#another day of sitting here head in my hands cursing the stupidity of men YOU MADE HER FEEL ALIVE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE AND THEN
eerna · 10 months
gonna explode. I am not noticing the change when she has her hair down in the show, but I AM noticing that the first scene in which her eyes don't look tired is when she is fighting Mikio. I am exploding as we speak
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
hihiiiiii!! I'd liek to request val w reader and reader on her period/being sick jus fluffy comfort w that ?? I'm going through it and oml its terrible and I wanna b coddled by my comfort character lmao, thanks if u do do it. if not totally ok!!! hope u have a nice dayyyyy <3
I feel that pain in my soul! Enjoy and I hope this story brings you the comfort you crave. <3
He knew it was coming before she did. 
So when he came home from another long day and found her curled up in her bed with a heating pad, he wasn’t surprised in the slightest. 
“Princessa, why are you in here?” He asked, as if he didn’t know the answer. 
She was embarrassed. He knew it, she knew it and they both pretended that wasn’t why she curled up in her own bed on the seventh day of each month. He wasn’t sure if it was the event itself or the fear of ruining his bedsheets that led her to crawl away from him, only for him to chase after her, reassure her each month that yes, he loved her, and no, he didn’t want her to sleep away from him. A little blood never hurt anyone, after all- it was the gift that would allow them to have children someday, if they so desired. 
But he didn’t say that- he knew better. The last time he tried to make a positive comment on the event, by telling her that his videos starring actresses on their period made the most profit, was met with general resistance and quite a bit of accusations about the stupidity of men. 
“It’s a curse,” she had proclaimed with tears streaming down her face. “And it hurts, Val!”
And so, he resigned himself to privately tracking her cycle- simply so he could be prepared for when the time inevitably hit. 
“I’m here,” she muttered in response. “Go away. I don’t feel good.” 
He knew she didn’t mean that. 
“I know, mi amore.” He replied as he sat on the bed next to her. “How can I make it better?”
“Something for the pain, and chocolate. Please. Lots of it.” She replied listlessly. 
Unease settled in Valentino’s chest. She never took painkillers- let alone asked for them. He pushed his hand against her forehead and to his relief, his palm was met with coolness. Probably just a bad bout of cramps. 
Carefully, he helped her sit up and held the heating pad in position while she swallowed down the pink pills. Once they were safely in her system, she tucked herself willingly into his arms. 
The weight of her head on his chest as she curled into a tighter ball made him wonder how she could handle this each month, handle the pain and continue to go about her life as if she wasn’t actively fighting her own biological battle. He tucked her head under his chin and kissed her forehead softly. She needed to understand that she didn’t have to be miserable by herself each month. That he loved her, no matter what was going on in her life. 
“Will you let me take you to our room, reader?” he asked gently, “I have your favorite stashed away. And I can order in dinner for us both, if you feel like eating. But you belong in there- next to me. Not hidden away in darkness.” 
That, at least, seemed to pique her interest. But as quickly as she considered it, her head rested back against him and she shook her head.
“It hurts to walk,” she whined quietly. “I don’t want to move.”
“Then allow me,” he responded. 
He wrapped her into his arms and, making sure the heating pad came with them, carried her off to the safety and comfort of their bedroom. He settled her against the overstuffed pillows and gently tugged the now cool heating pad out of her hands, replacing  it with a bar of chocolate and the television remote. 
She tore into the wrapper and took a bite. He raised an eyebrow at her. Had she eaten anything yet today? He mentally kicked himself for not checking on her earlier. He knew she had a tendency to not eat for the first few hours and then eat everything in sight. That usually resulted in a tummy ache in addition to the pain. His poor princessa didn���t need anymore pain. 
“I’m going to warm this up for you, you decide what you want for dinner,” he said slowly. “Can I convince you to drink something in the meantime?”
“Water, milk, I don’t care. And I know what I want for dinner.”
“Then text it to me, princessa, so I get it right,” he replied as he walked back towards the kitchen. 
Out of the corner of his eye he saw her settle back and flip on the television. Good, if nothing else, she seemed to be more content. 
In the kitchen, he tossed the heating pad into the microwave and checked his phone. Ah. Of course, she wanted her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant. He could have guessed that, but better to let her tell him.  He placed the order and pulled the now warm pad from the microwave. He carried it back to her and to his relief, she looked a little brighter. 
“What did you give me, Val? This is the best I’ve felt all day,” she demanded.
His eyes met hers. “Nothing you would object to, Princessa. I promise. Just relax. Dinner is on its way.” He laid the heating pad against her belly and smoothed back her hair, pressing his lips to her forehead. 
“Snuggles while we wait?” She asked as she reached for him. 
He gave her a smile and wrapped her into his arms as he climbed into bed with her. She snuggled into him and he held her gently, careful to keep the heating pad in place. Whatever his princessa wanted, he would make damn well sure she got. As he reached to rub her back, a realization came to mind. 
She asked to snuggle with him. That never happened during her time of the month. Maybe, just maybe, she was starting to trust his love for her after all.
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silenttale22 · 11 months
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IDOL!BF!Jungkook x Chubby!reader Genre: Fluff, slight angst, suggestive(at the end) Warnings: curses, past/current low self-esteem, insecurities, avoiding, reader is a lil bit stupid, some sugar daddy theme(but not really), Word count: 5k Note: Hi there! As I won't be able to post another MHBTW chapter, I don't wanna leave you without nothing soooo, here's my Gguk`s fic I wrote when 'Seven' came out. I supposed to post it much earlier but kinda lost it in my drafts <sorry>
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Since you were in middle school, thinking about dating anyone seemed to you as something impossible. Always being insecure because well…you didn't look like someone who got the attention of the whole school. And yeah you could be loud and funny sometimes around your group of friends where…of course were also boys.
Handsome boys you used to have crushes on but the thing with any of them, who found their place deeper in your heart, became only a friendship and you couldn't even imagine it in a different way. 
Does it break your heart? At first, sure, but with the passing time you just get used to it, bottling up the emotions and just keep explaining to yourself that this is how the world is going…if you're bigger, not really 'cute' with your behavior, and despite tight clothes you prefer the baggy ones - your chance of having a boyfriend is zero.
That is why when you finished your school education, life seemed much different. Even after all these high school or college years, it was still so hard for you to change your way of thinking and your habits of pushing yourself into a corner with doubt that you could get someone's attention…and what even more - make someone to fall for you even a bit, was lingering to you without the change. 
So when one day, the principal from your department in the work office came up with the plan that you are the one - ideal person to be sent to deliver important documents to one of the biggest studios in South Korea, you never thought that everything would turn upside down in a few hours. 
When you arrived, the people who were supposed to take over the documents from you must have stayed late in meetings that had been going on since morning, so you spent a good few hours sitting at the reception desk looking at the wall or at the phone, as you couldn't just left the paper in the reception. Occasionally moving your gaze to the papers you had begun to memorize.
But when, out of nowhere, a group of young men with smiles on their faces walked through the main hall where you were already sitting half-asleep, you found it difficult to take your slightly blurry gaze away from the gentle and pleasing to the eye figures.
By pure coincidence, one of them met your gaze, and as an even wider, even more, charming smile came to his lips, you felt your cheeks begin to burn through the sudden rush of emotion. 
Your cold-as-usual hands quickly found their way to cool your warm - probably reddened - skin and you tried to push the brief attraction out of your head as quickly as possible when you looked down at your spilled thighs on the leather couch. You got up from it quickly, smoothing down your trousers and trying to collect quickly the documents in your folders, a number of which you had with you.
It took you a good 15 minutes to disappear into the toilet, but as you reached it you were still trying to calm the sudden euphoria that had erupted in your chest over a silly little minute exchange of glances. You felt like a childish teenager who had managed to get any interest in her object of admiration for the first time. 
However, could you even call it "getting interest"? A simple exchange of eye contact, no big deal. Yet it succeeded in confusing your mind.
At that moment, your head did not necessarily overthink the whole "escape" plan with precision. Because, again - how could you have known that when, right after leaving the restrooms and exiting the corridor leading out of the room, he would be standing leaning against the wall? The one you were trying to get away from as quickly as you could.
But the boy, unfazed with dreamy eyes, waited patiently holding a few sheets of paper in his hand. Another plan come up quickly, you thought - trying to walk past him unnoticed.
 Maybe this time it will work out for you?
His hand soon reached over your shoulder, making you come face to face with the most beautiful being you could ever meet. 
"You dropped this getting up from the sofa" he said with a friendly smile after staring into your eyes for a moment, pulling a paper towards you that must have fallen out of your bag 
"Oh, thank you," a quick nod and you were about to pass his figure when once again a slender hand covered in tiny tattoos blocked your way.
"Will there be any chance of us seeing each other again?" his question knocks you completely out of your right mind, so for a moment you stare dully into his face, not knowing if it's all a stupid joke, or if you're dreaming and your head is making up some sick scenario, or if it's all true after all..." Hello? You there?" his hand waves in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
"I-I don't know. I don't think so," you mutter under your breath rather than answer him, but the boy without even waiting pulls out his phone with the keypad on in your direction
"Maybe then there's a chance to get your phone number and know your name?" You can't resist his smile and his deer eyes begging for any kind of contact so you tap a few numbers into his mobile phone, saying also your name, and the boy almost with jumps wanted to leave your figure when this time it was you who stopped him with your hand
“But, wait! Can I at least know your name or something?"
"Oh, right. Sorry,” he chuckled quietly “I'm Jeongguk." 
“Nice to meet you then” You smiled at him and even your constant insecurities disappeared for a second.
And from day one the two of you used to text almost all the time. It was hard for you to take your phone away sometimes because it kept buzzing every freaking time. 
At first, you were excited because damn, he was still interested in you. You felt like you never did earlier. Being especially happy that you're not being judged by the way you look.
It seemed as the both of you had so many topics and it more than once made your heart flutter. You finally met someone who understood the rules of your favorite games or was eager to learn the new ones just because he wanted to know more about the things you like. And you could listen to him talking about new songs, choreographies, or when it was enough for his career being mesmerized by the sound of his voice and excited about every little thing…It happened that you even listened to the latest news from the motorization world, which Jeongguk seemed really fascinated by.
And it made you really happy. 
Happy that you already have someone like that. Even if it was only for a while, only by phone…because what's the point in planning any meeting if you know very well that it will only bring the end of this friendship forward? Your head was always filled with this damn lack of confidence, so the thinking that maybe it would be better to end things sooner will be better. 
You couldn't imagine the picture of yourself right next to Jungkook, you just couldn't.
It's hard to think about the possibility that people won't judge you…and what's even worse…that they can judge Jungkook, why would he ever suffer in any way because of your looks?
And yeah, despite every nice feeling you had inside, after a while, for a person like you - not used to this kind of constant attention, especially from someone like Jeongguk…his messages started to irritate you a little bit. Even if they still made you happy at some point, something seemed not right. He seemed clingy to you, in some way maybe even annoying…and with passing time it became too much. 
Or you just thought it was too much…
That's why at first your phone was in constant silence mode, often ignoring the texts all along, pretending that you're busy…with work, with home stuff, with everything. Of course, sometimes you answer, from time to time trying to swallow down the enthusiasm filling you inside. Especially trying to calm down so often pounding heart inside your chest when a boy comes up online every freaking time when you send the shortest answers you could come up with. You've been sometimes answering with a dot or...emoji only, swallowing down the hard knot tightening inside your throat.
Eventually, you stopped answering at all. Knowing that he will just stop after some time because yeah, you're nothing special. Easy to replace. And you really thought that you were right when the phone stopped buzzing at every possible moment. 
You thought that you're life would be filled with the same old silence as earlier. 
However, the moment when the messages stopped popping up, an even heavier feeling dropped onto your chest. A silly longing for someone you barely knew began to embrace you with tight arms, and at certain moments you've been kind of cursing yourself a little. Because why do you feel so bad about the decision you made on your own. You may have made it under the influence of negative emotions flooding your head, but it was still yours.
With each growing feeling of guilt in your chest, you were soon reminded of who you were. What do you look like with your extra back rolls, extra scars, or stretch marks from growing too fast in some places. You run your hands over your cellulite-covered thighs and guilt turns to self-disgust. And then you realize how you sometimes behave, often interested in 'what's masculine', not really keeping your nose in fashion magazines or surfing the internet to find sales on new beauty products.
So the mere fact that the boy let it go shouldn't surprise you. 
And yet it did hurt a little. 
It was one of the next days when your phone was lying without any sounds in your bag. You were leaving the office late at night, and through an intense week at work and the previous weekend without sleep, your body was heavier than bags filled with grain. Your eyes were closing by themselves through being irritated by the light, so when you left the building lit by fake lighting, you felt quite relieved.
When you closed them for a short moment, you felt a sense of comfort. As you took one step after another with your eyes closed, you hit an unfamiliar object with a stronger impact. But it was softer than a pole, and yet was still hard and delicate to the touch under your fingertips. Only after a moment did you realize that it was the material of someone's shirt, and a sudden embarrassment crashed all over you. You jumped away quickly almost losing your balance, but strong hands grabbed you by the waist again pulling you close in a just as smooth manner.
"Am I that scary?" Your eyes widen as you hear the familiar voice that has lulled you to sleep more than once through your headphones, and your gaze drops to the tattooed hand clutching tightly at the fabric of your shirt.
"I-no, I mean, you.." is what you began to lose yourself in your own words through which you eventually let out only an annoyed huff, but the familiar hand begins to caress you with a thumb where it still safely keeps you from falling. 
You feel the warmth spreading from this place and for a brief moment you feel so good, so different...but the thought that he's only doing this out of pity, and inside he squirms with disgust because has to hold someone like you, makes you want to push his hand away and get as far away from here as possible.
“I thought something bad had happened. You stopped responding so suddenly” you swallowed saliva heavily, avoiding his gaze, hearing that worried tone.
Because you knew that if you put an eye on his face, not only would the sense of guilt eat you up, but the fear that the lingering self-sense of inferiority would grip you even tighter, cutting off your access to oxygen. There was always this agonizing dread inside, every time you found yourself surrounded by pretty people. And Jeongguk in special was a pretty person. A person who could nevertheless intimidate the other one.
“I just simply wanted to get out of the way quicker,” you muttered, feeling that it wouldn't do any good at all, but then again, sooner or later the boy would get bored anyway, right?
There was no point in dragging this out.
“What the hell? Getting out of the way? What are you talking about?" this time you laughed meekly at his tone of voice, full of wonder, perhaps in the full sense of sadness.
He must have been not only a good singer but also an actor
“Jeongguk I know how I look. And it was really nice of you to, like uh, that you wanted to... talk to someone like me, but I don't need attention out of pity,” you said, finding the courage to look him straight in the eye.
And you soon regretted it, as the sparkling gaze scanned your face with all possible stars. A knot tightened in your stomach by the way with which Jeongguk looked at you with a twinge.
"Did you actually think my messages were...pity?" The boy tried once again to look you in the eye, but this time you avoided that look at all costs  "I barely have time to look at my phone, and even more rarely I look at the messages.. but with you I did because I wanted to. I wanted to get to know you and with each another conversation I wanted even more"
"But, why?"
"Because you caught my eye, and well, now I can even say that I like you. Even if you played with my feelings a little. I wanted to get your attention at all costs. I wished that all the planned meetings were going to happen. Because I found in you someone who understands me. Who isn't just looking to get laid for my money." your brow furrowed, still feeling an uncomfortable tightness in your chest
"It doesn't make sense."
'Maybe for you. It makes a lot of sense to me, so if you doubt so much that my care and attention...Is caused by genuine affection, then let me prove it''
"Huh? What do you mean"
"I want a chance from you. I want to stay by your side until you kick me out yourself. There won't be a day you're disappointed in me. Every day of the week, every month...I'll do anything to make you feel good about me. Break my heart if you want to, but for now, let me be with you."
And from that day on, your heart didn't stop beating faster for Jeongguk even for a moment, and just like he said, he really did. There wasn't a day that the smile on your lips wasn't dancing because of him.
You can't lie, it was hard for you to get used to him at first. It was very often that your boy would shower you with some kind of gifts with every single meeting. As he couldn't understand that his time was completely enough for you.
That for you, it was enough to hold his hand in yours. To feel his fingers touching you softly when the two of you were out, assuring that he was right here. Staying up late at night, when he fell asleep tired on your tights (because it's the most comfortable pillow ever) just to watch his relaxed face and stroke his hair gently as he pouts adorably then.
 It was enough for you to watch him playing on the console, pretending that you're reading a book behind his back, sometimes even knowing the plot of the game better than he does and helping him with quests. That's why, from time to time, he was pushing his head back and catching you staring so both of you giggled at the end. 
It was enough to just have him. Nothing more was needed.
But even if Jeongguk knew that very well, because that was one of the reasons he fell for you more and more, he wanted to spoil you. Wanted to give you everything as he promised. And sometimes it was hard for him, to buy you something that reminded of you so so much, just to be scolded by his girlfriend as you never really wanted this gift. This expensive gifts, because when he came home one day with handmade paper flowers for 'his beautiful girl', your face lit up and you were about to cry. 
Because that was one of the most genuine things someone did to you. He spends time making these flowers…thinking about you all the time while doing it. It made your heart flutter. Most of the things connected with this boy did.
"I don't want your money Jungkook, so please stop with these expensive gifts," you said once, as he came home with another necklace for you
"That my love, so just accept it" he huffed with a pout
"Koo, it's too much. You have to stop buying me stuff. I love it but I love you more, okay?" your hand gently brushed his cheek as he whined quietly
"But I want my baby to be happy"
"And I am more than happy when I'm with you Bun"
But does it change anything?
Yea, for a week so you could have another damn gift. And as time passed, you kind of got used to it. You knew that this is just one of the ways Jungkook showed his affection, but sometimes you wished to snap his head off because damn it feels so much like you'd have a sugar daddy or something like that. But in that case…it was enough that you're just here with him.
Promising your boy that he's not letting you down.
"Gguk," you said when your boy with a smile came inside the room hiding something behind his back when you've been lying down on a couch.
As he didn't even answer, you closed your eyes with a loud huff as a sign of being ignored and tried to play cool as his heavy steps could be heard around the apartment. Your nose twitched as it was reached by the faint scent of his cotton perfume. And this time you heard giggles coming closer but you tried to brush it off just like Jungkook did and fight with a smile dancing on your lips.
Quiet music played from the TV so you could relax after a whole day in the office, where never-ending phone calls were so often ripping your head apart. Not going to mention filling out all of the boring documents, every time the same, and all it did was hurt your eyes. But it was your job. Even if you couldn't bear it sometimes. 
That's why you needed this calm time at home. When your head could finally rest. Where you could change your formal clothes into a big Jungkook hoodie and sniff it every time when the unknown stress lingers on you. But as much as you needed it, you needed your boyfriend's arms around you too.
And as for your wish to be fulfilled, a shadow falls on you, and as eyes open wide, his face hovers over. Now, miserably losing the fight, when a smile appears on your lips. And firstly boy hovers even more over you, brushing gently your hair so after that a soft peck lands on your forehead.
But as he hears your giggle, making his heart go crazy, Jungkook can kiss it more than once, making you laugh. And he'd love to do that over and over again just to make you happy like that. And yeah, he's only starting as he slowly goes down with warm lips, touching your cheeks and lips making you giggle again and again as he tries to reach your face fighting with the couch backrest. Often losing his balance and falling a little bit stronger on you.
