narwhalsarefalling · 3 months
im sick of seeing danny on my dash but idk what i was expecting. i followed you right after the time you reblogged that one cat wednesday post a bajillion times and i did know you were behind the dannypocalypse
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cuddlerlouis · 2 years
Did you watch DWD?? It’s funny everyone I know who saw it was like it’s not a perfect movie but it was a fun time and Harry did really well
i did!! really enjoyed it, 7/10! what i regret the most honestly is the fandom’s behaviour towards it otherwise the note would have been higher. such a shame that people weren’t able to keep their mouth shut and not spread hundreds of pics or audios.
it is definitely 100% worth watching on a big screen. the costumes and aesthetic are to die for. there are some plot holes but honestly i don’t get why people made such a big deal out of them. it is clear that harry lacks experience but at the same time florence is EXCEPTIONAL, chris was so good and gemma too. olivia was so captivating my friend who came with literally said the same thing. harry was honestly great, though lacking in more intense scenes but he overall did a great job and if you aren’t focused on being an annoying pretentious critic you will definitely enjoy the movie.
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its so brave that you have such a 2012-coded url in this 2024 world
would you call a bear brave for standing in a new construction suburb or would you recognize the unfamiliar world they built around him
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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felidaeng · 2 months
Are you an advocate for censorship?
is this because i said not to use the r slur
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brothersonahotelbed · 5 months
i wish i was a boy so that boys would wish i was a girl so they could fuck me is that anything
it's everything. i understand you anon.
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anonpolls · 1 month
Thanks for the question, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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junglejim4322 · 3 months
do you think a 5'4 and 6'2 height difference is predatory?
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girlballs · 1 year
can you not post nsfw :(
you come into my home uninvited and tell me how i should arrange my furniture? what a fool you are. skeleton divine death blast
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rabbitebooks · 1 year
Can you share with us a good rabbit picture
Of course! here's th
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incorrectbatfam · 21 days
You're literally gay??? And it's pride month??? And Israel's our only safe haven in that region???
There's no pride in genocide
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jesterbots · 5 months
could you imagine being a man, a sis gender man, who is really into sounding other men. It's just the only way for you to get off really. But one day you meet a man that you really like, and you just connect with him on a whole other level. And you guys finally get to the point where not only are you in the bedroom with each other, but you're starting to get more open with each other too. About all the things like. The only issue is, is that this man is transgender. He does not have a penis he has never pursued any sort of bottom surgery. So he still has the whole set, the labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres. And he also has a urethra. Now he's willing to indulge in your special weird little thing. You're sounding. And you guys finally get to the bedroom and you have your little sounding pole or whatever it is they use. But you realize some thing very quickly. Do you know where the clitorises you know where the clitoris is, but where… Is the urethra? Riddle me this Batman
i've tried answering this ask in three different ways and each time it deleted whatever i added. labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres. Every time i try to find a new angle to work on this answer with i read another sentence that makes me wince so hard i forget 3/7ths of the english language. labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres. i literally am trying to think of any kind of response but verbally i keep repeating it. "labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres." it's like a spell. it's fucking addicting. it's the only way i know a human being sent it because that was for fucking sure speech to text happening right there for a single sentence. labia menorah menorah the majora Little China adequate Torres.
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txttletale · 9 months
Wait what was that coup that america did? In south america I think? I cant remember it
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you're gonna have to be more specific
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themetalhiro · 7 months
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And all was right in the world.
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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little-klng · 1 year
i think kids online should really get back to making internetsonas instead of whatever fuckshit this is with putting their entire real faces, names, ages, and such everywhere. you're not gonna realize how nice internet privacy is until you dont have it anymore and no chance at getting it back. make up a guy and a name and just be that online. make up conflicting details about your completely made up backstory. make a fursona or something
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