that it should be the canon. Just, simply, that it is a more powerful story narratively, and that acting like the high approval run somehow has an equal narrative value is completely unbased. It's a meaningful story, yes, but it does not have the same impact. (To be clear, I'm not speaking in comparison to other romances here since that's based on taste and preferences, just the case of befriended vs romanced solas specifically.)
From a creative writing point of view, the romance employs:
backstory relevance: fen'harel is an important part of lavellan's culture and upbringing. and yes, arguably, that's true for any lavellan, but in the case of a romanced one, there's the beautiful narrative device of—
tragic irony: she grew up specifically being cautioned about the dread wolf's treachery, hearing blessings like "may the dreadwolf never catch your scent" etc. and what does she do? she goes and falls in love with him.The dread wolf literally takes her. A befriended lavellan might love him, but will give him nothing so vital as her heart for it to be considered "a taking". And as for other inquisitors, well, they don't even know who Fen'harel is.
unique perspective: (edit because of comments on this post) solas reveals much more of himself to a romanced inquisitor than a high approval one. "it's not right", "it's been so long since I trusted someone", "it will be kinder in the long run", "you saw more than most", and to top that, the ultimate reveal of solas telling her he can remove her vallaslin, which is his way of showing her who he truly is.
denied catharsis: one of the most essential rules of storytelling is that after you've reached the climax of the hero's journey and you've dragged them through all their struggles, you should provide a form of catharsis. that doesn't happen in the case of the romanced lavellan. she ends up alone. I'm not even saying heartbroken, because losing a friend can cause equal pain, but a solas romanced lavellan ends. up. alone. After all that she went through, after having her personhood erased and being forced into a religion that is not hers, after losing her arm and potentially her clan, she ends the journey of the inquisition standing completely alone overlooking an empire that will never thank her. and added to that, we have—
continued torment: her lover still visits her in dreams and she can't even tell if he's real or her imagination.
Yes, high approval playthroughs are enjoyable and meaningful and as much a valid canon as any. And yes, it's really unfortunate that they limited such a beautiful romance to a specific race and gender in the game. But please, please, stop trying to argue that the friendship narrative is as powerful a storytelling as the romance. And stop treating solavellans like silly fangirls who can't see past their faves. I admit that there are those who are trying to force the romance as the only valid option, but I'm not talking about those, every fandom has its radicals.
This is not an argument of whether romantic is better than platonic or vice versa. And it's not an argument of whether solas cares more for a romanced inquisitor versus a befriended one. He cares deeply in both cases. It's about the fact that, narratively speaking, the romance delivers a far greater impact to the character and the story than the high approval run.
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Being Shiratorizawa’s Manager:
Trip to the Beach 🏖️
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Shiratorizawa x female! Manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: fluff, reader has a breasts and is wearing a swimsuit, Oikawa makes an appearance because it’s me 😌
AN: this is a request from 🦢 anon!
Remember when I said this team was like super serious and stoic 😃
Well jokes on you because when you go on ANY outing, these boys are just as feral as the rest
Literally, I can tell you exactly how this will go
Semi and Reon are the only adults
Yep, even Ushijima doesn’t count and I’ll tell you why
Man’s will just wander off, like he sees something and is like “hey that looks cool” and then just walks away 🚶
Tendou is riling everyone up constantly
Shirabu and Kawanishi are the actual worst to get excited about anything
Goshiki and Yamagata are just like super hyped about everything
Liberos are all hyper, prove me wrong 🤚🏻
Anyways, it’s literally so much work it’s exhausted
But never fear because our magnificent, wonderful and perfect manager, YN, is here to deal with everything!
And with summer break approaching, you get the bestest idea ever 🥰
So you bring it up at practice
“Hey guys! I think we should go to the beach this weekend!” You say, all cute and excited
Shirabu 👉🏻 Y tho?
You 👉🏻😐 I give all and get nothing back-
“A beach trip? Hey that actually sounds so fun!” Tendou cheers, backing you up
“Shouldn’t we spend the time practicing?” Ushijima adds
“Yeah, I can’t beat Ushiwaka at the beach Yn?” Goshiki screams
You 👉🏻🙄
“I mean, it would be nice to do a team bonding activity,” Semi, our team mom chimes in
You 👉🏻 *nodding vigorously* : D
“Also, we could play beach volleyball. That’s a what kind of workout,” Reon adds
The guys 👉🏻🔥👄🔥 Did you say Beach Volleyball??
These boys are sold 🙌🏻
So you began preparing, you made lunches, snacks and made sure to pack plenty water
You arrived early at school, so freaking excited for your day at the beach with your boys!
When you first arrive, you are wearing a coverup so the boys don’t really think much of anything
Please, they all have a crush on you and god are you pretty, but they also adore you as their manager
That is 👀 until you take the coverup off
Like it happens so casually too that it throws them all off 😂
Like you are just talking with Semi and Reon like, “I packed snacks and lunches, we should be good for a few hours *takes off coverup* also we have to make sure we do sunscreen on everyone because coach will not be happy if you guys can spike or receive with sunburns.”
Semi and Reon just stare 😳😳
“What’s wrong?” You say, completely oblivious as to why these idiots are staring
The rest of the team, well they are surely malfunctioning at this very moment
Goshiki definitely has a nose bleed
Remember when Daichi broke Hinata? Yeah you did that to Goshiki 😌
Yamagata, Shirabu and Kawanishi are all just like “thank you god amen 🙏🏻”
Tendou is actually speechless
Like Tendou knows you’re a girl and he knows you’re pretty but like it sunk a level deeper today
And Ushiwaka, well he…
“YN please make sure you wear sunscreen, you have a lot of skin showing. Would you like me to help you?” Ushijima says, completely oblivious
Like Ushijima thinks your pretty too don’t get me wrong but man’s isn’t thinking beyond sun protection right now
“Wakatoshi that would be so helpful thank you!” You say, handing him the cream
Suddenly, everyone is willing to lend a helping hand 😐🙄
“Don’t you think this is a job for the vice captain?” Reon says
“Are you kidding me?” Semi says as Tendou sneaks in
“I have big hands so like covering surface area is definitely easier for me!” Tendou shouts
“THIS IS A JOB FOR THE FUTURE ACE!” Goshiki interrupts
You 👉🏻🤨 guys I literally just need help getting my back
“I don’t really think they care YN,” Shirabu interjects as you hand him the sunscreen and he helps you
The guys all watch and of course, brood because they are jealous bbys
“Alright it’s time for volleyball,” Ushijima announces as all the guys run towards the court leaving you to your own devices
You 👉🏻🙄 silly boys
But it’s ok because you can finish setting up and hopefully start catching up on getting some much needed vitamin D
Even if you don’t tan, sunshine is great as a mood booster 😁
However, what you don’t realize is that you’ve attracted quite the spectator crowd
Because your team isn’t the only one at the beach 👀
You guessed it, our besties at Seijoh decided to take a team beach vacay too
What a coincidence 🙃
Anyways, you’ve seemed to attract the attention of Seijoh’s #1 pain in the butt
“Hey isn’t that Shiratorizawa’s hot manager?” Yahaba points out
Because, of course he does 🙄
“What? Where??” Oikawa says, eyes alert at Yahaba points you out
“Yeah that’s her, damn Shiratorizawa is so freaking lucky!” Hanamaki says, glaring at Oikawa
All the third years, and the other years, know that Oikawa is the reason they can’t have nice things 😅
“I think we should go and greet her! She looks like she could use some help,” Oikawa says walking towards you
“Should we stop him?” Matsukawa asks as Kunimi pulls out his phone and hits record
“Nah, let Ushiwaka take care of him this time, I came here to relax,” Iwa says, getting a front row to the show
“Yoo-hoo YN!” Oikawa says as you turn to find the source of the agitating voice
“Oh hello Oikawa!” You say, pleasantly
Please, our angel is so nice
I could never 😂
“I just happened to notice you over here, looking absolutely gorgeous and was wondering if you needed any help?” He says as you stare at him
“I’m actually good but thanks anyways!” You beam as Oikawa dies at your cuteness
“You know Yn, I always knew you were gorgeous but I will say, that swimsuit looks incredible on you,” Oikawa says
You blush, “thanks Oikawa! I got it especially for our team trip.”
You turn and show him the suit because that’s what we do, we show off 👏🏻
Suddenly out of nowhere, a volleyball SLAMS into the back of Oikawa’s head
You 👉🏻😳
Oikawa 👉🏻 💀
Kunimi and Seijoh 👉🏻 📱
“Iwa what the hell-” oikawa says, turning to see whose actually responsible for the ball
Ushiwaka and Shiratorizawa LOOM over Oikawa and just glare right thought him
Literally it’s hot out but the cold radiating off the guys right now could cure global warming 😅
“Hey guys! Are you hungry?” You say, completely ignoring Oikawa’s obvious concussion
“Ahh yeah YN we are just taking a little break,” Kawanishi says, coming up next to you and guiding you away from the scene
“Stay away from OUR manager Oikawa!” Semi growls as Reon nods
“Like she’d ever go for you anyways, she obviously has better taste,” Tendou adds
Meanwhile, Ushijima is just glaring, his arms crossed over his chest
“I’d maybe leave before Ushiwaka throws another ball at you,” Yamagata adds
Oikawa rubs his head, standing tall as a smirk appears on his face
“I was just helping your beautiful manager out,” he said as Ushiwaka glared
You 👉🏻 I’m fine but thanks Oikawa 😁✌🏻
Oikawa 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ oh ok…
He walks away as Ushiwaka continues to glare
“YN are you ok?” Goshiki asks in a panic as you prepare lunches
You 👉🏻 I’m fine 😐
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Shirabu asks
You 👉🏻 it’s Oikawa guys, he’s literally harmless
Then, suddenly Ushiwaka comes next to you, giving you an approving head pat
“Thanks for being the best manager YN,” he says as you beam
“Well that went well didn’t it?” Watari said as Oikawa made his way back to the team
“You should have know better loserkawa,” Iwa said, rolling his eyes
“I wouldn’t have expected you to know what it’s like to ask a girl like that out Iwa!” Oikawa spat back before quickly covering his mouth
“What did you say to me?!?” Iwa 🔥👄🔥
Oikawa 👉🏻🥲
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judysxnd · 1 year
Proofs that Pedro Pascal & Y/n Y/l/n are dating
I saw those kind of fanfics a few times and I liked it very much, so I was like, I should try too. But idk it doesn’t feel the same, there is something missing, and I don’t really like it 😂 (when am I satisfied of my own writing? Yes. Never.)
