#and yea its fine to be inspired by others
stormsofasorceress · 3 months
can we pls normalize not everything being ship content. if its not tagged as such please stop assuming.
seeing ppl reblog ruby's (bg3) ooc posts as 'x gale' posts when shes literally a lesbian is kinda shitty.
not everything out there is ship content. platonic friendships between f/m characters exist.
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crithaus · 1 year
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the more things change the more they stay the same huh? 2 sacrifices, both for love and both with consequences that have and will ripple throughout Exandria forevermore, and at the heart of it all, one man who loved his sister and his beloved so very much that it changed the whole world around them, who loved his family such that not even death could make him forget them, who loved so much it'll go onto inspire love stories for centuries, stories about family, love, heartache and sacrifice, and love and devotion stronger than any other force on earth. a man who couldn't stand two minutes without his heart, and gave his life to a matron that let him push past the gates to save his home from her untimely fate 30 years later.
Vox Machina will be an epic for the history books and at its core is a simple tale about love.
okay blurb done, this took me a WEEK but thats fine, that moment was so cute that it made me draw this, and while my thoughts about the reaction to it are more mixed, and also here bc i have Opinions, it still was cute. Vax still is out here risking life and limb for his girls and i'm happy to see it and now all we gotta do is free him so he can go move in with kiki and meet all his nieces and nephews and hug his fucking twinnie against gdi
and yea i thought the offering his fate string to RQ was a stroke of gay genius but what do i know, i hope you like this, please leave your comments in the tags they fuel me
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radiance1 · 10 months
(Cha'll know Hornet from Hollow Knight? Yea, she inspired me for this along with her song recently made by Man on the Internet.)
Danny's reveal went wrong. His parents operated and experimented on him until his body couldn't take it anymore, and, well.
He died on that operating table.
Jack and Maddie weren't immediately concerned, really, since it's just a ghost. They weren't, at least, until that ghost transformed back into their son.
They were far too stunned to properly process it. Their son was phantom, their son was the ghost they spent a while chasing through the streets of their town and hunting.
They killed their own son on an operating table.
When Jazz found out she, well she wasn't pleased. At all. She screamed at them, tears streaming down her face when she found out her brother was dead. The brother she spent raising in her parents place, the brother who went out and risked himself fighting ghosts for the town, her little brother.
She couldn't take it anymore, couldn't deal with them anymore. She had a friend over a Gotham, a very good friend who would let her crash for a while at their place until she could get back on her feet. So she packed her things and left Amity Park and her parents behind.
The Fenton's were racked with guilt, because they killed their own son and the last damn thing he saw was them operating on him. They had to make this right.
They never really, truly, dabbled in genetic engineering much. But they could goddamn learn, they were smart enough for it. They built and put Danny in a pod to keep his body from either melting or decomposing, they never could tell which would happen after learning of his unique biology and got to work.
Their first try at cloning him was a failure. The clone barely lasted a second before melting away into a puddle of unusable ectoplasm and DNA. Their second clone had the same effect, so did their third, fourth, fifth, sixth.
It was incredibly harder than they first thought to clone the unique biology of a halfa. But they couldn't, wouldn't, give up. They had to do this, they had to right what they did wrong.
It took 4 years for them to engineer the 'perfect' clone. 4 years in which they haven't left their home, 4 years in which they haven't seen their daughter, 4 years of trying to atone for what they did, and they finally did it.
Subject 'Omega' was built to last. Superhuman durability, superhuman healing, unable to physically age. Everything they could think of that allowed it to not die they engineered into it.
They couldn't clone his ghostly abilities, would make it too unstable, it would have to develop such things on its own. They couldn't clone his memories either, but it was ok, they could make new ones!
Subject 'Omega' was released from its pod and unlike the other failures, it didn't melt into a puddle as soon as it left the pod, nor a few minutes or hours after. They kept it around for a day, fully ready for it to destabilize and be regarded as a failure, but blessedly it didn't.
They then kept their son's body in that room, putting it on full lock down and ensuring that it could never get in.
They finally succeeded in making the perfect clone. One almost exactly like their son, stuck between life and death, black hair, blue eyes the whole shebang. Sure, he didn't have the memories or the abilities that Phantom possessed, but it was fine.
They had to treat it properly, raise it right, even. Teach it all they knew, take care of it properly, that's what parents did right? Sure, maybe it wasn't as perfect as it should have been, missing memories, missing abilities, for example.
But they still loved it regardless!
It was unable to transform into Phantom. It had ghostly abilities, yes, but it was fully stuck as just Fenton, they didn't get it, they made him as perfect as could be why couldn't it just do that-
Did they miss something? Was there a problem with its design? The missing memories they could attribute to themselves, the abilities they could write off as having been replaced by the abilities they built into it to make it last taking priority over pre-installing the ghost abilities.
But this.
But it was ok, it was fine, sure he didn't have the ability that Danny should have. But it was ok, they still loved him even if he wasn't perfect, they told him so all the time.
Everything is ok.
Subject Omega, or Danny, as he was told his name was. Loved his parents quite a lot, or at least he's been told he loves them. He didn't have any memories of them, nor of this house, nor of that girl in the pictures, but he was told it didn't matter.
He was told he had Amnesia, that it was so bad he couldn't remember any of his memories before today. They were his parents, parents who loved him with all of their might, this house was their house that he's lived in since he was born and the girl in the pictures was his sister.
He asked where she was, they said she left, he asked why, he didn't get an answer. He didn't question it, really, it was intriguing to know who she was, but his parents didn't want to share and a good boy doesn't ask questions that his parents don't want to answer!
Apparently, he was what his parents called a Halfa, a hybrid between a human and a ghost and he had the abilities to prove it. The standard ghost powers of Intangibility, invisibility and flight, with his own ability to form ectoplasm into string, or silk (he had them whispering about that, but it was probably nothing of concern) along with a numerous amount of abilities either related to durability or healing.
He was confused when they asked him to 'Go Ghost', because he didn't know what or how to do that. They showed him some audio, apparently something they had to hack through a lot of cameras to even find, of him shouting "Going ghost!" and what they believe to be him then transforming into another version of himself with white hair and green eyes they called 'Phantom'.
He tried it out, they seemed hopeful, he didn't want to disappoint them. But he couldn't do it, they urged him to try again and again when he failed over and over. He was worried he was disappointing them, but he told them he just couldn't do it.
He was scared, of how they reacted to. His mother screamed at him for why he couldn't just do this one simple thing, the thing he was supposed to do, while his father grabbed onto his arm and dragged him to his room. He couldn't feel physical pain, or much of it so his parents told him, but he had the idea that it should hurt.
He was told to never leave his room until he could figure out how to go ghost, and then the door was slammed shut in his face. He tried to do it, he really tried too! Even forgoing sleep to try and go ghost repeatedly.
It turned morning, and he still couldn't do it. He wasn't even tired, so he could continue trying until he got it right! But then a knock came from his door and his mother came through, he was preparing to apologies when she just told him to come down for breakfast and said she loved him.
He, didn't know what to feel about that.
he questioned his parents about it, a while after he came downstairs. But they acted confused, asking if he had a bad dream or something of the like, so he hesitantly recounted what happened and his mother just hugged him. Telling him that they would never do that because they loved him far too much to yell at him and treat him that way.
So, maybe he did just have a bad dream and nothing happened.
He was glad for it, too.
He didn't go to school, they pulled him from school because of his accident and decided to homeschool him. He had a lot to learn, really, all the stuff from inventing, mathematics and fighting from them!
He loved it! Really, he did! Sure, some of the stuff made him brain hurt from so much knowledge crammed into his head, but he was getting better at Martial Arts! He got so good at both that he even got a gift! A giant needle sword thing that was supposed to go hand in hand with his thread and such!
He didn't have anything else to be learnt, but he wasn't allowed to go outside, so he just stayed home really. It was just the three of them here, and it was his whole world.
One day his parents went out, which wasn't unusual as of recent, so he took to refining his technique with the needle, he could go on for hours and not feel the barest of fatigue, that's how it always was said his parents. But when they came back, they seemed, different, it was a subtle thing, but they seemed paler.
They were also a bit panicked, telling him not to go outside (not that they let him) and then going down into their lab to do something. He was curious about it, but didn't mind it, he knew his parents probably didn't want to worry him about something, so he just lost himself into refining his technique.
Over the passage of a few weeks his parents kept going out and then coming back into their lab, carrying samples of something. They never told him what it was, so he didn't bother asking, it seemed very important, so he shouldn't bother them.
Even if they seemingly had less time for him and more for whatever they had down in the lab.
