#answered; sloane montgomery.
ccmpletemess · 1 year
against the wall kiss (sloane and savas)
Ever since the first time she'd kissed him, Sloane couldn't get the idea of it out of her head. The feel of his lips against hers. The way she wanted more, craved it.
It was driving her insane.
As she slowly slipped into the dress she'd decided to wear to meet her sister for dinner, Sloane realised she needed help zipping it up. The only other person in her apartment was Savas, waiting for her to be ready. Shit. Taking a deep breath, Sloane wore her usual uninterested mask as she made her way into living room, rolling her eyes as she spotted him leaning against the wall. "My couch won't swallow you whole," She teased, shaking her head as she moved to stand in front of the other. "Zip me up, please?" She asked, turning around before moving her hair out of the way.
The feel of his fingertips brushing against her skin caused her breath to catch in her throat, and Sloane swallowed thickly. Every second that passed was agonising, and the second he was done before she even registered what the hell she was doing, Sloane had turned on her heel, one hand on his chest to keep him pressed against the wall as the other reached up to curl around the back of his neck.
She was tall enough in her heels that she didn't have to pull him down too much as her lips met his once more, kissing him with a desperation she'd never kissed anyone with before. She knew she shouldn't, every part of her screaming this was a bad idea but there was something about him that made her throw all logic out of the window.
"Fuck," The rare cuss slipped from her lips as she pulled back, breathing heavily as she rested her forehead against his for a breath moment. Very reluctantly, Sloane pulled away attempting to regain composure as she turned away from him. "We're going to be late," She muttered, though the usual curt tone in her voice seemed to waver as she picked up her jacket, making her way to the door.
She really, really needed to stop kissing him.
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anewkindofme · 15 days
Love the anonymous ones 😍😍😍💖 you mentioned that Mark would get very stressed over Jackson, how would he react to Jackson actually not breathing when he checks in or getting really sick?💖💖
Thank you!!
I actually have a chapter planned where Jackson takes off the monitor which means it shows no stats. The chaos will ensue…including Mark nearly having a panic attack. Even Addison is going to be like…Jack…why?
The first time Jackson gets really sick, Mark is going to go into panicked overprotective daddy mode. It’s going to be so hard for him to see Jackson unwell. He’s definitely just going to want to hold him and not let go and baby the hell out of him, regardless of his state. He probably won’t sleep scared something will happen. Basically that episode when he freaks out when Sofia falls and Alex has to be like “can you chill for 5 seconds?”
Addison will be the strong one, but she’ll panic on the inside. Despite being doctors, both of them are going to act like unseasoned first time parents. But also…they are.
Ask me stuff about my fics!
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bruiseeasily · 7 months
99 (from addison, for mark)
spotify wrapped: break my soul by beyoncé mark sloan & addison montgomery | @protagcnists
"we go up and down, lost and found, searching for love," he begins, not looking her in the eye. "looking for something that lives inside me."
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mischiefxmanagcd · 9 months
@empathichearts asked: "I know I shouldn't love you, but I do. And that terrifies me more than anything."
A smirk played on the plastic surgeon's features at Addison's words. He knew this was a serious moment, but he couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit smug that she was here in front of him, admitting that she loved him. "I knew you couldn't resist me forever, Addie," he finally stated, stepping closer to her and letting a hand come to rest on her face. "You know I love you. I know I haven't been the best type of man in the past, but if you give me a chance, I'll prove to you that I've changed. I can be the man you deserve."
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
how about an addison montgomery x reader and finding out reader has abusive parents thanks!!!!!
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of abusive parents. This plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
The bright sun shone through the large windows of the waiting room at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital as you paced nervously in the waiting room. The thought of the upcoming check-up with Dr. Addison Montgomery made your heart beat faster even though you repeated this year after year. Despite your fears, you knew it was important to get regular checkups, especially after you noticed some unusual symptoms.
When you were finally called, you followed the nurse through the corridors of the gynecological clinic until you finally stood in front of the door to the treatment room. Once inside, Dr. Montgomery greeted you with a warm smile. "Welcome back, y/n. How are you today?"
You forced a smile, concern for your health and life's obstacles overshadowing your usual demeanor. "Thanks, I'm feeling okay so far. I'm here for a checkup because I've noticed a few symptoms that are worrying me."
Addison nodded understandingly and asked you to take a seat. However, as she began to ask the usual questions, she immediately noticed that something was wrong. Your posture was stiff, your answers were short, and you seemed uncomfortable. Quite the opposite from the last times she had seen you. "Can you tell me about the symptoms you've been noticing lately?" She asked softly and you hesitated for a moment before answering. "Well, I have unusual pulling and pressure in my abdomen. I feel very tired in general but I think that's probably just normal."
The redhead frowned slightly as she began to do the examination. When she gestured with her hand to ask you to sit on the exam chair, you flinched and promptly avoided making eye contact with her. "I´m sorry..." you simply interjected and as you continued to sit on the chair, Addison felt an inexplicable restlessness arise within her.
She watched you carefully as she took swabs and checked to see what was going on. As she did so, she recognized subtle signs of fear and insecurity manifesting in your behavior that she had never seen in you before. It was as if there was something in the air, something unspoken, standing between them and demanding their attention. She could practically feel the tension surrounding you, and her instincts told her that there was more going on here than what seemed like a checkup.
After she had also completed an ultrasound on you, Addison sat down on the lounger next to you and quickly decided to ask carefully. "I want to be honest with you. I noticed some signs during the exams that could indicate something might be wrong. I think it might be helpful if you talked about it." She murmured questioningly, placing a soothing hand on your thigh, making you jump at the touch as well.
You looked at her in surprise, your eyes fixed on her with relief. But only hesitantly did you begin to talk about your concerns, which went far beyond the physical symptoms. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" The person you spoke to nodded at you, giving you time to express yourself. She sensed that there was more here than your body had yet revealed, and she wanted to give you the opportunity to open up when you were ready. "I'm your doctor, y/n. Everything you tell me is confidential."
You swallowed hard before finally finding the courage to say the words you had suppressed for so long. "It's my father," you began hesitantly and the gynecologist listened attentively without interrupting. "Since the pandemic and losing his job, he's... he's not exactly... friendly to me."
The reticence and fear had crumbled as you revealed the truth about your home situation to her. You confessed to the constant insults, humiliation and physical abuse you endured from your father and Addison continued to listen intently, offering you an empathetic embrace of comfort and support as you revealed the painful details of your abuse.
When you finished, an oppressive silence fell across the room. Addison felt the weight of your words on her own shoulders. She felt powerless in the face of the suffering you had to endure at such a young age, an inner anger boiling up towards your parents and at the same time a burning desire deep inside her to help you. "Thank you, y/n, for trusting me," she finally spoke in a quiet voice and rubbed your shoulder reassuringly. This time you didn't flinch. "What has been done to you and continues to happen to you is unacceptable and you deserve to be safe and protected. I will do everything in my power to help you get out of this situation."
The shock of what she had heard was deep within her, but she forced herself to remain calm and empathetic. Her first priority was to reassure you that you were safe and that she would help you. She hugged you gently and held you close to her, giving your tears a place to disappear. "Please believe me when I say that you are safe here," she began to speak to you calmly. "No one will hurt you in front of me and if it happens again, you come straight to me, okay?"
You lowered your gaze, tears glistening in your eyes as you let yourself fall into her embrace, feeling the instant warmth and comfort she offered you. For a moment you felt safe, surrounded by the care of this remarkable woman who was willing to stand up for you. “Thank you, Dr. Montgomery,” you whispered, your voice shaking. "It means so much to me to know I'm not alone."
Addison smiled softly and rubbed your back. "From now on it's Addison. I think we're past the formal part. And of course, I'll help you through the difficult times, and I'll be by your side as long as you need me."
At that moment, you knew you had made the right decision to reach out to her. You felt strengthened by her words and beneath all the vulnerability you showed there was also a spark of hope. Hope that you weren't alone, that there were people who cared about you and were ready to help you when you needed it. You felt relieved that you had confided in someone, and Addison promised to support you every step of the way, whether through further testing, therapy, or any other form of police or court help you needed.
