#and who is dumber than these two <3
mrs-weasley-reid · 3 months
Escape Is Mandatory
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platonic Spencer Reid x geniusbau!reader | part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Summary: prison changed Spencer, and along with it were a couple of horrible choices bau!reader refused to tolerate, hence a threat to their years of friendship. But all of it disappeared as soon as an unsub threatened your life.
Warning: details of death, violence, and infidelity; curse word(s)
A/N: I can't believe it has been over a year since I posted this mini-series (me just disappearing out of nowhere, lol). This draft has been sitting for a year. I never published it because it felt boring (I still do, somehow), but I wanted to celebrate the series reaching a year old HAHA! Anywaysss, as usual, this might be heavy, so be mindful when reading. It's not my gif; credits to the owner :)
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Luther Gerard grinned maniacally, leaning against his seat, "Let me guess... sister? Oh, but she's too pretty to be related to you." His cuffed hand caressed your picture on the table, "Lover, perhaps?"
Spencer's jaw clenched, "Where. Is. She?" His palms were itchy, breathing steadily as he kept them flat on the table.
This unsub was unlike any other serial killer he had encountered. Luther Gerard, age 38, is an average plumber but one hell of a genius, almost as dangerously intelligent as Spencer, with 186 IQ.
Spencer would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was terrified to the bone. Because this time, the unsub had 83.248% outsmarting him, and the victim was you.
"Anyone wanna hear how I picked her up?" Luther glanced at the two-sided mirror, chuckling, "I'll take the silence as a yes."
He looked at Spencer straight in his eyes, "It was dim, but not too much. She was 40 feet away from the precinct entrance... 15 from you. She looked pretty mad when she turned her back, but she looked so hurt walking away. I can remember her tears. Oh, they were sweet and just a little salty. She knew I was there for her. She was going to scream for you. But what can I say? She was a second too slow. I was going to get your attention but she looked so good unconscious in my arms."
"You sick son of a bitch—"
It took Luke, Matt, and three police officers to hold Spencer back. His face was red, and Luke swore he was breathing fire. His knuckles were white as he grabbed Luke's shirt and a bit of the skin on Matt's arm.
Spencer escaped from being pinned by five people with minimal struggle, grabbing Luther's collar to the point of suffocation. "Where the hell is she?! Tell me where!"
Luther laughed out loud, watching as Spencer crumbled into an angry mess. "Listen here, Dr. Reid... you can be a point smarter than me as long as you can, but she will always be two points dumber than me. She'll die in that fucking warehouse."
Emily barged into the interrogation room, "Reid." She gestured at Matt to take him out of the room, leaving Luke to get the answers they'd been looking for the past five hours.
Spencer aggressively shrugged Matt's hands on his shoulders, "I can walk," His voice grew a little softer than seconds ago, but his tone still crunched with anger.
As soon as the door shut, Spencer turned to Emily, "She's dying out there."
"You're not the only one who's worried. She's our friend, too, you know. But we won't find her if you let your emotions take over you." Emily took a deep breath, giving him a concerned look.
Spencer ran his fingers through his hair, "I'm not worried. I'm scared." He dropped his head, letting a cruel sigh pass his shivering lips.
Despite his attempt to reinsert himself in the interrogation room, Emily forbade him from coming in contact with the unsub for the rest of the evening. So, he stood next to JJ in the conference room, trying to save you in the best way he knew how: geographic profiling.
"I should've known," Spencer mumbled under his breath.
JJ turned to him, "Did you find something?" She scanned the board in front of them, hoping that she'd see what Spencer was seeing.
Spencer loosened his tie, "The victims. The location. I should've figured it out the moment we briefed about the case. It should've clicked." He guiltily looked at JJ, "I should've kept her safe."
"Spence," JJ spoke motherly. "None of us knew she was the target. You have to know that none of this is your fault." She gave him a kind look, something he knew well to differ whether it was out of pity or genuine compassion.
"But it is my fault..." He averted his eyes from her. He couldn't bear to look at anyone in their eyes, much less the thought of yours, filled with tears from his stupidity.
JJ's eyebrows gently knitted, "Did something happen the last time you saw her?"
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2 days ago...
The afternoon's fifth hour barely struck, yet the sky was already dark. The lampposts around the precinct were enough light to at least keep you and Spencer from tripping.
None of you have said a word for the past three minutes. You even missed Emily's nod. Both of you were too occupied to care. You: with the obscene sight you just witnessed and the burning itch to smack the back of his head. Spencer: with whatever internal conflict he was going through after coming back from prison, he refused to talk to anyone about.
With every step away from the might as well named crime scene, your lips slowly unfastened. Spencer had barely clicked the SUV's key when you began.
"She's married."
"She's unhappily married."
Your eyebrows clashed, "That's not an excuse, Reid. Your wrinkly brain knows that."
"Can't you just mind your own business?" Spencer rolled his eyes, treating your conversation lighter than you wanted him to.
"I would have if only you did," You looked at him with utter disbelief. No amount of blinking would erase the sight forever etched in the back of your curse of a photographic memory. "Her unhappy marriage was her business. That was her and her husband's business."
Spencer was growing impatient with you. The signs were easy to catch. His knotted forehead. Thoughtless glare. Clenched hands deep in his pockets. An obvious Spencer-is-pissed-at-you special tell.
He straightened his back, "I was just helping her out."
"Holy shit—" You scoffed a baffled chuckle, "Are you hearing yourself? Adultery and sympathy are not the same, Reid. What the hell has gotten into your head?"
Ordinary people wouldn't have cared. Luke and Matt would disagree and judge Spencer's stupid choices but would've kept their mouths shut. Emily and David would spit a bit of advice on how morally wrong he was, but they would have minded their own business for the most part. Tara would've been disgusted but refused to get herself involved. JJ and Penelope would have been utterly disappointed and angry at him, but they wouldn't have missed a chance to make up with him.
You, however, felt nauseatingly repugnant. Years of friendship felt like a thin layer of ice loudly breaking. He knew most of your uninteresting and failed romance. How often has he lent you a back to bury your face on? The number of times he's caught not two but four of your short-term lovers shamelessly cheating. He knew well enough, too much even.
"You know what I think?" He chuckled evilly. And you knew then he was aiming for your throat. "I think you're just jealous because you don't have the aptitude to get over your dead boyfriend."
Your jaw dropped. You half-expected him to say those words, but it still surprised you. It still stung. Your tears were fighting to flow, but you had enough self-respect to not do it before him, not with his shitty attitude, at least.
You gripped the hem of your blazer, "You're a jerk. That's what you are." You took a sharp breath, biting the overflowing ache on your chest. "Come back when you've got something for the case."
A second didn't pass after you turned your back on him, and the tears immediately trailed down your face. You walked out of the parking lot as fast as you could. Crying in front of your childhood classmates felt more gratifying than in front of Spencer.
Wiping the unwanted tears from your cheeks, your feet came to a halt without warning. Something about the fifteen-foot distance from Spencer's back and the forty-foot gap from the entrance to the precinct left you terrifyingly vulnerable.
Your gears began turning.
Victims were awfully close to your build.
You're in your hometown.
And it clicked a second too late.
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"Spence!" JJ gently shook Spencer back to reality. As soon as she knew he was back down to earth, she immediately spoke, "They found another body—"
Spencer flew out of the door before JJ could even finish speaking. He went to Luke, who was on his way to one of the SUVs. "Where?" He asked in a rush. His heart was beating right in his ear. A series of negative thoughts filled his head.
Luke had a few seconds to tell Spencer where the said body was but quickly interrupted Spencer's thoughts. "We don't know anything yet, Reid."
"But what if it's her?" Spencer snapped. He had little patience for anyone. All he knew was how important it was to see a body that's not you.
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
"Fuck!" You cried in a shattered voice.
Tears flowed nonstop down your face, along with your own blood dripping from the top of your horribly bandaged head. Luther Gerard was evil enough to let you bleed slowly to death.
Unbeknownst to him, you were the most stubborn person in the entire BAU team. You bled your way out of the place he locked you in, cursing the pain off your chest.
You have been loosening the barbwire wrapped around your feet with your bare hands for the past hour. Your hands and your feet had gotten skinned off from the sharp metal.
Hope was on your side, though, as you felt your left foot painfully slide off the wrap. You cried out in joy, holding your ankles tight as if the pain would immediately dissipate.
You wiped your tears off your face, smearing blood from your palm onto your skin. You laughed, already delirious from lack of blood. "I'm going to break your neck once I find you. Then I'll beat the hell out of Reid for taking his goddamn time."
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
Spencer felt relief wash over him as soon as he glanced at the lifeless woman being pulled out of the creek. It may have been messed up that he was thankful a different woman died, but he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
He and Luke drove back to the precinct with a little less tense chests. They may not have found you, but the fact that you weren't the body they found meant one thing. You were still alive. That's all that mattered.
"We'll find her," Luke broke the silence between them, glancing at Spencer from his peripheral. "She's stubborn. She won't let anyone hurt her without punching back. She's probably on her way back to the precinct." He attempted to lighten the mood.
Spencer took a deep breath, "She better be." He looked outside of the car, biting his lower lip. "She has to escape wherever she is. It's mandatory. I'm not letting her die without finishing our argument."
— ✿ — ✿— ✿ ✿ ✿
It's been two days of searching every nook and cranny of your little hometown, but the team hasn't gotten anywhere in finding you.
Each member was exhausted, especially Spencer. He hasn't gotten a wink of sleep. He couldn't even if he tried to.
They were running out of ideas. But like every single cases the BAU team had, you knew how to turn things around. Their wake snapped up as gasps echoed in the entire precinct.
The team rushed to see the commotion and almost burst into tears as soon as they saw you.
"Oh my god..." JJ whimpered under her breath as she clasped her mouth.
You stood there by the entrance, bloodied up and half-conscious. You held the door's handle tight, painting it with your dirty blood as it kept you up on your feet. They could barely recognize your face from the mixture of blood and dirt on your face.
Despite your pitiful, bloodied state, you managed to show them your temper. "You better have caught that bastard." You growled weakly.
Your body was shaking from exhaustion. Just as you slipped out of consciousness, Spencer rushed to catch your body.
Tara called for a medic while Emily went to your aid. Luke and Matt went straight to work things out and give Gerard the worst news he's ever going to receive: it turns out you weren't as dumb as he wanted you to be.
Spencer gently wiped your face with his sleeve. He didn't care if it was his favorite shirt. All he cared about was how his best friend stubbornly stayed alive.
When Emily sat next to him to keep you off the floor, she saw just how much your friendship meant to Spencer. She squeezed his shoulder, "She's back safe with us, Reid. She'll be alright."
Her words prompted Spencer's sobs, tears trickling onto your face in hopes that it would wash the hell you went through for the past days. He quickly wiped them off, though. He knew well enough how you'd react to his 'filthy tears' coming in contact with your skin.
"Yeah, you better clean it off," You mumbled with your eyes closed, gripping the hem of his cardigan vest. You couldn't let yourself pass out, knowing you had a severe wound on your head.
Spencer choked a laugh, "Took you long enough. I thought I would have to save your ass." He sniffed as he let the paramedics transfer you onto a crash cart.
You scoffed, turning into a short series of coughs. "Just admit it. You can't figure things out without my brain power. Your brain's getting smooth, Reid. Prodigy no more."
The team couldn't help but roll their eyes at you and Spencer's banter, bouncing back faster than your recovery. Although they hated to admit it, they preferred the two of you that way rather than apart.
"I'm glad you're safe..." Spencer's voice became softer. Somehow, he couldn't stop himself from tearing up. This was the second time he'd cried nonstop. The first time being the love of his life's death.
He was glad this time wasn't due to someone important's death. He didn't know how he'd handle it if the person he could always rely on would leave him of this world.
As you were dragged into the ambulance, you gave all the rest of your strength to glare at Spencer. "Don't think you're off the record. After I deal with Gerard, you're next."
"Is it mandatory?" He sarcastically stated, jumping into the ambulance the moment you were settled in. He couldn't bear to leave you out of his sight.
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atydblack · 3 months
regulus black x slytherin!reader
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this is part one of an ongoing series! think there will be 3 parts in total &lt;3 no cws as this is gonna be pure angst
Being James Potter's younger sister inquired a lot to live up to. James was the perfect Gryffindor student who succeeded in all his classes, exuded confidence with his every word, had soulmates for friends and an even better girlfriend.
You, however, were almost the opposite.
You were sorted into Slytherin in your first year and although they tried their best to hide it, you could see the disappointment in James and his friends eyes as you walked over to the Slytherin table. Your parents were still accepting but there was some clear favouritism in the family, no doubt. You did well in classes however didn't ever see yourself becoming a prefect like James or being top of any classes.
You sat in potions next to your best friend, Lara. Her straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes opposed my black curly hair and dark brown eyes. You had always been jealous of her, she was the type to catch everyone's eye when she walked into a room while you just trudged in behind her.
"Do you have idea what this question means?" Lara asks you, huffing slightly as she rested her chin in her hand.
"You really think I'd have the answer if you didn't?" You joked. You glanced up at Slughorn who had started dozing off behind his desk and you smirked. "Look."
Lara mirrored your smirk and you both dropped your quills on the desk to turn around and start talking with your friends instead.
"I'm bored out of my mind." Lara groaned to your other friend Freya sat behind you.
"Slughorn says if we don't get these all finished, he's gonna give us all detention until we get them done." Freya rolled her eyes, but you could clearly see that she'd almost finished.
"Have you got the number to 42?" You asked her with wide eyes, trying to sway her in to letting you copy her. "And 43, 44, 45... and the rest?"
"Merlin your voices are retched." A voice came from a couple desks to your right, none other than Enoch Wilkes. He was a tall boy with sleeked back greasy hair and a superiority complex due to his family heritage.
"What's your problem, Wilkes?" Lara shot at him.
"I'm trying to actually do my work but all I can hear is Potter's squeaky voice in my ear." Wilkes replied with a grunt.
"She's just as unbearable as Saint Potter except dumber." Icarus Nott joined in from next to him.
"What did you just say?" You spat, standing to your feet and making your way over to them with your wand gripped tightly in your palm, willing to do anything to stand up for your older brother. There was a third boy sat with them, Regulus Black.
Regulus had always been quiet, however he never failed to be part of the horrid Slytherins who gave your house a bad name and thought they were elite causing them to look down on everyone else. He had only made a few sly comments in past years, but everyone knew his thoughts on muggle blood.
You were also a pureblood, but would never allow yourself to feel any prejudice towards anyone else.
You couldn't deny that Regulus was attractive. He looked a lot like Sirius... however his facial features were softer. His dark black hair fell onto his forehead effortlessly and his green eyes complimented his pale skin.
"You heard me." Nott mocked you, not moving from his seat. You had gained a small audience as everyone's head turned towards you.
"What an embarrassment having a Gryffindor blood traitor for a brother." Wilkes joked, not backing down. "At least Black had the right idea and cut his off, what's stopping you from doing the same?"
"Y/N, sit down." Freya begged from across the classroom, not wanting to get either of you in trouble. "He's not worth it."
"You have no idea what you're talking about." You smirked, holding up your wand and pointing it right at him.
You were closest to Sirius out of all your brothers friends. He had moved in with your family two years ago after he left his family and you'd always been there for him, especially during everything that happened with his brother Regulus. Regulus was clearly a lost soul, strung along on the same ideologies as his parents however he would send letters to Sirius every once and a while but continued to act like he didn't exist at school.
"Leave it, Wilkes." Regulus muttered. Funny this is the first time he had ever attempted to stick up for you and it was only to save his own back.
"What's she talking about, Black?" Nott glanced at him, but Regulus' eyes were set on yours as you stared each other down. You knew you would never actually say anything to expose Regulus as doing so would only hurt Sirius too, but you could sense how scared he was that you'd open your mouth.
"She's a freak." Wilkes chuckled. "Just like her brother."