Pedro and y/n are known to be very close friends since the first movie they did together a few years ago, back in 2019. But, since then there have been numerous rumors about them being in a relationship. This is some moments when the internet nearly exploded when they’ve been seen/spotted together, moments that could confirm their relationship. Of course, they never publicly confirmed or denied anything. It’s like they are playing with it, or they just don’t care.
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1) (your birthday) 2022, 11:31pm
Y/n posted a video on Instagram. Someone was inside, in the dark (at first we couldn’t see anything, but we could hear some whispers). We can hear a door opening, and y/n talking to someone before laughing. The door’s closing, when then can hear a male voice (that looked A LOT like Pedro’s voice), then the light was turned on and screams. That’s right, it was a surprise party. And it was indeed Pedro next to y/n.
With the video, there was a picture. A selfie that y/n took, with everyone behind her. But right next to her, there was Pedro.
The caption: “Thank you Pedro for organizing this, I love you so much. I’ve never been more thankful for my friends than today. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone”
2) Y/n appears a lot in pictures with Pedro when he is out with some friends and vice versa. They seem to be spending a lot of time together. We also noticed that wherever Pedro was, Y/n was in the same city, during the same timeframe. We don’t know who follows who, but where one goes, the other is there too.
3) 18th August 2022, 4:13pm
A friend of Pedro posted a picture of them together. His friend was sitting on a chair, outside, Pedro was standing next to him. They were both only wearing bathing suits. But, we could spot y/n in the reflection of the glass door behind. She was standing there, holding her phone on her right hand, and on the other holding a glass.
4) 7th September 2022, during the afternoon
Y/n was spotted in New-York, walking in the streets, probably doing some errands. She was alone, but it was how she was dressed that raised some suspicion. She was wearing a large pink sweatshirt (the same that Pedro was wearing during the lie-detector interview), with a pair of black jeans.
Later in the afternoon she was also seen getting in a car that looked like Pedro’s. But no one actually saw who was driving.
5) 16th march 2023, around 7pm
One day, after Bella posted a lot of behind the scenes pictures on The Last of us set, Pedro did the same. He posted a few pictures and videos. In one of the picture, it was a group picture, Pedro, Bella, two infected, and.. y/n. What? It seems like they always move together.
6) 2nd April 2023, 2:56pm
Javiera, Pedro’s sister, posted a picture on her Instagram. It was a group photo. There was Pedro’s family, all gathered around the table, having lunch together. His entire family was here, but we could spot y/n next to Pedro. So if it was only family, why was she here?
The caption: “Happy birthday brother. We’re all here for you, just like you are for us. Family’s everything. Love you.”
7) 2nd April 2023, 9:07pm
They were spotted by paparazzis leaving a restaurant. No one seemed to be with them. Pedro’s wearing a very nice suit, and y/n’s wearing a black shiny dress. She’s holding his arm, and they’re both laughing. As they arrived to his car, he opened the door for her before closing it and going to his side. It really seemed like they were on a date. Are they making it official???
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lux-ishii · 1 year
Episode 6 dropped and love is literally in the air... so let's dive in...
We start the episode with an interesting story of a Romeo and Juliette trope. Specifically, a Captain and a Calamari Prince fell in love and run away together, causing danger of war between their species by doing so.
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You may think it has nothing to do with either Din or Bo, but if you read my previous post you already know everything is intentional.
They could put here anything, absolutely anything. A pirate, bounty hunter, escaped prisoner... But they put two lovers who with their actions could bring harm to others. It's not truly a happy story, as the woman said before her love confession:
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You see, after rewatching previous seasons I noticed that The Mandoverse likes to foreshadow what will happen in one way or another. Mythosaur discovery was foreshadowed by The Armorer in The Book of Boba Fett, for example. So this story here could be a potential warning, or hint at what may happen to Bo and Din. A Princess with a fleet, and a man who isn't considered a true Mandalorian because of his origin (Axe's words). After this episode, I'm pretty sure that Din and Bo are already in love. However, they didn't take any on-screen action to solidify the things we see between the lines. I do believe their relationship will progress further, and...
They may reach the point where things get complicated just because of who they are. You see the lovers from this episode can foreshadow Bo's or Din's dilemma about what they should do for the greater good. They may fall apart if the cause of their interest won't align, or be on the way.
HOWEVER, it may also be used as a future contrast that despite these odds and differences, they would not give up on what they feel for each other. Which I think would go together with true Mandalorian nature. This season is all about what it means to be a true Mandalorian, which is not just a fight for power. It's about caring for one another, especially a family. Mandalorians are stronger together, after all.
More under the cut!
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Can we take a moment to talk about how Din IS JUST THERE?
We were making theories if he will go with Bo or not when the show... literally treats them as one already. Whenever she goes, he goes, and vice versa. Without empty promises, they just do it.
And they "moved" to Bo's ship!
To dig into it further, this episode they were constantly walking side by side, to the point of going thru the doors together too if the space allowed it. You can check out this post >here< with more scenes
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As I mentioned in my previous posts, this form is a subtle tool for storytelling, yet it can hide a whole ton of meaning or can be truly innocent. This episode is full of glances, specifically put in interesting places and I will touch on those later.
Like this one is innocent, just saying "Where the hell we are?" without words.
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I mention in the title of this post that "love is in the air" and here's another indication of it, a bizarre one to be sure as ex imperialist and a democrat fell in love despite their differences.
But... Grogu may be the biggest giveaway here:
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We don't see Bo's or Din's reaction here at all, only the enthusiastic cooing of Grogu. I asked myself why? Because he matters too, as Din's son. Grogu could be excited about the couple and how happy they are together. He knows both Din and Bo struggle a lot, and they have dark, rather gloomy lives. What if his father was blessed with a love that would make him happy?
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In this episode, we also have the first instance of someone recognizing Bo as a Mandalorian Royalty, despite the fact, there's technically nothing to rule for her. No planet, no people.
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An indicator that for the outsiders she is still a rightful ruler, despite her own people not believing in her anymore.
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Glances. She is not going to make this decision alone, looking for assurance in Din.
An then, at the mention of her ruling Mandalore again she responds with:
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Bo doesn't want to rule Mandalore anymore. A theme that goes on since the beginning of the season. But I think just this episode we got a glimpse of the true reason why those plans truly changed.
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We got a great sequence with Good Cop - Bad Cop trope. Bo and Din gave us some Detective AU right here, make it black and white and we get a whole Noir setup ready to launch...
But back to the topic. This was yet another example of how they complement each other. Bo's more soft and rational approach would lead to nowhere or would take way longer if not Din's aggressive and hostile take on the matter, and vice versa.
They aren't only a great team, they need each other.
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Bo for the first time saw the darker side of Din. We knew he had one, but she's pretty taken aback by his hatred of droids. Nonetheless, it doesn't make her fearful of him.
Quite the opposite in fact
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as she becomes his voice of reason to hold his horses. She's not scared he would get back at her with this attitude at all.
They had a brief conversation about his hostility, and I'm glad they allowed Bo-Katan to remove her helmet because what Katee is doing with expressing her emotions is phenomenal.
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This innocent sentence awakens a lot if you know where to look. And if not I will just show you.
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Glances. After the droid, a machine that can outlast probably generations if maintained properly puts importance on human life, and how short it truly is Bo and Din look at each other, accompanied by a romantic melody.
Devil is in the details, as Bo took a deep breath before breaking contact with Din.
What does it mean? As per usual it can mean nothing, or it can mean a thing, and you know me already, I will talk about the thing. You never know when someone's words might hit you, and I think that droid hit Bo and Din pretty strongly. In this lifestyle, they both share, life is even more dangerous than the citizens of that planet. It's a constant battle for survival. Wars, monsters, your own kind... Everything can kill you if you are Mandalorian.
So they might think that there's no time to waste. An indicator that the actions may be taken soon. A way of saying "Life is short so we can as well live together".
The investigation is a success, DinBo detectives can be proud of themselves for solving the issue, and as they came back to the Duchess with the results, we are once again struck with something. The motives of a man responsible for malfunction have their core in his hatred for the ex-imperial husband of the Duchess. So Duchess Lizzo blesses us with this line:
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You see, both Din and Bo have past. And those who know TCW know that Bo's past is terrible. She made huge mistakes when she was younger, and she pays for them to this day.
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I don't have a gif here, but at this moment you can see how Bo is moved by the exchange of these words, and you can see it all over her face, as her gaze is running away somewhere else.
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Lizzo then recognizes the efforts, Bo and Din made, which put a smile on Bo's face. A rare sign, but it only gets better.
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You see, I think Bo-Katan is genuinely happy here because she did something good, and her efforts are recognized.
It's safe to say that back at Kalevala, she was severely depressed. Thinking of herself as a failure that caused the doom of her planet and everyone she loved. Everyone left her, no one cared for her, and she was all alone. Then Din needed her help, and from then she was on a streak of doing good. I'm pretty sure that if not for the helmet we would see her smiling similar way after rescuing Rengar. Here, she not only helped people but also secured an alliance with another planet, simply by doing good, with no corruption or violence needed.
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Look how proud she is when Grogu becomes a knight! @ladyzirkonia Already noticed in her post >here< that Bo is happier than ever. And It's absolutely true! We haven't seen her as happy ever before. Not when she was getting a new addition to her fleet back in Season 2, or not even when the Armorer announced she is the one to unite them all.
This leads us adress to the bantha in the room...
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Where something important happens.
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You see, there were many theories that what Bo's doing with Din is just a long play to challenge him when he least expects it, but this disproved it. And later it gets even more interesting.
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You see... Axe is accusing Bo of intentionally refusing to challenge Din. Which would mean her people demanded it from her at some point.
Her refusal could be what lead them to leave, claiming she's weak, not only as a leader but also as a warrior, probably thinking she's afraid of challenging him.
However, Bo's motive may be rooted somewhere else.
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Bo-Katan had no problem challenging Axe for her fleet, so why would she struggle so much to challenge Din? It was as necessary as getting the fleet back, so what was stopping her?
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But she really didn't have to kill him to claim the blade. We saw it as Din and Paz fought for the Darksaber, and Vizsla is still alive.
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(gifs by @itberice) Do you remember what I said about love in the air? Now, look back at the Captain and the Prince from the beginning, and Duchess Lizzo and her ex-imperial husband. Do you notice the similarity?
Bo-Katan stands up in front of so-called Mandalorians, that are ready to outcast someone like Din, just because his blood is not Mandalorian enough. Just like Lizzo stood up against Commissioner in defense of her ex-imperial partner.
