#anime v movie comparison
spacemaze · 2 years
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Yor kick versus Selene bodyslam. Yor is nearly vampire strong.
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crisscross-sonicsauce · 8 months
Differences between the models from Sonic 2 and the Knuckles Show Masterpost!
I'm sure there are more but these are just what I've noticed so far...
(Also, this is kind of hard for Sonic and Tails because we don't see them much, but I'll do my best)
::Knuckles Show on top Sonic 2 on bottom
Okay, first...
For the most part, they're less furry.
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Comparing these you can see that the fur around his muzzle is shorter or at least not as well defined. This is true for the rest of them as well. Everyone looks "smoothed out," especially around the face.
Another example...
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You can see the fur around his ears is actually less fuzzy, and the triangle shape of the inside of his ears is more obvious. (Almost like he got a trim or something haha.) This is true for Sonic as well, especially the ear definition bit. Tails' cheek fluff is also more shapely and long, evoking his game design more. His forehead tufts now face slightly different directions instead of all pointing right.
This goes for Knuckles' chest pattern too...
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The shape is SO much fuzzier in the movie.
His body fur is also less voluminous in the show (likely the cause of the aforementioned definition.) I think this goes for everyone else too (Except for Tails maybe, I can't really tell since we can't see his body that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.)
Another one...
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They got rid of his nosebridge pattern. The delineation between his muzzle and head color is much clearer. (You can also see the muzzle fur and ear change here.) I'm actually kinda sad about this one :( It was one of my favorite parts of his design. It could be due to the fur shortening and just for the show, but I'm not sure... :/
Tails' tails actually appear to be MORE fluffy.
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and Sonic's chest fur is WAY fluffier
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If I had to guess, I'd say most of these changes were made to cut down on rendering time. Switching out the movie's "denser" textures for these "lighter" ones cuts down on the budget without sacrificing the looks. Very smart, very smart. (Obviously, I don't know for sure that they did this, I'm just guessing based off of the differences.)
Structure Changes
Here are some things I noticed about how the bones of the models have changed (meaning not due to textures) (It's mostly Sonic lol.)
From the images above you can see that Sonic's shoulders are broader and his arms are thicker. His upper chest area is now more prominent, giving him a body shape closer to a "V" than the rounder "0" Sonic from Movie 2. It's really obvious in the second picture.
His quills also don't start on his upper forehead anymore, now beginning further back. His quills also appear to be thinner. They blend in with his fur more than before. (See below.)
He also emotes differently. His face rig must have changed with his model, because when he furrows his brow the way pictured above his face wrinkles like 3x more than before, haha (I hope that doesn't stick around, it's kind of weird to look at lol.) Actually, now that I think about it, it might just look that way because the show's less voluminous fur is not hiding it as much.
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Yeah, that's definitely why haha. You can actually see the indents of the same crease placements in the movie model.
Also, is Tails taller?!?!? He sure looks taller here! But it could be a case of forced perspective since we can't see their whole bodies.
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Knuckles' eyes are very different. I don't think the other's eyes are different, but we see them for like two seconds from afar so...¯\_(._.)_/¯
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Also, I might just be imagining this, but it looks like everyone has more "neck" than before. Weird sentence, I know. You can kinda see what I mean here...If this is the case, it was likely done so posing is easier for the animators.
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And generally, everyone is at least twice as vibrant, especially Sonic! Just look at the comparisons. My boys are G.L.O.W.I.N.G! Beautiful!
I think that's all I've got. If I can think of any more I'll make a part 2. If you noticed something that I didn't, leave a comment and I'll add it. Or add a reblog of your own if you want^^
(This took way too long (¬_¬"") )
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boinin · 3 months
Just home from seeing the EpiNagi dub ⚽🤍 It cracked me up a lot, occasionally unintentionally, but it's a fun film. Some of my personal highlights and thoughts on the film below (spoilers):
Main unintentional humour were the instances of dodgy animation. Nameoka's hands look so jank as he's dissing Reo pre-Hakuho match—I was chuckling. Tbh the bad animation was amusing more than distracting to me, since I knew going in that the movie would have S1-equivalent animation.
Nagi calling Isagi a short normie 💀
Zantetsu's VA and his dialogue were really funny. Unfortunately some of his line delivery was quite muffled, so it could be hard to make out. But his dilemma over eating Nagi's steak and the "shooting out the womb" (??) bit were hilarious.
Bachira saying a really quiet zoom after out dribbling Zantetsu. Also, he had his own friggin insert song for scoring against Team V 🔥 as he deserves 💛
That one OST song that plays over Nagi's death aura scene is so damn cool; I know what album I'm looking up tomorrow.
They bishi-fied Kunigami even more for the movie. Also, any time he cheered IT WAS SO DAMN LOUD. Dude can shout.
Speaking of, why did they make Kuon look so pretty after fouling Nagi. Like?? Noticeably prettier than the other cast, even Chigiri. Only Nagi and Reo got that level of detail otherwise lmao
The movie hammered home how integral Raichi was to beating Team V. His "OR I'LL KILL YOU" moment went way harder than it had any right to.
Anri being a dork — I'm paraphrasing, but she says "It's like going Super Seiy—uh, right?" Then she pouts when Ego shoots her down. 🥹 ily queen you deserve better
The scene of Nagi seeing Isagi's light before the game ends, and Reo's reflection on the the breakup were both really nicely animated. They skimped a loooot in other places, but they knew where to invest time and money.
The post credit scenes 🤍💜 They're movie-original, and do volumes for Reo's characterisation. I can't wait until Episode Nagi's manga reaches that point.
The dub as a whole is decent, though Reo's dialogue is a shade more dudebro-y than it needed to be IMO. It's not as shippy as I'd expected, but that could be down to how they localised the dialogue. The animation is unambiguous though; Nagi's just like 🥺 whenever he looks at Reo.
Zantetsu's dialogue needed more breathing room to land than it received. I still really enjoyed his VA's performance. Other standout performances for me were Ego, and Barou's VAs. Chigiri's VA nailed the few lines they gave him, the standout being "I'll give you a headpat later." 👑
Anyway, I'm considering going to the subbed edition on Saturday, since that's the version I initially wanted to see... I just couldn't make the subbed cinema times this week. 🤷‍♀️ If I do go, I'll make a comparison post.
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ashthewaterghoul · 21 days
Inspired by my own recent trip to Disney World…
The Ghouls’ Favourite Disney Rides!
This is Era IV/V Ghouls and based off the rides at Walt Disney World in Florida
Below the cut bc I may have rambled a tad
Aether - Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster
It’s fast, it’s fun, it’s got rock music, and Dew just about meets the height requirement which he find hilarious. Guaranteed that after he comes off it and gets back to his guitar, he’ll be practicing a bunch of Aerosmith songs.
Dewdrop - The Seas With Nemo & Friends.
He’ll say it’s Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster but it’s actually Nemo. He loves the peace and quiet and Finding Nemo is his favourite Disney film. He also loves the aquarium that comes after the ride because he feels like he can just about feel his connection to Water there. Disney magic ig.
Rain - Kali River Rapids
It was Splash Mountain and he is still bitter about that closing but of course the Water Ghoul will love the water rides. He likes the challenge of keeping his glamour up while having buckets of his element dumped on him. And he may secretly use his magic to dump more water on whoever comes on it with him.
Mountain - Soarin’
Fitting in with my other hc it’s his favourite simply for the fact that his feet don’t touch the ground. He also loves the smells in the Africa and India scenes. Living With The Land is close second and right next door so bonus.
Swiss - The Haunted Mansion
It might come as a shock that his favourite ride is a very slow dark ride but he loves it. It’s creepy and funny and he loves trying to find a harmony with the singing busts for “Grim Grinning Ghosts”. He also knows the entire Ghost Host narration and can say it in-time with the ride in a very good impression.