This sent you over the edge as everything turned red. You dropped your wand to the floor and quickly punched Wilkes square in the nose.
"Olive!" Lara shouted from across the classroom.
You felt a pair of strong arms pulling you back as you attempted to go in for another hit.
"What on earth is going on?!" Slughorn announced and you all froze. You turned around to see it was in fact Regulus' arms that were holding you back and a brush grew on your cheeks. "Black, Potter - sit down at once!"
You both complied, with a guilty expression you made your way back over to your desk and your friends gave you an apologetic look.
"I expect to see you both after class." Slughorn continued.
"But sir-!" Nott shouted, attempting to stick up for Regulus.
"I don't want to hear it." Slughorn quickly cut him off earning a scoff from the boy.
The lesson felt like it took hours to end but you felt slightly ill in your stomach when everyone else was packing up to leave but you and Regulus sat firmly in your seats.
"We'll be in the great hall; I'll save you a seat." Lara smiled at you before her and Freya took off out the classroom and to dinner.
"Both of you have detention with Filch every night after dinner starting tomorrow." Slughorn mumbled, uninterested. You scoffed as you were way too used to detention with Filch now.
When you were dismissed, you quickly stood to your feet and attempted to leave ahead off Regulus to avoid any awkwardness. You began walking down the corridor, ready to rant to James about what had occured.
"Potter!" Regulus called from behind you. You stopped in your tracks and turned on your feet with a confused expression on your face. He approached you slowly and timidly before speaking. "I-uh. I wanted to thank you for not saying anything about Sirius and I."
"I didn't do it for you. I did it for Sirius." You mutter before turning back around and leaving him there dumbfounded.
You reach the great hall and make a B line for your brother and his friends. James smirked at you as you approach him with a sour expression on your face before sitting in between him and Sirius, your green robes standing out in the sea of red.
"What's up with you, Y/N?" Sirius smirked before patting me on the top of your head.
"I've got detention again this week." You huff, crossing your arms and leaning them on the table.
"How do you manage to get yourself into so much trouble?" Lily quizzed you, a humorous look on her face that mirrored the rest of the group.
"She takes after me, that's why." James joked but you only rolled your eyes in response.
"Yeah, apart from the brains." You sigh, leaning your head on Sirius' shoulder. You glanced over at the Slytherin table and quickly caught eyes with Regulus, who must have been staring at you. You kept eye contact for a short moment before he turned his head and acted like it never happened. You furrow your eyebrows and listed your head once again. "At least I'm the better-looking sibling." You continue, causing everyone to laugh.
"Keep dreaming, kiddo." James rolled his eyes.
"Go on then, what did you do this time?" Remus questions you.
"I punched Enoch Wilkes in the nose during potions." You say smugly causing everyone to laugh once again.
"I would advise you that violence isn't the answer, however we can make some exceptions for people like that." Remus smirked.
"Tell me about it, they're horrid." You scoff before stealing some food from James plate. "No offence obviously, Sirius."
"Go ahead," Sirius chuckled. "I had to endure it for most of my life."
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avoxrising · 7 months
The Feral One • Chapter 3
Finnick x Reader
Series Masterlist Link
I wrote this on my lunch break to squeeze another chapter out for y’all! Enjoy :)
Content Warnings - panic attacks/breakdowns
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When the parade is about to start, the peacekeepers march you over to your chariot. They go to lift you onto it but you shriek, causing them to back up and aim their guns at you.
“Woah there,” Finnick states, slowly stepping between you and them. “What have I told you guys about touching her?”
“The tribute needs to be in the chariot,” one of the peacekeepers says.
“Can you uncuff her so she can pull herself up?” Finnick asks.
“No,” the peacekeeper grunts. By this point you are curled into a ball, doing your best to take deep breaths. Tears threaten to spill over and ruin your makeup.
“Hey hey hey,” Finnick says in a calm voice, crouching down to you. “I need to lift you into the chariot. It will be quick.”
You give him a slight nod as you stand up. He gets into the chariot, ensuring you can clearly see his hands the entire time. He’s probably flashed his prep team with all his moving but there’s not much he can do about it with the lack of clothes he’s wearing.
Tensing up, you let him gently lift you into the chariot. He’s careful not to touch you more than necessary. Despite basically living at your place, he always gives you plenty of personal space. However, sometimes you find yourself wishing he would stand the tiniest bit closer to you. He is your safe person, until your brain convinces you that he isn’t.
You nearly fall off the chariot as the horses lurch forward. Finnick grabs your arm to keep you upright and you go to punch him with your cuffed hands, only to remember that it’s just Finnick. You don’t want to hurt him.
“I’m sorry but you’re too pretty to be falling out of a chariot,” he whispers. You nod and do your best to wipe your tears with your hands.
The crowd booms as you enter their view with Finnick. Declarations of love for him are screamed while people shout vile words at you. Roses are thrown his direction, while you get hit with some small rocks and other hard objects. Finnick does his best to shield you but it’s no use.
You can feel him tense as the urge to protect you flairs up, but he can’t; not in front of sponsors. It’s bad enough that he’ll lose most of the sponsors once he allies with you in the arena. You both talked prior and reluctantly agreed that the best move was for him not to be overprotective in front of sponsors.
Another rock is thrown your way, this time hitting your cheek near your scar. That’s your breaking point. You can feel the heat rush to your head as your nails dig into the chariot. Finnick is panicking at this point. There’s no calming you down and you aren’t even halfway through the parade. If you make it back to the stables, he’ll have to sedate you.
You don’t remember the rest of the parade, or nearly attacking Linessa, or Finnick sedating you. What you do remember is the conversation you overhear between Gloss and Katniss as Finnick carries you to the elevator.
“So girl on fire,” Gloss says. “Though of any allies yet? Or are you and lover boy going to try to kill us alone?”
Katniss doesn’t reply but something must have tipped Gloss off to her potential allies.
“Those two?” he laughs. “Fishy and Feral? You’re dumber than I thought. Those two are sadists. They love killing people slowly, and watching the life drain from them. You’d be dead within two hours. Who knows, she might even eat you if she’s hungry. There wouldn’t even be a body left to bring back to your family.”
Finnick tenses up, having overheard their conversation as well. He carries you to the elevator and you fully pass out.
He’s sitting in your room when you wake up. His arms are covered in scratches and he looks exhausted.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. “I didn’t mean to.”
He shakes his head and walks over towards your bed.
“It’s ok,” he sighs. “Everyone is fine.”
“Is Mags fine?” you ask in a panic. “He, he said…”
“What did he say?” Finnick tenses.
“If I do anything crazy he’ll kill her, and you,” you sob. “I’m sorry. I can’t control myself.”
Finnick let’s out a long sigh and rubs his temples.
“Everyone is fine,” he states. “You didn’t break down until we were back in the stables. Barely anyone saw.”
“I don’t think I should go to training,” you state. “I’m not in control.”
“The peacekeepers informed me earlier that you aren’t allowed out of your room, for training or for the interviews. They’ve allowed me in here on the condition that I carry sedative on me in case you need it,” he explains.
“Mags?” you ask and he shakes his head. She isn’t allowed to visit. Finnick goes to get more ice for your bruises and you do your best to enjoy the remaining bit of sanity you have left.
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bunnyreaper · 8 months
welcome to the 141
kinktober 3 - bukkake, hate sex
price + ghost x reader
(18+/mdni, noncon, misogyny, no but seriously... misogyny, degradation)
Real men belong in the 141, real women belong on their knees.
That's what your arsehole friend had joked when you told him about your intention to transfer, but you were determined to prove him and everyone else wrong. You'd gotten this far, and you could make it just that little bit further. 
You sit in the gym, anxiously waiting for Captain Price and Lieutenant Riley to arrive and begin a physical assessment with you—their reputations precede them, and you want nothing more than to impress them, so they have no choice but to accept you into the task force. 
The squeak of the door pulls you out of your thoughts, redirecting your attention to the two behemoth men who have just walked through the door—all bulging muscles barely contained in tight-fitting compression shirts. The way you rise to your feet is sheer instinct, as you rush into a greeting that is swiftly cut off. 
Captain Price walks with a swagger, and stops at the side of the mat in the middle—he beckons you forward wordlessly, as Ghost steps forward to meet you in the middle of the mat. 
"So you're the girl that wants to try out for the 141?" The captain asks, and you internally bristle at his use of such a diminutive word, but you decide to push down your protests as you decide to ignore it.
You nod eagerly. "That's me, captain." 
He smirks, his face twisting with sick amusement as he crosses his arms over his chest and his eyes crawl over your body. "It's not going to be easy, last chance to back out."
The taunt only makes you more determined. "Thanks, but no thanks." 
He and the Lieutenant share a look, one you can't really perceive the meaning of, but you know whatever comes next is going to be the biggest challenge of your career. 
"We'll start with a sparring session, you can show the Lieutenant what you're made of." 
You nod obediently, turning to Ghost as the two of you start to square up and prepare to spar. He doesn't say a word, and neither do you, as you quietly appraise him and figure out how to use his massive stature against him. 
The tension is thick, each second crawling by as you breathe in and hyperfocus before making your first move. 
You barely get a grip on him before he's slamming you into the mat, limbs pinning you down with ease as you fight to suck down your breaths. "Fuck."
"Impressive." He mutters, tone completely dry. 
The whole situation makes your temper flare, as you can feel them already underestimating you, can practically taste their misogynistic attitudes in the air. You struggle against Ghost's hold, still unable to grapple free. "Let me go again, I wasn't ready." You rush out an excuse, yet you're determined to not let him get the better of you a second time. 
The Captain's voice cuts in, heavy with judgement and condescension. "You think out in the field they'll be waiting for you to be ready, soldier?" He scoffs and shakes his head. "Dumber than I thought, clearly." 
Each word stokes the fire inside you, makes you more and more desperate to prove yourself. Your chest heaves as your anger and determination escalate. "Just let me try again, please." 
Ghost looks to his Captain, who nods in approval before Ghost moves away and allows you to climb to your feet once more. 
Again, you both prepare, staring each other down. This time, you know a little of his tactics, of his plan to rush you and overwhelm you with his bulk, and your mind switches to executing more evasive maneuvers. 
You wait patiently for Ghost to make the first move, which you dodge with ease, you just make it out of his reach when he's rushing for you again, anticipating your dodge and sending you flying into the mat once more. 
You're not sure what burns more between the pain in your back and the humiliation you feel, but Ghost is on top of you, pinning you again. His hands are on your wrists as his hips are pushed into your core, and you can feel that the bastard is fucking hard. No amount of thrashing throws him off of you.
"Same result. Stop struggling." He growls, voice deep and menacing and impatient, as he grinds down and keeps you firmly in place.
"See this is the thing about little girls like you." Each word is snarled, sheer aggression unfolding from behind the mask. "You think you can make it a man's world, in the army, but you can't." 
"I can, women can." You whimper, voice frayed with pain as the lieutenant's grip tightens. 
You hear the dull thud of the Captain's footsteps as he moves into your line of sight and stares down at you.
"Go on then, break free." He commands, watching as you squirm fruitlessly, and a predatory smile crosses his face. "Pathetic, darling."
Price gives Ghost another look, as he frees you once more, and you stumble to your feet red-faced and mortified. 
"Captain—" You're about to challenge him, about to call him out on all of this sexist bullshit when his hands come to your shoulders, forcing you to your knees once more. 
"You can tell me all your precious feminist thoughts while you're down on your knees." He scoffs, working on unbuckling his belt right before your shocked face. 
Ghost does the same, belt clinking as the two men work to free their erections—you try to stand, but their hands keep you pinned before them, kneeling and waiting. 
"I'm not gonna do whatever you think you're asking!" You squeal as their thick cocks bounce free and taunt you with their appearance. 
"I'm not asking, I'm telling you to put that mouth to use instead of opening it for your pointless protests." The Captain begins, his hand working over his length slowly."  "You want in the 141? Know your place, on your knees and serving your superior officers, as a woman should."
Ghost does the same, gloved hand working his length dangerously close to your face. "That look in your eyes tells me everything we need to know. Strong, independent woman until you see a nice hard cock." 
"That's not true, I—" You open your mouth to protest, but find it stuffed full of the Captain's dick—his salty precum coating your tongue as he works his way inside. 
You suck on instinct, and of a creeping sense of fear of what will happen if you don't. They've gone this far, maybe it's just hazing, maybe this is how you— 
The Captain takes hold of your ponytail, pulling you up and down his length leisurely. "Much better, good girl."
The words make you flush against your will, your body betraying your usually headstrong self. 
He thrusts his cock as deep as you can take it without gagging, stilling there for a moment. "I'll break you in properly before long. Keep you under my desk, yeah, love?" 
The noise of rejection you make with your mouth full sounds awfully like approval to the men's ears. 
Ghost reaches down to grab your hand, wrapping your smaller fingers around his cock as you continue to suck the captain, while he taunts you. "This is your natural state, brain off, mouth full of dick. You don't have to pretend to be strong with us, it's better for all of us this way."
Price groans, deep and chesty in a way that makes your body sing against your will. "Always in need of some stress relief after a mission, you'd be perfect." He sighs, continuing to guide you up and down him. 
He pulls you off of him, guiding your head towards Ghost's length so you can swallow him instead. Ghost's hands hold either side of your head, working his cock inside before he thrusts with reckless abandon. "Fuck. If you weren't made to suck then why are you so fucking good at it, huh?" He all but growls, continuing to use your face as nothing more than a little fuckhole.  
He's rougher than Price, moves you faster up and down his cock, and forces himself deeper into your throat, your gagging sounds filling the room. "That's what I like to hear." 
"What do you think, Ghost?" The captain asks. 
"Need to make sure she knows her place." Ghost snarls, pulling you off of him harshly before forcing your head down to the floor, down to his boot. "Kiss it, then you can hump it like the desperate little slut you are."
"I'm not—" You whine, but he's tilting up his but to meet your mouth, so you can start to worship the leather. 
Tears prickle at your eyes as you lick and kiss his boot, desperately hoping the act will please him.
"You're a cunt, you're just a set of needy holes." He pulls you back up by the chin, repositioning you so your clit is pressed against his foot, and you start grinding down on instinct. 
"You deny it love, but look at the way you move those hips, it just comes naturally to you." Price laughs, his eyes blown with arousal. 
You hate it—hate what they're doing and what they've reduced you to, but at the same time you're so fucking needy, and Ghost is at least giving you some semblance of relief. 
"Grinding on my boot like a pathetic little doll. Don't make a mess, or you'll be cleaning it with your mouth." 
You want to cry out and rebuke them, but as your mouth opens, nothing comes out. 
"Shhh." Price coos, bringing up your hands to each of the man's dicks. "Just focus on us, darling." 
Your doe eyes stare at them desperately, as you do the only thing you can, jerk their cocks with fervor and chase the shocks of pleasure you get from rubbing against Ghost. You're so lost, so reduced, and yet unable to stop.
The volume of both men's groans increases, as they urge you into stroking faster and faster—it isn't long before they're both crashing toward the edge. 
"Paint her face, Simon." Price commands his Lieutenant, who takes hold of his cock and rubs until he's spilling fresh, sticky cum all over your face—in your lashes, on your lips and cheeks, even a little in your hair. 
The sight is enough to send Price over the edge too, his ropes joining Ghost's as they both cover your face entirely in rope after rope of cum.
"New fucking uniform for you." Ghost chuckles, slightly breathless, as he milks his cock for any remaining drops to stain your face with.
"Look at that." The look in Price's eyes is almost sweet, as he tilts up your chin to inspect your painted face. "Good job. Welcome to the 141, princess."
