#and while it was nice that we could keep the living room warm it also means lucifur can get into the couch
trashabilly · 8 months
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i think there's something wrong with my couch
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yesihaveaobsession · 3 months
Date Me?
Alastor x female reader
Summary: The old timer aka Alastor attempts to ask the reader (you) out Infront of everyone at the hotel.
A/N- Enjoy Ya'll!! :) I would be scared to date him. BUT like he said it'll be interesting SOOO why not?!
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You sat at the hotel’s bar, striking up a conversation with Husk, totally oblivious to the red eyes locked on you. Alastor. His eyes had been on you ever since you stepped into the hotel, and he’d been wanting to ask you out since then. However, he’d hidden himself in his room or the radio tower because he had no idea how to ask you out properly.
Being a charmer himself, you’d think he would know how, but he was still quite literally living in the past. It was hard for him to figure it out without asking for help or using wretched technology. He could ask Rosie or Charlie, but they would make such a big deal about it, and frankly, it would ruin his reputation.
So, he sat in his armchair in the lobby, taking a sip from his ‘oh deer’ mug and adjusting his position, fixing his newspaper to make it seem like he was reading it while catching glances of you laughing with Husk.
Alastor could not be apart of the party! So he put his newspaper on the side table next to his mug and made his way over to you. Butterflies filled his stomach; he was going to do it. Alastor fixed his suit and bow tie, cleared his throat, and leaned on the bartop next to you. The conversation ended as you smiled at him.
"Ah, my dear... a moment of your time, please!"
You gave him a small nod, tilting your head. "Sure, Alastor, what’s up?" You were just so sweet and understanding that he couldn’t fathom how you ended up in hell in the first place.
"I have been pondering the concept of... companionship, you see," he leaned in closer to you, still smiling and winked. "And I find myself in need of a consort, a partner in crime, if you will."
Charlie leaned in closer to Vaggie, blocking her mouth to not be rude, and whispered, "Is he really doing what I think he’s doing?" Vaggie's expression was laced with shock. Out of everyone to confess, Alastor was the last on her list. Charlie practically had hearts in her eyes as she watched the interaction. "Yep, this is happening."
Angel, who perked up from the couch, smirked and snorted. "This oughta be good."
Alastor felt like leaning on the bartop wasn’t him, so he straightened back up. "In my time, we had a more... refined approach to such matters. So, if you would be so kind as to indulge this old soul, I would be honored if you would consider becoming... my girlfriend."
You were more confused than anything. Alastor, the Radio Demon, asking you to be his girlfriend? You must be dreaming. You blinked and were surprised. "Your girlfriend?"
Alastor nodded vigorously, his smile never faltering. "Indeed! We could embark on all sorts of delightful mischief together! Picture it: you and I, ruling the airwaves, spreading chaos and charm throughout Hell!" Husk watched the scene unfold in front of him and muttered into his drink, "This is too rich."
Charlie was clinging to Vaggie but was finally pushed off. She then jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "Oh, Alastor, that’s actually kind of sweet, in your own twisted way!"
Angel Dust rose from the couch, let out a laugh, and slapped his knee. "Oh man, he really went for the whole package deal!"
You considered his offer; he had also treated you nicely when you first arrived. "Alright, Alastor, I'll give it a shot. But only if you promise to keep things interesting."
He bowed deeply, causing you to let out a giggle, and he locked eyes with you. "My dear, with me, 'interesting' is guaranteed." He then straightened up, and you smiled at him, taking his claw in your hand. "Well, Radio Demon, looks like you got yourself a girlfriend." You thought his attempt to ask you out was adorable, and when you agreed, you saw the way his eyes lit up; it warmed your heart.
He beamed, "Excellent! Let the chaos commence!"
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dira333 · 3 months
Cupid on a mission - Sugawara x Reader
Featuring: @screamin-abt-haikyuu x Asahi and @6okuto x Akaashi
Tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain can you spot the fic exchange I put in here?
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"Whatever you can do, I can do better," you say, chewing at the straw of your drink as you flutter your eyelashes up at Sugawara and Sawamura.
Daichi groans. “Don’t start,” he mutters under his breath, but Koushi’s already leaning in, teasing smirk dancing on his lips.
“Oh? You think you’re better than me? Please.”
“Tanaka and Kiyoko? That was me,” you beam, pointing at yourself with your thumb. “What do you have to show for yourself?”
“Going to Nationals?” Daichi asks only to raise his hands when both you and Koushi turn to send him an unimpressed glare.
“Listen, hotshot,” Koushi’s putting an arm around your shoulders as he speaks. With anyone else, you might think he’s trying to flirt, but this is Koushi. You’d know if he flirted with you.
“Why do you think Kageyama is the favorite Volleyball player in all Karasuno? Among the girls, at least.”
You furrow your brows and pout. “That’s not that hard. You’re working with a quiet canvas here. As long as he doesn’t try to smile, he’s pretty good-looking.”
“You want something ha-”
“Asahi,” Daichi interrupts, “You could try and set up Asahi.”
You turn toward him and Koushi follows, his arm still snug around you. He’s wearing one of those ridiculous cardigans today that make him look like the sweetest little librarian ever, although you’ve learned to fear the prankster behind the facade. It’s also ridiculously soft and you want to curl into it, not that you’d ever try.
“With whom?” Koushi asks, one step behind you. You’ve had your eyes set on a particular pair for a while now, but Asahi is already anxious enough. You don’t want to give him a heart attack.
“I think he has a crush on-”
“Already ahead of you,” you interrupt Daichi and pat Koushi’s hand, slipping out of his grasp. “Watch and learn, young Padawan.”
You feel his eyes on you as you walk on, slip through the open door from the kitchen into the living room, where Nishinoya has challenged Hinata to a dance battle. 
It’s not that hard to spot Asahi when you know what you’re looking for. A quiet spot, away from the spotlight, but where he can keep an eye on either Nishinoya or… ah, there she is.
Zaira’s chatting with Yachi and Kiyoko, wearing a cardigan not unlike Koushi- whelp, no time to think about him, you’ve got work to do.
“Hey,” you greet your friend with a smile, “Sorry, I got distracted. Daichi brought his mother’s Pizza Pockets. Can you play along for a moment?”
“Play along?” Zaira asks, a little confused, but takes your hand. 
“Sorry,” you say to both Yachi and Kiyoko, “I gotta steal her for a second. I’ve got something to prove.”
Yachi’s mouth is hanging open - but Kiyoko just grins, probably because she’s already figured out what this is all about. She knows the Third-Years better than anyone else.
“Where are we going?” Zaira asks as you make your way through the room toward the door to the backyard.
“Asahi, Hi!” You smile, “Wanna come along, get some fresh air?”
He blushes, but nods, eyes flickering between you and Zaira as he steps out into the chill of the evening.
“Oh,” you say as if you’ve forgotten something, “Could you hold this for me, Asahi?”
You look into his eyes and drop Zaira’s hand, small and warm, into his.
His hand closes around hers and they follow along for a few steps until it registers.
Asahi’s face bursts into flames and Zaira stutters like the fool in love that she is. 
“It’s really nice outside, don’t you think?” You say, walking toward the trees in the back where the leaves have turned red and gold. From the corner of your eye, you can see that they’re still holding hands, looking in opposite directions, unable to speak.
And behind them, illuminated by the lights in the house, Koushi’s leaning in the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest. He looks cozy and warm and like he might admit that he’s lost this bet.
“I’m sorry,” Zaira rips her hand out of Asahi’s grasp at that moment, ruining your little fantasy of rubbing your win into Koushi’s face. “I didn’t- that wasn’t- I didn’t…”
Asahi’s staring at his hand, completely missing the look of betrayal Zaira throws you as she storms away.
“Why did you do that?” Asahi asks, his voice strangely broken. He blinks at you. 
“Because she knows that you like Zaira,” Koushi announces, stepping closer. “And she’s not above using steamroller tactics to get you two together.”
“But I don’t want that-” Asahi croaks and Koushi has the audacity to wink at you as he wraps an arm around his friend. “I know, I know. Come on, let’s get inside and we’ll talk about it. I do have an idea…”
“Koushi’s still in bed,” his mother announces when you show up at his house the next morning. 
It worries you a little that she’s not the least bit concerned about you barging in on her son. Has she too already picked up on the fact that Koushi’s not into you? But who could he be into? Yachi? No, she’s too timid. 
You’re still debating that question when you hammer your fist against his door, wait one second, and then burst through.
Koushi blinks at you, shirtless, hair a mess, with a crease on his cheek from the pillow.
“Am I dreaming?” He asks, voice raspy from sleep.
You stare at him, speechless for a good minute before you catch yourself.
“I need to know what you told Asahi last night.”
“Mhm,” he hums low in his throat, curling into his blanket again. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I do.” You step closer. 
His room is unusually tidy for a guy his age, not that you don’t know that already. You’ve spent more than enough hours in here, studying for exams. 
On the chair by his desk rests a jacket that looks oddly familiar.
“Is that mine?” You ask, walking over. 
“The jacket.”
“I think so. You left it here last time you came over.”
“And you didn’t give it back to me?”
“I was going to, but I forgot about it,” he waves it off like it’s nothing.
“We see each other every day in school and you forget about it?”
“I had other things on my mind.”
“Like what?”
“Graduating, for example?”
You press your lips together. You can’t argue against that.
“What did you say to Asahi, Koushi? Are you sabotaging my plan of getting them together just so you can pretend you’re better than me?”
“I am better than you. At least at this game.”
“Please,” you scoff. “Name one couple you made happen?”
He smiles, clearly pleased that you asked.
“Oh, gladly,” he slips out of bed, grinning when your eyes immediately shoot to his face. It wouldn’t be the first time you saw him in just his boxers, but the last time happened so long ago, it doesn’t really count.
“Takeda-Sensei and the cute Journalist.”
You scoff. “That was too easy. She was basically throwing herself at him.”
“Coach Ukai and his childhood friend.”
You bite down on your tongue. That one was a hard one, you had to give him that.
“Fine, that one was good,” you begrudgingly give in, “But so was-”
“Ah,” he grins, holding up one hand. He’s halfway in his pants and you roll your eyes as you wait for him to continue. 
“Akaashi and that girl that went to Nekoma… what was her name again?” 
“Nia. And it doesn’t really count if you don’t even know her name.”
“Please, they both needed that push.”
“Still-” He interrupts you again.
“And there’s that really cute couple… ah, no, I can’t tell you about that yet.”
“Yet? What does that mean? Who are you- Koushi! Are you planning on setting someone up? Who?”
“Not telling,” he smirks and pretends to close his mouth and throw away the key.
“You’re a menace.”
“You love it.”  You grimace behind his back. He’s right, but you’d rather die than admit it.
“Where are we going?” You ask half an hour later when he steps out of the bathroom, hair now just as messy, but in a different way. You wanna drag your hands through it, but you’d rather chew off your fingers one by one than admit that.
“Follow Asahi around as he confesses his feelings to Zaira.”
“What?” You’re on your feet in a heartbeat. “When? Why? How did you manage-?”
“I told you,” he preens, “I am better at this than you.”
“You’re not.”
“Am too. Mom, we’re going out.”
“Okay, stay safe you too.” She pops her head around the kitchen door. “And come over more often. It’s nice having you here.”
“Oh, erm, yes, thank you,” you stammer. This invite might have been cute when you were kids, but now it just feels weird. 
“Why are you staring at me?” You ask Koushi. You don’t know where you’re going and he’s refusing to tell you, but that doesn’t mean you won’t notice if he keeps looking at your face for over five minutes. If he’d been anyone else you might have thought he’d finally noticed your beauty or found some hidden feelings for you in the back of his ink-black heart. But this is Koushi, and you know to expect the worst.
“Nothing, just… are your eyebrows uneven?”
“They’re not!” You exclaim on instinct, though grabbing your phone to check. 
“Take a picture,” Koushi orders, and the tone in his voice has you follow through, starting the timer. Usually, when his voice sounds like this, something fun is going to happen.
He leans in, face serious, so you keep yours similar. Then, right when the countdown runs out, he presses his lips to your cheek.
Your heart lurches into your throat and you have half your mind to turn your phone away, not yet ready to examine the face you made.
“What was that about?” You all but whisper-yell, trying to be conscious of the people riding the train with you even though your heart wants to lurch out of your chest and slap him in the face.
Koushi grins and rests his head on your shoulder. “Not telling,” he hums low and even though you try to push him off, he’s staying exactly where he is. A menace, clearly.
There is no sight of Asahi whatsoever.
“We’re pretty early,” Koushi guides you toward a coffee shop, the colorful pastries literally screaming at you to get one. “Let’s get breakfast first.”
“I just had breakfast.”
“And now you’ll have it again. You still drink Chai Latte?”
“Yeah, but-”
“Let me guess, the lemon pie?” He points at an adorable little creation, the yellow color brightening your mood just by being in your field of vision. You pout.
“I don’t like it when you know me that well.”
“Sorry, not sorry. What do I like? You know that?”
“Of course,” you boast, “I’ve been forced to be around you for far too long not to know that. You like everything spicy, so I’d get the chocolate chilli parfait for you. And you’re a wuss, so you drink Hot Chocolate.”
“I do drink Hot Chocolate,” he confirms with a smile, “but I think I’d prefer something sweet today.”
“Ah,” you cock your head to the side to look him up and down. “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“Well, but it is me. - Yes, we’d like one Chai Latte, one Hot Chocolate, the Lemon Pie and the Unicorn Roll please.”
“The Unicorn Roll?” You ask him, voice dropped low. 
He smiles in a way that leads all attention back to that awful mole next to his eye. It looks like it’s winking at you.
“Yes, The Unicorn Roll.”
It’s a monstrosity of cream and marshmallows, decorated in colorful sprinkles and topped with a tuft of rainbow cotton candy. You’ve wanted to try it ever since it came into fashion, but just looking at it has your teeth hurt and you can never betray your loyalty to everything lemon flavored anyway.
But looking at it now, sitting in front of Koushi as if it’s just a normal dessert, it wipes everything Asahi out of your brain.
It almost makes you miss the fact that Koushi’s paying.
“I can pay for myself,” you insist, a little too late, but he’s already pushing you forward, a warm hand at the small of your back.
“Can I try yours?” Koushi asks and you’re still a little out of it, pushing your plate toward his.
“You wanna try mine?”
“I- yes…” You blink, before digging your fork in, taking out the left eye of the poor little Unicorn.
“I don’t think this qualifies as breakfast,” you groan once your mouth is empty again, thinking fast how you could possibly get another forkful of this delicacy.
“Doesn’t matter though, right?” Koushi digs his fork into your lemon pie and you take that as an invitation to take out the right eye as well.
“You know…” you ask between bites, now taking freely from both plates, “I apologized to Zaira. I said I was sure Asahi was going to confess now, and that I’d give him a little push. I still need to know what you told him so I don’t lose a friend as well.”
“Mhm…” He puckers his lips as he’s thinking, now slightly tinted pink by the cotton candy. “I suppose I could tell you.”
“I suppose you could.”
“I told him I’d confess my feelings if he’d confess his.”
Your fork drops loudly onto the table and you almost toss your cup off it as you try to grab it, trying to look as if you didn’t care about his words at all.
“Pretty… uh, pretty bold of you, don’t you think?”
“Well, not really. I’m pretty confident she feels the same way.”
“Oh, but does Asahi know that too?”
“Well, yes. He said it wasn’t a fair exchange, but he’d still try.”
“And how is he going to do it?” You ask, hand curled around your fork in a tight fist. You don’t want to talk about Koushi confessing. Asahi confessing is a much safer topic.
Koushi checks his phone. “He’s doing it right now. He’s meeting up with Zaira at that little park across from her house.”
Your mouth falls open.
“At the park?”
“Obviously,” Koushi smiles, eyes twinkling. “Do you think he’d confess in the open? Where all the people can see him? No way.”
“But… but why are we here then?”
Koushi’s smile changes to something softer and your heart lurches, slipping into your throat. Breathing is suddenly impossible.
You need to get out of here, fast.
“I need to go,” you manage to push out, grabbing your bag from beneath the table.
You don’t look back, but all the way down the street you don’t hear him follow you. 
Well… it’s settled then. You’ll have to move to Tokyo. 
No way you can show your face again after booking it out of there like this.
Now he’s surely going to think you like him.
The swings are vacant, the ground covered in leaves.
You pull your phone out of your bag, not surprised to find a flurry of messages from Zaira, each one of them more ecstatic.
And even though you gave them a push, it’s pretty clear that you’re not the one responsible for her happiness. At least not this time.
“Chai Latte, slightly chilled for the Miss?” A voice asks behind you.
“I’m not in the mood for jokes,” you tell him, not surprised when he still settles on the swing beside you.
“No jokes, I promise.”
You huff, but accept the paper cup of Chai Latte, sipping it instead of looking at him.
For a while no one says anything.
“If you’d confessed first, I’d have won a bet,” Koushi announces eventually, making you halt your movement to turn to him.
“You bet on me confessing to you?”
“First. I bet on you confessing first.”
“With who?”
“My mom,” he admits, blushing slightly. “She called me out on my crush during Junior High.”
Your jaw falls open. “That was when you used to pull on my hair!”
“It looked really cute!” Koushi defends himself. “And you always got all huffy and paid me more attention than anyone else.”
“That’s disturbing.”
“It’s honest. But I… I really like you. And you are better than me in some things. Not all things, but some things.”