Cumulus - Kilimanjaro Safaris
She loves the animals, the whole thing is outdoors and she could take over the job of the driver because of the amount of times she’s been on it. She also watches the docu-series on Disney+ about the care that goes into the animals and can name a few of them while on the ride.
Phantom - Guardians Of The Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind
In a similar vein to Aether, it’s fast, fun and has good music. They also are obsessed with films and love Guardians so it’s a fun little bonus. They know all the songs that could play and will belt them word-for-word while riding. Also Quints, stars, makes sense.
Cirrus - Tron Lightcycle Run
She loves the air that she gets on the outdoor section and thinks it’s really awesome ride. She’s never actually watched the film (much to Phantom’s horror) but she loves the ride and will be up very early to get a virtual queue for it.
Aurora - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train
It’s not about her height. One of her first movie nights topside included Disney films and Snow White has always been a favourite since, including using some of the songs as warm-ups backstage. Her and Dew take pride in the comparisons to the dwarfs and she will wait any time necessary to get on the ride.
Sunshine - Astro Orbiter
She loves heights and it gives a great view of the parks. She’s also out in the sun the whole time which is a massive lure for her. As much as she craves adrenaline, she also loves how it’s a bit different to the other spinner rides and the space/future theming is cool.
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slaingelo · 2 months
for your apocalypse au, have you thought about what started it, or what type of zombies it is? i absolutely love zombie media, like i go insane for zombies shows/movies/books, so this au is v interesting
YEAH !!!!
i'll be talking about viruses here n shtuff specifically rabies a lot so anyone who's squicked out by that feel free to skip this post.
so if you're like, into the scientific analysis of "how could something cause this IRL" with zombies you probably know that it very frequently goes back to rabies, if not mushrooms/parasites, being the closest real world comparison !! so like first i'm going to dive into rabies because my zombies here are directly based on it.
first off right off the bat. rabies, in real life, does not make humans turn into feral monsters.
I'm going into writing this with the assumption that Someone reading this might not be familiar with rabies, so anon if you're reading this and you already know a lot about rabies I'm sorry !! you activated the AUTISM and I'm goin ham, take most of this to be directed at anyone else who's reading. i might have a few of my facts mixed or jumbled as well because I'm relying on memory for all of this so take it with a grain of salt !!!
the reason animals become so violent is generally more so due to the confusion and fear rabies causes. while some humans need to be tied down, it's generally for their own safety or so they don't hit anyone. hit, not bite. sometimes they flail around. it's very rare for rabies to transfer between humans because humans don't have a reason to bite- if scared, flailing/hitting/scratching is more natural to us, and rabies is only transferred through saliva.
as an important note to how the zombie virus in my story works, its important to understand that rabies travels through the nervous system; not the blood. before symptoms appear, it's in a rest period. once symptoms appear, even just a mild headache, it is too late. [don't take this to be fear mongering lmao. just like, don't handle wild animals if you're not trained to and if you think you've been bit by anything go get your post-exposure rabies shot.]
so !! the virus in my au is a direct evolution of the rabies virus. the zombies because of this technically aren't even zombies, since they're not dead; but they're basically just hosts to the virus. their consciousness deteriorates so much that there's no Them in there anymore really.
this is where it kinda slightly leans into a slight idea of parasite-y shit even if it's not a parasite; if the host dies, the virus can't spread anymore, so unlike real world rabies that ends in death Quickly, this one wracks the body's system much slower. while this means there's more time to find some way to be saved depending on your circumstances, it also means if you don't, it's going to be worse for you. you'll be terribly sick and then just... gone to the most animalistic instincts that were locked away in your head [attack anything that moves, eat eat eat eat-]
and on that note ! one of the biggest issues if you think too hard about it with rabies -> zombies is that you can't really swallow when rabies takes hold. hydrophobia develops, and the brain starts to fuck up on muscle control and movements. so yeah this is kinda just getting cut out for the evolved version here, let's say this smarter virus evolved to Not do that so the host survives longer via being able to still eat. hydrophobia remains because I said so, though probably more so in the way that they can't swim and would just sink to the bottom of any body of water- so the virus just makes them stay away from it.
ANYWAYS.!!!! yeah the virus moving slowly through the body is how Blue survives, Green cut off his arm while all the virus was still In It. Obviously this won't work if you get bit somewhere worse, but most bites would probably be in the arm anyways. you'd also kinda need a trustworthy companion because chances are you'll be out of commission for a bit and likely infected with some other bullshit because hey !!! shit ain't aseptic out here !! Green was able to find some antibiotics that helped, but Blue wasn't doing too hot for a bit there. it's a very risky idea but it worked out for them...
AS FOR HOW IT ALL STARTED I haven't though about that too much honestly. mostly because all the characters are just- normal people. they had no involvement with whatever happened, but i thought up a few ideas since there surely would've been Some news reporting, and my favourite one;
natural evolution of the rabies virus. suddenly, even though it was supposed to be gone from the area, reports of rabid animals were showing up again- and now, lots more people too. it seems like the post exposure vaccine isn't helping anymore...
some other ideas i had that i was less fond of but might as well put out;
a cliche "someone was fucking around and finding out about creating a bioweapon out of rabies and it Went Terribly Wrong, who'da thunk!"
i think it's been done in some movie idk i don't watch many zombie movies, where it was specifically rabies that a human caught that they then intentionally spread to other humans and it got stronger with direct spreading to more human hosts or something idk
i think i had more ideas but like idk this is what i could remember HGJDSGHDSH anyways i hope that's a pretty clear answer, kinda went a bit off topic now and then i kinda wanted an excuse to info dump about rabies. for the ppl who were saying it sounded like an interesting interest when i mentioned it before here you go. i need to make a nuclear apocalypse au......
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axl-ul · 1 year
Writeblr (Re)Introduction
Hello! After some time of being inactive, here's a small reintroduction from me:) And I also guess that this is the exact aesthetic I aimed for. Finally!
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General info:
(Nick)Name: Axl-ul, but you can address me as Axl^^
Likes: Writing, reading, drawing, crochet, mythologies and folk stories, tea, doggos, cattos, battos (majority of animals that are fluffy)
Stuff I like to listen to: an ENORMOUS range that goes from og dubstep to chillstep to metal to edgy yeehaw dark country (among my fave artists are Bonobo, Nujabes, Burial, Hugo Kant, Sigmun)
Favourite movie: Noroi, The Vanished Empire
Favourite show: Mononoke (2009) it's actually an anime and yes I do consider it a show, Red Dwarf
Favourite book(s): The Witcher saga (Season of Storms was a little bit mid in comparison to the rest, still enjoyed it though), Solomon Kane, The Hobbit, Whiskey, Blood and Silver, The Warlock, Journey to the West (still reading it)
Favourite manga: anything by Junji Ito, Berserk
Favourite games: The Witcher trilogy, DreadOut, Condemned: Criminal Origin, TES V: Skyrim (also slowly getting into Oblivion), Sleeping Dogs, Darkwood, anything made by Fromsoftware (a fanboy)
Favourite genres: horror, mystery, (dark) fantasy, comedy
Favourite tropes: animal companion, found family, rivals to best friends
Writer info:
Genres I write in: horror, mystery, dark fantasy inspired by world mythologies, dark comedy, my wips might have a touch of detective stories to them, too^^
Tropes I use(d): found family, animal companion, rivals to best friends, rivals to friends to lovers (used only once as I don't like romance that much, why it appears in my wips is a looong story), orphaned MC
POV: 3rd person, multiple POVs with main focus on 1 to 3 characters max
I tend to write in quite a flowery language and in poetic prose, but since English isn't my first language it can come across slightly awkward (TL; DR I do plenty of updates and edits to my posted stuff)
My wips are inspired and sometimes directly refer to a certain mythology, such as Slavic (this one is also most widely used as I like to read local legends of Serbia, Russia, the Czech and Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Poland and so on), Chinese, Nordic, Japanese and Indonesian. HOWEVER I love to create my own mythos and so the world is a blend of characters directly based of a mythological figure exploring environement both familiar and completely new to them. (I've always been intruiged by a question what would happen if world mythologies bumped into each other and what would be the consequences of it.)
