#and we've discussed in the past so i DO know she's gonna ask me to be moh
archangeldyke-all · 10 months
sending my asks without anon on from now on cause you guys need to know when the asks came from my filthy mind fr. and idea i present for whenever you can get to it angel: basketball coach!sev x volleyball coach!reader let the queerness commence!! bonus points if they fuck in like idk the supply closet of the gym while the teams are in the locker rooms
(also they're college level teams, not pro or highschool!!)
sooooo cute. i know virtually nothing about sports so this is on the shorter side but i just had to give it my best attempt, because this concept is adorable
men and minors dni
being a girls' college sports coach is a unique position with many unique problems (drama perpetually following the teams of mostly queer young woman around like a curse) so you and sevika bond quickly over your shared responsibilities and funny stories.
this year, your team captain, cait, is dating sevika's team captain, vi, so you've been attending a lot of basketball practice with cait and sevika's been coming to a lot of your practices with vi.
they're a cute couple-- a little clingy, but cute nonetheless.
caitlyn sighs beside you on the bleachers, dreamily watching her girlfriend practice three point shots. you're supposed to be discussing strategies and starting team members for the game this weekend, but caitlyn's become distracted by vi.
judging from the goofy grin the girl is shooting cait from the court, she's been distracted too.
"vi! quit bein' gay and get back to work!" sevika shouts. you chuckle. violet flips sevika off, and then jogs up to where you and cait are sitting.
"lookin' good, cupcake." she flirts. you gag. caitlyn elbows you.
"can you fuck off for like, five minutes, coach?" caitlyn asks. you just snort and rise, climbing down the bleachers to let the two canoodle in peace.
you take a seat in an empty folding chair by a few of the other basketball girls. you're around enough that they know you, greeting you with a few 'hey, coach's.
you start scribbling away on your clipboard, ignoring the commotion of practice coming to an end around you. cait's just gonna have to deal with what you come up with, since apparently flirting with her girlfriend is more important than her duties as captain.
"hey." sevika grunts. you look up at her and sigh.
"your captain is distracting mine." you complain. she chuckles.
"are you kidding? your captain is the one doing the distracting here." sevika says as she sits beside you, manspreading in the tiny folding chair.
"they're disgusting." you sigh as you look at the two girls giggling with each other on the bleachers across from you. sevika snorts.
"you're just jealous." she says.
"oh yeah. i'm real jealous of caitlyn's box dyed baby butch." you joke. sevika chuckles beside you.
"hey, go easy on my captain, at least she's not a brit!" she teases. you roll your eyes. "plus, that's not what i'm talking about."
"what do you mean then?"
"i mean you're jealous that those two get to be all lovey dovey in public, while we've gotta pretend we're just friends." she whispers. you bite your lip to hide your smile.
sevika's dying to tell everyone about your relationship, but you're a little hesitant. not because you're unsure about sevika, just because you don't think you'll be able to handle the constant teasing from your girls. you roll your eyes.
"come on." you say, standing. sevika raises an eyebrow at you and you just cross your arms over your chest. "fine, stay there. i'm going to the supply closet, though, if you're lookin' for me."
sevika scrambles to rise behind you, her folding chair falling on the floor with a clatter as she grabs your wrist and sprints the two of you to the supply closet.
you giggle as she shoves you inside, only to be cut off from your laughter with a moan as sevika slams the door behind you and pulls you into a nasty kiss.
you wrap your arms around her waist, and she wraps hers around your shoulders, one hand cupping your jaw as she shoves her tongue past your lips.
she backs you up into the supply shelf, several cleaning products clattering to the ground as she grinds into you, shoving her thigh between your legs.
"sevika!" you gasp, giggling as she starts to suck a hickey into your neck. you pull her back by her hair, and she grins at you.
"can i eat you out?" she asks. your knees go wobbly and weak, and sevika's smirk grows into a grin as she tightens her grip on you to keep you upright.
"here?!" you ask. there's barely enough room for the both of you to stand in here. sevika just shrugs.
"you look so fuckin' good today. distracting the shit outta me." she whispers. you shudder as sevika starts to kneel. she lifts the hem of your shirt to press kisses to your stomach as she looks up at you with puppy eyes, awaiting your permission. you bite your lip.
"fine, but be quick!" you say. she grins, her hands fumbling with your belt buckle as she tries to strip your legs.
she's got your pants halfway down your thighs when the supply closet door swings open.
you scream. caitlyn screams. sevika whips around and screams at the sight of vi in the doorway, one of her hands wrapped around caitlyn's wrist. violet bursts into laughter.
"i fuckin' knew it!" she screams. you groan. sevika shoots to her feet, quickly pulling your pants back up for you before she turns around to glare at your captains. "i knew it, babe, what did i tell you?!" vi's screaming. caitlyn's giggling behind her, her eyes darting between you and sevika.
"what the fuck are you doin' here?" you ask. vi chuckles.
"same thing you guys were doin'." she answers, waggling her eyebrows at sevika. sevika growls and you chuckle, rebuckling your belt and reaching forward to grab her hand. "you should really put a sock on the doorknob next time." violet says. sevika stares her down with her 'don't fucking try me' stare, and violet rolls her eyes. "fine. let's go to your dorm cupcake."
"i'm so sorry." caitlyn mouths to you. you just wave her off and roll your eyes.
as the couple retreats, you hear vi mumble "i think i'm gonna have to wash my eyes out with bleach when we get home." you snort. sevika looks at you guiltily.
"sorry." she mumbles. you giggle, and pull her in for a kiss.
"it's okay. was bound to come out eventually." you say with a shrug. a small smile creeps up sevika's lips.
"so... you're okay with it?"
"we're never gonna hear the end of it." you say. sevika frowns, and you giggle, pressing a quick kiss to her mouth. "but i'm okay with it. kinda glad, actually. was getting tired of not kissing you when you guys win games."
sevika grins, then reaches behind her to close the door to the supply closet again. she shoves a shelf in front of the exit, so no one can come in, and then corners you against the shelf again.
"now..." she says, grinning at you, "... where were we?"
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity
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thewertsearch · 11 months
Ask Comp 19/10
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That's true - we don't know for sure that Trollian can fully emulate Sburb's surveillance capabilities.
If the trolls were sufficiently motivated, though, they wouldn't actually need to. Sollux could probably hack one of the kids' computers, to gain access to their Sburb viewport - although if he did, he wouldn't need a camera to snoop on their messages.
Is there a paranoia Aspect? I think I've finally found my calling.
anonymous asked: heya! ive just finished re-reading your ENtIRE liveblog and i to send asks about some stuff but i waited to finish so im sendind everything at once! (im gonna send stuff in a bunch of small asks so cat can stop just one instead of the whole thing in case of accidental spoilers) (aslo hi cat!) (also its ninnoy, havent sent an ask in a while but i changed my pfp to something slightly more spoilery so im in anon now) [...] the jade pen pal thing, do you have any new theories on who it could be?
None! I'm sure that it's someone derived from Grandpa Harley, but everything else is a mystery.
I have no particular theories about who he is, how he knows Jade, where he got his hands on so many endgame weapons, or why he's got such an antiquated accent if he's watching movies from the 80s. I assume time travel is involved, but that doesn't really narrow anything down in a comic like this. He (she? they?) is a complete enigma, and I'll just have to wait to learn more.
ALsO WHEREs YOUR sONAs? we havent seen them in so long im afraid sahlle might have actueally died of meteor strike (joking of course) also have you realized that "sally" and "cat" are both one letter of from a valid kid name? you could lend her one of your "L"s
I've actually been workshopping some Quest stuff for Sahlee this week! I suppose I'd need to figure out her Title first, though, and for that, I'd need to get a more solid idea of her personality, and how her experiences on Alternia have shaped her.
in one of your last posts you seemed to imply that the multiverse exists inside the timeline, but ive always read it as the opposite, the timeline inside the universe that would explain why the trolls can pick any time from the humans universe to talk to them but cant have private conversations with their own futute/past selves, its not an inherent part of trollian, they are just outside the human timeline (the memos are still trollian being time fucky) dont know if that makes any difference but its a thought also i realize the tag may be unecessary due to my quirk, but its too late to stop now
(NOTE: quirk omitted for readability, but the substitutions are [t -> 7, s -> 2] - sort of a variant of Sollux's quirk. I actually don't think we've seen any quirks which add a 7, so the voice here is distinct from any trolls we've seen so far. I like it!)
Originally, my assumption was that each timeline contained a duplicate of the entire multiverse. Doomed timelines don't seem to let you communicate with other universes/dimensions, though, so they don't need to contain other sectors of reality. I'm currently of the opinion that doomed timelines only contain an instance of the dimension they were doomed in. The only timeline which contains the entire multiverse is the Alpha.
This mechanic keeps doomed timelines simple, but in-universe, I don't know why it exists. Much like the Alpha itself, it's a mystery I can only speculate about.
has the shipping chart been updated since the last time we saw it? also you (at some point) said that equius<>feferi was a controversial ship so i had to go back to check the notes and i was the only person i found talkig about it so i guess im the whole controversy? if thats the case i would like to thank you for recognizing me as the equius<>feferi number 1 hater (all jokes of course)
I got a few skeptical asks about Equius<>Feferi, but you're the only one who discussed it on the post itself. I guess by some measures, you are the most dedicated hater, because your hate was posted publicly! 🤣
I could make one or two changes, but I don't want to post a new chart until the kids meet the trolls in person, hopefully at the end of the Act!
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The Scratch, naturally - but I'm also looking forward to seeing exactly how WV was Exiled. He's currently on Skaia, and Jack has lost interest in him, so who's actually sending him through the portal?
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Tavros is barely a presence on the Land he's ostensibly the hero of, and all of his actions are being dictated by a third party who can physically control his body. This third party does not acknowledge or respect Tavros's own desires, effectively forcing him to play the game in a way that she personally approves of.
She claims it will make him stronger.
@bladekindeyewear submitted: That was a long, thorough, and fantastic response! It's fascinating seeing your opinion on these things-- and I'm glad to see that considering the questions we've given you seems to have made you more paranoid. But I'm just not entirely sure you're paranoid ENOUGH. Not yet. Much like how you just found that "BREEZE" quote in your Breath research, back at around the time you've now reached in the comic, we had dozens of theory-miners combing back through everything that had been said and shown in Homestuck, over and over again, searching for anything we might have missed that might have been of some importance. [...] So, uh….. how do I put this… Would you prefer to strictly handle that sort of thing all by yourself, as you've said? Which I'd agree is still the best way that you should keep to, for the most part? Or would you mind if I gave you just a CRUMB of an example, only one? A tiny bit of text that we in the theory community only found at about the time you've reached in the comic, even though it was more than a thousand pages earlier?
Shit, this is such a dilemma. I'm honestly really torn.
See, I'd probably find old fandom theories absolutely fascinating to analyze. I'd love to know how closely my ideas align with those of the early Homestuck fandom, and whether I'm saying anything really out-of-pocket. My analysis of Sollux's ~ATH script was apparently an original theory, and it's honestly one my proudest moments.
But that's also sort of the problem, isn't it? If I dive too deeply into other people's fan theories, they'll start to affect my own - and if I'm introduced to a really compelling fan theory, it could end up replacing any homegrown theories that I could have developed in lieu of it. If someone had send me a well-reasoned ~ATH theory before I did my own analysis, I'd probably have been less motivated to make the analysis in the first place. After all, many of my questions would already have been answered by a clever theory I just read.
People are free to send me their own off-the-cuff opinions on what's happening in the comic, or their own takes on any meta I write. I get a lot of asks like that, and they're some of my favorites. There are also asks which spoil a little too much, but I'm still interested in their takes, so Cat's saving them for later. We don't really delete asks - we just delay the ones that aren't necessarily appropriate for a blind liveblog.
Obviously there's a fine line here, and whether a given ask is a theory or just an opinion is a little subjective - but in my opinion, the influence that asks and submissions have had on my analysis has been relatively minor. I don't think many of my theories have been spawned from an ask, or killed by one.
This is a little different, though, because it's part of a theory that was crowdsourced over several years. It doesn't sound like something that could be inferred by an individual, so I'm not sure if it's something an individual liveblogger should necessarily know about? If I start crowdsourcing my analysis, my theories will be less Wertsearch and more fandom consensus, and I don't think I'd enjoy that as much.
I really want to know, but I think I'll enjoy the liveblog more if I don't. When I finish the comic, I'll gleefully analyze any fan theory that anyone sends me - but for now, I'll just have to wonder, and come up with theories of my own!
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Yeah, we've really been getting into it with Vriska lately. I've enjoyed trying to explain and predict her actions, and I'm glad people don't think I'm going overboard when trying to analyze her.
When a character does something interesting, I don't like to move on until I have a theory about why they did it. Sure, it may be refuted later, but it needs to be something that's consistent with what I currently know about their personality.
Vriska takes a particularly long time to puzzle out in this way. Her motivations are derived from a complex web (lol) of factors, including Scratch, Spidermom, her rivalry with Terezi, her horrendous relationship with Tavros, classism, teenage hormones, quadrant politics, highblood society and the Alternian culture of violence. They all inform her decisions, and any combination of them could have been the catalyst for the latest Vriska Incident.
I want characters to make sense to me, and Vriska is written to deliberately challenge my attempt to achieve this. Her meta is fun to write, so I'm glad it's also fun to read!
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boygiwrites · 5 months
Harley D. Dixon 29
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Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
Season three is here!!
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The sounds of dry snarling surround us as Rick kneels at the base of the fence, taking a pair of bolt cutters to the wire, snipping it open. Maggie brings her axe down on the skull of the nearest walker with Glenn's help, Dad jamming his knife into another's eyeball just a moment later. The bodies drop into the grass. Rick peels the fence back for us to squeeze through, with his sights on the treeline behind us.
My Dad makes it through first, helping Rick brace the wire apart as the rest of us follow after him, one by one.
I step into the gravelled walkway, suddenly up close and personal with the prison. My fingers tighten around the hilt of my knife, a faint sense of excitement rising from my toes to my scalp. It ain't Buckingham palace, but it sure feels like it. The yard sits just on the other side of the fence, so close yet so far, stretching on for what looks like the length of I'on even know how many soccer fields. The grass is green, green like a pasture on a milk carton. Walkers stumble around, with nothing better to do than bake in the sun. It's kinda beautiful.
"Hurry," Rick's hissing, just as T-Dog and Mouse bring up the rear; the last to slip through. "That's it."
I share a glance with Carl at my side, who's grinning cheesily under the brim of his cowboy hat.
"So cool," He says.
"Okay. That's everyone," His Dad grunts. "Close it up."
They replace the wire door. Glenn jumps in and starts knotting it back together with a spool of red wire.
As he's securing the last loop, a walker crashes into him through the fence. He jumps back just in time. It grabs a handful of nothing, reaching after us as we turn away from it, jogging down the walkway, slow but steady. All the walkers in the field are coming up to the fence to gawk at us, growl at us as we pass by. It's like we're the new guys in town. Are we gonna take all of them out? Can we?
We make our way through the open gate up ahead, gathering in the main gateway area.
The sun beats down on us, sweat slipping down my neck.
"It's perfect," Rick's smiling to himself as we come to a stop behind him. I think he's right. The dirt road we're standing on leads underneath the vehicle gate, all the way up the hill and comes to a stop at another, smaller gate which is open. It's letting the walkers wandering around in the concrete courtyard have free reign of the field. Not good. There's a guard tower on every corner of the yard, overlooking the place. We ain't never had guard towers before. I can see Rick getting all amped up, just like the rest of us. He turns, wielding his machete like a pointer in a class discussion. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the field, we can pick off these walkers."