"Hello to you, my pretty Sunshine," he said pinching your cheek, and finally only looked at you from a small distance 
"Hi Bun, tired?" you asked seeing his a little miserable face but he only sent a small nod.
"I swear, you look the prettiest in my clothes" you laughed, as he began to play with the strings of the hoodie
"How the recordings are going?" he smiled now, still standing behind the backrest hiding one of his hands behind his back
"Good, it was good. But I missed you sooo...."
"Googie" you chuckled when he took his hidden hand to see the bouquet of sunflowers  "Aish, boy I told you to stop," you said but couldn't resist seeing him pout so you got up to peck his lips with a smile and a quiet thank you.
You took flowers from him to put them into the water but it wouldn't be a normal day if Jungkook's arms weren't wrapped around you so you were walking with extra weight...but what a sweet weight.
"You know, I was there and they are just as pretty as you so, I had to."
"Yea, yea. You had to," you rolled your eyes playfully just to be gently stabbed with his fingers, which made you whine as you tried to free yourself from his arms
"You not going, I missed you"
"Gguk, you need to eat"
"'m not hungry"
"Yeah, and later the fridge will be empty." you turned around still in his embrace, and brushed your fingers through his long hair falling on his forehead "Put your ass on the chair"
"But..." he begins with a pout
"You can sing for me" and knowing that this will bring a smile to his face again, arms around your waist loosen to let you go as the melodic voice of your boyfriend filled the apartment with random songs interrupting the giggles from time to time when you tried to dance to the melody he was making.
Even if at first you thought the boy would actually listen to you and just keep watching the whole time, Jeongguk changed your mind quite quickly.
After a couple of minutes or so, he was standing right next to you, asking meekly what he could help you with. Oh, and just try to get him out of the kitchen...his body would hover quickly over yours and a low whine with tiny kisses would escape his lips. So this time too, you let the boy peel the vegetables or just stir the noodles every now and then when you really needed to focus on the recipe. 
And maybe in front of him, you pretended to be annoyed a lot, or even angry that he was circling around under your feet stealing your kisses, or tickling you gently when he found an opportunity to go behind your back. But you both knew that if you really were you wouldn't have that small smile on your face, and you yourself wouldn't sometimes reach out to him with the gentle touch on his arms.
"As you already know... we're in the middle of shooting a video for that song you heard" he begins, as the two of you sat finally down to eat
"Seven days a week, or something like that, right?" the boy snorts with laughter as you lift your head from above your plate, a bit dirty at the corners of your mouth, that Jeongguk doesn't hesitate to brush clean
"Mhm, precisely correct"
'Mm, that's good, right? You said it's going good”
"Yeah but, you know…as the lyrics say…" your facial expression changes for a short while and you quickly try to mask the shadow of worry with a small smile.
"There's someone with you in the music video, right?" he nods quickly, and a hum leaves your lips.
"Yeah, a girl" you chuckle, recognizing the tone of his voice. Knowing that he's already anxious about this chat.
"Well, looking at the words in the song that's the whole point, am I wrong? And I heard something from people when I've been last time bringing you cookies, so yeah…we can say I knew" 
"The cookies were from you?!" You rolled eyes and tried to joke some more about that only to push away the uneasy feeling sitting hard on your chest. 
You really didn't want Jungkook to be extra worried about your stupid growing anxiety at this point, so you wanted to play it cool. And it wasn't even along the lines of you being angry at him. It's just simply the fact that a slim, beautiful actress has to spend so much time with him face to face concerned you because it's not hard to fall in love with pretty people.
For as long as you have been with Jeongguk as your boyfriend, there has never been a time when you doubted his feelings. Whenever a shadow of uncertainty ran across your face, it was soon caught and soothed with tender gestures, which the idol lavished you with. But what could you do, that habits from the past so easily returned to you?
"Sun, I know you. And I know you can be…" almost as if he knew what kind of thoughts were running over your head. The tattooed hand quickly grabs yours, doing circles with the knuckle on it, 
"I'm fine Gguk, don't worry' bout me. Just do a great job as you always do. It's fine, I promise." You send a smile and continue eating. "Hope Hybe found this actress to be the prettiest one so ARMY could be happy" you added, feeling his eyes on you
"Then you should be the one starring in it" You rolled eyes again, and sent a quick look at him to see his shiny but nervous eyes
"Bun, I said it's okay"
"But you're sad."
"No, I'm not" you cut it, as you continued to eat your food, ignoring his eyes on you.
And of course…he huffed like the offended child, always knowing better so the rest of the dinner was silent. 
"You coming lie down with me?" a question fell from your lips, as the dishes were put into the dishwasher and both of you headed to the bedroom.
"Can I?" He asked, making you to look at him with disbelieve
"Better question, why wouldn't you? Thought I'd feel the strong arms of my man this evening" and his face lit up immediately but as quickly is felt sad again.
"I let you down" he mumbled, and your happy expression fell down
"With m/v" pout decorated his lips again, and the sadness overcame you again. The soft sight left your lips, as hand reached to hold his.
"Oh, Googie. What are you talking about? I told you I'm fine. Of course, it will be a bit hard for me to know that my pretty boy is recording with some pretty girl, but you never let me down. I trust you, okay? Don't even say that you let me down ever again."
You came closer to him and grabbed his pouty face in hands to squish it adorably and kiss the sadly twisted lips. Your eyes met and again you could see the small stars shining inside his espresso-brown ones. 
"I love you" words came out as you nuzzled nose with his.
And it was enough for Jungkook to pick you up just to fall together on the bed a minute later so he could hide his head in your neck, slipping his hand through the hoodie to stroke your belly gently with his fingers. Squishing the skin a little bit harder from time to time, just to massage it after it.
"Damn you're much better than this stress relieving toys," boy said, after squishing your skin one more time
"'sxuse me?" you gasped with a rough voice, looking down at his hidden face, feeling his hands freeze on your belly. You were about to snap his hand off but he was quick to hold you tighter and look at your face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in the negative way you probably thought. I mean that your presence soothes me down, and just laying like that means everything to me" he explained fast, and you caught hardly anything but as Jungkook's hand again began to caress skin, a soft huff left your lips
"Yea, yea…" you murmured, feeling his eyes on you
"And the fact that I'm freaking addicted to your skin its the other point" you groaned, trying to hide face into the sheets but as a laugh left Jeongguk's lips, you couldn't not look at his face, as the wrinkles decorated his small nose making you leap with joy inside.
"So…" he began again, making you look down at his face now pressed to your boobs. Your fingers were playing with dark, messy hair and a hum encouraged him to speak his mind "Should I talk to PDnim and get you to the M/v?"
"Googie..." you giggled as he rubbed down his nose onto your chest and looked at you with doe eyes
"What? The lyrics will match better. Your waist is the only one I kiss, and your lines are the only ones I wanna trace" you snored at his words, but couldn't deny it didn't make everything inside explode with an amazing feeling connected to love and care.
"Yeah, and I hope I'm the only one you leave with afterglow" you pondered quietly, so the giggle came to ears as an answer
"Wanna check?" his brow snapped as he came even closer to your face, and rubbed his nose softly on yours 
"Maybe?" you smirked and it was enough for him, as rosy lips peck your skin with tiny kisses, with each successive one assuring how important you are to him.
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gojoshooter · 1 year
Hi!! Thanks sm for your response! I'm glad you take requests since I'm such a fan of your work!
I was thinking about a scenario wherein Gojo Satoru always had the impression that reader hated his guts because they always bicker even at the pettiest of things. But one day, Satoru overhears reader gushing about having a crush on him (reader could be talking to Geto/Shoko/both etc) and they keep rambling about how much they like him and all. Meanwhile, Satoru's just 🧍‍♂️leaning by the doorframe with the biggest smug grin on his face (he actually secretly likes reader back). How it ends is entirely up to you if you'd take this request hehe
Just basically lots of fluff and the occasional comedy lol thanks so much for listening to my rambling (I just love him sm)
hi, thank you for the praise robynn! ’m so glad to know my works interest you, luv u & here's your req hc <3
Deer caught in Headlights : Gojo
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Pairing : frenemy!gojo x highschool!y/n
A/N : here's another set of hcs about gojo bullying you like the jerk he is. ps. i tried to be serious
WARNINGS : gojo is a tease, but so are you
“i don't like him like that. absolutely fucking not, what the hell?” you whisper, mouth stuffed with icecream in the comfy bed of Shoko's room as Geto copied her bored expression—sitting & listening to your endless rambles on why you're not attracted to Satoru like that
seriously, they've lost the count of reasons why you gradually became a Satoru simp but oh have you
“goddammit! i hate him, i hate him and his dumb voice and his stupid muscles and his awfully attractive face! it's all on my desserts he ate to look li-... Geto, are you sleeping?”
you stop your very important discourse to give the best friend of your enemy & your thought dump a pointed look
“no, please keep talking. i only yawn when i'm super fascinated”
says him, that talk-back king of a bitch you're sure he got that from is best friend
he lies down the bed with a soft huff and if he notices Satoru’s tall presence by the door, he does nothing—nothing but a hint of evil amusement making his lips curve into a subtle smile to the thought of your pathetically obvious crush being exposed
he does nothing to stop you who's back faced the door, nothing when his best friend approached slowly with his hands inside his sweatpants as your embarrassing tirade continued
“-and Shoko, trust me. I'd have let him known about his ridiculous eyes that i dreamt last night if he wasn't such a jerk like h-”
“...what about my eyes?”
you flinch... no, no no no, fuck. even Shoko burst out at your comical whip of the head
with a stifling laugh that she tried to fight so hard, Shoko gets out along with Geto who may have wanted to stay just to watch the drama commence
“um-” you almost landed face first trying to drag your panicked little self out of bed as the slanting white brows raised at you amusingly
“mhm, and you hate these stupid muscles” “no! i mean- yes, n-”
“y/n, i expected more”
god fucking damn, what was his cursed technique? to flatter people? you pulled a passive-aggressive face in defence of your shattering pride, and begin “h-how long have you been standing there?”
Gojo answered your question with the teasing smile on his face, and he chuckled before asking with a tilt of his head to watch your reaction “correct me if i've been reading this all wrong but.... you like me”
your figure shrinks at the claim and that definitely satisfied Gojo, his breathy hum confirming it further
“mm?” he hums slowly, as if coaxing a child to admit their wrong doings “cat got your tongue y/n?” just say it, say it, say it. you breath in.
“i like you” “say that again” “...i like you”
you know he would not let you live that down even if you were to end up having kids—but fuck that, you thought, the cat's out of the bag anyway.
“dunno i had such a weird taste in men but i just really enjoy spending my time with you and you've really become someone special to me and-”
“don't even tell me, i already know. i just needed to get that out.” he knows he shouldn't be mean, not when he feels the same about you, but can he help his obsession with your flustered red mess of a face?
you know he's trying too hard to tease you. cruel fucking bastard. “wait until i kill you”
“yeah?~ what're you trying here? to make this seem like a lovers' quarrel?” he chuckles, prolly wants to redden your puffy cheeks a little more before giving in.
“i'll punch that smirk off your face, Satoru!” “try me, i dont need to try getting you on your knees before me”
“oh, do you think of that image a lot?” you say lifting an eyebrow, perfect chance to make him taste his own medicine.
oh. Gojo blushed.
“w-well, what i think is... maybe our feelings are mutual” says after clearing his throat as he slowly regains his composure. “i have this weird feeling when i'm with you, can't explain it, but it's a good feeling...”
your usual instinct of fighting began to fade at his words as both of you stood in middle of the room in an awkward state, trying to fight the urge to smile
“hah, can't believe i never noticed it before, but you're kinda hot when you're angry. maybe that's why i loved pissing you off”
yes, that's when Gojo managed to break your last straw and make you blush at the same time “well then, take this!” his infinity stopped your little punch
“meanie!” he chuckles again, holding your fist softly
“okay little baby, no sulking. if a punch makes you feel better you can punch me. lightly.” he said in his silvery voice as he turned his infinity off, kissing you nice and soft...
(you ignored his last word)
A/N : i hope people this is one ^-^ i personally enjoyed this heheskks likes & reblogs are appreciated! ♡
Tags : @robynnnhooddd @nanamikentoseyebags @luckimoon @dazailover1900 @jspenft @tamakin7 @daquila @jkhlhjkjkjhkl @horrendous-introvert
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Could we get a Frankie Morales fluff or smut (whichever you're feeling, or both?) with
35. "Better than I ever imagined."
Find You.
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35. "Better than I ever imagined."
Author's Note - this is a drabble written as part of my 500 Followers Celebration!! find that post here if you're interested in sending a request!! i love writing for any pedro characters. those big brown eyes get me everytime :(
Pairing - Frankie Morales x Neighbour!Female Reader
Warnings - mild cursing. smooching <3
Word Count - 811
Masterlist. 500 Follower Celebration Masterlist.
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Your episode of TV is interrupted by a knock at your front door.
"Sweetheart? It's me. It's Frankie."
Sighing with relief, you make your way to the door, opening it to be met with none other than your next door neighbour, Frankie Morales.
"Hey!" you greet, probably a little too chirpy. Your crush on this man is monumental, and you often find you have to remind yourself to play it cool around him.
"Hey, I'm not interrupting anything, am I?"
"Ever the gentleman. No, you're not. Just watching TV. What do you need?"
It's not uncommon for you and Frankie to show up at each others doors unannounced. Sometimes, he'll come to borrow sugar, or you'll pop over to ask for help fixing your faucet. You make good neighbours, always helping one another out in whatever way you can.
"I have a weird request," he explains, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.
"Hit me with it, Morales."
"Can I use your shower?"
Oh. Suddenly, your mind is flooded with images of Frankie, dripping wet, towel hanging low on his hips, hair messy...
"You with me, honey?" he asks, slight smirk on his lips.
"Yeah, sorry. Daydreaming," you recover. "Any reason you can't use your own?"
"Something's wrong with it. I've tried to fix it, but I think I made it worse. I've been at work all day, and the plumber can't come until tomorrow," he explains.
"Well, you know where the bathroom is. I'll get you a clean towel," you begin to walk towards your cupboard when a strong arm grabs your wrist and pulls you back.
"Thank you, so much. You're an angel, you know that right?" he winks at you, and you throw your head back in a laugh. The melody of it makes him smile.
He makes his way to your bathroom, you following shortly after with his towel. You retreat back to the living room, resuming your episode and trying not to think about the currently naked Frankie Morales in your apartment.
"Sweetheart?" he speaks from the doorway, startling you.
"Shit, Frankie! You move like a Prius!"
"Sorry," he laughs, clearly amused.
You look at him carefully. He's still dry.
"I'm totally interrupting something, aren't I?" he asks.
You raise your eyebrows in confusion. He continues.
"There's a pretty dress hanging up in the bathroom, and your makeup is all over the counter. Were you going out? Am I totally ruining your plans right now?"
Shit. You'd forgotten you'd hung your dress up to try and get the creases out, and totally forgot to put all your makeup away. You'd scrubbed your face with a makeup wipe haphazardly and made yourself cosy on the couch, paying no mind to the mess you'd left behind.
"No, no," you explain. "I was supposed to be going out, but the plans changed."
You're hoping he doesn't notice the slight wobble in your voice. He does.
"Hey, hey, are you okay?" he frets, coming to sit next to you. "Did something happen? You can talk to me."
"It's nothing. Seriously. It's stupid."
"It's not stupid if it's upset you."
He's looking at you so intently with those warm chocolate eyes, you're struggling not to burst into tears.
"I was meant to be going on a date. I was kind of excited, actually. But he cancelled last minute with some bullshit excuse."
"Oh, honey."
"It seems to happen to me a lot. Do I repel love, or something? Why can everyone find it but me?"
Frankie grabs your hands in his, warm palms calming you down.
"You're too good for men like that," he says firmly. "They don't deserve you."
You smile half-heartedly at him, and sit in the silence for a while, fingers still intertwined. Frankie's voice breaks through the quiet gently.
"Maybe you need to stop looking for love. Maybe it'll find you." Then, a bit quieter, "Maybe it already has."
Your eyes widen at his confession, searching his face for any traces of humour. Instead, you're met with Frankie looking at you carefully, no hints of amusement on his features. He's deadly serious.
"I'm so glad that idiot cancelled on you," he admits. "Because it means I get to do this."
He surges forward and captures your lips in a searing kiss. His hands move to cradle your face, and yours move to tangle in his chocolate curls.
The kiss is electric, alive with excitement. It's passionate and loving and heated and well worth the wait.
You pull away, gasping for air. He rests his forehead on yours, breathing each other in.
"Better than I ever imagined," he whispers against your lips.
"Yeah?" you smile.
"Yeah," he confirms, grinning from ear to ear.
Suddenly, Frankie stands up from the couch, pulling you by the hand. He's smirking, mischief rife in his eyes.
"Now, how about that shower?"
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
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Miss Kate Sharma and Flight Lieutenant Anthony Bridgerton in till forever falls apart by newtonsheffield (Moomin_94)
The minute Kate a entered the dancehall, she knew she never should have come. She was exhausted, for one, another long day spent with the convalescing airmen, their screams cutting the air around them as they begged her to end it for them. And here they were, those men lucky enough to still be standing, lining the walls with their uniforms proudly on and cigarettes between their teeth as they laughed and chased after girls with stupid smiles on their faces, as though nothing could ever touch them the way it touched others. But Edwina had begged her, and so had Daphne. Both of them proud of the event they’d organised, Edwina desperate to dance with an American bombardier who’d been winking at her as he walked past every day for weeks, Daphne pretending she didn’t have the ulterior motive of her brother having just transferred to Duxford.
“I’m not looking for a husband, Daph.” Kate had sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Well that’s perfect because I doubt Anthony’s looking for a wife.” Her husband Simon had rolled his eyes at his wife’s antics.
And now here she was, sitting awkwardly at a table, wondering how long it would be before she could leave.
“Excuse me, Miss, I couldn’t help but notice you over here.”
Kate turned towards the voice, ignoring the tiny flutter in her stomach as he smiled charmingly down at her. He had his forage cap perched on his head, as though he’d only just come from duty, silver wings shining proudly on his chest, his eyes sparkling. F Lt BRIDGERTON stamped proudly on the name badge. She cleared her throat. “Lucky me.”
He chuckled, sitting beside her. “Might I enquire after your name?”
“Kate. Kate Sharma.”
He grinned at her, inclining his head with a cocky smile, winking at a man who walked past, clapping him on the shoulder Oof Bridgerton’s at it again. “How do you do Miss Sharma?”
“Very well, Lieutenant Bridgerton.”
He clicked his tongue, something smug in his expression, “Oh pretty girls get to call me Anthony.”
Kate leaned backwards, “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”
Anthony’s brow furrowed, “Are you always this prickly?”
“Are you always this arrogant?”
“Now! Take a look at the person you’re talking to and say hello to your new Dance partner!“ Daphne’s voice boomed over the microphone and Kate could have cursed her.
Anthony grinned at her, holding out his hand, “come on then.”
Kate shook her head, her eyebrows shooting upwards, irritation flickering in her chest “I’m not going to dance with you. Not if it would end this war.”
Anthony’s laughter boomed, taking her hand, “I know you know my sister, so I know you know all of her orders are to be expressly obeyed.”
Kate let herself be tugged onto the dance floor, trying to ignore the burn in her cheeks as he grinned at her, placing his hand in her waist, so handsome and smug, as though he never worried about anything.
“Are you enjoying yourself tonight?”
“Honestly no.”
