#anti anxiety: the spell
rosemaze-reveries · 11 months
fellow's unique magic: "life is fun" / a rose-colored dream (makes people a little more optimistic)
he reminds me sm of the little match girl 😢
reality has made him bitter now but something had to have awakened that spell ... i wonder if it was first used on gidel, or if it was just a wish for himself
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Is Yanderen’t Redacted neurotypical? I’m a psychology student and Ren is a special interest of mine, so I’m absolutely dying to pick his brain and examine him lol
✦゜ANSWERED: Oh!! N (and canon Ren) are both neurodivergent because I looooove projecting myself onto my OCs >:3 I try to keep it subtle though because I want the representation to be there, but I also don't want it to come across like it's their defining personality trait or anythin (if that makes any sense ^^;)
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mamamoon92 · 1 year
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stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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casiavium · 1 year
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Everyone on the program: omg cool mummies!!!
Me, literally holding back tears: they are so far from home. Are their souls scared? Has anyone even offered them bread in the afterlife?
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Worry Stone River Spell
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Variations of this spell probably exist, but this spell is one that I thought of to help relieve anxiety and worry. Since I live in Philly, we have lots of rivers and creeks and such that run through the city and our neighborhood, making this spell so simple and easy.
Here’s what you do:
Take a stone. Any ol’ stone will do. Could even be a chunk of concrete. It really doesn’t matter what it looks like or anything.
Worry the fuck out of your worry while holding the stone tight. Cry about it, ask the hard questions, feel it good and feel it strong. Channel all that energy into stone.
Chuck in the river, saying, “May the waters of the river wash away the worry places upon this stone.”
That’s it! Pretty simple and easy to do depending on how accessible a river is to you. But honestly, any body of water should do, so long as it’s natural (or large- on account of reservoirs and such). Even a puddle could do in a pinch.
Let me know if you try this spell and how it works for you!
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krogerkryptid · 2 years
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Shout out to the spell jar I made for finals week and academic and career anxiety relief today that I did not leave lit as I drove from place to place (PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH FIRE) but did almost burn my apartment down because I had to leave for work and told my flatmates to watch it to which they did but when they looked away the cork caught fire. Practice safe magic don't burn your or anyone else's home down!!
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vervainandmoon · 1 year
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Anti anxiety and depression spell jars! Available on my Etsy shop, Vervain and Moon.
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lunemetterram · 2 years
Hello lovely people!!
Two new spells are up on ko-fi, an anti anxiety spell and a romance attraction spell. Both are up for 15 dollars, please consider purchasing if you are able to afford it :) -🌙
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autogyne-redacted · 2 months
Let's Talk About Security Culture: Why Keeping Secrets is Cool and Sexy
It's a natural impulse -- if you love crime -- to want to talk about how great it is. And if you hate America, it's only natural to want to share your dreams for its future with the rest of tumblr dot com. It can feel brave and transgressive. And there is a drive to share your soul with the world at the heart of social media. Surely I should be posting the most concrete implications of my politics, right? This is the poster's curse.
Security Culture refers to a set of "best practices" developed over the past several decades, largely (in a US context) coming out of radical environmental groups as they faced intense state repression, infiltration and entrapment. If you're not familiar, there's some fascinating crimethinc write ups to give you a window into that world:
Much of it boils down to: don't talk about crimes, past or forthcoming with people who don't need to know about them, and be mindful of the possibility of surveillance and infiltration. And, we can support each other as a community in minimizing risks, with an eye towards enabling bold action rather than getting bogged down in fears and anxieties. The guidelines that make sense for AG-based trouble-makers are different from the guidelines that make sense for posters, but plenty of common principles apply. To speak briefly to our position here as posters:
First, it bears saying that long term anonymity is extremely nearly impossible to maintain. Unless you've never accessed Tumblr without a vpn, and avoided connections with other ppl who can be associated with you/your location, and never shared pictures without scrubbing metadata, and a bunch of other 100% consistent steps, it's trivial for the state to know who you are.