Again @ladyzirkonia made a great post >here< saying what I'm gonna mention.
This is a great sign of what kind of leader Bo is going to be. She walks both ways, she took her time to understand Din's perspective, and because of everything that happened, he is the one who showed her The Way. The right one.
He let her understand what it means to be Mandalorian, and it's not the blood, but the heart and faith of a warrior.
Din Djarin, with all his adventures, made Bo-Katan the person she is now. And she is really fond of him, to the point of standing in his defense, even if before she was among the people who laughed at him.
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I know everyone has mixed feelings about the Darksaber, and I fully myself don't sit right with it either, BUT it happened, and I'm here to make surgery on the symbolism here.
I know a lot of people think if Din gave the Darksaber like that, make it look pointless...
But I beg to differ.
You see, the Darksaber for Din and Bo actually lost its value. For him, it was a burden, and for Bo-Katan a symbol of everything she lost. But for everyone else? It still was a symbol of power.
I may sound here like I'm trying to defend the outcome, but I rather like to think I'm just taking a different perspective on it.
Hear me out, the point of Din getting the Darksaber maybe never was to show him as a potential leader, but rather put him on his path with someone who will make his life... better.
The Darksaber is something that put Din and Bo-Katan on the same way. A catalyst for everything we saw this season. Nothing of it wouldn't happened if Din didn't have the Darksaber. Just think about it, if in season 2 Bo got the Darksaber from Gideon, she would have her fleet, and wouldn't rot in her sadness on Kalevala, so there would be no one to save Din on his way to redeem himself. Giving this one sample to just show how big of a butterfly effect we are dealing here with.
So as much as I don't like the way the Darksaber was claimed, I truly don't think it makes everything pointless. For me, quite the opposite really. It's the reason why everything we see is happening.
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 months
It’s dangerous because you should be voting for people who have polices that you like. Under Biden this country has gone to shit. Kamala was in charge of the boarder and it was horrendously run. She is an ag who locked up the most black people for minor offenses in ca history. you supported blm now you’re gonna vote for someone that locked up a ton of them for minor offenses. she’s not good at her job and if she wasn’t a democrat black women id guarantee you would not vote for her you’d trash her. Look up who you vote for on neutral websites before casting your vote. And most don’t like that they bypassed a primary and the rich and powerful got to hand pick your candidate for you. So much for defending democracy am I right?
I’m not happy about bypassing a primary either, but what’s done is done. There is no path forward now that gives the primary voters a say. I voted for Kamala Harris for Vice-President in 2020. I voted for President Biden in the 2024 primary and he endorsed Vice-President Harris. Democratic voters are rallying behind her by choice because we don’t want to waste time fighting each other or open ourselves up to Republican attack. We want to beat Trump. You're underestimating how callously partisan I am this year. I want to beat Trump. Everything else comes after.
But let's talk about you. This message isn't just badly type, it seems reads like a response to a post, but none of my popular political posts are that post. I haven't really talked about Kamala Harris being a Black woman, because although it is significant because the base of the Democratic Party is Black women they've already begun incredible organizing for Harris, the most relevant point to me and the point I have chosen to focus on is that Harris is the candidate endorsed by the president, with access to the president's campaign funds, and has quickly secured united support, averting chaos. I was against Biden leaving the reason because I was terrified of chaos. I do support BLM and I'm sure I reblogged posts about it at the peak of that movement's mainstream attention, but most of the content on my blog is not BLM posts. A lot of my posts about racism and antiracism take a more academic stance. This ask feels like a copypasta, something you just sent to any Democrats you saw supporting VP Harris. I wonder why you'd want to undermine support for VP Harris. Could it be that chaos I'm so afraid of? Could it be because you want Trump to win? I mean, you didn't say anything about Trump in this ask. Not even a cursory "of course Trump is bad but." You do go in on "defending democracy," which is a big priority for a lot of Democratic voters. It's almost like you're trying to dissuade people who care about that from supporting/voting for VP Harris. I wonder why?
But this is what really sticks out to me:
Look up who you vote for on neutral websites before you cast your vote.
"Neutral websites?" What exactly are these neutral websites, pray tell? You certainly didn't provide any examples. There's just something about this phrasing that's incredibly strange. This is not, in my experience, the way leftists with left criticisms of Democratic candidates approach this issue.
All this is giving me the gut feeling that this anon is a troll designed to suppress support for VP Harris and the Democratic Party. Maybe a human troll, maybe a bot, but the goal is the same. If I get more asks like this I might just delete them so as not to platform them, but I wanted to post this one so everyone could see what I'm talking about.
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loquaciousferret · 2 years
Bad People
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Summary: A stroke of fate leads one of your trading partners in the QZ to your front door one night, could it lead to something unexpected?
Pairing: Joel Miller X Female Reader
Content Warnings:  alcohol, established age-gap, SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, facial, cumplay? Maybe more READ AT OWN RISK 
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: More Joel thots and a serious praise kink going on...? Anyways...
As always, not canon timeline or events. Joel aged maybe 40, 45?, but dialogue references it being 20 years into the outbreak. 
NSFW under the cut do not press keep reading if you are a minor pls thx!
“We got to stop runnin’ into each other like this, darlin’.” The cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth wobbled as his lips turned up into a smirk.
He was right. This was the 4th or 5th time this month, and the 2nd time just this week that the pair of you had traded. You didn't answer, just tutting and shaking your head, looking down shyly at your feet. The way he talked to you pleased you a little bit, but you're sure he's like this with everyone.
“You should be more careful.” He frowns. “You’re lucky it was me on the other end of that setup. Could’ve been bad people. There's lots of em around here”
You looked up to meet his eye before screwing your nose up at him playfully. “You are one of the bad people around here.”
His smirk only widened at your remark, his eyes sparkling just a fraction more.
“I can be, if that’s what gets ya goin’…” He took a draw of his cigarette, gaze intense as he released the puff of smoke into the space between you.
You feigned disgust at his remark, clicking your tongue but couldn't help yourself from smiling again as you met his eye, “Goodbye, Joel.”
You shot a look over your shoulder as you left the alleyway and stepped into the street, pleased to find his eyes still fixated on you. A coy smile is sent his way and then a passing truck and a horde of guards pass between you. Once they’ve moved on, he’s gone, retreated into the shadows at the other end of the alley no doubt.
You had been trading with Joel Miller for nearly 6 months, he was a prolific smuggler with access to goods you didn’t even know still existed. In return, you had your own ways of sourcing his vices, cigarettes, alcohol, pills, small items easy enough to steal for someone as small and unassuming as yourself.
Illicit trading within the QZ operated in a variety of ways, one of the most common being through encoded notes or messages left in public places. And Joel was right, it could be bad people at the end of them, or perhaps worse, it could be undercover guards weeding out rule breakers. But often, the goods were worth the risk. And more and more frequently of late, you were finding Joel at the end of these messages.
You found there was something trustworthy about his eyes, despite a hardened and threatening exterior, and the bulges of multiple weapons in his jeans, his jacket pockets. You got the sense he had a soft spot for you and that always came in handy in regards to a good price for trading.
You traveled the short distance to your makeshift home within the QZ, a relatively quiet street and certainly one of the less dilapidated buildings. You knew you were lucky to have this place compared to the living conditions of some friends you’d made over the years here.
You had front door access up a short flight of stairs and fairly large windows, facing towards the centre of the town. You had managed to fabricate wooden shutters that you used for privacy and safety. Unlocking the door and crossing the threshold, you breathed out and released tension you hadn’t noticed you were carrying. Even within the QZ it was a dangerous world, for no one moreso than a single woman. You weren’t naive and knew that whilst living in the QZ kept you save from infected, there were fates worse than that.
You struck a match and lit the candles that surrounded the living area, the end of October meaning shorter days, night was quick to fall and curfew rapidly approached.
You began to empty your heavy pack, you had done a number of supply runs today, some through the legitimate channels. Food, soaps, a perfume for which you had swapped nearly an unjustifiable quantity of ration papers, a very specific red wine courtesy of Joel, which you had wanted for your birthday coming up, and a novel. You stowed the rest of this away in the right places and settled in to the sofa with the book, curling into a blanket that you have had since before the outbreak.
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Curfew came and went with all of the city sounds ceasing, replaced only by the occasional stomp of guards patrolling the street.
You hadn’t realised you had drifted off whilst reading until you were sharply awoken by banging on the door. You leaped into action mode, reaching under the sofa for a baseball bat that you stored there. As you creeped towards the door there was another round of banging, and your mind whirred with possibilities. If it was FEDRA they would have shouted and said so. Could it be a friend? You weren’t sure. A possibility you hadn’t considered, was looking through the peep hole and seeing… Joel?
You kept the baseball bat gripped in one hand, breaking all rules and common sense about personal safety to unlock the door with the other. His eyes widen in surprise momentarily and you realise that he hadn’t been seeking you out, he had just knocked on any door. As you registered this realisation he pushed past you into the house.
He slammed the door behind himself, locking every bolt rapidly as if he was familiar with the apartment. He wasn’t, of course, but this is the kind of confidence and self-assuredness with which Joel completes every action. He proceeds to a small chink in the wooden shutters over the windows, sweeping up and down the street. Satisfied, he turns to you.
Eyes flickering between your face and the bat still clutched in your right hand, he smirks, “You gonna hit me with that?”
“I-oh.” You let out a breath of laughter and tossed the bat onto the soft sofa. “I guess not.”
“I was just looking for someone stupid enough to let a stranger into their house, I got lucky.” He explained, confirming your suspicions that he hadn’t known this was your place.
You rolled your eyes. “What are you doing anyway. Is someone after you?”
“No one dangerous,” He responds “Just FEDRA. I won’t have brought any trouble to your door. They won’t find me, idiots can barely track down their own heads.”
You smile at him.
“But seriously, what I said earlier about you needing to be more careful. ‘s true. Would you just let any old crazy person in off the street who needs your help.”
“You aren’t just any old crazy person.” You smiled. “Devil you know, and all that?”
He reached a hand up to scratch the back of his neck, your eyes fixed on the strong arm flexing under his thin jacket.
“Listen, uh…” He shifted on his feet and his ever confident appearance faltered slightly. “I know it’s a lot to ask, and I promise I’ll pay you back fairly-“
You were nodding before he finished the question. Of course you would let him stay. You did trust him, despite not really knowing him. And you didn’t want to see him caught or hurt by the guards. His business benefitted you, too. There was a net gain to helping him. But more than that, you found yourself intrigued and almost excited at the prospect of having someone in your home like a normal old day.