Anthony chuckled again, “Well, that’s not the attitude. Aren’t you ladies supposed to be keeping your spirits up and your skirts short to keep the boys at the front entertained?”
And she has no idea what made her do it, didn’t!t even realised she was going to until her hand slapped him across the face and the entire Air Force it seemed like erupted into laughter. Even him, damn it.
And she could have gone her whole life without wanting to see him again, until a pilot was brought in, suspected paralysis from the waist down, with no one any the wiser as to how he survived at all. And she looked at his sleeping face, hollow and gaunt and still so handsome, and her heart stuttered. Anthony Bridgerton.
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childotkw · 10 months
Oh my gosh, i love your AUs SO MUCH!! I was wondering, for the Off the Beaten Path AU, can we have a snippet of Harry being oblivious/distracted and Albus and Gellert silently fighting for Harry?
Thanks darling 🥰🥰
It was a peaceful day, Harry mused as he lay back in the sun-warmed grass. He closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth that was burrowing under his skin, and breathed in the scent of the wildflowers that filled the field he was in.
It had been years since he had had the chance to simply…exist. To soak in the world without the suffocating weight of the world on his shoulders. And sure, this misadventure in the past was not ideal - but it was also the first time in his recent memory where he wasn’t being hounded by what seemed like everyone in the world with even the vaguest opinion on his life and what he should or should not be doing.
Instead, all he had to contend with was two young men that would someday grow up to be legends.
Or at least it had been for a few minutes, because Harry could hear two familiar voices carry over the breeze. One with a subtle Scottish brogue, and another very heavily German.
It had been one of the biggest surprises, actually. That Dumbledore as a young man did not possess the same polished, soft manner of speech Harry had come to know.
Surprising, and somewhat hilarious.
Even now, Harry’s lips were twitching. Listening to Albus and Gellert - because they were Albus and Gellert to him now, rather than Dumbledore and Grindelwald - argue never got old, if only because their clashing accents was endlessly entertaining, and both had the habit of their speech thickening when they got frustrated, which just led to more confusion and misunderstandings.
He sat up, spotting the two men walking towards him briskly. Albus was in front, one arm shoving Gellert away while the other cradled something behind his back protectively. Gellert, seemingly forgetting he was a wizard, was flailing his limbs to try and claim whatever it was.
Harry cocked his head, arms braced on his knees as he waited for them to reach him.
“Harry!” Albus exclaimed, blue eyes shining brighter than the clear sky. He shoved Gellert one last time, hard enough to topple the other, and put in a burst of speed, leaving Gellert behind and skidding to a stop before him.
“Albus,” he returned, amused.
“I made something for you,” Albus said, beaming and ignoring the loud cursing of Gellert as the blond struggled to his feet. “Here.”
Harry blinked at the flower crown presented to him. It was well-made, tightly wound and with an array of bright flowers decorating it.
“Oh, wow, thank you,” he said, reaching out to take the offering, only for Albus to hold it out of reach with a growing grin.
“Allow me,” the redhead teased, leaning down to plop the crown on Harry’s head. Satisfaction blossomed over his face as he stood back up and placed his hands on his hips. “You look stunning, like one of the fae.”
Harry laughed, gently touching the crown and raising his eyebrow at the joke. “Thank you, Albus - it’s beautiful.”
“It’s a bunch of dead plants, hardly something to write home about,” Gellert groused as he finally reached them. His expression twisted oddly when he spotted Harry though - a weird mixture of approval and distaste.
“You come up with something then,” Albus shot back, a smile with teeth on his face.
“I could beat any stupid gift you make easily,” Gellert hissed under his breath, as if that would somehow hide his words from Harry when he was sitting right in front of them.
“Well go on then,” Albus said, waving an obliging hand as if conceding the stage to his friend. “We’re waiting.”
Harry saw this devolving very quickly. Already a red flush was working its way over Gellert’s pale cheeks. He knew denying Gellert’s attempts would led to an argument, so Harry took the path of least resistance. “I would love anything you gave me, Gellert,” he assured, hoping to cut through some of the strange animosity these two seemed to have.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if it would be okay to request Jack The Ripper and his future SO meeting for the first time and like, them feeling love at first sight? I think that is so cute to think about 😭🤍 and thank you sm sm, hope you're having an amazing day!
That Color - Jack the Ripper
notes - PLEASE DUDE AHHHHH OMFG THIS WAS SO WORTH IT TO WRITE!! Thank you so so so so much for the Jack brainrot you have provided me lmaoooo literally I HAVE to make a part 2 for this because it NEEDS one!!!!! Thanks for the request and please please please enjoy <3333
word count - 1,197
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You were bored of London. The streets were messy and everyone was the same. You were wanting a new life, but everyone around you was stuck in their old ways. It was getting tiresome for you.
But your biggest problem in these god awful streets was courting. You could never find a man that didn't bore you. You would either get whistles from older men on the street or dates with boys who would tell you about their fathers business that they wanted to take up next. You would sit and nod with a smile on your face, but you would always be praying in your head for the waiter to bring the check already.
Nobody was exciting anymore, they were all just copy and pastes of one another, so simply, you gave up.
"Good morning!" Your sister knocked on the side of your door loudly and you squinted your eyes tightly shut when she pulled open the curtains, letting the bright morning light in. "Wake up sleepy head! You don't want to be in that gross old bed all day, do you?"
You groaned and turned over, pulling your blanket over your head.
Your sister shook her head and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't want you staying in bed all day. I'm going to be cleaning the house today, so could you at least go on a walk?" She pulled the covers off of you and you gave her a very pouty look.
"Oh, come on, y/n! You know you can't stay there all day. How about you get your favorite dress on and go to the field."
You hesitated, but admitted that it didn't sound half bad. "Fine. But don't you dare try to set me up with another boring boy." You fake gagged at the thought and your sister rolled her eyes.
"y/n, there are many nice boys I meet at the market! Please just let me try to find the right one for you!"
"No way!" You didn't even think there was a right boy for you in this place. "If there's one out there for me, I'll find him on my own."
You threw on your favorite corset and dress and quickly ran out of the house before your sister could pack anymore boyfriend bullshit on your shoulders.
You cursed under your breath when you stepped outside seeing that it was raining. Stupid London.
You scoffed and turned back inside for an umbrella. God, you hated this awful town. You wanted nothing more than to run away to somewhere different and you didn't care where that was.
The walk was drab, as always. People trying to hoot and holler at you from the pub and other women making fun of your appearance. You ignored them though and walked to the only place that made you feel like you belonged.
Through a very eerie forest, there was a field you found. Green and lush and most of all, empty.
You smiled when you reached the field, leaving your umbrella and shoes to dance alone in the rain before falling back in the grass. You didn't mind that your dress was sopping wet, it could wash. Being this free was rare for you, so it didn't really matter.
You smiled at the cloudy sky before sitting up and looking off to the distance. That's when you found something new.
You tilted your head and stood up, walking towards the figure in the middle of the field. You had never seen anyone here before, so you had to admit, you were definitely curious.
As you got closer, you saw a man who was staring up at the clouds, letting the rain soak his face. He held a hat to his chest and was smiling.
"Hello?" You were merely 20ft away from the man, but still jumped a little when he turned to you, shock painting your face a bit.
He was stunning. He was skinny and tall and wore dark colors. He didn't look like anyone in London you had met before. You thought you were dreaming, so you pinched your own hand and were very much not dreaming.
"Oh, my apologies," the man bowed before standing back to his full height and putting his hat back on his head. "I didn't mean to startle you, dear."
"You didn't." You voice sounded like a little mouse. Whoever you were looking at felt... different than the others you had met before.
The man walked forward and stuck his hand out to you. "Jack. My name is Jack. What's yours, love?"
You looked up at the man and shook his hand. He had a monocle over one of his eyes that didn't even show his eye, it was covered with what looked like gears.
"y/n." You couldn't stop staring at this man. He looked like something out of a dream.
"That's a beautiful name." Jack smiled, making your cheeks heat.
Jesus, what's wrong with me, you thought. I'm not supposed to feel this way about a some... some... man?
"Might I ask why you're all the way out here, my dear?" Jack asked you, tilting his head. "It's not safe out here for a girl like you, don't you think."
"I go here all the time. I'm very safe. Safer here than out there." You pointed to London and crossed your arms.
"You're a tough one, aren't you, love?" Jack looked at you like no other man had. He looked at you liked he believed you, like he knew you could take care of yourself.
"I am." You giggled, sitting down in the grass, letting the rain coat you.
"You'll get a cold." Jack whispered, as he took off his jacket and wrapped it around you.
"Are you real?" You chuckled, gladly taking the jacket.
"What do you mean?" Jack laughed. Oh, you weren't going to be forgetting that laugh anytime soon.
"You're like... the man from my dreams."
Jack's one eye that showed widened. "I-I don't think I know what you mean."
"We've only known each other for a couple of moments, but.... You have already proven you're something different. You're like the pretty boys from my books." You laughed just at the thought of it.
Jack slowly took off his monocle, revealing a bright red eye that shocked you a bit. His eyes were stunning. This had to be a dream.
Jack gasped quietly. That color, he thought, looking at the bright golden yellow aura that poured off of you. It couldn't be...
After everything Jack had been through, hate, fake love, etc.... you, this random girl who he had met in the middle of the field, had let off the brightest, most beautiful color he had ever seen in his life.
"Will I see you again, my dear?" Jack took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
"I hope so, Jack. I really hope so."
"I'll be back," he whispered, putting his monocle back on. "That, I can promise you."
And just like that, he was gone.
You were already in love and knew you weren't going to fall out for a long time.
ror masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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rumbelleshowdown · 1 year
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Author: TheMostDisturbed
Prompts: Sleeping Curse. Playful Banter. Different Fairytale AU.
Group: Final
True Love
Turning his face away, Rumple swiped at the overgrown bushes with his sword, cutting a slim path for him and his companion, Jefferson. Each swipe, each cut, each time his blade cleanly cut through the foliage, Rumple envisioned he was cutting down his brother. His brow pinched together, uncomfortable with the word. He had always known of him, but didn’t know the man who shared his face and stature. Apart from those two things, the two of them shared nothing in common. They weren’t blood relatives. They didn’t share a father, or a mother. Yet, they were the spitting image of each other.
His sword swished through the air, cutting another bush out of the way, whilst shaking his head at himself. It was supposed to be a day, two days. A week!
Swiping again at his imaginary doppelganger, Rumple grumbled at how stupid he had been. ‘If you do this for me, Rumple. Let me live a day in your shoes. Then I’ll make sure, you and your son are provided for, for the rest of your lives.’
There was no denying, it was too much of an opportunity to waste. Rumple worked day and night to provide for his son. Some days, it wasn’t enough. Rumple would go without food, wore old shabby clothing, did the nastiest jobs everyone else refused to do. Just for a bit of silver. He’d do anything for his boy. Even pretend to be a prince, if it gave his son a chance at a better life.
“We’re nearly there.” Jefferson stated, taking an unsteady step over a large protruding root. “I’m sure of it.”
“You’ve been saying that since the sun was above our heads, and now it’s getting closer to dusk.” Rumple contested.
“You’ll see. Any minute now.” Jefferson’s undeterred faith made Rumple roll his eyes as he took a heavy swipe at a tall wall of grass.
Reaching for his right shoulder, Rumple rubbed at the sore muscle. “I shouldn’t even be here! It’s not my throne! I should be at home, with my boy!”
“Yes, but you’re here now and once the quest is completed, you can go home and be reunited with your son.” Jefferson patted Rumple’s back.
Rumple stopped and half turned to look at Jefferson, continuing to rub at his tired shoulder. “This was only supposed to be a day!”
A smirk appeared on Jefferson’s face. “Most men would be thrilled at a chance to be a prince.”
“And I would gladly swap with them.” He confessed to Jefferson.
“Shame.” Jefferson shrugged his right shoulder. “You fit his clothes and boots perfectly.”
“I’d rather be any other man right now.” Rumple grumbled and turned to take a forceful swipe at the large bush blocking their path.
A good portion of the bush fell, revealing a large grand rundown castle. Rumple took a step as his gaze scaled the tallest tower, climbing to its high peak. His mouth slowly formed a ‘O’ shape, while his eyes widened in awe. The descent from the tower was quick with his eye being drawn to the nearest gargoyle, then on to an intricate stained-glass window. Taking another step, Rumple didn’t notice the drop below his foot and thus fell with a surprise yelp. He tumbled down the steep embankment, being consumed by the dust he kicked up as he rolled. With speed, Rumple rolled a considerable distance from the base of the mound until his back collided with a rock, stopping him dead in his tracks. Slumping into the ground with a groan, Rumple remained still to catch his breath.
“RUMPLE!” Jefferson called out to him from the top of the embankment. “Are you okay?”
In answer, Rumple weakly raised his left hand to limply wave to his companion, then let his hand fall back down onto the ground. The fall had knocked the wind out of him. Taking in a few slow deep breaths, he mustered himself together and pushed himself up into a sitting position, against the rock behind him, just as Jefferson slid precariously to the bottom of the embankment.
“Are you okay?” Jefferson repeated his question as he started towards Rumple.
Propping his knees up in front of him, Rumple hugged his arms around the top of his knees and took an obvious moment to breath before he answered Jefferson. “I’m okay.”
Put at ease, Jefferson slowed his pace and stopped a few feet away, casting his gaze on the monstrous castle behind Rumple. “I told you; we were nearly there.”
Turning his head up to look at Jefferson, Rumple grumbled at him. “I have the sudden urge to impale you onto…” He dropped his arms from around his knees and began looking for his sword. “Where’s my sword?”
“It’s over there.” Jefferson pointed to where the sword laid on the ground without looking for it.
Waiting a beat or two, Rumple scowled at Jefferson as he asked. “Are you going to get it for me?”
“No.” His head shook. “Why would I? You just threatened to impale me on it.” Jefferson dropped his gaze from the castle to Rumple on the ground. “Again, for the seventh time.”
“Fine, I’ll get it myself.” Rumple groaned as he clambered up to his feet.
By the time, Rumple had straightened his leather jacket and brushed the dust off himself, he looked up to find the hilt of his sword being presented to him. From that, his gaze jumped up to Jefferson’s face.
“I like it quite hard.” Jefferson winked at him.
“You’re incorrigible, sometimes.” Rumple commented, whilst taking his sword from Jefferson.
A small frown pushed Jefferson’s brows down over his eyes. “Only sometimes?”
“Most of the time.” He corrected himself as he slid his sword in its sheath and turned to face the looming castle.
Jefferson smiled. “That’s better.”
Bracing his hands on his hips, causing the flaps of his leather jacket to push slight apart, Rumple surveyed the overgrown plants, clawing up the walls of the building. He had heard tales as a boy of Avonlea. A wealthy city. The main hub for trade between the north and the south. A king, whose greed and arrogance were infamous. A merchant had tricked the king and had taken most of the city’s wealth in payment for a new wardrobe. When the king had paraded the streets in his new clothes, he had been ridiculed, because of his nakedness. Humiliated, the king had ordered anyone who laughed at him to be beheaded.
“Let’s see, if we can find a way inside.” Jefferson touched Rumple’s shoulder and took the lead.
Before he followed, Rumple took one more look around and trailed after Jefferson. It was hard to believe, the tale had happened here. A place, where Rumple could easily see the beauty hidden underneath the overgrown plants and gloomy exterior.
Noticing a small wooden door, partially hidden by a wild bush, Rumple called to Jefferson as he started towards the door. Sidestepping the bush, he tried to push the door open, but it wouldn’t budge. He tried again, this time putting his shoulder into it and the door popped open. Jefferson’s hand touched Rumple’s shoulder as they entered the castle. The room, they entered, didn’t have anything substantial in it, but it gave way to a long dark corridor.
Along the corridor, they peeked into each room, basking in the brief dying light from outside. After a while, they reached a large hall. Rumple stopped to look around, while Jefferson circled the room, following the wall. The castle didn’t feel eerie to Rumple. Strangely, it felt like home.
“Ah, here we go.” Jefferson announced, somewhere in the darkness.
The struck match fleetingly lit up Jefferson face. The small flame held still, then began to grow as it lit the wooden torch Jefferson had found. The dull light from the torch flickered around the room, highlighting the big wooden doors to Rumple’s right, the immense fireplace beside Jefferson, and the long stretching marbles stairs at the other end of the room.
Jefferson held the torch first towards the stairs and then in the direction of the big wooden doors. “Stairs or doors?”
Turning his head to look at the doors, Rumple turned away from them, feeling more drawn to the staircase. “Stairs.”
They met at the stairs and started to climb at the same time. Rumple’s eyes wandered to the paintings above them. Most of them were of a man, standing in different poses, dressed in fine clothes. The tales of the king’s vainness must have been true.
Another tale, Rumple remembered from his childhood and told to his son, was of the king’s daughter. She was a strong, beautiful woman. Well read, fine swordsman. The king wanted her to marry someone of his choosing, but unbeknownst to him, his daughter had already fallen in love. Refusing her father’s choice, the princess planned to leave, but was captured by the king’s men. The night before the arranged marriage, the princess begged for her fairy godmother’s help.
‘A sleeping curse… He’ll come… I know, he’ll come back for me…’
Rumple slowed his gait at hearing the words whispered in his ear. After a few steps, Jefferson noticed he had dropped back and stopped.
“What’s the matter?” Jefferson asked.
“I don’t…” Rumple’s gaze was drawn to a partially open door. “We need to go this way.”
“Okay…” Jefferson was unsure, but fell in behind Rumple.
The door slowly creaked open as Rumple gently pushed it with his hand. Blue moonlight was pouring in through the window, casting long shadows across the floor. Cautiously stepping into the room, he surveyed the room as Jefferson entered the room behind him, chasing the moonlight away with the torchlight.
A large shield decorated with the family crest hung on the wall opposing them. It dominated the room, taking the attention away from the long stone table, where a woman laid, her hands laid across her stomach, posed as if she was dead. Yet, the beautiful woman appeared to be frozen in time, while everything decayed around her. Rumple’s hand fell from the door as he surveyed the sleeping woman, remembering the countless nights he had dreamed of the princess lying sound asleep, waiting for her true love to wake her.
“I guess, this is the beauty of your quest.” Jefferson surmised.
It had been decreed hundreds of years ago, that the first-born male heir of the king of the Frontlands, would have to journey to Avonlea in pursuit of what was owe to them – The hand of King Avonlea’s daughter. Everyone had thought, it had been another tail. That was until the King of Frontlands had entered his chambers, or rather the real prince’s chambers, and charged Rumple with this quest. A mad endeavour to chase an old folk’s tale.
Nudging Rumple’s shoulder with his own to gain Rumple’s attention, Jefferson jutted his chin towards the sleeping woman. “Go on! Get it over with, so we can go home.”
Rumple nervously swallowed. His first step was a little shaky. Whatever had drawn him to this room, was getting stronger with each step. When he finally stood before her, he couldn’t take his eyes from her face, from her long brown curly hair, from the indents in her lower lip. A swell of mixed emotions swarm in the pit of his stomach as he inclined himself, anxiously licking his lips. Hoovering over her, he looked from her face to her lips, and descended a small measure to press the lightest of kisses to her lips. The whirlwind of emotions swelled and burst, sending a hot warmth throughout his body. He pulled back and held himself above her, waiting. Praying with one hand, she’d wake up, while hoping she wouldn’t with the other.
Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him. “I knew, you’d come back for me.”
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Forty Three
Helicopis Cupido
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
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When you turn slightly to see the stranger, he begins to stand up from his seat. "Y/N," Oikawa calls to you quietly. "Do you remember how I said my protégé sent me to jail?"