Second, just because something isn't actively being prosecuted now doesn't mean it can't be prosecuted later. The priorities of the state change and a shift in power towards the right or a growth in radical action from the left can suddenly make it a priority to destroy anarchist networks or just find a few ppl to prosecute as examples (who probably weren't that plugged into larger networks before getting arrested. Advocating for specific anti-government crimes or declarations of intent to commit such crimes are likely prosecutable even if charges don't stick they're an easy vector for legal harassment.
Third, it's worth thinking about heat as separate from prosecutability. There are modes of engagement that may not be directly criminalized but signal that you are someone worth watching. Some people choose to be public in ways that make heat unavoidable. But it's worth noting that heat isn't strictly individualized, that it persists over time but also is going to shrink over time.
It's easy on here, ime, to see yourself as a proud member of the crime fandom but not much of a content creator. And it's easy to feel like you've generated an amount of heat where you're locked into that role. But heat you generated 10 years ago is probably pretty well gone. Heat you generated 5 years ago has faded substantially. It's worth thinking about how the world might shift in the coming years and what doors you want to keep open.
The non-individualized nature of heat also means that leaning into the spiciest of anti-state positions will make it a bad idea for people who are acting out those positions end up tied to you. Loudly talking about how "more people should be doing [X/Y/Z]" unfortunately sets you up to remain distant from people who might be doing or thinking about doing such things.
Which brings me back to: keeping secrets is sexy. Not spelling everything out builds intrigue. You can lay out a theoretical position and leave working out the practical implications of that as an exercise for the reader. There's value in opacity. The poster's curse and the drive to confess are extremely convenient for the state, but we can resist them. We can hold dreams in our hearts that we refuse to offer up to the posting spectacle.
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stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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sucktacular · 1 year
okay im feeling a bit better but im still all weird and fuzzy brain and wiggly BUT NOW im all buzzed on adderall energy yall send help today is such a write off sdhfsjkdhfjsd gonna try finishing the art I was working on but jesus wtf
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fluidity-stupidity · 2 months
Types of Spells
When I talk about spell types, I'm not referring to different spells, as in a protection spell versus an anti-anxiety spell. I'm going to go over the different types of:
Spell Jars Most of what's on this list are going to be self-explanatory, but these types of spells are typically in a glass jar and have ingredients like herbs, flowers, incense, essential oils, and liquids, and are sealed using wax. Spell jars do not actually have to be in glass jars, you can use old medication bottles, empty seasoning bottles, gum containers. These types of spells are meant to last years, decades if needed.
Spell Candles These are typically used for a quicker and more prolonged spell. The bigger the candle the longer it's going to take to burn all the way down. If you want to use something like a tea-light, take the candle and the wick out and place the herbs on the bottom, making sure to burn the candle all the way. You do not need to burn the entire candle all at once to get the effect you desire. Remember, this is a *personal* practice.
Sachets These are fabric pouches, with herbs and typically stuffed with cotton so one may sleep with the satchet. I highly recommend researching your cultures history(ies) with sachets as they all differ and diverge from one another. (It's quite fascinating to see the synchronicities.)
Scroll Spells I mentioned these in a previous post of mine and I've been wanting to discuss these as I don't see many of any one else talk about them. I got the inspiration from Naruto, although if you wanted to you could take inspiration from other pieces of media, from the scrolls used when summoning animals and types of ninja tools. You take a piece of paper, I prefer to use construction paper (use that colour magick!), and write a small ask of what you need and/or what you want, along with a sigil or as many sigils you want! Wrap use the paper and tie a string around it, seal it in wax if you prefer, and Boom you're done! I like to add a small piece of a broken off crystal inside of the drying wax for a bit of extra pizzaz!
A Witch's Box or a Witch's Jar These spells are not-quite all encompassing, these are historically ambiguous as these types of spells are so old, we as humans don't remember what they were once used for. They were typically thought of as a second-body of sorts, as they are tag-locked using urine or hair of that who made it, and spirits and evil-entities would get confused as to where that person's body is, and go after the jar or box.
Charmed Objects These spells are used to charm objects, these can range from your jewelry and make them in something that can protect you, your shoes - to help you go on more adventures, a salt lamp to ward off negative entities, or ornaments/nicknacks around the home to do various tasks. I like to create salt dough, it has protective properties from the salt and creates various shapes - moons, stars, marshmallows - and charming these objects for the associations of these objects.
