#and yes and we all know the entire reason they create so many women is to get men to play bc sexy designs
owainbradys · 7 months
I do like how whenever a new feh book drops ppl act like the male characters being sidelined is like, a Very Important Issue That Needs To Be Corrected Immediately ignoring that sidelining female characters is a much more prevalent and systemic issue for... all of media?
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louthegothartist · 5 months
SO! I have a theory regarding the exterminator angels from Hazbin Hotel. So far we've only seen two exterminator angels without their masks/helmets on (Vaggie and Lute)
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And I couldn't help but notice that they look alike to each other. I had been thinking of this theory all during Episode 6 but then Adam says something that REALLY fed into this Theory. Adam when talking to Vaggie says "I named you after the greatest thing ever" he says he NAMED Vaggie, which to me sounds like "I MADE you" I'm beginning to suspect that Adam created an army of exterminator angels to go down and do the exterminating of Hell, and so far from what I can tell...
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They're all female. And so I started thinking, back in episode 1 when Charlie was explaining about the Garden of Eden, we ended up 'seeing' Eve. However, Adam and Lilith are the only two that we actually know what they look like, Eve is the only person from the garden that we don't know what she fully looks like, because we only seen her in Shadow form. So I was thinking, what if Adam made the entire army of exterminators, and if they were to all remove their helmets they were all to look alike, look similar to how Vaggie and Lute do (yes I do see the slight differences between the two) What if Adam based all of their looks off of Eve, he would have an army of women that looks like his second wife, to send down and kill as many people as he could in his first wife's Kingdom...
I think all the exterminator Angels were based off of Eve lookwise, and if we ever do get to see Eve, she will look like the exterminator angels (Vaggie and Lute) without their helmets on.
I do understand that it might have just been a simple design choice, and it could have been easier to animate having them look similar to each other, or they could end up being sisters. But I do think that they were based off of Eve and their designs and looks look like Eve. Where is Eve? I think she's in Hell, but that's for another post.
Edit: something that I had originally meant to add but forgot and someone pointed out in the comments, I do understand that Eve has long hair, however, it makes sense for exterminator angels to keep their hair short due to the fact that having long hair in battle would get in the way, as well as having longer hair would be hard to keep under the helmet. I don't know of all exterminator angels are going to have long hair or not, but if not then that would be the reason why they don't have long hair.
So what do y'all think? This is just from a fan of the show that happened to latch on to something lol
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gryficowa · 9 days
The strangest thought came to me, related to "Islamist Terrorist Attacks", without further words: Depression
You're probably wondering what's the connection between depression and terrorist attacks? Well, depression can have many faces, including one where someone can kill someone or take other lives with them, along with the WTC, Islamophobia intensified, which led to the frequency of terrorist attacks, those who have experienced discrimination know, that one of its effects is mental problems such as depression, so yes, society has led people to a tragic mental state and washed away the guilt, instead of taking it too, because it's better to put it on the victim (Who may have done something unforgivable, but still, they created I)
Society, through its discrimination, has caused a person to have a bad mental state (And although I don't like it when people defend the torturer for this reason, the fact that people blame the Islamists themselves and deepen this problem changes the perspective, because if there was a white boy instead of the Islamist, then people to feel sorry for him and yes, white privilege… And misogyny, because in the case of women there is not as much sympathy as towards men)
Unfortunately, a chain has been created that we continue with our Islamophobia, leading the discriminated person to a critical mental state, which leads him to commit unforgivable acts, which leads to us blaming the entire group, and so it becomes a circle that does not want to end
As long as Islamophobia does not end, there will be terrorist attacks, we as people fuel it ourselves and blame God on innocent people, instead of taking some of the blame on ourselves and thinking about what to change in society to prevent it from happening (No Islamophobia, because she is guilty of it)
Islamophobia is not just a problem for Muslims, it is a problem for all of us
We must end this chain before there are even more victims
Since the WTC, people have dehumanized Muslims, which unfortunately can be seen today in what is happening in Palestine and Burma (And on the Polish-Belarusian border, yes, I will not stop mentioning it because it is sick), has shown this problem more widely (Which is ignored by people, because they must have a chochoł, because they can't live without it)
This thought reached me especially in Europe, where this shit has reached, and with it terrorist attacks, Islamophobia is a beast that lurks and then I wash my hands when something bad happens, seeing Islamophobia in my country (And being terrified by it, because even though I am an agnostic raised in Christianity, such hatred towards people is terrifying for someone who knows the history of the Holocaust)
No one deserves such hatred, and the worst thing is when this hatred comes from a group that was the victim of the same thing, yes, I'm talking about Jews, specifically Zionists, there is nothing more disgusting than a victim of discrimination that discriminates against others (Like gays discriminating against trans people, like Asians discriminating against black people etc…) and spreads propaganda itself, which is not true about a specific group
What is happening today to Islamists is not much different from what was done to Jews and it should terrify us, not be a reason to be proud, it is sick that we strive to dehumanize people and we are proud of it, it should not happen
Unfortunately, we still have constant victims of discrimination that are not new… LGBT+ people, people use Nazi rhetoric (Yes, calling gays "Unnatural" is one of them) and I see it in Poland, which is horrifying because of the context of the Holocaust, and many Poles are denied other victims than Jews and Poles, which is terrifying
We let fascism come back and it's fucking terrifying
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the-delta-quadrant · 28 days
"stop treating x group like the enemy" is such a weird way to derail conversations about privilege.
saying that binary trans people have privilege over nonbinary people, or that allo queers have privilege over ace and aro people, or that mono queers have privilege over bi+ people isn't "making people out to be the enemy". that's some bullshit to immediately shut down any real conversation.
but the problem is you all don't even hear us out most of the time when we talk about our specific experiences to know that we don't paint anyone as the enemy.
if you want to talk about "making people out to be the enemy", why don't we talk about binary trans people acting like nonbinary people are the reason why people don't take trans people seriously? or about allo queers creating an entire harassment campaign just to push aces and aros away from the queer community? or about how bi+ women are demonised for being involved with men by lesbian separatists? how bi+ lesbians are framed as dangerous by mono lesbians right now? or how transmascs and transmasculinised people are continuously painted as patriarchal, misogynistic and inherently violent, even by other trans people? or how perisex queers were threatening and harassing intersex people after the intersex progress flag was created? or how queer people consistently try to push out "the weird ones"? but you all don't want to talk about that, because in most of these cases, it means acknowledging you have privilege in some way.
you all are so fragile that you think "you have privilege over me" means "i hate you, you're my enemy and you're responsible for all the oppression i experience", when no one fucking said that. but it's all or nothing, black and white, binary thinking.
it's vital for people to acknowledge the privilege they hold even within their communities because that way we can more effectively work on dismantling the systems that oppress all of us. but by refusing to acknowledge your privilege, you uphold it, and by that you do contribute to further oppression.
i mean fuck. i don't even think nonqueer people are "the enemy". will i complain about the shit i get from nonqueers and others who have privilege over me? absolutely yes. does that mean i think they are the enemy? absolutely not. dismantling the gender binary helps binary trans & cis people. dismantling allosexism helps allos. dismantling monosexism helps monos. dismantling the patriarchy helps cis men.
we have so many allies that i hold dear to my heart, INCLUDING allo queer allies to aces and aros, mono queer allies to bi+ folk, binary trans allies to nonbinary folk. never have i considered them enemies. that's a fucking myth to silence conversations about intracommunity privilege.
i shouldn't have to say "not all binary trans/not all allos/not all monos" for you all to understand that a) yes, ALL of you do have privilege, and b) i'm not talking about you if you're not being allosexist, exorsexist or monosexist.
the enemy is allosexists, exorsexists and monosexists, no matter which identity they hold. heck, some of them are literally ace/aro/nonbinary/bi+ themselves and i'll be the first to call that shit out if you actually looked and weren't too busy being defensive. the enemy is exorsexism, monosexism, heterosexism, cissexism, allosexism, intersexism, misogyny.
no one's said otherwise except fucking radfems. so STOP acting like nonbinary/ace/aro/bi+ people are some new version of radfems for talking about privilege and our unique oppression.
i'll be a fucking nonbinary bi-asexual killjoy. fight me.