"Yeah, you told me that today. What about it?"
Oikawa closes his eyes as he takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "He's right behind you. Kageyama."
"I heard you were looking for me," Kageyama responds. "So what do you want, you fucking criminal?"
Oikawa stands up and you move out of the way. Though you know you should break it up before it escalates, you don't want to get in the middle of what could turn into a gunfight.
"I want to know why you did that, you piece of shit! Why the fuck did you turn me in?! I fucking trusted you! I did everything for you, you stupid shit!" Oikawa begins to curse him out.
"Seriously?! You're the one who was keeping the casino funds for yourself. That place went to shit because of you singlehandedly and you know it!" Kageyama continues to shout.
The two of them go back and forth for a few minutes until Oikawa caves. "Fine, you fucking win," he scoffs as he throws both of his hands up in the air. "The fuck do you want, coming after me?"
"Jesus, Tooru, you know what I want," Kageyama sighs as he takes a step back and sits in the same chair as before. "I had no idea what was going on with you. I was worried, okay?"
"Worried?" Oikawa repeats, shocked by what he just heard. "You're the one who fucking turned me in!"
As Oikawa steps towards Kageyama, you intervene and slide right between the two of them, unpurposefully putting yourself chest to chest with Oikawa. He looks at you for a moment, his eyebrows narrowing, before his posture finally softens and he takes a step back.
"I'm confused," you say to Oikawa as he sits back down on the bench. "What's going on?"
"Before the outage, Kageyama and I still talked. Yeah, I hate his fucking guts but the asshole kept on visiting me every goddamn Saturday," he shakes his head. "I told him 'bout the other inmates, the other gangs, and how they were all planning to riot just before the outage happened."
"So he's worried because of what happened before the outage? I still don't get it," you shake your head as you look between the two men.
"Look, what I'm trying to say is that I know who did it. I knew Atsumu back in jail. I know why he killed himself, but damn I never thought he'd actually do it," he tells you as though he was reminding himself of what happened.
"When you say you 'know who did it', are you referring to Tsukishima? Oikawa, I didn't even know you then. Unless it's a direct confession or you happened to be there that night and didn't say anything to me-"
"Look will you just... God, what the fuck am I saying, you need to hear this from start to finish, okay? Can you just sit down and take a deep breath?" he asks you.
You nod quietly as you take a seat behind him, sitting up perfectly straight to keep on your toes for whatever comes next. You look over at Oikawa, ready for him to start his explanation, but it's Kageyama who speaks up first.
"Tooru and I worked together at the casino he owned on the strip downtown-"
"Bunny Slots," Oikawa interrupts, earning a confused look from you and another annoyed look from Kageyama. "It was called Bunny Slots."
"Anyway, Oikawa was Owner and President, and I, his VP of Casino Operations..."
"Tobio, come in," he called me into his office one day. When I stepped inside I saw him shuffling a whole bunch of papers into one of the drawers of his desk. "Come in, how can I help you?"
"Were those statements you just put away?" I had foolishly asked him. I should have never inquired. Once I did, not turning him in to the proper authorities meant that I was an accomplice. I couldn't let that happen. I had just gotten into a good place in my relationship with my partner. We were about to buy a house.
"Yeah, you know, Tobio, big changes around here," he chuckles awkwardly.
"Really? I didn't know we made any new additions. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to look over what I'm missing-"
"Will you just keep your voice down," he groans, putting his hand on his head as he leans back in his chair. "God, I don't know why I keep you around sometimes." He then sits up in his chair and rolls it closer to his desk. "If you really want to know, it's not for any new additions around here. It's for me instead."
"What are you trying to tell me?..."
It was then that he explained his whole method to me. How he was taking the money from his own company. How the co-owner of the casino had no idea about anything that was going on. I was so damn confused at the time because I knew how close the two of them were. But I also knew I had to do what was right. I can't go down for something I'm not doing. I mean, shit, it was either turn him in or work with him and I knew better than to do that.
A few days later the cops came to the casino and read Oikawa his rights. They arrested him right then and there. Even though he had his big fancy lawyer, he had his co-owner and I fighting against him. By the end of the week, he was eating, sleeping, and shitting in prison.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Girls' Night Toke-up
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Summary: You and your girls end up having a little too much fun during girls' night. Featuring Andy Barber, Ari Levinson, & Curtis Everett
Warnings: Sexy/Worried Andy/Ari/Curtis, Daddy Kink, Difficult Reader, Difficult OFCs, Spanking, Rope Binding, Mentions of Chastity Belts, Discussions of Marijuana/Drug Use, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Written on my phone. All mistakes my own. Part of my Trio Series.
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“Let me hit that again.” Giggles a sleepy-eyed looking Ruby. “That’s some good shit right there.”
“Told you my guy had the good stuff.” You tell her as you pass her the joint.
“And you weren’t lying.” A blissed-out Story mutters.
The three of you were sitting outside her townhouse in bathrobes and bonnets, enjoying a small, yet slightly illegal treat.
One you knew your men would not approve of. Not Curtis, the Firefighter. Not Ari, the Bounty Hunter. And certainly your District Attorney, Andrew Barber.
The big grumps.
“So how are things with Curtis, Rubels? Still rough?” Story asks as she nudges her shoulder as she tokes up again.
“Eh, we’re fine. It’s fine.” The curly hair beauty mumbles. “Or at least it will be when he stops threatening me with weekly maintenance spankings to encourage good behavior.”
Both you and Story offer a sympathetic wince at her words.
“My behavior is just fucking fine. He’s the beast!”
You nod and pass the joint once more.
“I get it. I threatened to punish my own beast yesterday. Only to end up my nose in the corner for my trouble. Got three good swats in though before Ari caught me though, so worth it!”
You and Story-book share a clumsy hi-five. Just in time for her phone to ring.
“Ahh, look. It’s my big ol’ beast.” Smothering a laugh, she hits “ignore”.
Only for it to ring. Again.
“I got this one for ya, girl.” You tell her as lean down to pick-up the phone. “What, Ari? You’re interrupting our Girls' Night.”
The man sighs into the other end. “Nice talking to you too, now please pass me to my little Sprite.” He growls out.
“Oh, no can do.” You shrug and take another deep drag, which makes you cough. “Sorry. Allergies.” You tell him.
“We’re having too much fun!” Ruby yells out. “We’re about to order some pizzas and cheesy bread anyway!”
“Well, that’s too bad.” He grumbles into the line. “Because Curtis and I are on our way over to snag our ladies.”
Immediately, Story goes to grab the phone.
“No, Ari.” She lets out an exasperated huff. “You can sleep without me tonight.”
“No, I can’t. And even more importantly, I don't want to. You've been away from me all day and I need you in my arms. Now, I’ll see you in twenty. And fair warning, Curtis left the same time I did. So have your shit packed, please.”
“Argh!” She hangs up on her man with an aggravated scream. And then her phone chimes:
Sunshine Bear: Don’t ever hang up on me.
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The three of you quickly change your clothes and douse yourselves in perfume. Had to cover-up the tell-tale signs of your good time, ya know?
You also now knew that Andy was en-route as well. Well, fuck. Your three high-handed ogres could show up here all they wanted.
It didn't change the fact that you and your girls were going out for pizza. There was a little shop just down the street that you all positively adored. If your men wanted to interrupt your date then they’d just have to wait. You hop in the car and head over to Antonio’s Pizzeria. As you're driving, Ruby is kind enough to call ahead and place your orders.
And after that, you three do something dangerous. You put your phones on silent. Call it brave. Call it stupid. But you all agreed that your men had to learn.
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“Where to fuck are they?” Andy snarls as he knocks and then rings the bell for umpteenth time. And where was Y/N’s car for that matter?
“Are the brats not answering?” He turns around at the sound of his friend’s gruff voice. “Don’t worry man, I’ve got a fucking key.” Ari steps out of his vehicle just as Curtis pulls up as well.
“What’s going on?” The short-haired man growls. “I wanna grab my girl and go home already.”
Ari sighs as he unlocks the door. “Story?” He bellows into the quiet house. “Daddy’s here, baby. It’s time to go!”
No answer.
Confused, but also undeterred, the three exasperated men begin their search. Which quickly turns up nothing.
“What. The. Fuck.” Andy hisses, settling his big hands on his trim waist.
“Hey guys.” Curtis calls from the back patio. “Look at what the fuck I found.” Their firefighter holds up the remnants of what appears to be joint.
Andy scrubs a hand over his beard, while Ari yanks one big paw through his long, tawny locks.
“Maybe it’s…old?” One of them offers.
“No, pretty sure it’s fresh. Smells like a goddamned skunk.” He huffs, his brawny arms crossing over his swelled chest. “This is exactly why my Rubaloo needs weekly maintenance.” He mumbles to himself.
With a grunt, Ari grabs the offending paraphernalia and tosses into a clear ziplock bag.
“If they know what’s good for ‘em they’ll be back real soon.” With that said, they sit down to wait for your return.
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Fifteen minutes later…
You, Story, and Ruby tiptoe into the house carrying pizza boxes and munching on cheesy bread.
“Wassup?” You giggle when you notice visitors in the kitchen. “Hungry? Cuz’ if you are, we’re not sure if we got enough for you.” You take another delicious bite.
“Although, I suppose you can each have a piece of the cheesy bread.” Ruby shrugs. “Aww, why the sour faces, fellas? We’ll share, we’ll share.”
You take a quick moment to rub at your glassy eyes.
“C’mere, little girl.” Your man growls at you. “Right now.”
“No thank you, Mr. Andrew Stephen Barber. I’m starving.”
“Yeah. We wanna eat and then nap.” Story stretches her arms over her head, oblivious to the fact that Ari is hold in something in his hand.
Cue more giggles.
Suddenly, Curtis picks up his girl and deposits her on a nearby table. Tightly gripping her chin, he tilts her head back to look into her eyes.
“Rubeena, my darling little wife.” There’s an unmistakable edge to his voice. “Why are these beautiful orbs of yours looking so red and glossy?”
“Al - allergies. Ragweed. Pollen.” His woman mutters. Meanwhile, you and a nervous-looking Story keep nibbling away on your food.
And that’s when Ari holds up the incriminating evidence. “So it doesn’t have anything to do with this?”
“Uh, nope. Must have been those pesky neighbor kids again.” Story mumbles as she reaches into a box for a slice of pizza
“No, the three of you are high as a goddamned kite. And then you drove on top of it.” A very frustrated Andy pinches the bridge of his nose. “And now you’re lying about it.”
“They sure are. And I, for one, don’t play that.” Ari grinds out through clenched teeth. “Upstairs, Story-book, now. And you had better be in position by the time I get up there.”
“And if I don’t want to?” Your brave friend crosses her arms and taps her foot. In fact, she snatches the bag from him, opens it and lights up.
“Girls, you wanna hit?” She asks, fire blazing in her eyes. “How about you, Daddy?”
With your pizza still in your hand, you grab it from her, take a hit, and then pass it to Ruby, who also takes a quick toke. And then you move towards the sink to extinguish it.
“There. Happy now?” You grumble through a mouthful of pizza.
Suddenly it’s as if everything happens in slow motion. Andy whips the belt from around his waist and binds your hands behind you. And then that fucker, Curtis, tosses your boyfriend his own belt so he can bind your ankles with it.
And although you put up a struggle, it’s simply no use. “I’ve got a very special present for you when we get home, young lady.” He whispers in your ear before lewdly licking your cheek. “You’re gonna hate it, but I’m going to love it. It’s a gorgeous chastity belt that I had customized just for you.” His hand roughly palms your ass, making you squirm.
Meanwhile, Story is screaming and screeching behind you. You can’t see much, except for her legs kicking and flailing like a wild animal while Ari methodically tans her ass.
Curtis marches poor Ruby out to the car, cursing and swatting her ass with a thick wooden spoon every step. “Put your hand here again and I’ll tap that too.” He snarls. “Little fucking brats, the whole lot of you!”
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
Inner Conflict
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 3586
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Some Angst, Some Fluff, Sam and Bucky being idiots, Mentions of PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression
A/N: Here’s Part Three to my FATWS Series, which I’m making a masterlist for that you can find Here. 
Uh…it’s a little long, and I apologize for that. It doesn’t even encompass the whole second episode, only the first half, so a Part 3.5 will be coming out later today probably (it’s my day off work so I have all day to relax and write!) I tried not doing a line for line rewrite of the episode, but there are quotes from the show in here. Mostly it’s Reader’s thoughts and feelings towards what’s happening while conversations are going on around. Reader’s backstory is a bit more unfurled. It’s more action packed and more scene-for-scene of the episode than the previous two. Less emotions shared and less hurt/comfort type of thing, but that’ll be back in the next part probably along with more scenes not in the show. The next part I’m planning won’t be as long, it’ll mainly just be the Couples Therapy scene and a bit more angst with her and Sam and her and Bucky.
Because there’s four more episodes and I don’t know what’s going to happen in them, I’m kinda hesitant on spilling out exactly what is going on with the Reader and what her role was on the original team, but we’ll get there. Also, I wasn’t expecting to be writing multiple pieces for one episode, but if the other episodes are as packed as this one, prepare yourself for more parts than anticipated. We’re already on Part 3 and I’ve got Part 3.5 coming. Just bare with me as I don’t know what’s going to happen in future episodes! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! 
(Not beta’d so excuse any mistakes.)
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Walking out of the shower, ruffling a towel through your hair to dry it off, you froze at the sound of the TV. A sigh left your lips. It’s all he’d been doing the last few days - watching the news. Keeping up with the tour for the new Captain America.
You peeked out of the small bedroom to find Bucky sitting on the floor, brow creased as he watched John Walker talk to the Good Morning America hostess.
“You shouldn’t be watching that.” You spoke up, leaning on the doorway, still patting your hair dry. He glanced over to you, taking in the towel wrapped around you, before looking back at the TV. Seeing you like that wasn’t anything new. “Buck, I’m serious. Brooding over it won’t make anything better.”
“What do you want me to do?”
You let out a sigh, shifting your feet and biting your lip as you thought about how to respond. “I-I haven’t figured it out yet. But obsessing over the new guy-”
“Aren’t you mad?”
You frowned at his question, his eyes meeting yours once more. “I told you already that I am.”
He tilted his head, which he did when he was confused, his eyes narrowing. “Why don’t you show it? Why aren’t you screaming or cursing or crying or something? You, of all people-”
“Because it won’t help anything, Buck.” You shook your head, pushing off the wall. “I want to. But if I let myself go down that road…” Dropping your gaze to the floor, you take a breath, collecting your thoughts. “This is such a complicated situation, James. I’m being contacted left and right for a statement on the new Captain. People trying to see my reaction. Senators trying to get me to meet with him. I can’t let myself snap. I can’t.”
He scowled. “They’re still bothering you?”
A dry chuckle escaped your lips and you nodded. “Makes me miss the days when no one knew who I was; when I was the behind-the-scenes seventh Avenger. But I made that choice to come out, and I have to deal with the consequences now. Blowing up will only-”
“Even though I never met him…he feels like a brother.”
That one statement stopped you in your tracks. Bucky’s head whipped back to the TV, his jaw ticking, his nose scrunching up.
“Did he really just say that?”
Bucky merely nodded, his chest heaving as he tried getting his breathing under control. “Feel like snapping now?”
You purse your lips as you held in the tears stinging your eyes. After composing yourself, you moved over and grabbed the remote, letting out a tiny sniffle as you did so. You tentatively touched Bucky’s shoulder, silently asking him if he needed anything from you. His response was to open his arms, so you quickly got down besides him to hold him.
“He is my brother, doll.”
“I know, Buck.” You pressed a soft kiss to his head, which rested against your bare shoulder.
Your bare knees are pressed harshly against the wooden panels of the floor, and you’re twisted awkwardly, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. As long as he was comfortable, you would take the uncomfortable position. As long as he was being held, you would take the soreness it would leave. As long as you could help him be some sort of okay, you would take not being okay in this position.
 You two sat like that for a few more moments before your phone buzzed. You gave a sigh, pulling back and holding his cheeks in either hand. He wasn’t crying, although he was on the verge of doing so. You’d seen him cry before, so you knew he didn’t mind. For you it was a different story.
Bucky had maybe seen you cry twice since the whole Blip thing went down. And one of them was over the phone, so he didn’t see it so much as he heard it. You didn’t let yourself cry in front of him. Or anyone, for that matter. It was a part of you. The only person you ever felt comfortable enough around to cry in front of…wasn’t there. And you couldn’t change that.
“We’ll figure it out.” You told him, nodding gently and letting a small, sad smile quirk the corners of your lips up. “Okay? We’ll figure it out.”
The clench in his jaw loosened as your fingers worked circles into the hinge, making him relax and nod back. You pressed a tender kiss to his forehead before standing up, moving across the room to where your phone was on the counter. You assumed it’d be another government official or news reporter, so you were slightly shocked to see ‘Sammy’ flashing up at you.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you read his message, a slight pout forming on your face. 
“Doll?” Toned arms wrapped around you, warm and cool, his chin setting on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Sam. He needs my help with something.”
“I’m coming with you.”
You turned in his arms, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Why?”
He shrugged, licking his lips. “You might need help.”
“Bucky, you can’t go if you’re just going to yell at him.”
“I won’t.”
You studied his features. He was lying, you knew that. Of course he was going to snap at Sam for giving up the shield. He was mad and they got on each others’ nerves every chance they could find, so of course he was going to.
But you still found yourself saying yes and telling him to go pack a bag. You were never able to say no to Steve and it seemed that got passed on. What a nuisance it was.
And you were so right. It was the first thing he said once Sam came into view coming down the stairs.
“You shouldn’t have given up the shield, Sam.”
“James.” You squeezed the hand he was holding, voice pleading for him not to do this right now. He huffed, stepping back to let you greet Sam properly, giving the man a hug. “Hi, Sammy.”
“It’s been a while.” Sam commented, pulling back and holding you by the shoulders. “You look good. Not that you’ve ever looked otherwise.”
You gave him a small smile. “You do too.”
“Thanks for coming. I know it’s short notice, but-”
“It’s fine, Sam. Really.” You insist.
Sam nodded, before eyeing Bucky. “Did you have to bring him?”
“This is wrong.” Bucky cut in, staring Sam down, falling into step besides him as the man started heading outside.
“Hey, hey. Look. I’m working, all right?”
You rolled your eyes as the two started arguing, stopping your stride to take a breather. You used to joke about babysitting them, but it didn’t feel like a joke anymore and you were getting tired of it. All the bickering for no reason. The contempt they held for one another. Steve made you promise that you would look out for them, and you were trying, but they weren’t making it easy.
When you joined them again, you raised an eyebrow at the direction the conversation turned. How the hell did they get from arguing about the shield to what a wizard is?
“Ahh! Haha! A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat!”
You gave Sam a look as he babbled about how he was right. “Sorcerer Mickey has a hat. Isn’t that, like, how he gets his powers and everything?”
Bucky grinned at you. “Thank you!”
“Excuse you!” Sam scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at you. “We were having a conversation!”
“Yeah. A stupid conversation I just ended. Now I’m gonna be in the plane. Feel free to join me when you’re done being idiots.”
They both spluttered, but you were already walking away, leaving no room for arguments. As you loaded onto the plane, you spotted the Lieutenant whom Sam mentioned who had been helping him out with missions. Torres, you thought, remembering his name from a previous phone call with your friend.