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cathrrrine · 5 months
Perfect / Love Won’t Die
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi x Reader • Law and Order SVU • Domestic Fluff, AFAB!Reader
Summary: Sonny happily holds the bouquet of flowers he bought for his girlfriend only for her to open the door and start crying. He immediately panics, but soon finds himself amused when she reveals the true reason for her tears. AO3
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A/N: I’ve never posted any of my SVU imagines, but I had to with this one :) Happy 2024! My resolution is to post more of my work so I’m digging through all my drafts and posting them lol. Enjoy husband material Carisi <3
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In all the six months you had been dating Sonny, there were never many problems that couldn’t be resolved with a simple conversation or a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As far as Sonny was concerned, it was the perfect relationship. He had gotten to know all your little habits; likes and dislikes, pet peeves, niche obsessions. Six months wasn’t exactly a super long time but it wasn’t short either. After only half a year of dating each other, he’d confidently testify that he had fallen in love with you deeply, enough to want to spend the rest of his life with you. He was happy to get married, have babies, grow old together…the whole shebang.
Things were going steady with you. He couldn’t imagine himself being with anybody else, and he was over the moon to know that you felt the samw way. Long late-night conversations about the future the two of you dreamed of revealed that you wanted him to be a part of it as much as he wanted you. Sure, Sonny was aware of how much of a (hopeless) romantic he could be sometimes, but that was in the past, and all of those relationships weren’t with the right people. His sisters had been talking his ear off ever since high school, warning him about women that would only break his heart. It made him wince just to think about all the red flags they ticked off angrily; gold-diggers, manipulators, emotionally unstable women, emotionally unavailable women…and the likes of it. That and their own broken-heart experiences that prompted very fuelled lectures of examples of men Sonny shouldn’t follow always rang in his mind, even until now.
He’d also been made well aware of how right they were about his exes with a bunch of ‘I told you so’s’ and narrowed eyes, but those relationships were in the past and he was much, much younger (and dumber) than he is now. He only had a couple of serious relationships in his adulthood, which ended up not being the right fit for either parties. Then, his love life got buried under the heavy, heavy load of police work and law school and he never found the time to make himself available in the dating pool. He was always too tired, too beat, too mentally drained. It was never a priority.
Then everything came to a stop and his whole world wouldn’t do anything but revolve around you. Sonny was smitten, like a lovesick puppy who got shot by cupid’s nuclear-powered bazooka as fate would have it.
He never felt this way about anyone in his life before, it was a feeling he relished in and was adamant on not letting go.
You were perfect.
Obviously, you had your flaws, but all only human, none of them fatal. Like how you had a habit of ordering too much food but he ends up being the one to finish it up when you realised your eyes had been bigger than your appetite — but he didn’t mind that at all, in fact he secretly loved being able to feast like a King — or how sometimes, you would arrive 10 minutes late to your dates on one of your busiest weeks, which he never complained about because he had his fair share of being unpunctual as well. Plus, you always made it up to him one way or another.
You were absolutely perfect, inside and out. Sonny thanked God everyday for sending a woman as smart, beautiful and kind as you his way. He’s never felt so lucky.
Sonny knew and loved everything about you, down to your weirdest quirks. If there was a Jeopardy! game where the topic was You, he’d be waving around his trophy like a mad man. What you didn��t tell him, he learned. It was the same way you got to know him. The two of you were always honest with each other, trust being the pillar of your relationship, it was why you got along so well. You knew how to make him happy, as he did for you.
So, why is it that you were crying as he handed you a bouquet of your favourite flowers as soon as you opened the door to your apartment?
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” His sweet smile dropped to a concerned frown, uncomfortable and nervous at your sudden reaction.
There you were in front of him, dressed in your most comfortable pair of pyjama pants and an oversized tee that he was sure once belonged to him, messy hair up that he found extremely adorable. Nothing seemed out of place, except for the fact that…well, you were crying.
He always brought you flowers. Was he late? He glanced at the clock on your wall. No…was it something he said? Something he did? Something…he totally forgot about?
“Nothing- no, everything’s fine, nothing’s wrong.” You sniffed, hugging the fresh bouquet close to your chest, dipping your nose into the floral fragrance to smell it only to find that the tears had triggered an onslaught of snot. That only made you cry more.
The bubble of nerves in Sonny’s chest was bursting at this point, he was almost worried he was having a heart attack. “Doll, you’re crying, something’s wrong.”
He held out an arm to pull you into a hug and you eagerly sunk into his embrace. You buried your face into the fabric of his suit jacket, breathing in what you could of his faded perfume. His calloused hands stroked your hair, softly caressing your head as he cradled it. He gently peeled you off of him to get a better look of your face, now red and eyes puffy from sobbing.
He held your cheeks between his palms and you pouted, looking up at him with sad doe-like eyes, and if that didn’t break his heart that he must not have one because the look on your face was shattering him in every possible way right now. One of his thumbs swiped a fresh tear off your cheek, he felt you nuzzle into his hand.
The tall blond gently led you to your couch and set the flowers down on the coffee table before cuddling up with you close to his chest. You wrapped your arms around him desperately, wanting nothing more than to be absolutely engulfed by everything Sonny — scent, skin and biceps.
“You’re killing me sweetheart, you gotta tell me what’s gotten you all upset like this.” You felt him kiss the top of your head and love bloomed in your chest immediately. “Come on, doll, what’s up?”
You sighed, big and loud, huffing away all the choked up tears with one big breath. “I swear it’s nothing. I’m so stupid.”
He was quiet for a while until you felt his voice vibrate from his chest again, “Was it…me? Did I do something wrong?”
You whipped your head to look at him, only to be greeted with a very worried expression.
Oh, Sonny. Oh, sweet heavenly innocent Sonny. How could you not love this man with every fibre of your being when he’s got that look in his eyes? The one where his pupils are so dilated, you could see your reflection in his big, blue puppy eyes.
How could you have been so careless?! Of course he’d think you were crying because of him, the sweet stupid man — God, you loved him so much. The thought only made you more emotional…and just like that the waterworks came rushing back in.
“Oh, God, Sonny-“ you hiccuped, pulling yourself away from him to put your face in your hands. “I’m so sorry- it’s not your fault at all,”
The lovesick, worried-sick man shot up next to you to pull you into his arms once again, stomach churning at the wave of emotions you were going through. He couldn’t even detective his way through this, his mind going haywire with every sniff that came from you.
“Then what is it?” He tried to keep the panic out of his voice, “Did something happen at work? Is it that asshole again?”
With what he dealt with at his job, it wasn’t out of the question for his mind to be going down that dark path, but he shoved his anger and panic down to focus on your well-being, remaining rational until you were calm.
That made you shoot up to look at him again, words tumbling out of your mouth hurriedly to curb his worries. “No, no! I’m okay, I’m absolutely fine, Todd — that ass — didn’t do anything to me, I promise you, I swear to God. And it’s not you, it’s not anything even remotely related to anything sane at all. I don’t even know why I’m getting all worked up over a bunch of random things, it’s just so—“
“Doll.” Your boyfriend’s voice pulled you out of your rambling. The loving concern that radiated off of him was enough to bring you back to your senses. Gently, he asked again. “What is it?”
You melted immediately, both embarrassed and exhausted from all the sobbing you had been doing. “I’m on my period.”
“I know, I’m not usually this emotionally affected but my hormones are all over the place and my TV decided to autoplay The Notebook, now I’m a mess.” You sniffed. “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have seen me like this, much less deal with me.”
It was only then that the detective noticed the TV screen, paused on Ryan Gosling’s frowning face.
He tried to stifle his amusement, but it came out in a fit of giggles, much to your dismay.
“It’s not funny.” You pouted.
“I just— I thought—“ His laughter consumed him, shoulders shaking as he held up his palms to his face and ran his fingers through his hair, uncaring of how it would mess it up. Sonny leaned back into the couch and continued to laugh with his hands over his face.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice was so quiet it came out like a squeak, ashamed of how you cried like a baby in front of him. Although the two of you spent plenty times over at each other’s places and hanging out with each other, over the six months he knew you, you never had your hormones hit you this hard. It wasn’t uncommon to you, but it wasn’t a regular occurrence either, and it certainly wasn’t an event Sonny had the pleasure of experiencing…until today.
“It’s okay if you’d prefer to be at your own place right now, I totally get it. I won’t be offended in the least, okay? I’ll call you in the morning.” Some men in the past have been weirded out when this happened to you, so you weren’t lying when you said you wouldn’t be offended — it was ‘your fault’ anyway, that was what you had grown accustomed to.
But Sonny, the ever-loving and understanding guy, did not share the same view. Of course not! Raised-with-sisters, loves-his-mother, thoroughly Italian, good-Catholic-man-who-respects-women Sonny, would never in a million years ever even think about being upset with you just because your period messed with your emotions. And that’s why you weren’t sure why you were so surprised when he responded to your offer with a kiss.
This was Sonny. He would never think lowly of you because of something you couldn’t control.
“That’s crazy talk, doll.” He mumbled into the kiss, smiling as he continued to love on your lips. “I’d never leave you alone like this.”
You pulled away a bit to properly look at his face, “Really?”
This was the man your heart belonged to. You don’t know how you didn’t explode when he gave you the most charming smile that ever graced his lips.
Everything you were worried about solved itself into place, like sentient puzzle pieces figuring themselves out with confidence.
“You’re too good for me.”
Unabashedly, you continued to make out with your boyfriend on your couch, a newfound appreciation driving you mad with love.
“I’m only for you, babe. Don’t need anyone or anything else but you.”
Now that the two of you were freshened up and settled down with mugs of hot cocoa in your hands, you and Sonny were much more at ease.
There was nothing better to Sonny than to be cuddled up with his girlfriend with her head laying on his chest. You practically clung to the arm draped over your shoulder, making a nest out of his bicep for your face — which reminded him of a koala bear, but he kept that thought to himself. He was so comfortable, so happy that this was his life. His nose pressed against your hair, the scent of your shampoo reminding him of a holiday well-spent together in Mexico. Deja Vu hit him the minute he kissed your head, laughing through his nose when he remembered the events that happened just a few hours prior.
“Hey,” he nudged you with the arm you were glued to. You pulled your focus from the movie you were watching — a comedy, nothing that would make the ‘bloody demon hormones possess me’ as you put it — and raised your eyebrows curiously in response. “I’m just wonderin’…”
“Why did you cry when I gave you the flowers?”
You groaned, still somewhat embarrassed at the flurry of emotions you attacked the innocent man with. But you humoured the question anyway, “I opened the door and you were standing there, so handsome and so sickeningly charming, holding up flowers that you brought for me. You should be worried if I didn’t cry.”
“Wow,” he whistled. “I’m really that handsome, huh?”
You playfully hit him in the chest with your fist as you resumed your initial position, “Shut up.” A smirk managed to rip it’s way through your lips. “But mostly, I was crying because I was so sad that the flowers were going to die. I don’t know, just weird how my brain works on my period.”
It was a nonchalant mention, nothing big to you, but it stuck to his mind. Flowers dying made you upset. How precious was that? He catalogued the thought, filing it away for the future. The inkling of humour tempted him, though.
“So, not so much on the handsome part?”
You snorted, “Eh, I’ll give it a 60/40.”
“It should be in the news or something. ‘Guy So Handsome, Makes A Grown Woman Cry’” he gestured in the air as if there was a banner.
“How about, ‘Girl So Hormonal, Makes A Grown Man Cry With Her’?”
“Psh, I didn’t cry.”
“You so were.”
“Was not.”
You laughed, thinking he’d given it up when the sound of the movie began to fade into your hearing again.
“You should come over the precinct, tell the guys how I can make the ladies cry just by showing up at their door.”
He wore that goofy, toothy grin you were so accustomed to whenever he was joking around.
You rolled your eyes. Then decided to mess with him. “Excuse me? Ladies? Plural?”
The grin immediately wiped off of his face. “No- I meant lady, as in singular.”
“I mean— no, that’s not what—“
“Sure, Son.” The monotonous voice you used made him sweat.
“You know you’re the only gal for me! I was just joking…hey, baby, come on, look at me…”
Months passed by and relationship milestones came and went. You finally met his family on month eight, and him yours. Month ten, you got a promotion at work and thankfully — not by your doing — Todd left the company. Sonny and the rest of the SVU team made a breakthrough on a case, you met his coworkers you heard so much about for the first time when he brought you along for their celebratory dinner. He was teased relentlessly for ‘keeping such a wonderful woman from us all this time’. You enjoyed the camaraderie that they shared with each other, and felt like you won a prize when they extended it to you.
Time passed by you so fast that you barely noticed it was almost a full year since you and Sonny made it official.
The day of your anniversary, he made reservations for the two of you at a fancy restaurant — Italian, of course. You reminisced the journey of your relationship together over some fine dining and a delightful bottle of wine. The ambiance, mixed with the light-headed feeling from one too many glasses of wine, only made the love you had for Sonny so much more emphasised. It was a dream, to be loved by such an amazing man, to have found your soulmate. If you weren’t at such busy points of your career, you’d literally have his babies right then and there. A couple of mini Sonny’s would do the world good, you pondered. Unbeknownst to you, the subject of your thoughts was thinking the exact same thing, only he was dreaming up a babble of mini You’s instead.
Sonny and you walked home together — he had basically moved into your apartment by now, he was finding it harder and harder to be separated from you at night. Having you next to him made him sleep better, and just generally being around you made him feel better — the two of you never made his move-in an official thing, but there was no need to. It was almost like you shared a telepathic connection. Although, Sonny being Sonny, will make the moving in an official thing whether you needed to or not. Maybe into an actual house, with a backyard and a huge kitchen and a family to raise in to make it a home. One day. Maybe even tomorrow. He’d do anything, anytime with you.
“Got you something, by the way.” He grinned, keys jangling on the doorknob as he swung it open for you.
“Sonny, you didn’t have to.” You blushed. One year together and he still had that effect on you.
“Well, I wanted to.”
While you were taking off your shoes, he used it as a distraction to take it out of the hiding spot he so carefully planned — his height being an advantage to said plan — and waddled over in his socks to where you were sitting on the couch, handing it to you once he was sat as well.
It was a daintily patterned gift bag, not too big and not too small either, with a card attached to it on the front. You carefully removed it to read his words in neat handwriting.
Happy 1 year anniversary, doll. I love you so much. You make me the luckiest man alive. My love for you will never die.
You wanted to cry, so touched by his short but undeniably sweet words. He saw how your bottom lip jutted out, the way it usually did when emotions got the best of you, and smiled to himself with a bit of pride in getting his words right.
Slowly, you pried the top of the bag open, only discovering a plastic dome. “Careful.” Your boyfriend noted.
You wondered what it was, going over all the possibilities in your head as you took it out of the bag; lava lamp, necklace, tiny bottle, lantern…only to gasp when you saw what it really was inside.
A small sphere-shaped cactus with a crown of pink flowers, placed inside a white ceramic pot with the words, ‘My love for you will never die’ engraved in cursive writing around it.
Ahhhh, here come the waterworks.
“Sonny,” your eyebrows scrunched up, lips fully pouting now. “This is the sweetest fucking gift ever.”
Your use of words didn’t go unnoticed by the smiling man, earning you a chuckle out of him. “I remember the time you cried when I brought you flowers, and you told me it was because you were sad ‘bout them dying…it’s cheesy, I know. Corny, a bit. But I thought you’d like it.”
The rising inflection of his voice gave away his nerves, but you were quick to make your appreciation known. “I do, I do! It’s just the most beautiful and thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me. Thank you, baby. I’m- Aw…“
You choked up and he took that as his cue to pull you into his arms, careful to set the prickly plant down so you wouldn’t accidentally get hurt.
“It’s true though, my love will never die. You’re stuck with me for as long as you want me.”
“You know I’m shit at keeping plants alive, Son!” You couldn’t help the wavering in your voice, “Oh, but this is just so, so sweet. You’re just too cute for your own good.”
“Well, I was cute enough for you to accept the babbling guy who asked you out a year ago.” The giggling that followed made his blue eyes seem brighter.