Over those weeks his parents seemed to become ill, he didn't know what it was, but they seemed to have contracted something. Sometimes they came back covered in blood, sometimes coughing, or injured.
One day they didn't come back up from the lab, and Danny left them there because he didn't want to disturb them. He had to refine his technique after incorporating string after all.
Another week passed, and his parents still didn't come back up, he was worried, extremely so. So he sneaked down into the lab, he was prepared for being punished or shouted at for doing so, but he just needed to know if they were ok.
They weren't.
The first sign was a terrible smell of rot, the first repugnant thing he's ever smelt oddly enough. The second was the smell of iron, and the third was seeing his parents' bodies lying on the ground, blood splattered from their mouths.
He didn't understand why they were just lying there, why blood came from their mouths or why a terrible smell came from them. Maybe they were napping? A weird place to do so.
So he tried dragging upstairs and putting them on the couch or in their beds. Which he managed to do after a while, putting them to put and covering them with sheets, then went down back to the lab.
Because there was a newly opened door his parents had opened, and he was curious, and it didn't look like they were gonna wake up soon so surely, he could take a peek.
He didn't know what he expected, but seeing himself in a pod wasn't it.
Then he found out that he was a clone. A clone of the original, dead Danny and there were hundreds upon hundreds of other failed clones. He didn't know how to take it, apparently his original was hero, a hero they hunted down and killed because he was a ghost, and the only reason they made him was because they didn't realize and killed their son.
He wanted to march up there and demand an explanation, but he was scared, scared of how they would react if he were to bring it up. They killed their own, true son, so why wouldn't they just kill him and continue cloning too?
They left the way to lock this section of the lab in one of their entries, so he locked it and left, waiting for them to wake up.
Except, they never did.
Then a while later some people entered his house unannounced, clearing through the house. They asked him if he knew where his parents were, and he took them to their bedroom. they said his parents were dead, and then completely disregarded him after and went down into his parents' lab and took basically everything they could get their hands on, including his parents' prized Ghost Portal.
He couldn't stop them, too busy trying to process the fact his parents died, and he didn't know.
Awhile passed and he went outside, seeing the town basically abandoned for some reason. He saw no one but those men for a while, people he later learned to be some government agents.
And just like that the town he was in became the testing ground for the government to dump their failed experiments, either too hostile or not what they wanted.
More so the former than the later.
The original Danny protected this town, was a hero and stopped ghosts. There weren't many ghosts around here anymore, at least the humanoid ones his predecessor fought off, but there were the ghosts of animal's or experiments who kicked the bucket, and then there was the experiments who were still alive and wandering the town, extremely violent and animals that got mutated from some kind of chemical those ghosts dumped around town.
Probably another failed experiment.
So, he decided that just like the original he would try and protect this town, from the government, from the failed experiments, from the mutated animals, from the ghosts of experiments and animals long dead. He would preserve this place to the best of his ability, it was the only thing he could do now.
And just like that, 5 years passed. 5 years of fighting off experiments and beasts with his nail and thread, 5 years of zero human contact, 5 years of just fighting and surviving and honing his skills.
And then, one day. A group of people came to his town, not the government, he could tell when they were coming. No, this was a group of different, newer, people.
People he had to dig through his memories to find, because he only saw one article on them before his parents switched him to a server they made for him.
The Wayne's were in his forgotten town for some reason, and with them was the girl he saw in the original's family photos, he didn't know her name, but he knew she was the original's sister. He would watch and wait, see what they do, and if he determined them to be a threat.
Threats to this town have to be eliminated.
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heartsforsserafim · 9 months
i really love your works, can you write for g!p winter?🥺 free choose if sub or dom and about the kinks ofc, whatever inspire you♡
Movie night
pairing ; gp!minjeong (sub) x fem!reader (dom)
genre ; smut/fluff
tw ; edging, teasing, handjob, public sex (lwk), whimpers
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Today the girls invited you and minjeong over for movie night, they'd be providing everything needed. You and minjeong made your way over to the place, greeting the girls.
"Hii Y/nie on my gosh its been SO long" Aeri spoke, you agreed and hugged her, "So true", minjeong got caught up with ning and rina's talk about the new anime they found while you and aeri cooked inside the kitchen.
A while passed and everything was ready, you chose to watch 50 Shades Of Grey. The girls agreed but minjeong didn't know you decided on it, she walked in during one of the sex scenes inside the movie and she sat next to you. Quickly grabbing a blanket in fear of the girls seeing her slowly hardening cock.
"Babe why'd you grab a cover? Is it already cold?" You asked her, getting a heating pack out of your bag, "N-no its something else" she whispered back. You didn't fully process what she meant in the moment and the movie was back on a normal scene. You two just hushed and watched the movie, until another scene came up.
minjeong gripped your thigh and looked at you with pleading eyes, you understanding what she meant now. Reaching your hands down to her waist, you slowly moved your hand into her pants. Going past her boxer briefs, touching her bare cock. The amount of precum coating it would make it easier to give her a handjob.
You began jerking her slowly, she wimpered lowly. Aeri turned her head, "Winter are you okay?", " U-uhm y-yea i'm fine" that caught the attention of karina, "I mean, we can turn on something else if you'd like?" "N-no girls i'm fine, enjoy your movie" minjeong said, reassuring them. They nodded and turned back to the movie
She was currently suffering, your slow movements on her cock made her want to just fuck your hand. Ningning stood up from behind you two, and minjeong's head fell back at the same time. "Win you sure you're okay?" She asked the older girl, "Y-yeah ning i'm fine" She nodded and walked over to the kitchen.
Another sex scene comes on, and minjeong's cock twitched. "Aw puppy come on" you whispered in her ear, "Can't you wait till it's over?" "A-ah n-no i can't wa-wanna cum now" you nodded and sped up your movements on your hand. Minjeong tried her best to keep quiet and not alert the other girls.
She whimpered lowly as she felt herself getting closer, but you stopped and got up to go get some water out of the kitchen. Leaving minjeong there, waiting for you to come back. Although it only took four minutes, it felt like years to minjeong. She needed to cum and you just edged her. Once you came back, minjeong looked at you with pleading eyes once more. "Aw i'm sorry princess" you put your hand back on her cock and continued your movements.
By this point, minjeong didn't care who caught you two she just wanted to cum. Her orgasm built up once again pretty quickly, thrusting her hips into your hand. She came and shot her head back, her load spilling all over your hand. You whispered into her ear, "Good girl" minjeong brought her head back. Her eyes hooded and she was still panting, her vision wasn't clear at all.
The movie ended a few minutes later, "Okay how was it?" Jimin asked, "It was good, i really liked it" Ning said, "Same here" Aeri spoke, you nodded with them. "Minjeong, you okay?" Aeri asked the younger girl, "She's fine, she was tired" you said, "Oh okay" Aeri went over to her bedroom.
The girls got everything cleaned up, and you fixed minjeong's clothes before waking her up, "Come on baby, the movie's over" She wasn't registering everything and just nodded following you home
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doppel-doodles · 3 months
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Since everyone is making their own little version of the characters I thought I would join the fun for my Fallen crown Au! These were supposed to be quick little sketches just to get some ideas down but they still took me the whole day:'D will probably change as I draw them but I wanted at least something down on for the time being and I do like how most turned out!
Single versions plus some info and ramblings about each under cut for those interested:
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My lamb was mainly based on both, yes the actual player character but also the vibes of my own plathrough which were very "oh god who let this child be in charge?-" while I'll still mostly just call them Lamb I figured they should still have a proper name so I went with my friends @/tamaruaart suggestion as it suits them rather nicely! And most note worthy detail is honestly just the fact that they carry something from each bishops realm on their person now, I like to think they treat those items like little trophies:>
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Narinder is probably my weakest I feel like, he definitely needs something to give him some extra "ompf!". I basically made his undertaker fit a sorta reverse or at least loosely inspired by his white robes in game. I imagine he is very boney or a straight up skeleton underneath so he covers it all up beneath heavy fabrics, but because I lack subtly I still covered him in bones regardless-
And yea I kept the veil cause 1. It's a look and 2. It coviently covers up his now sewn shut third eye.
There wasn't much reason behind making him an undertaker, I simply thought it suited him, when your the former god of death you aren't exactly squeamish around corpses. Lastly the dark blues are there to contrast the other followers warm tones, as they kinda seen him as an outcast which is just fine for narinder he isnt exactly thrilled to be here.