As you left the office, you felt a little more confident with her personal phone number and address. Addison Montgomery, who promised to protect you if your father became abusive again and you needed a place to stay. You knew that from now on you were no longer alone but had found an ally in her in the fight against the darkness that surrounded you.
In the weeks that followed, Addison Montgomery and you developed a deep bond that went beyond the boundaries of an ordinary doctor-patient relationship. She had given you her personal address and phone number in case you ever had to run away from home and didn't know where to go. The gesture of care had touched you deeply and shown you that you were not just a patient, but now also had a friendship that you could rely on.
The conversations between the two of you became more and more open and intimate as you worked together to come up with a plan to get yourself out of the dangerous situation you found yourself in. And one Saturday morning, after you had escaped from your father's attacks and came to her, Addison offered to take you in and give you a safe haven, away from your parents' abuse and humiliation.
At first you were unsure whether you should accept the offer. The fear of the unknown, the worry of the consequences, and the fear of becoming too much for Addison held you back. But in the end, your trust, the hope for a better life and the love that she conveyed to you every day prevailed.
At midnight on that same warm spring night, you packed your few belongings and made your way to Addison's house. As you opened the door, a feeling of relief and freedom washed over you. The redhead welcomed you with open arms and a warm, loving smile that showed you that you were finally safe and that she would never let anything happen to you again.
Over the coming weeks and months, you began to settle into your new home, helping Addison with Henry while she was at work. Under her loving care, you slowly blossomed, gained self-confidence, and finally found the courage to leave your past behind you.
Addison supported you every step of the way in your healing, whether it was through therapeutic conversations, medical care, or just her unconditional love and support. Together you went through ups and downs, but you always stood by each other, determined to overcome the darkness together and step into the light of a better future. Your connection was strong, characterized by mutual respect, trust and love and you knew that you would be connected forever.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 10 months
Doctor Y/n - Attending Orthopedic Surgeon - 10 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"What is that on your head?" Jo raised an eyebrow, about to reach over when you ducked, avoiding her hands by taking them into yours and holding them instead.
"Okay, as cute as you are, do not grab my antlers- you didn't read your emails did you? Teddy's doing a Silly Hat Day, and it was these reindeer antlers on a headband, or one of the children's tiaras. You have grand rounds, go!" You instructed, nudging Jo to get going before you went to remove the antlers.
"These are going to give me a migraine..."
"Nice to meet everyone. I'm Doctor Addison Montgomery, and you must be the group that's been screwing up the program. Kidding." Doctor Montgomery chuckled to herself, leading the residents to grand rounds on it's feet, as Webber put it.
Joey: Doctor Addison Montgomery is here!!!
Braces: groundbreaking uterine transplant, I heard
Joey: Wow so you sound so excited
Braces: I'm reading more articles Callie sent
Joey: Don't you have surgeries as a big shot ortho attending?
Braces: Link and Nico keep taking the good ones, so I just get the children who had broken their arms or legs falling from trees or trampolines
Braces: when I'm not checking on post-ops
Joey: you sound bored:(
Jo however did not get a response, as another article caught your eye. An article which included the name of a doctor you once knew. Doctor Leah Murphy.
You only stopped reading when a rumble from the vents interrupted your thoughts, glancing through the window to spot Link reaching up from on top of one of the desks at the vents.
"Damn. No aircon." You realised, hurriedly putting down your tablet to check on patients who could be at risk with the HVAC system down.
"Where the hell is Link!" You shouted as you ran through the halls, but it was Webber that answered, stopping your run.
"He's on the roof looking at the HVAC with Altman."
"Teddy and Link are on the roof... okay I know Teddy installed an air con unit this morning but what the hell?" You replied before you had to check up on another patient.
"I delievered two babies today in 115 degree heat." Jo announced as she sat in the morgue, eating her snowcone.
"I mean, it's not a competition but I did help out on a successful uterine transplant." Schmitt added before you arrived, missing your reindeer antlers as Teddy frowned slightly, but you were making a beeline for the snowcones before landing on Jo.
"Oh god, you're all sweaty!" Jo grimaced, pushing your snowcone into your face as you went to speak but Jo who was asking Schmitt to put in a good word in for her, in case Doctor Montgomery came back to Grey Sloan to help deliver the uterine transplant baby.
"Leah's thriving in cardio. Articles and everything."
"Murphy? Good for her." Jo shrugged, glancing over at where Owen was talking to Teddy before leaving.
"Yeah. Good for her... I'm so glad I stashed ice cream in the freezer." You admitted, glancing at where Teddy was wearing her bobble hat indoors and saying bad puns.
"Hunt and Teddy are investigating something with veterans, but neither have said much." You explained, checking your phone to see Callie had asked your thoughts on the articles.
"Y/n, are you hiding here looking at research and letting Nico take all the good surgeries?"
"Nico got all the good surgeries, and the patients I do have are waiting on x-rays so I'm reading articles that the former head of Ortho sent me. I haven't been to New York since before the pandemic but there's not a lot of ortho stuff going on this season... I mean lately."
"Well, stick around, ortho still needs you, Y/n." Link replied, looking over your shoulder at the article you were reading and muttering a 'wow' under his breath.
Link had barely made it down the corridor when the hospital began to shake, an explosion heard somewhere that had you ducking under your desk.
You were quick to call up to daycare, finding out that everyone was fine as Hunt sent over messages wanting everyone in the ER.
"It was a pipeline explosion. He's still not answering." Bailey tried over and over to call Ben, whilst your eyes lingered on the TV displaying the news.
Your face fell as a deceased firefighter was brought in from the pipeline explosion scene. Dean Miller had died on the scene. Dean Miller had died on the scene and Victoria Hughes was in trauma one, alive but experiencing heart arrhythmias due to the electrocution.
Walking down the corridors, your eyes landed on Bailey and Warren with a two year old girl you didn't recognise, with many more firefighters in the room of the injured firefighter from before.
Down another corridor, in another room, you recognised Farouk in a patient bed, with Megan, Teddy and Owen. You didn't intrude, instead pretending like you had a patient to attend to. You didn't really fit with the Hunt family, not like Teddy did, or Allison.
"What happens if I die? What happens to Luna?"
"I get the penthouse, and Luna, Scout and I buy an 80-inch, high-def TV with your insurance money." Link replied, but Jo frowned, not even realising you were within earshot.
"I've got Luna. That's not even a question, okay? I've got Luna. And you know damn well that Y/n won't let you die without a fight. Honestly, Y/n would go toe to toe with the grim reaper if it meant saving you." Link pointed out, Jo looking relieved at the prospect.
"Thank you."
Letting out a breath you didn't realise you were holding, you unlocked your phone, hitting 'call' on a contact that you knew would probably complain that it was late for her, but you needed to talk to someone.
"Are you sleeping through Thanksgiving?" Was the first thing you heard as you reached for and answered your phone from under the blanket on your couch you had fallen asleep on.
"Joey took a shift, so Luna's at daycare. Allison and Leo are at Hunt's mother's house, Teddy is at the hospital with Megan and Farouk. Link is apparently at Amelia's with Scout and Meredith's kids. I am alone for Thankgiving after falling asleep on my couch last night."
"Are you avoiding Owen, or Owen's mother?" Arizona enquired but you didn't respond at first, rolling over in bed to get more comfortable.
"Both, but Teddy is avoiding Hunt's mother too... because she dislikes Leo's clothing choices, whereas Hunt's mother just doesn't like me. I get the feeling she would have preferred Teddy and Hunt to marry and be a happy little nuclear family." You explained, letting out a sigh.
"I don't fit. I don't really fit in anywhere anymore."
"Tell mini-me to visit us in New York-" "Callie, not right now!"
"I should go, happy turkey and whatever day, 'zona." You forced a smile even though Arizona couldn't see it, hanging up before Arizona could get another word in.
Sitting on your couch that lived in the living room of the penthouse, you were waiting on an order of Chinese takeaway to arrive. Jo was at the hospital eating gathered up Thanksgiving food with Bailey, Webber, Nico and Schmitt.