I try to count them. But once I get past ten, I remember it don't matter. We can do anything.
"We can take this place by tonight," He gestures.
No more sleeping in the car with Dad and Mouse, wondering what that noise in the trees was. No more running.
"So, how do we shut the gate?" Herschel starts thinking. I know he don't exactly love sleeping in the cars, neither.
"I'll do it," Glenn offers, squinting against the sun. "You guys can cover me."
Maggie shakes her head. "No. It's a suicide run."
"I'm the fastest. It makes sense."
"If speed mattered, Glenn, we'd be sending Harley in," Rick scoffs, tryna be funny. "She's the fastest."
I know he's only tryna make a point, but I can't help but think there's no bother. I am the fastest. I'm the smallest, I'm the youngest, and I'm the weakest, but I'm also the fastest. They saw how I ran outta camp that night at the quarry, how ain't nobody was able to catch up with me for a good five minutes. Ever since I got those keys at Thanton Memorial, I been wanting to do more.
"Why not?" I ask honestly, even though we've been through this before. "Why can't I help?"
My Dad turns a look on me. "Harley, baby, save it. You know the hospital was different."
"Yeah, but—"
"Mind yer mouth, girl. I said it ain't happenin'."
To soften the blow a little, Glenn adds, "Maybe some other time, you can help, okay? But... not now."
"Not now," Rick agrees. I done asked them so many times to let me help out. I ain't surprised they're brushing me off again. It's what they do whenever Carl does the same thing, but I'on know why. I got two hands. I'm smart. I can help. "No. Harley, you, T, Glenn, Maggie, and Beth can post up along this fence line, draw as many as you can away from me and pop 'em when they get too close."
I suck it up. I got no business arguing with them right now. "Okay. M'sorry."
"That's alright," He placates, before dolling out more instructions to the rest of the group.
Herschel and Carl make for the tower to our left, while Carol and my Dad make for the tower to our right. That leaves Rick standing in front of the main gate, hyping himself up to make a run for the courtyard. It reminds me of the day we crossed that frozen river.
"C'mon, Harley," Glenn grabs my hand, ordering Mouse, "Stay there, boy."
He leads me over to the fence line with the others, where he takes up a position next to me.
"You got your gun?" He checks, as Maggie and Beth start hollering at the walkers behind him.
"Hey, over here!"
"Hey! Hey, come here!"
Nodding, I unholster my small pistol as he holds out his palm to me.
Routinely, I pluck out my hearing aids and hand them over, the silence enveloping me. He stuffs them in his pocket.
'Okay,' He signs, 'Start shooting.'
I click the safety of my pistol off. As I line my sights up with the closest walker on the other side of the fence, I see Rick slipping past the main gate and into the field. If that were me in there, I'd be dodging and weaving 'em just like in a soccer game.
Focus, Harley, I scold myself, pulling the trigger. The lady-walker's cheek explodes onto her shoulder.
When I pull the trigger again, her entire head explodes, limp body collapsing like a sack of sand.
Rick continues making his way up the hill, hauling ass with a slight jog. The walkers around him are dropping like flies. Every chance he almost gets to shoot one down, somebody else does it for him. A crossbow bolt pierces their forehead, a bullet from one of the towers rips through their face, or they're turning their heads, lured the opposite direction as they catch wind of us folk at the fence.
They're pilin' up quickly, now. Quicker than we can shoot 'em down.
It's time to holster my gun, brandishing Merle's knife, instead. Rearing back, I stick the blade into the knee of a walker sidled up to the fence. It wobbles a little, its leg twisting, folding in half under the dead weight. Crouching down, I stab its leaky eye.
Warm, curdled blood spurts up my arm, and it's fucking disgusting, but I pull the blade out and carry on.
Taking down the next walker, I glance up to try and spot Rick. Where is he? Is he alright?
There he is. He's almost there; almost at the gate.
Right then, the ground in front of him is shot to pieces, the pebbles flying all over the place like he's stepped on a mine.
He skids to a stop, looking up at Dad and Carol's tower in scolding. Carol gives a little shrug as she reloads. Whoopsies.
Shaking it off, he finally approaches the gate. He takes the wire in his hands, kicking one of the walkers in the stomach and sending it onto its ass as he drags it closed, hooking some metal clips onto it. Once it's secured, he makes a dash for the closest tower.
He disappears behind the metal door. Thirty seconds later, he appears at the top, waving down to us.
'He made it,' Glenn signs to me, his hands bloodied.
'Are you okay?'
His expression softens. 'I'm okay. Let's finish them off.'
'Let's do it.'
With Rick outta the way, it's easy pickings; shooting ducks in a barrel.
The walkers keep dropping, one by one, sometimes two by two, until there's only one of the bastards left standing.
Everyone holds their fire for a moment, as if we're asking each other, Who wants the honors?
We watch Rick lift his rifle, peering down the scope. It could only be him. We all know that. It takes him only half a second to shoot a bullet into its head, and then its legs give out and it's the last to slump into the grass, leaving the field completely still. We did it.
Glenn hands me back my hearing aids, and the first thing I hear is Carol exclaiming, "Fantastic!"
"Nice work, chicken," Dad praises as they step out of the tower, ruffling my cropped hair.
"I killed five, Daddy," I brag a little bit, sheathing my blade as we make for the main gate. "That's, like, half of ten!"
"I know, I saw. I's thinkin' to myself, 'Is that Jackie Chan Junior down there, or what?'"
"Who the Hell's that?"
Glenn just laughs. "Never mind."
"Are you okay?" Carol asks Lori.
"I haven't felt this good in weeks," She sighs as we enter the field.
Holy shit. I know I said we did, but we actually took the place. We did it. All in the matter of an hour, we went from wasting away on a random highway to having an entire prison yard to ourselves. I chase after Carl as he runs ahead, squealing and holding my arms out, like I want the wind to hug me back. This is more than just cool. This is incredible! It feels like we got the whole world again!
"Oh," Carol laughs from behind us, "We haven't had this much space since we left the farm!"
T-Dog cups his mouth and calls out, "Wuh-hooooooo!"
I copy him, screaming, Wuh-hooooooo!, as I run myself around in circles. "We did it!"
"She's gonna drive herself dizzy," Maggie laughs, "Messin' about like that."
"Let her," Dad says as they walk past me, a hint of a smile in his voice.
"We did it!"
"Mmm," Glenn hums, sucking the meat offa the little bone in his hand. "Just like Mom used to make."
He throws it into the fire, knocking a piece of wood over and sending a flurry of embers floating up into the stars.
It's safe to say I ended up tiring myself out this afternoon. It's strange to be worn out, but not from fighting for my life or because I haven't eaten in days. I'm just a kid who's had too much fun. Sitting next to Carl on an old blanket, I peel off a bit of stringy meat with my teeth and chew it as I gaze out at Rick's small figure in the distance, pacing the courtyard fence line. I ain't sure he had any dinner.
This is it, though. This is the place he was talking about for all them months. It turned out to be real. I wish I could say I never doubted him, but there were some nights I thought we'd be on the run forever. I thought he was just spouting nonsense. There weren't no place for us to live like we wanted to, somewhere for us to call home. The work ain't done yet. We still have to get inside the prison. But with the warm night air sitting around us, and the sky twinkling over our heads, I'm happy to stay like this for just one night, even if Rick ain't. He's been at that fence for what feels like hours. He's like that dog again, sniffing out a bone he can't quite reach, not just yet. I wish he'd rest.
"Tomorrow, we'll put all the bodies together." T-Dog muses, absentmindedly petting Mouse.
I stop watching Rick and remember to swallow my mouthful, going in for another bite.
"Wanna keep them away from the water," He continues. "If we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water."
"The soil is good," Herschel adds. In the light of the fire, I can make out the pinkish burn the sun has left on his face. It reminds me of my own sunburn, but it only stings a little. "We could plant some seed. Grow some tomatoes, soybeans, cucumbers."
"Eugh," Carl mumbles. "Tomatoes..."
Herschel's gaze drifts over to the fence line, then. He seems to remember Rick. "That's his third time around."
Everyone spares the man a glance, but only a glance.
"If there were any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now."
"This'll be a good place to have the baby," Beth chirps, changing the subject. Rick's always a tricky one. "It's safe."
"The prison or the yard?" Lori jokes, idly cupping her belly. "At this rate, the baby might come tonight."
Wiping the grease from my lips, I muse, "Back in Sharpsburg, my Daddy said ya might let me name the baby."
"Oh, yeah? What would you pick?"
I give a bit of a shrug, taking another bite, 'cause I ain't given it much thought. "Sum' like... Bob."
Glenn humors me, "And if it's a girl?"
"Uhh... Bob...-ette?"
"Sure." T-Dog deadpans, shaking his head and chuckling. "If you want it to hate you for the rest of its life."
I throw my bone into the fire as Lori says, "We'll see."
That's adult language for, Not in a million years.
"Harley?" Carol asks me from across the group. "How's your Dad feeling about being in a place like this?"
I know what she means. A prison.
"I ain't asked him, yet."
She treads carefully when she asks, "It wasn't... It wasn't this prison, right?"
"Nah. He went to Arrendale State Prison." Nobody ever knows where that is, so I add, "It's kinda near Tennessee, I guess."
"Well, at least, there's that," Says T-Dog. "Imagine the world ending, only for you to end up in the same prison again. Woof."
I stick around for a couple more minutes, finishing off some more of the barn owl meat and baked beans, but after a while, I let everyone know I'm gonna go talk to my Dad for a bit. I know if I don't bring him some food, he'll end up going hungry for the night.
"We'll save your spot for you," Glenn tells me, instead of getting up to escort me like he usually does. It's safe here.
Grabbing a bowl of food, I stand from the blanket and cross the field, stepping up to the overturned bus.
I look up. "Uh... Dad?"
His face appears as he leans over the side, meeting my gaze through the dark. "Oh. Hey, babe."
There's a small problem. "How am I gonna get up there?"
"Well, ya climb."
"Oh. Thanks," I mumble, rolling my eyes at that remarkably unhelpful tidbit. I step onto the tyre, grabbing some sort of pipe on the undercarriage, and try to get a good foothold on another piece of metal, but it's too hard. I pull away. "Ugh. Dad. Help."
"I'm only playin'." He chuckles, setting his crossbow aside and laying on his belly. "C'mon. I gotcha."
Reaching down for me, he effortlessly catches me as I jump for his hand, pulling me up next to him.
"There ya go."
"Could'a done that in the first place," I point out, taking a seat by his side. "I brought'cha some dinner."
Bathed in the moonlight, his brow crumples as he frowns, eventually taking the bowl from me. "You ate?"
"Yeah. Makin' sure you get some, too, 'fore T-Dog eats it all."
"Thank you, baby."
"Ya welcome," I shrug, swinging my feet back and forth. "Carol's wonderin' if you're okay, bein' back in a prison and all."
Spooning some food into his mouth, he garbles, "Lady's almost as brown-nosed as Dale was."
"Well... I'm wonderin', too."
Something about my quiet admission gets him to actually answer this time. Swallowing his mouthful, the bump in his throat bobs up and down before he sucks in a big breath and lets it all out again. "I'm fine," He says, "'Sides, we ain't actually inside, yet."
I guess not. "But we will be."
"I said I'm fine, baby." He insists, biting down on a big piece of meat so he can pretend he can't say anything else.
My Dad ain't never talked much about his four and a half years in Arrendale State Prison, but I do know that when he came back, he slept on the porch for nearly a whole month afterwards because he couldn't stand being in his own bedroom. There were a lot of things that were better than they were before he left us. Like how he appreciated every meal, even if it was just a cheese sandwich. How most mornings, I'd wake up to him stroking my hair and just looking at me. But there were a lot of things that were worse. Enough to matter.
I overheard him telling Merle once that the guards used to beat on him extra, because they knew he wouldn't fight back. He had me to get home to. He couldn't afford to fuck up and add more months or years to his sentence. They all used to beat on him.
I don't want Dad to think I see him as a pussy or nothin', so I tell him, "I know. I's just makin' sure."
"I can tell ya what, though," He scoffs, slinging the bone over the fence, "I ain't gon' be sleepin' in no fuckin' cell again."
"I'm sure they got proper bedrooms somewhere in there, right? Like, for the guards?"
Holding back some bitterness, he tells me, "No, chicken. They don't."
"Oh. Well, we can just sleep outside or somethin', then."
"Ain't you been nagging everyone about wantin' a real bed to sleep in?"
Yeah. "But—"
"Well, you're sleepin' inside, then." He decides. "I want'chu to have that."
I want him to have that too, but I ain't gonna win that argument. So, I just agree. "Okay, Daddy. Fine."
"Jesus. We're already hashin' out terms," He jokes, "And we ain't even made it inside the courtyard, yet."
"We're positive thinkers!"
"You definitely are, ya silly monkey." He picks up his crossbow and slings it on, standing up. "C'mon. Let's head back, now."
"Okay. But only 'cause I miss the fire."
He climbs down first and helps me down afterward, catching me and setting me on the grass. We make the walk back together.
"Bethy," Herschel's saying as we approach, "Sing Paddy Reilly for me. I haven't heard that one, I think, since your mother was alive."
Maggie gives him a tense look. "Daddy, not that one. Please."
"Well, uh... How about Partin' Glass?"
My Dad and I sit down on the blanket as Beth shyly protests, "Nobody wants to hear."
"Why not?" Glenn asks, putting on a small smile.
There's no real reason not to, so she gives in. "Okay. Daryl, do you know that one?"
"Yeah." Maggie chirps, some of the sadness that was weighing her face down disappearing. "You can play us through it."
"I can try," He corrects her, before he gets back up and heads over to the cars near the gate, grabbing his guitar from the backseat.
As I notice Carol sending me a questioning look, I feel myself trying not to glare at her. "Don't ask him about it."
Understanding, she nods to herself.
When my Dad returns, he settles the guitar in his lap, looking at Beth.
She only hesitates for a moment or two before she opens her mouth, and the words that come out are some of the prettiest I ever heard. Slowly, my Dad adds a few strokes of the strings here and there, before he starts to get a real feel for it and pieces something real lovely and quaint together, something I think most people wouldn't think he'd ever be able to make, but he's just as gentle with the chords as an artist would be with his canvas and paints. She sings softly about spending her days in good company, memories she can't recall.
T-Dog lays with his arm resting under his head, gazing up at the stars as the melody flows over him.
Lori and Carl sway side to side, Maggie fondly watching her sister as she holds Glenn's hand.
She joins in singing at the passing of the next lyric, and it's obvious they prolly used to do this a lot when they were my age.
Herschel looks into the fire, a picture of peace.
It even lures Rick over from the fence line after a minute or so. He sneaks in while nobody has the opportunity to make a comment about how long he's been over there, sitting next to me and Carl. I pass him some leftovers, too, before he can weasel his way out of it.
"Thanks, honey," He hesitates to say as he takes the bowl, despite himself.
"Good night and joy," The girls duet, "Be with you all. Good night and joy... Be with you all."
Dad strums a chord one last time, finishing the song off.
"Beautiful," Herschel decides.
He sets the guitar on the ground, sending me a fleeting smile.
"Better all turn in," Rick clears his throat, reminding me of where we are. "I'll take first watch. We got a big day tomorrow."