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Heaven is not entirely on the wrong – a Hazbin Hotel theory #1 - Adam
Alright fellas, before you start shooting and cursing at my name with the most colorful strings of curses, hear me out.
But first let me get this out of the way, heaven not infallible no, I am not going to paint them as the perfectly good guys, no flaws whatever. And yes, Adam is still an arsehole. A big one. A heartbroken one, but still a royal arsehole. One that is one of the most memorable characters in Hazbin.
I mean imagine being the first man and having two women made for you. The perfect pieces to complete your puzzle. You know, as soulmate-y as it goes. And then both of them, one after the other end up leave you. For the same dude. And said dude is the reason you were cast out from the garden of Eden in the first place. Yup, that hurts. And I can only imagine it creates a bunch of insecurities, a hint of inferiority complex (How can one complete with an ANGEL – fallen or not?) an a very healthy misogynistic view.
Because hey, the first man was created, given a purpose, and given a partner to carry out that purpose with. A partner tailored specifically for him. Made for him, made to complete him in every way. And he is ecstatic.  And she cheats on him. With a fallen angel. His purpose is now null. And when given a second chance, IT HAPPENS AGAIN, WITH THE SAME DUDE.
And allow me to believe that Adam cherished Eve much more than Lilith. After all you don’t fully realize how much you love something, util you lose it. And Adam had lost a wife once. So, it is not difficult to imagine that he was much more devoted and caring to Eve. Consequently, when Lilith “corrupts” her, and Eve cheats on Adam with Lucifer – AGAIN, well he loses it. And here we are 10000 or however many years later, and he is a royal arsehole. Because how can you look at any woman the same way again, when the two women made for you, hurt you that way.  
And the heartbreak kinda bleeds out to his personality. His whole demeanor practically screams “Hey bitches look, I have been through shit, cheated on that way twice – with all the implications that come with it – and I am still here, standing and triumphing like Heaven’s very own Hollywood celebrity. And I have a bunch of badass women under my command that love, admire me and follow my every order, that cherish me like my two wives never did.”
And that last bit, is an important plot point, cause here comes Lute. Lute that was his second in command and cherished him and followed him right to the very end. Lute the only woman that did not betray him. And Adam dies with a smile.
Given all of that, I would think it is safe to assume that Adam is pretty jaded, as far as both women and second chances go. Because he got his second chance, after the first one was squandered – not out of his choice, but Lilith’s – and the second chance as well did not work out, because Eve ended up betraying him as well. For Adam, second chances amount to another chance at failure. We can all see why he wouldn’t be all unicorns and rainbows for Charlie’s plan to rehabilitate sinners and give them a “second” chance, when his own second chance amounted to nothing but a repeat of the first failure.
All in all, Adam is a major pain in the neck, and a misogynistic asshole yes, but he is also someone that has been hurt, and that in his own way conquered his trauma and heartbreak and made something of himself. That is not to say he is an altruistic goody-two-shoes hero, far from it, but he is a bit of an unintentional hero, that while following his own agenda and self-interests, freed many souls of their eternal torment.
And before you come at me for the nonsense that my last sentence is we move on the next part.
#2 – Exterminations
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girlschasinggirls · 8 months
do you not realize that jews are indigenous to israel? there is both genetic and archaeological evidence. additionally the reason most jews who lived in europe simply can’t return (where they are not indigenous to anyways) is because their neighbors literally were robbing and raping and killing and turning them into the nazis and other armies that were trying to kill them. it wasn’t just the nazis killing them. and do you know the state of antisemitism in america? jews make up the majority of victims of hate crimes, more than any other minority group in the united states. the fbi releases statistics every year. israel is the only country where they are not subject to outright discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and religion. this is because jews are not white. they are from the levant. if palestinians are not white, and many are actually originally from even further north than israel/palestine (many common last names translate to “the (name of non-arab group formerly colonized by the arabs)), then neither are jews.
yes palestinians are also victims of colonization, by the arabs and british and turks, NOT by israel; who aside from india is the only successful state to have fully decolonized. this does not mean palestinians are treated entirely fairly, but part of this is due to the fact that palestine has an entirely separate government, and israel has fully withdrawn from gaza aside from continuing to provide water and electricity, something they are not required to do as a separate country. egypt does not provide these resources despite also having a blockade set up.
palestine was not peaceful for jews before the establishment of israel. look up any given city or town and the word “pogrom” and you will be met with the story of a systemic killing of jews in that municipality
I’m going to have to use a few examples to explain this.
Romani people are ethnically indigenous to northern India and are currently mostly dispersed thoughout Europe, they were also victims in the holocaust and they are also heavily discriminated against in all parts of the world they live especially in Europe. If, leading up to and after the holocaust a Romani person created a Zionist-like ideology of a Romani ethnostate. If after WWII, with the help of the British they mass immigrated back to northern India as refugees and were welcomed by the indigenous Indians already living there. Would it have been okay for them to then commit their own nakba and colonise a portion of northern India and rename it Romaniland or whatever the fuck?? Start expelling and murdering the Indians that had been living there for generations who also have an ethnic claim to the land? Packing 2 million of them in a 45km squared strip of land and do to them what Israelis are doing to Gazans? Having the fucking audacity to say it’s okay because “they were here first” 1000 years ago? While also somehow simultaneously claiming that there were no people there? “a people without land and a land without people” ??
Did you know that before Zionists settled on Palestine, they also considered Uganda and Argentina for their Zionist state?? The Zionist ideology is inherent to the existence of modern Israel and is the reason it was created, the racism, colonialism, apartheid and genocide is not the fault of a bad government but the foundation of the country itself. The Zionist ideology and genocidal intentions were already in place before they step foot in Palestine and could also be happening right now in Uganda or Argentina instead so don’t try to bullshit that “they were here first” because they would be doing this regardless of the location.
Palestinians are victims of Israeli colonisation as we can see with our own eyes right this moment and literally how dare you even say that. Also you know who else is killed and discriminated against everywhere in the world they go? Women, gay people, disabled people, Romani people, this wouldn’t justify any of these groups creating their own apartheid state anywhere in the world and start doing what Israelis are currently doing.
I want to make it clear that in the process of the Israeli state returning the land to Palestine and ceasing to exist, not one single person needs to be harmed or killed, a lot of them won’t even have to leave the country and can just live in Palestine, amongst Palestinian people of all religions including Jewish, as they did when they first arrived after WWII. If Romani people also wanted to move back to northern India without colonising it and creating an apartheid state this would also be completely okay fucking obviously. Modern Israel is not the Israel from the bible. Every piece of land on earth is already belonging to an existing country and you cannot create a new one without occupying another. Sucks but that’s the reality. Have a terrible day.
