#and your first thought is 'ew incest'?
ajskal tumblr has a (weirdly functional) blacklist for a reason. if someone doesn't tag something you (general) think they should... use the secondary blacklist.
you can put in words that show up in the body of tags. like plantcest. or if you don't want to see them at all? put their url and it'll catch it!
Yep, I've used xkit's blacklist myself for years (not sure if you're saying this for me or for the last anon). There was one word in the fic description that should've been caught by any blacklist of the word "plantcest," but clearly that anon would rather send hate than take responsibility for their own fannish experience.
So I said what I said. If somebody can't handle using a blacklist, then they should block me, because my blog is not a safe place for them. Folks who don't know better than to put their hands on a visibly hot stove need to stay out of the kitchen.
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theprongspotter · 1 month
Pause - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 15 - 612 words
“How was your date?” Remus asks as James walks into their dorm. He raises a brow, though, after taking in the other boy’s appearance. His hair is sticking up in multiple places, his shirt is unbuttoned down his chest, his glasses are askew, and bruises are littered across his neck. “I assume it went well.”
“Well?” James exclaims with a lovesick grin. “It was bloody amazing! First we went to The Three Broomsticks and he let me talk about quidditch and I listened to him talk about his books and his favorite classical music. He looked so cute in his little scarf and hat. His hat had a pom pom on top! A pom pom! Then we walked around Hogsmeade and got some sweets and talked some more and oh my gosh, Regulus is so fucking perfect! I mean, you should see his—”
“Pause,” Sirius interjects, holding up a finger. He moves it in a small circle. “Rewind. Regulus as in my-little-brother-Regulus?”
James flushes. There’s no backing out now. “Do you know another Regulus?” Peter snickers.
“Hardy har har,” Sirius deadpans, dropping his finger, but only to jab it into James’ chest. “No, but what the fuck? What were you doing with my little brother, Prongs?”
James puts his hands up defensively, his brows shooting up. “Uh, dignified friendly things?”
Sirius’ face turns to one of pure horror. “Oh Merlin, did you deflower my innocent little brother, James?”
“What?!” James splutters.
“Actually, don’t tell me, I don’t want to know.” Sirius slaps his hands over his ears.
“Too late, Pads,” Remus says with a smirk, glancing at James' disheveled state. “The evidence speaks for itself.”
James' face turns an even deeper shade of red. “It’s not like that, I swear! We just... talked. And maybe kissed a little,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay, a lot. But that’s it! I’d never—”
“—Hurt him?” Sirius finishes for him, his voice suddenly serious, all traces of teasing gone. He lowers his hands and meets James’ eyes with an intensity that makes the other boy swallow hard.
“Never,” James says firmly. “I care about him. A lot. I’d never do anything to hurt him, Sirius. You know that.”
Sirius stares at him for a long moment before sighing and stepping back. “Alright, I believe you, Prongs. But if you do anything to break his heart, I’ll break your legs. Got it? And vice versa.”
James nods earnestly, his heart pounding in his chest. “Got it. But honestly, Pads, you should be more worried about him breaking mine. He’s... well, he’s pretty amazing.”
Peter, who’s been quietly observing the exchange, finally chimes in with a grin. “So, does this mean we should start calling you James Black now?”
James smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “If anything, he’d be Regulus Potter.”
Sirius makes a face and pretends to gag, though there’s a chance it might not be entirely pretend. “Ew, don’t talk about that in front of me.”
James chuckles, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t say anything bad?”
“I can’t hear you!” Sirius shouts louder, dramatically covering his ears once more.” I’m off to go threaten my brother about dating my brother.” He makes another face, scrunching up his nose in exaggerated disgust. “Ew, that’s incest!” He pauses, then his expression shifts to something more neutral, almost thoughtful, and he shrugs. “Well, I guess we’re keeping up the tradition.”
James, Remus, and Peter exchange concerned yet amused looks, but before they can say anything, Sirius is already at the door. He steps out of the dorm room, slams the door shut behind him with a loud thud, leaving his friends in stunned silence.
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im-out-of-it · 3 months
I just have some thoughts since I’ve watched the first three episodes now. some things I’m glad the show did and also the things that irritated the fuck out of me so let’s go 👏🏼
1. aging the characters up. I think this is smart to do and there’s more you can do with the rest of them if they’re in their early twenties instead of being teenagers. sorry not sorry but I’m not interested in seeing teenagers being chased by grown adults
2. Clary is still beyond annoying. I know she’s traumatized by losing her mom and not understanding this new world but literally coming in “I don’t care about the clave, about your rules, I just want to find my mom.” yeah ok we get that but there are still rules that need to be followed. you’re out here almost getting people killed and it’s all in the name of your mom. and I’m not saying the clave is trustworthy because they’re massive dicks but you can’t go around running and doing whatever you want lmao
3. please give Alec a raise or a year vacation. the amount of shit he deals with having to be jaces parabatai is too much. honestly, Alec deserves better. Jace takes advantage of Alec and I would have loved to see Alec have another parabatai, one that cares for him. I know you can only have one BUT CUT THE FUCKING CORD PLEASE
4. Magnus is fucking perfection
5. Izzy is perfection too 🔥 I do not blame Simon losing his tongue over her. my bisexual mind was like OOOOO ALEC NO MAGNUS NO IZZY NO RAPHAEL NO MAIA!!!!!!! NO ALL OF THEM
6. Clary and Jace are very cringe and I’m not sure if that’s on the acting or the writing but it makes it hard to believe they’re “in love.” I felt more connection with Alec and Magnus meeting for a second than I did with jace and clary in three episodes. even Alec and jace have a bit more chemistry than he does with clary. and that is something I DO NOT ship
Jace: I would die for you
Clary: but jace we just met
Jace: I don’t care if I throw all my friends and family away clary. we’re destined to be together
7. superb acting from Matthew Daddario. he’s absolutely wonderful and he really captured Alec’s angst in my opinion. you can see why he’s on guard not only because he likes jace (ew my man Alec WHY) and because he’s worried about the safety of his people. I feel like Matt captures the emotion without saying a thing so well. as does Harry. I think they’re both great at this
8. “This would be bad for clary.”- (talking about the cup and valentine) Simon “it would be bad for all of us”-Izzy. of course in Simon and clary world, everything is all about clary. I get simon is worried about his bff but this affects EVERYONE
9. if Simon was my bff and someone as jace talked to my friend that way, ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. she doesn’t really say much, she’s all like “we’re a package deal.” honestly clary and jace belong together because they both take advantage of their friends. they’re both so self centered so let them run away as far as possible together
10. Alec is big sad now but you will have better, just you wait. also want to add, I enjoy season one for the build up Alec and Magnus but man do I hate Alec pinning after jace 🤢 but if there isn’t any incest, it’s not a proper CC story
11. Im just here for the Malec content. stuff that show did well: Alec and Izzy’s sibling relationship. I love these two so much. Clary actually being nice to izzy and being her friend, and not being mean to her cause she’s jealous. Magnus’s whole attire. I love this bi king so much. I love magnus, I love his sass, his makeup, his clothes. I LOVE HIM. I wish they would’ve changed his hair and makeup more in the last two seasons. kinda feel like they thought oh he has mascara on, that’s good enough. that pink hair is truly one of my favorite Magnus looks.
