#anger between family members tw
oimoi-op · 1 year
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Sorry that while I was in grade school I was terrified of being called a queer and a fag and being told I was an abomination and going to burn in hell and that I should hate myself bc I'm an evil satanic abomination. Sorry that I did hate myself and did try to stop being myself for most of my life bc even if I was miserable at least I wasn't an evil queer. Yeah I totally have no right to be mad at corporations over exploiting the slurs I've reclaimed bc I should only be mad at *gestures vaguely* capitalism and not hold the people participating in *gestures vaguely* capitalism accountable for profiting off the slurs I've personally reclaimed to reinforce my personal way of accepting who I am. Yeah ofc ppl recognizing lgbt+ and queer history and identities as a real tangible thing and deciding to explore it and learn more abt it is the same exact thing as a soulless corporation getting money for calling me a queer. My bad bro
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artemis32 · 7 months
Transilience iii
The long-awaited part 3 is here, thank you all for being so patient <33 (you're all going to hate me, but yes, there is going to be a part 4)
word count - 10.1k
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tw: mentions of past child neglect, abuse, kidnapping, violence, medical malpractice (they're bad people, what did you expect??), LoV being bad people (mainly Shiggs and Dabi), slight yandere LoV (kind of, but not really), reader is delusional - like, very delusional - dismisses red flags like its nobody's business
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mbe masterlist
transilience masterlist
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Dabi was… different.
You’d given up what little hope you’d had of Touya still being there, but you didn’t expect there to be such a vast change in his personality.
How could someone who was once so obsessed with the idea of being a hero, of overtaking All Might, become this horrible? And really, there was no other way to describe him but horrible.
From the very first day that you’d been there, he’d done his utmost to isolate you from the other members of his group, whisking you away if they ever got too comfortable around you.
To their credit, none of them had laid a finger on you, though they hadn’t said anything when they saw the freshly burnt handprint on your shoulder either. It felt like a branding mark, a sign of ownership.
You remained wary of them, forever on edge. It became exhausting after a while – never breathing too loudly when one of them was near, hardly eating or sleeping. It got to the point where you nearly passed out from sheer exhaustion.
If he cared, Dabi never said anything. 
The isolation was probably what got to you the most. The fear, the anger, the exhaustion – none of it felt as torturous as the loneliness. You weren’t allowed to talk to anyone but the leader, Shigaraki, and Dabi. Who’d decided that, you weren’t sure, but it ate away at your psyche day-by-day until almost nothing remained.
Most days, the only interaction you got was someone bringing your food to you. It was usually the man in the mask who had taken you – Mr Compress, or, you’d learned his name was, though sometimes it would be others in the group.
It was awful. They’d open your door and set a tray of food on the desk next to your bed.
They wouldn’t look at you. 
They wouldn’t talk to you. 
And you tried. You tried so hard to hold a conversation, to get them to say something, to look at you, but still, nothing.
Shigaraki’s visits were few and far between. Most days he came to see you, it would be to accompany the doctor he brought with him.
You didn’t like that man. He was cold and harsh, and he left bruises that would take weeks to fade away. He’d take samples of your blood too, poking you harshly with the needle if you squirmed too much.
Shigaraki said nothing. He only stood in the corner, silently staring at you.
It was the same when he came to see you alone. He’d come in quietly, sit down by your desk and stare at you for hours.
Sometimes he would speak, but those days were rare.
He’d ask you about your life before they’d taken you, before you’d gotten your quirk.
Originally, you had ignored him, but after weeks of isolation, you’d told him what he wanted to know. He smiled that day. It hurt.
Dabi’s visits were even rarer. 
You thought you might dread his visits more than you did being alone.
He told you stories. Stories about his life – both while he’d been living with you, and after. You weren’t sure which you hated more.
While you’d understood how horrible your father was, to hear it first-hand, to hear from Touya himself what he’d gone through… it was almost more than you could handle.
Though right now, you’d take your father and his anger and violence. If you had a choice, you’d choose him over Dabi in an instant.
How pathetic – that you’d choose a monster like your father over your own brother, one who you’d looked up to, one who you’d mourned.
But that sort of thought had become surprisingly common. You’d been missing your family – Shouto, Fuyumi, Natsuo, even your father. Though you couldn’t bring yourself to miss your mother, and you were sure the feeling was mutual.
You tried as best you could, but nothing could stop your gradual descent into despair. You were so lonely, so scared that they’d decide you’d outlived your usefulness.
It was a shame that you were nothing like your family – you lacked Touya’s resolve, Shouto’s strength, even your father’s tenacity and anger. That would surely have helped you, but you were weak.
You were weak and scared, and even gaining a quirk had done nothing to change that.
If you had one complaint about how your days went, it had to be about the food they gave you.
It was plain, bland. Not to mention, you received the same thing every single day. 
Plain oatmeal for breakfast, plain, dry bread for lunch, and plain, flavourless ramen noodles for dinner. If you were lucky, they’d occasionally throw in a bruised, overripe fruit, or give you of the takeout they’d had for dinner.
You’d gotten to the point of having to choke it down, trying not to gag whenever you saw the same food day after day. You wouldn’t call yourself ungrateful, but it was pretty obvious that no one knew how to cook. After the first two weeks, you’d liken the experience to eating cardboard, taking hours to pick at the plain, odourless lump on your plate before giving up.
That’s how Dabi found you thirty minutes after Mr Compress had bought you your dinner - picking at your plate with half-hearted interest, doing nothing more than moving the now solid pile of ramen from one side to the other.
He shoulders the door open without knocking, kicking it shut behind him with no regard for the slamming that rings out in the corridor beyond. Members of the League knew not to bother him when he was with you - everyone except Shigaraki.
A brown paper bag is chucked your way as he slinks over, slumping down in the chair next to your bed.
The sigh he lets out is one of exhaustion, and if you actually cared about him, you might’ve shown some concern for the weariness in his eyes and the weight on his slumped shoulders. But you don’t.
Instead, you stare down at the paper bag next to you.
“Well?” he asks when you make no move to touch it. “Aren’t ya gonna open it?”
You shrug, still staring.
“That depends.”
He huffs. “On what?”
“If I open it, do I get to leave this room?”
He lets out a frustrated groan, head leaning against the wall as he rubs his hands over his face.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters. “This again?”
After about the first month and a half of being cooped up in the room they’d shoved you in, you’d decided enough was enough. Seeing the same four walls all day, every day, was driving you insane. So you’d begun asking Dabi if you could be let out, even for a short ten minutes, just to walk around the base, to the end of the hall - anything.
Unsurprisingly, your request had been denied. 
So you’d asked again. And again. And again. 
It had become routine at this point, and though he had yet to agree, you felt as though you were slowly wearing him down. 
Asking Shigaraki didn’t have the same effect. He’d fix you with this eerie, wide-eyed look, sitting in silence until you looked away or changed the topic.
So you stuck with asking Dabi instead, refusing to go along with whatever he asked of you unless you got what you wanted.
It seemed as though the two of you shared the same stubborn streak, and neither of you had given in yet.
“Yes, this again,” you say stubbornly, jutting your chin out at him.
“I’ll go crazy in here if you don’t let me out. It’s not as if I’m asking for a kidney, I just want to take a walk. Blindfold me if you have to, just let me out for a few minutes.”
He says nothing, staring at you for a moment.
“Please?” you ask – no, you plead.
He rolls his eyes, leaning back in his chair.
“Fine,” he says, sighing heavily, nodding slightly. 
“Fine. I’ll let you walk around for a bit. There – happy?”
You perk up at that, nodding eagerly, happy for what you consider to be a small victory. 
Honestly, considering the circumstances, it’s a massive victory. Any amount of autonomy is cause for celebration, and this was as good as it was going to get for a while.
“Are ya gonna open the bag or not? Or should I change my mind?”
“No! No, I’ll look.”
You scramble to grab the brown paper bag, ripping it open in your haste.
“A… burger?”
It’s a burger, and the smell makes your mouth water. You want to eat it, but you don’t. Instead, you look over at him, quirking your brow in question.
“Eat up, Cupcake,” he says with a smirk.
You scowl at the nickname. It was one in a sea of many – he seemed to sense how much it annoyed you, so he took great time and care in finding different nicknames for you each time he came to visit.
His smirk flattens into a scowl when you don’t immediately respond or go to eat.
“What’s this about?” 
“You only ever bring me food like this- You’re only nice if something’s about to happen. So, what is it?” you ask suspiciously.
He brings his hand up to grip at his chest, gasping in feigned horror.
“Oh! My own sister doesn’t trust me. Whatever shall I do?”
He rolls his eyes.
“Can I not just be nice? Why’re you so suspicious all the time, huh?”
You squint at him. “So… you really don’t want anything in return? You're not going to knock me out and move me to another room or something? You’re not going to run some kind of painful quirk test on me?”
His palm still rests on his chest, right over his heart. He bows his head and closes his eyes.
“Cross my heart. Come on, eat up.”
He stands with a huff, slinking over to your bathroom as you hesitantly begin eating.
There are some clattering sounds as he moves around the bathroom for a moment before it falls silent. He emerges fifteen minutes later, right as you finish the burger.
“Ah, you’re done. Great. Put this on.”
He hands you a jacket and a pair of shoes. You slip them on without question.
“Okay, let’s go.”
“Go where?” you ask, palm rubbing contentedly over your full stomach.
“For your damn walk, what else?”
“Now?” you ask, mouth open in shock.
He hums, coming up to you and grasping your forearms before hauling you up.
“Come on, I don’t have all day.”
You stand and trail after him.
“Still nothing?”
Hawks hums, shaking his head. “Sorry,” he says with a shrug.
Endeavour lets out a frustrated huff, slamming his hand down on the desk. Everything atop it rattles.
His frame remains tense for a moment before his shoulders slump.
“We’ve checked everywhere,” he says in an even, measured tone. “Why, after six months, have you still not found my daughter?”
Hawks gives him a good-natured smile, eyes crinkled in the corners. “Hm, dunno. Maybe she doesn’t want to be found.”
The temperature of the room steadily climbs the longer Hawks talks.
“After all, it’s been a while. Surely if she wanted to get away from wherever she is, she would have by now, what with that nifty new quirk and all.”
At the mention of your strangely acquired quirk, Endeavour finally cracks. His fingers melt through the surface of his desk, the ornately carved wood caving beneath his warm grip like butter. The look on his face betrays his emotions – it’s a look of pure pain, what with his furrowed brow and quivering lip.
The mighty Endeavour did have a heart after all.
He slumped down into the seat behind him, roughly swiping over his face with calloused palms.
“I–” his voice cracks.
He clears his throat, sniffing and straightening up before he speaks again.
“Hawks, please, be honest.”
Keigo tilts his head to the side, eyeing the redhead curiously.
“Have you done everything in your ability to find my daughter? Does she– does she truly not want to be found?”
He lets out a heavy puff of air, carefully taking a seat across from the distraught man. After a few long, quiet minutes, he finally settles into a seemingly comfortable position, leaning back with one leg propped up over the other.
“I’ve done everything I can,” he says, looking directly into the other man’s eyes. He places his hand over his heart – a gesture of his sincerity. “I haven’t seen her – she really doesn’t seem to want to come back. That, or…”
He shrugs. “Never mind. I’m sorry Endeavour, but there’s nothing more I can do. I’ve helped as much as I can because we’re friends, but I can’t keep neglecting my own work for this.”
The chair scrapes harshly against the polished tiles as he stands, dusting off his jacket while he strides to the door.
“I’ll let you know if I find anything. For now just… relax.”
Hawks leaves the man to wallow in his ever-growing despair.
Your legs burn slightly from the stretch, but you welcome it as you pace each corridor eagerly, Dabi trailing a few steps behind you with a slouched frame and barely concealed scowl.
He’d made it clear that he thought your eagerness to go for something as silly as a walk was stupid, but he’d kept many of his comments to himself, choosing instead to mutter under his breath as he directed you through the dimly lit base.
“Left here.”
You turn left, trying to keep yourself from skipping like an idiot. It was one thing to be excited for a walk, but to skip like a child? Dabi would never let you live that down.
The corridors are as dingy as the rest of the building, flickering lights, cracked tiles, chipped paint on the walls. It truly looked like the prison it was. 
Oh well. It wasn’t as if you expected any better from a group of villains, especially those that had kidnapped someone without a second thought.
“So, what exactly do you do?” you ask, eyes still flitting from one side of the corridor to the other, taking in as much as you can while you have the opportunity.
Dabi sounds bored. He drags his feet as he walks, shoes scuffing against the worn tiles.
You shiver. It’s freezing out here. A part of you was thankful that Dabi had given you the shoes and jacket. Not that you’d ever mention it.
“I mean, I get that you guys are villains and all, and you spend your days coming up with ideas on how to take over the world, but like – what do you do?”
You chance a glance over your shoulder.
He looks perplexed, lips pursed as he stares at you.
“What a dumb question.”
You splutter out in indignation.
“Hey, it’s not a dumb question!”
He hums, staring at the ceiling.
“Take a right.”
You do, waiting in silence for his response.
“We make deals, gather intel, threaten a few people – fun stuff like that.”
He shrugs, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants. 
“I don’t know, that’s about it I guess.”
You pause. 
“Sounds boring,” you say with a shrug.
He grunts, prodding the small of your back with his fingers to urge you forward.
“Keep walking.”
You walk past a familiar looking door.
There’s a slight stumble in your step and Dabi has to grab your arm to keep you from landing on your face.
“Come on,” he says, shoving you forward roughly. “Don’t make me regret this by acting all stupid.”
You nod in apology, eyes lingering on the door.
That day you arrived is still stark in your memory – the way they all laughed at you, the fear and anxiousness you’d felt. 
Shigaraki and his touch.
The way he’d turned your jacket to dust with a simple brush of his fingers.
The mark seared onto your shoulder.
You shiver again, though not from the cold.
The memory of your first night there opens the floodgates, and you’re forced down memory lane as you walk, Dabi’s hand still a warm fixture between your shoulder blades.
You remember the first time Shigaraki came to visit you. You remember the first time he truly hurt you.
You remember what he made you do with your quirk – the quirk shoved upon you, one you’d give up in a heartbeat for the chance to escape this place, to go back in time and be thankful for your lack of quirk.
But would you?
Yes, everything that had happened to you was horrible, and you woke up everyday praying it was some kind of sick nightmare, but would you really give up your quirk in exchange for your freedom?
It was something you’d battled with for a while now.
Would you rather be here, locked up and used as a lab rat, or would you choose to go back to your family and crawl back into their cold, unaccepting arms?
No matter how you looked at the situation, there was no lesser evil amongst the two.
The thought made you laugh to yourself whenever it crossed your mind.
Had you truly reached the point where you lumped your family, your own flesh-and-blood, together with a group of villains?
They were one and the same.
Your father, your siblings – your mother.
Everything about them shunned your existence. 
If they weren’t overwhelming you, they acted as if you didn’t exist.
You wondered, not for the first time, if they were looking for you – did they miss you? Did they even realise you’d been kidnapped?
Thinking about it - them - got you nowhere.
Your family.
The word didn’t exactly fit.
The League… They treated you similarly.
They hurt you, physically, mentally, emotionally. They ignored you when you served no purpose to them or their cause. They overwhelmed you, they controlled you when they felt like it.
Dabi – he was the epitome of both.
Both your family and the League, but especially Dabi – they had a certain intensity about them when they looked at you, when they thought you couldn’t see them.
It scared you more than their insults, more than their fists, more than their distain.
They looked at you as if they wanted to consume you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say it was a look of crazed, unwavering mania. Obsession. But if that was the case, you wouldn’t be beaten and bruised, or locked up in a cage like some sort of pet meant for display.
You shake your head, trembling hands clutching at the bottom of the zip up Dabi had given you.
When did it get this cold?
Dabi distracts you from your thoughts, fingers harshly digging into your side, guiding you roughly down a corridor towards your right.
He tuts at you.
“Pay attention.”
He comes to walk beside you, reaching his arm around you to lay it over your shoulder.
You stiffen up.
The palm of his hand sits perfectly against the scar that sits in the juncture between your neck and shoulder – the one he’d given you.
Having a doctor on hand to run tests on your quirk wasn’t as reassuring as you might have hoped. It meant that no matter what any of them did to you, it could be fixed, and you’d be left with nothing but the mental scars as proof.
The scar Dabi had given you though – that they let you keep. 
It had taken a while to heal enough for you to touch it, and you’d spent a few days after delirious with pain. But now, months later, it was fine.
Or, it should be. 
But the mental scars from Dabi ran far deeper than anything else you’d been through since they’d taken you.
You hated it when people touched you.
It was the only scar you were allowed to keep, but you wished they’d rid you of it like they did with everything else.
The floodgates of your mind seem to open, the palm on your shoulder acting as a key, and you’re helpless to stop the painful barrage of memories you try so hard to suppress.
The first test they’d ever run on you had been the most painful to date. A large part of you had blocked out the memory, too overwhelmed to remember it in anything but short snapshots and glimpses.
You’d been strapped to a medical gurney, probably the most uncomfortable one the League could find.
The cold metal left you covered in goosebumps and shivers that had done nothing to deter the panicked sweat enveloping you, leaving your palms clammy and shaking.
Worse than being restrained and prodded with needles had to be the duration. They’d left you like that for three weeks.
Evidently, they hadn’t felt it necessary for you to eat either, deciding instead to shove a thick feeding tube down your throat. Similarly, you weren’t allowed to sit up or use the bathroom. You weren’t allowed to do anything.
They left you in a drugged haze after the third day, growing tired of your struggles and cries.
And that’s how you spent the first three weeks with the League. Completely exhausted and mentally checked out, staring blankly at the ceiling day in and day out, never so much as twitching a finger as they performed invasive surgeries you were too delirious to feel.
You’d flatlined more times than you care to remember, your heart rate dropping to a monotonous beep. 
Blood filled your lungs after they’d punctured the thin membrane.
Your face turned blue from the lack of oxygen after you’d choked on the feeding tube.
You’d had multiple seizures mid-surgery from a number of malpractices.
In the end, you don’t remember much of what had happened. All you recall is waking up out of a daze surrounded by cold, impartial doctors, and being forced to carry on as if nothing had happened.
It was probably better that way. You had a feeling you didn’t want to know the entire truth of what had happened while you were all but comatose.
And beyond that, the training they’d put you through to improve your quirk was just as bad, if not worse.
You imagined that training with your father would have been similar, in that you received painful, unwarranted punishments for failure of any kind.
The only saving grace was that your quirk had improved significantly since the League had taken you. 
You clung to that when despair crept up on you. You had a quirk. 
Somehow, it didn’t feel as wonderful as you’d hoped it might have years ago.
Eventually, Dabi drags you to a halt and out of your thoughts, grasping your forearm with a grip so harsh you’re sure it’ll bruise. If they’ll allow it. 
The two of you have stopped before a large set of metal doors. They reflect the flickering lights and make your eyes water. You’re confused – this isn’t your room. Why did he not take you back to your room? 
Had he lied to you?
Stupid question.
Of course he lied to you.
You turn to glare at him, heart pounding wildly.
“You liar,” you spit, flinching back in vain as he reaches for you.
He rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. I am a villain. And I didn’t lie. This is part of your walk – the walk you wanted. So,” he prompts, giving you a slight shove that nearly sends you crashing into the double doors. 
“Keep walking.”
You hardly dared to breathe.
Not that you could even if you wanted to. It felt as though the air had been sucked out of the room.
Your brain buffered for another few seconds before you could process what you were seeing.
The room, a large assembly hall, was, as you’d expected, filled with people. Members of the League. Villains.
But there, near the front of the room, looking far too content in a room of people he was supposed to be against–
Wasn’t he–?
The pro-hero Hawks.
Wasn’t Hawks a hero? 
Shouldn’t he be fighting? Running? Trying to rescue you?  
Why did he look so content? Why was he laughing, smiling next to Twice?
You take a step back, searching blindly for the door handle.