Link and Amelia were looking after Zola, Bailey and Ellis with Scout there too. Amelia had sent you a video of Link dancing with Meredith's children.
Heading towards the door once you knew the delivery person was near the building, your eyes landed on a pile of post that had been left near the door.
The Chinese takeaway tupperware sat on the coffee table as you began to go through the post, your heart fluttering at the postcard that Stephanie had sent you, along with one from Jackson that made you laugh. It wasn't until you were opening a letter from someone you didn't think had your new address that your eyes filled with tears.
Leah had sent you a letter, whilst Callie and Arizona had sent you cards from New York.
Heading over to the fridge to put the leftovers, your eyes landed on the familar photos from your intern year. You and Brooks. You missed Brooks. Glancing over the photos next to that one, you spotted the one of you and Leah at the Space Needle, and the photo that Jo had taken of you and Hannah Brody too.
The photos were high up enough on the fridge that none of the small children could reach them yet, luckily.
Tugging the hood of your Yale hoodie over your head, you laid down on your couch and put on one of the movies that Brooks had suggested on her list years ago now. A movie from 1989 called the Little Mermaid.
The buzzer going off stirred you from your sleep, sleepily walking over to see who it was, your eyes widened in shock, pressing the intercom to speak.
"Mac! Cody! Rory!"
"Did you really think we'd let you spend Thanksgiving alone?" Cody grinned at the camera, holding up Rory who squirmed and squealed in excitement to see you.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @inquisitive-nix @grey-warden-commander @unexpected-character @youralphawolf72 @incorrectlycorrectfun
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shannyh25 · 1 year
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Gilbert Blythe wasn’t used to putting himself out to make a girl look at him and meeting with failure. She SHOULD look at him, that red-haired Shirley girl with the little pointed chin and the big eyes that weren’t like the eyes of any other girl in Avonlea school.
Gilbert reached across the aisle, picked up the end of Anne’s long red braid, held it out at arm’s length and said in a piercing whisper:
“Carrots! Carrots!”
Then Anne looked at him with a vengeance!
She did more than look. She sprang to her feet, her bright fancies fallen into cureless ruin. She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose angry sparkle was swiftly quenched in equally angry tears.
“You mean, hateful boy!” she exclaimed passionately. “How dare you!”
And then—thwack! Anne had brought her slate down on Gilbert’s head and cracked it—slate not head—clear across.
Avonlea school always enjoyed a scene. This was an especially enjoyable one. Everybody said “Oh” in horrified delight. Diana gasped. Ruby Gillis, who was inclined to be hysterical, began to cry. Tommy Sloane let his team of crickets escape him altogether while he stared open-mouthed at the tableau.
Mr. Phillips stalked down the aisle and laid his hand heavily on Anne’s shoulder.
“Anne Shirley, what does this mean?” he said angrily. Anne returned no answer. It was asking too much of flesh and blood to expect her to tell before the whole school that she had been called “carrots.” Gilbert it was who spoke up stoutly.
“It was my fault Mr. Phillips. I teased her.”
Mr. Phillips paid no heed to Gilbert.
“I am sorry to see a pupil of mine displaying such a temper and such a vindictive spirit,” he said in a solemn tone, as if the mere fact of being a pupil of his ought to root out all evil passions from the hearts of small imperfect mortals. “Anne, go and stand on the platform in front of the blackboard for the rest of the afternoon.” Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes- Anne Of Green Gables.
Follow me for more inspiration! 💜💕
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emylilas · 1 year
Turns out 75% of my fanvids, fanarts and fics are WIPs but you can still find all these things on my blog:
Warrior Nun
We’re being invaded, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Leap of faith, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Uncle Duretti doesn’t need to know, fic (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion, Duretti & the whole Salvius-OCS family)
Warrior Nun | Jillian Salvius, fanvid
But nobody's home, fanvid, (everyone) 
The thing in our office, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion, the girls and Jillian spending some time together)
A summer night picnic, fanart, (Jillian Salvius and the family’s dog)
The Salvius-OCS family’s New Year’s Eve party, fanart (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion, Ava x Beatrice, the lot of them being a family)
The mistletoe conspiracy, fanart (Ava x Beatrice, Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Damage control, fic, (Jillian Salvius x Mother Superion)
Fate: the Winx Saga
I had all and then most of you, fic (Farah x Luna)
Farah & Luna | Now it’s history, fanvid (Farah x Luna)
Just the two of us, fic, (Saul x Andreas)
It can’t be that bad, fic, (Farah x Luna)
Farah Dowling | Rosalind kept so much from us,  fanvid
“Goodbye, Farah”, fanart (Farah x Luna)
Getting ready for Christmas, fanart (Saul x Andreas, Beatrice & Sky)
FTWS | The hanging tree, fanvid, (season 1).
You must be a first year, fanvid, (Sky x Riven)
The mamma mia AU no one asked for: Dancing Queens & Dancing Kings, fanart, (Luna, Farah & Rosalind; Ben, Saul & Andreas)
Ask answers: 1 (Farah x Luna, Saul x Andreas), 2 (Farah x Luna)
Chilling adventures of Sabrina
Don’t be afraid, you have me here to guide your way, fic, (Lilith x Zelda Spellman)
 Criminal minds
Chaotic, fic, (the S2 team being a chaotic family, no romantic pairing)
Always starting over, fic, (Jack Sloane x Isabel Monet)
Leaving home, fic, (Jack’s goodbyes to each member of the team, no romantic pairing)
Feel the same way, as in…? fic, (Jack Sloane x Isabel Monet)
It had always been this way, fic, (Jack Sloane x Isabel Monet)
And your sunshine is gone, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
That’s not the line, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
A stunning brunette, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Only for the reward, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader + the team being a family)
These lonely nights are over, incomplete fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Miracle, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Forgot something?, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Honey?, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader + the team’s sleeping over at Gibbs’)
The right moment to sweat, fic, (Jack Sloane x Reader)
Jack Sloane | I should have saved them, fanvid
You don’t play games, fic, (Michelle McBride x Callie Senate)
First move, fic, (Michelle McBride x Callie Senate)
The 100
What do we owe to each other?, fic, (Marcus Kane x Abby Griffin)
Octavia | Do you want to die?, fanvid
To Marcus and Abby (S1-6), fanvid
Grey’s Anatomy & Private Practice
These are some very old fics. Read at your own risk.
Truth or dare?, fic, (Addison Montgomery x Meredith Grey, Addison Montgomery x Charlotte King), M
“Trop Beau”, fic, (Addison Montgomery x Meredith Grey)
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Grey's Pack: Labor
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Summary: The five times Derek Shepherd thinks he goes into labor and the one time he does. Warnings: ABO dynamics, pregnancy, mpreg, birth sexual situations, morning sickness Word Count: 5,333 Ship(s): Meredith Grey/Mark Sloan/Addison Montgomery/Derek Shepherd
Archive link!
A/N: So I just want to put an emetephobia warning for the third scenario because it describes Meredith having some morning sickness. There's nothing too graphic though! There's also a few sexual situations/references but nothing super descriptive because every one of these scenarios is Derek thinking he's going into labor so they don't continue through that. This is my first time doing this kind of trope so I hope that I did it okay! Thanks for checking it out and reading. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
The best and worst thing about being a neurosurgeon is that the explanations of problems normally take a lot of talking for the person experiencing them to really begin to understand. This meant that as a very pregnant omega, he often got to sit in one of the chairs meant to visit as he explained everything. Sometimes, however, there were too many people in the room and not enough places for them to all sit so he had to stand as he answered what was essentially the same question over the over again. As he was nearing his thirty sixth week of pregnancy, being on his feet for that long was the worst thing that he could do to himself. Especially when he didn’t have the gray matter of a brain to turn his focus away from his aches and pains. Every day it was a toss up about whether or not he was going to go home in the worst pain he had been in his entire pregnancy.