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blingblong55 · 7 months
Hey hey 👋 I hope everything’s okay! What are your thoughts abt the new MW3?
have so many opinions so I know I must give a warning for spoilers
A/N: This is a summary and personal opinion, so piss off if you get hurt about what I say
MW3 Spoilers ahead
Started the campaign somewhat early in the day off the early access thing and I have to admit that as someone who loves to read the last pages of books for possible spoilers, I avoided the internet until I was able to play it myself. And oh do I have opinions.
Now, as someone who has been involved in Call of Duty since 2009, I was 6 years old (my cousins played it, but I have great recollection and memories from them) I have to unfortunately admit this one was bad. The storyline made no sense. The problems that were written for this part of MW were not resolved however they created even more problems. The way past characters were filled with real human emotions, the crying, the anxiousness and the evil and vile acts that were presented in OG times are simply thrown out the window this time around.
Yes we lost a well beloved character and to be honest, as much as the next person I am upset and saddened, however, the death was foreseeable. We know Soap, Gaz, Roach and Ghost die in the OG. So for me, Soap's death came as no impact, it was shit how they didn't give much grief around it as in the OG but it is what it is and now he is dead. Sorry it sounds mean but it's the truth.
Now, let's talk about Makarov and the 'No Russian' mission.
In the original, I remember that everyone around the world was in shock by how evil this mission was. I mean it, this certain part even went on international news and so many tv networks talked about how violent it was, just look it up. It is one of the many reasons why COD is titled a 'Violent' game. But this time around, the mission for me at least wasn't as shocking as the original. In the OG, the way it all came down, how it even had a warning before playing that certain mission was proof enough of how violent and evil it will be for its players. This time around, I truly believe they downgraded, Activision and the entire team behind COD went soft for this mission, and it is a reason as to why I believe many, including myself, find this reboot so shit.
The game went soft, there I said it.
Soap's death:
I won't shine a huge light on Soap as like I said before, the death wasn't something that was heartbreaking. However, I will talk about the reactions to the characters death. For this, I will compare the OG and the 2023 reboot. In the OG, we see and hear Price have such a huge reaction to his death, which is very reasonable. Ghost as well, I mean they all lost their teammate and a man who fought until his very last breath, someone they trusted with all. Reboot was shit, we don't see even a single outburst of any emotion that isn't heartbreaking besides their cold way of dealing with it. Take in consideration they know him well, he allows Ghost to call him Johnny, Price to call him sunshine and Gaz to call him brother, all this and not a 'SOAP, NO NO NO SOAP' ???? yeah, not in character. I think it was in retaliation to what the women in the COD community have given, we give them so much emotion when writing non canon emotions or actions of them that I strongly believe they didn't want to make it canon that these men do have more than a soldier mentality.
Much nicer moments:
Now, on a cuter note. I love the relationship we see between Price and Farah as well as the moments we got with the banter between the 141 men.
MW 2019, we get introduced to two young people who will become great leaders. Farah and Price. A woman who has so much potential and a man who also has immense potential in his field. Then, if we see how much they've grown, taking in account they met when both weren't in their now respective ranks, we can get a glimpse of how deeply their bond goes. "Old man," she calls him, something I found so adorable and how she is his option of snipers. Who do you choose for this mission, he gets asked multiple times since the reboot and most of the time, when needed/available, Farah is that answer.
The banter, we love to see it and I love it how in moments of darkness, we got a glimpse of the man with the skull mask being just any other man who says jokes or teases his mates. When Gaz says that Price's face could've melted(along the lines bc I simply forgot the exact quote), Ghost responds and it gives me the impression he isn't just a cold soldier. Something along the lines of "If you ask me it would've been an improvement," when his captain nearly died because of the gas, made me chuckle, its a glim of a man who does find humour in dark spaces but it makes other chuckle with him.
The way Price called Soap 'Sunshine' was to me adorable. I often call my friends honey or babe bc I am fond of them and to hear Price say it made my heart melt. 'Brother' when Nik called Gaz that, gosh the most cutest of them all. It shows these men are truly bonded by memories, trust and that life no one outside of that team will understand. 'Boss' Another cute nickname that Price was given my Ghost, a glimpse that yet again, there is respect but also friendship, something that will stay in the field, even if it isn't in the guidebook.
I think the rating the game was given, which was 4, is very reasonable. Take in mind, Activision wants to expand into more games with the remaining characters. Some of the good guys in this campaign might become the bad guys, like the now criminal Cpt. John Price. Some villains are wanted to be the good guys, to have some character development. But I truly do believe Activision and COD in general should do a better job, it's lacking in creativity, and a steady storyline. I fear most gamers will abandon the game and move on and that COD will become just another shit game from the past.
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So. There's a few things I need to address. My documentation and study of bimbos began as a personal project. I only started a blog because I was putting a ridiculous amount of work and thought into this and figured it should be shared (and still, there's SO much I haven't shared yet...). And that's part of why this blog isn't so well managed, not consistent, and very informal. I write every post with the assumption whoever reading will have some familiarity with the fetish and that was kind of a mistake when dealing with subject matter as delicate as this and if I want to be able to attract literally any other audience. But the blog is here now so its kind of a moot point. I won't be rewriting posts. I want to kill myself every day, its astonishing I can write anything. Anyway, recently I discovered an adult performer named Celestina Blooms, in particular, this video:
We share a lot of the same thoughts. And her criticisms of BimboTok are a lot better articulated. Here are some of things she's said that stood out to me (paraphrased):
"As an actual political movement, the Gen Z bimbo isn't actually very helpful beyond being satire because there are contradictions."
"It makes no sense to be expected to have every single decision in your life, in every area of your life, be a form of activism."
"If you don't spend enough time watching all their videos to completely get the point it looks like they're satirizing the ideologies they're preaching."
"They're kind of taking this thing and being like 'Hey! This thing is leftist because I'm leftist and I said so!' when the thing is still something very tied to a lot of systems of oppression."
"I think there's an issue with saying that being feminine is feminist."
"Because there are so many minors on TikTok they'll come across this trend and see the cute aesthetic and cute clothes, and for good measure, the ideologies a lot of them agree with and be like 'Fuck yes! Sign me up!' and before you know it they're dressing like a bimbo, calling themselves a 'bimbo', and all this stuff while not even being aware of this whole other world of bimbofication as a fetish and unknowingly calling attention to themselves."
She also brings up Pink Bimbo Academy in this video (not by name, and if you somehow see this Celestina, sorry for blowing up your spot!). I bring this up because PBA actually reached out to me like two weeks ago. We had an extremely brief conversation. He lost all interest as soon as he realized my blog isn't primarily about real life bimbos and, like Celestina, I don't believe bimbos are really a real life thing. This is the reason for my last text post (now pinned).
Up until this point I didn't realize Pink Bimbo Academy was a guy, or extremely weird. He's one of those bimbo enthusiasts that genuinely believes every woman should be a bimbo, unless they're trans that is, because according to him a bimbo can't have a penis or possess any "masculine" qualities. He seems to view bimbofication less as a fetish and more of a means to an end. To him, bimbos are the peak of femininity and bimbofication only helps women to become more of who they're "biologically" meant to be. He has entire rants against feminism up on his website and aspires to create an actual real-life bimbo finishing school, like he's a super villain or some shit, like the antagonist of every school-set bimbofication story come to life. And unfortunately, he's basically the resource for bimbofication online. I have to assume not everyone that follows his guides reads all his posts and FAQ but its more than disappointing to have a transphobe be one of the main vanguards of this fetish today.