Glenn frowns, "What do you mean?"
"Look, I know getting to this point has been a lotta work," He sighs, looking from one person to the next, studying the exhaustion on their faces. "This was a great win, but we've gotta push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. It looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies are intact. They'd have an infirmary. A kitchen. Commissary."
T-Dog jumps in, asking, "An armory?"
"There'll be one nearby," Dad guesses. "Can't risk havin' it inside, 'case a riot breaks out and some John Doe thinks he's Rambo."
"Makes sense."
"This place could be a gold mine," Rick exclaims.
I can tell he ain't got nobody on the hook with this idea, except maybe Dad, and me. Sure, I'm tired. I'm only eight but I could sleep for the rest of my life. That don't mean I ain't eager as all Hell to see what else this place has for us. Hell, I'd do it tonight.
Herschel is the first to speak up. "We're dangerously low on ammo. We wouldn't even make a dent."
"That's why we have to go in there," He says like it's obvious. "Hand to hand."
Alright. He really weren't kiddin', then. Tomorrow is a big day. Even bigger than this one.
"After all we been through... We can handle it."
Early the next morning, I notice slight movement from across the fire as I'm poking at a tin of leftover beans with a stick.
Carl lifts his head from the blanket, blinking away sleep like a dazed frog. It looks like a coyote came along during the night and got into a brawl with his hair, but I know it's just 'cause he had a good night's rest under the stars, feeling safe. There's nothing like it.
Clicking my fingers at him, I draw his attention.
'Want some breakfast?,' I sign, knowing my hair prolly looks just as messy, even if it's barely longer than his.
Yawning, he stands from the blanket and comes to sit next to me in the grass.
'You kicked me again,' I tell him while we wait for the beans to warm up, the smell of smoke and fresh dirt on the breeze.
'I did?,' He frowns.
'Yeah. In your sleep. I think you broke a bone.'
'That sucks. Put in your—.' He gestures to his ear.
Keeping a little scepticism, I dig into my backpack and fit my hearing aids in.
"What is it?"
"Drama queen," He enjoys saying very loudly into my left ear.
Startled, I smack him away. Ugh. Walked right into that one. "Seriously? You ain't gettin' a single bean, anymore."
He just giggles to himself, sitting back on his palms. He thinks he's a real comedian.
Apparently, by this time tomorrow, we'll all be sat up in one of them cell blocks together, living the life. Looking at the buildings now, I take notice of the giant letters painted onto the sides of the cement walls, the shambling masses of walkers on the ground, unaware of the birds on the fence watching them with stalking eyes, waiting for one to succumb to its weight. I can only imagine what's on the inside.
I'm reminded of Carl when he suddenly contemplates aloud, "Man. I hope it won't be like the CDC."
Turning to look at him, my heart gives a little kick. The CDC? What's he mean?
"Or the farm," He adds, but I'm sure it's not an afterthought.
"It won't be," I say almost forcefully, offended he'd even think that way. "Don't say that, Carl."
"Sorry," He mutters regretfully as he sits upright, resting his elbows on his knees. "You're right. Forget I said that."
I know I should prolly take a page outta my Dad's book at this moment. Whenever there's uncertainty ahead of us, or somethin' awful has happened, he don't spout some empty promise. There might come a day where he's made himself a liar. Instead, he says something like, We'll try our best, or, There's nothin' more we can do. I always find the insignificance comforting. I know as sure as I do that the sun's gonna come up tomorrow, he's telling the truth. You can't be let down when you're dreaming in the dirt to begin with.
I don't think I can bring myself to say them things right now, not after everything we did to get here.
Besides, I'm in the dirt no matter what I say.
"None of that matters." I try and convince him. "Everything's gonna be like we hoped. This is our second chance."
"Third chance," He corrects. "Technically."
"Whatever. Even better. Third time's the charm, ya know."
He turns a suspicious look on me, like I've just done something bizarre. "You're being, like... positive."
"I'm a positive thinker," I tell him, just like I told my Dad last night.
"Since when?"
"Um... Since yesterday. I think."
That makes him giggle. "Okay. But, you need to say something negative. It's weird when you don't."
Obliging, I drawl, "You's a sour-faced scaredy cat, Carl, and I'on like the way you think. Makes me wanna punch yer lights out."
He can't help but let out a snort-laugh. "Thanks."
"Ya welcome." I watch him as he gazes out at the prison buildings for a moment, before I ask, "You believe me, right?"
He glances at me. "Do you believe you?"
I was kinda hoping he would answer first. "Well... Yeah."
"I do, too, then." He says, much to my relief. "Even if you did sound like my Dad just now."
"Who the Hell's burnin' beans this early in the morning?"
Our heads whip in the direction of my Dad's voice. He's sitting up, rubbing at the pink indentations of grass on his neck. Oh, right. The beans. Grabbing the stick, I poke the tin outta the way of the smouldering ash and blow the thin smoke away from it.
It clears, revealing the perfectly saucy, not-burnt beans. The smell draws Mouse from his slumber.
"Uh. Nobody," I quip. "Want some?"
"Nah, babe," He groans, scratching the dog behind his ears. "You have 'em."
"What about me? Do I get some?" Carl asks as I grab a spoon. "I'm sorry I scared you before."
I don't hesitate to pick up a second one, handing it to him. "I'on care. Here."
Dad frowns at him. "You scared her?"
"Oh, uh. Yeah." The boy admits, sensing he might be in trouble. "I kinda shouted in her ear. It was dumb."
"Ease up on that shit a little," He chides. "And don't let me catch you doin' it."
"Sorry, Daryl."
"I'on care," I reassure Carl again, spooning beans into my mouth. My Dad's just protective. Sometimes, it can feel like I'm less of a daughter and more of a pet, but he's always been like that. Especially after I lost my hearing, and especially when he's stressed.
After everybody else has woken up and the beans are long gone, Rick announces, "Let's do this, then."
The courtyard is just as much a massacre as the field was.
The birds perched onto the fence fly off as soon as the first blood is spilled.
I drive Merle's knife into the walker's rubbery kneecap, twisting it around the bone, feeling some sorta crack, and finishing it off with a stab to the brain when it falls against the fence. Pulling the blade out from between the pink mush and browned skull, I watch them who's inside the courtyard make their way across it in a tight formation, lashing out at any walkers that get too close.
When they make it to the undercover area, all five of them skid to a stop.
They back themselves up against the wall, hiding from the sea of walkers just around the corner.
As they linger there, a couple sets of body armour stumble out from behind a dumpster. Wait, not armour. Walkers wearing armour. The only way to tell are the fingers poking out from under the sleeves, their arms raising as Dad tries shooting a visor.
The bolt ricochets off the plastic, landing somewhere in the piles of trash.
"Hey! Walkers!" Beth shouts, rattling the fence. "Over here! C'mon!"
"Over here!"
"Hey, ugly!" I shout at the walker closest to me, luring it in and stabbing it in the soft part of its knee.
When it falls over, Carl deals the finishing blow with his lead pipe.
"Thanks," I lilt, breathless.
The group realizes they ain't gettin' through that armour. In good old, Hand to hand, fashion, as Rick called it, they start charging at them. My Dad wrestles one up against the wall, grabbing its helmet and ripping it off, rearing back, bludgeoning it into the walker's face until it turns to mush, drops to the ground. Glenn slashes another's neck in two, kicking it away from him in a spray of blood.
When the opportunity strikes, Rick runs for the far gate, pulling it shut and securing it with more clips.
Maggie struggles to keep a big brute offa her, before she drives her knife up its nose.
The walker's blood freckles her face as it falls.
She's completely beaming. "See that?!"
Glenn and T only have a few seconds to be impressed, turning to hack down the next walker that approaches them.
Then, finally, the courtyard falls still.
Letting out a sigh, I sheathe my knife and grip onto the fence, watching the group talk amongst themselves in the wake of all the bodies. They point to a few of them, shake their heads some. I expect them to reconvene with us, but instead, they walk off.
"What's going on?" Lori wonders, as Rick and my Dad very carefully open the door to one of the cell blocks.
After a tense moment, they all creep inside, weapons drawn.
"They would only go in there if they thought it was safe," Herschel reassures us all. "We just have to trust them, and wait."
Carol glances at me and Carl. "You kids okay?"
"Don't worry about me," The boy says, while I just give a simple nod.
The next time the big, red door opens, Maggie appears and jogs over to us, pulling the clips off our gate.
"C'mon, y'all." She drags it open, that beautiful smile still plastered on her sweaty face. "Let's go get our things."
Her Dad asks, "You cleared it?"
She's already halfway down the hill, grinning at us over her shoulder. "We sure did!"
Wearing my backpack and clutching my soccer ball to my stomach, I follow everyone into the cellblock.
The dark, damp-smelling corridor stretches on for a while, lazily opening up to a huge, even damper-smelling room. I come to a stop with everyone else on the concrete platform, peering up at the sickeningly tall ceiling. Bands of sunlight drain in through the barred windows all the way at the top, too far outta reach for me to catch a glimpse of any of the greenery I know is on the other side.
"Nice, right?" Maggie smiles, right before a dead walker body falls from the second storey railing. Eugh.
It lands with a splat, T-Dog taking its ankles into his hands to drag it away.
Definitely no Buckingham Palace, alright, but like I said — Compared to being on the road, it might as well be. 
We continue on into the cell hall, taking it all in as Rick plods down the rusty stairs. "So. What do you think?"
"Home sweet home," Glenn muses.
"Home sweet home," He agrees, stepping onto ground level.
"I love it," I exclaim.
He laughs, his face covered in grime and sweat, but happy; very happy. "I knew you would."
Lori wonders aloud, "It's secure?"
"This cell block is."
Still eager to find out more, I ask him, "What about the rest of the prison, Rick?"
"We'll find the cafeteria and the infirmary in a few hours," He nods, hands on his hips. "Gotta clear the bodies from here, first."
Okay. "Can I choose a cell?"
"Sure, go ahead. S'all yours."
A girly sigh. "We're sleeping in cells—...?"
Behind me, Beth sounds disappointed with the idea, but I don't mind. When ya think about it, a cell is just a bedroom with a funny door. I step into the first one I come across that don't got any walker bodies laying up in it, and sit down on the bare mattress, bouncing on it a little. A smile creeps onto my face. A bed. A real bed. Mouse jumps up next to me, seeming just as pleased with this discovery.
"We did it, Mouse," I mutter happily, setting my things down on the bedside tray. "It's home sweet home."
"Knock, knock," Beth sing-songs, as Carl peeps out from behind her. "Wanna bunk together?"
Nodding straight away, I gasp, "Together-together? All three of us?"
Mouse stares at me with that sweet, empty-brained look of his.
"The four of us, I mean?"
"It'll be like a sleepover." She smiles, placing her blankets on the bed. "One of us will have to take the floor, though."
"I can do it," Carl offers, tryna play the gentleman. Gross. Before Beth can protest, he's scurrying away to grab another mattress.
"You want the top bunk or the bottom bunk, Harley?"
"I want the top bunk," I decide, pulling my blanket outta my backpack and climbing the ladder. Crawling onto the cold mattress, I splay the blanket out and give the limp pillow a few punches and a hearty shake, in an effort to fluff it out a little bit. "Perfect."
Underneath me, Beth exclaims to herself as she sits down, "It's actually— It's actually comfortable."
"Got one," Carl announces as he walks back in, stumbling around with a mattress in his grasp.
"Can you even see around that thing?" I tease.
"Yep," Without much care, he dumps the thing on the ground, proudly dusting his hands off on his hips. "There."
Rick saunters up to the door then, leaning against it as he smirks at us. "What are you guys doin'?"
"This is our cell," I chirp.
He shakes his head. "You kids are ridiculous. Don't you want your own space?"
"Nope," All three of us answer at the same time.
"Let me know how long that lasts," He drawls, looking the cell up and down.
Hopping down from my bunk, I follow him outta the room and climb up the stairs, finding my Dad at the top. He's got two mattresses laying on the floor of the perch, his blanket splayed out across the both of them, crossbow leaning against the wall.
"You find a cell, yet, chicken?" He groans as he reclines on the makeshift bed, tryna get comfortable.
I kneel down beside him. "Yeah, I'm sharin' with Beth and Carl."
"All three of ya?" He quirks a brow. "How's that workin'?"
"Carl's on the floor," I try not to laugh. "It's a bit like the CDC, ain't it? When we first got there?"
"The CDC? Ain't like there's air-conditioning or hot water in this joint," He scoffs. "I ain't so sure."
"There ain't no bombs, neither, so I'll take it." I move to lay down next to him. We both stare up at the ceiling, even though there's nothin' up there, except for a few mishappen stains and scratches, like constellations. "Carl says it's like the CDC, too."
"Did he?"
"And the farm," I add, knocking my boots together. "But not 'cause of the air-con. 'Cause of... everythin' else."
S'true. I lied to Carl, when I pretended everything was gonna be fine. I might got a dirty mouth, but I try not to make a habit of dirtying it with anythin' other than a few swear words, especially not a lie. Third time's the charm. I'on even know what that means.
He turns his head to look at me, frowning the slightest bit through his hair. "You was so excited just yesterday?"
"I know. I still am," I admit, "But—..."
He waits a while for me to continue, but I just end up shrugging. The words are anchored down somewhere, won't come out.
Dad must get my meaning, though. "Harley, there's a whole world out there. If this don't work out, there'll be somewhere else."
"But I like it here."
"I know ya do. You can keep likin' it, too," He pinches my arm, "If ya stop thinkin' about what might happen to it."
"What is gonna happen to it?"
That's a question nobody ever has the answer to, but everybody's always asking it. "I don't know, baby. Maybe nothin'."
I like that idea. Nothin' happening, ever, except for the sun rising and setting. "That's a lotta time to grow soybeans."
"Soybeans," I repeat, smiling. "Herschel said last night he wants to grow some. Tomatoes and cucumbers, too."
"There ya go, then. Just think about them."
"Nah. I'll just get hungry."
My Dad sighs for a moment, studying the ceiling, before he props himself up on his elbows. "I'mma get some fresh air for a bit."
"Ya heard," He dismisses me, mumbling something to himself as he scoots off the mattress, something about suffocating.
He's only been in here all of five minutes. I watch him pull on his leather vest, grabbing his crossbow and slinging it over his shoulder, very obviously trying not to look at any of the walls around us for too long. I ain't sure how he's gonna make it through the night in here, if he can't even make it through an hour of housewarming, but there's nothing I can do besides keep my mouth shut.
As he plods down the squeaky staircase, somebody else climbs up it, bumping his shoulder.
"You alright, man?" Glenn frowns, hesitating on the next stair up. "Where you going?"
"Outside," He pointedly replies, not looking back.
"Well, I can see that."
"I'm just gonna trail 'round the perimeter for a while."
We listen to his heavy footsteps retreat, retreat, retreat, and then the loud clanging of the metal gate.
After sharing a sympathetic look with me, Glenn continues on without a word, leaving me to get up and retreat back into my cell.
End notes.
I'm so excited for this season! I set aside some time to plan it all out in my notes and I had a lot of fun doing it. It reminded me of the times I was brainstorming for season one.
I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the new season!
Kindly let me know what you thought! See you next time :)
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gunnerkriggcritical · 10 months
The ambiguity in Annie's love life has always been really compelling to me. I'm gonna discuss some of the facets of this below.