Consequences be damned, you weren’t about to wait around. Whatever was going on here, you wanted nothing to do with it.
Swallowing thickly, you tried to slip out of the room while the villains before you mingled about, as if this was some type of meet and greet or a party. 
You weren’t ever really the type of person to feel any degree of self-righteousness, or think yourself better than those around you, but it became difficult when the only people you were surrounded by were villains. You didn’t feel bad about what you thought of them. It wasn’t as if they’d ever find out.
“Ah ah,” someone tuts behind you. “Where do you think you’re going?”
What was he getting at? What kind of sick game was he trying to play?
He lightly shoves at the small of your back, pushing you forward. You stumble back into the room, straightening up.
Glancing around cautiously, you all but meld into the wall, praying no one notices you. That hope is dashed as soon as Dabi seizes your forearm and yanks you towards him, walking with an air of ease towards Twice and Hawks.
A million thoughts race through your mind as you try, and fail, to pull away from Dabi. All he spares you is a warning glare before the two of you come to a stop before the winged hero and his animated companion.
Something flickers in Hawks’ eyes when he spots you, a slight glimmer of recognition. It’s gone a moment later, so fast you almost think you imagined it.
“Who’s the kid?” he asks with an air of nonchalance, turning to Dabi. Your brother, if you even still considered him that, spares you one more quick glance, a dark look in his eyes, before responding.
“Tomura’s new experiment.”
That hurt, more than you’d care to admit. 
You knew it was true, but that didn’t make it any less hurtful to hear out loud. You’d been denigrated to nothing more than an experiment. Not a person, not a child, but an object to be tested and prodded at. You were little more than an oversized labrat to these people.
Something in your expression must convey the hurt and irritation you try so hard to bury, because Dabi scoffs and wraps his hand around the back of your neck, jerking you closer to him as he tilts his head down to whisper to you. His breath is hot against your ear and it makes you cringe back awkwardly, though you don’t get far.
“What? Did that hurt your feelings?”
You clench your sweat slicked hands into fists, trying to hold your anger at bay, though it does nothing to curb your frustration. And with your frustration comes the familiar feeling of your quirk, unnatural and monstrous, bubbling up in the pit of your stomach as you try so hard to shove it back down.
“No. No, I’m just… tired. From the tests.”
He scoffs, a patronising smirk tugging at his lips. “Aw, of course. You’re tired.”
Twice and Hawks watch silently from the sidelines, not intervening, even as you wince, Dabi’s grip tightening on the nape of your neck.
“Behave. Be a good little lab rat and I won’t have to fry your face, okay?” 
His tone is gentle, as if he were talking to an infant, punctuated by the soft strokes of his fingers against your cheek, but his words send a shiver of panic down your spine, locking you in place.
Satisfied with your fear induced obedience, he releases you and turns back to the pair before you, chattering away about some or other plan the League was in the process of reviewing. 
None of them pay you any attention for the rest of the night.
Hawks seems to linger around base a lot more after that first encounter.
You see him every time the door to your glorified prison cell opens. You see him when the doctor visits to poke and prod at you, when Mr Compress drops by to deliver your meals, even when Shigaraki appears for his rare visits.
The only time he doesn’t appear is when Dabi visits, though that’s rare enough in and of itself.
He never stops to talk, or even stare, only sparing a fleeting glance at you from the corner of his eye, posture tensing slightly, before he continues down the corridor.
You feel a strange tension with him around base. The anxieties you felt before seem to be amplified, your heart rate picking up every time you catch sight of him. A part of you, deep down, hopes that he’s here to help you - to save you. But it’s a childish hope, one you’re sure to squash down as soon as it arises.
The first time he stops and lingers, around three weeks after you first meet him, is to drop your dinner off in place of Mr Compress. It’s a surprise, seeing him instead of the masked villain.
He’s silent the entire time, staring at you with a look of bored curiosity, as if he’s waiting for you to do something entertaining.
You don’t. 
You force down the bland food in silence, never once taking your eyes off of him.
He leaves just as silently and quickly as he arrived.
After that day, it slowly starts to become a routine. At first, you rarely see him, but as the weeks turn into months, he becomes one of the only people you interact with. You start expecting to see him instead of the others, and you find out in passing one day that the other members of the League had shirked their duties of caring for you off on to him. 
It didn’t bother you as much as it should have - the fact that they viewed you as little more than a chore.
You form a tentative bond with him, one that feels fragile and strained, but it’s better than anything else you’d had up until that moment. He’s the closest thing you have to a friend, to someone that cares about you.
His apparent care for you becomes obvious in the small things he does - the meals he brings you become more edible, something you actually look forward to instead of having to force it down. He visits more often, the short periods in which you see him seemingly becoming longer than they were before.
Four months after that first tentative encounter, Hawks had solidified himself in your dreary daily existence, establishing himself as your sole source of what could only be described as happiness. 
You’d, somewhat unwillingly at first, become far more relaxed in his presence, even going as far as to enjoy his company. Some days, you might even say you looked forward to his visits.
Not only did he act as a reprieve from your never ending boredom, with both his company and the gifts he bought you, but also his interventions.
Mr Compress had, on one of his now rare visits, not at all subtly told you that Hawks had convinced the League - specifically Shigaraki - to quote unquote ‘take it easy on you’. His tone had been tinged with something you couldn’t quite identify at the time.
Even Dabi had begun to unironically refer to Hawks as your ‘new best friend’.
He didn’t seem too happy with the new development.
A week later, Hawks, or Keigo, as he’d asked you to call him in private, had paid you one last visit, and you hadn’t seen him since. He’d gifted you one of his fluffy, scarlet feathers the last time he’d visited, for ‘when he wasn’t around’. 
It sat waiting neatly on the centre of the singular pillow on your bed one evening, easily catching your eye as you slipped out of the bathroom attached to your room. There was no note left with it, but you didn’t need one. You knew well enough what it meant, and it filled your empty, aching chest with a sort of warm feeling that left you breathless.
After that day, you kept it with you, tucked into your shirt, positioned right over your heart, and at night, you placed it under your pillow. You might’ve felt embarrassed at how much it meant to you, or how attached you were, but it felt like your only lifeline in the miserable four walls of your little room.
In a strange, cosmic joke kind of way, he almost felt like the family you’d never had.
The day Shoto had been scarred by your mother had been an odd day. It was one of the rare days since Touya’s death that you’d felt loved, accepted by your family. Everything felt normal. Two months after your fifth birthday, the snow had melted into clear, fresh streams and flowers had begun to bloom.
Your family had spent the day in the park, wandering around while you and Shoto played with Fuyumi in the dewy grass, in awe of the delicate pink blossoms. There’d been a strange tension between your parents that day, one you’d been too young and oblivious to notice.
After a long Spring day spent outside, your family of six had returned home and resumed life as usual. Dinner was a quiet affair, as it usually was, and you’d hurried about your evening routine after you’d felt your mother’s distasteful gaze trained on you for longer than usual.
Fuyumi had, for reasons unknown to you, attached herself to you that evening, insisting on helping you bathe and get into your pyjamas. You’d gone along with it all, happy and unquestioning of her attention on you. 
It felt good, having someone care for you - the first person to do so since Touya’s passing.
She’d laid next to you in your bed, reading a children's storybook to you, her fingers gently carding through your hair - the same hair she’d so caringly brushed out an hour before, carefully working each knot out with a patience and kindness reminiscent of a mother.
In the peace and stillness of the moment, you’d failed to notice Rei's shadowy figure in the doorway, watching the two of you through the slight gap in the doorway. If you had bothered to peer over Fuyumi’s shoulder, you might’ve noticed her blanched face, or her hands, clenched into fists so tight her knuckles turned while. You might’ve noticed the wide eyed, crazed expression that had washed over her face, growing in intensity with each passing moment.
But you didn’t notice her.
What you noticed was the commotion not long after she left. You heard her panicked shrieks fifteen minutes later. Shouto’s pained screeches and sobs followed soon after, echoing eerily down the long corridor to your room.
You heard your father’s thundering steps and bellowing rage, felt Natsuo and Fuyumi’s panic, their trembling hands on your shoulders, steering you away from the sight of Shouto’s raw, burnt face.
And you definitely felt the shiver of dread dripping down your spine when your mother turned her crazed eyes on you. She looked almost demonic in that moment, eyes red rimmed and wide, face nearly as stark white as her hair.
She’d tried to approach you, hands outstretched, fingers curled into cruel claws as she reached out for you, and only your father’s firm grip kept her in the kitchen as you were ushered to your room while Shouto was rushed off to the hospital.
You didn’t see much of any of them after that, and in the months following the incident, you felt even further ostracised from your family.
Rei had been institutionalised not too long after that, and the remainder of your family had kept you at arms length ever since, reminding you constantly of your insignificance to their lives - to the family.
The scent of soba and egg rolls fills the room, its occupants silent as they eat.
Hawks halts for a moment, the noodles dangling from his chopsticks as he glances to his left, to the hulking flame hero sitting beside him. He hides a small smirk, tilting his head down and clearing his throat before speaking.
“I looked into that lead you told me about - the one about your daughter? It’s a deadend.”
Endeavour tenses, shooting Hawks a pointed look, but it’s too late. Natsuo and Shouto pause, exchanging a tense look across the table, and Fuyumi perks up, her grip tightening on her chopsticks.
“You’ve been looking for her? And you didn’t think to mention it to us?” Natsuo sounds outraged, his hands tightening into fists on the tabletop. “You didn’t think to ask us for help?”
Endeavour’s jaw tightens. 
“I didn’t think it was necessary. Allowing you three to help would’ve done nothing but give you false hope and allow you to interfere with my work. You’d do more harm than good.”
“Ah, Endeavour, so harsh! Don’t shoot them down yet,” Hawks interjects, cutting off whatever scathing remark Natsuo was about to spit out. “More eyes and ears are always helpful. I’m sure they could help out in some way.”
His tone is light, but something about the look in his eyes has Endeavour cautious, and his tone becomes firm.
“No. You three will not get involved. That’s final.”
Hawks shrugs, going back to his soba with a quick final quip. 
“Well, that’s that. Dad has spoken. Don’t try to help find your sister.”
His words hit their intended mark, evident in the barely concealed rage on Natsuo’s face.
“...yeah. Figures, you wouldn’t want us helping. You don’t actually want to get her back, do you? You probably wish she’s dead in a ditch somewhere, don’t you?”
The silence that rings out after Natsuo’s rant is deafening, oppressive. It makes the air feel stifling and heavy, and no one dares move.
“You know nothing,” Endeavour spits, his eyes alight with a look akin to pure fury. Heat radiates off of him in waves, turning the once cold soba on the table scalding in mere moments.
“I know you scared her off. We all do. We know you’re the reason she ran away in the first place. We know that if she’s hurt, or dead, or worse, then it’s your fault. And I know that I won’t stop blaming you until the day I die.”
Before the situation can escalate further, Fuyumi intervenes.
“Okay, um– Everyone is clearly feeling overwhelmed, and we all miss her, so… so let’s just take a deep breath and calm down, okay? Getting upset with one another won’t bring her back.”
Her half-hearted interference, surprisingly, seems to work, just enough for everyone to cool their tempers slightly. Natsuo lets out a long, deep breath, standing and leaving the room without another word.
Shouto follows close behind, pausing at the threshold for a moment and turning to glower at his father.
“Find her, or we will.”
You’re rudely awoken in the middle of the night, sweaty and tangled up in your sheets with someone shaking you harshly by the shoulders.
“Hey, wake up– Wake up.”
You jolt upright, forehead banging against someone else’s. Wincing, you massage the bruising skin of your forehead and shoot a glare to whoever had woken you up.
“Wha-? What’s going on?” 
Your words are mumbled, sleep clouding both your mind and your vision.
Kiego firmly grips both your wrists, pulling them away from your face and yanking you to your feet, out of the bed. Your sheets pool at your feet, tangled up between your legs on the cold concrete floor.
“We’re leaving. Now.”
A quick tug towards the door accentuates his words, and you feel your heart drop to your stomach. You put up some resistance, pulling back slightly, trying to ignore the roiling in your stomach.
“Hawk– Keigo, what–? Why are we leaving? Where’s Dabi?”
His expression, from what you can see in the imposing darkness of the room, is hard and guarded, and his grip shifts to your bicep, tightening to an almost painful extent.
“None of that matters. I said we’re leaving, so start walking before I make you.”
You’re thrown off by how short off and rude his words are. He’s nothing like the man you’ve come to consider a friend, and a part of you is almost scared of him at that moment. Something in your expression must give your feelings away, because moments later, his eyes soften alongside his grip, his voice lowering to a whisper.
“I’m getting you out of here. Away from the League. Just… trust me. Please?”
Something about his gaze, his tone - it sways you. Convinces you to believe him.
So you do.
A slow nod is the only confirmation you give, but it’s enough for him to start pulling you towards the door again. You hesitate for only a moment before going along with him, pausing only to grab the scarlet feather laid carefully beneath your pillow.
It’s the only thing you take with you. The only thing you have to your name, the only possession of any value to you.
The low light disguises Keigo’s small smirk when he spots the feather clenched tightly in your grip as you trail after him, though he makes no mention of it. Similarly, you make no mention of his bruising grip.
You don’t encounter anyone in your silent, swift escape, and you almost feel as if it’s too easy, but you don’t point it out to Keigo. 
Maybe a part of you is scared of jinxing your good luck.
Or maybe you’re terrified this is some sort of elaborate, cruel trick he’s playing on you.
Regardless, you stay silent, sticking close to his side as you both exit the seedy bar. He immediately scoops you up into his arms, crouching down, powerful thighs flexing beneath him for a moment before he takes flight, soaring out of the alleyway in an instant. 
“She’s gone.”
The entire League sat gathered around the bar, tense and silent as Hawks speaks, leaning casually against the bar, wings splayed out behind him.
“I dropped off her breakfast this morning and her room was empty. Bathroom too.”
The group looks to Shigaraki, waiting for his reaction. 
He’s still, expression blank and guarded. The only sign of tension in his body is the tightening of his hand, clasped into fists at his sides. His jaw works for a moment before he responds, muttering to no one in particular.
“Ruined. All ruined. Those stupid pro heroes are always ruining my plans.”
His agitation becomes obvious as he begins pacing in front of the bar counter, hands clawing uselessly at the pale skin of his neck. Welts form within seconds, raised and red and angry beneath his frantic fingernails. 
“It’s Endeavour. It has to be. How did he find out? How?”
The words are muttered below his breath as he paces, not meant for anyone but himself, eyes wide and fretful when his head snaps up. His gaze narrows and sets itself on Dabi.
“Did you know about this?”
Dabi raises his eyebrows, expression cool, seemingly bored as he drawls. “Me? Now, why would I know a thing about this?”
His gaze flits momentarily to Hawks, narrowing.
“If anything, you should be asking bird boy over there. He seemed particularly comfortable around her. Wouldn’t he know something about our little escapee?”
Shigaraki groans and turns on his heel, kicking his leg out and toppling a table in the process. The room is silent for a long while, the only sounds piercing stillness is the resounding clatter of the table striking the floor, and Shigaraki’s own rage filled panting.
Silence stretches out for a few moments as he schools his rage, recomposing himself after his explosive tantrum.
“Bring her back - I don’t care how. I need her. My experiments aren’t done yet. Father won’t be pleased. She’s my experiment. Mine.”
He turns his cold glare to Hawks, then Dabi, eyeing them both suspiciously.
“Find her.”
Sometimes, you wonder what life would’ve been like if your mother hadn’t been around. Your siblings too, for that matter.
During the more peaceful moments of your life, you fantasised about life far away, often imagining what it’d be like if you’d been born into a different family entirely.
Maybe you’d be an only child, living in a small rural town by the beach, or on a farm. 
It would’ve been peaceful, you think. Calm.
Your parents would dote on you, their only daughter, and they wouldn’t care about your lack of a quirk. 
Imagining that sort of kindness made your stomach turn.  How would it feel?
Or maybe you’d be one of many children. The oldest child. 
You’d protect your younger siblings in the ways you never were. You’d be part of a big happy family, one where you had big Sunday lunches and went on annual vacations. You’d have a family pet, a cat or a dog, adored by everyone in your make believe family.
Or maybe you’d be an orphan.
How sad, that being an orphan without a home was preferable to your own situation.
But you’d be surrounded by other children like you - children without homes, without families.
The thought of a different life left an aching hole where your heart should’ve been.
There were times that you felt bad about wishing for a different life. You’d look at family photos, gazing down at your siblings smiling up at you, their faces joyful and free of concern. 
Why couldn’t your life have been like that? Was your lack of a quirk really the only thing that made you so different?
Maybe if you’d been born as Fuyumi instead, with her soft eyes and kind disposition.
Or maybe Natsuo, with his unwavering strength, that glint he got in his eyes when he looked at you - the one that meant that he loved or hated you.
Most often, you imagined what it would be like to have been born as Shouto. 
The golden child. 
Would you have been grateful? Or would you have hated your family as much as he seemed to hate yours?
What reason did he have for hating them? They treated him like a king. Like their own saviour.
You wish he’d been yours. You wish he’d never grown out of his kindness, like he did when you were five years old and desperate for some kind of connection. 
Perhaps things would have been different.
You try to imagine a world in which he took over the role Touya held in your life. You try to imagine a world in which your family protected you, in which they didn’t look down on you like you were scum.
The picture is blank and fuzzy.
You can’t imagine such a world.
But amidst the mess of self-pity and poorly disguised hatred in your mind, you remember small glimpses of happiness in your life with them. It rarely happened, but since you’d been taken by the League, it was as if the floodgates had opened. Memories you’d long since repressed came back in bits and pieces, and surprisingly, they weren’t all bad.
When you were seven years old, your father had hit you. It wasn’t out of the ordinary - in fact, you’d come to expect it.
But it hurt nonetheless. It bruised both your face and your feelings, so you’d escaped to the greenhouse in the garden for a reprieve - somewhere you rarely went.
It had been your mother’s sanctuary, but she’d long since been hospitalised, so you had no fear of seeing her through the thicket. You spent far longer there than you’d thought, and eventually the setting sun illuminated the room, filtering through the glass roof and overhanging foliage. It looked as if the room was on fire, bathed in the warm orange afternoon glow.
That’s where Natsuo found you, huddled up under a counter with your knees to your chest, careful not to jostle your bruised cheek.
He didn’t say anything, or try to coax you out of your shelter. Instead, he sat down next to you with a huff, slightly hunched over beneath the table. He, despite being only ten years old at the time, was already a lot taller than you, and most other children his age. The two of you sat in silence for a long while, not acknowledging one another as you sat side by side. 
The memory replayed itself in your mind, almost as clearly as the day it happened.
Some time passes before he speaks.
“When I’m older, I’ll protect you. Like Touya did.”
The words give you pause, and you don't look at him. Thinking back now, you wish you had. 
Would his expression have told you what he was thinking?
You’d never know.
“I’m not strong enough right now, but one day, I will be. And then he’ll never hurt you or Sho again. We’ll leave - us and Fuyumi.”
He pauses, bumping his shoulder against yours. You glance up at him and see his mouth pulled tight, his throat bobbing as he swallows.
“...I’m sorry for being a bad brother. I… I know I don’t act like it often, but I do love you. I worry about you too.”
You swallow around the lump in your throat, averting your gaze. The words, however true they may or may not be, make you feel… wanted. As if he actually sees you as a member of the family, a little sister, and not some pesky waste of space or a punching bag.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Of course.”
The conversation lulls into silence after that. He sits beside you in silence, staring blankly at the wall of ivy opposite the two of you, and you sit there, still curled up tightly, fighting back tears.
He glances at you for a moment, reaching out to rest his hand on your shoulder. The gesture feels comforting, in a way. As comforting as it can be, coming from him - someone who’s a strange combination of both your older brother, and a complete stranger to you.
The sigh he lets out is heavy, weighed down by an emotion you can’t quite put your finger on, and his thumb gently strokes your swollen cheek. He pulls back as you wince, recoiling as if you’d struck him.
