#and....out of everything i heard this is the part that made me literally choke on my drink
laurelwinchester · 1 year
jeff davis has been desperately trying to kill derek hale since the first season so i’m disappointed and irritated but not necessarily surprised that he finally followed through on that one. i am kinda surprised that he accidentally gave derek and stiles an inexplicable child though. that was a plot twist i did not see coming.
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lewdmommie · 11 months
Just friends
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Summary: can y/n manage being just friends?
Word count: 7.k
🎀Warning🎀:18+NSFW, oral sex, language, fluff, angst, violence, gore, sexual content,panic attack etc
(Like, comment, reblog for part four💗)
This is part 3 of one night stand
Part 1
Part 2
“We need to talk about yesterday.” You state firmly. Your tone was completely different from your usual lighthearted and funny personality. König and Ghost have quite literally seen you crack a joke in the middle of open gunfire. This was uncharted territory for them, whatever you were about to say had to be important. You take a deep breath, thinking of your next words carefully. The last thing you wanted was to hurt anyone again…especially König.
“Spit it out rookie.” Ghost says annoyed.
“Oh god how do I even say this…I feel something…something I can’t explain when I’m with you.” You look at König, he shifts nervously under your gaze.
“And with you.” Your head turns to face Ghost, staring into those glimmering obsidian eyes. He breaks eye contact looking far off into the distance without a word.
“I don’t know what it means but I know it’s something I can’t ignore.” Your brow scrunches as you choke the words out.
“I want to get to know you both and I’m here to ask for that opportunity. I’m here to ask you to be my friends. No titles. No rankings. No romance. Just…friends.” Your teeth nibble at your lower lip waiting for someone else to talk. It was nerve racking not being able to read their facial expressions. Their body language didn’t give much away either, you shift on your heels.
“That’s what you barged in here to ask for… friendship?” He slowly rises from his desk glaring in your direction.
“Well…yeah” Your voice is low.
“Do you really think friendship can fix everything?” Königs voice is dark, he speaks the word friendship as if it was something rancid on his tongue.
“I’m not saying it can I just…” you explain.
“I don’t need to be a part of whatever you two have going on. Leave. both of you.” Ghost barks.
“You seemed to be a part of it yesterday when you had your hands all over her.” König rasps, turning his killer gaze onto him. Ghost strides from behind the desk, his heavy footsteps fill the air as he takes slow deliberate steps forward. The tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife. A chill runs down your spine as you’re standing flush in between these skyscrapers. He stands tall looking König straight in the eyes, not even acknowledging your presence between them.
“I don’t like your tone colonel. I think you’d better change that.” His head tilts mockingly, sizing him up.
“I was just thinking the same thing about you sergeant.” He beams into him like white hot lasers.
“Hah, you’ve always been balsy König, could always count on you to get the job done. But I want you to remember something…you can beat them out there on that battlefield but here this is my territory and you won’t win.” He steps closer making sure he heard every word.
“Why don't we find out serg.” He says through clenched teeth. At this point you’re sure they have completely forgotten your existence . You plant your palms on ghosts chest pushing him back, he seemed to snap back to reality realizing you were still there.
“This isn’t the time or the place…no war within our army. Those are your words sergeant! As a leader you have to practice and enforce that as law. König I know you’re angry and have every right to be but last night was training and that’s all. I won’t keep repeating myself anymore, I get that it’s hard to trust but you’re going to have to try.” You scold.
“ Why do you care so much? How can you stand here and act like you know what I want. You don’t know anything. I’ve never given you the impression that-“ Simon rambles.
“I know it sounds stupid, crazy even, but I know you want to get closer to me Ghost.” You say gently, König tenses at the soft tone of your voice…had you ever spoken to him that way? He couldn’t recall a time you had, and that made him envious.
“You need someone. You’ve spent so much of your time in isolation, it’s time to let people in.” Never had he heard you sound so sure of yourself.
How could you break down his walls so easily, there is something about you that made him feel at ease. When he’s with you it feels like he’s allowed to smile,Things feel easier…happier. But he knew from experience things like this didn’t come so easy. People always get hurt when love is involved.
“And König…I’m tired of fighting. I’m tired of being angry and resentful towards each other. These past few weeks have brought us closer together and I don’t want to ruin that with one misunderstanding.” His face burns tomato red under his mask, but he wouldn’t show it. His shoulder stiffen as if he’d been sliced across the chest. How could such beautiful words hurt this bad , you’d summed up his feelings for you perfectly but he couldn’t shake the thought of you being so involved with Ghost. Being your friend sounds like absolute torture but it was a ray of hope. Hope that one day maybe you would undoubtedly love him back. He felt like a lost puppy waiting to be owned by you…it was foolish but he couldn’t stop himself. Your naivety muddled the fact that this would be war and you were the prize.
“It has always been you. I’ve got so much blood on my hands it could run a river red and yet you were granted the title of sergeant. You’ve somehow made sure I was one step below you but that’s gonna change. You said I couldn’t win…watch me.” He says sharply.
“So this is your playing field…her?” Ghost looks you up and down with judgmental eyes. You grimace wondering why he looked so unimpressed.
“Hah, fine I’ll bite. What are the rules of the game?” Ghost chuckles, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“We get individual days to spend with y/n and the other person cannot interfere.”
“And what about the days that aren’t accounted for?” His head tilts curiously.
“First come first serve. It’s up to y/n who she would want to spend that free time with even though I know it’ll be me. No one likes being around you.” König taunts, it isn’t clear if it’s the jealousy talking or the militant hunger for victory. Either way you didn’t appreciate them auctioning off your time and affection like some silly little game.
“You’re on. It’s about time I remind you of your place, colonel.” He reaches out an open palm, König grasps it firmly, shaking on the terms.
It’s like everything you said completely went over their heads but you knew it would take patience and time to build a stronger relationship with them. If thinking of it as a competition got them on board, then you’d just have to play along.
Your arms tremble as you push the weighted bar up with all your strength. Your shoulders burn with each rep begging for a break, to your body’s dismay, you were just warming up. You look up into caramel colored eyes, Maya smiles down at you as she helps support the weight of the bar. With a final push you line it up with the metal stand, it lands with a loud crack. You sit up, sweat pouring down your face. Maya removes the white towel from around her neck, she dabs away the stray droplets as they fall. She was always right there at your side helping you with even the tiniest of things.
“Remember to hydrate. The body can lose up to 10 liters of water a day when active.” She hands you her purple water bottle.
“Your knowledge never ceases to amaze me, you're gonna make a great doctor one day.” You tip the bottle up, taking several gulps before coming back up for air. Maya’s eyes softened, she needed to hear that; with all the death and injuries on base that passion could be lost. She is a practicing apprentice Doctor on base as she studies remotely to get her doctorate in medical science. Balancing education with active military duty was no easy feat, personal attachment can get in the way. People she laughed with, pulled pranks on, sat and had meals with…had died in her arms. Brutal excruciating deaths that she could do nothing about. No matter how hard she tried to save everyone…their blood still stained her hands. She thought often about what she would do if you got hurt…could she save you? Maya shakes the negative thoughts away reminding herself that you were one of the special forces best. You may be a handful but you were damn good at your job.
“Thank you y/n, you don’t know how much that means to me.” She stamps a kiss on your forehead.
“I walked in on Sergeant Ghost and Colonel König talking about some new intel on the target. There might be a raid soon, I know how anxious you are with new missions.” A look of discomfort flashes on her face leaving just as quickly. She puts on a fake smile not wanting to put any more stress on you. You were the one who would be out there on the front lines risking your life and she didn’t want to worry you.
“I’m okay,really, you get used to it.” You weren’t sure if she was trying to convince you or herself.
“If you ever need to talk…I am here Maya. I’m always here.” You bore into her with sincere eyes.
“and that’s why you’re my best friend. Now come on, we gotta keep that heart rate up.” She takes your hand, helping you to your feet. The two of you walked over to the pull up bar, arm day was not fun…at all. Your muscles were already achy and tired but you had to push in order to build endurance.
“Can’t I just work on legs today, that’s so much easier.” You whine, Maya laughs patting your lower back.
“As much as I agree with that statement, no. You handle high caliber weaponry. if you’re not strong, All that push back could damage your muscles.” She raises her arms holding the stretches in ten second intervals. Because of her insane height there is no need to use a stepping ladder, she simply reaches up and gets to work. Her fingers graze the bar before pulling back suddenly.
“I forgot my chalk, it helps prevent blisters, I’ll be back. Go ahead and start your sets without me. I gotta run back to our room.” She jogs off leaving you standing alone in the gym. You always felt slightly self conscious being in the weight room without a partner. Like everyone was watching you. Judging you. In reality no one even glanced your way but that didn’t stop the anxiety from striking. A small tremor shakes your hands as you reach up for the bar. It’s way too tall to grab on your own, Maya was usually there to give you a lift. You scan the area for a spare stepping stool or chair but everything is occupied. Eyes. Eyes everywhere. There looked to be two of everything as your vision doubled.The room begins to spin and your knees feel weak, where was Maya? When would she be back? Maya? Maya? Maya?!
“Y/n look at me. Are you okay? Should I take you to the infirmary?” Your vision begins to focus turning the two ghosts in front of you, into one. Your breathing is shaky, you nod unable to speak. His head tilts forward with concern, his bare hand cups
your elbow as he pulls you closer.
“Your eye movements are unsteady,breathing accelerated, pupils dilated…you’re having a panic attack. Talk to me y/n what is distressing you?” His voice is gentle, calming even.
“People. Just so many people. M-Maya left… I’m alone. I-I don’t like being alone.”you choke. His heart breaks at your words, loneliness was no stranger to him. Thinking back, Ghost couldn’t recall a time when you weren’t surrounded by people. He figured it’s because of how likable and fun you were but now the dots began to connect. You made sure to never be alone because it scared you…just like it scared him.
“I’ll stay with you.” His voice was earnest, he surprised himself with his sudden reaction. Normally Ghost worked out alone as he did with most things. But he wanted to help you, seeing you so shaken up tugged at something deep inside him.
“That’s it…slow deep breaths. One…two… exhale three. Very good.” He coaches. He looked to be very familiar with this sort of thing, you wondered if he’d dealt with this before. Ghost didn’t seem like the type to deal with anxiousness, he was always so cool headed.
“I’m good now.” You huff.
“Are you sure? We can go somewhere more private.” Your face heats up at his word choice, you remember the wet dream from just nights ago.
“N-no I’m fine, I still have a few sets to do.” You slide your elbow from his grasp.
“Then let’s do it… I assume your next set is pull ups and judging by your size, you usually have Maya help you up?” He hypothesized walking behind you to examine the bar.
“Yeah Maya always lifts me up-“ your words are cut off by his strong hands sinking into your waist. His fingers press into the soft plush of your hips, the crotch of his cargos rubs against your ass. His eyes fall low as he stares down at you, his thumb absentmindedly drawing circles. You don’t speak up, getting lost in the comfort of his touch. The rush of his heart vibrates through your back, the rise and fall of his chest quickens. You can hear the heaviness in his breath, the heat in his mask makes sweat bead at his brow. This isn’t the first time your bodies have met this closely but somehow this felt…Different. You snap to the reality that there is a room full of people here witnessing this moment. That idea made you focus on the initial goal…pull ups.
“I’m ready.” You assure, jumping as he hoists your body up with ease. Your fingers begin to slip, ghost bounces you up, allowing you to readjust the grip.
Even with the extra help, your arms burn as you pull the entirety of your weight up and over the bar. Your chin taps the cool metal marking one successful rep, ghost pats your thigh.
“Good job, make sure you’re breathing with each pull.” He instructs, his arms squish the fluff of your upper thighs. You nod, extending the length of your arms preparing for the next pull. Ghost is painfully aware of how your ass is pressed against his upper chest. His face is inches from the smooth damp skin of your back, his eyes track the small trickle of sweat that runs down your spine. He says a silent prayer, begging not to get hard in front of his subordinates. Even the slightest touch of your body drove him fucking mad, he’d been attracted to women before but never like this. Those thoughts were always intrusive and fleeting, he didn't let his mind wander too deeply but you…he imagined ripping those mauve pink leggings open and ramming every solid inch of his cock inside you. He hated how much control you had over him without even trying.
“I-I can’t take anymore” you groan, feeling the intense burning sensation growing in your arms.
Oh come on, he thinks. You couldn’t have chosen a better word choice, a shock shoots up his leg activating his dormant member. He nearly drops you as the mirror shows him a glimpse of his hard dick poking through his gray sweatpants. He couldn’t let you see him like this, before you could blink your feet were on the ground and ghost was B lining it to the men’s locker room.
“Hey wait where are you going?!” You call as he scurries away. He doesn’t turn around or even answer as he disappears into the white locker room door. Well that was rude, you think. You were used to him treating you like some kind of germ but this seemed off and you couldn’t put your finger on it.
There still hadn’t been any sign of Maya since earlier in the weight room, a sinking feeling pulls at your stomach. It wasn’t like her to just up and disappear without saying a word . The military base wasn’t the biggest in the world so there weren't many places she could have gone. Your eyes scan the mess hall landing on the table you two usually shared. Empty. No sign of her at all, you begin to worry what would keep her from eating lunch. Lunch is Maya’s favorite time of day apart from breakfast and dinner, this was strange. You look at the lunch line and physically cringe when you see that ominous brown paper bag with your name on it. It wouldn’t bother you one bit if you never saw another peanut butter and jelly ever again. You snake through the crowd and head toward the exit deciding to go search for her, it’s what she would have done for you. Just as you burst out of the sea of soldiers there is a deep voice bellowing down the long tan hallway.
“Y/n” a voice rumbles in the distance. Loud heavy footsteps shake the ground as König jogs in your direction.
“I didn’t see you in the mess hall, have you eaten already?” His words are rushed and nervous.
“No I haven’t, I was actually going to-“ he chimes in disregarding the rest of your sentence.
“That’s perfect! I wanted to invite you to have lunch with me.” His voice sounds energetic.
“Well I was just about to go look for Maya…” you trail looking around trying to spot her.
“Oh I saw her a few minutes ago when I was walking past the infirmary.” He says. The infirmary should have been the first place you looked, Maya did tons of overtime with Dr.Bradshaw. Extra hours counted as field work for her university grade, but overworking wasn’t always a good sign for her. You take a mental note to ask her later not wanting to disturb her study time with the Doctor. There was a nagging urge to ask König exactly what she was up to when he saw her but you decided not to snoop. If there was an issue she would come to you about it, you were always there for her and she knew that…or at least you hoped she did.
“Oh okay then I’ll just talk to her later thanks.” You spin on your heels ready to jog back to the cafeteria. A leather gloved hand entraps your wrist, holding you still. Your head whips around staring up into his forest green eyes, they dart back and forth searching your face.
“I’m sorry, I-I uh did you have plans for lunch today? If so I completely understand…I know you might still be worried about Maya.” His voice is shaky.
“No I don’t have plans for lunch, ugh I’m the one who should be sorry I almost blew you off just now. What kind of friend am I?” You joke. His chest tightens at the word friend, he drops your hand back to your side. It catches your attention but you breeze by it not wanting to cause any damage.
“I’d love to have lunch with you König.” You say enthusiastically trying to salvage the situation.
“Perfect. Let’s go, try to act normal.” He nods in the directions of the exit motioning you to follow his lead. You had a feeling this was going to be another mission impossible, König mixed with the words “act normal” never turned out good. Since the recent feud with ghost he was more rebellious than ever. You cautiously walk behind him trailing him out of the double doors, the sun beats down on your skin. Your eyes squint from the sudden lighting change, your hand lifts to shade your forehead blocking out the brightness. Las Almas Mexico was a beautiful mountainous place with endless desert views. There were small cities with an economy based on agriculture and farming. Like every major metropolitan region there are city areas for entertainment and tourism. The base was quite a distance from those areas, the deserts granted seclusion. Most of the drug activity and gang violence originated in the city areas. Although there were plenty of small gangs they all worked under the one major crime organization in the city…The Las Almas Cartel. The whole reason for your special forces deployment was to monitor and take down this organization. They participated in egregious crimes against the residents of Las Almas and helped push the drug epidemic throughout multiple countries. You walk forward,your shoulder brushes his arm ever so slightly. His eyes shift away with embarrassment, he hadn’t touched you since that night. People chirp hello’s as you slip through the ocean of workers, there were so many familiar happy faces in the crowd. You are grateful König is by your side or all the attention could have become overwhelming very quickly. It warmed your heart to be loved by so many but it became exhausting, always chasing approval from others.
König senses a shift in your mood, boldly, he rests his big hand on your lower back; ushering you along. He leads you to the vehicle repair and storage shed. There are lanes wall to wall filled with earth toned military vehicles ranging from Humvee’s to M113’s.
“Oh hey y/n! What are you doing all the way out here darlin’?” His southern twang is thick. The dimples in his cheeks deepen as he smiles toothy and big. His giant veiny hands stain the white cloth as he wipes away black sludge.
“Hey Jack, I hope we didn’t interrupt your work.”
“You could never bother me y/n seeing you is always a treat. Speaking of treats, where’s ol doll face Maya I haven’t gotten my daily fix of her.” He laughs. Jack was a flirt that was no secret but everyone knew about his unrequited love for Maya. Most people found her attractive but Jack’s feelings were public, making sure to scare off anyone who thought about making a move. They were just like an old married couple, arguing about any and everything.
“She’s working in the infirmary.” You explain.
“I’m gonna have to go and pay her a visit, she can’t run forever.” Wrinkles form at the corner of his eyes as he smiles ear to ear.
You can’t help but cheese at his friendly face. König didn’t appreciate Jack's lingering gaze. His eyes slit with annoyance, why were you smiling at him like that? He thinks burning with jealousy.
“I’m taking a Jeep on patrol.” He stated plainly.
“Sure thing, I’ll just need to see that authorization letter from the sergeant.” He says wiping the oil from his cheek.
“I am your Colonel. I grant myself authorization.” His arms fold over his chest as he stands tall and confident.
“But the sergeant said-“ Jack starts.
“Unless you want to be scrubbing toilets for a week I suggest you give me the keys. If not, I’ll just have to report you for interference with a mandatory patrol. Are we clear?” His voice is stern. You find yourself gawking at him. his power had you melting in his gloved palm. König didn’t like abusing his power but there was no way he’d go beg ghost to allow him to take you out. If he wanted you to himself he would make that happen at any cost. It didn’t matter who he had to step over as long as he got to be with you. Jack stares him down for a moment weighing out his options, he could either disobey Ghost and get punished or disobey König and get punished. Great choices he think’s sarcastically.