First off, Annie responds to Mort's supposed romantic "claim" on her (via the blinker stone) with a level of anger that shocks both Mort and Kat. That's such a fascinating scene to me. I think it's the first time in the comic that we really get a taste of Annie's temper, and it's in the context of her not wanting to be claimed by a suitor against her will.
Then there's Jack. Annie doesn't seem to know how to act around him, while the question of whether she genuinely has a crush on him is left unanswered; she veers between acting awkwardly and not seeming to know how to treat him, to deliberately manipulating him to hurt him after hearing about her mother doing the same to Renard (and based on Irial's advice), to - this is my interpretation, anyway - offering him a kiss because she thinks that's what you're supposed to do in such situations, not because she genuinely wants to. The way Jack refuses her kiss and gives her a hug instead always seemed to me like, to a certain level, pity? He's learned over the course of the chapter that Annie is a mess who has no idea what she's doing, least of all romantically, and he doesn't want to take advantage of that. At least, that's how I always interpreted that moment.
"The Torn Sea" really makes a point of emphasizing that Annie has no partner while most of her friends have paired off. I'm still not sure why - and it's possible, I guess, that the chapter only does this for comedic effect. It's also more than possible that we haven't reached the point in Annie's arc that will make all these past moments make sense in retrospect. There's also, of course, the moment in "Dealing With HER" where the Annies briefly discuss having a crush on someone. And the moment in "Annie and the Forest" when Annie is asked if she has a "love back home," misunderstands the question and says "Yes, my friend Kat," and then, when it's clarified, mentally scrolls through the list of boys she knows before settling on Jack with a confused look on her face. And speaking of "Annie in the Forest," there is, of course, her crush on Kamlen, which is also contrasted with a (maybe?) crush on Jones in "Divine," hinting that Annie might be bi.
A lot is going on here, but it all fits into the broader context of who Annie is. This is way more apparent in earlier chapters than later ones, but socially, she's a strange, underdeveloped girl who was raised in isolation and doesn't quite know how to navigate the world of school-age drama. Her awkwardness and lack of experience in romance are part of a broader character arc that highlights her social ineptitude; while her peers pair off, she's left alone, and attention is drawn to this by the narrative, both in terms of friendships and romantic relationships (although she does have a small group of friends other than Kat by the later days of the comic).
She learns how to behave based on mimicry, which, in the romantic context, is especially apparent in "Faraway Morning," when she mimics her mother's behaviour and Irial's advice to manipulate Jack, to disastrous results, before eventually relenting and admitting she regrets it. She does have crushes, but she doesn't know how to act on them properly. In fact, since the question of whether she actually has a crush on Jack or was just trying to manipulate him for revenge is left unanswered, I don't know if we've ever really seen Annie acting on a crush at all.
With all this in mind, I don't really have a concrete opinion or theory on "who Annie will end up with," only my personal opinion that I would rather she didn't end up with anyone at all.
It's very very common for main characters to "end up with" somebody, but the way the comic has treated Annie's love life has, so far, been much more complex and nuanced than that. I don't think she's aromantic (although I totally understand and respect why someone would headcanon that) - I do think she has romantic crushes, that there's canon evidence for her being bisexual, and that the comic wants us to pay attention to everything it's doing in regards to her romantic leanings. I also think, and hope, that Gunnerkrigg intends to subvert the "who will the main character end up with?!" question that every other piece of media in history has asked, by saying: "No one." That answer is, to me, far more in keeping with the nuance the comic has managed towards Annie's romantic leanings than "she ends up with Kat," or any other possible pairing, would be. I would rather the answer be left cryptic instead of made concrete, like many other concepts in the comic have been.
To finish: I have long thought Gunnerkrigg is about the fierce, loyal, powerful platonic love between Annie and Kat. The dyadic friendship that unites forest and Court, technology and magic, fantasy and science fiction. The idea of them being in love with each other is nowhere near as compelling to me as the idea of them caring about each other so deeply they would do anything for the other, without being in romantic love.
(If Annie and Kat do get together, I would also question how quickly and unceremoniously Paz got booted out of the comic to make way for this pairing, but that's neither here nor there, lol.)
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 months
I love your recent posts about Eddie and Shannon and their relationship. I just don’t see how the show can address any of that with the way they’ve written this arc. There’s no one who can criticise Eddie’s feelings of ‘she was the love of my life, I’m broken without her’ except us the audience. There are no characters who saw their relationship as it actually was, so how can the show steer Eddie in that direction? I feel like they’re gonna leave it as she’s his Great Dead Love and that’s that
i see what you mean, and tbh i'm not sure what the show is going to do with this arc on-screen. they have a bunch of storylines to tie up in this finale episode (here's hoping we don't get any cliffhangers 🤞) and i don't know how much time they will have to devote to eddie, or even what they want to do with that time. it's possible they have a completely different perspective on this and will take it a whole other way, but i have faith that the show will tell the story they want to tell and, if the past six seasons are any indication, i will enjoy that story
all that being said, if we're talking dream arc, this is what i would want
as far as who can tell eddie "hey, you're looking at your marriage with rose-colored glasses, this is how it actually is," i've got two ideas for this. one is eddie himself, and the second is his parents, specifically helena, who has been rumored to be in the s7 finale. i'm kinda more excited about the second, so let's get the first one out of the way
eddie himself - hopefully after the clusterfuck that is explaining to his son that he's been seeing a dead ringer for his dead mom and she cosplayed as mommy to give eddie closure, eddie will talk about this in therapy, and through the skills he's learned and a frank discussion (pun intended) he will be forced to confront the reality of his marriage and start to address the trauma he has from everything with shannon
p cut and dry, my typical eddie-goes-to-therapy kinda story. we've all been here before.
now, for the good stuff 😈 (putting this under a read-more bc i have Thoughts)
helena. the diaz mother we all know and have complicated feelings over. or not-so-complicated feelings over, given the "don't drag [chris] down with you" line. i know i keep asking y'all to think of things from the white woman's perspective, but bear with me just one moment while i do this again
helena married into a large mexican family in the 80s. she had a mother in law whose cooking was renowned, a husband always away on business, and three children to bring up along with keeping her home together. given how everyone in their family seemed to treat shannon, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume there were some heavy expectations on helena to be the wife everyone thought ramon deserved, and i'm gonna assume that meant a lot of tradition--cooking the right things, doing the holidays the right way, teaching the kids the right values, etc. etc.
i think it was hard. i think helena didn't always meet the expectations put on her. i know it was played as a joke, but during ramon's retirement party, eddie and pepa were concerned that helena was cooking a specific dish (i can't remember which one atm) until abuela assured them she was in charge of it. meaning this is probably a running joke, helena not cooking things as well as she ought to.
also, raising three kids with a physically absent husband in a town that (i'm assuming) is full of in-laws seems hard to me, too. (if this is sounding familiar, yes i'm about to make a shannon comparison just gimme another second). the stories we hear about eddie as a kid are yes, reflections of traditional masculinity and eddie falling short of that, but also reflections on his parenting--how could helena let her son try to cook? that should be her job, she should be watching him! how could she let him try to drive at 8? tsk tsk and all that
i think helena has become a part of the diaz family fully, but i don't think it was always easy, and i think when her son married a white woman who didn't fit the expectations of a diaz wife either, helena recognized that. i think helena saw herself in shannon so clearly.
and instead of breaking the cycle and offering shannon that support and empathy that shannon (and young helena) needed, helena enforced those expectations even harsher. helena did it, so shannon had to, too.
maybe it was out of protection--she wanted shannon to fit into the family the way helena had learned to. maybe it was common generational sentiment, i.e. it's the Right way or it's the way I did it so therefore you have to do it that way, too. maybe it was a means of reinforcing her own place in the family, as she was no longer the newbie, shannon was.
whatever it was, i don't think she was conscious of it, and especially after shannon left her son, helena refused to acknowledge she was anything like shannon at all.
until now.
(yes i've found my way back to the point, i usually do i promise--and yes my adhd meds are THRIVING rn)
both helena's husband and son have done a lot of emotional work in the recent years and i think it's likely she would take a queue from them (and if her daughters are anything like me, i'm sure they're trying to nudge her towards a therapist at every turn). helena very well may be in a place where she can acknowledge how the expectations she's lived under may have been stifling, and given her son's recent encounter with kim, she very well may be in a place to acknowledge how similar shannon was to her.
and that's where, dear anon, your point comes in.
because helena was there for shannon and eddie's entire marriage. ramon was working, eddie was in the war, abuela and pepa were in la, but helena was right down the street (idk if she was actually right down the street but you know what i mean). helena knew shannon as an 18-20yo woman, as a new mother, as a struggling mother. she was in the unique position of watching shannon go through a marriage alone and remembering exactly how that felt.
kim may look like shannon, but she has no idea how shannon felt during her marriage. eddie can say all the things he wants to say, but it's like talking to a gravestone. i think helena can say the things eddie needs to hear, even if he may not want to hear them.
....and now i really wanna write that conversation. fuck.
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lorellaishc · 7 months
First Haggling
(( DWC February 2024 Day 3, Bargain/Myth, CW: None, @daily-writing-challenge ))
Clinking sounds filled the air as a goblin laid out various flasks and phials on the counter where Lorellai could see them. Behind her, Ghorren leaned against the door frame, acting every part the bored bodyguard-slash-father figure. "I'm telling you kid, you came to the right place. Your problems will disappear in a puff of applied alchemy, or my name's not Bindle Glintgold, accomplished alchemist!"
"I thought it was Bindle Glintgold, excellent entrepreneur?" Ghorren scoffed.
"That's enough out of you, or you might find your special weapon oils delayed by my emotional distress." Bindle shot back, turning back to Lorellai. "Now then, what seems to be the problem, young miss?"
"Well, it's not me, but my Hornswog. He got out of the pen and was rolling around in something just outside the city, and now he's got a nasty rash on his underside. The hornswog experts said I would need a mixture of decay-roused saxifrage and unaltered bubble poppy to salve it?"
"Ahhh, not a common mixture, but one I know well! I should be able to have a nice big jar ready for you by sundown, so all we need to discuss now is how you'll be paying for this wonder cure?" the goblin answered, all smiles.
"Well, I've got plenty of gold, how much will it be?"
"Ah! Great to hear. Let's see, we've got the raw supplies, there's a bit of a price adjustment on the decay-infused herbs these days, market forces, what are you gonna do, two hours labor, overhead fees.." Bindle began to list, before looking past the earnest eyes of the dwarven girl to see the glare of the troll behind her, idly cracking his knuckles. "-and of course, a discount for a bonafide hero making her first visit to my shop, hopefully the first of many eh?" the goblin quickly corrected.
"Oh! Well that's very kind of you mister Glintgold!"
"I am nothing if not kind, and I do love to provide first time customers with a true bargain so they remember me kindly when next they have need. Just come back this evening with thirty gold, and I'll have your salve ready," Bindle declared, ears drooping a bit as he looked at the troll again, who nodded quietly.
"If you're done here, girl, we still need to get those bags of gryphon feed for Jeb," Ghorren declared, pulling aside the curtain that seperated Bindle's little space from the greater chamber the alchemists were working out of.
"Coming! Thanks again mister Glintgold, see you tonight!"
They waited until they were out of earshot before speaking again. "You know he wanted desperately to wring out every last gold piece from your wallet."
"I'm an optimist, but I'm not a fool. When you and Hlin recommended him she mentioned that he was always looking for a big score. Why do you think I asked you to come along? I know I can trust you to have my back, big fella! Now I'll be able to deal with him more truthfully in the future."
"You aren't half as dumb as you look, short stuff," Ghorren teased, chuckling as she aimed a punch at his shin.
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sunjaesol · 1 year
Love is Blind x Juke
For the past two days @thedeathdeelers and I have spiralled into a Love Is Blind x Juke fanfic in the dm's and this is what came out of it. So, a co-written Imène and Ophelia special for Juke Jeudi. Ta-da!
“Hi,” a voice called out from the other side of the Pod. This was it. The start of this mess. 
Luke perked up. "Uh, hey, I'm Luke."
"I'm Julie." A pause. Then a laugh. "This is really weird, huh?"
Luke laughed as well, the tension of the last twenty-four hours slipping away. One second he was drunk in his apartment with his buddies on the Netflix website, the second he was on a flight to San Diego for a freaking reality dating show. Or rather: a marriage show. Insane. But whatever. It wasn't like he was actually going to find someone. He was just gonna lay low, write some songs, and then dip after ten days.
"So, Julie, what made you sign up for this thing?" he asked, draping himself across the couch. A cup of rum and coke dangled in his hand.
"Um… I guess I wanted to do something I'd never do. I'm always waiting for love, you know, instead of… just going for it. So here I am. What about you?" Her voice was pretty, slightly raspy, yet melodic, and he felt himself listening to her intently.
"I'm here to write songs," he replied, blunt.
She laughed. "What?"
"You're here… for songs?"
"Don't take this the wrong way," he said, "but this is like a retreat for me."
"Well, that's excellent, actually," she replied, smooth. "Because I happen to be a songwriter."
Julie went into her second date after an hour long conversation about music and their favourite bands with Luke. She felt giddy, but knew a first impression didn’t mean anything in an experiment like this. Sitting down, she called out: "Hello?"
"Hi, I'm Nick," a male voice said.
Julie smiled. "I'm Julie."
"Julie," he repeated, and she heard the scribbling of paper. "So, tell me about yourself, Julie."
"Um… what do you wanna know?"
"Where are you from?" he asked. 
Easy enough. "I’m from Los Feliz."
"No way!" He laughed. "Me too!"
Her brows raised. "Really? Where did you go to school?"
"LF Public High."
"Ah," she sighed, "I went to the arts school. It would be crazy if we've met each other before."
"Or maybe it's fate," he teased.
An amused smile twitched on her lips. Guys that flirted with the word ‘fate’ to wrap a girl around their finger; she’s met those before. "Yeah, who knows."
After three full days of jamming and creating music with Luke, somehow able to connect on such an intense level with a shimmery wall between them, they found themselves in amiable silence. It wasn’t awkward, somehow. The song they worked on had been rather emotional, about family and history and regret. It brought back memories she hadn’t dared to discuss in the Pods. But now… 
“Not to like, um,” she licked her lips, “dump all my trauma, but—”
“It’s okay,” he whispered.
“My mom, uh, died… two years ago.” Julie took a steadying breath, though let the tears roll as they came. He didn’t see her. She could cry. “She’d been sick for a while—terminal cancer—so we were prepared, but… nothing actually prepares you for it.” She heard him hum, encouraging her to continue. “And that’s why I applied for the show. The day she died, I felt like I died with her. I’ve just been on auto-pilot. So, ‘Love Is Blind’ was honestly this, like, desperate attempt to feel again, but I didn’t think I’d actually marry someone. I just wanted to break free of this dead feeling… if that makes sense.”
After a beat of silence, Luke said, “It does. Trust me, it does. I’m sorry, Jules, for your loss. That’s the worst thing that could ever happen, I–” A curt laugh left him. “I wish I could hug you right now, fuck.”
“It’s okay,” she sniffled.
“You’re probably the strongest person I know, not gonna lie,” he continued. “Trying to keep living after that… you should be so proud, Jules.”
Julie’s lip wobbled as she sank to the carpeted ground and shuffled to the shimmery wall, pressing one hand against it. She hadn’t had a sip of alcohol today—even though the producers wanted her to—so she knew all she felt was pure.
“I am proud,” she agreed. “Only a crazy alive person locks themselves in a Pod for seventeen hours a day.”