“It’s no trouble, really.” You said sincerely, and his eyes expressed relief. “You’ll just have to me owe me one.”
“Anythin’, honestly.” He responded.
“Take a seat.” You urged him, picking up the baseball bat and sliding it back underneath the sofa. “Are you hungry?”
“No, no. I wouldn’t ask you to waste your food.” He shook his head.
“Suit yourself.” You shrugged.
You sat opposite him in an armchair. You had better furniture than many people, mismatched but relatively clean and comfortable. You watched him as he collected a lighter and cigarettes from his pocket, raising an eyebrow when he looks back at you in confusion.
The penny drops and he asks, “Can’t I smoke in here?”
You consider him for a moment over the top of your book. “I guess so.” You offer, but he’s replacing them back into his pocket already. You realise you had made a mistake, then. You recognised a knowing look in his eyes, he knew you weren’t happy with the smoking and yet you had said yes to him anyway. A glint in his eye was questioning what else you might say yes to. You blush as your train of thought continues.
He cleared his throat, breaking the tension between the two of you which you had felt rising. “So, why the wine? You hosting dinner parties these days or somethin’?”
You laugh a little at the suggestion, both knowing the answer. “Nope, I’ve got a big birthday coming up.”
“That right?” He raised an eyebrow. “How old?”
“Guess.” You shot back, folding the corner of your page and setting it on the coffee table.
“Ah…” He tilted his head. “No, I’m not falling into that trap.”
You leaned towards him and put on a theatrical whisper, “Twenty-five”
He grumbled, rolling his eyes. “Oh yeah, ancient.”
“On Wednesday.” You added.
“I don’t celebrate my birthday. What’s the big deal about another year in this place.”
You rolled your eyes. “25? Remember? It’s pretty much all I’ve known.”
A sharp intake of breath from Joel has you pondering. You’ve never been good at knowing other people’s age, but you imagine he has 15 years on you at the very least. He most likely lived a life he remembered well before this, unlike you, who only has faint fragments from your early childhood.
“How old are you?” You asked.
“Old enough to be your father.”
His tone was laced with something unfamiliar. You tore your eyes away from him and returned them to your book. Fine, if that’s how he wanted to play it, you thought. But something about how he held your gaze when he said it made you think he wasn’t expressing disgust or disinterest at all, it was more like a test.
“You live alone?” You ask.
“Why?” His eyes narrowed.
You sigh, “Just making conversation.” You muttered back.
“Yes.” He confirms. “You?”
You gestured around the apartment. “Just me. After..” You trailed off.
He nodded knowingly. “Yeah.”
Details were never needed. Everybody had lost most of those close to them. People with remaining family from before were few and far between and very very fortunate. You weren’t one of those fortunate few and Joel’s entire character made it clear that neither was he. He was out for himself, only. Maybe that could work to your advantage.
“Well, listen. Do you want to share that bottle?” You asked, tentatively. “Today’s Saturday and you need somewhere to stay. Better than me celebrating alone on a weeknight.”
“Don’t see why not.” He says.
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Before you could stop yourself, the bottle was empty and you had loosened up. Probably to a degree more than was wise. At some point you had moved from your armchair to occupy the sofa alongside Joel, there had been a reason but you had never proceeded to move away again.
Something about it felt so natural, so normal, like being in the company of a friend. You had even extracted a few laughs from him.
You were watching him, not expectantly, just lost in your thoughts and his deep brown eyes when he cleared his throat and you realised just how close to him you were, warmth radiating from him, a rich musky scent, all contributing to the somewhat magnetic force you felt acting upon yourself.
“It’s been a while.” He said.
You didn’t know what he was referring to. A while since what? Since he drank wine? Since he shared a night like this with another human being? Since…
His mouth latching onto yours interrupted your train of thought. His kiss was hungry, but not desperate, it remained powerful and dominant, just like the energy Joel permanently exuded.
You lifted your hands to tug lightly at the curls at the back of his neck, tilting your head up and deepening the kiss in the process. He turned to face you more fully, a strong arm reaching round to wrap around your middle. And with one movement, that same arm manoeuvring you onto his lap. The kiss breaks for the first time and you pull away ever so slightly to look at him. The sight staring back at you is the most attractive thing you think you have ever seen. Pupils dilated, broad chest rising and falling rapidly as he takes shallow breaths. You feel something growing in his jeans at the place your body connects to his. The affect you were having on him after just briefly making out gave you confidence.
“I’ve wanted you, for such a long time,” He whispers into you as he pulls you closer again, hot breath tickling your neck, your ear, as he flicks out his tongue and nibbles your earlobe. “Tonight I’m finally going to have you.”
You can’t stop an audible whimper escaping and you feel his smirk in return. Of course, you had messed around with other young men in the QZ, friends and such, but never had you felt attraction as deeply as you did to Joel in this moment. Joel knew what he wanted and how to get it. There was nothing awkward or fumbling about this like your previous encounters.
You pressed your lips to his again, rolling your lower half into him. His firm hands gripped your hips and his fingertips lightly grazed the skin as your top started to ride up. His touch was magic, the way in which he managed to be simultaneously so powerful yet remain gentle was expert.
He broke the kiss again, his voice husky as he questioned, “You gonna show me to your room or do you want me to take you right here, beautiful?”
You couldn’t speak, just hopping off of his lap in response and taking one of his large hands in yours to lead him to the bedroom at the back of the apartment. The corridor, only a few feet long, had never felt like such a long walk due to the anticipation that was reaching unmanageable levels inside you.
You entered the room and Joel closed the door behind you, plunging the room into darkness. Spinning you round by your wrist to face him, he began stripping the clothes from your body whilst kissing you, quickly taking your sweater off over your head. You fumbled with the buttons on his shirt in return, but he quickly took over, pushing your hands lower to deal with his belt buckle as he tore off his forest green button-down. You successfully undid his buckle and unzipped his jeans, slipping your hand inside to press against the hardened bulge inside his boxers.
A low groan escapes his lips as you apply further pressure, palming his cock as it continues to harden further.
“Don’t tease me baby, you won’t like where it gets you.” He says, as he pushes you gently onto the bed.
You can’t make out his features in the darkness but his tone paints a picture of that signature smirk that is making you grow wetter by the second. He pulls your bottoms from your legs and you hear them land somewhere across the room, before doing the same with his own. His hands widen your thighs and you feel the weight of the bed shift as he positions himself between your legs. You reach your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss, and he uses this as an opportunity to snake an arm around your back and unclasp your bra.
It drops to the floor to reveal your breasts and hardened nipples, which he teases lightly with his thumbs, continuing to kiss you.
“Isn’t this a pretty sight.” he mumbles as he leans back, taking you in as much as he could in the low light before attaching his mouth to your nipple, sucking and nibbling lightly, eliciting gasps from you.
You feel yourself rolling your hips towards him, finding his thigh and whining at the lack of attention your lower half was receiving from him.
“Patience, sweetheart.” He smirks, gripping your hips and pinning them onto the bed.
He fulfils your request anyhow, gently rubbing you through your underwear as he focussed his attention once again on your breasts. kneading one in one hand whilst balancing his weight on his elbow, and continuing to use his tongue on the other, sloppy kissing and suction on your nipple and intermittent biting that had you whining through gritted teeth.
You were sure he could feel your arousal, heat and wetness permeating through the thin material of your underwear, letting him know the effect his teasing was having on you.
“J-Joel.” You gasped, your tone not far from begging. “Please.”
He obliged at last, “Only cause you asked me so nicely,” He whispered into your skin, kissing and sucking your breasts, your throat, your neck, your ear.
Joel was consuming every single one of your senses, intensifying the pleasure you felt when he finally inserted a finger into you. You felt as though you were practically dripping all over him, malleable and ready for whatever he might give you. He groaned softly as he curled his finger inside you, pulling it out painstakingly slowly to replace it with two this time.
You let out a quiet moan, biting your lip to try and hold back the sounds of your pleasure, not wanting to let him see how much this act alone was affecting you.
“Let me hear you, baby.” He said, as if reading your mind. “Show me how much you like to be touched.”
You let yourself go now as he picked up his pace, curling his fingers hard and fast against that spot inside you that had your toes curling. As he continued this, his thumb found its way to your clit and he rubbed slow circles into it.
“Oh, Joel…” You gasped, twisting the bedsheets in your fists either side of you. “I want you to fuck me Joel, please Joel I- ah” You cut yourself off with another moan as he inserted a third finger, stretching you out and increasing the pace and force with which he massaged your clit.
“Baby, the way you beg so nicely has me tempted. But I need you to come before I fuck you.”
You nodded and reached a hand out towards him, feeling for him with your eyes closed. Your hand connected with his shoulder and you tugged him towards you gently, keen to be enveloped in his warmth, his scent. He reached his lips down to yours and your moans escaped into the kiss. Your eyes shot open when he removed his fingers from inside you and then his whole hand from where it had been working at you.
He pulled away from the kiss and replaced his mouth with his fingers, which you sucked instinctively, interpreting his wordless request.
He moaned as you swirled your tongue around his fingers and tasted yourself and you did too, closing your eyes and releasing your sounds of pleasure.
“Jesus…” He sighed contentedly
He returned his hand to your core and focused entirely on your clit this time, pinching gently before rubbing circles rhythmically. You were close to orgasm already, your deep attraction to him and the power he exercised over you all encouraged your release quicker than usual.
It didn’t take long for his practiced attention on your clit, coupled with his low praise in your ears, when you felt it building inside you.
You arched your back slightly, pressing yourself against his hand to increase the friction however possible.
“That’s it, baby.” He muttered in your ear. “Show me how good it feels.”
“You gonna come for me, good girl?” He breathed.
Your face was screwed up in pleasure, your breathing shallow and erratic as your orgasm built, tension growing more and more.
“Let me hear those pretty sounds, sweetheart.” He urged.
You came hard with noises between moans and wails escaping your lips. Joel’s pace didn’t falter as you enjoyed your orgasm, writhing your lower body against him before you collapsed onto the bed, spent of the energy needed to hold yourself up.
He pressed a wet kiss onto your cheek before moving from where he lay alongside you to position himself over you. He took your hand and guided it to his erection, which you palmed gently, feeling its size again. He sighed at the sensation of your small hands grasping him through the fabric, but he had little patience for this moment and quickly moved on to removing them, pulling them down his thighs and allowing his cock to spring free. You resisted literally letting your jaw drop as you saw him bare and felt the full weight and size of him. Definitely bigger than anything you had experience with.