Anyway, I can't recommend Celestina's video enough. Its a bit long but all worth watching and has made the prospect of writing this book exciting again. I would suggest this video of hers too:
Post-script: After over an hour of writing all of this I realized I actually did something extremely stupid here. Celestina follows me on here, possibly one of the first people to follow me. I kept wondering why one of her icons looked so familiar and it took me until literally just now to figure it out. I hope she doesn't mind the plug, because you all should follow her too!
@celestinablooms Twitter Instagram
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cowpokezuko · 2 months
I recognize that the f/f vs m/m slap fight is pointless and a stupid way of creating division between queer people but ooooo it gets under my skin. It's fine actually if people, esp. lesbians and sapphics who are into f/f content feel underrepresented in fandom because they often ARE. I don't agree with blaming m/m creators, it's not their fault at all, but it's also valid to feel like sapphic content can be hard to find because it's often outnumbered ten to one in most fandoms. This issue largely stems from the lack of complex female characters in a lottt of media with big fandoms, which is not the fault of m/m shippers, but the original creators. There is also a case to be made that stories about women tend to get less attention than media about dudes, which is a larger, cultural problem that isn't specific to fandom but rather a symptom of a patriarchal society, so they don't have a chance to build the fandoms of male dominated media. We are finally starting to learn that straight white guys are not actually the default person, so I have a lot of faith that this issue will change with the times.
This is part of the reason I will always be a supporter of genderbending or transing characters or making your own ocs. If there aren't the type of character you want to see in the media you like, just say fuck it and change it. Characters are entirely fake and can be bent to your will. Once you get over that hurdle, suddenly everything can be about lesbians if you want.
It's absolutely understandable to feel like no one gets you and no one else feels the things you feel, but someone else does and it may just take a little digging to find it, and if you can't find it, make it! Yes it's awesome to eat the cake that someone else makes, but you can't simply pout your way into other people making cake for you. The audience for f/f content is undeniably smaller than the audience for m/m content, but there are so many passionate and creative people making sapphic cakes, and once you find them, it feels fantastic. And who knows, maybe YOU'LL make the thing that gets someone else to start loving f/f ships. If you're not an artist or writer, you can still talk to them about their ideas and support their work or hey even commission them to make exactly what you want to see in the world! What a great way to help your favorite artists and writers make more of the things you love to see.
TL:DR I just think it's very odd for a space predominantly inhabited by queer people and women to get so reactionary when people express dissatisfaction with the amount and quality of representation, even in the niche of fandom. Also cook your own food and find people to nerd out with.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
The Take On The Owl House I Hate the Most
Kind of because I see it WAY too easily. I probably wouldn’t actually make a blog about this because I could see it landing me in hot water but... Well, I keep talking TOH not liking the fact that it’s a kid’s show, that it’s a fantasy show, etc. like that. It doesn’t like comedy of kid’s shows, it doesn’t like the moralizing, Dana explicitly chose Disney because they would give her 22 minute time slots unlike other kid’s shows right now. It does create a show that feels different but also feels like it’s not wearing the skin it wants to be wearing.
That’s not the take though. That’s all stuff I happily agree with and have talked about in the past. No, this take is one I wish I agreed with less but that the show possibly supports and I REALLY wish it didn’t at ALL. The show wants to be a CW-esque, teenage/adult oriented, drama. And if it were... Luz would be wanting to fuck Eda.
Now normally I would hear someone pitch me this and go “Okay, you can go do your edgy AU. Have fun.” I’m not interested but fandom will do as fandom does. It only makes me cringe and recoil into myself because... How else do you explain the complete and total worship and obsession over Eda that Luz has? The first episode explicitly makes it clear that if Luz doesn’t want to do something, she won’t. In fact, the first THREE episodes, all reinforce that. Someone tells her to do something mundane and she goes off to have her own adventure. To have her own fantasy. Meanwhile, Eda is CONSTANTLY shitting on her and belittling that fantasy and that doesn’t really stop until post Once Upon a Swap. EIGHT EPISODES IN. And Luz and Eda have ONE more episode that has them together in a major way, Adventure in the Elements, after that for the entire season. That is the basis for Luz deciding to throw away her mom and not only go save Eda but destroy the portal. That’s not who Luz is, even in S1. She is too self interested in her own fantasy. It’s part of the problem with the Found Family as I’ve discussed before.
So this raises the reasonable question of, if Luz doesn’t find Eda’s normal work interesting, won’t listen to her, isn’t getting properly taught and barely has anything to do around the house, why does she stick around? Well... In episode four, we get this.
And that comment isn’t really new for the show. Eda’s attractiveness is just a blatant fact. She is made out not only to be attractive, but sexually attractive, MULTIPLE TIMES in at least the first season. Her looks get more attention, including by Luz, than AMITY, who is easily the next character who’s looks are even mentioned or glorified. In fact, her being on the market is a topic that crops up more than once in the series. Hell, it’s one of the first things we know about her, that people want to fuck her, as it’s in the fucking pilot. Warden Wrath finds her SO ALLURING as to drop his job to get a DATE with her.
And yes, Raine exists. Does Raine make sense with how Eda is portrayed in the first season, as someone who is happily on the market but also tired of how many assholes she meets on it? No. Admittedly, Eda’s relationship with... Relationships doesn’t make a lot of sense in general but she absolutely doesn’t feel like a character who is mourning the loss of their soulmate, which is absolutely how the show tries to portray it in S2.
She feels a lot more like she fucks around and finds out a lot of guys are assholes. There’s a reason why it was REALLY popular to ship Gruncle Stan and her when S1 was all that was out.
Worse yet, if you want to say Amity proves Luz isn’t into older women or the like, we get this chestnut from fucking First Day.
“And maybe meet a hot, yet vulnerable, upperclassmen.”
There’s... A lot of problems with this line but it also would fit WAY better in, you know... A CW drama and not a kid’s show. Especially from your MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER. She CANONICALLY, because TOH doesn’t think about its jokes WHATSOEVER, has unhealthy, fucked up relationship fantasies. Especially with school. After all, if it was to make them better, she could have said angsty, hurt, troubled, etc. But it’s VULNERABLE. Vulnerabilities are explicitly to be TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF.
*eye twitch*
Now, I do want to say that Eda did take her in and gave her a chance. Luz doesn’t do well with that chance, it’s less than one episode before she tells Eda to shove it for not thinking she’s not special enough, but you can maybe make a case there. She also gets with Amity. So if you wanted to, I dunno, prove that Luz was written in a way that made her seem more interested/cared about Amity more than Eda, especially since S1 does not earn that sort of interest, are there examples of that?
*dead eye stares the camera*
“Don’t you want to go save your girlfriend?” “I do but I’d rather be here and be prepared for if you guys need help.” This is from Clouds on the Horizon. Admittedly, her fear is warranted... But she literally would rather do NOTHING in order to support Eda, because she is explicitly not a part of this plan, than go help unstick her girlfriend. This is also the episode where Luz blatantly ignored Odalia threatening Lumity’s existence so that she can focus on saving the white boy there and get into a position that better, you know, helps. Eda. With the specific motivation that Eda is in trouble, despite the fact that she hasn’t made a plan for how they’re not all about to DIE! Like if Alador didn’t step in, Luz’s plan didn’t mean SHIT. At least Amity was actually dealing with the current problem while Luz was only focused on “Eda is in trouble. I need a way that gets me to Eda.” I personally vouch that the fact that it saved Hunter was tangential as Gus is MORE than powerful enough to make Hunter disappear and replace him with a clone and that’s an even less complex plan than what Luz made up on the fly.