My own mythos are pretty much eldritch-like oriented with a significant touch of folk horror. I'm not going to lie, I'm a FromSoftware fanboi, I see Bloodborn or Kuon, I'm going feral and so is my inspiration.
There are many occuring themes about substance abuse, addiction, health issues, gore, extreme violence, sexual assault/rape and other strongly 18+ stuff, so I'd appreciate if only 20+ y.o. people (or be at least 18, really) follow this account. In other words - PLENTY OF NSFW THAT'S NOT DIRECTED AND INTENDED FOR MINORS.
Not all from my wips have a proper introduction (a.k.a. there's no link for their Tumblr WIP intro). BUT I do plan on doing them, so expect the links to be updated. These are just quick summaries of them.
The Flight of the Western Crane - A dark retelling of Journey to the West where Sun Wukong tries to protect the young Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang while meeting a duo of a stranded Princess of the Great Tiger Kingdom and her foreign advisor Lady Wolf Witch. Their common journey starts out as an innocent one. However, it soon evolves into a dangerous chase where the Monkey King must face the worst of his opponents.
City of False Gods - Hybrid of wuxia, mystery and film noir genres set on a fabricated island near Hong Kong. The fiction evolves around the Monkey King who's, after his yet another imprisonment, woken up to a strange world of 1920s where his powers are under a radar by the local supernatural cop unit and is forced to live among the poorest while trying to solve strange happenings in the city. City of False Gods also serves as a sequel to The Flight of the Western Crane.
Empire of Dust - Historical dark fantasy with horror elements set in 330 Constantinople. The story follows two little sisters one of whom is considered neither dead nor alive. One day, Ulfrika sets out for a strange task in order to provide for her dear little sister. Her pure-hearted intention, though, may lead her down the rabbit hole which may devour her sanity.
Ratpeople - An outline idea for a standalone story involving Ulfrika and her time in the Wild West, where the soulless hybrid discovers an eerie town in the desert while chasing after a man who stole one of her horses. The story is related to weird western (mostly its horror and fantasy elements and no sci-fi stuff) and mystery genres and also mythology related things.
Boy Who Chased a Dragon - Another outline story outside the universe of The Legends of No-man's Land. The story takes place on an island of eternal summer and flower bloom, where mythical creatures live peacefully. One day, Dado* loses his pet dragon, a creature his sister gave him for his 8th birthday, in a harsh storm. Now, he sets out for a long journey to retrieve his best friend from the claws of the cruel Ember King.
*because this is still in a process of an outline/1st draft, I'm still not sure about the name, it's only a working name for the protagonist
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henshinwolf89 · 11 months
Zeiram 1 Retrospective
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When it comes to Tokusatsu, it can be somewhat tricky to initially get into. With such a long history and back catalog, and an often 50+ episode long commitment, it can be daunting to newcomers. That’s why I usually say to find what appeals to you and go from there. Maybe find something that’s on the shorter side of things before trying to tackle the bigger ones. Standalone Tokusatsu movies can be a good starting point.
That leads me to suggesting one such movie series as a potential starting point into the larger world of Tokusatsu, the Zeiram series, which consists of two feature-length films and a six episode OVA. Zeiram was created by the insanely talented Keita Amemiya, an absolute legend in the Tokusatsu industry. Having worked on almost every major Tokusatsu franchise in some form at one point before creating his own series, such as the incredible Garo franchise, he quickly established himself as a unique visionary of the business.
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Zeiram is Amemiya’s second film after Mirai Ninja, his debut movie in 1988, and began its life as a sequel to it before evolving into its own thing. The first Zeiram movie was released on December 21, 1991, and reportedly had a smaller budget than Mirai Ninja, thirty million yen, which is roughly two hundred thousand dollars. The entire film’s budget is apparently the cost of just a single episode of Garo! However, just because it had a smaller budget doesn’t mean that they skimped on the special effects. The film deploys an impressive array of special effects, ranging from amazing suitmation, puppetry, pyrotechnics, wire work, fight choreography, and even stop-motion animation!
The film stars actress Yuko Moriyama as Iria, a tough as nails intergalactic bounty hunter. Moriyama was a relatively new actress, having her start on a contact lens commercial for Seed Contact Lenses and mostly doing TV work. Moriyama was initially hesitant to play Iria, as she had no prior experience playing action roles, but enjoyed her experience as Iria by the end and came out with a very positive outlook. She wasn’t used to using guns or gun props and was pretty surprised by the impact of the model gun the first time she used it. She got used to it eventually as she knew Iria was a professional and needed to act the part. Soon, she found firing the guns to be really fun. Moriyama also stated having difficulty with the suit Iria wore. It’s bulkyness making her feel like a robot and bruising up her body quite a bit. She got used to it after a month. However, the suit was very squeaky and noisy. You could always tell when she was nearby, much to the amusement of the rest of the cast and crew.
The other two major characters are the two average working Joe electricians, Teppei and Kamiya, played by Kunihiro Ida and Yukijiro Hotaru, respectfully. Ida was in Amemiya’s previous film, Mirai Ninja, and is a varied actor being in the original Japanese version of “Shall We Dance?” Hotaru, on the other hand, is an accomplished stage actor and should be a familiar face to Tokusatsu fans. He played The Evil Emperor Diable in Bishoujo Kamen Poitrine, had a cameo as the suicidal man in Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack or GMK for short, and most famously played Tsutomu Osako in the Heisei Gamera trilogy, and Gonza Kurahashi in Garo. Hotaru and Amemiya are good friends, and they both have a tremendous amount of respect for each other.
Moriyama, Ida, and Hotaru all developed a great working chemistry with each other. Ida was very supportive of Moriyama, frequently psyching her up and giving her emotional support, while Hotaru often gave her acting advice. They did line readings together often and read through the script many times before shoots. They did this in advance as often as possible. Hotaru during shoots would hunch over to make himself look smaller in comparison to Moriyama, so Iria had a larger and more imposing presence.
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Next up is Bob, Iria’s A.I. partner. Who is voiced by Masakazu Handa. He sadly died at the young age of 47 due to heart failure on August 26, 2014. Handa was a professional voice actor who also did a lot of narration work and announcement work at events like martial arts tournaments and sports games.
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Finally, the titular monster, Zeiram, is played by suit actor Mizuho Yoshida, and the suit was made by famous sculptor and artist Takayuki Takeya. Yoshida’s first role was in Mirai Ninja, but he has played many Kaiju characters as well, such as Mother Legion in Gamera 2: Attack of Legion, Zedus in Gamera the Brave and Godzilla in GMK. In the Rebirth of Mothra movies, he played Desghidorah and Dagahra in the sequel. He has also provided motion capture work for video games such as the Tyrant from Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, Dylan in Dino Crisis 2, Dead Rising, and Onimusha. Most notably was the mo-cap actor for both Solid Snake and Naked Snake/Big Boss in Metal Gear Solid 1-3.