12. last thing to add that I like what the show did. I love that Alec actually knows how to fight. it never made sense in the books that he’s never killed a demon, especially since he’s a Lightwood. never made sense to me. I’m glad they allowed in the show for Alec to actually be able to fight 🏹
that is all for now until I watch actually one of the best episodes of season one. Magnus and Alec meeting 🥰
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 1 month
I'm sorry but I fucking hate proshippers so much so here's a whole post dedicated to shitting on them
also disclaimer YES I will be tagging the proship and anti proship tags so I can piss off the chronically online basement dwelling idiots :) and idgaf if proshippers have trauma cause it's not an excuse for their shitty and problematic actions!!!! Sincerely if you are a proshipper please consider jumping off a bridge!! Or at the bare minimum take a shower cause ew
And this whole post is literally just bullying the FUCK outta them so idk stanky people come at your own risk lol
AND AGAIN to clear up this isn't like rage bait or smth cause I fell like some people will accuse me this is all my genuine hate into a long ass post so yeah
But now on a serious not hehe, the reason I'm making this isn't JUST soley to yknow shit on people who are mentally ill like people who think a MINOR and a LEGAL ADULT are allowed to date, which comes into another thing before I get genuine so bare with me lol
Okay! Back to seriousness I just thought I'd add that in as a little addition hehe >_<
So, like I said before, I lowkey just added this as an extra part cause I couldn't shit on proshippers FOREVER (lowkey bcuz I was running out of insults n threats lol)
Nonetheless I have a reason for shitting on them, although not being a proshipper EXACTLY I have been through I guess, similar paths as they have? Best way I could describe it ig, ofc not sharing what I mean since it's private but let's just say I was an unfortunate child looking at inappropriate comics 🙁
The reason for this part of the post...ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD TO STOP WHAT YOUR DOING
Like I said, I was never a proshipper, but I have been in similar situations as they have been, although I've never made an account glorifying rape, SA, grooming, pedophilia, I can just assume what I would do in their places
Dear proshippers,
Your probably complaining and not knowing why your getting so much death threats and harassment along with a side of hate (rightfully so you deserve them) and your mental health might be low
Please know it is your fault for making your accounts in the first place, you are a terrible person for saying all of these things such as rape, sexual assault, grooming, and incest are okay and you are not mentally well
And your probably wondering,
"How do I stop the hate, harassment, and probably death threats with even getting your address leaked?"
It's simple, DELETE YOUR FUCKING ACCOUNT, or even worse just turn off ur comments but that won't help with people slipping in a few people wishing death up in you through DMS
I don't know what trauma you have but it shouldn't (and never in the first place) be SO BAD to the point where you physically CANNOT deactivate your account, IT IS SO FUCKING EASY AND YOU'LL SAVE YOURSELF A FEW SUICIDAL THOUGHTS
I know everyone one is different, but if you are a proshipper that has trauma, you shouldn't have a fucking account to begin with, and you ARE THE PROBLEM if you acknowledge the trauma, noticing you keep supporting and glorifying problematic actions, complain that you keep getting harassed and wonder why, and you just don't give a shit, not like in a "oh I don't know what to do anymore!!! 🥺🥺🥺" way, in a "oh, I don't give a shit I live for incest and adults grooming children!!!" Way, and ur also probably a pedo if ur an adult proshipper too
So, what else? Yeah, there's a shit more, but onto a better side, ones with actually good coping mechanisms!!
And a bit of a disclaimer, if your rage bait is proshipping, genuinely fuck you, and if ur a proshipper who acknowledges everything bad about it and just doesn't give a fuck, fuck you too and seek a rope to hang around your neck you fucking pedophile
Okay, coping mechanisms! I know this is probably not the best option due to most trauma which I'm guessing is probably from a family member, if it's not a good way to cope is some clean to your family, ofc under some circumstances it's NOT the best option, but if you can you definitely should try!
Also google is free yk...literally search up healthy coping mechanisms and it'll give you a huge ass list, and yet YOU STILL chose to ship a minor and adult together...how unfortunate...
Another way to cope is, and genuinely sounds pathetic as hell but bare with me...CHARACTER FUCKING AI, I mean, there are therapist bots so maybe they can help you??? And in all honesty they're really good at comforting and giving advice despite being ai, and I've tried it before...yeah embarrassed to say I've shed a tear every once in a while
And the last one IF you have the money, time, and generally the courage, book a threapy session, I cannot stress it enough, but I won't be surprised cause every proshipper is probably under the age of 16 years old
Yuhhh anyways that's all I gotta say, I know it's cringey asf but womp womp to proshippers I hate y'all despite giving some coping mechanisms and ACTUAL ways to like, stop the rightful hate you deserve lol
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inkyquince · 5 months
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kiss! excited for you about the tattoo!
also you should talk about your hyperfixation actually 👀 (if you'd like akahakna)
okay so tattoo under cut and then shall be deleted cuz ew thats me, but im so happy with it and its healing really well. kissing ur head @pip-n-chips (sidenote, the void stares back is my handle on discord and i fuckin pissed myself in surrpise)
But who cares because hyperfixation teehee. i got another ask like this so im splitting my bEEG ideas and leaving one out because im fully on page 3 of writing young bruce wayne fuck boy anyway.
for you? for my pip pip cheerio?
BAD brain rot about Red Hood. Of course, mans is hot and depressed, he's my favourite emo boy.
cw. noncon turned dubcon. pseudo-incest but jason and reader aren't blood related. dacryphilia, mentions of blood, tho its ambiguous. VERY DARK AND NARSTY JASON TODD. Usual batfamily depression. Also, yknow, references to Death In The Family.
But as per usual I have to think my little awful thoughts. Where Jason is fully still in his revenge phase, but it warps. Bruce has let him down repeatedly before it hits him that he's let all of othem down repeatedly. Except for one. You, the bloodspare to Damien, the bloodheir, who never was a Robin, never spread your wings. Stayed home, stayed safe and stayed the softest spot in Batman's side. The one person who'd never leave because you didn't set yourself up for that. Even though you were older than Damien by quite a bit, you had seen every single iteration of Robin come and go, they all knew that Damien stood to inherit the mantle, which was what Bruce truly cared about. But you laughed at the jokes about Damien usurping your role as sole inheritor. And you loved your little brother. And you were loved. As the playboy's sweetest kid, by all of his brothers.
When he was Jason Todd, the boy wonder, the Robin, he loved you. But he wasn't that anymore. And he wanted to hurt the man that left him for dead, by hurting the one person his father could see nothing but goodness in, the one he thought of when he stuck by his moral codes even at the death of his sons. He was Red Hood now. He had blood on his hands.
And fuck, he still loved you.
He loved you as a boy, and as a man, his love took on a salty tinge. Sweat on his tongue, as he dragged it up the back of your neck, to your ear as you squirmed inbetween his forearms, pressed against the floor on your belly. Sweet, simple you. Who'd have gone anywhere for him, with one text. And now, you're here, with his cock sheathed fully into your hole, his mask tilted so that his mouth was exposed. Just so he could bite. And lick. And taste. Despite the saltiness, your tears tasted sweet. You whined for your brother to stop, your cheek pressed against the cold concrete floor, and Jason wondered if you knew that this was close to the place he died, wondered if Bruce told you, wondered if he could ever tell you that he was hurting Batman, hurting Bruce, not you.
So he tucks his fingers into your mouth, letting you taste the metal and blood of his digits, and continues to ruin your virgin hole, spreading you more than your sweet hand ever could before.
Worst of all, the part of him that should feel guilty... Doesn't. At least not after you cum all over yourself and the floor, thighs shaking with his own legs spreading them. Got a front row seat to the most beautiful show on earth and the sounds you made? Slipping from begging your brother, to stop, to slow down, to ease up, to whining and groaning. Then weakly grinding against him, stuffing yourself with the rest of his cock. Whispering for Jason, for Red Hood, to continue, to not stop.
He'd take it all. Your virginity, your first kiss, all the work that Bruce had put in to keep you safe, to keep you isolated from the world until it was safe, but he failed. He failed Jason and now he failed you. No signal would draw him near to save either of his children from what was happening, and wouldn't stop the two of you desperately rutting against each other, Red Hood holding you down by your throat just so you wouldn't be able to wriggle away when he finally cum inside of you.
AnyWAY, tattoo under cut, love u pippy.