“Come on. Let’s get you some ice for that bruise.”
It felt both strange and pathetic - the fact that that was your fondest memory with Natsuo, at least from what you could remember. 
But it felt soothing, in a way, to know that he didn’t completely hate you. Not as much as you’d thought.
It almost gave you hope that your family actually cared. Maybe they were looking for you. Maybe they were worried about you. 
And maybe, they even felt remorseful for how they’d treated you.
Or maybe not.
“There’s been a… development.”
Endeavour tenses, the vein in his jaw ticking as he eyes Hawks.
“What do you mean?”
Hawks takes a deep breath, his brows scrunching into a faux sombre expression. The hand he lays on Endeavour’s shoulder is meant to be reassuring, but it feels like a death knell, settling heavily on his mind.
“I looked into it, and… she isn’t with the League. I don’t know if she ever was.”
“So… What? She just disappeared? People don’t just vanish off the face of the earth Hawks!”
His temper is boiling over now, despite his attempt to keep it under control. Hawks takes a step back, cautious as he shows his palms in a placating gesture, attempting in vain to calm the quickly growing fury of the man before him.
“I don’t know. I haven’t found a single trace of her. Maybe…”
Hawks schools his features, taking another step back, preparing for the inevitable backlash he’s about to receive.
“Maybe you should let it go. She’s gone, and she’s clearly not coming back.”
The large mahogany desk, once anchored to the floor, flies across the room, slamming against the wall of shelves with a resounding boom, its contents scattered across the office.
Endeavour is the picture of barely restrained rage, shoulders heaving with each panting breath, posture hunched and shuddering, his face red and twisted beyond recognition. Even his voice is barely recognisable.
“How dare you? How dare you suggest I give up? She is my daughter! She might be dead or worse, and you think I should just give up?!”
The air sizzles with each wave radiating off of the flame hero, and the plastic office chair behind him melts like butter, dripping to the floor in a sticky puddle, marring the once perfectly polished tiles.
Hawks quickly backtracks, eyebrows raising at the display of unbridled fury.
“Woah woah, no! I’m not suggesting that at all! I mean… maybe I was, but I can see now how upset that makes you so– Let’s just take a break, okay? Just take some time to… rethink things.”
His eyes flicker to Endeavour’s face, searching for something for a moment.
“Maybe consider allowing your kids to help?”
He shows his palms again before Endeavour can interject.
“I know, I know! It’s just a suggestion. Many hands, and all that. Just… give it some thought, okay? I’ll keep looking and let you know if I find anything.”
He leaves without waiting for a response, a small smirk playing on his lips.
With Endeavour lost in his own self hatred and personal musings, and the League preoccupied with their plans and separate search for you, no one would be looking his way.
Keigo was surprisingly wealthy. 
Not that you’d expected him to be living in squalor - he was a Pro Hero, after all. A good one too, if his position as number two was anything to go by.
But the blatant decadence of his apartment shocked you.
He’d landed on the balcony smoothly, after a long forty minute flight, gently setting you down and leading you inside.
While he may have been accustomed to flying, you weren’t so lucky, and you felt as though you’d left your stomach back at the League’s base. Or maybe you’d lost it mid flight.
He seemed to pick up on your disorientation, guiding you to the plush couch with an unexpected tenderness. He’d allowed you to gather your bearings, bringing you a fuzzy blanket to stave off the odd chill in his apartment, and a tall glass of water, the condensation beading down the sides.
You’d been thirstier than you’d expected, chugging down the contents in mere moments, gulped down in six seconds flat.
Evidently, you’d been more exhausted than you thought too, dozing off less than fifteen minutes later. You felt Keigo there, his gentle hands helping you lay down and covering you with the blanket.
Now, when you wake up hours later, dazed and drooling, in a bed far too large for one person, Keigo’s gone, and the only indicator of his presence were the few scarlet feathers strewn across the fluffy duvet.
You spend a while combing the apartment for him, tentatively calling out his name as you wander the wide halls, but he’s nowhere to be found. Likewise, you note, at the back of your mind, the distinct lack of a front door.
There’s an off-kilter niggling at the back of your mind, but you brush it off, shifting your search to the kitchen after yet another unsuccessful ten minutes of searching. Evidently, exploring after hours of surprisingly deep sleep made you thirsty. You stand there, leaning against the marble countertop, chugging a tall glass of water, then another, and a third, until you feel bloated and almost sick. Only then do you set your glass down in the sink and move on from the kitchen.
His apartment is large, far too extravagant, but you suppose that must’ve been his taste.
You wander around the space aimlessly for a while, longer than you expected. 
Why did he need this much space? Did he live with someone else?
The three tall glasses of water you’d chugged catch up to you far too quickly, and you shuffle to the first bathroom you find, paying no mind to your surroundings.
After taking care of your business and washing your hands, you exit the bathroom and stop short when you spot Keigo standing in the doorway of the bedroom, his face blank. Neither of you move for a long while, but eventually he blinks, eyes clearing as he assesses you.
“You feeling better?”
His tone is light and airy, the same Keigo you’ve grown accustomed to. It sets you at ease, the tension you hadn’t noticed in your shoulders melting away, trailing down your spine like a trickle of water.
“...yeah. Much.”
There’s a long pause, neither of you moving or saying anything. You clear your throat.
“Um, I never thanked you. For helping me, I mean. So… thank you.”
You incline your head slightly, straightening up. He stares at you for a long moment, sighing as he shifts to the side, a clear indication for you to leave the room. You do, shuffling past him awkwardly and making your way back to the living room.
The ceilings are tall, nearly over twelve feet, making the room seem larger and more exposed than it truly is. You sit back down on the couch, shifting about for a moment, settling down as Keigo seats himself down near you.
After a while, when it becomes apparent that he has no plan of breaking the simmering silence, you decide to take it upon yourself.
“I– Can I go home now?”
You didn’t know what that was. Not anymore. 
It wasn’t with your father, on his sprawling estate. It wasn’t your four walled prison cell with the League. It certainly wasn’t with Touya.
The realisation that you had nowhere to go, no one to care for you… It was startling, and left a bitter taste on your tongue.
Keigo stares at you, head dipped forward so it appears almost as if he’s leering at you through his lashes. His golden eyes are alight with a strange intensity, and he takes a deep breath, seemingly thinking over his words.
“About that. See… I think it’s better if you stay with me for a bit. Just to… acclimate. You understand, right?”
His tone leaves little room for argument, but you try nonetheless.
“What? But wouldn’t– I don’t want to impose. I should really get back to my… family.”
The words die out on your tongue. 
Now, out in the open, free from both the League and your family, you’re not so sure you want to return to the Todoroki home. You’d never had a choice before. It felt freeing, in a way, finally having the power to decide what you wanted without someone else breathing down your neck, trying to influence your decision.
Keigo raises a brow, the look that he gives you filled with a mix of pity, and something far more calculated and knowing.
“Do you? Do you want to go back to them? To him? The media may not be privy to what happens behind closed doors, but I’ve worked around Endeavour long enough to recognise the fact that he has a bit of a hot temper. Are you really willing to leave one prison cell for another?”
His words are like a stone dropped in your stomach, settling heavily in your already uneasy gut.
It sparks something inside you, a deep seated realisation. Keigo was offering you a way out. Freedom. True freedom. Or, at least, as close as you could get to it. You wouldn’t have to be subjected to the whims of others, of what they wanted for you. 
Keigo was offering you a choice.
Maybe not in so many words, but the offer was there. You’d be a fool not to take him up on it. 
Your throat bobs as you swallow, fists clenched tightly in your lap as you meet his gaze.
“I’ll stay.”
He smiles, eyes filled with light, seemingly glowing in the early morning rays that filter through the tall windows, gaze intense and trained solely on you. You shiver, wrapping your arms around your midsection as goosebumps dance over your skin.
It’s so cold in here.
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darlingsfandom · 2 months
Like John's scenario to keep the peace between the lees and Shelbys . Wonder if the same happened with the changreta's with Luca's sister y/n married off to Tommy and they are alike coming from different backgrounds . At first they dislike eachother while fucking hard
We do enjoy a good hate fuck over here !
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TW: cream pie, breeding kink, slapping, spanking, swearing, face fucking, p in v(unprotected)
“let me get this right…” Tommy lit up his cigarette, “you want me to marry her just to keep it peaceful between our families ?”
“Well yes that’s exactly what I said.” Lucia rubbed his brow in frustration before looking at you. You stood there with a displeased look, arms over your chest rolling your eyes at your older brother. Ever since your father died of actual natural causes, he’s been even more of a pain in the ass. He’s always tried to protect you from the world like a good big brother but now he had to give you to the world’s most dangerous animal… man! More specially Thomas Shelby! Who you hated with a passion or so everyone thought .
“Don’t I get a say in this?” You peeped up . Both of them looked at you before bursting into laughter.
“She’s funny.” Tommy pointed his cigarette at you before sitting down in his chair and smoothing his hand over his chin.
“And she listens for the most part, I mean I got her in this meeting.” Lucia repeated the same movement Tommy did. You stood there chewing your cheek in anger while tapping your foot.
“Tell ya what, let her stay here for a week, if she’s good enough to be my wife I’ll take you up on your deal.” Tommy stuck out his hand. Lucia quickly gripped it and shook on the agreement .
“I’m still here ! I should have a say!” You blurted out before your brother stood up, placed his hands on your shoulders and looked into your eyes .
“I just want to keep you safe, this is the best way to do so! Just trust me, you’ve made it this far in life with my help.” He smoothed your hair before standing up and wished Mr. Shelby a pleasant evening. You stood there in disbelief before grabbing the bottom of your dress and ran after your brother .
“Lucia, please!” You chased him as fast as you could but he ignored you. He put his hand up to stop you and you did. He looked back over his shoulder at you while you stood there with tears in your eyes. He got in the carriage and drove off leaving you in the dust.
A soft sigh left your lips as you hung your head low . You turned around to see other members of the Shelby family staring at you. You kept your head low until you were back inside. Thomas stood at the bottom of the stairs with a stern face awaiting you.
“Very well done darling…” he clapped his hands slowly before coming up to you and placed his hands on your love handles.
“You think Lucia bought it?” You asked running your hands over his chest. Tommy chuckled deeply before grabbing your hand and took you back into his office.
“Can’t believe you ‘ate me that much you’d cry…was a nice touch.” Thomas acted offended while you rolled your eyes.
“Of course I hate you, just not as much…”
“Ya don’t ’ate me that much when you’re riding my cock…” Thomas smirked at you when your jaw dropped. He sat in chair while signaling for you to come closer. Tommy sat you on the edge of his desk, his hand ran from your ankle up to your thigh. “You can deny that all you want …” Tommys fingers ran across your clothes cunt making you squeeze your thighs around his hand. “But this little cunt of yers… will always tell the truth!” He pulled his hand away before striking it hard making a moan slip out from your lips.
“Such an easy little toy.” Tommy gave you another spanking on your pussy.
“You’re such an asshole Thomas.” You gripped his wrist.
“Oh fuck you!” He rolled his eyes.
“Fuck me yourself you coward!” Before you could even smirk, Thomas had you turned around, bent over his desk and dress flipped upwards to expose your ass cheeks. His hand took no mercy in spanking you hard! The stinging was more than normal. You might have actually pushed a button with him which made you tingle in a different way. Thomas left your ass glowing red. His fingers hooked into your panties and ripped them apart.
“Who’s a coward now huh?” He grunted into your ear while giving you another hard slap that made you jolt forward. Tears leaked from the corner of your eyes from the pleasurable pain. The cool air soothed your stinging ass cheeks for a minute only for Tommy to grip the back of your head and pull you backwards onto your knees. “Suck my cock! Now!” He had his cock out already from how eager he was to fuck your face. Your eyes flickered up to his to see how dark they’ve turned.
“I said NOW!” His hand gripped your hair and pulled it forward. Your mouth opened quickly so he could shove his cock down your throat. The tip of his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag slightly. “Look at that, for someone who ‘ates me so much… ya look real pretty sucking my cock.” He stroked your hair slowly while thrusting his cock down your throat.
Water built up in your eyes the more he fucked your face. Drool dripped from the corners of your mouth down his cock. Tommy never took mercy on you when he fucked you. He enjoyed how much you’d say you’d hate him or his cock because both of you knew better. Tommy reached down and smirked as he pinched your nose closed making it hard for you to breathe. Your eyes went wide ! You clawed at his thighs as he thrusted his cock faster making the sloppy sounds echo off his office walls. Tommy finally let go so you could breathe and you let out the loudest gasp he’s ever heard.
“And yet you still let me fuck your throat instead of wanting to breathe.” He pulled you up by the arm. Your face was covered in tears, skin flushed, lips slightly swollen and drool hanging off your chin… a beautiful sight for him. He pressed your back against the desk before getting you laid upon the wood. Tommy waisted no time in spreading your legs up and wide . He shoved the fabric up , gripped the head of his cock and tapped it against your folds.
You laid there panting. Tommy pushed the head of his cock into you in one swift motion.
“Fuck!” You held onto your ankles tightly as Tommy pushed all the way in. He loved how you sucked him in , always so warm and soft! If Tommy loved anything about you, it was your pussy. “Just fuck me already!”
“Aww what’s the matter you little whore? Can’t wait a second ? Need my fat cock that bad?” Thomas placed his hands on your hips and slammed you forward and down on it.
“Anyone can fuck me Thomas! Do better!”
“That’s because you’re just a fucking whore! Takes cock all day … if only your precious little family knew the real you! This version of you! Getting fucked raw by the most dangerous man in Birmingham ! They’d kill over!” His words shouldn’t have made you more aroused but they did. He knew it. You moved one hand away to reach up and hit him the best that you could.
“What a stupid girl you are!” He smacked the side of your face with the back of his hand as his cock slid in and out of you at a bruising pace. Thomas gripped your hips tighter as he bent forward until his hot breath was fanning your face. You tried to look away but he cupped your face and made you look at him. “Don’t look away from me!”
“I’ve seen better men in my head!” You grinned before he smacked you again all while slamming his cock deep inside of you making your toes curl!
“Yet all you do is scream MY name!” He was a cocky bastard that everyone thought you hated including yourself but you knew you loved him. He knew it too.
“Then make me scream it! Show me how a real man pleasures a woman!”
Tommy took the challenge. He lifted your hips up off the desk to go in deeper at a different angle. His cock was hitting that spot that not even your fingers could reach. He was panting hard as his own orgasm was on the edge just like yours was. The fire in your tummy was about to combust as Tommy reached down to rub your clit feverishly. Your breath hitched in your throat as you scraped your nails into the desk.
“TOMMY!” You cried out while tossing your head back. He had a grin on his face that quickly turned into an O when his own orgasm busted inside of you, filling you up the brim with his hot sticky cum. The feeling of your juices mixing with his cum made you smile weakly before he slowly fucked the mixture into you.
Both of you stayed still for a minute taking in the moment. Tommy slowly pulled out of you making sure to not let the mixture leek out of you. He helped you onto your wobbly legs and fixed you up.
“I still hate you…” You smiled softly at him.
“If you hate me now imagine how much you’ll hate me when I put my baby inside of you sweetheart.” He gave you a wink followed by a small smile. The reality of the situation hit you as his hand ran over your face, Tommy was the man you loved to hate and if you’re not careful he’d be the father of your kids.
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Pairing : idol!Kim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : pregnancy ; unmentioned pregnancy complications ; Seungmin is a jerk ; Changbin is a really good friend ; general angst ; Word Count : 2.9k Request : AHHH THANK YOU!! im happy that you like my request🥺🥺🥺🤍 hm bang chan would be good! he’s my bias after all HAHHAH buttt honestly speaking, i’d more than love to read about seungmin’s, minho’s or felix’s too <3 take your time!!! A/N : Finally making Seungmins in the angsty skz dad series!! (If you all want to read for anymore of the members, let me know!!)
There was a distance growing between you and Seungmin, one that you attributed to his busy schedule and his lack of adequate sleep, the constant practice and promotions, it had taken a toll on him and it looked as though it were slowly starting to take a toll on the relationship as well. 
That’s why the little stick that you held in your hand felt more like a saving grace, it was something that would save your relationship, it would bring Seungmin closer to you. The both of you had talked occasionally about starting a family together in the future, and while it wasn’t that far off in the future, you felt like things would be okay. You loved each other, that’s what mattered. You hoped that maybe he’d get a couple days off to spend with you while you both processed the news together and started to plan things out, you were really hoping for that. 
He walked through the front door and before you could even open your mouth to say hi, he was walking to the bedroom. “Min!” You called out to him, and you heard the heavy sigh escape him before he turned around to face you, leaning against the wall and staring at you with no expression at all. “Aren’t you hungry? Have you eaten yet?” It wasn’t what was originally supposed to be said, but the way he was looking at you had you backing down almost instantly. 
“I ate with Hyunjin and Chan before I came home. I’m fine.” He grumbled, turning back around to go into the room, but you called for him again, desperate to hold his attention just a little longer, at least long enough to get out what you needed to say. “What? I’m really tired, Y/N, just say it.” 
He was so short fused nowadays, you weren’t sure what happened today that had him so annoyed, but you were hoping that the announcement would have him softening up. “I’m pregnant, Min…” You whispered, and even under his cold gaze, you couldn’t ward off the smile that crept to your lips and tugged at the corners. 
“Congratulations.” He mumbled, and your smile slowly dropped as you took a step closer to him, his lack of emotion was absolutely terrifying right now to you. “Did you tell Changbin already?” The question had you pausing, your head tilting to the side, wondering why he was brought up right now. “I’ll congratulate him tomorrow too.” 
“Wh-What are you talking about?” You quizzed, grabbing onto his shirt to keep him from walking away. “Seungmin stop!” You pleaded when he tried to pull away, your eyes already welling with tears as you tugged against his shirt once more. “What are you talking about… seriously…” You tried not to whine, but you couldn’t help it. This was supposed to be a special moment, but it was all spiraling down and you didn’t even understand why. 
“Stop fucking pretending just once!” He said sternly, grabbing your hand, and although his anger was palpable, his touch was still gentle as he moved your hand off of him. “I know what’s going on, and I thought that maybe, just maybe you’d finally be honest. I guess not.” He huffed, running his hand through his hair as he back stepped away from you. “I see the way you are together… I’m not stupid… I didn’t say anything… Because he’s my hyung and I tried to ignore it but…” His teeth gritted together as his eyes squeezed shut, his cheeks and his nose turning red as he tried to hold back his tears. “But I can’t ignore this… I fucking can’t.” 
You weren’t even given a chance to deny it as he brushed past you, heading right back out the door he had just come through. How could he think… How could he assume such a thing? You were devastated, you were furious, and now you were alone… Left on your own to raise a baby that you thought would put all the pieces back together. You just didn’t know how scattered those pieces were. 
Work was beyond awkward and the tension was excruciating for all the other members who had not a single idea about what was going on. The only person who thought he knew what was going on was Seungmin, but his frame of thought couldn’t be further from the truth. It didn’t help though that after he had walked out, you had called none other than Changbin to come over and talk to you. 
Bin was one of your best friends, and apparently that meant that the two of you were together, even though most of your conversations with him before all of this happened had been about Seungmin. Hell, even now your conversations were about Seungmin because you couldn’t stop thinking about him, especially now that his child was growing inside of you. 
Changbin knew what was really going on, and he was absolutely livid. He wanted to talk to Seungmin, but you were adamant that he didn’t. Seungmin would either figure shit out on his own and come around, or he just wouldn’t, and you knew that Changbin coming to him would only make things worse. 
“Did you eat today?” Changbin called as he walked through the front door, carrying a bag of take out in one arm as he pushed the door shut with his other. “I hope you didn’t because I got a bunch of your favorites and we’re gonna chow down!” He cheered, kicking off his shoes and running over to the couch where you were sitting. 