You purse your lips. “For example?”
Koushi smiles. “Wouldn’t you like to know? I’m better at kissing though.”
“Prove it,” you hiss and his smile turns into a grin.
Dread’s creeping up your spine. 
“Oh no,” you announce to the table, interrupting Yachi and Zaira’s quiet conversation. “Koushi’s getting bored.”
“How can you tell?” Yachi asks.
“Can’t you?” You ask, just as the door opens.
“Baby?” Koushi asks, dragging the syllables, “You’ve not paid me any attention for at least fifteen minutes, that can’t be healthy.”
“You’re a big baby.”
“And you love me. What does that say about you?”
“That I have no taste?”
“No, you have a lot of taste.” He grins, propping his head on your shoulder and squinting down at the table. “Oh, I like that color for your nails. I saw some shoes that would fit really well the other day.”
“We cannot buy another pair of shoes.”
“Mhm, we cannot, but I can.”
You huff and roll your eyes. “You’ll never save money that way.”
He grins and presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“Girls,” he addresses your friends then, “I have to take her away for a minute or two. Important business, you understand. Zaira, Asahi’s in the kitchen. You should join him, maybe, because Tanaka’s trying to talk him into cutting his hair. Oh and Yachi, Tsukishima is-”
“Tsukishima is being annoying?” You interrupt your boyfriend, sending him a glare. He will not ruin your plans for Yachi. “We already know that. You can stay here if you want, I’ll be back shortly.”
“Mhm, not if I have anything to say in that matter,” Koushi announces, dragging you out of the room. The giggling of your friends follows you, but you don’t really think too much about it.
There are other things on your mind. 
Koushi’s hand in yours, or the smile he’s throwing at you, or the fact that he’s not pulling you into the living room or an empty bedroom, but outside, where it’s freezing..
You might love him, but you’ll shove his face into the snow for that.
Tip me?
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grapefives · 17 days
did it or not ?
hoshina + gen oneshots! (separately) x gn!reader
arranged marriaged au! + hurt/cormfort + injuries + denial of feelings + platoon leader reader! + enemies to lovers (?)
warnings; it’s gender neutral reader but… lowkey lenient to male readers, but obviously only if you think hard jajaj, that’s all, also, change of work format! not proof read.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ hoshina soshiro
— he wanted NOTHING to do with you! not even as entertainment to see what could become of you both, NADA
— it’s not that he would argue with you or anything, but he’d speak a little harsher when it comes to you
— constantly asks why did he have to be married when both of you were in the defense force and could die any day
— at least he acknowledges your hard work
— mina actually likes you for him, so she always tells him he should show you affection, to which he gags at.
“ah, hoshina, don’t you think l/n looks good like that? sweaty, covered in monster fluids, look at how badass l/n looks, took down so many monsters…”
“what, are you saying you want l/n to take my spot as vice captain? since your praising l/n so much.” hoshina asks darkly while placing his hands on his hips.
mina shakes her head, expression neutral, “no, of course not, but maybe you should give l/n a nice reward-“
“ugh!” he groans, immediately walking away from her. he knows her expression wouldn’t show much, but he knew her true feelings. she was probably laughing in her head, mentally patting her back for ticking him off.
it didn’t help that you had defeated so many monsters, a few more than him. he eyes you as you flick some monster grub off of your shoulder, looking around to step aside, away from the scene. he hated going back “home” with you, you took the longest showers.
“good job today,” your voice snaps him out of his thoughts, like he said, you took long showers, so he sometimes zones out waiting for you to get out. “i wish i knew how to use blades,” you comment.
he stares at you, fresh out of the shower. your cheeks have a rosy color, definitely from the warm shower you had taken. your eyes weren’t on him, but with the way you said that, it felt like you were looking directly at him. you don’t talk much to him either.
“for a platoon leader your skills are too inadequate,” he bites before going to the restroom. “train more and you’ll be better suited.”
— honestly, you wish he’d at least make fun of you or something, not nag or insult your honed skills.
— you two lived more like strangers that shared a room, little talk yet always around
one day, you two had to face a group of honju. it wasn’t something either of you couldn’t manage, but for some reason, hoshina was having a bit of a hard time. especially with the way you kept missing your shots.
“the heck is wrong with you?” he ask as he slices the honju’s joints.
“the heck is wrong with you? you keep cutting off limbs and letting them fall on me! makes me miss my shots!” you argue as you hop off a wall.
“if we don’t take this one down we can’t help out with the other ones!”
“well if you weren’t all up on the honju then i would’ve shot it down already!”
mind you, you two were still honing your new, growing skills. hoshina was recently risen to vice captain and you as platoon leader.
“and i can’t slice it down because you keep shooting at the wrong areas!”
in the end, the honju got a good hit in you and him. minor injuries of course, but the next day you were sent off in a mission where plenty of platoon leaders were called to assist. hoshina was recently getting inside the house when you trudge up to him, looking absolutely worse than the day before from the honju.
your yored expression was one he’d never seen, mostly because he barely looks at you.
“woah there, did you age in the span of a day?” he finds himself joking.
yet you walk past him and go inside your home.
“nice talk.” he grumbles as he follows.
after your shower, you sit at the vanity, with a sleeveless shirt. there are fresh scrapes on your shoulders, your cheek is bruised and your hand are wrapped in bandages. he notices, because you hum softly as you put ointment on the scrapes.
“a mission?” he asks, surprising himself at his worry.
“broke my guns, had to use that blade.” you reply, closing the bottle.
“i told you to practice more close combat.”
“you didn’t say anything, you commented on my bad skills.”
“same difference.”
“if i die one day it’s your fault.”
he frowns, “how would it be my fault?”
and your eyes fell on him. and they gave him an answer he couldn’t hear. you’ll have pushed me so far away that you won’t make it in time when i need you.
— fighting beside you turns to be like fighting alongside mina. he carves a way and you hit, except only on those missions that aren’t nation threatening.
— at some point, he enjoys the teamwork.
— doesn’t show interest head on, he does it in silent ways. (like placing a cold water on your night stand. putting your books back in place when you’re too much in a rush to organize before leaving.)
— your determination for constant growth impresses him, he notices it when you beat him one day on slicing down a small kaiju
and just when he starts to appreciate you, something happens.
“hoshina,” your voice surprises him as he slices through the kaiju.
“l/n, what is it? kinda busy here-“
“uh,” you chuckle, “so are my vitals, have you said that?”
“what-?” he gasps as he dodges an attack, he’s in a tight spot right now.
“yeah!” he hops off a rooftop and slices down the middle, causing a hit, but it’s bot enough yet. “someone back platoon leader! where is everyone?” he barks.
“we’re sending more reinforcements! the kaijus had overwhelmed our troops and many are severely injured! platoon leader l/n please hold out until back up comes!”
“we’re too shorthanded for backup!” hoshina argues. “i’ll finish this and head over!” he grunts as he attacks once more.
“so like, i’m bleeding out,” you say softly.
“how bad is it?” hoshina asks as he finally takes down the kaiju. he’s out of breath.
“VICE CAPTAIN HOSHINA HAS ELIMINATED THE KAIJU IN THE SECTOR!” okonogi shouts, “if anyone can go back up platoon leader, we’ll have victory soon!”
“just how bad is it?”
“the honju is a plant based type! it’s core keeps shifting!”
“and so are my organs, i wanna throw up,” you say.
“you idiot! hide! you can’t keep facing it! how far away am i okonogi!?”
“I FOUND IT’S CORE!” you yell before going silent.
“okonogi? what is it? l/n?” he calls out as he dashed inside the building your squad had been.
the sight was ugly, many officers thrown about, blood and kaiju fluids everywhere.
“where is it?” he asks as he runs across, slicing the vines coming at him.
“uh, go to the control room far back, full of vines and living plants, literally they’ll attack you,” you slur into his ear. “hurry before i get digested.”
“WHAT!?” okonogi cries.
he sees red. no wonder your life force was dwindling. “YOU’RE SO RECKLESS!”
slice after slice, he makes it through and strikes the core. it’s disregarded by him as he searches for you. soon, he stands before you.
he stares at your body, laid there on the floor surrounded by kaiju fluids, in your own blood. you’re breaths are too shallow, too painful.
“you want something…” you say lightly between breaths, “to do with me now?”
“what are you talking about-“
“platoon leader please don’t use your energy! it keeps dwinDLING! MEDICS! MEDICS!” okonogi screeches.
“you… you never look at me… never accepted me,” you smile tiredly, looking at him through half lidded eyes.
the gash on your side is seeping blood. your suit had given up from over exertion.
“can you stop?” he’s kneeling over you, trying to lift you out of the puddle. “if you don’t come back home with me, then i don’t want to go home.”
you close your eyes, there’s commotion far away. medics maybe? “we live like strangers under a roof…”
hoshina grips you, “i’m… sorry,” he bows his head, pulling you close but still so gentle to your wounds. “please know that i am grateful for you… all these years, you’ve also pushed me to extend my potential…”
“platoon leader! vice captain!” a medic calls out as they bring a stretcher.
“well…” you give a shaky breath, eyes closing, “guess i was… bound to… be in your arms…”
“WE’RE LOSING THE PLATOON LEADER!” and everything become white noise to hoshina.
was he going to go home to an empty house? was he going to lose you, after finally accepting that you’re now a part of his life routine, a routine he doesn’t want to exclude? what’s this ache in his heart? he feels cold.
“-out of danger zone,” okonogi’s voice brings him back.
— seeing you frail was never something he expected to see
— you were always standing, as badly as you were always injured, you never showed signs of injury until you two got home or he found you at the hospital
hence, seeing you on the hospital bed wasn’t ever in his mind. you just woke up, smiling at him. your smile is wonderful, he felt like that warmth radiating from you finally brought him back to life. after days of feeling lost, cold and alone, he felt like he was back on track.
“what? wanna be in my arms?” you grin, joking.
and neither of you expected him to take up the offer.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ gen narumi
— literally did NOT ACKNOWLEDGE YOU
— the audacity! you were so annoyed but you understood too, why would anyone want an arranged marriage?
— he’s cute, you loved looking at him even if he was just yelling at his screen when you were both on stand by
— he ARGUES. ALWAYS. just to get a rise out of you but you PISS HIM OFF when you don’t give him the reactions he wants.
“i want to sleep on the left side today.” he huffs, glaring down at your sleeping figure.
you had literally just managed to fall asleep after all his yelling and that bright ass tv. you glared at the wall, your back facing him as he looms over you.
“move,” he demands, shaking you with so much force you want to flip over and punch him.
yet, you close your eyes and roll over. literally rolling OVER him as you make your way to the right side, squishing him and making him yells and fight. still, you let that shove throw you off of him and settle on the right side. you fall back asleep, smiling at his grumpy remarks.
— as pay back he makes you go through brutal training. yet you always get back at him somehow back in the “comfort” of your shared room.
— you’re more serious about the things you have to accomplish outside of the battlefield, he’s not.
— he constantly berates you for your fighting style, just to piss you off
— at some point you lose confidence in yourself. had had been extremely harsh that day and the kaiju managed to make a good example of you. and gen had laughed at you for it.
“have you changed the bandages?” he asks, looming over you when you were trying to fall asleep.
you say nothing, ignoring his presence. yet, he cages you, practically on top of you with both arms to your sides as he glares down.
your eyes snap open. that is the first time he’s ever called you by your name and it had to be your first name? his nerve!
“get off me,” you grunt.
“have you changed your-“ he’s easily thrown off of you by your action, he didn’t expect you to move.
“why do you care?” you growl.
he frowns, “i don’t want you messing up our bed sheets!”
you end up leaving the room, crashing somewhere else. he obviously didn’t chase after you, you aren’t that important to him. yet, he couldn’t sleep, remembering the way you left; angry, hurt. he had gotten used to you sleeping next to him, to you waking him up when the two of you had to assist morning duties.
he honestly felt like he couldn’t breathe well, until you came in the morning to change into your attire. he immediately sat up on the bed, staring at you as you move about. not a hello, not a “good morning captain, gotta wake up now” to be followed by his complaints. not even an acknowledgment, you got ready, freshened up and left. he didn’t like that.
— he lives for attention. for recognition. there should always be someone that gives it to him, yet that was the day he realized you don’t.
— it made him feel like he had to prove himself to you.
“lower the sound to the tv, it’s late,” you day dryly.
“i’m winning! listen to me win!”
you just turn over and go to sleep. when he shouts at his victory, his immediate response is to turn to you. yet, since you’re sleeping, you don’t acknowledge him.
he stomps over to you and forces you awake, sitting you up and practically trying to open your eyelids.
“I WON AGAIN!” he roars, shaking you.
— honestly the relationship is more like child and guardian despite how old you two are.
— he has no plans for a family, said that loud and clear
— same way he tries to get a rise out of you, you do it to him when you catch him training late at night
“this is the third night in a row, captain,” you tease as he freezes mid air attack.
“at one in the morning?”
you laugh, setting down a cold water bottle on the floor. “don’t over do it, or else they’ll notice you’re doing this again.”
— you’re literally always tidying up behind him. he never tidies up.
“l/n, where are my clothes?” he argues one morning.
“have you washed them?” you ask, annoyed.
he pauses. ever since you two married, he’s never really lifted a finger. well, even when he lived alone, the defense force would sometimes always send someone in to clean up. he’s tidy up once a month but it wasn’t often. now that he thinks hard, as he stares at you in the kitchen, it’s always been you doing almost everything.
“why haven’t you washed them-“
“gen narumi i will throw this knife at you, how about you prove you’re good at surviving in your own home the way you survive out in the battlefield?” you bark as you turn back to face him.
you never snap at him like that, it’s always a silent glare or a petty action. never verbal.
fine, he’ll prove he’s good without you.
— he’s never felt like he’s had a place to belong, no matter how much he proved himself worthy
— captain isao was a clear example of his first time feeling a sense of accomplished belonging
and now, coming home to an empty cleaned out house, he wonders why he feels out of place. it freaks him out, it’s been years since he felt like this. he’s proven himself more than capable of being the best at defending the nation from threats… yet.. why hasn’t he done the same to keep a home.
you didn’t give a divorce, simply asked to be elsewhere for a while, off on a mission that even you don’t know how long will last. yet, coming home to this isn’t… normal… anymore. time and time again, he was rejected from homes and hoped orphanages, that desire to have a home long gone after years or not being enough no matter how much he proved himself.
and now, he’s alone in these four walls again. where you had tried to make a home out of. where he, unknowingly, didn’t even have to prove himself worthy of having. of belonging.
“captain gen! how can we help you?”
“i wanna see how platoon leader l/n’s mission is going.” he says dryly.
everyone in the room turns to him, like he lost his mind.
“uh, i-if you don’t mind captain, why would that be?”
“i don’t have to explain anything to you!”
he doesn’t get to watch or hear how your mission is going. captain isao kicks him out, he put up a fight of course, but it was embarrassing to even try to come up with a valid reason. he doesn’t like you, always in his business, in his commodity, in every mission, every training. always cleaning ip after him, always telling him to go to bed early, always telling him to file out reports- always breathing down his neck!
you’re weak. strong enough to be platoon leader but still so weak! always coming home hurt. always needing medicine. always taking breaks during training.
yet, when he finally gets to see you in action again, after weeks of being denied your whereabouts, he finds himself seeing you. actually seeing you in action. you’re different here than in training, than when you had last fought beside him. yet, you could do better. he knows that, so he grows frustrated when he sees you take a hit and miss the perfect opportunity to subjugate the kaiju.
going against the rules, like always, he does it for you. you’re eyes are wide as you see him do just what you were trying to do. so easily. they superiors are barking in your in ears. they’re doing the same in gen’s. yet, you couldn’t hear them, only your anger and your frustration, you’re insecurity eating at you again.
“was i ever, even for one second, enough for you?” you yell, stomping over towards him.
“you had a chance and you didn’t take it!” he barks.
“GEN NARUMI! YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED!” captain isao roars in the in ear.
“for always making everything about yourself!” you jab your gun at him, shoving him a step back. “where’s your teamwork? why do you keep making me feel like i don’t belong here!”
he stares at you, wide eyed.
he… he made you feel like you don’t belong? you, l/n y/n who always did better throughout every mission. you, who always messed with him when he didn’t get along with you. you, who was always levelheaded even to nag at him.
“only the strong survive here! i know!” you seethe, “if you want me out so bad just tell me! don’t insult my skills! my efforts!”
“hey, i’m your captain-“ his argument is weak in his ears too.
hence, he feels, for the first time, like he actually is in the wrong when you growl and walk past him. you stomp off, fuming. are you about to leave the defense force? give him the divorce?
“just so you know-“ he yells, making sure no one else is listening in. “you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.”
you stop in your tracks.
“i’m prideful, i don’t play nice,” he chokes out, “but… don’t leave me.”
you turn around, anger long gone. but you’re still distraught. you’re just dissatisfied. “gen… not now.”
and he watches you leave.
— screw all his kaiju missions. he has to win you back, because just now he’s realizing he had you.
“gen, what are you doing.”
“i need money.” he says as he kneels before you when you finally return home.
you nudge his head with your boot, “get up. how embarrassing, you sure you’re my captain?”
you walk past him, leaving him alone. he huffs, watching you set your belongings back.
“don’t move those boxes!”
“you ordered a bunch of stuff from yamazon for what!?”
“it’s stuff we could need!” he argues.
you sigh and turn around, “like what, gen?”