He had rolled poorly today, and his feet were reminding him of their protest with every step he took. He had one hand on the part of his hip that was aching worse than the rest and his eyes dead-set on the station where he would be able to fill in the chart clutched in his other hand. As soon as it really came into view, he had to physically bite his tongue to stop himself from growling when he saw that an intern had already taken up residence there to study for the upcoming exams. He turned, even though that took almost more effort than it was worth, and found the next best place.
The neurosurgeon had just settled down into the padded chair in front of the lightbox when someone else came into the room. He was never going to get this chart done, he thought to himself when he heard the door creaking open.
"Oh, Derek," Callie said, surprised to find the omega in the space that she had been using. They were in the same pack but they weren’t quite close yet, especially since she and Izzie were only just mated. "Everything okay?"
"Mm? Oh, yeah," he nodded as he shook himself out of his haze and looked up to his packmate. "Just couldn't find anywhere to sit down so I hid away in here."
"Well, you can use the space as much as you want as long as I can come in here and look at the x-rays while I plan what to do to fix these bones," she chuckled. He nodded and then looked back down at the chart that he was working on. She looked over his shoulder at the x-rays that she had put in the light box a few minutes before Derek had shown up. They thought in silence for a moment before she noticed the uncomfortable, pained look on the omega's face. "Derek, are you sure that you're okay?"
"Mm, yeah, I've just been having some cramping and discomfort all day. I thought that when the twins stopped moving as much last night I would have gotten a break, but I guess not," he tried to chuckle while giving her a weak smile.
Callie opened her mouth a couple of times as she tried to formulate what to say. "Do you think that you could be in labor?"
The omega blinked for a second before he nodded. "Yeah, I guess I could be. George said that he had some vague cramping before he went into labor. It's a little early for the twins to come though."
"Well, that's kind of the deal with multiples. They come early," Callie shrugged. "Do you want me to go get your alphas?"
"Mm, no, I want to finish this," he said as he pointed towards the half finished chart with the wrong side of his pen. He leaned back in the chair and then rubbed a hand over his massive stomach. "If I am in labor, I'm in the very beginning of it so it'll be a long time until the twins actually come. If they're coming."
The alpha rocked back and forth on her feet. "I'm going to stay here with you for a bit. I know that you're older than me and you can totally handle yourself but I'm newly mated so I'm feeling really protective and I need to make sure that you're okay before I leave," she explained.
He sighed, rubbing his temple with his thumb and forefinger. "Alright. I know that trying to fight you and get you to leave won't go well. But you should go check on Arizona and Izzie before you finish your case so you don't snap at an intern or patient."
She nodded and sat down next to him. They ended up talking about her case to try and get the game plan down. The cramps Derek had been having were pretty much gone by the time that they had gotten everything riddled out, so they didn't even bother to tell his alphas that he could have been in labor.
Her lips were pressed up against his scent gland directly over where she had remarked him when they got back together. He felt more slick leak from him and down into his underwear. Addison had already removed his pants when she got him up onto the bed and into his nest. She had him leaning back slightly, using one hand to keep him slightly upright while he leaned back against her chest. Her hands wandered up and down his front before she began to undo the buttons on his maternity shirt to free him from the fabric constraints.
He turned his head and caught her lips to let her know that he needed her now unless she wanted him to be grumpy for the rest of the evening. The alpha quickly picked up on what he needed and tossed her scrubs off as quickly as she could. She helped him back so that he was leaning against the wall of the nest closest to the headboard so he could be supported. "I wish I could keep you like this forever," she mumbled as she spread his legs and wrapped one of them awkwardly around his hip. It was hard for him to move naturally anymore due to how pregnant he was.
"Shut up," he whispered as he reached up and placed his hand on the back of her neck to bring her down into a kiss. He let out a moan into her mouth just as she pressed her cock into him entirely. She bucked her hips forward just once before Derek placed his hands on her shoulders and broke their kiss. "Wait, wait, wait, that hurts," he whined.
She immediately pulled out of him and grabbed his hands. "Are you okay, Derek?" she asked worriedly.
"Contraction, I'll be okay," he shook his head to try and get her worry to go away. It didn't work, as her brows knitted together and she shifted a bit closer to him. 
"How many contractions have you had today, my love?" she asked, scenting him to try and help him calm down. Her arousal had completely disappeared upon seeing her lover in pain.
He took in a small breath and then let it out slowly. He shifted his hips a bit before he turned his head to face to look at his wife. "I've had a couple throughout the day. Maybe three in the last hour?"
"Derek!" she almost shouted. She took a moment and then calmed herself down. "Sorry for getting a little upset, my dear. You just should have told me that you were having contractions, I never would have tried to have sex with you if I had known you could be in labor."
"Well, that's kind of why I didn't tell you," he admitted, his cheeks turning bright red. 
She gave him a look and then leaned in and kissed him softly. Addison then moved to the outside of the nest and got him another pair of underpants. "Do I have to?" he whined as he took the clothes from her. "I want to continue."
"Derek, I have no interest in fucking you when you might be in labor. The second I put my penis in you and you were in pain, I completely lost the will to have sex," she shook her head. The omega little out little grumbling noises as he let her help him put the underpants on and then a pair of sweatpants. He put on a bra to stop the colostrum from leaking onto their bed. "I love you," Addison reminded him as she got up into the nest and behind him. 
"No," he let out a scoff as he leaned his head against his shoulder. "If you loved me you'd have sex with me."
"Omega, I love you which is why I didn't have sex with you," she argued, kissing his cheek. 
He eventually conceded to her and took a nap, though she was in the doghouse in the morning when it turned out that he wasn't in labor.
Meredith groaned as she shifted in front of the toilet. She didn't get sick as much anymore, but she still had nausea from time to time. Naomi triggered it most of all since her baby food, which ended up all over the dining room every time she ate, set the beta off every time. Addison was sitting behind her, rubbing her hips. "You're alright, Mer," she murmured as she kissed her mating gland.
"No, I'm so sick of being pregnant," she whined as she shifted again. She flushed the last bit of her sick down the toilet and then moved so that she was kneeling and grasping the edge of the counter. She put one hand on the underside of her heavy stomach. The redheaded alpha was up in a second and helping her up while holding onto her elbow.
"I know that you're sick of being pregnant, but the baby will come when she wants to," Addison placed another kiss on her cheek. "And when the labor starts I'm guessing you'll want to be pregnant again in no time."
The beta scoffed, "Are you forgetting that I was still up and working around when I had appendicitis? I only stopped because I was puking too much to work. I can handle labor. And I want to meet my pup." She grabbed her toothbrush and cleaned out her mouth so she didn't have to taste the bitter bile. When she spit out her toothpaste, she stood up and took a deep breath through her nose so that she could smell the scents coming from her other mates. "Though by the smell of it I might not have to wait long."
Addison's face paled a little bit. "Nope, you're going to go and sit down in the office. I won't have you and Derek in labor at the same time. That's too much for us to deal with."
"But…" the beta tried before she saw how freaked out her mate was. As much as she wanted to meet her pup and not be pregnant anymore, she knew that it would be really bad if she was in labor at the same time as their omega since he was having twins but they would both need the father of their pups there as they labored and delivered. She sighed as she dug a washcloth out of the linen closet attached to their bathroom and pressed it over her mouth and nose.
Addison kissed her forehead. "I'll be down to give you some scented items and your quilt once I check on him," she said softly.
"I know you will," Meredith chuckled before she carefully walked out of the bathroom and through the bedroom, straight to the door in the hall. She went down into the office where she struggled to get the pull-out couch into bed form.
Upstairs, Derek shifted in the bed and blinked tiredly after Meredith as the beta left. "What's going on?" he whined, wanting to have all of his mates close to him. 
Addison got up into the nest so that she was on the other side of it from Mark. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his temple. "How are you feeling, my love?"
"Fine," he grumbled as he shifted under his blanket. He moved her hand down to his swollen stomach so she could feel the pups move again. Addison smiled, letting herself be distracted by her growing children.
She was brought back to what she was supposed to be doing when Mark woke up and blinked at her a few times. "Where's Mer?"
"Oh," the alpha swore under her breath. "She thought that she smelled you in labor, so she's down in the office room."