“You Lieutenant Torres?” You asked, walking up to him.
He blinked, before his eyes widened, a grin appearing on his face. He seemed young, which you were perfectly okay with considering you’ve been working alongside old men for the past decade. It was always nice to work with a fresh face, which you found after you started working with Wanda and Peter.
The thought of the two youngest members made you falter, not having heard from either of them since Christmas almost six months prior, but you quickly recovered yourself, shaking away the worries you had for them.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N! I’m a huge fan! I’ve read all your files!”
Chuckling a little, you held out your hand. “Most of those are heavily classified.”
He ducked his head with a little blush, rubbing the back of his neck after shaking your hand. “I, uh, I might’ve…used connections.”
“It’s okay.” You reassured him, throwing him a wink. “I won’t tell. Can you tell me what’s going on? Sam didn’t exactly explain the situation.”
He nodded, getting into ‘work mode’, something you’ve seen in most military men, informing you of their recent missions and the group known as the Flag-Smashers and giving you a file on them. He was in the middle of telling you about his solo mission in Germany when your two fellas came in, sending each other small glares, but remaining quiet.
Bucky caught your eye and sent an apologetic look your way, to which you just smiled at before turning back to Torres.
“Well I’m glad you’re okay.” You told him once he was done.
“Oh yeah. It wasn’t that bad.”
You laughed and nodded. “I’m sure. You seem like a tough kid.”
He smiled, before looking around and jabbing his thumb behind his shoulder. “I-I’ve gotta go, but-”
“We can talk later.” You promised with a grin.
“Of course! I have a feeling we’ll be working together more, and I like getting to know who’s gonna have my back.”
He beamed and nodded, walking backwards. “That’d be awesome! Talk to you later then!”
You giggled as he turned around and jogged off, pumping his fist in the air. You turned to a grinning Sam and nodded towards where Torres left. “I like him. Seems like a nice kid.”
“He is. Very energetic. A little reckless, but he’s got a good heart.”
You hummed, the smile falling from your face as you flipped through the file Torres gave you. “So…Munich?”
“Yeah. Listen, I’m sorry again for taking you away from the search, but-”
“Search is off.” You informed him quickly, not looking up. “Until further notice.”
The plane went quiet, before Sam cleared his throat. “So…no sign of Wanda yet, then?”
You shut the file, looking up at the men whose features were laced with concern. “I’m gonna go talk to the pilot. Behave while I’m gone. No pushing each other off the plane.”
You were stopped by the hand that grabbed your wrist as you passed Bucky. You shot him another smile, knowing it wasn’t convincing enough for him, but it being the best one you had. “I’m okay. I’ve just gotta ask him some questions.”
Opening your mouth to stop him, you groaned when Bucky jumped out of the plane before you could speak. First Sam jumps without sharing the plan, then Bucky jumps without having a plan. Or a parachute. Or wings. Or anything.
Torres looked at you, but all you could do was shrug. “I dunno what to tell you, kid.”
“You’re not gonna do that, are you?”
“No.” You reassured him, shaking your head. “I’m gonna wait ‘til we land like a normal person and take my bike. I just have to pray that they’ll wait to do anything stupid until I get there.”
They didn’t wait. You’re pretty sure they didn’t even think about waiting. By the time you got to them, they were fighting - and losing, might you add - to six really strong people on top of two semi trucks.
Because why wouldn’t they?
Oh, oh. And on top of that, the fake was there, throwing the shield. The shield that didn’t belong to him. The shield that meant so much more than he would ever know.
“Hi, doll! Sorry we started the party without you!” Bucky shouted from where he was hanging off the edge, that close to the street and getting his head torn off by the tire.
“I’m so tired of babysitting you two, you know that?!”
“Oh! Sorry we’re such an inconvenience for you! Blame him! He jumped the gun!” Sam shouted, coming to fly next to you as you rolled up your sleeves, standing on your bike, using one hand to steer.
“Can I get a little help already?!”
“On it!”
Knowing that no matter how much they pissed each other off, Sam would make sure Bucky was okay and vice versa, you focused on getting to the top, where Walker and a buddy of his were struggling a little bit.
You climbed up to the roof of the semi no one was on, wincing when you heard your bike skidding across the pavement. There goes half your salary.
You couldn’t dwell on it for very long, considering one of the guys appeared in front of you. You recognized the fighting - the strength - and faltered, a memory resurfacing at a very bad time.
“C’mon, honey. You can do better than that.” Steve grinned at you, holding out a hand to help you up.
“Excuse me for not having super strength, Rogers.” You huffed out, taking it and letting him pull you up.
“You don’t need to be stronger than me. You just need to be smarter.”
“That’ll be easy.” You teased, stretching your arms before getting into your stance again. “You’re a dumbass sometimes.”
“Yeah, well, who chose to be friends with this dumbass?”
“Everyone needs a dumbass for a friend.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “So I’m your dumbass?”
“If you want.”
The grin he shot you made your heart skip a beat. “If you’ll have me.”
You blinked, but Steve wasn’t in front of you anymore and you weren’t in the gym in DC. 
The guy caught the punch you distractedly threw and twisted your arm, making you cry out, kicking him in the back of the knee and flipping him over your shoulder.
You went to kick him again, but he caught your leg and threw you against the side of the other semi. You were able to grab onto where Bucky had ripped through the side, but you winced as the metal cut through your palm. Sam had just flown under the trucks, taking Buck with him, and you knew when a fight wasn’t worth it, so you quickly moved around the truck, letting Walker and his pal distract the Flag-Smashers, before letting yourself fall onto the side where the grass was.
You wanted to lay there, to catch your breath and curse yourself for getting distracted. You hadn’t had a flashback like that in a while. But you didn’t let yourself. You had to make sure the guys were okay.
Standing up made you cringe; you could feel the throbbing in your shoulder from where it was no doubt dislocated and your leg was aching, the muscle probably pulled when the guy threw you.
“Doll!” You turned, seeing Bucky and Sam sprinting towards you a few yards down the road. “Hey, hey.” Bucky immediately had his hands hovering over you, scanning your body. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, shoving his hands away. “I’m fine.”
“What’s wrong with your shoulder?”
“I think I dislocated it.”
Sam frowned. “What the hell happened?”
You gave him a weird look, starting to limp across the field to where you noticed a side road earlier. “They were super soldiers, Sam. And we got our asses kicked.”
“Yeah, but you know how to fight a super soldier-”
“It’s been a while.”
“Bullshit.” Sam side stepped in front of you, making you stop. “What happened?”
“I-I just got distracted, okay?”
“Y/N. Look at me.” Bucky took your face between his palms, eyes worried. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. A tired sigh left your lips and you looked anywhere but his eyes. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just hurting. My leg, I think I pulled it or something-”
“C’mere.” Bucky turned and crouched down, making you blink.
“You shouldn’t be walking. We don’t wanna make it worse.”
“But it’s just a strain, it won’t-”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Just get on the man’s back, Y/N.”
You bit your lip before sighing and carefully climbing on his back. He shifted you gently, making sure to hold your leg with caution, leaning his head into yours when you hooked your chin on his shoulder. “You-you don’t have to talk about what happened. Just-just know that when you do…I’ll be here, okay?”
You nodded, moving to press your nose against the column of his throat. “Okay.”
But you could never tell them. How could you? How could you tell the world’s longest POW that you were having nightmares? How could you complain to an Air Force vet who served two tours in Afghanistan and watched his best friend get blown out of the air that you were having flashbacks?
You weren’t sure if it was PTSD or anxiety or depression. Maybe all three. It didn’t matter, though, because you didn’t want to admit it. You wouldn’t admit it. No one thought the Blip messed you up that badly. No one thought Steve leaving did that much damage. And you were okay with that. You were okay with them thinking you were healing - that you were fine - because they needed to see that it could be done. That they could be fine, too. Especially the men walking, Sam teasing Bucky per usual.
It wasn’t until a horn honked that you allowed yourself to be pulled out of your thoughts. A scoff left you when you realized who it was, switching the side you were laying on so your cheek pressed up against the cool metal of his left shoulder, facing away from the jeep.
You tried ignoring the guy as he talked about working together and shit, taking a shuddering breath, making Bucky squeeze your uninjured thigh. There was no way you were working with him. You couldn’t. It’d be like betraying Steve and you didn’t need that on top of all the other things you were dealing with.
You couldn’t deny the need for a ride though. The airport was 20 miles away and you were hurting pretty bad. You suspected that was the reason the guys relented, Bucky tenderly setting you down in the jeep between him and Sam, careful of your injuries.
You stared at your lap as Walker and Sam talked shop. You understood where they were coming from, you were always able to see both sides of the coin, but it didn’t mean you were going to willingly work with him.
“I got mad respect for all of y’all, but you were kind of getting your asses kicked till we showed up.”
You scoffed at that, finally raising your eyes to meet Walker’s friend’s. “Like you were doing any better?”
Bucky reached over to grab her hand that was resting on her lap. “You know, I’ve been trying to get in contact with you.” Walker faced you, eyes raking down your form. Bucky shifted in his spot, but you ran your thumb over his knuckles before he could do or say anything stupid.
“Yeah. I know. My phone hasn’t stopped blowing up for a week. Thanks for that, by the way.”
Walker frowned. “If you just answered-”
“I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you’ve done. I’ve been a little busy doing my job to blow smoke up your ass on national television. Sorry if my saving people’s lives has been an inconvenience for you, but some wannabe playing dress up isn’t my top priority.”
Walker’s brows furrowed and he was about to say something, when Bucky cut in, asking his friend who he was. You were already that close to jumping out of the jeep, when the guy, Hoskins, told you three that he went by ‘Battlestar’.
If the situation wasn’t so aggravating, you would’ve laughed when Bucky immediately told the driver to stop, opening the door before the car even stopped. “C’mere, doll.” He murmured, lifting you up into his arms bridal style, before walking off, tuning out Walker as he shouted after you two.
You pouted a little when you saw Sam still talking to the guy. “What’re they talking about, Buck?”
“Some nonsense about him not replacing Steve. Just trying to be the best Captain America he can.”
You laid your head against Bucky’s chest. “The best Captain America is Steve. He can never be Steve.”
“I know, doll.”
“Steve told me once that all he was trying to do was be a good man…it’ll always amaze me that he didn’t see he was the best.”
You missed the distraught look Bucky shot towards you, the look in his eyes almost heartbroken while you talked fondly about his best friend. The tortured scrunch to his features seemed to melt away at your next words, though, and he held you tighter as you curled into his hold.
“Just like it amazes me that you don’t know how important you are to me too, Buckaroo.”
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akaashioppa · 3 years
Forever Will Never Be The Same
pairings: oikawa x reader
summary: The reader finally confronts her husband Oikawa after cheating allegations in the male locker room. angst!!!
warnings: curse words, mentions of the reader having a son with Oikawa, confronting of cheating. 
w/c: 1736
A/N: first time writing for Oikawa :)
Haikyuu Masterlist  Masterlist
“Everyone get out now!”
Your voice echoed off the metal lockers of the locker room. Eyes widened as you made your way into the changing room, not because of the fact that a girl was entering the male’s locker room. It was the fact that Oikawa (Y/N) was coming to kick her husband’s ass. Just as every man passed you to flee, their musky scent filled your nose making you cringe.
After the final whistle of the game, people were scavenging to take pictures with Oikawa Toru except you. Each morning that you woke your husband up he would give you one of those cheeky grins that he was giving the fans right now, the stupid grin was fake. Laughter, jokes, and cries filled your ears, for what reason? The Great King made his grand entrance back to the court, winning both sets with the help of Iwaizumi. The Great King himself showered his fans with love and pictures while you stood from afar, anger flowing through your veins. Knowing the Poker Face King for ten years and having been married to him for two, it was easy to mimic the grin. As girls would pass by screaming about the pictures they took with him you would shoot them that famous grin. 
You timed each moment perfectly, celebrating the win, pictures with fans, interviews with the sports commentators, more fan interaction and now he hits the locker room for a shower. Luckily for you, he was beginning to take his sweaty jersey off, beads of sweat from the previous game were still prominent.
“What are you doing here?” The look on his face was one of a kind, it was a mixture of panic and anger. Nothing to be afraid of, it’s not like he didn’t give you the same look when you caught him at the bar with another woman. Or the time you were driving down the road with his phone constantly going off, every other minute he’d get notifications, this would go on for hours.
The yelling of the men from the locker room made you come back to reality. Have they not seen a woman before or was it because you were standing there looking at their dick prints? A white tint cast over their knuckles from how hard they were holding their towels around their waist. ‘What a sight to see
“You can either tell me the truth or you can tell me the truth there’s no in-between.” You barked at Oikawa, men were still scattering out of the locker room. You barely gave them time to leave before you bombarded your husband with your question. 
The  panic on his face was quite entertaining, he moved in front of you so you couldn’t see his half-naked teammates running out of the locker room.“What are you talking about!?”
“When were you going to tell me that you went to a nightclub with Iwaizumi!? He told me everything so I’m giving you the chance to come clean about it!”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew you were going to be mad.”
“Did you sleep with her?” You got straight to the point, there was no need for you to sit here and procrastinate any longer. This has been on your mind ever since you got those three attachments from Iwaizumi.
“No” He scoffed, “Why would I sleep with her? I have too much respect for you to sleep with her.”
“Oh really, the way you were holding her waist makes me think differently. The way you kissed her neck makes me want to snap yours!” You held up a photo on your phone with him and another girl at the nightclub. His head was in her neck, you could see that he was kissing on it, his arms were wrapped around her waist but his hands were dangerously low.“Respect? Do you even know the definition of respect because if you did you wouldn’t have me out here looking stupid!”
He sat down on the bench of the locker room, his arms were tightly around his chest. Oikawa was already over this conversation, this wasn’t the first time you blew up in the face about this. Nor the second, he respected you in a weird way. He never laid hands on you, or even yelled at you but he couldn’t keep his hands off other women. 
“How do I make you look stupid!? I give you everything you want!”
“Everything but love.” You yelled desperately, the thing about arguing with him about these situations was that he’d always claim that he knew what you wanted. He’d always try to bring light on the situation when he clearly fucked up. He was a great husband, you guys had been dating since high school. Since he got the fame and money things turned upside down, he became a legit monster. 
“I show love to you every day, I make love to you every week!” His voice rose an octave, his hand was flying all over the place when he spoke. 
You were appalled, sickened, offended, that he could say something like that. It hurts to know that he thinks this way, it almost makes you feel worthless. Does he really consider having sex as love? “That’s not loving Toru, that's lust.”
He sighed, his hands were on his knees, he got up to finish packing up his things. “Well, I’m over it. I don’t want you here anymore. Leave”
“How can you give up so easily on us.” You forced his hands away from his bag, he looked at you with a confused face. You poked him hard in his chest slowly provoking him, “I forgave you so many times after you treated me like trash. All the times you cheated and came home with women’s numbers falling out of your pockets. Many sleepless nights just to make sure that your knee would stop bothering you. I wake up every morning to make you your special breakfast so you can be game ready and yet I haven’t given up on you.”
“I’m just tired of arguing with you. All you do is complain about my lifestyle. If you can’t keep up then we shouldn’t be together. How can I keep consoling you after you get all jealous about me hanging out with fans or me taking pictures with my fans? It’s just toxic (Y/N).” He spat back, he didn’t seem angered. It was more of an annoyed look. 
“Because you only hang out with female fans, it’s fine and all but when they’re posting sexual pictures with you, it’s a different story. I scroll down my feed to see you with more women than see pictures of us together. It’s like I don’t exist”
“Whatever (Y/N) I need to get ready for the after-party.”
“What about us? How are we going to fix this?”
“There is no us!” He screamed, his voice echoed off the lockers. He placed his hands on his hips trying to compose himself. “It’s only you and Torio. And me, Torio and volleyball! There is no us, not anymore and that’s it!”
You took a step back, each word was like a dagger in your heart. He would often bring your son into the matter. Ever since your son was born you’ve always felt like you and Oikawa had grown apart. It was like you were forcing yourself to stay for Torio’s sake. There would be days where things were good, on those days you and Oikawa wouldn’t argue. However, when days like this occur he’d make you hurt, you’d always end up questioning your ability of loving. Deep down you felt like you guys were drifting apart but you didn’t want to admit it. It was too painful, Oikawa would have been left if it weren’t for Torio. He wanted his fans and the sports media to look at him as a family man.
“Why is it so hard to ask someone to love me!?” Your breaking point had finally come, you held your hands over your mouth to stop the loud sobs. It was hard to know that your husband and high school sweetheart didn’t want you. You gave up everything to support him with his dreams, family, friends, work, school, and even your fucking sanity and yet she still treats you this way. 
He stood there watching you beat yourself down, he didn’t do anything but place a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged it off, the last thing you wanted was for him to touch you. “Listen I loved you back in high school but now high school is over. You’re still basing this love off of that and I’m not here for it. All these insecurities you have are a bit annoying in my defense. Maybe this relationship would work if you grew the fuck up.”
“You can’t give up on us now. We need each other. Torio needs his dad. ” Lie, you needed him. Yes, Torio needed his dad but you needed your husband. It was crazy to think that you would go back to him but it was just your toxic ways. You never loved anyone but him, he was all that you had. Your life that you lived was based upon him. 
“Look, we can talk about this later if you want, but right now I have thousands of fans waiting for me to show my face. You can either suck it up and go out there with me or you can hit the back doors and go home.”
“What do you want?” He groaned, he turned back around with an annoyed face. He was fed up with you and even the situation. You knew he wanted you gone, he was waiting for the minute you’d leave so he could go and party. 
Obviously an answer, he was too consumed with himself to even realize that. It was the reason why you came in here yelling at his teammates to leave, you wanted to ask him a question in private. The thought of getting your feelings hurt in front of everyone was not ideal.
“I just asked a simple question. Did you sleep with her?”
You looked up at him for the first him, your vision was blurry but you could see him well enough to see that stupid smirk.“What do you think?”
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studiojeon · 3 years
use me | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. i think you can read this by itself though :)
| summary | -   Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you.
warnings: language (?), mentions of hook ups and situationships. mentions of emotional trauma.
contents: a compilation of moments that contributed to the growth of their relationship, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read and sus. oc is kinda whipped and scared af. chaeryeong knows who you are and where you live. jk and oc are scared to let each other in. friends to lovers, idol!jungkook x student!oc.
author’s note: i hate this, but i have to get it off my chest. (the narration is off af but if i keep it in my drafts for longer this will never see the light of the day). p.s. thank u so much for the support on the last drabble <3
playlist: rain by trey songz (feat. swae lee). 
words: 4.75k
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“JK?” as his broad back faces you, you call out his name timidly, not missing the way he swiftly turns around as soon as he hears his name come from your lips. Hair wet and darker than usual, a very big sweat stain at the center of his hoodie. He had just gotten out of practice, you assumed. 
“___?” he replied with the initials of your name as well, one of his tired grins plastered on his face, he must have been exhausted. You had caught on to him just as he walked out of the practice room in front of the elevator on your way to your office, right when you needed him, but now you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to pester him. Even so, you didn’t know anyone else you could ask for help, aside from Linh who was currently in her own office doing other tasks you had assigned to her.
“Are you busy right now?” your eyes stare at him shyly, in hopes that he was willing to help you out, because you wanted to be around him, so maybe he could share a bit of his positive energy with you, the past week had been hellish.  “Could use some help returning all those heavy stacks of paper in my office”.
“Of course! Why didn’t you give me a call earlier though? It’s pretty late” he walked by your side and you enter the elevator, beginning your adventure around the company.