“uh,” he scratches his head, then gives you an accusatory look, “i don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“uh, yes you do! have you forgotten we’re married!?”
he looks away, unable to form an argument. it’s a surprise, normally he’s quick to fire back at you, but he seems so at bay. it’s…
“disgusting,” you grimace, “what’s wrong with you? aren’t you used to being suspended? what’s with this change?” you look around, “hey, it’s even clean in here, despite all these boxes.”
“yeah so what?” he huffs, crossing his arms. “i’m way better at cleaning than you are, i just don’t like doing slave work often.”
“plus, we’re married,” he puckers his lips as he looks away from you, “aren’t chores like,, shared or something?”
you stare at him wide eyed. is he… for real? he glances at you and you’re heart skips a beat at the blush that crawls on his face. he’s for real. ah, what a darn cute knuckle head.
“this is only going to last a day isn’t it,” you chuckle to yourself.
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nathaslosthershit · 4 months
A Big Decision (Teen Dad!Oscar AU)
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(Part 8 of Teen Dad!OP au [Can be read on its own])
Summary: It is time to pop the big question
The twins had finally gone down for a nap after spending so long fighting it. The kids, at age three, have started to fight them more and more, leading their parents to start discussing if it's time for naps to stop. Honey, being a stay at home mom, had needed the nap time as much as her kids had in the past, giving her time to catch up on chores or just rest for a little, so she was really trying to get as much time as she could with it. But maybe it truly was over.
She was surprised to see Oscar pacing in their living room once she went back downstairs.
“Well, aren't you home early?” She says as Oscar immediately wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck and kissing it.
“Missed you all, did what they needed from me extra fast so I could get home earlier. Thought we could maybe go out tonight?”
“Oscar, it's a friday night. Do you know how impossible getting a babysitter would be? The kids also take a while to warm up to babysitters, I don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Good thing I thought ahead then. Lando had a free night and has been begging to see them after the last ‘betrayal’ when they wore Sargeant hats. Even better, he said he would do it for free if it meant working towards being the favorite.”
“Oscar, you can’t get your coworkers to babysit your twin toddlers for free by dangling favoritism in their faces.”
“It was his idea! I am just capitalizing off of it. I got us a nice reservation too, we just need to let him now in the next…” Oscar checks his wrist where his watch usually rests but finds it missing, “uh now. So I need an answer quickly, are we going to stay home and eat the same leftovers we have had for the past two days, or are we going to make Lando Norris the happiest man alive by letting him watch our kids for free while we have an amazingly romantic dinner?” Oscar quickly asks as he takes his ex-fiancee, now girlfriend, in his arms.
“Fine, let's go out, we could use the night off. Let Lando know I appreciate him watching them for us.”
“Perfect, why don’t you go out, do something nice for yourself, I'll take over with the kids. We still have time before dinner tonight.” Oscar suggested in a strange tone as he kissed all surface area of her face.
“What is up with you today? I don’t mind it but you are so much more touchy.” She laughed.
“Don’t worry bout a thing.” Was all he replied as he walked away. “Tonight will be the best yet, I promise.”
That’s when it struck her, why he was being so weird. Surely, he was going to propose.
After the huge fight in Suzuka, she had called the engagement off, causing them to ignore each other’s existence unless it came to the kids, for seven weeks. Since they had gotten back together, life had been blissful. Sure, it was most likely the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but even so, they had been so ready to marry each other before things started going downhill. Maybe days after they got back together isn’t the right time to get engaged, but they had been to hell and back together since they got pregnant at 18 years old, they were it for each other, always would be. 
Oscar taking off of racing had also been a blessing. It had been hard for him, certainly. But he had needed to learn how to put his family first again, a priority that got harder to keep up with since joining Formula 1. 
As she sat in the nail salon chair, getting what were hopefully her engagement nails done, she thought back to how far they’d come. 
Arriving home with her nails done, and after getting the most amazing massage, Honey was giddy as she greeted her, hopefully, soon to be fiancé. After an hour and a half of filling her head with wedding plans and thinking about their future when she would finally get to be Mrs. Piastri after 7 years, she was more excited then she was the first time he proposed. 
This excitement continued from the moment she stepped into the shower, till the moment she sat in her seat at the restaurant. Oscar had hired a driver for the night, saying it was a night all for them, no need to be careful of how many drinks they were going to have, he had also told her he had plans to take them to the beach after where they could finish the night with a picnic by the water and stay as late as they liked. 
There was one thing that was off about him though, while she had expected nerves, she had also expected excitement from him and soon noticed the more giggly she was, the more upset he seemed to be. Maybe he realized she had caught on?
She finally asked what was up after he spilt his drink.
“Seriously Osc, what is wrong with you? You claim this is such a nice night for just the two of us but you are a mess right now!”
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m like th-”
“Bullshit. I thought I made it clear how awful of a liar you are Oscar Jack Piastri, just tell me. Please?”
Silence filled the air as he stared at her, words failing.
“I will get up if you don’t-”
“I had a meeting with higher ups at McLaren earlier today and was told if I don’t come back then I am out of the contract and I agreed to come back for the Spanish Grand Prix!” Oscar blurted out.
Again, a heavy silence landed on the couple, both of them daring the other one to speak first.
Then, without a single word, Honey got up from the table and walked to the car leaving Oscar at the table, tears starting to fall.
Part 2 out now!
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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Meeting the parents | Kate Bishop x Reader & WandaNat x Daughter!Reader
Where Kate meets your ex-Avenger parents for the first time
Marvel masterlist | Words: 1.1k
As the daughter of Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff, you grew up in the Avengers Compound, and knew your way around from an early age. You knew every nook and cranny, even the ones that most didn't know even existed. 
While your moms both retired from their Avengers duties a few years back, they both got jobs in the Compound, and you continued to live in the only place you had ever known as home. Since last year you've gotten your own apartment on the same floor as your parents, but you still spend a lot of your time off with your parents.
One of the unknown places on the Compound is where you had met Kate month. Clint had taken her to the Compound with him when he got back from spending Christmas with his family and she was looking for a quiet place, not being used to a house full of people.
You were surprised to see someone in the place you had called your own, but quickly realised you did not mind sharing it with the newest Avenger. The two of you clicked instantly, and it didn't take long before you were able to call her your girlfriend.
So far you have been able to keep Kate away from your parents, one of the perks of living in a building as big as the compound. It’s not that you weren’t serious about Kate, it was actually quite the opposite, you just knew how your parents could be with someone you were dating. You didn’t want to scare Kate off with two Avengers as parents, but you should’ve known that in no way that would scare off your Avenger obsessed girlfriend.
The day you had been dreading arrived. Hand in hand you walked Kate to your front door. While Kate had been the one insisting that it was time for her to meet your parents, she got more and more nervous the closer you got to your home. 
“Are you okay?” Her hand was squeezing yours, which you noticed was a tell tale of her being nervous. “Yeah, yeah, just nervous. As if meeting two of my childhood hero’s wasn’t stressful enough, they are also my girlfriend’s parents, and I really need them to like me.” You stop her in the hallway for some reassurance. “Knowing my parents, they have already asked around about you. Everyone that knows you here would only tell them positive things, because they all love you. It might take some time for my parents to warm up to you, but they love me and want me to be happy, and I am that with you, love.”
Kate nodded and took a deep breath, “Okay, I’m ready.” You take her hand back in yours and walk her through your front door. “Mom, Mama, we’re here!” You call out for your parents, and hear Wanda say she’s in the living room. Walking in further, your mom stands up and hugs you. “Hi sweetheart!” You smile and hug her back, “Hi Mama, this is Kate.” Your girlfriend instantly extends her hand, “Hi ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” As Wanda shakes Kate’s hand, Natasha makes her way into the living room.
She looks your girlfriend up and down, “Kate Bishop.” Just the name had Kate frozen in her place, only being unfrozen when you squeeze her hand. “That’s me, yes, hi. Eh, it’s nice to meet you mrs. Romanoff.” 
“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Natasha says with a neutral face, sometimes you despised the way her spy training could make it hard for you to read her. “All good things, I hope.” Kate says with a shaky voice. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
Wanda sends her wife a disapproving look that said be nice. “Why don’t we all sit down and get to know Kate?” Wanda said to ease the tense moment. You gently pull your girlfriend down in the spot beside you, while your parents take their spot on the other couch. 
You were thankful for Wanda’s kindhearted response to meeting your girlfriend, especially because it was a polar opposite to Natasha’s approach. “So, Kate, how did you two meet?” 
Kate perked up at the question instantly, grateful to talk about something that she loved. “Well, when Clint brought me to the Compound after the holidays, I was exploring the halls, when I found a hidden room. While I was in the room, y/n walked in, and we got to talking instantly.” 
“You just happened to stumble upon a hidden room?” Natasha questioned. “I mean yeah, I was bored, and just started looking around.” Kate looked to you for help. “Mom, if I could find it at six years old, what makes you think Kate would struggle to find it?” Natasha nodded her head slowly, “Fair point.” 
Wanda laid a hand on Natasha’s knee, “Don’t mind her, she just wants to make sure our daughter is safe.” Kate is quick to agree, “That is totally understandable. I care about your daughter a lot, and want to make sure she is safe, happy, and feels loved every day of her life.” 
The words that bring a blush onto your cheeks, seem to do wonders for your Mom’s demeanor towards Kate. “Good answer.” She said with a slight smile when she looked between the two. 
That seemed to make the conversation ease up, as they were now getting to know each other in a more relaxing conversation. You felt Kate start to open up more, and return to her usual carefree personality. For Wanda there wasn’t much convincing that needed to be done for her to open her arms to Kate, she could sense the way Kate made you feel from miles away. Natasha had needed some more convincing, but after knowing how Kate looked at you and talked about you, it was clear to her that Kate only had good intentions.
As you were heading out Natasha made a final statement. “I like you, and you seem like a good kid. But if you ever hurt our daughter, you will have to deal with us, and I will disregard the fact that you are an Avenger completely.” Kate swallowed hard, “Understood, ma’am. I promise I will never give you a reason to.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at your Mom behind Kate’s back as you stepped out into the Compound hallway. “Well, I hope that didn’t scare you off.” You chuckle. Kate grabs your hand and gently tugs you to start walking in the direction of your apartment. “Nothing is going to scare me off.”
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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peachpitfics · 4 months
Out of the Woods
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: As Lord and Lady Debling, you are headed back to your estate to spend time together in seclusion before your new husband has to leave for his next research endeavour.
Length: 3.3k
Pairing:  Lord Alfred Debling x fem!reader
Content Warnings: fingering, public sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, breeding/impregnation.
Bridgerton master list (tag list)
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Lord Debling’s estate was several days away by carriage, but that was no matter, you had each other to get to know along the way. There had only been your family present at the wedding, and a few of Alfreds close friends and colleagues. It was suspected by yourself and your family that perhaps you would not be meeting the Lords family at all.
The wedding night had been more than you had dreamed of, and while he had explicitly claimed he was not looking for love, you could see the beginnings of something forming between you. Your new husband was gentle and kind, with the softest touch – your mother had warned you on your wedding day that men took their pleasures with their wives that evening. But she was wrong, Lord Debling allayed all your fears, quelled your nerves, and held you tightly all night.
“Are you excited to see the manor?” Lord Debling reached over to you, sitting next to him, and clasped his hand around yours. His touch never seemed out of place or uncomfortable.
“Yes, of course I am Alfred” You replied, looking out the window to see if it was getting nearer. In the distance, a sprawling manor, snugly built into a valley, was surrounded by overgrown trees and vines. It looked peaceful. His thumb stroked the top of your hand in fondness, excited to see you so alit.
The manor had wide, deep blue double doors and tall windows, you were sure this home would be filled with a lot of light. The service staff of the house all stood outside to greet you, their own excitement bubbling over. Alfred appeared to be friendly with each member of staff, shaking hands and even offering his head housekeeper a warm hug upon arrival.
“Is this your lovely bride then, my Lord?” The middle-aged woman asked, beaming at you.
“So, it is. I’d like you all to get acquainted with Lady Y/n – My travels begin in a weeks’ time, and I will be leaving her ladyship in charge of the entire estate” Alfred placed a firm hand at the small of your back and pulled you into him.
Clambering up the front steps, Alfred began giving you the grand tour of your new home. The study, the library, the master bedroom and even the nursery – something in you was not expecting there to be a full nursey set up no meters from where you were sleeping. But it did excite you, the thought of children running around the manor to keep you busy while Alfred was away. It was your favourite room in the manor.
Leading you back to the sitting room at the front of the house, he held both your hands in his, “If you could eat anything for supper tonight, what might it be?” Alfred asked excitedly.
His question took you by surprise. You had taken on your husband’s lifestyle as soon as he asked for your hand.
“I would greatly appreciate fresh bread,” Your mouth began watering, “And eggs! Perhaps also some jam” You blushed, thinking about the insane request you just made.
Alfred laughed heartily, “Of course, I should hope we will not be having the jam and eggs together” He prayed, scooping you up into his arms and laying you on the settee by the window. It would not have mattered what size you were, Alfreds strength was clear and effortless. Even without a love match, you felt adored. Every interaction seemed romantic.
You spent the evening in the dining room, speaking about your lives back and forth, picking at bread and cheese the cook had sent out after you kept on at the table well after the meal was finished. It was nice, getting to know someone on this level.
There was a lull in the conversation, you could tell your husband wanted to ask you something.
“Y/n, the housekeepers have prepared a room for you across the hall from the master bedroom,” He swallowed, “However, you are welcome to sleep with me. The choice is yours, of course, and I will bare no ill will, whatever you choose”. Alfred was so very well spoken, even if he was trying not to choke on the words from nervousness.
You thought about it for a moment. You would have plenty of time to be alone with your thoughts. Sleeping separately would create an unintentional divide and even damage your chances of falling in love. The decision felt simple to you.
“I should like to sleep in the master bedroom” You flashed him a delicate smile.
“I would like that, very much” He replied, an uncontrollably grateful smile glistening in his eyes. You could see it when he looked at you, this glint of hope, right in the centre of his luminous blue iris. “Shall we go to bed then?” Alfred stood, holding out his hand to escort you up the stairs.
Lying together in bed, unsure of what was considered appropriate, you kept your fingers woven together, hands planted on your stomach. You felt him roll onto his side to face you in the dark, so you matched him, getting a little closer.
“I apologise for my introspection; I do not know how to act” Alfred whispered to you.
“I have not been married before. I know how to run a house, keep things going… But I have never been a wife before, I do not know either” You reassured him he was not the only one feeling a little lost.
“I am sure we will get used to being together” Alfred reached out, squeezing your arm in solidarity, “I think I should like sharing a bed with you. I wish to speak to you tomorrow on some matters only husband and wife should discuss. However, my lady, I am so very tired from travelling and I must sleep” He sighed, drifting forward in the blackness to press his warm lips into yours. Shivers of excitement raced down your body as you spun around and slid into his arms, the both of you falling asleep in minutes.
Alfred invited you to breakfast the following day, your heart pounded as you made your way to the dining room, wondering what he wanted to speak to you about. Breakfast was quiet, there was an apprehensive tenseness in his shoulders and the way he picked prudently at his eggs.
“I am of the impression you are feeling less than confident about what you must discuss with me today, Alfred. I want you to know that I will listen to what you have to say with respect and consideration” You tried to reassure him.
His face upturned, “I am pleased to hear it. The questions I have are easy enough to ask, but I do struggle with beginning the conversation, without appearing too direct” He cleared his throat with a soft chuckle.
“Do not concern yourself, simply ask the questions you would like answered and I will do my best” You nodded once, putting down your fork and straightening your dress.
“Alright,” Alfred shuffled uncomfortably, “I would like to discuss the possibility of an heir. I know that I am going to be away for some time, and I will be leaving you to care for the estate. I wish to have children, and I know that your mama had said that you were also committed to little ones. Is that true?” The words tumbled from him in a heap.
“Of course, my mother would never have lied about my desires. I have always wanted children, as long as I can remember I have dreamed of being a mother” You beamed. Alfred seemed relieved in hearing this, and you felt the same similar alleviation.
“Thank goodness,” Alfred sighed happily, “Is this something you would like to achieve before I am to go away? I understand that I would miss the first several years of our first child’s life, but if it would make you happy, I would be agreeable to trying.”
Your face could not hide the stretch of your smile at all. Nothing would have made you happier; you had fretted over this conversation, your mind telling you that there was no way Alfred would want children, considering his endeavors. It seemed you could not be more wrong, and with every passing moment between you, love bloomed further in your heart.
“I think a picnic, this afternoon, in my favourite spot!” Alfred rubbed his hands together excitedly. You nodded fervently, clawing to spend more time with him before he left.
The cook prepared a picnic basket, with wine and bread, cheese, and fruits. There was a blanket inside also. You assumed this was something he did often, even alone, as the picnic basket was quite worn. The basket hung on his left forearm, his other hand clasped in yours as he led you out the kitchen door, and across the field.
“Tis not a far way to walk” He remarked, making sure you had comfortable shoes on anyhow. You squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for caring enough to check.
The grass was long and unkept, the trees and thicket were dense. Alfred liked to keep and observe nature exactly how it was. He enjoyed watching the birds and the foxes evade each other at the edge of the bramble. If the housekeeper found a snake or a toad, she always found him to remove it properly. Nothing in his natural habitat worried him much, hardly even the spiders, webs woven tightly between slight gaps on your journey.