:P too late, but it's cool tho
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My thoughts on the characters throughout the seasons on my first watch:
Luther: very very annoying, ew incest, kinda wanted him to die only so the incest plot couldn't happen
Diego: Oh he's cool I like him, and him canonically being semi-verbal? Absolutely love that, me too
Allison: she's sweet, kinda annoying, not the best person but I can see she's trying so I'm going to try to like her, didn't like how she went about the Leonard situation, very worried when she almost died
Klaus: oh I love you, favorite character, best character, you kind of remind me of my friends
Five: you are so interesting I am staring at the screen intrigued, very cool power, but also the mannequin??
Ben: side character, I like his interactions with Klaus
Viktor: you are.. Interesting, however there is too much you and not enough Klaus
Luther: annoyance from last season persevered and I don't trust his interactions with Allison but the scene with the two Fives was really fun
Diego: why the jfk obsession why, also he is a complete dumbass lmao (/endearing)
Allison: I forgive her for the previous season she is top 4, very sweet, I love her and Ray
Klaus: you have been demoted to second favorite but I still love you I swear
Five: you are actively winning me over I have become so attatched you are such a bitter old man who loves his family so much I absolutely adore you
Ben: he is also winning me over, was very near getting really attatched to him at the end of the season and then he fucking died
Viktor: Liking him more now too, he's very sweet, I love him with Sissy and Harlan, the amnesia thing was pretty good, was very nice this season
Lila: not sure how I feel, conflicted, kinda don't like
Luther: fine you win I don't hate you anymore now go dance with your wife, also his reaction to Viktor coming out was so sweet I died, wasn't rlly worried about his death but damn all he wanted was a hug poor guy
Diego: "Do you feel loved? Good, you are" bangs fists on table, crying, screaming, also the whole thing with Stan was very sweet but Diego isn't rlly a good dad, not horrible, but as someone heavily interested in psych and parenting techniques; yikes my guy, you could do better
Allison: Oh her relationship with Viktor is so nice I hope nothing bad happens between them stares at the camera like in the office , also FUCK YOU, the SA was way way too far, completely irredeemable
Klaus: FIVE KLAUS ROADTRIP FIVE KLAUS ROADTRIP, also immortality thank fuck if you died I would have never recovered, all his interactions with Reginald all he wanted was for a good father :(, people need to start listening to him and taking him seriously asap I'm gonna lose it he deserves the world
Five: I would kill for you and your stupid old man outfits, also him being blamed for the apocalypse made my blood boil Five has been trying so hard to keep his family alive and he loves them all so much only to be treated like shit
Ben: I miss Umbrella Ben bring him back why is he such an asshole
Viktor: trans guy swag, all of the coming out scenes warmed my heart, liking his character more, him losing Harlan and Allison treating him like shit :(
Lila: She won me over she is so fun however what she did to Diego with Stan was shit
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ghostboyhood · 17 days
oh lord okay.. im gonna give my thoughts on the last season ish because i just finished it so its what i mainly remember and its 1 am..
the anniejeff made me SO uncomfortable i dont understand why they kept pushing that when they also pushed the dad-daughter relationship throughout the show.... and the second to last episode being centered around incest was odd, not a huge fan of that..
now okay my MAIN thoughts are about abed, so here i go
i feel like in the last two seasons (maybe 4 too? i dont remember atm) abeds autistic" traits were completely stripped from him. yes they included all his "fourth wall breaking meta tv show lines" but it wasnt right.
and i understand people will eventually change/grown up but also.. you cant "fix" autistic traits so it just felt like they were trying to make his autism seem more "normal" also by making him more emotionless i realized? abed cant express himself well, which he mainly copes with by dissociating. but he just.. in the last seasons it seemed more like he DIDNT have emotions (i believe he says something like this to buzz when talking about his duck comics, along the lines of the emotions he cant feel or wtv) but this isnt right, abed is emotional, hes actually really emotional we just dont see it directly like we do with people like annie or troy..
speaking of emotions im glad they really explained that jeff was scared of change and everyone leaving at the end though, its always been known that he is, but i liked that they really Showed it
annies ending was nice i guess? she was basically just a prop for jeff though in the weird fucking fantasy he wants though??? again idk why theyre pushing that it felt so out of place and weird and ew. jeff was also uncomfortably violent in season 6, like i dont think he would ever choke abed out that made me feel so gross...
alright back to abed because hes the main one i noticed in the last seasons.
in the end where abed was talking to jeff in the bar and said like.. "ik ur comforted by this meta lens but this is reality!!" just felt wrong.. yeah abed was still meta w the whole tv show thing but that was it.. and then him saying that to jeff? its like they tried to make him this big mentor guy to jeff (idk if thats necessarily it but its all i can think of to describe it at the moment) but not in a friend way but an uncomfortable "im grown up now and ur not" way if that makes sense,, which again goes with stripping him of his autistic traits by making it seem like its completely necessary to Grow up in order to move forward in life which isnt.. its true in some ways but not in the way they portrayed it at all.. they make it seem like abed had to grow up completely in order for him to "be okay"..
i related a LOT to abed in the early seasons for Many reasons, i think they handled the abed centered episodes especially about his mental health EXTREMELY Well. (ie, abeds uncontrollable christmas) its one of the first times ive seen experiences like that in media that i can almost directly relate to yk? but after geothermal escapism its all gone, never mentioned again besides in call backs where they try to laugh it off/dismiss it..
oh my god and abeds 'girlfriend' was just sooo out of place she was mentioned like twice and then that was it.. they didnt need to do that it felt really forced
also in like season one abed sits in that fucking room for hoursss without so much as making a peep but then he looses his cool and yells at buzz in season five?? again troy just left which makes a big impact but its still smt i noticed
everyone just felt very bland in the last seasons after troy left at least… half the cast was gone, then replaced
idk im not like, ruined the show pissed at the end, but im also not a fan of s5/6 (besides like.. sum scenes, and like i mentioned earlier maybe s4 as well)
i have to binge tv shows so i dont always immediately retain all the information and i have to rewatch episodes a lot, but thats my thoughts immediately after finishing the show at 12 am, sleep deprived, and in a really bad mental health episode so theyre not well put together n shit and i wish i could remember more to go over but alas
theres my immediate thoughts,, im gonna probably sleep or restart community.. i was planning on starting interview with the vampire now but im thinking of starting black mirror so we'll see...
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
Sending this on anon -
I think there is a latent amount of misogyny in the star wars fandom that people aren't ready to face lol.
Like there was so much hate for RebelCaptain and Bix x Cassian (MechanicThief? Bixian?) After andor, and we were called homophobic for 'not wanting to ship' the mlm ships, and I'm like???!! First of all multiplies exist, and second of all, complex, dramatic, well written ships also should exist!
And I'm now seeing the same pattern where it's encouraged to ship Din with the men, but not with the women
I think that a lot of fans really need to look within their consumption and see if they're really looking for representation, or for Ken dolls they can experiment with.
DinBo is so fascinating and I really can't wait to see how they develop
oh y'all want me to get spicy. i'm gonna put his under a read more.
i don't even think it's latent. the female characters receive an excessive amount of hatred or are pitted against each other. i've been in fandom spaces a long, long, long time so i know it's sadly nothing new but people have a hard time accepting that not all the misogyny comes from men.
there is no quarter for woman characters like jyn erso and bo-katan. they will never please. especially when they may have possible romantic relationships with the male leads.
i have thoughts on the shipping atmosphere for the mandalorian and it's not positive.
i am very much a ship and let ship person. i prefer to stay in my lane and enjoy what i enjoy. no harm no foul.
but i do find it -- shall we say interesting -- that bo-katan and din have a multiple episode arc where they develop a deeper understanding of each other overcoming their differences from when they first met but is met with the attitude of ew no cooties. it is fine to prefer a more sibling dynamic between the two but some have been really nasty about others shipping it romantically.
i didn't even really ship it at first but it's grown on me over the course of the season. they compliment each other and have a lot of protentional to explore.
it's one thing to not like a ship but i've seen a lot of language that i consider problematic and outright anti behavior of labeling something you don't like with dog whistles of incest, grooming, toxic and disgusting when it's in fact none of those things at all. just say you don't ship it and keep stepping.
like, the most popular din ship over the past two years has been dinluke which is a perfectly acceptable ship but in canon they've exchanged like a handful of words in one scene. it's fanon.
the armorer and bo-katan has become a popular ship which is again built on a few interactions.
but somehow din and bo are terrible, no good and gross.
we don't even have canon sexualities for these characters and headcanons are not canon. hell, i personally see din on the ace spectrum and bo makes sense to me as bi but that's my headcanon.
this is also not dean winchester being based of a bisexual character and fifteen years of evidence of subtext or stiles stilinski's bisexual baiting by jeff davis on teen wolf.
i get the desire for more lgbta+ representation in star wars but a heterosexual relationship existing is not your enemy and if you think it is than you are part of the problem.