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Amemiya drew many designs to find the look of Zeiram, an alien wearing a sedge hat. He settled on the look of a traveler from the Edo period, as he thought it would be scary to see someone like that in the streets in the middle of the night. The Zeiram costume was quite heavy, most of the weight being on the head with tension on the neck. According to Amemiya, Zeiram is female, but in the films, the characters use male pronouns, so I’ll be using gender neutral terms to refer to Zeiram. I mean, it’s a bio-mechanical alien. It probably doesn’t even fall into our human definitions of gender anyway.
But enough about the behind the scenes tidbits for now, let’s get into talking about the actual film!
The movie opens with an intense scene showing how dangerous Zeiram is. A group of armed men are brutally slaughtered by the ruthless alien. A bounty is placed on the capture of Zeiram, and Bob accepts the order and claims no one may interfere with Iria and Bob’s job. Next, we see Iria skulking through the streets of Tokyo, gathering supplies. Then we are introduced to Kamiya, who is elated to finally strike it big gambling on horse races. Kamiya is divorced, most likely due to his gambling habits. Teppei is next, trying to contact Kamiya about their next set of jobs. He wants to quickly get them done as he has a date with the company’s secretary, Yumi, something Kamiya teases him about.
I like Kamiya and Teppei. They’re just two average dudes that are about to find themselves in something extraordinary. They are the source of comic relief and provide a contrast to Iria’s stoic badass demeanor. Their hapless antics don’t distract or ruin Iria’s action scenes, and they even contribute tremendously to helping Iria. Honestly, they remind me of Val McKee and Earl Bassett, played by Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward from the movie Tremors.
Anyway, Iria and Bob’s base of operations are siphoning a lot of electricity, and so Kamiya and Teppei are called in to investigate. Iria and Bob are building a device to trap Zeiram in a place called the Zone. They need to use the Zone to capture Zeiram to avoid causing collateral damage to Earth’s environment and population. Bob says that they need this job to pay off debts racked up by Iria. After catching Zeiram in the Zone, the two electricians arrive, and Teppei accidentally stumbles into the Zone’s teleporter. Iria gives chase, and Kamiya invites himself along. This is where the movie primarily takes place in the Zone, where no other life is allowed in outside those permitted or teleported there.
Iria traps Kamiya in a protective barrier and goes off to pursue Teppei and find Zeiram. Unfortunately, Teppei encounters Zeiram first and is attacked. He flees, and Zeiram produces a creature called the Lilliput monster to give chase.
The smoke in the scene where Zeiram attacks Teppei with the Lilliput was created with oil at 2 o’clock in the morning. One of the first locations they shot according to interviews. People who hung their clothes out to dry had them covered in oil the next morning, Amemiya feels guilty for it and was sorry. The Lilliput monster was played by suit actresses Mayumi Aguni. Apparently, an early example of a woman playing a monster in Tokusatsu. It’s unfortunately difficult to find information online about female Kaiju actors. The only others I’m aware of are Yumi Kameyama as Super Gyaos in Gamera: The Guardian of the Universe and, of course, the popular and adorable Rie Ota as Baragon in GMK.
Back to the movie. Iria manages to track down Zeiram and lures it to a warehouse that she previously laid with booby-traps. She ensnares Zeiram in a wire trap and begins to gloat about her victory. Her confidence gets the best of her as Zeiram seizes the opportunity and surprises Iria with the parasite in it’s hat, and cutting itself free. Meanwhile, Teppei stumbles upon Kamiya frozen in the barrier. He attempts to free him. The fight between Iria and Zeiram rages on, as they exchange fire between each other. However, Bob warns that conventional weaponry is useless, so against Bob’s wishes, Iria reveals her battle armor and switches to hand-to-hand combat.
Iria’s armor proves effective as Zeiram’s payload of artillery is reflected. Zeiram chooses to fight with melee as well and begins to overpower Iria with shear might. Iria lures it to another trap, restraining it in place. Zeiram unleashes more Lilliput monsters to buy itself time to escape. Iria defeats the Lilliput monster, but Zeiram escapes its binding. Zeiram presses forward and corners Iria, but just before it can finish her off, she manages to finally trap it in the same confinement barrier she trapped Kamiya in.
With Zeiram in custody, Teppei finds Iria and requests she release Kamiya. Iria complies, and she explains the situation to the two men. Just as Bob is preparing to teleport everyone back, a Lilliput monster attacks the group. Iria defends the two but gets transported along with the monster, leaving the electricians behind with the frozen Zeiram. The scuffle with the monster damages the control panel, cutting off access to the Zone. Bob reveals it has also destabilized the Zone too, and not much time is left before it completely vanishes.
Waiting for Iria, Teppei rifles through Iria’s bags as Kamiya grows impatient. Another Lilliput monster attacks Kamiya, and Teppei uses Iria’s weapons to fight it off. In the struggle, Zeiram’s stasis pod gets damaged and releases it. The two electricians attempt to flee by hot wiring a truck. Unfortunately, Zeiram corners them and bites Kamiya’s arm with it’s parasite. They manage to shake off Zeiram and escape. It’s revealed that by consuming its victims’ DNA, Zeiram creates its clone monsters. It creates an imperfect clone of Kamiya, but it is unable to follow orders. In its rage, Zeiram kills the clone.
The scene where Kamiya gets attacked by Zeiram’s tentacle is one of the final scenes to be shot. The tentacle was controlled by wires, and the prop was quite short. They had to utilize camera tricks to make it look longer. After Zeiram removes its scarf, revealing its face, to make the Kamiya clone, its face seems reminiscent of the Predator. I wouldn’t be surprised if Predator played a role in inspiring Zeiram in some way.
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The two electricians flee into a beer storage warehouse and attempt to defend themselves from Zeiram. The fight causes Teppei to get separated from Kamiya. Teppei is unable to locate Kamiya, escapes, and contacts Iria. Iria and Bob debate sending Teppei the Metis Cannon to fight Zeiram after Teppei resolves to make a last stand after he assumes Kamiya might be dead.
Teppei heads to the drop-off point on a motorcycle to retrieve the Metis Cannon, Zeiram intercepts, and corners Teppei. Suddenly, Kamiya returns to save Teppei with a construction crane. However, Zeiram overpowers it and knocks Kamiya out of the vehicle. Then Iria swoops into the rescue, armed with a bazooka. Iria unloads the bazooka’s only shot towards Zeiram, severely damaging its body. Zeiram discards its lower half, revealing its true body is the hat, and mutates into a more skeleton-like creature to continue pursuing our heroes.
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The bike scene was shot in a plane hanger in Haneda Airport. Amemiya had no prior experience with shooting a scene with a stunt like this before and was worried about the safety of the actors. The wire connected to the stunt actor on the bike fortunately snapped off, had it not, Yoshida, in the Zeiram suit, would have been hit and seriously injured. The Zeiram skeleton showcases Amemiya and his teams talent at practical effects with an impressive display of both stop-motion animation and puppetry, bringing the creature to life.
The trio, with Zeiram in tow, flee through a maze-like web of rooms in search of the Metis Cannon to kill Zeiram. Iria stays behind to stall Zeiram, leading to her being flung out a window after damaging Zeiram with a grenade. Kamiya and Teppei find the Metis Cannon but struggle to put it together in time, Zeiram tracks them down and corners them. Iria locates them in the nick of time and quickly assembles the Metis Cannon and uses it to destroy Zeiram’s skeleton. She then captures Zeiram’s hat in a barrier.
Bob transports Kamiya and Teppei back to home base outside the Zone. Then, he brings back the captured Zeiram. Next, he attempts to bring back Iria. However, Zeiram breaks free, damages the transport device, and goes on the offensive once again mutating further. Iria is trapped within the Zone as it is collapsing. Bob instructs Kamiya on how to repair the transport device as Teppei attempts to hold Zeiram back with a makeshift wooden barricade. Zeiram breaks free and is poised to kill Teppei when Kamiya fixes the device, and Iria arrives to save the day by lighting Zeiram up with as many shots as it takes, finally killing it.