Getting closer and closer to your destination, you could hear it. The sweet somber trickling of water. A crooked, clear stream, in the middle of this jungle of dour giants, solidified statues of spirits long gone. Every step you took felt ancient, the hollowness of your chest, uneasy in such unfamiliar territory. Yet there was Alfred, more at home here than in the manor. Watching him was like watching a child play outdoors, sheer wonder and interest on his face in the unexplored.
Under the shade of a willow, in the grass by the stream, Alfred spread the blanket out, sitting down in a homely manner. The way he looked up at you, angelic, his eyes beckoning you to him, his hand outstretched, begging you to trust him. Before even thinking about it, your body had moved you towards him, curling your legs behind you, nestling into his side.
“Does it worry you, being out here?” He asked softly.
“I do not think worry is the correct word. I appreciate how comfortable you are here, it is strange to me” You blinked up at him, “This is potentially one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life” You hummed, watching the water creep over the rocks in front of you gently.
“I am glad you think so” Alfred fiddled with leaves in his left hand, the other wrapped around you. His hand rested on your plump hip, his fingers stretching back and forth, grasping on a little. It was like he was assessing how he could grab onto you, the thought of which thrilled you a little. You reached your hand up and combed your fingers through his beard. These were firsts for the both of you – you did not expect the texture to be so cushy and light, it fascinated you. Alfred’s hair was so light and neat, well taken care of. He closed his eyes as you stroked his face, a gentle smile took hold and a little pink tinge glowed on his cheeks.
The movement of your hand stopped only when you were properly hypnotized by his facial expression. Alfred opened his eyes when it dawned on him that you were simply staring, an infatuated gleam reflected in your own eyes.
“Shall we have something to eat?” Alfred asked.
“Please” You gave your head a slight shake, breaking free of your trance.
Your husband served you a small plate of bread, cheese, and fruit, he poured the wine and passed a glass to you. You thought about how content you were, picnicking with your husband. You sat cross legged across from each other now, the conversation light, the food, delicious. Alfred watched on as you tried your best to eat your lunch like a lady. Biting into fresh raspberries, juice dribbling down your chin, a droplet falling onto your chest. Without hesitation, Alfreds thumb met your chin, swiping another droplet off with his finger and bringing it to his mouth sensually.
Suddenly his icy blue eyes deepened, a scorching claim sparked. You had made love once before, on your wedding night, out of obligation. It had been slightly uncomfortable and more educational than recreational. Then, he had been calm and gentle, it felt like he separated himself and his genuine desire. Now, this look in his eye, ignited something candescent in your lower stomach.
Alfred lunged forward, his lips colliding with yours in a ravenous fashion. You both gasped for air at the slightest of breaks in your osculation, Alfred’s hands finding their way to your hips, dragging you forward to sit in his lap. He was tall, even sitting, he had to bend down to kiss you. His thick fingers, and wide palms, threaded their way through your hair, taking hold of you. The dainty kisses he placed along your jawline felt lovesick, his moans were carnal, and still thoroughly shy. Your hips instinctually ground into his, feeling how hard he was beneath his breeches under you.
Reaching between you, your hand slid down the length of him through his pants, hopeless yearning surging through you, you could barely contain yourself. This was the first time you felt like a wife, with her husband. Alfreds head hushed backwards, gasps leaving his lips. His eyes seemed to roll around in his head, sedate with pleasure.
“My lady” Alfred groaned, swallowing, “Are you certain? Here?” He asked breathlessly.
“Yes, I am sure” You had never felt so safe and so vulnerable in your life.
Alfred began stripping off clothing from his upper half, his eye contact surer suddenly. You observed, afraid blinking meant you would miss something. His chest was solid, bulky. His shoulders broad, his collar bones defined. Your hands rushed to his bare chest, fingers playing in his light brown, blonde chest hair that neatly trickled down his belly and into his pants. It had been dark on your wedding night, very low candlelight, whereas now, in the middle of the day, you could see every detail.
His hands moved from your hair and pulled your hands from his crotch, maintaining your gaze as his fingers danced exploratively down your inner thigh, towards the apex of your thighs. Your lips parted ever so slightly, fearful pleasure pooling in sweet wetness between your legs.
Alfred leaned forward, his lips hardly touching yours, “It will be okay” He whispered into you. He had not touched you like this before. His pointer finger delved between your lips, exotic excitement contorting your face as his finger brushed against your clitoris for the first time. Your knees wanted to clench together, stopped by his other hand, holding your legs apart for him as you sat on his legs. Switching to his thumb, stroking upward, Alfreds pleased expression, complacence seemed to ooze from every pore as your moans overtook the sounds of nature surrounding.
This was what you had been craving, this intimacy with your husband. His fingers flicked, circled, and tapped in just the right spots, his breathy kisses were the only encouragement you needed, he sent you right into a shockingly continuous climax. The sounds you made were loud, uncontrollable moans that echoed off the dense trees around you. The longer he caressed you there, the many more ripples of this exquisite feeling you felt.
“You are very easy to please, my lady” Alfred moaned softly into your mouth, his tongue flicking over yours, his teeth holding your lower lip captive.
“Perhaps you just know me better than you think” You sighed in glorious resign. You reached down, unbuttoning his breeches, his blue eyes widening and willing.  Planting your hands on each of his shoulders, you pushed him to the picnic blanket, sliding your legs either side of his as he laid down. Stuffing your own anxiety down, you reached into his trousers and freed his erection. You inspected it first, not having seen it in this light before. This was your first time holding it in your hands, your first time touching different parts of him. You felt you should have guessed the size of it would seem gargantuan to you, with the width of his shoulders and how tall he was. It only made sense that proportionally, he was large in your hands and extremely hard. It intrigued you, and you promised yourself, that in a more comfortable location, you would explore him further. For right now, you just wanted to make him feel as he made you.
Up under your dress, your hand wrapped around his length, you placed him at your entrance as you hovered over him. Alfreds hands rested steadily on your hips, ready to help guide you down. Sinking down onto the first inch of him, you yelped in pleasant surprise, pausing for a moment to allow your body to adjust.
“You are so beautiful” Alfreds fingers brushed against your cheek, your mouth opening as you lowered yourself down another few inches. There were not many times before now that Alfred had truly complimented you, but this felt the most real. It felt the truest.
Your skin met his, you moved gently, the size of him effectively widening this part of your body. His elegant face looked up at you, nodding as his hips started meeting your movements in a more consistent rhythm. Everything felt tight, and yet free, Alfreds continuous thrusts were masterful. His hands flicked up under your dress, his fingers sinking into that divot in your hips where he had felt earlier.
“I imagined this would be the perfect place to hold you” He groaned, pressing you down into him. Every motion was deliberate, fueled by necessary, propulsive demand. Unbridled lust loomed underneath you, Alfred became unrestrained, idly sinful; pulling you forward, finally getting to kiss you as you bounced back to his thrust.
“Al- Alfred! Oh my god!” You screamed, his deepest maneuver yet sending you spinning.
“I want fill you y/n” Alfred moaned, losing control of his facial expressions.
Each powerful thrust felt deeper than the last, the raw insatiable need exuding from Alfred felt primitive and tawdry. Alfred cursed towards the heavens, his grip on your fleshy hips tighter than before. Each thrust more aggressive, more depraved, his mindless hunger for you tarnishing his gentlemanly sensibilities. Alfred finally reached his own supernal culmination, pressing into you a final few times before pulling you down to his side. Alfred's strong arms stretched around you and pulled you into him, his kiss a celebration of the acts you had performed together.
You snuggled up together on the picnic blanket, peaceful and mutually satisfied. Alfreds arms felt secure, and you realized you were already well and truly in love with him.
“Alfred,” You sighed sleepily.
“Mmm?” Alfred mumbled in response.
“I love you” You curled into him in an almost feline nature.
Alfreds body did not go rigid as you expected. Instead, he kind of relaxed into you more.
“I must admit, I did not expect to fall in love when we made this match,” Alfred articulated softly, “But I am enjoying it… Falling in love with you” Alfred rolled his head to the side, pressing a kiss onto your temple. “How thrilling it is to think we might have just created our first born”.
You finished your afternoon, drifting in and out of serene sleep beneath the swaying willow, the sound of trickling water and birds chirping, the only disturbance for miles.
Tag list: @cringycat24 // @blckbarbiedoll // @freyagallileaevans // @junkie05 // @rosabeetroot // @flamewriterr //
If you would like to be tagged in Bridgerton fanfiction written by me in the future, please let me know!
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
What it’s like to date, ¡Ghost!
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Well, at the beginning of your relationship you both weren’t touchy.
You both wanted to take things slowly, and you wanted to give ghost time as you knew that it took him a while to warm up to people.
But as soon as you two had became a lot closer and more connected you two were head over heels.
Ghost was more of a act of service and words of affirmation than physical touch. He does physical touch but to a small degree, especially in public.
If you were making something in the kitchen, he’d place his hands on your waist to move past. Or he’d give you a kiss after giving you your tea or coffee. But when you two are alone it’s totally different.
He loves having his arms around your waist, like you’d both be laying on the bed and he’d have an arm around your waist. He also secretly loves when you call him ‘Si’ or ‘my darling’ deep down he melts. It’s like crypto night for him.
He loves when your making breakfast cause it gives him the perfect excuse to come from behind and give you a hug. Sometimes he even offers to cook with you.
When you have a bad day or your ill he is right there for you. If you have really bad cramps, he’ll make a nice warm bath with anything you want in there; he’ll grab your iPad or laptop and set up your favourite show and then carry you to the bath.
If your having a bad day he’ll offer you to cook or he’ll secretly do all of your washing if there is any. He just loves seeing your face light up after a bad day because you don’t need to add more time onto your already busy schedule or so you can finally have a rest.
I feel like although he isn’t fond of physical touch, when your both deep into the relationship he actually doesn’t mind it AS MUCH as before. Like he’d love if you go over to him as he sits on the sofa. You go over and lay on top of him and snuggle into him. Like that would make him melt on the spot.
And speaking of cuddling, if it’s you this man will go all for it. He isn’t a fan if people hug him but if it’s you, oh gosh. He’s glad sometimes that he has his mask on cause sometimes he blushes so much just because you show him affection. Which we all know he deserves.
The mask situation, you let him take his time. You never asked to see his face nor to keep it off if it’s just you two. He was very grateful for it cause he knew he could really trust you.
About a right months to a year he started to get more comfortable and knew you like him for him. So when you two were you at home. You knew Simon was in the living room and you were folding clothes upstairs; you had a text from your friend that mentioned about something that shocked you. So you ran downstairs and bursted into the living room babbling on about the text. You looked up to see he didn’t have his mask on. You jaw dropped, in a very good way. He was so handsome, you understood the little joke of him keeping his mask on because of how hot he was. As he sat on the sofa watching you stand in the middle of the living room he jokingly said “I haven’t turned you to stone have I? Eh?” You spoke “no, I’m just shocked, I didn’t make you to take it off. Did I?” He shook his head and replied “no, I know I can finally trust you. And also I feel more comfortable now” you smiled and started to almost tear up. He raised an eyebrow at your reaction. You said “oh Si, that’s… I’m so glad you feel like that” you ran over and gave him a huge hug.
Speaking of hugs, when you hug this man he is so warm. He is always warm to touch but he never feels warm or hot if you get me? Like you’ll say something like ‘your hands are so warm’ and he’ll be like ‘I feel cold’ type of thing.
If he were to have a car I’d feel like it’d be a pick up truck. So you, him and Riley can go find the nearest hiking trail or go to the nearest beach and spend the day out together. He’ll probably google a place to drive to while watch some tv show.
Definitely likes a nice barbecue if he’s close to your family. Like you’d ask him if he’d like to go and he’d agree. At first when he first met your family he was nervous because of how he may look in your families eyes but your family loved him. They loved how much he cared for you. If you have brothers he’d definitely go to the local pub with them every so often.
But overall this man will protect you no matter the situation and you’d always be there for him. You two are able to vent to each other and you’d both listen and comfort one another.
When laying in bed, in the morning he’d wake up first but keeps you in bed longer. And at night you’d play with his hair depending if he has his mask on or not.
This man is everything in your eyes.
Hope you enjoyed!
Feel free to request or message me if you want
Have a good day/night!🫶
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
I know it’s very early but dad!Lando with a baby girl 🥺
Note: think of this as a sneak peak 🤭 also, this is my first Lando blurb, I hope I did well!!
Tw: postpartum, breastfeeding
"Oh, what a big stretch that one was, little one", Lando cooed at your daughter as he picked her up from her bassinet. She had just woken up from her nap, meaning he would change her diaper, feed her and have some cuddles while he took care of dinner. You had been home from the hospital for eight days now, and the routine had settled in nicely. Lando wanted to be involved as much as possible so he would often be in charge of dinner while you put Matilda to sleep and he had barely let you be the one to change her diapers as he wanted you to rest as much as possible, even when you said you could do it sitting down with a protective matt on the bed.
"You're going to be all clean, let daddy just wipe around here an- oh", he stopped his ministrations. As he wiped the skin on her lower belly, the remnants of her cord falling and sticking to the wipe, "well, that's happened now, so let's get you dressed so we can tell mummy the news. How does that sound?", he said as he grabbed a new diaper, holding her legs gently as he fastened it and put her pants back on.
"Do you think mummy's awake? You did keep us up a bit last night, but let's see. Look, she's awake", Lando said as he walked in the living room, seeing you fold some laundry, "mummy has found the basket I forgot to take to the office so she wouldn't see it", your husband blushed as you shook your head, "I can do this perfectly fine, love", you showed him, exaggerating your movements and folding techniques.
"What was it you wanted to tell me?", you asked as he sat next to you, helping you push the laundry basket to the side so you could feed your daughter, "Matilda's cord fell when I was changing her diaper", Lando said as you pouted, "That's a big milestone, baby girl! And it also means you get to have your first bath, I bet your bum will be thankful, too", you giggled at your little girl.
"The skin is a bit stained yellow, yes. We could do that tonight while dinner cooks. I can take one of mum's casseroles out of the freezer because I honestly don't feel like cooking from scratch today", he admitted, kissing your naked shoulder and looking down at your daughter, happily suckling on your nipple.
When she woke up again and Lando had just turned on the oven, you made your way upstairs to the ensuite, Lando making a stop in the nursery to grab a change of clothes for Matilda and her bath products, "sitting is fine, but kneeling down will be harder for me", you said as you cuddled your daughter's naked body against your chest, covering her with a towell for the time being.
"Why don't you get in with her, hm?", your husband whispered, looking for any sign of uneasiness and finding only comfort and acceptance as he pulled your pants down along with the disposable underwear, kissing your thighs sweetly before coming back up and helping you undo your shirt, making sure Matilda was secure as he stripped your torso of your clothing, "here, I'll hold her so you can get in", he nudged, holding the baby as you stepped inside the tub.
Once you were comfortable, he placed Matilda back against your chest, the baby cursing up against your skin, "it's okay, my love", you kissed the top of her head as Lando checked the water temperature, filling the tub enough for you to not feel cold either and grabbing the small bowl and flannel cloth so he could wet it and run it on your daughter's back, gently extending it to her limbs and her tummy, "do you like that, baby girl? It's warm and nice, smells good, too", he cooed, seeing her react to his voice as she looked around for him.
Placing the warm flannel cloth, Lando muttered "I'll be back in a second" before he got up and you could hear him looking for something in the bedroom, coming back to the bathroom with his camera, "I want to have this memory saved forever", he smiled, turning on the camera as he captured the moment.
Even though you were naked after having given birth to your baby just a few days before, you never felt more comfortable as Lando snapped pictures, kissing your cheek and Matilda's head as he found the angles he wanted.
"C'mon, little one", he said as he set the camera by the sink, "let's get you dressed", opening her towell and wrapping it around her, her embroidered name on the hood making her look deliciously cute as he set her on your shared bed, coming back to the bathroom to help you out too, "gorgeous, mummy, breathtakingly gorgeous", he complimented, kissing your lips before you out on your robe, walking to the bedroom.
Lando dried her body, putting on her diaper as you rubbed the lotion on her skin, kissing each of her fingers and smiling at your husband's attentiveness to her. Seeing the love of your life tending to your daughter was a sight to behold indeed.
"Don't you and mummy look cute in your pyjamas, Matilda?", he said as you buttoned your shirt, noticing the unintentionally matching clothes, the striped material on your shirt matching the giraffe on Matilda's bodysuit, "yes, you do! Yes, you do! C'mon, daddy gets to have cuddles with you while me and mummy have dinner", he cooed, grabbing the sling and walking downstairs with you, ready for another night in with his favourite girls.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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honeygrahambitch · 4 months
Hannibal entered the house as quietly as possible, as delicate as a cat. He needed to make sure Will wouldn't come to greet him.
Now where would Will be at that time? The living room? Their bedroom? He wouldn't be in the kitchen for sure since Hannibal was supposed to cook dinner later on. That's where he decided to head to. He would find everything he needed in there, before Will would have a chance to see him.
He limped towards the kitchen, not as gracious as he usually was. He froze in the doorframe when he found Will unpacking groceries and putting them into the fridge.
"Welcome back." Will said before looking at Hannibal. The door of the fridge blocked his sight. "Thought that I should do some grocery shopping while you were out with your motor."
"Thoughtful of you, darling." Hannibal replied, looking for an excuse to leave the kitchen instantly. "I will take a shower and then we can prepare dinner together."