Don’t like that? How about her desperate need for Eda’s approval, to be seen as a peer of hers, STILL, instead of being willing to talk to her, in Titan Where Art Thou? Or that Luz specifically needs to make sure Eda is okay in King’s Tide while her friends, who do not know the human realm or have connections there, are being forced through a portal? Including her girlfriend. How about the simple fact that Luz is WAY more honest with Eda than she literally ever is with Amity?
It’s all just REALLY awkward. But in the context of a CW show, it’s still not good writing, but it’s in line with those absurdities WAY more than with a kid’s shows absurdities. In fact... That’s kind of true in general for TOH. Having the twist that a relative ruined your life because you were better than them and they only became successful because of that choice? That’s in line. The comedy styling leaning more on either pure misery of a couple characters that the writers obviously hate and have there to make mean statements on? Yeah, that sounds right. The refusal to resolve plotlines, especially happily, when it could instead be milked for drama for the next three seasons? The fact that it obviously set itself up to go on for eternity? That sounds about right too. And I will admit I could be wrong. I don’t watch CW shows. Degrassi, Glee, Riverdale? They hold no interest for me because I don’t like mean spirited they often feel. But... with time, TOH absolutely feels more and more mean spirited. And even early on, that ridiculing of other media and fantasy and wanting to have fun all feels in line with that sort of spirit. Including the lack of interest in its fantasy elements.
Eda and Luz aren’t even the only ones that frankly make more sense like this. Lilith’s break with reality almost, and constant need for validation (including from Luz, including as a teacher which is uncomfortable in Escaping Expulsion in general, LET ALONE IN THIS CONTEXT) fits more in line with the sort of ‘insanity’ that those shows might give a character who’s life collapses. To add a chaotic element. Speaking of, that also fits the Bad boy of Hunter, who gets shipped with all the girls who are his age. Not in fandom BUT IN THE SHOW. All three of his introductions to Luz, Amity and Willow work as the start of a relationship arc, INCLUDING WITH THE LESBIAN. And... You know... Luz is Bi... And there are TERRIBLE plot lines you can do with that. *shudders and gags*
Meanwhile, characters like King, Gus, Willow, frankly Belos and his regime, and all the one off villains that other kid’s shows would embrace... Are kind of pushed to the side. Pushed to the side for characters who would feel entirely at home on something far more adult oriented. Something that was trying to be edgy and shocking and constantly have twists that prove how terrible these characters are. It even commonly sets it up. All of the reasons why Lumity WOULDN’T happen were part of why Lumity was so interesting between S1 and 2. But a lot of those plotlines admittedly felt more like this. Tackling racism, classism, Amity’s need to be the best, Luz’s flighty personality, etc. like that. Not helped of course by the fact that Hunter IS older than Luz and so IS a “hot yet vulnerable upper classman’ as he’s really only missing the BIG muscles of the dude Luz thought was “questing in all the right ways” back in episode TWO.
And if you’re wondering why this take has lingered with me... It’s because I keep asking why creative choices were made for The Owl House. Why are characters like this? Why is it a kid’s show when it obviously doesn’t like that it’s a kid’s show? Why is Luz so obsessed with Eda when they spend such little time together? Let alone POSITIVE time together?
And the idea that at one point it was meant to be an adult oriented cartoon, like Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel, but was just jammed into a kid’s show sized hole so it could be on broadcast television does help explain some of it. Do I think it’s actually true? NO! God no! Absolutely fucking not. Not for a second. Or bare minimum, I REALLY hope not. Also, I do want to point out that I don’t think the show would be GOOD like this, just that it leans weirdly on these sorts of tropes and writing styles and that it accidentally gives really awkward ways to interpret these characters, especially when what we’re told doesn’t match what we’re shown.
But ever since the concept was introduced to me, I could never quite get it out of my head. And I guess I just needed others to suffer with me. I’m sorry.
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hamartia-grander · 9 months
Tell me everything you hate about Leon Kennedy so I can agree
Careful, anon, or you'll make me fall in love with you
The things I don't hate about Leon would make a shorter list and my instinct is to give you a jokey answer, but you seem genuinely curious of Leon's faults as a character so I'll do my best to explain it:
Obligatory "just because a character sucks doesn't mean you have to hate them, and I'm not saying people can't like Leon, I'm simply expressing why I personally don't" statement for those with no reading comprehension <3
My biggest reason for hating him is the misogyny. Leon's most prominent trait is his continued misogyny. And while this previously was brushed off as "the writing of the time" in which the games/CG movies were released, that is no longer an excuse, because 1. Leon is still being written as a misogynist, just in a different context, and 2. There are other RE male characters who were never written to be misogynistic, such as Chris Redfield, and there are RE male characters who were originally misogynistic but have been rewritten to no longer be, such as Luis Serra. And of all of the RE male characters who were originally written to be misogynistic, the only character who has maintained that misogyny despite remakes is Leon. This makes it no longer just a reflection of the early 2000's writing, it now becomes a facet of his actual character. And while Leon's misogyny is no longer as blatant and bold as "following a lady's lead just isn't my style", or making demeaning comments on a woman's butt, or scoffing and spitting "women", it is still a part of his character.
Especially in relation to Ada Wong. The way he treats Ada is like a stereotypical reddit incel who experienced one breakup and now hates/disregards all women in his perceived dating pool. Ada never fully revealed who she was to Leon, she never promised him the truth, and she never expressed a want to allow him to see the real her - in fact, she did quite the opposite, constantly trying to push him away. But Leon - being a man who sees a woman in a dangerous situation as someone who needs his help, despite Ada saving his ass multiple times - sticks around. And because he knows nothing about her, he starts to create a projection of who he thinks Ada is, based entirely on the very minimal and evasive information she has given him. And yes, being lied to by anyone is not fun, especially in the middle of an apocalypse. But Ada made many attempts to get Leon to back off, to leave her be, and yet he in all his macho-heroism insisted on "helping" her, thus forcing himself into her line of work despite her warnings against it. And then, when her lie is revealed, he completely disregards his respect for her, and begins to view her as nothing but an emotionless manipulator. She refuses to shoot him, even though it meant forfeiting her entire mission, and he still actually believes she never cared about him. And when they meet again, his attitude towards her is utterly abrasive, inconsiderate, and cold. What makes this misogyny however, rather than just Leon being an asshole, is that we have another character in the same game who Leon used to admire and whose identity is revealed to be something Leon is morally against: Major Krauser. And yet, Leon entirely maintains his respect for, and his consideration for the feelings of, Krauser. Ada Wong was a mercenary who lied to Leon to keep her cover. Krauser was a war criminal who kidnapped the president's daughter, which brought Leon into this mess, and then murdered Luis right in front of Leon. And Leon has a very no-nuance, naïve, black and white view of morals prior to and throughout re4r, so if his vitriol for Ada was truly about conflicting morals, that would be reflected in how he treats Krauser, too. However, Leon maintains his respect for Krauser. Leon appeals to Krauser's honour, to Krauser's emotions. Leon actively tries to sympathise with Krauser in an effort to rationalise Krauser's actions in Leon's mind. And yet it is Ada Wong, who has saved his life countless times, who has shown him she cares, and who has helped him at no cost, who receives his ire; rather than Krauser, who couldn't care less about Leon and his predicament. This kind of misogyny is especially infuriating to me because Leon's actions are portrayed as Just™, he is still portrayed as the Correct Hero™, and the fans ignore his misogyny just as easily as the narrative itself does.