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I'll put Leshy and Heket together as they were sorta designed as a set.Since they are both youngest among the bishops I sorta latched onto the headcanon that they get along pretty well and just stick together after getting into the cult so they just share a lot of their duties. So I gave them some matching elements like the puffy shorts but also stuff that contrasts like Leshy having looser clothing and Hekets being more tight. Or Heket getting working gloves with a little belt to hold tools plus a hat for the sun, meanwhile Leshy will happily dig through the dirt bare clawed in the sun for hours-
I debated on giving Heket an apron but honestly I think she would only wear one while cooking or tending the farm plots there is no reason for her to wear it casually, the gloves though stay for I reason I utterly love because its PETTY-
Literally the only reason she keeps them on almost constantly is because when the lamb asks she can be like "ew, I'm not touching you with my bare hands." Yes, my humour is broken moving on-
I also gave Leshy a cane just so he actually has something to feel around with when he is areas he isn't too familiar with so he isn't running into crap- on that note, Heket can speak a bit but not exactly loud or for a very long time without seriously hurting her throat, once I properly learn it I definitely wanna draw her using sign language.
Lastly bodies, Leshy was based off a previous drawing I made of him in bishop form, I simply made it less monsterous but he is in charge of chaos so he had to remain a creature- Heket is more straight forward, she is a frog and she is large and in charge.
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There was one reason why I made Shamura a tailor and that was the mental image of them sewing the bishops clothes when they were younger and dressing them up all cute.
I went for more pink colors mainly because I thought it better suited the purple and would make their red eyes pop! Honestly I really love their colors they remind me of a Berry! I've drawn shamura before but honestly the only things that stuck were the colors,face and then also the hand markings I did tweak their eyes a bit I wanted something more stern feeling.
For clothing I kept everything nice and loose, while they are the tailor I also love the idea that in their spare time they either teach the youths in the cult or are like the champion of the fighting pit because war is also their domain and they can be- so I wanted them dressed pretty comfy to deal with whatever may come! But still keep everything pretty mature and mildly fancy maybe in the future I'll do some fancy gold and silver embroidery to the pants because of that.
As for body type I wanted them to be pretty thin but unlike Narinder who is twink material under his cloak they have a bit more bulk on top to show that they can choose violence if they so wish-
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I adore me some pathetic but still serving men, honestly except for the cross on his belt I completely ignored the fact I made him a medic- If he needs to treat something gross he can throw something over to protect his clothes but just like Heket there is no reason for him to wear that while not working.
Otherwise my main goal was simply to make Kalamar look pretty and fancy. I debated on either short or long bottoms until I realized I'd have to figure out his tentacle situation, then realized I don't hate myself THAT MUCH so bro got put into a floor length gown, work smarter not harder kids.
If I have an excuse to give a character a shawl I will take it so fast.
His body type I mainly wanted to flesh out the roster so I tried making him very squishy and huggable looking, I debated on thinner so he looked more dangly and stretchy but that made him kinda to similar to Narinders build for my liking.
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alianarepasa · 5 months
Little Toy Prince: Chapter Prologue
Summary: After bringing in a wooden Christmas toy Nutcracker, which for some reason, looks like his ex-rival, SMG3 woke up from a noise in the upper floor of his cafe. Little did he know, he will be experiencing the classic Christmas story, without any knowledge of its story.
Tags: Inspired by Barbie in the Nutcracker, Nutcracker Story
Note: Thanks to Olive/lullabycreations for being my proof-reader for the Prologue and Chapter 1, even if they have no knowledge on SMG4
“HUH?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU NEVER HEARD ABOUT THE NUTCRACKER?! IT’S ONE OF THE CLASSIC CHRISTMAS STORY SMG3!” said in shocked expression by a dude in a blue sweater with white overall, to his purple sweater with black overall doppelganger ex-rival now friend, SMG3.
SMG3 groans. “SMG4, almost 2 years ago, you said to your friends that I didn’t celebrate Christmas with anyone in my entire life. How in the hell are you shocked that I didn't hear that story before?” He said with an irritated look.
SMG3 never really celebrated Christmas in his whole life during his time as a villain. Yea sure, he knows what the holiday is all about due to seeing a lot of ads, and kept hearing those Christmas songs everywhere, but he never cared and/or had time to celebrate it for all those years. But ever since SMG4 invited him to celebrate it with his friends, he at least had a good time with it. Even if his first Christmas from 2021 causes him too much trouble for being destructive in the Blooperville, while his last year's second Christmas was almost destroyed, while also being saved with the help of everyone in that Christmas dinner by his and SMG4’s avatar, Mario, by accidentally hurting Melony’s axolotl, it is at least a fun time. 
However, he never really has interested, to look up at some Christmas related content, especially those Christmas stories, like “A Christmas Carol”, “The Little Match Girl”, “The Polar Express” or any of those kinds of story, with of course what SMG4 mentioned to SMG3, “The Nutcracker”.
SMG4 then concernedly explained, but not a very loud kind of response to SMG3’s question. “Well, I know that you DON’T celebrate Christmas in the past, but I always thought that you may have heard about the Nutcracker, or any kind of Christmas stories!” “Well surprise! I may know what Christmas is, but it does not mean I know what kind of Christmas story that I read, heard, or heck! Seen before!” SMG3 responds back in a harsh tone, but not in an insulting kind of harsh.
“Even the Barbie version?!” SMG4 exclaimed, questioning SMG3, which caused him to feel even more annoyed at the blue idiot. 
“Yes. Even the Barbie version.” SMG3 then sighed annoyingly. “Look, I don’t know what your obsession is with this kind of question from you right now, but if you keep asking me about these things, I would literally gonna shove a bag of sugar cookies through your mouth!” SMG3 said it as if it was a threat to SMG4, in which it wasn’t.
“Aww man, you literally never celebrated Christmas at all! You may as well get visited soon by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future if you keep that up~~!” SMG4 teased
“Is that a Christmas story that I will never get a reference from?” SMG3 said in a displeased look
“It is.” SMG4 answered in a smug look. SMG3 responded to him with even more annoyed, yet tired groans, SMG4 chuckled at the reaction of his ex-rival. But then, SMG4 has an idea.
“Oh I know! What if tomorrow’s Christmas Eve Dinner, we should watch Barbie in the Nutcracker with the others!” SMG4 exclaimed
“Are you for real?” SMG3 rebuked.
“Yes, I am for real here!” SMG4 responded excitedly. “This will be fun! Hell, it may as well be your first time getting an exposure to that Christmas story! Yea sure, I could’ve picked a better movie adaption of the Nutcracker, than the one that I suggested, but honestly, I just think watching the Barbie version is more fun to watch!” SMG4 excitedly explained it even more to SMG3
“So… will this be fine enough for you to get into the Christmas story spirit?” He insisted at SMG3.
“Yea, yea, sure! Whatever! I’m only agreeing with this because it’s the only way that will make you stop questioning me about my past choices on not being interested in Christmas shit” SMG3 accepted the offer, annoyingly enough.
“Then that settles it then! I will try and tell everyone if they’re up for it as well. I may also start setting things up for tomorrow. Wanna help out on this one 3?” He asked, which SMG3 just gave him a thumbs up with an annoyed look. SMG4 then smiled. “Alrighty then! Just gonna get some essential stuff for tomorrow’s Christmas Movie Night!”
“Can you set up some rugs in the main lobby?” SMG4 requested. “Sure.” SMG3 responded.
After a few hours of setting things up, the Meme Guardians were finally done with it. SMG4 then explained that he’s going to tell everyone about the Christmas Movie night, and other than that, he let SMG3 go home as there is nothing else he can do now. They said their goodbyes, and SMG3 left the castle. As he is going back into his cafe shop, he is already feeling… conflicted. On one hand, he regrets accepting the offer. I mean, Christmas Movie Night is not a bad idea, but him, SMG4, and the others watching a Barbie movie adaptation of a Christmas classic story about a girl and her nutcracker? That’s just an embarrassment! Knowing that Mario and Bob will be disgusted by it. But on the other hand, if he is being honest to himself here, he wouldn’t even mind watching an animated movie that is adapted by a girl’s doll, even if not everyone joined, he wouldn’t even mind just watching it with SMG4, he just doesn’t want to admit it.
When he’s going through his own thoughts, it gets instantly cut-off. As he was about to reach his cafe, he noticed the box in front of the cafe’s door.
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
hi there, i want to ask about your usage of it/its pronouns, sorry if this might make you uncomfortable or if its weird or confusing
are your it/its pronouns any different from it/its pronouns for an object? I don't know how to word it sorry, I'm just trying to understand more about other types of pronouns
It’s fine. They aren’t different from an objects it/its to me, because objects & animals & concepts aren’t inherently inferior to humans, so I wouldn’t really mind being in the same group as them conceptually.