“Yeah, I couldn’t say no to that face.”
You took the comfortable silence that ensued as a segue to your own offering to him, “Speaking of this cactus being put at the risk of dying, I’m gonna have to appoint someone to remind me it needs water every now and then.”
“I’m assuming that would be me?”
“Yup.” You shifted around to look through your purse. “So, I was thinking…”
Sonny narrowed his eyes at you, “Thinking…?”
You held out your palm and reached out for his, dropping a familiar weight into his hands. As soon as you pulled your hands away, the object revealed itself to be a single silver key with a brown leather strap keychain attached to the ring, ‘Det. Carisi’ engraved on one side and ‘Sonny’ on the other.
He looked up at you, meeting eager eyes that matched his own. You were practically bouncing with giddiness, excited to reach yet another milestone.
“Move in with me? Officially?”
God, you were so perfect.
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stary-darlin · 1 month
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I keep thinking of sweetheart!reader who keeps on getting ellie worked up and going insane just thinking about her, how you may ask? Just by smiling to her and giggling at her dad jokes. Both of you are dumb and dumber, and ellie is here for it all <3
Sweetheart!reader who has a whole bag full of emergency kits — that are filled with bandages that have hearts and bears on it that you collected from abandoned nurseries and other necessary stuff — and snacks and cute little weapons that joel says will not do justice when you are in an emergency and two sets of Nintendo switches just for funzies :3
Joel groaned as he felt a sharp nail press against his shoe, causing him to freeze at his place and sit down quietly before taking the shoe off and finding out that it poked his foot's skin to the point it's bleeding.
You quickly came to him and looked at him with your eyes widened, kneeling next to him and getting your emergency kit out while ellie stood by the door to guard you guys from any zombie. Pulling out the bear bandage since joel acts like one and putting it on the wound and patting joel's shoulder lightly, ignoring the fact that he's glaring at you offensively.
"There you go, all good now! Could you walk?" You ask while smiling widely, your dimples making it's presence known. Ellie turning around to see the bear bandage on joel's feet, holding her laugh with all the power that she has, visually shaking.
Joel groaned and sighed, "I'm fine, I could walk."
Later on that day, Ellie kept on calling Joel 'baba bear' which made Tom confused and curious to see why Joel was called that. And god, he joined Ellie in bullying Joel out; making Joel feel more humiliated than he ever did in his whole life.
Sweetheart!reader who straddles ellie's hips while she's lying down and doing her nails and make up, with ellie just looking you starstruck, her eyes turning into hearts as she sees you leaning closer to her body, feels the warmth of your thighs against her hips, craving that body contact of yours with hers.
You hum a song melody that you heard in the bar, tilting your head to the side as you leaned closer to ellie's face, focused on not missing up the thin coating of your cherry lip balm on her lips. Poor ellie, just getting more and more redder as you leaned closer, her hands pressed against on her bed's sheets like she was sewed on it.
"Ellie, could you put your hands on my hips so I dont fall, please?" You ask with your soft voice going through ellie's ears like an on-going melody.
She obeys you and lands her trembling hands on your waist, that you soon corrected and lowered them to your hips, freaking ellie out to the point if you look inside her mind you will see her braincells fighting every urge that has to do with you.
Sweetheart!reader who just a ball of sunshine walking around the town, smiling to everyone as if life was nothing but unicorn dust and cotton candy. But hey people in town quite of a fond with it, smiling back to you each time you pass by. You gave them hope of a new future and they loved it, but not ellie, cause she thought alot of creeps are not worth your gorgeous smile to be in their direction even, she would always put her hand on your mouth and snatch you to her with her arm on your shoulder, taking her words to heart.
You walked around with ellie, hands in hands as you waved to joel's friends on the street. Both of you were walking to the bar to have a drink as a prize for finishing 4 commissions in one day, ellie was okay with it until you turned your head to one of the guys that were rumored to be perverts. Pulling you to the other side so the guy doesn't look over at the skin your shorts were showing, and putting your hands down as you were about to wave to him. A dumb act out of you.
You looked up at her with your doe eyes, "Hey, I was–"
"Don't." She warned, "just not for him."
You giggled, tilting you head to the side, "you jealous?"
Ellie glared at you for a moment and closed her eyes, sighing as she nodded to you, "yes, very." Before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
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All rights reserved to @stary-darlin , please do not copy, rewrite, translate my works on any other platform.
Requests: open <3
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
All Falls Down - Chapter 3
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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With Josh away on the road, it gave Kiyana plenty of time to think. She knew she wanted to divorce and leave his ass but he was all she knew. He was her first everything. Her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her first and only sexual partner and now her first heartbreak 23 years later.  
She had thought back on the past four months to see if there had been a change in Josh, but she couldn’t think of any. From what she could remember he was still the same caring and loving husband which gave her the ultimate ick. Because how could he act like he wasn’t doing her dirty while he was on the road?  How could he act like everything was normal? 
She knew that would always love Josh, but she would never forgive him and she would never trust him. 
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Josh felt alienated by his family. Since he stepped foot into the area that morning, he had been getting the silent treatment from everyone except Jon. Trinity had damn near slapped the taste out of his mouth the second she saw him. He knew it was coming though. Trinity and Kiyana were instant best friends ever since they met 14 years ago. He had figured Kiyana had told Trinity but he didn’t plan on his whole family knowing he cheated on his wife.
Kiyana told Trin who told Jon who then told Sefa who told Jeremiah and Jeremiah snitch ass called their mama who called Josh and cussed his ass clean out. Talisua was disappointed in her son. She had reminded Josh that infidelity was the reason why she and Solofa weren’t together anymore. He had also cheated on Talisua while he was on the road working. 
 Kiyana had been with him for 23 years so his family was her family… shit her family. He could only guess what her brothers had to say. Her brothers were never his biggest fan. They always thought that their sister could do better than Josh and they were 100 percent right. 
Everyone was disappointed in Josh and didn’t try to hide how they felt. 
“Still can’t believe you fumbled Kiyana Jackson.” Then there was Joe’s ass. He seemed to find this whole situation hilarious. “And I mean with Shanté?!” Joe laughed loudly. “I always knew you were the dumber twin but damn.”  Josh grinded his teeth together as Joe kept going on and on.  He stopped sparring with Sefa and glared over at Joe. 
“This shit ain’t funny Joe. And I ain’t fumble shit. She is still my wife.” 
“Yeah but for how long?” Joe snorted, stopping his lap around the outside of the ring and leaning against it, staring at Josh. Joe laughed again, seeing the look on Josh’s face.. “And with Shanté? Shit half of the roster slept with her.” Trinity , who was sitting on the ring steps talking with Mercedes, snapped her head over to look at Jon who held his hands up. 
“Aye, can we stop talking about my personal life?”  Josh rolled his eyes before turning back to Sefa. He groaned and let his head fall back when his eyes fell on Shanté who was sitting in the ringside seats watching him. She gave him a flirty wave before looking back down at her phone. 
“If I can add my two cents..-” 
“You can’t” Josh cut Mercedes off and she just rolled her eyes and continued. 
“I mean ,I’ve met Kiyana a couple of times and y’all were like so in love. What made you cheat?”  Josh inhaled a deep breath. At this moment he wished he never told Kiyana shit, cause now everyone was in his damn business. 
“Cause he’s stupid.” Having enough of Joe, Josh picked up the nearest water bottle and hummed it towards Joe. 
“Shut yo’ bitch ass up!” Josh rolled out of the ring and stormed up the ramp towards the backstage area. Joe dodged the water bottle easily still laughing as he walked over towards Shanté who was glaring at him. 
“Aww you mad cause I made your boyfriend upset?” He mocked then snorted. “You know you ain’t gon be nothing but the mistress right? I mean Josh is stupid but he ain’t that stupid to not fight for his marriage.”  Joe laughed again when Shanté stood for her seat and stormed off after Josh. 
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“Josh, wait up!” Fuck my life  Josh thought as he put a little pep in his step to get away from Shanté. “Josh, I know you can hear me!” She yelled running as fast as she could in her heels. Josh sighed and stopped walking. 
“What? Whatchu’ want?’ 
“Oh so it’s like that now?” She scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Don’t have an attitude with me. I aint do shit to you.” 
“Look, I told you it was over. I don’t wanna see or talk to you anymore. Whatchu’ not getting?!” 
“You can’t dictate when this is over. We were technically in a relationship and I didn’t agree for us to break up.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Josh frowned his face up at her. 
“Shanté, it was just sex and you know it. We weren’t in no damn relationship.” 
“It wasn’t just sex and you know it. If it was just sex, you wouldn’t have gotten so mad at me for going on that date with Theory.”  
Josh sucked his teeth and walked away from her. “I hope she divorce’s yo cheating ass!” She yelled out after him. Rolling her eyes as he flipped her off.
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Josh stormed outside and kicked the trashcan before letting out a frustrated scream. “Wasn’t her fucking boyfriend.” He grunted and kicked the trashcan again. 
Sefa had followed Josh after he stormed off. Sefa had  heard his conversation with Shanté and honestly Sefa wanted to pummel his older brother. He made his presence known by clearing his throat, causing Josh to jump and whip around to face him. 
Josh let out a sigh and stared back at Sefa.  Sefa had taken Josh’s infidelity harder than his other brothers. Sefa and Kiyana were close. Closer than he was with Josh.  Josh didn’t know it, but Kiyana was Sefa’s first crush. While everyone else had treated him like a kid and damn near bullied him, Kiyana was always kind and didn’t mind if Sef had tagged along with the group of teenagers
“Say what you gotta say, Sef.” Josh grunted out. 
“I’m pretty sure you know what I wanna say.” Sefa said, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at Josh. 
“So fuckin’ say it.” Sefa shrugged and walked closer to his brother. 
“You're selfish. You had it all, the wife, the kids and you fucked it all up for what? A hoe that damn near everyone slept with?!” Sefa had tried to keep his voice down but he couldn’t. “You so damn stupid it’s fuckin crazy.” 
Josh felt his anger rise as Sefa kept berating him. “I fucking know! Y’all acting like i’m not trying to get her to forgive me for fucking up. I know I fucked up Joseph. All y’all don’t gotta remind me every fucking minute.” Josh yelled before storming back inside the building. 
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Kiyana had gone to a local bar with her best friend Samara. Talisua had taken the boys again, giving her a free night that she desperately needed. “I say we hop on the next flight to Boston and whoop his big Samoan ass.”  Kiyana chuckled as Samara, her best friend since Pre-K shouted over the loud music. When Kiyana had called her to tell her about what Josh did, Samara was on the first flight back to Pensacola. “No seriously. Twenty-three years you stood by his side and raised his kids while he traveled all over the world and this is the thanks you get?’ Samara was pissed and rightfully so. 
They all grew up together, Samara, Kiyana, Josh, Jon and Joe. So she knew first hand what Kiyana went through with Josh and how much she thought they loved each other. 
Kiyana shrugged and took a sip of her whisky sour. “And he expects me to just be okay with it. Like I'm supposed to just forgive him and move forward.” Samara snorted. 
“Girl, fuck him. You gave up way too much for him and he doesn’t even realize how good of a woman you are. Like you turned down a whole full ride scholarship at Duke to go to West Alabama with his ass. And he didn’t even graduate!” Kiyana shrugged again and looked down at her lap, playing with the frayed strings of her jeans. “Did he tell you who she is?” 
“No.” Kiyana huffed and rolled her eyes. “He won’t tell me her name. But she has to work with him right?” 
“Oh, she definitely works for WWE, that's gotta be the reason why he won’t tell you her name. What other reason can it be?” Kiyana shrugged, as she was about to reply to her friend someone interrupted  them. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt.” He started smiling at both of the women. “But I had to come over her to tell you how beautiful you are.” He said, turning his attention to Kiyana, who blushed under the intensity of his stare. “I’m Malik” He held his hand out to her. 
“Kiyana.” She shot a quick look over to Samara before placing her hand in his. 
“Nice to meet you, Kiyana.” He smiled and brought her hand up to his face, placing a soft kiss on the back of it. “Can I take you out sometime?” 
“Oh,” She blinked in surprise. “I’m sorry but I’m mar-” She jumped when Samara kicked her leg. “I mean, yeah. We can go out sometime.” 
“Aight, cool.” He bit his lip as he gave her his phone. “Lock your number in and I'll text you.” She nodded and took it from him, adding herself as a contact and taking a quick selfie for the contact photo. He took his phone back and winked at her before walking off. 
“Girllll….” Samara smirked. “Get. your. lick.back.” 
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whew, lot to unpack with this one. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤  Lemme know what y'all think.
Will she get her lick back with Malik or will it be someone else?? 👀
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this is Malik for those who are wondering.
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haknom · 1 year
a written series of tropes with enha boys! | first fic release - hopefully by july?
note: first off thank you so much for 1.1k followers! i’ve been planning this since i reached 1k but it never was finalized. thank u sm to @hanniluvi for creating the banners I LOVE U SOPHH!! thank u a LOT to both soph and @flwoie for helping with the titles.
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TROPES royalty, arranged marriage, e2l.
PAIRING prince-enemy!heeseung x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS As enemies within your parents kingdom, you two always caused a ruckus. Your parents, king and queen of Hertz, and Heeseung’s parents, king and queen of Ylem, had come into an alliance without their children's knowledge—an arranged marriage to help their kingdoms rise in status. That wouldn’t be a bad idea, right? Wrong. With you two in the mix, there would be a lot to work on. Starting with your hatred for each other.
want to read? click here! (est. 15k words)
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TROPES summer love + band au
PAIRING guitarist!jay x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS During the summer holidays, you never had much to do. Unlike others who took it as an opportunity to travel the world, you’d normally be at home, but this year was different. Your friends had finally convinced you to go on a trip with them—a 3-month vacation in America. It sounded like fun, really, but what you didn’t expect was to meet a certain boy. One conversation with him was enough for you to claim that he was the love of your life—something you said when you weren’t sober.
want to read? click here! (est. 14k words)
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TROPES academic rivals to lovers with a twist.
PAIRING rival!jake x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS Academic rivalries are an overrated trope. It’s always about competing for the top spot in the term's overall student rankings, something both you and Jake didn’t care about. Although the title "academic rivals" was used by you both when referring to each other, it actually meant something entirely different in your vocabularies. You two were over here fighting for the second-last position rather than the top rank. To the two of you, it was extremely important, but not to others. It's a bit confusing, isn't it?
want to read? click here! (est. 14k words)
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TROPES quiet boy x popular person and fake dating au
PAIRING fake-bf!sunghoon x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS Even four months after your breakup, your ex-boyfriend constantly convinced himself that you still felt a little something for him, which wasn’t true at all. So, you tried to put a stop to his pestering by lying and saying there was someone else in your life now. Spurring out another lie, you claimed that the boy was Park Sunghoon, someone you never knew but saw on the notice board every day. Now your only goal is to make everything seem convincing! But knowing how stubborn Sunghoon was for a quiet guy could've helped you a little earlier.
want to read? click here! (est. 12k words)
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TROPES grumpy x sunshine
PAIRING sunshine!sunoo x grumpy-fem!reader
SYNOPSIS Kim Sunoo is known to be a ball of sunshine at Decelis. A confusing aspect of his personality is his urge to be friends with practically everyone—including you. Someone that nobody spoke to because of your cold attitude. But Sunoo now makes it his goal to become your friend! Only thing is, what if his objective doesn’t just lead to friendship?
want to read? click here! (est. 9k words)
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TROPES boy next door (enemies) and pen pals.