“Look, if you’re gonna take her out you gotta be back before sunset or else ghost is gonna be on my ass…deal?” He extends a hand to König.
“Deal.” He takes his hand firmly.
“Here I just did an oil change on her so she’s the best I’ve got right now. I’m still repair’n the others.” He tosses him a set of Keys with a dog tag attached. König nods, throwing his black duffel bag in the back seat. You never understood the idea of jeeps being doorless but as you hop in it makes a little more sense. If you’re being shot at you could literally jump right in. You chuckle at the ridiculous thought of you diving into a moving jeep.
“What’s so funny?” He asks, clicking his seat belt and cranking the ignition.
“Nothing, it's dumb.” You laugh tugging the seat belt over your chest. He chuckles backing out of the garage. His arm lays across the back of your headrest as he looks behind him making sure no one was there. Your thighs clench at his focused body language, how did he manage to turn you on with such mundane tasks. The car whips around, he straightens the wheel and puts the gear in drive.
An armed soldier from the gate walks up to the driver's side scoping out the inside of the car.
“Colonel. Where are you headed?” He salutes.
“Me and y/n will be holding a patrol unit on the mountain. There’s been reports of suspicious activity by the locals.” He lies smoothly. The mask came in handy since without it every emotion he felt would be on display. König is, unbenounced to everyone else,a terrible liar. His face gives him away every time. Despite what people think he could be read like a book if it wasn’t for the mask.
“Yes sir. Open the gate!” He calls.
König’s shoulders relax as the metal gates swing open. Mission accomplished. He finally had you to himself for a day. After spotting your workout with the sergeant; he had to find a way to steal your attention back. Your head leans out the door watching in awe as the ground gets further away. The mountain road is bumpy and narrow, your hand grips the seatbelt tightly.
“Scared of heights?” He asks, looking over at you with concern.
“Of course not, keep your eyes on the road.” You scold.
“You know it doesn’t help to look down.” He reaches over, tugging your chin away from the ground. His fingers linger for a second before returning to the wheel. You’d seen this view from the chopper when you first arrived on base but this is a new perspective and it is gorgeous. The cacti bloomed with tiny magenta flowers, the dry soil cracked into interesting shapes. Small animals poke their heads from the grooves in the ground,and Even the sky is clear and vast. If maps didn’t exist you’d have sworn the land stretched on forever. The heat is also comforting, the sun wraps you in a tight embrace kissing your skin. You wished you could see his face, you wondered if he was enamored with the scenery just as you are.
“It’s amazing isn’t it…like a whole new world.” He breathes looking around curiously. One hand gripped the wheel and the other pointed to a viper green snake in the distance.
“Did you see that?!” He exclaims excitedly.
“I did.” You say softly.
He coughs awkwardly, he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you but animals are his weakness. He felt an obligation to protect creatures smaller than him, what better way to use his gigantic size. After what felt like an eternity he pulls into an open area at the top of the mountain overlooking the base. He puts the car in park and takes the key from the ignition. You unbuckle your seatbelt, turning your body to hop down; König jogs around the vehicle blocking your path.
“Allow me.” He pretends to open an invisible door.
You jump down and punch his arm playfully. You both laugh filling the open air with joy. He admires you bent over laughing from your gut, a real laugh, that’s when you were most beautiful. He loved seeing happiness radiate from you, you wore it well. He wanted to make everyday a good day filled with bliss, he dreamed of one day being the one to make that a reality for you. He swings his duffel bag out with a huff walking over to a clear patch of land. With razor focus he unzips the bag unloading its contents onto the sandy ground. He lays a green blanket down before laying zip lock bags of mystery foods on to the cloth. To finish off the set up he sets up two colas on either side of the picnic blanket. It was one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen, he plops down in the blanket waving you over. You can’t help but smile at the exquisite dining arrangement designed by the renowned König.
“Beautiful set up chef.” You joke.
“On today’s menu we have the chefs’ choice…Ham and cheese sandwich. My secret ingredient is melted cheese courtesy of today’s weather. Strawberries, hand picked by me from the local farmers market. And two delicious warm cokes.” Your nose scrunches in disgust, earning a hearty laugh from the colonel. His laugh was like liquid gold, it rumbled deep, shaking your core. It’s a shame others didn’t get to witness this playful side of him.
“Sounds… yummy.” You say snagging a ham sandwich. You unzip the bag and have an experimental bite. To your surprise it’s not too bad, somehow the sun melted cheese worked. Not something you’d have regularly for a snack but the fact that König cooked it, made it taste better. You can’t imagine him moving around the kitchen, did he keep the mask on or take it off? You giggle at the image of him with an apron and mask on.
“You’re always giggling and I’m never a part of the joke.” He pouts.
“I was just imagining you cooking in a cute little apron. Would you keep the mask on or take it off.” You tease.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He slips his sandwich under the hem of his mask, taking a bite. At this angle the sunlight glows behind you like a halo. König admires how angelic you are, he didn’t understand how someone could look so perfect. There wasn’t a word in any language that could describe your beauty, inside and out you were radiant. A rose blush sweeps his face, he looks away realizing how long he’s been staring. Butterflies flutter in your stomach.You turn away relocating your attention to the incredible view. At this height the wind whips strongly , blowing a cool breeze through the air. You close your eyes tilting your face to the sky, his eyes trail down your neck peering at the steady thump of your vein. He remembers the way you look with your pulse beating out of control;lustful eye low eyes staring back at him. That night you took a piece of him with you, he has never been so needy for a woman in his life. In a metaphorical sense you were a succubus and he would gladly give up his soul.
“God you’re gorgeous.” He breathes. Your eyes widen as you stammer for words nervously.
“W-what, you can’t just say that out of nowhere.” You stutter.
“Should I give you a warning next time?” He flirts.
“You’re always messing with me.” You slap his hand. He smirks loving how you crumble for him. He reaches over to grab the bag of fresh strawberries, his palm brushes the base of your thigh. He slides a berry under his mask, making a sound of approval.
“Mmm. These are really good. Try it.” He plucks a strawberry from the bag, holding it up to your lips.
You’re hesitant for a while looking at the berry in disbelief, he couldn’t be serious. This is definitely not something friends do but you do have a habit of overthinking things. Maybe this is one of those things, it’s just a strawberry, nothing less, and nothing more. You nod coyly, leaning in and wrapping your plump lips around the fruit as your teeth sink in; taking a small bite. His jaw tenses as he fights back the urge to lick the sticky juices from your mouth. With his free hand he lifts his mask, exposing the lower portion of his face. There is an intensity behind his eyes as he slides the rest of your half eaten berry past his blushed lips.
“You’re right, these are…really…good.” You trail as he closes the distance between you.
“Here, have some more then.” He bites another one. His giant hand rests at the back of your neck pulling you closer inch by inch. All thoughts evacuate your mind as his soft breath brushes your lips. He’s so close you can almost taste him. So achingly close that it makes your heart leap right out of your chest. Why was he doing this to you, making you yearn to feel him again. Reminding you of the mind bending orgasms he gave you that night. It wasn’t fair, how could you be friends when he is so irresistible? You can’t. You shouldn’t. You won’t. He brushes his soft warm lips over yours begging for permission, pleading for just one kiss. You did. You’re caught in his net as your lips meld desperately in a symphony of passion. His tongue spreads the strawberry nectar across your taste buds making the kiss intoxicatingly sweet. He shifts onto his knees towering over you, never breaking the kiss. He leans down deepening it, gripping the curve of your hips; a camo clad knee forces through the barrier of your thighs. It’s feverish and greedy, he kisses you like he’ll never get the chance to again. Your back arches into his touch, a loud moan echoes through the mountain as he teases your pulsing clit. The friction was unbearable, it felt good but it wasn’t enough. You wanted, no, needed more. Your pussy quivers as he breaks the kiss to nip at the sensitive skin of your neck.
“W-we can’t. Friends don’t uhn-friends can’t do this.”You pant.
“I want to please you. I didn’t get to show you all of my tricks last time.” He whispers seductively. He pushes you back onto your elbows, clearing the picnic blanket in one swoop of his hand. You stare down at him, your breathing is erratic wondering what his next move will be. Strong calloused fingers work the complicated buckle of your work pants. Soon your pants are not only unbuckled but being slid down the length of your legs. Your chunky black combat boots prevented them from going any further so naturally he removed those too; leaving you completely exposed from the waist down. You couldn’t believe you were letting this happen and in a desert nonetheless. König wastes no time grasping your hips and lifting your pelvis, leveling your pussy with his eager mouth. Your shoulders and head rest on the blanket while your lower half is suspended upward; legs dangling on his hunched shoulders. Even with him leaning over, your ass is still elevated at a staggering height. You’re completely at his mercy, no matter how much you squirm his grip is iron tight. The black fabric of his mask sits on the plush of your mound hiding his face as he kisses your warm lower lips. You couldn’t see anything from this angle and the mask added even more security to his next action. You watch the clouds move up above as he traces the glazed slit of your entrance, your hips buck in response. A quiet whimper vibrates your skin as he tastes you for the first time, the scent of your arousal fills the limited space in his mask. Every breath he took was filled with you, that one lick already had his dick frustratingly hard and throbbing.
“Du schmeckst so verdammt fantastisch (you taste so fucking amazing)” he mumbles into your heat. It’s impossible to hold back any more, his tongue slithers up and down the slippery split of your cunt. The tip of his tongue draws circles around your stiff clit, he nips and sucks at the bundle of nerves making your legs shake. His hands sink into your thighs as he pushes deeper into your delectable pussy. The thick flat of his tongue laps at your labia teasing the wet folds of your outer sex. Your muscles contract as he explores every crevice of your dewy flower, your juices dribble down his chin as he teases the perimeter of your tight hole. You grind up into his face wanting him to go further tasting the deepest parts of your sweetness. His hands release your thighs leaving the heavy lifting to your core strength. Your body shakes as you fight to stay in this position not wanting the pleasure to end.
“That’s it, you're doing so good Schatz(love) you’re going to have to put in some work to cum.” He breathes. His hands tug at your shirt fighting to push it up past your breast. You decide to help him out, lifting your shirt and black bra in one motion; your nipples are stiff with arousal. He rolls your hard peaks between his fingers, teasing and caressing the sensitive buds. Your mouth falls slack as his tongue eases into you, your walls clench as he strokes your inner velvet. A sloshing wet sound fills the air as he fucks your cunt with his long skillful tongue. Your hands fist the blanket as you become overwhelmed by all the sensations. How could something wrong feel so good.
“No no no you can’t cum yet, I am still enjoying my meal.” He reprimands. You bite your lip and stare up at him with pleading teary eyes.
“P-please let me cum, s’to much c-can’t hold it please.” You cry.
“Look at me Prinzessin. Focus on me. Just like that, I’m so proud of you. Don’t give up beautiful. You're taking it so well.” He praises, locking eyes with you. He feels your pussy flutter on his tongue as you fight the urge to drench his face. He sucks your clit into his mouth gently, with a final pull sending you tumbling over the edge.
“I’m g-gonna cum, need to cum fuck-“
Your spent cunt spurts delicious cream all over Königs face, drenching his mask.
“Look at the mess you made. Naughty girl.” He eases your body back to the ground, licking his lips. You lie there twitching, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“Suns going down. We’d better start heading back to base.” He says in a disappointed tone. He wished this day could last forever but that wasn’t realistic. The last thing he wanted to deal with was ghost pulling rank on him again. You nod helping him pack his duffel bag, he smiles as your hands brush when reaching for the same items.
“I had so much fun with you today.” You chat loading the leftover snacks into the bag.
“Me too. We should come back here soon, I’ll pack better lunches next time.” He promises, throwing the bag over his shoulder.
“Everything was perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing.” You assure, swallowing back the feelings of regret. What did this mean moving forward, did you make the mistake of leading him on again? König catches a glimpse of doubt on your face and speaks up.
“Today…never happened. We hung out, as friends.” He pats your head. You smile up at him appreciating his kindness and understanding, he knew you never meant to hurt him. Today was all on him, he took that step knowing what it meant and he’d do it again. He knows you need time to figure things out and he was done being impatient. He is sure about his feelings for you and is willing to wait as long as it takes.
“Let’s go.” He taps your butt as he walks by. You gasp smacking his back in return,trailing behind him to the jeep. He tosses the duffle bag in the back seat, walking around to help you into the car.
You stop in your tracks peering up into his beautiful lush green eyes, his heart thumps rapidly.
“Did you forget something?” He asks.
“No. You’re just…incredible you know that.”
“Y/n I-Get down!” He leaps forward shielding your body as you two tumble to the ground in a panic.
“Ah! Scheisse! I’ve been hit.” He groans, squeezing the oozing gunshot wound. A ringing sounds in your ears from the blast, everything moves in slow motion as you help him limp to the Jeep.
“A fucking sniper. We have to move! Now! Drive” he instructs baring down his teeth, holding back a scream. His leg is on fire, blood spurts between his fingers as he applies pressure. The gas pedal is touching the floor as you push the vehicle as fast as it’ll go. Your fist beats down on the horn trying to alert the front gate you’re coming in hot. one hand swerves the wheel frantically twisting and turning and the other is on Königs head holding him close as you quick fire words of affirmation.
“It’s gonna be okay, please stay with me. Hang on alittle longer. König? König?! Fuck!” You sob whipping the wheel back and forth making it harder for the snipe to aim. His consciousness begins to fade from the excessive blood loss; the once cream flooring of the Jeep is now a cherry red. His hand goes limp as he faints no longer applying pressure to the wound. He’s fading fast.
“No no no wake up. I know you’re sleepy but stay with me please please König we’re almost there.” Tears stream down your face as you beat down on the horn. The gate is a few feet away, the soldier on guard sees you approaching at 150 miles an hour. He sounds the alarm, triggering the gate to open up slowly. You can’t let up on the speed it’s too late, you have to push it. Any further delay could cost him his life, you slam your foot to the floor giving it all you’ve got. A loud crack slices through the air as you burst through the half opened gate, taking the side view mirrors off in the process. Both feet hit the brakes forcing you to a violent stop. You jump out, yelling for back up.
“Please help me, he's hit! The colonel has been shot! Please he isn’t responding help me!” You scream, wrapping your hands around his calf trying to stop the bleeding.
“Y/n! What happened?!” Maya runs up taking off her shirt to use as a makeshift tourniquet.
“They shot him.” You hyperventilate.
“Who shot him?! Get him to the operating room now!” She barks at the nearby soldiers.
“I-I don’t know…” you sob watching the men carry him away.
To be continued?…
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kentosblkgf · 10 months
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Ghostface! Miguel O’Hara
Cw: size kink, mask kink, masked sex, spit, reader doesn’t know it’s Miguel …picture taking?? and choking. One sentence in Spanish. You can obviously tell I got lazy I just wanted to post something really quick <333
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You had decided to have a small get together at your house. Inviting a few known friends, ofc they invited more but you had told them to come masked. It was like a little mystery, you loved mysteries. You had already known who Peter was because of his loud rambling.
He was dressed as Leatherface. A bad one at that, he looked nothing like Leatherface, he was literally wearing the green trench jacket that he wears everywhere. It was horrible.
Everyone had revealed themselves. All except the Ghostface.
His build was strong, tough even. Looked like he was made out of solid iron. The way he stood had you hypnotized. His arms crossed against his protruding chest, head tilting to the side under his mask.
He was just too good to look at. His arms were just bulging with veins. It almost made you fantasize about them having you in a head lock.
You still didn’t know who it was, but jesus fucking Christ were they strong. The way he had his fist balled into your hair and both of his knees touching the wooden floor on each side of you almost made you die.
He was manhandling you so good. The way he fucked into you made you see stars, you were in such a heavy daze. you didn’t even see the flash of the picture he took.
His cock was so thick, your walls struggled to take him with each thrust. It was crazy how one could have so much power behind them. He was enjoying this all too well. Tightening his fist in your hair, pulling your head back and using his other hand to pull the bottom part of his mask up. Just enough for you to see his puckered lips. Your mouth opened like the greedy slut you were.
He spit into your mouth, it sounded so dirty. So, vile. He’s fucking you so so so good, covering up your moans with his huge hands.
The groans he’s letting out sound heavenly, his deep grunts making shivers go down your spine. You try to get him to sit up a little to lessen the pressure of his thrust he is just not letting up.
It feels too good for him to stop. He isn’t focused on your pleasure anymore, it’s all about him. The sound of his hips connecting with yours covered in your slickness is deafening, if anyone had walked by they would most definitely hear and know what was going on.
“Fuck.” It was small very faint, you wouldn’t even have been able to tell it was him if you weren’t the one getting their brains fucked out.
You heard it as clear as day, yet you still didn’t know who it was that was fucking you so good.
His hand started gripping your hair harder before moving it down to your throat squeezing it softly. You feel a slight tug on your costume, He’s ripping the top part open and gripping a hand full of your tits.
You felt disgusted as he laughed when drool started running down the side of your mouth.
“Please please please.”
You didn’t even know what you were begging for anymore. He starts to slow down his thrusts and grips your side before flipping you over onto your back.
You could see his build so much better. His neck dripping with sweat.
His whole hand covered you face as he pushed you more into the floor, making your head turn to the side. Your face smushed into the floorboards.
Everything was feeling so good. Pink lips peaking from under his mask.
“No.” Just a small grunt
You wanted to see his face so bad. It was painful not really. You were squirming under his weight, his heavy large palms practically suffocating you.
“F-fuck, hold on just g-give me-.”
You could barely breathe, barely even speak because of the way he was practically pounding you into the wooded floor. His thrusts so heavy and full of vigor.
Tears forming at your eyes, you can feel yourself about to cum you just need.. you just need
“P-please slow,”
Your words are so slurred it sounds like you’re drunk. He’s not even letting up, not a bit. He’s too heavy, you’re gonna make a mess it’s not like you didn’t try to warn him. You begged him to slow down.
White noise is all you hear as he hits just the right spot
“Wait wait wait, p-please.”
Your hands bunching up next to your head, having nothing to grip onto for support. You can hear your mess splashing onto the wooden floor.
“So fuckin messy.”
He’s chuckling? He’s.. laughing.
Your pussy couldn’t even push him out with the force of your orgasm. He’s just too heavy and thick inside of you.
He’s heavy breathing in your ear, grunting and groan as he plows into you like he owns you. At this point he does. Fucking you like he’s possessed by something.