"No, no, wait. Come here and give me a kiss. You always do that when you come home." Will said as he closed the fridge door.
Hannibal knew he was screwed the moment Will scanned him from head to toes.
He could a drop of blood flowing from his temple and travelling down his cheek.
Will's lips remained slightly parted as he took in the view, his eyes stuck to the very visible and bloody wound on Hannibal's left temple.
"What did you do?" He finally asked as he took a towel from the counter and dampened in warm water from the sink. "Were you trying to hide?"
"Drunk car driver and yes, I was trying to avoid unnecessarily worrying you." Hannibal replied to both questions, while Will carefully cleaned his face, taking extra care when he reached the sensitive spot. He turned Hannibal's head with his other hand, trying to get a better look. He shook his head in disapproval.
"Where else does it hurt?"
"It's just that."
"Will." Then Hannibal hissed as Will poked his ribs.
"So your left ribs as well. And I suppose you are also limping on your left leg. And I don't need you to confirm that. Idiot."
"As if I have never fallen before."
"I don't contest that but I am part of your life now and I am not taking your crap. Play pretend with someone else. Now let's get you in the shower so I can make sure nothing else got fucked up."
"Your southern accent always shows up when you are angry." Hannibal commented, a mischievous smile appearing on his lips.
"Don't you enjoy that..." Will murmured as he carefully wrapped an arm around Hannibal's middle to help him walk towards the bedroom. "Tell me you remember his plate number."
"I do."
"I might have to take care of something before we cook dinner."
"We can take care of that together some other day."
"No drunk driver messes up with my husband. All you have to do is to think what you want to make out of him."
"Okay." Hannibal accepted, truly enjoying it when that part of Will showed up. "I find you very attractive when you get worked up like that." He confessed as Will was helping him take of his clothes.
"Nice try but tonight you are resting. So you can stop flirting." Will replied, even if deep down, he enjoyed as well the rare moments when Hannibal was vulnerable just for him.
"It was worth trying. I will keep flirting though."
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munsons-hellfire · 5 months
How Did It End? | Lucien Vanserra
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SUMMARY: He chose Elain over you, but your mates are there to help rebuild what he broke when the relationship ended.
PAIRINGS: Poly!Feysand x Reader, Lucien Vanserra x Reader (Past), Lucien Vanserra x Elain Archeron
CONTENT WARNING: SFW, heartbreak, poly!feysand, angst, fluff, happy ending
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Inspired by How Did It End? by Taylor Swift. This song is one of my favorites of TTPD: The Anthology. When I was listening to this on repeat, it just got me thinking about characters from ACOTAR, and I just thought this best fit Lucien. I hope you enjoy this!
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Lucien Vanserra was many things, that much you knew. Before Elain had come into your lives you’d spent such a long time with him. He made you believe things that you didn’t think you’d ever had. When he finally found his mate, the last thing you expected was to hear him say he chose her. You should’ve known this day would come.
He kept you in the Spring Court even when it was falling down. And when the war was over he kept you hidden from your friend. He kept you hidden away from Feyre. You rotted away in the Human land while your lover worked tirelessly to win his mate over. You guessed that he had done so. He stood in front of you, years after winning the war.
He looked so different from the last memory you had off him. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d kissed him, the last time he held you in his warm embrace. There were so many last memories that you just couldn’t remember when they had happened. Elain was in the room, her sister and brother in law also with them.
“Oh.” Was all you could muster up, the word breaking as it fell from your lips. That single word didn’t so much as affect the male, or his mate. But you could see the pain Feyre and Rhysand held on their faces and it confused you. “When did you work it out?” You went on to ask. Lucien stepped forward, but you stepped back. You were in a home that Lucien had found for you and you knew that he’d most likely take it away from you.
“We accepted the bond a few months ago.” Elain’s voice was soft, and you understood why Lucien had fallen madly in love with her and wanted to work it out. You shook your head not understanding why they would wait so long to tell you this important information.
“I see.” You turned around and grabbed your go bag.
Even before Lucien had shown up with the others in tow you had planned to leave. But now you have more incentive to do so.
“Where are you going?” Lucien questioned, finally he spoke.
“I’m leaving.” You looked back at the male you thought would choose you over his mate, but you were wrong, so wrong. “I don’t know when what we had ended or how it ended. But I do know when I’m not wanted anymore. I should’ve left when you said you wanted to pursue another female that is your mate. I’m not her, I never will be. So I’m making this easy for you Lucien.” You walked over to the door barely glancing at Rhysand or Feyre. “You can keep the house.”
You stepped out of the house and walked over to the horse that was waiting on the side. Climbing on you took off just as the four ran out of the home trying to call your name. You ignored them all. You needed time to process the news you already knew was true. Years with him had been wasted, they were nothing. You were nothing to him but trash to toss aside.
Tears slipped down your face blurring your vision. But it didn’t give you a reason for you to stop. You continued on until you were finally back in Prythian. You’d ride until you could make it out of the Spring Court, hopefully you could avoid Tamlin’s guards. Though it was nice to see that he had finally been able to rebuild his Court. You didn’t make it far into the Spring Court when said guards appeared surrounding you and stopping your horse in its tracks.
You released a defeated sigh, held your hands in the air and dropped your head. There was no fight left in you, not right now at least. The guards dragged you deeper into the Spring court until you were face to face with Tamlin himself, though he wasn’t alone. A female stood by his side, you didn’t know who she was.
“High Lord.” You whispered, bowing your head to him. You were afraid of what he might do considering what he’d done in the past.
“I heard what happened. I’ve alerted Feyre and Rhysand of your arrival in my Court.” Tamlin’s voice ran through your ears and that was the last thing you’d expected him to speak to you.
“W-What? Why?” You were confused, so utterly confused. The female stepped forward, a soft smile on her face.
“Your mates are worried about you. You left in such a hurry they didn’t have a chance to get to you.” She answered. Now you were even more confused.
“My love, I don’t think Y/N knows that they’re mates.” Tamlin’s green eyes were on the female you assumed was his mate or maybe his lover.
“Rhysand and Feyre aren’t my mates. It’s not possible. I can’t have more than one mate.”
You were still processing the new information when Rhys and Feyre winnowed into the room. They were here with you in the Spring court. Both High Lord and Lady kneeled in front of you. Each reaching out with one hand to caress your cheeks.
“It is possible. It’s rare, but a mated pair of three, or a triad is very possible.” The female said.
“My mate, Luna, she’s spent most of her life researching mates and how bonds truly work between the Fae. She was the first one to notice that Rhys and Feyre were missing another part of themselves.” Tamlin spoke, Luna, the female you now knew to her be, gave a nod of approval to her mate’s words.
“When?” You asked.
“We truly didn’t know until Luna talked to us.” Rhysand whispered, keeping his violet eyes gazing into your eyes. He was searching for something in them, maybe searching to see if you’d run away again.
“But you have a family.” You just wanted to call it quits, you wanted whatever pain you were feeling to just be over.
“Yes, we have a family but it never felt complete. And now we know why.” Feyre said.
“Why?” Your lips trembled, afraid of the words that either might say. Too much had happened today, it was exhausting.
“Because you weren’t in it, you weren’t a part of the little family we have. Lucien kept you hidden from us. He thought Elain would truly reject the bond and he’d come back to you. We’d spent so long trying to figure out what was missing. And when he mentioned going back to you, we felt a tug but we didn’t understand any of it.”
“Why now?”
“Because you deserve to be happy too. Lucien knew that you’d run, we asked Tamlin to keep an eye out for you. We had to talk to you, to tell you what truth we had learned.”
“I can’t. I can’t.” You cried out. You stood up and backed away from them. “It’s not possible, this…” You cut yourself of staring at Rhysand and Feyre. They were hiding the hurt, but you could feel their pain. That was new, so new and it was overwhelming. “I just want to lie down.” As you said the words you felt your legs give out beneath you. However Rhysand was clutching onto you before you hit the grass.
“Let’s go back to the Night Court. You need some rest and time to heal before we discuss this.” Feyre whispered to you. You nodded, your hand gripping onto Rhysand’s arm tightly. Almost afraid that he’d disappear. He picked you up from the ground, your head rested on his chest. Feyre nodded her head and he disappeared.
“Thank you.” Feyre whispered to Tamlin and Luna. Tamlin gave a nod of his head while Luna stepped away from him and walked closer to Feyre.
“Y/N, will need both of you. This is going to be a lot.” Luna said.
“I know. Rhys and I will do everything to make sure that Y/N is comfortable with this. It’s going to take time, I know that much is true.” Luna smiled in understanding. Then Feyre said her goodbyes winnowing back to the night court.
───── ☾☾☾ ─────
Months had passed and you were still in the same state you’d been in since Rhys and Feyre had brought you home. They were worried about you now more than ever, not sure how to fix what Lucien had broken. You knew the bond had snapped for you but you will still try to process everything. Trying to process the fact that not only did you have one mate but you had two mates. They were High Lord and Lady and they had a son together. You didn’t understand how you could fit into their family when they had such a perfect family already.
Nyx had helped when they’d bring him in to visit you. You already had a bond with the child and sometimes it was hard to put Nyx down to sleep because he’d cry for you to be the one to put him down for a nap. But you were still so scared that you’d mess it all up, that you’d be abandoned again. Just like your parents had abandoned you, and just like Lucien had abandoned you.
You were so lost in your thoughts, stuck in your mind that never seemed to go to sleep when you needed it to, to hear the door of your room open and close. Rhys and Feyre thought it was best for you to have your own room until you were ready to take the next step. The relationship between the three of you was on your terms. A sob left your lips feeling the bed dip down on both sides. Feyre lied down in front of you while you hugged your blanket tightly. Rhys pressed his body against your back.
“We’re here for you Y/N.” Feyre whispered, a sad expression etching onto her face.
“I know.” You whispered, closing your eyes. Rhys and Feyre had been trying to get into your mind since you’d come home with them, but your shields were strong. You also weren’t letting them get into your mind, not yet anyway.
“It’ll be okay, love.” Rhys whispered into your ear.
“I just don’t understand how it ended, I mean I understand it. But there were never any signs, I never saw it coming.” You whispered, letting your tightening grip on the blanket loose. Feyre finally closed the gap between you and her, Rhys lifted a wing and covered himself, you, and Feyre with it in protection.
“Sometimes the relationships we thought were meant for just end without any signs. Sometimes there are better things out there for us.” Rhys said while Feyre nodded in agreement.
“Will it ever get better?” Rhys kept his gaze on both of his mates, though his eyes lingered on Feyre for a brief moment.
“Eventually, it will. All you can do is take it one step at a time. Rhys and I will be here through that process. When you're ready to accept the bond we’ll accept it. If you’re not ready then we’ll wait until you are.” Feyre paused, her eyes found yours and she could see the shock that was on your face. “You are worth every moment, worth every shared memory, worth waiting for.” Another sob escaped your lips.
“I don’t want to be abandoned again.” The fear of what had truly happened to you finally left your mouth. Feyre and Rhys wrapped their arms around you and huddled closer.
“You will never be abandoned, not by us. Not ever.” Rhysand said sternly.
“Promise?” You switched your gaze from Feyre to Rhys waiting for them to take back what they’d both said.
“We promise. You’re our mate, and we are yours. We’re in this together until the end of time. Until the Mother decides that our time is truly at an end.”
You gave a soft smile, though your lips were trembling and tears were slipping free. It was going to be a long journey but you knew you’d be able to come to terms with the past and move on for a better, happier future. And with Rhys and Feyre by your side it didn’t seem so scary anymore.
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lomlhwa · 7 months
all american whore (e.s)
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pairing: step brother!eric x step sister!reader
preview: your dad has just married eric's mom. but, you're not blood related so you should be fine to hook up, right?
tags/warnings: fem reader, handjob in the back of a car, oral (69 on the edge of a pool....), fingering, unprotected penetration (BOOOO), hickeys, breast slapping, pet names (angel, slut, cock whore), 4th of july celebration (and by celebration i mean orgasms for everyone), creampie
trigger warnings: STEPCEST!!!, like two mentions of reader having a dead mom
wc: 3.0k
song recs for this fic: american horror show by snow wife, all-american bitch by olivia rodrigo
a/n: i was so invested in writing this for like 4 days good lord
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“you could at least try and be a little excited, y/n. sure, you’re meeting my new wife and her son today, but it’s also the 4th of july. it’s a celebration,” your dad says to you while driving. “whoopty doo,” you say as sarcastically as possible. you can feel him glaring at you without even looking over at him. “i know you miss your mother, but it’s been over a decade, i’m moving on.”
you lean your head against the window, the air hanging heavy between you and your dad. “i’ll be nice to them but i can’t promise i’ll like them,” you say, turning to see your dad crack a small smile. “i think you will like them, pumpkin. just trust me,” you nod as he speaks. 
as your dad parks, nerves run through you. it’s finally hitting you that you’re meeting these people that your father intends to keep in your life forever. he walks up behind you and squeezes your shoulders. “you ready, kiddo?” he asks and you give him the most unconvincing nod ever. 
you walk up to the front door and knock loudly. “you’re here!” a woman cries out as she opens the door. you assume this is your dad’s wife. “hello honey, this is y/n,” your dad introduces you and you give an awkward wave. “come in, come in. eric is just upstairs playing his video games,” she ushers you in and shuts the front door behind her. “you guys can just head out to the backyard, that’s where everyone else is,” she walks over to the base of the stairs and angles her head upwards. “ERIC SOHN GET DOWN HERE,” she yells. 
you walk out to the large deck in the backyard with your dad and greet lots of people you’ve never met. you notice lots of things in the very large backyard. in-ground pool, hot tub, etc. your step-mom is rich. you settle yourself in a law chair by the pool with a spiked iced tea in hand. you’re soaking up the sun when you feel a presence next to you. you open your eyes and see a man standing there. “my mom told me i had to introduce myself to you. i’m eric,” he scratches the back of his neck and turns to yell to his mom on the deck. “happy now?” his mother shrugs. he walks away from you, clearly unhappy with your presence.
as the afternoon goes on, the family gathering becomes more lively. you’re sitting on the edge of the pool with your legs in the water when eric comes to talk to you again. he slips his shoes off and plops down next to you. “here because your mom told you to?” you raise your eyebrow at him and he shakes his head. “no, i came to apologize. i’m sure you’re in the same boat as me with our parents' marriage,” he swings his legs, creating small waves in the water. you sigh, your shoulders slumping.
“you wanna go up to my room? it’s quieter and we could watch tv or something,” eric nods towards his house and you give him a small smile before getting your legs out of the pool. you grab your sandals and follow him close behind. “y/n and i are gonna hang out in my room for a bit,” eric tells his mom and she gives him a warm smile. “have fun, kids,” she says. she shoots your dad an excited look as you two walk into the house. 
as you settle into eric’s bed, you feel as though this is a very intimate space to be in with your step-brother. he puts on some brainrot show as background noise and sparks up a conversation with you. despite being invested in your conversation, you can tell there’s something else on his mind. the way his eyes dart between your own eyes and your lips brings butterflies to your stomach. 
eric snakes his hand onto your bare thigh, your shorts having ridden up from adjusting to sit comfortably in his bed. he strokes your skin with his thumb like it’s second nature. goosebumps rise in the wake of the soft movements from his thumb. you look at him with doll-like eyes and he can’t seem to get enough of your appearance. 
slowly, his hand snakes higher and higher before his fingers are teasing the stitching of your underwear. you can tell he wants to shove his hand in there and play with your wet heat. you know his fingers can feel how wet you’re getting. he shifts his arm a little bit so he can reach his pointer finger out to brush over your clothed clit. slowly, it gets harder for you to hold the conversation. 
eric leans over to whisper in your ear, despite the two of you being the only people in the room. “can i? please let me make you feel good” is all he says to you and you honestly can’t get your head to nod fast enough. you’re not blood related so you should be fine to hook up, right? at your consent, he slips his fingers under the fabric of your panties and plays with your clit. small moans and whimpers escape your lips when he touches you. it feels amazing. his soft fingers on your skin lights your nerves on fire.
eric scooches closer to you so he can press kisses onto your jawline and neck. you tilt your head back on instinct, giving more access to the expanse of your throat. he slides his middle and pointer fingers into your wet hole, pumping them in and out slowly. your muscles clamp around his digits, desperate for more pleasure. “eric, oh my god,” you breathe out, your hand shooting down to hold his wrist while he fucks you. he holds your face with his other hand, making sure you’re looking at him while he fingers you.
your high creeps up on you as the tips of his fingers jab the gummy spot inside you. you arch your back as your walls throb around his fingers. “give it to me, y/n. i know you’re fucking close. cum for me,” he whispers in your ear again. you dig your nails into the skin of his wrist as you cum around his fingers. eric lets out a sinister laugh before pulling his fingers out of you. he brings his wet fingers to his mouth and licks your release off of them. as you’re about to say something to him, you hear your dad’s voice. “y/n! it’s time to go home!”
for the next 3 days, all you can think about is eric. was what you did wrong or immoral? it can’t be. you’re not blood siblings. the only thing bonding you is your parents’ marriage. unfortunately for you, you can’t help but want more.
today must be your lucky day because your dad has some amazing news for you. “we’re going on a little shopping trip with eric and my wife today. do you wanna go there in separate cars or take one car?” your dad asks, leaning on your doorframe. “we can take one car, it’s fine with me. i’ll sit in the back with eric.” 
your dad gives you a warm grin, only happy that you’re getting along with your step-brother. he pulls out his phone to text his wife about your transportation decision. not even 10 minutes later, an suv pulls into your driveway. you rush to put your shoes on before climbing into the large backseat with eric. he pats the seat right next to him, despite the whole rest of the backseat being empty. happily, you oblige. the car is chilly and eric has a blanket over his lap.
it’s about a two hour drive to the biggest outlet mall near you. so you settle next to eric, watching a movie on the laptop he’d brought with him. about 20 minutes into the drive, you notice eric shifting around uncomfortably. you take a single glance down and you know exactly what’s wrong. he’s hard. so unbelievably hard. you can see it through the blanket.