“Did you bring that one drink from the office? You know the one you had yesterday that you told me not to drink but I took a little sip and it was really good so I finished it and then told you that it spilled because you were wondering where it was?” You rambled on, taking a deep breath once you had finished the question, your smile so sweet as your hands clasped in front of you, but Changbins eyes went wide as he stared at you. 
“You drank it?” He squeaked, his bottom lip jutting out as he playfully pouted. You quickly apologized and his pout quickly faded, turning into a bright smile, pulling you into a hug. “It’s alright shmooks, big boy is just like his dad and can’t go without his americano.” 
At the mention of your son's father your shoulders slumped, your throat tightening. Any mention of Seungmin had you on the verge of tears, and Changbin quickly shook his head, running his hands up and down your arms to try to calm you. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have brought him up…” He quickly stated, his face getting closer to yours to make sure that no tears had formed yet. “I’ll bring you home one of the drinks tomorrow… Let’s just forget all about this, eat all of this very yummy and very expensive food, and we can rewatch your favorite movie for the fifth time in a row this week.” 
You snorted softly, rolling your eyes at the number he had given as you lightly pushed against him. “It hasn’t been five times… It’s like… Seven. And I’m going for eight, so pass me the remote and I’ll get it started up. Remember, take your bathroom break now because I hate pausing it.” 
“Pfft!” Changbin sounded, grabbing the bags of take out off the coffee table and placing them on the couch between the both of your legs. “Says the one who has to pause the movie every fifteen minutes to run to the bathroom.” He teased, and you quickly forgot about the Seungmin comment, mainly because you had to keep swatting Changbins hand out of your bag to stop him from stealing your fries. Having Changbin around was a nice way to forget about what a mess your life was right now. He was the greatest friend, he was like a brother to you, and you were thankful that even though you and Seungmin were on the outs, Changbin had decided to stay in your corner, to help you get through this time. 
“You never talk about Y/N…” Hyunjin said, the comment coming from seemingly nowhere, he himself came from out of nowhere as Seungmin made his way to the small cafe in the office, trying his best to avoid Hyunjins prying comments. “I haven’t heard you even mention her the past six months… That’s crazy… I haven’t seen her at the dorms either.” Hyunjin paused for a moment, and Seungmin quickly picked up his speed, hoping that he’d get away from his hyung before any more questions were asked, but Hyunjin started sprinting to catch up. “Don’t tell me you guys broke up… You two were the cutest! Oh man… No wonder you haven’t been smiling as much… Dammit. What happened?” 
“Oh my god!” Seungmin groaned loudly, coming to a sudden halt to whip around and face Hyunjin. “We broke up! Yes! I’m sure it was a mutual agreement considering she’s pregnant… And the kid isn’t mine… It’s Changbins and I wasn’t going to keep pretending that everything was okay and be a father to a kid that isn’t mine. Okay?! Does that answer all of your questions?!” He took a deep breath, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants as he started walking again, feeling Hyunjins presence right behind him, clearly following him still. “Look, I don’t care if you follow me… Just… Don’t bring her up. It still hurts to talk about her.” 
Hyunjin nodded slowly, but he was quiet, too quiet, and Seungmin knew that the silence meant that he was thinking, and he seemed like he was thinking a little bit too hard. His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth as he shook his head. “It just doesn’t make any sense… I know you don’t want to talk about her but… She just doesn’t seem like she’d do something like that to you, and I know Changbin wouldn’t do that.” The last thing Seungmin wanted to hear were excuses made to make you and Changbin seem innocent, especially from someone who didn’t even know the full story. “Seriously! Seungmin, listen!” 
“No, I don’t think I want to.” Seungmin muttered, walking as fast as he could down the hall, but Hyunjin wasn’t the best at taking hints, especially when he felt like he had something to say. “For the love of god, will you stop! You of all people would know considering you live in the same dorm as him. She was always over there! Stop trying to protect them!” 
“You’re right! I do know, because I do live in the same dorm!” Hyunjin retorted, keeping up the same pace as Seungmin, completely passing by the cafe, now wandering aimlessly through the halls as they argued. “She came over all the time to talk to him about you! The last couple times she sounded upset… Saying that it seemed like you were pulling away and she didn’t know why… And Changbin told her that it was probably just the stress from getting ready for the comeback. They were like siblings, we couldn’t get them to shut up… And the very last time… Oh my god, it’s all adding up now!” Hyunjins eyes went wide and his mouth fell open, his hands gripping onto Seungmins shoulders. “The last time she came over, she was asking Changbin about how he thought you’d react if she told you she was pregnant. She said she wasn’t sure yet if she was… But Changbin said that you’d be excited… And she said… She said she’d take a test the next morning… And I haven’t… Seen her since… Oh… My… GOD! You idiot!” 
Why would Hyunjin lie? He had no reason to… He would gain absolutely nothing if he helped fix the relationship… That’s how Seungmin knew he was being honest. “Oh… Shit, what do I do? You’re a romantic guy, come on, help me out!” Now he was panicking. He didn’t know the first thing to do, especially considering he had been actively ignoring you for six excruciatingly long months. 
“Dude… This is way different than forgetting a birthday or an anniversary… You denied your child and then, on top of that, accused her of cheating and claimed the baby was someone else’s, and not just any someone… But one of the other guys! You can’t just buy her roses and be like sorry! This requires communication.” Hyunjin patted Seungmins shoulder with gritted teeth, wincing ever so slightly. “Good luck.” 
Changbin stood in your kitchen, your apron wrapped around his waist as he worked on making lunch for you. Neither he, nor you, were expecting any guests, which is why he was so confused when he heard the rapid knock at the door. It was probably another package, you did enjoy doing online shopping for the baby when you couldn’t sleep at night, and the delivery man probably knocked so hard to get someone’s attention. It was about to rain, and a soaking package was the absolute worst. 
He didn’t bother to take off the apron as he rushed to the door and threw it open, his hands already outstretched to receive the package, but all he got was the view of a very nervous Seungmin. “So… This is… Where you’ve been all week…?” Seungmin questioned as he looked Changbin over, eyeing the pink ruffled apron before moving his eyes back up to meet his hyungs. 
“Yes. I’ve been helping her, and I know what you’ve been thinking this entire time, and I just want you to know that you’re wrong. I might be able to be cordial with you while we’re working… But I’m pissed…” Changbin said, flexing his muscles in the doorway as if to block Seungmin from getting inside. “You need to go now, she doesn’t need this kind of stress.” 
Seungmin refused to move though, he refused to leave, standing like a statue on the front porch as he glared at his hyung. “What are you? Her dad? Just move, she’s carrying my kid, I have the right to see her.” He tried to push past Changbin, but it proved pointless against the much stronger man who simply pushed him back with a sarcastic chuckle. 
“Oh, so now you accept the fact that it’s your kid.” Changbin snarkily retorted, closing the front door as softly as he could behind him before leading Seungmin off the porch to stand in the middle of the yard. “You don’t even know what she’s having. You don’t know what her number one craving was during the entire pregnancy. You don’t know how much she cried… How much she still cries over you… You don’t know anything and now you just decide to come back six months later? You’re a little too late, Seungmin.” 
“Why…? Why am I late?” It was a question that Changbin hadn’t been expecting, but Seungmin needed answers, he needed any and every answer he could get right now. “Are you two… Together? Is that what happened? Is that what this is? Huh?!” His voice was gradually growing louder, and Changbins hand shot out to cover Seungmins mouth, much to the younger man's surprise. 
“See, that’s your problem. Even now, you just can’t let it go.” Even though his voice sounded calm, his physical demeanor showed just how stressed, just how angry he was. “You’re like my brother, I’d never do something like that to you… And she’s literally like my sister… I love her and I care about her… And I care about the baby… Which is why I can’t let you in right now. She’s not doing well, and she can’t handle the stress.” 
As if on queue, dark clouds rolled in across the sky, completely blocking the sun as the rain started to come down. It didn’t even start as a drizzle, it went from clear skies to a complete downpour in an instant. “What do you mean she’s not doing well? Just… tell me that much… Please… Is she going to be okay? Will the baby be okay?” 
“I wish you cared this much six months ago…” Changbin muttered, running his hand through his rain soaked hair as he sighed heavily. “I have to make her lunch… I’ll tell you about it later, I’ll call you.” And it wasn’t like he was being given any other options, his only choice was to go back home and wait for Changbins call. He just had one more question. 
“Hyung…” Seungmin called out as Changbin walked up the stairs, causing him to stop at the center of the porch, not even turning around. “Is it a girl or a boy…?” 
“It’s a boy…” Changbin answered softly, the answer being carried to Seungmin through the wind that whipped around him from the storm. He said nothing else as he went back inside, leaving Seungmin to stand alone in the center of the yard. 
A son. He had always wanted a boy, he had talked about it with you before during one of your late night conversations when the two of you were barely even conscious, but his mind had run wild with dreams of the future, of holding his son for the first time, teaching his boy to play baseball in the park and taking him to baseball games to cheer for his favorite team. Now those dreams were as dark and hazy as the clouds that hung above him. All he could do now was wait, wait for a call, wait for an answer… Wait for you just as you had been waiting for him. 
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bountydroid · 4 months
Darlin' pt 9
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / pt 6 / pt 7(SMUT) / pt 8 / pt 10 (SMUT)
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader
Description: Cooper gets vulnerable as they head to Moldaver.
TW: Angsty
Notes: Sorry this is a little shorter, I wanted to get something out for you guys since it has been so long. I appreciate your patience. Darlin' will end at the end of the TV series. So probably 1-3 more parts I haven't decided yet.
Sweat dripped down my face as my brows creased together. The very limited charm of the Wastelands has completely left, leaving me sweaty, angry, and very very tired. Cooper and I haven't said a word to each other since we left Sorrel behind. I know that he knows that I want answers, that I am upset, that I am scared. Instead of explaining himself, however, he stayed silent. This only increased my worries. My thoughts and fears ran rampant in my brain as I thought of every possibility. This woman, she meant something to him. I hoped that she was maybe a family member or a close friend. I knew it was likely false hope, but the thought of everything between me and Cooper was a lie? That he was leading me to a lover? I couldn't handle that thought, it was eating me alive. 
"Should be a couple o' days more walkin' darlin'. You think your little legs can handle that?" He jested, trying to improve the gloomy mood that hung over us. 
"Okay," I whispered back, I didn't know if he even heard me as I kept my eyes trained on my feet. I watched the sand move around my shoes like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Anything to keep my mind off of her. I could feel his eyes on me as he looked behind him, taking in my defeated form.
"It ain't what ya think." He says as he stops walking, finally addressing the issue. "It ain't like that."
"Whatever you say," I mumbled again as I brushed past him. I could feel his hand wrap around my wrist as he tugged me backward against his chest. 
"Listen to me damn it." He said angrily as he held me tight against him. I could feel myself starting to shake. I've been fighting the tears this whole time, but his raised voice finally broke the dam causing a broken sob to leave my mouth. 
"Don't yell at me." I cried out, frustrated at his reaction. I wanted him to kiss me, to coo at me, to hold me tight, but that wasn't the kind of man he was. He was just as broken as I was, and the years of wandering the Wastelands on his own left him an angry old man. 
"There ain't nothing worth cryin' about." He said as he spun me around to face him, "So stop it. Now." 
"Oh, am I inconveniencin’ you?" Venom slipped out of my mouth as I finally met his eyes, "Better leave me here then and just go after her."
He sighed, clearly annoyed as he pinched the leathery skin between his eyes. "You can be so damn stubborn." He mumbled. After he said that I let out an annoyed huff before turning back around with every intention of storming off, but before I could, he grabbed my arm again. "Stop it."
"Who is she then? When did our little adventure go from hunting bounties to hunting her?" I rambled angrily, not being able to keep the questions in any longer. "And when were you gonna tell me you are 200 years old? When did you meet her? You've been in the ground a long time, is she 200 years old? Is she your wife-"
"She's not my wife." He interrupted as he pinched my lips together to silence me. There was a moment of silence before he let my face go. Instead of continuing to berate him, I opted to stay quiet and rub my sore lips. "I ain't used to having someone I gotta explain myself to." He continued.
"You make it sound like such a chore." I scoffed out.
"Just listen to me, damn it. She's not my wife. She's not a lover. So, settle down." He huffed angrily. 
I silently stared up at him waiting for him to continue, to explain the pieces I was missing, however as time went on it became clear he wasn’t going to say anything else. My face changed from anger to disbelief as he stared down at me with his signature stony expression. I wanted to scream at him. To yell in his face. To berate him for keeping me in the dark. Instead, I just turned around quietly and started walking in the direction we were going earlier before shooting back at him with an aloof tone. “Whatever you say.”
I heard him scoff behind me, but this time he didn’t stop me from walking away. Instead, he chose to yell after me. “Does my age bother you? Me bein’ a ghoul is fine but an old ghoul? That's too gross for you?”
I stopped dead in my tracks before I whipped around to face him again. The look of disbelief still graced my face. “Of course that doesn’t bother me, Cooper. I can’t believe you would think that.” I could feel the tears returning to my eyes as we stood there staring at each other. “It’s the secrets that bother me. I told you everything about myself, but all you’ve told me is you had a wife and a daughter at some point. I’ve given you everything-“
“I know. I know darlin’.” He interrupted me as he walked up towards me. His scarred hands quickly found my cheeks as he cupped my face gently. The annoyed look he’d worn on his face this entire argument was gone, instead replaced with a look of sadness. “You deserve better than me.”
“Don’t.” I responded quickly, “Don’t do that. I am not gonna let you push me away Coop.” 
He gave me a sad smile before dropping his hands from my face, “Guess I am stuck with you then?”
I let out a surprised laugh as I grabbed ahold of his hands. “Yea. So you better start treatin’ me right.” I teased. 
His sad smile was exchanged for a happier one as he looked down at our joined hands. “How about we keep goin’ and find a place to stay for the night?”
I nodded my head quietly as I gave him a small peck on the lips before turning around, and dragging him close behind me. He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief, he had no idea what he had done to deserve love. He was a cold, hard man who thought he'd live the rest of his life alone and he had been fine with that. 
My mouth hung open in shock as we sat around the fire. Cooper explained everything, the vaults, the experiments, and his wife's role in everything. We took little breaks here and there, as it was clear this was hard on Coop. He hadn't told anyone about these things even before the bombs dropped. If he was a softer man, he would've cried. I sat still and listened carefully while casually rubbing his back with reassurance. I was happy that he felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with me.
"And Moldaver, well she was the woman who helped me realize the truth about my wife. Now that I know she is alive, I am hopin' she knows where my daughter is." He explained quietly, a look of defeat on his face. 
"Do ya think she's still alive?" I asked tentatively. 
"If Moldaver is, I don't see why not." He responded. 
I nodded my head quietly as I tried my best to take in all of this information. This was beyond me, and we both knew it. 
"Well, I'll help you find her," I said giving him a small smile.
He scoffed as he he frowned. "You don't have to, it'll be dangerous darlin'."
"I know." I said reassuringly, "But we are a team now." I kissed him on the cheek softly, my lips lingering on his face. "You are stuck with my Cooper Howard."
Tag list: @bruhidkjustwannaread @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @whizbang-cap @topiramateagreeable 
@sitkafay @lightan117 @eykismyfav @ajeff855 @madelinealexandra
 @justme12200 @sihlaryn @raviolisenpai @ellabellabunny123 @impossessedbyjeongyeon
@leviathanleva @v3lv3tf0x @fallout-girl219 @savanahc @booksbabes
@gauky76 @green--beanie @fanfictiongirly23 @gobbodoggo @erissco
@hellveticabold @katgirl05 @tfamidoingwithmylife @miketastic25 @alex-does-art-things 
@harmfulb1tch @midwesternwitchery @dep-to-seed @danveration @chmerkovskiy-chmerkovskiy 
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Can i request headcanons for feitan, madara, Indra, jojo( Joseph and caesar) for fem reader being a time and world traveler? Like she can come and go as she pleases or when she gets bored and wants to see something else. She enjoys taking her time and exploring each world she visits
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, paranoia, threats, manipulation, blackmailing, violence, female s/o
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @jamayah @chxxz @leveyani @cynniical @shenryu-sama @simplydlightfuldestiny @flaming-vulpix
S/o is a time and world traveler
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜​There is something different about you. Years of training and honing his abilities to utmost perfection have given Indra a very keen intuition on people's skills through simple observation. Someone as skilled and strong as he is does not have time like his younger brother to waste his time with everyone, instead he is much more selective with his preferences clearly lying in stronger people. That is why he finds himself seeking you out as he as a feeling that you will prove yourself as worthy of his attention and time. His intuition is after all rarely wrong. As you are a traveler who has found her way to their village, Indra instantly takes it upon himself to separate you from people he does not deem to be worth of the attention and time he plans to invest in you. He shall be your guide and adviser during the time you spend in the village. Despite being known for his unforgiving nature and harsh attitude, you find out that he is quite attentive and mellow when he is left alone with you, answering all your questions.
💜​Accompanying you as you get to know the world around you becomes one of his favorite activities as he relishes in the privacy he can have with only you. As seasons come and go, he finds himself growing quite possessive of your time he sees as far too precious to clown around with those he does not see as fitting. You are far too knowledgable and skilled to waste your day with people who will never become strong enough for him to acknowledge. By now he only seems to tolerate his little brother and his father around you as he scares others away from your side. Yet not only does he scare those he deems as weak away, he also insists for you to let him train you as he would hate for you to not grow fully into the potential he knows you possess. He discovers very soon though that he has barely anything to teach you as the opposite would be much truer. As uncomfortable as he feels when figuring out that you seem to be stronger than him, he shows willingness to learn so that he will eventually surpass you in order to hold the illusion of being in control.
💜​It is his father's decision to name Asura as the next successor that ultimately pushes Indra over the edge and it is the defeat he suffers at the hand of the brother he always thought to be weaker that fuels his obsession. Not being the one who is stronger equals now not being in control which is why he grows quite paranoid with you as he knows that he has never bested you in skills. It is his very real threat of abducting you to keep you for himself that finally leads you to reveal the truth to him about the full potential of your powers. Your powers let you be closer to a god than an actual human and this knowledge humbles and humiliates him. A feeling of insignificance threatens to weight him down as he comes to realise that in your eyes he must be something to be forgotten as time passes by. A knot of emotions, unable to be untangled, is born in his heart and makes it hard to navigate. Between the anger, the sorrow and the paranoia there is one thing Indra is certain of though. That he will have you bending down to his will, no matter what.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑​You appear before him in a time of rare desperation as his heart feels heavy as the last member of his family is battling with death after having been mortally wounded by Tobirama Senju during one of their many battles. Everyone from the doctors has proclaimed that there is no saving Izuna yet here you stand, unfaced as you are surrounded by hostile Uchiha warriors and proclaim that you can save his younger brother from the tight grip of death. No one believes you, not even Madara yet you know of his deepest wish to not lose Izuna and ultimately Madara allows you to tend to Izuna. If you cannot fulfill what you have promised, he will see it through to make you regret every single word you have dared to use to lie to his clan. You defy all expectations though as you save his younger brother from unescapable death using a jutsu that no one of the medics in the Uchiha clan have ever seen before. As Izuna is on a safe way of recovery, many beg of you to stay a while longer and to learn the abilities that you possess.
🌑​The Uchiha value power and skill and you possess plenty of it. Madara, quite intrigued by you, only joins the offer of his clan as he asks of you to accept the hospitality of his clan so that he can properly express the gratitude he feels. To the delight of everyone you accept the offer though as you have been planning to settle down for a while to take a break from your travels. As the war continues raging on outside, you are treated kindly within the Uchiha compound as many of the strong clan ask of you to learn from you. You have no interest in the war yet your strength is undeniable as you have taken some offers to spar with some of the warriors out of your personal boredom. Some even suggest to make you an ally to fight against the Senju yet as you voice your clear displeasure against that idea, Madara sees it through to silence all who dare to think like this. It is no secret that he is utterly smitten with you at this point and does whatever he can to ensure that you stay with his clan.