His thrusts become more sloppy as you can tell that he is nearing his end, he thighs smacking against the back of yours. His hips are stuttering debating if he wants to cum on you, or in you. He of course chooses the latter pushing so deep into you, you can feel and hear cogs falling out of your head and onto the floor.
He’s so deep, his thighs tensing as he releases inside of you.
Your cunt is just so warm why would he want to leave it? Well of course to see what he’s left behind. He slowly pulls out and the pearly beads of cum quickly follow, he’s using his thumb to spread you open as he watches your pussy clench around nothing.
“Absolutamente hermosa, nena.” (Absolutely beautiful, baby)
The voice. The slightest accent that you couldn’t hear before.
He pulls you so you’re face upwards and uses your hand to put you into a sitting position.
Just as you start to blink away the fucking he gave you. He’s pulling his mask off with a grin.
Miguel, your best friend.
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divine-donna · 1 year
a fair trade
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pairing: miguel o’hara x gender neutral! reader
word count: 1,010 words
ao3 link: 🕷️🕷️🕷️
summary: your help is needed to defeat a multiversal entity, one that you’ve defeated before. but what can miguel offer in return for your service?
notes: kind of mishmashing the movies and comics together. do not fret if you haven’t read any of them! it’s mostly just referenced (much like how it was referenced in the last post). the fic on ao3 is also locked to registered ao3 users only. it’s a precaution i’m taking in response to ai using ao3 fics to be trained.
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“(Y/N), we need your help.”
“Miguel, I’m in the middle of eating lunch. Because, you know, I didn’t have breakfast.”
“That’s on you.”
“Some of us don’t like breakfast.”
“Okay that’s not the point! The point is that we need your help!”
You were just sitting at your table, peacefully. After a mission earlier today, you thought you enjoyed a nice break. All you’ve been doing is going on missions across the multiverse, at the expense of your personal life back home. Your friends missed you and were constantly wondering why you would dip all of a sudden. After all, it wasn’t like you to just...cancel last minute. You loved your friends. You always made sure to be there. What you didn’t expect when accepting Miguel’s invitation was to be worked constantly. There was always a multiversal threat at stake, even for something small.
You were literally the local expert on the multiverse. Small things wouldn’t cause catastrophe. But Miguel believed they would. He believed in a domino effect. You believed that it was necessary to stay vigilant but not every small thing required attention. Sometimes the multiverse acted weird. It was a multiverse. It acted on its own accords.
“Miguel, is it actually something to worry about? Or is it something like the Vulture ended up in the wrong reality which can be cleaned up without my help?” You took a sip of your drink.
“It’s someone by the name of Verna. And she’s brought with her an army.”
“Verna? Never heard of her.” You shake your head.
“Really? She claims she’s fought you before.”
“If I saw a picture, then maybe I would recognize her.”
Miguel doesn’t hesitate. “Lyla.”
Part of you wondered what it would be like if your name was always on the tip of his tongue, ready to speak on a moment’s notice. You always wanted someone who could say your name with such ease, who thought of you constantly.
“Already on it.” Lyla pulls up a video. “This is live footage of the whole thing. We’re lucky she hasn’t spread her destruction further.”
As you were taking a sip of your drink, you choked on the liquid. Thankfully, you did not die. “We need you alive (Y/N).” Miguel says.
“I thought I banished her to the ends of the Multiverse!” You exclaimed.
“So you have fought her?” Lyla questions. “Was this the multiversal being you battled before?”
“She’s the reason I have no magic!” You crush the metal cup in your hand. “It took everything for me to banish her! And she just comes...comes back like nothing happened?” You squint a little. “She also looks a lot different than I remember. You said her name was Verna?” Lyla and Miguel look at each other before nodding. “She went by a different name. Called herself the Matriarch of...something. I don’t remember.”
“All the more reason for you to finish up and join us.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“I lost my appetite.” You picked up the dishes and cleaned out the plates, dropping them off with the conveyor belt of dirty dishes. “You owe me Miguel.”
“Owe you what?”
“A break. Like a real break. My body needs to properly recuperate, you know.”
He inputs the numbers and opens the portal. “I can do that. You’ve done good work so far.”
“Exactly. Not getting paid here.”
“None of us get paid.”
“It was a joke. You know, Peter was right. You’re like the only one of us that isn’t funny.”
“That’s hilarious.” His voice did not change in tone and his facial expressions did not give away that he was humored.
“Lighten up a little. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re extra stoic because you want to kiss me.”
“I do not want to kiss you.”
“Everyone wants to kiss me.”
He looks at you, eyebrow slightly raised. “You should pay me in kisses actually. Think that’d be a fair deal. I help you guys stop Verna, again, and I get a kiss. It’d be the perfect reward.”
You feel his gaze on you. “It’s a joke, I promise. You don’t have to actually.” Even if you did want to kiss him.
He takes a step towards you, much to your surprise. His hand reaches up, fingers curled slightly, and his knuckles graze the skin of your cheeks. It’s reassuring in a way and his touch is gentle. It reminds you of when you first joined, how his fingers gently wiped away the crumbs at your face. His hand uncurls and cups your face. “How badly do you want a kiss?” He asks.
His voice made your legs shake. “If I answered that I think you’d make fun of me.”
“I mean...it’s a simple yes or no question.”
You weren’t expecting his lips to crash against yours. The sheer force almost causes you to fall over and your hands fumble to grip onto his body. You could feel his muscles flex beneath his suit. You kiss him back, but most certainly not with the same amount of force he does. Miguel even goes as far to nip your bottom lip, causing a small gasp to emerge from your throat. It was a little embarrassing and your cheeks grew warm. He pulls away, satisfied and with that cocky smirk on his face.
“Make it back alive and I’ll give you another.” He puts his mask on. “Maybe even more.”
“You...have a lot of confidence that I will.” You were out of breath. Very much out of breath.
“You’ve beaten the odds before. It’s part of who we are.”
Miguel walks through the portal and you clench your hands for a few seconds. You were nervous. It wasn’t just the kiss that made you nervous (though your heart certainly was pumping for that reason primarily). Lyla looked at you with a smile. “You better come back. Or else I’ll lose the primary thing I make fun of him for.”
“I’ll try Lyla. For you.”
“Sure, sure. Now get going before people die.”
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
It Hits Different This Time, Part 2
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Rock Star Eddie x Steve Harrington
TW: Mentions of alcohol, drug abuse
QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm so sorry that the last entry was so angst heavy, I promise this one provides some comfort! Eddie needed to take a big step here and he really, really does. Also, much love to everyone who commented, I've tagged you at the bottom of the post - let me know if anyone else would like to be notified of the next entry!
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
It was another five days before Steve heard from Eddie. Another five torturous days of radio silence, only this time, there wasn’t anything online. No new articles were popping up saying he’d been spotted somewhere, no new TikToks of him meeting fans on the street. The rest of the band was MIA too; Steve had thought about sending Jeff a text to check-in but ultimately decided to wait another couple days. Robin had been texting with Chrissy, after all, and if something bad had gone down, she would know.
When Eddie did finally call, it wasn’t from a number that Steve recognized.
“I’m getting a call from Malibu.”
“Holy shit!” Robin sat up on the other end of the couch and shot him a look. “Okay, just breathe dingus, okay? It’s going to be okay, I’ll be here the whole time.” She squeezed his ankle comfortingly. “You can do this.”
Steve accepted the call with shaky hands and brought his phone to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hey Steve.”
He shut his eyes and swallowed, trying to stop his voice from cracking. “Eddie.”
He heard Eddie let out a watery laugh across the line. “Do you, uh, have a minute?”
“Mmmm hmmm,” Steve hummed. He physically couldn’t get an actual word out. 
This was it. Eddie was leaving, he’d cheated, it was over – 
“I’m in rehab.”
Steve’s eyes shot open. “You’re what?”
Robin started rocking back and forth. “Turn it up!” She hissed, and Steve obliged, turning up his volume so she could just barely hear what was being said. (Was this a private conversation? Yes. Did Eddie know he’d probably immediately tell Robin everything? Also yes. 
Was this news big enough to warrant having Robin eavesdrop?
Absolutely yes.)
“Yeah, I’m, uh, at the Promises Treatment Center in Malibu,” Eddie continued. “We got back about five days ago and when I saw your note, I – 
“Look, Steve,” Eddie continued, and his voice was choked up, like he himself couldn’t speak, “I fucked up. I’ve fucked everything up. You are – you said in that note that you didn’t want me to give up on my dreams, and you’re right, making it big and getting famous for my music was my dream for literal years. Because I kept thinking “once I get a record out there,” “once I go on tour,” “once I win a Grammy,” “once I get a million dollars,” then I’d finally be happy. 
“But it turns out the only thing being famous has done is make me pretty fucking miserable,” Eddie let out a harsh laugh. “But I was so goddamn convinced that this was it, you know, that I’d accomplished my dreams so I must be happy that I started taking whatever I could get my fucking hands on to make me feel that way. The thing is drugs and the alcohol and the parties never made it fucking last. It just made every other second that I was in the public eye that much worse.
“But I’d still made it, you know? I felt like I didn’t deserve to feel this fucking miserable. And everyone back home was so fucking proud and I didn’t want to let them down - ” Eddie paused for a few moments to clear his throat before continuing. “I didn’t want to let you down. Because Eddie “The Freak” Munson didn’t deserve you, but maybe Eddie “The Rock Star” could.”
Steve can feel his own throat closing up and he can barely see Robin’s face, his eyes are watering that bad. “Baby,” he sobbed. “I wish you’d told me.”
“Me too,” Eddie sniffled across the line. “I didn’t though, I just kept self-medicating and ignoring it, because that’s always worked,” he huffed sarcastically. “But then - ” Eddie cut off again, and Steve can hear that he’s trying so hard to hold back his own sobs, “then I came home last week and realized that I’d missed our goddamn anniversary because I was too fucking high and that you were gone and I just – I called Jeff and I told him to get me on a plane out here because you – you, Steve Harrington, you are the best thing in my goddamn life. And the only dream I want to chase now is the one where we get married and adopt some kids and grow old together.”
“Eddie,” Steve sobbed out again, and he heard Eddie start to cry too, and then suddenly they were crying together, even from hundreds of miles away.
“So I’m gonna be here for the next six weeks,” Eddie finally continued, his voice still full of tears. “I’m, uh, meeting with a therapist for a few hours every day and working through my shit. I wanna be a guy who deserves good things, baby. I wanna be a guy who deserves you.”
“What – what about the band?” Steve sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. A handful of Kleenex appeared in front of him. Robin must have gotten up to grab them at some point. He shot her a thankful nod and patted at his eyes; Robin nodded back and did the same, her face flushed that bright shade of red that accompanied her own tears.
“Murray wrote a provision into our contract where if one of us checks into rehab, then the band is instantly put on a two-year, non-negotiable hiatus.”
“But – what about your momentum, the label kept talking about it?”
“The label can go fuck themselves” Eddie practically growled over the phone. “Who do you think hosted the party where I first got my hands on the hardcore stuff anyways?”
“Babe - ”
“Murray said he was going to look into some sort of contract termination so we can sign somewhere else. And even if we didn’t have that thing written into our contract, we probably would have gone on hiatus anyways, or worse. That – the last leg was rough. Gareth was just as fucked up as I was and Jeff was fucking pissed. He kept having to pull Gareth out of orgies and shit while babysitting Phil and I too.”
“Did,” Steve swallowed harshly, “did - ”
“No, baby, never,” Eddie declared quickly. “Even when I couldn’t fucking see straight, you were the only one I wanted to be with. I honestly don’t even know who we were partying with at the end there, the label sent them for some PR shit, I don’t know. It’s just another reason why we want out.”
“Oh,” Steve murmured, “okay. Good. Or, well, not good. You know.”
“Yeah, baby, I do,” Eddie replied softly. 
They sat in silence for a few moments, just listening to each other breathe. “I, uh,” Eddie started up again quietly, “I’m wearing the ring.”
“Yeah?” Steve found himself smiling despite the fresh tears welling up in his eyes.
“Yeah,” Eddie’s voice was just as choked up as before. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
“Eddie - ”
“Look, I know, I know I hurt you so, so badly and I’m never going to fucking forgive myself for what I did, but I – you’re everything I want, baby. If I had to give up Corroded Coffin tomorrow for you, I would do it in a heartbeat. And I – I know I can’t expect for you to just, like, forgive me after the shit I pulled, but – will you be there, when I get out? Can I – I want to come home to you,” Eddie finished, and Steve could hear that he was crying again.
Steve looked over at Robin, who was wiping more tears out of her own eyes. They looked at each other for a few moments.
It might be crazy, but I think I want to say yes.
I don't blame you. I mean, this is one hell of an apology, especially from Mr. “I’ll Never Need to Go to Rehab Ever.”
Yeah. And I love him.
And you love him.
“I’ll be there,” Steve murmured reassuringly, and Eddie burst into a new wave of muffled sobs on the other end of the phone. “Just do what you need to do and come home when you’re ready, okay? I’ll be waiting for home.”
“At home?” Eddie’s voice broke on a whimper.
“At home. I’ll even clean the bathrooms and everything,” Steve joked, and Eddie let out a loud laugh despite the quiet sobs Steve could still hear. 
“Really? You’ll be there?”
“Yeah, Eddie. I’ll be there. We can get through this.”
“Together. Because I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.”
“Fuck, Stevie,” Eddie let out an incredulous laugh again, “I love you so fucking much, baby. I’m going to marry the fuck out of you someday.”
“Save the sweet talk for when you get home, okay?” Steve could feel his heart settling in his chest, and whatever tears he’d had left to cry were all gone now. There was just the twinge of missing Eddie, but that would go away soon enough. “I’m so fucking proud of you, Eds.”
“Thanks, baby.” Eddie’s answer was soft now. “So I, uh, get a couple hours to call people every day from one of the site’s phones. Can I keep calling you?”
“Please,” Steve heard Eddie exhale in relief. “Every day sounds perfect.”
“Good, good. I’ll have to, uh, use some of my time to talk to Wayne, but the rest of it is yours, baby. And Gareth, Jeff threw him into a different center too. His check-in was much less voluntary though.”
“Shit,” Steve winced. “Is there anything Robin or I can do to help?”
“Take Jeff and Chrissy out to a nice dinner and use the Amex,” Eddie snorted, causing Steve to laugh.
“Consider it done.”
“Good." Steve heard the sound of another voice behind Eddie. Eddie replied something Steve couldn't understand, but it was in the affirmative. "Doc says my time is up for today. My, uh, talk with Wayne took up a lot of time,” Eddie returned, and his voice trembled as he spoke. “But I’ll call you tomorrow and I’ll see you in six weeks.”
“Yes you will.” Steve shut his eyes and imagined Eddie was standing right in front of him. Eddie with his riotous curls and holey graphic tees and tight jeans. Eddie with his rings on his fingers, with Steve’s ring on his finger. Eddie, standing across from him and smiling at him with that twinkle in his eye that had first caught Steve’s attention all those years ago. 
“I love you, Eds.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. I’ll see you on the other side.”
Tags List: @gregre369 @starman-jpg @skoomy-doompy @thequeenrainacorn @sleepyboosstuff @strawberrykore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @amoris-no-smut-allowed @steve-the-hairrington @iknewyouweremuggle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sunfloweringstories @loverkasp @hyperfixationgoddess @steddie-as-they-go @zerokrox-blog @messrs-weasley @thelittleclare @lovelyscot
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kissohee · 7 months
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bestfriend!perv!anton x fem!reader ☆ nsfw ; wc : 700 ☆ short one-shot mdni!
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Anton knows he's wrong, it may not seem like it but he does. He also knows he cant help the way he thinks of you. You're his bestfriend, so obviously it's occurred to him that thinking about you in the way that he does, is very clearly wrong. But to him that's also part of the fun. And you don't know, which just turns him on even more. You would never guess that shy & sweet Anton Lee, fantasizes about fucking you at the dead of night. You would never guess he thinks about you in the shower, or when he's watching porn, or every time he closes his eyes. and thats exciting to him. But he's also not much of a risk taker, unless he's extremely desperate.
Anton tosses and turns in his bed, struggling to fall asleep. You wore a skirt today and of course he struggled to keep his dick down every time he looked at you. And oh did he look a lot. He noticed the way your skirt wasn't long enough to cover your thighs, and how badly he wanted to bend you over the first surface he could find. The thought of you was keeping him up, quite literally. He was supposed to be sleeping, but between his thoughts and his boner, he was having too much trouble doing so. So he lowered his pants, freed his cock from his boxers and tried fixing his problem. His hand started pumping his cock, but he knew this wasn't gonna be enough. So he imagined that instead of his hand wrapped around his cock, it was your cunt, and you had that same exact skirt on. But for some reason, unlike most days, it wasn't getting him anywhere. He would normally just drop it and go to sleep if it wasn't working out, but his hard on was becoming too painful to just drop. He reached that level of desperation where he was willing to take a risk. Would it really be so bad of him to call you like this? Just so he could hear your voice? He concluded that as long as you didn't find out, it wouldn't. So using his other hand, he grabbed his phone and went to your contact before calling you. To his surprise, you actually answered. "Anton?" You called out to him sleepily, "It's 3 in the morning, is everything alright?" "Y-yea," he held down a groan, "Yea sorry, couldn't sleep. Thought maybe you were up." He tightens the grip on his cock, he already felt so much closer to release upon hearing you. "Oh," You paused, "Do you want me to talk to you or someth-" "Yes, p-please," He interrupted you with a whine. "Alright." He heard you shuffle in your bed, assuming you were getting into a comfier position before you started talking about something he wasn't fully listening to. He just needed to hear your voice without actually paying attention to the contents of the conversation. The longer you talked, the faster his hand sped up. Knowing there was a possibility you could hear every little thing he was doing on the other line, only made him want to cum more. He choked down his moans as he got closer to his release, the sound of your voice filling his head. "Shi-shit." He softly moaned as cum shot out of his cock and onto his stomach. His head ringing as he slowly came back to the reality that he was still on a call with you. The call was still going, but it was only silence from your end. Did he not realize you stopped talking? "Anton?" You say his name softly and he curses under his breath, thinking he was caught. "Are you okay?" "Oh yeah sorry, just saw the time. It's super late, I think I should go to bed now." He quietly lied, hoping you'd believe it. "Okay," You agreed before speaking again, "Call me if you ever need help with that again." You joked before hanging up, leaving Anton in the silence of his room. He looked at the cum on his hand and stomach, he might be just a little fucked up.