It’s a mindset I haven’t fully gotten into but I’m trying to rework the way I see the world, inspired partially by the things I’ve heard native Americans say. Like, I am not better than the food I eat because I’m human. A bear isn’t better than me because they can eat me & kill me. Humans are a part of the earth and would do best to work inside of it and with it than to try to control it or put ourselves on a higher level than it’s other creatures.
I mean clearly we can’t be all that much smarter & more important, what with what we’ve got going on.
But anyway, my pronoun change was at first honestly just the most logical conclusion.
Here’s my train of thought: I didn’t like he or she, Im not a man or a woman. and they/them don’t tell you anything about my gender. If you hear someone call me they/them you aren’t even gonna know I have a weird gender!
Similar to how man and woman are genders, but Non-binary isn’t. Non-binary just describes what you aren’t, its an umbrella term not (inherently) a specific gender. it’s very broad and most nonbinary people I’ve seen & met still identify in parts with man and woman. They/them is so vague that no one would bat an eye if you slipped in a they while describing a cis person who clearly reads as their assigned gender.
And I’m too forgetful & lazy to use neopronouns so, it/it’s was the natural choice. It’s easier to integrate because people already use it/it’s for stuff all the time.
And see, here’s the thing: I have a gender, I’m not vague or in between or a mix. And it’s much closer to like, the idea of a Third Gender. This was something that frustrated me a lot in high school because I would go looking for labels and most of them were about proximity to manhood & womanhood. Or about being agender or neutral. Or about concepts I fully did not relate to. I am not one of those things.
Another issue I had was that a lot of these gender labels had “-gender” at the end which doesn’t make sense to me at all. It’s not mangender and womangender so I didn’t vibe with this naming scheme.
I was also hesitant to use a label a white person made because I’d noticed that white people kind of have a different experience with nonbinary gender than people like me.
Luckily I found the perfect label! Maverique! It had no weird -gender suffix and it was made by a black person who created it online after realizing neutral/agender didn’t fit right.
And yea so it/its is a signifier of me as a third thing. not male, not female, not neutral or in between or lacking gender- just a different kind of person.
And this isn’t even getting into all the ways that I related to monsters in media, which were frequently called by it/it’s pronouns. Or how being abused factors into seeing myself as a non human THING and how embracing that makes me feel much more alive & like a person.
So yea, that’s the run down :)
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rfxiii · 10 months
Hey :3
I love your writing ITS SO INSPIRING!! Lately I remembered that Trevor used to play hockey as a kid, so it means he is good at skating?? I saw ur headcanons post AND OMG YEA THAT'S SO REAL!! Could you maybe write a story with Trevor trying to teach Mikey skating? That would be so adorable xdd
Thank you!! 💕💕 take ur time
I’m trying to get better at writing stories (I’m not very good) so tysm for requesting this and letting me practice!! I hope you like it 💕
Tw: none
*slight implied Trikey-ish interactions
[567 words]
Trevor attempting to teach Michael to ice skate:
“Why the hell are we out here, T? This is- Fuck!- This is fucking stupid.”
“Stupid? Mikey, Mikey, Mikey! The only thing stupid is how you look right now.”
Sky blue meets chocolate brown in a vicious glare as Michael Townley clings to the edge of the ice rink- his legs wobbling beneath him like a baby deer, while Trevor Philips grins sharply, unbothered as the ice below the blades on his feet feels natural to him.
“Shut up! When you said you wanted to do something today I thought we’d go to the bar, maybe go see a movie. Not..this!” Michael growls defiantly, his feet scrambling beneath him as just the act of standing up becomes an Olympic event on the slick ice.
But Trevor, a Canadian native and ice hockey champion, takes Michael’s struggle in stride as he sways casually and sports that god-awful grin,
“Come on now, Mikey! You’ve never been one to pussy out! It’ll be fun- trust me!” he taunts, giving Michael’s shoulder a jostle,
“Seriously! Mandy can skate just fine. Even Brad managed not to fall on his fuckin’ ass!”
Michael fights to correct his posture as Trevor’s rough treatment leaves him slipping,
“Mandy has always been athletic, you ass! And Brad- Fuck! He’s got a bigger center of gravity- I dunno! Fuck him and fuck you! I’m gonna break my neck out here, T!”
“Nope! No givin’ up now, Mikey! Let’s go!”
Without prompting, Michael finds his fingers ripped away from the solid edge of the rink; Trevor’s rough, calloused hand gripping his own and pulling him to the center of the ice. It feels like the ground is being wrenched from beneath him, and against his better judgment, with legs scrambling below him like a fool, his arms shoot and wrap tightly around Trevor’s shoulders to steady himself.
“Wooah! Hey, Mikey!” Trevor heckles while a hand catches at Michael’s waist,
“I know ice skating can be romantic, but at least buy me a drink before gettin’ handsy!”
“T, I’m so fuckin’ serious! Cut it out!”
“Alright, alright! Just chill out. Look- quit bein’ a prude, gimme your hand, and fuckin’ indulge me on this for once. Huh? Can ya handle that, pork chop?”
Michael wishes to argue more than anything, but it’s a rare moment that he and Trevor get to hang out alone without Amanda in his ear complaining, the kids needing his attention, or Brad leaving him annoyed by tagging along. It felt like old times when they were each other's only friends. And honestly…he misses that.
“Fuck you... Fine. But you’d better not let me fall!”
“Quit your naggin’! Don’t ya trust me, Mikey?”
As the words leave his scarred lips, a grin twists Trevor’s cheeks and the hand on Michael’s waist moves to extend itself in an offering that Michael was free to reject���at the risk of falling on his ass. So, wordlessly, Michael accepts with eyes clenched shut; his fingers wrapping tightly around Trevor’s hand for support and giving the other man full control over whether or not he went home tonight looking foolish and covered in bruises. But Trevor steadies him, and Michael finds himself drifting easily against the ice that has antagonized him throughout the day.
“See? Not so bad? Right?”
“Alright... Yeah. I trust ya, T. So, what do I do next?”
“Next, you’re gonna try movin’ on your own!”
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enden-k · 4 months
My pulls are a mess. I don’t really have a plan like I do in genshin, and I have a bazillion quests to do, so… I guess I can work up the jade.
On the topic of AUs though, while I absolutely adore your fantasy witch AU, I also really liked the Eremite Kaveh AU. Have you had any more inspiration for that? And having now met Aventurine (just a li’l guy!) what are your thoughts on his character? Like I said I have a bunch to do, I literally just got Starrail for the free Ratio, so I’m not even in Penacony yet. Some hate Aventurine and others adore him! So I’m not sure what to think?
I’m fine with spoilers btw so answer that however you want!
i got a few asks about my eremite kaveh and i did plan to revive him once i find the time. its not that i dont have inspiration (i have the problem of having too much/too many ideas), its more an issue with drawing other things or not having the time i would like to have
i like aventurine (i did say so even before) but i dont have more thoughts, or rather i dont like talking when the character is not fully out with all their lore etc.