PAIRING neighbor-enemy!jungwon x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS A pen pal was something you always wanted as a child but could never. Now, at 19 years old, you were finally able to find someone who you could communicate with daily. It sounds like a great life, doesn’t it? Not really. The only con of moving into your own apartment was your aggravating neighbour, who was kind of cute but still got on your last nerve almost every day. It was a good thing that he saw you the same way but not for long.
want to read? click here! (est. 10k words)
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TROPES flower shop au and love at first sight
PAIRING stranger!niki x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS Running a flower shop was tough, especially since it became the new hot spot in town. One particular customer, Niki, took an interest in you. The small attraction leads into an atrocious disaster, as he unintentionally makes a mess in the new place. Now leaving a bad first impression, he's stuck with embarrassment to this day. To make matters worse, it doesn't help him get over the incident when he sees you almost everywhere.
want to read? click here! (est. 13k words)
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PERM TAGLIST: @soov @redm4ri @ox1-lovesick @urszn @feeeli @taejays @hanniluvi @dakkisz @dimplewonie @ddeonudepressions @xiaoderrrr @ja4hyvn @mmaplepastries @essmarye @w3bqrl @jennaissantes @yenqa @yeokii @yyunari @wvnkoi @flwrshee
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violetduchess · 1 year
Obey Me! as Ship Dynamics:
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Notes: I dont like how Belphagor's came out but oh well🤷‍♀️
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Lucifer: Sunshine + Grumpy
1. Your Positivity:
- Your cheerful and optimistic nature often clashes with Lucifer's serious and strict demeanor, but your contrasting personalities create a harmonious balance.
- Your unwavering positivity becomes a source of fascination for Lucifer, who is initially puzzled by your ability to find joy in the simplest things.
- Despite Lucifer's initial resistance, you find yourself drawn to his mysterious aura, and he secretly appreciates the warmth you bring into his life.
2. Lucifer's Protective Nature:
- Lucifer is fiercely protective of you, although he may not always show it openly. He worries about your well-being and is constantly on guard, ready to step in and shield you from any harm.
- When you face challenges or difficult situations, Lucifer becomes your pillar of support, offering guidance and encouragement in his own gruff way.
- Despite his grumpy demeanor, Lucifer secretly cherishes your optimism, as it acts as a source of strength for him in moments of doubt or darkness.
3. Finding Balance:
- Your positivity helps to soften Lucifer's grumpy exterior and allows him to open up and show his vulnerable side. You offer a safe space for him to express his frustrations and fears without judgment.
- In return, Lucifer's grounded nature and logical thinking help you navigate through life's obstacles and provide a sense of stability.
- Together, you learn to appreciate the different facets of your personalities, finding a balance where your individual strengths complement each other.
4. Lightening the Mood:
- Your cheerful presence has a way of brightening even Lucifer's most somber moments. You often find small ways to make him smile or laugh, slowly chipping away at his stoic façade.
- Your playful antics and unexpected surprises serve as reminders to Lucifer that life shouldn't always be taken too seriously. Your lightheartedness becomes a source of comfort and relief for him.
5. Mutual Growth:
- Over time, Lucifer's grumpy exterior softens as he learns to embrace your positivity and finds solace in your unwavering support.
- You, on the other hand, gain a deeper understanding of Lucifer's complexities, recognizing that beneath his gruff exterior lies a caring and compassionate soul.
- Together, you navigate the intricacies of your relationship, pushing each other to grow and evolve in ways you never thought possible.
Mammon: Dumb + Dumber
1. Mischievous Adventures:
- You and Mammon often find yourselves in trouble due to your impulsive and mischievous nature. You are partners in crime when it comes to embarking on daring adventures and questionable schemes.
- Whether it's sneaking into restricted areas, pulling off outrageous pranks, or exploring forbidden realms, the two of you always manage to find yourselves in absurd and hilarious situations.
2. Enabling Each Other:
- Mammon and you have a unique connection where you enable each other's mischievous tendencies. You encourage each other's wild ideas and are always ready to dive headfirst into reckless endeavors.
- Rather than cautioning each other, you egg each other on, leading to even more outrageous and sometimes disastrous outcomes.
3. Learning from Mistakes:
- Despite your knack for getting into trouble, neither you nor Mammon let your failures bring you down. You view your misadventures as valuable learning experiences, finding humor in your own follies.
- Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, you focus on embracing the joy and spontaneity of your shared escapades, even if it means making the same foolish mistakes again.
4. Unbreakable Bond:
- Through your shared penchant for mischief, Mammon and you forge an unbreakable bond. You understand and accept each other's flaws and celebrate your unique brand of stupidity.
- Your willingness to go to great lengths for each other, even if it means facing the consequences of your actions, strengthens your connection and solidifies your friendship.
5. Comedy Duo:
- Mammon and you are like a comedic duo, always ready to entertain those around you with your hilarious antics. You have a natural chemistry that draws others in and keeps everyone laughing.
- Your ability to find humor in even the most absurd situations creates a lighthearted and joyous atmosphere wherever you go.
6. Growing Together:
- While Mammon and you may be known for your foolishness, you also have the capacity to learn and grow from your experiences. Over time, you develop a deeper understanding of responsibility and the consequences of your actions.
- Through your shared adventures, you discover the importance of balance, knowing when to indulge in your foolish tendencies and when to exercise caution.
Leviathan: Shy introvert + Outgoing Extrovert
1. Encouraging Socialization:
- As the outgoing one, you make it your mission to help Leviathan come out of his shell. You gently push him to participate in social activities and introduce him to new experiences.
- Whether it's attending demon gatherings, joining online gaming sessions, or even just hanging out with other exchange students, you encourage Leviathan to step out of his comfort zone and discover the joys of social interaction.
2. Slowly Building Confidence:
- You understand that Leviathan needs time and patience to feel comfortable in social settings. You take small steps, gradually exposing him to different social situations and providing a supportive environment.
- Through your encouragement and reassurance, Leviathan starts to gain confidence in his abilities to interact with others. He becomes more willing to share his interests and engage in conversations, thanks to your unwavering support.
3. Embracing Alone Time:
- While you're always eager to engage in social activities, Leviathan teaches you the importance of embracing alone time and finding solace in quieter moments.
- He shows you the joy of indulging in hobbies, whether it's gaming, watching anime, or reading manga. Together, you find a balance between socializing and enjoying personal interests, appreciating the value of both.
4. Bonding Over Shared Interests:
- As Leviathan gradually opens up, you discover common interests that strengthen your bond. You both enjoy geek culture, gaming, and exploring the vast world of anime.
- Through shared experiences, you create special memories together, whether it's marathoning a new series or competing in gaming tournaments. These activities allow Leviathan to feel comfortable and connected with you on a deeper level.
5. Mutual Growth:
- Your outgoing nature inspires Leviathan to step out of his comfort zone, while his introverted tendencies remind you to cherish quiet moments and appreciate the little things in life.
- Together, you both grow and learn from each other's strengths. Leviathan becomes more confident in social situations, and you find solace in taking time for self-care and personal hobbies.
6. Supportive and Understanding:
- You provide unwavering support to Leviathan, assuring him that it's okay to take things at his own pace. You never pressure him into uncomfortable situations but gently nudge him to explore new experiences.
- Leviathan, in turn, appreciates your understanding and patience. He values your willingness to accommodate his introverted nature and finds comfort in knowing that you accept him for who he is.
Satan: Affectionate + Not used to it
1. Uncharted Territory:
- For Satan, affection is a relatively unfamiliar territory. He's not accustomed to receiving or expressing affection openly, often finding himself at a loss for how to respond.
- On the other hand, you are naturally affectionate, constantly showering him with hugs, kisses, and heartfelt gestures. Your warmth and love are something he's never experienced before.
2. Slowly Opening Up:
- It takes time for Satan to adjust to your affectionate nature. At first, he may be a bit overwhelmed and unsure of how to react. He might even be slightly reserved or awkward in response.
- However, as he spends more time with you and witnesses your genuine care and affection, he begins to let his guard down. He starts to appreciate and reciprocate the affection, albeit in his own unique way.
3. Acts of Service:
- While physical displays of affection might not come naturally to Satan, he shows his love and appreciation through acts of service. He may go out of his way to do things for you, such as preparing your favorite book, assisting with research, or even helping you organize your belongings.
- These gestures, though seemingly small, are his way of expressing his affection and care for you.
4. Trusting Your Intentions:
- Satan's initial hesitation stems from a fear of misinterpreting your intentions. He may doubt whether he deserves the affection you give or worry about overstepping boundaries.
- It's important for you to communicate openly and reassure him of your genuine feelings. Over time, he learns to trust your affection, understanding that you genuinely care for him and have his best interests at heart.
5. Encouraging Vulnerability:
- As you continue to shower him with affection, Satan begins to realize that vulnerability and opening up are not signs of weakness but rather an opportunity for growth and deeper connection.
- You create a safe and loving environment where he feels comfortable sharing his thoughts, fears, and insecurities. Through your unwavering support, he learns to embrace vulnerability and allows himself to be more open with you.
6. Growth and Balance:
- Through your affectionate nature, you help Satan explore a softer side of himself that he never thought he had. He learns to appreciate the beauty of love and affection, slowly growing more comfortable in expressing his emotions.
- At the same time, you understand the importance of giving him space and respecting his boundaries. You find a balance between showering him with affection and allowing him the time and freedom to adjust at his own pace.
Asmodues: Drama Queen + Over it
1. The Center of Attention:
- Asmodeus is always the center of attention, whether intentionally or unintentionally. His dramatic flair and extravagant personality draw people towards him like moths to a flame.
- While you appreciate his vibrant energy and enjoy seeing him shine, there are moments when his constant need for attention can become a bit overwhelming.
2. Love Through the Drama:
- Despite Asmodeus' dramatic nature, you can't help but love him for who he is. His zest for life, his ability to turn even the simplest of situations into a grand spectacle, and his infectious enthusiasm captivate you.
- Your love for Asmodeus is intertwined with his dramatic tendencies. It's what makes him unique and keeps the relationship exciting, even if it can sometimes be exhausting.
3. Balancing Act:
- As the one who is "over it," you find yourself playing the role of the calm and grounded presence in Asmodeus' life. You provide a sense of stability and a much-needed anchor amidst the whirlwind of his theatrics.
- While you appreciate his dramatic side, there are times when you need moments of tranquility and simplicity. It's important for you to find a balance between indulging in his drama and having peaceful moments together.
4. Drama Queen Meets Eye-Roll Champion:
- You have become a master of eye-rolling in response to Asmodeus' dramatic displays. It's almost a reflex reaction to his over-the-top antics, and he knows it too. But deep down, he loves that you can keep him in check and bring him back to earth when necessary.
- Your eye-rolling moments often lead to lighthearted banter and playful teasing, adding an extra layer of fun to your relationship.
5. Supporting Each Other:
- While Asmodeus thrives in the spotlight, you provide unwavering support and encouragement. You attend his extravagant events, cheer him on from the sidelines, and offer a listening ear when he needs to vent.
- Likewise, Asmodeus recognizes your need for a break from the drama and makes an effort to support you in return. He surprises you with quiet moments, thoughtful gestures, and reminds you that he can be there for you too.
6. Embracing the Colorful Life:
- Despite the occasional annoyance, you've come to embrace the colorful life that comes with being in a relationship with Asmodeus. His drama and flair have a way of turning the ordinary into something extraordinary.
- Together, you navigate the highs and lows of the relationship, learning to appreciate the balance between his dramatic nature and your grounded presence.
Beelzebub: Gentle Giant + Feral Gremlin
1. Protective Nature:
- Beelzebub's gentle and caring nature extends to you, as he sees it as his responsibility to protect you from harm. He understands your feral tendencies and embraces them, offering a calming presence to counterbalance your occasional violent outbursts.
- He becomes your steadfast guardian, using his immense strength and size to shield you from any threats and keeping a watchful eye over you.
2. Nurturing Your Wild Side:
- Beelzebub recognizes the feral gremlin within you and appreciates the untamed energy you bring to the relationship. He understands that sometimes you need an outlet for your more violent tendencies, and he encourages you to channel them in constructive ways.
- He might suggest engaging in physical activities or combat training together, allowing you to release your energy while keeping it controlled and focused.
3. Calming Influence:
- Beelzebub's gentle and calming presence has a soothing effect on you. When your feral instincts start to take over, he knows just how to calm you down and bring you back to a more peaceful state.
- Whether it's through soft words, gentle touches, or even offering you something delicious to eat, Beelzebub's presence has a grounding effect on your wild nature.
4. Unconditional Acceptance:
- Beelzebub accepts you for who you are, gremlin tendencies and all. He loves the fierce and untamed aspects of your personality, understanding that they are a part of what makes you unique.
- You feel comfortable being your authentic self around him, knowing that he will never judge or criticize you for your more violent moments. Instead, he embraces every aspect of your personality, cherishing the wild and feral parts as much as the gentle ones.
5. Balance and Harmony:
- Together, you create a balance between your feral tendencies and Beelzebub's gentle nature. He helps ground you, providing a sense of stability and comfort, while you bring excitement and energy into his life.
- Through open communication and understanding, you find harmony within the relationship, allowing both your wild and gentle sides to coexist in a healthy and loving manner.
6. Unbreakable Bond:
- Despite the contrast in your personalities, your relationship with Beelzebub deepens into an unbreakable bond. His unwavering support and acceptance of your feral gremlin nature make you feel safe and cherished.
- Together, you navigate the complexities of your dynamic, embracing the beauty of your contrasting personalities and finding strength in your love for one another.
Belphagor: Troubled + Cutesy
1. Bringing Sunshine to Darkness:
- As the cutesy one, your bubbly and optimistic nature serves as a ray of sunshine in Belphagor's troubled world. Your infectious positivity has the power to brighten even his darkest moments.
- You have a knack for finding the bright side of any situation and bringing a smile to Belphagor's face, reminding him that there is always hope and happiness to be found.
2. A Source of Comfort:
- Belphagor finds solace in your cutesy nature. Your innocent charm and adorable quirks provide him with a sense of peace and tranquility. Being around you helps him momentarily forget his troubles and focus on the simple joys of life.
- Your presence serves as a soothing balm for his weary soul, making him feel loved and understood in ways he didn't think were possible.
3. A Shoulder to Lean On:
- Your caring nature makes you the perfect shoulder for Belphagor to lean on. You offer unwavering support and a listening ear, allowing him to open up about his troubles and fears without judgment.
- Through your gentle encouragement and understanding, you help him navigate his inner demons, providing a safe space for him to express himself and find comfort in your presence.
4. Finding Joy in the Little Things:
- You have a talent for finding joy in the smallest of moments, and you're determined to share that joy with Belphagor. Whether it's engaging in cute activities, sharing adorable trinkets, or simply cuddling up together, you bring a sense of childlike wonder and happiness to his life.
- Your cutesy nature inspires him to let go of his worries, even if just for a little while, and embrace the simple pleasures of the present.
5. Encouraging Self-Expression:
- Belphagor's troubled nature often makes it difficult for him to express himself fully. However, your cutesy persona encourages him to embrace his own unique self-expression.
- Through your love and acceptance, you inspire him to explore his own cutesy side, helping him find joy in the little things and showing him that it's okay to let go and have fun without reservation.
6. Healing Hearts:
- In your relationship, you both find healing. Belphagor's troubled soul is gradually mended by your unconditional love and adorable nature, while you find solace in his arms, knowing that you can bring light to his darkness.
- Together, you embark on a journey of growth and healing, supporting each other through the ups and downs, and finding strength in the unique dynamic that your troubled and cutesy natures create.
Diavolo: Charming Himbo + Easily flustered
1. Diavolo's Charming Nature:
- Diavolo's charismatic and outgoing personality makes him the epitome of a charming himbo. He has a way of making everyone around him feel special and valued, including you.
- His constant compliments and flirtatious nature leave you easily flustered, as his words and actions never fail to make your heart race.
2. Bringing Out the Flustered Side:
- Your easily flustered nature becomes a delightful challenge for Diavolo. He takes great pleasure in teasing you and watching your cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink with the simplest of compliments or gestures.
- From playful banter to innocent touches, he knows just how to push your buttons and revels in the adorable reactions he elicits from you.