"I'll bring her some things and help her get the pull-out couch set up," Mark yawned. He stood up and got out of the nest carefully so that he didn't destroy any part of the carefully crafted area that his mates had made. He grabbed Meredith's quilt and a couple of other items so she could feel comforted as she slept. "I'll be back in a second, okay?"
"I'm in labor?" Derek asked, blinking sleepily at her.
"You know that Mer's nose is a lot more sensitive than mine, so you might be in early labor," she explained. "I can't smell anything yet."
He pouted a bit. "I either want to have my pups or be in labor," he complained.
She kissed his lips carefully. "I know, but all we can do is be careful and wait."
Both Meredith and Derek were very upset when the morning rolled around and there was no more labor scent coming from the omega, meaning that they would have to wait even longer despite both having spent the night like they didn't want to.
Derek groaned as he closed his eyes a bit tighter while trying to go back to sleep. He was so far into the third trimester that he was waking up rather often in the middle of the night to pee, or because of insomnia. "Hi Doc," he mumbled as he felt the cold nose of their old dog press into his hand. He grunted a small bit as he felt the right twin kicking his back before he realized that the pain was actually the beginning of a contraction. He shifted uncomfortably while it passed.
Once the pain and pressure that came with every contraction he had, he peeled his eyes opened and looked over Meredith's head to the alarm clock to see what time it was. He shifted on the bed so that he was on his back for a moment and then struggled so that he was sitting up. Mark let out a grunt and shifted closer to him so that his head was resting on his swollen stomach like it had been on the pillow seconds ago.
Derek let a small smile grace his face as he moved his hand down and began to pet his mate's hair. The pups wriggled around in his belly to try and get more comfortable themselves in their confined space. "I know you're uncomfortable, I am too," he whispered.
"Derek?" Mark asked as he began to wake up upon feeling the babies wiggling under his hold. He got up with a small grunt and kissed his omega's cheek. "Can't sleep?"
"No," he shook his head. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he continued, "I had a contraction."
Mark was suddenly more awake. He began to smile as well, grabbed the omega's hand and threading their fingers together. "You think we're going to have a baby tonight?"
"I think we just might," he whispered in reply. "But if I am in labor we should move away from Mer so she doesn't go into labor too."
The alpha nodded in agreement. He slipped out of the nest and put a shirt on before he offered a hand to his mate. Derek took it and awkwardly shifted to the edge of the nest so that the alpha could help lift him over the wall and onto the floor. "There you are, beautiful."
"Shut up," he scoffed as he began to waddle out of their bedroom and down the hall. They stayed in the living room as he had a couple of contractions after that but they petered out after two or three hours and both omega and alpha were left disappointed that they'd have to meet the twins another day.
"How did you know that you were in labor?" Derek sighed as he sat down in one of the big recliners in their living room. 
"Huh?" George asked, looking away from the toddler standing on his lap to the other omega. Naomi had his little pudgy fists wrapped around two of his fingers. He was standing, wavering back and forth while making babbling sounds at his mother. "Sorry, Naomi is very distracting, aren't you sweet stuff?" he giggled as he blew a raspberry on the pup's cheek.
Derek placed both of his hands  on his huge stomach while his heart ached. He wanted so badly to meet his pups and it felt like his body was determined to make it so that didn't happen. "How did you know that you were in labor?"
"Well, I kind of didn't," he shrugged. "I had a lot of energy and so I walked around getting things ready, y’know, nesting. But then my water broke. Iz didn't notice a scent or anything."
"So you just had a boost of energy? No cramps or contractions or a weird feeling or labor scent?" Derek almost complained. He was wracking his brain to see if he had any energy surges over the past day if he was in labor. When he had woken up this morning, he felt rested for the first time since he had entered the third trimester, which sent a shot of excitement through his body.
"Nope, my water just broke and I knew that I was in labor," George made a fake shocked face as he turned back to his happily shrieking and babbling pup. 
Owen yawned as he walked into the living room as well. He lowered himself down onto the chair and looked over at the other two omega doctors, "What're we talking about?"
Derek grunted as he felt one of the twins rolling over. "How George felt when he went into labor. I'm kind of grasping at straws because I'm sick of being pregnant."
"Ugh, I feel that," Owen grunted as he shifted where he was sitting a bit so he was leaning back against the chair a bit more.
The older omega chuckled, "I can't imagine how you feel. I'm not even to my due date and I've been sick of this for weeks." 
He shrugged. "I'm scared that delivering is going to freak Cristina out again so I'm not too eager to go into labor. But when I almost went into labor a couple months ago I felt off all day. Like my head was in the clouds, or kind of like how you feel before you go into heat."
"Mm, yeah, I felt like that during my labor," George nodded in agreement.
"Ow!" Noami shrieked excitedly as he bent his little legs to get attention back to him.
"Ow?" George gasped, feigning shock. He wrapped his hand around the back of the pup's body to bring him closer. "No ow."
Derek sighed as he resigned himself to the fact that he was never going to go into labor. He knew that assumption wasn't true in the slightest, but it just cemented itself into his mind the more time passed, especially when Owen went into labor in the middle of the night later that very same day.
"Wonderful day to save lives," Derek spoke into the air of the OR as grasped the scalpel in his hand. He was behind the patient's head on the chair that he now had to operate on since he was so heavily pregnant. He really shouldn't have been operating at this point since his due date was creeping closer and closer but he couldn't help himself. The more time that he spent at home or waddling around the hospital while doing consults, the more he felt cramped up. He had woken up that morning and decided that he was going to have at least one more surgery before the delivery of his pups and his maternity leave.
He worked so hard on saving the patient that he had completely forgotten about his pregnancy until he began to have small contractions. They began as small pains in his back but then began to wrap around his heavy stomach periodically. 
"I'll close, Dr. Shepherd," Lexie informed him as she looked over at her brother-in-law. She had the same sensitive nose as her sister, so she was able to smell the difference in him despite the heavy scent blocker he had on his neck and wrist. 
"Alright, let Dr. Avery help you," he nodded. If he hadn't realized how long he had been having the small contractions he probably would have insisted that he close since he had been away from the OR for so long. He stripped off his gloves and then took his mask off as he walked out into the scrub room. 
He paused as he saw both of his alphas standing there, almost glaring at him. "Derek!" Addison said, throwing her hands out in exasperation. "I thought that we all agreed that you weren't going to do surgeries until after you delivered the twins and got back from maternity leave?"
"It's not that we don't want you to operate anymore because we know that you're an amazing surgeon and this is your livelihood like it is for us, but this is risky," Mark nodded in agreement. 
He opened his mouth to talk with them, to try and at least get the alphas a little bit calmer, but then he felt something wet dripping down his legs. He looked down and watched as a puddle began to form around his feet. The voices of his worried alphas talking to him had completely seeped away so he could barely hear them, just focusing on what was happening. "Uh, my water just broke."
"Huh?" Mark asked, blinking a few times at his childhood friend as his brain tried to wrap around the fact that he was going to be a father soon.
"Oh Jesus, it did," Addison said as she looked down at his pants. All of the anger that had been there a second ago had completely dissipated and she was left with a certain giddiness and apprehension that came with all new parents. "Come on, we're going to go and get you checked in so we can have these babies!"
She reached out and took his hand. She threaded their fingers together and brought their omega around the alpha that was staring at the wall behind Derek now while he still tried to figure out what was happening. Mark eventually turned around and followed after them, though he had to jog to keep up with them once he had finally realized.
Derek was checked into the hospital while Mark went home to get the hospital bag that they had packed months ago. The omega had changed into his hospital gown and was resting on the bed with the peanut ball in between his legs as the OB that was helping him through his labor, a friend of Addison's, wanted the babies to shift positions before he tried to deliver. Luckily, he had gone long enough in his pregnancy that if he progressed normally and felt up to it he would be able to have a vaginal birth instead of a Cesarean. He also had a couple of IVs and monitors attached to him so that they could make sure he was hydrated and that everything with the twins was happening alright.
"Hey baby," Mark smiled as he walked in. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm finally in labor," he grinned excitedly. "I get an epidural in two centimeters too."