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im a lover of perv!anton and needed to write about him immedeatly. this is my second writing woohoo! - 🐠
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wosoamazing · 2 months
How Could You Do That - Too Late To Be Fair Pt.2
Warnings: Cheating, 'details' of kissing, mentions of self doubt, emotional insecurity, swearing, panic attack kind of, let me know if anything else.
A/N: note there has been a small change in Part 1 - more specifically the line that mentions Beth’s ACL and her Mum…. Also lets ignore the big obvious timeline issue - just pretend Leah did her ACL in the past prior to the most recent one, that’s why Beth and Viv weren’t public/known yet (just go along with it lol). Also this did not go where I expected it to go, originally it was very different (which is why I made up a character, but while writing the plan changed it just kind of happened). Last but not least (so much to say lol) do you want a part 3?
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Your eyes stared at the door so hard you could’ve burned a hole in the door, you had seen a photo, a photo of Leah kissing a girl, no let’s rephrase that, a photo of Leah making out very heavily with a random girl in a bar, you didn’t even know she went out, you knew she went to dinner thats why you were home and she wasn’t, but out, she hadn’t told you that, let alone the fact that she had plans to kiss a random girl in a bar.
The second you heard keys in the door you bolted up, as the door opened you crossed your arms and glared at her figure walking through.
“Hi baby, everything okay?” she asked clearly tipsy, you felt as though literal steam was coming out of your ears, you were so unbelievably mad at her, angry with her. 
“I cant fucking believe you, after everything you said to me, just three days ago,”
“What are you on about?”
“Oh yeah, like you can fucking forget making out with someone. Probably happened under an hour ago right?”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“Oh like that is a fucking excuse,” “Let me explain,” “There is nothing to explain, I know everything. You lied to me, honestly youre an impressive liar but thats not the fucking point. The fucking point is that three days ago you promised you were in this for the long run, that you weren’t like the others, that you would never hurt me. I believed you, I believed you were different Leah, I really did. But now we are standing here.” you stormed out the door and slammed it. Hot angry tears falling down your face, you jumped into your car and left, yet again finding yourself in the same position, driving to the one person you could actually trust.
You knocked on Beth’s door, often you would just let yourselves into each other;s houses, but there was an extra car in the driveway.
“Beth,” you cried out as you knocked on the door again, more desperately.
“Y/N, coming, are you okay?” her words caused your hot angry tears to turn into big fat hurt tears.
“Shit, Y/N/N come here” Beth said as she opened the door, wrapping her arms around your body, she continued to hold you as she moved to sit on the couch with you “what happened?”.
“S-she k-kissed someone,” “who?” “L-Le-Leah, a-an” you just pulled out your phone and showed the photo.
“I’m going to fucking kill her.” Beth was furious, “I” you tried to speak but your words were choked by the sobs that racked your body, your hands shook for anger whilst the rest of your body shook from your sobs, your chest felt tight, your head felt foggy, “ It's okay. I’m here, I’ve got you. You’re okay,” with every passing minute you felt your chest grow tighter, until you were struggling to breath.
“Y/N, it's okay, can you try and take a deep breath for me?” you shook your head “Viv, can you grab my water bottle,” Viv came running out of Beth’s bedroom, freezing briefly as you both made eye contact before handing the bottle to Beth, and returning to the bedroom. Beth handed you the water bottle, her eyes still intently watching you, you knew what she wanted you to do, you took some small sips trying to regulate yourself slightly, “that's it, deep breath, in, 2, 3, 4, out ,2, 3, 4, again.” Beth’s gaze left you briefly as she turned to see Viv who was leaving, she gave Viv a sorry look before returning her focus back to you, you had calmed down more, you moved to lean against her side, Beth felt the slow shift in your breaths, going from rapid and uneven, to slow and even, she knew you were asleep, but she still didn't move, not wanting to leave you considering how vulnerable you were.
“Y/N,” you heard Beth’s soft voice as she shook your body slightly, “I’m going to make dinner, thought you might want to sit and chat.” Sitting and chatting over dinner cooking was something you often did, both debriefing events in your lives over cooking a meal. One of you would cook and the other would sit and watch, you would talk, just about anything and everything.
“Yeah, sounds good, I’m just going to go to the bathroom quickly,” she nodded, before she made her way into the kitchen.
“I don't understand,” you said as you slid onto the kitchen bench.
“Honestly neither do I. I can't believe she did that, she made it seem like you were her whole world, I got a different vibe this time.”
“No, I don't understand why Viv was here” you ask, because in all fairness you didn’t, your words caused Beth to blush.
“I think we have more important things to discuss than that” “Like how you are absolutely torturing that meat,” she gave you a look, as you back of the bench, you playfully shoved her out of the way, and you switched positions, “or do you mean how my girlfriend had her tongue down the throat of a complete stranger,” “the second one”.
“I don’t know, I just don’t get it, can you grab the cream, she came in so sweet and innocent, I’ve seen her walk through that door when she needs to tell me something and that wasn't it. I don’t think she had plans to tell me.”
“So why was Viv here, we have discussed the more important thing now,” you smirked at Beth.
“I don’t, I just feel close to her, she is really nice, I think I might like her, but I’m not sure.”
“Never been the best at navigating our feelings have we Beth,”
“Hey, at least Dan broke up with me before her mouth was on others,” Beth noticed how your body tensed, “too soon?”
“Too soon?” you said as you nodded agreeing with her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” she leant closer to you to pull you into a hug.
“Beth!” you screeched as some of her pasta fell out of her bowl onto your pants. “Oh sorry,” she said as she sat back up before using her fork to eat the bits of pasta off your leg, causing you both to fall into fits of laughter.
“I mean she won’t even hear my side of the story, its like I’m speaking to a blank wall” Leah, your now ex said as the arsenal girls were out for dinner, a dinner you were absent for not wanting to have to face Leah or the awkwardness. 
“Yeah because there is a photo of you making out with another girl in a bar, in addition to the fact you went with none of us and she didn’t even know you were going out out” Katie said.
“I told her, I regretted it the second I did it, the girl asked me if I wanted to go home with her and I said no I have a girlfriend I shouldn't be doing this.” Leah explained her side, trying to defend herself, she was right she had told you that, showing up the next day at Beth’s house, but you didn't believe her and just shut the door in her face to stop her talking.
“But Leah, you don't understand how many times people have done this to her, lulled her into a sense of security and then ripped the rug out from under her. How many times the other side of the story has been that they realised how much reassurance and love she needed and then left, and after what happened the other day I’m not surprised, you literally betrayed every single thing you said to her. Everything you said to her that night you threw out the window the second your lips touched that girl’s lips, let alone when your tongue went in.” Beth defended your honour.
“So the believing I don't love her won't go away, even with what I said the other night.”
“It gets better over time, I mean she doesn’t question me anymore but then again, I’ve never made out with a random girl at the bar just days after I told a girl she was my everything and I would never leave her or hurt her. A girl who is emotionally broken due to her childhood by the way.”
“So the insecurities will never go away, I don't know if I can handle that, always being questioned.” Leah continued, when she really shouldn’t have kept going on.
“Fucking hell Leah, you’re in the wrong here, and you’re concerned about your feelings in a relation with a girl who you have just completely destroyed. So no. No you won't have to handle that ever. If that’s how you are thinking, go. Go far away from her, never talk to her again, you can’t be thinking that.” Beth stood up, and turned away from the table before turning back to Leah, “How have you gone from this girl being your entire world to oh it might be too much overnight, or was it not overnight have you just been leading her on, using her until you could find your next girlfriend.” Beth stormed out, so glad that you weren't there, she now knows how Leah really felt, but also she didn't know what might’ve happened if you were there. 
“You’re never talking to her again, I’m not letting her near you.” Beth said as she marches through the door of her apartment.
“Why” you paused the TV, standing up and walking over to her.
“She said she didn't know if she could deal with your constant questioning of yourself and her,” “What?” “She asked if you not 100% believing her would go away, I’m sorry” Beth’s voice broke with her last two words, she just couldn’t believe how many people had done this, and now one of her close friends, she just couldn't understand why they were doing it, you were perfect, smart, caring, talented, pretty and so much more, briefly Beth was wrapped up by her thoughts before she heard you sniff, she quickly escaped her thoughts as she saw a tear rolled down your cheek, followed by many more, they were small soft tears, tears coming from a very deep down broken place. Beth went to hug you, but you pulled away, just had just received confirmation that people really did believe your insecurities and hurt and trauma were a burden, even if they didn't say it to your face.
“No, I’m a burden, don’t worry, I know you would much rather be doing something else.” you began to walk away but Beth grabbed your hand, stopping you, before pulling you back, the action causing your body to collide with hers, causing you to be pressed up against her front, you could feel her warm breath on your cheek. A rush of something ran through you, the feeling unknown but in a good way. Her fingers intertwined with yours, she wiped your tears with her other hand, before it found a place on your lower hip, fitting perfectly. Her eyes darted from yours to your lips and back to yours, you hadn't pulled away yet, you didn't want to, but you didn’t have feelings for each other right.
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cry4mina · 3 months
Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - (Part 1)
(Nayeon x fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Granite - Part 2
Word Count: 4.3k
Fluff/angst/Suggestive moments
Summary: You and Nayeon wake up on a cool fall morning and go about your day until...
Tw: mentions of food, cursing, breasts, vomiting, cheating (?), suggestive, mentions of sex, references to past sexual encounters, birds mentioned literally the first word (I'm not fond birds, ok?), Dahmo are present, Jihyo is here for a minute, scratch marks, bruising, kissing. If I missed anything pls let me know!
A/N: I’ve never posted any of my works before but @saiiidahyunee peer-pressured me (lovingly told me to). Inspired by a few of the fic writers on this site. Feedback always appreciated<3
Birds are chirping outside as the sun rises behind the clouds that litter the sky. The air is crispy, the leaves are fading into hues of orange and brown as winter approaches.
The small studio that you called home was always warm and inviting. Though it was a studio, it was quite spacious. Space for an entire living room set and a king sized bed, separated by black folding screens.
Laid in bed, gently waking up to the cool early morning air you felt an arm wrap around your chest lazily with a small sigh following. Your lips curl softly as you realize that your girlfriend, Nayeon, is still sound asleep next to you.
Her warm breath bouncing off your shoulder blades as she dreams. Your heart fills with warmth as the feeling of safety creeps into your chest. Even if you get to sleep in the same bed almost every night, your schedules are very different so moments like these make your heart sing.
You softly flip over to face her, being gentle as you move. You wanted to admire her features as you did most mornings. Light brown hair that’s tousled over the pillow and her face. Her sharp jawline, the shape of her lips and how soft they are, her cute little nose. You admire everything about this woman laying next to you.
Your chest filled with butterflies, reminiscing on all the time you had spent together. Vacations to the states, lazy days at home, cooking dinner together, staying up all night watching scary movies and eating snacks. She was who you wanted to spend all your time with. She was who you were always so ecstatic to wake up next to.
Nayeon’s arm shifted, pulling you closer so she could bury her head in your chest. It was colder than anticipated this morning so the matching pajamas you both were wearing wasn’t enough to keep the bite of fall out.
You complied quickly, scooting closer and allowing her to steal some of the warmth she was responsible for. Her nose was unexpectedly cold against your skin causing you to jump a little. Luckily, she was a semi-heavy sleeper but you were still cautious about waking her.
She was used to most of the creaks and groans around the apartment and any sound that you made but knowing how hard she works, you always wanted to make sure that she slept as peacefully as possible.
You wrapped your arms around her in an attempt to make sure she was comfortable and allowed her to nuzzle further against your chest, in hopes of giving her the same safety she gave you.
She sighed again, sensing your presence. Her body further relaxed into yours, you felt her muscles unclench and her brows unfurrow as you drifted back to sleep in each other's arms.
A few hours later, you awaken to a soft sound in the kitchen. Light humming of a familiar song, along with the brewing of a coffee pot. You take a deep breath and stretch your entire body, groaning at the stiffness.
Nayeon stops humming to see if she heard you wake up, sneaking through the kitchen back to the bedroom so she could peek through the makeshift doorway to see if you had risen from the calm sleep you were in.
Looking over and making eye contact, you can see the smile in her eyes. She runs over revealing the emotion on her face as she launches herself into the bed and onto you. “Good Morning, baby” she cooed as she placed kiss after kiss on your face. You giggled as you teasingly pushed her away, only causing more love to ooze out of her.
She leaned in once more, to attach your lips together for the first time that morning. Her arms wrapping around you like they did in her sleep, you find comfort in knowing that her love for you exists in her subconscious too. Reflecting on how she's always reaching for you and you always wake up with her wrapped around you, no matter how you fell asleep.
“Good Morning, my love’’ you replied in your sleepy voice. She laid her lips on yours one last time before she crawled off the bed again.
You pouted as she left; reaching your hands out as a sign for her to come back to you.
“I promise I’ll be back in 3 minutes with your coffee made perfectly.” Swooning at the idea of such a beautiful girl bringing you “perfectly” made coffee, you smile widely
“3 minutes, huh? I’m going to time you. You’ve got 2 minutes and 25 seconds left!” You hear her belly laugh as she walked out of the room.
Nayeon goes back to humming, but is soon singing to herself in the kitchen. You hear the clinking of mugs and the fridge opening.
The singing stops for a second, only to hear Nayeon whisper “Shit”.
You smile and chuckle from the other room. “Too much creamer again?”
“NO. I just…okay maybe there's too much creamer but i’m going to fix it. Don’t you worry. This will be the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had.”
More clinking follows and suddenly she appears with 2 cups of coffee in your favorite mugs.
“Yay!” as you reach for your black mug with the lovers tarot card on it.
“Ah ah! You’re drinking out of the white one today.” Nayeon’s usual mug. It matches your’s with the colors reversed.
Nayeon places her black mug on the small nightstand on her side of the bed and slowly hands you your white mug. You quickly take a sip and sigh, satisfied with the taste. Nayeon is staring at you with wide eyes, waiting for you to comment on how great the coffee is.
Knowing that that’s exactly what she wants, you shake your head and say “mmm…wow babe this is soooooooo sweet. i think there’s too much creamer” letting out a giggle as she smacks your shoulder, joining you in laughter.
“It’s perfect, baby. I can taste the love.” Her face lights up with that beautiful smile, cheeks flushing bright pink as she sipped her own coffee.
She smacked her lips and winced. Curiously tilting your head and smiling at her “everything okay?”
She licked her lips and nodded her head aggressively. “Yes, my love. Just…really good! I’m going to get a shower going for us. We’ve got a lot to do today.”
She leans in to lay a sweet kiss on your face as you lay back to soak in a few more minutes of the quiet morning. Nayeon leaves her coffee on the nightstand and goes into the bathroom and flicks the light on, not bothering to close the door.
Your eyes feel heavy as you lay on your back, watching the birds in the tree outside your window. The rush of water hitting the bottom of the shower startles you as you sit up again.
Another sip of the coffee polishes it off. Whipping the comforter off of you, you swing your legs over the left side of the bed, sliding your feet into your slippers. You stretch one last time before standing up.
A soft whine can be heard from the bathroom, “Hurry, it’s cold in here without you!” Nayeon shouted playfully as she slipped her pajamas off.
Quickly turning around to head towards the bathroom, you spot her coffee on the nightstand.
“I’m going to bring the mugs into the kitchen and then I’ll be there.” Reaching out to grab the lukewarm mug, you see that there’s coffee still inside. It’s lighter than she likes it. You down it quickly so it doesn’t go to waste.
Your nose scrunches when your tongue catches up to the flavor of the coffee in your girlfriend’s mug. You smile softly when you realize that her coffee is too sweet.
Coming back from the kitchen quickly, you see Nayeon about to step into the shower. You’ve seen her naked many times, it was always an experience.
Your heart would race, your eyes anxiously shifting like you weren’t supposed to stare at the art in front of you. Michelangelo himself wouldn’t be able to capture the ethereal essence that was Im Nayeon.
You allow yourself to shift your eyes over her, slowly. The curve of her thighs meeting the edges of her hips, smoothly toned stomach ascending into beautiful breasts that had some bruising from a few days ago, smoothing out again to her chest and collarbones.
You hear your heart in your ears and your adrenaline spikes. You feel your body getting warmer as you start stripping your pajamas off. You feel the slick between your thighs as you remember what transpired when those dark marks first showed up.
Your breathing gets shallower as you try to remind yourself that you’ve got a full day ahead of you. You lick your lips as she turns and steps into the shower. She smirks when she sees your eyes following her.
“Admiring your art?” She gives you the same curious tilt you gave her about the coffee, but with an entirely new meaning. You glare at her as you remove the rest of your pajamas and start to step into the shower shaking the thoughts from a moment ago.
As she stands under the shower head, she’s glancing over your body. You’re too preoccupied with fighting the shampoo bottle to even realize she’s admiring her own artwork.
Long dark scratches descending your toned shoulders onto your lower back. As you are trying to shake the last bit of shampoo out of the bottle, you feel her long finger tracing the scratch marks.
“Who’s admiring their art now?” teasingly spills out of your mouth as you get the last glob of shampoo out of the bottle. You victoriously turn to her, split the shampoo in your hand in half, and start to lather her hair.
“We can add shampoo to the list because this is the last of it.” She looks up at you with the softest eyes, swooning at you as you start lathering your own hair.
Nayeon loved the way you took care of her. From how you showered together, to how you would never let her carry anything when you went shopping together. She cherished the intimate moments.
As she finishes rinsing her hair out, she circles around you to scooch you into the droplets, allowing you to rinse the soap from your roots.
Your eyes are closed as you wash your scalp when you feel her arms slowly claim your waist. Her face presses into your neck lightly.
“Nayeonnie” you whine as she starts lightly biting where your neck meets your jaw.
“Don’t we have a lot to do today?” you teasingly point out as she groans, letting up a bit, placing her head on your shoulder as she looks up at you.
“This is so much better though. Maybe we can put it off until tomorrow?” She proposes as she traces your collar bones with her middle and ring finger.
You shutter as she trails those fingers up your neck to twirl your hair. You are weakening at the thought of what you know her long fingers are capable of.
“What if we get it done quickly? We can speed run through our day and get home early. We can even order dinner and watch a movie, if you want.”
She perks up at the thought of laying on the couch, wrapped up in each other, and watching a horrible movie with you. “Watching” a movie, was never actually watching a movie but you always went in with the intention of it. She always had other ideas.