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tobikarae · 2 years
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─── 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕊𝕐ℕ𝔻ℝ𝕆𝕄𝔼; sano brothers x sister reader
๋࣭⭑ warnings! obssessive mikey, pervy asshole shin, Izana is chill tho, incest, a bad relationship between brothers (jiro n shin), suggestive scenes w shin, getting caught doing.. said suggestive scenes
index - one - two - three
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Tomorrow is your youngest brothers birthday, Mikey's twelfth birthday.
At first you were planning to have a surprise party for him, just like when Shinichiro threw a surprise party for you a year ago when you turned sixteen.
Shin invited everyone single one of your friends (but it was mostly people that he knew) and it looked more like a highschool party than a birthday party.
He enjoyed it way more that you did but whenever your brother's are happy, you try to be happy too.
Of course you appreciated what Shin did for you but you would have just rathered a small celebration with your brothers and your closest friends.
When you remembered this, you thought about what Mikey would enjoy the most.
─── Jiro's birthday! ───
"Happy birthday Mikey!" You and Izana exclaim happily to your youngest brother while Shin is on his phone.
Mikey blushes before blowing the candles that have the number twelve on them.
"Your officially one year away from being a teenager, congrats." Izana smiles, putting his hands behind his head and relaxing on his chair.
You cut the cake into four equal slices for yourself and your brothers. Mikey watches with his normal resting face, and Izana watches with a hungry look on his face.
"Thanks..? But, I don't really feel any different though." He shrugs as you smile at him while getting forks and plates.
"So Mikey, Do you have anything planned with your friends today? Oh! I mean, gang. What was the name again? uh.. Toman, right?" You ask him while placing a plate infront of him and placing a fork on top.
Mikey happily eats part of his slice before answering your question. "Yeah, we're just gonna hangout though. Maybe get some dorayaki."
Shinichiro looks at him with a judging look on his face before saying "Ew, Manjiro, don't talk when your mouth is full."
After hearing what Shinichiro's statement, Mikey rolls his eyes.
You notice Mikey's attitude towards Shin and just sign. I mean, it's not like they'll listen to you if you tell them to stop.
Izana, once again, is just sitting back and relaxing watching this unfold.
You walk over to where Shin is sitting, putting his plate and fork on the table in front of him before whispering "Are you done with the bike yet?"
The younger brothers, silently listening and waiting for Shinichiro 's response.
"Yeah, I finished it this morning, when the three of you were still asleep."
You exhale with a relived expression, "Good, thank you Shin." you smile happily, about to walk away and go to your seat which is across from Izana.
"Don't forget why I even bothered to fix it up in the first place." He smirks at you as you finally sit down and avert your eyes away from him, laughing nervously.
"I-I didn't forget Shin, Just, when they go out with their friends okay..?" You quietly say as Shin takes his fork and stabs his piece.
"Yeah, Yeah, I'll be patient."
One of Mikey's eyes twitch before he abruptly stands up from his seat saying "I'm finished." Making Izana speed up on eating his slice of the cake.
"O-oh! Already? Wonderful! But before you go out me and Shin would like to show you something first" You smile before standing up to hold his hand.
A surge of warmth fills his finger tips as you wait for Izana to finish his plate. Shin put his slice of the cake in the fridge to ‘eat later’ before leading your brothers to the garage.
Shinichiro follows behind with his rbf and watches as Manjiro's eyes widen and a smile slowly creeps up on his face at the sight of the CB250T.
"Wah.. I-is this... For me..?" Mikey akss breathlessly while walking up to the bike. Letting go of your hand.
Izana asks "Well who else would it be for?" In a joking manner.
"Of course! Happy twelfth birthday my youngest brother!" You smile as Mikey trails his hand on the handle of the bike.
"Shinichiro fixed it for you." You explain softly to Mikey, causing him to halt.
Shin is leaning of the door frame with his arms crossed, waiting for how his youngest brother is gonna reply.
There's silence for a moment before Manjiro hesitantly mutters out a "okay."
Your smile drops and and your expression becomes saddened, you hoped for this gift to bring them closer, but it didn't work. Just like every other attempt you made to make your brothers closer to one another.
Izana walks over to the bike and admires it with shining eyes and a bright smile.
"Haha! Mikey, this is so awesome! Hey, can we take it for a test drive?" Izana asks with a toothy grin on his face, Mikey nods as to say that he wants to drive on it too.
Well, it looks like Shinichiro is the only one Mikey doesn't get along with.
It brings as smile to your face when you watch them leave through the open garage gate. It makes you happy seeing your brothers so ecstatic.
Though your smile drops when Shin walks over, sighing as he wraps his arms around you waist, kissing your neck.
"The little brat didn't even say thank you. How the fuck did he turn out so ungrateful."
You sign while looking away from him and holding onto his hands. "Maybe if you were nicer to him, he might actually learn how to appreciate the things you do for him, and yourself."
Shin doesn't reply to your point because he can't really argue with that, he only trails his hand lower. "Whatever... I want my compensation now."
Your eyes flutter close before your eyebrows furrow. "Alright..."
─── Jiro's birthday! ───
Izana looks at Mikey's new bike before smirking in a cocky manner and puts his hands on his hips saying "You know, I still think my bike is better" but Mikey is too preoccupied thinking about the conversation you had with the eldest brother earlier.
Right now, they're at the usual meet up place, the shrine.
"Izana, I know what Shinichiro does to her when we're away. I always hear them when they do it at night." Mikey mutters, sitting down on a step of the stairs. Kicking a pebble when he sat down.
Izana glances over to look at Mikey. "Oh.. well, I figured. You're an incredibly smart kid after all" He says, trying to avoid the tension with joking compliments all though it's true.
Mikey furrows his eyebrows, putting his chin on his hand, trying to think of a reason why, why do you do that with Shinichiro? Do you... love him..? "Izana, do you know? Do you know why she does that with him? Because... I don't. I don't get why she sleeps with him. I thought that she hates him." Mikey is just so confused. Why don't you hate him? Why don't you hate him like they hate him?
Izana hums, looking up thoughtfully. "Hmmm... I'm not actually sure. He's still our older brother after all, maybe she just can't hate people that are related to her. I mean, it was basically just the two of them before we came. Well, excluding grandpa of course."
"Hey! Mikey! Izana!" They hear a voice shout.
They whip their heads over to the direction where the voice came from, to see their friends approaching them with smiles. Well, except for Baji, who is grinning.
"Woah! No way, is this a CB250T?" Baji and Kazutora gush over the bike and examine it closely as Mikey stands up to go to the bike and lean on it.
"Yup." Mikey smirks, remembering earlier this morning when you gave it to him.
Mitsuya, who is also examining the bike, looks at Mikey and asks with curiousity. "Did Shinichiro give this to you?"
Mikey's eye gain anger on them, he growls at the mention of the black haired bastard and snaps. "Don't fucking talk about that bastard!"
Everyone becomes silent and stares at Mikey before Kakucho whistles out, hands in his pockets.
"Damn dude, you must really hate him huh?"
Izana elbows his friend, a silent and wordless way of telling him to "shut up, this isn't the time"
Kakucho looks at Izana with a phony offended look saying "What? I mean, isn't it true?"