Jungkook was fun. Always bubbly and reciprocative, constantly trying his best to make you laugh and make the absolute best of your situation, even if he could be a bit stubborn at times. You liked the spontaneity he provided though, the way he would switch from one topic to another and how he would make silly faces at you whenever you locked eyes. 
He didn’t know, but in pure ignorance, he had just made your day ten times better. 
In the past week, you had received a lot of counterarguments, one by one, on how useless your management tactics were. Granted, you hadn’t expected for your ideas to be welcomed with open arms, but at least you had hoped they would take them into consideration. You had also been assigned a team, in charge of social media management, who worked monotonously and with little to no insertion in the actual target audience… your logic was: how can you advertise products to an audience you don’t even have the mere interest to know? You had designed a strategy, presented it, and no one paid any mind to you. 
But for the most part, you felt lonely. Had no one to talk to, nor go to whenever you needed your spirits to be lifted up.
Chaeryeong was busy busy with group projects and work. To the extent where she would get up at seven in the morning and come back at 12 pm. It wasn’t always like that, so you didn’t worry too much, but the fear she would wear herself off like usual still crowded your mind.
You close your office door with a sigh. Tired from everything, but somehow, your heart a little fuller, knowing that maybe you could use Jungkook in the future to give you a lift. Both figuratively and literally because he had offered to drive you home, being the gentleman he was.
“Why do you look like a sad puppy?” he asked you once you were sitting by his side in his very expensive and luxurious mercedes. Tinted windows and jet black shiny paint covered the outside of his car, the smell of air refresher and pinecone filling the inside. Mans was getting hotter by the minute.
“It’s friday night after the longest week of work. How can I not?” you put on your seat belt and lean back against the leather cushions. He pouts in response to you, with a concerned look on his face. 
For a second you wonder if he did this with most coworkers… being nice to them and offering them drives after having met them just a few times before. Kinda risky behviour, considering his position and squeaky clean reputation. You figure this would only last a bit before he realized he had more important things to be focusing on.
“Do you ever get chased home?” you ask randomly. 
With one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against his door he meditated on his response. “It happened once… And then I moved out, got a new car and everything. Shit was wild” he chuckles and you think that was the first time you had heard him curse, like ever. Jungkook, friendly and everything, wasn’t too big of a talker, but with you he found himself spilling, without giving it much thought. It felt refreshing to hear his voice and listen to his stories and the way he expressed himself. He was more interesting than he seemed, apparently. “Aren’t you hungry, by the way? We can have something to eat before i drop you off”
Traffic was hellish in Seoul everyday at every hour, and choosing to drive through Itaewon on a friday night wasn’t the smartest decision on Jungkook’s behalf, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him that. Considering the demands of his job, he probably didn’t know his way around the city that well. You conclude taking a detour wouldn’t hurt. “I’m starving actually.”
He ends up taking you to a restaurant near your neighborhood you had mentioned being good and not crowded at all, the latter catching his attention immediately. It was a modest but nice place owned by a very funny and loud ahjussi. The man had lost count of how many times you had come down from your apartment at 11 pm and asked him to make you vegetarian tteokguk, but they were enough so that he could memorize your five orders by heart and the amount of saewoo mandu you could down by yourself in five minutes. You were making him rich at that point so the least he could do was comply when you gently asked him to shut the place down for you. Jungkook hadn’t asked you, but you knew how things could get awkward and dangerous quickly if too many people found out about him being there. “Ahjussi, you don’t have to” the boy protested as he noticed that the man had shut the blinds for him.
“It’s okay, boy. _____ has been single handedly paying the remnants of my mortgage for over a year now, I don't mind doing this for her.” he joked in his usual nature. already writing down your order and patiently waiting for Jungkook in front of you to voice out what he wanted for a meal. “And well, you and your friends are making our country proud, it’s the least i can do to thank you”
“Ah, thank you.” Jungkook bows to the older man. Your heart softened in your chest, seeing how considerate he was towards other people. He must be great with parents, you think. “Do you really not get that many people around here?” he asked worriedly once he sat back down on the wooden chair.
“We do! But she’s the one who comes the most often” he nods toward you and Jungkook smiles once he found your gaze, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. 
“Can you recommend me anything, miss?”
“Of course, sir. Yeol-ah, double up my order. Drinks are on me today.” You yell at the man’s son in the kitchen, who was still a bit older than you, but also close to enough to let you order him around shamelessly. You knew him quite well, actually. He was Chaeryeong’s boyfriend after all.
The tall boy pokes his head out of the kitchen door with a very confused expression plastered on his face. “Aren’t we supposed to close in like, an hour?” Chanyeol asks his dad in front of you.
“Just go cook, I'll explain later”.
The two men go back into the kitchen and Jungkook looks at you with an amused expression on his face. “What was that?” he laughs.
“I’m very popular, you know?” it probably wasn’t a good idea to go there, but you felt a little drunk on his voice that night, and you also knew your friend didn’t mind. “In fact, Chaereyong from ITZY is my best friend, who would have guessed?”
“Yeah and my son is her boyfriend, who cares?” Byung-ho yells back at you from the cashier, pulling a hiss from your lips. 
Jungkook still continued to stare at the both of you with confusion and intrigue, you guess he thought you were both joking.
“Wait, really?” he utters after a few seconds with big doe eyes and a pout on his lips, a combination that appeared when he was either confused or lying, which wasn’t the case then.
“Yes, my guy.” you laugh. “That juicy legged shortie is indeed my wife”
Jungkook loved the food, to say the least. It was all vegetarian and korean as fuck, a combination he never throught was possible, but downed like thristy camel. He was a loud eater, which was fitting of him and his politeness, something else you had noticed that night. You were the opposite, and actually despised the sounds of other people eating, yet, looking at him enjoying his meal so much made you feel full yourself. He made you feel like a kid in some ways too, brought back the times when being around others wasn’t so hard, and you still could have a sense of security around you. Talking to him was rather easy, maybe because of his welcoming nature, or because in fact he actually was interested in whatever stupid shit you were saying, something most people around you didn’t do. He also, amongst other things, seemed very interested in your job and the likes, always asking questions and absorbing information like a five year old. You had explained to him the five key steps of process design and the psychological effects on marketing in society to which he always responded with wide gentle eyes and attentive nods, not once looking bored or… annoyed in any way. 
Was he like that, with every girl? Because you weren’t anything special, there were many other girls who worked with him everyday and even if you hadn’t seen him in his work space, you could guess by the way most women in your company look at him whenever he passes by that either they were just as captivated as you by his beauty or that he had fucked them. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was just trying to get into your pants either, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened to you nonetheless.
“I can walk from here, JK” you mention once you found yourselves walking towards the parking lot. A bit sad about the expense you had just made on food, it was your fault for trying to seem cool and rich, neither of which you were. 
“Oh no, I’m not letting you do that, girlie” he unlocks the door and gets in, not even letting you finish or allowing you to fight back.
“My apartment is literally a block away” you protest in the car anyways. You fear you had been too much of a bother, and deep down, didn’t want him to feel like you were seeking his presence unnecessarily.
“Well, good for you. But, you paid for the food, which was a lot, and i don’t want my sugar mommy walking by herself at 12 pm on a friday night” you first freeze, and then burst a very loud giggle.
“Whatever” you slap his bicep and roll your eyes. “ Next time you can pay if it bothers you so much.”
“So there will be a next time?” wide eyes stare back at you. “Count me in. I´ll pick where we will be going, just lemme know when so i can plan ahead” he rambles, a little too excited about your suggestion. 
He drops you off with a smile on his face and hopefulness in his eyes, promising to see you around the company. You, on the other hand, feel a tad confused as you enter your apartment building. What was going on? 
You had overthought things so much your entire life that it suddenly became too tiring to do. During the past few years you had to learn how to detach yourself and just ride the wave sometimes. Once you had turned eighteen, everything started moving at a very fast pace, the pressure of adulthood fell upon you like a brick and everything was so overwhelming that you started to simply let the course of your existence take you wherever it needed to.
That’s how you ended up going out with Jungkook at least once a week for dinner or a drive around the city for more than two months. Without even noticing, he became so engraved in your everyday life that whenever he’d cancel plans because of work, you’d find yourself with a void in your heart and a rush of boredom filling your senses. Even if you found yourself in your living room with the company of your best friend whom you had seen at most four times in the past two months, you were still wishing you could share that intimate space with him instead, willing to let him a bit more into your life, in hopes that maybe he would do the same. Sue you, you were curious over the most intricate details about his personality, how his personal sanctuary looked and if the smell of his room is just as good as his car’s. You could bet a thousand dollars (maybe a little less, considering the unconventionalism that characterizes him) that he also had a few plants that only remembered to water three out of seven days of the week. 
Hopefully life would draw you closer to more people like him.
"How's your boyfriend doing?" Chaeryeong asks you from the kitchen counter, sweet popcorn cooking in you popcorn-maker. 
You sigh. "What boyfriend?"
She was a lot of things but oblivious, and you weren't either, just when you chose to be. "Cut the bullshit, you know who i'm talking about". The fake red head waits for your response as she pours the snack into a big bowl, and you on the other hand take this as an advange to search around the room for answers.
"He's just a friend" you say. "And he's fine, i guess… He doesn't really talk much about himself" you mention, matter of factly.
Chaeryeong nods beside you, understanding what you meant. Then, proceeds to tell a tale about her experience meeting the dark haired boy. "He's literally so quiet, but like, so incredibly kind. Once he tripped over and fucked up some of the decoration at an award show" she grabs a popcorn and continues her story. "He looked so panicked I thought his eyes were about to jump out their sockets — His eyes are huge, by the way." 
"I know" you smile.
"My point is, he started to help the staff put everything back in order again. I think he's the only idol I've ever seen do something like that… i decided i liked him then" her beautiful features light up with mischief. "I bet he fucks great too."
You slap her leg. Hard.
"I'm only telling you this now so you don't get caught of guard when he actually manages to fuck you," her soft hands run through your messy hair, motherly touches easing the fluster in your body. "You know he's a big whore, right?" She adds after a while. 
You didn't. According to Chaeryeong, who seemed to keep tabs on every single colleague of hers, Jungkook had quite the body count, not that you didn't have your suspicions before. Frankly, she only knew of two girls inside her company who had had some sort of situationship with him, but for the same reason, she also knew he had some history with other girls from different groups. "Yikes" you laugh nervously, in admiration of their ability to remain calm and collected without giving anything away to the public.
Thanks to your friend, you had heard lots of tea about other singers in the korean industry before, most of which were not as sweet or kind as they portrayed themselves to be, some even using their social status to get their way with girls. But for some reason, Jungkook had never made his way to your gossipping sessions, nor any other of his band mates (except for Jimin, who, if you remember correctly, used to have some sort of beef with one of Chaeryeong's company members). You guess it was because of his unproblematic nature that people chose to give him a pass for his sexual endeavors, not that they were of anyone's concern either. 
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A knock is heard against your office door. "Miss _____?" A girl with a brown bob cut pokes her head through it, the dim lights of your office shining upon her incredibly healthy locks. "Jungkook asked me to deliver this to you" sliding completely into the room, she places a box with a note on it on your desk.
"Thank you so much" you wave her off as she walks right out. 
The package had a strawberry flavored canned tea and a bento box inside. 
"I remember you telling me you'd never tried tofu pancakes before, so I made some for you last night. Hope you enjoy! - JK
P.S. Text me when you're done, maybe we can hang out tonight."
You felt like crying, in all honesty. The pancakes were heavenly, and he even added some slices of avocado and a few scoops of rice for you, despite not being the biggest fan of the fruit himself. With a warm heart and relief washing over your body because you wouldn't have to waste money on lunch that day, you had had half of your meal before said boy gave you a call.
"Did you like them?" He said almost immediately. "My assistant told me she already delivered them to you" he adds in a rush.
"Jesus boy, calm down." You giggle at his excitement. "Let me eat in peace".
"No, tell me right now." he demands with a fake angry voice. Cutie.
"They're alright".
"Figured… you have no sense of taste anyways" the hangs up. A giggle escapes your lips. Boy was something else.
Later that day, the weekend started it's course. Jungkook had offered to drive you to the Han River, careful to mention the fact he prepared a bunch of snacks for you two just about five times during your call. The place was almost empty, given that the rest of the city was doing something else more fun than staring at the night sky while sitting on itchy grass. Yet, you wouldn't change the setting for anything else. Usually, when you and Jungkook were out, he'd be in silent wary of your surroundings and the people who could be watching you. It broke your heart, knowing that most of the time he couldn't frequent places most regular people had the pleasure of enjoying, like the movies, for example, or a food stand in the middle of the street. Still, in that moment, the handsome man in front of you seemed as relaxed as ever, munching on grapes and strawberries as he sat in silence beside you. 
"This blanket is so soft, isn't it?" he commented all of a sudden, caressing the fabric with his hand. The thing was made out of polar fleece, no shit. You just nodded and grabbed a piece of fruit from his container. "One of my friends gifted it to me on my birthday" he adds.
"I know. It was me".
"Well, maybe you do have a sense of taste after all" he complies as he lays down on the surface, eyes facing the night sky above you.
"Says the one who uses toe socks" you say back, poking his weak spot.
Instead of going back and forth with you as he usually would, he just winks and closes his eyes. He looked so peaceful and serene beneath you, features carefully carved on his face and slightly blushed cheeks from the cold wind. Jungkook was like that, randomly over confident and flirty with you, but just as quickly would refrain from even disagreeing with you in the first place, scared that you would snap at him. He hadn't told you this, but the way you saw thoughts hidden in his eyes whenever you made a statement let you know his true intentions, leaving you to wonder where that came from.
"Are you tired?" You ask after a few minutes. Still with his eyes closed, Jungkook denies.
"I just don't want to look at you right now," he turns to the side, back facing you as an offended expression finds its way to your face.
"Yah" you slap his back playfully, not letting him finish.
"Because you look too pretty." he mumbles the remnants of  his statement.
Your breath catches in your throat as a shiver climbs its way down your spine. Why was he like that? He had no right tugging on your heart strings like that (if he was being serious in the first place because you never knew with him). You sigh, the blush his words provoked stinging your cheeks.
"You're supposed to say I'm pretty too" he turns around with a playful smile, expectant.
"You just go around giving compliments so you can get them back?" you hiss. "Why so insecure?"
"I'm not insecure, at all." He sits up again, ready to fight you and anyone who dares question the grandiosity of the confidence he had worked so hard for. "You can ask Linh about that".
To say you looked horrified was an understatement, hopeful that what you thought he meant was not it. "You fucked Linh?"
"Well, that's not for you to know". 
What a gentleman, you think. And at the same time, ouch. He had just slammed a door on your face.
"That would explain the way she looks at you whenever you come by the office" you realize. Frankly, the girl looked a bit too panicked whenever Jungkook decided to barge into your space, usually bored out of his mind during his english lessons, laptop and notebook in hand, or struggling to get the questions right. 
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"Well good afternoon to you too" you ironically greeted once he sat in front of you, frustration written on his face. Linh, who stood by your side, suddenly fidgeting with the papers in her hand.
"Not the time, _____" he slammed both hands on your desk, startling you and your friend beside you. "Why the fuck did you make me enroll into this in the first place?" 
"I did not make you do anything, dude. I just gave you an idea" you excused yourself, eyes back on your computer. You didn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes briefly followed Linh out the room, though. 
His eyes looked back at you, leg bouncing impatiently on the floor as he leaned back with a pissed off expression on his face. You'd never seen him this way, so you took that as a cue to enter under paid therapist mode. "What's wrong?" You questioned gently.
"I feel incredibly incompetent right now." His hands roamed across his face with frustration. A sigh escaped his lips as he held tears back. "School's always been this way for me, always trying my best and constantly underachieving" he explained.
He was obsessed with winning, you’d even go as far to say more than he was with his job (which was a lot). It didn’t root from narcissistic behaviour though, but rather out of external pressure to constantly overachieve and exceed expectations. He was mostly good at doing that, but everyone had an achilles heel, yours was reading for example, his was studying and school.
"Jungkook, you passed most of your classes with more than 90%, what are you talking about?" a fact he had brought up to you randomly when you mentioned absolutely nearly failing most of your literature classes.
"Yeah, except for English." he shook his head in the way he would when he'd feel conflicted or insecure. "I don't know what i'm doing wrong".
"Did you fail something?" you tried to get some more insight into the situation, still unsure of where all his worries came from.
"No, there's just this sentence I can't properly put together" he turned his notebook towards you. "Ah, just look"
There were some words he had to conjugate and properly place in order to form a grammatically correct sentence, more than five attempts written in neat penmanship on the page evidenced the boy's battle with the assignment. He missed one very important aspect of it, though. "There's a fucking word that's missing, dude" you explain, grabbing the pen from his hand and showing him where the mistake was. "It's not your fault, it's the teacher's".
Jungkook's serious expression didn't go away though. "Well, damn".
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You had some sort of emotional trauma with having people ask you for help, it made you think that they didn’t actually care for you as a person but rather just your skills. That was the way you’d grown up and what your position in society seemed to be as well, the one you could butter up and taste when you got bored. Heart had been broken many times too, whenever you’d realize what you thought to be a genuine connection was merely pure interest. Those thoughts clouded your head when Jungkook would randomly enter your office with a frustrated expression on his face, yet, that occurred less often than it didn’t. 
Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you most of the time, hence your wish for him to let you in a bit more before you could allow yourself to free fall into whatever was going on between you both.
You reach for the fabric of his hoodie, tugging his sleeve with your fingers just because you really liked the color of it, and maybe because you wanted to feel closer to him. He doesn’t react to your touch, just looks at your hands briefly as they play with the edges of his clothing. “Where did you get this from?”
“An online store, I think.” he replies softly, reaching for your hand on his arm, caressing the surface of your nails. “It’s a unisex brand, i can send you their link afterwards.”
“Is it too expensive?” you inquire, not only to keep the moment afloat, but because you genuinely liked most of his pieces of clothing, especially his hoodies and shoes. Jungkook laughs at your question and looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t think i would know, ____. I’m rich.” he says, playfully. And he was right, what was expensive for you might just be cheap as fuck for him, you wonder if when a lot of money is in your hands you start to become very tuned out from what’s affordable or not anymore.
“I can buy you one, though. I don’t mind.” he adds. Soft look in his eyes, a pure and genuine offer that you had to deny.
“I didn’t say i wanted one” you lie, only partially, because although you’d not mentioned it, you did actually want it. “I just think it’s pretty” you finally let go of him.
“Or do you think I look pretty in it?” he pushes, a sucker for compliments.
“Yeah, that might be it.” you admit, because there was no point in denying your irrefutable attraction to the man, as much as you hated to be vulnerable, especially in front of him.
“I think it would look prettier on you”.
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Don´t copy or repost please. by studiojeon on tumblr.
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bxcketbarnes · 3 years
Assassination to Soulmates
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Soulmate AU)
Words: 4200+
Author’s Note: I see a lot of soulmate type pov’s on tik tok and decided to write one of my own, and here it is. I did not expect it to be so long... oops. Uh, I really hope you enjoy it! Lemme know what you think, okay? I love feedback xox
"Mr. Pierce says that he needs to be eliminated," you hear a gruff voice say, and your brows furrow together, halting your footsteps.
You peek your head around the corner of the dark alleyway, seeing two men with guns in their hands and another man kneeling on the pavement.