3. Diavolo's Protective Streak:
- Despite his charming and carefree demeanor, Diavolo has a protective streak when it comes to you. He can't help but feel a sense of responsibility to keep you safe and ensure your happiness.
- Whenever you become flustered or overwhelmed, he's quick to step in and offer reassurance, soothing your nerves and reminding you of his unwavering support.
4. Embracing the Flustered Moments:
- Diavolo finds your easily flustered nature endearing and captivating. He adores the way your eyes widen and your voice stutters when he compliments you or engages in playful antics.
- Instead of making you uncomfortable, he cherishes these moments, making it his mission to create more opportunities for you to blush and be adorably flustered.
5. Unveiling a Sincere Side:
- Behind Diavolo's charming himbo facade lies a sincere and caring soul. As he witnesses your easily flustered reactions, he becomes more attuned to your emotions and wants to create genuine connections with you.
- He takes the time to listen to your thoughts, support your dreams, and make you feel truly valued. In these moments, you see a side of Diavolo that goes beyond his charming persona, solidifying your connection even further.
6. Growing Together:
- Your easily flustered nature and Diavolo's charming himbo personality create a dynamic filled with laughter, teasing, and genuine affection. As you navigate the ups and downs of your relationship, you both grow together, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses.
- Through Diavolo's guidance and your vulnerability, you begin to embrace your easily flustered side, finding confidence in his unwavering adoration and support.
Barbatos: Oblivious + Obvious
1. Barbatos' Obvious Affections:
- Barbatos wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to you. His actions and gestures are filled with love and adoration, making it clear to everyone around that he has strong feelings for you.
- From the way he looks at you with tender eyes to the special attention he pays to your needs and desires, Barbatos' affections for you are as obvious as can be.
2. The Unnoticed Cues:
- Despite Barbatos' clear displays of affection, you often find yourself oblivious to his romantic intentions. You may misinterpret his kind gestures as mere acts of friendship, not realizing the depth of his feelings.
- While others may see the obvious signs, you remain blissfully unaware of the romantic undertones in Barbatos' actions, leaving him both amused and determined to find a way to make his intentions more apparent to you.
3. Subtle Hints and Encounters:
- Barbatos tries to drop subtle hints about his feelings for you, hoping that you'll eventually catch on. He creates opportunities for one-on-one encounters, offering his assistance or inviting you to events where he can spend more time with you.
- From sharing meaningful conversations to offering gentle touches and warm smiles, Barbatos aims to convey his affection without overwhelming you or making you feel uncomfortable.
4. Going Above and Beyond:
- Barbatos goes above and beyond to show his care and love for you, even if you may not fully grasp the extent of his intentions. He anticipates your needs and desires, providing you with thoughtful surprises and acts of service.
- Whether it's preparing your favorite meal or organizing events tailored to your interests, Barbatos consistently demonstrates his devotion, hoping that one day you'll recognize the depth of his affection.
5. The Unspoken Longing:
- While Barbatos may be obvious in his affections, he also harbors an unspoken longing for you. He yearns for the day when you finally realize his true intentions and reciprocate his feelings, eagerly awaiting the moment your obliviousness fades away.
- Despite the frustration that sometimes comes with your unawareness, Barbatos remains patient, knowing that when the time is right, you will come to understand and embrace the love he has for you.
6. A Gentle Revelation:
- Eventually, Barbatos decides to take a more direct approach in expressing his feelings for you. He musters the courage to have an open and heartfelt conversation, sharing his emotions and intentions, hoping that his sincerity will finally break through your obliviousness.
- It is in this vulnerable moment that you begin to comprehend the depth of Barbatos' affections, and as the realization dawns upon you, a new chapter unfolds in your relationship, one filled with shared love and a deeper understanding of each other.
Solomon: Tease + Annoyed
1. Solomon's Mischievous Nature:
- Solomon is a notorious tease, always finding ways to push your buttons and ruffle your feathers. His mischievous nature brings a playful energy to your interactions, as he delights in seeing your annoyed reactions.
- From witty remarks to playful pranks, Solomon's teasing knows no bounds. He thrives on the challenge of getting under your skin and making you crack a smile.
2. The Cycle of Teasing and Annoyance:
- Your dynamic with Solomon is a never-ending cycle of teasing and annoyance. He knows exactly how to push your buttons and can't resist the temptation to get a rise out of you. Meanwhile, you find yourself exasperated by his relentless antics.
3. Banter and Verbal Sparring:
- Your interactions with Solomon are filled with banter and verbal sparring. You engage in quick-witted exchanges, each trying to outdo the other with clever comebacks and sarcastic remarks.
- While Solomon's teasing can be exasperating, there's an undeniable chemistry between you that keeps the banter going, ensuring that neither of you gets bored.
4. Testing Limits:
- Solomon enjoys testing your limits and seeing just how far he can go before you reach your breaking point. He constantly walks the fine line between amusing and aggravating, always striving for that perfect balance.
- In turn, you've developed a resilient spirit, determined not to let his teasing get the best of you. You've become adept at deflecting his jabs and even throwing a few of your own, refusing to let him have the upper hand.
5. Hidden Affection:
- Beneath the teasing and annoyance lies a hidden layer of affection. Solomon's playful nature is often a mask for his genuine care and concern for you. Despite the exasperation, he values your presence and secretly finds your reactions endearing.
- While he may not always show it, Solomon's actions speak louder than words. He goes out of his way to help and protect you, proving that his teasing is just a part of who he is, not a reflection of his true feelings.
6. Mutual Understanding:
- Over time, you come to understand that Solomon's teasing is his way of expressing affection. Underneath it all, he enjoys the dynamic you share and the connection it brings. Likewise, he appreciates your resilience and ability to challenge him.
- Through this mutual understanding, a unique bond forms between you. You find solace in the fact that even though Solomon can be a tease, there's a genuine connection and unspoken affection that binds you together.
Simeon: "We're not dating."
1. Close Proximity:
- You and Simeon are always in close proximity to each other, whether it's during events or casual hangouts. You naturally gravitate towards one another and find comfort in each other's presence.
- Your interactions are filled with subtle touches, lingering glances, and gentle gestures that hint at a deeper connection. Despite this, you both playfully deny any romantic involvement, insisting that you're just good friends.
2. Flirtatious Banter:
- Flirtatious banter is a staple of your relationship with Simeon. You engage in playful teasing and witty exchanges, making each other laugh and keeping the energy light-hearted.
- Others may mistake your banter for genuine romantic interest, but you both maintain that it's all in good fun and a reflection of your close friendship.
3. Emotional Support:
- Simeon is always there for you, providing a listening ear and offering comforting words during difficult times. He offers support and guidance, going above and beyond to make you feel loved and cared for.
- While your bond is undeniably strong, you reassure each other that you're simply there for emotional support as close friends, even though your actions may suggest otherwise.
4. Couple-Like Activities:
- You and Simeon often engage in activities that are commonly associated with couples. From going on walks together to sharing meals or attending events, you naturally fall into a pattern that resembles that of a couple.
- However, when others make assumptions or tease about your relationship, you both brush it off and playfully deny any romantic involvement, emphasizing that you're just enjoying each other's company.
5. Unspoken Understanding:
- Despite your insistence on not dating, there's an unspoken understanding between you and Simeon. You both recognize the depth of your connection and the feelings that exist beneath the surface.
- While you may not have officially labeled your relationship, you share a bond that surpasses traditional friendship. There's an innate understanding of each other's needs and a level of comfort that goes beyond ordinary friendship.
6. Fear of Ruining the Friendship:
- One of the reasons you both resist acknowledging your romantic feelings is the fear of ruining the beautiful friendship you share. You value each other's presence in your lives and are hesitant to complicate things by crossing into romantic territory.
- Instead, you find solace in the unspoken affection and continue to enjoy the closeness without the added pressure of a defined relationship.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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itoshi-s · 1 year
I think you know enough hq characters at this point so, who do you think in haikyuu would fuck their step-sis and why is it tsukishima (also ushijima but hes more lowkey)?? - 💔
🥲 if u were to crack my silly little head open and take a look inside. this would be the only thing u see. just pure hell pure chaos nothin else. NONNIE.. do u really want me dead :(
cw stepcest, dubcon, timeskip tsukki n ushi
sob sniffle sister fucker tsukishima. i am literally going to lose my mind thinking about him. he’s so mean, shrugs all your tears and whining off whenever the sibling banter pushes a few too many buttons. it’s just how he is and you’ve grown used to it — his snarky comments and how he could spark all sorts of deepest insecurities w just a few teasing, light hearted comments. but kei nii doesn’t rly mean that, and you know it. it’s just how he is, with the kindest heart buried somewhere deep under the cocky demeanor — that’s what you think, until you come home from uni for holiday break and go out one night.
you take a few shots too many, those airhead friends of yours that kei never really liked busying themselves w some random guys, and you end up calling him to pick you up. there’s some creep at the club that just doesn’t let up, you’re a little scared, and your phone is almost dead. he’s the only person you really know that’d actually pick up at this late hour and come get you — he’s your brother after all. and yet, you regret ever calling him in the first place as soon as you get in the car, listen to him calling you even dumber than he’d thought of you, jaw slack and eyes firm yet tired behind his glasses as he drives. you hold back tears on the way home, and for the very first time in your life, you feel like kei nii might actually hate you :( and that he meant every single jab he’s gave you throughout all these years. he tugs you inside the house, unaware of your silence, and grumbles something about u being lucky that mums not home to see you this fucked up. you sit at the edge of your bed, shaky fingers struggling to undo the straps of your heels, and kei lets out an exasperated sigh as he crouches down in front of you. he slaps your hands away, works on unclasping the straps and tells you you’re hopeless. you’re just so annoying with how reckless you’re being, he’s got practice tomorrow morning and yet its 3 am and he has to deal with you — careless as always. he sets your shoes aside and is about to get up and leave when he hears the choked little sound. a tear or two falls on his hand and he looks up — breath hitching in his throat upon his step sister crying. he’s seen it so many times before, being the very cause for your tears more often than not, and yet this time, he’s confused. you wipe at your eyes, a poor attempt to hide the heartbreak, and swallow back little muffled cries. you tell him you’re sorry, that you never wanted him to hate you. you’re sorry that you’re annoying, sorry that you’re being a bother as always. kei watches in sheer astonishment as your bottom lip wobbles, still glimmering with your gloss. just don’t hate me, nii chan. he almost feels bad, for the first time in forever, as you sit there in your tiny black dress, with those pretty long falsies on, and cry your heart out — for him. its the exhaustion, he thinks, it has to be as he reaches a hand up and rests it on the back of your neck. he calls you silly, wipes a thumb below your eyes and furrows his brows a bit — he could never hate you, why’d you even think that? you really are a dumb thing. he’s just tired and not thinking straight, kei’s sure, as he leans up to press his lips to yours and taste you. your tongue is heavy with intoxication and shock, and he makes out the faint vanilla of your lip gloss and remnants of liquor as he kisses you, languid and sloppy, something to slow down the haywire in your mind. he could never hate you, he repeats, easing you down on the bed and hiking your dress over your hips — groaning when you give him the prettiest wide eyes, glossy with tears still but oh, so hopeful. kei nii is a good brother, despite his sharp tongue and teasing nature — and makes sure you never, ever doubt his love for you again :(
ushijima though,, he’s a whole another story you’re so right. i’m p sure he doesn’t even give you any remotely dirty thought — anything that would be immoral considering your relation. you’re his little step sister, and there’s nothing more to it. sure, he’s never been too close with you — always solely focused on his career — but he does appreciate you. you’re nice, sweet and caring with the way you always pick him up from the airport or fly over to some of his games. (you always cheer for him the loudest, and grin wide as you tell the couple sittin next to you that the ushiwaka is your older brother.) you always welcome him with the warmest hug, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck, and laugh as he squeezes you — welcome back, nii chan, i missed you lots. he’s no fool and sees how you’ve grown into a beautiful young woman, too. he’s aware of all the looks you get when you two walk down the street and how it’s hard to keep count of all the boyfriends you’ve mentioned before. for some reason, none of them lasted, though, and yet you’d always brush it off and give him a small smile when he asked if you were okay. wakatoshi doesn’t know a lot about girls in the first place, but you’re a whole another enigma. like i said, i think he wouldn’t even dare think of you in any other way than purely platonic — and so, you render his entire giant frame putty when you first crawl into his lap with that pretty little glint in your eyes. barely a minute earlier you were just scrolling down your phone, w your legs in his lap as he goes through his calendar — next thing he knows, his little step sister is grinding down on him, breath minty on his lips as you moan. large palms rest on your hips and it takes all your willpower to stand your ground, considering he wouldn’t even have to put any work into pushing you off. he fixes you a confused look, eyebrows knit together and voice low when he asks what are you doing, why are you— you cup his handsome face in your hands, a manicured thumb pressing to his lips and it shuts him up ridiculously quick n effectively. s’alright, nii chan, it’s nothin’. you need him bad, you tell him, and prove your point by the sinful roll of your hips against his hardening cock. you see he wishes he could deny you, that he could tell you that it’s wrong and fucked up and that you can’t be doing this — cause you’re siblings, blood bound or not — but his silence gives him away. always so blunt and straightforward, your nii san now sits completely quiet, and you know that the cogs in his mind must be struggling, but if he had any second thoughts abt all of this — he would’ve already told you. but he doesn’t tell you anything, doesn’t speak at all before he exhales and pulls you flush against him, lips finding yours with way too much ease. toshi nii doesn’t have to speak at all — his actions do it for him, as he has you all spread out n making the prettiest noises for hours on end that day </3
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brawltogethernow · 11 months
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I actually misremembered who made the suggestion; this is @heyyoufriendthere (orange⬇️)'s fault. Plaintext with annotations below the cut.
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This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas Comics will warp to be like films as fast as you can say "huzzah" But when a megamonopoly swallows up the competition It yanks our blorbos back and forth in an ugly retcon perdition When only Fox can make a movie about the Fantastic Four, The Disney-owned comic office will shove the Four right out the door Until the Disney studio absorbs those rights and then you'll find The comics are suddenly awful sorry they left them behind(1) Then in the instant comic fans begin to cheer an awful lot The news comes in from Bleeding Cool(2) the writer is that fucker Slott(3)
Oh yes when comics warp to be like films and leave you quite agaw This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas
When Disney didn't have the rights to film the X-Men and their friends The Inhumans were their idea to have that same magic again But absolutely nobody could give a damn about their deal There was a gas or something uh, the Moon? Nobody cares get real EXCEPT for Ms. Marvel, the only Inhuman breakout success They want her all over the screen at excited public behest Oh yes when comics warp to be like films and leave you quite agaw This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas For years the MCU was not allowed to say the word "mutant" They twisted themselves into pretzels out to recoup every cent The silver screen had two Quicksilvers purely for dumb spite reasons With roots in even dumber masturbatorial rights reasons(4) Wanda and Pietro had their sixth or seventh origin retcon(5) To fit the "No More Mutants!"(6) edict corporate decided upon Then Disney bought the M word back for 73 billion bucks (A number that should make you want to strangle all these greedy fucks)
Oh yes when comics warp to be like films and leave you quite agaw This is the very picture of an intellectual rights fracas
Now suddenly it's mutant city all over the comic line They let the X-Men start a sex cult; also they can never die With no need for Inhumans they admitted that they're pretty cringe And nobody will ever give their lore a proper reading binge The MCU made Kamala a mutant like immediately Faster than you can say "bad adaptation" or "brand synergy" In short order the comics gave her the murderization hook In such a hurry it wasn't even in her own fucking book(7) Now big surprise she's coming back on the fucking sex cult island They gave it less than one whole month before they played their fucking hand So Kamala's a mutant now(8) and got a shitty mourning book(9) Which when she's coming back NEXT MONTH you might call a pretty bad look
~ (1) "At the time, we were told that the Fox-licensed X-Men books weren't to be cancelled as they made too much money for the publisher, but the FF as a middling sales solo title could be missed without hurting the bottom line."