Mikey stammers out an apology and explanation saying "S-sorry, m-my sister gave it to me... Shinichiro just fixed it up." He looks away from his friends after explaining.
"Y/n huh?" Both Ken and Mitsuya say at the same time while grinning at each other.
Thinking the same thing, they once again exclaim at the same time. "Let's go see her!" They lean towards Mikey face while saying so.
"H-huh? What? Why?" Mikey asks, looking at them with disbelief.
"Well, she's always so nice to us! And her food is sooooo good." Kazutora signs with a dreamy look, thinking about the said elder sister.
Baji laughs before loudly expressing "I know right? And she's so hot too! I with I had her as a sister."
Mikey bares his teeth before grabbing Baji by his collar, catching everyone's attention by surprise.
"Shut up! Don't talk about her that way! You're not aloud to!" Mikey shouts with Izana walking closer to him to attempt to stop his anger.
Baji places his hands up in the air defensively with a shocked face, before Izana tugs Baji away from his brothers grip.
Kazutora comes closer to Baji, to help him fix up before letting out a loud shout "What the hell is your problem, Mikey!?" Kazutora growls.
Baji starred at his friend with a concerned expression, just like everyone else is doing.
Mikey breaths heavily and loudly before scoffing and getting on his bike. "I'm going home."
Before Mikey could start the bike, his first friend, Draken, apologies while Mikey frowns "We were just kidding Mikey, we're sorry."
Izana, who knows why he's acting like this looks at their friends with an expression with looks sad.
An expression that makes everyone aware of the fact that something is going on at the Sano household.
Mikey turns to Draken, with his resting neutral face ".....I want to have some of Y/n's taiyaki. We can go to my house to eat lunch."
Izana and Draken sign in relief before Mitsuya goes to pat him on the back.
"Let's go right now then!"
─── Jiro's birthday! (at the house) ───
Not bothering to announce their presence, Mikey walks into the house with his brother and their friends following closely behind.
Izana yawns which I tired expression as his eyes closed. "I'm tired... I'm gonna go take a power nap. Kakucho, come with me. Wake me up when it's 2:00 or something."
Mikey leads his friends into the living room as Izana, who is holding Kakucho by the arm, is dragging him straight into his bedroom to become his human alarm clock.
Looking around for any signs of you, Mikey tells his friends to stay in the living room and to watch television while he goes to the kitchen. He says it's to get some snacks like the taiyaki he's been craving since earlier but it is actually to see if you are still in the house.
But of course, Mitsuya and Draken being the good friends they are said their gonna help him bring some of the snacks.
Mikey say's "It's alright, I can handle it." To try and get them off of his back but they still insisted of helping him.
When the three friends got to the doorway, they see you on the counter with Shinichiro in front of you.
You legs are wrapped around his waist and your hands are sitting on top of his broad shoulders.
Shin kisses down your neck, giving you multiple hickeys while he's at it. This makes you let out a shaky whimper, a pretty sound that made the trio feel an unknown feeling on his chest.
Mitsuya and Draken thought that it was wrong for siblings to like each other, but who could really blame Shin for doing this to you. It's making them begin to not see incest as such a bad thing. (remember kids, incest is only ok when it's consensual/fiction👍)
Your blouse is hanging loosely around your shoulders, buttons on your blouse un-done making you shoulders and cleavage seen.
When your eyes finally flutter open while Shin's hands are still roaming around your body, you let out a quiet yet terrified yet worried gasp when you see the trio just standing at the door. Staring as Shin was groping you.
"Mikey!" you exclaim before trying to cover yourself up with your shirt and to make Shin stop.
Shinichiro only glances at them with a blank expression, but inside, he was mad that they interrupted his alone time with you.
Mikey, Mitsuya and Draken just stare at the two of you. While as Mitsuya and Draken are speechless, Mikey bluntly says "I'm home. Izana is sleeping in his bedroom."
You chuckle nervously, trying to distract them from what they just witnessed.
"W-Welcome back. Are you tired, hungry? Mitsuya! Draken! Would you like to eat something? Are the others here too?" You asks while lightly pushing Shin away from you to slip off of the counter as you button up your blouse.
Shin, who is clearly agitated, let's out a sign before leaning on the counter and brushing his tousled with his hand.
Mikey glares at Shinichiro until you cup his face, forcing him to look at you instead of your older brother.
He meets your eyes, but they averts his eyes. Making you hands let go of your hold on him.
"We just... Want to get some food. We're going out again after we eat."
"Oh! Um.. sure! You guys can get any snacks you want! Do you want some cake? Shin hasn't ate his slice yet. Maybe you guys want it?" You say, Shin looks at you before saying "but it's my slice, they can't have it."
"Shin, don't be selfish. You said you don't even like it." You say crossing you arms.
Shin scoffs, "tsk, yeah, but I don't want them to have it."
You don't even notice the trio getting the snacks, you only notice that they were done getting them when Mitsuya said "Thanks for the snacks!"
You watch them leave and close the door with a sad expression before turning to your oldest brother.
"What? Don't look at me like that." He smiles, walking closer to you.
"We're done." You state plainly, about to reach for the door knob to go to the kids.
Shin's eyes widen as he grabs your hand to make it let go of the door knob.
"W- are you upset because they caught us? Y/n please, your over reacting. We weren't even doing anything that provocative." He says in a panicked voice.
You look at him with a glare, tears coming out of your eyes.
"Shut up, please! Why can't we just me a normal family..? Our brother's can't live like this! And.. those poor kids.. they must be traumatized from seeing us." You cry.
A broken sob escapes past your lips, before Shin hugs you tightly.
"Don't give me that. Don't even say it. I love you so much, and you already know that. So why would you want to leave someone who loves you more that life it's self?" (manipulative little cunt, he's still hot tho) he whispers I'm a calm and sweet voice to you. Entangling your hair with his hand.
You whimper, trying not to be loud cause the kids might hear you. You shut you eyes, giving in to Shin's hug, hugging him back. "I know, I'm sorry."
It's not like you have a choice to stop it anyway.
Mikey, Mitsuya and Draken are on the other side of the door, listening to your conversation. While Mitsuya and Draken feel pity for you, Mikey is angered.
"Mikey, let's just go to the living room." Draken whispers to Mikey.
When they got to the living room, Mikey immediately sat down on the couch. Ignoring his friends' sounds of happiness.
All he can think about is, How much he hates Shinichiro Sano.
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pickledokra21 · 2 years
Sometimes. I just. I love spn so much and I love the art and the analysis and the group mental breakdown but like
how does wincest still exist ?
Like dudes???? What’s the obsession?????? First, ew incest. Second, guys. Guys. Dean raised Sam. Do you see what I’m getting at here. Dean raised Sam and taught him everything he knows. Please. Third, structural flaws are through the roof let’s talk about it
Dean is a gruff, hard shelled character with morals through the roof right? His main priority is the smaller picture and his family. Hence why he stayed with John all that time
Sam is a more big picture guy. He doesn’t take much bs, but he can deal it. While he still has morals like Dean, they’re in a different direction. Sam as a character would get one glance at deans obsession with hunting and family loyalty and want out of a potential relationship. He left his family for his future, because he saw it to be beneficial. He stayed with ruby and drank demon blood because he thought it it would be beneficial *in the long term*. Dean “daddy’s little soldier” Winchester would not be suitable for Sam “for the greater good” Winchester. It wouldn’t work whatsoever, romantically speaking
But still the ONE THING that ties them together through all the years is this: they’re brothers. So they HAVE to stick together. And right there, is toxic. That’s messed up. That is an unhealthy mindset that leads to a great show with a very cool duo. A duo that makes you examine all your relationships and wonder “would I say yes to Lucifer for them?” And it’s interesting to watch them interact in this strange way of withholding information, lying, and even some light betrayal, while still coming back to each other because of this: they’re brothers. Not in love. Not sleeping together (🤮). Their bond is family and that thread holds them in place for fifteen seasons. If they were in love, you’d cringe every second of the show watching Dean yell at Sam and Sam lie to Dean. It destroys something so delicate and fragile and unique
Anyway there’s my Wincest essay
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im-out-of-it · 2 months
Don’t get me started on Gracetopher..
