#angelic healing energy
euphorictruths · 10 months
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An Allegory Of Power (detail)- Georg Janny; 1918
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psychics4unet · 23 days
The Secrets of the Void: Entering the Ultimate Psychic State
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Introduction: The Void is a profound state of consciousness where the mind transcends ordinary reality, offering deep psychic insights and spiritual experiences. Tapping into the Void can amplify your intuitive abilities and connect you with higher realms.
How to Enter the Void:
Prepare your space by choosing a quiet, comfortable location where you won’t be disturbed. Start by meditating deeply, focusing on your breath, and slowly clearing your mind of all thoughts. Visualize yourself floating in a vast, dark space, where nothing exists but you. Surrender fully to the emptiness, letting go of all expectations and concerns.
Practice deep, slow breathing to calm your nervous system and help you enter a state of deep relaxation. Light candles or incense to create a serene atmosphere, enhancing your focus on entering the Void. Use calming music or binaural beats designed to help reach altered states of consciousness. Try grounding yourself first by imagining roots growing from your body into the Earth, anchoring you in the present moment.
Adopt a comfortable posture, either sitting or lying down, that allows you to remain still for an extended period. Keep your eyes closed to reduce external stimuli and enhance your inward focus. Set a clear intention before you begin, asking for guidance or clarity during your journey into the Void. Practice mindfulness, bringing your awareness fully into the present moment, letting go of past and future thoughts.
Repeat a mantra or affirmation that helps you detach from your everyday thoughts and enter a deeper state. Focus on the space between your thoughts, allowing the silence to expand. Imagine yourself dissolving into the darkness, becoming one with the Void. Let go of the need to control your experience, allowing whatever arises to do so naturally.
Use visualization techniques to see the Void as a gateway to deeper understanding and insight. Imagine a doorway or portal in your mind’s eye that leads directly into the Void. Focus on your third eye, the center of your forehead, as a way to enhance your psychic awareness. Release all tension in your body, letting it melt away as you sink deeper into relaxation.
Practice yoga or gentle stretching beforehand to prepare your body for stillness. Keep a journal nearby to record any insights or experiences that come to you after your session. Set a timer to avoid checking the time, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Consider fasting or eating lightly before your session to enhance mental clarity.
Focus on your breath, counting each inhale and exhale to help quiet the mind. Use crystals like amethyst or clear quartz to enhance your connection to the Void. Practice regularly, as entering the Void becomes easier with time and experience. Start with short sessions, gradually increasing the time spent in meditation.
Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective light, ensuring your journey into the Void is safe. Allow yourself to drift off if you feel sleepy; sometimes, the Void can be accessed in the space between wakefulness and sleep. Use essential oils like lavender or sandalwood to help calm the mind and body. Focus on the feeling of weightlessness, as if you’re floating in the vastness of space.
Clear your mind of all distractions, both internal and external, before you begin. Listen to your intuition, following any guidance or impressions you receive during your journey. Stay patient and persistent, as entering the Void can take practice and dedication. Consider using a guided meditation specifically designed to help you reach the Void.
Trust the process, even if your experience is subtle or different from what you expected. Be open to whatever messages or insights come to you, even if they seem unrelated at first. Allow yourself to feel the vastness and silence of the Void, embracing the stillness. Reflect on your experience afterward, noting any shifts in your awareness or understanding.
Practice detachment, letting go of any need for a specific outcome or experience. Keep your mind open, allowing the Void to reveal itself to you in its own time. Approach each session with a sense of curiosity and wonder, exploring the unknown depths of your consciousness.
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urloveangel · 2 months
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shelovesplants · 5 months
Recharged all my crystals today🔮 the energy feels better already 💜🙌✨️
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odetojupiter · 4 days
jean kevin and neil all being 19 when they officially leave the nest feels significant somehow
(kevin being 19 when he runs, jean being 19 when renee takes him, neil’s fake age being 19 when he leaves after christmas and his real age being 19 when he leaves after riko is shot and he’s officially pardoned by ichirou)
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abouangelazrael · 2 years
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hexora · 10 months
Angel Number 444: A Spiritual Odyssey
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Embark on a journey into the mystique of the angelic realm as we explore the intricate history and profound symbolism behind the powerful numerical sequence, 444. In the realm of numerology, the appearance of repetitive numbers is often considered more than a mere coincidence – it's viewed as a divine message, a whisper from the spiritual universe.