"Well, we shouldn't be doing it right here," the other guy suggests and turns his head towards you. You quietly gasp and shuffle out of view before they could see you, feeling your heart pounding against your chest. "There could be eyes anywhere and then we'll get out asses chewed out."
"It's almost midnight, dude. There's no one out right now. C’mon, just fucking do it so I can go home."
You peek around the corner once more in time to see one of the men lift his gun before shooting the civilian in the head. Your eyes widen and a louder gasp leaves your throat, gaining the attention of the two gunmen.
"Goddamnit, I told you!" One of the men shouts and you start booking it down the street.
You start to hyperventilate as you can hear the footsteps running after you. A few gunshots are heard and you duck your head before running down a side street.
Fuck fuck fuck. You curse to yourself as you desperately try to find somewhere to hide. You eye the dumpster warily, not exactly wanting to jump into it but there's no way you're outrunning these guys.
You quickly throw the dumpster lid up and jump inside, resisting the urge to gag as you quietly close it afterward. You hold your breath as you hear the footsteps become louder, huffing and puffing leaving the men's lips.
"Goddamnit. She got away," one of them states and you chew on your lip, keeping your breathing steady.
"Not for long. We'll send him after her. Pierce will know what to do. C'mon," the other mentions and you wait a bit longer as their footsteps grow quieter.
You sit in the dumpster for what feels like forever before deciding to finally leave. Your heart beats quickly against your chest as you constantly look over your shoulder during your walk home.
Who were they?
Who's Pierce?
Are they in a gang?
What did they mean by sending him after you? Who were they talking about?
Why did they kill that man?
So many questions go through your head as you shakily unlock your apartment door, slipping inside the dark space. You let out a deep breath and rest your head against the wooden object, feeling like you're going to vomit.
You lock your door behind you, deciding that you're not going to leave for a bit before things cool down.
It's been almost a week since the night you witnessed a murder. Almost a week you've been hiding out in your apartment, too scared to leave for anything. Your anxiety has heightened since that night and you find yourself pacing in your bedroom multiple times a day.
A sigh leaves your lips and runs a hand through your hair, deciding to take a bath to ease your mind. You strip yourself out of your night clothes before walking into the bathroom, turning the faucet on.
You wait a few minutes for the water to fill up, staring at the clearness as that night flashes through your memory. You shake your head before letting out another sigh, needing to get your mind off the horrible event.
You grab a bath bomb from under your sink and remove the plastic wrapping before dropping it into the tub. You step in and lower yourself into the steaming hot water, your hands gripping the edge of the tub so hard your knuckles are white.
"I can't live in fear forever," you say to yourself while sinking further into the water. You calm your nerves for almost an hour when your door opening catches your attention.
You quietly try to get out of the tub, leaving the water in it, and grab a towel from the rack beside you. You press your lips together as you tightly wrap the fluffy material around you, securing it before walking closer to the closed door.
Something crashes from the other room and your breath hitches in your throat, causing you to stumble into the shelving unit beside you. You wince as a few things get knocked off the shelf and you quickly turn the light off before hiding in the corner.
You suppress a scream when the bathroom door gets kicked open, the wooden structure coming off the hinges completely. What the fuck. Your eyes look towards the man who walks into the room, his long hair and the mask he's wearing covering his face.
You swallow the lump in your throat as your eyes come into contact with the metal arm he's repping. Who is this guy? You think to yourself as he walks farther into the room.
Taking a deep breath, you quietly sneak your way towards the open doorway without having the strange man notice you. A gasp leaves your lips as he turns around immediately, seeing his steel-blue eyes reflecting off the moonlight.
You quickly make a run for it, not making it very far as the man easily catches up. You go to open your front door when he slams you against it. A groan escapes your lips and you glance over your shoulder to see him raising his fist. You dodge his fist, crouching a bit as the metal fist bursts through the door.
Your heart pounds against your chest as he suddenly wraps his hand around your throat. Eyes widening in fear, you start to pry his metal hand off of you. You're gasping for air as his grip tightens and your eyesight begins to grow fuzzy. "P-Please…" you plead as best as you could, looking into the eyes of the man in front of you. "I-I won't say anything I swear. I'll move to a different country if I have to."
The man doesn't lighten his grip and you're sure that you're going to die here. Black dots begin to fill your vision as your struggling dies down. Your window shatters and the man gripping your throat suddenly lets go of you.
You fall to the floor, taking in deep breaths as you attempt to crawl away. You look towards your shattered window to see Captain America standing in your living room, relief filling your body as the two men begin to fight.
It doesn't take long before the metal-armed man jumps out the window, but not before looking back at you one more time. You cough a bit, gathering your oxygen back as your eyes begin to finally focus.
"You okay, Miss?" The Captain asks you while kneeling beside you.
You nod your head a bit before looking up at the man. "T-Thank you," you choke out and rest your head against the floor.
Captain America gently moves your head to look at your neck, seeing the skin already bruising. "Why was he after you?" He questions with a furrow on his brows.
You slowly sit up, letting out another cough as you rest your back against the wall. "I witnessed two people kill someone," you inform him and a hum leaves his lips.
"I'm Steve," he introduces while holding his right hand out for you to shake.
"Y/N," you tell him and raise your left arm to shake his hand, his blue eyes drifting towards the birthmark on your arm.
Steve tilts his head before looking up at you through your lashes. "Interesting mark," he mumbles and your cheeks flush, pulling your arm away from him. "My friend, Bucky… he used to have one just like it."
Your heart breaks at the past tense he uses, your eyes casting down to the unique shape on your arm. "Used? He- Is he dead?" You ask softly and Steve nods his head.
"It's strange though since he was born in 1917," Steve mentions and a short groan leaves your lips. Of course.
"Only I would have a soulmate that's not from this day and age," you sigh while subconsciously rubbing the mark. "I've kinda got used to the fact that I'll be alone, so I guess it's not so bad."
Steve frowns and lays a hand on top of yours. "You'll find someone. Whether it be your soulmate or not. Maybe there's another out there that has the same mark."
You nod your head, not wanting to talk about it and Steve moves to stand up. "Steve?" You ask and look up at him, gaining his attention. "What am I supposed to do? I-I can't stay here."
He smiles kindly at you and holds his hand out for you to take. "C'mon, I know a place where you can stay," he mentions and your lips part slightly and you grab a hold of his hand.
"So, this Winter Soldier is after her? Damn, he's got a lot of contracts," Sam mentions as you, him, Natasha, and Steve sit at the table.
Steve brought you to Sam's place, informing you that you can trust him to keep you safe. You fiddle with your fingers as you listen to their conversation, not making any attempt to say anything.
"Y/N?" Steve asks and you snap your head up, looking towards the man. "The three of us are going to leave. We've got some stuff to do, but please stay inside and out of sight, okay?"
You gulp and nod your head, mumbling your thanks to Sam. The man smiles gently and waves his hand. "It's no problem. A friend of Steve's is a friend of mine. I'm glad to help," he tells you and you smile in reply.
Steve pats your shoulder, mumbling to you that it'll be alright before the three of them walk out the door. You wait a few minutes before standing up from your chair, walking towards the window to see if everything is clear.
A deep breath comes from your lips as you think how stupid this plan is, but you couldn't get Steve's friend he mentioned out of your head. You recall the blonde mentioning that Bucky was alongside him in the war before he fell from a train in Germany, so you decided to sneak to the museum to see if they have anything on him.
You grab one of Sam's hoodies that sits on the edge of the couch, quickly putting it on before walking out the front door. You shove your hands into the hoodie pocket while lowering yourself into the cab, telling the driver to bring you to the museum.
You pay the driver once you get to your destination before heading inside. You walk around the Smithsonian, taking in brief information as you suddenly find Bucky's memorial. You see a picture of him and Steve together, smiles on both of your faces, and your chest clenches.
He's cute. You think to yourself as you frown, seeing a full-body photo of the man and notice the unique birthmark on his left arm. You bring your hand to your mark, gently rubbing it as you silently wish you could've met him.
You've always been confused by the whole soulmate's thing. You've never heard about two people who lived in different generations having the same mark. It made you curious for sure, but you didn't know any expert on the matter.
You leave the Smithsonian after almost an hour when you hear screams in the distance. You throw your hood up, not wanting anyone who works with those two men to recognize you as your feet take you closer to the chaos.
You're hiding behind a few cars that have been knocked over and your breath hitches in your throat upon seeing the Winter Soldier and Steve fighting. You watch as Steve throws the soldier over his shoulder, noticing that his mask fell off in the middle of it.
Steve's eyes widen as the man slowly turns to face him and your eyes begin to widen as well. How's that… "Bucky?" He asks and the brunette tilts his head a bit.
"Who the hell is Bucky?" The Winter Soldier asks before going to raise his gun when Sam comes flying in, kicking him in the back.
You quickly leave the scene as Steve gets arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D., noticing Bucky walking down an alleyway and you stupidly decide to follow him. You keep your head down slightly as the two of you walk farther into the alley, trying to gather the courage to yell out to the man.
Your brows furrow together when you look back up to see the Winter Soldier disappeared. "What the-" you mumble and quickly turn around, finding yourself alone. You turn back around and let out a gasp as the soldier now stands in front of you.
His metal arm wraps around your throat once more, pressing you against the brick wall. "Who are you?" He asks and your eyes stare into his.
"I'm Y/N," you whisper and Bucky pulls out a knife. You panic slightly and grab a hold of his wrist, stopping him from stabbing you.
Flashes of the two of you together flood your minds, your chest rapidly rising and falling. Another gasp leaves your lips as the flashes fade and tears come to your eyes. The soldier suddenly lets go of you and stumbles back, a look of confusion on his face.
"What was that? What did you do?" He asks and you can hear the agitation in his voice.
"I-I didn't do anything," you stutter and place your hands up in defense. You swallow thickly and push the sleeve upon your arm, revealing the birthmark etched in your skin. "Do you… do you recognize this at all?"
Bucky's blue eyes dart down to your forearm, seeing the unique mark before furrowing his brows. He gently brings his hand to your arm, feeling his fingertips glide over your warm skin.
Before he has the chance to say anything a blunt force meets the side of your head, knocking you out instantly. Bucky manages to catch you before you fall, glancing to his left to see two agents standing beside him.
"Pierce needs you. Bring her too. He'll want to see her," he states before walking away.
You jolt awake when someone throws a cold bucket of water onto you, a yelp leaving your lips as you shake your head. "What-" you cut yourself off as you try to move your limbs only to find them restrained. You look around the room, seeing about five other agents standing around along with a few scientists.
Blue eyes meet yours and your breath hitches in your throat, seeing Bucky sitting in the chair across from you. "Buck-" you start but get cut off by the man beside you, your cheek stinging by the slap you received.
"Not a word," the man growls and you swallow the lump in your throat, nodding your head in reply.
The Winter Soldier stares off as the scientists work on his arm, looking to be lost in his mind. You jump when Bucky suddenly swings his metal arm, sending the scientist that's working on it across the room.
The guards raise their guns, aiming them at the man and you start to worry that they might kill him. Your cheat heaves rapidly as you keep your eyes on him, hearing the door to whatever room we're in opening before closing once more.
"Mission report," an older gentleman demands and you tear your eyes away from Bucky. "Oh, and a familiar face. A job you couldn't finish I see."
Bucky goes to move out of his seat when the older man walks towards me only to have two agents hold him back. You try to pry your hands from the restraints, wanting nothing more to be out of this place.
A gasp leaves your lips when the man slaps you in the same spot as the last slap you received. Tears spill from your eyes as the stinging almost becomes unbearable. "Leave her alone," Bucky suddenly says, causing the man in front of you to whirl his head around.
"Interesting," he goes and looks between the two of you, a smirk on his lips. "Now, what would be the reason why our asset would suddenly want to protect you?"
"Mr. Pierce," an agent pipes up causing the blonde to look towards the man standing beside you. The agent lifts your sleeve to reveal the birthmark on your arm. "We believe that they're somehow soulmates."
Pierce clicks his tongue before letting out a laugh. "That is interesting indeed, isn't it? I'll get to you later," he tells you and turns to face Bucky. "Mission report, now."
Bucky's eyes stay on yours and you can see a tinge of softness in them when Pierce crouches in front of him slightly. You jump once again when the older man backhands Bucky, the soldier whipping his head a bit before furrowing his brows.
"The man on the bridge," he mumbles and looks towards Pierce, "who was he?"
"You met him earlier this week on another assignment," Pierce tells him and Bucky's eyes dart towards yours.
"I knew him."
Pierce grabs the stool beside him before sitting down onto it. "Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos, and tomorrow morning we're going to give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine. And HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves," he explains to the soldier.
"But, I knew him," Bucky states once more before pressing his lips together. You can practically see his brain putting the pieces together about Steve and you're feeling relieved. Bucky looks back towards you once again, seeing an unreadable emotion in his blue eyes. "And she's my soulmate."
Pierce lets out a sigh and stands up from the stool, telling the scientist beside him to prep Bucky. "He's been out of cryo freeze too long," the man in the lab coat explains as your heart begins to pound in your chest.
"Then wipe him and start over."
"W-Wait," you whisper to yourself as the two scientists lean him back in the chair. Bucky places the mouth guard into his mouth when his eyes meet yours. His chest heaves quickly when he gets locked into place, his head leaning back as the electrode machine begins to descend onto his face. "Stop!"
You thrash in your chair as Bucky's muffled screams echo off the walls. Tears stream down your face as you squeeze your eyes shut, not being able to watch what's happening to him.
"What do we do with her?" An agent asks the older man and you can feel his eyes on you.
"Wait until he's done and then have him kill her," Pierce orders before walking out of the room.
A couple of the agents undo your restraints and lift you from your chair. You thrash and kick amongst their grasp, doing everything you can to get out of their death grip. Screams leave your lips as you look back towards Bucky, his screams stopping as the scientists finish the mind wipe.
"Bucky, please!" You desperately call for help as the two men throw you into a concrete room before shutting the door.
You pant heavily as you back up against the corner of the room, running a hand through your hair. You can faintly hear them ordering him around on the other side of the door and you look up at the ceiling, feeling like that’ll be the place you'll die in.
The door bursts open and you jump, cowering against the wall as Bucky walks into the room. His blue eyes are stone cold as he waltz's over to you before wrapping his hand around your throat for the third time.
"Bucky," you plead, your hand resting on his chest and you frown when the flashes don't play through your mind again. Your lip trembles and you gasp for air when his hand squeezes.
You slowly bring your hand to his face, gently stroking his cheek as you begin to grow dizzy. Memories from the first time you met the Winter Soldier plays through your head as you slowly lose oxygen.
Bucky releases you and you slump to the ground, growing unconscious as the brunette looks down at you. He can still feel your hand on his face as he glances over his shoulder.
I'm getting you out of here. He suddenly thinks to himself while coming up with a plan.
Bucky drags his fingertips up to your spine as you sleep peacefully, his lips peppering light kisses along your arm. A soft knock on the door makes the man glance over his shoulder to see Steve leaning against the frame of it.
"How is she?" He asks while crossing his arms over his chest.
"She's good. No major injuries which are good," Bucky sighs while slowly removing himself from the bed, making sure not to wake you.
The two men walk out of the room you and Bucky share, the ex-Winter Soldier looking back at you once more before quietly shutting the door. "How are you feeling? With all of this?" Steve asks, causing Bucky's brows to furrow.
"What do you mean?"
A slight laugh comes from Steve as the blonde looks towards him. "The whole Soulmate thing. Is it going well?" He clarifies.
"Oh, uh, yeah. It's going great. Other than the times that I tried to kill her when we first met, I'd say we're doing well," he explains and scratches at his jaw.
Bucky and Steve sit at the table in the main area, seeing some of the others watching whatever's playing on the television. "Do you still think about it? The time you two first met?" Steve mentions and Bucky sighs before nodding his head in response. "You know that it's been four years, right?"
"Doesn't stop me from thinking about it, Steve. Hell, I still think about the people I've wronged as the Winter Soldier," Bucky comments with a sigh, leaning his chin against the palm of his hand.
"Did she tell you what she did when she first heard about you?" Steve asks and Bucky furrows his brow before shaking his head. "It was right after you jumped out the window of her apartment. I noticed the mark on her arm and mentioned that you used to have a similar mark on your arm back in the day."
Steve notices you walk into the living area and you press your finger to your lips, silently telling him to not say anything.
"So, Y/N told me this a few years later but when I brought her to Sam's place to keep her safe… she snuck out to go to the Smithsonian to learn more about you. She thought you died in the war, and well, so did I obviously."
Bucky's heart flutters a bit at the story he's telling, fiddling with his fingers. "I just… I don't know how she feels about everything, you know? Like, we've never really actually talked about it," he sighs and you frown from behind him.
You drape your arms over his shoulder, causing the older man to jump in his chair before whipping his head back. "Hi, Buck," you whisper and feel him relax at the sound of your voice.
Bucky rests his flesh hand on top of yours and squeezes gently. "Hey. How long have you been standing there?" He asks and you chuckle in response, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Long enough to know that you don't know how I feel," you inform him and Bucky's heart stops, not wanting you to find out this way. "Why don't we go talk?"
Your soulmate nods his head and stands up from the chair he's sitting in. You lace your fingers together and lead him back to your shared bedroom. Once inside the room, Bucky sits down on the edge of the bed and you climb onto his lap.
"What's going on inside that pretty head of yours?" You softly ask while running your hands through his now short hair.
Bucky's hands rest on your hips, gripping the soft flesh every few seconds as he takes a deep breath. "Do you ever wish that you had someone… normal? Someone who's not a murderer?" He questions and you shake your head immediately. "You didn't even think about it."
"I didn't have to. Bucky, I don't care if you used to be the Winter Soldier and that you once almost tried to kill me. That wasn't you. You were being brainwashed by a horrible group of people," you explain to him and his blue eyes soften at your words. You smile at him before leaning in to kiss his lips. "I love you in every way possible. You're funny, kind, dorky. Everything a girl could ever ask for. So, please, stop worrying about me."
"God, you're incredible. How did I get so lucky?" Bucky asks with a slight laugh, hiding his face in your neck.
Giggles leave your lips as you card your fingers through his hair, pressing gentle kisses to the side of his head. "We all need someone to keep us grounded. I'm just glad I got you."
Taglist: @jessalyn-jpeg​ @bumblebet-20​ @queen-of-mischief​
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dddytoji · 4 years
my pet
notes: naoya x fem!reader x toji // this is my first time writing a smut and my first jjk work as well so please give me any constructive feedback! (shout out to my best friend for being my editor and helping me out with this self indulgent one shot!) please enjoy! :)
word count: 4,438
warnings: 18+ NSFW; dub con, degrading, insulting, misogyny, pet play/master, slapping, spitting, pegging, cock sounding/stuffing, naoya x reader x toji, etc
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You were going to a regular family dinner with your fiancé, Naoya Zenin. You were seated waiting for Naobito and Naoya to begin dinner. "Well we're just waiting on one more person for tonight's dinner." Naobito stated with a bit of distaste. He took a long sip of his sake. You peered at Naoya who looked irritated at the idea of whomever it was would be sharing a meal with the rest of you.
"I'm getting tired of waiting so let's dig in, we can't just wait on him." Naobito said, beginning to eat his food. You waited for Naoya to also have his first bite before you proceeded to eat as well. "She's such a good wom-" Naoya began before he was interrupted by the door sliding open.