He took a hold of himself, guiding his tip down to rub it through your folds, causing you to shudder slightly with your clit still sensitive from your orgasm. He nudged the tip to your wet hole and you bit your lip as he entered you, slowly at first until he was about halfway in before thrusting himself into you as deep as he could. At this, you couldn’t keep your noise to yourself, releasing a desperate and tortured moan.
He took this noise as a sign to continue at this pace, dragging out of you slowly but thrusting in with force, hitting the deepest parts of you.
You moaned and whined and could barely catch a breath, his thrusts picking up in pace as he used your body for his pleasure.
“God, Joel, yes,” You say, but you are sure it comes out unintelligible. “Please fuck me like that Joel it feels so good oh my god.”
He grunted in response and continued, taking one hand and giving attention to your clit as he fucked you relentlessly, all you could do was babble words of praise and thanks and his name, rolling from your tongue as though you were addressing a deity.
“You’re so tight.” He groans through gritted teeth, bringing his body closer to yours to kiss at your skin as he fucks you.
You sense he won’t last much longer when he slows down his thrusts, and your suspicions are confirmed when he asks “Where do you want my cum, beautiful?”
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth, sticking your tongue out. The look on your face as you do this is almost enough to push him over the edge, “Oh god.” He exclaims, pulling out of you in a rush. A playful look in your eyes as you laugh a little, still keeping your tongue out.
He grabbed your arms and manoeuvred you roughly onto the floor in front at the edge of the bed. He kneeled on the bed above you and you kept eye contact with him, wiggling your tongue as he pumped his cock in his hand.
He groaned as he watched you, you closed your eyes briefly and he scolded you.
“Keep them open.”
You did so, and with another few tugs of his wrist he was exploding all over your face, salty cum landing mostly on your outstretched tongue and inside your mouth but some more leaking onto your nose, cheeks, and chin.
You swallowed what was in your mouth and tongue as he kept his eyes fixated on you, deflating slightly and relaxing lower onto the bed. He reached out and used his thumb to wipe your face, collecting his spent load from around your face and guiding it towards your lips. You sucked on his thumb obediently, and he sighed, totally transfixed and holding your gaze throughout your entire performance for him.
With most of him cleaned up from your face you straightened up higher and he reached over to press a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
“You did fantastic.” He praised, and you hummed, enjoying the feeling of his hand holding the back of your neck and his face pressed into your hair.
When he released you and lay backwards onto the bed, you got up and padded barefoot to your bathroom. You washed your face and rinsed your mouth out, eyeing yourself in the cracked mirror. Your hair was slightly pressed to your forehead with sweat and the rest of it was sticking out wildly. Your cheeks were dark with blush and you still hadn’t quite slowed your breathing down to normal. Yep, you looked like someone who had just been fucked hard.
You crept back to bed, floorboards creaking, collecting your underwear on the way and putting it on before sliding under the covers. He stood slowly and did the same, reaching out to pull you close towards him, attacking the top of your head, your forehead, your throat, your chest, with rapid kisses.
“Joel-“ You giggled, flattered with the kind of attention he continued to give you after the sex was over.
After a final kiss, he kept you close to him, inhaling from the top of your head, his breath tickling you.
You lay this way, content for a while, until something compelled you to speak. “Joel?” You said softly, your voice not quite a whisper, unsure if he was awake.
“Hm?” He responded, rubbing circles on your waist with his thumb where his arm was around you, holding you tightly to him.
“Are we going to do this again?” You asked shyly.
He exhaled with what might have been a small laugh. “Absolutely, sweetheart. You’re not gonna get rid of me now.”
You nuzzled into his neck and eventually, sleep took you. Nothing you could dream about would top the night you had just had with Joel.
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insxghtt · 1 year
soulmates — kappa x reader
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(sorry if this is a mess, i wrote it last night under the influence of a high dose of quetiapine. my insomnia fellas will understand.)
i see a lot of people talking about kappa as this bad boy figure, kinda similar to euronymous but, in my mind, kappa is waaayyy more charming. i mean, he has to be! after all, he is a cult leader and cult leaders rarely show their followers explicit violence.
i think what we saw in black mirror was the dark side of kappa, one that he only shows to his most faithful followers. the other side we didn't get to see is the kind kappa, the personality he has on most of the time. this manipulative, charismatic, charming kappa is the one who would convince you to do the most insane things for him.
first one, joining a cult. but, of course, you didn't call it a cult. no, you called it a family.
kappa was very good at reading people and as soon as he laid eyes on you, he knew you were an easy target. you were so fragile, so he did what no one else ever thought about doing. he took care of you. he showed you love.
it was hard to see kappa as this evil cult leader because he was the kindest soul you had ever met. he was different from all of the other men you had in your life. he treated you with respect.
kappa genuinely loved you. it wasn't healthy, but he genuinely loved you. gosh, he was obsessed with you. you were his godess. he knew about every detail about your life, which is why it was so easy for him to manipulate you into staying. that's why you never even realized that you were trapped.
but again, maybe kappa wasn't the only one with a dark side. you had it in you and he could see it too, which is why he chose you in the first place. the two of you were a mix made in hell.
he was possessive over you, but you were just the same way. although kappa wasn't monogamic, he was faithful to you because he could never ever ever be so obsessed with anyone else.
you two had this open, confused, agitated relationship, but there was one rule you two followed whithout question, and that rule was: other people were only allowed if the two of you consent to it.
other people could only have you, touch you, want you when he was right there watching, and vice versa.
the few times kappa lost his temper in front of the other followers, it was because of you. well, not you, but other man trying to get to you without your (and his) consent. kappa would suddenly become a beast, filled with rage.
he had the other guy pinned against the wall with a knife against his throat. the man was clearly intoxicated, which was the reason why he dared to even approach you in the first place. everyone knew you belonged to kappa. no one would dare to mess with you.
the guy was having a hard time breathing, too scared to even blink. kappa was staring into his soul like a mad man. everyone else in the room, who were partying just a few minutes ago, was now frozen in silence.
you were watching as you thought that maybe you should intervene and try to calm him down, but you didn't really want to. kappa looked so pretty when he was mad. his rough hands were holding the guy by his shirt, the veins in his arms and neck were more visible, his messy hair was covering part of his face, but you could still see his eyes burning with rage.
you rolled your eyes and touched his shoulder delicately and kappa immediately felt his muscles relax. he let go of the guy and watched as he ran away out of the room.
you were kappa's favorite drug. just one small dose of you was enough to make him forget all of his problems.
he turned to you and you gave him a kiss on the lips. just like that, kappa could hardly remember about what had just happened.
but when you were jealous, things were a little different. from times to times, when someone new joined the family, you would notice a girl staring at kappa in a more seducive, flirty way. kappa was very attractive and charming and everyone in the family looked up to him. some people developed feelings for him in the process and you hated it.
and when bitches try to get your man, that's when you become a beast yourself.
you were not as impulsive as kappa. no, you carefully observed and waited for the right time to get rid of them. you were quiet, calm and precise. not only you would stop them from getting what was yours, you would make sure they were completely removed from your lives.
out of the sudden, one of the guns would magically disappear for a day or two, just to be found later in the bag of clothes of one of the new girls. she swore she hadn't taken it, but you didn't believe her and, if you didn't, kappa didn't believe her either.
so you tried to hide your smile as you watched him send her away. he hated to do that, but one thing that kappa valued the most was honesty and he refused to let someone who had lied about stealing one of his guns be part of the family.
kappa would never know. behind his back, you made sure to keep all the girls away from him. of course you were good to them most of the time. you loved some of those girls like they were your sisters, but the ones who didn't respect the rules were easily discarted.
it wouldn't be right to say that you and kappa were a good match, but you two were definitely soulmates. he was made for you, you were made for him and nothing in the world could ever change that.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
Eco Warrior
I can't believe the nerve of those corporate jerks! All we were doing was peacefully protesting their evil company and they threw this gross sticky chemical stuff all over me! I should wash it off but I need the evidence for when I go to the cops tomorrow. It's infuriating how they think they can just silence us like that. But you know what? This won't stop me. I'll fight even harder now. We're in this together, and we're going to make sure they're held accountable for the damage they've done to people and the environment.
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Change of plans with going to the cops, I woke up to find the chemicals had soaked into my skin. They haven’t left any evidence in me. I guess I should be thankfully. Although I think they may have contributed to this tan I have now. But that's not the point right now. I need to focus on getting to the new protest today. We can't let their tactics deter us. We have to keep standing up against their injustices and fighting for what's right. Let's get out there and make our voices heard again.
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You won't believe how well the protest went today. Our voices were louder than ever, and it felt like a turning point. But here's the craziest part – those corporate guys actually came over to apologize for splashing me with chemicals! Can you believe that? They said it was a mistake and that they want to make amends. They even offered me a role as a protest liaison within their company. It's wild, right? I'm torn though. Part of me wants to take the chance to make change from the inside, but another part worries it might just be a ploy. What do you think babe?
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So, I just got back from my first day as a protest liaison, and I'm kind of surprised. The corporation is actually really nice, and they went out of their way to make me feel welcome. They even gave me a bunch of free makeup, creams, and lotions to try, as a way to show their products aren't harmful. I've already put some on, and I have to admit, they feel pretty good. They make my body tingle all over, especially my boobs. Bigger? No I don’t so. It's probably just the outfit I'm wearing today. I think you just like what you see, mmmm come closer baby.
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It's frustrating to deal with some of my protestor friends calling me a scab and a corporate shill just because I'm working with the corporation now. I have no sympathy for their attitude. If they can't see that I'm trying to make a positive change from within, then that's their problem. Honestly, it feels like jealousy more than anything. I mean, the corporation even gave me a raise already and has let me use all their products for free. That must mean I'm doing something they value. Plus I’m sure it doesn’t help that I look so much better then them now as well. The company’s products really are like magic. Mmmm all this talk of how good I look I’d getting me in the mood, take off your pants.
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Like my new car? My company bought it for me for doing such a good job. Protest liaison? No they’ve moved me into marketing and sales where I’m excelling. It helps that I’m a walking billboard for them. As for the protest, honestly, I don't really care about it anymore. Things change, priorities shift. This is where I am now, and I've got better things to focus on than those who still think shouting on the streets will make a difference. It's all about playing the game right, and clearly, I'm winning. So, if you'll excuse me, I've got more important matters to attend to than the past.