🌑​In his mind he has already named you as the wife he wishes to take as your knowledge, sharpness and skill are most desirable traits. Someone special as you only deserves an equally impressive man. A man like him. Rumors have already spread, the eldest of his clan have already given him their blessing for his decision yet it is then that you decide that it is time to leave. You manage to sneak away from everyone yet he catches you in your attempt. Initially he persuade you to change your mind yet when he realises that you have made up your mind, he switches his plans and instead tries to use force on you. It is that night that he is bested by someone for the first time as not even Hashirama has ever beaten him so effortlessly. He is as impressed as he is humiliated, something he has never felt before. It is only then that you decide to confess to him your true origins and powers. Perhaps for others it would be soothing to know that they lost against someone who transcends through time and even space yet he has never been someone to resign himself to his fate. Red eyes glare at you as you go your separate ways as he swears that he will become even a god to claim you as his.
Feitan Portor
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☠️Commonly it is believed that first impressions matter yet if that were to be true, Feitan couldn't care less. You truly appear in the wrong place at the wrong time as the city you currently reside in becomes an unfortunate victim of a heist of the Phantom Troupe. Completely left in the blind with what is going on, you do what you deem to be the right thing to do as you try to save at least some people which leads you to violently clash with no one else but Feitan himself. Initially your brave facade is scoffed at yet you manage to impress him to the point where he even finds himself enjoying a fight he initially is confidet he will win. You are just strong and stubborn enough for him to enjoy the idea of toying a bit with you and eventually break you. Just as it appears like he has won though, you finally seem to be mad enough to use your true abilities. Feitan doesn't fully understand what happens, only that you easily overpower him and shame him as he realises that you held back the entire time.
☠️​Humiliated and ashamed of his defeat he feels guilty for letting the troupe down by not doing his part yet Chrollo does not think badly of him as he knows of Feitan's skills. Instead it begs the question of what your abilities exactly are for you to defeat Feitan as effortlessly as you did. It would be safe to investigate you and Feitan is quite adamant to participate as he is silently brooding due to the defeat he had to suffer because of you. Very soon he finds himself confronted with the problem that he can't find any data about you as not even Shalnark can dig up information involving you. You may as well be a ghost and all of it only feeds Feitan's growing frustration as he finds himself reduced to the pitiful position of stalking you personally, just itching for a chance to fight with you again and get you back for his shameful loss. What was initially obsession for revenge soon turns into something else though yet when he fully realises the seriousness of it all, it is already too late for him to turn back.
☠️​The amount of time he dedicates to stalk you increases as he starts growing quite impatient and perhaps even a tiny bit desperate. Weeks of stalking yet he knows nothing about you nor about your Nen abilities. Why do you have to make it so difficult for him? When he finds out that you plan to leave the city and continue your journey, he is triggered. You react quite unfazed though even as the sharp tip of his sword is pressed against the back of your neck as his quiet and hoarse voice forbids you to leave this city. He still hasn't gotten his chance to beat you after all. To his dismay you reveal to him that you have known of his stalking the entire time, only adding more insult to his humiliation. You manage to defuse the situation though when you offer him the chance to ask you a few questions which you will answer to the best of your abilities. Whilst at first iffy, he takes that offer and asks you the question that has been bothering him the most. What exactly are your abilities? The answer you give him is too ridiculous to believe yet he senses no lie in your words. He falls silent yet you can see how he is brainstorming for a solution in that moment. He knows that you plan to leave. He can't have you do that.
Joseph Joestar
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🦾​Your cover is instantly blown when you travel to a new world. Joseph, with his stupid luck, just had to see you suddenly appear through the portal you opened what should have been a reclusive area. Instead you meet eye to eye with none other than the young Joseph who is gawking at you with a dumbfounded expression on his face. You can't blame him for that. In the next moment he dramatically points his index finger at you, asking you aghast if you are some sort of witch. You fear for a short moment that you'll have to do something but to your luck the Joestar has no intention of stopping you as he tends to avoid problems normally. Instead you manage to figure things out with him as you have no choice but to confess to him the truth, especially since he seems to be quite witty and sharp, recognising it if you try to lie to him. After he has been convinced that you are merely a tourist from another world and plan to cause no chaos, you two instantly hit off.
🦾​Can you blame him though? It is not everyday that he stumbles upon someone who can travel through time and space. Instead he finds himself enjoying showing you around and being able to boost his own ego by amazing you with the stuff that is ordinary to him but new for you. He can't stop himself from flirting with you, although you find out that he does this quite commonly with the people around him so you learn to brush it off. He does like to remind you that you have the most unique and otherwordly charm of all people though. Quite literally. He enjoys your presence greatly though because you keep up with his antics, even if it has gotten the both of you in troubles quite some time before. It is only natural in hindsight that he caught feelings and whilst he may appear quite silly at times, Joseph is quite clever. Though he does like to think at the beginning that his feelings are nothing serious, he has no way to deny it anymore at a certain point.
🦾​He proceeds to act the same way he has always done to not rouse your suspicion but on the inside he is brainstorming already. He is no fool after all. You have told him yourself that you travel around when you get bored of a world. Very subtly he attempts to pry for more information about how exactly your powers, expressing genuine curiosity as he asks you if you can bring other people along. Honestly, he doesn't mind your abilities that much if it wouldn't be for the very real chance that you will simply never return to him again. If he would just know that you would reciprocate his feelings, he would even be up to tag along and see some new worlds for himself. He doesn't know if you feel the same though and even if he continues to flirt and has gotten as of lately more clingy and even a tad bit more jealous, he hesitates to tell you. He knows after all. He knows that his feelings are rather creepy and unhealthy. Let's just hope that he can delay your leave for as long as possible by keeping you entertained until he has found a solution...
Caesar A. Zeppeli
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🫧​Caesar is no stranger to the concept of courting young ladies and stealing their heart in the process. He seems to be instantly attracted to you when he sees you as you have something special about you that he can't yet put his finger around. Adamant to discover what makes you so special to instantly capture his heart though, he does not shy away from approaching you with a gentlemanly playfulness that has always worked on women before. Whilst you appear to be amused as you can clearly see his intentions, you decide to see how it'll go out of curiosity nevertheless. You can indeed see the appeal in the young and hot-blooded man after a while as he truly doesn't hold back when it comes to his partner. Expensive jewelry and gifts are all given to you, dates in fine restaurants become a daily occurrence and sweet and romantic words that belong in a romance novel are whispered into your ears. Truly, he does not shy away from making a lady feel like the world belongs to her.
🫧​You can enjoy it only because you have heard and seen that he treats all ladies that way which is why you think of this as nothing too serious. That is until you notice the shift in his behavior. His eyes stray less to other ladies and solely focus on you with a warm and adoring glimmer in those green eyes, he invades your physical privacy by always taking an extra step to be closer to you out of growing protectiveness and you have realised his growing disdain as whenever he spots you with another man as he is turning without a doubt more and more possessive of you. You don't intend to have him fall truly in love with you because you know that you would leave him with a broken heart so you try to distance yourself from him in hopes that he will stop. Yet the moment you dare to pull back, his paranoia seems to increase. His mind is racing, wondering what it could be that has caused such a rift between you two and much to your sadness you find him multiple times in front of your door, begging you to tell him what is shackling your heart.
🫧​Caesar is fully aware of his reputation as a womanizer and he truly regrets it now that he has found the one lady he wants to marry and spend his life with. He is far too delusional to fully acknowledge the unfitting desperation he starts to display the further he feels you drifting away from him. As you notice that no rationality will work on him anymore, you decide to leave the city. The world you are in is still big after all and you have much left to discover. Yet you are aware that Caesar has abilities which aren't common for other people of this world to possess so you address an honest letter to him, trusting him enough to keep your secret safe. The heartbreak attacks him like a vicious dog when he breaks into your empty apartment after you did not answer the door and he finds your letter where you explain the situation to him. Still, he refuses to believe your words that deny that you two could never have a future together, something he has already envisioned multiple times. You poor thing must have never felt true love before to think that. As heartbroken as he is, Caesar is just as determined to find you and convince you of his feelings and the dangers that come with traveling all alone.
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swe3tte4rs · 9 months
" An unexpected meeting of a mother and son " - Batmom!Oc and Jason Todd/Red Hood
Summary : Dahlia (Oc) tries to forget about her second little baby and his death after the arrival of her third sweet son. But she didn't know that she would have a very nostalgic visit.
Author note: Hello!! Before you read this and find any spelling mistakes, tell me in a comment 🙏, my main language is not English 😓. Also, this is my first "Oneshot" (I think it's a Oneshot, but I don't know), so I didn't know whether to put Batmom as Y/N or as some OC, so I decided on the OC 💪. (This Batfamily is a mix of comics, Webtoon, series, movies and headcanons… so… you know, not everything will follow the canon 😇)
TW: angst????
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"Oh... God... my sweet boy... my little angel... Please don't him..." The woman murmured between sobs as she leaned against her husband's strong body.
"I'm sorry, Dahlia..." Bruce apologized in a murmur as he wrapped his arms around his wife. He felt the same as his wife, although much more frustration and disappointment in himself for not being able to arrive in time to save his son.
On the other hand, her eldest son, Dick, also had tears in his eyes and felt desperate because he couldn't do anything to make his mother stop crying. He approached her mother and hugged her. strongly.
Dahlia had just received the devastating news that her sweet second baby had been brutally murdered. She felt a void in her heart, one where she was filled with the love of Jason, her sweet angel. Dahlia couldn't even feel anger or the feeling of wanting to kill whoever was guilty of the murder, she was too busy drowning in her own misery and pain, deep ones that won't heal for a long time.
Some time has passed since the devastating death in the Wayne family. But, another little one had joined the family as the new and third Robin.
Tim was a child genius, with amazing detective skills. He was also a very loving and cute son to his new mother.
Dahlia with the new arrival of Tim Drake as her third child, she did what she could to forget about Jason and fill that void in her heart with Tim's love.
Dahlia loved Tim as she loved her two other children. She made sure Tim felt loved and protected by a mother, doing everything any mother would do with her little baby, like spending a whole day with him going shopping.
She was happy with the new member of the family, she loved him. But even with Tim by her side, Dahlia couldn't forget her sweet little angel, Jason.
The woman went to the cemetery every day to leave flowers and clean her son's grave. "I'm sorry my sweet angel…" Dahlia said softly as she placed the flowers on the dirt covering Jason's coffin.
Tears began to run down her cheeks as she remembered those beautiful moments she had with Jason. Remembering when Jason used to tell her every detail of the missions she had as Robin and fought crime. Although it hurt her more not to be able to hug him and remind him that she loved him with all her soul. "My baby… I'm sorry…"
Dahlia sighed and wiped away her tears, stood up and walked away from the grave, thinking that a rest would be good for her and that she shouldn't come to the cemetery every day…
Another short time passed, Dahlia was in the kitchen preparing something to eat for herself, since she had already made sure that her husband and children had something to eat before going out on patrol. She was calm in the kitchen, with nothing on her mind, just taking care of what she had in her hands.
Until she heard heavy and slow footsteps approaching the kitchen, where she was. Dahlia thought it was Bruce, maybe he had arrived earlier than normal. When the footsteps finally finished echoing and they were already in the kitchen, Dahlia turned to look with a smile thinking it was Bruce.
"You came back early hon-…" Dahlia spoke but she interrupted herself upon seeing a stranger with a red helmet.
She tightened her grip on the knife she was holding. "Who are you…?" Dahlia asked with a hint of fear and distrust. "If you come closer I swear that-" Dahlia was interrupted when she saw how the stranger took off his helmet and revealed his face.
Dahlia couldn't believe it…she was seeing her dead son in person. Her expression changed to one of surprise mixed with sadness. She began to feel that her eyes were going to start crying at any moment, but for some reason she couldn't let go of the tears, first she wanted to know if she really was her son or just a hallucination in her head. "Jason…?" Dahlia said quietly as she dropped the knife and covered her mouth with her hand.
Jason placed his helmet on the ground and clenched his fists in anger… or perhaps, frustration. He looked at Dahlia and stared at her. "I thought you loved me, like you loved Grayson. Like your son." He spoke, trying not to let his anger and desperation show. "But I only see that you got a replacement." Jason added as he clenched his fists tighter.
Dahlia opened her mouth but not a single word came out, she was shocked, was it really her son who was in front of her? Or was it just one of her other hallucinations? Dahlia didn't know whether to really believe what she was seeing, what if this was all a dream? Her Jason should be dead. However, she was seeing him in front of her, with some scars on his arms and face.
Regardless of whether it was a dream or not, she was going to hug her son.
Dahlia rushed towards Jason and quickly wrapped her arms around him, giving him a hug with a tight grip as tears began to well up from her eyes and slide down her cheeks. "Oh Jason… Please forgive me my sweet angel… I'm sorry for not having been a good mother to you and not being able to go and protect you… I'm so sorry honey…" Dahlia said between tears and sobs, holding his son tightly with no intention of letting go.
Jason wanted to push her, but she just wouldn't let him; Dahlia was his mother, his support, and the most beloved woman in his life. He was just resentful, frustrated to see his mother with a new son. Frustrated to see how his mother was loving another child. Jason felt as if his mother had completely forgotten about him after his death.
But after hearing Dahlia call him by his old nickname, he saw those moments pass by when he was happy playing and talking with his mother. He couldn't deny it, he loved how her mother's laughter could be heard along with her smiles.
Jason pursed his lips and simply hugged his mother back, tighter. And his vision began to cloud with tears that he wanted to hide but he let them out, unburdening himself in Dahlia's arms. "Ma…"
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
for @monicafave who asked me about my opinions on Lucius Malfoy.
TW: very brief mention of sexual assault (DE crimes).
Honestly, one of the (few) improvements the movies made on the books. Jason Isaacs is hot. And has so much charisma when playing the villain I cannot see anyone else doing the character justice in the remake. Also, Lucius doesn't have long hair in the books, but it's the only way I imagine him (my headcanon is that Draco grew his hair out eventually too). Also, the choice to make him unshaven in the last movies? Gold. 10/10.
He wore his hair a little shorter in the First War, but still long enough it could be tied back with a ribbon.
Is a victim to one of the worst takes in the entirety of the Harry Potter fandom of all time, which is of course abused!Draco. It angers me more than abused!Black Sisters, or abused!Remus... grrrr, it makes me so mad. If there is one (1) character in the entirety of the Harry Potter fandom, only ONE that we can be sure wasn't abused by his parents, that was Draco. Where - where? - do people get the absurd idea that Lucius was a cruel father and husband, who routinely cheated on his wife and beat her and their son?
(Also, imagine beating/cursing Narcissa Black, who was not only vicious herself, but also the beloved only sister of Bellatrix Black Lestrange. Like. Who would do that? Madmen wouldn't do that.)
Abusive Lucius for the sake of being cruel makes me laugh. It makes me giggle. The man wouldn't be able to correctly use a Stinging Jinx, never mind the fucking Cruciatus Curse, on either of them if Lord Voldemort was pointing his wand directly between his eyes. Although-
Yes, he is a coward. Which, by the way, there is a big difference between being unable to actively hurt your family members and passively standing by when they are threatened/tortured. The big, realistic failure of Lucius, the one that would sour his image in both Draco & Narcissa's minds by the end of DH, is not that he hurts them directly, it's that he says nothing, does nothing, when his son is branded by the Dark Lord and sent on a suicide mission, is that he says nothing, does nothing, when his wife and son are openly mocked by the Death Eaters, who do as they please in his own home. If Voldemort threatened to torture either of them, Lucius would probably fall to his knees, beg for mercy, but he would not, could not bring himself to stand up and dive in front of the curse. He would watch, horrified, as they are tortured- that is what spoils their view of him in the end.
As the author herself has said, the Malfoys' saving grace is that they love each other.
His fault is cowardice, not cruelty (to family at least) and that's the hill I'll die on.
Lucius, as a character, represents the banality of evil. Indifference. Cowardice. Casual cruelty. Upholding of unjust systems. Not sadism. If you don't understand the difference, you're a bad writer.
Moving on.
He was highly competent in the First War. And by competent I mean competent. There is no way this guy was Voldemort's... second in command (?) or at least one of his top-ranking Death Eaters if he acted anything like he did post-Voldemort's rebirth.
I don't know whether to cry or laugh at his character, actually. He's so petty (he tries to ban The Fountain of Magical Fortune from the Hogwarts Library because it depicts the relationship between a witch and a Muggle, which he deems obscene, and when Dumbledore replies “Nu-uh, suck it, I know about all the Half-bloods in your family tree you hide”, the response prompted several further letters from Lucius, consisting of "opprobrious remarks" on Dumbledore's sanity, parentage, and hygiene).
He's a simp for his wife, whom he loves more than anything in the world (except maybe for Draco). He tries to send Draco to Durmstrang, where Karkaroff is headmaster and no Muggleborns are allowed, and Narcissa says “No, I want my son close to home” and that's the end of that. He puts up with having Bellatrix in his house (she really doesn't like him), and the two of them don't kill each other merely for Cissa's sake.
In my headcanons, they didn't hate each other in the First War. They weren't best friends by any means but they respected each other well enough and had a somewhat cordial if a bit prickly relationship (although, I love fics that get their bickering right). But then Halloween 1981 happens. I have a lot of headcanons for that night and I don't think I've ever really detailed them, so I will now.
They have an early dinner all together - Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan - and then the Lestranges leave. After the clock strikes ten, they feel a searing pain in their forearms. The Mark is gone. There are a few minutes of what the fuck do we do now and two very distinct ideas pop up. Bellatrix would rather die than forsake Voldemort, she's willing to battle every soul in Britain if it means finding him. He is not dead, he is not. He is immortal. They have him, they've captured him with some weird trick and are holding him hostage. Lucius, on the other hand, takes a good, hard look at his left forearm and decides well, this fucking sucks but at least we had a good run. He is not about to risk his family name by picking duels with the Aurors. The second after he's waltzing in the Ministry, telling everyone who'll listen that he's just woken up from the Imperius Curse, and blackmailing/bribing/threatening his way out of Azkaban. You must do the same!, Lucius and Narcissa tell Bellatrix. Traitors, backstabbers, vermin, is the reply. She is truly, seriously, hurt and furious that they would denounce the Dark Lord. To her, it's the most horrid of betrayals.
This is when she loses her second sister. It's the moment Narcissa makes it clear that not only she will denounce Voldemort with every breath, but she will stop Lucius from going after a dead master. We have a son, Bella, he is our priority. We have a son, and you do not. You don't know what it means. It's a nice little parallel to the end of Deathly Hallows - I cannot stress this enough: Narcissa's lie to save her son causes her sister's death. Narcissa indirectly kills her. Bellatrix and Narcissa's relationship is never the same after that.
On a lighter note. It's canon that Lucius has little hobbies: peacocks and collecting Dark artefacts!
Also, he has a sick interior designer because the secret chamber beneath their living room is a marvellous idea, I need one of those.
A bit of a germophobe.
Cruel, but again: casual cruelty. Yes, he enjoys tormenting Muggles because they are less than human to him; no, he does not enjoy watching little Mudblood children get bitten by Greyback or Muggle women being raped (and no, before you ask, he would never lower himself to something like that, even if Narcissa wasn't in the picture).
Inspired by the movies, of course, but he has great fashion sense.
He was nice looking, definitely not incredibly handsome (unlike my boy Rodolphus who is hot) but he was very charismatic, so much so that Narcissa Black fell desperately for him, much to Andromeda's dismay and Bellatrix's perplexity.
Elaborate courting ritual (peacock-like, get it? ah ah).
The second most extravagant wedding of the century (Bella & Rod take the cake on that, you have no idea).
I am fascinated by his relationship with Voldemort. By the end of the second war, the two pretty much despise each other (and if Cursed Child is to be believed - which I don't - Lucius had a Time Turner tucked away and never once tried to use it to bring Vold back). But what about during the first war? Lucius' loyalties were always to the Cause more than to the man, and yet he is given the Diary. First War Lucius must have been fascinated by Voldemort - we see a hint of this in GoF when he asks Voldemort to tell them how he managed to survive the Killing Curse.