A laugh barked out of him. Jumping off the couch, he sat cross-legged in front of the shimmery wall. His heart hammered a nervous beat. “I, uh, relate, to be honest, to, like, mom stuff.”
“My mom hasn’t died, fortunately, but… when I was seventeen, we got in a really big fight. Like, we said some nasty stuff to each other. I ran away. I didn’t speak to them for six years.” He shook his head. “And I know it’s not the same. Trust me, I know. I left by choice. But it felt like the death of my bond with them. I felt like I was dead to my parents. They never tried looking for me. Maybe because they knew where I was, but… they never tried reaching out. Until I did it at twenty-three.”
Julie sighed, “I’m so sorry, Luke.”
“It caused me to produce some fire songs, but… I don’t know if it was worth it.” He chuckled, tears rolling down his cheeks in surprise. “I don’t think I ever told someone that before.”
Julie smiled. “I’ll keep it a secret. Thank you for sharing that with me, Luke.”
“No problem,” he tried to sound nonchalant, but to him, it came off infinitely grateful.
“How’s your relationship with them now?” she asked.
“It’s… it’s alright. It’s not perfect in the slightest, but, you know, I come around for dinner or lunch at least once a month, I keep them in the loop, they keep me in the loop, they’ve attended one of my concerts…” He trailed off. “We’ve come a long way.”
“That’s great to hear,” she smiled. “Family is so important to me, so I would’ve felt so bad if I wouldn’t be able to—” She paused, warmth spreading in her body and face.
Luke frowned. “What?”
“If, um, if I wouldn’t be able to, um, meet them,” she uttered awkwardly. They had come to the silent agreement that they wouldn’t marry and simply be each other’s confidante for the ten days in the Pods. Julie has never felt like this before though. She felt… she was in love. Which was crazy, but how else could she explain the feeling in her gut?
A smile grew on Luke’s face. “You wanna meet them?”
“Don’t goad me like that!”
Luke laughed. “I’m not! I’m not! It’s… it’s cute, Julie, that you wanna meet them. Y’know, I wanna meet your dad, too. He sounds cool.”
Julie smiled. Her heart felt like bursting. “He is.”
The next day, Julie stood in the kitchen of the women’s quarters stirring a carrot and bell pepper soup on the stove. Luke’s favourite. If they ever were to meet in real life, she’d introduce him to other, way better, soups, but this would do for now.
Suddenly, Carrie—another contestant—appeared beside her. “You’re talking with Luke, right?” Carrie asked. 
Julie looked up. “Yeah, why?”
“Well,” she shrugged, haughty, “he's my number one, so.”
Julie frowned. Luke’s her number one? Since when? She had never heard Carrie speak about him. Did something happen in the Pods that she wasn’t aware of? “I thought Nick was your number one.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Nick is so passive. I like Luke a lot more. I mean, musicians are hot, right?”
Carrie was baiting her, Julie realised, replying with a weak: “I… I guess…”
“Yeah,” Carrie affirmed, “so he’s my number one. I heard he’s yours, too.” The blonde tried to pull off an air of nonchalance as she inspected her perfectly manicured nails, but Julie didn’t bother with an answer and chose to add a pinch more paprika to the soup instead. She smiled; yeah, he’d like that.
Aggrieved Julie didn’t respond, Carrie continued: “So, why are you making soup?”
Julie threw a disbelieving look at Carrie. “It’s for Luke. For his birthday?”
Carrie, who had already lost interest in the conversation, suddenly whipped her head back towards Julie, hair flicking with the motion. “It’s his birthday? When? Since when?”
Julie rolled her eyes at the girl, and shook her head. Deciding to make a dig, she said: “I thought he was your number 1?”
Carrie frowned and pointed at the pot. “Can I give him some, too?”
"No,” Julie puffed, in disbelief that the woman even dared to ask her that. “That's honestly weird for you to ask, Carrie. It’s disingenuous."
"Okay, whatever," she grumbled and skulked away to talk to Kayla.
"So... I talked to Carrie..." Julie brought up after Luke had accepted and had taken a swig of her homemade soup. It had to be their sixth date at this point, but it has felt like forever. 
The man looked up from his guitar in confusion, wracking his brain for the last time he spoke to Carrie. "Okay?"
"She said you're her number one."
His frown deepened. "What? Really? We've spoken maybe twice."
"Oh." A relieved laugh left Julie. "Oh, wow. Then she's super jealous, or something." Her cheeks felt warm. "I was a little worried for a second, to be honest."
Luke grinned. "Yeah?"
"Y'know, I was worried about Nick," he confessed.
That surprised her. "Really? Why?"
"‘Cause I know you did have a connection with him."
"Yeah," she admitted, "but not in the way that we connect. Nick's like... a friend. That's all."
"Then you should tell him that," Luke said, amused. "'Cause he thinks you guys are fated."
Julie rolled her eyes. "Oh, jeez."
It was his favourite time of the day—sprawled across the sofa, snacks littering the floor—as he scratched out a chorus to Sunset Curve’s new song.
But that’s not why it was his favourite.
It was his favourite because he could just about hear Julie scribbling in her own journal right across that damn shimmery wall separating them, almost picturing frown lines between her brows. Which was weird, ‘cause he had never actually seen her.
It was weird, right?
But that didn’t stop him. Luke felt a silly grin taking over his features as he hummed along what he imagined would be the pre-chorus, leg swinging over the armrest—
And then he froze, stopping all movement.
Because he could be hallucinating, but he swore he just heard singing coming from the other room. The one that contained Julie. The human wrecking ball that had already captivated him before he had ever seen her.
Or heard her, apparently.
Holy shit. Holy shit. 
Luke nearly fell off the couch as he stumbled into a sitting position, jumping from his spot to the shimmery wall. He splayed his fingers as he pressed his palms against the damn thing keeping them apart, and then placed his ear against it.
He stopped moving; stopped breathing. She was singing. And it was fucking beautiful.
Shit. He was fucked.
He remembered Julie telling him about her complicated relationship with music; how she hadn’t sang in over a year. But now she was singing, here, with him, and he was finding it so hard to keep himself in check. He could clearly hear Alex’ voice in his head telling him to ‘cool it, Patterson. You’re going to scare her off.’
And that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Afterwards, Luke barged into the men's quarters and yelled: “I'm marrying Julie!”
Dean barely looked up from his paperback. “Yeah, we know.”
"You haven't talked about anyone else," Seth added.
"Oh," Luke said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, yeah. Now I'm gonna do it."
"Cool, man," Garrett grinned. "Get that woman!"
On the tenth day, Julie wore her prettiest dress. A purple number, nothing too special, as she hadn’t actually thought to get married on this show. The other women had ornate dresses, but she’d have to do with this one. 
Then again, she wasn’t actually sure Luke would propose. He told her he loved her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to marry her in a month; that didn’t mean he wanted to go through with the experiment; the reality show. 
Opening the door to the Pod, she heard Luke already pacing on his side. 
“Hi,” she said.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Hey!”
She paused at the wall. “You’re nervous?”
“It’s the tenth day, so, uh…” Luke shook his head and stared at the silly velvet box in his hands. This was ridiculous. Insane. Every other synonym for that word. He wasn’t marriage material. He was a guy from an underground rock band that came here to get inspired and write. But here he fucking was.  
“I don’t wanna say we’re fated, ‘cause I don’t believe in that shit,” he suddenly continued, the words flowing out of him. 
Julie smiled. “Me neither.”
“But I do—I do think you’re my person, Julie. That we should be together outside of the Pods. When we make music it’s like–like–”
“Magic,” she finished, her smile widening and her hands pressing against the wall. 
“Yeah,” he breathed. Sinking onto both knees, he kept his eyes on the box. “We’re magic together, I think. And I love you. I know that. I love you.”
Julie let her forehead drop against the wall as she giggled. Nothing about this made sense. No one would be able to understand what she felt right now. “I love you, too.”
“So… Julietta Rose Victoria Marie Molina…” He took a steadying breath. Now or never. “Will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
An elated sob left the woman, nodding profusely despite him being unable to see her. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes!”
The white doors slid open in a swoop and their identities were revealed. Luke took a step forward and found his jaw falling slack at the short woman several feet away from him. She… was perfect. Down to those cute, scribbled-on sneakers.
Julie laughed, showcasing a gap between her teeth, and waved at him. "Hi."
"Hey," he grinned, his walk turning into a jog—he had to get to her—and grabbed her into a hug. "Holy shit."
"I know," she laughed, latching onto him. "Neither of us had a proposal outfit packed."
"Julie–Jules, you–" Pulling away slightly, he felt moisture building in his eyes from the shock and tension. His hands cupped her cheeks. "You're–wow."
"Thanks," she giggled, her eyes also wet. "You're wow, too."
After the couples arrived in the resort in Mexico, Julie and Luke settled into their suite. They unpacked their suitcases as they chatted about their flight, rosy-cheeked and happy. The camera flipped to Julie in the confessional, seated on the terrace in a pretty blue dress.
"Luke and I have arrived in Mexico," Julie said. "And it's definitely weird, suddenly, like, being able to touch him and see him, but it also feels so natural. We're just really excited to continue growing what we have and make more music."
"Julie's gonna do the speaking for me this vacay," Luke added next in his confessional, a big smile stretched across his cheeks. "I'm twenty-nine, guys, I've forgotten 10th grade Spanish, y'know."
“Yes, we’ve kissed,” Julie continued, shy, “on the plane. We wanted to do it away from the cameras, and um… it was–it was good.” Her eyes averted as her smile grew. “It was really good.”
Luke plopped down on the bed. “What do you wanna do first? Check out the pool? The beach?”
“The buffet,” she emphasised. “I’m super hungry.”
He laughed. “Sounds good to me.”
Julie slid beside him. “I also wanted to talk to you about something, now that we’re here…”
Luke nodded. “Okay.”
“Um… so we’re now sharing a bed…”
“I’d like to wait until after the wedding before we have sex,” she admitted. His face gave nothing away, simply listening to her. “It’s not that I’m not attracted to you, I am, but it’s something I want to honour, you know?”
“Of course,” he whispered. “I can wait, Julie, don’t worry about it.”
“Sex isn’t that important to me,” he said with a shrug. “It’s great, but it’s not everything.”
“Duh,” she deadpanned. “Music is.”
He laughed. “Exactly, you get it.”
The woman let out a relieved breath. She didn’t think Luke would be appalled, but she hadn’t been totally sure. Now, she could sleep beside him without the stress. Kissing his cheek, she said, “Besides, we can do other stuff.”
He wiggled his brows, mischievous. “‘Other’ stuff?”
With a roll of the eye, she pushed him away and got up. “Let’s get food.”
“Yes, Boss!”
The next day in Mexico, all the couples met up at the pool. It was the first time they all could see each other and properly meet. Neither Julie or Luke were worried their affection would sway, but they were nervous to approach Carrie and Nick. Both had claimed a connection, but now they were a couple themselves.
It especially bothered Luke, if he was honest. Julie was… incredibly beautiful, especially in that purple dress she wore tonight, and he wasn’t blind to the eyes Nick had been giving her. 
Afterwards, Julie and Luke sat on the bed curled towards each other, discussing the events of the night.
"So... what did you think of Nick?" Luke asked, feigning nonchalance.
Julie smirked at his obvious attempt to seem cool. "He was… nice."
"Yeah? Got a crush on him?"
"Sure," Julie deadpanned, "and that was why the conversation ended after, like, two minutes, and I stayed by your side for the rest of the night."
Luke grinned and placed a hand on her knee. "Yeah?"
"Mh-hm." She caressed his tattooed arm. "Don’t worry. I... there's not a shadow of doubt it's you, Luke. Trust me."
Luke's smile melted into fondness. "I trust you."
After Mexico—where one of the couples devolved and split up, leaving four couples left—they all returned to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, they couldn’t move back into their regular apartments, but all had to share the same complex. Julie and Luke lived on the third floor in a shiny, white apartment. It was the furthest thing from Luke’s actual place.  
On a positive note, they could finally introduce their partner to their friends and family. Like now. 
"Today, I'm meeting Luke's friends and band members," Julie said to the camera, standing outside of Luke’s studio in the heart of Mar Vista. "I've talked with them on the phone a couple days ago, but this'll be the first time we'll be face to face."
Luke drifted on his heels as he barely looked at the camera, clearly addressing Julie. "I'm not worried. Julie's, like, the puzzle piece we've been missing. And I fucking love her. So. Yeah."
Julie and Luke walked in where Reggie and Alex were already seated in an old, leather couch. Reggie seemed nonchalant, but Alex often flitted his eyes to the camera.
"Hi," Julie greeted. "I'm Julie!"
"Ooh," Reggie cooed. "You're even prettier IRL!"
Alex eyed her in disbelief. "Yeah. Blink twice if you wanna escape our Luke."
"Awesome support, guys," Luke grumbled.
Julie worried that the boys perhaps thought that what she and Luke had was too good to be true—that it wouldn’t last—and all it would do was interrupt their music career. She didn’t stop worrying until Alex gently pulled her away from the guys mid-practice session, and took her on a short walk around the garden.
Somehow, he knew exactly what was on her mind—and exactly what to tell her.
“Luke’s a pretty open book with just about everyone, or that’s what people think. He likes to show everyone all the good sides to him; the music, the cheerful attitude, the constant pep-talks. But he’s never, and I mean never, talked to anyone about his mom as openly as he did with you.” Alex stopped to turn and face Julie. “He’s always worried about dumping all his problems on others and it’s been his thing ever since we’ve known him. He just hides it all to himself, until he explodes and writes a song about it.”
He shrugged, though Julie could see the worry in Alex’ eyes. “But the fact that he shared some of that stuff with you, let you hear ‘Unsaid Emily’… Julie, you’re it for him. And if you’re it for Luke, you’re it for us.” Alex grimaced at his choice of words, but didn’t correct himself, choosing instead to smile encouragingly at Julie.
A moved Julie nodded in relief and pulled the drummer into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she whispered. 
That evening, it was time for Luke to meet Julie’s family, namely: her father, brother and aunt Victoria. The rest of the family would attend the wedding. Which, according to Julie, was ‘a lot’. She’d prepped him for tonight, but she still seemed nervous as she rang the bell and waited for the door to open. 
“What’s the prob?” he asked. 
The door flung open and an older woman in athleisure squealed at the sight of Luke. “Lukas! Come in, come in! Oh, mija, you did such a good job picking him!”
“My name is Luke, actually—”
Victoria continued unperturbed and ushered them inside. He barely had time to soak in the interior as she continued babbling on. "Thank you, Lukas—" Victoria gushed.
"It's Luke—"
"—for taking my Julie off the street. Twenty-seven! Who would've thought!"
"Ah, yes," Julie drawled beside him, slightly peeved. "The old crone's age of twenty-seven."
“I think she was the one who took me off the street,” he said, throwing a smirk Julie’s way to ease the nerves a bit.
Her father and brother popped in from the kitchen, the former with a wide smile and the latter rather sceptical. “Is that my daughter’s fiancé I hear?”
"Luke is meeting my best friend, Flynn, today," Julie said outside of a bar. "I'm a little nervous, because Flynn is super protective of me, but I think it'll be fine!"
Luke smirked. "People love me. Everything will be great!"
That was, until Flynn said a quick hello and then shoved a ten-page questionnaire in his face. She smirked. “Just to see you’re not a serial killer and won’t break my friend’s heart.”