“Fine, I suppose we can do that” She rolls her eyes with a smile as you start washing her back.
Even the boring responsibilities were fun with Nayeon. Grocery shopping, getting an oil change, or doing laundry. None of it was lackluster. In fact, you don’t think you viewed anything as a chore anymore.
Today was no different. You walk down the aisles, she’s throwing every snack you can think of into your cart. You just admire the excitement she has about everything.
Dreamly gazing at her as she throws the newest chip flavor into the pile. “Momo told me these were her new favorites so we have to try them! Oh! Speaking of Momoring, Dahyun and her want to have dinner next week, does that sound good to you?”
You snap out of the dream-like state to agree, it’s been a while since you went on a double date and it would be nice to see them again. Plus, Momo is an amazing cook and having dinner meant she was going to go all out. She does this every month or so.
Nayeon sees the members all the time but you don’t see them as often. You were closest with Momo, hanging out frequently, but had a friendship with all the members. Sometimes Nayeon would sneak you into JYP to watch their dance practice or to watch them shoot a music video. Everyone was always happy to see you.
There’s a mutual love and respect among you and Nayeon’s members. They know how much you adore her and respect that you show up for her in every way she needs, even when she doesn’t know she needs it.
They were apprehensive at first, but when Nayeon walked into the studio the morning after your first date absolutely gushing about how amazing it was, they figured you’d be around for a while. They were protective of their own, and you could understand why. Some people have bad intentions, but you weren’t one of them. You always respected what the members said and were always polite and kind towards them.
They really started to welcome you in after Nayeon got a little too drunk at the end of the tour party they threw. She couldn’t stop talking about you and started crying because she missed you. “I just can't wait to see y/n! I miss her so much. I need to -hiccup- facetime her. Or maybe I'll just call her.” Jihyo looked over at her and her face dropped as she saw how much Nayeon really cared for you.
She asked all the members if they were okay with inviting you to surprise Nayeon. Everyone agreed happily as they didn’t really know you yet, but it was obvious how important you were to their oldest member. JIhyo managed to get Nayeon’s phone away from her to call you. Imagine how surprised you were when the voice on the other end of that phone call wasn’t your loving girlfriend.
Jihyo explained what Nayeon was crying about and you couldn’t help but smile. “I wanted to give you the opportunity to surprise her…and also it would be nice to get to know you, you are obviously very important to her.”
You showed up 15 minutes later with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and in her favorite outfit. When she saw you, she screamed and ran towards you. Almost tackling you into the snow. She kissed your face all over and started crying again. You held her and comforted her. “I missed you so much baby.”
You let your lips meet hers. They were so welcoming after being apart for an extended period of time. She leaned into the kiss, using her tongue to swipe your bottom lip asking for entrance. You lighty allowed it but pulled away after a few seconds.
“We can continue this later but I think it’s time we celebrate a job well done”. Handing her the flowers you got for her and kissing her forehead.
“Congratulations on another successful tour, I’m so proud of you.” She smiled and leaned into you while you went inside.
You find yourself thinking of that memory often. Her most important people welcoming you into their family as if you had already been part of it. It brought you a great comfort to know that they accepted you in a way that you didn’t think was possible.
“What about this one?” Nayeon asked, derailing the train of thought you were just having. You glanced up to see her handing you a bag of chocolate.
“Ooooo dark chocolate this time? You’re full of surprises.” lightly tossing it into the cart.
The next few stops were relatively quick so you were home and wrapped in each other on the couch by 2:30pm. Nayeon put on some reality tv show before promptly falling asleep.
She laid between your legs with her head on your stomach with a fleece blanket pulled up to her shoulders, cradling herself in it. Her light breaths are visible on your shirt as a flicker of emotions come across her face. You wonder what she's dreaming of.
Your hand slips down to lightly play with her hair. Running it between your fingers as she jolts awake from the sudden loudness of the commercials.
Nayeon sits up immediately, throwing her hands down onto your thighs. The sudden action startles you as hands lose the soft sensation of her hair and gains the hard smack onto your thigh.
You welp at the transfer and she immediately apologizes. “Oh my gosh, baby I am so sorry.” As she gave a half suppressed laugh rubbing your thigh as if she could take away the sting.
Suddenly, your stomach growls loudly. You both pause and she looks down at your exposed stomach.
The indent of her earring still visibly red, she kisses it and says “Lets order food, I’ll buy lunch. We can order your favorite. Would you grab my wallet out of my purse, babe?”
She shifts off of you so you can get up and she opens the app on her phone scrolling to find the restaurant.
“Do you want what you always get or do you want to try something new?” she shouted from the couch as you walked to where her purse was in the bedroom.
“Same thing is fine with me!” You turn your head while you speak so she can hear you. Her bag sitting on the chair in the corner, jacket on top of it from your adventure earlier in the day.
You lift the jacket and unzip the top of the bag. Fumbling around for a second through keys, chapstick, eyeliner, a phone charger and whatever else she kept in the void she calls a bag.
You pull the light blue wallet with a rabbit on it, it was a gift you got her for your 2nd anniversary, out and reach for the zipper.
“Which card do you want?” you shout to the living room.
“The red one!” She calls back. You unzip the wallet, looking for the red card in question. There’s a semi-tattered paper folded into threes in the dead center of the wallet. You remove it and place it on the chair.
Your eyes scan down the row of cards, finding the red one and pulling it from its spot. As you reach to zip the wallet back up, you’re reminded of that paper you pulled out of it. You picked it up and read “For Nayeon” in handwriting that was unfamiliar. Curiosity got the better of you as you unwrapped the note to read the contents.
“Dear Nayeon, I’m so excited about the time we’ve spent together recently and I want you to know that I love you so much. The other night was a dream. I can’t wait to have more moments like that with you. With all the love in the world, J”
You freeze. Your chest shatters as you feel the ice cold pins and needles sweep through your body. A wave of nausea hits you as you read it over and over again. You can’t help but feel numb momentarily as your body tries to push the intense emotions out of you. Your hands begin to sweat and your throat dries out.
“Dear Nayeon,” You keep reading it. Searching for clues on who it could be from. “The other night was a dream.” Nausea hits you again. You remember the marks you left on her. Wondering who else admired your artwork. You flicker from distraught, to anger, to nauseous continuously as you realize this means someone else might have touched her the way that you have.
J? “Who the fuck is J?” You say to yourself as you fold the note back up.
Tears falling down your face while you’re trying to keep your composure. The wave of sadness passes into nausea again and then back to anger.
“I need to leave.” You sniffle to yourself. You walk back out into the living room, Nayeon looks over to smile at you only for her face to turn to immediate concern.
“Y/n, what’s wrong? Are you okay? You look pale…”
Anger painted on your face, you just stand there. Trying to figure out how to ask the questions you don’t want the answers to.
You feel the saliva collecting under your tongue and your stomach gurgles. You run into the kitchen and lean over the garbage can, releasing the bile that was the only thing present in your stomach.
Nayeon is next to you immediately, hand on your back trying to comfort you. She knows how much you hate throwing up, but who actually likes it? It always induces panic in you.
She keeps rubbing your back as your emotions flashback to anger. You’re attempting to catch your breath when you hear her speaking to you.
“Baby, what happened?” She softly inquires and you pull away quickly from her touch.
You’re repulsed at the thought of someone else touching her the way you thought only you could.
A tension builds within your chest as you choke out “How could you?”
You can see the confusion on her face as you hand her the note along with her debit card she previously asked for. You immediately turn around and grab your keys and wallet off the counter and make your way towards the door.
She opens the note quickly to read it’s contents, her eyes go completely wide as she realizes what you think is happening..
“Wait, Y/n, please stop, this isn’t what it looks like!” You hear the crack in her voice and it only allows the tears to spill from your eyes at a quicker pace.
Betrayal creeps its way into the emotion cycle that you’ve been experiencing the last 15 minutes. You’ve got your hand on the door knob, but can’t quite pull the door to leave. Anger once more flushes your veins.
“Y/n please. Hear me when I say that this isn’t what it looks like, you know that you’re the most important person in my life and I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have.”
You turn your head to look at her with blood shot eyes. Sadness’ part of the cycle takes over. You sniffle and open your mouth to yell but nothing comes out. She takes this opportunity to walk up to you and cup your cheek with her hand.
“Please don’t touch me.” you say softly while looking at the ground. Tears following your stare, hitting the carpet with a thick tap. She removes her hand from your face, she always respects your boundaries. At least, you thought she did…
“Y/N…please look at me” You can taste the despair dripping from her words but you can’t make eye contact with her. You pull the door and walk through the frame, hearing the sound of the door closing behind you as you walk down the hallway.
The sound of the door opening echoes through the halls. You know she can’t chase you because paparazzi would plaster those shots all over every tabloid in the city and she can’t risk that.
“Y/n!” She shouts. You stop for a second, only to wait for the elevator. She shouts your name again, this time laced with anxiety. You still are at a loss for words. Everything is a blur as you step into the elevator quickly and hit the button for the parking garage.
You sit in your car for an ungodly amount of time. Phone in the passenger seat next to you vibrating as Nayeon calls continuously. You ignore the rhythm of the sound next to you as you just stare into the distance. You can’t wrap your head around what’s just happened.
“It’s not what I think? Who would write someone a note like that unless there was something else going on.” You scoff.
You reach for your phone, wait for it to stop ringing, and call Momo.
“Y/n! Hey! What are you up too?” Momo answers her phone, seemingly excited to hear from you. You immediately start bawling your eyes out as you explain to her what just happened. She gasped.
“You’ve got to be kidding.” She exclaimed with audible shock.
“What’s going on?” You hear Dahyun ask in the background.
“Y/n, do you want to come here? Are you okay to drive? Do you want us to come get you?”
You clear your throat and try to compose yourself. A weak attempt, but an attempt. “I can drive.” You whisper.
“Alright, if you aren't here in 15 minutes, I’m going to come out and look for you. Be safe and we love you.” Momo states.
You note the concern in her voice and let her know you’ll be safe and there shortly. Before you can utter another word, she hangs up. Your phone goes back to constantly buzzing with text messages and phone calls from Nayeon. You turn it on “Do not disturb and drive in silence to Momo and Dahyun’s house.
Take Me Back to Eden - Granite - Part 2
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hoseokhasmyheartxx · 8 months
For the writing prompt! 2 and 135 with Namjoon!😏☺️
Come Home With Me | KNJ
*Pairing: fuckboy!Namjoon x f!Reader *Word Count: 2.4k *Genre: SMUT, fluff, FWB-to-??, non idol AU *Warnings: EXPLICIT SMUT, MINORS DNI. jealousy, lack of communication, honestly they’re both idiots; dom!Joon, reader just goes along with it (isn’t really sub/switch/anything); piv sex, counter sex, bathroom sex, oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, breast play, nfcm, some fluffy moments scattered throughout because I can never write anything without the feels *Summary: Jealousy is an ugly emotion, especially when it comes to friends-with-benefits. Too bad you can’t hide yours any longer. *A/N: welp this is the first thing i’ve written in literal months, so bear with me if it’s terrible. i finally got some inspiration one night and decided to just go with it. also sorry for the formatting, posting on mobile sucks.
Prompts come from this post!
Main Masterlist
Who would’ve thought that you would end up here.
Staring, frozen, watching the man you love shove his tongue down another woman’s throat at a party thrown by your best friend.
The worst part of this? The worst part of all this is that he doesn’t even know you love him. Sure, you’d been fooling around with him for the better part of a year now, but you’d agreed from day one that it wasn’t exclusive.
Kim Namjoon wasn’t an “exclusive” person. He didn’t do relationships. Everyone knew that. And you weren’t any different. There was nothing special about you that would change his ways. But the knowledge of this fact didn’t change the way you felt, the acid in your throat threatening to come up.
You spun around on your heels, bumping your shoulder against the corner of the wall to your right as you fled from the room. Hissing out a few curse words, you then silently cursed yourself as you knew there was no way he hadn’t heard you. You chose to forget it, making your way back down the hallway leading to the main room.
“_____,” a deep voice from behind you called. You continued walking, ignoring Namjoon’s plea for your attention.
You only made it a few more feet before you were shoved from behind into the bathroom at the end of the hall. You stood still, silent as the door clicked shut behind you.
“_____,” Namjoon repeated.
You slowly turned to face him, not at all wanting to have this conversation. Peering up at him, you watched for any sign of any emotion on his face, but he was unreadable, as always.
“What?” you asked flatly.
“You weren’t supposed to see that.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his statement. Of course you weren’t supposed to see it. That’s why he did it far away from you, or anyone else who may have seen. But, as luck would have it, you did see it.
“Look,” Namjoon sighed, “We aren’t exclusive. But even so, I’m not trying to flaunt any hookups right in front of your face. I’m not that much of an ass.”
You scoffed. “Oh, thanks so much for your consideration. I’ll make sure to ask you if you’re bringing someone the next time Jimin has a party so I know to stay home.”
You moved to step around him to exit the bathroom, but were stopped by his large hand grabbing your waist.
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” Namjoon asked, eyes boring into yours.
“No.” You averted his gaze, refusing to look at him any longer. You weren’t in any position to be jealous when you knew he wasn’t yours. But you were, and you hated yourself for it.
Namjoon lifted his other hand, gripping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him.
“Don’t lie to me. Are you jealous?” he repeated.
With a shaky breath, you nodded.
“I just— I just am,” you choked out.
You watched as Namjoon tightened his jaw, glaring down at you.
“You are the one who said this was just fun. You said you weren’t looking for anything serious. How can you be jealous?” he questioned.
“Of course I said that, Namjoon. You don’t do relationships. What was I supposed to say, that I expected you to change everything about yourself and make me your girlfriend?”
His fingers never left your chin, eyes never left yours.
“If you didn’t want something casual, why would you agree to this? That’s not fair to you,” Namjoon asked, stroking your cheek.
Your anxiety over him possibly finding out how you felt was ebbing. This was one of many effects he had on you. Without even trying, he could ease your mind, calm you down, with the slightest of touches.
“Because. That’s— that’s the only way I could ever have you,” you finally admitted.
He furrowed his brow, staring down at you still.
“You’ve always had me,” Namjoon said, voice lowered, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you against him. His lips captured yours in a desperate kiss, his other hand moving to grip the side of your neck.
You returned the kiss, hands coming up to fist his shirt. He backed you up against the bathroom counter, trapping you there, lips not leaving yours. His tongue swiped across the seam of your lips, pulling a small gasp from you as you opened for him. His tongue overtook yours, his mouth engulfing you in passion and burning you from the inside out.
As he pushed you harder against the counter, he broke the kiss, his chest heaving against you as he steadied his breathing.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
You struggled to form words, brain still foggy from his dizzying kiss. “I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same way.” You traced circles on his chest, avoiding his gaze.
“I would have. I mean, I do. C’mon, think about it. I don’t stay the night with my hookups. I don’t call my hookups in the middle of the day just to hear their voice. I don’t… I don’t do any of that stuff with anyone, except you. If you would’ve just told me how you felt… you would’ve been mine a long time ago,” Namjoon breathed out.
You looked up at him, small smile curling on your lips. Standing on your tiptoes, you kissed the corner of his mouth, working your way across his jawline and down to the space just below his ear. Nipping at his earlobe, you wrapped your arms around his neck to hold yourself steady on your tiptoes.
“Shut up and take your pants off,” you whispered in his ear. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks, knowing what was next.
Namjoon needed to be in control. Any hint of dominance shown from his partner, and it flipped a switch inside of him. His eyes darken, pupils blown out with desire.
Just like that, he ripped your shirt over your head, claiming your lips again as he reached behind you to unclasp your bra. His large hand immediately moved to your breast, massaging it as he sucked your lower lip in between his teeth. He bit down, not hard enough to really hurt but still enough to get your attention. You hissed, and Namjoon sucked your lip back into his mouth, easing the pain.
He lowered his head, wrapping his full lips around a nipple, beginning to lick and suck at the pebbled nub. You whine, encouraging him to continue. His sucks grow stronger, jolts of pleasure coursing through you, straight down to your core.
His fingers work to unbutton your jeans, pushing them down your thighs with both hands, his lips moving from your breast down to the flesh underneath it. Kissing down your stomach, he dropped to his knees, pulling your jeans the rest of the way off, lifting each foot carefully to rid you of your bottoms.
Standing in just your panties, with Namjoon on his knees in front of you, leaves you feeling vulnerable but highly aroused. The cool air from the bathroom vent makes you shiver, goosebumps pebbling your skin. His hands trail up your thighs, grabbing the waistband of your panties and tugging them off.
Suddenly, he’s lifting you up, sitting you on the edge of the counter, draping your leg over his shoulder. You gasp, reaching for anything to help you find your balance. Your hands settle on the countertop just as Namjoon pulls you forward, pushing your other leg away to spread your center.
Before you have a chance to get your bearings, Namjoon’s mouth is on your pussy, tongue warm against your flesh. You gasp, watching as he dives in. His tongue traces around you, avoiding your most sensitive spot as he looks up at you, cocky glint in his eyes.
“Fuck,” you breathe out as Namjoon’s lips finally claim your clit, sucking just a bit before he lets go. He licks broad stripes up and down your center, lips dragging against your clit every time he passes it. He holds your thigh tightly, keeping you still as you squirm underneath his ministrations.
His other hand comes up to your center, fingers tracing around your hole. You jolt, the new sensation only adding to your pleasure. He slowly inserts one finger, then two, chuckling against you. Pulling his mouth away from you, smirking, he teases, “This all for me?”
You nod, hand coming down to card your fingers through his hair. “Yeah, just for you.”
Namjoon begins pumping his fingers in and out of you, causing you to arch your back, your shoulders resting against the mirror. You pull your free leg up to rest your foot on the counter, spreading yourself more for him.
His fingers find your spot with ease. After all, he knows your body better than anyone else. You moan, tensing as his tongue reconnects with your clit. His movements become hurried, sloppy. The noises caused by his fingers thrusting into you fill the tiny bathroom, your juices dripping down his palm and wrist.
Your whines grow higher-pitched as you cant your hips, grinding your pussy against Namjoon’s tongue. He doesn’t relent, tongue working through your folds, hitting all your spots.
“Joon—,” you gasp, feeling the knot begin to tighten in your stomach.
“Yeah? Come for me, baby,” Namjoon growls, “Now.”