I think Voldemort saw this fascination and somehow, in his usual arrogance, misunderstood it. You see, the way I think of (and write) the Death Eaters is very Succession-y: everyone wants to be Voldemort's favourite, the one to sit to his right, the closest to him. During the First War, Lucius would have sold his mother to be closest to Voldemort. His entire worldview shifts when Draco is born, and as Lucius grows to love him. The same went for everyone else, including Snape. This is why, to me, Voldemort doesn't see their betrayals years later: he is used to thinking that they would do anything, sacrifice anyone, for him. He doesn't see that the love they feel for others is stronger than whatever fucked-up bond is there.
And, if you think about it, the two Death Eaters that are truly, fanatically, loyal above everything else are the two that are in love with/love him. Bellatrix and Barty.
Stopping now because my head is falling on my keyboard from sleepiness. Hope you enjoyed! I probably have more somewhere.
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hotnbloodied · 1 year
Hehehe your Zhongli one had me kicking my feet and giggling like crazy! Could maybe write some more about him? I would loooove to see more of how you write him :D feel free to take your time with it, I don’t mind waiting :3c tysm!! I hope you’re having a great day/afternoon/night :]
OMG!! Hello my first ask! It's actually funny, I was debating on finishing this other Zhongli piece I was working on. Thanks to you, I got the drive to go through with it! So I hope you enjoy~ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚HB˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Yan!Zhongli X Reader
TW: Death, confinement, unhealthy relationships
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It was so hard not to be constantly bursting into tears, adorn in all black you were at the funeral for the last of your family members. “You promised that you wouldn’t leave me alone…” you said to the tombstone in front of you. Everyone else had already long left, or so you thought. The tall man who was the funeral director’s assistant, Zhongli, had been here the entire time. Never once taking his eyes off you. Even through your grieving you looked like an angel to him, now that everyone has left the service this was his chance to get closer to you.
He walked up slowly to you and made his first move, offering to take you to dinner to make sure that you ate. Apparently he knew your relative and he wanted to share the memories with you. Zhongli was very attentive to you, constantly checking up on you as the days went on. Being the rock that you needed in your life now more than ever. You appreciated him greatly, it was thanks to him that you decided that after months of being at home in your depressive state, you were going to try going outside again. It doesn’t take long for you to recognize a friend of yours and the two of you strike up a conversation.
This was the first time in months that you were able to smile and talk like a person again and it was all thanks to Zhongli. But that wasn’t what Zhongli wanted, he wanted you to only rely on him so when he saw you smiling at someone that wasn’t him he wanted to kill that person right there in front of you so you knew who you belonged to. “Sorry for interrupting but I have business with [y/n],” Zhongli said as a way to put distance between you and your friend. He dragged you away and all the way back to your home.
“What’s the big idea Zhongli?” You asked him out of frustration as he locked up behind the both of you. “You’re still not well, next time you go out please let me know ahead of time so I can accompany you.” “What!?” Anger bubbled in your core, “who do you think you are? We’re just friends, and even then, you can’t control my life like that!” You went to open the door to push him out when suddenly all the windows and doors got blocked with a geo elemental barrier. “W-what is this?” You turned to look Zhongli in the eyes. Golden orbs gleamed down at you making you feel like prey that had just been captured by a predator.
Zhongli walked over and placed his hands on your shoulders. “See what I mean darling? You’re being irrational. You need me. Why don’t we go lay down in bed and I can start working on dinner for you?” Everything in your body wanted to scream and kick and say no but your survival instinct was louder. You knew he had you trapped and maybe if you were good he’d let you out again, someday. At least, that’s what he wants you to think. But hey! Isn’t this what you wanted? Someone to never leave your side?
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lina-linny · 9 months
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TW: Eating disorder!
summary: After a fight with your boyfriend Wooyoung, you have a relapse in your eating disorder.
Words: 2.1k
I watched my boyfriend pull this girl into his arms, laughing, and for the first time in my life, I felt this tugging in my stomach. It was something between raging anger and loneliness or maby sadness. Jealousy.
I couldn't decide whether I wanted to cry or punch Wooyoung in the face. But the urge to cry increased immeasurably when I saw my boyfriend kiss this girl on the cheek, who incidentally was one of the employees at KQ and with whom he was supposed to have a professional relationship. Or what?!
I averted my eyes and stared at the floor. Hongjoong, who was sitting next to me, nudged me and cautiously asked if everything was okay. I replied with a curt yes and put on my best fake smile. He still looked a little worried but mostly bought it.
I looked around the dance studio. Ateez had just taken a break from training on her captain's orders and so everyone was now standing around the room.
As I mentioned, Hongjoong was sitting next to me as he must have realized that I was a bit lonely because Wooyoung had asked me to come to her training but had almost ignored me since I arrived.
San and Seonghwa were also both standing around the staff member called Lia, who had just brought coffee and who had been hugged by Wooyoung until just now, so I quickly looked away from them.
Yunho and Mingi had each immediately grabbed one of the coffee cups and were now standing in one of the other corners of the dance hall, laughing and chatting.
Yeosang had gone for a breath of fresh air and Jongo had gone to the toilet.
I sighed and took my eyes off Wooyoung again, who was fooling around with San and Seonghwa and didn't even look at me. I wasn't sure if Wooyoung was 'ignoring' me on purpose or if he just didn't realize that I might feel lonely.
I looked at Hongjoong instead. At least someone who wanted to keep me company, if only out of pity. We talked for a bit until Hongjoong declared the break over and Ateez went back to choreographing ther new song.
I stared at Wooyoung in disbelief. The training was over and the idiot had just suggested that we could all go out to eat together. It didn't seem to bother him that he knew I had an eating disorder and therefore found it difficult to eat in the company of others and that restaurants were my absolute nightmare.
Mingi looked at me questioningly.
"Are you ok with it?" I smiled briefly and a little sadly.
"Don't worry about me, I'll just go home."
"Hey, should we do something else? It was just an idea. Sorry, I forgot that you don't like it. I'm sorry." Wooyoung said and I just stared at him. Wow, one of the first things he said to me today was that he had forgotten about me. Nice.
"No all good do what you want. I wanted to go home anyway." I said bitterly, grabbed my stuff, said goodbye curtly, and got a worried smile and a quick goodbye from each of the members except Wooyoung. I didn't have the energy to look at him before I left the room.
But when I had been out of the dance hall for about half a minute, the door opened again and my friend stood in front of me.
"Hey, I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking. You know me, sometimes I talk before I think and going out to eat is what we usually do after training. But we can do something else if you want. Everyone likes it when you're around."
I laughed a little hysterically. It wasn't usually my style to make such a big deal out of such banalities, but I'd just been generally stressed over the last few days, partly because of the upcoming exam period at my university and the arguments in my family. I was just hoping to spend a nice relaxing day with my boyfriend. But this happened instead.
"You really don't realize what the problem is, do you? Wooyoung, I just sat in this damn training room for 3 hours, nobody talked to me except Hongjoong, but he also only out of pity and you just said hello to me. You told me to come to your damn training. Shouldn't you at least try to pretend that I'm not totally annoying you and ignore me? I'm sorry, but if you don't want me to come and would rather have Lia at your training, don't invite me." A short silence followed my outburst, during which Wooyoung looked at me a little confused and surprised.
"Y/n I'm sorry. I was acting like an idiot." He said and a short silence followed. Then he started to grin
"You were jealous? Of Lia?" I stared at him.
I had just told him how I felt and he brushed it off with a small apology and a stupid comment? I laughed angrily for a second, I knew it was often his way of avoiding serious topics with jokes or silly comments but seriously?! Couldn't this man just stay put? I turned around and walked straight out of the building to my car, ignoring Wooyoung's shouts.
I closed the door of my appartment behind me, feeling empty and so stressed and upset at the same time. I was about to let the tears flow, but I controlled myself and walked to the kitchen without realizing it. I was really hungry and wanted to cook myself something to eat.
However, when I opened the larder and looked at the jumbled food, I was suddenly caught in a kind of trance.
Surely it wouldn't be so bad if I let out a little stress, would it? Slowly, I began to take all the food out of the cupboard and sort it in front of me. Starting with the ones that had the fewest calories to the ones with the most.
Now the tears were streaming down my cheeks. It was so satisfying to do this. To do what I used to frantically stop myself from doing. It was one of those tics that I had developed with my eating disorder. And yet even though it was satisfying in a way, I hated that I was doing it. I hated everything but especially myself.
Just when I thought my eating disorder was getting better, of course, I had to mess it all up again. Deep down I knew it wasn't my fault, but the part of me that was part of my eating disorder and had just taken over my mind was trying to convince me otherwise. I knew that this other healthy part of me was crying out for help.
My whole body shook as I reached for my mobile phone and called Wooyoung. My friend answered the call as soon as it rang. Everything in me hurt and I was stabbed by the pain inside when I heard his voice say "Hi y/n are you ok?". My whole body was aching and I just cried and sobbed.
"Y/n what's wrong?!" I tried to speak. I really tried but I couldn't do it. I just cried, hugged my mobile phone to me and slumped down on the floor amongst all the food.
"I'll be there in ten minutes!" I then heard him say to the others that he needed to check on me and soon after the sound of a car starting up.
"Y/n please try to talk to me. I'm worried about you. What happened?" I took a few deep breaths and then let out a shaky voice:
"I wanted to cook myself something to eat…" then I started crying and sobbing again.
If you thought about it rationally, it wouldn't be so bad. I'd often had setbacks like this but with my therapist, I always got everything under control with a little patience. But I just wasn't feeling well, I had been stressed in general and Woo's behavior had given me the final push towards a breakdown. And so I just sat here on the phone and cried. Just letting all the emotions that had built up over the last few months run free.
Then I heard my front door open and quick footsteps approaching the kitchen. I laughed bitterly as the tears continued to stream from my eyes. Woo knew exactly that I was sitting in the kitchen, he had been present too often during my "fits". Each time they started in the kitchen. Oh, how I hated that room.
The door opened and I looked up at Wooyoung with my tear-stained face.
"Ok one thing's for sure I'm definitely never letting you cook ever again." He said, which brought a shaky smile to my lips. But then my boyfriend looked at me worriedly, surveyed the chaos in the kitchen, and finally knelt down to me.
He locked me in a warm and secure hug and gently stroked my hair. We didn't need words. Everything that had made me angry with my boyfriend was forgotten. I clung to his body and the tears slowly dried up.
Wooyoung carefully picked me up and carried me into the living room. Then he snuggled up next to me on the sofa. We just kept quiet for a while. Wooyoung knew that I needed some time to calm down and I got it. When he realized that I was feeling better again, he asked
"You're hungry, aren't you? Are you ready to eat again? How do you feel about pizza?" I laughed lightly and wiped the last tear from my cheek.
"I'll try," I replied cautiously. Wooyoung nodded and started to order the pizza on his mobile phone.
I grabbed the remote control. I sleepily zapped through the channels, looking for something that looked interesting enough to make me forget about all the other things buzzing around in my head.
"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have acted like an idiot and given you more attention. After all, I'm usually the first one to whinge if you don't listen to me for a second. I don't even know why I was in such a stupid mood. I just blanked you out somehow. I don't think I thought about your feelings enough. I was just being totally selfish. Sorry. And just so you know, I don't even really like Lia. I was just really grateful for the coffee. I really needed it at that moment." He poked me lightly in the side with his last sentences. I smiled slightly at him.
"It's ok, don't worry about it." I replied.
"Says the right one. Isn't it mrs i'm always worried" He laughed. I pretended to hit him on the back of his head and Wooyoung Dramaqueen as Always immediately started pretending to be super hurt and crying fake. I laughed and Wooyoung retaliated by starting to tickle me. But I was thankfully saved by the food delivery girl who rang the doorbell at that moment and made Wooyoung jump up and run to the door.
When he came back from the door, he had two pizza boxes in his hand and a big grin on his face. Woo handed me the box with my pizza and started eating right next to me. I took my time. Woo, who somehow managed to hug me despite the food, calmed me down.
And even though I only managed to eat a slice of my own pizza while he was eating his whole pizza, I was proud of myself for managing it. I often hid away after such a setback and stopped eating. But my boyfriend helped me with his mere presence.
We both knew that he wouldn't miraculously 'cure' me or save me from my own problems and that wasn't my or his claim. He helped me just by being with me, holding my hand, and giving me the motivation to keep fighting. But the rest was up to me, it was my fight and I would win it no matter how many times I had to start all over again - I would make it! We both knew that.
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amrcnnightmre · 2 months
Hi I see you take requests. Would you write a CM Punk x wrestler!fm!reader? Maybe one where him and Drew McIntyre are in the height of their feud, and Drew gets the reader hurt during a match. Angst, love, you know lol
I’ve got you - C.M Punk
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All fics posted are my original work, feel free to reblog but DO NOT repost thank you!! I haven’t thoroughly edited this so apologies if there’s any errors! All rights are reserved for my writing and any ocs that may be included, please don’t steal and as always.. happy reading!
My Masterlist
CM Punk x wrestler!fm!reader!
( tw: angst, fluff, injury, slight worry & panic )
Word count: 1,9K !
A feud between Punk and McIntyre had gotten to an all time high, both at each others throats constantly and the person in the middle of it all — y/n. Drew found just about all the ways he could to get under CM Punks skin but dragging y/n into the mix brought a whole other level of anger out of Punk, she was his long time partner after all.
Punk and y/n have been together almost 11 years now, their relationship Is as strong as ever. There is nobody who has supported him more then she has, you see him and you know y/n is never far behind — she always had his back.
The action of Monday night was in full effect— bright lights, loud pumped up crowd members and eager superstars ready to take to the ring for each of their scheduled matches. Y/n stood backstage with a furrowed expression as her gaze remained fixated on one of the many screens showcasing the action currently taking place beyond the curtain. Drew was getting the upper hand on his opponent Jey Uso while Punk sat ringside at the commentary desk, saying just about anything to distract the Scots man — a smug expression laced effortlessly on his face as he spoke to the two men next to him.
Y/n had been warming up for her own match that would take place later that night when her attention was caught by the screen closest to her, she wasn’t suppose to get involved in this match but watching drew get in Punks face and yell all sorts of insults the way he did just set her off. It took her no time at all to reach the gorilla, quickly asking one of the backstage tech crew to hit her music before she slipped out of the curtain towards the ring.
A sly smile graced y/n’s lips as she innocently skipped her way down the isle, her hands interlocked behind her back. Punk’s expression twitching slightly in confusion but he quickly hid it with a smile. “ladies and gentleman that is Cm Punks longtime partner y/n heading towards the ring, what is she doing out here during this match” Michael Cole exclaimed as he looked toward punk who responded almost immediately — “your guess is as good as mine Cole, you can’t tame a woman like her” he chuckled lightly to hide any concern in his tone.
It wasn’t that he didn’t think y/n could handle herself but Drew was on a ruthless streak of aggression lately that Punk just didn’t trust. Y/n’s smile didn’t fade once as she locked eyes with Drew, Anger flashing across his face as he almost became distracted for a moment. She waved at him mischievously from ringside, the match continued until Drew began to get the upper hand, y/n was not going to let that happen on her watch — not after everything he had put her family through. Y/n climbed up on the ring apron with ease, immediately getting the referees attention in order to cause a distraction and as if on cue Punk slipped away from his spot on commentary and into the ring, a steel chair in hand.
Jey Uso was sprawled out on the mat from prior attack curtesy of Drew, Punk smirking at the Scots man across from him as he rose the chair above his head preparing to slam it down on Drews back that was turned away from him. The next few moments were a blur, happening quicker than anyone could even process, Drew turned and grabbed the chair in the process — nailing Punk in the face with a hard blow from his right hand, it caused such an impact that the man tumbled to the mat and it would now be the Scottish warrior holding the chair above his head.
Drew reeled the chair back as if preparing to strike Cm Punk with the cold steel, turning to his left instead and shocking everyone in attendance — he hit Y/n. The chair nailed Y/n right in the head before she had time to process it, the impact so loud you could’ve sworn it cracked her skull. The refs eyes were wide as Y/n tumbled off the apron and hit the floor with a rough thud. “should’ve kept your girlfriend at home where she belongs!” Drew growled at Punk with a sly grin, The rage that surged through Cm punks veins was unlike any other the moment he realised what had just transpired and within seconds he snapped.
An all out brawl ensued between the two men until Adam Pierce the Raw general manager came storming out to the ring, he signalled for back up and before long the ring was filled with superstars and backstage talent prying the two away from one another. The chaos all happening as medics checked on Y/n who was out cold, they worked quickly to get her on a stretcher and brought to the trainers room.
A few minutes later things began to calm down and that was when Punk realised Y/n was nowhere in sight, a panic washing over him immediately — where was she? Was she okay? Why didn’t he check on her first ? The second these thoughts flooded his mind he was out of the ring and sprinting to the back, pushing his way through the curtain yelling at everyone around him as he asked for y/n’s whereabouts. “Where is she?! Where is Y/N?!” He barked at Paul Levesque aka Triple H, “Phil she’s in the trainers office, they’re checking her out to see if she needs to be transported to the local medical facility” he replied in a soft tone, that was all Punk needed to hear before giving the man a nod and heading straight to the office.
The expression on Punks face immediately softening as he opened the door and saw Y/n sitting up slowly with a groan, their eyes immediately meeting as he walked to her side. “Fuck.. I’m so sorry.. I should’ve looked after you and went straight over-” his ramble was cut off by Y/n placing a gentle kiss to his lips as she held his face in her hands. “Hey, hey I’m okay I promise.. just a little sore” she smiled sweetly at him, Punks eyes rapidly scanned over her body checking for any obvious injuries — the bruising already forming only made him seethe with anger. “I’m gonna kill him I swear” he grumbled under his breathe as his eyes met hers again, “mm later” she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck loosely.
“Im going to go get ready for my match” y/n whispered knowing he would be disapproving given her current state, “to hell you are darlin” he shook his head, “hmm too late?” She giggled before getting up off the table and running out the door down the hall. “Hey don’t you dare!” He laughed chasing her, y/n’s loud giggles echoing through the halls as he chased her.
After a few moments she arrived at her locker room and quickly ran in while closing the door behind her, “y/n” Punk laughed, “y/n i know you’re in there, let me in” he spoke softly. “mm only if you don’t get mad that i’m still planning to do my match later tonight” she smiled as if he could see it through the door, “y/n y/m/n y/l/n.. you’ll be the death of me” he sighed with a gentle laugh after speaking her full name. “Okay fine, but you have to get medically cleared by the trainer first.. deal?” he spoke while standing back waiting for the door to open.
After a few seconds the door opened and revealed Y/n with a little grin on her face, “how can I say no to that?” she whispered before pulling him into the room by his shirt and locking the door behind her. “exactly” he replied before picking her up effortlessly and carrying her to the small couch that took up a space in the room. If there was one thing people probably didn’t know about Phil, it’s that behind closed doors he was a big softy, especially to y/n.
“I hope you know I really am sorry, I had no idea that was going to happen” he mumbled as one hand rested on her hip and the other slowly moved to her lower back. “hey it’s okay, it’s part of the job” she smiled softly, her hands roaming his body ever so gently. “I know but you shouldn’t of gotten hit like that, it could of caused serious damage and I just.. I don’t know what i would’ve done-” his voice almost shaking as he thought about what could of happened if things had gone worse. Y/n carefully moved her hands to his face, carefully resting on both his cheeks, “phil.. love.. i’m okay, i’m right here and that’s all that matters” she hummed looking at him solemnly - her heart speeding up just looking at him.
“alright.. I trust you, but i will get drew back for what he did, that’s a promise”. A smile grew on y/ns face hearing his words, she could not get over how much Phil loved her, that he’d do just about anything for her even though he knew damn well she could stand up for herself. “I appreciate that babe, you’re the best” she laughed lightly, “i have no doubt in my mind you’ll get him back and I simply cannot wait to see it”.