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Ugh, those protestors are getting on my nerves. Yesterday, they nearly ruined my new fur coat as I was walking into work. Can you believe their audacity? Pathetic losers, the lot of them. I need to find some muscle to deal with them, get them out of my way once and for all. It's like they're stuck in a never-ending cycle of futile resistance. Well, I won't let them stand in my way or mess with what I've built. I am vice president now after all, I deserve respect. Time to take control and show them the real power of influence.
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Oh, look at you now. Splashing you with those chemicals did wonders, didn't it? Just like they did to me. Of course at first I had no idea the chemicals were changing me into the mega bitch you see before you but once I realized what my companies products were doing to me, I couldn’t get enough. It’s so hawt to see the concentrated formula change you so quickly. You've become quite the imposing figure, muscular and mean. It's good to see loyalty in action. From now on, you're my enforcer. Those protestors won't stand a chance with you by my side. Let's make sure they understand that challenging me comes at a price. Together, we'll show them what happens when they fuck with me.
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You know what? It turns out, it was a much better plan to turn those protestors into my new executive board. All it took was a little splash of those chemicals, and their loyalty was sealed. With them backing me, it was easy to ascended to the position of CEO. Funny how things work out, isn't it? They thought they were fighting against me, but now they're working for me. It's a powerful reminder that sometimes, the best way to bring about change is from the inside. And now, I've got the influence and control I've always wanted. Make less products? No dear we’re doubling our output now, I want an army.
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gloveslut · 29 days
come on now. just fuck me already.
you have to face it, don't you?
why does it even matter right now?
i won't do anything against your will, but i won't let you make yourself an exception when it comes to love.
...the fuck you just said? i'm not here for your stupid ass words, fuck me, or—
or what? it won't change anything. a-ny-thing, you hear me? but what it will provoke is you leaving. i can't stand it anymore. i want you to start talking to me as an equal.
i treat you like a person.
a person who can only help you with one thing?
well, at least, that's not a lie. what are you gonna do about it? i don't think you're a good person, either. i don't really wanna talk to you.
just curious, you want me to be upset?
i don't know. you hurt me. in theory, it would sound logical.
the thing is, if it really was something, you wouldn't even ask me to fuck you.
...so what?
so you're stupid. i love you and they're not just some words.
still. words aren't material.
then i should just fuck you for you to know that i'm madly in love with you?
exactly, man. just do it, you wanted to show me, do it.
answer the question first.
i already did. i don't understand what else you expect me to do.
i'm asking you to be honest. that is all.
"that is all"? how many times a day you act genuine? how fucking many?
we were talking about you.
we were. just to make you feel better. you're so smart!
okay, i'll just fuck you, then. forget it.
you can't do this to me, fuck... no, you won't. you'll sit here and tell me everything.
you know what.
i don't.
then you don't love me.
that's not— wait, don't you dare twist my words!
are you for real right now? did you forget who we are? you won't stop surprising me... okay. i just don't know how to put it into words. you're better at it. tell me something. don't be so ridiculous at my house.
...i wanna marry you.
you're nuts.
and you are not?
that's the point!
i imagined it to be more romantic.
shut up. you can't breathe without talking bullshit. ... i wanna marry you, too.
thank you, now it's definitely romantic. that is so kind of you to make my wishes come true. you're my sunshine!
shut up, my fucking god—
you're giggling like a girl at the stupidest joke ever and i'm supposed to shut up? i must write this down. you didn't hide your disgusting vices for a whole minute. that's wonderful.
...you know, this is really nice.
that's what people say just before i run from them as fast as I can. where have you hidden this shitty optimism? i should permanently stop fucking you.
god, if you can't get your shit together and response with something more thoughtful, seriously, just kiss me.
that's too much to ask, honestly.
i thought, you loved me.
i did. but do i?
...you don't leave me a choice.
oh no, what am i ever gonna do.
...you know, sometimes i just feel like a monster. i mean, i am, but—
man, wait-wait-wait, we talked about it—
as fucking teenagers?
yes. does it change the point?
of course it does! lots of things changed since then, there was even a time you said you would never sleep with me, come on.
for what?
i just fucked up. keep talking. i won't open my mouth.
you are being really weird, but yeah. you can't— hell. well, you did prove me that i'm not, but i— when you left— life is a rollercoaster and— ...i just couldn't think otherwise when you weren't there to repeat it to me every day. all i was wondering about is if you'd ever come back and say it again. ...fuck, don't stare at me as if i didn't see you in shittier states.
you meant 'vulnerable'. it's not bad, you know? i don't care if you think i'm bad, but that isn't. sorry, i can stop, but i just— nevermind.
what were you gonna say?
i— um, i love you? my brain kinda shut off, i'm— i'm sorry.
god. i don't think you're—
it doesn't really matter, listen—
no. it does. i love you. i don't think you're neither bad or good. i just know that i love you and I need you to be here. i need you to be at least a tiny part of my life. i don't want you to save me. like, i— well, i just don't intend it to seem like i don't want anything from you but help. i want you with every one of your quirks as long as they're real. and i want you with all the pretending. i just... love you.
well, now we're both stupid.
so, i— i need to go.
no. you don't. you can't just leave it like that. i know you can't.
okay, you won.
so fast, too.
shut up!
you mocking me or something?
no, shut up, i have no comment on your bullshit, but i love you, i don't know anything else.
i feel you. it's so stupid, but now i want a kiss. like, a real one.
i can't—
hey, you already did once today.
it's not—
if it helps, you make me love myself sometimes. just with the looks you give me. jesus, i can't handle the talking, you know.
but neither do i! i love you and i can't stop saying it, it's— it's ridiculous.
i love you. see? it's not that bad. i love you.
okay, now i don't have a choice.
why do we have to say it before we kiss?
'cause we don't want to?
definitely not.
shit, i know. but— it just feels better?
maybe. but i think we should stop this madness. just tell me when you wanna kiss me so bad that you barely keep your voice normal, okay? it's easier.
god, did you hear what you just said?
what now?
okay, you won another time. fuck, fine, i love you and i wanna kiss you so bad that i— i don't know, i want it to stop every time i do, but i really want to, and i— it's not any less stupid.
shut the fuck up and tell me what you think.
...it feels safe when you're on my lips.
i'm in awe.
i told you—
no, i am. keep in mind, i'm the one who loves himself only occasionally, right?
i love you. you must do the same thing.
i don't know, but i love you.
i love you. you love me and yourself.
i love you. i love— i'm not that stupid to buy it, so no, thanks.
but you were about to say it! and loving me can't come without discussing your beauty. you're not anything you think you are. i see you for who you are, i know better.
shut up, jackass. kiss me.
do it whenever you feel like it.
in fact, it's just a few times in our whole lifetime.
huh, why?
ì don't wanna sound more stupid.
you're not, smarty.
you're making me blush. it's dumb.
well, it might be, but you are not. ...i love it when you blush, the blame is on me.
fuck, you're so mean.
back to the topic, why do you refuse to kiss me whenever you want to? maybe, you're right and you should just leave me alone. or you shouldn't. what's on your mind?
...i think it's— um, you're just really pretty, you know?
well, it's not all.
...ye-es. i just think it would be great to make you, like— uh, i can't.
you fuck me twice a day with no second thoughts.
well, it's not like i— ...okay. it would be great to make you come just by kissing you.
man, even i am not ashamed of it as an idea. you physically can't come without getting called a whore, after all.
it's more intimate! it's— fuck, you're just very stupid. you won't even tell me if you mind it or not. it's not shamelessness.
...oh, i think i— i would be able to do that. you know, i won't say no to you.
you said you're not ashamed.
fuck you. we're just moved to another level recently and i'm still adjusting.
so i can freely marry you?
hell yes you can? just don't— uh, now i just— i need to feel good right now.
as if you're not feeling well?
as i'm in another kind of need, but i don't wanna tell you. ...well, i need to feel— i need to feel loved. words don't work. i want you to say everything you need, just in— in another form, okay?
so i should stop telling you how—
i said what i said. for the love of god, shut up and do something. i need you.
...thank you for, like, everything.
show me you're thankful.
you asked me, um— about why i— why i wouldn't just kiss you any time i want and...
yeah, right, i'm listening.
so, um. i don't think i deserve it.
...that's it?
but i don't understand.
see, i told you, it's safer— and i— you know, i don't wanna be all negative, but— i don't think i should feel safe too often.
lord, and that man preaches selfcare. ...you think?
yeah. it's— it's weakness. i trust you...
there's no 'but's. i trust you. i'm okay with being weak with you. however it has its effect on my routine. i love you and it's the huge part of me and my life, so i should try even harder to not get blinded by this and lose the grip. ...put myself in danger.
but you know it's just... healthy?
i guess, but— i can't.
there must be more.
...you're right. but, you know, do you really think that the person like me has a right to be normal?
everybody does.
you make yourself an exception, so i think it's not—
i'm unhuman. it's okay to do this, it's not the same.
...can i hug—
you let me make you love yourself?
i don't care what that is anymore. ...man, i truly love you for you. for who you are, who you seem to be, who you want to be, who you were... i love you.
you're really stupid at this point.
okay. i don't give a fuck.
that's crazy.
that's crazy, yeah. i love you. what can i do?
what do you—
for you. i want to do something for you. i want to see your stupid happy face and fuck it after.
well, that's the thing. you can fuck me in a way you think i deserve and only then i could think about it.
we're so stupid.
we are.
so i will try.
you will.
i will.
you so will.
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I keep recalling things we never did
zsxrdcfvgbh it's atsushi's birthday!! he's so precious I need to shove him into a locket full of love and tell him how much people care about him. how can you hate him?? I introduce to you all how this man would act while smitten :)
just a note: anyone who reads my works should just know that I will probably swear even though I try to edit out a lot of it.
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he is stuttering over every single word after gaining the confidence to talk to you. he is rushing out of every conversation and then wishing he was talking with you. he will find you in a crowd just to avoid you. the agency would just laugh a little and then tell him 'maybe next time'. you would have to be the most oblivious person in the world not to notice (mecore I'm a dumbass). he is forgetting about his entire schedule and everyone else the moment you ask for something. when you realise this, you ask for favours less because it does more harm than good in the long run, but he feels guilty when he doesn't help you enough. it's a lose-lose until you two start to actually communicate, though it's mostly his fault and he knows that and he feels horrible about that. so he goes to you and you soothe him and then he feels even worse because he just took time away from you and he thinks it would have been much better spent with someone else. when it's all done, you know just the things to say to help him, though. he is failing to pull of all the most romantic tricks in the book. he buys flowers but is too scared to give them to you face-to-face so he leaves them on your desk and runs to the bathroom when you find them so you don't confront him about it if you go asking around about who got you them. everyone knows that he would crumble right then and there. he would bleed his wallet dry buying your favourite snacks and hiding them in your desk's drawers on days when you seem to have it rough <33 he would be soft to you but would defend you with any amount of violence. he can't even stand when someone insults you and will get into heated arguments when someone tries to dirty your lovely name. he has a hard time staying calm if you have the slightest injury. you both know he would take care of you if you're ever sick and vice versa. he's no baby, but he would be anything for you.