KIT GETS WITH HIS FIRST COUSINS JAMES’ EX GF GRACE WHO…LITERALLY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HIM WITH KISSES WHILE DATING HIM UNDER A LOVE SPELL! Adoption incest between Gracetopher aside HE BETRAYED HIS COUSIN by sneaking around in secret with and falling for the ex he knows put James through shit for YEARS. James and Grace dating under the facade of that spell for FIVE FREAKING YEARS. Not just a week or months Kit!
It made me care alot less about Kit dying I’m sorry. I know that’s wrong! but I guess I wouldn’t want that to happen to me IRL so I project those feelings in defense of James. Idc it’s still shitty. Imagine your cousin gets with your ex in secret …Screw #Gracetopher shippers especially if they ignore what Grace did to James and only blame Tatiana for HER daughter’s actions, she manipulated her but she gave into it instead of seeking help eventually.
Then had the nerve to defend Grace IN FRONT OF JAMES LATER. When asked how he knew so much about Grace? He LIED to James Thomas and Matthew and says “Errmm Idk” Like grow up and be honest to him instead of trying to seem innocent. James was kinder about that than Kit deserved, he was clearly crushing on his cousins ex even after James told him what she did to James. Gross
honestly all of this is super valid and to me, it’s completely out of Christopher’s character. and this is part of how CC managed to destroy his character. he’s the quirky, intelligent, scientific one. SO TELL ME WHY CC DID THIS
I feel like it’s kind of pushed under the rug what grace did and the affect it had. I personally don’t care about the whole bracelet debacle like I thought too much time was spent on it, but I also think it could have been written better. I don’t even like James but that whole thing was insane. he was being essentially controlled- emotionally and sexually abused for a big and important part of his childhood
I also think it’s weird that CC has found a way to include incest in all her stories. twice in TMI, a reference of Tessa kissing her brother (ew why), grace and Christopher ARE RELATED, and I’m pretty sure that kit and Ty are distantly related. it’s so fucking weird and she’s made it this fucked fetish habit and its clearly a pattern.
but that aside, the whole relationship did not need to happen. Christopher should never tried to make grace some kind of victim. I know what it’s like to be under a toxic mother and what it feels like to want her love (not to that extreme because wtf) but grace could’ve sought help elsewhere. Gideon and Gabriel have been nothing but supportive and would have welcomed her in. so trying to defend her actions was always wild to me
so YES YES YES to everything you said. it definitely goes unnoticed. I love Christopher and it was sad for me to see his character drastically change for one, see him die, have Thomas go through that, and not be properly grieved by his family. it was so badly written and it was atrociously lazy. CC seriously made it seem that she didn’t care about this series
and all aside (I’m sorry for ranting 😭), it’s not right to see a friend go through all that and then try to date that person/abuser. CC cannot handle rough and serious topics and it shows in my opinion
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Hot take, but I feel sorry for the people who believe everything is inherently romantic or sexual.
If your first thought when seeing siblings cuddle is 'ew incest' or seeing friends being physically affectionate with each other and holding hands is to ask if they're dating, (Alternatively assuming sexuality and asking 'if they're gay' if they're, say, two female friends) then I'm sorry for you.
Nothing is inherently romantic or sexual. You and the world as a whole would be a better place if you removed this mentality from existence. You don't need a single significant other to receive and give affection.
Cuddle and hold hands with your friends, sit on their laps, kiss your brother on the forehead, just be physically affectionate with your loved ones if you want to. You'll feel better and they'll also feel better.
Normalise expressing love physically. This isn't something only restricted to significant others.
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the-resurrection-3d · 2 years
I think about your fic "I was an Island" from time to time. It was the first time I had ever seen sexual intrusive thoughts represented. Like I wasn't alone in dealing with it, safe to say reading that fic a year ago was one of my best decisions and I will carry it in my heart for a long time. Basically you make good fics and I'm really sorry you had a bad day. ( I tried sending this on CuriousCat but It didn't let me :p )
I'm so happy to hear that! That really means a lot to me. A big part of why fics like "I was an island" are written that way is because I couldn't find representations of how trauma and sexuality intersect that satisfied me -- the only time I'd seen sexual intrusive thoughts even spoken of were text posts here on tumblr. I'd tried to represent them in a few unsuccessful original fics that never got picked up, and then in "but I am home," messy though that fic was. But I'd say IWAI is my first real successful outing on that front.
Your comment reminded me a lot of when Cheryl Marie Wade said, "If we are ever really home in the world and in ourselves, then we must say these things out loud. And we must say them with real language." Now, she is talking about the "blunt, crude realities" of being physically disabled, but I think this applies to other forms of representation as well -- I've also been having very long and productive conversations with @edoro about the limitations of metaphor-heavy rep for things like csa, rape, and incest. Don't get me wrong, these representations have their uses, but we also need to say these things with real language, real words. And part of my project as an artist is saying them on another's behalf.
And TBQH the line "But the thought burns with anger far more than desire and lingers like stomach bile you can’t quite brush away, so Alberto has only jacked off to it twice" is honestly better than every EW fic I'd written trying to capture that same feeling, lol.
To circle back around to the start, again, it really means a lot to hear you say that. Thank you so much for the kind comment <3 Also, luckily my situation has been resolved. I'm a little emotionally worn -- I always am when I fight with my brother -- but he apologized to me and we talked it out.
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Bucch*g*ri Liveblogging Ep 3
You tell em Green Gobblin'!
Ooooooooo cool undercut guy in the background next to a Blue Perm guy yaaaaaaay!!!!! He's been missing the past few classroom shots! 💖💖💖
Of course Matakara simultaneously believes that Arajin is the Strongest Man and the Weakest Baby Girl that needs protecting.
Oh Honey. I love you so much!
If you want him come take him by force. JARETH ASS
Why is the chibi genie nothing but ass or balls and legs?
She's looking so smug and self satisfied. 😞 aw man.
I bet you the guy from this 3rd group before I ever hear a word from him and can only see his head in the background - is obsessed with one of the 2 other fight club presidents.
And he's pissed at Arajin for getting their attention - until he fights Arajin himself and falls ass over tea kettle like they both did.
They're talking about money so does he indebt people to him to get them to join him?
Also ooooooo his full name is Kenichiro!!! 💖💖💖💖 and he let's his kouhais call him by a shortened version if his first name!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 I'm so in love with Minato Kai's Kenichiro! 💖💖💖💖
Oh no creepy guy is the one with the second genie.
How unfortunate.
OP time!!! 🎶🎻🎵🥁🎶🪘🎻🎶🎹🎵💥💥💥
Damn Matakara's brother is SO FINE in that OP! His smile is radiant! I wonder what happened???? I bet that's why Kenichi is getting himself held back so they can figut or graduate together. I bet they're in love.
His brother was also in Minato Kai.
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Every time I try to root for this guy............ he's a young easily misguided man. He has his whole life to turn things around......
Pink hair is so precious I love him. 💖 Let's call him Pink Petals for now.
I could have rooted for whatever this date will be and now the joy has been sucked clean out.
Aw no Javascript looks so bummed! 😢
Oh never mind. He's mad and they just animated it poorly from the side.
Wait does Javascript like the captain???? I thought he liked Pink Petals! 🥺
Oh Green Gobblin' loves that he got Arajin to blush! 😂
Wouldn't it be funny if they're just going to the Cat Cafe?
He heard that One Girl comment and snapped but luckily for him he's got an excuse to go wild since someone else appears to be on their turf.
His outfit and boots are so fucking cool this isn't fair!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I WANT TO LIKE YOU YOU JACKASS AUGH!!!!