"Yeah, I bet you're happy for those pain meds they already gave you," the alpha chuckled as he walked over. He pulled out one of the blankets that had the pack scent for the omega during his labor and delivery process. He laid it gently over his mate before he pulled the chair up to the side of the bed. 
Derek reached out and grabbed his alpha's hand. "I wish Meredith could be here to see the first of our litter being born," he sighed.
"I know you do. Hopefully you'll be able to attend her birth since you'll have already delivered," Mark said softly. He leaned down so that his arm was lying horizontally against the bar of the bed before he laid his head down on it. When Derek dropped his hand he moved his fingers up to card gently through his lover's hair.
Addison came back from where she had been explaining the rest of their birth plan to the staff that was going to be taking care of them. She had also run down to where Meredith was working in the pit to tell her that the babies were coming. "I'm glad to see that you made it back and didn't have a breakdown on the way here," she chuckled as she kissed her alpha mate.
"I'd like to think that you had at least a little bit more faith in me than that," he scoffed.
"You were really scared when I told you that my water broke," Derek teased sleepily. The pain meds that they had given to him since he was so early in his labor were making him really drowsy.
"Shush, you. Just focus on bringing our twins into the world, alright? Addy and I aren't going to leave you the entire time," Mark soothed.
The omega let him be soothed into the foggy, hazy place that George and Owen had talked about during their labors. He was aware of the contractions that he was having since he could still feel the pressure and his muscles contracting, even if the pain wasn't there anymore. Mark and Addison were by his side the entire time, and Meredith even called him on the phone to tell him how proud of him she was, but he could barely reply to her once she did. 
His contractions began to increase in intensity and frequency as the hours wore on. His cervix was still dilating evenly and he got the epidural just like he wanted to. That meant that he couldn't walk around like he got the impulse to, but Addison helped ebb away that urge. She had gotten up on the bed and helped him onto his knees so his thighs and calves were pressed together and separated so that his heavy stomach rested in between them. She wound his arms around her shoulders and neck as she rocked them back and forth soothingly. Mark sat behind him and rubbed his hips to try and soothe the uncomfortable muscle tension that happened with every contraction.
Counting the time that he was operating, he had been in labor for only six hours by the time that he was dilated enough to push. He was situated so that he had his feet in the stirrups and was almost sitting up entirely. He had Mark on one side and Addison the other. Addison was moping his forehead with a cool cloth and encouraging him to keep going with every push while Mark just held his hand and let the obstetricians in the room do what they needed to do.
It wasn't long before he was informed that he was crowning. He let out a long growl as he pushed as hard as he could to try and get the head out as quickly as possible. "Breathe, Derek, remember to breathe," Addison murmured when she saw what he was doing. He snapped and growled at her a little bit, but listened to her. 
The baby was born into the world after a small episiotomy, and immediately placed onto his chest. Mark had helped one of the nurses to move his hospital gown down so that his chest and part of his swollen stomach was exposed so that the infant could get immediate skin to skin. 
Derek's entire world shrank down and focused on the little one that was now on the outside of his bump rather than the inside. "Hi there," he whispered as he dropped both of the hands of the alphas and focused entirely on his pup. "You're finally here, you're finally here," he whispered.
"He's so beautiful, Derek," Addison murmured as tears began to develop in the corners of her eyes. 
He tore his eyes away from the pup for just a moment and looked to his wife. "I think this is Ash," he admitted. They had already picked out the names they wanted to use for the twins but hadn't figured out which names would go with which pup.
"Our little Ash Catherine," the alpha beamed as she looked over the little one. She cut the cord when the scissors were offered to her as the biological father of the little pup. The nurses then carefully removed the baby from the omega's chest after informing him what they were going to be doing. "Want me to go with him?" Addison asked carefully.
"No, I've gotta push again," he shook his head. 
She nodded and Mark gave him a swift kiss before he was pushing again. The second twin was born just as quickly as the first, and placed onto his chest again. The infant took a moment to wail, but was much louder than his brother once he finally decided that he could. Derek let out a small laugh, "Hi there. Oh, so loud. I bet what you just went through was so scary," he chuckled.
The same thing that happened with the Ash happened with the second baby, who they had decided to name Jake. The cord was cut by Mark, and then carefully taken off of Derek's chest to be cleaned up. The omega delivered then delivered both placentas with the careful coaching from the OB.
Everything that happened after that was a bit of a rush. He was stitched up in all of the places that he had torn before he was moved to the recovery room with his twins being moved into the room since they had gestated for long enough that they didn't need any NICU time. 
"I'm so proud of you," Mark sniffled as he looked over his omega's shoulder while Derek figured out how to feed his twins at the same time.
"I'm proud of me too," the omega teased, looking up at both of his alphas with a dopey smile on his face. "I've finally got pups now."
"You do," Addison nodded. "We're parents. I wasn't expecting to ever get to have this with you when we first mated."
They were quiet for a bit, letting the only sound be the little grunts from the suckling infants. "You'll let Meredith come in after the labor scent is gone, right?"
"That will probably be after you get discharged, unfortunately. But I'll take a picture of the pups and check on her," Mark nodded. He needed to see the other mate that he had gotten pregnant to make sure that she hadn't gone into labor or needed him.
After getting a soft kiss from his alpha he settled into the bed, happy that he had finally gone into labor and had his pups cuddled close to him.
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sgmwesters · 2 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › kate walsh. cis woman. she/her. . ╯ have you met addison montgomery yet ? this forty four year old virgo has been living in the seattle area for ??? years. she makes a living as a neonatal surgeon and obgyn, which is best suited for their pragmatic, analytical, impulsive, and emotional personality. truth hurts by lizzo is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 26, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: addison adrianne forbes montgomery.
nickname(s): too many too include, but will answer to ‘satan’.
age: forty four (44).
date of birth: 28 august 1977, virgo.
hometown: new haven, connecticut.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: caucasian.
nationality: american.
gender: cis female.
pronouns: she/her.
orientation: hahahahahaha.
religion: athiest.
political affiliation: let’s not talk about politics.
occupation: neonatal surgeon, obgyn, all around mega star. 
living arrangements: swanky house.
language(s) spoken: english, some spanish.
accent: none.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: kate walsh.
hair color: we love a red head.
eye color: blue.
height: 5 ft 8.
weight: none of ur business.
build: slim.
tattoos: none.
piercings: ears, only once.
clothing style: sophisticated is the word that comes to mind.
usual expression: tries to be something warm but there’s definitely a resting bitch face.
distinguishing characteristics: she’s addison montgomery is that not enough?
physical ailments: none.
neurological conditions: none.
allergies: wasps and bees.
sleeping habits: fluctuates.
eating habits: you know what she eats quite well actually.
exercise habits: fluctuates.
emotional stability: is mark sloan nearby cos that does make a difference.
sociability: warm.
body temperature: cool.
addictions: none.
drug use: none.
alcohol use: wine is important. 
positive traits: pragmatic, analytical.
negative traits: impulsive, emotional.
fears: losing it all.
weather: enjoys the snow (skiing), but for day to day she likes it dry and warm.
colour: at the moment, olive green.
music: alexa, play a feel good tune volume seven.
movies: loves a romcom.
sport: no thanks x
beverage: wine.
food: a chocolate brownie as a treat.
animal: bunnies –– had one growing up.
it’s no surprise, that being born and raised in connecticut with a father who calls himself the captain and a mother called bizzy, that addison lived on the wealthy side of the town, alongside brother archer. 
growing up, addison would come to learn about her father’s indiscretions, and the affairs that he was having behind her mother’s back. for many years these influenced her opinion of him, causing tensions between the two. she would come to learn as an adult that it was actually her mother who had an affair first, one that went on for several years, and her father was just levelling the playing field. after all, they had to keep up appearances to the outside world, even if things weren’t working behind closed doors.
the girl who was once a band geek did exactly what was expected of her, as was the family tradition, and went to yale university. she left behind some of the tough times her family had been through, things she’d come to know, and focussed hard enough for her to go on to be accepted into colombia’s medical programme. 
colombia was where the pieces of addison’s life started to fall into place. she met derek shepherd, naomi and sam bennett, and mark sloan. she’d found her people, the ones she’d come to care the most about, at least over the course of the following years.