i like characters that got smth mysterious going on where youre not entirely sure what theyre up to or smth. hes not one of the guys i find super hot or im super insane about or smth (like hthm or ratio) but yea still really like him ! just a tiny little guy. im not sure why some ppl already hate him (and dont explain pls, i had enough aventurine in my inbox to last for a bit) but ig its a similar curse like childe has: either ppl like him or hate him. but thats fine, that just means theres more aventurine for holly
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months
Tim Shepard (Tv series) Head Cannons
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This is if you seen the Tv show or not its fine :P
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But take your time!! NO RUSH THANK YOU🙏🏻♥
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Sorry to ask this! Its just over seen the show and in my opinion i was a great show I loved it! I LOVES IT EVEN MORE CAUSE OF TIM. HE REALLY IS MY FAVE!🙏🏻😭 (IM OBSESSED WITH HIM! NOT IN A WEIRD WAY GOD NO😭) I KIN WITH HIM SO MUCH I RELATE WIT HIM SO MUCH🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Also your my favorite "OUTSIDERS" fanpage! Your my favorite person! (Love'ya :D )
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i havent seen the show in a while so what i remember is rusty and i dont think tim was rlly there a bunch so i only have like 3 hcs im srry BUT to make up for it i will go into depth about them kinda sorta, and by hcs i mean aspects of his character i liked in the show and just went “yea thats tim im including that in my tim most definitely” but i do have like 2 hcs
•hes a good artist
loved this part of his character in the show, i feel like he was one of those kids who would doodle on like desk n stuff like that, and maybe he was one of those kids who was into graffiti and he just liked designing things but had no real outlet, sometimes at night when he cant sleep or somethin or hes thinking of like idk gang stuff he draws cause it helps clear his mind, he also just thinks its funny to draw a lot of weiners, hes still a teen hes a lil immature, but i also hc that his artistic abilities kinda inspired angela and curly as well and they become artist in their own right
•hes close to pony
OK LOOK I LOVE THIS AS A FOIL RELATIONSHIP TO DARRY AND CURLY ITS GREAT, but HOW did they get close??? most likely after johnny and dallys deaths, pony spends more time w curly which means more time at curlys house which means seeing tim a lot more as well, at first tim would just pop in and go like “do yall want somethin to eat” and ofc pony was afraid at first but l as time went on, they just kinda clicked, maybe over art, bc each other using creativity as an outlet, or something or bc tim was like “o he is a bit fucked up actually” and took him under his wing
•hes somewhat involved w the curtis gang
mostly based off that one rumble episode, BUT i hc that after dallys death, tim became not close but definitely not a stranger to the curtis gang, he doesnt rlly hang out w them or anything like that, but he does see them quite a bit and talks to them, and especially teams up w them when they need it, think of tim as what dally was to the gang, the guy who came n went but was down w them, but in his own “yall cool but i got a gang to lead so ill help darry a bit when it comes to handlin yall” way if that makes any lick of sense
•i hc that angela and curly werent there bc they were off w their grandma, y u ask??? man idk they love their grandma i guess who r we to judge
•perhaps it was around that time that angela and curly was gone that tim started getting closer to pony cause he kinda missed up and wanted someone to look after, he just got that “damn i need to b a guardian to a fucked up kid or else im gonna go insane my damn self” thing goin on and pony was there so
•i said it before but idc ill say it again, tims art is influenced by haitian art, maybe not like the style exactly, but the idea of it being vibrant, black ppl being shown using the actual color black, yknow that thing
•tim mostly draws ppl and landscapes, maybe he goes out of his way and draws like anatomy stuff wether its normal things or like horror
•he would never actually show his drawings to anyone, he rlly only shows pony it cause he knows pony wont judge, ofc angela and curly knows and have seen it but thats bc theyre nosey and poke around his things, he knows about it but they havent said anything so it’s whatever
thats all i could think of mb</33
and thank u im glad my acc beings some sorta joy, luv ya 2 anon🙏🏽🙏🏽
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Writers Block
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Just fluff but 18+ just incase. No permission to post or publish anywhere else or translate REBLOGS and COMMENTS are welcome. We all get this way right?
I'm looking at my phone. I know I'm pouting as the line cursor thingy is blinking just waiting for the go signal in my brain to start. But it doesn't. It isn't. The flare is jammed.
"What wrong sweetheart?" he sits down next to me and rubbs my back I could see out of the corner of my eyes the line between his eyes deepen.
" I just I feel like I can't write anymore."
"Its ok to take a break."
"But I dont want to" i sort of whine.
"But maybe you need to," he takes my phone out of my hands and lowers it to the table. "It's ok to take a break you know."
"But what if I can't finish what if people hate me for taking too long to finish what if all my stuff is crappy and its just pity like what if I can't ever write ever again and-"
"Ok slow your role Edger Allen Poe," He wraps his arms around me.
"You are an amazing writer. A break isn't the end of the world. It's normal to not have inspiration right noe. If they are a fan they'll come back to you if not why do you care about idiots."
"What if I never write again?"
"Well I guess we're going to have to talk on the phone more often then hu?"
"Thats not what I meant." I chuckle.
Texting is writing. Sending an email is writing.
If you're about to tell me inputting your credit card information into
My credit card information? He fakes innocence,
"Yea you gave it to me remember?"
"No I rember giving you a card that had BOTH our names on it."
"Look sweetheart I love you. And if right now your passion for writing is simmering down a bit that's fine don't freak out, there's a lot of other hobbies. But don't overthink that pretty head and relax are you up for snuggling and a movie?"
"If I ever say no to snuggling with you dont lass go and take me direct to the hospital because I am extremely ill."
He laughs giving me a kiss on the head."
"Ok my love. Whatever you say."
"What are having for dinner?"
"I dont know you feel like anything specific?"
"No just food." I pause "Oo maybe one day we can figure out how to make stuffed baked shells I feel like I'm over thinking how theyare done."
He smiles I dont understand why.
"Anything you want love."
He pulls me close for a snuggle.
"God, If I could stay like this forever I'd be the happiest man on earth" he plays with my hair a bit. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Dedicated to everyone who has #writersblock I feel you
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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ataraxixx · 9 months
I know me constantly hopping into your askbox is annoying but I rlly do not have anything better to do other than... math and biology work so I am here 2 ask you to rank some of my favorite ninjago tracks >:3c (if I did all of my fav tracks I wouldn't be getting my ask answered till next year LMAO)
Sensei Yang's Sacrifice
The Final Battle
Opening the Cursed Realm
Possession (the track)
Garmadon's True Potential
A Full Blooded Oni
March of the Oni (the track)
The Lost City of Ouroboros
The Upply Strike Back
Wu vs. the Crystal King
The New Warden
Nya Becomes Water (thats such a lame track title what the fuck man...)
i had to listen to most of these bc i didnt rlly remember them but heres my ranking
11: crystal king vs wu
10: march of the oni
9: full blooded oni
8: sensei yang's sacrifice
7: the new warden
6: opening the cursed realm
5: city of ouroboros
4: the final battle
3: the upply strike back
2: possession
1: nya becomes water / garmadon's true potential (i love them both dearly i could not choose)
and ill put my deeper thoughts under the cut
ck- i fear i dont really care for this one very much even tho i do really love this fight scene so like 4/10. the choral bits are cool i guess
oni- 5/10 its ok feel similar to yang in that its just general ninjago fare
mystake- its ok its a bit short like 5/10 tbh i like the percussive bits
yang- 5/10 its ok idk very generic ninjago fare but it suits the scene its from well
warden- harumis theme included automatic 10/10 (joke) but i do like this one. sorry i just really like the s8/9 ost they always bang for real. this ones a bit more on the chill side and its not that remarkable/memorable as far as the versions of rumi's theme go so like 5/10
cursed- 6/10 its a fun track but its like weirdly dramatic for a not very dramatic fight scene which is kind of funny. ok fight track
ouroboros- 6/10 yk going thru this list i noticed a lot of these are very percussive which is fine but yk. also very short
final- 7/10 a classic but nothing crazy
upply- 8/10 really big fan of all of motm's leitmotifs and the different percussion instruments in this really help distinguish it from like. every other extremely percussive ninjago song. but the leitmotif helps a lot too its very epic and grounded.
possess- 9/10 im a violin player so im always very biased to when ninjago uses violins and i reallyyy like their use here bc its like the dark intense but contrasted with the little fiddle notes and yea. its cool its very morro-y. the back and forth between the violin and the rest of the ensemble is really fun it reminds me a lot of the danse macabre and tbh they prolly took inspiration from that seeing as its one of the most well known pieces abt the undead
garmy- 10/10 one of my absolute favorite ninjago tracks ever sorry i absolutely love the mesh of the sons of garmadon theme ( one of my favorite leitmotifs) and the garmadon family theme bc its just sooo fucking crazy and intense and it suits the scene its in so well. mega banger alert
nya- really love this one. lots of ninjago music is extremely percussive so this one is really nice bc its so Different. the slow careful treading at the beginning building up into something intense and i always rlly like nya's music bc its very different instrument wise from most of the other tracks and she has a lot more wind instruments usually but it also just focuses more on the wind + strings than the percussion which is nice. and the overarching beat done by the what i assume is bells of some sort but electronic instruments dont always sound 1:1 to real ones but yk what i mean(idk why i wrote so much abt this one but its a good track. 10/10)
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doomed-era · 5 months
crashes through your window!! points at you like an anime supervillain HELLO!! how does gaffen view the champions and/or how does alt zelda view everyone we’ve met so far (unless thats spoilers?). or how would revali and zelda interact do you think
screams and hides under the table there is glass all over the floor my chickens are running everywhere (joking I am fine and completely immune to glass)
oh thats a fffffun question.....!!!! I have thought a great deal about this. I will start with pre-calamity because honestly it is simpler
revali is just...weird. gaffen doesnt get what the guy's deal is (mostly) so about half the time he just. tunes out everything revali says. honestly he does that with a lot of people including zelda. he works 15-hour shifts and just dissociates when he isnt on lunch break. he did pay attention once. and that was when revali said horses were smelly dumb animals and gaffen pushed him off a cliff (they were both fine revali's reaction was more or less just surprise and gaffen cooled off almost immediately cause he's Like That at this point.) he thinks revali's archery skills are really impressive but he'd never actually say that to him because Why.