“do you want my help?” you ask in a hushed voice. eric catches his bottom lip between his teeth as he nods. luckily, he decided to wear basketball shorts, so you have easy access. you pull the waistband of his shorts and underwear down just enough to get his cock out. you wrap your hand around it under the blanket and pump him slowly. he digs his teeth into his lip to suppress any sounds coming out. you run your thumb over the pink, dripping tip and he lets out a sigh. “you okay back there, hon?” his mom asks, seeming concerned. just as he’s about to open his mouth, you start pumping faster. “y-yeah, i’m so fine,” eric responds. his mom seems to accept this answer as she goes back to looking at her phone.
“the fuck is wrong with you?” he whispers aggressively. you give him a mischievous smile as your hand continues to work on him. you stroke him with firm, mildly swift motions. his hips buck to meet your hand’s movements and you can’t help but smile at his desperation. eric slides his arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him. he digs his fingers into the skin of your hip as his orgasm approaches. “right there, angel, fuck,” he squeezes his eyes shut as his cums, his hips stuttering. white ropes of cum paint your hand and forearm. as you bring your hand to your mouth to lick it clean, he shoves his cock back into his shorts. 
after your shopping trip, your parents drop you off at eric’s house. you walk into his empty house and plop down onto the couch. eric stands in the doorway of the living room, watching you. “you wanna swim?” he asks, nodding his head toward the back door. “i don’t have a bathing suit,” you reply, smirking at him. “swim in your underwear.” you shrug, not really minding the idea.
you rise from the couch, walking past eric towards the back door of his house. as you walk, you drop items of your clothes on the floor. first you drop your shirt, exposing your back and your black bra. next, your shorts. they left almost nothing to the imagination anyway. your black panties hug your hips and ass in a way that almost sends your step-brother into a frenzy. you peel your socks off last, throwing them into a corner. finally, you reach the pool. you dive in head first, drenching yourself head to toe. “you coming?” you call out to eric, who’s been a statue since you started stripping.
you can barely see him from the pool but you can tell he took his slides off and threw his shirt somewhere in the room. he comes darting out the door, diving into the pool the same way you did. when he comes back up, he flips his hair out of his face. you’re holding onto the edge of the pool and watch his movements. he swims over to you, halting in front of you. there’s a moment of silence between you before he grabs you by the back of the head and crashes your lips together.
eric kisses you like it might kill him if he doesn’t. the kiss is sloppy and full of saliva. he kisses you like he’s been poisoned and your lips are the only antidote. your hands travel to his exposed chest, digging your nails into his chest. he groans against your mouth and the sound goes straight to your core. you wrap your legs around his waist underwater and he kisses you harder. 
“i wanna fuck you, but not here. not now. let me taste you,” he whispers against your lips as if someone will hear you. you nod, but suddenly a better idea comes to your mind. “get out of the pool and lay on your back,” you instruct, also pulling yourself out of the pool. eric follows suit, doing what you told him to. you stand by his head and shimmy your wet panties off. you throw them onto the lawn before turning back to eric.
you put both feet beside eric’s head and lower yourself slowly, sitting on his face. his tongue almost immediately darts out to taste you and you fall forward, catching yourself with your hands on his hips. he wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling your core further onto his face. with trembling hands, you push his shorts down his thighs. he lifts his hips to help you in sliding them off him. you lay your torso down and take his cock into your hands. you stroke it a couple times before spitting on the tip.
you take the first half of his cock into your mouth, already choking around it. he moans against your pussy, his hips bucking into your face. he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking on it lightly. your knees fight to squeeze around his head but you don’t let them. you stroke the portion of his cock that you can’t fit in your mouth, trying to work an orgasm out of him. you bob your head up and down rhythmically. eric eases two fingers into you and they follow the same rhythm as your head. 
your orgasm creeps up on you faster than you would’ve liked it to, but you can tell he’s close too. you pull your mouth off of him to let out a high-pitched squeal when he curls his fingers inside you. “ah, fuck, i’m gonna cum,” you exclaim, clenching around his digits that are abusing your hole. “me too, angel,” eric replies. his voice is so husky and strained that it almost sends you over the edge. 
you manage to pump him a few more times before toppling over the edge. you shake above him, your thighs clamping down on his head. the noises you make as you cum send him into his orgasm. he releases onto your face and neck, causing you to flinch a little. you roll off of him, laying naked from the waist down on the warm concrete. when you sit up, you hear a car roll into the driveway. eric shoots up and give you an ‘oh shit’ look. you both bolt into the house, grab all your clothes and rush up the stairs. he barely closes his door before your parents open the front door. you can hear them talking and laughing about something but you’re too focused on how fast your heart is beating.
you collapse onto his floor, laughing about how close you were to getting caught. eric listens for the movement of your parents, trying to find out what they’re doing. relief washes over him when he hears them leave again. he turns to you to find that you’re moving to put your clothes on. “don’t you fucking dare.” he walks over to you and hooks his arms under yours, lifting you off the floor and onto his bed. you rest your body weight on your elbows and watch as he admires your body.
eric runs his hands up your thighs and spreads your legs for him. he pulls you so you’re almost hanging off the edge of his bed. “please, angel. let me fuck you. i need to know how that pretty fucking pussy feels,” it almost sounds like he’s begging you. your core throbs as he speaks. “please,” is all you can muster as a response. eric grabs the base of his cock, lining up with your wet hole. “god, you’re gonna be my fucking slut. right, angel? a whore for my, ngh, cock. gonna ruin you for everyone else. you’re only ever gonna want me” he shoves himself into the hilt before pausing.
your walls pulse around him, trying to adjust to his size. before you’re fully adjusted, he starts to thrust. his cock abuses your hole and it feels so fucking good. you wrap your legs around his waist as he uses you. “god, it’s like you were made for me. such a good cock whore. you’re taking me so well.” roughly, he pulls your bra down to expose your breasts. he slaps both of your breasts, leaving bright red marks. you cry out in pleasure, your back arching. “such a whore for your step-brother. what would your father say?” he teases. 
he leans down and connects his mouth with the plush skin of your breast. he sucks on the skin, leaving a dark purple mark. he continues the same motions a couple more times, leaving your chest riddled in his love bites. “you’re fucking mine. you hear me?” he says, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at him. “say it. say it and i’ll make my sweet angel cum.” the idea of finally cumming makes your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“fffuck eric, i’m yours. i’m all fucking yours,” you cry out. your orgasm is right there. “good fucking girl. so obedient,” he slaps your chest again, leaving a bright handprint. “where do you want me to cum?” eric asks as his thrusts speed up and become sloppy. “inside, inside, god please inside of me,” you beg, your pussy clamping down on him. he chuckles at your desperation. he connects his pointer finger with your clit, rubbing it in circles. “cum. cum for me right now, slut.”
the combination of his words, his motions on your clit and his cock abusing your wet cunt sends you crashing over the edge. you cry out loudly, a string of curses erupting from you. he quickly follows suit, spilling his seed into your weeping hole. you both rest for a few moments, feeling his cum seep out around his cock. you wipe sweat off your forehead before looking at him.
“we can never tell our parents.”
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© lomlhwa 2024
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wintersoldiersoul · 11 months
hey dear ❤️ I maybe thought of an imagine with Bucky where you're on a mission in the mountains but due to the weather you need to stay in a little cabin for the night but it's terribly cold. He lights a fire but then he offers you his sweater. You're both getting closer (you have a crush as well on each other), so you kinda forget about the mission and just enjoy the time together as you also share a meaningful kiss?
Keep Me Warm
A/N: I changed up the timeline of this a tiny bit but the main idea is still there! I hope you enjoy!!
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The mission had been long and grueling. You and Bucky have spent nearly a week in the mountains trying to take down the enemy. You were exhausted, both physically and mentally. Finally, you had gotten the call that you could come home. You were so excited to be back home in the compound, sleeping in your own comfy bed.
“Excited to go home, Y/N?” Bucky asked. 
You rubbed your hands together, trying to keep warm while you waited for the jet. “Can’t wait. I’m looking forward to a nice hot shower and sleeping in my bed.”
He smiled. There was no better thing in the world than him smiling. You tried to keep your crush on him at bay, knowing he’d never feel the same way about you, but damn was it hard. His blue eyes were so mesmerizing and his smile could wake a goddamn army. He was just so perfect.
You smiled back, hoping that he assumed that the blush on your cheeks was from the cold and not from him.
His phone rang and he answered, hoping it would be an update on how far the jet was. “Hey Steve,” Bucky said into the device. “Shit, really? Yeah, yeah, that’s fine,” he sighed. “Yup. I’ll check back when we’re there. Bye.” He hung up and looked at you. “Bad news. There’s a bad storm coming and the jet can’t fly. We’re gonna have to stay here another night.”
“Fuckk,” you threw your head back in frustration. You had spent the entire mission hiding in safe house to safe house, all of them in secluded areas where you couldn’t be found. Sometimes if you were lucky, you got to stay in nicer places with actual beds and furniture. But due to the sensitive nature of this mission, that hadn't been the case. The thought of spending another night in one of those places nearly made you cry. 
“Good news is that Steve said there’s a cabin not too far. It’s still nothing fancy, but he said its an upgrade to what we’ve been in. We should be safe now that we’ve, you know, taken down the enemy,” he smiled warmly, trying to get you to stay positive. 
“Oh, that's good,” you responded. “Let’s go, then.” 
The two of you had to trudge through the snow to get there. The walk ended up being nearly 2 hours and you couldn’t feel your body by the time you arrived. The cabin was small, with only one bedroom, a living room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom.
“Shit, you’re shivering,” Bucky noted when you got inside.
“Yeah, how are you not?” 
He shrugged. “It’s the serum. I’m still cold, don’t get me wrong, but it makes it a lot harder for me to be cold. Even in freezing weather.”
“Must be n-nice,” you mumbled through chattering teeth. “I get cold so easily. Any time it’s below 50 degrees I can’t f-feel my t-toes.”
“Go take a hot shower, okay? I’ll try to see if there’s any food I can make for us.” 
You nodded, going to the bathroom to take a shower. You took your time, rejoicing in the hot water as you washed all of the dirt off of your skin. When you got out, you rummaged through your bag trying to find a sweatshirt but it seemed to have disappeared. “Fuck,” you whispered. You must have left it at the last safe house. You threw on a t-shirt and sweats, still shivering as you made your way into the kitchen.
“Is the heat on?” You asked Bucky.
“I think it’s broken. I was playing around with it but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.”
You rubbed your hands over your arms, trying to get warm. “Shit, I think I left my sweatshirt at the last safe house.” 
 “Doll, you’re gonna freeze,” he said sympathetically. “Here.” In one fell-swoop he ripped off the gray cable knit sweater that he had on. “I just put it on when we got here so it’s clean.”
“Buck, I don’t want you to be cold, though,” you protested, despite how cozy the sweater looked. 
He swatted a hand. “Remember, I don’t get too cold. Don’t worry about me. You’re gonna turn into an ice block soon.”
You smiled, graciously. “Thanks.” You pulled the sweater over your head, immediately enthralled by his scent. The fabric smelled like musky vanilla and pine, the scent that you had come to associate with him. It smelled like home. 
“I was able to find some soup,” he said, holding out a bowl for you. “Maybe it will help warm you up.” 
“Thank you, Buck.” You sat down and began to eat.
“Lemme see if I can get a fire started,” he got up and walked over to the fireplace. You watched him as he threw wood into a pile, entranced by his muscles flexing each time he picked up another piece. Between the serum, the metal arm, and the fact that he was just so in shape, he did it all with ease, not even flinching at the weight. How could you not fall for the guy just a little bit? 
“You alright over there?” He smirked at you, noticing your eyes on him.
Shit, get it together, Y/N, you thought. “Oh, sorry, just zoning out,” you tried to cover. 
Within a few minutes, he had a roaring fire emanating heat throughout the room. But it still wasn’t enough to keep you warm over by the table you were still sitting at. 
“Come over here,” he encouraged. “It's nice and warm by the fire.”
You stood up and made your way over to the couch so that you could feel the heat of the fire better. “Oh, that’s nice,” you hummed, feeling the embers warming your body. Bucky crept up beside you sitting down and rubbing his flesh arm over yours.
“You’re fucking freezing. I can feel how cold you are through the sweater,” he whispered. He was so close to you. “Lemme hold you. Warm you up a bit.”
“Um,” you cleared your throat, heart rate speeding up. “O-okay. Yeah, sure.” 
He laughed quietly before pulling you so you were laying back against him. “Damn, I feel bad that you’re so cold,” he said, voice holding sympathy and care.
“It’s not your fault, Buck. You’re already doing a lot to try to help.”
The next words he said were something you never thought you’d hear. “Maybe I should never let you go. Just keep holding you like this forever.”
“What?” Did you hear him right? Did he really just say that? He laughed lightly. “Would you like that?”
“Bucky, I-um…” you felt so flustered. Was he just messing with you?
“Come on, Doll,” he smiled. “I don’t know how much more obvious I can make it that I’m kinda in love with you. And I think…” he said, putting his mouth close to your ear. “You might feel the same way about me.”
“Bucky,” you whispered, the feeling of him speaking into your ear sending chills through your body. 
“If I’m reading it totally wrong that’s okay. But I can’t hide how I feel anymore, Y/N. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t even talk to you for like 3 months because I got so flustered around you. Then we did start talking and I found out that you were also the most interesting, intelligent, kind person I’ve ever met. So tell me, please. Do you feel the same way?”
Your heart pounded. How was this happening? “Yes, Bucky. I-I feel the same way.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Can you turn around so I can kiss you?”
You quickly flipped your body so you were lying on him, face to face. He pulled your mouth to his, quickly inserting his tongue into your mouth. It was so much better than you had imagined, and you had spent a lot of time fantasizing about kissing him. 
“Y/N,” he said, resting his forehead against yours. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He ran his hand up and down your back as he spoke. “You’re so amazing.”
“I’ve been dreaming about that for a while too, Buck,” you laughed, enjoying his embrace. “You know,” you spoke, voice in a teasing tone. “There’s only one bed in here. We might have to put it to good use.”
Within a second, Bucky picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.
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owliellder · 1 year
The Finer Details
Post DI! Leon Kennedy x Painter fem! Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, The Reveal)
Description: Leon realizes that retirement is in his best interest now that he's getting older. All of his accomplishments as an agent mean he's truly earned a painting to commemorate..
Warnings: Not Proofread, Age gap! (reader is anywhere between mid-late 20's and Leon is 40), Porn w/ Plot, Use of she/her pronouns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcoholism, mentions of trauma/PTSD/depression, P in V smut (wrap it NEOW), Leon cries during sex 💔
Tags: Older Leon Kennedy, Younger afab!Reader, Leon is SAD but he is your muse, Crying, mentions of Leon masturbating, starts off with Dom! Leon and Sub! Reader, falls into switch territory because that man needs some serious TLC, Praise kink, Hickeys, Handjob, Nipple play, Oral sex (m! and f! receiving), and a heavy dose of Aftercare
Author Note: I'm actually thinking I might be doing one chapter every other night, but I would also like to draw on my comically large art tablet at some point this week, so I might skip a day or two.
Cross posted onto AO3
Session 2: Color Matching
You partially regret just agreeing to "tomorrow", seeing as this man decided that he wanted to show up at 4am.
It was the original time set for yesterday's session, and you guess he felt bad for being late, but god damn he texted you an hour earlier telling you he'd be there by 4am. Dragging yourself out of the comfort of your bed was difficult, but in the end it was worth it to draw such a stunner.
You had to get there before Leon did, so there you were; half awake, dressed in a pair of fuzzy pants and a loose t-shirt, and a small cup of tea in your right hand while the other fumbled with the keys to your little work room.
That was the greatest part about your job as a professional painter. You didn't have a dress code.
Though most days you did try to look your best, some days it was just easier to be comfortable. Besides, it's not like tons of people come and see you everyday, it was usually just one person at a time.
It was 3:47am by the time you'd gotten to your workspace and settled, sitting on one of the many floor pillows in the living area you put together away from the actual painting setup. The tea was warm, it was keeping you sleepy, but you couldn't stop taking small sips. It was in your hands, there wasn't much you could do to stop yourself.
You told Leon to just come on in when he arrived, not wanting to walk all the way back down just to lead him back up. The stiffness from sleep was still in parts of your body, so you knew it would be difficult to get up, even when he did finally stride through that door. He dressed nicely today, just what you needed him to do.
Wanting to relish in the dim yet warm lighting of your various lamps for as long as possible, you beckoned the man to come over and sit with you, which confused him slightly. He thought you would be ready to get started once he showed up, but he wasn't one to argue so early in the morning. Instead, he shrugged and slowly sauntered over to you, taking a seat on a floor pillow across from yours.