"Ah, pardon the interruption." The man said walking in and seating himself right across Naoya with a small thud. He was a very well built man. Your ears burned red from seeing the way he was structured. He was more attractive than Naoya, if you so boldly admitted to yourself. "Oh, is this lady Naoya's wife to be?" The dark haired man questioned as he ate his food.
Naoya seemed more agitated, allowing Naobito to answer instead. "That's correct." Quietly, you ate your food keeping your eyes glued to the dinner in front of you. "I'm Toji, what's your name?" Toji asked you as you looked up to meet his eyes for a moment before answering politely. "Y/n," You spoke back, noticing how his face was rough with a certain gentleness when seeing it clearly.
"You need not speak to my fiancé so directly." Naoya responded staring at Toji with hooded eyes, the tone of his voice underlined with anger. "Eh? Well then how am I to speak to her?" Toji asked puzzledly, pointing his chopsticks at Naoya. Naoya replied, "Through me. She is a woman after all and mine at that."
Toji let out a hard taunting laugh. "Toji!" Naobito yelled, taking another drink of the sake bottle now in his hand. You jumped at the sudden loud voice. "Fine, fine," Toji sighed with his eyes now hooded, "but she's not even yours yet what makes you think she'll last long enough to actually stay with you. She doesn't even know if you're even capable of making her c-'' Toji was cut off by Naoya who gripped his shirt collar.
"Naoya," You spoke, grabbing his sleeve lightly, "please do not lower yourself to his level." Naoya removed his eyes from Toji's and glared back at you. Glancing back at Toji he shoved his chest and he let go of his shirt. "You're right," Naoya spoke with a distasteful tone as he glared at Toji, "I shouldn't lower myself to the level of gravel like him."
Toji scoffed a smirk playing along onto his handsome lips, "Seems like your woman knows how to restrain your leash." Chuckling, Toji shoved more rice into his mouth.
"If anyone has a leash on any one, it's me on her." Naoya responded back, taking a drink of the rice wine in his cup. Your ears burned with fury listening to Naoya speak about you in that form. You were no one's leashed pet, especially not his. You weren't even his wife yet and he already speaks of you in this way? Audacity. That's all he had. You were only obedient enough to be respected and not get insulted.
You kept up a gentle and sweet act in order to live a peaceful life in this stern household. "Naoya, I am no pet to be owned." You replied back to him in a calm and stoic tone while looking straight ahead. "She's got a point there." Toji agreed, while swallowing the food in his mouth.
Naoya turned your head to him by grabbing your chin forcefully. "No woman, especially you, shall speak to me in that manner. If I say you're a pet, then you're a fucking pet." He spat at you angrily while pushing your face away from him while releasing your jaw.
Taking a deep breath you stood up from your seat, "If you'll excuse me, I have finished my meal and will be heading back to my quarters." You announced, exiting the room without a glance back at the men sitting at the table. Toji was slightly shocked at the scene that just happened in front of him. The black haired man glances at Naoya to see his reaction.
"Pathetic woman." is all Naoya says out loud as you leave the room still being in earshot of you. You balled your fists hearing his comment.
Naobito who is also a bit shocked speaks up, "Well I think I'll be taking my leave as well." The head of the clan leaves the room with a bottle of sake in his hand.
"Go fucking apologize," Toji barks to Naoya with a bitter tone. "No, why should I? She's the one who's acting out of place." Naoya retorted, taking another drink from his cup. "You're gonna go apologize, cuz I said you are." Toji gritted out, Naoya glared at him angrily.
• • •
You had just arrived at your quarters and slammed your bedroom door shut. You were infuriated that you couldn't say anything. "What I would do to have that man on all fours in front of me." You said bitterly through gritted teeth. You began removing your kimono, annoyed at the fact that you had to wear these damn things daily.
Opening your closet door you are greeted by more kimonos and only slip on dresses to sleep in. You spotted the black box on the bottom corner of the closet. Maybe some self-pleasure would relieve my frustration. You shook your head against the thought and just grabbed the black slip-on dress.
Walking over to your vanity you removed any residue of the day's stress. You got yourself changed and ready for bed. Finally letting your hair down, you settle yourself into a futon that was placed on the ground in the middle of your room.
As you try to put your thought-full mind at ease to get some sleep, you hear the entrance door slide open then shut. Shuffling noises are heard then right after the sound of footsteps creeping to the door of your room hit the wooden floor boards.
Sitting up immediately you go to grab your robe hooked near the door as you slip it on you hear, "I'm coming in, woman." You hear Naoya's voice echo with a dejected sigh. The door slides open, revealing Naoya standing there with his arms crossed.
He's a bit shocked seeing you standing in front of him in only your open robe and your slip dress on. His face flushes and he looks away, "Put something decent on, woman."
"Woman?" You question. You were now at your wits end with him for the night. "Eh? Do I have to wear something decent in my bedroom? You came here at an indecent time, Naoya." You angrily spat poking his chest.
He looked at you now in disbelief that quickly morphed into anger. He grabbed the wrist of the hand poking his chest. "I guess it seems like you don't know your place tonight," Naoya hissed, walking you back into your bedroom getting closer to the futon that laid on the ground.
"No, it seems like you don't know yours." You mocked knocking him down to his knees and lifting his chin to look up at you. Through the faint bit of moonlight seeping through your window, you were able to see his appalled expression.
"Why you-" Grabbing his cheeks and squishing them together, you stopped all other words ready to come out of his mouth.
He grabbed your wrist with both of his hands. Before he could do anything; in a swift motion you removed the robe's waist tie and tied it around Naoya's wrists. You were surprised that you managed to tie his wrists as quickly as you did.
Holding his wrists above his head, "Tonight, I'll train you on how to be a good little bitch for your master." You growled out, releasing his face and pushing it away. "You crazy whore, let me go." Naoya swore in anger, his entire body trembled in rage as you stood looking down at him.
Pulling him down by his wrists that you were still holding, you made him land on his elbows with a thud to the ground. You laughed menacingly, walking towards the closet and pulling out the black box in the corner. "You think this is funny? You fucking cunt!" Naoya screamed at you as you walked back over to him.
You used your foot to lift his head, "It is, especially when this is how we'll be experiencing our first night together." You smiled innocently. Opening the box and emptying the contents; some toys, bottles of lube, and condoms came falling out.
Naoya looked at you stunned in fear after seeing the contents of the box displayed on the ground. "You dumb worthless wench! What do you think you're gonna do?!" He howled, anger seething through his expression. You bent down to grab his face and slapped him.
"A dog does not speak unless ordered to." Naoya's anger made his body quake. The fact you dared to speak to him in that form and to even slap him was unacceptable and ludicrous.
"Untie me you stupid whore before I decide to kill you!" Naoya cursed glaring daggers at you. You slapped him again across his face then again, and again, then again one more time.
"YOU FUCKING SLUT! UNTIE ME RIGHT NOW SO I CAN KILL YOU!" Naoya was furious at this point. You stood up and kicked his side hard enough for him to land on his back.
"I told you, I will be training you on how you should obey your master." Reaching for the collar and leash that was mixed on the ground with the other toys, you sat on him pulling at his blonde hair to lift his head from the pillow making it easier to place the collar around his neck. you smiled in love with the view of seeing him under your control.
"Get that shit off me!" Naoya demanded. Grabbing his chin you brushed your thumb pad across his bottom lip. "Now, Why would I do that? You look so good with it on. Like a proper pet." You leaned closer to him enough to let his lips brush yours.
Grinning, you whispered lowly in his ear, "The way you look right now turns me on so much." You proceeded to give him a soft kiss on his jawline. Swallowing hard, Naoya looked at you with his rage filled eyes. Awaiting what else you'd do, and how far you'd think of going.
As you slide yourself lower on him, your womanhood sat directly on his dick. Undoing his top you opened it exposing his well-built chest. Now sitting on his dick it hit you, that he was aroused.
"Well look at what we have here my slutty pet? Looks like I'm not the only one enjoying this." You grind your womanhood down on his growing bulge making Naoya's breath hitch in his throat.
You positioned yourself in between his legs with his legs on either side of your hips. "This shit is not turning me on you fucking slut." Naoya said insultingly. You removed his pants and then traced a finger on the outline of his underwear where his bulge stood out. Judging By the tent in his underwear alone, you could tell that the blonde man was huge.
"Calling me a slut when you're the one whos leaking." You poke at the tip of his dick where a small wet spot has been created from precum. Naoya had no retort for what you said, all he can do is grit his teeth in anger as you pull off his underwear. His cock springs up, the night air hitting his exposed member. You run a finger from the base of his cock to the tip.
You are just a tad bit shocked at how large his cock is. Maybe this was what he traded for instead of having a decent personality. "Well, just know I'm not nice enough to let you cum anytime soon." You commented as you reached for some lube and the beaded sound laying on the floor.
Naoya shook his head seeing the metal beaded rod in your hand he already assumed what your intentions were. "I'll make sure it doesn't hurt too much, darling." You scoffed at the word ‘darling’ leaving your lips. After having lubed up the sound you stroked Naoya's cock with your free hand to get him to relax.
As soon as he seemed more relaxed you spread the opening of his cock and started placing the beaded sound into his opening. Naoya's eyes widened, filling with tears at the foreign object being inserted into his cock. "FUCK! YOU INSANE PSYCHO BITCH!!" He bellowed out as you slowly pushed the sound into him.
After a few more curses and muffled cries, it was fully in. "Now, that wasn't too bad." You gave him a gentle smile. You stroke his dick gently feeling it twitch in your grasp. Naoya looked at you with fuming glossy eyes.
Tracing your fingers up and down his abdomen you felt just how toned he was, maybe not as buff as another certain Zenin but nicely toned. Your fingers slowly went to tease his nipples rubbing them in a circular motion.
Naoya lowered his arms down to move your hands away, "I'm not a woman! Do not pla-'' Before he could finish you pulled on the leash attached to his collar yanking him towards your face.
"If its only a place to tease women, then why is your dick twitching like a dog in heat?" You breathe out amused. Taking that moment you grab his face spitting on him. Standing up you removed your robe along with the slip dress leaving you only in some black lace-trimmed panties.
Naoya's face began to burn a crimson red, this was the first time he has ever seen your body naked. He had never seen you so exposed and bare like this, he hated to admit how much he loved the way your body looked lightly lit by the moonlight. You placed yourself back in between his legs once again grabbing the lube, you poured it on Naoya's cock letting it flood down between his ass.
Using one hand to stroke his dick while your other hand slid in between his ass. He froze sensing your second hand's action. "Don't you fucking dare you lowly whore!" He barked, his eyes widening in anger as you smirked and proceeded in plugging your index and middle finger in him. "I already let you stuff my dick! You damn lunatic!!" Naoya fumed as you resumed.
"You have no place to talk when you're g-spot is literally in your ass bitch." You sneered going further in him and spreading him out. As you began to pump into him with your fingers spreading him in the process. He muffled his moans and whimpers by biting his lip.
You let go of his dick and slapped it. "I never said not to make noise, bark for your master, disobedient bitch." You commanded as he let out a sharp gasp. He gritted his teeth, closing his eyes as you added another finger.
Proceeding to pump into him faster, making him arch his back and causing his breathing to become erratic. "S-Stop please!" He moans out, finally you had managed to hit his prostate.
"Call me master and I might consider your request, useless dog." You growled at him, pulling out your fingers. Naoya shuddered at the release of your fingers from his now begging hole. You were about to grab your strap on when you heard a knock at your bedroom door.
Frozen in place for a second, you placed a finger to your lips signaling Naoya to keep quiet, "May I ask who?" You called out as you glanced at Naoya to make sure he kept his mouth shut. Surely he wouldn't want to get caught in this situation.
"Uh, it's me Toji, I wanted to make sure Naoya didn't upset you more than he already has," Toji responded from the other side. Your mouth formed a small 'o' as you glanced back at Naoya. A smirk forms on your pretty plump lips. Naoya scowled at you and at Toji's response.
"He hasn't upset me further, but please come in." Naoya shakes his head furiously, obviously he didn't want to be seen below a woman nor did he want Toji to see his woman exposed. "Alright, I'm coming in." Toji slid the door open slowly, his head peered into the room. The dark haired male was in shock after witnessing Naoya and yours position on the futon.
"Would you care to join us?" You proposed a bit of a gleam in your eyes. Toji froze for a moment but then proceeded to walk in without saying a word, closing the door behind him. He gripped at the edge of his shirt and pulled it over his head making his way over, revealing his buff and sculpted build.
"You're into this shit!?" Naoya questioned as he saw Toji approaching you from behind. "Did I order you to speak?" You questioned, slapping his cock. Naoya flinched at the action inhaling a sharp breath.
Toji chuckled looking down at Naoya, "Seeing you getting treated like dirt by such a pretty lady, kinda tickles my taste." Toji sank onto his knees behind you.
"I'm gonna do what you haven't and fuck your woman," Toji smirked taking your breast into his hands, you could feel the rough callouses on his hands as they groped your breast. You sensed the bigger man's muscles flex against your bare back.
You bit your lip as you felt his hands roam your body. Naoya's body shook with enmity, "Get your fucking hands off of her you fucking bastard!" He demanded trying to sit himself up.
You grabbed the leash and pulled him up as close as possible to your face, "You're going to shut the fuck up and watch your master get her cunt fucked." You hissed cupping his face with your other hand. Kissing his lips roughly Naoya returned the kiss back with the same roughness. Ending the kiss you pushed him back down onto the futon.
Toji continued to explore your body with his hands. He let soft kisses touch your nape, slowly making his way to your left shoulder. His left hand was groping your right breast while his right hand wandered down inside your black panties.
"Wow, you're fucking wet," Toji breathed into your ear his deep voice causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. His fingers quickly found your clit and he began to massage it in a circular motion. He was gentle with his motion, but going at a steady pace just enough to make your body tremble with enjoyment.
You let out soft moans as he let his hands pleasure and unwind you. "On all fours pretty lady," Toji commanded, you followed his orders and positioned yourself on all fours. Your face was now in front of Naoya's throbbing cock.
The blonde man watched as you were bottomed out by Toji, this view infuriated him. He hated seeing Toji as the one you were submitting to, Naoya's frustration grew by each tortuous second. Toji proceeded to remove the garment inclosing your soaking pussy. The chill night air hitting your womanhood made you gasp softly.
Toji laid on his back his head in between your legs underneath you. You let out a moan as soon as you felt Toji's tongue start to lap your soaking pussy.
Naoya's dick began to twitch again hearing your moans get louder. It was making him more eager to have you touch him. "Fuck." Naoya exhaled.
"Tastes so fucking good," Toji moaned between each lap of his tongue gripping your thighs. He used his fingers to enter your hole, "Loosen up for me, princess." Gasping loudly, you gripped the sheets of the futon as his fingers began to pump in and out of your pussy.
You let your body move on it's own, fucking yourself on his thick fingers. "Y/n! Fuck please." Naoya breathed out desperately. Your mouth opened as you began to tongue Naoya's cock not wanting to deprive him too much.
In reality, you wanted to take Naoya's full cock in our mouth, but since you were in the midst of training this misbehaved dog, maybe another time.
"I'm going to cum!" You screamed as you came all over Toji's fingers, your legs trembling from the sensation. The dark haired male made sure to clean up all of your spilling juices with his mouth.
Toji repositioned himself on his knees and pulled you up by your arms so you were on your knees again. "Can't believe Naoya hasn't had the pleasure to enjoy your taste." Toji smirked and looked at Naoya, he grabbed your chin so he could kiss you.
"Taste yourself, my lady." Toji bit your bottom lip making you open your mouth allowing his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. Pulling away you smiled innocently seeing Naoya's flushed face due to him being probably mad or frustrated, whatever it was you liked the expression.
"I have to give my pet the rest of his training and if he takes it well he can fuck his master's cunt next time too." You grabbed the strap on and put it on yourself, making Naoya flip and position himself with his ass up.
You proceeded to grab the lube and spanking paddle, placing the lube on Naoya to make it easier on yourself and him to slip in. Naoya was surprisingly being very complacent now, maybe seeing how Toji satisfied you made him want to do the same.
While you prepped Naoya, Toji removed his pants and underwear, tossing them to the side with the mess of clothing scattered on the floor. The heavenly carved man used his hand to pump his throbbing hard cock, getting it ready to fuck the life out of you.
"Time for some training bitch." You said sliding the attached dildo into Naoya. You hear his muffled gasp, you used the paddle to spank the blonde male's ass. Naoya jerked his head to the side at the shutter of pain coming from his ass. "Your master wants to hear her slutty pet moan, so refrain from keeping quiet." You ordered spanking him again.
Finally you were fully taken in by Naoya you then began pumping into his plump ass. You started at a slow enough pace to let Toji insert himself inside you.
You felt his cock fill you up. He was big and his girth filled your tight pussy. Your walls clenched around his cock almost about to cum from him just entering you. Toji gripped your waist, "No cumming this easily, my lady." He hummed into your ear.
Snapping back your head nodding at his command and you happily continue thrusting into Naoya. Picking up the pace Toji met you with the same rhythm while his left hand was placed on your neck gently squeezing the sides with his fingers and thumb.
His right hand squeezed and groped your left breast; with your hand on Naoya's waist to keep your pace steady. Naoya's grunts and moans echoed through the dimly lit room as you begin to hit his prostate.
"Please stop!" Naoya whimpered as he starts to feel the immense pleasure from having you fuck him. Toji's grunts and moans get louder filling the room as well. "Please, please! I hate you! You fucking piece of shit woman!!" Naoya cursed through waves of pleasure.
You used the paddle to reprimand him for cursing. You're able to see the tint of his ass get redder with the little bit of moonlight peaking in, it was a full moon out tonight and your body and mind were in bliss.
You kept thrusting, hitting Naoya's prostate repeatedly, "I wanna cum! I wanna cum! Let me cum please!" Naoya pleaded out to you. Now you just had to see his expressions, imagining it when it was right in front of you wasn't sufficing. Toji kept his rhythm as he was also close to his peak.
Your smooth hand grabbed Toji's wrist to stop him as you halted your movements into Naoya. Pulling out of the blonde man, you flipped him over on his back. His face flushed and wet with tears, his eyes sparkling with wetness making the sadistic side of yourself excited.
Seeing him in that state made your pussy get wetter than it was already. Toji felt you squeeze around his cock at the view of your fiancé looking like a pathetic animal. You grabbed Naoya's cock and removed the beaded sound slowly from his flushed-pulsing cock.
With each of the beaded rod sliding out Naoya panted and moaning once it was fully extracted from his huge cock. "Please make me cum, Master." Naoya whined while looking at you completely bottomed out.
Your face blushed as you repositioned yourself back into Naoya. Toji started again as well once you got to a good pace. Picking up the speed of your thrusts, you were ready to make his dick unload the cum he had been building up.
Naoya was now shamelessly moaning and grunting as you were hitting his sweet spot repeatedly. He arched his back to feel each thrust you did. Deciding  to add to his pleasure you pumped his cock in your hand, making him throw his head back at the blissful feeling.
Toji kept thrusting into you, hitting your g-spot and making you throw your head back in satisfaction as well. Moans cascading out of your mouth a symphony. Your panted as your walls clenched around him as you were getting close to your orgasm.
"I'm cumming!" all three of your pleasured voices mixed at once as you reach your climax. Removing yourself from Naoya, his cum squirts all over his own chest.
Toji pulls out of you, cumming on your back all the while your legs tremble as you cum as well. "I fucking hated this," Naoya grunted out breathing heavily. You smirked at your fiancé and questioned him, "Wanna get your brains fucked again, you dumb crybaby pet?"
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