As the morning comes, the trio catch their breath and thank each other for everything. Iria cuts off two locks of her hair and gives it to Kamiya and Teppei as a way of saying thanks and for them to have something to remember her by. Bob then asks if the three could group up for a commemorative photo. As Bob snaps the picture, everyone smiles and credits roll.
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Though Moriyama was inexperienced as an action actress, by the time of filming the final confrontation with Zeiram, she was completely in character. Amemiya found it easier to direct her, as she had become accustomed to fighting, and he had gained more experience as a director. Despite a few bumps in the road, the cast and crew had a pleasant experience with the movie. The only major problems were the weather, which seemed to be against them, according to Amemiya.
As for my thoughts on the film? I absolutely love it! I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone, whether you’re into Tokusatsu or just like monster movies or creature features, like Predator or Alien. I’d even recommend this movie to a Resident Evil fan! I couldn’t shake the feeling of being reminded of my love of the intense rivalry between Jill Valentine and Nemesis. I wouldn’t be surprised if this film played some role in inspiring Resident Evil 3, though I have zero evidence to back that claim. Zeiram even goes through several mutations, like a final boss from Resident Evil.
Even if you’ve never heard of Keita Amemiya’s work prior to this, chances are you’ve encountered his work vicariously through some games you may have played. Games like Hagane: The Final Conflict, Onimusha 2-3, Clock Tower 3, Genji: Days of the Blade, Final Fantasy 14, and Shin Megami Tensei IV. Like I said, he’s a legend of the industry, and he has fans all across the world.
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If you’re interested, you can easily pick up a Blu-ray copy for a good price. It recently received a fantastic 30th Anniversary Edition re-release back in 2021 by Media Blasters. Go check it out! You won’t regret it!
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dynared · 2 years
One thing in the back of my mind is JDS and LM may be on the kallura is a mistake and allurance should have always been cannon. Lance insting it should be lance and allura not keith and allura made me think that. Though ending with allura dying seems to go against that. I mean they basically wasted the first and given WEPs disapointment only time allurance is cannon.
From everything that's been said about Voltron Legendary Defender, there are actually multiple stories about why it all fell apart and the license is now with Amazon (although like I noted yesterday, there is a greater than zero chance the Filipino GMA Network may not just release its live-action Voltes V, but a live-action Daimos before Voltron hits theaters).
If you believe Bob Koplar's Voltron panels, the man hated what Legendary Defender did in multiple spots. He hated Allurance, hated the race swaps, hated Shiro, and hated that the giant robot show was allergic to the giant robot. The relationship fully fell apart when Universal rejected a David Hayter-penned live-action movie script that used Legendary Defender as its base, and if Koplar is to be believed, while he has nothing but respect for Solid Snake (the man did write the screenplay for the first two X-Men films), the final product, AND I QUOTE, "Did not get Voltron". So once Universal/Dreamworks let the license expire (by not greenlighting any sort of continuation or separate adaptation), the rights lapsed and reverted to WEP, with Bob all too happy to take the license back and shop it around. That being said, the romance element was one of many things Koplar hated, rather than it being the only thing he thought was bad. And judging by the commercial, non-Tumblr/Twitter response to the film in comparison to the utterly insane bidding war the pitch that was based on the original show garnered, Bob was correct.
The actors behind the show presented a much more mundane reason for the show falling apart during a panel in 2021. During said panels, the actors CLAIMED that Legendary Defender was supposed to have a movie about an older Lance going to find Allura and reviving her. However, in their account of the story, when Dreamworks signed a deal with Hulu, they were legally unable to make the movie happen. And then the license expired due to reasons they were unaware of.
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Bluntly put, while it's feasible, the story doesn't really add up.
Yes, Dreamworks did sign an exclusivity deal with Hulu (that seems to have since expired). Only that deal did not prevent the continuation of numerous Dreamworks animations, including the Boss Baby show, which is running to this day, and She-Ra, which after it ended and bombed, went to Amazon Prime for its next incarnation, not Hulu or even Peacock (which is owned by NBC Universal, Dreamworks's parent company).
If the Legendary Defender deal did expire, absolutely nothing was stopping Universal, had they wanted to, from putting a new Voltron show into production to retain the license, even if it was some sort of Teen Titans Go-esque comedy.
Universal itself at this point was actually going through significant cost-cutting. They actually dumped a few films they were going to distribute, most notably Detective Pikachu, to save on marketing costs.
I'm of the belief that there was a VLD animated grand finale movie in the cards, but after the show tanked commercially, the movie production went south, and it was clear Koplar was pissed and Universal thought the license was dead (by their own hand), Bob took the license back through the license expiration clause, and when he set out to restart the live-action movie, made it a point to make it the opposite of all the things he hated about Voltron Legendary Defender. Which seems to be "most everything," although yes, that does include the romance in the show.
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tomorrows2top · 11 months
Comparison between the Original 02 evolution sequences for V-mon and Wormmon, and the new movie's rendition of them.
src: Toei Animation's youtube channel.
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KICKS YOUR DOOR DOWN !!! idk if these count as wholesome, but they are all general fedya headcanons i have (can you guess which ones are me self projecting ???)
he's epileptic cause the real fyodor was epileptic
he's a super sex positive person and the stigma that having a lot of sex/exploring your sexual self makes you a lesser person infuriates him to no ends. he also thinks the whole 'pre-marital sex is a sin' thing is fucking bullshit
he's an orthodox christian, but he's a little more on the ambiguous side of being an orthodox, he identifies with the faith, but not to the T
he likes small soft animals, and he likes small stuffies
he didn't learn to read, write or speak until much later than his peers, but once he did learn all the things, he was far ahead of everyone else.
he gets sick quite a bit, but he gets self conscious about how weak his body and immune system are, so when he does get sick he just hides away from everyone around him. good thing he's very competent and can take care of himself.
he actually has a very good relationship with his mom. he still calls her from time to time and they talk for hours to catch up. she doesn't know what exactly he's doing, but she loves hearing from her dear son
he very much enjoys romance novels, they're kinda his guilty pleasure, but one of his favorite things to do to relax is drink some hot tea and read a good romance story.
speaking of tea, he likes it really sweet, more cream and sugar than actual tea.
he has an over active imagination, and when he was a kid was absolutely convinced that everything was living, he talked to his toys all the time. having whole conversations with them.
wears his hat all the time because he HATES when things touch his ears.
his hands are really soft, but constantly cold, and his knuckles get very red a lot of the time bc of how cold his hands get.
he finds slasher films to be corny and annoying, but he does enjoy himself a good psychological horror film. but his movie is v for vendetta. he likes the themes that are used, the film style, the use of colors. it's definitely his go to when he gets to pick the movie for movie nights.
speaking of movie nights, on the topic of dates, as tedious as it is, he has scheduled dates. it's all he can do for dates since he's so busy.
he talks to himself a lot. he often narrates everything he does, and doesn't even notice it sometimes. he just goes about his day spewing silly little monologues as everyone just stares at him weird.
he likes stars quite a bit, and planets fascinate him. despite how smart he is, he has never been able to fully wrap his head around how big the world really is, and how tiny he and everyone he knows is so tiny in comparison.
every time he sees an animal out in public, he waves to it, of (if he can do it discreetly) blows it a little kiss.
he likes cabbage a lot !! no particular reason, he just likes cabbage.
okay i'm done... for now. patiently awaiting the fyodor filth :D
Hello dear Lev! I am going to respond to some of your hcs with my opinions on your hcs. Under the cut for space
 -> I agree with Fyodor being epileptic! There’s actually a really interesting twitter thread by faust [@CosmicFaustus] going over his health and possible conditions he has.