addison and derek were that couple. even in med school, everyone knew who they were and how well suited they were for one another. it was no surprise to anyone when derek proposed, and their wedding was everything you’d have expected to be.
they were the ones with the seemingly perfect life, the careers to match, and a lifestyle that most would be envious of. they were successful, driven, and didn’t want for anything. at least not the outside world. their marriage, in truth, hadn’t been perfect. 
by the time their marriage hit the ten year mark, cracks had well and truly started to develop. being drawn in by their work meant that there was seldom any time for one another, and when there was time, addison felt as though she wasn’t getting the same level of effort from her husband as she wanted to put into their marriage. this took it’s toll, and ultimately culminated in addison sleeping with mark sloan, their long time friend and derek’s best friend.
for a brief period, in the time where derek first moved to seattle, addison and mark began something more of a relationship, and not just the brief fling that derek had walked in on. during this time addison fell pregnant with mark’s baby, but did not go through with the pregnancy. she terminated, and instead answered richard webber’s call for her to go to seattle also.
derek and addison made an effort to try and work on their relationship, despite his clear feelings for meredith grey, but these efforts ultimately ended in failure –– especially given the addition of mark sloan to the seattle population.
despite her and derek’s divorce, addison felt settled within seattle. this was aided by sam and naomi opening a practice within the city, at which addison was able to work and support. it gave her a sense of normality and purpose, finding her footing within her life once again.
with naomi being a fertility specialist, and addison finally feeling as though she might be in a place to start a family of her own, she began looking into methods that she might be able to obtain this. however, addison found out that her egg count was incredibly though, and therefore highly unlikely that she would be able to have a child of her own.
addison struggled with this news for a while, particularly given her line of work, but is slowly coming to terms with it, thanks to the supportive network that she has around her.
n.b. –– i can’t try and weave timelines in any more i’m so confused time isn’t real she’s in seattle at the practice and kinda at the hospital ig but we all know and love her so here she is. 
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
all of them because we ♥︎ addison adrianne forbes montgomery.
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ccmpletemess · 1 year
jealous kiss (sloane x savas)
They couldn't even get her morning coffee without someone batting their eyelashes at Savas. Not that she was entirely surprised, as much as his general presence irritated her, he was attractive. She had eyes, after all. Her nails tapped respectively against the counter as she watched the other practically throw herself across the counter at the man, instead of making her coffee. That was why she was irritated. The coffee.
It wasn't, perhaps, the mild annoyance that it wasn't her that his gorgeous smile was directed at. Definitely not because the girl had woken up in the middle of the night after having fallen asleep reading one of her romances, dreaming of his lips on hers and now that she was awake she was wondering what it would feel like.
No, Sloane Montgomery certainly wasn't jealous.
Which is why she had no idea on earth what possessed her as an irritated sigh escaped her lips, her fingers curling around the other's bicep to get his attention. The moment his attention turned to her, she leaned up on her toes, pressing her lips to his in a very convincing manner.
Very, very reluctantly, Sloane pulled herself back, a satisfied smirk gracing her lips at the faint smudge of her signature red lipstick having stained his lips. "Hurry up with the coffee's, babe, I'll be waiting outside." She murmured, shooting the barista a cold glare before flipping her hair over her shoulder and leaving the tiny café, trying to ignore the pounding in her chest of her unsteady heartbeat.
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anewkindofme · 2 months
Who does Mark side with during the Yale vs Harvard games?
Mark wears a black t-shirt or hoodie. He sits in the middle of Addison and Jackson to keep them separated. And also has a spray bottle if anyone gets too excited.
(But really, it doesn't get too crazy. All the banter is lighthearted and in good fun. I have a headcanon that neither are actually really that passionate about college ball but it's just the principle of "this is my school's team so I gotta root for them".)
Ask me stuff about my fics!
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imaginary-appearance · 3 months
Tagged by @kotenokk to play funny silly tumblr game. I’m supposed to tag 9 people but I’m too shy so I’m just going to answer the questions for funzies
Last song: Fashion - Britney Manson. I love music for whores.
Favorite Color: Purple, but deep Blue is a close second as well as rich Greens. Love cool colors.
Currently Watching: Nothing I am very bad at watching shows. I typically watch informational YouTube videos about natural history OR vlogs from doll collectors cause I think they’re fun.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I have a major sweet tooth. But I like them all. Sweet/Spicy is a legendary combo.
Relationship Status: I’m just Sloan. I just sit here.
Current Obsession: Probably The Island of Dr. Moreau by HG Wells. That shit went hard as hell. That book read me back when I was reading it. The unspeakable trauma, exploration of humanity and horror all resonated with me a lot. The biggest take away though, is that I deserve to be in between Edward Prendick and Montgomery ☝️🤓
Last thing I googled: The Nine of Swords tarot card. I wasn’t even doing a reading I was just thinking about that card.
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readingforsanity · 9 months
The Senator's Wife | Liv Constantine | Published 2023 | *SPOILERS*
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In this town, anyone is replaceable...
After a tragic chain of events led to the deaths of their spouses two years ago, DC philanthropist Sloane Chase and Senator Whit Montgomery are finally starting to move on. The horrifying ordeal drew them together, and now they're ready to settle down again - with each other.
As Sloane returns to the world of White House dinners and political small talk, this time with her new husband, she's also preparing for an upcoming hip replacement - the latest reminder of the lupus diagnosis she's managed since her twenties. With both of their hectic schedules, they decide that hiring a home health aide will give Sloane the support and independence she needs post-surgery. And they find the perfect fit in Athena Karras.
Seemingly a godsend, Athena tends to Sloane, and evens helps her run her charitable foundation. But Sloane slowly begins to deteroriate - a complication, Athena explains, of Sloane's lupus. As weeks go by, Sloane becomes sicker, and her uncertainty quickly turns to paranoia as she begins to suspect the worst. Why is Athena asking her so many probing questions about her foundation - about her past? And could Sloane be imagining the sultry looks between Athena and her new husband?
Riveting, face-paced, and full of unbelievable twists, The Senator's Wife is a psychologcal thriller that upends the private homes of those who walk the halls of power. Because when you have it all, you have everything to lose.
Two years before the events of the novel, Sloane and Robert Chase and Whit and Peg Montgomery are vacationing at one of Sloane and Robert's homes. Both men are prominents senators in Washington, and Robert and Peg are cousins. What was meant to be an idylllic weekend away turns sour when Whit and Peg begin arguing over Whit's supposed infidelity. Peg confesses to Sloane that she believes Whit to have been unfaithful with Madelyn Sawyer, another prominent politician in Washington, though Sloane doesn't put any stock into this as she feels Peg's drinking and paranoia have gotten the better of her.
A few months later, Peg has invited Robert over after having Whit followed the last few weeks to prove his infildelity. Whit denies it, stating that Madelyn and her husband, Fred, have been supporters of his campaign and have given him quite a bit of money in order to continue his work in Washington. However, Peg doesn't accept this answer and grabs a gun that was hidden under the couch cushion. Robert, seeing what is about to happen, jumps up in order to save his friend and Peg accidentally shoots her cousin before turning the gun on herself, both of them killed instantly.
Two years later, Sloane and Whit have found love in each other, and have remarried. Unfortunately, Sloane's health has taken a dip after a lupus diagnosis in her twenties have left her with uncomfortable flares and her hip is in need of a hip replacement, a surgery that she has finally scheduled. Despite the loss of their respectives spouses, the two of them seem to be on a good start to their new marriage, though Rosemary, Robert's mother and Sloane's mother-in-law, isn't happy to see the two of them having moved on so quickly.
For her recovery, Sloane and Whit have agreed to hire a home healthcare aide in order to assist Sloane with her day to day duties with her health, as well as some admin tasks for her foundation, where Sloane and Robert have helped thousands of abused women. In this, they hire a young, beautiful woman named Athena Karras. The daughter of Greek immigrants, she feels close to both of the Montgomery's, as she too is a widow after having lost her husband in a motorcycle accident before returning to the United States after previously lived in Greece with him.