The tension in the room slowly rising as y/n moved her hands to Punks Hair, running her fingers through it softly before tightening her grip on it slightly to tug on it. This action earning a slight groan from the heavily tattooed superstar, “However, your pay back can wait.. I think I know what will make us both feel better, hm?” she whispered as she placed gentle kisses to his neck and up towards his jaw.
Soft groans continued to leave Punks lips as his eyes remained locked on hers, “oh yeah you want to show me exactly what that is?” he smirked running his hands up her body stopping right under her breasts. “I think that could be arranged” she shifted so she was properly straddling him, “You only get a preview though, and then the full thing comes after i win my match tonight” she grinned running her thumb across his jaw, both their eyes locked on one another full of lust.
“mm I can agree to that, IF you get cleared.. but either way i’m taking good care of you love” he hummed running his hands under her shirt while keeping his gaze fixed on her, “oh yeah? that’s if I don’t care for you first” she challenged with with a bright smile. A few seconds passed and Punk picked the smaller woman up and smoothly flipped her over so he was now hovering over her gently, a loud squeal followed by sweet laughter erupting from her lips at the sudden action. I think we can all guess that probably wasnt the only noise coming from the room that night.
“I’ve got you” he whispered lovingly, “in and outside of the ring.. i’ve got you, nobody gets away with hurting you like that” their foreheads pressed gently against one another.
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shinehyuk · 7 months
thought you were smart? | jay+jungwon
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> genre : yandere
tw/cw : implied torture, obsession, stalking, very toxic relationships, kidnapping, heavy themes overall, murder etc. read at your own wish.
request : just a question, i actually kind of went through your old post and read that one jay + jungwon fanfiction where they allowed the mc to be free only to reveal they put a tracker on them. what if mc was smart enough, and realises they have tracker on them, and remove it. what jaywon still find them or lose them forever.
a/n : i adore this request. this may have just broken me free from the shackles of the infamous writer's block lol </3 i apologize in advance if this is bad because it seems i forgot how to write haha
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when they saw that you had suddenly stopped moving when you were running for your life to get as far away as possible just a second ago, the tracker staying completely still in one place, at first they feared the worst. what if you were so blinded by the hope for freedom that you carelessly let yourself get hurt, or worse? and it was all their fault; letting you roam around freely, like mothers letting their baby birds fly out of the nest for the first time - only for the birds to overestimate their flying abilities, failing miserably and meeting with the cruel reality, breaking every single bone in their fragile bodies, and coming to the end of their short life in the span of such a quick moment.
once they arrived at the tracker's place, not finding you, instead finding the device disposed of in the blades of grass, they had mixed feelings; anger, betrayal, amusement.
so this is how you want to play? so be it.
jay, having a much bigger temper than jungwon, was more on the angry side; seeing red before his eyes, thinking of all the things that he'll do once they find you.
jungwon, on the other hand, was focused more on the present, already having come up with a plan on what to do to lure you back. you may rest assured that they will not bother themselves with useless searching; if you do not play by their rules, then there shall be no rules at all. sure, they did once promise not to hurt your family, but that promise did not matter much when you were gone now, did it?
they figured that you'd turn to your family for protection, knowing that trying to escape alone wouldn't get you anywhere; you knew what they were capable of, and you couldn't be sure there weren't more trackers on you. contacting your family was your best chance of survival. police was out of the question; you've tried once, stealing jay's phone when he was occupied, but the two just portrayed you as a lunatic when questioned; jungwon had a way of making everyone believe him no matter how absurd it was.
first, they'll send out a small warning; the oh so sudden disappearance of your dear aunt. you know where to find them; if you don't show, they'll go after people more and more important to you the next time they strike.
they'll wait two days between each victim to see if you'll finally break and show up, sobbing and begging at their feet not to kill anyone else. however, if you're actually so heartless to just let them wipe out your entire family, trading them for your freedom, don't worry; jungwon may not really enjoy getting his hands dirty, but jay on the other hand, managed to get your exact location almost too quickly from one of your beloved family members that didn't even hesitate to betray you in the face of death.
did you really think you could escape them? poor, stupid thing. you had it coming to you.
and when they finally get to you, you may forget about seeing the sun ever again.
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matchamoomoo2 · 3 months
Part 1 The West
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Military / Omega verse au
Overview: In this world, omegas are so little of the population. With the East and West Lands at war, women, ether omegas or betas are taken against their will for whatever purpose.
TW: Misogyny, Selling and taking of women, Mentions of death/killing, Sexual references, Loss of family members, implied female reader, War, HUGE AGE GAP reader is 15.
Characters in this part: Sakuna, Yuta
You were lucky. That’s what your mom and dad had told you your whole life. You lived in a nice estate, with your family having nice ties to the king. And most of all, you were a beautiful omega. It definitely came with its consqeunces but it made you more special than betas and pretty much guaranteed a nice life with an aplha.
Unfortunately, thoses words were spoken to you long ago, before the war had an outbreak. The war between the East (your homelands) and West lands had been brewing since you were 10, but became serious at age 12. It had been three years since then, with you now being 15. As far as why the wars started, it was the west wanting more and more materials. They were quite violent and had a more strict dictatorship. The rule that affected you the most was their little to no rights for women. Now the East lands still didn’t have a ton of women’s rights, but it was better than in the West, which is why most of the women fled to the East, leaving a shortage of omegas in the West lands. With omegas already being such a small precentage of the population, it made the West upset that the East just welcomed them. Trying to scale back the Wests anger, the east decides to a deal where they will kidnap gather and transport some women to the west, most are just betas but it helps ethier way. However, the west stills takes some of their own measures and forcibily takes the women of the east.
This is a valid reason for why your parents are scared for you to go into town square, wanting you to keep a low profile. You see a woman being taken? Don’t do anything. Don’t say anything. Luckily, scent blockers are available for you to mask your omega scent. Yours, are sadly fading, but it should be fine for today. Besides, west soliders are rarely in town. Just some light shopping for a hair accessoire you’ll be on your way. After buying your accessory, you and your maid head back to the estate, what you don’t notice is a pink haired man staring you down, wearing a vest with a small W in the corner.
5 days later you had been in the family room, obviously with your family. And a friend of sorts, well maybe more than a friend. Sweet Yuta. Your parents were reluctant to this relationship, seeing as he was beta but none the less, they wanted what was best for you, and the sooner you were married the less chance to be taken.
After drinking your tea, you and Yuta went on the terrance. Just as you were about to kiss you both heard gun shots and yelling. Three men came up to you and order you to get on the ground. It was all a rush, confusion spreading through you both. With you both on the ground, hands begin your backs. The guys started talking to each other. “Get the rope, we need to tie thier writs.” “Even the guy? Even though we’re gonna kill him?” At this, you and Yuta turn to each other fear in your eyes. The 3rd guy finally speaks up, “Guys we’re not supposed to talk about that stuff in front of the women. You know they get hysterical when they hear of stuff like that.” What a ridiculous statement. You didn’t need to look up to know these guys were western soldiers. The first guy that spoke scoffed and grabbed the rope. “Whatever let’s just tie their hands.” As one went for Yuta and the other went for you, getting close then he stopped. And then smiled. “I found the omega. I hope Sakuna gives me the raise for this.” The other two gasp in shock as the three keep talking while he ties your wrists. “What! no way that girl is the omega. I don’t smell a scent.” The other chimes in, “Oh she must be wearing a scent blocker. Should we take it out?” The guy tying your wrists backs up after he’s done and shakes his head. “We don’t want to risk leaving a bruise. Besides, Sakuna said untouched.” Who was this sakuna guy? You didn’t know, and you didn’t wanna find out.
All four of you were gathered in your foyer, all of your wrists tied and all on the ground on your knees. sitting uncomfortably, all the western soldiers gathered around, at a good distance, but still you could see them watching you. Watching them whisper to each other, and seeing their dicks getting hard. You decide to refocus the man who came in and was standing in front of the four of you.
He didn’t even say anything before going down the line and saying something ing about everyone. Your dad was first and the statement made out fear in your heart. “Usually I would say kill him, but he could be a good captive seeing as his relation to the king.” Next to your mother, “Hmm, certainly on the older side. Could probaly push two more out. Save both of them.” Your mom could not push two more out. She was 36, no way. Moving to Yuta, he laughed in his face. Catching his breath he spoke, “My apologies. It’s just, you guys were planning to let a nobody beta, marry a royal blooded omega. You guys have terrible tastes.” Maybe he was talking to you, maybe to your parents. You didn’t know nor care. The last one of the line, you. He squatted down for this and forced you to meet his gaze, putting his hand under your chin pushing up. “And of course, the omega. “ he pushed your head side to side checking your features. “Quite beautiful one at that. Big doe eyes, you know what that makes men imagine right?” You shutter at the comment. you did know. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he spoke. “Im so mad the higher ranks get to have first picks on the omegas, nobody who finds them. Just a reason to work my way up i Suppose.” *His voice trails off when he suddenly speaks again. “Oh before I forget.. how old are you.” Hesitantly you speak. “15.” “have you bled yet?” *You nod your head yes to get rid of his presence in your face. “No problems then.” Getting up he speaks to the rest of the team. “Alright, gather the women to the back, men to the front.” You didn’t get a minute to say bye to your father or Yuta. This was the final time you saw ethier of them.
Outside, you and your mother waited, sitting in the steps. This would be your last time here, that’s what your mother told you. But you didn’t wanna belive it. One day, you would come back here. You were sure of it. Your mother’s name got called so you got up with her, only to get pushed down on the shoulders. “Uh uh. Not yet. I have some questions for you.” It was that damn Guard. “But-but my mom.” At this your mom turned around, to say bye and she went over to the guards. That would also be the last time you saw her.
The guard came to sit in front of you, tears in your eyes. “I didn’t introduce my self properly earlier. I’m sakuna, a core group leader from the North.” I say nothing and looked down. At this a hard slap was delivered on my cheek. “One thing we don’t tolerant in the West is women acting bold enough to ignore the men so nicely adresses them. Now answer me.” You gulp back your tears, “My name is y/n.” “Good,Good alright-“ At this a guard yells Sakunas name. “Ah well, it seems our time is cut short. Maybe i’ll see you in the future, y/n. oh and before I forget.” a burning pain cut through your arm, he had just ripped your scent blocker out of your arm. “Enjoy that feeling. You won’t be wearing one again.” At this the gaurds escorted you to the bus with other women inside and chained you the metal above. You looked at your estate. This would be the last time you saw this place, at least for a while. The doors shut and you and these random women were on the way to the West.
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
The One Where Everybody Finds Out
Title: The One Where Everybody Finds Out
Author: alltoowellread
Selected Trope: Fake NOT Dating
Summary: A non-Voldy AU where Hermione & Ron get together in 4th year and then keep it a secret…until they don’t.
Inspired by the Friends episodes The One With All The Resolutions and The One Where Everybody Finds Out.
Word Count: 4,943
Rating: General Audiences
TW: implications of underage shenanigans
Notes: Italics at the beginning indicate lines taken directly from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Although I did not put them in italics, there are also quite a few lines taken directly from two episodes of Friends (The One With All The Resolutions and The One Where Everybody Finds Out.)
Harry climbed into the common room and found Ron and Hermione having a blazing row. Standing ten feet apart, they were bellowing at each other, each scarlet in the face.
“Well, if you don’t like it, you know what the solution is, don’t you?” yelled Hermione; her hair was coming down out of its elegant bun now, and her face was screwed up in anger.
“Oh yeah?” Ron yelled back. “What’s that?”
“Next time there’s a ball, ask me before someone else does, and not as a last resort!”
Ron mouthed soundlessly like a goldfish out of water. Then, as Hermione turned on her heel to storm up the girls’ staircase, Ron raced across the room and grabbed her arm before she could take another step. Hermione turned to him, face tense as if she expected Ron to continue their row with another biting remark. But Ron’s face was determined rather than angry now. And Hermione’s expression quickly turned to shock as he leaned down and kissed her.
Harry immediately sank back into the portrait hole. It was clear that neither of them had noticed him entering and he very much wanted to keep it that way now that they were…well, snogging. Ron and Hermione were snogging. Hermione had very quickly gotten over her shock and returned Ron’s kiss fervently, so that Harry’s two best friends were now without a doubt groping at each other and kissing as if their life depended on it.
Harry turned on his heel and decided to go anywhere that wasn’t the common room. Even the Slytherin common room would be preferred.
Harry very much hoped that his friends would realize where they were quite quickly so that they would move somewhere a bit more private. Harry thought it was lucky that it was he who had caught them, as any other member of the Weasley family or even another Gryffindor student would have called them out immediately. As it was, Harry was much more inclined to ignore what he saw until Ron and Hermione decided to bring it up to him themselves.
Which they did…never.
Not over Christmas break.
Not for the remaining part of the school year.
Not even when they all came together again at the Burrow after a short time apart in the summer.
For the first few months, Harry wondered if Ron and Hermione had actually decided to ignore the kiss altogether. Besides a few weeks of awkward moments between the two of them when they were with other people, they didn’t give any indication that anything had happened at all. They even went back to their usual bickering fairly quickly after the night of the Yule Ball. No one else seemed to notice anything different about the two of them, and Harry expected he wouldn’t have either if he hadn’t seen them kissing with his own two eyes.
However, once Harry started paying closer attention, he realized that they often made up excuses for doing one thing or another that gave them ample time to be alone together without anyone else catching on. Hermione would go to the library to study instead of coming down to the Great Hall for dinner (nothing strange about that), and then Ron would suddenly remember something he had left in the dormitory (and it would take quite a long time for him to find whatever it was). Harry found it rather amusing, and since he didn’t particularly want the dynamics of their friendship to change if they didn’t have to, he decided not to push the subject.
Ron and Hermione’s luck ran out towards the end of the summer. Grimmauld Place, where they spent most of the holidays, was much larger than the Burrow and thus made it much easier to sneak off to various rooms under the guise of “cleaning”. Except one day the “cleaning” occupied both of them so much that they didn’t notice when a certain red-headed young woman walked past the very cupboard where they had decided to “clean”.
Ginny was so shocked that she was momentarily speechless. She decided to do the same thing that Harry had done upon catching his two best friends. She turned on her heel and walked right back where she came from.
Harry, who had been sent by Mrs. Weasley to find Ron and Hermione, ran right into Ginny as soon as she turned the corner. There were a few seconds of apologies and steadying each other, and then Harry noticed the look of shock that was still on Ginny’s face.
“Are you alright, Gin?” Harry asked. He looked furtively behind her down the hallway. “Is there some sort of boggart nearby or something that we’ve missed?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Ginny said quickly. “I just…uh…might have seen something.”
“Seen something?” Harry repeated, still looking worried. Then, remembering what he’d experienced months ago, he quickly realized where Ron and Hermioned might have gotten to and what that might have entailed. 
Ginny, noticing the “ah-ha” moment that she recognized so well from Harry, immediately went from shocked to suspicious. She narrowed her eyes and said, “Do you know something?”
Harry still wasn’t sure if what he suspected had happened, had actually happened. Since he still wanted things to stay the way they were, he wasn’t willing to give anything away yet. He asked, “Do you know something?”
“I might know something,” said Ginny, crossing her arms.
“I might know something, too.”
“What’s the thing you know?” Ginny glared.
“Oh no,” Harry shook his head. “I can’t tell you until you tell me what you know.”
“Well, I don’t want to tell you what I know.” Ginny was now no longer shocked nor suspicious, but rather annoyed that she may have been out of the loop on a very interesting piece of information.
“Well then I can’t tell you what I know,” Harry insisted.
“Okay, fine,” Ginny huffed. 
Neither of them moved for a few moments, since they were equally stubborn and didn’t want to be the first one to break. Harry, however, had had a much longer time to process what they both now knew, and curiosity eventually got the better of Ginny.
“All right,” Ginny spoke up, “how about I turn around and I walk back down this hallway and I will see that thing that I think that I know is actually the thing that I think that I know!”
Harry gasped. “You know!”
Ginny pointed at Harry. “And you know!”
“Yeah, I know!”
“Ron and Hermione?! Oh, this is unbelievable!” Ginny paused, her brow crinkling a bit. “Except not really. Hermione’s had a crush on Ron since second year and I’m sure Ron has had one on Hermione for at least as long. It’s more unbelievable that they both finally got over themselves and finally did something about it.” Ginny paused again, then glared at Harry. “How long have you known?”
“Too long,” Harry replied.
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“Of course not. I didn’t want to bring it up if they weren’t going to.”
Ginny rolled her eyes and muttered what sounded like, “Typical.” Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she smiled slowly. “I’m going to give him so much hell about this.”
“Listen, I don’t think we should say anything about this to anybody. It would be too weird.”
“It would be too funny,” Ginny countered. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, since you don’t have siblings.”
“How would you feel if Ron got involved in your love life?” Harry countered.
Ginny had the decency to stop to think about it for a few moments. Then she sighed and said, “Fine. You’re right. But they’re lucky it was me who caught them, not Fred and George. They would have no mercy.”
Unfortunately, Fred & George were indeed the next ones to find out.
In fact, they found out in the presence of Ginny, who for Hermione’s sake (definitely not Ron’s) had actually become rather fierce about keeping their secret the longer it went on. Plus, she appreciated that it had become a little inside joke between her and Harry.
The three Weasleys were in a deserted part of the castle fine-tuning their Portable Swamp item. Normally the twins kept all of the products they were testing under wraps, but since Ginny had been the one to joke about a portable swamp they had decided to include her in on its creation. Plus, George admitted that she “had good ideas sometimes I guess”. As they were casting not-quite-allowed charms in a large hallway, they had made sure to put up wards that made it impossible for someone to see or hear them unless they were right on top of them, which didn’t seem likely given that this wasn’t a very well-known part of the castle. Plus, the three of them kept an eye on the Marauders’ Map that Harry had let them borrow.
Fred noticed the two dots on the map first. His first thought when seeing that it was Ron and Hermione was that they were on their prefect rounds. “Shit!” He exclaimed.
“What?” George and Ginny said together, glancing at the map simultaneously.
George had the same thought as his twin and said, “Let’s hope the wards work. Looks like they’re coming down the opposite stairway. That’s pretty far away. With any luck, they won’t come any closer.”
Ginny, knowing the real reason why Ron and Hermione found themselves in such a secluded area, was less worried about being caught than catching. “Why don’t we just finish up and leave before they get too close?”
“It’ll be fine,” Fred insisted. “We’ll just keep quiet.”
Ginny was at a loss as to what to do next. She decided there was only so much she could do to help Hermione (again, definitely not Ron), and if the two of them were careless enough to be caught by the twins then it was not her fault. Ginny decided to keep her eyes firmly planted on the map. George did the same. Fred was the one to turn around to keep Ron and Hermione in sight in case a quick departure was necessary.
Ginny was not surprised when a few minutes later Fred shouted out, “Oh! Ohh! Ahh!!!”
George was surprised, and turned around quickly. “What?!”
“Ahhh!!” Fred continued. Then explained, pointing in the direction of the couple, “Ron and Hermione! Ron and Hermione!”
“Oh Merlin!” George cried, finally seeing what Fred was on about.
“RON AND HERMIONE!” Fred said again.
“OH MERLIN!” George repeated.
“OH!” Fred said as he turned away, finally deciding he had seen enough. “MY EYES! MY EYES!”
Ginny had had quite enough of their outburst and said, “Fred! George! It’s okay! It’s okay!”
“NO!” Fred shook his head violently.
George couldn’t seem to look away and also shouted, “THEY’RE DOING IT!”
“I know!” Ginny said, grasping George by the shoulder and turning him away. She took care not to look in the general direction of Ron and Hermione so as not to see anything she didn’t want to.
Fred gaped at her. “You know?!”
“Yes, I know!” Ginny admitted. “And Harry knows! But they haven’t told anyone yet and we don’t want to get caught so you two have to stop screaming!”