“Because those two are mutually important,” Julie replied, sarcastic. 
Luke scratched the back of his head as he thumbed through the pages. “I–I have to do this now?”
“Why? Scared?” Flynn pressed. “Also—” She whipped a cotton swab from her pocket and grabbed Luke’s face, pushing his mouth open. "Just the usual," she muttered and swabbed the inside of his cheek. "Just normal DNA things…”
After the horrible bar situation, Julie paced along the kitchen island continuously apologising for her friend’s behaviour. “I swear she’s usually not like this, I’m so embarrassed, like she’s protective, but not—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke grabbed her shoulders to stop her from pacing with a relaxed smile. “Yeah, it was weird, but it wasn’t the end of the word.”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You have a Flynn, I have a Reggie and Alex," he soothed. "It's all cool."
As Carrie and Nick argued for the umpteenth time at the Cheese Tasting Date, Luke and Julie were bent over Luke's songbook, scribbling and discussing the bridge of a song.
"No, no, there should be an inverse and then, like, the reveal, that he was never there at all," Julie said.
"I don't wanna write a sad song, Jules. It's a love song," Luke bounced back.
"I mean—" She popped a piece of brie in her mouth. "---it is a love song, just not a happy one."
A grin ticked up his lips. "Is it about Nick and Carrie?"
Julie swatted his arm. "Luke!"
"What! C'mon, Jules, look at 'em." He nodded at the pair currently shouting at each other outside, two cameras on them. "They're not exactly soulmates."
Another pairing, Vivian and Dean, joined them at their table. "Oh my God," Vivian said, "can Carrie and Nick just end it already?"
"Carrie wants those followers, she can't leave just yet," Dean added with a roll of the eyes.
"Yeah," Julie trailed, "it's... a lot."
"What're you working on, dude?" Dean asked.
Luke grinned. "A song, obviously."
Viv sighed dreamily. "It's so romantic, honestly, that you guys have, like, a 'thing'."
Dean frowned. "We have a thing."
His fiancée's brows raised, challenged, and Luke and Julie recoiled into their songwriting shell again.
The wedding was a no-brainer. After a teary-eyed dress fitting and a fun bachelorette party with the girls—where Carrie tried to disrupt her happiness one final time—Julie found herself in the hotel room of a beautiful ranch where she and Luke would officiate their marriage. Somehow, the month felt like a year and her relationship with Luke felt like a decade. 
“Are you nervous?” Flynn asked, buttoning Julie into her dress. 
She shook her head. “No, just healthy jitters.”
“Good.” The two stared at each other in the mirror. “You deserve this, girl.”
Victoria came in with glasses of champagne. “Well, I’m nervous, so drink up, my loves.”
On the other side of the hotel, Luke, Alex and Reggie sat in the plush chairs, ready for the wedding. Luke’s foot bounced up and down in anticipation, ready to hold her and kiss her and be hers. He knew he was a romantic, but he never thought it could get this deep. 
“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Alex asked. 
Luke nodded. “Yeah. There’s honestly not a doubt in my mind, dude.”
“But what if she does?”
“Then…” Luke took a swig of his beer as a salute. “Then we’ll have a killer album in no time.”
Soon after, the ceremony began. Luke first went down the aisle where he smiled and nodded at all his friends and family. His parents sat in the front and smiled proudly at him. 
And then came Julie. Julie, in a beautiful gown and a shimmering face, taking his breath away. It felt like he had tunnel vision. She, too, couldn’t look anywhere but him, and felt her racing heart calm down the second he helped her up the steps. Her father had tears in his eyes as he gave her away. 
“Hi,” she whispered. 
“Hey,” he whispered back, smiling, “you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”
The officiator began his speech, Luke and Julie exchanged quick vows—though most has been said in the countless lyrics they’ve written together—and they sealed it all with a kiss. They were married. Forever. 
For the final time, Julie spoke to the camera with shiny cheeks and sparkling eyes. “How do I feel? I mean, I think you can guess.”
Luke jumped into frame and picked her up, bridal-style. “You’re looking at Miss Julie Molina-Patterson, Netflix! Hell yeah!”
At the reunion, they were the only couple left standing. Obviously.
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blackqueengold · 2 years
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Her Grace
Author's Note: Hi y'all, this is my first time writing. So if y'all find any misspelling around, I'm sorry. Well I hope y'all enjoy it. It's short.
Pairings: Shurixreader, Ririxreader, Shuririxreader, ballerina reader.
Warning: angst but fluff at the end
Summary: Shuri and Riri spend their time in the lab that they sometimes forget about dear y/n. So y/n decides to let go through dancing.
Translation: usana-baby, sthandwa-my love, intombi yam-my girl.
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y/n was looking at the clock as its almost lunch and haven't seen Riri or Shuri yet. 'Another lunch they're gonna miss', you sighed.
"Griot, tell my wives I'll be going to the lab to visit", you stood up making your way to the lab.
This has been happening quite awhile, you understood their jobs, but you felt neglected. Shuri being queen, Riri working in the lab, and they be spending long hours in the day as well past midnight working. In the past, they cancel dates, sometimes wouldn't go dinner, go to bed late, and would wake early in the morning that you wouldn't see them for at least see them off for work.
"Your majesty, your wife y/n is here", Griot announced your arrival.
"Hey usana", shuri greeted you with a side look and smile before turning back to work. Riri didn't say a hello or give you a hug as when she always see you around.
"Guys, I have something to say to the both of you", you looked down fiddling with your fingers nervously as they give you their attention.
"You guys been working long hours that I don't know when you guys are coming home nor I see you off for work or spend time in breakfast and that concerns me a lot. I get it but have some time for me please", you said finally looking at them to see if they have any reaction.
"This is important ma, you know that", riri said as shuri agrees with her.
"I know, but aren't I important as well?" a pang in your heart was felt.
"Yes, but right now we've been so busy that we need to cancel some dates or dinners and be waking up early to do more progress with our projects", shuri looked up at you and gave an 'I hope you understand' look.
"To what extent am I important to you two huh? Everyday in the night waiting for my two wives in the dining room, home made cooked food by me, waiting with a smile hoping for my wives to come home and discuss how was the day for all of us, and maybe do something fun that the three of us can enjoy", you yelled.
"Do not yell at us I'm warning you y/n", shuri looked annoyed at you as she walked towards you.
"Warning me? I'm your wife, to the both of you. You two aren't in a relationship of two, you two are in a relationship of three with me, and married. You may be queen shuri, but your not high and mighty when it comes to your family, and for you two to be locking yourselves in this goddamned lab past midnight working on this projects that can be hold off 'till tomorrow morning for you two to get some rest", you said as I looked at shuri.
"Hey-",you cut riri off.
"I'm not done. Now let me ask you to the two of you, who's more important? These projects or me?" you looked at both of them as they stood silent.
"Stop it, you won't disrespect us like that ma. You are important but so are the projects", riri stopping you from getting out from the lab.
"Disrespect you? Sweetheart look at the neglectance you two have given me for the past 4 weeks and I bet you haven't noticed. It takes two to tango(fight). I'm here to help, to love, and to care my two wives, but I feel like I'm not getting anything in return from my two LOVING wives. So let me ask again, who's more important to you? Projects or me?" you sarcastically asked looking at both of them.
"The projects", shuri angry answered as tears started to drop in your face.
"Wow just Wow, I have no words to the two of you", you ran away from them as they called upon your name. Going inside your shared bedroom, looked at your kimoyo beads and took them and dressed into your ballet attire, put your hair into a tight bun, and took your ballet point shoes to a big room that people passed with a Dora milaje soldier.
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After you left, shuri and riri begun to think all you've said to them about their jobs, title, working all day. They’ve decided to look only to find out you have disappeared.
"Griot, locate y/n's kimoyo beads", shuri said.
"They're in your bedroom", they ran to they're shared bedroom to find your beads in the night stand. They started to get worried on where you have gone. They started to look around until they found a Dora Milaje soldier outside of a room on guard.
"You're dismissed", shuri said.
"I'm sorry your majesty, but I can't. Queen y/n told me to stay here to make sure no one disturbs her", the soldier bowed to her queen.
"Let us in quietly then", riri said as she heard classic music. They went inside and saw you dancing ballet to May it be instrumental (Lord Of The Rings). At the crescendo, you leap in the air across the floor and landed in one feet(Jeté). You did 8 pirouettes going into 9 when you saw your wives standing in a corner of the room amazed and you lost your balance and fall to the ground resulting having an ankle sprained.
“Baby, are you ok?” They asked as they ran towards you worriedly.
“I’m ok”, you tried to stand but falling expecting the fall but it never came. Shuri catches you and carried you to you guy’s shared bedroom and sat you in the bed carefully as riri left to get ice for your ankle.
“We’re sorry sthandwa”, shuri looked at you as you looked away not wanting to see their faces. Riri took your chin to look at them as result your eyes were closed to them.
“Are really sorry or are you just saying it because you two feel obligated to do so?” You hissed at the pain of your sprained ankle as your stretch your feet.
“Easy ma, we don’t want you to get more hurt than you already are. And yes we are sorry, we shouldn’t have said those words. We should have realized our neglectance and change that, but we let work get in the way and blinded us in rage towards you where you were right in everything”, riri said looking at you as you opened your eyes with tears pouring into your face. They sat next you each side and hugged you.
“If you want to slap us, we’ll take it gladly with no problem if we were like how we were earlier with you”, riri said and you chuckled but whined in pain.
“Here lay down usana, we will back”, shuri and riri changed you into your pjs and lay in bed with a pillow under your ankle.
“Where are you guys going?” You hold your wives’s hands.
“It a secret, we’ll be right back before you know it, ok mami?” Riri said as she kisses your forehead. They left turning off the lights to let you sleep. They came back with a basket of your favorite things and flowers as an apology gift and painkillers for your ankle. They found you sleeping, your face hidden in your hair when you turned in your sleep earlier not putting pressure in your ankle. They smiled knowing you’re sleeping peacefully. Shuri brushed your hair from your face and took a rose from the bouquet of rose and broke the stem of the rose to put it in behind your ear both looking at a beautiful sight of their sleeping beauty. You woke up having them smiling at you.
“What?” You asked.
“We are so blessed with a beauty like you that it’s unmatched”, shuri said and you blushed.
“We got you this as an apology mamas”, they gave you the gifts and you smiled as you looked at them.
“Thank you my loves”, you took their hands and kissed them.
“No thank you intombi yam for having the patience of the world on us, you are our greatest gift that the gods have bestowed us”, they each gave you a kiss on the lips and looked at you with such adoration.
A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this lil story. I love y'all and now I'm going to sleep. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night 😘😘😘😘😘
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terraco-07 · 8 months
I'm gonna start this off by being self aware. Vriscourse in 2024 is so funny and kind of silly in a way so take as little or as much of this as you want. I think I should lead in with Vriska is divisive on purpose. Her entire story is rife with places where you can either hate her, love her, or find shades of grey. I love Vriska as a character, but I want to be perfectly clear. Vriska Serket is NOT a good person, but imo very few people are. Narratively speaking Vriska grows up on a hostile planet where she's forced to kill for her Lusus. She also has the influence of Mindfang's journal to contend with. Vriska never knows who she is, she's always living in someone else's shadow and constantly hating it. Yet at the same time she's trying to live her life by some grand formula. Let's take Tavros for example. By virtue of Karkat and the descriptions we get of Alternia we see the word pity used several times when describing Flushed feelings. Can we take it with a grain of salt and assume that Karkat a known romance over enjoyer is being an unreliable narrator? Sure, we can. That said I think that wording is relevant here. In Vriska's head she feels bad for this guy and thinks that she's the only one who can fix him. On top of that you add in that her hero was flush with a powerful bronzeblood and you've put massive blinders on yourself. She becomes so self absorbed with this idea that she ends up going way too far in her efforts to bring him around and pushes heavily past his consent and boundaries. (Looking at that kiss scene). Even after his death she says maybe 2-3 things about ahh man maybe I shouldn't say bad things about that guy anymore or am I bad for killing (another) friend. She's young but I think the lack of remorse is something that matters here when looking at her in adulthood which is what we're really trying to get to here. As for the previous murder it's barely even touched. There's an air of well Aradia killed me back so we're all good. Even though she ascended to God tier and initially Aradia was just a ghost who had to deal with it while Sollux had to cope with the fact that physically it was his body that killed his matesprit. General other beats are the arrogance, easy to anger, and lack of empathy. Which we actually get to see some development on those from pre retcon Vriska! More on that here in a second.
Holy shit Gil, you're rambling so God Damn much why do we care? I don't know, don't ask me, but here's why all that foundation matters. If we're thinking about the theoretical for any Homestuck character as a whole I feel like we have to consider who they are in adulthood. Tons of discussion and debate all circles around "well they were kids!" Okay, well lets talk about what they could be as adults. So with everything we've already brought up about Vriska, how does she act in her 20s? Personally I think she struggles post game. She has no mental purpose for a while and she's in a place where she doesn't have to fight just to live so that means tons of time to sit around and think. We've seen from pre retcon Vriska that when the stress is off she does actually consider what she's done to a degree. Do I think she thinks about Tavros or Alternian sins all that much? No. I think she doesn't like her younger self (like most people) and does what she can to avoid being like that anymore. That comes with painfully slow growth and still a lot of bridges in need of mending. Those same traits of being self centered and needing attention are there but they're a little more tempered. She can at least listen now and has the emotional intelligence to realize when she's hurt someone and actually care about that. In summary: Vriska is a complicated and flawed character and saying that she did nothing wrong but also saying she did everything wrong are both incorrect. There is nothing defensible about her acts (She fucked up bad) but we can understand why she may have done them without condoning them. As an adult she is still kind of an asshole but she's not to that same level and she gets to grow into a somewhat reasonable adult that is still a dick at times. Also if you got this far then enjoy my shameless Vrisrose propaganda. They get in fights all the time and want to beat the shit out of each other nonstop. Both of them suck and it's so funny.
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Yoohoo Monster Oneshot: To Tame a Kaiju
AN: Quite weird that I never uploaded this to DA and Tumblr. Here’s my first Yoohoo Monster: Monsters Unchained oneshot “To Tame a Kaiju”!
Everyone remembered when the Pirarukaiju was first unleashed. It was when they were taking care of a Magician(who ended up being a chameleon with a Monster form)that had ambushed Pirarucu with its invisibility. Since then, they had been trying to find of a way to try and control this creature while still trying to process everything. Even with all of the time and processing, the team couldn't think of anything that could possibly work. The only thing they knew was that the Pirarukaiju returned to being Pirarucu when it was worn out enough through its rage.
While they were still discussing ways, Pirarucu was on her own. She wanted to be away from them ever since what happened a few days back. In fact, she was on her own for more than a week. There were times where she was offered food, and even though she accepted, she still was nervous. There had to be some kind of way or fashion to keep this thing at bay, yet Pirarucu realized that she got the form when she first arrived on the island. How? How did I not know of this? she thought to herself as she leaned up against the tree she was sitting against.
The weird thing was that she didn't even remember squat about her rampage when she came to. Maybe it was because she became blinded by the rage? She wasn't too sure, but that was the only thing that came to her mind shortly after she started pondering over it. She shook her head, the thinking really getting the best of her. She was also too scared to fall asleep, fearing that she'd have another bad or weird dream about that creature. 