With a few more flicks of his tongue, you’re coming undone, falling over a precipice that you never want to be on again. Your muscles tighten, your pussy clenches around his fingers as your moans tumble out and you grasp at his hair, tugging him closer to you.
His big hands grip your thighs, fingers leaving indents in the skin. He doesn’t stop mouthing at your folds until you’re pushing him away, overstimulated and over exerted.
Namjoon stands, letting your leg fall from his shoulder as he meets you face to face, his hands resting on the edges of the countertop. He kisses you, his plush lips brushing against yours lightly before he rests his forehead on yours. Your breathing steadies, his presence calming you just as it always does.
“Baby,” Namjoon breathes out, his chest heaving.
“Yeah?” you ask, hands moving to the hem of his shirt, lifting it to remove the garment. He backs up, letting you lift the shirt up his torso and off his body with ease.
He kisses you again, desire glinting in his eyes. You watch as he undoes his belt and works his jeans down his thick thighs, still standing in front of you. His erection is obvious, tenting the front of his black boxer briefs. He palms himself, tipping his head back as he lets out a ragged breath.
“Let me fuck you, please.”
Stepping out of his boxer briefs, he closes in on you, hands gripping your thighs as he kisses you slowly, his tongue lazily working its way into your mouth.
“We don’t have a lot of time…” you trailed off, hands gripping his waist as you pulled him even closer to you.
“I know,” he mutters between kisses, “I swear I’ll make it up to you.”
You nod against his lips, pulling his body in between your thighs, gasping softly as his length makes contact with your core.
He grips himself, rubbing the head of his cock through your folds until he’s at your entrance. You brace yourself, mentally preparing. He pushes into you slowly, inch by inch, until he bottoms out against your pelvis. You take a few breaths as you adjust to his size, resting your forehead on his collarbone.
“Can I-?” Namjoon whispers, kissing slowly down your neck to your shoulder.
You nod against his shoulder, wrapping your legs around his waist just as he pulls out and thrusts back into you. You choke out a moan, Namjoon’s hips already snapping into you at a relentless pace.
His hands latch onto your hips, pulling you farther onto his cock, hitting deeper than ever. His cock drags against your walls, the angle allowing his cockhead to touch at your g-spot on every thrust.
“Don’t-,” Namjoon begins, struggling to steady his breathing as he continues, “Don’t ever question how I feel about you again. Understand?”
You whine his name, your mouth falling open as your head lolls back. You’re almost limp in his arms, letting him take you the way he needs.
“Understand?” Namjoon repeats, grabbing your chin to kiss you.
“Yes! Yes, I understand,” you cry out. You throw your arms around his shoulders to balance yourself, holding yourself up as Namjoon pulls you to the edge of the counter. His hips begin to stutter, telling you he’s close to his peak.
“Baby,” Namjoon repeats for what feels like the tenth time in the span of twenty minutes.
“Come inside me,” you gasp out, feeling yourself near your second high of the night.
Namjoon groans, pushing his cock as deep as he can. He stills against you, his fingers bruising the flesh of your waist as he comes. His face falls to the crook of your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin as he pants, his hips jerking as he fills you up. He reaches between your bodies, fingers rubbing your clit in circular motions until you cry out, coming on his cock just like he wanted.
Your fingers dance across his shoulder blades as you breathe with him. Your chests rise and fall together, neither of you moving.
“We have a lot to talk about,” Namjoon starts.
You giggle and nod. He kisses you once more, slowly pulling out of you.
“We do, but we have a lot of time for that. Come home with me?” you ask, leaning up to kiss his jaw.
Namjoon looks down at you, pupils beginning to dilate in lust again. He caresses your jawline, pulling you closer to him.
“Let me make it up to you when we get there.”
You nod, following his lead to clean yourself up and make yourself presentable before exiting the bathroom. Before opening the bathroom door, Namjoon turns to face you, holding your hands at your waist, squeezing them gently as he smiles a soft smile.
Who would’ve thought that you’d end up here.
Staring, frozen, smiling up at the man you love, knowing that he loves you, too.
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sqquidzz · 6 months
"Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, Don't Cry"
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Neuillette x M!Reader
Summary: Neuvillette still hasn't overcome Focalor's death. You find him disraught after another nightmare, and you decide Neuvillette has spent enough time blaming himself for her death.
Tags: SPOILERS for Masquerade of the Guilty, slight angst, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, trauma metions, Comfort, Major Character Death, etc.
A/N: I haven't posted in forever!!! I kind of just lost motivation and had a lot of issues going on here, and I forgot to post! I was literally just listening to My Blood by Ellie Goulding and thought of this idea. It just popped into my head, especially since I was also so sad about Focalor's death. I hope you guys enjoy, and thank you to those who have stuck to my posts, it really means a lot to me!
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"Farewell, Neuvillette. I hope you've enjoyed the part you've played these 500 years."
No. Neuvillette couldn't let her go. She was everything to him. His eyes only stared in shock as he watched on as Focalors twirled and spun elegantly, her execution only minutes away.
'Don't leave,' he wanted to say, but he could only watch as the Sword of Damocles spun dangerously above Focalor's dancing form, alarmingly close to falling.
His body was frozen, he was unable to move freely, stuck in place as time ticked on. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. His eyes filled with panick as Focalors gracefully ended her dance, the Sword of Damocles plunging down towards the ground.
Time moved in slow motion. Neuvillette's eyes widened even further as the Sword of Damocles fell toward Focalors, desperately wanting to move his body to save the Hydro Archon.
'Dosomethingdosomethingdosomething' is all that ran through Neuvillette's mind, eyes flitting back and forth between the Hydro Archon and the Sword of Damocles as it fell painfully slowly toward the ground. Nothing but silence as it approached Focalors at an alarmingly slow rate.
It all happened at once. The sword crashed to the ground. Neuvillette's eyes filled with shock, horror. Grief.
It was only then that Neuvillette could move, staggering toward the sword that pierced the stage of the Opera Episcles. He reached out, towards what he did not know. To Furina? To the light that emitted from the dead body of the Hydro Archon? To the call of death?
Neuvillette shuddered, a sudden coldness overcoming him. The lights seemed to dim, or was it his vision? His breath became unsteady, coming out in shorter gasps, as if he was being choked. Choked by his sorrow, grief, anger, sadness, hatred-
'It's all your fault,' his mind chided, 'you should have saved her. What kind of dragon are you? What kind of ludex are you? You are a faliure. Afaliureafaliureafaliureafaliureafaliureafaliureafaliure-'
Neuvillette's eyes shot open, wide and unsteady as his breath came out in sharp inhales and strangled exhales.
Now he remembered where he was. He just finished another court case, and had come over to your house to spend the evening, which turned into him falling asleep at your house.
Neuvillette blinked away the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, but his efforts were in vain, as the tears streamed down his face anyway. Neuvillette tried to wipe his tears away as best as possible and slowly rose from the blanket that encased him.
As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could make out the figure of you buried under the blankets next to him, snoring softly, shifting ever so slightly as your shoulders rose and fell with every breath.
The sight of you made Neuvillette smile. You always loved sleeping next to Neuvillette, you always claimed he was the best thing to cuddle with.
He flipped the blanket off himself gently as to not wake you, and he walked over to the bathroom as quietly as he could, try to avoid the wooden planks that would always creak when stepped on.
Neuvillette flinched at the sound, turning quickly as he heard the rustling of the bedsheets, signaling that you had been woken up by the sound.
"Neuvi..?" you mumble out as you rub your eyes, trying to wipe the tiredness out of your eyes.
"Go back to sleep, Y/N" Neuvillette whispers as he silently walks over to your side of the bed.
"Come back to bed Neuvi, I still need my cuddle buddy," you whine as you made a grabby gesture with your hands.
But just as Neuvillette was going to walk away, you noticed the red rims around his eyes and the barely noticable tear tracks on his cheeks.
"Neuvi, what's wrong?" you ask, grabbing his sleeve to prevent him from walking away from you.
Neuvillette simply sighed, running a hand through your short but soft hair, moving from your face to press a chaste kiss on your forehead.
You could tell by his attitude that he dreamt about Focalors again. He only got this worked up when he couldn't stop thinking about her death.
"Come in bed Neuvi, you can talk about it if you like," you smile softly and move the blanket out of the way for him to snuggle his way into your chest, burying his face in it to breathe in your scent.
"You wanna talk about it?" you ask quietly, and Neuvillette simply shakes his head, burying his face into your chest even more.
You smile down at him, stroking his hair as you hum a simple lullaby that you learnt from your mother.
You knew that Neuvillette never truly got over Focalor's death, and that it haunted him every night and day. It broke your heart to see how distraught it made Neuvillette feel, but all you could do was hug Neuvillette as he quietly sobbed in your chest or stroke his hair to calm his uneasy breathing.
You hold Neuvillette closer to you as he dozes off, drifting away from consciousness as you whisper the words of the lullaby.
By the time you're done, Neuvillette is already fast asleep, shoulders rising and falling gently as he quietly snores away.
Your eyes slowly start to droop out of exhaustion, and before you drift off to lala land, you whisper a sentence into Neuvillette's ear.
"Hydro dragon, hydro dragon, don't cry."
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
Baby pictures
pairing⁀➷ lance stroll x fem!reader
word count⁀➷ 1k
summary⁀➷ When being alone with Lance’s mother and sister, you get to see some of his baby pictures.
warnings⁀➷ fluff, female reader, mention of starting a family
a/n⁀➷ this is literally one big fluff event (as always, tell me if I missed a warning pls!)
requested; hili! i was thinking my own prompt with lance in 2nd pov. "stop showing her my baby pictures!", i hope this is alright!
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It was Christmas time and the first snow was falling from the greyish clouds. The air was crispy and you could see your breath in the cold air.
You and Lance were currently visiting his parents for Christmas. He's been away with his Dad for the day, so you were sitting on the couch with Claire-Anne, his Mom.
Chloe, Lance's sister, was coming later on in the day.
You both had a blanket on your lap and a mug with hot tea in your hands. You loved days like this. It was like one of those Christmas movies you loved so much. It was snowing, you were in the warmth and sitting there on the couch with Claire-Anne just felt like being home.
You two were talking about everything, the men were out for some time now but neither of you was bothered by that. Lance's mother loved you and always said how you were like a second daughter to her. She liked you from the beginning and couldn't make it easier for you, becoming a part of the family. Just as you wanted to tell Claire-Anne something that happened on your way to their house, a sound coming from the front door interrupted you.
"I'm home! Hey, Y/N you're here!" Chloe came into the living room. She was carrying a huge box in her hands, which she quickly placed on the dinner table to greet you. "Heyy!" you said hugging her. She hugged you back with a smile all over her face.
"I missed you! How are you?" Chloe asked as you parted. "I'm good, thanks. I missed you too!" you said, smiling.
"Oh by the way, before I forget it!" she said, the excitement in her voice couldn't be ignored. "As I was looking for the Christmas decor, I found this." she said, holding up a photo album. It was grey with a photo in the centre, a photo of a baby.
"Is that Lance?" you asked with a grin. "The one and only." Chloe said with laughter.
"Come sit down girls. Let's look at some pictures, shall we?" Claire-Anne asked with a warm smile. "Yes please, I'm eager to see more of baby Lance." you said, still grinning, before turning back to Chloe.
"Do you want a cup of tea?" you asked her. She nodded her head 'yes' and you quickly went to the kitchen.
Neither Chloe nor Claire-Anne said something because they knew you would insist on making the tea on your own. You knew where everything was, so you pulled out another mug to fill it with hot water and a teabag. As you reentered the living room, Lance's Mom patted on the free spot next to her. You grabbed your blanket after handing Chloe her tea and made your way to the couch. "Thanks, y/n/n." she said.
"Do you know which year this is from?" Claire-Anne asked as she opened the book.
"I'm not sure, it seems as if he was around one or two. So it's either from 1999 or 2000 I suppose." Chloe said and shrugged her shoulders. You continued looking through the photo album and Claire-Anne was telling you stories to each picture.
"How can a baby be so cute?" you asked with adoration. "You are biased, he's your boyfriend y/n/n." Chloe said with a raised finger while nipping on her tea.
"Oh c'mon, he is cute even now, but as a baby?" you said with a dreamy smile, kidding with Chloe. "Please, go and make your own then." she said and you almost choked on your tea. You coughed and felt your cheeks getting hot.
"Chloe!" you gasped embarrassed. Lance's Mom just quietly giggled and continued to show you the pictures.
"We’re back!" you heard your boyfriend shouting from the door. "Hello!" you shouted back. Lance and his Dad came into the living room, both still wearing their golf gear. "How's it been?" you asked him as he hugged your shoulders from behind and kissed you on the cheek. "Fun. But cold." he muttered into your neck. You slightly turned around to give him a proper kiss, his lips still a bit cold from being outside.
"What have you been doing?" he asked the three of you after he and Lawrence greeted you three. Lawrence was sitting in an armchair and Lance just plopped down next to you on the couch.
"Chloe found this." his Mother showed them the photo album. "We've been looking through it for the past hour." Chloe said with a smirk.
"Mom, stop showing her my baby pictures!" he said embarrassed. "How much have you seen?" he asked, turning his attention to you.
"She has seen enough to want a mini Lance herself." Chloe whispered in your direction. It wasn't loud enough for his parents to hear but by the slight smirk on Lance's face, you could tell he did.
"Now shut up Chloe." you whispered back. She just laughed and took another sip of her tea.
As his Mom wanted to continue looking through the album Lance shook his head. "Alright, I think we had enough of that." he said and took the album from his Mother's hands.
It was later in the evening, when you came out of the bathroom, ready to go to sleep. Lance was already laying on the bed, watching you enter the room. "Come here baby." he said and opened his arms for you. You hopped on the bed and cuddled up to him.
"You are as cute as you were when you were a baby." you teased Lance, looking up at him as your head was resting on his chest. He propped himself up on his elbow to look at you. "You enjoyed watching me suffer, didn't you?" he joked. "Suffer?" you said laughing.
Lance shook his head with a light smile.
"I love you." he simply said, still smiling at you. Your lips curled up and you looked at him in love. "I love you too." Lance bent down to kiss you and you could feel him still smiling through the kiss.
“I’m down for the mini us, by the way.” he grinned as you parted. “Oh my god,” you breathed out a laugh, your hand smacking his bare chest.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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sp4cepunisher · 2 years
content warning ; 18+. strong language + nsfw themes ahead [ top!ellie x bottom!reader. spit kink, a couple of brief mentions of choking, explicit depictions of both sexual arousal + sexual activity ] as well as inevitable annoying + messy tense shifts because i’m tired and i needed to get this all out on paper asap because it was tearing me apart and plaguing my fucking mind!!! minors dni.
. . .
ellie williams would never be the type to think of herself as particularly kinky. if ever asked to go into detail about her fantasies or her biggest turn-ons when she did the deed, she would always come out with something like, “eh. i dunno, dude. i’m pretty vanilla.” with like, either an unbothered shrug or a sheepish rub of her fingers against her forehead. because sure, she liked to be in control most of the time, she wasn’t going to deny that. and on the occasions where the girls that she had been with previously had ever asked her to maybe grab them a little harder than usual, or maybe even choke them then yeeeah she would do it for them, whatever. she didn’t like to disappoint. but she had never really been asked to do anything that had really tickled her fancy. not anything in particular that had stuck in her mind, anyway. and yeah, she thought that choking was kind of hot, and being able to get slightly more of an aggressive handful of a woman’s breast was never going to be something that she would refuse. like, she was fine with it, but it was nothing special. 
but this mindset seemed to change once ellie started dating you. there was just something about you that made her want to fulfill your every desire. anything you asked for, she wanted to be able to supply for you, and as soon as possible. and especially so on this particular evening, when the brunette found herself leaning over your body which had made itself comfortable against her couch; head resting back against the pillows, knees bent and parted on either side of her body. the two of you had been at it for what seemed like aeons; breathing into each other’s mouths; whispering and smiling with clumsy and needy hips pushing into each other’s to evoke sighs of pleasure and whines of frustration; to feel anything. there was no doubt about it, ellie was obsessed with you, and the feelings were ssssoooo fucking mutual. you both knew that. it was obvious in everything the two of you did; the way you would walk down the street together, and couldn’t even last five minutes without one of you reaching out to grab at the other’s hand like it was life or death. how you couldn’t even be apart in the same vicinity, always having to find each other in order to regain the most meaningful sliver of reassurance – the foundation that the entirety of your relationship was built upon. even in sex, ellie never liked keeping her eyes closed for too long in case she missed a particularly beautiful way in which your lips would part, or your eyes would scrunch up. she loved being close to you; watching how you reacted to her, frame by frame. she would have done anything for you at any time of the day, but something totally foreign – something so otherworldly that it scared her a little bit – would take ahold of her every limb whenever she would be lucky enough to find her girlfriend pinned beneath her. so, the second that you found the right moment to pull away from the messy kiss that the two of you were sharing (and i mean messy. like, lips wet, teeth clunking together every time you kissed, and tongues swirling and sliding like they were getting paid for it) to whisper her name, which she always loved to hear because you would always say it sssooo nicely followed by six of the most unexpected words she had ever heard, ellie would brace herself in fear of something totally gargantuan seizing her in its entirety.
“ellie? will you spit in my mouth?”
and she would literally freeze for a second. you’d feel her do it, and for a moment you would be worried that the question that you had just asked had freaked her out. you hadn’t freaked her out, per say, but your request would have made the girl pause and think for a moment. she’d ponder on your words, replaying them in her head. did you really want her to spit in your mouth? or were you just messing around? like... her spit? from her mouth... into your mouth? wasn’t that like, really fucking disgusting? ellie couldn’t make her mind up for a little while, until her eyes refocused on yours and she would see the way in which they were twinkling; full of want, to the brim with fervour. from the looks of things, you really had meant what you had said. between the look in your eyes, the way your body was swelling and deflating with the heavy breaths that you were taking and the puffiness of your lips from yours and ellie’s prolonged makeout session, ellie had almost become unaware that every inch of her insides had just been doused in gasoline and teased with a flickering little flame that came – smashing through the doors of her brain with no word nor warning – in the form of the words that you had just said, as well as the look in your eyes. the question that sounded so innocent in tone; so breathy; so gentle; so pretty, coming from the dilated pupils; the glistening irises which lay right underneath her nose, but which were both so heavy – so succulent – with concupiscence. ellie hadn’t ever experienced a feeling like the one that had just mercilessly grabbed her around the neck in that singular moment and, as nothing but the feeling of arousal would flood her veins, she’d find that she was unable to hold the next sentence back from being her only reply.