Man I hoped that Matakara would turn her around for a hot second.
Funny that she's got sonic scream though.
yeah that tracks lmao 🤣
He wants him Carnally
Oh shit they see him as a piece of meat! 😂
This straight guy is trapped in a BL fighting anime
"Look, they're all hot for you!" ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!,!
Girls???? What girls?????
Oh and you know if Arajin loses that Green Gobblin' expects to top lmao.
GO JAVASCRIPT GO!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Here we go😞
I was gonna ask why Green Gobblin' ain't satisfied with Tahide Outa but it's clear that he's Outta His League and straight to boot so.
He oughtta be the one to end up with Incest Ingenue.
Damn Arajin's cute when he cries. 🤦‍♀️
Genie!!! Dude dont give in so easy! 😫 Where's your magical priciples????
Poor Outa gotta get outta here!
Oh hey!!! I Spy Makoto Tachibana!!!
oh kid you don't think the Genie is gonna let you get away with that do you???
Oh wow he did actually and my dudes both just looked up some skirt lol
I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖😭
Here Comes Your Man Arajin! 💖💖💖💖
God he's so fuckin cool. What a crying shame.
I can't tell if Green Gobblin loves bratty subs or wants to BE a bratty sub.
I Spy Gary Oak and the guy that had a Gyarados from the 1st Pokémon Movie!!!!
Oh he cares about Honki too! How interesting!
Damn EVERYONE heard it. 😨
What is this boy eating??? His moms lunches are fucking him up.
He should buy some simple rice balls at the combini or something.
Lmao of course Green Gobblin' dressed in the Joker Color Pallet in Middle school. 😂
The Light in their eyes! Just 2 dudes fighting the world!
Dang that doesn't even phase him??????
Seriously does she have a set of abilities or????
Genie is immune because he's gay lmao
Girl's taste is Abysmal.
Congrats Genie! You deserve better but this is as good as you'll get it seems.
Lmao his mom
Oh man those poor sons of bitches. 😞
MATA-ARA HOURS YES!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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btsrunmylife · 2 years
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Invisible String, 6: Hoop, there it is 🏀
summary: Sometimes the hardest thing in life is letting yourself be seen.
pairing: yoongi x f!reader
rating: explicit 🔞
genre: social media au, angst, fluff, romance
chapter word count: 1.5k
chapter warnings: This chapter is crass from the very beginning, which is why it’s beneath a “read more” from the beginning. Ghost’s friend, Anaya, is very open and very blunt with her sexuality. Hopefully that doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable. This is actually the first scene I wrote of this entire story, so I couldn’t exclude it...but, uh...the word pussy is said quite a lot in this chapter lmao.
permanent tag list (open):  @yoongiofmine​​ @xianav​ @lilacdreams-00​ @emmmui​ @vantxx95​ @cursedblood707 @hqtetsurou​​ @geauxlsu79 @lyra0cassiopeia @halesandy​​ @lunaoceanchild @annoyingtimemachinee​​ @babycoffeefire​​ @darlinggod-sweetvillain​​ @yu-justme​​ @rageyoudamnednerd​​ @bubblytaetae​​ @aurel1ia @valhallawhispers​​ @somelazysundays​​ @cuteipat​​ @dahliasbouqet​​ @funkylittlebisexuall​​ @wrmnssoul​​ @saweetspoiled​ @infatuatedghost ​
series taglist (open): @feral-daisy​ @pamzn​​ @jeonsy98 @secretlycrazyhummingbird​​ 
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“I need pussy.”
You spit the water out of your mouth just as it’s about to go down and end up hunched over in a coughing fit, spluttering, “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
Your friend, Anaya, smirks at you over the rim of her water bottle, then turns away as she takes a sip. “Don’t act like such a prude. You know I’m gay, you know what I like.”
You’re still coughing, throat a little sore and the water you swallowed wrong now sitting uncomfortably in your chest. You roll your eyes. “How could I forget when you say things like that?”
She snorts, smacking you on the back and decidedly not helping your coughing fit. She sighs. “Seriously, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve eaten a good–”
“Stop it!” you squeak, waving your hand at her and praying your flailing will somehow stop the mental images from assaulting your brain. “I don’t want to hear this!”
She groans, slumping dramatically on your shoulder, a pretty pout on her lips. “But I’m lonely.”
“You’re horny,” you correct with a sniff, trying and failing to shrug her off. You’re vaguely aware of a few people at a neighboring table eyeing the two of you, but you try to ignore it. Everyone from school already thinks the two of you are dating. There’s no use trying to squash the rumors. You take a sip of your water and push the lunch around on your tray. “Why don’t you text Hana?”
Your friend scoffs. “She’s got a boyfriend now. As if dick is better than these.”
She lifts her hand, wiggling her fingers and moving them in a crass motion. You grimace and swat at them. “You’re so gross.”
“Not gross,” she argues, chin digging uncomfortably into your shoulder. “Just horny as fuck and all alone.” Her arms loop around your waist and she snuggles a little closer, sighing wistfully. “Why couldn’t you be gay?”
You don’t respond, shoving a bite of food into your mouth. You don’t bother to mention the fact that you have been attracted to women before, just not in the same way she is. She’s more about sex with women and you’re…well, more about romance. But the fact remains: you could never imagine yourself with your best friend. Your brain had entertained the idea for all of a day back when you were a freshman in high school, back when you were both new to the school and hadn’t found your place yet, but the thought is gross to you now. It’d be too much like incest at this point.
“Why couldn’t you be straight?” you retort when you swallow, wiping excess food from your lips before taking a sip of your water.
Anaya’s nose wrinkles. “Ew. Men are gross.”
You can’t argue with her there.
Case in point.
Anaya peels herself away from you to frown at the jocks approaching your table, each wearing salacious smiles that immediately make your skin crawl. “What do you want, Paxton?”
The guy in question smiles good-naturedly, pink tongue coming out to wet a dark set of lips and white teeth. “Just wondering if there’s enough room at your table for more or if you’d like to be left alone?”
Anaya’s eyes narrow, no doubt wondering if there’s some sort of double meaning there. With Paxton, the two of you have learned that there usually is. “We’d like to be left alone, thanks.”
Paxton’s friend, Ted, nudges him in the ribs with a laugh. “I told you! No way they’d let you in on that!”
“Okay, ew,” Anaya mimics barfing, only instigating their laughter.
Paxton raises his hands, brown eyes drifting your way as he attempts a warm smile. It looks more predatory than charming. “Okay, okay. We’ll take the hint.” He winks when he catches your eye, making you jolt in your seat. “If you ever change your mind…”
Anaya’s barfing noises get louder and the guys’ laughter trails them as they walk away. She glares after them. “Idiots. I hate when guys think they’re an exception to my gayness. Like, there isn’t some off-switch, you dumbass. I’m not going to magically think your limp dick is more appetizing than a pussy–”
You groan, shoving your tray away and laying your head against the table in front of you. “Can we please stop talking about pussy now?”
You’re not a prude. You don’t think you could be with a best friend like Anaya, but you also have your limits. You’re not nearly as hormonal or open with your sexuality as she is.
“I will never–” she stresses with a hand-slap against the table. “--stop talking about pussy! It would be an insult to pussy everywhere–”
Your face scrunches as you cover your head with your arms, trying to drown her out, but it’s no use. You should know by now that once she gets started, it’s hard to get her to stop. She really does need to get laid, you think. It’s the only way to save your sanity…and your poor, innocent ears.
“If I said I knew a way to get you…that–”
“Oh my god, you’re so cute, you can’t even say pussy!” Anaya coos, making your ears burn.
You scowl. “We should go to the basketball game this Friday.”
Anaya scrunches her nose. “Ew, and voluntarily surround myself with more jocks?” 
You roll your eyes. “It’ll be worth it. Yoongi says he has someone he wants you to meet.” 
She hums. “Ah, so this is about Yoongi. It all makes sense now!” 