 -> Now, I don’t really agree with the sex positivity one and I’m going to go over why because this is a very interesting topic to me.
Firstly I believe Fyodor to be both sex repulsed and a virgin. This is for a few reasons, the main one being that sex is something that requires vulnerability. The other person would have to see his body, frail and weak as it is, and despite his ability he would be in a position where he is out in the open. Bare and fully exposed, and the intimacy and vulnerability that comes with that is that freaks him out, leading to being him repulsed by the idea of it. With a lover he’d definitely warm up to sex, but it would take a long time and a lot of trust/comfort. But once that has been reached yeah, he’s all for exploring himself/themselves sexually.
In regards to other people I can’t see him being really sex positive. To Fyodor sex is something sacred, to be done only between lovers, an ultimate display of love and trust, and while he doesn’t really care about what other people do he will definitely silently judge them. People who sleep around or have had many partners are, to him, idiots who can’t control themselves. None of his business once again, and he’ll never actually say anything, but he definitely judges.  Fyodor definitely has a “my way or the high way” mentality, so those who go against what he believes are definitely lesser to him, which can pose a problem when it comes to relationships. He is not the best at understanding other peoples point of view beyond a theoretical understanding.
I do agree with the pre-marital sex though. I don’t think he cares much for that, but once again if someone has had a lot of bodies before marriage then he’s definitely side-eyeing them. But he would definitely have sex with his own lover before marriage, hundred percent.
Tl;dr: Fyodor is only sex positive with his lover, and that takes a while.
 -> I agree with him being Christian! I definitely see it being more ambiguous though, like you said. His relationship with religion is most certainly very strained and odd but that would require a whole analysis to get into.
 -> Fyodor definitely likes animals. I think he does both the “man is nothing more than animals” and “animals are so much better than man” thing. I also do see Fyodor having kept a teddy bear from when he was a child, though it’s hidden away and he seldom ever looks at it.
 -> He definitely gets sick a lot [once again pointing back at the tread by Faust], though I don’t think he’s good at taking care of himself. Fyodor can very easily get lost in his work and got days on end without eating or sleeping, and when he does take care of himself it’s either the bare minimum or actual proper self care, with the latter usually only being on days where he’s free [read as Ivan forcing him to take a break].
 -> I kind of see him liking romance? It’s by no means his favourite genre, but sometimes he’ll indulge and read one. I think he prefers tragic romances though, though the cheesy ones can be fun to pick on [especially with his lover].
 -> I don’t agree with him having an overactive imagination at all. Even as a kid Fyodor probably had a very ‘mature’ understanding and awareness of mortality and so on, I don’t think he ever believed everything was alive. I could see him talking to a stuffed animal maybe, but that would be from pure loneliness, nothing else.
 -> Now I don’t really see Fyodor watching movies, but I certainly don’t think his favourite would be V for Vendetta.
And yeah, he definitely schedules dates. There are some spontaneous ones, but a lot of times they’re predetermined. Which, honestly, is how Fyodor likes them. It gives him something to look forward to and creates a very welcome consistency. 
 -> I half agree with Fyodor narrating. I firmly believe Fyodor wouldn’t narrate aloud at all, no silly monologues or anything of that ilk. To everyone else Fyodor is ghostly silent, to the point where some people wonder if he’s actually there or not. Everything Fyodor thinks is internalised, he’s extremely in his own head.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Review of Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet Of Curiosities
this is biased, and just my personal opinion, and v much done for fun and for my forgetful ass so i dont forget what i thought ✌️
Episode One - Lot 36
A seemingly interesting premise of buying a locker (yall in america are crazy btw i am completely stunned by you all and your weird national idiosyncies), if a little cliched. I understand if they were going with very unsubtle callout for this particular flavour of American republican pos human being, with the whole setting him up as a character who is pretty squicky but also kinda pitiful, then again not really bcs you see his passive-agressive racism an xenophobia, and the whole war veteran thing as a sort of an offset to that which honestly doesnt feel genuine because trauma doesnt entitle you to being an asshole actually. having him get eaten by a demon because the lady he refused to help was the one who couldve saved him, but decided not to bcs he was mean to her did kinda feel satisfying. The occult nazi storyline was too underwhelming though, first of all it lasted too short in comparison to the setup of the character (Nick?) and second of all the occult german expert was played by balthazar from spn which kinda completely broke the suspension of disbelief for me, especially since i kept searching for roche's french accent underneath the affected german one (thats a personal professional deformation at work). the demon just looked like a female demogorgon, although i did like the framing of certain scenes, especially the intro one and the comparison of the dead animals head with the dead nazi one. the sacrificing of women implied was a bit dull tbh, and the ritual circle reminded me of that one movie w that girl about to be sacrificed to a goat-headed cult with that guy from blues brothers, and it honestly kinda fell flat for me. I do like Guillermo introducing it in the beginning, feels v like an hommage to Hitchcock tbh and im here for that.
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hero-dwelling · 21 days
On the "is tenkos dad bad for disliking superheros" message - I think it was not intended. For context, I'm someone who actually does dislike superheroes and find it kinda stupid with all the costumes and stuff - and I also by that point had soured on MHA and only read it to see how it would end - but at no moment thought I "wow Hori is attacking me and calling me a bad person for not watching MCU movies" Still I think there are other moments, where more serious problematic messages were spread by Hoir, so even if this one was true, it would kinda pale in comparison
(I mean, Horikoshi and his associates have done official tie-ins with Marvel, and he has cited it as an influence, so…)
Building off of my previous post:
I think you are correct that it is not intended. 
But I do think I am onto something. 
By its final chapter, My Hero Academia ends up perpetuating the same superhero system it tries to interrogate, criticize, and reform--with the ending offering almost no reforms. 
Maybe the supervillains end up disappearing in this ending. 
But the worshiping of heroes persists. 
And I can’t help but read Kotaro’s animosity towards superheroes as still a message of, “Don’t be like this guy--keep buying the merchandise.” 
Granted, a lot of what I’m writing here is probably plagiarizing what Bob Chipman has already covered when comparing the films The Avengers and Batman v Superman. 
To summarize Chipman’s interpretation: The Avengers presents the World Security Council as antagonists who don’t believe the Avengers can work as a solution, the film audience is now put into a position to cheer on the Avengers as an idea and hence the MCU as a viable storytelling avenue. By contrast, Batman v Superman takes more from its director’s previous work on Watchmen, suggesting that superheroes are actually a terrible idea and would not work in society.
(Chipman has gone back to this well when talking about Matt Reeves’s The Batman, so who knows whether he and I are chasing windmills.)
To share a bit where I’m coming from: I got into My Hero Academia right before the anime came out because I had heard good reviews from manga readers I knew, and I was already a fan of both the superhero genre and school life manga series. 
And the tone of the story matched largely what I prefer in superhero stories: I want the Adam West Batman, the animated Brave and the Bold, stuff like Dr. Horrible (go to hell, Whedon) and The Tick. I like the goofy, the campy, stuff that can parody the conventions of the genre. I’m not saying My Hero Academia had to be wacky, but when I enjoy something lighter but still a bit subversive or deep, I do tend to be critical when the supposed depth is illusory. And My Hero Academia did feel like it was less deep than it acted like it was. (If I can ever organize my thoughts, how Toga was handled at the very end felt like a refusal to really go further with the queer text with her and Ochaco, and killing her off refused to commit to that story.)