“you filthy little slut, you want me to what?” she wasn’t even looking to hear you say it again. she had heard it the first time, loud and clear; it echoed in her ears, sullying the inside of her head with the dirtiest visuals imaginable. for someone who would have paid millions to own the world’s last known recording of your voice played on a loop, the last thing that ellie would have wanted in that moment would be to hear you say anything else. fuck, she didn’t need to hear another word. instead, she would better secure herself on her knees and flatten the palm of one of her hands against the back of the couch. “open your mouth, baby.” she’d mutter, curling a callused finger beneath your chin to help tilt your head back. and you would be unable to ignore the butterflies which would swarm your stomach at this simple little sentence, nor the way in which your clit would be pulsating from inside your underwear like of course it would have already been throbbing for the entirety of the time that ellie had been on top of you, the entirety of the time that own her clothed cunt had been pushing into yours, but this time it felt as though it had it’s own fucking heartbeat oh my fucking god. it excited you to see your girlfriend – who never failed to succeed in topping you; who was never slack when it came to making you cum, but who had never really been one for strongly expressing her kinks in the bedroom – acting on the spur of the moment. to watch as her eyes would trace your every feature as if she was about to lose them forever, her lips twisting together as she stimulated her salivary glands and the pad of her finger smoothing over the underside of your chin adoringly. you’d do as instructed, allowing your lips to part and your tongue to rest flat against your bottom set of teeth. despite still being fully clothed, not having yet even been touched by ellie’s hands, skin-to-skin, you;d feel exposed; vulnerable, but in the best way. and as for ellie, boy did she like seeing you like this. she often wondered whether you could look any prettier than you did when you first woke up; rubbing the sleep from your eyes. or when you would emerge from the bathroom; freshly showered, hair still wrapped up in a towel atop your head and your clothes uneven, pulled in all the wrong places and clinging messily to your damp body. before now, she wouldn’t have believed that anything could top the way you usually looked; before she had been given the opportunity to watch your eyes do all of the talking; the way they pleaded with her to give you what you so desperately craved. “fuck, you are so pretty.” she would whisper to you, before leaning her face further over yours and pushing a droplet of saliva from her mouth. it would dangle from the shelf of her bottom lip; a string of crystal d.n.a, the most priceless jewel you had ever laid eyes on. she noticed the way your body swelled with a deep breath again, and the way you leaned up, eager to catch the droplet before it had even fallen, watching as it teased you. the raw excitement was noticeably radiating from your every pore, and ellie wished she could tease you like this for hours on end. that was when, much to your annoyance and disappointment, she pulled it back; so effortlessly, as if it wasn’t going to affect you at all. “mmm, do you want it?” it would get her off to see you nod, but the girl – with all of this newfound confidence – wouldn’t hold back on continuing her cruel taunt. “fucking disgusting. such a slutty thing to ask for.” and when (and only when) she would be content with the amount of time she had forced you to wait, then she would push the dewdrop back out, holding it between her lips like she was dangling raw meat before a snapping crocodile. you were desperate for it; hips practically writhing around, lifting and lowering as if that was going to make any difference.
but, when fiiiinally the bead would finally fall – satisfying the air that it cut through like the first sign of rain in a month-long drought – ellie would wonder if the sight that came next was what heaven itself felt like. this was a religious experience, shit, it had to be. when it hit your tongue, you wouldn’t be able to hold back the sigh of relief that would leave you; the breathiest moan that you had let out all evening, the satisfaction evident in the hastiness in which you would pull your tongue back into your mouth and swallow your reward, as if someone was going to snatch it away if you were too slow. a sound of appreciation that the act would evoke from you would be music to ellie’s ears as she would watch in wonderment while you practically fucking drank her spit, licking over your lips as if to savour the taste of her completely; as if her saliva were ambrosia and you wanted to live forever. fuck fuck fuck i love the idea of this tooooo fucking much and i love that gorgeous freckly lesbian even fucking more.
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Be Here
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Can be read as a standalone orrrr if you're feeling extra angsty can be read as a sequel to Begging You
Warnings: 18+, major character death, language, hospitals, mentions of blood/injuries, angst
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Idk what was up with my brain today but I literally sat down and wrote this on my lunch break at work. It's...it's something. Anyway! Have some sadness!
Angel Reyes Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @lilacyennefer @justreblogginfics @rosieposie0624 @queenbeered @littlekittymeow @anditsmywholeheart @garbinge @kelpies-shed @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @frattsparty @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @amorestevens @enjoy-the-destruction @withmyteeth @winchestershiresauce @nessamc @narcolini @mijagif @choochoo284 @fanfic-n-tabulous @passionatewrites @artemiseamoon @justazzi @darklydeliciousdesires (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Even on the chaotic drive to the hospital, you hadn’t fully passed out. Things got dangerously fuzzy a few times, but you had managed to hold into a few tethers of consciousness. Very little of that had to do with actual willpower on your part, and much more to do with Angel’s determination to keep you awake.
You didn’t really remember getting to the hospital. You sort of remembered being in the van, then everything went a bit blurry for a while there, and then you were suddenly in an obnoxiously bright hospital room. The incessant beeping of machines was drowned out only by the sound of Angel angrily explaining to his MC brothers what had happened. You didn’t listen too closely to that. You knew what happened—you were there.
Your eyes were glued to the ceiling tiles above you, feeling like any movement at all would take too much effort. They had you on and off all sorts of IV’s in the short time you’d been there. None of that was reassuring. You were with it just enough to know that things didn’t seem to be looking good.
In almost perfect contrast to Angel’s yelling, you heard EZ’s voice. Calm, collected, like always. “We will handle this, but you need to stay here.”
“Fuck that,” Angel spat. “If you think I’m just gonna fuckin’—”
“Quiet down,” EZ scolded him like a parent to a child.
Angel toned his voice down a little, but not much. It was like he was physically incapable of it. “You guys can’t just—”
“Angel?” You were the one who interrupted him this time. Your voice was weak, raspy. It was a wonder either of them had even heard it over all of the machines and their own voices.
Angel was by your side in a flash. You felt the slight shift of the hospital bed as he leaned against it. He braced against the handle frame, positioning himself so he could look directly at you, and you at him without trying to turn your head too much.
“Hey,” he forced out, choked up and tears in his eyes. The brief pause in his anger allowing his sadness to take over.
“Don’t leave,” you pled.
His frown deepened, conflict flashing across his eyes as he gazed down at you. “Querida, I can’t…we gotta…” He couldn’t put the sentence together. Taking a deep breath, he gently stroked his thumb along your cheek, paying no mind to the dried grime and blood there. “They gotta pay for this.”
You tried to take a deep breath but couldn’t quite manage it. “Later.”
The anger was starting to resurface. You could see it in the way he clenched his jaw. “But…”
With all the strength you could muster, you moved your hand so that it was resting on his arm. “I don’t need you to be angry, baby,” you told him, tears in your eyes now too. “I need you to be here.” You coughed, which made your whole body hurt. “Can you be here?”
As his eyes stayed locked onto yours, Angel came to the realization that he didn’t know how to do that. When things went south, he was always somewhere else, doing something else. He knew how to go out there and get revenge, how to do something, get some kind of tangible result. What he didn’t know, though, was how to stay at your bedside and do nothing but wait.
You could see it, too. You tried to give his arm a squeeze and it sort of worked. “Please.”
“Angel,” EZ spoke up. You’d forgotten that he was even in the room. “Stay. We’ll handle it.”
He knew he wasn’t going to win against both of you. he didn’t take his eyes off of you as he sniffled, nodding as he said, “I’ll stay. I’m…I’m here.”
You managed a smile, a weak one, but still. “Thank you.”
For a few seconds, the only noise in the room was coming from the machines beside your bed. Then it was the sound of the door shutting behind EZ as he left. Once it was just the two of you, you saw Angel’s resolve start to deteriorate.
Leaning down, he rested his forehead against yours, gently but firmly cupping the side of your face. You felt the way that he trembled as he tried to take deep breaths. “Fuck, I’m so—” he choked back a sob, “I’m so sorry.”
Your hand was shaking as you rested it over his. “I’m not.”
He shut his eyes tight as he shook his head. “When this is over…” his voice trailed off, not sure how to end that sentence. He didn’t know what “over” looked like. He didn’t want to admit that to you, didn’t want to think about the worst outcome, the most probably outcome.
“Come here.” You didn’t have the strength to try and pull him into the bed with you. Luckily, he took the cue. He carefully shifted you over just enough for him to be able to shimmy into the bed alongside you.
He draped his arm on the pillow just above your head, giving the illusion of holding you without disturbing you. It felt like any move might be the thing that broke you for good.
The heat radiating off his body felt like heaven. You wished that you could curl into him. “Are you angry?” you asked.
“No,” he said softly as he kissed the side of your head.
You knew he was lying, but it sounded nice. Given the state of things, a few small lies to make you feel better was something you could live with.
“I told you,” he said as he traced his fingers along the edge of your forehead, “I’m here.”
“You’ll stay until it’s over?” you asked quietly, fighting the urge to let your eyes close.
He’d been the one who was so adamant about you keeping your eyes open. Now, though, for the briefest moment, he almost wished you’d close them so you wouldn’t see him break down. He clenched his fist on top of the pillow, white-knuckled where you couldn’t see it. Resting his forehead against the side of your head, you felt the way he brushed his nose against you as he fought to keep the one last shred of composure that he still had.
“Yea, baby,” he finally said, “until it’s over.”
“You love me?” you asked.
Angel didn’t know how, despite the pain and the exhaustion, you still managed to sound so peaceful, almost positive. He kissed you on the cheek. “Always.”
You laced your fingers with his, feeling the smooth metal of his rings. “I’m glad you’re here.”
A sob broke through, and you could feel his tears land against your skin. He squeezed your hand, almost tight enough to make it hurt but you didn’t care. It didn’t hurt any worse than the rest of it.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
A few minutes went by with neither of you saying anything. The slowing beeps of the monitor next to your bed cut the silence. You could hear footsteps in the hall, running feet racing towards people in as bad of shape as you, people they might still be able to help.
Angel’s breathing had evened out even though his tears hadn’t stopped. He pulled his head back to look at you and saw that your eyes were closed. He cupped your cheek, thumb tracing along the bruised skin there.
“You still with me?”
You gave a weak smile, opening your eyes up a tiny bit. “I’m with you.” You pushed, trying to clear your throat before asking, “You still with me?”
He chuckled through the tears. “Yea, I’m with you.”
“You think they’ll bring me another blanket?” you asked softly.
Angel’s heart sank. “I got it.”
He carefully got out of the bed and went to the closet that was on the opposite side of the room. He rummaged for a minute before finding the blanket, but as soon as he did he shot right back over to you and set about tucking you in.
You nodded. “Thank you.”
He managed to get right back in beside you, laying even closer now if that was possible. “Whatever you need.”
You both fell quiet after that. Angel wouldn’t have been able to take his eyes off of you even if his life depended on it. He lightly traced patterns along your arm and the back of your hand. He tried to take comfort in the small smile it put on your face. He didn’t say it out loud, but he noticed the way your breathing continued to change.
He frowned at the way your eyes were still closed. “Yea, baby?”
“Do you think,” you managed to turn just enough for your arm to drape across his chest, “it’s okay for me to sleep now?”
His bottom lip began to quiver as he let out a shaky exhale. He kissed your temple. “I think,” he held you tighter, “I think it’s okay.”
Your body relaxed into his. “I love you.”
He tucked your head under his chin. “I love you too.”
He held you as tightly as he could without hurting you, waiting for the inevitable moment. You seemed almost comfortable, almost peaceful. And then the beeps finally stopped.
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Hello hello! I just found your blog through your Ichigo post and it was absolutely 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 straight deliciousness
May I request some SFW and NSFW boyfriend and girlfriend headcanons with Ichigo?
Ofc you may <3
No joke I love ichigo sm he doesn't get nearly as much love as he should
If you want a male version, drop me a pm and I'll be happy to oblige :) or if you wanna remain anonymous, drop an ask and let me know exactly which post you're talking about :)
Warning: Some NSFW content, mentions of blood...
Masterlist <3
Ichigo Boyfriend Scenarios, Fem!Reader (SFW and NSFW)
-Part 1
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He meets your pets
The first time he had actually met one of your cats was before he even met you.
He had been walking down an alleyway to get home, unknowingly passing by your own house as he carried his schoolbag over his shoulder. In the silence of the isolated alley, he suddenly heard a 'mraow' coming from a nearby torbie cat, which was staring up at him from in front of the gate to your house, as if it was expecting something.
He was a little creeped out and to be honest, he was expecting it to start talking at him much like Yoroichi would. He looked around shiftily, a little unnerved as the harmless little creature stared dead into his soul.
The carrot-top was seconds away from just turning around and walking away until the cat mewled at him again, strolling closer to plop down on his feet and start purring and rolling around, making the boy sweatdrop.
"What do you want from me? I don't have food-..."
He just couldn't keep himself from crouching down the give the soft fur a few pets, watching with a ghost of a smile on his face as the cat headbutted his hand and blinked slowly at him.
So when the two of you had first gotten together and you had invited him over to hang out one day, he was surprised to see that you lived so close by. You had mentioned living only a few minutes away, but he didn't think you'd live on the same street. He had never seen you walking to school or anything, but as it turns out, that was because you liked using the main roads and going through the other entrance because that street is more lit up and less creepy.
Then it made sense. He was about to comment but he stopped short when he had seen the infamous cat sitting on your couch, looking awefully pleased with itself. Over time he had come to think that this cat was a stray, and had stopped to pet her almost every day - he had fed her treats, even given her a nickname.
"Hey, I know you-..."
You were surprised to see your boyfriend walk up to your absolute creature of a cat and start petting her, since she's usually a little hostile to strangers, and can be a bit of a bitch at times. She's well known by neighbours as this dubious little little gremlin, and has earned a bit of a reputation for being a menace - a threat, if you will.
And yet, she just sits there, purring and headbutting your man like an angel as if she hadn't literally gifted you your neighbours live gerbil as a present this morning. You had spent almost two hours strying to catch the damn thing and were halfway contemplating setting fire to the house and moving away while she watched. You absolutely adore her though, and she had been sitting on your lap all day until you had to leave to pick Ichigo up.
He just stroked her while she let him, and you simply stood there in shock, joining him hesitantly as you stare at your cat, Toaster, like she's grown a second head.
"So... she hasn't... bitten you? Maybe stolen your credit card info? gifted you a beetle?"
Okay. Now Ichigo stares at you like you've grown a second head. Jeez, you were only joking... sort of. She is a bit of a biter.
"I even named her and everything, I thought she was a stray. I named her Beef."
"That's... an interesting name, not like I can really talk though, since I named her Toaster..."
The two of you spoke like this, talking about your cat and you share horror stories like this morning with him, making him almost choke on his laugh while you both sit snuggled together on the couch, watching a movie with Toaster-Beef stretched across both of your laps.
He walks in on you changing
You had just gotten out of the shower, wrapped in a small towel as rivulets of now cold water trickle down your skin. Your pyjamas lay on your bed as you drop the towel that hid your body, reaching for the oversized shirt which you definitely stole from ichigo.
You just barely manage to pull it over tits before you hear the click of the door opening, and in comes your boyfriend - your boyfriend, that has a key to your house, which you hadn't even thought about since you'd given it to him. In his hands he holds your chemistry textbook, and you hadn't even realised that you'd left it at his house on accident. You can't really focus on that right now, though, as he pauses and stares straight at your ass and your hips, entranced by the sight in front of him.
You let out an indignified squeal as your brain finally starts rebooting, pulling down your shirt to hide yourself while that dumbass just looks at you and smiles, admiring how pretty you are.
"Get out, dumbass!-"
The two of you are close enough to be comfortable seeing eachother naked by now, but this was so sudden and you hadn't the chance to mentally steel yourself beforehand, so you end up blushing like a wobbly mess and swatting at him to get him to leave, a little miffed at the interruption.
His cheeks are dusted pink as you pout at him, and all he can think of is how cute you are, and how much he fucking adores you.
"You're so cute..."
You flush. With that dumb, stupid look on his stupid face, how could you kick him out? You practically melt and release a defeated sigh, pretending to still be annoyed, but he's just so adorable you wanna see what other cute faces this man can make, and you wonder just how red that blush can get.
It's dark outside, so the curtains are drawn and the lights are low, since you replaced your normal bulb with fairy lights that you had impulsively put everywhere, and around the room hang little Polaroid photos of you and Ichigo and some of your family, a few depicting days out with your friends. The air is warm and you shut your door as you stand in front of your man, blinking up at him and smirking when his eyebrows furrow. Good... He's starting to get bashful. What a cutie.
The lighting in the room reflects on his skin as well as your own, and he looks like a piece of art, backed against the wall and blushing like this. It surely doesn't help that you're not wearing any underwear.
Your body slowly leans against him, your legs slotted together and your thigh resting snug against his clothed dick. Ichigo looks feverous with excitement, and you rest your cheek against his, leaning on your tip toes so you're able to reach.
"Like what you see?..."
It's literally not possible to not tease him, and he shudders a little as you grind your leg against him just barely, his hands quickly grabbing onto your waist and lower back to pull you closer, leaning down to kiss you on the lips like he's starved of touch. He only pulls away when you moan quietly into his mouth, smirking at you and pressing a light nip to your neck before talking back.
"What do you think?"
It's not long before he grinds his thigh up against the heat of your pussy, immitating the way that you've been teasing him and he pushes you harder against his thigh by your hips, eliciting a pleased purr from you.
You get a new piercing
It's hot in Karakura town, so when Orihime suggests a pool party, everyone immediately agrees with enthusiasm.
Everyone's chattering excitedly on the way to the public, outdoors pool, but you're a little bummed that you can't go in. That didn't stop you from bringing your new swimsuit though, since you're planning on taking the opportunity to tan. Orihime already knows that you can't get tempted to swim or else you risk your still-healing belly piercing getting infected. It's only been about four months.
Ichigo, on the other hand, does not know this information. He walks along beside you, having a conversation with Chad that you weren't really listening to. Suddenly, you realise that you haven't actually told him about your latest body mod, and you hum quietly, thinking to yourself that he's in for a surprise once you change out of your clothes and strip down to your swimsuit.
You had bought a cute bikini just for this occasion, and you're absolutely obsessed with it, as well as Orihime and Rukia, and of course, Chizuru. The top half of the bikini has little heart shaped links that connect the bra to the straps, and the piece is a cute light green to match the bottom, which has the same little heart link at the hips.