I don't hate Leon just because he's a misogynist; there's too many of those in media to hate them all for that. I hate him because his misogyny is made to be a quality of his character, and is never punished by the narrative nor is he ever forced to reconcile with it. And what's worse, the way he treats Ada is in turn perpetrated by fans who refuse to acknowledge his misogyny, and thus become little misogynists themselves, tearing into Ada with utter vitriol and no consideration for her as a character.
And obviously, not just Ada. Another modern example is how he treats Claire Redfield in re2r and Infinite Darkness. He sees her as a kid in need of protecting, despite her only being 2 years younger than him, and proving repeatedly that she's more than capable of handling herself. And when she asks when he'll stop treating her like a kid, he says "probably never". (I am strangling him I'm exploding him with my mind). But his misogyny towards Ada is the most significant and reoccurring. She has long been written to serve as the object of Leon's desires, and now that she's been given significant substance, fans hate her for no longer fitting into their own misogynistic ideal of who she should be. But that's another discussion.
There's other things I hate about him, such as his part in modern copoganda, or his arrogance, but the misogyny is the most prominent thing. And I truly admire fans who love Leon while actively acknowledging his misogyny. But to me, he has no other redeeming qualities significant enough to help me get over it.
Sorry that was a lot but if you read this far, I hope I did okay explaining my feelings on this. Thank you for asking <3
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Adam is an actual good character to like, enjoy and even kin with reasonable arguments. Like on the surface? Yeah, he's the biggest bitch in all of hell. But if ya look closely he has his moments in which his insecurities show, in which he does not seem all that confident and full of himself.
It's an act - he's all fake it til ya make it. This bitch is so insecure, the only way for him to deal with that is to play down others. He feels like he's the worst so he acts like he's the best.
He's also probably super traumatized because the women God had created for him and only him turned against him and both slept with Lucifer - Lucifer whom he had probably called his best and first friend during Eden, Lucifer whom he had thought he could trust. It was is position to keep Lilith in place, yet she described him as "controlling and demanding" (I'd like to clarify: the story Charlie tells us in the beginning of Hazbin is a story Lilith has told her thousands of times as a toddler, it's a subjective story. She framed Adam as controlling, that does not mean he was all that controlling.)
Also can we talk about that from Adam's view, the exterminations are valid? Adam wants to protect heaven like he used to protect Eden, it's not only in his blood and what he had been created for, it's also his home. Adam is trying to keep his home safe from sinners, to low-key protect "his people". Because what if a sinner only pretends that they got better and then fuck up heaven? The only safe space Adam has these days?
And people calling Adam a misogynist are totally missing so fucking many points. Yes, he calls women bitches, but knowing Adam he'd call everyone a bitch. He calls all the sinners cunts in "Hell is Forever", it's just the way he speaks, he's not actually insulting them (I feel him on that bc I call my friends bitches & hoes too). He named Vaggie after "the best thing ever" not because she was the weakest and she sees pussy as something weak but because she was the strongest, the baddest bitch in the entire army. Also his army: a women only thing. Why? Because Adam knows that women are fucking badass, that they can fuck shit up. Yes, he's probably trying to deal with the trauma of the first two women leaving him, but so what? We all have our issues and we all have our ways to deal with it.
On the surface Adam was an asshole, yes. But all in all his character goes so much deeper and that's why I love him so much. If ya don't look closely he's just a rock but if ya crack that rock open and look closely he's a gemstone - and one of the prettiest I've ever seen too.
mkay so i'm gonna do a mini blurb about adam's character and his 'EGO’.
Most people will look at him and say, "Oh his ego is so high, he's up his own ass, he doesn't care about anyone-"
He cares so much.
So much about the way people perceive him.
He's the type of person to apologise when you bump into him. It's a force of habit for him. He apologises for everything he does, it doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, because in his eyes, all he does is wrong. He isn't capable of doing anything right.
That's how he sees himself.
Two brides, both made for him, and yet he couldn't keep either of them at his side. He most defiantly blames himself for it. Even though the fandom is just going to ignore the fact that Lucifer in Eden is a manipulating grooming asshole who acted on his selfish desires and ruined any semblance of a 'normal' relationship Adam could've had with either woman. Obviously, he didn't intend to hurt him, but manipulating "adults" who have the mind of children because they don’t know anything? Kinda icky.
Back to Adam. Ask anyone with a large ego. I for one, have a 'huge' ego. But I really don't. It's a mechanism people use to avoid letting other's in. Adam loved Lilith. Maybe not as a wife or in a romantic aspect, (though I fully believe that he adored her) and he most defiantly adored Eve. Both of those women were ripped from him. Why would he let another person get close only to have them pull away from him. And Adam would cling. He would beg, and cry. Don't leave him. You can't. Not again. Like wet wool to a thorny branch. And it would hurt. Being alone again hurt. Adam could love again, but the feeling of love, in contrast to everything that might go wrong. It isn't worth the risk. So, Adam will close himself off; act like dick to avoid people coming to close. Push others away. He ends up alone sure, but that's his fault. It's ok then. If it's his fault. That's the reason for his 'ego'. Ask anyone with attachment issues. The feeling that's worse than them leaving, is feeling like you're a burden. Too clingy. So, they push, and pull. They want attention, and affection, but then they feel bad for asking so much and pull away.
How do people cope?
Cut themselves off.
Build a shield.
Don't let anyone in.
You'll get hurt again.
Adam uses his 'ego' as a way to avoid being hurt again.
He most defiantly has a large house, that he never lives in. He sleeps there sure. But it's not home. Covered in dust. It hasn't been loved. Plain. Unfurnished. He probably has a beautiful garden. And its full of animals. I believe, when things get too much, he'll strip and set foot into 'Eden' once more. But this isn't like his old Eden. He can't be hurt here. He's vulnerable. In a sense it's his form of age regression.
I got carried away whoopsies.
Yesssss <3 <3
on most points except the Lucifer thing but agree to disagree
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intertexts · 2 months
- vyncent got the short end of the stick this entire episode on purpose
- condi: "well vyncent is just incapable of being happy now"
everyone else: "NOOOO :("
- when presented with the choice at the end of the ep, condi said in character he was SO tempted to just be like "yeah. no questions asked, get me the fuck outta here" to which bizly goes "YES!!! THAT WAS THE POINT!!! i wanted to *challenge* you"
- "theres no way for vyncent not to feel like everything is either his fault or his responsibility. i mean he's got people in his head who he's looked up to his whole life and now theyre basically dying and he doesnt know how to stop it"
- grizzly: "if i roll insight, was vyncent jealous that we were so.... close this episode" (<< talking about the literal possession fusion)
charlie: "oh, no it is SO one sided. i feel like ever since the winnebago episode we have gone full unrequited"
condi: "vyncent's just oblivious! and has! other stuff to worry about right now!"
bizly, laughing: "ive been throwing women at vyncent for a reason"
charlie: "yeah, and william is just... really petty about it" << YIPPEE YOURE GETTING TO SEE JEALOUS PETTY WILLIAM. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH THIS TRAIT ABOUT HIM IS SO IMPORTSNT 2 ME
- charlie, trying to justify why the Create power (ghost shaping) isnt super crazy overpowered: "I AM ONE OF THE 3 PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WORLD WHO THINKS GREEN LANTERN IS *KIND OF* COOL"
dude this was SUCH a good episode im having so many fucking vyncent emotions. head in hands. i love getting more pieces of the puzzle about what fucking Happened to him??? bro what did your dad do. i know he's responsible for all this but Why.
also it's So funny to me that william is having this minor petty jealousy crisis over the boy he likes & vyncent is just out here Experiencing The Horrors. he's oblivious and also just having the world's worst time!!!