You pout. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
With a grin, she leans her chin on her fist and bats her eyelashes. “Nothing at all, bestie. So, when’s the game?”
When you arrive, you know immediately that Yoongi isn’t going to have time to say hi before the game. Already courtside with his team, he meets your gaze across the gymnasium and smiles, nodding in the direction of the bleachers. You follow his gaze and find a few vaguely familiar faces, none of which you’ve ever met before, but have seen in passing. Namjoon is the only one you know by name, having exchanged smiles with him while he was working at the campus library.
The man smiles at you when he sees you coming, fumbling to his feet with a little wave.
“Hey! Yoongi told us you’d be here tonight,” he greets, glancing between the two of you. His smile slips fractionally when he sees Anaya eyeing him and you can’t say you blame him for shifting on his feet. He clears his throat, motioning toward the others. “This is Jimin and Hobi.” He nods toward a woman sitting beside him. “This is Hwasa.”
Holy shit, she’s gorgeous. The words nearly tumble out of your mouth, but you manage to stop them before they do, choosing instead to avert your gaze and take a seat on the bleacher behind her, next to the one introduced as Jimin.
Jimin’s plump lips part in a friendly smile and he leans in to whisper, “Do you understand basketball?”
You side-eye him, wondering if it’s that obvious you don’t watch sports. “Some.”
He hums. “I don’t understand it at all…but it’s a nice view, isn’t it?” He winks, nodding toward the floor as the players meet in the middle of the court.
Hwasa turns around in her seat, thankfully settling her attention on Anaya. “You must be the one Yoongi was talking about…”
Anaya lifts an eyebrow, looking at you and then back at the beautiful woman, and hums. “I guess so…I don’t actually know him that well.”
Hwasa looks surprised at this. “Interesting…he seemed sure we’d get along.”
Anaya, intrigued, moves to sit beside her, leaving you alone on the bleacher next to Jimin. You smile to yourself, seeking Yoongi out on the basketball court. He’s playing a power forward, which Jimin mumbles to you as soon as the game starts.
“I don’t know what that means, but it sounds kinky, doesn’t it?” He wiggles his brows.
Namjoon, having heard him, rolls his eyes and leans back against Jimin. “It means he plays near the basket, rebounding and defending taller players.”
Jimin stares at him a beat too long, then blinks. “I have no idea what any of that means.”
You laugh, something that tapers off into a surprised squeak when Hwasa leans back against your knees. 
She glances at you over her shoulder. “Oh, sorry! You don’t mind, do you?”
Anaya lifts an eyebrow at you, amused by your flustered state, and you quickly shake your head. “It’s fine.”
Hwasa smiles. “Thanks, pretty!”
Your cheeks heat at the nickname and Anaya’s smirk grows as they turn back to the game. You turn your attention back to it too, trying to follow along the best you can, but you’re distracted now, the faint pressure of Hwasa’s back tingling against your knees.
She’s someone Yoongi wanted to introduce to Anaya, you remind yourself.
You tuck the feelings, and the paired sensations, away and keep your eyes focused on Yoongi for the rest of the game.
There’s no need for things to get messy.
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honestgrins · 3 years
Would you consider writing and Au or what if of Aurora meeting Caroline in Canon with/without the baby plot. The thought of a stressed and discombobulated Klaus is hilarious, imagine him dealing with his crazy incestous yet obsessive first love and his tentative but promised last love. Either way I just would like to say I enjoy your writings so much, you have these characters down so well its always a pleasure to read your works!
My greatest apologies, I don't know Aurora's voice well enough to do her justice, so have another mini that cheats the prompt (but leans hard on the KC of it all)! Set not long after Stefan's crossover in TO.
By the Throat || Klaroline
Still weak from the surge of mystical energy that had overwhelmed him and bound by that damned witch, Klaus could not manage to free himself from Aurora's grasp. "I see you've found friends to let you out of your cage."
"Not everyone is so sour as you, Nik," she answered sweetly. "It wasn't very nice of you to leave me all alone. Again."
Rage rose from his chest until he wanted to scream, his fangs itching for blood. "I should have just killed you to be rid of this nonsense."
She twisted the dagger in his gut with a smile. "You never learn, do you, lover? You'll never be rid of me."
He grinned unapologetically, knowing his hybrid senses allowed him to hear what she couldn't while focused entirely on him. "Don't be so sure about that, lover."
And her head turned too sharply, accompanied by a hideous crack of bone. As she crumpled to the ground, Caroline stood in her place, grimacing. "Ew, you just keep getting weirder in your old age."
The witch, already sweating with the strain of holding him, threw out a hand toward the sudden arrival. Caroline's hands flew to her head in pain, only to fall to the dagger and toss it behind her. Catching the witch in the thigh, the blade distracted her enough for Klaus to break free of her spell.
"Don't kill her," Caroline groaned. "You're clearly in the middle of one war, let's not go feeding another. I have more important concerns at the moment."
He growled at the implication that his concerns were less important. Yet, Klaus let the witch run off, tearing the dagger free with a vicious wrench to serve as his sole warning. "The situation certainly must be dire for you to come to me."
Rolling her eyes, she made her way to the bar cart. The sitting room was a bit worse for the wear given the violent interruption to his evening, but he was pleased to see his favorite vintage had survived the scuffle. He was less pleased at the lack of care the young vampire took to appreciate the taste as she threw back a deep swallow. "I'm not in the mood, Klaus. What did you do with Stefan?"
His brow furrowed in confusion. “Stefan left days ago,” he said slowly. “And in one piece, I assure you.” It had been against his better judgment to even let him stay for as long as he did. Danger followed the Ripper to his city, and he was the one accused of foul play? “Who knows,” he spat, “maybe that Huntress got him.”
The glass dropped to the carpet with a precarious wobble. But who could care about antique crystal when Caroline Forbes had him by the throat, eyes dark with rage and hunger? And she didn’t even need a witch to keep him still. She was fantastic, her tone sharper than her fangs. “Not. Funny.”
He licked his lips unconsciously, not even bothering to hide his arousal. “Do you see me laughing?”
Scoffing, she threw herself back from him. “Stop. I haven’t heard from Stefan in three days, and the last message I got from him said he was leaving here to meet me in Dallas. I’m worried, Klaus, and I’m asking for your help.”
“No, you came to accuse me before plying me with guilt to get your way.” Her silence was answer enough, as was the shrewd narrowing of her eyes. Her machinations could wait, however; he was caught on the Texas of it all. “What on earth could be in Dallas?”
Caroline looked distinctly uncomfortable, her eyes bouncing around the room but avoiding him entirely. “Alaric is moving there with the babies, I offered to help.”
“Ah.” Klaus moved toward her carefully, lest she attack or worse, run. Still, he couldn’t resist another bit of teasing. “I wonder what good piece of advice led you to make such an offer.”
“Shut up,” she groaned, sinking to the couch with her head in her hand. “I gave birth a week ago, my emotions have been insanely heightened for months, and my boyfriend is missing. If you don’t have him here, where is he? I can’t—” A cry caught in her throat, and fingers dug into her hair.
He heard her swallow once, then take three deep breaths. On the fourth, another sob thickened her voice. But when she finally met his gaze, her expression was no less fierce for the grief dawning. “You really don’t know where he is?”
Though he believed what he had told the Ripper, that he needed to put her first or let her go, it wasn’t easy to watch Caroline mourn the apparent result of his decision. Truly, he hadn’t considered his own interests at the time — he simply didn’t understand how someone could make promises that would only break hearts. He saw it happen over and over in Mystic Falls, and the cycle would only continue as long as they remained immortal. Just look at his own family.
His eyes dropped to Aurora, beautiful even in her temporary death. For nine hundred years, she lived in the same bubble of resentment. He’d imagined any number of futures for Caroline, and that could not be one of them. “I don’t, but I fear I know why he hasn’t reached out.”
For a long moment, she only sat there, staring at him until her head slowly tilted to the side. "What," she bit out, "did you do?"
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