"Good morning." Leon grumbled quietly, his voice barely hiding the fact that he wasn't quite awake either. That rumble in his chest made your stomach flutter. "Good morning to you, too." You responded, closing your eyes for a moment to take another sip of your tea.
"When uh-" He cleared his throat, putting a fist up to his mouth as he did so. "When are we gonna get started?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, moving the cup away from your lips to stare at him. "I wasn't expecting to be up so early, so just give me a few more minutes to wake up and then we can turn my main lights on."
Leon sucked on his teeth as he thought, turning his head to look over out one of the windows as he rested his wrists on his knees. "Oh, yeah, sorry. Just wanted to make up for being late yesterday."
You laughed softly before letting out a quiet sigh, setting your tea down on the low coffee table sitting behind you.
"Don't worry about it, but also don't make me get up so early again, old man." You attempted to joke, immediately noticing the wince on his face at the nickname. To divert, you stood up and stretched, patting his shoulder as you walked by him. "Alright, let me pull my stuff out and then we can get started."
Leon followed you with his head, taking a few seconds before standing up himself, pressing his hands onto his knees to help get up from the floor pillow.
"I'm just going to be color matching your tones today. I won't do all of it since obviously lighting changes throughout the day, buuuut..." You trailed off, beginning to rummage through a drawer in one of your desks before pulling out handfuls of paint tubes. "I just need to pull out the basic colors I'll be using."
It was still pretty dim in the room which caused you to have to squint to see the names of the colors on the tubes. Leon found that partially amusing, his chuckle causing you to glare playfully over at him. "Something funny?"
"As funny as it is to watch you go cross-eyed looking at those," he smiled, gesturing with his thumb to the light switches near the door. "I feel like it'd be easier to just turn the lights on."
"My retinas will be fried if those get turned on-" You were cut off by your own shout when Leon took the liberty of turning the lights on himself, laughing as you quickly moved to cover your eyes.
He only had to squint for a second before his eyes adjusted. You, however, were not expecting the sudden change, so you got an eyeful of bright white light. Complete and utter agony that lasted for a full five seconds.
By the time you moved your hands away from your eyes, they were watering and you had to squint for awhile longer. "Give me a warning next time you decide you want to try and murder me like that." You said, wiping away the few stray tears you'd produced from the light sensitivity. "You might live in the light, but I don't!"
The man shook his head and crossed his arms, smile still plastered to his face as he slowly made his way over to the chair in front of your easel. "That's payback for calling me an old man."
You twisted your head around to the chair so you could give him an indignant look, catching a glance as he was putting his hands up in defense with a small "what?" before you turned to look down at the tubes of paint sitting next to your hands on top of the desk.
"Nothing, just wasn't expecting to work with a toddler, that's all.." You mumbled, smile creeping onto your face as you heard him click his tongue from behind you. "I was an old man not five minutes ago and now I'm a toddler?" Leon asked, voice peaking dramatically.
"Yes, you have quite the range, Mr. Kennedy." You began sifting through the various paints you'd pulled out, humming softly as you contemplated what route you wanted to take with them. Stick to primaries? Add secondaries? Should I just use every color I need? Hmmm..
Leon watched as you stared at the paint tubes you'd picked up, tilting his head to the side slightly to try and get a better look. He snapped his head back upright when you started to speak again. "I'm trying to decide whether or not to use a lot of different colors, or just stick to a minimum.."
It was almost as if you knew what he was wondering. "Uhh... what's the difference...?" The man questioned, raising an eyebrow as you turned around, seemingly having made your decision already.
"Using just the main 6 colors-" You turned around and were faced with his very confused stare, causing you to explain a little better. "The main colors you see in a rainbow."
He breathed out a quiet "ahh" at that. Okay, good. He knows his basics. Cute...
"I can mix just red, blue, and yellow at varying degrees to get any color I need. Adding green, purple, and orange will help even more." You pursed your lips, lightly tossing the paint tubes in your hands before setting them down away from the other tubes. "I need white also. Damn.."
"What's wrong with white?" Leon asked, leaning forward a bit to watch you dig in the drawer for a tube of white oil paint.
"Nothin'. Just forgot, is all. Trying to keep this as authentic as possible..." You mumble, quickly closing the drawer with a slam after pulling out the paint you were looking for.
Silently nodding his head in acknowledgment, Leon turned his focus to his surroundings again, admiring your choice in decor once more. He bought a nice decorative pillow for his couch yesterday after being here the first time.
You grabbed a few strips of thick white paper, running your thumb along its textured surface before setting them down. You told him to stay where he was as you set up a small art palette, little dollops of the paints sitting neatly in the circular grooves.
"I'm gonna make color swatches of your skin for myself." You spoke up as you suddenly turned and walked towards him, holding the palette in your left hand while holding the strips of paper and a small yet flat paintbrush in the right. "Also, I'll need to get a picture of you in the position you want, but I'll do that after all of-" you waved everything you're currently holding in a small circle. "-this."
Leon simply responded with an "oh, okay", his knee beginning to bounce as you quickly began to mix little bits of your paint together to get a simple pale skin tone down before you even attempted to match his.
As you worked, you were starting to grow nervous with the silence, and clearly the man in front of you was as well, given he had started to sweat slightly on his forehead. He wasn't nearly as conversational as the last two agents you painted.
"So.. you've earned yourself a portrait..." You smiled slightly, holding up the strip of paper you'd brushed your mixed paint on to see what colors to mix in next. "What'd you do to earn one?"
Leon hummed. It was hard to think about every mission he's gone on, all the horrors he bore witness to, the people he saved, the people he couldn't save, how it all started, and now the fact that he's done-
"Hey, woah, I'm sorry." The sound of your voice drew him away from his thoughts. "I didn't know that would be a.. sore subject for you." He blinked at you a few times, furrowing his eyebrows soon after. "What?"
You pulled the strip of paper away from his face, pulling your lips tight with a shrug of your shoulders at his response. "You suddenly looked mad. Like... really really mad. I thought you were gonna snap at me or-"
"No. It's just bittersweet, is all." Leon cut you off, waving his hand dismissively at you before nodding once down to the paint palette in your hand. "You can keep going."
You stayed frozen in your crouched position for a few seconds longer before continuing to swatch your paint. You kept silent, not wanting to seem like you were antagonizing him.
"I used to be just a cop." The man suddenly said, causing you to look up from where you were mixing your paints together. "Only for a single day, but I was a cop. Simple as can be."
You nodded, beckoning him to continue with a small smile, which he did. "I'm sure you've heard about some of that already though, since you worked with Claire not too long ago."
His comment caused you to let out a small "ohh" in sudden recognition, nodding your head again. "Yeah, that's right! She mentioned you on that, okay.."
Leon continued to talk about all of his missions vaguely, still having to keep confidentiality in mind. You let him drone on, having gotten his skin tone matched in a few different areas now. You stopped to scribble on the papers with the paint swatches, making sure to label where each tone came from on his face and hands.
You took note of how he circled back to his single day as a cop and to certain missions. His mention of saving the president's daughter had you immediately smiling. That was a straight ticket to earning his own portrait in that hall of the White House, he could've done just that his entire life and he still would've been seeing you at some point.
You focused on mixing your paint for a little while before noticing he had grown quiet, looking up to see him staring out the window, a faint orange glow from the sun rising highlighting his features. And his tears.
Growing concerned once again, you set down the paintbrush on the palette so you could place a gentle hand on his shoulder. It seemed he didn't notice that, too lost in his head to notice anything at this point.
"Hey..." You asked with a soft voice, your eyebrows furrowing with worry. "We don't have to talk about it anymore, you know..."
Finally, Leon looked back at you, eyes widening once he realized how watery his eyes were. He turned his head away so you didn't watch him wipe the tears that had fallen down his cheeks and use his sleeve to dry his eyes. It wasn't like him to be so easily bothered by this stuff.
"I just need one more color swatch and then you can go, okay? We can save the photo for another day." You gave the man a weak smile, one he didn't reciprocate. You understood.
He looked like he wanted to say something, but you filled in for him. "Seriously, it's no trouble at all. If you need more time then you need more time." Standing up from your crouched position, you left your half-finished color match swatch with the finished ones before walking over to set everything down on the desk.
You didn't want to crowd the poor man. That was probably the last thing he needed. Despite having only painted for a select few, you've learned to just step away from these retired agents when things would go awry. It was akin to a war veteran suffering from PTSD; they did almost have the same experiences as far as you could tell.
"I'm sorry."
Leon finally managed to say to you, his hands anxiously rubbing up and down on the tops of his thighs. Must be a nervous tick.
You angled yourself so you could see him while your body still faced the desk, smiling at him while your hands worked to neatly stack the strips of paper before clipping them together with a paper clip.
"There's absolutely no reason for you to apologize." You kept your smile as you responded to Leon, looking back down at your hands to make sure everything was put together properly. "You forget I strictly work with agents like yourself. From all the vague tellings, I know that the job is tough on you guys; body and mind."
It was weird having someone outside of the agency talk to him about this kind of stuff. It was weird for him to be bringing it up in the first place. Or, at least he felt like it was.
"Still, I should know better than to do that." Leon sighed, rubbing his hand along the side of his face before stroking his chin, scratching at the stubble growing.
"Know better than to do what? Let yourself process everything you've been through?" You spoke in almost a whisper. If your tone was any louder, you fear you'd come off as accusatory.
"I get it. Really, I do." Leon groaned quietly at your words, causing you to click your tongue. You grabbed your swivel chair and scooted it over so you could sit in front of him, and when you did, you brought your legs up to sit criss-cross just like yesterday, only there wasn't a table separating the two of you. You looked solemn. He didn't like where this was going.
"The whole point of painting you a portrait is to honor you and your work as an agent, but it's not just about getting yourself painted." You leaned forward in your chair, elbows resting on your knees, all the while keeping your voice hushed and gentle. "Seeing the portrait once it's finished is going to be an incredibly emotional ordeal. It's a reminder that this is truly the end of an era for you, Mr. Kennedy..."
Your words were really starting to strike a chord for Leon. He hadn't given it much thought. He didn't want to give it any thought at all. All he thought was "I'm just going to get myself a nice fancy portrait and be done with it". He didn't even consider what the portrait of him would actually symbolize.
"Oh." Was all Leon could muster, letting his gaze fall into his lap where his hands now sat clasped together. If it weren't for the comfortable environment you had set up here, he probably would've bolted ages ago.
You let him think everything over for awhile, wanting to give him all the time in the world. Clearly he needed something, but he wasn't allowing himself any sort of leeway.
It took some courage building internally, but you decided to stand up, taking the one step closer to him before placing your hand on his shoulder once more. You squeezed it a bit, bringing his attention back to you as he lifted his head up.
You attempted to smile at him, moving your hand off his shoulder so you could hold your arms out slightly. This man needed a hug and you were more than willing to offer the leeway he wasn't granting himself.
Leon stood up rather quickly which surprised you, and startled you just a bit, before feeling his large arms tightly wrap around you. It was a little awkward since he had to bend a bit to hug you properly, but it worked out in his favor, and yours too, since he got a better opportunity to bury his face into the crook of your neck.
He sighed happily when he felt your arms slowly wrap around his chest, doing your best to squeeze him for that extra bit of comfort, even rubbing up and down on his back. It had been so long since he had a real hug. It felt good.
You let him hug you for as long as he needed, which was longer than expected, but definitely not unwelcome by any means. Though, his warm breath against your neck and the smell of his cologne was causing you to blush. That's really the last thing you needed him to see after being so vulnerable and open with you.
You felt him start to pull his head away, prompting you to pat his back gently as an end to the hug. Despite the fact that it was faint, it was clear to you that he was blushing when you were finally able to look up at him.
You wanted to remain calm for Leon, letting out your nervousness through a quiet cough. "I know we've only met up twice, but if you ever need a change in scenery, just know that my workspace here is always open to you. I'm always open to you, okay?"
Your words were making him feel weird. Something he hasn't felt in a long time was creeping up his chest. Your smell lingering on his coat wasn't helping, either.
"Yeah-.. yeah, okay." Leon huffed through his nose, reaching up to scratch at the stubble underneath his jawline as he averted his gaze to the floor.
The sun was fully up now, so you walked over to where the light switches were next to the door, flipping them off. All your other ambient lights could be turned off later. For now, you needed to focus on the man still standing in front of that maroon chair.
"You can stay if you feel you need to, but I just want you to relax." You said, looking over at him as you heard his footsteps slowly walk past you to the living space.
"I'll head out." Leon bent over and grabbed his motorcycle helmet from where he'd set it down on the rug near the floor pillows. He placed his on his head as he walked over to where you stood next to the door, not really wanting anyone to look at his tear-stricken and red face any longer.
Once he finished fiddling with his helmet, you reached out and took his hand in both of yours, patting the top of it softly. "Text me when you're ready to come back over."
You couldn't see Leon's face anymore since he'd put the visor down, but you could definitely see him nod his head. He opened the door and let himself out, touching the side of the doorframe as he rounded the sharp corner and walked down the stairs.
After closing the door behind him, you started walking around your workspace to turn off all the lamps and other ambient lighting, pausing to listen to the sound of his motorcycle start up and drive off.
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lexyleblancc · 2 years
Something nicer {Sihtric}
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Summary: Sihtric takes care of his family during the night of a storm. 
Dad!Sihtric x Fem!Reader
Warnings: nothing, unless you fear children and a simp of a man :)
Word count: 699 haha nice
Disclaimer: Not proof read, we die like men here. Also have decided to make this a little series of the TLK men being dads because it warms my heart
There had been rumors of a storm hitting, and Sihtric couldn’t be more happy that he had made it home before it hit. The nights had been getting colder, almost unbearably cold. Furs were piled high on all the beds at night, roaring fires hit in hearths to keep the chill at bay. You were curled into Sihtric’s side, your nose cold and red from being the only part of you visible under the mountain of furs you curled under. The man sucked in a breath as your cold nose made contact with his neck, making him shiver. The door to the bedroom creaked open, making the restless man look up, seeing the small figure of your youngest child standing there, holding a small stuffed bear tightly in her arms. 
“Da, it’s so cold.” The little girl cried quietly. Sihtric sighed, sitting up and letting the furs pool around his waist, the cold air hitting his skin. 
“It is.” Sihtric agreed, motioning for his youngest to climb onto the bed. “Lay with your mom, keep her nice and warm and I’ll go get the fires going again, okay?” He cooed softly, tugging the furs over the young girl and kissing her forehead. In your sleep you reached out for your daughter, pulling her closer to you and letting out a soft hum. Both Sihtric and your daughter let out small laughs, before the man stood from the bed and found the closest tunic he could reach. 
The wooden floors were half frozen, sending shocks through him as he quickly rushed to the living room to stoke the fire before heading down the hallway to the children’s room to stoke that one as well. Sihtric almost cursed the day you insisted on giving your children the larger room with a fireplace in it, but they would always come first. He just prayed to the Gods you would be able to move houses soon, somewhere that was much larger and had a fireplace in every room to keep the family warm. 
Your two oldest children were curled together in one bed, shivering under the furs while the man worked quickly to warm them. The middle child, your only son, had abandoned his bed at some point in the night to help keep his older sister warm during the night. Once the fire was roaring once more, Sihtric grabbed some of the extra furs from a chest beside the door and covered the children, kissing both their foreheads before leaving the room quietly. 
When he was finally back in his and (Y/N)’s room, he smiled fondly seeing his wife and youngest child sleeping soundly in each other's arms. He slowly slid back under the covers, reaching over your daughter who laid contently between you two, and pulled the both of you closer to his shivering form. 
“Where did you go?” You asked, your voice laced with sleep as your eyes opened slowly to look at your husband. 
“Just fed the fires.” He told you softly, pushing some of your hair away from your face as he smiled widely. “Gave the children some extra furs to keep them warm until morning.” 
“We need more fireplaces to keep this place warm.” You joked quietly, a small smile tugging at your lips. The walls would tend to let in drafts during the colder months, taking all the heat away when the family so desperately needed it. 
“Or a nicer home.” Sihtric mumbled, his eyes growing heavy with the sleep that so desperately called for him. “I will talk to Uhtred in the morning, see if there is something we can do about the cursed cracks in the walls until then.” He promised, placing a tender kiss on your lips before leaning down and kissing your daughter's head. “Just rest darling, the warmth will flow through the house soon.” 
“I’m not the one shivering.” You hummed, placing a warm hand on your husband's arm. He smiled softly, holding you and your daughter tightly as the both of you fell asleep once more. 
He would always wake up at night, to stoke the fires that warmed your family, just until he could provide something nicer. 
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mamaestapa · 7 months
Cherry Flavoured|| Mark Estapa x reader
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• pairing: Mark Estapa x reader
• summary: Teasing all night and your cherry flavoured lip gloss sends Mark over the edge, taking him to the next level
• warnings: SMUT, public sex, unprotected p in v sex, fingering, lots of teasing, suggestive language, mentions of frosting on body parts, quickies, bathroom sex, i think that’s all-
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“Y/n!” Mark called from the bottom of the stairs, “you almost ready babe?”
“Coming!” You yelled from Marks room upstairs, holding onto your black heels as you made your way down the steps of the hockey house. Mark's brown eyes lit up as he watched you from the bottom of the stairs. You looked absolutely gorgeous.
You always looked gorgeous though in Marks eyes. However, the satin, spaghetti strap navy blue dress that adorned your body and accented your curves nicely made you look divine.