urbosa is incredibly intimidating and he's pretty sure she doesn't like him. however he thinks she is cool. her loyalty is fascinating to him as he doesn't remember any other gerudo chieftains being...like that? in a good way. like he considers it a triumph for Hyrule At Large that the gerudo and Hyrule at on such good terms and he's deeply inspired by Urbosa's own loyalty not really understanding that it is in some ways a facade. he doesn't avoid her though, I think he'd just. stand there with the hairs on the back of his neck prickling. maybe at some point he would try to use the gerudo words he knows to try and impress her. or maybe he could give her a nice bottle of wine or something she would like as a Present
mipha is. complicated ? hes gotten vague vibes that she might have feelings for him past a certain point. however he doesnt really want to think about the implications of that or what that might cause. he'd rather just stand there and force himself to not think about it.there is a good chance if he was asked about it he would play dumb. mipha is also actively trying to figure out what his Deal is and generally tries to present herself as someone he can talk to so he's spoken to her briefly a few times. i couldnt even really tell you if he reciprocated its like that one post where a character is too tormented by the narrative to exhibit sexuality or attraction. he likes her, he trusts her more than a lot of people but yea.
im trying my best to not sully this with his rp interactions with them because those were done under Specific Circumstances(tm) (and i dont even think he knows the whole mipha has a crush thing for a bit) but when he actually opens up and turns his brain on there he starts making little jabs at revali for fun. he also gets like. mmildly scared of talking to revali before that bc again he turned his brain on and hasnt ever actively tried talking to him. so yea. he also ends up trying to force mipha to reveal more about herself bc mipha never really reveals anything which he thinks is hypocritical. this ends with him getting...mildly pissed/confused. him and revali also set up a time where they could practice archery together teehee
OK DARUK. I havent thought too much about them admittedly. but im tempted to say that their relationship is the friendliest and the most uncomplicated. im a "link ate the rock sirloin to be polite and not just because hes ok with eating rocks" truther so. yea. they're not super close by any means but they're just bros. guys hangin out. daruk would toss him into the air for fun and he'd like it. when hes off work gaffen would probably talk to daruk but when he is at work he'd probably just turn into gromit from wallace and gromit half the time. gaffen realizes he should probably respect the guy more but half the time he just kinda perceives him as like. the team dad and not a respected member of the gorons
that was longer than I thought. oops
post calamity is weird and I have thought about it a little more I think its not something I've roleplayed much so it just kinda sits there in my head and Rots.
but basically i'd describe gaffen's relationship with the champions at first to be highly parasocial. the memory you get from mipha's statue is his first acquired memory and it is.jarring? to say the least. gaffen understood that he was missing large chunks of his memory after rhoam told him that but he didn't really process it fully and he certainly didnt think he had a personal relationship with the people rhoam was talking about. plus when he does get those back he in a sense re-experienced them it was Very Strong Very Overwhelming and it kind of freaked him out. but the zora all seemed to paint a specific picture of who he was and mipha's relationship with him so it really hammered in the importance of his past self and those memories. the problem is because of how important he thinks they are he. pictures himself having a closer relationship with the champions and zelda than he actually did. like they were besties. totally. he loved mipha and they were gonna get married probably maybe and revali could be mean sometimes but it was okay they eventually got along fine and had some respect for each other daruk was the best friend anyone could ever ask for and urbosa was like his mentor who helped him out and was cool. did he have any evidence for this absolutely not he just kinda made up what the champions were like based on the snippets he got and since. well. everyone who knew most of the champions personally is dead. and the zora really dont have a good image of what mipha was like because she didnt really reveal much about herself. these go unchallenged and spiral out of control. the champion abilities do not help. they are not actually the champions in my au they are abilities that look like them. but gaffen thinks they are the champions. he spent a lot of his time wandering around alone and they brought him a lot of comfort and. yeah they were basically his best friends except they were fake
then he almost gets beaten to death and mipha's grace heals his leg wrong and he feels betrayed by them personally so he gets mad. thinks they hate him. refuses to talk about them. stops using the champion abilities because he blocked them on socialmedia. eventually he gains some perspective on it and calms down. realizes he just made everything up. but it still hurts like hell and he refuses to use the abilities anymore. however he still will get incredibly pissed if you insult them. maybe they arent his friends anymore but you will respect them dammit they died for your COUNTRY!!!
OH...hehe I cant reveal everything about alt zelda's impressions of ppl but some things I certainly can!! it is very colored by a few things that have happened to her. that are spoilers. but.
ok so link first cause hes easy. she thinks hes dumb. but she also feels sorry for him because she knows that a lot of the people around her and just the government/military in hyrule are. manipulative and exploitative. so. she really wants him to stay out of this honestly but in some ways she's happy to see him
Lance? she does not know who he is. blasse is complicated and spoilery but basically when she was younger she saw him one time and called him the "lazy old soldier guy" and everyone was confused
ciless (true mage of spirit) is incredibly complicated but basically ciless used to be zelda's mother figure. they hate each other currently and often try to sabotage each other
pike she just sees as ciless's crony and mostly dismisses him
fen she would actually have an. interesting? reaction towards. she'd act like she recognizes him somewhat. she would refer to him as link's father even if link didn't like it. she might ask him if he feels like he's missing something
lepy she would just think is a crony again im sorry lepy you deserve better
and packard she would also basically ignore
MAN. you got me thinking about a tangent about alt zelda and revali oops i am not sure if thats what you meant. but its a funny hypothetical to me. honestly zelda would be fascinated by revali. like at first shed think he was some sort of monster thing but then she would be like. wait you can talk. and revali would be like scoff yes of course. what does it look like.
"you look like a large bird or a monster"
"let me make it known that I am not a bird, and I refuse to be called a bird. I am revali of the rito tribe. it's--" and he looks VERY annoyed -- "not exactly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but I seem to have lost my way."
"...that is very strange." and she just looks amused
i imagined this weird au where shes like "ok i really like you youre my friend now" and she tries to get him to help her with Stuff I think it would be funny
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
Hi Akka. I know you are not Bengali, but can I request a drabble festival season( Durga puja edition) with moon boys x desi reader.
Thanks, I love your work so much.
Mango Leaves and Chaos (Steven Grant x desi!reader, Marc Spector x desi!reader, Jake Lockley x desi!reader)
Summary: Festival prep is a real pain, especially when you’re sad, but chaos tends to distract you from everything. 
Warnings: Small innuendos, nothing else hehe <3
Word Count: 1.8k words
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A/N: Here you go! @pakhiya Thanks for the request, sweetie <333 A lot of this story is inspired by my little thieving escapade that didn’t end very well AHHAHAHA
Feeling homesick during festival time always brought your mood down a notch and you would sulk around your shared apartment, feeling like a sad hollow ghost. You tried to make yourself feel better by cooking your favorite dish but it still did nothing to dull the sad pain that brewed in your tummy each time festival season came close. 
As a struggling PhD student, you couldn’t afford to take a break and go home, back to your beautiful city of West Bengal. Your boyfriends do everything to try and cheer you up during this time and this year, they were determined to make you extra happy. The day before the night of Durga Puja, Steven woke you up extra early. 
“Come on love, we have stuff to do today!” he said, picking you up bridal style as if you weighed like nothing, when you refused to get up. 
“We don’t have anything to do baby, it's a Saturday.” you murmur into his shoulder. “Please, let's just stay in bed the whole day.” 
“As much as I’d love to, darling, like I said, loads to do for tomorrow. Now, chop chop.” he said, marching to the bathroom with you still in his arms. 
You still weren’t awake enough to comprehend what he was saying as he set you down and handed you your towel. You glared at him and he grinned lovingly back. 
“Shower, now.” he said pointedly, shutting the door. 
When you got out of the shower, the bed was made and Jake was vacuuming and scanning a little list that he was holding in his hand, not noticing that you were standing there. You watched him squint and frown at the paper as he blindly vacuums the same spot again and again. 
You giggle and walk up to him, giving him a hug and pulling the paper from his grasp, wondering what was making him so confused. You scan the list and your mouth drops. One side, there is a list of things needed for Durga Puja and on the other side are a list of places to go to source the items from London. 
“You guys are helping me get stuff for Durga Puja?” you say, astounded, looking at Jake, who was grinning sheepishly.
“Well, yea, you’re always so sad about not being able to get all the stuff, so Steven decided to do a little bit of research on what to get and I did my own research on where to get it.” Jake said, gently pulling the paper back.