From 2014, when Fox was preparing its 2015 release of Fant4stic, until Disney's film branch recovered the rights by absorbing Fox, the FF were conspicuously absent from comics. The Fantastic Four book was discontinued for the first time since 1962 (for most of those decades they'd supported multiple titles at once) along with all associated merch tchotchkes. By 2017 there was a Twitter hashtag, #WhereAreTheFantasticFour. If you want to hear some people be driven slowly insane by this, Stormcast had a segment called Stormwatch where they analyzed any Johnny Storm appearances in a given month. We're talking deep analyses of single panels.
(2) I know I just linked them, but part of the joke is Bleeding Cool's weird place in the geek news ecosystem. They report everything first, so for the first week you know something you can't strictly confirm it's actually true.
(3) I don't have time to enumerate Slott's crimes but we hate him. Source: Dude trust me👍
(4) How A B-List Hero Became Hot Hollywood Property Fox could adapt him because they had the rights to all mutants, and Disney could because they had the rights to all Avengers. Some characters are both because the comics didn't use to care about this. This is the entire reason the MCU introduced a Pietro Maximoff and then killed him off. Like seriously who kills off one twin. No that was not based on any comic story.
(5) They're not currently Magneto's kids in the main comic line. Everyone hates this.
(6) This is a cheap reference to the comic storyline "House of M".
(7) They killed her off in Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26 and none of her supporting cast was there.
(8) Kamala Khan to Return in “Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant”
(9) Look at this thing:
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WHO are those anonymously multiracial teens and what are they so goddamn happy about?
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agentrouka-blog · 1 month
Saw an old ask you answered about Mya and had to ask your thoughts on Myranda Royce. Like, she’s the character I’m the most curious about re: the winds of winter. We know from Dumb and Dumber that the Vale plotting for Sansa won’t actually be very long (I’m assuming she gets out of there right after the tourney and leaves for the wall /possibly with the help of Brienne and or Brynden/maybe after some shenanigans from the mountain clans) but from what we can assume Bronze Yohn will be on Sansa‘s side and help her out (like in the show). Now, Myranda's Nestor dad is indebted to LF (and friends with him!) and I find it unlikely that she would pick her father’s cousins side over her dads? With her being lady of the gates too. And at this point everyone is in agreement that Myranda knows that Alayne is Sansa (very obviously highborn, educated, not interested in the new high septon despite allegedly training to be a septa, knows Ned starks bastards name, LOOKS like Catelyn Tully whom she has met not even 2 years before). IMO what’s pointing towards Myranda actually being on our girls side is 1) LF warning Alayne about her, 2) Myranda herself introducing herself as wanting to be wicked, 3) the fact that Myranda being just another Margaery would be lazy and boring, 4) The failed Myranda/Harry betrothal being revealed almost immediately by her, so it can’t actually be a major point of contention for her, right? I don’t want to put too much stock in what the show did but them naming their annoying evil fucked up Ramsay–simp Myranda Royce does sometimes make me hesitate in putting my faith behind Myranda. Ultimately I think she will look out for herself most of all but I feel like her interests aline with Sansa and it will be a net positive. I mainly just want Sansa to have actual allies! Do you think the two branches of the Royce family could end up in agreement/be scheming against LF? After all, besides Bronze Yohn's friendship with NedCat, the Royces share blood with the Starks and their house motto is "We Remember“!
I think you hit the nail on the head with the concept of aligning interests.
Nestor, I don't think he's that good of an actor to be actively fooling Littlefinger himself while appearing to be flattered into complicity, but Myranda is sharp as a knife and clearly not quite satisfied with her lot in life of marrying old men her father picks out for her. But she seems too invested in Sweetrobin to really care that much about marrying Harry for his potential title, as opposed to simply a handsome dolt her own age. So whatever she cares about, it's not in opposition to either Sansa or Sweetrobin. She's capable of subtly interrogating Sansa without her even realizing it, and she has sat on this information for months now without making a move yet. Littlefinger considers her a threat, which is the greatest compliment imaginable, and he wouldn't do that if he thought she was easily manipulated or had goals he could easily assist her with.
If the show paid lip-service to Sansa's Vale plot by naming Ramsay's invented lover after her, I don't imagine it's because Myranda herself is secretly evil, but because she's one of the key figures in the Vale arc.
I imagine she is part of a larger conspiracy connecting her to Bronze Yohn and Anya Waynwood. She would be ideally placed to be a spy for them, and they have the resources she lacks to act on her own behalf and without her father's knowledge. A Myranda who assists the Lords Declarant in removing Littlefinger from power (the mark of a true patriot, honestly) is a Myranda who may yet be rewarded with a better marital match than Harry The Obsolete Heir. (Roland, the Waynwood heir? Andar, the Royce heir?)
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howlingday · 10 days
So who would rank as the best fighters in Rwby that don't have magic? So no Maidens,Salem,Brother Gods, the Tree or Opzin. Anyone else including the Curious Cat is a choice. (I'm saying the cat counts for this list because even though it's magic we at least have a clear understanding of how his powers work.)
The best fighters? Hoof... That's a tall order, especially since I'd have to look over all the candidates I can remember. But I'll narrow it down to TEN characters, in order to appease the [tumblr] gif limit.
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General James Ironwood: Simply put, you don't become the headmaster of a huntsman academy by being weak or stupid, because this commanding officer is definitely neither... relatively speaking. Granted, one could argue against his battle tactics as a military general, but I think when compared to other huntsmen, there's not a lot of characters you can say that require an ambush by almost a dozen people to take down! So yeah, General Ironwood is definitely an intimidating character to start off with.
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Ruby Rose: Yeah, I know, I know. Ruby's the main character, so of course she's gonna be on this list! But to be fair (to be fair), she's EARNED her place as a main character. The series starts off with her easily thrashing goons, followed by her heading off to Beacon Academy two years early for her skill against such an impressive foe. And she's only grown ever since. Given time, I can totally see Ruby being the hero who saves Remnant and looks good while doing it.
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Neopolitan: Barring magic is one thing, but some characters never needed magic to be overpowered. One such character started off as a generic sidekick villain who bailed Torchwick out. Then she comes back later that same Volume to style and beat down on RWBY's heaviest hitter. Heck, Neo would've ended Yang if it wasn't for Raven showing up! And while Neo doesn't have magic, she does have an overpowered semblance that makes her a nuisance at first and a crisis by the end! Tell me, dear reader; what happens when you put a girl whose semblance called, "Overactive Imagination" inside of a FAIRY TALE?! I'll tell you what you get- YOU GET A NIGHTMARE.
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Pyrrha Nikos: Ooh, boy, now this is where things get sad. Pyrrha was the best fighter in Volume 1-3 solely for the fact that she was the one fighter EVERYONE knew about. Pyrrha was getting wins BEFORE the series started and she started racking up wins afterwards against Grimm and other students, too. Sadly, this poor, young Achilles was not truly invincible, for her tender heart was what got her killed... And also an arrow to said tender heart.
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Cinder Fall: And speaking of arrows to tender hearts, I should give credit where credit is due, and it's overdue for Cinder Fall. First up, let's look at Cinder WITHOUT her magic. Her semblance, Caress, increases the temperature of things she touches, burning and even melting them. Heck, she was even throwing fireballs BEFORE the Maiden powers were hers! Not to mention she was throwing down with Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon and definitely the oldest man on the planet! She managed to outwit and outpace a man with centuries of experience. She then went on to kill the best fighter of the roster at Beacon Academy and steal her powers, only becoming wounded by Ruby's silver eyes. And this was all BEFORE she became the Fall Maiden.
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Tyrian Callows: I want to admit something. I have a certain bias both towards and against Tyrian. Towards him, he's one of my favorite villains simply for the sheer lengths he'll go to in order to please his goddess, regardless of who he has to kill and how many. Against him, while I will admit he has some of the best fights in the series, his best fight is also the worst in the entire series. Story-wise, that is, because for some reason the other two combatants got way stupider than they should have.
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Qrow Branwen: And speaking of fighters getting dumber than they should, here comes one now! Qrow was our introduction to what a REAL huntsman was like. And he did not disappoint! ...At least, when he first showed up. When Team RWBY were struggling against Tyrian, Qrow came in and fought him to a standstill. If Ruby didn't put herself in danger trying to help, Qrow could have won the battle and even been a big help later. Then again, for as skilled as Qrow may be, he's also got some personal issues that make him more of a hinderance than a boon.
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Blake Belladonna: Thinking on it, Blake might be the best fighter of Team RWBY, besides Ruby. She has probably the most versatile weapon of the group, neither limited by range nor function, and watching her fight is always entertaining because, well, she's an agile-build fighter who uses airborne attacks to both maintain distance and to build momentum for closing in with killing blows. While Weiss and Yang also have their uses as support and tank builds, Blake feels like the only other fighter who actually has experience fighting.
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Jaune Arc: Big surprise, we have the big man himself, Jaune Arc on my list. To the surprise of no one. No, but seriously, Jaune is someone to be praised for his combat skill, especially since his story is about how he literally showed up with 0 skill. I've seen people meme him as "Dark Souls style" and I can't argue. Where everyone else is over the top with their combat, Jaune manages to stay relatively grounded by comparison. No jumping or magic; just pure human strength, and what strength he has! Though, I will say that his usual style is more akin to tank/wall tactics. He's strong enough to take hits from heavy hitters, protecting his allies from heavy, crippling blows, and his semblance keeps himself and others in the fight.
Now, who else do we talk about... Oh, right! Since you brought them up...
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The Curious Cat: For this, let's explain how their power works. Simply put, the Curious Cat's power mostly resides in their ability to possess creatures in a weakened state. Ruby was the intended target of this possession, having been forced by the Cat to avoid ascension while becoming physically and emotionally weaker over time. In the end, however, Ruby did ascend, and the Cat was forced to change their plans to possess Neo, who had also recently become emotionally vulnerable. Tactically speaking, the Cat is dangerous simply for their ability to take over and use the powers of another which, as stated previously, is overpowered to MAXIMUM. Once Neo had outlived her use, the Cat then made themselves more powerful by changing their body into something more combative. Combative enough to push Team WBY and Jaune to their limits. It wasn't until Ruby, who found new purpose and strength within herself that she was able to overcome the "Furious Cat" with the aid of her team.
So... yeah.
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gordonstanheight · 2 months
masterlist of my f1 lists! :)
below can be found various playlists, letterboxd lists, and serializd lists of songs, movies, and tv shows that the drivers have discussed! they are all constant works in progress, and i always welcome help <3 i try to have sources for everything, especially the letterboxd lists!
honestly this is more of a passion side project to get recommendations for new medias than anything else LOL there's some really good hidden gems in here IMO
i also just really wanted it all in one place !! so without further ado --
‘: ☆ NR6! — sounds to make you feel like you can beat god himself in equal machinery
‘: ☆ SP11! — the mexican minister of defense and his sounds
‘: ☆ LH44! — what does a 7x wdc listen to?
‘: ☆ GR63! — background noise for powerpoint night (which is every night)
‘: ☆ CS55! — the sounds of a smooth operator
‘: ☆ CL16! — what it means to be il predestinato
‘: ☆ LN4! — to play for all occasions (becoming a dj, golf player, race car driver, twitch streamer)….
‘: ☆ LS18! — fortune favors the bold. המזל מעדיף את האמיצים
‘: ☆ SV5! — musik für den sonnenschein
‘: ☆ FA14! — what to put on when you’re conspiring el plan
‘: ☆ PG10! — this playlist was liked by pierre gasly
‘: ☆ E031! — what is estie bestie listening to?
‘: ☆ AA23! — tfw “we bought a zoo” is a movie about your life and also you just died (via appendicitis)
‘: ☆ YT22! — this is what plays softly over the speakers at yuki's restaurant
‘: ☆ ZG24! — how to get in the mood for a runway walk before a fashion show
‘: ☆ VB77! — what plays during cups of coffee and bike rides with the one you love
‘: ☆ MSC47! — what you'd listen to if you were a golden retriever turned into a human boy for a day
‘: ☆ KM20! — what is kmag listening to?
‘: ☆ MV33! — what plays in mad max’s head on loop during his casual sunday cruises as everyone else fights for their life
‘: ☆ DR3! — drs zone activated (daniel ricciardo supremacy)
film (letterboxd) lists:
': ♡ SP11! // no. 1 man on fire (2004) fan
': ♡ LH44! // official letterboxd top four: coming to america, trading places, six degrees of separation, scarface
': ♡ GR63! // no. 1 the gentlemen (2019) fan
': ♡ CS55! // average quentin tarantino fan
': ♡ CL16! // can't stop rewatching harry potter
': ♡ LN4! // class clown says he mostly just watches comedies i said oh i'm sure
': ♡ LS18! // filmbro taste with a bleeding heart
': ♡ SV5! // prefers films made before 2010
': ♡ FA14! // he doesn't like film or music apparently he just stares at a wall all day
': ♡ PG10! // currently rewatching harry potter with charles
': ♡ EO31! // always on that marvel grind
': ♡ AA23! // no jokes just his letterboxd would be insane
': ♡ YT22! // jason statham's biggest fan
': ♡ VB77! // this is literally just someone's dad
': ♡ MSC47! // what the letterboxd of a guy who is actually scared of the nun (2018) would look like
': ♡ KM20! // he just likes the shawshank redemption a lot
': ♡ MV33! // no. 1 fan of the hangover trilogy
': ♡ DR3! // unofficial letterboxd top four: dumb & dumber, friday night lights, ace ventura: pet detective, talladega nights
television (serializd) lists:
': ❀ SP11! ~~ dad taste real
': ❀ LH44! ~~ in his own words he doesn't really care to watch much tv so be disappointed but not surprised by his list
': ❀ GR63! ~~ sitcom type of guy
': ❀ CS55! ~~ grid king of binge watching like only one guy here would be on that grind during surgery
': ❀ CL16! ~~ he "doesn't have the patience" for a lot of tv but he likes to stay up with the trends
': ❀ LN4! ~~ mostly just watches what carlos recommends
': ❀ LS18! ~~ will always be seated for a sports docuseries
': ❀ SV5! ~~ not huge on tv but likes an easy watch
': ❀ FA14! ~~ dad taste and also his own freakin' show
': ❀ PG10! ~~ only watches the trends
': ❀ EO31! ~~ he likes to be thrilled and he likes to laugh
': ❀ VB77! ~~ recently likes two wheels more than four
': ❀ MSC47! ~~ tries to reject the trends, but sometimes they hit idk
': ❀ KM20! ~~ self-admittedly used to be more of a tv guy than he is these days
': ❀ MV33! ~~ loves a good action show
': ❀ DR3! ~~ his favorite hobby might be consuming media
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
POV You are dating Yuken and you are from Oya High (Todoroki Faction)
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by fujio,todoroki and 196 others
Y/n How can he be so gorgeous? @/odajima ♥️
|| tsuji eXCUSE ME ???
--》shibaman A RED HEART ???? WHAT THE HELL GIRL ?!?
--》y/n I can explain ehehe :)
--》tsuji Explain then ?
--》y/n or i cant 🤭
|| todoroki Y/n pick up your phone. Now.
--》y/n no you are scary
|| fujio That was definitely unexpected but congrats y/n-chan 🥰
--》y/n Fujioo 😭😭💕
|| yasushi Does that mean that we cant beat those skinheads ???
--》y/n uhm...we can always fight bro dont worry
--》yasushi ok then. Congratulations sis 🤢
--》y/n thanks bro 🤕😌
--》yasushi you little shit
|| shidaken you gotta be kidding... sachio will definitely kill us this time...
--》y/n Sachio-san loves me more than you bro ?
--》shidaken yeah he loves you not odajima...