“Wow, look at you…” Mark trailed off as he snaked his hands around your waist. “You like it?” you asked with a sly grin as you got up on your tip toes and threw your arms around your boyfriends neck.
Mark wet his lips as his eyes settled on yours, “I love it. You look beautiful, Y/n.”
You let your freshly manicured hands rest on his broad shoulders as the two of you leaned in to share a passionate kiss. Sharing kisses like these with Mark never gets old. You could keep your lips locked with his forever.
Mark pulled away from you and you started to massage his shoulder, gently digging your fingers into the muscles of his back. Mark closed his eyes and hummed blissfully as you worked at his sore muscles. Hockey had been taking a toll on Marks body the last couple of weeks. Strenuous team workouts, long and rough practices, and stressful games had Mark's body and mind tense and aching. You continued to dig your thumbs into the tight knots in his shoulders. You knew this little massage helped ease the ache in his muscles, but you also knew it made a different type of ache grow more and more. With Mark being so busy during the day with classes, practices and workouts, he’s usually exhausted by the time gets back to the house to shower and get a nice warm meal in his belly. Since the two of you don't live together, it’s been a while since you've shared an intimate moment.
You moved your hands away from Marks back muscles, bringing your delicate touch to his biceps which have grown significantly in the last couple of months. You gently squeezed the tight, bulging muscle before bringing your hands up to his broad chest. You let your hand rest on his sternum as you looked into his soft brown eyes.
“What time do we have to be at the banquet?” You asked. Mark glanced at the watch on his left wrist, “Well," he said sighing softly, "it's about twenty minutes off campus, so we should probably leave right now.”
You let out a small sigh as you took your hands away from your boyfriends chest.
“You ready?” He asked, to which you responded with a soft smile and nod of your head. Mark pecked your cheek before he took his hands off of your waist and walked away from you.
“I have to grab my jacket," Mark announced, "then we can head out.” He went off to the laundry room to retrieve his navy suit jacket that matched nicely with his white dress shirt and navy dress pants. It also matched your dress perfectly. When Mark appeared once again in the entry way of his house he shared with some of his teammates, he wrapped an arm around your waist and led you out of the house to his car that was parked outside along the street.
Today was the hockey teams annual banquet. The regular season was coming to an end and instead of waiting until after playoffs and post-season, the coaches decided to hold the banquet just before the season ended. Every year, the boys were encouraged to bring guests. Mark has been bringing you since Freshman year when the two of you just started dating. You've always enjoyed going to the banquets with Mark. Not only was it a fun night with the team, but it also gave you an excuse to dress up and see your boyfriend in a suit.
The drive to the location where the banquet was being held was calm and quiet. Mark had a hand placed on your bare thigh where the slit of dress started. His fingers occasionally brushed against your soft skin as his fingers on the steering wheel tapped along to the beat of some country song playing lowly in the background. Thankfully, the drive to the banquet wasn't too far outside of Ann Arbor. You and Mark arrived about ten minutes before the event was supposed to begin. The two of you found your seats next to Ethan, Rutger and his girlfriend Kayleigh, Luca, and Dylan.
Mark pulled your chair out for you and as you sat down you thanked him softly. He smoothed his suit jacket and buttoned it in the middle as he sat down. He nodded at his teammates, giving them each a small "hey".
“Hey Papa Estapa,” Rutger smirked playfully as he stood up and gave Mark their signature "bro hug". The two hockey players slapped each others backs before pulling away and sitting back down. You playfully rolled your eyes at the greeting. Kayleigh did the same before reaching out and giving your arm a gentle squeeze as she said hello. You said your hellos to the others sitting at the table, playfully complimenting everyone on how nice they looked out of all their hockey gear.
“Thanks Y/n/n,” Ethan said with a smile gesturing to the boy beside you, “Marky here cleans up nicely though doesn’t he?”
“Yeah, he does.”
You turned to look at Mark, who was eyeing you with a soft smirk pulling at his lips. You felt the butterflies swarm and the warmth pool in your lower belly under your boyfriend’s gaze.
“Well I’m starving,” Luca said, breaking the silence and moment between you and Mark. “You guys want to go get some food?”
All of the boys cheered excitedly at the mention of food. You got ready to stand up, but Mark gently pushed you back down by your shoulders.
He shook his head, “I’ll get something for you, babe. What do you want?” You smiled, “Thanks, I’m not picky, just get me whatever you’re having.”Mark nodded, smiling softly before placing a kiss to your temple.
“Easy enough. We’ll be right back.”
Everyone got back to the table at the same time, laughing hysterically about something Rutger said while Kayleigh looked at you and mouthed “help me”. The two of you shared a laugh as Mark sat a plate down in front of you. He had gotten both of you an assortment of appetizers and the chicken entree. You thanked Mark, and enjoyed your meal with your boyfriend and friends. As you all ate, the banquet started. Coaches gave speeches, players received awards, it was a nice time seeing everyone together and enjoying the team’s success.
Waiters came around to all of the tables, clearing plates and handing out flutes full of bubbly champagne. Mark thanked the waiter and grabbed two glasses, one for him and one for you.
“I thought you didn’t like champagne?” You asked, taking a sip of the bubbly. Mark shrugged, “It’s alright. Thought I would at least drink one with you.”
You hummed in amusement as you sat the flute back down on the table. You watched as Mark finished off his champagne. A bit of the bubbly liquid dripping down his chin. Your breath hitched as you watched Mark lick the liquid from his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. He put the glass down on the table and slowly took his gaze away from yours. He knew what he was doing to you.
Some time had passed and the two of you were engaged in conversation with Rutger and Kayleigh. As you were talking about your spring break plans, you felt Mark place his hand on your thigh, slowly bringing it up to the hem of your dress slit. His long fingers toyed with the satin material before they found their way under your dress. You glanced over at Mark, seeing him nod along to what Kayleigh was saying. He wasn’t even fazed by his actions. You brought your gaze back to Kayleigh, giving her a small smile.
They can’t get suspicious.
You gasped lightly as you felt Marks fingers sneak past the side of your lace panties and begin playing with your sensitive clit. Your hand gripped the table as he stuck two of his fingers into the slick entrance of your soaked core. His thumb still teasing your clit as he rhythmically pumped his fingers in out of you.
“So Y/n, you and Mark going anywhere?”
Mark added another finger and picked up the pace, rubbing his thumb against the sensitive bud even faster. Your legs began to twitch at his teasing motions. You brought a hand up to your mouth, muffling the soft whimper that escaped from your lips.
“You OK?” Mark asked, giving you a concerned look. You looked at him with wide eyes. How he could act completely normal as if he wasn’t giving you an orgasm under the table was appalling to you.
You pulled your hand away from your mouth, giving your boyfriend a tight lipped smile, “I’m fine.” you breathed out, closing your eyes as you felt your walls tighten around Marks fingers.
You were so close.
“We’re actually going to-uh,” You cleared your throat, trying to hold back your moans of pleasure as you spoke. Mark stopped rubbing your clit and you used your free hand to pull his hand out of your dress. Your juices covered his fingers as he pulled them out of you.
“Miami with Ethan and a couple other friends.” You finished with a tight smile. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Mark nod in agreement to what you were saying.
Your core was aching, wanting more than just his skilled hands to bring you to your climax. Mark looked at you with a smirk as you grimaced slightly from the arousal between your thighs. The other guys at the table had gone off to talk to some other teammates and coaches, while Rutger and Kayleigh went off to find the dessert table.
Once the couple was far enough away from the table, Mark brought his glistening fingers up to his mouth, sucking his fingers clean. He did it in such a smooth manner that no one would even be suspicious.
“I can’t believe you just did that.” You said lowly, looking at Mark with wide eyes. “What?” he pulled his index finger out of his mouth with a pop, “fingered you under the table or didn’t let you finish?” He asked smugly.
You shook your head and looked away from him. You couldn’t believe him right now. Weeks of not having any intimate interaction and Mark chooses his hockey banquet to get frisky with you.
You knew you needed to tease him the way he teased you.
You looked around the room full of tables and bantering hockey players, trying to think of the perfect way to tease your boyfriend. It suddenly hit you when your eyes landed on the dessert table that Rutger and Kayleigh had just walked away from. A sly smile made its way onto your face as you gazed at the cupcakes sitting on the table.
You got up from your chair and flattened out your navy dress, glancing at Mark, “I’ll be right back.”
You grabbed a plate and picked up a vanilla cupcake. A large helping of Yellow buttercream frosting was perfectly piped onto the cupcake and finished off with just a hint of navy blue sprinkles. Perfect. You thought as you looked at the cupcake.
Satisfied with your choice, you walked back over to the table and greeted Mark with a sultry smile. You sat back down in your seat and carefully unwrapped the cupcake. You placed the wrapper down on the plate and carefully picked the cupcake up. Mark watched with lust filled eyes as you brought your finger up to the yellow frosting, swiping the side of the frosting so a generous amount was on the tip of your finger. You eyed him as you brought your frosting covered finger up to your mouth. You put your finger in your mouth, licking the sugary substance off the tip. You made a show of going back for more.
“Mmm,” you moaned out, “so good.”
You brought the cupcake up to your mouth, licking a stripe all the way around the white frosting. You smirked in amusement as you noticed Marks jaw clench at your teasing actions. As you licked the frosting you made sure to keep your eyes locked with Marks the entire time. The unbroken eye contact only adding to the built up arousal you both were feeling. You finished teasing Mark with the frosting and decided to actually eat your cupcake. After you finished the sweet treat, you wiped your mouth clean of any crumbs.
It was after you wiped your lips that you decided to reapply your lip gloss. You reached into your purse and pulled out your cherry flavoured lip gloss, eyeing Mark as you slowly applied the gloss to your lips.
That’s when he had had enough with the teasing.
"Meet me in the bathroom..." Mark whispered in your ear, breath hot on your neck making you shiver.
Mark pulled his head away from yours and straightened his Navy suit jacket. You watched as he walked off to the bathroom. His strides were so casual, acting as if he wasn't about to rock your world in a matter of minutes. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you saw the door to the one stall bathroom open and close. You glanced around your surroundings, making sure nobody would catch you head off to the bathroom moments after Mark did. Many of the guys were either too busy being engaged in conversation or getting their third helping of food, so they wouldn't even take a second glance if they saw you walk past them and head to the bathroom after your lover.
You stood from the table and readjusted the navy material of your dress before you headed towards the bathroom. You reached for the door handle, swinging the bathroom door open. Before you had any time to react, Mark crashed his lips onto yours, feverishly kissing you. His tongue swirled over your lips, your cherry flavoured gloss filling his taste buds. You fell into the kiss, his strong arms supporting your body as he reached out to the lock the bathroom door. His lips moved against yours with a sense of urgency. You pulled away from Mark, already out of breath from the couple harsh kisses.
"We have to be quick," you breathed out, already sliding your panties off of your legs as you spoke, "don't want anyone to be suspicious of us."
“Yes ma'am." Mark hummed, his lips were on yours again as he took off his suit jacket, throwing it aside to the floor. Your lips connected as Mark pushed you against the sink counter.
“Jump," he said huskily against your lips. You followed his instruction so as , sitting against the bathroom counter. Mark began to kiss down your neck, sucking the delicate skin and being sure to leave deep red marks along the sides of your neck and collarbone. As his head moved down to your chest you let your hands fall to his hair, gripping and tugging the slightly grown out ends.
Mark pulled the spaghetti straps of your dress down slightly, just enough to give him access to your bare breasts. He began to kiss the swollen skin of your right breast, tongue swirling over your sensitive nipple before he put his mouth around it and started to suck at the sensitive bud. You bit your lip and moaned in pleasure as your hands tugged at his hair.
Mark always knew how to pleasure you. Whether it took two minutes or twenty, Mark never failed at pleasuring you in ways you didn't even know were possible.
After he was satisfied with pleasuring your sensitive nipples, Mark brought his face back up to yours, breath hot as he said, "I could really use some of that cupcake frosting right now." You cocked your head to the side, "And what would you do with it?"
Mark brought his face back down to your bare chest. "I would put some frosting here...and here..." he motioned to both of your breasts. "And then, I would do this," you gasped as his tongue swirled around your nipples once again.
Mark chuckled amusingly as he noticed you growing more and more aroused by his actions. "And then once I'm done there, I would put some right here." He rubbed a veiny hand down your tummy. He looked up at you with lust filled eyes, "And I'd lick it up until theres nothing left." You bit your lip at his description.
Too bad you're in a public bathroom and not at your apartment. You could really use that frosting right about now...
"Mark," you whimpered out, "I need you." Marks large hands ran down your torso, stopping when they reached your hips. He gave them a gentle squeeze before he pulled his hands off of them. Mark quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down his legs in one swift motion. His large cock was bulging out of his underwear as his erection grew from being out of the restraint of his tight pants. He pulled his undergarments down as you pulled your satin dress to one side, giving him full access to your dripping core through the slit of your dress.
Mark lined himself up with your entrance and thrusted himself into you. You threw your head back in pleasure as the tip of his cock repeatedly pushed up against your cervix. You straightened your neck as Mark leaned forward to kiss you hungrily as he urgently thrusted into you. It was obvious that you were both deprived of one another's touch and intimacy. Mark pumped himself deeper into you as his forehead rested against the crook of your neck.
"You feel so good Y/n," he panted, letting a groan slip out, "so good."
You moaned out in blissful pleasure as the speed of his thrusts picked up, "M-more, please." You practically whimpered out, "I'm so close Mark."
Mark always had you begging for more. He loved when endless whimpers and copious amounts of begging phrases came out of your cherry lips.
You felt your walls tighten around his cock as a familiar warmth pooled in your lower belly. "I'm- uh," you moaned incoherently, "gonna cum."
Mark brought a hand down to your core, rubbing his finger against your sensitive clit in order to make you cum harder and faster. You felt like you couldn't form words as Mark pleasured you. Your face contorted into one of pleasure as you felt yourself growing closer and closer to your release.
“That's it pretty girl," Mark praised, gritting his teeth as he too was growing close to his climax, "cum for me." One last thrust of his hips had your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your legs shaking as your juices coated Marks cock when you came down from your high. You both were moaning messes as Mark thrusted a couple more times, he went to pull out when his orgasm grew close, but you stopped him
“Don't" you breathed out, putting your hand on his chest and stopping him, "do it inside of me, please. I wanna feel you Marky…all of you.“
That’s all Mark needed to hear before he too came, his hot cum filling you up and dripping from your folds as he pulled out of you. Both of your chests heaved as you recovered from your intense orgasms.
"That was amazing," you breathed out, letting your hands rest against Marks shoulders as he still stood between your legs. “We should do that again sometime."
Mark chuckled softly, backing away from you and grabbing a handful of paper towels so the two of you could clean yourselves off. He slyly grinned as he said, "We should, but with the frosting next time." You chuckled at his suggestion as you pushed yourself off of the counter, legs wobbly as you stood.
You wiped your soaked core and thighs clean of a mixture of yours and Mark’s cum, Mark doing the same with his manhood. You readjusted your dress straps and stood in front of the mirror, fixing your hair and straightening out your dress so that nobody would know you were busy getting your world rocked in the bathroom. Mark stood next to you, smoothing his messy dark blonde hair before he zipped his Navy pants. You turned to him and wrapped your arms around his body, the two of you leaning in to share a passionate kiss.
“Your cherry lips are gone.” Mark noted against your lips. You just chuckled as you continued to kiss him. He pulled away first and rested his forehead against yours. You smiled softly up at him, staring into those soft brown eyes you were obsessed with.
"We should go back out there." Mark said lowly. You nodded in agreement.
"You go first." he said, pushing you gently towards the bathroom door. You unlocked the door, swinging it open and walking out of the bathroom.
Thankfully, nobody seemed to be waiting on the occupied bathroom. You walked back over to the table you were sitting at earlier. As you got closer you saw Rutger and Kayleigh sitting in their chairs, laughing about something with one another. Kayleigh eyes lit up as she saw you come back to the table and sit down.
“There you are," she smiled sweetly, "we were wondering where you went."
You had to come up with a lie…or not, they didn't have to hear the whole truth.
“I was in the bathroom."
Rutger nodded, "I assumed. Where's Mark?"
Your breath hitched, "Oh he's-." You felt a hand press against your upper back. "Right here." Mark said with a small smile as he sat back down in his chair.
He let out a breath, "I was on my way to the dessert table, got caught up talking with coach and some of the guys."
You looked over at Mark, smiling softly at him as he placed a hand on your thigh. Something about him looked different though. You couldn’t quite figure out what it was though until your eyes widened and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Oh no.
Ethan was walking back to the table with Marks navy suit jacket in his hands.
You mentally cursed yourself as Ethan stood in front of you and Mark, his lips curling up in a smirk as he held the jacket up
"Any idea why this was on the bathroom floor?"
Mark shrugged, his cheeks turning a deep shade of red, "Oops." Was all he said as he took the jacket from his best friend.
You and Mark may have gotten caught, but it was totally worth it.
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hi loves!!
this is my first time writing for mark🤭 i hope you loved this as much as i did. he needs more content on here, so if you have any blurb ideas or fic ideas please send them my way ;)
this will be the first of many fics posted this week. i’ll try to get one out every other day if i can! i’ll also be answering au asks every day/night too, so feel free to send those as well.
thank you so much for reading! your support and kind words mean the world. i love you all so much🤍
i hope all my umich babes and mark girlies loved this tehe
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