“Even the mango leaves?” you ask, frowning. 
“Especially the mango leaves.” Jake smirked and you knew he was planning something out of the way just for leaves that certainly did not grow in this climate. 
Before you could continue your questioning, Jake hands you a plate of leftover lentil stuffed poori and pushes you towards a seat. 
“Comer, we will leave in a bit after I finish cleaning.” he ordered.
“Fine, dad.” you mumble and roll your eyes at him.
“Missing a few letters, mi cariño” he shouts back over the sound of the vacuum, making you groan at his corrupted mind.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Turn’s out, the four cash and carry’s that you and the boys visited did have everything you needed, everything except the mango leaves. 
“Ugh, this country and its lack of mangoes, no wonder everyone is so sad here.” You say exasperatedly to an amused Marc, who was already driving towards the place that Jake had assumed he found mango trees. 
Suddenly he stops the car and switches it off. He had driven to the outskirts of London and everything was so quiet here, the cool October air making you shift closer to Marc, who looped an arm around your waist.
“Where to, Spector?” you ask, still not convinced.
“Khonshu said to go straight and turn left.” Marc said, looking between the air beside him and the street in front of the both of you.
A few minutes later, you found yourself standing in front of a nursery.
“Hmm, it's closed.” you say, eyeing the padlock on the fence. 
“Or is it?” Jake says, smirking again.
“Jake, my sweet angel, whatever the fuck do you mean?” you say through gritted teeth. “Lockley, we are not going to be committing a heist for mango leaves right now.”
“Why not, darling?” Steven says, fronting and smiling down at you, twirling the pin in his hand, big wet brown eyes boring into your own.  
“Jake sent you to convince me, didn't he?” you question with your hands on your hips. 
“Told you it's not going to work!” Steven hissed to himself and let Jake front. 
“Look Jake, my lovely crime baby, we are not commiting a crime for Durga Puja, the gods are going to curse me.” you say, frowning. 
“Khonshu said he won’t curse you.” Jake said. 
“Not today, at least. Besides, you’re not the one committing the crime, amor, your big strong henchmen are gonna do it for you.” He continues, flexing his arms. 
You shake your head but you couldn’t help but smile. 
“Fine, show me whatchu got, henchman.” You say shrugging.
Jake smoothly pulled two hairpins from your hair and began to pick the padlock, and in less than two seconds you hear a click. Jake slips inside and pulls you in after checking that there is no one around. He pulls out a knife and the two of you jog towards the little trees, looking out for a mango tree. 
Finally, you find it and Jake cuts a mango stalk with five leaves and hands it to you.
“Here, my beautiful lady, all yours.” he whispers and winks and you roll your eyes but smile. He looked up again to the air behind you and hastily grabbed your wrist. “Uh, oh, mierda. We gotta go, now.”
“Hey! What are you two doing inside here!” someone yells.
“Could you have been any slower, Khonshu?” Jake curses, pulling you and the both of you sprint to the exit, almost knocking over a pot.
You both don’t stop running till you reach the car and you flop, back first, over the bonnet, breathing hard. 
“Still got the leaves?” Marc asks, still breathing hard, hands on his bent knees as he hunches over. 
“I didn’t know Moon Knight was so unfit.” you joke and wave the leaves in the air. 
Marc stood up and pulled you off the car onto his body.
“Mmm, yea I’ll show you unfit, sweetheart.” He says, mouth twisting into a smirk as you wriggle away, laughing.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You and the boys spend the next few hours cooking and setting up the place for the Puja tomorrow night. You couldn’t help it but feel so grateful for them and their constant perseverance to make you laugh and smile.
The next night, you didn’t realize that you had another surprise installed for you. When you came out of the shower, the saree that you had set out on the bed had been replaced along with the jewelry.
You stare at the new saree in absolute awe. It was an offwhite saree with a beautiful red border that was embellished with gold patterns paired with matching gold and red jewelry. 
“You like it?” Steven’s voice echoes into your ears. You turn and envelope him in your arms, giving him a big kiss.
“Like it? I absolutely love it!” you say, pulling back, tears falling down your cheeks. 
“Well, glad you do, I had to steal one of your blouses so that the tailor could sew you one for this.” he joked, wiping your tears and kissing your forehead as you laugh. 
“Get dressed, angel, it's almost time.” he reminds you as you give him one last big kiss. 
You had decorated the Goddess Durga with flowers and all the other puja items were neatly placed around the altar, along with fruits, sweets and water; one tray for offerings and one more acting as prasad. You had drawn and decorated a few rangoli patterns onto the floor and you took a step back to admire your little achievement, only to be distracted by Marc, who came out of the bedroom looking shockingly handsome in his black kurta and jeans.
You hadn’t even started praying and the gods had already started blessing you. 
Moon Boys’ POV
She was seated in front of the altar, chanting mantras, her heavenly voice ringing sweetly in his ears. Marc sat beside her and watched as she slowly moved the camphor holder in a clockwise motion. He’s always adored her devotion and was glad that he could help her get a little taste of home. 
She set down the camphor holder and put her hands together to pray, muttering under her breath. After a while, she looked up to him and smiled, slowly grabbing a tray off the altar and scooching closer to Marc. She grabbed a little of the red powder and dragged a small line of it onto his forehead, offering him some of the sweets on the tray. 
“What did you pray for?” he asked, grabbing one of the sweets and helping her up.
“For us.” she says and grinned her nose scrunching, making Marc’s heart flutter. 
Stealing those leaves was so worth it. 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Durga Puja: an annual Hindu festival originating in the Indian subcontinent which reveres and pays homage to the Hindu goddess Durga and is also celebrated because of Durga's victory over Mahishasur
Poori: Puri is a deep-fried bread made from unleavened whole-wheat flour that originated in the Indian subcontinent. It is eaten for breakfast or as a snack or light meal. 
Mi cariño: My sweetie
Meirda: Shit
Saree: A sari or saree is a women's garment from the Indian subcontinent,that consists of an un-stitched stretch of woven fabric arranged over the body as a robe, with one end tied to the waist, while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole, baring a part of the midriff.
Durga: Durga also significantly known as Mata Rani and Devi Maa is a major deity and supreme divinity in Hinduism. She is worshipped as a principal aspect of supreme mother goddess Adi Shakti and is also one of the most popular and widely revered among Indian divinities.
Puja: Puja or pooja is a worship ritual performed by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains to offer devotional homage and prayer to one or more deities, to host and honour a guest, or to spiritually celebrate an event.
Prasad: Prasada, Prasadam or Prasad is a religious offering in Hinduism. Most often Prasada is vegetarian food especially cooked for devotees after praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.
Rangoli: Rangoli is a form of traditional decorative art that is drawn by using rice flour as per age-old conventions. It is also drawn using white stone powder, chalk or chalk powder, often along with natural or synthetic color powders.
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postgameroutesix · 11 months
APRIL tfp for the character bingo!
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shes so everything shes literally an everything girl to me she means the WORLD!!!! she has so much depth in my mind believe it like i think theres so much to say with her being a narrative for comphet and thinking youre seeking romance when in actuality ur seeking validation and company and its incredible to me how much the show has in it to support that in contrast with how little convincing material it has to support the “love triangle” as april being genuinely invested at all
^ as ALWAYS!!! the vinyl segment “april in paris” that separates her and the boys for a hot second really coincides with this reading of her like really i think we should isolate the crew into separate rooms and get them to work through their individual issues 🤨
april is REALLY funny i think like the exchange in whos chicken where shes explaining her plan remains one of my fav scenes in the entire show and her weird little one liners make me giggle and kick my feet the most shes sooo strange and corny sometimes like “(tied up in sacks on a conveyor belt to their deaths) well what next my fine feathered friends?” “we're being squished into a double decker sandwich”
ALSO 👆on those lines i really love her genuine “mystery solving team” qualities she has namely her assertiveness and quick thinking - with the former its how she will literally just Decide to do something and skip and augie will be like well :/ we dont really Want to do that but then will do it anyway and the latter really exposes her wonderful mind ❤️ mudsy speaks while invisible? well thats because skip is a ventriloquist and will now bark like a dog on command. muddlemore manor being torn down? i will improvise a whole organisation on the spot. GIRL!!!! i want to study her
and on that note of mystery solving i love her motivation for doing so because shes frequently portrayed as pretty easily scared of things and Yet is (its either her or skip) the first to suggest an investigation because By God She Will Figure Out Whats Going On Here!!!
i love how shes very nice and polite and sweet to everyone who isnt her close friends and then she literally will NOT!!! hesitate to fucking shut them down augie and skip can do so much as look at each other the wrong way and shes on them like a fucking puma like “stop it you two 😡😡” i think she has spidey senses for bullshit
i enjoy how shes evidently intended to be presented as a preppy “the beauty” character through her design, voice, placement between skip and augie (nerd/“the brains” + jock/“the brawn”) but is in reality a competent mystery solver and also deeply strange and silly - each of the crew subvert their intended presentations to varying degrees and april is no different!! shes not the “airhead” an audience would come to expect from the archetype presented. i think if in a different medium these three would really shine with these subversions tbhhhh
and yeas i have so many headcanons leeverse funky phantom in my mind is so beautiful….my fav smaller headcanon (so not to do with her backstory or anything) is her being a writer like its sooo special to me i think her fav authors to draw inspiration from are the bronte sisters + shirley jackson amen
and i say “canon isnt real if i dont look at it” but ive gotta stress im referring to the specific bits of canon that suffer from misogyny (eg: “damsel in distress” tropes, her design) rather than strictly overall but also the entire episode of “aprils foolish day” can DIE!!!!