Numerology, an ancient and universal practice, holds that numbers possess inherent spiritual significance. Throughout history, diverse cultures, from the ancient Egyptians to the Chinese, have ascribed mystical meanings to specific numbers. In this vast tapestry of symbolic language, the number 4 is frequently associated with stability, order, and a strong connection to the earthly plane.
Angel numbers, a modern fusion of ancient wisdom and contemporary spirituality, have gained prominence in recent times. These sequences of numbers, believed to be messages from celestial beings or guardian angels, carry a unique vibrational frequency that speaks to the human soul.
The angel number 444 is particularly captivating because it resonates with the triple repetition of the number 4. In numerology, triple numbers are considered exceptionally potent, amplifying the energy and significance of the associated symbolism.
Angel number 444 is often linked to themes of stability, security, and a strong connection with the divine. It serves as a gentle reminder that your angels are surrounding you, offering their guidance and protection. The number 4 embodies qualities of diligence, practicality, and building solid foundations, suggesting that a period of stability and positive transformation may be on the horizon.
Witnessing the repetition of 444 could be a sign that your guardian angels are not only present but actively working to support and guide you. This numerical sequence serves as a comforting affirmation that you are not alone on your life's journey.
444 is often associated with being in alignment with the universe. It encourages individuals to pay attention to their thoughts and actions, as they are manifesting their reality. The energy of this angel number is thought to support positive manifestations, providing a powerful reminder that the universe is conspiring to bring your aspirations to fruition.
In essence, the appearance of angel number 444 invites you to embrace the divine harmony that surrounds you. Acknowledge the stability and support available to you, both from the celestial realms and within yourself. It serves as a beacon of encouragement, urging you to move forward with confidence and purpose.
As you navigate the intricate threads of your spiritual journey, let the resonance of 444 guide you towards a deeper understanding of your purpose, a heightened connection with the divine, and a profound sense of inner peace. The history of angel number 444 is a tale woven with cosmic significance, reminding us that the universe speaks to us in the language of numbers, revealing a sublime order that transcends the boundaries of our earthly existence.
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merbabylvr · 9 months
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#aye. in another life i would have loved to be an illustrator#i dont like to do digital tho and i dont wanna b a starving artist and i like science too much#but it would make me so hsppy if i was allowed to draw all day everyday#forever and ever drawing#but nooo i wanted to get a phd in microbial evolution. and im procrastinating working on my preproposal#literally doing anything to not work on it. i coulf have been a illustrator. an endocrinologist. a neurobiologist. a paleontologist. but i#chose microbial ecologist then thought no fuck ecology and went for photosynthetic mechanisms#bc i do love my lil cyanos and i do love Microbiology. i love those underapprecated lil guys#the world is so big and beautiful and all i wanna do is understand. but my stupid brain doesnt work right and ive burried my wonder for so#long i wonder if ill ever have it back. i was reading a bunch of lil notes i wrote this semester and i go from#everything is so beautiful i cant stand it. there are angels in the sunbeams and they feel like healing. to im the world around me is#warping beyond my control. i cant feel any joy. my head is sending me terrible ideas but im not even scared. it feels inevitable#but last week i was so full of energy i couldnt sleep. nothing changed but the chemicals in my head#hopefully next semester will b better and i can stop feeling like damaged goods and feel bad fro my advisor#for having to deal with me. hes v nice and has a bip0lar brother so he's sympathetic but i wish he didn't have to b#i want to stop fantasizing about being something else and just focus on being better at what i am#but im such a pathological perfectionist that its so difficult to make any progress. but whatever ive been feeling alright for the#past week or so. hopefully that carries through. and maybe somedsy i can illustrate something for my precious baby cyanobacteria#unrelated
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kosmiccarma · 1 year
I'll add myself to the pool of ppl who (might delusionally) believe gojo ain't dead dead