Once you all arrive at the pool, everyone splits into boys and girls to change, and you part with Ichigo with a quick peck to his cheek.
Okay, maybe you had just done that to make him look cool in front of his friends. Maybe to embarrass him just a little too...
Mizuiro and Keigo give him a pat on the back as he blushes and grumbles, and you laugh with Rukia because she saw right through your evil scheme.
In the girls changing room you get literally bombarded with complements and hugs, everyone studying the shiny, dangling jewellery and your piercing, that's in its final stages of healing. Already you're feeling bashful and your self esteem is higher than before, so when you walk out to meet the guys you're met with Keigo's heart eyes, specifically.
Immediately he is smacked straight in the nose as Ichigo stares at you, not even bothering to look at him or shake out his fist as his eyes lock onto your belly and stay there. He looks amazed and confused all at the same time, taking in the change and wondering how long it's been there. How long has it been since he's last seen you naked? Damn...
You can almost tell what he's thinking and you snicker a little, your abdomen fluttering while you smile up at him, hoping that this is a positive reaction.
You don't have to hope for very long. Immediately he's ushering you away to a qieter part of the pool to inspect it while everyone else is distracted, almost leaning in to touch it before you swat his hands away.
"No touching, babe... It still hurts."
"Oh- sorry... How long has it been there? Why didn't you tell me? Did you think I wouldn't like it...?"
He's giving you puppy eyes at this point, and you coo at him and grab his face, holding it in your hands and smushing his cheeks together as you go on a little rant in your head about how cute and baby and squishy and adorable he is, communicating all of these thoughts into a little kiss.
His reaction is priceless. His nose scrunches up and he wriggles out of your reach, embarrassed at the PDA and slinking into the pool a couple of feet away. He's still facing you, but he's got his arms crossed on the side of the pool, resting his chin on his forearm.
Just to get a little closer to him, you scooch forward and kick a leg over him so that his face is close to your belly and the little dangling playboy bunny that catches the light, your legs spread at either side of his elbows.
"Nah. I mean... I was a little anxious I guess, but I mainly just wanted to surprise you with it."
He still couldn't take his eyes off of the cute little playboy bunny, completely entranced by it.
He sees you crying
Everything that could've gone wrong today, did exactly that. You had gotten into an argument with an upperclassman about your uniform and lack of work ethic at the very beginning of the day, you'd got your failed math test back, Ichigo was out all day doing Soul Reaper work, it had started raining on your way back from school and on top of it all, you might be coming down with a cold.
The first thing you do when you get home is storm to your bedroom, soaking wet with rain water and absolutely freezing cold, and change into your pyjamas to hide under the covers until next week.
Slow tears irritate your cheeks and leave your eyes red as you sob into your pillow, not hearing Ichigo walking up the steps to your room after greeting your mother, who knew to leave you alone and not overwhelm you after a bad day.
He had gotten to the top of the stairs when he heard your hiccupped breathing, his eyebrows furrowing when he starts to worry about you. Were you crying? What happened? Do you want to be alone? He wants to comfort you so badly, but he doesn't know what's upset you, and how he should go about comforting you, even. What if he just makes you more upset?
Eventually, he decides that he's far too worried to back away like a bad partner, and he tentatively knocks on your door, saying your name so that you know it's him. The hallway he's standing in is dark and the only light is coming from the kitchen downstairs where your mom is and the dim, blue glow peeking from beneath your door. After he gets no answer from you, he opens the door slowly, shutting it behind him and letting out a strained breath, greeted with the sight of you huddled in your blankets and the sound of you crying softly into your pillow.
"Hey, It's okay, come on... You're okay, what happened? Do you want to talk?"
After getting a shake of your head in response he tilts his head and pets your hair, knowing that it relaxes you when he does that. The bed creaks under the pressure of your boyfriend joining you under your duvet, and his large hand cradles the back of your head, guiding you to cry into his chest.
And that you do. You sniffle and weep into his shirt, probably ruining it with all sorts of cursed, snotty fluids.
When you've finally cried all of your tears you find yourself feeling much better with Ichigo's comfort. He didn't make you talk when you just wanted to cry, and he gave you the quiet support you needed once he got the hint. Life is so much better with him, and all of your problems seem to disappear as soon as he's in your sight.
You bleed on his bed
You had woken up in the middle of the night with the worst cramps you've had in a while, and in your disoriented and tired state it takes a few more seconds of processing before you realise what this must mean.
Not now, and most definately not here-...
Well, it's now, and it's here.
You quickly shimmy out of your boyfriend's arms, trying to assess the damage you've made to Ichigo's sheets, and damn. He's gonna need to buy new sheets. There are tears already forming in your eyes already as you stop freeze, listening to the soft, relaxed breaths of the occupant of the bed, his bed.
It's not even close to being light outside yet, and the birds are silent outside, the only light in the room being from Ichigo's analogue clock. It's two in the morning.
The stain on the bed is the size of a dinner plate and your shorts are in bad condition, your inner thighs stained with the blood that still drips. The feeling has nausea bubbling in your stomach in chest as you rush to the bathroom quietly, panicking about how Ichigo will react. Shit. Okay. Just get in the shower and refresh yourself first.
You spend a good fifteen minutes in the shower, trying to avoid the outside world for a little while as stress pours through your veins, long strands of hair sticking to your body under the spray of hot water, easing your cramps just a little.
You feel so bad for ruining his matress, and you're gonna have to wake him up to change the sheets and face what you've done. This is literally so embarrassing that you want to curl up into a ball and stop existing.
As you finally get out of the shower you dry and dress yourself, using a pad and slipping a dirty pair of Ichigo's sweats, but when you walk out of the door, Ichigo's sitting on new sheets, reading a book with a pair of reading glasses that he knows you think are adorable.
He's facing you now, looking up from his book and smiling up at you softly, and it doesn't take long for you to crawl into his arms and whine, cradling your belly as you apologise and hide your face in his lap.
He only strokes his fingers through your hair and covers you with a blanket, telling you that it's okay, and that it's not your fault.
"It's just natural. Besides, am I, of all people, gonna be phazed by a little blood...?"
When he puts it that way you realise how paranoid you were being before, considering that his clothes get stained with a new injury every other day.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Better than before, at least... 'm still sorry."
He just laughs quietly and hands you a painkiller and some water, shifting his legs so that you sit up and pressing a peck to your neck as you ready yourself to go back to sleep, the two of you cuddling as the bedside lamp is turned off.
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mimastuff · 11 months
Just read your rottmnt reacting to their S/O’s death. Amazing writing btw, but I was wondering if you could do a continuation of it actually being a nightmare, and how would the turtles react to see them alive and well.
Thank you for the request!! I really enjoyed writing this one :) I was literally thinking of making a part 2 but yeah this was better than I imagined <3
Nightmare fuel ( pt2 to last post!)
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Don 💜
- as he woke up with a stir he found his body covered in a cold sweat
- He sat up with a sleepy yawn
- The events of his dream replayed in his head.
- He never gets , dreams that bad .
- Hell even nightmares.
- Wait
- Where were you ?
- He could recall falling asleep with you in his arms in your room
- Where are you ? Was his dream real ? Did he really lose-
- his thoughts stopped as you walked into your apartment bedroom
- His heart ached as you looked at him confused
- The confusion turned into mother bear mode as he ran out of bed to hug you
- He never really liked physical affection
- That was until you stepped into his life
- You hugged him back as you heard light sobs from him
The feeling of his grip tightening made your heart sink. You cradled his head in your arms and rubbed his arms. “I-I thought I lost you.. I thought you died…” your heart physically hurt for him as he cried once more into your neck. “Hey shhhh , your okay , I’m ok Donnie. I’m not dead. It was just a dream , I could never leave you~” your coos seemed to calm him down a little. He was still hugging you as he explained the dream. He explained how he killed you. How it was his fault. “Dee , baby, look at me” you saw him raise his tired head to look at you. Hands still gripped on your hips. “It was not your fault. It was not real. You tried to save me , and to be honest you already have. Multiple times. Ok? You have saved me without even knowing it. Just you being here for me is enough. Your so sweet to me and I can promise you I’m not mad. If anything I’m proud of you. I’m proud you have told me about the nightmare. And I’m proud of who you are as a person. Your everything I need Donnie , don’t you forget that.” Donnie’s sobbing started again. But for a different reason. He has never been called those words before. And he has suddenly been reminded of why he loves you. He steps back and gets into bed with his arms open for you to snuggle into. You both fall asleep happy and tired. Both grateful for each others warmth and existence.
- As he woke up choking for air tears seemed to be streaming down his face.
- his head was spinning
- he felst as though he was going to pass out.
- His groggy yawns broke the ever increasing silence in his room.
- He felt so sick and so numb at the same time
- He mentally prepared himself for another day of mourning his love
- You had died a couple weeks back and things have not been the same
- He hardly sees his brothers , crying at almost every reminder of your presence
- He felt tears build up in his eyes again as his chest tightened at the sound of light foot steps outside his bedroom door.
- He wiped his eyes as his head turned to the door opening
- “Raph, is that you?”
- The figure made its way to his sleepy body
- “Horrified that you would think that your love of you life looks like raph”
- His heart stopped.
“Y/N , is that you babe?” His voice broke and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. You instantly recognised the pain in his tone and say on the bed beside him. “Yes it’s me? Are you ok love , do I need to call Donnie in ? Omg ! Your crying. Heyy shh come here” As you pulled him into a hug you could hear his slight sobs. He pulled you onto his lap so he could hug you better. You turned to the blue lamp that lay on the table next to your bed.
“What happened?” His sniffles made your heart sink into your feet. “I had a horrible dream that you died. That dream, man it felt so real. But your here! And I’m ok now I promise :)” you laid your head on top of his as you stroked his shell. “Baby, I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere, ok ? I could never leave you.” His crying eventually stopped. They soon turned into snores as you got off his lap so he could spoon you. Your heart filled with worry , you fell asleep in his arms. Safe and sound.
Raph ❤️
- he slowly opened his eyes to see a small sleeping figure laying next to him
- His heart hurt and ached for you
- He really felt the dream was real
- He soon began to feel a sence of overwhelming gratefulness for you
- The way you always cared for his needs
- The way you patched him up when he insisted he could do it himself
- He loves you because you don’t care what he looks like
- You love him for who he is
- And he almost lost that.
- He almost lost the light that makes up his live
- He almost the the soul reason he has kept going
- You put him on the right track
- No one , not even him, could do that.
- He who is ever so strong could never lift someone like him in his arms and lift him to a world where he is loved and care for
- But you did.
- He felt tear build up as all the memories of you two together replayed like a record in his head
- One by one , each memory making him feel all kinds of emotions.
- He was prideful and he felt so proud of you
- The tears pouring from his eyes and slight sniffles stirred you awake
- Your eyes opened to a emotional raph
“Raphie , baby , are you okay?” You touched the side of his cheek and wiped away his stray tears. You felt an overwhelming hand come to grab you by the waist and pull you onto his lap. “Justa bad dream , look I just wanted to say how much I love you. Y/N you really mean the world to me. And in my dream I lost the one thing that makes me want to live. You. You’re my light Y/N. I have never felt this way about anyone before *sniffle sniffle* I love you and your so cool and amazing to me and …” he broke down in tears again at the thought of losing you and not being able to live himself anymore. “Shhh it’s okay raph. I love you too so so much. And if it ever feels like I don’t , I’m so sorry. You’re the reason I’m actually alive right now. You have helped me so much, in many ways . Some of which you don’t even know about. *you wipe his tears again and rub his cheek slightly*” Raphael swore his heart grew that night. You both hugged each other as you fell asleep with a smile on your faces. You couldn’t live without each other. And that was how it was meant to be.
I hope you like this one !! The turtles are always a fav to write for <33 thanks for the request , keep em coming !! 😚
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dollyyyhouse · 2 years
If you’re comfortable doing this ~ could you make a fic where MC makes it clear that they may have accepted Belphie they haven’t forgotten?
Like family meal after the incident, Belphie is all bitchy that things are awkward between him and brothers saying MC has forgiven him and MC says that while they tolerate him they do not like him.
I need someone to acknowledge MCs pain, especially for MC to acknowledge it.
I think about this so much, like they literally glossed over the fact Belphie killed MC and it makes me so mad 😭 I hope you'll like this! ^^
Edit : I just posted part 2 of this <3
Spoilers for Lesson 16!!!!!
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You never once thought you'd end up with a fate like this, fate truely is cruel. Thinking a painful death would never happen to you, you failed to see the fact that it didn't matter who you were or what you did with your life; fate will always have it's way with you one way or another. So when the incident occurred, all you could seem to ask yourself was, "Why?"
Even though it's been almost two weeks since the incident, it still felt as if it was only yesterday. Painfully vivid, you remembered exactly how the Avatar of Sloth murdered you in cold blood, the way his tail crushed your throat; forcing you to choke to death on your own blood and his sadistic laughter. A diabolical act done as a form of revenge even though you had genuinely done nothing wrong. While you understood his pain, he directed it as someone who never even hurt him. You forgave him but you didn't forget, you will never forget what he did to you that day. It has haunted you since the moment it took place and you believe it'll terrorize you until the day you die.
So now, here you are at the dinner table with all of the brothers. Everyone decided that it was a good time for the family to finally have the first dinner together where everyone was present, this meant is was your first dinner with Belphie since the incident. You were understandably nervous, hoping that it wouldn't be as awkward as you we're expecting it to be.
Everything was quiet once all the food was set out, even Beel's chewing seemed quieter than usual. Lucifer cleared his throat, "I hope everyone enjoys the food.." Even after what Lucifer's words not a single human or demon spoke, the tension was very visibly chewing away at all of you. "Oh come on... somebody just say something." The silence was once again broken, much to your surprise Belphie was the one who did it. He looked pissed off, he understood why the tension was present; because of what he had done to you not too long ago. "Uhh well, I was thinking of going to Majolish tomorrow, I need some new clothes because my old ones are starting to get a bit worn out." In an attempt to start a conversation you told the brothers about your plans, which had worked for the most part. When almost all of the brothers began to speak, one was still left out, not saying a word. "MC, you should've told me! That way we can go together!" Asmo happily volunteered himself to be your shopping mate which then caused Mammon and him begin to argue about who should go with you.
You smiled to yourself, enjoying the fact the brother's arguing reminded you of two little kids fighting over something miniscule. Something in the corner of your eye caught your attention, next to Beel was his twin who had an irritated expression on his face. You didn't know if you wanted to point it out, afraid that maybe if you do it might just irritate him even more. You began to fidget with your fingers, you truly did want to get on his good side and become friends with him! But after how he brutally murdered you and only accepted you after it was revealed that you were Lillith's descendant if made you feel as if he still hated you but only tolerated you because you were related to Lillith. "Oi, Belphie, MC! The two of you look so down, what's up?" Mammon pointed out your guy's gloomy expressions, when you heard your name your head shot up and without noticing you casted a glance to Belphegor.
While maybe you didn't seem to notice, everyone else in the room did. "Mmm, don't worry about me! I'm alright, I'm just getting a bit-", "Sad?" The dark blue haired demon cut you off, you looked over to Belphie who looked even more pissed off now. "No, no! Just.. tired, that's all." Your eyes returned back to your food, the room had once again gone silent but only for a brief while, "You heard it from them, they're fine so stop thinking they're upset is because of me. MC and I are friends now, they're okay with everything." Those words felt like a stab to the heart, you had never once told him any of those things and now he was putting words in your mouth.
You let out a quiet sigh, "Uhh.. Belphie, I never said that." With a frown on your face you looked your murderer right in the eyes and for once in awhile finally spoke your mind. "I really don't mean this in a bad way, it's just well, that day you really hurt me both mentally and physically. I still have nightmares about what you did, it's like I can't escape it.", once again the tension was back; this time even worse than before. Belphie scowled, "I thought you forgave me, I apologized." The others in the room stopped everything they were doing to listen in on the conversation, they gave it their full attention in fear that maybe Belphegor would attack you again. "Do you think it's easy to go through something like that?! The only reason you guy's accepted me was because I'm Lillith's descendant, I feel like you only treat me well is because you see me as her!" Due to your heavy frustration you unintentionally yelled, in the moment you were so overwhelmed that you didn't pay attention to it. A few of the brothers assured you that they didn't see you as Lillith, but instead your own person but that didn't ease your pain. "It hurt so much! I couldn't even scream for help, I only wanted to help you and you killed me! I saw my own dead body and almost none of you seemed to care!" Tears rolled down your cheeks, you knew you had the right to upset but it felt as if the brother's didn't think the same. "MC..", Beel looked at you with pity and guilt in his eyes, and so did the rest of the brother's. "We're sorry for not being better to you, we truly did treat you horribly." , you cut off Satan, "Shut up, I don't want your apologies! I just want to see genuine change, I want you guys to treat me kindly!" You sat up from your seat, you were conflicted if you wanted to walk away or continue with the conversation. "I've been treating you well ever since then!" Belphie began to argue back a bit more, his tone of voice changed and he too stood up from his seat. "Yeah because you found out I was Lillith's descendant! You strangled me, crushed my throat, and left me to choke to death on my own blood! I haven't healed from what you did to me, you asshole!"
"MC and Belphie, please calm down!" Lucifer attempted to de-escalate the situation but the two of you only shot him annoyed looks. "I'M mad too! I lost my sister—", "I didn't kill your god damn sister! Don't take your anger out on me, I wasn't even alive when she died!" He looked stunned, he knew it was true and also knew it was pointless to counter what you said. Beel grabbed onto Belphie's sleeve, saying his twin's name and trying to sit Belphegor back down. "All of you are vile! You guys have threatened me, attempted to kill me and even killed me! Don't just ignore what you guy's have done!" With your sleeve you wiped off the snot that was running from your nose, you felt like you were a little kid who had just lost something beloved, and in return wept and wept until you were a tear, snot, and drooling mess. Deep down you knew that the "beloved" you had lost was your trust and humanity. You had practically been revived, while you were still human you no longer felt like one. All of your trust in the brother's was gone, they skipped over the issue and acted like nothing happened.
"MC! I demand you head to your room right away, we'll discuss this tomorrow." In all honesty, you were tired. Tired of arguing and crying, you knew it was time to just give it a break and rest. Maybe once everything was solved you might feel a bit more at home in Devildom, you truly hoped that would be the case.
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