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baggebythesea · 9 months
Princess Glimmer and the Day of Many Choices: The power of love (32/?)
"I'm so glad to see you, 'm̴o̵m̴m̵y̴'," the woman from the portal snarled. "We have so much c̷̱̾̕ą̶̮̍t̸͈̠͆̔c̷͚͆h̴̘̚i̵̪͍͗n̴̟͌̆g̴͎̪̾ ̴͈̐ủ̸͚͇p̸̛͔̹̍ to do."
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Shed hurled herself forward towards Shadow Weaver who took a quick step backwards and summoned a shield, clearly afraid. Perfuma took a step forward, between the two women.
"No," she said with cold voice and held up her hand, powers playing over it.
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"F̴̢͝l̴̳̽ȍ̷̡w̸̺͠ẽ̶̘r̸̟̆ ̶̯͊p̵̘̿r̵̙͑i̵̯̿n̵̥͆c̴̪̎ĕ̷͙s̸̘̈́s̴̪̍," the Corrupted Catra hissed. "I remember you…"
"Good," Perfuma said. "Then we can move this forward. Let's talk."
"Talk!" Corrupted Catra laughed. "What's there to talk about?"
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"A more constructive way of solving this than violence," Perfuma primly said.
"PERFUMA! DON'T!" Adora pleaded. "SHE'LL KILL YOU!"
"Oh yes!" Corrupted Catra hissed. "I'll kill a̶̻̋l̶͓̕l̶̻̍ ̷̠̇ö̸̡́f̶͙̀ ̴͝ͅŷ̸͙o̸̩̊ȗ̶̦! Starting with dear 'm̶̞̈́ơ̷̼m̸̘̓m̷̩͋ÿ̵̟́!"
"There will be no killing," Perfuma sharply said.
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"And who will stop me?" Corrupted Catra laughed. "Y̴̹̕o̶̲͊ü̴͜?"
"Yes," Perfuma said and held up her hand again. With a snarl, Corrupted Catra rushed forward. She moved unnaturally fast. It seemed like she simply skipped a few steps here and there, teleporting forward faster than the eye could follow. Shadow Weaver hissed and pressed herself against the wall, shield held up in front of her. But fast as she was, Perfuma was faster. Vines grew up from the floor, blocking Corrupted Catra's path.
"No," Perfuma repeated. "We will talk."
"Then I'll simply have to kill you first," Corrupted Catra snarled and slashed against Perfuma.
"NO!" Catra called out, rushing forth, past Glimmer's protective shield.
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"She won't harm me," Perfuma said, again blocking Corrupted Catra's path.
"She will if she can!" Catra pleaded. "You can't reason with her. I know. her I used to be her."
"And yet you changed," Perfuma mused. "So can she."
"She is weak," Corrupted Catra laughed. "I am not."
"Catra embracing forgivness and love is a strength," Perfuma solemny said. "Not a weakness."
"Oh yeah?" Corrupted Catra snarled. "Look at her, a whimpering fool, hiding behind Sparkles of all people." Her face grew harder. "After all Sparkles took from us. She should k̴̥͗ỉ̷̗l̷̨̒l̴̬͗ the pink bitch, not have tea parties with her."
"Hey!" Glimmer protested.
"You have been hurt," Perfuma said, lowering her voice like you do when you talk to a scared child. "Hurt more than most of us can understand. But there is a path forward for you. There is forgiveness to be had. There is love…" she held up her hands, palms up "…if you are willing to open yourself up for it."
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"Love?" Corrupted Catra spat. "I don't think you got the memo, flower girl. I tried love. I gave Adora everything. I created a whole world for us to be together. But still she l̷̖̹̤̺̇͒e̸̛̗͓̣̱̰̼͚̟͂̓̌̋̚͜f̸̺̳̲̜͊̎̃̑̀͊͌̃ṱ̷̢̛͍͇̟͇̭̱͈͆̔̈́̂̒ ̵̘̠̏͋̈́m̷̧̜͔̊͗̓̾̓̿e̴̗̾̏̂̕̕͝ͅ"
"No…" Adora pleaded, eyes full of tears.
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"You feel wronged," Perfuma kindly said. "And you are not entirely wrong. But the healing process does not start with revenge or you taking what you feel is your due. The healing process starts with forgiveness."
"Forgiveness?" Corrupted Catra laughed. "Forgive Adora for leaving me? Sparkles for stealing her? Mommy for treating me like SHIT?"
"Perhaps," Perfuma calmly said. "But first you have to forgive… yourself."
She gave Catra a pointed look.
"What?" Catra spluttered. "No! NO!"
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"You've got to be kidding me," Corrupted Catra said and rolled her eyes.
"You changed, Catra," Perfuma softly said. "You thought there was no way forward for you, but you proved yourself wrong. You were shown kindness…" she glanced at Glimmer. "You were shown love," she nodded at Adora. "And you allowed yourself to change. Don't you think this version of you deserves the same chance?"
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Catra gave Corrupted Catra a downright scared look, which was met with disdain.
"Back then…." Catra said, clearly choosing her words carefully, "back then I wasn't…. I wasn't in the mood for accepting kindness."
"But you still had it in you," Perfuma firmly said. "No one gave you a chance back then. This time, it will be different." She half turned and gave Shadow Weaver a superior look. "This time, we will see that the love is stronger than hate."
"You are serious?" Corrupted Catra said, her voice a mix of disdain and longing. "You really want me to think that you would forgive someone like me?"
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"Yes," Perfuma serenely said and gave Catra a warm smile. "Because we forgave her."
"OK…." Catra said, mostly to herself. She took a deep breath. "OK." She turned to the corrupted version of herself. "Listen… I know why you did it, OK," she said with low voice. "I…. know why it felt you had no other choice. I know what you… what I… did to Entrapta. I know what Scorpia said. I know…." she closed her eyes for a long, painful moment. "I know what it felt like when Shadow Weaver doted on Sparkles instead of me…"
Behind her, Glimmer looked down at her hands, expression ashamed.
"The thing is, though…" Catra went on and took a tentative step forward, holding out her hands in a nonthreatening gesture. "The thing is… There was nothing down that path. Just more hate. Just more hurt. And then there was nothing left - just the hurt, and me trapped in it… and no matter how much I lashed out… the only one left to hurt was me."
"Oh yeah?" Corrupted Catra sniffed, seemingly more collected than before. "And then what?"
"And then she came for me," Catra smiled, and gave Adora a look full of tears. "Despite everything… she forgave me."
"She's an idiot," Corrupted Catra said, but without conviction.