The twins’ survival instinct kicked in and they did stop screaming. They also quickly got rid of the portions of the Portable Swamp they had been working on and left the area as quickly and quietly as they could. By the time they cornered Harry in the Gryffindor Common Room, they were as outraged as Ginny had been about being left out of this secret.
“Fred and George just found out about Ron and Hermione,” Ginny sighed in explanation as she flopped onto the seat next to Harry, who was looking at Fred and George warily.
At that, Harry looked sharply at Ginny. “You mean how they’re friends and nothing more?”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “No. Harry, they know. We were in that part of the castle with the Camelot painting and we saw them from across the landing.”
“Actually,” George said, closing his eyes with a look of disgust. “We saw them doing it up against the Camelot painting.”
Fred chimed in, “So they don’t know that either of you know?”
Harry rubbed his face. “No, but you know what? It doesn’t matter who knows what. Now, enough of us know that we can just tell them that we know. Then all the lying and the secrets would finally be over.”
“Or,” George said with a mischievous glint in his eye, “we could not tell them we know and have a little fun of our own.”
Ginny immediately perked up, forgetting that she had decided to be a good friend and keep Hermione’s secret. Now that her brothers knew what was going on, she had returned to her initial desire of giving Ron hell. “What do you mean?”
Fred nodded thoughtfully. “Well, you know…every time Hermione says that she’s going to the library we’ll just say we need to go too.”
“Ohhh, I would enjoy that!” Ginny grinned.
“No no no.” Harry was now running his hands through his hair in exasperation. “You know what would even be more fun? Telling them.”
“No, I definitely want to do Fred and George’s thing,” Ginny said. “I warned you they would be merciless if they found out.”
“We’ll come back to the fact that you kept this from us little sis,” George glared at her.
“Definitely,” Fred said. “But for now we’ll focus on how we’re going to mess with them.”
Harry, seeing he was outnumbered, simply said, “Ugh.”
Before discussion could continue, Ron and Hermione came in through the portrait hall. Fred, never one to let something as pesky as planning interfere with a good opportunity, stood up and walked casually over to the two of them. Over his shoulder he whispered, “Watch and learn.”
“Hey!” Fred grinned at Hermione once he reached her side. He put an arm around her shoulders and gave a squeeze, ignoring Ron completely. 
“Erm,” Hermione responded tentatively, clearly surprised. The small flush on her cheeks could have been from Fred’s attentions, or from her previous illicit activities with Ron. “Hello.”
“These robes look great on you,” Fred winked at her.
“Really?” Hermione squeaked out. She was definitely blushing because of Fred. Ron’s ears were also bright red now, and he was scowling.
Fred pulled away from Hermione slightly so that he could run his hand down her arm. “Yeah, the material feels so soft.” He leaned in and whispered (but loud enough for Ron to hear), “I bet what’s underneath is even softer.”
Hermione gaped at Fred. Ron looked like he was going to murder him.
“Well, bye then.” Fred thought they were both now sufficiently bothered and he could go back to scheming with George, Ginny and the unwilling Harry. But he couldn’t help himself from giving Hermione a quick peck on the cheek as he left.
Both Ron and Hermione were too shell-shocked to look at anything in the Common Room but each other. If they had, they would have seen three red-headed figures shaking, trying to conceal laughter, and one black-haired figure shaking his head in disbelief.
“What the bloody hell was that?” Ron hissed.
“That was rather inappropriate,” Hermione agreed. Then, she started to look as if she were trying to solve a complicated Arithmancy Rune.
Ron merely looked like he wanted to throttle anyone who came in his general direction. “I don’t know what Fred is on about but…”
He trailed off at the same time that Hermione’s eyes widened. They seemed to come to the same conclusion at the same time. She said, “Oh Merlin.”
Ron added, “He knows about us!”
Hermione nodded grimly. “He knows and he’s just trying to freak us out.”
“That’s the only explanation for it.”
Hermione huffed, rather offended. “Yes Ron, because how could he possibly be attracted to me?”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Ron shot back. “Calm down.”
“Oh, because telling me to calm down always does the trick.”
Ron grinned, leaning in a little closer. “No, but it definitely makes me want to–.”
Hermione, laughing now, pushed him away and cut him off. “Fred thinks he’s so slick messing with us.”
Ron was back to being annoyed. He looked over at Fred, noticing who he was sitting with. Besides Harry, the group was too busy talking over each other and waving their hands around to notice that the subjects of their scheming were staring right at them. Harry didn’t notice because his face was planted firmly between his hands, clearly miserable.
Thoughtfully, Ron said, “But…they don’t know that we know that they know.”
Hermione was, of course, the cleverest witch of her age; but even she had to take a few moments to work that out. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Ron explained, “you should go over there and flirt back.”
“Absolutely not!” Hermione shrieked. 
Ron, being just as much of a Weasley prankster as his siblings, was already scheming himself. “Yes, it’s perfect. He can dish it out but I doubt he could take it himself.”
Hermione (who like Harry didn’t have any brothers or sister, never mind Weasley siblings) was much more inclined to just admit to the relationship rather than play games. However, she was also annoyed to have been the object of such games and decided she should at least try to return the (uncomfortable) favor.
“What did you have in mind?” Hermione asked. “I didn’t exactly flirt with you, if you remember. I can’t exactly go over there and shout at him to admit his feelings for me.”
After a few minutes of back and forth between the two of them, Hermione walked over in the direction of Harry, Ginny, and the twins. Ron managed to find a part of the common room where he would have the ability to see everything that happened without being seen himself.
“Hello again Fred.”
Harry, Ginny, and the twins looked up at Hermione quickly, stopping their conversation immediately.
“Hullo,” Fred said neutrally, forgetting that he should be charming her. George elbowed him, and he immediately turned suave. “I mean, hello Hermione.”
“Sorry for being so…odd earlier,” Hermione said. Her voice wasn’t very steady, so she cleared her throat. “I mean, you just caught me by surprise. But now that I’ve had some time to get over the initial shock, I wanted to let you know that I’m…intrigued.“
It was Fred’s turn to get squeaky. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Hermione said. “Maybe sometime I can show you how soft my…robes…are.”
Although Hermione started off confident, she almost choked on the word robes. She then rushed off to the girls’ dormitory, clearly unable to keep up the charade any longer. Ron, knowing he was unable to join her because of the spell on the girls’ stairway, merely rolled his eyes at his girlfriend’s questionable acting skills and went up to the boys’ dormitory.
Ginny recovered from her shock first. “I cannot believe she would do that to Ron–.”
Harry shook his head. “She definitely wouldn’t do that to Ron. And she could barely get out that pickup line out. They know you know.”
“Well that didn’t last long,” George sighed.
“I cannot believe those two,” Ginny fumed.
“They thought they could mess with us!” Fred said.
“But now they don’t know that we know they know we know!” George exclaimed.
“What?” Harry sputtered. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
Fred, along with the other two Weasleys, ignored him. “If she wants a date? She’s going to get a date.”
Harry had no say in the matter as another plan started to take shape.
Fred commenced the first part of their plan the next morning in the Great Hall. He had managed to convince Harry to delay Ron from coming down to breakfast before Hermione. Ginny had pushed Hermione to go on down with her before the two boys, telling her that she didn’t want to be late for class. Both Fred and George were pleased to see Hermione finishing her breakfast alone when they walked in, as Ginny had just gotten up to leave when she spotted her brothers. She gave them a wink as she passed them.
“Be sexy,” Ginny whispered.
Fred snorted. “Please.” Then, “All right, I’m going in.”
Fred sat next to Hermione, who stopped with her spoon of porridge halfway to her mouth. She looked at Fred warily as he said, “So Hermione. I’d love to hang out tonight…in private.”
“R-really?” Hermione stammered.
“Oh absolutely.” Fred brushed her shoulder with his own gently. “Shall we say, around seven? Room of Requirement?”
“Umm…” Hermione managed to say.
By this time, Ron and Harry were walking into the Great Hall. Ron, seeing Fred sitting next to Hermione and her deer-in-headlights expression, narrowed his eyes. He and Hermione locked gazes and Ron nodded, then motioned with his hand as if to say Go on.
Hermione still wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue this charade. But she also very much wanted Fred to stop giving her his come hither look, so she simply nodded and said “Okay” in the hopes that would get him to go away.
“Good. I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on your…” he paused, raising his eyebrows meaningfully, then continued, “robes.”
And with another strategic brush of his shoulders, Fred rose from the table and strode out of the Great Hall. Ron and Harry had finally reached Hermione by this time. While Ron plopped himself next to Hermione, Harry decided that he would rather take his breakfast to go. He grabbed a handful of toast, mumbled something about having to finish some homework before class, and left quickly.
Neither Hermione nor Ron were disappointed by Harry’s exit, as it gave them time to catch up on what had just happened. As soon as Hermione had finished giving Ron a word-by-word account of what had just occurred, Ron said, “All right, this will be great. You just make him think you wanna fool around with him. It’ll totally stop him in his tracks.”
“What?!” Hermione hissed, blushing furiously. “Listen, how far are we going to take this? Specifically, how far am I going to have to go with Fred?”
“Relax,” Ron assured her. “He’s gonna give in way before you do.”
“How do you know?!”
Ron did not know. After all, Fred had a history of taking jokes very, very far. But Ron was more focused on winning this sibling rivalry than thinking logically. So he merely said, “Trust me. Just meet him tonight. I’ll be there too. It’ll be fine.”
As it turned out, the Room of Requirement became exactly what it needed for both teams. Most likely because both Fred and Hermione wanted a place that was private, but that also allowed the extra parties involved to listen in on the action. Hermione and Ron arrived first, so the room became a living room with a hidden room for Ron to stay in. Then, when Fred, George, Ginny and Harry arrived, the room created a hallway for this group to stand in.
Harry wasn’t going to join them at first, but Ginny had told him that “The sooner Fred breaks Hermione the sooner this is all over and out in the open,” so he had acquiesced to helping them.
When all of the onlookers were situated in their respective places, Fred knocked on the door that had appeared when he arrived at the Room of Requirement. Hermione answered it, trying not to look uncomfortable with the entire situation.
Fred leaned against the doorframe and said, “Hermione.”
“Come in,” Hermione opened the door further and moved aside. 
Fred was much better at this ruse, and strutted through the room as if he had no qualms about what was about to happen. Hermione both admired this and also was terrified by it.
Fred may have seemed unbothered, but he was starting to worry about just how far he would have to go to win this. While he didn’t find Hermione unattractive, he thought of her as a sister and was frankly a little disturbed about doing more with her than the innocent brushes of arms and shoulders he had already done. Plus, she was dating his brother now, and he did have a rule about messing around with anyone a family member or friend was interested in: don’t. 
Suddenly, a bottle of Firewhiskey and two cups appeared on the counter of the room. Fred, noticing them first, was relieved and said, “Ah, perfect. Would you like some firewhiskey?”
Hermione wasn’t much of a drinker, but she decided this was the perfect time to start. She nodded, and Fred poured a knuckle’s worth of the drink into both of the cups. He handed her one, and they clinked their glasses together.
“Cheers,” Fred said.
They both downed their drinks in one gulp instead of sipping at it. Hermione spent another few moments coughing since she wasn’t used to the burn of the alcohol. Fred poured himself another glass and finished it just as quickly.
Sufficiently liquored up for the moment, Fred said, “So. Here we are. Nervous?”
“Me? No,” Hermione said, sounding nervous. “You?”
“Nope,” Fred said. “I want this to happen.”
Hermione nodded gravely and said, “So do I,” even though she clearly did not look like she wanted it happen. 
Neither of them moved. Both of them jumped when music started playing in the room. Fred, feeling spurred on by the room, held out is hand and asked, “Want to dance?”
“Er, sure,” Hermione said.
She tentatively took Fred’s hand. He pulled her a little closer, and she stiffened. Fred, not wanting to pull her any closer either, merely put his other hand at her hip. They swayed like that for a few moments, the space between them as wide as if another person were in the middle.
Unable to take it any longer, Hermione pushed away. She said, “I have to…use the restroom.”
“Oh,” Fred said, secretly relieved that they were no longer dancing. “Okay. I’ll…uh…pour us more firewhiskey.”
Hermione was already opening the bathroom door before he could finish. Ron, who had heard everything, said, “We’ve almost got him, I can feel it.”
“This is getting out of hand,” Hermione insisted.
“We’re so close, Hermione,” Ron said. “Get back out there and seduce him until he cracks!”
At the same time, Fred was telling his crew, “She’s not backing down!”
“It’s Hermione,” Ginny said. “You can take her.”
“Maybe you should take off your shirt,” George suggested.
“Oooh yes, good idea,” Ginny nodded. “She gets embarrassed so easily, especially when there’s naked flesh.”
Harry, hoping this would have been over by now, said nothing.
Fred pulled his shirt off, handed it to George, and went back inside. He was closing the door again right as Hermione came out of the bathroom again. When she noticed that he now had no shirt on, she stopped and looked anywhere but him.
A few seconds later, she noticed that he was at the door and said hopefully, “Oh, you’re going?”
Fred whipped around quickly, which made Hermione start looking around again in order not to look directly at his bare chest. He said, “No, no. I’m not leaving. Just, uh, getting more comfortable.” He paused. “This is my chest.”
Hermione swallowed hard. “Yes, I - I noticed. It’s very…nice.” She was not, in fact, looking at his chest enough to determine if it was nice or not.
Fred had decided enough was enough, and that he needed to finish this off once and for all. He blurted out, “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Hermione, now looking down at her shoes, seemed rooted to the spot as Fred came closer. Fred took his time crossing the room, pausing at each step. It was as if he was waiting for Hermione to break each time he moved one foot forward. She never did.
Finally, Fred’s feet were right next to hers, which she noticed because she was still looking determinedly down.
At this point, if Hermione had looked up, she would have seen the crease that had finally made its way on Fred’s forehead. He was not looking forward to this, but Ron had never gained the upper hand on him before and Fred wasn’t going to let him start now.
Fred decided to give Hermione a warning, at least, and said, “Here it comes. Our first kiss.”
Fred leaned forward, but as soon as he did Hermione jumped back as if he had burned her. She shouted, “Okay! You win! I can’t kiss you!”
Fred, looking triumphant, shouted, “And why not?!”
“Because I’m in love with Ron!”
At first, Hermione looked surprised by her own admission. Ron opened the bathroom door, looking just as shocked. They seemed to only have eyes for each other. Eventually a lopsided grin appeared on Ron’s face at the same time that Hermione started beaming.
As George, Ginny, and Harry opened the door behind Fred, Hermione repeated confidently, “Love him! That’s right, I love Ron!”
She ran to Ron and flung her arms around his neck. She told him, more quietly than her previous declarations, “I love you, Ron.”
Ron wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him. He was grinning broadly from ear to ear. “I love you too, Hermione.”
Then he kissed her long and hard, not giving a damn who knew about their relationship. To Harry’s immense relief, neither Ron nor Hermione cared any longer about keeping this a secret. 
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chronicbeans · 1 month
Does Rebecca’s family mourn for her?
Oh boy! Mourning! Yes, they did mourn, but the situation was really complicated.
Tw: Death and Mourning, Divorce
Rebecca's family was very disconnected, but I'd say the closest members of her family did mourn for her. Just at completely different times.
I always imagined that her mother and father had divorced a long while before she got to college, and while they did their best to reassure her that it wasn't her fault, she did blame herself partially for it because she saw herself as a financial strain. So, because she no longer lived with her father after he moved out, she slowly and unintentionally closed off ties with him by just not talking to him.
When she died, he college contacted her mother, because that was the only number they had on file for her parents. Her mother mourned heavily, but didn't know how to tell her father because the last time they'd spoken it was about him possibly visiting her. She decided it would be best to try to wait until the funeral was planned, only for him to surprise visit the home a few weeks later, which is when he found out. She told him, only for him to grow angry at the fact she waited so long, and abruptly left to head back to his hotel he was staying at during his visit. Her mother then decided to mourn by beginning therapy.
Unlike Rebecca's mother, who mourned immediately, he spent a long while angry that her mother didn't tell her immediately. While he could understand her hesitation, considering the timing and the mere fact of not knowing how to tell him she died, he couldn't fathom waiting for weeks to tell him. He was her father, after all! It took a full year for him to get past the anger and actually begin his mourning process. Which, by then, her mother had already gotten through the toughest parts and began accepting the fact she had died, so he felt he couldn't turn to her like he had hoped he could in the event this happened. So, he decided to turn to his friends, instead, and never went to therapy due to not being able to afford it.
Despite the hostility between them, they both showed up for her funeral. However, they never made up after the incident, and politely agreed to never speak to each other unless it had to do with sorting out Rebecca's things, since she didn't live long enough to make a will.
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aspd-culture · 7 months
I still don't understand what a switch is very well (I'm cluster b and questioning) can it also be realizing something changed about you and you don't 'work' the way others do?
I think the easiest way to explain the switch honestly would just be to explain mine.
Tw: death of an important family member, no graphic details
When I was a child, there was a family member I had who was trying to fill the roles that he saw were not being filled, and to help me outrun a lot of anger he noticed I was capable of. He understood why and never judged me, and he tried to make me feel secure and succeeded. We were intensely close, and I was always around him if he was there. He treated me like his own daughter and is more of a father than my father EVER could be not that he tried, and I consider this man my dad instead of my biological father. Many adults in the family (somewhat sneeringly, but I’m autistic and didn’t see anything wrong with it) called me his little princess.
And then he passed. I don’t remember anything from the second eyes blurred from tears on that phone call to when I wrote this in my diary, likely due to a different alter being out. But I wrote “if I can’t be his princess, I’ll never be anyone’s princess ever again”. In that moment, I felt something different. I felt cold and distanced in a way I never had before.
Nothing hurt for a moment, and I felt this wall between me and everyone else who talked to me for a while, and for the most part the wall never came down. And that moment was when I realized the 50% of the people in the world I considered to have loved me were gone, and when I for the first time felt I needed to keep a distance to feel safe. It got more intense over the years, but that’s when it started.
If he was younger or didn’t get sick and therefore had been around longer, there is no doubt in my mind I would *not* have developed ASPD. He was actively trying to save me from it without knowing the name of what he was afraid of developing.
Tw over
So as far as I understand it, the switch is either when you consciously realize you need to be the one to help and protect yourself/that no one else will, and/or when you realize that you have that you have built a wall between yourself and everyone else.
Plain text below the cut:
I think the easiest way to explain the switch honestly would just be to explain mine.
Tw: death of an important family member, no graphic details
When I was a child, there was a family member I had who was trying to fill the roles that he saw were not being filled, and to help me outrun a lot of anger he noticed I was capable of. He understood why and never judged me, and he tried to make me feel secure and succeeded. We were intensely close, and I was always around him if he was there. He treated me like his own daughter and is more of a father than my father EVER could be not that he tried, and I consider this man my dad instead of my biological father. Many adults in the family (somewhat sneeringly, but I’m autistic and didn’t see anything wrong with it) called me his little princess.
And then he passed. I don’t remember anything from the second eyes blurred from tears on that phone call to when I wrote this in my diary, likely due to a different alter being out. But I wrote “if I can’t be his princess, I’ll never be anyone’s princess ever again”. In that moment, I felt something different. I felt cold and distanced in a way I never had before.
Nothing hurt for a moment, and I felt this wall between me and everyone else who talked to me for a while, and for the most part the wall never came down. And that moment was when I realized the 50% of the people in the world I considered to have loved me were gone, and when I for the first time felt I needed to keep a distance to feel safe. It got more intense over the years, but that’s when it started.
If he was younger or didn’t get sick and therefore had been around longer, there is no doubt in my mind I would *not* have developed ASPD. He was actively trying to save me from it without knowing the name of what he was afraid of developing.
Tw over
So as far as I understand it, the switch is either when you consciously realize you need to be the one to help and protect yourself/that no one else will, and/or when you realize that you have that you have built a wall between yourself and everyone else.
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