Since you gave your context, I’ll share mine: I have taught, written about, and presented on comics and superhero stories, including My Hero Academia. I appreciated a lot of what My Hero Academia started with--before it just fell apart for me, coincidentally when we meet Kotaro and get Shigaraki’s back story. And I think that moment if fell apart for me still ties into the point I made about Kotaro: the story is making a massive shift in focus from the heroes to the villains, and if you want people to sympathize with the villains, why not have a parental figure who is not only abusive but commanding “No superhero stuff”? 
That may be one reason why I’m also reading the manga during that League of Villains arc as insisting, intentionally or not, that the superhero stuff is still cool, because the story just felt like it was struggling to figure out how to both criticize the superhero stuff, while not getting rid of the cool costumes and powers. 
I think you could relate that as well to what Overhaul was trying to do, take on the aesthetics of supervillains while updating the yakuza for that time period. (The Seth Rogen Green Hornet film had a ton of problems, but having a villain who also was struggling to maintain his organized crime racket by slowly morphing more and more into a stereotypical comic book supervillain was an idea that had the potential to be a lot better.) 
“Sure, these villains are villains, but, first, aren’t they sympathetic, and second, while the villains have legitimate grievances against superheroes, you don’t want to be like Kotaro who just hates the heroes for being heroes! I mean, look how cool all of these characters look! Don’t you want to cosplay Shigaraki’s new outfit? Don’t you think both the superheroes and supervillains have good appearances and fun powers? Buy the video games and play as them--embody them! Buy the merch! Don’t let this dark spin to the story stop you from enjoying the story--keep giving us money!” 
However, in defense of that series, I did massively misinterpret a lot about My Hero Academia when I first wrote and presented on it. (I initially thought it was far more aspirational than it ended up becoming: I thought it was presenting a world that figured out how to be anti-racist, anti-bigotry, and pro-accessibility, then the English dub had Jiro insulting Tokoyami’s appearance, Vigilantes talking about NIMBYs and discrimination against larger-size people, and much later the back stories for Spinner and Shoji.) 
And to emphasize: I enjoy the camp and the costumes, I completely understand someone else like you not liking the superhero story and the costumes and tropes, and I don’t think My Hero Academia, intentionally or not, was trying to compare someone like you to Kotaro, so much as the story was telling the superhero fans “you don’t want to be like Kotaro, so support the superhero stuff.”
And if I could keep writing, I would talk about whether My Hero Academia had a problem that Attack on Titan ended up having, where the message, iconography, and historical references got so muddled that you don’t know what the story was trying to communicate. In other words, was Attack on Titan anti-fascism or pro-fascism? Because I gave up on that series, and it was too uncomfortable to keep seeing that story take on the icons of fascism without seeming to meaningfully condemn them so much as use them as window dressing. In other words, Attack on Titan seemed more like Starship Troopers the novel rather than Starship Troopers the movie. 
But I wish I could figure all of that out, because I think it would help address what you hint at with regard to the “more serious problematic messages” in My Hero Academia. 
I won’t put words in your mouth as you didn’t mention what those problematic messages were. 
But for me, having the heteromorphs yelling about bigotry at a Black superhero like Rock Lock was poorly done (is this story suggesting Rock Lock is propping up a bigoted system when he as a Black superhero should not do so?), the last-minute lore dumping and worldbuilding with the various anti-heteromoph massacres that could have been set up earlier, Toga just getting absolutely fridged while other characters survive far more brutal injuries and the potential refusal to just commit to a queer story there without it requiring burying the gays (and whether this ties into killing off Midnight, an incredibly in-your-face sexual person), not committing to visuals that show the actual reforms Ochaco and Shoji accomplished, and, outside of the text, the goddamn jackasses online that can’t get over that maybe Izuku is happy teaching and aren’t just insulting Izuku and the women in his life as if he is a loser in case he is still single and as if the women owe him anything. 
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
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spoilertv · 6 months
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Corridor Digital Animes that are not animes Pt.2
In a past post I talked about Corridor’s anime-like sketches a shorts but I purposely avoided talking about their series: ANIME ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS (1 & 2), where they use AI filters to take their live action performance and transform those into what looks like a  2D animation, and released those videos under the motto “Did We Just Change Animation Forever? ” .
  First of all, I have to address the elephant in the room; The use of AI.
As someone very interested on the tech space but also surrounded by a lot of artists Im very interested on the advances in AI technology, but I'm also conscious about the ethical use and im trying to form a more studied opinion than just saying “AI is cool I dont care about anything” nor “AI is bad, everything made with AI is bad”. 
  To begin with something, the first Corridor video was trained (trained as in: the filter applied over the frames of the video was made by an AI trained to replicate the mentioned artstyle) in the style of the movie Vampire Hunter D and people got very mad, and I my opinion that was the only thing that was a bit shady, but we have to understand the first video was essentially a proof of concept and they fixed it by commissioning character art for the second video with an artist that was willing to hand their art for the training process. At the moment I don't remember what platform was used to do the training, I know some where trained with copyrighted material but right now there are programs that only use owned material or can be trained with your own data so you can have copyright free generated images.
  The other thing I have to say about AI is that people gets mad very fast with the concept of AI and how “its stolen art and lazy” and I have to ask where is the art in a multimedia piece? Its just the art style or there is more? Im going to make a very bold comparison now, but we all know Marcel Duchamp and the fact he brought a urinal to an art exposition, the “art” in that instance wasn’t the urinal itself, the art piece was the action; the absurdism; the boldness; the critic to the status quo and every analysis of that situation is the art piece, not the material piece itself. In the other hand this youtube video we are talking about ain’t a masterpiece, but it has an interesting original story, voice acting, all the character actions were interpreted by real actors so it has a lot of art and true effort in it, if they didn’t used an AI generated art style and keep the live action format of their old anime videos, no one would have complain and people would loved it, but as VFX artists they wanted to see how far they can go visual effects and made something really interesting.
  I also have to make the comparison to Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series (Or Yugioh Abridged, or YGOTAS), that's a pretty beloved series where some guy just take the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime and makes its own collage, dubs everything and tells a new story loosely based on the original series. Isn’t that stealing the art and the concepts of the characters to create something new and profit from that too? Why YGOTAS wasn’t (or is) equally controversial? Someone could say that's because Yugioh Abridged is a parody, but Corridor’s video is a parody of its genre too, just less explicit.
  Anyways I kinda forgot my original point, but the ANIME ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS videos are cool, as with the ones before Corridor nailed the anime language, they did not change animation forever, but I'm pretty sure that title is just the youtube game. AI criticism is valid, but have a little more critical thinking and don't criticize things just because part of them are made with AI.
 ANIME ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVT3WUa-48Y
ANIME ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWZOEFvczzA
Did We Just Change Animation Forever?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9LX9HSQkWo
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series: https://ygotas.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page
- Oscar Garrido
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eyeballtank · 1 year
Maybe i should do another Rentry post for these but just in case.
Honestly, if Crowbcat wanted to be even more /v/, he could've not bothered with those videos about Halo (Which even Martin O'Donnell liked) and instead gone full "Babby's first FPS that ruined the genre".
He even made a positive video about Doom 2016, for a guy that is essentially "/v/ outside of /v/".
Like he could've technically been worse, since /v/ even had threads shitting on RE4.
Love Death and Robots seems at first to be a spiritual successor to Heavy Metal in terms of being a showcase of different sci-fi stories.
The problem is that Heavy Metal had a particular appeal that isn't really present in LDR, mostly the "nerd into 80/90's heavy metal/sci-fi" stuff while LDR has typical modern elements.
But this might also be partially why the Heavy Metal comics brand is dead, because they dropped that appeal/focus years ago.
If people look at the 2 animated movies or those illustrations by Simon Bisley, they'll get disappointed knowing HM stopped showing tits at some point.