"She gave me a chance," Catra whispered. "I… she believed in me when no one else did. When I didn't believe in me." she nodded at Glimmer who looked back at her with expression full of love. "They all believed in me."
"Really?" Corrupted Catra suspiciously said.
"Really," Catra said. "I know it sounds sappy, but that's what it took." She took another slow step forward. "With them believing in me… I could start believe it to. I could start becoming something else… something more. Something better."
"Something better than me?" Corrupted Catra snorted.
"Yes," Catra whispered, voice breaking. "I know how much it hurts. But it can be better. Please. Let me help you…" She closed the distance between them holding out her arms for a hug.
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"Yeeeees," Perfuma whispered. "Embrace what's good in you. Don't let the hate control you."
"You really think I can be better?" Corrupted Catra said with low voice, answering the hug like she didn't quite understand what was going on.
"I believe in you…" Catra whispered.
"As do I," Adora said, voice brimming with emotions.
"And I," Glimmer chimed in.
"We all do," Perfuma smugly said.
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Shadow Weaver said nothing.
"Then I have something to say to you…" Corrupted Catra whispered
"Yes?" Catra said, voice shivering slightly.
"That you are pathetic," Corrupted Catra snarled. "And I'd gladly l̷̢̞̖̺͌̎e̴̪͙̊̆̕͝t̸̨͓͖̲͊ ̷̤͌͋̋͑ẗ̴̪͓̰́͘ḧ̷̢́̅̂̈́ẹ̸͖̾̽̀͐ ̸̠̘̂̈́̎̾w̷̞̱̖͌̽͝o̶̜̽̋͝ř̵̞̳l̸̨̛̙̜̒ḍ̴̇͌̿͘ ̴͇̘̈́̌͗̕͜b̷͚̀u̸̘̟̔r̴͈̊ṇ̵̯̓̏̓̎ not to turn into you."
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And before Catra had time to react, Corrupted Catra had grabbed her and hurled her into the portal that fizzled and died.
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Part 31 is here: https://www.tumblr.com/baggebythesea/727323996201369600/oooooh-there-was-really-no-consensus-here-was
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ultramarine-spirit · 4 months
Hello Mari, I'm not here to ask about something about wmmap but rather about another issue that has been bothering me in particular...
It's about female characters in abusive relationships.
So, I guess you already know that there are quite a few manhwas where the female lead ends up in a relationship with a very abusive male character and everyone hates him for that, right? Well that's not exactly my problem, no one likes to read couples that romanticize abuse, I understand why people hate it, I do it too, especially the male lead. My problem comes with the hatred of the female lead.
Okay, hate the relationship, I hate the guy for being a jerk but I don't like that they hate the female leads for staying with them. Many of these protagonists always have stories where they suffered abuse as children because the father hated them or the family ignored them, etc. At least to me it makes sense that a person who grew up this way can't fully distinguish what is healthy love from one that is not. If all you knew in your life was abuse, then why would you view abuse from your partner negatively?
And with this I do not intend to justify the couple, that it is okay for them to be together and that they should be together, of course not. I am completely against that.
My point is to stop hating fl for choosing the abusive ml!! I feel like that is like blaming the victim, if in a relationship the man is the abusive one and she still decides to stay with him it is still not his fault! Instead of hating the fl by calling it "stupid" or "annoying" they should try to understand the protagonist and hate the author for creating something like that.
I know that many of these stories are not for the purpose of showing an abusive relationship but rather they really sell it as if it were the best love story of all, but if we are able to use our criteria to know that the relationship is wrong then we should be able to understand that it is not the fl's fault for continuing to love her abuser.
I have thought about this for a long time but it resurfaced in me when this new webtoon came out called Beg or better yet, Cry. I have seen many criticize and hate the protagonist, Layla, for staying with Matthias but the girl suffered a lot of abuse, it is not her fault for not knowing what a healthy relationship is, and the guy did everything possible to abuse her.
I come to you because you really are the most reasonable in the entire manhwa community that I have found, those on Twitter are a bit weird (and in fact i saw these types of comments from them) I want to know if I am really the only one who thinks like this and I am overthinking it or not?
(Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy!)
I'm probably going to say something that will get some people mad, but manhwa readers aren't particularly progressive/feminist. Yes, even if most readers are young women and even if they claim to be feminists. So you have situations like the one you just described (I haven't read/seen the manhwa you are specifically referencing, but I definitely believe people would hate a FL based on those reasons), people hating on a FL for not choosing the ML they like, etc. I remember some people were even angry at Athy when she said she wasn't thinking about marriage yet (she is 15-6), because she didn't choose Ijekiel, and also because she didn't kiss Lucas. This misogynistic behavior is also pretty easy to spot just by paying attention to how readers treat any female character that's not the FL (I swear, as soon as a female character is introduced you'll have people commenting "She better not be a bitch" or something along those lines). Stanning the FL means nothing if you think she is the only good female character, or if the only female characters you like are the ones that are subservient to her.
But to be fair, otome isekai manhwa itself is not a particularly progressive genre either, so maybe it makes sense that it attracts readers like that. Of course, there are exceptions, but in general, the most a manhwa will do is portray the FL as a swallow caricature of a "girlboss". MLs are allowed to have plenty of flaws, but the moment a FL doesn't follow that (honestly, very boring) archetype, has ugly flaws, or dares to go against the ML's wishes, a lot of fans will hate her.
My theory is that the manhwa fandom has the worst of both the kpop and anime fandoms, so that's why this happens.
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twelvedaysinaugust · 1 year
Is it weird that I feel really sorry for Eleanor ? Sure, she chose this life and she lives a cushy life with little real life work or the stress of financially supporting herself ….but I still think it’s sad that she’s given up her entire 20’s and now entering 30 and has created no real life for herself or future, no real love or potential marriage or children, I mean if she stops this then yes she could have that but if she just stays as his beard for however long, she’s just wasting time and it’s sad because she can’t get that back. And I think when Eleanor hits 40 she will see it, and she will regret this. Or maybe not who knows. But I get sad when women don’t want more for themselves than what she has settled for . 😕
This is one of the more genuine asks I've received today about Eleanor, so I will answer it.
There are a million different stories you can tell about Eleanor, but people only tell the worst ones where she chose to come back purely for selfish reasons and lives a sad and miserable existence. We see so little of Eleanor's life and it seems like she goes to great lengths to hide it (posting old pictures as if they were all taken on the same day, etc.). So there's plenty of room for her to have relationships, a job, etc. I loved the anon about Eleanor attending art school; it's definitely one of my favorite fandom headcanons.
I've talked a lot about the various reasons why Eleanor might have agreed to get back together with Louis. I've said that I think it's possible that Eleanor has her own issues and this arrangement with Louis feels safe and supportive. At the time they got back together, Eleanor was close with Louis' family. In addition to everything else going on in Louis' personal life, his mom had just passed away and I never see anyone talking about how that may have influenced Eleanor's decision.
And finally, there are infinitely many ways to live a meaningful life. It's not up to us to decide what's meaningful to Eleanor or what timeline she should be adhering to. If I remember correctly, she liked an Instagram post from one of her UAs saying that not everyone wants children, so I think it's possible that motherhood isn't a priority for her. I don't think her life is sad at all. She has the dogs, she has a handful of close friends, she has influencing as a side hustle, and she has whatever else she does that she doesn't show us (I'm still hopeful about the art school anon).
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