After awhile, she decided to rejoin the others, shocked to see her stepbrother Clione with them too. "Sis!" he exclaimed, rushing over to her. He embraced her in a hug, and she was immediately shocked over the fact. She stood there for a few moments before hugging him back. "Wasn't expecting seeing you with the others," she finally said after the hug. "I was getting worried about you. You haven't been around me or the others over the past few days," he said in a worried manner.
Pirarucu hesitated before eyeing the Busters. They also were worried sick about her. "He's right you know. I can sense your dread and fear," Octo told the corsac as he fidgeted with his tail. She had almost forgotten that he could do that, and it made her ears flatten. "Good to see you're still in one piece," Lemmee piped in as he crossed his arms, eyeing her. She gave him a sarcastic thanks before sitting with the others. She chose to sit with Clione on her right and Snail and her left. "You guys were talking about it huh?" she asked, making everyone nod in unison.
"Ever since then...we've been trying to think of something good on helping you control that form of yours," Yoohoo piped in as his tail slightly bristled from the moment. "You do realize that this is different from the average Monster right?" Toad added, remembering on how feral the being was. It was so much different from the average Monster, and that was the truth. "How do we deal with something that huge is my question," Roodee soon questioned before Lemmee said, "Hey! You have the Monster form. You could just fight it!" This made the capuchin jump and say, "And what? Get myself killed? No way!"
Both eyed each other as Pirarucu chimed, "Hey! You boys don't need to be fighting! Besides, that's not gonna work anyways!" Both of them eyed her afterwards, Roodee looking like he could almost break and strangle Lemmee. Afterwards, they sighed, seeing that she was right. "So if that won't work, then what will?" Snail questioned as she rubbed her chin. Clione had a thought. Maybe...the Pirarukaiju could be calmed and tamed. With what, he wasn't too sure on. He wanted to devise his idea, but the others didn't listen to him, making him groan.
All of the chat about controlling the form was making Pirarucu feel stressed, and she wasn't in the mood to talk about it after awhile. "You know what? I can't take it. I have to go let off some steam!" she snarled, the glow in her eyes returning as she stormed off. She punched a tree, making the crew(and Clione)jump as the transformation triggered. Sure enough, she turned into the Pirarukaiju again through this. "Ah shoot. Here we go again!" Lemmee exclaimed in horror. "You got to be kidding me..." Toad whispered under his breath.
The group all got up, Clione following behind. He could feel his whole body shaking in fear over seeing what his stepsister had turned into. Everyone was about to chase after colossal fox beast, but the young fennec dashed ahead of them in worriment. "SIS!" he exclaimed in horror, hand out as he ran. "SIS! THIS ISN'T YOU! PLEASE! COME BACK TO ME!" The others followed shortly after, worried about Clione. Octo could feel his horror, sadness, and worriment over his sister's transformation.
"Clione! Wait up! You have no idea what you're dealing with!" Yoohoo exclaimed, but he feared that the fennec couldn't hear him due to how far up he was. The Pirarukaiju was still walking away from them, Clione getting closer to it as he continued screaming for his sister. Once he was in range to where it could hear him, it stopped. It turned around and got on all fours to face the fennec. It snorted in his face, almost wanting to bear its fangs at him. "S-Sis...please...I just want you back. We're not going to hurt you. None of us are." After saying this, he got down to his knees, sobbing. "DON'T YOU RECGONIZE ME?! PLEASE! YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!"
Yoohoo almost had the urge to rush up to Clione, but Octo held him back. "It's dangerous. You shouldn't," he explained to the Senegal. What the Pirarukaiju did afterwards shocked them. It seemed to recognize not only his voice, but what he looked like. It got into a sitting position, soon picking Clione up in its massive paws. It looked down at him, saying, "Cli...one?" in a raspy but yet deep kind of voice. He nodded slowly, tears still in his eyes. She soon said his name again in a more calm way, its voice spooking Toad out to where he almost fell over. "That's gonna give me nightmares..." he said in a freakish way.
"Hey, be happy that we at least know a way to calm her down," Lemmee piped in as they watched Clione pat the Pirarukaiju's muzzle and face, happy noises coming from it in the process. If there was one thing Clione was happy about, it was finally having his stepsister back. He didn't care that she wasn't going to turn back on the spot. He was just happy to have her back.
Earlier that day, everyone(along with Anemone's help)had come up with an idea on setting someone up as live bait for the Pirarukaiju whenever it came out causing havoc. Because of this, they chose Moray to be the live bait to lure it out. Their legs and wing arms were seen tied up, and they had no idea how long they were there while Anemone hid behind a bush, preparing to take more documents on the creature. Moray hated where this was going, especially over the fact that them keeping watch meant them also being tied up.
Anemone had waited for hours to see the beast, knowing that it resembled the normal form for Pirarucu to some kind of extent. Moray knew this too, and still thinking about the creature gave them the creeps. Sure enough, Petrel had to kick into their thoughts again. I hate to break it to you, but I have a feeling that you might actually be bait, they told Moray, dread coming over them after the fact. "Petrel why did you have to tell me this now?" they asked, soon sweating.
I only happened to notice it. Why would they leave you tied up? Just to have you "keeping watch"? Nah, you're actually bait, and you can't convince me otherwise. Oh that did it. Moray began to sweat like insanity as Anemone noticed this, soon saying something under her breath in annoyance. If the Pirarukaiju didn't come around, she might as well untie her partner and just call it a day.
Standing in the forest, she she looked around, confused as to what was going on. Hearing a small snort from behind her, she span, gasping at the Pirarukaiju in front of her. It didn't attack her though, for it only looked at her with confusion and curiosity in its glowing eyes. It could tell that she was nervous, for it could see sweat running down her face. "Please...don't hurt me," Pirarucu told her other self.
"Won't," it said, shaking its head. This made her sigh in relief, placing a hand over her chest. Soon enough, the two of them had erupted into a small conversation. Pirarucu wasn't expecting having a chat with the very thing that first came with her when she arrived on the island, but she might as well get more information. The conversation soon ended with Pirarucu asking, "Hey. How long have you exactly been with me?" The Pirarukaiju soon smiled at her and said, "Always." After saying that, the creature disappeared, leaving Pirarucu on her own.
The next day approached and the things Pirarucu remembered were seeing her stepbrother in her hands and her sleeping with him in the forest at night. She was shocked to see that she actually remembered those things as the monstrous Pirarukaiju, but she didn't remember getting so angry to the point she got tired enough to turn back to how she was now. Clione had actually helped her out with that in that state, and he was glad that he was away from the madness to where he wouldn't get hurt.
After greeting her stepbrother and the others, she began to think about the dream she had where she met the Pirarukaiju. Always? What did it mean by that? she questioned herself. "Sis? What are you thinking about?" Clione asked her. She explained to him the dream she had, making him also question too. "That's weird. Why would it tell you that? You just got it when you arrived here!" he exclaimed, making her rub her chin. "I have no clue, but I guess I'll find out during this adventure," she explained. It wasn't going to be easy finding the answer, but she had friends and her stepbrother to help her. She was ready to dig into this mystery, and perhaps find another wat to control the Pirarukaiju.
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indigo-villin · 4 months
Hey uh...so... uhm... my mom told me something today when we were driving somewhere to shop and for her to have her doc appt... during the drive she told me that she and my step dad had "noticed me regressing for the past 2 years" and ummm... like yeah I told mom about it a WHILE ago so I re-explained it to her (and stressed the involuntary part for me) and she said "oh yeah I get it and it's fine, it's made things kinda fun for me actually, being able to buy dolls and such for you again." It was... it was a lot and I'm still taking it in.
Im more shocked that it's been happening for 2 years without me completely recognizing it, like sure I knew I was on my bday cause my sis told me I was acting like a 7 yr old (I was super excited about getting the LPS and spoke in a higher pitched happy almost squeely voice), but past that I can't exactly say I've been regressed... idk it's kinda just weird to know they've noticed and she opened the discussion by saying "please don't take offense" but we've noticed this behavior and recognize it's not on purpose. The second part of that last bit being paraphrased, but still...
I remember telling her a while ago and her questioning my doll collecting went from "huh?" to "whatever it makes you happy" to now being... ehhh. When I got my mini grumpy bear (see doll account @/dollie219 for recent post) I showed him to mom and told her the bears that were left, her immediate reaction was to ask if I'd wanted any others and being willing to walk with me to get more. Note this was in Target, she hates target due to being dragged around there all the time when I was a kid for the holiday set ups and toy aisles in the back of the stores. I had bought the stuff I got while she wasn't in the store so she wouldn't have to go through it and the moment something so small was mentioned she offered to let me run back and get more. I appreciate it, but I'm just kinda confused. I talked with her a while ago about needing to limit my doll collection and getting rid of some before getting more, then going against this for the 2 decora girlz cause it was money from grandma for my bday (so automatically it doesn't count), and now she's saying she's enjoyed buying dolls with me and stuff. Even when we went to Walmart wanting to rush home cause we couldn't dawdle due to groceries she still asked if I wanted to check our the doll aisles.
Maybe I spent too much time ranting to her about my research on diff dolls, maybe her meds are really working this time, I don't know but it's weird and I am wholly unprepared for such positive reaction.
I know this sounds like a weird thing to rant/vent about, but she's "seen the signs" for 2 YEARS and decided to mention it cause she vaguely remembered me explaining it before and wanted to see if I knew I was doing it. I was gonna bring up being a system to her, nuh uh not this trip she was the one to drop news on me.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
"Can you get me in M'gann?"
M'gann crossed her arms and smiled "Of course. Miss Martian to the rescue. Now Damian is trapped in a fake reality in his mind. I can send you in, but you may not remember why you came in. The power will influence you, you have to fight through it. Can you do that?"
"You know me, I can get my baby brother out"
Close your eyes, I'll send you in. And make sure to stay safe Nightwing.
Dick woke up to see Kory beside him sleeping soundly. As always, she looked perfect and stunning. Dick sat up and kissed Kory on the forehead.
"Mmh, Dick? Where are you going?"
"Going to Gotham, the family set up a movie night. So before it starts we're just gonna hang out"
"I would ask you to stay, but I know you haven't been there in awhile. So have fun"
"Thanks Kor, I love you"
"Love you too"
Dick got dressed and started the car up, it was nice out today.
Can't wait to see everyone. I haven't seen Damian for a few weeks, hope the kid is alright
Robin got hit, we gotta--
That was weird... what was I thinking about again? Lost my train of thought. Whoa when did I arrive? Heh time flies
Dick got out the car and walked to the front doors. "Master Richard, how joyful it is to see you arrived well" "Hey Alf, am I the last one?" "Quite the contrary, you're the first of the others to arrive. Master Damian and Miss Talia are in the living room if you'd like to see them while Master Bruce is still at work with Master Tim" "...Why is Talia here?" "Why would she not be? She is a resident residing in the Manor" "I- I'll go see them"
"Hey Dami!" Dick popped in to see Damian reading with Titus on his lap, the dog was so big that Damian had to lift the book up over Titus so he could read. "Richard, hello" "Hello Dick. It's been awhile" Talia was sitting by Damian, Titus's head was on her lap and she was stroking Titus. "Talia... why are you here?"
Damian raised an eyebrow "What are you going on about?" "Is everything alright Dick?" "Um... yeah all good, guess I'm still shaking off some sleep"
I can contact Miss M--
This feels odd, Talia is here and somehow it doesn't feel right... why does my head feel so foggy?
"Can we step out and talk for a second?"
"I suppose, what is going on with you?"
"Nothing I'm all good here"
And yet... something isn't right. It has something to do with Damian, that's my gut feeling anyways
Ushering Titus off of him, Damian got up and walked out with Dick. "What do you wish to discuss Richard?" "Are you alright Damian? Talia isn't hurting you is she?" Damian looked offended "Why would my own mother be hurting me? Yes we've had complications, but we are past that. You were there"
"No something isn't right, all I know is that it has something to do with you. Somehow this isn't right. We need to figure it out"
"We do not need to figure anything out, I am going back to read by my mother's side"
Talia... she never stayed since Bruce... she... she killed Damian because he chose to stay. Everything is coming back, Damian getting hit while we fought in Boston against a meta that Bruce asked us to help detain. Then I called M'gann...
"Damian this isn't real. You were hit while we were fighting and trapped in another reality in your mind. I came to get you out"
Damian frowned.
Then everything changed. Dick was sitting down beside Jason and Cass. Everyone as a matter of fact was here. A movie was playing on the screen. Dick looked back to see Damian watching with intent as he sat by Bruce and Talia.
What happened? The mind magic must've sensed that I'm an intruder and is now trying to distract Damian by changing the scene
Dick grabbed a kernel from the popcorn bin and threw it at Damian. The kid scowled and made eye contact with Dick, rolling his eyes, Damian looked back.
The movie was over, Bruce was smiling "Alright, it's already late. Shall we turn in for the night?" Everyone agreed to sleep over...
Damian went to his room suddenly after taking a few steps to his bed. The door, he didn't close, shut and he turned to see Dick. Dick locked the door and looked almost guilty.
I gotta get him out of this fake reality
"Damian I need you to listen. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not lying. I wouldn't lie to you about something like this"
Damian crossed his arms and kept his gaze away "Fine" "This isn't real, I know you don't know because you got hit with some mind stuff and Miss M managed to bring me to your mind. We wanted to get you out of here before anything bad happened. Who knows what is going on, plus it seems it's already noticed I'm not the fake that this place conjured up"
"You're wrong..."
"Damian I know it's hard to believe b-"
"I mean you're wrong about me not knowing"
"I figured it already. I found out on the first day"
"That's good, I'm betting you were looking all over for an exit. Any clues?"
"I'm not going back"
Dick looked flabbergasted "Why not? Who knows what this place is going to do to you"
"That scene change wasn't the mind altering magic. It was me, you were saying so much that I skipped to the movie night so maybe you would get off my back about it. Heh I should've known better"
"Damian, why do you want to stay here?"
"Because she's here. Everyone is here. No one is in pain, I'm happy... I like it here and no one leaves me. We're a happy family that's all I want Richard. I don't want to choose between anyone. I want to be happy with everyone by my side. I can't go back"
"Damian, as your older brother I can say, this isn't right. I understand you want to feel this desire of joy and I'm sorry that it isn't fully like that. Life is... different. But all of us are still a family"
"...my mom left me, used me, made another me just because I wasn't good enough. Just because that God forsaken Pit messed her mind up. So why... why can't I stay someplace where she doesn't leave me?"
"Because being here could cause something bad. What about your physical body? You're active in your mind while you're physically sleeping in the real world. If you don't wake up then your health will be paying the price. It's been three days Dami, how long can your body take sleeping?"
Everything turned dark, Dick looked around it was an empty void and Damian was nowhere to be seen. Small sounds came from the right and Dick ran as it grew louder. Coming to see Damian hugging himself and crying "I know... I can't stay, I just wish... I just don't want to chose who to be with when it hurts my relationship with the other. I love them both, but it won't ever change..."
Damian looked up "The only way to get out was for me to choose to do so. I guess that's what makes the mind power so powerful in the first place" "I know you're scared, but I'm here to take you back. You'll be okay Dames" Damian grabbed Dick's hand and was walking behind Dick like a child holding their parents hands. Rubbing his watery eyes and suddenly for a moment it did change, Damian looked to see that he was holding Talia and Bruce's hands his parents were smiling.
"We love you son"
Damian opened his eyes muttering as he rose from his slumber.