Petitions These are letters you write or type and print, and set up for manifestations. Sealing the letters in wax definitely help give the vibe of an elder witch practicing.
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ts-witchy-archive · 9 months
Prosperity Oil Recipe!
So I made this oil a few weeks back and I've already had success with it despite having only used it on my skin without much intention. I thought I would share the recipe for anyone who wants it. Feel free to change or substitute anything you like. I focused a lot on peace of mind in this spell. It's easier to feel abundant and wealthy when you're not in a constant state of money anxiety.
Oil of your choice
A Jar
Crystals (I used Citrine, Aventurine and Selenite)
Lavender (peace, anti-anxiety)
Bay Leaves (wealth, prosperity)
Cloves (money)
Oregano (peace and joy)
Cinnamon (money and speed)
Peppermint (abundance and money)
Optional: An offering for a deity/spirit guide/ancestor you want to help you.
Cleanse your space, your items and yourself.
If you're asking for help from a deity/other entity light their candle, give the offering and ask now.
Using intention for each ingredient, gently place them into your jar.
Measure out your oil and add it to the jar. Make sure you add slightly more oil than you need because your ingredients may absorb some. Personally, I also add extra so I have enough to offer to the Deity who helped my with this spell.
Put on the lid and shake it well while repeating your intention.
Find a cool, preferably dark area to let the oil infuse. On top of the lid or around the oil add some selenite, citrine and aventurine to enhance the intention.
Shake every day or two. After about 2 weeks strain and bottle.
Notes: I recommend doing this spell on a Tuesday to increase the speed of the oil working. Additionally, Please make sure you only add dried herbs. If you don't things will probably mould.
Please don't put the crystals into the oil. Even though citrine and aventurine are a type of quartz they shouldn't be left in liquids for long periods of time. In a similar vain, cinnamon can cause skin irritation so if you want to use this oil topically please patch test it (I will say though, the oil doesn't smell good so unless you're okay with that then maybe don't wear it lol)
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violet-hearth · 3 months
Solid Perfumes and Balms Recipe
One of my favourite spell forms is something I can physically wear like a perfume, balm or body butter. Whilst this is not a recipe I favour (I prefer spray on perfumes and liquid oils), its one that has served me well in the past for glamours, anti-anxiety, and a little luck before job interviews.
Apply to your wrists and neck for a perfume, or use to create a creme makeup product such as a blush or bronzer.
Generic Recipe Base:
Always be mindful of irritants like cinnamon when creating balms!
1 tablespoon of oil (jojoaba or any other neutral oil)
1 tablespoon beeswax or emulsifier wax
OR 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or shea butter and 1/2 tablespoon of wax
10-20 drops of essential oils for a perfume (or add until desired scent is achieved), for more subtle scents 3-5 drops
1/2 -1 tablespoon of mica powder or mineral powder to colour
Melt together the wax and oil or simply melt down a dense, solid oil or fat like coconut oil, adding in vitamin E oil and mix well
Stir in essential oil (or oil you have infused with your herbs), add in your mica powder if you wish to colour it
Allow to cool slightly and pour into a slightly heated, wide rimed jar and let sit to solidify completely before sealing it - old lip balm tins, tiny jam jars and balm jars work well to store this
Prosperity and Luck for Job Interviews:
Melt down your liquid oil and wax, and mix well
Stir in 9 drops of prosperity oil (ylang-ylang, lemon, basil and mint) - I like to add things in threes, so three lots of three
Allow to cool and add to a small tin or jar and allow to cool at air temperature
Glamour Creme/Cream Blush
Met together shea butter and wax - more wax will make a thicker, longer lasting blush whilst more aloe will make a smoother, more subtle one
Add in aloe vera and a glamour or love/attraction oil (rose, apple blossom, lavender and jasmine - as this is blush only add 3 drops!) and whisk until smooth, taking it off the heat
Slowly add in mica powders and cocoa powder a tiny pinch at a time until the desired colour is reached
add to a tine or jar and let cool at air temperature
Adapt the recipes as needed for what you have and to your own practice <3
(I will be sharing some of my generic grimoire recipes each Wednesday (hopefully) with the intent on letting people adapt the recipes to suit their needs ... )
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