#karma.talks#jjk manga spoilers#jjk 236 leaks#listen. I was cackling in the work parking lot this morning looking at the server leaks#1. narratively his death would serve nothing for the plot. and the whole fight wouldn't have moved anything forward#2. head ain't cut off. eyes aren't destroyed. shoko and angel literally still on the same continent. body could be healed easy peasy#3. gojo was saying bye to his dead friends instead of them welcoming him? so he could be goin' off to limbo#or have his second enlightenment hit within the next couple chapters to off sukuna once and for all. and get to kenny#and 4. uhh kenny??? he still exists gege. can't have a fight with him paired with anyone else tbh just wouldn't thematically fit#best of both worlds scenario: kids kill sukuna with gojo's resurrection#gojo goes on to fight kenny. kenny dies by the six eyes and/or infinity once and for all and gojo sacrifices the six eyes and/or infinity#so kenny can no longer body swap and will end the tale of his terror. geto comes back into consciousness for a couple more moments#OR his body is at peace once and for all and THEN gojo dies from wounds / overexertion of his cursed energy#OR gojo lives but remains a normal human w/o the six eyes or limitless. and this is bc he cheated death twice and that's the toll#gege make some of this happen or you've given a good side character a nonsensical death (within the scope of the story and character arc)#give it 10 chapters to see where this goes. if he's dead dead that's a fumble of an ending to their fight and a death scene#btw if anyone wants to talk abt this more just DM me I ain't fighting the tag system over more spoilers
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euphorictruths · 8 days
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ancientastarwis · 7 months
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3/3 Energy Portal 🌀💫
Flashbacks from childhood, trauma and suppressed memories are appearing as the subconscious mind is healing inner child wounds. As body, mind and soul realign, imbalances in the attention provided to each are healed. A huge Third Eye Activation is creating intense pressure between eyebrows, causing visions with eyes closed or open. Due to these changes, the mind space is blank and struggles to articulate and organize sentences, weird dreams are appearing and you could wake up during the night. There are feelings of vulnerability, sadness, grief or pessimism. Solar Plexus is retrieving inner authority. Competitiveness is being released while independence is increasing.
Connect with your manifestation power. Express gratitude for what you have while asking for what you want.
These days I've been channeling intense subconscious energy repeatedly, and I was wondering what was causing it, until I realized the 33 Portal was approaching. Another symptom I've noticed is random weird heartbeats due to a Heart Chakra Activation. As you can see, the most important Spirit Animals right now are horses and ladybugs. You may also connect with raccoons, rats and spiders. Some relevant angel numbers include 1010, 939 and 333. Focus on maintaining a positive mindset during the coming month.
For this beautiful portal, I'm offering subconscious healing sessions to those that feel guided to work with me. Comment 'Subconscious Healing' and I'll send you the link.
If you found this post helpful and would like to support me, consider sending a tip through the LinkTree in my bio.
Wishing you a happy 33 Portal 🪷✴️🗝️,
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lux-l1sbon-blitzkrieg · 5 months
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starryvomit · 6 months
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☁️ 5 5 5 🪽
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psychics4unet · 11 days
Hi there! Can I get a general message from the angels?
Thank you so much 💖
Your angels are sending a message of comfort and guidance. 🌟 They want you to know that you are supported and loved, no matter what challenges you may be facing.
They are encouraging you to trust in the journey and to stay connected to your inner strength. 🌿✨ Even when things seem uncertain, remember that you have the power to navigate through difficulties and emerge stronger.
The angels are guiding you to focus on self-care and maintaining a positive mindset. 💖🕊️ Taking time to nurture yourself and stay grounded will help you stay aligned with your true path and attract positive energies into your life.
They are also reminding you to remain open to new opportunities and to embrace change with an open heart. 🌈✨ Life is full of possibilities, and your angels are helping guide you towards what is best for you.
Overall, trust in the process and believe in the support you are receiving from the universe. Your angels are with you, offering guidance and encouragement as you move forward. Keep your heart open and stay hopeful.
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
In case anyone else here on tumblr would like a free psychic reading (message from the angels), Click the link and follow the instructions (I answer only to those who follow the instructions, thank you):
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thestrawberraefae · 5 months
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Northern Lights in Enfield, CT
May 10, 2024
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