"I love you too"
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Zsasz Family Incorrect Quotes:
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@keffirinne @jason-todds-bitch @flaysthings @howl-fantasies @animegoddexx
Maggie: You have to apologize to Y/N
Victor: Fine.
Victor: ‘Unfuck you’ or whatever.
Victor : Are you laughing at that video of Basil and Y/N fighting?
Maggie : No.
Maggie : I'm laughing at the comments.
Maggie : I’m gonna die alone.
Basil: Maggie , you’re not gonna die alone.
Maggie : Jim , was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake.
Victor : Uh-huh. Why is that?
Maggie : If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.
Maggie : So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Lady With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake lady.
Maggie : Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE LADY!
Why is this one accurate 👀
Basil: I'm bored.
Victor : Wanna commit first degree murder?
Basil: Sure!
Maggie , hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Oswald down!!
Y/N : Who wants to go out of the country on a road trip?
Basil: Yea, I could drink legally!
Victor : I could hang out with the boys!
Maggie : I could hide from the consequences of my actions.
Victor : Why is Maggie crying on the floor?
Basil: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Victor : And?
Basil: They got Y/N .
Literally screaming, I can imagine the offended look of Y/N face and the smirk on Victors.
Maggie : We need to distract these guys.
Basil: Leave it to me.
Basil: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
V & Victor : *immediately begin arguing*
Ahhh yes, father daughter bonding.
V: Basil has no idea I’m high.
Basil: You’re high?
V: Oh, I’m sorry.
V, leaning over to Maggie : Basil has no idea I’m high.
Maggie , excitedly: Heeyy!!
V: Hey, someone's excited.
Basil, deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.
Maggie : So, are you two friends?
Basil: Yes.
Harvey : No.
Poor Basil doesn’t know how to make friends 😭
Harvey : What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?
Maggie: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
Basil: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
Not me just projecting another special interest onto my character. 
 Maggie : Victor is okay.
Basil: They're okay? They said they were going to break my legs! And don't tell me they didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause they gave me the mackerel eyes, they meant it!
Maggie : Basil, Victor threatened me. They threaten Y/N every day. They probably threatened Jim before breakfast this morning. It's what they do. Grow a pair.
*Everyone is giving advice to Maggie *
Jim : It's okay to ask for help.
Y/N : You're not a burden.
Victor : Murder is okay.
Basil: Your feelings matter.
Maggie : What are you writing?
Selena : The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information.
V, looking over Selena 's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Selena : V! What did I tell you about lying?
V, looking down: ...That it only works on Maggie.
Basil : Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying?
V: Damn, if people did that to each other, Selena would've killed me years ago.
*Selena is telling a story*
V: Wow, Selena, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance!
Basil : Romance?
V: I have a crush on them.
She would totally say this 🥺
Maggie : Basil , I am questioning your sanity...
Jim : I never questioned it, I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
Jim : Basil , gather the others. We need to have another Maggie -is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-they-hurt-someone convention.
Home girl really needs to stop running head first into danger, I swear!
Maggie : We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
Basil : Jim , probably.
His petty ass would 😂
V: Happy birthday Y/N! I'm your gift!
Y/N, whispering to Victor : Did you get the receipt, or do I have to keep them?
And the step mom of the year award goes to…
Y/N: All in all, a 100% successful trip.
Victor : But we lost V.
Y/N: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
Victor : V, what do you have?
Victor : Okay, have fu-
Y/N: NO!
Y/N: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Basil: Homicide.
Maggie: Murder.
Victor : Homiecide.
Basil: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Maggie. They're mad at you.
Maggie: No, it's Y/N. They're just being gramatically correct!
Y/N: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them.
Victor : A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Y/N: I stand by my choice.
V: How do you connect with a fictional character?
Y/N: What?
Victor : What?
Basil: What?
Maggie: *pulls up a 500 slide presentation* I'm glad you asked.
Maggie : You three, explain right now!
Y/N : It was Victor .
Basil : It was Victor .
V: It was Victor .
Victor :
Victor : …fuck.
Maggie : You’re a loose cannon, Y/N .
Y/N : No, I’m not. I’m a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
V: I think you play by your own rules.
Basil : No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Maggie : Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Y/N : No, I’m just a reckless renegade. Victor is a loose cannon.
Victor : *smashes a chair* Aah! You shut your trap, Y/N !
Basil : I’d say Victor ’s more of a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. That’s an entirely different thing.
V: Now I’m just confused. Is Y/N a loose cannon or not?
Maggie : All right, put on a pot of coffee. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this.
Y/N : *groans*
Victor : Aw, man.
Victor : Hey, Y/N, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Y/N: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Victor : No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Y/N: Can't really say I have.
Victor : You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Y/N: Sorry, Victor . For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Where’s the lie?
Victor : I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Maggie: All I drank was Redbull!
Victor : How many?
Maggie: Eighteen.
Maggie: Hello Victor , made anyone cry today?
Victor : Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Kidnapper: We have your child
Y/N: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Y/N: Oh god, you have Maggie
Maggie: Y/N, I screwed up, big time.
Y/N: Maggie, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Basil : What are you drinking?
Maggie: Vodka.
Basil : Straight?
Maggie: No, gay. Why?
Maggie: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie*
Basil : You can't just skip to the happy ending!
Maggie: I don't have time for their problems.
V: Hold on, I can explain!
Maggie: Really? Can you now?
V: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Maggie: I'm going the fight the next person who insults V.
V: I hate myself.
Maggie: Alright, square up.
Harvey : Maggie, is that legal?
Maggie: When there's no cops around, anything's legal!
Harvey: *glares in cop*
Maggie, entering the room: *Sees Jim and leaves*
Jim , watching Maggie leave: There’s my monthly dose of Maggie…
Fucking accurate!
Basil : Y/N taught me to think before I act.
Basil : ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Victor : Go big or go home!
Y/N : Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Victor : I'm going big!
Y/N , grinning: I have a knife!
Victor : Put it down, Y/N .
Y/N : Make me! *sprints away*
Y/N : Did you like the food I made?
V: No, not really.
Y/N : But I put my heart and soul into it!
V: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
Basil: Are you mad?
Y/N : No.
Basil: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Y/N : Why are you drinking?
Harvey: I drink when I'm depressed.
Y/N : But you're always drinking?
Harvey: *smug grin*
V : I am in charge of this disaster!
Selena : I have a name, you know.
An: Yes I added Jim and Selena, there part of the ‘family’ through association. I don’t have to explain why uncle Harvey is here.
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crescentmoonteas · 2 years
hii i was gonna ask about the mc haru au but i kinda stalked the tag and read some of your asks so i have some other questions if you have time! my first question was if sojiro and akiren(akira i guess in this au?) will meet and have their past dadxson relationship but i saw he starts working part time in le blanc /yeay/which; do his parents know about it? what do they think?
Second question; does goro and akira know the other knows about their previous timeline? or will they have a ‘oh he knows’ moment later?
Thirdd: i learned akira won’t have his past memories of the ng+ akira which kinda saddens me that the ng+ akira won’t be the one gaining persona or will he? like.. the palace will be about ng+kira’s parents but akira doesn’t know about them.. or is it the richer version of his own parents?? but still they sound like two different people with different lives idk how does that work? won’t ann realize akira isn’t like his usual self (since they are childhood friends they must be close?) /also villain ann is sooo good ahhhhh/
(thank you)
hello!! I am Ready to Answer some Questions!!!
so 1. Akira's parents don't know about him working at Leblanc (Akira sneaks away and works when his parents think he's studying or doing....... model.... stuff) and Sojiro's not going to snitch on him anytime soon.
hang on I do know the answer to question 2......... okay after searching through my Discord DMs it seems Jazzy and I have yet to choose an actual moment where they both realise they know BUT the two of them awaken in the new timeline about ~3 months prior to Haru moving to Leblanc and kicking off the story etc etc so in those 3 months I imagine they find each other? I swear we've discussed this hang on
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okay so yeah the two of them manage to find each other in the few weeks before the 'game' kicks off and in that short timespan Goro manages to wreak havoc on half of Tokyo. Akira's obviously a bit more organised and trying to work out what's going on and why it's going on while Goro is alternating wildly between beating up shadows in Mementos and beating up people irl. he's full of rage.
third: this is actually a plot hole I have yet to deal with!! I've even noted it in the ol' Google Doc(TM)
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obviously this is less of a problem for magician!Goro because he's kind of a magical construct rather than getting isekai'd into the Goro Akechi of this timeline (I know "isekai" isn't a verb and yet I will continue to use it like that) BUT I would assume that the Personas, awakenings, outfit theme, etc etc in IYR/RTG DO reflect the Akira of that timeline, or else we'd just get Joker with Arsene and Raoul and some other third guy again. like even though NG+Akira is in his body, canon!Akira is still somehow in there? merging of minds? oh god I'm making the plot hole into a plot canyon. help
also for the parents thing: Jazzy and I actually worked this out yesterday! Akira's parents in this timeline are essentially the same as his own in the original timeline but in the IYR/RTG timeline they managed to get lucky and started the modelling business thing. that way Akira still has an attachment to them without him being like [person just standing there emoji]
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as for the fourth question: if I told you that, I'd have to recruit you into the Super Secret Writer's Room (although I'm sure you can piece together who Haru fights based on parallels to the original timeline and palace lineups!) (also pls note the attack was NOT unprovoked. Haru stepped into save a girl being harassed. she's not just going around kneeing people in the crotch.) (or is she?) (edit: I realised I've literally already answered this and I'm a fool lol it's Kamoshida!!)
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jodilin65 · 1 month
Why oh why must the past always come back to haunt me? First, my nail is splitting again. But this is the second night in a row I'm spotting ants by the kitchen window, and we just fucking bombed. The one last night was dying, but this one wasn't unless it had just come in. I'm pretty sure they're coming in through the kitchen window, but I don't know how to stop them. We've sprayed outside and bombed inside, yet they're still coming in. Ants don't creep me out like spiders do, but I still don't like them. I guess we're just gonna have to live with them until winter, even though we don't have much of a winter here.
I'll have to get an acrylic nail kit to cover the split nail. But first, I'm gonna try using my powder dip stuff. If I can't cure it with the UV flashlight we recently got, then I'll go outside. This will have to wait until I start staying up later in the morning. I couldn't get any sunlight at the beginning of my day because it was cloudy. I know the sun's rays go through the clouds, but I just wasn't up for it today. I don't expect to get much accomplished throughout the night because I woke up kind of tired.
I had a nightmare that woke me up for a bit. One of the classics...spiders. I sat down and put my shoes on in the dream when I spotted four huge daddy longlegs. I got up to get a fly swatter, and when I returned, there were 15 of them.
The mystery girl was in another one where we were talking on the phone. I don't remember everything we discussed, but she said something about not liking waterbeds and doubting the existence of God like I do. Is this is my psychic side picking up real facts in my sleep as I've done with numerous people before, or just random stuff?
I made cheesy mushroom spinach quesadillas, and they came out surprisingly good.
Not sure I'm gonna have the energy to get on the road today. I'm still doing the longest trip of the challenge in downstate New York. Is there even such a term as "downstate"? Grammarly must think so because it isn't underlining that word. Well, it's definitely in the southern part of the state on the right side that dips down. Going through some beautiful sections. You can tell it was summer when the images were taken. That seems to be Google Maps' prime time for mapping.
Yesterday was Nane's birthday. She turned 64. I know I shouldn't think like this, but I can't help but note the fact in my mind that if you asked her when my birthday was, she wouldn't have a clue. The only other people who remember it besides Tom are Andy and Termite Tammy, and that's only because they've known me all my life. The fact that no one else does makes me wonder if it's because most people's memory sucks or they just never cared? The only other one that might remember is Crazy Kim because she had a knack for that sort of thing.
I skimmed an article about how the body goes through two major changes in life, the first being in the mid-40s and the second being around age 60, and I was like, OMG, you mean I gotta go through that shit one more time? Things definitely did start going downhill pretty fast at that time. I mean, I noticed changes in my 30s—skin thinned out in my early 30s, eyes started going bad in my mid-30s, could no longer lose weight for the most part in my late 30s—but my mid to late 40s were definitely the worst, as were my early 50s.
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babydinojojo · 3 months
Highs and Lows(Day 15 6/13/2024)
Damn.... First year of college is over huh. Holy shit this past year or so felt like a serious blur.... One moment I'm starting college and the next moment the year has ended... A lot has changed ever since September, but hey one thing hasn't changed.
Vanni. We've been dating and we're so very close to our one year anniversary holy shit... it feels like yesterday I asked her to be my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. This is something I haven't regretted since the moment we met and hey guess what I'm glad I asked her... I've never seen someone grow so quickly and fast as a person in my life... Yes she's been through a lot of shit but she's one of the most strongest people I've ever met.... And what's crazy is that.. this is my longest relationship to date and it keeps getting longer...(it better keep getting longer cause I'm marrying her/him/them or else I ain't marrying anyone's else)
I always wonder how our wedding is gonna go. I know for a fact I want either a tres leches cake or a red velvet cake, or like a strawberry cake but with a hello kitty theme. I really don't know you know, but I would love to discuss it with her when the time comes.(horny alert in coming) Now I'm not gonna lie... me and Vanni hasn't been sexually active as often, but trust me I'm slutting her tf out... fuck I can't wait to thrust my dick into her beautiful little pussy of hers... and she'll look so pretty when she's on my dick... As it thrusts nice and deep inside of her..... talking her through it.... "That's my girl.... come show daddy what you learned...." "Awwwhhhh you love it when master puts that pussy to work" OKAY ANYWAYS!!! Back on topic cause if Vanni reads this I need her to focus on school, I'll fuck her brains out like a whor- OKAY SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Holy shit tho... Me and Vanni grew together and I'm glad for that especially when we had our rough patches throughout the year, we stuck through it together and that's all that matters... We did it together. When I meant I wasn't gonna leave her side. I fucking meant it, I'll never leave her side at all... She's the only partner for me... And I love how adorable and innocent she is.... Crazy how everytime I look at a stuffie or Hello Kitty I'm instantly reminded of her!
In the Star2 rp there was an idea I had. I was thinking about making (Rp) Vanni the permanent voice of Hello kitty! I mean after all she does love Hello kitty after all and it makes sense. Hmmmm... And also I wanted to do like a picnic day with Rp(Jordie and Vanni) where during their anniversary they go on a picnic together and spend the day relaxing and chilling by a lake together and they go through all the special moments they had together throughout the couple of years... But it does leave a lot of what ifs
I always wondered this.. what will happen to the rp once we meet in person...? I mean even when we do I don't want to abandon it at all you know. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
My friend group has changed drastically every since I entered college. Like bro I used to have friends I actually liked, but now they're so annoying along with my professors. I just get a headache thinking about them mfers, and these bastards get on my nerves especially Jean. I was literally worried about Jean failing English 203 and you wanna know why he's failing... Cause this nigga is goofing TF off in the game room every fucking day with his friends like why?!!!?? You say you're not good at reading OR writing, sooooo why not do something about it???!!!! Are you like dumb or something Mr I got a 32 percent in the class. HOW TF DO YOU HAVE A 32% IN THE DAMN CLASS! HOW!!!!???? JUST HOW JEAN!!!??? you're not even trying AT ALL! In anyway shape or form. Like UGGGHHHHH I'm tired of helping this nigga and he don't wanna learn, but it's fine cause I'm not helping him anymore.
Soooooooo I lost motivation for writing now.... 😭😭😭 again... onto the next entry I guess where I'll probably just express whats on my mind again
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