--》y/n 😶
|| odajima ❤
--》y/n ❤
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Liked by jamuo,fujio and 122 others
Y/n Jamuo sent this pic and told that they are waiting for me... literally like this...
|| tsukasa it is not just them who are waiting for you
--》y/n tsukasa-kuun 😭
--》tsukasa we are waitin...
--》y/n coming 😔
|| binzo they look angry
--》y/n yeah because they are :(
--》binzo they are right btw terrible taste
--》y/n shut up
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Liked by tsukasa,tsuji and 138 others
Y/n they literally interrogated me for an hour but i guess they've accepted it now...
|| tsukasa as long as you are happy....
--》y/n 🥺💕
--》tsukasa 😌💕
|| todoroki if that bastard breaks your heart...
--》y/n i knoow 😭💕💕
--》odajima you know well if i do, she will kick my ass
--》todoroki exactly.
--》y/n 😃😃
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Liked by shibaman,tsuji and 154 others
Y/n literally 5 minutes before tsuji&shiba duo ruined our date 🥲❤
|| fujio what did they do this time
--》y/n shiba ate my apple pie 😭 and tsuji told yuken embrassing old stories 😃
--》fujio at least you are still cute :/
--》y/n thanks? ig...
|| odajima dont worry angel, i still love you ❤
--》y/n ilyt ❤
--》tsuji angel ? NŞHLŞRLDLDLF
--》shibaman do you even know what she does to us when she is angry ???
--》y/n you two idiots shut up or i kill you both 🤗
|| jinkawa dont spoil him too much y/n-chan...
--》y/n how cant i ??? Just look at him HE IS ADORABLE 😭😭😭
--》shidaken 🤮🤮🤮
--》odajima you being jealous 💕
--》sachio yes they are
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 123 others
Y/n my biggest supporter 🥺 best leader 😭💕
|| fujio always. 💕💕
--》y/n 🥺💕
|| tsukasa who took this pic?
--》nakagoshi me
|| todoroki because you are dumb and he is dumber
--》tsuji 🤡🤡
--》shibaman ...
|| odajima fujio-kun looks cute here 😄
--》y/n i know ldşfşsşlxşd
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Liked by odajima,shibaman and 144 others
Y/n like old days... ofc todoroki couldnt stand us and left...
|| fujio why
--》y/n cause like i said tsuji&shiba are dumber than us bro 🤜
--》fujio broo 🤛
|| todoroki everday im asking myself why im your friend...
--》y/n so could you find the reason
--》todoroki no
--》shibaman at least he accepted that he is our friend
|| odajima todoroki-kun definetly loves you guys but he will never accept it
--》y/n i know
--》todoroki shut up
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Liked by odajima,todoroki and 200 others
|| todoroki as you can see we are just fishing ? Im not steling your boyfriend calm down 😒😒
--》y/n dude you were literally gonna beat the shit out of me a few months ago FOR DATING HIM ???
--》todoroki yeah he is not that bad
|| odajima babe didn't you like the pic ?
--》y/n no it is not that... never mind... 🔥❤
--》odajima ahsjhwhsjw ❤
|| tsuji y/n-chan definitely will burn the school this time
--》y/n did you know that they went fishing TOGETHER ???
--》shibaman no
--》todoroki it is not a big deal...
--》shibaman you even dont take us and y/n-chan when you go fishing ?
--》y/n but he is taking my boyfriend... 
--》todoroki cause you 3 are too noisy and annoying...
--》y/n mean.
--》shibaman mean.
--》tsuji mean.
--》todoroki ...
|| fujio cool pic 😎😎
--》odajima thanks man
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Liked by odajima,sachio and 243 others
Y/n i cant fix him cause im insane too... happiest birthday to my babe 🥺❤ ilysm ❤ @/odajima
|| odajima ❤
--》y/n ❤
|| tsukasa happy birthday odajima-kun 🙏
--》odajima thanks man 🙏
|| tsuji you never celebrated our bdays like this...
--》y/n i literally made a fckn cake last year for you
--》shibaman we want bday pic
--》y/n im so done with you two...
--》shibaman yeah todoroki says that everyday too
|| mercy it is still weird to see you two dating but happy birthday to Yuken-kun 🍰🌟
--》y/n sometimes it is weird even for us too...
--》odajima thanks bro
|| todoroki when and who took this pic
--》y/n a few days ago and me... why ?
--》todoroki so you were in Housen when i called you ?
--》todoroki i will take this as a yes...
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Liked by todoroki,fujio and 178 others
Y/n because of his old dudes attacked tsuji&shiba, he doesnt let me walk alone... nice to have strong friends :D 💕
|| todoroki  if something happens to you housen will kill us 💕
--》y/n i thought you love me for a second 💔
--》todoroki no i dont.
|| tsuji you didn't have to write it here
--》y/n :D
|| fujio he looks happy :D
--》y/n i know :D
|| odajima babe everyone knows you dont need protection...
--》y/n yeah but annoying todoroki-kun is more fun
--》odajima sometimes i feel really sorry for him
--》todoroki yeah me too...
--》y/n you are my boyfriend... 😭😭
|| todoroki when did you even take this pic ?
--》y/n idk but you look handsome here
--》todoroki thanks.
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Liked by odajima,sachio and 157 others
Y/n he made me his personal photographer but i love him. 😍❤
|| odajima  i look more handsome when you take the photos 💕
--》y/n what can i say... it is a god-given talent
--》odajima yeah yeah whatever
|| fujio i need a photographer too
--》y/n idc find tsukasa
--》tsukasa no, thanks.
--》fujio ☹☹
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fourthwingfan · 2 months
Madness - Chapter 14
Hello there, my amazing readers! Thank you for the messages, I really appreciate your encouraging words! <3 The next chapter is here and finally it's dragon tiimeee. Have fun :)
In the six centuries of recorded history of dragon and rider, there have been hundreds of known cases where a dragon simply cannot emotionally recover from the loss of their bonded rider. This happens when the bond is particularly strong and, in three documented cases, has even caused the untimely death of the dragon.
—Navarre, an Unedited History by Colonel Lewis Markham
Xaden. For the first time, the sight of him fills my chest with hope. He won’t let this happen. He can’t just watch them kill a dragon.
But I know the rules probably better than anyone else in this quadrant, thanks to Violet.
He has to. What Xaden wants, which is always debatable, doesn’t matter here. He can only observe, not interfere.
“And if we don’t want to rethink our actions?” Jack shouts.
Xaden looks toward me, and I swear I can see his jaw clench, even from this far away.
Hope is a fickle, dangerous thing. It steals your focus and aims it toward the possibilities instead of keeping it where it belongs—on the probabilities. Xaden’s words come back to me with alarming clarity, and I rip my gaze from his and concentrate on the four probabilities in front of me.
“There’s nothing you can do, right? Wingleader?” Jack bellows.
Guess he knows the rules, too.
“It’s not me you should worry about today,” Xaden responds and Sgaeyl tilts her head, nothing but menace in her eyes when I glance over.
„I repeat myself. There’s nothing you can do, Wingleader.” Jack mocks him.
“But I can, and I will.” I say behind them.
They quickly turn around and I smile at them. “Four against one? It’s sad that it takes four men to defeat one woman.” I take a step and grin at Violet. “You’re terrifying, Vi.”
“So what? Two against four? We could easily kill you and the dragon.” Oren says and turns fully to face me while unsheating his sword. “You haven’t killed anyone during the challenges. You don’t dare to do it now either, bitch.”
I let my smile fade and I feel cold calmness wash over me.
“You’re threatening our lives, you’re threatening the small dragon’s life. Do you really think that I wouldn’t kill you? You’re dumber than I thought.” I laugh coldly.
“Enough, let’s kill them!” Jack roars and sprints toward Violet.
Fucking coward.
I don’t hesitate as I run toward Oren. He swings for my neck but I easily dodge him with my sword and I slice open his arm.
“You fucking bitch!” He screams and slashes at me with his sword in a wide arc. There’s an opening.
When you let your emotions control you, you’ll lose. That was the first thing I learned.
I side step and with a swift movement with my sword I knock his out from his hand.
He turns to me with fear in his eyes. Now he’s taking me seriously. Too late asshole.
I slice toward his chest and there’s blood.
Blood on my sword. Blood on my clothes.
He touches his chest with wide eyes and falls to his knees. The bleeding does not stop. This is a fatal wound.
I look for Violet and see Barlowe clutching his shoulder as he backs away a few steps, then turns and runs in the opposite direction, disappearing into the tree line in no time.
Good. Run, you piece of shit.
I hear Violet scream and I see as Tynan’s sword cuts into her upper right arm, along the direction of the bone.
“Behind you!” Xaden shouts and I see what he sees.
Without thinking my body moves toward Violet and I arrive just in time to block Rio’s sword, which was ready to separate her head from her shoulders.
“I got your back!” I shout toward Vi, then I look in Rio’s direction and smirk at him. “Hi, squadmate. Couldn’t you choose better?” I aim at his arm, but he dodges.
“You’re the one who will die today, Melgren!” He’s better than I thought. I am forced to defend myself as he tries to wound me. Let’s keep calm. There’s always an opening.
“It’s just the two of you now, asshole. Oren’s dead, and Jack ran away. The odds are against you.” I’m trying to upset him so he can’t concentrate.
“You fucking bitch!” Rage contorts his features, and he moves to strike.
“Original. Can’t you think of anything else? It’s getting boring.” I move to parry his strike. Just a little bit more. “I don’t think there’s a dragon in the Valley which would be able to tolerate you’re shitty personality. I’m really surprised that you lived through the Presentation Day.”
He roars and charges at me. Finally.
I deflect his blow and with a kick in his side he loses balance.
He staggers back and I don’t leave enough time for him to regain his balance. I strike, aiming at his sword. Again. And again.
He drops his sword and looks at me with a horrified gaze.
I prepare for the last strike but suddenly he turns around and…run.
What the hell?!
I release my right hand’s grip on the sword’s hilt and I unsheathe a dagger near my thigh.
Without aiming, I throw it after him, relying purely on instinct. The dagger finds its mark in his back. He screams and slows down but  he manages to escape.
He won’t get far with that injury. He’ll probably die before he meets anyone.
I chance a quick glance at Xaden and Sgaeyl. Yeah, she looks pissed. Her head undulates in a serpentine motion—a clear sign of agitation—and those narrowed golden eyes of hers are focused on Tynan. Our last opponent.
A gust of wind slams into us as I stare with wide eyes.
Standing with the golden one tucked under an enormous, scarred black wing is the biggest dragon I’ve ever seen in my life—the unbonded black dragon Professor Kaori showed us in class. I don’t even come close to reaching its ankle.
So that’s why Rio ran away.
A growl resonates through its chest, vibrating the ground around me as it lowers its gigantic head, baring dripping teeth.
Fuck, we’re doomed.
Suddenly Violet grabs my arm and pulls me away. She has a strange look in her eyes.
The black dragon’s eyes narrow to glare at Tynan and he opens his mouth wide a second before fire shoots across the field, blasting heat against the side of my face and incinerating everything in its path…including Tynan.
“He deserved it.” I mutter.
Flames crackle at the edges of the blackened path, and I turn slowly to face the dragon, wondering if we’re about to be next.
“I didn’t kill them because there’s always another way.” Violet lifts her chin and looks at the dragon.
Sweet Malek. This giant dragon is chose her?
“Because she’s strong and I am not.” She looks at me at the corner of her eyes.
“That’s not true, Vi!” I protest. “I don’t know the topic but you’re strong! One of the strongest person I know. Don’t underestimate yourself!”
She smiles and looks back at the dragon.
„Well, that’s a statement on his character. Not mine.” Vi shrugs.
They communicate with each other.
There’s a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye, then a whoosh of air as Xaden and Sgaeyl take off, leaving us here with the giant black dragon and the little golden one.
“It’s not that simple when you’ve been run through with a-“ Vi shakes her head and she’s trying to tear off a piece from her shirt with one hand.
“Let me help you.” I say and I look between Violet and the dragon.
The dragon only blinks which I take as an approval.
I sheathe my sword and I help wrap a piece of cloth around her arm.
The dragon lifts his head, and the golden dragon peeks out from under his wing.
“How do you know my name?” Violet asks.
The dragon huffs.
„Get on your back?” She stares. “Have you seen you? Do you have any idea how huge you are?” I’d need a damned ladder to get up there.”
“Vi, don’t argue! Just go.” I look at her with a raised eyebrow. She’s arguing with a dragon. No sane person would do.
The golden one bends down, flexing its legs, and then launches into the sky, its golden wings catching the sun as it flies off, skimming the tops of the trees.
“But what about you?” She looks at me with concern.
“Don’t worry, Vi. I can protect myself.” I laugh at her. “Besides it’s almost nightfall. Somebody will find me.” I shrug.
It’s actually sad. It’s almost over and I was not chosen.
“Uhm…he said that you wait here.” Vi says hesitantly.
“Okay.” I nod slowly. “Now go, you need to show your mother that you did it.” I smile.
The dragon stretches his leg, like a ramp. Violet then climb on and with a last glance they’re off.
Fucking hell. Violet is bonded to one of the strongest dragons.
I start laughing histerically and plop down on the ground.
I killed one probably two people. Violet is bonded. And I sit here with blood all over me and l just laugh. What a day.
I hope Liam and Ethan are bonded too.
I clam down slowly and I look up at the sky. It’s darkening. Probably I should go back. I slowly make my way toward the woods when there’s a roar and a gust of wind.
The ground shakes and I turn around, stumbling.
“I think Tairn told you to stay here. Where do you think you’re going?” I hear a male voice in my head.
I look at the dragon and my breath catches.
An enermous blue dragon stands in front of me.
Oh, god he’s huge. And his colors are extremely beautiful. Blue but it’s not that simple. His torso is a darker shade, almost like midnight blue. Toward his legs and wings it becomes brighter. There’s so much color on him. Blue but so many shades. He’s the most impressive dragon that I ever saw.
But…wait. He talked to me?
“Uhm, Tairn?” I ask hesitantly still not sure if I heard it right. “Do you mean Violet’s dragon?”
“Yes, and you heard me right. I’m talking to you, little one.” He lower his head and huffs at me.
“Do you choose me?” I ask him with wide eyes.
“Why are you asking the obvious?”
“I’m just surprised. I thought that Threshing was over and I wasn’t chosen.” I shrug.
“Don’t be impatient. You had to prove yourself to me, vicious one. I won’t choose someone who is not worth my time.” He straightens and flicks his tail. “Now climb up, we’re late.”
Damn. Is he a morningstartail?
“So what? Who will blame us? You’re a dragon.” I laugh.
“You’re a smart human.” He slowly blinks at me. It was an approval?
“I’m bloody. Do you not mind?” I point to myself.
“No. You bear the blood of our enemies. Be proud of it. You are alive and so is your little friend. Now enough with the chatting. We’re late, so hurry!”
I don’t hesitate. I run and I climb in the same way as I did at the Gauntlet.
It was…surprisingly easy. The practice paid off.
I climb over his shoulder and reach his back, dodging the pointed spikes that ripple down most of his neck like a mane.
I see the seat—the smooth, scaly divot, just in front of his wings—and sit, bending my knees like Professor Kaori taught us. Then I grab ahold of the thick ridges of scales we call the pommel, where his neck meets his shoulders.
“My name is Aonniasach. Descended from the powerful Gormfaileas line.” He stands to his full height, bringing me eye level with the canopy of trees around the clearing, and I squeeze a little tighter with my thighs. “But I’m not going to assume that you’ll be able to remember that once we reach the field, so Aon will do.”
I inhale swiftly, but there’s no time to process his name—his history—before he bends slightly and launches us into the sky.
It feels like I imagine a stone does after being flung from a catapult, except it’s thrilling. The ground falls away as we soar, Aon’s enormous wings beating the air into submission and pitching upward.
And we’re flying.
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