Athena moves into the home, and quickly becomes a huge help to not only Sloane but to Whit as well. Rosemary, on the other hand, reaches out to a friend of hers, Mac, in order to begin investigating not only Athena herself, but also Whit. It appears Whit may be involved in some untoward events in Washington, and Rosemary wants to present these facts to Sloane, but only once she has proof, as Sloane hasn't taken to her mother-in-law's dislike of her new husband.
Sloane, unfortunately, begins to have a lupus flare shortly after her surgery, and shortly after that, her memory and health continue to decline. She begins to hallucinate, have memory lapses where she forgets the names of those around her, and also begins experiencing the loss of huge chunks of time. She begins to suspect that Athena and Whit are working against her in order to kill her so the two of them can be together.
Whit and Athena have become close to each other the more Sloane's health declined. They would often have dinner together well into the night, and Whit began sharing his fears of Sloane's declining health, as well as his hopes for the future. He begins to believe that Athena is his soul mate, and the two of them can be together after Sloane's passing.
When Rosemary is attacked in her home, along with her Congresswoman friend Faye, and is in a medically induced coma for several weeks, Sloane's health continues to worsen. Rosemary was on the cusp of finding out the truth, that Whit really is involved in something sketchy with other people in politics. When Sloane begins to worry that Athena is drugging or poisoning her, she goes into Whit's room in order to look for something that could point that he is also involved.
What she finds is disturbing: a watch that belonged to Peg's father, having had an insurance claim on it after it was believed to be lost in the fire that had killed Peg's parents. On top of this, she also finds the report that Rosemary had received from Mac in a briefcase inside the closet.
Now truly believing that her life is in danger, Sloane begins to worry what she can do to get out of this situation. However, her health doesn't allow her to get very far as she loses consciousness shortly after returning to her bedroom. At this, Athena offers to end Sloane's life, act as an angel of mercy, in order to put her out of her misery. Whit has confided in Athena that Sloane's doctors have found permanent brain damage as a result of her lupus, and that this would be the best way to honor his promise not to let her get into such a state.
Whit leaves, and Athena enters Sloane's bedroom; when Emmy, Sloane's daughter comes home from LA the next morning, she is told that Sloane has passed away. Funeral arrangements are set, and we receive Whit's POV that he was involved in everything that people believed he was guilty of. He was using LLC's in order to launder money, and now Sloane's money would be his.
When he goes into the foundation offices in order to get a head start on things; he finds himself faced with not only his supposed dead wife, but Emmy and Athena as well. We come to learn that Athena helped Sloane fake her death; while looking inside of his office one day, Athena came across the items that Whit had been using to poison her with, including Bactrim and belladona, also known as nightshade. Athena is really Athema Pimfilis, an FBI agent with a prior medical background, making her work undercover the perfect cover in order to get Whit's ass handed to him.
Although Whit pleads guilty to attempted murder of Sloane and the corruption charges, he was unfortunately unable to be pinned for the murders of Robert and Peg, of which he was truly guilty of, having admitted so during one of his POVs. He received a sentence of 15 years, and Sloane began the process of divorce shortly after finding out the truth. The president and others involved in the money laundering scheme were also charged and are doing sentences of their own. It turns out that Rosemary's friend, Faye, had been involved in the laundering as well as the attacks on the two of them.
Athena returns to Greece, returning to her roots and where she truly feels connected and Sloane, Emmy and Rosemary visit with her and the women connect on all levels, forming a friendship that knows no conditions.
Liv Constantine strikes again with this one; my second 5 star read of the month. Even if you know nothing of politics, like myself, the story is easy to follow along with. You truly feel for Sloane, feeling lost in her mind. It read very much like another story I read about a woman experiencing Alzheimer's at a young age and just watching her mind deteoriorate.
I sort of hope this one becomes a book of some kind; or even a TV series. It would do really well.
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withpeopleinperson · 3 years
💭💭💭💭💭 (this is me very subtly asking for ot4 hcs)
Sorry not sorry this got *so* long, I’m obsessed w them and this universe and this fic I have barely started writing coz I keep writing HCs
- Shortly after Derek realizes that he still loves Addison, he asks Mark if it’s normal and he says yes and is so casual about it that it makes Derek even more confused. He goes to Meredith and tells her that he loves Addison and she’s even more nonchalant than Mark is. “Don’t we all love Addie? She’s something special… you don’t just ignore someone like her.” And the guilt eats away at him over the course of a few weeks until it’s just him and Addison in the kitchen pouring drinks for the kids. He catches her by the wrist and tugs her over until they’re so close he can smell the wine in her breath and his voice is so soft and timid that it makes her eyes soften. “Hey, Addie? I really do love you.”
- There’s speculation of an affair circling around the hospital when Addison shows up in Derek’s sweatpants for the third or fourth time — the same pair of Derek’s sweatpants that Meredith often wears — and the entire thing makes her heart ache with embarrassment and sadness. The interns are talking about her and how she’s desperate, an adulteress, how she’s betraying Meredith while acting like her best friend, and Derek finds Addison crying in a supply closet. She confesses to him that maybe this has all gone too far, that she’s always going to be the adulteress whore, and it fills him with such a burning rage that he demands the names of every intern who she heard whispering about her.
- Meredith is the most clumsy person on earth ever and Mark is PISSED that Webber tells them that, because of their arrangement, he is forbidden to stitch up Meredith’s many random injuries. He still gets the page every time because no one wants to deal with an angry Mark, and he crosses his arms and stands behind Jackson every time he works on Meredith.
- Derek eventually finds himself not really caring if Addison slips into their bed in the middle of the night, and is only slightly annoyed when Addison and Mark end up in his bed and he gets squished to the side, pressed against the wall. It turns out that their local furniture store does not stock a bed big enough for four adults, but Addison somehow finds a way to have two special ordered.
- Mark used to think he wasn’t capable of proper love, but then Addison became Addison-and-Meredith-and-Derek, and he can’t stop the way his stomach flips just watching them. His favorite sight is coming home from fishing with Derek to find Addison and Meredith sitting by the pool with their kids wearing ridiculously large sun hats and laughing over a drink.
- Derek doesn’t think he can physically handle something as hot as a foursome, and is shocked when he’s the one who initiates it. He also wouldn’t have anticipated the fact that he’s at least a little bit bisexual, but the sound Meredith made when Addison suggested he try sucking Mark’s cock was enough to spur him on.
- Meredith the open pansexual, Addison the closeted bisexual. I do not make the rules.
- When they finally have a discussion about it being okay to be sexual with the others’ partners outside of group sex, all bets are off. They’re damn near insatiable, and someone is almost always somewhere either kissing or getting fucked. On call rooms, elevators, the hospital rooftop, name it and they’re probably there fucking.
- “Meredith isn’t submissive.” Derek is smug about it, bets Addison that she can’t top Meredith. “Oh, but I already have, pretty boy. I’ve had your wife grinding on my thigh with my fingers further down her throat than your cock has ever been, and she still begs me for more.” She’s so nonchalant about it, standing in her kitchen and looking wistfully over at a spot on the counter where she undoubtedly had fucked Meredith at some point in time, and Derek wants to wipe the smug smirk off her face — decides to fuck her in that same spot instead, tells her it’s a two for one memory.
- Pregnant Addie is an insatiable Addie. Again, I do not make the rules, but they end up getting a nice hotel room and paying Amelia to watch the kids so that they could spend some time away and Addie can be as loud as she pleases.
- Mark asks Addison about her sexuality one night after they have sex, and she feels so fucking vulnerable lying there wrapped in a sheet that she cries. She confesses to him that she was raised to be the perfect straight girl, despite her mother’s own sexuality, and it was hard to break from that mindset. He asks Addison about Meredith and she confesses that Meredith is the calm to her anxiety, her person, and the reason it scares her is because there’s a chance that she could fuck everything up and lose her (and Derek too, in the process).
Okay I have so much more but this is SO LONG so !!!??)$$!!8& come back for another episode of brainrot on main later tonight!!!!
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voidsteffy · 3 years
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Only wrong answers
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