I actually made something ahead of time and it was ready for when it needed to be posted!! I finally didn't do something last minute and I didn't procrastinate at all :)
not entirely proofread. actually not at all but I kinda edited as I went along, if that counts.
I just want to thank all my friends on tumblr, you make me feel so loved and wanted and you're the reason I don't feel so lonely anymore.
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jackmanbj · 8 months
is that ight?
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an: hi guys! im back hopefully for long and just wanna say that this is something that didnt take me long to write because i wanted it to be kinda short for my little return!🤭
summary: jack is ranting to you about his problems and your trying your best to help him not wanting him to give up on anything.
jack had just got home from the studio, his eyes were baggy and his hair was messy.
you were sitting on the sofa waiting for jack, even though it was two in the morning.
“jack hun you look tired…”
“just a little, lets go to bed” jack didnt wait for a response and he started walking upstairs and heading to the bedroom while you followed behind
at first, jack didnt even bother taking off his clothes, being to tired to even more after he sat on the bed “jack hun.. i know you’re tired but you need to undress” you say taking off his jacket
jack groans but eventually start undressing, he keeps on his wife-beater and boxers on and lays down
you pull him on top of you, his head resting on your chest as you scratch his scalp lightly
the next morning when you woke up, jack was already getting ready to go to the studio
“jack.. your overworked, stay home”
“i cant—im on a high right now! my new song just got higher then first class, everyone’s still expecting me to make new music and i cant take any days off, not right now at least maybe in a few weeks”
“jack you need a break..” “well i want to be able to spoil you and i cant do that if i keep taking breaks” “keep taking breaks? baby.. this would be your first break in four weeks.. sit down” you say patting the bed as you sit up
“why do you feel like that?”
no airports and no flights thats how i wanna live my life, is that ight?
“i—i dont even know.. i just feel like i need to work or everything i have is gonna come crashing down.. like everything i worked for is gonna fall apart, i dont even care about all the cars, and the jewelry.. but i want just a little but even with just a little i feel like im wasting so much”
no sport cars and no ice, okay maybe a little ice, we all got a lil’ vice
“jack hun.. you can want everything in the world and you can get it if you can afford it—wanting something and getting it doesn’t mean that your overdoing it, you see people with seven cars but they can get them because they like them, not because they want to have fame for it”
“but i feel like sometimes its to much, and theres even more to it.. sometimes i hate when fans come up to me and want a whole lot of pictures, i dont mind saying hi or asking for one picture but they keep going and i also feel like me and some of the pg are falling out because of me working so much we dont talk alot…”
no selfies just say hi, im so healthy and alive 4L we them same guys equity for my dogs only time you see gang signs.
“jack not wanting people to come up to you a lot is normal it doesn’t make you a bad person and it shouldn’t make you feel bad, not everyone likes that.. and people lose friends, but if its pg dont you think you should schedule a meet up for all of you, or most of you to hang out and catch up?”
jack shifts his body, not facing you anymore “i want to, i do i wanna hang out with them and i want to stay strong with them but also i dont want to stop my working and my music for it”
im looking to change lives i already changed mine
you take his face in your hands making him face you again “jack people have to move on with there lives sometimes.. everyone cant just wait for inspiration they just have to take a chance, lots of people are impatient and want you to release music or your opinion or what you think when they want it..”
the times not stop waiting for the inspiration, they say its a flaw being impatient but…
jack huffs “ok..okay ill take a break from working.. ill take a week long break and ill set boundaries with fans and ill talk to pg..”
i just want peace i dont want no smoke
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mj-102009 · 10 months
First Time for Everything (Colby Brock x oc)
Summary: After the first visit to the Queen Mary ship, Colby's best friend Avery is there to help with clean up
Warnings: fluff, light angst, ghosts?
I could always tell when they had a bad idea they were too afraid to share.
First Corey started acting up, he asked a bit more than usual about my line of work and how I dealt with the spirits. I told him honestly and that was that.
Then Sam.
“Can I use your camera? Like the good one”
I nodded. “Of course. Why?”
He fidgeted. “Video idea.”
That was my breaking point.
Me: What are you idiots planning?
Colbyyyyyyy: What?
Samuel Adams: Nothing
Corey: Huh?
Jake From Statefarm: wdym Avery nothing’s going on we swear lol
Me: Lyin’ to me Jake Webber?
Jake From Statefarm: no
Me: istfg ill text tara rn
Jake From Statefarm: Been real nice boys o7
Colbyyyyyyyy: Bitch don’t do it
Samuel Adams: Jake fucking no
Me: Jake.
Me: Now.
Jake From Statefarm: We got tickets to the queen mary
Colbyyyyyyyy: Bro rlly
Corey: Dawg
Samuel Adams: Avery don’t get mad
I gaped at my phone for a solid minute before typing a response.
Me: Are ya’ll fuckin mental???
Me: That place is fucking dangerous
Me: Like-
Me: At least be protected???
Me: Please
Colbyyyyyyyy: Ofc
Samuel Adams: Yeah
Samuel Adams: How do we go about that?
Me: Sage and crystals
Colbyyyyyyyy: Or we can just wing it
Corey: ^
Jake From Statefarm: I like that idea
Me: NO
Colbyyyyyyyy: C'mon man what could go wrong?
Corey: Sex demons???
Jake From Statefarm: Listen Ave if smth goes wrong you can say i told u so
Me: Idiots
Me: Fine
“Are you super sure?” I asked Colby for the tenth time.
He chuckled. “Yes we’re all sure, just like exploring.”
I groaned. “Nothing like that Colbs, DEMONS MAN,” I paused for effect. “DEMONS.”
“Avery stop worrying we’ll be fine,” Sam chimed in.
I was practically fuming, my phone was held in a vice grip and I had begun to pace the floors. “Just…be safe and call if anything happens, or if you need help.”
“Yes ma’am,” He laughed. “Text you when we land.”
I looked around the empty house after the call, all the boys were away for filming and my friends were busy. Now left alone to my anxieties, I dropped on the couch and sighed.
I woke up to my bedroom door being knocked on softly, a groan rose from my throat and I rolled over onto my side. “Go away,” I mumbled into my pillow.
Immediately I was awake and sprinting to my door. On the other side stood a wilted Jake, he had his backpack on his shoulder, tearstained hoodie still on, face red after a cry.
“Jake?” I said, not wasting any time to gather him in my arms and bring him in for a hug, not caring why he was in tears in my door frame. “You okay?”
He squeezed my quick and rubbed his face with a shrug. “I’ll be fine, going to Tara’s place– but, uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me, “Colby’s the one to be worried about.”
I swore and bolted down the hall, sliding to a quick stop at his door, I knocked. “Colby?”
No answer.
“It’s Avery,” I said softly. “Jake didn’t tell me what happened, I’m sure it was a lot. I get it of course, we don’t have to talk about anything if that’s what you want.”
No answer, just a soft click of the door being unlocked.
“I’m coming in,” I slowly opened the door, and poked my head in. “Cole?”
He was on the edge of his bed, a black tank top and plaid pajama shorts, I sharply inhaled through my nose at the sight of his face. A few tear streaks marked where he’d cried, slowly he looked at me and I felt my heartbreak at the confused look in his eyes.
“You were right,” He said slowly. “About…everything.”
In a few short steps I was beside him and wiping away the signs of sadness with my hands lightly cupping his face. “Oh bubs I’m so sorry.”
He chuckled and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. “Don’t say that, it was our choice.”
“I should have done more to stop you,” I told him.
The room fell silent for a moment, just me allowing my friend to seek comfort in my warmth. “Do you want to tell me what happened now or do you want to sleep?”
He opened his eyes and pulled back from my palms. “Uh, it was kind of a lot…”
In hushed tones and shaky words he told me the full story of what had happened in B340, I listened and wiped away his tears as they fell. At the end I pulled him to my chest and his hands sought to bunch in my hoodie, we fell back onto the bed and I slid up to the pillows.
Colby pulled me closer and rested his head on my arm to use as a pillow, both arms still around me and his breath brushed my collar. 
“Sleep now?”
He nodded and kept his eyes closed as I ran my hand through his hair.
“G’night,” He mumbled.
“Goodnight bubs.”
I vividly remember that night. Colby and I curled up in his room while I whispered reassurances in his ear about what they’d seen, or rather heard. 
The next day I’d given Sam a huge hug and he cried for a few minutes. Then the rest of the boys slowly came over, with Kat, Tara, and I watching them and helping with what we could. Later in the week Aaron told them about the recording and I marveled at the light tapping.
It took them a while to take it all in and release this to the public. But shortly after they did, Colby came into my room to talk.
I was sitting at my desk editing through my most recent video, I heard a series of muttering from outside my door before a knock.
“Come in,” I called, spinning in my seat to face the door.
Colby shyly walked in and stood in the middle of the room with an awkward expression. I blinked and stared blankly at him.
“Need something bubs?” I ask, amused. “Or just here to hang?”
He rubbed his neck. “I, uh, I had a question.”
“Shoot,” I told him.
“Where did you start when you went ghost hunting for the first time?”
I blinked and racked my brain for an answer. “Ummmm, I think it was a small cabin a few miles from my old house in Kansas.”
His shoulders sagged and he sighed. “Well shit.”
“What’s going on bubs?” I asked.
“The boys and I were just doing some thinking,” he said cryptically.
I chuckled and crossed my arms. “Last time you lot did some thinking I ended up babysitting a gaggle of grown men for days.”
“We were going to look into ghost hunting,” He admitted quietly.
The room took a brief pause of silence, my eyes widened and my hand ran through my hair slowly. “Really?” I said softly.
He nodded. “Yeah, we did a lot of thinking and realized how exhilarating that felt.”
“It’s amazing,” I agreed. “But that’s a sudden switch…are you sure that you’re ready for it?”
“Ave,” He said, stepping closer. “You don’t need to baby me.”
I huffed out a laugh. “I know that but still,” he met my eyes. “You’re my best friend and I don’t want to see you hurt.”
Colby slowly tugged me up from my seat into a hug. “Thank you.”
My eyebrows furrowed. “For what?”