Though someone i follow that is a bigger comics expert points out that Heavy Metal was more about the art while 2000AD was more about the stories and also had better variety so it wasn't just "cool characters nerds like".
The thing with Lois Lane in the new Superman cartoon is that she looks like a generic tomboy but to some people, she was just a white office lady.
I guess it's like how Marian from Double Dragons wans't really a visually iconic looking character, so nobody cares that River City Girls turned her into Dorohedoro Noi.
But it also might be a difference from Harley Quinn where if these characters like superheroes or villains have interesting designs, then the likes of Batman's butler Alfred or Spiderman's Aunt May exist to look normal and not have actual designs.
So to some it isn't a loss because she never had a "design" as they think.
SiivaGunner was a fun gimmick at first but i think what made the channel kinda boring is how many memes they started to incorporate and even make it part of a "lore".
Like Grandad and Snow Halation are "part of it" but then there's all these various attempts at referencing specific e-celebs and memes.
It's specifically lame when they reference Keemstar or Logan/Jake Paul like those are human beings worth liking.
Also makes the "wholesome" aesthetic weird.
"Awww look at Kirby and Frisk from Undertale, videogames are so cute... anyway, here's the shittiest memes you've already been tired of seeing on Youtube mixed along".
People already give Triple Q some shit for being irony poisoned or meme centered, even if he hasn't reached the level of Grandayy.
Probably the same deal with Tumblr people going "NO MORE IRONY, I WANT SINCERITY" but still showing hints of the meme/irony culture they grew around, when they could either develop real life experiences or interact with actual good media.
Maybe a problem with nerd portrayals in pop culture is that the idea of them being outcast and all is there but Star Wars was always popular, so pop culture was "partially correct".
Like replace Star Wars and Star Trek with Heavy Metal comics or something less talked about and all those caricatures in tv shows could've been more accurate.
When it comes to fiction copying/taking stuff from its own fields, comedy is probably the worst case of this because you'll realize certain caricatures or "types" come from someone's observations and then later comedies take it and it becomes autopilot in a way.
Maybe it's the case with media leading to stereotypes or biased views on real people but moreso something that makes characters feel less sincere.
I dunno, making another generic fantasy setting with orcs and dragons is less evil in comparison to a sitcom copying the same character traits.
Seeing people go "you're not a real fighting game fan unless you're part of the FGC" is funny because it's obviously a response to people mad at the censorship in Skullgirls.
But also because it's a way to make any game less beloved than it is because of how exploitable it is.
"You're not a real Mario fan unless you're a SM64 speedrunner".
When Doom Eternal came out, even guys with "hot takes about JRPG's" and those that mock Redditors talked about the Isabelle crossovers and did basic Doom memes.
Most of them might as well be fake fans because they're not too invested in wads and browse Doomworld.
See how that sounds?
I think i already said in Rentry posts that Sseth became either safe or too reliant on current memes.
Emptyhero however still makes risky jokes and is still funny.
If i finish my game, i wouldn't care if he shat on it as long as he made a review of it funny.
If you think about it, Zoomers grew up with Smosh and ERBOH, so they watch breadtubers and essay video makers to overcompensate.
It's the closest they get to "intellectualism" to make it up for watching shit that other online groups would put it beneath 9gag.
I wonder if there's a correlation between people complaining about "edgy animation" (As in, when Spongebob has better animation/is animated by actual animators than SU) and people that hate AAA games with "photorealistic" graphics.
Because there is an arguement for "corporate" art styles still requiring effort but then they'd realize that applies more to 3D "CalArts" animation that even the Mario movie has than Spongebob.
Even with videogames, developers "scaling down graphics" won't just be the end of Naughty Dog but even fantasy or sci-fi designs people like.
Not even "343 overdesigned sci-fi" or "DarkSiders copycat autopilot fantasy" but there's character designs people won't admit have a lot of detail.
Unless that "i want shorter games with worse graphics" image is less about scale and more about quality as in "the Metal Slug series is soulless because it having good pixel art means it took slavework while my shitty indie game is REAL SOUL because the art style being bad is a good thing".
Maybe it's a clique thing where people just advertise the "right kind" of games.
And again, corporations LOVE stiff animation and hate effort taking animation from passionate animators.
I think the reason why people have some interest in people taking shit seriously is because of what comes next: When they "betray" that investment.
Like Zoomers still taking screenshots of art they deem illegal/immoral to mock someone or taking "Proshippers DNI" off profiles to not get blocked by artists.
Or people treating "groomer" as a slur when they could easily use it against the other side when they find their actual examples of groomers.
Something where the issue is not "taking shit seriously" but more "doing a terrible job at it", because when you take something like culture wars or fandom shit seriously, your brain might as well have some connection like your life somehow depends on it.
You can see this with germophobes who wash their hands too many times, then they make food for someone and don't wash their hands: Are they outgrowing their habits? Or are they revealing they only care for their safety, even if the food isn't contaminated by a real threat?
Maybe it's a sign of people only acting a certain way to fit in a group.
Because it can also come off as a sign of a weak character if you fuck up even something you're supposed to base yourself around.
The idea of a Barbie moving having politics is funny because the "outside" of Barbie has all these feminists thinking girls are forced to play with it or that the character is a terrible representation of women.
In a way, politics in media could be about the "outside" and not what's coming from the setting or story.
Same deal with Doom: Why bring up the UAC argent energy plot when you have John Carmack making the games moddable out of a "hacker respector" way and Romero getting the sack by ZeniMax when wanting to share some assets related to the games?
The occasional overlaps between SA and Tumblr are funny because they seem opposite at first until you realize their opposites explain the overlaps.
One thing is troll's remorse, another is nerds that were always easy to mock still trying to be the bullies.
Knowing the history behind Dril and even Homestuck can reveal some lore between a site where nerds wasted money on a forum while telling other nerds to die and another that acted as a hugbox for freaks to feel "heckin valid".
I think a reason why OG Lara Craft is more liked than the boring new Lara is because she's clearly a comic book/action figure type character and the other is a generic "realistic" character that might as well be an NPC.
Part of why you can't put Solid Snake/Big Boss in the same field as actual generic "white guy protagonists" because of stuff related to their designs, backgrounds, personalities, gameplay etc.
Also explains why some Resident Evil fans (Even if a small minority) aren't much into the remakes or 7/8.
And a problem with both Doom movies and the cancelled Doom 4 having generic SWAT soldiers when Doom always had a particular "sci-fi security guard" aesthetic while the new games have the Sentinel stuff.
The reason to make fun of shit like boomers complaining about woke stuff is if they do it in a situation where it's not the case or they exaggerate something, but you can tell some people mock these even in situations where it's not unreasonable.
Otherwise, the people mocking these boomers would still mock shit like ResetEra freaking out over cute girls in a JRPG.
Like you see people claim Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album art is "appropriating LGBT culture" because of the rainbow and instead, it's the boomers talking about that group of people that get to be mocked.
Being stupid isn't exclusive to one side.
It's why people think it's more convinient to be left wing and then get surprised when there's grifters or shit like that.
A lot of "media literacy" boils down to adding modern politics to a movie that otherwise had a very different message.
Meanwhile, Fritz the Cat had political themes that could apply to modern times but "media literacy" types and animation fans ignore it because it's not coming from their desired background/area.
One of the worst images i saw was a Soyjak making fun of people that prefer to ignore Twitter.
Years of guys on /v/ being told to "go to Twitter" everytime they complain about censorship and now when some anons say "stop posting Twitter screencaps on /v/", they're told "um you should care what Twitter people say".
The mere fact that Twittier is essentially "the center of the web" is a bad thing and destroying the site would be one of the few good things Elon Musk ever did in his life.
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