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crystalsblogcorner · 7 months
Just a small fic for y'all today, got inspired by x_pair_o_dices_x "Prepare For the Horrors" and decided to write this! Hope y'all like it and enjoy!
Tw: there is slight body horror( if you consider a long tongue and abnormally long limbs that), safe vore and implications of digestion( nothing happen btw, don't worry! :P)
Word count: 1558
This is what it looks like btw!
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"Seeing Things"
College is fun they said, you'll love it they said, but tubbo didn't love it, he dreaded it.
Only two weeks have gone by and tubbo already has to balance his job, social life, and college work like spinning plates on sticks. Tommy recommended night classes, he said it helped him in his first year when he was going through the same thing, so he started taking the night classes that tommy was recommending, him thinking it was a good idea.
His future self could just laugh on how naive he was to even consider doing night classes, but it all started when he was on his way back from the last class of the night,a cup of pure espresso and creamer in hand as he walked along the grounds.
He took a sip, a sigh following after as he walked, baggy eyes showing his not so consistent sleep schedule have been taking a toll on him. He walks past the campus community fountain before something catches his eye, making him stop dead in his tracks.
If he didn't even look he wouldn't be in his mess, but he just had to look at.. it, a giant shadow looming on top of the fountain...
It's abnormally long limbs and large, wispy tail shrouded in it's dark figure, but it's four glowing purple eyes catching tubbo off guard.
"What the fuck?" Tubbo says in disbelief, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, but it snaps its head down to see tubbo, a low growl making tubbo regret saying anything.
It jumps down from its post, its wispy figure swallowing all the light the moon shines down, its glowing eyes making tubbo look slightly down from the uneasiness they gave off.
"H-hey, we can talk about this," tubbo says as he puts his hands in front of him, but the thing gets closer no matter what tubbo says. Before long it readies to pounce, tubbo noticing this at this last second before it pounces, tubbo throwing himself to the side, his cup of espresso spilling across the grass.
The thing jumps back up quickly as tubbo stumbles to his feet, making a dash for the dorm that sat across the campus park.
The beast began to gain on him, tubbo began to weave through the trees, emerging on the other side with the beast not in sight. Tubbo makes a mad dash for his dorm door, but the beast also emerges from the park running towards tubbo.
Tubbo grabs the doorknob and flings the door open before running inside and shutting it before the beast can catch him.Tubbo leans against his dorm's door, his breath heaving as his lungs strain and heart pounding against his chest as he slid onto the ground.
"Hey tubbo, you good?" Tommy asks as he pokes his head around the corner from the small living room, tubbo looking at him with petrified eyes.
"Y-yea I'm fine, I just need to lie down," tubbo says as he raises to his feet and walks to the room both of them share. He sets his backpack against his bed before flopping onto his bunk, tiredness washing over him, making him pass out instantly.
Nightmares haunted him of the monster, thinking it was some sort of hallucination, but weeks pass of the monster reappearing, chasing him, and him getting away at the last moment. He's tried many different routes, but they all end in tubbo being chased by the same monster, over and over again. He's even asked tommy if he's seen it, but all he said was, "your just seeing things tubs, nothing to worry about."
But It was something to worry about, it was determined to catch him, this little game of cat and mouse started to drive him insane.
Tubbo wakes up around 5 o'clock, the reoccurring nightmare causing him to wake up in cold sweats every night. Groaning, tubbo reaches for his phone, but instead he feels a small note sticking to his phone. Tubbo sits up and grabs the note before reading,
Dear tubs,
I have to work a night shift tonight, there's pizza in the fridge for you when you get to the dorm because I won't be able to cook, but I'll be back to the dorm in the morning, take care!
-Big Man >:)
Tubbo smiles slightly from the note, setting it down before getting out of bed and getting ready for his night classes, dreading for when the night falls.
He steps out of the building, the beast nowhere in sight as he stepped out onto the moonlit pavement.Tubbo looks around before pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight, it illuminating the ground in front of him instantly.
Tubbo sighed in relief as he walked down the sidewalk and past the fountain again, looking up to see nothing there except the full moon just touching the tip of it. Tubbo keeps walking through the park before walking onto the dorm's parking lot, seeing his door and the beast nowhere in sight. He smiles happily before walking towards his door, but something jumps down from the roof to nn front of the door, its glowing purple eyes standing out to tubbo instantly.
“Oh fuck,” tubbo says before accidentally staring into it's eyes, his body feeling paralyzed instantly, unable to move from it's gaze. The beast grabs him with its tail, wrapping one of his legs with it before dragging him towards itself. “Let me go you fucker!” Tubbo screams out, the beast only raising him up into the air, his backpack falling off his body and onto the ground. The monster just stares at him with its glowing eyes before blinking twice, tubbos body instantly regaining function.
Tubbo tries to struggle by trying to grab the monster's tail, but fails miserably. It just stares at him, its face just reading, “finally caught you,” like it's mocking me. Tubbo just stares back, blood just rushing to his head as he dangles there, but before long the creature raises him higher before bringing him over its head.
“What the-,” tubbo looks down and sees it has a mouth, shining white teeth and long purple tongue that he's raised over.
“NonononoNONONO,” tubbo pleads before the top part of his body is lowered into its mouth, feeling that his chest is laying on top of one of its canines. He closes his eyes and waits for his body to be crushed, but instead it just pulls him in further and encapsulates him in teeth.
Tubbo tries to fight its tongue as it tries to lick him, but fails as it pushes him up against its teeth, letting him scramble away instead of crunching him to pieces. And when its mouth fills with too much saliva, it pushes his body to the roof of its mouth and swallows the access drool, soon it will be him.
Tubbo waits for it to just snap his bones in half, but instead his world begins to shift, making him slide to the back of the throat head first and with one swallow, he's gone.
The descent was terrible, the walls crushing his lungs and air was hard to breathe. He would have much rather it ended it fast, but it was going to eat him alive, digest him alive. Before long it opened up into a small chamber, the stomach.
Tubbo takes a deep breath, his chest aching from the descent before looking around. He doesn't even get the mercy seeing his skin melting off his literal bones, the walls glowing a dim purple. Tubbo eyes prick with tears as he curls into himself as sobs for a few minutes. “I'm going to fucking die, and Tommy ain't going to know what even happened to me,” tubbo sobs out to himself.
Maybe I should just sleep, at least I won't be conscious when I pass, tubbo thought to himself before closing his eyes, his sense of the world slipping away from him as he did so.
Tubbo opens his eyes slowly before propping himself up on one of his arms, stretching the other one with a groan. Tubbo looks around the room, noticing he was laying on the couch, still in his clothes from last night's classes. He looks over at his bag, it sat right next to the open window, the sun beginning to rise.
“God I need to go change,” tubbo says, “I just need-,” tubbo continues as he grabs the hoodie he's wearing, noticing it was damp and slightly sticky to the touch.
“What…” tubbo says as he tries to remember what happened last night. “I got done with my classes, walked back to the dorms, saw the monster, it grabbed me,” tubbo lists to himself, stopping for a moment before saying, “it… ate me..”
Tubbo covers his mouth as his breath hitches, a disbelieving sob escaping his mouth as he just stands there before looking back at the window, “it can get inside, but why? Why hasn't it already done that?”
Tubbo walks towards the window before leaning on the window sill, watching the sunrise. He sighs in relief, his life being spared another day from the beast, who watches from the shadows of the night's blanket of darkness.
After notes: hope y'all enjoyed it, and if you want to request something, my requests are always open to anything(except nsfw or 18+), but just ask questions or request some artwork or a story and I'll do it! Bye for now :)!
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