“For being you.”
That was 3 years ago.
“WHAT’S UP GUYS IT SAM AND COLBY!” Colby exclaimed in his usual fashion. 
I rolled my eyes with a bright smile. 
Sam cleared his throat and looked seriously at the camera. “Today we are back…at The Queen Mary.”
The two of them visibly shivered, I stepped forward and lightly set my hand on Colby’s back. He looked at me and back to the camera. “Today we are joined by the woman you all know and love…AVERY!”
I laughed and pinched his cheek. “Don’t forget Amanda and Matt.”
Sam shouted out the other two and they gave their introductions. Finally they started to talk about the last time they were here.
“Soooo we’re back,” Sam stated looking at Colby.
He sighed and dropped his head. “I vividly remember swearing to never come here again.”
“Hey last time I didn’t get to experience it,” I reminded them.
“Oh yeah,” Colby said. “Not sure if you guys know this but the last time we came here Avery was very insistent that we don’t go.”
I rolled my eyes again. “Did they listen? Noooo.”
“And now you’re back,” Amanda said.
The tour went well, of course with the occasional scare and jump on Matt’s part.
We sat on the floor of the ballroom, me in between Colby and Amanda.
“I’m opening up a line of communication for the spirits that reside on the Queen Mary,” Amanda called softly. “I call out specifically to the man John to come to me, anyone is welcome but I’m speaking directly to him.”
Sam set out a few rempods and such and Amanda pointed out a few people entering the room.
“You can touch any of these devices or make any noise to show us you’re here,” I added.
“They don’t know what those are.”
I rolled my eyes, I will always respect Sam and Colby’s decisions but this medium is really getting on my nerves. I understand that she can see the dead and such and I don’t doubt this but every word I say is “wrong”.
“My name is Avery, this is Sam, Colby, Matt, and Amanda,” I called around the room. “We have no harmful intentions, we only wish to hear your story.”
The room went quiet for a moment Sam opened his mouth to say something. “I there any-”
Colby stiffened and searched for me, I grabbed his hand and smiled reassuringly. He smiled back and didn’t say anything.
Amanda began talking again about what she could see and what she felt. Sam asked a few questions and none of them were answered, Matt stood up and wanted to test something. I frowned sympathetically when I realized what was wrong. When he sat back down I patted his knee and mouthed ‘It’s okay’. Colby was watching me and I settled back next to him.
“What?” I whispered.
“Nothing,” He said quickly, turning to look at anything else.
They walked into the room first and began to just talk amongst themselves about that night. I stood leaning against the wall thinking Amanda came next to me.
“Can I help you?” I said politely.
She blinked rapidly. “No?”
I nodded. The silent filled the room for a moment before she sighed and whirled on me. “I feel like you don’t like me.”
“What? No,” I said, waving my hands. “I’m just not a people person, and I’m not super open with everyone I meet.”
A lie, she pissed me off with every word that fell from her mouth.
She tilted her head at me and frown.
Finally saving me from this conversation, Colby opened the door. “Avery, come in here real quick.”
I sprung up from my spot and walked through the door. Waves upon waves of just anger and agony flooded my senses, I winced and sat on the bed.
Sam spread his arms out to show off the room. “Well?”
“It’s freaky all right,” I nodded. 
Colby laughed and pointed the camera at me. “Get why we got so freaked out?”
“For being ghost hunting virgins at the time?” I grinned. “Yes. And this place is…” I looked around and shuddered at the feeling of being watched. “I don’t like it.”
“For those of you that don’t know Avery or are new to the channel, she’s a really strong empath that we bring along to get the feel for the area,” Colby told the camera.
I raised an eyebrow. “And because I've been your best friend since middle school?”
Sam waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “Blah Blah Blah.”
We brought the rest of the gang in and I screwed my eyes shut as I felt the entity rear its face again. It seemed like Amanda did too because she had the same look that I did.
Sam clapped his hands together and grinned. “Ready?”
Sam was peeved to say the least, pacing around the room and ears practically smoking. 
I shrugged and fell back onto the bed. “Happens sometimes.”
He groaned and grabbed the camera from Colby who was equally as upset but showed it in better ways. I sat up and patted him on the back as he sat beside me.
“Why don’t we try again?” I suggested, Sam gave me a look. “I’m serious, change SD cards and we’ll do an estes session.”
Amanda nodded. “I can listen as well and write down what I hear.”
“Or you can let Sam and Colby make a few of the calls for their channel,” I snapped.
Her eyes jumped to me, surprised and frantically blinked at my words. Colby gave me a concerned look and squeezed my hand as if to tell me to calm down.
Matt shifted nervously. “If we’re doing this again I might just go stand with the guide.”
The fire dancing in my eyes dulled as I remembered what the boys had gone through. “I can take you.”
“I’ll go too,” Colby said. I shot him a curious look. “So you don’t have to walk back alone.”
We set off down the hall making jokes and giggling like teenagers until we made it to the guide. Colby and I left Matt and walked back chatting quietly.
“Avery,” He said, interrupting a comfortable silence.
Colby stopped walking and gently held my forearm, I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him. “You good bubs?”
He sighed and dropped his head onto my shoulder. “I didn’t wanna say it on camera but I have the worst headache ever.”
I ran my fingers through his hair and let him breathe slowly. “Stress?”
“I think so,” He said, lifting his head and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
A deep blush broke out across my face. “Sure you’ll be fine? I can ask Sam if he has any motrin in the first aid kit.”
“No,” He said, shaking his head. “I’ll be fine, I just needed a break.”
“That’s okay,” I promised, setting my hand on his cheek and smiling. “I take breaks sometimes too.”
He exhaled and smiled at me. “How did I get so lucky?”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Just…” He shrugged and set his hand over mine. “You.”
I laughed lightly. “You’ve told me that before.”
Colby’s eyes turned soft and he rubbed my hand with his thumb. “It’s true Ave, you’re amazing and kind and caring and beautiful,” His other hand played with the ends of my black hair. “You’re always putting others before yourself and thinking about what’s best for everyone.”
My eyes filled with tears and my jaw fell open in awe. “I’d kiss you right now if I could.”
“Why can’t you?”
We were so fucking close.
The moment the words left his mouth I was holding his face in my hands and leaning forward, rapidly closing the space. Our breath left at the same moment and our lips had just grazed each other.
“COLBY! AVERY! COME ON, WE HAVE A VIDEO TO FINISH!” Sam shouted from the door of B340.
We sprung apart like teenagers caught in the act. Once realizing that Sam had closed the door we burst into laughter.
I giggled once more and turned to Colby with a smile. “C’mon we can talk later, I want outta this place as soon as possible.”
The car ride was silent.
Trips like these usually end in a quiet ride home, each head processing what it had witnessed. Sam and I were in the front, Colby’s headache was making his thoughts swirl and he didn’t want to risk messing up the rental.
We dropped off Amanda and Matt to their respective locations. I handed Sam the gps with the location of our house and we rode in more quiet.
“You good back there?” I said breaking the silence.
Colby nodded. “It’s getting better.”
“Okay,” I said softly. “Tell me if you need the air turned down and such.”
It wasn’t awkward, we’d never been a trio for tension, I’d usually make a joke or two but this time I could tell that they needed the moment.
We came to the house and I trotted up to the door to unlock it while they brought in our stuff. I thanked Colby when he gave me my bag and they walked to their rooms to get some sleep.
“I’m gonna go to Katrina’s,” Sam said quietly. “Just for the night.”
I nodded. “That’s perfectly alright Sam, tell her I said hello.”
“Will do.”
In hindsight, I should have expected this. Sam had left to go see his girlfriend and Colby quietly excused himself to his room. This time around I didn’t go looking for him rather just cleaning up and heading off to edit a video.
My phone buzzed once in my pocket.
Colbyyyyyyyy: U awake?
I opened the message and saw that he had deleted it. I quickly jumped off my chair and padded softly over to his room.
“You ain’t slick bubs,” I laugh. “I’ve been awake for a while.”
He opened the door sheepishly and smiled. “Heeeeeeey.”
“Hi,” I said grinning. “Need something?”
He flushes deep red and rubs the back of his neck. “I just can’t sleep.”
“Wanna go watch a movie? Maybe lay in my bed while I edit?”
“Do you need to edit?” He asked. “I don’t want to bother you if you need to work.”
I thought about my upload schedule. “I can make time tomorrow.”
He shook his head rapidly. “I don’t want you to do more than you need to.”
“Then just come into my room and lay down,” I insisted. “If you need me Colby I’m right here. I am volunteering to do this, you are not making me.”
That seemed to do the trick, he slowly nodded watching me with wide eyes and walked into the hallway. I walked into the room and shut the door behind him.
Like he had done it a thousand times before, Colby walked over to my bed and laid underneath the white covers.
“I’ll be done in a few minutes,” I promised him.
He grumbled out an ‘mhm’ and watched me silently, I popped on my head phones and continued to sift through footage. After ten minutes or so I turned off my laptop and stood up to find Colby reading a random book on my bedside.
“Finally,” He sighed, smiling up at me and setting down the book.
I laughed breathily and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, quickly changing while Colby covered him face with the sheets. “Okay now you have my full undivided attention.”
He uncovered his head, smiled and just stuck his hands out. “Gimme a hug.”
Scooting beside him I let him wrap his arms around my waist, I reciprocated the hug and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “Wanna sleep or talk?”
I felt the rumble of his laugh in my chest. “I don’t think I can sleep.”
“Then we’ll talk till you feel safe,” I told him.
He looked up at me. “I do feel safe, Avery, you make me feel very safe.”
A beaming smile overtook my face. “Is that a good thing?”
“I think so?” He smiled and I gave a goofy one back.
I hugged him again. “You make me feel safe and loved, Colby Brock. “He was quiet and I was worried he was uncomfortable. “Bub-”
The moment I moved my head to look at him he was kissing me and I didn’t hesitate to do the same. God he was warm, I took note of how his bare skin felt under my palms and I blanked. My mind was solely focused on the beautiful boy kissing me.
We ran out of breath and pulled away, I was breathing heavily and propped up on my elbow. “That was-”
“I love you,” He interrupted giving me a look that made me blush. “You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world and I don’t say it enough. I’m sorry if that was over-stepping.” “Shut the fuck up,” I hissed with no real bite to my words. I pecked his lips again and held his face in my hands. “I have been waiting since 8th grade for this. Give me my moment.”
He chuckled and rolled he onto his chest. “Now I’m ready to go to bed.”
“Okay,” I whispered.
And that was enough for me.
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